The Bucks Student - Edition 34

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bucks student edition 34

December 2012



Despite pouring rain, over thirty students from Bucks took to the streets of London on Wednesday 21 November to stand up for students’ futures across the country. Thousands of students marched from Temple to Embankment over the rise in tuition fees, the high level of youth unemployment and the fact that many politicians, as the National Union of Students (NUS) put it, “lied to our faces” regarding

Bucks Students’ Union has a positive impact on your time at Bucks in so many different ways. In each addition of The Bucks Student this column will showcase recent work that we have undertaken to continue having a positive impact on your time.



these issues. The 2010 Demo saw 52,000 people take to the streets. Thirty-five of the protesters were arrested, with numerous vandalisations and police officers injured. The majority of those involved were non-students. Whilst there were no scenes even coming close to that, the NUS rally did have to be cut short and abandoned as Liam Burns, the NUS President, was heckled with eggs and a satsuma. According to the Guardian, chanting

Providing transport for 40 students to attend the National Union of Students demonstration in London to protest against cuts to Higher Education.



starting occurring at Kennington Park saying “NUS shame on you, where the f**k have you brought us to.” Around 20 protestors then tried to invade the stage which forced Burns to leave. Needless to say, whilst the protest had its ups and downs, the main outlook was positive and we hope By Student Editor that change will happen. Guy Humphrey

Lobbying for more robust University monitoring of projects and initiatives aimed at improving the student experience to ensure that the effectiveness of these changes is assured.


Watch the official Students’ Union video from the day.

Participating in our Investing in Volunteers assessment visit, conducted by Volunteering England, to ensure that we are offering the highest standards of opportunities and support possible.

2 Bucks Student December 2012



Editor - Ash Coles Student Editor - Guy Humphrey Deputy Student Editor - MJ Mahmood Must Read Editor - Donique Lindsey Student Essentials Editor - Harmeet Singh Anand After Hours Editor - Yael Rivniker


Guided Learning Week


Katies Christmas Kitchen


Gentleman’s Dub Club interview


The 12 STI’s of Christmas


Jesus fed the 5000...


Get involved! If you want to get involved in the paper it’s very easy! If you have a passion for writing, feel you want to get your voice heard, or want to cover something that we may be missing from our current paper, then get in touch: Email: search: Bucks Student Newsgroup

Advertising For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at communications. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students’ Union for more information. © 2012 Bucks Students’ Union

Editor Ash Coles

Hi all and welcome to the last edition of The Bucks Student before Christmas. In the last few weeks we as a Union have been busy mobilising for Demo 2012 - this was a planned march through London in protest to cuts against higher education. The event itself had not received as much coverage as the previous march had two years ago where over 50,000 students gathered to show they were against the rise in tuition fees. The day was successful for Bucks and we took a coach full of students who were passionate about the cause. Not even the pouring rain could dampen spirits. It was great to see a number of students join us and I would like to thank you all for supporting the cause. So the first term of the year is coming to an end and it seems to have flown by! This is the end of my thirteenth term here at Bucks yet it still seems to be going quicker than ever. Unfortunately I only have two terms left as your president and have recently started thinking what is next for me. This is sadly a reality as in this day and age you cannot afford to be unemployed. Now although many of you out there who are graduating in September probably don’t want to hear this but you should probably start thinking what is next and perhaps asking yourselves the question: have I got everything from university that I could? I say this as we are continuing to look at developing the transferable skills of our students and making them as employable as possible, It is important that future employers understand all the additional skills and experiences that you have picked up through taking part in extra-curricular activities at Bucks and this is where we can help. To make sure you are making the most of your time, arrange to meet a mentor through the Students’ Union! You can find out more about the specific employability events on our website at the student training events are the ones to watch out for and there is something for everyone and they really will make a difference to your employability! All that’s left for me to do is to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and I hope you have a cracking New Year! And remember this year’s New Year’s resolution should be to increase your employability through Bucks Students’ Union . Ash Coles

Student Editor Guy Humphrey

Deputy Student Editor MJ Mahmood

Hi Guys, it’s me again!

Hi everyone,

By now, all of your assessments will have been, or are about to, be handed in. Good luck with those! If you are having trouble you can always contact the LDU (Learning Development Unit) to help with your essays - something which has personally proved very helpful to me the past few weeks! This edition is the Christmas Edition. Merry Christmas to you guys! If you are celebrating, I hope you have a good one. In this edition we have a review on Lush Christmas products, top Christmas films which may not be the ones you were expecting, as well as Christmas soaps and how other countries celebrate Christmas. Features in this edition are about the Demo - thirty students from Bucks went as well as a feature about Guided Learning Week. If you have any comments on either of these issues, feel free to contact me. Until next time, have a good Christmas!

Can you believe that we’re almost at the end of the first term? It’s flown past and it’s shocking to think that 10 weeks have been completed! I hope that you’ve all (especially Freshers) have had a fun-filled, educational and enjoyable first term here at Bucks New Uni! I hope that you’ve been making the most out of all opportunities coming your way. Second and third years – I imagine it’s been a very stressful time for you all, but remember that it’s worth it! With Christmas around the corner, may everyone take a well-deserved rest, and make the most out of your time back at home! If you’re not going home, then I still hope you enjoy your few weeks off! Hopefully, we’ll see you bright eyed and bushy tailed (ie hungover) in time for the start of the new term!


Sabb chat... As your Sabbatical officers we are the voice of the students and are here to make sure your time at Bucks is a positive one. We want you guys to be making the most out of your time here and getting involved with as much as possible, so that when you graduate you have lots of different experiences, qualifications and additional skills to put on your CV. If you ever have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in contact with any of us: Ash Coles, President Naomi Franco, VP Student Involvement Jack Badu, VP Education and Welfare

Take care, MJ x

December 2012 Bucks Student 3

All the latest goings-on around the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses. Union news

Guided Learning Week “not what I had been promised or what was agreed”

209 Bad News Letters Last academic year the University sent bad news letters to 209 students explaining that they had been found guilty of academic misconduct and had therefore automatically failed a module. Most of these cases involved plagiarism: using someone else’s words (or images or sounds) and failing to reference the original author appropriately in coursework assessments.

- Ash Coles For many students across the University, it was Guided Learning week for many. The corridors were empty, and you could actually get a computer after lunchtime in the library. Many students went away for Guided Learning week, and for many the week is seen as a holiday where you can relax. But this was not meant to be the case. Guided Learning week was meant to be a time where students can catch up with work and their reading, as well as attend lectures not necessarily related to your course whilst still being industry related. For the majority of courses this has simply not happened. These changes to Guided Learning week were in regard to the increased tuition fees and a suspected increase in what students expected from University with teaching available throughout the academic term. It was agreed between the University and the Students’ Union that the week would be implemented in order for students to develop different skills that could help them further their career and get their foot in the door. This could include guest speakers, internship information or a chance to complete volunteering or coaching badges that could increase career prospects upon graduation. The Students’ Union has seen a decrease in the amount of students using the facilities as well as there being a decrease in the amount of students taking part in a club or society. Ash Coles, President of the Students’ Union said that, “what has happened over the past three weeks was not what I had been promised or what was agreed. It has been a great shame to see something that could have worked so well not being implemented effectively. We are now working with the Senior Management Team of the University on reviewing how this all happened and we hope to see an activity based week effectively implemented in the New Year.” It could have proved more beneficial for first and second year students as they could learn valuable skills that they could enforce in the workplace but for many students, especially final year students, Guided Learning week could be seen as a good thing as you can catch up on your work. But with the end of the term getting ever so closer, would it have made more sense to have the Guided Learning week later? Or better yet, have Guided Learning week done as was By Student Editor Guy Humphrey advertised.

Debate of the week Yes, I think that Christmas cards are old fashioned. We’re living in the day and age of technology and where people are leading busier lives! No one has time to sit down, write a card and then go to the trouble of sending it! Why do that, when you can send them a message over Facebook, emails or the phone!


Whats missing?

Are Christmas cards old fashioned?

No, I don’t think that Christmas cards are becoming old fashioned. I think that they show the spirit of Christmas is still alive, and unfortunately it’s becoming rare as people don’t want to take the time out to write them anymore. I love receiving and giving Christmas cards and they’re an integral part of the season for me!

The University’s regulations are clear that plagiarism can happen intentionally or unintentionally. It is all too easy when making notes from online journals and websites to forget to make a note of the source: the author’s name, the title of the journal/webpage etc. Preparing assignments can be quite stressful. You’ve spent hours getting together all the information. You’ve selected the useful stuff which you need to answer the question. You switched bits of it around several times to make more sense. You’ve spell checked it and proof-read it to make sure that it all makes sense and you have on the screen the final draft: finished at last. It’s looking good. But, hand on heart, after all that work, can you swear that everything you’ve put in the assignment, except the bits with quotation marks, is written in your own words? It is very tempting to submit the assignment to be marked and to hell with it. But what about Turnitin? Turnitin is the plagiarism detection software used by nearly all universities in the UK. When you hit the submit button Turnitin automatically produces a similarity report for the marker with a percentage score for how much of the assignment is found to be taken from words written by other people. If Turnitin shows your assignment has a high percentage your marker will look in detail at the report and see if you have referenced your sources appropriately. A high percentage doesn’t mean that you have plagiarised; it simply shows the marker that you have used other people’s words. This is fine as long as you have put them in quotation marks and referenced them. But what happens if in all the hassle of writing the assignment you have forgotten a particular reference? That is plagiarism and your marker will report you for possible academic misconduct. Two hundred and nine - that is the number of students last year who failed a module because they didn’t include appropriate references. Many of these thought they had written everything themselves or had referenced everything they needed to. So, what can you do? Before you submit the final assignment online to be marked you will have the option of uploading a draft. Turnitin will then give you the similarity report and you can double check that you have included all your references. Then, when you submit the final version, you can be sure that the assignment will get the mark it deserves and that you won’t fail the assignment through a silly mistake. No one at the University wants you to fail. If you need some more information about the proper way to reference sources you’ve used in your work, talk with the Learning Development Unit. They can be found at High Wycombe in the Gateway in room G3.06 and at Uxbridge on the third floor in room 3.01. Alternatively, make an appointment by email to or phone on 01494 603 070. They’ll be happy to set you on the right path and it could be the most useful half an hour you’ve ever spent at Uni. 1. Zero Tolerance for plagiarism | Florida Institute of Technology. 2012. Zero Tolerance for plagiarism | Florida Institute of Technology. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2012].

4 Bucks Student December 2012

News in Tweets

Uxbridge news

@buckssu /BucksSUuxb

@BucksSU_UXB Bucks Students Union @Buckssu New calendar offer! Check back daily for a new deal or promotion! Taylor J. Stephen @TaylorJStephen Not like i’m addicted to the white hot chocolate from @buckssu or anything... pic.twitter. com/LjnUamzr

Bucks New University @bucksnewuni You can see our fantastic range of MA Art and Design work at our end of year show from 6-13 December Bucks SU - Uxbridge @BucksSU_UXB Want to be part of the Nursing & ODP Society? Email jane.bower@bucks. to find out how


Bon Voyage A lot of Students will be in their last few weeks of Uni before heading of in to placement. Whether this is your first time or last time in placement we are here to help. Whilst you are away from the University you are still entitled to use all of Bucks Students’ Union’s services. If you’re experiencing difficulties with finance, accommodation, your course or anything else then our advice team is available to you. We can either arrange for you to come in on a day off to come and have a meeting with us or we can speak to you over

the phone. Make sure you have our number just in case you need us - 01494 605 180. We’re also here to help you develop and we have a wide range of training sessions, social and recreational activities most of which are available for free through The Big Deal. To view all of our activities go to bucksstudent. com/events Finally we wish you good luck and hope you have a great time.

Children in Need Pugsey’s Tombola Thank you to all of the students and staff who donated a surprise box to the Children in Need Tombola that took place on the Tuesday 20 November. We raised a magnificent total of £279.29 so a massive thank you as well to anyone who bought a ticket for the tombola. All of the money raised will be donated to Children in Need. The prize for the best decorated box was awarded to Sabina Gurung, a third year Dip HE student. Well done! A big thank you again to the Schools Administration team for their time and effort put in to making the tombola a success.

