The Bucks Student - Edition 53

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March 2015 - Edition 53


Committee positions still need filling Members will need to have a student involvement card and online membership to the society or sports club that you want to nominate yourself or vote in. Nominations open: Monday 23 March at 10am and close Wednesday 29 April at noon. Voting open: Tuesday 5 May at 10am and closes Friday 8 May at 5pm (results will be announced w/c 18 May). Thank you to all our members who voted in the society committee, sports committee and student rep elections a few weeks ago.

Aviation BNU Asian BNU Asian BNU Asian CAM Creative advertising Creative advertising Creative advertising Creative advertising Debating Debating Debating Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Feminist Feminist Feminist Furniture History Furniture History Furniture History Hindu Hindu ISOC ISOC Law Mooting Musicians Rugby 7s Rugby 7s Rugby 7s Social work action welfare Social work action welfare Social work action welfare Walkabout Walkabout Walkabout Yoga Yoga Yoga

Sports teams Cricket Futsal Futsal Rowing

Positions Secretary Chair Secretary Treasurer Secretary Events officer Chair Secretary Treasurer Chair Secretary Treasurer Chair Secretary Treasurer Chair Secretary Treasurer Chair Secretary Treasurer Secretary Treasurer Head Brother Head Sister Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Chair Secretary Treasurer Chair Secretary Treasurer Chair Secretary Treasurer Chair Secretary Treasurer

Positions 1st Team Captain Chair Captain President



March Issue

This Edition: page 7

The votes have been counted and the results are in. This year's Sabbatical Officer elections had our highest voter turnout yet! Now you can get to know the new Sabbs a little better. Page 4.


Happiness by Design Helen Dugdale discusses her influences and plans for the interior design around Bucks New Uni.

page 14

Lee Stevenson-Rose (Editor) Matt Gilbert • Emma Groves • Helen Dugdale Mohamed AbuGabal • Jenni Foster • Becci Hailey Sunny Stuart Winter • Jean-Luke Laister • Sian Barrett Ohio Orumen • Kat Frei • Natasha Watkins • Jessica Sollis Matt Rudkin • Ashley Phillips • Mark Sweeney Greg Pike

Success comes at a price Sunny Stuart Winter talks about life as a band manager.

Want to see your name in the list above? Want to have your writing or artwork on show to thousands of people? Get involved. Email


page 20

Festiball 2015 The headline acts are finally announced!

For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department.

page 23

Simon McDowell - Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at © 2015 Bucks Students’ Union

Ivan Kulyk An obituary to Ivan Kulyk.

page 26 If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact Bucks Students' Union for more information.

Green Initiative A round-up of all things environmental!

Matt Gilbert President Bucks Students' Union

March Issue


New Sabbatical Officers.

NEW SABBS This year we have seen a lot of change within the University, a new Vice Chancellor an ever changing Senior Management Team and for the first time in years; the whole Sabbatical team will be new. That isn't intended to come across as negative, as it is also a very exciting time, with the opportunity for the new officer team to forge new relationships with the University and push on to take both the Students’ Union and University up their respective league tables.


nother year of elections has passed and yet again we have successfully managed to beat last years voter turnout and stay ahead of the sector average. 1,836 of you took the time out of your day to make your vote count and elect your new officer team. It is always valuable to the student experience to take the time to have a read through the candidates manifestos and see who is looking to implement change for the better.

From a personal perspective the last two years have been a hugely enjoyable experience. I've been a part of two inspiring officer teams that have taken the Union from strength to strength, allowing us to diversify the range of opportunities that we have available to our members and encouraging the University to invest in the student experience. But for now I would like to take the opportunity to wish the best of luck to Joe, Ohio and Jenny and I am sure they will continue to represent our members in the best way possible to ensure we remain focused on ‘Making life better for students at Bucks’.

5 March Issue

Joe Collins

Ohio Orumen

Jenny Wade

President Elect

Vice President Elect Student Involvement

Vice President Elect Education and Welfare

The decision to run for a sabbatical officer position was a late one, the choice to stay a long way from home for another year played heavily on my mind. Grasping the opportunity to become one of the officers within the Students' Union was always something I wanted to do; this passion mainly came from having a close relationship with the current/past officers as well as many of the friendly and outgoing staff. This has made me realise that change is something the student voice is very capable of achieving.

The two weeks leading up to campaign week were nearly as intense as the week itself; team meetings, gathering of campaign troops, hustings at both campuses and having photo-shoots with Captain America to capture the good side of his helmet for our posters.

A record 1,836 students voted in this years elections, I just want to thank every single person that took the time to vote in the elections and specifically for me as their next Vice President Education Welfare.

In regards to campaign preparation and the week itself, it was honestly like an emotional rollercoaster ride. I’m sure many of you reading this were stopped many times throughout the week by myself or my campaign team asking if you had voted. This probably got annoying by the second day, and for that we do apologise. However, it was important that as many people as possible were aware of the elections and what you were voting for. I can help bank my success to a solid slate team of Ohio Orumen and Jenny Wade, having strong personalities is very important, keeping each other motivated and positive. It's far too easy to become overwhelmed and the occasion can get the best of you, having a positive mind-set I would say is most important. For me, I find happiness in helping others, so when talking to students during the campaign week I found the experience pleasing. Many students were not aware of all the services the Students' Union have to offer. The feeling of helping someone or pointing them in the right direction is rewarding. A massive thank you to everyone who voted in the elections, as well as everyone who supported me throughout the week. Special thanks gots to Josh Tue for all his help behind the scenes.

Campaign week was nothing short of a whirlwind. In the midst of the madness I managed to fall ill on the Tuesday, score a late winner in the rugby semifinal on the Wednesday and go home to no hot water that same night. There was also the juggling of late night campaigning with promoting Varsity as Varsity Captain. This whole process was an emotional rollercoaster and a fluctuating test of my mental strength which I couldn’t have passed without the sensational support I received. My friends, my teammates, my slate and newly elected Sabbatical Officers Joe Collins and Jenny Wade, people who sent Whatsapp broadcasts telling people to vote, those who changed their Facebook profile pictures and every single warrior who wore a campaign shirt and pitched to random people why they should vote for me – if I were allowed to list them all by name then I would but all I can do is thank everyone as a collective who helped me become VPSI. Special mentions must go to Adam Bartlett, my brother of three years who has supported me during some very tough times and last but not least, my mother. She’s done nothing but make sacrifice after sacrifice for me over the past 21 years and it’s paying off as her little boy has made her proud. It still feels surreal. I, Ohio Orumen have been voted in by the people to become their next Vice President Student Involvement 2015-16. Uncle Obama said, “yes, we can”. So yes, I did.

The run up to campaign week was almost as stressful as the week itself, meetings with my team, printing T-shirts and filming manifesto videos all pushed me to the edge. The week itself was a complete blur and one of the most exhausting weeks of my life, but clearly worth it in the long run! Throughout the week my campaign team were out and around both campuses campaigning in the cold from 8.30am every morning. It would take too long to thank everyone individually but I hope you all realise how grateful I am for all your help and support! Unfortunately I missed the last two days of campaigning due to performing my final year production in London but I trusted my team to power through while I was away. I am truly gutted I missed the results night but my final year production went amazingly in London and receiving the news at the station resulted in missing my train home which was a hilarious moment. I would like to end by thanking Joe and Ohio, whose support has been amazing throughout the whole process - we worked as a team and have been rewarded as a team. I can’t wait to start working with them both. Now the real hard work can begin. Please make sure you keep up to date with everything I’m doing this year in my role as VPEW by liking my Facebook page: Jenny Wade VPEW 2015-16.

6 March Issue

Student Opinion.

