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July 2017



ENCLOTHED COGNITION Social Media Marketing Tips



Branding in Dentistry Visual Identity for Dental Practices

PLUS 3 Awesome Powers of Graphic Design


Editor's Notes


The Up-to-Date Story




Social Media Marketing


Visual Identity


Time Management


Healthy Life



Editorial Board Up-to-Date DENTAL LIFE

Dr. Klara Papuc, Editor In-Chief Cristian Papuc, DTP

Editor's Note

Up-to-Date Dental LIFE aims for the heart and soul of every dental practitioner. Being written by and for dental professionals, it covers important aspects of business, design and science, but also of our everyday life, outside the clinic.

It stands for SCIENCE. BUSINESS. DESIGN: Science – because it brings the latest news and research in the field, new materials and techniques, innovations and also inspirational stories. Business – because aspects like management, marketing, sales technique, psychology of patients and team are not taught in most dental schools; it is not enough to be a great dental practitioner nowadays to be able to run a successful business also. As a business owner, you also need to be a great marketer, publicist, graphic designer, branding specialist, storyteller and so on. And Design – because the easiest way to communicate a message is by visual materials. The fastest way, and also the one with the most impact. So this is why, in this first issue of Up-to-Date Dental LIFE we cover aspects of branding, social media marketing, visual identity, time management tips, news, email marketing techniques, psychology, healthy life, but also travelling ideas, new books and movies, events, formal and not so formal. Because Upto-Date Dental LIFE is every practitioners’ magazine. It deals with specific issues, concerns and realities of a dental professional. It is about you! Founder & Editor In-Chief Up-to-Date Magazine Founder & Editor In-Chief Up-to-Date Dental LIFE Social Media Marketing & Dental Branding Specialist Up-to-Date Learning Academy UP-TO-DATE DENTAL LIFE |



MAY 2017

As Walter Landor used to say “ Products are made in a factory; brands are created in the mind”. I say that you already have the brand in your mind. You just don’t know it yet. A brand is not built over night. So take your time to build yours...


The Up-to-Date Story...How it all began

As the founder and Editor in-Chief of Up-to-Date Magazine and Up-toDate DENTAL LIFE and owner of Up-to-Date DESIGN & MEDIA, I have to tell you a story about how it all began... As I was practicing Dentistry in my home town, I realized that my patients needed to spend their time waiting for treatments in a useful way, a way that could improve their knowledge of the treatments that I was conducting and also that could help me do less explaining while the patient was in the dental chair and instead, I could use that time performing the necessary treatments.

So I started working on my own magazine for patients in my spare time, learning to design graphic materials on my own, all that after spending 8 -10 hours a day in the office. I cannot say it was an easy task but I loved every step of the way. My publication was called Glamorous Smile Magazine and it explained the most frequent dental problems and treatments to the patients, in terms they could easily understand; it was distributed for free in the waiting room and I also distributed it during special health projects that I developed for patients (ie informative materials about the connection between diabetes and oral health, smoking

cessation programs, oral cancer awareness). My opinion is that, as a health professional, you must always strive to improve the health of your patients but also their knowledge. By empowering patients with the knowledge necessary, they can realize that something is wrong and seek medical and dental advice much sooner and with better consequences to their overall health. After some time I moved to another city and wanted to take my dental career even further, by publishing a magazine for the dental professionals worldwide. I did not choose to publish it in my own language, Romanian, because I wanted more people interested in learning, just like me, to have access to the information we presented. So, Up-toDate Magazine came to life in January 2016. Our publication reached its audience using social media channels in particular, because I took into consideration the importance of social media nowadays in professional development. Dental professionals all over the world used social media to show their cases, expertise, to seek advice or to learn. So that is where Upto-Date Magazine found its niche. Exceptional dental treatments were presented on social media, so why not take that chance to present it to a broader audience? In a resource that was free, easy to read, easy to learn from. Up-to-Date Magazine was mainly a case presentation publication. Being a very busy dental professional myself, I understood that if i am not flexible with the needs of the authors, they might choose not to publish after all. The authors took the time to upload the images on social media, but lacked the time to write a very extensive description of the cases presented, so, after reviewing thousands of posts from which I chose, I decided to lend a helping hand. The authors only needed to send a CV, a short description of the case and the images. I would do the rest and my only interest were and are, still, to present the best works possible and to promote dental education.



a vision of how the dental treatments should be performed (as a DDS), how dental education can be taken to the next level (as the Editor in-Chief and owner of Up-to-Date Magazine) and, most important, to create a life that is worth living (as a human being). My greatest influence in life... I am a self taught person in many aspects so I can say I took my mentors out of the books I’ve read mostly. They have all taught me something and made me what I am today. Of course, working on Up-to-Date Magazine helped me get in contact with many exceptional dental professionals who managed to influence my life, both personal and professional in some way and I want to thank all of them for the priviledge of working with them. Of being able to learn from them and to share their wonderful work. I found most of them to be open and kind, interested in the younger generation and willing to pay it forward. I was and still am extremely thankful for every experience that they brought me. Just hope I’ve managed to put some of their passion into the pages of the magazine and transmit it to the readers.

