Phoenix Issue 09-28-2012: Morrissey Is Not Impressed

Page 1

AlAskA, pitbull & Me by DaviD thorpe Âť Arrested At Occupy by chris faraone

September 28, 2012 >> Free WeeKLY >>

Morrissey is not impressed

Exclusive interview, page 36.

“We always forget that we’re naturally louder, as a society, so try to keep your voice lower.”

p 14 Need to get off the grid? A new Boston un-travel agency can get you there.

oN the cover: IlluStratION By dale StephaNOS

This week AT ThePhOeNiX.COM :: LiCeNse TO kRiLL Meet a rad Somerville trio who’re eating their way from coast to coast :: PsYCh OUT with the season premieres of Dexter and Homeland :: LAseR ORGY Our geek blog rides high at the Boston Festival of Indie Games and brings back video from this year’s Ig Nobel prizewinners.

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top: Carly Carioli and Stephen Mindich; Shellee Mendes and Deepa Taylor; Alex Hess, Leah Amrhein, and Brian Russell. Bottom: Cheryl Fenton, Elio Maggini, and Jacqueline Houton; Jill Silvia and Jared Fine; Kate Butterfield and Elena Tokareva. See more at 4 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

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Now & Next

p 11

ON OUR RADAR » Some heady stuff in our crosshairs this week, including botanical Aussie nostrums and musings on papyrology. Also, we reveal how you can invoke elemental Greek gods in a sentence that also contains the words “sweatpants” and “Airstream trailer.”

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RESIDE » When you’re the guy who makes trippy masks of sea witches and evil fairies, what’re the odds that you’ll have a house filled with insanely cool artistic detritus? Extremely good, turns out.

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VOICES » The eternal constants: sharks gotta swim, gay-bashers gotta meddle, and Clintons gotta keep kicking all kinds of political ass.


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MORRISSEY IS NOT IMPRESSED » “Do you think Patti Smith recorded Horses whilst also working the cash register at Macy’s?” Mozzer has really outmozzed himself this time.

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WALL STREET ÜBER ALLES » If Chris Faraone knew he was he was gonna have his civil liberties (not to mention his arm tendons) brutally violated at #OWS, he woulda have left his weed back at the motel.

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9/24/12 5:07 PM

Pitbull Photo by Eric SchwantES; GEt SEEn PhotoS by Gina ManninG

BULLFROG ON THE MOON » In which David Thorpe and Pitbull fall down the Energy Sheets marketing rabbit hole, all the way to the Walmart of the midnight sun.

p 32

eAt & driNk

p 47

Arts & Nightlife BOSTON FUN LIST » Coming to a club near you: the enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in tattoos wrapped in mad crazy swag that is Lil’ B. ART » Gummy worms, dead cicadas, baby teeth, Oreo cookes — “mixed media” doesn’t even begin to cover the stuff Somerville sculptor Judith Klausner is fashioning into Victorian whimsies these days. Plus: hats! BOOKS » Does Michael Chabon dream of chocolate tectonics? Definitely yes, if Telegraph Avenue is any indication. THEATER » Good People, so-so theatrics. The Huntington puts Southie on stage. FILM » In the year 2077, everyone looks like Bruce Willis. And it’s all downhill from there. Rian Johnson goes full-bore sci-fi noir on us with his time-travel dystopiarama Looper. MUSIC » Caspian will post-rock your face off — possibly via surprise ambush. Be prepared. AND MORE » in Classical, Nightlife, and Get Seen.

Visual Art Classes for All Ages

p 39

ACTIVE INGREDIENT » The gourd is good. Three local chefs show us how they spin squash into autumn gold. SOCIAL COLANDER » When MIT grads reinvent the dinner party, you get nuclear fusion cuisine (read: green-tea breadsticks). LIQUID » Booze your own adventure, for the BostonCocktail Summit. CHEW OUT » Your week, in food events.

p 49 Music

p 74

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Get Seen

p 84


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p 56

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vol. lXXvIII | no. 36

Stephen M. Mindich, Publisher & Chairman Everett Finkelstein, Chief Operating Officer Carly Carioli, Editor in Chief Peter Kadzis, Editor at Large


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Jacqueline Houton

aRTs EDiTOR Jon Garelick FiLm EDiTOR Peter Keough music EDiTOR Michael Marotta sTaFF EDiTORs Thomas McBee, SI Rosenbaum sTaFF WRiTERs David S. Bernstein, Chris Faraone EvEnTs EDiTOR Alexandra Cavallo LisTings cOORDinaTOR Michael C. Walsh EDiTORiaL assisTanT Liz Pelly cOnTRiBuTing EDiTORs Carolyn Clay [theater], Lloyd

Schwartz [classical] , Louisa Kasdon [food] cOnTRiBuTing WRiTERs Matt Bors, Daniel Brockman, Lauryn Joseph, Scott Kearnan, Dan Kennedy, Mitch Krpata, MC Slim JB, Tom Meek, Brett Michel, Robert Nadeau, Luke O’Neil, James Parker, Gerald Peary, Ariel Shearer, Marcia B. Siegel, Harvey Silverglate, Karl Stevens, David Thorpe, Eugenia Williamson


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8 09.28.12 :: THE PHOENIX.cOm

New York’s Police riot Will NeW York MaYor Michael BlooMBerg ever be held accountable for the criminal and unconstitutional behavior of the thuggish police officers and their equally contemptible superiors who — indiscriminately and without provocation — attacked hundreds of the estimated 2000 peaceful demonstrators who took to Manhattan’s streets last week to celebrate the first-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street? How does Bloomberg square the blatant, unprofessional aggression of a police force that is theoretically under his control with the fact that to date at least 6572 United States service men and women have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, ostensibly to keep America free from Islamist terrorists who consider free expression Western decadence? The answer to this second question seems relatively clear: after a year of police overreaction and unmitigated brutality, Ayatollah Bloomberg does not give a damn. A self-made billionaire, Bloomberg is a cardcarrying member of the One Percent. He made his fortune servicing Wall Street. In short: plutocracy good; Occupy bad. The first question requires a more complicated answer: Bloomberg, like most big-city mayors, does not really control his police. Cops are a semi-autonomous power center. The mayor may appoint the commissioner, set the budget, and orchestrate the command staff. But it is the rank and file who run the show. Their tolerance for abhorrent behavior establishes operational tone. Watch the YouTube videos and you will see that for every uniformed bully assaulting innocent marchers, there are many other cops who are guilty of only an excess of surliness. As day gave way to night, however, the energy of the thug element became contagious. Call it a disciplined police riot, as opposed to the premeditated, Gestapo-like violence (according to the late Senator Abraham Ribocoff of Connecticut) that


Email :: lEttEr s@p mail :: l Et 126 Bro tErs; o avE , Bo klinE ston m a 02215

spilled blood at Chicago’s 1968 Democratic convention. But a riot of any description is a mass assault. New York’s systematized attack on people exercising their rights of free speech and assembly is political oppression, naked and vile. Of all the reprehensible attacks that occurred during the afternoon and evening of September 17, perhaps the most despicable captured by video were two involving pepper spray. The attacks smack of premeditation: first, a group of female protesters were surrounded by plastic mesh, what police call “kettle netting.” Then, the trapped women were pepper-sprayed by a senior ranking officer. The New York Daily News was the first to report the attacks. A slow-motion video analysis by prompted widespread reporting by the New York Times, MSNBC, CBS, NPR, Time, the Guardian, and the Atlantic. As a result, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. have ordered their own investigations. We hope those investigations will shed light on the mauling and arrest of Phoenix staff writer Chris Faraone. Faraone is a veteran of more than 20 Occupy actions around the nation and the author of 99 Nights with the 99 Percent, a book the aggressively capitalist Economist pronounced the best yet written on the Occupy movement. As powerful as the scores of online videos are, Faraone — writing with humor and panache, and consistently downplaying the serious injury he suffered — brings the reader face to face with the New York pavement as police tackle him, cuff him, and arrest him for just being there. His account starts on page 24. Faraone’s story demands a response — and the Boston Police Department can provide one, if it shows more restraint than its New York counterparts when the Occupy Boston movement celebrates its one-year anniversary this Sunday, September 30.

New York’s systematized attack on people exercising their rights of free speech and assembly is political oppression, naked and vile.

PhoTo By kATIE MooRE

opinion :: Editorial

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Ne Wbury’s Aussie impOrt » iNtelligeNt DesigNs » selliNg Out: A guiDe fOr bANDs


This gianT anubis mask

has been worn by a stilt walker in First Night Boston’s millennium procession, featured at a celebration for an MFA exhibit, and used in promos for Boston Lyric Opera’s production of Philip Glass’s Akhnaten. We spotted it at Somerville’s Behind the Mask Studio. Find more of founder Eric Bornstein’s treasures on page 16. » photo by MElissa ostrow

THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 09.28.12 11

Now & Next :: oN our radar

Too Cool for SChool

Where to Shop Black Ink, 5 brattle st, cambridge :: 866.497.1221 :: 101 charles st, boston :: 617.723.3883

We almost lost our lunch when we saw the $290 price tag on Jil Sander’s new Vasari clutch — a simple sack of coated brown paper that looks just like the ones we toted to the cafeteria. But local designers and indie shops offer more interesting (and affordable) finds inspired by fall’s familiar school supplies. Check out these intelligent designs. _Jacqueline houTon

Gifted, 2 Dartmouth st, boston :: 617.716.9924 Lightwedge, Magpie, 416 highland ave, somerville :: 617.623.3330



Local designer David Bloomquist reimagined the classic composition notebook for the Verso “scholar” case ($39.99–$49.99). Available at and spots like Radio Shack, this new old-school style from Boston brand Lightwedge can cradle the Kindle, the iPad, and likely whatever other gadget to which you’re currently glued.


This stainless-steel ruler bracelet ($44) from Harvard Square and Beacon Hill boutique Black Ink is handmade by LeeAnn Herreid, a Rhode Island designer who also retools compasses and thermometers, creating fashion statements that really are made-to-measure.




It may look like a flimsy sheet of notebook paper, but this Mighty Wallet ($15) from South End shop Gifted is actually made from super-tough Tyvek microfibers — so it’s only one-eighth-inch thick but totally tear- and water-resistant.



Shelf life

On Sunday, George Lewis Jr., a/k/a TWIN SHADOW, brings his new-wave and R&B-inflected indie-pop to the Paradise, where he’ll play songs from his latest record, Confess. Released in July via 4AD, the introspective album has an unconventional companion piece: Lewis’s recently penned first novel, The Night of the Silver Sun, which is not yet in print, though excerpts are online. To get a sense of his literary inspirations, we asked the onetime Bostonian, now based in Brooklyn, for a list of reads he recommends. He named favorite classics (Lolita, American Psycho) as well as recent discoveries. _liz Pelly

12 09.28.12 :: thePhoeniX.coM

The SubTerraneanS by Jack kerouac

“A lot of people overlook him and don’t take him seriously because they want to lump him in with the whole beatpoetry thing,” Lewis says. “He really had nothing to do with that term. He was such an outsider.” The Subterraneans is about Kerouac’s short-lived romance with an African-American woman. “I really connected with the [discussion] of relationships between people who aren’t the same race,” he adds. “I think it’s a brilliant book.”

The PoeTry of eric Green

“He is putting together a book of poetry right now, and I’ve been reading a lot of it,” says Lewis of his friend Green, an American poet and artist based in Berlin. “He’s an incredible writer, and I just know he’s going to come out with something that’s going to blow everybody’s minds.” Life by keiTh richards

“Sometimes you don’t need a book to be anything more than entertaining,” says Lewis. “And [Life] is wildly entertaining. It’s fun to hear about other people’s stories on the road — and realize how much more fun they had than you are having.”


Literature has never been so intoxicating. Founded by a former English teacher, Conduit Press turns abandoned tomes into hiding places for your hooch. Each Vintage book ($50) contains a sixounce flask; find yours on the shelf at Magpie, Davis Square’s destination for all things handmade.

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Now & Next :: oN our radar

opening Alert



Australia’s Aesop is one arty, smarty beauty brand. It doesn’t advertise. It eschews froufrou packaging, offering skin- and hair-care products in amber apothecary bottles and simple aluminum tubes. It fills its minimalist-chic stores with quotations by philosophers and scribes. And it collaborates with the likes of avantgarde “body architect” Lucy McRae, who recently made a short film with shades of Frankenstein and Sleeping Beauty for the brand. Plus, it picked Boston as the spot for its third US store — a brainy move in our book. Slated to open the first week of October at 172 Newbury Street, the sleek space is designed by MIT architecture prof William O’Brien Jr. It’s stocked with cult faves like the anti-oxidant-rich Parsley Seed line and newcomers like Control, which combats blemishes with lemon-peel and rosemary oils. We hope this outpost will be as cool as the Nolita flagship, constructed with 400,000 pages from reclaimed issues of the New York Times. Hey, Aesop: we might have a few Phoenix back issues lying around. _Jacqueline houTon

WorD of the Week


14 09.28.12 :: thePhoeniX.coM

You’re Doing it Wrong:

“it’s hard international travel to construct Don't worry. our expert is here to help. a scenario that is at all plausible in which somebody fakes something like this. the world is not really crawling with crooked Ever thought about how awesome it would be to quit your job and backpack around the world with your buddies? The founders of papyrologists.” new local travel company Off the Grid Excursions — a group of — Dr. Roger Bagnall, speaking to the New York Times about Harvard Divinity School historian Karen L. King’s recent headline-making finding: a fourth-century papyrus fragment suggesting that Jesus may have had a wife

friends who met at Northeastern University — did the next best thing: they made globetrotting their job. The twentysomething travel junkies plan off-the-beaten-path trips to destinations like Morocco and Peru for small groups of young, adventurehungry folks, mapping out itineraries you might not find in your Frommer,s guidebook. We tapped cofounder Jaclyn Carron for some tips on getting way, way out of town. _alexandra cavallo



percent of fans who would root against their own team in order to hurt a rival team’s chances of making the postseason, according to a recent eSpn poll


percent of Massachusetts fans who would do so


percent of new York fans who would do so

on not being an “ugly aMerican” “Start by researching local practices and customs. What do people wear, what do they eat, how do they eat? . . . And we always forget that we’re naturally louder, as a society, so try to keep your voice lower. Be more patient. Don’t get so easily frustrated by slowness; we’re used to speed here.” on eating like a local “When it comes to restaurants, never eat where the menu is in English or if there’s something on the sign in English. I guarantee that the food will be better.” on shit you Don’t neeD “Try to fit everything into one backpack. I always bring one good pair of shoes, comfortable clothes, my journal, my iPod, and usually a guidebook. That’s it." on tiPPing “As a standard rule of thumb, if you’re not sure, leave 10 percent. It’s not too much to be insulting [if tipping isn’t the norm], but it’s not too small if tipping is appropriate.” on thrifty traVel "Something people often forget is to negotiate. you can get things for cheaper than you think, and it's a perfectly normal custom. negotiate for everything. Get in your taxi and tell him, 'okay, I'm going to pay $2 and not $5.' That ends up being fun and saves you some cash."

n. Greek Mythology The poetic personification of the clear upper air breathed by the Olympians. See also: Aether Apparel, the LA-based sportswear brand that has its AETHERstream pop-up shop — housed inside a 34-foot-long Airstream PanAmerica trailer — parked by Faneuil Hall through October 15. Check out its fall/winter looks for men and women Tuesday through Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm.

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Now & Next :: Reside


P photoS See more Stein’S rn Bo of maSkS at g in az am ix thePhOen e. .cOm/lif

At Home witH eric Bornstein

OctOber is a busy mOnth for mask maker Eric Bornstein, but you won’t find him churning out rubbery costumes for trick-or-treaters. Bornstein makes oneof-a-kind creations in his awesomely anarchic studio, Behind the Mask (see page 11). And he’s just as colorful as his custom-made characters. Widely traveled and extremely well read, he’s a fast-talking tornado of energy, riffing on ancient Eastern theater one moment and old Hollywood monster movies the next. We stopped by his Somerville living room for a tour and a tête-à-tête. _scOtt Kearnan





where he found this trippy take on the sea witch Rangda, a demon queen who munches on small children. Bornstein also learned from Italian mask master Donato Sartori, creating pieces inspired by commedia dell’arte.

Behind the Mask BthatBornstein’s Theater stages productions draw on multicultural

myths. This shishi (lion) mask, made with 22-karat gold leaf, is from its show Cat Mountain, a Japanese folktale about a young servant girl’s quest for freedom (and her lost cat). Bornstein also outfits other companies. The neighboring horned púca, a “dark fairy” from Irish mythology, was created for Contemporary Theater of Boston’s staging of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

used to deal CandBornstein in Asian and African art, his living room is full of

pieces, like this kimono, that nod to his many globetrotting travels. From meditating with Buddhist monks in Thailand’s mountains to accidentally skinny-dipping with a swarm of jellyfish, his experiences have all informed his art — not to mention his other pursuits. (He’s also a yoga and jujitsu instructor.)

Masks aren’t Dartistic Bornstein’s only outlets. His

home is filled with his oil paintings and figure drawings. The multidisciplinary artist holds a degree in painting and sculpture from Clark University and a master’s in art history from Harvard, where he graduated at the top of his class.

Bornstein’s niche biz stays Emasks busy. These owl and ghost just appeared in A

Glimpse Beyond, a 100-plusperformer festival of music, dance, and puppetry in Mount Auburn Cemetery. And now Bornstein is using everything from milk jugs to cornhusks to make masks for video-game company Bethesda Softworks, which has been using his creations at launch events for its much-buzzed-about October release, Dishonored.

Learn more at and check out Bornstein’s work up close at “everything That Creeps,” a special Halloween-themed exhibition on view at Waltham’s Lincoln art Project from october 26 to october 31.

16 09.28.12 :: THePHoenIX.Com/LIfe

photo by melissa ostrow

Bornstein studied Acarving traditional mask in Bali,

now & next :: voices Talking poliTics

The weird poliTics of This year’s balloT quesTions B y D av iD S. B ern St e i n

d b e r n st e i n @ p h x .c o m :: @ d b e r n st e i n

GOProud. It has an entire arm dedicated to opposing comprehensive sex education and anti-bullying programs. APP leaders have repeatedly claimed that the ultimate goal of “the Left” is “the destruction of religion and the family.” There is not much difference between that group and AFA — but APP is Catholicbased, and AFA is Protestant. Baerlein would not comment specifically about APP, but said that he expects contributions to come from groups and individuals representing many religions.

The only Two conTesTed referendum questions on November’s ballot — physician-prescribed suicide and medical marijuana — are totally sex-free. But some of the donors trying to stop both are notorious homophobes. Sparks began flying within days of the first campaign-finance reports being submitted, earlier this month, by the committees formed to promote or oppose this year’s two contested ballot measures: Question 2 on physician-prescribed suicide, and Question 3 on medical marijuana. It turned out that the Committee Against Physician Assisted Suicide, funded mostly by the Boston Archdiocese and Catholic institutions across the country, had received a whopping $250,000 contribution from the American Family Association (AFA), a Mississippi-based conservative fundamentalist group labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its demonizing of homosexuals. After filing the campaign report, the committee quickly announced that it was

Newsflash: Homophobic Catholic groups are fighting against medical marijuana and docassisted suicide.

returning the AFA’s contribution, as reported by the Associated Press. That quartermillion was a big chunk of the $900,000 raised in total by the committee, and giving it back left the committee essentially tapped out after its expenses so far. The committee made the call after conducting its own internal review, according to Joe Baerlein of Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, which is representing the committee. “When we examined some of the public statements of AFA, we saw that was nothing that the committee thought should have anything to do with this campaign,” Baerlein says. But the committee has not returned a similar amount from an equally gay-hating organization, American Principals Project (APP), and its chairman Sean Fieler. APP, founded by former National Organization for Marriage chairman Robert P. George, led a boycott of the Conservative Political Action Conference over the inclusion of gay-rights group

Opponents of both measures need to raise money quickly. Prescribed suicide is polling surprisingly well — roughly 60 percent are in favor, according to polls from Suffolk University and Public Policy Polling. Medical marijuana also leads, by nearly as large margins. But that doesn’t mean either one is a slam-dunk, cautions Suffolk’s David Paleologos. “A lot of ballot questions start out this way, and then close up,” Paleologos says. That’s often after people who like the idea in principle learn specifics about the measure that they don’t like. That is, if they hear enough about it at all. Paleologos points out that the level of advertising and media interest in the state’s big US Senate race, between Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren, will make it very difficult for ballot-measure opponents to get heard. The only group organized when the secretary of state prepared the sample ballots was Vote No on Question 3 – funded with just $600, including a contribution from another gay-basher, Kris Mineau of the Massachusetts Family Institute. That group got to write the official opposition argument voters receive in the mail and read online – which ended up including an incorrect Web site actually run as a pro-marijuana spoof site. Backing the medical-marijuana law is Progressive Insurance chairman Peter Lewis, who provided the lion’s share of the half-million dollars spent by the Committee for Compassionate Medicine to get the issue on the ballot.

Read David Bernstein’s coverage of the Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren Senate race at


photo: reuters

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Now & Next :: voices @KADZIS

IS HILLARY NEXT? B y Pet er K a d zi s

From HIllAry ClInton’S DAyS AS an intense, influential, and essentially inept copresident to husband Bill, to her establishment as a successful senator from New York, through the bitter trench warfare of the 2008 presidential primaries, and throughout her tenure as a majestic secretary of state, I have always kept the words of my high-school history teacher Dan Leary in mind. The first woman president, Dan predicted, would be leather-tough and of conservative temperament. He cited Golda Meir of Israel and Indira Gandhi of India, who in those days of low horizons for women seemed to be remarkable anomalies. Today we could add Great Britain’s Margaret Thatcher and Germany’s Angela Merkel. In Dan’s view, the Eleanor Roosevelt type, the noble reformer, no matter how admired, would not succeed in the blood sport of presidential politics. (Historians, of course, have since established the private Roosevelt as a woman of monumental fortitude.) Implicit in all of this was the belief

Hillary says she has no interest in the Oval Office. But the Clintons, like sharks, are genetically programmed to keep moving.

that the United States was at heart conservative and pragmatic. A portrait of Clinton as a public pragmatist and private traditionalist emerges clearly in Duke historian William H. Chafe’s commanding new book, Bill and Hillary: The Politics of the Personal. Chafe goes deep behind the journalist’s gloss, and explores with authority and insight the double helix of codependency, of mutual support and inspiration, that is the stuff of the Clinton partnership. What emerges in Chafe’s book is a unified theory of Hillary: the personal and the political. As we know, there was much that was not pretty of the Clinton White House years: Bill’s serial philandering, which climaxed in his impeachment; Hillary’s role in the two-bit but politically wounding Travelgate episode; her futile intransigence in trying to quash the ultimately bogus Whitewater investigation; the Republicans’ craven conflation of Whitewater with the Monica Lewinsky scandal to provoke political paralysis.

The obvious question that lurks between the lines of Chafe’s book, and will be present in the mind of a majority of his readers, is this: can Hillary Clinton, the one we know now, become America’s first woman president? The politics of trivia, obstruction, and deceit — the essence of today’s radical Republicans — were distilled during the Clinton years. That Hillary correctly intuited the existence of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” long before she pronounced those words in 1998 on the Today show demonstrate Clinton’s powers of perception. Whatever her tactical failings, Clinton’s response to and her engagement with that conspiracy constituted her vital education in power politics. Hillary’s challenges during her White House years are almost analogous to Franklin Roosevelt’s battle with crippling polio. In both cases, the existential trials of their respective lives forged in the smithy of their souls a steel-like will to triumph. Barack Obama stymied Clinton’s fierce will when he narrowly clinched the Democratic presidential nomination. The unexpected technical mastery of Obama’s camp gave him an edge that Clinton’s team — despite heroic efforts — was unable to dull. There was, however, more to Obama’s victory than strategic cunning — supplemented, for sure, with his own cool charisma. The weirdness of the Clinton White House years, fatigue with the unusual dynamics of Hillary and Bill’s marriage and the sheer novelty of a wife following her husband to the presidency put the voters on guard. Obama’s surprising and inspired decision to appoint Hillary secretary of state, and her loyal, steadfast, and supremely professional execution of her duties will, I assume, result in her being voted Gallup’s most admired woman in the nation for the 11th consecutive year. Whatever Obama’s electoral fate in November, Hillary is leaving her cabinet post. Following form, she says she has no interest in the Oval Office. But the Clintons, like sharks, are genetically programmed to keep moving. Consider Bill’s electric preacherteacher address to the Democratic National Convention the opening salvo of Hillary’s 2016 campaign.

“Hillary Clinton’s future in politics remains an open question. But one thing remains clear.... Clinton has rediscovered her identity, the carpenter’s level and the moral compass restored to their proper place.” — William H. Chafe

20 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm/NEWS

photo : ReuteRs

p k a dz i s @ p h x .c o m :: @ k a dz i s


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voices :: the big hurt The Big hurT

Selling Out Right B y D av iD T ho r p e

dt h o r p e@ p h x .c o m :: @a r r

goes down easy — but when that Beats By Dre logo pops up for the 10th time, the viewer will smell a rat. “Do it w/ style & grace. . . .Not so in ur face like some,” tweeted Nokia enthusiast Katy Perry. Again, Fun. got it right: the HTC Titan phone only rears its sleek Windows Phone branding in a few key shots of the “We are Young” clip. No wiNe. When you get old, like KISS or Iron Maiden or Train, you’re going to want to make your own wine. Don’t do it. Everyone will laugh at your wine.

22 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/bIgHurT

Shamelessly whoring your art is the only way to survive in the 21st century. Here’s how to do it with dignity and class.

Never go full Moby. Go ahead and license your first big song to car ads, beer ads, and iPhone ads; people used to hate this, but now it’s super cool. With Spotify, iTunes, and your label dicking you over, you’re going to need the money for weed and food and finally getting rid of that goiter under your beard. Fun. singer Nate Ruess told Billboard, “Obviously you never write the song hoping it ever fits into a commercial of something, you just want to write a good song.” Sure! That’s a really healthy attitude to pretend to have while you write your big jingle, but beware: if you license every song on your album to every brand that comes knocking, you’ll wind up like Moby: forgotten, frail, bald, and sucks. Keep your product placeMeNt subtle. If your label finances a video, they’ll want to make their money back before they spend it. This means a few shots of phones and Smirnoff bottles; if done tastefully, it

write a will. Legendary nonsellout MCA stipulated that his music must never be used for commercial purposes. He had it right; if you don’t plan ahead, you’re going to spend your afterlife selling out in ways you never even dreamed of. Your likeness will be stuck in some awful video game, miming along while a teen belts an off-key Audioslave song through your tormented digital ghost; your most personal poetry will be sold to Nike and plastered on shoes. Get a lawyer, draft a will, and make sure Courtney Love has no access to your estate. Hey, just doN’t utterly debase yourself. If Samsung offers you a ton of money to change your name from Snoop Dogg to Snoop Dogggg to promote a 4G phone, here’s what you do: you tell them to go fuck themselves, because you’re Snoop Dogg and you already have that much money.

illustration by steve weigl

WiTh declining record sales pushing artists ever closer to a corporate sponsorship model, the concept of “selling out” has become a charming anachronism. In the ’90s, people got pissed when bands signed to indies owned by majors; in 2012, nobody bats an eye when bands release singles under Mountain Dew’s vanity label or play shows under 50foot Doritos machines. Fun. signed to a major label, hooked up with Kanye’s producer, got covered on Glee, soundtracked a Super Bowl commercial, and still get called “indie-pop” with a straight face. Oh, and I’m pretty sure Foster the People is that Free Credit Report Dot Com band. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just the reality of a changing industry. Still, it’s possible to go too far — we should set some rock-bottom standards of artistic decency to keep everyone from turning into Weezer. Here are a few suggestions for young bands looking to sell out tastefully.

provide your owN pr quotes. Eventually, you’ll be roped into some horseshit promo partnership. They’ll want to put out a press release about it. Your instinct will be to ignore it and let them do whatever, but that’s dangerous: if you don’t give them a quote, they’ll make one up. Since all press releases are written by idiots, it will be something like, “When I’m out on tour with my band, Fun., we like to have a lot of, you guessed it, fun. And nothing turns ‘Some Nights’ into memorable moments like Reynolds Wrap brand aluminum foil.”

