Edition 65

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February 2017 - Edition 65

Three Nights In May...













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February Issue

Three Nights In May...



This Edition: page 4

Festiball is the three night festival we put on every May to celebrate the end of another successful academic year. See page 19 for details on why you should be as excited as we are!

You Talk, We’ll Listen… An interview with Students' Union President, Joe Collins and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rebecca Bunting, where they talk about the importance of student feedback.

page 8

Contributors Joe Collins • Professor Rebecca Bunting • Charlotte Crackett Dan Dedman • Jenny Wade • Suneetra Singh • Becky Hamer Amy How • Hesham Saghir • Luke Froud • Jessica Miles Jamie Alexander • James Taylor • Chloe Kimber Hannah Taylor • Rhia Smyth • Sofia Di Cataldo • Helena Perry Kat Frei • Mona Gundacker • Luz Herrera • Tanya Jiri Gabriela Wietrzyk • Martyna Gajewska • Becky Connell Ashleigh Houghton • Hanna Elias • Joshua Marks Emilee Platts • Emily Wittwer • Georgia Read • Abi Joss Rhona Noel • Daniel Lawrence • Zoe Moorton Sian Lipscomb • Greg Pike Want to see your name in the list above? Want to have your writing or artwork on show to thousands of people? Get involved. Email editor@thebucksstudent.com

Advertising For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell - simon.mcdowell@bucks.ac.uk Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at bucksstudentsunion.org/communications.

Rusty's Guide to Renting Vice President Education & Welfare, Jenny Wade gives us some wise words on what to expect when looking for housing next year.

page 10

Go Green Week Bucks Student Editor, Zoe Moorton explains what Go Green Week is and why it's so important!

International Women's Day In honour of International Women's Day, Feminist Society Chair, Kat Frei interviewed female students from a wide variety of backgrounds so they could share their experience of coming to the UK.

© 2017 Bucks Students’ Union

If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact Bucks Students' Union for more information.

Sport for Fun Sports Development Assistant (Sport for Fun), Daniel Lawrence goes through some of the reasons that Ambassador play such a big part in the success of the Sport for Fun programme.

page 23

Wednesday 8 March

page 31

4 February Issue


By Joe Collins & Professor Rebecca Bunting


Interview with Students' Union President, Joe Collins and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rebecca Bunting about the importance of student feedback. How can students give their views? RB: Formal feedback on courses is collected via the modular assessment process and by wider surveys such as the NSS and, new for this year, UKES (UK Engagement Survey) and PTES (Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey.) We also value informal feedback and want to encourage a culture where students can speak openly to their tutors, both positively and negatively, about any aspects of their studies. The University also welcomes feedback about other areas of university life including support services and accommodation. JC: Students have a variety of avenues to give feedback through the Students' Union (SU) including via their student rep, by attending Union Council meetings or talking directly to the sabbatical officers. Get to know your personal tutor too. Tell us what you think via Student Ideas under Your Union on the SU website. And you can speak to the Student Centre if there’s something you don’t want to raise directly with either the SU or the University. 2. Why is feedback important? JC: All students have a responsibility to share their feedback, it will help make a difference to those that follow you. Remember to tell us when something’s good as well as if things don’t go well. RB: We know there is room for improvement in some areas and we’re working in partnership with the SU to

student feedback is also taken into account at Module effect change. We need your views so we can enhance Boards and has resulted in changes being made to the and transform what we offer to our current and future students. No issue is too small if you think it’s hampering module’s delivery or assessment. your ability to succeed at Bucks. 5. Should students be concerned that speaking up 3. How does the University and SU work together? will have a detrimental effect on their grades? RB: The sabbatical officers and students are represented when the University develops its policies and procedures. And we work in partnership through regular meetings to ensure we’re listening to the ‘student voice’ so that we can continue to improve your experience. JC: The SU is always seeking your views. Please make use of the many avenues available for your voice to be heard. We can’t talk to the University on your behalf unless you tell us what’s important to you. We can’t try and fix it if you don’t tell us. 4. What happens to student feedback? JC: I liaise with the relevant person in the University and always make sure that I close the loop by updating the student on the outcome of my conversations with University staff. RB: Your feedback helps us to make change. Examples where we have made significant change include increasing the number of face-face contact hours for Nursing students and giving more support for essays and other assignments to our design students. Formal

RB: Not at all. I want to reassure all students that they can share their views openly with impunity. I urge any student who has a concern to speak up and be heard. We want to hear from you throughout your time with us. Please make use of both the informal and formal channels and let’s work together to keep improving life at Bucks. JC: Giving feedback is important and is seen as a positive action by the University. You can take a direct role by standing as a sabbatical officer in the upcoming elections or by becoming a student rep. These are also excellent ways to boost your skills for life after university. 6. Any final thoughts for students? RB: Your feedback helps us to give you what you need to be successful in your learning. We want to work with you to ensure your experience is the best it can be so that you realise your ambitions when you graduate. JC: Don’t sit on things, be confident enough to take ownership. Talk to us, we’re here to represent you. Your time here will fly by, make the most of it and do everything you can to create your opportunities for success.

Find out more about the personal tutoring system: bit.ly/2kenj89

How to give your feedback: Email the University directly at: speaktous@bucks.ac.uk Tell the Students' Union what you think: bucksstudentsunion.org/union/feedback You can also take part in surveys: Final year students: National Student Survey. Open now, closes 30 April visit: thestudentsurvey.com First & second year students: UK Engagement Survey. (27 February - 16 June) Postgraduate students: Post Graduate Taught Experience Survey. (20 March - 18 May)


Question Time Round One: VPEW Disabilities

BME VPSI Part-time

International NUS Delegate

Pulse (UXB) - Fri 24 Feb, noon-1pm The Lounge (HW) - Mon 27 Feb, noon-1pm

Round Two: Mature Women’s

LGBT+ President

Postgraduate Student Trustee

Pulse (UXB) - Tue 28 Feb, noon-1pm The Lounge (HW) - Thu 2 Mar, noon-1pm

Tweet your questions #BSUElections or fill a comment card on the day.

For more information about the Bucks Students’ Union Elections 2017 visit bucksstudentsunion.org/elections

6 February Issue

Alumna article.

By Charlotte Crackett

A MESSAGE TO THIRD YEARS I decided to write this because I want all third years to try their best to avoid exactly what I felt when I was in my last year at Bucks. Entering your last year is never really seen positively apart from the fact you’re possibly going into your last year of education. It comes with an almost ‘black cloud’ feeling when getting closer to the finish line. I was a super involved student in and outside of my course and I was definitely a fan of the occasional boogie and gin in the Students' Union, and when I say fan I mean I live for it and when I say occasional I mean whenever I could. But that was done within the safe little bubble protected by student loans and student life. Meaning coming out of that is the scariest thing in the world, somewhat exciting, but mostly petrifying. You won’t be made to forget about the looming future of rent, bills and attempting to find a career from family and friends. Plus the sheer pain you feel when most of the time you’re like ‘this is the last time I do this’, while still trying to enjoy yourself because it may be the last time you’ll do it. Going home to your parents feels like 10 massive steps back and having to make polite conversation with those ‘school friends’ you haven’t seen in five years… It’s a no from me. You really question how you could ever leave your student life… Well I know I definitely did. But, the key thing here is that everyone feels the same and no one has it figured it out yet, and I don’t think anyone really does figure it out. Life can take you anywhere and your career can be ever changing if you want it to be. I bet you didn’t think you would get up to all the things you have at your time at Bucks ey? And look at you now. Without doing all the extra things, and spreading myself across all the opportunities I wouldn’t have the career and be the person I am today. You’re still on your student adventure, it’s not over yet, so DO EVERYTHING AND LOVE EVERY MOMENT, you won’t regret it. It’s a life I thought I could

never let go of, and now I don’t have too necessarily. I’m still living independently, in contact with my student friends and the Students' Union is still completely accessible, all that’s actually changed is I don’t attend lessons, and I’m finally okay with that. It’s drilled into me that your twenties are the best years of your life, they're your selfish, travelling, falling in out of love, completely drunken ones. So stop stressing that you’re not going to walk into the career that you want at first, life is a series of stepping stones, and you may get to skip a few but usually you have to keep working hard to get where you want to be. Something is always there and the world keeps spinning. You will find something and if it’s right, you will be happy. What I’m saying is basically it's okay to not know what you want to do. That’s why we came to university right? Be excited about your last year, work hard for that dream grade, and imagine yourself in that grad cap and a big smile on your face. The friends that matter stick around for life, be grateful you were blessed to meet them in the weird old town of Wycombe.

