Providence 09/13/13

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september 13-19, 2013 | rhode island’s largest weekly | Free theater

ain’t that america

trinity rep’s gripping grapes of wrath _by Bill Rodriguez | p 36

art! muSiC! danCe! tv! theater! liStingS! 2nd Story theatre

‘andy Warhol’s Screen Tests’

Cirque Éloize Bill Callahan

is ‘it’s like a funeral’ th J t in Chafee’s crowdsourced political eulogy | p 8 us


taking it to the street The lowdown on Rocktucket | p 35

w w w. i o n a fe s t. o rg

Join the Mardi Gras Style Procession


Bring your Friends. Celebrate the Arts in Providence. Starting from PPAC, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013, 3:30 pm Afterwards at 7:00 pm, the fun continues indoors at Roots Cafe. Only a limited number of tickets are available—reserve early at

*The procession, rain or shine, is free and open to the public ..

Get your art on!

Be creative! Bring noisemakers, dress in colorful costumes.


A CelebrAtion of lAndsCApes through dAnCe

September 14 + 15 | providence - the Steel Yard September 18 - 22 | Newport performances are Free | | 401-847-4470

Open for Dancing Sponsored by:

William Vareika Fine arts ltd WVFA2IN.indd 1

5/23/2011 10:34:28 AM | the providence phoenix | SeptemBer 13 , 2013 5

“Stunning! Celebrates what

SEPTEMBER 13 , 2013


Trinity does best — tell stories.” —

in thiS iSSue p8

p 49

p 38

35 hoMEgRown PRoducT _ B Y chRi S con Ti

The Pawtucket Arts Festival unleashes the fifth annual RockTuckET, with performances by gavagE, anTS in ThE cEllaR, MilEz gRiMEz, Big Shug, and more.

36 ThEaTER _BY B i ll RodR iguE z

Ain’t that America: Trinity Rep stages a gripping take on John Steinbeck’s ThE gRaPES of wRaTh. Plus, EviTa at the Providence Performing Arts Center.

40 aRT _BY gRE g cook

Anne ScuRRIA And StePhen thoRne

A master remembered: ‘ThoMaS SgouRoS: dRawn To PainT,’ at the Woods-Gerry Gallery, is a thoughtful and inspiring retrospective.

49 filM

“Short Takes” on ThE acT of killing, in a woRld . . ., and auSTEnland.

SpeciaL Section

fall arts!

in every iSSue providence.t

island moving co. presents “open for dancing”

m | the providence phoenix | SeptemBer 13, 2013 11

6 6 PhilliPE & JoRgE’S cool, cool woRld 6

The independent man: another eulogy for Linc | Typo of the week | The Ut revival | Local crime report | So long, Pop

7 6 ThE ciTY _B Y d ER f

fall arts

preview theater music dance television art listings

p 12 p 13 p 16 p 18 p 22 p 26

8 ThiS JuST in 10 In memoriam: Crowdsourcing

Lincoln Chafee’s political eulogy | With a bishop by his side, Dan Yorke enters the Rhody TV talk fray

11 33 8 daYS a wEEk

thom as palmer

Summer’s over, the students are back, and everyone’s readying themselves for the new season ahead. that doesn’t mean things need to mellow out, though — fall is when things happen around here and, to celebrate, we have our annual guide to the best in music, art, theater, tv, dance, and more. rake it all in.


Pere Ubu update the modern dance; Deer Tick tops the bill at Dudesmash 2; revving up for Providence Honk! Fest; The Best comics; and more.

50 Moon SignS 30 _B Y SY MB o l in E da i 50 JonESin’ _PuzzlE BY MaTT JonES 30


providence | portLand vol. xxvi | no. 35

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6 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM

Phillipe + Jorge’s Cool, Cool World

The independenT man Another eulogy for linc; the return of ut; the culpo cAper Governor Linc Chafee’s deci-

sion not to run for another f term upset P&J last week, if only

for the fact that he didn’t consult us so his announcement wouldn’t come after our publishing deadline. Selfish bastard. Local pundits are now having a field day trying to decide which presumptive Democratic gubernatorial candidate — Providence Mayor Angel Taveras or Little Rhody’s General Treasurer Gina Raimondo — will be helped the most by Chafee pulling out of the 2014 race. And let’s not be coy, Angel and Gina, we know that you’re running just from hearing the screams of joy echoing from your offices the minute Linc officially bowed out. But Chafee’s decision shouldn’t have really surprised anyone. He has always been his own man, and a good man at that. Or at least one with the cojones to stand by his principles, a rarity in Vo Dilun politics. P&J don’t and didn’t always agree with all of his policies or decisions. And he could at times be very brass-necked about them, even in the face of huge opposition. (Can you say, “Proposing an increased sales tax and an expanded list of items that he would impose it on,” boys and girls? Oh, that’s right. We don’t have fiscal crisis) But knowing Linc for years, you could always be sure of one thing: the guv was not going to be swayed by the type of piddling, groveling, and/or bullying on which The Biggest Little’s decisionmakers have a patent. That Linc would hold values first was seen when he refused, as a Republican, to vote for professional moron Dubya Bush for president in 2004. His distaste for the GOP — and the entire system in DC — was also boldly presented at a speech he gave at URI (which, it should be noted, The Washington Post covered, while The Urinal did not) while serving as a US Senator, in which he said he would rather see nothing done legislatively in Congress than have it continue to be a no-winners bloodbath between the two ruling parties that completely ignored what the people of this country wanted or needed. His disdain for the corrupt Beltway mentality that has driven the country into chaos and financial hardship for the middle class was exemplary, if ignored. So P&J aren’t surprised to see him walk away from the personal attacks by mindless talk show hosts and callers who know as much about integrity, fairness,

and doing the right thing as they do about quantum physics. He deserves much better than that lot of raving nutters, never mind the manipulators who run the General Assembly to no one’s benefit. P&J have always thought that one of the best things that could be said about a person was that he or she was a “stand-up guy.” Linc Chafee is a stand-up guy.

Typo of The Week

P&J think the Providence Business News’ “Morning Call” e-blast hit it right on the head on September 10 with their description of the rapidly-expanding Twin River Casino: “Twin River Casino has won state lottery approval to increase the number of live table games at the one-time greyhound racetrack that morphed in June from a sprawling electronic slot-parlor into full blow casino.” Yes, it is a great place to blow your dough. (We’ll let you come up with your own lines about “full blow,” and get your minds out of the gutter, please.) Take that, Lost Wages.

parTy girl

Phillipe is quite proud of his sister, Sally Young, a book editor and musician in London who now does jazz lounge acts with her band at sites like the noted Claridge’s Hotel. But she seems to be getting more exposure for her past band, Ut, an all-girl trio who earned their spurs in New York City with cutting-edge avant-garde rock in the 1970s and 1980s. Their work

The ciTy _By D ER F

was once described in Melody Maker as “Patti Smith meets the Ford Motor Company.” Subtle it was not, as you may have ascertained. Ut has been championed by Providence music writer Andrea Feldman for years, and she informs P&J that the band, which she helped bring to La Prov and NYC a few years back for a reunion tour, has been summoned to do another Lazarus trick at the famed All Tomorrow’s Parties “End of An Era Part II” festival in November in Camber Sands in the UK. (In this case, P&J don’t expect you to be there or be square.) What P&J found most amusing in the ATP’s promo materials were the other bands that’ll be playing along with Ut. We definitely have to get American bands (who can actually play music) to come up with better names than Kings of Leon and Foster the People. To wit: • The Dismemberment Plan • Comets On Fire • Girls Against Boys • Dirty Beaches • Hookworms • Built to Spill Ah, but we’re really just bragging about a kid sister.

local crime reporT

A couple of decades ago, Phillipe (Chip Young) used to live on Albert Avenue in the Edgewood section of Cranston. If this name rings a bell, then perhaps you were present at Cranston City Hall this past Saturday when, to celebrate the pride of Cranston — Miss Universe Olivia Culpo — Mayor Allan Fung

officially re-christened Albert Avenue Olivia Culpo Way. Much as he’d like to, Phillipe can claim no credit for Ms. Culpo’s success, as he had already cleaned out his locker and broken camp from Albert Ave. before she was born. But both P&J love the neighborhood. (Jorge lived in Edgewood for about a decade, starting in 2000 and still likes to stop by JP Spoonem’s on Broad Street for breakfast.) But excitement over Cranston’s newest-named thoroughfare didn’t last long. Apparently some person or persons decided to remove the Olivia Culpo Way signs during the evening hours before Tuesday morning, September 10. This has got to rank way up there on the “stupid criminal acts” scale. Could the scofflaw responsible be a foe of Nick Jonas, the teen idol reportedly dating Ms. Culpo? Or perhaps it’s someone nursing a crush on Miss Universe? Or maybe a disgruntled Edgewood resident upset about the name change from Albert Avenue? Who the hell knows. Life is crazy enough all over the world without having Edgewood become the latest scene for terminal stupidity.

So long, pop

If you’ve been involved in the Vo Dilun music or theater communities, you probably knew “Pop,” Chris Popoloski, who was a sound engineer at the Providence Performing Arts Center and a member of IATSE Local #23 and 481. He also worked at

the Living Room in Providence and was one of the hardest-working, most loyal, and enthusiastic friends you could have. P&J and many people in our tightly-knit arts community were deeply shocked and saddened to find out last Friday that Pop had suffered a sudden heart attack and passed away. He was only 45 years old. He was a talented photographer and a teller of true tales. On occasion, Pop would jump on stage and share a song. He was magnificent. Jorge (Rudy Cheeks) in particular will miss Pop. When the Young Adults put on a series of shows at the Met in 2011, Pop just appeared and said, “What do you need?” He immediately took charge of the kind of stage matters that only a seasoned pro would know about and was there throughout the weekend to make sure nothing went wrong. He immediately became our “get ’er done” guy. There was no one quite like Pop and his many friends and fans should know that there will be calling hours for him on Friday 4-7 pm at the A. Tarro & Sons Funeral Home, 425 Broadway, Providence. A celebration of his extraordinary life will be held Saturday 2-6 pm at Roots Cultural Center in downtown Providence. In lieu of flowers, contributions in his memory may be made to RI Jobs with Justice. Rest in peace, Pop. You were deeply loved. ^

Send chutzpah and Pulitzer-grade tips to p&



4:49 PM

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8 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM

This Just In

“It’s like a funeral; everyone speaks well of the departed.”

_edward fitzpatrick

in Memoriam

Lincoln Chafee’s political eulogy Rhode Island’s 74th Governor Lincoln Davenport Chafee called a press conference on Wednesday, September 4 at 2 pm. The details were mysterious; the location — in front of the state Department of Motor Vehicles, in Cranston — offered few clues. Neither did the first three minutes of his remarks, which meandered from touting progress regarding RIPTA, the state’s school funding formula, RI’s natural disaster preparedness, pension negotiations, and 38 Studios litigation; to his administration’s work on distressed communities like Providence, Central Falls, and Pawtucket; to his upcoming meeting with New England governors and eastern Canadian premiers to discuss “cheap, clean power.” Then he came to the point. “I’m not going to be seeking reelection for governor,” he said. “In this moment of Rhode Island’s history, I want to devote all my time, all my energy to the task at hand, and that is running our government.” Unsurprisingly, those words — coming from a man who has been a Republican, Independent, and Democrat; who has served as city councilman, mayor, US senator, and governor — triggered an avalanche of commentary. And rather than offer our own take, we decided to stitch excerpts of these reactions into a sort of verbal quilt representing the splendor of their variety. The results are not unlike the man himself: fascinating, memorable, contradictory, a bit awkward. To clear up any potential confusion caused by the headline, lets get something straight: Lincoln Chafee is still very much alive. There was, however — like when State Treasurer (and likely 2014 gubernatorial candidate) Gina Raimondo said, “Like his father before him, the Governor always had Rhode Island’s best interests at heart and was an unfailing optimist during very difficult times” — an “In Memoriam” tone to some of the comments that followed Chafee’s announcement. In his Sunday column, the ProJo’s Edward Fitzpatrick made the comparison explicit. “It’s like a funeral; everyone speaks well of the departed,” he wrote. So here it, folks, Lincoln Chafee’s political eulogy — delivered, of course, while the man still has more than 16 months left to serve in office. The source for each excerpt is at the bottom of each column. _Philip Eil

he couldn’t win and I think he’d rather spend the next year and half doing some good for the state than waging a losing battle.9 Yet by hanging up his hat, he also evinced a modicum of humility and self-awareness that’s become all too rare in politics.10 And it seemed fitting that on the day before he made his announcement that he would not seek reelection, he made his feelings clear on another tragedy in the making. He urged there be no U.S. military strike on Syria. He said he is a peace person and peace is achievable if gone about the right way. Peace, imagine. The man believes in peace. Go figure. And he is a champion of same-sex marriage, one of the great leaps forward in the state’s recent history. The man believes in equal rights. Go figure. And he refused to flush more public money down the rat hole of the 38 Studios debacle. The man believes in not throwing good money after bad. Go figure.11


Although Lincoln Chafee does not believe in Christmas trees, his announcement that he is not seeking re-election is certainly an early Christmas gift for all Rhode Islanders who want real leadership in the State House.1


All his liberal, secular, progressive policies have failed. What will be his legacy? How will you remember Governor Linc “Missing Link,” “Governor Gump” . . . Chafee? . . . Across the country, illegals and atheists are in mourning. Grief counselors needed at the Atheist Center of Rhode Island this morning, as their leader . . . the illegal alien governor will not be seeking reelection, due to his 22% approval rating, or somewhere around there — lower

1. rhode island GOp chairman Mark Smiley, in a statement to press.

than when Nixon left the White House during Watergate.2 It is good news for Rhode Island that Governor Chafee announced yesterday that he will not seek a second term. The state desperately needs strong and creative leadership to revive its economy and manage other enormous challenges. Mr. Chafee, while often well-meaning, seemed incapable of providing the executive leadership that will be vital to turning the state around.3 Chafee, 60, was born into one of Rhode Island’s founding Five Families; his father was the iconic John Chafee, a moderate Republican who served as governor and then senator before dying in 1999. Then-Governor Lincoln Almond appointed Chafee, then a Republican mayor in Warwick, to fill the remainder of his father’s term and he won it on his own right in 2000. Chafee was defeated in 2006 by Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse.4 Chafee was sworn into [the governor’s] office under a sun-splashed winter chill on the south steps at the Statehouse in January, 2011. He inherited from Republican Donald Carcieri an economic mess and a state government adrift. Unemployment was 12 percent, the worst since the Great Depression. Carcieri, whose experience had been in the private sector, ran as the “businessman’’ governor. But after eight years at the Statehouse, Rhode

2. wprO News talk 630 aM host John depetro on The John DePetro Show. 3. providence Journal editorial, “chafee Bows Out.” 4. rhode island public radio political reporter ian donnis blog post, “chafee drops Out of ri’s 2014 race for Governor.”

Island had about 40,000 fewer jobs than the day he took over. To top it all off, in the waning days of his administration, Carcieri pushed the disastrous 38 Studios deal, which risked $75 million in taxpayer-backed bonds on a video game company run by retired Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling. The company went bankrupt shortly after Chafee took office. Rhode Island government was once again a national laughingstock. Some even blamed Chafee, even though he was the most vocal critic of the Schilling deal.5

He has always been a true gentleman with great character and compassion.6 I don’t think he has that dynamic personality that modern politics really requires, so I don’t think he did a great job of kind of building a coalition. But, for my money, I’d really rather deal with a principled person than a fast-talking politician. I think most Rhode Islanders agree with that.7 Chafee has managed to hemorrhage support each time he’s been on a statewide ballot: he got 57% in 2000, 47% in 2006 and 36% in 2010. In short, it was very, very hard to see how Lincoln Chafee could win another election for governor without another multicandidate perfect storm.8 I think he realized

5. ripr political analyst Scott Mackay blog post, “chafee’s departure.” 6. rhode island Speaker of the House of representatives Gordon fox, in a statement to press. 7. editor/publisher Bob plain on wJar NBc 10’s “News conference.” 8. political and economic reporter ted Nesi blog post, “analysis: chafee Scrambles the 2014 campaign — Once again.”

It is important for all Rhode Island citizens, especially the victims and families of the Station Nightclub fire, to remember that it was Lincoln Chafee who was one of only two Rhode Island elected officials to step up, in an effort, to secure the Station Fire site for a memorial park. After a three-year fight, I was able to request that Governor Chafee consider taking this land by eminent domain. He not only agreed to help, but, both he and speaker Gordon Fox acted quickly and jointly to help deliver this precious land to the hands of the people to whom it rightfully belonged. I will never forget the compassion, understanding and support offered by this gentle and honorable man. Thank you Governor Chafee. May God bless you.12 Lincoln Chafee — this guy is one of a kind. I’ve never met someone who has such a firm sense of right and wrong, such a welldefined inner compass, and who follows it with such conviction. It really is a rare thing, and as I’ve gotten a little distance I’ve come to the sad conclusion that I may never see that again.13 Walking up statehouse steps I observed @LincolnChafee save a praying mantis. Used paper to move it to grass. Then got in car and drove away.14

9. Brown University political science professor, wendy Schiller, to The Providence Journal. 10. The Wall Street Journal’s allysia finley in the “political diary” post, “chafee’s Graceful exit.” 11. ProJo columnist Bob kerr, “when Governor chafee Leaves, No One Like Him will fill the Void.” 12. author, talk radio host, and father of youngest victim of the Station fire (18-year-old Nicholas O’Neill), dave kane, in a statement to the press. 13. former chafee speechwriter christian Vareika, to’s ted Nesi for his “Saturday Morning post” column. 14. ri Statehouse associated press reporter david klepper (@davidklepper), via twitter, on august 20. admittedly, this tweet came two weeks before the governor announced he would not run for reelection. But it was too good for us not to include.

PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 9

on the Airwaves

With a bishop by his side, dan yorke enters rhody tV talk If you’ve been wondering when Rhode Island was going to get its very own nighttime, cable-news-inspired, Hannity- or Hardball-style talk show, the wait is over. “Welcome in to State of Mind,” Dan Yorke told viewers Monday at 7:30 pm on myRITV. The longtime WPRO talk radio host sat at a desk in front of a computer-generated backdrop featuring a photo of the Providence skyline at dusk. “Now, listen, if you’re tuning in for the first time,” he continued, “no matter how high or far this program goes, you can say that you saw the first one.” Then after a few more brief opening remarks, he said, “I’m looking forward to this project, but I have no time for small talk. We’ve got a lot going on.” With that, he dove into the show’s kickoff segment, called “The Rundown,” where he rapidly led viewers through the increasingly tangled situation in Syria (“So, it’s hard to follow the propaganda, isn’t it?”); a recent Providence Journal story about a bloated, $6.7 millionover-budget computer upgrade at the DMV; and a plea to the blond-haired country singer Faith Hill, whom NBC has swapped out of this year’s Sunday Night Football opening sequence for the younger blond-haired country singer Carrie Underwood. “Please come back,” Yorke said. Dan Yorke State of Mind, which is filmed in a green-screen studio at WPRI and WNAC’s East Providence headquarters on the afternoon of the day it airs, is part of a broader effort by the station to ratchet up its Rhodybased programming. In addition to weekday news broadcasts running at various times between 4:30 am and 11 pm, State joins the daily lifestyle-based Rhode Show, which premiered in 2008, and the weekly business interview, Executive Suite, which began in 2011. “Local programming . . . is king to all screens at this point, whether it’s [a] digital screen, whether it’s your phone, whether it’s an on-air screen,” says WPRI and WNAC president and GM Patrick Wholey, who proudly trumpets the stations’ 57 hours of original programming (WJAR, their closest competitor, produces 37). And while Rhode Islanders are most familiar with hearing Yorke over the radio airwaves — he’s “pretty much an institution here,” Wholey says — State is far from his first foray into television. Dig deep enough on the Internet and you’ll find photos of a mustachioed, suspenders-wearing Yorke barking at the camera in the early-mid 1990s, when his Dan Yorke Show ran at midnight after Nightline on WGGB in Springfield, Massachusetts. “You could pick out weeks or months when this data isn’t perfect,” says Yorke of the show, which ran for seven years, “ but by in large, the ratings performance was: ‘Leno, Yorke, Letterman.’ ”


While he’s grown “a little mellower” since then, Yorke says that his approach to hosting really hasn’t changed. “I want people to know who the good guys and bad guys are,” he says. “I want people to get a little bit of insight over what’s really going on.” For a guy who has been opining professionally for decades, though, Yorke gets surprisingly shy when you ask about his political leanings. “If you want to score me at the end of the day — the week, the month, the year, the decade, the career — I guess I’m righter than lefter,” he says. “But I’m no ideologue by any stretch.” He searches around for a while to find the right word — “some people call me a ‘populist,’ ” “I disdain the term ‘moderate’” — before saying, “I let the work speak for itself.” In this case, the debut episode of State welcomed Catholic Bishop of Providence Thomas Tobin into the studio for a discussion of, among other topics, Rhode Island’s recent legalization of same sex marriage. The issue left Tobin, “very, very disappointed,” he told Yorke. “Frankly, I hoped for and prayed for . . . better for our state, because I think it’s a very bad development,” he said, to which Yorke replied “the Bishop and I are on the same page here.” Yorke felt “kind of empty” after the law passed, he said. “Not angry, but empty.” The following night, Yorke discussed the controversial NECAP test Rhode Island public schools will be using as a graduation requirement for the first time in 2013-’14 — a test the ACLU, the local NAACP, Providence Mayor Angel Taveras, and others have vocally opposed as a graduation requirement. Not Yorke. In a message to students who publicly protest the tests, he said, “I don’t want to be crass, but, kids, I love ya, but shut up! And study!” So, what demographic is Dan York State of Mind aimed at? Wholey says he’s more concerned with the question of “who?” than “how many?” when it comes to generating revenue. “We think the right type of people will watch this, because we know the right type of people listen to talk radio and listen to Dan,” he says. A page on aimed at potential advertisers provides insight into what he means. The “target audience” for State of Mind, the page says, is “White Collar Professionals with 75K+ Income,” “Families with 1-2 children in the home who care about the community,” “College Graduates,” and “Anyone with an interest in how the state of Rhode Island works!” Go to to find your cable provider’s channel listing for myRITV. _Philip Eil

iNtO tHe fraY “No time for small talk,” Yorke says.

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725 Hope Street Providence 401-274-9464 | the providence phoenix | SeptemBer 13, 2013 11

island moving co. presents “open for dancing�

s t r a l l a f

w e i v pre theater music dance television art listings

thom as palmer

p 12 p 13 p 16 p 18 p 22 p 26


SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM

r e t p a h a New creN iN war theater

2nd Story expandS; pluS, a full Slate of dramatic expreSSi on

_By Bill rodri guez

As successful theaters go, 2nd Story Theatre in Warren is especially thriving. As in opening a second performance space this month, and this summer closing a $100,000 deal with the city to purchase a former school for setbuilding and rehearsals. Combining talent and ambition, artistic director Ed Shea has developed 2nd Story in leaps and bounds since its first performances in 1978. That was when co-founder Pat Hegnauer was directing his acting, above Harry’s Harbor Front Restaurant on Long Wharf in Newport, hence the theater’s name. There have been periods of dormancy, with Shea joining the company at Trinity Rep for 12 years and becoming a late-blooming undergrad at Brown University. But Warren became 2nd Story’s home in 2001 when Shea and Lynne Collinson, his former 2nd Story acting colleague, reestablished the theater in a large building on Market Street — in its second story, of course. Shea has never stayed still for long, so why should his theater? When did he feel it needed to expand? “I found that the theatre was in a state of maintenance, not growth,” he said in an email exchange. “I looked around and saw an audience that wanted more plays; an acting company that wanted more roles; a staff that wanted more challenges; and a building that could house it all. Drama is about growth, transformation, and change. Shouldn’t the theatre be a reflection of that?” Have there been plays he wanted to produce that he didn’t because they wouldn’t fill the 150 upstairs seats? “Absolutely. There always will be. But our second venue will shorten that list. The DownStage season consists mostly of plays that, in my view, wouldn’t fill UpStage. Still, I’m a theatrical populist at heart. And I say that with pride. The challenge is to choose a season, up or down, that they want to see and that I want to do.” Is there a particular play he wouldn’t do upstairs that he’s especially pleased with being able to stage in the 70-seat downstairs space? “LoBBy hero is the perfect vehicle to christen our new venue. It’s small, smart, sophisticated, and significant. It’s modern and timeless, entertaining and existential, funny and philosophical, simple yet complex. It challenges everyone: actors, designers, director, and audience. I expect everyone to come away with a greater knowledge of themselves: Gnothi seauton. A mirror up to nature. Isn’t that what it’s all about?” A wide variety of plays are slated for 2nd Story’s two theaters this fall. In the new downstairs space, Kenneth Lonergan’s Lobby Hero (through October 6) is set in the entryway of a Manhattan apartment building, where we follow a twentysomething doorman’s interactions. sons of the prophet, by Stephen Karam

riChArd W. dionne, J r.


‘Simple yet complex’ Val Westgate, Jeff Church, Ara Boghigian, and Marion Carey in in 2nd Story’s Lobby Hero. (October 25-November 24) is a comedy about, believe it or not, chronic pain. In the upstairs theater, Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa (September 27-October 27), set in Ireland’s County Donegal, recollects the narrator’s summer as a seven-yearold in his aunts’ country cottage. George Bernard Shaw’s saint Joan (November 15-December 15) is an examination of the life and trial of Joan of Arc. And in a special event at the Bristol Statehouse, the theater will present William Gibson’s goLDa’s BaLcony, with Golda Meir looking back on her life on the eve of the 1973 Yom Kippur War (November 8-December 8). At Trinity Repertory Company, an adaptation of John Steinbeck’s classic novel about Depression-era Dust Bowl migration, the grapes of Wrath, will be directed by Brian McEleney (through October 6). To make up for any resulting lowercase depression, that will be followed by the New England premiere of Christopher Durang’s celebrated Vanya anD sonia anD Masha anD spike (November 21-December 22), a comedic variation on Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. And don’t forget Dickens’s a christMas caroL (November 8-December 28). The Sandra Feinstein-Gamm Theatre is presenting a double bill of one-act plays by Caryl Churchill (through October 13). a nuMBer is set in the near future, where genetic engineering creates identical copies of a man’s mourned-for dead son. far aWay hopefully isn’t predicting the future as it presents a dystopian fable of environmental disaster. In the dramedy gooD peopLe, by David Lindsay-Abaire (November 7-December 8), an economically desperate single mother looks up a successful former high school sweetheart, with surprising results.