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Spotlight :: politicS


Our reporter set out to document the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. He ended up battered, bruised, and under arrest. B y C hR iS FA R A o n E

c fa r ao n e@ p h x .c o m :: @ fa r a 1

I wasn’t supposed to be sitting in a bar, my right elbow folded like a broken umbrella, on the night of September 17, 2012. It was the one-year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement, which I’ve been covering all over the country, and the plan was to be in the streets of New York City, tweeting, taking pictures, and scribbling obscenities in my notepad. That’s what I do. I’m a reporter. It’s my job. But instead of reporting on the police violence that has plagued 24 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

#OWS protests from the beginning, this time I was a victim of it. I didn’t plan for this; if I had, I would have left my weed at the motel. Having covered comparable actions in more than 20 American cities over the past year, I’ve learned how to get my story without getting rolled up by the cops. Or so I thought. I intentionally slept through the early-morning hours, when Occupy demonstrators trolled Wall Street suits as they arrived at work. For one thing, I’d been up late the night

before, tailing protesters to Times Square. And from past experience, I had an inkling that there would be mass arrests during the rush-hour festivities. My hunch played out; by the time I reached Battery Park, at noon, people were rapping about how ugly the morning actions had been. Between tourists, cops, and activists, every slab of pavement was mobbed; I followed about 100 protesters east on Liberty Street where they lambasted Chase bank. I was in the street — tweeting, taking

notes and pictures – when a cop chased me away from the action: “YOU — GET ON THE SIDEWALK — IT’S THE THING MADE OUT OF CONCRETE.” No problem. I went exactly where he told me to go. But soon after, so did the crush of protesters. Once there, they all began to pile into a courtyard and up some steps, but I stayed on the sidewalk, obeying orders, and snapping pics of what seemed like an imminent dispersal. That’s when the ringleader cop in the white shirt and black leather



Chris histo g ry Fa 99 N raone’s ight b the s wit ook is av 99 Perc h eNt aila ama ble Fro zon.C m om.

photos by chris faraone

One cop grabbed my right arm, forced my hand far enough to touch my left shoulder, and twisted until we both heard the uneasy sound of muscle tearing.

gloves pointed directly at me. White shirt came over, grabbed me, and spun me around like a prom date. At least five uniforms followed him and tackled me. I must be a seriously fat shit because, somehow, my nose didn’t hit the concrete when they threw me to the ground; my cell phone went flying. I screamed, “I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING! I’M A jOURNALIST! I’M A jOURNALIST!” Someone jabbed me in the lower back and told me to stop resisting. I reached for my cell phone. That’s when one cop grabbed my right arm, forced my hand far enough up my back to touch my left shoulder, and twisted until we both heard the uneasy sound of muscle tearing. (The pain was excrutiating, and didn’t go away. After I returned to Boston, my doctors diagnosed the injury as torn ligaments, which could require months of physical therapy to repair.)

Nobody was happy about how much crap I had in my pockets. Not me, not the dimwits digging through my pants, and not the nice young cop who was eventually assigned as my “arresting officer,” despite having little to do with my beat-down. I was yelled at for carrying a notepad, pens, a towel, my camera, and a small container full of reefer. I told the officers that I smoke it to prevent anxiety. “Wait until the media finds out that you were working and doing drugs,” one of them said. “You’re finished!” Then the paddy-wagon doors slammed, and I sat alone in the back with no ventilation or air conditioning for about 10 minutes. Between that and the plastic cuffs choking off the blood supply to my hands, I was sure that I would puke or pass out. But then the doors opened, and in came Tyler. A 21-year-old day trader from a wealthy Connecticut family, Tyler was not a protester or a journalist. He was just a pedestrian who happened to be passing by when I got sacked, and who made the mistake of pulling out his cell phone to record the craziness. Tyler was absolutely freaked by the time he wound up in the meat wagon with me. I told him to shut the fuck up — several times — and for the most part he followed my directions, except for when he asked, half-seriously, if we were going to be water-boarded. As they processed us, I made it a point to tell every cop I came in contact with that I’m a journalist. I was either ignored or ridiculed each time. One quipped, “So you’re one of the blogger idiots who thought you wouldn’t get

arrested protesting.” Another cop at the station took my business card to a superior officer, who looked at it, glanced at me, and said there was no way that I was really a reporter. After booking, I was led into the holding cell — a despicable 800-square-foot dungeon with flickering fluorescent lights, two turd-filled toilet bowls, and a broken telephone — where about 75 protesters were hanging out and chanting. Before long I was trading arrest stories with New York anarchists, a senior citizen from Maine, two teenagers — aged 15 and 16 — who had come up from Philadelphia, an NLG volunteer who still had his green cap on, a minister from Somerville, two Veterans for Peace, and an aspiring MC who spit all types of flames for us to nod to. A couple of activists used the American cheese slices from our stale sandwiches to cover the security cameras. And when the five-gallon

water jug was finished, they used it as a bongo until one of the steak boys came in to confiscate it. After roughly five hours of watching officers struggle with tall piles of paperwork — the NYPD apparently has yet to upgrade from pens and pads to computers — my name was finally called. I went to collect my belongings, along with Tyler and another new friend, Paul Mayer, an 81-year-old Catholic priest from New jersey who had been in jail since about 8 . The cops kept my weed. I have a desk appearance ticket for December 5, when I’ll argue that if anyone was guilty of “disorderly conduct,” it was the pack of Neanderthals who rammed me into that “thing made out of concrete.” While I didn’t get to report as planned, the day was hardly a waste. Though half of my cellmates expected to be arrested for civil disobedience, an equal number were as screwed as I was: assaulted, cuffed, and stuffed because someone in a uniform disliked the way they looked. Hearing their stories reinforced everything that I already knew about the savagery that has been aimed at this movement, especially in New York. To quote Mobb Deep, “There’s a war going on outside no man is safe from.” No woman, either, I might add. As for Tyler — he was kind enough to offer me bong hits at his apartment near Union Square, where we got wicked stoned and ate tacos before I set to writing this. At 2 pm on September 17, 2012, he was an aspiring broker on his way to lunch. By 4 pm, he was chanting in solidarity with a horde of Occupiers. And by the time we got out to the bar where I wrote this, he was itching to head back to Zuccotti and get more cell-phone footage of police beatings. If that’s not the best birthday present Occupy Wall Street could ask for, then I don’t know what is.

THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 09.28.12 25

Bullfrog on the moon

Or, how I trolled Walmart, exiled Pitbull, built my brand, and survived a gnat-filled trip to Kodiak, Alaska. By DaviD Thorpe dt h o r p e@ p h x .c o m : : @A r r

26 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

photo-illustrAtion by k bonAmi

A MAn, A brAnd, A beArd

When Pitbull invited me to Alaska, I started growing a beard. For reasons I can’t explain, it seemed imperative: wilderness = beard. I figured I could shave the damn thing off once it became clear that the trip would never happen, but here the damn thing still is. It had been an absurd couple of weeks. This summer, Walmart announced a PR stunt to drive customers to the Facebook pages for its local stores. The store that received the most “likes” would get a visit from Miami pop-rapper Pitbull. Knowing that the Internet loves screwing around with open-ended contests, I thought it would be funny to exile Pitbull to the most remote Walmart location I could find. After some Google-mapping, I came across a store in Kodiak, a wild, volcanic, and undoubtedly bear-infested island south of the Alaska mainland. With help from my friend Jon Hendren (the guy responsible for making Smash Mouth eat dozens of eggs), I started a Twitter campaign to drive votes to Kodiak. Pretty soon, Reddit, Gawker, and the Associated Press had picked up the story. It snowballed from there: the Kodiak Walmart racked up 60,000 likes, the campaign gained attention from the Today show and dozens of newspapers, and Pitbull was tweeting — ominously — directly at me. By the time the contest ended, I had pissed off Alaska, Walmart, and possibly a very well-funded rap artist with a YouTube reputation for punching haters senseless. Kodiak won the contest by a huge margin, and Pitbull publicly announced he was going to Alaska. In the same Tweet, he invited me to go with him. For a while, it looked like I might not make it. After Walmart and a PR company called Fuel Partnerships (the parties responsible for the whole “send Pitbull to a local Walmart” affair) repeatedly asked if I’d be going to Kodiak, I finally worked up the nerve to see who was paying. “Invitation extended does not include any travel expenses,” Fuel CEO Erik Rosenstrauch told me. “Consider it [Pitbull’s] way to push some press in your direction to build your own brand.” Shit, I have a Brand? If so, it’s like my Alaska beard: scraggly, inadequate; barely noticeable at a distance. Part of me was glad that I wouldn’t be beholden to Walmart/PR dollars, but flights to Kodiak aren’t cheap, and I wasn’t sure my Brand could bear the expense. I thought about using something like Kickstarter to raise the money, but asking strangers to invest in my mangy little Brand seemed egomaniacal. The Phoenix offered to pay (and I would have

>> piTBull on p 28

THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 09.28.12 27

spotlight :: travel << piTBull from p 27

taken them up on it, if necessary), but that didn’t sit quite right either — I wasn’t sure I could justify taking a couple thousand bucks out of the pool that funds guys like Chris Faraone: real journalists with credible beards. Mercifully, it didn’t come to that. Just before the Phoenix booked my flights, Pitbull’s people got in touch; his manager, Charles Chavez, told me Pit’s invitation definitely included the expenses: “You don’t invite someone to dinner and make them pick up the check.” Chavez told me Pitbull found the whole thing funny and was looking forward to Kodiak. He also intimated that certain PR suits weren’t too comfortable with bringing me along, fearing that I was “anti-establishment,” but it was fine with him. “We’re antiestablishment, too,” he said. Team Pitbull’s original plan was to bring me to Cleveland to take in a live show, then fly me to Kodiak in a chartered plane with the man himself. Chugging Dom P in Pitbull’s G6 sounded like a blast, but it didn’t work out. I was told that with all the luggage and entourage already booked, there was no room left. But my hunch says it was a polite excuse. If I were Pitbull, I certainly wouldn’t want some Internet loser contaminating my swank jet with toxic nerd molecules. An alternate arrangement was reached, and on July 29, I was Anchorage-bound, first class, drinking free alcohol in a reclining leather seat. I travelled in total comfort, except that I kept pawing at my godawful beard, due to the permanent feeling of having just walked through cobwebs.

beAr-AwAre on the buskin

In Anchorage, I switched to a smallpropeller jet. The bumpy hour-long trip to Kodiak was gorgeous. I’d be delighted to describe the breathtaking scenery if I were a talented travel writer rather than a guy who hates music for a living, but I couldn’t do it justice if I tried. Perhaps Pitbull will render it in song one day. My hotel was only a few hundred yards from the airport. Since the town of Kodiak was five miles away and I hadn’t sorted out a car yet, I decided to try for an early check-in. The hotel manager asked what brought me to Kodiak, and I sheepishly told the tale. He’d caught wind of the situation already, although he didn’t have the details quite right — he kept referring to Pitbull as “Bullfrog.” He told me that he was grateful for the prank, since it filled up his hotel: a bunch of huge, toughlooking dudes had just checked in, and he was pretty sure they were Bullfrog’s 28 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

I had to sign a form promising not to kill or gut any fish, deer, or bears in my hotel room.

security detail. I had to sign a form promising not to kill or gut any fish, deer, or bears in my hotel room. I was a little early for check-in, but I was told there was one pets-allowed room available as long as I didn’t mind dog dander. I was pretty sure I didn’t. Soon, I walked back to the airport to meet my friend and secret weapon: Josh “HJ” Hug, a sprightly Princeton lecturer with a superhuman ability to befriend almost anyone and insinuate himself into any situation. He also has a habit of filming everything, and with him along I knew I’d talk to everyone and get everything on tape, rather than indulging my inclination to stay in the hotel and watch TBS. HJ’s flight was a little late. The pilot couldn’t land on the first go, so he had to circle a few times before making another attempt. Locals told me this is a common problem due to constant fog and short runways, and a significant number of flights end up turning back to Anchorage and waiting for more opportune conditions. A late landing would usually be an annoyance, but HJ said his face hurt from grinning at all the natural splendor. The Pitbull event wasn’t until the next morning, so we had some time to explore. From the hotel, it was a short walk to the Buskin River — the hotel manager warned us to be “bear-aware,” but we took a chance. We came upon three twentysomethings fishing. One woman had just reeled in a huge salmon and was struggling to subdue it; within the few minutes that we chatted, she hooked two more — the rivers in Kodiak are like grocery stores. There was a young father who worked in the Coast Guard; he’d campaigned hard for the plum

Kodiak base assignment instead of a dull Florida post. He gave us some local survival advice: a) get some decent clothes, ’cause “cotton kills,” and b) watch where you’re going, or you’ll definitely fall off a cliff. I credit these tips for my continued aliveness. We grabbed a rental car and headed out to Kodiak proper. It was a pleasant drive past some scenic lakes and seaside cliffs, blighted only by a half-mile stretch of industrial fish-gutting smell just before town. The metropolis itself was pleasant but unremarkable — a base camp for wilderness adventure, but probably not a destination in itself. The main drag featured a few restaurants, a Safeway, a couple of outdoor supply stores and, at the end of town, the big-box monolith that called me to the island. We stopped to scout the famous Walmart. Fuel Partnerships had been in there laying groundwork — there were Pitbull posters at the door, and the music aisle had a huge rack of Pitbull records with a Sheets display beside it. Sheets — how did I forget to mention Sheets! Energy Sheets are little caffeine cocktails that dissolve under your tongue so you can party all night without the fucking ignominy of chugging a 5-Hour Energy. Sheets was a co-sponsor of this whole Walmart/Pitbull deal, making it a three-way promo train wreck that I still don’t fully understand. I didn’t buy any Sheets, since I was convinced I could score some free ones later. HJ and I took in some scenery, all of which was breathtaking. We saw a pair of bald eagles squawking at each other in a tree and watched the mist collect around majestic mountaintops. Around 9 pm — still broad daylight in the middle of the Alaskan summer — we drove to a bear-watching hotspot to look for the island’s famed heavyweight maulers. We were supposed to meet Erik and Lindsay from Fuel Partnerships there, but they were running a bit late so we popped a couple IPAs from Alaska’s Midnight Sun Brewing and checked out the water. We could see why bears would love the area: enormous salmon were sauntering by in droves, ripe for brutal filleting. Erik and Lindsay showed up just as we were about to leave. They were nice people and we had a pleasant enough chat, though their dislike of us was evident. If not dislike, something parallel — the old Looney Tunes “Ralph and Sam” dynamic, maybe: they worked their asses off on a celebrity event, and we were there, as far as they knew, to ruin it. We weren’t going to, but they could be forgiven for distrusting a pair of grinning bohemians after their maddening day of last-minute logistics. Still, Erik gave us some inside info. We learned that due to his insane Cleveland-to-Alaska-to-Atlanta sched>> piTBull on p 30

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<< piTBull from p 28

ule, Pitbull would be able to visit Kodiak for just three or four hours — it was pretty much his only day off during this leg of his US tour, and I gathered that I was a pretty big asshole for making him spend it this way. The press conference would be brief and the questions pre-selected. I assumed as much already, but maybe they emphasized it to prevent me from popping in with errant queries. Also: it turned out the security detail at the hotel was actually not Bullfrog’s at all — it was a group of Walmart “Asset Protection” agents flown in for the event. Pitbull, they told me, doesn’t like to travel with heavy security — God forbid some fan moves an inch too close and gets tackled to the ground by an overzealous bodyguard. After parting ways with Erik and Lindsay, HJ and I headed to the hotel, since it was getting rainy and gnats were starting to lay eggs in my marshy half-beard. We got back to our hotel around 11 pm, just as it began to get dark.

how i ruined scott’s VAcAtion

On the day Pitbull was to touch down in Kodiak, Josh and I drove out to the venue: the Nemetz Gazebo, a tiny structure on a patch of Coast Guard land. We arrived early, and local police were still barricading the road. We had no credentials. If we wanted to get through, I’d have to somehow explain my role in the event, and there was no easy way to do that; I don’t remember quite what I said, but it came off like a bluff: “I’m the guy, uh, from 30 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

Out hopped the man himself, looking like a million bucks in a white blazer and aviator shades, flanked by a small entourage.

the Internet, who made Pitbull come here.” They let me through anyway, probably because I had the air of a harmless dimwit. An impressive modular stage had been erected near the gazebo. A few dozen people were already milling around: local Walmart employees, Walmart execs and PR, performers for the event, and some early-bird locals. Stagehands were working to secure little inflatable palm trees, which kept blowing over. The lawn was a drenched sponge, and my tennis shoes soaked to the socks with every step. The air was once again thick with gnats, all determined to make ugly love to my beard and eyeballs. I ran into a Walmart PR rep I’d spoken with on the phone a week before. Like the Fuel folks, she assumed I was there to be an asshole: “Everything positive, right?” she pleaded. “Fun, community . . . ?” We headed for the gazebo. Inside, the Kodiak media were preparing for the press conference. Due to fog, Pitbull’s plane was running a little late, so HJ and I chatted with the good people from the Kodiak Daily Mirror — the smallest five-day-a-week paper in the nation, so they say — and Kodiak Public Radio. We wandered outside for a few minutes to joke around with a dude from the aforementioned Walmart Asset Protection crew. He told us tales of America’s toughest Walmarts — places with built-in police kiosks in the parking lots and full CSI crime labs on the premises. Back inside I met Scott, the manager of the Kodiak Walmart. He’s an oldschool professional with a razor-sharp crew cut and matching mustache. I know I dumped this Pitbull mess in a

lot of people’s laps, but Scott is the one guy I genuinely felt bad for: I straightup ruined the guy’s month. I heard he was on vacation when this whole thing broke, and he got called back in to clean it up. It’s his first year on the job; he and his wife arrived in Kodiak on New Year’s Day, having transferred from a store in Kentucky. He just wants to run his Walmart, and now some bozo brings a rap star to town and the boys upstairs are breathing down his neck. He was handling the situation gracefully, but he was pretty close to his last nerve. HJ put it best: “Scott is going to be having Pitbull nightmares for years.” Whispers of Pitbull’s imminent arrival stirred. A Walmart PR woman asked all non-media visitors (counting HJ, a total of four people) to move to the back of the room. The gazebo was the size of a modest studio apartment; the back of the room was not appreciably distant from the front of the room. The Pitbull motorcade pulled up to the rear of the gazebo. Out hopped the man himself, looking like a million bucks in a white blazer and aviator shades. He was flanked by a small entourage, each member of which was more improbably stylish than the last. A few cunning fans had made their way to his arrival area, and Pitbull graciously posed for photos before heading into the press conference. He clipped on a mic and swatted the softball questions in about a minute and a half. His answers were mostly PR-friendly sound bites, but one tantalizing nugget emerged: he promised to shout out

>> piTBull on p 32

photos by eric schwAntes

spotlight :: travel


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<< piTBull from p 30

Kodiak on a record someday, elevating this whole stunt into the indelible canon of rap. Soon he was whisked to a back hallway — due to his tight schedule, he was whisked pretty much everywhere. It’s a testament to Pitbull’s professionalism that he collected himself into a calm and unwhisked state between vigorous whiskings — and I was whisked along with him for a brief audience. Pitbull, just as his manager had promised, was a great sport. Instead of punching me in the face for dragging him to fucking Alaska on his day off, which would have been well within his rights, he laughed and thanked me for getting him there. “We’re worldwide news — with your bullshit,” he told me. “You gotta continue to mess around. Who knows where we’ll end up. We’ll be on the moon together.” I couldn’t imagine that being much weirder. I was a little too whisked to process the conversation. We stepped outside for a photo op with the Alaska scenery, and we only had to walk a few yards to find a workmanlike tree-and-mountain vista. I produced a tall thumbs-up and contorted my face into a goofball parody of a smile. Pitbull immediately tweeted the photo with the following caption: “ ‘Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.’ Sun-tzu ;)”

32 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

During one song, he was handed a baby. Pitbull cradled it with masculine affection and mesmerized it with his smile.

Pitbull was whisked to the stage. A couple hundred Kodiakians(?) had gathered on the lawn-swamp, most of them with the good sense to wear rubber boots. The escalating sponsorship hierarchy unfolded: Walmart Scott introduced Warren Struhl, the CEO of Sheets, who in turn introduced Pitbull. He spoke for a few minutes, acknowledging the weirdness of the event but brimming with affection for Kodiak: “Thanks to Walmart, thanks to Sheets, and thanks to Dave Thorpe for sending me out here. To him it was a big joke, but to be honest, it’s great. It’s always good to be around good people in an untouched environment, and it’s very, very, very beautiful here.” After his introduction, Pitbull was fêted like a visiting head of state. Kodiak Mayor Pat Branson and Alaska State Senate President Gary Stevens, grateful for all the national attention his visit had brought, awarded him the key to the city. Scott blessed him with a goodie bag of Alaskan survival gear: “On the Internet, much to-do was made of our famous bear spray,” Scott said. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” said Pit. “Those are the guys I don’t want any problem with.” Next, a troupe of brilliantly dressed Alutiiq dancers regaled Pitbull with traditional song; he sat at the front of the stage, relishing the local flavor. During one song, he was handed a baby. Credit is due here, because many celebrities and most Dave Thorpes

would reject such an offering — but Pitbull cradled it with masculine affection and mesmerized it with his smile. Poor Scott — no doubt goaded by unsympathetic superiors — had to play the mean guy and cut the Alutiiq performers short right as they were teaching Pitbull some dance moves. Pit played it as gracefully as possible, and the ceremony was cordially hustled along to the presentation of giant charity checks from Walmart Foundation to some worthy local causes. Mayor Pat Branson stepped back up to make the presentations. The Senior Citizens of Kodiak, of which Mayor Pat Branson is executive director, received $25,000. Pitbull was whisked into a van. As an Alaskan drum band prepared to play, a Walmart agent informed me that all media types were to report to the local Walmart for further Pitbull sighting. He would be meet-andgreeting the employees of the local store and taking some photos with the nine-foot stuffed Kodiak bear that acts as the imposing centerpiece of the men’s-apparel department. When we arrived at Walmart, a sizeable crowd was lined up inside. For what, I’m not quite sure. The Nemetz Gazebo affair was the public event, and the Walmart appearance was for Walmart employees — intense time constraints would make it impossible for Pitbull to sign autographs for the public. >> piTBull on p 34

photo by eric schwAntes

spotlight :: travel

spotlight :: travel << piTBull from p 32

34 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

“We’re worldwide news — with your bullshit,” Pitbull told me.

ing them inside the cabin for the shoot, but maybe he’s never heard of nerd molecules. Pitbull emerged for one last handshake, and we exchanged our thanks and goodbyes. Greg brought me back down to the runway, where we filmed about 30 seconds of me babbling moronically. (Later, Greg somehow cut that into a couple of impressively coherent statements for the Pitbull/Kodiak YouTube video.) That was that. I shook hands with Erik and bade him farewell. He said he’d keep sending me Fuel’s press releases. I quote him on this next bit because his manner

seemed to indicate that he wanted to be quoted on this next bit: “But next time, don’t send me to fucking Kodiak.”


The rest of the jaunt was pure scenery and leisure. Josh and I went for beers with James Brooks from the Daily Mirror and Brianna Gibbs from KMXT public radio, a more charming population of local reporters than a small town could realistically hope for. James showed us to the top of a nearby mountain for a breathtaking view — except that it was dead in the middle of a pea-soup fog bank at the moment, so the view was about 20 feet. It was still gorgeous. HJ and I grabbed some food at the local taco truck — yep — and headed to Fort Abercrombie, a state park with beautiful trails and rocky cliffs (thank God for that earlier advice!) amid the mossy skeleton of a disused WWII defense installation. We enjoyed the scenery in the late Alaskan dusk, and were so determined to see more of the island that we woke up at 5:45 am to take one last drive before my flight home. Even aside from the bizarre and wonderful Pitbull experience, Kodiak was one of the best quick vacations I’ve ever had. There’s still more I wanted to do — I never managed to spot a bear, and the locally beloved Kodiak Brewing Company was closed during my visit because they’re moving to a larger facility. I’ll be back soon for bears and beers. Pitbull is invited. Bring your rad entourage, dude. Dale.

top photo by eric schwAntes; bottom photo courtesy of dAvid thorpe

He’d already been whisked to the back of the store when I arrived, so we talked to some badass local kids who were waiting around for whatever might happen. HJ asked if they frequent this Walmart. “We play hide and seek. They get mad, we get kicked out.” I told them Sheets Energy Strips were free in the Kodiak Walmart from now on, as long as they didn’t get caught. Pitbull breezed by with his sharp-dressed dude cadre, whisking himself to the famous bear. I took a photo of him walking by, and it’s just a white blur — the man can really stride. I’m a little jealous, since I lope around like a square wheel. I crossed the Asset Protection line and BS’d with Pancho, a member of Pitbull’s crew. He had the same generous, laid-back vibe that Pitbull’s manager had. He encouraged me to swing by Pitbull’s next tour stop in my neck of the woods and see what the fuss is really about. Maybe some of Pitbull’s demonstrated ability to retain his composure under absurd circumstances comes from surrounding himself with pleasant people. You may wonder if everyone in Pitbull’s crew was playing sweet so I’d write good things about Pitbull’s Personal Brand. I don’t think so. I soaked up enough teethgritted politeness on this trip to recognize the genuine article. Suddenly, it was all a rush to leave. After only a few hours, Pitbull’s time in Kodiak had run out. Last order of business: Pitbull’s tour photographer, a long-haired rock-androll cat named Greg, needed some quick video of me commenting on the whole situation so they could throw together a YouTube account of the Kodiak trip. But with the clock winding down, they couldn’t do it in Walmart. Pitbull’s PR guy, Tom — yet another perfectly welcoming guy — suggested we meet up on the tarmac while the jet warmed up. Pancho decided to throw HJ and I into one of their vans. As it turned out, it was the one set to carry Erik, Lindsay, and Sheets CEO Warren Struhl to the airport. Mr. Struhl shot us a why-the-fuck-are-you-here look, but Pancho came over and let him know our presence was endorsed. The ride was a little tense at first, since Struhl wasn’t in the mood to suffer a couple of flies like us in his ointment. We made some small talk. “So, what do you do besides sending my ass to Kodiak?” he asked me. I told him that was basically it. He warmed up a little when he found out HJ worked at Princeton, and was therefore not a complete idiot like me. Tom ushered me aboard Pitbull’s private jet, which was quite swank indeed. I stood dumbly at the top of the stairs as Greg closed a sliding door to film one last Pitbull segment. I guess Tom thought I’d be join-

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Spotlight :: muSic

Morrissey and Kristee

36 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

From the mind oF morrissey On celebrity worship, his new book, and Boston


hi the wa m liv OctO ng the e at b $38.7 er 5, 8 p re 800.4 5–$103.7 m 5 citic 32.7250 Or ent mOr er.Org / riss ey

b y L U Ke o’n eiL lu k e o n e i l 47@ g m a i l .c o m :: @ lu k e o n e i l 47


hen you’re a veteran music journalist, especially one as miserable and jaded as I am, it takes a lot to get you excited for an interview. Then again, it’s not every day you get to talk to the only musician you’ve ever really cared about, one who’s played a huge role in shaping your worldview and identity over the years. That day still hasn’t come, sadly, but, as consolation, I did manage to score an email interview with Morrissey, the legendary erstwhile Smiths frontman and solo artist whose current tour brings him to Boston October 5.