IT'S OKAY TO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO DO So instead of saying ‘this is the last time’ say this is ‘the best time, and goes along with all the best times I’ve had here’. University is one chapter in your life, and you have endless chapters to live, and trust me, stop listening to people who say you need to let go of university. Never let it go, get your career and leave, but Bucks will always be there and you can always come back, so it never has to be the last time. You’re young and have many more years of being young, hold on to that.


ONE STEP AT A TIME To me dry January always seemed a bit like a New Year’s resolution, especially whilst at university. It would be something you say you’ll l do at the start, then a week later you go back to normal, in this case, standing at the bar in the Students’ Union. But this year was different. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, or perhaps a bit boring but something was certainly different. Telling any young student to stop drinking for 31 days sounds like some sort of joke, but it truly is possible. Firstly, what is Dry January? Although no one really knows who or when it started, Dry January is when you stop drinking for the whole duration of January, that’s 31 very long days. In 2016, it was estimated 16% of adults in the UK attempted Dry January, emphasis on attempted. So, what did Dry January mean to me? Well, first it gave me a large amount of personal achievement. Although there was a large amount of temptation in my fridge, in the supermarket and in pubs, I still managed to resist. It also saved me a bit of cash. Say on an average night out I would spend around £20 and I would typically go out once a week, this saved me £80. Now, seeing as my student loan doesn’t even cover the cost of my accommodation, any extra money a month will always be welcome. The health benefits of it was also an advantage. I felt good both physically and mentally and best of all, I didn’t suffer from the dreaded hangover all month. Why do it? Other than saving money, bettering your health and feeling good there are many other reasons why you should at least give it a go next year. Bucks Students’ Union offers many alternatives to nights out, whether it is joining a new

club or perhaps a society, Bucks Students' Union allow substitutions for a night out drinking. This is heavily reflected in the More Than a Bar 2017 campaign. Check out the Students’ Union website for more details on the campaign as well as up to date information on future non-alcohol related events.

Bucks Students’ Union and Bucks New University are working in partnership ensuring that students are aware of the impact that alcohol has on you and the community. The partnership has recently been audited for the NUS Alcohol Impact Awareness award and has passed with flying colours. Students can join the steering group, work on individual projects, write articles like this one, take part in the front end of campaigning, or get involved as an auditor, these are great ways to increase your volunteering hours and gain some of those all-important CV building soft skills. If you or any of your fellow students would like to get involved with any aspect of the Alcohol Impact Awareness campaign please drop into the Students’ Union and have a chat or contact william.hoskin@bucks.ac.uk.

February Issue

By Dan Dedman


Alcohol Impact.

8 February Issue

Rusty's Renting Guide.

By Jenny Wade

GUIDE TO Every year, the second term into uni, the same thing happens… There’s a massive rush to find somewhere to live and someone to live with. Under the pressure created by some local landlords and letting agents, you’ll quickly gather a group of friends together, some of whom you barely know, and go house hunting.

You’ll find a nine bed party mansion, which is a little rough around the edges but will be amazing by the time you move in. And there’s a guy next door who says he’s a local DJ with his own sound system. You sign there and then and that’s it, house hunting done. Fast forwards nine months to July and you’ll find two people have dropped out of the group, leaving a frantic search to find another two housemates or somehow cover two people’s rent. You’ve fallen out with one of your friends after breaking your laptop and lost all your work. And the area you’re moving to is…well… a bit dodgy to say the least. Don’t get sucked in to signing up for a house too early, there’s actually a surplus of student housing in High Wycombe. So… house hunting? Do not panic – grab one of our new Rusty’s Renting House Hunting checklist from one of the Advice Centres (or find it under support on our website). Hopefully you’ll have a trouble-free home for the length of your tenancy but if you do encounter any problems; remember there is always someone available to help you. The Students' Union Advice Centre can help with most problems including landlords, contracts, deposits, council tax and difficulties with housemates. Are you registered on Student Pad? Student Pad is a website run by the Accommodation service that advertises good quality housing for Bucks Students. Post on the message board to find housemates, leave reviews of your landlord or letting agent and get property alerts every time a new property becomes available! visit: bucksnewstudentpad.co.uk password to use the search: Myroom022015

Top five tips before you sign: 1. Choose your housemates wisely: Think carefully as you will be stuck with each other for a year. 2. Make sure you can afford your rent and bills: Monthly rent (each) + utility bills + food + living costs = monthly amount you are committing yourself to. 3. Look at the property with everyone together: Try to view as many as possible, with all your prospective housemates, as everyone has different tastes. You wouldn’t buy a pair of shoes without trying them on first! 4. Do not rush into signing: Landlords/estate agents are fabulous salespeople. Don’t let them panic you in to signing without looking around the property thoroughly. Ask the current tenants if repairs are being done. 5. Read the contract properly: Never sign anything you don’t understand as contracts are very difficult to get out of. The Accommodation service offers free contract checking, alternatively you can contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre. Signing up for a contract on a house is a big deal, you’re making a decision that’s going to affect a whole year of your life. And housing contracts are difficult to change or get out of, so why rush when you don’t have to? Good or bad, we want to hear about your student housing experiences! Fill out the NUS Homes Fit to Study survey and you could win up to £500! Visit: nus.org.uk/accommodationsurvey.

EXCITING FRIDAYS - ONE CAN TRUST! Fridays are usually the most exciting day of the week – for a lot of us, as it is usually the end of roller coaster weeks, and the beginning of lazy or crazy weekends. However, there is something extra I do on Fridays that makes it a little bit more extra special, and that is One Can Trust (OCT)! It is a project I have been working on for over 3 years alongside the Student’s Union here at Bucks. Some of you might have already known or are aware of OCT, but for those who are wondering what this is, OCT is a food bank charity. It is a non-profit organization that provides emergency food parcels to people who are in crisis in our community such as single parents, and low income families. A little touch on history - I worked with an enthusiastic group of volunteers on my first year. I was then made a project leader for OCT on the following year, and I still am now. It is safe to say that I have laid my hands on an amazing opportunity. It only takes up an hour of my time in a week to pack and distribute dozens and dozens of food to those in need, donated by vast number of incredible families. Despite my busy schedule of being a final year Law student, not excluding the workload that comes with it, and having to cope with two part-time jobs, I make OCT one of my priorities. This is because at the end of the day, there is nothing to lose in making another smile! So, have you got an hour to spare on Fridays between noon and 1pm? Would you like to make a difference to the lives of others who are in need? I am currently recruiting a team of volunteers, and it is still not too late for you to sign up. For more information, please visit the Student’s Union website or contact volunteering@bucks.ac.uk.

Homes fit for study? Take the survey for a chance to

Win up to £500!


February Issue

By Suneetra Singh, One Can Trust Project Leader


One Can Trust.

10 February Issue

Go Green Week.

