The Bucks Student - Editon 45

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February 2014 - Edition 45


February Issue


What type of article is it?


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page 4

Future of Furniture Photo by: Katherine Hudson Read the full article on the recent course closures on page 4.

Katherine Hudson delves deep into the story on everyone's lips. With interviews from the Vice Chancellor, the Faculty Director and the students heading the campaign.

page 9

Contributors Tom Badger (Student Editor) • Harmeet Anand (Deputy Student Editor) • Katherine Hudson • Naomi Franco Connor Baker • Jess Pearson • Dan Earl • Sara Sheikh Sophie Lynch • Tabby Karuga • Abdul Esse • Megan Riches Rebecca Todd • Nick Ridgeway• Amy Stelfox Hannah Jerremy • Tom Castle • Greg Pike Want to see your name in the list above? Want to have your writing or artwork on show to thousands of people? Get involved. Email


Neknominations Student Editor, Tom Badger pokes fun at the latest internet trend.

page 12

£70,000 Connor Baker shares his thoughts on a pile of wood.

For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell -

page 19

Battle of the 'bab

Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at communications.

The match that will go down in history!

© 2014 Bucks Students’ Union

World Hijab Day

page 23 Learn more about this amazing day.

If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact Bucks Students' Union for more information.

page 27

Dance Show Dances will show case their new work.

February Issue

This Edition:

Katherine Hudson @KaFHudson Third year Advertising: Creative

February Issue


University news

Are you sitting comfortably? The facts and figures on the recent course closures. With over 2,000 likes on the Facebook page ‘In Support of Furniture courses at Bucks New Uni’, articles in The Independent, Bucks Free Press and The Woodworkers Institute, it has been difficult to miss the turmoil that has followed the announcement of the closure of nine courses in the areas of undergraduate furniture, fine art and engineering at the University.

It is understandable that the closure of these courses has caused concern. High Wycombe has been famous for its furniture trade since the 1800’s, when it was arguably the chair making capital of the world, thanks to the production and demand of the famous Windsor Chair. The town then went on to boast the title of second largest furniture making town in the country by 1920.

I would like to state right here in the introduction that this article is not going to be about pointing fingers or slagging anyone off. I am going to report on the closures from both sides of the fence, in the hope of addressing some issues and clarifying some statements that have been made regarding the course closures and the way in which they were handled. If you want a hard-core bitch fight please feel free to turn to the Charlie’s vs Dennis’ feature on page 19.

Bucks is highly regarded by industry as a centre for furniture and students come from all over the country to study here. “People in the industry respect this place and that means something,” says Will Beer, a third year studying Design and Craft. “The furniture courses started this University”.

The decision to close BA (Hons) Furniture and FdA Furniture: Conservation, Restoration and Decorative Arts (full and part-time) courses in particular, has caused a stir both inside and outside the University.

“I am aghast to find out that these courses are closing. High Wycombe is synonymous with furniture making and it’s truly sad that they have had to close, a real shame” Steve Stretton (Creative Consultant and founding partner of AIS London)

Two first year students on the course, Sophie Kemp and Hannah Vincent started the Facebook page ‘In Support of Furniture courses at Bucks New Uni’ in the hope of saving furniture from the chop. “Where are you going to get the next great British furniture designers if you close down this course” said Hannah. “If I hadn’t come to Bucks I don’t know where else I could have gone. There are no other courses like it in the UK”. Although there are other courses such as Kingston’s BA in Product and Furniture Design, they do not have the same course construction as the ones that we have been running at Bucks. Most have a heightened focus on computer aided design and have much larger class sizes. Bucks pride themselves on practical design, learning by doing, and really being able to understand the materials they are designing with on a practical level. Much like the ethos of the Bauhaus, which is famous for its emphasis on practical skills, crafts and techniques; combatting the soullessness of mass manufacturing.


“The only reason that we have been given is 'financial issues' but isn't that the reason for everything?” - In Support of Furniture courses at Bucks New Uni Facebook Jan 29 Professor Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University stated: “I appreciate that closing down any course causes concern amongst staff and students, and for this reason it is a decision that is never taken lightly and only after consideration of a number of other options”. But what do they mean by ‘we have not taken this difficult decision lightly’ and what ‘number of other options’ have been considered? In a conversation I had with Ruth she expressed to me that under different circumstances she would really like to be offering some of the courses that have had to close. Farwell obviously has a huge love for the Bucks. She is passionate about this place and confessed to me that: “It is with a heavy heart that I make these decisions for the good of the University in the long run”. It’s not just the furniture students who are worried about this decision. Giverny Simm, a third year Textiles student, also expressed her concerns: “As a student studying surface design we heavily rely on the knowledge and support of all the technicians at one point or another. If these support networks were to break down, I am unsure how future surface designers would be able to successfully realise their concepts. It is not only surface who use the technicians we are seeing more and more people from the other pathways using these facilities. The way in which this has been thrown at us is ultimately lacking in information and has left many of us unsure of the future of Bucks. I will be leaving this year but I do not want to graduate for some two years later to find out that my course has had to close. Furniture has made a name for Bucks and the technology and technical support we have is what sets us apart. Without it the appeal is somewhat lost.’

was widely considered the heart of this University and it has been unnerving at the least to hear of the – somewhat sudden to us students – closure of the BA and FDA courses. So why was this decision made? What has been done to keep the tradition of furniture alive at Bucks? What can we do to keep it alive in the future? I spoke to, Ruth Farwell, Ian Plover (Faculty Director), John Boylan (Academic Dean), Julie Catlow (Business Co-Ordinator) and Lynn Jones (Head of Academic Department, Furniture) to find out and hopefully get the clarity that we have all been waiting for.

Why was this decision made? What has been done to keep the tradition of furniture alive at Bucks? And what can we do to keep it alive in the future? Ian Plover walked out of the fifth floor kitchen with a cup of tea in each hand and smiled. He explained, as we all sat down, that he was eager to talk about the decision and was glad that we’d been able to arrange a meeting. Hopefully now the reasons for these decisions will be made clear and properly understood. The student numbers were sent to me beforehand, and admittedly they do not look good. The graph that I was given (shown on page 6) shows a noticeable decline in students over the last ten years. As far as ‘financial difficulties’ are concerned, it seems that by simply attempting to address these and not explaining further has led to an unintentional downplay of their significance: “The courses due to close incur a total subsidy by other courses in the University of approximately £500,000 per year,” this means that half-a-million pounds worth of funds from other courses in the University have been being used in order to keep these nine courses breaking even. Not forgetting that funding from the government has been cut to a minimal level; where funding used to be 50/50 student fees and government funding it is now heavily unbalanced, hence the rise in fees. Now literally every student counts.

What do they mean by ‘we have not taken this difficult decision lightly’ and what ‘number of other options’ have been considered?

