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Dear Editor, I am not devoid of emotional responses - in fact, I was reduced to tears five times last Saturday, just by listening to classical music. But I did not suffer the same emotional response as you when it came to breast-screening. Perhaps this is because I had chosen to find out more about reality by studying for a science degree. Or perhaps because the first time I was offered a mammogram was after having a fourth benign cyst, during my reproductive years. I simply accepted the scientific evidence through three diagnoses and eventually had a mastectomy. That was over thirty years ago, but your description of irrational fear followed by relief, prompted me to think about a diagnosis which must eventually come to us all - mortality. No-one with a terminal illness will rush into V A D (voluntary assisted dying), but, just as having free screening, there would be grateful relief in knowing that it is available. If necessary they can make the choice. Allowing people this choice is the ultimate mercy, bringing peace to their final days. Opposition is simply cruelty. H.Beneke Dear Editor, Is it any wonder that writers elect to remain anonymous when council complaints can result in criminal action? (Letters-Issue 140). The incidents referred to by a complaint to council that resulted in the respondent firing a shanghai with ball bearings is particularly disturbing. This was a very dangerous act, and could have resulted in serious injury. Residents of White Patch are well aware of this culprit, and 'Look what she made me do' doesn't cut it. Councillors also have a lot to answer for, failing in their duty to keep the complainants identity confidential. Glen.E. Suder
Dear Editor, I'd just like to bring to your attention something I discovered while looking at a house for sale today in Woorim.I looked at the same house 2 years ago and it sold for $550,000. Today the same house, plus an interior coat of paint, is for sale at $875,000. I object to real estate agents artificially hiking the price way above what is a fair and reasonable increase benefiting only 2 people - the agent and the seller. Perhaps subjecting this level of blatant opportunism to capital gains tax might be a disincentive to rorting. Or possibly make it a legal obligation in a contract to notify the buyer of the former selling price when last sold so that they can see for themselves whether or not they are being ripped off. Real estate agents have a reputation for saying anything to get a sale and it is this sort of thing that justifies that reputation. This is one example of many on Bribie but perhaps is the most blatant. It would be good to share this with your readers. Kind regards ...Name withheld
Dear editor, In reply to Michael Booth's query, I'd say that: 1. Ningi to Canberra is about 1,300 kms, going via the Pacific Highway. 2. Going 700 km would get you to about half-way (Port Macqaurie vicinity) in about 7 hours. If you haven't stopped at least twice on this stage of the trip for 10-20 minutes each time, you would likely be overtired, and a danger to yourself and others, so I hope you would be taking an overnight stop. If you were in an electric car, 20 minutes on a fast charger at each stop would easily top you up, and thanks to the NRMA and the NSW government, there are more and more of these being rolled out, so there shouldn't be a problem. You may also find that hotels along the way will have charging facilities. Always drive safely.Sincerely, Diana Grey
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