The Bucks Student - Edition 36

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create the change

Bucks Students’ Union has a positive impact on your time at Bucks in so many different ways. In each addition of The Bucks Student this column will showcase recent work that we have undertaken to continue having a positive impact on your time. - Encouraging students to nominate themselves in elections and take up leadership positions that will have a direct effect on the lives and University experience of their peers. - Giving students the opportunity to attend Candidates Question Time and ask their fellow students what they will do for them if they are elected. - Running a hybrid voting system so that students can have their say online if they can’t vote in person on campus.

NominatOpioenns Stand for a student le

adership role.

Following the opening of nominations on 28 January students now have until 15 February to put themselves forward in an attempt to secure a leadership position within the Students’ Union. The three full time positions of President, Vice President Education and Welfare and Vice President Student Involvement are all full time roles, attracting a healthy graduate salary and based at the Union’s offices in High Wycombe. The special nominations addition of the paper is packed with information about how to nominate yourself, Candidates Question Time, key dates and guidance on how to vote. It also includes the results of a recent election for Student Trustees and all important information on the results night.

Those students who are successfully elected will be placed in charge of the Union, becoming charity trustees and directing the work of the staff team. It should be viewed as a fantastic opportunity for students to gain real work experience at the top of an organisation and acquire loads of skills as a result. Students don’t need to be in their final year to stand as they can take a break from their studies. The term of office starts at the beginning of June and lasts for 12 months. Students are also being given the opportunity to stand for one remaining vacant position on the Union’s Trustee Board. Student Trustees take up the role parttime but the skills you gain are amazing. Trustees are legally and financially responsible for the health of

the Union and play a major role in steering our overall direction and in making decisions about our money that carry real consequences for students. An opportunity also exists to stand for a place at the annual conference of the National Union of Students. The event, held in a different UK city every year, brings together student leaders from all across the country who will decide upon important policies for students and Unions everywhere. The Union will cover your travel, accommodation and expenses for the trip. So what are you waiting for! Get involved and submit a nomination form now! Speak to matthew.kitching@ if you want more information or advice about which position is right for you.

2 Bucks Student February 2013

Available positions

Key dates

visit for full details on each position.

Full-time (paid)

Nominations open Monday 28 January, 9am

President The President is the chief Union spokesperson, member of the University’s governing body and has responsibility for staffing, finance and the strategic leadership of the Students’ Union.

Nominations close Friday 15 February, 12noon

Vice President Education and Welfare The VP Education and Welfare is responsible for campaigning on academic issues and leading on academic policy. If elected you attend the University’s most senior academic committees.

Candidate briefing Friday 15 February, 5.30pm Question Time - Uxbridge Monday 18 February, 1pm Pulse

Vice President Student Involvement The VP Student Involvement looks after sports, recreational activities, societies, volunteering and RAG at the Students’ Union.

part-time (volunteer)

Question Time - High Wyco Thursday 21 February, 1pm The Venue

Student Trustee As a registered charity aiming to improve the overall experience of students at Bucks New University, the Trustee Board has final sign off on the Union’s biggest plans. Working alongside Officer Trustees and External Trustees you will ensure that the charity with a turnover of over £2 million a year meets its objectives and continues to operate in the best interests of its members. You will have the opportunity for networking within the Union as well as with other professionals and representatives in the not-for-profit sector.

Voting opens Monday 25 February, 10am Voting closes Friday 1 March, 12noon Results announced Friday 1 March, from 9.30pm The Venue and online

How to Vote

create the change



Voting at manual ballot boxes will take place:

Online voting will run nonstop between:

Mon 25 Feb, 10am Fri 1 Mar, 12noon

NUS National Conference Delegates There are two positions available to attend the NUS National Conference and have your say on how students are represented across the country.

Mon 25 Feb - Fri 1 Mar

10am - 4pm


10am - 12noon

- Boxes situated at the Venue Foyer (HW) and Pulse (UXB) - Boxes will also visit Halls of Residence 5pm - 8pm Wed, 10am - 12 noon Fri.

Every registered student is entitled to vote. You can only vote ONCE. Any voter found to have voted more than once will have ALL of their votes nullified.

All our elections use the single transferable vote system (STV) so you can rank all the candidates in order of preference as shown here. If your first choice is ranked last in the first count, Candidate A 2 your second choice is counted. This Candidate B 3 continues until one candidate recieves Candidate C 1 more than 50% of the vote and wins the R.O.N. 4 election!

Who is R.O.N? R.O.N. or Re-Open Nominations appears on all ballot papers as a candidate that you can vote for. A vote for R.O.N. is a vote for ‘non e of the above. If R.O.N. wins the elections, the Students’ Union will start the elections process aga in.

February 2013 Bucks Student 3



Editor - Ash Coles Student Editor - Guy Humphrey Deputy Student Editor - MJ Mahmood Must Read Editor - Donique Lindsey Student Essentials Editor - Harmeet Singh Anand


Have your say and make a difference...


Anti/Love Songs


National Student Money Week


The A-Team of Representation

After Hours Editor - Yael Rivniker

Get involved!


If you want to get involved in the paper it’s very easy! If you have a passion for writing, feel you want to get your voice heard, or want to cover something that we may be missing from our current paper, then get in touch: Email:

Editor Ash Coles

search: Bucks Student Newsgroup

Advertising For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at communications. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students’ Union for more information. © 2013 Bucks Students’ Union

Hi guys and welcome to issue 36 of the Bucks Student. We have had a busy few weeks here at the Students’ Union and have been lobbying the institution for a range of changes. One to highlight would be the opening hours of the entire High Wycombe Campus. At our latest Union Council meeting students met with our Vice Chancellor Ruth Farwell and specifically spoke about their displeasure that they could not access facilities including the library on a 24 hour basis. As a result of this meeting and students voicing their opinions the University Senior Management are now strongly considering how they implement the change and looking at this starting with the library being accessible 24 / 7. I have been a part of campaigning for longer campus opening hours for over three years now and strongly believe that you as students deserve this. It works at other universities across the globe and I sincerely hope that we can successfully arrange for Bucks to become a more open accessible and easy to learn environment.

Sabb chat... As your Sabbatical Officers we are the voice of the students and are here to make sure your time at Bucks is a positive one. We want you guys to be making the most out of your time here and getting involved with as much as possible, so that when you graduate you have lots of different experiences, qualifications and additional skills to put on that CV of yours. look out for: #buckssumorethanabar And make sure you vote in the upcoming elections! And third years fill out the NSS please!

This week we also welcome new student’s to Bucks at our Uxbridge Campus. They will be starting as part of the February cohort and I’d like to take the opportunity to welcome you to Bucks and hope that you have a great time during your studies. We have dedicated Union team who work full time on campus and are there to help you with any involvement you would like. In case you haven’t heard you can get involved in many different recreational activities with us all completely free of charge. This is all down to something called the Big Deal which you can read all about in our student involvement guide or pop into our offices located at the back of Pulse cafe. I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to enjoy your term. Cheers Ash

Student Editor Guy Humphrey

Hi Guys! This edition will be partly the Elections edition and partly the Valentines edition. By now, nominations are underway, so if you want to run for any of the roles on offer, do it now! In terms of Valentines, we have everything this issue. Beauty tips, Love songs as well as what you can watch at the cinema! No doubt your Valentine’s Day will be sorted after reading this. There are also articles written by the Christian Union, Mature Students and Performing Arts Society. Any society members can write content for the newspaper, so send them in! It can be anything about your society. Don’t forget you can also write for the newspaper anyway! If you are interested just email me student.editor@thebucksstudent. com if you are interested. See you soon, Guy

Ash Coles, President Naomi Franco, Vice President Student Involvement Jack Badu, Vice President Education and Welfare

4 Bucks Student February 2013

All the latest goings-on around the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses. News in Tweets @buckssu @BucksSU_UXB tomfoy86 Off visiting Aylesbury College this morning to promote the NSS and @buckssu #buckssumorethanabar guy_humphrey Just voted in the Trustee Elections #BNUElections #buckssumorethanabar Nathan_Bakes Buzzing to take Futsal training tonight and the Squad game! Improvement, Development and Progression #buckssumorethanabar #BNUFutsal Sambottom1 @buckssu taking me home for free after a night out!! #buckssumorethanabar #nightbus #sshhhhh anniskatee @buckssu gave me a job so i can survive through uni life & ive been first aid trained for free. :)) #buckssumorethanabar ThatBigFudge They pay me to do stuff. Nothing illegal. Just questionable #buckssumorethanabar jaydecunha We might be a ‘small’ Uni but since I’ve known it we’ve attracted some ‘big’ names #buckssumorethanabar

University news

Have your say and make a difference through the NSS The National Student Survey 2013 is underway. Every eligible final year student has been invited to complete the survey and we are delighted with the number of Bucks students who have already taken the short time needed to have your say.

Film & TV Production You said: “We want to submit film work digitally to get away from the cumbersome process of DVD burning and to submit HD films in an HD format.” We did: We have been trialling digital submission of HD film coursework via an investment in Vimeo Pro. It is working and students seem to prefer it. So long as the pilot yields successful results and positive student feedback, we will look to roll this out more comprehensively.

