Editorial Editor-in-Chief Marcella Karaan
Tradition in Transition
Managing Editors Mikey Ramos & Elliane Somes
“What’s there to change?”
Associate Editor Mio Borromeo News Editor Nicollo Ordoñez Features Editor Miguel Marasigan & Nikka Pesa News Writers Albertine Din, Melissa Garcia, Raquel Luna, Nicollo Ordoñez, & Bettina Torres Feature Writers Summer Manzano, Miguel Marasigan, & Ivy Zuñiga Opinion Writers Ron Dangcalan & Mikey Ramos Creatives Head Summer Manzano Layout Artist Joey Mundo Photographer Dale Garcia Illustrators Rey de los Santos & Summer Manzano Contributor Mishka Rafael Marketing Committee Heads Denise Calaguas & Alissa Martinez Logistics and Communication Committee Heads Sarah Reyes & Keren del Rosario Moderators Jason de Villa & Philip Peckson
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Amidst all the commotion during the campaign posting for the election of the first university-wide student government, one professor was overheard asking this particular question. He was not the only one, because every bona fide member of this institution might have been asking the same question silently in their minds. Speculations may have been raised not just a few weeks before the elections, but even since news of the Constitutional Convention was first heard of in early July. This question may have even taken many forms, as it sparked a wide spectrum of emotions among the members of the UA&P community. Both negative and positive reactions were understandable, because any response other than indifference would have signified a school spirit that could have otherwise been thought of as dead or nonexistent. But the proper attitude towards change is anticipation and acceptance. After all, it is inevitable and constant. It must be normal to feel reluctance or fear to give way to something partly unknown; but to see change as a sign of growth, as a sign of development, as a sign of progress, is a sign of courage and maturity. Nonetheless, merely accepting change as a natural phenomenon is not enough. It has to be welcomed. It has to be welcomed with the commitment to be a part of it. It has to be welcomed with the commitment to make it happen, along with its good intentions. Change is good. The transition in student government aims at giving the students the power that they deserve. But then, change is also fragile. Without proper care or caution, it could easily lead to the worse, rather than the better. If not handled with care, it may just be a sudden eruption, a loud explosion from the wrong reactions between different elements. But a good transition has to be smooth and gradual. It has to follow a certain direction. Despite the clashing of many forces, there has to be one thing that would hold everything together, that would withstand any external attack. Because despite the necessity of change, there is a certain tradition that everyone would hold on to amidst all the complexities and confusion. Despite the necessity of change, something has to remain: an identity that would last, an identity that would be the mark of a steadfast institution, the identity that UA&P would always be known for. It is not written on any paper, or engraved on any wall. But it is imprinted on each of us, a tradition we carry everywhere we go, no matter what. It’s our power. Marcella Karaan Editor-in-chief
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NEWS 3 | Real Love Revolution 2012 highly praised by community by Raquel Luna 5 | The Bosun recognized in Catholic Mass Media Awards Finals by Nicollo Ordoñez 7 | University behind first ever national conference on mentoring by Melissa Garcia 9 | Improving everyone’s voice: SEB gives way to USG by Bettina Torres
page 13
11 | Cybercrime Prevention Act stirs sentiments, begets strong opposition by Albertine Din
OPINION 13 | SIN Tax Bill: The fight against the Philippines’ national vices by Ron Dangcalan
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15 | A Conversation About Love by MikeyRamos
FEATURES 17 | A Complete Christmas by Miguel Marasigan 19 | On what aPEERs to be by Ivy Zuñiga 21 | Who Cares by Summer Manzano Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 2
Real Love Revolution 2012 highly praised by UA&P community by Raquel Luna
tudents, faculty, staff, and alumni of the UA&P community joined over 15,000 teens from different high schools in the chastity conference known as ‘Real Love Revolution’ held in the World Trade Center in Pasay City last September 1. This year’s chastity conference is the second of its kind. The first conference was held last year at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City and was led by one of America’s most famous chastity speakers, Jason Evert. This year, the conference, organized by UA&P’s Catalyst, was led by international Catholic speakers for the youth, Chris Stefanick and former America’s Next Top Model finalist Leah Darrow.
Relevant and essential
Attendees of the conference commented that the chastity talk was relevant and essential today, especially with the prevalence of misleading licentious acts frequently seen in the mainstream entertainment scene. Students agreed that the conference was relevant for them mainly because of its message of love and purity to the youth.
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‘Awesome and Credible’
Attendees also praised the speakers for their effectiveness in sending across their messages of chastity and purity. Their humor, credibility, and energy made them effortlessly wellloved by the crowd. According to the program, Chris Stefanick is currently the Director of youth, young adult, and campus ministry for the Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado. He is a graduate of the Franciscan University of Steubenville and is an accomplished guitarist and songwriter. Stefanick combines his musical talent with of Steubenville and is an accomplished guitarist and songwriter. Stefanick combines his musical talent with drama, humor and gripping stories to effectively deliver Gospel truths. Meanwhile, Leah Darrow is one of the finalists in the third season of the popular reality show, “America’s Next Top Model” and currently gives chastity talks based on her experience and genuine conversion back to the Catholic faith.
