The Bucks Student - Edition 39

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39 May 2013

Celebrating Students’ Success A round up of the biggest night in the Students’ Union calender

Bucks Students’ Union has a positive impact on your time at Bucks in so many different ways. In each edition of The Bucks Student this column will showcase recent work that we have undertaken to continue having a positive impact on your time. - By lobbying tenaciously on behalf of our members for the University to roll out 24 hour opening across other key facilities like studios and workshops. - By amplifying the student voice and ensuring your opinions were heard with regards the development of the Rose Garden, and continuing to encourage the University to do the right thing and invest in much needed facilities. - By bringing Starbucks coffee and frappacinos onto campus for September 2013. - By delivering one of the only free University balls in the whole country! #bsufestiball.

ON Wednesday 24 April, staff and students joined together for the annual Union Awards at the prestigious High Wycombe Town Hall. The event, hosted by Bucks Students’ Union, recognised the achievements of active members and staff, and awards were presented in a number of different categories. Awards made to students included: Student Leadership Award, Campaigner; Student Rep; Society Committee Member; RAG Charity Fundraiser; Volunteer; Journalist; Society, and Student Staff Member of the Year. A number of academic awards were also presented to staff from within the University. The coveted Union Fellowship and Honorary Life Membership were also bestowed – two awards that recognise outstanding achievement. Vice Chancellor, Prof Ruth Farwell, said: “The Union Awards evening is one of my favourite events in the University calendar. There is so much more that students can get out of being at the University, over and above the knowledge and skills that you get from completing your course. “This event celebrates what our students contribute to University life and this year’s event surpassed my expectations. It was tremendous and I am so proud that this University has a Students’ Union that can organise such a professional event. “It’s great that staff who have worked in partnership with the Union – most collaboratively and productively over the past year – are recognised too. There couldn’t be a better way of showing how great Bucks is.” Joseph McCrudden – winner of the Leadership Award – said: “The event had a fantastic atmosphere and was such a great way to recognise the hard work and dedication of so many students and staff.” McCrudden went on to say: “Receiving the Leadership Award was totally unexpected and it really encourages me to do even more at Bucks. It makes me more determined to promote the wider work of the Students’ Union, and get more students involved in the wide range of opportunities they offer.” One of the recipients of the Honorary Life Membership was current President, Ash Coles, who will soon finish his presidency. Coles started Bucks five years ago as a student studying Sports Management, and was successfully elected as president for two consecutive years. He said: “It was a fantastic showcase for all that Bucks Students’ Union stands for. It was a particular honour to represent all the students and staff who were there, and left me feeling really privileged to have been part of something truly special.” A secretly recorded tribute video was played at the end of the event describing Coles as “a truly amazing president” who has “credibility, tact and diplomacy.” Coles said of the video: “To be awarded Honorary Life Membership was a complete surprise to me. The highlights video was really touching. My five years here have been so absolutely enjoyable, and I couldn’t have asked for a nicer way to end my Student Editor Guy Humphrey time at Bucks.”

Check out the amazing video from the night to find out how we have made a positive impact on students at Bucks throughout the past year:

2 Bucks Student May 2013



Editor - Ash Coles Student Editor - Guy Humphrey Deputy Student Editor - MJ Mahmood Must Read Editor - Donique Lindsey Student Essentials Editor - Harmeet Singh Anand


Bucks Students’ Union and the not so Rosy Garden


Lower than Atlantis Interview



Four Years Later


After Hours Editor - Yael Rivniker

Get involved!


If you want to get involved in the paper it’s very easy! If you have a passion for writing, feel you want to get your voice heard, or want to cover something that we may be missing from our current paper, then get in touch: Email:

Editor Ash Coles

search: Bucks Student Newsgroup

Advertising For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at communications. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students’ Union for more information. © 2013 Bucks Students’ Union

Hi guys

Hi guys,

Welcome to this terms final issue of the Bucks Student. It’s been a very busy term so far but none the less more exciting than ever. We have seen some very exciting events so far which include the Union Awards (a celebration of everything great we do as a union) and the Athletic Union Dinner (an evening for our AU members as we celebrate all that is great about university sport) but we still have the biggest event of the year to look forward to the May Ball and I hope to see a number of you there. This is sadly my last introduction for the Bucks Student as after five years at Bucks, two as your President, it is time for me to move on. The time I have spent here has been a truly life changing experience. I have picked up a large bank of transferable skills, become more employable than I could ever have dreamed and most importantly made some lifelong friendships along the way. It really has been an amazing experience. I want to thank every member of the Bucks Students’ Union team for their continued support. Without them none of what I‘ve achieved would have been possible. Representing you all has been an absolute privilege and if, like me, you are leaving Bucks this year, I wish you the best of luck and success with whatever it is you go on and do. If you aren’t leaving this year then make sure when you come back next year you get involved in the Students’ Union. There is so much you can do and it will only help with your personal development but as well as make you more employable.

So this is it; my last ever edition as Student Editor. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone that has contributed this year, I have had a lot of fun! It has helped me academically and with what I want to do later on in life. I feel that the paper has represented the students so I think I have done my job! I would also like to thank the Students’ Union for producing the paper, without you we wouldn’t have a paper! To all students, good luck with your end of year hand ins and if you are a final year student, like myself, then good luck with whatever you get up to after University, it’s been an experience!

Cheers and Thanks for everything Ash

Deputy Student Editor MJ Mahmood

Student Editor Guy Humphrey


I can’t believe how quickly another academic year has flown past. Unfortunately for us, this is the last newspaper of the term! I’ve been writing for the newspaper since the first edition of my first year and I’m currently writing for my last ever one as a third year as Deputy Editor. Definitely classify this as an important moment. It’s amazing to look back on the last three years and see how much I’ve changed, the University has changed and the world around us. If you’re a third year, I wish you luck out there in the real world, where I’ll be joining you. If you’re a second year, best of luck with next year (especially if you have a dissertation to write) – it’s not for the faint hearted. Finally, to all you freshers, I hope you’ve had a wonderful first year, but remember that your degree counts next year! As for lecturers, you have done a fab job on all of us! I hope you enjoy this edition of the newspaper, and this applies for everyone - remember to work hard for your exams and party equally as hard! Before you have time to register anything, your time will be over and you won’t get it back so make it count! Thank you, and goodbye. MJ x

Sabb chat... As your sabbatical team we would just like to say how much we have enjoyed representing you, the bucks students, this year. thank you to everyone who voted for us and we hope we have made your proud and will continue to do so. We are here for you, so if you have any questions or queries we are here to help and listen. We hope to see as many of you as physically possible at the Festiball from May 10 - 12. Best ofw luck in your exams!

Ash Coles, President Naomi Franco, Vice President Student Involvement Jack Badu, Vice President Education and Welfare

May 2013 Bucks Student 3

All the latest goings-on around the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses.

News in Tweets @buckssu @BucksSU_UXB

Union news

Bucks Students Union @buckssu Vote for Bucks New University BNU Radio. Vote for Cuervo Cold Who’s In? Playlist & win an epic night with Hot Chip! http://bit. ly/17sBOJf

Bucks Students’ Union and the not so Rosy Garden Our comments on the future of this space Since September the vast space which was once large studios has stood bare and barren. It is a thorn in the side of our institution which is crying out for multipurpose space every single day of the academic year. We as a union have asked countless times that the space is built on, and propose a multi-use hall which would benefit the needs of the diverse student body here at Bucks. The option of a multi-purpose hall is the only solution that fundamentally supports the institutions strategic aims and would allow for a space for flexible learning, open days, graduation, societies, sports, exhibitions, shows, rehearsals, exams, functions and private hire - this is where critical demand is and this is what students are constantly asking for. We think that this should be a top University priority especially as their students are all fee payers and have a right to access top facilities. We understand the current position of the University is to present its plans and costs for the rose garden to its funding body, the University Council, in the next few months. It is obviously of benefit that these conversations are finally taking place, however, we are surprised that there was a lack of forward planning when the rose garden was knocked down nearly a year ago, and to this day the site has not been touched. We feel that the blank canvas is an eye sore to not only current students and staff but also to prospective students. We feel strongly that now is the time for the University to be bold and invest in the future of our members. The University has fantastic plans for growth and we believe they can be successful, we’ll only ever need more space, never less. Let’s all encourage the institution to be positive and turn their back on the compromises that students are having to put up with at present. If you have any feedback on how you feel the Rose Garden is viewed currently please don’t hesitate to get in touch and contact or alternatively drop in and ask to speak to one of your sabbatical officers.

Glenn Cooke ‫@‏‬ItsGlennCookeDeaf Havana at Bucks in may, Bucks you’ve done me proud! @deafhavana @buckssu Bucks New University @bucksnewuni Congratulations to the organisers, winners and nominees at tonight’s @ buckssu #unionawards.

Wasted space?

The Sabb Team

Union Awards - The nominees and the winners (winners are in bold)

Excellence and Innovation in Student Learning Support Sam McCormack Tonna Danzine Nano Mulligan Dominic Jones

Fundraiser of the Year Croatia Hitch Team - Hiking Vikings Daisy May Bodewes Naomi Johnson Rachel Bowerman

Demonstrating Excellence in Academic Leadership Julie Irwin Stuart Norton Jenny Tilbury Simon Brown

Volunteer of the Year Abdul Esse Daisy May Bodewes Fatima Mohammed Mahmoud Joseph McCrudden

Excellence and Innovation in Practice and Teaching Practice Simon Poole Micheal Everett Jim Dunn Jane Anderson Society Committee Member of the Year Adam Blaxter (Events Soc) Caleb Joseph (Christian Union) Hollie Sipple (Rowing Society) Jon Constantine (Rock Soc)

Journalist of the Year Guy Humphrey MJ Mahmood Sorcha Collister Yael Rivniker Society of the Year Christian Union Event Soc Rock Soc VITA

Campaigner of the Year Connor Baker Emily Ward Mary May Yateem VITA Student Rep of the Year Emily Ward Franchesca Allen Mary May Yateem Harmeet Singh Anand Membership Services Staff Member of the Year Chelsey Vallender Jake Short Julia Jaeger Matthew Hurrell Commercial Services Staff Member of the Year Annis Belcher Daniella Zuccala Debbie Fielder Jake Vernum

Professional Service Employee of the Year David Sawyer Heather Boyd Kirstie Ward Vicki Turner Academic Employee of the Year Hugh Mannerings Mohammad Ali Paul Morgan Simon Brown Leadership Award Chelsea Balfour Daisy May Bodewes Joseph McCrudden Matt Gilbert Union Fellowship Award Lauren Troiano Daisy May Bodewes Guy Humphrey Honary Life Membership Kay Corden Ash Coles

Bucks New University @Sport4FunBucks Get fit the fun way! Cardio tennis sessions to run after the Easter holidays on the HW campus. Email sport@ for more info. Bucks Students Union @buckssu Would you like the 24 hour library to continue? Let us know at http://bucksstudent. com/surveys for the chance to win £50! Come Dine With Me @ComeDineWithMe COME DINE WITH ME are casting in HIGH WYCOMBE!!! To apply email now!!! Plz RT!

4 Bucks Student May 2013

60 seconds with

University news

The Bucks Student Student Editor Guy Humphrey > What made you want to be Student Editor? I have been contributing to the student newspaper since my first year, and I just wanted to get more involved. It has helped my journalistic skills indefinitely, and as I am doing Journalism it will definitely help me in the long run. I also think that it is important to get student voices heard. > What are your aims for the University in the near future? Just for the University to keep helping students achieve what they want to achieve giving students the best facilities and student experience as possible. > How is this University different to others? Our Students’ Union is all free, pretty much. That’s a definite plus. The University is also quite small so you feel part of a mini community. > Where did you study and what degree did you do? I currently study Journalism and am in my final year. > What were you like as a university student? An organised one. > If you could give any advice to a student, what would it be? The sooner you do your work, to a good standard, the more time you have to socialise. > What film did you last watch? The Croods. Was alright. Nothing to write home about. > Where would your ideal place to go on holiday be? New York. I went there for my 18th. Fantastic shopping. It’s just like London but taller. > What’s your idea of a perfect night in/out? A night at the Students’ Union of course! If not, then I love just chilling watch rubbish on the TV with my housemates.