By Zoe Moorton

Go Green Week! Monday 13 - Sunday 19 February Why is Go Green week so important? Well… By 2050 our population is expected to reach 9billion! Unfortunately the problem with the scope of the numbers associated with environmental impact mean that the amounts involved are so large, we can’t even imagine them - so they just become numbers. For example – The UK alone produces more than 100 million tonnes of waste a year. To put that into perspective, one tonne is roughly the weight of a small car. The average UK family throws away six trees worth of paper a year! Not very good for the rainforests that are already struggling to keep our oxygen levels in check – in fact it’s estimated that 80% of our household bins could either be recycled or composted. Here are some great activities to get involved with throughout the week: MONDAY:


Meatless Monday – the groans around campus begin. Unfortunately, eating

All week, you can come to campus and sign the Go Green pledge – with a

meat is really, really, really bad for the environment. Just try it for the day -

twist! Instead of signing a big banner, you will be drawing around your hand,

plus we have some veggie delights for you!

to help create a ‘tree pledge’ – Don’t miss out on this one!

There’s also a screening of Before the Flood at 8pm in the Lounge – this is the

Make sure you fill out the Green Impact survey too! One lucky person who fills

2016 documentary starring Leonardo DiCaprio (it has an 8.4 rating on IMDB).

out the survey will win a prize!


Are you a gym bunny? – Ask a member of the gym team this week to convert

A Swap Shop! Come and get some new stationery from 11am - 3pm

your energy to watts – when you’ve finished your workout, mark down your

Thanks to Bucks Netball Team, you can also come along at the same time and

production. The highest number will win a prize!

grab a smoothie – what a cute way to start Valentine’s Day.

The Green Society will be around all week too, so make sure you come and chat


to us – join the Facebook page: Bucks Green Army.

At 10am make your way to the Rye carpark and help The Chiltern Rangers

There are a number of great websites where you can learn more about being

with maintaining the nature reserve!

Green and having access to a lot of information that you might be surprised to


learn – my personal favourite, One Green Planet is really informative and has

Sunday night’s Quiz will be Green themed – you better brush up on your knowledge as we put some pretty tough questions in there…

a large variety of topics. Look after Earth – the nearest habitable planet is 14 light years away.

Student Volunteer Week: Participate, Collaborate, Celebrate!

Student Volunteer Week is part of a national campaign run by NUS, Student Hubs and SVN aiming to raise awareness of the value of student volunteering. It's a national celebration of the positive impact students have on their communities through volunteering. This year Student Volunteering Week takes place from Monday 20 - Sunday 26 February and we plan to make it the biggest celebration of volunteering yet! As well as the many volunteering opportunities we run on a regular basis we have a jam packed week with lots to get involved with: MONDAY:


On Monday we will be kicking off the week with our annual Smile Campaign. The Smile Campaign is a great, fun filled morning. We meet on campus at 7.30am, then head off into High Wycombe to spread the smiles and make someone’s day. We hand out bananas, flapjacks, stickers and refreshments to local commuters on their way to work. START YOUR DAY WITH A SMILE!

On Thursday morning we have our weekly Chiltern Rangers – Green Thursdays. Come to the Rye Car Park for 10am to meet the team before heading out to help take care of your local environment in the local woodlands.

TUESDAY: On Tuesday we have organised a good old traditional litter pick in order to clean up the streets of High Wycombe. Meet at the Student’s Union for 10am, we will split into small groups and head out with our sacks and litter picks to clean up our town. The very popular Volley4RAG is back yet again, get together a team of 6-8 people, £10 per team and head to Events Hall for 6pm, for a very funny exciting game of volleyball, if you don’t fancy playing then come down to spectate. WEDNESDAY: Are you going to FRAT House on Wednesday? Instead of splashing out on a new outfit, why not put your money to a good cause? Head to a local charity shop, get something to wear for your night out and bring the receipt into the Students’ Union so we can total the amount spent in our local charity shops.

Bucks FC will then be heading to Rye View Manor, a local care home, to host a bingo session for the residents. FRIDAY: On Friday let’s raise some money for RAG. This year our two RAG charities are Pepper Foundation and the Medical Detection Dogs. We will be heading out onto the streets of High Wycombe to hold a RAG Raid. Fancy dress is always encouraged! If you don’t fancy the RAG Raid then why not donate an hour of your day and volunteer instead? Head over to One Can Trust where you can help pack up and deliver food donations for those in crisis. If you’re out on Friday night celebrating all the hard work you've been doing during the week, then make sure you stop by the WAX4RAG stall organised by Ben Parmar and Richard White. You can even call in on the Christian Union Society's Tea and Toast stall for some light refreshment and a chat before heading home.

THIS YEAR STUDENT VOLUNTEERING WEEK TAKES PLACE FROM MONDAY 20 SUNDAY 26 FEBRUARY If Student Volunteering Week sounds like something you want to get involved with please come along to any of our events or come down one to the Students’ Union offices for more details. We are always looking for volunteers to get involved and help make this year the best so far. If you have any outstanding library fines then make sure you pay them during Student Volunteering Week as all money goes towards RAG.

Fight for Fairtrade Fairtrade Fortnight is running from Monday 27 February - Sunday 12 March On campus we have lots of activities plans to champion Fairtrade on campus and encourage both students and staff to be conscious effort to buy Fairtrade. Fairtrade do not only have Coffee, tea and chocolate on offer. You can buy Fairtrade cotton, and all our clothing merchandise is certified as Fairtrade. Many ask the question, what is Fairtrade, what does it mean and why is it so important? Fairtrade is a global movement to ensure that small scale local farmers in developing countries receive a fair price for their products in order for them to survive and thrive in a powerful global market. Farms then have to commit to be environmentally friendly, provide fair working standards and invest the money back into their communities to be spent on education, medicine and additional training. Basically, it is really important in ensuring those who produce the goods we buy are rewarded by the global economy, and not mistreated by it. Keep an eye on our website to find out what activities are running on campus during Fairtrade Fortnight… In the meantime, here are some fun facts about Fairtrade! Did you know that all 15 flavours of Ben & Jerry's are Fairtrade? Now there’s a good excuse to eat ice cream!

Around 125 million people worldwide depend on coffee for their livelihood.

The first ever Fairtrade Mark banana sold in the UK was in the year 2000.

Divine Chocolate is the only chocolate company in the world to be fully owned by farmers.

There are over 1.4 million farmers and workers worldwide who work to produce Fairtrade products.

The first product to get the Fairtrade Mark was Green & Black’s Maya Gold chocolate bar.

Did you know, High Wycombe is a certified Fairtrade Town, There are 550 in the UK alone.

February Issue

By Becky Hamer & Amy How


Student Volunteer Week & Fairtrade Fortnight.

12 February Issue

Game review: Furi

By Hesham Saghir

2016 WAS A PACKED YEAR WHEN IT CAME TO QUALITY GAMES. I will admit there were games I missed out on, I am sure you could say the same. So early January before the big onslaught of video games began, (seriously just look at how many games were released in January) I thought I would try and sort out my personal back catalogue. One such game is Furi - a top down boss, rush action game. I had heard very little about it and kind of just ignored it. I came to regret this decisions after having it in my library for months thanks to PSN plus. I finally played the game on a whim and found it to be one of the most satisfying yet flawed action games I had played in a while. From a presentation stand point this game stands with the best of them. Every pixel, every polygon and every note from the stellar soundtrack oozes style. The art may look familiar to some anime fans as the characters were designed by Takashi Okazaki the artist behind Afro Samurai. The environments, while limited, are varied in atmosphere and colour pallet, giving off the desired mood through the rich colours and cel shaded graphics. The soundtrack is some of the best use of synth music I have heard in a long while, ranging from catchy tunes to moody pieces that add to the narrative. As previously mentioned, this is a boss rush game, so the whole game revolves around these intimate one-on-one battles. The fights have

multiple phases, with each one varying up their attacks significantly. As the fight rages on, you will begin to realise that this game fuses the style and timing of a character action game with the eye melting genre of bullet hell. You have a parry that when executed well is so satisfying and will leave your opponent open for a flurry of attacks. Another benefit of perfectly timed parry’s, is it is one of the few ways of healing yourself. When you parry perfectly you will glow green and gain some health. Another way of gaining health is by taking down one of the pips of health that represent one of the boss’s phases. The boss will recover its health and the phase will reset. However, in return, you gain one of these pips as lives. As mentioned the game is not perfect by any means. The biggest flaw comes from the walking you have to do in between levels - THE worst trend in video games from recent years. Despite some of the more frustrating aspects of this game, I had a lot of fun with it in the end. While some may have an issue with its length of five hours, I felt it didn't overstay its welcome. Beating bosses in one-on-one duels is rewarding. The soundtrack is a feast for the ears. The visuals are gorgeous and ultimately it all came together to make a stylish, challenging experience.