The staff team at Bucks New University is committed to putting students at the heart of everything we do. We encourage feedback and are continuously working to improve the student experience at Bucks. We take all your comments seriously. Here’s just a selection of the actions that University departments have been taking to make things even better at Bucks. Psychology You said: “Students would like more support with employability and dissertations” We did: We put in place unprecedented levels of support for students through special seminars for dissertation research and ‘blank cheque’ one-to-one coaching for CV preparation and job applications. Piers Worth, Head of Academic Department - Psychology

Audio & Music Production


You said: “We want to learn more about current digital consoles as part of the live music production element of the curriculum.” We did: We invested in a new Midas Pro 2 console which was delivered just before Christmas and live tutor Dan Peters is delivering demonstrations and workshops on its operation.

You said: “We want a microwave in one of the cafes”. We did: We contacted the Students’ Union who installed one in Rusty Bucks. You said: “More books for Law students in the library please!” We did: We secured additional funding and a significant donation of books. You said: We want more careers information. We did: We established professional development week. Simon Brown, Head of Academic Department - Law Furniture You said: “It’s unfair to charge us to use specialist equipment including laser cutters for our work.” We did: The charges had been made to encourage students to think twice before incurring large amount of time by technicians to set up machines for work that was not always essential for the course. A petition was presented to me following which we agreed that all such charging would cease (it has done). Now, students have any such work agreed in advance by their course tutor as essential to the programme. Ian Plover, Faculty Director - DMM

Debate of the week This is a debate that comes up every year. There seems to be three types of people. Ones that are in relationships, independent singletons who don’t ‘need nobody’, or those that sit on the floor, cry and listen to Adele all day. But which is right?

Is Valentines too commercialised?

Valentines, to me personally, is just a way for businesses to make money. It’s great to spoil your loved one, if you have one, but if you’re one of those annoying ones who rub in people’s faces that you have significant other halves by doing big grand gestures… I digress.

Valentine’s Day, in theory, should be every day. You should spoil your other half all the time. If you’re one of those cry-listening-to-Adele types, then get up off that floor, roll in the deep, and find someone just like you! Get it?

Student Editor Guy Humphrey

February 2013 Bucks Student 5

Animation, Games & Interactive Media You said: “We want access to PCs outside of class time and as a consequence so we can practise and meet our deadlines.” We did: Course Leader Dave Creighton negotiated access to other suitable PCs in other areas of the campus that would help in the short term, and the course team has identified additional longer term solutions to meet the students’ needs. You said: “Online video-based training resources are really useful to support learning, and more of this would be great. The course team already produce many of their own screencasts for the students, but to embellish this with a more varied selection of training resources on different software packages would be great.” We did: The Head of Department looked into this and is looking to invest in floating licences for digital tutors. Stephen Partridge, Head of Academic Department - Media Production Furniture You said: “Timetables need to be clearly communicated.” We did: We reviewed course timetables and added feedback points across each of the programmes. Timetables were given to students at the start of the programme and explained in detail. Timetables are posted up on studio walls and shared more openly across the department.



You said: “Improve communications, provide a wider range of lecturers and remove equipment charges.” We did: > Student reps attend our departmental planning meetings on Wednesday mornings. > Notice boards have been put up outside workshops and studios. > Notices giving students information and workshop opening times have been reviewed and made more student-friendly. > An information booklet has been given to each student in the department containing photos of each member of academic staff, where they are located, and what their special interests are, with a map of workshops and a list of support staff. > A tea and cakes welcome event was well attended at the start of the term by staff and students. > All reps have been appointed and a healthy dialogue has followed through the Programme Committee meetings and weekly departmental meetings. > Students now have the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of a wider range of our staff. > Charges for some services provided in workshops have been reviewed and/or removed. Lynn Jones, Head of Academic Department - Furniture

Sport Management & Rugby Studies You said: “We want real-life experience of sporting events and a better understanding of the business side of sport”. We did: We introduced a new level 6 module focusing on the commercial aspects of the rugby business. This aims to develop students’ understanding of local and large scale commercial Rugby business and considers how marketing, sponsorship, hospitality, broadcast, social and digital media, new technology, and operations management are important to running a successful rugby business. As a result students have got involved in running a touch rugby event at Harlequins Rugby club, hosting an ‘evening with’ event with special guests from the world of rugby and worked at RugbyExpo in November 2012. This year we are hoping to set up an opportunity for students to volunteer at the World Cup Rugby Sevens tournament in Russia this June. Paul Morgan, Head of Academic Department – Sport Management

Uxbridge news



Welfare Campaigns Here at Bucks we often have different welfare campaigns taking place... simply because we care about you! Previous campaigns have included Rules & Regulations Awareness; Tech-no Chances in conjunction with National Personal Safety Day and Sexual Health Awareness Day in conjunction with World Aids Day . We offer advice, information and often freebies on each of the campaigns we promote. We recently held a Bake Off Competition to help raise awareness and funds for World Aids Day. We had some great cakes entered in to the competition and well done to Julliet Anderson for winning the Uxbridge Bake Off and Gemma Heath for winning the High Wycombe Bake Off both of whom were the lucky winners of ‘The Great British Book of Baking.’ Along with lots of other students and staff cake entries, we raised a grand total of £134.68 all of which was donated to National Aids Trust. Our next campaign will be National Student Money Week, 11 15 February. Unfortunately no we aren’t giving out free money... but we are giving you the opportunity to win money! Take part in our money savvy quiz to be in with a chance of winning £50. Look out for posters around campus for more info. We will also be painting piggy banks so you can be sure to start saving your pennies; this will be taking place on Tuesday 12 Feb 12noon 3pm in Pulse Cafe.

Upcoming events - Uxbridge Campus Indoor rock climbing Ever wanted to climb to the top of a mountain?! Well this is your chance to learn the basics of rock climbing and climb indoor climbing walls. No experience needed. Great introduction for those who want to take part in our four week beginners course we have booked for April. Wednesday 13 February, 10.30am - 12noon, transport leaving Uxbridge at 10.15am Brunel University, Return transport provided French lessons for beginners Apprendre à parler Français... Learn to speak French! Learn basic conversational skills in French with this 10 week course. Excellent for students wanting to grasp a new language and gain the knowledge of being able to converse with the locals in France. Starting Monday 18 February, continuing for 10 weeks every Monday 5pm - 6.30pm Uxbridge Campus, room tbc Basic life support course This two hour course equips students to be able to manage an unconscious adult casualty and perform basic life support (CPR). Learn new skills and practice them on manikins under supervision of the instructor throughout the course. This course will also give you an attendance certificate which is valid for three years. Wednesday 20 February, 1pm - 3pm Uxbridge Campus, room tbc Viva Forever theatre trip Come and relive the Spice Girls revolution... you wouldn’t wannabe anywhere else! Spice up your life with this exhilarating and irresistibly funny tale of love, loyalty and romance. An original story of our times, inspired by the songs of the Spice Girls, VIVA FOREVER! hits all the high notes for a fabulous feel-good night out. Tuesday 26 February, 7.30pm Piccadilly Theatre, Piccadilly Circus Madagascar Live Out of the zoo and onto the stage - get ready to go wild! Everyone’s favourite Madagascar characters will star in the live arena production based on the blockbuster film, reliving the fun and humour of the animals and their escapades, brilliantly recreated with lively storytelling, dance & music. Students are also entitled to one free child ticket; but spaces are limited so be sure to book quickly. Saturday 2 March, 11am Wembley Arena

6 Bucks Student February 2013

60 seconds with

Student Buzz

Like this Bucks New University Post Room Administrator Graham Harris > What made you want to be a member of staff at the University? Redundancy! I was a printer finding myself seduced by the lure of letters. > What are your aims for the University in the near future? Personally to enhance the level of service in the post room, and maintain the standard of deliveries around the University. > How is this University different to others? Local for me geographically. The’ Big Deal’ is worth singling out. Bucks New University generally is growing, developing and establishing its own identity. Selected courses are growing in stature. > Where did you study and what degree did you do? Never reached the heady heights of university education, chose the’ University of Life’. (in repetitive employment)

> What were you like as a university student? See previous. > If you could give any advice to a student, what would it be? Advice (without experience) would be: Work hard! Play hard! A line borrowed from Ian Hunter. > What film did you last watch? ‘Life of Pi’ > Where would your ideal place to go on holiday be? Glasgow. >What’s your idea of a perfect night in/out? In: Come Dine with me. Followed by alcohol infusion, film, sparkling conversation, alcohol nightcap! Out: The Last Tuesday Society Masked Ball

Facebook’s Vice President of Global Marketing Solutions, Carolyn Everson, was among guests at the official book launch in London recently of Pioneers of Digital, co-authored by Prof Paul Springer, Head of Research and Special Projects. Paul has written the book with US-based marketing and social media expert, Mel Carson and it discusses success stories from advertising, marketing and social media leaders, with profiles of the 20 top digital innovators and the inspiration behind their success. The launch was held at agency JWT in Knightsbridge with guests including leading figures from marketing communications agency WPP and Universal Music. Find out more about the book at

Fairytale success MA Furniture Design and Technology student Cristiana Ionescu has won the New Design Britain award in the Furnishing Accessories section at Interiors UK 2013 at The NEC in Birmingham for her piece, The Three Bears. Course Leader Lynn Jones said: “Cristiana thoroughly deserves this recognition for an outstanding piece of work.” As part of her award, Cristiana will be taking up a placement with John Lewis. She said: “I am very happy with my award and the placement opportunity, which will undoubtedly open new doors for my future career in the furniture industry.”