So, our cases published in the magazine were also shared on our social media account. Our best impact was obtained by an article about Microscope Dentistry – 20.000 people reached and our best impact for one month was 80.000 people reached. All in less than one year. Starting August 2016, the magazine was available for paying subscribers only and to our email subscribers. But the high interest in learning and, after realising there are certain aspects of the dental business that remain less known, I have decided to put the basis of another publication, Up-to-Date DENTAL LIFE. This time, it will cover aspects of science, business and design mainly. Marketing, management, visual identity, branding, psychology, sales – these are all aspects that will be covered in the new publication that will appear starting May 2017.

Why I decided to become an entrepreneur When I first started to practice, I was working in a small neighbourhood dental office with one dental chair. Working long hours meant i covered both shifts so I worked on my own for most of my dental career. I have to say that I have also experienced working in large teams and I see the pro and con’s of both situations. But we must always take advantage and make the most of the situation at hand. So I loved every challenge, every step of the way! Being a business owner is what i am cut out to do and entrepreneurial life suits me the best. I still work long hours, I try to find people as passionate as I am to develop partnerships, I’m well organised and I love my business. After overcoming many obstacles and disbeliefs, I can say that being an entrepreneur gives me the freedom that I need to be able to create...

My greatest accomplishment to date... Being able to take part in something greater than you ever thought possible is a great professional achievement. Up-toDate Magazine, the international community of contributors and consultants around it are, if I can say it to be mine, my greatest professional achievement to date! A word of advice... The best advice in business, but more important, in life that I’ve learned from someone and that I would like to pass it on is to „Do your best, let God do the rest!”. So many times I felt like things weren’t working, that I didn’t do enough. But then a friend, Jack, told me that saying. He was impressed of the work I did even when no one else was. So thank you, Jack! I would also like to express my gratitude to my fiancee and my family. Your support meant everything to me.



Up-to-Date DESIGN & MEDIA is specialised in content writing, visual identity, branding & social media marketing for medical and dental offices. Our activity began after I received some requests from major dental clinics around the world to help them improve their position on the market, their visibility, their BRAND. My fun time ... My work is my passion. It doesn’t feel like „work” to me. It feels like building an empire. Can you imagine the feeling? But i also paint and write poetry. In fact, I am currently working on publishing my first volume of poems. My Number One Business Goal for the next year...

The most effective marketing initiatives... Being an online magazine, our most effective marketing was performed on social media channels. People are present on social media for a large amount of time daily, surfing the internet for useful information. So we took „advantage” of that and put at their disposal a mean of learning. Even on social media! What have I learned as a business owner over the years... I’ve learned that there is always going to be someone who will copy your idea in some way, or use part of your name to promote their events and actions, or even someone who has more money to invest and takes your place. But I believe things are always as they are meant to be; not good, not bad. Just as they are and how they should be! I’ve learned to let go of what I cannot control.

Useful resources or books... As with the graphic design, I selftaught myself on the resources and tools necessary to promote my business. But soon I am going to publish a book concerning marketing for the dental professionals. I will put all of my knowledge in that book so others could take it from there ... and develop even greater things! New projects coming up... I published 5 issues of Up-to-Date Magazine in 2016, the first issue of the Dental Master Classes in February 2017( a catalog of dental courses offered around the world); the first issue of 2017 of Up-to-Date Magazine was published in March this year and I am preparing in May 2017 the first issue of Up-to-Date DENTAL LIFE, in June, the second issue of Up-to-Date Magazine, while conducting my part-time business in Up-to-Date DESIGN & MEDIA.

Have fun and reach more and more readers. Our logo is „Learn. Practice. Share” – so learn a new technique, practice it and master it and then, of course, share it with the world! My business goal is „Learn. Practice. Share” I want to write a book on marketing for the dental professionals (my first idea of a title was „Out of the Woods Marketing for the Dental Professional” In conclusion... I am always interested in finding passionate people and business owners to work with. So, as a visual identity specialist and social media marketer, you can rely on my expertise to help you take your business to the next level. I would love to see more entrepreneurs succeed. Feel free to contact me at any time My Facebook account https://web.facebook.com/klara.papuc Up-to-Date Magazine’s Facebook account https://web.facebook.com/UptoDateMag azine.Romania/ My website https://www.drklarapapuc.com/ Up-to-Date Magazine’s website http://www.uptodatemagazine.ro Email klara.papuc@gmail.com Dr. Klara Papuc



MAY 2017

"Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart" Joe Chernov


Branding - A Short Introduction "A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well" - Jeff Bezos

Why would I write an article about branding in dentistry? The real question is why not? We are not taught in dental school how to brand, how to market ourselves. It even feels wrong to do it. The thing is, to survive and to thrive in the current economy, you need all the skills you can get. This is not meant to be an exhaustive article about branding. Not at all.

As the title suggests, it should only introduce yourself to a few common knowledge about branding. You might already know it. You may have already put them into practice. But you didn’t have a name for it. Branding. Not enough amazing and hard working dental practitioners know how to brand themselves. But the “art” of branding can be learned as any other skill. Step by step, one lesson at a time.