(L-R) Jim Sims, of Buckinghamshire Business First; Firas Sarhan, of Bucks New University; and Rosa Wilkinson, Director of Innovation, Intellectual Property Office.

Bucks health technology project boosted by £70,000 government grant A project led by Bucks is celebrating a boost of almost £70,000 from a government grant and is looking to get ahead of the game in identifying health technology needs and solutions. The ITALIA (Innovative Telehealth and Assisted Living Ideas and Applications) project is among 12 university and NHS recipients of grants totalling £750,000 awarded by the Intellectual Property Office to create products and services for business and society. The grants have been awarded by the government body in its annual Fast Forward Competition, where universities and public sector research bodies are encouraged to

work on projects that would benefit from research. Telehealth involves healthrelated services and information, which could range from health professionals talking with patients over the telephone to complex surgery being completed in different areas of the world. The ITALIA project, which received a grant of £69,692, runs over 12 months and will use workshops and events to develop innovative new ideas in the area, and in turn help health services in the future. The project will be run by the Centre of Excellence for Telehealth and Assisted Living (CETAL) at Bucks New University, in

partnership with Buckinghamshire Business First (BBF); Buckinghamshire County Council; Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust; The National Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC) at Stoke Mandeville Hospital; Aylesbury Vale District Council; and the organisation, GrowthAccelerator. CETAL Director Firas Sarhan said: “This project will be a great opportunity to have private and public sector round-table discussions to address key issues related to how technology, in particular telehealth, can be used to remote-manage patients, including those with a range of long-term conditions.” CETAL works with the

organisations providing education for carers and health professionals, and consultancy to private companies and healthcare providers. It focuses on research, evaluation and teaching and learning, and is aimed at helping people continue to live in their own homes by using technology to detect a deterioration in their medical condition and give a better picture of their progress to medical professionals, reducing the need for hospital and GP appointments. The Fast Forward Competition is organised by the Intellectual Property Office and has run for three years and awarded £2 million in funding to 35 projects.

LGBT Fellowship Watford Methodist Circuit

For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/no/undecided faith. We meet on the second Sunday of the month, 2.30pm-4pm (arrive at 2pm for coffee and a chat) at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Mill End, WD3 7HJ. Next meeting is Sunday 12 May For more info contact Rachel and Sarah e: If you would like a lift to the event in Watford, please contact the University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793 or email

May 2013 Bucks Student 5

Student Buzz University challenge Specialist Community Public Health Nursing and Community Healthcare Nursing students have held a ‘Challenges in Practice’ study day showing how they would tackle issues including obesity, sickness management and NHS commissioning. The students are studying district nursing, health visiting and school nursing and the day formed part of their leadership and management module. They gave half-hour long presentations in the Gateway Lecture Theatre to practice teachers, practice education leads and lecturers from Bucks. Students also set up stands near reception in the Gateway with leaflets and information. Senior lecturer Jane Wright said: “They will now reflect on the process as part of their assessment.”

All the right moves Dance industry professionals have attended a panel debate and held a meetand-greet session for students at Bucks. Professional dancers, teachers and choreographers were invited to give students studying BA (Hons) Dance and Fitness and Dance and Performance the opportunity to hear first-hand about how to forge a career in the industry. Charlotte Nichol, Lecturer in Dance, said: “It was great for students to meet industry professionals and hear from their experiences, as well as quiz them on how

to get ahead in dance.” The industry panel comprised Katie Cobie, who owns Kobika Dance in High Wycombe; Shanelle ‘Tali’ Fergus, a professional dancer, teacher and choreographer; Ben Hayward, osteopath and sports massage therapist and a lecturer at Amersham & Wycombe College; Robert Hylton, company director, choreographer, performer and teacher; Andy Instone, who founded and runs street dance school, Urban Strides; and Helen Parlor, a contemporary dancer, choreographer, artistic director and

rehearsal director. Charlotte added: “There is quite a particular route into gaining jobs in dance and other performance practices so this was a great way for students to appreciate the skills they need and the opportunities open to them. “We hope to widen the event next year to incorporate workshops on audition techniques, skills-based CV-writing, and the best ways of locating opportunities.” The event was recorded and a podcast was distributed to prospective applicants to the courses.

Three day eventing Carolyn Crouchman, senior lecturer in acute/critical care, presented a paper about the issues surrounding the interviewing of nurses/midwives about sensitive topics at the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) 2013 Annual International Nursing Research Conference in Belfast. Delegates included research active nurses from a variety of clinical backgrounds. The subject Carolyn presented on forms part of her PhD work exploring the views of nurses and midwives about responding at ‘out of work’ situations where first aid may be required. Over the three-day event she attended a number of delegate sessions from internationally-eminent researchers and nurses. Carolyn said: “The presentation was really well received and as a poorly researched area, generated lots of healthy debate among the audience.”

Fair dinkum, Ciaran

Dance industry professionals in the panel debate at Bucks.

Ciaran O’Keeffe, senior lecturer in Psychology, was interviewed on radio station Alive 90.5 in Sydney, Australia, last Monday about ‘Ghosts of Oz’. Ciaran, whose previous work also included a role as a parapsychologist on the television programme, Most Haunted, said he has quite a following Down Under. He said: “The interview came about thanks to my public profile as the parapsychologist on Most Haunted because there is quite a large fan-base in Australia and for the fact that I have written an academic article detailing ethical guidelines when doing haunting investigations, which has also proved quite popular. It was great being interviewed by them and even now I still can’t get over the fact they are nine hours ahead of us on the other side of the world! It was also fun considering I have relatives in Australia!”

Swiss roll Graduand Joy Tay, who has completed a Diploma of Higher Education in Nursing, is to spend three months as an intern with the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in Geneva, Switzerland, starting in July. Joy, from Thailand, will be working alongside international nurse leaders, learning from nurse consultants and health professionals, visiting partner organisations and attending conferences. Joy’s unusual career path has taken her from a previous life as a flight attendant for Delta Air Lines in the United States. She was sponsored to study at Bucks by the Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council and in return regularly returned to Thailand to promote nursing education. Read more here: icn?view=Standard

Cole’s fired up Doug Cole, Employability Project Manager, has aired his views on the issue in a letter to Times Higher Education. Doug, whose role involves reviewing and developing the University’s approach to employability, said: “I wrote in response to other opinions raised on employability. I was expressing the importance of trying to get people to speak the same language as there are so many different views on what employability is and we need to get that right before we can be truly effective in developing well-rounded graduates prepared for life ahead of them.” Have a read of Doug’s letter at

Student Buzz is brought to you by the University Communications team. We hope you enjoy reading the latest news. Plus remember to follow Bucks on Twitter at @bucksnewuni and on Facebook at

Chris is no

meer-student Intrepid student Chris Lynch got to grips with his Attenborough side when he went to film a clan of meerkats for a documentary at an animal rescue centre. Chris is a third-year BA (Hons) Film and Television Production student and filmed the furry creatures for his dissertation. The final documentary will be ten to twelve minutes long and will be accompanied by several promotional videos which Chris said he hoped the rescue centre could use. But the animal-loving student said the gang of meerkats didn’t make things easy for him, taking their time to get used to him filming in their habitat. He said: “Filming the meerkats was fun and difficult because as soon as you had a nice shot of them they started running away and hiding but soon they got used to us being in their habitat and became more friendly.” While many of his peers chose to produce more commonplace

pieces about sports or bands for their dissertations, the adventurous Chris chose to try and wow the examiners with a more wild approach, proving that he is no meer-student. He said: “I am doing my dissertation on animal hospitals and rescue centres featuring non-domestic animals. “This is because I feel that it is something different that the external examiners will not have seen too much of before. I felt the need to branch out and do something a bit more obscure and out there.” “Filming the Meerkats made me feel like I was actually achieving something because I’d gone out there to source the project and make the contacts on my own.” Beaver Water World, in Tatsfield, Kent, is a registered charity which works as an animal rescue centre for beavers, deer, lemurs, meerkats, and other animals.



ITV promotes compassion of Bucks nurses A film crew from ITV Tonight was treated to a demonstration of compassion in nursing by Bucks students when they filmed students both at the Uxbridge Campus and on placement at Hillingdon Hospital. The resulting programme, entitled ‘Has the NHS stopped caring?’, aired last month and portrayed an overall picture of nursing and healthcare today. In the aftermath of the Francis report, the public inquiry into the failings at Mid Staffordshire Foundation NHS Trust, the programme looked at the apparent lack of compassion shown by some NHS staff, and went on to feature Bucks nurses as examples of good practice for the nursing profession going forward. Edmund Cox, a Postgraduate Diploma Nursing (Adult) student, gave an eloquent rebuttal towards the premise of the programme. “There is definitely a lot of compassion here. We have got a mix of patients, we care for them all equally. You see the

same patients day in day out, you start to get to know them, you build up a relationship with them,” said Ed during his comments to the camera. Amy Thatcher, Sara Clavin and Faye Bramford, all first-year students on the BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing degree, were also featured on the programme. All three expressed the same heartfelt beliefs that compassion is as important to nursing as clinical skill. “It’s not just about performing a skill,” said Sara. “It’s actually caring about the patient while you’re doing it, making sure that they’re comfortable and you’re maintaining their dignity.” The filming took place following a direct request from ITV asking for permission to work with our students. Head of School Carol Pook said, “The students and staff were excellent ambassadors for both organisations, and we were delighted to be able to provide what we hope is an accurate representation of contemporary nursing education.”

Student officers get fired up We will be trialling 24 hour access to the library until 2 June. In addition to the open access PCs, IT rooms G4.01 and G4.08 are now also included as part of the extended opening hours trial. The Students’ Union will be running a survey during the trial to gather feedback. Visit to take part.

Buckinghamshire New University students were sent blazing into action at the end of March when an electrical fire threatened to cause a major incident in the Eden Centre. Student police officers, studying on the FDA Policing course, were out in uniform on a practical training exercise at the time of the incident, and, keen to find help to maintain a cordon around the area, Thames Valley Police (TVP) turned to our students for support. The fire, which erupted from an electrical switch panel in Frankie & Benny’s restaurant, required the attention of four fire-fighting crews, three from High Wycombe and one from Beaconsfield. Adjacent leisure facilities, including Cineworld and AMF Bowling who both employ a number of Bucks students, were evacuated as a precaution. PC Hamblin of TVP said Bucks students were tasked with ‘enforcing cordons to make sure the public stay safe’. Bucks operates the FDA Policing course in tandem with TVP. Stuart Norton, Director for the Institute of Professional Policing, said “We were delighted that our students had the opportunity to put their knowledge in to practice so successfully. The students were undertaking their community practicals at the time, and whilst they weren’t expecting to be engaging in a real incident that day, it shows just how prepared they really are. “We have worked very closely with TVP to develop this course and it is a shining example of the strength of our partnership to see students engaged actively in both education and placement opportunities.”

First-class aviation graduate enjoys a soaring start to working life

Registration is open for Graduation 2013

Graduate Anthony Day is making a great start to his career.

