The Bucks Student - Edition 51

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January 2015 - Edition 51



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January Issue

This Edition: page 5

Contributors Lee Stevenson-Rose (Editor) Adam Bartlett • Sunny Stuart Winter • Lizzie Farrell Matt Gilbert • Becci Hailey • Professor Ruth Farwell Matthew Draper • Nic Woodward • Suneetra Singh Carolin Lorenz • Jodie Weavers • Lauren Walker Jess Walbridge • Mark Sweeney Greg Pike

Union Council Adam Bartlett – Union Council Chairman explains what it is, and why you should get involved!

make a s


Dance to Bey ‘All the s oncé’s ingle l ad ies’. take the n

But I want a real job ation

al studlife Matt Gilbert talks about enas t saurvey Sabbatical Officer. Want to see your name in the list above? Want to have your writing or artwork on show to thousands of people? Get involved. Email

Advertising For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell - Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at

www.thes tudentsu

It’s quic kt and you’l o complete l be hel ping prospec tive stu dents m the righ ake t chous Becci Hailey reminds we should icewhy s o w f h e r andtowdemocracy! exercise oureright hat to s tudy

Why vote?

Dear final year student

page 8

page 11

page 12

Ruth Farwell discusses the importance of leaving feedback on your university course. be easily predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth ye withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part.

page 30

© 2014 Bucks Students’ Union

If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact Bucks Students' Union for more information.

Designed by Laura Jayne Lettinga, University of Wales Trinity St David, Swansea

Bucks Students' Union is more than a bar... To help everyone see all the ways we make life better for Students at Bucks, we're running a competition! For details, see page 10.

Varsity Mark Sweeney brings us up-to-date on all things Varsity as the legendary tournament grows ever closer.

4 January Issue


Being a


Hello and welcome back to Bucks for 2015. I hope everyone has had a good holiday and is raring to get back to their exams and lectures! For many courses this is a crucial time of year with exams and lots of course work deadlines fast approaching, but I wanted to tell you about some students who have made a real difference to their courses, they are student reps. One student rep received feedback from their cohort that there were too many deadlines in the same week and they would like them moved to different weeks. The student rep discussed this at their programme committee meeting and the lecturers agreed to move some of the deadlines to spread out the workload. The lecturers also gave out academic year planners during the first week of term and went through with each group when their deadlines were so that they could plan better and not be so overwhelmed in the last few days of an assignment. Another student rep got some feedback from her coursemates about the sports kit that they had to wear for their coaching. The female students commented that a ladies fit would be more comfortable and would mean that female students were more likely to want to wear the kit. The student rep talked with the department academics during their programme committee meeting and has since been in meetings with the academics and a number of different suppliers in order to get some better kit. A couple of creative courses had issues with how to use some of the great equipment that we have here at Bucks, so after the student rep spoke with their tutors they have now had a day on how to use the equipment and an in depth tour of the machine shop, this also included what was required to get the best final outcome from the equipment.

if you see a positive change it wouldn’t surprise me if a student rep has been a major contributor somewhere along the line. New studio space separated by specialism has been received really well by all the Graphics students but would it have happened if a student rep hadn’t spoken with the course team and raised that issue with them? Not only is the new space going down well but the light box and other equipment has been very popular too. In this article have been a few examples of what some unnamed reps have done over the last year, if you think you could make a difference to your course, department or even to the whole institution then look out for the student rep elections. Nominations are open throughout February with the elections happening at the same time as the Sabbatical elections Monday 2 - Friday 6 March.

There are a number of little changes around campus you may have noticed, from the microwaves in Beats and Rusty's to the recycling bins in the Graphics department. These changes and many more are down to the hard work of a dedicated group - the student reps. I’m not saying that everything good around the University has come from the mouth of a student rep, but if you look around and see a positive change it wouldn’t surprise me if, under all the layers, a student rep has been a major contributor somewhere along the line. If you see something that you think could be done better or hear of some good practice that you think should be shouted from the rooftops, then let your student rep know and we will take it forward, you never know you may even end up in The Bucks Student telling your story.

January Issue

Adam Bartlett Union Council Chairman

One of the best things about Bucks New University is undoubtedly the Students' Union and the level of involvement students can have in forming the path it takes on its quest to ‘make life better for students at Bucks’. There are many ways students can get involved, from course reps and committees with societies and sports teams to trustee positions and sabbatical officers, but one of the little known yet very important parts of the Students' Union is Union Council; read on to find out more!

Union Council... What’s that? Union Council is a group of involved students who meet on a monthly basis to discuss the plans of both of the University and the Students' Union with current students to find out the thoughts of the student body. Students are invited to air their views on a range of subjects and provide quality feedback to aid the Union in its future plans and improvements. Some very big decisions have been made over the years at Union Council meetings such as: Festiball acts and lineup, what exactly to include in the Big Deal on Course and probably the biggest of all discussion points, what sandwiches are stocked in Beats…

But who can attend? Absolutely anyone! So long as you attend BNU or one of its partner colleges you can attend Union Council. You don’t need to be elected or even have anything to do with the Students' Union, just turn up to share your own views and listen to those of others on what’s going on at BNU. The meetings are attended by all three Sabbatical Officers and Tristan, the CEO of the Students' Union so you can give your opinions directly to those who make the decisions!

Where is it? The rooms change each month but keep an eye out for publications and posters advertising the next meeting



time and place. Meetings are held in High Wycombe and Uxbridge to enable as many students as possible the chance to attend. Why not join the Facebook group to keep updated wherever you are? Just search for Union Council.

What’s in it for me?

had the chance to meet before and you even get a free drink in the Students' Union bar after every meeting! Union Council is also a great place to start for those who want to have a deeper involvement in higher education or go on to be a sabbatical officer! Has that piqued your interest?

OK, so apart from hearing about latest Students' Union I’m sold... When and where do I go? plans in advance of others, offering your opinions When: Thursday 22 January 2015, 5-7pm to better your Union and University and gain some Where: S3.04, High Wycombe Campus insight into what goes on behind the scenes at Bucks? Well… There are refreshments available for absolutely nothing at every meeting, you get to mix with a broad range of likeminded people who you may not have

If you are coming from the Uxbridge Campus, you will need to get the 4.15pm shuttle bus. I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible!

