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“intimidation works wonders. mean mugging, grunting, banshee screams, facial scars, and tattooed knuckles are all good forms of intimidation.” p 12 getting a bead on newbury street’s Bicep Brawl
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THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.02.12 3
opinion :: feedback
From thephoenix.com re: Gold sTAr MoTher: roMNey skipped FuNerAl, leFT “BullyiNG” MessAGes, 10.22.12 Commander in Chief? I don’t think so. To speak like that to a Gold Star mother, when you, Mitt Romney, stormed the beaches in the south of France to get out of Vietnam? You wouldn’t give a damn that my cousin was KIA, as long as you got out of going. _“Bill BAker”
re: oNe woMAN’s BATTle AGAiNsT The ANxious MAsculiNiTy oF The FiGhTiNG-GAMes sceNe, 10.16.12 As a woman who makes (and plays) games I really appreciate the guts it took to expose something like this. Sadly, I’ve found, often, that this is the norm rather than the exception at gamer gatherings (though things are slowly changing). For all of the dudebros posting about how “girls” (hi, we’re women) “shove gender” in peoples’ faces, just Google “gender.” Unless we all walk around in uniforms with our bodies and features hidden, our gender and appearance are inescapable. You “shove” yours in others faces just as much. Get over it. . . . Instead of getting mad that gamers are an increasingly diverse bunch, why not
_“Alli Thresher”
From experience: Replace “video game scene” with “collectible card” or “Warhammer scene,” and it will play out the same way eight times out of 10. There is a big issue with women in geek subcultures. Which is a shame, because traditionally we banded together as geeks and nerds to escape being treated all weird. Now we turn around and do it right back to our ladies. I’m not saying that other subcultures don’t also have these problems, but I am saying that ours needs to get better. _“Ni ck FrANco”
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4 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
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The Museum School’s annual Art Sale is just around the corner. Explore thousands of works by SMFA students, alumni, faculty and affiliated artists. Proceeds benefit SMFA student scholarships.
in this issue editorial
now & next
p 14
p 11
» Guys — you would not believe the crazy shit Alan Dershowitz has in his house. We saw it, and we don’t believe it ourselves. Plus, arm-wrestling protips and getting crafty at the Gardner. » neil Young and chillwave p 12 » arm-wrestling 101 p 12 » Curt schilling’s fire sale, by the numbers p 14 » reside: a look inside the home of alan dershowitz p 16
p 20
p 18
» This week, we examine ArKay, the neuticle of the whiskey world. Plus, we ponder which candidate to vote for — Vermin Supreme or the Green Party? Last, we mark the untimely passing of Becca Darling, Boston’s unsung muse. » the Big hurt p 18 » scream on p 20 » in memoriam: Becca darling p 22
» A journalist takes a stand against climate silence. Wu-Tang chieftan RZA’s been forging cinematic soundtracks for years; we reveal out how he transformed into the Man with the Iron Fists. And we tell you how the Death with Dignity Act could endanger people with disabilities.
Opening night music on Nov 29 by DJ Holtie School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 230 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 Media sponsor:
www.smfa.edu/smfasale Design: Mario Avila Design.com
6 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
p 24
» speaking out against climate silence p 24 » rethinking death with dignity p 30 » a viewer’s guide to election night p 34 » rZa enters the filmmaking game p 36
p 36
food & drink
p 41
p 48
» We park it for the slow-roasted brisket at Park, hunt elusive ’shrooms in Ogunquit, drink fine wines with our cheap takeout, and party like it’s 1799. » food Coma: park p 42 » Mushroom foraging p 44 » liquid: Junk-food wine pairings p 46 » Ben franklin’s booze p 48 » Chew out: the week in food events p 49
p 42
stein photo by reuters; rZA photo by jAnice checchio; food photo by joel veAk; frAnklin illustrAtion by mAuricio sAlmon
The Museum
arts & nightlife
p 53
SpEciAl offErS from our pArTnErS
enter to win online at thephoenix.Com/Contests
p 86 » Holy Motors director Leos Carax gets meta with his new movie, Seth Troxler explodes heads with psychedelic house, and a restless ghost tiger stalks the boards at the BCA Black Box » Boston fun list p 52 » welcome to Beacon hill p 54 » Boston City guide p 56 » visual arts p 58 » Books p 62 » dance & Classical p 64 » theater p 66 » film p 68 » Music p 73 » nightlife p 82 » get seen p 84 » Back talk: nate silver p 86
Tickets to Ski & Snowboard Expo
Skyfal lAdvance Screening Tickets
rustic overtones Ticket Giveaway
wFnx & shoCk top presents Disorientation Featuring gentlemen hall photos by Derek kouyoumjian
silver illustrAtion by WArd jenkins; pArty photo by melissA ostroW
p 52
p 58 p 77
p 84
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.02.12 7
opinion :: Editorial
vol. lXXvIII | no. 41
Stephen M. Mindich, Publisher & Chairman Everett Finkelstein, Chief Operating Officer Carly Carioli, Editor in Chief Peter Kadzis, Editor at Large
managing EDiTORs Shaula Clark,
Jacqueline Houton
aRTs EDiTOR Jon Garelick FiLm EDiTOR Peter Keough music EDiTOR Michael Marotta assisTanT music EDiTOR Liz Pelly sTaFF EDiTORs Thomas McBee, SI Rosenbaum sTaFF WRiTERs David S. Bernstein, Chris Faraone EvEnTs EDiTOR Alexandra Cavallo assOciaTE FOOD EDiTOR Cassandra Landry LisTings cOORDinaTOR Michael C. Walsh cOnTRiBuTing EDiTORs Carolyn Clay [theater], Lloyd
Schwartz [classical] , Louisa Kasdon [food] cOnTRiBuTing WRiTERs Matt Bors, Daniel Brockman, Lauryn Joseph, Scott Kearnan, Dan Kennedy, Mitch Krpata, MC Slim JB, Tom Meek, Brett Michel, Robert Nadeau, Luke O’Neil, James Parker, Gerald Peary, Ariel Shearer, Marcia B. Siegel, Harvey Silverglate, Karl Stevens, David Thorpe, Eugenia Williamson
sEniOR WEB pRODucER Maddy Myers sOciaL mEDia pRODucER Ariel Shearer
MARkETINg/pROMOTIONs inTERacTivE maRkETing managER
Lindsey Mathison
pROmOTiOns cOORDinaTOR Nicholas Gemelli
DiREcTOR OF cREaTivE OpERaTiOns Travis Ritch cREaTivE DiREcTOR Kristen Goodfriend aRT DiREcTOR Kevin Banks phOTO EDiTOR Janice Checchio aDvERTising aRT managER Angelina Berardi sEniOR DEsignER Janet Smith Taylor EDiTORiaL DEsignER Christina Briggs WEB DEsignER Braden Chang FREELancE DEsignER Daniel Callahan
sEniOR vicE pREsiDEnT A. William Risteen vicE pREsiDEnT OF saLEs anD BusinEss DEvELOpmEnT
David Garland
DiREcTOR OF BEvERagE saLEs Sean Weymouth sEniOR accOunT ExEcuTivEs OF inTEgRaTED mEDia saLEs Margo Dowlearn Flint, Howard Temkin aDvERTising OpERaTiOns managER Kevin Lawrence inTEgRaTED mEDia saLEs cOORDinaTOR
Adam Oppenheimer
gEnERaL saLEs managER Brian Russell DiREcTOR OF Dining saLEs Luba Gorelik TRaFFic cOORDinaTORs Colleen McCarthy,
Jonathan Caruso
cLassiFiED saLEs managER Matt King RETaiL accOunT ExEcuTivEs Nathaniel Andrews,
Sara Berthiaume, Serpil Dinler, Christopher Gibbs, Daniel Tugender, Chelsea Whitton
ciRcuLaTiOn DiREcTOR James Dorgan ciRcuLaTiOn managER Michael Johnson
iT DiREcTOR Bill Ovoian FaciLiTiEs managER John Nunziato
DiREcTOR OF FinancE Scotty Cole cREDiT anD cOLLEcTiOns managER Michael Tosi sTaFF accOunTanTs Brian Ambrozavitch ,
Peter Lehar
FinanciaL anaLysT Lisy Huerta-Bonilla TRaDE BusinEss DEvELOpmEnT managER
The Obama imperaTive Two Things sTand beTween almosT certain economic and social catastrophe: the prospect of the Democrats maintaining — or expanding — their majority in the Senate, and the reelection of President Barack Obama. The greatest economic crisis of our lifetimes, the obstructionism of radical, right-wing Republicans, and Obama’s own sometimes maddening diffidence have all worked in their own ways to mask the president’s solid gains and his undeniable accomplishments. By ordering the successful execution of Osama bin Laden (and let’s not kid ourselves, that’s what it was), Obama relieved the nation of the collective anger that fueled the folly of our wars in the Middle East and West Asia. Our exit is taking too long, and the extensive use of drones is worrisome. But Obama reversed course without tearing an already fragile nation apart, as the retreat from Vietnam did many years ago. Were it not for the rescue of Detroit, an admittedly too-small stimulus, and a too-tepid re-regulation of Wall Street, the nation would have been plunged into a depression far worse than the punishing recession. Faced with less than perfect options, Obama made the best choices he could. Future generations will appreciate the record more than contemporaries. It took too long, but along with his abandonment of the Defense of Marriage Act, Obama’s embrace of marriage equality was a milestone in this historic struggle for civil rights. It rewrote political reality. With the enactment of the affordable health care act, Obama achieved what presidents Roosevelt, Truman,
Email :: lEttEr s@p mail :: l hx.com Et 126 Bro tErs; o avE , Bo klinE ston m a 02215
Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton were unable to do: guarantee every citizen the right to decent medical care. The bruises sustained by Obama, the Democrats, and the nation over the last four years linger. But without those battles, the nation would be measurably poorer — materially and spiritually. As for Mitt Romney — even by Washington standards he is a gutless wonder. Romney emerged from the freak show known as the Republican primaries as a far-right stalwart, dedicated to abolishing abortion rights, pledged to expand the rightwing majority on the US Supreme Court, and committed to an economic program that privileges big business and the wealthy while punishing workers and the poor. According to a raft of economic experts from a variety of political backgrounds, Romney’s plan to address the budget deficit is either a fantasy or a pack of lies. Whichever it is, in relative terms it whacks the middle class. As for national health care, repeal it. Student loans? Forget about ’em. The social safety net? The Tea Party has the answers. And Romney’s foreign policy? It’s birthed by the same people who brought us the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Romney’s attempt to reinvent himself, late in the campaign, as a more moderate Mitt is a shameless, unprincipled bid to win the votes of the undecided and the clueless. The scary news: it might work. With the November 6th election too close to call, and the likelihood that the Republicans will continue to control the House of Representatives, voting for Obama — and his fellow Democrat, Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren — has all the urgency of a moral imperative. P
Rachael Mindich
REcEpTiOnisT/aDminisTRaTivE assisTanT
Lindy Raso
OFFicEs 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215, 617-536-5390, Advertising dept fax 617-536-1463 WEB siTE thePhoenix.com manuscRipTs Address to Managing Editor, News & Features, Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. We assume no responsibility for returning manuscripts. LETTERs TO ThE EDiTOR e-mail to letters@phx.com. Please include a daytime telephone number for verification. suBscRipTiOns Bulk rate $49/6 months, $89/1 year, allow 7-14 days for delivery; first-class rate $175/6 months, $289/1 year, allow 1-3 days for delivery. Send name and address with check or money order to: Subscription Department, Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. cOpyRighT © 2012 by The Boston Phoenix, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited. pRinTED By Cummings Printing Co.
8 11.02.12 :: THE PHOENIX.cOm
Massachusetts Ballot Questions QuesTion one: voTe yes. The legislature beat voters to the punch on this initiative, which would improve protection for purchasers of used cars. Still, we should show them it matters.
QuesTion Two: voTe no. As the Massachusetts Medical Association points out, this measure to enable physician-assisted suicide is poorly drafted. Based on a 15-year-old oregon provision, it does not reflect advances in palliative care for those suffering terminal illness. We endorse the concept, but not this way to achieve it.
QuesTion Three: voTe yes. Despite objections from the uS Department of Justice, medical marijuana is an idea whose time is now. vote to join our neighbors in Maine and Rhode Island, who have already approved this humane measure.
Neil YouNg Chills out » A guiDe to Arm wrestliNg » the week iN booze
photo by Melissa ostrow
A look at Alan Dershowitz’s living room. Page 16.
thephoeNiX.coM :: 11.02.12 11
Now & Next :: oN our radar
Neil YouNg iNspires a chill New wave
by THe NuMberS
You’re Doing it Wrong: arm Wrestling
Don't worry. Our expert is here to help.
The year locke-ober opened, which made it the third-oldest restaurant in the city — until it closed october 20 after 137 years in operation
1970 The year that women were finally welcomed into all sections of the restaurant
2011 Over six decades, Neil YOuNg’s musical expression has expanded beyond the rock and roll of his nascent years and the folk-rock that brought him his initial burst of renown. He’s carved out new niches — the ’80s found him presciently exploring synth-techno sounds, along with rockabilly and straight-up country — while periodically returning to his rock and folk roots, especially on 1972’s Harvest. “I love that album,” says Filip Nikolic of California day-disco duo Poolside, whose mellow, mid-tempo version of “Harvest Moon” is just one of a recent handful of “chillwave” covers of Young’s music. “We were working on our album, and we wanted to make a song we could give away free,” he says. “A couple of months earlier, I’d learned to play and sing it [“Harvest Moon”] on guitar, out of boredom. It’s one of my favorite Neil Young songs — and we thought, ‘This could actually work.’ ” Young may have a new album, Psychedelic Pill, out this week, but his reach is growing far beyond the grizzled songwriter’s own sound and vision. DIY synth superstars Chromatics’ latest album, Kill For Love, kicks off unexpectedly with “Into the Black,” their rechristening of Young’s 1979 classic “Hey Hey, My My.” A follow-up, of sorts, to the Portland band’s version of Springsteen’s “I’m on Fire,” the Chromatics track takes the mood of Young’s acoustic version and flips it sideways into late-night afterparty mode — a context in which the cautionary “burn out” vs. “fade away” line feels sinisterly apropos. Yet more evil is White Ring’s “Hey Hey, My My,” rooted in the chillwave-adjacent genre known as witch house. With its ethereally floating female vocals and harshly rattling 808 snares, and its valleys of calm that ascend to peaks of intense sonic bombast, this version out of the New York shadows straddles the line between Young’s laconic acoustic version of the song and his visceral, hard-charging electric version. When Young swings through town this month, maybe he’ll inspire some local reinterpreters, too. Get tickets ($70–$280) at ticketmaster.com. _ a Ndr ew g r a ha M
neil yOUng & CraZy HOrse + patti smitH + eVerest :: td garden, 100 legends way, Boston :: november 26 @ 7:30 pm
12 11.02.12 :: tHepHOeniX.COm
“the leading French restaurant of the city is ober’s, on Winter Place, off Winter street. this has more than a local fame. it is most patronized by the possessors of long purses.” — An entry in the 1883 King’s Dictionary of Boston
Goorin Bros. associate shopkeeper Harley French credits none other than Sylvester Stallone and his sweet guns for the inspiration behind Back Bay’s upcoming mano-a-mano showdown — the Bicep Brawl on Newbury. French, the event’s referee, tells us that the idea came from a heated viewing of Stallone’s 1987 film Over the Top. Impassioned, he brought the concept to the shop team. The only snag: truckers, mullets, and sleeveless RATT T-shirts would clash mightily with the stylish chapeaus and old-time class of Goorin Bros. “Who else arm wrestles?” he asked himself. “Men with handlebar moustaches arm wrestle, and since most men with handlebar moustaches either work in the circus or start backroom fight clubs, we needed to theme this around equal parts side-show strongman and Gangs of New York.” Expect the fierce competition to be accompanied by stiff drinks, a crowd dressed in their 1920s best, and performances by Providence’s Chifferobe Cabaret. To prep for the brawl, we tapped French for some insider tips, which could “save your life, your lady, and your pride.” _cassaNd ra laNd rY
On strategy: “Having a game plan is always in your best interest, and scoping out the competition in the other matches will be helpful. Have some counter moves and some alternate plans of attack hidden under that dirty hanky in your back pocket.” On training: “Anything Stallone-related is perfect for training. We recommend punching meat, running stadiums, and P90X. Also, the Captains of Crush Grippers’ No. 3 gripper and pull-ups are recommended for the serious arm-sport enthusiasts.” On intimidatiOn: “Intimidation works wonders in most cases. Mean mugging, grunting, banshee screams, facial scars, and tattooed knuckles are all good forms of intimidation.” On grip: “The best grip gains leverage, and the better the leverage, the better a competitor’s chances. Try top rolling, hooking, or the tricep press for the best results!” On sweaty palms: “Sweaty palms give your opponent the advantage from an intimidation standpoint, but give neither competitor a true edge. We can always have one of the burlesque performers powder you up if you think nervousness may set in!” gOOrin BrOs. Hat sHOp’s BiCep Brawl On newBUry :: november 8 from 6 to 10 pm :: 130 newbury st, Boston :: 617.247.4287
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Auction blockheAd
Schilling’s fire sale, by the numbers
y now, most are likely aware of Curt Schilling’s recent woes, but for those not privy: Bforced 38 Studios, the former Red Sox pitcher’s Rhode Island–based video-game studio, was to declare bankruptcy back in the spring, sending him into a financial tailspin. Reactions have ranged from snickering — Schilling is a noted asshole and a staunch defender of both George W. Bush and the Pittsburgh Steelers, the latter here in Patriots country probably more blasphemous than the former — to sheer wonderment that an athlete who had netted $114 million over his career can now be broke. To his credit, Schilling is scrambling to repay the $75 million in government loans, even threatening to sell off his famed bloody sock. He also auctioned off detritus from the company’s old Providence headquarters. We’ve scoured the 2000 or so items from last week’s auction. Below, behold the nerdiest and shittiest of that obnoxiously nerdy shit.
_M icha el wa l s h
38 sTudiOs Badass cOuNTdOwN clOck
A clock presumably used to count down the time until the release date of their video game and not the impending doom of their company.
Reckoning hammer prOp
A giant replica from the game and a giant waste of space in any garage or basement.
assOrTed game cONTrOllers
There are Nintendo 64 controllers available on ebay for $6. This one went for $100 because it has touched Schilling’s hand and Schilling’s hand has touched Pedro’s hand. Now there was a real red Sox pitcher.
TwO curT schilliNg figuriNes
For further evidence that this guy is indeed a prick, note that he had ministatues of himself in his own office. Think about that for a second.
Reckoning swOrd
reportedly used to create sound effects for the game, this item was purchased by a small-business owner who will hang the sword in his home office to remind himself of the perils of mismanagement. Okay, this is just getting sad.
WorD oF the Week
14 11.02.12 :: tHepHOeniX.COm
the garDner gets craFtY Art museums are designed to celebrate the end results of the creative process. But one of Boston’s most highbrow institutions, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, has developed new programming to foster that process on-site. While the “look but don’t touch” rule still applies throughout the lavish palace that Gardner called home, the museum’s new wing, designed by architect Renzo The isaBella Piano, has a dedicated space for sTewarT hands-on artmaking. In a sleek studio stocked with a wide range of supplies, gardNer windows run from floor to ceiling, flooding MuseuM the room with natural light and turning the 280 the Fenway, crafters inside into a living exhibition. Boston Access is free with museum admission, 617.566.1401 and the space is open every weekend, so guests of all ages and experience levels can the education studio act on impulse if inspiration strikes while is open saturdays and wandering the Gardner’s three floors of sundays, from 11 am to 4 pm. grandeur. But what’s most exciting is the studio’s Free with museum recently launched educational series. On admission ($15/stuthe first weekend of each month, from now dents $5 with valid college id) through March, guest artists are hosting workshops in a variety of mediums. On November 3, try watercolor botanical illustration with guidance from Sarah Roche, education director at Wellesley College Friends of Horticulture, who’s known internationally for her paintings and illustrations. December offers a chance to build assemblage collages with Amy Hitchcock, a self-taught local artist who works with found objects. “There is no pressure to come with any prior skill set or knowledge of art making,” says Gardner studio educator Kate Bullen. “All you have to have is an open mind and a willingness to explore your creative potential.” For a full calendar of artist-led workshops, visit gardnermuseum. org. _ari el shearer
adj. 1. Having no fashion. 2. Archaic Without a definite shape; shapeless. See also: Fashionless Dance, a concert that will raise funds for Betty’s Closet, the Dance Complex’s new costume co-op, on November 10 and 11. Dancers will perform five new works, first in rehearsal clothes and then dressed to impress in costumes by local designers. Find out more at dancecomplex.org, and get a sneak peek of the styles at a free Fashionless Fashion Show at Cambridge City Hall on November 5.
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Now & Next :: reside
At Home witH AlAn DersHowitz
Outside the Law & Order cast, Alan Dershowitz is probably America’s most famous attorney. He’s represented or advised the defense teams of Mike Tyson, OJ Simpson, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and even the dude from Deep Throat. (Insert “gag order” joke here.) Now the Harvard law professor is acquitting himself of his three-bedroom Cambridge home, an airy, modern space with a Japanese garden, a fitness room, multiple offices, and an indoor lap pool. (Price tag: nearly $4 million.) He’ll soon become professor emeritus and move to NYC. But first the disarmingly cuddly legal eagle showed us around his living room, where he’s entertained everyone from Benjamin Netanyahu to Natalie Portman. Thankfully, these walls could talk. They had their lawyer present. _Scott Kearnan » @t heW ri teStuffSK
big, bright aby This rug was designed Dershowitz’s wife, psychologist Carolyn Cohen. Each colorful symbol references an element from their massive collection of modern art: think works by major names like Gustave Moreau, Marc Chagall, and Wassily Kandinsky.
Dershowitz has authored Bchampioning nearly 30 books, many First Amend-
ment rights. Among them are Finding, Framing, and Hanging Jefferson, which describes the import of this letter from Thomas Jefferson that Dershowitz unearthed in a Manhattan bookstore. Elsewhere, he displays framed signatures from every American president, from Washington to Obama, for whom he’s extensively campaigned.
staunchly pro-Israel ctor,Apolitical commentaDershowitz owns a
large collection of Judaica, including a rare Marrano set, used by persecuted Spanish Jews forced to publicly convert to Christianity. Assembled, it looks like a simple chalice — but it comes apart like a ceremonial Swiss Army knife, revealing a mezuzah, a Kiddush cup, and everything else needed to worship in secret.
Every glass case Dis stocked and wooden shelf with
museum-worthy treasures, from a selection of ornate scrimshaw to priceless Russian, Persian, and Egyptian artifacts. Mixed in are some surprising tchotchkes, like this Hitler pin cushion, which Dershowitz found at a New York flea market.
art eintoDershowitz’s collection spills the living area’s
long, gallery-like foyer. Spotted in this corner is a 19thcentury Persian prayer rug depicting various Bible stories. It’s nearly pristine, save an image of the Western Wall worn through by 150 years of worshipful kisses.
16 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
photos by melissa ostrow
www.krochetkids.org Krochet Kids International helps impoverished people throughout the world by teaching communities how to make products with a hook and yarn technique. Every hat is hand signed by the person who made it.
now & next :: voices The Big hurT
The week in booze B y D av iD T ho r p e
dt h o r p e@ p h x .c o m :: @a r r
Chug all the dark liquor you want without developing the telltale ruddy jowls of the degenerate lush! Is it for people taking care of business? ArKay is perfect when you’re out on business and need to keep sharp to close the deal! Go ahead, take a frosty six-pack of ArKay to the office — throwing back false whiskeys during a power meeting absolutely inoculates you from looking like a total fucking lunatic! Please note: ArKay loses some of its nonintoxicant properties if you fill it with morphine and crushed-up pills.
Conversely, this press release from ArKay demonstrates a whiskey beverage with a precisely opposite set of problems: The world’s first non-alcoholic, whiskey-flavored drink, ArKay has been rapidly gaining popularity and is pleased to launch this truly unique and innovative drink to consumers world-wide looking for an alcohol-free beverage alternative. . . . Individuals with medical conditions or religious beliefs that prohibit 18 11.02.12 :: thephoenix.com/bighurt
ArKay is for everyone who wants the great part of whiskey without the bad part of whiskey.
the consumption of alcohol can enjoy the crisp, refreshing taste of ArKay non-alcoholic, whiskey-flavored drink! But ArKay isn’t just for invalids and Romney-types — it’s for everyone who wants the great part of whiskey (that succulent mossy taste) without the bad part of whiskey (the shameful sense of warmth, well-being, and manhood). Check out these inspiring examples: Is it for DESIGNATED DRIVERS? ArKay can be consumed all night long without any intoxicating effects — it contains zero percent alcohol! Get pulled over with whiskey on your breath, then pow: when you’re hauled out for a breathalyzer test, you’ll punk the hell out of your arresting officer! Is it for people worried about their waistline? With zero calories, zero carbs, and zero percent alcohol, ArKay makes a delicious, figure-friendly drink on its own, or when mixed with other low-cal, no-cal beverages!
Justin Vernon of Bon Iver is auctioning off a guitar to benefit a cultural center in his home town of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Yo, but here’s what makes it sooOOooOOooo Bon Iverey: the guitar is crafted out of white oak barrels once used to age Bushmills whiskey! Beard. Vince Neil is coming out with his own brand of vodka! Fans of the Mötley Crüe man’s bad-boy boozer lifestyle — which famously includes repeatedly getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while intoxicated — should keep an eye out for the official launch of Tatuado Vodka, the perfect complement to a rad night of hard partying, heavy metal, killing the drummer of Hanoi Rocks in a drunk driving crash, wild women, great times, and paying $2.6 million in restitution to the victim’s family. Hell yeah! P
illustration by mike Gorman
Following my recenT “Week in Fine Dining” article, let’s relax with a sophisticated digestif. Nah, just fooling — let’s get blind shitfaced on semi-poisonous bathtub newsshine. From the true-crime department: the Associated Press reports that a Colorado woman has been sentenced to 24 years in prison for spiking her cheating husband’s whiskey with morphine and crushed pills, and for attempting to procure two grams of methamphetamine from a police informant to further season his beverage (“I heard three grams could kill a buffalo,” she remarked). Her husband survived, and now the woman languishes behind bars for no greater a crime than fixing the best damned cocktail ever.
Meanwhile, from Seattle’s KING 5 News: a local teen bought a sealed bottle of Mountain Dew from a Safeway store and chugged a shocking surprise: instead of the expected taste of candied elk piss, he got a mouthful of something else entirely. His mother quickly identified the mystery liquid as whiskey. Incredibly, the drink was even carbonated, according to mom, “like a fully functional Mountain Dew.” One might argue that it’s actually a superbly functional Mountain Dew; PepsiCo and Safeway have no explanation for the mysteriously improved bottle. And I know what you’re thinking, but he looked like a good kid. Not the type of dude who would fill half his Mountain Dew with booze and then lie about it when his mom caught a whiff.
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now & next :: voices SCREAM ON
Stein or Supreme: What kind of voter am i? B Y C HR IS FA R A ON E
ThE MORE I ThINk AbOuT which voter category I fit into, and who I’ll support for president next week, the more I realize that I’m one of those contemptible undecideds who remains lost in the political wilderness — no less annoying or anomalous than a progressive venture capitalist or a bipolar peacenik with a bulkhead full of firearms. There’s just no way to box me up: I’ve never been a hockey mom or played soccer, and I think football is dumber than Catholicism. My unique constituent status goes even deeper. I think that small businesses are great unless they sell exotic frozen yogurt, and I detest the ruthless profiteering of Big Pharma, though I’ve remorselessly abused its products for years. As for my background and heritage — I’m an Italian Bostonian from Korean Queens who’s embarrassed by Caucasian corniness and loves soul
I have ample reason to snub Obama, the foremost being that my chief concern is the erosion of civil liberties
food. Race isn’t my big issue, though; I despise Glenn Beck and Tyler Perry equally, adore Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld, and loathe both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. With all that said, my choice in this upcoming election is clear: I’m either throwing all my weight behind Green Party nominee Jill Stein or perennial fringe candidate Vermin Supreme. Sure, the latter wears an Incredible Hulk fist strapped to his crotch and a rubber boot on his head. But like Stein, he’s clearly a better option than either major-party warmonger. Despite his lefty facade, I have ample reason to snub Obama, the foremost being that my chief domestic concern is the erosion of civil liberties. The president’s signing of the most recent National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was especially troubling; in spite of several constitutional amend-
ments, the act empowers authorities to detain US citizens indefinitely and for dangerously vague reasons. At the same time, I couldn’t possibly back the red team. My rationale is fairly obvious: Mitt’s record as a chronic bullshitter and jobs destroyer, not to mention my own self-respect. But there are more reasons that I find both him and Obama to be unsuitable to save America — for starters, their mutual complicity with mass incarceration and their both being bankrolled by the Wall Street crooks who created this mess. Which returns me to the question that I always ask myself: What kind of voter am I? On firearms, I’m a pacifist who acknowledges that too many gun laws harass responsible sportsmen. On the economy, I have tremendous personal debt and universally deplore candidates who pocket contributions from industries that they regulate. I also believe in maintaining a strong social safety net, but at the same time, I’m repulsed by the establishment left’s general reluctance to reconfigure ineffective welfare bureaucracies. It would make sense for me to writein “Supreme” next week, as a protest against the two-party machine (plus, his plan for a pony-based economy has real merit). But I’m not the type to throw my vote away. So after months of deliberation, I’ve decided that the Green Party best represents my interests. Their platform is in sync with my views on issues from health care and workers’ rights to bank bailouts. Stein also recently racked up two bad-ass protest arrests, including one outside a debate that she — along with all other third-party hopefuls — was unfairly excluded from. Her bottom-up recovery plan dismisses the silly notion that only private industry can create jobs. Most importantly, though, Stein stands for the change I’d like to see in this world. And unlike the majority of Americans, I have this wild notion that my vote belongs to whomever I think is the best candidate. P
Green vs. sUPreMe: On election night, follow the candidates on Twitter @verminsupreme and @Jillstein2012
20 11.02.12 :: THePHOenIX.cOM
C FA R AO N E@ P H X .C O M :: @ FA R A 1
Let’s play with portraits. What will yours say about you?
