4 minute read
Be a Theatre Critic
LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will read and analyze theatre reviews in order to better understand the language used and structure in a theatre review. After seeing 17 Border Crossings, students will write a theatre review.
DURATION: One Class Period, 70 mins
MATERIALS: Handout 3: ‘1984’ Review, Handout 4: ‘Eight Nights’ Review, Handout 5: Theatre Review Outline
STANDARDS: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.11-12.3: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used. CA VAPA Standards, Theatre Grades Nine Through Twelve-Proficient: 1.1 Use the vocabulary of theatre, such as genre, style, acting values, theme, and design, to describe theatrical experiences. CA VAPA Standards, newly adopted, Acc.Th:re.9: a. Analyze and assess a drama/theatre work by connecting it to art forms, history, culture, and other disciplines using supporting evidence and criteria.
GUIDING QUESTIONS: How can an actor, storyline, and production elements clearly communicate the themes in a production? What are the key elements in a theatre review?
MINI-LESSON Group Discussion on Impressions of 17 Border Crossings
After going to The Broad Stage to see 17 Border Crossings, have a class discussion on first impressions and the students experience attending a solo performance. Make connections to topics explored in previous lessons such as, Aristotle’s Poetics and six elements of theatre, solo performance, and using props. Tell students that later in the lesson they will be writing a theatre critic on the performance and that they can take notes on their reflections during the discussion.
Below are some sample questions to start the conversation.
Was this anyone’s first time seeing a solo performance? How was it different than a play with a full ensemble? Did certain monologues or scenes stand out more than others? Why? How did Thaddeaus Phillips involve Aristotle’s six elements of theatre? What are your views on the storyline? Did the story have an arch? How were the props utilized?
MAIN LESSON Part 1: Learn the Elements of a Theatre Critic
Tell students that they will be writing a review on the play, 17 Border Crossings. Ask students if they have prior experience with writing a review, and have them describe their experience.
As students share their prior experience, write down key points on the board resulting in a long list of elements that go into writing a review on a piece of theatre. Some items may include: • Critical analysis • Come prepared to the production (read the script if it is available to you, research about the director/ ensemble, etc.) • Describe the production accurately • Develop a value judgement based upon the performance and what you expected • Focus attention on what you believe were the most significant points of the production • Create a stance that is both critical and objective
Start a discussion about reviews and allow students to ask questions for further clarification.
After the discussion, read two theatre reviews as a class. There are two reviews below (Handout 3: ‘1984’ Review, Handout 4: ‘Eight Nights’ Review), but feel free to choose from your own library of theatre reviews.
“BWW Review: The Actor’s Gang Theater presents the Riveting Play ‘1984’ at the Actor’s Gang Theater” by Valerie-Jean Miller, October 30, 2019
“Eight Nights” by Iris Mann, November 13, 2019
After reading the two reviews, have students pair share about their perspectives on each. Ask them to highlight or write down some elements that they noticed in each review. Questions for discussion are below: How are the reviews similar, or different? What was the tone of the author? Were the plays recommended, and why?
Part 2: Write a Theatre Review on 17 Border Crossings
Task: Write a theatre critic after seeing the play, 17 Border Crossings at The Broad Stage.
After discussing and studying theatre reviews, give students 30 minutes to write a review on 17 Border Crossings. Pass out Handout 5: Theatre Review Outline as a guide.
After writing, ask students to share their review with a partner for feedback. Remind students that feedback is part of the writing process and to be considerate of each other’s opinions and perspectives of the play.
Assessment Criteria: • Students describe the production accurately. • Students provide an opinion on the play. • Students use proper theatre vocabulary learned in previous lessons or in class (plot, monologue, diction, spectacle, etc.)
Purpose: To better understand how to review art, specifically a play, and to develop writing skills as a theatre critic.
Reflection After pair sharing their review, bring the class together and reflect on the experience of students being a critic themselves.
Was it difficult to create a value judgement? Did you remember all of the aspects from the play? How did you feel sharing your writing and review with a peer?