The Providence Performing Arts Center is hosting a batch of popular Broadway musicals. eVita (through September 14) presents the Argentinian folk heroine, followed by once (October 1-6), which reprises the 2006 film of the same name, as a Dublin busker and a woman he meets get acquainted through his songs. ghost: the MusicaL (October 22-27) is another film adaptation, this one the sentimental tale of a young woman and her dead lover. Transitions continue with the phantoM of the opera (November 27-December 7), as a beautiful soprano is pursued by an enamored presence in a Paris opera house. Another theater capable of mounting a big-scale musical is Ocean State Theatre Company, which is staging Les MiséraBLes (October 2-27), the adaptation of Victor Hugo’s tale of relentless pursuit and goodness challenged in revolutionary Paris. That will be followed by LoMBarDi (November 6-24), about the life of the relentless Hall of Fame football coach. Mixed Magic Theatre is staging Jesus hoppeD the ‘a’ train, by Stephen Adly Guirgis (September 20-October 13), about a Puerto Rican bike messenger in Harlem who resorts to violence to rescue a childhood friend from a cult. The Wilbury Group is presenting the New England premiere of Lisa D’Amour’s Detroit (September 19-October 5), concerning two newly acquainted suburban couples whose relationship develops unexpectedly. Their seasonal offering is the Rhode Island premiere of a Very Merry

unauthorizeD chiLDren’s scientoLogy pageant, by Kyle Jarrow and Alex Timbers

(December 5-21). Contemporary Theater is offering the Stephen Sondheim musical assassins (October 4-November 2), a collective

portrait of the men and women who have attempted to assassinate American presidents. They are also staging the nutcracker, with GEAR Productions (November 14-15), and the gift of the Magi (November 29-December 22). The Artists’ Exchange in Cranston will be busy this fall, now that it has two theater spaces occupied by Epic Theatre Company as their official resident troupe. The season opens with a BehanDing in spokane (September 13-28), a black comedy by Irish playwright Martin McDonagh, followed by Larry Kramer harkening back to the beginning of the AIDS crisis in the norMaL heart (October 11-26), and a medical crisis that devastates a life in Sharr White’s the other pLace (November 8-23). Artists’ Exchange will also host the Marley Bridges Theatre Company’s zombie musical Menace of the Morgue (October 4-26) and Neil Simon’s Brighton Beach MeMoirs (November 15-23). All Shakespeare all the time is the offering by the Brown University/ Trinity Rep MFA Programs at the PellChafee Performance Center, with Much aDo aBout nothing (October 17-20) and tWeLfth night (October 31-November 3). Speaking of the Bard, the Rhode Island Shakespeare Theatre (TRIST) will stage a free production of MacBeth in the Roger Williams National Memorial in Providence (October 10-27), Thursdays through Sundays at 7 pm. Brown University Theater is presenting the 2012 Pulitzer Prize winner for drama, Water By the spoonfuL, by 2004 graduate Quiara Alegría Hudes (September 26-October 6), about a returning Iraqi war veteran trying to find himself. That will be followed by Tennessee Williams’s tale of a self-deluding Southern belle, a streetcar naMeD Desire (October 31-November 10), and Mary stuart, Friedrich Schiller’s accounts of the last days of Mary, Queen of Scots (December 5-8). Plenty is happening at Roger Williams University, starting with one-act comedies in an eVening of Durang! (September 20-21) and Ovid’s MetaMorphoses (October 11-19). A Stage Company One-Act Festival is next (October 25-26), featuring the morality play the gaMe, by Louise Bryant, and heLena’s husBanD, a takeoff on Greek tragedy by Philip Moeller. Other universities will also be busy. Providence College is presenting another sendup of Chekhov, Neil Simon’s the gooD Doctor (October 25-November 3). Rhode Island College will offer the Craig Lucas romantic comedy preLuDe to a kiss (September 25-29) and Shakespeare’s the Winter’s taLe (November 13-17). And at the University of Rhode Island, Annie Weisman’s Be aggressiVe (October 10-20) relates a teenage girl’s journey of discovery, and Alan Ayckbourn’s hoW the other haLf LoVes (November 14-24) is a bedroom farce involving three dysfunctional couples. ^


c i s u m L a c Lo

d n u o b a s d n u o s fall means things are heating up

_By Chris Conti

Adios, summer 2013. There were great local and national artists at venues statewide just about every night of the week, and the arrival of autumn typically means even more shows and nationally touring acts on the live circuit. Judging from this comprehensive list of recommended upcoming gigs, we see no reason why the party should stop. There are a slew of budget-friendly shows here too, so no excuses — get off the couch and catch a show or two! We start with the 5th annual Fusion Fest, featuring some of the finest from East Bay imprint 75orLess Records. The hometown throwdown returns to the Water Street Landing in Warren (next to Blount’s Clam Shack), and this year’s lineup does not disappoint: aLLySEn caLLEry, GaLvanIZE, LLoyD’S LLaMaS, JacoB HaLLEr, and the long-awaited return of SIX STar GEnEraL (drummer Dan Ulmschneider is off DL following recent shoulder surgery). 75orLess founder (and Six Star bassist/singer) Mark MacDougall is the man to thank for this free (!) all-day soiree; proceeds will benefit Fusionworks Dance Company. There will be plenty of food trucks on site, and a locally sourced craft beer garden. Visit for more info and the schedule. Dusk (301 Harris Ave, Providence, 401.714.0444, is a casual bar/lounge tucked behind Atwells Avenue which delivers varied lineups and lo-dough cover charges. Stop by every Wednesday and bang thy head at the wildly popular METaL nIGHT. And speaking of eclectic lineups, check out THE EvIL STrEaKS with THE SKELETon BEaTS, GIn MILL JanE (recent debut EP ’Till You Come Home is highly recommended), and SonIc GrIFTErS on September 13, stoner-rock trio Sweet Love (pick up the debut album Motor ASAP) on September 20, and on September 28 it’s a post-hardcore bill led by locals aSK THE DEaD (celebrating a new 7” EP), with no ocEan, TEnanTS, and SUn BEarS, all for just $6 at the door. Smack-dab in the center of the creative capital lies AS220 (115 Empire St, Providence, 401.831.9327,, the all-encompassing home for the arts since 1985. They’ve hosted some stellar shows already this year (Parquet Courts killed it in front of 20 or so people) with lots more on deck: get up close and personal with metal thrashers I, DESTroyEr, BLESSED oFFaL, orSUS, and vEnoMIZEr at the 95 Empire Black Box space on September 13; SnowPLowS, BUTTonHooF, THE aTTEnDInG, and “folk doom” quartet BLooDPHEaSanT (featuring Shannon LeCorre of Gertrude Atherton) perform on September 21; there’s more hardcore action on September 25 courtesy of DownTown BoyS (look them up ASAP) along with DISaSTEr STrIKES (Boston), La arMaDa (Chicago), and THE yaBEaUTIFULS; and TroPHy ScarS will headline with support from TaLLSHIPS ET SaIL on October 19. Fête (103 Dike St, Providence, 401.383.1113, is the crown jewel of Olneyville and is a vital venue on the


DYnamiC DuO they Might Be Giants will return to Lupo’s on october 10. national show circuit, with a state-ofthe-art sound system and two separate rooms (the main stage ballroom and a smaller lounge). The lounge comes alive on September 24 when THE SILKS throw down with Austin, TX blues crew BLacK JoE LEwIS & THE HonEyBEarS ($15), and the ballroom hosts Bow wow (who apparently isn’t so “Lil” anymore) on September 27. Brooklynbased crew rUBBLEBUcKET heats up the ballroom on October 4 with special guest locals KID MoUnTaIn and roZ raSKIn & THE rIcE caKES. And esteemed wordsmith TEcH n9nE brings his “Something Else Tour” to town on October 22 with a slew of lyricists, including ProZaK and MayDay. Fête is one of the better hip-hop venues in the state; every Saturday, DJ Born caSUaL (voted Best Dance Party in our 2013 readers poll) spins hip-hop and R&B, and the final Thursday of each month belongs to Strange Famous Records, as SaGE FrancIS and B. DoLan host the “cHUrcH oF ProvIDEncE” series, complete with a functioning wrestling ring, assorted musical lineups, and general lunacy all night long. The Church of Providence is by far the best $10 you can spend on entertainment in one evening. While we’re on the hip-hop tip, Local 121 (121 Westminster St, Providence, 401.274.2121, has DJ nooK on the wheels every Tuesday (21+ and no cover), and the aforementioned Born Causal now hosts a brunch at 121’s Speakeasy on occasional Sundays at 11 am (the next one is on September 22). And be on the lookout for guest spots from DJ DoX ELLIS on September 14 and 21. Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel (79 Washington St, Providence, 401.331.5876, and its little brother the Met (1005 Main St, Pawtucket,, 401.729.1005) consistently bring in big national and independent artists. More rap, you ax? Lupo’s will be downright bananas when cHIEF

KEEF takes over on September 27, and “The

Smokers Club Tour” sparks up on October 17, featuring JoEy BaDa$$, aB-SoUL, THE UnDEracHEIvErS, and cHEvy wooDS, all hosted by DJ STaTIK SELEKTaH. Rock acts lined up at Lupo’s include THEy MIGHT BE GIanTS (October 10), FIvE FInGEr DEaTH PUncH and coHEED & caMBrIa (October 18), and coLD war KIDS (October 21). Meanwhile at the Met (105 Main St, Pawtucket, 401.729.1005,, limited tix remain for “Dudesmash 2” on September 14, with DEEr TIcK headlining a killer lineup, including THE Low anTHEM, JoE FLETcHEr & THE wronG rEaSonS, LaST GooD TooTH, ravI SHavI, and many more performing in the Met’s courtyard. Neil Young fans should head there on September 28 for the all-star tribute crew ForEvEr yoUnG, and WBRU ushers in Rocktober with BIFFy cLyro and MornInG ParaDE on October 1. THE nEIGHBoUrHooD, responsible for that insanely addictive “holes in my sweater” song, will appear on October 12 with LovELIFE and GHoST LoFT. And mark down November 6 for the return of Boise, Idaho greats BUILT To SPILL (still waiting on that new album, Mr. Martsch), with guests SLaM DUnK and THE warM HaIr. Have you caught a show at the revamped Columbus Theatre (270 Broadway, Providence, yet? The Low Anthem’s Jeff Prystowsky and Ben Knox-Miller have set up shop with a fully functioning recording studio (Roz & the Rice Cakes recently cut their new album here, and a new record from TLA is on the way) and an intimate upstairs performance space (the recent Vudu Sister album release show was a blast). The schedule is in full swing; check out SEan HayES with THE BLanK TaPES on September 26; BILL caLLaHan (the new Dream River drops on September 17) on October 4; limited seats remain for the BonnIE “PrIncE”

BILLy show on October 11 (an absolute steal at $20), and SPIrIT FaMILy rEUnIon

will play the upstairs stage on October 31 with HUrray For THE rIFF raFF and THE DESLonDES. Manchester 65 (65 Manchester St, West Warwick, 401.649.0164) is a new venue with potential, and I imagine the old mill space will be crumbling when punk vets MaDBaLL hit the stage on October 19 with cHEEcH, rEaSon To FIGHT, and wISDoM In cHaInS. Other noteworthy gigs include ska-pop vets THE EnGLISH BEaT (October 24) and singer-songwriter ZacH DEPUTy (November 23). RI live dive fixture/Northern Lands bassist Aaron Jaehnig has a winner on his hands with the Parlour (formerly the Penalty Box, 1119 North Main St, Providence, 401.383.5858). Jaehnig will reunite with Mandy Allan and the GIrL HaGGarD crew for a special show on September 28, and Barn BUrnInG and SHarKS coME crUISIn’ roll in on October 19. The Spot Underground (101 Richmond St, Providence, 401.383.7133, thespot is actually above ground now, having relocated to “where the Keg Room usedta be.” The Spot is still heavy on the jam bands, but there is something for everyone just about every night of the week. FUnGUS aMUnGUS and conEHEaD BUDDHa lay down the grooves on September 27, alt-pop locals For THE LovE oF SLoanE play on October 4, and THE ToaSTErS return on November 3 with THE cUSTIES and the return of SEnIor DIScoUnT. Your best bet is stopping by for 990WBOB’s Mondays on Blast held weekly with no cover charge. The Ocean Mist (895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Matunuck, 401.782.3740, oceanmist. net) is a year-round beachfront dive that always pulls in some good shows; South Continued on p 14



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aussie pOWer Mia Dyson, at the sandywoods Center For the Arts on october 13. Continued from p 13


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Kingstown rhymer PHoKUS performs with local legend Swann naTTy on September 27, and naSHvILLE PUSSy will throw down on October 18. The Vets (1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence, 401.421.2787, is a bit quiet on the music front this season, but mark November 19 down for Soundgarden frontman cHrIS cornELL, making a stop while on his “Solo Songbook Acoustic Tour” ($48-$58). Blues, roots, and folk friends, here we go. Do you love cover bands? Well, the Brooklyn Coffee & Tea House (209 Douglas Ave, Providence, 401.575.2284, brooklyn ain’t for you — only original material is allowed here. Stop by on the first and third Saturday of each month and kick back with the rHoDE ISLanD SonGwrITErS aSSocIaTIon (RISA) showcase, hosted by acclaimed singerguitarist STEvE aLLaIn. Stone Soup Coffeehouse (50 Park Pl, Pawtucket, 401.723.0354, stonesoup is located at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, with plenty of cozy charm and a full calendar of local and national folk and bluegrass acts. The new season kicks off on September 28 with a “Stone Soup Sampler,” a free show in conjunction with the ongoing Pawtucket Arts Festival featuring aLaSTaIr MoocK, SHUn nG, DanIELLE MIraGLIa, and THE roLLInG rooTS rEvUE. Other attractions include GaTHErInG TIME and THE FoLK GoDDESSES (October 19), aTwaTEr-DonnELLy (November 9), and a tribute night to Phil Ochs (November 23). At Cady’s Tavern (2168 Putnam Pike, Chepachet, 401.568.4102,, check out JoHnny waTSon Jr. on October 19, the TravIS coLBy BanD on October 25. The Knickerbocker Café (35 Railroad Ave, Westerly, 401.315.5070, theknicker hosts an open mic night every Thursday, with no cover and a free CD recording of your performance. Nice!

Head there to warm things up in midNovember, with Boston’s GIrLS GUnS & GLory performing on the 15th followed by THE SKaTaLITES on the 16th. Common Fence Music (933 Anthony Rd, Portsmouth, commonfencemusic. org) will kick off its 21st season this week (with shows scheduled through May 2014), loaded with folk, world fusion, gospel, and bluegrass acts. Catch singer-songwriter LorI McKEnna on September 28, the JaMMIn’ DIvaS on October 26, and a handful of New England’s finest will gather for ”The Horn of Plenty Music” on November 23, including aLLySEn caLLEry, MIcHaEL Troy, and wILL HoULIHan. Sandywoods Center for the Arts (43 Muse Way, Tiverton, 401.241.7349, sandywoods is an intimate 150-seat “BYOBand-picnic basket” venue with live bands scheduled every weekend, and well worth the drive. Upcoming shows include the aPrIL vErcH BanD (September 29), eclectic world-fusion crew THE GnoMES (October 5), and Aussie roots-rock singer MIa DySon teams with BEcKy cHacE on October 13. What goes better with a serious case of the blues than a scorpion bowl or three? The cuisine served at Chan’s (267 Main St, Woonsocket, 401.765.1900, is tasty, but we’re all about the bustling events calendar. Southpaw shredder coco MonToya returns on October 12, and some big names will team up on October 25, with JaMES MonTGoMEry joining JEFF PITcHELL & TEXaS FLooD, followed by the DUKE roBILLarD BanD on October 26. And you can’t miss the neon lights of the Greenwich Hotel (162 Main St, East Greenwich, 401.884.4200, greenwich, which has some can’t-miss acts gracing the stage this fall, including PETEr GEnDron with MIKE G. & aSSocIaTES on October 25 and JEFF ByrD & DIrTy FIncH on October 29. All shows are 21+ and there’s never a cover charge. ^

16 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM


mAkiNg tioN A CoNNEC AerplAye’s debut, plus A wide rAnge of evocAtive moves

_by Johne tte rodri guez Some say it’s the convergence of an Ivy League and a design school; some say it’s the cross-fertilization of students, faculty, and community members. Whatever the source, Rhode Island has long held the distinction of being the state with the highest number of artists per capita. When you look at the fall lineup for dance troupes — including college companies, local dance companies, and special events — you can visualize hundreds of brains spinning with ideas that manifest in scores of movement sequences, thousands of steps, and dozens of emotionally-charged dance performances. The atmosphere that nourishes artists — ”the connectiveness that seems to be here,” in Heather Ahern’s words — may be what drew the dancer/choreographer/teacher back to Rhode Island last fall. “I think this culture here has a little slice of everything,” she noted in a recent phone conversaA chAnce to shine Aerplaye’s Arnold and Baryshnikov. tion. “The ocean, the arts — but a quirky, interesting arts scene — I missed that.” and jazzy, set to saxophonist Hamiet Ahern was a founding member of the Bluiett’s music; “Utopia,” danced in Groundwerx Dance Theatre that wowed steel skirt sculptures, exploring social Rhode Island dance fans for 15 years in the mores, set to Rachel’s classical/minimallate ’80s and ’90s, before the group went ist music; “Voices,” in heavy medievaltheir separate ways. Ahern got a graduate esque dresses, set to Zordina and Värttinä; degree from California State in 2005 and and “Ascend,” a flowing piece dedicated taught there before taking a job in West to Ahern’s mentor at RWU, Kelli Wicke Virginia, where she met her husband, a Davis, set to Beethoven’s Archduke Trio. West Coaster. “I feel like everybody in the concert has But they both had ties to New England, a particular solo moment,” Ahern stressed. and Ahern wanted to create a new dance “Everyone has a chance to shine.” company, aerplaye (, In their 26th year, Fusionworks Dance which is having a busy fall season, beginning with “Return,” their premier concompany ( will precert, at the Rhode Island School of Design mier five new dances at the Fall Concert Auditorium, September 28 and 19; they’ll Series (November 22 and 23 at Rhode Island also perform at Rhode Island College on College’s Sapinsley Hall): two by artistic October 11 and Roger Williams University director Deb Meunier, plus works by Rhode on November 2. Island choreographer Mark Harootian, NYC She cast a wide net for auditions and choreographer Erika Pujic, and company ended up with a five-person multi-generamember Stephanie Stanford Shaw for the tional cast that includes former Groundwerx junior company Fusionworks II. Fusioncolleague Kathy Gordon Smith, plus works will also sponsor its annual Fusion Brittany Lombardi, Sarah Hopkins, Jamie Fest at Blount Marina in Warren on SepArnold, and Shura Baryshnikov (last seen in tember 21, with 10 bands, five breweries, Festival Ballet’s Sleeping Beauty). multiple food trucks, and lots of dancing! Ahern has polished six pieces for her There will also be participatory dancing company’s debut, including: “There’s a in Newport-based islanD moving co.’s siteGroove In My Jam,” which is humorous specific series, Open for Dancing 2013, which erin x. smither s


this year expands to Providence at the Steel Yard (27 Sims St) on September 14 and 15, with a piece by Tom Pearson of NYC’s Third Rail Projects. Open for Dancing moves to Newport the following weekend (September 21 and 22), where three choreographers will create dances for three Aquidneck Island spaces: Yanira Castro will set her work at the Opera House Theater; Deborah Lohse will use the meditation labyrinth outside Salve University’s McKillop Library; and John-Mark Owen will make a dance drama on the terraces of the Gray Craig estate in Middletown. This unique (and free!) multidance experience is always amazing. IMC’s other site-specific piece this fall (with audience members moving from room to room) will be the popular Newport Nutcracker at Rosecliff (November 29-December 6, Festival Ballet proviDence (festival will kick off its season at the Vets on October 3 with Together We Dance 3, an annual gala benefit for the company that spotlights invited guest artists from national companies, along with FBP performers. Their intimate in-studio series, Up Close On Hope, runs October 25, 26, and November 1,2, 8, and 9. And they’ll stage their annual take on The Nutcracker at the

Providence Performing Arts Center December 20-22. Paula Hunter’s Jump! Dance company will present Carnival of the Animals on November 1 and 2, and Scenes from the Polar Express on December 21 and 22. Check for more details. The first international dance performance this year (November 1 and 2) comes from Firstworks (, which is presenting the Montrealbased company cirque Éloize at PPAC on November 1 and 2. Their show, Cirkopolis, combines dance, theater, acrobatics, and circus feats, featuring 12 performers who reinvent themselves in the confines of a factory-city. With fast-paced movement accompanied by original music and video projections, the stage design portrays a dark and impersonal universe above which the performers fly, juggle, spin, tumble, and balance. Rhode Island College’s Performing Arts Series ( will host the Hungarian state Folk ensemBle on November 14. Founded in 1951 to preserve and present various folk-related Hungarian genres, this large ensemble is as colorful as it is energetic. Their varied repertoire includes traditional Hungarian music and dance, dramatic folk plays, and creative contemporary dances inspired by the themes or movements of the historic dances. Other events at Rhode Island College ( php): gary sHore, the associate professor of dance at Roger Williams University, will present The Link To the Missing Link and Animating the Closet on October 25; and the ric Dance company, featuring local artists, will perform a program titled Dance Area Code 401 on December 6 and 7. At Providence College (providence. edu/theatre/Pages/current-season. aspx), the BlackFriars Dance concert will take place in the Angell Blackfriars Theatre in the Smith Center for the Arts on November 16 and 17. And at Roger Williams University ( RwuDanceTheatre), the Basement Series will present freshmen dance majors with Heather Ahern’s Aerplaye on November 2, and the rwu Dance tHeatre’s winter concert (December 5-8), with new works by guest artists, faculty, and students. ^

photo: Jenny Bai

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18 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM

H c u o c e Hit tH tv

Ichabod crane, andy Samberg, and malIn Åkerman are read y for

_By Jesse PaPin eau

prIme tIme

a COMiC BOOK PROCeDuRaL The cast of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Contrary to popular belief, the start of fall doesn’t only mean that all your coffee, beer, pastries and dips are required to be pumpkin spiced. No, just as the weather is changing, so is your TV viewing schedule, for better or worse. As they do every year, the networks are rolling out hordes of new shows, throwing every idea at the wall and seeing what sticks, from intriguing big-budget shows (Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Almost Human) to charming workplace sitcoms (The Michael J. Fox Show, Brooklyn Nine-Nine) and to the utterly absurd genre-bender (looking at you, Sleepy Hollow). As always, there are some good, some bad and most falling somewhere in between. So before you mix yourself a pumpkintini and plop down on the couch, consult our guide to find out what’s worth your time, what you should skip, and what deserves a hate-watch.


sleepy HolloW | FOX | Mondays @ 9 [pre-

mieres September 16] | I have absolutely no idea what to make of this confounding, intriguing, and potentially offensive new show based on Washingtons Irving’s nearly 200-year-old tale. The premise is perplexing: Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) “dies” during a mission in 1790, but wakes up in modern-day Sleepy Hollow, along with the Headless Horseman, who promptly begins a killing spree. Crane teams with the newly

appointed town sheriff (Nicole Beharie) to bring the Horseman down. Yeah, seriously. But I must add that it’s co-created by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, who wrote the recent Star Trek flicks and produced Alias and Fringe, so at least this insane idea is in good hands. Even if it does have all the makings of a train wreck, you can expect some fun (read: funny) moments before it crashes (read: gets cancelled).

Brooklyn nine-nine | FOX | Tuesdays @ 8:30 [premieres September 17] | The hilarious Andy Samberg finally gets his post-SNL vehicle in which he’ll play a skilled but immature detective forced to adjust to life under his new, no-nonsense captain (Andre Braugher). What could have been a groan-inducing odd couple comedy should work well guided by the master of the workplace comedy, Michael Schur (The Office, Parks and Recreation) and co-creator Dan Goor, who crafted one of the fall’s funniest pilots. And supporting players Terry Crews and Chelsea Peretti are always good for a laugh or two. Marvel’s agents of s.H.i.e.l.D. | ABC |

Tuesdays @ 8 [premieres September 24] | After The Avengers obliterated the box office last summer, Disney’s Marvel handed Joss Whedon the keys to the franchise and a TV series to boot. While this should please fanboys, Whedon’s track record on the small

screen has been iffy, ratings-wise (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly). Though there are nods to the film and its heroes scattered throughout, none of the show’s main characters are supes, so this is ultimately a procedural with a sprinkling of comic book mythology here and there. But this could be the first successful superhero show since Smallville, and it will certainly be interesting to see how Whedon can sustain the premise from week to week.

ventures (No Reservations and The Layover), but with a slight twist: a different celebrity tour guide each week. Watch Joel McHale drink with the locals in Dublin, Aziz Ansari pig out in Hong Kong, and Aisha Tyler shopping and hanging with Chris O’Dowd in London, among others. This open-ended travel diary has a perfect blend of variety and familiarity, and will be a solid flagship show for the promising new network.

tropHy Wife | ABC | Tuesdays @ 9:30 [pre-

9 [premieres September 26] | Thirteen years after his departure from Spin City, Fox is returning to television, essentially playing himself in a safe-bet sitcom that NBC hopes can restore some of its long-lost Thursday night glory. Fox’s Mike Henry returns to the job he quit five years ago after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s and must balance his family and career. If it sounds like a generic premise, that’s because it is. But a strong supporting cast, featuring The Wire’s wisecracking Wendell Pierce and Betsy Brandt as Fox’s wife, who gets to showcase the comedic chops she rarely deployed playing Marie on Breaking Bad, help make this mass-appeal comedy worth checking out.

mieres September 24] | Following memorable turns on the laugh-out-loud satires Childrens Hospital and Burning Love (catch up with these web series if you haven’t already), it was only a matter of time before Malin Åkerman landed a leading role. Here Åkerman plays former party girl Kate who suddenly must deal with Peter’s (Bradley Whitford) family drama when the two get married on a whim after meeting at a karaoke bar. The show gets off to a slow start, but could blossom into a hit as long as Åkerman showcases the subtle, awkward humor she’s best at.

tHe getaWay | Esquire Network | Wednesdays @ 9 [premieres September 25] | Executive produced by renowned chef and travel expert Anthony Bourdain, this show follows the same structure as his previous

tHe MicHael J. fox sHoW | NBC | Thursdays @

Hello laDies | HBO | Sundays @ 10 [pre-

mieres September 29] | From The [British] Office’s Stephen Merchant comes HBO’s

Continued on p 20

October 3 – November 3

Sunday-Friday, 6 pm – 11 pm (last admission at 10 pm)

Saturdays, 6 pm – midnight (last admission at 11 pm)

“A Disney-quality experience” -The Providence Journal

Join us at Spooky Zoo! October 26 & 27

Day time family fun with half price admission for costumed children ages 3 – 12 (kids 2 and under are always free).

20 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM





1941: Betting on Hedonism - Birth of the Las Vegas Strip

October 10

1957: Paradise Found (and Lost?) - Frommer’s ‘Europe On $5 A Day’ is Published

October 17

1906: Heaven For All - The Azusa Street Revival and the Birth of Pentecostalism

October 24

1924: Stretching to Bliss - The Birth of Yoga and The Great Oom’s Nyack, NY Retreat

On THe TRaiL OF THe HORseMan Beharie and Mison in Sleepy Hollow. Continued from p 18

latest attempt at cringe comedy. Merchant plays Stuart, a lanky web designer looking for love after moving to LA from London. “He’s just a loser in England who’s a loser here, but even more out of his depth, because his Britishness is even more pronounced and awkward,” says Merchant of his character. HBO’s comedies have been hit or miss lately, but this show has big potential, especially given its Eastbound & Down lead-in.

V I S I T U S AT W W W. A C T I O N S P E A K S R A D I O . O R G Hosted by Marc Levitt, recorded, edited and broadcast online and on radio stations around the US

alMost HuMan | FOX | Mondays @ 9 [pre-


th To t h r i l l . To mo v e .

season 2 013 - 2 014

Don’t miss a single moment of our thrilling 36th season. Together We Dance 3

VETS A world of ballet in Providence. October 3, 2013

Up Close on Hope

BLACK BOX Dance so close you can touch it. Oct. 25 - Nov. 9 2013 Mar. 28 - Apr. 12 2014

Miss McFuzz + More BLACK BOX Inspired by the Dr. Seuss story. Nov. 10, 2013; Apr. 6, 2014

mieres November 4] | Yet another mindbending sci-fi pilot from J.J. Abrams and Fringe disciple J.H. Wyman, Almost Human introduces us to an LAPD precinct that teams up to fight crime with highly evolved androids 35 years in the future. This intriguing premise has Abrams’s familiar fingerprints all over it, but he hasn’t had a small screen hit since Lost, and now that he’s Hollywood’s most sought-after sci-fi director, likely won’t have time to make this show one either.

BoarDWalk eMpire | HBO | Sundays @ 9 |

Since its pilot, Boardwalk has toed the line between good and great, but following an explosive and bloody denouement to last season, this Prohibition period piece should finally cement its place as one of cable’s best dramas. The most encouraging development this year is that Steve Buscemi’s Nucky Thompson has partnered with Michael K. Williams’s Chalky White, one of the few characters to bring a unique attitude and flair to their role. Newcomers

Jeffrey Wright and Ron Livingston appear to be worthy antagonists, but this will always be Buscemi’s show, for better or worse.

sons of anarcHy | FX | Tuesdays @ 10 | Outspoken showrunner Kurt Sutter has long said that he envisions Sons as a sevenseason story, so expect blood to be shed ad nauseam going into the penultimate act. This has never been the smartest show on TV by any measure, but it never intended to be, and is always good for a mindless hour of gunfights and motorcycle chases. This year, expect a ruthless, jagged Jax (Charlie Hunnam) to battle to keep his family together now that wife Tara (Maggie Siff) and stepfather Clay (Ron Perlman) are behind bars. DVR OVERLOAD ALERT | Sunday, September 29 was already going down in television history as it’s the night of the highly anticipated Breaking Bad finale. But fear not, there will always be something to watch. Too much, in fact. There are premieres galore before, during, and after Bad ends: Showtime’s fantastic Homeland returns for season 3 and is followed by the debut of Lizzy Caplan’s new series, Masters of Sex; the final season of Eastbound & Down starts on HBO, followed by the aforementioned Hello Ladies; CBS’ lauded The Good Wife kicks off season 5 following the premiere of the 23rd edition of The Amazing Race; The Simpsons begin its 25th year; and the Patriots play the Falcons on NBC in prime time. Got all that? Good, because none of it matters — we’ll all be watching Breaking Bad and then crying ourselves to sleep. ^

The Nutcracker PPAC The timeless holiday tradition. Dec. 20-22, 2013

Peter and the Wolf BLACK BOX An intriguing union of music and dance. February 1-16, 2014 Boundless Plotnikov

“Amazing” “Delightful” “Jaw-Dropping”

-The Providence Phoenix 825 Hope Street, Providence, RI

VETS Celebrating a choreographic master. March 14-16, 2014

Peter Pan

VETS A high-flying, magical adventure. May 16-18, 2014


Ruth Whitney in Together We Dance 2. Photo by Thomas Nola RIon.

CRinGe COMeDy Merchant (center) in Hello Ladies.



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September 13, 2013 | the prOVIDeNCe phOeNIx | prOVIDeNCe.thephOeNIx.COm

s n o i s i V ViVid art

Warhol’s SCreen TeSTS, graffiti oWls, and creepy machines

_By GreG Cook

‘i only Wanted to find great people and let them Be themselVes’ edie Sedgwick in Warhol’s Screen Tests.

“What I liked was chunks of time all together, every real moment,” Andy Warhol wrote of his Screen Tests. They weren’t actually audition shots as Hollywood used the term, but silent “living portraits,” each one about 2 ¾-minutes long, the length of 100-foot roll of black-and-white film, but slowed down to last about four minutes. In “Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests,” the RISD Museum (224 Benefit St, Providence, November 15 to May 11) will continuously screen 20 of the more than 350 of these portraits that the Pop artist filmed between 1964 and ’66. A young Bob Dylan stares into the


camera, then at the floor, and scratches his head, seemingly trying to shake off boredom. Model and socialite Edie Sedgwick holds as still as she can save for the blinking of her big dark eyes. An old Salvador Dali, sporting his curled-up mustache, looks scared. A bearded, frizzyhaired Allen Ginsberg freezes. Lou Reed, in dark sunglasses that hide his eyes, drinks a bottle of Coca-Cola in the most badass, disreputable soda commercial ever. The short films come from the time when Warhol was making marathon observational anti-movies, like his fivehour film of a friend sleeping and his eight-hour static shot of the Empire State

Building. He showed the Screen Tests at parties and at Velvet Underground concerts, and included some in his campy narrative movies. Now they seem built for YouTube — just the right length, just intriguing enough, just enough celebrity to hold your attention. The legend is that Warhol just turned the 16mm Bolex camera on and walked away — though what really went down was surely more stage-managed than that. “I only wanted to find great people and let them be themselves,” Warhol wrote, “and I’d film them for a certain length of time and that would be the movie.” Warhol’s films are just one of the

shows worth checking out this fall. Some other art — including graffiti owls, creepy machines, and naked dudes on horseback — to have on your radar:


Brown University professor’s expressionist paintings feel like confrontations with nature as giant flowers fill canvases eight feet wide. Around them elk walk out of forest fires, toy soldiers battle, a toddler examines a dead bird, and a cat’s eyes glow in the headlights of a Jeep. | September 19-October 9 | Chazan Gallery at the Wheeler School | 228 Angell St, Providence |

continued on p 24


September 13, 2013 | the prOVIDeNCe phOeNIx | prOVIDeNCe.thephOeNIx.COm

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continued from p 22

STEVEN PESTANA: “PROLEGOMENON” | Circles and hexagons have served as mystical symbols in Pestina’s elegant, minimalist, geometric sculptures and installations of wood and stones and glass beads dangling at the end of chains. | September 19-October 11 | Grin | 60 Valley St #3, Providence | ANDREW JACOB: “THIRD EYE AQUATIC” |

Owls, waves, dragons, samurai, koi fish, and the occasional skull pop up in Jacob’s psychedelic, graffiti-inspired paintings. | September 21-October 19 | The Avenue Concept | 304 Lockwood St, Providence |

“THE ART OF SEA-ING” | The sea, the working waterfront, and all kinds of boats are the subject of this survey of paintings and etchings from the 1920s to ’40s by the late Newport artist William H. Drury. His pals Charles Woodbury and George Bellows make cameos. | September 28-January 19 | Newport Art Museum | 76 Bellevue Ave | DAVID PLANKA AND DAVID LEE BLACK | In

October, AS220 will pair up Planka, who often paints constellations of dolls, war machines, tricycles, medical illustrations, and whatnot in a charismatic antiqued realist style, and Black, who has photographed people, lighthouses, and an abandoned state mental hospital. | October 5-26 | AS220 Main Gallery | 115 Empire St, Providence |

“FLOW” | Nature seems to be the inspira-

tion for this two-woman show. Deborah Baronas has painted snowy farms, sprouting plants, and grazing sheep. Masha Ryskin paints abstractions that might bring to mind mushrooms, quarry walls,

Viscerally realistic An untitled image by Vincent Valdez from The Strangest Fruit. the sharp cracks of river ice, or the ghosts of flowers. | October 16-November 16 | Candita Clayton Studio | 999 Main St, Unit 105, Pawtucket |

PAUL MYODA: “GLITTERING MACHINES” | The Brown professor’s cybernetic sculptures evoke translucent plastic jellyfish, sci-fi droids, and chandeliers. The way the machines move in seeming response to your presence is both beautiful and threatening. | October 17-November 17 | Yellow Peril Gallery | 60 Valley Street #5, Providence | VINCENT VALDEZ | The San Antonio-based

RISD grad draws viscerally realistic battered boxers, wounded soldiers, barroom brawlers, riot cops, and lynched Latinos. He revels in darkness and morally critiques American society. | October 19-December 8 | Brown University’s Bell Gallery | 64 College St, Providence | campus-life/arts/bell-gallery

MEREDITH YOUNGER AND WILLIAM SCHAFF | Talk of Younger and Schaff collaborating in this show should be enough to give you goosebumps. Younger, who is based in Providence, has been making sculptures and installations of two-headed girls, crows, animal skulls, and angry toddlers with holes in their chests where their hearts should be. Schaff, who calls Warren home, makes scratchboard drawings, embroideries, and paper cutouts of holloweyed men riding the subway, a woman dying of MS, big dogs, saints, and the damned. Imagine what will happen if their grotesque visionary approaches meet up. | November 7-December 27 | 186 Carpenter | 186 Carpenter St, Providence |

’til 2am Weekdays ’til 4am Weekends Catering Available

(401) 421-9090 • 38 Dike St Providence


20th-century Armenian genocide by the Turks is the subject of Barsamian’s installation — a mournful tribute to his parents’ and grandparents’ experience of the killing. | November 7-December 20 | Rhode Island College’s Bannister Gallery | 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence |


BeaUtifUl and threatening A detail from Myoda’s “Glittering Machines.”

the pale light and soft brushwork of Nixon’s paintings that gives them a dreamy atmosphere, whether he’s depicting pastoral landscapes, a breaching white whale, or a naked man riding a jumping horse. | November 8-December 28 | Cade Tompkins Projects | 198 Hope St, Providence | ^

Tyler Indyck Sarah Pothier David Groccia

September 25th – 28th at 7:30PM September 28th & 29th at 2PM Sapinsley Hall in the Nazarian Center RIC BOX OFFICE: 401-456-8144 Funded in part by the Rhode Island College Performing and Fine Arts Commission.

