The Bucks Student - Pre-Freshers 2015

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Pre-Freshers' 2015


Freshers’ wristbands will need to be collected from The Lounge bar to allow access into the Venue for the night events. Freshers’ wristbands get priority entry. Please do not leave collecting your wristband until the last minute or the evening of the events. To collect your wristband you will need:

The opening times of the wristband exchange will be:

Photo ID (Driving licence, Passport, PASS) Your first year acceptance letter from the University

Sat 19 Sep - noon ‘til late | Sun 20 Sep - 11am ‘til late Mon 21 to Fri 25 Sep – 10am ‘til late

Please note the following terms: Wristbands must be collected in person (like at a festival!) Freshers’ wristbands are for new-comers to the University, resits of first year do not count (you’ve already had a Freshers’!)

Freshers’ Fair Uxbridge - Wed 23 Sep, noon-3pm, Room 1.02 and 1.04 High Wycombe - Thurs 24 Sep, 10am-4pm, Gateway Building Sign up to our amazing sports teams and societies plus loads of freebies from companies such as: Domino’s


Thorpe Park

Poster Sales

Noodle Nation


This Edition: page 4

Pre-Freshers' 2015

Bucks Students’ Union was ranked 12th out of 137 students’ unions for satisfaction in the 2014-15 National Student Survey.

Welcome Get to know a little more about your Sabbatical Officers and their plans for the next year.

Contributors Joe Collins • Ohio Orumen Jenny Wade • Nicolle Broderick • Kemi Atan Emma Wednesday • Ryan Morrell James Bingham • Jess Walbridge • Andrew Adedipe Matt Draper • Daniel Lawrence Sian Lipscombe • Reece Buckingham Greg Pike

page 8

Volunteering Nicolle Broderick - Project Leader for Chiltern Rangers - explains why volunteering is so important.

page 17 Want to see your name in the list above? Want to have your writing or artwork on show to thousands of people? Get involved. Email

Advertising For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department.

Pole Dancing Soc Pole Co-Captain, Emma Wednesday, takes us for a spin around the pole.

page 20

Simon McDowell - Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at © 2015 Bucks Students’ Union

If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact Bucks Students' Union for more information.

Rowing Club Jess Walbridge talks about what's new with Bucks New Uni Rowing Club.

Sport for Fun Daniel Lawrence talks us through what we can expect when getting involved with Sport for Fun.

page 23

Pre-Freshers' Issue






4 Pre-Freshers' Issue



Bucks Students’ Union th has just been ranked 12 in the UK... We must be doing something right.

5 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Welcome back to everyone returning to Bucks this year and welcome to all of those coming for the first time... My name is Joe Collins and I am the President of the Students’ Union. As the lead elected sabbatical officer my role is to represent the student body and also support you through your time here at Bucks. If you have any issues, no matter how big or small, we are here to offer you support and guidance. We want every student here at Bucks to have a voice and the opportunity to make change, attending our monthly Union Council meetings is a great way for us to hear your thoughts. However, feel free to contact Jenny, Ohio or myself at any time.


Student's engagement is something that is high on my agenda, so whether you study part time, at a partner college or at the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses; hopefully our paths will cross at some point over the year. Whether you are a new student or returning, remember to stop every once and a while

Hello everyone! My name is Ohio Orumen and I am the Vice President Student Involvement at Bucks Students’ Union. I’m responsible for improving the extra-curricular experience of all Bucks students; as well as the development and delivery of all the student activities laid on by the Student’s Union. You’ll be seeing a lot of me this year, around the Union, society events, sports fixtures and in the High Wycombe Students’ Union office – where my door is always open.


During my time in office, I am looking to enhance the employability through various opportunities such as the following; local and international volunteering through Challenges Abroad where students can volunteer to aid communities and elephant sanctuaries in Cambodia and Thailand; charity

My name is Jenny Wade and I am your elected Vice President Education & Welfare of the Students' Union.