6 January Issue

Student Opinion.

Sunny Stuart Winter

I blog, therefore I am.

Blogging: a frequently updated online journal or diary, allows for a space to express yourself, share thoughts, passions, quotes or mildly amusing memes that will soon infinitely loop on Facebook. It was in my first year at Bucks that my peers and I were encouraged to start a blog, to discuss the ‘hot topics’ in the Music Industry, to fully immerse ourselves in the latest news, ideas and issues that may affect our future careers. Starting off with a modest dose of skepticism, I soon became engrossed in the process of writing about what I’m most passionate about: music. Part of the fun was finding a niche to occupy, rather than being yet another music review blog. I decided to bridge the gap between unsigned musicians and the Music Industry; the go-to giver-of-advice to those outside the Industry, building on a decade of experience to help them understand how it all works and how to succeed. As a way of airing my opinions, almost as a diary, it became a fun fascination in further understanding the Music Industry, putting my recently-learnt course knowledge into practice, as well as figuring out how to get my points across. This, in turn, helped me with essay writing and academic discussion.

Why I think it’s important Personally, starting my blog in my first year helped to improve my essay structuring; the way in which my points were made, how each paragraph was welded together and this in turn helped to improve my blog posts. Full circle.

I think it’s important, while we’re all collectively seeking to improve our writing for the end goal of good grades, to make blogging a weekly way of offloading your thoughts, whether relevant to your chosen industry, or just as a way of describing your experiences as a student.

Getting paid to talk about your favourite subjects… That’s the dream. Not to mention the fact that regardless of what you choose to write about, there is likely to be an audience who are keen to hear what you have to say.

How has it helped me For me, blogging has accidentally become an ongoing CV, proof of being on the pulse of music, a regular calling card that has lead to steady emails from unsigned artists looking for advice… and even Virgin Music, who asked me to write for them amongst others. A way of networking by communicating and expanding your readership, a way of disciplining yourself for those dreaded essay assignments, and, if you garner a strong following, it could just become your income; getting paid to talk about your favourite subjects… That’s the dream. Bloggers (Vloggers too!) are rapidly becoming the new breakthrough talent throughout industries, especially creative ones. You only need to look at Zoella, the beauty and fashion YouTuber, (whose first book became the fastest-selling debut novel ever at the end of 2014) to understand the importance and popularity in lending your voice to the Internet community.

My advice My advice? Give it a go, tell your story and expand on your newfound University knowledge. Write about your passions. Write about the things you would want to read about. That’s my philosophy.


For students getting drunk is usually the biggest part of the celebration of a new year. However for many one of the main events of New Year's Eve is making New Year's resolutions, the tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of selfimprovement or to help others. I started to wonder what promise I could make (and probably break) in this new year. I was sick of the traditional resolutions, such as eating more healthily, not drinking as much or giving up something. Rather than sticking to the status quo, I decided I’d look into more unusual resolutions:

Get your photo taken in five interesting places As students, we may not have the finance to travel the world, but you can make it your New Year's resolution to visit five interesting places or somewhere you’ve always wanted to see.

Learn a decent party trick I’ve always wanted a party trick and never had anything too interesting to perform. Mastering a new skill – no matter how pointless, can increase your self-esteem and can prove an excellent ice breaker. For a physical challenge, why not work on your flexibility, or give yourself a mental challenge and learn how to recite the alphabet backwards in less than ten seconds.

Learn something you never learned as a child For this New Year’s resolution it’s time to nurture your inner child and learn that thing that you never learned to do. Whether it’s the number of days in each month, how to play an instrument, how to ride a bike or swim, we all have something we never learned as a child that everyone else seems to know, this is a perfect opportunity to learn.

Try a new food each week Rather than giving up certain foods as with many popular New Year’s resolutions, why not add more foods to your diet in 2015. Even better if they’re green! A personal favourite is scouring the fruit and veg aisles to find exotic fruit to try, who knows, you could find your next favourite food.

Do something nice for others every day A very selfless resolution is doing things for others. A fantastic way to achieve this is volunteering. Email for more information on getting involved.

January Issue

New Year's Resolutions

Lizzie Farrell

8 January Issue


Matt Gilbert President Bucks Students' Union

But I want to get a real job This headline is something we regularly hear from students when this time of year comes around and we try and encourage people to stand in elections. I wanted to write this article to let you all know that no job is more real than being a sabbatical officer and there are several reasons for that: Money


Students tell us that they don’t want to be Sabbs because they want to get out there and earn real money. Yet the salary for a sabbatical officer is £21,304.32 and the average graduate starting salary for students at Bucks, according to Which? is £17,700.00. The sabbatical salary also rates very favourably against starting salaries for the industries in which we specialise generally. So if you want to earn money straight out of University there is no better place to be.

Responsibility "I’m not interested in just running a student bar" is another thing we hear with students sensing the responsibilities are lightweight. Now we should probably point out, that bar turns over £635,000, has a staff compliment of 45 people and had 76,275 attendances in 2014/15; it’s a serious business. However it only forms a fraction of your overall responsibilities as a sabbatical officer. In addition you are a trustee of the Union, which is a registered charity, and therefore legally responsible for the organisation. You head up the Union’s Trustee Board and Senior Management Team, you are the public spokespeople of the organisation, you represent the views of over 9,000 students to the University, local community and at national events, and you develop the Union’s strategy and direct its large permanent workforce.

Understandably we are also told by students that they want to jump straight into their chosen careers. Whilst we understand this I want to emphasise the extent to which the experience of being a sabbatical officer can provide you with an excellent foundation for whatever career you have chosen. The responsibilities I have just spoken about, people and financial management, customer service, legal responsibility, health and safety oversight, public speaking, committee chairing, are all fundamental skills that will serve you well through your whole career. For young, undergraduate students no other job can provide you with this experience, at such a senior level, at such a young age.