JAZZ AT THE GARDNER New Directions in Jazz Terri Lyne Carrington, director – 7 pm gardnermuseum.org/visit/afterhours Box office: 617 278 5156
now & next :: voices In memorIam
Après elle le dÉluge: remembering beccA dArling By Siena OriStagliO with nOah BlumenSOn-COOk
There has never been and will never be a girl like this girl. Becca Darling — Becca Rosenthal, or Slug, as I knew her — was my best friend. The worst phone call of my adult life, or of any life, ever, is the phone call I received on October 23 at noon from Noah Blumenson-Cook. Noah is the man that Becca’s father called when he found his 27-yearold daughter lifeless in her bed on Tuesday morning. I had been corresponding online with Becca until late at night on Monday. There had been a leak in the plumbing of her house, and she had to come home (to her parents’ home, where she lived) to make sure that everything was okay. I asked her if everything was okay. Everything was okay. “But,” she wrote, “it’s kind of boring. A guy’s coming to fix the leak tomorrow. I wish that the leak had been coming from an ancient Victorian attic room for a child that never existed that none of us ever knew was there.” “It’s okay,” I wrote. “We’ll make sure to have that room in our house someday.” “Phew,” she wrote. Becca was the unseen influence behind art. When she loved art, she didn’t just appreciate it, she became a part of it. She showed up and wouldn’t leave until her idols were her best friends. Her art was connecting the dots. She dove into the Internet and surfaced holding pearls of music that only a dozen people even knew about. She found Amanda Palmer, whose house she invaded — the house where she and I found Noah, where she became as essential as the air or the walls or the windows. She found Florence and the Machine, she found Regina Spektor (and befriended her instantly), she found Marina and the Diamonds, she found Basia Bulat and Lykke Li. She could spend two hours with a computer and give you a list of 10 bands. Two years later, you would hear five of them on the radio, 22 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
Becca was the unseen influence behind art. When she loved art, she didn’t just appreciate it, she became a part of it.
and the other five would be opening for them on tour. She was the Factory girl for the entire world. When she spoke with you, you had her undivided attention, and she demanded yours. This was easy to give to her, because you were already in love with her. You would make a secret language together that was part Parisian slang, part quotes from Parker Posey movies, and part Jenny Holzer truisms. You would start saying the same thing at the same time. You would be perfectly in sync. You would have breakfast with her, and she would invite someone else, and all three of you instantly shared that language. You now had another person you would call your friend for the rest of your life. She lived as a pastiche of everything and everyone she loved. She would tell your own quips and sayings back to you, and you didn’t
realize they were yours until she had already taken ownership of them. They fit better on her anyway. She had unseen darkness that she would only ever give you glimpses of. You tried to fix this sometimes, to give back what she gave you, but she would never, ever let you. She loved you so much that you felt it all around you, every day — when you heard a song on the radio or saw a pink crinoline dress or when someone started telling you about this amazing band they just found that you’d already known about for months because of her. On Saturday, we buried Becca, but Becca will never die. Her love will stay in the world forever. Most people won’t ever know it’s there, but if you ask, anyone who knew her can show you. That night, her closest friends, wearing cheap-ass light-up Viking hats, held a Viking funeral on the Charles River. We wrote a secret or a lie on a small slip of paper and dropped these secrets and lies in an empty shoebox (for the fabulous gold-tipped shoes that I bought to wear to the funeral). We doused the box in gasoline. We set it alight and set it free. Please write a secret or a lie for Becca, and set it free. One of the most moving e-mails I’ve received in the astronomical outpouring of love that’s followed her death is from a friend, who wrote, saying, “I love you. Because the world is preparing to float away? No. Because I do.” So, as the world prepares to float away: Love your people Love your people Love your lovers Love your family Love yourself Après elle le déluge. And Becca, Darling (slug moosh beecharmer tallulah shiny sherpa shekel boopie sandy fishnets et. ALL), know, forever, that we are all going down. P
photo by DESI :: thEworlDofDESI.com
There was a girl.
spotlight :: climate silence
A Convenient exCuse By Wen stephens o n
24 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
n October 2, I led a climate protest inside the offices of the Boston Globe. OK, it was really a meeting in a small conference room with editorial page editor Peter Canellos and members of his staff. But it was, in essence, a protest. I used to be a card-carrying member of the mainstream media; just a few years ago, I was the editor of the Globe’s Ideas section. Peter is a former colleague. With me was Craig Altemose, founder and executive director of Better Future Project, a Cambridge-based non-profit dedicated to climate action, on whose working board I serve as a volunteer. We were joined by two members of BFP’s advisory board: MIT’s Kerry Emanuel, one of the country’s leading climate scientists (and, until recently, a Republican); and Boston College’s Juliet Schor, a sociologist and economist who is a respected thinker on climate and the economy. Last year, Altemose was arrested protesting the Keystone XL pipeline at the White House along with another advisory board member, Bill McKibben of 350.org, and 1251 other concerned citizens.
After a quick round of introductions, I explained to my former Globe colleagues that I wasn’t there to “save the planet” or to protect some abstraction called “the environment.” I’m really not an environmentalist, and never have been. No, I said, I was there for my kids: my son, who’s 12, and my daughter, who’s 8. And not only my kids — all of our kids, everywhere. Because on our current trajectory, it’s entirely possible that we’ll no longer have a livable climate — one that allows for stable, secure societies to survive — within the lifetimes of today’s children. And I told them that I was there, in that room, because the national conversation we’re having about this situation, this emergency, is utterly inadequate —or, really, nonexistent. And I looked Peter in the eye, and told him that I’m sorry, but that’s completely unacceptable to me. If we can’t speak honestly about this crisis — if we can’t lay it on the line — then how can we look at ourselves in the mirror? Since I had requested the meeting, I told Peter that I hoped to frame the discussion around two points: First: We need to see a much greater sense of urgency in the media’s coverage of climate change, including in the Globe’s editorial and opinion pages. This is more than an environmental crisis: it’s an existential threat, and it should be treated like one, without fear of sounding alarmist, rather than covered as just another special interest, something only environmentalists care about. And it should be treated as a
central issue in this election, regardless of whether the candidates or the political media are talking about it. Second: Business-as-usual, politics-asusual, and journalism-as-usual are failing us when it comes to addressing the climate threat. If there’s to be any hope for the kind of bold action we need, a great deal of pressure must be brought from outside the system, in the form of a broad-based grassroots movement, in order to break the stranglehold of the big-money fossil fuel lobby on our politics. And in fact, there is a movement emerging on campuses and in communities across the country — especially here in New England — and the Globe should be paying attention to it. But that wasn’t the conversation Peter was prepared to have — and we never got around to having it. Canellos, the paper’s former Washington bureau chief, was more interested in the short-term politics of the Keystone pipeline debate, and the economic impact of natural gas expansion in Massachusetts, and what raising renewable energy standards would mean for regional jobs. Smart, sensible questions. Balanced. Analytical. Above the fray. In short, what counts as serious on the opinion pages of mainstream American newspapers. And, it has to be said, they were questions that revealed precisely the kind of narrow, incremental, politically straitjacketed mindset that’s leading us off the climate cliff. Indeed, they were the kind of questions that make you wonder whether the speaker
is even aware of the cliff we’re racing toward — or what planet we’re living on. Yes, the Globe’s editorial page supports policies to curb greenhouse emissions. It recently called, in the lead editorial on August 26, for lowering the emissions cap imposed by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which has already reduced carbon emissions from power plants in the Northeast faster than expected. Good for them. But that same editorial was telling, and representative, in a far more important way. With its underlying message that, hey, we’re making real progress here, things are going better than planned — that, in short, we’re winning —it revealed an utter failure to grapple with the scale and urgency of the climate crisis. It revealed the same outlook that was on display in that meeting. But it’s not only the Globe. This failure is repeated across the mainstream media landscape — the product of a mindset in which climate change is simply another environmental problem, albeit a particularly complex one for which we’ll eventually find a technical fix, mainly by doing more or less the same things we’re doing now, only more efficiently and with better technology. It’s nothing to get too excited about. It’s certainly not anything to sacrifice your career over. bout a year and a half ago — having ANPR’s left my job as the senior producer of On Point the year before — I took a
350.org’s “Do the Math” tour Thursday, Nov 15 :: orpheum TheaTer, oNe hamilToN place :: 7 pm, $10 :: maTh.350.orG
Following up his Rolling Stone article, Bill mcKibben brings a nationwide tour to Boston with author Naomi Klein (The Shock Doctrine) and musical guest charles Neville. come be part of the historic movement to take on the fossil fuel industry.
deliberate leap of conscience and became a climate activist. There was no single moment when I knew that I had to jump — any more than there’s a single moment when night turns to day. It was a gradual process of coming to see the facts that were right in front of me. In December 2009, while still at On Point (a show that has since done better than most in conveying the urgency of the climate crisis), I watched the collapse of the UN climate talks in Copenhagen, a make-orbreak moment for the planet. In the voices of cool-headed climate experts, I now heard the sound of something new: something like fear, and disbelief, and the sound of real anger, bitterness, outrage. Then in the spring and summer of 2010, as it became clear that Congress would fail to pass even the weakest bipartisan climate legislation, and that the president of the United States would fail to lead, and that all the lobbying the environmental movement could muster >> ClimAte on p 26
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.02.12 25
spotlight :: climate silence << ClimAte from p 25
would fail to match the power of the fossil fuel lobby, I watched the tragedy of our democracy unfold and felt in my gut the futility of a corrupt and paralyzed political system. But in the end, even more than any play of events, or any rational analysis of the hopeless political situation, perhaps it was this: I found it increasingly difficult to look into my children’s eyes. As an editor and producer covering national and global issues since the mid1990s, I’d always been relatively well informed about climate change. Or so I thought. In fact, like most of my peers, I’d never really wrapped my head around the full implications of climate science, or internalized how little time we have left to make a difference. As I dove into the subject in 2010 and 2011, going deep in a way that time-pressed editors and producers rarely do, I felt an overriding responsibility — especially in light of my own lackluster record covering climate — to engage. If that meant working outside the bounds of mainstream journalism, then so be it. I knew that if I was really committed to the path of activism, I would almost certainly never be hired again by a mainstream media outfit like WBUR or the Globe, or PBS Frontline (where I was managing editor of the web edition from 2001 to 2004), or even a magazine like The Atlantic (where I was an editor from 1994 to 2001 and served as editorial director of TheAtlantic.com). I knew that once I’d crossed the line to the “other side,” there could be no turning back. Over the past 18 months, I’ve helped organize and spoken at rallies, joined the board of Better Future Project, and helped launch 350 Massachusetts, a statewide grassroots network, allied with 350.org. And as I’ve become deeply involved in the climate movement, I’ve often thought about what I’d say to my old friends and colleagues in the mainstream media if we were all together in the same room, or if I could address them in an open letter. Now the Phoenix has offered me that opportunity, and this is what I want to say. Dear frienDs anD colleagues:
This is hard. Coming to grips with the climate crisis is hard. It’s frightening. It’s infuriating. It’s heartbreaking. Likewise, what I have to say here is hard. But it’s honest, and it’s necessary. And it’s for real. Our most respected climate scientists, people like NASA’s James Hansen and MIT’s Kerry Emanuel, as well as global energy experts such as Fatih Birol, chief economist of the International Energy Agency — people who, it’s fair to say, may not always agree on politics and policy — are increasingly clear and vocal about one thing: we’re rapidly 26 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
running out of time to address climate change in any meaningful way and avoid the risk of global climate catastrophe, with the incalculable human suffering that it will bring, quite possibly in this century. In the face of this situation — as much as it pains me to say this — you are failing. Your so-called “objectivity,” your bloodless impartiality, are nothing but a convenient excuse for what amounts to an inexcusable failure to tell the most urgent truth we’ve ever faced. Let me be clear: the problem isn’t simply a matter of “false balance” — for most of you, that debate is largely over, and you no longer balance the overwhelming scientific consensus with the views of fossil-fuel lobby hacks. No, what I’m talking about is your failure to cover the climate crisis as a crisis — one in which countless millions, even billions, of lives are at stake. In our current media landscape, it apparently takes a magazine like Rolling Stone — in an issue with Justin Bieber on the cover — to offer a writer like Bill McKibben the opportunity to spell out the facts, in cold hard arithmetic, for a mass audience. McKibben’s landmark article this past summer, “Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math,” boiled the hard truth about climate down to three stark numbers: • Two degrees Celsius: the amount, according to international consensus, that we can raise the global average temperature above preindustrial levels and still maintain a so-called “safe” climate, beyond which all bets are off. “Safe,” of course, depends on where you live. We’ve already raised it almost one degree, with disastrous results; if you live in Africa, or Kiribati, one degree is too much. • 565 gigatons: the amount of CO2 scientists agree we can still pump into the atmosphere and hope to remain below the two-degree threshold. • 2795 gigatons: the amount of CO2 contained in the world’s proven fossil-fuel reserves, which the fossil-fuel industry shows every intention of extracting and burning. The bottom line: we have to find a way to leave 80 percent of accessible fossil fuels in the ground, forever, and make a rapid shift to clean energy, if we’re going to avoid the very real risk of catastrophic climate change within this century. When you get a grip on those numbers, something like the Keystone protest — driven by the idea that the Alberta tar sands, the planet’s second-largest pool of carbon, should be off-limits — comes into focus. It’s more than math: it’s a moral imperative. That’s why 1253 people were willing to get arrested in front of the White House in order to stop that pipeline, even temporarily. “Unsafe” climate change is not a distant threat. It’s here, now. We’ve fundamentally altered the planet’s life-support system, and conditions are going to get much worse.
We have to find a Way to leave 80 percent of accessible fossil fuels in the ground, forever, if We’re going to avoid catastrophe.
If you’ve enjoyed this year’s record heat, wildfires, drought, and spiking global food prices — if you enjoy monster storms like Sandy — get used to it. Of course there’s uncertainty about exactly how these changes will unfold. There will always be uncertainty in anything as complex as climate science. But as MIT’s Emanuel has said, “Uncertainty doesn’t translate into ‘no worries, mate.’ ” In fact, it’s the opposite. Uncertainty, he notes, “is a double-edged sword.” It’s possible, Emanuel and his colleagues acknowledge, that the impacts of climate change will be less severe, and arrive more slowly, than the most sophisticated models predict. But it’s equally probable that the impacts will be much more severe, and arrive much faster, than predicted. So far, mounting evidence like the rapid melting of the Arctic ice cap — one of the planet’s largest physical features, which reached its lowest extent ever recorded this summer, blowing away all predictions — suggest that the latter may well be the case. What’s more, as Emanuel and others go on to point out, because of the inherent inertia of the planet’s climate system, and the sheer amount of CO2 already in the atmosphere, our “window of opportunity” to prevent catastrophic warming is extremely narrow. It may even have already closed. We don’t know. According to the IPCC, global emissions need to drop at least 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 — eight years from now — and at least 80 percent by 2050, if we’re going to have a shot at maintaining a livable climate. Yet even as climate scientists sound increasingly alarmed, there’s virtual silence in the mainstream media — even in the midst of a crucial election campaign — about the urgency of the threat. This is the case even in places that feature serious coverage of climate science, including the New York Times and NPR. A welcome exception was this quote of Rutgers scientist Jennifer A. Francis in Times reporter Justin Gillis’s August 27 piece on Arctic sea ice: “It’s hard even for people like me to believe, to see that climate change is actually doing what our worst fears dictated . . . . It’s starting to give me chills, to tell you the truth.” (The story didn’t make the front page.) In the Globe, a piece like David Abel’s lead A1 treatment, on June 25, of increasing sea-level rise along the northeastern seaboard, and what it means for Boston — the fact that in coming decades a mere nor’easter could put a half dozen Boston neighborhoods under water — was an all too rare acknowledgment of what’s really at stake. The Atlantic, now edited by an old friend of mine, has failed to run a single in-depth feature, much less a cover story, on the climate crisis in almost two years — since Jim Fallows’ December 2010 cover story on the daunting problem of coal. But in the magazine’s annual “Ideas” issue this summer, Chrystia Freeland cheerily noted >> ClimAte on p 28
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spotlight :: climate silence << ClimAte from p 26
that “fossil fuels are here to stay” — without a hint that she, or the editors, are aware that climate change is happening. (The editors of theatlantic.com seem to know climate change is happening, but true to prevailing Beltway wisdom, they apparently consider it a lower-order concern.) PBS Frontline has just aired the welcome though belated Climate of Doubt, a disturbing look at the people driving the climate-science denial machine. We should be grateful. But it’s been almost exactly four years since the series produced a documentary on climate: 2008’s Heat. Indeed, even the New Yorker, home to the invaluable climate reporter Elizabeth Kolbert, has devoted more space and more serious consideration in the past year to the insanity of geo-engineering (in a piece by Michael Specter) than to the kinds of policies, such as an economy-wide price on carbon, that economists across a wide spectrum say are necessary — and the kind of politics that could make them possible. What’s needed now is crisis-level coverage. And you guys know how to cover a crisis. In the weeks and months — nay, years — following 9/11, all sorts of stories made the front pages and homepages and newscasts that never would have been assigned otherwise. The same was true before and after the Iraq invasion, and in the months following the 2008 financial meltdown. In a crisis, the criteria for top news is markedly altered, as long as a story sheds light on the crisis topic. In crisis coverage, there’s an assumption that readers want and deserve to know as much as possible. In crisis coverage, you “flood the zone.” You shift resources. You make hard choices. The climate crisis is the biggest story of this, or any, generation — so why the hell aren’t you flooding the climate “zone,” putting it on the front pages and leading newscasts with it every day? Or even once a week? Why aren’t you looking constantly at how the implications of climate change and its impact pervade almost any topic — not just environment and energy stories? And yet, I’m less worried about the news pages, where editors do seem to be slowly waking up, than about the opinion pages and magazines, the commentariat and wonkish mainstream blogs — the “thought leaders,” the Very Serious People who define the conventional wisdom and the parameters of what passes for serious discussion. Because here, there’s essentially no debate of any kind that reflects the scale and urgency of the crisis. Forget the pathetic and deeply cynical climate silence in the presidential debates — and forget CNN’s Candy Crowley, who can’t be bothered to select a question from “all you climate change people.” Even on the left and center-left, climate is barely mentioned when the stakes of this election are discussed — and when the topic does come up, it’s without any sense of urgency. Witness the recent endorsement issues of The Nation, the New Republic, and the New Yorker. It’s as 28 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
though many of the best journalistic minds of multiple generations quail at the thought of seriously addressing what a crisis of this magnitude implies about their long-held assumptions — the unquestioned primacy of endless economic growth, for example, or the notion that there can be economic justice without climate justice. The same goes for these pages: why has the Phoenix covered the Occupy movement and not, until now, the climate movement? At the end of the day, I think we agree, a journalist’s ultimate responsibility is to the public. And yet, by that measure, you are failing. You are failing to treat the greatest crisis we’ve ever faced like the crisis that it is. Why? Look, unlike most of your critics, I know you. You’re not just names on a page or a screen to me: you’re living, breathing human beings, with lives and families. I’ve shared the stresses and anxieties of journalism in this era. I know how hard you work, and how relatively little (most of) you are paid. I know how insecure your jobs are. And I know that your work — even your very best work — is most often thankless. Believe me. I know. I also know that you take your responsibility as journalists, as public servants, seriously. Why is it, then, that you are so utterly failing on this all-important topic? I could be wrong, but I think I understand. I’m afraid it has to do with selfimage and self-censorship. Nothing is more important to me as a journalist than my independence. Yes, I’m still a journalist. And I’m as independent as I’ve ever been — maybe, if you can imagine this, even more so. Because leaving behind my mainstream journalism career has freed me to speak and write about climate and politics in ways that were virtually impossible inside the MSM bubble, where I had to worry about perceptions, and about keeping my job, and whether I’d be seen by my peers and superiors as an advocate. God forbid. In short, I’m freed of an insidious form of self-censorship, based on a deeply misguided self-image all too common among mainstream media types, in which journalists, including “serious” opinion journalists, are supposed to remain detached and above the fray — not to say cynically aloof and perpetually bemused — in order to be taken seriously. Once you’ve become an advocate, once you’ve taken an unambiguous moral stand, so the thinking goes, your intellectual honesty is compromised. Well, I’m sorry, but that’s just bullshit. When I became a journalist, I didn’t check my conscience, my citizenship, or my humanity at the door. Nor, when I became an advocate and activist, did I sacrifice my intellectual honesty. If anything, I salvaged it. It’s time to end the self-censorship and get over the idea that journalists are somehow above the fray. You’re not above the fray. If you’re a human being, you’re in the fray whether you like it or not — because on this one, we really are all in it together. And
i think We agree: a journalist’s ultimate responsibility is to the public. and yet, by that measure, you are failing.
by downplaying or ignoring the severity of the climate crisis — or by simply failing to understand it — you’re abdicating your responsibility to your fellow human beings. What it all comes down to, then, is this: Which side are you on? If you’re on the side of your fellow human beings — and of your own children and grandchildren — then it’s time for you to level with the public about the severity, scale, and urgency of the crisis we face. Bill McKibben recently told me something that hit home: we need to start asking hard questions not only of the climate denialists and obstructionists, but of our friends and allies. For example, he said, we need to ask our universities, such as Harvard (Bill’s alma mater and mine) — institutions that have contributed so much to our understanding of climate change — why they invest any portion of their endowments in the fossil fuel industry, the very industry that is standing in the way of climate action and foreclosing our future? Growing numbers of students at Harvard, Brandeis, Tufts, Amherst, and dozens of other schools, are beginning to ask just that — as part of an emerging campus divestment movement —and they deserve your attention. We also need to ask far tougher questions of progressive political leaders, like Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama, who accept climate science and make various encouraging gestures, but nevertheless fail to spell out how seriously they take the climate crisis — and exactly what they propose we do about it. Such silence, and near silence, is no longer acceptable. To use a phrase from the heroic struggle for AIDS awareness in the ’80s and ’90s: silence equals death. For countless millions of people, climate silence equals death. In other great moral crises — the civil rights struggle, the Vietnam War, the long fight against apartheid, and many others — journalists have had to confront their conscience. So here are my hard questions for all of you, the very same questions I ask myself: As individuals of conscience, where will you stand? If you don’t have what it takes to level with the public about the situation we’re in, and what it requires, then what are you doing in this business? Why are you a journalist? How do you get out of bed in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror? How do you look your own children or grandchildren — any children — in the eyes? Your friend and colleague, Wen Wen Stephenson is a former editor at The Atlantic and The Boston Globe and, most recently, was the senior producer of NPR’s On Point. He writes frequently about climate and culture for Grist magazine and has written for the Globe, the New York Times, Slate, and many other publications. Follow him on Twitter @wenstephenson.
spotlight :: health care
Killing with Kindness Why Question 2 endangers people with disabilities By s .i . R o sen Ba u m
think my opinions about doctor-assisted suicide crystallized the night Mike — my wheelchair-using, ventilator-breathing boyfriend — choked on pineapple juice, passed out, and died. 30 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
He was dead for several minutes, on a steel table in the ER. The doctor shocked the pulse back into his heart and dropped him into an induced coma, but it still wasn’t clear whether he would make it. As I stood by his bedside, shaking, one
of the nurses touched me on the shoulder. “Maybe it’s better this way,” she murmured. I’ll never forget that moment. We’d been watching a movie >> suiCide on p 32
illustration by jeff drew
s r o s e n b au m @ p h x .c o m :: @ s i r o s e n b au m
The evoluTion of Radio. Re-launching woRldwide on ocTobeR 31. This is whaT’s f’n nexT.
<< suiCide from p 30
together a few hours before. We had plans to go clubbing. Maybe it’s better this way? I’m not a violent person, but I wanted to punch that lady in the face. When I started going out with Mike, I thought that prejudice against people with disabilities was something we’d left behind along with Jim Crow and sodomy laws. I was shocked, again and again, to find that I was wrong. So wrong. Everyone I met had ideas about what it must be like to date Mike — that we never went out, that we couldn’t have sex, that I must have to take care of him all the time — that were so false as to be laughable. We did laugh at that stuff. We had to. But for every person who came up to us to congratulate Mike on his “bravery” in taking a trip to the mall, there was someone who actually thought he’d be better off dead. Some of those people were doctors. Not the young doctor who fought like a demon to restart his heart in the ER. But there were others: well-meaning doctors who saw Mike, and people like him, as pitiable — as “bad outcomes.” In fact, that’s the norm: study after study has shown that doctors, as a group, consistently underestimate the quality of life of their disabled patients. Those prejudices — unquestioned and unacknowledged — can have disastrous results. I don’t know anyone born with a serious disability whose doctors didn’t tell their parents that they would never be able to live independently. A doctor at Mass General, who treats children with muscular dystrophy, told me about colleagues who had counseled their patients against using the ventilators that would prolong their lives by decades. Those doctors weren’t trying to do harm. They simply saw their patients’ lives as not worth living. As disability activist Carol Gill writes: “Many of us have been harmed significantly by medical professionals who knew little about our lives, who thought incurable functional impairments were the worst things that could happen to a person, and who were confident they knew best.” All this, then, is why I’ll be voting against referendum Question 2, the Death with
32 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
study afteR study has shown that doCtoRs, as a gRoup, Consistently undeRestimate the quality of life of theiR disaBled patients. Dignity Act, on November 6. The language of the bill sounds reasonable: it would allow doctors to prescribe lethal doses of medication, upon request, to patients with terminal diseases. But it wouldn’t actually have much benefit for the dying, who already have the same access to self-administered suicide as anyone else. Instead, it could present doctors with an option to
offer the patients they think they can’t help: the bill’s definition of “terminal disease” is so vague as to encompass disabilities like Mike’s, and it has no requirement that a person seeking the fatal dose see a counselor or be screened for depression. So why would a person with a disability ask for a suicide pill? My ex never would. Disabled from birth, Mike has been fight-
ing for his rights since he was in grade school. He’s a badass with 60 tattoos, and he’s not ready to die any time soon. But for the late-disabled, it’s different. People diagnosed with a progressive disease — MS, ALS, and other such dire acronyms — still carry the same prejudices they’ve held all their able-bodied lives. Often, they don’t know anyone living a full, enjoyable life with disabilities, don’t know such lives are possible. So if a doctor offers them an exit, they’re all too likely to take it. It’s happened. One of the earliest right-to-die cases, in 1989, was that of David Rivlin, a spinalcord-injury survivor. Isolated in a nursing home, cut off from meaningful work, unable to live independently on the meager assistance the state offered at the time, he demanded to die. “I don’t want to live an empty life lying helplessly in a nursing home for another 30 years,” he told a reporter. No one offered him an alternative. “The nondisabled people around him assumed that when a person with such a disability said he would rather be dead, he was acting rationally,” disability activist Paul K. Longmore wrote a few years after Rivlin’s death. Neither Rivlin, nor other people with disabilities seeking “death with dignity,” realized that they could have been fighting for the support to live, rather than the right to die. Longmore observed, “The only real aid the system offered any of them . . . was assistance in ending their lives.” It’s not 1989 anymore. The disabled in Massachusetts have more access, and more agency, than those in almost any other state, and activists fought hard to make it that way. Disabled Bostonians are filmmakers, tattoo artists, psychologists, writers. They ride the T. They own houses and businesses. And like Mike and me, they fall in love. But not everyone knows that those things are an option. And with Romney — a man who sees adequate health care as a privilege, not a right — on the same ballot as Question 2, all that progress is scarily close to rolling back. Now is the worst time to perpetuate the myth that death is better than disability. Vote no on Question 2. P
illustration by jeff drew
spotlight :: health care
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34 11.02.12 :: ThephOenix.cOm/TalkingpOliTics
Ultimately there really might only be one: Ohio.
presideNtial swiNg states
Follow @bostonphoenix on Twitter and Instagram for our live, behindthe-scenes coverage at Boston campaign headquarters for Mitt Romney, Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Richard Tisei, and John Tierney.
tweet us on election night
Florida, Ohio, Virginia
Before 8 pm et
New Hampshire, Pennsylvania
8 pm et
Colorado, Wisconsin
9 pm et
Iowa, Nevada
10 pm et
11 pm & later et
obody needs convincing of how much is at stake in Tuesday’s elections. Polls suggest that the presidential race is too close to call, and will be decided in a small number of key “swing states.” Democrats are fighting to maintain control of the US Senate, where they now hold a 53-47 advantage. Republicans want to stay on top in the House of Representatives, with the Tea Party group that swept in two years ago. And that’s not all that’s at stake. Ballots across the country feature gay rights and gay candidates, and an array of important referenda. To keep track of it all, the Phoenix has created this chart of what to watch for as information floods in through the TV, blogosphere, and social media on election night. So, as 8 pm approaches, for example, you’ll know to start looking for information on the Maine and Maryland marriage-equality votes. At 9 pm, you can cast an eye to Wisconsin, and former MTV Real World cast member Sean Duffy’s re-election. And by 10 pm we’ll start to find out whether Nevada’s Hispanic voters — and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — can deliver that state for Barack Obama.
d b e r N st e I N @ P H x .C o m :: @ d b e r N st e I N
By d aV i d s . Be rN s te iN
Our hour-by-hour breakdown
electioN Night
a Viewer’s guide to
feature :: voting
ThephOenix.cOm/TalkingpOliTics :: 11.02.12 35
in addition to the four states voting on same-sex marriage, there are interesting questions on marijuana, death penalty, and abortion.
Ballot measures
84 new Republicans were elected to congress in the 2010 Tea partyfueled sweep. here are 25 in danger of being voted right back out.
tea party freshmeN
To take over the senate, Republicans will probably need to win at least seven of these nine races.
seNate coNtrol
among a slate of gay candidates, newcomers Tammy Baldwin could become the first openly gay Us senator and Richard Tisei could become the only openly gay Republican in the house; plus, four states vote on marriage equality.
lgBt oN the Ballot
Fl Prohibit use of public funds for health insurance covering abortions
Fl-2 (steve sutherland) Fl-10 (daniel Webster) Fl-18 (Alan West) Fl-26 (david rivera) in-8 (Larry bucshon) Oh-6 (bill Johnson)
indiana Joe donnelly (d) vs. richard mourdock (r) Virginia George Allen (r) vs. tim Kaine (d)
aR medical marijuana cO Allow recreational marijuana mn require photo Id to vote
cO-3 (scott tipton), mn-8 (Chip Cravaack), nY-11 (michael Grimm), nY-18 (Nan Hayworth), nY-19 (Chris Gibson), nY-22 (richard Hanna), nY 24 (Ann marie buerkle), Wi-7 (sean duffy)
il-8 (Joe Walsh) il-10 (bob dold) il-17 (bobby schilling) mi-1 (dan benishek) nh-1 (Frank Guinta) nJ-3 (Jon runyan) pa-7 (Pat meehan) pa-8 (mike Fitzpatrick) Tx-23 (Quico Canseco)
ma medical marijuana, doctor-prescribed suicide Ok ban race-based affirmative action
arizona richard Carmona (d) vs. Jeff Flake (r) Wisconsin tammy baldwin (d) vs. tommy thompson (r)
marriage equality minnesota ballot amendment
Wi-sen (Tammy Baldwin) aZ-9 (Kyrsten sinema) nY-18 (sean Patrick murphy)
connecticut Linda mcmahon (r) vs. Chris murphy (d) massachusetts: scott Brown (r) vs. elizabeth Warren (d) missouri todd Akin (r) vs. Claire mcCaskill (d)
marriage equality maine ballot question, maryland ballot referendum
ma-6 (Richard Tisei) Ri-1 (david Cicilline)
mT Parental notification for abortion
nV-3 (Joe Heck)
montana denny rehberg (r) vs. Jon tester (d) nevada shelley berkley (d) vs. dean Heller (r)
ca-34 end the death penalty OR Allow recreational marijuana Wa Allow recreational marijuana
ca-10 (Jeff denham)
marriage equality Washington ballot referendum
ca-41 (mark takano) OR-secretary of state (Kate brown)
spotlight :: Film
You must think first . . . before You movie Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA brings his whole game to his feature-film directorial debut, The Man with the Iron Fists By Chri s Faraone c fa r ao n e@ p h x .c o m :: @ fa r a 1
t’s a snowy night in late 2006, and Hostel iAirport director Eli Roth is stranded at Logan with RZA. The two are bound for
photo by Janice checchio
Los Angeles, on their way home from hanging with Quentin Tarantino in Iceland. It’s just a layover, but with their flight delayed, Roth suggests that they eat dinner with his parents, who live right down the Mass Pike in Newton. The world-renowned ringleader of the Wu-Tang Clan accepts the invite, they hail a cab, and a few hours later, as RZA puts it, “The Man with the Iron Fists begins over a good bowl of mushroom soup.” >> rza on p 38
36 11.02.12 :: thephoenix.com
Sponsored in part by the Provincetown Tourism Fund
Provincetown November 30th thru December 2nd
spotlight :: Film The m wiTh Tan iron f he isTs
opens theate in r novem s on ber 2 .
