Pre freshers 2017 web

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Bucks Students’ Union was ranked in the top 10 of 139 institutions for satisfaction of taught students in the 2016-17 National Student Survey.

Pre-Freshers' 2017

2 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Meet your Sabbatical Officers.

By Ben Parmar, Jimi Adeyinka & Lauren O'Shea




While starting your first year can seem daunting, everyone's in the same boat, we caught up with our Sabbatical team to talk about their initial experiences at Bucks. BEN PARMAR - PRESIDENT Having applied for a place at Bucks, I decided I wanted

getting along with my flatmates. I had heard that getting

life, and whether you get along with your flatmates or

to go travelling before going to University. Once I’d

good flatmates was a make or break, if you got along

not it won’t ruin your experience because you’ll make

secured my place, I deferred it and off I went around the

you’d have a great time, if you didn’t, it could ruin your whole first year at university.

friends with so many different people, whether you

world on my gap year. As the end of my travels drew closer the reality of starting a degree started to sink in. I

But all of these worries I’d over thought and over

same team or society, or even just bump into each

thought, over and over again were all obliterated on

other on campus.

was full of questions and mixed emotions, most of my friends from school had gone to university and were finishing their first year. I’d heard so many varying stories and had contradicting advice, I was so excited but had many fears and worries as well. Amongst my biggest worries were not fitting in, feeling so much older than everybody else,

my first day when moving into my halls flat. You could tell all the new students felt exactly the same and just wanted to make some friends, everybody was so nice and the Freshers’ Helpers were actually pretty helpful. As for feeling old and less free at university after travelling for a year, the age of new students varied

live with them, they’re on your course, you join the

My advice is just give it all a go, work hard, get involved, learn, absorb, enjoy yourself, push yourself and if you fall down, use all the support services on offer at university to get back up and push yourself even more until before you know it your three years are up and

massively and in fact I was still among the youngest.

suddenly graduation is on the horizon...

transition back into studying, learning and being told

University is a whole new realm of independence. You

You can contact me on Facebook Bucks SU Pres and

what to do as I’d be free for a whole year, and not

learn skills that you’ll have with you for the rest of your

on Twitter @BucksSUPres.

even though it had only been a year, not being able to


Meet your Sabbatical Officers.

Pre-Freshers' Issue


all one big family. Ben, Lauren and I are

adeyinka. I am your (VPSI) Vice President

here for you. To represent but most all to

Student Involvement 2017-18. Before I

listen, learn and to lead you to anything

was elected I was a BSC (HONS) Product

you need support or guidance with or

Design student. I was the course rep

if just want some to talk to my door is

for three years, (SR) senior residence in

always opened for you to come in and if

Hughenden for a year as well as Freshers'

I am not in the office you can contact on

Helper in my third year. This experience

Facebook Bucks VPSI and on Twitter

has taught me how the University and


Union work together to make life better for students at Bucks. My time here at Bucks has been a roller coaster ride, including wanting leaves

My targets for the next year are: 1. To be more active on the unions YouTube channel Bucks Student TV make

because I was not enjoying my course.

sure you subscribe

But thanks to the support of course mates

2. Run mental health campaigns to raise

and the sports team and societies I am

awareness on campus

a part made me feel at home. I hope to share this passion, the love I have with all

3. Vista Uxbridge campus once a week

the student's whether you are a returning

4. To WIN VARSITY bring home the

or a new student remember that we are

Roebuck trophy.

LAUREN O'SHEA - VICE PRESIDENT EDUCATION & WELFARE The decision to come to university was

in with. My degree being in Performing

tough, but it was the best decision that

Arts allowed me to be inventive, creative,

I have ever made. After finishing my A

funny and extremely weird. The university

Levels I still wasn’t sure on what I wanted

environment truly allows you to celebrate

to study which resulted in me taking a

your wonderful and intricate qualities

gap year whilst making up my mind.

with those around you. I know it sounds

Having been out of education for a year

tremendously cliché but I found myself

and earning a wage I was worried about

at university; I’ve made mistakes and I

the transition back into full time study. I

can point out my many faults but after

wondered if I would truly fit back in and

the past three years I can truly say I know

assumed everyone coming to university

who I am, what I stand for and what I’m

was fresh out of school/college. I couldn’t

passionate about.

have been more wrong, Bucks New

My advice to new and returning students

University is so diverse, full of culture and

would be to challenge yourself. Find

exciting people from all walks of life.

friends in your flatmates and course

I was under the impression that I could

mates. Make the most of your course

reinvent myself at university, I wanted to be cool but after being with my new flatmates for a couple of hours, my cool exterior was smashed. I realised that the best way to be “cool” was to be myself. As an adult (technically but not mentally), making new friends was a daunting

but live healthily by balancing studies and social life. Challenge yourself to join; a sports club, society, volunteering projects or participate in Sports For Fun. Find a family here, make Bucks your home away from home. Then like me, you’ll never be ready to leave.

prospect but being myself allowed me

You can contact me on Facebook Bucks

to find the perfect group of people to fit

VPEW and on Twitter @BucksSUVPEW.