Achievement We don’t just want to see 18-21 year olds standing in our elections however. A huge proportion of our student body is formed by mature students and whilst you may have already accumulated the experience that I have just described, leading a membership organisation can provide you with a sense of achievement unparalleled in your career to date. Steering a large, passionate staff compliment, fighting injustice in the student experience, providing pastoral support to vulnerable students, delivering high quality events, and playing an active role in our local community are things I never tire of and find a daily pleasure. So when you are weighing up your graduate prospects, or deciding what to do on your gap year (if you are taking one in the middle of your course) you should give serious consideration to standing in March’s Union Elections. Previous officers have gone on to work for the government, television companies, national charities and run their own businesses. And if you ask them about being a sabbatical officer they will tell you it wasn’t just a real job, it was the best job they ever had.

NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN Think you can run Bucks Students’ Union? Head to the website and complete a nominations form! visit:

noon. Nominations close Friday 13 February at 12 noon. Positions available: • President • Vice President Education and & Welfare Welfare • Vice President Student Involvement • Student Trustee (two (x2) positions available)

(two positions available) • NUS Delegate (x2)

Bucks Students’ Union puts on a great night out, but we are much more than a bar! From the Advice Centre to Zumba, tell us how we have made your life at university better.

Tweet, Instagram or Vine using #buckssuMoreThanABar or by filling out a comment card...

...and for every card or tweet we receive 5p will be put into a pot.

Then, on Friday 6 February a comment card or tweet will be drawn at random...

...and the winner will get the entire sum of money!

WHY VOTE? I am not a person who knows about politics. I haven’t got a clue about what different parties stand for except for what I’ve overheard from other conversations that may also have been very ill informed. As this is a student paper, I’m hoping there are more of us students who don’t fully get everything to do with the general elections and, like me, just end up turning over those political party broadcasts that just delay the viewing of GoggleBox and other such brilliant and frankly more important things. (This article won’t require any prior political knowledge, don’t panic). This is the first time most students currently at Bucks are able to vote and I’ve always had the opinion of “I’m only one person so what’s the point in my vote?”, but a report by the British Election Study suggests that students could have a big impact on the 2015 election. Students “react more strongly to breaches of promise” made in previous elections, so Liberal Democrats, who promised that university tuition fees wouldn’t rise, aren’t really in line for the student vote. Russel Brand has been quite... outspoken with his views towards the general election. Many have taken his stance as “I’m not voting” when he’s actual been trying to say that he thinks there’s “nothing worth voting for”. Many people feel like this but someone has to be Prime Minister and therefore at least one party needs to be in power. If you feel the same as Mr Brand then think of it as a lesser of two evils – if you agree with two of Labour’s policies but 4 of the Green Party’s then vote for the Green Party. Surely it’s better to have a party that you slightly agree with the manifesto running the country than

leaving it up to every other voter who might end up voting for a party that you completely disagree with. If you really wanted to have an impact, you could use the NUS’ new tool that shows where your vote would be more influential i.e. would you be better off voting in Wycombe or back at home? If you don’t register to vote, you can’t vote. According to the government, registering online takes “around 5 minutes” and all you need is your national insurance number. You can also register to vote by downloading a registration form and posting it to your local council (in this case, Wycombe Council). Thursday 7 May is Election Day. Polling booths are open from 7am-10pm. Local polling booths are shown when you receive your voting card in the post and it’s usually near to or in the town centre. If you’re going to be too busy with uni/work/Netflix on the day then you can vote by ticking your preference on the voting card and popping it in the post. Voting is a lot more important than some people give it credit for. People shouldn’t just vote for a party who they think they should vote for or not vote at all because they think they can’t make a difference. A vote should be for the party that is the most beneficial for you. And no, you can’t complain if the “country goes to pot” if you didn’t vote in the first place.


January Issue

Becci Hailey Third Year Music and Live Events Management





January Issue

By Professor Ruth Farwell Vice Chancellor

DEAR FINAL YEAR STUDENT Do you want your opinions on your student* experience to be heard? Take part in the National Student Survey (NSS) 2015!

mobile device at at any time Whether you feel your time as a student at Bucks New University has been great, or you feel some aspects could from 12 January 2015 to 30 April 2015^. be improved, the NSS gives you a unique opportunity to Every Bucks student who completes the survey can make a real impact here. claim a £5 reward voucher to spend on print credit or Your opinions matter and can lead to change at Bucks. in one of our University cafes. Simply take evidence Based on previous year’s results we have implemented that you have completed the survey to the Student the following changes: Centre at the High Wycombe Campus or the second floor reception at Uxbridge. Improved turnaround time on feedback; visible improvements to our facilities and buildings such as Thank you in advance for taking part in the NSS – we the South Wing; pictures and bright new colours at really do appreciate your feedback. Uxbridge; 24/7 opening of the library in term time at High Wycombe; and the Big Deal on Course package of benefits which helps students with the costs of printing, graduation gown hire and, depending on the course, Professor Ruth Farwell books, field trips, equipment and materials. Vice Chancellor NSS results are made publicly available through Unistats to help prospective students, their families and advisors make informed decisions on where and what to study. So please feel free to have your say at Bucks. If you are eligible for the survey, Ipsos MORI will contact you by email to invite you to fill in the survey online. However, you can complete the NSS online or via a

*You are eligible for the NSS if you are a final year undergraduate or are on a flexible part-time programme. If your final year cannot easily be predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth year of study. If you were due to be in your fourth/final year in 2015 but have withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part. ^ You will be asked to provide some identification details to ensure that you are eligible. Non-respondents may be contacted by post and, if we do not obtain a response, by telephone. You may also opt out of the survey at any time if you do not wish to take part.

Every Bucks student who completes the survey can claim a £5 reward voucher to spend on print credit or in one of our University cafes.


Dance to Beyoncé’s ‘All the s ingle l ad ies’. take the na

t student ional survey www.thes tudentsu

rv It’s quic k to com plete and you’ ll be he lping prospec tive stu dents m the righ ake t choice s of w here an d w hat t o study

be easily predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth ye withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part.

