2 minute read
Bribie Gleemen Colour Your World!
Quiz Time!
What have these song titles got in common?
Lily The Pink, Blue Skies, Black Velvet Band, Yellow Submarine, Red Sails In The Sunset.
Got it yet? What about….Greensleeves ,Purple People Eater, Blueberry Hill, Yellow Bird, Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair, The Redback On The Toilet Seat.
Yes! Songs all featuring Colours! You clever things!
The Bribie Gleemen along with the newly formed U3A choir, The Sundown Singers and featuring special guests, The Wondering Minstrels will present a Gala Concert “COLOUR YOUR WORLD” on Saturday 12th August in the Recreation Hall, First Ave, Bongaree at 1.30pm’

DO NOT MISS THIS ONE. Tickets just $20 including light refreshments.
Now you can easily book online through “trybooking.com” It is such an easy to follow process! Or phone 0408 404 180. Or grab your tickets from one of the Gleemen or Sundown Singers!
The Bribie Gleemen are well known in the Bribie environs and have performed publicly hundreds of times for various local charities. But this is the debut of The Sundown Singers, also under the baton of Musical Director, Trevor Vincent, that is also creating some excitement! The U3A choir will perform too, ensuring a full complement onstage!
Bribie Gleemen
with the U3A Sundown Singers & The Wondering Minstrels present
A cheery collection of favourite songs with many musical hues and shades, including fine show tunes, pop ditties from many decades, folk songs, old ballads, G & S, and (at times) some C & W.
1.30pm Sat. 12th August
Recreation Hall, First Ave, Bongaree
Concert Tickets $20
(Includes light refreshments)
Some tickets at the door. Buy advance tickets from the Gleemen or online direct at trybooking.com
For phone bookings & further information:-
0408 404 180
E-mail: bribiegleemen2@gmail.com
Beachmere District Community
The B.D.M.S. Community Markets are held at the Men's Shed 53 Rogers Street Beachmere, every 1st Saturday of the month 7.30am - 12 Noon.
Bribie Island BICA Markets
The Bribie Island BICA Markets are held at Brennan Park, Bongaree, the 3rd Sunday of each month from 6am -12pm
Bribie Rotary Markets
The Rotary Markets are held at Brennan Park, Bongaree on the second Sunday of each month from 6.30am – 12 noon
Queensland Cancer Council
The Cancer Council Markets are held at Brennan Park, Bongaree on the first Sunday of each month from7am to 12 noon.
The Sylvan Beach Munch Markets (Farmers Market)

The Munch Markets are held in the park opposite the Bribie Island Hotel on the 1st Saturday of each month from 9am to 2pm
Banksia Beach Market

Bribie Harbour Shopping VIllage is held on the last Saturday of each month 8am to 2pm
The Bribie Island Comm Plant Nursery
The BribieIsland Community Plant Nursery is open Tues to Sat 8 am to 12 pm
The Bribie Island Lions Market
2nd Sat of the month at Tintookie Park Woorim 7am - 1pm.
Bribie & District Woodcrafters Assoc
Contact president: 0415 237 167
Bribie Island Gem Club
Open Day & Markets on the last Sunday every month 8am -12pm At 191 Sunderland Drive, Banksia Beach.
“The Bribie Bowls Euchre Club meets at the club each Monday at 12 Noon. Fun afternoon. Contact Lorraine on 0414802733.”
The area that is now Bribie Island can be traced back to when the whole of Moreton Bay was dry land, and the sea and coastline were east of what is now Moreton Island. Bribie and the other islands of Moreton Bay were progressively formed as the sea level rose over 140 meters over a ten-thousandyear period.
The coastline has been this way for about 1000 years after the sea level reached its highest point and receded slightly. Bribie has been an island for only a few hundred years and is home to a variety of edible food from swamps and waterways.
The Joondooburrie people of Bribie Island enjoyed a rich seasonal diet of plants, seafood and animals including kangaroo, possum, goanna, snakes, and birds as well as oysters, prawns, crabs, and fish