RZA as the blacksmith in The Man with the Iron Fists
<< rza from p 36
On some level, this story starts in 1993, when Wu-Tang first hijacked the music industry. As the Staten Island outfit’s chief maestro, RZA — alternatively known as the Abbot — had already dabbled in the rap game, and as such was hip to the corporate gauntlet. Two years earlier, a solo deal he’d struck with Tommy Boy turned sour, but he spun the loss into a lesson, and began to grow his Clan of close friends and cousins into an inimitable empire, mercenarystyle. By the time labels finally showed interest, his swords were sharp enough to cut an honorable deal. As Wu-Tang advanced — yielding an assault of group and solo outings — RZA stockpiled heaps of conceptual currency. He wasn’t simply hoarding beats, but also branding the group through sound bites plucked from such kung-fu classics as the 1981 film Shaolin and Wu Tang. That flick inspired not just the group’s moniker, but also RZA’s tactical mantra, which he sampled on the Clan’s 1993 debut album, Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers): “A game of chess is like a sword fight. You must think first before you move.” Speaking two decades after that initial foray, RZA calls 36 Chambers a showcase of his freshest work up to that point. The project’s dark karate thug aesthetic reflects a range of his defining influences — from Southern-soul samples, to the Shaw Brothers’ slice-’em-ups that RZA studied with his cousin Ol’ 38 11.02.12 :: thephoenix.com
“I’ve been making music, acting in movies, and scoring films like Kill Bill for years now. With The Man with the Iron Fists — this is a lot of me giving back to everything that inspired me.”
Dirty Bastard in dollar matinee shows on old 42nd Street. Those prerequisites, he says — plus everything he’s learned since then, along with Roth’s mom’s mushroom soup — gave way to his latest chess move, and filmmaking debut, The Man with the Iron Fists. I recently sat with the first-time director for an exclusive chat about his Far East fantasy, which features him as a blacksmith who hunts murderers to repossess the weapons that he made them. “This is the second tier of what I did at the beginning of Wu-Tang and of being able to put all of my energy into one outlet,” says RZA, who co-wrote the Tarantino-produced Iron Fists with Roth. He continues: “I’ve been making music, acting in movies, and scoring films like Kill Bill for years now. With The Man with the Iron Fists — this is a lot of me giving back to everything that inspired me.” RZA’s actual film career began in 1999, when director Jim Jarmusch tapped him to score the Jersey City samurai flick Ghost Dog. In the process, Jarmusch gave a small acting role to the Abbot, and a dormant movie man emerged from the shadows. The leap was hardly surprising: all of RZA’s soundscapes are intensely cinematic, and his imagination has always fashioned screen-worthy characters, from his nihilistic alter-ego Bobby Digital to his role in the horrorcore troupe Gravediggaz. After riding scores into Tinsel Town, RZA honed his acting chops across
genres and, to his surprise, found fulfillment in executing small duties. “Being the head [of Wu-Tang] is a heavy job,” he says. “But working for others was good for me, because there’s a difference between being driven and driving. In acting, I felt for the first time the freedom of pampering — instead of worrying about everybody else, they were worrying about me. That was a good feeling, and it gave me a bug, an itch. I wanted to be an actor.” Without overexposing himself, RZA racked up a string of unique performances — a broke bankrupt rap producer in Repo Men, a deli counter muse in Funny People. There’s also his memorable turn as a cop in American Gangster, through which he met his friend Russell Crowe (who RZA later asked to channel Ol’ Dirty’s unhinged charisma for the part of Jack Knife in Iron Fists). RZA’s biggest breakthrough, though, came behind the lens — as an apprentice on Kill Bill. For 30 days on sets in Beijing and Mexico, he took notes on Tarantino’s movements, all the while composing music for the double feature. “A typical hangout with me and Quentin is us having a good time — some margaritas, some movies, a nice bowl of weed,” says RZA. Their friendship has evolved, with RZA working up from pupil to chief creative force on Iron Fists. “As friends, I learn by just watching movies and dissecting them with [Tarantino], paying attention to what he thinks, and seeing what he prescribes. But when we first worked together, I came on as a student. A master should always know how to be a student.” By the time he found himself at Logan airport with Roth, RZA was three years deep in Tarantino’s circle, and just beginning to write Iron Fists. On that snowy night, the Abbot spoke endlessly about the concept, and the two continued the discussion all throughout the next year. They’d bonded; in addition to a shared affection for gratuitous carnage, they discovered that RZA grew up in the same neck of Brooklyn as Roth’s father, and even attended the same elementary school years earlier. “We started talking, and it turns out that they were also from Brownsville,” says RZA, who moved to Staten Island as a teenager. “A year later, Eli had a situation to help get [Iron Fists] made, and wanted to write it with me. I thought if it could be done with a friend — someone I was cool with — then that would be great. That’s the thought that I put into picking teams: scrutinize everybody. I’ve learned a lot from doing so much with music and movies, and I always work best with friends who are like family. That’s why I say this all started over a good bowl of mushroom soup.” P
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Park restaurant & Bar Âť Fine wine, junk Food Âť drink like Ben Franklin
photo by conor doherty
Striking mushroom gold in Ogunquit. Page 44.
thephoenIX.com :: 11.02.12 41
Food Coma
Slow-RoaSted BRiSket at PaRk ReStauRant & BaR B y MC Sl iM J B @McSliMJB
Subterranean reStaurantS can be problematic, with low ceilings and windowless walls lending a claustrophobic, airless feel. Artlessly done, they can evoke the unfortunate whiff of the frathouse basement or the cheesy suburban rec room. Park Restaurant & Bar manages to overcome the drawbacks of its underground space via clever decorating. Its rambling collection of rooms ranges from a lively bar area resembling a plush early-20th-century saloon, to a lounge furnished with upholstered armchairs, to smaller dining rooms with leather banquettes, a fireplace, and eclectic accents ranging from chalkboards to antique books to ’60s-vintage artwork and photos. With attractively dim lighting throughout and a raucous noise level, the space feels like a busy, inviting, genteel
Park reStaurant & Bar 59 JFk st, cambridge 617.491.9851 :: parkcambridge.com
tavern, neither cramped nor gloomy. Specialty cocktails run to the complex and crafty, like the Defender ($10), a mahogany-toned mix of Old Tom gin, Antica Formula sweet vermouth, Crème Yvette, and orange bitters that yields a lovely blend of dry, sweet, floral, and herbal notes. The geek-worthy beer list includes 14 drafts ($5–$9), nine of-themoment canned beers ($5–$8), 16 bottles ($4–$12), another 11 large-format bottles ($12–$22), and a cask offering. And the comfortably priced wine list includes a couple dozen options by the glass ($7–$12), most also available as bottles ($26–$44), like a 2011 Albet i Noya Xarel-lo ($34), a white from Catalonia’s Penedès region with a bracing minerality and a sweet lime aroma. Chef Mark Goldberg’s menu attrac-
tively blends old-timey kitchen craft — reflecting a love of things pickled, cured, and smoked in-house — with abundant, uncluttered American bistro plates. The meal begins with complimentary, saucer-sized house-made wheat crackers, which provide a golden base for cheddar/ crème fraîche spread drizzled with a port reduction. Shareable plates include a tasting of toast ($10) — three pairs of toasted baguette rounds topped with sliced radishes and salted butter, apple butter and cheddar, and shrimp, avocado, and smoked paprika — and the bacon three-way ($12), another six quick bites, two each of bacon-topped grilled littlenecks, little sourdough pancakes topped with pickled cranberries and bacon, and spoons holding bite-sized warm salads of Brussels sprout leaves and crisped pancetta. Eaters with gentler appetites might favor seafood entrees like pan-seared Scottish salmon ($21), two fine small steaks prettily flanked on a rectangular plate by grilled avocado on one side and a salad with citrus fruit segments on the other, or a monkfish “osso bucco” ($23) served in rounds that indeed resemble slices of veal shank atop cubes of roasted pumpkin and wilted baby spinach. Heartier eaters might consider hefty plates like the grilled pork chop ($18) served over garlicky greens and topped with a chunky pear mostarda, or the massive, gorgeous slow-roasted brisket, a daunting slab of beef with a beautifully tender texture, served with caramelized root vegetables and a cunning iron crock of white-bean cassoulet with goodly bits of pork sausage. This is the kind of delectable, staggering animal-fat bomb that might have you skipping breakfast and lunch the next day, or at least reaching for a FernetBranca afterward. Desserts don’t run much lighter: typical is a triple chocolate terrine ($7), dense and intense, barely edged with toasted hazelnuts, whipped cream, and a dollop of tart-cherry compote. Service is affable with occasional rough edges; having to shout to be heard over the roar of the weekend crowds here may result in the odd miscommunication. But in general, Park represents a worthy and value-priced addition to its nearby Harvard Square sibling restaurants, pitched somewhere between the more modest pub fare of Grafton Street and the dreamy gastropub heights of big brother Russell House Tavern. There’s easily enough quality on the plate and in the casual, convivial ambience to make you quite forget you’re in a parking-garage basement. P
cask beer thursdays :: every thursday at 5 pm, Park unveils a cask-conditioned beer: unfiltered, unpasteurized, naturally carbonated beer that ferments in the cask it’s served from, sans any added nitrogen or carbon dioxide.
42 11.02.12 :: thePhoenix.com/Food
photo By Joel Veak
Food & drink :: dining
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Mushroom foraging with Canary Square’s Dave Schneller B y C a ssa n d r a L a n dry
From Forest to table
It’s a clear, crIsp mornIng in Ogunquit, Maine — a summertime tourist haven where the storefronts have names like H&M Crumpets’ and Harbor Candy Shop — and Dave Schneller, executive chef of Jamaica Plain’s Canary Square, is leading a three-car caravan down a winding, tree-lined road. The foliage surrounding us, while still awe-inducing, is peaking, its brilliant reds and oranges giving way to paper-bag brown. When we step out of the car, it feels like the woods are holding their breath before closing up shop for winter. We’re here to try our luck at foraging for mushrooms. Schneller, a lover of the locally sourced and seasonal, has been at it since 2004. Today we’re looking for hedgehogs, winter chanterelles, and black trumpets. 44 11.02.12 :: Thephoenix.com/food
Schneller shows us pictures of the fungi on his phone. I’m familiar with the golden chanterelles and their funnel-shaped caps, but have never heard of the hedgehog, which has tiny teeth instead of gills. “Is there a foraging prayer or something we should say before we go in?” asks Mike Moxley, co-owner and craft-beer guru of Canary Square. There isn’t, Schneller assures us, but maybe there should be: last time he spent a morning in these woods, just a few months back, he walked out with one measly handful. We head in, toting plastic prep tubs and training our eyes on the sun-dappled forest floor. The ground is coated with a thick, damp blanket of pine needles and leaves, and the whole thing gives underfoot like
Fungi often feature in Canary Square’s offerings, from mushroom toast to autumn salad. Schneller conserved the haul from this trip so he’ll have a stash for the weeks ahead. Here’s how. “In a widebottomed heavy pot, add the mushrooms, a sprig of thyme, a pinch of [piment] d’Espelette, one clove of garlic, salt, and just enough EVOO to cover the mushrooms. Cook as slowly as possible until they are very tender. Season with sherry vinegar and more salt as needed. Store in the refrigerator, keeping the mushrooms covered by the liquid.”
a springy mattress. Schneller is in a plaid shirt and jeans, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms, looking like a true Mainer next to the rest of us wimps bundled in layers. My fingertips are cold from the autumn chill, but I ignore it. It only takes five minutes before one of us spots the first small clump of chanterelles; we gather around, memorizing their features. Once we’re crouched down, the mushrooms seem to multiply before our eyes. They’re everywhere, all different sizes, poking up under leaves and damp dirt. Schneller tells us they tend to grow close together, so watching your feet once you find a few is important. Flushed with the small victory, we spread out, heads bowed and stepping cautiously, occasionally kneeling to brush away leaves or lift a mushroom cap, checking its gills. Every so often, someone calls out, “Is this something?” and sticks crunch as Schneller makes his way over. We crack jokes about stumbling on a chanterelle’s poisonous evil twin by accident, our musings laced with a lingering concern over the possibility. Schneller seems unfazed. “The whole fear of mushroom picking is a very puritanical thing to me,” he says. “Evil toadstools and all that. You’d have to eat a ton of poison mushrooms, and you’d have to eat them raw, to drop dead right away. We know what we’re looking for, and once you do, stick to that.” Picking the delicate fungi is strangely thrilling, even though I’ve uprooted vegetables plenty of times before. This is different; maybe it’s because we’re alone in the forest with no one telling us how many we can pick, or maybe it’s the wild pleasure of recognizing a prized edible right under our feet. “It’s not like Survivor out here for me, you know?” Schneller says, recalling last year’s haul, which yielded more than 40 pounds. “I figure, no matter what happens, I’m going for a walk in the woods. You can’t beat that.” We’ve spied only a few black trumpets, wet and slimy and past their prime, so our tubs are mostly filled with chanterelles, a few hedgehogs hiding among them. We convene in a huddle, surrounded by thick slabs of dewy moss, and decide to call it a day. “There’s something about it that’s very human,” Schneller tells me, as we make our way back to the cars. “I don’t think people have that kind of experience enough.” P
photos by connor dohErty
c l a n d ry@ p h x .c o m :: @ E at d r i n k W r i t E
Food & drink :: liquid
Keeping it Casual Junk food, meet fine wine By Cheryl Fenton c h e ry l@ c h e ry l f e n to n .c o m
sean Prinz
general manager and wine-dinner host at market by Jean-georges
Brad Dalbeck co-owner of sip wine bar & kitchen
With PiZZa
With BarBecUe
With BUrgers
With chiNese
Peter Franus Zinfandel “This zinfandel works great with the combination of toppings and tomato sauce. It’s full of really dark, sweet fruit with aromas of blueberries that really pick up the sweetness in the tomato. The dark fruit as well as the nature of zinfandel will complement with equal spice and power.”
Cain Cuvée NV5 “The subtle tannic structure and old-world finesse lend it to pairing well with the smokiness of barbecue sauce and really make your sauce’s tang come to the foreground. It has aromas of berries, vanilla bean, and dark chocolate. There isn’t a rough edge, so it works well with a variety of proteins, like chicken or ribs.”
Cadus Malbec 2007 “This wine is jammy, opaque with a black core and magenta rim. It’s rich with chocolate, blackberry, and fierce earth. Its mass really complements a burger stacked with bacon and jack cheese.”
Movia “Lunar” Ribolla Gialla 2008 “I’m thinking sweet and sour, noodles, and miso flavors with this wine. It’s unfiltered and has an orange hue to it. Tart apricot and firm acidity make for a great interaction between the spice and acidity in this cuisine.”
Edmeades Zinfandel for cheese and Decoy by Duckhorn Merlot for pepperoni “You never want two acidic items fighting with each other. No one will win. The zin has a peppery flavor and high alcohol content. It’s big and bold and able to stand up to the sauce. The merlot balances well with the spicier pizzas. The tannins counter well with the acidity. Big fruits always go well with red sauce.”
Four Vines “Old Vine Cuvée” Zinfandel “A cabernet sauvignon or syrah would be a natural. The Old Vine is a big, bold wine with a touch of spice that will complement it as well. It hangs around a long time in the palate and will stand up to the barbecue just as well.”
90+ Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon from Paso Robles “A good burger needs a big red. Red meat needs a bold wine to hold up to it. A smooth pinot noir would get lost. This wine’s heavy tannins and stronger alcohol content will stand up best.”
Clean Slate Riesling “Acidic wines would be too much of an overload. You never want acidic flavors together. It’s like brushing your teeth after drinking OJ. It just doesn’t work. A sweeter wine calms down the spicy style of Chinese foods, taking the heat off.”
Zaccagnini “Ikebana” Montepulciano d’Abruzzo “A medium-bodied wine offers fruit to balance the salt in the cheese and acid to complement the acid in the tomato sauce. Depending on the toppings, you’ll have a better chance of not over- or under-powering the pizza.”
MandraRossa Nero d’Avola “You’ll want a wine that’s fruit-forward with medium acid, without tons of alcohol. When you have a spicy-hot dish, the alcohol enhances the heat and can make the food taste unpalatable. This is a super-juicy wine that offers flavors of black cherry and licorice. It’s un-oaked with minimal alcohol, so it handles sweet, spicy, or hot barbecue.”
La Maialina “Gertrude” Toscana “However you like your burger, fermented dark-red or purple juice with tannin and acid will complement it. If you get a heavier, more powerful style of red, it will stand up to the fat in the meat and your choice of condiments.”
Alois Lageder Müller Thurgau “Salt and spices are ingredient standouts in this cuisine. You should go with a highly aromatic, fruity wine with balanced acid and a little sweetness. This wine is very aromatic and can stand up to the intense flavors and aromas of Chinese food, but drinks like a sauvignon blanc.
tJ Douglas co-owner of the Urban grape
46 11.02.12 :: Thephoenix.com/food
illUstrations by karl stevens
Not every Night calls for a petit filet topped with foie gras. Sometimes you just need a simple food fix — a few slices of thin crust or a big, beefy Five Guys. But a laid-back meal doesn’t mean you have to throw back a Natty. Wine can pair perfectly with everyday eats, from BBQ wings on game day to takeout lo mein on a Tuesday. So we asked three Boston connoisseurs to recommend bottles to complement casual spreads. Prepare to uncork and unwind.
75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116 617.357.4810 â&#x20AC;˘ www.davios.com
Food & drink :: diY
Ben Franklin’s Booze
Milk Punch
_Cas s an dr a Lan dry » CLand ry@phx.C om :: @Eatd ri nkW ri tE
InstructIons: Zest the lemons, and squeeze 2 cups of lemon juice. steep the lemon zest in the brandy for 24 hours. the next day, strain out the lemon zest, and add 4 cups of spring water, 1 freshly grated nutmeg, 2 cups of lemon juice, and 1 1/8 cups of sugar to the brandy. stir until the sugar dissolves. Bring 3 cups of whole milk to a boil. As soon as the milk boils, add it to the brandy mix and stir. the heat, lemon juice, and alcohol will begin to curdle the milk. Let the punch stand for 2 hours. strain the punch through a jelly bag (or pillowcase) until clear. serve cold, and garnish with a sprinkle of nutmeg. Browse other archival finds at masshist.org.
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48 11.02.12 :: Thephoenix.com/food
Dumpling Café Boston Phoenix gives us 4 stars! We a re t h e n e w D U M P L I N G C a f é i n B o s to n ’ s C h i n a tow n . Co m e t r y o u r s i g n a t u re m i n i j u i cy b u n s ( X L B) , pork leek dumplings, and mango shrimp.
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illustration by Mauricio salMon
There was This parTy, back in the day, where everyone’s favorite scallywag, statesman, and pre-mixology mixologist, Benjamin Franklin, was working the bar and telling dirty jokes. His buddy James Bowdoin parked by the punch bowl all night to shoot the shit. The dude got, according to Franklin, as “drunk as a wheel-barrow.” When the hangover wore off, Bowdoin hit up Franklin for that awesome punch recipe, and Franklin happily obliged. Okay, I’m assuming that’s how things unfolded. But Franklin did compile a list of 200-plus synonyms for “inebriated” for his Pennsylvania Gazette, “drunk as a wheelbarrow” among them. And the Massachusetts Historical Society’s archives do contain a 1763 letter from Franklin to Bowdoin, in which he relays a recipe for milk punch his friend had requested. With holiday-party season looming, I decided to give it a go. The MHS helpfully offers a modern translation of the recipe. Scaled down to a fourth of the original’s heft — seriously, Franklin, you want us to zest 44 freakin’ lemons? — the adaptation still makes more than enough to keep your guests swimming in frothy punch for hours. But having no room in my fridge for a huge bowl of the stuff, and no roommates to foist it upon, I chopped the recipe further, to a sixth of its size. After steeping the brandy, which took on the clean, piercing smell of lemon after a few hours, I got to work boiling milk. While the MHS adaptation called for a pillowcase or a jelly bag, I repeatedly strained the punch through cheesecloth — not the most appetizing or glamorous task. Nonetheless, I soldiered on to appease the tipsy ghost of Ben Franklin, whom I imagined standing at my side, nodding in approval. The first sip rendered a smooth, silky citrus flavor, with a bracing touch from the brandy. I tasted nutmeg right away, understated and weirdly at home without any other baking spices involved. Pretty soon I could feel the brandy’s warmth down to my toes, and I was pouring myself another cup. Benjamin Franklin, I thought. You saucy minx.
IngredIents: 6 cups of brandy 11 lemons 2 cups lemon juice 4 cups spring water 1 freshly grated nutmeg 1 1/8 cup sugar 3 cups whole milk
Food & drink :: calendar
The Day of the Dead is the perfect chaser to its much-hyped cousin, Halloween — and it offers better food. The nomad cooks of Cuisine en Locale do it up right, so put away some Taza-chocolate chicken mole, tomatillo Stillman-pork verde, handmade tortillas, Ocean Ave Pops corn paletas, and Slumbrew cerveza, straight into your own sugar skull; then dance it off to a live mariachi band. Skeletal, spooky, and luchador costumes are heartily encouraged.
Know what sucks? A bad sandwich, which can be a lunchtime life-ruiner. Know what doesn’t suck? Three amazing sandwiches from All-Star Sandwich Bar, Chez Henri, and Roxy’s Gourmet Grilled Cheese, plus an appetizer and dessert. There is one caveat: you have to muster your decision-making powers and choose the best one when you’re done. Call Chez Henri by November 2 to reserve your spot at one of six seatings, which start at 1 pm.
6 pm @ the Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville
Seatings from 1 to 8:30 pm @ Chez Henri, 1 Shepard St, Cambridge
$45; cash bar not included
$42 for a three-course menu
617.354.8980 or brownpapertickets.com
EH CHOCOLATIER BONBONS CLASS AT SOFRA Put down that leftover Halloween candy, people. If you are drop-dead serious about chocolate (as everyone probably should be), find a way to make this class. The good folks at EH Chocolatier are spilling their secrets and stuffing us with quality bonbons and artisanal chocolate. Somebody please find something wrong with that statement. 6:30 pm @ Sofra Bakery, 1 Belmont St, Cambridge :: $85 :: ehchocolatier.eventbrite.com
Man, it’s a good thing this isn’t exactly what it sounds like, because paying to wash dishes around Cambridge isn’t quite what we’re usually looking for on a Wednesday night. No, no — this, dear eaters, is a trip to four mystery restaurants. You stop in, get in on house specialties, and then rub elbows with the chef, which all sounds irresistibly VIP to us. The meeting point will be revealed to ticketholders 48 hours before the event, so cross your fingers that your fave Cambridge joints make the cut.
7 pm @ various Cambridge restaurants $39 dishcrawl.com/ harvardsquare
“A Neighborhood Spot in Newton Center”
Brunch. Lunch. Dinner. Late Night. Live Music Monday. Tuesday. Friday. Sunday Brunch. 796 Beacon St. Newton Center • 617-332-8743 • www.bstreetnewton.com
THepHoenix.Com/food :: 11.02.12 49
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photo by kelly davidson
Pretty & Nice. Page 76.
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.02.12 51
Arts & Nightlife :: get out
Boston Fun List FIELD REPORT + CALEB GROH :: Portland, Oregon, folkies share a bill with local pastoral singer-songwriter of note at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston :: November 6 @ 9 pm :: $14; $12 advance :: ticketweb.com
For m re fun ore Follo events, w us on t @Bos witter tonFu nshit or lik FaceB e us at ook.c o Bosto nFuns m/ hit
Hot tix
MANSIONS ON THE MOON :: November 10 at Great Scott, Allston :: $10 :: ticketweb.com “BEYOND THE STAGE” BENEFIT FOR AT-RISK LGBT YOUTH W/ BULLY BOY DISTILLERS :: November 16 at the Lenox Hotel, Boston :: $50 :: beyondthestage.bpt.me JERRY SEINFELD :: November 17 at the Wang Theatre, Boston :: $65-$81 :: citicenter.org BOSTON BALLET’S THE NUTCRACKER :: November 23-December 30 at the Opera House, Boston :: $35$172 :: bostonballet.org 2 CHAINZ :: December 4 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $25-$39.50 :: livenation.com CONCRETE BLONDE :: December 12 at the Sinclair, Cambridge :: $30 :: boweryboston.com BAD RABBITS :: December 31 at Brighton Music Hall, Allston :: $25 :: ticketmaster.com MISSION OF BURMA :: January 19 at the Sinclair, Cambridge :: $20 :: boweryboston.com ELLIE GOULDING :: January 23 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $35-$45 :: livenation.com FUN. :: February 1 at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston :: $30.50-$36 :: ticketmaster.com THE LUMINEERS :: February 10 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $30-$40 :: livenation.com TORO Y MOI + WILD BELLE + DOG BITE :: February 15 at Paradise Rock Club :: $20 :: ticketmaster.com
An underdog no more, Brooklyn trio YEASAYER’s latest record, 7 Fragrant World, is a thunderstruck collage of textures, rhythms, and sounds, all carefully curated into one schizophrenic tapestry of art-pop that hangs low over the dark shadow of blissful noise. As we wrote back in August, “Fragrant World is a psychedelic scavenger hunt.” House of Blues is your starting line and finishing point. Show rescheduled from September 11; all tickets honored.
House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston :: 8 pm :: $25-$35 :: hob.com/boston
PUNCH BROTHERS + ANAIS MITCHELL :: February 16 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $25-$35 :: livenation.com MAROON 5 + NEON TREES + OWL CITY :: February 17 at the Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, NH :: $29.50-$79.50 :: livenation.com SAW DOCTORS :: March 16 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $29.50-$45 :: livenation.com LOCAL NATIVES :: March 30 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $22.50-$25 :: livenation.com GREAT BIG SEA: 20TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR :: April 20 at the Wilbur Theatre, Boston :: $35 :: ticketmaster.com
52 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIx.COm/EvENTS
It must be Movember, because here comes the first of many hairy hoedowns of the month. The 3 Somerville Art Council’s BEARDFEST pits hirsute competitors against one another to determine who doth rock the most awesome facial steez. The categories are Natural Full Beard, Free-style Full Beard, Free-style Moustache, Free-style Partial Beard, (includes goatees, sideburns, and the like), and Fake Beard (for the ladies . . . and baby-faced dudes). All that plus a make-your-own beard table, music from Beat Research’s DJ Pace, and more. Bet the champs win by just a hair. . .
Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville :: 3-7 pm :: $5 :: somervilleartscouncil.org/beardfest
How’s this for a date night? The ICA hosts Faye Driscoll’s YOU’RE ME, a performance piece duet with Aaron Mattocks (with props designed 2 by “ecstatic resistance” artist Emily Roysdon of MEN and LTTR) about identity and entanglement. Given that the props in question are paint, wigs, costume jewelry, and baby powder, and questions posed include “How do our fantasies about ourselves create new possibilities of being?” and “How do our fantasies about each other give birth to friction and loss?,” we’re expecting to leave with a brainful about our relationships with ourselves, the world, and each other. Beats dinner-and-a-movie. FRI
Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave, Boston :: November 2 + 3 @ 7:30 pm :: $20; $10 students :: icaboston.org
There’s nothing we like more here in Boston than a hometown celebrity. Why else would the Dropkicks and the Bosstones consistently sell the crap out of every venue they book here? Just saying. Tonight, one of our favorite locals-made-good, JOHN HODGMAN, stops in town on a less than regular pilgrimage home. The Brookline-bred humorist, author, and Daily Show correspondent takes the stage at the Wilbur with special guest JONATHON COULTON for a night of some very funny business. SAT
Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston :: 7 pm :: $33 :: thewilburtheatre.com
We have a feeling this winter is going to be a brutal one — no chance the New England weather gods smile down upon us two years in a row — but there’s a silver lining: ski season! Last year’s balmy temps meant the skiing and boarding was absolute crap, so we’re getting amped to break our gear out of storage and hit the slopes. Speaking of gear, you can pick up some new equipment at Boston.com’s SKI AND SNOWBOARD EXPO where, apart from vendors including East Coast Alpine and Eastern Boarder, there’ll be a skateboard competition, live music, ski trivia, the Skyriders trampoline show, and more seasonal merriment. Let’s ride!
Seaport World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Blvd, Boston :: November 8-11; tonight from 3 to 10 pm :: $12 :: bewisports.com/expos/boston THU
These days it seems like Canada’s main export is awesome new music acts. Everywhere we listen there’s some great new indie band or cool up-and-coming emcee who hails from our sisterland to the north. One example of the latter, CADENCE WEAPON, a/k/a Alberta’s Rollie Pemberton, hits T.T.’s tonight to unleash some Canuck stylings on us. Last time he was in town he was playing a solid opening set for Japandroids, this time he’s headlining . T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge :: 9 pm :: $10; $8 advance :: ttthebears.com
Free events CvLT: RITE OF PASSAGE :: Live music by Glass T33th, Punketta, and Shimoda and DJ sets by El Poser, Techno-B, and Spliffolian. Plus live visuals and more. :: middlesex Lounge, 315 mass Ave, Cambridge :: November 5 @ 8 pm :: middlesexlounge.us FERNET-BRANCA BARBACK GAmES :: Battle of the city’s best barbacks to win two spots at the Barbacks Games finals, hosted by industry judges including Jamie Bissonnette. Plus DJ battles, music by DJ 7L and Brek.One, and more. Free with RSVP :: Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston :: November 6 @ 9 pm :: RSvP at fernetbostones2.eventbrite.com DÍA DE LOS mUERTOS FIESTA :: With live music, traditional food and drink, and more. Free with ticket. Dress up as favorite dead musician and get in without a ticket! :: Peabody museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 11 Divinity Ave,
Cambridge :: November 6 from 6 to 8:30 pm from 11 am :: peabody.harvard.edu CAT’S CRADLE (1959) + i . . . DREAMING (1988) + THE CONVERSATION (1974) :: Screenings of two experimental short films and the Francis Ford Coppola film, respectively :: Harvard Film Archive, Carpenter Center, 24 Quincy St, Cambridge :: November 6 @ 7 pm :: hcl.harvard.edu/hfa THE HARvARD LAmPOON AT THE COOP :: Members of the Harvard Lampoon will speak about and sign copies of Bored of the Rings, a Lord of the Rings satire first published in 1969 :: Harvard Coop, 1400 mass Ave, Cambridge :: November 7 @ 7 pm :: 617.489.0519 RADIUS ENSEmBLE :: Performance by the contemporary classical music group with light refreshments :: Harriet Tubman House, 566 Columbus Ave, Roxbury :: November 8 @ 6 pm :: uses.org
THEPHOENIx.COm/EvENTS :: 11.02.12 53
Nex ChiNt week Wha : ato t wN chin are yo
ur a tWe toWn sp fave pho et @bos ots? e list nix or tonings e @ph mail x.co m
Meet the Mayor UniTARiAn UnivERsAlisT AssociATion
>> 25 Beacon St :: 617.742.2100 :: uua.org
Eric Cherry
The Hill might be best known for its melting pot of eateries (including the hidden-ina-gas-station burrito Shangri-La that is Villa México Café), but it doesn’t skimp on the bars, either. After all, wherever there’s heavy politics, there must be heavy drinking. One go-to for an unpretentious quaff, is the venerable 21st Amendment. But our Beacon Hill insider tells us that the more under-the-radar Emmet’s — a cozy Irish pub right across from the State House — is also worth the hamstring-punishing trek up Beacon Street.