It seems that the way in which the news of the closures was released has led other creative students to fear for the future of their courses. Even though there appears to be no intention to close any other courses, there is a lot of uncertainty amongst students as to what the University was thinking and what their aims are for the future. Furniture

The running loss is far more substantial than I had originally anticipated. It seems that contrary to rumours, this decision has in fact not been ‘about profit’ at all, but just about breaking even and keeping the University afloat. Which begs the question, why all this secrecy? Why did they not tell us sooner so that we could have helped to do something about it? I asked this very question. Plover explained: “Behind the scenes we have been trying all these different things to try and turn it around without having to frighten the students … at what stage do you say, ‘we’ve got a problem, we’re sharing it with the students’... We’d have loved to have been able to have said ‘we’ve done all this behind the scenes and now everything is fine again,’ but it’s that balance and it’s always going to be a tricky one”.

February Issue

A lot of students I have spoken to have felt as though they have been kept in the dark and feel that the University’s policies of Clarity, Openness, Respect and Delivery on Commitments have not been upheld. There has been a general feeling amongst the students that the University hasn’t fought for keeping the courses. Statements have been made to the students in an attempt to explain the decision, but are often very open-ended and raise more questions than they answer.

“We’d have loved to have been able to have said ‘we’ve done all this behind the scenes and now everything is fine again”


What has the University done to invest in the Furniture Department in recent years?

In answer to concerns about machinery and workshops expressed by students, Ian Plover stated: “We will retain the MA Art and Design course and for that we will need to keep some workshops, so we are not saying get rid of the workshops. You are absolutely right, if you want to design something, you have to get a feel for it”. It was then further explained that, whilst the rooms may be down-sized and updated, important equipment will be kept for the use of other courses. I have been reassured that the money saved from closing these courses “will not just go on some big staff party,” it will be reinvested back into the University, into the courses that are doing really well at this moment in time. Bucks is currently a popular destination for those looking to do Nursing or Commercial Pilot Training. Computer Science and Dance and Performance are also high on the agenda, along with Music and Live Events Management. As many of you will be aware, we pride ourselves on our achievements and skills in furniture and craft, along with our passion for the subject which will live on through the National School of Furniture. We must recognise however that they are not the only things that we are good at here at Bucks.


Creation of an independent Department of Furniture and new Head of Furniture to embrace the significance of furniture courses at the University


Set up the HEFCE-funded High Wycombe Electronic Furniture Archive as a portal to collate historic documents for educational purposes


Established and launched the National School of Furniture at The Furniture Makers’ Hall in London, the city headquarters of The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers. The NSF’s launch strategy was to deliver furniture education through the University and our partner, City of Oxford College; to exist as a network of supporting businesses and institutions (including Ercol, Gloster, KI, Hettich, Royal Collection and FIRA), and the Furniture Makers Company, many of whom sit on the Industry Board; to support and promote the furniture courses and through the profile and contacts assist students in securing employment on graduation

2010 and 2011

The University ran the ‘My Big Furniture Idea’ national marketing campaign to encourage furniture design in schools across the UK


Recruitment of a part-time Administrator to promote the National School of Furniture and furniture courses


Formed a working party (industry and University representation) to explore all opportunities for development and generate funding to create a centre of furniture excellence


Established and launched Bucks Conservation at Somerset House in London. This is a commercial enterprise designed to support graduates in the transition from education to employment


Conducted feasibility studies of a bespoke course into a new market

2013/2014 This decline in numbers of students applying to furniture and craft over the last decade comes at a time when craft is also being reduced in the school curriculum. The UK Crafts Council has been running ‘Craft Clubs’ in schools as a result of this change in teaching. When I spoke to a member of the Craft Council Participation and Learning Team over the phone, she briefly explained that art, design and craft avenues in schools are slowly being replaced by computer and science based classes. This could potentially be the beginning of the knock on effect that has led to a change in preference for students applying to Bucks. It seems that there is a much larger problem here and that the University is being pushed to meet the needs of students who would prefer to pursue other avenues of learning. When I started researching this article I was ready to launch into a fight about how this University is not about academic league tables. We are a creative university and good at craft, we have a niche. But I now realise that it may not have been about all that. I hate to quote numbers (because I like to believe that they don’t matter), but if numbers were to keep declining I fear that I would end up standing at the helm of a sinking ship, clutching my paintbrush to my chest, wishing that money was never invented. Management argue that the undergraduate furniture courses have been closed in order to make the University as a whole stronger, to stop the ship from sinking. But the way in which the communications has been handled it has almost made it feel like Ned Stark had just been given the chop. This whole situation feels to me reminiscent of an

Amalgamation of two BA courses in an effort to create a more attractive course offering and to consolidate declining student numbers


"We are not saying get rid of the workshops"

Development of new furniture-related courses driven by the industry (FdA Design and Make for Interiors & FDL Kitchen Design)

Furniture Enrolments for the last 10 years 250 235 221


225 208

Total Students 200

New Intake



Number of Students

February Issue

Julie Catlow sent me a PDF highlighting a number of the key steps that they have taken to help the situation, see right. If anyone is interested in seeing the marketing content in more detail a folder of promotional material will be available at the Students Union office over the next month for students to view.

152 146 150 127

129 114

125 98 100

93 83 73 68




51 46





0 2004/05






Academic Year






“My message to students would be to give us some knowledge through the Students’ Union. Talk to them, tell us what is happening. Tell us what you think the future might hold, so that we can start having these conversations well in advance and start planning what we might do in the future – so that we don’t fall back to what was basically a crisis that needed to be solved.” says Faculty Director Ian Plover. He went on to say that: “These numbers have been falling for ten years. If there is a sudden resurgence then we would look at that… these things go through trends, through fashions, and if our students – the only reason we are here – basically say to us, ‘we have changed our mind, furniture is coming back into vogue’, then of course we would absolutely look at it. But at the moment the decision is absolutely clear based on that [the numbers]”.

February Issue

uncommunicative family with a sick relative; there is very much a ‘let’s not tell the children because they’ll only worry and he’ll be better soon’ tone to the whole conversation. I can understand that nobody wanted to admit defeat, but hopefully the concerns shared by students expressed in this article will shed some light on how worry and rumours spread when students are not forewarned and educated on the reasons behind potential decisions. We’re a family here at Bucks and I think the passion shown by the students throughout this whole thing has proved that. We work better when there is openness and clarity and we are able to fight for our University as a whole. So, with these decisions made, how is it best for us to channel our passion to keep furniture alive at Bucks?