Tobias Wilson Aimee-Rose Willet Justin Paige Taylor DeMoranville Neil Jeronimo Anthony Vega Vincent Baskerville JacQuán Stanley Laura Kennedy Monique Brown Shelbi Escobar Ryan Field Nora Garron Esi Mensah

26 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM


s g n i T s i l sEPT 21 | THE RHODE islaND PHilHaRmONic with violinist Jen-

nifer Frautschi perform works by Verdi, Prokofiev, and Brahams | 8 pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence | $15-$100 | 401.248.7000 | sEPT 21 | THE NEW BEDFORD sYmPHONY ORcHEsTRa with pianist Norman Krieger performing works by Brahms and Rachmaninoff | 8 pm | Zeiterion Theatre, 684 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA | $20-$55 | 508.994.2900 | sEPT 22 | THE GREYBEaRDs perform works by Handel, Telemann, and Bach | 2 pm | Roger Williams University Theatre, Performing Arts Center, 1 Old Ferry Rd, Bristol | Free | 401.254.3626 | sEPT 29 | JaNusZ PRusiNOWsKi TRiO | 3 pm | Lily Pads, 27 North Rd, Peace Dale | $18 | musicatlilypads. org

OcT 4 + 5 | THE BROWN uNiVERsiTY ORcHEsTRa with guest

artist-in-residence Nicholas Byrne, Australian trombonist and ophicleide virtuoso |P rogram TBA | Oct 4 8 pm + Oct 5 7 pm | Sayles Hall at Brown University, Waterman and George sts, Providence | $TBA | 401.863.3234 | OcT 5 | PiaNisT JamEs D’lEON | 7:30 pm | Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA | $16, $14 seniors, $6 students + children | 508.252.5718 | OcT 18 | THE BROWN uNiVERsiTY WiND sYmPHONY performing works by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Thomas Tallis, David Holsinger, Antonio Muscente, and Percy Grainger | 9 pm | Brown University’s Salomon DeCiccio Family Auditorium, Waterman and George sts, Providence | $TBA | 401.863.3234 | Departments/Music OcT 19 | THE RHODE islaND PHilHaRmONic with cellist Michael Christie and the women of the Providence Singers perform Holst’s The Planets and Schumann’s Concerto, Violoncello, op.129, A minor | 9 pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence | $15-$100 | 401.248.7000 | OcT 22 | cHaNTiclEER | 7:30 pm | George Kent Performance Hall, 119 High St, Westerly | $25-$70 | 401.596.8663 | OcT 26 | THE EasTERN cONNEcTicuT sYmPHONY ORcHEsTRa with pianist Vijay Venkatesh performing works by Dukas, Tchaikovsky, and Nielsen | 8 pm | Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New London, CT | Call for ticket info | 860.444.7373 | OcT 27 | RHODE islaND cHamBER music cONcERTs present Cuarteto Casals, a string quartet performing works by Franz Joseph Haydn, György Sándor, Eduard Toldrà Soler, and Joaquín Turina | 3 pm | Sapinsley Hall at Rhode Island College, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | $25-$35, $5 students | 401.863.2416 |

NOV 3 | PiaNisT JON NaKamaTsu

performing works by Schubert, Chopin, and Schumann | 2:30 pm | Sapinsley Hall at Rhode Island College, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | $35, $30 seniors, $15 students + under 13 | 401.456.8144 | NOV 8 | THE KRONOs QuaRTET | 8 pm | RISD Auditorium, 17 Canal Walkway, Providence | $28-$65 | 401.421.4278 |


present “The Britten Legacy,” with a sample of Benjamin Britten’s choral music, plus works by Stanford, Elgar, and Finzi | Nov 9 8 pm + Nov 10 3 pm | Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul, 30 Fenner St, Providence | $28, $5 students | 401.751.5700 | NOV 16 | THE RHODE islaND PHilHaRmONic with pianist Cecile Licad perform works by Bartok, Rachmaninoff, and Dvorak | 8 pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence | $15-$100 | 401.248.7000 | NOV 16 | THE EasTERN cONNEcTicuT sYmPHONY ORcHEsTRa | performing works by Weber, Cimador, Barber, and Mahler | 8 pm | Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New London, CT | Call for ticket info | 860.444.7373 | NOV 17 | THE cHORus OF WEsTERlY with the Festival Orchestra presents its fall concert, featuring Rutter’s Mass of the Children and Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna | 4 + 6 pm | George Kent Performance Hall, 119 High St, Westerly | $22-$65 | 401.596.8663 | NOV 18 | THE muiR sTRiNG QuaRTET performing works by Haydn, Webern, and Schubert | 7:30 pm | Sapinsley Hall at Rhode Island College, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | $35, $30 seniors, $15 students + under 13 | 401.456.8144 | NOV 20 | RHODE islaND cHamBER music cONcERTs present the Linden String Quartet with pianist Michael Brown, performing with works by Igor Stravinsky, KellyMarie Murph, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Edward Elgar | 7:30 pm | Sapinsley Hall at Rhode Island College, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | $25-$35, $5 students | 401.863.2416 | NOV 22 | THE BROWN uNiVERsiTY WiND sYmPHONY performing works by David Maslanka, John Mackey, Samuel Hazo, Michael Daugherty, and Percy Grainger | 9 pm | Brown University’s Salomon DeCiccio Family Auditorium, Waterman and George sts, Providence | $TBA | 401.863.3234 | Departments/Music NOV 23 | cONNEcTicuT lYRic OPERa presents Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman | 8 pm | Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New London, CT | Call for ticket info | 860.444.7373 | NOV 30 | THE RHODE islaND ciVic cHORalE & ORcHEsTRa performing Handel’s Messiah | 7:30 pm | Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul, 30 Fenner St, Providence | $22, $10 students | 401.521.5670 |

POP music sEPT 19 | maRc DOuGlas BERaRDO + Kala FaRNHam + KaYla RiNGElHEim | 6-10 pm | Fort Adams

State Part, 90 Fort Adams Dr, Newport | Free | sEPT 19 | GREENHOusE lOuNGE + Resin ED | The Spot, 101 Richmond St, Providence | 401.383.7133 | the spot

sEPT 20 + 21 | 7TH aNNual PKD music FEsTiVal | Sept 20, Heavy

Rescue [5:30 pm] + Deluxe Edition [7 pm] + Custard Pie [Led Zeppelin tribute, 8:30 pm] + Danny Klein’s Full House [10:10 pm] + Bigtalkahh [midnight] | Sept 21, Mr. Dynamite [James Brown tribute, 2 pm] + the Grill Daddies [3:30 pm] + Young Rust [Neil Young tribute, 5 pm] +

sEPT 28 | aDam EZRa GROuP | 8 pm | The Knickerbocker

sEPT 28 | sTEElY DaN | 8 pm |

MGM Grand at Foxwoods | $55-$80

sEPT 28 | sTONE sOuP samPlER

with Alastair Moock + Danielle Miraglia + Shun Ng + the Rolling Roots Revue | 8 pm | Stone Soup Coffeehouse, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 50 Park Pl, Pawtucket | Call for ticket info | 401.921.5115 | stone

sEPT 28 | THE sWEETBacK sisTERs | 7:30 pm | Lily Pads, 27 North

Rd, Peace Dale | $18 | musicatlily sEPT 29 | aPRil VERcH BaND | 7 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $18 advance, $20 at the door [BYOB + food]

sEPT 29 | REV. BasTiEN & THE TRaVEliNG EmPiRE + Highway’s

Bill Callahan, at the Columbus Theatre on October 4

hanly bank s

classical music

n from sepT 19- e These lisTings ru ek’s evenTs, se Dec 14; for This we more sTuff To en ev r pages 43-47. fo iDe Do, go To prov

Greg Hodde’s Blue Reign [6:30 pm] + Gilmour’s Breakfast [Pink Floyd tribute, 8 pm] + Lotus Land [Rush tribute, 9:45 pm] + Minor X [11:40 pm] | Proceeds benefit Polycystic Kidney Disease of RI; attendees are encouraged to bring two canned goods for the 1 of 52 Hunger Network | Fri-Sat | Providence Firefighters Hall, 90 Printery St, Providence | $15 per day, $20 both days | sEPT 20 | aNNaliVia | 8 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts, 43 Muse Way, Tiverton | $12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food] | 401.241.7349 | sandywoods


| 8 PM | Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | $26 + $31 | 401.762.4545 | sEPT 20 | KiD iNK| 9 pm | Fête, 103 Dike St, Providence | $20 advance, $25 day of show | 401.383.1112 | fete sEPT 20 | JOHN NEmETH | 8 pm | Chan’s, 267 Main St, Woonsocket | $12 | 401.765.1900 | chanseggrolls sEPT 20 | cORNERBOY P + Young Roddy + Fiend | 8 pm | Fête Lounge | $14 advance, $16 day of show sEPT 20 | WHiTE lOaD + Mindless Attack + R&BMF + Newton + Playground Jerks | 9 pm | AS220, 115 Empire St, Providence | 401.831.9327 | sEPT 20 | HOWiE DaY | 8 PM | Narrows Center For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $30 advance, $33 day of show | 508.324.1926 | narrows sEPT 20 | TWiDDlE + the Heavy pets + Funky Dawgz Brass Band | The Spot

sEPT 21 | aTWaTER-DONNEllY TRiO | 4:30 pm | Rose Garden Coffee-

house at the Congregational Church, 17 West St, Mansfield, MA | Free | 508.699.8122 | sEPT 21 | sHaKEDOWN + Daddie Long Legs | 9 pm | The Met, 1005 Main St, Pawtucket | $10 | 401.729.1005 | sEPT 21 | sNOWPlOWs + the Attending + bloodpheasant | 9 pm | AS220

sEPT 21 | cHicaGO TOTal accEss: a TRiBuTE TO cHicaGO | 8 pm |

Stadium Theatre | $26 + $31

sEPT 21 | “JimmY aND JOYcE lOVE JOHNNY aND JuNE,” an homage to the music, lives, and love of Johnny Cash and June Carter, featuring Jimmy Warren and Joyce Katzberg | 8=8 pm | Courthouse Center for the Arts, 3481 Kingstown Rd , West Kingston | $20 | 401.782.1018 |

sEPT 21 | PENDRaGON’s 30TH aNNiVERsaRY sHOW | 8 pm | Black-

stone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland | $18 advance, $20 day of show | 401.725.9272 | sEPT 21 | THE PRimaTE FiascO + Pigeons Playing Ping Pong + Caroline Rose + Mike Baker + Von Donovan | The Spot

sEPT 22 | KaRl DENsON’s TiNY uNiVERsE + the Mike Dillon Band |

8 pm | Fête | $17.50 advance, $20 day of show, $40 reserved sEPT 22 | mR. PauliNO + Shryne + more | 9 pm | AS220 sEPT 22 | REasON TO FiGHT + Olde York + Cheech + A Dying Breed | 7 pm | Manchester 65, 65 Manchester St, West Warwick | sEPT 22 | liONEl RicHiE | 7 pm | MGM Grand at Foxwoods, 39 Norwich Westerly Rd, Ledyard, CT | $75-$125 | 866.646.0050 | mgmat sEPT 23 | GRiEVEs | 9 pm | The Met | $12 advance, $14 day of show

sEPT 24 | BlacK JOE lEWis & THE HONEYBEaRs + the Silks | 9 pm |

Fête Lounge| $15 advance, $17 day of show sEPT 25 | DOWNTOWN BOYs + Disaster Strikes + La Armada + the YaBeautifuls | 9 pm | AS220

sEPT 25 | YOuNGBlOOD BRass BaND + Mr. Breakdown | The Spot sEPT 26 | sEaN HaYEs + the Blank

Tapes | 8 pm | Columbus Theatre, 270 Broadway, Providence | $18 in advance, $20 at the door | columbus sEPT 26 | EmilY KiNG | 8 pm | Fête Lounge | $12 sEPT 26 | sPOcKa summa | 9 pm | The Met | $10 advance, $12 day of show sEPT 26 | JimKaTa | The Spot sEPT 27 | cHiEF KEEF | 9 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel, 79 Washington St, Providence | $35 advance, $45 day of show, $40 reserved | 401.331.5876 |

sEPT 27 | aRcHiE FisHER | 8 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $16 advance, $18 day of show

sEPT 27 | GRaNDmOTHERs OF iNVENTiON performing the One Size

Fits All album and a second set of Zappa classics | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts | $25 advance, $28 day of show sEPT 27 | JOliE HOllaND + TBA | 9 pm | Columbus Theatre | $15

End + Mini Boone + more | 9 pm | AS220 sEPT 29 | KiD cuDi + BiG sEaN | 7:30 pm | MGM Grand at Foxwoods | $55-$80 sEPT 30 | NEEDTOBREaTHE + Ivan & Alyosha | 8 pm | The Met | $26 sEPT 30 | musHROOmHEaD + One-Eyed Doll + XFactor1 + Ionia + Patient 0 + Scriptures | 7 pm | Fête | $15 advance, $18 day of show

OcT 1 | BiFFY clYRO + Morning Parade | 9 pm | The Met | $15 advance, $18 day of show OcT 2 | WHam Bam BOWiE BaND | 9 pm | The Met | $10 OcT 2 | DOPE + Soil + Leaving Eden | 7 pm | Manchester 65 | $15 OcT 3 | THE lasT BisON + Vio/Mire | 9 pm | Fête Lounge | $10 advance, $12 day of show OcT 3 | THE maNHaTTaN PROJEcT

pm | The Knickerbocker, 35 Railroad Ave, Westerly | 401.315.5070 | the

+ Matt Carey + Sex On Decks | The Spot OcT 4 | Bill callaHaN + Lonnie Holley | 9 pm | Columbus Theatre | $20 OcT 4 | BuDDY GuY + Quinn Sullivan | 8 pm | Park Theatre, 848 Park Ave, Cranston | $45 + $55 | 401.467.7275 | OcT 4 | cONsPiRaTOR + Viral Sound + DJ Soappy | 9 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $17 advance, $20 day of show OcT 4 | RuBBlEBucKET + Roz Raskin & the Rice Cakes + Kid Mountain | 9 pm | Fête | $15 advance, $17 day of show, $35 reserved OcT 4 | THE mOVEmENT + the Supervillains + Long Miles | 9 pm | Fête Lounge | $10 advance, $12 day of show

Center For the Arts | $10 advance, $12 at the door [BYOB + food]

+ VulGarrity + Satellites Fall + Nymphidels + Subject 2 Change | The Spot

sEPT 27 | RicH FERRi & THE WEalTH ON THE WaTER + the

Oarsmen + Valencourt | 9 pm | AS220

sEPT 27 | FuNGus amuNGus + Conehead Buddha | The Spot

sEPT 27 | BRiaN maEs BaND | 8

pm | Chan’s | $12

sEPT 27 | saiD THE WHalE + Born Cages + Gentlemen Hall | 9 pm | Fête Lounge | $8 advance, $10 day of show

sEPT 27 | DuKE ROBillaRD BaND + GREG PiccOlO & HEaVY JuicE | 8

sEPT 27 | micHaEl TROY + cHucK Williams | 7:30m pm | Sandywoods sEPT 28 | aN EVENiNG WiTH maTTHEW mORRisON & THE NEW BEDFORD sYmPHONY ORcHEsTRa | 8 pm | Zeiterion Theatre, 684

Purchase St, New Bedford, MA | $54.50-$95 [proceeds benefit the performance and education programs at the Zeiterion] | 508.994.2900 | sEPT 28 | DaDDiE lONG lEGs + Cosmic Factory + Secret Weapon | The Spot sEPT 28 | lORi mcKENNa | 8 pm | Common Fence Point Community Hall, 933 Anthony Road, Portsmouth | $20 advance, $23 door | 401.683.5085 | sEPT 28 | THE DEaDs + Gertrude Atherton + Wet Brain + more | 9 pm | AS220 sEPT 28 | lucY KaPlaNsKY | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts | $22 advance, $25 day of show

sEPT 28 | FOREVER YOuNG: a TRiBuTE TO THE music OF NEil YOuNG | 9 pm | The Met | $10 sEPT 28 | cOmmaNDER cODY BaND | 8 pm | Chan’s | $12


OcT 4 | TusK [FlEETWOOD mac TRiBuTE] | 8 pm | Stadium Theatre

| $26 + $31

OcT 5 | 75TH aNNiVERsaRY TRiBuTE TO BENNY GOODmaN’s 1938 caRNEGiE Hall JaZZ cONcERT with clarinetist and

Benny Goodman alumnus Ken Peplowski and the Capital Jazz Orchestra | 7:30 pm | Park Theatre | $25 + $35 OcT 5 | BEN sOllEE + River Whyless | 9 pm | Columbus Theatre | $12 advance, $14 day of show OcT 5 | BaTHs + Groundislava + Time Wharp | 9 pm | Fête Lounge | $10 advance, $12 day of show OcT 5 | sPiRiTual REZ + Richard James & the Name Changers + the Larry Mitchell Trio | The Spot OcT 5 | DaN laWsON BaND | 8 pm | Chan’s | $12

OcT 5 | a caJuN DaNcE PaRTY WiTH maGNOlia | 8 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $15

OcT 5 | DaNNY scHmiDT + Lisa

Martin | 8 pm | Stone Soup Coffeehouse | Call for ticket info

OcT 5 | Ellis Paul | 8 pm | Common Fence Point Community Hall | $22 advance, $25 door OcT 5 | aBsTiNENcE + Neptune + Controlled Bleeding + Raab Codec + Vomit Arsonist | 9 pm | AS220 OcT 5 | THE GNOmEs | 7 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $10 advance, $12 at the door [BYOB + food] OcT 5 | lYNYRD sKYNYRD | 7 pm | Newport Yachting Center, 4 Commercial Wharf | $60.50-$90.50 | 401.846.1600 | newportwaterfront OcT 5 | OH WHaT a NiGHT! [FRaNKiE Valli & THE FOuR sEasONs TRiBuTE] | 8 pm | Stadium Theatre | $26-$36

OcT 6 | mEDiaEVal BaEBEs | 7 pm |

Blackstone River Theatre, 549 Broad St | $28 advance, $32 day of show | 401.725.9272 | OcT 8 | BlONDiE | 8 pm | Zeiterion Theatre | $45-$65 OcT 8 | TaKE 6 | 7:30 pm | Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New London, CT | $30-$45 | 860.444.7373 | OcT 9 | ViKiNG JEsus + the Womack Family Band + Daphne Lee Martin | 9 pm | The Met | $8 OcT 9 | sOmOs + Yeesh + more | 9 pm | AS220 OcT 10 | THEY miGHT BE GiaNTs + Moon Hooch | 7 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel, Providence | $25 OcT 10 | BlacK milK | 9 pm | Fête Lounge | $10

OcT 11 | FiVE FiNGER DEaTH PuNcH + Escape the Fate + Miss

May I + Gemini Syndrome | 7:30 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $35 advance, $40 day of show, $44 reserved OcT 11 | KODaliNE + Diane Birch | 8 pm | Fête Lounge | $12 OcT 11 | maTT suBBs BaND featuring Ken Clark | 8 pm | Chan’s | $12 OcT 11 | WaTsKY & WaX | 9 pm | The Met | $16 advance, $20 day of show

OcT 11 | aaRON aBRaHamsON cOTE & THE PaNORamic ViEW sTEEl BaND | 8 pm | Sandywoods

Center For the Arts | $12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food] OcT 11 | BONNiE “PRiNcE” BillY | 9 pm | Columbus Theatre | $20 OcT 11 | BOYZ ii mEN | 8 pm | Twin River Event Center, 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | $25-$60 | 877.82RIVER |


+ Lovelife + Ghost Loft | 9 pm | The Met | $15 OcT 12 | susaN cOWsill | 8 pm | Manchester 65 | $15 OcT 12 | cOcO mONTOYa | 8 + 10 pm | Chan’s | 8 pm $25, 10 pm $20, both $28 OcT 12 | 6-DiGG-iT | 8 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $10

OcT 12 | DiXiE DiEHaRDs JaZZ BaND | 2 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $10 advance, $12 day of show

OcT 12 | maTuTO | 7:30 pm | Lily Pads | $20

OcT 12 | PETER WOlF | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts | $50 advance, $55 day of show

OcT 12 | RicHaRD NaDER’s DOOWOP & ROcK & ROll all sTaRs featuring the Charlie Thomas Drifters + Gene Chandler + Larry Chance of the Earls + Tommy Mara & the Crests + the Vogues | 8 pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence, RI | $37-$88 | 401.421.ARTS | OcT 12 | TaKE 6 and the Harlem Gospel Choir | 8 pm | Park Theatre | $35 + $45

OcT 13 | mia DYsON + THE BEcKY cHacE BaND | Sandywoods Center

For the Arts | $15 advance, $18 at the door [BYOB + food] OcT 13 | NORTH sEa Gas | 7 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $15 OcT 13 | maRisa aNDERsON + Lizzie Davis + Arch Cape + more | 9 pm | AS220 OcT 14 | PRONK 2013 | The annual street band festival, with 15 bands performing at India Point Park [3 pm], a parade down Wickenden St [5 pm], and evening shows on the water near the Hurricane Barrier | 3-10 pm | Free | OcT 15 | sOJa + Aer | 9 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $20 advance, $25 day of show

OcT 16 | WOlFGaNG GaRTNER & TOmmY TRasH | 9 pm | Lupo’s

Heartbreak Hotel | $30 advance, $33 day of show, $37.50 reserved

OcT 17 | THE smOKERs cluB + Joey

Bada$$ & Pro Era + Ab-Soul + the Underachievers + Chevy Woods + Statik Seklektah + host the Emperor Shiest Bubz | 6:30 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $20 advance, $22 day of show, $27.50 reserved OcT 17 | KuNG Fu + Marco Benevento | 9 pm | The Met | $15 advance, $17 day of show OcT 18 | cOHEED & camBRia + Balance and Composure + I the Mighty | 8 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $26.50 advance, $30 day of show, $35 reserved OcT 18 | cHRisTiNE OHlmaN | 8 pm | Chan’s | $15

OcT 18 | THE PaRKiNGTON sisTERs | 8 pm | Fête Lounge | $10 OcT 18 | HiROYa TsuKamOTO | 8

pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food]

OcT 18 | a TRiBuTE TO DaVE BRuBEcK with the Brubeck Broth-

ers Quartet | 8 pm | Park Theatre | $25 + $30 OcT 19 | GaTHERiNG TimE + the Folk Goddesses | 8 pm | Stone Soup Coffeehouse | Call for ticket info OcT 19 | maDBall + Wisdom & Chains + Reason To Fight + Cheech + Everyone Dead | 7 pm | Manchester 65 | $15-$18 OcT 19 | uRsula GEORGE | 8 pm | Chan’s | $15 OcT 19 | JON camPBEll | 7 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $10 advance, $12 at the door [BYOB + food]

OcT 19 | suGaR RaY & THE BluETONEs | 8 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $15

OcT 20 | sPiNacH + Buckshot Face-

lift + more | 9 pm | AS220

OcT 20 | ROGER HODGsON | 8 pm | Zeiterion Theatre | $45-$74.50

OcT 20 | JOHN lEGEND | 7:30 pm | MGM Grand at Foxwoods | $45-$65

OcT 21 | cOlD WaR KiDs | 8:30 pm

| Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $20 advance, $25 day of show OcT 22 | TEcH N9NE + Mayday + Prozak + Stevie Stone + Ces Cru + Krizz Kaliko | 7 pm | Fête | $26 advance, $28 day of show, $49 reserved OcT 22 | aaRON caRTER + Justin Levinson + Brie Goldsobel | 8:30 pm | The Met | $20 OcT 23 | sENsEs Fail + For the Fallen Dreams + Expire + Being As an Ocean | 7:30 pm | The Met | $14 advance, $17 day of show OcT 23 | TERRaPlaNE suN | 9 pm | Fête Lounge | $14.50 OcT 24 | maTT scHOFiElD | 8 pm | Chan’s | $25 OcT 24 | THE ENGlisH BEaT | 7 pm | Manchester 65 | $20 OcT 25 | BiG GiGaNTic + Opiuo + Michael Savant | 9 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $20.50 advance, $25 day of show OcT 25 | THE WERKs | 9 pm | The Met | $10

OcT 25 | JEFF PiTcHEll & TEaXs FlOOD + JamEs mONTGOmERY | 8

pm | Chan’s | 8 pm $27, 10 pm $20, both $30 OcT 25 | siR slY | 9 pm | Fête Lounge | $10

OcT 25 | “JimmY aND JOYcE lOVE JOHNNY aND JuNE,” a tribute to Johnny Cash and June Carter by Joyce Katzberg and Jimmy Warren | 8 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food] OcT 25 | THE WaNTED | 8 pm | MGM Grand at Foxwoods| $40-$55

OcT 26 | cREEK RiVER sTRiNG BaND + DaNiEllE miRaGlia | 7:30

pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food]

OcT 26 | FlYNN cOHEN & THE DEaDsTRiNG ENsEmBlE | 8 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $12

OcT 26 | DuKE ROBillaRD BaND |

8 pm | Chan’s | 8 pm $22, 10 pm $15, both $25 OcT 26 | asHRaE FaX + the Kolour Kult | 8 pm | Fête Lounge | $10 advance, $12 day of show OcT 26 | THE JammiN’ DiVas, featuring Becky Chace, Kath Buckell, Hadar Noiberg, and Craig Akin | 8 pm | Common Fence Point Community Hall | $20 advance, $23 door

OcT 26 | JOE FlETcHER & THE WRONG REasONs + Christopher

Paul Stelling + Dan Blakeslee | 7:30 pm | Lily Pads | $18 OcT 26 | ROBBEN FORD BaND | 8

pm | Narrows Center For the Arts | $30 advance, $35 day of show

OcT 26 | sTEVE GillETTE & ciNDY maNGsEN | 8 pm | Rose Garden

Coffeehouse at the Congregational Church | $14 advance, $16 door

OcT 27 | THE BlacK DaHlia muRDER + Skeletonwitch + Fallujah +

NoiseM | 8 pm | The Met | $16.50 advance, $18 day of show

OcT 27 | EVa aYllÓ: THE DiVa OF aFRO-PERuViaN music | 7:30 pm |

Park Theatre | $25 + $35

OcT 27 | THE GREYBEaRDs | 7:30 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $15 [BYOB + food] OcT 27 | saN FERmiN + TBA | 8 pm | Columbus Theatre | $10 advance, $12 day of show

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OcT 29 | THE FaBulOus ’50s sHOW with Jay Siegel’s Tokens,


OcT 31 | HuRRaY FOR THE RiFF RaFF + the Deslondes | 9 pm | Co-

8 oz angus Burgers

Linda Jansen and Her Angels, and Jimmy Clanton | 3:30 pm | Garde Arts Center | $35 + $40 lumbus Theatre | $20



OcT 31 | THE WiNERY DOGs | 8 pm |

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OcT 31 | miDNiGHT HallOWEEN ORGaN cONcERT with organist

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The Met | $35 advance, $37 day of show Mark Steinbach | Sayles Hall at Brown University, Waterman and George sts, Providence | Free | 401.863.2344 |

NOV 1 | cREaTuREs OF THE NiGHT | 8 pm-2 am | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $20-$35 NOV 1 | miKE sTuD | 9 pm | The Met | $15 advance, $18 day of show NOV 1 | Bill PaYNE | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts | $20 advance, $23 day of show NOV 1 | FOuR BRiDGEs | 8 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $10 advance, $12 at the door [BYOB + food] NOV 1 | lEE GREENWOOD | 8 pm | Park Theatre, Cranston | $35 + $45 NOV 2 | DaViD JacOBs-sTRaiN | 8 pm | Common Fence Point Community Hall | $20 advance, $23 door NOV 2 | PaPaDOsiO + Earth Cry + Resin ED | 9 pm | The Met | $12 advance, $15 day of show NOV 2 | iRElaND: THE sHOW, featuring dancers and musicians from Riverdance, Galeforce Dance, Celtic Fyre, Dance Masters, and Feet of Flames | 8 pm | Garde Arts Center | Call for ticket info