6 Beacon St :: 617.742.8565 :: emmetsirishpub andrestaurant.com
“Badass hipster gear” isn’t the phrase that usually comes to mind when discussing the antiques-shopinfested Charles Street, but somehow, Uncle Pete’s has stealthed in with armloads of limitededition Wu-Tang X G-Shock watches, Native kicks, Penfield vests, and — in an event horizon of hipsterdom — sneaker-inspired sunglasses from Look/See. 119 Charles St :: 617.391.0895 :: unclepetesshop.com
If you thought that Savenor’s specialty grocery store was the only place on Beacon Hill
GettiNG theRe subWay: government center (blue/green lines) boWDoin (blue line); parK (green/reD lines); charles/mgh (reD line).
where you can get your hands on some kangaroo steaks, think again — chef Brian Poe’s Tip Tap Room will actually cook it for you. Open till 2 am nightly, this new pub specializes in exotic meats (that’s the “Tip” part) and craft beers. Our tip? Don’t sleep on those katafi-fried rock shrimp. 138 Cambridge St :: 857.350.3344 :: thetiptaproom.com
So, what’s the ultimate expression of New England in tube-meat form? Why, that’d be the Griddler’s Burgers & Dogs Chowder Dog, topped with chowdah and clam strips. Although, considering that
we’re in the beating blue-blooded heart of Brahmin territory, you might as well go full-on Boston proper with their baked-bean wiener (a $4 splurge). 204 Cambridge St :: 617.973.0480 :: griddlersburgers.com
Sure, the Paramount is undeniably the brunch spot in this ’hood. But if you wanna ingest breakfast carbs like a #mapoli working stiff, you gotta go to the Fill-ABuster. For the past 30 years, Boston’s civil servants have been fueled by this greasy spoon’s cheap, tasty fare.
142 Bowdoin St :: 617.523.8164 :: thefillabuster.com
#FF @75chestnut @csliquors @libertyhotel @savenors @statehouseneWs
If Beacon Hill was a person instead of a neighborhood, what religion do you think it would belong to? Definitely unitarian universalism, because we’re so grounded in the history of this part of the city. The Beacon Hill neighborhood is surrounded by historic unitarian churches. king’s Chapel, Arlington Street Church, and First Church in Boston on the other side of the Public Garden. What religion to do think Superman would belong to? Superman is probably spiritual, but not religious. He’s deeply connected to powerful energies and not limited to any specific religious dogma. One time, I baptized all the cats in my apartment. Was that a good idea? I’m sure it’s fine. If there’s such a place as Heaven, could it truly be considered paradise if cats aren’t allowed in? Hard to imagine paradise without cats, or pets in general, I should say. Anyway, democracy is a big thing for UUs, but nobody elected you Foursquare mayor. How do you reconcile your position with your ethics? That’s true. Foursquare is a very nondemocratic decision maker. If somebody checked in more often than me, I’d be glad to pass the mayorship over. _BArry THOmpsON
Want to be interviewed about your Foursquare mayorship? Give us a shout: tweet @bostonphoenix or email listings@phx.com. And for tips, friend us: foursquare.com/bostonphoenix.
woRD oN the tweet “Just saW John Kerry stocKing up at the beacon hill #boston @WholefooDs. see he’s paying attention to http://reaDy.gov ! #sanDy” via@ miKerobert
Halloween might be over, but we can think terrifying thoughts. For starters: “Does the vampire squid of capitalism have a heart to go with that moneysucking blood funnel?” Tonight, the Ford Hall Forum closes out their 2012 with “Business Ethics and Other Oxymorons,” with Harvard Business School dean Nitin Nohria weighing in. November 1 @ 7 pm :: Suffolk University’s C. Walsh Theatre, 55 Temple St :: free :: fordhallforum.org
After getting a sloppy, wet faceful of hurricane it seems we could all use a trip to a more Mediterranean clime — or at least a good drink. Enter Beacon Hill Bistro’s Wine & Dine Mondays, which this week brings us French vintner Gerard Bertrand to curate a selection of four wines from the Languedoc-roussillon region.
November 5 @ 7pm :: 25 Charles St :: 617.723.7575 :: $60 :: beaconhillhotel.com
Scandals on Beacon Hill? unthinkable! We’ll give you a moment to retrieve your popped monocle. Boston Strolls’ “Beacon Hill Uncensored” tour promises tales of sex and violence — and they might even reveal the real story behind the State House’s General Hooker Entrance. Meets on the steps of Park Street Church, 1 Park St :: Mondays– Fridays @ 10 am, Saturdays @ 10:30 am + 1 pm, Sundays @ 1 pm :: $10-$15 :: bostonstrolls.com
arts & nightlife :: get out
Arts & Nightlife :: get out
To-do LisT THURsdAY 1
“BUSINESS ETHICS AND OTHER OXYMORONS” › With Nitin Nohria (Dean, Harvard Business School) and business writer Tom Peters › 7 pm › Suffolk University, C. Walsh Theatre, 55 Temple St, Boston › Free › 617.573.8680 or suffolk.edu/ college/3227.html
FRidAY 2
“BLOOD ROSE RISING” › Supernatural immersive “serial thriller” theater experience staged in a nightclub. Tells the story of a young history professor who inherits a Victorian mansion and becomes obsessed with -- and driven to murder by -- the ghost of a beautiful woman. › Naga, 450 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20 › 617.661.4900 or goldstar.com/events/ cambridge-ma/blood-rose-rising FAIR TRADE FRIDAY › Henna body art, sampling of fair trade chocolate, showcase of Traveler’s Finds from Haiti, Niger, and Indonesia › 2 pm › Ten Thousand Villages, 252 Washington St, Boston › Free › 617.372.8743 or tenthousandvillages.com FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE CRAZE › Instructional evening focused on Bollywood dance › 7:30 pm › Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 42 Brattle St, Cambridge › $17 › 617.547.6789 or ccae.org
BEARDFEST › Beard and moustache contest with contestants vying for prizes in five categories including “Full Beard” and “Freestyle Moustache” › 3 pm › Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville › $5 › 617.718.2191 or somervilleartscouncil.org “CCAE’S 15TH ANNUAL FALL WRITER’S CONFERENCE: THE WRITER’S PROCESS” › With Steve Almond (keynote speaker), Kimberly Davis, Ken Harvey, Jane Katims, Madeline Miller, Ralph Pennel, and Shirley Spence. › 10:30 am › Blacksmith House at Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 56 Brattle St, Cambridge › $40 morning or afternoon only; $80 full day › 617.547.6789 or ccae.org “BLOOD ROSE RISING” › See listing for Fri BOSTON ANIMATION FESTIVAL › See listing for Fri ORCHID JUBILEE › See listing for Fri
sUNdAY 4
“HARVARD HUMANIST OF THE YEAR: OKCUPID!” › Award ceremony for the honor bestowed upon the popular dating site, with site founders Christian Rudder and Maxwell Krohn and music by the Quiet Company › 1:30 pm › Harvard Science Center , 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge › Free › harvardhumanist.org “BLOOD ROSE RISING” › See listing for Fri ORCHID JUBILEE › See listing for Fri
MoNdAY 5
“PRESIDENTIAL TRIVA” › All-politics trivia night on the eve of the election with categories about the nation’s leaders, greatest scandals, party positions, and more › 8 pm › Ducali Pizzeria & Bar, 289 Causeway St, Boston › free › 617.742.4144 or ducalipizza.com
“GALLERY NIGHT TUESDAYS” › Showcase of artwork from a different local
artist each week › 6 pm › Liberty Hotel, 215 Charles St, Boston › 617.224.4000 or libertyhotel.com “GAME OVER” › Weekly game night with fighting games and DDR set-ups, Magic the Gathering, Rock Band, Dance Central, and more › 5 pm › Good Life, 28 Kingston St, Boston › free › 617.451.2622 or goodlifebar.com
“AN EVENING WITH TRANSITION MAGAZINE: A REVIEW OF THE STATE OF CHANGE IN THE BLACK WORLD” › With editors Vincent Brown, Glenda Carpio, and Tommie Shelby › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard.com VERY YOUNG GIRLS SCREENING › Documentary concerning the trafficking of young girls for the purposes of sexual exploitation › 6:30 pm › More Than Words, 242 East Berkeley St, Boston › $12; $10 advance; $5 students › 781.788.0035 or mtwyouth.org
FOUND FOOTAGE FESTIVAL › Lineup of odd and hilarious videos salvaged from thrift stores across North America › 9:30 pm › Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.6837 or foundfootagefest.com
AcTivisM THURsdAY 1
“A. BREEZE HARPER’S PRESENTATION ON THE INTERSECTIONALITY OF OPPRESSIONS” › A. Breeze Harper — an academic and editor studying the ways race intersects with vegan experiences — discusses black feminism, critical race, and decolonial studies to explain how black women can use veganism to liberate their bodies and communities. › 6:30 pm › Boston University, Sargent Building Room 101, 635 Comm Ave, Boston › Free › facebook.com/ events/456470794404154/ BOSTON FARE STRIKE COALITION MEETINGS › Join Occupy Boston’s efforts again rising MBTA fair prices at the Gazebo on the Common › 6 pm › Boston Common, Charles St, Boston › free › occupyboston. org/2012/07/26/boston-fare-strike-coalition-meeting-today/
FRidAY 2
FARE FREE FRIDAYS › Occupy Boston activists meet weekly to fight fare hikes and service cuts. Starting @ 5pm in Park Street, then traveling around the city to raise awareness. › 5 pm › Park Street T Stop, Boston › free › occupyboston.org FOOD SERVICE VOLUNTEERING WITH FOOD NOT BOMBS › Recurring every Friday and Sunday, help Food Not Bombs to pass out free meals to all in Boston Common and in Central Square. To get involved, email fnbboston@gmail.com. › Fri + Sun 3 pm › Central Square, Mass Ave and Prospect St, Cambridge › free › facebook. com/FNBBoston OCCUPY BOSTON DECOLONIZE TO LIBERATE WORKING GROUP MEETINGS › How do systems of oppression that come from colonization affect the movement? Find out a weekly meetings that include discussion, self-education, planning events and actions to help decolonize the movement. Follow @DecolonizeBos for updates. › 6 pm › First Parish Church of
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COMMON GROUND › 8 pm › “Think Tank Trivia” › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston SPIRIT BAR › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge
FRidAY 2
TRIDENT BOOKSELLERS & CAFÉ › 8 pm › Trident Trivia Night › 338 Newbury St, Boston
sUNdAY 4
21ST AMENDMENT › 8 pm › “Stump!” Trivia › 150 Bowdoin St, Boston CHARLIE’S KITCHEN › 8 pm › “Stump!” Trivia › 10 Eliot St, Cambridge COSTELLO’S TAVERN › 7:30 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 723 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain GEOFFREY’S CAFE › 8 pm › “Trivia Sundays” hosted by local drag performers Rainbow Frite and Raquel Blake › 142 Berkeley St, Boston THIRSTY SCHOLAR PUB › 8 pm › “Sunday Night Trivia” › 70 Beacon St, Somerville
MoNdAY 5
BATTERY PARK BAR AND LOUNGE › 7 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 33 Batterymarch St, Boston DUCALI PIZZERIA & BAR › 8 pm › “Presidential Triva” › 289 Causeway St, Boston COMMON GROUND › 8 pm › “Stump!” › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston JOHNNY D’S › 8 pm › “Stump!” › 17 Holland St, Somerville MILKY WAY › 8 pm › “Stump!” › 284 Armory St, Jamaica Plain PIZZERIA REGINA ALLSTON › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 353 Cambridge St, Allston TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge
Cambridge, 3 Church St., Cambridge › free › decolonizeboston.org OCCUPY BOSTON’S QUEER TRANS DIRECT ACTION WORKING GROUP MEETING › Smash gender and sexuality based oppression › 6 pm › Boston Common, Charles St, Boston › free › occupyboston.org
sUNdAY 4
OCCUPY BOSTON CHALK WALK › Help spread messages around the city using sidewalk chalk. Meet up at Copley Square and move on from there. Follow @ChalkupyBoston for the most up-to-date info › 1 pm › Copley Square, Boylston + Dartmouth Sts, Boston › free › facebook.com/ChalkupyBoston FOOD SERVICE VOLUNTEERING WITH FOOD NOT BOMBS › See listing for Fri
MoNdAY 5
OCCUPY BOSTON RADIO WORKING GROUP MEETING › OB Radio needs help, ideas, producers, suggestions for show ideas and the music department. › 7 pm › Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave, Boston › free › 617.482.6300 or occupyboston.org
AN TUA NUA › 7:30 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 835 Beacon St, Boston COMMON GROUND › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston GREATEST BAR › 8 pm › “Friendly Feud” › 262 Friend St, Boston JOE SENT ME › 7:30 pm › “Stump!” › 2388 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge LIVING ROOM › 8 pm › Trivia Night › 101 Atlantic Ave, Boston SWEET CAROLINE’S RESTAURANT & BAR › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 1260 Boylston St, Boston SWEETWATER CAFÉ › 8 pm › “Medulla Oblongata” › 3 Boylston Place, Boston
BLARNEY STONE › 8 pm › “Think Tank Trivia” › 1505 Dorchester Avenue , Boston BRIGHTON BEER GARDEN › 8 pm › “Stump!” › 386 Market St, Brighton DRUID › 8 pm › Druid Trivia Night › 1357 Cambridge St, Cambridge JEANIE JOHNSTON PUB › 8:30 pm › “Stump!” › 144 South St, Jamaica Plain JOE SENT ME › 7:30 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 2388 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge KINSALE › 7 pm › “Stump!” › 2 Center Plaza, Boston PHOENIX LANDING › 7:30 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 512 Mass Ave, Cambridge ROSEBUD DINER › 9:30 pm › “Trivi-Oke: Trivia & Karaoke Night” › 381 Summer St, Somerville SPIRIT BAR › 8 pm › “Stump!” › 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge TAVERN IN THE SQUARE › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 161 Brighton Ave, Allston TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › 8 pm › “Stump!” › 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge TOMMY DOYLE’S KENDALL › 6:30 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge
COMMON GROUND › 8 pm › “Think Tank Trivia” › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston SPIRIT BAR › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” › 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge
RADICAL FILM NIGHT › 7 pm › Lucy Parsons Center, 358A Centre St, Jamaica Plain › free › 617.267.6272 or lucyparsons.org VOLUNTEER NIGHT AT BIKES NOT BOMBS › No RSVP or experience necessary to drop in. Assist BNB’s volunteer coordinator with packing bikes for the organization’s international programs, prepping bikes to be repurposed, sorting parts, and other tasks. Recurs every Wednesday evening. › 7 pm › Bikes Not Bombs, 284 Amory St, Ste 8, Jamaica Plain › free › bikesnotbombs.org
THE UNPEOPLES & THE ELECTIONS: A DEBRIEFING WITH NOAM CHOMSKY, VIJAY PRASHAD & VAL MOGHADAM › Noam Chomsky, Vijay Prashad and Val Moghadam come together for a globally-televised evening of conversation and reflection on the election results. Proceeds benefit encuentro 5. › 7:30 pm › Old South Church, 645 Boylston St, Boston › $15/person or $10 for low income/unemployed/students › 617.425.5159 or chomskyspeaks.org BOSTON FARE STRIKE COALITION MEETINGS › See listing for Thurs
the perfect end to an epic night out. brunch.
900 boylston at hynes â&#x20AC;˘ towneboston.com â&#x20AC;˘ 617.247.0400
Arts & Nightlife :: visuAl Art Battle lines
in 1948, Dor Guez’s GranDmother and her family fled their hometown of Jaffa in what is now Israel to escape the violence of what Israelis call their “War of Independence” and Palestinians call the “Catastrophe.” The Palestinian family sought safety in Lod, but when Israeli soldiers conquered it that July, the city’s Palestinian population was forced out. She and the man she would marry the following year were among a thousand Palestinians who stayed, at first confined to a fenced “ghetto” around St. George Church. That’s the wrenching backstory of Guez’s mother’s family — Christian, Palestinian, Israeli (Guez himself is also Jewish on his father’s side) — referenced by the Tel Aviv artist in “100 Steps to the Mediterranean” at Brandeis University’s Rose Art Museum. Co-curated by Gannit Ankori, Brandeis chair of Israeli art, and Dabney Hailey, Rose director of academic programs, the nine-work show is the Rose’s first significant loan exhibit since Brandeis leaders threatened to shut down the museum in 2009. Guez photographs overgrown ruins of Lod homes abandoned by Palestinians in ’48. He offers paired videos of a priest giving a sermon and a wall of icons inside St. George. He videos relatives describing their
lives. As Palestinian Christians, an uncle says, ”We are a minority within a minority. We are the weakest people in this region.” A cousin recounts being forced to adopt a less-Palestinian name or lose her job. The grandfather’s motto: “Be smart rather than right.” In Sabir, an unseen woman (Guez’s grandma) monologues, in subtitled Arabic and Hebrew, over video of a sun setting over an unidentified beach. She recalls her childhood house by the sea, war (“All of my friends went their separate ways; we were scattered”), a bomb thrown into her father’s shop, fear of Jews, fleeing to Lod (“They thought they’d return after a month”) only to have the Israeli army conquer it too, and her father, who “took ill and died. Our house is ruined now.” After 63 years in Lod, she notes, “I don’t dream much of home.” These are devastating stories, but Guez muffles their impact with rudimentary interviewing and filmmaking and by leaving vital information for curators to explain. For example, his church video does nothing to identify the building’s significance. Still, some find Guez’s subjects controversial, apparently unable accept the fact that folks on the losing side of wars get screwed. _G r e G Cook » GreGCookland .Com/journal
“Dor GuEz: 100 STEPS To ThE MEDITErranEan” :: rose art Museum, Brandeis :: 415 South St, Waltham :: Through December 9
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Dor Guez’s family matters
In 1471, Portuguese King Afonso V’s troops captured Asilah and Tangier in (today’s) Morocco. To commemorate his victories, the king commissioned sumptuous tapestries depicting the conquest in wool and silk woven 15 feet high and 35 feet long, a Renaissance version of a cast-of-thousands Hollywood spectacular. Afonso V’s conquests were an opening salvo in Europe’s age of exploration and exploitation, “one of the first outward movements of the Portuguese empire that 50 years later is all the way to China,” says curator Karina Corrigan of the Peabody Essex Museum, where the four recently conserved tapestries arrive in the exhibit “The Invention of Glory: Afonso V and the Pastrana “The Tapestries.” InvenTIon One textile of Glory” depicts a forest of ship Peabody Essex Museum, masts and East India lances as the Square, Salem Portuguese land at Asilah. Through December 31 You can pick out the king and his son from among the hundreds of soldiers surrounding the city by their gleaming armor. It turns bloody in the third tapestry when Portuguese swordsmen storm the city. In the fourth tapestry, North Africans abandon Tangier to the European army without a fight to avoid a similar fate. The tapestries trumpet Portuguese power and wealth, but you’ll get caught up in the details: monkeys perched in ships’ rigging, blood spilling down necks, tangerine trees, escaping civilians carrying away their curly-haired babies.
open studios
ROSLINDALE OPEN STUDIOS › Locations throughout Roslindale Village › roslindaleopenstudios.org › Sat-Sun 11 am-5 pm › Mediums represented include painting, drawing, jewelry, sculpture, ceramics, photography, and more SOUTH BOSTON OPEN STUDIOS › Locations throughout South Boston › roslindaleopenstudios.org › Sat-Sun noon-6 pm › Opportunity to tour dozens of studio spaces to view works in progress and finished pieces
ALBRIGHT ART › 978.369.7300 › 32 Main St, Concord › albrightartgallery.com › SunTues 10 am-6 pm; Wed-Sat 10 am-8 pm › Nov 7-Jan 6: “Give Art” ERIC CARLE MUSEUM OF PICTURE BOOK ART › 413.658.1100 › 125 West Bay Rd, Amherst › carlemuseum.org › Mon-Fri 10 am–4 pm; Sat 10 am–5 pm; Sun noon–5 pm › $7; $5 students › Nov 6-March 10: “Iconic Images: Ten Years of Collecting for The Carle” GALLERY AT THE PIANO FACTORY › 617.817.6600 › 791 Tremont St, Boston › galleryatthepianofactory.org › Fri 6-8 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Nov 2-25: Richard Inonog, Jason Baker, Justine M. Johnson, and Heather Noelle: “Aperture” › Reception Nov 2: 7-10 pm NEW ART CENTER › 617.964.3424 › 61 Washington Park, Newtonville › newartcenter.org › Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm; Sat 1-5 pm › Nov 2-Dec 7: “New Media › Fresh Paint II” › Sarah Pollman NEWBURY FINE ARTS › 617.536.0210 › 29 Newbury St, Boston › newburyfinearts.com › Nov 4-25: Tim Merrett: “clearHISTORY” ROLLY-MICHAUX GALLERY › 617.536.9898 › 290 Dartmouth St, Boston › rollymichaux.com › Tues-Sat 11 am-4:30 pm › Nov 5-Dec 29: Robert Castagna and Ksenia Mack: “A Soundtrack for Still Pictures: Lost Across America”
In “Girls In Between: Portraits of Identity” the Brookline artist Rania Matar photographs the bedrooms of teens in transition — here in Boston as well as in her native Lebanon. “They’re dealing with their body changing,” she says, “with becoming women, with how to react to at-large society, to who they are as people, and how to express that, and how do they fit in.” You have a last chance to catch Matar’s exhibit this weekend along with Nancy Grace Horton’s “Being 13,” both closing November 3 at the Photographic Resource Center.