"It is with a heavy heart that I make these decisions"

Vice Chancellor Ruth Farwell also stated that her door is always open for suggestions, but was at pains to stress that she did not want to give ‘false hope’. I have been told that the University has tried contacting industry in the past but has obviously not received the answers that they needed in this situation. Hopefully this decision to cut courses and the coverage that it has received might help us to reach out to the furniture industry. Sam Connolly, a second year student on BA Furniture who previously spent a year studying Design and Craft, expressed that he is hopeful the decision might have a silver lining, “this could potentially give industry the kick up the pants that we need”. “I remain optimistic that furniture will survive at this institution through the NSF, the MAs, and the new FD courses, but undergraduate student numbers can't continue to decline because the courses would then disappear anyway. Endorsements like those on Facebook from current students and Alumni give us a fabulous marketing opportunity” – Lynn Jones. Even though the decisions that have been made cannot be reversed, furniture is very much still alive at Bucks. The support received through Facebook and the passion that students have for furniture here is a great asset and we should be proud of what we have achieved. This is not the end. In talking with Lynn she expressed to me that whilst it is not be possible to reinstate the BA course, it may well be something completely different that is needed in order to entice more students in the UK to study the subject. If we maintain our passion for furniture and love of craft hopefully we can help it grow into something new, powerful and different. With students and management communicating through the Students’ Union and working together my hope is that we can support the assets that we still have and possibly even start something new to encourage furniture and craft in High Wycombe to live on.

Let us know your thoughts. Email any comments to

8 February Issue

Sabb update


Stressful /Enjoyable Elections, one of the most stressful but enjoyable periods in your year. So enjoyable that most people choose to do it all over again the following year. Last year all three of us gave our all to be elected officers. So here are a few tips to help you through the week: Prepare: preparation is the most important thing. Have an idea of what you want to do and how you will engage students in your campaign. Have it all ready so when it comes to the first day of campaigning you are ready to go with all guns blazing. Talking: talking is key to a successful campaign. It's all well and good doing a load of work on social media. But if you want to get votes, you need to get out there and chat to students. They want to put a face to a name, so get out there, be confident and let people know why they should vote for you. Help: you can't do it all on your own, so get all the support you can. It's a long couple of weeks and it's much better to have a presence at various points all over campus. So get a team together of people you can rely on. Enjoy: at the time it may seem very full on but when you look back you will want to do it all again. You will meet so many people that you wouldn't normally engage with and people will want to stop and talk to you about why they should vote Relax: Once the ballots have closed, relax as there is nothing you can do now. The best thing you can do is get some sleep and get ready for the night. It's a long night, pace yourself, it's a fantastic feeling to win it so if you do, you want to remember it. Make sure people actually vote. It's all well and good your friends saying they will vote for you. But you know what students are like, encourage them to get it done sooner rather than later.

VOTE FOR YOURSELF VOTE FOR YOURSELF. You can vote for yourself, so DO IT. That could be the one vote which decides it. Whatever the result is, although it's easy to say, the experience on its own offers you so much. Lastly, best of luck, make the most of the experience as not many people get to be a part of it.

Neknominations are Open!

Home-made 95% proof hooch, brewed using potatoes, blueberries and the rotten corpse of Henry the 6th.

Fermented Dog Faeces – We found this batch on the corner of Desborough Road and Bridge Street. Our experts estimate it at just over six hours old, just enough time to let the flavours breathe and the texture thicken up.

7.46 (just under a half) pieces of Terrys Chocolate Orange, best before June 1986. Bought from one of the many dependable local corner shops on offer in Wycombe.

Plenty of you guys have taken part in the craze and not gone bat-s**t-crazy enough to kill yourselves. The idea is to down something disgusting, not lethal. No one died from drinking a regular dirty pint, it’s not a new concept. Mix up all the bevvies and chuck in a few fag-ends and Tabasco. But of course you’re going to be ridiculously ill if you down Ronseal and White Lightning you morons.

Duck a la Horse-Anus – We shoved this duck fillet up the arse of “Tidal Bay” just before she ran in the 2.25 at Kempton. The rough ride and jumps should have tenderized the meat perfectly.

A freshly coughed up cat-furball. Available in most good single 50 year old’s homes.

So we’ve come up with a list of the tastiest and most nutritious ingredients for you to consider drinking. (WARNING. If you are so f***ing thick that you actually consume any of this s***, then we take no responsibility. Learn to take a joke, man.)

Anything from the Kebab van.

Neknominations are stupid, dangerous and in some cases even more ridiculous than Dappy’s hats. The craze has gone viral, and now thousands and thousands of us are trying it. It’s been drummed into us by the team at the fear-factories how bad it is for us, but if you’re f***ing stupid enough to pour a pint of p***water and bleach down your throat, then there’s a certain sense of Darwinism about it. Yes, it’s dangerous to drink bleach, so don’t be a bell-*** and be ‘that guy’ who takes a childish and harmless game too far.

February Issue

Tom Badger @badgerbyname Third Year Event and Festival Management



10 February Issue


House Party Heaven and Hell There’s nothing better than a house party; on a freezing cold Sunday morning when half the uni are partaking in their regular walk of shame ritual, there will be a house party in it’s dying ends going on somewhere. Whether it be in a huge open plan house with a real PA system, a good DJ and a lot of drinks; or a tiny room, with an iPod and a set of speakers so full of people you make friends with someone’s armpit. Either way, it will be happening, meaning that there will be individuals passing out in any space available in whatever bizarre outfit they went for, strangers getting up close and personal with other strangers and some poor victim trying to avoid the random creeper that’s latched onto them. So we at The Bucks Student wanted to hear your stories. And when we asked, boy did you respond! So here’s two pages of unadulterated party pornography. Warning: Not for the faint-of-heart.



“We had a party at ours with live artists who we had met at various festivals around the country during the summer. It was pretty epic and everyone seemed to have a good time!” Tom James Badger

“We had a house party just before Christmas. It was pretty sick. And I mean literally. Some guy chundered up his pasta in the living room, another stood outside emptying the contents of his stomach onto our drive, and then when I went to go to bed, there was some guy naked in there. When I woke him up, he puked everywhere. It was so gross. Never again.” Lucy Rebecca Ellis

“At my mates 19th he fell asleep. He has a stretcher in his ear, so we grabbed his bike lock and chained him to the radiator. When he woke up, he couldnt move and when he needed to pee we gave him a flask.” Jamie Salmen

WE GRABBED HIS BIKE LOCK AND CHAINED HIM TO THE RADIATOR. "The idea was for people to dress up as black tie, I expected a few people to come in suits but I was blown away with the response. Some people literally had their prom dresses sent down to them and were so grateful they had a chance to wear them again. Others felt underdressed in a normal suit but spending the night with over 100 of my mates doing something so different than a regular house party, probably my best birthday I've ever had." James Elden