An Air Transport with Commercial Pilot Training graduate is seeing his ambitions soar thanks to a job with a private jet company. Anthony Day graduated last September and has landed a job with Hangar8, a private jet aircraft management company based at London Oxford Airport, working in crewing and operations. The high flyer’s role involves working with the day-to-day operations of the aircraft and allocating aircrew to operate the aircraft. He has also been promoted to Flight Safety Officer, alongside his role, using safety management systems and overseeing the company’s policies and procedures on safety. Anthony’s ambition is to eventually fly aircraft as a pilot and he is carrying out further

training, including a multi-crew cooperation course and a jet orientation course, both of which are requirements to become a pilot. On completing his degree, Anthony got on board with his chosen career by gaining further qualifications through the company, CTC Aviation, in Bournemouth, completing a Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (ME/IR) and achieving a firsttime pass. He said: “Everyone dreams of being the best, but I’m determined to be even better. “My favourite part of the course was undoubtedly doing flight training in Orlando, Florida. I flew over Florida and along the East Coast of the United States. We had perfect weather, perfect friends and I also had probably the most fun I had during my

studies.” The ambitious graduate has maintained his links with Bucks and has been assisting the University with open days involving the department of Travel & Aviation. He has also delivered talks to first-year Air Transport with Commercial Pilot Training students on what to expect on the course, how to approach training, and other areas to consider on the programme. Keiron Blay, Hangar8 Accountable Manager, said Anthony was making a great impression at the company. He said: “We are extremely pleased with how Anthony is progressing in the company after such a short time. “His work ethic and dedication to duty will undoubtedly help him fulfil his ambitions within the aviation industry.”

Actress-turned-artist makes 12-feet figures to sit on University’s Fifth Plinth An actress who is studying fine art at Bucks has created two 12ft-high human-like figures which are attracting the attention of passers-by. Heather Tobias has hand-stitched the man and the woman, made from cloth and stuffed with wadding, which are on display on a Fifth Plinth set up near the spiral staircase on the second floor of High Wycombe Campus. On Tuesday 7 May, Heather’s work will be replaced by two columns around the plinth, made by fellow BA (Hons) Fine Art student Deborah Mills using coloured thread. This work will also stand for two weeks. Heather, whose acting credits include roles in the film High Hopes, directed by Mike Leigh, and the television series All the Small Things, said she was inspired to make the attention-grabbing figures by Gothic and Renaissance sculptures and hoped to recreate the same air of grandeur. She said: “I had always intended that the figure would sit on a plinth and look down at people. I hope they raise a smile. This is a great way for students to do site-specific installations and for the rest of the University to see the kind of work we do and the variety of work involved in the Fine Art course.” Heather took her materials from Wycombe Resource Zone, in Coronation Road, High Wycombe, and also used items to craft ribbons and wool on the figures’ heads for their hair. Speaking about her studies, she said: “I had the choice of drama school or art college when I left school and chose drama school. Now, as a mature

student I am going back to my second choice and loving the challenges and opportunities.” The Fifth Plinth is inspired by the famous Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square. Senior lecturer Alan Franklin said: “The idea behind the plinth is to give students an opportunity to test their ideas in a public arena and it is the nature of Fine Art to challenge expectations and to question the status quo.”

Graduation week is Monday 9 to Friday 13 September 2013. If you are eligible to graduate and haven’t yet registered please do it now! No need to wait for your results. All the information you require about Graduation is on the website The online booking system is a quick and easy way to register your attendance and purchase your guest tickets. When you receive your email registration confirmation, don’t forget to nominate ‘the tutor who most inspired you’. If you have any queries about Graduation and can’t find the answer on the website please contact the Graduation Team on: t: 01494 522 141 ext. 4240 e: For all enquiries relating to your course or exams please contact your School Registrar. We look forward to celebrating your success with you at your Graduation ceremony. The Graduation Team

Bucks New University student Heather Tobias with her work.

International Student Buddies required This University funded project is looking for international and EU students to help new students make the transition into higher education in the UK from now and through the first term of 2013/14. We are looking for students who: • are friendly and approachable • are well organised • are an excellent communicator • have good written communication • are able to handle responsibility • are self motivated and methodical • are bi or multi lingual • have experience of studying in the UK • have a positive and enthusiastic outlook. For more information and to apply, visit: For advice on International Buddies, email:

Uxbridge news /BucksSUuxb


A great year at Uxbridge Thank you for getting involved

As this is the last edition of the Bucks Student this academic year we’d thought we’d give you a bit of a round up on what has been a very successful year at the Uxbridge Campus. We’ve seen growing levels of student involvement in all areas of our work this year. We’ve had 40 student reps elected on the Uxbridge Campus, more than any other year. Making sure you’re voices are getting heard and helping to make improvements to your University life so they all deserve a big thank you. We’ve held 27 campaign stalls in Pulse this year, which can be anything from collecting money for Red Nose Day, raising awareness of sexual health, or getting people to talk to us by holding officer surgeries. That’s more than one campaign a week! Thank you to all of you that bought a cake or a red nose, wrote down their most inspirational women, answered a quiz or took some of our sweets. We helped raise a lot of money this year and our overall Raise and Give (RAG) total looks set to break £20k. By the end of term we will have offered 973 FREE spaces on recreational activities exclusively to Uxbridge students, which include: things like trips to the theatre, the zoo as well as French lessons and fitness classes. We’re very proud of our free recreational programme; we

think it helps to break down barriers and ease some of the financial burdens of being a student. For some of you this may have sparked a new interest or hobby, some of you may have learned a new skill and others will have simply been able to have a day out with their children and families without worrying about the cost. The Advice Centre at Uxbridge has held a massive 1609 appointments (so far) with students, helping students through things like academic issues, accommodation problems and financial support and advice. The work of the Advice Centre can literally change lives, it keeps people on their course and in extreme cases in their homes. This is our most important work and we’re pleased to have been able to help so many of you this year. We’d like to thank all of you for getting involved with us this year whatever you have done and we look forward to doing even more next year. But the year’s not over yet! And we have loads still going on. Check out to get involved in our activities and call 01494 605 181 or come along to room 1.03 at the Uxbridge Campus if you need any advice or support. See you all soon, from all the staff Bucks Students’ Union, Uxbridge Office.

What’s on at Uxbridge visit to book your place Self Defence Class



to get involved: Student Led Purchasing Project which runs until June 1 Need books which the Library hasn’t purchased yet? Want to suggest books to be bought / by the Library? Need instant access to an e-book?

Let the Library buy the books for you! Full details and instructions on how to participate in the Student-Led Purchasing Project can be found in the Library organisation in Blackboard.

What: This self-defence class will give you the chance to learn high quality self protection tactics, teach you special techniques and allow you to practice effective self defence drills with partners. Great session to help you boost your confidence. No previous experience required. Open to both Uxbridge and High Wycombe students. When: Tuesday 7 May, 5pm-6.30pm Where: Uxbridge Campus, Park Room Billy Elliot Theatre trip What: One of the most celebrated, award-winning musicals on stage today. When: Wednesday 8 May, 7.30pm performance starts Where: Victoria Palace Theatre, Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5EA Seated Massage What: We are offering 20-minute seated massage sessions for your to be able to relax before the exam period starts. So if it’s the stress of being a fresher, a despairing second year or a stressed third year, sit back and enjoy the relaxation. When: Thursday 9 May, 11am-3pm Where: Uxbridge Campus, room 3.03

If you ,re interest ed in writing for The Bucks Stude nt newspaper, come along to our next meeting:

My Experience As Editor

Room N4.12 Thu 9 May at 5.3 0pm

By Guy Humphrey Bucks Student has been BEING Student Editor for The a variety of articles to a fantastic experience. Writing , Union nts de Stu , nts de stu w kno to ng tight deadlines, getti skills definitely improve. and University staff, your social ed. Whilst you need to My written skills have also improv , re s the ar, mm gra and lling spe of sp have an excellent gra ding and editing work has always room to improve. Proof rea to be highly organised in to be done quickly and you have in your third year. order to do so, especially if you are ry fortnight so you There is usually a new edition eve to talk to other students have to make sure you are able , Don t give yourself too and anyone willing to contribute. , legate things that you much to do, but equally don t de can. Be nice. could easily do just because you standard edition editing If you are interested in what a is like, let me break it down. , : Meeting with the Students Union , ion and ask if anything Normally I go to the Students Un anything needs to be is happening in the Union and if , University do write covered. The Students Union and re is a chance you could articles for the paper also so the be editing those. Content Meeting:

we talk about any These are every two weeks where have, and any themed particular content ideas that we Skills Needed: -

Excellent spelling and grammar


Time Management


Working to tight deadlines

ons etc). The deadline content (Easter, Christmas, Electi at 5pm to be edited and is normally the following Tuesday y. sent off the following Wednesda Write:

the next week. This could Writing content then happens for could literally do anything. be interviewing, reviewing etc. You Deadline Day:

(hopefully) and then you Everyone sends in their content it into the sections of the get cracking editing it. Organise word count and any images paper, make a content list with but when you have 20 and then send it off. Sounds easy odd articles to do, it soon adds up. Next BSN Meeting:

k up of the newspaper and This is normally when we see a moc order to get accreditation. any society business is brought up in And then it all happens again! me the confidence to Being Student Editor has given , you who don t know of se tho for s job lism rna jou apply for , e - and it has helped me me, I m doing a Journalism degre ferent publications. I get internships at a number of dif The Independent Fashion have interned at Gay Times and er, The Grooming Guide Desk as a contributor to the pap ilst being Editor. The skills and most recently Ultra Vie wh Student definitely helped from contributing to The Bucks me to get these internships.


Highly Organised


Good leadership skills


and Able to balance University work

being Editor

10 Bucks Student May 2013

Bursting out of London’s underground music scene with its thrilling world of pirate radio, crude DJ set ups, improvised studios, and bleeding edge beats come Rudimental (Piers Aggett, Kesi Dryden, Amir Amor and Leon Rolle): A pioneering melting-pot collective who have taken the British music scene by storm, championed for their uncompromising approach to music-making whilst avoiding rigid classification. You’ve probably heard them – from their huge drum & bass-meets-soul anthem and No. 1 single ‘Feel The Love’; their ‘Later… with Jools Holland’ TV performance; their historic BBC Radio 1 Hackney Weekend extravaganza (which saw their second ever live show become the most shared performance of the entire festival); or been immersed in the thrilling energy of their live shows, DJ sets or groundbreaking videos. Rudimental have achieved global recognition among tastemakers at lightning speed – starting when The XX blogged Rudimental’s airy soulful house offering ‘Spoons’ in February. Taking a “traditional” songwriting approach as much as an electronic one in their music making, Rudimental mix live instrumentation (Hammond, Rhodes, horns, live bass etc) with digital programming. As Rudimental’s Piers says, “our sound is organic. It’s the result of years of raving, listening to pirate radio, listening to dubs, to tapes older brothers would bring home, and being inspired by all of it. We’re products of our individual musical journeys and of London”.

Dance music is a broad church but within each parish there’s usually a set of rules. A doesn’t always go with B and X shouldn’t really mix with Y, but sometimes those rules are meant to be broken or manipulated into odd new shapes. Ayah Marar’s kaleidoscopic debut album, The Real, is a case in point; thirteen songs that take inspiration from the underground dance scene, cherrypicking the very best elements of drum and bass, techno and house and bolting them onto well-crafted pop hooks that look set to shatter dance floors. “It’s an homage to dance music in whatever form, whether it’s garage or two step or house or drum and bass,” she explains. A friendship with Calvin Harris has lead to a recent recording session between the two, with the “happy, 90s house” song they came up with nestling alongside recent bangers for Rihanna, Ne-Yo and Example (who Ayah recently toured with) on Harris’ new album. Another old friend in need of an amazing vocal was DJ Fresh, who called Ayah out of the blue. Their two collaborations are set to appear on his soon-to-be chart slaying debut album. The key thing with Ayah Marar is that the two worlds – the mainstream and the underground – co-exist because it’s all part of who she is.