Setting the ball rolling... Football Association staff involved in grassroots football are to gain a Certificate in Football Business and Practice under a programme launched by The FA and Bucks New University. The first cohort of staff at County Football Associations in the South East have begun studying towards the qualification and it is hoped the scheme will be extended nationwide. Paul Morgan, Head of the Department for Sport Management, said: “We have already been impressed by the level of engagement and professionalism displayed by the students and look forward to seeing the outcomes of the course for their own career development and for The FA’s wider business strategy.”

Sofa so good Students from the Furniture History Society visited the Gordon Russell Design Museum in Broadway, Worcestershire, on Wednesday for a tour and behind-the-scenes look. Around 30 students from a range of furniture courses belong to the society, which has recently also visited the conservation department at The Wallace Collection in London and the craft section at Windsor Castle, home of The Royal Collection. Paul Tear, Course Leader, BA (Hons) Furniture Conservation, Restoration & Decorative Arts, said: “The visits organised by the Furniture History Society are useful in underpinning the things we are teaching, as well as allowing them to help make professional contacts.”

Events in the Round Third-year Event and Festival Management students carried out work including manning the reception and helping run a conference at the UK Festival Awards at The Roundhouse in London. The event featured festival industry leaders celebrating achievements and sharing insights and strategies for the coming 12 months. The students accompanied Paul Pike, Director at consultancy and service delivery company, Intelligent Venue Solutions. Teresa Moore, Department Manager for Music and Live Events Management, said: “Bucks has supported the conference and awards since 2008. This provided a fantastic opportunity for students to attend the conference and awards and mix with key players of the live music scene who are shaping the future of the industry.”

Student Buzz is brought to you by the University Communications team. We hope you enjoy reading the latest news. Plus remember to follow Bucks on Twitter at @bucksnewuni and on Facebook at

February 2013 Bucks Student 7

Bucks launches education partnership with leading audio manufacturer Bucks New University has held the official launch of an innovative education partnership with leading audio manufacturer, Sennheiser UK Ltd, which will create new industry-linked opportunities for students and focus their employability. The launch took place in the audio studios in the Gateway. Vice Chancellor, Prof Ruth Farwell, and Phil Massey, General Manager of Sennheiser UK Ltd, were guest speakers at the event. The partnership provides a range of educational benefits for students, and includes the renaming the University’s main recording studio to ‘The Sennheiser Sound Lab’, with the company providing a range of equipment for use in the studio, including state-of-the-art digital microphones. Sennheiser will also provide a scholarship, starting annually from September 2013 and worth £3,000, to a talented second-year student studying BA (Hons) Audio and Music Production. The company is also providing two, six-month student internships. Third-year BA (Hons) Music Management students, Jamie Leeming and Gemma Robinson, have already taken up the roles at the firm’s headquarters in Century Point, High Wycombe, working as a marketing executive and a consumer channel executive, respectively, following a selection process involving interview workshops. Other elements to the partnership include organising an ‘industry insider’ day, in either the live or broadcast market, for the second-year BA (Hons) Audio and Music Production student with

University figures recognised in Queen’s New Year’s Honours Buckinghamshire New University alumna Naomi Riches and associate lecturer Howard Wells have been awarded an MBE and OBE, respectively, in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours. Naomi was recognised for her achievements in winning a gold medal in the mixed cox fours rowing at the London 2012 Paralympic Games, having picked up bronze in the same event in the Paralympic Games in Beijing four years earlier. The successful graduate, who also received an honorary master’s from Bucks New University in 2010, has cone dystrophy, a condition affecting her eyesight. She started rowing with the Great Britain National Adaptive Rowing squad while she was studying at Bucks New University, and became a full-time athlete after

she graduated in 2006 with a BA (Hons) in Designed Metalwork & Jewellery. Naomi said: “To be named in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List is an incredible end to a spectacular year. I am only just getting used to being a Paralympic champion, so now adding MBE to that is just so surreal!” Howard is an associate lecturer in Sport Management at Bucks, and is also vice chair of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, the umbrella organisation for the governing and representative bodies of sport and recreation in the UK. The hugely experienced figure has spent more than 36 years working in the sport and recreation sector. He was the first chief executive of UK Sport and most recently chief executive of the Irish FA, when he was also a member of the International Football Association board.

Cisco Mentoring Scott Bevan, a 3rd year Network & Security Management student, recently joined the Cisco Mentoring programme operated by the Careers & Employability Service. Here is a summary of his experiences so far. The mentor will help you out and give advice from anything from touching up your CV to helping with your dissertation, having a mentor has really improved me and my personal

development and benefited me in my third year in many ways, having someone there to guide you who has been to university and knows only too well how you feel has been great! I feel that having a mentor takes the pressure away and enables you to focus more on your work, if I have any queries with assignments or practice interviews they are only too happy to help. My mentor has also helped me out with a draft contents page for what my

Finding a mentor can be a great way to improve your own skills and help you network.

Paralympic gold medallist and Bucks alumna, Naomi Riches.

the best academic performance in a year. The partnership will also facilitate work with current students, staff and alumni, to develop a wide range of online media assets for the company. Sennheiser’s Marketing Projects Manager, Phil Cummings, said: “Sennheiser has worked with Bucks New University for nine years but was keen to formalise our relationship. “This partnership is dedicated to investing in the future and the options this gives us means we can pass on our knowledge and expertise to students, and gain from their enthusiasm and willingness to learn and contribute new ideas. “We are keen to share our latest technology and developments with Bucks and feel the range of aspects making up this partnership will be beneficial to both of us. “We are very proud to be an official partner of Buckinghamshire New University and are looking forward to an exciting future and to growing this partnership.” Frazer Mackenzie, Head of the School of Production & New Media, said the partnership is a ‘hugely exciting development’ for the University. He said: “Sennheiser is now one of the largest microphone, headphone and in-ear monitoring manufacturers in the world. We’ve worked with the company for a number of years and this agreement will bring a wide range of benefits to both the University and our students, including providing students with a wealth of opportunities to gain employability skills and help them in gaining jobs.”

dissertation will contain and given me advice on presenting a presentation to an audience. For any third year student at Bucks who is offered the opportunity of Cisco mentoring, go for it, it’s one of the best and most useful tools you could have! For further details on the scheme, contact Paul Wilcock, Career Development Advisor, at

8 Bucks Student February 2013

Students studying a Sport & Events Broadcasting pathway as part of their degrees are working as part of Watford Football Club’s media operation, and some have also gained work with Sky Sports. At Watford, the students are filming home games and editing highlights, as well as filming pre-match and post-match footage for the club’s official online media page, Hornets Player. A number of the third-year Film and TV Production students have also gained part-time work with Sky Sports through links made working at Watford, filming presenters giving match updates to the channel’s Soccer Saturday programme. Andrew Cochrane is one of those employed filming the likes of former football players-turned-presenters including Tony Cottee and Alan McInally as they give match updates to Soccer Saturday. He said: “Filming for Sky Sports is a fantastic opportunity, and, as a football fan myself, it presents a great chance to

Andrew Cochrane is enjoying working for Sky Sports.

Sky’s the limit for ambitious students combine my hobby with my work. “I can be asked to film at any grounds across the country, with a variety of presenters, including a number of wellknown former professional footballers. So far, I’ve visited the likes of Southampton and West Ham United, among many others. “Literally anything can happen in football which is why it’s so exciting and is the area I want to concentrate on when I graduate from Buckinghamshire New University. We have gained some great opportunities through the degree.” Stephen Partridge, Department Manager, Media Production at Bucks New University, said: “Sky Sports have taken on a number of undergraduates since last summer after seeing them work at Watford FC and being impressed with their level of expertise. “We are very pleased as we feel it demonstrates that what we deliver through the course is meaningful and relevant. I sincerely hope that we have helped Andrew and his peers in their quest for enjoyable and rewarding work when they graduate this year.”

Union news

#buckssumorethanabar Bucks Students’ Union ‘More than a bar’ campaign is into its penultimate week now and is still going strong! With an average of over 50 tweets a day it is not only enabling Bucks students to realise the full range of services we offer - it also allows us to understand which of the things we provide are important to students. For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past month, the more than a bar campaign is giving students a chance to win a possibly huge sum of money. Simply tell us which Students’ Union service you have used either via Facebook, comment card or Twitter (using the hash-tag #buckssumorethanabar) and we will be putting 5p into a pot for each one we receive. On Feb 15 one comment card or tweet will be drawn at random and the entire amount will be won by that person. It could litterally be hundreds of pounds!


#useless #facts As it stands we have roughly 1000 tweets! Which is fantastic! But, if we were to find 1000 5p’s for each of those tweets, and put them on top of one another they would be the height of an average male and weigh the same as the average new born in the UK.

£400 CASH GIVEAWAY ch to r a e s e r t n a t r o p im t We are carrying ou . n io t a is n a g r o e h t e of r u t u f e h t e p a h s lp he 11 y a d n o M n o s e h c n The survey lau . e n li n o d e t le p m o c be February and can First prize - £250 /


hird prize - £50 / nd prize - £100 / T


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ed. reviews .

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h c t a w o t s ne o in r e l o b f a t r u e o s i les m w 2013 revie events

12 Bucks Student February 2013

After Hours

A round-up of Students’ Union nightlife plus entertainment news and reviews. Submit your articles to Section Editor Yael

Stefan’s Sound : Ones to Watch Out For In 2013

By Stefan Miller

As many of you may have seen or heard on the radio or TV, there are many new and intriguing artists emerging this year. Here are some of the ones you should check out!