HI FRESHERS! Hope you’re all excited to start your time at Bucks. Honestly, I know everyone says it but it’ll go by so quickly and you’ll learn so much, you have to make the most of it and say yes to everything you can.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve changed in the time since I finished 6th form to now, this is a huge time for personal development so make sure you welcome it with open arms. I’m Liv by the way, I’m the editor of this paper for the year, a new role to me which I’m very excited to get stuck into, I’m also a part of Bucks Netball and Snow Soc and a Creative Advertising student. I would really love to get as many people as possible reading and writing for the paper- so please drop me a message or pop into the SU if you’d like to get involved in any way, and make sure you pick up a copy around Uni- it’ll keep you in the know with what’s going on, fill you in with available opportunities and uni goss, and it counts as ‘wider reading’ for Uni, right? I’m just about to start my 3rd year at Bucks and there’s a few pieces of advice that I wish my friends or I could have had before we started, so I thought I’d pass them onto you.



Spread your net wide.

Pasta needs water to cook. So do potatoes. No one likes the person who makes the kitchen full of smoke on day two (I recommend ’Nosh 4 Students’ for an alternative to beans on toast).

Make as many friends from as many different groups/ flats/ courses/ societies etc. as possible. No. 2 Back yourself. There’s always going to be people who you think are more comfortable/ confident/ funny/ smarter than you. But you’ve got to remember to back yourself- you are who you are and there will be a place for you here. No.3 Don’t say no just because you feel awkward. No one is looking at you when you’re stood alone on day three. No one cares if you’re the only one at a social without a bud to arrive with. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is how you develop. Don’t shy away from it.

No.5 Controversially, don’t be too stingy with money, try and make it stretch as far as you can. Pay that £15 for a day trip, go on that night out to the cinema, fork out on some games to play in the kitchen and save up for that holiday. As much as Wycombe might not be the most exciting town ever, Oxford and London are just on your doorstep so make the most of them. Budgeting is important but you need to have fun and explore too. Now go and make some new friends and have the best fresher’s! Until next edition… Liv x

Pre-Freshers' Issue

By Olivia Jones


Welcome from the Editor.

6 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Sexual harassment is #NeverOK.

By Kimberley Ellis

BUCKS NEW UNI STANDS AGAINST SEXUAL VIOLENCE 1 in 3 women and 1 in 10 men are sexually assaulted on university campuses around the UK. 1 in 7 female students will experience serious physical sexual assault while at university. 70-90% of these assaults go unreported. Bucks believes it is time to make a change and stand up against Sexual Violence for good! Recently there has be a huge surge in press coverage on sexual assault, harassment and violence cases which have been swept under the carpet, particularly by big name universities in the USA, documented in The Hunting Ground which has been shown here at Bucks. As the USA are now taking action, UK universities are also in the spotlight involving reported cases and the important need to recognise that there is a problem which must be challenged.


Following the #NeverOK campaign which was successfully headed up by last year’s Students' Union President, Joe Collins, the Student Services team and the Students' Union took the initiative to tackle sexual violence on campus by applying for the Safeguarding on Campus Catalyst fund - a government money pot for universities wanting to raise awareness about this incredibly important topic. With an award of £50,000, 2017-18 will see the development of this project at Bucks leading to a safe and respectful environment across all areas of work and leisure. So, what are we doing? The University has created a new project lead role to coordinate changes campus wide. We will be delivering training to staff and students, empowering Bystanders to speak out about inappropriate behaviour and take a stand against disrespectful attitudes which just don’t belong at Bucks. We will, together, be building a safe process for survivors to speak up and be supported in a confidential way by a new team of specialist advisors. As part of these changes a live brief has gone out to all students, inviting you to think about and get involved with issues of sexual violence on campus, giving you the opportunity to enter your creative and academic research work into a competition and be part of a campus exhibition with the chance to win cash prizes. On the student Blackboard site a NeverOK page has been set up with details of the live brief competition along with lots of interesting articles and key information for support services and ways of responding to Sexual Violence. There are also links to a 90 minute online accredited Consent Matters course which talks about key issues of consent and what is and is never ok. When you’ve done the course a certificate is available which is recognised by employers nationwide, so you can do something to top up your CV and tackle sexual violence on campus here at Bucks and beyond. We are looking for students to become active champions so do get in touch to find out more or join our project team. Together we can bring about positive change and make a huge difference! For more info contact


USAGE FORGOTTEN ANYTHING? The Multi-faith Chaplaincy has a range of good, used household items including bedding, crockery, cutlery, pans, kettles and toasters. All are available free of charge on a first come first served basis. Find us at Hughenden and Brook Street Halls on moving in day and at the Bucks New Usage store between 10.30am and 1.00pm during Freshers’ Week. For further details, please contact the chaplains at: | 07544 750 793 All good wishes from The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy



Are you interested in enhancing your CV and employability skills? Looking to gain some experience or give a helping hand?






Are you looking for something fun to do or even make a difference?