(on their new album Arc) Two years since they shook up British guitar music, Everything Everything – Higgs, Pritchard, Alex Robertshaw (guitar), Michael Spearman (drums) – are back. They’ve put all of themselves into their second album, and taken inspiration wherever they found it. The summer 2011 riots, as viewed from a Salford vantage point, played a part, as did the band’s frontman’s reading up on futurology. Different environments, whether a remote Cumbrian shed or a windy inner-city arena, fed into the process. So Arc features a song like The House Is Dust, a minimal, late-night, drone-ballad with a mellifluous, haunting, high-register vocal from Higgs and an extended, smoky piano fade out. “The album in general we wanted to be far less uptight and less controlled-sounding than Man Alive,” says Pritchard. “So with The House Is Dust, we wanted to do it as live as possible – and as pissed as possible. And it was much more earthy.” And the broad church that is Arc can also accommodate a song like Radiant. Echoey, pounding, spacious, we might call it stadium artrock. Its mettle proved during their support slot on Snow Patrol’s early-2012 arena tour, Radiant was demoed in the room at Salford’s Blueprint Studios favoured by Guy Garvey’s mob.

The band mixes up genres spanning from dub to Balkan, classical to drum & bass and breakbeat to electro-swing. An ensemble of brass and orchestral performers push the energy of the live show one step further while the performance is brought together by synths and electronic beats. Compositions are adapted and performed live by a host of musicians from across the UK. With many years of musical experience between them, they bring an unrivalled creative flair and a true passion for entertaining to the show. The current instrument list is; Violin, drums synthesiser, accordion, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, sax, trombone, trumpet, cello and vocals. Slamboree’s circus is at the heart of the show, and a team of professionals from various circus schools including Circomedia and Green Top work to create a feast for the senses that is unique to every performance. Shows regularly feature fire-eating, juggling, contortion, hula hooping, acrobatics, aerial performances and contemporary dance, with the multiskilled performers and musicians interacting in exciting and innovative ways that always leave the crowd guessing and wanting more.

MON 13 – SAT 18 MAY

GO BACK FOR MURDER WycombeSwanPage_Layout 1 07/02/2013 11:51 Page 1 WycombeSwanPage_Layout 1 07/02/2013 STUDENT



11:51 Page 1

TUE 21 – WED 22 MAY £12.50


(Marvin DJ set) I don’t think there’s much introduction needed for JLS but with the recent announcement of their split, due after their final tour at the end of this year, people are waiting to see what the boys will be up to next. Marvin has revealed that he would like a career similar to David Guetta’s in the future. The singer and newly-appointed Capital FM DJ revealed he would consider pursuing a career as a dance music producer “at some point”. Asked by Capital Breakfast Show hosts Dave Berry and Lisa Snowdon if he has “Guetta-esque” aspirations to collaborate with popstars, he said: “Yeah definitely. At some point I’d love to go down that route but obviously me and the [JLS] boys are very busy still. “We have an album coming out end of the year and we’ve got a massive tour at the end of this year, which is going to keep us busy for a few months. “At some point yeah, I’d love to do that sort of DJ producer stuff but right now it’s all about doing the DJ show here and DJ-ing across Europe in the summer and I’ve got stuff with the boys too so I’ve got to make sure I keep it all busy.” On whether he would go under a new alias, he replied: “You know what, I thought about it but I don’t think it’s going to work. People just know me as Marvin. “I don’t think I can come out with any alias. People just call me Marv or DJ Marv.” Marvin Humes presents on Capital FM every Friday between 7pm and 10pm.

Born and raised in South London, Amplify Dot was never far from a microphone. From the age of four, a young A.Dot would listen to the sounds of Salt n Pepa, Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix from her uncle’s Sony Walkman and the tones of The Carpenters and Barrington Levy from her dad’s reel-to-reel. Before long, the musically influenced schoolgirl was recording her first track, an answering machine rap for her parent’s house phone. A.Dot’s first stage experience came with an impromptu appearance at Missy Elliot’s jam packed Brixton Academy concert in 2001. Aged just 14, A.Dot climbed on stage when Missy asked if anybody in the audience could rap and blew the crowd away with her bravery and bravado. Missy later spoke to A.Dot and predicted “One day you’re going to be big!” Introduced to many on ‘Game Over Female Takeover’, A.Dot has gone on to drop her debut mixtape ‘Born Ready’ on free download, an eclectic mix of rap, grime and reggae with an all-star collaborative roster including features from the likes of Gyptian, Kano, Lioness and Marger and most recently dropping her EP ‘Short Back & Sides’ which charted independently on the iTunes Hip Hop Charts.


MON 17 – SAT 22 JUNE





High Wycombe & Uxbridge

We thought you might like to hear that we have recently launched our new official Facebook Page. With so much happening across our two campuses, we have set up the page to let you know about: • • • • •

breaking news recent student awards impressive success stories exciting upcoming events useful information.

Like us on Facebook

9 3 n o i t i d e . photos

s w e i v . e r n n o a h t s r ’ e t w a lo wh r atlantic s of ou

s d o o r C e h t review

song time

interview events

14 Bucks Student May 2013

After Hours

A round-up of Students’ Union nightlife plus entertainment news and reviews. Submit your articles to Section Editor Yael

Interview and track by track guide with Lower Than Atlantis 1. “Prologue” Eddy Thrower (drums): That’s probably one of my favourite tracks on the album because we spend so much time doing it and we’ve been trying loads of different things we’ve never done before. I’ve recorded some of the drums outside, Mike did vocals in the corridor. Dec Hart (bass guitar): There’s an old oil tank outside the studio and someone just bashed it with the hand – that’s the sound right at the end of the track. Sounds pretty cool there’s so much experimental stuff like that. 2. “Love Someone Else” E.T: Instantly we thought it was the first single. People can relate to it. That’s one of the songs I wouldn’t really play or listen to because we’ve heard it for f******g ages now but it’s a good last song, goes down very well. 3. “Move Along” E.T: That used to be my favourite song. I wanted that to be our first single. I just think it’s a really good song. > M.M: How did it feel to record in the same studio as The Beatles and Oasis? E.T: It was pretty cool. Originally we were going to a different studio then we moved without being told. We were just told the exact location, googled it and we flipped out. Queen recorded there, Black Sabbath, Oasis, Coldplay the list is endless. 4. “Wars With Words” E.T: I keep on saying that’s my favourite but I like it for different reasons because we’ve just started playing it live. I think it’s a really good live song. Everyone jumps to it which is wicked. 5. “Go On Strike” D.H: I think that song, the lyrics, even though I didn’t write them, they sum up our band as a whole. To have to deal with people telling you what you have to do, you have to work some s****y daytime job you don’t want to do, to follow your dream. > M.M: Your band is very important for you as a way of life? What would been your message then? E.T: It’s important that people know how we started and what we’ve been through. We’ve slept on people’s floors, playing for no one, playing for nothing. Finally things started to pick up, so I think it’s important for people to understand that. Stay true to your beliefs.

By Marcin Majewski

6. “Scared Of The Dark” D.H: This track was recorded completely differently to every other track on the record. There’s literally drums in a room with no edits, Mike had the song that’s going to be him just with acoustic guitar and then we sat in the studio and everyone just naturally start playing their parts and the we were like: “Ohh this is like whole band song now”. We just completely did it on a whim. > M.M: That’s going be very busy year for you guys. How do you feel about your first European tour? E.T: We can’t wait for that! We love going on tour. You have to go everywhere and work on it. We like to do that, make new fans and keep them going back and back. It’s fine to play in a different places and to different people. 7. “Normally Strange” E.T: It’s pretty much the standout track. Originally we’ve thought in Ben’s house about the whole idea of it, that we going to put the breakdown in there. I think it gets some diversity and dynamics into the album, so it’s important to have a track like that. D.H: I think when Mike wrote the riff it wasn’t so much like that’s going to be ridiculously heavy, it’s more like ‘The Smashing Pumpkins’ that kind of vibe, but it ended up heavier than we thought. It’s cool, it’s one of my favourite tracks for life. 8. “Something better come along” E.T: I think that’s one of the strongest songs with “Go On Strike” and “Love someone else”. D.H: Definitely one of my favourite songs on the record, it’s more chill out but still a rock song. 9. “PMA” D.H: This song does what it says - Positive Mental Attitude. That’s what the lyrics are about it. 10. “Cool Kids” E.T: I hate that song! Nah I’m joking. Hipsters and that kind of stuff. 11. “I Know A Song That Will Get On Your Nerves” E.T: That was kind of fast, moshy song on the album. D.H: On every album we have a balance on every record. I’m not saying we are going to do it again. It’s definitely time to change it up now. > MM: Should we expect changes with the follow-up of “Changing Tune”? E.T: We are still going to be what you expect with little differences. I always say if you can predict what the band is going to do, it’s not worth of doing it. D.H: If we are going to do the same record again and again, we will be bored. We enjoy music, playing live so we want to keep it interesting. If we can differentiate songs from different albums, different people can react differently. > MM: So would you consider some acoustic shows then? D.H: It’s something that we never did before but then the record label asked if we wanted to do some. Most of the songs were written acoustically anyway, so it’s not very hard, I guess it’s pretty natural. > MM: What you’ve been listening recently? E.T: I’ve been listening to Biffy Clyro’s new album, I think it’s amazing. John Mayer and also Nicki Minaj. > MM: You must kidding me? E.T: Nah, nah I’m f*****g loving it. I’m down to it. 12. “Showtime” E.T: I like this song because of the beat at the beginning. D.H: It’s quite nice. It’s like a cap on the album.

May 2013 Bucks Student 15

Songs Of Our Times

By Sorcha Collister

HEAVILY burdened with dissertation, the one clichéd word that can buckle every third year, chain them down, and rinse them of a soul. I feel I have used every word I have ever known and I am running a little short. Yet here are my final words, or feelings. My nostalgia that I share with many great third years, knowingly or not.

To begin: I will remind you of Gold Dust, by DJ Fresh. PUT it on, try not to smile, try not to dance, hate it, I dare you. The feeling that it resonates in me is the outcome of an over excited freshers, over energy drink-ed, over vodka-ed, pure naivety, excitement and exuberance, surprise, just bloody stupid sprawling madness. This song just wanted you to turn it up, it just wanted you to dance, and so we goddam did.

To grow: Boring Bitches - Etta Bond & Raf Riley OK, I admit we were not first years anymore. But dare call a second year boring. We were bitter, we were arrogant. Nothing could have been more relevant to the rest of the dancing world than the lyrics of ‘Boring Bitches’. And nothing more relevant to us, unhinged, humorous and secretly having a great time. Oh wait we’re dancing again. Not for long though, we are old now. Promptly follow this with Etta Bond’s morning-after track ‘Resolve’. The most perfect descriptive hangover song, ‘I’m f****d – I need another drink! Throwing up my breakfast, just made it to the sink’ lyrics aside, it makes your head spin. Listen with care & a glass of water.

To conclude: The song I trust is going to end everyone’s year, Daft Punk, Get Lucky. THE Daft Punk revolution looks almost set to overtake cats in the most shared online category. The Daft Punk revolution has been televised. But the Daft Punk revolution did not let us down. The strong 70s grooves of Get Lucky will make you nostalgic. Nostalgic for where we truly experienced the 70’s (and the 80’s and the 90’s and the now), as the unmistakable guitar riff and electronics pulse through, you may begin to smell the musty scent of Life on Mars, and it will make you dance, as you once did on that square, underlit, dancefloor. Slowly Pharrell’s velvety smooth voice will guide you up the stairway into Pure. The sweet venomous taste of Red Bull & Vodka will unknowingly hit your lips, and then, you can, really dance. I can’t be sure, but I think we were actually ‘up all night for good fun’. Many thanks Daft Punk for the hopeful lyrics that will take us on our way:

‘Like the legend of the phoenix. Our ends were beginnings’

Movie Review

By Guy Humphrey

The Croods (PG) Released 22/3/2013 Running time: 98 mins

PRODUCED by DreamWorks animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox, The Croods is an animation that sees a family of cavemen fight for survival. The main moral of the film is to be different, and not be afraid of the unknown. Voices included Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds and follows Eep who wants to break free from her overprotective father Grugg. Along the way she meets Guy, voiced by Ryan Reynolds who is somewhat of a free spirit, to Grugg’s dismay. Written and directed by Kirk DeMicco and Chris Sanders, the film looked stunning and in parts, totally realistic, but something was lacking. There seemed to be a lack of plot with the main moral being the only thing throughout the film. Whilst it is good for family, which is the target audience, normally there are certain adult moments and I felt that with this, it was one for strictly kids. Whilst there are funny moments, the film tended to drag.