Be prepared to meet a lot of interesting people.

Bucks Students’ Union

Upcoming event Officer surgery with Naomi Franco Vice President P Student Involvement

Mon 10 Dec 10am - 4pm Pulse Cafe

Sabina’s winning box

A few of the donated surprise tombola boxes.

As Vice President Student Involvement, Naomi is a representative of the student body and provides the voice for students around sports, societies, volunteering and RAG (raise and give). Naomi ensures that students obtain the best possible experience, helping them take full advantage of what the Union offers so if you have any specific questions around these areas please ask her. This is also an opportunity for you to ask Naomi any questions you have about University in general and quiz her about any queries you may have.

s n a e m s i Th it’s FREE!

Sports Societies Activities Events

see for more details

100% OFF

December 2012 Bucks Student 5

Hidden course cost petiton In a recent hidden course costs survey conducted by the Students’ Union, students in the department of furniture declared an average of over £700 of added, unexpected costs for their course. Design and Craft over £600 and creative and visual communications over £450 per student. It is not fair to add machinery costs to already expensive programmes of study. There is currently a petition conducted through the Students’ Union U against adding further expense by

charging per hour to use machines such as the laser cutter and CNC machine. The laser cutter, for example, is used by many courses throughout the University such as furniture, product design, spatial design and textiles. Many people believe that a laser cutter is a vital machine needed for the course and adding this expense is unfair, in addition to our fees. If you want to sign the petition please head to the Students’ Union office.

60 seconds with Buck New University Director of Estates - High Wycombe Ian Hunter > 1. What made you want to be Director of Estates at Bucks New Uni? I enjoy providing new buildings and refurbishing old ones. Working for Bucks allows me to do this and it is great seeing staff and students enjoying the outcomes of our hard work. > 2. What are your aims for the Uni in the near future? That all buildings are maintained to a good standard and that we reduce our energy and carbon footprint in line with government targets. I am also keen to ensure we continue to attract students who want to enjoy our excellent facilities. > 3. How is this Uni different to others? Small enough to know most colleagues by name but big enough to compete in the HE sector against more established universities. > 4. Where did you study and what degree did you do? Salford University and did an honours degree in Civil Engineering. > 5. What were you like as a university student? Worked hard and played hard! I was also captain of a university rugby team ( 2nd 15) for two years, lived in halls for three years and acted as a student representative and social officer. > 6. If you could give any advice to a student, what would it be? Work hard first and play hard second. Develop your social skills early as these will stay with you long after you leave this University. > 7. What film did you last watch? I have not been to a cinema for years but enjoyed Jason and his Technicolor Dream coat at the Swan Theatre last year. > 8. Where would your ideal place to go on holiday be? Somewhere warm and near the sea – with great sunsets and my family all together. > 9. What’s your idea of the perfect night in/out? Again with all my family in a nice restaurant with an excellent selection of malt whisky.

Carol Singing at Bucks Mon 10 Dec, 12pm - 1pm Gateway around the Christmas Tree

Tue 11 Dec, 12pm - 1pm In Pulse Cafe - Uxbridge


Everyone is welcome


Carol sheet and music provided Enjoy free mulled wine and mince pies Collection for the Embrace the Middle East Charity

01494 603 024

Extended Christmas opening hours until 8.30pm Appointments: 01494 523158 / 526648 Roccola Hair, 18 Crendon Street, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 6LS

6 Bucks Student December 2012

University news

News in Brief Showing a caring side Dr Sachin Gupta, one of nine GPs recruited regionally by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) to champion the needs of carers, was the keynote speaker at the recent Dementia Care conference at the Uxbridge Campus. Claire Garley, a dementia support worker for the Alzheimers Society, was also a speaker. The conference featured workshops and presentations for professional and informal carers. Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor David Sines, said: “The conference provided an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and best practice.”

As tasty as Squish-n-Chips!

Cooking up a treat An exhibition showing a kitchen scene has been set up near the East Wing entrance, opposite the Gateway. It highlights the launch of a Foundation Degree (Arts) in Kitchen Design at Bucks, which will welcome its first cohort next September. Course Leader David Gillett said: “The window depicts the historical context of kitchens, paving the way for kitchen designers of the future. References are made to the pre-appliance days of the 1920s, through Pop Art, to the multi-million pound industry it is today.”

There’s no I in team Sixty pupils from Sir William Ramsay School in High Wycombe were at Bucks yesterday for a team-building initiative coinciding with Social Enterprise Day, part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. The school is working on an EU-funded project called Regio Comenius, to improve social enterprise skills, designing a teenage travel guide introducing young people from Yalova in Turkey to the High Wycombe area and recycling novels for a third-world country. It is coordinated by Reader in Human Resources, Gloria Moss, who said: “Ruth Gunstone, Director of Student Experience, and her staff have had a fantastic input, assisting with the training of the children and the recruitment of students and we were introducing the pupils to this exciting project yesterday.”

International bright young thing Graduate Kathryn Dennehy, who gained a first in Sports Management with Coaching Studies, is settling in to a job as a residential sports teacher at Harrow House International College in Swanage, Dorset. She says she benefited from the extra experience gained at Bucks, including Level 1 coaching awards for athletics and tennis and work experience in the sports development team at Wycombe District Council. Kathryn said: “I feel my self-confidence has increased in so many ways through my degree and all the work I did outside it, but particularly in my ability to forge a career in the sports industry.”

A Bucks graduate has launched a business selling fun, affordable handmade objects and come up with a name she hopes will make the venture stand out from the crowd - Squishn-Chips. Orawee Choedamphai, who graduated with an MA in Furniture Design & Technology has launched the company with fiance Samuel Bradley and the couple have already launched their first product range with the aim of capitalising on being ‘unashamedly British’. The company’s first range is a variety of ten pop-up greeting cards, depicting different British wildlife, sold individually or in packs of five and it intends to make crafted objects and furniture to sell for under £100. They

have also introduced three Christmas card designs for the festive season. Samuel and Orawee met on an educational trip through the National School of Furniture (NSF), which is based at Bucks and at Oxford and Cherwell Valley College, in Oxford. They will marry in Thailand, where Orawee is from, next year, followed by a ceremony in England later next year. Samuel said: “Handmade objects do not have to be expensive but people can be put off by price so the message of Squish-nChips is one of innovation and creativity, but we are prepared to adapt and respond to an ever-changing world. “Despite the state of the economy we believe that if we start small we may have a chance to develop a brand and long-term

business plan that can give us an income to live on as well as blossom into something wonderful. “There is no guarantee of success but without the effort of actually trying, challenges cannot be overcome. If you can work in a job to make someone else’s dream come true, why not do it for yourselves? The company’s name is a play on the name of the British dish, fish-n-chips, and Squish is an imaginary creature evolved from the Darwin fish, which is a symbol of evolution. The pop-up greeting cards are sold in independent card shops around the Cotswolds and Oxford, online at or through the website, Etsy, at

LGBT Fellowship Watford Methodist Circuit

For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/no/undecided faith. We meet on the second Sunday of the month, 2.30pm-4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Mill End, WD3 7HJ. Next meeting is Sunday 13 January For more info contact Rachel and Sarah e: If you would like a lift to the event in Watford, please contact the University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793 or email

December 2012 Bucks Student 7

Martin Stott (middle) with students studying BA (Hons) Public Relations and Marketing Communications.

Award-winning journalist passes on top tips to students Award-winning former BBC journalist Martin Stott has visited Bucks New University as a guest speaker, impressing the importance of writing good copy upon second-year BA (Hons) Public Relations and Marketing Communications students. Martin, now CEO of Bulletin PR, a strategic communications consultancy that represents some of the UK’s leading financial services businesses, enjoyed a 20-year career with the BBC, reporting from 21

countries and five continents. He worked as an on-screen reporter for BBC TV’s Business Breakfast, produced and presented programmes on BBC Radio 4 and the World Service and produced the Business slots on the Today programme on Radio 4. Martin visited Bucks New University to speak to students as part of a Writing Skills element of their course, and passed on some of his extensive experience and tips for improving their abilities.

Martin said: “I hope the students realise the importance of good writing in PR, and their ambition should be to become as good at writing as the journalists they are sending stories to. They were a fun and engaging audience and I enjoyed being able to pass on some of my experience to them.” Student Megan Boyce said: “Martin Stott’s talk and the examples he gave of what we should and should not do when writing a press release was a valuable addition to what we have been learning in the

classroom. “It gave us a great insight in to what a journalist is looking for when receiving a press release from a public relations firm. It was an extremely enjoyable talk.” Course leader Bill Nichols said: “Guests of Martin’s calibre add a real-world dimension to the learning experience that really help us underscore the key messages we are putting across to Public Relations and Marketing Communications students.”

Students make positive role models at Rugby Expo 2012 Students at Bucks have been praised as being positive role models after working at the Rugby Expo 2012 event at Twickenham. A total of 12 BA (Hons) Sports Management with Rugby Studies students guided and advised delegates at the three-day exhibition held at the headquarters of the Rugby Football Union (RFU). Rugby Expo is a global conference and exhibition for both rugby codes and brings together representatives of unions, clubs, rights holders, brands, broadcasters, suppliers and innovators. It is considered the ultimate meeting place for the leaders of professional and community rugby and the businesses which support the sport. This year’s Rugby Expo attracted more than 800 delegates and speakers included RFU Chairman


Bill Beaumont and Chief Executive Ian Ritchie, sports entrepreneur Barry Hearn, and George O’Grady, Chief Executive of golf’s European PGA Tour. BA (Hons) Sports Management with Rugby Studies course leader, Hugh Mannerings, said: “The feedback from everyone at the exhibition about the students was extremely positive, citing them as positive role models for Bucks New University. “The students gained a tremendous amount from taking part, including seeing what goes into setting up an event and ensuring it runs smoothly, to handling enquiries and assisting delegates, and networking with the wealth of influential figures at the exhibition, benefiting through making valuable contacts. “The students also met England Rugby World Cup winner Phil Vickery and asked him about his

career. “It was an extremely beneficial experience for all the students. They all handled themselves professionally and were a credit to the University.” Student Frazer Hunt said: “I found the Rugby Expo a brilliant experience. I met loads of great people, including Phil Vickery and an ex-kicking coach from London Wasps who was very interesting to talk to.” Another student, Sam Verralls said: “Rugby Expo was a hugely eye-opening experience on both a business and social level. “Not only did we get to meet and interact with some former and current big names within the sport, we also got to hear the latest plans for English and international rugby and make contacts which will hopefully benefit our careers.”

8 Bucks Student December 2012

Must Read

The need to read section of the newspaper. Don’t miss out on the main features! Submit your articles to Section Editor Donique

Katies Kitchen

Christmas Dinner

Share a ‘Christmas Day’ with friends before heading homeward bound Turkey is an affordable meat, but hard to source smaller birds for intimate gatherings. Chicken is a good substitute, although you can buy individual turkey breasts/ legs. Frozen turkey needs 24-48 hours to defrost. Decide what vegetables you fancy - sprouts, carrots, roast parsnips and peas are all favourites, plus roast potatoes. Don’t forget sausages wrapped in bacon (pigs in blankets), gravy, stuffing and cranberry sauce - all readily available. You will need a roasting tin that will fit in your oven for the turkey, potatoes and parsnips - disposable ones are great to eliminate greasy washing up! Use serving dishes for veg if you have room on the table, or plate the food in the kitchen. Shopping list >> The turkey/chicken >> Jar of cranberry sauce >> Cheat’s microwave bread sauce >> Ready-made fresh stuffing in oven trays or packet version >> Brussels sprouts >> Carrots >> Frozen peas >> Potatoes for roasting >> Oil for roasting >> Parsnips >> Onion/orange/lemon >> Gravy granules if not making fresh >> Garlic >> Cocktail sausages >> Streaky bacon >> Microwave Christmas pud and brandy butter >> Drinks >> Cheese and biscuits >> Crackers, napkins, streamers for the table. >> Tin foil

Here is a running order of preparation and cooking times The day before For a whole turkey, before you go to bed take it out of the fridge, cover with foil and leave in a cool room (a frozen turkey should be completely defrosted by now or it won’t be safe). Turkey joints or a chicken can be done in the morning. Peel potatoes and parsnips and cut into even size chunks, cover in cold water. Prepare other vegetables - peel and slice carrots, take a couple of outside leaves away from the sprouts and store in the fridge in containers or wrap in cling. Turkey roasting times >> Under 4.5kg, whole chicken or turkey joints; allow 45 minutes per kg plus 20 minutes, >> 4.5kg - 6.5kg; allow 40 minutes per kg plus 20 minutes. >> Over 6.5kg; allow 35 minutes per kg plus 20 minutes. In an oven preheated to 180C (350F), gas mark 4 for a 3pm lunch, including ½ hour for the meat to rest, start cooking at: >> 2-2.5kg (serves 4-5) 12.30pm >> 2.5-3kg (serves 5-6) 12.05pm >> 3-3.5kg (serves 6-8) 11.45am >> 3.5-4.5kg (serves 8-10) 11.20am >> 4.5-5.5kg (serves 10-12) 11.10 am >> 5.5-6.5kg (serves 12-14) 10.30am >> 6.5-7.5kg (serves 14-16) 10.20am On the day - for a 3pm eating time >> 9.30am Preheat oven to 180C / gas mark 4 (adjust times for smaller turkeys). >> 9.40am If turkey needs all the oven space, roast potatoes and parsnips for 40 minutes now and finish them off when the turkey is resting.