Here at Bucks, we have hundreds of opportunities which you can get involved with. For more information, you can drop into either Students’ Union and speak with the Volunteering team or you can email For a full list of our volunteering opportunities please visit









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HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED The start of the new academic year is the perfect opportunity to set yourself some new goals and see how much you can achieve or what you can tick off that ever expanding ‘bucket’ list… Here at Bucks Students’ Union we have been working hard over the summer months to provide all of our members with a varied range of activities and training so that you’ll never be stuck for choice or find yourself without an opportunity to get involved in or something new to try. Whether you are returning for another year after a summer of fun or you are a fresher excited to begin your university experience, here is our guide to making sure you take advantage of our activities on offer! If you’re new to university and are currently preparing yourself for this unique adventure, you may be feeling excited but also slightly overwhelmed as the start of term creeps closer, but don't worry! The Union has a variety of sports teams, societies, volunteering opportunities and evening events to keep you entertained and help you make friends during your free time. As your activities assistant and also a current student at Bucks, I am dedicated to providing a wide range of additional recreational activities and training for all members to take part in wherever possible. So what’s involved? Our activities and training sessions take place every week and are free for you to enjoy as often as you like. While University may be about getting that academic qualification, planning for life after university is important and the jobs market is tough, we want to help you stand out from the crowd. Our training and development opportunities are designed by us using external tutors, for you to gain as many skills and abilities to add to your CV. Gaining as many experiences and skills to your CV will increase your employability whether that be for part-time work alongside your studies or to help you land your dream role after graduation. Last year our members completed training in everything from Public Speaking, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Sign Language, Sports Taping and much, much more. We also

provided a number of trips and events dedicated to supporting you in your chosen career path, by communicating with your course leaders we work to offer a variety of course related skills sessions and activities to compliment your degree choice. Our events vary from just one hour to full days so you can pick times that suit you and work around your studies and other commitments. That’s not all we offer, we know you work hard and with deadlines approaching each month and exams on the horizon it’s important that you make the most of your free time and spend it creating fond memories and socialising with old friends or making new ones. Our recreational activities are provided to help you do just that. Each month we provide a number of different opportunities; you can relax with friends at a movie night, liven up at a fitness class, get competitive at Paintballing, sightsee in London, walk the beaches of Brighton and brush up on your skills in an art class. Term hasn’t started yet and already we have all of the above and so much more ready and in place for you to make the most of. What’s the catch? There really isn’t one! As part of the Big Deal every single one of our training sessions and recreational activities are completely free to all our members. So how can you get started? We’ll be at both the Uxbridge and High Wycombe Fresher’s Fair’s ready to greet you with all our fantastic events, you can sign up on the day or visit our website to attend as many sessions as you can fit in your diary! Keep an eye out for our ‘How to…’ guide, it will be all around campus and has been created so that you can read through and decide what you would like to try. Lastly, if you have an ability or skill you want to share with others, or if you would like us to put on activities you can’t find elsewhere then get in touch to help us offer more!

Pre-Freshers' Issue

By Daisy Howells


Get involved.

10 Pre-Freshers' Issue



Student reps are the leading voice for their class and peers within the University. They have the ability to initiate change, minimise miscommunication between staff and students, and improve their course for future years. Student reps are vital in collecting essential feedback that can then be utilised by the Students’ Union as well as the university. Student reps are a central aspect of student representation and as part of their role, work closely with the Students’ Union team to create a worthwhile educational experience for all. Student reps are elected during our annual student elections which take place every March. For our new first year students and for any roles that have not yet been filled, we hold another election at the start of the academic year in order to ensure that the student voice is effectively represented at every level. Any student can nominate themselves and run to become a student rep for their respective course and group. The group will then vote for who they wish to represent them. The student elected is then responsible for their class or group for the duration of the academic year. Student reps collate feedback from their course peers and take this information to a Programme Committee Meeting twice a year with the staff members of their department. The points are raised, discussed, and action points taken forward if change needs to

is available through the Students’ Union at all times throughout the year. We’re currently in the process of making some exciting changes to our Representation offer so that we can continue to help implement a positive student experience. In addition, student reps are recognised for their hard work and dedication The chance to be a student rep provides a range of transferable skills and opportunities all beneficial to your throughout the course of the academic year and can be rewarded up to £100 upon the completion of training, CV; heightening your appeal to potential employers. programme committee meetings and feedback forms. Being a student rep increases your leadership abilities Student reps that have made a significant impact within through being the main point of communication between your academics, peers and the Students’ Union. the year are recognised by the Students’ Union through our Rep Recognition Scheme, and may be nominated This in turn improves skills like organisation and time for an award at the Annual Union Awards. management, by ensuring your course are regularly informed with any changes and that all feedback to given If you are interested in the role of a student rep, you to the Students’ Union and your academics is done so can get in touch with the Student Representation team before the deadline. Alongside this, student reps have by heading to the Students’ Union office at either the opportunity to push a better academic experience the High Wycombe or Uxbridge campus where we by challenging any issues within the course and make a will be happy to answer any questions about the positive change for their group. This drive is recognised role of a student rep and the process of student rep by employers as a desirable and forward thinking skill. nominations/elections. Alternatively you can email be implemented. Student reps then distribute this information back to their peers and complete an online feedback form to update the Students’ Union on how the meeting went and whether further action needs to be taken or if any extra support is needed.

Student reps are provided with training informing them on their duties and responsibilities, and support or for information.