! by Emma Groves I write this with a certain irony as I have only managed, partially, over the last two and a half years to practice what I endeavour to preach in this article. I live in hope that others will take heed earlier in their studies and, therefore, have lower blood pressure.

undermine a university education, or detract from the

The message is this - in the words of the immortal genius of Clive Dunn in Dad’s Army – “Don’t panic Mr Mainwaring!”. If anyone is too young to know that reference, then I both envy your youth and hate you a little because of it.

the candle at both ends may work for a time, but does

We are all now in the second term of the year. The New Year blues are descending, with Christmas a distant memory, and Easter seen as a chance to catch up on work, not a chance to find chocolate treats, wherever the bunny may have hidden them! So, our stress levels are up, our morale is down, but we must remember not to panic! Yes, we all would love to come away with a glistening first in whatever our chosen course is but, remember, there is more to life than university and grades. I am the first to admit that university life often overtakes any other type of life I may have outside of studies – apologies to the friends I haven’t seen in weeks, but sadly (in every sense of the word!) I’ve been living under a rock reading law books. What we need to remember though, as we are pulling ‘all-nighters’ to get our coursework submitted, or getting up at the crack of dawn to finish our seminar work, is that it is not the ‘be all and end all’. This is not meant to

‘you get out what you put in’ principle. It simply is meant to highlight that we need some perspective. A first would be great, but will you burn out by spending too much energy on this goal? From personal experience, burning not work in the long run – you will catch every germ floating around and feel below par, either emotionally or physically, most of the time.

Everything will be alright in the end. If it is not alright, then it is not yet the end Lower your expectations of yourself if you need to! If you have a Type A personality (somewhat obsessive, driven, neurotic – not that I can relate at all…!), then recognise it and take steps. Don’t deny your capability – if you can breeze through to a first then go for it! But remember that if you are struggling then it may be because you are pushing yourself too hard – taking a break may actually help you to re-charge and have the energy to go for that bloomin’ first (or whatever your goal may be).

Please remember though that there is more to life than a degree. As your tutors may have told you, employers want a well-rounded individual. Volunteer work, work experience, part-time jobs – these things will all show that you are more than just a book worm. Volunteer work, in particular, shows that you are willing to give up what little spare time you have away from studies to help a cause – and without pay – which, as a student with a substantial loan, is a big ask. So the point is this – don’t panic – there is life outside of getting a degree! Will your friends and family disown you if you get a 2:2 not a 2:1? I hope not! Will they appreciate that you popped round for a cup of coffee and a chat to see how they are? I hope so! Hopefully they will see that you have made the big step of entering into university education, and recognise that even if you may feel under pressure and not always be in the best of moods, you are trying your best. Make sure that you take some time for yourself too! If you are shattered, then hit the hay – your brain is not an inexhaustible machine – it needs rest too! If you work best in the mornings, get up early! If you are a night owl, like me, make sure you go to bed in time to ensure enough rest for the next day – even if it does mean hitting the snooze button a couple of times in the morning. In short, remember: “everything will be alright in the end. If it is not alright, then it is not yet the end”. Good luck fellow students – keep calm and carry on!


Happiness by Design: Improving the University by Helen Dugdale

Homes, places of work, schools, hospitals, waiting rooms and corridors all evoke feelings – they’re not just places. Have you ever considered that the space around you has an effect on the way you feel? Hi, I’m Helen and I’ve just finished my MA in Furniture Design here at Bucks. My research was focused on how the design of interior spaces can have an effect on an individual’s wellbeing. I’ve since been employed by the University to enhance the look and feel of both the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campus. And I need your help to create a space that can positively affect you. We want to display more student work, so that other students and visitors are able to see what people at Bucks are working on – it will also add some colour and vibrancy to the walls. So, if you have any artwork, photographs or research that we could display, please get in touch. I’m based in T2.01, which is on the second floor of the Timberlake Building, at the High Wycombe Campus – it’s also known as the Furniture Archive. Feel free to pop in for a chat and share your ideas or send some images of your work to: At the moment I am working on a number of projects to enhance the environment: new seating for the Gateway reception; plants in the library, offices and corridors; adding colour and pattern throughout the University including signage; and designing graphics to be applied to the walls. These are all at the early development stage but I hope that with your help and the involvement of others in the University, we can build on these ideas and create a space that’s inspirational and uplifting to be in.

Enhancing your CV by helping new students at Bucks Bucks Students’ Union runs the Buddying Scheme for the University and the aim of the scheme is to make the transition into Higher Education as easy as possible by preparing, supporting, reassuring and welcoming new students to Bucks. We are looking for current first and second year students keen to help future students

(not final year students). Whilst we hope you had fun as a fresher, sadly not everyone is that fortunate. Key projects such as this, help to limit any anxiety and apprehension that new students may have. We are currently recruiting Buddies to commence their role from February 2015.

It is essentially a volunteer role but you will be awarded £100 at the end of the project on submission of communication records and an evaluation. For more information or to apply, please visit or email

8 March Issue

SimpLee Cooking. Lee Stevenson-Rose Third Year Music and Live Events Management

SimpLee Cooking We all know how important breakfast is, as many people will tell you it is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast doesn’t just keep your hunger levels down, it can keep you focused throughout the day, it can keep your energy levels up and can also stop you from overeating. Even if you feel like you don’t have the time to cook a breakfast there’s always something you can grab, even if it’s just a piece of fruit to eat on your way to class. The first recipe is a classic, American pancakes. Many people will feel like this would be too much work in the morning but the pancake batter can be made the night before, meaning the only thing you have to do in the morning is heat a pan. These pancakes can be served however you like, bacon, maple syrup, fresh berries, yoghurt – the choices are almost endless. Just stack them up high and tuck in. The second recipe is for a simple ham and cheese omelette, which can be cooked in no time at all. Who says you don’t have time to eat in the morning? American Pancakes Ingredients

−− 3 large eggs −− 115g plain flour

−− 140ml milk −− 1 pinch salt

−− 1 heaped teaspoon of baking powder


−− Separate the eggs. Put the whites into one bowl and the yolks into another. −− Add the flour, baking powder and milk to the yolks and mix until smooth. −− Whisk the egg whites with the salt until stiff peaks are formed and fold into the egg yolk mixture. −− With the hob on a medium heat, add batter to a pan and cook for a couple of minutes before flipping. −− Cook 'til both sides are golden. Ham and Cheese Omelette −− 1 tablespoon butter −− 3 eggs −− Small handful grated cheese −− Small handful chopped ham

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!


−− Lightly beat the eggs.

−− On a medium heat melt the butter in a pan.

−− Add the eggs to the pan 'til they turn firm on the bottom, but slightly runny on top.

−− Sprinkle the cheese and ham over the eggs. −− Cook until there is no liquid left in the eggs. −− Fold the omelette in half and serve.

10 March Issue

Student Opinion.

Hide it from Yourself

by Mohamed AbuGabal

If Facebook was a country it would be the second largest in the world, with around 1.35 billion monthly active users1! And don’t even get me started on Google! They would far outstrip any regime, past or present, in how intimately they watch and record the details of the citizens; us. Conversations, photos, geographical whereabouts, political and religious ideologies, birthdays and deaths, marriage celebrations, personal disputes, all stream into the companies’ servers and stay. Facebook has gathered the most extensive data set ever assembled on human social behavior and interactions. On various levels, all social networks, most search engines, and e-commerce websites do collect data one way or another about us, while we are browsing, buying, sharing or even just 'passing by' the website. The aims those giants proclaim is tailoring content for users; to give them better and more accurate search results, services, and of course to make money by selling targeted advertisements to third-party companies. On the bright side, this is can be helpful. For example, if you’ve been going through websites to look for a property to rent or buy, you will be targeted with property ads on both your Facebook newsfeed and other websites that are part of the Google Display Network (those banners you see on websites). I’ll leave the negative side for your analysis. Our data is collected by those titans through two main ways. Mainly, we voluntarily present the most intimate details of our lives on a silver plate to them. We share photos of almost everything we do, check-in almost everywhere we go. Geotag our pictures and upload them, express our most inner thoughts publicly, post our entire professional history, our relationship statuses, and then we cry in anger demanding more privacy in our lives! The concept of 'sharing is caring' has taken a new dimension in today’s world, and we are sharing too much! For example, out of 600 men and women aged 18 to 50+, 16.3% men and 5.2% women said they do not mind sharing their income on social media websites2 (yes ladies, you are smarter than us). Isn’t it true that Twitter is the only place where we would be cheerful if a stranger follows us?