Blizzard, one of the best known game development companies in the world, and also the creator of one of the best MMORPG games of all time, World of Warcraft. So after such a string of successes with WOW and Diablo, where did their vision take them next? To an online card game. Hearthstone is a turn-based strategy, collectable card game, based on the mythology of World of Warcraft, using characters and races from the game to form the Hearthstone world, from the playable characters, to the events that take place in the game. At the start of the game, the player can choose one of several player characters to represent them in the game, each character is of a different class i.e. warrior, mage, hunter etc. that can be found in the World of Warcraft games. Each player starts the game with 30 ‘life’ and the aim of the game is to deplete the opposing player’s life. To do battle, the player summons creatures, or casts spells using ‘mana’ they generate each turn. Depending on the class of the player character, the

player also gets a hero ability, which can either deal content, so if you do play WOW, it might be worth damage to an opponent, or equip a weapon or allow playing Hearthstone for that simple reason. them to draw more cards from the deck. Overall, the game play is solid and simple to pick The game also offers quests, rewarding the player up and play, but also does require a fair bit of thinking ahead as well as anticipating what your with in-game currency (gold) for completing opponent will do based on not only their playing them. The gold can be used in the in-game shop style, but also on who their player character is, to purchase more packs of cards to expand the due to how their effects can impact on the game, player’s collection, allowing for more options for and can either be a help or a hindrance to you. deck construction. The game does offer a pay to win option, due to how the player can purchase more packs using real life money, as to be expected from an online game that was developed by Blizzard games. Due to the expansive nature of the game’s development, the player base is huge, from die hard World of Warcraft fans, to people who just enjoy Hearthstone and know absolutely nothing about World of Warcraft. Though that being said, playing Hearthstone does unlock World of Warcraft

If you want to play, here are a few beginners tips I can offer: 1) Learn what each player character does, it can help you understand their playstyle. 2) Learn the importance of Hand advantage, it makes dealing with things so much easier. For those of you who would like to give this game a go, it is available on PC and MAC, but is also available on most smart devices, such as Android phones or iPhone.

February Issue

By Luke Froud


Game review: Hearthstone

14 February Issue

Creative writing.

By Jessica Miles

LOVED IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE The little girl had dragged her father around every flower shop in the city, she seems to get more and more desperate in her search for something. And once again they were stood in a flower shop staring at the flowers, the little girl filled with determination and the father stood trying not to be annoyed. An assistant came over and asked if they needed any help, only to get a list handed to her and a little girl begging for what was on the list. The assistant smiled and went to the back of the shop. The dad gave the girl a look before trying to get the girl to look at other bouquets of flowers. The little girl refused and insisted that she needed what was on the list. A few moments later the assistant came back out and had everything wrapped into what could have been seen as a very ugly bouquet. She handed the bouquet to the little girl who squealed with delight. The dad handed over money and they left the store. As they sat in the car, the girl sat and explained each and every item that sat in her ugly bouquet. The dad gave a small little smile

understanding as to why the little girl was so adamant about getting these flowers. The little girl ran through the halls as fast as her little legs could manage, while her dad ran after her. The little girl ran into the room and saw her mum, who turned her head and gave her a smile. She rushed over and climbed onto the chair and handed over the bouquet. The mum gave a smile and asked about them. The little girl sat and explained once again.Oak for strength, Marjoram for happiness, Lady’s Mantle for comfort, Honeysuckle for bonds of love, Holly for hope, Goldenrod for encouragement, Forget-Me-Nots for don’t forget me, Edelweiss for courage, White Clover for think of me, Chrysanthemum for cheerfulness, Arborvitae for unchanging friendship, Angelica for inspiration, Aloe flowers for healing and protection and Blue Saliva for “I think of you”. The mum gave a smile and kissed the girl on the head. The dad asked a nurse to put the bouquet in some water. The nurse smiled at the little girl and took the bouquet away. The little girl smiled and said a single line to her mum. “Happy Valentine’s day, mum”.

ARE YOU SOCIAL MEDIA SAVVY? Eden Shopping Centre is looking for Vloggers and bloggers to produce content for their blog page #Edenloves. You could talk about homeware, fashion, fitness, beauty, gaming or food!

Take part in the National Student Survey - It’s quick to complete and you’ll be helping prospective students make the right choices of where and what to study.


For more information, please email Hufriya at: bucks.teamimpulse@gmail.com


Film Review.

February Issue


14 Feb - 24 Feb

25 Feb - 7 Mar

February Issue

Tuesday 14

Tuesday 28

Thursday 16

Wednesday 15

Thursday 2

Wednesday 15 February The Roast of VPSI Ohio Orumen, Egg Russian Roulette and Take Me Out! The famous Bucks FC choir Auctioning Waiters | dress to impress

£4 suggested donation | Doors at 8pm Frat House afterparty

Saturday 18 18 Saturday Saturday 4

Sunday 19

Wednesday 22


Friday 24

Tuesday 7


Tuesday 7 March, 8

8 Mar - 18 Mar


Saturday 25

Wednesday 8

Tuesday 7 9 Thursday Wednesday 1

Wednesday 8 March

Friday 10



Saturday 11

Monday 6


8pm, The Venue

Monday 13


Drinks Promotions

Friday 17

Snakebite: £1.90 to midnight Frat Punch: £2 Pint of soft drink: £1 VK: £2 Snakebite: £1.90 to midnight Smirnoff Ice: £2 Sailors Jerrys and Mixer: £2 J20: £1 Pitchers of selected draught: £7.50 Bottle of wine: £7.50 Rekorderling: £3 Pint of juice: £1

Saturday 18

Red Stag and mixer: £2 Staropramen: £2 Can of Red Bull: £2 Magners: £2


Disaronno and mixer: £2 Becks Vier: £2 Hooch: £3 Rubicon: £1

February Issue

Pin-up Vegas

February Issue


Three Nights In May... The sun is setting that little bit later, the thick jumpers and Ugg boots are going back into the closet, and those muddy festival fields, and sunny Mediterranean beaches are within sniffing distance. Spring is here and we already can’t wait to be even closer to the real start of summer: FestiBall. FestiBall, which is held from Friday 5 - Sunday 7 May this year, is unlike any other end of year ball around. The Venue is completely transformed, including the Silent Disco Dome and outside bar area, a VIP area for third years, with the main two rooms fully decorated and kitted out, as we bring you some of the hottest acts from around the world, well and truly bringing the festival atmosphere to Bucks. Over the last six years our stages have been graced by the likes of: Mistajam, Zane Lowe, Circa Waves, Fuse ODG, Chris Stark, Big Narstie, Fickle Friends, DJ Fresh, Wilkinson, Foxes, Rudimental, Everything Everything, Danny Howard, Scouting For Girls, Utah Saints, Ms Dynamite, Saint Raymond, Jaguar Skills, Becky Hill, Danny McFly, and Marvin Humes. Over the course of the three nights, you can expect acts from across the genres. From EDM dance and Grime on Friday, to Indie and live music Saturdays, to Club Bangers on the Sunday, and everything in between across our various rooms and stages. Each night will also have a particular theme and dress code, so be prepared to party in style! And what do you Bucks Students pay for the privilege? Absolutely nothing. Squat. Zilch. Zero. Nowt. And can you bring your envious mates from home along for the ride? Of course you can. FestiBall isn’t open to the general public, but guests of Students can purchase tickets online (limited Advance Tickets are available now from See Tickets, just search ‘Bucks FestiBall 2017’). Guests will have to be signed in by students as normal, but there are no limits to the amount of guests per student, so no one has to miss out! Third years, as you are nearing the time to leave, we would like to treat you to a little something special: your very own VIP area, including bar and more goodies (announced on the Release Party). This will cost a little something, but to beat the entry and bar queues, while making that last FestiBall extra special, we definitely think it will be worth your while! Already flown the nest? This year, we would like to welcome back all Bucks Alumni for the special discounted price of £10 (a third of the price of a Guest ticket!). This

