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Work on your writing Commentary | The Writing Center makes it easy to enhance communication skills

AVA MENONI an avalanche of opinion

More students should take advantage of the benefits of the University Writing Center.


The Writing Center is one of JMU’s learning centers located in the Student Success Center. Students can walk in or make appointments to get writing assignments reviewed by other students and faculty. This free resource should be used more by students.

A typical session at the Writing Center can be booked for 25 or 50 minutes. Students can come in with almost any writing assignment, ranging from English papers and graduate school applications to resumes and creative writing.

The Writing Center is a great resource because it’s a collaborative experience.

Lucy Bryan Malenke, interim cocoordinator of the Writing Center, said writing consultants are trained to give conversational feedback about writing structure, grammar, redundancies and problem areas specific to the student or assignment.

“The goal is that whatever we do in the session, the writer would leave with how to continue that work beyond … and maybe even apply what they learned to future writing assignments,” Malenke said.

So, using the Writing Center not only benefits a student for that specific assignment but also gives them the tools and strategies needed during their time as college students and in life.

No matter how well-versed or strong a writer is, they can improve. A common misconception is the Writing Center is only used when a student is struggling. Although it’s a valuable tool for struggling students, every student should take advantage of its resources. Ava Seif, a student writing consultant, said there’s “absolutely no judgment” for any writer who comes in — naturals or not.

In college, many students are asked to use writing styles they’re inexperienced in. Malenke said the College of Health and Sciences students have to unlearn traditional essay structure and learn a new style of scientific writing using different language.

“It can feel strange if you’ve been trained to write differently,” Malenke said. She added that going to the Writing Center can give clarity about how to approach an unfamiliar style of writing. Consultants can give more insight as to what is expected for a specific type of assignment.

The Writing Center’s resources are helpful beyond writing appointments. Students can use its online writing guides for quick access to information, including the writing process, types of writing, grammar, punctuation and style as well as citation and formatting resources. This can be useful for students who struggle with time management and need quick access. The Writing Center also offers online sessions for students who cannot come to in-person sessions.

No matter a student’s major or writing expertise, the Writing Center can be beneficial and help a student grow into the best possible version of themselves. More students should use the Writing Center for its valuable resources and friendly staff.

CONTACT Ava Menoni at menoniap@dukes. jmu.edu For more editorials regarding the JMU and Harrisonburg communities, follow the opinion desk on Instagram and Twitter @Breeze_Opinion.

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