The other method is involuntary and happens on various levels. Companies like Facebook and Google do collect tons of information about us whether we like it or not, and I bet you that almost no one (including myself until recently) ever reads the terms and conditions before clicking 'Agree' or 'Proceed'. Here’s an example3:

STOP SHARING that much information! Respect your own private life before asking others to do so!

We collect information about the services that you use and how you use them, like when you watch a video on YouTube, visit a website that uses our advertising services, or you view and interact with our ads and content. This information includes:

All platforms offer 'privacy settings'. Check those out, they’re fairly simple. Although this won’t limit the amount of data they have on you it limits who sees the information.

READ and understand the terms and conditions of the online platforms that you use. Many are now simplified, and they’re easy to get a hold of.

• Device information

Go to: to check the way Google has profiled you and are targeting you with ads. You can modify the settings easily.

• Log information (search queries, telephony log information, IP address, device event information, and cookies)

Go to: to see the sometimes shameful history of your search queries. You can easily delete the archive and turn history saving off.

• Location information (actual location information based on IP address and GPS for example)

Go to: to do the same for your location history (first, you should check where you were that night you got drunk and couldn’t remember a thing).

I hope I have your attention. I won’t go into technical details and I won’t start lecturing about government surveillance, because many others have and are still doing so. My aim is to get your attention, get you to think, and do some research of your own into the downside of our beautiful modern communication. In the meanwhile, allow me to shed some light on minor steps that can be done easily:

Use AES Encryption Software (search: AxCrypt) to protect your files before uploading them on cloud services. Finally, always remember that you have the greater power of controlling who knows what about you. Do your best to limit this, and this can be achieved by educating yourself on the concept of digital privacy. Always keep in mind that once something is put online, it can never die (even with the rule of The Court of Justice of the European Union to force Google to comply with 'right to be forgotten'). It can be weird that these words are coming from an advertiser like myself, who would actually benefit from 'knowing more about consumers', but our privacy is not a commodity to be bought and sold, and honestly speaking I’m sick of seeing pictures of your dinner and cute dog every day! 1 - As of Q3 of 2014, Facebook had 1.35 billion monthly active users. Source: 2 - uSamp Survey published early 2012: socialtimes/social-sharing-gender-survey/459636 3 - Extract and edited to fit from 'Google Privacy & Terms':


Student Opinion.

March Issue

North vs South:

The Great British Debate by jenni foster

Let us know on Twitter whether you’re #teamnorth or #teamsouth and why!

In England we disagree on a lot of things – whether to have chips or mash with your pie? Milk first or last in your cup of tea? Garden peas or mushy peas with your fish and chips? However, one of the biggest disagreements in England is the classic – Which is better? The north or the south? For the sake of arguments, the north here is anything above Birmingham and the south includes anything below Birmingham, and for you Brummies, you’re welcome to pick a side. We are also only discussing England here, so those of you from Scotland, Wales and Ireland, please move aside. For such a small country we find ourselves very divided across our centre, with Northerners feeling that Southerners are stuck up and posh, and Southerners feeling that all Northerners are farmers or coal miners. Aside from this it’s pretty common knowledge that the north is a cheaper way of living, and the south gets to enjoy those extra few degrees of heat, but there’s more to it. From a purely economic standpoint, the south has higher economic growth, higher wages and lower unemployment rates – although a significant amount of this is just in and around London. Though these things can create a grimmer atmosphere up in the north, they do result in cheaper living and an array of stores such as Body Care and Home Bargains providing ridiculously cheap branded products. So economically, you can either choose cheaper living or higher income – though just for comparison in Manchester, the cheapest studio, close to the centre, on Zoopla was £325 a month, costing only £3,900 a year before bills. With the same parameters, you could get a studio for £390 in Whetstone, London for £4,658 a year. Though it should be noted the Manchester flat consisted of a double room, with separate kitchen and a bathroom with a bath and shower, though in London the flat consisted of a single bed, with an inclusive kitchen (two cupboards, a sink, two hobs and a microwave), and a bathroom with only a shower. Moving away from economics, and more into what’s important – food. There are significantly different diets between the north and the south – as I have experienced as a northerner living down south. For example, as a northerner I don’t think there is much that won’t go with gravy – however my housemate (from Kent) will disagree, keeping the gravy to her roast dinners. And of course there is the age old north/south disagreement of chips and gravy or chips and curry sauce when you visit a fish and chip shop. The general rule of thumb for the north and the south though is that more often than not, a northerner’s diet is likely to be a lot more unhealthy than a southerners, and will probably kill us earlier.

Purely logistically though, the most significant difference between northerners and southerners is obviously the dialects and language. For example, a northerner might have three meals a day consisting of breakfast, dinner and tea, this is likely to annoy the southerner having breakfast, lunch and dinner – and cause confusion when it comes to meal times. Slang is typically the most confusing of the north south divide though, because it can result in conversations where you don’t have a clue what the conversation was about. Beyond this you have the confusions that arise in southerners when those northerners with particularly northern accents struggle to be understood, and often have to repeat things several times. Typically this doesn’t happen in reverse due to southerners speaking ‘the Queen’s English’, and ultimately pronouncing every letter in the words (think, wa’er [water] and li’erally [literally]). Obviously, all language differences differ dependent on where in the north or south you’re from, because let’s face it, someone from Cheshire is far more easy to understand than someone from the depths of Yorkshire, and similar with Kent and Bristol. Subtle differences across the north and south are what make our lives different and help yield the conflict even more. For example, holidays are significantly different for the two sides, for the northerner’s a journey to the Yorkshire coast or north Wales is where you’ll often find yourself, generally shivering and wishing your parents had taken you somewhere warm. Whilst southerners – at least those who didn’t find themselves on annual trips abroad as my housemate informed me she enjoyed – may find themselves catching waves in Cornwall or visiting Charles Dickins in Margate, probably in moderate heat and with less layers. Clubbing across the two areas differs drastically also, where a southerner may find themselves in Essex or London on a night out, a northerner may find themselves in Liverpool (probably getting into a fight), Manchester or Newcastle. The main clubbing difference is simply price. I have been known to go on a night out with £15 in Manchester and get sufficiently hammered, but this amount in London would sparsely cover transport. But, however in London and Essex, the nights are bigger, you’re more likely to look into booking VIP tables, the clubs are bigger and better maintained and of a far greater variety. Whereas in the north, on your night out they’re cheaper and people are often friendlier. Regardless of where you’re from though, remember you’re still English, and despite which side of Birmingham you sit on, you’re still part of the same country, and let’s not build a big wall just yet. Obviously everyone has the things they enjoy about their side of the country, and let us know on twitter whether you’re #teamnorth or #teamsouth and why. Just try not to be too mean.

12 March Issue

The annualThe Athletic Union Awards is one of the biggest events of the AU annual Athletic Union Awards is one of the biggest events calendar withofthis being the 26th yearbeing of the Theof event recognises the the AU calendar with this the event. 26th year the event. The event recognises the achievements of our sports team and achievements of our sports team and individuals across the past year. individuals across the past year. Date: Wednesday 29 April 2015

Date: Wednesday 29 April 2015

Venue: High Wycombe Town Hall

Venue: High Wycombe Town Hall

Doors open: 7pm Ticket price: £25

Doors open: 7pm Purchase your tickets at:

The dangers of contraband alcohol and tobacco

Wycombe District Council are warning against the dangers of buying illegal cigarettes, tobacco and alcohol. An article in the Bucks Free Press reported that contraband worth almost £7,000 was recently seized from 11 small shops in High Wycombe. Lawrence Eldridge, Trading standards Officer, said: “We can’t stress enough the risks to the public of illegal tobacco and alcohol, and we want to make sure we’re doing all we can to protect them.