I’d be negligent in my duties — and fandom — if I didn’t report that I got a little teary-eyed just reading back the responses which, to use a technical term, could not have sounded more Morrissian if he tried. What’s the big deal, though? He’s just another human being, just like anyone else, right? Maybe not, he says. I asked him his thoughts on meeting his idols, about his forthcoming biography (reported to be out by year’s end), and his memories of Boston. No, I didn’t propose a Smiths reunion. Stop us if you think that you’ve heard that one before. Can you tell us about your forthcoming autobiography? What sort of approach are you taking to telling your story? I keep saying that the guilty are protected and the innocent are named. But that’s worn off a bit now. It’s a very dramatic account of what happened factually and how it affected me. Rather like Gone with the Wind. Obviously, there has been a lot written about your life over the years; do you feel like much of it has been misleading? Is this a sort of attempt to rectify anything you feel has been misconstrued? All of it has been misleading. Unfortunately, because you admire someone’s music, you automatically feel that you have a legitimate understanding of their entire inward and outward motivations. But you don’t! In fact, you have zero visibility. The book is an accurate guide of all who, what, when’s, and why’s. Yes, there’s some friendly fire, but nothing gratuitously revelatory about others. Amazingly, it’s not my business to make anyone else’s life worse. Although, God knows, I’ve tried. Do you think it’s edifying to understand an artist you admire through

the personal details of their life, or are you of the opinion that the work should suffice to speak for them? At first you acknowledge that the artist’s view is wider than your own, otherwise you would not be entranced by them. The second stage is normal despondency because they haven’t actually noticed you on a personal level. The third stage is assassination. It all amounts to a particularly poor form of love. I’ve actually been shot at 43 times. And then people say, “You’re looking tired. . . .” On a similar note, you’ve met a few of your own personal heroes over the years. Do you think it’s a good idea to do that, or to want to do that, or does it take something away from the mythological image you’ve built in your mind from afar by recognizing that they’re just another human being after all? Maybe that’s a good thing, unless it turns out they’re a shit? But they’re not “just another human being” . . . however much you try to wish that they are. Do you think Patti Smith recorded Horses whilst also working the cash register at Macy’s? Do you think the New York Dolls were otherwise destined to clean windows for a living? Do you think David Bowie yearned to sell vacuum cleaners, yet filled in the wrong job application by mistake? No. All of these people are very special, and it’s only a weightless sense of jealousy that makes you want to believe that they’re frauds. How do most encounters with fans you come across out in the wild go down? By “out in the wild,” I assume you mean Florida? Well, would you believe that everyone is terribly, terribly, terribly nice? It’s only the British press that eat me alive. Otherwise, everyone’s lovely.

I’ve actually been shot at 43 times. And then people say, “You’re looking tired. . . .”

We remember your new drummer, the Bravery’s Anthony Burulcich, from his days playing in local bands in Boston (including Mappari). How did you find him? Is he doing us proud? Yes, he’s very good with his fists . . . and I don’t just mean as a drummer. This helps when you’re in the Morrissey Band because small kids tend to pick on you . . . with legitimate reason. Have you formed any sort of relationship with the city of Boston on your visits over the years? Seems like there’s plenty of history, literary and otherwise, that you might have appreciated. I have no interest in Boston’s history. Just get me to a bar with an Internet jukebox. I’m not Richard the Third. But, in fact, all of my time in Boston has been terrific. Fifty years ago, I did a signing at the old Tower Records for the album Vauxhall and I. We were five blocks away from the store and already we were passing the queue. I couldn’t believe it. I said, “Those people are queuing for me?” I started crying. I expected 22 people at most. What are you reading now, and how do you read it? Meaning, have you been converted to e-readers yet or do you think they’re sacrilege? I’m incapable of reading anything without a pen in my hand. I underline words I don’t understand, or passages I don’t want to forget. Half the joy of reading is massaging the book in your hands. It will take me years to lose that. I’m presently reading Bristol Palin’s autobiography because . . . no, sorry, that was a joke . . . as is she. Do you think the prevalence of thousands of music blogs writing about thousands of bands every day has cheapened our relationship with music, or strengthened it? The most damaging aspect is the American Idol everyone-has-a-divine-right-to-be-a-star phenomenon, especially when most of those “idols” are ditched by lunchtime. It’s important to hold something back, I feel, and the awards and prize systems just destroy everyone. Accepting a Grammy is like accepting a voodoo doll . . . it will kill you. It’s important to understand the attitude that’s required in order to make valuable music. Otherwise you might as well be a traveling salesman . . . collecting MTV awards in large buckets. It kills the best part of you. THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 09.28.12 37




photo by Derek kouyoumjian

At the intersection of food, tech, and community, getting a taste of Social Colander’s grand experiment. Page 42.

THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 09.28.12 39

Roasted PumPkin & smoked almond Romesco

Active ingredient: PumPkin

Local chefs tackle a fall favorite

Michael Scelfo of Russell House Tavern

Makes 1 quart Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Toss 3 cups diced pumpkin meat in 1 tbs. olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and roast until golden and tender. Heat 3/4 cup olive oil in a sauté pan on medium-high heat. When sizzling (test with a crumb of bread), add 6 garlic cloves, halved lengthwise, and 8 shishito peppers. Remove the peppers and garlic when golden brown; keep remaining oil hot and add 1/2 cup sourdough or ciabatta bread cubes. Panfry bread until golden brown and toasty. Add the pumpkin, peppers, garlic, bread, 1/4 cup smoked almonds, 2 tbs. sherry vinegar, and any remaining olive oil to a food processor. Mix on high until very smooth. Taste and adjust salt and pepper. Serve warm with grilled bread or as a condiment for any roasted meat, fish, or poultry.

Hu fo ngry

go t r m o r o e com thephoe ? for for a re nix. kab cip from ocha fl e kaw Yukihir an aguc o guch h i of g i, aka u chi’s midn ig ram ht en.

PumPkin souP with honey and sage

Andrew Hebert of Trade

Serves 6–8 Cut 1 butternut squash and 1 sugar pumpkin in half; then rub with 1 tsp. salt and 2 tbs. canola oil. Place each half cut-side down on a baking sheet and cook in a 350-degree oven until the squash and pumpkin are soft — about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, cook 1 leek (white only, small dice), 1/2 onion (small dice), 1 tsp. garlic (peeled and chopped), and 1 tbs. ginger (peeled and chopped) in a sauce pot with half a stick of butter over medium-high heat for about 6 minutes. The vegetables should be tender and have a little color. Peel the cooked squash and pumpkin out of its skin and add this to the vegetable mixture. Add 1 quart chicken or vegetable stock and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and puree in a blender until smooth, adding the remaining half stick of butter and 2 tbs. honey. Adjust seasoning with salt, and serve with a drizzle of honey and a sage leaf on top.

Fall Vegetable hash Jeremy Sewall of Lineage

Serves 6–8 Slice 2 lbs. fingerling potatoes into quarters and toss with 4 tbs. olive oil and 1 tbs. chopped sage. Roast in a 350-degree oven for 20 minutes or until they begin to brown lightly. Let cool at room temperature. In a large non-stick pan, melt 3 tbs. unsalted butter until it begins to brown; then add 1 medium sugar pumpkin (peeled and sliced thin) and 3 parsnips (peeled and diced). Cook until they brown and begin to soften; then add 3 shallots (peeled and sliced thin) and 1 clove of minced 40 09.28.12 ::

garlic. Sauté everything together for 2 minutes; if the garlic and shallots begin to brown, turn down the heat. Add the potatoes, 1 cup dried cranberries, and 2 cups baby spinach. Carefully stir until the spinach is wilted in. Season with the juice of 1 lemon; top with zest from the same lemon and salt and pepper. (Optional topping: toss washed and dried pumpkin seeds in 2 tbs. of kosher salt, roast in a 350-degree oven until golden brown, and sprinkle over the hash.) Serve at once.

All photos except pumpkin by melissA ostrow

Food & drink :: recipes

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Food & drink :: Feast

The home Cook-off

See m photore F ro m o S

this mon th cola ’s social n d theP e hoe r at inPic ture s

Iron Chef meets dinner party B y A r iel SheAre r

I’m standIng In a CambrIdge apartment, sampling nut butters with a man wearing rainbow socks. He has a PhD in computer science from MIT; I spend most of my time writing. But tonight we’re both guest judges at Social Colander — a monthly dinner party and amateur cooking contest that allows hungry extroverts the chance to eat, and vote, like Food Network judges. While snacking on the butters and toastini appetizers made by past cheftestants, I watch competitors meticulously plating our first course, “the Common Ground.” Tonight’s theme is interracial marriage, and three teams of amateur chefs have created fusion dishes uniting vastly different cultures and flavors. To commence the feast, Social Colander cofounder Tiffany Chu strikes a giant triangle, inviting the 20 guest judges to find our tables using custom menus that double as maps. At my first table — labeled with a turnip matching the one on my menu — I’m

It’s like the high-tech foodie version of a murdermystery party.

presented with a glass of deep-red beet soup, topped with a layer of bright-green spinach puree. There’s a pyramid of creamy mango butter next to a handtwisted breadstick “straight out of an American country kitchen,” subtly infused with East Asian green tea. As plates are cleared between courses, Social Colander’s other founder, Mark Watabe, asks trivia questions and instructs each table’s team to submit answers through the Social Colander app. He built the app, which we access by using our smartphones to scan QR codes on our menus. “The physical experience is the focal point, but the digital really enhances it,” says Chu. She met Watabe years ago at an MIT bake sale; they’ve been together ever since he sold her a loaf of zucchini bread. Both studied architecture at MIT and now work as designers — but it’s a shared affinity for food, friends, and social experiments that inspired Social Colander.

“It’s not just about food, it’s not just about tech, but it’s also about experimenting with new situations you put people in,” Watabe says My menu’s mushroom icon leads me to another table for the “Marco Polo” course, a sampler of Italian staples infused with flavors from stops on Polo’s itinerary — a Middle Eastern spin on caprese salad, ravioli filled with chicken tikka masala, and a coconut-mango tiramisu, soaked in Thai tea instead of coffee, that blows my mind with the first forkful. I’m amazed by the skill cheftestants bring to Social Colander tables. Chu agrees. “[The amateur chef] is someone who really appreciates food, really appreciates sharing that food, but doesn’t often have an opportunity to do it,” she says. Our final course is “Inditalia,” a dessert featuring chocolate gelato flavored with Indian spices, sprinkled with edible gold and silver hearts, and garnished with dehydrated cherries rehydrated with triple sec. Gourmandizing and socializing with food-loving personalities is the easy part. Choosing favorites is the challenge. We’re asked to scan QR codes again and use smartphones to rank our first, second, and third dish picks in three categories: taste, presentation, and creativity. Watabe joins eager cheftestants in the kitchen and reads vote stats from his iPad. He announces “the Common Ground” as tonight’s big winner, awarding the team a gift certificate to East by Northeast, a local fusion restaurant, and a bright-green colander they take turns wearing as a crown. It’s a festive end to a memorable night, one that makes it easy to understand why all five events so far have sold out, sometimes within hours of tickets going on sale. Chu and Watabe plan to build on the buzz. In July, they received a grant from the Awesome Foundation, which they’re using to make Social Colander kits to send to other cities. They hope Social Colander becomes a household term — like the high-tech foodie version of a murder-mystery party. “The biggest problem,” Watabe says, “is that not a lot of people know how to spell ‘colander.’ ”

Next up for Social colaNder: a Heaven and Hell showdown on october 20. Grab tickets ($30) on october 8 at

42 09.28.12 ::

photos by derek kouyoumjian

a r i e l s h e a r e r@ g m a i l .c o m :: @a r i e l s h e a r e r

Food & drink :: liquid

Booze Your own Adventure



icke an line d the fu ts up o l f ev l at e coc boston nts ktail su com mmit. .

B y C a ssa n d r a L a ndry

c l a n d ry@ p h x .c o m :: @ E at d r i n k W r i t E

On October 4–6, the first-ever Boston Cocktail Summit will slake the city’s thirst for knowledge with more than 75 seminars, tastings, and parties at hotels and watering holes around town. We’ve assembled an interactive guide that hits some highlights. Read on and drink up. day one: oCtoBer 4 you run into the great Gaz regan, the celebrated San Francisco Chronicle columnist who’s spent 46 years in the bar biz. he begins telling a story about a woman who once set a massive corgi on his bar and started to feed it garnishes . . . but then he gets distracted and wanders off. Do you follow him in hopes of hearing more weird shit?



Sweet, us too. See you at TALES FROM BEHIND THE STICK (5 pm; Storyville; $35).

You’re marching to a different beat . . . right on over to REBELLIOUS COCKTAILS AND NATIVE NEW ENGLAND FLAVORS (7 pm; The Hawthorne; $35). Afterward, toast to Boston’s bygone revolutionaries (and toss some tea overboard) at LIBERTY LIBATIONS (7:30 to 10 pm; Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum; $50).

day two: oCtoBer 5

day three: oCtoBer 6

Are you elbow-deep in some sort of libation already?

Hungover yet?




It’s on! Sips from Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the good ol’ USA square off at THE GREAT WHISK(E)Y DEBATE (4 pm; Park Plaza Hotel; $25).


How does a room full of the best rums on earth sound? Don’t even answer that. Off to RUM FOR ALL: THE WORLD’S GREATEST RUMS FACETO-FACE (1:30 pm; Royal Sonesta Hotel; $35) with you.


Explore 50 shades of grain at THE SUBTLE NUANCES OF VODKA (11 am; Park Plaza Hotel; $35).


That’s the spirit! (Ooh, see what we did there?) What are you drinking?

Tequila or mezcal

Continue sipping southof-the-border style at THE AGAVE SESSION: MAGICAL ELIXIRS OF MEXICO (noon; Royal Sonesta Hotel; $35).

44 09.28.12 ::

Are you able to drag yourself out of bed at a reasonable hour?


Taste some Brit botanicals at THE ENGLISH GINVASION (2 pm; Park Plaza Hotel; $25).


Bzzt, wrong answer. To THE SUMMIT BAR (FriSat; 10 am to 5 pm; Royal Sonesta Hotel), stat! Top Boston bartenders, special guests, and complimentary cocktails await you.


Sleep in and then head to DETOX TO RETOX: THE ART OF DRINKING 4 DRINKS A NIGHT AND NEVER GETTING A HANGOVER (2 pm; Park Plaza Hotel; $25).


Get your ass to COCKTAILS FOR THE MORNING AFTER (10 am; Park Plaza Hotel; $25).


You came refreshed and ready to meet some bar stars. So follow Jim Meehan (the mastermind behind NYC’s famed PDT), who’s juggling alluring and fragrant elixirs as he heads to ARTISANAL MIXERS & SYRUPS (10 am; Park Plaza Hotel; $25). Then hit the AUTHORS’ LOUNGE (Fri-Sat; noon to 6 pm; Royal Sonesta Hotel), where you can catch some of the industry’s most prominent writers.

illustrations by bradEn chanG

This here is a cocktail summit, friend, but we’re willing to compromise. Hit up BEER & SPIRITS: HOW OPPOSITES REALLY DO ATTRACT (11 am; Royal Sonesta Hotel; $25).

food & drink :: dining


Burritos and sushi: a match made in Chinatown

the asian burritO has rOlled into town. That’s how Wrapmi owner Sam Ho, a veteran of the Boston Chinatown restaurant scene, describes his take-out creation. It consists of a main filling, like crispy chicken, wrapped with vegetables and a mayonnaise-based sauce in a rice crepe and organic seaweed roll. The result strays far enough from traditional sushi wraps to deserve a different name. But it’s no new concept. In 2006, New York celeb chef and Momofuku founder David Chang rolled up kimchi Find them puree, edamame, and pork shoulder into a tortilla and 66 Kneeland St, Boston called it an Asian burrito, naming his new restaurant after the popular Korean lettuce wrap ssam. Ho’s model, 617.338.8588 or on the other hand, is tidier, faster, and cheaper. He says it’s made to eat on the go, with one hand. Rather than Open every day, 11 am borrowing from Korean cuisine, Wrapmi draws inspirato 8 pm tion from pocket-sized, triangular sushi wraps found in Japanese and Taiwanese convenience stores. Wrapmi offers nicer digs than any convenience store we’ve encountered. And its bright décor, combined with a pseudo–feng shui table arrangement that seats less than 10, perfectly fits its food’s mantra — trendy, simple, Asian. The spicy chicken roll ($4.75), for example, is tender fried chicken wrapped with onions, cucumber, and corn, a meaty and savory core inside a crunchy outer shell. It’s a straightforward recipe, but the texture is delightfully complex, especially with the sweet, soft crepe. Meanwhile, the salty pepper salmon ($5.50), smoked duck ($5.75), and ginger beef ($5.75) varieties demonstrate Ho’s know-how with Cantonese cuisine. There’s even a roll and frozen-yogurt combo ($8.50) — blueberry swirl is a must-try. In an established food scene like Chinatown, innovation is always a pleasant surprise, so kudos to Ho. For a place that takes on fast food, Chinese takeout, and frozen-yogurt chains all at once, Wrapmi does pretty well. _Wei-huan Chen

The Phoenix

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Photo by Meredith Cohen

On the Cheap

Wrap mi is on

A J P l a ro l l . oc the c Ation And h outPo inAtown this s st oPened u A new mmer; now bury stree sPot t is in work the s.

Food & drink :: calendar




Summer is over; Frank McClelland’s farm dinners aren’t. The L’Espalier chef is rounding off September with a cowboy-style barbecue at his Essex farm. Before you start imagining a $175 can of beans over an open flame, let us assure you he means “cowboy” in the most gourmet sense of the word: think a four-course, winepaired feast with plates like pit-roasted farm pig in a spiced vegetable ash rub. This one’s worth scrimping for.

Not that you need an excuse to pound a ’Gansett and put back some pizza, but the folks at jm Curley believe that officially making it through summer in this industry calls for a party. Word on the street is “if you show up with $10, you’ll have a time,” which is as good a promise as we need. Toast to the servers, bartenders, cooks, chefs, and dishwashers who made your summer rock, and then don’t forget to tip the guys and gals handing you the booze. No assholes permitted at this joint, per usual.

5:30 pm @ Apple Street Farm :: $175

8 pm @ jm Curley :: $10

35 Apple St, Essex

21 Temple Pl, Boston

Call L’Espalier at 617.262.3023 to RSVP.

617.338.5333 or




You ever go through a homemade-sushi phase? We did. Our rolls came out looking lumpy and dejected, and we found little grains of rice all over the kitchen for days — but we’d do it again in a heartbeat. Good thing, then, that Haru is kicking off its revamped sushi-andsake classes, where you can hone your prowess with a sake chaser (ahem, pairing, a sake pairing).

What’s that? You’ve neglected to commemorate National Taco Day for all these years? Then let chef Erwin Ramos help you make up for lost time with his one-night celebratory menu. You get to choose four out of seven regional varieties, which means you should probably bring a friend who doesn’t like tacos (unthinkable) and just eat theirs, too.

5 pm onward @ Olé Mexican Grill and Zócalo Cocina Mexicana :: $18 11 Springfield St, Cambridge, and 35 Stanhope St, Boston Call 617.492.4495 (Olé) or 617.456.7849 (Zócalo) to make a reservation.

6:30 pm @ Haru :: $50 :: 55 Huntington Ave, Boston :: Call 617.536.0770 to RSVP.

617.325.1700 | RED-EYEDPIG.COM | 1753 Centre St West Roxbury, MA 02132 Take-out and Catering | Hours: M-W 4-9 | Th 11:30-9 | Fr & Sat 11:30- 10 | Sun 12-7 Follow us on Twitter & Facebook THEPHOEnix.COM/FOOd :: 09.28.12 47

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photo by Neil Krug

Your heart’s gonna need one after you hear them: Swedish sister act First Aid Kit. Page 74.

THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 09.28.12 49

Arts & Nightlife :: get out

Boston Fun List


For m re fun ore Follo events, w us on t @Bos witter tonFu nshit or lik FaceB e us at ook.c o Bosto nFuns m/ hit

Hot tix LADY GAGA: BORN THIS WAY BALL :: February 27 at the TD Garden, Boston :: $49.50-$175 :: On sale Friday @ 10 am:: DeNNIS LeHANe :: launches his new novel Live By Night :: October 2 at the Coolidge Corner Theatre, Cambridge :: $35 :: On sale now :: SALmAN RuSHDIe :: October 9 at First Parish Church, Cambridge :: $35 :: WAR HORSE :: October 10-21 at the Opera House, Boston :: $15-$150 :: cHARLeS BuRNS, cHRIS WARe, cHIp KIDD :: panel discussion on graphic novels :: October 11 at Brattle Theatre, Cambridge :: $5 :: WAKA FLOcKA FLAme :: October 14 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $25$39.50 :: cAmILLe pAGLIA :: discusses Glittering Images: A Journey Through Art from Egypt to Star Wars :: October 16 at Brattle Theatre, Cambridge :: $5 :: JOuRNeY :: November 9 at the Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester :: $37.50-$123 :: On sale now:: HumAN SexuAL ReSpONSe :: November 10 at House of Blues, Boston :: $25 :: cONVeRGe + TORcHe + KVeLeRTAK + WHIpS/cHAINS :: November 12 at the Sinclair, Cambridge:: $16 :: On sale now :: OF mONSTeRS AND meN :: November 19 at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston:: $23.50-$28.50 :: On sale now::


When we last saw TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB they were 30 headlining a fuck, yeah! of a farewell show for WFNX at “Seaport Six” this past June. The Irish trio have been blowing up of late — due, no doubt, to Alex Trimble’s sweet-as-honey vocals and those undeniably compelling electro-pop hooks, so infectious you’d need a vaccine to avoid their sway. Touring behind their latest effort, Beacon (Deluxe), the lads are back in town with Brooklyn indie-kids-we-love FRIENDS, along with GUARDS.

House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston :: 7 pm :: $27.50-$39.50 ::

RAY LAmONTAGNe :: November 23 at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston :: $35$55 :: On sale now:: JApANDROIDS :: December 9 at the Paradise Rock Club, Boston :: $16 :: On sale now :: mY mORNING JAcKeT :: December 31 at the Agganis Arena, Boston :: $50.50 :: RIHANNA :: March 10 at TD Garden, Boston :: $52.50-$147.50 ::

50 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTS

Malian chanteuse FATOUMATA DIAWARA has delivered what 2 might be the world-music release of the year, Fatou (Nonesuch), with her own alluring arrangements for a combination of electric and traditional acoustic instruments. A regular in Damon Albarn’s Rocket Juice and the Moon world-music crew, she makes her Boston debut at Johnny D’s.


Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville :: 7:30 pm :: $28 ::

Indie art gallery Lincoln Arts Project consistently turns out unique — and often uniquely strange — little exhibits. Tonight, it continues that tradition with 8 2 a reception for a dual show, NEW SPINS/PLAYING WITH DOLLS. For “New Spins,” 25 local artists re-imagined and reinterpreted iconic (and some lesser known) album cover artwork. A solo show — another first for LAP — “Playing With Dolls” is Brooklyn artist Charlie Smith’s wacky exhibit of “rear ends, plastic, and dirty words.” DJ Mars Stackmon emcees the reception. FRI

Lincoln Arts Project, 289 moody St, Waltham :: 7-10 pm :: free ::

For some of us, the changing of the taps in Boston bars is sorta like the playing of Taps (real sorrowful, yo — once they take summer ales out of rotation 8 2 it means winter is near). But we do find solace in drowning our sorrows in the next season’s brews — we do love us some punkin’ ale! You can drink your fill of that, plus other seasonally delicious beers at the 23rd annual HARPOON OCTOBERFEST. Break out the lederhosen, gorge on spicy beer and brats all day. FRI

Harpoon Brewery, 306 Northern Ave, Boston :: September 28-29 :: $20 ::

When LIL’ B last swept through the city, he graced us with more swag than we dared dream possible. We’ve been living off the fumes of said SUN 30 swaggery for almost a full year now, but we’re thanking Based God that Cali’s oddest hip-hop export is making a return trip tonight. An enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in tattoos wrapped in mad crazy swag, Lil’ B rolls into town solo at the Middle East. middle East downstairs, 480 mass Ave, cambridge :: 7 pm :: $25; $20 advance ::

New York Timeslauded Off-Broadway play EXPATRIATE makes its Boston debut. Staged by the Theater Offensive, Boston native Lenelle Moïse’s play explores themes of sexual empowerment and black identity through the story of two young friends who strike out from Boston to pursue big dreams in Paris.



villa victoria center for the Arts, 85 West Newton St, Boston :: October 4-6; tonight @ 7:30 pm :: $10 ::

Free events “HANDmADE BuSINESS WOrkSHOP” :: Business tips and tricks from Kari Chapman, author of Grow Your Own Handmade Business :: Trident Booksellers & café, 338 Newbury St, Boston :: September 27 @ 7 pm :: BANDITOS mISTErIOSOS: cHOOSE YOur OWN ADvENTurE :: City-wide scavenger hunt for which actors in costume offer “plot choices” to participants (“students in Mrs. Higgins’ 4th grade class on a field trip to a petting zoo”) at checkpoints along the way :: TBA @ midnight on day of event :: September 29 @ 1 pm :: misteriosos. org/cyoa12/register OAk STrEET FAIr :: Live music and dance, a watermelon eating contest, arts and crafts, a bike workshop, face painting, food, and more :: Josiah Quincy School, 885 Washington St, Boston :: September 29 from 11 am to 2pm ::

“GrOuP HuG’S LAST Grr-AH” :: Bid adieu to the monthly gay dance night with one last party with DJ BRDR and Nathanael Bluhm :: middlesex Lounge, 315 mass Ave, cambridge :: September 30 @ 8 pm :: “LISA’S BIrTHDAY EXcuSE ‘IT’S NOT ABOuT mE’ PArTY :: With a stacked DJ line-up including DJ Paul Foley, Infinite Jeff, Flavorheard, Durkin, Evaredy, and more :: ZuZu, 474 mass Ave, cambridge :: September 30 @ 10 pm :: “GAmE OvEr” :: Now every Tuesday night, the re-vamped game night has fighting game and DDR set-ups, Magic the Gathering ($10 booster draft for that one), Rock Band, Dance Central, and more :: Good Life, 28 kingston St, Boston :: October 2 @ 5 pm ::

THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTS :: 09.28.12 51

arts & nightlife :: get out


>> 314 Shawmut Ave, Boston ::

617.482.1015 ::

Sarah McManus


south end

IF YOU DO OnlY OnE THInG You don’t have to be an artist to live in the South End, but

you should at least drink like one. And now you’ll have one more luxe booze store to add to your local short list (which already includes Brix and Formaggio). Chestnut Hill’s beloved Urban Grape is winding its winey tendrils into a new Columbus Ave spot, slated to open this week and ply you with its “progressively” curated selection of wine, beer, and sake. 303 Columbus Ave :: 857.250.2509 ::



Boasting the same darkand-cozy vibe that’s kept us coming back to local watering holes like J.J. Foley’s and Anchovies, the GAllows pours superb craft cocktails and beers — and this gastropub makes a mean farmer’s platter, too.

1395 washington st :: 617.425.0200 ::


Filled with the likes of Uniform, Motley, and Bobby from Boston, the South End is something of an event

horizon of sharp dude-threads — and apparently, relative newcomer sAult was not able to resist the gravitational pull of all this rugged urbanity, taking up residence on Tremont last year. 577 tremont st :: 857.239.9434 ::


Tweeness ain’t in short supply here, either; the place is positively crawling with adorbs boutiques. See also: olives & GrACe, which opened its doors last summer to resounding squeals

GETTING THERE SUBWAY: OrAnge Line tO BAck BAY. BUS: SiLver Line WAShingtOn Street.