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12 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Freshers' Fortnight: Sat 16 - Sat 30 Sept

Thursday 21

Sunday 17

Saturday 16 Tuesday 23



DID YOU MISS US? #BucksFreshers

SATURDAY 16 SEPTEMBER We are open from midday for you to check out The Venue, chill out in the bar and watch some sports while getting to know your new flatmates!




Saturday 23

Monday 18

Wednessday 20

Tuesday 19

Monday 25




Sunday 28 31 Wednesday

Sunday 24

Wednesday Friday 29 31

Thurday 28

Wednesday 31 DJ SET


Tuesday 26

Saturday 30


Pre-Freshers' Issue

Wednesday 27


Freshers' Fortnight: Sat 16 - Sat 30 Sept

Friday 22

14 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Society news.

By Tyler-Louise Griffiths

ACAPELLA SOCIETY Since becoming an established society in September 2016, Bucks Acapella Society managed to achieve outstanding society in its first year. We had a successful first year, holding weekly meetings and finding how we work best to sing and perform as a group. By using claps, stamps and beatboxing to build up the rhythm and adding our voices, we have been able to arrange a number of songs from a wide variety of genres – so there’s something that appeals to everyone! Over the Christmas period we worked on some carols and festive songs, this really gave us a sense of what we could achieve when we really focus and work together as a group. In April we performed at Bucks Live’s Neverland event a small set of some of the songs we had worked on during the year, the performances can be viewed on our YouTube channel Bucks Acapella. As a society, we worked hard to really get involved with the Student’s Union and the projects they run. Partaking in volunteering projects such as wiggly bags and the Smile Campaign allowed us to do so, and we hope to continue to keep up our involvement in the coming years of the society. In May we collaborated with the LGBT Society in a joint takeover of Lucky Voice at the Student’s Union with the theme of Stars in Their Eyes, based on the TV show. The takeover was a success and allowed us to raise the profile of the society as well as show that we are able to work with other societies

within the University. As a society, we took a trip to London to see School of Rock in the New London Theatre in May. By watching the show, we were able to see how performers confidently use their performance space and how we could improve our own performances in response. We are hoping to make another trip to London to see another show in the new year, in hopes that we can further improve our performance skills as a group. Through all that we have done in the past year we were able to achieve Outstanding Society status and received an invite to the Union Awards. We are extremely proud of what we managed to achieve in our first year of being an established society and we know that we can achieve just as much, if not more in the coming year. It would be great to gain more members for the society, with no limit on how many people can sing acapella. We meet every Tuesday from 7-9pm in The Room on the ground floor of South Block, so come along to see us at Fresher’s Fair in September! If you would like to know more about the society feel free to contact us through our social media; Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat: @bucksacapella and Facebook: Bucks Acapella Society.


Hello Freshers! A warm welcome to you from all of us in the Equestrian Society. We are super excited for you all to join our University, and (potentially) our Society! Who are we? The Equestrian Society is brand new, starting out in January 2017. It’s a brilliant way to try something different, make new friends, and get away from the stress of Uni life! Whether you are a complete beginner, or have been riding since you could walk! The Society caters to all levels of riding abilities and links with the Sport for Fun programme, which provides lessons for students at a ridiculously cheap price. But how does it work? Lessons are held every Wednesday, at the Grove Riding School. Transport is provided to and from the High Wycombe Campus. When you’re not riding, you can explore the stables, lessons in stable management, and take some fire selfies with the cute ponies. (You’ll be best friends if you bring them some polos!) What do we do? Our society aims to make your university experience as fun as possible. Not only do we go riding every week, but we also hold socials every fortnight, and plan to go on trips to local shows, and big ones like HOYs and Olympia. There is also some talk of other trips, keep an eye on our Facebook page for more info!

such as flatwork, jumping, Horseball, Cross-Country, and more! We hold two lessons every Wednesday, each lasting one hour. While you’re not riding you can get up to speed on stable management, and help take care of the other horses.

Social Media

How do I know it’s my cuppa tea?

Snapchat – bnuhorseriding

We will be holding a Freshers only FREE Taster session on Wednesday 4 October. So, if you’re not sure, come and give it a try! You will have a full tour of the stables, meet the committee, a half an hour ride, and learn about stable management! There will be 24 spaces available on a first come, first served basis. Please feel free to contact the committee if you have any questions about this.

You can also check out our Promo videos on the Bucks’ Student TV YouTube channel.

How do I join? It’s super easy, and completely free. All you need to do is come and see us at Freshers' Fair, we will be at both campuses. After you've completed enrolment, you can also go onto the Bucks Students’ Union website, and click Student Activities – Societies - Equestrian Society - Join. (Make sure to check out at the end or it won’t work!). Committee

Tell me more about the lessons!

We're here for you to contact at any time, with any questions you may have:

The Lessons are taught by the brilliant instructors at the Grove, and are planned based on the ability of the group. In our first term of lessons, we had students go from being scared to go near a horse, to confidently riding within eight short weeks! Our lessons include activities

Chair: Bethany Claire – Secretary: Brittani Oldham – Treasurer: Jenni Martin –

Remember to find us on Social media to keep up to speed with the society and lessons! Facebook, Twitter & Instagram – BNU Horse Riding

We look forward to meeting you!