As Walter Landor used to say “ Products are made in a factory; brands are created in the mind”. You already have the brand in your mind. You just don’t know it yet. A brand is not built over night. So take your time to build yours. Your brand is a vision that you share with the world. You want everyone to see you the way you see yourself. That is what branding does. The way you look, act, talk, listen defines you; tells a story about who you are. And stories sell. Ever noticed how some people are just very good storytellers? Even if they are telling a story about the most common of things, people always seem to want to be around them. So take some time. To be by yourself. And then think of how you want to be perceived. What makes you different? What makes you who you are. For branding is a sum: visual identity, advertising, perception and many more. To brand yourself efficiently, you need to know the marketplace first, to establish your niche, second, and third to know yourself. Everything else falls into place. So go grab that piece of paper and write down how you envision yourself and your dental practice. Write as much as you can, as writing helps you think better and realize some things you never knew. Don’t worry anyone would see this note and judge it. It’s just you. You are your best friend and your worst enemy. Start writing a strategy to go from point A to point B. Try not to think that you know nothing about branding. Concentrate as if it were your sons’ math homework. Again, write as much as you can even if afterwards you have to come back to refine all that you have written. The point is to generate lots and lots of ideas. Don’t judge. There are no bad or good ones. They have the value you attribute to them. So for now, remain neuter. After you’ve finished writing the possible strategies, write down the goal of all this. This is an exercise meant to reveal how much/little you know about yourself. And then put the pencil down. You will come back to these notes in a few days. Meanwhile, your mind will keep working on this project. I bet by now you are thinking “Branding myself. Sounds complicated”. But is it?



MAY 2017

'Social media is about the people. Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you" Matt Goulart


Social Media Marketing Tips "Social media is about the people. Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you" - Matt Goulart

marketing can benefit from a plan. So plan your strategy wisely and you will benefit from it. Even with a great planning, do not expect everything to be changed over night. Marketing on the social networks takes time, just as building your online reputation and brand. So take a deep breath and dive in . 2. Content and relationships. There are a lot to say about the content. It makes you or brakes you. So the tips about content are: – Post content that is specialized in one area; you most probably won’t become an expert in everything; so find your niche and post accordingly. Trying to reach more audiences might get you losing your most important followers. Give people a reason to follow you. – Quality is more important than quantity; most advices on the numbers of posts say that you should have 3-5 posts a day; in my opinion, a few bad posts, done just to comply with that rule can get people to press that button that says “unfollow”. You would rather have less content but of great quality. People can choose whose postings to see firsts, and you want to be the top of the lists. – Always work on improving the quality of your posts. Do a little research from time to time and see which posts got the most likes and comments. Those are the ones really appreciated by your followers and they tend to follow a certain trend.

WOk. So you probably already have a facebook account, twitter, instagram, linkedin, pinterest. But do you know the basics of social media marketing? Although all of us use one network or the other , or more than just one, very few of us can say that they know what good social media really is. In a few words, efficient social media marketing results in likes, comments, followers and closed deals. We all have something to sell, either it is our professional image, our brand, product, our skills.

Social media networks can help you achieve your goals and build a community. Your own community of followers. Imagine that! In social media we can say that there are 3 key aspects: time, content, relationships. Everything revolves around these 3 factors.

– Consider sharing an important part of building relationships; when you share a post relevant to your own content that is of great quality, you get the chance to build a relationship with the author of that post and to build trust among your followers. Also, you set a good example of caring more about the quality of the content distributed on your page then to the author. Share only if content is relevant and helpful.

Here are some tips to help you be a better social media marketer. 1. It takes time. Social media marketing, like any other type of UP-TO-DATE DENTAL LIFE | 12

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING – In your postings, be sure to use proper keywords and hashtags. It might seem that it is a different story, but it can help you a lot by distributing your content over the Internet. Research popular hashtags in your area of expertise and use them. It will make a world of difference. – Watch and learn from your competitors. I don’t agree that you should see them as “competitors” but as masters if you will. We all trade places being either the masters or the pupils. So enjoy both experiences because everything in life is cyclic. So, learn from others. What content they are posting, what comments are generating. You can also engage in discussion and you might find yourself building partnerships over time. – Add quality images to your content. The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” is true. So use the popular knowledge in your interest. Most of the smartphones available today can do wanders in taking amazing pictures. All that it takes is a little bit of imagination. The filters, cameras and editing can do the rest. If not, there are always friends who know a little bit more that can help you with this area. – Optimize visual contents with links. The idea is not to create long posts because we live in a time of fast-forward. For everything. We are zapping even our lives. No wonder we do the same on social media networks. So post just enough text to make the post interesting, add a picture or two and then attach a link that can either send the reader to your blog or the source of the article you posted. Either way, you win by engaging the reader with a balanced post. – Engage the audience. Try to post text and involve your followers. Personally, I am not a fan of the postings like: “if you agree with the quote above, click like”. It is actually an insult to my intelligence. So post your text and appropriate image and involve your readers by asking them how they feel about the subject. What their opinion in the matter is. Don’t be disappointed if only a few answer. That doesn’t mean only a few follow you. Just that few of us have the courage to interact, even on social media. Be also ready for raising controversies but hey, we can all learn something even from that. – Be available to interact. If you post something that leaves room for replying, stay close. You have your “viewers” and it wouldn’t be polite to leave them hanging. – Build relationships and partnerships. It all depends on that. You are there for a purpose. Posting for a purpose. So interact accordingly. Treat people as friends and business partners. And results will appear in time. Networking is the key, especially if it involves social media.