The three sprightly long-haired sisters from California have been making an impact on the airwaves with their quirky twist on pop-rock. Consisting of Este, Alana and Danielle, Haim was named after the sister’s surnames and they come from a musical family, with their mum and dad being part of their previous band Rockinhaim! Haim style draws influence from 80’s female rock singers such as Stevie Nicks and R&B, with Destiny’s Child and TLC being mentioned as inspirations. The result is a catchy retro but fresh sound evident in songs such as R&B-tinged Go Slow, the upbeat Solange-meets-Fleetwood Mac sounding ‘Forever’ and most recent song ‘Don’t Save Me’ with its invasive power-pop chorus. With Ellie Goulding as a fan and recently winning the BBC Sound of 2013, maybe we will see more of the three sisters in the within the next few months.

The 26-year-old Birmingham singer-songwriter has already made a footprint on the music scene, with her single ‘She’ being frequently played towards the end of last year by Fearne Cotton as her Record of the Week. The Midlands songstress has been compared to Amy Winehouse and Nina Simone but her distinctive image and sound sets her apart from the rest. Her ability to story-tell with her lyrics have made her songs sound sincere and captivating to listen to. One such example is ‘She’, a simplistic, soulful song which sees Laura sing a poignant story of a woman’s struggle over an angelic sounding choir and African inspired beat towards the end of the song. New single ‘Green Garden’ however, shows Laura’s versatility as it is a stark opposite of ‘She’, being a upbeat soulful, R&B song comparable to Janelle Monae in sound. As a runner up to both the Brit Critics’ Choice Award and this year’s BBC Sound of 2013 and with debut album Sing To The Moon expected in March, maybe 2013 will be the year for her!

The 21-year-old rapper from Detroit has been causing a stir with her dirty lyrics and edgy tomboy style. Real name Raykeea Wilson, the upcoming Michigan artist had a very religious upbringing and wasn’t allowed to listen to music as a child, with her first exposure to rap being aged 16. Angel developed her rapping skills through poetry and her fast-paced and harsh rapping style is evident in latest songs such as Werkin Girls and New York. Werkin Girls sees Angel Haze unleash a lethal, rapid Busta Rhymes style rap over a snappy, frenetic hip hop beat while ‘New York’ shows Angel’s feisty side, berating her haters over an assortment of upbeat hand claps, moody guitar strings and Gil Scott-Heron vocal samples. Angel Haze has already received support from NME and MTV and has collaborated with UK drum and bass band Rudimental on a new track, so I think will be hearing more from her very soon.

Consisting of singer Aluna Francis and producer George Reid, this awesome duo first caught my attention last year, as I wrote a New Band Alert article about them a few months ago. Since then, AlunaGeorge popularity has grown, performing live at Radio 1 venues, being featured on tracks with dance music producers Rustie and Disclosure, being a runner-up to the Brits Critics Choice award and coming second on BBC Sound of 2013. The band has intrigued many with their unique twist on R&B, drawing from experimental, post-dubstep and glitch influences as well as lead singer Aluna’s distinctive highpitched voice. Recent official singles Your Drums, Your Love and Diver manage to have the chart-friendly catchiness yet sound completely different from anything current. With an upcoming album on the way and increasing attention on them, AlunaGeorge may just be the band to bring originality to the charts.

February 2013 Bucks Student 13

Gig Review

A special public appearance was made by Dappy (from NDubz) on Friday 25 January 2013. Although we’ve been fortunate enough to have public appearances in the past by the likes of Ms Dynamite and Loveable Rogues, Dappy was certainly not afraid to let the crowd know how he worked. Bursting on stage to a stream of expletives while waving a bottle of Jack Daniels around accompanied by a quick ranting session over his fellow NDubz band mates, it wasn’t the most enlightening moment. Unfortunately, Dappy realised the hard way that this wasn’t the best way to win around Bucks Students as he was quickly booed! Performing spontaneous lyrics directly into the camera of a lucky person in the front row, Dappy showed the crowd that he wasn’t just a one-trick pony. His set was completed by a rendition of No Regrets and Ying Yang, which actually were quite good and had most of the crowd swinging along. What should have been a moment to remember – for the right reasons - was ruined by our guest informing the students to sway with their middle fingers in the air. Not soon enough, Dappy’s set was finally over. Fans were given the opportunity to have a meet and greet with him in the next room, while a select few girls were chosen to come up in his ‘VIP’ section. Despite the two songs that Dappy performed, the overall ambience, attitude and language from Dappy was shot to pieces and honestly wasn’t worth the fee that Bucks SU would Deputy Student Editor have paid! MJ Mahmood

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Bucks SU Photo’s 2012 - 2013

Your Nig

High Wycombe Ven

ghts Out

nue WED 24 - TUE 5

6 - 24 February The Venue High Wycombe

+ Old Colours Aftershow - DJs ‘til 2am

Behind the Bikesheds

Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | 175ml Glass of House Wine - £2.50 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot | Double Up On Any Shot £1 | Pint Of Coke/Lemonade £1 (all night)

Gaymers Original Draft / Strongbow Pear Draft / Tuborg Cans / Vodka & Relentless / Range of Bombs’ - all £2 Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot - £1 (all night)

Carlsberg Draft / Carling Draft / VK & WKD / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Can - all £2 | Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 (until midnight) Firebombs - £2 Corky’s £1 A Shot // Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Wednesday 6

Thursday 7

Friday 8

Football Takeover

Man Utd vs Everton@4pm

+ Quiz @8pm

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Sunday 10

ACS Fashion Show Event specific promos - TBA Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Monday 11

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Tuesday 12


Valentine’s Day Special Long Island Iced Tea - £5 | Gaymers Original Draft / Vodka & Mixer £2 (until Midnight) | Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 | Range of ‘Bombs’ - £2 (all night)

Live Twitter feed on screen! Carlsberg Draft / Carling Draft / VK & WKD / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Can - all £2 | Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 (until midnight) Firebombs - £2 Corky’s £1 A Shot // Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Thursday 14

Friday 15

Blow Zone + Keg Party

+ Guests Strongbow (Original + Pear) Draft / Heineken Bottle / Vodka & Relentess / Zubrowka Vodka & Apple Juice - all £2 (until midnight) | Range of Bombs’ - £2 / Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Saturday 16


Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | 175ml Glass of House Wine - £2.50 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot | Double Up On Any Shot £1 | Pint Of Coke/Lemonade £1 (all night)

Gaymers Original Draft / Strongbow Pear Draft / Tuborg Cans / Vodka & Relentless / Range of Bombs’ - all £2 Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot - £1 (all night)

Wednesday 20

Thursday 21

Launch Party Coors Light Draft / Red Stripe Can / Strongbow (Original + Pear) Draft / Jim Beam flavours & Mixer - all £2 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Saturday 9

Pole Takeover + Candy! Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | 175ml Glass of House Wine - £2.50 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot | Double Up On Any Shot £1 | Pint Of Coke/Lemonade £1 (all night)

Wednesday 13

+ Quiz @ 8pm 4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Sunday 17

Bar open Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Monday 18

Tuesday 19

+ Guests

+ Quiz @ 8pm

Carlsberg Draft / Carling Draft / VK & WKD / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Can - all £2 | Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 (until midnight) Firebombs - £2 Corky’s £1 A Shot // Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Coors Light Draft / Red Stripe Can / Strongbow (Original + Pear) Draft / Jim Beam flavours & Mixer - all £2 (until midnight) Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

4 Pint Pitcher of Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Range of Barefoot Wines - £7 | Corky’s £1 A Shot / Double Up On Any Shot £1 (all night)

Friday 22

Saturday 23

Sunday 24



HHHH The Guardian





‘Dazzling, inspired, perfectly observed. I’ve yet to see anything funnier’ Daily Telegraph


7 MARCH Charlie Baker / Roger Monkhouse / Mickey Sharma 14 MARCH Ivo Graham / Rich Morton / Junior Simpson





‘Hysterical, the audience scream and squeal.’ Mail on Sunday



Press Release


DEBUT performance for Bucks student company Black Circle Theatre. February will bring the debut performance of student performance company Black Circle Theatre Company (BCTC). The Company made of third year performing arts students is just one of four which will debut in a week long performance festival at the gateway drama studio. Terrorism will be the first performance on the 18th of February with fellow company debuts the rest of the week. Previous years have worked as one company but with expansion of the course the year were split into four companies to direct their own tours. Making this year the first to have four final year productions. Terrorism, written by Russian playwrights the Presnyakov brothers, is a contemporary dark comedy which circles around the title theme. It explores the meaning of terror in an everyday urban lifestyle, questioning the role of the terrorist beyond just bombs and explosions. The story consists of 6 different scenes which cleverly intertwine, from lovers acting out their submissive fantasies to old women planning murder. All of which, as you may guess, spurs from a bomb at an airport. The resident director of BCTC,

Nicola Connolly explains that it is about “more than just being a terrorist; it’s about being terrorised psychologically. How does day to day life relate to the actions of terrorist? After all there is always someone who is making your life a living hell”. The performance is the first of two performances, the second to be performed at Norden Farm Arts Centre in Maidenhead the following week on the 27. The show has been created and directed solely by the students from Bucks New University, including raising funds for touring costs. Tickets are available from £3 a ticket through or through their website blackcircletheatre. There will also be updates on the Twitter and Facebook pages which can be linked from the website.