Designed by Laura Jayne Lettinga, University of Wales Trinity St David, Swansea

make a s

14 January Issue



The Big Deal on big boots for Bucks New University Policing students As part of 'The Big Deal on Course', which is Buckinghamshire New University's drive to reduce the additional costs associated with studying for a degree, this group of second-year Policing students proudly show off their brand new Hi-Tec Magnum boots at the Millets store in High Wycombe. Policing students have received a subsidy in buying essential walking boots at Millets through the Big Deal on Course. To support students' success, the University provides a coursespecific package which can include essential textbooks, equipment and materials, photocopying credits, and a contribution to the cost of field trips. This assistance can add up to ÂŁ1,000 over three years. Foundation Degree (Arts) Policing student Omar Smith, who is in his second year said: "Getting financial help towards the costs associated with going to university is a huge bonus, particularly for items that are difficult to budget for. "The help I have received for these new boots means that I have not had to use any of my own money, which is great."

The help I have received for these new boots means that I have not had to use any of my own money, which is great. Stuart Norton, Director of the Institute of Professional Policing at Bucks New University, said: "This is a great example of how 'The Big Deal on Course' benefits our students, all of whom are Special Constables within Thames Valley Police. "We are delighted to work with local businesses, which have fully supported this initiative and recognise the contribution these students make to the local community." Policing students have received a subsidy in buying essential walking boots at Millets through the Big Deal on Course. Toby Goodger, Store Manager for Millets in Church Street, High Wycombe, and a former Bucks New University student, said: "I know from personal experience the costs associated with being a student and I think it's great that the University is working with Millets and Hi-Tec to support Policing students make essential purchases." No other university in the country supports its students by providing so many free opportunities. Find out more at (L-R) Stuart Norton joins PC Dean Spain of Thames Valley Police; Bucks New University Policing students Patrick Mumford; Omar Smith; Karolina Batugowska; and Becci Stevens; Becci Hailey, representing Bucks Students' Union; and Toby Goodger, Store Manager from Millets.

In 2015, Buckinghamshire New University marks 20 years offering industryleading music business and live event management courses and is holding a glittering event at the House of Lords on Thursday 5 March to celebrate. The University expects that a host of important industry names will attend the event, as well as successful graduates and influential partners, and is inviting journalists and music figures to come along and mark the occasion. Bucks New University runs its own in-house label, MC9 Music Ltd, which involves students working with renowned artists including Newton Faulkner. Students also benefit from work experience opportunities with companies including Sony and Universal Music. Teresa Moore, Head of Department - Music and Events Management, said: "Bucks New University has been offering highly vocational programmes now for 20 years and we will be proud to celebrate at the House of Lords. "All of our courses are geared to the industry and delivered by a team of talented tutors, the majority still working in influential positions in the sector, and we have many graduates occupying key sector roles that we are very proud to say were taught at Bucks New University." These graduates include Dan Fisk, Curation Director at Ministry of Sound; Tom Wheeley, Senior Director of Global Business Development at The Orchard; Aslak Klever, label head for Norway, Denmark and Sweden for Caroline International; and Charles FitzGerald, Head of Artist Partnerships at independent music company PIAS. Executives from the worlds of music publishing, branding, recording and artist management also work with academics to ensure that course content stays at the cutting edge. The industry collective is known as BIGMusic (the Bucks Music Industry Group) and provides regular 'reality checks' on the relevance of its music business courses, including looking at social networking, the changing scope of record companies and copyright law. Bucks New University offers degrees in Music Business; Music and Live Events Management; Music Business and Brand Marketing; Music Management and Artist Development; Music Management and Studio Production; and Music Performance Management. To see more of graduates' stories go to Further details about the Thursday 5 March event will be released in the near future.

January Issue




16 January Issue

Week 13 19 Jan - 25 Jan

Monday 19

Everton vs west Brom

Week 14 26 Jan - 01 Feb

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Tuesday 20

Tuesday 27

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 | Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 | Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Wednesday 21

Wednesday 28

Netball takeover

Swans takeover Until midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Morgans Spiced Rum & mixer - £2 | Hooch - 2 for £5 All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager -£1.50 Bottled water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Until midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Morgans Spiced Rum & mixer - £2 | Hooch - 2 for £5 All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager -£1.50 Bottled water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Thursday 22

Friday 23

Saturday 31

Offers TBC.

Until Midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Budweiser draught £2 Hooch/Corona/Cubista - 2 for £5 All night: Smirnoff Vodka & Relentless - £2 | Bombs - £1.50 Bols Cocktails - £2.50 - £3.50 | Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1.50 Bottled Water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Until midnight: Carlsberg - £2 | Gaymers - £2 Smirnoff Vodka Relentless - £2 All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1 | Bottled Water - £1 Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Saturday 24

Sunday 25

Sunday 01

Tea Pots of Long Island Iced Tea - £5

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7



Week 15 02 Feb - 08 Feb

Monday 02

Tuesday 03

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 | Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Thursday 29

Wednesday 04

Friday 30

Rugby takeover Until midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Morgans Spiced Rum & mixer - £2 | Hooch - 2 for £5 All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager -£1.50 Bottled water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Thursday 05

Friday 06


Until Midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Budweiser draught £2 Hooch/Corona/Cubista - 2 for £5 All night: Smirnoff Vodka & Relentless - £2 | Bombs - £1.50 Bols Cocktails - £2.50 - £3.50 | Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1.50 Bottled Water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1


4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Until Midnight: Snakebite & black - £1.80 | Budweiser draught £2 Hooch/Corona/Cubista - 2 for £5 All night: Smirnoff Vodka & Relentless - £2 | Bombs - £1.50 Bols Cocktails - £2.50 - £3.50 | Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1.50 Bottled Water - £1 | Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Saturday 07

Sunday 08




Tea Pots of Long Island Iced Tea - £5

4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

January Issue

Drinks prices change depending on what is popular.


Monday 26

January Issue



January Issue

20 January Issue

Coming soon.

