The Bucks Student - Edition 48

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October 2014- Edition 48



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October Issue

This Edition: page 4

Drink too much? Ella Eyre returns to Bucks Students' Union. Excited? We are! See her on the 27 October

Contributors Lee Stevenson-Rose (Editor) • Lizzie Farrell Lottie Grierson • Becci Hailey • Abbie Blunt Hanna Elias • Tom Hancock • Jake Gray Danielle Pilcher • Ellie Brogan • Leanor Meakin James Harry Bull • Jean-Luke Laister Chloe Whitelock • Polly Redfern • Emily Cox Sophie Lynch • Jake Smart • Max Le Count-Ward Greg Pike • Tom Castle

Take an inside look at how we faired during this year’s Freshers'' Fortnight. How excessive has your drinking really been?

page 6

Vice Chancellor Farewell Ruth Farwell.

page 9

Stvdent It's not a typo. Connor Baker has more.

page 10 Want to see your name in the list above? Want to have your writing or artwork on show to thousands of people? Get involved. Email


Bucks Enterprise Got an idea for a great new business? Have you spotted a gap in the market? Everything you need to know about starting up a successful business in one easy to read article.

For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell - Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at

page 12

The Nappening How important is it? Abbie finds out.

page 29

© 2014 Bucks Students’ Union

Halls Wars If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact Bucks Students' Union for more information.

Are you loyal to Brook Street? Does your heart belong to Hughenden? Or are you devoted to somewhere else? Get the latest news on how your halls are fairing.

4 October Issue



Did you drink too much? As students, Freshers'' Fortnight gives us a great excuse to abuse our health and consume as much alcohol as we possibly can before the hard work starts. Freshers'' fortnight is a right of passage for new university students in their first weeks of freedom to drink excessively and possibly even losing some dignity, but are you aware of how many units you are consuming and the dangers of not drinking responsibly? Drink Aware tell us that men should not regularly exceed 3-4 units per day, which is the equivalent of 1 and a half pints of beer and women 2-3 units per day, equal to just one pint of beer. (Units are measured as 10ml of pure alcohol, this is a 25ml of 40% spirits.) According to the NHS, after: • 2 Units: You’re talkative, you feel relaxed and self-confidence increases. • 4 Units: Your blood flow increases, attention span is shorter and you start dehydrating – the main cause of the dreaded hangover. • 6 Units: Your reaction time is slower and your sex drive starts to increase, while unfortunately your judgment decreases. • 8 units: You get easily confused and emotional. Your sex drive also starts to decrease and you may become less capable… if you know what I mean. It's important to know the units you are drinking as alcohol can take time to have the desired effect. This leads to people drinking too heavily, feeling nothing till it all hits them at once, leading to for example, the inability to walk. I’d be a hypocrite if I told people to stick to just a pint for a night out and many students have admitted to drinking up to 60 units a week; more than three times the recommended ammount! I often ask why we do it to ourselves, being sick or thrown out of the Students’ Union is surely no fun? I’ll leave it up to you to decide. With the average student spending £212 on alcohol in the first week of Freshers'', we can’t deny it's becomepart of university culture. However with the government clamping down on binge drinking, especially amongst students, it is important to know your limits. Here are a few tips to help to encourage responsible drinking: Eat something. Carbs and protein before a heavy night drinking will line your stomach, allowing you to keep drinking for longer and help stop you being sick. Know your own limits. I know it's hard not to give into peer pressure, but if you can’t down a dirty pint without throwing it back up – don’t. Pace Yourself. Don’t over do pre-drinks. Too many students get too drunk to even leave their flat. Plus with £1.80 snakebites at Bucks Students’ Union why risk peaking too soon and not being able to make it out? H2O. Drinking pints of water will keep you hydrated and a little sharper for that 9am lecture. It can help avoid a hangover altogether too if you’re lucky. However, it’s not all on us students; binge drinking is on the rise across the whole of the UK. An NHS report published last year showed that the number of alcohol-related hospital admittances has doubled in the last 10 years. It’s still our responsibility to consider what our actions are costing and avoid it damaging our own health, but most importantly to enjoy Bucks Students’ Union responsibly and ensure we all get the best university experience.

Lizzie Farrell



October Issue

Community Guide Launch

We hope that this too will promote all the great work our students do in the community

The fourth edition of the Bucks Students’ Union Community Guide, which was produced in partnership with Thames Valley Police and Wycombe District Council, has been launched this month. The Guide provides information for students new and old to help you live safely and sensibly in the community and is delivered to both Uxbridge and High Wycombe students. It includes information on local services such as GP’s, dentists and GUM Clinics, as well as tips and advice on living in rented accommodation.

The Guide is also distributed to residents in three key areas in High Wycombe; Totteridge, Hughenden and Desborough to promote the work that the Students’ Union does locally. Jane Bower, Volunteering and Societies Coordinator, who leads the project, said: “The aim of the Community Guide is to help students gain a better understanding of the area they live in as well as how to get involved locally. It is crammed with lots of helpful information and contact details for a range of different services.”

Alongside the delivery of the Community Guide, students have been getting involved in volunteer work around High Wycombe.

As well as this, we have re-launched a weekly session with One Can Trust, sorting through donations at a local foodbank.

Our FDA Policing students took part in a conservation project with Revive the Wye at Hughenden Park, clearing the stream.

If you’d like to get to get involved in volunteering or with the Outdoor Society please email volunteering@

Students from the Outdoor Society (ODSOC) have also helped out with the Chiltern Rangers, clearing local woodland in the Castlefield area of High Wycombe.

To view an online copy of the Community Guide, please visit: communityguide. If you have any questions or feedback, please email

6 October Issue


The hunt for a new

Vice Chancellor

Lottie Grierson

With new changes comes worry, ‘What's going to happen now Ruth is leaving?’... President, Matt Gilbert reckons this change is an exciting one! The new Vice Chancellor role has potential for positive new ideas, and a fresh impact on the student experience. This exciting time is a great opportunity for the Students' Union, and with a lot of strong applicants in the mix there is a promising suggestion of good things to come!

What impact has Vice Chancellor Professor Ruth Farwell’s role had on the University? Ruth worked really hard on changing perceptions of the University by working closely with and building a great relationship with the Students' Union. Which of course is very different to the experience most other university's have with their Vice Chancellors... only meeting to discuss concerns briefly throughout the year. She has made a great effort to engage with the students, by doing welcome and graduation talks, and partaking in student facing opportunities, making her someone that students can relate to. Ruth has been really pushing the Big Deal, and backing the Students' Union, to enable us to be in the position we are in now. What are you, as head of the student body, looking for in the new Vice Chancellor? We want someone who is going to maintain the relationship with the Students' Union. Someone who is very student facing, and puts the student experience at the forefront of everything they do. The applicant needs to be someone who is going to want a challenge. As a University we’ve been at the bottom of the league table, so we need someone with a big personality who could make some really quick and refreshing changes. Our new Vice Chancellor needs to be someone who can bring some energy, to shake things up a little bit and keep the staff and members of the University on their toes. We are only a small percentage away from changing our position on the league table, and landing a place in the top 100, as well as being one of the most improved universities.