“Past analysis of counterfeit tobacco products has shown they can contain dangerous ingredients such as cyanide, and even plastic, sand, insects and rat droppings.” The sale of these items is illegal and we would advise students not to be involved in selling or buying these products. It is better to only purchase cigarettes, tobacco and alcohol from reputable retailers and to stick with known brands.

Anyone with information about the illegal sale of contraband should contact the Customs Hotline on 0800 59 5000.

PTES. Becci Hailey Third Year Music and Live Events Management

POSTGRADUATE TAUGHT EXPERIENCE SURVEY In 2009, the Higher Education Academy launched the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES), which is basically the postgraduate version of the NSS. Postgrads are asked to respond on topics such as teaching & learning, engagement and assessment & feedback. This is the only forum postgraduates get to share their views on a national scale.

• 83% of respondents were satisfied with their course,

In the same way the NSS shows the responses of undergrads all over England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the PTES allows prospective postgrads to weigh Bucks against other universities, but it also gives the University itself a chance to compare programmes internally too. The survey aims to give universities a big kick up the bum if they’re below the national average, and surely everyone wants the chance to make Bucks better.

• Four out of five students (80%) said they were

Last year, over 67,000 postgraduates responded (the highest number of respondents to date) and these are just a few things they found out on a UK wide scale:

being less positive than undergraduates around organisation and resources

• One third (33%) of respondents thought there was not sufficient contact time with staff to support effective learning

• Nine out of ten (90%) of respondents thought staff were enthusiastic about what they were teaching challenged to produce their best work. Agree? Disagree? Have your say. The PTES runs from 9 March until 12 June (so you could fill it in now - once you’ve finished reading the rest of this article that is) and eligible Bucks students have been emailed with an individual link to complete the survey. As an incentive, there are two shopping vouchers to be won for £100 and £50 just for filling it in. And as Bucks always say, “we really do value your feedback”.

14 March Issue

Student Opinion.

Charlie Wallis Photography


by Sunny Stuart Winter

“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.” (Hunter S Thompson) It’s a long road to success in the Music Industry. Only after long drives to unknown towns, poor turnouts on the toilet circuit and enough songs to produce a 'Now That’s What I Call' compilation, will you start getting anywhere. Those days are behind ‘Darwin & The Dinosaur’. With their third European tour starting late March (which I have the pleasure of tour managing) to promote their debut full length album ‘A Thousand Ships’ (available on limited edition sea blue coloured vinyl no less), the quartet have had their fair share of setbacks and are now beginning to reap their rewards, including supporting Decade on Thursday 23 April at Bucks Students' Union. Cash Rules Everything Around Me

You also need the fortitude to take risks. The first European Tour, a 3,000-mile round trip back in 2013, was plotted solely by the band’s guitarist Steve Larke, the van borrowed from friends, everything done DIY on a shoestring budget, but it worked, although getting pulled and fined by the Hungarian police didn’t help financially… It goes without saying that organisation and timemanagement skills are useful on the road, so you don’t have to gun it across Germany to catch your allotted Eurotunnel crossing to escape being stranded in France, as well as plotting valuable petrol pit stops to pick up Maxibon Ice Creams and freshen up.

You also need patience. Sitting in a hot box of a van for long spells (including a 16 hour drive home from Austria There’s a reason it’s called the Music BUSINESS: money. by yours truly) with only ‘Cards against Humanity’ and If you’re taking it seriously, you need to invest in your early millennial punk albums as entertainment can test music career by way of recording, photoshoots, artwork, even the strongest of minds. equipment and so on. Success comes at a price. That is, until, record labels get involved; No Panic Records in In return, you get to be treated incredibly well by Darwin’s case. European venues and promoters, making friends with

strangers, see incredible scenery, eat well and create the most ridiculous of memories while on the road, only to be invited back the following year to do it all again, whilst documenting the entire thing for YouTube. Sound Advice It may seem outrageous but whether you’re in a band or are contemplating travelling the World right now, nothing will get done if you don’t act on your instincts. It may be risky, it may be scary, but ‘nothing is riskier than not taking risks’ so make it happen and take your chances, you won’t regret it. To quote Wayne Gretsky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” 'A Thousand Ships' is out now through No Panic Records. Catch Darwin & The Dinosaur supporting Decade at Bucks Students' Union on Thursday 23 April. I’ll be selling merchandise: come say hey!

A Buckinghamshire New University graduate is forging a career as a manager in the Kenyan Premier League and says he harbours ambitions to one day take the helm of a leading British football club. Tim Bryett, 33, graduated in Sports Management and Football Studies in 2005 and is manager of Thika United in the Kenyan Premier League, based near Nairobi. He said: “With hard work who knows where the future may take me? “Now I’m Head Coach and Manager of a good Kenyan Premier League club in a televised league, with some full national team, U23s and U20s national team players, building a team to challenge for the league in the next few seasons and participate in the African Champions League. “My advice for anyone who wants to do this job is to get qualified as that is the start, then work harder than everyone else, and when you get your chance work even harder. “It’s not easy and it’s not like playing a football management game on a computer where you can switch it off and relax whenever you want. It’s planning, learning, development, passion, challenging, analysing, pressure and responsibility.

“To make it even more challenging I have taken on two clubs, Thika United in the top tier and Ligi Ndogo in the second tier. “I’m up at 5am and arriving at Ligi Ndogo ready to coach them from 7am to 9am, then Thika Utd from 11am till 1pm and then a tactical or recovery session in the afternoon and then in the evenings planning and preparing video analysis for the players and coaches. But then success is never easy and the more success you want the harder you have to work.” Tim began working for Wycombe Wanderers' community scheme, and after four months moved to the club’s academy. In 2002, he enrolled on the course at Bucks New Uni, having also previously spent three months in Brazil to learn more about his two passions - football, and the Brazilian martial art, capoeira. While studying at Bucks, he began working for Reading's academy, before returning to Brazil for two years after his graduation and then moving to Kenya. He added: “I chose to go to Bucks because, although I had coaching badges under my belt, I was keen to

HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY TRAINING Understanding health behaviours Monday 13 April, Uxbridge 1.04 Why is that even though we know some health behaviours are bad for us, we still continue to do them? How can we then change this behaviour? Psychoneuroimmunology Monday 20 April, Uxbridge 1.04 Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the connection between the mind and body. Understand how stress physically impacts your immune system. Stress management / The psychology of stress Monday 27 April, Uxbridge 1.04 Your job is incredibly demanding; are you coping as well as you could be? Explore your own preferred coping style when confronted with stress, and we will identify how useful your technique is.

With hard work who knows where the future may take me? further distinguish myself from other people wanting to do the same as I did. “The degree gave me a good theoretical insight into different areas of the football industry, from stadium management to how the governing bodies operate, which has given me the opportunity to take responsibility for developing football clubs from the first team while also having an important input to the business side of football.”

RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Cocktail making class Friday 27 March, 8-10pm The Lounge, The Venue Windsor Castle Saturday 28 March, 10am-5pm Windsor Day Trip to Brighton Friday 1 April Laser Tag Wednesday 22 April, 12.30-4.30pm Skirmish Wycombe HP14 3NP All sessions and recreational activities are booked through If you have any questions please contact


March Issue



Student Success.