Unisex is back in 2015 with an arsenal of exciting shows that’s sure to whet most appetites. Headliners already confirmed include drum & bass powerhouse Calyx & TeeBee, grime superstar P Money and kicking things off on Saturday 31 January, Blonde, who are currently taking the house music scene by storm. Adam Englefield and Jake Manson make up the Bristol house duo who have recently charted at no.7 in The Official Charts with their track ‘I Loved You’. Radio 1 & 1 Xtra have been major supporters of the duo and their work over the past couple of years, with DJ’s such as Annie Mac, MistaJam, B.Traits & the legend that is Pete Tong giving them regular plays on the airwaves. Blonde have not only had success in the charts, they have also remixed some of the biggest and best house records of 2014 and beyond. These include tracks by Chris Malinchak, The Magician & the classic smash hit ‘Rhythm Of The Night’. One member of the duo, Adam, is also responsible for the incredibly succesful YouTube Channel, Eton Messy, which has over 250,000 subscribers and over 50 million

views! The channel showcases current and future house hits with previous uploads including tracks from the likes of Disclosure, Jonas Rathsman and Oliver Heldens to name a mere few. Joining Blonde on the January line up for Unisex will be none other than TCTS who’s signed to Chase & Status’ label MTA. AKA Sam O’Neill, he’s a Manchester based DJ & producer who’s remixed the likes of Bondax and played with some of the biggest names in house such as Cyril Hahn and Route 94. As you can probably tell, the first Unisex of the year is going to be big. Don’t miss out! Ellie Brogan – Unisex Events

21 January Issue

Matthew Draper

BNU Buccaneers Host

The 49th SUPERBOWL The Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting events in the world, and this year it is going to be shown on the big screen in The Venue at 10pm and will be hosted by the BNU Buccaneers. There will be beer, hotdogs and nachos available for £1.50 each, and also cookies and shots of Corky's for just 50p a piece! There is also limited V.I.P. seating available for just £7.00. Being a V.I.P. means you will get a free beer and a choice of hotdog or nachos and waiter service for the night. Before the game we will have a special performance from the BNU Swans who are always a spectacular watch. We will also be showing the half-time Super Bowl performance which Katy Perry will be performing this year (Let’s hope for a Janet Jackson-esque performance). This has been one of the most balanced NFL seasons in recent

BNU Buccaneers Host

history, leaving it practically impossible to predict who is going to go all the way and be the ones lifting the Super Bowl trophy on Sunday 1 February. One thing you can predict is that the journey will include big hits, big plays and big moments. Five of


the last seven Super Bowls have been decided by a touchdown or less so you’ll be on the edge of your seats throughout the four quarters. Even if you have never watched an American Football game, this and see what all the hype is about.

of Agriculture and have their first home game of the season fancy coming along then we would appreciate the support! If you are a student of BNU and fancy giving American Football a go then email or pop along to one of our sessions which are on Tuesdays at 8.30pm in N4.12, or Thursdays at the Wycombe Lido at 7.30pm. The vast majority of our team had never played before they came to Bucks so don’t be afraid to give it a go!



The BNU Buccaneers play their home games at Berkshire College against Southampton Stags on Sunday 25 January so if you




will be a good chance to enjoy some cheap booze, cheap food








P 0 1 T A G N - OPENI



January Issue

Christmas Nic Woodward

Crisis is the national charity for single homeless people. They are dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life-changing services and campaigning for change. Their aims are to do more for more homeless people in more places across the UK and help to change their lives for good.

Do you have a long-term illness?

I have been asked to write about Crisis at Christmas volunteering but, having given three days over the Christmas period, it is difficult to see how I can quite do it justice. I also recently completed their post Crisis at Christmas survey, which they use to improve the charitable scheme each year. Within the survey there was a multiple choice questions on the reasons one might like to take part in Crisis at Christmas. I selected six of the possible reasons, mainly to do with helping others. As a student nurse I was working as triage receptionist with the healthcare team and it was surprising what I already knew and how much more I learnt just from two contact sessions.

I really felt part of the team... For example, diabetes, epilepsy or chronic fatigue? You may get support if: • it affects studying, for instance meeting deadlines • it has lasted, or is likely to last 12 months or more. You may be entitled to receive: • extra time in exams • equipment, for example a computer • one-to-one support and guidance from a mentor. Contact us: Tel: 01494 605 049 Email: Drop in: High Wycombe Campus N1.11 or Uxbridge Campus second floor helpdesk

The Disability Service

It was easy to register as a volunteer online, to choose where I wanted to work and what I wanted to do. I simply chose the sessions when I was free from the online selection. It was just a matter of turning up and lending a hand. I wanted to work on Christmas Day because it is a difficult day for me as well as for the homeless, although obviously not on the same scale! As it turned out it was a gorgeous day and I was able to drive into London with hardly any traffic to start my shift at 8am and even did the tourist bit by driving over Tower Bridge and back as the dawn broke. I am studying nursing purely because I want to help people. Working with the homeless in healthcare has really given me an idea of exactly where I want to go in nursing. I saw some absolutely amazing work done by the teams. There were general nurses, mental health

nurses and a doctor in my team and it was my job to greet the patient and to find out how they thought we could help. I really felt part of the team and, although not able to do any practical nursing, my role was very important in identifying symptoms and making the job of the team much easier. I can’t recommend this work enough to anybody who wants to be a nurse or to be in the medical profession. On my last shift I had an opportunity to visit the general social area. The atmosphere could only be described as serene. Everybody was clean, clothed, warm, fed and sober, with hot drinks and the usual Christmas fare such as mince pies readily available for free. The people at the centres were playing chess, playing the guitar, reading or generally socialising. There was no pressure at all for people to be anyone other than who they were; events such as table tennis and football were available for example, but some just wanted to read quietly in the warm. It was a privilege to be able to help them. The number of volunteers may even have outweighed the amount of the homeless. I met people who spend a lot of their time throughout the year working with people who are on the streets; there was everything from a befriending service right up to carers for people suffering from major mental health conditions. It was especially wonderful to see that the centres made available for the Christmas period were schools and colleges, all new buildings, very comfortable and freely donated as was a whole warehouse full of, well, everything you can think of. I think you may be able to see why it is so difficult to do this fantastic project justice; it really is utterly awesome, and I don’t use American terminology lightly!