"someone who can bring some energy, to shake things up a little" How has the application process gone so far? The process is run by an external recruitment agency. There are six days to meet each of the candidates, in which two students each from the Uxbridge and High Wycombe Campuses along with members of the Students' Union are able to talk about what's high on each of their agendas. It's also all about getting a chance to see what they are like as a person. The way the panel is set up shows the strengths of the relationship between the students, the Students' Union and the senior management team. What changes to the Institution are we expecting to see first? The most important thing is to see us getting off the bottom of the league tables, and to see an improvement in the student experience. We have worked really hard in the last year or two on feedback, but it's all about quickening up the process and trying to make the changes we want to see in a shorter space of time. It's extremely important we listen to what the students are saying and react to it, and not take a year or two to process it, because by that time the current students have graduated. Hopefully we will able to make students more aware of what the University has to offer, in terms of the Big Deal, and how that can actually impact and benefit their studies. The University is trying to teach in new and different ways, aiming to think of new and creative ways to communicate to students. We want to work on communicating through word of mouth and getting more engaged with students one on one by visiting halls and welcoming discussion for improvement. To watch the full video from Ruth Farwell about her retirement go to:

"My successor will have a firm legacy to build on." Prof. Ruth Farwell

Out of Juice? One of the most frustrating moments of university life comes when you have just sat down and committed to spend the day in the library, you’re ready to work and nothing will get in your way and then you look down at your phone to see you have no battery left. Well fear no more, we have taken note of this and invested in 17 phone charging stations to be installed in various locations around the University. The charging stations have the capability to charge up to eight devices at the same time, with varying cables including Apple Lightning for iPhone 6/5/5s/5C, Apple 30 Pin, Micro USB and also a USB port for you to plug your own cable in. We even have the (almost) ancient Nokia pin charger for all you technophobes out there. You may have seen these stations in busy shopping centres in the past. There is one major difference between ours and theirs ours are completely free to use! As you are not able to lock up the devices, we have carefully selected locations situated near many of our comfortable seating areas, meaning you can be near your devices to keep an eye on them. Just a quick reminder though, if you do choose to leave your phone in the charging stations unattended, this is at your own risk and Bucks Students’ Union will not take any liability for phones that are lost or stolen. We hope you enjoy the new addition and make good use of them, but please make sure you look after your devices!

October Issue

Lee Stevenson-Rose Third Year Music and Live Events Management



8 October Issue


Time Flies What a few weeks it's been. For those of you that are just embarking on their first year, it may have been a whirlwind few weeks and felt like you'd need to have a brain like a rather large sponge to be able to soak up all of the information you've been told. But hopefully you have settled in nicely and enjoying the start of what will be a very exciting few years for you.

We've seen acts come and go, the likes of Wheatus, Neon Jungle, Malary Knox but that's just the start, we have plenty to come in our award-winning venue. So do make sure you keep your eyes peeled as to what we have in store over the next few weeks. We've also had our sports teams completing their first week of competitive fixtures, with a lot of first years fitting into their respective teams nicely. It's good to see so many people getting involved and playing the sport they love and representing the University. But a huge hats off must go to all of the people that have got involved in some volunteering. We have completed in excess of 600 hours of volunteering, which is hugely impressive and we couldn't have done it without you, our members, who dedicated their time and effort into getting involved. Keep it up and we'll be sure to smash last years number.

"it's not too late to get involved" I may sound like a broken record when I say this, but I think it's worth reiterating. No matter what year of study you are in, it's not too late to get involved in what we have to offer. You may think that it would be impossible to become a part of what we do, but you can do it in so many ways and give as much commitment as you want to. Whether it's coming to Union Council, giving an hour of your time to volunteer, taking part in our public writing workshops or even writing for our paper. All of these things will enhance your CV and in turn, make you look more employable to potential employers. If you find yourself at a loose end for an hour, visit and have a look at the range of things we can offer you. I'm almost certain that you will find something that appeals to you. Enjoy the rest of the year, I'm sure I will come across many of you as the year goes by. If you see me wandering around the campuses, stop me and have a chat about what we do, I'm sure I can persuade to get involved.

A new academic year, a new editor. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lee and I am currently studying in my third year of Music and Live Events Management. This role at The Bucks Student means a lot to me as writing has always been a major part of my life, especially during my time here at Bucks New University. The Bucks Student has played a major role in my time here, from helping me settle into the swing of things in my first year to giving me the courage to actually apply for the role of Student Editor in my final year. The Bucks Student has given me a voice.

As Student Editor my role will include collating, reviewing and proof reading all student submitted content to The Bucks Student. It will also be up to me to chair weekly Newsgroup meetings with students who wish to contribute content and to make sure these students are getting their views heard. To me being Student Editor means giving students an educated voice, a platform for their views and opinions. There is a place for everyone at The Bucks Student, whether you would like to write a hard hitting article, something which affects student life or even just something you feel would be of interest. This year things are going to be a little different, unlike previous years there are now incentives to write for The Bucks Student. If your article makes it into an edition you now get paid £10, even more of a reason to start writing!* I am very excited to start working with everybody involved with The Bucks Student and hope to see a lot of new faces as well as everybody who has been a part of it before. if you want to get involved email me at Let’s get started. Additionally there is the launch of Bucks Student TV, a new digital platform launched by the Students’ Union to provide opportunities for our members to get involved with a variety of roles. We see the project as a way for our members to take their futures in their own hands and push themselves into the spotlight. Bucks Student TV is a chance for you to showcase your skills, may that be in front or behind the camera. We have launched the project with two initial programmes; 60 seconds of news and Tall vs Small. 60 seconds of news is looking for a presenter, could it be you? The ethos behind Bucks Student TV is giving every member a faith chance to show the world what they have to give. Are you a student filmmaker who wants somewhere to debut your new film. Are you a musician with a song to release, or maybe just a passionate volunteer who wants to explain why you love what you do. With Bucks Student TV there are no rules (well maybe a few) but this is your platform, so get involved. For more information contact Connor Baker (connor.baker@ *Terms and conditions apply.


October Issue



The Bucks Student.