NOV 2 | THE KROPPDusTERs + BluE aROuND THE EDGEs | 8 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $12

NOV 2 | liTTlE uGlY + GRacE mORRisON | 8 pm | Sandywoods

Center For the Arts | $12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food] NOV 3 | DaViD RamiREZ + Sara Azriel | 8 pm | Fête Lounge | $8 advance, $10 day of show NOV 3 | BOB aRDERN | 8 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food]

NOV 5 | salliE FORD & THE sOuND OuTsiDE + Mount Moriah

| 8 pm | Columbus Theatre | $10 advance, $12 day of show NOV 6 | BuilT TO sPill + Slam Dunk + the Warm Hair | 9:15 pm | The Met | $20 advance, $23 day of show NOV 7 | aNi DiFRaNcO | 7:30 pm | Park Theatre | $35 + $45 NOV 7 | a lOss FOR WORDs + PVRIS + Wind In Sails + Sienna | 8 pm | Fête Lounge | $10 advance, $12 day of show

NOV 8 | EasT cOasT aRmaGEDDON with Six Feet Under + Jungle

Rot + Pyrexia + Arkaik + Dark Sermon + Churchburn + Lower the Casket | 8 pm | Fête | $17 advance, $20 day of show NOV 8 | liZa miNNElli | 8 pm | MGM Grand at Foxwoods | $62.50 NOV 8 | Tim KasHER + Laura Stevenson | 9 pm | The Met | $12 advance, $14 day of show

NOV 8 | simPlY DiamOND [NEil DiamOND TRiBuTE] | 8 pm | tadium Theatre | $26 + $31


| Stone Soup Coffeehouse | Call for ticket info NOV 9 | BusKiN & BaTTEau | 8 pm | Rose Garden Coffeehouse | $18 advance, $20 door NOV 9 | DaWN KENNEY BaND | 7:30 pm | Sandywoods Center For the

Continued on p 28

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Continued from p 27 Arts | $12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food] NOV 9 | GENTicORum | Lily Pads | See website for ticket info

Cirque Éloize: Cirkopolis, at PPAC on November 1 and 2

NOV 9 | HaNNEKE cassEl, JEREmY KiTTEl & KEiTH muRPHY | 8

pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $15 advance, $18 day of show

NOV 9 | sONGs iN THE aTTic [BillY JOEl TRiBuTE] | 8 pm | Stadium Theatre | $21-$31

NOV 14 | GRiNGO sTaR + Ski Lodge | 9 pm | Fête Lounge | $10 advance, $12 day of show

NOV 15 | maNcHEsTER ORcHEsTRa + the Front Bottoms | 8 pm |

Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $16.50 advance, $20 day of show

NOV 15 | GiRls, GuNs & GlORY | 8 pm | The Knickerbocker

NOV 15 | cHEaP TRicK | 8 pm |

MGM Grand at Foxwoods | $37.50 NOV 15 | JONNY laNG | 8 pm | Park Theatre | $35-$55 NOV 15 | ZZ TOP | 8 pm | Twin River Event Center | $55-$125

NOV 16 | micHaEl FRaNTi & sPEaRHEaD | 7 pm | Lupo’s Heart-

break Hotel | $27.50 advance, $30 day of show, $35 reserved NOV 16 | THE GNOmEs | 8 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $13 advance, $15 day of show

NOV 16 | maRY aNN ROssiNi & THE ROssONiaNs | 7:30 pm | San-

dywoods Center For the Arts | $10 advance, $12 at the door [BYOB + food] NOV 16 | THE sTRaY BiRDs | 8 pm | Common Fence Point Community Hall | $20 advance, $23 door

NOV 16 | JEsus cHRisT suPERsTaR [the rock concert] | 8 pm |

Manchester 65 | $10

NOV 17 | JONi miTcHEll’s BLUE: a 40TH aNNiVERsaRY cElEBRaTiON | Lily Pads | See website for ticket info

NOV 19 | cHRis cORNEll: uNPluGGED aND uP clOsE | 7 pm |

The Vets | $48 + $58

NOV 21 | DaVE DOuGlas QuiNTET | 7:30 pm | Garde Arts Center | $TBA

NOV 22 | aNOusHKa sHaNKaR | 8

pm | Park Theatre | $35 + $45 NOV 23 | cOmas | 8 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $15

NOV 23 | FOREVER YOuNG: a TRiBuTE TO THE music OF NEil YOuNG | 7:30 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $15 [BYOB + food]

(401) 421-ARTS

NOV 23 | THE HORN OF PlENTY music, featuring Michael Troy, Ally-

sen Callery, Will Houlihan, and more | 7 pm | Common Fence Point Community Hall | $20 advance, $23 door NOV 23 | lisa maRiE PREslEY | 7:30 pm | Park Theatre | $25-$125

NOV 23 | PHil OcHs sONG NiGHT

with Greg Greenway + Sharon Katz + Joyce Katzberg + David Roth + Pat Wictor | 8 pm | Stone Soup Coffeehouse | Call for ticket info

NOV 23 | saRa GaZaREK TRiO & maTT DusK | 8 pm | Garde Arts

Center | $TBA

NOV 23 | ZacH DEPuTY | 8 pm | Manchester 65 | $15-$18

NOV 26 | HOODiE allEN + Moosh

& Twist: OCD + Mod Sun + D-Why | 8:30 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel | $20 advance, $25 NOV 29 | FOREiGNER | 8 pm | Twin River Event Center | $40-$80

NOV 30 | aBBEY RHODE [BEaTlEs TRiBuTE] | 7:30 pm | Sandywoods

Center For the Arts | $10 advance, $12 at the door [BYOB + food]

NOV 30 | HOmEcOmiNG cONcERT & silENT aucTiON FuNDRaisER |

$12 advance, $15 at the door [BYOB + food] DEc 7 | sPYRO GYRa + Stanley Jordan | 8 pm | Park Theatre | $35 + $45

DEc 7 | YiDDisHKEiT KlEZmER ENsEmBlE | 8 pm | Common Fence

Point Community Hall | $20 advance, $23 door DEc 8 | THE TEmPTaTiONs | 7:30 pm | Park Theatre | $35-$55

DEc 14 | BluEGRass GOsPEl PROJEcT | 8 pm | Stone Soup Coffeehouse | Call for ticket info

cOmEDY FRiDaY 13

sEPT 20 + 21 | BEN HaGuE | 8 pm | Comedy Connection, 39 Warren Ave, East Providence | $15 | 401.438.8383 | sEPT 20 + 21 | TOmmY saViTT

| Sept 20 8 pm + Sept 21 8 + 10 pm | Catch A Rising Star at Twin River, 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | Sept 20 $22, Sept 21 $25 | 877.82RIVER | twin sEPT 22 | DaVE cOuliER | 8 pm | Comedy Connection | $25

sEPT 27 | acE acETO’s ROYal FlusH cOmEDY sHOW | 9 pm |

Newport Grand Event Center, 150 Admiral Kalbfus Rd | 401.849.5000 or sEPT 26 | sTEVE BYRNE | 8 pm | Comedy Connection | $22.50 sEPT 27 + 28 | NicK DiPaOlO | Sept 27 8 pm + Sept 28 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $20 sEPT 27 | BEN HaGuE | 8 pm | Catch A Rising Star at Twin River | $22 sEPT 27 | RussEll PETERs | 9 pm | MGM Grand at Foxwoods, 39 Norwich Westerly Rd, Mashantucket, CT | $45-$65 | 866.646.0050 | mgmat

sEPT 28 | cOliN QuiNN: uNcONsTiTuTiONal | 8 pm | Trinity Rep,

with Atwater-Donnelly, Pendragon, Robbie O’Connell, and more | 7:30 pm | Blackstone River Theatre | $20

201 Washington St, Providence | $35 | 401.351.4242 | sEPT 28 | KEViN mEaNEY | 8 pm | Catch A Rising Star at Twin River | $22

DEc 1 | BRiaN sETZER ORcHEsTRa | 7 pm | MGM Grand at Fox-

edy Connection | $29

woods | $20-$40

DEc 6 | amY BlacK BaND | 8 pm

| Sandywoods Center For the Arts | $18 advance, $20 at the door [BYOB + food]

DEc 6 | caTiE cuRTis HOliDaY cONcERT | 8 pm | Garde Arts Center | $TBA DEc 7 | BiG D & THE KiDs’ TaBlE +

the Fighting Jamesons | 8 pm | Fête | $15, $30 reserved DEc 7 | DaNiEllE miRaGlia | 8 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts |

OcT 3 | RalPHiE maY | 8 pm | Com-

OcT 4 | maRTiN mONTaNa | 8 pm | Comedy Connectione | $15 OcT 5 | KYlE PlOOF | 8 pm | Comedy Connection | $15 OcT 5 | THE HuNGRY HuNGRY GamEs: a PaRODY | 8 pm | Zei-

terion Theatre, 684 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA | $29 + $35 | 508.994.2900 | OcT 5 | miKE EPPs | 8 pm | MGM Grand at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $40-$65

OcT 11 + 12 | Jim mccuE | Oct 11 8 pm + Oct 12 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15 OcT 17 | DOuG sTaNHOPE | 8 pm | Comedy Connection | $25 OcT 18 + 19 | TOm WilsON | Oct 18 8 pm + Oct 19 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $20 OcT 19 | caRlOs mENcia | 8 pm | MGM Grand at Foxwoods | $30-$55 OcT 24 | FRaNK O’DONNEll’s cOuRTHOusE JEsTERs | 7:30 pm |

Courthouse Center for the Arts, 3481 Kingstown Rd, West Kingston | $15 | 401.782.1018 | OcT 25 + 25 | RicH VOs | Oct 24 8 pm + Oct 25 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15

NOV 1 + 2 | aPRil maciE | Nov 1 8 pm + Nov 2 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15

NOV 7 | JOHN “DR. DiRTY” ValBY | 8 pm | Comedy Connection | $25

NOV 8 + 9 | miKE HaNlEY | Nov 8

8 pm + Nov 9 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15 NOV 8 | JOHN mulaNEY | Fox Theater at Foxwoods Casino, 39 Norwich Westerly Rd, Mashantucket, CT | $25$50 | 800.200.2882 |

NOV 9 | 50 sHaDEs! THE musical

| 8 pm | Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New London, CT | Call for ticket info | 860.444.7373 | NOV 9 | Jim BREuER | 8 pm | Fox Theater at Foxwoods Casino | $30-$50 NOV 10 | THE caPiTOl sTEPs | 2 pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence | $27.50-$37.50 | 401.421.ARTS | NOV 15 + 16 | PETE cORREalE | Nov 15 8 pm + Nov 16 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15 NOV 16 | RODNEY caRRiNGTON | 8 pm | Fox Theater at Foxwoods Casino | $35-$50 | 800.200.2882 | NOV 22 + 23 | KYlE KiNaNE | Nov 22 8 pm + Nov 23 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15 NOV 23 | JEFF DuNHam | 5 pm | Dunkin’ Donuts Center, 1 LaSalle Sq, Providence | $45.50 | 401.331.6700 | NOV 29 + 30 | JON RiNEmaN | Nov 29 8 pm + Nov 30 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15

NOV 30 | BROaDWaY’s NEXT HiT musical, an improvised musical comedy | 8 pm | Zeiterion Theatre | $20-$29

DEc 6 + 7 | JOHN PERROTTa | Dec

6 8 pm + Dec 7 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15 DEc 13 + 14 | Na’im lYNN | Dec 13 8 pm + Dec 14 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection | $15

DaNcE sEPT 21 + 22 | islaND mOViNG cO. presents “Open For Dancing 2013,” with site-specific performances at Gray Craig Estate [Sept 21 @ 2 + 3 + 4 pm + Sept 22 @ 3 + 4 + 5 pm] + Salve Regina University [Sept 21 + 22 @ 2 + 3 + 4 pm] + the Opera House [Sept 21, 3 + 4 + 5 pm + Sept 22 @ 2 + 3 + 4 pm] | Free | 401.847.4470 | islandmoving sEPT 28 | aERPlaYE, a new modern dance company founded by Heather Ahern, presents “Return,” featuring six dances performed by Jamie Arnold, Shura Baryshnikov, Sarah Hopkins, Kathy Gordon Smith, Brittany Lombardi, Ahern, and a cameo by Michael Bolger | 8 pm | RISD Auditorium, 17 Canal Walkway, Providence | $15, $10 students | event/438614

OcT 3 | FEsTiVal BallET PROViDENcE presents “Together We

Dance 3,” featuring internationally renowned ballet stars, FBP company dancers, and students from the FBP School | 7:30 pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence | Call for ticket info | 401.421.ARTS | festival

OcT 25 + 26 + NOV 1 + 2 + 8 + 9 | FEsTiVal BallET PROViDENcE presents “Up Close On

Hope” | Fri 8 pm + Sat 7:30 pm | Black Box Theater, 825 Hope St, Providence | $50 | 401.353.1129 |

NOV 1 + 2 | ciRQuE ÉlOiZE: ciRKOPOlis, featuring dazzling

acrobatics, illusions, and imagery | Presented by FirstWorks | Nov 1 7:30 pm + Nov 2 4 pm | Providence Performing Arts Center, 220 Weybosset St | $35-$65 | 401.421.ARTS |

NOV 2 | ROGER Williams uNiVERsiTY’s BasEmENT sERiEs PERFORmaNcE presents freshman

dance majors with Heather Ahern’s new dance company, Aerplaye | 7:30 pm | Roger Williams University Theatre, Performing Arts Center, 1 Old Ferry Rd, Bristol | Free | 401.254.2626 | departments.rwu. edu/dance

NOV 14 | HuNGaRiaN sTaTE FOlK ENsEmBlE | 7:30 pm | The Audito-

rium in Roberts Hall at Rhode Island College, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | $35, $30 seniors, $15 students + under 13 | 401.456.8144 |

PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 29

DEc 5-8 | THE ROGER Williams uNiVERsiTY DaNcE THEaTRE presents works by guest artists, faculty, and students | Dec 5 + 6 7:30 pm + Dec 7 + 8 2 + 7:30 pm | Roger Williams University Theatre, Performing Arts Center, 1 Old Ferry Rd, Bristol | $10, $5 students + seniors | 401.254.3626 | departments.rwu. edu/dance

EVENTs sEPT 21 + 22 | 15TH aNNual PaWTucKET aRTs FEsTiVal,

with more than 120 arts and craft vendors + food trucks + kids’ activities and entertainment + a classic car cruise + music + more | Part of the Pawtucket Arts Festival | 11 am-5 pm | Slater Memorial Park, Newport Ave & Armistice Blvd, Pawtucket | sEPT 21 | FusiON FEsT, a fundraiser for Fusionworks Dance Company’s community outreach and educational programs, with a beer garden (Union Station, Narragansett, Trinit, Cisco, Berkshire, and more) + food (from Blount Clam Shack, Eddie’s BBQ, Like No Udder, and other vendors, plus beverages from the Coffee Guy and wines from Grapes & Grains) + music (Mark Cutler + Galvanize + Allysen Callery + Jacob Haller + Lloyd’s Llamas + Paul Rocha + Space Face + Haunt the House + Sick Pills + Six Star General) + more | 12-7 pm | Blount Clam Shack, 335 Water St, Warren |

sEPT 22 | 6TH aNNual Fall OuT OF aRTs FEsTiVal, with music by

Chris MacKay & the Toneshifters [11 am] + Wal Man [11 am] + Gary Hopp & Friends [11:30 am] + Sheez Late [noon] + Jacqueline Bartlett [12:30 pm] + Peacewise [1 pm] + Billy Mitchell [1:30 pm] + Antonio Forte [2 pm] + Malyssa BellaRosa [2 pm] + Steve Allain [2:30 pm] + Kate Katzberg [2:30 pm] + Red Ed & the Undead [3 pm] + Veronica Farren [4 pm] + Jenny White [4:30 pm] + Bring Your Own Improv [4:30 pm] + a Doggie Show-Off Contest + a performance by the Carolyn Dutra Dancers [1:30 pm] + an installation of artwork made by the 2013 Artists’ Exchange Summer Art Camp participants + artisans + games + hands-on activities + a street art contest + raffles + food trucks + pumpkin painting + more | 11 am-5 pm [rain date Sept 29] | Artists’ Exchange, 50 Rolfe Sq, Cranston | $1, free under 12 | 401.490.9475 | sEPT 28 | 1sT aNNual iONaFEsT, a celebration of the life and legacy of Iona Dobbins, arts advocate and former executive director of the Rhode Island State Council On the Arts | A second line procession, featuring the Extraordinary Rendition Band, Luyi Shao, the Chinese Lion dance group, Charles Williams, Project 401, Mark Taber, Dan Butterworth, and youth peformers from Festival Ballet, will gather at the Providence Performing Arts Center at 3:30 pm, proceed through downtown, and culminate at Grant’s Park with entertainment at 5 pm | A fundraiser will take place at Roots Cultural Center, 276 Westminster St, from 6:30-10 pm [$125] |

sEPT 28 | 14TH aNNual PROViDENcE ROTaRY sTREET PaiNTiNG FEsTiVal | 12-8 pm | Bank of

America Skating Center, Kennedy Pl, Providence | providencerotary. org/StreetPaintingFestival.cfm

OcT 12-14 | sciTuaTE aRT FEsTiVal, with more than 300 artists

and craftspeople + antiques dealers + entertainment + food + more | 10 am-5 pm | Village Green, Route 116, North Scituate | 401.647.0057 |

OcT 19 + 20 | HOPaRTs sTuDiO TRail | Take a self-guided tour of

more than 30 artists’ studios in a seven-mile radius within Hopkinton and Richmond | 10 am-4 pm | HopArts Studio Trail, Main St, Hope Valley|

NOV 2 + 3 | RHODE islaND cOmic cON, with artists and writers + new and old comics + celebrity panels and appearances by Danny Glover + Billy Dee Williams + Nichelle Nichols +

David Anders + Robert Picardo + Ernie Hudson + many more + and a Batman reunion with Adam West + Burt Ward + Julie Newmar + Yvonne Craig + and a Weekend at Bernie’s reunion with Terry Kiser + Andrew McCarthy + Johnathan Silveran + a Power Rangers reunion + a Bounty Hunter reunion + WWE legends + more | Nov 2 10 am-7 pm + Nov 3 10 am-5 pm | Rhode Island Convention Center, 1 Sabin St, Providence | $25 Nov 1 + 2, $35 both days [ages 6-12 $15/$20, free under 6] |

Film sEPT 20-NOV 29 | GlOBal lENs 2013 | A film and discussion se-

ries with films from Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East | 6 pm | Providence Public Library, 150 Empire St | Free | 401.455.8134 | Details @ sEPT 21 | VIXENS OF KUNG FU | 11:45 pm | 95 Empire Black Box, 95 Empire St, Providence | $5 | 401.831.9327 | sEPT 26-29 | 14TH aNNual PaWTucKET Film FEsTiVal | Sept 26 + 27 6 pm, Sept 28 11 am, Sept 29 noon | At the Pawtucket Visitors Center, 175 Main St | $10 includes T-shirt, music, food and beverages | 401.724.5200 | Part of the Pawtucket Arts Festival | | See for the complete schedule

OcT 17-20 | 14TH aNNual RHODE islaND iNTERNaTiONal HORROR Film FEsTiVal with screenings at the Bell Street Chapel Theatre, plus the Paff Theater at URI, the Providence Public Library, Roger Williams University in Bristol, and the Jamestown Arts Center | Complete details @ the website | 401.861.4445 |

OcT 24 | HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME | The 1923 silent film classic,

acompanied by the Wurlitzer Organ | Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | $10 | 401.762.4545 |

NOV 7 | GHOST ARMY, a documentary by Rick Beyer about American GIs who tricked the enemy with rubber tanks, sound effects, and visual illusions during World War II | 7 pm | Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | $10 | 401.762.4545 |

liT EVENTs BROWN uNiVERsiTY liTERaRY EVENTs | At the McCormack Fam-

ily Theater, 70 Brown St, Providence [except where noted] | Free | 401.863.3260 | Sept 17 @ 2:30 pm, a reading by poet Ronaldo Wilson Sept 23 @ 5:30 pm, a reading by poet Rosmarie Waldrop Sept 27 @ 2 pm at 003 Salomon Center, on the Main Green, a conversation with literary critic, poet, novelist, and playwright Hélène Cixous, with Eric Prenowitz Oct 1 @ 2:30 pm, a reading by memoirist Karen Green Oct 8 @ 2:30 pm, a reading by poet Cole Swensen Ovct 17 @ 2:30 pm, a reading by fiction writer Sarah Bynum Oct 21 @ 7 pm, a reading by novelist, essayist, poet, and translator Frederic Boyer Oct 29 @ 2:30 pm, a reading by poet Hoa Nguyen Nov 7 @ 2:30 pm, a reading by novelist Jamaica Kincaid Nov 19 @ 2:30 pm, a reading by poet Rachel Levitsky Dec 3 @ 2:30 pm, a reading by fiction writer Matthew Derby

NOT aBOuT THE BuilDiNGs aNNual sPElliNG BEE | A fundraiser

for the literary events organization | Sept 26 @ 8 pm | AS220, 115 Empire St, Providence | Free to watch, $7 to spell | 401.831.9327 | PROViDENcE POETRY slam | Sept 19 + Oct 3 + Oct 17 + Nov 14 + Nov 28 + Dec 12 @ 8 pm | At AS220, 115 Empire St, Providence | $4 | 401.831.9327 |

GallERiEs alTa luNa GallERY |

401.688.0396 | 297 hope st, bristol | | Mon-Sat 10 am-

7 pm; Sun 12-5 pm | Through Sept 20: works by Linda DiFrenna and paintings by John Irwin as220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire st, Providence | | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appointment | Through Sept 28: New work by Rebecca Adams and the Forand Family show | New work by Ysanel Torres as220 PROJEcT sPacE | 401.831.9327 | 93 Mathewson st, Providence | as220. org | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm | Through Sept 28: “New Barbarians: Prints from the New Border,” by Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Joan Wyand | New work by Heidi Born


| 401.490.0929 | 304 lockwood st, Providence | | Through Sept 24: “Recaptured,” “the life and after-life of urban debris explored in new works” by Jennifer Rydwansky, Gregory Pennisten, and Daniel Seliger | Sept 21-Oct 19: “Third Eye Aquatic,” new works by Andrew Jacob BaNKRi GallERY | 401.456.5015 x 1330 | 137 Pitman st, Providence | | Mon-Fri 9 am-7 pm; Sat 9 am-3 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Through Oct 2: “Little Woven Pictures,” by Karen GIlbert — 1 Turks head Pl, Providence | Mon-Wed 8:30 am-3 pm; Thurs-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm | Through Oct 2: paintings by Buck Hastings Bill KRul GallERY | 401.782.1715 | 142 boon st, narragansett | billkrul | Through Sept 30: “Land, Sea, and Macro Scapes,” photographs by Steve Nadler, Mike Egan, and Randy Anway caDE TOmPKiNs PROJEcTs | 401.751.4888 | 198 hope st, Providence | | Sat 10 am-6 pm + by appointment | Through Oct 26: paintings by Donnamaria Bruton | Nov 8-Dec 28: “The Attitudes of Animals In Motion,” paintings by Andrew Nixon cHaBOT FiNE aRT GallERY | 401.432.7783 | 379 atwells ave, Providence | | Wed + Thurs 12-6 pm; Fri + Sat 12-8 pm | Through Sept 21: “In Nature’s Realm II,” paintings by Edwin Wilwayco


| 401.421.9230 | 228 angell st, Providence | | Tues-Sat 11

am-4 pm; Sun 2-4 pm | Sept 19-Oct 9: “Monster Flowers,” works by Leslie Bostrom | Oct 17-Nov 6: “Hope/Angell,” a Wheeler alumni exhibition with works by Sarah Allen Scoville, Sam Allerton Green, Bobbie Berking Dalzell, Giacomo Fortunato, Susan Lichtman, Allison McLennan, Jill McLennan, Dan Talbot, Chris Wolston and Caroline Woolard | Nov 14-Dec 11: works by Duane Slick and Leigh Tarentino cOasTal liViNG GallERY | | 83 brown st, Wickford | | Through Oct 1: “Florals,” paintings by Janet Alling cRaFTlaND | 401.272.4285 | 235 Westminster st, Providence | craftland | Mon-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm | Through Oct 19: “Locally Sourced,” an exhibit presented by Yellow Peril Gallery featuring “artists living in Rhode Island who intimately connect with their surroundings [by] using materials that are native to the Ocean State,” with works by Johnny Adimando, Brooke Goldstein, Flynn Grinnan, Emma Hogarth, Jon Laustsen, Philippe Lejeune, Lisa Maloney, Mara Metcalf, Maria Napolitano, Babs Owen, Masha Ryskin, Mel St. Laurent, and Tom West | Nov 29-Dec 31: “12th Annual Craftland Show” DEBlOis GallERY | 401.847.9977 | 138 bellevue ave, newport | deblois | Tues-Sun 12-5 pm | Through Sept 29: “21st Century Expressionism,” featuring oils by Michael Carr, sculptures by Ed McAloon, and zen watercolors by Edward Williams | Oct 5-27: works by Kathleen Armor, Kathy Morton, and Felicia Touhey | Nov 2-22: “Small Works Open Show” | Nov 30-Dec 24: “Invitational Holiday Fine Arts and Crafts Show”

Continued on p 30

Garden Design Luncheon:

“A Rich Spot of Earth”

Thursday, November 7th, 10 a m

Peter J. Hatch, former Director of Gardens & Grounds at Monticello and author of:

Join us at elegant Rhode Island Country Club in Barrington for an illustrated talk by Peter J. Hatch on Thomas Jefferson’s Revolutionary Garden at Monticello in Virginia. Peter is the former Director of Gardens & Grounds at Monticello, an award-winning author, and advisor to First Lady Michelle Obama on the White House kitchen garden. The talk will be followed by a delectable luncheon. This event is a fundraiser for Blithewold’s Education Programs. Tickets are $85, $75 for Blithewold members. Find more information about this event at or call 401-2552-2707 x 21

30 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM



Ruth Kicking, from “Andrew Nixon: The Attitudes of Animals In Motion,” at Cade Tompkins Projects November 8-December 28

Continued from p 29 GallERY Z | 401.454.8844 | 259

atwells ave, Providence | galleryzprov. com | Wed-Sat 12-8 pm + by ap-

is looking for interns! Now AcceptiNg ApplicANts for:

• Finance • Editorial • Marketing • Graphic Design • Web Development • Business Administration

The Providence Phoenix strongly supports equal employment opportunity for all applicants. pleAse seNd resumes to:

pointment | Through Oct 12: “Two Painters and an Assemblage Artist,” works by Bob Dilworth, Ian Mohon, and Julian Penrose GRiN | 60 Valley st #3, Providence | | Sept 19-Oct 11, “Prolegomenon,” works by Steven Pestana | Oct 17-Nov 15: “Asylum,” by Andrea Lynn Santos HERa GallERY | 401.789.1488 | 10 high st, Wakefield | | Wed-Fri 1-5 pm; Sat 10 am-4 pm | Through Oct 5: “Haiku,” an exhibit of quilts by Jeanette Jacobs | Through Oct 5: “Imagined Landscapes,” paintings by Roberta Richman | Oct 12-Nov 16: “Paint,” a national juried exhibition

imaGO FOuNDaTiON FOR THE aRTs | 401.245.0173 | 36 Market st,

Warren | | Thurs 4-8 pm, Fri + Sat 12-8 pm | Through Oct 12: works by Rose EssonDawson and Ryan Collins | Oct 18-Nov 9: “8th Annual Juried Exhibit” | Nov 14-Dec 24: “Warren: A Point of View,” a group exhibit

JusT aRT cONTEmPORaRY aRT GallERY | 401.272.0820 | 60 Valley st [at the Plant], Providence | | Thurs-Fri 12-7 pm; Sat-Sun

12-5 pm; Mon-Wed by appointment or by chance | Sept 13-22: “Grains of Illumination,” works by Giuseppe Menozzi | Oct 11-Nov 3: “Behind Still Life: The Silence of Color,” works by Matthias Brandes KRausE GallERY | 401.831.7350 x 174 | In the Jenks Center at Moses

brown school, 250 lloyd ave, Providence | | Mon-Fri

8 am-4 pm + by appointment | Through Sept 27: “Land/scape: Three Views,” works by Karen Rand Anderson, James Mullen, and Karen Klinedinst | Oct 1-11: “If Walls Could Talk: Photographs From the Rhode Island Training School” | Oct 14-19: “MB Vision: Exploring the Future of Education” | Nov 11-Dec 6: “Mead Eagle,” an exhibit of environmental photographs | Dec 10-20: “MB Student Invitational Exhibit” maD DOG GallERY | 401.722.7800 | 65 blackstone ave, Pawtucket | | Mon-Wed + Fri-Sat 12-4 pm; Thurs 12-8:30 pm | Through Sept 27: “Members Exhibit”

PaWTucKET aRTs cOllaBORaTiVE GallERY | 175 Main st | |

Thurs-Fri 3-7 pm; Sat-Sun 1-5 pm | Through Sept 5: “Members’ Exhibit” | Sept 12-Oct 30: “Open Juried Exhibition Annual”

Sat. Sept. 14:


‘Not quite country, somewhere beyond folk, Holcombe’s music is kind of blues in motion, mapping backwoods corners of the heart.” – Rolling Stone

28: Sat. Sept.

LORI A McKENN 9: Sat. OCt. 1

ne Nora Ja rs Struthe y Line art & The P

: Sat. OCt. 5



Sat. OCt. 2


tICketS ON SaLe NOW! The finest folk, roots and world music in an intimate 200 seat listening room. Doors open at 7 pm to the “Folk Tailgate Party.” Don’t forget your picnic basket! For the full 21st season schedule and updates, visit the website.