Performance Dates Terrorism by The Presnyakov, Black Circle Theatre Company 18 Feb, Drama Studio 27 Feb Norden Farm The week of the 18th will also see performances of The Pillowman, Black Comedy and Spring Awakening. Information for these performances can be given by email to BCTC.

Wonderland & Underland

One Fabulous Day | Free Entry! | Fun Family Entertainment • Mad Hatters Tea Party • Fifteen Bands • Four Stages • Exciting Fairground Rides • Food stalls • Climbing Wall • Face painting BUCKS Live presents Wonderland and Underland; two exciting events which will be held on March 16th 2013. The event will be held at the Bucks New University Campus in High Wycombe and will be in the theme of Alice in Wonderland. The event will be presented in two stages, Wonderland and Underland. Wonderland will begin the day at 10:00am and will focus on the light hearted side of the Alice in Wonderland story with many characters appearing in costume throughout the day. The children will be in their element when they see what is planned for the day; an assortment of inflatable attractions, fairground rides and a variety of workshops which will be available for the children to get involved with. An Alice in Wonderland tour will also be the highlight of the day for many, with several exciting activities for children to take part in. The event will also have attractions to entertain the parents; a mad hatter’s tea party will be held where cake and tea can be consumed at leisure, a vintage fair which will be ideal for a spot of shopping, and a selection of food stalls with an array of different foods to satisfy your tastes. There will be indoor and outdoor stages

• Market Stalls • Fantastic Festival Event • Relaxing Shisha lounge • DJ’s • Stilt Walkers • Fire Breathers at the event with multiple bands and artists playing sets, along with various other forms of entertainment, and performances from different societies. Wonderland will finish at 5pm and Underland will follow. Underland will begin at 8pm and run until the early hours, this time looking at the more sinister and dark side of the Alice in Wonderland Story. This 18+ event will play host to some madly talented artists and entertainers throughout the night and into the early morning; acoustic acts will open the night before being followed by a ‘secret’ headline act and an assortment of DJ’s. Aside from music Underland will offer a variety of temptations including a Shisha lounge, a photo booth, some incredible stilt walkers and fire breathers to set the scene. Wonderland and Underland are being organised and run by the Event & Festival Management and Music & Live Events students of Bucks New University. For more information go to or contact us at or alternatively at the High Wycombe Campus, Queen Alexandra road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2JZ.

February 2013 Bucks Student 19


OF ALL TIME By Yola Rivniker

NOTHING can beat a good love song. An honest love song can evoke feelings in us that in other cases would stay hidden. Love songs are an essential part of popular music. A good love song can make an artist incredibly popular, as a bad, kitsch love song can make an artist drown. Here are the best love songs of all time, at least in my opinion:


Best Anti Valentine’s Day Songs By Guy Humphrey

VALENTINE’S can go one of two ways. Loved up soppy couples or lone singletons. Whichever camp you’re in, everyone loves a good ballad. This one is for the singletons.


Melanie Fiona - Gone and Never Coming Back

The Cure - Love Song “Whenever I’m alone with you, you make me feel like I am home again” is the opening line for this beautiful song. This one was written by Robert Smith for his long-time friend and fiancée, Mary.


Etta James - At Last

“At last my love has come along, my lonely days are over”. This song was written in 1941 by Mac Gordon and Harry Warren for the musical Orchestra Wives. Since then, it was covered by over 50 artists, including Nat King Cole and Stevie Wonder. In 1960, it was covered by Etta James, and it became her signature song and the best version of this song.


Canadian RnB singer Melanie Fiona’s heartfelt song of losing love is one that is emotional, powerful and will have you on the floor crying before the song is over.


Deborah Cox - Nobody’s Supposed to be Here Another Canadian singer. This time Deborah Cox. Appearing on her second album One Wish, this went to Number 2 on the US Billboard Charts. To be honest, I hadn’t heard of the song until I went on a mad clicking spree on YouTube. It’s definitely a belter and one of those sing-in-the-shower songs.


Mariah Carey - Any Song. Ever.

Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender “Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go”. This song was written and recorded by Elvis in 1956 for the film “Love Me Tender”. Elvis performed this song on the Ed Sullivan Show in September of that year, and the song became an instant hit. It received one million advance orders, which made it a gold record before it was officially released.


Led Zeppelin - Rain Song

“It is the summer of my smiles, flee from me keepers of the gloom”. Even though this song is allegedly written as a result of a comment made by George Harrison to John Bonham, about the fact the Led Zeppelin doesn’t have any ballads; it is one of the most beautiful songs you will hear in a lifetime. It is not only to do with the lyrics, but also with the melody. This seven minute song is mostly melody, and the kind that builds up as you listen further. It will surely give you Goosebumps.


The Beatles - Something

“Something in the way she moves attracts me like no other lover”. This song was written by George Harrison and was released in 1969, as part of the album Abbey Road. The song inspiration seems to be Harrison’s wife at the time, Patty Boyd, though in a 1996 interview with Harrison he claimed that it wasn’t written about her, that it wasn’t written about anyone. The song was covered by over 150 artists, including Elvis Presley and Ike & Tina Turner.

If you know me in person, you will definitely know how much I love Mariah Carey. It’s quite sad really and undoubtedly stereotypical, but I simply can’t help it! I could listen to her all day. You all know her songs, regardless of your personal opinion on her (She’s a goddess). Personal favourites which showcase bitterness and wanting is Heartbreaker and I Still Believe, as well as the classic Without You and Can’t Let Go.


Beyonce - Single Ladies Single Ladies is now one of those hits that everyone knows the words, the dance routine and is one of Beyonce’s most well-known songs. Single Ladies is a female empowerment arguably at it’s best.


The All American Rejects Hope it Gives You Hell This offering from American alternative rock band All American Rejects is an another belter. Billboard announced that it was the most played song in 2009 on their Top 40 Chart. Must have been a lot of angry people that year!



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February 2013 Bucks Student 21

Movie Reviews

By Yola Rivniker Les Misérables (12A) Released 11/01/2013 Running time: 158 mins

AFTER the hysteric Buzz in the last few months around the cinematic making of the musical Les Miserables, I finally got to see it. I was sceptical at first, as I’m not a fan of musicals. I quickly realised I was wrong. From the beginning of the film, I was swept in this incredibly sad story with Hugh Jackman is giving us a performance like he never gave before. Anne Hathaway would annoy me in every other situation, but here, she is beautiful. The film tells the story of Jean Valjean (Jackman), a recently released prisoner who reinvents himself as the mayor of Montreuilsur-Mer. It shows the events that happen to Valjean on the eve of

the 1832 Paris rebellion against the king. One of the best things about the film is the close ups. A thing that in other cases would be completely cringe-worthy, the close ups on the actor faces in the film are the ones that tell the story. You can see every drop of sweat, dirt, throbbing vain, wrinkle or tear that’s caught in the eyelash. The film was so good that in the end the audience in the small, High Wycombe cinema stood up, and clapped their hands like in a real theatre. Has to mean something, doesn’t it? The film already won two Golden globes, and is nominated for BAFTA’s and the Oscars. It will win; I’ll put my money on it.

By Scott Matthewson Django Unchained (18) Released 18/01/2013 Running time: 165 mins

DJANGO Unchained is Quentin Tarantino’s latest film that tells the story of Django; a slave turned bounty hunter who, along with his employer Dr King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), set out to rescue his wife from the brutal Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), a Mississippi plantation owner. The story is a simple revenge tale but it’s the performances of the cast that really bring this film to life. Christoph Waltz does fantastically well at producing such a suave character, it’s his wit and composure that truly makes him great and making Waltz deserving of his Golden Globe. Jamie Foxx is great as Django but it’s the additions of each new character that make the movie better and better. DiCaprio and the scene-stealing Samuel L Jackson,

who is hilarious in his role, are both great as the villains. DiCaprio takes his time getting involved with the film, but once he does, he’s simply one of the most menacing characters ever to grace the silver screen. Jackson matches DiCaprio in a completely different way, while much less restrained than DiCaprio, Jackson schemes rather than screams, hanging around in the background before emerging with an agenda just as horrific as DiCaprio’s. While somewhat over the top at times with the effects and violence, from the shootouts to the explosions to the women shot across the room, they are not out of place and fit within the film perfectly and are just what makes the film so much fun. It’s the script that really makes the film though, at a near 3 hours in length it is long but certainly not boring. Tarantino has outdone himself in creating a brilliant western that is truly hilarious by bringing his usual brand of humour to it. You won’t want to miss this.


February 2013 Bucks Student 23

From food to fashion and everything in between! Submit your articles to Section Editor Harmeet

Advice Centre

National Student Money Week

Chance to win £50!