Photos courtesy of Dale Garcia
Valuable Lessons
Listeners from the conference shared valuable lessons and pieces of advice that they received from the two speakers. “I believe that majority of the youth should hear these kinds of talks. It is during this stage (teenage stage) where one experiences the roller coaster ride of love, and all the emotions and situations that go along with it. Having this kind of talk will enlighten the youth to create decisions that would be best for them and for their future” - Roan Tañafranca, IV-SCM “They were awesome. Stefanick was not only effective in conveying his message to the audience; he was also very fun and lively. I also liked how transparent and open Darrow was in sharing her experiences and that was very heartwarming. I think they complemented each other; Stefanick’s talk was more about facts, while Darrow’s was more about actual experiences” - Czarina Francesca Figueroa, I-SCM
“Imitation? Real. Love is a choice, a choice that we would always want to be the latter. Imitation Love is confinement to lies, Real Love is freedom. To freely love a person is to accept him for who he is and not what we want him to be. To love freely is to love naturally—no fake words, no artificial limits, no birth control— just the freedom of self-control. Just Real Love.” - Summer Manzano, III-IMC “I think both speakers are highly credible because most of what they were talking about were things that they have personally experienced. Also, both have given arguments that have been thought through, and sifted through the doctrine of the Church. And lastly, and not the least if I may add, they were very powerful speakers because they both try to live holy lives” - Dr. Al Hiquiana, English Department Chair “I find the talk very relevant because our age is witnessing a great destruction of the notion of sex and chastity. As a consequence, sex is cheapened from a sacred act to simply a tool of pleasure” - John Brylle Bae, I-SSE
“It is important for the majority to know what ‘real love’ is. It’s not simply romance at that. For the youth, it is because their thinking has become more liberated. Freedom is not doing what you want, that would simply reduce it to ‘freedom of choice’ which isn’t the essence of real freedom” - Ahnee Lae Abutin, II-IPE
“There are two things which struck me the most from the Real Love Revolution. First, we are free to make our own choices. But once we make our decision, we are never free from the consequences of our choice. Second, there may be condoms and pills to protect your body, but there are none to protect your heart” - Erika Bernales, I-SCM
“What is real love? Can it be measured by the dozens of flowers one gives or receives? Can it be equated to the number of text messages and calls one makes or gets? Can it be calculated to the times one thinks about that special person every single day? No. We shouldn’t be blinded with the cheap imitations and promises of love.” - Hazel Buenaventura, I-SCM Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 4
University behind first ever national conference on mentoring by Melissa Garcia
ast September 13-14, UA&P’s Mentoring and Guidance Desk of the Center for Student Affairs (CSA) tapped prospect schools that would want to adopt the mentoring system as they launched the first ever National Conference for Student Mentoring entitled “Shaping Young Minds and Hearts (Towards Integrative Coaching, Counselling, and Mentoring)”. More than a hundred participants – school directors, school administrators, level coordinators, department heads, guidance coordinators, guidance counselors, teachers, social workers, life coaches, education superintendents, and parent leaders – convened for the said event. Among the areas of interest tackled by the conference were the facts and myths behind guidance counselling, the essential characteristics of adolescence, coaching beyond skills competencies, going beyond desired learning competencies, and the basic knowledge
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and skills in mentoring and coaching.
A whole-person development
UA&P believes that a bona fide university is an educational institution that provides integral formation comprised of an education on faith, reason, culture, and life as mentioned in the university credo. Parallel to its philosophy of education, UA&P incorporates a one-on-one mentoring system as an avenue facilitating the holistic human development of its students. Generally, this program cultivates the
individual’s personal development and reinforces the whole-person formation, as it is an alleyway where students can avail themselves of personal advising and assistance regarding their personal, professional, and social life in the university. As Dr. Jose Maria Mariano, the University President, puts it, mentoring has no distinct focal point. Rather, it is supposed to address the totality of the student in all his dimensions – dispositions and attitudes – that will help the student develop competencies precisely to be successful in academics,
NEWS Photos courtesy of Ms. Annie Mendoza
in their co-curricular activities, and in their social relationships. Hence, mentoring is a total approach in as much as making this integral personal development attainable.
Regular, one-on-one conversations
The locus of this system of personal formation are the mentoring sessions – which are “regular, confidential conversations between the student and his or her mentor with the goal of helping the students attain certain competencies, certain skills, attitudes, and also information that the student needs in order to be successful”, Dr. Mariano commented. “Mentoring is a one-on-one conversation between a person with greater life experiences (mentor) and one with less life experiences (mentee)”, Guidance Counselor James Lactao mentioned. Mr. Lactao adds that the topic of conversation depends on what the student wants to bring up in mentoring – be it academic, personal, spiritual, or social. He cautions, though, that even if the mentor would be giving pieces of advice, in the end, it is the mentee who decides what to do. Regarding the recently conducted conference, the President claimed that more and more people are indeed talking about one-on-one interventions and that the unveiling of the said conference is but a recognition of the value of mentoring in all of its different manifestations – coaching, guidance and counselling.