Get into the Christmas spirit

Good secret santa gifts. Cool presies for under a tenner

So with Christmas around the corner, here’s a quick check list of ways to get yourself in the Christmas spirit! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Start singing Christmas carols Put up some festive decorations... ... including a Christmas tree Do some volunteering (see page 29 for some ideas) It’s never too early to wear Christmas jumpers and leggings! Start purchasing and wrapping presents Whip out all of your favourite Christmas movies/DVDs such as The Grinch Make sure you attend at least one town’s light switch on Finally, start planning your Christmas parties!

>> Parboil potatoes and parsnips for 10 minutes. Put oil in the roasting tray and place in the oven. Drain and shake them to scuff the edges which makes them crispier. Tip them into the tray with hot oil (add crushed garlic for flavour if you like). Stir and cook for 40 minutes. >> 10.20am Pop an onion, orange or lemon and a couple of cloves of garlic in the cavity, pour over a couple of glasses of red or white wine, cover with foil, place in the oven. >> 11.00am Prepare the pigs in blankets – wrap the chipolatas with bacon. >> 11.15am, 12 noon, 1pm, Baste the turkey (spoon the juices over). >> 1.45pm Baste the turkey one final time, take off the foil to brown the skin. Pour excess juices into a jug, leave to cool in the fridge (the fat will form a layer on top). Even if using cheat gravy this will enhance flavour and retain goodness. >> 2.15pm Take the turkey out. Check it’s cooked by poking a fork into the inner thigh area near the breast - the juices should run clear. If they are still pink, cook for another 15 minutes. Once the turkey is cooked, cover with foil and a clean tea towel on top of that. This keeps the turkey warm for 30-45 minutes. >> 2.30pm Put in the wrapped sausages and stuffing and the plates and vegetable dishes to warm. >> 2.40pm Potatoes and parsnips go back in the oven and boil water for veg. Cook the veg: carrots and Brussels 6-8 minutes; peas 2-3 minutes. Save the water to make gravy. >> 2.50pm Make the Bread Sauce according to packet instructions and gravy with veg water and granules, stir in the turkey juices, and a splash of wine. >> 3.00pm Time to eat! Carve turkey on to warmed plates, put veg into warmed dishes.

tmas film For more Chris page 21. t ou ideas check

At number one it’s this desktop drum kit; this is easily one of the most addictive products you can get. Happy drumming! ‘badum tish’ In at 2 just for the pure balls you would have to give it to someone single as a secret Santa is this knit your own boyfriend and at only £8.99 I think that’s the cheapest date yet. At 3 it’s this rather weird looking earphone tidy, pull this out your bag on the bus and

you may get a few looks. Did you get annoying person no one really likes for your secret Santa? Look no further this all-encompassing mug offers just the answer, lets hope they don’t look underneath while your still around!

December 2012 Bucks Student 9

Merry Mixology Christmas Cocktails and Mocktails Mulled wine


Vodka and vranberry


For a warming drink with a kick, this mulled wine is sure to get everyone into the Christmas spirit!

The perfect Christmas party cocktail to help you feel all festive. This version serves it as a short, creamytasting cocktail rather than as a fizzy tall drink with lemonade and ice. You can always add more lemonade if you’d prefer.

Not simply vodka and cranberry juice, a proper vodka cranberry also uses a touch of lime cordial and orange juice to bring out the best of the cranberry flavour.

Non-alcoholic Christmas drinks do not come with prohibitions and are fit for consumption by one and all. Non-alcoholic smoothies, punch, soft drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails are all welcome on the Christmas party menu.

Serves: 6-8 Prep time: 15 mins

Serves: 2

Serves: 2



> 75cl bottle red wine > 300ml (1/2pt) water > 300 ml (1/2 pint) orange juice > 3 tbs caster sugar > Mulled wine spice sachet > 150 ml (1/4pt) brandy > 1 orange, sliced > 1 apple, sliced

> 3 measures advocaat > 1 measure cognac > ½ fresh lime > Cold, sparkling chilled lemonade > Ice, cocktail sticks > Two cocktail cherries


> Put a handful of ice into a jug. Add the advocaat, cognac and juice from half a lime. > Stir well and pour straight into a glass before ice has chance to melt and dilute the mixture. > Add just enough cold lemonade to double the liquid in the glass. > Pop a couple of cocktail cherries onto a cocktail stick and use this to stir the drink to mix in the lemonade.


> Place the wine, water, orange juice, sugar and mulled wine spice sachet in a large saucepan. > Heat to just below boiling point and hold this temperature for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. > Take off the heat, remove the sachet. Stir in the brandy and fruit.

Try a few of these Smoothie A belend of fruit with fruit juice or milk. Whiz up your favourite fruit with fruit juice using a hand blender, or try a more creamier version with fruit, including banana, yoghurt and milk. Punch A mixture of fruit juices, served in a bowl with pieces of the fruit. Try pineapple, apple and mango, cranberry and white grape juice.


Mock Champagne A recipe for this maybe made using sparkling apple and cranberry juice, garnish with with lemon slices. Or try mixing ginger ale, chilled pineapple juice white grape juice. Serve garnished with a pineapple slice.

> 2 measures vodka > Cranberry juice to taste > Dash lime cordial > Dash orange juice > Fresh lime > Ice

Virgin Sangria Delicious and fruity, the drink is prepared by mixing unsweetened grape juice, apple juice concentrate, fresh lime juice, fresh lemon juice, unpeeled lemon slices, unpeeled orange slices, and unpeeled apple slices. Top off with club soda and serve garnished with a fresh cherry!

Method > Fill a glass halfway up with ice. > Pour all the ingredients in. > Garnish with a sliced segment of lime.

What is the true meaning of Christmas? (According to the Bucks Student Newsgroup)


Recently we asked on our Facebook page (Bucks Student Newsgroup) what’s the real meaning of Christmas? Thank you to everyone who voted. Above are the results.

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Deputy Student Editor MJ Mahmood

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So clearly it looks like the majority of us are looking forward to spending Christmas with our loved ones, followed by Christmas Dinner! I hope you all have an enjoyable and safe Christmas!



festive feast

Christmas dinner includes



or veg option



& veg

served with a


Lil’ pigs


also available


pud + brandy sauce



4 3 n o i t i d e . photos

s w e i v . e r n ’s n o a m s ’ e l t t n a Ge wh dub club aking

e r b c i s iew v e r n latest mu w a d s w e n

interview events

12 Bucks Student December 2012

After Hours

A round-up of SU nightlife plus entertainment news and reviews. Submit your articles to Section Editor Yael

Interview with the band

Gentleman’s Dub Club Dub and Reggae sensations Gentleman’s Dub Club played out the Students’ Union on Saturday 24th, so we caught up with Kieren and Johnny from the band to find out a bit more about them. Are you excited to perform at the Students’ Union? > Johnny: Really we wait until the people walk in the club and then we’ll get hyped > Kieren: Gotta conserve the energy. We can’t get too excited. > J: To be honest, I’m a bit hungry at the moment Need a snack? > J: Yes definitely, maybe a meal > K: Sausage and mash > J: Yeah we were talking earlier on about something hearty That’s pretty good, you don’t want too much, might get a bit bloated on stage, you won’t be able to get your knees up as high > J: That’s a good point. We played in Sheffield once and we all went and had a slow roasted lamb curry. We were like, ‘oh s**t we’ve got to be on stage,’ so we dragged ourselves up the hill to the bar and then on stage. It was one of those horrible situations where we had a huge amount of people who where just raring to go and I literally couldn’t move at all. (laughs) If I’d gone too far it would have spoilt the show. You guys played in Norwich did you not? > J: Norwich was amazing. It was the first show of our tour, we’ve played there twice it was brilliant. > K: That was awesome. > J: Yeah, it was a good kick start to the day. I’ll tell you the weirdest thing is that you go around the country, I mean I’ve got to be honest, High Wycombe is in that category of places I’ve never been before. In a way I almost didn’t know where it was. No offence intended to Buckinghamshire or the University (laughs). Like where have we played, Leamington Spa.


> K: Yeah, Poole > J: Yeah I didn’t know where Poole was until we got there Where’s Poole? > J: Exactly thats the thing > K: Still don’t know (laughs) > J: But anyway Norwich was brilliant Good man I’m glad that was good, have you played any other universities? > J: Yeah > K: Leeds uni You guys are from Leeds aren’t you? > K: We met in Leeds How did you guys meet? > K: That was through certain members of the band starting up a sound system for a bit of fun, and then it kind of branched out, people wanted to get some horns in, get some guitars in. Did it always have this kind of style in it or was it when you brought the horns in it gave it that kind of dub feel? > J: We knew each other from before uni but ultimately we were up in Leeds and doing different music courses or English (laughs). But there was three of us that found a sound system, delay unit and computer program and we were just messing around for ages and then one guy came in, Harry, who’s still our sort of manager, and organised it saying this is wicked lets do some more of it. He brought down a whole group of musicians, Kieren was one of them and said, ‘cool lets make

it into a band, so with what you’ve got there lets make it a bit more professional’. We were in Leeds at the time and there’s a lot of opportunity for music to thrive because there’s so many different students who want to go out all the time as well as quite a rich cultural centre to the city. We went together to a night called Sub Dub and that inspired it, that coupled with some pretty flowy jazz riffs and the obvious electronic music that was around us at the time. What’s your favourite song to perform? > K: At the moment a song called Blood Blisters. > J: It’s a different feeling because songs that we’ve been playing for ages are obviously amazing because you get that from the crowd, they all sing along and they know the words and then when you play a new song and it goes mental - that’s an extra special sort of thing. > K: It’s a real sort of simple take on some steppers, which is really nice, just a big groove. Sounds hard. > J: Hopefully the sound system is nice and big tonight. There’s a pretty nice sound system in there to be honest, considering the size of the venue, you were saying about the crowd thing, what kind of techniques have you got to kind of get the crowd going? > J: It’s literally just f*****g about. If we’ve got the right set up and you’ve got a crowd ready to enjoy themselves then really I think the songs, what happens and everything else you can’t really describe beforehand, it’s brilliant, it’s just amazing. That’s the thing about live music, every night is going to be different, every song will sound different and with the crowds, as we move around, we see who very

Take advantage of the FREE nightbus taking you from the SU right to your frontdoor!* Just ask the driver nicely!

*Bus starts from midnight until close. Wed & Fri only. 1.5 mile radius from the main campus only.

December 2012 Bucks Student 13

clearly as a crowd is ready to engage with you straight away. When you’ve got that for the first song, it’s cool, you can do it, you can get them to touch their nose (laughs) rub their tummy.

