OctOber 12, 2012 >> Free WeeKLY >> thePhOenix.cOm
The kiTchen’s ink
These Boston chefs’ tattoos are more than skin deep. Page 26
p 56 charles Burns joins chris Ware and chip Kidd at the Brattle for a panel on graphic novels this thursday, october 11. plan your week ahead with our “to Do List.”
on the cover photo by conor doherty :: this page image by charle burns
NEW mobilE sitE, iN bEtA: m.thephoenix. com
This week AT ThePhOeNiX.COM :: POLiTiCAL kLOUT Who’s winning in social media, scott brown or liz Warren? :: MOZ PATROL did morrissey’s boston gig live up to the hype? depends on how you feel about onstage hugs :: shOTs FiReD in which we smack down salon for their dumb piece on alt-weeklies bostonphoenix bostonphoenix
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 10.12.12 3
p 24
in this issue p 11
ON OUR RADAR » Which local pols’ Klout is the highest? It’s klobberin’ time! » We’ve long maintained that vampires are the one-percenters of the monster world. Newport gives us Exhibit A. » We now know the 2012 apocalypse will actually start in Somerville, with the invasion of the 10-foot robot snakes. Thanks a lot, maker culture. URBAN BUY » Come fall, you may be no stranger to finding cranberry shrapnel and pumpkin goo smeared all over your face. Well, now it’s a beauty tip. VOICES » So … what’s Jamba Juice putting in that Twilight smoothie, anyway? Big Hurt’s week in food folly. » “Nearly a quarter of a million dollars,” Brown says, breathless, caressing this number as if it’s a magic amulet that will conjure Elizabeth Warren’s defeat. No wonder we’re so distracted from the other local debates this year. You’re Doing It Wrong
p 14 Urban Buy
The Big Hurt
4 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
p 16
p 18
you’re doing it wrong photo by joel veak, urban buy photo by janice checchio, the big hurt illustration by steve weigl, and terry Murray illustration by karl stevens
Now & Next
Solutions for Life’s Little Problems
Open 7 days a week • 233 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116 • 617. 536. 0913 Monday-Friday 7:30-7pm • Saturday 9-7pm • Sunday 10-6pm
Chef Tattoos
p 26
in this issue spotlight
p 24
POLITICS » After a remarkable 20-year climb to the top, Massachusetts Senate President Therese Murray is one of the most powerful people in the state. And there’s a good chance she will lose her seat in 2014. Why? FOOD » Turns out, the guy who once helmed the Cellar has seen some pretty dark places. Chef Will Gilson mulls heritage, humility, and his year in culinary purgatory. » We peeled seven of Boston’s tattooed culinary talents out of their chef jackets to scope out their ink. They didn’t disappoint.
Food & driNk
p 39
FEAST » The White House’s dessert menu: as French as the Statue of Liberty, or as American as apple pie? Obama’s pastry chef, Bill Yosses, tells all. LIQUID » South Boston’s GrandTen Distilling whips up gin so Bay State-focused, its secret weapon is cranberries. ON THE CHEAP » How to best appreciate a self-serve yogurt and waffle shop? Get really, really stoned first.
p 44
6 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
liquid photo by Michael spencer, chef tattoo photo by conor doherty
Arts & NightliFe
p 51
BOSTON FUN LIST » In which Waka Flocka Flame get you bow-bowing, and Eugene Mirman and the Union Square Round Table threaten “improvisational duck-call free jazz.” WELCOME TO EAST BOSTON » Where Aussie meat pies and paranoid art await. ART » Who apprenticed for Man Ray, and proceded to photograph the trippiest textbook covers of all time? Berenice Abbott, that’s who. BOOKS » “Oh please, censor me!” begs Sherman Alexie. “I will outsell John Grisham!” FILM » In Argo, the strange-but-true tale from the Iranian hostage crisis, Ben Affleck gives us the most exciting paper-shredding scene ever made. MUSIC » Whether problem-solving in PiL or (shudder) shilling for Country Life butter, Johnny Rotten’s still here, and he’s not quitting anytime soon. AND MORE » In Theater, Classical, Nightlife, and Get Seen. Music
back talk illustration by Mauricio salMon, party photo by natasha Moustache, art photo by berenice abbott
p 88 p 79 Parties Art
p 52 Boston Fun List Back Talk
p 58 p 90 THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 10.12.12 7
opinion :: Editorial
WrIte us
vol. lXXvIII :: no. 38
managing EDiTORs Shaula Clark,
Jacqueline Houton
aRTs EDiTOR Jon Garelick FiLm EDiTOR Peter Keough music EDiTOR Michael Marotta assisTanT music EDiTOR Liz Pelly sTaFF EDiTORs Thomas McBee, SI Rosenbaum sTaFF WRiTERs David S. Bernstein, Chris Faraone EvEnTs EDiTOR Alexandra Cavallo LisTings cOORDinaTOR Michael C. Walsh cOnTRiBuTing EDiTORs Carolyn Clay [theater], Lloyd
Schwartz [classical] , Louisa Kasdon [food] cOnTRiBuTing WRiTERs Matt Bors, Daniel Brockman, Lauryn Joseph, Scott Kearnan, Dan Kennedy, Mitch Krpata, MC Slim JB, Tom Meek, Brett Michel, Robert Nadeau, Luke O’Neil, James Parker, Gerald Peary, Ariel Shearer, Marcia B. Siegel, Harvey Silverglate, Karl Stevens, David Thorpe, Eugenia Williamson
sEniOR WEB pRODucER Maddy Myers WEB pRODucER Cassandra Landry sOciaL mEDia pRODucER Ariel Shearer
MARkETINg/pROMOTIONs inTERacTivE maRkETing managER
Lindsey Mathison
pROmOTiOns cOORDinaTOR Nicholas Gemelli
DiREcTOR OF cREaTivE OpERaTiOns Travis Ritch cREaTivE DiREcTOR Kristen Goodfriend aRT DiREcTOR Kevin Banks phOTO EDiTOR Janice Checchio aDvERTising aRT managER Angelina Berardi sEniOR DEsignER Janet Smith Taylor EDiTORiaL DEsignER Christina Briggs WEB DEsignER Braden Chang FREELancE DEsignER Daniel Callahan
sEniOR vicE pREsiDEnT A. William Risteen vicE pREsiDEnT OF saLEs anD BusinEss DEvELOpmEnT
David Garland
DiREcTOR OF BEvERagE saLEs Sean Weymouth sEniOR accOunT ExEcuTivEs OF inTEgRaTED mEDia saLEs Margo Dowlearn Flint, Howard Temkin aDvERTising OpERaTiOns managER Kevin Lawrence inTEgRaTED mEDia saLEs cOORDinaTOR
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gEnERaL saLEs managER Brian Russell DiREcTOR OF Dining saLEs Luba Gorelik TRaFFic cOORDinaTORs Colleen McCarthy,
Jonathan Caruso
cLassiFiED saLEs managER Matt King RETaiL accOunT ExEcuTivEs Nathaniel Andrews,
Sara Berthiaume, Serpil Dinler, Christopher Gibbs, Daniel Tugender, Chelsea Whitton
ciRcuLaTiOn DiREcTOR James Dorgan ciRcuLaTiOn managER Michael Johnson
iT DiREcTOR Bill Ovoian FaciLiTiEs managER John Nunziato
DiREcTOR OF FinancE Scotty Cole cREDiT anD cOLLEcTiOns managER Michael Tosi sTaFF accOunTanTs Brian Ambrozavitch ,
Peter Lehar
FinanciaL anaLysT Lisy Huerta-Bonilla TRaDE BusinEss DEvELOpmEnT managER
Rachael Mindich
REcEpTiOnisT/aDminisTRaTivE assisTanT
Lindy Raso
OFFicEs 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215, 617-536-5390, Advertising dept fax 617-536-1463 WEB siTE manuscRipTs Address to Managing Editor, News & Features, Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. We assume no responsibility for returning manuscripts. LETTERs TO ThE EDiTOR e-mail to Please include a daytime telephone number for verification. suBscRipTiOns Bulk rate $49/6 months, $89/1 year, allow 7-14 days for delivery; first-class rate $175/6 months, $289/1 year, allow 1-3 days for delivery. Send name and address with check or money order to: Subscription Department, Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. cOpyRighT © 2012 by The Boston Phoenix, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited. pRinTED By Cummings Printing Co.
8 10.12.12 :: THE PHOENIX.cOm
RESETTING BOSTON’S SCHOOLS Between now and the end of the year,
Boston will wrestle with one of the most important policy decisions it has faced in years: reinventing the 23-year-old system used to assign 56,000 public-school students to 129 schools. Students, parents, and guardians are obviously the core constituency. But you do not need to be a client of the school system to have a stake in how this shakes out. One way or another, every resident, every business, every taxpayer will be affected. The city spends about half its budget — $1 billion a year — on education. A little more than $80 million of that is spent on transportation, busing students to and from school. That is more than double the national average. Years of strenuous efforts to improve Boston’s largely substandard schools have yielded consistent but still only incremental changes. That means too many students are bused at great expense to too many struggling schools. Add to the equation the issue of unproductive time spent in transit, and the result is a system that literally spends too much energy and effort spinning its wheels. The school department is considering five different plans developed by outside consultants to overhaul the current system. The common denominator of each plan, however, requires the city be divided into a specific number of zones. At the moment, the system is divided into three districts. By multiplying the number of zones, planners hope to move the system closer to the increasingly popular ideal of neighborhood schools. Last week, a self-convened group of six elected officials — City Council members John Connolly and Matt O’Malley, and State Representatives Linda Dorcena Forry, Nick Collins, Ed Coppinger, and Russell Holmes — unveiled a sixth proposal, which would allow all students a chance to stay in the schools they now attend, or opt instead for a guaranteed seat in one of four schools nearest where they live.
Court-ordered busing, 1976
In a move to balance the convenience of neighborhood schools with the allure of different opportunities, this sixth plan would establish 16 magnet schools with an array of specialized programs throughout the city, to which families could apply via lottery. Groups of two to six families would be able to band together for guaranteed assignment to less-popular schools. The idea is that this element of choice would spark a family commitment to work with teachers and administrators at such schools to improve quality and performance. In a city where obstruction and negativity are too often the norm in the political process, this multipronged approach is a welcome development. Mayor Thomas Menino, the school department, and the six officials proposing the “sixth way” plan are bending over backward to be respectful of each other, and have pledged to work together to fashion the most advantageous solution to remaking school assignments. Mandatory school busing came to Boston not quite 40 years ago as a result of a federal court order that found the school system undeniably racist, with less money being spent on black students than on white students. Today, Boston is a city where minorities are in a majority. The school population is 42 percent Latino, 35 percent black, 13 percent white, and 8 percent Asian. Racial balance is not the issue. Quality of education is. Connolly and Co.’s sixth way may well be the most promising way to reset the schools. P
Considering how much unproductive time students spend in transit, this is a system that literally spends too much energy spinning its wheels.
Stephen M. Mindich, Publisher & Chairman Everett Finkelstein, Chief Operating Officer Carly Carioli, Editor in Chief Peter Kadzis, Editor at Large
Email :: lEttErs@ph mail:: lEtt Ers; 126 Brookl in avE, Boston E ma 02215
Key TO The Cure Get the shirt. Shop the weekend. Show your support. Join Saks Fifth Avenue in the fight against women’s cancers. Get the shirt, designed by Carolina herrera, available exclusively at Saks Fifth Avenue this October. Then shop October 18 to 21, when Saks will donate 2% of sales to local and national women’s cancer charities.* Special thanks to Penélope Cruz, the 2012 Ambassador for eIF’s Women’s Cancer research Fund and Saks Fifth Avenue’s Key To The Cure.
*Saks will donate 2% of participating vendor sales from Thursday to Sunday, October 18 to 21, along with 100% of Key To The Cure T-shirt sales to Friends of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for the Key To The Cure campaign. Visit to learn more. boston prudential center, 800 boylston st. call 617.262.8500, Visit saKs.coM/boston, doWnload tHe saKs app or Find us on FacebooK, tWitter and saKspoV.coM.
c i t y c o u n c i l o r s g e t s o c i a l » r o b o t s i n s o m e r v i l l e » P o P - c u lt u r e P l a t e s
Photo by Joel veak
A new champagne lounge pops its cork. Page 14.
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 10.12.12 11
Now & Next :: oN our radar
CounCil Klout
Who more ’s got K eliza lout: Warr beth scott en or br Find o oWn? ut theph
On a single shelf, a 1960s bell jar sits next to 19th-century ceramics, nestled inches from brand-new pottery handmade by New England artisans. Together, they look timeless, seamless — just as Paul Niski intended. His killer curatorial eye won’t come as a surprise to local fashion fans: Niski’s Good boutique has long been a go-to for jewelry and accessories, which dominated its snug digs at 88 Charles Go Street for more than a decade. But a few 133 Charles St, weeks ago, Good moved down the block to Boston 133 Charles Street — and though the new 617.722.9200 spot is just a few steps away, the change is big. Niski now has four times as much elbow shopatgood. room, and he’s expanded Good’s small smatcom tering of new and vintage home goods into an eclectic, well-edited mix of furniture, lighting, and décor offerings. The core of the new concept is the New England Modern Collection, featuring the work of regional jewelry makers, woodworkers, potters, blacksmiths, and designers, like recently launched handcrafted furniture line Richard Watson. (Don’t let the dudely name fool you: its Brookline-based studio is actually the brainchild of designers Brooke Richard and Laura Watson.) But fans of the old Good needn’t fear: the new space still has loads of unique accessories, from wooden watches and beaded cuffs to sculptural designs by Dennis Higgins, who crafts his metal jewelry using machines of his own creation. Good stuff, indeed.
at oenix.c om
TiTo Jackson
ayanna pressley
felix arroyo
MaTT o’Malley
A Good Move
_JACqueli ne Houton
John connolly
roB consalvo
sTeve Murphy
Mike ross
sal laMaTiTina
Mark cioMMo
frank Baker
Bill linehan
charles yancey
TiTo Jackson is one of the most recently elected Boston City Councilors — he won a special election in 2010 to replace Chuck Turner — but he is already the most powerful. Well, maybe not the most powerful, but he does have the most influence in social networking, according to Klout. That company’s proprietary algorithm shows Jackson easily leading the 12 other councilors, including the four elected citywide. Other relative newcomers to the council also have strong Klout scores — although not the newest addition, Frank Baker of Dorchester. The top three are also black or Hispanic. But black councilor Charles Yancey doesn’t even use social media enough to have a Klout score — one of the few things the Mattapan resident has in common with South Boston’s Bill Linehan. _DAv iD S. B er n St e i n
Word of the Week
12 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm
n. 1: A historic mansion that was moved by road and rail from Washington, DC, to Newport, Rhode Island, in 1923. 2: The building that stood in for Collinwood Mansion in the cult TV series Dark Shadows. 3: The setting for Island Moving Co.’s site-specific production of Dracula, A Dangerously Close Dance, which will be performed on October 17–21 with a special masked ball on October 19. Find out more at
Pressley Photo by joel veak
Now & Next :: oN our radar
six-legged roboTs, mechanical snakes, and a friendly dinobot by the name of Butch will make new friends in Somerville this week at two free events. First is Saturday’s inaugural Somerville Mini Maker Faire, which will bring local techies, artists, and engineers to Union Square. Inspired by MAKE magazine’s flagship Maker Faires in Detroit, New York, and the Bay Area, the Somerville event is one of more than 50 independent Mini Maker Faires that have sprung up over the last few years. “A common theme is DIY projects,” says Gui Cavalcanti, president of Somerville crafter/maker space Artisan’s Asylum, which is copresenting the Mini Maker Faire with the Somerville Arts Council and ArtsUnion. “We have a couple of people showing off wood carving, people showing off robots they built themselves, small six-legged robots. The Asylum will have a couple of snake robots we built inhouse that you can play a game with; each is 10 feet long.” From 3 to 7 pm, the event will feature how-to workshops on electronics, animation, geodesic domes, rockets, and more, along with 30-plus tables of artists and makers showcasing everything from 3D printers and home-built bikes to wearable art and junk mosaics. Cambridge has hosted a Mini Maker Faire for three years, but after seeing community reactions to Artisan’s Asylum — a haven for 250-plus artists and engineers — Cavalcanti knew Somerville needed its own event. “It’s a community workshop that’s gone from 1000 to 4000 square feet in all of two years. It’s booming with people who want to use our tools to make their own projects.” The Mini Maker Faire features high-tech tinkerers and more old-school artisans, but on Monday, only the future is on the agenda at Could This Happen?, a gathering for scientists and sci-fi fans at Somerville’s Rosebud Bar and Grill. Supported by a Somerville Arts Council grant, the event will have presenters tackling topics like artificial intelligence, neural enhancements, and robot rights in demos and informal conversations. CJ Carr will DJ using a neurofeedback system, Pete Dilworth will bring along his robotic protoceratops (the aforementioned Butch), and MIT’s Kate Darling will explore questions like the FinD o possibility of robot sex. Get a taste of tomorrow u more t starting at 7 pm. mak _li z Pel ly
arcbotics, the company behind this robo-critter, will participate in both events.
e somer rFairevill :: coul d happe .
Don't worry. our expert is here to help.
Circumference in inches of the average man’s biceps
Circumference in inches of the world’s largest biceps, which belong to Massachusetts resident “Big Mo,” a/k/a Moustafa ismail, who’s featured in the new Guinness World records 2013
Pounds of chicken he eats each day, along with four cups of almonds, one pound of steak or fish, and three liters of protein shakes
“i love it up there. every breath you take is full of autumn and october’s ghosts. it’s where i belong, i know.” — @damienechols, member of the West Memphis three and author of the new book Life After Death, on relocating to salem, Massachusetts, after 18 years on arkansas’s death row
14 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm
You’re doinG it WronG: bubblY
From morning mimosas to midnight toasts, champagne is one of our favorite alcoholic beverages. It is delicious and, yeah, makes us feel all fancy. But we freely admit that we aren’t that well versed in the art of drinking it. (We’ve been known to pop a bottle or two of Andre in our day.) So we turned to Gaylord Lamy, the director of food and beverage at the Reserve, a champagne lounge slated to open in FiDi’s Langham hotel next week. He’s also French, so he knows this stuff cold — right down to the fact that it should always be served between 43 and 44 degrees Fahrenheit. _AlexAnDrA CAvAllo
ON SErvINg lamy says the proper way to open a bottle is “to retain the cork from coming out too fast and to listen to the fizz coming out without hearing that pop.” and the nice visual isn’t the only reason to serve champy in flutes. “the shape helps retain the carbonation in the glass so that it doesn’t go flat like in a glass of wine. a wine glass is wider because you want the wine to breathe more, but you want champagne to keep that fizz.” ON COST vS. qualITy turns out, you really can’t judge a book (or bottle) by its cover. “In many restaurants in France, you wouldn’t find some of the most popular brands you see in the Us. brand recognition definitely has an impact on people here, but the price and brand of it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a much better champagne.” If you’re looking to show off your good taste without shelling out big bucks, he recommends Pommery, laurent-Perrier, or Moët et Chandon. ON CrISTal We all know that popping a bottle is a surefire way to prove you’re a baller at the club. but is the rappers’ delight worth the hype? “It has a very nice history to it. It’s the only champagne bottle you’ll find that has a flat bottom and doesn’t have a punt, which is very rare considering that the punt is in the bottle to find that balance for the pressure,” he says. “a russian czar had it made for him because he decided he wanted to be original in the design. Cristal is a luxury brand, and it tastes like a luxury brand.” ON wHEN TO INdulgE lamy says champagne needn’t be reserved for special occasions. “Champagne can be very flexible,” he says. “It is a mark of celebration, yes, but why not celebrate life every day?” The reserve :: The langham hotel, 250 Franklin St, Boston :: 617.451.1900
robot Photo CoUrtesy oF arCbotICs; laMy Photo by joel veak
roBoT invasion!
by the nUMbers
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i will have fun.
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Now & Next :: urbaN buy
Hey, you’ve Got Some Food on your Face…
WHeRe to Go Barneys New York, 100 Huntington Ave, Boston :: 617.385.3300 Bath & Body Works, 425 Washington St, Boston :: 617.451.2793 Brad Duncan Skin Care, 530 Tremont St, Boston :: 617.482.1700
B y Re n ata C eRt o -Wa R e
Saks Fifth Avenue, 800 Boylston St, Boston :: 617.262.8500
utumn’s bounty doesn’t just mean chugging pumpkin lattes and pickling everything in sight. We found the season’s foods in a cornucopia of grooming supplies around town, from the local pharmacy to luxe department stores. Check out our fall menu.
We doubt bobbing for apples has any beauty benefits, but it turns out nature’s toothbrush is also pretty good at cleaning buildup from your tresses — hence why Saks Fifth Avenue stocks bushels of Frederic Fekkai Apple Cider Clarifying Shampoo ($25).
A go-to for stuffing and sauces, sage — a member of the salvia family, FYI — is also great for soothing dry, itchy scalps and hydrating your locks. Hit up Barneys New York for Aesop Sage & Cedar Scalp Treatment ($33). With rosemary, cedar, and sweet-almond oils, it smells a heck of a lot better than Miley Cyrus’s bong water.
Jonesing for a late-night snack? Yes to Carrots Nourishing Repairing Night Cream ($14.99) might not cure the midnight munchies, but it will help you face fall’s dry air. Dig some up at Walgreens, slather it on before bed, and let the parabenfree formula moisturize you while you sleep.
The DIY DeparTmenT 16 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/lIfE
RatheR make youR own Remedy? Local skincare guru Brad Duncan suggests whipping up a carrot mask to get glowing. Just mash the ingredients together, apply to the face and neck, and let sit for 15 minutes. Resist the urge to taste your face, and remove with warm water.
Hope you saved room for dessert. Bath and Body Works serves up a sweet-as-pie True Blue Spa Renewing Face Mask with Pumpkin ($12). For more intense help, head to South End fave Brad Duncan Skin Care for an Epicuren Pumpkin Enzyme Peel ($150), packed with pumpkin extract and malic acid from apples, that’ll have you feeling like Cinderella in 60 minutes.
2 tbs carrot juice + 1 tbs olive oil + 1 tbs sour cream + 1 egg yolk + 2 tbs oatmeal = 1 great mask
photos by janice checchio
Cranberries are often relegated to side-dish status at fall feasts, but this superfruit is chock full of antioxidants that leave skin radiant. Available at Walgreens, Burt’s Bees Cranberry & Pomegranate Replenishing Body Bar ($5.29) smells good enough to eat, hydrates with a rich lather, and exfoliates with crushed pomegranate seeds.
Walgreens, 841 Boylston St, Boston :: 617.236.1692
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The week in fine dining By DaviD Thorpe :: @arr
Dare you dispute that ours is the greatest of all possible nations? Look here, you: at the Texas State Fair, heroic Frito-Lay engineers constructed a 1300-pound tribute to American supremacy: the World’s Largest Frito Chili Pie. The heartstopping snack behemoth boasted 635 bags of Fritos, 660 cans of chili, and 580 bags of shredded cheddar cheese, according to the Dallas Morning News. The Guinness people were on hand to certify the world record, cementing our status as the world’s #1 leader in everything. The great American experiment has now concluded; it was a success.
iT’s a Time of greaT upheaval for
America’s restaurant of last resort: Arby’s is getting a major brand revamp with a new marketing campaign called “Slicing Up the Truth About Freshness”— you’d be forgiven for thinking Arby’s is intent on destroying the truth about freshness, but maybe they’re trying to highlight, in the dumbest words imaginable, their commitment to freshly slicing roast beef. The campaign includes TV spots “featuring former New York City Police Detective Bo Dietl on a mission to expose the truth about fresh slicing.” I think I get it now: so fresh slicing is some kind of heinous crime, and a detective is working to uncover it while the sinister Arby’s corporation tries to destroy the evidence? Eat at Arby’s and be implicated in a vast beef conspiracy! Hey, I’m a Twitter-savvy millennial with the attention span of a moth. How do these wine-industry clowns expect me to read an entire label? [Insert blackand-white footage of me in the wine aisle, throwing my hands up in frustration.] If only there were a wine that could keep up 18 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/bIgHurT
At a casino meet-andgreet, a “fan” attempted to eat Danny Bonaduce’s face.
with my fast-paced lifestyle — oh, look! Winery Exchange is now launching their “millennial-influenced” Acronym GR8 Red Wine, which, according to its brand developer, “embraces ‘digital efficiency’ in the modern world while elevating the communication style that is evident in the everyday lexicon for millennials.” Says its director of creative services (different person), “Acronyms are a huge part of [the millennial] consumer’s vocabulary, so the brand name instantly grabs their attention with its cerebral word-play.” Uh huh: cerebral word-play. As a cosmopolitan millennial oenophile, I can’t w8 to t8ste this sophistic8ed Y’n 4 myd7lf 5saj oijdfgs. Trouble brewing: the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council has declared October “National Sausage Month,” while the North American Vegetarian Society has declared it “Vegetarian Awareness Month.” Get your doomsday-prepper bug-out bag packed up with shotgun shells and urine treatment stills, because some Turner Diaries shit is about to go down.
Jamba Juice is getting ready for its first blockbuster tie-in arrangement: it’s partnered with Summit Entertainment to promote Twilight: Breaking Dawn. “Jamba Juice has created a nutritious and exclusive, Limited Time Only (‘LTO’) moviethemed smoothie for fans to enjoy during the promotion period,” a press release boasts. I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is yes: it’s made of blood. From the world of low cuisine: at a casino meet-and-greet in Washington state, a woman — characterized as a “fan,” but I’m not so sure — attempted to eat Danny Bonaduce’s face. Washington’s News Tribune reports that the woman asked if she could give the former child star a kiss on the cheek; when he accepted, she clamped her remoralike teeth into his face and wouldn’t let go until she was dragged away by concerned onlookers. Bonaduce was flapped but uneaten, and has no plans to press charges. Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, a ginger-hungry cannibal remains at large. Finally, in reverse-eating news: BIEBERWATCH! Our budding manlet is shedding the traditional stagecraft of his early pop career and taking his first steps into the avant-garde yonder. Playing a packed show in Phoenix, he challenged his young audience by stopping mid-song to heave a jet of milk-white puke upon the stage. The narrow-minded press failed to accept the performance-art prodigy’s transgressive new direction and instead claimed he’d merely fallen ill. My inside sources reveal that at his next concert date, Bieber will cover himself in egg yolks and eat an American flag. P
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now & next :: voices Talking poliTics
The good, bad, and ugly in debaTe poliTics B y D av iD S. B ern St e i n
d b e r n st e i n @ p h x .c o m :: @ d b e r n st e i n
at all. That’s only partly due to incumbents ducking — there has been little interest from community groups, let alone media partners, to hold candidate forums. The candidate who has received the most criticism is Joe Kennedy III, and with some good reason. Although he deserves credit for meeting with voters and news media in all corners of the district, where he hopes to succeed Barney Frank, Kennedy is clearly minimizing the number and impact of direct clashes with second-time Republican candidate Sean Bielat. But it’s hard to sympathize much with Bielat, either. He blatantly avoided debates with his own competitors during the Republican primary, and he’s been running a lackluster campaign that doesn’t suggest anyone would gain much from more exposure.
candidaTe debaTes feel simultaneously like a timeless honoring of American democratic practice, harkening to LincolnDouglas, and a vacuous example of the contemporary political circus, dominated by empty, rehearsed rhetoric and relentless spinning of the media. For all their frequent silliness, debates are essential. They act as lightning rods for lower-attention voters, in the process engaging them and educating them about the candidates and issues. That’s most needed at the lower rungs of politics — which, unfortunately, is where debates are less likely to be arranged, agreed to, viewed, and discussed. In particular, Massachusetts voters are being ill served this year by the relative paucity of debates in contests for the US House of Representatives. It’s a real shame, especially because this is the first post-redistricting election. Many in the state have a new, relatively unfamiliar congressman — who they deserve a chance to learn a little about before casting their vote.
Voters are ill served by the paucity of debates in contests for the US House of Represenatives this year.