My role leaves me responsible for the academic experience of each and every student at Bucks whether you’re at our High Wycombe or Uxbridge Campuses or studying at any of our partner colleges. My remit covers course validation and delivery, the student rep system and assessment and feedback. I also sit in meetings with the Senior Management Team, ensuring the student voice is heard in every level of decision making. Welfare of Bucks students is also my responsibility; whether that’s trouble with accommodation, addiction or sexual health. Welfare support is all delivered by our fantastic Advice Centre so keep an eye out for the campaigns we will be running throughout the year. One of my priorities this year will be to enhance the student rep system. With the amount you are paying in

to reflect on your student experience, ask yourself if you are getting the most out of your time whilst here. Bucks Students’ Union has just been ranked 12th in the UK... We must be doing something right. We offer such a wide range of services and activities, to list a few; an advice centre, additional skills training sessions to boost your employability, an award-winning venue for socialising and free recreational activities, many of which come from the fantastic Big Deal. I have many points on my manifesto but they all fall under one main objective, to reduce much unneeded stress that students face and to help you enjoy your student experience as much as possible. However, in order for me to do this I need your input, so please do get in touch. The years do fly by so be sure to enjoy your time. I look forward to meeting you all!

fundraising via RAG, additional skills training sessions and a number of placement opportunities including our YouTube channel, ‘Bucks Student TV’! Add me on Facebook, ‘Bucks VPSI’ and follow me on Twitter ‘@OhioV1’ to stay up to date on what’s going on throughout the year. Freshers’ Fortnight is a chance to meet new people and enjoy yourself to the fullest. With over 20 sports teams and 40 societies, there is something for everyone at Bucks so come and find us to see how you can get involved. The next few years at Bucks will undoubtedly be the best years of your life so have fun, get involved and welcome, to Bucks Students’ Union!

fees I want to make sure Bucks is providing every last one of you with the best possible educational experience. Come and speak to me in the offices about becoming a course rep; it’s a paid role so not only will you be having a crucial say in how to improve your course, you’ll also have the opportunity to earn £100! You can take a look at my manifesto and keep up-to-date with my progress at Academia aside, our incredible Big Deal package is unrivalled at any other university in the country: providing every single student with the opportunity to get involved with sports, recreational activities, societies, additional skills training workshops, and events, all completely free! Three years is a very short time, so be sure to grab every opportunity with both hands and really make the most of your time here. If you see me walking around campus feel free to stop me for a chat or you can contact me anytime on

Thanks to feedback from our students and staff, we are able to make changes which make a real difference to life at Bucks New University. Previous feedback has resulted in tangible improvements including faster turnaround of work, more colourful buildings, better facilities and longer opening hours. We encourage feedback and are continuously working to improve the student experience at Bucks. All year round, teams of staff at the University are working to make further enhancements. Some of these are simple, practical changes we can introduce at a course level such as master-classes and guest speakers; more time in the skills labs and simulation suites and more books and computers; extra maths and biology lessons; and inspiring trips. Other improvements take longer to implement but can be enjoyed by many of our students, such as extending the opening hours in the Library and Gym and introducing a wide range of activities at Uxbridge Campus. We now aim to give meaningful, timely feedback on assessed work within three weeks, to help students improve their next piece of work.

our overall satisfaction score improved significantly from 2014 to 2015, up 4% to 82%.

The Students’ Union oversees the election of student reps by their peers and supports them so they can give student feedback in University meetings and more informal settings. They take their views and those of their classmates and pass on concern and praise on the education they are receiving. Student reps help to enhance the quality of their course; they are involved in shaping the curriculum and can help create positive change. Reps are

WANT TO BE A STUDENT REP? Student reps are the voice of their course and help the university grow and improve. We also reward our reps for their hard work with up £100. To nominate yourself for election as a rep go to Nominations open 21 September 10am and close 16 October noon. Voting takes place online 19 Oct 10am – 23 Oct noon.

rewarded up to £100 for undertaking the role. Senior reps can earn up to £200 for being our link to the reps in their department and attending a higher level of meeting on top of their work as a rep. You will also have the opportunity to develop and enhance skills for your CV, learning more about higher education, representing students and running campaigns.