We are the ‘One Can’ team!

For many of you 'One Can Trust' will be familiar, for those of you who aren't this is your chance to get to know the project. One Can Trust is a charity which was created in order to "facilitate community based projects", with their major project being the 'One Can Trust Food Bank'. They provide free food parcels to those deemed in crisis, such as the homeless and low income families. We currently have a group of volunteers who give up a

A couple of hours might sound like a long time to commit to, but believe me, time flies when you're there! Volunteering has always been a great passion of mine

couple of hours of their time on Tuesdays to help out with and I have gained a lot of confidence since becoming the project leader for our food bank initiative. We our food bank project. This takes place on London Road at The Big Yellow Self Storage, with transport provided.

currently have a group of 21 volunteers and are always

A couple of hours might sound like a long time to commit

looking for more, I want to encourage as many of you

to, but believe me, time flies when you're there!

as possible to take part in this inspiring scheme.

Remember to keep an eye out for our One Can Trust projects on the Students' Union website and to sign up if you feel like lending a hand: If you're interested in becoming a part of One Can Trust then just send us a quick email: Lauren Troiano, Societies & Volunteering Assistant Suneetra Singh, One Can Trust project leader Don't forget to join our Facebook page, BNU One Can Trust Volunteers to keep up to date on our progress.

January Issue

Suneetra Singh



24 January Issue


Carolin Lorenz

Volunteering Week Mon 23 - Fri 27 Feb 2015 Volunteering sounds like no fun at all... Well it is! This is an amazing opportunity to learn a new skill, make new friends, meet new people, help others and even improve your CV!

This is the perfect opportunity to get involved. There are so many different project going on that there's bound to be one for you!

I know what you're thinking, who do I actually help when I turn up for an hour and do something I won’t enjoy? How much difference can one person make anyway?

1. Workshops for school kids

Think again. If everyone thought like that we wouldn’t have any volunteers at all. Like Tesco says, every little helps, and you will make a difference in someone's life. You might not see it or know it, but you will. Here's another scary thought… Maybe you actually will enjoy it and have a great time, you won't know until you give it a try. So get involved, make a difference, and give back. Too often we think, "today I will be a better person. Today I will be nicer. Today I will make a difference. Today I will help others". And too often 'today' never happens. We make up lame excuses like I don’t know how to help, I’m busy, I don’t want to pick up litter… and so on. But we still expect the thought of wanting to do all those things will make us feel better. Here's the thing, unless we actually DO something, not only are we not nicer, better or helping anyone... We won’t even feel any better about ourselves. We want to make it easy for you. No excuses. During Volunteering week we are creating opportunities for you and the only thing you have to do is turn up! If you want to get involved just email or come to the Students' Union foyer on Tuesday 24 February when we will be holding a big community day “We are Wycombe”.

2. Tea and dance for the elderly 3. Good deed projects:

• Gardening project • Litter picking • Baking for the homeless • Tea and Snacks at the homeless shelter • Fundraising • And many more!

Projects over the week: Monday – Smile campaign Good to know … Smiles Relieve Stress: Your body immediately releases endorphins when you smile, even when you force it. This sudden change in mood will help you feel better and release stress. Tuesday – Community Project “We are Wycombe” Friday – Micro Volunteering Project @ Uxbridge “Post Pals” – Brightening the lives of sick children. Send those a smile who need it the most! More opportunities to be confirmed, check Ongoing Project: Pay off your library fines – all donations go to our RAG (Raise and Give) charities! We would love for you to get involved in at least one of those projects, all your hours will be logged as volunteering hours! The time to make a difference is NOW!

SimpLee Cooking

At this time of the year people are looking to change the things they are not happy about with themselves, which usually starts with eating healthier food and exercising more often. Healthy eating while being a student may seem slightly contradictory and a little doomed from the get go but it doesn’t have to be difficult, eating healthily can be just as quick and easy as popping a ready meal in the oven. It doesn’t have to be cheap booze, fast food, late nights and lie-ins every day of the week (not that I’m against any of them), a couple of detox days could do you a world of good. Hopefully these recipes will help you to see how easy healthy eating can be, it doesn’t have to be constant salads, a little bit of what you like can’t hurt every now and then.

Mexican spicy chicken and avocado wraps The first of our healthy recipes is an easy one for all of you cringing at the term ‘healthy’, Mexican spicy chicken and avocado wraps, these wraps are a great way of eating well without compromising on flavour and comes in at just 400 calories Ingredients

−−1 thinly sliced chicken breast −−The juice of half a lime −−1/2 tsp chilli powder −−1 chopped garlic clove −−2 wraps −−1 sliced avocado −−1 sliced red pepper −−Chopped coriander (optional) −−1 tsp olive oil Method

−−In a bowl mix the chicken, lime juice, chilli powder and garlic.

−−On a medium heat add the oil to a pan and fry the chicken for a couple of minutes. −−Warm the wraps in the microwave for ten seconds. −−Add the peppers to the pan to warm them through then pile onto the wraps with the chicken, add as much avocado as you like and sprinkle over the coriander. −−Roll up and eat with your fingers.

Chocolate and berry mousse Our second recipe might be a surprise to some, a healthy, low fat chocolate and berry mousse. To save on fat intake, this mousse contains fat free yoghurt, which means the calorie count is a mere 160 per portion. Ingredients

−−75g grated dark chocolate −−4 tbsp low-fat yoghurt −−2 large egg whites Method

−−Using a heat proof bowl over a pan of boiling water (making sure the bowl does not directly touch the water) melt the chocolate. Once the chocolate has melted leave to cool for ten minutes before stirring in the yoghurt. Alternatively you could melt the chocolate in the microwave, just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t split.

−−2 tsp caster sugar −−350g mixed berries −−Whisk the egg whites until stiff, then add the

sugar and beat until stiff again. Fold the whites into the chocolate mix, keeping as much air in as possible. −− Add the berries into small glasses and divide the mousse on top. Chill in the fridge until set and enjoy with friends.