Voters should also get plenty of chances to size up the challengers — whether that challenge is considered highly competitive, like Richard Tisei taking on John Tierney, or hopeless, like Joe Selvaggi running against Steve Lynch. And since these congressional debates receive only a fraction of the press coverage of, say, the US Senate debates between incumbent Republican US Senator Scott Brown and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren — especially in today’s decimated media market — voters need an opportunity to attend in person. That requires a series of debates in all parts of the district. It appears that Tierney and Tisei will end up doing a half-dozen or so debates (possibly including televised ones, being discussed as of this writing). Niki Tsongas and her Republican challenger, Jon Golnik, appear set to debate a fairly reasonable four times. But Lynch and Selvaggi will meet less often than that, as will Bill Keating and Republican Christopher Sheldon. Ed Markey and Republican Tom Tierney might not debate
Last week’s second meeting between Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren — the “Rigmarole in Lowell,” I’m dubbing it — showcased the good and the bad of debates. Moderator David Gregory steered the candidates to the most inane and well-trod tabloid topics, while outside, armies of signholding partisans wrangled as if control of the Senate hinged upon the occupation of curbside inches. And yet, some 5000 people packing the Tsongas Arena — and a large television viewership — did occasionally witness the candidates articulate and defend their contrasting approaches to crucial policy challenges. Some of the same, good and bad, could be found at two other recent debates I attended. In Lynn, Tisei and Tierney argued bitterly over genuine (if sometimes misrepresented) policy differences, along with independent Daniel Fishman, in front of a sizable crowd of mostly campaign volunteers. Few ordinary, undecided voters actually saw the debate, which was not carried on TV or radio. And in Brighton, Bielat and Kennedy sat down for a half-hour (including commercial breaks) debate for WCVB’s “On the Record.” With no live audience, and a Sundaymorning airing, the brief sit-down was not likely to create any electoral ripples. P
NEED MORE POLITICS? Get more of Bernstein’s coverage and critique — including a dissection of the Rigmarole in Lowell and a full schedule of upcoming debates — at
photo: ap/wide world
Pros and cons
now & next :: voices @KADZIS
Incumbent RepublIcAn Senator Scott Brown is hell-bent on branding his Democratic challenger, Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard professor of bankruptcy law, with a scarlet letter: H — for hypocrisy. Brown’s beef? Appeal-court work Warren performed for two corporations: LTV Steel, a conglomerate with coal interests, and Travelers, an insurance giant with a sprawling portfolio that includes asbestos settlements. Brown charges that Warren abandoned her flock of little people for billable hours: $212,000 for her Travelers’ work alone. He caresses this number as if it’s a magic amulet, a talisman that will conjure Warren’s defeat. “Nearly a quarter of a million dollars,” Brown says, breathless at the prospect. There is a question implicit in Brown’s outrage: what’s a European-style, Obamaloving, tree-hugging, non-laundry-folding, socialist law professor like Warren doing
Why did a bunch of executives hire a pinko lawyer? Could it be that Warren is good?
representing upright, capitalist job creators such as LTV and Travelers? An equally fascinating question would be: why did a bunch of hard-headed executives hire a non-pickup-driving, pinko lawyer? Could it be that Warren is good? No one is asking that question. A shrewd politician, Brown intuited that Warren’s professional competence would not be part of any answer, only that she appeared to play against type. Complexity is alien to our attention-deficit culture. Those of us who savor Brown’s skills as a retail politician fear, however, that in pursuing Everyman perfection — pleasing most of the people all of the time and all of the people most of the time; selling himself as just a regular, basketball-playing former male nude model — that the senator may be oversimplifying. “The test of a first-rate intelligence,” F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the
CatCh kadzis on Fox 25’s Heavy Hitters, tuesday mornings at 7:50 am.
22 10.12.12 :: thEPhOENiX.COm
same time, and still retain the ability to function.” To this, Warren must plead, “Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.” She’s functioning. With luck and a big Bay State win by Barack Obama, Warren may snuff Brown’s 25-year political run. Warren is guilty of acting like a law professor, finding the complicated LTV and Travelers cases sufficiently interesting to take a stab at influencing precedents that shape the law. That she was well paid was frosting on the cupcake. Prejudice aside, Harvard Law is a hotbed of the profit motive. Despite Warren’s inflated claim to have been an inspiration for Occupy, she is a reformer, not a revolutionary. As such, Warren is broad minded. She has played for both teams. A progressive who doesn’t hate capitalists, Warren only wants to reform them. The heat of the campaign has Brown hot and bothered. As someone who is a bit “bi” himself — as in bipartisan — you’d think that Brown would sympathize with Warren’s tendency toward duality. When Brown committed bipartisanism in plain view by voting to allow gays and lesbians the right to die for their country in uniform, and when he voted for DoddFrank financial reform (after making sure it was watered down), Brown was denounced by his Tea Party pals as a RINO — a Republican in Name Only. Ouch. These days, Brown dodges even the “name only.” In the recent debate, he called himself an independent. Is a Volvo in the offing? Does he want to save the trailing arbutus? Are Birkenstocks next? You would think that Brown’s sessions in the family laundry room (memorialized in his television commercials) or the frank discussions Brown held with his crusty Senate boss, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, discussing Washington’s abject negativity, would have sensitized Brown, opened his heart. No. Brown is resolute, virtuous, stoic, a modern-day Seneca, who wears — no doubt — Jockeys under his toga. Rectitude should be his middle name. P
phoTo-iLLUsTRaTioN BY k. BaNks
p k a dz i s @ p h x .c o m :: @ k a dz i s
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spotlight :: politics
Terry’s Last Run
The only state senator in danger this November is the one who holds the place together. B y D av iD S. B ern S T e i n
herese Murray took over as Senate president in March 2007, which means — under the eight-year limit adopted after William Bulger’s two-decade reign — that she would have to step down just two months into the 2015-2016 session. Nobody thinks she’ll stay a lowly senator after surrendering the gavel, and it seems implausible that she could run in November 2014 for, in effect, a two-month term.
24 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
That means this is probably the last campaign for Murray, after a remarkable 20-year climb to the top of the Senate, where she is among a handful of the most powerful people in Massachusetts. And there’s a good chance she will lose. Murray is locked in a rematch with Sandwich Selectman Tom Keyes, who took 48 percent of the vote in their 2010 nail-biter, losing by a mere 3600 votes out of 74,000. It’s not supposed to work this way.
illustration by Karl stevens
d b e r n st e i n @ p h x .c o m :: @ d b e r n st e i n
Typically, Senate presidents and House Speakers come from solidly partisan, safe districts. That leaves them free to serve as lightning rods, protecting other Senate members and assisting their political needs, without worrying about their own reputations back in the home district. This year, however, the situation is completely inverted. Murray, who represents the increasingly conservative Upper Cape and Plymouth area, is the lone incumbent in trouble, while the other 36 senators seeking re-election — 32 Democrats and four Republicans — all appear to be coasting. Most Democrats in Boston and beyond assume that she will win comfortably. They are banking on simple electoral mathematics: if Keyes couldn’t win in the Republican-tilted 2010 turnout, he doesn’t figure to prevail in this year’s presidential cycle, in which Democrats are expected to flood the polls, as they did in 2008 and 2004. People in and around the district say it’s not that simple. Many of those extra voters will be coming out for Scott Brown, who romped that area by better than a 60-40 margin in the 2010 special election for US Senate. Brown is expected to win here again, likely by double digits. Even Mitt Romney could carry the district; John McCain got better than 45 percent in 2008. There just aren’t big pockets of Democratic voters in these woody, Outer Cape towns who come out every four years, as there are in other parts of the state. Murray is certainly taking the threat seriously. So it’s a little surprising that others aren’t. It’s almost a mass psychological denial of a post-Murray reality. There is no clear successor, and the possibility of starting the next session fighting to choose one — and then operating without Murray’s strong guiding hand — leaves many Democratic insiders I talked to muttering and rolling their eyes.
KeyeS To vicTory
Keyes is tall, slender, and handsome, cutting a dashing figure in a dark blue suit when I met up with him at the Navigator Club in East Falmouth last weekend. He has a charming businessman’s demeanor, and a deep voice with a hint of Outer Cape drawl. He’s hard to caricature as a wildeyed, Tea Party ultra-conservative. He focuses his message on small business growth and restoring integrity to the State House, emphasizing his work as an ethics and compliance officer. A Sandwich resident, with a wife and two young children, Keyes has been active in local elected office and association leadership for the past 10 years. And he’s been running for this Senate
Tall and handsome, Republican challenger Tom Keyes is hard to caricature as a wildeyed, Tea Party ultraconservative.
seat, almost non-stop, for three years; he turned his attention to 2012 shortly after the 2010 loss. Keyes claims to have knocked on 8000 doors; his campaign has hand-delivered 60,000 pieces of literature. “This is literally my fourth pair of shoes this year,” he says, turning up his foot to show me the latest worn-down sole. He has also already raised more than twice as much as the paltry $45,000 that left him outspent 10-to-1 last time. It’s not a fortune, but it’s enough for some mailings and radio ads in the final weeks. The state’s Republican establishment is pitching in, after taking a more tepid approach in 2010, when they underestimated his chances and were reluctant to risk infuriating the allpowerful Senate president by backing her challenger. His near-win changed that. “The support is vastly different this time,” Keyes acknowledges. He also gets to ride the get-out-thevote coattails of Scott Brown, whose campaign is far better coordinated in this Republican-rich part of the state than gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker was in 2010. It’s still an uphill climb. His qualifications and proposals ultimately seem somewhat irrelevant, given the fact that he would be one of a tiny minority of Republicans in the Senate — while Murray gives the district extraordinary power on Beacon Hill.
courTing her DiSTricT
There is a sense among some voters, however, that Murray has not wielded that power to the greatest benefit of her home district. She has been countering that by spending an inordinate amount of time there since that 2010 election — as acknowledged by her supporters and detractors alike. “She’s been out talking to folks, doing community coffees, at events all over the district,” says Murray’s campaign manager, Samantha Dallaire, who has been assigned out from Murray’s State House office to run the campaign. “She has always kept a very strong presence in the district.” Murray also seems to be making an effort to be more cooperative with the media (including the Phoenix). But a certain amount of resentment from constituents may be an inevitable effect of being the Senate president. Murray is always going to be in the news for her involvement in statewide issues and controversies. The truth is that Murray, judged on her own terms, has had a spectacularly successful presidency. All of her priority legislation has passed, including environmental laws, ethics reform,
government restructuring, casinos, and most recently health-care cost containment. She also led the successful fight to keep same-sex marriage legal. Despite her reputation for abrasiveness and grudge-holding, she has maintained loyalty and support in the Senate, and frequently outmaneuvered the other two power players on Beacon Hill, Governor Deval Patrick and Speaker Robert DeLeo. Not a single Democratic senator has lost a reelection bid while she’s been in charge. She has done all this while mostly avoiding personal fallout from the scandals constantly lapping up against her door. She entered the presidency while under an ethics investigation (stemming from a Phoenix report about tourism funding), which ultimately resulted in no findings of impropriety. Since then, three Democratic senators have been arrested and forced out of office, none involving wrongdoing on Murray’s part. Even the ongoing investigation of patronage in the probation department has not rattled her reputation, despite her prominent mentions in the Ware Report and this year’s indictments. Murray may have dodged another bullet, as it increasingly appears that US Attorney Carmen Ortiz will wait until after the November elections to announce whether the grand jury still meeting in Worcester will issue further indictments — rumored to include sitting senators.
WhaT’S nexT?
Dodged bullet or no, that investigation could make for a rough couple of years ahead for Murray if she does win reelection. Meanwhile, she would be a lame duck, as will the governor, and the state’s recession-dwindled finances will be slow to recover. Most observers expect little of substance from the 2013-2014 session. It makes you wonder why Murray is even bothering to run again. The answer, most State House observers say, lies somewhere in her post-presidency plans — but nobody knows what those might be. At 65, she is too powerful, and too driven, to be thinking of simply retiring. Most people I talk to doubt that she wants to follow her predecessor Tom Birmingham’s example, and turn allpurpose lobbyist. But they have no idea what she does want to do next. Her options might be very different, depending on whether she remains top dog in the Senate or gets sent home by the voters. It may be her last election, but it might also be one of her most important. P THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 10.12.12 25
Spotlight :: tattooS
The KiTchen’s
A tribute to Boston chefs’ tattoos
TexT by Cassandra Landry :: PhoTos by Conor doherTy :: shoT aT jm CurLey
e’d be more than a bit behind the times if we were to suddenly declare chefs the new rock stars. Same goes for announcing the prevalence of tattoos in almost every restaurant in the country. Big, resounding duh. What we found ourselves wishing for, though, was a closer look at all that gorgeous ink that briefly flashes with the flick of a sauté pan. So, we peeled seven of Boston’s tatted-up culinary talents out of their chef jackets. Wish granted.
andy husbands
Chef-owner at Tremont 647 “Sometimes I kind of feel like maybe chefs are the new cowboys . . . in the sense that we’re in this free kind of job where we don’t have corporate rules. We get away with a lot of stuff, man. Chefs are always so busy that we can be late, drunk, and tattooed, and we’re still ready to go. Still ready to do our thing! But if your doctor shows up late, tattooed, and drunk, you’re like, ‘No thank you.’ ” >> TaTToos on p 28
26 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
CYCLES 128 • 107 BRIMBAL AVENUE • BEVERLY, MA 01915 800-464-2925 •
Spotlight :: tattooS
Karen aKunoWiCz
Executive chef at Myers+Chang “I have two on my back, but this one says ‘femme,’ and I got it in P-town. It’s a statement about femme visibility in the queer community. People always think it’s like, ‘Ooh, woman in French!’ [Laughs] Nope. It’s for people of all genders and shapes and sizes who identify as femme. All my friends are always like, ‘We all fuckin’ know you’re a femme,’ but it’s not really about me. It’s about saying we’re often seen as invisible, so for me it’s a signifier, kind of like the old fivepoint stars that gays used to get and hide under their watches.”
jason sanTos
Executive chef at Blue Inc. “When I worked for Andy [Husbands] a long time ago, he got me a gift card to Fat Ram’s for my birthday, and I got the beets. It killed. People who say tattoos don’t hurt are lying! I don’t care for beets personally; I think they taste like dirt. . . . That’s kind of the irony of it. Everyone’s got a ton of food tattoos, but I’d never seen one of beets, so that’s why I did it.”
>> TaTToos on p 30
28 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
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Spotlight :: tattooS
jamie bissonneTTe
Chef-owner at Coppa and Toro “I started getting tattoos when I was really young. I was a punk kid; I was a hardcore kid. I didn’t want to be the same as everybody else. When someone looked at me, I wanted them to know that I wasn’t the lacrosse player from the suburbs. I wanted people to know, ‘Fuck your society — I’m different,’ and I feel like a lot of chefs are similar in that way. We’ve chosen a career path where we can look however the fuck we want. Can you have blue hair and tattoos and be a lawyer? Probably, but you’ve got to be really accomplished before you go there. Here, you can start out with piercings and tongue rings, and nobody cares.”
KaT ChrisTensen Sous-chef at Coppa
Cassandra Landry: “So, is there a story behind it?” Christensen: “It is a Jimmy Buffett tattoo. You know, like parrotheads.” Jason Santos: “I think what she means is, is there a better story behind it?” [Laughs] Christensen: [Laughs] “Not really! No, I just love him. I go to his shows, and it’s my only tattoo.” Jamie Bissonnette: “She’s such a badass in the kitchen, and she never gets weeded. She should get a tattoo of her saying ‘Fuck you’ to the weeds.” >> TaTToos on p 32
30 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
Spotlight :: tattooS
samueL monsour
Executive chef at jm Curley “Your first tattoo is always something more traditional. You get, like, a fucking cross, or a Sailor Jerry, just something that’s kind of common, and you get it somewhere safe. And then, one day, you get the balls to get a fucking cheeseburger on your forearm that you can’t hide. That’s your breakthrough tattoo. After that, you realize you can express yourself however the fuck you want.”
WiLL GiLson
Chef-owner at Puritan & Co. “ ‘Eat’ [see cover] was my gateway drug. I knew I wanted to do the dogwood on my arm, and if I didn’t do this one, there was no way I was going to commit to the big one. I got this done in the kitchen of my former GM. . . . If all else fails, and I’m not a chef anymore, it could be ‘meat’ and I could be a butcher, ‘beat’ and I could be in a band! But after that, I got the dogwoods on my arm. The dogwoods were the two trees that were growing in front of my family’s farm and restaurant; it’s the name of my dad’s landscaping company, and when two of my relatives passed away, I put dogwood branches right on their caskets. This was really the only thing that meant enough to me to do on such a large scale.”
32 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
ParLor PICkS Chef Samuel Monsour of jm Curley gave us an inside look as he got his latest tattoo: a monocleclad hot dog. He got the little guy inked at Fat Ram’s Pumpkin Tattoo, one of several go-tos our chefs mentioned. Here are their favorite spots for adding to their art.
Coastline Tattoo 290A Commercial St, Provincetown :: 508.487.2012 :: Fat Ram’s Pumpkin Tattoo 374 Centre St, Jamaica Plain :: 617.522.6444 :: The Gallery Tattoo Studio 1139 Main St, Concord :: 978.610.6861 :: thegallerytattoostudio. com Pino Bros Ink 1100 Cambridge St, Cambridge :: 617.250.9903 :: Redemption Tattoo 2094 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: 617.576.0097 :: Regeneration Tattoo 155 Harvard Ave, Allston :: 617.782.1313 :: Stingray Body Art 1 Harvard Ave, Allston :: 617.254.0666 ::
55 Huntington Avenue • 617.536.0770 •
$ 2 0
34 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
spotlight :: Food
Puritan ethic
1166 itan Cam Cambr & Co. br id :: pur idge :: 61 ge St, 7 itan Cam .615.6195 .Com brid :: S open lated t ge o in oCto late ber
With his new restaurant almost ready, chef Will Gilson mulls heritage, humility, and his year in culinary purgatory. B y ni na MaClau g h lin
n m ac l au g h l i n @ g m a i l .c o m
photos by matt teuten
he door to the kitchen is open, and inside, Will Gilson is getting ready. It’s the second day of fall, the type of day that makes people drive to farms to buy half-gallons of cider and plastic tote bags full of apples. The sky is the deep blue of late September, and trees give the first hint of their coming shift. In Groton, 50 minutes west up Route 2, the air smells like hay, cut grass, and the sweet earthy stink of manure. Summer clings to the air. The splendor of this sort of day rests exactly in the sense of its not lasting; every long, cool shadow says not much longer now.
This time of year flatters the Herb Lyceum, the farm and restaurant that belongs to Gilson’s family. But it’s hard to imagine a time of year that wouldn’t flatter this handsome white farmhouse on four acres of land. The house embodies a contradiction unique to New England: it’s modest, utilitarian, frillless, resilient to time and storms, but also large, stately, significant, its every broad floorboard and old fireplace imbued with the weight of history and influence. It’s been in the
Gilson family for generations. It’s a likable lie, the ones New Englanders tell through their houses and their sweaters, a vestigial Puritan sense of humility and restraint. Wool gone threadbare in the elbows and boots that have seen two decades’ worth of winters belie — or is it reveal? — the ancestral home with nine bedrooms and the Mayflower lineage. Greenhouses, 10 of them, stretch like caterpillars across the property. The Gilsons grow about 250,000 plants in the span of 12 weeks, plus tomatoes and mums for the markets nearby. At Garden at the Cellar in Cambridge, a subterranean bar Gilson transformed into a hugely popular restaurant, he made big use of produce from the farm and gained a reputation for emphasizing local, sustainable food. (Full disclosure: I was a terrible bartender at the Cellar for a few months, back before Gilson came on as chef.) The Lyceum itself is a converted carriage house with a kitchen and two small dining rooms with long tables. Dried plants hang like horsetails high along the wall. Exposed beams and worn wood give the
feel of a barn, and even in midday brightness, one imagines candlelight on the tables, wax dripping on white linen, and a small crowd passing dishes, sharing tastes, engaging in the ritual of a communal meal. Gilson moves about the Lyceum kitchen, stacking plates, making piles, and loading fold-up tables into the pick-up truck outside with the focused ease of someone, in all senses, at home. He’s prepping for an event that evening at his mother’s farm down the road. Closing in on 30, Gilson has a boyish appeal, a scruffy brawn, warmth, and charm. His light eyes have a flashing bit of mischief. He’s a few weeks away from opening his own restaurant, Puritan & Co., in Inman Square in Cambridge. A long communal table will be the centerpiece of the place. “I wanted to mimic the feeling of what we do here,” he says. “Let people get a chance to be human beings again, not introverts toying around on their iPhones.” The host station will be a 1920s stove from the Lyceum, the first stove Gilson cooked on. A massive soapstone sink from the early 1900s that’s sitting on a back deck at the farm will have a place behind the oyster and charcuterie bar. “Heritage” was an early name for the new place. “But that was a little bit too much ‘This is my life, deal with it,’ ” says Gilson.
Culinary purgaTory
A quick drive in the pick-up, and Gilson unloads tables and tools for the night’s dinner. His mother, Jodie, trim and quickmoving in white shorts and flip-flops, curly blonde hair and a visor, appears from a greenhouse, asks about linens, and offers to lend a hand. Gilson refuses the help. Two winters ago, Jodie’s greenhouses col-
>> gilson on p 36
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 10.12.12 35
spotlight :: Food
lapsed under the weight of snow. Gilson rallied the Boston restaurant community and hosted a fundraising dinner to help his mom get back in business. He hefts a Caja China — a pig-roasting box — off the truck bed and explains it will serve as a mobile stove that night. Gilson’s parents split when he was 16, and the divorce forced his independence. “My mom used to joke that when I was a kid, I’d always say, ‘Let me do it myself,’ ” Gilson says back in the truck. “And that’s sort of remained true . . .” The narrow roads twist. Sheep speckle a field on the right. “. . .Until last year,” Gilson continues, “when I said, ‘I need help.’ ” Gilson describes his “year in culinary purgatory.” Having spent five years “making something out of nothing” at Garden at the Cellar, he itched to do something else. “I had just outgrown it,” he says. The fundraising dinner for his mother showed him that he had reach in the community. “It makes you start thinking. It makes you start asking, ‘What are you doing? Where are you going?’ ” In the spring of 2011, Gilson, down in Fort Myers, Florida, for a father-son trip to spring training, got a phone call. A restaurant down on the Cape, in Truro, was available for takeover for the summer season. “I talked it over with my dad,” Gilson says. “He’s my voice of reason.” His father urged him to do it, said it seemed like just the sort of excuse Gilson needed to step away from Garden. “It didn’t have to be right,” says Gilson, “but it had to be right now.” Three weeks later, he’d sold his share of Garden and was making plans for Truro. A year ago, Gilson finished his summer stint and returned to Boston. “I had no job, no income, and no irons in the fire,” he says, sitting at a table on a back patio at the Lyceum, squirrels in a frenzy over hickory nuts nearby. “It was one of the darkest periods of my life.” Gilson catalogues the jobs he took, a list he relays the way one describes a nightmare, with the amused relief of waking up. He taught a class at Newbury College. He cooked for a catering company. “I had gone from being a celebrity chef at one of their events, and now I was in the doldrums, cooking food for people who weren’t coming to eat what I was making.” He worked on a yacht for a week, for someone he refused to name, barefoot and alone in a galley kitchen. “It was one of the hardest things to do,” he says. “I was given a list of food and told to prepare it.” And he worked for an accounting firm doing staff-appreciation events. Daisy, a gray-faced golden retriever, trots over for a nuzzle as if on cue. “Each one was a paycheck to get to the next paycheck.” He rented out the condo he owned in Somerville and moved back to Groton for eight months, sleeping in his childhood 36 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
“I had no job, no income, and no irons in the fire. It was one of the darkest periods of my life.”
bedroom. Some remnants of a younger Gilson remain: beer bottles line a mantel; an old Nelly album and the soundtrack to Rush Hour 2 sit in a box labeled “rap CDs.” There used to be more Aerosmith posters, Gilson says. Doubt hounded him that year. He worried that the restaurant world had bested him, that he lacked what it took to succeed. “It was rock bottom,” he says. “But rock bottom helps you refocus. I had to hit rock bottom to be able to see.”
a general, a sea CapTain, a pilgriM
Gilson’s vision is focused, specific, and rooted in where he comes from. His grandfather taught his father the family genealogy; his father will teach him, and “maybe eventually” Gilson will have someone to teach it to. His status as a 13th-generation New Englander has been well noted, but he cautions against any visions of buckle hats or muskets at the new place. “It’s about preserving our heritage,” he says of Puritan & Co. “It’s an idea of what we are and what our values are.” Gilson recalls his mother boiling tortellini from a bag, then sautéing them in olive oil and sage, one of his favorite childhood meals. He talks of her forever burning his
grilled cheeses, the sound of the butter knife scraping char off bread and the blackened flecks on his fingertips. He hated it then, but time shifts tastes, and Gilson has been experimenting with onion ash. “Selfishly,” he says, a word he repeats often, to suggest both apology and awareness, Puritan & Co. is about “all the stuff from here.” One hears an only child’s expectation of attention and approval when he says, “I’m trying to prove to everyone that I am good at what I do.” He talks of the “ego cocktail” — humility and pride — necessary to stay balanced. “Think of the attributes of a general or a sea captain,” he says. “They’re leading people into battle.” Likewise, he says, a chef. There are a few cars parked in the Lyceum driveway. Is the pick-up his? “Nope. I drive this,” he says, tapping on the trunk of the BMW. He quickly goes on to describe the beat-up Tacoma he used to drive. He says he hears a lot from people about the magic of the farm. “To me it’s just a place. I look around and think, this needs cleaning, this needs organizing.” It’s a practiced humility: Oh, it’s just a house. One might even suggest that it’s something in the Yankee genes, a culture that poses loath to flaunt success. “I don’t come from money,” he says. “We just came on a small boat a long time ago.” P
main photo by matt teuten; detail photos by k bonami
<< gilson from p 35
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The science of food » flour Power » diY desserT » hogToberfesT
photo by michael spencer
GrandTen Distilling gets in gear. Page 44.
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 10.12.12 39
Food & drink :: Feast
F lo lour
Sound Bite
Fort catio Po n 12 Fa int Cha s rnsw nne B sout oston :: orth st l, 617.3 , he st, B nd, 1595 38.4333 ost wa Cent on :: 617.2 shingto n 67.4 Ma s ral s q s ave uare 300 , 19 ,C 617.2 aMBridg 0 25.25 e :: 25
Flour Power By Cassand ra Land ry
c l a n d ry@ p h x .c o m :: @ E at d r i n k W r i t E
When Joanne Chang reCently announCed via Twitter (@jbchang) that she was signing a lease for a fourth Flour location, pastry lovers around the city dropped what they were doing and immediately Google-mapped its proximity to their homes and offices with bated breath. Well, we did, anyway. Chang (pictured above) tells us Flour 4 is slated to open by the end of the year at 131 Clarendon Street in Back Bay (the onetime home of Hard Rock Café), and she assures that it will offer the same glimmering selection of pastries and sandwiches that we know and love. Daily and weekly specials will continue to be dreamed up by the ladies and gents on staff. Does she see her sweet and savory empire going the way of fro-yo and cupcakes, popping up on every corner? Not quite yet: “We think four is a great number!” We agree for now, but let’s just consider this our signature on the eventual petition for world sticky-bun domination.
Chang is currently slogging through the acknowledgements and final edits for her second book, Flour, Too: Indispensable Recipes for the Café’s Most Loved Sweets and Savories. Look for it on May 31, 2013. In the meantime, check out some of her recipes at
40 10.12.12 :: ThePhoenIx.CoM/food
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Food & drink :: Feast
The execuTive chef
Chewing the fat with White House pastry chef Bill Yosses B y Re n ata C eRt o -Wa R e @scorpiondisco
and we use a similar system. They’re called hoops; it’s a hoop with plastic over it, and in the dead of winter you can still grow things underneath because the sun heats the ground during the day and allows ground water to collect. We’ve grown things at the White House in January in the snowfall. A French take on Italian tiramisu for the former president and first lady of France, blown sugar apples filled with ice cream for a Chinese state dinner — how do you make desserts that are culturally relevant to White House visitors? To me that has been one of the most interesting parts of the job. There are people coming from every corner of the world, so we do research in the kitchen. Of course, we want to learn about what kind of dishes and what ingredients the guests would like. Sometimes we’ll call the embassies; sometimes they send information to us.
Harvard’s science & cooking series serves up talks from culinary wizards at 7 pm each Monday through the fall term. Here’s a taste of the talent; check out the full schedule at seas.harvard. edu/cooking. october 15 » next up is another dc chef: Think Food Group’s José Andrés, who’s often credited with bringing small plates to the states. November 5 » Boston’s own Joanne chang, founder of Flour Bakery, returns to her alma mater for her first science & cooking appearance. November 26 » david chang pauses from running his Momofuku empire to trek up from nYc. December 3 » Molecular maestro Ferran Adrià ends the season with a bang at science & cooking’s sole ticketed event; secure your seat at the Harvard Box office beginning november 27. 42 10.12.12 ::
One of your responsibilities is tending the South Lawn kitchen garden. What’s your philosophy on cooking seasonally? Every chef would like to cook seasonally, but it’s not always possible, especially if you are living in a northern climate. Sometimes in the winter there’s not much, and for a pastry chef that basically means apples and pears. We love seasonal, we love local, but we are not limited by it. . . . Eliot Coleman, a farmer in Maine, is a great example of the way chefs and farmers are collaborating today. He has a four-season garden — in Maine, if you can believe that —
year of Family Circle magazine’s first first-lady bakeoff, won by Hillary Clinton
number of votes Michelle obama received in this month’s showdown, in which her white and dark chocolate-chip cookies triumphed over ann Romney’s M&M’s cookies
Do you have any guilty-pleasure reality cooking shows? Top Chef? Cupcake Wars? You know, I don’t! But I like the fact that they are out there. Anything that gets people interested in food and cooking, I’m all for it. What I would love is if that interest would get translated into food knowledge — to really understanding what we are eating, what it does to our bodies, what the sources are. These days, what people really are interested in is who’s growing the food and how they are growing it. So, I think it’s entertaining, but on a very superficial level. I hope it brings people to understand more about food like we do here, where we are talking about food as a science. P
pHoTo BY MAxwell pHoToGrApHY
food for ThoughT
A few weeks Ago, as election season heated up, Cambridge welcomed a DC insider who wows pols on both sides of the aisle: White House pastry chef Bill Yosses. Marking his third year presenting at Harvard’s fall Science & Cooking public lecture series, the man Obama calls “the Crust Master” schooled a rapt crowd with his talk “How Phase Changes Cause Deliciousness.” But first, Yosses chatted with us about the issues — like winter gardens and reality TV.