will give you access to every night of the weekend, and all you need to get one is your Bucks ID card. Please also see our See Tickets page for Alumni Tickets. Itching to know who we’ve got in store for you this year? Come along to the release party on Monday 13 March, and get properly excited for the best weekend of the year; anyone that has been before can tell you, this is a truly memorable way to round off another year at Bucks, as well as kicking off the summer in true style! Keep an eye on our website and social media to stay up to date with all things Festiball! Web: bucksstudentsunion.org/festiball Facebook: Bucks Students' Union Twitter & Instagram: @BucksSU

February Issue

by Jamie Alexander



20 February Issue

Rusty Recommends.

The venue is open seven days a week and sometimes it is difficult to decide which nights to go to - you may end up missing out on something amazing! Here are my recommendations for the next few weeks for those of you who like to experience something a bit different!


It’s that time of year again. The winter slowly thaws out in the spring sun, January exams and deadlines are disappearing into the distance, and the sporting world once again turns its head to northern Europe, as six of the world’s greatest rugby nations come together to decide who’s king of the hill. That’s right, the RBS Six Nations championship is back, and by the time this is released, we will already be two weeks in, and this may be the closest competition in recent memory.

Triple Crown. The greatest achievement possible in the Six Nations is of course to beat every opposition team, and win a Grand Slam.

back in one huge day of live rugby. As the competition is so close this year, this full day of matches truly one not to miss for you rugby fans.

But of course… you knew all that!

The Six Nations is an annual rugby union championship, held over the course of two months, in which each of the home nations (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales), and two of Europe’s best (France and Italy) all play each other, with the aim of course to beat their closest rivals and neighbours and finish top of the table after all five games. Not only is great national pride at steak, but there are other inter-tournament prizes to be won.

It’s hard not to notice the buzz about during the Six Nations, and you don’t need to be a massive rugby union fan to be swept away by it all. England managed a 100% record in 2016, winning the grand slam for the 13th time in their history – a momentous achievement. However as we have seen thus far in the tournament, England are truly the ones to beat, and, with it also being a Lions' year, the competition is hotting up for places on the plane to New Zealand in June.

And the best thing about all this? We’re showing every second of it! From noon every Saturday and Sunday of the competition (and for one night only on Friday 10 March), we are opening the doors to The Lounge and airing the games and build up in full, on six big screens. And not only this, but we will also be hosting some Six Nations-only pizza and drinks deals (just £5 for a Pizza and a Pint, or £10 for a Pizza and a four-pint pitcher, what a bargain!).

Each year England and Scotland play for the historic Calcutta Cup, and, should one of the home nations trump the other three home nations, they will win the

The finale of this year’s competition is held on Saturday 18 March, with all three games being played back to

So be sure to keep an eye out on our Facebook Events page and make sure you don’t miss a minute of the action from one of this year’s biggest sporting events.

Simply put, La La Land is a love story. After they keep running into each other Mia (Emma Stone) and Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), are drawn to each other through their ambitions and desire to succeed in their careers. However, with success comes difficulties, creating strains on their love and relationship. I make it no secret that I am a big lover of musicals. So, I was excited about this film from the get go and trust me, I wasn’t disappointed. It’s such a beautiful film, so charming and nostalgic, taking the form of a more traditional musical from the 1950/60s, rather than a modern route, which fits perfectly alongside the plot of the film. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling lead this film flawlessly and bring the characters to life effortlessly, making the audience completely engage with them and their stories. During a time when the world is in such a mass state of chaos, La La Land is exactly the kind of film everyone needs. It allows for a complete sense of joy, well that is until the end when you will most likely cry, and continue crying for the next hour or so. I also have to comment on the look of this film, the bright primary colours, starry night sky and the sunset landscape views, are so

beautifully executed and capture the tone of the film perfectly. Also, the way in which light and shadows are used, that alongside the revolving set with all its complexity, you feel like you’re watching a stage production (which is inevitable) rather than a film. So I know I've raved about this film solidly, but that’s because there really isn’t a lot to fault (apart from the distinct lack of diversity in this film, which especially when taking into consideration the origin of jazz music, there wasn’t reason for). Other than that, writer and director Damien Chazelle did an impeccable job and I’m not the only one who thinks so. La La Land has already won several awards and been nominated for several more Oscars, and being the favourite to win in many cases. Now, I could ramble on and on about the amazingness of La La Land, but I promise I won’t. What I will say is, everyone should go and see this film in all its beauty, especially if you get the opportunity to see it in the cinema. The big screen completely immerses you in the film and all its dreamy wonder. Not to mention the fact you’ll be singing all the songs for weeks after, trust me nothing you do will get them out of your head. Also, this film is all anyone is going to be talking about in the next coming months, so you might as well go and see what all the fuss is about, you will not be disappointed.


A £100


To enter, just visit bucksstudentsunion.org/surveys and complete two quick surveys about our website, and our newspaper. One winner will be randomly picked for each survey. The winners will be notified by email.

February Issue

By Chloe Kimber


Film review.

22 February Issue

Fitness Flo.

FITNESS FLO By Hannah Taylor, Rhia Smyth, Sofia Di Cataldo & Helena Perry

Fitness Flo is our name and we are a group of BA Hons Dance and Fitness students who want to encourage health and fitness in students across Buckinghamshire New University. The GYM available at the University offers three different membership rates to suit us students all year round. Whether you are new to exercise or an experienced individual there is something for you as there is a fun and friendly environment for you to workout. For more information about the GYM visit the main reception desk located in the Gateway. As students ourselves we are aware of how hard it is to always find the time and motivation to work out every week. However a little progress each day adds up to big results. Whether that may be in the gym, in an exercise class or even a home workout, the difference between wanting and achieving is discipline. Together we have come to the conclusion on some top tips on helping you to achieve this. Our top tips:

CRUNCHES Lay down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your arms behind the back of your head. Lift your shoulders towards the ceiling without pulling on the back of the head or neck. Ease back down to the start position.

• Find a work out buddy! Speak to a friend and join the gym together, or go for a long walk, anything to get active and be social at the same time! Or check out the big deal exercise classes at the gym, there is loads to try! • Try and plan ahead. Easier said than done but if you make a plan for the week on when you plan to exercise and what you’ll be eating that week and write it down, you’re more likely to stick to it! • Set small goals. You might not see changes over night, but setting small goals can help motivate you towards that final aim! Home workouts are a great way to get moving and avoid boredom (and give you a welldeserved break from all those assignments!). As long as you have a small space to move in, some comfy clothes and a bottle of water, you’re good to go. Take a look at some of our favourite exercises to do at home with pictures to demonstrate:

STANDING PRESS-UP Stand arm’s length away from a wall. Extend your arms making sure your hands are flat and are at shoulder height. Press your body towards the wall and then push back to the original position. Ensure your elbows are tucked in close to your sides throughout this movement.

