1 minute read
JUNE 2023
Neig hbourhood
Watch is an organisation of community minded residents that are interested in the welfare of their neighbourhood. They watch out for their neighbours, friends and take notice and show an active connection to their suburb. There is only one NHW group left functioning on Bribie today, and they hold meetings on the third Tuesday of each month in the ANZAC Rooms Bribie Island R.S.L. 9.30 am ,with a guest speaker, Police report and a cuppa and bickies.
For many years now, this group of community minded people meet together to share their observations and concerns with Bribie Island Police in attendance at the NHW meetings. Police follow up and provide feedback, where appropriate and keep residents informed on what has taken place in our area. These few residents are doing something -reporting
disturbances to police or crime stoppers and show a concern in what happens around their suburb. They are keeping their suburb safe as they are interested in what is happening. Unfortunately these people are becoming fewer as we, as a community fall into the Urban Canyon Society mindset! That is we drive out and close the doorcoming home we drive in and close the door. We have very little communication with our neighbours and disturbances in the street go unreported as no one wants to get involved!
Now you must ask yourself, Do I care for my neighbour? Do I care about the decline in community spirit? If you have the slightest interest in these things then come along to a meeting. If you can-not attend a meeting! Then check out the Facebook page and make a comment. Become active in reporting Hooning, vandalism or people behaving badly. BUT if you cannot be bothered about any of these things! Then accept you are part of the problem! necessarily these of the Queensland Police Service unless expressly so quoted.
Bribie Central management have offered the Bribie 1 Bongaree N.H.W. group access to an information point within the centre, for distributing our Newsletters.
Bribie 1, Bongaree N.H.W. are hoping to promote this activity along-side our normal newsletter, however the individual newsletter delivery will be reduced and we will place our newsletter into the Bribie Islander magazine on a monthly basis, to improve the N.H.W. coverage.
If you are interested in your community Please come along to the next meeting. NHW is always interested in hearing from you and would love to see you there.