Student as persons
Mentoring is one of the ways to address the integral formation of the students. Through mentoring, the students can reflect, assess, evaluate, and integrate their learning skills and experiences in a way that benefits their being persons specifically, the acquisition and strengthening of their intellectual skills and moral criteria. “Mentoring is essential in the integral development of the students that forms part of the aims of the University. We say integral because we see our students as persons, and not just one who learns and thinks. These students have hearts and emotions as well. Balancing these parameters in a hierarchy and helping students make sound and well-thought of decisions are addressed in mentoring”, Lactao furthered. As Dr. Mariano puts it, this program is one of the things that differentiates and distinguishes us as a university, and perhaps, the university’s contribution to the society at large as well. With the mentoring program part and parcel of the University’s arsenal of education, facilitating the whole-person formation is, indeed, within reach. When asked regarding future plans, Lactao confirmed that more conferences gunning for more participants are already in the pipeline for next year. Dr. Mariano, meanwhile, is hopeful as he said, “I’m not quite sure if this is going to be annual but certainly we want to see it international.”
Mentoring is essential in the integral development of the students that forms part of the aims of the University. We say integral because we see our students as persons, and not just one who learns and thinks.
Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 6
The Bosun
recognized in Catholic Mass Media Awards Finals by Nicollo Ordoñez
he Bosun, UA&P’s official student publication, was chosen as finalist for the 34th Catholic Mass Media Awards (CMMA) held last September 25 in Pasay City for the category Best Student Publication – College Level. barrier of time and space, what people With the objective of recognizing Premier award-giving body socially responsible journalists and mass media practitioners who communicate virtues and values through their professions, this year’s CMMA had the theme, “Reflective Silence and Word: A Richer Communication of our Faith.” This year’s CMMA keynote speaker Archbishop of Manila Luis Antonio “Chito” Tagle stressed the importance of reflective silence in communication. “There are many kinds of silence. Reflective silence [ay] ang pagtanggap at pagpapahayag ng salita ng Diyos through katahimikan… It is a silence where we are focused and attentive to God”, the Archbishop said.
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Instituted by the Archdiocese of Manila in 1978 through His Eminence Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin, the CMMA is the premier award-giving body for professionals and students spreading genuine Christian values in mass media. According to the CMMA official website, His Holiness Pope John Paul II recognized the significance of the award-giving body and even personally handed out the trophies to the winners in 1980. “I would ask you always to be keenly aware of your responsibility. The images you film, the sounds you record, the programs you broadcast cross every
see and hear in your transmissions and commentaries heavily influence the way they think and act.”, Pope John Paul II said.
The Bosun’s philosophy
The Bosun was instituted three years ago with the mission-vision of becoming an effective instrument of the student’s cultivation of the self through the principles of truth and responsibility. Behind the publication’s philosophy is the firm belief that man always has a role to play in society. More than a publication for voicing out student concerns, The
“This unexpected triumph has raised the bar for the publication… we wanted to leave behind a legacy that would really make a mark in the university’s history… There’s nothing like a constant pursuit of excellence.” - Ysay Camus Bosun mission likewise complements the university’s primary purpose of educating the humanity in man. Like the university credo, the publication also aspires to educate its students on the principles of truth, responsibility, and total human development through value-laden communication strategies. When asked what makes The Bosun different from other student publications, The Bosun’s current Editor-in-Chief Marcella Karaan (Year III, School of Economics) suggests that the publication goes beyond the extra mile compared to other school papers. “The Bosun is unconventional and quite far from the traditional notion of a school newspaper. We are out of the ordinary because we see life and vibrance in ordinary things. We presented stories that would definitely have a strong impact on the readers’ lives… we asserted a specific stand, without sounding imposing…”, Karaan said.
‘Live United’
Central to making it as CMMA finalist among different student publications nationwide was The Bosun’s flagship feature article published in its January-March 2012 issue entitled “Live United: Starting an Identity from within.” The article was written by Ina Capulong (Year IV, College of Arts and Sciences) and Anthony Lumicao (Year III, School of Communication). In the article, Capulong and Lumicao identified the significance of one of the three hallmarks of the university’s brand of education – Values Formation (the other two being Research and Communication and People Development). “To live united… is an invitation to make our entire person, and consequently, our institution integrally developed and holistic in identity.”, wrote the two authors. Karaan explained that “Live United: Starting an Identity from within” is a powerful piece on the value and
meaning of living the university motto, Unitas, which is a buzz word for those involved in socially responsible and ethical media and communications. The article’s main thesis can be summarized in five words which serve as guiding principles to help facilitate each and everybody’s personal development in the university: faith, excellence, values, service, and solidarity. “This unexpected triumph has raised the bar for the publication… we wanted to leave behind a legacy that would really make a mark in the university’s history… There’s nothing like a constant pursuit of excellence.”, The Bosun’s former Editor-in-Chief Ysabel Camus (Year IV, School of Communication) commented on the publication making it to the CMMA finals.
Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 8
Cybercrime Prevention Act stirs sentiments, begets strong opposition by Albertine Din
single legislative document has stirred the Filipino netizens’ sentiments into a modern-day display of online people power. Last October 9, Tuesday, the SC issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) of 150 days on the controversial Cybercrime Prevention Act, while the high court reviewed the constitutionality of the provisions, especially concerning the issue on freedom of expression. Republic Act 10175 entitled “An act defining cybercrime, providing for the prevention, investigation, suppression and the imposition of penalties therefor and for other purposes” otherwise known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 took effect last October 3 during the second regular session of the fifteenth Congress of the Philippines.
