6 minute read
Fishing Report
The changeable weather has continued into April, which has been less than encouraging for fishing. Water temperatures have held steady since the big lot of rain, at about 26 degrees, and the water is still quite fresh and a little cloudy – which amounts to summer fishing conditions. The best places to find any fish have been the deeper gutters through the Passage. April is usually a month where the summer species are still prevalent in the Passage, but you also start to see the cooler weather fish turning up as well. Tides, moon phases, weather and wind all affect what’s biting and where but there’s usually a good chance to catch something in April, no matter what. The baitfish have been schooling throughout the Passage for a few weeks now, as the dolphins are trying to tell us – there are pods of dolphins chasing them up and putting on a good show as they catch them. Prawns have also really come on. Some bigger fish are chasing them about as a result. Some lovely bream have been caught, along with grunter and tarwhine.
Some of the places to target bream have been north of the Ningi Creek yellow marker, off Banksia Beach or further north, around Little Goat Island, especially on the rising tide. Plenty of grunters have been taking bait around Ningi Creek on the rising tide. Squid and worms have been good baits to choose; however, the squid is much better if you can get onto genuine local squid – better quality and a lot more effective. Camelia and Jarad’s 36cm grunter took pillies for bait.
Flathead have been going for anything at all. There haven’t been many of impressive size but there are enough of them to keep people going. The 51cm flatty that Caleb caught has been a typical size – big enough but not huge. Sarah’s was a better meal – 68cm, caught at the old oyster leases at Ningi Creek, using pillies on a fast-falling tide. The falling tide has been the best time for flathead fishing. Intermittent showers are helping to cloud up the water at the creek entrances, so the flathead have been jumping at lures as well as bait – pillies.
South of the bridge, mainland side, has been yielding some good catches; try pushing into the mangroves near the second green marker, towards the top of
Bram’s flathead is typical of the size you can expect at the moment – certainly good enough!
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FRI 22 Apr 1:43 am 1.95m 8:34 am 0.68m 1:57 pm 1.26m 7:24 pm 0.6m
FRI 29 Apr 2:53 am 0.44m 9:04 am 1.86m 3:13 pm 0.32m 9:34 pm 1.98m SAT 23 Apr 2:44 am 1.88m 9:53 am 0.7m 3:14 pm 1.23m 8:39 pm 0.68m
SAT 30 Apr 3:37 am 0.43m 9:43 am 1.8m 3:45 pm 0.32m 10:12 pm 2.02m SUN 24 Apr 4:00 am 1.82m 11:06 am 0.67m 4:48 pm 1.28m 10:15 pm 0.71m
SUN 1 May 4:17 am 0.46m 10:17 am 1.71m 4:15 pm 0.34m 10:47 pm 2.03m MON 25 Apr 5:21 am 1.8m 12:12 pm 0.6m 6:11 pm 1.42m 11:45 pm 0.66m
MON 2 May 4:56 am 0.5m 10:49 am 1.62m 4:43 pm 0.38m 11:20 pm 2.01m TUE 26 Apr 6:32 am 1.83m 1:07 pm 0.51m 7:14 pm 1.6m
TUE 3 May 5:34 am 0.55m 11:21 am 1.52m 5:13 pm 0.44m 11:53 pm 1.97m WED 27 Apr 1:01 am 0.57m 7:31 am 1.87m 1:55 pm 0.42m 8:06 pm 1.76m
WED 4 May 6:15 am 0.61m 11:55 am 1.43m 5:45 pm 0.51m THU 28 Apr 2:02 am 0.49m 8:21 am 1.88m 2:36 pm 0.35m 8:52 pm 1.89m
THU 5 May 12:28 am 1.92m 7:00 am 0.66m 12:34 pm 1.35m 6:23 pm 0.59m
the rising tide, or drifting from the bridge past Sandstone Hotel Jetty and on to the first green marker. Bream, flathead, and whiting made up a bag of more than 20 fish for Joe and his mate a few days ago, with fresh squid and prawns for bait. Pim and Clammy spent a fruitless hour under the bridge, then the tide turned, and they scored seven keeper bream up to 32cm, using prawns and worms. Robin and Dennis got three tarwhine and a big bream, also with prawns. Venus tuskfish are normally being found in the passage this time of year too, but there don’t seem to be many around. If you’re after that sort of catch you can try for them over the turn of the tide, near Pacific Harbour, using fresh baits like mullet fillets. Soldier crabs are also a favourite bait for them, and good holiday fun for the kids to catch. James tells me he’s been doing a lot of fishing at the ripples over the past few weeks. He says there are loads of sweetlip there, 40-50cm in size. He’s finding fresh squid to work the best and says the best time is in the hour after any tide change.
The snapper seems to have gone quiet again, but night fishing is still being rewarded with the odd decent one. Daytime, only the babies have been taking the bait. South-east breezes and very early morning starts are usually a good recipe for snapper fishing at this time of year. North of the entrance to Pacific Harbour, along past Banksia Beach, is fine, so long as you can keep clear of boat traffic. Soft-plastic lures should work well – with some added fish attractant, even better. Fresh bait is always good. The best news of the past month has been about the sand crabs. In Mick’s words – it has been hot and cold but there have been a couple of big muddies every trip out to check the pots – “chockers too”. Jimmy has been getting plenty of sand crabs up in Ningi Creek and muddies at the mouth. Shane thinks the muddies have been flushed out of the creeks with the rain, because that’s where he’s been getting them. North of Toorbul, the water may still be too fresh for sand crabs, because the pots up that way are still often empty. There have been a lot of sand crabs picking at the baited hook and you can sometimes be lucky enough to scoop them up when they come up with the line. Best bait for the pot - chicken carcases or half a mullet, of course- a whole mullet takes much longer to exude enough to attract those crabs! Sarah’s was a much bigger flathead, but they’re pretty hard to find right now.
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