You have a deep interest in White House culinary history, which is heavily influenced by French cooking. How much of that history do you incorporate into your own recipes? I was trained in France, and I do use a lot of classical French techniques — all pastry chefs do. But we also love American desserts, and that’s what people expect; they’re coming to the White House. So, what we like to say is that the way we cook is like American jazz: we take a classic style, and then we innovate with it. What we do with cooking is what jazz is to classical music, with a European foundation.
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Legal Seafood Ad, Boston Stuff
Food & drink :: Liquid
GettinG into the SpiritS
W a ta ant Granste of d Drin k u p t e n? at
like spo Grill ashmon ts t , happ Deep ell um y’s anD , local 14 , the r 9, BeaG eGal le .
Southie’s GrandTen enters the craft-distilling game B y L u k e O ’N eiL
With so many small distilleries opening lately, from Ipswich’s Privateer to Boston’s Bully Boy, it seems like it’s never been easier to launch a spirits brand. But unlike, say, becoming an Internet rap star or a “journalist” who writes about booze, you can’t simply wake up one morning and declare yourself a distiller. There’s more to getting a bottle to market than the eureka moment when “I like to drink” meets “I like to make money.” It takes patience and planning, says Spencer McMinn of South Boston’s recently launched GrandTen Distilling. McMinn and his cousin Matthew Nuernberger had been ready since May 2011, but it wasn’t until January of this year that they finalized the necessary permits to open. The biggest impediment, McMinn says, is that you have to have your space leased and equipment installed to even apply for a federal license. “So it’s a huge leap of faith to have it all set up and ready to go, just to apply.” The license itself isn’t necessarily
difficult to secure if you’ve prepared properly, but it’s a long waiting game. Next comes the state and city licenses. “In Boston, you can’t just build a distillery anywhere; you have to be in the right zone,” he says. They were denied at first; the appeal took months. “Now that we’ve done it, it would be easier for someone to start a distillery in Boston,” he says. If that someone has the right knowhow, of course. When the project began, Nuernberger was studying business at Babson College, and McMinn was doing a post-doctorate in Paris, having earned his PhD in chemistry from the University of Virginia. It’s not vital to spend years studying chemistry to learn to distill, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. “Having a PhD in chemistry just means that you know how to run an experiment correctly, understand the variables, and know how to document it well,” says McMinn. His experimentation led to their flagship product, Wire Works Gin, which begins with a flavorless grain spirit; they
it’s not vital to have a phD in chemistry to open a distillery, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.
use mostly corn grown in New York for a neutral starting point. Next it’s infused with botanicals, juniper chief among them, before being redistilled. “You can think of it as an herbal vodka, almost — a flavored spirit,” McMinn says of gin. “The interesting thing about making gin is that you have to have juniper, but [law and tradition] don’t specify what other botanicals can be in there, so there’s an almost limitless combo of botanicals and proportions.” Like most brands, GrandTen doesn’t reveal its exact recipe, but it includes coriander, which comes through in Wire Works’ extraordinarily spiced, peppery nose and first sip. But the secret weapon is local cranberries. Many gins use citrus to gain acidity, says McMinn, but end up tasting too much like lemon or grapefruit. Cranberry adds acidity without an overwhelming fruit profile. “That helps with the mouthfeel and blending all the botanicals together, making it smoother to drink.” Drinkability is paramount, but historical color sure helps with marketing. The Dorchester Avenue building that houses GrandTen’s distillery has more than its fair share. Once an iron foundry, it was built by Cyrus Alger, a renowned metallurgist who supplied the government with munitions during the War of 1812. The foundry later became a wire works — hence their flagship gin’s name, says McMinn. “We really like the history of this spot, kind of the unknown history of Boston, that iron made this area an economic powerhouse.” So did rum, which GrandTen also has on the way. They’re currently aging their Medford Rum, a blackstrap-molasses rum reminiscent of those New England made famous during colonial times. And the name of their new chipotleflavored vodka, Fire Puncher, nods to the legend of Tommy Maguire — who, an 1887 newspaper account maintains, attempted to fight flames at the foundry with his bare firsts. In retrospect, this whole distilling thing seems like a lot of work. Maybe we’ll just stick to drinking for now. P
Grandten distillinG :: 383 Dorchester Ave, Boston :: 617.269.0497 or :: Call to schedule a tour, or visit during its Bloody Mary competition on October 28.
44 10.12.12 :: ThephOenix.COM/fOOD
Photo by michaeL D. SPencer
Lu k e o n e i L 47@ g m a i L .c o m :: @ Lu k e o n e i L 47
Food & drink :: dining
On the Cheap
iYO Cafe
DIY dessert in Davis Square
October 1-31
Drink delicious dry muscadet wine, paired with succulent oysters all month at special events across Boston!
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46 10.12.12 :: ThEphoEnix.coM/Food Campaign supported by the European Union
noticed those ahead of me had loaded their cups even fuller than the one I’d stuffed to the rim. Not one of them rang up over $6, and I clocked in at an astonishing $4.83. At 49 cents per ounce, it’s safe to indulge. After taste-testing our creations, we took shots of Barrington Coffee espresso and headed for the back room equipped with a giant chalkboard. We added flamingos and flower doodles to a preexisting mural of rainbows, faces, and silly tags like “I [heart] Irish dance.” Only one drawing appeared to be made by a child — I’m pretty sure the rest was high art. _Ariel SheArer » :: @ArielSheArer
Photos by Meredith cohen
Join us for a special event October 20th
Kids lOve frO-yO. They also love devouring candy and drawing on walls. But without any children at my disposal, I decided the best way to evaluate iYO Cafe, a self-serve yogurt and waffle shop, would be to rally some girlfriends and smoke a fat joint before heading over. We arrived freshly baked at 10 pm on a weeknight and found the Davis Square storefront bustling. A mild bout of social anxiety faded as we realized the crowd was full of twentysomethings like ourselves. I made a beeline for the waffle station, poured a cup of batter, and dumped it into a flippable machine while avoiding eye contact with a very helpful attendant. She told me one-fourth of a waffle fits perfectly inside one of their cups, so I let my enlightened appetite attempt the elusive breakfast-dessert hybrid. A built-in timer counted down while my waffle cooked and I contemplated 12 flavors of fro-yo. I wound up burying my waffle in blueberry-tart and triple-chocolate yogurts, liquid marshmallow sauce, whipped cream, crushed Oreos, and tapioca pearls. (There are a couple of yards of counter space allotted for dry toppings alone.) Then came the weigh-and-pay line, which wracked my nerves until I
Food & drink :: calendar
Chew Out
Just when we felt secure in the awesomeness of our foodtruck landscape, Sara Ross of Kickass Cupcakes decided a little friendly competition was in order. Roxy’s Grilled Cheese, Bon Me, the Cookie Monstah, Staff Meal, Mei Mei Street Kitchen, Lobsta Love, and Kickass Cupcakes will be repping the hometown, which means NYC is going to have to seriously suit up if it hopes to make an impression upon us loyal truck-foodists. We’ll try to be impartial.
11 am to 9 pm @ Dewey Square on the Rose Kennedy Greenway, Boston
We’re pretty sure three-time Cochon 555 winner Matt Jennings and American Seasons’ Mike LaScola could butcher a pig in their sleep. Still, that’s probably not a particularly safe scenario, so we’ll settle for sampling their skills at Nantucket’s Hogtoberfest. Start Saturday morning off with a butchering how-to, reward yourself with an afternoon beer-andcharcuterie tasting, and rally for Sunday’s whole-hog dinner.
Free entry; truck prices vary
We don’t blame you for wanting a taste of the line — bad-asses juggling huge knives are addictive to watch — but it’s not like you can saunter into any kitchen ready to rumble. Enter the BCAE and Russell House Tavern chef Michael Scelfo, who’ll take the helm as you prep dishes for 12–15 dinner guests. Okay, it’s not quite like running a real kitchen, where you have minions. You are the minions! But you probably won’t have to clean out any grease traps.
Laaaadies, this one’s for you. In case you thought everyone had enough of a certain erotic novel that revealed all of your mom’s guarded fetishes (after she casually mentioned that yes, she “loved it”), it continues to whip everyone into submission with the endless punning opportunities it provides. So join Saloon beverage director Manny Gonzales as he dispels the mystery surrounding the sexy brown liquors making eyes at you from behind the bar. Chicks who drink? Meet whiskey, bourbon, and rye.
10 am and 1 pm Sat and 6:30 pm Sun @ American Seasons, 80 Centre St, Nantucket | $25–$30 for Saturday events; $110 for Sunday dinner | 508.228.7111
6:30 pm @ Saloon, 255 Elm St, Somerville
6 pm @ the Boston Center for Adult Education, 122 Arlington St, Boston
$75; $65 members; $15 materials; $25 for dinner
617.628.4444 or 50shadesofwhiskey.
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2 10.12.12 :: ThEphoENix.Com/FooD
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Sherman alexie » Ben affleck’S argO » Beach hOuSe » gina gerShOn
Photo by natasha moustache
A mermaid sighting in the South End. Page 88.
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 10.12.12 51
Arts & Nightlife :: get out
Boston Fun List meAn CReek + you won’t + moe PoPe & tHe QuillS Boston indie darlings mean Creek have a record release show for Youth Companion with fellow local talents of note at Brighton music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston ;; 9 pm :: $12 ::
For m re fun ore Follo events, w us on t @Bos witter tonFu nshit or lik FaceB e us at ook.c o Bosto nFuns m/ hit
Hot tix
“WFNX DISORIENTATION 2012” WITH GENTLEMEN HALL + CASEY DESMOND+ DJ MICHAEL V :: October 23 :: Lansdowne Pub, Boston :: FREE w/ RSVP :: LIZZ WINSTEAD :: “BANG THE DUMB SLOWLY: THE LONG ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE” :: October 28 at Johnny D’s, Somerville :: $20 :: HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE :: November 10 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $15 :: JERRY SEINFELD :: November 17 at the Wang Theatre, Boston :: $65-$81 :: BOB DYLAN & HIS BAND + MARK KNOPFLER :: November 18 at the TD Garden, Boston :: $39.50-$125.50 :: BOSTON BALLET’S THE NUTCRACKER :: November 23-December 28 at the Opera House, Boston :: $35-$172 :: NEIL YOUNG & CRAZY HORSE + PATTI SMITH :: November 27 at the TD Garden, Boston :: $58-$258 :: TITUS ANDRONICUS + CEREMONY :: November 30 at the Sinclair, Cambridge :: $16 :: THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS :: November 30-December 1 at the Cutler Majestic Theatre, Boston :: $39-$59 ::
MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS + ICONA POP :: December 8 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $22.50-$25 :: DJ SHADOW :: December 9 at Royale, Boston :: $25 :: WALK THE MOON + PACIFIC AIR :: January 24 at the Paradise Rock Club, Boston :: $17 ::
Feels like only yesterday that RADIO in Union Square crashed 13 our city’s live-music circuit with a raucous launch party, and we still have the glitter from Tad McKitterick of SIDEWALK DRIVER lodged deep within our trousers. But a year flies by in this here Age of Now, and the Somerville club’s ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY is a killer all-day affair starring the aforementioned Driver, Field Effect, Brownboot, the Rationales, Cocked N’ Loaded, and several more. Just try to blow out these candles. Radio, 381 Somerville Ave, Somerville :: noon–1 am :: $12 ::
THE VACCINES :: January 29 at the Paradise Rock Club, Boston :: $17 :: LADY GAGA: BORN THIS WAY BALL :: February 27 at the TD Garden, Boston :: $49.50-$175 :: RIHANNA: DIAMONDS TOUR :: March 10 at the TD Garden, Boston :: $52.50-$147.50 :: THE BOOK OF MORMON :: April 9-28 at the Opera House, Boston :: $47-$134 :: boston.
52 10.12.12 :: tHePHoenix.Com/eventS
The “desert blues” of Malian
electric-guitar band (and 2012 13
Phoenix Best Music Poll winners) TINARIWEN is as much Mississippi Delta as northern Sahara — and its mesmerizing. Boston world-music faves Atlas Soul open. Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: 8pm :: $20 :: 617.876.4275 or
sidewalk driver photo by kelly davidson
TWIN SISTER + SCHOOL OF SEVEN BELLS :: December 2 at the Sinclair, Cambridge :: $15 ::
A quick rundown of why a lot of people tend to avoid rap shows: Overreliance on a backing track, overzealous hype men, and reluctance 14 to give much of a fuck about anything besides getting that paper. We’d be lying if we said WAKA FLOCKA FLAME doesn’t indulge in all of the above during his manic live show, but, hey, shit’s still zany fun. If the idea of shaking your dreads and bow-bowing like you just zooted a line of bath salts sounds like too much for you, skip it. WOOH DA KID opens. sun
House of Blues, 15 lansdowne St, Boston :: 8 pm:: $25-$39.50 ::
We have to hand it to Geeks Who Drink. They’ve been living up to their 15 rep as one of the best trivia purveyors in town by consistently hosting awesome TV-themed quizzes, thus far including Arrested Development and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (that one was tough). Tonight, we’re visiting Springfield-by-way-of-Allston for THE TREEHOUSE OF HORROR: THE ALL-SIMPSONS QUIZ. Brush up on your Bart, hone your Homer, and, uh, fine-tune your Flanders, this should be a doozy. mon
Regina Pizzeria, 353 Cambridge St, Allston :: 8 pm :: $5 ::
CHRIS ELLIOTT is one of the hardest, longest-working funnymen 18 in the biz whose name you probably don’t even know. But you’d recognize his mug from classics like Something About Mary or Groundhog Day, and more recently, perhaps, from Adult Swim’s sidewrenchingly funny, blood-spattered, and weird-as-shit cop parody show Eagleheart. But Elliot is more than just Stiller’s or Murray’s second-hand man. The SNL and Letterman alum discusses as much when he appears in support of his new book THE GUy UNdER THE SHEETS: THE UNAUTHORIzEd AUTObIOGRAPHy at the Coolidge tonight. thi
Coolidge Corner theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline :: 6 pm :: $5 ::
The second we heard that there was 18 going to be an “improvisational duck call free jazz band” at tonight’s edition of the UNION SQUARE ROUND TABLE we were in. That would be Duck That, who, along with Angela Sawyer of Weirdo Records, will perform an avantgarde classical piece about Ira Glass. Try and top that weirdness, just try. Also, DAMON & NAOMI will be playing some music, renowned wits EUGENE MIRMAN and CHRIS GETHARD will be saying and doing funny stuff, and CHRIS BRAIOTTA will be hosting the whole shebang. Brattle theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge :: 7 pm :: $18; $13 students, seniors ::
Free events
veGetARiAn CookinG Demo :: sandra Garson, vegetarian cook and author of Veggiyana: The Dharma of Cooking, discusses her book and conducts a cooking demo. :: trident Booksellers & Café, 338 newbury St, Boston :: october 11 @ 7 pm ::
20tH AnnuAl touR De SomeRville :: the somerville bicycle Committee leads the bike tour — this year themed “edge of the City” — which follows a 15-mile loop of the somerville city limits. light food and drink provided by redbones. :: kicks off in Seven Hills Park, Somerville :: october 13 from 10 am to 1 pm ::
SAlem oPen mARket :: sowa hosts their indie market out in salem as part of this year’s “haunted happenings,” weekends in october only. :: essex and washington Sts, Salem :: october 13-28; Saturdays and Sundays from 11 am to 6 pm :: salemopenmarket. com “All you CAn eAt BuFFet” :: new dancenight residence with dJ paul Foley. :: ZuZu, 474 mass Ave, Cambridge :: october 14 @ 10 pm ::
GDGt live 2012 :: tech showcase with demos, vendors and reps on hand, giveaways, drink tickets for those 21+, and more.:: Bijou, 51 Stuart St, Boston :: october 17 from 7 to 10 pm :: J.m. RoDney’S meDiCine SHow: “tHeRe ARe tHoSe wHo StRive FoR leSS” :: Union square round table member ryan douglass hosts fellow comedians d.l. polonksy, sinus brady, and Chris Morrill in an alternative comedy showcase, with music by team Friendship :: middlesex, 315 mass Ave, Cambridge :: october 17 @ 7:30 pm ::
tHePHoenix.Com/eventS :: 10.12.12 53
Nex For t Week : Wh t P o fave at are iNt
yo s poi pots in ur bos nt? tW fort to ee ema nphoen t @ il li stin iX or phX .com gs@
Meet the City Councilor distriCt 1 Salvatore LaMattina
Ah, Scups in the Harbour, we hardly knew ye — but we’re happy to see your space reborn as the culinary thunder from Down Under that is KO Pies at the shiPyard, who specialize in outrageously tasty Australian meat (and veggie) pies. And if KO’s ittybitty storefront is too claustrophobic for you, walk your flaky-crusted pasty over to Piers Park.
256 Marginal St, Bldg 16 :: 617.418.5234 :: kocateringandpies. com
Maverick Square’s music-
education org Zumix sure has been keeping busy. This past August, for the first time in the nonprofit’s 21-year history, it propelled one of its youth bands (the spunky all-girl Annual Snowfall) on an international touring gig. But don’t worry: they’re still putting on tons of events and concerts here at home. 260 Sumner St :: 617.568.9777 ::
Run, don’t walk, to Wave N Pave if you like: a) getting your face smashed into the ocean, b) hurling yourself off con-
GettiNG tHere subWay: blue line. bus: 111, 112, 114, 116/117.
crete inclines, or c) paying someone to carve ornate flaming skulls into your flesh with needles. This skate/surf/tattoo shop should make any respectable adrenaline junkie’s heart go pitter-pat. 973 Saratoga St :: 617.418.5115 ::
With regards to meridiaN FOOd marKet, we’ve got two words for you: killer arancini. Also, as one sage Yelper points out: “You know you are in a good place when all of the local firemen, policemen, and construction workers are on a
first-name basis with the guys who make the sandwiches.” 121 Meridian St :: 617.567.9725 ::
Getting a leg cramp waiting for a seat at the everrammed Rino’s? Stroll across the street to Prima e dOPO — their sister spot, duly dubbed “before and after” specifically with this purpose in mind — and pass the time with a cold beer and a hot app before your table opens up at Rino’s.
When people think of Italian food in Boston, they generally think of the North End. Does this cause any beef with the numerous Italian eateries in Eastie? no. The north end is the italian neighborhood of the city, so italian restaurants are there. But we have Santarpio’s, which is a very, very, very good pizza place. We have Rino’s, one of the best italian restaurants in the city. We also have a lot of diverse restaurants: the best Mexican restaurant is Angela’s, and some of the best Colombian restaurants are in east Boston. Do you find the sound of airplanes passing overhead soothing? Y’know, i’ve been living in east Boston for well over 50 years. After a while, you get used to the background noise. i grew up on Chelsea Street, near Santarpio’s. When i first moved to Orient Heights, i had a hard time adjusting because it was too quiet. in some neighborhoods, you don’t hear the planes at all. What it’s like being a city councilor? Is it fun? i love it. every day is a different challenge. You’re in the middle of everything. You work to, hopefully, improve life in your neighborhood, and that’s something i enjoy. _BArry ThO mpSON
300 Saratoga St :: 617.874.8156
#FF @ebDotcom @eccoboston @eastbostonalert @harbor_arts @mareastboston
WorD oN tHe tWeet “WaveD to scott broWn this mornin in east boston on my Way to class” –via @colleenie_29
Atlantic Works Gallery describes its new show, “the inspection house,” thus: “A panopticon is a circular prison with cells arranged around a central well, from which prisoners can at all times be observed. it is an apt metaphor for how we live today.” now that your palms are suitably clammy with anxiety, you’re ready for some paranoid art.
Through October 27 :: Atlantic Works Gallery, 80 Border St, 3rd Floor :: 978.621.0737 :: theinspectionhouse. org
not to freak you out about the looming specter of winter or anything, but the next two weeks are basically your final opportunity to get in on the east Boston Farmers market this year. Which you should do, as not to miss autumn’s last gasp of organic greenstuffs from Pamuzinda Farm and Red’s Best wild-caught fish. Through October 18: Thursdays @ 3–7 pm :: Central Square ::
America’s War on immigration? Still raging. This and a host of other diversity issues are the impetus behind this week’s firstever Boston Latino Conference, featuring Gaston institute director Maria idali Torres, and la Raza’s Rafael Collazo. October 13 @ 9 am–12:30 pm :: East Boston Social Center, 68 Central Square :: bostonlatinoconference-eorg.eventbrite. com
arts & nightlife :: get out
SS BosPhoe AD (Monroe) 12:Layout 1 10/3/12 12:17 PM Page 1
From a brand you trust. Half off all the time.
2012/13 SIGNATURE SERIES at Berklee For ticket information, call 617 747-2261 or visit Processing fees apply. Tickets can also be purchased at the Berklee Performance Center box office during business hours. All shows begin at 8:15 p.m. at the Berklee Performance Center unless otherwise noted.
October 18 Larry Monroe’s Recuerdo
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Student, teacher, chair, dean, vice president, road warrior: Larry Monroe has done it all during his 40-year career at Berklee. He has also been an inspiring mentor and leader to generations of students and faculty, many of whom will tonight perform original tunes and arrangements spanning Monroe’s career. With special guest Giovanni Tommaso.
Arts & Nightlife :: get out
To-do LisT THUrsdaY 11
winter FilM Fest › Seven of the world’s best ski and snowboard films › 1 pm › Revere Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston › $15 › 866.539.0036 or ringling brotHers and barnuM & bailey circus › See listing for Thurs
FridaY 12
coMMunity suPPorted art HarVest Parties › Connecting three local artists directly to buyers by selling a limited number of shares in a unique line of artwork › noon › Catalyst, 300 Technology Square, Cambridge › Free › 617.576.3000 or sowa oPen MarKet › Open every Sunday through the end of October, SoWa hosts painters, sculptors, photographers, clothing and jewelry designers, milliners, handbag designers, house ware crafters, florists, bakers, local farmers, and more selling unique products › SoWa Open Market, 460 Harrison Ave, Boston › free or “tHe Politics oF loVe” › With Herb Silverman, and David Niose › 1:30 pm › Harvard Science Center , 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge
“a Panel discussion on graPHic noVels” › With Charles Burns, Chris Ware, and Chip Kidd › 6 pm › Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.876.6837 “eVery Votes counts: a series oF conVersations eXPloring tHe 2012 election” › With Alejandra St. Guillen and Dan Schneider › 7 pm › Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 42 Brattle St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.547.6789 or tie, tHe international eXPeriMental cineMa eXPosition › Selection of 12 contemporary 16mm films unified by their dissolution of boundaries as a productive artistic practice › 8 pm › Montserrat College of Art, 23 Essex Street, Beverly › Free › 978.921.4242 or
suMMer street MarKets arts and craFts › Original, handmade works, including jewelry, glassware, woodworks, photography, sculpture, clothing, accessories, and more › Fri + Wed 11 am › Summer Street in Downtown Crossing, Summer and Washington Sts, Boston › Free › 617.482.2139 or
saTUrdaY 13
art conteMPorary tour › With Art New England Editor-in-Chief Judith Tolnick Champa discussing the artistic process, the role of the artist, and the art object › 1 pm › Boston Center for Adult Education, 122 Arlington St, Boston › $20 › 617.267.4430 or boston derby daMes: 2012 HoMe teaM cHaMPionsHiPs › Double header roller derby followed by after party › 5 pm › Shriner’s Auditorium, 99 Fordham Rd., Wilmington › $14 › 781.665.5725 Mini-MaKer Faire › Celebration of arts, crafts, engineering, science, and DIY ethos with twenty organizations exhibiting in booths › 3 pm › Union Square Plaza, 90 Union Sq, Somerville › Free or Mystical art and talent sHow › Variety of original paintings, stories, and song by many local spiritual artists › 7 pm › Swedenborg Chapel, 50 Quincy St, Cambridge › $5-$10 › 617.864.4552 or tour de soMerVille › 15-mile counterclockwise loop along the limits of Somerville › 10 am › Seven Hills Park, Davis Sq, Somerville › Free or
sUNdaY 14
MoNdaY 15
“global systeMs 2.0: Peace, goVernance and diMinisHing resources” › Panel discussion with the Dalai Lama and others › 1:30 pm › Kresge Auditorium at MIT, 48 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.253.3913 or
TUesdaY 16
“gaMe oVer” › Weekly game night with fighting games and DDR set-ups, Magic the Gathering, Rock Band, Dance Central, and more › 5 pm › Good Life, 28 Kingston St, Boston › free › 617.451.2622 or ›
WedNesdaY 17
“Future boston Presents asseMble!” › 6 pm › Emerald Lounge at Revere Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston › free or “gdgt liVe” › Includes over 30 Boston-area tech companies › Bijou Nightclub & Lounge, 51 Stuart St, Boston › Free › 802.888.3293 MassacHusetts HealtH council annual awards gala › Honoring seven individuals and organizations that have promoted healthy living by example and the Annual Chef Challenge › 5:30 pm › Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, 606 Congress St, Boston › $200 › 617.338.4111 or
more at Haunted HarVard › Tour Harvard campus and Cambridge Burying Yard, with ghost stories along the way.
Get details on this and dozens more haunted events online!