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The Act composed of thirty-one (31) sections divided into eight (8) chapters was approved and signed by President Benigno S. Aquino III on September 12, 2012.
Preventing internet crimes
The Act is said to prevent internet crimes classified into three types as stipulated in Section 4 as: (a) offenses against confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer data and systems, (b) computer-related offenses, and (c) content-related offenses. In general, the law provides legal basis for punishment of intercepting and damaging another person’s data and computer without the owner’s permission (Section 4.a), identity theft and fraud (Section 4.b), child pornography and cybersex (Section 4.c), and online libel (Section 4.c.4).
Numerous criticisms
Barely an hour long since the bill was passed, the Act already received numerous criticisms from the online community. Netizens nationwide started criticizing the law as an online version of martial law calling this move by the Congress as a suppression of freedoms. UA&P students, likewise, have quickly shown their active participation by expressing their thoughts on the law. Some have even turned their profile pictures to black and used the #notocybercrimelaw hashtag. Adding fuel to the fire, is the provision which makes online libel illegal. Section 6 of the Act provides that the acts covered in the Revised Penal Code (one of which is libel) committed with the use of communication technology shall receive
NEWS Photos courtesy of Joey Mundo
a penalty one degree higher than that indicated in the Revised Penal Code. According to the Revised Penal Code (Article 355), libel committed through publication or any acts of defamation shall be punished by prision correcional in its minimum and medium periods (6 months – 4 years) and/or a fine of 200 to 6,000 pesos. Section 6 of the Cybercrime Prevention Act provides that; All crimes defined and penalized by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special laws, if committed by, through and with the use of information and communications technologies shall be covered by the relevant provisions of this Act: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree higher than that provided for by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special laws, as the case may be. (RA 10175, Section 6) In the Cybercrime Prevention Act, the punishment for libel committed online will be prision mayor or 6 – 12 years in prison and/or a fine of 200 – 6,000 pesos. This has been questionable since the act does not define who is liable. Many questions loom around the clause, such as, will it include those who simply liked, shared or retweeted a libelous post? Another provision contested is Section 12 of the Act, which allows for real time collection of traffic data without warrant. The section, however, continues that traffic data shall only cover the following: “communication’s origin, destination, route, time, date, size, duration, or type of underlying
service, but not content, nor identities” (RA 10175, Section 12). The search, seizure and taking down of or making inaccessible other computer data requires a warrant.
Implementation strategies
In terms of implementation, the Act also provides for the creation of the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC) (Section 24) under the Executive Branch or the Office of the President. The final provisions also provide for the creation of a body which will draft the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) composed of the Information and Communications Technology Office under the Department of Science and Technology (ICTO-DOST), Department of Justice (DOJ), and Department of Interior Local Government (DILG) (Section 28). While the SC reviews the Act after receiving at least 15 petitions against the law, a huge chunk of responsibility remains in the law’s main enforcing body. In the end, the IRR will define the final clauses of the said law. Although the rise of the Cybercrime Prevention Act led to speculations such as a mere political showdown played by those who are running for the upcoming 2013 elections, this much is clear: it is still up to the people to once again be informed and decide for themselves the quality of government and laws that they would uphold in this country.
It is still up to the people to once again be informed and decide for themselves the quality of government and laws that they would uphold in this country. Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 10
Improving everyone’s voice:
SEB gives way to USG by Bettina Torres
Photo by Mr. Daryl Zamora
he University Student Government (USG) is both an embodiment and at the forefront of the university motto, Unitas. It comprises of seven student leaders from the different Institutes, Colleges, and Schools (ICS) who will together serve the UA&P community. The USG currently replaces the former student council, Student Executive Board (SEB).
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According to the framers of the new constitution, the main difference between the previous SEBs and the USG is the shift from a presidential system to a merging of both presidential and parliamentary systems. From what used to be a system where College of Arts and Sciences (CAS 1st – 3rd year) students directly voted for the different positions open to all students, the new USG constitution currently allows each school to
vote for only one representative from their respective ICS. The elective representatives from the various ICS will then compose the USG. The University needed a new form of student government because of a number of developments. For one, freshmen students are now classified into their courses before they enter the University, unlike before when freshmen and sophomores were all under the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS).
IVP Eunice Contreras Year IV SED
Organizations Olli Fortades Year III SSE
President Jigo Vidanes Year III SCM
EVP Margaux Antonio Year III CAS
Varsity Arika Yamahata Year III SMN
Secretary Marietta Trimpe Year III IPE
In the new USG, the CAS representative would be elected by those only under the Humanities program.
Properly represented
According to the framers, “the separation of the different ICS made it more important for each unit to be properly represented in the student government. Additionally, the growing student population, and the increasing number of academic ICS as well as various student interest groups whose different needs have to be addressed necessitated the change in government.” The Bosun interviewed three out of the seven new officers: Marietta Trimpe (Year III, Institute of Political Economy), Arika Yamahata (Year III, School of Management) and Gilbert Domingo Vidanes (Year III, School of Communications. When asked what major changes were effected in the constitution, Trimpe said that the USG aims to facilitate student participation, and listen to each and everyone’s concerns, suggestions. “It creates more democratic space for everyone involved as the representatives from each school have a definite position to occupy”, added Vidanes.