WHAT’S ON AT BUCKS? + Quiz @8pm

Carlsberg Draft / Carling Draft / VK & WKD / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Can - all £2 | Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 (until midnight) Firebombs - £2 Corky’s £1 A Shot // Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Coors Light Draft / Red Stripe Can / Strongbow (Original + Pear) Draft / Jim Beam flavours & Mixer - all £2 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Friday 3

Saturday 4

Sunday 5

Friday 10

Saturday 11

Bar open Gaymers Original Draft / Strongbow Pear Draft / Tuborg Cans / Vodka & Relentless / Range of Bombs’ - all £2 Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot - £1 (all night)

Thursday 9


Charlie Brown Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | 175ml Glass of House Wine - £2.50 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot | Double Up On Any Shot £1 | Pint Of Coke/Lemonade £1 (all night)

Gaymers Original Draft / Strongbow Pear Draft / Tuborg Cans / Vodka & Relentless / Range of Bombs’ - all £2 Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot - £1 (all night)

Carlsberg Draft / Carling Draft / VK & WKD / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Can - all £2 | Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 (until midnight) Firebombs - £2 Corky’s £1 A Shot // Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Wednesday 15

Thursday 16

Friday 17

Plus DJ set from

Dance Takeover 4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | 175ml Glass of House Wine - £2.50 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot | Double Up On Any Shot £1 | Pint Of Coke/Lemonade £1 (all night)

Gaymers Original Draft / Strongbow Pear Draft / Tuborg Cans / Vodka & Relentless / Range of Bombs’ - all £2 Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot - £1 (all night)

Tuesday 21

Wednesday 22

Thursday 23

Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | 175ml Glass of House Wine - £2.50 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot | Double Up On Any Shot £1 | Pint Of Coke/Lemonade £1 (all night)

Monday 27

Tuesday 28

Wednesday 29



1 JUNE Netball Takeover

Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Monday 6

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | 175ml Glass of House Wine - £2.50 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot | Double Up On Any Shot £1 | Pint Of Coke/Lemonade £1 (all night)

Tuesday 7

Wednesday 8

Film night:

Free Popcorn DJ SET

Sunday 12

Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Monday 13

Tuesday 14

Mikill Pane plus guests

Coors Light Draft / Red Stripe Can / Strongbow (Original + Pear) Draft / Jim Beam flavours & Mixer - all £2 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

+ Quiz @8pm 4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Saturday 18

Sunday 19

Monday 20

Paint Glow Party!

Final Kick Off @ 7.45pm

+ Quiz @8pm

Carlsberg Draft / Carling Draft / VK & WKD / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Can - all £2 | Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 (until midnight) Firebombs - £2 Corky’s £1 A Shot // Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Coors Light Draft / Red Stripe Can / Strongbow (Original + Pear) Draft / Jim Beam flavours & Mixer - all £2 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Friday 24

Saturday 25

Sunday 26

Gaymers Original Draft / Strongbow Pear Draft / Tuborg Cans / Vodka & Relentless / Range of Bombs’ - all £2 Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot - £1 (all night)

Carlsberg Draft / Carling Draft / VK & WKD / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Can - all £2 | Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 (until midnight) Firebombs - £2 Corky’s £1 A Shot // Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Coors Light Draft / Red Stripe Can / Strongbow (Original + Pear) Draft / Jim Beam flavours & Mixer - all £2 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Thursday 30

Friday 31

Saturday 1

Bar Vs Ents DJ Head to Head

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Bucks SU Photo’s 2012 - 2013

Your Nig

High Wycombe Ven

ghts Out

nue Wed 13 - TUe 30








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22 Bucks Student May 2013

From food to fashion and everything in between! Submit your articles to Section Editor Harmeet

Four Years Later

a look back at a 3 year degree By Georgina Price

At the end of a three year course that has taken me four years to complete, I’ve started to feel incredibly sad about the prospect of leaving. Memories from all my years here have inexplicably started to come back. Memories like walking into the courtyard of Brook Street and seeing a Henry Hoover thrown out of a fourth floor window, his smile eternal as his little nose extension waved in the wind. Memories like instantly becoming best pals with people during freshers and having votes over whether or not we preferred Dennis or Charlie’s, but it was all a big conspiracy anyway because they were run by the same people, weren’t they? Memories like the first day I came to Bucks. It was the day before the main halls moving in day and a friend I’d made online convinced me to come a day earlier for a party. I was too stressed and nervous to sleep or eat and ended up passing out at quarter past eight that night, becoming a freshers legend for that year. That was September 2009, almost four years ago and a year I royally effed up. I think a lot of people in their first year go a bit crazy, some more than most. You’re out of the protection of your parents and you suddenly have all these things to remember to do in order to become a fully functioning adult. But hey, the alcohol is cheap and readily available and you only need 40% to pass the first year - it doesn’t really count anyway. I had that viewpoint to an extreme and ended up driving myself so far into an illness that I had to retake the first year. Yeah, don’t do that. Saying that, and despite it setting me back another £7k, it was the best thing I’d ever done. You might think that in itself is crazy but I’d been given the opportunity to start again and spend more time in the insane environment that is BNU. I’ve had the opportunity to see the Gateway building grow and been able to benefit from an extra year of course contacts and lecturers. I had the capability to work with an Olympic TV crew (thanks Film and TV!), I got to see a ton of amazing acts for free, I got to interact and work with the Students’ Union to help make the University better. Sure I had to sit through all the same lectures and do all the same assignments but that was my fault. That’s another thing my four years here has taught me. People don’t accept when things are their fault. You

went out and drank excessively every night instead of doing your work and now their threatening to chuck you off the course? Your own fault. You didn’t pay your internet bill for a couple of months and now their taking you to court? Your own fault. You’ve spent all your money on alcohol, clothes and Borderlands 2 and now you can’t pay your rent? Your own fault. We break ourselves and others down over things we have complete control over. We throw bottles on the floor in the Students’ Union and people get seriously hurt. We think we’re invincible but we’re not. These things are all our own fault, but we can stop them from happening. Act like adults, guys - you’re not children anymore. Sometimes it feels like the four years here has made me jaded, but I’m really not. Students can be the worst at times but you’re also warm, hard working, ambitious, lively, hilarious, kind, caring, vivacious, incredible, and intelligent people and I want you all to make the most out of the rest of your degrees. Go Fresher’s spotting in Sainsbury’s on moving in day. Ask a Neale’s driver about the weirdest person they’ve had in their cab. Get some sleep, have an early night for once. Have a BBQ at the Rye. Give a homeless person the free McDonald’s cheeseburger or McFlurry you get when you show your student card. Join a society and actually go to it. Go to Dennis’ shop by KFC, they give bigger portions than the vans and you can wait for your cab where it’s warm. For God’s sake use protection. Find out every service the University and the Students’ Union has to offer, you’d be surprised what they can help you with. Buy fancy dress costumes with reckless abandon. Be proud of the BNU - it’s really not that bad, the course you’re on is great and you’re probably not making the most out of it. Document everything, not just the drinking. Hand your work in on time, the 40% cap really isn’t worth the money you’re paying for it – and if you need an extension then swallow your pride and ask for it. Make this university experience the best it can possibly be - live, laugh, learn. Enjoy every moment, here because before you realise you’ll be in the last three weeks wondering if you really want to go back home to live with your parents. And remember, don’t f**k it up.

“don’t f**k it up”

High Wycombe Campus opening times: Mon - Thu 9am - 7pm Fri 9am - 4.30pm Uxbridge Campus opening times: Mon 10am - 6pm Tue - Wed 9.30am - 5.30pm Thu 9.30am - 3.30pm Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm

May 2013 Bucks Student 23

Alcohol and Drugs Awareness Monday 29 April to Friday 3 May This week we are running a drugs and alcohol awareness campaign. During the week we will be running some special deals on soft drinks in the bar – so keep your eyes open for these. We have invited The Oasis Partnership and SMART in, two local support services for anyone who’s life is affected by their own, or someone else’s drug or alcohol use. These services are coming in on Thursday 2 May and will have a stall at the back of Beats at High Wycombe, so do go and have a chat or a look at the information they are bringing with them. We have also invited HAGAM (Hillingdon Action Group for Addiction Management) and they are coming into our Uxbridge Campus, on the same day Thursday 2 May from 10am. Any students in Uxbridge who have concerns about their own or someone else’s drug or alcohol use can come along or find them at The Old Bank House, 64 High Street, Uxbridge or contact them on 01895 207 788. Be aware that the University defines the possession and/ or abuse of drugs and/or abuse of alcohol as behaviour that contravenes the Student Charter, and therefore these behaviours can lead to a disciplinary action! How much do you know about drugs? Try the quiz, written for us by Oasis and then check for the answers below.



12:16 PM

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8

Mephedrone is an illegal substance. MXE is a chemical similar to Ketamine. Cocaine can be sniffed or injected. Crack is a hallucinogen. Most deaths associated with ecstasy are a result of dehydration. It is safe 1 to use heroin provided Page you do not inject. Cannabis is safer than alcohol for drivers. Drugs like ecstasy and heroin are often contaminated.

Drug and Alcohol Answers Recovery Support Have you been affected by drugs or alcohol? Do you, or anyone you know, need support? Contact us

Only time can sober you up. It takes one hour for each unit of alcohol to come out of your bloodstream so you do the maths! As coffee contains caffeine it will wake you up but won’t get the alcohol out of your system.



Withdrawal from heroin is not dangerous although it may be very unpleasant, with flu-like symptoms and cramps. The main problem with stopping heroin is to overcome the psychological craving for the drug, rather than just getting it out of the user’s system.



Women’s bodies contain less water than men’s and so alcohol and drugs stay more concentrated and so can affect them more. However body weight and muscle mass also affect this, so it is not the case with all women.


Crack is simply a solid smokable form of cocaine made through mixing cocaine powder with bicarbonate of soda, water and then heating. It is a much more potent form and so its effects are more quickly addictive than cocaine. It is an even more costly habit to maintain.



It is estimated that each year in the UK over 110,000 people die from tobaccorelated diseases. Followed by alcohol that kills around 28-40,000 people each year. Heroin actually only kills around 600 people a year, mainly through overdose from injecting. Between 1995–1999, 1760 people died from methadone misuse, 532 from temazepam, 291 from amphetamines, 227 from cocaine and 78 from ecstasy.







Cannabis slows down your reactions and stays in the bloodstream much longer, 7 to 30 days.



Street heroin carries dangerous contaminants and there are a range of health risks associated with smoking or inhaling including chest infections.



Ecstasy (MDMA) causes body temperature to rise leading to dehydration. You need to drink plenty of fluids and take time to go somewhere cool and be still.






Both methods are dangerous. Sniffing can damage the lining of your nose. Injecting carries risk of infection from needles.



MXE (Methoxetamine) has been around since 2010 and its use has increased in 2011. MXE will be subject to a Temporary Banning Order under the Misuse of Drugs Act.



Mephedrone is a class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act. It is illegal to be in possession of the drug and to sell it.