In your final year, you will be invited to take part in the National Student Survey (NSS). This annual survey of over 300,000 UK students gathers honest feedback on what they liked and did not like about their course and experience. The results help us improve the student experience and help prospective students to decide where and what to study. We are delighted to tell you that our overall satisfaction score improved significantly from 2014 to 2015, up 4% to 82%. Bucks New University scored above average for assessment & feedback, personal development, and Students’ Union. We are very proud to say that Bucks Students’ Union is now ranked 12th in the UK - up from 21st place last year. Our top scoring question in the National Student Survey was: ‘Staff are good at explaining things’ and the most improved scores were for ‘The course is well organised and is running smoothly’ and ‘Feedback on my work has been prompt’. Please take the opportunity to share your experiences of university life with us. Working as a team - students, staff and Students’ Union together - we can make Bucks New University an even better place to be.

Pre-Freshers' Issue

STUDENT FEEDBACK you speak, we listen, we change!


University News.

8 Pre-Freshers' Issue


Nicolle Broderick Project Leader – Chiltern Rangers 3rd Year Business Management.


Volunteering can really make a difference to your university experience and benefit you in many ways.

By volunteering you gain a sense of achievement in being able to help those in need of it. Volunteering it isn’t just a great way to get out and meet new people, you can have experiences you won't get in a lecture hall.

But there are not just Green Thursday positions available; there are places that need to be filled in the operations of the company. I work in the office producing materials for marketing to be used to raise awareness for the company and upcoming events. I also work on strategic decision making when trying to raise additional finance and sponsorship for Chiltern Rangers and local companies, and much, much more. Especially for Business Students it can add value and substance to you and your CV.

Volunteering for Chiltern Rangers can open many interesting and exciting doors for you. Whether it's volunteering on our Green Thursday’s in and around the Rye, volunteering at events hosted by the Rangers, or even helping out behind the scenes in the office with a great team. We are currently recruiting for volunteers to help with our Green Thursday’s, which is where you get to go out into the fresh air and help the local community by maintaining the Chiltern woods and areas. The experience you can gain from this is invaluable, as you can learn about group work, leading a team, and communication. Not to mention that it looks fantastic on your CV, showing that you have donated your time to a local business that look after the environment.

I cannot stress enough the value of volunteering, and the importance of starting it in your first or second year. By starting in your first year it allows you much more time to gain more and more experience throughout your university life. The experience that you can gain through volunteering you can use with other projects you may have going on at university, whether it be for a module or whether it be for a society you’ve joined. It gives you confidence you never knew you had, it allows your skills to develop

and grow, it also allows you to feel great for using your talents and time to help a great company who do a lot for the community which then in turn, you are doing a lot for the community too. If you’re interested in volunteering for Chiltern Rangers, would like more information, or just want advice on volunteering, please do not hesitate to contact me in The Student Centre. I am really looking forward to working with future students on their road to Volunteering!


10 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Stay safe.

Fire Safety

WOOL 2280 COTTON 4070


You will all be thinking about settling into your new homes for the next year and learning what you can and can’t do. Whilst you are in halls (especially Brook Street) you may experience an early morning rise due to a fire alarm being set off.



PAPER 2180

It’s not always on purpose however, it can be quite easily done. So, to avoid being the one that everyone dislikes for the next couple of weeks for waking them up, these are some of the things you should avoid:

• cooking with dirty/greasy grills and ovens the pain of every student’s life, having to clean but it is essential and doing it more often will make it an easier task

You don’t want your first year in university to end badly, it’s the time to enjoy yourself and make the most of being away from home.