It’s National Student Money Week from 11 to 15 February and to mark this occasion we are giving you the chance to win £50! Enter this quiz to see how money savvy you are, complete the tie breaker, give us your contact details and two winners will be awarded £50, one from the High Wycombe campus and one from the Uxbridge Campus. 1. If you started University in September 2012 how much will you need to earn per year before you start repaying your student loan? a ) £15,000 b ) £18,000 c ) £21,000 d ) £25,000 2. What does APR stand for? a ) Annualised Percentage Rate b ) Average Percentage Rate c ) Alternative Percentage Rate d ) Another Payment Required 3. Who do you contact if you want to make a formal complaint about how a bank or building society has treated you? a ) Citizen’s Advice Bureau b ) Financial Ombudsman Service c ) Bank of England d ) Financial Services Authority

4. Under the Distance Selling Regulations which cover items ordered and paid for on-line, how long is the ‘cooling off period’ during which I can return the item and be refunded? a ) One week from delivery b ) Seven working days from delivery c ) One month from delivery d ) Whenever it breaks / stops working

7. You owe £2500 on a credit card with a 19.9% interest rate. How long will it take you to clear if you make the minimum repayment each month (£5.00)? a ) 15 years b ) 30 years c ) 60 years d ) Never

5. Which of these does NOT show up on your credit rating? a ) Mortgage b ) Credit Card payments c ) Bank loans d ) Student loans

8. Which has of these has the highest annual rate of interest if you use them to borrow money? a ) Credit Card b ) Pay Day Loan c ) Store Card d ) Overdraft

6. How much is the maximum fine for watching TV without a licence? a ) £50.00 b ) £100.00 c ) £1000.00 d ) £1500.00

9. How many students spend their entire loan amount in the first month after receiving it? a ) One in ten b ) One in four c ) One in six d ) One in three

Your name:

Your student ID number:

High Wycombe Campus opening times: Mon - Thu 9am - 7pm Fri 9am - 4.30pm Uxbridge Campus opening times: Mon 10am - 6pm Tue - Wed 9.30am - 5.30pm Thu 9.30am - 3.30pm Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm

10. How much does a 16 – 25 Railcard cost and how much can it save you on rail fares? a ) £28.00 per year and 33% b ) £20.00 per year and 50% c ) £30.00 per year and 33% d ) £50.00 per year and 20% Tie Breaker: If you win the £50.00 prize, what would you do with it that could help you to save money in the future?

Your email address:

24 Bucks Student February 2013


Keep up-to-date with the latest information and campaigns from NUS, the national voice of students.

NUS urges government to push forward on votes for 16 year olds NUS has called on David Cameron to listen to the will of the House of Commons which today voted 116 to 49 in favour extending the right to vote to 16 and 17 year olds. The vote, put forward by Liberal Democrat Stephen Williams, is not binding makes it clear that there is strong cross-party support for the motion. Last time MPs debated the issue the vote was lost by just seven votes. NUS was a founder member of the Votes at 16 coalition and has long campaigned for young people to be given the chance to vote. Toni Pearce, NUS Deputy President, said: “Young people should have the opportunity to choose to vote for those who really support their causes, to hold politicians to account, and to withdraw their votes from those who don’t. “This needs to come alongside some real and meaningful political education in schools and colleges, but perhaps a bold move to take 16 and 17 year olds seriously could end the abdication of responsibility in this area, and end the patronising lip service young people are so often paid by figures of authority.

“It’s time for David Cameron to understand that lowering the voting age is an idea whose time has come. 16 and 17 year olds are likely to be voting in the Scottish referendum and they should be able to take part in votes throughout the whole UK.”

Bucks Beatuy Tips

Valentines Here are a few beauty tips that can be helpful for Valentine’s Day with your loved one! ♥ Use anything with jasmine in. Jasmine is a natural aphrodisiac. Any bath salts, bath bombs, hair products, perfume or hair products that contain jasmine will help lure your potential mate sexually. Naughty. ♥ A nice red lip to make your lips super kissable. Always remember to line your lips. This will frame the lips it will also help to keep the lip product in place and not smudge all over the place. There are millions of red lipsticks and liners, so pick the one best for you. ♥ Massage. A good way to get closer to your other half. You can get massage oils, massage bars or just regular body lotion. Try and not use baby oil as this won’t sink into the skin and things could get slippery and not in the good way! Anything that is cocoa or shea butter based will sink into the skin. Remember that jasmine is a good aphrodisiac and maybe citrus to make sure you are Student Editor awake all night. Winky face. Guy Humphrey

Leaving It’s funny how the world can be. You can spend the entirety of your duration cursing each minute in every hour, upon a forsaken town you swore to never miss. Forgive a cliche but the grass is truly greener on the other side (pending blue skies, perhaps fine wine and of course the company of good friends). I guess the same reasons which first lured me in, still hold their grounds. People always complain but even in the peak of my own loathing for this place, I never once denied High Wycombe to be a charming and beautiful town. Granted, there is a lack of night life and facilities to accommodate recreational activities but, in the absence of these things can inspire you to greater, more meaningful creative endeavours; rather than an incurable hangover and crying at an Andrex advert during a savage comedown.

On a personal level, I think my biggest regret was to constantly compare my home city and friends, rather than appreciate how lucky I was to have met some wonderfully talented and inspiring people. They are the same people amongst your social groups, where you need to remind yourselves to cherish, for they can offer the strength required in the face of endearment in a not so lonely and isolated town. By Youssef Sida

Don’t leave home without it

NUS extra discount card

the essential student card

The International Blog

How to survive Valentine’s day Singles only When you choose to leave your home country, for any reason, you leave a lot of things behind. It can be your family, friends, favourite food, favourite shops and sometimes your love. As much as it’s hard to think about, this may be your first Valentine’s, ALONE! Not an easy situation to handle. Here are a few tips to help you survive this commercialised love spreading all around: ♥ Stay in - Never go out on Valentine’s Day! For a single, this can lead to occasional depression and episodes of tears. Stay in, invite you other single friends, watch action films, and drink till you pass out. You’re only a student once. ♥ Introduce yourself to Anti-Valentine’s day - Throw an Anti V day party for all your single friends. Decorate the walls with pictures of happy couples, and use it as a dart board. Play unromantic games, like beer pong or monopoly. Make hating Valentine’s Day a party!

can you afford not to?

♥ Get yourself organised - Instead of moaning about the fact that you’re single, invest some time in yourself. Plan your calendar, make a list of things you need/want to do, get a beauty treatment, take a bath. Make this about you. ♥ Online date - If you can’t ignore that loneliness set up an account on an online dating website. Even if nothing happens, you’ll get to spend the night laughing hysterically over what people write on their profiles. Defiantly an experience everyone should take. Who knows? Maybe you will find someone. ♥ Avoid Social media - It’s the same as going out. A visit to Facebook or Twitter on V Day will only make you weak. Plus you’ll get to see what it’s like without Facebook distracting you for other things. You might actually get some work done. ♥ Be happy for being single - Think of all the options you’ve got. There are plenty of fish in the sea, remember? By Yola Rivniker

February 2013 Bucks Student 25

Old News New Life

Green Each edition of the Bucks Student, we will be teaching you different ways to recycle your newspaper. Send us pictures of any creations you make to, and you may feature in one of the editions!

Research - feed me feed me! Keep reading this column to find out how to feedback to the Students’ Union with your thoughts and opinions. There is everything from filling out surveys to attending focus groups and you can contribute as much or as little as you like!

Making a valentines garland! This one’s really simple, and great for decorating on a budget! 1. Cut seven strips of newspaper with a width of 1inch

National Student Survey

2. Take one strip and fold it in half. With the folded part at the top, put three strips either side and staple together at the bottom

This is your chance to feedback on everything to do with your course. It only takes 5 minutes, and as a Bucks student you have the chance to win an iPad mini! Visit our NSS helpers around campus to fill it in or visit

3. Starting from the inside, loop the a strip of paper down, trim to size, and attach 4. Repeat this with all the remaining strip of paper until you have a heart shape

A quick assessment

5. You can now hang your garland onto string using the loop left at the top from folded centrepiece.

Let us know if you have been receiving your assessment feedback on time, or whether it was late, via the assessment feedback survey at There is a chance to win £50 if you complete the survey!

Did you know it is University policy for students to receive feedback within 3 weeks?*

Bucks employability

up to


per hour

Actors required

standard that This feedback should also be of a helps students to progress. *on written assessments

Living it up!

We have an exciting opportunity for anyone looking to get some screen time for his or her show-reels, plus you can earn an extra few quid while you’re at it too! We need a selection of students to give a piece to camera about mitigating circumstances, academic misconduct, academic appeals, fitness to practice, disciplinary procedures and complaints. We will need a selection of students to take part and help raise awareness on the University’s Rules and Regulations.

Let us know what you think of your current accommodation, as well as the support you received from the University when looking for your housing. You can complete the survey at There is a chance to win £50 if you complete the survey!

If you are interested in helping out please email: for more information and a copy of the script.

Always hungry for your feedback! Love Rusty’s researchers! x





Have your opinion of your student experience heard

Scan here to take part in the survey

26 Bucks Student February 2013

An insight into everything the Students’ Union offers and how you can get involved. Best of all it’s free!



MSS News The MSS helps mature students gain more from the time they spend at university through interacting with other mature students. Last year, the society ran events like trips to the cinema, bowling and meals out. We also hold free breakfasts to meet up and catch up with friends. In December we had the MSS Christmas meal at Zizzi’s in Eden, High Wycombe. We all enjoyed it so much, there is the idea to have one at Easter also. Anyone is welcome to this so if you would like to come and/or have any ideas about where you would like to go, we’d love to hear from you. The events coming up are a trip to the cinema in Eden, High Wycombe on Thursday 21 February and more free breakfasts! If you would like to come to the cinema please contact one of the committee members below. The film will be decided by those attending so all suggestions are welcome. The breakfasts are in the Students’ Union Lounge in High Wycombe from 9am - 10.30am on Thursday 21 February, Tuesday 12 February and

Performing Arts Society needs you! Do you like to act, sing or dance? Do you have another performing talent you’d like to develop and show off? We are looking for performers to be in our variety show! We hold open sessions in singing, acting and dancing for any levels, and

we aim to build confidence in those who have always wanted to perform but never have done! So to find out more about us, visit us on Facebook: BNU Performing Arts Society or you can email us at

Post Graduate

Thursday 28 February and consist of a free drink and breakfast roll. Just turn up! Lastly, we are always looking for ideas so if we have not organised something you would like to do or there’s something you think would appeal to other mature students then please contact us! We are always flexible regarding times and venues to suit as many as possible. Currently, we are looking for an Uxbridge host for breakfasts and other local activities as we have lost our previous hostess to a nursing placement. If you think this is something that interests you, please email Jessie. Contact details: or 07984 395 889 or 07789 073 223

Study Room

G3.07 To book, visit the information desk in the library or phone ext. 5107.