52 09.28.12 :: thePhoeniX.Com/events thePhoeniX.Com

of glee from fans of artisanal chocolates and ecofriendly baby booties. 81 Pembroke st :: 617.236.4536 ::


In all its incarnations, BoomerAnGs does a pretty clutch job with its thrift selection — but the crème de la crème goes to their “Special Edition” South End outpost. Last time we pressed our noses up to the window, we swear we saw an Eames chair draped in

severely discounted vintage Versace. 1407 washington st :: 617.4560996 ::


Few locales in town have a more impressive restaurant roster than the South End, but KitChen — now inhabiting the long-dormant Pops space — stands out to us at the moment for such “timehonored” offerings as lamb pie (recipe circa 1747) and frog legs (circa 1890). 560 tremont st :: 617.695.1250 ::

#FF @SOWAOpenMArket @BcASOUthend @FOrMAggiOSe @hOWArdYezerSki @StirBOStOn

i see this isn’t literally a buttery. They don’t make butter here, but they make plenty of treats, cookies, and their cupcakes are to die for. And their coffee, I think, is the best in town. Butter: is it a tasty treat, or unnecessary calories? Butter is a tasty treat. You’ve got to put butter on your bread. what’s the deal with the south end? It’s an eclectic mix of people. A lot of artists. A lot of moms. A lot of different kinds of characters strolling through here. what’s up with all the expensive dogs? Yes, we are known for the dogs. There are some expensive-looking dogs, and they’re very well groomed, but there are also some mutts mixed in there. what’s your opinion of shih tzus? Not my type of dog. I have two Boston terriers. would more people like shih tzus if they weren’t basically called “shit”? Possibly. That might be what’s turning me off. Can you think of anything you enjoy even though it has a disgusting name that doesn’t relate to what it actually is? How about … calamari. It’s octopus. “Octopus” is another nasty word. _BarrY THOmpSOn


Between the Beehive and Wally’s, the South End’s got jazz cred aplenty. All that pent-up pentatonic energy spills into the streets for the Berklee Beantown Jazz Festival’s free outdoor bash. september

29 @ noon-6 pm ::


Boston Fashion Week is busy dressing models to the nines; “undressed: Fashion Burlesque” will be busy disrobing them. Tonight, it’s birthday suits, prêtà-porter. october 3

@ 8 pm-midnight :: the Beehive, 541 tremont st :: free ::


On Newton Street you’ll find one of the neighborhood’s hidden gems: the Villa Victoria. Its new exhibition “concrete Illusions” reveals a side of Puerto rico you’ve never seen before. la Galería at villa victoria Center for the Arts, 85 w. newton st :: september 28-november 10 ::


Another First Friday (October 5) is almost upon us; get sloshed on tiny cups of wine and marvel at the prowess of SoWa’s creative geniuses. First Friday of the month @ 5-9 pm :: free ::

want to be interviewed about your Foursquare mayorship? Give us a shout: tweet @bostonphoenix or email And for tips, friend us:

WORD ON THE TWEET @FOxYMiMA: WOMAn iS eAting cOrn On the cOB On the BUS! She tOOk it OUt OF her pOcketBOOk! cAn’t MAke thiS StUFF Up! @WOLFgAngtWeetS: BLAMe @tOrOreStAUrAnt.


did we mention that the South End is a menswear mecca? Lest you had any doubts, check out SoWa Open Market’s “Manswap 2.” october 7 @ noon4 pm :: free ::


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Arts & Nightlife :: get out

tHuRsdAY 27

A TASTE OF CASA TO BENEFIT BOSTON COURT APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN › Inaugural gala with appetizers from local restaurants, cocktails, entertainment, silent auction, and inspirational program › 6 pm › Space With A Soul, 281 Summer St, Boston › $100 › 617.744.9336 or BIKE 4 LIFE TO BENEFIT THE BIG E › Super Circus, Avenue of LIVABLESTREETS › 20 or 40-mile route, States, Storrowton Village Museum, animals, with an optional kids route, and a post-ride competitive exhibits, rides, shopping, crafts, BBQ › 9 am › Auburndale Park, West Pine St, a daily parade, and more › Thurs-Fri + Sun Newton › Fundraising event › 617.796.1500 or 8 am-10 pm; Sat 8 am-11 pm › Eastern States Exposition, 875 Memorial Ave, West FENWAY PARK BRIDAL FESTIVAL Springfield › $12 › 413.737.2443 or › Exhibitors include florists, bridal registries, menswear, photographers, UNITED WAY EMERGING travel specialists, and more › Get LEADERS SEASON 10 am-2 pm › Fenway Park, 4 Listed KICK-OFF MIXER TO ! Want to Yawkey Way, Boston › $15 › 877. su BENEFIT YOUTH bm it your even REDSOX9 or t listing VENTURE › Mingle s to the ph TANGO BY MOONLIGHT o and learn about future easy — an enix? it ’s d just li › Come dance under a full ke the pho volunteer opportunities enix, it ’s moon, with impromptu free! drop us › 5:30 pm › Liberty Hotel, a 15-minute mini-lessons and listings@ line: 215 Charles St, Boston demos throughout the night › . › $20 › 617.224.4000 or 7:30 pm › Weeks Pedestrian Bridge, Memorial Dr, Cambridge › Free › 617.699.6246 or

suNdAY 30

fRIdAY 28

ROGUE BURLESQUE › “Naughty Bits,” with special guest Femme Brulee and her human piñata › Fri-Sat 7:30 pm › Club Café, 209 Columbus Ave, Boston › $18; $12 advance › 617.536.0966 or WITCH’S WOODS › Haunted hayride, Jack O’ Lantern Jamboree, and three haunted houses: Nightmare Mansion, 3D Keeper’s Crypt, and Castle Morbid › FriSun + Thurs 6:30 pm › Witch’s Woods, 79 Powers Rd, Westford › $30 › 978.692.3033 or

sAtuRdAY 29

CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE › Themed scavenger hunt presented by Banditos Misteriosos › 1 pm › Location revealed night before event with RSVP › Free › ELSIE FRANK WALK TO BENEFIT KIT CLARK SENIOR SERVICES › Choose between a 2K, 4K, or 6K route › 9 am › Pope John Paul II Park, Neponset Circle + Hallet St, Boston › Fundraising effort › EVENING OF BOXING, MUSIC, AND CHARITY TO BENEFIT THE CLADDAGH FUND › Private Dropkick Murphys acoustic concert, appetizers, raffles, auction items, and a ticket to see Danny O’Connor box › 5 pm › Foxwoods Resort Casino, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT › $100-$300 › 800.369.9663 or EVENING WITH CHAMPIONS TO BENEFIT ELIOT HOUSE JIMMY FUND COMMITTEE › World-class ice skating performance, with a silent auction will begin 30 minutes before each show and a prize drawing after intermission › Sat-Sun Sat 7 pm; Sun 2 pm › Bright Hockey Center, Harvard University, 79 North Harvard St, Allston › $25; $12 seniors; $8 students › 617.942.1392 or MOON DANCE GALA TO BENEFIT ESPLANADE 2020 VISION › With more than 400 of Boston leaders in business, politics and philanthropy › 6:30 pm › Charles River Esplanade, Storrow Drive, Boston › $1,000 ›

MoNdAY 1

INTERPRIDE › Hosting several hundred representatives from Pride organizations from around the world › Through Oct 7 › Sheraton Boston Hotel, 39 Dalton St, Boston › $225; $95 students › 617.236.2000 or

tuEsdAY 2

COMMUNITY SUPPORTED ART HARVEST PARTIES › Connecting three local artists directly to buyers by selling a limited number of shares in a unique line of artwork › noon › Eastern Bank, 1 Brattle Sq, Cambridge › Free › 617.354.3616 or csart GALLERY NIGHT TUESDAYS › Showcase of artwork from a different local artist each week › 6 pm › Liberty Hotel, 215 Charles St, Boston › 617.224.4000 or “MALOOF MONEY CUP WORLD SKATEBOARDING CHAMPIONSHIP


HONG KONG @ FANEUIL HALL › “Karaoke” › Thurs-Fri 6 pm; Sat-Sun 5 pm; Mon-Wed 9 pm › 65 Chatham St, Boston › 617.227.2226 or › KINSALE › “Karaoke Night” › Thursdays at 8:30 pm › 2 Center Plaza, Boston › 617.742.5577 or › about.html LANSDOWNE PUB › “Live Band Karaoke” › Thursdays at 9 pm › 9 Lansdowne St, Boston › 617.266.1222 or › SISSY K’S › “Karaoke Night” › Thurs + Sun-Wed 8 pm › 6 Commercial St, Boston › 617.248.6511 FIRE + ICE › “Karaoke Night”“ › 9 pm › 205 Berkeley St, Boston › 617.482.FIRE JACQUE’S CABARET › “Mizery Loves Karaoke” › Karaoke hosted by Mizery › Tuesdays at 10:30 pm › 79 Broadway, Boston › No cover › 617.426.8902 or › AN TUA NUA › “Karaoke Night” › Wednesdays at 9:30 pm › 835 Beacon St, Boston › 617.262.2121 HENNESSY’S ›”Live Band Karaoke” › Wednesdays at 9 pm › 25 Union St, Boston › 617.742.2121 or › hennessys_history

EVENT” SCREENING › Featuring worldclass street competition skateboarding, highlights, behind-the-scenes footage, and more › 7:30 pm › AMC Fenway Cinema, 201 Brookline Ave, Boston › $12.50 › 617.424.6266 or

tHuRsdAY 4

WORLD 3-D DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT › Compete for a chance to move onto the finals in Los Angeles › 7 pm › Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park, 91B Sprague St, Boston › $200/team of five › 857.345.9693 or

ACtIVIsM tHuRsdAY 27

BOSTON FARE STRIKE COALITION MEETINGS › Join Occupy Boston’s efforts again rising MBTA fair prices at the Gazebo

more at tHePHoeNIX.Com/eveNts

54 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs

MIC CHECK! Don’t see what you’re looking for? Hit Twitter and follow @bostonfunshit, or find hundreds more things to do at

for tons more to do, point your phone to

on the Common › 6 pm › Boston Common, Charles St, Boston › free › occupyboston. org/2012/07/26/boston-fare-strikecoalition-meeting-today/

fRIdAY 28

FOOD SERVICE VOLUNTEERING WITH BIKES NOT BOMBS › Every Friday and Sunday, help Bikes Not Bombs to pass out free meals to all in Boston Common and in Central Square › 3 pm › Bikes Not Bombs, 284 Amory St, Ste 8, Jamaica Plain › free › MASSACHUSETTS JOBS WITH JUSTICE 20TH BIRTHDAY DANCE PARTY › Live entertainment, dancing, refreshments, cash bar to celebrate the past two decades of MA Jobs with Justice › 8 pm › Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St, Jamaica Plain › $5-$20 sliding scale › 617.524.6373 or › OCCUPY BOSTON DECOLONIZE TO LIBERATE WORKING GROUP MEETINGS › How do systems of oppression that come from colonization affect the movement? Find out a weekly meetings that include discussion, selfeducation, planning events and actions to help decolonize the movement. Follow @ DecolonizeBos for updates › 6 pm › First Parish Church of Cambridge, 3 Church St, Cambridge › free › OCCUPY BOSTON’S QUEER TRANS DIRECT ACTION WORKING GROUP MEETING › Smash gender and sexuality based oppression › 6 pm › Boston Common, Charles St, Boston › free ›

sAtuRdAY 29

”A SHOW TO BENEFIT ANARCHIST PRISONERS IN THE MIDWEST” › with Susanna Smash, Jacob from Spider Cider, and more. All proceeds benefit the Nato 5, Tinley Park 5, and the Cleveland 4 › 8 pm › Tufts Craft House, 14 Professors Row, Medford › $5-$10 donation or ›

suNdAY 30

THE HUMAN LEAGUE’S BOSTON WALK FOR ANIMALS › to benefit the Human League of Boston, who rescue and rehome hundreds of animals from abuse and abandonment each year › 11 am › Boston Common, Charles St, Boston or › ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF OCCUPY BOSTON #S30 › Celebrate Occupy Boston’s 1-year anniversary with a march from the Common to Dewey Sq + a rally at the Federal Reserve › 2:30 pm › Parkman Bandstand, Boston Common, Boston › free or › occupy-boston/1-year-anniversary-ofoccupy-boston-s30

MoNdAY 1

OCCUPY MONSANTO’S MASSACHUSETTS HQ › Doo-Occupy — a musical action inspired by Occupy’s socio-economic causes — visits Monsanto’s local HQ to sing out in support of bio-techfree meals, GMO-free foods, and small independent farmers › 8 am › Monsanto Company, 245 First St, Suite 200, Cambridge ›


RADICAL FILM NIGHT › 7 pm › Lucy Parsons Center, 358A Centre St, Jamaica Plain › free › 617.267.6272 ›

photo by alex straggas

stuff to do

617.227.0365 or RITMOS DE SALUD TO BENEFIT THE LATINO DIABETES INITIATIVE › Concert with Alexander El Cantante and Gonzalo Grau › 7 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › $65 › 617.585.1260 or OAK STREET FAIR › Music and dance performances, a watermelon eating contest, arts and crafts, and face painting › 11 am-2 pm › Josiah Quincy, 885 Washington St, Boston › Free ›

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Arts & Nightlife :: visuAl Art Crazy LIds

studio visit

JudIth kLausner’s CookIe monsters In a mInI frIdge off Judith Klausner’s Somerville living room, the 26-year-old stores the best sculptures fashioned from Oreos in America. Cynics may argue that there is little competition in the field, but they’ve not seen these marvels. Klausner pried off the chocolaty top wafer and used toothpicks, sewing needles, and a modeling tool to carve women’s profiles into the cream filling. The results are handsome, handcrafted, sugary-sweet cameos. Some things she learned: “Quality control really varies on the Oreos.” The mint ones contain peanuts and mint oil “which makes them impossible to carve. . . . Gonzo brand strawberry-and-cream sandwich cookies, I think, are even worse than working with bugs.” Yes, Klausner also makes art from bugs. She grew up in Cambridge, made ceramics in high school, but at Wesleyan University branched into other materials — like a dead cicada that she incorporated into an assignment on “juxtaposition.” “Then it was sort of down the rabbit hole of insects,” she says. And from insects to food, “looking at things around me that other people weren’t looking at, or at least not looking at for its aesthetic properties.” Her sculptures include Triumph, a moth inside a light bulb; mantises depicting Alice in Wonderland; an inch-tall crucifix with a bee playing Jesus; flowers


constructed of nail clippings and baby teeth; “mold” embroidered on toast; cross-stitching on Corn Chex; and a three-foot-tall Art Nouveau “stained glass” window of a peacock made from gummy bears and gummy worms. Klausner often deploys what were traditionally women’s crafts as part of her underlying questioning of the roles of women in our society — from the Queen of Hearts to beauty queens. Her cameos depict imaginary women, echoing traditional cameos’ Greco-Roman gods or anonymous Victorian paragons of beauty. But they might also call to mind lockets kept as tokens of missed loved ones. Then there’s that funny frisson that comes from painstakingly crafting art from junk food. “Aesthetically, I’ve always been attracted to old things. I’m really attracted to Victorian things,” she says. “And at the same time, I always feel a bit guilty about it. “We’re talking about an era when women didn’t have rights,” she adds, “and minorities didn’t have rights, and gay people, we didn’t have a word for that. The idea that those were the good old days is sickening. There needs to be a balance.” _greg Cook Read Greg Cook’s blog at

For more images from Judith Klausner’s studio, go to

56 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COM/aRTS

Except for winter knit hats and baseball caps, it can seem like hardly anybody wears hats any more. More than 250 (mainly British) examples in “Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones” at the Peabody Essex Museum demonstrates what we’ve sacrificed. Organized by London’s Victoria and Albert Museum and selected by “milliner to the stars” Jones, the show offers delightfully far-out confections, the sort of thing you only see on the runway. Plus a few hats of the stars — Marlene Dietrich’s trademark beret, Björk’s rainbow fox-fur pompon mask. But what takes your breath away are ravishing historical specimens — a 12th-century HATS: An fez, AnTHology Egyptian a 17th-cenby STepHen tury leather jester’s cap, JoneS a fabulously Peabody Essex Museum, 161 embroidered Essex St, Salem 18th-century nightcap, a Through 19th-century February 3 black bicorne (think Napoleon), a 1920s cloche, a 1960s leather Hobbit hippie cloche, and a contemporary plastic Disney Princess Tiara. Each seems to channel its era. The survey opens with a case of black hats. An early 19th-century bonnet frames the face in sensual velvet and then is crowned with ruffled ribbon. Jo Gordon’s 1994 Kiss of Death is a satin bonnet ringed with blue-black pheasant feathers jutting a couple feet forward — threatening, sexy, forbidden. Of course, everything here — maybe except the 1977 Darth Vader mask — is mating plumage. We’re fools to settle for pink baseball caps. _gC Kiss of Death

stephen Jones

Arts & Nightlife :: visuAl Art


ARSENAL CENTER FOR THE ARTS › 617.923.0100 › 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › › Tues-Sun noon-6 pm › Oct 4-Nov 10: “30 Under 30” › Mimi Bernardin with Jesse Tripathi: “Baba’s Village: Glimpses of an Ancestral Home” OLD SCHWAMB MILL › 781.643.0554 › 17 Mill Ln, Arlington › › Tues + Sat 11 am-3 pm › Sept 29-Nov 10: “Mosaics at the Mill: A Show of Mosaic Art” › Reception Sept 29: 2:30-4:30 pm


ADDISON GALLERY OF AMERICAN ART AT PHILLIPS ACADEMY › 978.749.4015 › 180 Main St, Andover › › Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 1-5 pm › Through Dec 30: “American Vanguards: Graham, Davis, Gorky, de Kooning, and Their Circle, 1927 – 1942” › Through Jan 13: “Pekupatikut Innuat Akunikana / Pictures Woke the People Up: An Innu Project with Wendy Ewald and Eric Gottesman” › “People, Places, Things: Symbols of American Culture” BOSTON ATHENÆUM › 617.227.0270 › 10-1/2 Beacon St, Boston › › Mon 9 am-8 pm; Tues-Fri 9 am-5:30 pm; Sat 9 am-4 pm › Sept 28-Jan 12: “Chromo-Mania! The Art of Chromolithograhy in Boston, 1840-1910” LINCOLN ARTS PROJECT › › 289 Moody St, Waltham › lincolnartsproject. com › Wed-Fri 4-9 pm; Sat 2-8 pm › Through Oct 20: Charlie Smith: “Playing With Dolls” › “New Spins” › Reception Sept 28: 7-10 pm SANDRA AND DAVID BAKALAR GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN › 617.879.7333 › 621 Huntington Ave, Boston › Mon-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm › Through Dec 1: Zandra Rhodes: “A Lifelong Love Affair with Textiles” STEPHEN D. PAINE GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN › 617.879.7333 › 621 Huntington Ave, Boston › Mon-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm › Through Dec 24: “Earth & Alchemy”


CAMBRIDGE HOMES › 781.729.1158 › 360 Mount Auburn St, Cambridge › › Daily 11 am-4 pm › Through Oct 1: Judy Brown: “Elliott” CHASE YOUNG GALLERY › 617.859.7222 › 450 Harrison Ave, Boston › › Wed-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-4 pm › Through Sept 30: Bernd Haussmann: “NOW” GALATEA FINE ART › 617.542.1500 › 460B Harrison Ave, Boston › › Wed-Fri noon-6 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Through Sept 30: Becky Kisabeth Gibbs: “Voyage” › Claudine Bing: “Earth, Water, Sky” › Hannah Libman KINGSTON GALLERY › 617.423.4113 › 450 Harrison Ave, #43, Boston › › Wed-Sun noon- 5 pm › Through Sept 30: “XXX: Kingston Gallery Annual Members’ Exhibition” TRUSTMAN ART GALLERY AT SIMMONS COLLEGE › 617.521.2268 › 300 the Fenway, Boston › › Mon-Fri 10 am-4:30 pm › Through Oct 4: Nona Hershey: “Rewired” WASHINGTON STREET ART CENTER

Dominick I. Drummond and C. Frank King’s Rapid Transit. Save Time & Distance. Take the Hoosac Tunnel Route, 1877 is on view at the Boston Athenæum through January 12. › 617.623.5315 › 321 Washington St, Somerville › › Sat noon-4 pm › Through Sept 29: Sarah Coyne, Megan Creamer, Alex Feinstein, and Lauren Leone: “The Dream Team”


CAHOON MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART › 508.428.7581 › 4676 Falmouth Rd, Cotuit › › Tues-Sat 10 am-4 pm; Sun 1-4 pm › Admission $8; $7 seniors; $6 students › Through Oct 28: John Thomas Grant: “Final Thoughts: Eternal Beauty in Stone” › Through Nov 4: “All Hallows’ Eve: Symbols of Halloween” CHARLES RIVER MUSEUM OF INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION › 781.893.5410 › 154 Moody St, Waltham › › Thurs-Sun 10 am-5 pm › Admission $7; $5 students, seniors › Through Jan 15: Wayne Strattman: “Self Illumination” DANFORTH MUSEUM OF ART › 508.620.0050 › 123 Union Ave, Framingham › › Wed-Thurs + Sun noon-5 pm; Fri-Sat 10 am-5 pm › Admission $11; $9 seniors; $8 students; free to youth

under 17 › Through Nov 4: Catherine Kernan: “Caught in the Current” › Through Nov 4: “Cruel Sea: Law of the Fishes” › Elizabeth Awalt: “Cascade and Other Work” › Jand Lund: “Home Body” › Jane Goldman: “Tidal Pools” › “Picture This!” › Susan Heideman: “Proteanna” › Thaddeus Beal, Ilana Manolson, Adrienne Der Marderosian, and Rhonda Smith: “Fragile Navigation” DAVIS MUSEUM AT WELLESLEY COLLEGE › 781.283.3382 › 106 Central St, Wellesley › › Tues-Sat 11 am-5 pm; Wed 11 am-8 pm; Sun noon-4 pm › Free admission › Through Dec 16: “A Generous Medium: Photography at Wellesley, 1972-2012” DECORDOVA SCULPTURE PARK AND MUSEUM › 781.259.8355 › 51 Sandy Pond Rd, Lincoln › › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm › Admission $14; $12 seniors; $10 students and youth ages 13 and up; free to children under 12 › Through Dec 30: Jean Shin and Brian Ripel: “Retreat” › Through Dec 30: Julianne Swartz: “How Deep Is Your” › Through April 21: “Second Nature: Abstract Photography Then and Now” ERIC CARLE MUSEUM OF PICTURE BOOK ART › 413.658.1100 › 125 West Bay Rd, Amherst › › Mon-Fri

10 am–4 pm; Sat 10 am–5 pm; Sun noon–5 pm › $7; $5 students › Through Oct 14: “The Snowy Day and the Art of Ezra Jack Keats” › Through Nov 25: “Our British Cousins: The Magical Art of Maisy and Friends” FULLER CRAFT MUSEUM › 508.588.6000 › 455 Oak St, Brockton › › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; Wed 10 am-9 pm › Admission $8; $5 students, seniors; free for members and children under 12, and for all Wed 5-9 pm › Through Oct 7: “Iron Twenty Ten” › Through Nov 4: “A Taste for Spoons from the Collection of Nora and Norman Stevens” HARVARD ART MUSEUMS › 617.495.9400 › 485 Broadway, Cambridge › › Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm › Admission $9; $7 seniors; $6 students › Through Sept 29: “Recent Acquisitions, Part II: Building the Collection” INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART › 617.478.3100 › 100 Northern Ave, Boston › › Tues-Wed + Sat-Sun 10 am–5 pm; Thurs-Fri 10 am–9 pm › Admission $15; $10 students, seniors; free for ages under 17; free after 5 pm on Thurs › Through Oct 14: Josiah McElheny: “Some Pictures of the Infinite” › Through Nov 25: Dianna Molzan › Through Nov 25: Os Gêmeos ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM › 617.566.1401 › 280 the Fenway, Boston › › Wed-Mon 11 am-5 pm › Admission $15; $12 seniors; $5 students with ID; free for ages under 18 › Through Jan 7: “The Great Bare Mat & Constellation” MASSACHUSETTS MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART › 413.662.2111 › 87 Marshall St, North Adams › massmoca. org › Wed-Mon 11 am–5 pm › Admission $15; $11 students; $5 ages 6-16; free for ages 5 and under › Through Oct 30: Sanford Biggers: “The Cartographer’s Conundrum” › Through Nov 4: Michael Oatman: “All Utopias Fell” › Through Nov 5: Anna Betbeze › Through Jan 2: “Making Room: The Space Between Two and Three Dimensions” › Through Feb 4: “Invisible Cities” › Through April 1: “Oh, Canada” MCMULLEN MUSEUM OF ART AT BOSTON COLLEGE › 617.552.8100 › 140 Comm Ave, Chestnut Hill › › Mon-Fri 11 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Free admission › Through Dec 9: Paul Klee: “Philosophical Vision; From Nature to Art” MEAD ART MUSEUM AT AMHERST COLLEGE › 413.542.2335 › 100 Boltwood Ave, Amherst › mead › Tues-Sun 9 am-5 pm › Through Dec 30: “Re-Inventing Tokyo: Japan’s Largest City in the Artistic Imagination” MIT MUSEUM › 617.253.4444 › 265 Mass Ave, Cambridge › › Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Through Sept 28: “The Jeweled Net: Views of Contemporary Holography” › Through Dec 31: Berenice Abbott: “Photography and Science: An Essential Unity” MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY › 617.720.2991 › 46 Joy St, Boston › › Mon-Sat 10 am-4 pm › Admission $5; $3 seniors and 13-17 years; free for 12 and under › Through Oct 31: “The Color of Baseball in Boston: The History of Black Teams, the Players, and a Sporting Community” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS › 617.267.9300 › 465 Huntington Ave, Boston › › MonTues + Sat-Sun 10 am-4:45 pm; Wed-Fri 10 am-9:45 pm › Admission $22; $20 students, seniors; free for ages 7-17 and under during non-school hours [otherwise $10]; free for ages 6 and under › Through Sept 30: “The Invention of Fantasy: Eighteenth-Century Venice” › Through Oct 21: “Seeking Shambhala” › Through Oct 28: “Manet in Black” › Through

>> GALLERIES on p 58

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Arts & Nightlife :: visuAl Art

FA ILu R E b y k A RL St Ev E n S k a r l st e v e n s a rt@ p h x .c o m

©2012 karl stevens. The Lodger, the graphic novel by karl stevens is available now at finer comic shops. check out

<< GALLERIES from p 57 Dec 31: Edward Weston: “Leaves of Grass” › Through Dec 31: “The Allure of Japan” › Through Jan 6: Ori Gersht: “History Repeating” › Through Feb 18: “Cats to Crickets: Pets in Japan’s Floating World” › Through July 7: “Art of the White Mountains” › Through June 1: “Jewels, Gems, and Treasures: Ancient to Modern” NEWPORT ART MUSEUM › 401.848.8200 › 76 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI › › Tues-Sat 11 am-4 pm; Sun 12-4 pm › Admission $10 adults; $8 seniors; $6 students and military personnel with ID; free for children 5 and under › Through Nov 4: Didi Suydam: “Presence” › Through Jan 13: “Image and Innovation: 100 Years of Photography from the Permanent Collection” › Recasting the Loving Cup: From Traditional Silver to Contemporary Media” NORMAN ROCKWELL MUSEUM › 413.298.4100 › 9 Rte 183, Stockbridge › nrm. org › Daily 10 am–5 pm, through Oct. After Nov, 10 am-4 pm; weekends 10 am- 5 pm › Admission $15; $13.50 seniors; $10 students with ID; free for ages 18 and under when accompanied by an adult › Through Oct 28: Howard Pyle: “American Master Rediscovered” › Through Oct 28: Norman Rockwell: “Sports!” PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM › 978.745.9500 › 161 Essex St, Salem › › Tues-Sun and Mon holidays 10 am-5 pm › Admission $15; $13 seniors; $11 students; free for ages 16 and under › Through Oct 8: Ansel Adams: “At the Water’s Edge” › Through Jan 31: “Auspicious Wishes and Natural Beauty in Korean Art” › Through Jan 31: “Fish, Silk, Tea, Bamboo: Cultivating an Image of China” › Through Jan 31: “Of Gods and Mortals, Traditional Art from India” › Through Jan 31: “Perfect Imbalance, Exploring Chinese Aesthetics” › Through Feb 3: “FreePort [No. 004]: Peter Hutton” › Through Feb 3: “Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones” › Through May 27: “FreePort [No. 005]: Michael Lin” › Through May 27: “Natural Histories: Photographs by Barbara Bosworth” PROVINCETOWN ART ASSOCIATION AND MUSEUM › 508.487.1750 › 460 Commercial St, Provincetown › paam. org › Mon-Thurs11 am-8 pm; Fri 11 am-10 pm; Sat-Sun 11 am-5 pm through Sept. Beginning in Oct, Thurs-Sun noon-5 pm and by appointment. › Admission $5; free for children under 13, and on Fri evenings › Through Sept 30: Robert Motherwell: “Beside the Sea” RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN MUSEUM OF ART › 401.454.6500 › 224 Benefit St, Providence, RI › risdmuseum. org › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; third Thurs per month until 9 pm › Admission $10; $7 seniors; $3 college students and youth ages

58 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/arTs

5-18; free every Sun 10 am–1 pm, the third Thurs of each month 5-9 pm, and the last Sat of the month › Through Oct 21: Dan Walsh: “UnCommon Ground” › Through Nov 4: Wendy Richmond: “Navigating the Personal Bubble” › Through Nov 11: “Designing Traditions Biennial: Student Explorations in the Asian Textile Collection” › Through Dec 2: “The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Rhode Island” › Through Feb 24: “Everyday Things: Contemporary Works from the Collection” › Sept 21-Jan 13: “America In View: Landscape Photography 1865 to Now” ROSE ART MUSEUM AT BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY › 781.736.3434 › 415 South St, Waltham › › Tues-Sun

noon-5 pm › Admission $3 › Through Dec 9: Dor Guez: “100 Steps to the Mediterranean” STERLING AND FRANCINE CLARK ART INSTITUTE › 413.458.2303 › 225 South St, Williamstown › › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm › Through Oct 31, admission $15, free to youth 18 and under. Beginning Nov 1, the institute is open free to the public. › Through Oct 21: “Unearthed: Recent Archaeological Discoveries from Northern China” › Through Jan 1: “Clark Remix” WEST END MUSEUM › 617.723.2125 › 150 Staniford St, Boston › › Tues-Fri noon-5 pm; Sat 11 am-4 pm › Through Sept 26: “War of 1812: A Nation Forged by War”

WILLIAMS COLLEGE MUSEUM OF ART › 413.597.2429 › 15 Lawrence Hall Dr, Williamstown › › Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 1-5 pm › Through Oct 21: “Power Runs in Many Channels: Diversity of Nigerian Art” › Through Nov 25: Laylah Ali: “The Greenheads Series” › Through Dec 30: “Room for Reflection” WORCESTER ART MUSEUM › 508.799.4406 › 55 Salisbury St, Worcester › › Wed-Fri + Sun 11 am-5 pm; Sat 10 am-5 pm; Third Thursday 11 am-8 pm › Admission $14, $12 for seniors and students. Free for youth 17 and under and for all on first Sat of the month, 10 am-noon › Through Nov 30: “Pilgrimage to Hokusai’s Waterfalls”

ORI GERSHT’s art is about the persistence of trauma, the elusiveness of memory — “an attempt,” he says, “to hold onto something that’s already lost.” At the Museum of Fine Arts through January 6.

