Portland 06/20/14

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p 14

books for your beach bag

delights for your belly

podcasts for your road trips

Summer in the park

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JUN 25


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portland.thephoenix.com | a supplement to the portland phoenix | June 20, 2014 5

Summer Guide

June 20, 2014

6 navel-gazing: summer reads _BY jim Baumer

go on a


this Summer!

26 hot flicks _BY jesse papineau

30 pop

8 get out and dine: summer eats

34 classical 36 theater

_BY kate mccartY

12 playing with fire

38 comedy + dance

14 have you heard of binge-listening?

40 art

18 al fresco aural delights

49 fairs + festivals

_BY chelsea cook

_BY francis flisiuk

46 beaches

_BY nina maclaughlin


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6 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Navel-gazing Four Fabulous summer reads, For natives and tourists alike _by jim baumer


ummer reading should be fun. Engaging is good, too. Maine’s shortest season is a prime period for focusing on our home state — or your adopted one, if visiting from away. These four selections look at Maine through the lens of lobster rolls, Portland’s resplendent food scene, the state’s outdoor heritage, and our amazing craft beer. They are perfect for the beach, curling up with in the hammock, or the camp’s screened-in porch.

L obster Rolls of New England: Seeking Sweet Summer Delight, by Sally Lerman (The History Press, 2014)

I’m passionate about lobster rolls and have done a fair share of sampling over the past few summers. My ardor pales substantially when compared to Sally Lerman’s own love for what she writes “might be the finest food ever assembled.” L erman’s road trips in search of the best lobster rolls, along with her background and degree in nutrition science, make her well-qualified to be your guide. Her tastings become, as she notes, “like a research project, but delicious.” Taking readers along for the ride up and down the craggy New England coastline, from her home in Hartford, Connecticut to points Down East, Lerman is a lobster roll completest for sure. To date, she’s sampled rolls at 225 venues, with more to come. The book culls what I’d call Lerman’s Hall of Fame for lobster roll establishments — the 40 best places she’s found to have a lobster roll, based upon taste and freshness, location and view, and a few other important elements that Lerman details for readers. While Lerman certainly hits the iconic Maine lobster roll establishments, it’s when she ventures off the beaten path, like to Erica’s Seafood, “out here at the remote end of Harpswell Point…” that she’s at her best. Erica’s is now in my top three new places to have a lobster roll based on Lerman’s recommendation.

Portland Food:

The Culinary Capital of Maine, by Kate McCarty (History Press, 2014) Portland has been a city in search of a food history for some time. Or perhaps the right writer just hadn’t snatched up this subject, ripe with possibilities and various narratives. I’m glad Kate McCarty decided to be that writer. As a regular blogger about food and Portland’s food scene, as well as a community educator and writer of this paper’s monthly food column (and the summer eats piece on page 8), McCarty’s profile and pedigree is perfect. The book is set up well and is eminently readable. By that I mean that you can start at the front and read through to the back, or — as I often do — jump around and still enjoy the task of completing the book’s 160 pages. I’m thinking “beach reading,” with a stop on

the way home at one of the eating establishments and purveyors profiled by McCarty. With a subject as broad as this one, the tendency for a lesser writer might have been to miss the breadth of the undertaking, only offering a mere synopsis. What I appreciate about McCarty is that she outlines food in Portland and also hits the larger subjects of sustainability, food security, while highlighting some of the early players in the city’s food evolution that helped make Portland what it is today: a true food Mecca. And if McCarty only hit the city’s high-end restaurants, the book still would be a major accomplishment. The fact that she talks about how “a city’s farmers’ market is a good indicator of how connected the city remains to its local food system” takes the book to the next level.

A Life Lived Outdoors:

Reflections of a Maine Sportsman, by George Smith (Islandport Press, 2014) George Smith is the voice of Maine’s outdoor enthusiasts. The former president of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine (SAM) has been writing about Maine and issues pertaining to hunting, fishing, and rural life for more than two decades. In this comprehensive assortment of columns written for the Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel over that period, as well as some written specifically for the book, Smith offers prose that captures Maine’s vibrant natural beauty and myriad outdoor opportunities. Along the way, he also slips in his thoughts about rural life, the demise of the small dairy farm, hunting culture, and Maine’s lost opportunity to promote its abundant inland fishing. In his essay, “Protecting Rural Character,” Smith delineates his definition of rural, which is “a place where people live from the land, not just on the land.” He recognizes that “land is the essential characteristic of rural life,” and as such, needs to be protected and preserved. While Smith has at times been a polarizing figure in Maine in his role with SAM, the book passes over

the politics and chooses topics that Smith is best writing about — the great outdoors. I see Smith’s book as one to tuck into your tackle box, or sit down with on the porch after dinner, appreciating his paean to the state he loves, in that special summer quiet, with the Red Sox game crackling in the background on the radio.

Maine Beer:

Brewing in Vacationland, by Josh Christie (The History Press; 2013) There’s some irony in the fact that Portland, now known as one of the great craft beer cities in America, was at one time — thanks to Neil Dow — a place where beer was illegal. It was Dow, a Portlander, who inspired the Maine Legislature to pass the nation’s first prohibition act in 1851, long before the antidrinking crusade spread across America. Thankfully Portland and Maine are no longer dry. While Portland’s plentiful craft breweries are prominently featured in Josh Christie’s book about Maine beer, he does a terrific job covering the outstanding ales, lagers, IPAs, and stouts being produced throughout the rest of the Pine Tree State. Featuring nearly 40 breweries and brewpubs, this is a kick-ass book for people who want to understand why Maine’s become a key producer of locally-brewed beer. Craft brewing in Maine is heavily weighted towards the hoppy and the production of ales. I especially appreciated that Christie recognizes and appreciates a good lager, and he helped me to locate some locally-produced varieties. They’re harder to find, but worth seeking out and Christie points the way: Like toward Oak Pond Brewing, Maine’s only craft brewer focused mainly on lagers. They brew Somerset Lager, a German pilsner that is now on my list of favorite new beers. If you are a connoisseur of Maine suds, or perhaps want to branch out a bit from your usual Portlandbased brands, you’ll find Christie an indispensable guide and his book one you keep coming back to. Crack a cold one and get reading. ^

8 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Get out and dine ten things to eat in maine this summer _words and photos by kate mccarty


ummer in Maine brings a long-awaited flurry of activity. While it’s tempting to recoil into a “locals only” routine to avoid the crowds, dining in Portland is at its finest when it’s warm out. Be strategic about your opportunities for great food within this short season of relative abundance. Here are 10 must-eats for Summer 2014.

1) Bite Into Maine’s lobster roll While Cape Elizabeth’s Fort Williams is in the eye of the tourist storm, the green space and endless expanse of ocean will keep you from feeling claustrophobic while you wait for your lunch. Gorgeous scenery or no, Bite Into Maine’s lobster roll cart alone is worth the drive. Choose from five preparations of fresh, never frozen (a feat more rare than you might think), Maine lobster: 4.5 ounces of tail and claw meat, all served on fresh-baked, buttered, toasted buns. Try the picnic-style roll, lobster meat tossed with melted butter, a layer of coleslaw, and sprinkled with celery seed. Think of it as research for your vote in Roll Call’s Taste of America competition, where Maine’s lobster roll has made it to the final round (vote at rollcalltasteofamerica. com). | biteintomaine.com

Small Axe

2) Maine Pie Line’s blueberry pie

This Maine staple can be surprisingly hard to find in a state that produces 99 percent of the country’s wild blueberries. Maine Pie Line’s Briana Warner consistently creates atypical pie fillings (like peaches poached in sage and wine and baked in almond pastry cream). Rather than just ho-hum blueberry, Warner adds warming spices cardamom and ginger to the fruit filling and covers it with a sugar-topped lattice crust. Maine Pie Line is open Wednesday–Friday, 10 am-3 pm, and Saturday from 9 am-1 pm at 200 Anderson Street in East Bayside. |


3) Central Provisions’ bread and butter

Since its opening in February, Central Provisions has blended seamlessly into Portland’s elite restaurant scene. One menu staple, the bread and butter, elevates the pre-meal snack into an appetizer worthy of its own stage. Slices of grilled sourdough bread come with a heat-tempered duck egg yolk that’s been whipped and piped onto a smear of salted butter. Heavenly. | central-provisions.com Continued on p 10

Hella Good

Maine Pie Line


Free + open to the public. Each summer, we invite visiting artists, curators, and scholars to participate in the MFA Summer Intensive. In addition to critiques and studio visits with students, visiting artists deliver a talk that is free and open to the public. LECTURES ARE HELD IN OSHER HALL AND BEGIN AT 5:30PM.


July 14

Jay Sanders

Richard Rinaldi

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Photographer renaldi.com

at the Whitney Museum of American Art

July 21

June 23

Lisa Sigal

Michael Oatman


Collage + Installation



July 28 June 30

Abigail DeVille

Sculptural Installation abigaildeville.com

Sharon Hayes

ABOVE Richard Rinaldi, Nathan & Robyn, Provincetown, MA, 2012

Video, Performance + Installation




July 7

August 4

Rick Lowe ABOVE Lisa Sigal, Hinged Painting (city of vernon), 106” x 48” x 18,” paint + digital print on Tyvek paper on mounted wall section, 2013

Robert Hobbs

Community Activist

Curator, Critic, Art Historian





TAKE A CLASS OR A WORKSHOP, OR SIGN YOUR KIDS UP FOR CAMP! Continuing Studies enrollment is ongoing throughout the summer. More info at meca.edu/cs

10 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Art Museums

Continued from p 8

Gorgeous Gelato

Central Provisions

Blue Rooster

Bite Into Maine

4) A meal from the farmers’ market

The Portland Farmers’ Market is the premier spot to find fresh, local food this summer. Fresh tomatoes, sweet corn, herbed goat cheese: these ingredients don’t need much to rival any Old Port restaurant meal. Meat-lovers should visit Thirty Acre Farm for pork bratwurst for the grill; everyone will love Lalibela Farm’s black bean tempeh strips, pan-fried in tacos or a salad. |


5) Small Axe food truck

We wouldn’t dare to venture a guess as to whether Congress Square Park just needed a little love to become a viable public space again or if the uptick in visitors is due to the popularity of Small Axe truck alone. Either way, enjoy the fried haddock sandwich or pork belly fried rice from these friendly chefs for lunch and dinner on weekdays. There’s new seating in the park, free Wi-Fi and, of course, great people watching. | smallaxetruck.com

6) Blue Rooster Food Co.’s chef hot dog series

Your favorite handheld treat gets a gourmet makeover this summer at The Rooster. Every week until the end of August, a guest chef hot dog is being served; the series started with Cara

Stadler of Tao Yuan’s bacon-wrapped dog, topped with kimchi, ssam sauce, and cilantro mayo. This week, Steve Corry’s ‘555 Dog’ will be served until Thursday, with a portion of the proceeds going to benefit Good Shepherd food bank. |


7) The Well at Jordan’s Farm

The word is out about this idyllic restaurant at Jordan’s Farm in Cape Elizabeth. Former Back Bay Grill chef Jason Williams prepares Jordan’s Farm produce and locally-raised meats in his gazebo restaurant. But remember, it’s a working farm; last summer, farmer Carol Anne Jordan found visiting picnickers spread out on her farmhouse’s lawn like they were in some Maine version of Disneyland. Bring your manners and a bottle of wine (it’s BYOB) for an al fresco dinner. Open Wednesday-Saturday at 5pm. Reservations accepted for groups of 6 or more; cash only. | jordansfarm.wix.


8) Hella Good Tacos at Steve and Renee’s Diner

Namesake Renee recently sold her Washington Avenue diner to Josh Bankhead, who had been renting kitchen prep space for his taco cart. The diner is slowly transforming into a Mexican restaurant, with a new salsa bar for topping your chorizo tacos, carnitas burrito, or freshly-fried tortilla chips.

Hella Good Tacos’ cart can still be found in Monument Square, Wednesday-Friday at lunchtime. See Facebook for the diner’s expanded hours; now serving beer. | facebook.com/hellagoodtacos

9) Gorgeous Gelato

No matter your flavor preference, whether you like fruity, chocolate-y or sweet and creamy, the gelato turned out by the Italian owners of Gorgeous Gelato is likely to be the best version you’ve had. Fruit sorbets taste fresher than if you ate berries off the bush; the ‘Gorgeous’ flavor (sweet cream with chocolate chip and caramel swirls) has an impossibly smooth texture. If you’re concerned about such things, know that gelato has 70 percent less fat than ice cream. | gorgeousgelato.com

10) Out of the Blue seafood

In an attempt to generate demand for local, abundant seafood species, Gulf of Maine Research Institute has partnered with area restaurants who feature a different lesser-known fish each month through October. In June, find redfish at Five Fifty-Five, recently served seared with littleneck clams, cipollini onions, chorizo, and butter sauce. The Salt Exchange roasts redfish and serves it with fiddleheads and corn risotto. Participating Portland restaurants include Fore Street, DiMillo’s, Gilbert’s Chowder House, and food truck Fishin’ Ships. |



Friday Nights! The PMA is free every Friday, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. including admission to special exhibitions.

Richard Estes’ Realism

Andrea Sulzer: throughoutsideways

Through September 7

Through August 24

George Daniell: Picturing Monhegan Island Through August 3

Seven Congress Square, Portland, Maine 04101 | (207) 775-6148 portlandmuseum.org Free Fridays are made possible through the generous suppor t of Patricia and Cyrus Hagge. Corporate Sponsor:

Media Sponsor:

Bottom left to right: Richard Estes (United States, born 1932), Brooklyn Bridge (detail), 1991, oil on canvas, 93 3/4 x 93 3/4 inches. Private collection. ©Richard Estes, courtesy Marlborough Gallery, New York. Photo by Luc Demers. Andrea Sulzer (United States, born 1961), “beneath your wandering feet,” (detail) 2014, oil-based ink (printer’s ink), watercolor, colored pencil, and graphite on tracing paper with pins and thread, dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist. George Daniell (United States, 1911–2002), Untitled (detail), 1936, gelatin silver print, 13 7/8 x 11 15/16 inches. Gift of George Daniell and Aucocisco Galleries, 2001.6.27.