“It’s literally just f*****g about” How’s your summer looking? Obviously it’s quite far away now > J: No, it’s all been booked in. We’re going to play a few festivals. This year just gone we only played at Outlook and V festival. You’ve played at Latitude a few times… > J: That’s a wicked stage, The Sun Stage. I mean festivals are the perfect environment, because people are just floating around. You just vote with your feet so even if you go onstage at a festival where no one knows who you are, as long as what’s going on is good, it fills up. It fills up and is always going to be good. Who’s your favourite person you’ve collaborated with and I know you’ve collaborated with that Bongo Chilli guy. > K: Pete Money was great; he was just really impeccable, really professional, and really modest and does a great f*****g job. > J: But also behind the scenes we’ve been really lucky over the past few years to work with amazing producers and writers. What’s your inspiration? > J: If we can bridge the gap between popular music, dub and reggae like The Police did then I think we’d be doing a pretty good job. > K: Rastamouse > J: Rastamouse is also an inspiration, every morning when I wake up I’ve got the Rastamouse clock… I don’t really (laugh)

You’re going to have someone come along to a show now with Rastamouse clock > J: That would be good

Are you a big happy family? > J: This really is just a big happy family (laugh)

Your show involves a lot of styles. How does that go with your live show, do you have delay units on the stage, is it delay pedals or is it your sound man? > K: We’ve got our sound man Harry Evergreen at every gig.

What’s your opinion of the music in the chart at the moment? > J: I mean good music is just good music. Certain artists out there are making really good music that appeals to the masses and some artists are making re-hashed music that doesn’t appeal to us but obviously appeals to other people. I think one hard thing about understanding popular music today is that the way that we access it and take our opinions from Radio 1, and the Top 20 is based essentially on a group of people that buy music and that actually is very different from the entire population. If you listen to the ratings between Radio 1, Radio 2 and Radio 3, you’d be amazed at how even that is. So you know, who buys CDs? Potentially 12-15 year olds are the main part of it, and then classical music probably take over after that point.

And he operates most of it? > K: He brings us along (laughs) He’s the brains behind the organisation? > J: Certainly. > K: If not the heart, the soul. > J: All the effects get done front of house apart from some of the samples keyed in, because you’ve got three people samples; bass; keyboards; and synth, but that’s just a hard back to what people would consider dub music stripping music back and then putting it back in, in a sort of hypnotic way. > K: Different every time. How does it feel to be on stage with so many people all at the same time? > J: A bit claustrophobic sometimes. > K: You get a bit paranoid…really fearful. > J: On stage with so many people we have the opportunity to produce a sound that not many other bands can and we compromise at the end of the day when it comes to getting paid but the fact is to create the sound that we want to create we have to have the amount of people. We’ve been fortunate enough for that group of people to come together very organically and so therefore it’s definitely not a chore. Say on tour do you guys travel around on the same kind of buses > K: We’ve a couple of G6’s that drop us in wherever we need which is nice > J: We’ve got a very small moving front room that holds our gear in the back and we travel from place to place in that and then we usually stay in a Travelodge just outside the city > K: Travelodges man, £19 a room, 3 men deep (laughs) Who’s the most gentleman-ey? > K: We all have our moments, don’t we? > J: We do indeed, Kieren is a very sensitive human being who treats his fiancé incredibly well and will be the first to help out even a bystander in need. Nick Tyson is a complete liability who probably wouldn’t consider his mother over his own needs. No, essentially the whole concept behind the name is that we enjoy playing dub music. We like the idea of that dub being played in a club with a big sound system, loads of lights and a special sense of energy but essentially we are active gentleman.

“but essentially we are active gentleman”

Yeah, because all the mid-range are just streaming aren’t they > J: Yeah, so really good music is good music and it’s really important to listen to music that’s well produced and enjoy it and not get blinded by the fact that it gets popular and often looses credibility. What about your tour? What are you looking forward to next on the tour? > K: Your birthday tomorrow > J: Yeah, it’s my birthday tomorrow in Southampton. Happy Birthday > J: I’m really looking forward to High Wycombe, I’ve been holding out for this one for a while > K: We’re in High Wycombe though aren’t we? So it;s perfect There you go, day before the birthday, so Midnight… > J: Yeah it is, Midnight yeah, so journey back… You’ve got the after party though so stick around! by Jade Castles, Rob Fincham and Gemma Stevenson Bucks FM

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s u m o r tf n y e a s e d r y p r A eve

Christmas kicks off early at Bucks on 19 November with an advent countdown to the end of term on 14 December! Different offers, deals and discounts available daily which will be revealed by scanning this QR code or by visiting

Bucks Students’ Union encourages responsible drinking and ask that you leave The Venue quietly

Whats on at Bucks

Christmas Countdown Wednesday 5 December - Sunday 6 January Wednesday 5 R


Wednesday 12

Until 12am Snakebite £1.70 - Large wine £2.50 All night Corky’s £1 - Double up on spirits £1 Pint coke/lemonade £1

Until 12am Snakebite £1.70 - Large wine £2.50 All night Corky’s £1 - Double up on spirits £1 Pint coke/lemonade £1

Thursday 6

Thursday 13 All night Cider Draught, Tuborg, Vodka + Relentless & selected Bombs £2.00 - Large Wine £2.50 - Corky’s £1 Double up on spirits £1

All night Cider Draught, Tuborg, Vodka + Relentless & selected Bombs £2.00 - Large Wine £2.50 - Corky’s £1 Double up on spirits £1

Friday 7 Until 12am Calsberg & Carling Draught, VK, WKD, Vodka + Relentless & Relentless can £2.00 - Large wine £2.50 All night Corky’s £1 - Double up on spirits £1

Friday 14 Xmas Day

Saturday 8


Until 12am Calsberg & Carling Draught, VK, WKD, Vodka + Relentless & Relentless can £2.00 - Large wine £2.50 All night Corky’s £1 - Double up on spirits £1

Saturday 15

Until 12am Coors Light Draft, Red Stripe Can, Strongbow & Strongbow Pear Draft, Jim Beam flavours & mixer £2 All night Corky’s £1 - Double up on any shot £1

Until 12am Coors Light Draft, Red Stripe Can, Strongbow & Strongbow Pear Draft, Jim Beam flavours & mixer £2 All night Corky’s £1 - Double up on any shot £1

Sunday 9 + Quiz

All night 4 pint Pitcher of Carlsberg, Gaymers, Snakebite £8.00 - Selected Barefoot wines £7 - Corky’s £1 - Double up on spirits £1

Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Monday 10

Saturday 5 Until 12am Coors Light Draft, Red Stripe Can, Strongbow & Strongbow Pear Draft, Jim Beam flavours & mixer £2 All night Corky’s £1 - Double up on any shot £1

Until 12am Strongbow & Strongbow Pear draft, Heineken bottle, Vodka and Relentless Zubrowka Vodka + Apple juice £2 All night Range of Bombs £2, Corky’s £1 Double up on spirits £1

Tuesday 11 All night 4 pint Pitcher of Carlsberg, Gaymers, Snakebite £8.00 - Selected Barefoot wines £7 - Corky’s £1 - Double up on spirits £1




Sunday 6 New Year stock clearance Selected bottles and draft £2




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‘Andy Hamilton just can’t stop being funny’ The Times



Featuring songs from Mamma Mia!, Dirty Dancing, Les Misérables, Phantom of the Opera and many more.


Soundbites A round up of the latest music news Popstar Baby Joy

By Stefan Miller

JLS and The Saturdays have got a new member joining as Rochelle Wiseman from The Saturdays is expecting a baby with her equally famous pop star husband Marvin Humes from JLS. In the story of girl-band boy-band family affairs, excited mother-to-be Rochelle first broke the news over Twitter on Thursday with Marvin shortly following suit on his account. Rochelle, 23, was particularly vocal about starting a family and wanting children a few months ago after friend and fellow band member Una Healy became a mother in March, so maybe this news doesn’t come as a surprise to some. Rochelle will be the second member in The Saturdays to have a baby, with Marvin, 27, being the first member of JLS to be a father. The little arrival to the newlywed pop star power couple is due in the middle of next year and with good looking stars as parents, the little celebrity in the making is bound to be a looker in the future! World’s Gone Gangnam!


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The music video for recent worldwide smash Gangnam Style by Psy, has officially broke the record of being the most watched video in YouTube’s history. Racking an astonishing 831 million views, the random, crazy but absolutely hilarious video had surpassed previous record holder Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby’ video, which had 803 million views. The video, which has been responsible for the Korean star’s sudden rise to fame and worldwide dance craze, has been the subject of many spoof and parodies with US serviceman, Eton College students and even UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon attempting to do the famous horse-riding cowboy dance. Gangnam Style has already got a Guinness World Record for the most liked song ever and with it set to appear in upcoming Bollywood film Kick, this dance craze has no limits to world domination! Olly Causes Trouble in the Charts Olly Murs reached number one with his latest single ‘Troublemaker’. The cheeky Essex lad pipped Girls Aloud to the number one spot, as their comeback single ‘Something New’ which is also the official Children In Need single reached number two ‘Troublemaker’ featuring Flo-Rida is the second single released from his latest album Right Place, Right Time and is about an attractive girl with a wild side. Co-written by Olly himself, the upbeat song with a catchy chorus has become his fourth number one after previous hit Dance With Me Tonight last year. In other chart news, Rihanna’s seventh album Unapologetic debuted at number one on the album chart knocking previous number one One Direction’s Take Me Home off the top spot. Last week’s number one by One Direction ‘Little Things’ slipped down to number three, while Labrinth and Emeli Sande stay in fourth place with ‘Beneath Your Beautiful’ while Alicia Keys ‘Girl On Fire’ entered the chart at number five. Barlow Gets An Honour X Factor judge and household name Gary Barlow has been awarded an OBE for his services to the entertainment industry and charity. The well-established singer-songwriter, producer and member of boy band Take That had been chosen by the Queen to organise her birthday and Diamond Jubilee celebrations that happened in June this year and also teamed up with composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber to produce the official Diamond Jubilee single ‘Sing’. The song, which featured himself, Andrew, the Military Wives and children from the Commonwealth countries became a number one hit with the proceeds going to charity. This isn’t the only honour Gary has received however, as he received a Music Industry Award this month for his work in the industry. Well done!

December 2012 Bucks Student 21

Song of Genre Genre 4 4 :: Soundtracks the Week “can even make Coldplay acceptable”

Purity Ring - Lofticries Hello again. My song for this week is by a two-part Canadian electronic band Purity Ring. Consisting of producer Corin Roddick and singer Megan James, this boy-girl duo with their unique eccentric sound could draw comparison to another duo Crystal Castles also from Canada. They’re different in style but both dark in sound. Purity Ring, from Edmonton, Alberta has a sound that is lighter and calmer compared to the more aggressive and harsher sound of Crystal Castles, with the sound being Witch house. Witch house is a relatively new genre of electronic music with came about from the late 2000’s and early 2010’s. Drawing influence from radically different styles of music, witch house takes elements of ambient, shoegaze, noise and dark rock influences and fused it with chopped-and-screwed hip hop beats usually found in Southern rap records. The result is a catchy yet haunting and spooky sound with a tough urban edge – of which Lofticries is an example.

There is a 75 year history of musical soundtracks being released separately from their films with original scores, original musicals and soundtracks that consist of compilations of popular songs not written for the film. Given the history of soundtracks and the common purpose served there is a strong argument to classify soundtracks as a genre and after all that is how most of us tag this music. Soundtracks can, on occasion, be strong enough to stand on their own as powerful compositions, soundtracks of perfect disposition. Each representative of music supervisor, director, film. Original soundtracks can provide a film with its own style such as Shaft, or can bring a forgotten song to popularity such as Dueling

Banjos in Deliverence. The soundtracks to horror films such as Jaws are so crucial to the experience that to watch with no soundtrack is to be unafraid. Few film studios chance not having a soundtrack, Hitchcock’s Birds had only the soundtrack of bird sound effects alongside two incidental musical pieces played by characters in the film. A perfect soundtrack, like a perfect mix tape can stand up stronger as a recording than any concept album. Blending complimenting artists and creating perfect relationships between tracks which not only fall into the scene like part of the lighting but also sound like they should never have been apart.