The OASIS Partnership Social Inclusion Support

The OASIS Partnership provides a range of recovery focussed support services to anyone who’s life is affected by their own, or someone else’s drug or alcohol use. 12

Anyone in need of confidential advice, support or information can easily access our services. We offer a wide variety of individual or group support. At the heart of our services is user involvement and peer support networks, all of which enable us to offer superior services to individuals with drug or alcohol problems as well as families, friends and carers. We offer the following services:

Alcohol is a depressant drug. This means it slows down your heart rate and breathing, so much so that if you drink too much you can go into a coma and die. ●

Advice Information Support Counselling Therapeutic interventions

Support groups Aftercare and longer term support Benefit and housing advice

Employment, training and education advice IT Training Referral to other services

There is no quality control on illegal drugs and it is difficult to know strengths or what is contained in them. ● ● ● ●

OASIS House George Street High Wycombe HP11 2RZ 01494 898480


Unity House, 98 Walton Street Aylesbury Bucks HP21 7QP 01296 338008

● ●


Oasis Partnership 27-29 Rectory Road Oxford OX1 1BU 01865 455601

You can email us on: or visit at:stall in Beats or Pulse on Thursday 2 May Look out for us our

True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False

9 10 11 12

13 14

Alcohol is a stimulant drug. Heroin kills more people each year than any other drug. Crack and cocaine come from the same plant. In general women are affected by drink and drugs more easily than men. Withdrawal from heroin is not dangerous. Drinking a strong black coffee can sober you up more quickly.

True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False

True / False True / False

Score: Check your answers below.


24 Bucks Student May 2013

FACEBOOK PHOTO COMPETITION First and foremost thank you to everyone who took part, overall we had 26 photos sent in by 15 students. We also had hundreds of comments on the pictures and the wall of the Facebook event with some excellent advice and suggestions, so thank you again for giving up your time to help others. Hopefully by doing this small awareness campaign some students and first time renters in Wycombe will have learnt things like: • The names of good and bad landlords/estate agents in Wycombe. • What to do about mould. • Whose responsibility it is to fix broken property/damp or mould. • There are good properties out there! You just have to be patient and shop around. And hopefully... • If you have any problems you can always come to the Students’ Union Advice Centre for help our phone number is 01494 601 600 and we’re open 7am-7pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 5pm on Friday.

If you didn’t manage to check out the facebook event you still can here:

Winner (The Good): Sean Pearce – MTV Cribs

40 people liked Sean’s video, which was by far the most popular post. And whilst it might not have had flashy features like Emily LG Fox’s garden or above a pub like Nicole Jayne Bezer, you could tell it was a nice clean student house and the people living there were enjoying it. Well done Sean and your landlord you’ve won £50!

The Nice Houses....

Luke Masterson

Emily Fox

This property obviously has a landlord that looks after his property, as does its tenants.

Emily clearly has a lovely house. It shows just because you’re a student you don’t have to put up with bad housing...

Vickie Smith We’re not sure if this is genuinely a picture in a student house or if it’s from a show room, but well done for finding such a nice property.

May 2013 Bucks Student 25

Winner (The Bad): Helen Louise Rogerson – Small Room If Sean’s was by far the most liked, Helen Louise Rogerson’s picture got by far the most comments. The picture caused a bit of outrage as people asked how can landlords legally let out this room? The answer is they can’t, all rooms let out in Houses of Multiple Occupancy must comply to minimum sizes. But Helen seemed relatively happy with the room and had haggled a good price so who are we to argue, and now she’s £50 better off!

The other contenders (The Ugly)...

Mould Keep your eyes peeled for early signs of black mould in your home. As well as looking ugly, black mould signifies the presence of damp. This can eventually rot timber window frames and doors as well as damaging walls, furniture and clothing.

How to get rid of mould Even more worryingly, damp mould (also known as mildew) is an allergen and may increase health problems for asthma or hay fever sufferers, and even for people with no underlying conditions, too.

How to locate the problem

Fay Louise Channing

Before you can treat the mould, you need to establish what’s causing it. Take a good look at the exterior of your house. Missing roof tiles, cracked pipes or blocked gutters can all allow water to penetrate the framework of your home. Rising damp can also occur due to a defective or nonexistent damp-course. However, one of the most common reasons for black mould appearing is condensation.

Fay sent us a number of pictures and was a close runner up to the eventual winner. We particularly felt bad about the shoe...

Cam Craven Cam also sent us a number of pictures of his battles with mould and other damage.

What causes condensation? Everyday things like cooking, washing, bathing and even breathing create moisture which is released into the air. Because air can only hold a certain amount of water vapour, once it gets cooled by contact with a cold surface like a mirror, window or wall, the vapour will turn into droplets of water. Condensation is normally only a problem during cold weather.

Where does mould occur?

Sarah Mita

Holly Shaw

Vicky Shiret

Because of the high moisture levels in these areas, bathroom and kitchen mould is quite common. North-facing rooms and places with poor ventilation, like cellars and basements, can suffer too. And it’s not just a problem confined to older properties. According to the National House-building Council, the materials used to build a house take a long time to dry out properly and as a result, brand new homes can also be affected.

Sent us this picture of the mould in her bathroom.

Sent us this picture of what we thought was a badly painted wall, then you look closer... Mould.

Sent in this lovely picture of a wall in her house.

How to get rid of mould Ugly black patches and a musty smell are usually the first signs of damage. The areas around showers and baths need particular care to avoid a mouldy takeover. Methods of mould removal will vary depending on the location of the stain. To eradicate mould on tile grout, use a toothbrush dipped in bleach, or for a natural remedy, try diluted vinegar. A paste made from water and baking soda also works well. Leave to soak for 15 minutes then scrub like mad. Don’t forget to rinse well afterwards. For a shop-bought solution, try Dettol Mould & Mildew Remover which is designed to remove even ingrained mildew. Stained sealant around the shower or bath can be tricky to get rid of. If bleach doesn’t shift it, the only solution might be to cut it out with a Stanley knife and apply new sealant.

Rachel Jayne Bowerman

Mould on shower curtains

Rachel sent us this horrendous picture of her fly infestation...

Ben Yerkess Sent in this picture of how mould has managed to creep in to his cupboards.

Jake Short

Maya Lodge

Sent us this picture of where his landlord had painted over mould in his house.

Not nice to have to sit next to black mould when on the toilet!

Treat mildew stains on shower curtains with a weak solution of bleach and water mixed up in a plastic bottle. Spray it on, then wipe off. Or after a bath, add soda crystals to the water and try soaking the curtain overnight for a more eco-friendly option without the pungent fumes! If you don’t have soda crystals, use biological washing powder. Scrub any pesky bits of mould stuck in the hem or seams with a nail brush.

Mould on walls and ceilings Tackle mould on walls, window frames and ceilings with Polycell 3 in 1 Mould Killer. Spray the affected area well, then wipe away the mould with a cloth or sponge. Its powerful fungicide kills existing mould and discourages regrowth. The treated area can be repainted or papered once dry.

Prevention is always better than cure There are plenty of things you can do to minimise condensation in the home and keep mould at bay. Good insulation should make a difference for starters. In winter, keep your central heating on low rather than switching it on and off. The warmer you keep your home, the less likely you are to get condensation. Efficient ventilation is also vital. Where possible, fit an extractor fan in the bathroom or at the very least, open a window after bathing or showering to let steam out. Hang wet laundry outside rather than on radiators, and vent tumble dryers to the outside of your home.

26 Bucks Student May 2013

Research - feed me

The International Blog

feed me!

Keep reading this column to find out how to feedback to the Students’ Union with your thoughts and opinions. There is everything from filling out surveys to attending focus groups and you can contribute as much or as little as you like!

...The End... I can’t believe this is the last issue. This year went by so fast, and it’s a little overwhelming to think about it. I feel settled here, more comfortable in this strange country. There are still a few things I don’t comprehend, small things, like the slang, or the weather. Since the end of my second year is nearly over, and next year is going to be hectic (dissertation and what not), some self-reflection is definitely in order. It is safe to say I learnt a lot, especially about myself. There’s nothing like a move to a foreign country by yourself as a life lesson. I’ve learnt what I’m capable of, and what I’m not, and most importantly - not to take anything for granted. Before I came here I felt like this is a new life, like I’m going to cut myself from my old one and start over. But it’s never possible. This year taught me that the place where I belong is exactly where I started. Home. Being away from my family is not easy, and fitting into a completely new culture - different to the one I grew up in - is never possible. I will always feel like something is missing. It’s funny thinking about the time before I came here, because all I wanted was to study in England, since I was

about 15. I was so drawn to this country, and had no doubt that I would ever get here. And here I am. But apart from all these deep life lessons, this year has been good. I’ve met some great people, found out that I’m smarter then I thought I was, and got to study in an awesome university. I think these are the years we will remember most, and miss, during our life-time. It’s the years that shape us (even more then teenage hood, in my opinion), that develop us into human beings that learn to question the things we were told and grew up on. Now it’s the time where we’re a little more mature to be able to look at ourselves and say “this is what I want to be and this is what I want to do.” Now it’s the time to look at our fellow students and judge (not in a bad way) the way they do things, and maybe learn a thing or two. Now is the time to actually think about our future. So whether you’re in your first, second or final year of your course, you will forever look at these as the meaningful one, while smiling.

We can go all night As you may be aware, the Library at the High Wycombe Campus is now running a 24 hour trail until Sunday 2 June. We need your feedback to help the University decided whether to continue this service! Please let us know at for the chance to win £50!

Help us help you!

By Yola Rivniker

Do you think students should be informed about Students’ Union activities? You have the chance to win £25 by answering just TWO questions!! Complete the ‘How the Students’ Union helps you!’ survey at

FREE recreational activities Let us know what you think of our free Students’ Union activities! Have you been to the theatre, learnt a new language or attended a fitness class this year? Perhaps you have learnt first-aid or visited Thorpe Park? If you have taken part in any of our free recreational activities then you could win £50 by telling us what you think at

Survey Winner! Congratulations to Aimee Ullah (see right), a second year PR and Marketing student, who has won £50 in our Accommodation Survey. For your chance to win £50 check out the surveys at

Postgrad and Uxbridge Survey Calling all postgraduates and Uxbridge students! It’s that time to be heard. By filling out the super duper short online survey at, you can make a real difference and have a positive impact on student like and experience - working together to make Bucks better for yourself and others.

May 2013 Bucks Student 27


A snapshot of the news stories currently being featured on

Toni Pearce elected as first NUS President from Further Education Toni, who is currently NUS Vice-President (Further Education) becomes the first NUS President who has not been to university. More than 450 of NUS’ affiliated students’ unions are in further education (FE) institutions and the majority of the students NUS represents are in FE. In her manifesto, Toni said her priorities for her presidency would include linking college and university students’ unions together to fight for local wins in the upcoming general election, to campaign for a single central admissions system for all colleges and universities, and to increase efforts to organise and support students to run and win campaigns in their local areas. Speaking after her election, Toni Pearce, NUS President-elect, said: “I’m really proud to have been given the opportunity to build the student movement around a vision for public education, and to be leading NUS as we build towards the next general election. “Between now and 2015 we need to hold a full and frank debate about what education means to society and to properly articulate the public value of education in communities up and down the country.” Toni Pearce delivering her winning speech at the NUS Conference.

National Student Survey poster competition 2013 Portfolio boosting national recognition and a major grand prize - can you create an eye catching poster for the National Student Survey (NSS) that will be seen in every university in the country? This year’s NSS poster competition is your opportunity to showcase your creative skills and have your design included in its high profile national marketing campaign. The winner will receive: National recognition as the winning poster is used to advertise the NSS across every university in the country and is targeted at over 300,000 students eligible to complete the survey. A day working with the firm responsible for running the NSS, to further develop and adapt the poster, getting it ready for use in the promotional campaign. A one week, paid work placement with leading London design firm Hat-Trick and accommodation provided by NUS.

