4 minute read
This month has been an exciting time for Bribie Island locals, so here is a snapshot of all the important developments for our community.
Community Consultation for the New Bribie Island Bridge
In February, we have had the Community Consultation running for the Bribie Island Bridge. I know the community is passionate about this issue, so I worked hard to get our Bribie Bridge on the agenda and now it is time for you to have your say!
So far roughly 2,700 locals have had their say by completing TMR’s consultation survey. This is a really great result so far, but I want as many people as possible to have their say on what the new Bribie Island Bridge should include to suit our community’s needs. Help shape the next Bribie Island Bridge for our community. There are different ways to provide your feedback to TMR, including:
• An online survey and the interactive map which you can access at this link https://www.yoursay-projects.tmr.qld. gov.au/bribie-island-bridge
• A reply-paid paper survey and project newsletter you should have received in the mail
• Contacting the project team on 1800 783 016 or emailing them at Bribie.Island.Bridge@tmr.qld.gov.au
Make sure to have your say and share your thoughts online or send your paper surveys back to TMR before the 27th of February at 9am.
The Bribie Island Satellite Hospital
In another bit of exciting news, we turned the sod at our Bribie Island Satellite Hospital Site! I am so excited we are delivering hospital and health services right here in the heart of our Bribie Island Community. I have heard from many locals the life-changing difference this will make. That is why I am pleased to let everyone know the Bribie Island Satellite Hospital will have a Minor Accident and
Injury Centre open early until late. This is so important to provide our community with hospital services so they can access the care they need quickly, without having to travel to Caboolture Hospital.
Not only will our Satellite Hospital deliver quality health services close to home, but it is also providing good local jobs. There are over 100 people currently employed in the construction and there will be many more roles available when the hospital opens. When job applications open for hospital staff, I will let the community know.
Learner License Fees
Another exciting development this month is our government’s fee reduction for Queensland learner’s licenses.
From the 1st of March, the cost of a three-year learner’s license will be reduced from $186.55 to $75. Our government is committed to providing cost-of-living relief for Queenslanders, and this is just one of the many ways we are supporting young people and their families.
As we finish up with February, I’m excited for the Bribie Island and surrounding community and especially encourage everyone to make sure they have their say on the next Bribie Island Bridge.
If you’ve got any questions or need more information, please get in touch with my office on 3474 2100 or at pumicestone@parliament.qld.gov.au
Warmly Ali
Chris Holloway has been a professional tennis coach for almost 30 years. From early childhood, tennis has been and always will be his passion, his drive and connecting and supporting local businesses is something Chris has always been inspired to do.
Holloway's Tennis Coaching & Sporting Solutions is committed to the development and success of the Bribie Island Tennis Club with Chris becoming the new Head Coach. Bribie Island Tennis Club has been a huge part of the island since 1922 and Chris has a massive passion for expansion of the tennis and getting a lot more people involved in this amazing game.
Holloway's Tennis Coaching & Sporting Solutions runs coaching sessions from Bribie Tennis Club, Sunderland Drive, Banksia Beach with new and exciting programs for all ages and standards. From Hotshots, teenagers’ classes, adults, ladies’ morning serve and tennis fit programs. If you are interested in Tennis, this is definitely the place to be. Come to the open day and check out the huge range of options. As interest grows there is room for expansion including home-school classes.
Holloway's Tennis Coaching & Sporting Solutions also has a large range of Yonex tennis equipment!
Come down and say hi to the team at Bribie Island Tennis Centre.
If you add a small pat of butter when cooking fruit for jams and jellies, you won’t have any foam to skim off the top.
Empty tomato or mustard containers are great for decorating cakes or bickies.
Cream won’t curdle when pour over fruits if you add a pinch of baking soda with the cream before serving.

If citrus fruits are warmed in the microwave or warm oven for a few minutes, they will yield more juice.

If you sprinkle lemons with water and refrigerate them in a plastic bag, they will last a month or more.
Tuesday - Thursday 10am-7.30pm Friday - Saturday 10am-8pm
Toss freshly cut fruit in lemon juice and it won’t darken. The juice of half lemon is enough for a quart or two of cut fruit.

Cottage cheese can be used in place of sour cream when making dips. Just place it in the blender until it is creamed.
For an easy dressing for fruit salad, try a grated orange rind and orange juice added to sour cream.
Cream cheese can be coloured with liquid food colouring as a filler for dainty rolled sandwiches. Try a different colour for each layer and slice as you would a jelly roll.
To ripen a pineapple, cut off top, remove skin and slice. Place in a pot and cover with water, sweeten to taste, boil for 5 minutes, cool and refrigerate.

If you allow grapefruit to stand in boiling water for a few minutes, it will be easier to peel.
To fancy up the top of a cake, bickies or pies, try placing a wide-patterned doily on top, then sprinkle powdered sugar over it and remove.
Oranges that need to be peeled for dishes should be soaked in boiling water for at least 5-7 minutes before peeling. This will make it easier to peel and remove all the white pulp.
For attractive individual butter servings, squeeze butter through a pastry bag or plastic bag onto a baking powder, set in refrigerator to harden.