LUNGES Start in a standing position with feet hip width apart. Take a step forward with one leg and lower your body to make a 90 degree angle with your knee. Push yourself back up with the same leg and repeat. Keep your head forward facing whilst ensuring your back is straight. For extra stability try this with your hands on your hips. SQUATS

Come and find Fitness Flo in Beats

Feet should be shoulder-width apart with your toes facing forward. Bend your knees and lower your hips just like you were going to sit onto a chair. Ensure your back is straight and focus on tightening the abs throughout. Push straight back up lifting your hips up to the beginning position.

(first floor, East Wing, High Wycombe Campus) on Friday 17 February - we will be giving out free recipe cards accommodated to suit your needs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Wednesday 8 March

To celebrate at Bucks, female students who were born in different parts of the world have shared their experiences of moving to a new country: Mona Gundacker was born in Germany and moved to the UK when she was 18:

which I strongly believe a lot of you will agree with me on this, is the awful weather.

“Since moving to England, something that I have found very different is people are less open. Here they help you whenever you need it, but in Germany if you go out to a restaurant with friends we would have conversations with people of whatever age, whereas here that is seen as weird!”

Now that we are on the topic of travelling, I have to confess that the furthest I have been in this country is Brighton. I know that sounds bizarre, but I have made a promise to myself to visit more places in England when I have completed my degree.

Luz Herrera was born in Colombia and moved to France to study and then onto the UK:

One of the greatest experiences I have encountered whilst living in the UK is that I was never seen or treated as a foreigner 99% of my time. The colour of my skin never mattered, and I have always been treated fairly.

“Travelling from a country that is positioned on the equatorial line, to a country where the weather is consistently unpredictable and normally grey, it was certainly a big surprise and a shock to the system! Several things which surprised me when I was first introduced to English culture, was people’s choice of colours in the way they dress; which are always dark. Colours play an important role in my culture, using them to show how happy we are, making us attractive to others and combining them in the way we dress is a daily pleasure! UK food is very different and what surprised me the most is how different fruit tastes, eating them directly from the trees is a real pleasure and impossible to match after hours of transportation from one continent to another. I miss their real taste!” Tanya Jiri was born in Zimbabwe, moved to Scotland when she was seven and then on to England: “I first landed in Scotland and was thrilled to be in a new country. Before I landed in the UK, I had a rough idea of how it looked, from films as a child and from what family members from abroad had looked like, but when I arrived and saw the surroundings for myself I was very surprised. I did not realise how cold or gloomy the weather would be. I was coming from a very sunny part of the world where there was a lot of interaction with the community around you, to a place where not many people would be outdoors or talk a lot. Even in school, it was already hard enough being the new girl, but a lot harder being the new girl with brown skin and very short hair, which made it difficult to make friends and fit in, but after a while you start to adjust to your environment.” Suneetra Singh was born in Malaysia and moved to the UK when she was 18: “Moving away from home is never easy, that is what everyone says, which is very true. However, I didn’t find it too tough, though, there has never been a day that goes by without missing my family. I wanted to travel, and I was excited to leave home at a very young age. I left Malaysia at the age of 18, leaving behind my family at a distance of 6,578 miles away from England, which is also the equivalent to a 14 hour flight. Living away is definitely exciting, but living independently is also hard work. I picked myself up rather quickly. I did not suffer any culture shock when I was new to England, as I did plenty of research before getting onto my plane. The only downside,

I have now resided in this country for three years and five months, to be precise, and it has been the most challenging, but exciting time of my life. Moving away from home, for the first time ever, has been a life-changing experience. Indeed, it has been a roller-coaster ride. This has been the biggest decision I have taken so far, and I have never regretted it.”



Gabriela Wietrzyk was born in Poland and moved to the UK when she was 18: “Moving to the UK wasn't easy for me, even though I had always wanted to. Being in a foreign country, without your family and friends made me feel really unhappy sometimes. I was struggling with my English at first, I didn't want to talk to anybody, because I felt like I would make a lot of mistakes and somebody would laugh at me. But now, my life is getting better. I'm not as afraid to speak English as I was and I don't get lost in my city as much as I did, so I take it as a good sign and that everything is going to be okay. Many things surprised me. Mostly how the pre-drinks in halls worked. I think we have another way to do that back in Poland! Also the rental prices for a room in London. The negatives are the amount of days that it rains, but I should have been prepared for that! Most of all, I miss my family and friends. I feel really lonely sometimes, even though I have friends in the UK now, but it's not the same. I also miss the fact, that I didn't have to worry about money and a job when I was back home, because I lived with my parents and they paid for everything. But now I want to be independent and support myself, but sometimes it's really hard to do.” Martyna Gajewska was born in Poland and moved to the UK to study: “My course is very interesting and I am developing lots of practical skills thanks to it. I miss my family and friends back home, although despite this I'm happy to be here. I always wanted to live in England, so I just made one of my wishes come true. People here are amazing, very kind, tolerant and outgoing, so I settled in very quickly. Nothing has disappointed me so far. The university gives me variety of opportunities to develop my language, physical skills and personality. I'm trying to take the best from my time in England so I enjoy every day and I'm glad to be here.”




February Issue

by Kat Frei, Mona Gundacker, Luz Herrera, Tanya Jiri, Suneetra Singh, Gabriela Wietrzyk & Martyna Gajewska


International Women's Day.

24 February Issue

Society news.

By Becky Connell & Ashleigh Houghton

ACA-SCUSE ME? Bucks Acapella Society is new to the University as it only became an established society in September 2016. Since then we have been holding regular meetings to sing and perform together as a group. Acapella is essentially singing with no music, most recently made famous by the Pitch Perfect films and the acapella group Pentatonix. We use beatboxing, stamping and clapping to create a beat and then construct the song from there – so whether you can sing or not there’s always something you can do in an acapella arrangement! Over the Christmas period we arranged some festive songs together and it was amazing to see all of the talented singers we have at Bucks New University. Since the start of the New Year, we have really become more focused on getting involved with the Students’ Union more as a society. This includes getting involved with both union and volunteering projects such as wiggly bags and the upcoming Smile Campaign. We hope to collaborate with many societies this year, such as radio and involving ourselves with eco-projects in go green week. On Monday 15 May we will be holding a joint takeover of Lucky Voice at the Students' Union with LGBT society, there is a theme and it’s going to be amazing, so save the date! After working on more traditional songs over the Christmas period we have been working on more modern arrangements this year. We are currently working on the song ‘Flashlight’ by Jessie J and have many more songs lined up to perform in the upcoming

months. We recently conducted a Twitter poll to get ideas for our next songs and we would like to experiment with loads of different styles, from TV themes and musical numbers to chart toppers and throwback jams, so who knows what our next song will be! We are also looking into collaborating with other school and university Acapella groups which we’re really excited about! We want Bucks Acapella Society to become a group that people in and around High Wycombe can contact to perform in events. We have already been invited to perform at a number of events at the university this year so we’re really excited to show off the arrangements we’ve been rehearsing. It has been such a pleasure to see this society grow from just a little idea in our heads in 2015 to the established society it is now, and we truly believe the only way is up from here! We are really excited about the events we have coming up and we hope you will be too! It would be great for us to gain more members as there really isn’t a limit to how many people can sing acapella. Two or 200; the more the merrier! We meet every Tuesday from 7-9pm in The Room on the ground floor of South Block so come along; everyone is welcome! Keep updated by following us on social media: Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat: @bucksacapella and Facebook: Bucks Acapella Society.