Eligibility: The competition is open to all students on a current programme of study at a higher education or further education institution during the time of the competition (this includes students who are either graduating or starting between April to October 2013). Competition entrants may submit up to three different designs. The Brief: The poster will be used to promote the National Student Survey 2014 in higher education and further education institutions. The design brief for this competition will give further guidance about the direction we are looking for. How to Enter: Download an entry pack on the NUS website. Send your completed design with your name, email address, institution, and subject of study to by 7 October 2013 by Midnight. Entries will be judged by a panel of representatives from NUS, HEFCE, HEFCW, and Ipsos MORI. The winning entrant will be notified by 31 October 2013.

Student Shout Out For Sale Book ‘RHS Gardeners Encylopedia’

Unwanted Present - £7.50 (£30rrp)

Fo r Sale

cabinet (grey) 4 drawer filing £22 - 0.N.0. 2 01494 446 23 Tel Am anda d) (Hughenden R

Tel Amanda - 01494 446 232 (Hughenden Rd)

Email your Student Shout Outs

Freshers Helpers required for September/October 2013 The role of Freshers’ Helper is demanding and hard work; it’s not just about socialising with the Freshers! This job would best suit people who genuinely want to help our new students settle into university life at Bucks and don’t mind working the long hours the job requires.

“I’d say it’s a fortnight where you can help show off all of the great things that Bucks has to offer, while offering support to those who need it in a frantic first week. It’s also a great way of earning some extra cash for the first few weeks of term.” Matt Gilbert; Freshers Helper 2012

Apply online at


28 Bucks Student May 2013

An insight into everything the Students’ Union offers and how you can get involved. Best of all it’s free! Volunteering

By Connor Baker

We are a collection of students, led by Jack Badu, with the aim of brightening up the campus. Green Bucks want to create a positive environmental image for the University through student led work. To get involved we have a Green Bucks Facebook page that anyone can comment and contribute, we are also in the process of forming a society to better help our projects. So any ideas you have please get in touch. Some thoughts on our current project the Students’ Union garden from Head of Criminal Justice and Social Studies department Pat Mahon-Daly “it’s lovely to have a nice place to sit” “it’s great, good to see the campus looking brighter” Connor Baker interviewed Jack Badu about Green Bucks. > So, give me a little taste of what Green Bucks is? Green Bucks was originally a Facebook page to share ideas between Bucks students, Union and University staff. As a University that is arts and industry focused, I felt that we massively lacked a campus that reflected that. By creating a platform for members to discuss ways to increase the appearance of the campus I hoped that it would help get people thinking green. > Things have progressed from a page on Facebook to some colourful additions to the campus, where do you see Green Bucks heading? Well I guess it’s now up to students how far it all goes. I think initially it was wishful thinking but now we’ve actually got things going. As the group grows and more individuals show interest in it we can do more work. I hope for Bucks as a University and High Wycombe as a town to be a reflection of some of the great work that is happening at Bucks. > Would you like to get projects started with the community then, as well as just BNU students? I don’t like to think of Bucks students being separate from members of the community in High Wycombe. Often by separating them it creates a system of people shifting responsibility. I would like to think that in time all residents of High Wycombe would take pride in its appearance. As students we should be able to use the fact that we are in a small town to our advantage. Unlike larger cities it is easy to make a big impact quickly.

Old News New Life


Green Bucks We all would like to see more student artwork in and around the University and I would like to see what local schools have got to offer. > Do you have anything happening currently for people to get involved in? If anyone would like to get involved I would advise them to join the Facebook group. We are constantly looking for more ideas and more people to get involved. I understand that students have a lot of work to do but an afternoon of planting flowers or just spent outside interacting with other students is really relaxing. With the help of some of the students we are working with we have bollard art outside the Venue and replanted in the vacant cement planters. We are also in the process of creating a small garden for students and staff to sit and eat outside.

s n a e m s i Th it’s FREE!

Sports Societies Activities Events

see for more details


In each edition of the Bucks Student, we will be teaching you different ways to recycle your newspaper. Send us pictures of any creations you make to, and you may feature in one of the editions! Recycle your newspaper this week by…

Jazzing up an old tin to make a vase! 1. 2. 3. 4.

Take a used tin can, make sure it’s clean and there’s no sharp edges! Cut a wide strip of newspaper, long enough to cover the whole tin, and secure with glue Tie a piece of ribbon around the middle of the tin Put in your flowers, and enjoy!

100% OFF

May 2013 Bucks Student 29


Bucks ISOC Islamic Society Bucks New University – Islamic Society (ISOC) is pleased to be the first Society this year to receive the Students’ Union Society - Gold Award (see right). It has been a very busy year for the ISOC. They represented BNU at the FOSIS (Federation Of Student Islamic Societies) Winter Conference, supported local charity events and also national charities in their fund raising efforts in support of refugees in Syria, Myanmar (Burma), and Palestine. They also led the campaign to save the Multi-Faith Prayer Room from being turned back into a classroom, a move supported and welcomed by both Students and Staff at BNU. Highlights have also included establishing regular Jummah (Friday) congregational prayers to help students and staff who are unable to attend the local Mosques. But it doesn’t stop there, Br Razwan is also pleased to announce Islam Awareness and Charity Week staring on week commencing Monday 27 May 2013. Islam Awareness and Charity Week at Bucks New University on week commencing Monday 27 May 2013. Islam Awareness Week entered its 20th year in 2013, and would usually have taken place between 11 to 17 March 2013, however due to busy schedules we moved the date further away. The Islamic Society of Britain initiated Islam Awareness Week (IAW) in 1994, to raise awareness and remove misconceptions


Society By Stacey Roberts

This year the society has supported some great events and here is a recap of all that we have achieved this year. October saw us supporting ‘Wear it Pink’ day in connection with Coppafeel and our Students’ Union, raising money for Breast Cancer. In November/ December we held an informal Q&A session with Reynolds Parry Jones, a local law firm, the talk was a huge success and we all walked away learning something new. In December we then held an ‘All things American’ takeover at our Students’ Union to raise funds for our hugely successful Annual Black Tie Dinner event. Then the dinner came along and was pulled together by both the Law Society representative, Kelly Lewendon and the Mooting Society Representative, Nicola Misseldine. The event as always was very entertaining and it was a pleasure to listen to our VIP, His Honourable Judge Cryan. Finally, we helped provide nibbles and volunteered to help with our own Law departments ‘Graduate evening’, where past graduates came back and spoke about life after their law degree. I would like to thank everyonewho has taken part during this academic year with the running and organising of the society. Especially, Kelly Lewendon, Jonathon Fritzche and Alice Vranch. Nominations for committee in the next academic year shall be coming out shortly. It has been a fantastic year and I hope the legacy of the Law Society continues.

>> >>

development of British Muslim communities To encourage positive contribution to British society and the promotion of social justice To combat Islamaphobia and misconceptions of Islam

The week wil follow three distinct pathways: 1. Islam Awareness; 2. Charities and Social Causes, and 3. Fairtrade. 1.

surrounding Britain’s second largest faith group. The Islamic Society of Britain views Islam as a religion of peace and a continuation of age-old teachings from God to humanity. Not as a new religion, but as a way of life that has a strong focus, in spiritual terms of the worship of one God, and in social terms on justice and equality between people. The aims of IAW are: >> To promote greater understanding and awareness of Islam >> To organise, educate and enhance the



Mature Students’ Society

The Mature Student Society is a relaxed group of older students who meet up to socialise and share our experiences of university life. The last few weeks have seen several enjoyable breakfasts in the Students’ Union lounge where we all enjoyed our FREE breakfasts and cuppas and a relaxed chat. We have also had a cinema trip – many thanks to Katrina for checking the film times and suggesting ‘Life of Pi’ , a good time was had by all. We also shared a great evening at Zizzi’s – thanks go to Alison who found a voucher that turned a good evening out into a very cheap evening out! Look out for upcoming events on flyers at the Students’ Union and our distinctive white and orange posters around the University. Or contact Jessie, Jessie. for more details or to be added to our e-mail newsletter.

Macabees and Hot Chip at the SU? Jose Cuervo Tequila and Spotify are looking for the best university playlist across all universities in the UK. The playlist with the most votes will win the ultimate night out on campus on Thursday 16 May 2013. With DJ sets by Alexis Taylor from Hot Chip and Orlando Weeks from The Macabees it promises to be a legendary night out. We’ve compiled the ultimate Bucks playlist to represent our students and BNU Radio. Rally your mates to vote for our Spotify playlist at It’s our chance to win that big campus night.

Islam Awareness exhibit will be hosted in conjunction with local Mosques and various speakers will be invited throughout the week, students and staff will also have the opportunity to put forward any questions that they have, and there will be daily themes. There will also be an exhibition in conjunction with Exhibition Islam which is a non-profit organisation that promotes a greater understanding of Islam both domestically and internationally. Charity (Zakat) is one of the five pillars of Islam, for capital assets that have been owned over a lunar year, 2.5% must be given, the figure varies for other asset types from 2.5% to 20%, thus we have invited several charities that we have been working with over the year, this includes Ummah Welfare Trust, Human Appeal, Muslim Hands and Islamic Relief, in addition


to the Students’ Union RAG (Raise And Give) charities. Students have volunteered to make Bakhlava (pastry sweets) and Cakes which will be sold and proceeds given to the charity of the day. Fairtrade, we are proud to work with Zaytoun was founded in 2004 by Heather Masoud, Cathi Pawson, Atif Choudhrey and Saleh Achhla following their work with Palestinian farmers. They are a Fairtrade company and a member of the World Fairtrade Organization, and in 2009 launched the world’s first ever Fairtrade olive oil. They work with Palestinian farmers to distribute organic olive oil, olives, couscous, dates, almonds and soap. There will also be an exhibition to promote the Palestinian’s struggle for freedom and their right of return to their homes. Volunteer and Helpers required, please email with your contact details, or approach Br. Razwan or Br. Amir who will be somewhere in the Library desperately working on their dissertations.

Br. Razwan would also like to take this opportunity to thank everybody, students and staff, for their most valued support in helping the ISOC lift off successfully and become a leading Society at Buckinghamshire New University.

30 Bucks Student May 2013

Student Reps

So many Empty Shops! Would YOU like to Show and promote YOUR work? We would like to turn the window spaces of empty store fronts, into showcase opportunities for the talent within the many vocational courses here at Bucks New University. Meaning that students and alumni can display their work to the discerning public outside the time of the end of year shows. I would like this to be a social enterprise that speaks volumes for the capabilities of Bucks Graduates. If this resounds with you, please contact Jack Badu at the Students’ Union or myself, 21126459@bucks. Alex Burgess, 2nd Year Furniture: Design and Craft.


The Annual Athletic Union Awards Dinner The Athletic Union Awards Dinner is where all the sports teams come together to recognise and celebrate the achievements of students and their clubs throughout the past year. The event also marks the official end to the sporting calendar. The event was held Wednesday 1 May at the prestigious High Wycombe Town Hall. We were delighted to have Welsh international rugby star, Ryan Jones join us to give an after dinner safter dinner speech, and the event hosted by Sky Sports News presenter Vicky Gommersall.

2012/13 was another brilliant year for Bucks Students’ Union, and I have enjoyed every moment being the Vice President Student Involvement during this time. Having had the biggest and most successful Varsity to date, the start of a long held tradition between Roehampton and Bucks and hopefully next year will be bigger and better and the Roebuck Trophy will be ours! The Athletic Union Awards Dinner was a fantastic evening, and was great to see the reaction to the nominees and winners and the support from all the teams. Congratulations to everyone who got nominated for an award and well dont to all of the winners!