Important dates for Dentistry

1801 - Richard C. Skimmer writes the "Treatise on the Human Teeth', the first dental book published in America

1864 - Sanford C. Barnum develops the rubber dam

1895 - Wilhelm Roentgen, a German physicist, discovers the X-ray

1938 - the nylon toothbrush, the first made with synthetic bristles, appears on the market

1980 - Per Ingvar Branemark describes techniques for the osseointegration of dental implants Source: www.ada.org

Famous Dentists

The father of modern dentistry was born in 1678, Pierre Fauchard. In 1728, he writes "The Surgeon Dentist" in which he covered dental anatomy, pathology, operative dentistry and even topics in periodontics and orthodontics The father of operative dentistry is G.V. Black, born in 1836. He organized what we call today the Black's classification of carious lesions, perfected dental amalgam and investigated fluorosis. The father of orthodontics is Eduard Hartley Angle, born in 1855 The first Anesthesiologist was William Thomas Green Morton, an American dentist that first demonstrated the use of ether as a general anesthetic in conjunction with surgery in 1846

Source: www.sedationdentistry.com



MAY 2017

"Design has allowed us to stand out; to look different and show that difference boldly" Joe Mansueto


Visual Identity & Branding "Create your own visual style ... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others" - Orson Welles

So you get to take visual identity and branding into consideration. But you don't really believe that it could actually work, don't you? I mean, all those people that got ahead must have had more money, more connections and even ... more luck than you do. It couldn't possibly be about the fact that your colleagues saw fit to 'brand' themselves and their practices?! No. I mean, spending some money, ok, a fairly amount of it to promote yourself must be wrong. Like that old saying, that good things come to those who wait... but you have waited enough. It is time to reconsider the reality. Patients are influenced by the design of your office, of your personnel, of visual identity materials displayed, of your website or blog and not only by the amount of care you provide. Most of our patients, especially after several years in the field, get referenced from one another. But wouldn't you like to reinforce their good opinion of you that they got with some quality time discussing their treatment plan and send them home with some graphic materials to take a look at and a website address? Would it hurt? Seeing the actual results of your treatments, getting first hand testimonials from other patients that they can interact with on social media?

The general opinion is that you don't need branding for your dental practice. That doing the great job that I am sure you do is all that it takes to be a dental rockstar. So why are you reading this post? In fact, reading this post says that you still feel like there is something missing, something that you must not be doing right if you are still in the same place.

But why? You work harder than everyone else, you spend more hours trying to get uptodate with all the research and new techniques in the field, you pass on going out - actually you feel like your life is passing you by. And of course, in the beginning you felt like it was only natural to do some sacrifices for the profession that you love. But as time passed you by, you realized that somethings are not much different. You feel like you should have gotten farther than you are now.

How about getting some insight on the things that you can improve about apparel? A branding specialist can help you achieve all this: get a visual or better visual identity, which means website, social media channels, blogs, graphic design for your practice; can offer you insights regarding branding of your team with respect to apparel, communication skills, treatment plan explaining and assisting.


FUN FACTS IN DENTISTRY The cotton candy making machine was co-invented by a dentist. Before it was cotton candy, the fluffy confection was called “Fairy Floss” 50% of people surveyed say that a person’s smile is the first physical trait they notice The average woman smiles about 62 times per day; a man only 8 times!

There is no such thing as an unimportant aspect. In branding everything that can affect you and your image matters! Is your dental assistant's scrub clean? What tone of voice does your front office staff use to answer a call or manage a difficult patient? Do you display your diplomas on the walls? Is your name and the name of your dental clinic embroidered on your scrubs? How about post-sale assistance? Marketing? No? Like I said, everything matters. Knowing what you know after reading this, is dental branding for you and your team or you still want to leave your career to chance? Like Abraham Lincoln used to say: "I will prepare and some day my chance will come". But is your choice called BRANDING?

The romans in 200 AD used a toothpaste made from honey and crushed eggshells A dentist originated the electric chair in 1881, Alfred P. Southwick The bristle toothbrush was invented in China The earliest recipe for a toothpaste was created in Egypt in 400 AD There are 19 types of smiles

"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do" - Mother Theresa



Visual Identity - 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using It

The most important reasons why you should invest in a strong brand identity are: By branding your business, you brand yourself automatically as an expert in your field. People tend to respond more favorably to strong personalities and by positioning yourself as an authoritative figure promotes good business, gets more clients, more referrals. It is what differentiates you from the crowd, the things that you can do different and that no one has ever thought of doing. No aspect can be overlooked. Every little thing matters. The way you present yourself, your communication skills, your professional experience, apparel, social connections, awards, interviews – they all act as small bricks to build the complex brand that you represent. Increases credibility – who would you personally trust more? A business with non-existing or, even worse, bad visual materials or a business that is a pioneer in foreseeing your needs as a customer? Your patients should always leave the dental clinic with a number of reliable sources of information: the address of your website, brochures, portfolios, business cards, blog, social media. The importance of word of mouth is inestimable, but imagine the opportunities your patients have to get first hand access to testimonials from your previous patients, to see the results of your work in a portfolio, to read and get informed on the treatments that you want to perform.

No matter if you are the owner of a small business or a large and well established one, visual identity helps you or breaks you in terms of branding. When it comes to promoting your business, you have to have 2 things in mind: first, to brand it properly, no matter if we are talking about business cards, website, blog, social media channels, stationary, print materials, signage, product packaging or apparel and second, to be consistent with the brand.