“My body builder mate got so drunk he thought a dining room wooden chair was a toilet and just s*** himself in the middle of a kitchen” Sophie Lynch “My best mate set her hair on fire in someone's toilet as they had a candle on the shelf behind her. She was wearing a ton of hair extensions and hair spray, so you can picture that!” Lucy Green “Our mate Adam Jannaway is a filthy f****er! Everytime he comes over to ours for a 90s house party, he gets more smashed than a plate in a Greek taverna. Last time he came over he threw up in our housemates bed, and then he slept in the bed that night - LAD” Chris Watson “So it was my mates 18th, with a free house we decided to throw her a party. To start off we thought it was good idea to use our friends dads Audi A8 for the alcohol run, but after denting the door this wasn’t such a good idea! We decided it would be funny to get her a stripper, so we agreed to put in £1 each so that was sorted! 100 people had turned up, the house stank of weed and the household dog was as smashed as we were as he acquired a taste for Jack Daniels! Things then started to get out of hand, the stripper turned up, the hot tub had turned into an orgy, the people having sex in the downstairs loo got excited and ripped the sink off the wall, the glass shower upstairs had been smashed and we still hadn’t paid the stripper! Needless to say the police joined us, and we were all left with a broken house to fix and £150 bill to pay the stripper.” Harry Johnson


Tom Badger @badgerbyname Third Year Event and Festival Management

February Issue

12 February Issue


Connor Baker Third Year Performing Arts

Hit the Deck Rumours of a figure approaching £70,000 for the total of the project Over the summer the University laid well in excess of £50,000 of decking in the Rose Garden. Two years ago the University demolished a series of studios that were situated in the location of the Rose Garden due to maintenance costs and the sorry state they were in. You would hope that when the University demolished the studios, they would be replaced by something well thought out and beneficial for the students. The University set a brief for Spacial Design students to design a replacement space, with the best option being used. The chosen design, as I’m sure you have noticed due to the obscene quantity of decking in its place, was never used. Instead the University ignored the student led initiative for a rainy day it seemed, and left an unsightly pile of rubble and mud in the space. Months went by with nothing materialising. During this time a student led project was proposed to the University, the proposal was for a green space, with room to sit and eat during the dry months, performance space for the overcrowded dance and performing arts courses and finally a small allotment for student use. A project with estimated costs of £30,000, a fraction of the cost of the wonderful decking. After spending so much money on the decking, you would hope students could at least get some use from it. But no, when it rains it’s a health and safety hazard, for days at a time due to poor drainage built into the surface, and with too few emergency exits, the space only has a capacity of 60 people anyway. But all is not lost, it will be a great little space to use for graduation. However, you have to hope for sun and remember flats or wedges only girls, as heels are banned because they could get stuck in between the boards.

We asked students what they thought about the Rose Garden costing £50,000+

"That's a lot of money - wow"

"It's a lot for decking" "Should be spent on something else"

"Bit excessive really"


You can’t afford to miss it!


Sports Taping course Volunteering with the Chiltern Rangers


Societies Showcase Topical talk in the TARDIS


Baxter, Industrial Robot Demonstration Emergency First Aid at Work


Practical finance and business advice for setting up and growing your own business Using Word to manage Harvard Referencing


Bubble Football

Plus much more!


Book your sessions now to avoid disappointment. Visit

February Issue




February Issue

16 February Issue

Week 21 17 Feb-23 Feb

Week 22 24 Feb-2 Mar

Monday 17, 6pm

BNU Radio

Launch Party All night: Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Tuesday 18, 8pm

Tuesday 25, 8pm

Man City v Barcelona 7.45pm

All night: 4 pint pitcher of Carlsberg / Amstel / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Bottle of Barefoot wine - £7 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

All night: 4 pint pitcher of Carlsberg / Ams | Bottle of Barefoot wine - £7 | Corky’s £

Wednesday 19, 8pm

Pole Takeover

Wednesday 26, 8pm

Arsenal v Bayern Munich 7.45pm

All night: Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Thursday 20, 8pm

All night: Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1

Friday 21, 8pm

Thursday 27, 8pm

MUSIC SOCIETY SHOWCASE All night: Gaymers Original and Pear draft / Tuborg draft / Vodka & Relentless / Range of ‘Bombs’ - all £2 | Doombar draft / Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.50 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit - £1

Saturday 22, 8pm


All night: Gaymers Original and Pear draft / Tuborg draft / Vodka & Relentless / Range of ‘Bombs’ - all £2 | Doombar draft / Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.50 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit - £1

Saturday 1, 8pm

All night: Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | Strongbow / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Flavours / Icy Black - £2 | Hooch - £2.50 | Desperados - £3 | Turbo Shandy - £2.20 | SOAP cocktails - £3.50 | Bombs - J/Skittle/Glitter/Fire - £1.50 | Bottled Water - £1

Sunday 23, 8pm

Newcastle v Aston Villa Norwich v Tottenham 4pm

Until midnight: Carlsberg / Amstel draft / WKD / Vodka & Relentless / Red Stripe can - all £2 All night: Range of ‘Bombs’ £2 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

All night: 4 pint pitcher of Carlsberg / Amstel / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Bottle of Barefoot wine - £7 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Until midnight: Coors Light / Gaymers Draft - £2 | Doombar Draft - £2.50 | Red Stripe can - £2 | Crabbies / Jeremiah Weed Bottles - £3 | Rebellion Ale bottle - £3.50 All night: Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Bucks Live

DJ Competition

All night: Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

All night: Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Tuesday 4, 8pm

Wednesday 5, 8pm

Olympiacos v Man United 7.45pm

stel / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

World's Biggest Social! All night: 4 pint pitcher of Carlsberg / Amstel / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Bottle of Barefoot wine - £7 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Thursday 6, 8pm

All night: Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Live Music (TBA)

Galatasaray v Chelsea 7.45pm

1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Friday 28, 8pm

All night: Large glass of house wine (175ml) - £2.70 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Friday 7, 8pm

Pimp My


All night: Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | Strongbow / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Flavours / Icy Black - £2 | Hooch - £2.50 | Desperados - £3 | Turbo Shandy - £2.20 | SOAP cocktails - £3.50 | Bombs - J/Skittle/Glitter/Fire - £1.50 | Bottled Water - £1

Saturday 1, 8pm

Sunday 23, 8pm

All night: Snakebite & Black - £1.80 | Strongbow / Vodka & Relentless / Relentless Flavours / Icy Black - £2 | Hooch £2.50 | Desperados - £3 | Turbo Shandy - £2.20 | SOAP cocktails - £3.50 | Bombs - J/Skittle/Glitter/Fire - £1.50 | Bottled Water - £1

Sunday 2, 8pm

All night: 4 pint pitcher of Carlsberg / Amstel / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Bottle of Barefoot wine - £7 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

Until midnight: Long Island Iced Tea Pot - £5 | Gaymers Original Draft / Vodka & Mixer - £2 All night: Large Glass House Wine (175ml) - £2.50 | Range of ‘Bombs’ - £2 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any shot £1

All night: 4 pint pitcher of Carlsberg / Amstel / Gaymers / Snakebite & Black - £8 | Bottle of Barefoot wine - £7 | Corky’s £1 a shot / Double up on any spirit £1

February Issue

The Bar is Open

Monday 3


Week 23 3 Mar-9 Mar

Monday 24, 8pm

18 February Issue

These people are

WINNERS This was our winning photo from Dan Barratt who won our photo competition in edition 44. We wondered if our Bucks Inked feature had inspired it? He won a sick house party which we held at Brook Street, with a visit from Rusty himself!