Pre-Freshers' Issue

By Beth Trevis


Society news.

16 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Society news.

By Emily Dixie


Yoga society was created to help students de-stress from university life and helps relieve muscle strains as well as help you relax in a healthy and enjoyable environment. Yoga society is also a way of meeting new people in a new way. Yoga society is open to all levels of yoga so anyone can join. Yoga society uses different types of yoga such as Vinyasa Flow and Kundalini. This year we hope to expand on the types of yoga.

Last year Yoga society were the first society to reach the outstanding accreditation and won society of the year. Yoga society did this by being involved in volunteering opportunities such as: international Girls Day, Smile Campaign as well as Raise and Give events. They also did collaborations with other societies, this was done by having collaborative sessions with each other or even holding a joint social This year they are

hoping to increase what they are involved with and hope you will to. Contact us if you have any enquiries: Facebook: BNU Yoga Society Email: Twitter: @BucksYoga Instagram (search for): Bucks Yoga

To join Yoga Society come to the Freshers' Fair on Wed 20 / Thur 21 Sept depending what campus you are on and sign our join up sheet. Yoga society also has a committee: Chair -Emilee Platts who is a 3rd year Dance and Performance student Secretary - Emily Nurden and she is a 3rd year Dance and Fitness student Treasurer - Emily Dixie who is a 2nd year Dance and Performance student. These three students are committed to help Yoga Society grow in new and different way and to keep this society progressing to become one of the most outstanding societies.

EVER DREAMT OF RUNNING YOUR OWN RADIO SHOW? Bucks Students’ Union is looking for enthusiastic students to help us run and host it. From presenters to station managers, and technicians to marketing and sponsorship, we want you to get involved and be a part of the team behind Bucks Students’ Union’s very own, live radio station. We stream Rusty’s Radio around campus and online for everyone to tune into 24-hours a day.

From hip-hop to jazz, hard rock to disco, talk radio, sport and more, student radio has something for everyone so get involved!

Find Rusty’s Radio on:

For more information, email: | or visit:


Welcome to a world of fantasy! ... Well, in our case sweat, swords and bucklers. Hello Bucks Blades here, we are a sword fighting group situated in this very University. We practice every Wednesday on the annual time table, in S2.06, 7pm until 9pm, then a delightful social at the local pubs (none alcohol drinkers welcome too). You can attend if your male, female or anything else you fancy, even furriers if you dare. We teach you the ins and outs of a sword fighting style called HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), a traditional 14-15th script translated to the best of human abilities. With us you’ll first learn to use an arming sword ( also known as a single hander), before moving on to the bastard sword (hand and a half), to sword and buckler (single hander and a small shield), and if we can find the time and space we learn how to use a billhook (a long pole with a shiny spike on the end). Although you have no need to worry, as the swords we use aren't made of steel, but instead nylon (bits of pointy plastic with handles). Our injury level is even probably lower that the pole society, we try to make everyone as comfortable as possible through out any training session, and you're more that welcome to step out at any time. At Bucks Blades you don't need to worry about sword fighting 24-7, because there is plenty of fundraising or volunteering to get involved with! Last year, we worked with multiple charities, for example red nose day and the one can trust.

For volunteering we have worked with Chiltern Open Air Museum mostly, our Halloween night with them was a spectacular event helping to bring the most visitors to the museum in 3 years! We also have a breath easy social at the end of every term, which we like to call “Film Knight”, we ask and let the members select the film we'd be watching and will mostly be situated over in OH2. We also have a sister society called The Paladins of Chivalry which is a 14-15th century period society who not only sword fight, but also star at events where they dress and “live” like they would have in the 14th-15th century, during training sessions they even occasionally have a dance and a bit of archery. Most importantly, it doesn’t matter what age, weight or skill you are - you could be a couch potato for all I care, you're welcome to join. Just remember, every Wednesday, 7-9pm, in room S2.06! Just listen out for the loud voices coming from down the corridor, to your left from the gateway walk over. We’re also on Facebook, just search Bucks Blades or email our chair at with any questions you may have or just for a chat. Hope to see you soon!

Pre-Freshers' Issue

By Josh Peckham


Society news.

18 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Union Awards.

By Daniel Lawrence

BE ACTIVE AT BUCKS! Want to be active but not compete in a sports team? You can with our recreational sporting programme.