USG’s leadership style
All three interviewees agree that there is a need to foster greater student involvement and participation. Yamahata explains, “Our leadership style should focus on establishing the communication between the USG and the students so that everyone in the community can voice out their concerns and suggestion, and get regular updates on different projects and events. Among their priorities is to put up a Students’ Rights and Welfare Desk as a means for students to voice out their concerns. The USG believes in giving value to the student’s opinions. The current USG’s term extends up to May 2013 although beginning next school year, the term of the USG will officially be one school year beginning on the last day of the second semester and ending on the last day of the second semester of the following year. Given the relatively limited time of their term, the officers plan to focus on projects that have long term effects. Aside from the Students’ Rights and Welfare Desk, other proposed projects include Organizational Funds, Voters’ education, and First-aid training.
F.O. Kenneth Garcia Year IV SEC
The Challenge of Improvements
Many challenges await the USG. According to the Framers, the USG’s challenge is to improve the fair treatment and coordination among all groups, foster unity within the University, effect real change, and be a good mediator between students and the University administration. The new officers know that these challenges require strong leadership qualities. According to Trimpe, a good leader understands his purpose, can operate in difficult situations, and formulate effective solutions. He is a servant leader who respects and contributes to another person’s ideas, added Yamahata. “A good leader is selfless, driven by the passion to serve genuinely, is well-rounded, and makes a difference by creating leaders better than himself,” Vidanes stressed. The USG officially committed itself to the UA&P community during their oath taking last September 24.
Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 12
The sin tax bill should not be also viewed as a government going overboard so as to meddle with people’s private lives. Smoking and drinking are actually public issues now that they are blamed for rampant diseases and social problems such as crimes. 13 | The Bosun | Volume 3 Issue 2
Sin Tax Bill: The fight against the Philippines’ national vices
any people reject the idea of having a Sin Tax Bill (a bill seeking higher taxes for products such as cigarettes, tobacco, liquor, and alcohol) passed in the legislature. Who would not, they say, when the industry that the bill targets is one of the, if not the most, productive in the Philippine economy? Figures for the tobacco industry alone show that it cashed in around 26 billion pesos in taxes to the government in 2011. Moreover, beer companies warn lawmakers that just 140% rise in their products would mean losing 8,000 jobs. Information like these create shockwaves of discussions; a discourse that actually involves people of various ages, gender, and income level. People feel that they have stake on what is being discussed in the legislative chambers. After all, drinking and smoking are part of their everyday lives.
National Vices
Statistics show that Filipinos top in both tobacco and alcohol consumption in
the Philippines is necessary as 7 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the Philippines are related to smoking and drinking. The Department of Health (DOH) estimates that 240 people die per day because of smoking alone. This is equivalent to 10 people dying every hour. Moreover, doctors say that 90% of people who drink significant amounts of alcohol develop fatty liver diseases and have greater chances of heart attacks as compared to nondrinkers. So is smoking and drinking fun then? Meanwhile, the 26 billion pesos that the tobacco industry contributed to the government is actually a fraction of what it costs the Filipino people. It is estimated that the excessive tobacco use in the Philippines costs the country 188 billion pesos every year in medical expenditures and forgone jobs due to poor health. Moreover, the human cost of excessive tobacco use could not amount to any billions of pesos of taxes the industry pays to the
Ron Dangcalan
government. Many blame the low cost of tobacco in making Filipinos number one in terms of per capita consumption of tobacco in the region. A recent study shows that a Marlboro cigarette pack sells for only 30 pesos, 10 times less than cigarette packs sold in Singapore. Cigarettes can also be bought per stick in the Philippines whereas in many countries retail is prohibited. The ease of access to cigarettes is one of the main reasons as to why smoking is rampant in the Philippines. The same way goes for liquor since the country also tops alcohol consumption in the region. What is surprising is that a majority of beer drinkers in the country are women. They constitute 52% of beer drinkers in a 2012 national survey of Radio Veritas. This could have serious consequences on the family. The Department for Work and Pensions of Great Britain warns that alcohol misuse could lead to increased chances of family tension, quarrelling, violence, anxiety, depression and even divorce. The study also notices an increase in the rate of unemployment, work accidents and crimes such as theft. The problems caused by drinking and smoking in the county are enormous even by just looking at the figures. It is just necessary for the state to intervene by raising the price of sin products. A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank (WB) found a strong correlation between the decrease in alcohol and tobacco consumption and high prices due to increase in taxes. This could be true particularly in the Philippines where poorer families constitute a higher percentage of the sin products’ market. The Radio Veritas
survey found that 25% of drinkers are from families with monthly income ranging from 5k-14.99k while 14.38% are from those with income from 15k-24k. By increasing the price of liquor and tobacco, people can buy less and less. Moreover, high prices would discourage non-drinkers and non-smokers to even try drinking or smoking. That would help reduce the number of new generations of drinkers and smokers. However, some critics of the bill seem to think that its passage would mean a violation of individual freedom or personal morality. Others view it as government interference to individual choices.
Promoting or constraining freedom?