Garden State An album that can even make Coldplay acceptable and not only because its use in the film was purely ironic. Arguably the soundtrack has almost its own plotline and more excitement than the film itself. It feels so integral to the structure of the film that if it were removed it would leave a boneless movie jelly of Zach Braff and a little wit. The soundtrack was Grammy awarded and deservedly so. Memorably in the film Natalie Portman passes Zach Braff headphones playing the song “New Slang” by The Shins as she says “You gotta hear this one song — it’ll change your life; I swear.” I am not one for swearing but I will pass you the headphones, confident that you will like what you will hear. Submarine

Lofticries sees a serene sounding Megan singing over calm pulsing ambient synths interspersed with distorted voice samples layered over a snappy hip hop beat that could easily be on a Rick Ross track. The moody, drony synths and the dark lyrics that Megan sings as well as the light keyboard riff that comes in add the ethereal atmosphere that the song gives. Towards the middle of the song, the song’s snappy hip hop beats increase pace as the synths distort before the song calms down into an ambient breakdown with distorted Crystal Castle-like voice samples that carry on for the rest of the song as Megan’s sings over it with her haunting vocals. With Lofticries now released and appearing on Purity Ring debut album Shrines, which charted at number two in the US Billboard Dance and Electronic albums, maybe they’ll bring witch house to the mainstream. By Stefan Miller

Although director Richard Ayoade of IT crowd fame didn’t even allow the Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner to see Submarine before and during the composition of this album, he has developed a sound that is a confident and wise compliment to lead Oliver. A coming of age film, growing up, of which it also sounds like Turner has been doing a lot of. Turner seems sincere, almost humble, as he purrs out perfectly English melancholic lyrics. This album works under the ‘Less is more’ philosophy. Less songs, less band, less frills. Left wanting more.

The Beach The music industry and the drug trade have long close ties and you can imagine that creating a soundtrack for a drug narrative offers an abundance of choice. Fine soundtrack examples include Trainspotting, Pulp Fiction, Layer Cake and Brick. The Beach soundtrack includes tracks from UNKLE, Moby, New Order, Faithless, mostly a trip of serenity, interrupted with some horizontal trance and the highlight of this album being the realisation and verification that All Saints were and are brilliant. Addictively 90s. By Sorcha Collister

2 0 1 3 New












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December 2012 Bucks Student 21

Soap round-up

Movie Reviews

Breaking Dawn We can all appreciate a decent movie, and that is exactly what this is! Breaking Dawn Part 2 (12A) Released 16/11/12 (UK) Running time: 115 min Girl meets boy. Boy meets girl. Boy turns out to be vampire. Girl doesn’t mind. Boy does mind so he leaves. Girl falls for werewolf. Vampire returns for his woman. Werewolf is left broken hearted. Girl gets married to said vampire and is pregnant with his baby. Werewolf is girl’s best friend. Vampire sparkles in the sun light. We’ve all heard that storyline, right? Well if you haven’t then you’ve just been updated on the phenomenon that is the Twilight Saga. Kirsten Stewart (Bella Cullen), Robert Pattison (Edward Cullen) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) are back for the final instalment of Breaking Dawn which was released on Friday 16th November 2012. Directed by Bill Conley, the movie did the final book justice without taking away from any of the core plots. With Bella now a vampire, and Jacob imprinted on her daughter, the movie kicks off with some drama! Alice foresees the Volturi coming to kill Renesmee leading the Cullen clan to get in touch with distant vampire relatives. Their goal is simple. They need witnesses while they try and prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child (ie a blood crazed vampire child who kills for fun).

Part 2

However, the Volturi are past reasoning and they want blood. It’s not fair to ruin the ending for people who haven’t seen the movie so all that I will say is that towards the end, a massive twist is thrown in that had the entire cinema screaming at the screen with plenty of tears. When Robert Pattison recently said in an interview that the ending had been changed slightly, I don’t think anyone expected what happened. Being lucky enough to see the midnight premiere made the movie a hundred times better as we didn’t have the ending spoilt for us. Sadly, there are plenty of spoilers circulating and if you haven’t seen the movie yet and are waiting to then I would encourage you to steer clear from all spoilers and the internet! It’s honestly not worth having the movie spoilt and I promise that you won’t regret it! Shortly after the twist, (not quite at the end of the movie), the entire cinema burst out into cheers and applause. It’s a cinematic experience that you’ll very rarely experience and I was honoured to be fortunate enough to experience it with good friends. Regardless of whether you’re a Twilight fan or not – we can all appreciate a decent movie, and that is exactly what Deputy Student Editor this is! MJ Mahmood

Christmas miracle: Eastenders and Corrie!

Deputy Student Editor MJ Mahmood

It’s almost the festive season, and we all know that in Soap world, this is the perfect opportunity to have massive dramas, reveals and clandestine affairs! This year is set to be no different and there’s plenty of drama coming your way! Kicking events off in Albert Square, we saw Shirley’s return last night! With the fallout of Ben/Jay/Heather/ Phil’s storyline, Shirley left the Square vowing to come back and ruin Phil’s

him, Max is struggling to find a way of making Derek and wife Tanya get on. After Derek takes it on himself to make important wedding day decisions for Tanya and Max, Tanya finally snaps leading Max to confront Derek’s actions. Despite this, Derek tries his best to keep Max’s secret quiet, but just for how long will this be possible? And will Derek pay the ultimate price for his brother?

life. Now that the dust has settled, Shirley’s back with a vengeance to ruin the life of the man that she once loved. Kat’s cheating storyline is finally going to start wrapping up! Alfie leaves for Germany on a business trip, leaving Kat free to get up to what she pleases, however when Alfie’s suspicions are raised upon his return, questions finally get asked and a surprise conversation leaves a distraught Alfie piecing together the web of lies that Kat’s created. Who is her lover? Well, stay tuned to find out! Max Branning’s financial troubles are worsening! With brother Derek continuing to have a tight grip on

As it is Christmas, I’ve decided to discuss Coronation Street Christmas spoilers, due to a request! So what to expect? Well Carl and Peter are returning. Tracy will continue to make trouble for Steve, and Sunita will struggle to admit that she made a mistake with Karl. Maria and Marcus’s storyline will have some developments. Christmas will be the start of a big storyline for David and Kylie that will go into the New Year! There’s twists and turns for Nick and Leanne, and either they’ll plan a Christmas wedding or Carl and Peter with – and will it go off without a hitch?

Guys top 3 Christmas films of all time, ever!




From A Wonderful Life to Home Alone, and more modern ones such as Arthur Christmas, there are many Christmas films to choose from. These are my personal top three Christmas films that will get my baubles aglow:

The Muppets Christmas Carol

Arthur Christmas

Everybody loves the Muppets! Well at least I do. Released a whopping twenty years ago – don’t you feel old – this Muppet take on the Charles Dickens’ classic features your favourite Muppet characters, from Kermit the Frog to Miss. Piggy, as well as catchy songs that will be in your head for hours! At times the film does creep me out, thanks to the shoddy special effects on early 1990s, but I do enjoy it and the film was one I used to put on By Student Editor Guy Humphrey every year at Christmas.

Arthur Christmas is a modern Christmas 3-D animation produced by Aardman Animations, the guys who did Wallace and Gromit, and Sony Pictures. James McAvoy, Bill Nighy and Hugh Laurie all take leading roles. The film is based on Santa’s clumsy son, Arthur Christmas, who realises that a girls present is left behind and is on a mission to get it to her. Another simple plot, the film is incredibly touching and heart warming. Just be warned though, a random Co-op pops out of nowhere.


Love Actually Written and directed by Richard Curtis, who has also been involved with Bridget Jones’ Diary and Four Weddings and a Funeral, Love Actually is a British romantic comedy following ten subplots around Christmastime, the majority of which link together. The cast, primarily made of British actors, include Keira Knightley, Hugh Grant and Colin Firth make the film quintessentially British. Obviously the fact that its set in Britain, London to be precise, helps. The reason why this is in my top three is probably because it’s one of those films that my family used to watch every year. The acting is great, with some great comedic moments. Sugababes and Girls Aloud both did songs for the sound track. Both equally as catchy, and if that’s not a reason to watch it then I don’t know what is.

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December 2012 Bucks Student 23

From food to fashion and everything in between! Submit your articles to Section Editor Harmeet Advice Centre

The 12 STI’s of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me... Gonorrhea This week is SHAG week (Sexual Health Advice & Guidance) so here are the facts about sexual health and about the 12 most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

12 most common STI’s

If you have sex without using a condom, you’re gambling on catching one of 25 STIs. eight of these don’t always have symptoms and four are incurable. The chances of picking something up are surprisingly high – 638,647 people in the UK were newly diagnosed with an STI in 2010. ( The fact is that anyone who is having sex can pick up an STI. Whether you’re young or old, straight or gay, do it once in a while or all night every night, unprotected sex will put you at risk of getting an STI so it makes sense to make your sex safer.

> Chlamydia is the most common STI in the UK affecting both men and women. It often has no symptoms and, if left untreated, it can lead to infertility.

What is safer sex? Think of it as any sex that does not allow an infected person’s blood, semen, pre-ejaculatory fluid (precum) or fluid from the vagina to get inside the other person’s body. Condoms are essential wear. Always use a condom every time you have sex, as this is the best way of making sure you don’t get an STI. Where to get condoms Condoms are available free to anyone - male or female - but availability can vary in different areas. These organisations may supply free condoms: > Youth Enquiry Service, 52 Frogmore, High Wycombe 01494 437 373 - for under 25s only. > Way In, 60 High Street, Chesham 01494 791 177 – for under 25s only. > GUM Clinics (Sexual Health Clinics): Wycombe Hospital 01494 425430. Watford Hospital 01923 217 206. Hillingdon Hospital 01895 279 537 > We also have a limited supply of free condoms available from the Advice Centre on both campuses. When to stop using condoms It’s safest to carry on using condoms until: > You are certain neither of you has a STI, so you may want to have a check-up at a sexual health clinic. > Both of you are sure you won’t have unprotected sex with anyone else. > You are both sure you won’t share drug injecting equipment with anyone. > If you are not planning to have a baby and stop using condoms, make sure that you are using another form of contraception.

Symptoms The following symptoms could indicate a sexually transmitted infection. However, remember some infections, while still spreadable, may have no symptoms: > an unusual vaginal discharge in women or a discharge from the urethra (the tube that runs from the bladder to the tip of the penis) in men > in women - bleeding after intercourse or between periods > sores, blisters, warts, rashes, irritation or itching near the genitals or anus > pain on passing urine, or needing to pass urine more often > pain on intercourse > pelvic or lower abdominal pain.

> Cystitis is not necessarily transmitted sexually. It is an infection of the bladder causing burning sensations during urination. > Gonorrhoea is a common STI also known as ‘the clap’. If not treated early, it can cause serious health problems. > Hepatitis B (HBV) is an infection of the liver caused by a virus. It’s much easier to get than HIV, and can cause permanent liver disease and cancer. > Herpes, genital herpes causes painful sores on and around the genitals. > HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus and is a virus that can damage the body’s defence system so that it cannot fight off certain infections. > Lice, pubic lice are tiny insects that live on the skin and are often referred to as ‘crabs’. > Non-specific urethritis (NSU) is usually caused by a sexual infection. NSU only affects men. > Scabies appears in the form of an itchy rash. It is caused by a female mite laying her eggs beneath the skin surface. > Syphilis is a bacterial infection and can be spread without either partner knowing. > Thrush is not necessarily transmitted sexually. It is caused by a yeast that normally lives harmlessly on the skin. > Warts genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted infections.

