2 minute read
Dear Pumicestone
Calling people living in manufactured home parks AND parents with young kids! We want to hear from you.
Manufactured Homes Changes
We have lots of manufactured homes parks here in our Pumicestone community.
These parks are marketed as great lifestyle communities, usually targeted at over 50s, and they can be a great place to enjoy a relaxing and community focused retirement. Unfortunately though, we know that unfair business practices can sometimes happen in these communities.
That’s why our Palaszczuk Government has been looking at reforms to increase transparency and protect manufactured homes owners.
Some of the key proposals are:
• Restricting annual site rent increases, by having a maximum limit
• Prohibiting market rent reviews
• Requiring park comparisons to be publicly available online
• Simplifying the process of buying a pre-owned manufactured home and entering site agreements.
Now, we want to hear from owners of manufactured homes and residential park operators.
You can have your say now online by following the link: https://yoursay.chde.qld.gov.au/hub-page/manufacturedhomes , or calling 13 74 68.
Lots of community members have raised issues around manufactured home parks with me, and I want you to make your voice heard on these important changes.
Free And Cheaper Kindy
The Palaszczuk Government’s Free and Cheaper Kindy program has delivered free kindy for 14,000 young Queenslanders and reduces kindy fees for the parents of another 26,000.
Kindy makes a real difference in helping our kids get ready for school.
Now, we are looking at making kindy free for every Queensland family so all kids can benefit from the learning boost that kindy gives them.
Plus expanding free kindy will also be a big support for families struggling with global cost-of-living pressures at the moment.
We want to know whether free kindy would help your family. That’s why I am asking everyone in Pumicestone to have their say.
Have your say now online: www.qld.gov.au/kindy
As always, if you have any questions or State Government issues I can help with, please email my office at pumicestone@ parliament.qld.gov.au or call 3474 2100.
What an amazing weekend we had bringing our show "STAY FOREVER YOUNG" to our community on behalf of Bribie Moreton Hospice.

These photos of our very large cast show the fun, enjoyment and sense of community that singing together can bring. Thank you to all of our performers for making these shows such a success. Marree Cunningham, (Bribie Island Hospice) was present at both performances and was blown away when gifted with the donation of $3000 raised by this event to benefit their Hospice Suite.
“Thank you Jenda Jacobs and the entire Voices Choir the MC, many helpers with stage props, sound and lights, raffle tickets sellers and entry door, the Bribie Island Lions Club for the catering and many local businesses for the great raffle prizes. It's difficult to adequately describe the gratitude and relief of families when they learn that they are able to bring their loved one home to the peace and quiet of Bribie Island for their last weeks of life. They are cared for in quite surroundings by their own GP and by the caring nurses, all the while being wrapped in the loving arms of family and friends. Thank you to everyone who supported the Voices Choir concert this weekend. You made a difference”.
If your park’s resident committee would like to hear more about the changes or get involved in the community consultation, please contact my office. I’d be happy to visit your community to hold an information morning tea, or arrange a get together at another location.