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The Professional Portfolio in the Era of Visual Communication

So why would anyone disregard the power of visual aid in the attempt to promote their business? There is scientific proof that visual content: Reaches an individual’s brain faster and more understandable Is processed 60.000 times faster than text Gets 94% more views than text Gets almost 100% more engagement on social media Determines social media users to share it with more than 40% than any other type of content Is more important as 40% of the nerve fibers to the brain are connected to the retina Is processed in 0,25 seconds Is more accessible as our attention span varies from 2.8 – 8 seconds Builds brand awareness! The Professional Portfolio plays an important role as a visual marketing material because: Standard resumes just don’t cut it anymore – everything is so standardized nowadays, so the last thing you wanna do is to present yourself like ANY OTHER professional; you want to stand out from the crowd, to be a step ahead of your competitors

Ever wondered why social media has such a great impact in our lives? In a world where we’ve gotten used to „play” everything on fast forward, keeping up with the lives of our friends, family and acquaintances is easier than ever. You zapp through their lives , their important events/posts just as easily as they do through yours. Your attention gets drawn by beautiful pictures and only then, you are inclined to read the text. But not always.

It is the same with your daily life. Your clients get drawn less by what you say and how you say it and more by the visuals. And by visuals I mean surroundings – office, waiting room; apparel and marketing materials – portfolio, business card, internal magazines, brochures, flyers, website, blog, etc.

Visual materials catches the eye – you can go and on about your professional experience, you can present all the info about your expertise and the cases that you’ve solved; until you „hit” them with an incredible visual content to back your story up, that is what all will be ... a story! It demonstrates skills & competency – it can be used to inform your clients of what outcomes you can achieve, get a clearer picture of their situation and of the final results, get to read powerful testimonials from actual people


VISUAL IDENTITY & BRANDING You can use it to keep track of your work and progress – as times goes by, you can and you should update it with the most complex cases solved and remove the outdated one. It is a valuable teaching / educational resource for the younger members of your team – it can be used in internal presentations, case discussions, planning sessions You can tell a story without words – the impact is much greater! It can include all kind of material in one place that will add to your professional value – resume, teaching experiences, cases, testimonials, awards, letters of recommendations, published articles It can act as a confidence booster at some point – we all have times when we just feel like we haven’t done enough, haven’t reached far enough. But this portfolio helps you realize the amount of time and work and passion that you’ve invested to be where you are now. It will be worth it, I promise!

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