Admission to the following galleries is free, unless otherwise noted. In addition to the hours listed here, many galleries are open by appointment. ABERJONA RIVER GALLERY › 781.729.1158 › 184 Swanton St, Winchester › griffinmuseum.org › Daily 11 am-5 pm › Through Dec 2: Robert Schwartz: “Gestures and Glances” ACME FINE ART › 617.585.9551 › 38 Newbury St, Boston › acmefineart.com › Tues-Sat 11 am-5:30 pm, and by appointment › Through Nov 3: “Director’s Choice 2012” AMERICAN ISLAMIC CONGRESS CENTER › 617.266.0080 › 38 Newbury St, Boston › aicongress.org › Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm; Sat noon-4 pm › Through Jan 15: “Bosnian Born” ARSENAL CENTER FOR THE ARTS › 617.923.0100 › 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › arsenalarts.org › Tues-Sun noon-6 pm › Through Nov 10: “30 Under 30” › Through Nov 10: Mimi Bernardin with Jesse Tripathi: “Baba’s Village: Glimpses of an Ancestral Home” ART MARKET PROVINCETOWN › 508.413.9090 › 148 Commercial St, Provincetown › artmarketprovincetown.com › Mon + Wed-Sun 10 am-9 pm › Through Nov 4: Susan Bernstein, Barbara Hadden, Chaya Kupperman, Marsha Lieberman, and Lisa Sette: “Outside Time” ATELIER GALLERY AT STONEHAM
THEATRE › 781.279.2200 › 395 Main St, Stoneham › stonehamtheatre.org/gallery.html › Through Nov 12: Greer Muldowney: “6426 per KM” BARBARA KRAKOW GALLERY › 617.262.4490 › 10 Newbury St, Boston › barbarakrakowgallery.com › Tues-Sat 10 am5:30 pm › Through Nov 24: Allan McCollum: “The Shapes Project: Perfect Couples” BOSTON ATHENÆUM › 617.227.0270 › 101/2 Beacon St, Boston › bostonathenaeum.org › Mon 9 am-8 pm; Tues-Fri 9 am-5:30 pm; Sat 9 am-4 pm › Through Jan 12: “Chromo-Mania! The Art of Chromolithograhy in Boston, 1840-1910” BRICKBOTTOM GALLERY › 617.776.3410 › 1 Fitchburg St, Somerville › brickbottomartists.com › Thurs-Sat noon–5 pm › Through Nov 18: “Brickbottom Open Studios Directory Exhibition” BROMFIELD GALLERY › 617.451.3605 › 450 Harrison Ave, Boston › bromfieldgallery. com › Wed-Sat noon-5 pm › Through Dec 1: Judy Riola: “Noisy Constellations” › Through Dec 1: Prilla Smith Brackett: “Promises to Keep: Monoprints” BROOKLINE ARTS CENTER › 617.566.5615 › 86 Monmouth St, Brookline › brooklineartscenter.com › Mon-Fri 9 am–4:30 pm › Through Nov 19: Gerald Shertzer: “Town and City” BSA SPACE › 617.391.4039 › Boston Society of Architects, 290 Congress St, Boston › bsaspace.org › Daily 10 am-6 pm › Through Dec 31: “City of Mirages: Baghdad, 1952–1982” CAC GALLERY › 617.349.4380 › 344
rania matar, Christilla
Broadway, Cambridge › cambridgema.gov/ cac › Mon + Wed 8:30 am-8 pm; Tues + Thurs 8:30 am-5 pm; Fri 8:30 am-noon › Through Nov 23: Halsey Burgund: “ROUND: Cambridge” CAMBRIDGE MULTICULTURAL ARTS CENTER › 617.577.1400 › 41 Second St, Cambridge › cmacusa.org › Mon-Fri 10:30 am-6 pm › Through Dec 14: Martin Karplus: “South and Central American Kodachromes of the 1960s” › Through Dec 26: Sylvia StaggGiuliano: “Transit of Venus” CARPENTER CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY › 617.495.3251 › 24 Quincy St, Cambridge › ves.fas.harvard.edu › Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun 1 pm-5 pm › Through Nov 4: Matt Saunders: “The movies that were secret remain secret somehow and a nation forgets its pleasures.” › Through Dec 20: Christian Boltanski: “6 Septembres” › Through Dec 20: “Parsis: The Zoroastrians of India” CHASE YOUNG GALLERY › 617.859.7222 › 450 Harrison Ave, Boston › chaseyounggallery.com › Tues-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-4 pm › Through Nov 30: Peter Hoffer: “Second Nature” COPLEY SOCIETY OF ART › 617.536.5049 › 158 Newbury St, Boston › copleysociety.org › Tues-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun noon-5 pm › Through Nov 8: Oana Lauric: “Reflective Radiance” DAVIS ART GALLERY › 508.752.5334 › 44 Portland St, Worcester › davisart.com › Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm › Through Jan 4: “The
Quest for Inner Peace: An Exploration of Asian Arts Through Western Eyes” 808 GALLERY › 617.358.0922 › 808 Comm Ave, Boston › bu.edu/cfa/visual-arts/galleries › Tues-Sun 1-5 pm › Through Dec 16: “On Sincerity” EXTENSION GALLERY AT ORCHARD/ ORCHARD SKATESHOP › 617.782.7777 › 156 Harvard Ave, Allston › orchardshop. com › Mon-Sat noon-9 pm; Sun noon-7 pm › Through Nov 19: “The Death of Childhood” GALLERY AT DANA HALL SCHOOL › › 45 Dana Rd, Wellesley › danahall.org/ arts/gallery › Mon-Tues + Thurs 9 am-3:30 pm; Wed + Fri 9 am-2 pm › Through Nov 20: Suzette Jones, G.A. Scattergood-Moore, Donna Dodson, and Andy Moerlein: “BIRDS of a Feather” GALLERY KAYAFAS › 617.482.0411 › 450 Harrison Ave, Boston › gallerykayafas.com › Tues-Sat 11 am–5:30 pm › Through Nov 24: Caleb Cole: “Odd One Out” and “Dolls” › Through Nov 24: Pelle Cass: “Strangers” GATEWAY GALLERY › 617.734.1577 › 62 Harvard St, Brookline › gatewayarts.org › Mon-Fri 9 am-4:30 pm; Sat noon-5 pm › Through Nov 10: “Text and Texture II” GRAND CIRCLE GALLERY › 617.346.6459 › 347 Congress St, Boston › gct.com/grandcirclegallery › Wed + Fri-Sat noon-6 pm; Thurs noon-7 pm › Through Nov 17: “Every Four Years” GRIFFIN MUSEUM BY DIGITAL SILVER IMAGING › 617.489.0035 › 4 Clarendon St, Boston › griffinmuseum.org › Tues-Wed + Fri 11 am- 6 pm; Thurs 11 am-7 pm; Sat noon- 5 pm › Through Nov 11: Venetia Dearden: “Undressed” HALEY HOUSE BAKERY CAFE › 617.445.0900 › 12 Dade St, Roxbury › haleyhouse.org › Mon-Wed + Fri 7:30 am-4 pm; Thurs 7:30 a m-9 pm; Sat 9 am-3 pm › Through Nov 30: Boston Day & Evening Academy: “Identity” HALLSPACE › 617.288.2255 › 950 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester › hallspace.org › Fri-Sat noon-5 pm › Through Nov 24: Richard Cutrona: “Political Lens” HARBORARTS OUTDOOR GALLERY › › 256 Marginal St, East Boston › harborarts.net › Open 24 hours › Through Dec 31: “Hazards of Modern Living” Public Art Installation KATHRYN SCHULTZ GALLERY › 617.876.0246 › 25 Lowell St, Cambridge › cambridgeart.org › Through Nov 2: Chuck Beisch, Lorraine Sullivan, Cheryl Jaffe, Patricia Berube, and Diane Nelson: “68th Members’ Prize Show” KINGSTON GALLERY › 617.423.4113 › 450 Harrison Ave, #43, Boston › kingstongallery. com › Wed-Sun noon-5 pm › Through Dec 2: Luanne E Witkowski: “Place” › Reception Nov 2: 5-7:30 pm LA GALERÍA AT VILLA VICTORIA CENTER FOR THE ARTS › 617.927.1717 › 85 West Newton St, Boston › villavictoriaarts. org/gallery.html › Thurs-Fri 3-6 pm; Sat 1-4 pm › Through Nov 10: “Concrete Illusions: Public and Private Spaces in Puerto Rico” MIT LIST VISUAL ARTS CENTER › 617.253.4860 › 20 Ames St, Cambridge › web. mit.edu/lvac › Daily noon-6 pm › Through Jan 6: “In the Holocene” MIT WOLK GALLERY › 617.253.7334 › 77 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Mon-Fri 9 am–5 pm › Through Dec 28: William Wurster: “Frames for Living” MUSEUM OF SCIENCE › 617.723.2500 › 1 Science Pk, Boston › mos.org › Sat-Thurs 9 am-5 pm; Fri 9 am-9 pm › Through March 3: “Shipwreck! Pirates & Treasure” NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY › 617.437.1868 › 537 Comm Ave, Boston › nesop.com › MonFri 9 am-5 pm › Through Nov 9: “Faculty Exhibition”
>> GallerIes on p 60
ThEPhoEnIX.coM/EvEnTS :: 11.02.12 59
Arts & Nightlife :: visuAl Art << GallerIes from p 59
OLD SCHWAMB MILL › 781.643.0554 › 17 Mill Ln, Arlington › oldschwambmill.org › Tues + Sat 11 am-3 pm › Through Nov 10: “Mosaics at the Mill: A Show of Mosaic Art” PHOTOGRAPHIC RESOURCE CENTER AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY › 617.975.0600 › 832 Comm Ave, Boston › bu.edu/prc › Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm; SatSun noon-4 pm › Through Nov 3: Nancy Grace Horton: “Being 13” › Through Nov 3: Rania Matar: “Girls in Between: Portraits of Identity” QUIDLEY AND COMPANY GALLERY › 617.450.4300 › 38 Newbury St, Boston › quidleyandco.com › Tues-Fri 10 am-6 pm; Sat 10 am-5 pm › Through Nov 25: “Urban Intersection” SANDRA AND DAVID BAKALAR GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN › 617.879.7333 › 621 Huntington Ave, Boston › Mon-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm › Through Dec 1: Zandra Rhodes: “A Lifelong Love Affair with Textiles” SCHOOL OF THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS › 617.267.6100 › 230 The Fenway, Boston › smfa.edu/gallery › Mon-Sat 10 am5 pm; Thurs 10 am-8 pm › Through Nov 3: “Something Along Those Lines” SOCIETY OF ARTS AND CRAFTS › 617.266.1810 › 175 Newbury St, Boston › societyofcrafts.org › Tues-Sat 10 am-6 pm › Through Nov 3: Wendy Maruyama: “Executive Order 9066” SPOKE GALLERY › 617.268.6700 › 110 K St, Boston › mwponline.org › Wed-Fri noon-5 pm › Through Nov 14: “Terrain” STATE TRANSPORTATION BUILDING › › 10 Park Pl, Boston › Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm › Through Nov 30: “100 Prints Celebrating 100 Years” STEPHEN D. PAINE GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN › 617.879.7333 › 621 Huntington Ave, Boston › Mon-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm › Through Dec 24: “Earth & Alchemy” TOWNE ART GALLERY AT WHEELOCK COLLEGE › 617.879.2219 › 180 the Riverway, Boston › wheelock.edu/art › Tues-Thurs 1-5 pm; Sat 2-5 pm › Through Nov 15: Barbara Milot: “Where You Are” › Through Nov 15: Elizabeth Kostojohn: “Hurt and Damage” TRUSTMAN ART GALLERY AT SIMMONS COLLEGE › 617.521.2268 › 300 the Fenway, Boston › simmons.edu/trustman › Mon-Fri 10 am-4:30 pm › Through Nov 8: Mary Dondero, Constanze Kirmse, Mary O’Malley, and Brenda Star: “Nature Vive and Nature Morte” TUFTS UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY AT THE AIDEKMAN ARTS CENTER › 617.627.3094 › 40 Talbot Ave, Medford › artgallery.tufts.edu › Wed-Sun noon-5 pm › Through Nov 18: “Global Flows” › Through Dec 16: Lucy+Jorge Orta: “Food-Water-Life” WOODRUFF’S ART CENTER › 508.477.5767 › 1 Market St, Mashpee › woodruffsartcenter.com › Mon-Sat 10 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm › Through Nov 6: “Fins, Feathers & Fur”
ADDISON GALLERY OF AMERICAN ART AT PHILLIPS ACADEMY › 978.749.4015 › 180 Main St, Andover › andover. edu/addison › Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 1-5 pm › Through Dec 30: “American Vanguards: Graham, Davis, Gorky, de Kooning, and Their Circle, 1927 – 1942” › Through Jan 13: “Pekupatikut Innuat Akunikana / Pictures Woke the People Up: An Innu Project with Wendy Ewald and Eric Gottesman” › Through
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Jan 13: “People, Places, Things: Symbols of American Culture” DANFORTH MUSEUM OF ART › 508.620.0050 › 123 Union Ave, Framingham › danforthmuseum.org › Wed-Thurs + Sun noon-5 pm; Fri-Sat 10 am-5 pm › Admission $11; $9 seniors; $8 students; free to youth under 17 › Through Nov 4: Catherine Kernan: “Caught in the Current” › Through Nov 4: “Cruel Sea: Law of the Fishes” › Through Nov 4: Elizabeth Awalt: “Cascade and Other Work” › Through Nov 4: Jand Lund: “Home Body” › Through Nov 4: Jane Goldman: “Tidal Pools” › Through Nov 4: “Picture This!” › Through Nov 4: “Selections from the Permanent Collection” › Through Nov 4: Susan Heideman: “Proteanna” › Through Nov 4: Thaddeus Beal, Ilana Manolson, Adrienne Der Marderosian, and Rhonda Smith: “Fragile Navigation” DAVIS MUSEUM AT WELLESLEY COLLEGE › 781.283.3382 › 106 Central St, Wellesley › davismuseum.wellesley.edu › Tues-Sat 11 am-5 pm; Wed 11 am-8 pm; Sun noon-4 pm › Free admission › Through Dec 16: “A Generous Medium: Photography at Wellesley, 1972-2012” DECORDOVA SCULPTURE PARK AND MUSEUM › 781.259.8355 › 51 Sandy Pond Rd, Lincoln › decordova.org › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm › Admission $14; $12 seniors; $10 students and youth ages 13 and up; free to children under 12 › Through Dec 30: Jean Shin and Brian Ripel: “Retreat” › Through Dec 30: Julianne Swartz: “How Deep Is Your” › Through April 21: “Second Nature: Abstract Photography Then and Now” FITCHBURG ART MUSEUM › 978.345.4207 › 185 Elm St, Fitchburg › fitchburgartmuseum.org › Wed-Fri noon-4 pm; Sat-Sun 11 am-5 pm › Admission $9; $5 students and seniors › Through Dec 20: “American Scenery: Different Views in Hudson River School Painting” › Through Dec 20: “Different Views: Landscape Photographs from the Museum’s Collections” › Through Dec 20: “Face to Face: Works from the Collection in Dialogue” › Through Dec 20: “The Director’s Favorites” FULLER CRAFT MUSEUM ›
60 11.02.12 :: ThEPhoEnIX.coM/EvEnTS
508.588.6000 › 455 Oak St, Brockton › fullermuseum.org › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; Wed 10 am-9 pm › Admission $8; $5 students, seniors; free for members and children under 12, and for all Wed 5-9 pm › Through Nov 4: “A Taste for Spoons from the Collection of Nora and Norman Stevens” › Through Jan 20: Cyndy Barbone, Deborah Frazee Carlson, Fuyuko Matsubara, and Bhakti Ziek: “Grand Tales of the Loom: Four Master Weavers” › Through Feb 10: “2012 Biennial Members Exhibition” › Through Feb 24: Chris Gustin: “Masterworks in Clay” GRIFFIN MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY › 781.729.1158 › 67 Shore Rd, Winchester › griffinmuseum.org › TuesThurs 11 am-5 pm; Fri 11 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun noon-4 pm › Admission $5; $2 seniors; free for children and students; free for all on Thurs › Through Dec 2: Jess T. Dugan: “Transcendence” › Through Dec 2: Lynn Goldsmith: “The Looking Glass” › Through Dec 2: Rita Bernstein: “Undertow” INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART › 617.478.3100 › 100 Northern Ave, Boston › icaboston.org › Tues-Wed + Sat-Sun 10 am–5 pm; Thurs-Fri 10 am–9 pm › Admission $15; $10 students, seniors; free for ages under 17; free after 5 pm on Thurs › Through Nov 25: Dianna Molzan › Through Nov 25: Os Gêmeos ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM › 617.566.1401 › 280 the Fenway, Boston › gardnermuseum.org › Wed-Mon 11 am-5 pm › Admission $15; $12 seniors; $5 students with ID; free for ages under 18 › Through Jan 7: “The Great Bare Mat & Constellation” MASSACHUSETTS MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART › 413.662.2111 › 87 Marshall St, North Adams › massmoca. org › Wed-Mon 11 am–5 pm › Admission $15; $11 students; $5 ages 6-16; free for ages 5 and under › Through Nov 4: Michael Oatman: “All Utopias Fell” › Through Nov 5: Anna Betbeze › Through Jan 2: “Making Room: The Space Between Two and Three Dimensions” › Through Feb 4: “Invisible Cities” › Through April 1: “Oh, Canada” MCMULLEN MUSEUM OF ART AT
BOSTON COLLEGE › 617.552.8100 › 140 Comm Ave, Chestnut Hill › bc.edu/artmuseum › Mon-Fri 11 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Free admission › Through Dec 9: Paul Klee: “Philosophical Vision; From Nature to Art” MIT MUSEUM › 617.253.4444 › 265 Mass Ave, Cambridge › web.mit.edu/museum › Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Through Dec 31: Berenice Abbott: “Photography and Science: An Essential Unity” › Through March 31: “Rivers of Ice: Vanishing Glaciers of the Greater Himalaya” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS › 617.267.9300 › 465 Huntington Ave, Boston › mfa.org › MonTues + Sat-Sun 10 am-4:45 pm; Wed-Fri 10 am-9:45 pm › Admission $22; $20 students, seniors; free for ages 7-17 and under during non-school hours [otherwise $10]; free for ages 6 and under › Through Dec 31: Edward Weston: “Leaves of Grass” › Through Dec 31: “Mario Testino: In Your Face And British Royal Portraits” › Through Dec 31: “The Allure of Japan” › Through Jan 6: Ori Gersht: “History Repeating” › Through Feb 18: “Cats to Crickets: Pets in Japan’s Floating World” › Through July 7: “Art of the White Mountains” › Through June 1: “Jewels, Gems, and Treasures: Ancient to Modern” NATIONAL CENTER OF AFROAMERICAN ARTISTS › 617.442.8614 › 300 Walnut Ave, Boston › ncaaa.org › Admission $4; $3 seniors, students › Through Jan 13: “Jamaican Artists: Celebrating 50 years of Independence” PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM › 978.745.9500 › 161 Essex St, Salem › pem.org › Tues-Sun and Mon holidays 10 am-5 pm › Admission $15; $13 seniors; $11 students; free for ages 16 and under › Through Dec 31: “The Invention of Glory: Afonso V and the Pastrana Tapestries” › Through Jan 31: “Auspicious Wishes and Natural Beauty in Korean Art” › Through Jan 31: “Fish, Silk, Tea, Bamboo: Cultivating an Image of China” › Through Jan 31: “Of Gods and Mortals, Traditional Art from India” › Through Jan 31: “Perfect Imbalance, Exploring Chinese Aesthetics” › Through Feb 3: “FreePort [No. 004]: Peter Hutton” › Through Feb 3: “Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones” › Through May 27: “FreePort [No. 005]: Michael Lin” › Through May 27: “Natural Histories: Photographs by Barbara Bosworth” RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN MUSEUM OF ART › 401.454.6500 › 224 Benefit St, Providence, RI › risdmuseum. org › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; third Thurs per month until 9 pm › Admission $10; $7 seniors; $3 college students and youth ages 5-18; free every Sun 10 am–1 pm, the third Thurs of each month 5-9 pm, and the last Sat of the month › Through Nov 4: Wendy Richmond: “Navigating the Personal Bubble” › Through Nov 11: “Designing Traditions Biennial: Student Explorations in the Asian Textile Collection” › Through Dec 2: “The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Rhode Island” › Through Jan 13: “America in View: Landscape Photography 1865 to Now” › Through Feb 24: “Everyday Things: Contemporary Works from the Collection” ROSE ART MUSEUM AT BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY › 781.736.3434 › 415 South St, Waltham › brandeis.edu/rose › Tues-Sun noon-5 pm › Admission $3 › Through Dec 9: Dor Guez: “100 Steps to the Mediterranean” WORCESTER ART MUSEUM › 508.799.4406 › 55 Salisbury St, Worcester › worcesterart.org › Wed-Fri + Sun 11 am-5 pm; Sat 10 am-5 pm; Third Thursday 11 am-8 pm › Admission $14, $12 for seniors and students. Free for youth 17 and under and for all on first Sat of the month, 10 am-noon › Through Nov 30: “Pilgrimage to Hokusai’s Waterfalls” › Through Dec 2: “20th Century American Drawings” › Through Feb 3: “Kennedy to Kent State: Images of a Generation”
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MUERTOS Celebration
FRIDAY NOV. 9 7–9PM TICKETS: $15/$13 (Senior or Student) MULTICULTURAL ARTS CENTER 41 2ND ST. CAMBRIDGE 617-577-1400
Xuchipilli Danza Y Cultura Mexican Dance
Mariachi Multicultural de America Mariachi Music Plus: Dancing Chickens of Ventura Fabian
Oaxacan Wood-Carving
Calavera Body Art & Face Painting
Mexican Food, Beer and Wine, Beverages For Sale
Arts & Nightlife :: BOOKs
book events
McGovern, right, with running mate Thomas eagleton
The oTher side of The McGovern leGacy GeorGe McGovern’s death on October 21 has inspired remembrances of his status as a longtime liberal champion, but also his losing 1972 presidential campaign. For the nostalgic (or pre-conscious) McGovernite in us all, we have Joshua M. Glasser’s The Eighteen-Day Running Mate: McGovern, Eagleton, and a Campaign in Crisis. It’s a downto-the-minute run-through of McGovern’s pick and subsequent firing of Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton as his running mate after Eagleton’s history of mental illness and electroshock therapy were revealed. Now, of course, we remember that election as a historic landslide and the year of the Watergate breakin. At the time of McGovern’s pick, he was still the inspirational liberal leader who’d beaten out an establishment candidate to take the Democratic nomination. Sound familiar? There’s an air of familiarity to much of what Glasser recounts here. McGovern’s campaign for the nomination achieves victory in part because they enlist “hordes of young and dedicated volunteers” (including young Bill Clinton and his girlfriend Hillary Rod-
ham). Later, McGovern’s establishment opponent, Ed Muskie, tears up — or maybe doesn’t tear up — in New Hampshire. There’s more, but Glasser doesn’t dwell on these moments, nor does he make overt the sense of déjà vu they might inspire. Instead, he’s more interested in the ways the two disparate camps behind McGovern and Eagleton failed to communicate and work together to manage the issue. In a campaign that had made its name with honesty, McGovern’s growing sense that he needed to make a political decision was hamstrung by his early comment that he was “a thousand percent” behind Eagleton. For such a detail-filled book, Glasser keeps the tone lively, though there are times when it starts to feel like every conversation between every set of staffers is being recounted. Still, it stands as a fascinating window into the ways in which one moment (“a thousand percent,” “no new taxes,” “binders full of women”) can define a campaign, and Glasser does an admirable job of ensuring that neither McGovern nor Eagleton emerges as the villain. _Lis a We ide n fe L d
THE EIGHTEEN-DAY RUNNING MATE: McGOVERN, EAGLETON, AND A cAMPAIGN IN cRISIS :: By Joshua M. Glasser :: Yale University Press :: 392 pages :: $26
62 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOM/ARTS
THOMAS CIRIGNANO, ERIC SASSON, AND CAROLYN ZAIKOWSKI › The Constant Outsider, Margins of Tolerance, & A Child Is Being Killed readings › 8 pm › Out of the Blue Gallery, 106 Prospect St, Cambridge › 617.354.5287 or outoftheblueartgallery.com DENNIS LEHANE, DAVID RYAN, CHUCK HOGAN, AND LINDA BARNES › Boston Noir 2: The Classics readings › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or brooklinebooksmith.com LOUIS P. MASUR › Lincoln’s Hundred Days: The Emancipation Proclamation and the War for the Union reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard.com SHELDON STERN › The Cuban Missile Crisis in American Memory: Myths versus Reality reading › 3 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard.com
LISE FRIEDMAN AND MARY DOWDLE › Becoming a Ballerina: A Nutcracker Story reading › 1 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or portersquarebooks.com DIANA NORMA SZOKOLYAI AND THE JEREMY QUICK TRIO › Parallel Sparrows reading and musical performance › 7 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $5-$10 › 617.876.0860 or zeitgeist-outpost.org “WORD-N-RHYTHM” › BBQ, open mic poetry, and live music › Out of the Blue Gallery, 106 Prospect St, Cambridge › $5 donation › 617.354.5287 or outoftheblueartgallery.com
sUnDAY 4
“LIZARD LOUNGE POETRY NIGHT: MARC MARCEL” › With music by the Jeff Robinson Trio › 8 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $5 › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub.com
MonDAY 5
40TH YEAR OF BLACKSMITH HOUSE POETRY SERIES › With Robert Pinsky, Gail Mazur, David Ferry and a wealth of other poets › 8 pm › Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 42 Brattle St, Cambridge › $3 › 617.547.6789 or ccae.org BOSTON NOIR 2: THE CLASSICS › Reading with the contributors › 7 pm › Har-
ROBERT PINSKY reads as part of the Blacksmith House 40th anniversary celebration. vard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard.com CAROL MOLDAW AND RODNEY WITTWER › So Late, So Soon: New and Selected Poems and Gone & Gone readings › 8 pm › Blacksmith House at Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 56 Brattle St, Cambridge › $3 › 617.547.6789 or ccae.org CATHERYNNE M. VALENTE › The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or brooklinebooksmith.com
WeDnesDAY 7
“A TRIBUTE TO OUR CANINE FRIENDS” › With Alison Pace & Ken Foster › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or brooklinebooksmith.com MARK CHESTER › Twosomes viewing and discussion › 7 pm › BU Barnes & Noble, 660 Beacon St, Boston › Free › 617.267.8484 or bu.bkstore.com NOAM CHOMSKY AND BARBARA LUBIN › A Child’s View of Gaza reading and discussion › 7 pm › First Parish Church of Cambridge, 3 Church St., Cambridge › Free › harvard.com “HARVARD LAMPOON - BORED OF THE RINGS” › 7 pm › Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.489.0519 or harvard.bkstore.com BARBARA SHAPIRO › The Art Forger reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or portersquarebooks.com
DANIEL KLEIN › Travels With Epicurus: A Journey to a Greek Island in Search of a Fulfilled Life reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or brooklinebooksmith.com MATTEA KRAMER › A People’s Guide to the Federal Budget reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or portersquarebooks.com TEHILA LIEBERMAN AND PETER BROWN › Venus in the Afternoon and A Bright Soothing Noise readings › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard.com JAMES REDFEARN › The Rising at Roxbury Crossing reading › 6 pm › Parker Hill Branch Library, 1497 Tremont St, Boston › Free › 617.427.3820
McGovern photo: BettMann/corBis/ap iMaGes
MICHELLE COVE › I Love Mondays reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or brooklinebooksmith.com THAISA FRANK & JULIAN TEPPER › Balls and Enchantment readings › 7 pm › Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.489.0519 or harvard.bkstore.com WILLIAM KUHN › Mrs. Queen Takes the Train reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or portersquarebooks.com JULIA MOSKIN AND KIM SEVERSON › Cook Fight discussion › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard.com
Arts & Nightlife :: clAssicAl & DANce
Ryan Casey and LoRRaine Chapman: Looking up, Looking baCk Lexington native Ryan p. Casey makes audiences look way, way up: at 6’ 9”, this fresh-faced 21-year-old senior at NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study has already appeared on So You Think You Can Dance, and performed with tap innovator Michelle Dorrance. Transitions is Casey’s first full-length show, combining poetry, vaudeville, and tap works set to an eclectic mix including Dave Brubeck, Randy Newman, and the theme song to The Office. He also doffs a top hat to Fred Astaire’s “Shadow Dance” from Swing Time. “I grew up with rhythm,” Casey says. “When I was 11, my teacher Thelma Goldberg introduced me to Billy Siegenfeld’s jump-rhythm technique. It was less countor step-oriented; the rhythm tells you what the steps are. You are scatting like a jazz singer. I had a blast. It’s still the cornerstone of how I dance and teach.” Taking tap into the realm of the autobiographical, Casey’s tap-and-poetry mashups My Manhattan and The Tall & Short of It address overcoming his selfconsciousness about his height and discovering his true talents. “If you don’t want to put on some tap shoes after a tap show,” he warns, “I’ve done something wrong.”
Lorraine Chapman is making her own transition, revisiting her past works in two special weekend retrospectives that celebrate the 10th anniversary of Lorraine Chapman the Company (LCTC). Reviewing DVDs and editing the works, changing the size and personnel of her casts, and seeing the works in new circumstances has given them, she feels, a refreshed perspective. “It’s nice to have these dances alive again. In Boston, we don’t [often] get to do that. We do a show and it’s done, and we move on to the next one and hardly ever put together shows that have a real repertory feeling.” A former dancer with Eliot Feld Ballets/NY and Ballet British Columbia, Chapman is an eloquent performer. In addition to appearing in her own works with her ensemble, she’ll perform several solos by others: Marcus Schulkind’s 2003 Let Bygones Be, David Parker’s Madame Sherry, and the premiere of a new solo by Diane Arvanites. In a savvy marketing offer, audiences can return for a second performance in this anniversary series at half price.
_D ebra Cash
_De br a Cash
Ryan Casey in TRansiTions: an evening of Tap DanCe :: [preview] november 3 @ 7:30 pm :: Munroe Center for the arts, 1403 Mass ave, Lexington :: free :: [full show] november 4 @ 4 pm:: Marblehead Little Theatre, 12 school st, Marblehead :: $25 :: ryanpcasey.com LoRRaine ChapMan The CoMpany :: program a november 2-3; program B november 4; program C november 9-10; program D november 11 :: $15-$25 ::green street studios, 185 green st, Cambridge› 617.864.3191 or lorrainechapman.org
64 11.02.12 :: ThephoeniX.CoM/aRTs
Almost every dance by Jorma Elo opens with men rushing from the wings and erupting in big, climactic leaps. Awake Only begins with a boy (the sober Liam Lurker) commanding adults like Sendak’s Max, taking the buoyant and mischievous Jeffrey Cirio by the hand, and tickling his knees into motion. Then the men arrive, and the jetes commence as per usual. Awake Only slathers Bach themes with fidgeting. Sabi Varga partners Lia Cirio (in soft slippers), a sextet of women in pointe shoes appear, Kathleen Breen Combes (also on pointe) dances an “are you a dream” duet with Jeffrey, walking herself into his arms. The formidable Combes manages to give Elo’s oddities a romantic subtext. The women’s hot pink costumes by Charles Heightchew vibrate against the saturated pastels of John Cuff’s lighting, but Elo mistakes fussiness for invention. bOsTON Rooster, baLLeT FaLL Christopher PrOGraM Bruce’s dateopera house, night Rolling 539 Washington Stones ballet st, Boston :: Through gets a munovember 4 zaky reprise. The knee$29-$137 :: knocking, 617.695.6955 or bostonballet.org neck-poking strut is suitably Mick by way of the barnyard, and Whitney Jensen is liquid self-absorption in “Ruby Tuesday” while John Lam hits it out of the park with his amped-up liberty. William Forsythe’s The Second Detail is a marvel of resolve, contrapuntal fireworks made of extreme ballet technique. Lorna Feijoo’s solo wrapped in crumpled paper reads as West Africa by way of the Bauhaus.
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boston baLLet: faLLing AwAke
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY JUANJO MENA › Saariaho’s Circle Map for orchestra and electronics; Britten’s Violin Concerto, with Gil Shaham; Dvorák’s Symphony No. 7 › Thurs + Sat + Tues 8 pm; Fri 1:30 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $30-$114 › 888.266.1200 or bso.org CALLITHUMPIAN CONSORT › Cage’s Postcard from Heaven and Cheap Imitation; Feldman’s Two Pieces for clarinet and string quartet; Nono’s “Hay que caminar” soñando › 7 pm › Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 280 the Fenway, Boston › $27; $24 seniors; $12 students › 617.566.1401 or gardnermuseum.org
BOSTON CONSERVATORY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY BRUCE HANGEN › Overture to Barber’s The School for Scandal; Brahms’s Symphony No. 3; Vaughan Williams’s Symphony No. 9 › 2 pm › Sanders Theatre, 45 Quincy St, Cambridge › $15 › 617.492.2222 or bostonconservatory.edu MIDORI AND ÖZGÜR AYDIN › Beethoven’s Sonata No. 2 in A, Op. 12, No. 2; Webern’s Four Pieces, Op. 7; Beethoven’s Sonata No. 6 in A, Op. 30, No. 1; Crumb’s Four Nocturnes [Night Music II]; Beethoven’s Sonata No. 9 in A, Op. 47 [Kreutzer] › 3 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $30-$95 › 888.266.1200 or celebrityseries.org BOSTON LYRIC OPERA CONDUCTED BY ANDREW BISANTZ › See listing for Fri BOSTON OPERA COLLABORATIVE › See listing for Fri CHAMELEON ARTS ENSEMBLE › See listing for Sat
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY GIANCARLO GUERRERO › Sierra’s Fandangos for orchestra; Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1; Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 5 › 8 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $30-$114 › 888.266.1200 or bso.org
BOSTON BALLET › “Fall Program,” BOSTON EARLY MUSIC FESTIVAL featuring a world premiere by Jorma Elo, › Selection of works by Dowland, Gibbons, Christopher Bruce’s Rooster [Rolling Stones], Cabezón, Philidor, Scheidt, Rossi, and more, and William Forsythe’s The Second Detail with treble violist Jordi Savall › 8 pm › Jordan [Thom Willems] › Thurs-Sat 7:30 Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › $19pm; Sun 1 pm › Opera House, $100 › 617.585.1260 or bemf.org 539 Washington St, Boston › BOSTON LYRIC OPERA $29-$137 › 617.259.3400 or CONDUCTED BY ANDREW for mor e classica bostonballet.org BISANTZ › Puccini’s Madama l & dance BOSTON CONSERVATORY listings, Butterfly, with Yunah Lee [Ciogo to thephoen DANCE DIVISION › Bill T. Cio San] and Kelley O’Connor ix.com/ Jones’s D-Man in the Waters; events [Suzuki] › Fri + Wed 7:30 pm; Sun Twyla Tharp’s Eight Jelly Rolls; 3 pm › Citi Performing Arts Center, Selection of works by Larry 270 Tremont Street, Boston › $30Keigwin, Gianni Di Marco, and $150 › 617.482.9393 or blo.org Colleen Thomas › Thurs-Fri 8 pm; Sat BOSTON OPERA 2 + 8 pm; Sun 2 pm › Boston Conservatory COLLABORATIVE › Selections of Theater, 31 Hemenway St, Boston › $25-$30 › scenes and arias from Carmen, Peter Grimes, 617.536.6340 or bostonconservatory.edu Don Pasquale, and a preview of Jake Heggie’s URBANITY DANCE › Betsi Graves’s Dead Man Walking › Fri + Sun 8 pm › Oberon, Within the Lines › Thurs + Sat-Sun 7 + 7:20 2 Arrow St, Cambridge › $25 › 866.811.4111 or + 7:40 + 8 pm › Red Fez, 1222 Washington bostonoperacollaborative.org Street, Boston › $24 › 617.572.3727 or BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA brownpapertickets.com CONDUCTED BY JUANJO MENA › See listing for Thurs
BOSTON: East Coast Alpine, Ticketmaster and Berklee Performance Center box office (berkleebpc.com, 617.747.2261) SOMERVILLE: East Coast Alpine and Somerville Theatre box office (somervilletheatreonline.com) WORCESTER: Strandʼs and The Hanover Theatre box office (thehanovertheatre.org, 877.571.SHOW) BEVERLY: East Coast Alpine, Ticketfly.com and the Endicott College Auditorium box office night of show
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FAYE DRISCOLL AND JESSE ZARITT › Driscoll’s You’re Me › Fri-Sat 7:30 pm › Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave, Boston › $20; $10 students › 617.478.3103 or icaboston.org LORRAINE CHAPMAN THE COMPANY › “10th Anniversary Showcase” › Fri-Sat 8 pm; Sun 4 pm › Green Street Studios, 185 Green St, Cambridge › $25; $15 students, seniors › 617.864.3191 or lorrainechapman.org BOSTON BALLET › See listing for Thurs BOSTON CONSERVATORY DANCE DIVISION › See listing for Thurs
BOSTON BALLET › See listing for Thurs BOSTON CONSERVATORY DANCE DIVISION › See listing for Thurs FAYE DRISCOLL AND JESSE ZARITT › See listing for Fri LORRAINE CHAPMAN THE COMPANY › See listing for Fri URBANITY DANCE › See listing for Thurs
BOSTON BALLET › See listing for Thurs BOSTON CONSERVATORY DANCE DIVISION › See listing for Thurs LORRAINE CHAPMAN THE COMPANY › See listing for Fri URBANITY DANCE › See listing for Thurs
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ThephoeniX.CoM/evenTs :: 11.02.12 65
Arts & Nightlife :: theAter
play by play
Compiled by maddy myers
Predators in Purgatory rajiv josePh’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo (at the BCA Black Box through November 17) proves even more skin-crawling than most Halloween fare. Company One has fittingly opened it in late October in an all-around impressive production under Shawn LaCount’s skilled direction. The 2008 play, inspired by a true story about two soldiers guarding a zoo in Baghdad during the early stages of the Iraq War, follows the vengeful ghost of a Bengal tiger through the city’s war-torn streets. Rick Park stars as the philosophical tiger, endowed, since his death, with the knowledge of all of life’s mysteries, and feeling semi-remorseful about the children he enjoyed eating while alive. Park has grown his beard out in a style reminiscent of Saddam Hussein’s scraggly later days, which adds spookiness to his supposed repentance. The tiger spends much of the play talking to a non-responsive God about why his spirit lingers and how he could be forgiven, since he was “created” to be a predator. How, indeed? The only person who can hear the tiger’s speechifying is Kev (Michael Knowlton), the soldier who shot down the beast after it ate the hand of another soldier, Tom (Raymond Ramirez). Kev sees the tiger’s ghost while raiding an Iraqi home and spirals into a full-blown panic attack. The matriarch
of the house (Salma Milia) angrily flings blankets at the suddenly ineffectual and wailing soldier, who then finds himself in a hospital bed, on suicide watch. No one else can see his tiger-ghost . . . but as the story progresses, the line between the ghostly and the corporeal blurs, and Joseph makes it clear that his play’s ghosts are quite real. The tiger is not the only unforgiveable predator walking through Baghdad; Mason Sand plays Uday Hussein, son of Saddam, whose real-life predilection for gold-plated weaponry earns him some King Midas comparisons here. His onetime gardener, Musa (Michael Dwan Singh), has become a translator for American soldiers since the death of his employer, but Musa cannot escape Uday’s ghost — or the ghost of Musa’s sister Hadia (Hallie Friedman), who died at Uday’s hand. No one can escape any ghost in this story; neither can the ghosts escape themselves, as they linger in Baghdad with no hope for liberation from their reflections. This particular ghost story shares more with Sartre’s No Exit than with Shakespeare’s Macbeth, leaving you with existential questions rather than a tidy triumph. But so, too, has America left ghosts and loose ends behind in Iraq, as Joseph’s tale reminds us.