Becci Hailey Third Year Music and Live Events Management

October Issue


Enterprise Month.

make yours happen Our annual Enterprise Festival is almost here. This year we bring you a series of opportunities to inspire, motivate and empower you to turn your ideas into a reality. There is something for everyone and it’s all completely free! Between 3-28 November, activities include competitions and events with an opportunity for you to win cash prizes, meet and mingle with like-minded people, be entertained, hear the stories and strategies of self-made millionaires, kitchen table start ups, and how to turn your passion into profit!

If you have an idea worth sharing this is your chance to pitch for the money and support your need to make it happen. Start Up Live is a business idea competition exclusively for undergraduate, postgraduate students and Alumni of Bucks New University. To enter, you need to submit a one-minute video pitch by 9 November. Successful candidates will then have the opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges to win up to £1,000 to give their idea some financial backing.

The course starts by ensuring you can define your idea and develop a series of business models which helps define the finances of the business (the necessary, yet not so interesting bit) with the rest of the course being divided in to smaller sections covering business plans and gaining capital. This is then followed up one month later with a review session to track progress and provide motivation for continuing. Every participant will receive additional support, motivation and development through email. As an additional bonus, you’ll receive the certificate of attendance endorsed by the Clare Business School to add to your CV. Accommodation, food and travel is all included. Want to hear from some inspiring businesswomen? Come to our Reach for Success Women’s Conference on 12 November. This event is a brilliant chance to hear motivational speeches from women from a range of industries (and grab a free lunch). Debbie Huxton, Jenny Garrett and Sarah McCloughry will be talking about the role of happiness in business and work and discussing the problems women can face and how to overcome them in the business world.

Need some help on developing your ideas? Come to our Business Boot Camp at Missenden Abbey! This is an interactive two-day programme (18 – 19 November) which develops core skills to start and sustain a business venture.

Then on 20 November we have our big hitter – Bucks Think Big Conference. The Bucks Think Big Conference puts a new spin on entrepreneurship with content ranging from kitchen table ideas to champagne-popping exits. Keynotes, interactive how-to-sessions, powerful lessons from battlescarred founders, and unbeatable networking. There’s nothing quite like Bucks Think Big! Guest speakers include Alex Mills ('The Apprentice' contestant), Rachel Elnaugh (Dragon’s Den) and Warren Knight (social media and digital media marketing expert).

11 October Issue

Superman! Jam Fraser Doherty, creator of SuperJam, will be speaking during the festival but we thought we’d ask him a few questions about the progress of his company beforehand; So “SuperJam” - how did it start? My adventure began about ten years ago in my Grandmother's kitchen. She shared her jam recipes with me, I started making it myself and selling it to the neighbours. Since then, we've gone on to sell millions of jars of SuperJam all around the world (including to some of the big hitters such as Waitrose). What made you believe in your product enough to turn it in to a business? When I was sixteen, I convinced my Dad to drive me to Waitrose so that I could present my products to them. He waited in the car outside and I went in, having borrowed his suit, to pitch SuperJam to the 'Senior Jam Buyer'. He said no, of course, but explained what I'd need to do to get my products

onto the shelves. His encouragement made me spend the next two years developing a brand, setting up production and perfecting my recipes. And finally, what would be your biggest tip for creating such a prominent brand? I think you have to get everything right - you've got to tell a great story, have beautiful packaging and come up with just one great reason for why someone should buy your product. In my case, the big idea is that SuperJam is made 100% from fruit. If you’re feeling intrigued, come to Rusty's on 3 November from 6pm for the Enterprise Festival Launch with Sir Stuart Hampson (Head of the Queen’s Estates and former chairman of the John Lewis Partnership), Hussain Manawear (host and creator of 'Hussain’s House'), Alex Mills ('The Apprentice' contestant), Alexis Knox, Stylist to stars such as Jesse J and Rita Ora and Bumni Mojekwu from Eastenders.


Alexis Knox – Celebrity Stylist (Jesse J, Rita Ora)

Liam Green - Hype Clothing Co-founder & Creative Director

Bumni Mojekwu - Actress (as seen on BBC, Eastenders)



WIN £100 OR TWO TICKETS TO A SPURS MATCH. Purchase any off-field Under Armour kit from the Students’ Union reception by Friday 14 November to be entered in the draw for either £100 worth of Under Armour vouchers or two tickets to a selected Tottenham Hotspur game.

Sebastian Thiel – awardwinning Social Entrepreneur and Film Director

Twin B – BBC 1Xtra presenter and A&R Director at Altantic Records


12 October Issue

Lifestyle. Abbie Blunt @AbbieBlunt Third Year Music and Live Events Management

Happy Napping Everyone knows how tiring it is to be a student, all that new information that you have to take in and those lectures which are exhausting. There is always a requirement to catch up on as much sleep throughout the day as you can, especially if you are planning to hit The Venue until the very early hours most nights of the week. It is important to regain strength and attempt to get rid of those dark circles under the eyes in the best way that you can. Although coffee and various energy drinks are normally the first port of call, sometimes the only way to give yourself that extra boost that you need is to have a nap. It seems to be quite a common thing for students going home and trying to fit a nap into their schedule before attending a lecture or getting ready for the infamous Frat House. It has probably even been known to happen whilst at university whether it’s mid-lecture or someone has finding a quiet spot of the library to curl up and get forty winks. According to the national sleep foundation there are three types of naps: • A planned nap which involves taking a nap before you get sleepy. It is often used when you know you have to stay up later than normal or to ward off getting tired earlier. • An emergency nap, this is when you suddenly feel very tired and cannot continue your normal activities. • Finally a habitual nap, this is when a person takes a nap at the same time every day. This is normally for young children who fall asleep at the same time every afternoon. Pilots and air traffic controllers are known for taking 26 minute naps which enhances their performance by 34% and alertness by 54% which is known as a NASA power nap. A controlled nap is suggested to be bought into the night shifts for air traffic controllers in order to increase safety of all flyers and planes. This purely shows the importance of napping and how crucial it is to staying alert and energised. Finally some top tips for napping - a short nap should be for a recommended time of 20 to 30 minutes, this will help to improve your alertness and performance without feeling groggy and affecting your night time sleep. Nap only in the afternoon, mainly around mid-afternoon as this is the time you are likely to be feeling the post lunch sleepiness. As stupid as it sounds, the key element for a good nap is having a peaceful environment somewhere dark, quiet and comfortable. Being distracted by other people or technical devices won’t make for a good nap. For optimum alertness after napping then a big suggestion is to have a cup of coffee before sleeping which will take roughly 20 minutes to take affect which will kick in roughly as you are waking up from your nap. Finally make sure you set an alarm, you never want to over-nap because it could really mess up your entire day. Happy Napping.