But is it not that the bill actually helps promote freedom instead of constraining it? By seeking to reduce alcohol-related crimes, the bill could actually help in securing a more peaceful environment. That is freedom from fear. By seeking to reduce tobacco and alcohol use, the bill could help in lessening incidents of lung cancer among other diseases. That is freedom from sickness. The problem for some people is that their concept of freedom is distorted. Freedom does not mean doing anything the person wants—it is using the free will to do the good. Now, is harming one’s body through smoking good? Or is a person free when he rages in the street under the influence of alcohol? No. Human beings should not be operating on any artificial substance. A person is not free when he is controlled by anything other than his own free will.
Public issues, not private
The sin tax bill should not be also viewed as a government going overboard so as to meddle with people’s private lives. Smoking and drinking are actually public issues now that they are blamed for rampant diseases and social problems such as crimes. Now, especially that the 2013 budget has included the estimated additional revenues from the Sin Tax Bill, lawmakers are pushed to pass it by December this year. It is also encouraging that many lawmakers have shown commitment in passing the bill in recent interviews with the media. All these bring about renewed hopes in minimizing, if not hopefully ending, the trail of destruction brought by tobacco and liquor to the country.
Ron Jay P. Dangcalan Year III Institute of Political Economy
Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 14
A Conversation About Love
W And yet when faced by these unnatural situations, many have the tendency to rationalize their wrongness, because in reality, they do not know how to distinguish right from wrong anymore. 15 | The Bosun | Volume 3 Issue 2
hy is it that talking about philosophy outside the classroom is not a common thing? Actually talking about the philosophy of natural things may not even be the best conversation starter to any friend or acquaintance. It would be strange to start a conversation with “Pare, what’s up? Do you want to talk about moral relativism?”. After coming from grueling sessions of mathematics, after sitting through mountains of readings, tons of homework and hours of lecture; a friend would be expecting some leisure, something light, not something heavy like a lecture. Sadly, talking about philosophy has always been viewed as a lecture, not a form of leisure. So when does talking about philosophy become leisure? And why is it that when a group of friends talk about love and relationships, they are so keen to listen, analyze, and give comments? While in truth talking about love and philosophy of the natural do not really have much difference; it talks about the same things - people, behavior, feelings, life. It asks the same questions - what does it mean to be in the friend zone? What makes a person attractive? Some would say that when they talk about love it is a leisure activity because it is just like a dramatic telenovela. It is very entertaining and relevant because it is based on experience. But Philosophy of the natural things could
also be viewed in the perspective of a telenovela. It follows a storyline from “Why did he/she do that?” to “That was wrong!” or “How unnatural to do that to a Blake Lively or to a Brad Pitt”. One could also get tips from it, like what are the natural tendencies of girls and guys towards a relationship? Probably the most frequently asked question by teenagers, young adults and even those who are already in their wiser years is what is love? This question is most certainly answered in various ways. But only a few ask about what is pluralism? What is relativism? What are morals? What is moral relativism? While in fact if the jargon is simplified in a friendlier manner it would be, what are his personalities? Why does he think that’s cool? Does he really think what he is doing is right? When smoking weed does become accepted? Actually what people don’t notice is when they talk about love and relationship they are actually encompassing Philosophy of the natural things and specifically why moral relativism is wrong. They talk about how sweet the guy was when he bought flowers and chocolates for her, made poems and comparing her to a summer’s day. How selfless she was by spending her free time helping him go to his next class because of the injury he sustained in a sport. How sensitive he was to notice her new clothes, her make-up and her new nail polish. How considerate she was by waiting for him
Mikey Ramos
every after class. How sincere of him to listen to her antics, stories, ideas and even views about life 24/7. How strong she was to tell him not to cut class and do his homework after a tiresome training. Philosophy of the natural taken out of its jargon talks about the same things. It talks about all of these things about love but with a special twist. It tells us that there is only one definition of what is love. And the definition is precisely all the instances mentioned above which, when summed up, would all mean willing for the happiness and good of the other. It tells about what is right and wrong so that we can always offer what is best for the person we love. Also part of the special twist, it tells us that we need the help of other people to teach us what is right and wrong because sometimes we do not notice. While in some parts of the world it tells us that doing drugs is okay or that it is alright to have sex with anyone as long as the partners are protected. It is unnatural for man to hurt his loved one by saying I love you to another. Having sex by real definition means to make love. The philosophy is a reminder that these things are wrong because it is unnatural for man to love this way. And yet when faced by these unnatural situations, many have the tendency to rationalize their wrongness, because in reality, they do not know how to distinguish right from wrong anymore. Moral relativism taken out
its jargon means to have multiple definitions of what is right and wrong. It would tell us that anyone could give a definition to what they think love really means. A person could say “I respect you and please respect me but for me love means have sex with me every night even though we’re not yet married”. This explains the reason why even though Wikipedia and Google provide readily available sources, we still have a lot of unanswered questions. It is because it offers different and contradictory definitions. Moral relativism is the epitome of selfishness. It is the opposite of what love is. Standing by this would mean that everything that a person does could be correct because his mind tells him so. This is what I consider a lunacy. It is like telling that 1+1 = 11. And the danger to this is that it can affect the whole society. Making us believe that marriage does not make sense and that a relationship means sex. It does not talk about what is good for everyone but what a person thinks would be good for him. Pleasure. While most people view the topic about love as a leisure activity, people do not view philosophy as one. Philosophy used to be a leisure activity. And history has the evidence to prove it. From the time of Aristotle and Plato to the time of Jose Rizal, a day with friends also meant a day to talk about and experience life. To talk about love. Maybe it was in the time of misplaced thinking of being free
after the EDSA revolution, where the definition of “freedom from” was used in all activities. While in truth the real definition is supposed to be freedom for. The biggest blunder that our generation has committed is that we gave freedom a definition of being free from parental control, hardship of academics and tedious practice of religion. Somewhere in history we made a mistake that not all can identify. A mistake that could only be made right when we already recognize what is right.