January Issue

Lee Stevenson-Rose Third Year Music and Live Events Management





January Issue

Jodie Weavers

Cosplay, Anime and Manga ... (CAM) Society .

special guests at these events. As some may have heard there is the new Wycombe Comic Con that is coming this year and will be held in our own Students Union! We are thinking of arranging a multi-fandom cosplay meet for all the cosplay fanatics out there who will be attending. We have also discovered that there are large annual multi-fandom meet ups in London’s Hyde Park which we might arrange travel for those who aren’t looking to spend too much money and save (cosplay and conventions can get expensive!).

A society for otakus and cosplay enthusiasts studying at Bucks New University. We welcome all newcomers and have a zero discrimination policy! Looking to try something different? Do you have a passion for cosplay, anime or manga? Or maybe just a general interest in Japanese culture? Then the CAM society could be the place for you!

Our goal is to bring those with a passion for cosplay, anime and manga together in a fun and friendly environment.

Our socials are held every Wednesday night, however, we understand that not all students can make that day, so we are thinking of arranging another day for the society to meet so that all members can get a chance We may be a new society which only started last term, games, one such being Ninja. However, we plan to include to attend. We will also be holding fundraising and but we've already had an overwhelming response with many more activities with the help of our society’s recruitment stalls at both campuses soon, so keep a look new members and a lot of interest. We will be starting on budget, which will be starting this term. We plan to read out! If you are interested in joining or discovering a our Bronze accreditation this term, applying for funding manga (we will be investing in some manga for the group little bit more of the society feel free to take a look at our and working on promoting our society even more very soon), we will also be running drawing sessions, Facebook page or message our committee via email or through promotional posters and events. Our goal is to cosplay shoots and cosplay/prop making workshops. In Facebook. Please also check out the convention pages/ bring those with a passion for cosplay, anime and manga addition, we will be organising trips to conventions with websites for more details about them. Thank you and we together in a fun and friendly environment. entry and travel covered for members of the society. hope to see you soon! Our current activities include watching anime corresponding to a different genre each week where all members suggest anime to watch according to that genre. Once we have watched the anime we then share opinions on it and play various Japanese group orientated

Some upcoming conventions we are thinking of arranging trips for include London Anime and Gaming Con, Hyper Japan, and the world famous London MCM Comic Con. Members will be able to buy merchandise, go to fandom cosplay meets/shoots and see voice actors/

Facebook: Bucks Anime, Manga & Cosplay Society Chairperson: Jodie Weavers Facebook: Jodie Cheesecake Weavers Email:

Handball is one of the newest societies at Bucks. The society was set up in final months of 2014 and at the moment the society is looking for more members to further expand with the hope of becoming a club in the future and playing handball competitively against other universities. Currently there are handball sessions on a Monday evening in the Events Hall with a fully qualified coach. The sessions are open to all abilities - most of the current members of the society are newcomers and they would all testify that handball is an incredibly easy sport to take up even for a complete novice. It is a great sport for increasing your fitness, if you need to burn off some extra pounds that you put on over Christmas.

2012 Olympics, the only reason GB qualified for that was because it was the host nation. Both GB teams also came stone dead last, the men finished the tournament with no points and a goal difference of minus 86 from five games, that's an average losing gap of 17.5 goals a game. The women also finished with 0 points and a slightly better goal difference of minus 75.

The current Male Olympic champions are the French team who beat Sweden Handball is a sport that is very similar to 22-21 in the Final of the London 2012 basketball except that instead of scoring games. The current female world champions are the Norwegian team, points via baskets, the aim of the game they beat Montenegro 26-23 in the final is to score a goal, the size of the goal in London. The current men’s world is very similar to that of a futsal goal, however only the goalkeeper is allowed champions are Spain. They won the last world championships that were held in to enter the area that surrounds each Spain in 2013 where they beat Denmark goal, the areas are two quarter circles 34-19 in the final. In doing so they combined each with a radius of six claimed only their second world title. metres, just to give the goalkeepers a chance at saving the shots. The current women’s world champions Handball originated in northern Europe are Brazil. They beat Serbia 22-20 in Serbia in 2013 to claim their first ever predominantly in Germany, Denmark, world title. In doing so they became the Norway and Sweden. Handball is currently an Olympic sport and has been first country from the Americas and the second non-European country, after since 1972 when the Olympics were South Korea, to win the title. held in Munich, Germany. The most successful countries have all been in Eastern Europe. The only non-European Handball is a very fun fast paced game, team in the top ten of the all-time medal if you are interested in joining the Handball Society at Bucks, or you just table is South Korea. want to come along and try it out then join the Bucks Handball page on Great Britain’s showing at the Olympic Facebook and come along to the first Games in Handball has been very poor; session of the New Year on Monday 26 the only Olympic games that GB has had a representative in was the London January from 5.30-7pm.

LGBT Fellowship West Herts & Borders Methodist Circuit For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/no/undecided faith. We meet monthly on the 2nd Sunday, 2pm for 2.30pm until 4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church WD3 7HJ For more info and details of next meeting contact Rachel & Sarah If you need help with transport, email: or call: 01494 603 024 / 07544 750 793

January Issue

Handball Society Lauren Walker



28 January Issue


Women on the River Jess Walbridge

During the London 2012 Olympics the female members of the Team GB Rowing Squad won six gold medals – more than the men’s team. The presence of women in the sport is becoming more and more evident, especially since the recent decision to match the course length of both the men’s and women’s Oxford/Cambridge boat race (at around 6800m).

Joining the University Rowing team has been a highlight of my university experience. At the Buckinghamshire New University Rowing Club we are keen to get more women joining our squad. As a Club we train up to six times per week both on and off the water, using rowing machines, weights and circuit training. If you fancy a new challenge and want to improve your fitness then rowing is the sport for you. Although training may

not be glamourous at times, the strength and fitness that you gain make all the training worthwhile.