12 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Playing with fire maine’s fireworks purveyors see booming summer business _by chelsea cook They light up the sky on Independence Day and spark debate amongst citizens, retailers, and legislators alike. We gasp with delight as they explode and dazzle us overhead, and then curse aloud when we get that umpteenth, unwanted, wee-hours wake-up call from a neighbors’ urge to celebrate their freedom to be idiots. Why are fireworks so popular, yet at the same time the scourge of summer? It all depends on who’s using them, when, and how. The law that made fireworks legal in the state of Maine passed January 1, 2012, and at present over 18 stores (see inset directory) are devoted to selling them. For Independence Day 2013 the state predicted $125,000 in state tax revenues, but by as early as May 31 that figure had doubled. David Heidrich, assistant director of communications for the Maine Revenue Service, says the total state-tax income from fireworks in 2014 amounted to just over $380,000, “which equates to about $7.6 million in sales.” Similar results are expected for 2014. In less than three years, business is still — pardon the expression — booming. Jeff Graham, manager of Phantom Fireworks in Scarborough, sums up the rising dollar signs in three words: “Everybody loves fireworks.” Graham relocated to Maine recently and refers to the Scarborough branch of Phantom Fireworks as his “baby.” Having worked for the company for 13 years, he says the number one priority is still putting safety first. “Any customer that purchases anything in our store — even if it’s a sparkler — leaves with safety instructions and local guidelines for fireworks,” he says. The front windows Phantom are covered with posters that not only include the Dos and Don’ts of setting off fireworks, such as being considerate of livestock and pets, but also the local cutoff time (10 pm in Scarborough, as in Portland). The same is true of other big-name stores like Pyro City, Maine Fireworks, and Atlas Fireworks Factory. Paying customers leave with safety instructions, regardless of what they’re buying. The Fire Marshal dictates which fireworks people are allowed to buy, and they’re separated into three categories. The consumer fireworks category, or “C” products, are sparklers, spinners, and the “light-itand-book-it types,” says Graham. These can be purchased by anyone over 21 with a valid driver’s license. They come with a single fuse that burns long enough to allow the operator to get away from the firework. “Lady Fingers” — long strands of powder-filled red tubes — are a classic example. The display-commercial category of fireworks is for the professional pyrotechnicians only, i.e. people licensed within the state to organize and perform pyrotechnic displays or shows. These fireworks are the big ones that decorate the sky come July 4th, New Year’s Eve, or when a rock show comes to town. Professional pyrotechnicians’ licenses are also differentiated between whether they can or-

chestrate (or “shoot”) an indoor or outdoor display or both. Many professionals are connected with one or more of the 18 firework stores in Maine; some stores even contract with other states where recreational fireworks are still banned. “We’ve done the pyro for the New England Patriots, and the display at Fenway when the Sox won their last world series,” says Kelly Mitchell, an employee at Atlas Fireworks Factory in Scarborough. Mitchell relocated to Maine from New Hampshire once fireworks were legalized here. Since then, she’s seen customers purchase fireworks by the truckload. “During the week of the Fourth they purchase 5,000-plus pieces and back their pickup truck up to the door to take it away,” she says. There are even firework collectors, according to Mitchell, many of them seeking a specific piece to add to a growing stash. “Those folks frequent all the firework stores in the area,” Mitchell says. It’s true that firework retailers and fanatics are plentiful in Maine for the first time in 63 years. Unfortunately for them, so are the municipal restrictions. When the ban on fireworks was lifted and the state law was put in place, it fell to local governments to dictate specifically when and where citizens could set the things off. Many inland rural towns have limitations based on where livestock is. Others have noise ordinances and fire codes that need to be observed. Still others have continued to ban fireworks outright. Even with the restrictions, there’s been a rise in firework-related injuries, arrests, and accidents since the law passed—not the least of which was a 2012 fire on Congress Street resulting in $60,000 worth of damages. The best way to enjoy fireworks is by being safe and considerate, Graham says. Checking with the local fire department beforehand to see

if an established curfew has been enacted, or extended from 10 pm to 12:30 am on special holidays, like the Fourth of July or New Year’s Eve, is a good first step. “If your neighbor has dogs or livestock let them know in advance or move the site further away,” Graham says. While it may be challenging for the average fireworks enthusiast to find the perfect spot to set off the goods, seeing the night sky crackle with color is a fine reward. ^

Get your ’works

Phantom Fireworks | 2 Cabela Blvd, Scarborough | 207.883.6119 | 999 Main Rd, Holden | 207.843.0494 | fireworks. com Black Bear Fireworks | 6 Hudson Blvd, Machias | 207.255.4440 | blackbearfireworks.com Pyro city | 399 Roosevelt Trail (Route 302), Windham | 207.892.1880 | 703 Western Ave, Manchester | 207.624.0373 | 31 US Route 1, Edgecomb | 207.882.9800 | 173 China Rd, Winslow | 207.877.9008 | 328 Bucksport Rd, Ellsworth | 207.664.2200 | 22 Caribou Rd, Presque Isle | 207.768.5900 | pyrocitymaine.com Big Bang Boom Fireworks| 820 Main Rd, Holden | 207.843.6166 | bigbangboomfireworks.com atlas Fireworks Factory | 374 US Route 1, Scarborough | 207.885.0321 | atlasfireworks.com aah Fireworks | 52 Penley Ave, West Paris | 207.674.2014 | aahfireworks.com newPort Fireworks | 751 Moosehead Trail, Newport | 207.368.2488 | newportfireworks.com Big al’s Fireworks | 300 US Route 1, Wiscassett | 207.882.8419 | bigalsfireworks.com maine Fireworks llc | 972 Wilson St, Brewer | 207.989.0035 | mainefireworksonline.com havoc Fireworks | 183 Park St, South Paris | 207.739.2579 short Fuse Fireworks | 983 Stillwater Ave, Old Town | 207.827.9220

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14 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Have you heard of binge-listening? podcasts to check out this summer _by francis flisiuk


odcast’ has become something of a buzzword over the past couple years, with seemingly every person in the entertainment and information industry having one of their own. But what are podcasts, exactly? The term applies to any episodic, digital program that you can either download or stream online; podcasts are often distributed in audio format. Unlike traditional radio programs, podcasts allow for on-demand listening on a wide variety of subjects, catering to those with niche interests and dilettantes alike. And they’re a perfect audio companion to all of your favorite summer leisure activities. Cue up a travel show during a road trip to inspire your adventures, or listen to a cooking ’cast while gardening to fill your head with culinary ideas you can start executing once your green handiwork sprouts. Download a beach “read” to enjoy while you’re sunbathing or throw on some audio shorts while prepping for your Fourth of July BBQ. Summer’s here, so get outside — but take your phone or mp3 player with you, to ensure that you’re entertained and educated every pedal, jog, and step of the way. Here’s a short list of my favorite podcast picks, those that have been filling my earholes with knowledge and comedy for over a year now.

For a good time: The Joe Rogan Experience

Described (by Joe Rogan himself) as a “bridge between the meatheads and the stoners,” this hilarious and informative 3-hour show proves to listeners that Rogan, a stand-up comedian, TV personality, and martial artist, is much more than just ‘that guy from Fear Factor.’ Rogan’s show consistently tops the iTunes podcast chart, and I attribute that success to not just his selection of guests, but to his down-to-earth attitude and honesty as a host. In this stiff world of cartoonish newscasters and censored personalities, Rogan is a breath of fresh air. He doesn’t indulge in mindless self-promotion and he talks with guests like you’d imagine talking to your buddies at a bar, complete with obscenities, ridiculous tangents, and all-around hilarity. Still, there’s some great intellectual nourishment to be gained from the Joe Rogan Experience as well. Recurring topics often align with Rogan’s personal interests— drug culture, mixed martial arts, fitness, aliens, and exotic dangerous animals, to name just a few — but really, there’s no predicting

what Rogan and his guests will discuss; recent episodes have covered Les Stroud’s (Survivorman’s) encounter with Bigfoot; how your brain functions on psychedelic mushrooms; and the nature of the universe (with the great astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson). One of my favorite installments featured former CNN journalist Amber Lyon talking about corruption and censorship in modern media and why she left CNN for good. | joerogan.net

For curious cats: Radiolab

Radiolab digs deep, turning over stones and shining light in places we didn’t even know were in shadow. Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich and produced by WNYC, each hour-long show investigates one general idea (like “Blame” or “Blood” or “Known Unknowns”) through the merging of stories, interviews, and cleverly edited sound effects with effortless transitions (really, the show’s production value is quite high). Like your favorite college professor or your wise Uncle Jim, Radiolab helps you see life and the world around you from a whole new perspective — without being the least bit pedantic or patronizing. Topics that were once mundane become a source of child-like wonder when seen (or heard) through the Radiolab lens. And the chemistry and banter between the personable hosts is so enjoyable, you may forget you’re even learning at all. | radiolab.org

For thrill-seekers: Welcome to Night Vale

I can’t go a night without listening to at least one of these 20-minute broadcasts from the fake desert town of Night Vale. This podcast centers around Cecil Baldwin, a charismatic radio personality who reports the news and happenings around the mysterious, terrifying, and thankfully fictional Night Vale. Once you begin piecing together the bizarre links between events and characters like the Sheriff’s Secret Police, Carl with the fantastic hair, and the racist Apache Tracker, the show turns into an ongoing mystery that’s surreal and enthralling. It’s also hilarious; narrator Cecil’s captivating re-

ports are morbid yet often doused in black, deadpan humor. Welcome to Night Vale capitalizes on our fear of the unknown, letting our brains paint the horrific scenes as we hear them. If you want to get seriously creeped out, listen to Welcome to Night Vale, but beware — the dog park is not for dogs, don’t look toward the hooded figures, and all hail the glow cloud. | commonplacebooks.com

For those who wish time machines were real: Hardcore History

Real history buffs know there are many dark spots on the human timeline that rarely get discussed or taught in class. Hardcore History presents these tumultuous, thought-provoking, and controversial moments of our existence in a deeply absorbing manner, with gripping storytelling by master historian and journalist Dan Carlin, who puts hours and hours of research into each multiinstallment account (such as one about Genghis Khan’s empire). And Hardcore History isn’t stuck in Continued on p 16


Facebook.com/CasinoBallroom 169 OCEAN BLVD, HAMPTON BEACH, NH Twitter.com/CasinoBallroom 061214

16 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

SUMMER FUN Check out conferences online Or just come for vacation

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HOLLY NEAR Activist Singer-Songwriter

Continued from p 14

AUG. 16th

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the past. Each history lesson becomes a thought experiment, an exploration of modern relevance. Was Alexander the Great’s conquest of India the first example of of globalization? Would we act as our barbaric forefathers did if we came across a primitive community sitting atop a valuable resource? Carlin’s obvious passion for history shines in this show, as he’s able to captivatingly depict the past, while also outlining how humanity might progress into the future. |


For literary types: New Yorker: Fiction

Have you ever read a book so moving or provocative that you just wanted to talk to somebody about it, but sadly none of your friends are bookworms? Well, consider the New Yorker’s monthly fiction podcast your new best friend — one who knows good fiction, will read it to you in an engaging way, and can offer insightful points of discussion once the reading is done. Hosted by New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman and featuring a who’s who of literary fiction (May’s installment had Joyce Carol Oates reading Cynthia Ozick’s “The Shawl”; in February we heard TC Boyle read and discuss “The School” and “Game” by Donald Barthelme), subscribing to this podcast is like having your own personal book club right at your fingertips. Whether you’re looking to be introduced to new voices, or for a complement to your audiobook habit, this podcast fits the bill. |


For foodies: America’s Test Kitchen

Originally conceived as a half-hour television show, America’s Test Kitchen also exists as a weekly podcast that dives into all aspects of the culinary world. In every episode, Cooks Illustrated editor and ATK host Christopher Kimball and his team of over three dozen cooks and food experts present a foolproof recipe, one that’s been tested up to 70 times to develop optimum flavor, texture, spice-level, and presentation. But while this podcast is absolutely ideal for anyone who loves to cook and bring new and exciting dishes to their kitchen table, it offers so much more than mere cooking tips and is worth a listen even if you infrequently don an apron. With interviews with top chefs, product and book reviews, and questions from callers, America’s Test Kitchen is a celebration of all things foodrelated. Matters of science are regularly infused into the show: What’s happening chemically when you let a bottle of wine “breathe?” Is eating gluten-free foods really healthier for you, or is it just another trending fad? And what exactly is a calorie? In one recent episode, I learned there’s a whole host of good bacteria in your body, that can be enhanced by certain ingredients to help lose weight and increase endurance. America’s Test Kitchen showcases food as a dynamic, scientific, and artistic industry, satisfying your hunger for knowledge while making your mouth water at the same time. | americastestkitchen.com

18 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Al fresco aural delights a round-up of new england’s outdoor music fests _by nina maclaughlin


o set the scene: summertime, eight years ago, maybe 10. A Radiohead show at Great Woods in Mansfield, Massachusetts, which is actually the Tweeter Center, which will always be known as Great Woods. Dark and threatening skies, bulbous clouds churning high above like boiling mountains, an electricity in the air, across the wide lawn, born of the drama above, born of the volume and energy of Mr. Yorke and his crew. Winds rose with crescendos.

Then came the rain. Thunder, rumbling and roiling then sharp as a crack on the drum, lightning flashes brighter than the spotlights. People were scared. People were thrilled. Bone soaked and yelling with every flash of lightning, it was as though the band itself controlled the storm. It wasn’t the best concert I’ve been to, but it was one of the most memorable. That sort of thing doesn’t go down indoors. Inside, at a club or a stadium, the sound presses in more intensely as it bounces against walls and ceilings. But outdoors, what you sacrifice in sound quality, you make up for in something more elemental. Grass, sand, dirt, mud. Rain, sun, bugs, stars. What’s more summery than a blanket on the ground? A cooler, some pals, some tunes, the dizziness of a party with a crowd of strangers? Not much, we’ll say. Herein, six states worth of outdoor concerts, from big festivals and national acts, to smaller scale music series with local bands. There’s stuff worth the road trip, and stuff worth a bike ride downtown. Bring sunscreen. Bring a change of clothes.

Rhode Island

The NEWPORT FOLK FEST, arguably New England’s biggest concert festival of the summer, has not, for a long time, been the exclusive home of beards, braids, and banjos — though there’s some of that, and always will be. The festival has been showcasing up-and-comers and big, established bands since it began in 1959. The line-up for this year’s festival, July 25-27, includes Band of Horses, Ryan Adams, Mavis Staples, bright-eyed Conor Oberst, Deer Tick, Sun Kil Moon, Trampled by Turtles, and about sixty other acts over three days. You’ll have to be creative to get your hands on tickets — the mid-summer festival is typically sold out before the temperature hits seventy-five. It’s the 60th anniversary of the NEWPORT JAZZ Continued on p 20

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20 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com


Music Fests

Continued from p 18

Railway Village Mr. Sipp

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FESTIVAL (August 1-3), and this year’s

headliners include Bobby McFerrin, the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis, Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, and dozens of others. The NEWPORT CONCERT SERIES on the waterfront presents a sampling of up-tempo bands for summer evenings, including Yes (July 13), Barenaked Ladies (July 18), and KC and the Sunshine Band (July 9). The WATERFRONT REGGAE FESTIVAL on August 9 features Freddie McGregor, John Brown’s Body, Etana, Mighty Mystic, New Kingston, and Soul Rebel Project. It’s St. Patrick’s Day in August with the CELTIC ROCK FESTIVAL with Eileen Ivers, Gaelic Storm, Black 47, Celtica-Pipes Rock!, the Tartan Terrors, and the Fighting Jamesons. Over in Providence, WBRU runs its free concert series at Waterplace Park, with every show featuring a local opener. June 20 it’s Phantogram with the Brother Kite; July 11 it’s Magic Man with the Complaints; July 25 it’s a quartet of brothers from South Africa called Kongos with Satellites Fall. The annual Labor Day RHYTHM & ROOTS festival continues this year in Charlestown at Ninigret Park with Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys, Donna the Buffalo, Jim Lauderdale with the Traveling McCourys, Ten Strings & a Goatskin, the Pine Leaf Boys, and a whole bunch of others.