(winners are in bold) Multisport Award Proudly supported by the Big Deal A person who has made full use of the Big Deal by contributing and regularly managing to be an active member of more than one sport. Lucy Barker Ohio Orumen Sam Bottom Sophie Georgalakis

Team of the Year Proudly supported by R&S Recovery Services This award recognises the most successful team of the year in their field of play and league achievements. American Football Cheer Golf Men’s Basketball

Fresher of the Year Proudly supported by Bucks New University Gym Recognition of outstanding achievement or performance by a fresher in their first year at university. Chelsea Balfour – Cheer/Dance Milan Milandinov – Men’s Basketball Nicole Burger – Athletics Sam Woods –Rugby

Committee Member of the Year Proudly supported by Molten The committee member who has gone above and beyond their duties to their club – impacting and developing their club over the year. Jake Vernum – SnowSoc Jess Walker – Ladies Hockey Lauren Troiano – Cheer Laura Winnan – Dance

Captain of the year Proudly supported by Gordon Henry This award is for the captain who has performed their duties at an exceptional level all year, showing dedication and a commitment to their team. Agata Lada – Ladies Basketball James Mills – Bucks FC 5th team Natalie McLean – Dance Sam Lubock – Men’s Basketball

Club of the Year Proudly supported by I Love Tour An award to recognise an entire club based on their overall success, achievements and conduct throughout the year. Cheerleading Dance Ladies Hockey Rugby

Sportsman of the Year Proudly supported by Walkfree Breakfree Honouring the year’s best male and female whose performance most embodies the spirit of sportsmanship and achievement. We recognise an individual whose dedication and commitment to their club/sport has been exceptional. Danny Wallace – American Football Jeffery Sangalang – Dance Milan Miladanov – Men’s Basketball Tom Owen – Golf Sportswoman of the Year Proudly supported by Your Print Solution Caitlin Sheppey – American Football Emily Ralph – Cheer Jessica Carrena – Netball Nicole Burger – Athletics Outstanding Contribution to Sport Proudly supported by Endsleigh Insurance Recognition of a person or people who have gone above and beyond the call of duty over a prolonged period of time. It also measures how their actions and contributions have had a positive impact on sport at Bucks – this could be someone who has achieved ultimate success impacting on their club/sport or enhancing the University’s sporting prowess. Agata Lada – Ladies Basketball Daisy Bodewes – Ladies Hockey Laura Winnan – Dance Matt Gilbert – Rugby

Lets be Franc...o!

ASH Ambitious Sabbatical Hero

So it’s the last term of the year. The last edition of the newspaper which can only mean.... its the last “Lets be Franc...o” I know, I know, it’s all very sad - it’s like the end of an era! So lots of dissertation hand-ins and lots of things to celebrate and look forward to in this last term. Well since we’ve been gone: >> Our sports teams went to Salou on tour “...yaya, yayayaya touré” >> We had our annual Union Awards which was fantastic >> We held our Annual Union Awards Dinner which was fantastic. A great night of recognition and celebration >> We have held all our AGMs and have new committees for next year Things to look forward to: >> Festiball: Friday 10 - Sunday 12 Ma >> AU Games and Sports Day one Wedneday 8 May, followed by the netball takeover >> The RAG lunch / fair is coming up 15 May with the sports teams photos on the same day Just wanted to thank everyone who voted me in as their Vice President Student Involvement for this year, I have enjoyed every moment and I look forward to next year as your president to. Vice President Student Involvement Naomi Franco

May 2013 Bucks Student 31

BNU Swans Storm Nationals It’s every cheerleaders favourite time of year:

COMPETITION TIME The International Center, Telford saw over a thousand cheerleaders of all ages compete for those all important trophies! BNU Swans had trained since September for these 4 days. The first competition was National Universities which is where universities from all across the UK come along and compete at different levels. Thursday saw our dance teams compete as well as group stunt. Our African pom routine came 2nd as did our wonderful circus themed jazz piece. Just narrowly beaten. Our group stunt routines placed 7th and 5th. Back to the hotel, very pleased and exhausted it was time for an early night before returning for the 2nd day of National Universities. However, an entire hotel filled to the brim with cheerleaders? No one got any sleep. Distant chants of 5,6,7,8 and, very kindly, a squad above us practising their jumps at 4am, or as it sounded, a heard of elephants parading around. 2nd day of comp saw us performing our rock themed cheer routine. If you don’t know about cheer by now, well then, you should definitely watch out – it’s becoming a really rapidly popular sport in the UK. Yes, that’s right. I said SPORT. Luck wasn’t particularly on our side with a few injuries including a trip to hospital for myself. However, everyone managed to get back on track and back in time for the all-important awards. Our cheer routine placed 3rd. Friday night saw our entire squad and coaches (altogether 37 swans) come together and enjoy a buffet at a pub around the corner. By enjoy, I mean absolutely devour. Our absolute babe of a Cheer coach Franco had made us all individual certificates – some of which were hilarious. A few personal favourites were, most dedicated swan, cheeriest swan and how could we forget our very own Spirit Captain Catherine Vining. On our third day at BCA meant performing cheer again as well as group stunts. This competition was National Champions 2013 – meaning we were up against squads who aren’t necessarily at University and train in their own time. And we certainly know they train for many many more hours than us, and usually have sprung floor facilities as well as tumble tracks, which unfortunately, we can’t have access to at University. We absolutely smashed this day and had many

other cheerio’s coming up to us congratulating us on our fantastic routines which is always lovely to hear. Our main cheer routine placed 2nd meaning silver medals for us and a huge trophy, and our co-ed team came 4th. But, of course, how could we forget, our lovely all girl stunt group. Where did they place? THEY ONLY WENT AND GOT FIRST PLACE. This means the BNU Swans All-Girl Level 3 are NATIONAL CHAMPIONS. We couldn’t be prouder and this lifted all of our spirits to carry on and prove to BCA and the other squads that BNU Swans are the ones to beat! I know, the entire squad and coaches couldn’t have been prouder of this achievement – well done girls. The final day of BCA saw our dance pieces compete again. We did a phenomenal job and came back with a 2nd place trophy for Pom and 3rd for Jazz. Not only did we do amazingly well at competition but we also found out some very exciting news. Our pom, jazz and cheer routines all got invitations/bids to another competition in 2014 – IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This meant that the judges were so impressed with our routines and our high scores that we qualified to go and compete against squads in the USA. Once again, thank you to all of committee who helped us get to competition, all of the coaches for choreographing these routines and to all of the Swans. I was so impressed with everyone’s energy and cheeriness as well as really representing Bucks New University and giving them such as fantastic name. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: > 3 May: Swans will be selling shots in the Students’ Union at Flirt > 13 May: We have a 24 hour-a-thon > 15 May: We will be performing routines at the Big Lunch > 30 May: End of year show Still not sure what cheerleading is all about? Why not attend our end of year show? We will be performing our trophy winning routines as well as the routines that got us invited to America!

A flock of Swans posing with their trophies.

Player Profile

Name: Lucy Barker Course: Foundation Degree in Sport Coaching Sport: Softball Position: 3rd Base > How was last year’s club performance? Last year was the founder year for the club and we only had one fixture against Roehampton which we won comfortably. >Why should students join your sport? It is a fun mixed sport, open to all abilities and no trials necessary. We are a new club which is looking forward to the first National University Softball Championships. > How often do you meet? Once a week 5pm - 6pm in the Sports Hall, but due to the weather improving we are currently training outside on the Rye. > Do players need to provide their own kit? No kit necessary, just comfortable sports clothing. > Do you have to pass any tests to join the team? No it’s just open to everyone of all abilities.

> What are the socials like? We tend to do mixed socials with cricket as we are both small clubs that are quite integrated, it is also nice to socialise with other teams, and we are hoping next year to have more joint socials with other clubs too. > What’s your funniest memory from your sport last year? Probably when we played against The University of Buckingham, one of our players fell over a fence trying to catch the ball ending up with him on his backside and he still failed to catch the ball. The day was also very lighthearted and good banter from both sides. > What’s your sport looking to achieve this year? We are hoping for more fixtures against other universities and using the newly developed Farnham Park as our home ground. We are also aimiung to increase links with the community and other universities. Additionally, we are looking to increase participation and the number of socials we have.

32 Bucks Student May 2013

8½ 12½

On Wednesday 20 March, 450 Bucks students made the early trip to the University of Roehampton for what was the biggest sporting event of the year. Months of planning and preparation had been put into making this fantastic occasion possible and the sense of excitement was evident, even at the alien time of 8:00am! Armed with antlers and sports equipment the students arrived at 10:30am ready for the day ahead! The first game played was the men’s hockey fixture, and Bucks took a very early lead and dominated the game from the start. They eventually ran out 5-0 winners with a stunning goal from Joe Thomas amongst the highlights. The first two football fixtures kicked off at the same time with drama in both! Both Bucks mens 4ths and 5ths teams were in losing positions entering the last moments of the game but late goals in both fixtures secured draws for both teams. The only win coming in a convincing 12-1 win from the mens 2nd team. With the day evolving and scores coming in, it was apparent that this contest was going to be a lot tougher than people imagined. From our racket sports we only secured one win out of six games with mens badminton winning 6-2 against their league rivals, and with two defeats out of three games for our netball teams it was a very tall order to secure victory but was still a possibility. The mens rugby fixture was billed as the game to watch with over 300 people watching and the atmosphere was electric. A win for Bucks was a necessity with other results not going our way. We got off to a fantastic start, dominating the scrum and causing all sorts of problems in the breakdown - some interesting decisions by the referee made it more of an even first half than perhaps it should have been. Sam Wood went over with two tries in the first half and converted both. He also had a try disallowed for a reason made very unclear by the referee. The first half ended with Roehampton clawing a converted try back, giving them much needed fresh hope for the 2nd half. Half Time- Bucks 14-7 Roehampton. The second half saw a much more spirited Roehampton come out. Obviously riled by an ear bashing at half time they gave Bucks a much better contest. With Roehampton on the attack from the off, the Bucks defense was tested. They stood strong for the first 10 minutes, and Sam Wood added a penalty to keep Roehampton at a distance. The longer the game went on and more interesting decisions the referee made, the tenser the Bucks defence seemed to become. With 10 minutes left Roehampton pulled back a try making the score 17-14. At this point injuries to key players and fatigue

had hit Bucks hard and with a chance to stretch their lead with a penalty, they decided to kick and it narrowly missed the posts. With three minutes left on the clock, Roehampton surged forward with some hard runs, and eventually broke not only the defence but the hearts of all the Bucks players and supporters with a converted try. The effort put in by both sets of lads was extraordinary, and no one can doubt the commitment and physical pain the players experienced throughout. A thoroughly entertaining game but unfortunately Bucks could not hold on. That defeat all but condemned Bucks to Varsity defeat this year. A late flurry of victories in both mens and womans basketball made the score line a bit closer. A special mention must go to Milan Miladinov who had an outstanding game for Bucks mens basketball team, scoring over 40 points individually in a match changing performance to see his side home in a 96-80 win. Overall Bucks lost 12.5 - 8.5, but this did not overshadow the huge success of the day overall. With light hearted banter shared and fantastic performances, I think everyone can agree that they had a thoroughly enjoyable experience, and are all raring to put the record straight next year. A huge thanks must go out to the two leading lights in organising this fantastic event, Chris Robert - Student Sport Development Officer at the University of Roehampton and Ross McLaughlin - Student Activities Manager at Bucks Students’ Union. Without their hard work and dedication this event would not have been possible.

Badminton - Men’s Won 6-2

Badminton - Women’s Lost 8-0

Basketball - Men’s Won 96 - 80

Basketball - Women’s Won 25 - 22

Football - Men’s 1 Lost 4-0

Football - Men’s 2 Won 12 - 1

Football - Men’s 3 Lost 3-1

Football - Women’s Drew 1-1

Football - Digby Drew 3-3

Football - Froebel Drew 1-1

Hockey - Men’s Won 5-0

Hockey - Women’s Lost 2-0

Netball 1 Lost 20 - 13

Netball 2 Won 16 - 6

Netball 3 Lost 21 - 6

Rugby - Men’s Lost 21 - 17

Squash Men’s 1 Lost 3-0

Squash Women’s 1 Lost 4-0

Tennis - Men’s 1 Lost 12 - 0

Tennis - Women’s 1 Lost 12 – 0

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