For tons more to do, point your phone to 56 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs
Hong Kong @ Faneuil Hall › “Karaoke” › ThursFri 6 pm; Sat-Sun 5 pm; Mon-Wed 9 pm › 65 Chatham St, Boston › 617.227.2226 or › Kinsale › “Karaoke Night” › Thursdays at 8:30 pm › 2 Center Plaza, Boston › 617.742.5577 or › kinsale_about.html lansdowne Pub › “Live Band Karaoke” › Thursdays at 9 pm › 9 Lansdowne St, Boston › 617.266.1222 or › sissy K’s › “Karaoke Night” › Thurs + Sun-Wed 8 pm › 6 Commercial St, Boston › 617.248.6511 Fire + ice › “Karaoke Night”“ › 9
pm › 205 Berkeley St, Boston › 617.482.FIRE Jacque’s cabaret › “Mizery Loves Karaoke” › Karaoke hosted by Mizery › Tuesdays at 10:30 pm › 79 Broadway, Boston › No cover › 617.426.8902 or › an tua nua › “Karaoke Night” › Wednesdays at 9:30 pm › 835 Beacon St, Boston › 617.262.2121 Hennessy’s ›”Live Band Karaoke” › Wednesdays at 9 pm › 25 Union St, Boston › 617.742.2121 or ›
suMMer street MarKets arts and craFts › See listing for Fri tHursday 18 “bell rung” screening › Documentary concerning concussions and head-injuries in sports, with producer by Dorsey Levens on-hand for the screening › 7 pm › Ell Hall at Northeastern University, 342 Huntington Ave, Boston › Free or arlington international FilM FestiVal › See listing for Wed Haunted HarVard tour › See listing for Thurs
acTivisM FridaY 12
occuPy boston decoloniZe to liberate worKing grouP Meetings › How do systems of oppression that come from colonization affect the movement? Find out a weekly meetings that include discussion, self-education, planning events and actions to help decolonize the movement. Follow @DecolonizeBos for updates. › 6 pm › First Parish Church of Cambridge, 3 Church St., Cambridge › free or occuPy boston’s queer trans direct action worKing grouP Meeting › Smash gender and sexuality based oppression › 6 pm › Boston Common, Charles St, Boston › free or
saTUrdaY 13
aniMal rigHts Protest against ringling bros circus › Activists from In Defense of Animals, Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition, and local PETA activists meet in front of the TD Garden to protest the cruel conditions enforced upon elephants in the Ringling Bros. Circus. For more info: › 1 pm › TD Garden, 100 Legends Way, Boston › free › 617.931.2000 or boston FeMinists For liberation’s MarcH to end raPe culture › March with the Boston Feminist for Liberation in support of a number of feminist issues, predominantly rape culture › noon › Boston Common, Charles St, Boston › free or
“eFFectiVe aniMal adVocacy 101” › As part of a weekend-long program by Farm Sanctuary surrounding the launch of Boston’s Compassionate Communities Campaigh, a keynote workshop will be held at Grasshopper. Learn how to be a more effective advocate for farm animals & how to get involved in vegan advocacy in Boston › 1 pm › Grasshopper, 1 North Beacon St, Allston › free › 617.254.8883 or eXPose aiPac - Money. war. islaMoPHobia › In protest of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee national donor’s conference at the Boston Seaport Hotel, activists will host a weekend of teaching, learning, exposing and protests. On Saturday, a People’s Form at the Palestine Cultural Center in Boston with speakers from Harvard, the National Iranian American Council, MA Rep. Denise Provost, and more. On Sunday, there’s a protest outside the Seaport Hotel. › 3:45 pm › Palestinian Cultural Center for Peace (PCCP), 41 Quint Ave, Boston › free or https://facebook. com/events/201251163339584 solidarity and green econoMy conFerence › The conference is open to all who “share a commitment to creating a world beyond individual competition, social exclusion, exploitation of labor and natural resources” › 9 am › Clark University, 950 Main St, Worcester › free › 508.793.7711 or sunday 14 call For Volunteers at biKes not boMbs › Volunteers needed to help load bikes to CESTA in El Salvador, an environmental advocacy group that also runs a bike mechanic training program for young people › 10 am › Bikes Not Bombs, 284 Amory St, Ste 8, Jamaica Plain › free or
MoNdaY 15
“reclaiMing PornograPHy one orgasM at a tiMe” › A discussion of sex-positive/radical pornography as activism, covering the educational value of queer and alternative porn across diverse bodies, genders, and ethnicities, as well as the concepts of consent and empowerment. Hosted by Madison Young, an award-winning feminist pornographer, performer, educator, and writer. $15 suggested donation, though nobody will be turned away for inability to pay › 7 pm › Libertalia Autonomous Space, 280 Broadway, Providence, RI › $15 suggested donation › 401.680.6264 or
Arts & Nightlife :: VisUAl Art
Berenice aBBott’S miracle of Science When the SovietS launched Sputnik in 1957, the beeping radio signal of this first human-made satellite was heard across the United States with both wonder and fear. America had been beaten into space and seemed to be falling behind in the nuclear arms race. Unless something big was done quickly, the warning sign that we were screwed might be a rocket-delivered mushroom cloud. A year earlier Massachusetts Institute of Technology professors aiming to improve physics education formed what became the Physical Sciences Study Committee. In Sputnik’s wake, the federal government threw money at the project. It produced films, lab materials, and the landmark 1960 text book Physics as it reshaped science education across the US and internationally. “Berenice Abbott: Photography and Science: An Essential Unity,” organized by Julia Van Haaften and Gary Van Zante at the MIT Museum, shows that the book’s look — particularly the cover’s time-lapse photo of the parabolic arcs followed by a bouncing ball — was due to the project’s staff photographer, Abbott. In the 1920s, the Ohio native was an assistant to famed Surrealist Man Ray in Paris and then launched her own portrait studio, photographing Jean Cocteau, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and James Joyce. In 1929,
she moved to New York and spent a decade photographing the modern metropolis. But beginning with her work as photo editor of Science Illustrated magazine in the 1940s, she pursued her goal of “presenting [science’s] realistic subject matter with the same integrity as one portrays the cultural morphology of our civilization and yet endowing this material so strange and unfamiliar to the public with the poetry of its own vast implications.” Her magazine shots can feel dully illustrative — see: hand holding a hammer. Working for the MIT committee from 1958 to ’60, she was unleashed. Time-lapse photos of swinging balls resemble solar systems. Rays of light bend through prisms. A parabolic mirror reflects a woman’s eye a thousand times. Two circular waves intersect and combine in a ripple tank. (The wave photos were a version of Man Ray’s photograms —photosensitive paper was placed underneath the glass tank and directly exposed without any camera.) Like Aaron Siskind and Harry Callahan, Abbott was inventing abstract photography. She combined Surrealism and a romance with modernity. Though anchored in documenting reality, her images are cosmic, psychedelic, dreamy. _G r e G Cook » GreGCookland .Com/journal
“BERENICE ABBOTT: PHOTOGRAPHY AND SCIENCE: AN ESSENTIAL UNITY” :: MIT Museum :: 265 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge :: Through December 31 :: 617.253.5927 or
58 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COM/ARTS
for imag more
“Bere es from n Photo ice ABBot t: gr Scien APhy And c thePh e ,” go to oenix gAlle .com/ ry
Every once in a while the city needs a show like “Elsewhere,” the round-up of 17 local artists organized by Flux.Boston blogger Liz Devlin, to get a snapshot of the art being produced here. The quality is mixed. Sigh. But the news from Devlin: check out Boston’s pleasant goth/psychedelic surrealism. Including Juan Travieso’s catchy paintings of monkeys clutching pink cones, Molly Segal’s feral watercolors of fighters and fuckers, Nathan Fried-Lipski’s very folksy birdhouses pieced together from recycled wood, plus glass pretending to be icy-clear mushrooms on a real log (by Kat Ely) or horseshoe crabs (by Evan Voelbel). Elizabeth Alexander (who teaches at Montserrat, where I teach) and Todd Bowser install some poetic “elsewhere” weirdness — a model boat Distillery Gallery sitting atop 516 East Second scaffolding St, Boston on a step Through ladder, an October 26 animal skull under glass, and a dead bird, exquisitely cut out from paper, hanging from a hook. Their thoughtful handcraft is what attracts you. There’s also humor. The !ND!V!DUALS collective assembles wood scraps into a cartoony elephant in a wheelchair viewing framed marker doodles of itself partying on a beach, walking on the moon, and rolling itself off a cliff. Basically, the good stuff here is good because of the promise that these folks will (hopefully) impress with bigger, better, funnier somethings in the near-ish future.
Saturday, October 13th, 2012 1:00PM, 200 Stuart Street, Boston Sunny 2112 The Eighty Six WE: A Collection of Individuals Shaun Palmer "The Miserable Champion" Days of Chunder After Hours -
Arts & Nightlife :: visuAl Art
Admission to the following galleries is free, unless otherwise noted. In addition to the hours listed here, many galleries are open by appointment.
COPLEY SOCIETY OF ART :: 617.536.5049 :: 158 Newbury St, Boston :: :: Tues-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun noon-5 pm :: Oct 13-Nov 8: Oana Lauric: “Reflective Radiance” :: Reception Oct 13: 5:30-7:30 pm MOBIUS :: 617.638.0022 :: 55 Norfolk St, Cambridge :: :: Thurs-Sat 5-7 pm :: Oct 18-20: Tony Schwensen: “Monkey Business III” :: Reception Oct 17: 7 pm WARNER BABCOCK INSTITUTE FOR GREEN CHEMISTRY :: 978.229.5400 :: 100 Research Dr, Wilmington :: :: By appointment only :: Oct 13-Jan 11: “Tales from a Test Tube: Abstractions and Reactions” :: Reception Oct 13: 1-3 pm
ABERJONA RIVER GALLERY :: 781.729.1158 :: 184 Swanton St, Winchester :: :: Daily 11 am-5 pm :: Through Dec 2: Robert Schwartz: “Gestures and Glances” ACME FINE ART :: 617.585.9551 :: 38 Newbury St, Boston :: :: Tues-Sat 11 am-5:30 pm, and by appointment :: Through Nov 3: “Director’s Choice 2012” ARNHEIM GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN :: 617.879.7166 :: 621 Huntington Ave, Boston :: :: MonTues + Thurs-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm :: Through Oct 26: Uganda Art Consortium ARSENAL CENTER FOR THE ARTS :: 617.923.0100 :: 321 Arsenal St, Watertown :: :: Tues-Sun noon-6 pm :: Through Nov 10: “30 Under 30” :: Through Nov 10: Mimi Bernardin with Jesse Tripathi: “Baba’s Village: Glimpses of an Ancestral Home” ART INSTITUTE OF BOSTON :: 617.585.6600 :: 700 Beacon St, Boston :: :: Tues-Wed + Fri noon-5 pm; Thurs 3-8 pm; Sat noon-5 pm :: Through Oct 21: “In Depth: Contemporary Letterpress” ART MARKET PROVINCETOWN :: 508.413.9090 :: 148 Commercial St, Provincetown :: :: Mon + Wed-Sun 10 am-9 pm :: Through Nov 4: Susan Bernstein, Barbara Hadden, Chaya Kupperman, Marsha Lieberman, and Lisa Sette: “Outside Time” :: Reception Oct 12: 6-9 pm ATELIER GALLERY AT STONEHAM THEATRE :: 781.279.2200 :: 395 Main St, Stoneham :: :: Through Nov 12: Greer Muldowney: “6426 per KM” AXELLE FINE ARTS :: 617.450.0700 :: 91 Newbury St, Boston :: :: Daily 10 am6 pm :: Through Oct 22: Laurent Hours BOSTON ATHENÆUM :: 617.227.0270 :: 101/2 Beacon St, Boston :: :: Mon 9 am-8 pm; Tues-Fri 9 am-5:30 pm; Sat 9 am-4 pm :: Through Jan 12: “Chromo-Mania! The Art of Chromolithograhy in Boston, 1840-1910” BOSTON UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY :: 617.353.4672 :: 855 Comm Avenue, Boston :: :: Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun 1-5 pm :: Through Oct 21: “SIMPATICO” BRICKBOTTOM GALLERY :: 617.776.3410 :: 1 Fitchburg St, Somerville :: brickbottomartists. com :: Thurs-Sat noon–5 pm :: Through Oct 20: “From Paper to Production; Artists of Wheelock Family Theatre” BSA SPACE :: 617.391.4039 :: Boston Society of Architects, 290 Congress St, Boston ::
60 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/arTs
Joe Orangias’s Stump Apparatus is on view at the Harbor Gallery at UMASS Boston through October 24. :: Daily 10 am-6 pm :: Through Dec 31: “City of Mirages: Baghdad, 1952–1982” CAC GALLERY :: 617.349.4380 :: 344 Broadway, Cambridge :: :: Mon + Wed 8:30 am-8 pm; Tues + Thurs 8:30 am-5 pm; Fri 8:30 am-noon :: Through Nov 23: Halsey Burgund: “ROUND: Cambridge” CAMBRIDGE MULTICULTURAL ARTS CENTER :: 617.577.1400 :: 41 Second St, Cambridge :: :: Mon-Fri 10:30 am-6 pm :: Through Dec 14: Martin Karplus: “South and Central American Kodachromes of the 1960s” :: Through Dec 26: Sylvia StaggGiuliano: “Transit of Venus” CARPENTER CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY :: 617.495.3251 :: 24 Quincy St, Cambridge :: :: Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun 1 pm-5 pm :: Through Nov 4: Matt Saunders: “The movies that were secret remain secret somehow and a nation forgets its pleasures.” CHASE YOUNG GALLERY :: 617.859.7222 :: 450 Harrison Ave, Boston :: chaseyounggallery. com :: Wed-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-4 pm :: Through Oct 28: Katina Huston: “Goldberg Variations” DISTILLERY GALLERY :: 978.270.1904 :: 516 East Second St, Boston :: distilleryboston. com :: Mon-Sat 9 am-5 pm :: Through Oct 26: “Elsewhere” DTR MODERN GALLERY :: 617.424.7001 :: 167 Newbury St, Boston :: :: Mon-Fri 10 am-6:30 pm; Sat 10 am-7 pm; Sun noon-6 pm :: Through Oct 26: Hunt Slonem GALATEA FINE ART :: 617.542.1500 :: 460B Harrison Ave, Boston :: :: WedFri noon-6 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm :: Through Oct 28: A.E. Ryan: “Cheap Flights to a Far Shore” :: Through Oct 28: Christine O’Brien: “Of an Abstract Nature” :: Through Oct 28: Elizabeth Hathaway: “Lost in Time” GALERIA CUBANA :: 617.292.2822 :: 460 Harrison Ave, Boston :: :: Wed-Sun 11 am-6 pm :: Through Oct 14: Luis Rodriguez and Juan Carlos Vazquez Lima: “All in a Day” GALLERY AT ATLANTIC WHARF :: :: 290 Congress St, Boston :: bostoncyberarts. org :: Daily 7 am-10 pm :: Through Oct 26: “Play Ball!” GALLERY KAYAFAS :: 617.482.0411 :: 450 Harrison Ave, Boston :: :: Tues-Sat 11 am–5:30 pm :: Through Oct 13: Julee Holcombe: “Steel and Stones, Blood and Bones” GRAND CIRCLE GALLERY :: 617.346.6459 :: 347 Congress St, Boston :: grandcirclegallery :: Wed + Fri-Sat noon-6 pm; Thurs noon-7 pm :: Through Nov 17: “Every Four Years”
HARBOR GALLERY AT UMASS BOSTON :: 617.287.7988 :: 100 William T. Morrissey Blvd, Boston :: :: Mon-Thurs 10 am-7 pm :: Through Oct 24: Jessica Borusky, Maia Dolphin-Krute, Ryan Hawk, Joe Joe Orangias, and Nabeela Vega: “Video-Made” HARBORARTS OUTDOOR GALLERY :: :: 256 Marginal St, East Boston :: :: Open 24 hours :: Through Dec 31: “Hazards of Modern Living” Public Art Installation LA GALERÍA AT VILLA VICTORIA CENTER FOR THE ARTS :: 617.927.1717 :: 85 West Newton St, Boston :: villavictoriaarts. org/gallery.html :: Thurs-Fri 3-6 pm; Sat 1-4 pm :: Through Nov 10: “Concrete Illusions: Public and Private Spaces in Puerto Rico” LINCOLN ARTS PROJECT :: :: 289 Moody St, Waltham :: :: WedFri 4-9 pm; Sat 2-8 pm :: Through Oct 20: Charlie Smith: “Playing With Dolls” & “New Spins” Dual Exhibit MCGLADREY ART GALLERY AT BENTLEY UNIVERSITY :: 781.891.2168 :: 175 Forest St, Waltham :: edu :: Call for hours :: Through Nov 2: Leah Craig, Joe Joe Orangias, and Joanna Tam: “Inter(play)” MIT LIST VISUAL ARTS CENTER :: 617.253.4860 :: 20 Ames St, Cambridge :: web. :: Daily noon-6 pm :: Through Oct 26: “I don’t care what anybody else thinks: Gifts of Vera List” MIT WOLK GALLERY :: 617.253.7334 :: 77 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: Mon-Fri 9 am–5 pm :: Through Dec 28: William Wurster: “Frames for Living” MOOSE HILL SANCTUARY :: 781.784.5691 :: 293 Moose Hill St, Sharon :: massaudubon. org :: Daily 10 am-4 pm :: Through Nov 19: Diane Chester-Demicco, Laurie Simko, and Jesse Thomas: “Interplay: Merging Light and Texture in Unexpected Ways” NAVE GALLERY :: 617.625.6600 :: 155 Powderhouse Blvd, Somerville :: navegallery. org :: Sat-Sun 1-5 pm :: Through Oct 28: “The BIG BAD” NEW ART CENTER :: 617.964.3424 :: 61 Washington Park, Newtonville :: :: Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm; Sat 1-5 pm :: Through Oct 12: “Out of the Ruins: Reimagining the Romantic Tradition” NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY :: 617.437.1868 :: 537 Comm Ave, Boston :: :: Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm :: Through Oct 31: Fran Osborn-Blaschke: “bravepaintings” :: Through Nov 9: “Faculty Exhibition” NEWBURY FINE ARTS :: 617.536.0210 :: 29 Newbury St, Boston :: :: Through Nov 1: Jeffrey Terreson: “Dynamic Gerstual Paintings of the 21st Century”
OLD SCHWAMB MILL :: 781.643.0554 :: 17 Mill Ln, Arlington :: :: Tues + Sat 11 am-3 pm :: Through Nov 10: “Mosaics at the Mill: A Show of Mosaic Art” PANOPTICON GALLERY :: 617.267.8929 :: 502c Comm Ave, Boston :: panopticongallery. com :: Tues-Sat 10 am–5:30 pm and by appointment :: Through Oct 30: Harold Feinstein: “A Retrospective” PHOTOGRAPHIC RESOURCE CENTER AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY :: 617.975.0600 :: 832 Comm Ave, Boston :: :: Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun noon-4 pm :: Through Nov 3: Nancy Grace Horton: “Being 13” :: Through Nov 3: Rania Matar: “Girls in Between: Portraits of Identity” PINE MANOR COLLEGE :: 617.731.7145 :: 400 Heath St, Chestnut Hill :: :: MonThurs 8 am–10 pm; Fri 8 am–5 pm; Sat-Sun noon–5 pm :: Through Oct 27: “PMC Alumnae Art Exhibition” POST ROAD ART CENTER :: 508.485.2580 :: 1 Boston Post Rd , Marlborough :: :: Mon-Sat 9:30 am5:30 pm :: Through Oct 26: “Project Show 2012” QUIDLEY AND COMPANY GALLERY :: 617.450.4300 :: 38 Newbury St, Boston :: :: Tues-Fri 10 am-6 pm; Sat 10 am-5 pm :: Through Oct 20: “Narrative Fragments” SALEM ARTS ASSOCIATION GALLERY :: 978.590.3276 :: 24 New Derby St, Salem :: :: Thurs 11 am-7 pm; Fri-Sat 10 am-6 pm; Sun noon-6 pm :: Through Oct 31: “Salem—City by the Sea” SANDRA AND DAVID BAKALAR GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN :: 617.879.7333 :: 621 Huntington Ave, Boston :: Mon-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm :: Through Dec 1: Zandra Rhodes: “A Lifelong Love Affair with Textiles” SCHILTKAMP GALLERY AT CLARK UNIVERSITY :: 508.793.7711 :: 92 Downing St, Worcester :: :: Mon–Thurs 9 am-8 pm; Fri 9 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm :: Through Nov 26: “Love Letters - The Intersection of Art and Design” SCHOOL OF THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS :: 617.267.6100 :: 230 The Fenway, Boston :: :: Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Thurs 10 am-8 pm :: Through Oct 26: “Grad Student Curatorial Team Show” :: Through Nov 3: “Something Along Those Lines” SHERMAN GALLERY AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY :: 617.358.0295 :: 775 Comm Ave, Boston :: :: Tues-Fri 11 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun 1-5 pm :: Through Oct 28: Colbert Mashile: “Not Yet” SOUTH SHORE ART CENTER :: 781.383.2787 :: 119 Ripley Rd, Cohasset :: ssac. org :: Mon-Sat 10 am-4 pm; Sun noon-4 pm :: Through Nov 4: “Women 360” SPOKE GALLERY :: 617.268.6700 :: 110 K St, Boston :: :: Wed-Fri noon-5 pm :: Through Nov 14: “Terrain” STEPHEN D. PAINE GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN :: 617.879.7333 :: 621 Huntington Ave, Boston :: Mon-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm :: Through Dec 24: “Earth & Alchemy” STUDIOS AT PORTER MILL :: :: 95 Rantoul St, Beverly :: studiosatportermill. :: Wed-Fri 5-7 pm; Sat-Sun noon-4 pm :: Through Oct 27: “Steez and SoGnar Present 25: The Issue Release” TOWNE ART GALLERY AT WHEELOCK COLLEGE :: 617.879.2219 :: 180 the Riverway, Boston :: :: Tues-Thurs 1-5 pm; Sat 2-5 pm :: Through Oct 18: John Burkett and Joe Wallace TUFTS UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY AT THE AIDEKMAN ARTS CENTER
>> Galleries on p 62
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©2012 karl stevens. The Lodger, the graphic novel by karl stevens is available now at finer comic shops. check out
<< Galleries from p 60
:: 617.627.3094 :: 40 Talbot Ave, Medford :: :: Wed-Sun noon-5 pm :: Through Nov 18: “Global Flows” :: Through Dec 16: Lucy+Jorge Orta: “Food-Water-Life” WASHINGTON STREET ART CENTER :: 617.623.5315 :: 321 Washington St, Somerville :: :: Sat noon-4 pm :: Through Oct 27: Lee Kilpatrick: “Splendid Isolation: Late Summer in Northern Maine” :: Reception Oct 12: 7-10 pm WOODRUFF’S ART CENTER :: 508.477.5767 :: 1 Market St, Mashpee :: :: Mon-Sat 10 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm :: Through Nov 6: “Fins, Feathers & Fur”
ADDISON GALLERY OF AMERICAN ART AT PHILLIPS ACADEMY :: 978.749.4015 :: 180 Main St, Andover :: andover. edu/addison :: Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 1-5 pm :: Through Dec 30: “American Vanguards: Graham, Davis, Gorky, de Kooning, and Their Circle, 1927 – 1942” :: Through Jan 13: “Pekupatikut Innuat Akunikana / Pictures Woke the People Up: An Innu Project with Wendy Ewald and Eric Gottesman” :: Through Jan 13: “People, Places, Things: Symbols of American Culture” CAPE ANN MUSEUM :: 978.283.0455 :: 27 Pleasant St, Gloucester :: :: Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 1-4 pm :: Admission $8; $6 students, seniors, and Cape Ann residents :: Through Oct 14: Marsden Hartley: “Soliloquy in Dogtown” CHARLES RIVER MUSEUM OF INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION :: 781.893.5410 :: 154 Moody St, Waltham :: crmi. org :: Thurs-Sun 10 am-5 pm :: Admission $7; $5 students, seniors :: Through Jan 15: Wayne Strattman: “Self Illumination” DANFORTH MUSEUM OF ART :: 508.620.0050 :: 123 Union Ave, Framingham :: :: Wed-Thurs + Sun noon-5 pm; Fri-Sat 10 am-5 pm :: Admission $11; $9 seniors; $8 students; free to youth under 17 :: Through Nov 4: Catherine Kernan: “Caught in the Current” :: Through Nov 4: “Cruel Sea: Law of the Fishes” :: Through Nov 4: Elizabeth Awalt: “Cascade and Other Work” :: Through Nov 4: Jand Lund: “Home Body” :: Through Nov 4: Jane Goldman: “Tidal Pools” :: Through Nov 4: “Picture This!” :: Through Nov 4: “Selections from the Permanent Collection” :: Through Nov 4: Susan Heideman: “Proteanna” :: Through Nov 4: Thaddeus Beal, Ilana Manolson, Adrienne Der Marderosian, and Rhonda Smith: “Fragile Navigation” DAVIS MUSEUM AT WELLESLEY COLLEGE :: 781.283.3382 :: 106 Central St, Wellesley :: :: Tues-
62 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/arTs
Sat 11 am-5 pm; Wed 11 am-8 pm; Sun noon-4 pm :: Free admission :: Through Dec 16: “A Generous Medium: Photography at Wellesley, 1972-2012” DECORDOVA SCULPTURE PARK AND MUSEUM :: 781.259.8355 :: 51 Sandy Pond Rd, Lincoln :: :: Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm :: Admission $14; $12 seniors; $10 students and youth ages 13 and up; free to children under 12 :: Through Dec 30: Jean Shin and Brian Ripel: “Retreat” :: Through Dec 30: Julianne Swartz: “How Deep is Your” :: Through April 21: “Second Nature: Abstract Photography Then and Now” ERIC CARLE MUSEUM OF PICTURE BOOK ART :: 413.658.1100 :: 125 West Bay Rd, Amherst :: :: Mon-Fri 10 am–4 pm; Sat 10 am–5 pm; Sun noon–5 pm :: $7; $5 students :: Through Oct 14: “The Snowy Day and the Art of Ezra Jack Keats” :: Through Nov 25: “Our British Cousins: The Magical Art of Maisy and Friends” :: Through Feb 24: “Beyond Books: The Independent Art of Eric Carle” FITCHBURG ART MUSEUM :: 978.345.4207 :: 185 Elm St, Fitchburg :: :: Wed-Fri noon-4 pm; Sat-Sun 11 am-5 pm :: Admission $9; $5 students and seniors :: Through Dec 20: “American Scenery: Different Views in Hudson River School Painting” :: Through Dec 20: “Different Views: Landscape Photographs from the Museum’s Collections” :: Through Dec 20: “Face to Face: Works From The Collection In Dialogue” :: Through Dec 20: “The Director’s Favorites” FULLER CRAFT MUSEUM :: 508.588.6000 :: 455 Oak St, Brockton :: :: Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; Wed 10 am-9 pm :: Admission $8; $5 students, seniors; free for members and children under 12, and for all Wed 5-9 pm :: Through Nov 4: “A Taste for Spoons from the Collection of Nora and Norman Stevens” :: Through Jan 20: Cyndy Barbone, Deborah Frazee Carlson, Fuyuko Matsubara, and Bhakti Ziek: “Grand Tales of the Loom: Four Master Weavers” :: Through Feb 10: “2012 Biennial Members Exhibition” GRIFFIN MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY :: 781.729.1158 :: 67 Shore Rd, Winchester :: :: Tues-Thurs 11 am-5 pm; Fri 11 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun noon-4 pm :: Admission $5; $2 seniors; free for children and students; free for all on Thurs :: Through Dec 2: Jess T. Dugan: “Transcendence” :: Through Dec 2: Lynn Goldsmith: “The Looking Glass” :: Through Dec 2: Rita Bernstein: “Undertow” INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART :: 617.478.3100 :: 100 Northern Ave, Boston :: :: Tues-Wed + Sat-Sun 10 am–5 pm; Thurs-Fri 10 am–9 pm :: Admission $15; $10 students, seniors; free for ages under 17; free after 5 pm on Thurs :: Through Oct 14: Josiah McElheny: “Some Pictures of the Infinite” :: Through Nov 25: Dianna Molzan ::
Through Nov 25: Os Gêmeos ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM :: 617.566.1401 :: 280 the Fenway, Boston :: :: Wed-Mon 11 am-5 pm :: Admission $15; $12 seniors; $5 students with ID; free for ages under 18 :: Through Jan 7: “The Great Bare Mat & Constellation” MASSACHUSETTS MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART :: 413.662.2111 :: 87 Marshall St, North Adams :: :: Wed-Mon 11 am–5 pm :: Admission $15; $11 students; $5 ages 6-16; free for ages 5 and under :: Through Oct 14: Jerry Gretzinger: “Jerry’s Map” :: Through Oct 30: Sanford Biggers: “The Cartographer’s Conundrum” :: Through Nov 4: Michael Oatman: “All Utopias Fell” :: Through Nov 5: Anna Betbeze :: Through Jan 2: “Making Room: The Space Between Two and Three Dimensions” :: Through Feb 4: “Invisible Cities” :: Through April 1: “Oh, Canada” MCMULLEN MUSEUM OF ART AT BOSTON COLLEGE :: 617.552.8100 :: 140 Comm Ave, Chestnut Hill :: :: Mon-Fri 11 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm :: Free admission :: Through Dec 9: Paul Klee: “Philosophical Vision; From Nature to Art” MIT MUSEUM :: 617.253.4444 :: 265 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: :: TuesFri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm :: Through Dec 31: Berenice Abbott: “Photography and Science: An Essential Unity” MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY :: 617.720.2991 :: 46 Joy St, Boston :: :: Mon-Sat 10 am-4 pm :: Admission $5; $3 seniors and 13-17 years; free for 12 and under :: Through Oct 31: “The Color of Baseball in Boston: The History of Black Teams, the Players, and a Sporting Community” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS :: 617.267.9300 :: 465 Huntington Ave, Boston :: :: MonTues + Sat-Sun 10 am-4:45 pm; Wed-Fri 10 am-9:45 pm :: Admission $22; $20 students, seniors; free for ages 7-17 and under during non-school hours [otherwise $10]; free for ages 6 and under :: Through Oct 21: “Seeking Shambhala” :: Through Oct 28: “Manet in Black” :: Through Dec 31: Edward Weston: “Leaves of Grass” :: Through Dec 31: “The Allure of Japan” :: Through Jan 6: Ori Gersht: “History Repeating” :: Through Feb 18: “Cats to Crickets: Pets in Japan’s Floating World” :: Through July 7: “Art of the White Mountains” :: Through June 1: “Jewels, Gems, and Treasures: Ancient to Modern” MUSEUM OF SCIENCE :: 617.723.2500 :: 1 Science Pk, Boston :: :: Sat-Thurs 9 am-5 pm; Fri 9 am-9 pm :: Through March 3: “Shipwreck! Pirates & Treasure” NORMAN ROCKWELL MUSEUM :: 413.298.4100 :: 9 Rte 183, Stockbridge :: :: Daily 10 am–5 pm, through Oct. After Nov, 10 am-4 pm; weekends 10 am- 5 pm :: Admission $15; $13.50 seniors; $10 students with ID; free for ages 18 and under when accompanied
by an adult :: Through Oct 28: Howard Pyle: “American Master Rediscovered” :: Through Oct 28: Norman Rockwell: “Sports!” PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM :: 978.745.9500 :: 161 Essex St, Salem :: :: Tues-Sun and Mon holidays 10 am-5 pm :: Admission $15; $13 seniors; $11 students; free for ages 16 and under :: Through Jan 31: “Auspicious Wishes and Natural Beauty in Korean Art” :: Through Jan 31: “Fish, Silk, Tea, Bamboo: Cultivating an Image of China” :: Through Jan 31: “Of Gods and Mortals, Traditional Art from India” :: Through Jan 31: “Perfect Imbalance, Exploring Chinese Aesthetics” :: Through Feb 3: “FreePort [No. 004]: Peter Hutton” :: Through Feb 3: “Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones” :: Through May 27: “FreePort [No. 005]: Michael Lin” :: Through May 27: “Natural Histories: Photographs by Barbara Bosworth” PEABODY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY :: 617.496.1027 :: 11 Divinity Ave, Cambridge :: :: Daily 9 am-5 pm :: Admission $9; $7 students, seniors; free to members, Harvard students, and children under 3; also free to all Massachusetts residents Wed 3-5 pm and Sun 9 am–noon :: Through Jan 31: “From Daguerreotype to Digital: Anthropology and Photography” RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN MUSEUM OF ART :: 401.454.6500 :: 224 Benefit St, Providence, RI :: risdmuseum. org :: Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; third Thurs per month until 9 pm :: Admission $10; $7 seniors; $3 college students and youth ages 5-18; free every Sun 10 am–1 pm, the third Thurs of each month 5-9 pm, and the last Sat of the month :: Through Oct 21: Dan Walsh: “UnCommon Ground” :: Through Nov 4: Wendy Richmond: “Navigating the Personal Bubble” :: Through Nov 11: “Designing Traditions Biennial: Student Explorations in the Asian Textile Collection” :: Through Dec 2: “The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Rhode Island” :: Through Jan 13: “America In View: Landscape Photography 1865 to Now” :: Through Feb 24: “Everyday Things: Contemporary Works from the Collection” ROSE ART MUSEUM AT BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY :: 781.736.3434 :: 415 South St, Waltham :: :: Tues-Sun noon-5 pm :: Admission $3 :: Through Dec 9: Dor Guez: “100 Steps to the Mediterranean” WORCESTER ART MUSEUM :: 508.799.4406 :: 55 Salisbury St, Worcester :: :: Wed-Fri + Sun 11 am-5 pm; Sat 10 am-5 pm; Third Thursday 11 am-8 pm :: Admission $14, $12 for seniors and students. Free for youth 17 and under and for all on first Sat of the month, 10 am-noon :: Through Nov 30: “Pilgrimage to Hokusai’s Waterfalls” :: Through Dec 2: “20th Century American Drawings” :: Through Feb 3: “Kennedy to Kent State: Images of a Generation”
free show
Disorientation 2012 PRESENTED BY
Arts & Nightlife › books
SANDRA GARSON › Veggiyana: The Dharma of Cooking reading and cooking demo › 7 pm › Trident Booksellers & Café, 338 Newbury St, Boston › Free › 617.267.8688 or TERESA LINK › Denting the Bosch: A Novel of Marriage, Friendship, and Expensive Household Appliances reading › 7 pm › Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.489.0519 or LESLEA NEWMAN › October Mourning reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or HANNA ROSIN › The End of Men: And the Rise of Women reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.5615 or
Talking To Sherman alexie The people who made Spokane Indian writer Sherman Alexie’s semi-autobiographical The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian the secondmost censored book of 2010 didn’t realize they were doing him a favor, he told us.