so you better get this party started! So how did you guys spend your Saturday this week? I mean, it’s just your average Saturday right? Wrong! Saturday 11 October was National Coming Out day and is part of the LGBT awareness month – which, you guessed it, is October. National Coming Out day was founded in 1988 by psychologist Robert Eichberg and an openly gay political leader, Jean O’Leary. They chose October 11 as the date for National Coming Out day because it was the anniversary of the 1987 National March on Washington in regards to Lesbian and Gay Rights. Now a lot has changed since 1987 but there is still unnecessary and often incorrect stigma associated with the LGBT community. For those of you unsure of what LGBT means, it stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender – there are adaptations of this abbreviation but that is the basic gist of it. So why am I informing you about National Coming Out day? Firstly as a Lesbian, I didn’t even know about National Coming Out day until about two weeks ago and figured others should know about it too. And secondly, the LGBT society is being kick started again – so here’s a bit of shameless self-promotion for you. The LGBT society was almostdormant last year, which if you are a second year like me – you may have felt a little cheesed off that it wasn’t running last year. A handful of us have resurrected this society and want you guys to get involved too! We’re running socials every Friday so that there is no clash with the sports teams and will be posting updates on the BNU LGBT Facebook page – so please add yourselves onto the page. If you have any questions or queries about the society contact myself (Hanna Elias), James Moore or Chelsea Bale.

ADVICE CENTRE We’re here to help you with any issues including: COURSES






High Wycombe Campus Ground floor, North Block 01494 603 016 Uxbridge Campus Room 1.03, first floor 01494 605 180


October Issue

I’m coming out Hanna Elias



October Issue



October Issue

October Issue


Week 5 20 Oct-26 Oct

Black History Month

Tuesday 21

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Week 6 27 Oct-2 Nov

Monday 20

Tuesday 28

A range of cultural drink for you to sample.

Wednesday 22

Until midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Morgans Spiced Rum & mixer - £2 | Hooch - 2 for £5 All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager -£1.50 Bottled water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Thursday 23

Wednesday 29

Until midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Morgans Spiced Rum & mixe All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager -£1.50 Bottled water - £1 | Any dra

Thursday 30

Coors Light draught - £2 | Rekorderlig flavours (500ml Btl) - £3 | Red Stag & Coke - £2 Tuborg (440ml can) - £2

Drinks prices change depending on what is popular.

Friday 24

Saturday 1

Until Midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Budweiser draught £2 | Hooch/Corona/Cubista - 2 for £5 All night: Smirnoff Vodka & Relentless - £2 | Bombs - £1.50 | Bols Cocktails - £2.50 - £3.50 | Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1.50 Bottled Water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Saturday 25

Sunday 26

Until midnight: Carlsberg - £2 | Gaymers - £2 Smirnoff Vodka Relentless - £2 All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1 | Bottled Water - £1 Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Until Midnight: Coors Light £2 | Strongbow £2 | Red Stripe Can £2 | Brothers Cider (500ml Btl) £3 | JD Honey & mixer £2 All Night: Rebellion (500ml Btl) £3.80 | Radlers Low Alcohol Lager £1 | Bottled Water £1 | Pint of any draught soft £1

Monday 3

October Issue

Tuesday 4

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 | Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Wednesday 5

Coors Light draught - £2 | Rekorderlig flavours (500ml Btl) - £3 Red Stag & Coke - £2 Tuborg (440ml can) - £2


boobie nights

er - £2 | Hooch - 2 for £5 aught soft drink (pint) - £1

Friday 31


Until midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Morgans Spiced Rum & mixer - £2 | Hooch - 2 for £5 All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager -£1.50 Bottled water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Thursday 6

Bar Open

Until Midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Budweiser draught £2 Hooch/Corona/Cubista - 2 for £5 All night: Smirnoff Vodka & Relentless - £2 | Bombs - £1.50 Bols Cocktails - £2.50 - £3.50 | Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1.50 Bottled Water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Sunday 2

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Friday 7

Saturday 8

Until Midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Budweiser draught £2 Hooch/Corona/Cubista - 2 for £5 All night: Smirnoff Vodka & Relentless - £2 | Bombs - £1.50 Bols Cocktails - £2.50 - £3.50 | Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1.50 Bottled Water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Sunday 9

Tea Pots of Long Island Iced Tea - £5


Week 7 3 Nov-9 Nov

Monday 27

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

18 October Issue


Abbie Blunt @AbbieBlunt Third Year Music and Live Events Management

EYRE RETURNS Ella Eyre played Bucks Students' Union last year but the set drew to a close due to being too unwell to carry on performing. However this year she is coming back on Monday 27 October. Her career has majorly kicked off over the past year and she is constantly popping up in the charts. Thank you for coming back to Bucks, unfortunately we had to cancel the show last year and we appreciate you coming back. Have you ever had to cancel a show before? This was the first show I had ever had to cancel before. I’ve had to cancel a few after that though but not due to illness but to change of flights or bus crashes. It’s always a disappointment when a show has to be cancelled. How did you chose your stage name? And why? I just liked it, I chose it because of that. But the background is that Eyre was a family name at some point and I like it. How was it for you collaborating with artists such as rudimental and naughty boy? Amazing, when me and Rudimental first got together they weren’t that big so it’s amazing to see how far they’ve come and have such a great relationship with them. The same goes for Naughty Boy, it’s nice to work with people that you know so well. You use to swim competitively, what made you pick music over swimming? It is quite a big jump, but I love musical theatre and that’s where my passion for music came from. Students have noticed that your crew wear Ella Eyre onesies, where did this come from? I love onesies anyway. But a friend owns the clothing company 'Youngone' who do all my merch and stuff anyway and gave me and Rudimental onesies and then he said about making personal ones and he made one for everyone. And now everyone loves onesies.

We have a lot of music management students here, any advice for budding musicians? Network, it’s all about who you know and what they know. And be nice to everyone. Do you ever feel like you’ve missed out on a 'normal' 20 year olds life? I’ve seen some incredible things, met amazing people and experienced so much. I’ve got to travel to amazing places. How do you feel about being nominated as ‘best newcomer’ at the MOBO awards? Mental, last year I did with Rudimental. But it is just surreal to be nominated, it’s so unreal but incredibly flattering. You’ve recently released ‘comeback’, what was the reception for that like? Mental, considering there is swearing in the song it’s gone down well and every likes it and can relate to it. What’s been the highlight of your career so far? Winning a Brit award and having two number ones. Have you ever had any crazed fan experiences? Not really, some fans have been to every show of my tour so far. They are so dedicated and it’s flattering that fans would travel that far and spend money to see me. Ella will be returning to The Venue on Monday 27 October and it's bound to be a show not to miss.