With Sport for Fun you can try a variety of sports regardless of your ability. There is no commitment and the majority of our activities are free of charge and take place on different days, so there is always something for you to try. Sport for Fun gives you the opportunity to take part in sports you may not have previously tried, all in an enjoyable, non-competitive environment. What can I get involved in? We have 18 different Sport for Fun sessions which you can participate in including Table Tennis, Horse Riding, Netball, Climbing, Pilates and Fencing, with fitness classes at our Uxbridge campus. All these start from Saturday 30 September. In the weeks of Fresher’s we are also providing you with free trips to Grove Riding School, for an introduction to Horse Riding and The Snow Centre in Hemel Hempstead for an introduction to Skiing or Snowboarding What are the sessions like? All of our sessions are a fantastic way of improving your mental and physical health and well-being whilst meeting new people and enjoying yourself in a relaxed environment. Don’t just take this from me, students who took part last said that the sessions are “relaxed and enjoyable” and “have introduced me to friends for life”. With all sessions being unique, there is always something different for you to try in an atmosphere which suits you, Badminton for example, play a different theme of music each week for everyone to enjoy. Don’t want to walk to uni? Hire a bike instead! If you cannot wait for the start of the Sport for Fun programme, you can always take advantage of our bike hire scheme at both of our campuses in High Wycombe and Uxbridge. You can hire these bikes, Monday to Friday for a £20 cash deposit which will be returned subject to certain terms. For further information about the scheme, contact at the High Wycombe campus or for the bikes at Uxbridge. Alternatively pop into the Students’ Union offices and come see us. How do I get involved? If you are interested in participating or would like further information on any of the upcoming events, contact You can also keep up to date with everything on our Facebook page ‘Sport for Fun Bucks New Uni’, Twitter @Sport4FunBucks or on the website: Alternatively contact our Vice President Student Involvement Jimi Adeyinka via email (, Facebook (Bucks VPSI) or Twitter (@JimiVPSI).


AT BUCKS! WILL THE SUCCESS OF 2016/17 CARRY ON INTO 2017/18? Badminton here at Bucks has been a sport that has generated a lot of interest, with last years’ Sport for Fun numbers being an astonishing 143 people in total, which put Bucks as one of the top University’s for participation in Badminton! Sport for Fun is sessions hosted by the Badminton Sport for Fun ambassador, this year being Jake Scott, that are designed to be relaxing and fun for anyone to simply just turn up and play. At the Badminton Sport for Fun sessions, we aim to create a relaxing and enticing atmosphere using music; each week the ambassador will play music, of which is most likely to be a theme (00’s, boybands, songs beginning with the letter B, etc). We hope that this keeps each session different and exciting. The Badminton Sport for Fun sessions are solely for YOU, so we just set the nets up and you can play with your flatmates, friends or new people! On a Thursday, we have our team coach, Chris Pryor, attend for any Sport for Fun players to speak to for tips and a bit of help if they would like to get better – he won’t be running training sessions in this slot!

be approached by a member of the committee at the taster session and asked if you would like to attend these extra sessions, we aim to contact all members that we would like to continue with team practise after the initial taster session. Ideally, we would suggest that if you are looking to play competitively you have your own equipment to play with. Trainings run straight after the Tuesday Sport for Fun session. The Men’s team have their first competitive match on Wednesday 11th October away to Brunel. The Women’s team have their first game on Wednesday 18th October away to London South Bank. Teams will be picked by the captains a few days before the game after asking for availability. Players do not need to pay for transport, this is covered by the Students’ Union.

Both competitive teams finished last season mid table to avoid relegation, winning some difficult games. Both teams also won our Varsity Matches away to Roehampton, our rival University (you will hear a great deal about Varsity throughout the year, this is an It is extremely important to note: you don’t need to bring anything, all necessary equipment (nets, rackets, important date to keep available in your calendars!). shuttlecocks, etc) is supplied for free for the sessions. Due to having such a successful year last year in both For anyone that takes badminton a bit more seriously than the rest and thinks that they are up for playing for the University Badminton Team, make yourself known to the ambassador who will be wearing a University polo top that says Badminton Ambassador on the rear AT THE TASTER SESSION. As you can imagine, there will be some form of selection of who can attend the training sessions for the competitive team. You may

Sport for Fun and Competitively, the Students’ Union arranged a visit from former Olympic Silver Medallist and World Gold Medallist Badminton player Gail Emms! She joined one of Tuesday sessions to enjoy a relaxed Badminton session with the Sport for Fun players before taking a training session and a Q&A for the competitive players. It was a great privilege to welcome her to the University.

Most importantly, stay up to date with us on Facebook and Twitter! (Links below). All Sport for Fun and Competitive Badminton updates are posted straight to Facebook, BNU Badminton Club. Facebook: Twitter: @BucksBadminton

So, this brings us back to the question I proposed at the beginning, ‘will the success of 2016/17 carry on into 2017/18?’… Well, that is entirely up to you. We hope to see as many new faces as possible, and old ones too! Here’s to the next academic year of BNU Badminton Club! BNU Badminton Club 2017/18 Committee: Chairman/Sport for Fun Ambassador: Jake Scott Men’s Captain: Dan Lewis Women’s Captain: Susu Sawer Treasurer: Schawn Monteiro Secretary: Naomi Whale Taster sessions: Tuesday: 4:30pm - 7:00pm Thursday: 6:30pm – 7:30pm Sport for Fun: Tuesday: 4:30pm – 5:30pm Thursday: 6:30pm – 7:30pm Training: Tuesday: 5:30pm – 7:00pm Fixtures: Wednesday: updates on the facebook page.

Pre-Freshers' Issue

By Dan Lewis


Society news.

20 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Society news.