_Madd y Myers » MMyers@phx.coM
BENGAL TIGER AT THE BAGHDAD ZOO :: Boston Center for the Arts Plaza Theatre, 539 Tremont St, Boston :: Through November 17 :: $15-$38 :: 617.933.8600 or companyone.org
66 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COm/ARTS
CHiCaGo › Walter Bobbie directs the Broadway tour of Fred Ebb & Bob Fosse’s Tonyaward winning musical with music by John Kander and lyrics by Ebb. Supermodel Christie Brinkley stars as Roxie Hart, a Prohibition-era murderess determined to use her looks and charm to dupe the media and the jury into believing in her innocence. John O’Hurley costars as Billy Flynn, the slickest criminal lawyer in town. › November 1-4 › Citi Performing Arts Center, 270 Tremont St, Boston › $48.75$128.75 › 866.348.9738 or citicenter.org NeCessary TarGeTs › Andrea Southwick helms Eve Ensler’s drama about a female psychiatrist and writer who travels to Bosnia to help women refugees. The piece, staged by Boston Conservatory, takes inspiration from interviews conducted by the playwright with women who survived the civil war in the former Yugoslavia. › November 8-11 › Zack Box, 8 the Fenway, Boston › Free › 617.912.9222 or bostonconservatory.edu THe sUssmaN VariaTioNs › Boston Playwrights’ Theatre presents Richard Schotter’s drama about a family of musicians; Charlie Sussman, aging musical theater composer, hopes to celebrate his birthday with his two daughters, a pianist and a cellist. But his family has trouble getting along as harmoniously as Sussman hoped. › November 1-18 › Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, 949 Comm Ave, Boston › $30; $25 seniors; $10 students › 617.353.5443 or bu.edu/bpt Tales From oVid › ArtsEmerson reprises the Whistler in the Dark Theatre staging of Ted Hughes’s translation of 24 selections from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, which they first staged in 2010. Director Meg Taintor returns to helm the production once more; the cast of five will take to the air using aerial silks and divide over 30 characters between them. › November 8-18 › Paramount Theatre, 559 Washington St, Boston › $25-$49 › 617.824.8000 or artsemerson.org ToVariCH › Members of the Maxim Gorky Drama State Theater, on an international tour from Russia, present this play by Jacques Deval which was later adapted into a film and a Broadway musical. Efim Zvenyatsky directs this US premiere of the original play. › November 13 › John Hancock Hall, 180 Berkeley Street, Boston › $35 › 781.593.1405 or intlconcerts.org
aNNe oF GreeN Gables › Wheelock Family Theatre stages Donald Harron & Norman Campbell’s musical theater adaptation of the popular book by Lucy Maud Montgomery about a talkative, plucky orphan girl with a big imagination that results in both great opportunities and hilarious missteps. Jane Staab directs, with Robert Rucinski on musical direction. › Through November 18 › Wheelock Family Theatre, 200 the Riverway, Boston › $20-$30 › 617.879.2147 or wheelockfamilytheatre.org bloody bloody aNdreW JaCKsoN › Paul Melone directs Alex Timbers and Michael Friedman’s emo-rock musical about our seventh president for SpeakEasy Stage. The show makes liberal use of anachronisms and humor as it follows Jackson’s humble Tennessee beginnings to his later triumphs in politics. › Through November 17 › Roberts Studio Theatre at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $25 › 617.426.5000 or speakeasystage.com
bye bye liVer: THe bosToN driNKiNG play › Hennessy’s hosts the Boston chapter of Bye Bye Liver, a show about drinking culture, from wine snobs to wildly fun (and occasionally terrifying) booze parties. The performance also incorporates audience interaction with social games like “Would You Rather” and “Never Have I Ever.” › Indefinitely › Hennessy’s, 25 Union St, Boston › $20 › 866.811.4111 or ByeByeLiver.com THe CHoseN › Aaron Posner and Chaim Potok, authors of the play My Name is Asher Lev, have adapted another of Potok’s novels for the stage. Daniel Gidron directs the Lyric Stage production of this coming-of-age story about two boys living in 1940s Brooklyn who become friends despite their different cultural backgrounds. › October 19–November 17 › Lyric Stage Company of Boston, 140 Clarendon Street, Boston › $27-$58 › 617.437.7172 or lyricstage.com THe deaTH oF TiNTaGiles › Imaginary Beasts stages Matthew McMahan’s new translation of Maurice Maeterlinck’s dark story of fate, intrigue, and murder in a royal palace, intended to be staged with marionettes. Matthew Woods directs. › Through November 17 › Boston Center for the Arts Plaza Theatre, 539 Tremont Street, Boston › $20; $15 students, seniors › 617.933.8600 or imaginarybeasts.org THe diary oF aNNe FraNK › Roxbury Repertory Theater stages Wendy Kesselman’s adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary, which chronicles her experience growing up in hiding during the Nazi occupation of Holland. Marshall Hughes directs. › Through November 3 › Roxbury Community College, 1234 Columbus Ave, Boston › $10; $5 students, seniors › 617.427.0060 or rccmainstage.com doUble iNdemNiTy › Weylin Symes directs David Pichette & R. Hamilton Wright’s theatrical adaptation of the 1944 film that kickstarted the noir genre, including tropes like the femme fatale and a scam that goes wrong. This adaptation borrows from the screenplay by Billy Wilder and Raymond Chandler, and the original novel by James M. Cain. › October 18–November 4 › Stoneham Theatre, 395 Main St, Stoneham › $44-$48 › 781.279.2200 or stonehamtheatre.org THe eFFeCT oF Gamma rays oN maN-iN-THe-mooN mariGolds › Jim Petosa directs the Boston Center for American Performance staging of Paul Zindel’s 1964 play about a single mother and her two daughters. Paula Langton stars as Beatrice, an emotionally manipulative mother of two daughters, both of whom hope to grow into strong women in spite of their mother’s dysfunction and all-consuming selfishness. › Through November 18 › LaneComley Studio 210, 264 Huntington Ave, Boston › $20 › 617.933.8600 or bu.edu 44 plays For 44 presideNTs › Bad Habit Productions stages Andy Bayiates, Sean Benjamin, Genevra Gallo-Bayiates, Chloe Johnston, and Karen Weinberg’s chronological, biographical survey of our country’s 44 presidents. Jeffrey Mosser directs. › Through November 11 › Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $18 › 617.933.8600 or badhabitproductions.org GUys aNd dolls › Mark Martino directs this North Shore Music Theatre production of Jo Swerling, Abe Burrows, and Frank Loesser’s 1950s Tony-award winning musical based on two short stories by Damon Runyon. Michael Lichtefeld choreographs. The story follows Nathan Detroit, the organizer of “the oldest established permanent floating crap game in New York.” When Nathan runs out of places to host his game, he makes a bet with high-roller Sky Masterson to win a security deposit to pay off the Biltmore Hotel. Sky’s end of the bargain requires him to win a date with pious missionary Sarah Brown, but this proves troublesome. Meanwhile,
Nathan’s fiancée Adelaide knows nothing of his gambling career and has begun to grow suspicious. › Through November 11 › North Shore Music Theatre, 62 Dunham Rd, Beverly › $45-$60 › 978.232.7200 or nsmt.org maCbeTH › Paula Plum helms Shakespeare’s Scottish play, starring Actors’ Shakespeare Project members Allyn Burrows, Mara Sidmore, Sarah Newhouse, and Richard Snee. › Through November 4 › Chevalier Theatre, 30 Forest Street, Medford › $28-$50 › 866.811.4111 or actorsshakespeareproject.org memory HoUse › Merrimack Rep takes on Kathleen Tolan’s drama about a mother and her teenage daughter struggling to complete a college admissions essay. Their last-minute stress over the project brings out long-held tensions and family secrets. Melia Bensussen directs. › Through November 18 › Merrimack Repertory Theatre, 50 East Merrimack Street, Lowell › $15-$55 › 978.454.3926 or mrt.org NoW or laTer › Christopher Shinn’s new play, which takes place on election night, is so timely that it’s hard to imagine staging it later rather than now. The Huntington Theatre Company’s production stars Grant MacDermott as the president’s son, a closeted gay Ivy League student with a history of depression and suicidal tendencies. He’s also got a history of dressing up as Mohammad to make a statement to his peers about free speech. When blurry pictures surface of his son’s stunt, the president and his campaign staff go into panic mode and try to convince young John Jr. to apologize to the public. But John the younger dismisses this as his dad going on a pointless power trip. As the discussions about free speech, personal responsibility, privacy, safety, political extremism, and cultural imperialism grow more frenzied and desperate, the topic at hand gets pushed further and further into the background. By the play’s end, the story has been pared down to a chilling simplicity: a father and son, and the deep, lifelong scars their relationship has suffered. › Through November 10 › Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $15-$60 › 617.933.8600 or huntingtontheatre.org raCe › New Rep stages the Boston premiere David Mamet’s gritty comedy about two attorneys who must defend a white man charged with raping an African-American woman. Robert Walsh directs. › Through November 4 › Charles Mosesian Theater, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › $28-$58 › 617.923.8487 or newrep.org sUNday iN THe parK WiTH GeorGe › Laura Espy directs Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine’s 1985 Pulitzer-prize winning musical about a neo-Impressionist artist immersed in painting his next masterpiece. Don Boroson does the musical direction for the Vokes Theatre production. › Through November 10 › Vokes Theatre, 97 State Rd, Wayland › $18 › 508.358.4034 or vokesplayers.org THe 39 sTeps › Elizabeth Aspenlieder, Jason Asprey, David Joseph, and Josh Aaron McCabe star in Shakespeare and Company’s staging of Patrick Barlow’s play, which was adapted from the novel by John Buchan and the film by Alfred Hitchcock. Jonathan Croy helms this murder mystery about a night at the theater gone awry. › Through November 4 › Elayne P. Bernstein Theatre, 70 Kemble St, Lenox › $12$50 › 413.637.3353 or shakespeare.org UNCle VaNya › Diego Arciniegas stars in the Apollinaire Theatre Company staging of Anton Chekhov’s 1899 play about Russian country life at the turn of the 20th century. Kevin Fennessy co-stars as Telegin, with Kate Paulsen as Elena, Erin Eva Butcher as Sonya, and Ronald Lacey as Astrov. Danielle Fauteux Jacques directs. › Through November 4 › Apollinaire Theatre Company, 189 Winnisimmet St, Chelsea › $35 › 617.887.2336 or apollinairetheatre.com THEPHOENIX.COm/EvENTS :: 11.02.12 67
Arts & Nightlife :: film
Dream machine rivaling The MasTer in the weirdness of its with the costumes, wigs, props, and prosthetics opening scene, Leos Carax’s first film since Pola cluttering the makeshift dressing room in the X (1999) begins with a long take of an audience back of the car. His guises range from a billionaire staring out at the audience watching the movie. A banker to a gypsy crone, from a dad driving his snippet of a 19th-century Eadweard Muybridge daughter home to a Chaplin-esque satyr abducting zoopraxiscope motion study follows, and then a a supermodel from a fashion shoot. Seamlessly and man awakens in a big bed next to a dog. He stumbles abruptly, his evening drive bursts into mini-movies about, finds a door in a wall, and that take place for cameras that can’t be walks into a movie theater where a seen and for an audience that might not ++++ baby toddles toward the screen. Now be there. you’re ready to meet Mr. Oscar (Denis Lavant delivers a tour-de-force HOly mOTORs Lavant) and experience the most brilperformance that’s on a par with Carax’s. Directed and written by liant and exhilarating film of the year. As for the director, he’s accumulated a Leos Carax Who is Mr. Oscar? The Academy lot of wacky material in the dozen fallow With Denis Lavant, Award ring of his name might be years since Pola X. He’s also nurtured Edith Scob, Eva Mendez, a clue — not to mention that it’s a a sense of humor and deepened his Kylie Minogue, and partial anagram for “Leos Carax.” wisdom. But at the heart of this plenitude Michel Piccoli :: French and English :: Indomina A chameleonic blank page, he’s a is loss and foreboding. Speaking of his Releasing :: 116 minutes funnier version of the stiff financier desperate craft, Mr. Oscar says he misses in Cosmopolis, riding about in a limo the old days when the machines that Kendall Square driven by a trusted chauffeur (Edith produced cinema, the holy motors, were Scob, whose performance in Franju’s larger and visible, and paradoxically made Eyes Without a Face is one of many allusions). the artifice seem real. Now they have faded into the Mr. Oscar has nine appointments on his cloud of a new technology that is virtually solipsistic, schedule, each involving a different character, a new medium so real it ceases to exist. _P E T E R KEOUGH » PKEOUGH@ PHx.cO m scenario, and movie genre. These he prepares for 68 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COM/MOvIES
FlighT of fancy Robert Zemeckis has spent the past decade directing 3D animated blockbusters (A Christmas Carol, The Polar Express), but he’s returned to “adult” filmmaking with a vengeance. Flight (about a substanceabusing commercial airline pilot who becomes a Sully Sullenberger– like hero; see review in “Opening This Week”) wallows in drug dens, ghettos, and dirty porn sets. It even seems to suggest that cocaine makes you better at your job. “I know,” Zemeckis said when I asked him about this on a recent visit to Boston to promote the film. “That’s the real story!” Another story is how he managed to get a film with such hardcore subject matter made by a Hollywood studio. “You know, we waived our fees, that sort of thing,” he said. Nonetheless, Flight might not pass the propriety test for Oscar consideration. “You’re probably correct, sadly,” he agreed. “But Denzel [Washington] deserves to be acknowledged. This is a damaged character. This couldn’t just be a story about someone who is addicted until at the end they aren’t. The real problem is inside of him.” Zemeckis also has an addiction: he can’t resist taking his films to emotional and stylistic heights. “All my films are like opera!” he says. But though operatic, this film does not succumb to the current compulsion for 3D. Even so, will we be seeing this digital convert’s past movies, like Back to the Future, retrofitted, George Lucas–style, in that format? “Never!” he says. “I don’t even believe in or agree with some of the small stuff Steven [Spielberg] does; going back and digitally removing guns from policeman’s hands in ET. I think that’s bullshit.” _JaKE mUlli Gan
“HHHHH A triumph. thiS iS hOrrOr FOr GrOWN-upS. prepAre tO be kNOcked Out.” —David Cox, THE GUARDIAN
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a Bottle in the gaza sea
alternative meDia at the BJff after six DecaDes of flirts with Robert. Carmel futility, maybe it’s time for a takes this variation on The new approach to achieving Ghost and Mrs. Muir, addles peace between Israelis and it with folklore and schmaltz, Palestinians. Some of the and ends up with a spectral films in this year’s vindication of love Boston Jewish and forgiveness. THE 24TH Film Festival ofIf the supernatuBOsTOn fer solutions that ral doesn’t do the JEWisH Film sound a little cratrick, how about anzy, except when other medium: the FEsTiVal you consider the Internet? The title November 7-19 alternatives. vessel in Thierry at Coolidge Corner For example, if Binisti’s poignant + Museum of Fine negotiations beand complex A Arts + Somerville tween the living Bottle in the Gaza + West Newton + Arlington Capitol + don’t work, how Sea (2010; screens Suburbs about conferring November 10 @ 7 with the dead? pm, Coolidge CorIn Marco Carmel’s flaky but ner) contains a letter from irresistible My Lovely Sister Tal, a teenage Israeli girl, to (2011; screens November 15 any Palestinian who finds it. @ 7 pm, West Newton CinNaïm, a teenager in Gaza City, ema) Rahma has disowned retrieves the note, and at first her younger sibling, Mary, he responds with sarcasm. after she marries an Arab. But their exchange deepens, Or is it because she suspects just in time for the Israeli atthat her husband Robert has tack on Gaza, Operation Cast the hots for Mary and maybe Lead, to threaten their fragile had an affair with her? Either connection with suspicion way, Rahma tells her sister and hostility. Binisti’s premise she’s “dead” to her, which may sound naïve at first, but it becomes complicated when sure beats hatred, fear, death, Mary drops dead for real and and destruction. _PK her ghost haunts her — and
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THEPHOENIX.COM/MOvIES :: 11.02.12 69
WE We (6
Arts & Nightlife :: film
opening this week
+1/2 THE BAY > Fourth of July festivities in a quaint small town on the Chesapeake Bay are spoiled by the mass ingestion of tongue-eating isopods, all fortuitously recorded by never-before-seen news footage and consumer-grade cameras, in this, Barry Levinson’s collaboration with the Paranormal Activity boys. The result — Levinson’s very own Silent Spring — is just as strident as late George Romero but a lot less fun. No one has considered the consequences of the media: unlike the home video and security cameras one employs if one suspects one’s house is haunted, cell phones and Skype are two-way and often used to call out of town, making the film’s government cover-up implausible. You may wonder why nobody drank bottled water, or how a fish parasite would so quickly figure out where the human tongue is, or why the director of Diner thought gore was the best way to get his message across. But at least Levinson hammers it home that his beloved Chesapeake — like this movie — is 40 percent dead. > 85m > Coolidge Corner _Ann Lewinson ++ CHASING MAVERICKS > Jay Moriarty was a Santa Cruz phenom who surfed the daunting Mavericks break at 16. In the hands of Walden Media (The Chronicles of Narnia) he’s a youngster (Ian Ziering lookalike Jonny Weston) so squeaky clean he’s shocked that his surfing-and-pizzaslinging buddy (Devin Crittenden) is selling weed. The local skater punks (who look like they’re in their 30s) call Jay “Little Trash”
A loaded Denzel Washington saves a plane-load of people in Flight. because his mother (Elisabeth Shue) drinks and works at Sears. Jay needs a father figure, which he finds in neighbor Frosty Hesson (Gerard Butler), a Mavericks regular who, in typical movie-training fashion, never takes him surfing and instead makes him do everything but wax his car. Meanwhile, Frosty’s wife (Abigail Spencer) frets that he’s frosty with his own children. Directed by Curtis Hanson and Michael Apted, who took over after the former suffered compli-
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70 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/mOvIEs
• Bachelor’s Degree Preferred • Sales Experience Calling on New Clients • Effective at Finding, Developing and Closing New Accounts • Successful Relationship Building • Ability to Sell Effectively and Meet Revenue Objectives and Goals • Ability to Represent The Company As A Professional • Self Starter • Strong Attention to Detail • Analytical Experience Preferred • Effective Presentation Skills • Local Travel is Required
cations from heart surgery, Chasing Mavericks is fair family fare. For the real Mavericks, stick with Stacy Peralta’s documentary Riding Giants. > 104m > Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Arlington Capitol + suburbs > _Ann Lewinson +++ THE DETAILS > God is not in these details. Jacob Aaron Estes’s black comedy gets so dark that it’s not even funny. It explores the possibility that human beings are depraved and irredeemable and does so without retreating, Hangover-style, into sentimentality and scatological humor. Dr. Jeffrey Lang (Tobey Maguire) and his wife Nealy (Elizabeth Banks) celebrate their 10th anniversary, and Jeffrey marks the occasion by resodding the yard. But then the raccoons arrive, drawn by the worms in the new turf. They dig up the lawn, and nothing will drive them away because, presumably, they are symbols of Jeffrey’s repressed desires. So Jeffrey has sex with his best friend’s wife, poisons the beloved cat of his dotty neighbor Lila (Laura Linney, outstanding in a dicey role), and then has sex with Lila, too. And that, as Jeffrey says later, is the good news. Who cares? Estes and his cast do, and they forego cheap laughs to find the pathos beneath. > 91m > Boston Common + Fenway + suburbs _PETER KEouGH ++1/2 FLIGHT > If Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington) could land a doomed plane and save the lives of almost all the passengers while in the midst of a coke- and booze-fueled bender, imagine how well he’d do if he was sober. Or would he do worse? In which case, shouldn’t all pilots fly loaded? These are questions that don’t come up in the first half of Robert Zemeckis’s thriller, which consists of an unflinching portrait of self–destructive dissipation that segues into a terrifying recreation of an airline disaster. But then things get serious with lawyers and homilies and 12-step programs, and Zemeckis trades his muscular cinematic instincts for the expected moral payoff. That’s when you realize what a bad idea it is to conflate the heroism of “Sully” Sullenberger and his Hudson River landing with recent cases of busted DWI pilots. Despite Washington’s gutsy performance (not unlike his role in Courage Under Fire) and John Goodman’s antic turn as a drug dealer, Flight ends not with a crash but a sermon. > 139m > Boston Common + Fenway + suburbs _Peter Keough ++ FuN SIZE > Nickelodeon star Victoria
Justice ventures onto the big screen in this hokey Halloween misadventure. She plays Wren, who has more to contend with than most teens: her father is dead, her mom (Chelsea Handler) runs around with a boy-toy half her age, and Albert (Jackson Nicoll), her doughy younger brother, gleefully pinches a loaf while she’s in the shower. Even a coveted invitation to the hot guy’s Halloween bash has a bittersweet downside when Wren’s mom takes off and leaves her daughter to chaperone Albert’s trick-or-treating. As the night wears on, Fun Size moves in unexpected directions and first-time director Josh Schwartz mixes Jekyll and Hyde with Nickelodeon-nice air kisses and sour forays into fart humor. Justice carries it all well, while Nicoll, in mini-Silent Jay mode, shows a precocious knack for the scatological. Such treats aside, however, this Size doesn’t matter. > 90m > Boston Common + Fenway + Chestnut Hill + Fresh Pond + Arlington Capitol + suburbs _Tom Meek ++1/2 A LATE QuARTET >Unless Ken Russell is directing, films about musicians seldom are as exciting as the music they make. In this earnest effort, director Yaron Zilberman tries to address that by paralleling the personal relationships between the members of a string quartet with the dynamics of the group itself and the piece they are rehearsing, Beethoven’s Opus 131. Unfortunately, despite an outstanding cast, the execution falls a bit flat. For one thing, the characters’ problems are banal. Peter (Christopher Walken), the cellist and leader, has Parkinson’s and must hand over the reins to another member. Robert (Philip Seymour Hoffman), literally second fiddle, wants the job. Daniel (Mark Ivanir), the first violin, takes it for granted he’ll succeed Peter but sabotages matters by having an affair with the daughter of Robert and Juliette (Catherine Keener), the violist. Meanwhile, they practice some of the most beautiful music ever written, and you wish they’d just shut up and play.> 105m > Kendall Square + _Peter Keough +++ THE LoNELIEST PLANET > Nica (Hani Furstenberg) and Alex (Gael García Bernal) are fit and fearless adventurers backpacking through Georgia’s Caucasus Mountains until a split-second lapse of judgment calls everything they took for granted into question. What follows are mesmerizing long takes of silent, sullen steps over rocks (shot with remarkable sta-
“FUNNY, bility), nights masterfully illuminated by a campfire’s flames or a flashlight’s beam, and tentative getting-to-know-yous with their guide (Bidzina Gujabidze). For her followup to Day Night Day Night, Julia Loktev and cinematographer Inti Briones have captured an otherworldly landscape with a paradoxical claustrophobia, the camera never rising above the mountains to that sheltering sky. Furstenberg mines every nuance of Nica’s resentment, but it’s at the service of the cinematic equivalent of one of those polished Iowa Writers’ Workshop MFA gems of carefully observed moments, inflated to a scale the story can’t justify. > 113m > Kendall Square _Ann Lewinson + SILENT HILL: REVELATIoNS 3D > Silent Hill fans are gluttons for punishment. The 13-year-old video-game series hasn’t seen a decent interactive entry since 2004, so imagine the frustration when Christophe Gans’s faithful ’06 film adaptation of the original PlayStation title came so close to perfection, only to collapse under the weight of good intentions. Lacking the affinity he brought to his Solomon Kane film adaptation, writer/director Michael J. Basset picks up some 10 years after Rose Da Silva (Radha Mitchell) was trapped inside an alternate reality, whereupon we learn that her daughter was able to escape. Sharon, now known as Heather (Adelaide Clemens takes over for Jodelle Ferland), is on the run with her father (the returning Sean Bean). It’s the eve of her 18th birthday, and the two are a step ahead of the cultists who threaten to pull her back into their nightmare realm. In other words, it’s more of the same, on a cut-rate budget, without Gans’s atmospheric reverie. > 93m > Boston Common + Fenway + suburbs _Brett Michel ++1/2 WRECK-IT RALPH > John C. Reilly gives a terrific vocal performance in this computer-animated look at the secret lives of video game arcade characters (like Tron by way of Toy Story), directed by Rich Moore, a veteran helmer of The Simpsons and Futurama. Reilly is Wreck-It Ralph, the Donkey Kong-like villain of the game he headlines, and after 30 years of smashing
DARK, PoigNANt AND moviNg! ” - Access Hollywood
things to 8-bits, he’s tired of being overshadowed by the peppy, player-controlled hero, Fix-It Felix (Jack McBrayer). Ralph’s existential angst drives him to leave his game in search of glory. After a promising jaunt through a sci-fi-themed first-person shooter, he ends up in the candy-coated cart racer, Sugar Rush, where he gains a sidekick, annoying little shit Vanellope von Schweetz (annoying big shit Sarah Silverman). Too bad the obligatory bromide of being yourself wrecks the pleasure of character cameos from gaming’s past and present. If only the Konami Code could fix this script. > 93m > Boston Common + Fenway + suburbs _Brett Michel
NNeY LAUNRoAmiNLiAtioN!” ! t N A i L L R BRi es AN oscA ®
DeseRFevR, Nyc Movie Guru - Av i oF
now playing
+ ALEX CRoSS › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 102m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Arlington Capitol + suburbs +++ ANGEL FACE › 1953 › Jean-Luc Godard, always the contrarian, once listed this tough little “noir” from director Otto Preminger among his 10 favorite films of all time. There’s certainly a devilish connection between the beautiful, enigmatic minx played here by Jean Simmons and the trouble-causing Jean Seberg in Breathless. Also, there’s the ghastly, abrupt ending, which will reverse your expectations — enigmatic pun intended. › b&w › 91m › South End Branch Library: Fri ++ ARBITRAGE › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 100m › West Newton +++ ARGo › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/ movies for a full review. › 120m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + Coolidge Corner + Chestnut Hill + Embassy + suburbs +++ 1/2 THE ARTIST › 2011 › The advent of talking pictures sends a screen idol into both a career nosedive and an identity crisis in Michel Hazanavicius’s flashback to Hollywood’s transitional period of the late ‘20s.
directed Written and
by Jacob
aaron estes
– Manohla Dargis, THe New York TiMeS PHOENIX CAMP B 3.812X5_4C BOSTON
OF ThE YEAR’S BEST FILMS.” – David Edelstein, New York MagaziNe
>> now playing on p 72
chasing mavericksphoto by john p. johnson
– Miriam Bale, NY DaiLY NewS
The New York Times
CANNES FILM FESTIVAL Prix de la Jeunesse
ChICAGO INT’L FILM FESTIVAL Best Film, Best Actor, Best Cinematography
Gerard Butler and JonnyWeston hunt big waves in Chasing Mavericks.
THEPHOENIX.cOm/mOvIEs :: 11.02.12 71
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A buoyant comedy that contains moments of pathos, this silent black-and-white movie recalls Singin’ in the Rain but possesses a reverence that’s endearingly French. Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo play two unrepentant hams, he the insouciant action hero George and she the ambitious unknown Peppy. The intertwined decline of George and rise of Peppy is played out with an almost archeological attention to period detail and boasts a roster of colorful supporting players, including George’s loyal dog. But the cinematic history lesson is secondary to the dark humor of George’s stubborn refusal to shackle his high-flying persona to a microphone. The talented Dujardin easily travels from goofy comedy to the existential terror George experiences when his screen shadow literally deserts him. › b&w › 100m › ArtsEmerson: Fri-Sat +++1/2 BABY FACE › 1933 › Barbara Stanwyck sleeps her way to the top in this pre-Code film from Alfred E. Green that finds her Lily Powers starting as a basement-speakeasy bartender in a New York office building and rising floor by floor until she’s snagged the bank president at the top. Stanwyck’s best moment — and most shocking scene: when her father, who molested her and gave her sexual favors away to his friends, dies in a fire, she registers silent satisfaction. With George Brent and John Wayne. › b&w › 71m › South Boston Branch Library: Thurs +++1/2 BEASTS oF THE SouTHERN WILD › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 91m › West Newton +++ THE BIG PICTuRE › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › French › 114m › Coolidge Corner
• WHY IS YELLOW THE MIDDLE OF THE RAINBOW? Somehow it makes sense that the director of a movie called Why Is Yellow the Middle of the Rainbow? 2 (1980-94) should have been encouraged to make films by Werner Herzog. This three-hour, playfully pastiched diary and history of the Philippines, 14 years in the making, opens the HFA’s retrospective “Behind the Bamboo Curtain with Kidlak Tahimik.” Harvard Film Archive in the Carpenter Center, 24 Quincy St, Cambridge :: 7 pm :: $9; $7 students, seniors :: 617.495.4700 or hcl.harvard.edu/hfa FRI
• “UNIVERSAL PICTURES: CELEBRATING 100 YEARS” All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) and Repo Man (1984) open the massive “Universal Pictures: Celebrating 100 Years” retrospective at the Brattle — that should give you an idea of the range of this studio’s contribution to cinema. And there are 46 more classic movies to go before they wrap it up on December 2 with Back to the Future (1985). Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge :: call for times and ticket price :: 617.876.6837 or brattlefilm.org • CLOUDBURST Few films push as many political hot buttons as movingly as Thom Fitzgerald’s Cloudburst (2010), in which two elderly women (Oscarwinners Brenda Fricker and Olympia Dukakis) from Maine head to Canada to get hitched. But the infirmities of old age have caught up with one of them, so is their move too late? Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston :: 3 pm :: $11; $9 students, seniors :: 617.267.9300 or mfa.org SAT
• FACING MIRRORS Despite the political repressiveness of its regime, Iran can still lay claim to a provocative and topical movie industry. In Negar Azarbaijani’s Facing Mirrors (2011), a young woman flees her homeland for Germany where she hopes to get a transgender operation. Maybe the power of cinema can change the world. Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston :: 3 pm :: $11; $9 students, seniors :: 617.267.9300 or mfa.org SUN
• FOUND FOOTAGE FESTIVAL If you were looking for that hilarious ferret-care video rumored to be in some local flea market or remainder bin, forget about it. The people from the Found Footage Festival snapped it up. But you can see that and many other surreal treasures when they showcase their latest finds, including an intense treatise on “craft sponging” and “The Sexy Treadmill Workout.” Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge :: 9:30 pm :: $10 :: 617.876.6837 or brattlefilm.org
FEARLESS! A model of the ambitious, vitalizing activist work
that exists to stir the sleeping to wake.” -Manohla Dargis, THE NEW YORK TIMES
One of the most important pieces of nonfiction to hit the screen in years.” -Sheri Linden, LOS ANGELES TIMES
The war on drugs has never been about drugs.