"be nice to everyone"


Review. Tom Hancock

"There are a lot of people that say we shouldn’t be a band anymore", proclaims Wheatus frontman Brendan B. Brown midway through a thoroughly satisfying set at the Union. All you can say to that is they’ve done insanely well over the last decade – and some – for a band largely plying their trade on one song.

almost instinctive. People jostle for position in front of the stage; a sea of phones inevitably emerges from jean pockets; even the odd crowd surfer takes a punt before simply being told to ‘get down’ by spoilsport security. It’s starting to go off in here and Wheatus more than match the punters’ voracious enthusiasm.

Tonight was always going to focus around the peerless classic Teenage Dirtbag, but the sheer anticipation is such that the entire set is witnessed – and relished – by a feverish sell-out crowd. That said, it’s the two covers that elicit the most rapturous response. Green Day’s legendary Basket Case sounds every bit as anthemic as the original whilst One Direction’s What Makes You Beautiful, regrettably, unearths Wycombe’s Directioner contingent. There’s just no outrunning the juggernaut, is there?

That bubbling intro and the raw angst in Brown’s voice sound just as fresh as they did fourteen years ago. It’s somewhat frightening to think a great many of those here tonight had barely started primary school when Teenage Dirtbag first stormed the airwaves, but it’s some way to roll back the years. The final chorus sets off tremors like nothing else felt throughout the Bucks Freshers'’ Fortnight. Those heavily ingrained cries of ‘Uh yeah, diirtbaaag’ resonate and echo long into a night that’s seen High Wycombe punch well above its musical weight once again.

Whilst it’s apparent that the odd few have been drinking and smoking the night away outside until now, the rush to catch the quintessential climax is

To read the interview with front man Brendan B. Brown; check out the PreFreshers'' edition of The Bucks Student.




Book Online

October Issue


20 October Issue

Coming Soon.


Stroud’s Milk Teeth evoke memories of oversized plaid shirts, taking Walkmans to school and pirate cassettes of Wayne’s World. Formed less than a year ago, 5,000 miles from their spiritual home of Seattle, Josh, Becky, Chris and Olly began making waves the instant “Smiling Politely” was

released in August 2013. Their fuzzed up guitars, boy/girl vocals and tales of growing up perfectly balance teen angst with pop sensitivity.

New single “Vitamins” is being released through Venn Records, a record label owned by punk band Gallows. Vocalist

and guitarist Josh is excited for people to hear the new track and becoming part of the evergrowing Venn family, "We have been playing this song live for a few months now and it is hands down the most fun to play and was amazing to record. We couldn't think of a

better label for a song we love so much to come out on other than Venn. Mad stoked" Becky says Vitamins “is about the catch 22 of being in love with somebody and knowing that your relationship is headed for disaster. Love playing it live, it's a proper head banger. The boys got it straight away and

You’ll love if you like: Nirvana, Weathered Hands and Brawlers


Woahnows Landsharks Hailing from Plymouth Woahnows are as they describe themselves, noisy poppy indie punk. Since their formation in 2012 they have started to gain a cult following across the UK, especially over the last year where they were playing festivals all over the country including Southsea Fest, Manchfester and Truck Festival. Their Album “The Joy Disorder” can be picked up on CD and Vinyl off their online store

23 Oct

Landsharks formed at the start of 2014 in High Wycombe, previously known as Small Talk and quickly getting involved with Buckinghamshire New University’s record label MC9 Music, the four members strive to make an aggressive and angst ridden Pop Punk / Hardcore crossover sound. They formed out of the love of the genre and a feeling that a place could form for Landsharks in the world of music.

You’ll love if you like: Gnarwolves, Lower Than Atlantis, Lonely The Brave, Man Overboard, Title Fight and The Story So Far

made my idea into the song that it is now, big up!” Laurent Barnard (Gallows/Venn Records) is more than happy to welcome the band to the label, “Milk Teeth make me feel young again. Play it loud!” The single “Vitamins” is available as free download via vennrecords.

21 October Issue

Cause & Affect Unisex are proud to present Cause & Affect who are taking the house scene by storm. Chris Lorenzo and Kane make up the duo from the Midlands and after only being together for a short period of time have managed to conquer some of the biggest names in house. They have been involved in a compilation album and an EP created by the legend of DirtyBird records Claude Von Stroke. Cause & Affect have also gained fans that are world renown DJ’s Steve Aoki & Eats Everything. Cause & Affect have become specialists in bassline, tech house with a mix of garage. They have also become remix masters by working on Tracks by Dj Zinc and others. Their music is now being played across Europe and further afield and getting weekly support from radio stations like Rinse FM and Radio 1. Cause & Affect have worked with some of the best underground artists in the UK and abroad and will carry on doing so by the nature of how they work and the music they produce.

Sat 25 Oct

Chris Lorenzo - who is one half of Cause & Affect - has worked with the likes of Steve Aoki who is the master of throwing cake and big ‘EDM’ tracks. Whilst working with Steve Aoki, Chris Lorenzo has played Pacha and been able to spread the word of Cause & Affect. Chris Lorenzo is also working with Skrillex and wanting to branch himself into different genres and brands. He also has a partner in crime Hannah Wants who is a long term friend and studio partner. Cause & Affect will be hitting up Buckinghamshire on the 25 October alongside René Lavice who is from RAM recordings owned by the one and only Andy C. This is defiantly a night not to be missed.

Oxjam is an event based at Bucks Students' Union on Tuesday 28 October from 10am 'til late, providing free music and entertainment. It is a project run by Oxfam GB, with the aim of fundraising though live music in the community, predominantly throughout the month of October. Entertainment is provided from the Bucks Musicians Society along with other great volunteers with all money raised going back to Oxfam GB to help combat poverty and suffering in the world. During the day, we will have acts busking around Bucks and from 8pm we'll be in the Students' Union taking over Suck My Acoustic with live music and fundraising events. The event is free for Bucks students but donations are greatly appreciated! Over 1.2 million people have been to an Oxjam event, and there have been over 4,500 so far. Since 2006, over £2.3 million has been raised for Oxjam, so come down and get involved and do your part for such a brilliant cause!

You'll love Oxjam if you like live music, acoustic jamming and helping out a good cause!

Jake Gray Second Year Music and Live Events Management

Danielle Pilcher Third Event and Festival Management

Ellie Brogan Music and Events Management

22 October Issue

How To. Lee Stevenson-Rose Third Year Music and Live Events Management

SimpLee Cooking You see what we did there? SimpLee Cooking is a new exciting segment for The Bucks Student written by me, Lee, the Editor. In each edition there will be easy to follow, tasty recipes guaranteed to get you into the kitchen cooking simple and healthy food in no time at all. In this edition we will be focusing on two recipes perfect for feeding hungry housemates. Each recipe serves one ravenous student, but you could quite easily increase the amounts for more people.