By Hufriya Mehta

BUCKS HANDBALL SOCIETY WELCOME TO BUCKS NEW UNI! IF YOU ARE READING THIS ARTICLE IN THE BUCKS STUDENT NEWSPAPER, THANK YOU! GLAD TO KNOW, SOME PEOPLE CAN LIVE WITHOUT THEIR PHONE OR TABLET! Now let's get down to business. The Bucks Handball Society is a relatively new Society; we are currently in our fourth year and are looking to enter a league and become an official sport. For those who do not know what Handball is, here goes. Handball is a combination of football, basketball and netball, so you can imagine it being an action-packed sport! It’s an intense sport with a full cardio workout and all you have to do is dribble or throw the ball around the court and shoot into the net. It really that easy!

more handball balls, suitable for men and females who play, glue to help to catch, especially when it is thrown across the court and will continue to invest to ensure that all our players are getting the best from the sport! Additionally, our society has invested in stash! Want to see this for yourself? Come down to the Events Hall at the High Wycombe campus every Tuesday between 7-8.30pm for an energetic session! Each session is different and exciting varying from a fun session to a full-on game.

We may be a Sport for Fun, but we play like a Sports team. Your Chairman, Joshua, is recently a qualified Level 1 coach who plans each session in advance to make each session worthwhile! If you don’t know how to play, don’t worry, we make every week as fun and exciting as possible whilst teaching you the rules. We hope that by the end of the session, you know what the game is all about!

Your committee members are Joshua Kidby as your Chairman, Cameron Mccarthy as your Secretary, and Hufriya Mehta as your Treasurer. We are here to ensure that the society runs smoothly. We listen to our members if they have any concerns and ensure they enjoy every session. The members and the committee work together as a part of a larger family.

And no, this sport is not ‘just for men’! We have an increase in female players too and is likely to double in the future because “This Girl Can” play Handball too! To fulfil the growing popularity, the Committee members are investing further in making our society as interesting as possible.

Why don’t you pop down and be a part of the Handball family and make new friends, get fit and learn new skills! To join, go to the Students' Union website and select Student Activities and click on Societies. Select Handball and add us to your basket via the Join icon. Once you've completed the check out process, that's it, you're done! Don’t forget to join our Facebook group: Bucks Handball Society 2017/2018! We hope to see you there! If you have any queries at all contact Joshua (

We have also invested in making our session as professional as possible by buying

AMERICAN FOOTBALL The BNU Buccaneers are the American Football team for Bucks New Uni. Currently playing in the BUCS 2A South division, in the last season the team has gone from strength to strength having an overall winning season under the new management of Coach Capp along with the intelligent Football mind of Coach Eckheart assisting him whilst he settles in to his new role. The team is looking to improve from last season’s record of 3-3 with high hopes of winning the division and promotion firmly placed within the minds of the players. Last year the team boasted two awards at the annual Athletic Union dinner with Coach Eckheart winning ‘Overall Coach of the Year’ and the ex-chairman Matthew Draper taking home the ‘Player of the Year’ award. The Buccaneers is a team very involved in socialising and supporting other teams at the university, having socials every week to build team spirit and going to various takeovers to aid other clubs with their funding. Each year the Buccaneers host the Super Bowl at the Student Union Bar as organised by our fundraiser Nicole Prehn. This is a fun night in which you can kick back and relax in our VIP seating area whilst watching the big game live on the big screen with high quality surround sound. On the night, you won’t go hungry as we offer hot dogs and nachos which can be served with a fresh cold beer straight from a keg. If you want to go the extra mile for comfort, then enjoy service straight to your table from our waiters/waitresses. The Super Bowl only happens once a year so we make sure the experience lives up to the occasion.

Meet the Committee: The team is being led by the club chairman and offensive lineman Olliy Marchut who runs the club and will ensure success throughout the season. The club secretary and cornerback Padraig Nugent will be handling a lot of the paperwork and assisting Olliy in his role. Next, we have Lauren Staveley who will be this year’s treasurer, Lauren will be ensuring the club stays on track and continues to make sure money is spent wisely for the team. Nicole Prehn will act as this year’s fundraiser, helping organise events such as the Super Bowl as well as charity events which aid the local and national community. Captain of the team Bruce Jackson will be there to lead us into game days and always around for support of the old and new team members. You can look forward to socials every week from our newest Social and Welfare Secretary, Michael Chara. Michael will oversee each social and make sure we have a good time, and organise joint socials with various other teams at the University. Last but certainly not least, we have Mona Gundi who will act as our Kit Manager to ensure every player has correctly fitting kit and that all training equipment gets to where we need it to be for our training sessions.

Pre-Freshers' Issue

By Lauren Staveley


Society news.

22 Pre-Freshers' Issue

Sports news.