STUDENT PRIDE HI HOMO…SAPIANS! IT IS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN - STUDENT PRIDE IS UPON US! Already in it’s 11th year; student pride has become a massive annual event in the LGBT+ calendar each February. No matter your orientation - gay, straight, bisexual, lesbian, asexual, trans or anything and everything in between, student pride is an event to attend! Basically, if you are a human that likes to party, have a few bevs with some awesome, charismatic party animals then this is the event for you!

return us to the High Wycombe campus – it is up to you how you spend your time on the trip. Details are listed on the student’s union website - if anyone is interested in attending or has any questions, feel free to message the BNU LGBT page or privately message me on Facebook. Places are limited so make sure you book ASAP to avoid disappointment!

You do not have to be part of the LGBT+ society to attend, The Big Deal allows this event to be open for anyone – including university staff, although do check out the LGBT+ Facebook page for further events. Bucks Students' Union have been running this trip to London alongside the LGBT+ society for the last two years and each time everyone in attendance has had a memorable, great time and it is completely FREE!

Student Pride takes place on Friday 24 - Saturday 25 February, and LGBT History month is also in February, feel free to get involved with events online or join us for Student Pride. It is easy to get involved and show some pride!

The event consists of one night of partying in central London, with free entry to G-A-Y Late and Heaven, drink deals in varying gay bars, and entry to the Student Pride festival at the University of Westminster. Whilst you do not need to attend the festival (which is kind of like freshers’ fayre to be honest) it is worth attending to watch musical performances, listen to a panel of LGBT+ celebrities discuss current issues or just grab some free swag. Or you can nurse a hangover with a box of chicken nuggets until the bus arrives to

Fancy joining a bunch of fun loving, diverse individuals? Why not add yourself to the BNU LGBT Facebook page? The group is private (and always will be) so don’t worry about other people seeing it. Anyone is eligible to join, you don’t have to be part of the LGBT+ community to sign up, you just have to support the community and be human... preferably. Peace out! For more info visit: bucksstudentsunion.org/societies or search BNULGBT on Facebook or Twitter.

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Can be purchased online or at the Students’ Union Reception Ts & Cs apply

February Issue

By Hanna Elias


Society news.

26 February Issue

Society news.

By Joshua Marks


BNU Gaming set to take on Roehampton! It’s only been a few years since #BucksRUVarsity began, but it’s spawned an incredible rivalry between the two universities in that short space of time – a few years for which some societies have not been able to participate in, despite there being counterpart societies at the opposing university. However, this all started to change rather recently, with the universities Debating Societies having a Debate for RAG against them… and Gaming Society has decided to steal the ide-I mean, follow in their footsteps and send out a little challenge of our own. For those who don’t know, Varsity is coming up very soon (though I’m sure that by now, you’re well aware – especially since they had a launch party), and for those who don’t know what this is – it’s a rivalry between Bucks New University and the University of Roehampton, London in which various sports teams take part, such as football, basketball and badminton, in order to prove that we’re by far the best. But we at the gaming society weren’t content with the fact that our sports teams were having all the fun of beating them last year, and thought “let’s add insult to injury and see if we can start beating them in the virtual world too”. And, after some time, we're finally able to announce that Roehampton University has accepted the Gaming

Society’s challenge as of Wednesday 1 February (a bit slow, since the it's happening in March and we sent the challenge out in October, but we’re not judging…much). The challenge between the two gaming societies is a simple one – a 24 hour gaming marathon in order to raise money for both sides of RAG, with the winner being whoever can raise the most money on their side. And this 24-hour marathon is open to anyone – not just members of the gaming society. We intend to bring along games such as FIFA, Call of Duty, Mario Kart, Cards Against Humanity, Monopoly, and loads more. So, if you’re up for raising some money for charity, relaxing in the Students' Union venue and playing some games for even just a couple minutes, you’re more than welcome to join in. There may also be an online challenge in the future, if it can be organised in time. Though this would just be for the sake of showing who has the better team in a particular game or series of games. For more information about the event, and the society that’s running it, you can check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/groups/bnugamingsoc.

The Bucks Cafe Club card is currently being sold with 30% discount - just £7! Get yours today for access to the following benefits: Term


The card can be purchased and used in all our cafes (Pulse, The Lounge, Beats and Rusty’s). It entitles the holder to a 5% discount on all hot and soft drinks, no charges when paying by card, as well as exclusive promotions

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E CLUB BUCKS CAF 2016-17 for a

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throughout the year. Check Facebook and cafe displays for current deals.


YOGA SOCIETY As the Chair of the yoga society, I organised some free massage sessions for the members. I chose ten students, who are the most involved in the society to have a massage. These students attend the majority of classes, fundraisers and socials. I’m particularly grateful to Emily Nurden, Lia Rodda, Abbie Angear-Stanswood, Martyna Gajewska and Emily Dixie who were chosen without even a second thought as they do so much for the society! I had a massage myself, which was so relaxing but slightly painful at times. The first year Sports Therapy student was very knowledgeable during the massage, explaining to me why she was massaging each area the way she was. As a dance student, this was useful as I put my muscles until a lot of pressure every day while dancing! The massage was beneficial to me as a dancer but also as someone that does yoga- it relaxed me and made me feel in a similar way to how I do when I take part in yoga. We’re having more massages later this year as well as a trip to the Trampoline Park and home-cooked meals cooked by me! Those who get involved and do a lot for the society

will definitely be chosen. So start coming to classes and helping out with our fundraisers and you could have all of these free opportunities too!

alright. After the massage I felt really relieved. I’m glad that I had an opportunity to go for the free massage which was done professionally.

Emilee Platts Yoga Society Chair

Martyna Gajewska Committed Yoga Society Member

My name is Martyna, I’m an international student in Bucks New University and a member of BNU Yoga Society. I really enjoy the classes so I attend every Tuesday. That gave an opportunity to take advantage of free massage in Bucks Wellbeing Clinic. I just needed to pay £5 deposit and choose appropriate for me time. My masseuse was a second year student, who made an amazing job. Every yoga class makes me feel better but I really needed that massage after the Christmas break, which was also a break from professional one hour yoga session. The girl was incredible. She massaged my back very precisely. She went along my spine and relaxed my shoulders. She was very strong and knew what she was doing. Always telling me when is going to hurt and asking if I feel


SALE ON MON 27 FEB In the Students’ Union Foyer High Wycombe Campus. See our stock onlne: bucksstudentsunion.org/shop

February Issue

By Emilee Platts & Martyna Gajewska


Society news.

28 February Issue

Society news.

By Emily Wittwer

BUCKS BLADES: The sword-fighting society Bucks Blades Society may sound like an iceskating society but when you enter S2.06 on a Wednesday night, you’re more likely to hear the clash of nylon swords and the clear orders of the instructors.

with the Chiltern Open Air Museum (COAM) and

One of the best things about the society is the fun you get to have with a sword. It is not like fencing, where the blades are thin sabres and foils and a flick of the wrist is all it takes to win, it is the type of sword fighting found in The Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire and so many other films, books and television shows.

handle live steel weapons. If none of these offer

In my opinion, the best thing about Blades is that all you really have to do is show up for two hours a week and have fun while looking awesome. It is something that can be applied to writing, acting, cosplay, LARPing or re-enactment. There are so many options, but if you just like the weight of the sword in your hands and don’t have an interest beyond that, you are still welcome as a member.

If you’re free on a Wednesday evenings from

Blades also isn’t just about swinging the sword. Last semester, we had volunteering opportunities

If you would like more details, search for

the Royal British Legion. We have socials such as Movie Knights and trips to TORM (a re-enactment market) and, through our links to Paladins of Chivalry (an outside society), the opportunity to any appeal, then there’s always the option of joining us for conversation and drinks (soft or alcoholic, nobody cares either way) and maybe even food at the Falcon after our sessions. This is an invitation for you to come and join us. 7-9pm, come join us. You never know, we may have lightsabres! Chairperson: Georgie Lucas Treasurer: Josh Peckham Secretary: Emily Wittwer us on Facebook: Bucks Blades.