Your new book, Blasphemy, is a collection of “new and selected” stories. What was it like for you to review your old stories and put them next to the 15 new ones? The first five or six or seven were easy to pick. After that, my self-loathing kicked in, like “I don’t know how I ever published this crap.” The stories that other people love felt like being set up for a date. You meet the stranger and you’re thinking, “That’s what my friend thinks of me?” You have a great career as a regularly censored author. Oh please, censor me! I want someone to lead a nationwide effort to ban me, I will outsell John Grisham! All that does is make the books sacred in their communities. Kids will read it like crazy. True Diary is very tame!
It’s got a little masturbation in it. . . . It just talks about it, it doesn’t even do it! There are communities where talking about masturbation gets you banned, so it really points out the difference between 97 percent of the country and that 3 percent who are still trapped somewhere in 1955. Does it make more sense when a story about finding your tribe and finding your identity is a young person’s story? It’s the time when you have the most questions, where you’re unsure about everything, but adults read it because we still feel that way. That’s certainly one of the ideas I try to talk to kids about. All the adults in your life? They’re also clueless. Are they relieved by that, or are they scared? They knew it all along! When I say it, it just confirms their own observations about the world. _De br a Cas h
SHERMAN ALEXIE :: Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline :: October 16 :: 6 pm :: SOLD OUT ::
JOHN BANVILLE › Ancient Light: A Novel reading › 6 pm › Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.661.1515 M. SCOTT DOUGLASS, PAUL HOSTOVSKY, & COLIN D. HALLORAN› A Night of Poetry with Main Street Rag › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or DAVID R. SLAVITT › Overture reading › 3 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or
DAVID FERRY & GEORGE KALOGERIS › New poems, and a discussion on translation › 2 pm › Harvard Yenching Library, 2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge › Free › 617.495.8720 or LIZARD LOUNGE POETRY NIGHT: MICHAEL BROWN & VALERIE LAWSON › With music by the Jeff Robinson Trio › 8 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $5 › 617.547.0759 or
40TH YEAR OF BLACKSMITH HOUSE POETRY SERIES › With Robert Pinsky, Gail Mazur, David Ferry and a wealth of other poets › 8 pm › Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 42 Brattle St, Cambridge › $3 › 617.547.6789 or CHARLES ROWAN BEYE › My Husband and My Wives: A Gay Man’s Odyssey reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or TY BURR › Gods Like Us: On Movie Stars and Modern Fame reading › 7 pm › BU Barnes & Noble, 660 Beacon St, Boston › Free › 617.267.8484 or DAVID FERRY › Bewilderment reading › Blacksmith House at Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 56 Brattle St, Cambridge › $3 › 617.547.6789 or MATTHEW INMAN › How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You reading › 7 pm › Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.489.0519 or DENNIS LEHANE › Live by Night reading › 7 pm › Newtonville Books, 296 Walnut St, Newton › Free › 617.244.6619 or MASSMOUTH STORY SLAM › Various storytellers › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $5-$10 › 617.492.7679 or
SHERMAN ALEXIE › Blasphemy: New and Selected Stories reading › 6 pm › Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline › $5 › 617.734.2500 or FIRST & LAST WORD SERIES: KRIKOR DER HOHANNESIAN, GLORIA MINDOCK, & MARK PAWLAK › Various poetry readings › 7 pm › Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville › $4 › 617.718.2191 or ALEXANDRA HAMLET › The Right Guard reading › 7 pm › Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard. MICHAEL LOWENTHAL › The Paternity Test reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or SUSAN ORLEAN › Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend reading › 7 pm › The Music Hall Loft, 131 Congress St, Portsmouth, NH › $27$30 › 603.436.2400 CAMILLE PAGLIA › Glittering Images: A Journey Through Art from Egypt to Star Wars reading › 6 pm › Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.876.6837
JOHN CONNOLLY, LEE CHILD, CAROL O’CONNELL, GEORGE PELECANOS, KATHY REICHS, & KARIN SLAUGHTER › Books to Die For moderated discussion and readings › 7 pm › Trident Booksellers & Café, 338 Newbury St, Boston › Free › 617.267.8688 or JUSTIN CRONIN › The Twelve, Book Two of The Passage Trilogy reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or SCOTT HUTCHINS › A Working Theory of Love reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or MARYANNE O’HARA › Cascade reading › 7 pm › Newtonville Books, 296 Walnut St, Newton › Free › 617.796.1360 or PETER STEVENS › Fatal Dive reading › 7 pm › Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.489.0519 or harvard. MARIA TATAR › The Annotated Brothers Grimm: The Bicentennial Edition reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or
CHRIS ELLIOTT › The Guy Under The Sheets: The Unauthorized Autobiography reading › 6 pm › Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline › $5 › 617.566.6660 or IAN FRAZIER › The Cursing Mommy’s Book of Days: A Novel reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or BERNARD RADFAR › Insincerely Yours: Letters from a Prankster discussion & signing › 7 pm › Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.489.0519 or harvard. JOAN WICKERSHAM › The News from Spain reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or
sherman alexie photo by Chase Jarvis
MARK SIEGEL › Sailor Twain or The Mermaid in the Hudson reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.5615 or
Arts & Nightlife :: ClAssiCAl & dANCe
Boston Musica ViVa’s “Breakthroughs” richard PittMan’s Boston Musica Viva’s delightful season-opening program at the Tsai Center on September 28 included world premieres by three composers who weren’t born yet when BMV began 44 years ago. These three pieces — Eric Segerstrom’s Indecisive Dances, Derek Hurst’s Pas de Trois, and Mark Berger’s Dream Dances — were the Northeast regional semifinalists in the Rapido! contest, the Atlanta Chamber Players’ nationwide challenge to composers to write a short piece within a 14-day time limit. The winner gets a $7500 commission. The pieces, all for piano, violin, cello, and oboe, had to include two dances. After playing the Berger, Pittman announced that the ensemble had made a mistake, and so they’d play it again. Then the group decided that to be completely fair, they also had to play the other two pieces again. They all sounded tighter and sharper the second time. The three judges — composers John Harbison, Martin Brody, and Sam Headrick — apparently each had a different favorite, but by some formula, Berger’s charmer won. All three were attractive and inventive. I’d have chosen the Hurst, for its greater ambition, intricate structure, and darker, more personal sound. The program began with two pieces from older BMV
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commissions: the late Peter Lieberson’s 1988 Raising the Gaze, and Andy Vores’s “lugubrious confection,” Umberhulk (2000), suggested by a sleeping Dungeons & Dragons monster. The Lieberson seemed a chaotic eight-minute assemblage, composed, he said, like “brush strokes in thick black ink,” though I thought more garish and kaleidoscopic. The Vores was fun — in the first part, the sleeping monster snores and growls at the lowest end of the sonic spectrum, including a viola (Gabriela Diaz) being de-tuned as it’s plucked and a shaken can of loose stones (Robert Schulz). It ends with an exhilarating chase. The program highlight was John Harbison’s Mirabai Songs (1982-83), six poems by the 16th-century Indian mystic who refused to join her dead husband on the customary pyre, then went to sing on street corners. The settings are elusively melodic, tough, and prismatically Eastern. I’ll never forget soprano Susan Larson at the premiere singing with blistering irony and humor: “I have felt the swaying of the elephant’s shoulders;/And now you want me to ride on a jackass? Try to be serious.” Mezzo-soprano Krista River’s rendition seems a work in progress, beautifully sung and tough-minded, but not yet completely nuanced. Pittman and the ensemble were exemplary. _LL oy d Schwartz
The BMV’s “Allusions” (Curtis Hughes, Schoenberg, and William Kraft) is at BU’s Tsai Center 685 Comm Ave, Boston, November 16 :: 8 pm :: $9 (students) – $26 :: 617.354.6910 or
66 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COM/ArTS
When not reporting on the Supreme Court for NPR, Nina Totenberg has spent the last few months working with her two sisters to plan a memorial for her father, Roman. When he died in May at 101, the elder Totenberg was a legend in his own time: a violinist who had hung out with Stravinsky and Copland, a teacher (at Boston University and the Longy School of Music) who was still giving lessons in the final hours of his life. On Saturday, Nina and her sisters Jill and Amy — who once celebrated their dad’s 90th birthday by writing a rap song on the subject of his many female admirers (“Get in line, get in line”) — will welcome the public to a memorial unlike any other, featuring an orchestra made up of former Totenberg students and collaborators, including Mira roman Wang, Jan totenberg Vogler, and memorIaL Shizue Sano. concert “Everything Marsh Chapel at on the proBoston University, gram is there 735 Comm Ave, for a reason,” Boston Nina said by October 13 :: 1:30 phone from pm :: free :: romanher office at NPR. Wang and Sano will perform a duet by Karol Szymanowski; the composer had been one of Totenberg’s close friends. Other students will play part of Dvorák’s “American” quartet, she said, because the Polish-born Totenberg “really loved America and it seemed right.” As for the Bach, which will be performed by the all-Totenbergalumni orchestra: “We picked the happiest movement.” She added, “We studiously avoided playing sad music, because we want this to be a celebration of his life.” _S.I . ro Senbaum
celeBrating roMan totenBerg
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY VLADIMIR JUROWSKI › Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto, with Arabella Steinbacher; Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 4 › Thurs + Sat 8 pm; Fri 1:30 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $30$114 › 888.266.1200 or
HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY CONDUCTED BY HARRY CHRISTOPHERS, › Bach program: Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D; Cantata 71 [God Is My King]; Sinfonia from Cantata 18; Jesu joy of man’s desiring from Cantata 147; Sinfonia from Cantata 75; Magnificat › Fri 8 pm; Sun 3 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $20$84 › 617.262.1815 or BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY VLADIMIR JUROWSKI › See listing for Thurs
BOSTON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS SCHOOL OF MUSIC OPERA INSTITUTE › Pam Gems’s Camille › Sat 2 + 8 pm; Sun 2 pm; Wed-Thurs 7:30 pm › Boston University Theatre, 264 Huntington Ave, Boston › $7 › 617.933.8600 or LONGWOOD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY RONALD FELDMAN › Cage’s 4’33”; Kyr’s Fanfare for a New Dawn; Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21 in C, K. 467, with Louis Schwizgebel; Suite No. 2 from Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › $30-$45; $25-$35 seniors; $15-$25 students › 617.667.1527 or BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY VLADIMIR JUROWSKI › See listing for Thurs
BOSTON CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY › String Sextet from Strauss’s Capriccio, Op. 85; Brahms’s String Sextet in B-flat, Op. 18; Mendelssohn’s Capriccio for string quartet in E minor, Op. 81, No. 3; Brahms’s String Sextet in G, Op. 36 › 7:30 pm › Sanders Theatre, 45 Quincy St, Cambridge › $8-$56 › 617.349.0086 or JONATHAN MILLER AND MARC RYSER › Bach’s Cello Suite No. 3 in C; Brahm’s Cello Sonata in F, Op. 99 › 2 pm › Newton Free Library, 330 Homer St, Newton › Free › 617.796.1360 or NEW YORK FESTIVAL OF SONG › Works for sopranos, baritone, and piano by Dvorák, Burleigh, Will Marion Cook, Alex Rogers, and James Vaughan › 1:30 pm › Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 280 the Fenway, Boston › $27; $24 seniors; $12 students › 617.566.1401 or PRO ARTE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY JONATHAN MCPHEE › Respighi’s Trittico Botticelliano; Copland’s Appalachian Spring; Ravel’s Introduction and Allegro; Márquez’s Danzón No. 2 › 3 pm › Sanders Theatre, 45 Quincy St, Cambridge › $15-$70 › 617.779.0900 or BOSTON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS SCHOOL OF MUSIC OPERA INSTITUTE › See listing for Sat
tUeSDAY 16
HILDEGARD PROJECT › Works for women’s voices by Hildegard von Bingen and Codex Las Huelgas › 12:15 pm › King’s Chapel, 58 Tremont St, Boston › $3 › 617.227.2155 or NEC COMPOSERS’ SERIES › Selection of works by Robert Jones, John Mallia, Burr van Nostrand, and Herman Weiss › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › Free › 617.585.1260 or
WeDneSDAY 17
NEC SYMPHONY CONDUCTED BY DAVID LOEBEL › Smetana’s The Moldau; Mozart’s Symphony No. 38, K. 504 [Prague]; Weber/Berlioz’s Invitation to the Dance; Hindemith’s Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes of Weber › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › Free › 617.585.1260 or BOSTON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS SCHOOL OF MUSIC OPERA INSTITUTE › See listing for Sat
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DUTOIT › Fanfares and Symphonic Fragments from Debussy’s The Martydom of Saint Sebastian; Martin’s Concerto for seven wind instruments, timpani, percussion, and string orchestra; Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3, with Nikolai Lugansky › 8 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › 888.266.1200 or DAEDALUS QUARTET › Fred Lerdahl’s String Quartet Nos. 1-3 › 7 pm › Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 280 the Fenway, Boston › $27; $24 seniors; $12 students › 617.566.1401 or BOSTON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS SCHOOL OF MUSIC OPERA INSTITUTE › See listing for Sat
brA Certified Artists only
one Westinghouse Plaza, hyde Park
ANNA MYER AND DANCERS › See listing for Fri UNYTED STYLZ PRODUCTIONS › See listing for Fri
ANNA MYER AND DANCERS › See listing for Fri
AffordAble live/Work lofts AvAilAble
only nine Artist lofts AvAilAble.
ANNA MYER AND DANCERS › Myer’s Hoop Suite [Jakoulov] and Hindsight Now [Tkachenko] › Fri 7:30 pm; Sat 8 pm; Sun 3 pm › Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave, Boston › $40 › 617.876.4275 or UNYTED STYLZ PRODUCTIONS › “Circles: 4th Quarter,” featuring guest performances from Boston Tap Company, Braintree Ballet, Elevation Worship Band, LBArts Collective, Boston Community Dance Project, Raquelle’s Dance, Devon Boucher, Burju and Victor Perez, Vlad Derisier and Lindsay Norton, Dana Fitchett, Connor Fischelis, and Rob Crean › Fri-Sat 8 pm › Boston University Dance Theater, 915 Comm Ave, Boston › $20; $18 students › 617.353.1597 or
at Westinghouse
All buyers must be BRA Certified and have an income that does not exceed $61,600. $70,400 for a 2 person household BRA artist and affordable housing deed restrictions apply.
Boston Affordable Housing income limit of $61,600
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• Contact Patrick Reardon at THEPHOENIX.COM/ArTS :: 10.12.12 67
Arts & Nightlife :: theAter
play by play OpENING
Baffled in Boise samuel d. Hunter’s A Bright New Boise, receiving its Boston premiere in a production by the Zeitgeist Stage Company, has no dramatic structure. It’s a series of unconvincing dramatic ideas and implausible confrontations strung together by a series of themes — hope of salvation and loss of faith, adolescent anomie, disconnection between parent and child — that are scattered through the text as if their presence were proof of profundity. The main character, Will (Victor Shopov), moves to Boise to find the teenage son, Alex (Zach Winston), he gave up for adoption after his girlfriend abandoned them both. He’s also a refugee from a scandal that broke up his church. He gets a job at a chain store called Hobby Lobby where both Alex and his foster brother, Leroy (David Lutheran), a self-proclaimed artist who prints deliberately offensive T-shirts, work. The other two characters are their abrasive boss (Janelle Mills) and an insecure young woman (Dakota Shepard) who hides out in the store before closing so that she can use the break room to read because her family makes fun of her. She and Will become sort-of friends after hours; he also hides so that he can use the break room to
work on his online novel about the Rapture. The director, David J. Miller, doesn’t do much to sculpt the scenes, though I’m not sure there’s any way to make the play feel like it has a shape. And he doesn’t give the actors much help. They mostly stand around and emote, especially Shopov, who registers as inauthentic long before his big scenerychewing speech near the end. (A director can’t let an actor shout at the top of his voice in a space as intimate as the Plaza Black Box in the Boston Center for the Arts. You start looking around for the exit.) The rest of the actors are earnest, but the only one who comes across as a real person is Shepard, even though the scene where her character suddenly turns on Will and accuses him, without provocation, of trying to convert her doesn’t make sense. The play (which won Hunter a playwriting OBIE for the 2010 New York production) is full of odd touches that may be intended as absurdist but come across as cartoonish, like the self-written song Alex performs (it’s really a chant) for his father, and a medical reality show on the break-room TV that contains graphic, gruesome images. Everything about A Bright New Boise, including the title, is baffling. _S t e ve vi neberg
A BRIGHT NEW BOISE :: Through October 20 :: BCA Black Box Theatre, 539 Tremont St, Boston :: $20-$30 :: 617.759.8836 or
68 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm/ARTS
A BEHANDING IN SPOKANE › Darren Evans directs Theatre on Fire in Martin McDonagh’s first American-set play, a slapstick farce about a man on a quest to find his lost left hand. He finds himself in luck when he meets a pair of bickering lovebirds with a hand they’re looking to lose. › October 12-27 › Charlestown Working Theater, 442 Bunker Hill St, Charlestown › $20-$25; $15 students, seniors › 866.811.4111 or BENGAL TIGER AT THE BAGHDAD ZOO › Rajiv Joseph’s new play receives its New England premiere with Company One, under Shawn LaCount’s direction. The story follows the ghost of a Bengal tiger who haunts the streets of war-torn Baghdad, seeking redemption and peace of mind. › October 19– November 17 › Boston Center for the Arts Plaza Theatre, 539 Tremont Street, Boston › $20-$38 › 617.933.8600 or BLOODY BLOODY ANDREW JACKSON › Paul Melone directs Alex Timbers and Michael Friedman’s emo-rock musical about our seventh president for SpeakEasy Stage. The show makes liberal use of anachronisms and humor as it follows Jackson’s humble Tennessee beginnings to his later triumphs in politics. › October 19–November 17 › Roberts Studio Theatre at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $25 › 617.426.5000 or CAMILLE › Pam Gems’s modern translation of Dumas’ popular novella about a doomed love affair, The Lady of the Camellias, appears as part of BU’s 16th Annual Fall Fringe Festival, directed by Judy Braha. › October 13-20 › Lane Comley Studio 210, 264 Huntington Ave, Boston › $7 › 617.933.8600 or THE CHOSEN › Aaron Posner and Chaim Potok, authors of the play My Name is Asher Lev, have adapted another of Potok’s novels for the stage. Daniel Gidron directs the Lyric Stage production of this coming-of-age story about two boys living in 1940s Brooklyn who become friends despite their different cultural backgrounds. › October 19–November 17 › Lyric Stage Company of Boston, 140 Clarendon Street, Boston › $27-$58 › 617.437.7172 or THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK › Roxbury Repertory Theater stages Wendy Kesselman’s adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary, which chronicles her experience growing up in hiding during the Nazi occupation of Holland. Marshall Hughes directs. › October 25–November 3 › Roxbury Community College, 1234 Columbus Ave, Boston › $10; $5 students, seniors › 617.427.0060 or DOUBLE INDEMNITY › Weylin Symes directs David Pichette & R. Hamilton Wright’s theatrical adaptation of the 1944 film that kickstarted the noir genre, including tropes like the femme fatale and a scam that goes wrong. This adaptation borrows from the screenplay by Billy Wilder and Raymond Chandler, and the original novel by James M. Cain. › October 18–November 4 › Stoneham Theatre, 395 Main St, Stoneham › $44-$48 › 781.279.2200 or EVIL DEAD, THE MUSICAL › LynnArts’s Arts After Hours program hosts George Reinblatt’s comedy musical (with additional music by Frank Cipolla, Christopher Bond, and Melissa Morris), which was based on the horror film series of the same name. Dave Carney stars as bad-ass zombie-hunter Ash, under Corey Jackson’s direction. › October 18-31 › LynnArts, 25 Exchange St, Lynn › $20-$30 › 781.598.5244 or
the lily’s revenge photo by Jose guzman Colon
44 PLAYS FOR 44 PRESIDENTS › Bad Habit Productions stages Andy Bayiates, Sean Benjamin, Genevra Gallo-Bayiates, Chloe Johnston, and Karen Weinberg’s chronological, biographical survey of our country’s 44 presidents. Jeffrey Mosser directs. › October 27–November 11 › Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $18 › 617.933.8600 or JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR › Neil Donohoe directs a cast of Boston Conservatory students in Andrew Lloyd Weber & Tim Rice’s musical about Christ’s final days. Donohoe’s staging sets the story in Syria to draw parallels to modern conflicts in the Middle East. Bill Casey does the musical direction, and Michelle Chassé choreographs. › October 18-21 › Boston Conservatory, 8 the Fenway, Boston › $25-$30 › 617.536.6340 or THE LILY’S REVENGE › The American Repertory Theater stages Taylor Mac’s five-hour allegory about flowers, funerals, and cultural expectations; the production blends dance, film, theater, and music. Shira Milikowsky directs, with Dan Rodriguez on the music direction of a score composed by Rachelle Garniez. › October 12-28 › Oberon, 2 Arrow St, Cambridge › $25-$35 › 617.547.8300 or MEMORY HOUSE › Merrimack Rep takes on Kathleen Tolan’s drama about a mother and her teenage daughter struggling to complete a college admissions essay. Their last-minute stress over the project brings out long-held tensions and family secrets. Melia Bensussen directs. › October 25–November 18 › Merrimack Repertory Theatre, 50 East Merrimack Street, Lowell › $15-$55 › 978.454.3926 or THE NAKED I: WIDE OPEN — ABRIDGED › First Church hosts 20% Theatre Company’s national tour of monologues about gender identity, written by Massachusetts transgender playwright Tobias K. Davis. This abridged version of the show features about half of the original monologues. › October 25 › First Church, Congregational, 11 Garden St, Cambridge › $10-$20 › 617.547.2724 or NOW OR LATER › Christopher Shinn’s new comedy is set on election night; the son of a presidential hopeful sends the campaign team into crisis mode when a handful of controversial college party photos hit the internet. Michael Wilson directs. › October 12–November 10 › Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $15-$60 › 617.933.8600 or PARADE › Joey DeMita directs Alfred Uhry & Jason Robert Brown’s Tony award-winning musical about a Jewish factory owner in 1913 Atlanta who has been wrongly accused of murder. Steven Bergman does musical direction. The F.U.D.G.E. Theatre staging stars Adam Schuler. › October 12-20 › Arsenal Center for the Arts, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › $26; $21 students, seniors › 617.945.0773 or RACE › New Rep stages the Boston premiere David Mamet’s gritty comedy about two attorneys who must defend a white man charged with raping an African-American woman. Robert Walsh directs. › October 14–November 4 › Charles Mosesian Theater, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › $28-$58 › 617.923.8487 or THE REVENANTS › Mikey DiLoreto directs Scott T. Barsotti’s tragicomedy about two married couples holed up in a basement together, seemingly safe from the zombie apocalypse outside their walls. But two out of four of our heroes have become infected. › October 12-20 › Factory Theatre at the Piano Factory, 791 Tremont St, Boston › $18; $15 students, seniors › 617.817.6600 or
The American Repertory Theater stages Taylor Mac’s THE LILY’S REVENGE at Oberon October 12-28. NOW playING
ART › Salem Theatre Company takes on Yasmina Reza’s famous comedy about a novice art collector who purchases an expensive painting. He believes his two art-savvy friends will be impressed by the piece, but instead his acquisition triggers a huge fight between the three over what constitutes art. Eve Summer directs. › Through October 13 › Salem Theatre Company, 90 Lafayette St, Salem › $25; $20 seniors; $10 students › 978.790.8546 or BEAT GENERATION › UMass Lowell and Merrimack Rep collaborate on the world premiere of a staged reading of Jack Kerouac’s new play. The story, which is set in the 1950s, explores the roots of American counterculture. › Through October 14 › Merrimack Repertory Theatre, 50 East Merrimack Street, Lowell › $40-$100 › 978.454.3926 or A BRIGHT NEW BOISE › David J. Miller directs this tragicomedy about a father, a son, and the Rapture, written by Samuel D. Hunter. David Lutheran, Janelle Mills, Dakota Shepard, Victor Shopov, and Zach Winston star in the Zeitgeist Stage production. › Through October 20 › Black Box Theatre at Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont Street, Boston › $20-$30 › 617.759.8836 or › Steve Vineberg’s review page 68 A BROTH OF A BOY › The Irish playwright Brendan Behan, known for his plays The Hostage and The Quare Fellow and for his memoir Borstal Boy, was a raucous, charismatic, harddrinking Irish Republican. But Danny Venezia, who plays him in this unfortunate one-man show, has zero charisma, and Richard Smithies, who directed his own script, hasn’t given him any help. The script is made up mostly of stories, but Venezia’s rhythms are so odd — he takes pauses you could drive a train through — that they’re impossible to follow. We’re supposed to believe that Behan is talking to various unseen companions, a reporter, a bartender, and his wife, but Venezia’s focus is inconsistent. The four scenes are meant to take place in different pubs (three in Dublin, one in Paris), but except for the addition or removal of a tablecloth and a chair or two they all look exactly the same. It’s a short evening (90 minutes, including intermission), but an embarrassing one. › Through October 7 › Arsenal Center for the Arts Black Box Theater, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › $25 › 671.923.8487 or
BYE BYE LIVER: THE BOSTON DRINKING PLAY › Hennessy’s hosts the Boston chapter of Bye Bye Liver, a show about drinking culture, from wine snobs to wildly fun (and occasionally terrifying) booze parties. The performance also incorporates audience interaction with social games like “Would You Rather” and “Never Have I Ever.” › Indefinitely › Hennessy’s, 25 Union St, Boston › $20 › 866.811.4111 or THE COMPANY WE KEEP › The Boston Playwrights’ Theatre stages the world premiere of Jaclyn Villano’s drama about four longtime friends who reunite after spending some time apart. Their innocent lunch date spirals out of control as secrets, transgressions, and betrayals come to light. Elena Araoz directs. › Through October 21 › Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, 949 Commonwealth Ave, Boston › $30; $25 seniors; $10 students › 866.811.4111 or GOOD PEOPLE › The first act of David Lindsay-Abaire’s play, which opens the season at the Huntington Theatre Company, is a hard-boiled class comedy set among tough, sharp-witted, self-deprecating South Boston women struggling to keep afloat in a punishing economy. Margaret (Johanna Day), the protagonist, loses her job at a dollar store because of her chronic lateness, but it’s not her fault: she’s the single mother of a severely mentally disabled daughter (now adult). She relies on her landlady, Dottie (Nancy E. Carroll), to babysit, and Dottie doesn’t always show up on time. Margaret’s best friend Jean (Karen MacDonald) persuades her to pay a visit to an old boyfriend, Mike (Michael Laurence), a Southie kid who made good. The first act abounds in a bitter, eruptive survivalist humor, and the director, Kate Whoriskey, plays it at entertainingly high speed. Then, in act two, you pay for your pleasure. The play quickly descends into melodrama, with Mike — who, Margaret has been insisting to her Southie women friends, is “good people” — as the villain. The play’s a crowd pleaser, especially for Boston audiences, but only act one hits the mark. › Through October 14 › Boston University Theatre, 264 Huntington Ave, Boston › $30-$95 › 617.266.7900 or HAMLET › Arts Emerson hosts a small cast of actors from Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London; each performer will
essay multiple roles, under the direction of Dominic Dromgoole and Bill Buckhurst. › Through October 21 › Paramount Theatre, 559 Washington St, Boston › $25-$89 › 617.824.8000 or THE HOW AND THE WHY › Daniel Gidron helms the Nora Theatre Company’s New England premiere of Sarah Treem’s drama about a generational clash between two female evolutionary biologists, one well-established in her field and one about to begin her career. › Through October 21 › Central Square Theater, 450 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15-$45 › 866.811.4111 or KING LEAR › Trinity Rep joins forces with the acclaimed Dallas Theater Center to stage the Bard’s tragedy of regret. Brian McEleney stars as Lear, under the direction of Kevin Moriarty. › Through October 21 › Trinity Repertory Company, 201 Washington St, Providence › $28-$34 › 401.351.4242 or THE MIKADO › Spiro Veloudos is at the helm of a handsome and energetic staging of Gilbert and Sullivan’s popular 1885 account of love and near-death in Titipu. The cast of the operetta (with one exception, and he was ailing at the opening performance) is in glorious voice, especially Erica Spyres as a yummy Yum-Yum, Davron S. Monroe as a laid-back Nanki-Poo, and Leigh Barrett as a flame-haired sorceress of a Katisha. Of course, much of The Mikado’s wit lies in its draping of Victorian English politics in Japanese clothing. Among the Lyric’s mischievous additions to this one is some American-election-year referencing, which includes new and quite workable lyrics for a couple of songs. › Through October 13 › Lyric Stage Company of Boston, 140 Clarendon Street, Boston › $27-$62 › 617.437.7172 or THE MOTHERF**KER WITH THE HAT › Stephen Adly Guirgis’s contemporary tragicomedy about trust, addiction, and relationships revolves around baggage, and David R. Gammons’s SpeakEasy Stage production appropriately fills the stage with literal suitcases and boxes of belongings as couples who once lived together threaten to move out for good . . . or maybe not. Evelyn Howe, Jaime Carrillo, Maurice Emmanuel Parent, Melinda Lopez, and Alejandro Simoes make up the strong cast of five, with Howe and Parent as the two stand-outs. Parent plays Ralph, an oily AA sponsor who has traded in his drinking problem for an addiction to emotional manipulation. Howe plays Ronnie, an unapologetic user and alcohol enthusiast whose charisma has kept her confused, insecure boyfriend Jackie (Jaime Carrillo) coming back to her intermittently since their rocky relationship began at age 13. › Through October 13 › Roberts Studio Theatre at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $25-$52 › 617.426.5000 or UNCLE VANYA › Diego Arciniegas stars in the Apollinaire Theatre Company staging of Anton Chekhov’s 1899 play about Russian country life at the turn of the 20th century. Kevin Fennessy co-stars as Telegin, with Kate Paulsen as Elena, Erin Eva Butcher as Sonya, and Ronald Lacey as Astrov. Danielle Fauteux Jacques directs. › Through November 4 › Apollinaire Theatre Company, 189 Winnisimmet St, Chelsea › $35 › 617.887.2336 or WAR HORSE › Marianne Elliott and Tom Morris co-direct the Broadway tour of Nick Stafford’s musical adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s novel. The story describes a boy whose friendship with his horse is tested by World War I, when the animal is sold to cavalry. The production incorporates lifesize horse puppets controlled by multiple actors. › Through October 21 › Opera House, 539 Washington St, Boston › $25-$170 › 617.259.3400 or THEPHOENIX.COm/ARTS :: 10.12.12 69
Arts & Nightlife :: film
Escapist cinEma thErE arE many hEroEs in Ben Affleck’s spunky, Somehow six embassy people escape and find prepolished political thriller. But the biggest hero is Holcarious refuge at the Canadian ambassador’s home. lywood itself. When the CIA and the White But as shots of children painstakingly House and the whole might of the United reassembling the embassy’s shredded +++ States failed to rescue American Embassy documents indicate, time is running out argo staff members trapped in Tehran by the before the Iranians learn of their existence Directed by Ben affleck fanatic throngs of the Ayatollah in 1979, an and identities. So the CIA calls up crack, intricately fabricated movie production got if hungover, agent Tony Mendez (Affleck), Written by Chris terrio, based on a selection the job done. Hard to believe, but almost who concocts a desperate plan. He’ll visit from the master of as impressive is how Affleck excises the Tehran posing as a producer scouting Disguise by antonio politics in this loaded scenario and turns it locations for a sci-fi potboiler called Argo. J. mendez and the into a bipartisan celebration of American And the six stranded Americans will be Wired magazine article “the Great escape” by know-how and values. disguised as his Canadian crew. Joshuah Bearman Well, it’s almost devoid of politics. You’re It’s all true, but sometimes Affleck leans not going to warm to any of the bearded or so heavily on manipulative suspense tactics With Ben affleck, Brian burka’d Islamic revolutionaries braying for that the real story seems like the phony one. Cranston, alan arkin, John Goodman, and American blood or hanging people from I mean, did the movie’s faux LA producers Duvall :: Warner cranes or just acting like assholes for the hell Clea (Alan Arkin and John Goodman) really have Bros. :: 120 minUtes of it. Certainly not in the nerve-wracking to wait until a fight scene shot at their studio opening scenes (after a brief history lesson was finished before they could take a crucial at Boston Common + FenWaY + sUBUrBs cleverly illustrated by movie story boards) phone call? But Affleck handles the politics of hordes storming the US embassy. The with more finesse. He’ll get you riled up staff destroys all the classified material, their terror about those crazy Iranians, but in the end he shows how made palpable by Affleck’s frantically mobile camera and movie magic can sometimes work better than missiles rapid-fire editing. It has to be the most exciting paperand bombs. _P e t e r Keough » PKeough@P shredding scene ever made.