Christian Union going strong! Happy New Year Guys! Talk about going out with a bang last year! With the huge success of Crimbo Combo being the first event to hit capacity on a Monday night and a first time for us working alongside Netball, Snow Soc, Events Soc and BNU Meals On Q for the event. Another success was our giving out of FREE freshly baked gingerbread men and Christmas cards to staff and students at the University! All in all it’s been a great few months seeing members grow into who they are

s n a e m s i Th it’s FREE!

Sports Societies Activities Events

see for more details

and stepping up into their identity and striving to change the alienated view people tend to sometimes have of Christianity! This is a year of continuing that mission and continuing to make an impact! Stay tuned as Easter is around the corner, another capacity filling event? I think so! For more info check us out on the Bucks Christian union Facebook page and LIKE us!

By Caleb Joseph

100% OFF

February 2013 Bucks Student 27

Student Reps

The A-Team of Representation

*Queue music* In 2013 a crack unit of Student Reps was sent to NUS headquarters by Bucks Students’ Union for a training session they needed. Those students promptly enjoyed themselves and got really involved in the session bringing back what they learnt to the Bucks Students’ Union representation underground. Today still wanted by the University for periodic reviews, they survive as Reps earning bonus Bucks. If you have a course related problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can make use of your Student Rep. I’ll leave it up to you to decide which of the group acts most like ‘Murdock’ and which thinks of himself as ‘Face’, but they all pulled together and gave their all for the event. This group are not known for shooting at people without them ever getting hit, blowing up anything that is in their way or saying “I love it when a plan comes together”. But the five Reps

that attended NUS Headquarters - or the floor above the Guinness World Records as its now known - for the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)/National Union of Students (NUS) training session are fine examples of students at Bucks. They have been signed up for a number of department and course Periodic reviews within the University. Periodic reviews happen on your courses every six years and on the panel for those reviews is a student voice. Now they have been trained and are aware of what is needed these Reps will be your voice and ensure that students have a say in the way your courses are designed and reviewed. The training session was broken down into what is a periodic review? Reading the paperwork, deciding on questions for the course team, preparing for the mock review, the mock review itself, feeding back after the review and finally some note taking skills and meeting skills. The Student Reps seemed to enjoy

St John Ambulance Society is making LINKS for you! The St John Ambulance Links Society here at Bucks is proud to be reinforcing their links with the High Wycombe arm of the organisation. As well as getting free, informal first aid training through the student-led society right here at Bucks New University, members will also soon be visiting local units to join with other volunteers to progress their skills and gain nationally recognised first aid qualifications, all for free! Coverage of the newly formed society has even recently featured on the University’s website and in the South Bucks Star, all within the first year of forming! By working alongside the regional unit of St John Ambulance the society is able to offer a variety of qualifications ranging from basic first aider all the way up to dealing with actual 999 calls. Once qualified, you can work alongside St John Ambulance teams at a whole range of exciting events from music concerts and festivals such as Reading Festival, to sporting events such as the London Marathon. That’s right - free entry to gigs to show off your free first aid training! So whether you are looking to drive ambulances or just boost your CV a little, this society has got something for you. To get involved just drop into one of our sessions: every Tuesday, 5pm in N2.01 or email south-east-BNU-links@sja. for further information. Follow us @BNULinks or join us on Facebook ‘BNU – SJA Links’

the mock review itself as they got to quiz Students’ Union staff members who were acting as University staff and although no official scoring was done (it’s not about beating the course team but about coming to constructive evidence based conclusions and suggesting courses of action) all of the students are sure they won. This is just one of the many exciting training sessions and events that we have planned for our Reps so look out for some more information on their exploits (and maybe a few movie references along the way) in upcoming editions of the Bucks Student. And don’t forget, if you have a course related problem, if no one else can help, and when you can find them, maybe you can make use of your Student Rep.

If you want to contact your Student Rep you can find their details at If you would like to find out more or become a Student Rep for your course please contact Design, Media & Management students Society & Health students Or drop in to speak to us at the Students’ Union Offices in High Wycombe and Uxbridge.

LGBT Fellowship Watford Methodist Circuit

For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/ no/ undecided faith. We meet on the first Sunday of the month, 2.30pm-4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Mill End, WD3 7HJ. Next meeting is Sunday 10 February and Sunday 24 February For more info contact Rachel and Sarah e: w: If you would like a lift to the event in Watford, please contact the University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793 or email

28 Bucks Student February 2013

N E E R G T C A P IM WEEK ruary 11 to 16 feb

Green Impact Week is a packed 6 days of volunte ering, fundraising, and gr your chance to have a go een initiatives. It’s at a bit of volunteering an d see what it’s all about. along, and join in the fun, Or just come whether it be going on a bouncy castle, donating spectating a netball vs fo tins of food, otball match or jumping of f a 160ft crane all in the na Have a look at our calenda me of RAG. r below to see what’s going on, and if you want to volun would like more informat teer or ion, please email voluntee

Monday 11 Feb

Tuesday 12 Feb

b Wednesday 13 Fe

Thursday 14 Feb

Fundraising sty’s Tin Ru training RAG Raid Challenge Fairtrade stand be om yc rse 10am - 12pm ll High W Gateway Concou and Oxfam footba m 5p m 9a eel 1pm- 3pm campaign Don’t RAG and Coppaf d wanted tins Ai un e on av ll Le Ba e th y’s Drop stand, and Rust RAG Fair collection points s rse at d the campus or Uxbridge Campu ou nc Co ay Tin Challenge tew Ga aroun s ion 9am - 12pm Un ts’ Uxbridge Campu at the Studen 11am - 3pm m . 3p ns tio pm ep 12 rec ket Global Food Mar all v Football tb Ne , rse ou nc Gateway Co Environmental Events Hall ring 10am - 4pm m Centre Voluntee 3pm - 5p 1pm - 4pm o Help create an ec local puppet theatre for . children

Friday 15 Feb s Make the campu beautiful! 12pm - 4pm

Plant flowers in tea ing pots used as hang a baskets, and paint our wall to brighten up ! campus

Saturday 16 Feb ee Sponsored Bung G RA r fo p m Ju All day


Varsity Captain Are you interested in being the Varsity Captain 2013? Any AU members are eligible regardless of year of study. We will be electing a Womens and Mens Captain.

For more information or to put yourself forward as a potential Captain email

The AU Games

Hunger Games.

AU Games.

On Wednesday 8 May the Students’ Union is running an athletic sports day named The AU Games not to be confused with the hunger games! We will not be sending sports teams into a battle to the death. The AU Games is an Olympic style athletics event, where every sports team can compete to earn the coveted title of ‘The Ultimate Sports Team’. Teams will nominate 2 or 3 players to enter each event to compete in heats and then a final and points will be awarded for entering & final podium position. Events include 100m, 400m,1500m, 4x100m, 4x400, long jump, shot put, high jump, 50m breast stroke, 50m freestyle. So get your running spikes out, dust off your swim cap to find out who is ‘The Ultimate Sports Team’.

Player Profile

Name: Matt Gilbert Course: Sports Management & Rugby Studies Sport: Rugby Position: Fly Half > How was last year’s club performance? Started off strongly but injuries led to a slip in league position. > Why should students join your sport? Best social team in the University and all a close group of mates who welcome newcomers. > How often do you meet? We train twice a week on a Monday and Friday and play matches and also socials on a Wednesday. > Do players need to provide their own kit? All players need to have is a pair of boots and a smile. > Do you have to pass any tests to join the team? There is an initiations ceremony, but it is all fun and most players pass.

> What are the socials like? All fun and games until mincer gets hurt. > What’s your funniest memory from your spot last year? Grant Dominey running past the try line and not stopping and then running out of play; he still hasn’t ever scored a try in rugby. > What is tour like? Best week of your life, unforgettable experience and I recommend it to anyone. > What’s your sport looking to achieve this year? Cup final at Adam’s Park hopefully, and to try and get the 2nd team to field a competitive team each week.

30 Bucks Student February 2013

Lets be Franc...o!