PORTsmOuTH aRTs GuilD GallERY | 401.293.5aRT | 2679 East Main

Rd | | Fri-Sun

1-5 pm | Through Sept 29: “It’s Your Masterpiece,” a non-juried show featuring works that “reinterpret an iconic masterpiece of art in their own way — not simple copies” | Oct 4-Nov 3: “Juried Members’ Show” | Nov 8-Dec 22: “Holiday Show” PROViDENcE aRT cluB | 401.331.1114 | 11 Thomas st | | Mon-Fri 124 pm; Sat-Sun 2-4 pm | Through Sept 27: “Art League of Rhode Island: 2013 Annual Members’ Exhibition” | Sept 29-Oct 18: works by Eveline Luppi, Anthony Ramos, and Daniel Read; “Cuban Encounter,” works by David DeMelim | Oct 20-Nov 8: “Natural Designs,” works by R. Curtis Grosvenor and John Wheatley; “The Seasons,” works by Mary Castelnovo; “Going Solo,” works by Anthony Tomaselli | Nov 17-Dec 23: “109th Annual Little Pictures Show and Sale”

RHODE islaND WaTERcOlOR sOciETY GallERY | 401.726.1876

| slater Memorial Park, armistice blvd, Pawtucket | riwsgallery.wix. com | Tues-Sat 10 am-4 pm; Sun 1-5 pm | Through Sept 26: paintings by Stephen Ellery Manning and Susan Manning O’Briant | Sept 29-Oct 24: “Great Outdoors” | Nov 24-Dec 19: “White & Abstractions” ROssONi GallERY | 401.453.6650 |

558 Mineral spring ave, studio bF112, Pawtucket | rossonigallerydotcom. | Mon-Fri 11 am-6 pm;

At the Artists’ Exchange, 50 Rolfe Sq, Cranston | Sept 13-28: A Behanding in

Spokane, by Martin McDonagh Gamm THEaTRE | 401.723.4266 | | 172 Exchange st, Pawtucket | Through Oct 5: A Number and Far Away, two one-act plays by Caryl Churchill | Nov 7-Dec 8: Good Peple, by David Lindsay-Abaire GRaNiTE THEaTRE | 401.596.2341 | | 1 Granite st, Westerly | Through Sept 29: The Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie | Oct 11-Nov 17: The Sound of Music, by David Lindsay-Abaire | Nov 29-Dec 22: A Christmas Carol MIXED MAGIC THEATRE | 401.305.7333 | | At Hope

Artiste Village, 999 Main Street, Pawtucket | Sept 20-Oct 13: Jesus Hopped the

A Train, by Stephen Adly Guirgis | NovDec: Othello, by William Shakespeare

by appointment Sat + Sun | Sept 20Oct 20: “Sole Evolution,” paintings by Vincent Castaldi

salVE REGiNa uNiVERsiTY’s DORRaNcE H. HamilTON GallERY | 401.341.2981 | leroy and

lawrence aves, newport |

| Tues + Thurs 11 am-6 pm; Wed + Fri 11 am-5 pm; Sat + Sun 12-4 pm | Through Sept 29: “2013 BOSS Show: The Best of Salve Students” saRaH DOYlE GallERY | 401.863.2189 | 26 benevolent st, Providence | sarah_Doyle_Center/gallery.html | Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm | Through Oct 11: works by Carolyn V. Marsden sOl KOFFlER GallERY | 401.454.6141 | 169 Weybosset st, Providence | | Sun-Fri 12-5 pm | Sept 27-Oct 13: “Graphic Design Graduate Student Exhibition” | Oct 18-Nov 3: “Photography Graduate Student Exhibition” | Nov 8-Dec 8: “Digital Media Graduate Student Exhibition”

sOuTH cOuNTY aRT assOciaTiON | 401.783.2195 | 2587 kingstown

Rd, kingston | | Wed-Sun 10 am-6 pm; Fri 10 am-8 pm | Through Sept 14: “The Great Art Heist,” a member-donated artwork fund-raiser | Sept 26-Oct 19: “Members’ Invitational” | Oct 24-Nov 16: “All Media Open Juried II” | Nov 29-Dec 15: “43rd Holiday Pottery and Art Sale”

uRi FEiNsTEN camPus GallERY

| 401.277.5206 | 80 Washington st, Providence | | Mon-Thurs 9 am-9 pm; Fri + Sat 9 am-5 pm | Oct 1-31: “David T. Howard: Gilding the Shoestring II: A Sabbatical Costume Exhibit”

WicKFORD aRT assOciaTiON GallERY | 401.294.6840 | 36 beach

st, north kingstown | | Tues-Sat 11 am-3 pm; Sun 12-3 pm | Through Sept 15: “Anything Goes,” an open juried show | Sept 20-Oct 6: “Juried Artist Members” | Oct 11-27: “Abstract/Avant-Garde” | Nov 1-17: “Photography,” an open juried show | Nov 22-Dec 18: “Little Picture Show and Sale” WOODs-GERRY GallERY | 401.454.6141 | 62 Prospect st, Providence | | Mon- Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 2-5 pm | Oct 4-20: “Ceramics Department Exhibition” | Oct 26Nov 10: “Painting Department Exhibition” | Nov 15-Dec 8: “Industrial Design Department Exhibition” YEllOW PERil GallERY | 401.861.1535 | 60 Valley st #5, Providence | | Thurs + Fri 3-8 pm; Sat + Sun 12-5 pm; other days by appointment or chance | Sept 19-Oct 13: “#BED,” works by Leah Poller | Oct 17-Nov 17: “Glittering Machines,” interactive illuminating sculptures by Paul Myoda

musEums musEum OF WORK aND culTuRE | 401.769.9675 | 42 south Main st, Woonsocket | | Tues-Fri 9:30

am-4 pm; Sat 10 am-4 pm; Sun 1-4 pm | Through Nov 9: an exhibit celebrating the 85th anniversary of the Italian Workingmen’s Club

NaTiONal musEum OF amERicaN illusTRaTiON | 401.851.8949 |

492 bellevue ave, newport | american | Sat + Sun 11 am-5

pm [guided tours Fri 3 pm] | Through Dec 31: “The American Muse,” an homage to women of the late 19th

and early 20th centuries, with works by Charles Dana Gibson, Harrison Fisher, Philip Boileau, MacClelland Barclay, Howard Chandler Christy, James Montgomery Flagg, Henry Hutt, Walter Granville Smith, Paul Stahr, and Albert Beck Wenzell NEWPORT aRT musEum | 401.848.8200 | 76 bellevue ave | | Tues-Sat 11 am-4 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Admission $10 adults; $8 seniors; $6 students + military with ID; free under 6 | Sept 28-Jan 19: “The Art of Sea-ing: William H. Drury, Charles Wodbury, and George Bellows” | Sept 28-Jan 19: “Photographers’ Guild Members’ Exhibition” | Through Dec 29: “19 On Paper,” works by Rhode Island artist members, including painters, collage artists, printmakers, photographers, bookmakers, and sculptors | Through Jan 12: “Carole Miller: A Shoe Affar,” an exhibit of paintings RisD musEum | 401.454.6500 | 224 benefit st, Providence | risdmuseum. org | Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm [Thurs until 9 pm] | Admission $12; $10 seniors; $5 college students, $3 ages 5-18; free every Sun 10 am–1 pm | Oct 11-Feb 9: “Making It In Ameica,” more than 100 works of painting, sculpture, and decorative arts that illuminate connections between American ambitions and the making of art” | Nov 15-May 11: “Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests” | Through Nov 3: “Locally Made,” the Museum’s first large survey of work from the greater Providence region in more than 20 years | Through Dec 31: “Made For Eternity,” an exhibit of ancient art | Through Jan 5: “Historias: Latin American Works on Paper” WaRWicK musEum OF aRT | 401.737.0010 | 3259 Post Rd | warwick | Tues + Wed + Fri 124 pm, Thurs 4-8 pm, Sat 10 am-2 pm | Through Sept 28: “West Bay Open Studios Fifth Year Members Show,” featuring works by Nina Ackmann, Tiffany Adams, Janet Austin, Marjorie Ball, Carole Berren, Lorraine Bromley, Nancy Chapman, Sharon D. Eisman, Debbie Ferrazzoli, Nancy GaucherThomas, Henry Gauthier, Alice Benvie Gebhart, Michele Leavitt, Lynn Martin, Claire Marschak, Nancy Nielsen, Jane Parillo, Lorena Pugh, Beth Rodewig, Carol Shelton, Tracy Taylor, Kurt Van Dexter, and Cindy Horovitz Wilson


77 Waterman St, Providence | Sept 26Oct 6: Water By the Spoonful, by Quiara Alegría Hudes | Oct 31-Nov 10: A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams | Dec 5-8: Mary Stuart, by Friedrich Schiller — The Brown University/Trinity Rep MFA Program presents Shakesperare’s Much Ado About Nothing (Oct 17-20) and Twelfth Night (Oct 31-Nov 3) at the Pell-Chafee Performance Center, 87 Empire St, Providence cONTEmPORaRY THEaTER | 401.218.0282 | thecontemporary | 327 Main st, Wakefield | Oct 4-Nov 2: Assassins, by Stephen Sondheim | Nov 29-Dec 22: The Gift of the Magi, adapted by Spencer Curry EPIC THEATRE COMPANY | 401.490.0475 | |

NEWPORT PlaYHOusE & caBaRET REsTauRaNT | 401.848.Play | | 102-104 Connell hwy | Through Sept 29: The

Love List, by Norm Foster | Oct 1-Nov 17: A Perfect Wedding, by Robin Hawdon | Nov 21-Dec 31: Angel On My Shoulder, by Stephen Levi OcEaN sTaTE THEaTRE | 401.921.6800 | | 1245 Jefferson blvd, Warwivck | Oct 2-20: Les Misérables | Nov 6-24: Lombardi, by Eric Simonson THE PlaYERs | at the barker Playhouse, 400 benefit st, Providence | Oct 11-20: Doubt, by John Patrick Shanley PROVIDENCE COLLEGE THEATRE | | At Angell Blackfriars Theater, 549 River Ave | Oct 25-Nov 3: The Good Doctor, by Neil Simon

PROViDENcE PERFORmiNG aRTs cENTER | 401.421.aRTs | |

220 Weybosset st | Through Sept 14: Evita | Oct 1-6: Once | Oct 22-27: Ghost: The Musical | Nov 27-Dec 7: The Phantom of the Opera


| At Sapinsley Hall, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | Sept 25-29: Prelude To a Kiss, by Craig Lucas | Nov 13-17: The Winter’s Tale, by William Shakespeare


| 401.400.7100 | |

at the assembly Theater, 26 East ave, harrisville | Oct 25-27: The Haunted The-

ater | Dec 6-14: Miracle On 34th Street


401.253.1040 | | 1 Old Ferry Rd, Bristol | Sept 20-21: “An Evening

of Durang” | Oct 11-19: Metamorphosess, adapted from Ovid by Mary Zimmerman | Oct 25-26: Festival of One-Act Plays, featuring The Game, by Louise Bryant, and Helena’s Husband, by Philip Moeller | Nov 15-23: Jane Eyre, adapted from Charlotte Brontë’s novel by Polly Teale SALVE REGINA UNIVERSITY | 401.847.6650 | | At the Ca-

sino Theater, 9 Freebody St, Newport | Nov 21-24: Antigone, by Sophocles 2ND STORY THEATRE | 401.247.4200 | | 28 Market St, Warren | Through Oct 6: Lobby Hero, by Kenneth Lonergan | Sept 27-Oct 27: Dancing At Lughnasa, by Brin Friel | Oct 25-Nov 24: Sons of the Prophet, by Stephan Karam | Nov 15Dec 15: Saint Joan, by George Bernard Shaw | Nov 8-Dec 8 [at the Bristol Statehouse, 240 High St, Bristol]: Golda’s Balcony, by William Gibson


| 401.351.4242 | | 201 Washington st, Providence | Through Oct 6: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, adapted by Frank Galati | Nov 9-Dec 22: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, by Christopher Durang | Nov 21-Dec 28: A Christmas Carol URI THEATRE | 401.874.5843 | uri. edu/artsci | Upper College Rd, Kingston | Oct 10-20: Be Aggressive, by Annie Weisman | Nov 14-24: How the Other Half Loves, by Alan Ayckbourn THE WILBURY GROUP | 401.400.7100 | |

at the southside Cultural Center, 393 broad st, Providence | Sept 19-Oct 5:

Detroit, by Lisa D’Amour | Dec 5-21: A Very Merry Unauthorized Children’s Scientology Pageant, by Kyle Jarrow, based on a concept by Alex Timbers YOUR THEATRE | 508.993.0772 | | 136 Rivet St, New Bedford, MA | Through Sept 22: Biloxi Blues, by Neil Simon | Oct 3-13: Love, Loss, and What I Wore, by Delia Ephron and Nora Ephron | Nov 14-24: Henry Flamethrowa, by John Belluso | the providence phoenix | SeptemBer 13, 2013 33

f8 dayS aweek The sTill-modern dance, and dudesmash 2

_compiled by lou papineau

Tues. 9/17: DJ Blademon Tues. 9/24: DJ Peter Dante

serious stuff

friDaY 13 boY, that sounDs swell

Pere ubu formed in 1975 in

Cleveland. On the surface they were noisy and discordant, but there was a skewed logic and a genuine delight in their buzzy constructs, as heard on their seminal early discs (The Modern Dance, Dub Housing, New Picnic Time), their poppiest effort (1989’s Cloudland), and this year’s Lady From Shanghai. Frontman David Thomas — free-associating, high-pitched, a singular presence — was the focal point, and he’s the only original to the 2013 edition of the band. But the current players are true to the off-kilter blend that is Pere Ubu’s signature sound. They’re at Fête, 103 Dike St, Providence. Garagin and Atlantic Thrills open at 9 pm | $15 | 401.383.1112 |

saturDaY 14 PostivitY

John McCauley fought through fractured relationships and personal demons during the recording of Deer tick’s forthcoming fifth album, Negativity (due out September 24 on Partisan Records), and the resulting record is a victory lap for the PVD quintet. The band retreated to Portland, Oregon to record with Steve Berlin (of Los Lobos, and McCauley’s Diamond Rugs bandmate) and recalibrate.

…and great food too!

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Every Tuesday: REGGAE! Tuesday Madness!

thursDaY 12 the Gamm theatre is kicking off its 29th (!) season with a pair of thoughtprovoking one-act plays by Caryl Churchill. In A Number, a genetic scientists “must face the shocking consequences of his experiment gone wrong: three strikingly different incarnations of his son.” In Far Away, “genocide, environmental disaster, and everyday brutality are combined in a spellbinding fable of a society, and eventually a world, at war with itself. But is it all as far away as we would like to think?” The dramas are at 172 Exchange St, Pawtucket, through October 13 | $38-$48 [previews Sept 12-15 $28] | 401.723.4266 |

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Thurs. 9/12: Live Reggae / Thursday Madness

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Piano driven roots rock’n’roll


friday | pere ubu @ Fête Instantly captivating slowburner “The Rock” opens the album, and the first single, “The Dream’s In the Ditch,” is a sparkling beauty and maybe the catchiest song yet in the DT catalog. McCauley & Co are about to hit the road yet again for a lengthy tour, following a set at Boston Calling last weekend, where they performed the new album in its entirety. But today they’ll return to the courtyard at the Met, 1005 Main St, Pawtucket, for DuDesmash 2. This time around the crew has enlisted the low anthem, ravi shavi, Joe fletcher & the wronG reasons, last GooD tooth, smith & weeDen, and more. Act fast — don’t be surprised if tix are gone shortly after the doors open at 4 pm | $22.50 advance, $25 day of show | 401.729.1005 |

honk! it

The annual ProviDence honk! fest is a life-affirming blast, literally and figuratively. Little big bands take to the streets of Providence’s Fox Point, with brass blaring and drums pounding and spirits rising, as smiles widen and whoops and hollers add to the controlled chaos. The sixth PRONK! bash will take place on Columbus Day (October 14); tonight at the Roots Café, 276 Westminster St, Providence, there will be a show to help fund the expenses to bring a slew of out-of-town (London! Brazil! NOLA!) bands to the event. Prime PRONK!ers the Extraordinary Rendition

Band and the What Cheer! Brigade will lead the charge, and “friends” will be joining the fun. A donation of $7-$10 is encouraged; showtime is 9 pm (18+) | providencehonk

sunDaY 15 relativelY sPeakinG DauGhters provided the

soundtrack for some memorable {or barely remembered} hell-raising and mayhem ’round these parts. Their first show in four years — on Friday the 13th — sold out; popular demand got a second show lined up at the Met, 1005 Main St, Pawtucket. People are coming in from all over, which makes this a genyoo-wine event. Black Pus, California X, and Fantasy Panther open at 9 pm | $13 | 401.729.1005 |

monDaY 16 in DesiGn

“who was coco chanel?” You can find out all you need to know (and more!) about the fashion designer and namesake of the Chanel brand at the Providence Public Library, 150 Empire St. They’ll screen the 2009 film Coco Before Chanel (with Audrey Tautou in the title role), then author Richard Parker will discuss his book, The Improbable Return of Coco Chanel. The program begins at 6 pm | Free | 401.455.8000 |

tuesDaY 17

Every Sat.: 3:30 to 6:30


brass attack

If the Pronk! warm-up still has you buzzing, then you’ll want to get in front of the new ProviDence biG banD. They’ll start raising the roof at the Met, 1005 Main St, Pawtucket, at 8 pm | $8 | 401.729.1005 |

weDnesDaY 18 kinD of a hush

Even more at the Met: a great quadruple bill of evocative, ruminative, deep-digging music with calfione, richarD buckner (his new Surrounded disc is a stunner), Death vessel, and barn burninG . Showtime is 8:30 pm | $12 |

thursDaY 19 funnY stuff

Comedy Connection, 39 Warren Ave, East Providence, is presenting the best comeDY show, featuring the most recent winners of The Best Comedian honor — raY harrinGton (’13), t.J. curran (’12), and John Porch (’11), plus close-but-no-cigar nomineebut-damn-funny mike murraY (’11). The awardwinning laughs start at 8 pm | $10, proceeds benefit The One Fund — Boston | | 401.438.8383 | ricomedy

Sat. 9/14: Starts 3pm 2nd Annual BBQ, BLUEGRASS & COUNTRY HO DOWN!


WESTMORLAND STREET JAMMERS Thurs. 9/19: Live Reggae Madness with


Rolling In...

9/20: Minor X and Beyond Blonde, 9/21: PBR Fishing Tournament Closing Ceremonies Party, 9/20 (5pm) THE KENNY MEHLER BAND9/21; (9:30) Trails with Secret Weapon, 9/22: Ghost Tones

Please join us for a tribute to

the Hamblett Family: Celebrating Excellence in Journalism to benefit Rhode Island Public Radio

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28 siMs AVe, PrOViDence, ri 02909

presenting sponsor | the providence phoenix | SeptemBer 13, 2013 35

beSt PLace to PLay PooL iN ri

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2009-2013 as voted in the Providence Phoenix readers Poll

homegrown product RoaRing into Rocktucket ThE BuckET’S a-rOckIN’, yOu ShOulD gO a-kNOckIN’

2026 Smith Street North ProvideNce ri 401.232.1330

Never a cover charge!

_By ch r IS cO N T I “Rocktober” ain’t here just yet, but September is no slouch thanks to the 5th Annual Rocktucket Block Party. The 2013 Pawtucket Arts Festival is underway, with events scheduled through the end of the month, but for music fans it’s all about Rocktucket. And what a lineup! Sixteen local and regional acts are scheduled to perform, all for just a requested $5 donation at the door. This is by far the best five-spot you will drop on live music this year. Rain or shine, it’s going down Saturday starting around noontime. For those about to rock — the Bucket salutes you! We’ve been spoiled with scores of mustsee festivals and block parties statewide over this summer (Newport Folk and Jazz festivals, Rhythm & Roots, AS220’s Foo Fest, Liberty Fest, Hope Street Block Party, etc.), and now “downtown” Pawtucket (which sort JAMMIN’ Ants In the Cellar. of resembles a backlot facade at Universal Studios) gets to play party host. Rocktucket organizers have assembled another outstanding array of affiliate and Boston native BIG shuG will make his Rocktalent, with an emphasis on quality independent hip-hop tucket debut. He’s a veteran rhymer who made his debut (a genre somewhat lacking at this year’s Foo Fest). on Gang Starr’s 1994 classic Hard to Earn. Shug has released The 2013 Rocktucket schedule starts with an afternoon a handful of solo albums over the past decade (with of eclectic rock acts, ranging from down-home funk production help from DJ Premier) and currently hosts a (The Funky AuTocrATs) to roarin’ roots (Boston’s GIrLs, rap show on Sirius/XM on Friday nights. (And I’m sure ol-skool rap heads would lose their minds if Shug resurGuns & GLory) to garage-rock specialists (GAvAGe and rects his verse from the Gang Starr classic “The Militia.”) ATLAnTIc ThrILLs). Gavage is a relative newcomer to the Rocktucket headliner ApAThy certainly is no stranger to PVD music scene but the quartet is off to a hot start and caught my ears earlier this year at AS220 while opening the Rhody rap circuit, as it seems the Connecticut-based for NYC’s Parquet Courts. “(Downtown) Where the Killwordsmith (Willimantic on the block!) can’t get enough ers Are” is a power-chord party-starter, and lead singer love from the Ocean State, having played countless shows Kevin Toth conjures the snark and chops of Craig Finn on at the Met (including a reunion gig with his Demigodz the must-hear “The Platonic Verses” (“she was writing a crew late last year). I am willing to bet battle-tested lyripoem entitled ‘Leave Me Alone’ with a Zoloft promotional cist MILez GrIMez coaxes Ap up for an appearance during pen”). Rocktucket will also feature a pair of iconic singerhis set for the killer collabo “Protek Yo’ Nutz.” There’s no songwriters vital to Lil Rhody’s music community in krIs knocking the hustle Grimez has been on since storming the scene a dozen or so years ago. This dude has put in hAnsen (Viking Jesus) and MALyssA BeLLArosA, as the work alongside indie phenoms and veteran emcees alike, former Fall & Bounce vocalist now leads Malyssa & the appearing on tracks with RA the Rugged Man, Kool G Liberators, alongside a solid complementary cast that inRap, Fredro Starr (Onyx), and Heltah Skeltah’s Rock, to cludes SexCoffee bassist Sharlene Denardo and Viking Jenamedrop a few. His 2012 hometown anthem “401 (Isle sus/ex-Kanerko drummer Nick Iddon. AnTs In The ceLLAr of Rhodes)” will get the crowd going, I would also love to frontman Mike Adamowicz is the last Ant standing since see Grimez reconnect with local legend swAnn noTTy for its inception in the early ’90s. Adamowicz resurrected the Ants in 2011 with a new lineup, and late last year the trio some cuts from their forthcoming Murderous & Venomreleased a handful of straight-up barroom jams worth ous project (look up the debut single “Parisian Gutters” looking up. (Lolita Black was originally listed on the bill, ASAP). Swann will join fellow THR33 Piece Suit wordbut LB guitarist Bob Otis confirmed that the band will smith (and future Pawtucket mayor) chAchI cArvALho at not be performing due to a scheduling conflict.) Rocktucket. The duo will be backed by Carvalho’s InternaThe “Rock by Day/Hip-Hop All Night” format allows tional Players Band, so expect plenty of Cape Verdean flafor some family-friendly fun during the afternoon hours, vor as well as some instant classics from the THR33 Piece because shit is going down when the sun sets and underSuit debut, Brand New Vintage, easily my favorite locally ground rap acts take over the stage. Longtime Gang Starr sourced album of ’13 (and available for free download). Watching hometown hero Carvalho and his ear-to-ear grin illuminate the Rocktucket stage under the stars will be pretty damn entertaining. Youth hip-hop dance crew cAse cLosed will perform, as well as TeM BLessed, acclaimed duo dIrTydurdIe (which we featured here last week), and Worcester-viaBrooklyn rhymer BLock MccLoud. Rocktucket 2013 will also feature arts and crafts vendors, a cash bar serving brews from Newport Storm, Revival, and Foolproof, and plenty of food truck eats from Poco Loco, FuGo, and more. See you there! ^

Free Pool Monday



ROCKTUCKET BLOCK PARTY | DIRTYDURDIE | Saturday, September 14 11:30 am-11 pm [rain or shine) | 220-250 Main St, Pawtucket | Free, but $5 donation is encouraged |

Like uS oN Facebook For a Free hour oF PooL!

aSk at FroNt door

Free PooL aLL LadieS

WelcoMe back students

Fri 9/13

rembraNtz sat 9/14

Just For Fun tHe autoMantics Fri

sat 9/21


36 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM

Theater Ain’t thAt AmericA TriniTy’s gripping Grapes of Wrath _By Bill rod r igu ez Rarely does history come alive in

literature as vividly as John Steinbeck f accomplished in The Grapes of Wrath, his 1939

intrusive, but they work well when they provide scene-changing transitions and during a rhythmic shovel-digging burial scene. Audience intimacy is enhanced by the play taking place in the setting of a bar, as though it’s being performed in the sort of workingman dive these characters would feel at home in. (Audience members can grab a beer there before the show and during intermission.) The Joads are hopeful about their prospects in California, as Ma imagines picking oranges, grapes, and peaches. But before they arrive, a man returning rom the Golden State tells them what he encountered: farms and hiring agents advertising to attract thousands of workers when they only need hundreds, so they can drive wages down to a pittance. Tom Joad has a crisis of conscience when they arrive at a farm that desperately needs fruit picked before it rots: does he get his hungry family work or does he support the organizing workers, dismissed as Reds, who are refusing to accept starvation wages? To credit some of the actors who stand out: Thorne is an intense Tom; Scurria is fierce as Ma, and also sweetly comforting upon occasion. As Uncle John, Fred Sullivan, Jr. is captivatingly understated as Uncle John, a character burden with guilt over not getting his late wife medical attention. Joe Wilson, Jr. does a wonderful job conveying the crucial character of Jim Casy, a former preacher ashamed about his fornicating ways. He delivers some penetrating Steinbeckian wisdom concerning our being pieces of a greater soul, transcending our individual foibles. One of our great literary realists and literate consciences, Steinbeck earlier penned In Dubious Battle, which also dealt with organizing a strike by fruit pickers. The Grapes of Wrath will inspire social justice in this country for as long as there isn’t enough to go around. In other words, forever. ^

mark Turek

Pulitzer Prize- and National Book Awardwinning masterpiece about the Okie migration during the Great Depression. Similar kudos are warranted when a novel is adapted for the stage as skillfully as Frank Galati did in his 1988 play of the same name, a Tony Award winner. Trinity Repertory Company is presenting it (through October 6) in their downstairs theater, marvelously directed by Brian McEleney. Between the cursed weather and a heartless bank, the tenant farming Joads have been driven out of both their livelihood and their home. They are Ma and Pa (Anne Scurria and Richard Donelly), Granma and Grampa (Janice Duclos and Stephen Berenson) plus other family members, and the main character in the story, son Tom (Stephen Thorne). He has returned just in time to join their journey to California, freshly paroled from four years in prison for killing a man in a fight. Tough and gritty, he represents the sort of person nurtured to survive in this roughand-tumble, hardscrabble environment. When he shows up, a running gag has every new family member he greets ask him if he busted out of prison. He is not the only hard case here. As the crusty Grampa is conveyed by Berenson, his scowls and bursts of temper could pound fence posts into the ground. Or into the powdery soil: Oklahoma has turned into the Dust Bowl of Woody Guthrie songs and epic exodus, after all. Hundreds of thousands fled Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle. This story, like the historical tragedy, is as much about feelings as about facts, so it opens here atmospherically. Ma describes the relentless prairie wind pulling the corn out by the roots were pulled out.” Granma says, “All day the dust sifted down from the sky. And the next ....” and goes on to picture how the women came out and stood next to their husbands, “to see if the men would break.” Music helps prompt and maintain the dire tone, and the incidental score of the original production has been replaced by folk/rock songs arranged and performed by 3pile, third-year Brown/ Trinity Rep MFA acting students who also take incidental roles. Sometimes, especially toward the beginning, the songs are WESTWARD HO donelly (center) and the Wrath cast. too lengthy and

ADvertIsIng thAt works. But don’t take our word for it…

I’ve been advertising with the Phoenix for the past 10 years. It’s been a great relationship and I’m very happy with their reasonable prices and great customer service. Jaime Gaviria DON JOSE TEQUILAS RESTAURANT The ads that we have been running every week with out fail in The Providence Phoenix for the last 31 years have, as much as anything, defined the popular image of our store. I plan to continue our relationship with the Providence Phoenix as long as we’re selling books! Michael Chandley CELLAR STORIES BOOKSTORE We have been advertising in the Providence Phoenix since its inception and have found it to be an invaluable resource for getting our information out to potential customers. The strong local news stories and comprehensive arts coverage has fostered a loyal readership covering a broad spectrum, which allows us to promote all of our diff erent attractions effectively through one medium. Richard Dulgarian AVON CINEMA The Providence Phoenix has been the cornerstone of our advertising since 1988. A lot of the music that we book has a far reaching fan base and the Phoenix is well suited to reach them all. Plus, we are able to use the ad not just to get the band schedule out but also our great Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner specials get a push as well. Everyone knows that the Phoenix is the place to go for all the fun things in life: food, theatre, live music, arts; it’s a one stop shop! Cathleen Harrington OCEAN MIST

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38 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM



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Hero worsHip a transfixing Evita at PPaC _By Bill rod r igu ez Just because a promi-

nent, strong woman is f formidable doesn’t neces-

sarily mean that she’s admirable. Madonna may be a role model, but Imelda Marcos was mainly a shoe model. The musical Evita, at the Providence Performing Arts Center through September 14, works hard to convince us that the rags-to-riches wife of Argentina president Juan Perón was a hero indeed. With music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice, Evita uses the propulsive force of an orchestra to stir our empathizing emotions — no surprise, since the rock opera started as a concept album in 1976 to whip up interest and REFLECTIONS young and Bowman. backer-bucks for its London opening two years later. In 1979 it grabbed a Tony Award for We meet Juan Perón (Sean MacLaughBest Musical and a half-dozen more for lin) when he is successfully vying with good measure. This revival is directed by other military officers in “The Art of the Michael Grandage and choreographed by Possible.” (Briefly grappling with four of Rob Ashford. them gets across the aggression, but playIt was Rice who was first fascinated by ing musical chairs with a dozen of them Evita Perón — naming his daughter after in the 2006 touring production was much her, no less — and he proposed creating the more effective.) show, traveling to Buenos Aires to conduct Che Guevara (Josh Young) is narrating exhaustive research. Being heartfelt, it’s no all of this, although since he is stripped wonder the music here is so transporting. of his military uniform and trademark And an intriguing woman Eva was. beret, he could be any observer and Other accounts may depict her as a bit of a not the Argentinian Marxist revolutiondragon lady, but the sympathetic perspecary who originally gave this musical tive here doesn’t allow for more than her political significance. being headstrong and sometimes brash. The numerous compelling songs carry Of course, despite her charity work, it us through emotionally, as a simple listwouldn’t be implausible to depict her as a ing of their titles gives us a chronological Lady Macbeth, seeing as her husband was a summary — such as “I’d Be Surprisingly populist autocrat who held Argentina in his Good for You” when the couple meet, folthrice-elected thrall until 1955. The musical lowed by “Another Suitcase In Another is largely based upon Mary Main’s biograHall,” as his current mistress is put onto phy The Woman With the Whip; as indicates by the street. By the way, although the latthe unfortunate title, Eva’s standing astride ter gentle song by Krystina Alabado is a the nation in stiletto heels and net stocknarrative interruption, her beautiful voice ings would not be a metaphorical stretch. and presentation makes it one of the high She sped from poverty to virtual roypoints of the show. alty, a heady rise that would inflate the Act Two opens with Perón in power, ego of a saint — and sainthood would have and soon we hear Eva singing the most been hers if the poor masses who anointed well-known number here, “Don’t Cry For her had their way. Lofted to heights of Me Argentina,” which is oddly placed admiration, she had her detractors, but it since now she’s the envy of the country. took a fatal illness to topple her at 33. Eva is doing most of the singing here, soHer death is not played for suspense, loing or accompanied. Between Bowman’s as lengthy newsreel footage of her fulovely voice and the power or poignancy neral procession through packed streets of “High Flying, Adored,” and “You Must starts things off. The story continues as a Love Me,” we get a good sense of what all sprightly 15-year-old Eva Duarte (Caroline the fuss was about. Bowman) falls for handsome singer AuFact-packed history can be dry and gustin Magaldi (Christopher Johnstone), bloodless, but when it’s animated successfully begging him to bring her to through such a dynamic and vivacious Buenos Aires. “Goodnight and Thank You” person as Maria Eva Duarte de Perón, it’s is a humorous take on the many lovers subanything but. Transfixed by Evita, we sequently trooping through her bedroom. come alive a little more ourselves. ^ riChard te rmi ne


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EXPRESSIONIST REALISM a detail from still Life (Oil, Vinegar, Glass Jar).

