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available at Bribie Bait and Cycle
Tailor have been lots of fun in shallow water using poppers and stick baits, surface striking fish can make your heart miss a beat, with good size tailor still holding over the tailor grounds up to 65cm this one caught by Andrew on a Zerek Zappelin 40 grams stick bait,
Bream continue to move into the passage of the beaches with good catches being the norm, with worms, mullet strip and squid for bait.

Mullet are starting to run out of the passage migrating north with some mullet netted of the beach, be sure to give the commercial netters room when setting and pulling in their nets.
Richard Caldararo has been hooking into good size cobia on a regular basis, only a short trip from Spinnaker boat ramp, floating baits on the turn of the tide and coming tight with Cobia and Snapper.
Smaller tailor are schooling up in 2 to 2.5 meters of water with lots of throw backs,
Some tailor are being caught of the beach in the late arvos with the setting sun metal slugs being the Favorite method. Just a reminder 20 bag limit on tailor with a minimum of 35cm.
Keli has put his Son Jhiel Pepene onto a massive 23kg Spanish mackerel and was out done by his mate Jack Talbot with a 25kg Specimen using stick baits, well done lads. New Spanish Mackerel Rules for Queensland, from 1st July 2023, Limit will change to 1 fish per person, or 2 fish per boat with 2 or more recreational fishers on board, Boat limits will not apply to licensed Charter fishing trips. Remember to log in with VMR when heading out and let someone know your plans.

Squid are thick in the passage with lots of squid being caught thought out the system, Just after dark being the prime time with 2.5 inch Squid jigs, The bridge, boat ramps and channel wall being regular finds.

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