Wilco’s SOLID SOUND music and arts festival at the edge of Massachusetts in North Adams, is taking the year off. But you can sign up now for updates for the 2015 festival, taking place June 26-28 of next year. The Museum of Fine Arts continues its CONCERTS IN THE COURTYARD series, with a cool range of folk and world music offerings, including Patty Larkin (August 6) and the energetic Debo Band, which takes its inspiration from ’60s era Ethiopian funk. Elsewhere in Boston museumland, the Institute of Contemporary Art showcases bands from Berklee College of Music every Thursday evening (July 10-August 28) as part of their free HARBORWALK SOUNDS series. On the banks of the Charles River, the Bank of America Pavilion plays host to Willie Nelson (June 17), ’90s blowbacks Counting Crows and Toad the Wet Sprocket (July 2), the Goo Goo Dolls (August 15), among others. Piano man Billy Joel plays Fenway Park (June 26), and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers play there on August 30. In New Bedford, where “cannibals stand chatting,” according to Herman Melville, whaling is traded for wailing (in a good way) with the NEW Continued on p 22

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22 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com


Music Fests

Continued from p 20

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Debo Band


with Kate Campbell, Vance Gilbert, the Murphy Beds, Chris Smither, Spuyten Duyvil, and many more. The indomitable TANGLEWOOD in lovely Lenox is best known for its classical series as the Boston Symphony Orchestra makes their summer performance home there, but they also host a few rock shows. James Taylor’s Fourth of July shows are already sold out, but Train plays on August 29; Josh Groban plays on August 30; and Tony Bennett gives the season’s farewell performance on August 31. The LOWELL SUMMER MUSIC SERIES has a bunch of top notch shows including Lucinda Williams (June 27), Neko Case (June 28), Andrew Bird (July 12), and Lyle Lovett (August 16) — all of whom seem uniquely suited to play in this old mill city. The bands at this year’s GREEN RIVER FESTIVAL in Greenfield are as notable as the hot-air balloon rides also on offer during the weekend (July 12-13). You’ve got Josh Ritter and the Royal City Band, the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Lady, Grant-Lee Phillips, Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, and a bunch of others. The BOSTON CALLING music festival closes out summer over three days (September 5-7) in City Hall Plaza with a superior line-up including the National, Neutral Milk Hotel, Lorde, Girl Talk, Nas and the Roots, and Spoon.


Some of the biggest shows in the state take place at Bangor’s Darling Pavilion as part of the WATERFRONT CONCERT SERIES, which brings blastfrom-the-pasters Boston (July 2), Styx and Foreigner (July5), and Bad Company with Lynyrd Skynyrd (July 10). Later summer brings Arcade Fire

(August 20) to the stage. Rob Zombie brings his hard and heavy MAYHEM FESTIVAL to Bangor again on July 17, with Mastodon, Amon Amarth, and Five Finger Death Punch. The Darling Pavilion will also host the three-day AMERICAN FOLK FESTIVAL (August 22-24), with a slew of folkie and world acts, and the four-day KAHBANG festival (August 7-10), whose full line-up will be announced soon, is already slated to include performances by funk/prog-rockers Dopapod, the lovely and bizarre St. Vincent, and the one and only DMX. Elsewhere in the state, folk and blues rules the scene. The NORTHATLANTIC BLUES FESTIVAL (July 12-13) in Rockland features Joe Louis Walker, the Mannish Boys, Victor Wainwright, Joanna Connor, Mr. Sipp, and more. Rockland is also home to the annual MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL (July 30-August 3), and the Saturday night show features the Johnny Winter Band, Vanilla Fudge, Peter Rivera, and others. The full festival line-up will be announced soon. In South Hiram, the bluegrass foot-stomping of the OSSIPEE VALLEY MUSIC FESTIVAL will run from July 24-27 with the Wood Brothers, Willie Watson, Aoife O’Donovan, the Carper Family, the Barefoot Movement, the Once, and many more. Also, bring your banjo, bring your mandolin; the campground is a non-stop jam session. The AROOTSAKOOSTIK MUSIC FESTIVAL (July 12) is maybe the northernest fest of the summer, and this year features Travis Cyr, Wesley Hartley, Putnam Smith, Heather Styka, Sorcha, Audrey Ryan, and others. Closer to Portland, the L.L. Bean SUMMER IN THE PARK concert series kicks off with Toad the Wet Sprocket on the Fourth of July, followed by Josh Ritter and the Royal City Band (July 12), Jeff Continued on p 24

CAPE COD’S HOTTEST RESTAUR ANT 2014 SUMMER MUSIC SCHEDULE (Check Our Website for More Detailswww.portlandlobstercompany.com)

TUESDAYS ALL SUMMER -Ryan Halliburton, except on 7/8 & 9/16-Sam Shain & the Scolded Dogs, & 8/5-Captain Ray and the Castaways WEDNESDAYS ALL SUMMER–Vinyl Tap, except on 6/25 & 8/27 –Sump Pumps, 7/9-Captain Ray, 8/6-Eric Bettencourt and WILL MALLETT on 7/23 & 8/13! JUNE 15 (Sun)-(Father’s Day)-Mitch Alden Duo (12-3:30PM), Connor Garvey & Friends(5-8PM) 16 (Mon)-Delta Knights (6-9PM) 19 (Thurs)- Joint Chiefs (6-9PM) 20 (Fri)-Band Beyond Description (6-9PM) 21 (Sat)-Mellyn & Breau (12:30-3:30PM) & Now Is Now (6-9PM) 22 (Sun)-Lyle & Phil Divinsky & Friends (12:30-3:30PM) & Jason Spooner Band (5-8PM) 23 (Mon)- Jerks of Grass (6-9PM) 26 (Thurs) Dominic Laviole & Friends (6-9PM) 27 (Fri) Vinyl Tap (7-10PM) 28 (Sat) Muddy Ruckus & The Burners (12:30-3:30PM) & Lyle Divinsky & Friends (7-10PM) 29 (Sun) Mitch Alden Duo(12-3:30PM), Pete Kilpatrick Band (5-8PM) 30 (Mon) STAND UP COMEDY NIGHT-GEORGE HAMM and other guest comics JULY


3 (Thurs)-Joint Chiefs (6-9PM) 4 (Fri) Ryan Halliburton (12:30-3:30pm), The Still 5-8pm 5 (Sat)-Mellyn & Breau 12:30-3:30PM & Blues Mafia (7-10PM) 6 (Sun)-Lyle & Phil Divinsky & Friends (12:30-3:30PM) Jason Spooner Band (5-8PM) 7 (Mon)-Connor Garvey & Friends (6-9PM) 10 (Thurs)-Dominic Laviole & Friends (6-9PM) 11 (Fri)-Band Beyond Description (7-10PM) 12 (Sat)-Mellyn & Breau (12:30-3:30PM) Vinyl Tap (7-10PM) 13 (Sun)-Lyle & Phil Divinsky & Friends (12:30-3:30PM) & Jason Spooner Band (5-8PM) 14 (Mon)-Jerks of Grass (6-9PM), 17 (Thurs)-Joint Chiefs (6-9PM) 18 (Fri) –Blues Mafia (7-10PM) 19 (Sat)-Muddy Ruckus & The Burners(12:30-3:30PM) & Lyle Divinsky & Friends (7-10PM) 20 (Sun)-Mitch Alden Duo (12-3:30PM) & Pete Kilpatrick Band (5-8PM) 21 (Mon)-The Proftones (6-9PM) 24 (Thurs)-Joint Chiefs (6-9PM) 25 (Fri)-North of Nashville (7-10PM) 26 (Sat)-Mellyn & Breau (12:30-3:30PM) & Jason Spooner Band (7-10PM) 27 (Sun)-Muddy Ruckus & The Burners (12:30-3:30PM) & Eric Bettencourt & Friends (5-8PM) 28 (Mon) Connor Garvey & Friends (6-9PM) 31 (Thurs)-Dominic Laviole & Friends (6-9PM) 1(Fri) North of Nashville (7-10PM) 2 (Sat)-Mellyn & Breau (12:30-3:30PM) & Blues Mafia (7-10PM) 3 (Sun)-Muddy Ruckus & The Burners (12:30-3:30PM) & Jason Spooner Band (5-8PM) 4 (Mon)-Connor Garvey & Friends (6-9PM) 7 (Thurs)-Joint Chiefs (6-9PM) 8 (Fri)-Muddy Ruckus & The Burners (7-10PM) 9 (Sat)-Eric Bettencourt Trio (12:30-3:30PM) & Now Is Now (7-10PM) 10 (Sun)-Lyle & Phil Divinsky & Friends (12:30-3:30PM) & North of Nashville (5-8PM) 11 (Mon)-Delta Knights (6-9PM) 14 (Thurs)-Dominic Laviole & Friends (6-9PM) 15 (Fri)- Blues Mafia (7-10PM) 16 (Sat)-Mellyn & Breau (12:30-3:30PM) & Lyle Divinsky & Friends (7-10PM) 17 (Sun)-Mitch Alden Duo (12-3:30PM) & Jason Spooner Band (5-8PM) 18 (Mon)-Connor Garvey & Friends (6-9PM) 21 (Thurs)-Joint Chiefs (6-9PM) 22 (Fri)- North of Nashville (7-10PM) 23 (Sat)-Mellyn & Breau (12:30-3:30PM) & Jason Spooner Band(7-10PM) 24 (Sun)- Lyle & Phil Divinsky & Friends(12:30-3:30PM) & Muddy Ruckus & The Burners (5-8PM) 25 (Mon) The Proftones (6-9PM) 28 (Thurs)- Dominic Laviole & Friends (6-9PM) 29 (Fri)-Band Beyond Description (7-10PM) 30 (Sat)- Muddy Ruckus & The Burners (12:30-3:30PM) & Blues Mafia(7-10PM) 31 (Sun)-Mitch Alden Duo (12-3:30PM) & Sam Shain & The Scolded Dogs (5-8PM)

Sept. 1(Mon-Labor Day)-Lyle & Phil Divinsky & Friends (12:30-3:30PM) & Pete Kilpatrick Band (5-8PM) Music Continues Into Sept/Fall-check our Calendar at www.portlandlobstercompany

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24 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

TheaTer aT monmouTh

Music Fests

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Continued from p 22


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Tweedy of Wilco and Uncle Tupelo (July 26), The Mowgli’s (August 2), Jason Isbell (August 16), and Brett Dennen (August 30). Those shows are all free in Freeport’s Discovery Park.

New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut


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New Hampshire doesn’t draw as many summerers as Maine, but they’ve got their fair share of outdoor shows this season. The Pavilion at Meadowbrook, on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee in Gilford, hosts Jennifer Nettles with the Indigo Girls (July 12), followed the next night by James Taylor. Ludacris and Juicy J play July 26, and Bob Weir and Ratdog will draw the Deadheads on August 19. The GREAT WATERS MUSIC FESTIVAL in Wolfeboro brings the redoubtable Tom Rush (June 27), Gordon Lightfoot (July 11), and Lori McKenna (August 2), among others. The RIVER HOUSE RESTAURANT CONCERT SERIES in Prescott Park in Portsmouth might have the best selection of shows for the most reasonable amount of money, with a suggested donation of $8-$10. That’ll get you a spot to spread out your blanket by the harbor to see Patty Griffin (June 21), Rosanne Cash (July 5), Mary Chapin Carpenter (July 12), the Lone Bellow (July 16), the octave-traveling Martin Sexton (August 6), Ruthie Foster (August 10), Taj Mahal (August 22), and others throughout the season. Vermonters Ben & Jerry sponsor

6/9/14 11:50 AM

the Shelbourne Museums CONCERTS ON THE GREEN series, with John Hiatt and Robert Cray (July 10), Nickel Creek (July 26), and Old Crow Medicine Show (July 29). The free MIDDLEBURY FESTIVAL ON THE GREEN (July 6-12) plays host to the Stray Birds, Anais Mitchell, Matuto, Josh Panda and the Hot Damned, and others. There’s something that brings out the hippie in all of us at outdoor shows, but that’ll be especially true at the GATHERING OF THE VIBES festivals in Bridgeport, Connecticut, taking place this year July 31-August 3. It’s a who’s-who and who’s-been-before of jam-bands, including: Widespread Panic, Strangefolk, moe., the Dark Star Orchestra, Leftover Salmon, Rusted Root, Ziggy Marley, Maceo Parker, Slightly Stoopid, and loads more. The Elm City (New Haven) plays host every summer to the IN-

TERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTS & IDEAS (June 14-28) with a selection of

performances, lectures, and interactive events. Free concerts on the New Haven Green include Lalah Hathaway with Ruben Studdard, the Martha Redbone Roots Project, Brandy Clark, and others. The LITCHFIELD JAZZ FESTIVAL (August 8-10) brings, among others, the Cyrus Chestnut Trio, Anthony Strong, the Mike Stern Band, and Jane Bunnett to the Goshen Fairgrounds. You’ll find another bluegrass fest in Hebron, with the


(August 7-9) with Blue Highway, Donna Ulisse and the Poor Mountain Boys, Nu Blu, Three Tall Pines, and a big gang of others. Don’t forget the bug spray. ^

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July 5th








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26 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Hot flicks

what’s coming to the big screen this summer _by jesse papineau


ummer started earlier than ever this year with the likes of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Godzilla, and X-Men: Days of Future Past busting blocks well before Memorial Day. But as the sweaty season rolls along, there will be plenty of reasons to retreat into an air-conditioned sanctuary with a giant screen for a couple of hours. Whether you’re into superheroes, satire, or sequels, this summer has it all.