A mAster, remembered ‘Thomas sgouros: Drawn To PainT’ aT wooDs-gerry _By gr eg CooK In the early 1990s, Thomas Sgouros

began to lose his sight. He had been an f illustrator and a painter of fine art landscapes

and still lifes. Macular degeneration would be the end of many artists’ work, but as the center of his vision failed and he was left with just snatches of peripheral vision, he launched on a new series of paintings in 1992. Sgouros, who died from cancer at age 85 in December, called them Remembered Landscapes. They were based on what he could recall and what he might still hazily glimpse. “Evocations of a place or a feeling,” he said. “He simply stepped back and found a way to continue to paint that was not a concession to his disability,” illustrator Chris Van Allsburg says. A room of these effervescent paintings — usually low strips of land, like marshes seen from a distance, under big, softly billowing clouds, all in warm autumn oranges and reds and purples — closes “Thomas ‘A FACTUAL PAINTER’ Still Life with Studio Objects (c. 1990). Sgouros: Drawn to Paint,” a retrospective of the beloved Providence artist and teacher at RISD’s Woods-Gerry Gallery (62 Prospect St, Providence, challenging critique,” Van Allsburg recalls of his student through September 26). days at RISD. He got to know Sgouros when he taught Sharply organized and handsomely installed by Cade with him at RISD in the ’80s, and also found “this kind of Tompkins of Cade Tompkins Projects with help from protective nature he had around his students.” RISD’s Mark Moscone and Robert Brinkerhoff, the exhibiAmong Sgouros’s dozens of illustration clients over tion is a model of the kind of thorough, thoughtful attenthe years were Narragansett Race Track, Fleet Bank, and tion it would be great to see more local artists get here. Amtrak. “I remember donning a hard hat and pretending Sgouros was born in 1927 to Greek immigrants and to lug lumber as a model for some illustration,” his son grew up in Chicago and Cambridge, Massachusetts. He Thomas Sgouros, Jr., writes. moved to Providence to study at Rhode Island School of Illustration paintings here from the 1950s to ’80s inDesign, from which he graduated in 1950. After a stint in clude a ski jumper, a deer hunter, and George Washingthe Air Force, he worked in Boston and New York, where ton for Yankee magazine. His style was a loose, brushy, he painted illustrations and dabbled in a spiky flavor of expressionist realism, often with images layered one atop Abstract Expressionism. the next, that embodies the zeitgeist style of the field “I wanted to be au courant,” Sgouros told The Phoenix during that era. in 2004. “But I gradually realized that I wasn’t that, or I A frequent collaborator was the graphic designer Maldidn’t want to be. So I became a factual painter, painting colm Grear, who recalls Sgouros drawing renderings of from observation.” signs that the firm was developing for a Saudi Arabian He returned to Providence to teach at RISD from 1962 city. “He would illustrate our thoughts. He was incredto 2007. He served as the head of the illustration departible at it,” Grear says. ment on and off in the 1970s and ’80s. Sgouros painted watercolor landscapes during work “I had heard a little bit about Tom, that he was a bit of for RISD in Rome in the early 1980s, as well as Maine a taskmaster and had high standards and could give the and Cape Cod observed during summers. His New England scenes are alive with woodsy greens and browns. Untitled (Boat and House) from around 1980 shows a green boat canted on its side atop a line of grass along water; in the background stands a white house brightly lit by the sun. His skillful technique parallels Andrew Wyeth. Sgouros pulls out certain details, but these paintings are about moody atmosphere. During these years, he was also painting watercolor and oil still lifes of a bicycle horn, teapots, and jars; they’re done in a tight realist style that is part William Harnett, part 1980s preppy neoclassicism. That precision evaporated as Sgouros’s sight failed and he began his Remembered Landscapes. They are like Impressionist evocations of the way the sky moves. They feel suffused with nostalgia, like recalling pleasant days of fall as winter comes. They were an ingenious solution to his vision problem. Van Allsburg says, “The reason he felt compelled to solve the problem is he EVOCATIVE one of the Remembered Landscapes (2009). had to make art — he just had to make it.” ^





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Schedule of Events Most Events are Free unless otherwise indicated and Outdoor Events are Rain or Shine unless indicated.

Gamm Theatre September 11th, 8pm, free September 12 - 29, times vary, discounted tickets A Number & Far Away, two plays by Caryl Churchill Rocktucket September 14th • 11:30 a.m. - 11 p.m. Main Street • $5 suggested donation. Rain or Shine event Central Falls Bright Future Festival September 14th • 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Jenks Park • Free Admission Slater Park Fall Festival September 21st - 22nd • 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Slater Memorial Park • Free Admission Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance presents “Pops In The Park” with the RI Philharmonic Orchestra September 22nd (Rain date Sept. 23) 5:30 p.m. Performance by 2013 RI Music Hall of Fame Inductees The Cowsills – 3:30pm Fireworks to follow The Pops, Presented by Bristol County Savings Bank Slater Memorial Park • Free Admission Pawtucket Fireworks Committee Presents An Evening with Steve Smith and The Nakeds 2013 RI Music Hall of Fame Inductees September 22nd • 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Met Cafe • Admission $20 Stone Soup Sampler Day September 28th • 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. • 50 Park Place • Free Admission 14th Annual Pawtucket Film Festival September 26th - 29th Visitor Center • $10 (Includes T-Shirt, Music, Food & Beverages) Boys & Girls Club - Day for Kids September 28th • 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. One Moeller Place • Free Admission City of Pawtucket 14th Annual Photo Contest Awards September 29th • 4 pm Visitor Center • Free Admission

Graphic Design

Print Media Sponsor | the providence phoenix | september 13, 2013 43


noted, most Unless otherwise 9 pm. nd oU ar rt shows sta es. Call to Confirm tim


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | The Semblance + Ask the Dead + Que Sera +more BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 8 pm | Them Apples BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | Cuzin’ Eddy CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 7 pm | Chan’s Rhythm & Blues Ensemble

CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | 6 pm | Sweet

Tooth & the Sugarbabies CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Batteries Not Included EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence | 8:30 pm | Karaoke with DJ Ron B. of Rock On Entertainment GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | Hotel Songwriter Sessions IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | 8 pm | Betsy Listenfelt JOE’S CAFE & LOUNGE | Westport, MA | 8 pm | Karaoke with DJ Pete Botelho KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | Open mike with host band TBA LOCAL 121 | Providence | Music Please THE MALTED BARLEY | Westerly | Happy and the Moonshine MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | 7:30 pm | Open mic hosted by Don Tassone NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | 8 pm | Travis Colby Band NAUTIKA RESTAURANT | East Greenwich | Wayz & Means THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | Chepachet | Country-oke with Timay OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | Anthem OLIVES | Providence | Kool Cat Karaoke 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm | Mac Odom Band THE PARLOUR | Providence | The Custies + Ocean Roots PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Men With Guitars POWERS PUB | Cranston | Raised On Radio RI RA | Providence | Karaoke hosted by Ron THE ROOTS | Providence | 7:30 pm | Sweet Little Variety Show THE SALON | Providence | DJ Knowlton Walsh THE SPOT | Providence | The Jauntee STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | Cumberland | 8:30 pm | Karaoke with Stu TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Wild Nites VANILLA BEAN CAFE | Pomfret, CT | 5 pm | NPR’s Where We Live VINTAGE | Woonsocket | 7:30 pm | Lisa Marie & All Shook Up


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | The Really Heavy + Good Morning Apocalypse + more BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 8:30 pm | Those Guys BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | Fall River, MA | Throwdown BOVI’S | East Providence | Brother To Brother | Rock-a-Blues BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | Box Groove

BROOKLYN COFFEE & TEA HOUSE | Providence | 8 pm | Eric Hofbauer + the Loose Ends | 8 pm | Jazz Night hosted by Ben Shaw CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Detroit Breakdown CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 8 pm | Anthony Gomes

CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | 7 pm | Them Apples

CHIEFTAIN PUB | Plainville | MLC CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | The Complaints

CUBAN REVOLUTION | Providence | Mike Rollins & Company

DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | Riv-

erside Vinny DUSK | Providence | The Evil Streaks + the Skeleton Beats + Gin Mill Jane + Sonic Grifters EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence | “The One” J Sleazy ELEVEN FORTY-NINE | Warwick | 8 pm | Metropolis FÊTE | Providence | 8:30 pm | Leftover Salmon + Assembly of Dust FÊTE LOUNGE | Providence | 9 pm | Pere Ubu + Gagarin + Atlantic Thrills | 11 pm | DirtyDurdie | 11 pm | Goldmine GAME 7 SPORTS BAR & GRILL | Plainville, MA | Mike Lebon GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | Mike G. & Associates INDIGO PIZZA | Coventry | 8 pm | Tom Burgess KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | Roxy Perry & the Gang


| Lincoln | 8:30 pm | Santa Mamba LOCAL 121 | Providence | Brendan Robert McVay LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | Providence | 7 pm | The Dan Band + Northeast Traffic | 10 pm | I Love College Party Tour hosted by Nujo Bryan + featuring Mista Big Tunez + DJ F.B. THE MALTED BARLEY | Westerly | The Choos MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | 8 pm | Without Warning [Dokken tribute] MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7:30 pm | Roger Ceresi & Gary Gramolini THE MET | Pawtucket | Daughters MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 8:30 pm | Silk Road NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | Mac Odom NAUTIKA RESTAURANT | East Greenwich | Steve Anthony & Persuasion NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | The Merge NEWPORT GRAND | Triad NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The Throttles + the Hornets 95 EMPIRE BLACK BOX | Providence | I, Destroyer + Blessed Offal + Orsus + Venomizer OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown | Emma Joy Galvin OLIVES | Providence | What Matters? ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Groovin’ You 133 CLUB | East Providence | Stone Leaf PATRICK’S PUB | Providence | After Dark PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Dan Stevens PERRY’S BAR AND GRILLE | Narragansett | Al Keith Collective POWERS PUB | Cranston | Chicago Robbery RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | Cooling Towers + Control Group + Rotating Strawberry Madonas + Ambush at Junction Rock RHINO BAR & GRILLE | Newport | Glory Dayz


Rembrantz Live RI RA | Providence | 7-Day Weekend THE ROOTS | Providence | Luna’s Ladies’ Night THE SALON | Providence | Upstairs | Headphone Disco | Downstairs | Born Casual featuring DJ Zak Drummond SIMON’S 677 | Providence | The GoGo Revue with Big Jon Tierney + Gay Marvin + White Barry + Dan Dodd + Population Paste + Viking Jesus

THE SKYLINE LOUNGE AT LANG’S BOWLARAMA | Cranston | Karaoke with J-Krack of Van Pelt Entertainment

THE SPOT | Providence | Rustic

Overtones + Emergency Service + All Quiet 39 WEST | Cranston | World Premiere

TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Triple Threat


7 pm | Songwriter Sessions hosted by Lisa Martin VINTAGE | Woonsocket | 8 pm | Duke Robillard’s Jazz Guitar Trio THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | 5 pm | Brian Twohey | 9 pm | DJ Dirty DEK


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | 4 pm | Traditional Irish Music Session hosted by Jimmy and Hannah Devine with Mark Roberts, Andrea Cooper, Teddi Scobi, and friends | 9 pm | The John Egan Band + Aching Rivers + Two Tree + Fact Nor Fiction THE BEACH HOUSE | Portsmouth | 9:30 pm | The Ghost Tones BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 8:30 pm | What Matters? BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | Fall River, MA | The Kulprits BOVI’S | East Providence | Crushed Velvet BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | Colby James and Jon Tyler

BROOKLYN COFFEE & TEA HOUSE | Providence | 8 pm | Boomer Night hosted by musician and comedian Billy Mitchell CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Mission of Blues CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 8 pm | Steve Broderick & the 100-Watt Suns + Longshot Voodoo

CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | Noon | Good Ol’

Boys | 7 pm | Cool Beans CHIEFTAIN PUB | Plainville | Songs For Ceilidh CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Chyldz Play CUBAN REVOLUTION | Providence | The Ed Tomassi Group DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | New York Minute EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence | DJ Blaze ELEVEN FORTY-NINE | Warwick | 8:30 pm | Milt Javery FÊTE | Providence | Lord Huron FÊTE LOUNGE | Providence | 8:30 pm | Something Wicked State Fair with Miss Wensday & the Cotillions + Dr. Finnegan’s Circus Sideshow + the TropiGals + and special guests, plus a photo booth + a fortune teller + a donut-eating contest + a snack stand | 11 pm | Casual Saturday with Born Casual GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | Kevin Herchen GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Open mic INDIGO PIZZA | Coventry | TBA IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | Roger Ceresi & Gary Gramolini JAVA MADNESS | Wakefield | 11 am | Josh Schurman | 2 pm | Open mic JOE’S CAFE & LOUNGE | Westport, MA | Reloaded KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | Shiny Lapel Trio


| Lincoln | 8:30 pm | Bon Jersey [Bon Jovi tribute] LOCAL 121 | Providence | DJ Dox Ellis

LUXURY BOX SPORTS BAR & GRILL | Seekonk, MA | Felix Brown THE MALTED BARLEY | Westerly | Tall Boys

MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | 8 pm | Playin’ Dead [Grateful Dead tribute] MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7:30 pm | Boatcake THE MET | Pawtucket | 5 pm | Dudesmash 2 with Deer Tick + the Low Anthem + Jonny Fritz + Joe Fletcher & the Wrong Reasons + T.

Hardy Morris + Toy Soldiers + Last Good Tooth + Ravi Shavi + the Kolour Kult + Vio/Mire MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 9 pm | DJ Franco NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | Brass Attack NAUTIKA RESTAURANT | East Greenwich | Image NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Sugar NEWPORT GRAND | Rumors

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| Idol Kings [tribute to Journey + John Mellencamp] NEWS CAFE | Pawtucket | The Pandemics THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | Chepachet | Karaoke with Sergio OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown | The Choos OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | 3 pm | 2nd Annual BBQ, Bluegrass & Country Ho Down with Lizzie James & the Greystone Rail + the Mary McGuire Band, Brian McKenzie + Girls Guns & Glory + Hot Day At the Zoo OLIVES | Providence | Funhouse ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Never In Vegas 133 CLUB | East Providence | Mark Cutler & Men of Great Courage O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | Bill Gannon THE PARLOUR | Providence | Route .44 + Von Donovan PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | The Throttles PERRY’S BAR AND GRILLE | Narragansett | Erik Narwhal POWERS PUB | Cranston | Elly & and the Bear RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | Mindset X + Three Points of Madness + Hemlock + Improper Dosage RHINO BAR & GRILLE | Newport | Wild Nites

RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & BISTRO | North Providence | Just For Fun

RI RA | Providence | Blockhead THE ROOTS | Providence | 8 pm |

Pronk’s Big Party with the What Cheer? Brigade + the Extraordinary Rendition Band THE SALON | Providence | The Sweatshop: Dirty Little Underground Dance Party STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | Cumberland | 8:30 pm | Naked Radio 39 WEST | Cranston | Steve Anthony & Persuasion TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 3-7 pm | Gary Faria | 7-11 pm | Deja Blue VANILLA BEAN CAFE | Pomfret, CT | 8 pm | Sarah Blacker VINTAGE | Woonsocket | Kelley Lennon Duo THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | 11 pm | DJ Joshua Carl

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See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | 6 pm | Songwriters In the Round with Andrea Culp + John Fuzek + Erica Russo + host Jim Tata | 9:30 pm | Futu Futu + Mohammed Intisat + more BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 5:30 pm | Alger Mitchell | 6 pm | Brass Attack BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Open mic with Louie Leeman’s All-Star Jam CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Open mic blues jam hosted by the Rick Harrington Band CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 4 pm | Batteries Not Included | 7 pm | Golden State Lone Star Revue with Mark Hummel, Little Charlie Baty, and Anson Funderburgh | 7 pm | Mark Hummel All Stars featuring Anson Funderburg & Charles Batty CORINNE’S | Pawtucket | 5 pm | Open blues jam with Wolfie & the Jam Daddies

Continued on p 44

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10 am | Milt Javery FÊTE LOUNGE | Providence | El Ten Eleven + Eliot Lipp GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | 3 pm | Second Avenue GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Steve Chrisitan JAVA MADNESS | Wakefield | 11 am | Glenn Miller

LIGHTHOUSE BAR AT TWIN RIVER | Lincoln | 2 pm | Dominic LOCAL 121 | Providence | Music Please THE MET | Pawtucket | Daughters + Black Pus + California X + Fantasy Panther MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 9 pm | Sunday Night Blues Jam NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | 4 pm | Sugar Ray & the Bluetones NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | 3:30 pm | Acoustic jam with Vic Foley | 8 pm | The Barnyard Stompers OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | 3:30 pm | Westmoreland Street Jammers ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | 7 pm | Honky-Tonk Knights | 10 pm | Keith Manville 133 CLUB | East Providence | 7:30 pm | Vintage Soul O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | 5:30 pm | Liz Boudreau PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | 8 pm | Dave & Phil Turano THE ROOTS | Providence | 7 pm | Who Dat? Blues/Jazz Jam


BOWLARAMA | Cranston | 8:30 pm | Karaoke with Jack Rino of Van Pelt Entertainment THE SPOT | Providence | Charon’s Obol TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 3 pm | Glory Dayz


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. BOVI’S | East Providence | John Allmark’s Jazz Orchestra GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Hotel Jam Night NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The House Combo THE PARLOUR | Providence | Reggae night with Upsetta International + the Natural Element Band PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | 8:30 pm | Songwriters’ open mic THE ROI | Providence | Open mic for actors hosted by Ellen Salter Wallstrom THE SALON | Providence | 10 pm | Variety Talent Showcase hosted by James Creelman TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Chris Richards


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. FÊTE LOUNGE | Providence | 10 pm | Turnt Up Tuesdays GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Open mic THE MALTED BARLEY | Westerly | Reggae Tuesday with DJ Don Dada THE MET | Pawtucket | 8 pm | New Providence Big Band OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | DJ Blade Mon ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Stu Sinclair from Never In Vegas

THE PARLOUR | Providence |

Vintage Vinyl Breakdown with Colonel Johnny Maguire THE ROOTS | Providence | 8 pm | Strictly Jazz Jam THE SALON | Providence | 8:30 pm | Kimi’s Movie Night TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Gary Faria


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | Open Mic Night with James DUSK | Providence | Metal Night GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Karaoke with DJ Deelish INDIGO PIZZA | Coventry | 7 pm | Acoustic karaoke with Mark Beauchemin | 8 pm | Michelle Malone + John Fuzek KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 7:30 pm | Johnny & the East Coast Rockers LOCAL 121 | Providence | Reggae Night with Blade Mon and Roots


| Providence | Walk the Moon + Magic Man THE MET | Pawtucket | 8:30 pm | Califone + Richard Buckner + Death Vessel + Barn Burning NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The Bluegrass Throedown with Best Ever Chicken THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | Chepachet | Karaoke with Sergio 133 CLUB | East Providence | Karaoke with Big Bill O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | Chris Richard THE PARLOUR | Providence | The Funky Autocrats featuring Eric Bloom PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Sandy


RI RA | Providence | Josh Cramoy THE SALON | Providence | Reggae

Dancehall with DJ Red Beard & Friends THE SPOT | Providence | Free Funk All-Stars + Manifested TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Joe Macey


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 8 pm | Batteries Not Included BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | Dean Petrella of the Complaints

CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | 6 pm | Them Apples

CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | DJ Adam Go EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence

| 8:30 pm | Karaoke with DJ Ron B. of Rock On Entertainment GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | Hotel Songwriter Sessions IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | 8 pm | Betsy Listenfelt JOE’S CAFE & LOUNGE | Westport, MA | 8 pm | Karaoke with DJ Pete Botelho KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | Open mike with host band Harper & Owens THE MALTED BARLEY | Westerly | 90-Mile Portage MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7 pm | Ray Kenyon MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | 7:30 pm | Open mic hosted by Don Tassone MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Tom Lanigan NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown

CLUB DIRECTORY AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, Providence THE BEACH HOUSE | 401.682.2974 | 506 Park Ave, Portsmouth | BLU ON THE WATER | 401.885.3700 | 20 Water St, East Greenwich | BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | 508.673.2200 | 46 Water St, Fall River, MA | BOVI’S | 401.434.9670 | 278 Taunton Ave, East Providence BRITISH BEER COMPANY | 401.253.6700 | 29 State St, Bristol | britishbeer. com/local/bristol BROOKLYN COFFEE & TEA HOUSE | 401.575.2284 | 209 Douglas Ave, Providence | brooklyncoffeetea CADY’S TAVERN | 401.568.4102 | 2168 Putnam Pike, Chepachet | CAPTAIN NICK’S ROCK ’N’ ROLL BAR | 401.466.5670 | 34 Ocean Ave, Block Island | CAROUSEL GRILLE | 401.921.3430 | 859 Oakland Beach Ave, Warwick | CHAN’S | 401.765.1900 | 267 Main St, Woonsocket | chanseggrollsand CHELO’S HOMETOWN BAR & GRILL | 401.884.3000 | 1 Masthead Dr, Warwick | CHIEFTAIN PUB | 508.643.9031 | 23 Washington St [Rt 1], Plainville, MA | CITY SIDE | 401.235.9026 | 74 South Main St, Woonsocket | CORINNE’S | 401.542.0038 | 1593 Newport Ave, Pawtucket | CUBAN REVOLUTION | 401.932.0649 | 60 Valley St, Olneyville | DAN’S PLACE | 401.392.3092 | 880 Victory Hwy, West Greenwich | DIVE BAR | 201 Westminster St, Providence | divebar.providence DUSK | 401.714.0444 | 301 Harris Ave, Providence | EAST BAY TAVERN | 401.228.7343 | 305 Lyon Ave, East Providence EAST PROVIDENCE YACHT CLUB | 401.434.0161 | 9 Pier Rd

1150 OAK BAR & GRILL | 401.654.4466 1150 Oaklawn Ave, Cranston | ELEVEN FORTY NINE | 401.884.1149 | 1149 Division St, Warwick | FÊTE | 401.383.1112 | 103 Dike St, Providence | GAME 7 SPORTS BAR & GRILL | 508.643.2700 | 60 Man Mar Dr, Plainville, MA | game7sportsbar GAS LAMP GRILLE | 401.845.9300 | 206 Thames St, Newport | GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | 401.783.2306 | 250 Sand Hill Cove Rd, Narragansett | GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | 401.315.5556 | 105 White Rock Rd, Westerly GREENWICH HOTEL | 401.884.4200 | 162 Main St, East Greenwich | HANSON’S PUB | 401.782.0210 | 210 Salt Pond Rd, Wakefield | INDIGO PIZZA | 401.615.9600 | 599 Tiogue Ave, Coventry IRON WORKS TAVERN | 401.739.5111 | 697 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick | JAVA MADNESS | 401.788.0088 | 134 Salt Pond Rd, Wakefield | JOE’S CAFE & LOUNGE | 774.264.9463 | 549 American Legion Hwy, Westport, MA | THE KNICKERBOCKER | 401.315.5070 | 35 Railroad Ave, Westerly | LADDER 133 | 401.272.RIBS | 133 Douglas Ave, Providence | LIGHTHOUSE BAR AT TWIN RIVER | 877.82.RIVER | 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | LOCAL 121 | 401.274.2121 | 121 Washington St, Providence | LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | 401.331.5876 | 79 Washington St, Providence | MACHINES WITH MAGNETS | 401.261.4938 | 400 Main St, Pawtucket | THE MALTED BARLEY | 401.315.2184 | 42 High St, Westerly | themalted MANCHESTER 65 | 65 Manchester St,

West Warwick | MARINER GRILL | 401.284.3282 | 142 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett | McNEIL’S TAVERN | 401.725.4444 | 888 Charles St, North Providence THE MEDIATOR | 401.461.3683 | 50 Rounds Ave, Providence MERRILL LOUNGE | 401.434.9742 | 535 North Broadway, East Providence THE MET | 401.729.1005 | 1005 Main St, Pawtucket | MULHEARN’S | 401.48.9292 | 507 North Broadway, East Providence MURPHY’S LAW | 401.724.5522 | 2 George St, Pawtucket | murphys NARRAGANSETT CAFE | 401.423.2150 | 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown | NAUTIKA | 401.398.7774 | 28 Water St, East Greenwich | NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | 401.841.5510 | 286 Thames St | newportblues. com NEWPORT GRAND | 401.849.5000 | 150 Admiral Kalbfus Rd, Newport | NEWS CAFE | 401.728.6475 | 43 Broad St, Pawtucket NICK-A-NEE’S | 401.861.7290 | 75 South St, Providence NOREY’S | 401.847.4971 | 156 Broadway, Newport | THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | 401.710.7778 | 812 Putnam Pike, Glocester | OAK HILL TAVERN | 401.294.3282 | 565 Tower Hill Rd, North Kingstown | OCEAN MIST | 401.782.3740 | 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Matunuck | OLIVES | 401.751.1200 | 108 North Main St, Providence | 133 CLUB | 401.438.1330 | 29 Warren Ave, East Providence ONE PELHAM EAST | 401.847.9460 | 270 Thames St, Newport | O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | 401.228.7444 | 23 Peck Ln, Warwick | PADDY’S BEACH | 401.596.2610 | 159 Atlantic Ave, Westerly | THE PARLOUR | 401.383.5858 |

1119 North Main St, Providence | PERKS & CORKS | 401.596.1260 | 48 High St, Westerly | perksand PERRY’S BAR & GRILLE | 401.284.1544 | 104 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett | POWERS PUB | 401.714.0655 | 27 Aborn St, Cranston | RALPH’S DINER | 508.753.9543 | 148 Grove St, Worcester, MA | THE RHINO BAR | 401.846.0907 | 337 Thames St, Newport | RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & BISTRO | 401.232.1331 | 2026 Smith St, North Providence | RI RA | 401.272.1953 | 50 Exchange Terrace, Providence | THE ROOTS | 276 Westminster St, Providence | 401.272.7422 | THE SALON | 401.865.6330 | 57 Eddy St, Providence | SIDEBAR BISTRO | 401.421.7200 | 127 Dorrance St, Providence | THE SKYLINE LOUNGE AT LANG’S BOWLARAMA | 401.944.0500 | 225 Niantic Ave, Cranston | langs THE SPOT | 401.383.7133 | 101 Richmond St, Providence | STELLA BLUES | 401.289.0349 | 50 Miller St, Warren | STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | 401.658.2591 | 80 Manville Hill Rd, Cumberland | 39 WEST | 401.944.7770 | 39 Phenix Ave, Cranston | TOMMY’S LOUNGE | 401.722.1934 | 99 India St, Pawtucket | facebook. com/tommyslounge 2 PAULS’ CITY GRILLE | 401.228.7285 | 315 Waterman Ave, East Providence | VANILLA BEAN CAFE | 860.928.1562 | Rts 44, 169 and 97, Pomfret, CT | VINTAGE RESTAURANT | 401.765.1234 | 2 South Main St, Woonsocket | WHISKEY REPUBLIC | 401.588.5158 | 515 South Water St, Providence | | the providence phoenix | september 13, 2013 45

| 8 pm | Shiny Lapel Trio

NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Mullett NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Dennis McCarthy & Friends


| Country-oke with Timay OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | The Equalites OLIVES | Providence | Kool Cat Karaoke 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm | Mac Odom Band THE PARLOUR | Providence | Karma Rocket + Secret Beast + Eric Barao Duo PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Whitesmoke POWERS PUB | Cranston | Raised On Radio RI RA | Providence | Karaoke hosted by Ron THE SALON | Providence | DJ The Count SPEAKEASY @ LOCAL 121 | Providence | Can’t Stop DJs THE SPOT | Providence | Greenhouse Lounge + Resin Ed STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | Cumberland | 8:30 pm | Karaoke with Stu TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | John Brazile VINTAGE | Woonsocket | 7:30 pm | Travis Colby


MICK FOLEY | 8 pm | Comedy Con-

nection, 39 Warren Ave, East Providence | $25 | 401.438.8383 | ricomedy LOL THURSDAY hosted by Frank O’Donnell | 7:30 pm | Catch A Rising Star at Twin River, 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | $10 | 877.82RIVER | IMPROV JONES | Thurs + Sat 10 pm | 95 Empire Black Box, 95 Empire St, Providence | $5 | PROVIDENCE IMPROV PIG presents Kickasaurus Rex and the Most Important Question | 8 pm | Providence Improv Guild, 393 Broad St, Providence | $2 |


with Wild Bill Simas and Doug Key [and the New England Patriots vs. the New York Jets] | 7:30 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT | $10-$20 advance | 860.312.6649 |



Fri 8 pm; Sat 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Connection, East Providence | $15 HARDCORE COMEDY SHOW hosted by Brian Beaudoin | 10:30 pm | Comedy Connection, East Providence | $15 JOEY CARROLL | 8 pm | Catch A Rising Star at Twin River, Lincoln | $22 JON STETSON EXPERIENCE | 9 pm | Newport Grand Event Center, 150 Admiral Kalbfus Rd | 401.849.5000 |