Our club trains at Marlow Rowing Club, which is now the largest boat house on the River Thames. It is kitted out with brand new equipment that we make good use of. The club has trained Olympic athletes such as Sir Steve Redgrave and Katherine Grainger, meaning the facilities and coaching on offer to our squad is the best around. From our first term we have already seen good results from our Women’s Squad, with personal bests being achieved on the final test before the Christmas break. Speaking from experience, joining the University Rowing team has been a highlight of my university experience. Training can be intense at times but the squad could not be a more decent bunch of people. If you are keen to get fit, interested in trying a new sport out, or have rowed before and fancy joining our team, please get in contact with the Women’s Squad Captain, Jess Walbridge at:

You can also keep up to date with events, fixtures and training by liking our Facebook page: or by following us on Twitter: @BNURowing.

It’s that time of year when people decide to get fit and do some exercise, and there is no better way to get fit than whilst having fun! Bucks Students’ Union run a number of beginner sessions that encourage the development of a new skill whilst getting fit at the same time. Committing to a full competitive sport may not appeal to everyone; the sessions we provide make sure you can still get involved in sport in a relaxed way. Every Monday 4-5.30pm our University Netball Officers; Olivia and Theresa, are running a Netball Now session in the Events Hall in the Gateway building. It’s a simple, straightforward way to play netball, just turn up and join in! The session is great for beginners that want to try something new, get involved in a sport or individuals who are simply looking to improve their fitness in a fun way. You do not need to commit to all the sessions. The games are relaxed and give students a healthy break from the stresses of university work. To find out more you can get in touch with the University Netball Officers or simply pop along for a session and see what you think.

Why not give it a go? If netball doesn't take your fancy, 5-a-side football here at Bucks gives everyone the opportunity to take part in one of the world’s most popular sports in a fun and friendly environment. We run both a men’s and women’s session to make sure everyone has the opportunity to get involved. Our University Football Activators; Joe and Ross, run a women’s 5-a-side session up in the Events Hall every Thursday. The session runs from 4.30-5.30pm and is open to anyone who wants to have fun, make friends or get fit. The sessions are run indoor and at no cost. You will not need to bring anything to the session apart from suitable clothing and footwear and of course, yourself.

Keep it up! The men’s 5-a-side sessions on the Rye on Thursday nights have been a great success, with nearly 80 students getting involved at one point or another. Whether you bring a team or just a friend the session is open for everyone. The men’s session costs £2 per person or £10 per team each session and is on Thursdays 6-8pm at the Rye.

If you want to have a go, or just find out more about the session, feel free to get in contact with Holly Furniss: or check out the Facebook group: 5-a-side Bucks 2014/15

WOMEN ONLY ZUMBA 29 January - 26 March

Is your new year’s resolution to get fit? We can help Come along to our sessions running every you with our free women’s only Zumba sessions. Thursday 5.15-6.15pm in the Old Boardroom, Zumba combines Latin music and dance to create first floor of South Wing. a unique, effective & fun workout.

To find out more email

January Issue

Get Active in the New Year!



Mark Sweeney Vice-President Student Involvement

January Issue




Yes, it’s that time of year again! That’s come around awfully quick hasn’t it? Varsity preparations for 25 March 2015 are fully underway, we’re more motivated than ever to make sure we bring The Roebuck Trophy home for the first time and we’re getting very, very excited in the process. This year, we’re over on Roehampton’s turf and nothing would be sweeter than winning our first Varsity in their back garden, so make sure you all bring your A-Game as we’re currently 2-0 down in the series! For those that don’t know, The Roebuck Trophy is a fusion of the names of both institutions as well as recognition of the local deer population in Richmond Park and our famous mascot, Rusty Buck. Also up for grabs on the day, are The Sam Woods and The Natalie Tucker Shields which were created after the first Varsity meeting between the two Universities. These are awarded to the best male and female sportsperson on the day. Just to bring you all up to date with a few things that have happened so far, we have an exciting new addition to our Varsity programme this year, which is a newly formed relationship with the charity, Stonewall; who campaign for equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Britain. We’re doing this to really raise awareness of this issue with students both at Bucks and at Roehampton and also in support of NUS’ Out in Sport paper which looks at LGBT students’ experience in sport. What better place to do this than Varsity? All of the Varsity tops will include the Stonewall logo and slogan, as well as a pair of rainbow laces in the player’s package for the day. Players and spectators will also be able to make donations to

Stonewall throughout the day through the use of collection buckets. There’s also men’s and women’s volleyball featuring for the first time in the sporting programme this year, which takes us up to 23 fixtures for the day in total. We’ve also highlighted two key fixtures to watch during the day; ladies football, who are currently unbeaten in both the league and the cup this year, recording some astonishing results in the process along with men’s basketball who continue their dominant climb through the BUCS leagues and are sure to provide an entertaining showcase of their skills. This year, as well as our usual promotional video (which is set to be better than ever), we’ve produced a short Varsity-based film to give you more of an insight into what it’s all about, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for those. Finally, as always, we’re on the lookout for two Varsity captains, one male and one female, to be out and about on the day motivating our teams as well as being involved in all the promotional and organising aspects of Varsity. If you’re interested, please email with a 100 word manifesto as to why students’ should vote for you by Friday 30 January in preparation for the hustings at the beginning of February.


January Issue




So you want to run the Students’ Union? Run by Will Hoskin

Wed 21 Jan 2-4pm


So you want to run a club/society? Run by Lauren Troiano

Thurs 22 Jan 2-3pm


How to conduct a literature review. Run by Tom Courtenay

Tue 27 Jan 11am-noon


How to create and conduct a survey. Run by Tom Courtenay

Wed 28 Jan 11am-noon


How to design and conduct a focus group. Run by Tom Courtenay

Thurs 29 Jan 11am-noon


For more information on any of these sessions, or to book a place, please visit:

Re-Freshers’ Fair Uxbridge - Wed 11 Feb, noon-3pm, Rooms 0.07 and 0.09 High Wycombe - Tue 3 Feb, 10am-4pm, Gateway Building

A second chance to sign up to our amazing sports teams and societies and grab some freebies!

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