Sequel Season

What was once considered a lazy filmmaking strategy has become the norm, as more movies are being concocted as franchises as opposed to stand-alone experiences (with all of Marvel’s recent releases exemplifying this perfectly). And it’s clear that audiences love them — Iron Man 3, Fast & Furious 6, and Star Trek Into Darkness all grossed more than $200 million last year — so why would Hollywood stop feeding its addiction? This summer is no different, as a new batch of old ideas will make millions and millions of dollars. The special effects sequel parade kicks off with Transformers: age of exTincTion (June 27), which is Michael Bay’s fourth Hasbro-core entry, but the first with Mark Wahlberg in the leading role (replacing confirmed crazy person Shia LaBeouf). Bay has said that this will be the last Transformers film he directs, but also noted that this marks the beginning of a new trilogy. Confusing? Sure. But the first three movies made nearly $3 billion worldwide, and it likely wasn’t because of the director or actors involved — people just like seeing robots and aliens at war. Dawn of The PlaneT of The aPes (July 11) teases a war between Earth’s remaining humans and a band of hyper-intellectual apes led by Caesar (played by motion-capture savant Andy Serkis). Since Charlton Heston already spoiled us in 1968, we unfortunately know how this one turns out, but that doesn’t mean this flick will be devoid of drama. Gary Oldman, Keri Russell, and Judy Greer also star. Proving once again that people love watching shit blow up, the third Expendables movie in four years — aptly titled The exPenDables 3 — arrives on August 15. This is not a franchise that favors subtlety — the films are basically just one beatdown after another. The badass cast, featuring capital-M men Jason Statham, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jet Li, and Terry Crews, adds Antonio Banderas, Harrison Ford, and Mel Gibson to the ranks for the third go-round. Any movie that’s co-written by Sylvester Stallone (who also stars) is absolutely worth seeing. Perhaps the most anticipated sequel of the summer is sin ciTy: a Dame To Kill for (August 22), which comes nine years after its predecessor. Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Rosario Dawson, and

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Mickey Rourke reprise their roles from the beloved original, while Josh Brolin, Eva Green, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Ray Liotta inject some new blood into the pulpy crime thriller. Fans of Frank Miller’s source-material comics may be upset that the film deviates from the original, but the fact that this long-awaited sequel is coming out after years of doubt should keep fans happy — for awhile, anyway.

Funny Stuff

Lives don’t always have to be at stake in sequels. Take 22 JumP sTreeT (June 13), which comes two years after the surprisingly hilarious 21 Jump Street. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum return as undercover cops, this time infiltrating a local college. It can be challenging to make comedy sequels work, especially when there’s a clear template in place (see: The Hangover series), but if 22 Continued on p 28


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28 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com


Continued from p 26

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A Long Way Down

is even half as funny as 21, it will be a success. Though some have been aware of her chops since her turn as Chef Sookie on Gilmore Girls, Melissa McCarthy’s stock has risen considerably following her scenestealing supporting performance in Bridesmaids three years ago. Since then, she has quickly become one of Hollywood’s few go-to leading ladies in comedy, carrying otherwise mediocre films like Identity Thief and The Heat, and starring in the popular CBS sitcom Mike & Molly. In her latest film, McCarthy plays the titular Tammy (July 2), a down-onher-luck waitress who shakes things up by taking a road trip with her boozy grandma (played by a nearly unrecognizable Susan Sarandon). This is also something of a passion project for McCarthy who co-wrote the film with husband (and director) Ben Falcone. While McCarthy has only recently proven herself as a veritable leading actor in comedies, Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel have been doing it for years. In sex TaPe (July 25), the pair play a couple who decide to spice up their decade-long marriage by documenting their intimacies, only to lose the video the next morning, leading them on a frantic search to keep their privates private. Rob Lowe, Jack Black, and Ellie Kemper add to the high jinks.

Thoughtful Junk

When discussing film, the term “director’s vision” comes up often, but it’s never applied as perfectly to a movie as it does to Richard

Linklater’s boyhooD (July 11), which follows a child’s journey through life (newcomer Ellar Coltrane) from age six to 18. Filming for this ambitious project began in 2002 and continued for a few weeks each year through 2013. Ethan Hawke, who plays the boy’s father, called the project Tolstoy-esque in scope. “Doing a scene with a young boy at the age of 7 when he talks about why do raccoons die, and at the age of 12 when he talks about video games, and 17 when he asks me about girls ...it’s a little bit like timelapse photography of a human being.” Boyhood debuted in January at the Sundance Film Festival and has garnered universal acclaim. Based on Nick Hornby’s 2005 novel of the same name, a long way Down (July 11) is a dark comedy centered on four strangers whose meet-cute happens in the worst way possible — on a London rooftop of which they all intended to jump off. The quirky quartet is played by Pierce Brosnan, Toni Collette, Aaron Paul, and Imogen Poots. In just three days, Zach Braff raised $2 million on Kickstarter in order to fund wish i was here (July 18), the second feature film he’s directed and the spiritual sequel to 2004’s indie hit Garden State. Braff plays the main character, Aiden, who undergoes a mid-life crisis after his father (Mandy Patinkin) is diagnosed with cancer. A struggling actor, Aiden tries to redefine his identity by home schooling his two young children. Early reviews haven’t been universally positive, but Braff’s brilliance behind the camera on Garden State gives him the benefit of the doubt on his sophomore effort. ^

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30 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Star shows big names, throwbacks, and local up-and-comers Alive@Five ConCert SerieS | Monument Sq, Portland | portlandmaine.com | shows 5 pm & free July 10: London Souls + Kenya Hall Band Aug 7: Spirit Family Reunion + Ghost Of Paul Revere

Dinosaur Jr.

ASylum | 121 Center St, Portland | 207.772.8274 | portlandasylum.com

June 19: Satisfaction [Rolling Stones Tribute] June 26: Saliva + Eve To Adam June 28: Trapt July 10: Dinosaur Jr. July 11: Grandmaster Flash July 18: Tubes July 22: Quiet Riot + Faster Pussycat + Bullet Boys + Gilby Clarke Aug 9: Josh Thompson Aug 17: Powerman 5000 + (Hed) P.E. + Eyes Set To Kill Aug 22: Gaelic Storm Aug 23: Taj Mahal

BAySide Bowl | 58 Alder St, Portland | 207.791.2695 | baysidebowl.com

June 28: “Dirigimus Festival iii,” with Sylvia + Video Nasties + Older Men + Eastern Spell + Sunrunner + Purse + Mouth Washington + Swarmlord + Baroses + Mr. Neet + Perfect Hair + Afraid + Computer At Sea + Awaas July 5: Covered In Bees + Battery Steele + English Muffins

BliStered FingerS FAmily BluegrASS muSiC FeStivAl | Litchfield Fairgrounds, 44 Plains Rd, Litchfield | $10-30 per day/$80 weekend | 207.873.6539 | blisteredfingers.com

June 18-21: Kevin Prater Band + Roys + Lonesome Will Mullins & The Va Playboys + Wilf Clark & The Misty Mountaineers + Back To Basics + Baker Family + Zink & Company + Tennessee Mafia Jug Band + Gibson Brothers + Little Roy & Liz Long + Blistered Fingers Aug 20-23: Cps Express + Nothin’ Fancy + Larry Efaw & The Bluegrass Mountaineers + Monadnock + Seth Sawyer Band + Bluegrass Diamonds + Grascals + Junior Sisk & Ramblers Choice + Church Sisters + Gibson Brothers

BriCk ChurCh For the PerForming ArtS | 502 Christian Hill Rd, Lovell | 207.925.1500

July 17: Don Roy Aug 14: Junco Aug 28: Birds On A Wire

Bunker Brewing Co. | 122 Anderson St, Portland | 207.791.2695 | baysidebowl.com

June 28: Foam Castles + Hallelujah The Hills + Fur July 12: If & It + Blood Warrior + Great Western Plain + Babe

CAmden oPerA houSe | 29 Elm St, Camden | 207.236.7963 | camdenoperahouse.com

Aug 1: Iris Dement Aug 9: Liz Longley + Barnaby Bright Aug 21: Waylon Speed + Mallett Brothers Band

Aug 30: Noel Paul Stookey

CASABlAnCA CruiSeS | 18 Custom House

Wharf, Portland | 207.831.1324 | casablancamaine.com June 21: Scolded Dogs June 22: “70’S Dance Party,” with Soulfront June 27: Awesome Kong June 28: Substitutes July 2: Honky Tonk Gypsies July 3: Stolen Mojo July 6: Hello Newman July 12: Dj Billy Young + Dj Chris Cole + Ill Bi1l (1-4 pm) July 12: Ambient Trust Fund (6-9 pm) July 13: Northern Groove July 16: Dr. Boogie July 19: Pardon Me, Doug [Phish Tribute] July 20: North Of Nashville July 27: Box Tiger Aug 3: Hello Newman Aug 10: Northern Groove Aug 14: Captain Bangaroo Aug 17: North Of Nashville Aug 21: “Booty Trap Boat Party,” with Che Ros + Don Damiani Aug 23: Cover Tones Aug 24: “Big Fun On A Boat,” Rock Cruise Aug 30: One Creation Aug 31: Riot Act Sep 7: Stolen Mojo CASCo BAy lineS muSiC on the BAy | 56 Commercial St, Portland | 207.774.7871 | cascobaylines. com June 20: Hurricanes July 10: Jenny Woodman

July 25: Wavelength

CongreSS SquAre PArk | Portland | 207.831.1324 | congresssquarepark.org June 20: Tredici Bacci June 27: Animal Hospital

CroSS inSurAnCe Center | 74 Gilman Rd, Bangor | 207.947.7345 | crossinsurancecenter.com June 20: Queens of the Stone Age July 13: James Taylor and his All Star Band Aug 2: John Fogerty dAm JAm 2014 | Bicentennial Park, 62 East Main St, Denmark | thedamjam.com Aug 2: “Dam Jam 2014,” with Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra + Sunset Hearts + Chamberlain + Butcher Boy + Oble Varnum + Akwaaba Ensemble dArling’S wAterFront PAvilion | 1 Railroad St, Bangor | 800.745.3000 June 19: Willie Nelson & Family + Alison Krauss & Union Station + Jerry Douglas + Kacey Musgraves July 2: Boston + Cheap Trick July 5: Styx + Foreigner + Don Felder July 10: Bad Company + Lynyrd Skynyrd + Dead Daisies July 18: Sarah Mclachlan Aug 20: Arcade Fire Aug 29: Steely Dan Aug 30: Lady Antebellum + Billy Currington Aug 31: Jason Aldean + Florida Georgia Line + Tyler Farr deertreeS theAtre | Deertrees Rd, Harrison | 207.583.6747 | deertreestheatre.org June 26: Carolyn Currie

July 5: Mixology July 8: Gothard Sisters July 10: Anni Clark July 12: Beatles For Sale [Beatles Tribute] July 18: Emilia Dahlin Quartet July 24: Tartan Terrors Aug 7: Mick Conneely & Dave Munnelly Aug 14: Don Campbell Band Aug 16: New Black Eagle Jazz Band emPire | 575 Congress St, Portland | 207.879.8988 | portlandempire.com June 20: Chaos Sauce + Nuclear Boots + Purse + Bed Bugs June 21: James Montgomery July 19: Miss Fairchild July 22: Joe Fletcher + Andrew Combs + Ron Gallo & The Hang Ten & A Half Band the grAnd | 165 Main St, Ellsworth | 207.667.9500 | grandonline.org June 20: Trisha Mason Band July 20: Noel Paul Stookey greAt wAterS muSiC FeStivAl | Inn on Main, 200 N Main St, Wolfeboro, NH | 603.569.1335 June 27: Tom Rush July 11: Gordon Lightfoot July 19: Great Waters Music Festival Chorus & Orchestra: “An Evening Of Broadway” July 25: New England Brass Band Aug 2: Lori Mckenna Aug 8: 1964 [Beatles Tribute] Aug 15: Gavin Hope Aug 22: Ben Vereen Aug 29: North Shore Acapella hAmPton BeACh CASino BAllroom | 169 Ocean Blvd, Hampton, NH | 603.929.4100 June 20: George Thorogood & The Destroyers + Tom Hambridge & The Rattlesnakes June 22: Matisyahu + Kevin Kinsella June 25: Iron & Wine + Secret Sisters June 27: “Happy Together Tour,” with Turtles + Chuck Negron + Mark Farmer + Mitch Rider & The Detroit Wheels + Gary Lewis & The Playboys June 28: Jamey Johnson June 29: Drive-By Truckers + Deer Tick July 1: Go-Go’s July 2: Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo July 5: Badfish! A Tribute To Sublime July 6: Snoop Dogg July 9: Slash & Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators July 10: B.B. King July 11: Travis Tritt July 12: Yonder Mountain String Band July 13: John Hiatt & The Combo + Robert Cray Band July 16: Yes July 17: Extreme July 18: Fab Four [Beatles Tribute] July 22: Huey Lewis & The News July 24: America July 25: Quiet Riot + Faster Pussycat +

Continued on p 32

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32 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Pop Music

Continued from p 30

Bulletboys + Gilby Clarke July 26: Get The Led Out [Led Zeppelin Tribute] July 28: Old Crow Medicine Show + Hurray For The Riff Raff July 30: Sammy Hagar + Michael Anthony + Jason Bonham & Vic Johnson: “A Journey Through The History Of Rock” Aug 1: Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes + John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band Aug 2: 3 Doors Down Aug 8: Umphrey’s Mcgee Aug 9: Buddy Guy + Quinn Sullivan Aug 12: Tesla + American Dog Aug 13: Josh Turner + Drew Baldridge Aug 15: Gov’t Mule Aug 17: Gavin Degraw & Matt Nathanson + Andrew Mcmahon Aug 24: Kc & The Sunshine Band Aug 29: Chris Isaak JonAthAn’S | 92 Bourne Ln, Ogunquit | 207.646.4777 | jonathansrestaurant.com June 20: Tret Fure July 4: John Gorka July 11: Seth Glier July 12: Maggie Rose July 17: Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas July 23: Buckwheat Zydeco July 24: Noel Paul Stookey July 25: Jonathan Edwards July 26: Kate Taylor July 27: Blue Sky Riders Aug 1: Robin Spielberg Aug 2: Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters Aug 3: Anne & Pete Sibley Aug 8: Ben Taylor Aug 9: Dwight & Nicole Aug 15: Howie Day Aug 16: Jimmy Keys Aug 22: Tom Rush Aug 29: Tierney Sutton: “After Blue - The Joni Mitchell Project” Aug 30: Melissa Ferrick kAhBAng 2014 | Artists Include DMX + St. Vincent + Dopapod; films TBA | Aug 7-10 | Bangor Waterfront Park, Bangor | kahbang.com ll BeAn | Discovery Park, Freeport | 800.441.5713 | all shows 7:30 and free July 4: Toad The Wet Sprocket July 12: Josh Ritter & The Royal City Band July 26: Jeff Tweedy Aug 2: Mowgli’s Aug 16: Jason Isbell