COMIC HYPNOTIST FRANK SANTOS JR. | 10:15 pm | Catch A Rising

Star at Twin River, Lincoln | $22 KIER + ROGER KEISS | 8 pm | Comedy Zone at Showcase Warwick, 1200 Quaker Ln | $10 | 401.885.1621 | comedy-zone THE COMEDY FACTORY featuring Ace Aceto, Dave Rattigan, John Perrotta, and Brian Vincent | 6:30 pm | Spirito’s Restaurant , 477 Broadway, Providence | $45 includes dinner, show, tax, and tip | 401.434.4435 | THE BIT PLAYERS | Fri-Sat 8 pm | Firehouse Theater, 4 Equality Park Pl, Newport | $15 | 401.849.3473 |

BRING YOUR OWN IMPROV | Sept 13 10 pm at Theatre 82, 82 Rolfe St, Cranston + Sept 15 at 6 pm at the Warwick Museum of Art, 3259 Post Rd | $5 | FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE featuring improvised song, dance, and skits | 7 pm | Everett, 9 Duncan Ave, Providence | $5 | 401.831.9479 | everettri. org/what/stage/fnl PROVIDENCE IMPROV PIG presents Swine Flew, with the Level 1 and Level 2 Showcases | 8 pm | Providence Improv Guild, 393 Broad St, Providence | $5 | ImprovPIG NATE BARGATZE | Fri 8 pm; Sat 8 + 10:30 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $20-$40 advance WILD BILL’S COMIX with Wild Bill Simas and David Foster | 10:30 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $15-$30 advance

Muse Way, Tiverton | $8 advance, $10 at the door [BYOB + food] | 401.241.7349 | sandywoodsmusic. com TOM RUSH | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts, Fall River, MA | $35


BILL MONROE & MATTEO CASSIN | 8 pm | Church Street Coffee-

BOB DIBUONO | 8 + 10 pm | Catch A

Rising Star at Twin River, Lincoln | $22 THE COMEDY FACTORY featuring Mike McCarthy, Rockin’ Joe Hebert, John Perrotta, Brian Vincent, and Steve DeNuccio | 6:30 pm | Chelo’s Banquet Room, 2225 Post Rd, Warwick | $40 includes dinner, show, tax, and tip | 401.461.7896 | comedy IMPROV JONES | See listing for Thurs BIG JAY OAKERSON + JOHN TOLE | See listing for Fri THE BIT PLAYERS | See listing for Fri NATE BARGATZE | See listing for Fri



music by the Funky Autocrats + Girls Guns & Glory + Ants In the Cellar + Natural Element + Malyssa & the Liberators + Atlantic Thrills + Kris Hansen + Gavage + Apathy + Big Shug + DirtyDurdie + Blessed Energy + Block McCloud + Chachi Carvalho + Swann Notty + Milez Grimez + Case Closed + a beer garden + food trucks + an art show + more | 11:30 am-11 pm | Part of the Pawtucket Arts Festival | Main Street, Pawtucket | Free [suggested donation $5] | 401.724.5200 |


house, 25 Church St, Warren | $12 | 401.245.8474 | churchstreet MALCOLM HOLCOMBE | 8 pm | Common Fence Point Community Hall, 933 Anthony Road, Portsmouth | $20 advance, $23 door | 401.683.5085 | NRBQ | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts, Fall River, MA | $25 advance, $28 day of show RAGHEB ALAMA | 7 pm | Twin River Event Center, 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | $95-$250 | 877.82RIVER | THE RANK STRANGERS | 8 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts, Tiverton | $8 advance, $10 at the door [BYOB + food]

dy Connection, East Providence | $10


and Scott Baker | 8 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $15$25 advance BRING YOUR OWN IMPROV | See listing for Fri

Cystic Fibrosis & Multiple Sclerosis Foundation | 2:30 pm | Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Rd, Webster, MA | $40 [$75 with BBQ] | 508.943.3871 |



THE COMEDY FACTORY with Andrew Williams + John Perrotta + Bernie Perrotty + more | 8 pm | Legion Pub, 661 Park Ave, Cranston | Free | 401.461.7896 |



woods, Mashantucket, CT | $10-$20 advance


THE PROVIDENCE PHOENIX BEST SHOW, featuring winners and nom-

inees Ray Harrington, John Porch, T.J. Curran, and Mike Murray | 8 pm | Comedy Connection, East Providence | $10, proceeds benefit The One Fund — Boston BOB LEVY | 8 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $20-$40 advance LOL THURSDAY | See listing for Thurs IMPROV JONES | See listing for Thurs PROVIDENCE IMPROV PIG | See listing for Thurs


GRAHAM NASH | 7:30 pm | Park Theatre, 848 Park Ave, Cranston | $46 + $56 | 401.467.7275 | parktheatre CHARLIE HUNTER AND SCOTT AMENDOLA | 8 pm | Narrows Center

For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $20 advance, $23 day of show | 508.324.1926 | narrowscenter. org



University’s Alumnae Hall, 194 Meeting St, Providence | Free | events-calendar


Sandywoods Center For the Arts, 43

Our Body Dysmorphic Disorder Research Program Offers: • Evaluation of your body image concerns • Treatment with therapy • Compensation for adults who qualify

Our world renowed Body Dysmorphic Disorder Program is located at Rhode Island Hospital. To learn more, call (401) 444-1644 or visit:

PETER WOLF | A benefit for the


pm | Zeiterion Theatre, 684 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA | $35 + $39.50 | 508.994.2900 |

VANESSA TRIEN & THE JUMPING MONKEYS | 3 pm | Governor Henry Lippitt House Museum, 199 Hope St, Providence | Free [donations welcome] | 401.453.0688 | lippitt

THE WEMMER + OLNEYVILLE SOUND SYSTEM + BAYLIES BAND + WELD SQUARE + PATRICK SIMAS | Machines with Magnets, 400 Main St, Pawtucket | 401.475.2655 |


CARLENE CARTER | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts, Fall River, MA | $20 advance, $23 day of show RORY BLOCK | 7:30 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts, Tiverton | $20 advance, $22 at the door [BYOB + food]


ISLAND MOVING CO. presents “Open For Dancing 2013” | Sat-Sun 5 + 6 pm | The Steel Yard, 27 Sims Ave, Providence | Free | 401.847.4470 |


REHOBOTH CONTRA DANCE with caller Nils Fredland and music by Julie Metcalf, Glen Loper, and Bethany Waickman | 8 pm | Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA | $8 | 508.252.5718 | contradance


ENGLISH COUNTRY DANCE with dance leader Tom Amesse and music by Jean Monroe and Bill Ouimette Continued on p 46

46 september 13, 2013 | the providence phoenix |

The Salon providence

! the ng e of po hom ack!!! g n eb pi pickl ll!




BAR BINGO tuesdays @ 9

U !!!




57 eddy street behind haven bros. 401.865.6330

cash prizes!

REGGAE DANCEHALL wednesdays @ 10 ft. DJ Red Beard & friends


thursdays, fridays, saturdays @ 10 featuring RIʼs favorite DJs on two levels house, hip-hop, indie, nu-wave, disco, techno, trap, dub-step, soul, funk

Listings Continued from p 45 | 7:30 pm | South Kingstown Land Trust Barn, 17 Matunuck Beach Rd, Kingston | $10 | 401.539.3009 |



Elwood Donnelly and Don Heinold and music by South Coast | 7:30 pm | Mary C. Quirk School, 790 Main St, Warren | $5 |

FOR PERSONS INTERESTED IN STARTING SUBOXONE FOR OPIOID DEPENDENCE • Suboxone provided by the study for eligible participants • 11 Confidential Study Visits over 4 Months • Once you enroll in the study you will be compensated for your time

PROJECT TRUST | (401) 793 - 0915

EVENTS 43RD ANNUAL NEWPORT BOAT SHOW | Sept 12-14 10 am-6 pm +

Sept 15 10 am-5 pm | Newport Yachting Center, 4 Commercial Wharf | $15 advance, $18 gate, free under 12 | 401.846.1600 | newportboatshow. com NEWPORT GALLERY NIGHT | 5-8 pm | Newport Gallery Night, 76 Bellevue Ave, Newport or |


ANNUAL FOLK ART QUILT SHOW with more than 100 quilts by artists from New England | 10 am-4 pm | South County Museum, Strathmore St, Narragansett | $8 | 401.783.5400 | CHAMPION BREED with Aleksandra Magdziak Lopes v. Lisa Noel Garland vying for the WIBA world welterweight title + other bouts | 6 pm | Twin River Event Center, 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | $$40-$125 | 877.82RIVER |


Research Study Smokers Wanted If you are a cigarette smoker 21 years of age or older, you may be eligible to participate in a research study by Brown University investigators examining alcohol use and smoking and a single dose of an FDA approved medication that may affect craving.

Participation includes completion of three sessions, two of which involve consuming alcohol and smoking in our lab and taking the study medication or a placebo. Participants can earn up to $328 by completing the study.

To learn more about the study, call (401) 863-6684.

Sat 11 am + 3 + 7 pm; Sun 1 + 5 pm | Dunkin’ Donuts Center, 1 LaSalle Sq, Providence | $25-$70 | 401.331.6700 |


River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland | $10 | 401.725.9272 | MISQUAMICUT FALLFEST with amusement rides + a petting zoo + classic car shows + an international food court + the Beer, BBQ and Bands Tent [featuring Terry Sylvester, Neal & the Vipers, Mercy Bullets, Rat Ruckus, and many more] + a Miscavenger hunt + kids’ activities + more | Sept 13 5-11 pm + Sept 14 11 am-11 pm + Sept 15 11 am5 pm | Misquamicut State Beach, 257 Atlantic Ave, Westerly | $7, free under 4 | 401.596.9097 |

43RD ANNUAL NEWPORT BOAT SHOW | See listing for Thurs



QUIT-SMOKING STUDY FOR CLEAN & SOBER ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSERS Have you quit drinking and drugging? Do you now want to quit smoking? A research study is being conducted to compare a stop-smoking medication to nicotine patch treatment. Receive a medical exam, smoking counseling and free medications. The study requires visits or calls weekly for 13 to 14 weeks, then at 3, 6 and 12 months. After you are found to be eligible, earn up to $295 in merchandise certificates for completing the study. If interested call (401) 863-6464 or toll-free 1-877-374-6577 The Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University


with the Old Money Honeys vs. the Mob Squad | 6 pm | Rhode Island Convention Center, 1 Sabin St, Providence | $10, $5 ages 5-12 [$30 VIP] | VINTAGE BASEBALL | A doubleheader with the Providence Grays and the Newtown Sandy Hooks | 11 am | Fort Adams State Park, Harrison Avenue, Newport | $6, $3 ages 6-17, $15 family | 401.841.0707 |


See listing for Fri



Research Study

Route 138, Portsmouth | $20 + $12 | 401.846.0200 |

dance groups + food vendors + fireworks + more | 12-7 pm | Part of the Pawtucket Arts Festival | Jenks Park, 580 Broad St, Central Falls | Free |

36TH ANNUAL RHODE ISLAND HERITAGE DAY FESTIVAL with cultural displays + food + craft demonstrations + more | 12-6 pm [rain date Sept 15] | Roger Williams National Memorial Park, 282 North Main St, Providence | 401.222.4133 |


featuring local artisans + food + hayrides + face painting + craftmaking + farm animals + cooking demonstrations + and music by Trua + Morris dancing by Ladies of the Rolling Pin | 10 am-5 pm | Coggeshall Farm Museum, 1 Colt Rd, Bristol | $8, $5 seniors + ages 3-12, free under 3 | 401.253.9062 |


USA vs. Mexico | 5 pm | Glen Farm,



Biff Busick vs. Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong + Michael Elgin vs. J.T. Dunn + Chuck Taylor vs. Eric Corvis + more | 4 pm | Fete, 103 Dike St, Providence | $15 | 401.383.1112 |


See listing for Sat


See listing for Fri





HISTORIC/ARCHITECTURAL TOUR | 10:30 am | Providence Public Library, 150 Empire St | Free | 401.455.8000 |


GALLERY NIGHT with tours of 26 galleries and museums | This month’s celebrity guides: photographer Stephan Brigidi, ceramic artist Kate Champa, and John Smith, director of the RISD Museum | 5-9 pm | Gallery Night Providence, 1 Regency Plaza, Providence | 401.490.2042 | LATINO FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL | 6 pm | The Roots, 276 Westminster St, Providence | $35 | 401.272.7422 | POLITICS & PASTA WITH BUDDY CIANCI | with dinner from River

Falls and a talk by Cianci about his life and experiences, both political and personal | 6:30 pm | Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | $36 | 401.762.4545 or |


GLOBAL LENS 2013 FALL FILM SERIES | This week: Shyamal Uncle Turns

Off the Lights, directed by Suman Gosh | The synopsis: “An 80-yearold Kolkata retiree is determined to get the streetlights turned off after sunrise, but finding someone to take him seriously proves a battle against an indifferent bureaucracy and complacent status quo” | 6 pm | Providence Public Library, 150 Empire St | Free | 401.455.8000 | MOVIES ON THE BLOCK presents Death Wish [Sept 12] + St.Elmo’s Fire [Sept 19] | Westminster and Union sts, Providence | Free | indowncity. com


THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW PRESENTED BY RKO ARMY | 9 pm | Courthouse Center for the Arts, 3481 Kingstown Rd , West Kingston | 401.782.1018 |



for Thurs


KAREN COVEY will discuss and sign her new cookbook, The Coastal Table: Recipes Inspired By the Farmlands and Seaside of Southern New England | 7 pm | Books On the Square, 471 Angell St, Providence | Free | 401.331.9097 |



screening of the 2009 film Coco Before Chanel, followed by a talk by Richard Parker, the author of The Improbable Return of Coco Chanel | 6 pm | Providence Public Library, 150 Empire St | Free | 401.455.8000 |


GOT POETRY LIVE! | 7:30 pm | Blue State Coffee, 300 Thayer St, Providence | $3 | 401.383.8393 | gotpoetry. com/News/topic=23.html POET RONALDO WILSON will read from his work | 2:30 pm | Brown University McCormack Family Theater, 70 Brown St, Providence | Free | 401.863.3260 |


MIKE LUPICA will discuss and

sign his new novel, QB1 | 6 pm | Barrington Books, 184 County Rd | 401.245.7925 | WORD ON WEDNESDAY presents an H.P. Lovecraft play reading | 7 pm | The Roots, 276 Westminster St, Providence | $10 | 401.272.7422 | roots


PROVIDENCE POETRY SLAM | 8 pm | AS220, 115 Empire St, Providence | $4 | 401.831.9327 |



Johnson, founder of the List Project to Resettle Iraqi Allies | 5 pm | Brown University’s Watson Institute, 111 Thayer St, Providence | Free | 401.863.2809 |



nedy, a professor of law at Harvard Law School and journalist Stuart Taylor Jr. | 4:30 pm | Brown University MacMillan Hall, 167 Thayer St, Providence | Free | janus/events/lectures/affirmative_ action_should_universities_consider_ race_in_admission

“GUNS: PUBLIC POLICY, POLITICS, AND LAW” | A talk by Cart T. Bogus, a professor at the Roger Williams University School of Law | 7 pm | Barrington Library, 281 County Rd | Free | 401.247.1920 |

THE URI FALL 2013 HONORS COLLOQUIUM | The topic: “Great Public

Schools, Everyone’s Right? Everyone’s Responsibility?” | This week: “The State of Education in Rhode Island,” a panel discussion with Deborah Gist, Ray Di Pasquale, EvaMarie Mancuso, and Scott MacKay, moderated by Elisabeth Harrison | 7:30 pm | Edwards Auditorium, University of Rhode Island, Upper College Road, Kingston | Free | 401.874.2381 |


“I’M AN ARTIST: WOMEN OF COLOR SPEAK” | The event features

a panel discussion with poets Kate Rushin and Sussy Santana; Francis Parra, co-founder of ECAS Theater, Rhode Island’s leading Latino performing arts organization; actor/director/choreographerJackie Davis; and moderator [and poet/ playwright/fiction writer] Franny Choi [7:30 pm], an open mike with readings by Shey Rivera, Rushin, Santana, and Choi [8:30 pm], and a | the providence phoenix | september 13, 2013 47

screening of Bloodwork: The Ana Mendieta Story [9:30 pm] | 7:30 pm | AS220, 115 Empire St, Providence | Free | 401.831.9327 |

“WHAT’S ART GOT TO DO WITH IT?,” a talk by Don M. Randel,

president emeritus of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the University of Chicago | 4 pm | Brown University’s Granoff Center, Martinos Auditorium, 154 Angell St, Providence | Free | Administration/Provost/index.php


“MADAME COLT: MATRIARCH OF BRISTOL,” | a talk about Theodora

DeWolf Colt, featuring letters, documents, and photographs, by historian Claire Benson | 7 pm | Linden Place, 500 Hope St, Bristol | $5 | 401.253.0390 or


talk by author Amartya Sen | 5 pm | Brown University’s Alumnae Hall, 194 Meeting St, Providence | Free |


401.688.0396 | 297 Hope St, Bristol | | Mon-Sat 10 am7 pm; Sun 12-5 pm | Through Sept 20: works by Linda DiFrenna and paintings by John Irwin AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, Providence | | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appointment | Through Sept 28: new work by Rebecca Adams and the Forand Family Show | New work by Ysanel Torres AS220 PROJECT SPACE | 401.831.9327 | 93 Mathewson St, Providence | | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appointment | Through Sept 28: “New Barbarians: Prints from the New Border,” by Guillermo Gomez-Pena and Joan Wyand | New work by Heidi Born


| 401.490.0929 | 304 Lockwood St, Providence | | Through Sept 24: “Recaptured,” “the life and after-life of urban debris explored in new works” by Jennifer Rydwansky, Gregory Pennisten, and Daniel Seliger BANKRI GALLERY | 401.456.5015 x 1330 | 137 Pitman St, Providence | | Mon-Fri 9 am-7 pm; Sat 9 am-3 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Through Oct 2: “Little Woven Pictures,” by Karen GIlbert — 1 Turks Head Pl, Providence | Mon-Wed 8:30 am-3 pm; Thurs-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm | Through Oct 2: paintings by Buck Hastings


600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | | Tues-Fri 12-8 pm |

Through Oct 2: “Annual Faculty Art Exhibition” BERT GALLERY | 401.751.2628 | 540 South Water St, Providence | | Mon-Fri 11 am-5 pm; Sat 12-4 pm | Through Sept 19: “2013: Artists That Endure,” featuring paintings, sculpture, and prints by Frank Gasbarro, Paula Martiesian, Len Shartle, Robert Thornton, Kenn Speiser, and Carmel Vitullo BILL KRUL GALLERY | 401.782.1715 | 142 Boon St, Narragansett | billkrul | Through Sept 30: “Land, Sea, and Macro Scapes,” photographs by Steve Nadler, Mike Egan, and Randy Anway CADE TOMPKINS PROJECTS | 401.751.4888 | 198 Hope St, Providence | | Sat 10 am-6 pm + by appointment | Through Oct 26: paintings by Donnamaria Bruton CHABOT FINE ART GALLERY | 401.432.7783 | 379 Atwells Ave, Providence | | Wed + Thurs 12-6 pm; Fri + Sat 12-8 pm | Through Sept 21: “In Nature’s Realm II,” paintings by Edwin Wilwayco COASTAL LIVING GALLERY | | 83 Brown St, Wickford | | Through Oct 1: “Florals,” paintings by Janet Alling COLO COLO GALLERY | 508.496.4718 | 25 Centre St, New Bedford, MA |

Tues + Thurs 12-5 pm; Wed + Fri 3-6 pm; Sat 12-6 pm | Through Sept 14: “The Metaphysical Picaresque,” works by Lasse Antonsen CRAFTLAND | 401.272.4285 | 235 Westminster St, Providence | | Mon-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm | Through Oct 19: “Locally Sourced,” an exhibit presented by Yellow Peril Gallery featuring “artists living in Rhode Island who intimately connect with their surroundings [by] using materials that are native to the Ocean State,” with works by Johnny Adimando, Brooke Goldstein, Flynn Grinnan, Emma Hogarth, Jon Laustsen, Philippe Lejeune, Lisa Maloney, Mara Metcalf, Maria Napolitano, Babs Owen, Masha Ryskin, Mel St. Laurent, and Tom West DEBLOIS GALLERY | 401.847.9977 | 138 Bellevue Ave, Newport | deblois | Tues-Sun 12-5 pm | Through Sept 29: “21st Century Expressionism,” featuring oils by Michael Carr, sculptures by Ed McAloon, and zen watercolors by Edward Williams GALLERY 4 | 401.816.0999 | 3848 Main Rd, Tiverton | gallery4tiverton. com | Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm | Through Oct 11: “Summer of ’13,” mixed media group exhibition GALLERY X | 508.992.2675 | 169 Wil-

liam St, New Bedford, MA | galleryx. org | Wed-Sun 11 am–3 pm; second

Thurs 5-9 pm | Sept 18-Oct 13: “Utopia/Dystopia,” an exhibition of visual art and writing GALLERY Z | 401.454.8844 | 259 Atwells Ave, Providence | galleryzprov. com | Wed-Sat 12-8 pm + by appointment | Through Oct 12: “Two Painters and an Assemblage Artist,” works by Bob Dilworth, Ian Mohon, and Julian Penrose GRIN | 60 Valley St #3, Providence | | Through Sept 13: “THEBETTERHALF” by TWOPIVOT, a collaborative partnership between Janine Rissewyck and Nicola Mousa Bajalia II HERA GALLERY | 401.789.1488 | 10 High St, Wakefield | | Wed-Fri 1-5 pm; Sat 10 am-4 pm | Through Oct 5: “Haiku,” an exhibit of quilts by Jeanette Jacobs

IMAGO FOUNDATION FOR THE ARTS | 401.245.0173 | 36 Market St, Warren |

| Thurs 4-8 pm, Fri + Sat 12-8 pm | Through Oct 12: works by Rose EssonDawson and Ryan Collins JAMESTOWN ARTS CENTER | 401.560.0979 | 18 Valley St | jamestown | Wed-Sat 10 am-2 pm | Through Oct 11: “100 Women Over 50,” with portraits and abstract work by Julie Shelton Smith KRAUSE GALLERY | 401.831.7350 x 174 | In the Jenks Center at Moses

Brown School, 250 Lloyd Ave, Providence | | Mon-Fri

8 am-4 pm + by appointment | Through Sept 27: “Land/scape: Three Views,” works by Karen Rand Anderson, James Mullen, and Karen Klinedinst MAD DOG GALLERY | 401.722.7800 | 65 Blackstone Ave, Pawtucket | | Mon-Wed + Fri-Sat 12-4 pm; Thurs 12-8:30 pm | Through Sept 27: “Members Exhibit”


Thurs-Fri 3-7 pm; Sat-Sun 1-5 pm | Through Oct 30: “Open Juried Exhibition Annual”


Rd | portsmouth | Fri-

Sun 1-5 pm | Through Sept 29: “It’s Your Masterpiece,” a non-juried show featuring works that “reinterpret an iconic masterpiece of art in their own way — not simple copies” PROVIDENCE ART CLUB | 401.331.1114 | 11 Thomas St | providence | Mon-Fri 12-4 pm; SatSun 2-4 pm | Through Sept 27: “Art League of Rhode Island : 2013 Annual Members’ Exhibition”


| Slater Memorial Park, Armistice Blvd, Pawtucket | riwsgallery.wix. com | Tues-Sat 10 am-4 pm; Sun 1-5

pm | Through Sept 26: paintings by Stephen Ellery Manning and Susan Manning O’Briant


Lawrence aves, Newport |

| Tues + Thurs 11 am-6 pm; Wed + Fri 11 am-5 pm; Sat + Sun 12-4 pm | Through Sept 29: “2013 BOSS Show: The Best of Salve Students”

SOUTH COUNTY ART ASSOCIATION | 401.783.2195 | 2587 Kingstown

Rd, Kingston | | Wed-Sun 10 am-6 pm; Fri 10 am-8 pm | Through Sept 14: “The Great Art Heist,” a member-donated artwork fund-raiser VAN VESSEM GALLERY | 401.835.6639 | 63 Muse Way, Tiverton | gallery.html | Through Sept 14: “Apres,” with works by Nancy Shand, Patrick Malin, and Kate Huntington


St, North Kingstown | | Tues-Sat 11 am-3 pm; Sun 12-3 pm | Through Sept 15: “Anything Goes,” an open juried show YELLOW PERIL GALLERY | 401.861.1535 | 60 Valley St #5, Providence | | WedFri 3-8 pm; other days by appointment | Sept 19-Oct 13: “#BED,” small scale mixed media sculptures and site-specific interactive installations by Leah Poller | Through Sept 13: “Real Woman of Philadelphia,” a series of videos submitted over eight weeks by Philadelphia-based artist Jenny Drumgoole for an online video-recipe contest launched by Kraft Foods’ Philadelphia Cream Cheese and hosted by Paula Deen | The 12 single channel videos will be screened in chronological order on Fridays through Sept 19 from 8-10 pm | Through Sept 15: “Proximity,” featuring sculpture, performance, photography, and installation work by Hai Ni

MUSEUMS MUSEUM OF WORK AND CULTURE | 401.769.9675 | 42 South Main St, Woonsocket | | Tues-Fri 9:30

am-4 pm; Sat 10 am-4 pm; Sun 1-4 pm | Through Nov 9: an exhibit celebrating the 85th anniversary of the Italian Workingmen’s Club


492 Bellevue Ave, Newport | american | Sat + Sun 11 am-5 pm

[guided tours Fri 3 pm] | Through Dec 31: “The American Muse,” an homage to women of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with works by Charles Dana Gibson, Harrison Fisher, Philip Boileau, MacClelland Barclay, Howard Chandler Christy, James Montgomery Flagg, Henry Hutt, Walter Granville Smith, Paul Stahr, and Albert Beck Wenzell NEWPORT ART MUSEUM | 401.848.8200 | 76 Bellevue Ave | | Tues-Sat 11 am-4 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Admission $10 adults; $8 seniors; $6 students + military with ID; free under 6| Through Sept 15: “NetWorks 2011/2012,” a project showcasing and recording the work, achievements, methods, and profiles of Rhode Island artists, with works by Andrew Moon Bain, Nilton Cardenas, Barnaby Evans, Nancy Friese, Philip J. Jameson, Shawn Kenney, Scott Lapham, Janet Prip, Andrew Raftery, Duane Slick, Esther Solondz, Mark Taber, and Laura Travis [2011] and Kate Blacklock, Brian Chippendale, Wendy Edwards, Richard Fishman, Lucas Foglia, Corey Grayhorse, Bunny Harvey, Tayo Heuser, Eugene Lee , Meg Little, Jane Masters, and John Udvardy [2012] | Through Dec 29: “19 On Paper,” works by Rhode Island artist members, including painters, collage artists, printmakers, photographers, bookmakers, and sculptors RISD MUSEUM | 401.454.6500 | 224 Benefit St, Providence | risdmuseum. org | Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm [Thurs until 9 pm] | Admission $12; $10 seniors; $5 college students, $3 ages 5-18; free every Sun 10 am-1 pm | Through Nov 3: “Locally Made,” the Museum’s first large survey of work from the greater Providence region in more than 20 years | Through Dec 31: “Made For Eternity,” an exhibit of ancient art | Through Jan 5: “Historias: Latin American Works on

Paper” | Ongoing: “Subject to Change: Art and Design in the Twentieth Century” + Ancient and Medieval Galleries + Impressionist Galleries + Pendleton House WARWICK MUSEUM OF ART | 401.737.0010 | 3259 Post Rd | warwick | Tues + Wed + Fri 12-4 pm, Thurs 4-8 pm, Sat 10 am-2 pm | Through Sept 28: “West Bay Open Studios Fifth Year Members Show,” featuring works by Nina Ackmann, Tiffany Adams, Janet Austin, Marjorie Ball, Carole Berren, Lorraine Bromley, Nancy Chapman, Sharon D. Eisman, Debbie Ferrazzoli, Nancy Gaucher-Thomas, Henry Gauthier, Alice Benvie Gebhart, Michele Leavitt, Lynn Martin, Claire Marschak, Nancy Nielsen, Jane Parillo, Lorena Pugh, Beth Rodewig, Carol Shelton, Tracy Taylor, Kurt Van Dexter, and Cindy Horovitz Wilson


401.490.9475 | | At the Artists’ Exchange, 50 Rolfe Sq, Cranston | Sept 13-28: A Behanding in Spokane, by Martin McDonagh | Fri-Sat 8 pm | $15, $12 students [previews Sept 13 + 14 $10] GAMM THEATRE | 401.723.4266 | | 172 Exchange St, Pawtucket | Through Oct 5: A Number and Far Away, two one-act plays by Caryl Churchill | This week: Sept 12 + 15 + 16 + 19 7 pm | Sept 13 + 14 8 pm | $48 + $38 [previews Sept 12-14 $28, $20 students] GRANITE THEATRE | 401.596.2341 | | 1 Granite St, Westerly | Through Sept 29: The Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie | Thurs-Sat 8 pm + Sun 2 pm | $20, $17 seniors, $12 under 13

NEWPORT PLAYHOUSE & CABARET RESTAURANT | 401.848.PLAY | | 102-104 Connell Hwy | Through Sept 29: The

Love List, by Norm Foster | $49.95 dinner + theater + cabaret, $34.95 theater + cabaret | Fri-Sun,doors 6 pm, buffet 6:15 pm, show 8 pm | Matinees Wed + Thurs + Sun [and selected Tues + Sat], doors 11 am, buffet 11:30 am, show 1 pm 95 EMPIRE BLACK BOX | 95 Empire St, Providence | Sept 19 7 pm: Bromance, a video and puppet performance by J.R. Uretsky, and Lava Fossil, a suitcase theater show by Beth Nixon | “Donations at the door”


220 Weybosset St | Through Sept 14: Evita | Sept 12 + 13 7:30 pm + Sept 14 2 + 8 pm | $43-$80 2ND STORY THEATRE | 401.247.4200 | | 28 Market St, Warren | Through Oct 6: Lobby Hero, by Kenneth Lonergan | Thurs-Sat 8 pm; Sun 3 + 7 pm | $25 | Sept 12-Oct 6: Lobby Hero, by Kenneth Lonergan | This week: Sept 12-14 8 pm + Sept 15 3 + 7 pm + Sept 19: 8 pm | $25


| At the Immaculate Conception

Church Auditorium, 111 High St, Westerly | Through Sept 29: Discarded, by

Eugene J. Celico | Thurs-Sat 7:30 pm + Sun 2:30 pm | $14 THEATRE WORKS | 401.766.1898 | | 142 Clinton St, Woonsocket | Sept 13-21 [call for times]: King o’ the Moon, by Tom Dudzick | $TBA




| 401.351.4242 | | 201 Washington St, Providence | Through Oct 6: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, adapted by Frank Galati | This week: Sept 12 + 13 + 18 + 19 7:30 pm + Sept 14 2 + 7:30 pm + Sept 15 2 pm | $28-$68 THE WILBURY GROUP | 401.400.7100 | | 393 Broad St, Providence | Sept 19-Oct 5: Detroit, by Lisa D’Amour | This week: Sept 19 7:30 pm | $20, $15 students + seniors [previews Sept 19-21 $15, $10 students + seniors; Sept 22 pay-what-you-can] YOUR THEATRE | At St. Martin’s