ENHANCE YOUR CV BY HELPING NEW STUDENTS AT BUCKS We are looking for students from all courses and nationalities to support our new students through our Buddying scheme. This is a volunteering opportunity, however you will be awarded £100 on completion of the project in January 2018. The role is flexible and can be carried out around your studies and other commitments. You will be set up with a Bucks Buddy email account to provide advice, send information and answer questions. The experience and skills gained from this position will enhance your CV.

Please visit bucksstudentsunion.org/jobs for more information.

LIFE WITH LONDON IRISH It has been an amazing start to this academic year for Bucks women’s rugby. From last year training on the rye with only a handful of girls, to this year training at London Irish with a full squad and games lined up. This year, more girls, both fresher’s and seniors, have shown a greater interest in women’s rugby and we have all become a tight knit team on and off the pitch. Since the start of the academic year the girls and I have been travelling and training at London Irish every Thursday evening with three brilliant coaches from the club who have taught everyone many skills from ball handling and decision making to kicking, scrumaging and line outs. The level of commitment, willingness and fearlessness shown by the girls has been outstanding considering the majority had never played rugby before. All our hard work since the start of the year was put into practice in our first ever full contact match against Barnes on Saturday 10 December. This was also the first ever London Irish ladies contact game, meaning we were making history for the club. Most of the girls were apprehensive about the game considering most had only touched a rugby ball only eight weeks prior. This was a huge day for the club as well as us so there were a great number of spectators for support and we were even given young mascots to run onto the pitch with before the game began. It was very nerve-racking but even more exciting.

On game day I was extremely proud to captain the team through our first game as not only did the girls want to just experience their first rugby match, but also they wanted to win it. The first half of the game, all of us went in strong and hard which won us our first try made by Victoria McKenzie who unfortunately got concussed whilst doing so. Each and every player confidently made tackles and attacked the opposition with no fear and everyone really worked for each other that day. Unfortunately we lost the game overall but that didn’t matter, as all of the girls were so proud of each other and more importantly themselves. I don’t think any of us came off that pitch feeling disappointed. After the way everyone performed in our first ever game I have no doubt that this squad will continue to grow and improve further as every player has masses of potential and the team cohesion is impressive to say the least, not only with training and playing but also with organising charity work like making hampers for the homeless at Christmas. I really look forward to the future with the team as the rest of the season is looking promising. If you would like to join the Bucks Women's Rugby, check out our society mini-site on the Students' Union website or join our Facebook page: BNU Womens Rugby.

February Issue

By Georgia Read


Society news.

30 February Issue

Sports news.

By Abi Joss & Rhona Noel


Term one was a great term for BNU Dance and term two is proving to be even better! Masterclasses every Monday and Tuesday led by; professionals, alumni and students, plus performance opportunities that are offered to all, whether they are on a competition team or not, continue to keep our numbers growing and provide professional and exciting opportunities for our dancers! This term is all about competitions and our dancers are ready to win! We have changed our Tuesday masterclass sessions to a stamina class for the term. This is to help all of our dancers but especially those that are competing, so that they are given more opportunities, as well as the Athletic Union classes that are already offered, to keep their fitness levels high. These stamina sessions are led by our very own VPSI Ohio and the physical results for the dancers who have been attending these have been amazing! BNU DANCE ARE READY TO WIN! This season BNU Dance Club is competing in a total of five competitions! Our first one being Saturday 11 February and our last taking place on Sunday 19 March. The competitions we will be attending include; Cardiff, Northampton, Southampton and to top it off, we will also be competing in the biggest university dance competition in England… Loughborough! BNU Dance will be doing Bucks proud this season by having the highest hopes in bringing home those trophies from our competitions. This year we have a total of 65

dancers and an astounding NINE teams competing, including our brand new team editions: Irish led by the fantastic Lauren O’Shea our first ever Latin Duo team with Cameron Wishart and Christina Demetriou. A very special treat for us this year is that we have also joined forces with BNU Ballet society who will be competing with us throughout the season! Our teams are: • Novice Ballet • Novice Contemporary • Advanced Contemporary • Irish • Novice Jazz • Advanced Jazz • Latin Duo • Advanced Street • Advanced Tap

Competition season would not be right if Bucks didn’t host it’s very own! So without further ado… On Saturday 18 February, in our very own uni and our very own events hall, BNU Dance competition will be taking place! A total of eight universities will be joining us in competing to be the winners of Bucks competition! With spectator tickets being just £5 per person for a full day of entertainment you’d be crazy to miss out! Plus your support would be greatly appreciated by us all! We would like to take this time to say a massive thank you to everyone involved in BNU Dance comp and everyone that has helped with putting it together. After months of planning we have high expectations for this comp being the best Bucks has had to date! Thank you for the continued support we receive from all of our members, other sports teams and of course our Students' Union. SEE YOU AT BUCKS COMP!

SPORT FOR FUN Our Sport for Fun programme is well underway this term and it is not too late to get involved. With activities taking place six days a week there is always something for you to try. You don't have to worry about your ability and if you cannot attend every week – that is perfectly fine as Sport for Fun is noncommittal. It gives you the opportunity to take part in sports you may not have previously tried, all in an enjoyable, noncompetitive environment. We have our annual Volley4RAG tournament taking place on Tuesday 21 February. This is always a popular event where sports teams, societies and university courses come together to play

Volleyball and raise money for our RAG charities, The Pepper Foundation and Medical Detection Dogs. Enter your team at the Students’ Union reception for only £10 by Friday 17 February. For the month of February we are running a competition to encourage students to try new sports. The five students who attend the most sport for fun sessions during February will receive an Under Armour Tech Tee. For a full list of our events visit: bucksstudentsunion.org/whatson.

Ambassador Successes: So far we have engaged over 750 different people with the programme and this is largely down to the hard work of our ambassadors. Ambassadors are responsible for supporting and developing the recreational offer within their sport, promoting it as widely as possible. There are a few ambassadors who have stood out for various reasons: Beth Trevis - Horse Riding: Beth has taken responsibility for organising all things to do with Horse Riding, including contacting the stables about how the sessions will run and sorting out who attends sessions from people on the waiting list. She has also produced a video and is constantly taking photos to help aid promotion and creating an Equestrian Society of which she is chair. Dan Lewis - Badminton: This has always been one of our more popular sports and Dan has continued with the success from last year and has been able to improve on the numbers attending. Playing music at each session creates a fun and relaxed environment which encourages people to attend. Joshua Peckham - Sabre:Lite Fencing: New for this year Sabre:Lite Fencing has engaged a new demographic who have not previously taken part, Josh has played a huge part in this. With the support of British Fencing, he has become a qualified coach and leads the sessions every Monday. He has also travelled to Amersham & Wycombe College to run a masterclass in stage fencing to our Musical Theatre students.

Joshua Kidby - Handball: Josh has taken up a benefit we offer to all our ambassadors and has now become a Level 1 qualified Handball coach. Handball has also continued to grow this year, reaching its best ever numbers. We will be recruiting for new ambassadors soon. If you are interested in applying, just pop into the Students’ Union offices and have a chat with Daniel Lawrence or email sport@bucks.ac.uk. You can always talk to the ambassador themselves at each session – a list of all our ambassadors are on the website so you know who to look out for.

February Issue

By Daniel Lawrence


Sports news.

32 February Issue


AND BAG UP TO We’re looking for that bright idea you’ve shared with friends, or haven’t told anyone about because you need help to make it happen. We’re looking for three categories of ideas, creative industry, commercial and ideas with a social purpose. Got the next big idea?

Find out more or apply by 10.03.17 enterprisebucks.co.uk/ dragonsden

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