Want more movie neWs? :: read Peter Keough’s film blog at
70 10.12.12 :: tHePHoeniX.Com/movies
afflEck on Argo Ben Affleck’s Argo may be a 1970s period piece, but that doesn’t mean his Iran-set thriller isn’t timely. “The Canadians pulled their diplomats out of Tehran the day we premiered in Toronto. I swear to God if this was a Miramax movie I’d have thought Harvey Weinstein had done it,” the writer/director said the afternoon following a rapturous Boston premiere. Still, don’t expect his politics to intrude on the film. Affleck was quick to note that he tried to make something that works “for my friends on the left and on the right. . . . I wanted to tell that narrative without wagging a finger, so you can draw your own conclusions from what happens,” he explains. “I do philanthropic work with Cindy McCain, for example; this is totally a movie I would take her or her husband to.” It’s hard to blame him for being more interested in cementing his filmmaking chops than in political subtexts. “I felt like I had something to prove. Everyone just thought of me as ‘Boston guy.’ Like, ‘Sure, he can do a movie set in Boston, but you can’t take him to Providence,’” he joked. “But then I thought — fuck, if it’s not good, I really am going to only be able to do sequels to The Friends of Eddie Coyle.” _JaKe mulli gan
book lit
INVITES yOu ANd A GuEST TO ATTENd AN AdVANCE SCREENING Thursday, October 18, at 7pm at a Boston area theater
To claim your screening pass please visit thephoenixcom/ contests
Ty Burr’s Gods Like Us
Boston GLoBe film critic Ty
Burr’s provocative new book Gods Like Us: On Movie Stardom and Modern Fame (Pantheon) traces the evolution of screen idols from Florence Lawrence (the Biograph Girl of 1909 — remember?) to Snooki. But he himself had a rough introduction to the celebrity world. “In my early days at Entertainment Weekly,” Burr recalls, “I got pushed into an interview with Lauren Bacall when she was promoting the 30th anniversary of Casablanca — she’s not even in it, but she was the only one surviving who had any connection. I was unprepared, and she does not tolerate unprepared people, and she was real nasty.” Burr bears no grudges — he describes Bacall in his book as “[at 19] in possession of the assurance it had taken Bogart four decades to gather.” Instead he ponders what makes stars like Bacall into the divinities of the title. “I was a teenage movie geek into Gable, Lombard, and the Marx Brothers when
I was a kid,” he says about the origins of his project, which argues that new technology, from the talkies to YouTube, redefines celebrity. “I covered movies for EW and the Globe. I wanted to know who these stars are and why we respond to them. Then in the ’90s I hand-coded the first EW webpage and got into the digital revolution.” That experience gave him an insight into how increased media intimacy drags stars further down to the level of the fans, and elevates fans into the realm of celebrity. “The audience now has the power to manufacture their own personas and broadcast them,” he says, “while movie stars get pulled off their thrones.” And his own attitude towards celebrities these days? “They are professionals,” he says. “They want to sell their film; you want to get a story. Sometimes you have a genuine conversation. I remember hanging out with Keira Knightley after Atonement and she was, I felt, pretty unguarded.” _P e t e r K e ou g h » P K e ou g h
TY BURR :: Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 660 Beacon St, Boston :: October 15 :: 7 pm :: free ::
Email us at with your full name, age, mailing address, and tell us your greatest paranormal experience! This film is rated R. No one under the age of 17 will be admitted without a parent or legal guardian. No purchase necessary. Supply limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is not guaranteed. Theater is overbooked to ensure capacity. One (admit-two) pass per person. One winner will be selected at random.
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Arts & Nightlife :: film
OPENING THIS WEEK ++ BUTTER › Held back for a year since its 2011 Toronto unveiling, this red stateof-mind comedy from Brit director Jim Field Smith and first-time writer Jason A. Micallef is cynically timed to take advantage of election season. Any real-world comparisons between the Sarah Palin-like Laura Pickler (Jennifer Garner) and her African-American opponent, Destiny (Yara Shahidi), are encouraged in this over-churned movie that presents itself as a “cutthroat story of greed, blackmail, sex, and butter.” But the adversaries aren’t engaged in a muckraking presidential race. No, they’re slinging the fatty portion of milk that’s usually reserved for cooking, using it to sculpt oily yellow masterpieces in Iowa’s annual Mastery in Butter Competition. The hope-filled yes-we-candidate is 11 years old, not too young for her to realize a political truth: “White people are weirdos.” Still, despite an appealing cast of oddballs (Rob Corddry, Kristen Schaal), the satire spreads pretty thin. > 91m > West Newton _Brett Michel
+++ GIRL MODEL > As seen in David Redmon and Ashley Sabin’s somber, sometimes poetic, Fred Wiseman-like documentary, the international model trade ranks just above human trafficking in legitimacy. Agencies visit bleak towns in Russia and put on beauty contests for barely pubescent girls, arranged by “scouts” like former model Ashley Arbaugh. The winner receives a contract and a ticket to Tokyo for modeling “jobs.” One such winner is 13-year-old Nadya from Siberia, a doe-eyed beauty who takes the trip in hopes of making money to help her family build a new home. Followed by the camera crew, Nadya soon learns the unsurprising lesson that she’s been taken for a ride, as she ends up in a cell-like room and goes on “auditions” without getting paid. Paralleling these woes, Arbaugh, who looks remarkably like Nadya, shares her misgivings and videos of her own first trip to Japan, shedding crocodile tears for her clients. Not so hard to do when you’re living in a million dollar house in Connecticut. > 78m >Russian + Japanese + English > Coolidge Corner _Peter Keough ++++ KEEP THE LIGHTS ON >Ira Sachs’s picture is many things: a snapshot of gay culture at the turn of the century, a brutally personal dramatization of his relationship with author Bill Clegg, a messy look at the realities of addiction, a formally audacious work in the tradition of New York indie cinema. But despite the protestations of its characters, it’s never melodramatic. Thure Lindhardt stars as Erik (Sachs’s surrogate,) whose phone sex encounter with Paul (Zachary Booth) develops into a decadelong relationship. Stirring compositions capture the two as they reveal themselves, Paul disclosing his crack habit while Erik’s addiction to Paul blossoms in its own right. Time lapses and ellipses render the film a diary — the explicit sex and drug use less a provocation than a commitment to truth. In trying to capture a moment in time, Sachs has left nothing uncovered. Navigating his darkest moments with unsparing honesty, he finds a flicker of hope.>106m> Kendall Square >_Jake Mulligan ++1/2 THE OTHER DREAM TEAM › Few recall that an American basketball team actually lost an Olympic championship. That was David Robinson & Co. vanquished by the dreaded Soviets at Seoul 1988, just
72 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/fIlm
before the fall of Communism. It turns out that four of the five Soviet starters were from the annexed country of Lithuania, and Lithuanian-American Marius Markevicius’s partisan documentary is their story. The interviewed players — including future NBA stars Sarunas Marciulionis and Arvydas Sabonis — are a personable lot, and fabulous court presences. But quite often the film veers away from their stories to become a flag-waving work of Lithuanian nationalism. American audiences will be delighted to see how the Grateful Dead helped pay for the 1992 Lithuanian Olympic team, including supplying tie-dyed T-shirts. But only Lithuanians will thrill to the movie’s climax, the hard-fought game against Russia for the 1992 bronze medal. › 91m › Kendall Square› _Gerald Peary ++1/2 THE PAPERBOY › A Russ Meyer roughie meets The Help in Lee Daniels’s lurid follow-up to Precious, in which a paperboy (Zac Efron) gets promoted to driver when his brother Wade (Matthew McConaughey), a Miami Times investigative reporter, returns home to exonerate a convicted killer (John Cusack). His bait: a death row groupie (Nicole Kidman) with whom little brother falls madly in lust, although she’s 20 years his senior. Daniels colorizes Pete Dexter’s novel, reassigning the title character’s narration to the family maid (Macy Gray), making Wade’s writing partner (David Oyelowo) black, and shoehorning in as much casual racism as the ’60s-set story will allow. Kidman goes for broke in a performance that is alternately affecting and cringe-inducing, while McConaughey recedes and Cusack is miscast. Efron can’t be helped, but Daniels works wonders with non-actors; Gray’s scenes give the movie an emotional center this not-quite-campclassic needs. › 106m › Kendall Square › _Ann Lewinson +++ SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS › As in his debut In Bruges, Martin McDonagh here plays self-reflexive games while undermining the gangster genre. This time he has interwoven the stories of the seven whack jobs of the title, with each narrative essentially about the nature of narrative, and has included an intratextual bonanza of movie and other cultural references as well. Oh, and there’s redemption, too. That comes in the unlikely form of Christopher Walken as dognapper Hans Kieslowski, who filches a Shih Tzu belonging to Charlie (Woody Harrelson), a psychopathic mobster, and implicates Martin (Colin Farrell) and his flaky friend Billy (Sam Rockwell) in the theft. Charlie vows to kill them all. Did I mention that Martin is a screenwriter trying to finish a film called Seven Psychopaths? Meanwhile, there are more psychopaths to go, and, as Kieslowski notes, they can get tiresome. Nonetheless, McDonagh achieves the tricky feat of balancing cleverness, carnage, and compassion. › 105m › Boston Common + Fenway + Suburbs _Peter Keough + 1/2 TAKEN 2 > All this for a driver’s license? Retired CIA operative Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) is still trying to remain an active part of the lives of his ex-wife Lenore (Famke Janssen) and his daughter Kim (Maggie Grace). After all, he spent the first film slaughtering every sex trafficker in Paris after Kim was kidnapped and sold into the slave trade. But now Kim’s about to take her driver’s exam for a third time, and Bryan will settle at nothing to help her earn a passing grade. That includes forcing her to maneuver a stolen taxi through the streets of Istanbul while he guns down the pursuing goons of Murad (Rade Sherbedgia), the
vengeful Albanian. Murad’s son was killed during the Parisian rampage, and for payback he’s taken Lenore, prompting Bryan and Kim’s violent and instructive bonding experience. Olivier Megaton, though, could use some more lessons in directing as he bombs in his strained efforts to recreate Pierre Morel’s original. > 93m > Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Embassy + Arlington Capitol + Suburbs >_Brett Michel +++1/2 WAKE IN FRIGHT (1971) › Combining elements of Heart of Darkness, After Hours, and Groundhog Day, Ted Kotcheff’s brutally brilliant Outback thriller follows the moral degradation, or perhaps redemption, of a snooty schoolteacher (Gary Bond) traveling from the backwater where he’s assigned to Sydney for his Christmas vacation. But along the way he gets stranded in “the city,” Bundanyabba, where he loses his money in a backroom game of chance and must rely on the contemptuous hospitality of the local yokels. Their most common phrase is “Want a beer?,” an invitation which, whether refused or accepted, leads to violence. So the newcomer, not unwillingly, goes along for the ride, which involves a night kangaroo hunt (real and awful), many alcoholic blackouts, and the ambiguous attentions of the local drunk doctor (a brilliantly unwholesome Donald Pleasance). Kotcheff’s masterpiece (he later did First Blood), it orchestrates landscape, music, demonic faces, and lots of blood, sweat, and vomit into a stark bacchanalia of men having fun. › 114m › Brattle › _Peter Keough
+++ ALPS › 2011 › Visit movies for a full review. › Greek + English › 91m › MFA: Fri + Sun ++ ARBITRAGE › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 100m › Coolidge Corner + Somerville Theatre + West Newton +++1/2 BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 91m › West Newton +++1/2 THE DARK KNIGHT RISES › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 165m › Boston Common + suburbs +++ DIANA VREELAND: THE EYE HAS TO TRAVEL › 2011 › Visit for a full review. › 86m › Kendall Square + West Newton +++ DREDD 3D › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 98m › Boston Common + suburbs +++ ELECTION › 1999 › Based on a novel by Tom Perrotta that uses a student-council election to satirize the 1992 presidential race, Alexander Payne’s teen comedy for adults reminds us that we never really escape from high school. Friendless overachiever Tracy Flick (Reese Witherspoon) is running unopposed for school president until civics teacher Jim McAllister (Matthew Broderick) decides to derail her political career by recruiting Paul Metzler (Chris Klein), the popular, sweet, dim quarterback, to run against her. Paul’s sister, Tammy (Jessica Campbell), a lesbian whose girlfriend dumped her for Paul, is in turn inspired to run against her brother. Payne finds something sympathetic in each of his characters, yet he also has devices (bleak lighting, unflattering freeze frames) to make them all look distorted and hideous. It’s no wonder if Election stays with you long after you leave the theater, in ways that are funny and painfully disturbing. › 103m › ArtsEmerson: Sun
PHX PICKS >> CaN’T MISS • MAD MAX AND THE ROAD WARRIOR Like the American West, the desolate interior of Australia serves as a seething movie backdrop for the clash between civilization and savagery. The Brattle Theatre’s Outback Gothic Sidebar series celebrates that mini-genre, starting today with two dystopic classics, George Miller’s Mad Max (1979; 3 pm) and The Road Warrior (1981; 5 pm), both starring an unspoiled Mel Gibson. Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge :: $12 double feature :: $7.75; $6.75 seniors :: 617.876.6837 or • RED DESERT AND IL GRIDO Speaking of desolation, Michelangelo Antonioni makes it existential in Red Desert (1964; 9:15 pm) as Monica Vitti wanders a toxic industrial wasteland in search of love. It screens with Antonioni’s Il Grido (1956; 7 pm), in which Steve Cochran plays a guy with a similar problem. Harvard Film Archive in the Carpenter Center, 24 Quincy St, Cambridge :: $9; $7 students, seniors :: 617.495.4700 or • GONE BABY GONE Ben Affleck’s latest film, Oscar favorite Argo, opens this week, and it’s hard to believe that the former Gigli star just started directing five years ago with Gone Baby Gone (2007). His adaptation of the Dennis Lehane novel confirmed an auteur in the making, and it screens tonight at ArtsEmerson. Paramount Center, 559 Washington St, Boston :: 9 pm :: $10 :: 617.824.8400 or SAT
’ROuND MIDNIGHT A labor of love for jazz fan Bertrand 16 Tavernier, ’Round Midnight (1986) pays tribute to the heated music scene in ’50s Paris with a tale of a French journalist trying to rehabilitate a self-destructive sax genius. Featuring jazz icon Dexter Gordon and an Oscar-winning soundtrack by Herbie Hancock, it screens at the MFA. Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston :: 1:30 pm :: $8; $7 students, seniors :: 617.369.3907 or mfa. org/programs/film TUE
THE LAST WAVE Nobody does the apocalypse like 17 Australian filmmakers, and Peter Weir with his The Last Wave (1977) is no exception. While defending an aboriginal accused of murder, a lawyer (Richard Chamberlain) starts having prophetic dreams of doom and suspects he might be onto something bigger than he bargained for. Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge :: 7:15 pm :: $9.75; $7.75 students; $6.75 seniors :: 617.876.6837 or wEd
+++ ESCAPE FIRE: THE FIGHT TO RESCUE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 99m › Coolidge Corner + suburbs +++ FINDING NEMO 3D › 2003 › With this fish tale about family ties, director Andrew Stanton and the animation brain
>> now playing on p 74
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trust at Pixar (Toy Story and Monsters, Inc.) do it again. Sure, the plot about a father’s odyssey to save his imperiled son is old hat, but it’s the clever details, enchanting emotional nuances, and cheeky humor that make Finding Nemo swim. One of those sublime details is the “lucky” (undersized) fin that the neophyte of the title (voiced by Alexander Gould) is blessed with. As a result, the little white-and-orange-striped clown fish (the species is supposed to be funny, but Nemo’s dad can’t tell a joke to save his tail) isn’t a very good swimmer and isn’t supposed to leave the safety of the reef, but when he does, he’s nabbed by a diver and relegated to an aquarium in a dentist’s office. Marlin (Albert Brooks), Nemo’s widowed father, sets off to retrieve his son, in the process forming an unlikely alliance
– Amy Biancolli, SAn FrAnciSco chronicle
STARTS FRIDAY 10/12 COOLIDGE CORNER THEATRE 290 Harvard St., Brookline • (617) 734-2501 • call tHeater for SHowtimeS
with a batty blue tang fish who’s impaired by short-term memory loss (deftly done by Ellen DeGeneres). Along the way they encounter a trio of sharks who are trying to give up their piscean diet (“Fish are friends, not food”) and a 150-year-old turtle who articulates in affected surfer speak (“Yah dude!”). You know exactly how this one ends; yet getting there is such an enjoyable delight. › 101m › Boston Common + Fenway + Chestnut Hill + Arlington Capitol + suburbs +++1/2 FRANKENWEENIE › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › b&w › 87m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + suburbs ++++1/2 IL GRIDO › 1957 › Michelangelo Antonioni’s last effort before L’avventura, Il grido focuses on a sugar-refinery worker, Aldo (Steve Cochran), who finds that the woman he’s been living with for seven years is moving out for another man. He quits his job and leaves town with their daughter; the rest of the film details his wanderings through the Po Valley in search of work and love and peace of mind. Nothing seems to make him happy; eventually, like all of Antonioni’s male protagonists, he discovers that the emptiness he feels is in himself. As stunning a depiction of longing and frustration as any of the director’s later films — and Aldo wears his misery more convincingly than do Antonioni’s ennui-ridden aristocrats. Co-starring Alida Valli, Dorian Gray, and Betsy Blair. › Italian › b&w › 116m › HFA: Sat +++ HEAD GAMES › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 91m › Boston Common + suburbs HEADSHOT › 2011 › Thailand’s foreign language entry into the upcoming 85th
Academy Awards, this thriller from director Pen-Ek Rananaruang stars Nopachai Chaiyanam as Tul, a cop who has his vision turned upside after being shot in the head. Wanting to quit, Tul is instead recruited by a secret organization that helps to battle corrupt politicians. › Thai › 105m › Brattle: Mon + HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET › 2012 › Visit movies for a full review. › 101m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + suburbs ++++ HOW TO SURVIVE A PLAGUE › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 120m › Kendall Square ++ ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 94m › West Newton: Sat-Sun +++1/2 THE INTOUCHABLES › 2011 › Visit for a full review. › French › 112m › West Newton ++1/2 IT IS NO DREAM: THE LIFE OF THEODOR HERZL › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 97m › West Newton +++ THE LAST WAVE › 1978 › With eerily beautiful images created by the Australian director Peter Weir and his photographer, Russell Boyd — many of them water-based — this occult story of black magic and dreams forecasts a watery apocalypse, beginning with the probable demise of beautiful, ultramodern Sydney. The leading man is Richard Chamberlain, who feels the cosmic trembling. He is surrounded by omniscient Aboriginals (including Walkabout’s David Gulpilil, whose black-leather jacket and dirty jeans make a dramatic, unsettling contrast with his regal mien). Stone-faced, they sit facing the spooky end of the world. › 106m › Brattle: Wed + LEMONY SNICKET’S A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS › 2004 › Brought to you by Brad Silberling, the director who mashed Wim Wenders’s Der Himmel über Berlin/Wings of Desire into Nicolas Cage/Meg Ryan pap (City of Angels), this overwrought dud shouldn’t have left DreamWorks’ CGI studio. Based on a fusion of tales by Daniel Handler (a/k/a Lemony Snicket), the film takes place in a superhistorical Boston that only a hermit from Orange County could imagine: think Bedknobs and Broomsticks London meets Blade Runner’s LA. Silberling spares no expense in cloning a Tim Burton mise en scène, but his slipshod editing undermines the visual mood he’s affecting. Story and acting suffer the same treatment. Jim Carrey’s performance as shape-shifting villain Count Olaf is his most forced since the second installment of Ace Ventura, and Meryl Streep, Forest Whitaker, and
Dustin Hoffman embarrass themselves in supporting roles. Jude Law, competing with his Alfie self for most obnoxious overdub narrator of the year, repeatedly reminds the audience that “this isn’t a typical children’s story.” Unfortunately, it’s as insipid as the rest. › 107m › ArtsEmerson: Sat LIFEFORCE › 1985 › A crew of astronauts on a mission to explore Halley’s Comet accidently bring back a race of space vampires. Seemingly human, the introduced species terrorize London, leaving a mass of undead life-suckers in their wake. Tobe Hooper directs, while Peter Firth, Patrick Stewart, and Mathilda May star. › 116m › Coolidge Corner: FriSat midnight +++ LOOPER › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 118m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + Embassy + suburbs ++1/2 MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 85m › West Newton: Sat-Sun ++++ THE MASTER › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 137m › Boston Common + Fenway + Kendall Square + Coolidge Corner + Embassy +++++ MOONRISE KINGDOM › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 94m › Embassy + Arlington Capitol +1/2 THE ORANGES › 2011 › Visit for a full review. › 90m › Kendall Square + Embassy +++ THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 103m › Boston Common + Kendall Square + Embassy +++ PITCH PERFECT › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 105m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + Chestnut Hill + suburbs +++ THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLES › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 100m › West Newton: Sat-Sun +1/2 SAMSARA › 2011 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 102m › Coolidge Corner +++ SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 86m › Coolidge Corner + West Newton SINISTER › 2012 › Ethan Hawke stars as a true-crime novelist who discovers some incriminating Super 8 footage in his new house that might lead him to uncover the mystery as to how and why a family of previous occupants were murdered. Unfortunately, his discovery also puts him and his family in danger of a supernatural entity. Scott Derrickson directs. › 110m › Boston Common + Fenway + suburbs +++ SLEEPWALK WITH ME › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 90m › Kendall Square + Coolidge Corner ++ TO ROME WITH LOVE › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 112m › West Newton ++1/2 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 111m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Arlington Capitol + suburbs ++1/2 V/H/S › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 93m › Kendall Square + Coolidge Corner: FriSat midnight +++ THE WELL DIGGER’S DAUGHTER › 2011 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 107m › West Newton: Sat-Sun
74 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/fIlm
Arts & Nightlife :: Music
WFNX » What’s F’N NeXt? Listen live at
Royal STon T ST, Bo TRemon 17 @ 7 pm :: R e :: ocToB 617.866.8933 :: 18+ :: $20 RyBoSTon. e w oR Bo co m
hen asked to name the best note for a one-note song, of course Britt W Daniel is already sitting at a piano. “I think you need two or three notes,” he says over the phone before hitting a few keys. “But if you were to use one
note . . . let me see here. Oh, that one’s good: F.” People have talked about the Spoon frontman’s “minimalist” songwriting style since 2002 — layered arrangements of spare melodies — but he reckons he’s more of a perfectionist. Two or three notes isn’t stripping down for gimmick’s sake, it’s practical. “I’m not sick of it,” Daniel says. “I think [minimalist] is a pretty cool one if someone’s gonna have a one-word description of their sound.” In new supergroup Divine Fits, it’s ironically co-anchor Dan Boeckner (Wolf Parade, Handsome Furs) who has consciously pared down his songwriting over the last five years. “Handsome Furs was basically all about how minimal you could get a chord progression or a song structure without it
75 10.12.12 ::
falling apart,” Boeckner says. Daniel resists attempts to pin down the synthheavy A Thing Called Divine Fits (“It might be musically darker” than his usual fare, he concedes), and laughs when told the Fits are like the ’80s “Kidney Bingos” Wire to Spoon’s ’70s Pink Flag Wire. Of course, Wire was never as expressive as A Thing Called Divine Fits’s opening “My Love Is Real” or “Civilian Stripes” (choice lyric: “You know you can always leave”), both written by Boeckner. He isn’t worried about people reading into them about the breakup of Handsome Furs, a duo with his wife Alexei Perry. “No, I’m not,” says Boeckner. “A lot of the songs on this record, like ‘My Love Is Real’ . . . they’re about what you think they’re about, you know? More direct.” Daniel says, “I thought that was probably good for him, and [I] loved the songs.” Direct indeed. _D AN W EI SS
arts & nightlife :: MUsiC
God save John Lydon When sex PistoLs impresario Malcolm McLaren coined the phrase “cash from chaos,” he may have been describing his own filthy lucre, but for the members of rock’s most explosive group, the fiduciary comeuppance was and has been eternally forthcoming. Pistols mouthpiece Johnny Rotten, though, never really cared for the big paycheck, or the easy route, reverting post-Pistols to his birth name, John Lydon, and putting together the musical post-punk collective, Public Image Ltd. Lydon remains a loose cannon intent on telling his truth, bugger the cost. It has made him obnoxious, a joke, and one of rock’s most pivotal and recognizable voices. He’s never feared plumbing the depths for his art, whether laying his soul bare in song or (shudder) doing a UK advert for Country Life butter to finance the most recent PiL reunion, in support of their excellent new (self-released) record, This Is PiL.