Monday 23

March Issue

23 Mar - 5 Apr

18 Apr - 24 Apr

Tuesday 24

Sunday Tuesday1917

Wednesday 25


Monday 20

Thursday 26

Friday 27

Saturday 23 21 Thursday

Support from Darwin + The Dinosaur

90% NIGHTIES Saturday 28

Sunday55- Monday 6 Sunday

Pretour Party & Tour Breakfast


Saturday 25


Sat 18 16 Monday

25 Apr - 2 May March Issue


Tuesday 24 Sunday 26


4 pint pitchers of Carlsberg/Stongbow/Coors Light/Snakebite - £7 | Barefoot Wine (75cl bottle) - £7

Tuesday 2119 Thursday

Wednesday 25

Monday 27

Wednesday 22

94 East presents Charlie Bones & John Rust Fashion Soc takeover

Tuesday 28

Wednesday 29

Thursday 26



Thursday 30

Friday 24 EVENT TBC

Sunday 22

Saturday 28

Until midnight: Carlsberg - £2 | Gaymers - £2 Smirnoff Vodka Relentless - £2 All night: Radlers low alcohol Lager - £1 | Bottled Water - £1 Any draught soft drink (pint) - £1

Sunday 01 2 Saturday

March Issue



March Issue

20 March Issue

Coming soon.

"Three nights in May" This year will be the fourth annual student weekender held at Bucks Students’ Union. Each year we’ve grown from strength to strength and now cater for over 4,000 people across the weekend. The stages over the last three years have been graced by the likes of Zane Lowe, Wilkinson, Foxes, Rudimental, Everything Everything, Danny Howard, Scouting For Girls, Utah Saints, Ms Dynamite, Kissy Sellout, Danny McFly and Marvin Humes to name but a few. Attendance and floor space have increased each year and we are again looking to expand on both. The theme this year is simply that of a UK festival – tents, bunting, performers, giant decor, outdoor activity, food vans, camper vans and of course great music. The silent disco dome has become a firm favourite at Festiball and will be back again along with a VIP area for third-year leavers, extra bars, cocktails, food stalls, real ale and a presence from Jaegermeister and Relentless. Of course you can also expect all our favourite DJs with Unisex again helping curate the opening night. There will be appearances over the weekend from Soap, Blue Rinse, Crash, Juke, Maison and Frat House as well as a few surprise guests. Each year we look to both help promote the University links with local industry, build relationships that can be mutually beneficial and help promote the event and facilitate a high production element involving students and staff in every process. Therefore we are very happy once again to announce that we will be working closely with Sennheiser, Novation/Focusrite and EarPeace. This year we are also working closely with Festival Republic who run Latitude and the Reading and Leeds Festivals. With such a great repertoire of festivals this is a great addition to the other brands and companies that are supporting Festiball 2015.

All are leading players in their fields and will offer support on various levels, look out for great giveaways and prizes in the build up to Festiball 2015 as well as stalls and sampling opportunities throughout the weekend. We often offer slots to work with the sponsors over the weekend so keep an eye on Facebook for any chances that may arise. Tickets, as always, are absolutely free for all Bucks students and alumni all thanks to the Big Deal. Tickets to similar university end of year balls cost around £40 and that’s just for one day! You will have to collect your wristband from the Students’ Union the week prior to Festiball which will get you priority access over the weekend on a first come first served basis. Guest tickets are also available and an initial early bird offer will be available immediately at £20 for the whole weekend from – full price and day tickets will be released at a later date. Third-year VIP leavers tickets will be available at just £10 and will be on sale shortly. This will give those about to graduate the opportunity to purchase an exclusive ticket that entitles the holder to a VIP bar area plus three drinks vouchers plus three food vouchers (one of each to be redeemed each day), and a commemorative Festiball 2015 reusable branded cup and lanyard. More announcements will be made in the build up to the event so look out for regular updates on tickets and line-up. Help make Festiball 2015 a lasting memory of your time at Bucks and the best Festiball we have seen. Here’s a reminder of last years event…


Coming soon.

March Issue

Headline Acts FRIDAY 8



Jaguar Skills:

Saint Raymond:

DJ Fresh:

74,500 followers on Twitter 100,000 likes on Facebook

50,000 followers on Twitter / 35,000 likes on Facebook

160,000 followers on Twitter 390,500 likes on Facebook

BBC Radio 1 and 1 Extra Mixtape and Multi Genre DJ Search YouTube for his: 60 Minutes Mix

Zane Lowe’s ‘Future Exclusive’ and hotly tipped singer songwriter with NEW single ‘Come back to you’ out April and debut album out May/June Search YouTube for his hits: Come back to you I Want You Fall At Your Feet

Seven top 10 singles including two number 1’s Number 1 album in dance chart Search YouTube for his hits: Gold Dust Hot Right Now Gravity


Becky Hill:


12,500 followers on Twitter / 19,400likes on Facebook

85,000 followers on Twitter / 37,000 likes on Facebook

Underground tastemaker championing new electronic talent on her regular Radio 1 show and digital imprint ZOO Music.

MTV’s ones to watch list 2015

Vocalist Daniel Pearce performs a selection of some of the chart topping hits he’s worked on with artists like…

Search YouTube for her: Monki Megamix #1

Two dance chart No.1’s and a UK No.1 single Next single out April and Album due September Search YouTube for her hits: Gekho Afterglow

Sigma, Dizzee Rascal, Duke Dumont, DJ Fresh, Chris Malinchak and Alex Adair. Watch him sing Nobody To Love' Live At The Jingle Bell Ball 2014 with Sigma: Line up subject to change

22 March Issue


student volunteering week: YOUR EXPERIENCE "Taking part in Student Volunteering Week was a very welcome distraction of the stresses of university. Kicking off with the Smile Campaign, I think I speak for everyone when I say it was a genuine joy handing out balloons and bananas in exchange for smiles to brighten up everyone’s Monday morning. My personal highlight has to be the Volley4RAG tournament on the Tuesday night. Every team competed in good spirits and a special mention must go to one of the two rugby volleyball teams known as Ieuan Holland’s Pugs who won Best Dressed in their ‘Tight & Bright’ themed team kit.

"I had an interesting experience when joining the Chiltern Rangers group for a couple of hours on Wednesday. There was a group of around six of us who were given saws and secateurs and asked to help the team of Rangers in cutting down branches and brambles in order to get to the rubbish which had been thrown into them. We managed to fill up a few bags with bottles and cans and tidy up the general area. Once completed we went along to the wood where one of the Rangers cut down some large trees while we collected the logs and cleared the area.

The RAG initiative has grown substantially in terms of publicity and success in my three years at this University and if this year’s Student Volunteering Week is anything to go by, long may it continue."

The area in which we worked had a lovely view over the town and it was great to know that it existed as it is quite hidden away! All in all it was a great way to spend a sunny afternoon and I would consider doing something similar again."

Ohio Orumen

Kat Frei

"Upon arrival at the One Can Trust food bank location, we were welcomed by the coordinator and introduced to the storage facilities. It was surprising to see the wide variety of resources that were available just from the donations they receive and how they are able to accommodate the special dietary requirements of families and individuals who require their services.

"During student volunteering week I was involved in the ‘One Can Trust’ food bank volunteering experience and helped with organising the food parcels. One Can Trust are a charity that provides free food parcels to those deemed 'in crisis'. As a third year Social Work student it provided a great insight to see how this charity can provide such a variable service to the community.

We were shown the processes of packaging food parcels and asked to make numerous for single parents, single adults and families. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and was really pleased to take part in something that contributed to helping others in need."

It was a rewarding experience to be able to be involved with organising the parcels, knowing that it would be going to an individual or family in need. It was also encouraging to see how much food people donate with the aim to help others and I found that the staff were friendly and made the experience worthwhile."

