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From the General Manager

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General Manager

There is a famous quote by Winston Churchill that states “if you’re going through hell, keep on going.” This quote genuinely defines the hospitality business during this time of COVID-19. As managers of this industry, we have had to take a step back and readjust everything that we have ever known. Preserving cash became our number one priority, but we also had to consider how to best serve our members while being safe. How do we think outside the box and adapt to these challenges? How do we safely talk to members when we are supposed to remain six feet away? It goes against everything we have ever been taught. I have to say that I am extremely proud of each and every one of our staff members here at the Club. We saw inventive ideas such as an Easter Bunny drive-thru, virtual mixology classes, virtual fitness and so much more. As we continue to progress with more openings and programming, we are thankful for all of our members who have been so supportive during these times. I know wearing a face mask is exhausting; we understand, we are tired of them too. I have hope that we are getting closer to the finish line - hang in there!

I was recently reading a national club magazine article that mentioned The Briar Club as “one of the best clubs in the nation.” I cannot begin to tell you how proud that makes me. I hope it makes you proud as well. We have an amazing facility, amazing amenities and an incredible staff that is second to none. These are very exciting times for the Club and our future is tremendously bright. I recently had the honor to sit on a speaker panel for the Club Managers Association of America, where over 500 club managers were in attendance. It was amazing to see how advanced we are compared to other clubs when it comes to technology and overall programming. It was a great feeling to see other highly regarded club managers taking notes as to “how The Briar Club does it!” Our financials continue to be strong, under the leadership and watchful eye of our CFO Dustin Wade, and we have every intention of keeping them strong while we continue to enhance the campus. And speaking of enhancing the campus...

Our Bistro renovation project that we announced last year is now full steam ahead! Although we had to postpone the renovations once the pandemic hit, the Board has re-approved the project and we are scheduled to begin construction in mid-April. The project is projected to take 12 weeks. Once completed, we will have an amazing family dining space sure to please all ages. A special thank you goes to Kathy Masterson, Amy Munger and Elizabeth Stiver for their time and hard work helping us with the project. If you would like to see the drawings, I invite you to stop by my office. I would be more than happy to walk you through the project. Additionally, we appreciate all of the positive feedback about the parking garage entrance relocation. Completed in November 2020, the entrance was relocated to provide a safer walkway for pedestrians, and so far, so good - although personally, I have driven past the new entrance about five times now!

Another big moment in this crazy year was February’s big freeze. Our facilities did very well; we lost a few pipes, but, with the leadership of our property manager, Jesse Pizano, we were able to get back online quickly. Unfortunately, we did lose a portion of our beautiful landscaping. Together with our landscaping contractor, we have worked out a strong plan to get our campus back to green as quickly as possible.

Beginning in April and running through 2021, I will host small, complimentary lunches for members who are interested in what’s going on around the Club. These lunches will take place the last Friday of each month and are open to anyone who’d like to know more or would like to provide feedback.

Thank you for all your continued support. Please know my door is always open!

Daniel Moreno General Manager/C.O.O.

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