I always recommend that my clients put some serious thought into what their business is all about, what message it tries to convey and then we plan accordingly. A brand identity is a complex and, in many aspects, everchanging being because it represents the values of your brand while, in the same time, it has to adjust to the reality of the market and the need/desires of your customers.

It is time saving on the long term to use visual identity materials. Helps you to show the commitment to your patients and business, shows your growth over time, increases credibility. Wouldn’t you rather start the branding process today or wait another year or two, when you will find it important, but by then, your business will be left behind by those who seized the opportunity.



There are studies that show the fact that clients have more confidence in a brand. This is what you want from your clients/customers – to be loyal, to respect your brand and to bring in new business. When you’ve created a strong brand and people talk about it, it puts them in the center of attention and by associating themselves with your business, they are regarded more favorably by the colleagues, friends or families. By talking about your brand, they help you accomplish a very important goal - increase your credibility on the market, reinforce the good opinion and trust, connects you emotionally with your possible patients/clients by being referred in this way. And in return, they get to spark for a while in the light of your branding efforts. Consistency is the key when it comes to branding. You want your clients to know you, to know what to expect from you, to be a part of their family in a way. But do not forget that your vision might need some adjusting from time to time. After all, times are changing, people’s needs and desires also, so it is only natural to be flexible about your strategy. But always, always remember what is the message you are trying to convey and keep in mind why you are doing this in the first place!

Our design offers are available at https://www.drklarapapuc.com/shop If you are interested in re-branding your clinic, visual identity materials and website design, contact us at klarauptodate@gmail.com Up-to-Date Magazine is available in our online store at https://www.drklarapapuc.com/shop



The Professional Clinical Portfolio in the Era of Visual Communication

So why would anyone disregard the power of visual aid in the attempt to promote their business? There is scientifical proven evidence that visual content: Reaches an individual’s brain faster and more understandable Is processed 60.000 times faster than text Gets 94% more views than text Gets almost 100% more engagement on social media Determines social media users to share it with more than 40% than any other type of content Is more important as 40% of the nerve fibers to the brain are connected to the retina Is processed in 0,25 seconds Is more accesible as our attention span varies from 2.8 – 8 seconds Builds brand awareness! The Professional Clinical Portfolio plays an important role as a visual marketing material because: Standard resumes just don’t cut it anymore – everything is so standardized nowadays, so the last thing you wanna do is to present yourself like ANY OTHER dental professional; you want to stand out from the crowd, to be a step ahead of your competitors Visual materials catches the eye – you can go and on about your professional experience, you can present all the info about your expertise and the cases that you’ve solved; until you „hit” them with an incredible visual content to back your story up, that is what all will be ... a story!

Ever wondered why social media has such a great impact in our lives? In a world where we’ve gotten used to „play” everything on fast forward, keeping up with the lives of our friends, family and acquaintances is easier than ever. You zapp through their lives , their important events/posts just as easily as they do through yours. Your attention gets drawn by beautiful pictures and only then, you are inclined to read the text. But not always.

It is the same with your daily life. Your patients get drawn less by what you say and how you say it and more by the visuals. And by visuals I mean surroundings – office, lab, reception area, office; apparel and marketing materials – portfolio, business card, internal magazines, brochures, flyers, website, blog, etc.

It demonstrates skills & competency – it can be used to inform your patients of what clinical outcomes you can achieve, get a clearer picture of their situation and of the final results, get to read powerful testimonials from actual people



General Requirements for Publishing The requirements for publishing an article/case presentation/ art work in Upto-Date Magazine, part of the Up-to-Date Publishing Group are as follows: - An updated resume (CV), 3 pages or less - A professional photo of you/your team, jpeg or tiff, larger in size than 1MB - Please do not submit photos downloaded from your facebook account as they are modified by the soft - You can use a watermark (with your name/logo) on the pictures but do not overlap it with the center of the picture. We work based on honor! - The clinical case should have a short history, a before and after description of the situation, x-rays or CT whenever possible - The photos should be numbered and the corresponding number should be inserted in the text - Each photo should have a short description - By sending these materials, you hereby declare that the authorship belongs strictly to you, and you agree with their use in the magazine and on social media - The patients’ consent for using the pictures in a magazine and social media for educational purposes should be given in a written consent. Please send us a copy of that consent - All of the images of the patients will be blurred at the eye level - If you have solved the case in collaboration with another team member, please get a consent to use the material, as well as a CV and a professional photo - After publishing, you will receive a pdf copy of your article and you can repost it and distribute it as you like - The materials must be sent within a specified timeframe. Sending the materials after the deadline will not ensure their publishing as our cases are planned ahead a few issues - Materials that do not meet the quality requirements will NOT be published, no matter how good the case is - All the materials (CV, photo, images, text) must be sent all at once in a folder with your name by www.wetransfer.com

You can use it to keep track of your work and progress – as times goes by, you can and you should update it with the most complex cases solved and remove the outdated one. If you are interested in a certain specialization, include only the cases relevant and not also the general dentistry ones, unless you have a team to reffer all of the other cases It is a valuable teaching / educational resource for the younger members of your dental team – it can be used in internal presentations, case discussions, treatment planning sessions You can tell a story without words – the impact is much greater! It can include all kind of material in one place that will add to your professional value – resume, teaching experiences, cases, testimonials, awards, letters of reccomendations, published articles It can act as a confidence booster at some point – we all have times when we just feel like we haven’t done enough, haven’t reached far enough. But this portfolio helps you realize the amount of time and work and passion that you’ve invested to be where you are now. It will be worth it, I promise!