Fairtrade: extremely beneficial

This year is going so quickly! Time fly’s when you’re having fun! There are more fun things to look out for such as: Bungee jump for RAG, hitchhike to Morocco or Croatia, tour to Salou, tour to Amsterdam, win Varsity, the AU Games, Festiball, Mexican night, Union and AU award dinners, Elections and much more. Don’t forget to keep tweeting #buckssumorethanabar for a chance to win a heap of cash! Things to look out for slash don’t want to miss, aka dates for your diary: > BNU Dance competition (9 Feb) – it is on all day and it is our first dance competition held at Bucks. Come along and support them in the events hall. > Green Impact week, we have many different things going on throughout this – food

market (11 Feb), RAG fair and netball v football for charity (12 Feb) Rusty’s tin challenge, collecting tins of food to create Rusty’s head and donating them to the ‘one can trust’ (13 Feb) and a sponsored bungee on the Saturday (16 Feb) and lots of other small things going on to raise money for charity and help the environment. > Sabbatical nominations close (15 Feb) – Do you think you can run the Union? Why not run for a sabbatical role. > Swans go to comp (23 - 24 Feb) – the cheerleaders are competing in Loughborough with five different routines at the biggest university cheerleading competition. Good luck! > Fairtrade Fortnight begins (25 Feb – 10 March) look out for lots of goodies. Also #bucksfairtrade and #insert

sport/soc name with a picture of you and a Fairtrade good at the chance to win £30! > Another thing to be aware of is that women’s day is coming up, we are organising a vintage tea party. We will be inviting inspirational and powerful women to come and talk to us about their life and career. Not to be missed! Just wanted to congratulate hockey for their takeover ‘place your bets’ for raising £150 and to thank everyone who came and supported! Good luck to all the sports Vice President Involvement teams with theirStudent fixtures this Naomi Franco fortnight! And thank you to all the students that have been contributing to Union council, great success and great fun!

by Naomi Franco VP Student Involvement

Fixtures and results Results 30th January 2013 Mens Rugby Union West London 1st 5-52 Bucks 2nd Mens Volleyball Kingston 1st 3-0 Bucks 1st Womans Basketball Bucks 1st 44-35 Surrey 1st Mens Basketball St Mary’s 2nd 50-71 Bucks 1st Mens Hockey Bucks 1st 2-3 Reading 2nd Womans Hockey Bucks 1st 1-6 Sussex 2nd Mens Tennis Bucks 1st 2-10 Royal Holloway 2nd Mens Badminton Reading 2nd 8-0 Bucks 1st Golf Bucks 1st 3.5-2.5 Cardiff 1st Bucks 2nd 3-3 Hertfordshire 1st

Netball LSE 3rds 25-18 Bucks 2nd Mens Squash Bucks 1st 1-2 Roehampton 2nd Mens Football Bucks 3rd 4-2 Roehampton 2nd Bucks 4th 2-0 Kings College 2nd Fixtures 6th February 2013 Womans Hockey Bucks 1st vs Kings College 2nd Mens Football Bucks 1st vs Brighton 3rd Bucks 2nd vs St Mary’s 3rd Bucks 3rd vs St Mary’s 4th Bucks 4th vs Portsmouth 6th Bucks 5th vs LSE 3rd West London 1st vs Bucks 6th Womans football Bucks 1st vs St Mary’s 1st Mens Tennis

Brunel 2nd vs Bucks 1st Netball Chichester 4th vs Bucks 2nd Surrey 4th vs Bucks 3rd Mens Rugby Sussex 1st vs Bucks 1st Royal Holloway 2nd vs Bucks 2nd Mens Badminton Bucks 1st vs Reading 2nd Mens Volleyball Bucks 1st vs Brunel 1st Womans Basketball Westminster 1st vs Bucks 1st Fixtures 9th February 2013 Mens Indoor Cricket Bucks 1st vs Southampton 2nd Bucks 1st vs Surrey 1st Fixtures 10th February 2013 American Football Brighton 1st vs Bucks 1st

Fixtures 13th February 2013 Mens Hockey Reading 3rds vs Bucks 1st Womans Hockey Bucks 1st vs Reading 3rd Mens Squash Royal Holloway 2nd vs Bucks 1st Womans Squash Bucks 1st vs Kent 1st Netball Bucks 1st vs Royal Holloway 1st Bucks 2nd vs Roehampton 2nd Bucks 3rd vs Imperial Medics 5th Mens Tennis Bucks 1st vs Brunel 2nd Womans Badminton Bucks 1st vs City 1st Mens Badminton Bucks 1st vs Roehampton 1st Mens Football Bucks 1st vs Brunel 1st

Bucks 2nd vs Kingston 1st Royal Holloway 1st vs Bucks 3rd Bucks 4th vs Bucks 5th Roehampton 3rd vs Bucks 7th Womans football UCL 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens Rugby Surrey 1st vs Bucks 1st Surrey 2nd vs Bucks 2nd Mens Volleyball Bucks 1st vs Chichester 1st Womans Volleyball Portsmouth 1st vs Bucks 1st Womans Basketball Roehampton 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens Basketball Bucks 1st vs Kingston 2nd

W:4 D:1 L:5

February 2013 Bucks Student 31

In Them we Trust

For just over a year I had the honour of being a Student Trustee serving on the Trustee Board of Bucks Students’ Union. Once elected, I participated in a training session which gave me a better idea of what I would be doing and how to do it. During that session I got to know the other Student Trustees and some of the staff that I would end up working with and speaking to on a regular basis. A few days later we got our first set of papers e-mailed around to us for the meeting happening in a fortnight and the “work” began. Looking at the financial documents, and after reading the first one for a few minutes, I decided to speak to our Finance Manager who was able to take me through it step by step, from then I have been able to understand the necessary financial documents. The next documents were about some Students’ Union policies, after a quick read I took a more in-depth look at the Volunteering Policy and realised how these few pages were helping to shape the way that I had volunteered with the Students’ Union over the last couple of years. One of the best things I have been able to do in my time as a Student Trustee is relate the paperwork to different experiences that I have had in and around the Students’ Union. This has led me to see the paperwork as more than just a bunch of files on a computer or a pile of paper in front of me but more as a number of experiences that I have really enjoyed and a structure that will allow other students to be able to enjoy similar experiences within a safe environment. Over the course of a week I had broken down the reading and was able

to cover it all in a few 45 minute sessions. With a week to go before the first meeting I e-mailed my comments to the Chair of the Trustee Board so that he was aware of the items that I wanted to follow up on and left it there. Before I knew it a week had passed and I met up with the other Student Trustees and we headed up to G5.05 for our first Trustee Board meeting. Everyone introduced themselves and we took advantage of the light refreshments that had been put on for us (you get fed well in this role!). The meeting went well with External Trustees, Officer Trustees and Student Trustees all lending their voices to different items and querying a couple of the agenda items, wanting more information from the CEO or Finance Manager. After everyone was satisfied that the agenda had been done justice, we concluded the meeting and since then I have been hooked. My only regret is that I can no longer serve on the Trustee Board for Bucks Students’ Union but I will be looking at other Trustee Board positions now that I feel I can make a difference on them. Being a Trustee definitely helped me get my next job, supporting students to be representatives, as the Student Engagement Coordinator in the Union. by Will Hoskin Former Student Trustee

Trustee Elections - January 2013 A word from Ash Congratulations to each of our newly elected Student Trustees, after some training on Monday 28 January they have been put straight to work at their first Trustee Board meeting on 29 January. In that meeting they talked about a number of important issues including the sub-committee structure of the Trustee Board, #buckssumorethanabar Campaign, Union Council’s recent successes and the Investing in Volunteers accreditation. By all accounts they enjoyed the meeting and helped to make life better for students at Bucks right from the start of their two year term.

And the voting unfolded as follows: First Round Joseph McCrudden Emily Ward Connor Baker Re Open Nominations

90 Votes 60 votes 6 votes 3 votes

Joseph and Emily elected in Round 1. Votes transferred down to next preference Connor Baker 30 votes total Re Open Nominations 8 votes total Re Open Nominations was eliminated as the candidate with the lowest amount of votes. Connor elected in the final round. 30 votes were needed to get elected in the final round.

Invalid Votes 3 Online votes 39

Paper votes 123

Coles - President The time has flown by, the jubilation of winning my election then rolled into finishing my degree. Shortly after that I received some training from Union staff and I was getting to know key people in the Union and University. It had all been at a nice pace and then come 1 June there was training and meetings coming left, right and straight at me. Finding my feet as I took the reins at Bucks Students’ Union was definitely a ‘learn on the job’ period. The fact we were right in the middle of one of the most tumultuous periods that Higher Education had ever known probably made things more daunting at the time. Looking at the direction that the University was going in and how that would affect the way that the Union was funded and viewed into the future was something we took great care in analysing. The Big Deal had had so much of an impact on my time here at Bucks one of the first things I looked at was the role of the Big Deal in providing an excellent student experience and how we could open it up to an even larger audience. We worked to develop more recreational activities, introduce new sports, to target activity at Uxbridge and to plan sessions that would appeal to mature, international and BME students. We have also worked hard to make more students aware of the Big Deal and all it benefits, strengthening the brand and the ideas behind it. I have learnt so many skills from my time as President including the traits needed to be able to chair a meeting of University and Union Staff, gaining an understanding of the financial side of the business, learning about Trustee Board and importantly how to lead a staff team. These are skills that you can pick up by standing for any of the 3 sabbatical roles and I encourage you to do so. The list could go on but I have a deadline to meet and, as one of the Editors of the Bucks Student, I must set a good example and get this in on time. It’s true what they say; time flys when you’re having fun. Editor Ash Coles

Candi d ate Question Time Don’t miss out on your opportunity to grill the udents’ candidates for Bucks St Union Elections 2013. ns will Candidates for all positio estions be invited to answer qu well about their manifesto as the as questions direct from over audience and collected Twitter.

create the change

Uxbridge Monday 18 February 1pm - 2pm Pulse Cafe High Wycombe Thursday 21 February 1pm - 2pm The Venue to the Presidential or n tio es qu a k as to t an w If you eet it to #bsuElections Tw es at id nd ca l tia en id Vice Pres

For more information about Elections 2013 visit

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