Turkey Bolognaise

Moroccan Chicken Stew

Prep time: 10-15 minutes Cooking time: 30-45 minutes

Prep time: 10-15 minutes Cooking time: 30-45 minutes


−−tbsp. olive oil −−200g of turkey mince −−2 rashers smokey bacon −−1/2 onion −−1/2 carrot −−1/2 stick of celery

−−3 medium

mushrooms −−1 clove of garlic −−tbsp. tomato puree −−1/2 tin chopped tomatoes −−150ml chicken/ beef stock


−−Add oil to a pan on a medium heat −−Finely dice the onion, carrot, celery

and garlic and add to pan along with the bacon, sweat for 5-10 minutes −−Add the mince and cook till browned −−Add the tomato puree and cook for a further 2 minutes −−Add the tinned tomatoes and stock and cook uncovered for 15-20 minutes −−Chop the mushrooms and add to the bolognaise, cook with a lid on for 5-10 minutes −−Either serve by itself or on top of freshly cooked spaghetti


−−tbsp. olive oil −−1 potato −−1 chicken breast −−1 tsp paprika −−1/2 tsp cumin −−1/2 onion −−1/2 red pepper −−1/2 carrot −−1 garlic clove

−−1/2 a small courgette

−−1/2 tin of


−−250ml chicken stock

−−1/2 tin chopped tomatoes


−−Dice potato, onion, red pepper, carrot,

garlic, courgette and add to an oiled pan on a medium heat, sweat for 5-10 minutes −−Dice chicken and add to the pan along with the paprika and cumin, cook until browned −−Add chickpeas, stock and tomatoes and cook covered for 15 minutes before cooking uncovered for a further 10 minutes −−Serve with rice or couscous



Eleanor Meakin

It’s a start to a new term and a new year, so isn’t it time you tried something new? How about the Watersports society? The society was set up through a love of water sports by Hannah Mathews, Ellie Meakin and Katy Salt. It has successfully achieved funding, allowing them to run weekly sessions throughout the first term. The sessions are open to all abilities and take place on Tuesdays. For only £5, you will be able to take part in a variety of water sports activities, including wakeboarding, paddle boarding, kayaking and raft building. All sessions are lead by a qualified instructor, allowing you to learn all the skills you need. The mini bus has been organised to collect from the Gateway at 1pm and take you to Taplow Lake. Wetsuits are also provided in the price, so no need to worry about what to wear! The society has also started the process of organising a surfing trip, to which we are hoping to organise at some point in the third term. So members can practise their surf on Newquay's famous waves and enjoy the pubs and beaches! For more information on how to attend a water sports session or just join in with the fun! All you have to do is 'Like' Bucks Watersports society on Facebook and keep up to date on the latest society news and upcoming socials.

October Issue

Get Wet



24 October Issue

Society. James Harry Bull Second year Public Relations and Marketing Communications

Seeing Red.

This article reflects the views of the authors and may not represent those of Bucks Students' Union or any of its affiliates.

The Wycombe Labour Party’s smear campaign has begun early ahead of next year’s general and Wycombe District Council local elections The Wycombe Labour Party seem to have money to throw away, much like the last Labour government before the greatest recession this country has seen since World War Two. Despite having no students at the time to form a society, their strong presence at this year's High Wycombe Freshers' Fair was still felt although they seem to have forgotten about our Nursing students at Uxbridge, was due to the payment of an external charity fee to the Students’ Union, allowing them to bombard (and/or generally irritate) students as they stepped foot into the Fair. As Conservatives however, we believe that creating competition will ultimately improve overall quality. This is why we put aside the rhetoric and extended the hand of friendship to our Labour foes; offering them our services and knowledge in helping them to set up a rival BNU Labour Society. We also agreed to host debates should the society be successful, in order to improve the camaraderie and political engagement at the University.

with James Harry Bull and Jean-Luke Laister looking to represent Buckinghamshire New University and Bucks Students’ Union as part of your local Council. The local Wycombe Labour’s response appears to be not to select young candidates of their own, although we would actively encourage this and any opportunity provided to young people to get involved in politics, but instead to demoralise and smear young Conservative candidates. He may believe that our election to council “would be quite annoying to any student” and that, from the overall tone of his email, our youth implies immaturity, but perhaps the most immature candidate here is in fact himself. How does Wycombe Labour expect to get young people involved in politics when they adopt this tone? They should be looking to achieve high student and youth voter turnout in the elections next year but instead name and shame those who try to get involved and take an active role in politics.

However, since offering this help all we have received has been an unwarranted and undignified smear from the Wycombe Labour Party parliamentary candidate, David Williams, through emails he has sent to students who merely registered an interest at the High Wycombe Freshers' Fair. Emails in which he has implied that any student who comes into contact with the BNU Conservative Society could have a serious illness that would require a doctor to prescribe antihistamines. (See right).

In the 2010 general election less than half of typical university age students (18-24), cast their ballot. This is down from the 65% average of all those in the country eligible to vote, a figure that once was 84% back in 1950. This is why the BNU Conservative Society is encouraging the Students’ Union to get more of its students exercising their right to vote by registering on the electoral register and taking an interest in their future, regardless of whether they vote Conservative or not.

It is difficult to understand why a parliamentary candidate is getting involved in local District Council politics, especially considering it is a completely different tier of government. It is even harder though to understand what he has against young candidates running in next year’s local election. The Conservatives believe in young people and the fact that they are the future of our country. This is clearly evident in Wycombe, where four Wycombe District Council candidates are all twenty one or under,

If you are interested in discussing politics and are interested in the Conservative Party or its values, find us at BNUConservatives, where you can get information on upcoming events and how you can get involved. For those who are interested in a Labour Society run by students that debate real politics and do not actively promote the smear of others, we would suggest emailing Lauren Troiano at the Students’ Union (, where she can give you more information.

Jean-Luke Laister First Accounting and Finance

Dear All, I saw last night that a student at BNU, Jean-Luke Laister (Chair of BNU Conservative Society and Chair of Rowing Club) has been selected by the Conservatives as a candidate in Wycombe. I imagine that means you will see quite a lot of Conservative activity around the University and the ward he is standing in. Now I am thinking this could be quite annoying to any student who thinks the Tories are picking on the poor and disadvantaged, favouring the wealthy and privileged, privatising the NHS by stealth and generally failing to create a fair, tolerant, sustainable and prosperous society. If I am right it would be very satisfying all round to give the Tories a run for their money by promoting Labour’s ideals of a fair and tolerant society working together to provide equality of opportunity for the many and achieving more through our common endeavours than we can alone. As we used to say in the 80’s ‘If the Tories get up your nose ... then picket’ – or adapted to now ‘If you are allergic to Tory students... take L4W – the finest antiLaistermine in Wycombe’ Seriously if you do want to get involved don’t hesitate to contact us or if you want to be part of a Student Labour Society contact Lauren Troiano, Societies and Volunteering Assistant t: 01494 601 600 | e: She already has a few names of those interested. I hope your courses are all going well and you are enjoying yourselves at BNU and in Wycombe. Regards David Williams QC Labour PPC for Wycombe @labour4wycombe @bikingbarrister

The Bucks Student attempted to contact Mr Williams but has yet to receive a response.