2011 Dubai International Film Festival Award Winner

The 6th Annual Boston Palestine Film Festival

Discussion with director follows screening.

October 5–13, 2012


Fri, Oct 5, 7 pm

5 Broken Cameras Thu, Oct 11, 7:15 pm

2012 Sundance Film Festival Award Winner

Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Join us for a global showcase of compelling films offering independent views of Palestine’s history, culture, and society. Visit for tickets.

every day a new

Top: Still from Habibi (2011) by Susan Youssef. Image courtesy of S. Y. Films; Bottom: Still from 5 Broken Cameras (2011) by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi. Image courtesy of Emad Burnat.

Arts & Nightlife :: books


Michael chabon feels the flow Michael chabon has a thing the childhood treat for which the for pop culture. From comic book’s first section is named, for books (The Amazing Adventures example, is recalled as a “crumbly of Kavalier & Clay) to Sherlock chocolate cake interglaciating Holmes (The Final Solution), floes and tundras of whipped he’s taken our collective pulse cream, the outside armored in a through our amusements. In jagged tectonics of wide chocoTelegraph Avenue, his first late shavings.” It’s an indulgent novel in five years, the objects of description of an indulgence, obsession are vinyl records, maybe a tad too rich. And that’s specifically of the ’70s before an aspiring senatofunk hybrid known as rial candidate named more l “soul jazz,” beloved Obama appears. michaeon chabongia, by his record-store“Partly that’s my nostalnd pop owning protagonists natural gait,” says a , s ic com e, Archy Stallings and Chabon by phone cultur f e Rest o th d Nat Jaffe. But he — regarding the ornate ea R at w ie v R this inte enix and they — are just as swing of his sentences. thepho smitten with such other “And also I was working .com late-20th-century artifacts with this background of as blaxploitation films, muscle music — of jazz — so there cars, and kung fu, all of which was a sinuousness and a flow. come into play as the two I also listened to so much hip-hop negotiate the twisted fortunes of when I was working on this book, relationships (both familial and and I’ve always been drawn to the romantic) and retail in Oakland, MCs with flow — Rakim and Big California, in the fall of 2004. Daddy Kane and the guys in The result, as fans could expect, Organized Konfusion — that was is chock-full of detail and humor. an inspiration to me, so I think Sometimes too full: Telegraph with a lot of these sentences Avenue is Chabon’s most dense I was exdelivery yet. At its peak — and periencing that’s often — Chabon’s abunthat sense of dant wordplay is exuberant and flow.” _clea siMon joyous. The “dream of cream,”


Michael chabon :: book signing, brookline booksmith, 279 harvard St, brookline :: october 3 @ 7 pm [6 pm coolidge corner Theatre reading sold out] ::

60 09.28.12 :: ThePhoeniX.coM/arTS

EDWARD B. BURGER › The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or TY BURR › Gods Like Us: On Movie Stardom and Modern Fame reading › 7 pm › Newtonville Books, 296 Walnut St, Newton › Free › 617.244.6619 or DON E. FINEGOLD › The Israeli Caper reading › 7 pm › Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Copley Square, Boston › Free › 617.536.5400 or BEATRICE GREENE, SAM CORNISH, & WAYNE DUDLEY › Various readings › 2 pm › Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Boston › Free › 617.536.5400 or MIKE HEPPNER AND JAY WEXLER › An evening of stories › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or WILLIAM MARTIN › The Lincoln Letter reading › 6 pm › Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Boston › Free › 617.723.8144 or JULIE ZAUZMER › Conning Harvard: Adam Wheeler, the Con Artist Who Faked His Way into the Ivy League reading › 7 pm › Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.489.0519 or


LISA GENOVA › Love Anthony reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or NATALIE HOPKINSON › Go-Go Live: The Musical Life and Death of a Chocolate City reading › 3 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or


100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE › Various poetry readings › 1 pm › Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Boston › Free › 617.536.5400 or “MASSMOUTH STORY SLAM: LABELS” › With Cacky Mellor › 3 pm › Rosebud Diner, 381 Summer St, Somerville › $8$10 › 617.666.6015 or

sUnDAY 30

GRACE LIN › Starry River of the Sky reading › 3 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or “LIZARD LOUNGE POETRY NIGHT: CARLA SCHWARTZ” › With music by the Jeff Robinson Trio › 8 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $5 › 617.547.0759 or

WeDnesDAY 3

MICHAEL CHABON › Telegraph Avenue reading › 6 pm › Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline › $5 › 617.734.2500 or MAX GLADSTONE › Three Parts Dead reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or MICHAEL URBAN › Lobster Shacks: A Road Guide to New England’s Best Lobster Joints reading › 7 pm › BU Barnes & Noble, 660 Beacon St, Boston › Free › 617.267.8484 or


ERIC JAY DOLIN › When America First Met China reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or JASPER FFORDE › The Woman Who Died a Lot reading › 6 pm › Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline › $5 › 617.734.2500 or ADRIAN TOMINE › New York Drawings reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.495.9400 or


DAVID FERRY › Bewilderment: New Poems and Translations reading › 3 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or JAN BRETT › Mossy reading › 5 pm › Wellesley Free Library, 530 Washington St, Wellesley › Free › 781.235.1610 or STEVEN STROGATZ › The Joy of x: A Guided Tour of Math, from One to Infinity reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or

suNdAy 30

MonDAY 1

JON KATZ › Dancing Dogs reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or JILL LEPORE › The Story of America: Essays on Origins reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or

tUesDAY 2

EDGAR KRASA AND SUSIE DAVIDSON › The Music Man of Terezin reading

JILL LEPORE reads from The Story of America: Essays on Origins reading :: 7 pm at Harvard Book Store.

chabon photo by Ulf andersen Getty ImaGes

book events

› 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or DENNIS LEHANE › Live by Night reading › 6 pm › Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline › $5 › 617.734.2500 or LUISA WEISS › My Berlin Kitchen: A Love Story (with Recipes) reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or

arts & nightlife :: ClassiCal & danCe




ADASKIN STRING TRIO › Works for string trio by Mozart, Schnittke, and Kernis › 7:30 pm › St. Mary’s Chapel, Boston College, 140 Comm Ave, Boston › Free › 617.552.6004 or BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY BRAMWELL TOVEY › Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess › Thurs-Sat 8 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $30-$114 › 888.266.1200 or PAUL CIENNIWA › Works for harpsichord by Bach and Scarlatti › 12:15 pm › First Church in Boston, 66 Marlborough St, Boston › Donations welcome › 617.267.6730 or WIELAND KUIJKEN, EVA LEGÊNE, AND ARTHUR HAAS › Works for viola da gamba, recorder, and harpsichord by Leclair, Marais, Rameau, Couperin, JS Bach, and CPE Bach › Thurs 8 pm › Carlisle Congregational Church, 147 School St, Carlisle › Fri 8 pm › Weston Congregational Church, 130 Newton St, Weston › Sat 8 pm › Salem Athenaeum, 337 Essex St, Salem › Sun 4 pm › Ascension Memorial Church, 31 County St, Ipswich › Mon 7:30 pm › Christ Church, 0 Garden St, Cambridge › $30; $25 seniors; students free ›


Intermezzo’s ‘DIva monologues’ John WhIttlesey’s feIsty lIttle Intermezzo chamber opera series has just entered its 10th season. I root for it. It’s probably done more premieres than any other opera company in town, and although its batting average is well below .500, it’s produced two of the best opera events in recent memory: Kurt Weill’s brilliantly cynical Seven Deadly Sins and the first and best of Benjamin Britten’s three “church parables,” Curlew River (my choice for Boston’s best staged opera production of 2006). Next April, Intermezzo will offer Britten’s third and rarer parable, The Prodigal Son, at First Church Cambridge. I was eager to see Intermezzo’s most recent production — at the freshly refurbished Modern Theatre (now run by Suffolk University). This charming 150-seater, with its small orchestra pit, is a perfect venue for chamber opera. And this time, we got three. Under the rubric “The Diva Monologues,” Intermezzo gave us three one-act operas in the form of extended solos for sopranos: At the Statue of Venus (2005), about a woman waiting in a museum for her blind date, by Jake (Dead Man Walking) Heggie and librettist Terrence (Master Class) McNally; The Stronger, Hugo Weisgall’s 1952 updating of Strindberg’s brief confrontation between two women (one silent — but which one is the title character?); and Dominick Argento’s Gothic, neo-Dickensian Miss Havisham’s Wedding Night (1981).


The divas were three of Boston’s most impressive sopranos: Kristen Watson as the nervous bachelorette, Janna Baty as the overbearing wife who meets her silent rival at a café, and Barbara Kilduff as the dotty spinster abandoned at the altar decades earlier. Their expert “orchestra” consisted of, respectively, pianists Linda Osborn, Stephen Yenger, and Brian Moll (also playing a harmonium-sounding keyboard). Veteran designer Bill Fregosi supplied the elegantly minimal sets. The stage directors (Marc Astafan for the Heggie; Kirsten Cairns for the two others) had the bigger challenge, and they got powerful performances yet without succeeding in making the divas’ stage movements seem inevitable. Cairns had Baty raving all over Fregosi’s café; perhaps less (or no) movement here might have been “stronger.” But operas depend most on their music. The weakest score was Heggie’s recitative-lite for McNally’s heavy-handed text (you’d think a single woman in 2005 would no longer be a pre-feminist stereotype). Weisgall’s unthreatening atonality had more character, variety, and bite. Argento at least built unmemorable music to big climaxes. None of the music soared. Even divas have a hard time driving a vehicle with a flat tire. _lloyD schWartz

UP NEXT! :: Boston Musica Viva: “Allusions,” with John Harbison’s Mirabai Songs, Peter Lieberson’s Raising the Gaze, and Andy Vores’s Umberhulk :: September 28 :: Tsai Performance Center

62 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COM

BOSTON ARTISTS ENSEMBLE › Beethoven’s Piano Trio in D, Op. 70, No. 1 [Ghost]; Mendelsohnn’s Piano Trio No. 2 in C minor, Op. 66 › Fri 8 pm › Peabody Essex Museum, 161 Essex St, Salem › Sun 2:30 pm › Trinity Chapel, 885 Centre St, Newton › $27 › 978.745.9500 or BOSTON MUSICA VIVA › John Harbison’s Mirabai Songs, with mezzo-soprano Krista River; Peter Lieberson’s Raising the Gaze; Andy Vores’s Umberhulk › 8 pm › Tsai Performance Center, 685 Comm Ave, Boston › $9-$30 › 617.354.6910 or CHIARA QUARTET › Mozart’s String Quartet in F, K. 590; Gabriela Lena Frank’s Milagros; Mendelssohn’s String Quartet No. 6 in F minor, Op. 80 › 8 pm › John Knowles Paine Concert Hall, Music Building, North Yard, Harvard University, Cambridge › Free › 617.495.2791 or FRANCESCO CERA › Works for organ by Bach, Frescobaldi, Rossi, Pasquini, Scarlatti, and more › 8 pm › Old West Church, 131 Cambridge St, Boston › $20; $10 students, seniors › 617.739.1340 or INA ZDOROVETCHI › Works for harp by Britten, Grandjany, Renie, Schafer, and more › 8 pm › First Church in Boston, 66 Marlborough St, Boston › $25 › 617.267.6730 or SEPTEMBERFEST › Selection of works by Foss, Ibert, Tchaikovsky, and John Morrison › 8 pm › Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music, 27 Garden St, Cambridge › Free › 617.876.0956 or BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY BRAMWELL TOVEY › See listing for Thurs WIELAND KUIJKEN, EVA LEGÊNE, AND ARTHUR HAAS › See listing for Thurs


AARON JACKSON › Works for piano by Cage, Pärt, and Takemitsu › noon › Boston Athenæum, 10-1/2 Beacon St, Boston › Free ›

From a brand you trust. Half off all the time. 617.720.7600 or BOSTON CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA › Bartók’s Romanian Folk Dances; Brahms’s Hungarian Dances; Vivaldi’s L’Estro Armonico; Mozart’s Sinfonia concertante for winds › Sat 8 pm; Sun 3 pm › Faneuil Hall, 1 Faneuil Hall Sq, Boston › $41$74; $38-$71 seniors › 617.635.3105 or EXSULTEMUS AND NEWTON BAROQUE › Selection of works by Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Fischer, Franz Xavier Murschhauser, and Johann Christoph Pez › 8 pm › Second Church, 60 Highland Ave, Newton › $30; $25 students, seniors › 857.998.0219 or MUSIC AT EDEN’S EDGE › Berger’s Spell; Beethoven’s String Trio in C Minor, Op. 9, No. 3; Haydn’s Flute Quartet, Op. 5, No. 2 › 8 pm › North Shore Arts Association, 11 Pirates Lane, Gloucester › $20; $18 seniors; $15 students › 978.283.1857 or PLYMOUTH PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY STEVEN KARIDOYANES › Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, arr. Ravel; Boyer’s Ellis Island: The Dream of America, with actors Marianne Leone Cooper and Ed Hoopman › 8 pm › Memorial Hall, 83 Court St, Plymouth › $20-$50 › 508.746.8008 or SEPTEMBERFEST › Schubert program: String Quartet No. 14 in D minor, D. 810 [Death and the Maiden], arr. Mahler; Symphony No. 4 in C minor, D. 417 [Tragic] › 8 pm › Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music, 27 Garden St, Cambridge › Free › 617.876.0956 or SUZANNA KLINTCHAROVA, FELICE POMERANZ, SOLEDAD YAYA, AND BARBARA POESCHL-EDRICH › Works for harps by Lawes, Tournier, Duo Portinari, and more › 8 pm › First Church in Boston, 66 Marlborough St, Boston › $25 › 617.267.6730 or BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY BRAMWELL TOVEY › See listing for Thurs WIELAND KUIJKEN, EVA LEGÊNE, AND ARTHUR HAAS › See listing for Thurs


BOSTON KOREAN CHORUS CONDUCTED BY JINWOOK PARK › Overture to Rossini’s William Tell; Choral suite from Kim’s Spring in my hometown; “Chorus of Hebrew Slaves” from Verdi’s Nabucco and “Triumphal Scene” from Aida; Elgar’s Serenade for strings; Fourth movement from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 › 4:30 pm › Kresge Auditorium at MIT, 48 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10; students, seniors free › 617.253.3913 or CLAREMONT TRIO › Mozart’s Piano Trio in E, K. 542; World premiered by Gabriela Lena Frank; Mendelssohn’s Trio in C minor, Op. 66 › 1:30 pm › Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 280 the Fenway, Boston › $27; $24 seniors; $12 students › 617.566.1401 or MARIANNA RASHKOVETSKY › Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 18, Op. 31, No. 3; Franck’s Prelude, Chorale and Fugue; Selection of works by Liszt › 2 pm › Newton Free Library, 330 Homer St, Newton › Free › 617.796.1360 or VICTOR ROSENBAUM › Beethoven’s Bagatelles, Op. 126, and Sonata in B-flat, Op. 22; Schubert’s Four Impromptus, Op. 142 › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › Free › 617.585.1260 or BOSTON ARTISTS ENSEMBLE › See listing for Fri BOSTON CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA › See listing for Sat


MonDAY 1



BARBARA POESCHL-EDRICH, LISA BROOKE, CAROL LEWIS, AND OLAV CHRIS HENRIKSEN › William Lawes’s Harpe Consorts › 12:15 pm › King’s Chapel, 58 Tremont St, Boston › $3 › 617.227.2155 or HAROLD STOVER › Organ recital › 7:30 pm › Memorial Church Harvard University, 1 Harvard Yard, Cambridge › Free › 617.495.5508 or JORGE LUIS PRATS › Granados’s Goyescas Suite; Pieces from Albeniz’s Iberia; Busoni’s Carmen Fantasy; Selection of works by Mompou › 8 pm › Seully Hall, 8 the Fenway, Boston › $15 › 617.912.9222 or


This is Jill’s Friday Night.

NEC PHILHARMONIA CONDUCTED BY HUGH WOLFF › Beethoven’s Leonore Overture No. 3; Adams’s Dr. Atomic Symphony; Brahms’s Symphony No. 4 › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › Free › 617.585.1260 or YELENA BERIYEVA AND TAMUNA SHALVASHVILI › Works for piano duo by Brahms and Scarlatti › 5:30 pm › Church of St. John the Evangelist, 35 Bowdoin St, Boston › Free › 617.227.5242 or


BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY MARCELO LEHNINGER › Fantasy-overture from Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet; Bernstein’s Serenade after Plato’s “Symposium” for violin and orchestra, with Joshua Bell; Dvorák’s Symphony No. 8 › 8 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $30-$114 › 888.266.1200 or TIMOTHY BURRIS › Biber’s Passacaglia in C, arr. Burris; Zamboni’s Ceccona in F; de Visée’s Pièces in C › 12:15 pm › First Church in Boston, 66 Marlborough St, Boston › Donations welcome › 617.267.6730 or


This is Jill’s Friday Night on Phoenix Deals.


DANCE PROGRAM AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY › “Dance Showcase 2012,” featuring works by Lorraine Chapman, Gina DeFreitas, Lynn Modell, Margot Parsons, DeAnna Pellecchia, and Ingrid Schatz › Fri-Sat 8 pm › Boston University Dance Theater, 915 Comm Ave, Boston › $15; $10 students, seniors › 617.353.1597 or fitrec/dance ELEPHANT JANE DANCE, HEIDI HENDERSON, AND ANNIE KLOPPENBERG › “Movement at the Mills” › 7 pm › Mills Gallery at Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont St, Boston › Free › 617.426.8835 or



More than just a daily deal. From salons and restaurants to health clubs and local events, we offer hundreds of great deals, all available today and everyday online at THEPHOENIX.COM :: 09.28.12 63

Arts & Nightlife :: theAter

play by play opening soon

Good PeoPle could be better Good PeoPle, which opens the season at the Huntington Theatre Company, is a schizoid experience. The first act of David Lindsay-Abaire’s play is a hard-boiled class comedy set among tough, sharpwitted, self-deprecating South Boston women struggling to keep afloat in a punishing economy. Margaret (Johanna Day), the protagonist, loses her job at a dollar store because of her chronic lateness, but it’s not her fault: she’s the single mother of a severely mentally disabled daughter (now adult). She relies on her landlady, Dottie (Nancy E. Carroll), to babysit, and Dottie doesn’t always show up on time. Margaret’s best friend Jean (Karen MacDonald) persuades her to pay a visit to an old boyfriend, Mike (Michael Laurence), a Southie kid who made good: he attended Penn, got a medical degree, and now lives with his family in Chestnut Hill. Jean thinks Mike might come up with a job for Margaret. Their meeting is a kind of verbal boxing match. Mike (who has been avoiding her calls) sticks on the defensive, keeping his dukes up while he ducks her blows with pretended good grace that wears thin as the scene goes on. The first act abounds in a bitter, eruptive survivalist humor, and the director, Kate Whoriskey,


plays it at entertainingly high speed. Then, in act two, you pay for your pleasure. Margaret winds up at Mike’s house for a birthday party he told her his wife, Kate (Rachael Holmes), cancelled when their daughter got sick. Margaret assumes that’s just a lie Mike whipped up — that he was really reneging on the invitation Margaret wheedled out of him in his office. But it’s not a lie, and Margaret finds herself the only (uninvited) guest. At first Lindsay-Abaire seems to be mining more comedy out of the opposites match of the two women: Kate is an AfricanAmerican BU English professor who grew up in Georgetown. But the play quickly descends into melodrama, with Mike — who, Margaret has been insisting to her Southie women friends, is “good people” — as the villain. Laurence gives a colorless performance as Mike, but the actresses are all strong, as is Nick Westrate in the small but well-written role of the young boss (another Southie kid) who’s obliged, reluctantly, to let Margaret go. Alexander Dodge’s scenic designs are clever and evocative. The play’s a crowd pleaser, especially for Boston audiences, but only act one hits the mark. _steve vineberg

GOOD PEOPLE :: Huntington Theatre Company :: Through October 14 :: Boston University Theatre, 264 Huntington Ave, Boston :: $30-$95 :: 617.266.7900 or

64 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm/ArTs

AT EASE › The Suffolk University Theatre Department stages this documentary theatre production about the United States military experience, conceived and directed by Suffolk professor Caitlin Langstaff with theater and veteran students. › October 5-6 › Modern Theatre, 525 Washington St, Boston › $10; $5 students, seniors, veterans › 800.440.7654 or BLITHE SPIRIT › BerryMeyer Productions stages their inaugural show, Noel Coward’s comedy about the spirit world. Adam Berry, a paranormal investigator on the hit SyFy network reality series Ghost Hunters, makes his directorial debut. › October 11-28 › Julie Harris Stage, 2357 Route 6, Wellfleet › $15-$35 › 508.349.9428 or A BRIGHT NEW BOISE › David J. Miller directs this tragicomedy about a father, a son, and the Rapture, written by Samuel D. Hunter. David Lutheran, Janelle Mills, Dakota Shepard, Victor Shopov, and Zach Winston star in the Zeitgeist Stage production. › September 28–October 20 › Black Box Theatre at Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont St, Boston › $20-$30 › 617.759.8836 or BYE BYE LIVER: THE BOSTON DRINKING PLAY › Hennessy’s hosts the Boston chapter of Bye Bye Liver, a show about drinking culture, from wine snobs to wildly fun (and occasionally terrifying) booze parties. The performance also incorporates audience interaction with social games like “Would You Rather” and “Never Have I Ever.” › Indefinitely › Hennessy’s, 25 Union St, Boston › $20 › 866.811.4111 or CAMILLE › Pam Gems’s modern translation of Dumas’ popular novella about a doomed love affair, The Lady of the Camellias, appears as part of BU’s 16th Annual Fall Fringe Festival, directed by Judy Braha. › October 13-20 › Lane Comley Studio 210, 264 Huntington Ave, Boston › $7 › 617.933.8600 or boston›theatrescene.›com/ season/camille THE COMPANY WE KEEP › The Boston Playwrights’ Theatre stages the world premiere of Jaclyn Villano’s drama about four longtime friends who reunite after spending some time apart. Their innocent lunch date spirals out of control as secrets, transgressions, and betrayals come to light. Elena Araoz directs. › October 4-21 › Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, 949 Commonwealth Ave, Boston › $30; $25 seniors; $10 students › 866.811.4111 or GIRLS NIGHT: THE MUSICAL › The Wilbur Theatre hosts this traveling show by Louise Roche. The story follows a group of five middle-age female friends out for a night of karaoke, bonding, and comic antics; the musical score includes pop hits like “Lady Marmalade,” “It’s Raining Men,” “Man I Feel Like a Woman,” “I Will Survive” and more. › October 4 › Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston › $47-$67 › 617.248.9700 or HAMLET › Arts Emerson hosts a small cast of actors from Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London; each performer will essay multiple roles, under the direction of Dominic Dromgoole and Bill Buckhurst. › October 9-21 › Paramount Theatre, 559 Washington St, Boston › $25-$89 › 617.824.8000 or THE HOW AND THE WHY › Daniel Gidron helms the Nora Theatre Company’s New England premiere of Sarah Treem’s drama about a generational clash between two female evolutionary biologists, one well-established in her field and one about to begin her career. › September 27–October 21 › Central Square Theater, 450 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15-$45 › 866.811.4111 or

>> PLAY BY PLAY on p 66

Arts & Nightlife :: theAyer THE LILY’S REVENGE › The American Repertory Theater stages Taylor Mac’s five-hour allegory about flowers, funerals, and cultural expectations; the production blends dance, film, theater, and music. Shira Milikowsky directs, with Dan Rodriguez on the music direction of a score composed by Rachelle Garniez. › October 12-28 › Oberon, 2 Arrow St, Cambridge › $25-$35 › 617.547.8300 or MACBETH › Paula Plum helms Shakespeare’s Scottish play, starring Actors’ Shakespeare Project members Allyn Burrows, Mara Sidmore, Sarah Newhouse, and Richard Snee. › October 3–November 4 › Chevalier Theatre, 30 Forest St, Medford › $28-$50 › 866.811.4111 or THE MERCHANT OF VENICE › Wellesley College hosts actors from London Stage in their five-actor adaptation of the Bard’s tragic comedy, starring Nicola Alexis (as Portia, Solanio, Bathazar, Gaoler, Leonardo), Michael Palmer (as Shylock, Old Gobbo, Lorenzo), Henry Everett (as Bassanio, Morocco, Arragon, Duke), Noel White (as Antonio, Gratiano, Tubal, Launcelot), and Alinka Wright (as Nerissa, Jessica, Solario, Stephano). › September 27-29 › Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall, 106 Central St, Wellesley › Free › 781.283.2000 or NOW OR LATER › Christopher Shinn’s new comedy is set on election night; the son of a presidential hopeful sends the campaign team into crisis mode when a handful of controversial college party photos hit the Internet. Michael Wilson directs. › October 12–November 10 › Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $15-$60 › 617.933.8600 or PARADE › Joey DeMita directs Alfred Uhry & Jason Robert Brown’s Tony awardwinning musical about a Jewish factory owner in 1913 Atlanta who has been wrongly accused of murder. Steven Bergman does musical direction. The F.U.D.G.E. Theatre staging stars Adam Schuler. › October 12-20 › Arsenal Center for the Arts, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › $26; $21 students, seniors › 617.945.0773 or RAGTIME: THE MUSICAL › Fiddlehead Theatre Company takes on the Tony-winning musical based on E. L. Doctorow’s novel, set in the turn of the 20th century, that mixes historical fact with sociological fiction. The show, which interweaves stories of three families (one upperclass and white, one black, and one Jewish and just off the boat), has a book by Terrence McNally and score by Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens. Meg Fofonoff directs, with musical direction by Matthew Stern. › September 28–October 7 › Strand Theatre, 543 Columbia Rd, Dorchester › $32-$45 › 617.888.5365 or THE REVENANTS › Mikey DiLoreto directs Scott T. Barsotti’s tragicomedy about two married couples holed up in a basement together, seemingly safe from the zombie apocalypse outside their walls. But two out of four of our heroes have become infected. › October 12-20 › Factory Theatre at the Piano Factory, 791 Tremont St, Boston › $18; $15 students, seniors › 617.817.6600 or SEQUENCE 8 › Shana Carroll and Sébastien Soldevila direct the French Canadian contemporary circus company, Les 7 doigts de la main, in their sixth and newest creation, hosted by ArtsEmerson. The piece blends theater, dance, and acrobatics to tell stories of humanity, courage, and physical limitations. › September 27–October 7 › Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St, Boston › $25-$79 › 617.824.8000 or UNCLE VANYA › Diego Arciniegas stars in the Apollinaire Theatre Company staging of Anton Chekhov’s 1899 play about Russian country life at the turn of the 20th century. Kevin Fennessy co-stars as Telegin, with Kate Paulsen as Elena, Erin Eva Butcher as Sonya, and Ronald Lacey as Astrov. Danielle Fauteux Jacques directs. ›