From Executive Producers
72 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/mOvIEs
BOSTON PHOENIX — 4.875” x 6.25”
+++1/2 CHINAToWN › 1974 › Working from an intricate script by Robert Towne, Roman Polanski fashioned a gripping, morbid thriller about a gumshoe (Jack Nicholson) who takes on a routine adultery case and stumbles upon the San Fernando Valley water scandals of the ’30s — a web of corruption so huge it’s ensnared all of Southern California. Chinatown, perhaps more than any of the political melodramas of the postWatergate ’70s, captures the cynicism of an era in which the rich and powerful were seen, for the first time in America, with their pants down and their dysfunctions showing. But the movie also gives in to that cynicism, as Polanski changed the hopeful ending of Towne’s script to something much more shocking. With Faye Dunaway, and John Huston as the very, very weird patriarch. › 131m › Coolidge Corner: Mon +1/2 CLouD ATLAS › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 272m › Boston Common + Fenway + West Newton + suburbs CLouDBuRST › 2010 › An elderly lesbian couple (Brenda Fricker and Olympia Dukakis) escape their Maine nursing home together and make a bee-line for Canada with hopes of getting married once they cross the border. Thom Fitzgerald directs. › 90m › MFA: Sat CoAST MoDERN › 2011 › Documentary from directors Gavin Froome and Mike Bernard showcasing homes designed by West Coast Modernists architects, especially examining how they utilize open space and light to interact with their natural environment. › 54m › MFA: Wed +++ DARK SHADoWS › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 113m › Lower Mills Branch Library: Thurs +++ DAYS oF WINE AND RoSES › 1962 › Jack Lemmon plays an alcoholic ad man who marries Lee Remick and turns her into a boozer too in Blake Edwards’s film of the television drama by J.P. Miller. Henry Man-
cini wrote the score and the title song (with lyrics by Johnny Mercer). › 117m › South Boston Branch Library: Tues +++ DIANA VREELAND: THE EYE HAS To TRAVEL › 2011 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 86m › Coolidge Corner + West Newton ELLIoT LoVES › 2012 › Story of Elliot, as told through two points in his life: first as a nine-year-old boy yearning for his mother’s affection, and then at 21 as a gay man tirelessly searching for love in New York’s Dominican community. Gary Terracino directs. › 92m › MFA: Fri FACING MIRRoRS › 2011 › Drama from director Negar Azarbayjani about Rana (Qazal Shakeri), a transgender girl who flees Iran in order to have surgery. For her efforts, Rana recruits the help of a female taxi driver, who despite not being clear on Rana’s motives, opts to help her anyway. › Farsi › 101m › MFA: Sun +++1/2 FRANKENWEENIE › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › b&w › 87m › Boston Common + Arlington Capitol + suburbs +1/2 HERE CoMES THE BooM › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 105m › Boston Common + suburbs +++ HIGH GRouND › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 91m › MFA HoME FoR THE WEEK › 2012 › In his mid-thirties and working as an author in Berlin, Marko (Lars Eidinger) decides to visit his parents upon the completion of his first book. Never really at ease with their overt bourgeois lifestyle to begin with, Marko’s faint hopes for a quiet weekend are further dashed by his mother’s (Corinna Harfouch) announcement that she’s stopped taking her medication. HansChristian Schmid directs. › German › 85m › Coolidge Corner: Sun 1/2 HoTEL TRANSYLVANIA › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 91m › Boston Common + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Arlington Capitol + suburbs ++ 1/2 HuGo › 2011 › Martin Scorsese goes Spielberg with Hugo, as dumbed-down as the shortening of the title of Brian Selznick’s Caldecott winner implies (The Invention of Hugo Cabret). In this valentine to early cinema, an orphan (Asa Butterfield) who maintains the clocks in a Paris train station runs afoul of a toy dealer (Ben Kingsley) who may be movie pioneer Georges Méliès. Scorsese meticulously recreates Méliès’s films in 3D, but that technology (and John Logan’s hamfisted script) is the rub. Scorsese draws a bludgeoning parallel between 3D and the Lumière Brothers’ audience ducking an oncoming train and then has Hugo recreate Harold Lloyd’s clock stunt, but 3D’s theatrical dimension defeats any sense of jeopardy we might experience in this CGI era. As the child-catching inspector — a pratfaller with a flower-girl sweetheart (Emily Mortimer) — Sacha Baron Cohen is no Chaplin, or even a Keystone Cop. A plea for film preservation made in the medium that’s killing it, Hugo unwittingly proves that old movies really were better. › 127m › ArtsEmerson: Fri-Sun ++ ICE AGE: CoNTINENTAL DRIFT › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 94m › West Newton: Sat-Sun +++1/2 THE INTouCHABLES › 2011 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › French › 112m › West Newton ++1/2 IT IS No DREAM: THE LIFE oF THEoDoR HERZL › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 97m › West Newton: Sat-Sun +++ LooPER › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 118m › Boston Common + Fenway + Somerville Theatre + Embassy + suburbs
the production shifts from pleasant hobby to indentured labor. › Tagalog › 95m › HFA: Sun THE TuSKEGEE AIRMEN › 1995 › HBO movie depicting the true-life tale of the unit of African-American combat pilots who fought in World War II. Along their journey, they encountered many instances of harassment and prejudice. Robert Markowitz directs, while Laurence Fishburne, Cuba Gooding, Jr., and John Lithgow star. › 106m › BPL: Mon ++1/2 WAR oF THE BuTToNS › 2011 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › French › 100m › Kendall Square +++ THE WELL DIGGER’S DAuGHTER › 2011 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 107m › West Newton: Sat-Sun WHo INVENTED THE Yo-Yo? WHo INVENTED THE MooN BuGGY? [SINoNG LuMIKHA NG YoYo? SINoNG LuMIKHA NG MooN BuGGY?] › 1979 › Sequel to director Kidlat Tahimik’s debut feature Perfumed Nightmare. Fascinated by the idea of interplanetary travel, Tahimik starts a Filipino space program in the Germany. › Tagalog › 93m › HFA: Sat WHY IS YELLoW THE MIDDLE oF THE RAINBoW? [BAKIT DILAW AuG GITNA NG BAHAG-HARI] › 1994 › Film diary from director Kidlat Tahimik that spans the course of the 1980s and “defies summary simply because of the sheer volume of ground it covers.” While mirroring a Filipino family, Tahimik also manages to broaden the scope to tie in a number of important cultural events that shook the nation throughout the decade. › English + Tagalog › 175m › HFA: Fri
A backpacking trek through the Caucasus Mountains becomes strange indeed in The Loneliest Planet. ++1/2 MADAGASCAR 3: EuRoPE’S MoST WANTED › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 85m › West Newton: Sat-Sun THE MAN WITH THE IRoN FISTS › 2012 › Directorial debut from Wu-Tang Clan mastermind RZA, who also stars as a blacksmith who creates a number of elaborate weapons of death for his fellow villagers. When a traitor threatens to destroy their community, they band together to defend themselves. Co-starring Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu, and David Bautista. (See Chris Faraone’s feature on page 36.) › 96m › Boston Common + Fenway + suburbs ++++ THE MASTER › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 137m › Kendall Square + Coolidge Corner + Embassy MELTING AWAY › 2011 › After being forced out of his parents’ house when they discover women’s clothing under his mattress, Assaf (Hen Yanni) undergoes a transgender transformation to become Anna. Four years later, when Anna’s father is dying of cancer, her mother hires an investigation agency to find her son. Doron Eran directs. › Hebrew › 86m › MFA: Thurs ++++ MooNRISE KINGDoM › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 94m › West Newton ++1/2 THE oTHER SoN › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › French › 105m › Kendall Square ++ PARANoRMAL ACTIVITY 4 › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 88m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + Embassy + suburbs THE PERFuMED NIGHTMARE [MABABANGoNG BANGuNGoT] › 1977 › Debut film from director Kidlat Tahimik that blends fiction, autobiography, history, and ethnography. Tahimik stars as himself, presenting a self-portrait of his daily life in
the Philippines before a trip to Europe presents him with the opportunity to experience Western culture and technology for the first time. › Tagalog › 93m › HFA: Sat +++ THE PERKS oF BEING A WALLFLoWER › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/ movies for a full review. › 103m › Boston Common + Kendall Square + Embassy +++ PITCH PERFECT › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 105m › Boston Common + Fenway + Chestnut Hill + Arlington Capitol + suburbs PREDAToR › 1987 › Arnold Schwarzenegger as Alan “Dutch” Schaeffer leads a team of commandos into a Central American jungle to rescue downed airmen from terrorist guerrillas, finds he’s been set up by the CIA, and then has to deal with an alien version of Hannibal Lecter. › 107m › Coolidge Corner: Fri-Sat midnight +++ PuSS IN BooTS › 2011 › A mad scientist in The Skin I Live In and a talking cat in Puss in Boots: is there anything Antonio Banderas can’t do? With the latter he’s lucky to portray the most charismatic character from the Shrek franchise, and that’s because Puss not only flaunts the conventions of the swashbuckler stereotype but also indulges in the endearing traits of his species. He can wipe out a bar full of desperados but will break character to chase after a dancing spot of light. All would be in vain, though, if director Chris Miller did not masterfully employ closeups, tracking shots, and mise-en-scène for some of the most exciting and witty action sequences of the year. As for the story, in which Puss forms a shaky alliance with sexy Kitty Softpaws (Salma Hayek) and Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis) to steal magic beans, it works best when it doesn’t impede such showstoppers as the flamenco dance/fight at the Litter Box cabaret. › 90m › BPL: Sun
QuESTIoN oNE › 2010 › The battle over same-sex marriage in Maine is the focus of this documentary from directors Joe Fox and James Nubile. On May 6, 2009, Maine became the first state to legislatively grant same-sex couples the right to marry, only to revoke the right seven months later, becoming the 31st state to outlaw gay marriage. › 78m › MFA: Sat +++ SEARCHING FoR SuGAR MAN › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 86m › Coolidge Corner + West Newton +++ THE SESSIoNS › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 95m › Kendall Square +++ SEVEN PSYCHoPATHS › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 109m › Boston Common + Fresh Pond + suburbs +++ SINISTER › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 110m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Arlington Capitol + suburbs ++ SMASHED › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 85m › Kendall Square +++ SoMEWHERE BETWEEN › 2011 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 88m › Kendall Square + West Newton ++1/2 TAI CHI ZERo › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › Mandarin › 94m › Boston Common + suburbs +1/2 TAKEN 2 › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 93m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Embassy + Arlington Capitol + suburbs TuRuMBA › 1981 › This sole venture into fiction from director Kidlat Tahimik is set in a tiny Philippine village. When the papiermâché animals produced by the townspeople for an annual festival get discovered by an art buyer from Germany, money begins pouring in. But as the demand grows overwhelming,
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n a sunny autumn afternoon on a side street in Brooklyn, I sit outside Oweek. on a rickety black staircase with Squarehead, chatting about their This particular Monday is a day of recovery for the Dublin garage-pop trio, after just finishing eight shows over six days at New York’s annual CMJ Music Marathon — one of which was the Phoenix/ WFNX-sponsored party the day before, just up the block at 285 Kent. This is Squarehead’s second time to the States this year, following a spring tour where NYC’s Inflated Records spotted them playing DIY epicenter Shea Stadium. The label has previously released music by Oberhofer and Bass Drum of Death, and on November 13, will release a split LP with Squarehead and fellow Irish trio So Cow. The record, Out of Season, features five new Squarehead tracks — some retaining the ultra-hooky surf-rock that’s gained them their enormous following overseas (“Hammertime,” “C’mon Man”), plus some of their heaviest,
74 11.02.12 :: Thephoenix.com/music
noisiest to date (“More Quickly,” “Harkin’ On”). “I think our constant gigging led the songs in a heavier direction because that’s what people respond to in a live setting,” says drummer Ruan van Vliet. That enormous following, by the way, includes Morrissey, who last year showed up at a Squarehead show, identifying himself as a fan. Being a band in Ireland has its obstacles. “It’s a tiny, tiny island,” says singer/songwriter Roy Duffy. “You can tour the whole place in five days.” But even though they’re eager to tour the US again soon, they speak highly of the underground scene in Dublin as well, namechecking acts like Patrick Kelleher, Rhino Magic, and Ginnels. Van Vliet, who helped start the DIY collective Popical Island, plays in six other indie-pop bands. “It’s really vibrant at the moment,” says bassist Ian McFarlane. _LI Z PELLY » @LI ZPELLY
photo by ErEz AvissAr
to Listen e “m o r ” y QuickL .
GlobetrottinG with Seth troxler the laSt time Seth troxler played Boston it was to a room of about 50 people. The venue was Felt, a downtown billiards spot with an upstairs loft suited to such occasions, the cover was $25, and it was a bitterly cold Wednesday in December — the type of evening where you’d be forgiven for taking a rain check. Ever the consummate professional, Troxler arrived sporting a full-length pea coat, laid down two hours of Detroit-indebted psychedelic house, and stuck around to greet stragglers and pose for photos. Relatively standard fare when a world-class DJ opts to pass through our metropolitan enclave. The stakes will be raised considerably Sunday at the House of Blues. If the sudden spike in venue capacity isn’t computing, it’s not because Troxler’s pocket of peculiar house has suddenly taken off in the last 11 months. Although it may reign supreme overseas, it’s still very much drowned out by the garish wake of EDM on our shores. Rather, it’s his inclusion on the ambitious eight-date Sónar North American Tour that will have him paired with a lineup of contemporaries, all working under the vague umbrella of electronic music. “It’s cool to be part of a music festival that kind of promotes the intelligent side of electronic music, that’s not just some overblown rave with no content at the end,” says the Michigan-born,
London-based Troxler by phone from Amsterdam. “I’m American, so just for me to even think about there being an art-based electronic music festival of that size touring America? Ten years ago I would’ve laughed in my own face.” Although the Identity Festival may be the closest point of comparison, the considered curatorial effort of Sónar puts it a class above that traveling circus. Bridging off their acclaimed Barcelona festival, the Sónar folks seem poised to try their hand in the States, recruiting meditative techno icon Paul Kalkbrenner, the fancily full-blown Azari & III, and even South African batshit zef-gods Die Antwoord. Slotting a bill of artists accustomed to letting their vibe unfurl over the course of several hours into a 7-tomidnight time slot may seem a tad convoluted, but Troxler has the solution. “I’m playing at an after-party for basically every city. So one thing that’s going to be really cool is, like, boom!, quick presentation, and then there’ll be offshoot events where the kids can get really freaked out. The Sónar Tour is really just an entry level in some ways, but it’s a great way to build a following.” How they intend to work around Boston’s puritanical curfew remains to be seen, but we’ll be sure to pass along the info as soon as we get word.
It could be said that Mike Diaz, a/k/a MillionYoung, is living through the adolescence of his musical career — although that analogy only really holds if we all, in infancy, became blogged-about indie sensations due to our bedroom-created electro-pop. One of the shining stars of the, ahem, “chillwave” Class of 2010, Diaz first made his mark with his Be So True EP, a strange and shimmering bauble off Arcade Sound Ltd. — the kind of music that you want to bliss out to while you’re lying on the floor. “I used to be a drummer,” explains Diaz, at home in Florida, “so everything starts from a rhythmic place. And I don’t sample other things, but I sample things that I write and play, and manipulate it; record guitars and play them backwards so they don’t sound like guitars.” The evoluMILLIoNtion that YoUNG + THE takes place ASTERoIDS in Diaz’s GALAxY ToUR music has slowly-butRoyale, 279 surely been Tremont St, Boston happening to MillionYoung November 8 as well, as @ 7 pm :: $17 :: its meta617.338.7699 or boweryboston. morphosis com continues from solo studio project to real band that tours and puts out a full-length album every year (forthcoming sophomore outing follows this summer’s Amanecer, an Old Flame Records compilation of older work). “At the time of the first few EPs, I didn’t think that I’d even ever play live. The whole thing kind of happened on accident, definitely, the evolution of this thing.” _DANIEL BRoCKMAN » DBRoCKMAN@pHx.CoM
SÓNAR ON TOUR WITH SETH TROXLER :: House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston :: November 4 @ 6 pm :: All Ages :: $27-$29.50 :: 617.693.2583 or hob.com/boston THEpHOENIX.cOm/mUSIc :: 11.02.12 75
earninG intereSt in millionYoUnG
Arts & Nightlife :: BostoN AcceNts
cellArs By stArlight
Playlist THINgS HAPPEN IN fouR YEARS. In music specifically, fads change, people move, and a local scene can quickly become redefined. It has been four years since Pretty & Nice released their standout full-length, Get Young, but they are quick to reassure us that their motives have changed little. Crouched on the front stoop of guitarist Jeremy Mendicino’s home studio in Brighton, wittily dubbed “Esthudio,” the three men at the forefront of the band appear to be much on the same positive wavelength. “I can’t say that too much has changed,” says guitarist Holden Lewis. “Some of the songs that we’re releasing were written and recorded some time ago, others more recently. We’re not exactly picking up and starting over.” Touring with the likes of Miniature Tigers and Geographer, the band has been occupied with labelshopping and constant songwriting between their last release and their upcoming EP, Us You All We, which continues Pretty & Nice’s caffeinated brand of hook-heavy rock but cleans the corners with more palatable melodies and warmer, colorful tones. Out November 6, they’re pleased to put this one out independently after previous releases on Hardly Art and Black Bell Records. “It presented the best opportunity for people to listen to our next LP if we released an EP ourselves first,” says bassist Roger Lussier. “A short
release now acts as a re-introduction for our full-length, which should be out early next year.” Re-acclimating fans to their music isn’t the only wise decision the band is making this time around when it comes to taking care of business. Loyal to the Boston scene, they know their audience. They know enough to limit their number of live shows so as to avoid oversaturation, and they know that when they do perform, it needs to be done right. That kind of maturity has allowed them to outlast the often transient nature of Boston’s music community. It is also what led them to take Us You All We’s release show to Allston’s underground Store 54. “We wanted it to be a party,” says Lewis. “Something specific and different that got people excited from the idea alone.” It’s also another way for the band to get closer to their community. “Boston fosters musicians really well, but sometimes bands are in and out like a roadhouse,” says Mendicino. “We’ve always found what we’ve needed here.” Pretty & Nice insist that there is no exact formula for making a band last in Boston. “There’s no point in lamenting scene changes or getting hung up about things that have already happened,” says Lussier. “As long as we have people to play for, we’re ready for whatever.” _P E R RY EATON
PRETTY & NICE + EARTHQUAKE PARTY + LADY BONES :: Store 54, 16 Harvard Ave, Allston :: November 1 @ 8 pm :: All Ages :: $7
76 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIx.COm/mUSIC
• Sore Eros “Epic Peak” • Guerilla Toss “Scary Monster” • Cuffs “Private View” • Arvid Noe “Supermoon” • Happy Jawbone Family Band “That Cruel Thimbleful” _mi chAEl mAROT TA
Boston’s biggest annual underground music festival, HOMEGROWN 4: BOSTON HASSLE FEST, rears its head November 2 and 3 at the Cambridge Elks Lodge in Central Square. For this week’s playlist, we enlisted organizer DAN SHEA to select five homegrown tracks and fill us in on some out-of-town guests: “This festival brings many strange and beautiful music-makers to your town. Odd San Diego/ NYC funk pop maestro GARY WILSON, Sub Pop’s sludge punk maniacs PISSED JEANS, and electronic-sound explorer DRIPHOUSE are just some of the exciting sounds from all over the Northeast and the rest of the US that you will hear.”
Arts & Nightlife :: Music
Mo want re re alb Che v i ew u M C reC k out s? en m at t t rele ore he as Co m P h o e n e s ix /m u siC .
Columbia » Don’t let Aerosmith’s Music From Another Dimension confuse you. It was produced inside the normal, predictable dimension where all Aerosmith songs since Armageddon sound pretty much alike. And with tracks like “LUV XXX,” “Beautiful,” and “Lover Alot,” everyone’s favorite dude-looks-like-a-grandma just can’t let go of that screechy horndog rock. The band really rips it, but the best vocals come in the form of neo“Dream On” harmonies. Less predictable numbers include “Freedom Fighter” (sung by Joe Perry and Johnny Depp), the single “Legendary Child” (one of the few respectable tracks), and some shitty ballads that Kid Rock might have written. Lively licks on “Out Go the Lights” do not save the hilariously poor lyrics: “Roses are red, violets are you/You couldn’t tell by the things that we do/Things that we see are so out of sight/We’ll have to see when we turn out the lights.” Try to find an instrumental version. _SEAN CORBETT
+++1/2 PRINCE RAMA, TOP TEN HITS OF THE END OF THE WORLD Paw Tracks Records » We are used to this kind of thing with bigger stars — where the biography starts to take over and we talk more about how gaga-licious the artist is than about the music — but less so with the underground. Prince Rama don’t make it easy, but their music demands that we dispense with their deep-fried, peyote-dipped creamsicle of a story as quickly as possible. Yes, the Larson sisters, Taraka and Nimai, joined by Michael Collins, are continuing their Boston-to-Brooklyn-to-Mars trajectory with more Hare Krishna-rooted trippy-ness. And yes, it’s a concept album where each song channels the spirits of a different imaginary band that died during the apocalypse (cool, but a bummer). Yet, unlike the Turtles’ 1968 Battle of the Bands, where each song sounds like a different band, Top Ten Hits is the cohesive work of one unified mind. The Larsons have imagined what music might sound like if they have something to say about the future. And aside from that apocalypse part, the groovy Kingdom of Rama is otherwise only mildly dystopian — specifically in terms of graphic design, unless you fancy Guatemalan bootlegs of Bananarama’s Greatest Hits. It’s the perfect segue into what their future sounds like: under swaths of digi-drums, roto toms, playful presets, and tons of reverb/distortion/delay, Prince Rama’s voices join together into a bleating dispassionate unison much like the aforementioned godmothers (see “Banana Rama”). And much like MIA’s dip into the grungiest favelas of world music, Prince Rama imagine a future where such Mayan contraband, with attendant odd modalities and ceremonial percussion, can mingle with club beats, sexy gothic atmospheres, repetitive hooks, and the occasional pop bliss. The concept is ultimately unimportant. No one who hears this album without knowing the background will feel lost. The music is what matters, and Prince Rama, with this highfalutin’ silliness, have delivered big. _J O N AT HA N DO N A L DS O N
Staff SpinS
What we’re listening to
ICONA POP “Good For You” [Atlantic/Ten Records] Summer J-A-M “I Love It” launched Swedish electro pop duo Aino Jawo and Caroline Hjelt onto the playlists of every tastemaker from here to Stockholm, and now comes the tricky follow-up. “Good For You,” the latest off the Iconic EP, is a bit breezier than its predecessor, but is carried by once-again sterling vocal hooks. _miCH AE L mAR OT TA
Columbia/Legacy » Bill Withers has always been the down-to-earth, oddman-out of the ’70s soul brothers: he’s the one who came bearing a lunch box on the cover of his relaxed 1971 debut, Just as I Am. In an era of lavish, disco-prompted come-ons, Withers’s unrefined, blue-collar take on R&B was — and continues to be — refreshing and disarming. This exhaustive nine-disc box set includes at least one undisputed masterpiece (1972’s Still Bill), one overlooked masterpiece (1974’s +’Justments), one all-killer live record (1973’s Live at Carnegie Hall), and plenty of other offerings that hit more often than they miss. He was arguably strongest in the first years of his career (later albums ’Bout Love and Watching You Watching Me turn Withers’s low-key formula into anonymity), but his trademark duality – smooth/ gruff, casual/paranoid — is in great abundance on any given record. _ZETH LUND y
EMPRESS OF “Don’t Tell Me” [self-released] Former Allstonian Lorely Rodriguez is a singer in Brooklyn experimental pop group Celestial Shore. Most recently she also records as Empress Of, posting minute-long YouTube videos called “colorminutes” — snippets of her gorgeous, ethereal pop songs set to different color screens. Here, she’s finally unveiled one complete, captivating three-minute single.