For the full festive song visit

If you have any of these symptoms or have had unprotected sex and are worried that you may have come into contact with an STI you should contact your local sexual health clinc (GUM – Genitourinary medicine) or GP immediately. Sexual health check-ups are free and available to everyone in the UK. You can arrange a visit to a GUM clinic anytime. It is completely confidential. We also have arranged a series of clinics at High Wycombe, the last one of these for this 2012 is on Monday 10 December and will continue next term on the second Monday of every month, starting on 14 January 2013. If you want to find out more about anything in this article you can call the Sexual Health Line free phone 0800 567 123 7 days a week, 24 hours a day (calls may be charged if made from mobile phones) Need more help and Advice? If you would like to discuss any of the above or you need any help and advice about any other aspect of being a student at Bucks then please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help. High Wycombe Ground Floor, North Block - 01494 603016 Uxbridge - Room 1.02 - 01494 605180

Buckinghamshire New University Sexual Health One Stop Shop We offer: n Sexual Health information and advice n A full range of contraception methods, including free condoms n Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections High Wycombe Campus. Room N2-07. 2nd Monday in the month. 11-2pm No appointment necessary. Terrence Higgins Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (reg no. 288527) and in Scotland (SC039986)

24 Bucks Student December 2012

The International Blog

Christmas in Japan One of the great advantages of being multi cultural is the holidays. As an Indian growing up in an American community in Japan, I had the joy of celebrating three times the holidays as a normal kid growing up. One thing all three of these cultures had in common was they celebrated Christmas, however they each celebrated it differently. I noticed that the Americans celebrated Christmas the best with trees, presents, and a great Christmas dinner. In India they lightly celebrate Christmas; some houses put up a tree, but very few actually give proper presents. However, the most interesting by far was the Japanese. Christmas in Japan was always ‘unique’. For most people it was just a marketing thing, but there are some traditions, which in hindsight are very out of the norm. For example, it’s a tradition in Japan for people (including my family) on Christmas day to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). I don’t know why; and to be honest it wasn’t until I grew older and starting embracing more of the Western culture surrounding me that I noticed that it was strange.

International interview By Marcin Majewski

Name: Nindyo Hapsari Haryanto Country of Origin: Indonesia Course: Music Management, Branding & Public Relations - year 1 > How would you introduce your country to the people who never heard of? Indonesia is a Southeast Asian country, with an estimate of 17,600 islands. It consists of 238 million people, making it the world’s fourth most populous country. Indonesia is very diverse in terms of culture, which increases our popularity of tourism. Nature is very dominant in Indonesia, due to the exotic jungles, amazing dive sites - eg Bali, and incredible wildlife. Herbs and spices are the key elements to a majority of our cuisine, as they make the taste of the dish very rich - eg nasi goreng, rendang, siomay (very delicious!) > What is student life like in Indonesia? Student life in Indonesia can be very hectic. What drives the students crazy is the traffic in weekdays - especially in the morning where a majority of people drive to work. Most students in Indonesia drive motorcycles or cars to their campuses, and you hear cars and motorcycles honking literally every second of the day. From a social perspective, Indonesians always come in groups, with a minimum of three members. It is a rare case that students are alone, or come in twos. Nightlife in Indonesia is incredible. Not only because it’s cheap, but there are many places to go to, ranging from fancy clubs, to cheap and nobody-cares-the-way-you-dress sort of club. Although the nightlife is great, there have been a lot of crimes taking place during the night, therefore nobody could ever go out alone. > Is studying in Indonesia any different than studying in the UK? The educational system in Indonesia is similar to the system in the UK. Lecturers or professors give students more exams than assignments. Assignments don’t count as a big percentage to our final grade, but it is mostly used for our own understanding as revision for the exams. > Is there one main language you speak in? In Indonesia, approximately 700 languages are spoken due to the different ethnic groups. The official language is Bahasa, which is mainly spoken in the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta.

> Which city would you personally recommend to visit in Indonesia? It depends on what people like, if they are interested in scuba diving, snorkeling (or any water-related activity) or nature, Bali, Lombok or Pelabuhan Ratu are three of the best options. If people are interested in the rich culture of Indonesia, Yogyakarta is known for that. If people are looking for a great time/socialising, such as bar-hopping, shopping, experiencing the nightlife, tasting the different types of food – Jakarta is known for that. > How about Indonesian cuisine? Indonesia is very rich in spices and herbs. We have a variety of dishes - both sweet and savory. The most common savory dishes are nasi goreng (fried rice), rendang, bakso, siomay and ketuprak. The most common sweet dishes are lapis legit, pisang goreng and wingko. These names are very unusual and might look unusual as well, but I personally believe it is one of the best cuisines in the world. > As Bucks New Uni have loads of music related courses, how would you introduce BNU students to Indonesian musicians? Traditional Indonesian music (eg Gamelan) has a very big impact in the culture. Gamelan uses instruments such as metallophones and gongs to create their sound. It is mostly for traditional Javanese and Balinese dancing. Modern musicians incorporate the elements of a gamelan piece into their hip-hop tunes, but they are still underrated. Just like in any country, pop is becoming dominant in the music industry. Indonesians try to form more boy bands, using k-pop as inspiration. > What would you say about Indonesia as a nation? As we have a new president, we are hoping to create a better relationship between the government and citizens of Indonesia. Economically, Indonesia has grown due to its popularity in tourism. Not only that, Indonesians are one of the friendliest and welcoming people in the whole world.

A different Christmas I called up my mom to ask why we did this; and found myself laughing at the simplicity of the answer. She told me we only did it because my half Japanese cousins did it, and they did it because Colonel Sanders (the mascot of KFC) looked just like Father Christmas. KFC in the early 1970s caught onto this and started marketing Colonel Sanders with a Christmas hat on, subtly hinting at the fact that he was Father Christmas. I have to hand it to KFC, its clever marketing- till this day I look at KFC and think of Christmas.

Everything I know about Christmas I’ve learned from American films. Where I’m from, we don’t celebrate it. This may come of a shock to some of you, some of you might not even care, but some countries just don’t do Christmas. In my head, Christmas is a magical time when true loves get together, families reunite, children embrace their new foster parents and animals find their way back home after being lost. I had the opportunity to spend one Christmas in Holland, where a friend and I decided we were going to figure out what the deal is with this holiday. We got a tree, more like a broken branch of a tree, and decorated it with silver painted cardboard. We made our own version of mince

High Wycombe Campus opening times: Mon - Thu 9am - 7pm Fri 9am - 4.30pm Uxbridge Campus opening times: Mon 10am - 6pm Tue - Wed 9.30am - 5.30pm Thu 9.30am - 3.30pm Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm

pies, which consisted of pancakes and blended fruit (not very good) and we filled socks with candies and little presents. We avoided eggnog, as it was too disgusting to understand. Even though it was a poor excuse for Christmas, it was one of the best experiences in my life. Even though this might sounds a bit childish, and maybe I’ve been watching too many of these American cheese-fest films, but I’d like to think it really is a

magical time. If we all try to think that, maybe magical things will happen. You might find the courage to finally talk to that girl or boy that you’ve like for ages, or you might start to understand your parents better. It’s all up to you, and if you decide it’s a time for things to happen, they will! So whether you celebrate it or not, let Christmas get you in the right spirit, and make things happen. By Yola Rivniker

December 2012 Bucks Student 25

Bucks Beatuy Tips

Lush Christmas products review

“I promise to not write anything more about Lush? That’s such a lie!”

It’s that time of the year again when we have to think about giving presents to those most loved, cherished and some because we just have to! For those who don’t know, I think I’ve mentioned something about Lush in every single paper, I work in Lush. One thing that Lush is known for is their Christmas range which every year are their most popular products.

In the new range there over 30 new Christmas and Halloween products. The initial review for this was over 2000 words! I’ve cut it down to my top products that have been released? Are we ready for a mammoth review as long as I promise to not write anything more about Lush? That’s such a lie, but lets!

By Student Editor Guy Humphrey

Let the Good Times Roll - £5.95 Even though this isn’t a bath or shower product this facial roll cleanser is one of my favourite new products that has come out this year. With cinnamon, maize flour, polenta and even popcorn, this smells incredible! Suitable for every skin type, just get a chunk and wet it to make a paste, apply to your face and then simply wash off. It has a gentle enough scrub to use every day and will leave your skin so soft.

Cinders - £2.25 This bath bomb is quickly growing on me. Another Lush staple, I hadn’t actually tried this one tending to go for others instead. However, I tried it this year and loved it. It’s very spicey and warming with cinnamon being the main scent. It also has popping candy in it, so it makes bath time a little more enjoyable. So White - £3.20 This used to be my favourite Christmas bath bomb, until something new came out this year. Smelling of apples and cinnamon it’s quite fresh yet with a festive feel. The size this year has definitely changed, it’s huge. Another new addition this year was the fact that there is a pink bit inside which will change the water colour which is always an added bonus. They say to chuck it at the edge of the bath, as it is meant to be like a snowball. Personally I just bunged mine in the bath, and it did just fine.

The Enchanter - £3.20 This is my new favourite bath bomb. Technically a Halloween product, but it is available till Christmas, this lime and neroli scented bath bomb smells incredible and it just so citrusy. I absolutely adore it. Turning the water an orange colour, my housemate did remark that it looked like runny curry. Nonetheless, it still is my favourite new bath bomb that Lush have come up with.


Keep up-to-date with the latest information and campaigns from NUS, the national voice of students.

Students face cost of living shortfall of over £8,500 per year NUS analysed available statistics for the cost of living for students for an academic year of 39 weeks and compared it typical payments for government maintenance loans and grants for the same period. A student aged 18-20 earning a minimum wage of £4.98 per hour would have to work 34 hours a week 52 weeks a year in order to earn the £8,875 before tax necessary to cover this gap.. Pete Mercer, NUS Vice-President Welfare, said: “Student financial support is a mess and it is not reaching the right people when they need it. Fee waivers are a joke to anyone who has a pile of bills to pay and months

until their next loan payment - what they need is cash bursaries that help them meet the costs of studying.” “If you had a minimum wage job and received no further support from your university or family you’d have to work full time every week of the year to come close to bridging this gap. “Anyone who claims that university is affordable because you can get a loan for your tuition fees is woefully out of touch with the needs of students. It is not just students but parents with children of all ages who are concerned that opportunity is being taken away from them.”

Demo 2012 - Whats Next? So what comes next? After the march and the rally, how do we take the enthusiasm and momentum back to our campuses and communities to create real and lasting change? The demo should act as the beginning, and at NUS we’ve been busy putting together a calendar of campaigns for students to get involved in, shape and take forward. All of these campaigns have arisen out of the democratic process that makes NUS what it is, and shaped by our message: educate, employ and empower. You may already have taken actions as part of campaigns NUS, your students’ union and/or societies are involved in; now is the time to get more involved in these campaigns on a local and national level, so that together we can make a real difference to students’ lives!

continue reading at


/ nationalunionofstudents

THIS CHRISTMAS my extra card bought for me...


1 ST



Christmas Eve – £2.95 This is easily my favourite bubble bar that Lush has ever released. Been a Lush Christmas staple for a number of years now, this jasmine, ylang ylang, Irish moss and gardenia enriched bubble bar will make you feel so excited for the big day! Just break off a chunk, like all bubble bars, and crumble it under a running tap. I will definitely be stocking up this year.

Santa’s Sack - £4.15 Probably my second favourite bubble bar after Christmas Eve, this oddly shaped bubble bar just smells like Coca-Cola, pure and simple. There are presents in Santa’s Sack which are also bubble bar, so none of it goes to waste. However, I now cannot drink Coke without thinking that it tastes like Santa’s sack. Something which I never thought I’d say.

Ponche - £4.25 - £14.95 When I first heard about this shower gel, I was really excited. I love citrusy scents and the fact that it said it had tequila in it added to my excitement. However, when I smelt it in the shop I found the tequila way too overpowering, maybe it’s just my student mindset. It does smell like it said it would, with orange and cinnamon notes in there too, but I personally don’t fancy walking around smelling of tequila.

Sandy Santa Sugar Scrub - £2.95 I love scrubs and exfoliation. This is a very good scrub, it’s just a shame that it tends to go after you’ve wet it once. With orange, rose and sandalwood it’s quite festive and manly. It also looks cute too.

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All details correct at time of printing November 2012

26 Bucks Student December 2012

Four things to remember 2012 by 4. The United States’ Presidential Election

3. Gangnam Style

2. The London 2012 Olympics

1. The End of the World

The Presidential Election in the United States was probably the most important political event in 2012. This year, Barrack Obama beat his political counterpart Mitt Romney by a significant margin and was reelected as president of the United States. More than the actual election, it was the controversy filled campaign of both parties which will stick in our memories for years to come.