- Please let us know you have emailed the materials as we have many requests for publishing - Do not send Keynote presentations. We only accept jpeg or tiff for pictures, and word documents, Arial no. 11 for text - The deadline for sending the materials is established by common agreement, but you should take into consideration that our accepted cases go by the principle “First come, first served”



Time Management Tips for the Dental Practitioners “My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time” – Steve Jobs

We live in a world where everything is on fast forward. Our professional lives, our personal ones. As a dental professional with 11 years in the field, I must say that, many times, I chose the professional life instead of my personal one. I still, occasionally do. But as much as I love what I do, some time management tips have always come handy in organizing my time:

1. Learn the power of saying “no”. As much as you value your team and patients, sometimes you need to delegate. You may find that the patient needing some urgent treatment is not so urgent after all and it can be resolved, at least temporarily by a colleague. The task that you feel that only you can perform to the highest standards may be performed successfully by another team member.

As a business owner, you need to “use” people’s talents and you are not going to help them grow in your clinic if you do not put their talents to good use and provide them with an opportunity to affirm themselves. Get your team involved. Set tasks that increase in difficulty with time, as your employees are supposed to grow with you 2. Plan your schedule. Make a 7-day schedule with the appointments, staff meetings, lectures and management tasks that you have to perform. But do not forget to leave time for personal time, with family and loved one, as well as time to take care of your health. Your family and the success of your business depends on you! 3. Start on time. As much as we love to sleep for 5 more minutes or delay an unpleasant meeting, the delay might affect you whole day schedule. So, plan ahead and, schedule your unpleasant meeting in the first part of the day so that, after accomplishing it, you can enjoy your normal day and not live with the anxiety of a meeting at the end of schedule 4. Get to know people. No matter if we are talking about patients or staff, you must get to know them. If, in case of patients, we should consider their medical issues, dental ones as well as their psychological aspects that can have an impact on the treatments, in case of your staff, you also need to know their personal strengths, weaknesses, their professional aspirations. It is wrong to over-use an employee but is just as bad to under-use one. Get a profile of your staff, know their needs in terms of professional life, and also get to know a little about their personal lives. It may reveal aspects you never thought of. 5. Set a time limit. For each daily task or appointment, set a time limit. Allow yourself 15-20 minutes of buffer time. In case of patients, we all know some of them are always late. Even if you finish the task earlier than supposed, you will enjoy that time by having a snack or coffee or maybe getting uptodate with the latest research. Maybe even find time to do that interview you promised to do 3 months ago.



6. Focus on the task at hand. There is no need to worry too much about the tasks of the day because they won’t get any easier that way. So, do your job as good as you can, every job; don’t be a perfectionist all the time. Sometimes, things just get in place by themselves. Maybe you had done a dental treatment that you do not like so much, but it turns out, in time, the patient is very happy with the results and the overall case is managed exceptionally. 7. Reward yourself for every accomplished task. No matter if it is just a mental reward, feeling good about your abilities will help you, on the long term, feel more confident about accomplishing more and more difficult jobs. Periodically, reward yourself with a time-off or a vacation somewhere. As much as you hate being away from your passion, sometimes we need some time away to get a clearer picture and come up with new and out of the box ideas 8. Make a list of the things that weren’t resolved as good as you wanted them to that day, all the things and leave it at the office. Do not take your worries at home. 9. Life/work balance is crucial. Even if it feels that you have your life ahead of you and the career is more important, pay attention to your loved ones. If your business needs your attention, how about your friends and family? Some moments in life are not worth missing for anything. Do not let them pass you by!

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10. Practice clearing your mind before you start work. It help a lot. If you practice meditations or yoga, concentration may come easier. Anyway, it takes discipline and time 11. Sleep 7-8 hours a day, eat healthy, exercise 12. Work can be play. Remember why you started this business in the first place. Write it down if you have a tendency to forget. But do not give up and, after one year, you can write down your accomplishments 13. Work smarter, not harder. This should be the first on the list but I put it last, as the last line tends to be a conclusion. So, enjoy your work, change what you dislike about it, never stop learning and let others help you grow! It can be a great opportunity!



The 3 Awesome Powers of Graphic Design “The ability to draw and communicate visually can no longer be seen as optional” – Better Fetter

2. The design needs to say all the right things about your business. It can be the difference between your patients choosing between you and your competitors. Although some elements must remain the same, the idea behind the design should be your own. Personalize your materials with images from your clinic, of your staff, testimonials and case presentations. Your website and blog should look professional, but not as it was done with stock photos and with some basic information. You want to engage people, to make them part of your story. So take every chance to photograph your cases, before and after, get written testimonials, video testimonials, design a logo and invest in your professional appearance 3. It is an efficient way of communicating your marketing message visually. So many marketing materials get thrown every day, so you need to make your become a collectible. If it is that good and you are that famous, people would start collecting your marketing materials just for the chance to tell your story and become a part of it themselves. So, why would you deny them that chance?