Antonito Miguel R. Ramos Year III School of Communication
Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 16
A Complete Christmas by Miguel Marasigan
t truly was the most wonderful time of the year. Every Christmas season, excitement and anticipation fill the air, and the one that passes was not an exception. With a stroll down the streets, one could notice that just when Christmas was approaching, the environment changes with all the bright lights and the jingles that can get stuck in one’s head for quite a while. Most, if not all the stores are giving promos and discounts. Most houses were lit up with Christmas decors, the putting up and taking down of which served as opportunities for family bonding.
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Photos courtesy of Nikon Club Philippines
It’s quite amazing how all the preparations and celebrations last Christmas amounted to a whole that gave radical change around us. The same may be said in Ortigas. A theme was applied, and everyone abided by it; each institution and establishment had their own way of putting Christmas into their respective pictures. And a stroll would really have one notice what each one has in store. But, to add to that ‘annual’ excitement that one gets from Christmas, perhaps it would be good to ask why all people actually celebrate it. Is it merely a time when the decorations have to be set up again? Does it end as a reason for men and women to buy gifts for their families and friends? Does Christmas, in the end, all amount to just a theme that families and malls have to abide by? It may not be something that matters so much, but Christmas is obviously
much more than a theme, and to get in touch with the core of celebrating such an event is to unlock a celebration that goes beyond excitement and good feelings. Fortunately, the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), with the help of Ortigas Center Association, Inc. (OCAI) and Barangay San Antonio (BSA), was out to give a gift to its surrounding district. It was probably the most significant gift given to the public, as it completed the whole picture, giving the touches previously absent. That is the Belenistas de Ortigas, an annual event that aims to proclaim to Ortigas and its tourists the true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Christ. The very name of the event gives away how it is carried out. Belenistas is the Spanish word for ‘belen-makers’; in this case the belenmakers are various companies, whose cooperation involves setting up belens on their respective buildings, making
them visible to all the passers-by. In the past few weeks, among billboards and posters rose scenes of the most important points in human history, and they stood as reminders for everyone as to why Christmas exists in the first place. The viewing period is from December 3 to January 13. With the University’s own way of anticipating Christmas day, the hundreds of people in the hustle and bustle of Ortigas are able to appreciate the season more as they pause, and take a glance up the belens erected on the buildings. It is never too late to grasp the true meaning of Christmas, as it happens every year. And hopefully, as the spirit sparked by Christmas lasts with everyone throughout the year, there is the hope of people living it with a much deeper excitement and joy – that which is more complete.
Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 18
On What
by Ivy Zuñiga
n the very first day of your college life, once the gates have opened, they look at you like babies ready to mob out the whole campus. Nervous like nannies, they confusingly answer the question, “How am I going to make a good impression, about me, about UA&P?” in a variety of ways. But more than anything else, they know their primary purpose. They are held responsible for the welfare of their own “alagas”, at least for the freshmen, by guiding them on how to conduct themselves throughout their stay in the university. For them, this is pressure – peer pressure – but a good kind of pressure for that matter. Do you still remember the first faces that helped you walk your way through the campus during your first days as a freshman? Formally, they are called the Guidance Desk’s Peer Facilitators, but for their own blocks, they are known as buddies, “ates” and “kuyas”. They
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assist the university guidance counselors in conducting various personal and academic development programs such as testing, talks, and teambuilding activities. In reality, however, our “ates” and “kuyas” go beyond their expected duties. They are one’s friendly support. When one experiences doubts and hesitations, they could be one’s mentors and closest companions. They could even be one’s tutor or adviser, and this is because these peers have two things to share: training and experience. Peers have once been freshmen students before like everyone else and so, ideally, they would know the whereabouts in the university. A usual scene would be that the peers become instant “academic advisers” to their blocks during enrolment season as they would ask who is the best professor to take, how many units to have, where the classrooms are, or ask for readings and references for subjects that their
“ates” and “kuyas” have taken. From time to time, this kind of relationship persists but what keeps the peer and the students even more bonded, are the few moments of personal chats over lunch or “ambush” mentoring that the students take advantage of with their peers. When younger students ask about crucial matters, especially about the culture of the school or more personal and ethical topics, that’s where both the experience and training of the peers become more useful and helpful. Apart from their own encounter of the university life, which gives a more subjective perspective of things, the Guidance Desk puts a more objective dimension into it. Our very own guidance counselors themselves make sure that the peers possess the proper attitudes and are equipped with the proper knowledge to impart the proper information and values to the students.