By Keeley Hamilton

Want to be a part of one of the biggest families at Bucks? Then the BNU Swans Cheer Squad is for you. Whether you have competed at Level 6 or never cheered before, we welcome everyone, boys and girls! Come along to our open sessions to have some fun, learn new skills and to decide whether you would like to try out for our competition squads in Main Cheer, Pom and Jazz. Cheerleading is a team sport that consists of a range of different skills including: stunts, tumbles, cheer jumps and dance. The BNU Swans train weekly in Main Cheer, Pom and Jazz, in preparation for the competitive season. The squad competes in both University competitions and National championships over the academic year. The Swans have had great success throughout their history at a range of competitions including BCA, Future Cheer, Legacy and ICC. Last year we were able to bring home three 1st place and two 2nd place trophies, and we are looking forward to the next season, hoping the club to run smoothly, everyone has a different role to bring home some more amazing trophies! within the club however we all share an equal passion for cheer! Who knows, you might be a member of the If competing is not for you, we hold a sport for fun session every week, in order for you to keep fit and have swans committee one day?! fun! These sessions are tailored to you and allow you to work on whichever skills you would like to improve most. We also welcome Social Swans to become part of our cheer family! Come along to our socials, which we hold on a Wednesday night before heading to the Venue for Frat. Joining the Swans is a great escape from the stress of studying, a great way to meet new friends and overall enhance your university experience.

Chair – Keeley Hamilton Captain – Alexa Joel Co-Captain – Ellie Adams Secretary – Jade Collis Treasurer – Anna-Maria Tsoroni Social Secretary – Katie Wright Fundraiser – Sophie Parfitt

Time to meet the committee! The Swans committee is made up of seven very important positions which allow

Feel free to message any of us on Facebook if you have any questions, we would love to meet our future swans!


We have lots of exciting events throughout the year including open sessions, try-outs, socials, takeover and other fundraisers, comps and performances, tour and AU dinner! So make sure you are following all of our social media accounts for our important updates! Like our Facebook page ‘BNU Swans Cheer Squad’ and join ‘BNU Swans Social Page 2017/18’, follow our Instagram @bnuswanscheersquad, twitter @BNUSwans and add our snapchat @swanscheersquad. We hope to see lots of your lovely faces soon, look out for us in our cheer uniforms on your move in day and at the Freshers' Fair, come and have a chat with us! To find out more information email



Please call to make an appointment at either campus for a face-to-face, telephone or Skype appointment.

High Wycombe Campus:


Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4.30pm Located: Room N0.03, ground floor, North Block Phone: 01494 603 016

Uxbridge Campus:

Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4.30pm Located: Room 1.03, first floor Phone: 01494 605 180


Evening appointments are available outside of standard opening hours at High Wycombe Mon-Thurs: 5pm to 7pm. Please contact us to arrange an appointment at a time to suit you. ACCOMMODATION



BUCKS LADIES HOCKEY Vice Captain – Rebecca Weatherhead

Secretary – Nicole Heritage

As Vice Captain of Bucks Ladies Hockey I want to

As Secretary of Bucks Ladies Hockey I am here to help

see each member of the team putting a 100% into

anyone in the team with any issues or problems they may

every training session and match. If we all do this then

Coach. Although there were only a few of them, they

have. I believe this brings us closer as a family and allows

we can have another highly successful season and

carried the Club and its new recruits through the

us to work better as a team. Thus making our goals of

achieve our team goals. Although I will be out of play

finishing the season in a strong position more achievable. I

season to finish second in the League. Not bad when

for the majority of the season, due to injury, I will be supporting and encouraging the team at all matches

am also here to help Victoria perform her duties as Chair.

you consider that at the start of the year they were the only three players on the team!

and training sessions. I am also going to be on hand to

As many of you may know we at Bucks Ladies Hockey had to bid farewell to our four remaining seniors. Charlie French, Captain, Ellie Butcher, Chair, Justina Mereckyte, Social Secretary, and Kirsty Anley-Dean,

So having learnt from the best I am pleased to introduce the Bucks Ladies Hockey 2017/18 Committee and what they hope to achieve in the coming year... Captain- Tao Warburton As Captain of Bucks Ladies Hockey I am looking forward to seeing us all improve as a team. I also look forward to the team working hard together to complete the season as well as we did last year, if not better and potentially winning our league.

support Tao in all of her duties as Captain. I am really looking forward to welcoming our new

I am looking forward to welcoming our new team members at the start of the year and making their experience of hockey one to remember.

players into the Bucks Hockey family and having them

Treasurer – Phoebe Scovell

contribute to another successful season.

As Treasurer of Bucks Ladies Hockey I am looking

Chair – Victoria Mackenzie

forward to getting more involved with the team and hope

As Chair of Bucks Ladies Hockey I am really looking forward to seeing the Club grow. We saw it through last

that I can learn something new in the process. I also hope to make an enthusiastic part contribution to the team.

season when we finished the year with more ladies at

I am really looking forward to September where we can

training in the final months than there were at the start.

recruit new members and build this family even bigger

I am looking forward to meeting our new family

and hopefully end the year winning our league and gaining promotion.

The future will look particularly bright with the new

members, because that is what we are at Bucks Hockey,

recruits coming in, bringing new blood and finding their

and introducing more people to the sport and enhancing

We look forward to meeting and welcoming as many

places in an already well-built team.

the skills of the ones that have previously played.

of you as possible to our Hockey Family in 2017/18!

Pre-Freshers' Issue

By Tao Warburton, Rebecca Weatherhead, Nicole Heritage & Phoebe Scovell


Sports news.

BUCKS FRESHERS! To get your official Bucks Freshers’ wristband you will need a copy of your acceptance letter as well as a valid photo ID


Get your wristbands in The Lounge from Saturday 16 September at noon

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