Aug 30: Brett Dennen

merrill Auditorium | 20 Myrtle St, Portland

| 207.842.0800 July 14: Gordon Lightfoot Aug 17: Jackson Browne muSiC hAll | 131 Congress St, Portsmouth, Nh | $25-35 | 603.436.2400 | themusichall.org July 29: La Santa Cecilia July 15: Straight No Chaser July 25: Wondertwins July 25: Jeff Tweedy July 29: Mikaela Davis July 30: Patrick Dorow’s Piano Room Aug 1: Kara Dioguardi Aug 6: Jackie Evancho Aug 8: Taylor O’donnell Sep 6: M. Ward Sep 18: Aaron Neville Sep 26: Mirah north AtlAntiC BlueS FeStivAl | July 12-13 | Downtown Rockland, Rockland | northatlanticbluesfestival.com the oAk & the Ax | 140 Main St, Biddeford | theoakandtheax.com June 20: Amen Dunes + Afraid + Herbcraft June 21: Palberta + (New England) Patriots + Butcher Boy June 22: Kuupuu + Tsembla + Id M Theftable + Colleen Kinsella June 23: Jonah Tolchin + Christopher Paul Stelling + Haunt The House July 13: Low Anthem + Death Vessel + Last Good Tooth July 14: Julie Byrne + Liza Victoria one longFellow SquAre | 181 State St, Portland | 207.761.1757 June 19: Portland Jazz Orchestra June 21: Privateer + Jeff Beam + Star Rover June 27: Soule Monde July 3: Devon Sproule + Bernice July 5: Mama’s Boomshack July 10: Rebecca Kingsley July 11: Hot Day At The Zoo July 26: Tumbling Bones + Spuyten Duyvil Aug 1: Slaid Cleaves Aug 10: Liz Longley + Barnaby Bright Sep 19: Charlie Hunter & Scott Amendola Sep 26: Geoff Muldaur

oPerA houSe At BoothBAy hArBor

| 86 Townsend Ave, Boothbay Harbor | $15-20 | 207.633.6855 June 27: Mallett Brothers Band July 12: Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul The Low July 19: Kathy Mattea & Her Anthem Band July 25: Randy Kaplan July 26: Noel Paul Stookey Aug 6: Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys Aug 7: Ben Taylor Aug 8: Novel Jazz Septet Aug 13: Rebirth Brass Band Aug 16: Sierra Leone Refugee All Stars Aug 21: Bob Milne Aug 8: Bill Harley Aug 22: Tartan Terrors Aug 23: Blue Highway Aug 30: Wailin’ Jennys Sep 11: Boneheads + Holy Mackerels Sep 19: John Doyle + Nuala Kennedy + Eamon O’Leary

Port City muSiC hAll | 504 Congress St, Port-

land | 207.899.4990 | portcitymusichall.com June 18: Melanie Martinez + Dresses June 20: Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds + Big Ol’ Dirty Bucket June 22: Reel Big Fish June 23: “Portland Food Fight,” Finals June 25: English Beat June 27: “The Gang’s All Here,” with Spencer Albee + Zach Jones June 28: “Buffy Milo: Cancer Slayer,” with Hot Tarts + Dirty White Hats + H++L + Atomik July 1: Drive-By Truckers + Anders Parker & Cloud Badge July 3: Sage Francis July 7: King Buzzo + Emma Ruth Randle July 9: Zach Deputy July 10: Murcielago + Whale Oil July 11: Rising Appalachia July 13: Circa Survive + Ume + Box Tiger July 17: Touche Amore + Tigers Jaw + Dads July 18: Richard James & The Name Changers July 22: Bear Hands July 24: Milk Carton Kids July 26: Old 97’S + Tommy Stinson July 27: Against Me! + Jenny Owen Youngs + Creepoid July 28: Orgone + Nth Power July 31: London Grammar Aug 1: Dead Sessions [Grateful Dead Tribute] Aug 8: Fogcutters Aug 13: Red Wanting Blue + Alternate Routes Aug 23: “Mash It Up Ska Fest,” with Bim Skala Bim + Beat Horizon + King Hammond + El Grande + Roots, Rhythm, & Dub Aug 28: Les Claypool’s Duo De Twang + Reformed Whores Sep 4: Future Islands Sep 5: M. Ward Sep 18: Sun Kil Moon PortlAnd exPo | 239 Park Ave, Portland | 207.358.9327 | waterfrontconcerts.com July 10: Snoop Dogg PreSCott PArk | Marcy St, Portsmouth, Nh | Prescottpark.Org | all shows 7:30 & by donation June 21: Patty Griffin July 2: Justin Townes Earle July 5: Rosanne Cash July 7: “Jazz Festival,” with Seacoast Big Band, Et Al. July 9: Matt Andersen July 12: Mary Chapin Carpenter July 16: Lone Bellow July 23: Houndmouth July 25: “Folk Festival,” with Wood Brothers + Shakey Graves + Stray Birds + Pokey Lafarge July 27: Ingrid Michaelson July 30: Iris Dement Aug 2: “Country Festival,” with Ayla Brown + Rory Scott Band + Krista Angelucci + Skyler + Jodie & Fried Cactus Aug 6: Martin Sexton + Brothers Mccann Aug 9: Hot Club Of Cowtown Aug 13: Loudon Wainwright Iii Aug 20: Ruthie Foster Aug 22: Taj Mahal Aug 23: “Americana Festival,” with Chris Smither + Mary Gauthier + Anais Mitchell & Jefferson Hamer + Appleseed Collective Aug 27: Wailin’ Jennys Aug 31: Spirit Family Reunion Sep 13: Dr. John & The Nite Trippers redhook Ale Brewery | 35 Corporate Dr, Portsmouth, Nh | 603.430.8600 x18

Aug 16: “Hookfest,” with Lettuce + Bim Skala Bim + King Hammond + Spittin’ Vinnies + Michael Bernier & Freevolt Sep 14: “Harvest Moon Festival,” with Rusted Root + Adam Ezra Group + Bliss

St. lAwrenCe ArtS & Community Center | 76 Congress St, Portland | 207.775.5568 |

stlawrencearts.org June 28: Ed Gerhard SPACe gAllery | 538 Congress St, Portland | 207.828.5600 Or Space538.Org June 20: Endless Jags + Fat Creeps + Rough Francis June 27: Kino Proby July 26: Gianni Schicchi Aug 3: Chain & The Gang + Ed Schrader’s Music Beat + (New England) Patriots Aug 15: Vinyl Cape + Ceschi + Jj King Aug 19: Falls Of Rauros + Butcher Boy + Feral + Mutilation Rites Sep 13: Sunset Hearts + Afraid + High Spirits + Altered Gee StAte theAtre | 609 Congress St, Portland | 207.956.6000 | statetheatreportland.com June 25: Primus July 8: John Hiatt & The Combo + Robert Cray Band July 11: “State Of The State,” with Mallett Brothers Band + Other Bones + Spose + Wrecking + Model Airplane + Kenya Hall Band July 16: Lord Huron July 18: Natalie Merchant July 21: Dirty Heads + Pepper July 24: Gogol Bordello + Man Man July 28: Asking Alexandria + Miss May I + Upon A Burning Body July 30: Band Of Horses + Midlake Aug 1: Ingrid Michaelson + Neulore Aug 19: Jonny Lang + Rich Robinson Sep 3: Chevelle + Middle Class Rut Stone mountAin ArtS Center | 695 Dug Way Rd, Brownfield | 207.935.7292 July 10: Mary Chapin Carpenter July 17: Suzzy Roche & Lucy Wainwright Roche July 18: Heather Maloney + Darlingside July 22: Marc Cohn July 24: Ages & Ages July 25: Noel Paul Stookey July 31: Iris Dement Aug 1: Teada + Lori Mckenna Aug 2: Bettye Lavette Aug 15: Peter Wolf Aug 21: Sorcha & The Clearing Aug 22: Ruthie Foster Aug 24: Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Aug 28: Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder + Gibson Brothers Sep 12: Asleep At The Wheel Sep 14: Slaid Cleaves Sep 18: Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn Sep 21: Sam Bush Aug 28: Tennessee Mafia Jug Band Sept 1: Steep Canyon Rangers

Sept 2: Slaid Cleaves

StrAnd theAtre | 345 Main St, Rockland | 207.594.0070 July 19: Anais Mitchell & Jefferson Hamer Aug 16: Crystal Bowersox + Seth Glier Sep 4: Bombino Sep 13: Asleep At The Wheel

thomAS Point BeACh BluegrASS SPeCiAl | with dozens of string & bluegrass bands

| Aug 28-31 | Thomas Point Beach, Rte 24, Brunswick | 207.725.6009 or thomaspointbeach.com


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34 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Soothing sounds quartets, youth artists, opera singers, and much more Ensemble Pamplemousse

Robin Spielberg

Bar HarBor Music Festival | Bar Harbor Congregational ]Church, 29 Mount Desert St, Bar Harbor | $25, $15 students | 207.288.5744 or barharbormusicfestival.org June 29: “Tea Concert,” with Katherine Lernerzzo Soprano & Cara Chowning, Pianist | 4 pm July 1: Brass Venture | 8 pm July 5: Christopher Johnson, pianist | 8 pm July 6: “Pops Concert” with April Martin, soprano & Chad Sloan, baritone | 8 pm July 8-9: “American Experimental Music,” with Ensemble Pamplemousse | Tues 5:30 pm & Wed 8 pm July 13: Antonio Galera-Lopez | 8 pm July 18: Ardelia Trio | 8 pm July 20: Wolverine Jazz Band | 8 pm July 23: Bar Harbor Festival String Orchestra | 8 pm | Blackwoods Campground Amphitheatre, Rte 3, Bar Harbor July 25: “Bob Noonan Memorial Concert” | 8 pm July 27: “Festival Gala” | 8 pm BootHBay HarBor opera House | 86 Townsend Ave, Boothbay Harbor | 207.633.6855 July 23: Maine Pro Musica | 7:30 pm, $20-25, $10 youth 18 & under July 31: Robin Spielberg | 7:30 pm, $15-20, $10 youth 18 & under Aug 14: Portland Symphony Ensemble Quartet | 7:30 Pm, $20-25, $10 youth 18 & under Bowdoin international Music Festival | Studzinski Recital Hall, Bowdoin College,

Brunswick | 207.725.3895 | bowdoinfestival.org | call for tickets; some shows at alternate locations June 21: “50th Anniversary Celebration” | 4:30 pm

June 30: “Beethoven String Quartets” | 7:30 pm July 2: “Wednesday Upbeat: Debussy, Prokofiev, Milhaud, Bolcom” | 7:30 pm July 3: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 7:30 pm July 4: “Festival Fridays: Beethoven, Ravel, Brahms” | 7:30 pm July 6: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 7:30 pm July 7: “Monday Beethoven: Beethoven String Quartets” | 7:30 pm July 8: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 7:30 pm July 9: “Wednesday Upbeat: Brahms, Strauss, Currier” | 7:30 pm July 10: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 6:30 pm July 11: “Festival Fridays: All-Bach Program” | 7:30 pm July 12: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 2:30 & 6:30 pm July 14: “Monday Beethoven: Beethoven String Quartets” | 7:30 pm July 15: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 6:30 pm July 16: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 1 pm July 17: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 1 & 6:30 pm July 18: “Festival Fridays: Mozart, Dvorak” | 7:30 pm July 21: “Monday Beethoven: Beethoven String Quartets” | 7:30 pm July 23: “Wednesday Upbeat: Shostakovich, Dvorak, Adler” | 7:30 pm July 24: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 7:30 pm July 25: “Festival Fridays: Debussy, Crumb, Dvorak” | 7:30 pm July 27: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 7:30 pm July 28: “Monday Beethoven: Beethoven String Quartets” | 7:30 pm July 29: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 7:30 pm July 30: “Wednesday Upbeat: Bach, Mozart, Saariaho” | 7:30 pm

July 26: “Festival Fridays: Ravel, Faure, SaintSaens” | 7:30 pm Aug 1: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 1:30 pm Aug 1: “Festival Fridays: Ravel, Schubert, Currier” | 1 & 6:30 pm Aug 3: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 1:30 pm Aug 4: “Monday Beethoven: Beethoven String Quartets” | 7:30 pm Aug 5: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 1 & 6:30 pm Aug 6: “Wednesday Upbeat: Bloch, Glinka, Fung” | 7:30 pm Aug 7: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 12:30 & 6:30 pm Aug 8: “Artists Of Tomorrow” | 11:30 am Aug 8: “Festival Fridays: All-Brahms Program” | 7:30 pm

Kneisel Hall cHaMBer Music Festival | 137 Pleasant St, Blue Hill | 207.374.2203 | kneisel. org | Thurs-Fri 7:30 pm; Sat 4 pm June 27-28: “Program One: Haydn” July 4 & 6: “Program Two: Beethoven, Sessions, Eisler, Brahms” July 11 & 13: “Program Three: Beethoven, Tovey, Prokofiev” July 18 & 20: “Program Four: Mozart, Walton, Schubert” July 25 & 27: “Program Five: Beethoven, Ravel, Brahms” Aug 1 & 3: “Program Six: Schubert, Poulenc, Berlioz, Chausson, Massenet, Schumann “ Aug 8 & 10: “Program Seven: Mendelssohn, Hindesmith, Dvorak” Aug 15 & 17: “Program Eight: Tba, Bartok, Faure” Aug 22 & 24: “Program Nine: Brahms, Schumann”

Aug 29 & 31: “Program Ten: Biber, Mozart, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky”

Maine Festival oF aMerican Music |

Shaker Meeting House, Sabbathday Lake, 707 Shaker Rd, New Gloucester | $25, $20 Seniors, Students 21 & Under Free (With Rsvp) | 207.926.4597 | All Shows 7 Pm June 25: Portland String Quartet: “Fritz Keisler, Ernest Bloch” June 26: Portsmouth Singers: “Shaker Hymns” June 28: Portland String Quartet

portland cHaMBer Music Festival

| University Of Southern Maine - Portland, Abromson Community Education Center, 88 Bedford St, Portland | $30, $25 seniors | 207.780.5900 Aug 14: “Stravinsky, Harold Meltzer, Tchaikovsky” | 8 pm Aug 16: “Bridget Kibbey & Friends” | 8 pm Aug 17: “Children’s Concert” | noon Aug 21: “Honoring The Legacy Of Cellist Marc Johnson” | 8 pm Aug 23: “Season Finale: Vivaldi, Josh Newton, Brahms” | 8 pm seBago-long laKe Music Festival | Deertrees Theatre, Deertrees Rd, Harrison | $22, $18 youth 14 & under | 207.583.6747 | sllmf.org | all shows at 7:30 pm July 15: “Beethoven Fest” July 22: “Fun & Fancies: Gordon Jacob, SaintSaens, Beethoven, Herbert Howells” July 29: “The Demon: John Corigliano, Hindemith, Dvorak” Aug 5: “Classics: Mozartndelssohn, Beethoven” Aug 12: “Circus: Mozart, Phil Salathe, Morton Gould, Prokofiev, Korngold”