To do this, peers also have to undergo a series of tests and interviews, have regular consultations to the counselors, and attend seminars and workshops about people management so the peers would know how to handle the worries of their fellow students no matter how petty or how critical they are. As a peer I am myself, I would remember how my freshman block would talk to me about the simplest things to the most controversial ones. For instance, one would tell me about his subjects for the semester and ask some advice on who are the best teachers to have or how to prepare for certain expectations. On one hand, I and one of my “alagas” would have eternal debates on some political issues such as the RH Bill, or at times, even contest one’s belief and values regarding religion and faith. Experiencing these kinds of extremes is not an unusual scenario in the university. What is
important is that in the end, both parties would still end up responsive towards each other and that after the conversation, there is one person who would feel welcomed and accepted, whether his/her beliefs go against the social norms. These peers, like any other exists in one reality as their “alagas” – that is the reality of university life in UA&P. UA&P has been UA&P ever since its conception. Time may have passed. Each and every year, there would be a new set of people, people of different appearances, ages, views, and values, who would add up to the foundations of the university. But, as we would realize it, the groundwork of UA&P could never be moved, and tradition has persisted primarily because the students, he faculty, and the staff take good care of what the university stands for. What is therefore imparted and taught to its first people are further strengthened
and developed by the succeeding generations. Just like how a family should work, our “ates” and “kuyas” are good, if not the best, examples to keep us grounded. They could set the standards, they give the criteria, they could give pieces of advice, and they know the rules – the shoulds and should nots in the university, or even more, in life. They may not have the best grasp of what ought to be and what ought not to be, but with their continuous guidance, as they are simultaneously shaped to be more knowledgeable and geared up. Their experiences and their education could serve as bases, as lessons, and as points for improvement, that could eventually help in one’s decisionmaking – in choosing what is best and most truthful among a myriad of what appeared to be collectively right. Their “alagas” only have to ask and it shall be given to them at the best circumstances.
Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 20
Who Cares? by Summer Manzano If you think you’ve had enough trouble by getting water inside your shoes on a rainy day, or getting pissed by the inefficient public transportation, or getting your school things soaked in coffee, you haven’t had enough for you not to care just yet. His name’s Kris and he has had enough trouble. All of his school stuff, all of his clothes and his entire house got underwater during the Southwest Monsoon that devastated the country last August. When classes resumed he was not able to come the first day because he had nothing to wear and nothing to bring, and he had to help his family fix the mess of what’s left of their house. Here is a brief account of his story. Barangay Tumana, Marikina is most popular for getting flooded during calamities. With the river and creek surrounding nearby houses, there is no denying that the residents are in no safe place during a heavy rain. Kris Calot, a scholar of UA&P, lives in Tumana with his parents, his brother and sister, and his blind grandmother. In a worse experience where he had to evacuate with his siblings and his grandmother with the flood already well-above their heads, he had learned that prompt evacuation is necessary. This and the alert raised by the local authorities helped his family to vacate their house as early as possible during the Southwest Monsoon. They transferred into a safe elementary school together with other evacuees. There are, however, some unavoidable problems in an evacuation center: first, the discomfort of trying to squeeze into a very crowded place and find enough comfort to sleep; next, the trouble of getting food for the first few hours or days of the calamity and third, the danger of catching diseases (not to mention the trouble of getting a bath). 21 | The Bosun | Volume 3 Issue 2
Fortunately, Kris and his family escaped the sickness but the discomfort and the hunger was a boat shared by everyone in evacuation. On the first day, they had nothing but bread for lunch and rice for dinner. Kris had to use the remaining amount from his own allowance since they had no money to afford a good meal. During the night, they barely had sleep due to the extremely crowded classroom they settled in. The relief operations did not reach them until the second day. During such time, there was little supply because of the lack of volunteers and donations. Two families had to share one pack of relief goods and one could just imagine how small the rations were. That the evacuees starved, is not an exaggeration. There was little improvement over the rest of the five days Kris and his family spent in the evacuation center. Coming back home was not sweet. Since the water went so high, the mud that came with it was also all over the place. The kind of cleaning needed for this situation takes months to complete, but the first few days are the hardest. Sometimes, coming back home and finding nothing but total destruction is worse than abandoning it. Then there’s the problem of lost and forever unusable school stuff, appliances, furniture—just almost everything. The good side is that Kris and his family had a home to come back to, but the house was not to be rejoiced. When Kris looked up to the ceiling of their balcony, the internet modem looked unharmed. But what for? His computer was totally destroyed by the flood and most of his books including the ones he borrowed from friends were drowned by the flood. Fortunately, Kris was able to salvage those that he borrowed from the library, but his none of his notes remained usable.
The news of Kris Calot’s became known to everyone in school, particularly his Blockmates. While Kris was delving through the usable and unusable remains of the flood, his Blockmates were rummaging through their pockets to buy him a present. When Kris finally returned to school safe, his block did not miss the opportunity to lift his spirits. During a Major subject where the teacher required a laptop, Kris had obviously nothing to bring but being a resourceful person, he had already borrowed one from a friend. Had he known what was in store, he would not have needed to anyway—they bought him a new one. It’s not the generosity but the heart behind every helping hand that lightens up the burden. As for Kris, nothing beats the hope brought by what his friends did after the flood. Everyone had a share of rain, but nothing was ever impossible in a world where people cared.
Everyone had a share of rain, but nothing was ever impossible in a world where people cared.
Volume 3 Issue 2 | The Bosun | 22