• unattended cooking - this often burns • no sneaking away whilst cooking, you can

Fingers crossed this is never something that you have to do, however it’s best to be on the safe side. In the event of a fire, you should follow this series of steps:

survive without your phone for a bit so don’t ruin your dinner

• smoke alarms can be very sensitive so if you are using hair spray, aerosols or deoderant in your bedroom, make sure you keep it away from the smoke detector

• smoking in halls (this is against the law), you may find smoking outside is a better way to get to meet other people so don’t miss out on the chance to make a few new friends if you are a smoker

• using candles or joss sticks (this is


As much as a fire extinguisher does make a good door stop; they shouldn’t be removed as this could cause more harm in the long run, as they are heavy pieces of equipment. And as unattractive the smoke sensors can be, you cannot decorate them or cover them because it’ll cause you more hassle in the long run and it is also a criminal offence to do so.

prohibited in halls). For all of you romantics at heart, you are going to have to stick to rose petals rather than a candlelight dinner.

1. Operate the nearest fire alarm 2. Leave the building by the nearest exit 3. Report to the nearest assembly point 4. Do not use the lift 5. Do not take any risks 6. Do not re-enter the building until the portable air horns have been sounded three times to give the all clear. We all hope that this is not something that you ever have to put into action and that you have minimal fire alarm wake up calls this year when at halls. Nobody likes standing outside in the winter for an unnecessary reason if it can be avoided.

BUCKS BUDDIES REQUIRED! This is a unique project funded by the University who are aiming to make the transition into Higher Education as easy as possible. Communication will be via email for which a Buddy account will be set up for you and you may need to communicate in their native language.

We are looking for students who: • • • • • • • •

are well organised and have common sense are an excellent communicator both written and oral are able to handle responsibility are self motivated and methodical have a positive and enthusiastic outlook are friendly and approachable are sympathetic to the varying students needs are conscientious with record keeping, keeping us abreast of how it is going and the review process at the end of the project.

Please contact for more information or apply online at

12 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Week 0 20 Sep - 27 Sep

Week 1 28 Sep - 4 Oct

Sunday 20

Monday 21

Tuesday 29 T-shirts are available from the Students' Union Lounge bar from Sat 19 September

2015 ÂŁ2

8pm-3am Tuesday 22

Wednesday 23


Two pint steins. Crazy German antics. 8pm sharp.

Thursday 12

Thursday 24

Friday 322


Friday 25



Saturday 3


Saturday 26

9pm - 3am

Sunday 27

Sunday 4


Week 2 5 Oct - 11 Oct

Monday 28

Monday 5

Pre-Freshers' Issue

Tuesday 6

Wednesday 30





Wednesday 7

Thursday 8


PLUS Young Kato | MassMatiks

8pm - 3am Friday 9


Saturday 10


Drinks Promotions Pitchers of selected draught: £7 all night Bottle of Barefoot wine: £7 all night Rekorderlig: £3 all night Snakebite: £1.80 'til midnight Icy Black: £2 all night J20: £1 all night Hooch: 2 for £5 all night

The Venue 8 'til late

Sunday 11

Red Stag and Coke: £2 all night Tuborg: £2 all night Coors: £2 all night Snakebite: £1.80 'til midnight Frat Punch: £2 per half Pint of soft drink: £1 all night VK: £2 all night Courvoisier and mixer: £2 all night J20: £1 all night Staropramen: £2 all night Smirnoff Ice: £2 all night

16 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Sports and societies.

Kemi Atan Cultural Society Secretary

CULTURED SOCIETY Bucks New University's Cultural Society is a place where we celebrate African and Caribbean cultures together. If you have a love for African and Caribbean cultures, or want to come and learn about it, this is the place for you! We look to bring people together from all different races, backgrounds and cultures and have fun whilst still learning about the history. The cultural society is a home away from home. It’s a good place to meet new people especially due to the great events, socials and activities we will be putting on throughout the year, which will also give people the chance to showcase all their amazing

talents. We're always looking for people with fresh ideas to join us, as you decide what events and activities we put on. Starting university can be hard and intimidating, but join our society and we will try to make your starting experience easier, with a bit of fun and entertainment. Get to know freshers, second and third years, as we try to appeal to everyone!

out. This is not all you should expect as we have a lot of things coming up, and we are looking for your great Ideas too, so we can make sure we are catering for what you want to see and do! So if your looking to have a great time and meet new people while learning about the amazing culture this is the place for you.