Natasha Watkins

Jessica Sollis

"I’d heard about the Post Pals initiative a few times in the past and then when the opportunity came up to be a part of it in my lunch break, I thought “why not?”. Post Pals is a small charity run solely by volunteers who are dedicated to making seriously ill children and their siblings smile through the sending of cards, letters, little gifts, support and friendship. I wrote to a little girl called Emma who has Fanconi Anemia (a disease that can lead to cancer and bone marrow failure). She loves Frozen so I thought I’d try to draw the logo on the front of her card to make her smile. As siblings are also listed on the site, I made a card for her little brother too. Making this one little handmade card was a great way to spend a spare 20 minutes in Beats and it was great to know that I might have made her day!" Becci Hailey

If you're interested in volunteering or would like to find out more, please email

March Issue

Obituary: Ivan Kulyk The University community offers heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of third year BA (Hons) Business and Human Resource Management student Ivan Kulyk who has died. Ivan, 21, was a hard-working student with a dry sense of humour which would often bring smiles to people's faces in class. Tutors remember him as a real team player and wholly committed to his studies. Being among a group of students who travelled to the University on the bus from the Reading area, Ivan had struck up friendships with people across the University who grew to value his companionship on their daily travel. Other students who studied alongside Ivan remember him for his great respect and consideration of others: “Ivan valued everybody, irrespective of their age or background and we shall miss him greatly.” “Dear Ivan, I know you are looking down at us from above and it is evident you are, and will always be, sorely missed. Your witty comments and your amazing personality were what made classes so much more fun. You will truly be missed by many and your presence will never be forgotten. You honestly are a gem and it's sad to think you are no longer here. Thank you for all the smiles you put on everyone's faces and making lectures enjoyable. You may have gone but you will never be forgotten.” To leave a message in the Book of Remembrance for Ivan, please visit the Multi-faith Chaplaincy at N1.11, First Floor of North Wing, High Wycombe Campus.



A Spring Remembrance service will be held on Tuesday 24 March at 4-5pm in room S.002, South Wing, High Wycombe Campus. This is an opportunity for students and staff to come together for a time of reflection and sharing about those they have lost. The Book of Remembrance for Ivan will be there for people to fill in, as well as candles to light in memory of loved ones.


For more information contact Multi-faith Chaplaincy: Tel: 01494 603 024 or 07544 750 793

24 March Issue

University News.

Postgraduate bursaries worth £10,000 for 2015-16!

Are you in your final year of study? Are you considering your career options once you finish your degree? Not sure what to do next? Why not consider staying at Bucks and progressing to postgraduate study. A postgraduate qualification enables you to expand your knowledge and make a greater contribution in your field. It can help boost your CV, enhance your career prospects and increase your earning potential. On average, you could see your earnings rise by £200,000 with a postgraduate degree across your working life (The Postgraduate Premium, The Sutton Trust, 2013). The University is offering 19 postgraduate bursaries each worth £10,000 to help students progress straight from an undergraduate degree onto a taught postgraduate course in 2015-16. In effect, this bursary will allow you to study for a postgraduate qualification at no personal cost and will even cover a proportion of your living costs.

The bursaries will be offered for just one year and are intended to provide a bridge to the proposed implementation of a loan scheme for master’s students from 2016-17 onwards. The key purpose is to support the progression of students from groups which are evidently under-represented at taught master’s level by removing financial barriers. These might include, for example, students from lower income backgrounds, disabled students or students who have been in local authority care. If you are in receipt of a NSP award, you will have already received information about the bursaries. Bucks’ postgraduate programmes focus on specific employability skills, tailored to the needs of the creative and cultural industries, business and management and the public sector. The University’s research informs the teaching, making sure you are kept up-todate with the very latest developments within your sector. Our submissions for the Research Excellence Framework 2014 were identified as 3* and 4*. This means the University has been recognised as both 'World Leading' and 'Internationally Excellent in specific subject areas. You can choose from a diverse range of career-focused postgraduate programmes, including:

• • • • • • • • • •

MA 3D Animation MSc Applied Positive Psychology MA Art and Design Practice MSc Child Protection and Adult Safeguarding MSc Criminology, Communities and Disorder MSc Health, Exercise and Wellbeing MSc Health Rehabilitation and Exercise MA Human Resource Management MSc Marketing Communications MSc Psychosocial Interventions

Bucks offers part-time and distance learning study options, allowing you to fit in your studies with your personal commitments. Some of our courses are also offered on a full-time basis. To find out more about our programmes and the postgraduate bursaries, come along to the University’s next Postgraduate Open Evening on Thursday 29 April. Interested in finding out more? Eligible students will have commenced their undergraduate studies in 2012-13 and will have paid the higher rate tuition fee. They may be taking a taught master’s course in a range of different subject areas and will be domiciled in the UK or the European Union. To qualify for the bursary, students will also need to be studying full-time or part-time for a maximum of two years. The Bucks Postgraduate Bursary is part of a national Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) initiative and is jointly funded by HEFCE and Bucks. Government contribution has been repurposed from the National Scholarship Programme (NSP) which comes to an end this year (although the University will continue to offer a similarly targeted scholarship programme for new undergraduates from 2015-16).

Do also look out for the banners around the High Wycombe Campus, pick up a leaflet from Beats/Rusty’s or drop in to the Student Centre at the High Wycombe or Uxbridge Campus. You can also download a full course listing, application form and answers to frequently asked questions at Bursaries are only available for September 2015 or February 2016 entry and it is recommended that you apply as soon as possible. For more information: visit: email: or call: 01494 603 020



"University education should not be free", "Britain should stay in the EU", "Feminism has gone too far"; "Class C drugs should not be legalised - and while you’re at it, ban smoking and alcohol too!". Everyone has an opinion, even if they don’t know what it is yet. These are just a handful of hot topics and opinions that are debated every day in pubs, lectures and even the odd student hall! The Bucks Debating Society offers a safe and friendly environment to voice opinions, while also providing a variety of views for those that have not yet made up their minds. In the first two debates of 2015, the Society has so far debated university education fees, as well as the legalisation of some 'soft' drugs. At the debate for university education fees, the argument was put forward that these fees discourage those from poorer background applying to university. This was countered with the view that university education is an investment; those that choose to invest in themselves should pay for that investment once they are earning a steady wage. Another view is that university education should not be unfairly paid for by every British taxpayer – some of whom have never attended university. With the legalisation of drugs, it was put forward that, should the user be fully aware of the risks of drug taking, it should be their decision if they accept the consequences. Should they then need care from the NHS, the regulation and taxation of those drugs would more than pay for any required treatment. After an interesting debate, it finished with a tied vote.

Everyone has an opinion, even if they don’t know what it is yet...

The Debating Society meets on the last Tuesday of every month at 7pm in Owen Harris 2. March’s debate will be on Tuesday 24 with the April debate on Tuesday 28. At the time of writing, the topic of this month’s debate has not yet been decided upon, however, the debate in April will focus on the upcoming General Election. As always, there will be pizza and soft drinks available for all that attend. To get more involved, as well as help decide the topic debated each month, join our Facebook group: Alternatively, email: jeanluke.laister@googlemail. com for more information on the Society or its debates.

March Issue

Jean-Luke Laister Second Year Accounting and Finance



26 March Issue


GREEN INITIATIVES Step Up! Have you seen the posters around campus? What a fantastic idea from the gym! Who knew climbing to the fouth floor could help to burn so many calories? Remember to be green and take the stairs.

Bucks New Usage Ha

Bucks New Usage

ve you had a spring clean recen tly? Lookin g to move ou t in the nex t few month s? With the fantastic he lp of the University and Multifaith Chapla incy, we ru na Bucks New Usage sche Second ha me where you nd can donate home warekitchen and for free! your old sa Find us on ucepans, the ground floor of th cutlery, bed e West W Open noon ing ding – -1pm durin g Freshers’ every Mon Fortnight an whatever it day, noon-1 d pm fro m 13 Octo is you have ber 2014. that you do n’t want to take on wit h you. Donations will be give n to our usa internation ge shop so al and new that students ca n make use o For more in f the items. formation, please conta Chaplaincy ct the Mult on 01494 6 i-faith 05 014. For more info rmation call the

Multi-faith chaplaincy on 01494

605 014.