66 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm/ArTs

October 10–November 4 › Apollinaire Theatre Company, 189 Winnisimmet St, Chelsea › $35 › 617.887.2336 or

noW playing

ART › Salem Theatre Company takes on Yasmina Reza’s famous comedy about a novice art collector who purchases an expensive painting. He believes his two art-savvy friends will be impressed by the piece, but instead his acquisition triggers a huge fight between the three over what constitutes art. Eve Summer directs. › Through October 13 › Salem Theatre Company, 90 Lafayette St, Salem › $25; $20 seniors; $10 students › 978.790.8546 or CELESTIAL CITY › New Life Fine Arts presents David MacAdam’s theatrical adaptation of John Bunyan’s famous allegory, “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” interwoven with pieces of Bunyan’s own biography. David MacAdam directs the staging, for which he also wrote music and lyrics. › Through October 7 › Emerson Umbrella Center for the Arts, 40 Stow St, Concord › $20; $18 students, seniors; $16 children 12 & under › 978.371.0820 or DROP DEAD! › Gordon Ellis directs Acme Theater’s staging of a comedic murder mystery written by William Van Zandt and Jane Millmore. The show is a play-within-a-play; J. Clark Gardner stars as the egomaniacal director who demands that the show must go on, even in light of an ominous dress rehearsal at which an actor and the show’s producer are murdered. › Through October 6 › Acme Theater, 31 Summer St, Maynard › $18; $16 students, seniors › 978.823.0003 or THE FAKUS – A NOIR › Centastage presents Joe Byers’s new play about trust and happenstance, set in 1957 New Jersey. Two men meet and instantly feel a friendship spark between them; shortly after, a mysterious woman shows up with $100,000 and a deal to strike with the lucky pair. Joe Antoun directs. › Through October 6 › Boston Center for the Arts Plaza Theatre, 539 Tremont St, Boston › $21.50-$29.50 › 617.536.5981 or GOOD PEOPLE › Johanna Day stars as single mom Margie Walsh who has just been let go from yet another job and now must find a new way to make ends meet in David Lindsay-Abaire’s contemporary tragicomedy about family and the recession. Kate Whoriskey directs the Huntington Theatre production. › Through October 14 › Boston University Theatre, 264 Huntington Ave, Boston › $30-$95 › 617.266.7900 or › Steve Vineberg’s review page 74. KING LEAR › Trinity Rep joins forces with the acclaimed Dallas Theater Center to stage the Bard’s tragedy of regret. Brian McEleney stars as Lear, under the direction of Kevin Moriarty. › September 13–October 21 › Trinity Repertory Company, 201 Washington St, Providence › $28$34 › 401.351.4242 or THE KITE RUNNER › Matthew Spangler’s stage adaptation of The Kite Runner, in its area premiere by New Rep, is so faithful to Khaled Hosseini’s 2003 bestseller that you might think the novel a religion. Like the book, the theater piece is more exhilarating in its first half than in its overwrought second, but the melodramatic turn is an inherited sin, and Elaine Vaan Hogue’s production proves itself, like Hosseini’s protagonist, absolvable. A bounding, tender Nael Nacer, as a grownup Amir, shadows his arrogant if sensitive childhood self as he interacts with his forceful yet withholding father Baba (Ken Baltin), his loyal Hazara servant/friend Hassan, and the neighborhood bullies. The adult actor Luke Murtha is exquisitely centered yet puppyish as Hassan and later as Hassan’s orphan son. Fahim Hamid captures the surliness, ebullience, and remorse of young Amir. And the makeshift kites, when they appear, held aloft on poles, supply both color and grace. ›


Photo: Jose A Guzman Colon

<< PLAY BY PLAY from p 64

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THe MoTHeRF**KeR WITH THe HAT stephen adly guirgis’s contemporary tragicomedy about trust, addiction, and relationships revolves around baggage, and David R. Gammons’s SpeakEasy Stage production appropriately fills the stage with literal suitcases and boxes of belongings as couples who once lived together threaten to move out for good . . . or maybe not. Evelyn Howe, Jaime Carrillo, Maurice Emmanuel Parent, Melinda Lopez, and Alejandro Simoes make up the strong


cast of five, with Howe and Parent as the two stand-outs. Parent plays Ralph, an oily AA sponsor who has traded in his drinking problem for an addiction to emotional manipulation. Howe plays Ronnie, an unapologetic user and alcohol enthusiast whose charisma has kept her confused, insecure boyfriend Jackie (Jaime Carrillo) coming back to her intermittently since their rocky relationship began at age 13. _maddy myers

Through October 13 :: roberts studio Theatre at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont st, Boston :: $25-$52 :: 617.426.5000 or

Through September 30 › Charles Mosesian Theater, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › $28-$58 › 617.923.8487 or LUMBERJACKS IN LOVE › Stoneham Theatre stages Fred Alley and James Kaplan’s new musical about five lumberjack bachelors who live 200 miles from society . . . and from women. When one of the men accidentally receives a mail-order bride, the group dynamic suddenly changes. Plus, it turns out one of the five men has been a cross-dressing woman all along. Caitlin Lowans directs, and Kelli Edwards choreographs. › September 13-30 › Stoneham Theatre, 395 Main St, Stoneham › $44-$48 › 781.279.2200 or MARIE ANTOINETTE › Dramatist David Adjmi’s new play, in a world premiere copresented by American Repertory Theater and Yale Repertory Theatre, focuses on a well-known representative of the one percent, the Austrianborn child bride of Louis XVI. Marie Antoinette is a mash-up of satire and sympathy, techno and classical, splendor and ash, at the center of which is the famously ice-cream-coiffed proponent of cake. It’s a wild ride toward the chopping block in which the mood darkens as both Marie’s hairdo and her bubble deflate. Adjmi, though he paints Louis as an abstracted boob, does not demonize Marie, whose insular upbringing did not prepare her to be anyone else than, in Brooke Bloom’s feisty rendering, a naïve but not mean-spirited child diva with hints of Lucille Ball and Lady Gaga. Directed by Rebecca Taichman, with bristling choreography by Karole Armitage to cover Marie’s numerous changes of dress, the

staging negotiates the play’s hairpin turns among satire, low comedy, surrealism, and dark-nightof-the-soul before delivering a haunting wake-up call. › Through September 29 › Loeb Drama Center, 64 Brattle St, Cambridge › $25-$55 › 617.547.8300 or THE MIKADO › Spiro Veloudos is at the helm of a handsome and energetic staging of Gilbert and Sullivan’s popular 1885 account of love and near-death in Titipu. The cast of the operetta (with one exception, and he was ailing at the opening performance) is in glorious voice, especially Erica Spyres as a yummy Yum-Yum, Davron S. Monroe as a laid-back Nanki-Poo, and Leigh Barrett as a flame-haired sorceress of a Katisha. Of course, much of The Mikado’s wit lies in its draping of Victorian English politics in Japanese clothing. Among the Lyric’s mischievous additions to this one is some American-election-year referencing, which includes new and quite workable lyrics for a couple of songs. › Through October 13 › Lyric Stage Company of Boston, 140 Clarendon St, Boston › $27-$62 › 617.437.7172 or NO ROOM FOR WISHING › Danny Bryck stars in his one-man play, which was compiled from interviews and live recordings during the occupation of Dewey Square in Fall 2011. Bryck plays dozens of real-life characters in this Company One staging, under Megan Sandberg-Zakian’s direction. › Through October 9 › Black Box Theatre at Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont St, Boston › $25 › 617.933.8600 or THEPHOENIX.COm/ArTs :: 09.28.12 67

Arts & Nightlife :: filM


Rian Johnson — time bandit?

Rian Johnson’s mind-bending Looper it taKes some concentRation to follow a plot where flashbacks are flash-forwards and vice versa. Or both. And sometimes flash-sideways. As a character played by Bruce Willis in Rian Johnson’s gleefully twisted, mordantly comic, and surprisingly affecting sci-fi noir puts it, “Don’t get started on that time-travel bullshit. We’ll be here all day.” And Willis ought to know, having gone through that bullshit already in 12 Monkeys. It begins, sort of, in the year 2047 in some retro city dominated by a ruthless crime lord (Jeff Daniels). Time travel, as the protagonist Joe Simmons (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) explains in voiceover, has not yet been invented in 2047, but it has been by 2077, and the mob has a monopoly on it. They use it to transport undesirables back to 2047 to be whacked by hit men of that era, called “loopers.” Maybe that’s what happened to Jimmy Hoffa. Joe Simmons is a looper. He’s well paid in silver, like Judas. But there’s a catch. To tie up loose ends, the mob terminates the loopers after 30 years. This is called “closing the loop.” Ironically, the looper who does this job is the younger version of the victim. In

other words, you end up killing yourself. But with a guarantee of 30 years of employment in the tough economic times of the future, it’s not a bad deal. In that future, everyone ends up looking like Bruce Willis. Also, all the cars are vintage gas guzzlers and pickup trucks. With these and other details, Johnson creates a vivid dystopia exuding dread and squalor. More important, he evokes existential and metaphysical terror. Philip K. Dick and Jorge Luis Borges would have fun with his premise, though it has some holes. (Why would the mob only use time travel to dispose of bodies? What about betting on the Super Bowl?) The myth of the double, the primal scene, the eternal return — it gives you a stomach ache. But Johnson doesn’t settle for the philosophical; he revels in cinema allusions: in addition to 12 Monkeys and La Jetée, there’s The Terminator (the main female character’s name, played by a plucky Emily Blunt, is Sara), Memento, Angel Heart. . . . So is it derivative? Not really; just a reminder that cinema, like history, is on a continuous loop, forever repeating itself. _PeteR Keough

HE IS A STRANGE LOOP :: Read the director’s-cut version of our interview with Rian Johnson online at


There’s nothing new under the sun, and that seems to apply also to time-travel movies. Rian Johnson, director of the highly allusive Looper, cheerfully admits as much. “I’d be a fool not to look at the ones that worked and see how they pulled it off,” he said when I interviewed him over the phone. So casting Bruce Willis of +++ 12 Monkeys Looper was not a DIRECTED AND coincidence? WRITTEN BY RIAN JOHNSON Or naming the :: WITH BRUCE heroine “Sara”? WILLIS, JOSEPH “12 Monkeys, GORDON-LEVITT, sure,” he said. EMILY BLUNT, PAUL DANO, AND “And actually, JEFF DANIELS :: partway into SONY PICTURES production, I re:: 118 MINUTES alized, oh wow, AT BOSTON it’s Sarah ConCOMMON + nor [from The FENWAY + Terminator]. It CHESNUT HILL + was probably SUBURBS just an unconscious thing. Had I caught it sooner I might have changed it. I didn’t want it to be distracting.” And the look of the film, is it drawn in part from Blade Runner? “Well, sort of,” he said. “I didn’t want it to feel like an homage to other films, so I took each design decision step-by-step and tailored it to the needs of the story. The world that we created is a dystopian one, and it’s one where there’s no middle class, and it’s a very dangerous world if you don’t have your pile of riches. That’s why Joe’s character [Joseph Gordon-Levitt] started living in a very self-serving place.” He added: “A bit like Bogart in the beginning of Casablanca.” _PK

opening ths week

+1/2 BACKWARDS › In the press notes, writer/ lead actress Sarah Megan Thomas describes her film as “unabashedly mainstream.” She isn’t joking. Backwards, about a 30-year-old woman dealing with an existential crisis after missing her chance to make the Olympic rowing team, hints at interesting ideas. But Thomas, as if this were a master class in lazy writing, ignores the human drama; instead she strings together well-worn subplots about cold-hearted moms who hide real concern behind snark and inspirational high school coaches who end up learning from their kids. Director Ben Hickernell’s moments of visual prowess are derailed by montage-heavy editing, a cheap budget (the prom looks like it’s taking place in someone’s house), and a third act twist that turns every character into a self-centered asshole. Even James Van Der Beek, so natural as a high school athletic director that you can’t help but wonder if he’s actually spent time in that job, can’t save this film from drowning. › 89m › Boston Common + suburbs _Jake mulligan +++ DIANA VREELAND: THE EYE HAS TO TRAVEL › Legendary Harper’s Bazaar fashion editor Diana Vreeland (1903-1989) was the inspiration for both the Maggie Prescott character in 1957’s Funny Face and Miss Maxwell in 1966’s Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? Now, courtesy of her grandson’s wife, Lisa Immordino Vreeland, she gets to be the star of her own film, a documentary filled with what the icon once termed “faction.” Six years before her death, Vreeland asked George Plimpton to help write her memoirs. Much of Vreeland’s dialogue presented in this entertaining bit of hagiography comes from recordings made with Plimpton in her living room, a space she called “a garden in hell.” Judging from the yarns she spins, that hothouse was a sinfully good place to be a fly on the wall. One of this film’s many talking heads, writer Reinaldo Herrera, opines that “she was never a very beautiful woman, but she created beauty.” Not bad for a gal whose own mother called her “my ugly little monster.” › 86m › Kendall Square _brett michel – HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA › Genndy Tartakovsky’s crummy cartoon would suck under any circumstances, but its inadequacies are particularly glaring when it comes out the week before Tim Burton’s macabre gem, Frankenweenie. Any film that has a poop, a fart, and two pee jokes during the opening credits is in trouble, especially with Adam Sandler in the cast. He voices the character of Count Chocula, sorry, I mean Dracula, who has built the title resort for monsters seeking refuge from humans. But his daughter Mavis (Selena Gomez) wants to venture outside, something the overprotective Count dreads. Enter Jonathan (Andy Samberg), a backpacking dolt who quickly proves Dracula’s point that humans are worse than monsters, or at least more annoying. Tasteless and sentimental, yet unfunny and offensive (instead of do not disturb signs the doorknobs are hung with shrunken heads that talk in Amos and Andy voices), this is one film you don’t want to take the kids to. Especially when paying extra bucks for the worst 3D of the year. › 90m › Boston Common + Fenway + Chestnut Hill + suburbs _Peter Keough + HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET › A project that’s been around the block, Mark Tonderai’s horror thriller was slated to go into production nearly a decade ago, with Jonathan Mostow (Breakdown) attached to direct. Didn’t happen. Mostow does receive a story credit on the end result, while actual scripting duties fell to David Loucka, who’s making quite the career of writing movies featuring secret-holding houses and utterly absurd 11th-hour twists (see also: Dream House). Here, recently divorced Sarah (Elisabeth Shue) and her daughter Elissa (The

Hunger Games’s Jennifer Lawrence) move into the house of their dreams in a rural, upscale Pennsylvania burg. How can a single mom on a small-town nurse’s salary afford such a spacious home? Property values have taken a hit since a girl murdered her parents in the house next door, leaving a brother (Max Thieriot) as the sole(?) survivor. “I think this place is gonna be good for us,” Sarah says to Elissa. Nope. . . not for any of us. › 101m › Boston Common + Fenway Somerville + Fresh Pond + suburbs _brett michel


Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

++1/2 LIBERAL ARTS › Multi-hyphenate Josh Radnor (star of How I Met Your Mother; he writes, stars, and directs here) has undeniable talent behind the camera. But his films — first the obnoxiously titled Happythankyoumoreplease, and now this sophomore effort — are hobbled by his own humorless performances. He stars as Jesse, a brooding thirtysomething carrying around a mid-life crisis caused by a trip to his alma matter in Ohio and seemingly cured by a Manic Pixie Dream Girl played by Elizabeth Olsen (she teaches him about the healing power of hugs, and how Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos are “no joke”). The script is strong, slowly revealing surprises that subvert the aforementioned clichés. And as a director, for better or worse, Radnor steals a lot from Woody Allen (particularly Manhattan) — long takes with smooth camerawork, firstperson voiceover, an interest in neurotic men’s fascination with younger women, even the use of cityscape montages set to classical music. If only he could replicate the wit. › 97m › Kendall Square + West Newton _Jake mulligan +++ THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER › “Just smile and be yourself,” advises Charlie’s naïve dad. “That’s how you make friends in the real world.” Ah, but high school in Pittsburgh in the early ’90s might not be the best introduction to the future “real world” for an incoming freshman, especially when smiling can get you a punch to the jaw — if anyone noticed you, that is. When Charlie (Percy Jackson’s Logan Lerman) finally does make friends, he’s welcomed into the “Island of Misfit Toys” by senior crush Sam (Harry Potter’s Emma Watson) and her stepbrother Patrick (We Need To Talk About Kevin’s talented Ezra Miller), who’s known around campus as “Nothing,” which is more than something to a nobody like Charlie. Adapted by director Stephen Chbosky from his own novel, this sweet coming-of-age story is populated by actors who are slightly older than the characters they’re playing, with period detail that’s a bit lacking, but that shouldn’t distract you from a universal tale of growing up as an outsider. › 103m › Kendall Square _brett michel ++ STARS IN SHORTS › There are big names galore in this amalgam of short films — Judi Dench, Colin Firth, Keira Knightley, Kenneth Branagh, etc. — and the celebs are having a holiday good time, even when the stories aren’t particularly distinguished. Branagh is a nefarious cultist after children’s souls in an overcooked sci-fi tale, and Dench is a old Brit bird discovering computer dating and a choirmaster: low-level Barbara Pym with social networking. Firth unravels with aplomb as Knightley’s batty downstairs neighbor, and Lily Tomlin is genuinely funny as an impatient dowager stuck in a funeral line. The only challenging stuff emanates from the always impolitic Neil Labute. He directs one short about a guy’s talky mistress (Julia Stiles) and silent wife meeting for lunch, an overt updating of August Strindberg’s The Stronger. Best of show is a three-hander, also from Labute, involving a divorced guy, a female teacher (Sarah Paulson), and a too-precocious boy — it has a wallop of a gross-out ending. › 113m › Kendall Square + West Newton _gerald Peary

>> opeNING THIS WeeK on p 70



STARTS fRiDAY, SepTembeR 28




Arts & Nightlife :: filM << opeNING THIS WeeK from p 69

+++ 10 YEARS › No one has had a better year than Channing Tatum. And in Jamie Linden’s high-school reunion picture 10 Years, where his charisma and natural likeability work as the glue holding together about 20 major characters, it becomes clear why. Sure, some of the reunion’s subplots — like Aubrey Plaza as a newlywed troubled by the revelation of her man’s past as a “wigger” — are expendable, but all the pieces coalesce into a worthwhile whole. This is a “hang-out” movie — at its worst when it attempts high drama and at its best when it strands a group of characters in a room to bullshit for the camera (better than the various romantic overtures are scenes of Tatum, Oscar Isaac, and Anthony Mackie smoking weed in their cars). It’s the people, not the plot, that win us over. This could have ended up feeling like a B-list New Year’s Eve, but it’s more like Dazed and Confused: Ten Years Later. For such a film, there’s no greater compliment, and for Tatum, no better proof of his stardom. › 100m › Boston Common + suburbs _Jake mulligan

from ROBERT E. HOWARD, creator of conan

james purefoy







“DIANA VREELAND CHANGED THE THUR 9.27 3-8125x5 SP all.sol-3-8125x5.0927.bp










2col (3.812”) x 5”

FRI 9/28

+ VULGARIA › “Your attention please,” announces a voiceover at the start of the new movie from Pang Ho-Cheung. “This film has been classified as vulgar comedy. It contains high amounts of coarse language, adult themes, political incorrectness, discrimination, and sexual situations. . . any persons who are unable to accept these themes will be granted 10 seconds of screen time to leave the cinema.” I’ll save you the time. This limp look inside the life of a fifth-rate film producer, To (Chapman To), jumps on the bandwagon of Hangover-inspired hijinks, focusing on a remake of a classic pornographic film starring a sexagenarian ex-starlet (Shaw Yin Yin, playing herself). Only, it fails to produce any humor — or even any skin. “If any persons develop symptoms of emotional distress, illness, unhappiness, or erectile dysfunction,” the voiceover concludes, “the film and the cinema would like to make clear that it’s none of our fucking problem!” It shouldn’t be your problem, either. › Cantonese › 92m › Boston Common _brett michel

now playing

+++ BIG FISH › 2003 › In this adaptation of the novel by Daniel Wallace, Tim Burton looks death in the eye and vindicates the creative impulse that is its adversary. The title big fish is an eight-foot-long whiskered beast lurking in the local creek (the start of the water motif that almost sinks the film) that got away, and the story of how that happened is repeated by sixtysomething Alabaman Edward Bloom (Albert Finney). Burton’s realizations of Bloom’s tall tales bifurcate and entwine like the narratives themselves, his creepy production design and uncanny imagery darkening the soft edges of the film’s magical realism. The end of the tale might bring a tear, but more important, it will bring a chill. › 120m › Connolly Branch Library: Mon DOWNEAST › 2012 › Documentary following the transformation of the Stinson Cannery, the last sardine factory in the US, into a lobster processing plant. When the Gouldsboro, Maine, cannery folded, leaving hundreds unemployed, Italian immigrant Antonio Bussone took on the transformation, risking his personal fortune in the venture. David Redmon and Ashley Sabin direct. › 76m › MFA: Wed-Thurs +++ FINDING NEMO 3D › 2003 › With this fish tale about family ties, director Andrew Stanton and the animation brain trust at Pixar do it again. When Marlin (Albert Brooks), Nemo’s widowed father, sets off to retrieve his lost son, he forms an unlikely alliance with a batty blue tang fish (Ellen DeGeneres). You know exactly how this one ends; yet getting there

is such an enjoyable delight. › 101m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Arlington Capitol + suburbs FLOCONS D’OR › 1976 › Weaving together four stories concerning erotic obsession, Flocons d’or utilizes a different visual and narrative style for each tale: period piece, poetic realism, trance film, and melodrama. From experimental German director Werner Schroeter. › French + Spanish + German › 160m › HFA: Sun THE IPCRESS FILE › 1965 › After a number of Western scientists turn up brainwashed, the British send secret agent Harry Palmer (Michael Caine) to investigate the situation. Sidney J. Furie directs. › 109m › Brattle: Thurs ++1/2 IT IS NO DREAM: THE LIFE OF MACBETH › 1970 › Adapted for German television, director Werner Schroeter’s heartily abridged version of Shakespeare’s play runs an hour’s length and is staged on a single highly theatrical set. With Annette Tirier, Susi, and Stefan van Haugk. › German › 60m › HFA: Mon MALINA › 1991 › Isabelle Huppert stars as an unnamed writer in this adaptation of a Ingeborg Bachmann novel by director Werner Schroeter. As an escape from the comfortable confines of her everyday life, the woman takes up an affair with another man. As her new love becomes an obsession, she’s haunted by visions of a violent older man, who may be her father. › French › 120m › HFA: Sat ++++ THE MASTER › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 137m › Boston Common + Fenway + Kendall Square + Coolidge Corner + Embassy ++++ MOONRISE KINGDOM › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 94m › Kendall Square + Embassy OUR MAN IN HAVANA › 1959 › James Wormold (Alec Guinness) is just an ordinary vacuum cleaner salesman living in prerevolutionary Cuba. At least until he’s recruited by the British Secret Service. Carol Reed directs. › b&w › 111m › Brattle: Wed +++ THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLES › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 100m › West Newton THE ROSE KING [DER ROSENKÖNIG] › 1984 › A middle-aged woman and her adult son form the crux of this musical drama from German director Werner Schroeter. The son has two primary points of worship: roses and a handsome young man he keeps in the barn of their ramshackle farm. Things take a turn toward problematic as the son’s rituals grow increasingly sadomasochistic. › German + Italian + Portuguese + Spanish › 106m › HFA: Fri ++1/2 ROMEO AND JULIET › 1967 › Franco Zeffirelli turns Shakespeare’s tragedy into a tearjerker that’s entertaining but very schmaltzy, right down to Nino Rota’s overheated score. › 138m › ArtsEmerson: Sat ROSENCRANTZ & GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD › 1990 › Gary Oldman and Tim Roth star as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two relatively minor characters from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, given lead duties here as they follow King’s orders to figure out what’s troubling Hamlet. Tom Stoppard directs this adaptation of his own absurdist stageplay. › 117m › ArtsEmerson: Sat SALOME › 1970 › This adaptation of the Oscar Wilde play of the same name from German director Werner Schroeter plays like a straightforward staging, even using actors from Schroeter’s stock company, to tell the Biblical story of Salome. › German › 80m › HFA: Mon +++ SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE › 1998 › John Madden’s film is set in London in the ’90s — the 1590s, where hot new playwright William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) is torturing himself over his latest work and falling in love with the unapproachable Lady Viola de Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow).. › 122m › ArtsEmerson: Fri SLEEPAWAY CAMP › 1983 › Left in a slightly disturbed state of shock following the death of her family, Angela (Felissa Rose) is sent away to summer camp alongside her overprotective cousin Ricky (Jonathan

Tiersten). Soon after their arrival though, things start going horribly wrong as the campers lacking clean-cut morals begin getting picked off by a murderous psychopath one-by-one. Robert Hiltzik directs. › 88m › Coolidge Corner: Fri-Sat midnight +++ SLEEPWALK WITH ME › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 90m › Kendall Square + Coolidge Corner + West Newton THE SMILING STAR [DER LACHENDE STERN] › 1983 › Set during the 1983 Manila Film Festival, director Werner Schroeter’s documentary attempts to shine a light on the disparity prevalent between the pomp and circumstance surrounding the festival and the abject poverty amongst the city’s permanent inhabitants. › German + English + Tagalog + Spanish › 110m › HFA: Fri ++++ STAGE BEAUTY › 2004 › Based on Jeffrey Hatcher’s stage play, Richard Eyre’s film lives up to its terrific subject: the moment in English theatrical history when women were finally permitted to act on the professional stage. With Rupert Everett, Billy Crudup, and Claire Danes. › 110m › ArtsEmerson: Fri + 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU › 1999 › Loosely based on The Taming of the Shrew, 10 Things I Hate About You is a good-hearted movie filled with cute actors, a superficial love for Shakespeare, and a Saved by the Bell–type high school. You can’t complain about the plot, but the dialogue is painfully witless, and there are more supposedly dramatic moments when a girl slams a door than should be legal in a 90-minute film. › 97m › ArtsEmerson: Sun +++1/2 TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY › 2011 › For director Tomas Alfredson, this adaptation of the John le Carré spy novel is a period piece, and as he did in Let the Right One In, he re-creates the ’70s without nostalgia but with all its pervasive ennui and disillusionment. In this grimy, oppressive setting Alfredson unfolds le Carré’s complex tale with cold efficiency, though it might be rough going for those who have not read the book. › 127m › Brattle: Wed ++++ VERTIGO › 1958 › In Alfred Hitchcock’s mesmerizing romantic thriller, James Stewart plays a retired San Francisco police detective with a paralyzing fear of heights engaged to follow a beautiful woman (Kim Novak) who believes she’s the reincarnation of her great-grandmother. › b&w › 129m › Brattle: Fri-Sun WAR › 2004 › For this film — either a documentary or a post-apocalyptic fantasy, depending on your point of view — director Jake Mahaffy spent four years following three rural Pennsylvanian residents using only a small, black-and-white, hand-crank camera during his undertaking. › b&w › 84m › MFA: Fri +++ THE WELL DIGGER’S DAUGHTER › 2011 › Visit for a full review. › 107m › West Newton WILLOW SPRINGS › 1972 › Echoes of the Manson family murders underlie this effort from director Werner Schroeter in which three women living in a secluded backwater California desert town terrorize strangers who wander by and partake in cult-like rites of passage. › English + German › 78m › HFA: Sat WON’T BACK DOWN › 2012 › Two mothers (Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis) are determined to change the failing nature of their children’s inner city school. Along their mission, they’re thwarted by at every turn by the entrenched bureaucratic powers that be. Daniel Barnz directs. › 119m › Boston Common + suburbs YOU’VE BEEN TRUMPED › 2012 › Documentary focused on the efforts of a collective of Scottish homeowners protecting their land from Donald Trump after the celebrity tycoon bought up one of the country’s last remaining wildlife refuges to build a golf course. Anthony Baxter directs. › 98m › MFA: Fri-Sun

phX piCks ›› Can’t Miss 15th AnnuAl MAnhAttAn FilM FestivAl True, there’s a presidential election coming up, but here’s a chance to vote for something really important. From September 28 to October 4, the 15th Annual Manhattan Film Festival will be screening its 10 finalists in 300 theaters in cities worldwide, our own Coolidge Corner Theatre included, inviting viewers to cast ballots for their favorite. Make your vote count! coolidge corner theatre, 290 harvard ave, brookline :: 1 + 4 + 7 + 9:30 pm :: call for price info :: 617.734.2501 or FRI 28

tAlK CineMA: the ORAnGes Phoenix film editor Peter Keough talks the talk at Talk Cinema, hosting a screening of Julian Farino’s upcoming romantic comedy, The Oranges, a comedy about the fallout from a May/December romance. Watch the movie and air your opinions. coolidge corner theatre, 290 harvard ave, brookline :: 10 am :: $20; $10 students :: 617.734.2501 or SUN 30