Congratulations to Serine Bagdassarian and Denise Sumbler who won our Buckstars Competition at Refreshers Fayre with Event Soc. They were chosen by Eliza and the Bear and win signed merch from the band!

Congratulations to BNU Rowing Society for being the first to achieve Gold in the Societies Accreditation. Reaching Gold so early in the year is a massive achievement, so a huge well done to the committee and society members!

Laura Jane Holmes won a Valentine's dinner with her wonderful tweet about Bucks Student's Union being more than a bar. Laura and Chloe will be treated to a table for two worth ÂŁ50 this Valentines. The love birds are looking forward to painting the town red. Congrats ladies!

Well done to Aaron Barnes-Wilding who won #BuckssuMoreThanABar! He won a grand total ÂŁ259.75 and has claimed to have spent the lot already.


by Sophie Lynch



Value: 81 Salad Freshness: 78 Willingness to negotiate on price: 83 Banter skills: 77

Value: 81 Salad Freshness: 79 Willingness to negotiate on price: 85 Banter skills: 89

We’ve all debated it, coming out of The Venue on a Wednesday or Friday night; who do I choose? That age old question of which is better, Charlie’s, or Dennis’ Kebab Van?

Just as every cab driver at Neales is called Neil, every kebab slicing greasy-food extraodinaire behind the counter at Dennis’ is Dennis. But there’s only one Charlie.

One student reckons that Dennis doesn’t even exist, ‘He’s just a wondrous legend that provides the goods.’ Whether this is true or not the man still has a van AND a shop that the ravenous students flock to. This mythical being sure does have the manpower. Charlie doesn’t think he has anything to worry about though, in fairness, he’s still got his regulars that just can’t get enough of his meat.

Dennis’ glorious kebab van has one very large downfall according to one student, ‘those cobbles always get me, the ones on the roads, I’ve resorted to going to Charlie’s now cos I just can’t deal with the uneven ground when I’ve had too much to drink. Don’t even get me started on those huge unnecessary balls.’ Well, “unnecessary balls” aside, that’s one point to Charlie.

Another student thinks that Charlie is actually Peter Pan stuck in a kebab van, 'Surely that voice can’t be from a self-respecting man.' Still love his food though, and can’t beat a good quarter pounder with cheese after a decent Frat House or Soap.’ So, will it be pre-pubescent, squeaky voiced Charlie, or the infamous, potentially non-existent Dennis? Well, what it really comes down is just how far you lot can be bothered to stumble at the end of the night. The winner is down to a mere few drunken metres, totally up to you.

February Issue

Dennis' vs CharlieS

20 February Issue

Coming soon

New Town Kings Jess Pearson @sweetdreamsbro Third Year Music and Live Events Management

Imperial Leisure Dan Earl @DSEarl Second Year Music Management

New Town Kings See them Thursday 27 February, 8pm Since forming in 2006, New Town Kings have soared in the industry after winning the grand finale of O’Neills Undiscovered Live Competition in 2007. They have been performing at venues across the UK and Europe impressing crowds with their own brand of ska, reggae and rocksteady. The 9 piece Colchester based band released their album M.O.J.O (Music of Jamaican Origin) in 2011 which received great response "Outstanding stuff, 5/5 Punktastic” and since then they have gone on to perform at a variety of festivals including Boomtown, One Love and Secret Garden Party. As well as leaving a path

of ‘Peace, love, unity and beer’ wherever they go, New Town Kings have shared a stage with the likes of Reel Big Fish, The Slackers and The Skints. The energy and fun that New Town Kings create during a set is not an experience to miss out on: “Never have I felt such warmth emanating from the stage, and never before have I seen it being so enthusiastically reflected back to the musicians'” So if you enjoy good music and like having a good time then be sure to catch New Town Kings at Bucks!

You’ll love if you like: Reel Big Fish, The Skints, Less Than Jake

Imperial Leisure Alternate ska band Imperial Leisure come to Bucks Students’ Union after a range of high profile support slots with the likes of Roots Manuva and Less Than Jake, providing their insanely-catchy and danceable belters in support of New Town Kings. With two albums under their belt, they’re currently working on their third studio release with producers Peter Miles (The King Blues, The Skints) and James Bragg, after appearances at Glastonbury and Bestival to name but a few. With an expanded brass section for live performances, their display of musicianship, energy and spontaneity make for an engaging show with lead singer Dennis Smith saying ‘Listening to us is like having your underwear ripped off – hurts a little, but you like it’. ‘Within minutes the stage is a heaving mess of sound and movement’ and ‘a rowdily perfect way to spend a cold, wet Tuesday night’ said reviews. So it may be a Thursday, but it will most definitely be cold and wet. So what’re you waiting for?

Sounds like: Random Hand, Sonic Boom Six, Less Than Jake.

See them Thursday 27 February, 8pm

Pay your library fines during Student Volunteering Week and they will be donated to our RAG charities! You can pay your fine either at the desk, self-service machines or online. All fines paid between 00.01 Monday 24 February and 23:59 Sunday 2 March will be counted.