Gangnam Style is a South Korean pop song written and performed by Psy. The song itself is very good; but it was the dance that accompanies it which makes it gold. Needless to say the song is a global hit; it recently surpassed Justin Bieber’s Baby to become the most viewed video of all time on YouTube.

For all the criticism the British government gets for being incompetent, it surprisingly pulled off one of the better Olympic events in recent memory. More importantly it did it in one of the busiest cities in the world: London. The actual event itself went off was typical, and my friends and family members abroad all were incredibly impressed at how beautiful the city looked.

December 21 2012 is the prophesized to be the end of the world. This is mainly due to the belief that this date coincides with the last day of the Mayan Calendar. Like many of the other sane people around the world, I don’t think the 21 of December is the end of the world. I personally will always look back to 2012 and jokingly think of it as the year that the world should have ended. Harmeet Singh Anand


It’s all about the Knits So Christmas is approaching with and before you notice, it’s the Christmas Day again. If you’re not already cold, then you soon will be. This is the time to go through you winter wardrobe and decide to refresh it. Warm, fashionable knits can give you a great look, and you won’t freeze to death, which is always a plus. here are a few suggestions for items that will help you spread that great holiday spirit.


Everyone need a reindeer jumper And In order to honour our dear old Rusty, Here a red one - Boohoo £18

Each edition of the Bucks Student, we will be teaching you different ways to recycle your newspaper. Send us pictures of any creations you make to union@, and you may feature in one of the editions! Recycle your newspaper this week by… Making a paper wreath!

Back to the 80s If ever was a good time to start wearing leg warmers, Christmas is it - eBay £5

1. Cut a 10 inch ring from some spare cardboard- this will be the base of your wreath 2. Cut out about 60 leaf shapes from the newspaper, fold them down the middle and then unfold them to create a leaf 3. Arrange and glue the leaves onto your cardboard ring to create the wreath 4. Once the glue has dried you can hang your wreath using a piece of ribbon

A fuzzy hat Okay, it doesn’t have to be fuzzy, but the warmer the better!

By Yola Rivniker

FREE Summer/Autumn 2012

student meals

Sundays – 1.45pm 23 September 04 November

07 October 18 November

King’s Centre, Desborough Road (Just across the road from Brooke Street Halls) T 01494 459901 E

Old News New Life

21 October 02 December

Free Student Lunch on Sunday 1.30pm @ Wesley Methodist Church Priory Road

(just up the road from Primark and Halfords)


December 2012 Bucks Student 27

Students were asked about their first few weeks at University. This page illustrates the results from the survey which covered student highlights from freshers fortnight, what students would like to see more of, as well as their views on the Freshers Helpers. Students were also asked to rate the University induction process, and advise on anything which was missing from inductions.

Research - feed me Keep reading this column to find out how to feedback to the Students’ Union with your thoughts and opinions. There is everything from filling out surveys to attending focus groups and you can contribute as much or as little as you like!

feed me!


have more variety oF dJS and acTS To caTer For diFFerenT people

Hide and seek The UniverSiTy did a good job geTTing US inTrodUced To The Uni

You may have heard about the research we did into hidden course costs recently, we got 424 responses from students, which added up to £11,1042.14 in total! Look out for the full results soon! The winner of the £50 prize draw was Amy Carter, a first year law student! Look out for more chances to win soon!

Great on The Social Side bUT lacking on The academic Side First year STUdenTS were more likely Than oTher yearS To give The UniverSiTy’S indUcTion proceSS The Top raTing oF 5

Smoking hot You’re paying for your degree, so do not let your money go up in smoke! Start talking to us at


+ £100

r vouche

Freshers Helpers poinTed me in The righT direcTion To my lecTUre roomS

were approachable

Some indUcTion TalkS were too long

encoUrage people From Uxbridge To geT involved in FreSherS

Love Rusty’s researchers! x

IN W ad mini

almoST 3/4 oF STUdenTS raTed The UniverSiTy indUcTion proceSS aT 4 out of 5 or above

84% agreed ThaT The FreSherS helperS

1/4 oF STUdenTS adviSed making new FriendS aS Their FreSherS highlighT

Always hungry for your feedback!

oF STUdenTS meT a FreSherS helper dUring Their FirST Two weekS oF Term

FreSherS helperS gave US loTS oF inFo aboUT SocieTieS and STUdenT liFe

er he ov dT 1/2 dviSe hTS g i a n TS n den ’ Unio eir S STU Th oF denT T aS rS STU oU reShe hT g F hli hig

FreSherS helperS made me Feel aT eaSe aS They were so friendly cloSe To 1/3 oF STUdenTS FelT ThaT a ‘better variety of music/events’ waS needed in FreSherS

Final year students

the National Student Survey is coming soon. Don’t forget to fill it in from 14 January to give feedback on your course and for a plus chance to win one of three prizes! two

prizes for p: runners u rth of £200 wo each vouchers

for more details visit


28 Bucks Student December 2012

An insight into everything the Students’ Union offers and how you can get involved. Best of all it’s free! Societies


Jesus fed the 5,000; all we have to do is provide the entertainment

Events Soc You probably already knew that Bucks provides a wide range of events management courses. What you probably didn’t know is that there is now a platform for events management students at Bucks to showcase their ideas, prove their skills and gain some all-important industry experience. Bucks Event Soc launched in September and has been busy planning a hectic inaugural calendar. With several trips, events, training sessions and guest speakers lined up, now is the time to get involved.

With 2012 almost over, we look back at the year that was and the year that is yet to come for the UK festivals industry. The festival industry in the UK is booming, and it’s clear to see why. The nostalgia and on-going rite-of-passage, which is presented by festivals, creates an appealing alternative to the Mediterranean nightclub resorts. With another calendar year of bass-pumping and mud-sloshing behind us, what can we expect from festivals in 2013? The first and perhaps most obvious answer is of course the return of Glastonbury. With tickets selling out in an hour for the 2013 event, the Eavis family has, as ever, a lot to live up to. Rumour has it that The Rolling Stones will headline, which will be a welcome return to rock-fans who have missed the vibe on which the festival built its foundations. This will also be the first festival in a decade where Melvin Benn and the management team from festival republic won’t be present, and it

will be interesting to see what obvious changes are made to the temporary town which is erected on Worthy Farm, Somerset. Speaking of whom, Melvin Benn (who is also chairman of Wembley Stadium), will have a hectic year maintaining his Reading and Leeds Festivals, and ensuring other Festival Republic events such as Latitude and Hove are as successful as they were this year. And the question remains: What of the Big Chill? The sad news that Vince Power’s festival management firm went into administration this autumn leaves the Benicassim and Hop farm music events in disarray. Speculation that Power is to buy back Benicassim, near Valencia in Spain, will mean that the festival, now in its 19th year, could continue and flourish as it has in the past. John Giddings and the Isle of Wight team will be out to redeem themselves after hundreds were left stranded in their cars after poor weather conditions made it impossible to get festivalgoers onsite safely. Despite the poor weather

conditions, I think it’s safe to say that the event was still a success, thanks to the hard-core music fans and the boss himself Bruce Springsteen, who despite hitting 63 this year managed to pull off a three-hour set with as much ease as he did thirty years ago. (How does he do it?!) Not to mention the 500 or so other events across the country which will litter our parks, farms and any other green patch of land just about big enough to erect a stage on! Only one thing is for certain; 2013 is bound to produce another exciting year of rollercoaster ups and downs for Britain and her festivals! If you are a festival fan, and like us can’t wait for the upcoming festival season, don’t forget to check out Bucks Event Soc, who this year will offer opportunities to go to festivals with a group of like-minded students.


Planned trips include the International Confex at ExCel London (now in its 30th year), and the Event Production Show at Olympia, as well as venue tours and seminars with various big shots from the industry. And as if that wasn’t enough, the society will be providing opportunities to get involved with a range of external events throughout the year. If you are an event student, or even if you’re not, and you want to get involved, then check us out at:



Violence Isn’t The Answer

The month of November has been an active one. Firstly, we have raised awareness of the white ribbon campaign and collected £46.50 by selling white ribbons. We will still be selling them throughout December to raise more money. The money will be used to educate others about violence to women and is part of an effort to end violence against women. VITA has had another successful bake sale on 21 November raising £113.39 for the society. This will help us support students experiencing domestic violence and provide useful, informative sessions around the issue for those interested in learning more about what we do and the support that is available. Finally, we have had our official launch which was supported by the Students’ Union and Bucks County Council! We are hoping to spread the word and raise awareness on this hidden issue. We would like to thank everyone for their support!

Free Running Society All you need to start free running is a pair of trainers, a place to train and a creative mind. So what is free running? Free running, also known as parkour, is a combination of athletics and other extreme sports. Free runners view ordinary objects such as rails, walls or even just a field as obstacles rather than what most people would see as an everyday scenarios. They can use these objects in a series of vaults, leaps, climbs or even flips to reach one goal of getting passed the obstacle. A free runner might leap on to a park bench, backflip over a newspaper box, and then walk across a stair rail, before climbing over a wall. Sound interesting?

If you are interested in joining the cause please email us at We will be holding a recruitment stall soon and hope to raise awareness of the society at our Uxbridge Campus so watch this space!


The VITA team

Run Forest run!

Bucks Parkour/Free-Running Society

December 2012 Bucks Student 29

Student Reps

Reps of the Month DMM Emily Ward, 2nd year Furniture: Contemporary Design Following the introduction of fees for the use of machinery in the workshops (such as the laser cutter and 3D printer) and the promise of further charges to come, Emily has single-handedly launched a campaign to combat additional fees for students on already expensive creative courses. By bringing this to the Union’s attention, Emily hopes to make life better for students on a range of courses that need access to this machinery. To add your name to Emily’s petition or to help with the campaign, please contact

Mary Yateem Hello all Faculty of Society and Health students, My name is Mary Yateem. This year, I have been hired to be Faculty officer of Society and Health. It’s my job to make sure your voices are heard and improve your student experience. I won’t be able to know what needs to be done without your help, so make sure you voice feedback about your course to your student reps so it can get back to me. If there is no student rep representing your course, then may I suggest to you to run for the position. It’s the best way to ensure you and your fellow students get a say in what goes on in your course and to let it be heard. Whether you’re an undergraduate or a postgraduate student, your experience here at Bucks New University is important to me. Help me make your experience the best one and speak up. Mary Yateem

S&H Lyndsay Freybourger, 2nd Year, Adult Nursing

Volunteering Green Impact Week 11-17 February 2013 Every year in February, we have a full week of green initiatives, volunteering opportunities and fundraising activities. We need students to help form a team of Green Impact Project Organisers, who are full of ideas of what we can do to pack the week full of fun! Last year, we had a bungee jump, farmers market, composting workshop, decorated a graffiti board, planted seeds for the elderly, screened movies and made a blanket for the homeless. If you think you could help make this year even bigger, and have an interest in being green, volunteering or fundraising, please email to get involved. Looks great on the CV, you’re guaranteed to meet new people, and you could make a real difference to the High Wycombe community.

Will Hoskin has taken over from Amy McLaughlan as Student Engagement Coordinator for DMM. Will has been a Rep, Senior Rep and Faculty Officer here at Bucks so knows the ropes. Good Luck to both Will and Amy in their new roles in the Students’ Union. Any queries contact

Raise and Give

CLIC Sargent Every day, 10 children and young people in the UK hear the shocking news they have cancer. CLIC Sargent recognises that every child or young person with cancer has a different experience. A cancer diagnosis also affects the whole family in many different ways, so we take time to listen and understand. Their aim is to help ensure that the whole family

ChildLine Services Volunteer Work in local schools, talking to children about the dangers of abuse and bullying. Learn vital presentation skills whilst working with the NSPCC, attend free training, and be entitled to expenses. Email for more information. Rafe’s Place Our RAG charity this year, Rafe’s Place, are looking for volunteers for various opportunities. If you’re interested in running youth workshops, helping at festivals, fundraising, or have a particular skill that you could teach others, then email for more information. POhWER Advocacy

We asked all reps to keep us informed of any cancelled lectures, if a reason was given and the day and time it should have taken place as this is currently seen as an issue at Uxbridge. Lyndsay was one of few who responded, and responded in great detail. She informed us of previous cancelled lectures and times of when they have been grouped together with alternative course groups due to no lecturer available. Lyndsay also informed us of some complaints students on her course have made to her. All of the information she gave is currently being looked into by the Sabbatical offices

New Student Engagement Coordinator - Will Hoskin

Long-term Volunteering Opportunities

Would you like to help local people to speak up and get their voice heard? You could support someone who lacks confidence to deal with an issue they are facing in their life – concerning housing, money, care services, health issues and much more. They may feel that they are being discriminated against, that no-one is listening to their view or that they are not able to access services to which they are entitled. Email for more information.