Thephoenix.com/music :: 11.02.12 77
Scullers PHX Oct. 25_Scullers PHX Oct 18
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Thursday, 11/8, 8:15pm: Luis EnriquE mEETs BErkLEE saturday, 11/10, 8pm: mary BLack róisín O OpEns Friday, 11/16, 6:30pm & 9:30pm: WarrEn miLLEr’s FLOW sTaTE mon & Tues, 11/19 & 11/20, 7:30pm: Hairspray Friday, 11/30, 8pm: DEaD On LivE a note-for-note recreation of classic Grateful Dead ’71-’72 recordings
136 Ma ssa c h u s ett s Ave. , Bo sto n Full schedule/tickets: www.berklee.edu/BPC
11.02.12 Fri
The Pill • Djs Ken & Michael V. 10pm • 21+ • $5
11.02.12 Fri
Anderson Comedy Group The Gas The best in local comedy and beyond 7pm • 18+ • $5
11.03.12 Sat
The Fenway Recordings Sessions Crooked Fingers John Vanderslice 9pm • 21+ • $15
11.04.12 Sun
Grass Widow • Fat Creeps • CreaturoS 9pm • 18+ • $10
11.05.12 Mon
Friday, 11/2: aLicE smiTH • TrixiE WHiTLEy saturday, 11/3: Lucy WainWriGHT rOcHE LinDsay FuLLEr Thursday, 11/8: DEcLan O’rOurkE rOBErT sTEvEn WiLLiams Friday, 11/9: aDam arcuraGi spiriT FamiLy rEuniOn saturday, 11/10: rEiGnWOLF mark pinansky –FrEE sHOW all shows begin at 8pm, all ages
939 Boy lsto n S t . Bo sto n Full schedule/tickets: www.cafe939.com 78 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs
Tamaryn • Young Prisms Soccer Mom 9pm • 18+ • $9
11.06.12 tue
The Fenway Recordings Sessions Field Report • Caleb Groh • DJ Carbo 9pm • 18+ • $12 ADV / $14 DOS
11.07.12 Wed
Clicky Clicky Music Blog presents A Benefit Show for Community Servings featuring: Guillermo Sexo • Johnny Foreigner Speedy Ortiz • Infinity Girl 9pm • 18+ • $10 1222 CoMMonWealth ave allSton, Ma 02134 617-566-9014
Arts & Nightlife :: music THURSDAY 1
BOBBY KEYES › 9:30 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com DAVID CHOI + CLARA C. › 7 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$20 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster.com ELIKEH › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub.com FAR FROM FINISHED + BURNING STREETS + CRADLE TO THE GRAVE + OC45 › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb. com FLOODWOOD › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $12 › 617.236.7600 or churchofboston.com “FUCK THE MUSIC BUSINESS PARTY” › The Catbirds + Kangaroo Court › 8 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $10 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com JERRY PORTNOY TRIO + RICKY “KING” RUSSELL › Thurs 8:30 pm › Smo-
ken’ Joe’s BBQ, 351 Washington St, Brighton › 617. 254.5227 or smokenjoesbbq.com “LAMPLIGHTER SESSIONS: PETER MULVEY + ANITA SUHANIN + DENNIS BRENNAN” › Peter Mulvey + Anita Suhanin + Dennis Brennan › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com “MONSTER JAM” WITH TREY SONGZ + J. COLE + BIG SEAN + MEEK MILLS + CASH OUT › Trey Songz + J. Cole + Big Sean + Meek Mills + Cash Out › TD Garden, 100 Legends Way, Boston › $79.50-$127.50 › 617.931.2000 or ticketmaster.com/venue/8337 THE ORGAN BEATS + MELLOW BRAVO + THE APPRECIATION POST + THE FATAL FLAW › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com PAPER DIAMOND › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › 617.338.7699 or boweryboston.com STS9 + KAP10 HARRIS › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $25-$35 › 888.693.2583
PHX PICKS >> CAN’T MISS • STEPHIE COPLAN & THE PEDESTRIANS Former Tufts University student Stephie Coplan may be FM radio’s last great success story after her piano2 pounding, dude-crushing hit “Jerk” stormed WFNX earlier this year and made the New Jersey resident an indie-pop star here in Boston. Her and her Pedestrians bring their piano rock back to town tonight for a show that promises a heavy helping of new material and maybe even more ex-lover persecution. Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston :: 8 pm :: $12 :: brightonmusichall.com FRI
• SMALL STONE RECORDS SHOWCASE Small Stone Records may be based in Detroit, but it’s got Boston revving through its Motor City veins with a roster boast3 ing Gozu, Roadsaw, Blackwolfgoat, and Infernal Overdrive. Those acts along with Lo-Pan, the Brought Low, Freedom Hawk, and others throw down the rock gauntlet at the label’s all-day showcase that also features BBQ and a rock and roll petting zoo. Radio, 379-381 Somerville Ave, Somerville :: 3 pm : $10 :: radiobarunion.com • JuLIAN LAgE + JuANITO PASCuAL To call it a night of great guitars is to oversimplify: the Minnesota-born, Madrid-trained six-stringer Juanito Pascual has brought together his New Flamenco Trio (with percussionist Tupac Mantilla and bassist Brad Barrett) and the young genre-crossing jazz-guitar star Julian Lage and his outstanding group (Mantilla, cellist Aristides Rivas, bassist Jorge Roeder, and saxophonist Dan Blake). It should be a night of unclassifiable, great sounds. Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville :: 8 pm :: $18-$38 :: 617.625.4088 or feitheatres.com • JOHN COLTRANE MEMORIAL CONCERT Homegirl star drummer Terri Lyne Carrington leads the crew of this year’s annual Trane-a-thon, which — in addition to honoring the memory of JC — is also paying tribute to local heroes Andy McGhee (Boston’s “golden man of jazz,” celebrating his 85th birthday today), and longtime Boston jazz radio host Steve Schwartz. The band includes the usual suspects of Boston heavy cats — reedmen Bill Pierce, Stan Strickland, Carl Atkins, and Leonard Brown, bassists Tim Ingles and John Lockwood, and more. And of course, the music of John Coltrane will be the centerpiece, delivered with fire. Blackman Theatre, Northeastern University, Terri Lyne Carrington 360 Huntington Ave, Boston :: 7:30 pm :: $35; $30 students :: 617.373.4700 or tickets.neu.edu SAT
• TAMARYN Don’t look so down, shoegazer. Tamaryn’s sophomore record off Mexican Summer, Tender New Signs, is a skygazing treasure of textured arch5 ing soundscapes and dreamy lullaby-pop. It might not break any new ground in the forever-twisting whatever-gaze subculture, but it’s enough of a delight to pull the covers overhead and drown in sound. Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston :: 9 pm :: $9 :: greatscottboston.com MON
• INFINITY gIRL With every riveting live performance, where they make longtossing destructive sound appear effortless, we’re more and more convinced 7 Cambridge’s Infinity Girl are one of this city’s best new acts. Equal parts shoegaze, indie, and just good old-fashioned concrete-heavy rock, the I-G lead a solid lineup of Guillermo Sexo, Johnny Foreigner, and Speedy Ortiz to befit Jamaica Plain’s Community Servings, organized by the always-excellent Clicky Clicky Music Blog. Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston :: 9 pm :: $10 :: greatscottboston.com WED
Coltrane MeMorial ConCert photo by traCy love
“THE BOSTON POP/ROCK SHOWCASE” › Me Vs Gravity + Melanie Lynx + Mike Squillante › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $5-$8 › 617.747.6038 or ticketmaster.com/ XAVIER RUDD + YESHE › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $25 › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com
BARRENCE WHITFIELD + 4 › 7:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com THE BEAUTIFULS + BILL & ARIEL + PRICK MORANIS + JON BRAUN › 10 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 BRENDAN KELLEY SEXTET + LUX DELUXE › 10 pm › Tommy Doyle’s at Harvard, 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.864.0655 or tommydoyles.com CITIZEN COPE › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $32.50-$42.50 › 888.693.2583 THE DJANGO REINHARDT FESTIVAL ALLSTARS + DORADO SCHMITT › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $28 › 617.661.5000 or regattabarjazz.com DOWN TO THE WELL + GRACE MORRISON AND THE RSO + THE OLD EDISON + DAVE WELLS › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com “FREAK FLAG FIRST FRIDAY” › Gondoliers + Funeral Cone › Radio downstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $8 › 617.764.0005 or radiobarunion.com FULL TANG › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or churchofboston.com GARY CLARKE JR. + KAT EDMONSON › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › sold out › ticketmaster.com GEORGE GARZONE + MARIANO LOIACONO › 1 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › Free › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston. com “HOMEGROWN 4: BOSTON HASSLE FEST” › 5 pm › Cambridge Elks Lodge, 55 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge › $15 › 617.354.0404 THE JAUNTEE › 10 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $10 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com KRIEG + WOLVHAMMER + DOOMSDAY › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 KYLE DAVIS › 7:20 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 “LAMPLIGHTER SESSIONS: PETER MULVEY + THE CRUMBLING BEAUTIES + RADIO SWAN” › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 ›
617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com THE MACROTONES + THE EFFECTIVE DOSE + GRINDER MONKEY › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com MR. HO’S ORCHESTROTICA › Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church, 155 Powderhouse Blvd., Somerville › 617.625.4823 ORCHARD LOUNGE › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15-$20 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com PADDY SAUL + CASEY SULLIVAN + JABE BEYER › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $15 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com SEAN HAYES + BIRDS OF CHICAGO › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15-$20 › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub. com SLEEPING WITH SIRENS + TONIGHT ALIVE + HANDS LIKE HOUSES + PIERCE THE VEIL › 6:30 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › 978.797.9696 or tickets.com/venue_info.cgi?vid=3802 STEPHEN KELLOGG & THE SIXERS + MIGGS › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com STEPHIE COPLAN & THE PEDESTRIANS + SUN CLUB + EYES LIPS EYES › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $12-$14 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster. com THE WAY HOME + THE DAYS WEIGHT + TAD & KATE [SIDEWALK DRIVER] › Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $8 › 617.764.0005 or radiobarunion.com/ “WORLD-FUNK-FUSION-HIPPIE-HOP PARTY” › The Brighton Beat + Esthema + The People’s Party › 8 pm › Davis Square Theatre, 255 Elm Street, Somerville › $7-$10 › davissquaretheatre.com
“35TH ANNUAL JOHN COLTRANE MEMORIAL CONCERT” › Andy McGhee + Steve Schwartz + Terri Lyne Carrington › 7:30 pm › Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston › $30-$40 › 617.373.2000 or northeastern.edu AIMEE MANN › 8 pm › Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › $39.50-$42.50 › 617.266.7455 “AN EVENING OF FREE IMPROVISATIONS” › Richard Poole + Todd Brunel + Patrick Battstone + Kit Demos › 10 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 CHIN STRAP + BRUNT OF IT › Chin Strap + Brunt of It › Radio downstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $8 › 617.764.0005 or radiobarunion.com COMANCHERO + HONKY TONK KNIGHTS + DJ SPECIAL K › 10 pm › Tommy Doyle’s at Harvard, 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge ›
$5 › 617.864.0655 or tommydoyles.com CROOKED FINGERS + JOHN VANDERSLICE › 9:30 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $15 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb. com DEATH WALTZ ‘76 + THE SUICIDE DOLLS + BOOM SAID THUNDER + THICK VOLTAGE › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $6 › 617.782.6245 or obrienspubboston.com FREDDY COLE › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $30 › 617.783.0090 or scullersjazz.com FREELANCE WHALES + GEOGRAPHER + CONVEYOR › 8:30 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $18.50 › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com GARY CLARKE JR. + KAT EDMONSON › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › sold out › ticketmaster.com GROUPLOVE + MS MR › 6 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › sold out › 617.338.7699 or boweryboston.com HED PE + LIL WYTE + POTLUCK + TWIZTID › 7 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, Worcester › $22-$25 › 978.797.9696 “HOMEGROWN 4: BOSTON HASSLE FEST” › 4 pm › Cambridge Elks Lodge, 55 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge › $15 › 617.354.0404 JESSE DEE › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster.com JIMMY’S DOWN › Burren, 247 Elm St, Somerville › 617.776.6896 or burren.com JOHN CONDAKES & THE DESTROYERS + DEATH BY FAME + CANARY + TREVOR FRANKEL + JEFF AND ANDREW REMIS › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12-$15 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com JOSHUA RADIN + A FINE FRENZY + SARAH JAROSZ › 7:30 pm › Orpheum Theatre, 1 Hamilton Pl, Boston › $25-$39.50 › 617.482.0650 JUANITO PASCUAL NEW FLAMENCO TRIO + THE JULIAN LAGE GROUP › 8 pm › Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville › $18-$38 › 617.625.5700 or somervilletheatreonline.com/somerville/index.php “LAMPLIGHTER SESSIONS: PETER MULVEY + PAMELA MEANS + LAURA CORTESE & ROSS BELLENOIT” › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18$20 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com LEZ ZEPPELIN [LED ZEPPELEN TRIBUTE] › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com THE LIFE ELECTRIC + THE DIRTY HIT + AUDIO REVIVAL + JETPACKS FOR SALE › 7:30 pm › Hard Rock Café, 22-24 Clinton St, Boston › $10-$12 › 617.424.7625 or hardrock.com/boston LUCY WAINWRIGHT ROCHE + LIND-
Saturday, November 10, 2012
9:00 am
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www.vermontlaw.edu VLS.165.12 November Open House Ad, Boston Phoenix, 5.825" x 2.375"
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SAY FULLER › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $12-$15 › 617.747.6038 or ticketmaster.com MANOLO MAIRENA + NUF SAID › 10 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com MC KABIR & THE DUB DOWN CREW › 9:30 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub.com MICHEL TELO › 7 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $75-$110 › 888.693.2583 MISS FAIRCHILD + THE JOINT CHIEFS + THE SOUL PANACEA › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or churchofboston.com
>> live musicon p 80
472-480 mASSAchuSeTTS AVe ceNTRAL SQ., cAmBRIDge (617) 864-eAST
mideastclub.com | zuzubar.com ticketweb.com DOWNSTAIRS
Thu 11/1: Leedz & CLoCkWork MusiC presenTs: LIL FAme & TeRmANOLOgy sTaTik seLekTah Fri 11/2: Brain TrusT presenTs: ORchARD LOuNge sat 11/3: roCk on! presenTs: Lez zeppeLIN • aLL GirL • aLL zeppeLin sun 11/4 - aLL aGes 7pM: Leedz presenTs: RADIcAL SOmeThINg Mon 11/5 - 6pm: neMesis presenTs: SIx FeeT uNDeR • CaTTLe deCapiTaTion Wed 11/7 - 7pM: VIcTORy AT SeA (reunion) The WheeLers and deaLers (W/Mary Lou Lord) no Love • reindeer (seana CarMody)
upSTAIRS Wed 10/31: DeSTROy BAByLON pLAyS The harder They CoMe sdTk The sTerns (as FLeeTWood MaC) The FaT Mikes (90s punk) Thu 11/1: FAR FROm FINISheD BurninG sTreeTs • CradLe To The Grave Fri 11/2: The mAcROTONeS The eFFeCTive dose • Grinder Monkey sat 11/3 - aLL aGes 1pM The keynoTe CoMpany presenTs: RISky BuSINeSS BAND sat 11/3: The RhyThm DIVIDe John Condakes & The desTroyers deaTh By FaMe • Canary sun 11/4: BoWery BosTon presenTs: QuIeT cOmpANy • BriCk + MorTar Mon 11/5 - 7pm doors: LT Live presenTs: m!NDS Tues 11/6/12: unreGuLar radio presenTs: JVD & The BAckpORch SmOkeRS sWeaTshop • viva La hop Wed 11/7/12 RuSh mIDNIghT (ex-TWin shadoW) The daydreaM (ep reLease) The diFFerenCe enGine
/mideastclub /zuzubar @mideastclub @zuzubar THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 11.02.12 79
Arts & Nightlife :: music << live music from p 79
MXPX + UNWRITTEN LAW + VERSUS THE WORLD + FLF › 6 pm › Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St, Worcester › $15-$17 › 978.797.9696 or tickets.com THE LOVE DOGS › 7 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com PLUMERIA + TIGER SAW + THE DYING FALLS + SEE THROUGH BAND › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or precinctbar.com RISKY BUSINESS BAND + CLOSER THAN WE APPEAR + DOGTOWN + 3MF + VUNDABAR › 1 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $8-$10 › 617.864. EAST or ticketweb.com
R E S TA U R A N T & M U S I C C L U B
43 Years Of Great Music Thursday, Nov 1 rooTs rock feaTuriNg chaNdler Travis & diNTy child
The caTBirds
RUSTIC OVERTONES › 8 pm › Davis Square Theatre, 255 Elm Street, Somerville › $15-$18 › davissquaretheatre.com SARAH BORGES › 7:30 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or toadcambridge.com SARAH JAROSZ › 7:30 pm › Orpheum Theatre, 1 Hamilton Pl, Boston › $23.50-$38 › 617.482.0650 “SIGFEST 2012: A FUNDRAISER FOR LUNG CANCER RESEARCH” › 2 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $25 › 617.876.9330 or rylesjazz.com “SMALL STONE RECORDS SHOWCASE” › Gozu + Lo Pan + The Brought Low + Roadsaw + Freedom Hawk + Lord Fowl + Infernal Overdrive + Supermachine + Blackwolfgoat › 3 pm › Radio upstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or radiobarunion.com SPACE MONKEYS + AQUA CHERRY + DJ MISTER ANYBODY › 7 pm › All Asia, 334 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $6 › 617.497.1544 or allasiabar.com “THE POLYNESIAN POUNCE” › Labretta Suede and the Motel 6 + DJ Trash Only › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com THE TOASTERS + OBI FERNANDEZ › 10 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $15 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com
cd release show kaNgaroo courT friday, Nov 2: (7:30pm) soul / rooTs rock
BarreNce whiTfield + 4 (10pm) jam BaNd
The jauNTee moXa
saTurday, Nov 3: (7pm) r&B / swiNg
The love dogs
(10pm) ska legeNds 30Th aNNiversary Tour
BEN GIBBARD + ADVANCE BASE › 7:30 pm › Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville › $32.50 › 617.625.5700 or somervilletheatreonline.com/somerville/index.php “BRIDGING THE MUSIC LOCAL BAND SHOWCASE” › 4 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or
midwaycafe.com ELEPHANTS + SURPRISE PARTY + CHAIN WAVE + ORANGE UMBRELLAS › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $7 › 617.782.6245 or obrienspubboston.com GRASS WIDOW + FAT CREEPS + CREATUROS › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com “HIXXGIVING 7” › Hixx + Bizzy Bars + Hookerclops + Lola and Meat Depressed › 4 pm › All Asia, 334 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.1544 or allasiabar.com JOHN FUNKHOUSER QUARTET › 6 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 JOY DANIELS & SERENITY TREE + BIANCA RAQUEL + REBEL & ISA + GIZMO + TORI TORI › 7 pm › Hard Rock Café, 22-24 Clinton St, Boston › $10 › 617.424.7625 or hardrock.com/boston K’NAAN › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $25-$27 › ticketmaster.com “LAMLIGHTER SESSIONS: PETER MULVEY + DAVID GOODRICH & FRIENDS” › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com LASANDINISTA + VANGO › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com MATT DUKE + TONY LUCCA + SARAH MILES › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$17 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster.com QUIET COMPANY + BRICK + MORTAR › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com RADICAL SOMETHING + J.LYE + NICK CINCOTTA + ZACH RICARDO + DOUBLE VISION + J WONDER + A.M.J › 7 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass
The ToasTers
oBi ferNaNdez (fr. wesTBouNd TraiN) suNday, Nov 4 jazz BruNch 8:30 am - 2:30 pm opeN Blues jam 4:00pm - 7:00 pm moNday, Nov 5 Team Trivia -8:30 pm $1.50 hoT dogs 6 - 10 pm Tuesday, Nov 6 Bar & resTauraNT opeN To waTch elecTioN resulTs! No music wedNesday, Nov 7 slide / Blues guiTar
charlie keaTiNg BaNd Thursday, Nov 8: garage rock
low cuT coNNie
(3+ sTars iN rolliNg sToNe!) dressed for The occasioN friday, Nov 9: (7:30pm) rock
mouNT peru arc & sToNes
fri. | nov. 2
Santa Mamba “Mother Culture” Release Party 9 pm | cover:$10 | ages 21+
sat. | nov. 3
The Life Electric
with The Dirty Hit, Audio Revival, Jetpacks For Sale 7:30 pm | cover:$12 | ages 21+
sun. | nov. 4 Boston Renaissance & JoyForThePeople present
“Joy After The Rain”
Album Release Party 7:00 pm | cover:$10 | ages 21+
(10pm) soul / rock
aNdrea gillis BaNd
devoTioN feaT. aNdrea gillis & marc piNaNsky
saTurday, Nov 10 (7pm) Neil youNg TriBuTe
Ave, Cambridge › $13-$30 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com SAN JOAQUIN + KAT GOLDMAN + CHRISTOPHER RAICHE › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 TV COWBOYS › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $7 › 617.236.7600 or churchofboston.com THE SWELLERS + DIAMOND YOUTH + PENTIMENTO › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › 617.492.2327 or ttthebears.com/public/hot_tickets.php YELAWOLF + RITTZ + TROUBLE ANDREW + DJ VAJRA › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $20 › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com
BAAUER + CLOCKWORK + DILLON FRANCIS + E-MARCE › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $15 › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com CLARA LOFARO + CHRIS CARPENTER › 9 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com GIVE UP! + WROUGHT IRON HEX + PROBLEM WITH DRAGONS › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com GRASS IS GREEN + FAT HISTORY MONTH + VENDING MACHETES › 8 pm › Charlie’s Kitchen, 10 Eliot St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.492.9646 ILL BILL + RASHEED CHAPPELL + VINNIE PAZ + RITE HOOK › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$17 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster.com “LAMPLIGHTER SESSIONS: PETER MULVEY + LISA OLSTEIN + SUITCASE JUNKET + ROSE POLENZANI” › Peter Mulvey + Lisa Olstein + Suitcase Junket + Rose Polenzani › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com M!NDS + TAVONNA MILLER + STEPH BARRAK BAND + EVA WALSH › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com SIX FEET UNDER + CATTLE DECAPITATION + WRETCHED + DEMORALIZER + REPLACIRE › 6 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20$22 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com SLOWDIM + SHE BEARS › 10 pm › ZuZu, 474 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 or ticketmaster.com/venue/8547 TRACES OF EMPIRE + BURNING HEAT + THE HIDEOUT › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $6 › 617.782.6245 or obrienspubboston.com
AUSTIN MCMAHON + VARDAN OVSErusT Never sleeps PIAN › 8 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston Neil B-day celeBraTioN / BaNd’s 10Th aNNiv. › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com (10pm) rock / reggae THE DANIEL BYRNES BAND + JOHN rack’em leT’s go BENINGHOF › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 BaNooBa complete schedule at Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or lizardcomiNg sooN: loungeclub.com 79 Washington st, providence tickets at LUPOs.cOM, F.Y.e. stORes & LUPO’s 11/15 mike heNry & The revoluTioNarys UNT1886BO12_Boston_Phoenix_3.8125x2.375_10-26.indd 1 10/24/12 12:26 M PM 11/16 (7:30pm) joe krowN Trio ENTER SHIKARI + I SEE STARS + 11/17 (4pm) chick siNger NighT mOnDAy, nOVEmBER 12 LETLIVE + MAH TOKA + FALLING IN (10pm) dogmaTics/ magNolias REVERSE › 6:30 pm › Palladium, 261 Main St, 11/23 & 24 BeaTle juice 12/1 (7pm) mark eiTzel Worcester › $18-$20 › 978.797.9696 or tickets. (10pm) macroToNes com 12/4 kelly hogaN THE FAKE BOYS + CITY MOUSE + 12/6 el vez POISON IVY LEAGUE + AL HEINZ › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $7 › www.johnnyds.com 617.782.6245 or obrienspubboston.com Info: 617-776-2004 FIELD REPORT + DJ CARBO › 9:30 pm › concert LIne: Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $12-$14 617-776-9667 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com GROUNDNATION + ILA MAWANA + johnny d’s LILLA D’MONE › 8 pm › Paradise Rock 17 hoLLand st Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $18-$20 › ©2012 Hard Rock International (USA), Inc. All rights reserved.
davIs square somervILLe. ma 02144
80 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs
WESTERN FRONT 343 Western Ave, Cambridge
Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $17-$20 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb. com HALLELUJAH THE HILLS + SOUTHEAST ENGINE + MARCONI + MAGIC MAGIC › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $9 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com KUROMA + THE WHIGS + ROYAL BANGS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $13-$15 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster.com GLEN MATLOCK [SEX PISTOLS] + LENNY LASHLEY’S GANG OF ONE + RUFIO + ROOTS AND RAZORS SOUND SYSTEM › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $13 › 617.864.EAST or mideastclub.com/tickets.html
fridAy 2
Reggae, Latin & Jazz
Thursday 11/01
hoT springs reggae Call for info friday 11/02
funk friday
live Bands Call for info saTurday 11/03
reggae revival live reggae MusiC FOR INFO 617-492-7772
Stephie Coplan and the Pedestrians are at the Brighton Music Hall this Friday. 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com THE HORNITZ › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $3 › 617.236.7600 or churchofboston.com JONAH FRANCESE & THINKIN’ BIG + CHRISTINE FAWSON › 8:30 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or rylesjazz.com JVD & THE BACKPORCH SMOKERS + SWEATSHOP + VIVA LA HOP + FRAN P › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $8-$10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb. com LISA HILTON + NOE SOCHA AND CHARLIE PUTH › 9 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $10; free for Berklee students › 617.747.6038 or ticketmaster.com/ THREE + PROTEAN COLLECTIVE + YANTRA › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $13-$15 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com
BRYAN MCPHERSON + THE OLD EDISON + JEFF ROWE › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $8 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com CHARLIE KEATING BAND › 8 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $10 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com CHERYL ARUDA + MIKE WILLIAMS + ED SCHEER + ALIZON LISSANCE › 7:30 pm › Smoken’ Joe’s BBQ, 351 Washington St, Brighton › 617. 254.5227 or smokenjoesbbq.com THE DENNIS BRENNAN BAND + THE KIMON KIRK TRIO › 9:15 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub.com FERNANDO HUERGO › 9 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com FORMER BELLE + DOUG WARTMAN › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $6 › 617.782.6245 or obrienspubboston.com JORRIT DIJKSTRA + ANTHONY COLEMAN + ANDREA CENTAZZO + GIL AHARON TRIO › 8 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 LOST IN THE TREES + MIDTOWN DICKENS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster.com RNDM + DAVID GARZA › 8 pm › Paradise
Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $15 › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com RUSH MIDNIGHT + THE DAYDREAM + THE DIFFERENCE ENGINE + PRAY FOR SOUND › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $13 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com SAIL AWAY LADIES + ARI & MIA FRIEDMAN + SARAH JAROSZ + EDEN MACADAM-SOMER › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com “VICTORY AT SEA REUNION AND BENEFIT FOR DONNA SHROUPSKYRAINS” › The Wheelers and Dealers + No Love + Reindeer › 7 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15 › 617.864. EAST or ticketweb.com YEASAYER + SINKANE › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $25-$35 › 888.693.2583
SOCIAL STUDIES PRESENTS Justin Strauss + DJ Brek.One upstairs!!!
FEVER DJs Frank White, Flavorheard and Mister Jason
02 Nov 2 . 7:30 & 10PM
@goodlifebar and Facebook.com/goodlifeboston
Nov 16 . 7:30PM
THE ASTEROIDS GALAXY TOUR + MILLIONYOUNG › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $15-$17 › ticketmaster.com CADENCE WEAPON + FAT TONY + H.W. & DJ EMOH BETTA › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $8-$10 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com THE CATARACS + MALUCA › 7:30 pm ›
NOV 23. 7:30 & 10PM
www.regattabarjazz.com or call 617.395.7757 @TheRegattabar
Beer Summit HarveSt FeSt Coming to the Park Plaza Castle in Boston Friday Night, 11/16 5:30-9pm The Harvest Fest is a craft beer tasting event, with over 70 brewers and 200+ beers to sample. Don’t miss out on the biggest and best 21+ party of the season!
This event will sell out! Get your tickets NOW at www.beersummit.com! THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 11.02.12 81
Arts & Nightlife :: ClUBs
club nights
RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Punk Night” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Rumor Tuesdays” with DJ Roger M WONDER BAR › Allston › “Music Ecology” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Zuesday” with DJ Leah V + Justincredible
thuRsDAY 1
BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Cure Thursdays” DISTRICT › Boston › “In Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Glamlife Thursdays” with Chris Harris + Rafael Sanchez JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 10:30 pm › “Jacques’ Angels” with Kris Knievil LIVING ROOM › Boston › 8 pm › DJ Snow White MIDWAY CAFÉ › Jamaica Plain › “Women’s Dance Night” with DJ Summer’s Eve MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 9 pm › “Subtropix” NAGA › Cambridge › “Verve Thursdays” with DJ Pensive OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Trainwreck Thursdays” with DJ Brian Derrick ROYALE › Boston › 7 pm › Paper Diamond RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hi Frequency” with Ju Lee + Burak Bacio + Kia Mazzi WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Top 40/House Thursdays”
AN TUA NUA › Boston › “Jive: A Modern Speakeasy” BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Play Fridays” COMMON GROUND › Allston › “90s Night” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” with DJ Eric Velez DISTRICT › Boston › “Latin Fridays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Estate Fridays” GREAT SCOTT › Allston › 10 pm › “The Pill” with DJ Ken + DJ Michael V GYPSY BAR › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Dera MACHINE › Boston › 10 pm › “Machine Friday” with DJs Darrin Friedman and Gay Jim MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › DJ 7L MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 9 pm › “La Boum Queer Dance Party” with DJ Stella NORTHERN NIGHTS › Lynn › 8 pm › “Madonna Fridays” with DJ Jay Ine PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “PYT” with DJ Vinny RISE › Boston › 9 pm › “Wonderland” with Damien Paul + Jay K the DJ + Mike Swells RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hush Fridays” with DJ Hectik + DJ Dres + DJ Lus SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Privilege Fridays” TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › Cambridge › midnight › DJ Skitz UMBRIA PRIME › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” UNDERBAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Flavor Fridays” with DJ Franklin WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Friday Night Live” with DJ Braun Dapper ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Solid!” with Flavorheard
sAtuRDAY 3
BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Flaunt Saturdays”
Paper Diamond is at Royale on Thursday, November 1. COMMON GROUND › Allston › “Millenium Night” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Saturdays at Cure” DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “Clique Saturdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Access Saturdays” GYPSY BAR › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Mario MACHINE › Boston › “Music Ecology” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › DJ Kon MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 10 pm › “Mango’s Latin Saturdays” with Lee Wilson NAGA › Cambridge › “Chemistry Saturdays” with DJ Mozes + DJ D Say + Miss Jade OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Saturdays @ Om” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Boom Boom Room” with DJ Vinny RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Revolution Saturdays” with Isabella Cavallier RISE › Boston › 1 am › “Volume” with Disco Ball Murder Kit + Insomnia + Jeff LeClair + Derek the Prince + Marcus Christian + Dan Desumthin + DJ Dupe + Jackie Treehorn + Tony Dispirito + Danielle Dimond RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Rumor Saturdays” SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Sold Out Saturdays” with DJ Bamboora T.T. THE BEAR’S PLACE › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Heroes” with DJ Chris Ewen UMBRIA PRIME › Boston › 10 pm › “Scene Saturdays” WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Wonderbar Saturdays” ZUZU › Cambridge › 11 pm › “Soul-le-luh-jah”
sunDAY 4
CLUB CAFÉ › Boston › 4 pm › “Back 2 Basics Tea Dance” with DJ Harrison CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Industry Sundays” with DJ Hectik EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Svedka Sundays: Industry Night” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “The Drop”
82 11.02.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs
RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “The Den” with DJ Joseph Colbourne UNDERBAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hot Mess Sundays” with DJ Richie Ladue
AN TUA NUA › Boston › 9 pm › “Ceremony- Goth Night” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10 pm › “CVLT” MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 8 pm › “Stump!” NAGA › Cambridge › “Industry Mondays” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Makka Monday” with Voyager 01 + DJ Uppercut RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “The Attic” with DJ Kuro RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 8 pm › “Weekly Wax” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Mondenial” with Jason Stokes
tuEsDAY 6
EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 6 pm › “Wicked New Music” MACHINE › Boston › 9 pm › “Psyclone Tuesdays” with Stevie Psyclone MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › DJ Kon NAGA › Cambridge › “Fiesta Tuesdays” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elecsonic”
DISTRICT › Boston › “Classic Wednesdays” with DJ Tanno EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 8 pm › “Mondo Wednesdays” LIBERTY HOTEL › Boston › 6:30 pm › “Whole Note Wednesdays” MIDWAY CAFÉ › Jamaica Plain › 8 pm › “Dancehall Lounge” MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 9 pm › “Murdock Manor” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Re:Set” RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Rock Wednesdays” with DJ Victor RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Primitive Sounds” ROYALE › Boston › 5:30 pm › “Boston Ski and Sports Club’s Blizzard Party” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Latin Night” with DJ Adilson + DJ Maryalice + DJ Boatslip SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “EDM Wednesdays” STORYVILLE › Boston › 9 pm › “MySecretBoston presents Dub Apocalypse” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Wobble Wednesdays” with Wobblesauce
thuRsDAY 8
BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Cure Thursdays” DISTRICT › Boston › “In Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Glamlife Thursdays” JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 10:30 pm › “Jacque’s Cabaret” with Kris Knievil LIVING ROOM › Boston › 8 pm › DJ Snow White MIDWAY CAFÉ › Jamaica Plain › “Women’s Dance Night” with DJ Summer’s Eve NAGA › Cambridge › “Verve Thursdays” OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Trainwreck Thursdays” with DJ Brian Derrick RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hi Frequency” with Ju Lee + Burak Bacio + Kia Mazzi WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Top 40/House Thursdays”
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» At Industry Event Boston at Quixote Studios At the AnnuAl industry pArty hosted by Photo Nights Boston — a nonprofit collective of New England photogs and artists — a diverse mix of creative types mingled freely in Quixote’s open, minimalist space in Allston. Distinguished-looking older folks chatted by the well-stocked hors d’oeuvres spread while inked-up twentysomethings cruised the bar and tried out an extravagant photo booth designed to resemble a 1920s boudoir (a photo-event photo booth — so meta!). A living statue also made a brief appearance, scaring the pants half off this writer in the process, before getting off to wherever living statues get to. To learn more about Photo Nights Boston and its efforts to create a public photography festival in 2013, check out photonightsboston.com.
More ies!. paret Phoenix At th rties. com/PA ut o see you t h e r e!
Bre Welch
freelance makeup artist and hair stylist
84 11.02.12 :: Thephoenix.com/parTies
We’re calling it: Jeffrey Campbells are the James Franco of shoes — easy on the eyes and popping up everywhere we look. We immediately zeroed in on Bre’s pair, which she recently bought through Karmaloop as a birthday present to herself. Her pinup-chic look might be unconventional, but her style mantra is universal. “I believe you should stick with one big statement piece, and everything else should be a little more tame,” she says. Practicing what she preaches, she left her all-time favorite item — a high-waisted black Betsey Johnson tutu — at home in favor of a more demure H&M pencil skirt. “I was actually going to wear it tonight, but it might have been a little much with the shoes.” She wears her heart on her sleeve — literally. When asked about her permanent statement piece (namely all that pretty ink), she says, “My arm is based on Victorian paintings. I’m a complete hopeless romantic, and I’ve always loved everything about that period.” _AlExANd rA CAvAllo
top: Eileen Clynes, Stephen Sheffield, and Amber Wachtl; Austin Bryant and Jennifer Bodnar Clockwise from above left: Vanessa Gonzalez and Leonard Greco; Natasha and Shanti Jain; Evan Crothers and Danielle Naugler; Stefania Poletti, Dobrodana Popova, Milena Peneva, and Billie Denise McGhee Clockwise at right: Rowena Day and Erika Cole; Janelle Williams and Hector Maldonado; Dana Quigley, Jeffrey Sites, and Jude Dai
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Arts & Nightlife :: bAck tAlk What role does intuition play in your work? Art is a pretty broad term. My work is a type THIS IN ORE O F T of science. For presidential TO TH ERVIEW, GO EPHO E elections, it’s a difficult science. COM NIX. You only have 16 elections since World War II. And of those elections, only the last eight or 10 have the rich, state-level poll data that fuels our model. In general, people are too often seduced by their intuition. Our first instinct tends to overrate the newest piece of information. When a new poll comes in, for example, people tend to ascribe much more meaning to it than they should. NATE CON SILVER TO RE TINUES AD M
Political professionals and journalists seem awfully sure of themselves these days. The larger climate of opinion, however, is uncertain, anxious, and apprehensive. One of the characteristics in the book that I associate with people who make poll predictions is that they are too certain. We think we know more than we do. And we think our perspective is the only one out there. That perspective is often wrong. My thing is to weigh in on where the bulk of the evidence points. How do you feel when one side or the other distorts your work for immediate impact? [Laughs] Let’s just say sometimes I do not love individual campaigns.
The perils of prognostication B y PET ER K Ad zI S
p k a dz i s @ p h x .c o m :: @ k a dz i s
ate Silver’s New York Times blog, fivethirtyeight. com, is an island of rigorous thinking in an ocean of political spin. A statistician who writes with engaging clarity, Silver derives his analysis from his own mathematical models. He has just published his first book, The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail — But Some Don’t (Penguin Press). It’s a guide to thinking about the future, a primer for the intellectually engaged. I spoke with the modestly confident and energetically curious Silver by telephone last week.
86 11.02.12 :: Thephoenix.com
Is there anyone on the right who you find a useful corrective to what I assume is a progressive predilection on your part? I’m actually more liberal to libertarian. Sean Trende of Real Clear Politics is quite good. He’s fair and thoughtful and has a lot of grounding in history. Michael Barone is very good with data and really knows every corner of the country. I’m not sure they are on the right. Center-right, maybe. These guys can separate their rooting interests from the hard data. Name some non-quantitative journalists whose work is nourishing. For “horse race” coverage: Dave Weigel at Slate and Jon Heilemann and Jonathan Chiat at New York. They’re smart, and they tend to have read the literature. What I read every day are the political scientists who blog. The Monkey Cage is a good example. I tend to favor people versed in empirical data, not so absorbed in the Boston– New York–DC bubble. P
“People have a vast menu of information, but they’re not always consuming it in a way that gets them closer to the truth.”
Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the 9/11 financial meltdown, folks like you have gotten so much better at interpretation. But it seems the more we know, the less we understand. That’s part of the reason I wrote this book. Information increases at an exponential rate, but over the last decade, we’ve gotten a lot of things wrong. People have a vast menu of information, but they’re not always consuming it in a way that gets them closer to the truth.