It seems like people love the stuff you did when you were miserable, but this new record was clearly not made that way. Look, I’m a human being, I’m capable of every emotion every other human being is capable of. And there’s an enormous diversity in my tastes and my attitudes to things, it’s all part-and-parcel of being human. I’m by no means a perfect person, but at least I work at it! People look to a musician because they want this one thing, and you’ve, in a way, refused to do that. Well, I’m not a cartoon, and all I’ve ever known in life is variety and diversity. I’ve never thought narrow, I’m not judgmental, I’m very open-minded. To some that you would call a fanbase, that can be a problem, because they only want to deal with one aspect of my character. Do you feel misunderstood, as a musician? I don’t mean to
sound arrogant, but over the last 30 years I’ve had such an enormous influence on everything that you call modern music, and yet it amazes me that people pretend not to know what it is I do. Everybody is out there with a version of it! And am I bitter? Far from it! It’s like this, mate: I’m uncontaminated by the industry, they’ll never ever ever be able to bring me down. I come from a very pure place. I write from the heart! . . . I’m not doing this for the money, I’m doing this for the pure love of it. How did you develop your own vocal style? That began the first day I joined the Pistols. Up until that point I’d never sung ever. Because I was sent to Catholic school, and I was well aware that if I had a voice, I’d be put in the choir, and the priests would have access to me. And as young children, we were terrified of the priest; there was a great evil that, in many ways,
crushed the idea of me being able to sing. But I found a way out of it, and that was the Sex Pistols. From the Pistols to PiL, where have your songs come from? I am a problem solver; if I feel that there’s a situation that needs resolving, I will write about it, regardless of the consequences. I cannot help it if people are morally offended by what I do. They have every right not to listen. I will not take any man, woman, or institution or government judging me wrongly. And these are freedoms that I’ve hard fought for and intend to maintain. Alright? As a young man, my songs were discussed under the Traitors and Treasons Act in Britain, in Parliament, which carried a death penalty — and I’m still here. Alright? So I’m not your average crap punk band from New York! [Laughs.] I’m the real deal! _DANIEL BROCKMAN » DBROCKMAN@phx.COM :: @thEBIzhAsLANDED
PUBLIC IMAGE LTD. :: Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston :: October 15 @ 7 pm :: 18+ :: $32 :: 617.866.8933 or
76 10.12.12 :: ThEPhOEnIx.COM/MUSIC
Arts & Nightlife :: Music
ViCTORiA LEgRAnd OpEnEd HER nOTEBOOk and saw the word “Myths.” “There were no other words on the page,” says the Beach House singer and keyboardist. “Just ‘Myths’. . . . I hadn’t even remembered writing it. It was magical. A total sign.” With that, she had named the stunning opening track of the Baltimore dream-pop duo’s latest record for Sub Pop, Bloom — the follow-up to 2010’s Teen Dream and their fourth full-length overall. “If you build yourself a myth/You’d know just what to give,” sings Legrand on the song, a gorgeous, slow-building wash of gauzy synths under her huge, smoky voice and all-captivating atmospherics. Like the rest of the new record, it plays out in the recognizable musical language the duo have crafted since 2006. “I think that song, in many ways, is a beautiful journey of what it takes to make something and to create something, and the vastness of that,” says Legrand from Dallas, between shows on a tour that brings the band to Wilbur Theatre Monday. “But you can look at the words to the song and find different possibilities. It could be a question of being defied and then getting over that. Having a horrible time, moving beyond that. Being lost, and then finding something, someone who makes it better. Or it can be about being creative and making things.”
Legrand and guitarist-keyboardist Alex Scally are, foremost, songwriters who carefully emphasize lyrics and structure, with impressionistic songs purposefully leaving room for interpretation. It’s an ever-present sentiment that’s also reflected in Beach House’s navigation of the music world in general — carefully establishing distance and mystery when possible. From 2006 until now, Legrand says she’s seen the rhythm of band life evolve until elaborate contrived biographies and online personae create unnecessary noise around art. “I feel like we started before that, so that doesn’t make sense to us,” Legrand says. “It was an earlier moment in Pitchfork and blogs. It was a period of excitement, and I felt like there was a newness to it, and people were still innocent. Now it’s sort of this era of intense savvy-ness and self-awareness.” She adds: “There’s a danger, when you use Twitter all the time about your day and your dog. You’re developing these weird identities. You’re no longer the artist, you’re a personality. With Beach House, we want to put the music first. . . . We’re not trying to be personalities.” With an album as exceptional as Bloom, Beach House don’t need the gross games of music-industry PR and social-media oversharing. Their resistance to it is artful in itself. _LIZ P ELLY » :: @LI ZPELLY
BEACH HOUSE + PAPER MOON :: Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston :: October 15 @ 8 pm :: 18+ :: $24-$27 :: 617.248.9700 or
78 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENix.COM/MUSiC
_mI chaEL chrI s t oPh Er
Nothing on the seventh Walkmen release is remotely as jarring as their 2004 masterpiece, “The Rat,” a song that had frontman Hamilton Leithauser howling over frenetic guitars and a wildly crashing drumbeat. Heaven (Fat Possum), overall, is a decidedly more laidback affair, one in which Leithauser channels crooners like Frank Sinatra and Roy Orbison. It’s a stimulating work nonetheless — sharp, nimble and even cheery at times — which might have something to do with the unique process of putting it together. “The songwriting was really different because we all live in different cities now,” Leithauser tells me over the phone before a gig in North Carolina. “It was really done in individual situations, a lot of e-mailing each other ideas back and forth and working alone for, like, months at a time. We only got together two times, for three days each, over the course of the whole record.” That proximity is evident in the spaciousness of the songs. “Heartbreaker,” “Song for Leigh,” and “Love is Luck” each contain an element of breathability that makes them vast, but they still manages to sustain the intimacy that’s long been part of the Walkmen sound. “It’s kind of nice to get everybody in a different zone, because we’ve been together for so long,” Leithauser says. “You don’t want to end up falling into a lull.”
Arts & Nightlife :: BostoN AcceNts
cellArs By stArlight
The recOrded reBirTh Of Mean creek OuTside Their rehearsal space, Mean Creek are standing with their hands in their pockets, excited to dig into some discussion about their anticipated new record, Youth Companion. Officially out October 16 on Old Flame Records, and technically their second full-length album, Youth Companion comes after last year’s self-funded Hemophiliac EP — a consolation prize wrought with disappointment from the temporay loss of label funding. Now back on their feet with a killer record packed with explosive folk-rock that channels a love for ’80s British post-punk, drummer Mikey Holland, bassist Erik Wormwood, and guitarists/vocalists Chris Keene and Aurore Ounjian stand in this Allston industrial alley ready to answer questions. “I feel like this is our first record in a lot of ways — we found our sound on it,” says Keene of Youth Companion, a title that gives clues to both the album’s late-adolescent emotional rawness as well as to the halcyon soundtracks of its creators’ memories. It’s the sound of a collective set of remarkable talents — from Holland’s lyrical drumming to Keene’s impassioned, Bryan Ferry-esque voice — all brought together in a cohesive whole. Album-opener “Do You Know?” is delivered with so much force and intensity that it seems impossible that it’s only about love. The frustration is there too. As the quartet drives along past the refrain, you realize that
this song has no chorus because it simply doesn’t need one. “[Producer] Chris McLaughlin called it the ‘antichorus,’ ” jokes Keene, recounting how six months of practicing four days a week resulted in a record created in just a few inspired weeks with McLaughlin at 1867 Recording Studio. “The point of that song was to be brain-dead simple, like a Ramones song,” Keene adds. Simplicity, risks, and spirit are all touchstones that helped guide Youth Companion. It’s not just the rockers that bear the fruit, but the ballads, too — such as the first-love tale “Indian Summer” and “The Reason Why,” which highlights Ounjian’s gossamer vocal work. “I like it when they are strange and unorthodox and maybe don’t fit in perfectly,” she says of her off-kilter, but astute, harmony lines. “It only makes it that much more beautiful and interesting.” Having now been together for six years, Mean Creek are suddenly Boston music-scene veterans. This is a city that’s not always kind to those who add a little rust to their carriages, but for the bandmates, the frustrating years of grinding it out on the outskirts of national recognition have driven them to their best work yet. Whether or not Youth Companion feels like a reboot, the songs contain enough whomp and purity to wipe the slate clean.
Boston power-pop veterans the OrGan BeaTs tease new record GOLDENHEART (out October 30, release party November 1 at T.T.’s) with single “Living Without You;” BirThdaYs, at the Lily Pad October 21, drop a touch of Caribbean shimmy into Sammy Yager’s throbbing experimental-pop shake; cancer killinG GeMini add industrial alloy strength to Radio’s one-year anniversary celebration on October 13; and Mission of Burma’s rOGer Miller closes it out with the instrumental B-side to his new “Big Steam” 7-inch, a sonic reference to Pink Floyd’s Piper at the Gates of Dawn.
GraB The Mix aT ThephOenix.cOM/ OnThedOwnlOad. The Organ Beats “living without You” [11.01 @ T.T. the Bear’s] Birthdays “Biggie shorty” [10.21 @ Lily Pad] cancer killing Gemini “Queen of heartbreak” [10.13 @ Radio] roger Miller “dream interpretation”
_Mi chael Maro t ta
_Jon athan D onalDson
MEAN CREEK + MOE POPE AND QUILLS + YOU WON’T :: Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston :: October 11 @ 8 pm :: 18+ :: $12 :: 617.779.0140 or
Organ Beats
THEPHOENIx.COM/MUSIC :: 10.12.12 79
Arts & Nightlife :: Music
alBum reviews
Mo want re re alb Che v i ew u M C reC k out s? en m at t t rele ore he as Co m P h o e n e s ix /m u siC .
Dead Oceans Records » One of the more remarkable evolutions in the contemporary musical underground may be Jon Barthmus’s decade-long peregrination from hardcore punk to the ambitious electro-pop of Sun Airway. The latter act’s dazzling summer single “Close” — released just ahead of news that Sun Airway would support a strand of M83 live dates that wrapped recently — is Barthmus’s most potent musical statement to date. It communicates intoxicating innocence via a dizzying swirl of hypertrophic melodies, splashy beats, and staccato guitar chords. The balance of Soft Fall is similarly glossy and palatable, but also decidedly sophisticated. Indeed, the string arrangements on the album sprang from sampled classical music being reduced to sheet music and then performed by a string quartet. Soft Fall may not have an outright appeal to the overground, but it’s easy to see why M83’s Anthony Gonzalez elected to hear this Philly project’s enchanting Technicolor dream jams each night before his own. _ J ay B r e i t l i n g
Barsuk Records » “It’s been a basement of a year,” Ben Gibbard sings over a perky two-chord strum on the saccharine “Oh, Woe.” It’s hard not to take him literally. The songs on Former Lives, the Death Cab for Cutie frontman’s solo debut, were written on the side throughout his main band’s tenure, but the album’s collective spirit seems inspired by current events — namely Gibbard’s heavily publicized breakup with indie heartthrob Zooey Deschanel. Not that heartbreak is a new subject for Gibbard, the indie-pop king of melancholy. But the themes throughout Former Lives are especially bleak. These characters are simultaneously trapped and transient: haunted by nightmares, lacking sleep, drifting through life aimlessly. Nonetheless, even if Former Lives is lyrically downbeat, its music is consistently vibrant, filled with some of Gibbard’s most infectious melodies in years. “Dream Song” is a strummy toe-tapper built on a school-yard hook and a simple four-chord guitar progression: it’s so laughably simple, it shouldn’t work — but as a testament to Gibbard’s reliable craftsmanship, it’s a quiet anthem. Yes, the best songs here (like “Bigger Than Love,” an Aimee Mann-assisted avalanche of adorable harmonies) would have, in another life, made for some top-shelf Death Cab. At times it’s tough not to wish for some of Jason McGerr’s dense rhythmic flair or a few of Chris Walla’s artful overdubs. Then again, it’s hard to imagine the Death Cab boys adding their propulsive two cents to the horn-fueled Mariachi waltz “Something’s Rattling (Cowpoke)” or the pedal-steel-driven, bluesky country-pop gem “Broken Yolk in Western Sky.” Gibbard’s carving out new musical territory on Former Lives, while amplifying the broken heart of what makes his sound so wonderful. Regardless of context, Gibbard’s Gibbard-isms have never sounded so Gibbard-y. _ rya n r ee d
BLACK MOTH SUPER RAINBOW :: Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: December 3 @ 7 pm :: 18+ :: $15 :: 617.562.8800 or
Staff SpinS » What We’re liStening to artMaGiC “Call Your Girlfriend” [Artmagicmusic] the last thing any of us thought we needed was suede guitarist richard oakes’s side project with Britney spears producer sean mcGhee covering robyn’s instant-classic electro-pop jam, but artmagic’s stirring pillow-talk rendition is a stripped-down ballad high on melancholy. it’s out this week as a B-side to current single “Down in the river.” _ m i C H a e l m a rot ta
80 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIx.COM/MUSIC
solanGe “Losing You” [Terrible Records] When we caught Blood orange at this year’s sxsW, it felt like a euphoric rush of sex amongst a hybridized wave of indie rock. here’s he’s teamed with the also sultry solange for a dose of r&B that’s likely to deliver a similar libido shock to the current influx of Fm bubblegum ratchet pop. _mi CHael C. walsH
Gibbard photo by ryan russell
RaD Cult ReCORDs » Technology makes secrecy wellnigh impossible, so Black Moth Super Rainbow settle for employing it as a narrative device. Complete with adopted pseudonyms, latex masks, and a penchant for myth-making, the Pittsburgh band have effectively created avatars of themselves. Fifth album Cobra Juicy continues a motif established on 2009’s Eating Us: the shroud of mystery is slowly lifting. BMSR’s specific and sharpened psychedelic/electronic sound is slinking away from the margins and edging closer to the center. Frontman Tobacco is leaning less on his Vocoder; his oftentimes monochromatic vocals are injected with humanity. He practically sneers on “Hairspray Heart”; on “Dreamsicle Bomb” he’s playful and breathy. There’s also additional guitar — or, rather, additional synthesizers that sound like guitar — funkier bass, less spaced-out strangeness. On “Spraypaint,” you wonder if, at their hardened core, BMSR are really just a straight-up, buttoned-down pop act. In sacrificing weirdness for conformity, Cobra Juicy shows growth, but somewhat mugs the band of what made them so singular. _ryan Foley
arts & NightliFe :: music
ALEX SCHUMAN › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or “BENEFIT FOR BARBARA WALSH” › Rule + Jenny Dee & the Delinquents + The Decals + AM Stereo + The Modifiers › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or BIG SANDY & HIS FLY-RITE BOYS › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15 › 617.547.0759 or DEFTRIO › 9:30 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or FLATT RABBIT › 7:30 pm › Sally O’Brien’s, 335 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.666.3589 or GHISLAIN BEAUPLANT + THE PEOPLE’S PARTY + MARIA MASE › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 GRAHAM COLTON + MIKEY WAX + JEFF LEBLANC › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $12 › 617.747.6038 or THE CHARMS + DAVE MIRABELLA + ERIC SALT & THE ELECTRIC CITY › 7:30 pm › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $10 › 617.764.0005 or JACKOPIERCE › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $28-$30 › 617.492.7679 or d=135481033& KAY MCKINSTRY & THE GOOD POOR › 7:30 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or LORD HURON + NIGHTMOVES › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10-$12 › 617.566.9014 or MARCO BENEVENTO + WOODSMAN › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $15 › 617.492.2327 or MEAN CREEK + YOU WON’T + MOE POPE & QUILLS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $12-$15 › 617.779.0140 or MIDNIGHT SNACK + GEORGE WOODS + KRISTEN FORD + ZAC TAYLOR › 7:30 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or THE POLISH AMBASSADOR › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › 617.338.7699 or PORT-ROYAL + ANDRE OBIN + LANDING + AVOXBLUE › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or RACHAEL MACFARLANE › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $25 › 617.661.5000 or “RAUMEXPANDED” › Wolfgang Torkler & Bertram Lehmann Duo + Mehmet Sanlikol › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 “ROCK & SHOCK” WITH ALESANA + IN FEAR AND FAITH + VAMPIRES EVERYWHERE! + GLAMOUR OF THE KILL + THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE › 7 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › $20 › 978.797.9696 or RYAN LEE CROSBY › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or SEAN WAYLAND QUARTET › 10 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 SHAPES OF LIGHT + LUKE DA DUKE + JEFR TALE › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$20 › 617.864.EAST or STEVE KUHN TRIO + GADI LEHAVI › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cam-
bridge › $25 › 617.783.0090 or SWANS + A HAWK AND A HACKSAW › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $25 › 617.562.8800 or TOAD THE WET SPROCKET › 7:30 pm › Blue Ocean Music Hall, 4 Oceanfront North, Salisbury › $40 › 978.462.5888 or WILL DAILEY › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or
Friday 12
ARMY NAVY + SPEEDY ORTIZ + WE ARE OCEANS + INASHTON › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ARTHUR NASSON › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 ASSEMBLY OF DUST + DIRIGO + THE BOOM BOOMS › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $16.50 › 617.562.8800 or “BENEFIT FOR BARBARA WALSH” › The Dirty Truckers + Reverse + Dirt Mall › 7:30 pm › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $10 › 617.764.0005 or radiobarunion. com/ BROWN SHOE + MARIKO + OPTIC + YELLOW FELT + AUDIBLE CRAYONS › 6 pm › All Asia, 334 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.1544 or CHRISTA RENEE BAND + HUMBLE ROOTS › 9 pm › Sally O’Brien’s, 335 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $5 › 617.666.3589 or CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › 617.338.7699 or CLUB D’ELF › 10 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or THE DENTS + DEVIL ON HORSEBACK + WATTS + GYMNASIUM + SPIN OFF › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or DIFFERENCE ENGINE + HD & SURROUND SOUND + VALENTIN PRINCE + POWER SLUT › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 ELCODRIVE + DIRTY WATER INFANTRY + THE NAKED STIL LS › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or EMILY GROGAN › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or HALLELUJAH THE HILLS + GUILLERMO SEXO + SQUIRTY WORM + DREW O’DOHERTY › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or HOW TO DRESS WELL + O F F LOVE › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $12-$14 › 617.779.0140 or JOHN COLVERT & THE GREAT BRIGHTON FIRE + SAM OTIS HILL › 10 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or THE JON SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION + BLOODSHOT BILL › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15 › 617.864.EAST or THE KANDINSKY EFFECT › 10 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 KURT AND BRYAN + THE SUNSHINE FACTORY + SAND RECKONER › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $7 › 617.782.6245 or LIONEL LOUEKE › 7:30 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $25 › 617.547.0759 or LORETTA LAROCHE › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $30 ›
What’s probably safe to call the finest shoegaze band ever to emerge from Alabama, the SunShine Factory play Obrien’s on Friday with Boston’s Sand Reckoner and Total Pros (members of Stereo Telescope the Shills). 617.783.0090 or THE MACROTONES + THE HORNITZ › 9 pm › Milky Way, at the Brewery, 284 Armory St, Jamaica Plain › $10 › 617.524.3740 or NO STATIC › 10 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or
PALEFACE › 7:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or PHILLIP GREENLIEF + JOE MORRIS + MARCO ENEIDI › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 ›
>> live music on p 82 :: 10.12.12 81
arts & NightliFe :: music << live music from p 81
10.11.12 Thu
Bowery Boston • Lord Huron Night Moves 9pm • 18+ • $10 ADV / $12 DOS
10.12.12 Fri
The Pill • DJs Ken & Michael V. 10pm • 21+ • $5
10.12.12 Fri
Anderson Comedy Group • The Gas The best in local comedy & beyond 7pm • 18+ • $5
10.13.12 SaT
617.876.0860 or THE RATIONALES + THE VIVS + DJ SKITZ › 10 pm › Tommy Doyle’s at Harvard, 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.864.0655 or “ROCK & SHOCK” WITH THE MISFITS + SHADOWS FALL + GOD FORBID + VISION OF DISORDER + HOT BLACK + MONGREL › Second Stage: Freya + This Is Hell + Kissing Candace + Dead By Wednesday + the Atlas Collapse + Vultures + Absence of the Sun › 5 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › $30 › 978.797.9696 or THE ROYAL DRUMMERS AND DANCERS OF BURUNDI › 8 pm › Somerville
Born of Fire Milligram Reunion Show: Night #1 Milligram • Blacktail Lunglust • Whitey 9pm • 21+ • $12
10.14.12 Sun
Bowery Boston Presents • Six60 9pm • 18+ • $8 ADV/ $10 DOS
10.15.12 Mon
Dent May 9pm • 18+ • $9
10.16.12 Tue
The Intelligence 9pm • 18+ • $9
10.17.12 Wed
Brian Marquis • Rhianna LaRocque Foreign Tongues • Greg Marquis 9pm • 18+ • $8-$10 1222 CoMMonWealTh ave allSTon, Ma 02134 617-566-9014
43 Years Of Great Music Friday, Oct 12 : (7:30pm) anti FOlk
(10pm) StEEly dan tributE: nO Static Saturday, Oct 13 nEw album unFiniSHEd buSinESS Out Oct 9 prOducEd by JuStin tOwnES EarlE
wanda JackSOn daniEl rOmanO
Sunday, Oct 14 JaZZ bruncH 8:30 am - 2:30 pm OpEn bluES Jam 4:00pm - 7:00 pm (8:30 pm) FOlk / pOp
Sam rEid & tHE riOt act TAYLOR MOORE • SAM CHASE mOnday, Oct 15 tEam triVia -8:30 pm $1.50 HOt dOGS 6 - 10 pm tuESday, Oct 16 : a capElla
tuFtS SQ
wEdnESday, Oct 17: FOlk/amEricana
matt bOrrEllO ryan alVanOS
tHurSday, Oct 18 : rOck (w/ dan tambOrElli FrOm nickElOdEOn’S tHE adVEnturES OF pEtE & pEtE)
Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville › $35 › 617.625.5700 or somerville/index.php SINCAIR JENNINGS + THE ABS › 10 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or STEVE WALTHER ORCHESTRA + POWDERHOUSE + THE ALEX J. COHEN PROJECT › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or SUZANNE VEGA › 8 pm › Strand Theatre, 543 Columbia Rd, Dorchester › $34 › 617.282.8000 TEN FOOT POLECATS + ERIN HARPE & THE DELTA SWINGERS + ROLLOVER BABY › 9 pm › Rosebud Diner, 381 Summer St, Somerville › $8 › 617.666.6015 or TILLY & THE WALL + NICKY DA B › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$17 › 617.779.0140 or TOWER OF POWER + AVERAGE WHITE BAND › 8 pm › Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston › $50-$62.50 › 617.248.9700 or “WHO I AM: PETE TOWNSHEND INTERVIEW/PERFORMANCE” › 5 pm › Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › $32.50; includes copy of Who I Am › 617.266.7455
AVIATIONS + NORCROSS + INVIDIA + EARTHSTOMPER + ACE AND THE BOYS › 1 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $8-$10 › 617.864.EAST or BEN FOLDS FIVE + KATE MILLERHEIDKE › 7 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $42-$55 › 888.693.2583 THE BORED OF HEALTH › 7:30 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or CHAPARRALS + PAPERBACK + THE AMERICAN BLUES + DIDN’T PLANET › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or CHRIS CAB › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › 617.492.2327 or FALCON ARROW + SINNET + J/Q › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 THE FU’S + OPPOSITION RISING + THE ENEMY WITHIN + LIVE FAST DIE FAST + RED LINE REBELS + THE
TRANS FATS › 4 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or GODDAMN DRACULAS + VODA + 7CS + LITEHOUSE + FULL TIME DREAMERS › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or HAGGAI COHEN MILO › 10 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or “HARVEST CONCERT” › Bob Bradshaw + Christa Gniadek + Neil Helme › 8 pm › Hope Central Church, 85 Seaverns Ave, Jamaica Plain › $10 JIM’S BIG EGO › 10:30 pm › Davis Square Theatre, 255 Elm Street, Somerville › $10 › JOSH LEDERMAN & CSARS › 4 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or LAURA GANCI + DRUNKEN LOGIC + BLACKOUT MAFIA + TSUNAMI OF SOUND + ROCKING HORSE RODEO + CONGRESS › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 MENOMENA + PVT › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $20 › 617.779.0140 or MICKY FRIEDMANN + RYAN RUEL › 1 am › Rise, 306 Stuart St, Boston › $10-$20 › 617.423.7473 or “MILLIGRAM REUNION SHOW: NIGHT #1” › Milligram + Blacktail + Lunglust + Whitey › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $12 › 617.566.9014 or NICK SANDERS TRIO › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.0860 or NOWHERE LIGHTS + SLANT OF LIGHT + THE GROWNUP NOISE › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $8-$10 › 617.547.0759 or PILE + MAIL THE HORSE + FAT HISTORY MONTH + CARTRIGHT › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $6 › 617.782.6245 or PLAYIN’ DEAD › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or “RADIO FIRST ANNIVERSARY PARTY” › Brownboot + Sidewalk Driver + The Field Effect + Old Jack + The Derangers + the Rationales + Cocked n Loaded + The Acro-Brats + Autumn Hollow › 1 pm › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $12 › 617.764.0005 or
Friday, Oct 19: (7:30pm) cOmEdy bill blumEnrEicH prESEntS
milO Z
Saturday, Oct 20: HEar nOw liVE! prESEntS
DCLA • JG & LAST SHOT PRODuCTiOnS DAvE MACkLin • SHAYnE HOLLAnD Sunday, Oct 21 (8:30pm) banG tHE dumb SlOwly: tHE lOnG rOad tO tHE wHitE HOuSE
liZZ winStEad cOminG SOOn:
10/23 lEO Gun (FrOm uk) 10/24 JuliEn kaSpEr 10/25 lOS FlEtcHErOS 10/26 (7:30) wEiSStrOnautS (10pm) duppy cOnQuErOrS 10/27 BOOTY vORTEx • 10/28 Lizz WinSTEAD 10/31bikini wHalE / pOwEr OF lOVE 11/2 (7:30pm) barrEncE wHitFiEld 11/3 (7pm) lOVE dOGS (10pm) tOaStErS 12/1 MARk EiTzEL • 12/4 kELLY HOGAn
by William Shakespeare directed by Paula Plum
Tickets: 866-811-4111 82 10.12.12 :: Info: 617-776-2004 concert LIne: 617-776-9667 johnny d’s 17 hoLLand st davIs square somervILLe. ma 02144
• Mean Creek Boston indie darlings celebrate the release of their new Youth Companion with help from You Won’t and 11 Moe Pope & the Quills. Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › 9 pm › $12 › • SWanS Michael Gira’s no-wave assault team celebrates its 30th anniversary Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › 8 pm › $25 › THU
• DoMinique eaDe Ordinarily you’d pay big bucks at a club to see one of the finest jazz singers on earth. Lucky for you, Dominique Eade is giving a free faculty recital at NEC, singing songs of Nancarrow, Monk, Dylan, and her sharp originals, with special guests including guitarist Brad Shepik. Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › 8 pm › free › FRI
• rabbit rabbit + koMbuCha trio The extraor17 dinary violinist/songwriter/singer Carla Kihlstedt (Tin Hat, 2 Foot Yard, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum) brings her Rabbit Rabbit project to a double bill with longtime Boston pianist Bert Seager and his Kombucha Trio to the Regattabar. Regattabar, Charles Hotel, 1 Bennett St, Cambridge › 7:30 pm › $20;$15 students › 617.395.7757 or WED
LioneLL oueke photo by brantLey Gutierrez
wyatt cEnac
(10pm) Funk FrOm nyc
WESTERN FRONT 343 Western Ave, Cambridge
RICHARD JAMES & THE NAME CHANGERS + OTIS GROVE + THE FOUR LEGGED FAITHFUL › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.864.EAST or “ROCK & SHOCK” WITH GWAR + DEVIL DRIVER + LEGACY OF DISORDER + CANCER BATS + THY WILL BE DONE + UNFORTUNATE + GODDAMN ZOMBIE + SHATTER THE SKY + CONFORZA + PATHOGENIC › 5 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › $30 › 978.797.9696 or SAINT ANYWAY › 10 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or THE PETER SMITH TRIO › Battery Lounge-Fairmont Battery Wharf Hotel, 3 Battery Wharf , Boston › Free › batterywharf “THE RED BAR RADIO WORLD TOUR” › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or THE THROTTLES › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or TINARIWEN + ATLAS SOUL › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $20$25 › 617.562.8800 or WANDA JACKSON + DANIEL ROMANO & THE TRILLIUMS › 8 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $30 › 617.776.2004 or WHISKEY KILL + H BOMBS + OLD HAT › 9 pm › Sally O’Brien’s, 335 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $5 › 617.666.3589 or
