2 minute read

SUN 19/02 1459PM – Member of the public reported a vessel leaning over on side at Southern end of Bribie, investigated, no markings on vessel Water Police notified.
THU 23/02 1231PM – Advised by Water Police 3m Yacht drifting off Toorbul Esplanade –investigate.
FRI 24/02 1629PM – MOP reported 2 Catamarans colliding near Sandstone Point Hotel – investigate, secure vessels & inform Water Police
SAT 25/02 1535PM – 4.2m Runabout non-member with motor issues, required a tow from Pumicestone Passage near Toorbul to the Toorbul Boat Ramp.
MON 27/02 1914PM – 5.5m
Full Cabin member broken down near IGA Bongaree, required a tow to Toorbul area.
2023 Year Radio Room Statistics
To Tuesday 28th February 2023
2,845 Calls, 878 vessels logged on,
“Having the right safety equipment on your boat and knowing how to use it is essential. This could save your life in an emergency. The safety equipment you're required to carry depends on the size of your boat, whether the boat needs to be registered and where you're operating”!
Minimum Safety Equipment in Pumicestone Passage: Firefighting equipment, signalling device, life jacket Anchor and cable, Drinking water, Oars or paddles for boats under 6m, Bailing/ pumping equipment.
Minimum Safety Equipment in Moreton Bay:
All the above plus Flares & V Sheet, Chart & Compass Beyond Moreton Bay an EPIRB is also required.
For full details visit the MSQ Website: https://www.msq.qld.gov.au/ Safety/Smooth-and-partiallysmooth-water-limits/Swlbrisbane
43 Vessel Assists, 296 Sitreps, 145 Requests, 9 overdue vessels, 1 Vessel Tracking, 231 Radio Checks, 2 Weather Broadcasts, 2 Securite Broadcasts, 1 Pan Pan 0 Mayday. VHF 64.0%, 27MHz 0%, Phone 18.9%. GWN 2.8%
Family owned since the 90’s
Bribie Island AND Moreton Bay
Hello anglers, Mixed reports are coming in at the present. Good bags of fish from Ningi Creek, good Mangrove Jack and Bream.
Summer whiting to 42cm, winter whiting to 30cm coming from Red beach. Venus tusk fish, Grassy sweetlips, and Barracuda from the ripples. Plenty of good to great Flathead from throughout the passage.
I fished Bulwer two weekends ago, caught a nice bag of
Spangled Emperors, Venus’s tusk fish and Painted Sweetlips.
Tailors are still about, plenty of anglers coming in saying they are being cleaned up losing whole rigs.

Very good feedback coming from customers using Armour Prawn Chasebaits, catching a good variety of fish. Mud and Sand crabs are being caught in the passage and on the sand banks toward Scarborough. Please remember to only take fish that you can eat, or ones that freeze without going soft. Fish conservation is in everyone’s interest. There has been plenty of talk in relation to current surveys of Snappers and Pearl Perch. The Rocky Reef Fin Fish working group will be meeting soon to discuss fishery management of these species.
The stocks of two popular iconic fish species – Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) and Pearl Perch (Glaucosoma scapulare) – are classified as depleted in Queensland waters (Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, 2020a; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, 2020b). Reducing fishing mortality through regulation is the conventional approach that fisheries managers use to rebuild stock. The Queensland Government has introduced measures to regulate the take of Snapper and Pearl Perch – such as limiting the size and number of fish that can be caught during a trip or season, and fisheries closures. Despite a range of management changes occurring over the past 30 years, none have been successful in reversing the decline of either species. Tight lines and screaming reels. doc