Let us know you’ve donated by tweeting #BucksGoodDeed

BUCKS WARDROBE “The Gillet” For Him and for Her

£35.99 Visit our website for the full range of branded merchandise:


Society news

February Issue

ISOC: World Hijab Day By Sara Sheikh

The possible banning of the hijab and veil in some countries has further fuelled negative misconceptions about the reasons behind wearing it. On the 1st of February World Hijab Day was celebrated by many non-Muslim and Muslim women. Some tried to wear a Hijab for the day, some pledged to wear it for a month and others for an entire year to support their fellow sisters and show their appreciation and respect. What is a hijab? A hijab is a veil that covers the head of Muslim women, most Muslim tend to wear the hijab as it conforms to a certain standard of modesty. The term “Hijab” in the Arabic language means “veil, cover, conceal or screen”. How did World Hijab Day start off? In her video, Nazma Khan talks about the persecution she faced in school due to her hijab and why she started World Hijab Day. Nazma then briefly describes the difficulties she experienced in school and later college in New York for wearing the hijab, where she was verbally and physically attacked by her school peers and teachers. Because of the internet this campaign spread quickly and is now popular. More than 50 countries joined the campaign attracting both Muslims and non-Muslims word-wide. Thanks to Sister Nazma for starting the movement so Muslims and nonMuslims can help to put a stop to discrimination against those wearing the Hijab. What is it all about? Mufti Ismail Menk, World Renowned Scholar, Zimbabwe said “World Hijab Day is not an act of worship but rather an effective way to create global awareness of the issue that is being attacked unfairly. It has achieved some great success already. Alhamdulillah (Praise to God).” Its aim was to raise awareness and promote tolerance and respect towards women who choose to wear the hijab. Understanding why Muslim women wear the hijab and letting Muslims and non-Muslims experience a once in year opportunity to wear the hijab, providing them with hijab styling make over. At Bucks ISOC! Bucks Islamic society organised a World Hijab Day event on Tuesday 4 February. It was a positive and productive day as the ISOC sisters created a wonderful stall with henna, scarves and a hijab corner. Sofia and Nosheen applied professional henna designs which were particularly popular. A Hijab corner, where ladies had their hijab make over by Sara and Amal the atmosphere was vibrant and welcoming; chatting with new people and sharing their experiences and stories! The day was fun, inspiring, and hijab awareness was shared lovingly. There was a good turnout from the ladies and here are some of the positive comments we received from the ladies who donned the hijab! Emily said that “having the choice to wear the hijab is liberating, as a woman. I would recommend trying to wear one to every women” and Jane added that it “feels quite strange at first but easily got used to it. Really interesting that it can be part of your identity.”

One of our members, Amal, said that “it went so well I had the chance to meet new sisters and make new friends as well as share my experience and stories with those who came to try the hijab today! Which was good, it was a quick learning exchange in a short period. Thanks to everyone’s contribution” Another member, Misbah described how ”the event was successful, I got the chance to buy some new nice hijabs. This was a good opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. The atmosphere warm was welcoming. Well done Sara, Amal and other sisters for organising hijab day.” Nabila: “I loved it! The event sent out so much positive energy, everyone was happy and full of life! I got to meet new people from different ethnic backgrounds, shared my stories and experiences too! And also thanks to Sara- I have learnt different ways of doing my hijab!” We raised £87 for charity and although the event didn’t raise a huge amount, the bigger successes were the overwhelming positive comments, experiences, and friendships formed. Islamic Awareness Week Keep this space open as the next ISOC event will take place between the 24th and 28th of February. Our team has come up with exciting new events for each day; we need lots of volunteers so get in touch as soon as possible. Islamic Awareness Week will give you the opportunity to: Monday

Taste International Teas & Coffees in the morning, from Yeminis Coffee to Masala Tea Calligraphy session - Learn how to write your name in Arabic



Be part of our bake off - Brothers vs Sisters bake off competition, come judge our blueberry muffins and banoffee pie

Interfaith football match will take place Sisters will be selling beautiful scarves and henna designs



Understand the benefits of fasting. Have dinner with us and enjoy a talk from a world renowned scholar

Test your knowledge of Islam

Get in touch or for more information visit our website, join us on or Email us at:

24 February Issue

Volunteering Tabby Karuga First Year Accounting and Finance

Super Volunteer Become a

Abdul Esse Third Year Computing

In Student Volunteering Week

Want to get involved with volunteering but feel like you might have missed the boat?! Fear not, Student Volunteer Week is just around the corner, and there’s plenty to get involved with! Student Volunteering Week (SVW) is a nationwide celebration of student volunteering which traditionally takes place each spring. Now in its 13th year, Student Volunteering Week brings together organisations from all sectors to promote and celebrate the volunteering efforts of students across the Universities and Colleges in the UK. The week will see students of all ages and backgrounds take part in some voluntary action and get involved with their local community. This will all kick off with Good Deed Day on Monday 24 February, where students from all over the UK will pledge to do a small act of kindness.

Monday 24 February Good Deed Day, Smile Campaign 8-10am, do a good deed and make someone smile! (if you would like to get involved in this, please come to the event briefing on Thursday 20 Feb at 5pm in N3.06!) Tuesday 25 February 12-2pm Community Impact Bucks and Wycombe Youth Action info stand- Students' Union Foyer 2-3.30pm One Can Trust volunteering project, sorting through donations at local food bank 8-10pm Volley for RAG, Charity volleyball match- Events Hall Wednesday 26 February 2-4pm Conservation project, clearing pathways and putting up bird boxes with Chiltern Rangers

At Bucks, from Monday 24 - Friday 28 February there will be a range of great activities; training sessions and fundraising events open to all students.

Thursday 27 February 12-2pm Wycombe Environment Centre and National Citizen Service information standStudents' Union Foyer 1.30-3.30pm Gardening in disused apple orchard at Booker Common

If you’d like to take part in any of these projects, just email to sign up!

Friday 28 February 12-2pm Micro Volunteering, preparing recipe cards for One Can Trust- Pulse Café, Uxbridge.

25 February Issue

One Can Trust in our Volunteers Tabby Karuga, a first year student studying Accounting and Finance has written of her experience volunteering with One Can Trust. “As a person, I am concerned about the wellbeing of other people and wanted to contribute by giving up a few hours when I can to volunteer for the One Can Trust. Although there are several things this charity does, the main jobs are to sort out donated foods. The food is sorted and packed into relative categories and those that are expired are eliminated. Volunteering in general has its benefits; some people volunteer to gain and develop existing skills, others volunteer in order to learn more about themselves and their capabilities as well as to gain self-confidence, while for others it is the intrinsic satisfaction of contributing to something they feel is worthwhile and which will be appreciated that attracts them to volunteering.

"there are so many benefits linked to volunteering" Some students may think that volunteering is a waste of time but the more you get involved in volunteering, the more apparent it will be that there are so many benefits linked to volunteering. I would recommend everyone to give it a go, especially those looking for work experience to add to their CV. I am glad and grateful to have had the chance to volunteer at One Can trust and I am sure many others will be too.� Remember, 87% of employers think that volunteering can have a generally positive effect on career progression, so get involved!

Megan Riches Music Management, Branding & PR

February Issue



Time To Change I’m writing this on Time To Talk Day (6 February) which makes what I’m about to say seem somewhat more poignant. Recently, I did a weeks training for a role as an Involvement Worker with Time To Change. I visit youth professionals (teachers, group leaders etc) and talk about my experiences with mental health illness and the stigma and discrimination I have faced because of it. This position allows me to change people's attitudes and beliefs and so I shall impart my (little) knowledge and experience in the hopes it may impact your views and behaviour too. If you like a good story as much as I do, here is another to add to the collection: During secondary school I was diagnosed as 'school phobic' Yes, it is a thing! This encompasses depression and social anxiety amongst other things. It wasn’t until later, during my first year at university in fact, that I was also diagnosed with an eating disorder.