Be ready for all the exciting events we are ready to put on this year, including a freshers' welcome party, where we plan on welcoming you into Bucks with a bang! Our meet and greets, cookouts, movie nights, Mr and Mrs event , Talent Show and Take me

Come and create the best possible memories you can during the course of your university life and become apart of the Cultural Society. Get involved with the banter and the vibes and have fun!

Are you interested in working for the 12th best students' union in the country? We're looking for bar, security and event staff to join our dynamic and tenacious Venue team. To find out more visit:

Come and join our great cultural family :)

Thinking of joining a society when starting or returning to Uni? Ever thought about becoming a Pole Dancer..? Probably not! Many people think that pole dancing is tasteless and should only be found in strip clubs! However “shaking our bootys” is really not what we are about. In fact, Pole is a very elegant sport that requires lots of strength, co-ordination and commitment. It strongly works your core, arms and shoulders, as well as improving your overall fitness. Within a few weeks you'll start to notice an increase in strength and confidence. Last year we competed against 20 other universities at the Inter-University Pole Dance Competition, and held a fairytale themed Takeover at the Students' Union. At both of these we performed several routines both individually and in groups of up to eight. If you’re not into performing, no problem! Not everyone wants to compete or perform. We train weekly, learning new spins, holds and inverts as well as having loads of fun! At Pole, our main aim is to enjoy ourselves and have a good time. Each class has two or three students to a pole, so you can support and encourage each other. This year we plan to do more group work, learning double spins and holds with a partner (where two people perform a move together on the same pole). This challenges your timings and co-ordination, and will become

increasingly impressive as we start to learn and develop group routines. It’s not just for girls... Boys can join as well! It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re good at. We will be holding taster sessions in the first few weeks of term, which anyone can join and come along to. You will be able to sign-up for these at our stall during the High Wycombe Freshers' Fair. Even if you’d just like to be a social member instead of training with us, we welcome anyone and everyone to be a part of our Pole family. We have weekly socials both themed and unthemed, and our initiations are a night of fun and games, not to be missed! If you'd like to know more about our socials or just becoming a soical member contact our Social Secretary Christie Hibbert via Facebook. If you're curious to see what we do, check us out on Facebook! Just search “Bucks Pole Society” We also have Twitter! @BNUPole. Don’t forget to come see us at Freshers' Fair to sign up! But for now, please contact Alicia Keeley or Ellena Monaghan or message the Facebook page to find out more info. We look forward to seeing lots of new faces and meeting you all in September!


USAGE Bucks New Usage is a scheme where we collect unwanted and leftover items from halls and recycle them to our new students. Please feel free to use this FREE scheme. We have crockery, bedding, electricals and much more! Look out for Bucks New Usage in your halls of residence on move in day! The shop will also be open during term time at our High Wycombe Campus and is located opposite the main car park barrier in the West Wing building. BUCKS NEW USAGE OPEN TIMES: Sunday 20 September, 10am-4pm | Monday 21 to Friday 25 September, 1-2pm After this, the shop will open every Wednesday from 10-11am For more information visit:

Pre-Freshers' Issue



Sports and societies.

Emma Wednesday Pole Co-Captain


Available online or by calling into the Students’ Union offices.

Baseball tees, t-shirts, chunky zipped hoodies, fleeced sweatshirts, core and zipped hoodies.



We are a new, fun, social, touch rugby society opening up in September. We are hoping to get everyone involved, whether you’re a guy or a girl come down and join us participating in touch rugby. You do not need to know how to play, we can teach you all you need to know. It's a non-contact sport, just a bit of fun. It’s good to make friends and meet new people, but also those who are recovering from injury - a great way to get back into the game throughout the season. My name is Ryan I am one of three committee members of this society, I am the secretary and my other two fellow committee members are James Brooke the treasurer and Devin Brooks the chairman. For the last year the three of us have been playing rugby for the University and it has made our experience at uni anything but boring. We have met different types of people and been given the opportunity to wear the shirt and represent the University. We came up with the idea of touch rugby as a chance for students to come join and try something new.