1. Graphic Design is artwork and it involves strategic thinking. Your graphic materials should be done accordingly to your branding strategy. Everything must be thought of and should follow the line of consistency, credibility and memorability.

We all tend to follow some designs in case we like them. But in order to set yourself apart from the competition, you need to differentiate yourself. Make your mark and design the materials that say something about you. Don’t just simply follow the herd..



MAY 2017

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver" Mahatma Gandhi


Occupational Dermatoses for Dental Practitioners “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship" - Buddha

The dental professionals are a high risk profession for occupational dermatoses. In one study out of Norway revealed the fact that 40% of dentists suffer from job-related skin disorders. A Belgian study found that 23% suffer from allergic contact dermatitis and 9 % from chronic skin infections.

Contact dermatitis can be classified as either irritant or allergic: the irritant form is common, nonallergic and develops as dry, itchy and irritated areas on the skin around the area of contact; the allergic contact dermatitis is a delayed form of induced sensitivity resulting from cutaneous contact with a specific allergen and presents as erythema, edema and vesiculation.

The allergic form was first described n 1895 by Jadassohn – who developed a patch test to identify the chemicals to which the patient is allergic to. Approximately 3.000 chemical are documented as specific causes of allergic dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis is often associated with frequent hand-washing, drying out of the skin and compromising of the skin barriers; it can lead to acute dermatitis which presents with redness and swelling, and on to chronic dermatitis (dry, cracked or scaling skin). The allergic contact dermatitis can occur after the exposure to rubber gloves, different fragrances, local anesthetics, metal, glues like epoxy resin, methacrylates, plastics and composite materials. A specific diagnosys can sometimes be tricky to obtain, and in dermatology, as in any other branch of medicine it is better to prevent than to treat. So, some hand care advices should be taken into consideration : - identification and removal of any potential causative agents is the most important in preventing the onset - use of gloves to avoid exposure to irritants, allergens and infectious materials - replacement of latex gloves with those made from nitril or vinyl - use of creams and lotions to moisturize and prevent drying or cracking of the skin - monitoring the health of the tissues exposed Special skin care for the affected regions require that you keep your hands hydrated and avoid skin irritants; avoid scratchy clothing or bedding, places with low humidity, sunburn, sudden changes in temperature, excessive sweating or exercising in the heat of the day and even emotional stress.



The Benefits of Practicing Yoga for Dental Practitioners

"When you inhale, you are taking the strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you are giving to the world" - B.K.S. Iyengar

minimum set of equipment, people have tried it at least once in their lifetime. If you had a neck pain at some point, you might have tryed a Yoga-like pose or stretch without even knowing it. As lower back pain affects 4 out of 5 people at some point in their lifetime, and, since the dental professionals are at higher risk due to long working hours and an incorrect posture, yoga might seem like a good alternative to a healthy body and mind. No one treatment works for all, but studies have shown that practicing yoga twice a week for a 8 weeks period makes significant gains in strength, flexibility and endurance. For back problems, it has been shown that helps relieve pain, increase strength and flexibility and teach relaxation and acceptance. A study published by the Cochrane Library found that doing yoga exercises under guidance from an instructor can effectively reduce chronic lower back pain within 6-12 months. If you are looking for reasons to give yoga a try, here are just a few: • Is a way to keep fit and stay calm amid the pressure of modern life, a true midbody workout • It’s emphasis on breathing has emotional benefits, help you get a better sleep, boosts your mood, reduces mental tension, get a sense of inner peace, improves cognitive function, cultivates self-esteem and calmness– practicing yoga 3 times a week increases levels of chemicals in the brain that combat anxiety and depression • It is an incredible workout for the body that gives strength, flexibility and mindbody awareness; improves endurance and balance; it is a personal practice so you have to listen to your body as to what is good for you and what isn’t;

„Yoga is like music: the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life” – B. K. S. Iyengar Yoga is a systematic practice of physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, diet control, thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind and environment.

The most commonly practiced form is Hatha yoga which incorporates a series of poses called Asanas. It has been around for more than 5.000 years and it was developed in India, but it reached and influenced the lives of people from all parts of the globe. As it is a practice that can bring important benefits to beginners also and requires

• It relieves stress, help relieve pain and it could also be good for migraines (it reduces the frequency and intensity of migraines in sufferers)



Fruits and vegetables' latest superpower? Lowering blood pressure

Journal Reference: Alicia A. McDonough, Luciana C. Veiras, Claire A. Guevara, Donna L. Ralph. Cardiovascular benefits associated with higher dietary K vs. lower dietary Na evidence from population and mechanistic studies. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology And Metabolism, 2017; 312 (4): E348 DOI: 10.1152/ajpendo.00453.2016

Twice weekly yoga classes plus home practice effective in reducing symptoms of depression People who suffer from depression should participate in yoga and deep (coherent) breathing classes at least twice weekly plus practice at home to receive a significant reduction in their symptoms.

Eating potassium-rich foods like sweet potatoes, avocados, spinach, beans, bananas -- and even coffee - could be key to lowering blood pressure, according to Alicia McDonough, PhD, professor of cell and neurobiology at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC). If you want to lower your blood pressure, decreasing the sodium intake is a must. But another method that is currently being researched is the effect of the increase in potassium intake. As the WHO estimates that hypertension is responsible for at least 51% of deaths due to stroke and 45% of deaths due to heart disease, the link between BP and dietary sodium,

potassium and the sodiumpotassium ratio was explored and published in a review article in April 2017 in the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism. The study was performed on rodent models and indicated that the body does a balancing act: “when dietary potassium is increased, kidneys excrete more salt and water, which increases the potassium excretion” as the lead researcher says. In order for our B{ to be lowered, we should consume about 4.7 grams of potassium per day from plants.