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THE BEST MOVIE I’VE SEEN ALL YEAR! thur 9.27 3-8125x4.5 all.sis-3-8125x4-5.0927.bp



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Arts & Nightlife :: music

WFNX » What’s F’N NeXt?

m live ! R see the OLO DOVE + C

E NIKI & TH RIgHTON MusIC :: B CHANNEL BRIgHTON AVE, HALL, 158 BER 29 :: sEpTEM ALLsTON :: 18+ :: $12 :: @ 8 pM 0 OR 617.779.014 usIC NM BRIgHTO M HALL.CO

Niki aNd the dOve, StOckhOlm, SwedeN

all the near-perfect things to emerge out of Sweden over the past few Othefdecades, from IKEA’s meatballs to Peter Forsberg’s playoff beard, perhaps country’s most impressive import has been electro-pop. Icona Pop may

have ruled the Scandinavian summer with a neon-coated dance-floor assault of big beats and glossy production, but Niki & the Dove have added a bit of mystical enchantment to the crowded pop landscape. More Zola Jesus or Florence + the Machine than Robyn or Alina Devecerski, the duo of vocalist Malin Dahlström and producer Gustaf Karlöff are a bit of an odd shape, not only in Sweden but in the global electronic music landscape. “I don’t know if we fit in, but that’s not a goal of ours, either,” says Dahlström by phone as the Niki & the Dove tour van crosses the state line into Alabama. “We’ve not ever made music that fits in anywhere.” The band formed in 2010 after Dahlström wrote the purring single “DJ Ease My Mind” and asked longtime friend Karlöff to produce it. Their debut 72 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/musIc

disc, Instinct (Sub Pop), released in May, is more like romping through a colorful forest at sunrise than traversing a nightclub at last call. And Dahlström has a mean Stevie Nicks thing going on vocally. “Me and Gustaf, we love pop music and our aim is to make the best pop music we could ever make, but we also have to make experimental sounds,” she explains in her thick Swedish accent. “What’s so good about Niki is that we both have the same vision of what we want to accomplish artistically. The best pop music has a depth to it.” Just don’t ask Dahlström for an explanation of the band’s moniker. “If you talk too much about something, you empty its meaning, and eventually it means nothing to you,” she says with a laugh. “Some things are better as a mystery.” _MICHAEL MAROTTA

photo by Eliot hazEl

listen live at


Arts & Nightlife :: music


The Corin TuCker Band leT iT rip on a reCenT Sunday nighT at Cleveland’s Grog Shop, a small but devoted crowd shimmied enthusiastically as the Corin Tucker Band ripped through most of their new album, Kill My Blues (Kill Rock Stars). If the quartet was disheartened by the turnout, it didn’t let on. The band — vocalist/guitarist Tucker, guitarist Seth Lorinczi, drummer Sara Lund, and bassist/keyboardist Mike Clark — pogoed through a high-energy set which touched on diverse styles: ragged fuzzrock (“Summer Jams”), buzzing dance-punk (“Groundhog Day”), keyboard-driven garage-pop (“Constance”), and simmering neo-disco (“Neskowin”). Yet what stands out about Kill My Blues’s songs — both live and on record — is their velocity. This fluid movement arises partly from Lund and Clark’s chemistry, Tucker noted via phone a few weeks before the show. “They have clicked into this really solid organism of the drums and the bass,” she laughs. But what also contributes to the disc’s lively sound is that Kill My Blues was more of a full-band effort than the Corin Tucker Band’s 2010 debut, 1,000 Years. “We have a group of really talented people, but everyone has different strengths,” Tucker says. “With ‘Neskowin,’ I had the verse and the chorus. But when we put that song on in the practice space, everyone [started] jamming on it. Suddenly, we had this disco part in it. We


were like, ‘What is happening?’ Seth was, like, to Sara, ‘Really go for the disco beat.’ The nice thing about being a little bit older and playing music together is that you can ask people to try and step out of their comfort zone a bit.” Tucker, too, seems more willing to explore different styles. At the Grog Shop, her controlled, shrieking yelp cut through the music like jagged glass — just as it did in her Sleater-Kinney days. But she dipped into a velvety, bluesy coo on a few songs, and went coquettish newwaver on a cover of Blondie’s “Atomic.” This light-dark juxtaposition also drives Kill My Blues’s lyrics. “There’s a lot going on in this record,” Tucker says. “The whole band has gotten to this really fun place; we’ve written these songs and gotten into this dance-y, upbeat place. And I feel like I’m in a really confident, happy place in my life. But I think the record is about the journey to get there. “In the past few years, I’ve had to say goodbye to some really important people in my life. [And] there’s a lot of frustrating things in terms of the politics that are going on this year, which also definitely played a role. This record is taking stock of where I’m at as a person — and mostly being really happy about it. But there are some markers of what’s been happening in the past few years.” _annie ZaleSki

CORIN TUCKER BAND + VERSUS + SPEEDY ORTIZ :: T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline Ave, Cambridge :: September 28 @ 8:30 pm :: 18+ :: $16 :: 617.492.0082 or

74 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm/mUSIC

Nevermind the impending apocalypse — 2012 has brought nothing but new beginnings for Swedish folk sister-duo First Aid Kit. Johanna and Klara Söderberg released The Lion’s Roar (Wichita), their official US debut, in January, and by summer they were harmonizing alongside Conor Oberst at the Newport Folk Festival. Now they’ve just embarked on a tour that will last through New Year’s Eve and take them from Chicago to Helsinki to Australia’s Great Ocean Road. The album’s title track has been the catalyst to First Aid Kit’s banner year — but the sisters are ready for their next pursuit. “ ‘The Lion’s Roar’ is a defining song for us,” says Klara. “We were tapping into something darker than what we’ve done before, and it’s a song we’ve probably played a thousand times live. We had our honeymoon period with the record, but we had to move on from that and make something better and different.” Adds Johanna: “The craziest thing is, we FIRST AID keep meeting KIT + DYLAN our idols — Patti Smith, Jack LEBLANC White, Paul Royale, 279 Simon. Their Tremont St, approval hasn’t Boston made us more September 28 cocky, but con@ 6 pm. fident. We just know more of All ages what we want $23 to do musically, and I think we’ll 617.866.8933 or take away a boweryboston. com lot from our experiences on the road.” First Aid Kit’s victory lap of never-ending tour dates will spill over into 2013 as well, meaning the Söderberg sisters should have an even bigger year on the horizon. _hilary hugheS


The folk roar of firST aid kiT

Arts & Nightlife :: bostoN AcceNts

cellArs by stArlight


Bands looking to Create a Buzz should take note of Caspian. The Beverly post-rock sextet wanted to do something epic to surprise their fans, so they held a listening party in late August at T.T. the Bear’s Place for their new record, Waking Season, promising nothing more than “a few surprises.” These types of events usually mean a T-shirt giveaway, maybe an open bar for the duration of the record — whatever. But Caspian consider that stuff duck soup, and brought down their gear under the wink-and-a-nod reasoning of “in case the CD player breaks.” The equipment worked just fine, but there was another machination in the works: Caspian stormed the stage and performed a shocker of a set that left those in attendance blown away. “That was an amazing night,” guitarist Phil Jamieson says over the phone in the midst of a six-hour drive from Indiana to Michigan. “It felt like a wedding or something, it was incredible. We thought it would be cool to have a listening party, get some people together, and hear the record over the stereo, and then do a surprise performance. To present it to those people for the first time was really special to us.” Jamieson says the experience “put gas in the tank” for the instrumental band’s lengthy road jaunt that kicked off mid-September with Minus the Bear and has them stopping at Royale tonight (Thursday) be-


fore heading over to Europe through late November and then breaking for the holidays. “The reaction from people and support we felt . . . it was really humbling and overwhelming, man. It was exactly what we needed to inspire us for what we’re about to do in terms of campaigning nonstop for this record.” Waking Season, Caspian’s third full-length and first off Triple Crown Records, is a staggeringly good album, probably the best the genre has seen since Mogwai got loose with Mr Beast six years ago. It pushes the boundaries of sound, taking the familiar inroads of the sublime and ethereal (“Akiko”), while at the same time daring to reach for crushing, almost metal-like crescendos (“Fire Made Flesh”). “We were completely consumed with inspiration,” Jamieson says. “We felt like we were pushing the band in a direction that we had wanted to take the band into, and it all sort of coalesced into this idea of awakening into a new era, a new season for our band. We’ve been through some storms, we’ve spent a lot of time on the road, and it can definitely be emotionally and physically exhausting. When you get spit out on the other side of an experience like that, which we were, it fills you with a lot of selfreflection and you want your music to properly communicate all of the things you’re experiencing.”


graB the Mix at thephoenix.CoM/ onthedownload. • Night Fruit ,“Human Touch” [09.29 @ O’Brien’s] • Color Channel ,“Get To Know the Person Next To You” [09.29 @ Brighton Music Hall] • Qualms, “Thousands” [as Orca Orca 10.04 @ T.T. The Bear’s] • The xx, “Angels” (Case & Point bootleg) [10.25 @ House of Blues]

_MiChael Marotta

_MiChael Christopher

CASPIAN + MINUS THE BEAR + CURSIVE :: Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston :: September 27 @ 7 pm :: 16+ :: $10 :: 617.866.8933 or

Night Fruit


the sound quality of Caspian

Cambridge dream-pop trio NIGHT FRUIT are back in action with “Human Touch,” an icy, detached single off their upcoming 2013 fulllength. Live dance-party machine COLOR CHANNEL throw down a groove-starter perfect for doing a bit of street strutting. Easton electronic-pop duo QUALMS features two dudes from Orca Orca’s live band, but here swirl around a synthpop sparkle . After remixing Icona Pop and Radiohead, electro production duo CASE & POINT take the xx’s hushrock and reboot it as a big-room dance-floor banger.


Arts & Nightlife :: Music

album Reviews

MO WANT Re Re ALB Che V I eW U M C reC k out S? en m at t t rele ore he as Co m P h o e n e s ix /m u siC .

DARK DARK DARK , Who Needs Who

+++ Supply and Demand » Back in 2010, the loosely Minneapolis-based quirk-folk jamboree Dark Dark Dark wrote songs that felt like they were about being outside (even if they weren’t). That isn’t to say they were usually upbeat, but optimism hovered on the periphery. Anyone who thinks a rock group featuring piano, accordion, cello, horns, and hardly any guitars can work would have to be an optimist. But an exploded bandcestuous romance led frontwoman Nona Marie Invie to concern herself with unpleasant matters of the inside on Who Needs Who. The characters in the smoky slow burner “It’s a Secret” attempt and fail to turn one of life’s question marks of doom into a period; the piano chords that open the title track sound arranged by someone watching raindrops silently splatter against a window. But then, art-pop triumph “Tell Me” puts it all over the top as the zenith of Triple D’s young career. That’s something to be optimistic about. _Barry Thompson Dark Dark Dark + Emily Wells :: Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston :: October 9 @ 9 pm :: 18+ :: $15 :: 617.566.9014 or

DUM DUM GIRLS, eNd of daze

MUMFORD & SONS, BaBel ++ Glassnote » Three years ago, London folk-rock quartet Mumford & Sons blew up in a major way with “The Cave,” an angst-fueled, Grammy-nominated strummer built on quiet-loud dynamics, Country Marshall’s propulsive banjo, and Marcus Mumford’s gruff bellow, which churned like a locomotive in free fall. Perhaps a tad overwrought, but also pretty tough not to love, that track established a blueprint for the “West London Folk” revival that blossomed around the decade’s turn. Problem is, Mumford & Sons have re-written “The Cave” — with very minor embellishments — about 25 times. Babel, the band’s sophomore album, doesn’t fuck with the formula one bit, offering 12 more trademark tracks blending snotty punk aggression with bluegrass instrumentation and spiritual, MFA-hopeful lyric strain. Taken in bits and pieces, it’s still nearly impossible not to be moved by the bombast, even if the catharsis feels inevitable, not earned. “I stretch my arms into the sky,” Mumford sings on the title track in a full-throated rage — like a man desperately in need of a lozenge — as acoustic guitars and banjos push the tension past the breaking point. On the bluegrass shuffle of “I Will Wait,” the quartet’s glowing back-porch harmonies build into a massive, staggering wall of sound. Elsewhere, there are bits and pieces of color contrast (the tense piano on “Whispers in the Dark,” brass interjections on “Holland Road”); but as a whole, Babel is frustratingly monochromatic and laughably precious (sample lyric from “Hopeless Wanderer:” “I was still, but I was under your spell/When I was told by Jesus all was well/So all must be well”). Individually, these songs pack an emotional wallop, performed with a passion that is rare in today’s indie-rock scene of disconnected cool. But taken as a giant lump, they’re exhausting dead ends: 12 straight climaxes cancel each other out — and Babel could use a little rising action. _ryan reeD

New This week Out Tuesday, 10.02 b y miC Ha el ma RO T Ta

Boys Noize out of The Black [Boys Noize Records] Berlin DJ/producer Alexander Ridha’s third disc of robotechno bludgeoning.

76 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COM/MuSIC

Muse The 2nd law [Warner] They’ll never top the epic brilliance of “Plug In Baby,” but that doesn’t mean they won’t try.

++1/2 Sub Pop » More than an artistic evolution, End of Daze is a stylistic one. Dum Dum producer Richard Gottehrer returns to expand on the fullness he brought to the band’s last record, 2011’s Only in Dreams. It’s a direction that feels even more natural and sensible in this second effort, and it’s exactly where the band belongs: a cavern filled with the kind of ’60s reverb that fits their gloom-jams. Lyrically, though, it’s a less than fun listen. The energetic sorrow that made Dreams great has fizzled (the daze has ended). Frontwoman Dee Dee is burnt out, alone, and tired of explaining herself. Those aren’t ideal conditions for songwriting. The album’s listlessness — when compared to the blisteringly restless heartbreak/firecracker of Dreams — is kind of a bummer. Best call Daze a transition, love it for what it is (a sonic move forward), and hope Dee Dee doesn’t mean it when she proclaims, “I’ve got nothing/ Left to say/From this day on.” _Devon s. maloney Dum Dum Girls + Bent + Shapes + Velah :: Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston :: October 21 @ 8 pm :: $15 :: 617.779.0140 or

Matt & Kim lightning [Fader] Do you know how nice these two are? They are so nice.

The Vaccines Coming of age [Columbia] The follow-up to one of the unlikeliest garage-punk success stories of 2011.

Scullers NEW PHX Sept 28_Scullers PH

Arts & Nightlife :: Music


BEN SCHWENDENER + KENWOOD DENNARD + DANIEL DAY › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 BOBBY KEYES › 9:30 am › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or CLAIRE RITTER & FRIENDS › 7:30 pm › Multicultural Arts Center, 41 Second Street, Cambridge › $15-$20 › 617.577.1400 or DAVID J + ADRIAN H & THE WOUNDS + DO NOT FORSAKE ME OH MY DARLING + AUDIBLE CRAYONS + DJ MATTHEW GRIFFIN › 8 pm › Cantab Lounge Downstairs, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.354.2685 or THE DOG PATCH RAMBLERS + MAN ALIVE! › 9:30 pm › Middle East Corner, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 or ERIC ANDERSEN › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $28-$30 › 617.492.7679 or THE ERVIN DHIMO TRIO › 8:30 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 ›

617.876.9330 or HANGGAI › 7:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $25 › 617.776.2004 or HIROMI + STANLEY CLARKE › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $40 › 617.783.0090 or JAG + BIG GHOST + THE MINOR THREE › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 JAMES MERENDA & TICKLE JUICE › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.0860 or KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD + THE ROBERT CRAY BAND › 7:30 pm › Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston › $47.50 › 617.248.9700 or LANGHORNE SLIM AND THE LAW + RIVER CITY EXTENSION › 7 pm › Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton › $12.50-$15 › 413.586.8686 or LAUREN MANN & THE FAIRLY ODD FOLK + CHAPARRALS › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864. EAST or LINDSEY STIRLING › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $15 › 617.747.6038 or MARC RIBOT + MOSTLY OTHER PEOPLE DO THE KILLING › 7:30 pm › Institute


of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave, Boston › $10-$20 › 617.478.3100 or MELODY GARDOT › 8 pm › Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › $36$46 › 617.266.7455 MINUS THE BEAR + CURSIVE + CASPIAN › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $25 › 617.338.7699 or MR CURT ENSEMBLE › 7:30 pm › Amazing Things Arts Center, 160 Hollis St, Framingham › $5-$6 › 508.405.2787 or NICE GUYS + BUGS AND RATS + SKIMASK + USELESS EATERS › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.566.9014 or

>> live music on p 78





43 Years Of Great Music Thu 9/27 Rock fRom mongolia WoRldmusic/cRashaRTs pResenTs


fRi 9/28 7:30pm celTic/BluegRass

The hiRed men

10pm gRaTeful dead TRiBuTe

PHX PICKS >> CAN’t MISS •DANNY BROWN They don’t call him the Adderol Admiral for nothing. For the fourth time 28 in 12 months Brown returns to town on his relentless grind, this time alongside close contemporaries A$AP Rocky and Schoolboy Q. House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston :: 8 pm :: $23-$35 ::


• SOCCER MOM The monthly Tiger Mountain party gets loud as fuck as Boston’s slick purveyors of sonic destruction Soccer Mom lead a gazey, guitary reverb avalanche with Infinity Girl, Suicide Dolls, and Golden Gurls. Bring earplugs. Radio, 381 Somerville Ave, Somerville :: 8 pm :: $8 :: • “CRASh SAfElY” A two-night stand featuring 10 acts (Upper Crust, Sidewalk Driver, Thick Shakes) to raise coinage for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, with proceeds going to Maybe Sump’ms, the Bike MS team of the Figgs’ Pete Hayes. Davis Square Theatre, 255 Elm St, Cambridge :: September 28 + 29 @ 7:30 pm :: $12; $10 advance :: MON


• MElVINS lITE The “lite” version of the Melvins is still heavier than, well, nearly everyone else. For their current tour, King Buzzo’s boys have slimmed to a trio in an effort to play 51 shows in 51 states in 51 days. As of this gig, they’re halfway there. Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: 7 pm :: $15 ::

• CROCODIlES The Crocs’ summer record Endless Flowers is a washed-out noise-pop bliss parade, suggesting they may be the best-band-from-San-Diego-that-sound-like-they-should-be-fromthe-UK. Not like there was competition. Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston :: 8:30 pm :: $13 :: • flOSSTRADAMuS Chicago big-beat electro duo with label hookups to Fool’s Good and Mad Decent bring TUE 2 the NOMADS tour to the ’Dise, but get there early for ready-to-explode Boston DJ crew M|O|D. Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: 7 pm :: $15 :: • TENNIS Time to stop with the Beach 4 House comparisons, as the Denver indie-pop husbandand-wife band stand on their own shimmering merits with February’s Fat Possum record Young And Old. T.T. the Bear’s Place, 15 Brookline St, Cambridge :: 8 pm :: $15 :: THU

plaYing dead

saT 9/29 7pm ameRicana

amY Black Band alleY sToeTzel

10pm gRaTeful dead TRiBuTe

plaYing dead

sCullers jazz Club

Thurs., Sept. 27

8pm & 10pm

HIROMI & STANLEY CLARKE Fri. & Sat., Sept. 28 & 29 8pm & 10pm OLETA ADAMS Tues., Oct. 2 8pm BOB WOLFMAN Weds., Oct 3 8pm AARDVARK JAZZ ORCHESTRA Thurs., Oct 4 8pm DAVE SAMUELS & CARIBBEAN JAZZ PROJECT

Fri. & Sat., Oct. 5 & 6

8pm & 10pm



BY HILTON BOSTON Call for Tickets & Info at: 617-562-4111

Dinner/Show Packages Available. Also In-Club menu

Order on-line at

sun 9/30 Jazz BRunch 8:30 am - 2:30 pm open Blues Jam 4-7 pm 8:30pm JohnnY cash TRiBuTe

foR The sake of The song John colVeRT, adela & Jude & moRe mon 10/1

$1.50 hoT dogs 6-10pm (21+) Team TRiVia sTaRTs 8:30 Tue 10/2 folk/pop fRom mali WoRldmusic/cRashaRTs pResenTs

faToumaTa diaWaRa Wed 10/3 counTRY

James mcmuRTRY (solo) Thu 10/4 RooTs Rock

BRonze Radio ReTuRn Ross liVeRmoRe Band

fRi 10/5 BRass Band sTReeT peRfoRmeRs

honk! fesT kickoff paRTY

pink puffeRs BRass Band (iTalY) Young fellaz BRass Band (neW oRleans) & moRe! saT 10/6 7pm Jam Band

smooTh moneY gesTuRe 10pm maRleY TRiBuTe

duB sTaTion

coming soon: 10/7 peRfume genius 10/10 TifT meRRiTT 10/13 Wanda Jackson 10/12 paleface 7:30pm 10/12 no sTaTic 10pm 10/19 WYaTT cenac 10/26 milo z Info: 617-776-2004 concert LIne: 617-776-9667 johnny d’s 17 hoLLand st davIs square somervILLe. ma 02144 THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 09.28.12 77

Arts & Nightlife :: Music << live music from p 77

09.27.12 Thu

King Orchid • The Shills Amoroso Dead Cats Dead Rats 9pm • 18+ • $8

09.28.12 Fri

the pill DJs Ken & Michael V. 10pm • 21+ • $5

09.28.12 Fri

Anderson Comedy Group The Gas The best in local comedy and beyond 7pm • 18+ • $5

09.29.12 SaT

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell • 9pm • 21+ • $8

09.30.12 Sun

CQ Presents • Fink (Ninja Tune) Micah 9pm • 18+ • $10 ADV / $12 DOS

10.01.12 Mon

The Fenway Recordings Sessions Crocodiles • Punks on Mars 8:30pm • 18+ • $13

10.02.12 Tue

Radio 92.9 Welcomes White Arrows with Family of the Year • New Cassettes 9pm • 18+ • $10 1222 CoMMonwealTh ave allSTon, Ma 02134 617-566-9014


79 Washington st, providence complete schedule at

this friday, september 28

george cLinton

& parLiament funKadeLic Wednesday, october 3

punch brothers friday, october 5

WoLfgang gartner saturday, october 6

3oh!3 sammy adams Wednesday, october 17

say anything friday, october 19

sLightLy stoopid thursday, november 8


friday, november 9

megadeth tickets at LUPOs.cOM, F.Y.e. stORes & LUPO’s

THE NICKEL AND DIME BAND + ALMOST RIGHTEOUS › 9 pm › Milky Way, at the Brewery, 284 Armory St, Jamaica Plain › $5 › 617.524.3740 or PAUL CIENNIWA › 12:15 pm › First Church in Boston, 66 Marlborough St, Boston › Donations accepted › 617.267.6730 or ROYAL TEETH › 8:30 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › Free with RSVP › 617.492.2327 or SNEEZE + LUBE + BDRM EYES › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.782.6245 or SOMERVILLE SYMPHONY ORKESTAR + BELLA’S BARTOK + FOGGY & THE FRIENDSHOP › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or SÓ SOL › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or TONY DESARE AND HIS QUARTET › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $25 › 617.661.5000 or TWO GALLANTS + PAPA › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $17.50$20 › 617.779.0140 or “WHILE JED’S GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS: A BENEFIT FOR THE ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE” › With Steve Mayone + Ward Hayden + Marc Pinansky + Jenee Halstead + Paul Hansen + Keith Pierce + Kristen Ford + Dan Nicklin › 7:30 pm › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $10 › 617.764.0005 or ZL + JOHNNY LANE + SEBASTIAN O’BRIEN › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or

fridAy 28


A$AP ROCKY + SCHOOLBOY Q + DANNY BROWN + A$AP MOB › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $23-$35 › 888.693.2583 AKASHIC RECORD › 10 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or THE FAKE BOYS + THE STEREO STATE + RUST BELT LIGHTS + HEARTWELL › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.782.6245 or AND THE TRAVELER + THE BENCH + UNDERWATER BEAR BALLET + THE DRAMA QUEENS › 7 pm › All Asia, 334 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.1544 or “BERKLEE BEANTOWN JAZZ FESTIVAL OPENING NIGHT CONCERT: A NIGHT OF TWO PIANOS” › 7:30 pm › Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › $20-$25 › 617.266.7455 BETH ORTON + SAM AMIDON › 7:30 pm › Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville › $25 › 617.625.5700 or BIG BUSINESS + GAY WITCH ABORTION + PHANTOM GLUE › 9 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $13$15 › 617.864.EAST or BROTHER ALI + BLANK TAPE BELOVED + HOMEBOY SANDMAN + DJ SOSA + THE REMINDERS › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $16 › 617.562.8800 or CLUB D’ELF › 10 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12 › 617.547.0759 or THE CORIN TUCKER BAND + SPEEDY ORTIZ › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $14-$16 ›

78 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs

Meg’s not on drums? Your argument is invalid. Regardless, JACK WHITE brings his solo tour to BU’s Agganis Arena on Friday. 617.492.2327 or THE DEAR HUNTER + THREE + COHEED & CAMBRIA › 7 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › $27.50-$30 › 978.797.9696 DEAR LEADER + TAXPAYER › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $13-$15 › 617.779.0140 or THE DRUNK NUNS + JOE RIOT & OLD GHOST + BREAD LOSERS + SUCKERED IN › 9 pm › Cantab Lounge Downstairs, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $8 › 617.354.2685 or FAIR WARNING + HOT LETTER › 9 pm › Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St, Worcester › $5 › 508.753.9543 or FIRST AID KIT + DYLAN LEBLANC › 6 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $23;$20 advance › 617.338.7699 or GRAHAM PARKER + MIKE GENT › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $33$35 › 617.492.7679 or GUMBO DIABLO › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or THE HIRED MEN › 7:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $10 › 617.776.2004 or JACK WHITE › 7:30 pm › Agganis Arena, 925 Comm Ave, Boston › $39.50-$59.50 › 617.358.7000 or

JASON BENNETT & THE RESISTANCE + SCARS + THE BLUE BLOODS + NICK & THE ADVERSARIES + MATT CHARETTE › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or KLUGMAN + ANSWERMAN + DADFIGHT + EFFZERO › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 MISSION OF BLUES › 9 pm › Smoken’ Joe’s BBQ, 351 Washington St, Brighton › $5 › 617. 254.5227 or MUSANER › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $16 › 617.661.5000 or MY SILENT BRAVERY + JAMES MASSONE + JAMIE KENT + BROOKS YOUNG BAND + GRAND EVOLUTION › Hard Rock Café, 22-24 Clinton St, Boston › 617.424.7625 or OLETA ADAMS › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $40 › 617.783.0090 or PAA SEC DIERY BAND + DJ LOTUSOUND › 10:30 pm › Middle East Corner, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 or THE PHILL ARGYRIS QUINTET + STAN STRICKLAND › Acton Jazz Cafe, 452 Great Rd, #3, Acton › $10-$12 › 978.263.6161 or