"'school phobic' Yes, it is a thing!" I tend to say that I have been lucky in that I have never faced any outrageously rude or discriminatory comments or behaviour towards my mental health issues or worries. However, It was not until after my training and hearing experiences of others that I found myself relating to certain situations and it made me consider other behaviour I have been subjected to. Perhaps the most obvious is bullying. I dealt with a couple of cases of cyber bullying during secondary school where stereotypes of “emo”, “scene” and “attention seeker” were thrown around. However, I just considered it normal. Everyone goes through that at secondary school, right? Later in year 10 /11 I finally received home schooling but had to attend a PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) one day a week alongside other students who had completely different needs to me. I’ll give it to them, they were kind enough to put me in a different room to the truant pupils but it didn’t stop them kicking the door down, throwing things in all directions and firing questions towards me on my presence there. For someone who was terrified of stepping inside the place, being subjected to that sort of behaviour really was not making my time there any more relaxing or welcoming. Once again, this was something I told myself I would have to put up with until my time at “school” ended. But really, this was all a consequence of me accepting this behaviour towards myself. It was what was expected, what I deserved and I just took it. I didn’t realise at the time, but I was dealing with Self-Stigma. Yes this is also a thing! This is the name given to those who don’t even consider opening up about their feelings due to the fear of stigma and discrimination towards them. I know now that I wasn’t alone in thinking this way and that this thought process was not only stopping me from expressing my actual feelings, it was in fact making me worse. Of course, stigma of any kind is detrimental but self-stigma and not feeling able to speak to anyone in the first place is truly toxic. Coming full circle, back to my original point of this article: Stigma and discrimination is rife, it just wasn’t until recently that it really dawned on me how much so. As I speak up about my experiences, I find others opening up about their situation to me and I notice how similar we have felt and funnily enough, it’s exactly why we had not shared our experiences before now. Of course since all of this, I have received help. Counselling, medication, supportive friends, family and lecturers have been fantastic. If anyone is reading this and feeling similar let it be known; help is out there. Recovery is possible. Don’t be afraid to speak up – it’s okay not to be okay!

Find out more at


Course news

February Issue

Dancing through our degree By Rebecca Todd

The Dance hype at Bucks is ever increasing. Whether ‘dropping it down low’ in the Students' Union, competing with BNU Dance Society or even just as a member of the audience, there is no doubt of the impact dance has on the Bucks community. But how many of you really know what we dance undergraduates get up to? I’ve seen students (probably even you) stop to enjoy the view from the Gateway. However dance is so much more than what you see, it is about embracing new experiences and this is what the course here at Bucks appreciates most of all. Speaking of new experiences, 2014 sees something new and exciting for the Third year dancers. As part of our professional practice module we will be showcasing a new work choreographed by Subathra Subramaniam alongside Sadhana’s professional work at The North Wall in Oxford on 8 March.

This project has been extremely rewarding, providing us with invaluable insight into the intricacies of running an independent dance company within the industry. Subathra’s visionary approach valued our individual differences as independent practitioners, and has given us the chance to actively participate in the choreographic process of an original piece also enhancing our skill-set in media advertising, stage management and design. Being a part of the ‘company’ has opened our eyes to the endless delights dance can offer for both the performers and the community. We have worked very hard and can’t wait to perform in the upcoming show. This will be a great opportunity to be involved in the professional touring experience, and will help prepare us for employment upon graduation. The dancers would love to share this experience with you and I guarantee that a theatre view will be much better than a window view! The show will take place on Saturday 8th March at the North Wall theatre in Oxford – we hope to see you there.


The cheapest prices in town. Black and white printing from


Dissertation binding from


Colour printing from


Laminating from


For more info visit your nearest Students’ Union Office or go to

28 February Issue

Society feature

Eat. Sleep. Climb. Repeat. By Nick Ridgeway

Bucks Climbing Society, now in its third year, is one of the lesser-known and youngest societies at Bucks; I’d never heard of it before, had you? That being said, it maintains a solid base of around a dozen regular members and has introduced, this year alone, around 40 more thrill-seekers to the joys of hanging off a rock face attached to nothing but a rope. The climbers travel to ‘The Climb’ at Amersham weekly but are looking forward to the future, and intend to make the 14 metre climbing wall and bouldering facilities at Reading their home. Climbing isn’t just about getting up and down a vertical wall as fast as possible. Each wall presents itself as a problem to be solved: Where you put your limbs, strategies and the mental battle to overcome the challenges faced when scrambling up. Bouldering means climbing without a rope or crash mat below; you’re completely alone, it’s not for the faint-hearted, though you wouldn’t be expected to do this at your first attempt at climbing. The annual trips mean it’s not all about climbing practice indoors. Last year it was the Peak District where unfortunately snow got in the way of the best climbs, but left plenty of room for potholing and hiking. This year the Society travels to Wales from the 25-28 April, where hopefully they’ll be able to climb for the weekend. When you have just spent the year writing essays amongst the concrete jungle of Wycombe, there is no better place to escape. Scared or worried you’ll be confronted with hardened outdoorsy-types? Don’t worry. Chairman Tom Nichol assures “It’s all about fun and all ability levels are welcome… there’s a strong safety-focus to maintain the enjoyment of what can be a very dangerous

sport”. I’m sure you’ll agree; in a game of bone, rock, scissors the rock will nearly always win. The Society is made up of students from completely different courses and, whilst they come together for monthly socials and have become friends through their mutual love of adventure and the outdoors, it’s about more than the social aspect, and really does introduce you to a plethora of different people whom otherwise you might not have met. Generally, a beginner will start on the practice wall and boulders to build the basics; it’s not too far off the ground and the mats and safety-focus ensure you won’t injure yourself through hitting the wall or the ground. After that you’ll move on to the practice wall to master the vertical climb and finally, if you feel up to the challenge, on to the 11 metre main wall with the support and guidance of more experienced climbers and the instructors from the Centre. Within the space of two hours you’ll go from never having climbed before, staring up at a vast incline, thinking ‘How the hell am I ever going to get up there’ to climbing it alone and then abseiling back down all within of two hours on a Tuesday night. The Society is however appealing for a new Minibus driver for their Tuesday evening voyages, the only requirements being: have had your driving licence for two years and be 21 or older (to meet the MIDAS requirements). The minibus leaves from outside the Students Union at 6pm on Tuesdays for the 15 minute trip to Amersham and is back for 9pm. If you want to get involved find the Facebook page “Bucks Climbing” Society where you can find out more.