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36 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Light up the stage from chestnuts to chamberlain to “chicken fried sushi” ARUNDEL BARN PLAYHOUSE | 207.985.5552 | 53 Old Post Rd, Kennebunk | $35-42 Through June 28: 8-Track: The Sounds of the 70’s July 1-12: A Chorus Line July 15-26: My Fair Lady Aug 5-16: Legally Blonde Aug 19-30: The Marvelous Wonderettes BATH SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL | 207.854.8882 | Liberty Park, 33 Summer St, Bath | by donation July 17-Aug 2: As You Like It BOOTHBAY PLAYHOUSE | 207.633.3379 | boothbayplayhouse.com | 275 Wiscasset Rd, Boothbay | $23, $19 youth 17 & under June 26-July 6: South Pacific July 17-Aug 1: Into the Woods Aug 7-17: Children of Eden BRICK CHURCH FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS | 207.925.1500 | 502 Christian Hill Rd, Lovell |

$10, $5 youth 15 & under July 31: “Chicken Fried Sushi: Stories to Nourish Your Soul” CELEBRATION BARN | 207.743.8452 | 190 Stock Farm Rd, South Paris | $14, $12 seniors, $8 students June 21: “Eepybird’s Live Lab!” June 28: Paul Strickland: “Ain’t True and Uncle False” July 4: Iman Lizurazu: “Basquette Quese” July 5: Avner the Eccentric: “Exceptions to Gravity” July 12: Susannah Hamnet: “Nearly Lear” July 26: “The Big Barn Spectacular,” experimental theater performances Aug 2: “The Early Evening Show,” with Mike Miclon Aug 9: Amanda Huotari: ”The Soiree” Aug 16: Happenstance: “Pinot & Augustine” Aug 23: Michael Menes: “Egadz” Aug 30: “Celebration Summer Finale” CITY THEATER | 207.282.0849 | citytheater.org | 205 Main St, Biddeford | $20 July 11-27: The Full Monty Aug 22-31: Bingo! The Winning Musical

org | 53 Depot St, Freeport | $10, $5 youth 17 & under July 17-27: The Wizard of Oz Sep 11-21: Almost, Maine GASLIGHT THEATER | 207.626.3698 | gaslighttheater.org | Hallowell City Hall Auditorium, 1 Winthrop St, Hallowell | $12, $10 seniors/students Through June 21: The Bat July 31-Aug 9: Venus in Fur GENO’S | 207.221.2382 | 625 Congress St, Portland | portfringe.com June 24-29: “PortFringe 2014,” fringe theater shows HACKMATACK PLAYHOUSE | 207.698.1807 | hackmatack.org | 538 School St, Beaver Dam, Berwick | $25, $23 seniors, $10 youth 20 & under June 20-July 5: Arsenic & Old Lace July 9-26: The Music Man July 30-Aug 16: Monty Python’s Spamalot Aug 20-Sept 6: The Trip to Bountiful

HEARTWOOD REGIONAL THEATER COMPANY | 207.563.1373 | Parker B. Poe Theater,

Lincoln Academy, 81 Academy Hill, Newcastle | $20-22, $12 students 18 & under July 24-Aug 2: The Legend of Jim Cullen


| 207.838.3846 | lrctme.org | 1877 Roosevelt Trail, Madison July 11-20: Annie LAKEWOOD THEATRE | 207.474.7176 | lakewoodtheater.org | 76 Theater Rd, Madison | $21-37, $19 youth June 19-28: Noises Off July 3-12: Bye Bye Birdie July 17-26: Skin Flick July 31-Aug 9: Big, the Musical Aug 14-23: Figaro Aug 28-Sep 6: The Fall of the House of Usher

DEERTREES NEW REPERTORY COMPANY | 207.583.6747 | deertreestheatre.org | Deertrees Rd, Harrison | $22, $18 youth 14 & under July 11-31: The Selfish Shellfish July 17-Aug 2: Heroes July 26-15: The Grand O’Neal EMPIRE | 207.879.8988 | 575 Congress St, Portland | portfringe.com June 24-29: “PortFringe 2014,” fringe theater shows EVERYMAN REPERTORY THEATRE | 207.236.7963 | Camden Opera House, 29 Elm St, Camden | call for tickets June 21-29: A Soldier’s Tale Sep 6-21: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike FENIX THEATRE COMPANY | 207.400.6223 | Deering Oaks Park, Portland | by donation July 17-Aug 9: As You Like It FREEPORT PLAYERS | 207.865.2220 | fcponline.

8 Track: The Sounds of the 70s

Sep 11-20: Don’t Dress for Dinner

LYRIC MUSIC THEATER | 207.799.1421 | lyricmu-

sictheater.com | 176 Sawyer St, South Portland | $22 June 19-28: Much Ado About Nothing MAD HORSE THEATRE COMPANY | 207.730.2389 | Mad Horse Theater, 24 Mosher St, South Portland | $20, $15 seniors/students Through June 22: Grey Gardens MAINE STATE MUSIC THEATRE | 207.725.8769 | msmt.org | Bowdoin College, Pickard Theater, Brunswick | $42-63 Through June 21: Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story Through July 12: Chamberlain: A Civil War Romance July 16-Aug 2: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Aug 6-23: Footloose Aug 18: The Little Mermaid OGUNQUIT PLAYHOUSE | 207.646.5511 | ogunquitplayhouse.org | 10 Main St, Ogunquit | $39-79 Through June 21: Grease June 25-July 26: Billy Elliot the Musical July 30-Aug 30: Mary Poppins Sep 3-27: The Witches of Eastwick THE ORIGINALS | 207.929.6472 | sacorivertheatre. org | Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls Rd July 18-26: Snake in the Grass PLAYERS’ RING | 603.436.8123 | playersring. org | 105 Marcy St, Portsmouth, NH | $15, $12 seniors/ students June 20-29: Death of a Dragon Slayer July 4-13: Bruder July 18-27: Myth of the Father Aug 1-10: The Fire Giant Aug 15-24: The Interview Sep 19-Oct 5: Missing: Wynter PORTLAND STAGE COMPANY | 207.774.0465 | Susie Konkel Theater for Kids, 25A Forest Ave, Portland

| portfringe.com June 24-29: “PortFringe 2014,” fringe theater shows PRESCOTT PARK | prescottpark.org | Marcy St, Portsmouth, NH June 27-Aug 24: Shrek, the Musical SCHOOLHOUSE ARTS CENTER | 207.642.3743 | schoolhousearts.org | 16 Richville Rd, Standish July 3-27: Fiddler on the Roof SEACOAST REPERTORY THEATRE | 603.433.4472 | seacoastrep.org | 125 Bow St, Portsmouth, NH | $24-35 Through July 19: The Pirates of Penzance July 24-Aug 30: 8-Track: The Sounds of the 70’s Sep 4-27: Godspell STONINGTON OPERA HOUSE | 207.367.2788 | operahousearts.org | Main St, Stonington July 3-20: Romeo and Juliet and Zombies Aug 14-24: The Last Ferryman TEN BUCKS THEATRE COMPANY | 207.884.1030 | tenbuckstheatre.org | Indian Trail Park, Brewer | call for tickets July 17-26: Julius Caesar THEATER AT MONMOUTH | 207.933.9999 | theateratmonmouth.org | Cumston Hall, Rte 132, Monmouth | $10-28 | shows in repertory June 28-Aug 21: Tales from the Blue Fairy Book July 10-Aug 23: As You Like It July 17-Aug 23: A Woman of No Importance July 24-Aug 24: Romeo & Juliet July 31-Aug 22: What the Butler Saw Aug 21: Legends: The Music of Judy Garland Sep 18-28: The Sorcerer ZIGGURAT THEATRE ENSEMBLE | 207.319.7289 | ziggurattheatre.org | Town Hall Theatre, 13 School St, Bowdoinham July 26-Aug 11: Salamanticus

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38 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Do a funny dance summer’s for laughter and lunges and leaps Comedy

Big Easy | 55 Market St, Portland | 207.894.0633

June 21: Bob Marley Bull FEEnEy’s | 375 Fore St, Portland | 207.773.7210 | “Portland Comedy Showcase” Wednesdays cross insurancE cEntEr | 74 Gilman Rd, Bangor | 207.947.7345 | crossinsurancecenter.com Sept 12: Bill Cosby FrEEport thEatEr oF awEsomE | 5 Depot St, Freeport | call for tickets | 800.838.3006 June 21: Mike Donovan July 17: Downeast Hysterical Society Aug 7: Eight Is Not Enough (Improv Troupe) Aug 14: Alex The Jester hampton BEach casino Ballroom | 169 Ocean Blvd, Hampton, NH | 603.929.4100 | prices vary; call for tickets July 19: Artie Lange July 20: Mike Birbiglia Aug 7: Nick Swardson

Aug 16: Bill Cosby Aug 21: Jim Jefferies Aug 28: Amy Schumer Jonathan’s | 92 Bourne Ln, Ogunquit | $42.50 | 207.646.4777 | jonathansrestaurant.com June 19: Bob Marley July 19: Paula Poundstone mainE comEdy FEstival | with films & stand-up performers; lineup TBA | Aug 1-3 | Bethel Inn, Conference Center, 21 Broad St, Bethel | 310.818.3125 | mainecomedyfest.com mama’s crowBar | 189 Congress St, Portland | 207.773.9230 | open mic Sundays

mEadowBrook us cEllular pavilion | 72 Meadowbrook Ln, Lake

Winnipesaukee, Gilford, NH | 603.293.4700 Or Meadowbrook.Net July 11: Jeff Dunham Aug 9: Bob Marley music hall loFt | The Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St, Portsmouth, NH | 603.436.2400 Aug 24: Miss Richfield 1981: “Play with My

Lewis Black Camille A. Brown & Dancers

Mike Birbiglia

Poodle” Sep 5: Lewis Black

opEra housE at BoothBay harBor | 86 Townsend Ave, Boothbay Harbor | 207.633.6855 July 18: Paula Poundstone July 30: Juston Mckinney sEasidE pavilion | 8 Sixth St, Old Orchard Beach | 888.718.4253 July 18: Donna East stonE mountain arts cEntEr | 695 Dug Way, Brownfield | 207.935.7292 June 19: Paula Poundstone Aug 7: Bob Marley strand thEatrE | 345 Main St, Rockland | 207.594.0070 July 5: Bob Marley


BatEs dancE FEstival | Schaeffer Theater,

Bates College, Lewiston | $25, $18 seniors, $12 students | 207.786.6161 | bates.edu/dancefest

July 11-12: Prometheus Dance: “Heart of the Matter” July 17-18: Camille A. Brown & Dancers: “Mr. Tol E. Rance” Aug 1-2: Vincent Mantsoe | Yin Mei Aug 5: “Moving In The Moment,” Student Dancers (free) Aug 7-8: Different Voices Aug 9: “Festival Finale” ica at mEca | 522 Congress St, Portland | 207.879.5742 | meca.edu/meca-life/ica Aug 1-3: Jack Ferver: Chambre mainE statE BallEt | 348 Rte 1, Falmouth | 207.781.7672 | mainestateballet.org | $17-23 Aug 8-16: A Midsummer Night’s Dream thE music hall | 131 Congress St, Portsmouth, NH | 603.436.2400 | themusichall.org June 20: Boston Babydolls: “Madame Burlesque” Aug 23: Lady Luck Burlesque: “Time Of The Season”

The Higher Concept

543 Congress St. Portland


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40 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Feast for the senses visual arts at galleries and museums AUCOCISCO GALLERY | 207.775.2222 | 89 Ex-

change St, Portland, ME | aucocisco.com | Wed-Sat 11 am-5 pm, and by appointment Through Aug 16: “Summer Salon,” mixed media group exhibition BATES COLLEGE MUSEUM OF ART | 207.786.6158 | Bates College, Olin Arts Center, 75 Russell St, Lewiston, ME | bates.edu/museum | Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm | free admission; donations welcome Through Oct 12: “Encountering Maine,” mixed media group exhibition Through Dec 13: “Convergence: Jazz, Films, & the Visual Arts,” mixed media group exhibition BOWDOIN COLLEGE MUSEUM OF ART | 207.725.3275 | Bowdoin College, 9400 College Station, Brunswick, ME | bowdoin.edu/art-museum | Tues-Wed + Fri-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Thurs 10 am-8:30 pm; Sun 1-5 pm | Free admission; donations welcome June 26-Oct 19: “Richard Tuttle: A Print Retrospective” June 27-Sep 14: “Is This What You Do With What You View?: Selections from the Dorothy & Herbert Vogel Collection,” mixed media July 10-Sep 14: “On 52nd Street: The Jazz Photography of William P. Gottlieb” Ongoing: “Contemporary Masters: 1950 to the Present” + “American Artists at Work, 1840-1950” + “Lovers & Saints: Art of the Italian Renaissance” + “Imago to Persona: Portraits from Antiquity” + “James Bowdoin’s America: Paintings & Decorative Arts, 1660-1830”

CENTER FOR MAINE CONTEMPORARY ART | 207.236.2875 | 162 Russell Ave, Rockport, ME

| artsmaine.org Through July 6: “Four Painters: Hannah Bureau, Elizabeth Hoy, Robin Reynolds, Jay Wu” + “Jon Imber: Paintings” + “Mary Armstrong: Troposphere @ 12 Kilometers of Heaven,” paintings + “Shoshannah White: Undercurrent,” mixed media July 12-26: “Art to Collect NOW: 37th Annual Art Auction Exhibition” Aug 2-Sep 20: “Betsy Eby: Painting with Fire” + “Ron Leax: Collage” + “Tom Burkhardt: Recent Work” Sep 27-Dec 7: “CMCA Biennial 2014,” mixed media ChOCOLATE ChURCh ARTS CENTER | 207.442.8455 | 804 Washington St, Bath | chocolatechurchgallery.com | call for hours July 26-Sep 14: “The Sun Around Us,” mixed media group exhibition COLBY COLLEGE MUSEUM OF ART | 207.859.5600 | 5600 Mayflower Hill Dr, Waterville, ME | colby.edu/museum | Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun noon-5 pm | Free admission Through June 29: “Alex Katz: Assembly II,” paintings, cutouts, & works on paper