AMONG CRIMINALS + HUCKLEBERRY BINGE + THOUGHT TRANSFER + SKINNY CLEVELAND › 1 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or DEAD ELLINGTON + RIVERBOAT GAMBLERS + COBRA SKULLS + FRESH KILLS › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 DOUBLE NINES + ADAM PC + WOUNDED BY LAZERS + MUDFLAP JUNIOR JONES › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $8 › 617.864. EAST or DREAMRYDE + THE OFFCHANCE + ADAM RECZEK › 7:30 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $8 › 617.236.7600 or FRANK SOLIVAN AND DIRTY KITCHEN + MELODY WALKER › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $13-$15 › 617.492.7679 or KING ORCHID + PERHAPS + SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD + MONIKER + DAN HAR-
Reggae, Latin & Jazz
suNday 14
Thursday 10/11
hoT springs reggae Call for info friday 10/12
funk friday
live Bands Call for info saTurday 10/13
reggae revival live reggae MusiC FOR INFO 617-492-7772
SOCIAL STUDIES w/ Ivan Smagghe (France), Alfredo,Brenden Wesley & Brek.One
12 Nashville scrapper DanieL PuJoL brings his retro-futuristic lo-fi garage rock revivalism to T.T. the Bear’s Place on Sunday. RIS › 7 pm › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $8 › 617.764.0005 or THE LOVE EXPERIMENT + THE GREAT BURIERS + MISSING MARS + ANNALISE EMERICK + THE HOPELESS HUSBANDS › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or PANDELIS KARAYORGIS GROUP › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.0860 or PAT METHENY UNITY BAND › 7 pm › Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › $35-$65 › 617.266.7455 “POP VS. NOT: BATTLE FOR GK FEST OPENING ROUND” › noon › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12$15 › 617.864.EAST or PUJOL + DIRTY VIRGINS › 9:30 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.492.2327 or RICH GREENBLATT GROUP + EHUD ETTUN › 6 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 RYAN DUGRE + ERIC LANE + ADAM
CLARK › 9 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or “ROCK & SHOCK” WITH ABK + BLAZE + DJ CLAY + OUTLAND CAMP + RICKY MORTIS + FURY+ SPLITFACE + WEIRD DIE YOUNG + ZKITZO + K.DAVER › 5pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › $20 › 978.797.9696 or SAM REID & THE RIOT ACT + TAYLOR MOORE + SAM CHASE › 8:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or SAVOIR ADORE + ROYAL CANOE + SANTAH › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $12-$14 › 617.779.0140 or SIX60 › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $8-$10 › 617.566.9014 or THE VESPERS › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $10 › 617.747.6038 or WAKA FLOCKA FLAME + WOOH DA KID › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $25-$39.50 › 888.693.2583
(Star Wars Themed DJ Dance Party) :
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Metheny new PHX vert_Metheny new P Scullers, in association with H.T. Productions, presents
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>> live music on p 84
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84 10.12.12 ::
arts & NightliFe :: music >> live music from p 83
BEACH HOUSE › 8 pm › Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston › $24 › 617.248.9700 or THE BELL WITCH + WARM + THE MODERN VOICE + STASIS › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 BRIAN STANKUS + TV COWBOYS › 9 pm › Middle East Corner, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 or DAUGHTER + CHOIR OF YOUNG BELIEVERS › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $12-$14 › 617.747.6038 or DENT MAY › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $9 › 617.566.9014 or
JOSS STONE + VINTAGE TROUBLE › 7:30 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $29.50-$45 › 888.693.2583 LOCAL H + THE LIFE AND TIMES + SCOTT LUCAS › 8:30 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$17 › 617.779.0140 or MODERN DAY ESCAPE + AFFIANCE + DECEPTION OF A GHOST + PICTURE ME BROKEN + RECIPE FOR A MONSTER + YANTRA › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$13 › 617.864.EAST or PUBLIC IMAGE LIMITED › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › 617.338.7699 or RADIO ASTRONOMER + TAYLOR MOORE + ALL EYES ARE ON ME NOW › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $6 › 617.782.6245 or SEPTICFLESH + KRISIUN + MELECHESH + EX DEO + INQUISITION › 6 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20-$25 › 617.864.EAST or SMOKING POPES + ROLL THE TANKS + POISON IVY LEAGUE › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $12 › 617.492.2327 or THE STANLEYS + LADY PILOT › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $5 › 617.764.0005 or
BERKLEE INTERNATIONAL JAZZ VOCALS NIGHT › 8:30 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $7 › 617.876.9330 or BRUCE FERRARA QUARTET › 9 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or CULT OF YOUTH + WAR OF WORDS › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $8 › 617.864.EAST or EASY STAR ALL-STARS + THE AGGROLITES › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $16.50-$18 › 617.562.8800 or GENERATIONALS + DEVIN + J THOVEN › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.492.2327 or HAYLEY JANE & THE PRIMATES › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or JON MCLAUGHLIN + XENIA › 7 pm › Iron Horse Music Hall, 20 Center St, Northampton › $12.50-$15 › 413.586.8686 or “KRISTEN FORD PRESENTS ‘PANDA BAR” SHOWCASE” › Sally O’Brien’s, 335 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.666.3589 or LAGWAGON + DEAD TO ME + THE FLATLINERS + USELESS ID › 7 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20-$22 › 617.864.EAST or MOLLY LEWIS + THE DOUBLECLICKS › 9:30 pm › Tommy Doyle’s at Harvard, 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.864.0655 or NAUGHTY WATER + THE INDOBOX › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $3 › 617.236.7600 or THE INTELLIGENCE › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $9 › 617.566.9014 or SARAH BLACKER + ZACK DUPONT › 7:30 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or SLOAN › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15 › 617.779.0140 or TOM’S FOLLY › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or precinctbar. com
ADMIRAL FALLOW + JOY KILLS SORROW + SHEA VACCARO › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $10-$12 › 617.747.6038 or AGACHIKO › 9 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or ALANIS MORISSETTE + SOULEYE › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $49.50-$65 › 888.693.2583 BAKER THOMAS BAND › 10 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or BERT SEAGER’S KOMBUCHA TRIO + RABBIT RABBIT › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $15$20 › 617.661.5000 or BRIAN MARQUIS + RHIANNA LAROCQUE + FOREIGN TONGUES + GREG MARQUIS › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $8-$10 › 617.566.9014 or CHARLIE KOHLHASE’S EXPLORER’S CLUB TRIO › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.0860 or CORDARO GILES & STRONGE + THE LOUSY INSTRUMENTS + THE CELL PHONES + KAVE KRAFT › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $6 › 617.782.6245 or CRUSH + SPL + DJ DIGI + FLYLOSOPHY + GRIMECRAFT + DENDRTIYX › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $13-$15 › 617.864.EAST or DAVE ALPERT BAND › 10 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or THE DENNIS BRENNAN BAND › 9:30 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or DIVINE FITS › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › 617.338.7699 or ERENA TERAKUBO › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $20 › 617.783.0090 or ESTHEMA › 9:30 pm › Middle East Corner, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 or GLEN CAMPBELL › 8 pm › Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston › $50-$70 › 617.248.9700 or HARD NIPS + ROZ RASKIN AND THE RICE CAKES › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $8 › 617.492.2327 or JESSE AND THE HOGG BROTHERS + NICOLE D’AMICO & FRIENDS + MY POLITIC + BUILDER OF THE HOUSE › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or LODUS DEI + LATRELL JAMES + FRAN P. + NATURAL + FLYBOI DIZZY + MORONEY › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or MICHAEL TARBOX › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or MIKE WATT & THE MISSINGMEN + THUNDERBLOODS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $14$17 › 617.779.0140 or PETER KENAGY GROUP + ANDY VOELKER + GILL AHARON TRIO › 8 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 PINEY GIR + THE MINOR THREE + ONE HAPPY ISLAND › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 RABBIT RABBIT + KOMBUCHA TRIO › 7 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $20 › 617.661.5000 or
wedNesday 17
Combining smarmy smarts and irascible wit, Liverpool’s the WoMBatS are easily standing out in an increasingly weak crop of modern UK guitar bands. They come to the Paradise on Wednesday. ROB GARCIA › 9 pm › Bee`hive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or SILVERSUN PICKUPS + CLOUD NOTHINGS + ATLAS GENIUS › 7:30 pm › Orpheum Theatre, 1 Hamilton Pl, Boston › $35 › 617.482.0650 STAFF BENDA BILILI › 7:30 pm › Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave, Boston › $35 › 617.478.3100 or THREE TALL PINES + THE STRAY BIRDS › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $13-$15 › 617.492.7679 or THE WOMBATS + MORNING PARADE › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $15-$17 › 617.562.8800 or
ALLISON SHAPIRA + SCOTT JAMES › 9 pm › Middle East Corner, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 or ASIA › 8 pm › Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston › $42.50-$65 › 617.248.9700 or BEN SOLLEE + LUKE REYNOLDS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $13-$15 › 617.779.0140 or CASPA + MOLDY › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $20-$22.50 › 617.562.8800 or CHARLIE HUNTER DUO › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $23-$25 › 617.492.7679 or CHRIS WILSON AND PLANET EARTH + YELLBIRD › 8:30 pm › All Asia, 334 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.1544 or CRINKLEFACE + GERONIMO! + ROZAMOV + STEADY MADNESS + TRACES OF EMPIRE › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 DAN HICKS & THE HOT LICKS › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $30 › 617.783.0090 or DAVID MAXWELL › 10 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 DAVID THORNE SCOTT AND THE HOPEFUL ROMANTICS › 8:30 pm ›
Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or DWIGHT SMITH › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or THE EITHER/ORCHESTRA › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $20 › 617.661.5000 or regattabarjazz. com ENABLER + LIVVER + LOS BUNGALITOS + THRONEHUNTER › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.782.6245 or THE NEW HIGHWAY HYMNAL + RIBS + EARTHQUAKE PARTY! + INFINITY GIRL › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.566.9014 or THE FRONT BOTTOMS + CHEAP GIRLS + A GREAT BIG PILE OF LEAVES + ALEX CORREIA › 8:30 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.492.2327 or GRAVEL PROJECT › 8:30 pm › Smoken’ Joe’s BBQ, 351 Washington St, Brighton › Free › 617. 254.5227 or THE JEZABELS YUKON BLONDE + HEY ROSETTA + ! › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $16-$19 › 617.864.EAST or JIM WHITE › 8 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or JOE MULHOLLAND QUARTET › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.497.0823 MELVERN TAYLOR & HIS FABULOUS MELTONES › 7:30 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or toadcambridge. com THE MOUNTAIN GOATS + MATTHEW E WHITE › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $22.50-$25 › 888.693.2583 ODDISEE › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$13 › 617.864.EAST or RAFAEL RUSSI BRAZILIAN FUSION › 9:30 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or “RECUERDO: TRIBUTE TO THE CAREER OF LARRY MONROE” › Donald Harrison + Giovanni Tommaso + Berklee Students and Faculty › 8:15 pm › Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › $8-$22 › 617.266.7455
“THE AP TOUR” WITH MISS MAY I + THE GHOST INSIDE + LIKE MOTHS TO FLAMES + THE AMITY AFFLICTION + GLASS CLOUD › Miss May I + the Ghost Inside + Like Moths To Flames + The Amity Affliction + Glass Cloud › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › 617.338.7699 or TRICKY BRITCHES + THE WHISKEY BOYS › 10 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or PANZERFAUST + NACHZEHRER + HERUGRIM + SARCOMANCY › 9 pm › Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St, Worcester › 508.753.9543 or WILL DAILEY › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or
472-480 mASSAchUSeTTS AVe ceNTRAL SQ., cAmbRIDge (617) 864-eAST | DOWNSTAIRS
Thu 10/11: ShAPeS Of LIghT (eP ReL.) Luke Da Duke Fri 10/12: CQ Presents: The JON SPeNceR BLues exPLosion • BLooDshoT BiLL sat 10/13: RIchARD JAmeS & The NAme chANgeRS • oTis Grove
sun 10/14 – noon aLL aGes keynote Company Presents: POP VS. NOT Mon 10/15 - 6PM: nemesis entertainment Presents: SePTIcfLeSh • krisiun • inQuisiTion Tue 10/16 aLL aGes 7pm: LAgWAgON DeaD To Me • The FLaTLiners • useLess iD
Wed 10/17/12: Leedz edutainment Presents: cRUSh WITh SPL (LA) DJ Digi • Flylosophy • Grimecraft
UPSTAIRS Thu 10/11 PORT-ROyAL anDre oBin • avoxBLue Fri 10/12 ARmy NAVy • sPeeDy orTiz sat 10/13 : aLL aGes 1PM: AVIATIONS sat 10/13 7pm gODDAmN DRAcULAS • voDa • 7Cs sun 10/14/ aLL aGes 1pm AmONg cRImINALS sun 10/14 - night show DOUbLe NINeS • aDaM PC Mon 10/15/12 - 7PM mODeRN DAy eScAPe Tue 10/16/12 cULT Of yOUTh War oF WorDs (ex-viGiLanTes) Wed 10/17 - 7PM JeSSe AND The hOgg bROTheRS niCoLe D’aMiCo & FrienDs • My PoLiTiC
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supportIng the new
“Unfinished BUsiness” reLease, produced by Justin townes earle.
Sat 10/13 Info: 617-776-2004 concert LIne: 617-776-9667 johnny d’s 17 hoLLand st davIs square somervILLe. ma 02144
79 Washington st, providence complete schedule at
this Wednesday, october 17
say anything murder by death friday, october 19
sLightLy stoopid
featuring KarL
friday, november 2
state radio thursday, november 8
friday, november 9
megadeth sunday, november 11
yeasayer tuesday, november 20
taKing bacK sunday tickets at LUPOs.cOM, F.Y.e. stORes & LUPO’s :: 10.12.12 85
Arts & Nightlife :: Clubs
thuRsDAY 11
BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Cure Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Glamlife Thursdays” with Chris Harris + Rafael Sanchez LIBERTY HOTEL › Boston › 5:30 pm › “Fashionably LATE” LIVING ROOM › Boston › 8 pm › DJ Snow White JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 10:30 pm › “Jacques’ Angels” with Kris Knievil NAGA › Cambridge › “Verve Thursdays” with DJ Pensive OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Bear Cave” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hi Frequency” with Ju Lee + Burak Bacio + Kia Mazzi WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Top 40/ House Thursdays” with DJ NRG ZUZU › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “B.O.S.S”
ALLEY BAR › Boston › “Fur & Gold” with DJ Brent Covington + DJ Taffy AN TUA NUA › Boston › “Jive: A Modern Speakeasy” BIJOU NIGHTCLUB & LOUNGE › Boston › 10:30 pm › Nicole Moudaber + DJ Brienne BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Play Fridays” CLUB CAFÉ › Boston › 7:30 pm › “Naughty Bits” COMMON GROUND › Allston › “90s Night” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” with DJ Eric Velez DISTRICT › Boston › “Latin Fridays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Estate Fridays” with Dalton GREAT SCOTT › Allston › 10 pm › “The Pill” with DJ Ken + DJ Michael V GYPSY BAR › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Dera JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 10:15 pm › “Miss-Leading Ladies” JULEP BAR › Boston › DJ Playboi + DJ J. Ladyz LIVING ROOM › Boston › “House, Top 40, House & Dance Music” MACHINE › Boston › 10 pm › “Show Me Your Stuff” with DJs Darrin Friedman and Gay Jim MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › DJ Frank White MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 9 pm › “La Boum Queer Dance Party” with DJ Stella NORTHERN NIGHTS › Lynn › 8 pm › “Madonna Fridays” with DJ Jay Ine PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “PYT” with DJ Vinny RISE › Boston › “Wonderland” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hush Fridays” with DJ Hectik + DJ Dres + DJ Lus SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Privilege Fridays” UMBRIA PRIME › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” UNDERBAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Flavor Fridays” with DJ Franklin WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Friday Night Live” with DJ Braun Dapper ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Solid!” with Flavorheard
sAtuRDAY 13
BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Flaunt Saturdays” CLUB CAFÉ › Boston › 7:30 pm › “Naughty Bits”
86 10.12.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/arTs
Every Thursday is GLAMLIFE with DJs Chris Harris and Rafael Sanchez at the Estate, 1 Boylston Place, Boston. COMMON GROUND › Allston › “Millennium Night” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Saturdays at Cure” with rotating DJs Hectik + 7L + Brek. One + Theo A + Frank White DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “Liquid Saturdays” with DJ Liquid Ice EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Access Saturdays” GOOD LIFE › Boston › 9:30 pm › “Fever” GUILT › Boston › 10 pm › DJ J Stacks GYPSY BAR › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Mario JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 7 + 10:15pm › “Miss-Leading Ladies” JULEP BAR › Boston › DJ Soulo + DJ Obie LIVING ROOM › Boston › “House, Top 40, House & Dance Music” MACHINE › Boston › “Music Ecology” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › DJ Kon MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 10 pm › “Mango’s Latin Saturdays” with Lee Wilson NAGA › Cambridge › “Chemistry Saturdays” with DJ Mozes + DJ D Say + Miss Jade OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Saturdays @ Om” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Boom Boom Room” with DJ Vinny RISE › Boston › ““Second Saturdays: Gay Night” › 1 am › Micky Friedmann + Ryan Ruel RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Rumor Saturdays” SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Sold Out Saturdays” with DJ Bamboora T.T. THE BEAR’S PLACE › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Heroes” with DJ Chris Ewen UMBRIA PRIME › Boston › 10 pm › “Scene Saturdays” WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Wonderbar Saturdays” ZUZU › Cambridge › 11 pm › “Soul-le-luh-jah”`
sunDAY 14
CLUB CAFÉ › Boston › 4 pm › “Back 2 Basics Tea Dance” with DJ Harrison CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Industry Sundays” with DJ Hectik EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Svedka Sundays: Industry Night” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 8 pm › “More Drinks Tour” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “The Drop” RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Level 12” with
DJ Sterling Golden RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 8 pm › “Reggae Night” UNDERBAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hot Mess Sundays” with DJ Richie Ladue ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “All You Can Eat Buffet!”
monDAY 15
AN TUA NUA › Boston › 9 pm › “CeremonyGoth Night” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › Harrison and Davis Play Songs off of a Laptop MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › “Milky Way Mondays with Live Funk” NAGA › Cambridge › “Industry Mondays” with DJ D Say + DJ Mozes PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Makka Monday” with Voyager 01 + DJ Uppercut RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “The Attic” with DJ Kuro RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 8 pm › “Weekly Wax” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Mondenial” with Jason Stokes ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Night of the Living Deadhead”
tuesDAY 16
EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 6 pm › “Wicked New Music” GREAT SCOTT › Allston › 9 pm › Dark Dark Dark + Emily Wells LIBERTY HOTEL › Boston › 6 pm › “Gallery Night Tuesdays” MACHINE › Boston › 9 pm › › “Psyclone Tuesdays: All EDM” NAGA › Cambridge › “Fiesta Tuesdays” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elecsonic” RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Whithaus Random Vinyl Night” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Rumor Tuesdays” with DJ Roger M WONDER BAR › Allston › “Music Ecology” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Zuesday” with DJ Leah V + Justincredible
weDnesDAY 17
EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 6 pm › “Future Boston presents Assemble!” › 8 pm › “Mondo Wednesdays” LIBERTY HOTEL › Boston › 6:30 pm › “Whole Note Wednesdays”
MACHINE › Boston › 10 pm › “Show Me Your Stuff” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › “Team Friendship” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Re:Set” RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Rock Wednesdays” with DJ Victor RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Primitive Sounds” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Latin Night” DJ Adilson + DJ Maryalice + DJ Boatslip SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “EDM Wednesdays” with DJ Bamboora STORYVILLE › Boston › 9 pm › “MySecretBoston presents Dub Apocalypse” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Wobble Wednesdays” with Wobblesauce ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Penguin Club”
comeDY FRiDAY 12
SEE CLUB DIRECTORY FOR PHONE NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES. COMEDY STUDIO › 8 pm › Ken Reid + Rick Canavan + Rob Crean + Ryan Douglass + Erika Kreutzinger GIGGLES COMEDY CLUB › 8:30 pm › Lenny Clarke + John David + Johnny Pizzi GREAT SCOTT › 7:30 pm › “The Gas” IMPROV ASYLUM › 8 + 10 pm › “This One’s For Us” IMPROVBOSTON MAINSTAGE › 8 pm › “ImprovBoston MainStage” › 10 pm › “This Improvised Life” › 11:30 pm › “Nightcap” IMPROVBOSTON STUDIO › 7:30 pm › “Studio 40” › 9 pm › “CageMatch” NICK’S COMEDY STOP - BOSTON › 8:30 pm › Martin Montana + Dave McDonough THEATRE 1 AT THE REVERE HOTEL › 8 pm › “A Night of Comedy Presented By the Ultimate Cocktail Party, Inc.”
sAtuRDAY 13
COMEDY STUDIO › 8 pm › Orlando Baxter + Shaun Bedgood + PJ Brown + Jason Cordova + Rob Crean IMPROV ASYLUM › 4 pm › “Afternoon Delight” › 8 + 10 pm › “This One’s For Us” › 11:59 pm › “Raunch” IMPROVBOSTON MAINSTAGE › 6 pm › “Family Show” › 10 pm › “Face Off” › 11:30 pm › “Nightcap” IMPROVBOSTON STUDIO › 7:30 pm › “Studio 40” › 9:30 pm › “Sketch CageMatch” LOTS OF LAUGHS COMEDY LOUNGE › 9 pm › Jack Walsh + Sal Votano + Larry Myles NICK’S COMEDY STOP - BOSTON › 8:30 pm › Martin Montana + Dave McDonough WILBUR THEATRE › 7 pm › Bobby Collins › 9:45 pm › Kevin Smith
weDnesDAY 17
COMEDY STUDIO › 8 pm › Debi Bracone + Todd Clay + Rob Crean + Dan Crohn + Chris D. IMPROVBOSTON MAINSTAGE › 8 pm › “Comedy Lab” › 10 pm › “The Hump Slot” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › 7:30 pm › “J.M. Rodney’s Medicine Show: There Are Those Who Strive For Less”
thuRsDAY 18
COMEDY STUDIO › 8 pm › Sean Sullivan + Jimmy Anicet + Rob Crean + Cam MacNeil + Kenny Nardozza IMPROV ASYLUM › 8 pm › “This One’s For Us” › 10 pm › “B.U.M.P.” NICK’S COMEDY STOP - BOSTON › 8:30 pm › “The R-Rated Hypnotist” Joe Devito
photo by natasha moustache
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» At the Emerging Trends Fashion Show at the BCA Cyclorama At the emerging trends, an event that showcases burgeoning and yet-undiscovered talent during Boston Fashion Week each year, an eclectic crowd mixed, mingled, and guzzled free Vitamin Water, browsing the vendor stands around the runway and waiting for the 11-designer show to begin. Miss New Hampshire posed for photos, her crown glittering, while sleek young girls in stilettos air-kissed friends, hip urbanites with streaked hair and studded leather chatted quietly, suburban-mom types in their Saturday-night finest clucked over accessories tables, and starch-shirted college-age dudes and their girlfriends vamped for photo ops at the pop-up red-carpet area. A small army of black-clad photogs darted about, snapping pictures of anyone who might be of interest. That seemed to include everyone that night, and that was exactly the point.
Tess AquArium
designer/cosTumer And fAshion Adviser AT nuvu sTudio
A San Francisco native, Tess recommends fashion scavenging in the Mission, should you ever wind up in her ’hood. Here, she scours secondhand spots like the Garment District, Urban Renewals, and Goodwill, the source for her whole outfit — except for the awesomely zany shoes, which she snagged at Boomerangs. This member of the Vermin Street experimental arts collective wasn’t always so fashion-forward. “In my early 20s I went through a very conservative phase, where I divorced myself from my weirdo past and wore a lot of bad slacks,” she admitted. “A lot of slacks. I don’t know what was wrong with me!” _AlexAndrA cAvAllo
88 10.12.12 ::
top: Model in the Kimberley Crawford show; Bitru Fariel. clockwise from above left: Model in the Yeashin Kim show; Ryanne Harms and Molly Fitzpatrick; Peter Veth.
The instant Tess’s aquamarine steez caught our eye, we had just one word for her: seapunk? “That’s kind of a mixture of ’90s-retro punk rock, but with barnacles instead of studs,” she said. “Some people say my look is seapunk, but I think it’s more mermaid.”
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Arts & Nightlife :: bAck tAlk When you were doing some of the things you describe read in the book, like peeing more a! this in of in a Tropicana bottle and at th terview ePho searching for Cleo on the com/a enix. rts street holding bottles of your urine, where was TMZ? Thank God they weren’t around. Seriously. I would’ve gotten nailed. Mor
e Gin
While you were doing that, were you thinking, “This has really gotten out of hand”? I was so intent upon finding Cleo, I didn’t stop to think about it until later on. I had a mission. It’s like when someone is about to get hurt, you just jump in and save them without thinking. Then later you think, “That was scary.” You write that you always wanted to be an actor, even as a child. What did you imagine success would be like? I don’t think I thought about success when I was little. When I saw people acting in a play, I thought they were cool, magical people. And then one day, I thought, “I could do that.” I never really thought about being a successful actress or being on the cover of a magazine. That’s kind of a newer phenomenon. You just want to do the thing you love.
B y roB Tu r Bo v s k y
ven before her traumatically hilarious performance in the trailer-park comedy of horrors Killer Joe, Gina Gershon has been an actor who fiercely commits. It’s the quality through which she transformed her scenes in Showgirls into delirious, readinG campy perfection. And, in real life, she’s Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, equally dedicated to the thing she loves Brookline most: her cat, Cleo. In Search of Cleo: October 19 :: 7 pm :: free How I Found My Pussy and Lost My Mind (Gotham) is Gershon’s supposedly 617.566.6660 or true, undeniably crazy stream-ofconsciousness retelling of a bizarre search for one special missing pet.
90 10.12.12 :: THepHOenix.cOm
Around that time, you did that Steven Seagal movie, Out for Justice, which is a fine film. No, it’s not. That’s a perfect example. I did that so I could continue to do theater. I was doing so many plays, and I worked on that film for two days, and it paid me enough to pay my rent for a couple of months. I wasn’t making a cent doing theater. I did that film to feed my theater habit. It’s not like I was doing that because I thought I wanted to work with Steven Seagal in this high-art film. No, no sane person could think that. But then the next year you were in Robert Altman’s The Player. I didn’t even have a part in The Player. But Altman, we met, and he was like, “You should be in the movie.” “What part will I play?” Because they had cast all the main parts. And he said, “We’ll just make it up.” So we made it up as we went along. I feel blessed and fortunate to have worked with Robert Altman. He was incredible. P
illustration by mauricio salmon
Gina Gershon finds her pussy e
“When I saw people acting in a play, I thought they were cool, magical people. And then one day, I thought, ‘I could do that.’ ”
The early days of being an actor must be impossible. The odds against success seem staggering. Yeah, you just want the opportunity to work. I was in the beginning of starting a theater company, Naked Angels, and we were happy to do plays and work all day and play baseball at night. I was happy when I got to act. If you go into it thinking about success and money, you’re in for a difficult time.