29 February Issue

"Each wall presents itself as a problem to be solved"

30 February Issue

Sport news

Netball prep for Varsity Amy Stelfox

Netball have had a rough year to get through with numerous wins and losses along the path. No matter what we play together, we support one another and importantly we drink together. But on a more serious note on Wednesday 29 January we saw the huge gathering of multiple sports teams such as rugby, football, volleyball and friends to cheer on Bucks Netball 2nd Team in the Gateway. In my two years of playing Netball at Bucks I have never felt such strong home support which was so strong that no matter what the score or the end result was, we were cheered on every step of the way, giving the team a boost and the mentality to keep going and fighting; which was clearly evident in each individual’s performance. The crowd inspired some marvellous shooting from Evie Holsett and Player of the Match Kirstie Ogilive and they continued to roar on the team for more goals and build the confidence of not only the two shooters but the team as a whole. Although the result wasn’t positive, the aspect of the University coming together was a positive result in itself. Many of the away games attended by netball this year, such as those at Brunel and Chichester have had massive home crowds supporting

them but the combined Bucks New Uni crowd were more than a match for them this past Wednesday, as we begin Varsity preparation. Not only are we creating bigger crowds than an amazing sporting university like Brunel, we are also stepping up our game in competition with our fantastic 1st Team being triumphant over Brunel and Portsmouth with 2 consecutive victories. With Varsity just around the corner, vital wins and support is just what is needed to get us fired up and ready to battle Roehampton and I’m sure I can speak for everyone when I say this year we will be triumphant. With the 2nd teams last two fixtures of the season being against Roehampton, it couldn’t have worked out better, not only can we beat them in our league fixtures, we will add the icing on the cake at Varsity and claim a 3-0 sweep for the season on our own turf. As captain I would like to thank each and every person who came and supported netball as a club it was appreciated very much. It’s an exciting year for Bucks Netball, hosting Varsity on our own ground is the exact motivation we need to aim to succeed and do well. We train every week on a Tuesday night, mainly in the rain and the dark

but we push through in order to develop our skills and be the best that we can be. Although it is difficult with constantly changing teams due to injuries and time, we always play as a club and we take each win or loss together no matter which of the three teams we play for. It isn’t too late to get involved with training sessions every Tuesday night, where we meet at the Student’s Union at 6.30pm. But should you prefer a more relaxed and fun session, a Sport For Fun netball hour runs in the events hall every Monday from 1pm-2pm. It is a great way to get to know other people, increase fitness levels or purely to learn a new sport. All abilities are welcome to take part in this, whether you are male or female. Not to mention our intention of turning our Tuesday night netball sessions into a rounder’s session when the season has ended for a bit of fun and laid back sport which everyone can be part of. It’s never too late to get involved with any sport at Bucks.

COULD YOU REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF YOUR PEERS TO THE UNIVERSITY AND EARN UP TO £100 REWARD? Student reps provide a credible student voice by giving feedback to the University, ensuring that assumptions are not made about the student experience here at Bucks. Get involved to make change happen!

STUDENT REP ELECTIONS 2014-15 Nominations close Thursday 6 March Voting Monday 10 March – Friday 14 March


way to de-stress from university or from other things in life. It has given me a huge confidence boost and built up my selfesteem. Boxing is fun and if you have not already given it a try, I suggest you do so!”

Boxing is a fantastic sport which requires good technique, discipline and high levels of fitness. It’s a great form of cardiovascular exercise – just one hour on a punch bag would burn approximately 360 calories. It is also a great opportunity to meet new people and relieve a bit of stress from University assignments!

If you don’t want to launch yourself straight into boxing, then why not try out one of our boxercise classes first to get a taste for the sport? In collaboration with the Gym and The Big Deal, Sport for Fun run free boxercise classes on a Thursday, 5.15pm – 6.15pm in Dance Studio 1. Boxercise is an exercise class based on the training concepts that boxers use to keep fit, such as skipping and hitting pads. It is a fun, challenging and safe work out and also a great introduction to the sport. Sign up to these sessions at the Gateway Reception.

The boxing society at Bucks New University is always looking to recruit new members. Sport For Fun organise the training sessions, which take place on a Tuesday evening, 5pm – 6.30pm at High Wycombe Amateur Boxing Club (HP11 2QU). Everyone is welcome, including complete beginners. Even better, the session only costs £3. Jasveer Jagdev, who is in his third year studying Games Development, has been involved in the boxing society since he was a fresher. He says “Boxing is a great way to keep fit or to get fit. It’s a brilliant

RESULTS Badminton Men's

Surrey 2nd

To find out more or to get involved in boxing, email or alternatively, come and speak to Hannah in the Student Activities office.


February Issue

Get hooked on Boxing





Bucks 1st

Hockey Ladies'

Royal Holloway 2nd



Bucks 1st

Badminton Men's

Bucks 1st



Surrey 2nd

Hockey Men's

Portsmouth 2nd



Bucks 1st

Basketball Ladies'

St George's 1st



Bucks 1st

Hockey Men's

UCL 2nd (RUMS)



Bucks 1st

Basketball Men's

Bucks 1st



Hertfordshire 2nd

Netball 1st

Bucks 1st



Brighton 3rd

Basketball Men's

Bucks 1st



Canterbury Christ Church 1st

Netball 2nd

Bucks 2nd



Kingston 2nd

Football 2nd

St Mary's 3rd



Bucks 2nd

Netball 2nd

Bucks 2nd



LSE 3rd

Football 6th

Middlesex 4th



Bucks 6th

Netball 3rd

UCL 7th (RUMS)



Bucks 3rd

Golf 1st

Bucks 1st



University of South Wales 1st

Netball 3rd

Bucks 3rd

Golf 1st

Plymouth 1st



Bucks 1st

Rugby 2nd

UWL 1st



Bucks 2nd

Golf 2nd

Bucks 2nd



Portsmouth 1st

Volleyball Ladies'

Bucks 1st



Chichester 1st


St George's 4th

Bucks Buddies required! This is a unique project funded by the University who are aiming to make the transition into Higher Education as easy as possible. Communication will be via email for which a Buddy account will be set up for you and you may need to communicate in their native language.

We are looking for students who:

• are well organised and have common sense • are an excellent communicator both written and oral • are able to handle responsibility • are self motivated and methodical • have a positive and enthusiastic outlook • are friendly and approachable • are sympathetic to the varying students needs • are conscientious with record keeping, keeping us abreast of how it is going and the review process at the end of the project.

Please contact if you are interested or for more information.

VARSITY 26.03.14

Tickets on sale now at Bucks Students’ Union reception £5 Supporters

£7 Players

£10 Alumni

You will receive: a Varsity programme, a Varsity t-shirt, a food voucher, transport between all sports sites, guaranteed entry and queue jump into The Venue before 11pm.

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