The use of yoga-based interventions as an alternative or supplement to pharmacologic treatments for depression was researched and published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Due to the fact that depression (major depressive disorder MDD) is a frequent disorder and the fact that up to 40% of individuals trated with medication do not achieve full remission, the effect of lyengar yoga was subjected to trial. The trial results were that yoga is useful for people not currently under medication and for those who have been on a stable dose of antidepressants and have not achieved a resolution of their symptoms. Yoga targets the parasympathetic and gama aminobutyric acid system, quite different from the medication used for this disorder and does not have any side effects and drug interaction. Source: Boston University medical Center and www.sciencedaily.com

Source: University of Southern California – Health Sciences & www.sciencedaily.com UP-TO-DATE DENTAL LIFE | 27


Yoga may have health benefits for people with chronic non-specific lower back pain

A new systematic review, published in the Cochrane Library today, suggests that yoga may lead to a reduction in pain and functional ability in people with chronic nonspecific lower back pain over the short term, compared with no exercise. However, researchers advise that more studies are needed to provide information on long-term effects. Low back pain is a common health problem. For some people, it may last for three months or more and at this point it is termed 'chronic'. Yoga is sometimes used as a treatment for low back pain. Authors' conclusions There is low- to moderate-certainty evidence that yoga compared to

non-exercise controls results in small to moderate improvements in back-related function at three and six months. Yoga may also be slightly more effective for pain at three and six months, however the effect size did not meet predefined levels of minimum clinical importance. It is uncertain whether there is any difference between yoga and other exercise for back-related function or pain, or whether yoga added to exercise is more effective than exercise alone. Yoga is associated with more adverse events than non-exercise controls, but may have the same risk of adverse events as other back-focused exercise.

Journal Reference: Chris C. Streeter, Patricia L. Gerbarg, Theodore H. Whitfield, Liz Owen, Jennifer Johnston, Marisa M. Silveri, Marysia Gensler, Carol L. Faulkner, Cathy Mann, Mary Wixted, Anne Marie Hernon, Maren B. Nyer, E. Richard P. Brown, John E. Jensen. Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Iyengar Yoga and Coherent Breathing: A Randomized Controlled Dosing Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2017; DOI: 10.1089/acm.2016.0140

"Yoga is not associated with serious adverse events. There is a need for additional high-quality research to improve confidence in estimates of effect, to evaluate long-term outcomes, and to provide additional information on comparisons between yoga and other exercise for chronic non-specific low back pain"

Sources: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002 /14651858.CD010671.pub2/abstract;jsessi onid=6431D0ED64A6DF2F7D2A03D24EB8 E1F5.f02t04 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 17/01/170111213238.htm



MAY 2017

"I love black because it affirms, designs and styles. A woman in a black dress is a pencil stroke" Yves Saint Laurent


Enclothed Cognition "One is never overdressed or underdressed with a little black dress" - Karl Lagerfeld

it involves the co-occurrence of twoindependent factors – the symbolic meaning of the clothes and the physical experience of wearing them. It has long been known that “clothing affects how other people perceive us as well as how we think about ourselves”. For business hours most of us choose dark colors – black, navy blue. Have you ever wondered what do these colors say about you? Black. Black is always in fashion and associated with class. In color psychology this color gives protection from external emotional stress – keep the person wearing it at a safe distance from troubles; it sets him/her apart from the crowd. It creates an air of mystery, sobriety while radiating authority and creating some fear in the process. They say that a salesman wearing all black will make a lot of sales. It is because black sends the message of power and control, hanging on to information and things. It seems like the person wearing all black knows something that you don’t. Implies selfcontrol and discipline, independence and a strong will. It creates a feeling of superiority, of out-of-reach personality.

Have you ever wondered why you put on a specific outfit every day? Does it have the power to influence you or the others around you? Can you explain why you feel good wearing some clothes and bad, wearing others? Researchers say that there is such a thing called “Confidence Dressing” – the way the clothes we wear affect our mind; they say that “assembling an outfit is like assembling an army” – what does actually go on in our minds when choosing our outfits?

The psychology of colors let us believe that colors can be used to determine personality traits of people, to affect their mood and to even control their behavior. So what does your professional attire say about you? Do you dress casual most of the times? Or do you prefer business clothing? What is your color of choice for office hours?

For formal meetings, it is the color of choice – it suggests a strong, disciplined, contained, formal, sophisticated, efficient individual with uncompromising excellence, belonging to the upper class. At the same time, it is considered quite elegant and simple. Coco Chanel put it best in “simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance” Women often choose to wear black to give an impression of elegance, confidence and success. It is a color, or better said non-color, that gives the impression of strength. Like Ives Saint Laurent used to say – “ I have always believed that fashion was not only to make women more beautiful, but also to reassure them, give them confidence”

Enclothed cognition describes the systematic influence that clothes have on the wearer’s psychological processes; UP-TO-DATE DENTAL LIFE | 30

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