Bucks New Usage

We are in full support of this and encourage everyone to have a go at least once.

Snap it off!

Second ha nd home warekitchen and for free! Find us on the ground

floor of th

e West W

Open noon -1pm durin g Freshers’ every Mon Fortn da


ight d y, no If you see any lights that have been on-1pm from 13 October an 2014. unnecessarily left on, contact NUS! For more info rmation call the

Borrow a Bike The Union have bought 15 bikes for students and staff to use throughout the year, with a mixture of hybrid and mountain bikes giving everyone a choice. They are currently kept outside the Timberlake building at the High Wycombe Campus. If you are interested in hiring a bike, be aware that they have to be back by 3pm on the Friday. We will take your student ID number and a £20 deposit, which must be cash. If the bike is given back on the day that you specify your £20 deposit will be given back in full, however for every day the bike is late, £5 will be deducted. Come and see Daniel Lawrence in the Students’ Union.

Patio heaters As the nights are ge tting lighter (and warmer ) spare a thought for the environment when using the patio heaters at night.


Multi-faith chaplaincy on 01494

605 014.

Buck New Usag

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Bucks New Usage

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Multi-faith chaplaincy



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Are you passionate about recycling? Love being green? Join the Green impact movement! Email for more information.

Multi-faith chaplaincy on 01494


Sport for Fun.

What is Sport for Fun? As the name suggests, Sport for Fun is all about social and recreational activity as opposed to competitive sport. We’ve made sure that different activities take place on different days so there is always something for you to try. The majority of our recreational activities are free of charge, so it’s the perfect opportunity to come along with friends and try something new. With a range of 21 sports on offer throughout the year there is always something for everyone to give a go, ranging from snowsports to climbing, badminton to table tennis and Zumba to cheerleading. Our sessions are designed for all abilities so that there is always a sport that will be of interest to all.

What are the sessions like from a participant’s point of view? All of our sessions are a fantastic way to introduce you to a new sport and meet new people whilst enjoying yourself in a relaxed environment. Don’t just take this from me, current students who have taken part in the programme so far have said the sessions are “very relaxing and enjoyable” and “have introduced me to friends for life”. If you are a beginner to any sport, do not be afraid to give it a go, as one student who took part in boxing found out "I only started boxing two weeks ago and already feel like this is a lifetime sport for me". This is the aim of Sport for Fun - to engage you, the students, in a sport you would never normally try.

What's the role of a Sport for Fun ambassador? You may have noticed that we have an ambassador for each sport which we run who is responsible for introducing their sport to you. The role of an ambassador is to help promote their sport and ensure that the sessions are fun and enjoyable for everyone participating. Two of our ambassadors Sam Wheeler (Handball) and Shaz Sekhon (Boxing) have both had positive experiences as an ambassador developing their sports this year and also themselves. Sam “enjoyed his role as an ambassador” and has “learnt invaluable skills about how to interact with people which is transferable to any job I may have in the future" whilst Shaz during her role has been able to “develop her confidence, organisation and leadership skills”. If this is something you are interested in, we will be looking for ambassadors for next year, so if you are passionate about a sport, are a regular attendee at the sessions and believe you would be successful, then I suggest you apply when applications open.

What's happening in term three? Our programme continues in term three with some of the usual sports that have run all year plus some new additions. Unfortunately all the sports which are taking place off-site will be coming to an end in the final week before Easter but all the sports currently running in

the Events Hall at the High Wycombe Campus will be continuing at the same times. New for this term are archery and watersports with more information to be published in the near future. There is also the chance to get involved in some major events such as the Bucks Cup and Partner College Day.

How do I get involved? If you are interested in participating in any sessions or would like further information on any of the upcoming events, contact You can also keep up to date with everything on our Facebook page ‘Sport For Fun Bucks New Uni’, on Twitter @Sport4FunBucks or on the website:

LGBT Fellowship West Herts & Borders Methodist Circuit For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/no/undecided faith. We meet monthly on the 2nd Sunday, 2pm for 2.30pm until 4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church WD3 7HJ For more info and details of next meeting contact Rachel & Sarah If you need help with transport, email: or call: 01494 603 024 / 07544 750 793

28 March Issue


Why should you join a sports team at Bucks? Before coming to uni I was told by a lot of people to join a sports team as it was the best advice they could give. Until joining one, I didn’t realise how much of an impact it would actually have on my life at university! In my first year I got on with my flat mates, but I didn’t really have much in common with them which was why I was eager to join the University’s hockey team and see what it was like. I have made friends for life through training, competing and socialising with my team mates several times a week! Joining a sports team is the perfect way to make new friends and meet new people as everyone is there for the same reason; to play sport, have a laugh, and expand their friendship group at uni. Becoming part of a sports team also allows you to apply to be on their committee and help to improve the club and the way it’s run.

I have made friends for life by training, competing and socialising...

At Bucks Ladies Hockey we train weekly and play most weeks. Game day is so much fun as you meet up with your team then travel to the pitch together - this is where the fun begins! After the game it is time for one of our weekly socials. These are so much fun and a great way to really get to know each other! Another reason why you should join a sports team at Bucks is the events outside of the academic calendar. Hockey attend a festival every year where we play a few games, socialise with current and alumni Bucks players and have such an enjoyable weekend! As well as this, in April every year Bucks New Uni goes on tour to Salou. This is the best week I have ever had and encourage everyone to go! It is so much fun and is such a good atmosphere being with every sports team at Bucks! Bucks Ladies Hockey welcomes anyone to our team! Whether you have played for years or never picked up a hockey stick, come and train with us! Or, if you are not keen on playing but would like to come to our socials, we would love to see you there! (Tweet @BNULadiesHockey)

by Sian Barrett

I can’t express enough how being part of a sports team has made my experience at uni better than I could have ever imagined!


by Matt Rudkin

The Rugby team at Bucks is like joining a family, a band of brothers some would say. We are a competitive club that strives to perfect ourselves in everything we do. We do this through having two World Cup winning coaches: Rochelle Clark MBE and Kat Merchant, both have represented the England Women’s Team with over 150 international caps between them. Both Kat and Rocky have being coaching at our club for over six years, and have witnessed the club go from strength to strength. Both of our teams are placed in very competitive leagues; the first team started off the season with four straight losses, however they trained hard and have now won three on the bounce. The second team are sat at the top of their league with a record of six wins, one loss and one draw - they are currently on track for promotion. All our training and home games take place down at High Wycombe Rugby Club, who we have a strong relationship with. They allow us to have use of their floodlit pitches and full access to their club house. Having access to these facilities means we are able to run two training sessions each week on Mondays and Fridays, 5-7pm (transport is provided). It is never too late to come down and train with the team. Due to the sport being so physically demanding, we are also very lucky to have access to free phsyio sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays which take place down at the rugby club.