“Convergence: Jazz, Films, and the Visual Arts” at the Bates Museum of Art

Through Aug 31: “Lois Dodd: Cultivating Vision,” works on paper July 12-Jan 4: “Bernard Langlais: Paintings” CONGRESS SQUARE PARK | Portland, ME | congresssquarepark.org Through Aug 29: “Untitled Patio with Benches and Planter,” public installation by Michael Clyde Johnson COREY DANIELS GALLERY | 207.725.8157 | 19 Mason St, Brunswick, ME | harlowgallery.org | MonFri 1-5 pm; Sat 1-4 pm July 12-Aug 16: “Install 5,” sculptures by Peter Bennett + Jay Gibson + paintings by Heather Chontos ENGINE | 207.229.3560 | 265 Main St, Biddeford, ME | feedtheengine.org | Tues-Fri noon-6 pm; Sat 9 am-noon Through July 19: “SELF/selfie Exhibition,” mixed media group show FARNSWORTh ART MUSEUM | 207.596.6457 | 16 Museum St, Rockland, ME | farnsworthmuseum. org | 10 am-5 pm, open until 8 pm with free admission Wed | $12, seniors & students $10; under 17 free and Rockland residents free | Admission $12; $10 seniors and students; free for youth under 17 and Rockland residents Through Sep 28: “Coloring Vision: From Impressionism to Modernism,” paintings Through Dec 31: “Ideals of Beauty: The Nude,” mixed media + “The Wyeths, Maine, & the Sea,” paintings & works on paper Through Jan 14: “The Shakers: From Mount Lebanon to the World,” mixed media


207.351.1083 | 140 Lindsay Rd, York | georgemarshallstoregallery.com | Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 1-5 pm Through July 13: “From Above,” paintings by Grant Drumheller + “Paintings & Drawings - A Survey” by George Lloyd + “Making Time,” drawings by Scott Schnepf GREENhUT GALLERIES | 207.772.2693 | 146 Middle St, Portland, ME | greenhutgalleries.com | Mon-Fri 10 am-5:30 pm; Sat 10 am-5 pm Through June 30: paintings by Susan Barnes July 3-Aug 2: paintings by John Whalley Aug 7-30: paintings by Sarah Knock Sept 4-27: paintings by Tom Paiement hARLOW GALLERY | 207.622.3813 | 160 Water St, Portland, ME | harlowgallery.org | Wed-Sat noon-6 pm Through July 5: “Critic’s Choice: Daniel Kany,” mixed media group exhibition July 11-Aug 2: “Summer Members’ Show,” mixed media group exhibition Aug 8-30: “Estey, Garde, & Florance,” paintings Sep 5-27: “Apparent Contradictions,” drawings by James Chute ICA AT MECA | 207.879.5742 | 522 Congress St, Portland, ME | Wed-Sun 11 am-5 pm; Thurs 11 am-7 pm

Continued on p 42

Fully staged productions of your favorite Broadway Musicals!

SOUTH PACIFIC -June 26, 27, 28, July 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 - 8pm. Matinee, July 6 - 4pm. A Rogers and Hammerstein classic, South Pacific tells the sweeping romantic saga of two parallel love stories that are threatened by the realities of war and prejudice. Many of the songs have become musical theater standards, including "Some Enchanted Evening", "There Is Nothin Like A Dame", "Younger Than Springtime" and "Bali Hai".

INTO THE WOODS -July 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, Aug. 1 - 8pm. Matinee, July 20 - 4pm. The Brothers Grimm hit the stage with an epic tale where worlds collide. Renowned for it's wit, it's score, and a story that turns familiar fairy tales on their heads, while at its heart delivering a profound message about what it means to be human.

CHILDREN OF EDEN -August 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 - 8pm. Matinee, August 17 - 4pm. A musical inspired by both the Book of Genesis and the story of Noah's Ark, it is a frank, heartfelt and often humorous examination of the age-old conflict between parents and children. Written by the composer of the Broadway hit "Wicked" and the animated movie "Pocahontas" Stephen Schwartz to this day considers it to be his best musical score.

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For more information please check our website at cascobaylines.com For groups of 20 or more, please call (207) 774-7871 ext. 105.

42 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Finish your look and protect your eyes with the perfect pair of sunnies!

Art Museums

Continued from p 40

“Richard Estes’ Realism” at the Portland Museum of Art

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Through Aug 3: “Rehearsal Space: Dance & Conversation,” performance & installation by Jack Ferver + Marc Swanson Through Aug 31: “Sound Art Closet: Robert Beatty - Soundtracks for Takeshi Murata” Through June 30, 2016: “We Are What We Hide,” long-running exhibit in- & outside gallery walls ICON CONTEMPORARY ART | 207.725.8157 | 19 Mason St, Brunswick, ME | harlowgallery.org | MonFri 1-5 pm; Sat 1-4 pm Through June 28: paintings by Mark Wethli + Douglas Witmer jUNE FITzPATRICK GALLERY | 207.699.5083 | 522 Congress St, Portland | junefitzpatrickgallery. com June 22-July 31: “Remembering Dorothy Schwartz,” works on paper retrospective

“Untitled (Big Red One)” by Jeff Woodbury at Harlow Gallery

MAINE hISTORICAL SOCIETY | 207.774.1822 | 489 Congress St, Portland, ME | mainehistory.org | Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun noon-5 pm June 27-Aug 31: “Home: The WadsworthLongfellow House & the Emergence of Portland” + “Snapshots of Portland, 1924: The Tax Man Cometh” MAINE jEWISh MUSEUM | 207.329.9854 | 267 Congress St, Portland, ME | treeoflifemuseum.org | Mon-Fri 10 am-2 pm Through June 22: “To Have & To Hold: Wedding Paintings by Ted Arnold” MONKITREE GALLERY | 207.512.4679 | 263 Water Ave, Gardiner | monkitree.com | Tues-Fri 10 am-6 pm; Sat noon-6 pm June 20-July 31: “Contexture,” mixed media works by Kathy Goddu + Priscilla

Continued on p 44


“I went to Portland and all I got was sex toys!” -Kathy New delights arriving every week!






SUNDAYS: 4:00 PM 137 Pleasant street, Blue Hill 207-374-2203 www.kneisel.org festival@kneisel.org

44 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

“ R ebiRthing


D ivine ”

The Spirit, the Earth and the Human Soul With John Philip Newell

July 11 & 12, 2014 in Castine, Maine • Six pre-conference workshops on Friday • Free activities on Saturday • Saturday night “Songs of the Sea” with Gordon Bok


Downeast spiritual life ConferenCe For complete information and to register, go to http://downeastspiritual.org or call 207.374.5200

Art Museums

Continued from p 42

Nicholason + Susan Perrine + Jill Snyder Wallace + Susan Walker OGUNQUIT MUSEUM OF ART | 207.646.4909 | 543 Shore Rd, Ogunquit, ME | ogunquitmuseum.org | Mon-Sat 10:30 am- 5 pm; Sun 2-5 pm Through Oct 31: “Henry Strater: Arizona Winters, 1933-1938,” paintings July 19-Aug 31: “Alexandra de Steigeur: Small Island, Big Picture,” photography July 26-Aug 31: “Richard Brown Lethem: Figure <=> Abstraction,” paintings July 26-Oct 31: “Andrew Wyeth: The Linda L. Bean Collection”+ “Tradition & Excellence: The OMAA Permanent Collection” Sep 4-Oct 31: “Amy Stacey Curtis: Drawings” + “A Modernist Menagerie: Works from the Permanent Collection,” sculptures, paintings & works on paper PORTLAND MUSEUM OF ART | 207.775.6148 | 7 Congress Square, Portland, ME | portlandmuseum. org | Tues-Thurs + Sat-Sun 10 am-5 pm; Fri 10 am-9 pm | Admission $12; $10 students, seniors; $6 youth 13-17; free for youth 12 & under and for all Fri 5-9 pm Through July 27: “PMA Family Space: Clint Fulkerson,” drawings Through Aug 3: “George Daniell: Picturing Monhegan Island,” photographs & drawings Through Aug 24: “Andrea Sulzer: throughoutsideways,” drawings & prints Through Sep 7: “Richard Estes’ Realism,” paintings Sep 6-Jan 4: “Aaron T. Stephan: To Borrow, Cut, Copy, & Steal,” sculptural installation RIvER TREE ARTS | 207.967.9120 | 35 Western

Ave, Kennebunk | rivertreearts.org | Mon-Sat 10 am4 pm; Sun 4-7 pm July 31-Aug 29: “Metal. Rust. Wood. Paint.”, mixed media works by Rusty Theriault + Nathan Nicholls + Annie Hiedel + Meredith Radford + Dave Allen + Paul Bonneau SPACE GALLERY | 207.828.5600 | 538 Congress St, Portland, ME | space538.org | Tues-Sat noon-6 pm Through June 27: “Expected Outcomes,” multimedia works by Kim Largey Through June 28: “Lag,” sculptural installation by Marnie Briggs + John Zane Zappas June 21-Sep 5: “Face Off,” installation by Katie Bell July 11-Sep 6: “Staying Put,” mixed media installation by Adam John Manley July 12-Aug 29: “Inter Lithics,” window installation by Miles Templeton

UNIvERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND - PORTLAND | 207.221.4499 | Art Gallery, 716 Stevens Ave,

Portland, ME | une.edu/artgallery | Wed 1-4 pm; Thurs 1-7 pm; Fri-Sun 1-4 pm June 26-Sep 28: “Making a New Whole: The Art of Collage” mixed media group exhibition WATERFALL ARTS | 207.388.2222 | 256 High St, Belfast, ME | Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm; by appointment Through July 25: “Living in These Bodies, Part I,” mixed media works by Angela Lorenz + Peggy McKenna + Jessica Straus Aug 1-29: “Living in These Bodies, Part II: Future Mothers Tent,” installation by Elizabeth Jabar + Colleen Kinsella

“Untitled” by Julian Schnabel at the Bowdoin Museum of Art

Looking for something different this summer? Find us at the end of the road less traveled.

JULY 11th - 27th B








AUGUST 22nd - 31st I





35 O

12 G


Come fall in love with the other Maine. B



45th Annual Cumberland Arts & Crafts Show August 7th-10th • Largest Show in Maine • Youth Vendor Area • The Store • Artisan Dollar Give-away • Delicious Food and Demonstrations • Raffle Prizes and Entertainment • Hours: Thurs-Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4 • Admission $4, Under 12 free • Donate two non-perishable food items to the Good Shepherd Food Bank (truck on site) and get ½ off admission • Group Discounts Available • Free Parking and more… Cumberland Fairgrounds 197 Blanchard Rd, Cumberland, ME United Maine Craftsmen 207-621-2818 www.mainecraftsmen.com UMC is a non-profit organization

www.redrivercamps.com Fly fishing | Paddling | Hiking | Moose watching | Family vacations

46 june 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Just kick back and relax Settle in to theSe SpotS in Maine, new haMpShire, and northern MaSS

Drake’s Island Beach, Wells


un, sand, surf — all that equals summer in Maine. Plus sunscreen, shades, flipflops, and beach balls. Plus gulls and coolers packed with bevvies and chips from the market. Yes. Summer’s good here.

Greater Portland

BrunSwick | Off Rte 24 (Cook’s Corner), Brunswick, ME | 207.725.6009 | thomaspointbeach.com | Thomas Point Beach is a sandy beach and

nature preserve overlooking Thomas Bay. Besides the basic lifeguard, changing, toilet, and shower facilities, Thomas Point also has a playground, softball, volleyball, horseshoe play areas, bike trails, snack bar, gift shop, arcade, a lodge, and camping areas. Open daily from 9 am to sunset through September. Admission $3.50, children under 12 $2, free for children under 3 and seniors over 80, seniors $2 on weekdays. Check online for admission specials.

FreePOrt | Staples Point Rd, Freeport, ME | 207.865.4198 | visitmaine.com/region/portland/ freeport | Winslow Memorial Park Camping

& Public Beach is a public beach with fullservice facilities. It offers picnic areas, camp sites, a playground, hiking trails, fishing, and boating opportunities. Open from 8 am to 30 minutes after sunset through Columbus Day. Day-use fee for Freeport residents $2 and for non-residents $3. Parking $4, $10 overnight.

ScarBOrOugh | Rte 1, Scarborough, ME | 207.730.4000 | scarborough.me.us | Scarborough is

home to some of the most famous surf areas in the world, thanks to painter Winslow Homer, but there are also a few sunbathing spots within the rocky coastline. Parking lot hours are 8 am to 5 pm unless noted otherwise. — Higgins Beach, off Rte 77. Large waves make this beach popular with surfers and teenagers. No lifeguards or facilities, but you can get to Scarborough Beach on foot. Parking is $5. — Pine Point Beach, East Grand Ave. At the northern end of Old Orchard Beach, Pine Point has white sand, dunes, and dune grasses. It also offers a snack bar, toilets, and ample parking,

for $5 per day or a season-long pass ($60) for both Pine Point and Ferry beaches. No lifeguards, though. — Scarborough Beach, Black Point Road (Rte 207) near Prout’s Neck. White sand beach with low sand dunes, changing rooms, toilets, lifeguards, and 285 on-site parking spaces. Parking fills quickly on weekends. Admission $4 adults, $2 children, free for seniors (65+). Open from June 16 through Aug 10, 9 am to 8 pm; Aug 11 through Sept 15, the beach closes at 7 pm. — Ferry Beach, Black Point Road (Rte 207). Long, wide beach with toilets and some parking (see above, Pine Point Beach, for fees). No lifeguards.

Head farther south

Ferry Beach State Park | 95 Bayview Rd, Off Rte 9, Saco, ME | 207.283.0067 | stateparks.com/ferry_beach_state_park_in_maine.html | This 117-acre

park of white sand between the Saco River and Pine Point gets its name from the ferries that once lined the beach. Some black gum trees, rare at this latitude, grow here as well. Nature trails accompanied by a listening guide explain this phenomenon. The rest of the park’s facilities are fairly primitive, offering only a drinking fountain and pit toilet. Open from sunrise to sunset. Admission $4 for residents, $6 non-residents and $2 for seniors. Open through Sept. Old Orchard Beach | Rte 1, Old Orchard Beach, ME | 207.934.2500 | oldorchardbeachmaine.com | Seven miles of soft and white sand along Rte 1. The carnival atmosphere, pier, bars, and takeout food attract mostly tourists. Throughout the summer, enjoy amusement-park rides, free concerts, street dances, weekly fireworks, arcades, beach sports, and Canadian tourists clad in Speedos. For the ocean savvy, canoe and kayak tours and rentals are available, as well as lobster-boat tours and deep-sea fishing. Lifeguards on duty. Bathhouse with showers and changing area.