Pre-Freshers' Issue


element of playing with friends and also enjoying the social side afterwards. We also want to bring social evening events throughout the year. Touch Rugby or Touch, as it is known, is a minimal contact sport that is played worldwide by men, women and children of all ages. The game emphasises running, agility and ball-handling skills such as passing and catching. Looking something similar to Rugby, without the tackling, scrumming, kicking and the like, the aim of the game is to score tries. Played on a flat surface, half the size of a conventional sports field, Touch rugby is “The Game taking the World by Storm”.

Throughout the year we will be looking to compete in tournaments and social events to give you the opportunity to play as a team, as well as enjoy the

BNUFilm Society

BNUFilmSociety has been around for a while, but it was only in the last year that people started to actually realise that.

In the past year we’ve hosted an event at the Students' Union, held screenings and put on the biggest film competition that the University has ever seen; the #BNUFilmAwards 2015. This year, we need you to get involved more than ever! As a society, we’ll be in charge of Bucks Student TV; the Students' Union’s very own YouTube Channel. We’ll need help filming both the Union news and sports news; live bands and band interviews; sports and society projects; and possibly even another new idea, Day in the Life of a Sabb (Sabbatical Officer; i.e. President, VPSI and VPEW) where we would film Joe, Ohio or Jenny taking up a new sport or getting involved in a new society. It’s not just Bucks Student TV that we want you get involved with this year. As a member of BNUFilmSociety, you’ll get the chance to enter competitions and win an array of prizes. Competitions which could involve all manner of activities. Remember, being a member of a sports team or society at Bucks is completely FREE, courtesy of the Big Deal! But that’s not all! During this new academic year, we’ll not only be doing the above, but more. Like; secret cinema events; screenings; guest speakers; and the second annual #BNUFilmAwards. Come and find our stall at the Freshers' Fair for a friendly chat and to sign up! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at or like and follow us at and We look forward to seeing you all for a radical new year!


Sports and societies.

Ryan Morrell Touch Rugby Society Secretary

James Bingham BNUFilmSociety Chairman

20 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Sports and societies.

Jess Walbridge Rowing Club


Buckinghamshire New University Rowing Club (BNURC) stepped up their game and joined the other competing teams of the Athletic Union in September 2014. In 2013 we started off with training once a week on a Sunday afternoon, then come Freshers' 2014 we upped it to four or five club training sessions a week. Training sessions include circuit training, rowing machines and obviously getting out in boats.

was part of the Oxford Cambridge Boat Race and possibly one of the toughest stretches of water to row on. We came away with two points with our Men’s Eight and Women’s Quadruple Scull both beating their opposition.

their category in the country! Our Women’s Double won their novice race at Weybridge Ladies Regatta and to round up the season, our Men’s Coxed Four won at Marlow Town Regatta. A very good year for both squads.

BNURC is based at Marlow Rowing Club whose new boat house is one of the largest on the Upper-Thames and allows us to use their brand new facilities. Marlow RC is home to rowing Olympians, Sir Steve Redgrave and Katherine Grainger to name a few.

This year we also made our way up to the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham to compete at BUCS Regatta in the Men’s Intermediate Coxed Fours and Women’s Intermediate Quadruple Sculls. With a large amount of competition in the men’s event this year our men’s crew just missed getting into a final. Our women’s boat made it through their time trial to finisH in third place in the D final which put them in the top 20 of

Now it is time for all you freshers to get involved. We need rowers and coxswains (the small person who steers the boat and keeps the crew motivated) to join our squads. You need no previous experience in the sport, so come find us and sign-up at the Freshers' Fair!

This year, the training paid off. At Varsity we travelled to Roehampton’s base to race a 2200m head-tohead on the Tideway. The course

Email: Twitter: @BucksRowing Instagram: @BucksRowing

ADVICE CENTRE Please call to make an appointment at either campus for a face to face, telephone or Skype appointment.

