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Love Languages, what are they?
Here we are with the first month of the year now over, and well into February, which also holds a day dedicated to love; though, shouldn’t we express our greatest love for another, every day???
Gary Chapman began noticing patterns in couples he was counselling; he noticed they were misunderstanding each other’s needs, which then led him to write “The five love languages”, which describes the ways that people receive and express love. Understanding someone’s love language helps you show someone you care for them, and speak to their heart. We all express and receive love differently. Learning and understanding those differences can have a meaningful impact on your relationships. Whilst we may relate to most of these languages, one or two may stand out the most.
Uncovering your and your partners’ love language may create a better understanding of each other’s needs.

Words of Affirmation
This is expressing affection through verbal and written words of praise, or appreciation, including frequent “I love you’s”, words of encouragement, love notes, poems, kind uplifting words and pointing out what they do well.
Quality Time
Someone with this love language wants undivided attention. They feel most loved when you are completely present, just with them. This means putting down your phone, turning off the TV, and making eye contact as well as actively listening.
Physical Touch
A person with physical touch as their primary love language feels love through physical affection, when they consent to it. Holding hands, cuddling, a massage or intimacy. They value the feeling of warmth and comfort; they simply want to be close physically.
Acts of Service
This is when you go out of your way and do nice things for them such as:
• Making them dinner
• Giving them a cup of tea
• Helping with errands
• Tidying up things for them
If a person’s main love language is acts of service, they'll notice and appreciate the little things you do for them.
Receiving Gifts
When a person values gifts, it’s a "visual symbol of love". It’s not about the value of the gift, it’s more about the thought. Taking the time to choose a gift, especially for your partner shows them that you know them They treasure not only the gift itself but also the time and effort the gift-giver put into it.
Love languages are a useful tool to improve how we communicate and express ourselves to each other, though, this is only one aspect to be considered. Need help creating more loving relationships? Individuals and couples are welcome. Phone: 0405 361 882 or reach out on FB: MariaChristina.Love Always with love, Maria Christina x
By Heenam Kim
Improve Menopausal Symptoms, Mood Swings, Anxiety & Hot Flushes Naturally.
ost women go through a menopause transition, “The Change”. It can be overwhelming experience for both women and their families. You go through bouts of depression, anxiety, and all of sudden you want to cry and become over sensitive. Often patients prescribed HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) drugs, or anti - depressant medication.
Unfortunately, they all have undesirable side effects, the most common side effects of taking HRT are weight gains, headaches or migraines, loss of hair on their head, the hair thins, also encourage cysts to grow fibroids, this happens because more estrogen is in the body. HRT is an artificial hormone going into your system, some people can tolerate really well, while others don’t. They are natural herbal formulas to treat your symptoms if you want to explore natural ways to manage your symptoms, you can either make an appointment with one of naturopaths or come and talk to Kim at the shop.
Let’s unravel this menopausal mood swings. Why on earth do women at menopausal ages are experience this horrible emotional roller coast? I’ve heard these mood swings can be trace back to unresolved emotional issues. It is said unresolved emotions can cause chemical reaction in the body. Many women are good at bottling up their emotions in order to carry on everyday lives. Especially if they also have to deal with their family problems, while they are going through this stage of life and feel helpless to control the situation any longer. Or simply, they have had enough. Even in this period of life things are not settling down in the way they wanted and worked so hard for. Sometimes they get so irritated, harmful thoughts go through their mind, then they are horrored by such thoughts and confused about their irrational state of mind. Why is this happening to them? One of estrogen functions is to help produce serotonin which controls mood, sleep and more. Now with declining estrogen the emotional debris which were so irritated kept under the carpet are surfacing. It’s more like the carpet has been removed, and all those feelings once supressed are now over flowing and they don’t know what to do with these raw emotions. Sometimes they don’t even know those emotions existed inside. Some people are shocked at experiencing this crazy evil monster living within themselves. Perhaps now is the time to reflect on your life and bring out any unsettled and forgotten innermost feelings and free yourself from them.
I’m a certified NLP (Neuro
Linguistic programming) practitioner and and I can definitely help you to release your blocked emotions. NLP promises virtually any problem you have or any dysfunctional cycle you run can be broken. Your past doesn’t have to be an indicator of the future. This is a set of technique that can reprogramme your nervous system. Please call us for further information or making an appointment, 07 3410 0521. We are located next to Bribie Island Medical centre in Bellara, just off the 1st round about after Bribie Bridge and drive into the shopping complex where you can see LH Hooker.