Street parking is available in varied locations. Private lots average $15. wellS | Rte 1, Wells, ME | 207.646.5826 | wellstown.org | The town of Wells boasts seven miles of oceanfront, much of it sandy and picturesque. Public restrooms are available and lifeguards are on duty daily, June through Labor Day. Parking is $16 a day ($8 after 12 pm) or $75 for 10 days; overnight parking is prohibited. — Wells Beach. Parking is available at the end of Mile Road and at the end of Atlantic Ave. — Drake’s Island Beach. A long, sandy beach that tends to be less crowded than Wells Beach. Limited parking in lot at the eastern end of Drake Island Rd. — Crescent Beach. A lesser-known section of beach located between Wells and privately owned Moody Beach. Parking at Gold Ribbon Ave lot, from Webhannet Dr.

Go down east MOOSe POint State Park 310 West Main |

St, Searsport, ME | 207.548.2882 | stateparks. com/moose_point_state_park_in_maine.html | The beach may be rocky, but there are plenty of swimming and tidal pools to be explored, not to mention hiking trails, a picnic area, and views of Penobscot Bay. Open through Sept 30. Included on Maine State Parks season pass, a minimal day-use fee is charged. Bar harBOr | Eagle Lake Rd, Bar Harbor, ME | 207.288.3338 | nps.gov/acad | At 290 yards, Sand Beach at Acadia National Park is not a very large beach. But with rock walls on two sides and a perfect southern exposure, it is one of the most beautiful you will ever encounter ... as long as you don’t mind water temperatures that rarely exceed 55 degrees. There are restrooms but no concessions. Entrance passes for the park cost $10 to $20 per vehicle or $5 per individual and are good for seven days.

Cross state lines

haMPtOn State Beach | Rte 1A, Hampton, NH | 603.926.8717 | hamptonbeach.org | Stretching along two miles of New Hampshire coastline, this is the mostly landlocked state’s largest

public waterfront area, featuring free nightly entertainment, fireworks displays, beachfront movie nights, and more. The Hampton Beach shoreline offers everything from rocky tide pools and gentle waters to a stronger surf. The Hampton Beach RV park offers saltwater fishing and a public dock. Snack bars, arcade games, and restaurants occupy the boardwalk. First-aid station, bathhouses, and restrooms available. Metered parking available along the beach, and a brand-new parking facility at the Beach Fire Station offers daily rates of $5 - $10 on weekdays and $10 - $15 on weekends. Overnight parking is $15. Weekly passes(24 hour parking, Sat-Fri) go for $75. glOuceSter | Department of Public Works, 28 Poplar St, Gloucester, MA | 978.281.9785 | gloucester-ma.gov | Gloucester beaches are off the far northern reaches of Rte 128. No alcohol, pets, or littering. They have a strict “Carry In, Carry Out” policy — leave only footprints. — Good Harbor Beach, Thatcher Road (Rte 127A), features a bathhouse and snack bar. Limited parking, $20 weekdays, $25 weekends and holidays. Parking is limited, so come early. — Half Moon Beach and Cressy’s Beach, at Stage Fort Park, are on Gloucester Harbor. They share a bathhouse, snack bar, and parking lot. Half Moon Beach is smaller and great for families, while Cressy’s is a more natural, rocky beach. Visitors can bring a grill for beach barbecues. Dogs are welcome in the park. Parking $10 on weekdays, $15 weekends and holidays. — Wingaersheek Beach, on Atlantic Street, is on the Annisquam River and Ipswich Bay. It has interesting tide pools to investigate and kid-safe rocks to climb, and downtown Gloucester is within walking distance. Snack bar, bathhouse, and parking lot available. Limited parking, $25 weekends and holidays, $20 weekdays.

lynn ShOreS and nahant Beach reServatiOn | Lynn Shore Dr, Lynn, MA | 781.485.2803 | mass.gov/dcr/parks/metroboston/lynnshores.htm | A promenade near the

edge of Nahant Bay is open year-round for walking, jogging, and bicycling. A mile-long range of sand dunes runs parallel to Long Beach, and tide pools at Red Rock Park teem with marine life. Ball fields, racquetball courts, and tennis courts are available near the Nahant Rotary. The park headquarters at Ward Bathhouse offers a tot lot and restrooms. Public swimming at Long Beach and King’s Beach. Lifeguards supervise parts of Long Beach during July and August. Beach open year-round from sunrise to sunset. Fees assessed for parking at Long Beach between 8 am and 6 pm from May through Sept. PluM iSland | Parker River National Wildlife Refuge (off Rte 1 and I-95), Newburyport, MA | 978.465.5753 | plum-island.com | Plum Island offers miles of long sandy beach with fishing holes and a strong surf. Refuge beach closed at least until July to protect the nesting piping plovers. Until then, there are hiking trails through marshes and dunes, observation towers, and other areas for bird watching. Bring insect repellent and arrive early — the parking lots can fill up by 8 am and the gates reopen only every two hours. Parking available for a fee at Sandy Point, the Wildlife Refuge, and private lots. Open year-round from sunrise to sunset.

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portland.thephoenix.com | a supplement to the portland phoenix | June 20, 2014 49

Get festive fried dough, fiddlers, and fireworks June


Band + Roys + Lonesome Will Mullins & the VA Playboys + Wilf Clark & the Misty Mountaineers + Back to Basics + Baker Family + Zink & Company + Tennessee Mafia Jug Band + Gibson Brothers + Little Roy & Liz Long + Blistered Fingers | Litchfield Fairgrounds, 44 Plains Rd, Litchfield | $10-30 per day/$80 weekend | 207.873.6539 | blisteredfingers. com


performances, dancing, balloons, children’s activities, & more | Augusta Waterfront Park, Front St, Augusta | augustamaine.com/chamber_whatever. asp FREEDOM FEST | June 20-22 | jam band & cannabis activism festival, with camping | Maine Vocals, Freedom Field, 75 Carson Hill Rd, Harmony | $25-35 per day/$50-60 camping | 207.696.4444 KITTERY BLOCK PARTY & 5K RACE | June 21 | with local farmers, artisans, & craftpeople | Kittery, Rte 103, Kittery | 207.439.3800 | kitteryblockparty. org

LA KERMESSE FRANCO-AMERICAINE FESTIVAL | June 26-29 | with food, music, & children’s

activies | Mechanics Park, Water St, Biddeford | lakermessefestival.com PEAKSFEST 2014 | June 20-22 | Peaks Island, Peaks Island | peaksisland.info DAMARISCOTTA PIRATE RENDEZVOUS | June 21 | pirate-themed festival | downtown Damariscotta, Main St, Damariscotta | 207.592.6184 TAP INTO SUMMER | June 21 | beer festival | Darling’s Waterfront Pavilion, 1 Railroad St, Bangor | $25-50 | 800.745.3000 WINDHAM SUMMERFEST | June 21 | with food, game booths, entertainment, & children’s activities | downtown Windham | windhamsummerfest.com PORTFRINGE 2014 | June 24-29 | fringe & experimental theater performances at Empire, Geno’s, Portland Stage Company, & SPACE Gallery | portfringe.com MAINE WHOOPIE PIE FESTIVAL 2014 | June 28 | much eating | downtown Dover Foxcroft SACO SPIRIT SIDEWALK ART FESTIVAL | June 28 | downtown Saco

52ST ANNUAL WINDJAMMER DAYS FESTIVAL | June 22-28 | Boothbay Harbor Region

Chamber of Commerce, 192 Townsend Ave, Boothbay Harbor | 207.633.2353 | boothbayharbor.com/ windjammer-days/ 31TH ANNUAL GREEK FOOD FESTIVAL | June 26-28 | with food, live dancing, art, clothing & jewelry | Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 133 Pleasant St, Portland | 207.774.0281 | holytrinityportland.org

KINGFIELD POPS FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS | June 28 | arts festival with handcrafted works, live music, & demonstrations | downtown Kingfield |

Moxie Festival in Lisbon Falls

207.265.7677 | kingfieldpops.com

SOUTH BERWICK STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL | June 28 | 197 Main St, South Berwick | south-



4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION | July 4-5 | with

road race, fun run, kids’ music, & live performances by Toad the Wet Sprocket + FAQ: A Circus Collective | L.L. Bean, Discovery Park, Freeport | 800.441.5713 CHEBEAGUE CHEBANG | July 4 | 4-10 pm | with music, food, dunk tanks, games, potato sack races, & art projects | Chebeague Island, 61 South Rd, Chebeague Island | $30 | 207.712.1795 | chebeaguechebang.com NORWAY ARTS FESTIVAL | July 10-14 | with performance art, book signings, & live music performances | downtown Norway | norwayartsfestival.org OSSIPEE VALLEY FAIR | July 10-13 | with live-

stock events, rides, games, live music, & parade | Ossipee Valley Fairgrounds, South Hiram Rd, off Rte 25, Cornish | ossipeevalleyfair.com RANGELEY STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL | July 10 | Saddleback Mountain, Rte 4, Rangeley | 207.864.5671 | rangeleymaine.com

MAINE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL | July 11-20 | see website for schedule | downtown Waterville | miff.org MOXIE FESTIVAL | July 11-13 | with bake sales, pony rides, fun run, car show, soft drink contests, vintage baseball games, and live music by Zack Daniels Band + Audio Vibe | 1 Main St, Lisbon Falls | 207.353.3000 | moxiefestival.com SOMERSET COUNTY JAM FEST | July 11-13 | jam band & cannabis activism festival, with camping | Maine Vocals, Freedom Field, 75 Carson Hill Rd, Harmony | $25-35 per day/$50-60 camping | 207.696.4444 | mainevocals.net


PARK | July 12-13 | with food, studio art, and live music | downtown Belfast | artsintheparkbelfast.org MAINE POTATO BLOSSOM FESTIVAL | July 12-20 | with farmer olympics, road races, arts & crafts, fireworks, river races, & mashed potato wrestling | 18 Community Dr, Fort Fairfield | potatoblossom.org MAINE YOGAFEST | JULY 12-13 | with many yoga varieties & workshops | East End Community School, 195 North St, Portland | 207.874.8228 | maineyogafest.com NORTH ATLANTIC BLUES FESTIVAL | July 12-13 | downtown Rockland | northatlanticbluesfestival.com MAINE CELTIC CELEBRATION | July 18-20 | with cheese rolling, 5K road race, parade, dog show, food, & music | downtown Belfast | mainecelticcelebration.com 49TH ANNUAL YARMOUTH CLAM FESContinued on p 50

50 June 20, 2014 | a supplement to the portland phoenix | portland.thephoenix.com

Fairs The Old POrT hOuse Of Jerky

Continued from p 49

Cumberland Fair

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TIVAL | July 18-20 | with arts & crafts, road races, live music, & much eating | Main St, Yarmouth | 207.846.9036 | clamfestival.com BELFAST MOLLYOCKETT DAYS | July 19-20 | Bethel Common, Bethel | 207.824.2282 | mollyockettdays.com BANGOR STATE FAIR | July 25-Aug 3 | with demolition derby, truck pulls, exhibits, & live music | Bangor Auditorium, Bass Park Complex, 100 Dutton Street, Bangor | 207.947.5555 | basspark.com YORK DAYS FESTIVAL | July 26-Aug 3 | with craft fair, road race, softball tournament, & more | downtown York 67TH ANNUAL MAINE LOBSTER FESTIVAL | July 30-Aug 3 | with tours, seafood cooking contests, road races, carnival rides, children’s activities, & live music | Harbor Park, 1 Harbor Park, Rockland | mainelobsterfestival.com MONMOUTH FAIR | July 31-Aug 3 | agricultural fair | downtown Monmouth | monmouthfair.com


31ST ANNUAL WILTON BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL | Aug 1-2 | with boat tours, yard sales, craft

exhibits, quilt & rug show, chili tasting contest, & many blueberry-themed events | downtown Wilton | wiltonbbf.com TOPSHAM FAIR | Aug 5-10 | downtown Topsham | | $10/day | topshamfair.net KAHBANG 2014 | Aug 7-10 | artists include St. Vincent + DMX + Dopapod, et al.; films TBA | Bangor Waterfront Park, Bangor | kahbang.com SKOWHEGAN STATE FAIR | Aug 7-16 | agricultural fair with harness racing, truck pulls, etc. | downtown Skowhegan | 207.399.9367 | skowheganstatefair.com HEMPSTOCK FEST | Aug 21-24 | Maine Vocals, Freedom Field, 75 Carson Hill Rd, Harmony | $25-30 per day/$60-70 with camping | 207.696.4444 | mainevocals.net

31ST ANNUAL BEACH OLYMPICS | Aug 15, 17, & 31 | with music & competitions | downtown Old Orchard Beach | oldorchardbeachmaine.com BRUNSWICK OUTDOOR ARTS FESTIVAL | Aug 16 | downtown Brunswick | brunswickdowntown. com BLISTERED FINGERS FAMILY BLUEGRASS MUSIC FESTIVAL | Aug 20-23 | with CPS Express

+ Nothin’ Fancy + Larry Efaw & the Bluegrass Mountaineers + Monadnock + Seth Sawyer Band + Bluegrass Diamonds + Grascals + Junior Sisk & Ramblers Choice + Church Sisters + Gibson Brothers | Litchfield Fairgrounds, 44 Plains Rd, Litchfield | $10-30 per day/$80 weekend | 207.873.6539 | blisteredfingers. com AMERICAN FOLK FESTIVAL | Aug 22-24 | Bangor Waterfront Park, Bangor | americanfolkfestival. com PICNIC MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL | Aug 23 | with local arts vendors, food, live music, & roving yeti | Lincoln Park, Congress & Pearl Sts, Portland | picnicportland.com WCSH 6 SIDEWALK ART FESTIVAL | Aug 23 | studio art | Congress St, Portland CAMDEN WINDJAMMER FESTIVAL | Aug 2931 | Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce, 192 Townsend Ave, Boothbay Harbor | 207.633.2353 | camdenwindjammerfestival.org

THOMAS POINT BEACH BLUEGRASS SPECIAL | Aug 29-Sep 1 | with dozens of string & blue-

grass bands | Thomas Point Beach, Rte 24, Brunswick | 207.725.6009 | thomaspointbeach.com September LITCHFIELD FAIR | Sept 5-7 | Litchfield Fairgrounds, 44 Plains Rd, Litchfield | litchfieldfair.com 13TH ANNUAL BIKEFEST ON THE PIER | Sept 6 | downtown Old Orchard Beach | 207.934.5714 | oobpier.com/special.html CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAIR | Sept 21-27 | agricultural fair | Cumberland County Fairgrounds, 197 Blanchard Rd, Cumberland | cumberlandfair.com


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