My personal experience of the playing rugby here at Bucks has seen me play in our Varsity event against the University of Roehampton and in the BUCS cup final last season against Portsmouth University. But it is not just the playing aspect that I enjoy. We have a large social side to the club and we even have members who don’t play rugby, but enjoy coming out on our social nights. Each Wednesday entails an evening of fun and mischief and is overseen by our Social Sec: Sam Jackson. Our social nights range

from simple power hour in the Students' Union to Crate Escape and Pub Golf. Not all of our socials require you to drink, we do have members who do not drink alcohol but they still come along to join in the fun. If you are interested in joining the Rugby Club, whether it be to get involved with the sport or joining our social members, then please contact our President, Max LeCount-Ward, on this email: Like us on Facebook: Bucks Mens Rugby Club 2014-15 Follow us on Twitter: @BucksMensRugby



March Issue

American Football

by Ashley Phillips

It's More Than Just a Sport Being involved in a sports team at university comes with more than just the sport itself. Not only do you win and lose as a team, you will find yourself doing a lot more at university with your team than you would at home. You could find yourself becoming great friends with team mates, doing outdoor activities, raising money for charity, hosting events, going out experiencing the nightlife in other towns and cities, helping each other study, and you may even find yourself choosing to live with them throughout your time at uni. Spending a lot of time with a team like this is what I believe can strengthen the bond of a team. This supports the phrase that "at university you do make your friends for life", being involved in a sport or society at Bucks gives the opportunity to make this happen. The BNU Buccaneers was founded in 2007 and since then it has created great memories and strong friendships which have continued throughout university and beyond.. American Football is the fastest

growing sport in the UK and Bucks offers students the opportunity to participate and be involved in this. Bucks New Uni encourages students to take part in a range of sports and societies for free due to their unique package, The Big Deal. As a result it is free for all students to join the American Football team, insurance is free and the kit is also provided free of charge. This is great because it doesn't put a dent in your student finances and it gives everyone the opportunity to try a sport which may cost a considerable amount if it wasn't for The Big Deal. All we ask for is your commitment to come to training and learn the sport. If you are interested in playing then come to one of our training sessions: Tuesday 8.30pm, Room N4.10 or Thursday 7.30pm, at the Wycombe Rye Lido. Please contact if you have any questions. Furthermore we would like to thank everyone who came to our event when we hosted the 49th Super Bowl

at the Students' Union, we hoped you enjoyed it. It was a great atmosphere throughout the night up to the final whistle of the Super Bowl. The last few minutes were really intense between both teams with the Seahawks making a crucial mistake resulting in them losing. It surprised a lot of the Seahawks fans that the coaches didn't think about running the last one yard. Instead, they chose to pass it, it got intercepted, New England Patriots won the Super Bowl. At Varsity, you may find sports teams experiencing games like this, how one mistake can cost you, and one moment of perfection can win the game. Roehampton do not have an American Football team so the Buccaneers are not participating in this event, however we will be there showing our support for all the Bucks New Uni teams, looking for them to succeed, and play with heart for the Uni. We wish all our sports teams the best at Varsity - it's going to be one hell of a great day!

30 March Issue


BUCKS' CUP RUNS 2015 has seen Bucks have some great cup runs for a number of teams: Men’s Rugby 2nds, Men’s Volleyball, Men’s Futsal, Women’s Football and Men’s Basketball. Men’s Volleyball

Women’s Football

Never before have we had such a

After a great season with only one

successful year. Those of you, who

loss so far, Women’s football will be

can remember back to the beginning of

competing against St Mary’s in the final

the year, might just remember hearing

of the South Eastern Conference Cup.

the shocking news that the Men’s and

The relationship with Reading ladies is

Women’s volleyball teams won a match

proving to be working well for the girls

in the BUCS league, which was big news

with the addition of a few new players

for us! Along with this league there is also

and some strong returning players, the

an FA cup style knockout competition, which we have always lost in the very first round and therefore never progressed; however this year we have made it through to the semi-finals, which is simply unheard of. Our quarter final game was close at times, although the scoreboard did not fully reflect this with a 3–1 win. We comfortably won the first set by around 10 points, which was a huge confidence boost for the team and we subsequently won the next set, however complacency crept in and we lost the third set. We were still 2-1 up, so had the advantage, but we needed to take the next set and win the match. The fourth set was the closest match I have seen at Bucks, with neither team making a clear breakaway, but with Middlesex constantly a point or two ahead. Then at 21–20 we took the lead and won 25–23.

Men’s Futsal After completing the South Eastern 1A league with a few frustrating results, Futsal have excelled in the Cup run as the team have reached the final in the National Trophy. The trophy includes teams from Northern,

club has gone from strength to strength. They have been the most successful Women’s teams here at Bucks this season in the league and the girls have really proved themselves in the cup with some convincing wins, 7-2, 11-0 and 4-3. Bucks FC Ladies are going into the final as strong contenders and with only a couple of games left in the league there is great potential to win both the league and the cup!

Men’s Basketball With promotion to the South Eastern 2A this season, Bucks Men’s Basketball have had another successful year finishing top of the league and progressing up another tier in BUCS. All season the team have put on some spectacular performances, scoring 768 points across 9 games. With a comfortable win in the semi-finals 85-55, Lets hope the team achieve the double and bring home some silverware.

Men’s Rugby 2nds After a strong league campaign, the Men’s Rugby 2nd team have also been on a fantastic cup

Midland, Western and Southern leagues and with

run, taking them all the way to the final at Royal

other universities including the likes of Durham

Holloway. That being said, it hasn’t been a walk in

and Nottingham this group is far from easy! As one

the park; with a hard fought 3-0 win in the last 16

of Bucks smaller sports Clubs the lads have really

and a score at the death to win it in the semi-final,

showed what Bucks can do and have committed

they haven’t always taken the easy route. But they

to competing most Sundays. Reaching this far

are more than capable and confident that they

in a national trophy is really something to be

will be coming back with their first Cup Final

proud of and we wish the lads the best of

win in four years, against table toppers Royal

luck and fingers crossed for the final!

Holloway on their home patch.


Sport. Mark Sweeney Vice-President Student Involvement

March Issue

LET’S DO THIS! The time has finally come for us to return to the University of Roehampton for the third annual Varsity fixture. For some of you this will be your first Varsity and for others it will be your last, but there’s one thing for certain, we’re all going there with a vengeance. We’re currently 2-0 down and there’s no room for us to lose any more ground on Roehampton. This Varsity promises to be the best one yet as both universities battle it out for The Roebuck Trophy in which for one, it will stand proudly in their trophy cabinet and leave a glaring hole in the other. For those of you who don’t know, the name of the trophy originates from a fusion between the two Universities' names as well as recognition of the local deer population in Richmond Park and Buck’s famous mascot, Mr Rusty Buck himself. We’ve added new fixtures with both male and female Volleyball featuring for the first time, bigger venues in Rosslyn Park and Barn Elms Boat House and an increased capacity in the venue for the after party. We can’t wait and we hope that you lot are just as excited as we are! The fierce but friendly rivalry will be as prominent as always and with Roehampton 2-0 up, there is an incredible amount at stake for Bucks but you can’t rule out the magic of the cup! This has to be our year so if you’re playing, give the best performance of your life and if you’re spectating on the side lines, keep singing until the cows come home and give everyone as much support as possible.

It’s all down to who accumulates the most points on the day, so Bucks, it’s our chance to shine and finally take home the coveted trophy. Also at stake are The Sam Woods Shield and The Natalie Tucker Shield respectively for the best male and the best female player of the day, which were named after the two winners in the very first Varsity meeting. Last year, the winners were Baboucarr Jarra from Bucks and Cherie Ayres from Roey. It’s great to see that both universities are fully behind the event as always, and for their continued efforts in making sure all the organisational aspects of the day go to plan, we must give a huge thank you to Chris Roberts and Danielle McAllister from Roehampton and Ross McLaughlin, Catherine Lymer, Holly Furniss, Daniel Lawrence, Grace Sheils and Ohio Orumen from Bucks. Another special thank you, must go to all the venues hosting this year’s fixtures – Bank of England Sports Centre, Barn Elms Boat House, Roehampton Playing Fields, Roehampton Sport & Fitness Centre, the University of Roehampton and Rosslyn Park RFC. Due to Roehampton only being a small campus like ourselves, they don’t have enough facilities of their own. We have been lucky enough to outsource to external venues and without the help of these, the day would not be possible. We hope Varsity is a very enjoyable day for you and like in the previous years, played in a good spirit to continue what we hope to be a long lasting legacy between the two institutions.

three nights in May

Friday 8

Saturday 9

Sunday 10

DTale more acts to be announced



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