Chloe Whitelock

October. This is the time of year when autumn starts to set in, bonfires are starting, pumpkin spice lattes make their return and Halloween is fast approaching.

At BNU Gaming Society, we sat down and discussed how we would be celebrating Halloween, one of our favourite holidays. Up until 2012, BNU Gaming Soc ran an event called ‘Zombie-a-thon’ which was a Halloween event based around playing video games and killing zombies for charity. This year, we have taken the idea and rebranded the event and BNU Gaming Society is proud to present Fright Night!

"I joined BNU Boxing in September 2013, I had no previous experience in boxing but was looking for a new type of fitness. At my first training session I expected myself to be nervous and scared knowing nothing about techniques or boxing itself. All the members, new and old, were so welcoming and throughout the year happy to help and assist me when needed. I also found it reassuring that other members were in the same boat. Many people assume that boxing involves punching each other around the face. However, the fitness involved is underestimated, so for anyone looking to join a society for fitness I would definitely recommend boxing. I particularly like the way our coaches introduce new fitness routines, such as crossfit circuits, which makes each week different. Having enjoyed my year with BNU Boxing so much, I have taken the role as treasurer and sports ambassador for the society and I hope that I can encourage more students to try boxing, whether it be for fitness, for fighting or just for fun”

This year we will be introducing a series of new gaming events to help us raise money for our charity, Child’s Play - a charity that helps improve the lives of kids who are in residential hospital care by providing the latest video games, toys and board games for them to enjoy. Our aims for the event are to run 24 straight hours of gaming, horror movies and fun in order to raise money for this fantastic charity!

There will be a huge array of games running for the full 24 hour event, from video games like Left for Dead, to some Indie Horror RP games like

Don’t Rest Your Head and Magic the Gathering games defeating armies of zombies! As well as all of that, we will have our horror themed board games and some classic horror movies for your entertainment! If we can get enough people involved to come and help us have some fun and raise money for this fantastic charity, the night will be completely worthwhile! The challenge has been set! 100,000 Zombies, 24 hours, BNU Gaming Society and Bucks Students' Union Presents – Fright Night! Join us on November 6, from 9am at The Venue!

Boxing Boxing is one of many societies at Bucks New University run by Sport for Fun; this society has been running for years and is a group of enthusiastic, friendly and welcoming students with different levels of fitness. The one and a half hour session at High Wycombe Amateur Boxing Club involves boxing techniques, cardio, strength workouts and more. The classes are always different and the fully qualified coaches are happy to help you with your fitness goals whether it's increasing your strength or just improving your self-defence techniques. Students studying sports-related or coaching degrees are given the opportunity to apply and demonstrate their skills by taking charge of a session – or even those with non-relating degrees. Not only does this group bond through boxing sessions but also socially with nights out and watching big fights in local pubs. This year the society has many exciting upcoming charity events such as a cake sale and a sponsored run around the campus and a friendly Christmas fight night. To get involved with BNU Boxing, either as a social member or competitive please contact: 07808 507 574 Facebook: BNU Boxing 2014/2015

October Issue

100,000 Zombies





October Issue

Polly Redfern

Fancy a gap year experience in two weeks? Join the 8,500 others who have hitchiked from the UK to Croatia or Morocco in a matter of a week!! What is Link Hitch? Link Hitch is a sponsored national Hitchhiking event that has been running for 22 years. Hundreds of students take part each year, raising a minimum of £295 each to hitchhike to either Morocco or Croatia. The destination, and route there is their choice! What is it in aid of? Link Community Development is a charity that raises money to improve the education and welfare of children and communities within five countries in Africa. Most of their income is raised by hitchhikers all over the UK. They improve the interiors and education system inside the school, improving cooperation and communication between the teachers, parents and children. It’s not what is on the outside, it’s the inside that matters!

‘’The hitchhike was one of the best things we have done. Not only was the final destination fab, but the hitchhike there was even better, meeting many new people, finding places we’d never have seen, but so rewarding to represent and raise money for Link Community Development. If you want to find out anymore information, please contact us via email : or like our Facebook page: Bucks Hitch 2015’’

Is it safe? Link Hitch has been running for 22 years without any incidents. This is because there is a well trusted tracking system and safety procedure in place. Each day you have to text the Hitchline before 4pm, tracking your location, which is then sent to all relevant embassies. This can also be linked to Facebook and the Hitch Page, therefore your friends and family will be able to keep an eye out!


Society. Emily Cox

October Issue

Come for the Fire... Stay for the Bang! Bonfire night is nearly upon us, and to celebrate the brightest night of the year, the High Wycombe Round Table are holding their annual fireworks event. Like last year, the event will be held in the Four Ashes Field in High Wycombe and will be raising money for charity through the sale of tickets and beer on the night. This is one of the biggest firework events in the area, and more fireworks will be set off this year than ever before! It’s run entirely by volunteers (Round Table is the biggest voluntary organisation for young men in the world) and Wycombe District Council donate materials for the truly massive bonfire which will be lit at 6pm.

there will be a number of fast food stands on the night to pig out on… not forgetting the beer stands! If you’re interested in joining Bucks Event Soc and/or volunteering at the Fireworks, find us on Facebook and let us know! We are also offering reduced rate tickets for students to attend the event, at £4 a ticket with travel included*, available at the Students' Union Reception Desk (North Wing Ground Floor).

Bucks Event Soc will be involved at the fireworks for the second year running. Last year, we had numerous jobs on the day, including setting up the perimeter fencing, stewarding, and even lighting the fire. We have no doubt this year will be bigger and better. As well as getting free entry to the site and being able to enjoy the display, free food is provided on the day, plus

1 November, 5-10pm Four Ashes Field, Kingshill Road, HP13 5BB *(Subject to capacity)

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High Wycombe












28 October Issue

RAG. Sophie Lynch Third Year Event and Festival Managment

Give it Back! Have you ever considered giving something back? Do you have those days where you wake up in the morning and realise that it’s your turn to do the right thing? Or maybe you just realise that you want something on your CV that will give you a little ego tickle? Well ‘Raise and Give’, or ‘RAG’ as most of you will know it, is the way to achieving all of these.