High Wycombe Campus Ground floor, North Block 01494 603 016 Uxbridge Campus Room 1.03, first floor 01494 605 180


We’re here to help you with any issues including:

EVER DREAMT ABOUT RUNNING YOUR OWN RADIO SHOW? Bucks Students’ Union is investing in a brand new online student radio station and we are looking for enthusiastic students to help us run and host the station. From presenters to station managers, and technicians to marketing and sponsorship, we want you to get involved and be a part of the team behind Bucks Students’ Union’s first ever, live radio station. We’ll be streaming Rusty’s Radio around campus and online for everyone to tune into 24 hours a day. For more information, email us or visit

High Wycombe


Monday to Thursday

Monday to Thursday

9am - 7pm

9am - 5pm



9am - 4.30pm

9am - 4.30pm








Sports and societies.


Andrew Adedipe Boxing Society Secretary

Pre-Freshers' Issue

We all take time out of our busy schedules to have family time, A.K.A. socials!


The progress of BNU Boxing as a society has gone from strength to strength. I went from being reluctant to join due to my lack of physical ability to being accepted into a family who didn’t care about size, ability or strength. No matter your dedication to turning up to training weekly or turning up at the eventful socials, everyone is welcomed as if they’d been there each and every week and nobody is forgotten. For those who are fitness heads looking to improve their physique, or those who are looking for the occasional workout to get that summer body ready months in advance, even those looking to just to get involved and meet new faces, boxing is the home for you. Sessions are held weekly at High Wycombe’s historic Amateur Boxing Club, which is a short walk away from the Students' Union where the tough trainers (don’t let that scare you) put us through our paces with regular breaks to keep hydrated and catch our breath when needed. The opportunity for those who have a rooted interest boxing to step up training is there to explore, with public sessions held weekly also. As well as this, the society has taken huge steps to start competing against other universities - who knows what the future holds, but soon BNU Boxing could be the latest sport to represent Bucks at Varsity.

You will be happy to hear that it isn’t all work at BNU Boxing - we all take time out of our busy schedules to have family time, A.K.A. socials! These are an opportunity for everyone to catch up with one another, make friends with the frequent new faces, and of course the obvious ;). Socials usually precede a night out to somewhere other than the Students' Union where we make our presence known by collectively wearing our custom made BNU Boxing social tops and enjoy the events the night holds. Boxing takes great pride in getting involved with extra-curricular events around the Uni, from the volleyball tournament to football or even lending a hand with maintenance of the Uni. Whatever we can get involved with we do, so it’s a great chance to get involved with other extracurricular sports and events around the uni, as well as socialise with the other societies. We love to take part in the trips offered by the Students' Union as part of The Big Deal, so look forward to going on trips and learn cool skills (don’t worry it's usually free). Of course all of these experiences can be added to your CV. BNU Boxing is rooted into the DNA of Bucks New Uni and aims to show what the power of student unity can do. So if you want to join the ever-growing family that is BNU Boxing then give it a go… We can show off our hard worked bodies on Tour.


Sports and societies.

Pre-Freshers' Issue

American Football Club

AMERICAN FOOTBALL CLUB American football is one of the fastest-growing university sports in the United Kingdom (The number of people playing the sport in the UK has doubled over the last three years).

The British Universities American Football League (BUAFL) boasts more than 60 teams and more than 3,500 players and coaches from 46 countries around the world. But our team the BNU Buccaneers – is one of the best organisations in the BUAFL! American Football is a great sport that combines the power needed to deliver a big hit, the finesse and speed needed to catch a ball, the strategy required to second guess the opposition and stop them in their tracks and most importantly the will and desire that gives you the edge over the competition. An American football team is made up of many positions and requires a range of player builds and skill sets to succeed. The vast majority of our first year players have never played the sport before, and thus everybody starts at the same level. Our team caters for all abilities and we are looking to recruit heavily for the coming season and build on the success of recent seasons. The

club will provide all the equipment you need and our experienced coaches – who have played the sport at the highest level in the UK - will teach you everything you need to know to improve your skills. They are also willing to go the extra mile to help you become an elite athlete, doing things such as setting up fitness regimes during the offseason and setting up a training camp at the beginning of the season. Training camp is a great weekend that will vastly improve your ability as a player and helps the team bond.

societies at Bucks New Uni, and welcome any new people into our family, the people who are part of the Buccaneers are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, and will always have your back on nights out! Our socials are pretty awesome, which include dressing up as superheroes and getting to go on a social with a variety of other societies. Being a Buccaneer means that if you need help with anything non-uni related someone will always be willing to put themselves out and help you with whatever needs doing.

Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced veteran you are always welcome to come and enjoy the game. Any shape, any size there is always a position for you. Prove yourself as a Buccaneer and you may even have a chance to represent Great Britain. I will guarantee that this season will be a successful one, I personally guarantee that we will win our division!

I will finish by saying that joining the American football club was one of the greatest choices I made during my fresher’s week and if you choose to join this society then it will not be a decision that you regret. If you have played this sport before you will know how good it actually is, and if you haven’t then just give it a shot and like me - you will realise how awesome it actually is!

The BNU Buccaneers are one of the most close-knit

Much love, Matt.

THE STUDENTS' UNION IS HERE TO SUPPORT YOU THROUGH YOUR TIME AT BUCKS AND WE WANT TO MAKE THIS YOUR BEST EXPERIENCE EVER! Through the Big Deal, all our activities and skills sessions are completely FREE! Meet new people or spend more valuable time with those you already

Enhance your employability skills by attending a business workshop,

know on a day trip, cooking lesson or refining your vocal skills with a

developing your presentation style or improving your interview skills.

few singing lessons.

Gain additional qualifications with one of our accredited training

Learn new skills to complement your studies like a new language or

courses in first aid,

understanding how to manage your online reputation.

food safety and more.

Whatever you want to do, get in touch and tell us your ideas. We look forward to hearing from you! Email


Sports and societies. Sports Development Assistant (Sport for Fun)

What is Sport for Fun?

Sport for Fun is our recreational sporting programme where you can try a variety of sports regardless of your ability. There is no commitment and the majority of our activities are free of charge and take place on different days, so there is always something for you to try. Sport for Fun gives you the opportunity to take part in sports you may not have previously tried, all in an enjoyable, non-competitive environment. What sports are on offer? We have 20 different sports on offer this year ranging from racket sports such as tennis and badminton to team sports including football, netball and handball. As you can see indoor and outdoor sports are on offer so no need to worry about the weather. Our sessions are designed so that ability is no obstacle, for those that want to improve we offer lessons in golf, squash, snow sports, trampolining and water sports. If all of the above sounds too extreme, this year we have also introduced the more relaxed Pilates. What are the sessions like from a participant’s point of view? All of our sessions are a fantastic way to introduce you to a new sport, meet new people whilst enjoying yourself in a relaxed environment. Don’t just take this from me, students who took part in the Sport for Fun programme last year have said the sessions are “very relaxing and enjoyable” and “have introduced me to friends for life”. If you are a beginner to any sport, do not be afraid to give it a go, as a student who took part in boxing found out "I had only started boxing for two weeks and already feel like this is a lifetime sport for me". This is the aim of Sport for Fun… to engage you, the students, in a sport you would never normally try. Cycling Hire scheme If you cannot wait for the start of the Sport for Fun programme, you can always take advantage of our bike hire scheme at both High Wycombe and new for this year, Uxbridge. At High Wycombe there are 15 bikes, consisting of mountain and hybrid so there is something for everyone, whilst at Uxbridge we have 5 mountain bikes. Students and staff can hire out these bikes, Monday to Friday for a £20 cash deposit, which will be returned in full subject to certain terms. For further information about the scheme, contact at the High Wycombe campus and for the bikes at Uxbridge. How do I get involved? If you are interested in participating or would like further information on any of the upcoming events, contact You can also keep up to date with everything on our Facebook page ‘Sport For Fun Bucks New Uni’, on Twitter @Sport4FunBucks or on the website:

Pre-Freshers' Issue






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