Stamp Collection Bucks Students’ Union are collecting old stamps for charity, Army Of Angels who support former members of the British Armed Forces, and those leaving the services, who have suffered physical or psychological injury. The charity also aims to assist the families of those service personnel who have been killed serving their country. Army of Angels can raise additional funds by recycling old unwanted items, in particular stamps. Please donate your old stamps (tear or cut around), to both Students’ Union receptions at the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses.

receives the support which works best for them. CLIC Sargent provides financial, emotional, clinical and practical support, as well as ‘Home from Home’ accommodation near specialist hospitals allowing families to be close to their children during treatment. This month is Child Cancer Awareness Month, and Bucks

is a new project aimed at helping to support teachers working in poor conditions in Masaka district, Uganda through:

Students’ Union are taking part in the Big Bucket Collection to raise funds for children and young people with cancer and families across the UK. The collection will take place on 7 December at Sainsburys from 9am - 5pm. Even if you can just spare an hour or two your time will be greatly appreciated! To sign up, email

material provisions moral support professional development We are looking for students to lead the 3 steps mission project. Help by sourcing old computers and projectors, fundraising, making and donating clothes, and finding second hand books. With the support of the Students’ Union, help us form the 3 Steps Committee of students, who will work together to provide a better education for children in Uganda. For more information A couple of Students’ Union Staff sporting the CLIC Sargent festive hats and sashes.

with support from:

30 Bucks Student December 2012

Free First Aid Training




5 7 4 6

8 9



5 1 6 8 2 7 4



6 7 2 3 5

4 2


4 1




6 3 9 1



8 4 5 9 1 6 3


3 9


2 7

8 4

5 8 1 6


3 9 4 2 7 1 6 2 3 8 7 9 4 5 6 1 5 8 3 2



5 4 2 7

We would like to appologise for the mistake in last issues Bucks Smart Ass Soduku. The person responsible has been dealt with and the mistake should not happen again.


9 4 7

5 1


9 8 3 1 4 5 7 1 5 9 4 6 2 8



Across > 1. Guys top xmas film: Love... (8) > 4. Japanese Christmas tradition (3) > 6. Affordable bird (6) > 7. Imaginary evolved fish (6)

Down > 1. Snowball ingredient (7) > 2. Song of the week (8) > 3. UK’s most common STI (9) > 5. NUS leader heckled with (4)


Down > 1. Advocat > 2. Loftcries > 3. Chlamydia > 5. Eggs


Q: In a Christmas Carol, what is Scrooges first name?



Across > 1. Actually > 4. KFC > 6. Turkey > 7. Squish





Q: In a Christmas Carol, what is Scrooges first name? A: Ebenezer


6 2 7 3

Did you know that you can get free first aid training through the St John Ambulance LINKS Society? As the society works alongside the regional unit of St John Ambulance we are able to offer a variety of nationally recognised first aid qualifications. You can learn to be a basic first aider or progress all the way up to dealing with actual 999 calls. Once qualified, you can work alongside St John Ambulance teams at a whole range of exciting events from music concerts and festivals such as Reading Festival, to sporting events such as the London Marathon. That’s right - free entry to gigs to show off your free first aid training! To get involved just drop into one of our sessions: every Tuesday, 5pm in N2.01 or email for further information.


Lets be Franc...o!


Xmas Makes Anyone Smile

So it’s the last newspaper of 2012, the time has flown by – time flies when you’re having fun slash getting involved with everything. Movember was a great success, well done to all those who helped out and supported the cause. Sexy and you mo it! Christmas is an exciting time for Bucks Students’ Union, we have our very own advent calendar countdown, with a different surprise each day and also held our very own Christmas market for RAG. Bucks Students’ Union Christmas day is on 14 December and look out for snow and Santa’s grotto at Flirt! 2012 has been a super year and we expect nothing less for 2013, we already have lots to look forward to: more exciting RAG events - raising more money for different charities, tour, hitch hiking to Morocco, winning Varsity, Athletic Union dinner, Union awards, Festiball and much, much more. If there is anything else you are interested in please check our amazing website and sign up to all the different opportunities. Have a super duper Christmas break, and I wish you all a very happy New Year!

Vice President Student Involvement Naomi Franco

32 Bucks Student December 2012

Countdown until 30 March 2013


16 Weeks 0 Days



> Q: Which League Two manager was sacked after paying for the club’s heating bills out of his own pocket? (answer below)

National glory for Umar

Fixtures and results

Wins: 5 Draws: 1 Losses: 10

Results 21 November 2012 Womans hockey Portsmouth 2nd 2-3 Bucks 1st Mens hockey Portsmouth 2nd 3-2 Bucks 1st Mens tennis Bucks 1st 8-4 Roehampton 2nd Mens volleyball Portsmouth 1st 3-0 Bucks 1st Womans volleyball LSE 1sr 3-0 Bucks 1st Mens football Surrey 4th 6-2 Bucks 6th Brighton 8-1 Bucks 2nd Womans football University of East London 1st 3-1 Bucks 1st Mens squash Portsmouth 2nd 3-0 bucks 1st Netball Chichester 2nd 38-16 Bucks 1st Mens basketball Bucks 1st 74-36 Imperial College London

Golf Bucks 1st vs Bournemouth 1st Womans tennis Bucks 1st vs Westminster 1st Mens tennis Sussex 2nd vs Bucks 1st Womans badminton Bucks 1st vs SOAS 1st Mens Badminton Bucks 1st vs Royal Holloway 2nd Womans hockey Bucks 1st vs King’s College 2nd Mens hockey Bucks 1st vs Royal Holloway 1st Mens rugby Bucks 1st vs St Mary’s 2nd Bucks 2nd vs Imperial Medics 3rd Netball Creative Arts 1st vs Bucks 2nd Westminster 2nd vs Bucks 3rd Mens volleyball Bucks 1st vs Brunel 1st

Results 28th November 2012 Fixtures 9 December 2012 Womans football Bucks 1st 2-1 Portsmouth 2nd Mens football Essex 3rd 4-2 Bucks 1st Golf Exeter 1st 4-2 Bucks 1st Mens rugby Royal Holloway 1st 19-30 Bucks 1st Womans hockey Reading 3rd 1-1 Bucks 1st Fixtures 5 December 2012 Womans basketball Westminster 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens basketball Imperial Medics 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens football Reading 1st vs Bucks 1st Bucks 2nd vs St Mary’s 3rd Bucks 3rd vs Brunel 3rd Westminster 2nd vs Bucks 4th Portsmouth 6th vs Bucks 5th Bucks 6th vs Kingston 4th Bucks 7th vs St Mary’s 6th Womans football Bucks 1st vs Middlesex 1st Mens squash Bucks 1st vs Brunel 3rd Womans squash Royal Holloway 1st vs Bucks 1st

Mens futsal Bucks 1st vs Middlesex 1st Fixtures 12th December 2012 Womans basketball Bucks 1st vs St George’s 1st Mens basketball Kingston 2nd vs Bucks 1st Mens football Bucks 1st vs Brighton 3rd Bucks 4th vs Portsmouth 6th Bucks 5th vs LSE 3rd West London 1st vs Bucks 6th Mens squash Bucks 1st vs Brunel 3rd Womans squash Brunel 1st vs Bucks 1st Golf Cardiff 1st vs Bucks 1st Hertfordshire 1st vs Bucks 2nd Womans tennis Bucks 1st vs LSE 3rd Mens tennis Brunel 2nd vs Bucks 1st Mens Badminton Surrey 2nd vs Bucks 1st Mens rugby Bucks 1st vs St Georges 1st Bucks 2nd vs SOAS 1st

which was fierce to watch. By the Late afternoon the 2011 UK number two Umar was up against the countries best competitors in his category competing in both Kata (forms) and Kumite (sparring). He showed the judges his best performance of sparring, attitude towards karate, sportsmanship and showing great representation for the GKR England National Squad. This has resulted in him being a double gold medallist and being ranked number one in the UK and taking the title of the 2012 GKR UK National Champion. Umar commented saying “this has been the most epic time in my Karate journey last year qualifying for Nationals and in the end getting two silvers was a great achievement, but coming back a year on and getting two

gold medals and claiming national glory is amazing, absolutely speechless. I would like to thank Sensei Richard Jones my instructor at Bucks who is also a lecturer for giving his time in helping me train. My squad coach for pushing me in times when I couldn’t push anymore, family friends who have helped gain this success, I can say that I will be sharing this success with everyone.” In the next stage of Umar’s tournament journey is the GKR World Championships with England National Team in Sydney 2013 and regional titles with GKR and the English Karate Federation.

Get fit or have fun trying! Fitorious is a new business made up of a team of Bucks’ very own dance and fitness girls. We’re offering you a 10 week fitness course that can be carried out from the comfort of your own home starting in January. Each week you will receive an email containing a

home friendly circuit adaptable to any ability along with interesting blogs, fun facts, yummy recipes and cheeky challenges. You can update us on your progress or send us pictures of your cooking via twitter @TeamFitorious or find Fitorious on Facebook. We also

have an exclusive introductory offer for Bucks students; sign up before the 31 December and pay only £5 (£8 thereafter). Join the fun now!

Player Profile Name: Andrew Woods Course: Police Studies with Criminological Psychology Sport: American Football Position: Right Guard > How was last year’s club performance? Last year’s performance was not exactly reflected by the results. Although we finished 4-4 for the season we put points on teams you wouldn’t expect and held other teams to minor scores. > Why should students join your sport? Our sport includes everyone from different backgrounds, different personalities and sizes. All we ask is that you commit to the sport and play you hardest. > How often do you meet? We meet three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. However, Sundays are either extra training or game days. > Do players need to provide their own kit? We provide players with upper body pads, lower pads for legs and helmets. The basic need for the rest is ultimately a gum shield and boots along with the University red socks and a jersey that they get to keep. > Do you have to pass any tests to join the team? There is a small test to pass depending on which side of the team you represent either offence or defence. This is just to show that you have read and understand the playbook.

> What are the socials like? The socials are a good time to get to know everyone on the team including other sports teams when we have joint socials. Our socials are a mixture of drinking socials or socials where we get together for meals or just go to someone’s house/flat. > What’s your funniest memory from your sport last year? My funniest memory or more my strangest memory is finding myself on the field against Surrey comparing our most hairy players whilst the refs where discussing a call. > What is tour like? Tour is great for everyone. The dress ups give everyone a chance to have a laugh and no one is left out. It’s cheap and gives you the chance to meet people from other sports teams from other universities. > What’s your sport looking to achieve this year? Our sport this year is looking to expand its numbers, and enter the play offs. With the talent we have this is looking to be a promising year.

Sports quiz answer: Peter Reid at Plymouth Argyle

Umar the UK number 1 above in the final kumite round against UK number 2 Michael Goldsmith.

Saturday 17 November was an epic moment for red belt graded Umar who competed in the GKR (Go-Kan Ryu) National Championships at Ponds Forge International Sports Centre Sheffield. The GKR England National Squad member student who is also the Bucks New Uni Karate Club Captain had a hard day’s battle in the 1835 year old Red to Green Belt Category. The day began with the entrance of the GKR UK Zones Northern, Southern, Central and Eastern zone which Umar is a part of to make their way into the sports venue which was filled with 1000 of the country’s best GKR competitors. The day’s events began with the younger aged and veteran’s categories, by lunchtime the male and female Black Belt Opens began

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