PLAYING DEAD › 10 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or POWERMAN 5000 › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20 › 617.864.EAST or RYAN MONTBLEAU + SASHA YATCHENKO › 8 pm › Amazing Things Arts Center, 160 Hollis St, Framingham › $10-$20 › 508.405.2787 or SOCCER MOM + GUILLERMO SEXO + THE SUICIDE DOLLS + SHERMAN BURNS + NEVER GOT CAUGHT + MANAWI THORN › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $8 › 617.764.0005 or SOUL CITY › 9 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or THE SUN PARADE + MELODEEGO › 10 pm › Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton › $10-$13 › 413.586.8686 or iheg. com/iron_horse_main.asp THINKIN’ BIG + JESS HARLEN + TV COWBOYS + BRIAN STANKUS › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 TSUNAMI OF SOUND › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or THE UNHOLY III + THE DIRTY TRUCKERS + THE GENTLEMEN + JENNY DEE & THE DEELINQUENTS + THE PHIL AIKEN ARMY › 7:30 pm › Davis Square Theatre, 255 Elm Street, Somerville › $10-$12 › 781.893.8222 ZAMMUTO › 7:30 pm › Remis Auditorium, Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston › $20; $16 students, seniors › 617.369.3300 or


ALAN EVANS TRIO + OTIS GROVE › 10 pm › Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton › $12-$14 › 413.586.8686 or iheg. com/iron_horse_main.asp AMY BLACK BAND › 7 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or AMY LYNN AND THE GUNSHOW › 10 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or BATTLE HOUSE + 3DCOSBY + NIGHT FRUIT + VENDING MACHETES › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $6 › 617.782.6245 or THE BOYLSTON COLLECTIVE + LAUREN TENNEY AND THE TERRIBLES + DJ SPECIAL K › 10 pm › Tommy Doyle’s at Harvard, 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.864.0655 or BRET MICHAELS › 8 pm › Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, 169 Ocean Blvd, Hampton, NH › $36-39 › 603.929.4100 BROTHERS PAST + AUTO ORBIT › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15-$20 › 617.864.EAST or “CRASH SAFELY 2012: A BENEFIT FOR BIKE MS--NIGHT 2” › With The Upper Crust + Sidewalk Driver + Thick Shakes + Cotton Candy + TRiPLE THiCK › 7:30 pm › Davis Square Theatre, 255 Elm Street, Somerville › $10-$12 › DARK FUNERAL + GRAVE + VADIMVON + VITAL REMAINS + MORBID ANGEL › 7 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › $25-$28 › 978.797.9696 or DAVID NAIL + DRAKE WHITE › 6 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $24;$22 advance › 617.338.7699 or DJ EASY ED + RICKY COYNE + RICK BOUNTY + BREHON HERLIHY + JITTERY JACK + JOHNNY CARLEVALE AND THE ROLLIN’ PINS › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or

DUMPSTER FIRE + FACES OF BAYON + INAEONA + BOARCORPSE + PRO RE NATA › 9 pm › Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St, Worcester › $5 › 508.753.9543 r EGUIE CASTRILLO › 9 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $12 › 617.876.9330 or ELDRIDGE RODRIGUEZ + NEW MILLION BOX + AIRPORT + MONOPHONIC + 3DCOSBY › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › TBA › 617.764.0005 or FRANC GRAHAM › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or “IDINA MENZEL: BAREFOOT AT THE SYMPHONY” › 8 pm › Wang Theatre, 270 Tremont St, Boston › $45.75-$125.75 › 866.348.9738 or THE JOINT CHIEFS + HOT MOLASSES + THE DEVIL’S TWINS + HELICOPRIA › 7:30 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.864.EAST or JOSH LEDERMAN & CSARS › 4 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or JOURNEY + PAT BENATAR & NEIL GIRALDO + LOVERBOY › 7:30 pm › Dunkin’ Donuts Center, 1 LaSalle Sq, Providence, RI › $34.50-$84.50 › 401.331.6700 or LES SAMPOU › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › 617.492.7679 or LUDDY MUSSY + THE FUNCTIONAL ALCOHOLICS › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 NIKI & THE DOVE + COLOR CHANNEL › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $12-$14 › 617.779.0140 or NON POINT + TAPROOT › 6 pm › Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St, Worcester › $20 › 978.797.9696 or PETER MULVEY › 8 pm › Center for Arts In Natick, 14 Summer St, Natick › $22 › 508.647.0097 or THE PETER SMITH TRIO › Battery Lounge-Fairmont Battery Wharf Hotel, 3 Battery Wharf , Boston › Free › fairmont. com/batterywharf PLAYING DEAD › 10 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or RHIANNA LAROCQUE + SUMMER OF ADEN + ENGLISH TOM IN THE BOOKSTORE + MARNY PROUDFIT + THE BAD MANCINIS + SATELITES FALL › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 RICH PEOPLE FOOD + DC WONDER + LIGHT SWEET CRUDE › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or SHADWELL + JIM’S BIG EGO + STRANGER ISLANDS + BRENDYN SCHNEIDDER › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.547.0759 or SONNY LANDRETH › 7 pm › Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton › $25-$30 › 413.586.8686 or STEPHANE WREMBEL › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $25 › 617.661.5000 or SURPRISE PARTY + GIANTIST › 9 pm › Cantab Lounge Downstairs, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $8 › 617.354.2685 or THERE FOR TOMORROW + DEAF HAVANA + SET IT OFF + DIVIDED BY FRIDAY + THE CONTROL › 1 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12-$14 › 617.864.EAST or

>> live music on p 80

We’ve Been Making Cocktails Since the 1700s Come see what 300 years of experience can bring!

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OCTOBer 4-6, 2012 The first-ever citywide cocktail event will celebrate the culture of the cocktail with three days of events, parties, trade exhibits, educational seminars, and galas. Mixology superstars will dazzle with creative and classic cocktails, celebrated Boston chefs will prepare delicious cocktail dinners, and local and international spirits authorities will offer informative and educational seminars. Craft beer and wine events, too!

For more information visit THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 09.28.12 79

Arts & Nightlife :: Music << live music from p 79

THOUGHT TRANSFER + ROOT NINE BAND + LEGITAMTRONICS › 6 pm › All Asia, 334 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.1544 or THE WALLFLOWERS + MASON REED › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $25 › 617.562.8800 or WHO’S BAD [MICHAEL JACKSON TRIBUTE] › 7 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $22-$30 › 888.693.2583 or




Fri 9/28: New England Concerts & Rock On! CONCERts PREsENt: POWeRmAN 5000 VEgas RadiO • dEath RattlE PatiENt 0 • shattER thE sky sat 9/29: Brain trust Presents: Brothers Past • auto Orbit sun 9/30: - all agEs 7PM leedz & steady leanin’ Present: LIL’ B “The BASeDGOD” tue 10/2 - 7PM: PROPAGANDhI COMEBaCk kid • disastER stRikEs thu 10/4: TRevOR hALL • JON aNd ROy

UPSTAIRS thu 9/27: LAUReN mANN & The FAIRLy ODD FOLK • ChaPaRRals Fri 9/28: heartbreak llC Presents BIG BUSINeSS gay WitCh aBORtiON • PhaNtOM gluE sat 9/29 - all agEs 1PM: the keynote Company Presents: TheRe FOR TOmORROW sat 9/29 – 7:30PM: hearNowlive Presents: The JOINT ChIeFS sun 9/30: The URBAN NeRDz Mon 10/1 - 7PM: lt live Presents: GIzmO tue 10/2 - all agEs 7PM: leedz Edutainment Presents: SmOKe DzA • MR MuthaFuCkiN EXquiRE

Tremont St, Boston › $27.50 › 617.248.9700 or Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, ton › $15-$18 › 413.586.8686 or MIKE SHIFLET + WORK/DEATH + iron_horse_main.asp A SNAKE IN THE GARDEN + DJ IAN ASSAF KEHATI TRIO › 7 pm › Lily LAWRENCE + DJ JOHN TWELLS › 8 Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.497.0823 617.782.6245 or BÉLA FLECK + THE MARCUS ROBNATALIE FLANNAGAN + TRUSTY ERTS TRIO › 7:30 pm › Berklee Performance SIDEKICK + TRICK WALLACE TRIO Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › $29-$39 › › 8 pm › Sally O’Brien’s, 335 Somerville Ave, 617.266.7455 or Somerville › 617.666.3589 or sallyobriensbar. “CELEBRATION OF VOICE: A BENcom EFIT FOR THE VOICE CENTER” › 7 pm › PAPADOSIO + LESPECIAL › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $100 › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $15;$12 ad617.492.7679 or vance › 617.338.7699 or FINK + MICAH › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 TWIN SHADOW + PEGASUS Comm Ave, Allston › $10-$12 › 617.566.9014 or WARNING › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $15-$18 › “FOR THE SAKE OF SONG: A TRIBUTE 617.562.8800 or TO JOHNNY CASH” › 8:30 pm › Johnny D’s, TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB + FRIENDS 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 + GUARDS › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 or Lansdowne St, Boston › $27.50-$39.50 › FRANK MOREY BAND › 10:30 pm › 888.693.2583 Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › THE URBAN NERDZ + AMANDI 617.576.0032 or MUSIC OF ELEVATION THEORY THE JEALOUS SOUND + DAYTRADER + DILLON COOPER + DJ REAL P + + HAVE MERCY › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s TORITORI › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10 › Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$15 › 617.864. 617.492.2327 or EAST or LAVENDER DIAMOND + SARAH VILIFI + FULL BLOODED MUTT + RABDAU & SELF-EMPLOYED ASSLOBBIES + TUNG › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 SASSINS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $12 › 617.779.0140 or LIL’ B › 7 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20-$25 › 617.864. CROCODILES + PUNKS ON MARS › 9 pm EAST or › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $13 › “MALAYKA HOUSE BENEFIT” › With 617.566.9014 or Entrain + Adam Ezra Group + Batabazi › 8 pm DAS RACIST + LE1F + SAFE + LAKUTIS › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $20 › › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $20 › 617.764.0005 or 617.338.7699 or MIGUEL › 8 pm › Wilbur 246 Metheny new PHX Theatre, vert_Metheny new PHX G.A.S.H. + DREAM AFFAIR + PRIVATE ARCHIVE + TIME GHOST + VIRUSSE + AMOBRIAX › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Scullers, in association with H.T. Productions, presents Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.782.6245 or GIZMO + JOY DANIELS + NICK HAKIM + RAYDAR ELLIS + GWEN BUNN › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $7-$10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb. com GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR + GLENN JONES › 7:30 pm › Orpheum Theatre, 1 Hamilton Pl, Boston › $25 › 617.482.0650 JASON ANICK › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.492.7679 or MELVINS LITE + TWEAK BIRD › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $18-$20 › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster. com MISS SHEVAUGHN & YUMA WRAY + SLEEP CRIMES + FIREBAD › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 THE STEREOFIDELICS › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or WEAK TEETH + NATURAL DISASTERS + LUTHER + CHOKE UP + LUAU › 8 pm › Charlie’s Kitchen, 10 Eliot St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.492.9646


PAT METHENY UNITY BAND with Chris Potter Antonio Sanchez & Ben Williams

tueSDAY 2

Wed 10/3 - all agEs 7PM: leedz Edutainment presents: G eazy thu 10/4: Rogue Presents: OBI FeRNANDez (OF WeSTBOUND TRAIN) thE POMPs • Riki ROCkstEady & thE aRRaigNMENts thE sOul REBEl PROJECt

/mideastclub /zuzubar @mideastclub @zuzubar 80 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs

Berklee Perf. Center Sunday, October 14 7PM

Tickets on sale now: Box Office, 617-747-3161

BOB WOLFMAN + TRANSITION › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $20 › 617.783.0090 or COMEBACK KID + PROPAGHANDI + DISASTER STRIKES › 7 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $18$20 › 617.864.EAST or “DAMES & DUDES: A SINGER SONGWRITER ROUND ROBIN” › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or

FATOUMATA DIAWARA › 8 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $28 › 617.776.2004 or FLOSSTRADAMUS + DJ SLIINK + M|O|D › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $15 › 617.562.8800 or OVER THE RHINE › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $33-$35 › 617.492.7679 or RUPA & THE APRIL FISHES › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $20 › 617.661.5000 or regattabarjazz. com SMOKE DZA + MR MUTHAFUCKIN + EXQUIRE + CASHIUS GREEN + PHEO NAKIM › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15 › 617.864.EAST or SNARKY PUPPY + ALLISON WEDDING › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $15-$25 › 617.747.6038 or “STING! XIII: INDOOR, OUTDOOR... AN EVENING OF ART, MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE” › 6 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or WHITE ARROWS + FAMILY OF THE YEAR + NEW CASSETTES › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.566.9014 or WILLIAM TOPLEY + SCOTT DAMGAARD › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12 › 617.547.0759 or


AARDVARK JAZZ ORCHESTRA › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $20 › 617.783.0090 or BOURBON CLAUDE + TANYA KALMANOVITCH + ANTHONY COLEMAN + GILL AHARON TRIO › 8 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 BUGS AND RATS + HOAX + NIGHTSTICK › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or THE DWELLS › 10 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or GARRISON STARR + MAIA SHARP + ADRIANNE GONZALEZ › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $16-$18 › 617.492.7679 or G EAZY › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12-$15 › 617.864. EAST or GREG LASWELL › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$17 › 617.779.0140 or JAMES MCMURTRY › 8 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $18 › 617.776.2004 or KOEN HOTKAMP + CHRIS FORSYTH + RICARDO DONOSO + RETRIBUTION BODY + DJ IAN LAWRENCE + DJ JOHN TWELLS › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.782.6245 or “PINKTOBER BREAST CANCER BENEFIT SHOW” › With Bananarama › 8 pm › Hard Rock Café, 22-24 Clinton St, Boston › $15 › 617.424.7625 or SEAN PAUL › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $25-$30 › 617.562.8800 or SNARKY PUPPY + MAZ › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $15-$25 › 401.568.4102 or TILT-A-WHIRL + THE DOCTORS FOX + STEVE SUBRIZI › 9:15 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or WILLIS EARL BEAL › 10:45 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10$12 › 617.492.2327 or


WESTERN FRONT 343 Western Ave, Cambridge

suNdAy 30

As a former touring member of the Decemberists and She & Him, Becky Stark knows from twee. But on her own, under the name LAVENDER DIAMOND, Stark imbues boutique-y artpop with raw vocal power. See her Sunday at Brighton Music Hall. tHuRSDAY 4

BLUE OCTOBER + EMPIRE + STARS IN STEREO › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $22.50-$32.50 › 888.693.2583 BRONZE RADIO RETURN + ROSS LIVERMORE BAND › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or CHARLIE PEACOCK + JEFF COFFIN › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston

› $12-$15 › 617.747.6038 or ticketmaster. com/ DAVE SAMUELS & CARIBBEAN JAZZ PROJECT › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $25 › 617.783.0090 or DIANA KARTHAS › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or THE FORGE + MARIEL VANDERSTEEL › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $13-$15 › 617.492.7679 or FRANKIE ROSE + POTTY MOUTH + DJ CARBO › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $12-$14 › 617.779.0140 or HEE HAWK › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.0860 or ITCHY FEET › 8:30 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $8 › 617.876.9330 or JAMES IHA › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $15-$18 › 617.236.7600 or JOE ROBINSON › 7 pm › Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton › $12.50-$15 › 413.586.8686 or iron_horse_main.asp LEFTOVER SALMON › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $25 › 617.562.8800 or MELVERN TAYLOR & HIS FABULOUS MELTONES › 7:30 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or MICHAEL FORMANEK QUARTET › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $25 › 617.661.5000 or MISS TESS & THE TALKBACKS + DIETRICH STRAUSE › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15 › 617.547.0759 or MOON DUO + COTTAGING + DA BURDZ › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.782.6245 or NICK WATERHOUSE + ALLAH-LAS + DJ ASK A BLACK DUDE › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $12; $10 advance › 617.566.9014 or OBI FERNANDEZ + THE POMPS + RIKI ROCKSTEADY & THE ARRAIGNMENTS › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $9-$10 › 617.864.EAST or OTP + RADIO CONTROL + MIKING MIHRAB + IDNOCLIP › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 POLICA + GARDENS & VILLA › 10 pm › Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton › $10-$13 › 413.586.8686 or SEAN PAUL › 7 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › $25-$30 › 978.797.9696 or TENNIS + WILD BELLE + ORCA ORCA › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $15 › 617.492.2327 or TREVOR HALL + JON AND ROY › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15-$17 › 617.864.EAST or

Reggae, Latin & Jazz

Thursday 09/27

hoT springs reggae Call for info friday 09/28

funk friday

live Bands Call for info saTurday 09/29

reggae revival live reggae MusiC FOR INFO 617-492-7772


29 THU


FRESH PRODUCE Live performance by Smif N Wessun + DJs: Tommee • Knife • Tone Spliff Music: Hip Hop, Reggae, Party Jams Cover: $5 | 21+

Steady Leanin’ presents:


DJs: Amadeezy• Knife & M/O/D crew Music: Trap, Based, Swag, Rap, Chopped & Screwed (all trill, all nite) Cover: none | 21+

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August 25 - December 15, 2012 Academic Symposium: October 26 + 27 Keynote by Guerrilla Girls: October 26, 8 pm

THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 09.28.12 81

Arts & Nightlife :: clubs

club nights

RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 8 pm › “Reggae Night” UNDERBAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hot Mess Sundays” with DJ Richie Ladue

club shot

thuRsDAY 27

BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Cure Thursdays” DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “In Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Glamlife Thursdays” with Chris Harris + Rafael Sanchez GOOD LIFE › Boston › 9:30 pm › The Almighty Pretty Face Posse + Jus Cuz Period JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 10:30 pm › “Jacques’ Angels” with Kris Knievil JULEP BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Futured Presents: Underground Thursdays” LIBERTY HOTEL › Boston › 5:30 pm › “Fashionably LATE: Tahari” LIVING ROOM › Boston › 8 pm › DJ Snow White MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › George Fitzgerald + Baltimoroder + Alan Manzi MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 9 pm › The Nickel and Dime Band + Almost Righteous NAGA › Cambridge › “Verve Thursdays” with DJ Pensive OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Bear Cave” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hi Frequency” with Ju Lee + Burak Bacio + Kia Mazzi WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Top 40/ House Thursdays” with DJ NRG WONDERLAND ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX › Revere › 7 pm › Dada Life + 12th Planet ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Decade” with DJ Paul Foley


BIJOU NIGHTCLUB & LOUNGE › Boston › 10:30 pm › Nicole Moudaber + DJ Brienne BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Play Fridays” CLUB CAFÉ › Boston › 7:30 pm › “Naughty Bits” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” with DJ Eric Velez EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Estate Fridays” with Dalton GOOD LIFE › Boston › 9:30 pm › “Unity” with DJ Fransesco Spagna GREAT SCOTT › Allston › “The Pill” with DJ Len + DJ Michael V GYPSY BAR › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Dera JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 10:15 pm › “Miss-Leading Ladies” JULEP BAR › Boston › DJ Soulo LIVING ROOM › Boston › “House, Top 40, House & Dance Music” MACHINE › Boston › 10 pm › “Show Me Your Stuff” with with DJs Darrin Friedman and Gay Jim MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › “Dyke Night” with DJ Susan Esthera NORTHERN NIGHTS › Lynn › 8 pm › “Madonna Fridays” with DJ Jay Ine › PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “PYT” with DJ Vinny RISE › Boston › 9 pm › “Wonderland” › 1 am › Destructo + Dev/Null + Voltran + Bass Glutton ROYALE › Boston › 10 pm › “Full on Friday: Bright Lights Big City” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hush Fridays” with DJ Hectik + DJ Dres + DJ Lus SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Privilege Fridays” UMBRIA PRIME › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays”


AN TUA NUA › Boston › 9 pm › “CeremonyGoth Night” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10 pm › “CVLT” MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › “Milky Way Mondays with Live Funk” NAGA › Cambridge › “Industry Mondays” with DJ D Say + DJ Mozes PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Makka Monday” with Voyager 01 + DJ Uppercut RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “The Attic” with DJ Kuro RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 8 pm › “Weekly Wax” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Mondenial” with Jason Stokes

tuEsDAY 2

In advance of a new album, The Rules of Dada, due next month, the Swedish duo DADA LIFE are at Wonderland tonight (Thursday, September 27) with LA dubstep fiend 12th Planet. UNDERBAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Flavor Fridays” with DJ Franklin WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Friday Night Live” with DJ Braun Dapper ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Solid!” with Flavorheard

sAtuRDAY 29

BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Flaunt Saturdays” CLUB CAFÉ › Boston › 7:30 pm › “Naughty Bits” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Saturdays at Cure” with rotating DJs Hectik + 7L + Brek. One + Theo A + Frank White DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “Liquid Saturdays” with DJ Liquid Ice EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › Scene › 10 pm › “VIP Access Saturdays” GOOD LIFE › Boston › 9:30 pm › DJ Tommee + DJ Knife + Smif N Wessun + Black El x Durkin GREAT SCOTT › Allston › 9 pm › “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” GUILT › Boston › 10 pm › DJ J Stacks GYPSY BAR › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Mario JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 7 + 10:15 pm › “Miss-Leading Ladies” JULEP BAR › Boston › DJ Dolo + DJ Smitty + DJ Obie LIVING ROOM › Boston › “House, Top 40, House & Dance Music” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › DJ Kon MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 10 pm › “Mango’s Latin Saturdays” with Lee Wilson

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NAGA › Cambridge › “Chemistry Saturdays” with DJ Mozes + DJ D Say + Miss Jade OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Saturdays @ Om” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Boom Boom Room” with DJ Vinny RISE › Boston › “RISE Saturdays” › 1 am › Pirupa + Sal LoGrasso + Patrick Barry + Chris Luzz + Gil K RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Rumor Saturdays” with DJ Roger M + DJ JC SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Sold Out Saturdays” with DJ Bamboora T.T. THE BEAR’S PLACE › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Heroes” with DJ Chris Ewen UMBRIA PRIME › Boston › 10 pm › “Scene Saturdays” WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Wonderbar Saturdays” ZUZU › Cambridge › 11 pm › “Soul-le-luh-jah”

sunDAY 30

CLUB CAFÉ › Boston › 4 pm › “Back 2 Basics Tea Dance” with DJ Harrison CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Industry Sundays” with DJ Hectik EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Svedka Sundays: Industry Night” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Group Hug” with DJ Nathanael Bluhm + DJ BRDR PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “The Drop” RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Level 12” with DJ Sterling Golden

EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 6 pm › “Wicked New Music” LIBERTY HOTEL › Boston › 6 pm › “Gallery Night Tuesdays” MACHINE › Boston › 9 pm › “Psyclone Tuesdays: All EDM” with Stevie Psyclone NAGA › Cambridge › Fiesta Tuesdays PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elecsonic” ROYALE › Boston › 7 pm › “Porter Robinson & Zedd Presents Poseidon The Back to Back Tour” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Rumor Tuesdays” with DJ Roger M WONDER BAR › Allston › “Music Ecology” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Zuesday” with DJ Leah V + Justincredible


EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 6 pm › “Future Boston presents Assemble!” › 8 pm › “Mondo Wednesdays” LIBERTY HOTEL › Boston › 6:30 pm › “Whole Note Wednesdays” MACHINE › Boston › 10 pm › “Show Me Your Stuff” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Re:Set” RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Rock Wednesdays” with DJ Victor RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Primitive Sounds” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Latin Night” with DJ Adilson + DJ Maryalice + DJ Boatslip SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “EDM Wednesdays” with DJ Bamboora STORYVILLE › Boston › 9 pm › “MySecretBoston presents Dub Apocalypse” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Wobble Wednesdays” with Wobblesauce

thuRsDAY 4

BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Cure Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” GREAT SCOTT › Allston › 9 pm › Nick Waterhouse + Allah-Las + DJ Ask A Black Dude LIVING ROOM › Boston › 8 pm › DJ Snow White NAGA › Cambridge › “Verve Thursdays” OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Bear Cave” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hi Frequency” WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Top 40/ House Thursdays”

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Arts & Nightlife :: pArties

Get Seen » »At Ensemble at the Estate

Earlier this month, emerging artists and a cultured crowd gathered at the Estate for “Ensemble,” a presentation by the Boston branch of RAW: Natural Born Artists. Active in 60-plus cities across the country, RAW features a wide range of media — film, fashion, music, visual art, performance, and even body painting — in monthly showcases. Up next: “Provocations” on October 11, followed by RAW’s season-closing awards show on November 7. Come for the art, and stay (as we did) for the people-watching. Learn more at

s. At t Artie com/P u out see yo e! ther

Top: Art by Joseph Fula Counterclockwise from above: Keagan McCarthy, Sydney Lauren Robinson, and Alycia Sacco; Ana Duarte; Jamaal Eversley; Christina Cook

Anthony DiCostAnzo performer AnD Boston ConservAtory stuDent

Anthony looked radiant — literally — in head-to-toe metallics. He paired his bronze Topman jacket with Levi’s 511 skinnies and silver Converse kicks, topping off the look with a Louis Vuitton tote. An actor, singer, and dancer, Anthony has several movies screening in the next few months, including Baby Love, a film in which he got to flex his improv skills for his role as a sex addict. He models, too. In fact, Anthony posed for RAW photographer Jacob Benjamin Taylor, who had art on display that evening. Anthony’s philosophy on art: if you create, and creating is what you love and what fulfills you, success will soon follow. _Renata CeRto-WaRe

84 09.28.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm/ParTIEs

photoS by GinA MAnninG

More s! tieenix. par hePho

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Arts & nightlife :: bAck tAlk I was watching some old footage of you from the mid-90s, but you had a little bit of a mullet going. Are you proud or ashamed of those days? I wish I would’ve known that it was called a mullet. It would’ve been much easier to tell barbers what I wanted. Years later when people would go, “Yeah, we started watching you back when you had a mullet,” I’m like: “Oh, they named it after the fact!” I saw you did an episode of Seinfeld’s new online series, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.” Yeah, he asked if I would do one of those with him, and I was honored, and I said, “Of course.” If Jerry Seinfeld calls and asks you if you want to do something, your response is always “Yes.” It’d be funny if you said, “Nah, I’m fine.” Yeah, “Nah, I’m good. I’m good, Jerry Seinfeld.” What kind of car was involved? Well, he tries to pick a car that has to do with that comedian, and I had to tell him, “I don’t know anything about cars, I don’t even know a car to ask you to get.” And he’s like, “C’mon man, everybody likes cars,” and I said, “I don’t know anything about cars!”

Comedian Brian Regan hears crickets


b y D a n iEL mc c a rt h y

or seasoned stand-up and cult favorite comic goofball Brian Regan, life’s embarrassments are inseparable from his routines. The strategy: throw it all out there. His act’s part observational humor, part sneakily witty bon-mots, resulting in oft-quoted bits that have made him one of the most respected stand ups still selling out crowds two decades into his career. He’s bringing new material (and his old sense of self-loathing) to the Wilbur for four shows September 28 and 29.

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Every comic seems to have a story about the worst time they died out on stage. Do you? I was doing a gig up in the Northwest — some island off the Pacific Northwest — a big rustic hotel kind of deal, corporate show. [I’m] on stage, no laughs, and a window was open near the stage. I finish a joke, no laughs, and from outside I hear a cricket. I don’t know if it gets any lower than that. There’s nothing beneath it. I actually heard crickets on stage. When you are in Boston, do you have any favorite spots to hit for a pint? I love Boston. But no. I’m somebody who embarrassingly doesn’t do a whole lot. When I’m flying to a city and look down I go, “Man, look at the history and look at the activities that I can get involved with!” And then I land, go to the hotel, and bury my head in a pillow. So I can say this — Boston has some incredible pillows!

photo by brian Friedman

EmbarrassmEnt of richEs

If Jerry Seinfeld calls and asks if you want to do something, your response is always “Yes.”

What kind of car would be the “Brian Regan of cars?” I don’t know. I remember I was filling up this SUV I had, and this guy on the other side of the gas aisle says, “Hey man, I’ve been thinkin’ of getting one of those. How much does that thing get to the gallon?” So I said, “I would guess about 25 miles a gallon?” And the guy goes, “THAT CAR GETS 25 MILES A GALLON!?” Backpedalling I say, “Well, you know, give or take.” And the guy just starts going, “My God!” I ended up filling up and leaving. I was worried the guy was going to go out and buy one. Maybe it gets eight miles a gallon. I have no clue. I should’ve given him the honest answer: “I don’t know anything about anything.”

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