You may have seen some of the RAG team around the Freshers' Fair in the Gateway, asking you to vote for two charities for the Union to work with - something that happens every year. This year’s charities chosen by you are; ‘Horizons Sports Club’, a charity for children and young people with disabilities, and ‘SERV- Blood Bikes’, a volunteer service based around a ‘rapid response medical transport service’. Both of these charities are very worthy causes, but RAG also fundraises for national charities such as Children in Need, and Comic Relief. Vice President Student Involvement said that "RAG is a really wonderful and selfless organisation that runs through the Union. It gives the students an easily accessible platform to work with the local community and have something incredible to take out of it as well. It builds valuable connections that could even progress to help give you a job after you graduate. Organisations like RAG have the ability to open your eyes to career paths that you may never have seen yourself doing." So for whatever reason you may be doing it, or if you weren’t even considering it at all, give RAG a try and see how brilliant it is for you. For more information, email Jane Bower at jane.bower@, or if you’re interested in just jumping straight in, email


Friday the 26 September saw the launch event of Battle of the Halls for the 2014-15 academic year and it didn’t disappoint. With Brook Street, Hughenden and 'Everyone Else' competing in human table football, table tennis, netball and a FIFA tournament. There was plenty of friendly competition from current and ex-residents from each of the halls. Brook Street were dominant throughout the day. However, they took a big early lead in all four events. Hughenden and Everyone Else did manage to slowly claw back towards the end of the day but Brook Street remained out in front. The paint party in the evening was a huge success, with some good and some not so good dance moves thrown about in the on stage games and some awful attempts at downing a snakebite but good fun was had by all! Since the launch event, we’ve run five-a-side football match with Brook Street dominating yet again! The scores are currently Brook Street – 111, Hughenden – 55 and Everyone Else – 50. Next up, it’s dodgeball on the 21 October, so Hughenden and Everyone Else, pull your fingers out, get down and grab some points for your halls but be sure to remember the five D’s of dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge.

Are you a qualified sports coach? Or do you have aspirations of becoming a coach? Become a Community Coach and earn money whilst gaining valuable CV enhancing experience. For more information email: Or see us in the Students’ Union Offices (ground floor, North Wing)

October Issue

The Battle Continues





October Issue

Jake Smart

SALOU TOUR 15,000 students. 4 action-filled nights. 1 innocent Spanish town. Any experienced Bucks New Uni tourer will tell you that this annual adventure is not something to be missed. Whoever you are, whatever sport you love, we all owe our hearts to tour. Imagine escaping for a week of fun with anywhere from ten to fifty of your best mates (and if they aren’t already, the coach trip will soon sort that) away to a sun-soaked, bar filled town in Spain. Pack your bags and travel on a coach with your University sports family, surrounded by the most exciting people that Bucks has to offer. Rugby will be drinking, Football singing, Netball having the time of their lives, and there are even some stories of a Hockey player cracking a smile. Once you’ve done all the travelling you can handle, over land and sea; singing, shouting and chanting your university's name like you’re a part of its history, we’re finally there. You’re finally home. Jamie I. The concrete jungle where dreams are made. Over 1,500 students packed into one beautiful piece of architecture and your residence for the four greatest nights of your life so far. Forget your Magalufs or Zantes, Salou is all about the students. Imagine the ‘nightclub toilet effect’, where best friends can be made in seconds, but over a week, in a whole hotel. The next thing you know you’ll be in a state of euphoria, singing songs you don’t know the words to with a man badly kitted out as Mr Potato Head. Prepare to dress up, find yourself, make new friends, lose your inhibitions and party like no-one’s watching. You can even play some sports. We are the deranged, thrill-seeking middle children of our generation and SalouFest is the pinnacle of everything we live and breathe for. May Tour stay in our hearts forever and may its reputation never be tarnished.

Have you got a sporting fixture, recreational activity or any other kind of event through the Students’ Union coming up? We’d love to see it! Bucks Students’ Union is now lending out its GoPro Hero3 Silver for FREE to Bucks students, to make it as easy as possible for you to share what’s going on with your friends, family and teammates. Whether it’s a cup final or a cooking class, all requests are considered! To find out more or make a booking - email

Max Le Count-Ward

Last week saw Bucks Men's Rugby play their first game of the new 2014-15 season; playing High Wycombe under Tuesday night lights in the annual ‘Town v Gown’ fixture. This fixture is effectively a pre-season friendly match, giving all players a chance to showcase their skills in a competitive match environment. Coached by England World Cup winners Rochelle Clark and Katherine Merchant, Bucks got off to a strong start, taking the game to their hosts with big hits in defence. Bucks, with a particularly youthful theme running throughout the team, seemed to be slightly over eager and conceded multiple penalties which allowed High Wycombe to capitalise. Following an early score from High Wycombe, the visitors replied with a superb score of their own; Captain Sam Jackson ran a great line, burst through the defensive line and provided the scoring pass to Tom Gilbert. At 7-5 Wycombe came back strongly and put themselves back ahead with two scores, capitalising on a Bucks error on both occasions. With the score at 17-7 at half time Bucks were by no means out of the contest, with

plenty of positives to take from the first 40 minutes. However, the squad rotation policy came into effect which seemed to disrupt Bucks rhythm. That, along with only two prior training session and extreme cold and fog affecting the second half, High Wycombe inevitably proved too strong and ran away with the game.

Watching the game from the sidelines, President Max Le Count-Ward gave his take on the game: “The overall emphasis of this fixture is never the outcome, it’s about giving everyone an opportunity to play, and that’s what we did tonight. We started strongly, and matched them physically for a good part of the match and we scored some very good tries. However, our fitness and organisation weren’t quite there which led to them [High Wycombe] scoring some easy tries in the second half.” Out of action due to injury, 1st XV Captain Frazer Hunt offered his thoughts: “Unfortunately, I missed tonight’s game but it was great to give everyone a run out; a lot

of players put their hands up for selection which is pleasing to see as a captain. I’m really looking forward to this season and can’t wait for the first game!” Bucks Coach, Rochelle Clark, summed the game up: “The final score doesn’t reflect the game. It’s always tough playing against a men’s team, they’re bigger, more physical, and have been playing together a lot longer. We’ve had two training session to prepare for this game and I’m immensely proud of the way we performed. We were never targeting to win this game; I care more about the performance of the team.” She then went on to outline the goals for the season: “Following this game, I’m really looking forward to the season. We reached the cup final last year and finished top four in the league. This year we should be setting our sights for higher than that.” For anyone wanting to get involved with one of the most exciting sports teams at Bucks, contact either Max Le Count-Ward (President – 07503 345 673) or Frazer Hunt (1st XV Captain – 07920 008 574).

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October Issue

Town vs Gown




A week full of fun opportunities to try something different or learn a new skill. All activities on offer from the Students’ Union are free. Additional skills include: Sign language Student leadership training Emergency first aid Public speaking workshop Introduction to football refereeing

Recreational activities include: Street food market Bubble football Crazy golf Fun fair Laser tag

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