Church, 136 Rivet St, New Bedford, MA | Through Sept 22: Biloxi Blues, by Neil Simon | Thurs-Sat 8 pm + Sun 2:30 pm | $15



48 SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 | ThE PRovidEncE PhoEnix | PRovidEncE.ThEPhoEnix.coM


260 Thayer St, Providence | 401.421.3315

BLUE JASMINE | Thurs: 2:05, 4:10, 6:20, 8:25 IN A WORLD . . . | Starts Fri: 2:15, 4:15, 6:30, 8:30


204 South Main St, Providence | 401.272.3970

SIGN PAINTERS MOVIE | Thurs: 6:30 THE ACT OF KILLING | Starts Fri: 7 | Sat: 6, 10:30 | Sun: 4 | Mon: 10 | Tues: 9 | Wed-Thurs: 8:30 2013 SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL SHORTS | Starts Fri: 5 | Sat: 12, 4 | Sun: 12, 9:30 | Mon-Tues: 3 | WedThurs: 4:30 THE SPECTACULAR NOW | Thurs: 4:30, 8:30 10:30 | Fri: 9:30 | Sat: 2, 8:30 | Sun: 2 | Mon-Tues: 5 | WedThurs: 6:30 THE HARDER THEY COME | Thurs [9.5]: 7 EXIT ELENA | Sun: 7 [Q&A with writer/actress Kia Davis] CONSUMING SPIRITS | Mon: 7 [Q&A with artist/filmmaker Chris Sullivan] GATHR PREVIEWS: ZERO CHARISMA | Tues: 7


September 13th - 28th | 8pm | Theatre 82

FESTIVAL OF SUMMER FALL OUT 22 (raindate 9/29) SAT 9/








622 George Washington Hwy, Lincoln | 401.333.8676

This listing is for Thurs Sept 12-Sun Sept 15. Call for updates or go to THE FAMILY | Starts Fri: 11:20, 1:45, 4:45, 7:25, 9:55 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Starts Fri: 11:30, 1:55, 5:05, 6:30, 7:30, 8:15, 9, 10 RIDDICK | 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7:30, 9:45* [*no show Sept 12] GETAWAY | 11:30, 1:35, 4:40, 7:10, 9:35* [*no show Sept 12] ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D | 1:30, 4 [EXTENDED CUT starts Fri] ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US | Thurs: 11, 7:30 Fri-Sun [EXTENDED CUT]: 11:05, 2:15, 7:20, 9:40 BLUE JASMINE | 1:05, 4:05 YOU’RE NEXT | 1:40, 4:55, 7:50, 9:55* [*no show Sept 12] THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES | Thurs: 1:10, 4:05, 7:40 | Fri-Sun: 1:50, 6:45 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | Thurs: 10:45, 1:30, 4:15, 7 | Fri-Sun: 11, 1:15, 4:15, 7, 9:20* [*no show Sept 12] PLANES | Thurs: 10:45, 11, 3:45, 6:30 | Fri-Sun: 11, 1, 3:15 PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS | 11:35, 2, 4:35, 7:05 WE’RE THE MILLERS | 11:05, 1:20, 4:55, 7:20, 9:40* [*no show Sept 12] THE WOLVERINE | Thurs: 11:25, 2, 7:20 | Fri-Thurs: 5:10, 7:55 THE CONJURING | Fri-Sun: 5:25, 9:30 THE HEAT | Thurs: 7:15 | Fri-Sun: 5, 7:45

EAST PROVIDENCE 10 60 Newport Ave | 401.438.1100

THE CONJURING | Starts Fri: 12:35, 2:55, 5:15, 7:35, 9:55 GROWN UPS 2 | Starts Fri: 12:50, 3:10, 5:25, 7:35, 9:40 THE SPECTACULAR NOW | Starts Fri: 1:15, 3:20, 5:35, 7:45, 9:50 PACIFIC RIM | Thurs: 1:15, 3:50, 6:50, 9:35 | Fri-Thurs: 12:55, 3:45, 6:50, 9:30 NOW YOU SEE ME | 12:40, 3, 5:20, 7:40, 10 TURBO | Thurs: 12:55, 3, 5, 7, 9 | FriThurs: 12:35, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:35 WORLD WAR Z | Thurs: 12:50, 3:10, 5:30, 7:45, 10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:10, 3:40, 6:40, 9:20 MAN OF STEEL | Thurs: 12:40, 3:30, 6:45, 9:30 | Fri-Thurs: 9:10 MONSTERS UNIVERSITY | Thurs: 1, 3:15, 5:25, 7:35, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 2:40, 4:50, 7 THIS IS THE END | Thurs: 1, 3:15, 5:15, 7:40, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:25 WHITE HOUSE DOWN | 1, 3:35, 6:30, 9:05

Unless otherwise noted, these listings are for Thurs Sept 12 through Thurs Sept 19. Times can and do change without notice, so please call the theater before heading out.


30 Village Square Dr, South Kingstown | 401.792.8008

THE FAMILY | Starts Fri: 1:20, 4, 7:10, 9:30 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Starts Fri: 1:50, 4:15, 7:20, 9:45 RIDDICK | 1:40, 4:25, 7:15, 9:45 THE WAY, WAY BACK | 1:35, 4:40, 6:50, 9:20 GETAWAY | 7:05, 9:25 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D | 9:15 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US | 1:30, 4:20, 7 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | 1, 3:50, 6:45, 9:35 PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS | Thurs: 1:10, 7:05 | Fri-Thurs: 1:10, 4:10 WE’RE THE MILLERS | 1:45, 4:10, 7:25, 9:35

ISLAND CINEMAS 10 105 Chase Ln, Middletown | 401.847.3456

THE FAMILY | Starts Fri: 12:50, 3:30, 7, 9:20 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Starts Fri: 1:30, 4:10, 7:20, 9:40 RIDDICK | 1:10, 4, 7, 9:40 THIS IS THE END | 1:40, 4:25, 7:30, 9:45 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D | 4:15, 9:15 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US | 1:30, 6:50 CLOSED CIRCUIT | 1:40, 3:50, 7:30, 9:45 THE WORLD’S END | 12:50, 3:45. 7:10, 9:35 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | 12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 9:25 PLANES | Thurs: 12:30, 6:45 | FriThurs: 1, 3:20, 6:45, 8:50 WE’RE THE MILLERS | 1:20, 4:10, 7:15, 9:35

JANE PICKENS THEATER 49 Touro St, Newport | 401.846.5252

BLUE JASMINE | Thurs: 4:45, 7 | Fri: 3:45, 8 | Sat: 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 | Sun: 2:30, 4:45, 7 | Mon: 4:45, 7 | Tues: 3:45, 8:15 | Wed-Thurs: 4:45, 7 WOOD/SAILS/DREAMS | Fri: 6 LETTERS FROM JACKIE | Tues: 6


Providence Place | 401.270.4646

THE FAMILY | Starts Fri: 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7:15, 7:45, 9:55, 10:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Starts Fri: 1:15, 1:45, 4:15, 4:45, 7, 7:30, 9:35, 10:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:05, 12:35 BLUE JASMINE | Starts Fri: 12:20, 2:40, 5:05, 7:25, 9:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 2 GUNS | Starts Fri: 6:55, 9:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:55 THE ULTIMATE LIFE | Thurs: 11:30, 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: noon RIDDICK | 1:20, 4:35, 7:35, 10:15 RIDDICK: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE | Thurs: 1, 4, 6:55, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 12:50, 4:05, 7:05, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 GETAWAY | 12:30, 7:45 THE GRANDMASTER | Thurs: 1:25, 4:10, 7:35, 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 2:30, 7:50 INSTRUCTIONS NOT INCLUDED | Thurs: 1:20, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35 | Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 3:20, 6:30, 9:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:50 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D | 6:50, 9:05 [EXTENDED CUT starts Fri] | FriSat late show: 11:3 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US | Thurs: 12:35, 2:50, 5:05, 7:25, 10 | EXTENDED CUT Fri-Thurs: 12:05, 2:20, 4:35 THE WORLD’S END | Thurs: 1:15, 3:55, 6:30, 9:15 | Fri-Thurs: 5, 10:20 YOU’RE NEXT | 7:40, 10:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | 12:35, 3:30, 6:25, 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 KICK-ASS 2 | Thurs: 7:15, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 2:45, 5:20, 10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 ELYSIUM | 12:55, 3:25, 6:45, 9:15 | FriSat late show: 11:45

PLANES | 12, 2:15, 4:40 WE’RE THE MILLERS | 1:35, 4:20, 7:10, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 THE WOLVERINE | 12:15* [*no show Sept 12], 3:45, 6:35, 9:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 DESPICABLE ME 2 | 12:10, 2:35, 4:55


Rt 146, North Smithfield | 401.769.7601


SHOWCASE CINEMAS SEEKONK ROUTE 6 Seekonk Square, Seekonk, MA | 508.336.6789

THE FAMILY | Starts Fri: 12:30, 3:45, 7:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:05 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Starts Fri: 1:10, 4:10, 7 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:30 RIDDICK | 1, 4, 6:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:40 GETAWAY | 7:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:55 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D | 7:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 10 [EXTENDED CUT starts Fri] ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US | Thurs: 12:20, 2:50 | Fri-Thurs: 12:45, 4:05 [EXTENDED CUT starts Fri] THE WORLD’S END | 12:50, 3:50, 7:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:35 BLUE JASMINE | 12:35, 2:55, 5:15, 7:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:10 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | 12:40, 3:40, 6:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:45 ELYSIUM | 12:55, 3:55, 7:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:50 PLANES | 12:25, 2:40, 4:55 WE’RE THE MILLERS | 1:05, 4:15, 7:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:15

SHOWCASE CINEMAS WARWICK 1200 Quaker Ln | 401.885.1621

AUSTENLAND | Starts Fri: 12:15, 2:35, 4:55, 7:45, 10:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 THE FAMILY | Starts Fri: 1:20, 1:50, 4:20, 4:50, 7:10, 7:40, 9:40, 10:10 | FriSat late show: 12:15 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Starts Fri: 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 INSTRUCTIONS NOT INCLUDED | Thurs: 1:30, 4:15, 7:05, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: 1:05, 3:50, 6:40, 9:45| Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 THE WAY, WAY BACK | Starts Fri: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:35 RIDDICK | 1, 4, 7, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 GETAWAY | Thurs: 12:15, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, 9:35 | Fri-Thurs: 10:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D | Thurs: 4:50, 7:10, 9:25 | Fri-Thurs: EXTENDED CUT: 6:45, 9:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:55 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US | Thurs: 12:05, 2:30 | Fri-Thurs: EXTENDED CUT: 1:45, 4:15 CLOSED CIRCUIT | 12:05, 10:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 THE SPECTACULAR NOW | 12:25, 2:45, 5:05, 7:25, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 THE WORLD’S END | Thurs: 1:40, 4:35, 7:20, 10 | Fri-Thurs: 2:30, 5, 7:30 BLUE JASMINE | 12, 2:20, 4:45, 7:20, 9:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | 12:45, 3:55, 6:50, 10 ELYSIUM | Thurs: 6:30, 9:05 | FriThurs: 6:55, 9:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 PLANES | 12:10, 2:25, 4:40 WE’RE THE MILLERS | 1:10, 4:05, 6:35, 9:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15

SHOWCASE CINEMAS WARWICK MALL 400 Bald Hill Rd | 401.736.5454

THE FAMILY | Starts Fri: 1:15, 4:15,

7:15, 10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Starts Fri: 12:45, 3:45, 7, 9:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 RIDDICK | 1, 4, 7:10, 9:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 GETAWAY | 12:05, 2:35, 4:50, 7:30, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US | Thurs: 12:30, 2:50, 5:05, 7:35, 10:05 | FriThurs: EXTENDED CUT | 12, 2:20, 4:35 THE WORLD’S END | 7:25, 9:55 | FriSat late show: 12:25 YOU’RE NEXT | 9:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:45 THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES | 7:20, 10:15 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | 12:10, 3:30, 6:30, 9:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 ELYSIUM | 1:20, 3:50, 6:45, 9:20 | FriSat late show: 11:50 PLANES | 12:20, 2:30, 4:40, 6:55 WE’RE THE MILLERS | 1:30, 4:05, 7:05, 9:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 2 GUNS | Thurs: 7:25, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:45, 4:30, 7:40, 10:10 THE SMURFS 2 | 11:55, 2:25, 4:55 DESPICABLE ME 2 | 12:15, 2:40, 5


640 South Washington St, North Attleboro, MA | 508.643.3900

THE FAMILY | Starts Fri: 1:50, 4:50, 7:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:05 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Starts Fri: 1:45, 4:35, 7:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:50 RIDDICK | 1, 4, 7 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:40 THE WAY, WAY BACK | 1:35, 4:45, 7:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:55 GETAWAY | Thurs: 12:50, 3:20, 5:35, 7:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:05 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US 3D | Thurs: 5, 7:20 | EXTENDED CUT starts Fri: 7:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:10 ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US | 12:25, 2:40, 5:20* [*no show Sept 12; [EXTENDED CUT starts Fri] THE WORLD’S END | 1:20, 4:25, 7:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:30 BLUE JASMINE | Thurs: 12:20, 2:45, 5:10, 7:35 | Fri-Thurs: 12:35, 2:55, 5:10, 7:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 10 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | 12:45, 3:45, 6:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:45 ELYSIUM | 4:10, 6:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:15 PLANES | Thurs: 12:30, 2:50, 5:05, 7:15 | Fri-Thurs: 1:40, 4:15, 6:40 WE’RE THE MILLERS | Thurs: 1:45, 4:20, 7:30 | Fri-Thurs: 1:30, 4:55, 7:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:15 THE SMURFS 2 | 1:40 2 GUNS | 6:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:25 DESPICABLE ME 2 | 1:55, 4:30


207 Swansea Mall Dr, Swansea, MA | 508.674.6700

THE SPECTACULAR NOW | Starts Fri: 1:55, 4:55, 7:45*, 10:40* [*no shows Sept 19] THE FAMILY | Thurs: 8, 10:35 | FriSun: 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7:05, 7:35, 9:50, 10:30 | Mon-Thurs: 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 10:30 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 | Thurs: 10 | Fri-Sun: 1, 4:20, 4:50, 7, 7:30, 10, 10:35 THIS IS THE END | Thurs: 1:45, 4:35, 7:40, 10:35 | Fri-Sun: 1:25 | Mon-Thurs: 1:25, 4:50, 7:30, 10:35 THE WAY, WAY BACK | Thurs: 1:15, 4:10, 7:15, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:45, 4:40, 7:40, 10:25 RIDDICK | Thurs: 1:30, 4:20, 7:30, 10:20 | Fri-Thurs: 1:10, 4:10, 6:55, 7:25, 9:45, 10:10 GETAWAY | Thurs: 1:40, 4:40, 7:35 | Fri-Thurs: 1:50, 4:45, 7:20, 9:40 LEE DANIELS’ THE BUTLER | Thurs: 1:05, 4:05 | Fri-Thurs: 1, 4:05, 7, 9:55 PLANES | Thurs: 12:55, 3:15, 5:35, 7:55 | Fri-Thurs: 1:15, 4:15 PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS | Thurs-Sun: 1:20 | Mon-Thurs: 1:20, 4, 7:05, 9:50 WE’RE THE MILLERS | Thurs: 1:10, 4, 7:10, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: 1:35, 4:25, 7:10, 10:20 | the providence phoenix | SeptemBer 13 , 2013 49

Our rating Masterpiece Good Okay Not Good Stinks

film Short Takes movie reviewS in Brief XXXW

THE ACT OF KILLING 122 minUteS | caBle car More than a half million people died in 1965 and ’66 when the Indonesian military, capitalizing on a brief coup attempt against President Sukarno, decided to exterminate the country’s large communist party; the killings were never punished, and many of the perpetrators, who seized victims’ property as their own, are still part of the power structure there. For this unique and unforgettable documentary, Joshua Oppenheimer persuaded former executioners to create scenes about their killings and recorded the process of their staging the vignettes, some of them done in the style of Hollywood movies. These self-serving fantasies would probably seem unbearably perverse if Oppenheimer didn’t also provide a close and damning study of the current political climate in Indonesia, where orange-clad paramilitaries still stomp around intimidating people, indoctrinating local children, and raking in the bucks from gambling and smuggling. In English and subtitled Indonesian. _J.R. Jones


AUSTENLAND 96 minUteS | pg-13 | ShowcaSe warwicK Real men fall short of her romantic fantasies, so a lonely American bookworm named Jane (Keri Russell) decamps for a British theme park that offers Austen fans a fully immersive experience in a simulated


Regency England, one where guests and staff sport period garb, ride, hunt, dance, and flirt decorously (or not). As chick flicks go, this sounds high-concept, but in the hands of first-time director Jerusha Hess (cowriter of Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre) this adaptation of Shannon Hale’s novel is leaden and crass when it should be light and sophisticated. Jennifer Coolidge grates as a vulgar Yank, and Jane Seymour is implausibly bitchy as the resort owner; only JJ Feild, playing an ersatz Mr. Darcy, sounds the right notes. _Andrea Gronvall


IN A WORLD . . . 93 minUteS | r | cinema world Lake Bell, a supporting actress in the romantic comedies What Happens In Vegas and No Strings Attached, sticks to the genre for her feature-film debut as writer-director. In this jaundiced take on the LA production biz, she stars as a vocal coach competing in the notoriously male-dominated field of movie-trailer voice-over, undermined in particularly ugly ways by her narcissistic father (Fred Melamed of A Serious Man), himself a voice-over master. Although Bell strains to condemn sexism and cronyism in Hollywood, the subtext — that it’s a man’s world, so suck it up — is arguably the opposite of her intentions. There’s a difference between paying your dues and self-abasement, but you wouldn’t know it from this overstuffed and joyless film. With Demetri Martin. _Andrea Gronvall


Seeking a part time Ambassador in Warwick and East Greenwich, RI to teach seniors at Assisted Living how to use computers. Public speaking required. Send resumes to

Fri. 9/13: FrEE!

THE THroTTlES & THE HornETS EvEry SUn. 3:30 pM

aCoUSTiC JaM wiTH viC FolEy SUn. 9/15: FrEE oUTlaw garagE CoUnTry FroM SoUTH TExaS!

EvEry Mon. FrEE!


yoU nEvEr know wHaT will HappEn! wEdS. 9/18: 8:30 pM FrEE!

BlUEgraSS THroEdown! BEST EvEr CHiCkEn THUrS. 9/19: FrEE

THE dEnniS McCarTHy Band THE Barnyard SToMpErS CHILLING Anwar Congo (center), who led mass killings in Indonesia in the ’60s in The Act of Killing.

9/20: Paddy Saul, 9/21: Kina Zore, 9/25: BuBBlin’ Crude, 9/27: MarK Milloff & CanniBal raMBlerS


75 South St., Providence 861-7290

CapsuLe revIews XXW THE GRANDMASTER | 2013

| Wong Kar-wai’s long-gestating biopic about martial arts legend Ip Man (1893-1972) is sumptuously designed and full of characteristically poetic effects, but it’s also dramatically inert and difficult to follow. The US release version, which is roughly 20 minutes shorter than the one that played in China, is particularly confusing — in his effort to streamline the history for American viewers, Wong has made the movie resemble the sort of conventional period spectacle he clearly had no interest in making. The biggest disappointment may be that Wong, for all his genius in capturing fleeting sensations, seems adrift when it comes to presenting kung fu. The action choreography (by the great Yuen Woo-ping) feels oddly rhythmless; likewise, Wong’s depictions of the larger-than-life characters achieve little emotional resonance. With Tony Leung and

Zhang Ziyi. In subtitled Mandarin and Cantonese. | 108m |


| 2013 | Tim Tharp’s lauded youngadult novel forms the basis for this nuanced and unsentimental coming-of-age film directed by James Ponsoldt (Smashed), from a screenplay by partners Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber (500 Days of Summer). Miles Teller stands out as a charming high school senior with little ambition but a large capacity for alcohol; he bobs along like driftwood on a whiskey sea until he befriends the class wallflower, who helps him with math. In return he tutors her in distilled spirits, and a romance gradually develops. Shailene Woodley is heartbreaking as the naive new girlfriend, and Kyle Chandler is indelible as the boy’s long-lost, wasted dad, the proverbial tree from which the apple falls. | 95m |

XXX THE WORLD’S END | 2013 | Director Edgar Wright reunites with actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost to tell the story of five high school friends who embark on a marathon pub crawl, only to learn that the quaint village where they grew up has been taken over by evil robots. The film is in direct step with Wright’s Shaun of the Dead (2004) and Hot Fuzz (2007) (together, the three form the socalled Cornetto Trilogy), particularly in the way genre contextualizes rather than dictates the narrative. At its core the movie is a downer, a decidedly dark drama about delusion, addiction, and disappointment; somehow, these gloomy themes gel perfectly with the comic-book quirks that make the film so damn entertaining. The comedic skill of Pegg, Frost, and their costars has a lot to do with that, but most of the credit belongs to Wright, whose chaotic style belies the film’s meticulous construction. | 109m |

50 september 13, 2013 | the providence phoenix |

Moon signs

1119 North Main St., Providence 02904.

Kitchen Open daily 5-midnight / 401-383-5858

With the moon waxing, it is time to “bring in the sheaves.” This week, focus on activities involving travel (and all kinds of movement, including your vehicle), and careerbuilding. Is there some seminar, gathering, or networking event planned? Go — you don’t know what you’ll find. The weekend is useful for writing — or for building a concrete structure. And speaking as a writer, I can tell you those two actions are more closely connected than you might think. (And then there’s that part of writing which involves hitting your head against that concrete wall . . .)

thu 9/12

The Custies / Ocean Roots

EvEry FrI








Route .44 / Von Donovan / Consuelo’s Revenge

Sat 9/14

Halfway to St. Paddy's Day with Tom Lanigan Band 7pm

Sun 9/15


EvEry mon















Reggae night 2




with naya Sound System from Boston 17





Open Mic at 7pm EvEry tuE Vintage Vinyl Breakdown 1










with Colonel Johnny maguire








? 7

with trivia master Gmatt EvEry wEd Funky Autocrats 17







cancer, and Leo, who would prefer not to be bothered. sagittarius, taurus, scorpio, and pisces: others may find you prideful when in fact it’s just competence. don’t sweat it.


MoN - ThurS 3pm to 1am FrI 3pm- 2am SAT 5pm-2am SuN 5pm-1am Find us on Facebook!













































thursday september 12 21







































Waxing moon in capricorn. it’s a lucky day for capricorn, taurus, virgo, and Aquarius. You folks can come up with strategies for competition that trump others. details are crucial, particularly for Aries, Libra, 10
















Waxing moon in capricorn, moon void-of-course 7:17 pm until 8:05 am sunday, Yom Kippur. not the best day for revision or “final” versions. An excellent day for taking a long time to get a job done. Awkward interactions for cancer, Aries, Leo, and Libra. capricorn, virgo, taurus, and Aquarius: stick to your guns, but don’t be too self-protective. others may have useful leads or ideas. Why not take advantage? sagittarius, taurus, scorpio, and pisces: do the boring stuff. 24






























sunday september 15

Friday september 13





First quarter moon in sagittarius, moon void-of-course 1:08 pm until 6:56 am Friday when it moves into capricorn. A turning point for projects begun at the end of August. Another excellent day for evaluating educational prospects, planning a long trip, or taking the kind of pratfall that would earn applause from charlie chaplin (pisces, virgo, Gemini, and cancer). entrepreneurial urges are strong, particularly for sagittarius, Aries, Leo, and capricorn. Libra, Aquarius, taurus, and scorpio: your “maverick” side comes out. 9


tuesday september 17

saturday september 14



_b y sy Mb o l i ne DA i



Waxing moon in Aquarius. excellent day for a medical appointment, or getting advice on building (capricorn moons rule concrete, structure, fence posts...). capricorn, if you’re still stuck in a job you wanted to leave last summer, consider a “personal” day. Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, and pisces: new ideas are best. be ruthless about your independence. taurus, scorpio, Leo, and virgo: feeling scattered is normal — i give you permission to flake out. 12












monday september 16

Waxing moon in Aquarius, moon voidof-course 4:19 am until 9:58 am tuesday. A fine day for being social and launching strange and quirky new initiatives. those who are fashion-forward will want to push all boundaries to the edge of the sartorial universe (yes, this is fun!). in tune with the moon, if a little scattered and spacey: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, sagittarius, Aries. easily vexed, and likely to overtext: scorpio, Leo, taurus. irked if rushed: capricorn, pisces, cancer, and virgo. 13








Waxing moon in pisces. Another good day for socializing or bonding over shared enthusiasm for the downtrodden. spiritual matters (or paranoia) beckon, particularly for virgo, Gemini, sagittarius, and Libra. not a great time to get firm answers, but excellent for being in touch with troubled friends, or “worst-case scenarios” (pisces, scorpio, cancer, and Aries). taurus, capricorn, Leo, and Aquarius: being “drifty” is okay. 14






Wednesday september 18

Waxing moon in pisces, sukkot begins. plans change, and it’s easy to take a dim view of prospects, so virgo, Gemini, sagittarius, and Libra may need to be mindful of fleeting anxieties. but it’s an excellent day for photographers or those who enjoy crafting with images rather than words. Whim could afflict pisces, scorpio, cancer, and Aries. taurus, capricorn, Leo, and Aquarius: you could be seeing a “worst case” scenario. Keep your head high. 15




Moon KeyS this horoscope traces the passage of the moon, not the sun. simply read from day to day to watch the moon’s influence as it moves through the signs of the zodiac. | When the moon is in your sun sign, you are beginning a new 28-day emotional cycle, and you can expect increased insight and emotionality. When the moon moves into the sun sign opposite yours (see below), expect to have difficulties dealing with the opposite sex, family, or authority figures; social or romantic activities will not be at their best. | When the moon is in Aries, it opposes Libra, and vice versa. other oppositions are taurus/scorpio, Gemini/sagittarius, cancer/capricorn, Leo/Aquarius, and virgo/pisces. the moon stays in each sign approximately two and a half days. | As the moon moves between signs, it will sometimes become “void of course,” making no major angles to planets. consider this a null time and try to avoid making or implementing decisions if you can. but it’s great for brainstorming. | For symboline dai’s sun-sign horoscopes and advice column, visit our Web site at Symboline Dai can be reached at


feat. Eric Bloom


thu 9/19

Karma Rocket / Secret Beast / Eric Barao Duo 9/21 Mystic Jammers 9/26 Megan Jean and the Klay Family Band 9/28 Girl Haggard, Hippie Johnny 10/5 Atlantic Thrillls, Castle, Vudu Sister 10/19 Barn Burning / Sharks Come Cruisin

50% off All Records, CDs, Video Games and Toys

Jonesin’ _by matt Jones F “O-E-O”— changing of the guard. Across 1 super guy? 6 nigeria’s capital since 1991 11 on the double 14 Adjust to fit 15 “What’s happening!!” role 16 Galena, for one 17 Following the “Whip it” band closely? 19 put down the first card 20 bar selections 21 bumped into 22 Game played “with my little eye” 24 Fellas 25 blogger Wheaton of interest to geeks everywhere 26 Where cats get chased 29 Film studio site 30 Fidel cohort 31 this, in tijuana 32 punk gymnast popular in the 1980s? 35 telenovelas, in english 37 Joint owners’ pronoun 38 slot machine spinners 39 hero with a black mask and a big chin? 42 Fisher of “Arrested development” 43 choose 44 creator of m and Q 45 manager’s lists 47 obama’s mother ___ dunham 48 breakfast drinks, briefly 51 Like grapefruit juice 52 Award bestowed by Queen eliz. 53 thought

54 norm on a golf course 56 What haters of miley’s August spectacle wanted from the media? 59 compadre 60 Arctic dweller 61 remains neutral? 62 1980s “truly outrageous” cartoon 63 “melrose place” actor rob 64 shannon formerly of “snL” Down 1 bordello big shot 2 “21” singer 3 baltimore player 4 Wall st. events 5 mel with 1,860 rbi 6 “the Little mermaid” role 7 orion feature 8 mentalist Geller 9 Gin flavoring 10 nervous state 11 tennis racket string material 12 “Forgot About ___” (2000 single featuring eminem) 13 end-of-proof abbr. 18 “Jaws” resort 23 11- or 12-year-old 25 What things could always be 26 spock crewmate 27 Alex who starred in 2007’s “the Water horse” (anagram of Leet) 28 opposite of “avec” 29 rio de ___ (buenos Aires’ river) 30 Word after food or kangaroo 32 powerful whirlpool 33 plays over and over

© 2 0 1 3 J o n e s i n ’ C r o s s w o r d s | e d i to r @ Jo n e s i n Cr o s s w o r d s . C o m

34 Keyboard instrument 35 “___ it Up” (bob marley) 36 very, melodramatically 40 tv host Graham and boxer Ken, for two 41 bay Area football player, for short 46 “Journey to ___” (“sesame street” feature) 47 Aids a criminal 48 “island of the blue dolphins” author scott

49 singer whose surname is Kilcher 50 Unwilling to be talked down to 52 boo-boo 53 ___-european languages 54 brown bag staple, informally 55 “chances ___” 57 boy king of egypt 58 sister of Khloe and Kourtney Solution iS on page 45

BroadWay SEriES





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The Phantom of the Opera NOvEMbER 27 – DECEMbER 7, 2013 NATIONAL TOuR OPENS IN PROvIDENCE!

Flashdance-The Musical MARCh 25 – 30, 2014

We Will Rock You APRIL 15 – 20, 2014

The Book of Mormon APRIL 29 – MAY 11, 2014

CoNTEmporary ClaSSiCS SEriES


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Man of La Mancha FEbRuARY 14 – 16, 2014

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CoNTEmporary SpECialS

FirstWorks Presents: Cirque Éloize’s Cirkopolis NOvEMbER 1 – 2, 2013

2013 Boston Pops Holiday Tour: Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra FRIDAY, DECEMbER 13, 2013 AT 8P

Tickets to these shows will go fast! GUARANTEE your seats NOW by becoming a Season Ticket Holder: ONliNE: (For more information anytime)

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The Midtown Men

wEDNESDAY, FEbRuARY 12, 2014 AT 7:30P

Alton Brown Live! The Edible Inevitable Tour FRIDAY, FEbRuARY 21, 2014 AT 8P

Sesame Street Live! APRIL 4 – 6, 2014

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