The Bucks Student - Edition 12

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Don’t forget!

bucks student edition 12

October 2010

NEWS Black History Month

Find out more information on Black History month, and how it started in the UK

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Highlights of 2 more societies: the LGBT Society and Afro Caribbean Society

Page 8

ENTS Halloween

Browne Review Scraps Fee Cap Students to pay £6,000 or more a year

Hootenanny Special

An interview with Sworn to Oath and Evil:Scarecrow who will be performing at the Students’ Union on Sat 30th Oct

Page 10

LIFESTYLES Private rented accommodation

Hints and tips on private accommodation

Page 17

SPORTS Fixture results

Latest match results and sports news

Page 23

Clocks go back 1hour on Sunday 31st October at 02.00am (BST)

A report by Lord Browne has recommended the £3290 per year cap on tuition fees in England be removed. UK Business Secretary Vince Cable said a fee of £7000 a year to get university qualifications was being considered by ministers but fees for some courses could top £12,000.

Students may have to start paying £6000 pounds or more in university fees if the government adopts the recommendations of Lord Browne’s review that was published last week. However, students won’t have to start paying their loans back until they are earning more than £21,000 a year. Universities choosing to charge over £6000 will have to prove that they are providing a service equal to the fees they are charging and that they have a fair admissions policy. Despite this, many potential and current students are worried that removing the fee cap will lead to an even greater gap opening between the rich and the poor students. Eight days ago on October 12th, Lord Browne of Madingley released his controversial report on the review of “Fees policy and financial support for...students”. Many have waited a long time for this report, it has been scheduled since top up fees were introduced in to law in the ‘Higher Education Act 2004’ by Tony Blair and the Labour Government.

By Laz Wood

Student Editor //

The vote is well remembered as it was the closest New Labour ever came to being defeated in the House of Commons. It was won by just five votes. The outcome sparked huge controversy as forty-six of the deciding votes were cast by Scottish Labour MP’s whose constituencies weren’t affected by the legislation. It was also a complete u-turn on New Labour’s 2001 election manifesto pledge stating “We have no plans to introduce University top-up fees, and have legislated to prevent their introduction.” Launched on the 9th of November 2009, the review has looked at a huge range of issues involving higher education and has come up with a comprehensive set of reforms. The review presents “a radical plan to shake up higher education in England and a charter for choice for students, who will be entrusted with far more power to shape their own future.” Find out the response from Bucks VC PG 5

Make history this November. Join us as we march on the streets of central London to fight against the looming savage education cuts. For more info check out: Printed on 100% recycled paper | Help reduce your carbon footprint by recycling your newspaper Bucks Students’ Union and Bucks New University are committed to doing their part in recycling and reducing their carbon footprint

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Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Tom Foy - Editor t: 01494 601600 e: Laz Wood - Student and Community Editor e: Kelly McGarry - LifeStyle Editor e: Louby Delahunty - Entertainments Editor e: Tanya Virdy - News Editor e: Harry Boileau - Features Editor e: Richie Stuttard - Sports Editor e: Claire Cullen - Fashion Editor e: Tanya Virdy - Celebrity Fashion Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soaps & TV Editor e: Dorian Stone - Reviews Editor e: Talie Campbell - Arts & Literature Editor e: Monika Stary - Jobs & Careers Editor e: Joanna Szczpanowska - International & Travel Editor e: For Advertising: Vicki Buffoni t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students Union for more information.

features News P3 International P6 Societies P9 Entertainments P11 Photos P11 Ents Wallplanner P12 Lifestyles P17 Movie Reviews P20 Soaps & TV P21 Puzzles P22 Sports P23

Letter from the Student Editor Laz Wood e: Hello and welcome to another edition of The Bucks Student! We have two new sections in this edition that are well worth a read. Firstly, be sure to check out our new ‘Society’s’ page. It’s got reviews and updates and hopefully in the next edition we will be able to expand it to keep you informed on even more society news. Of course, if you’re a society

and you want to see reviews of your meetings or events on the page then get in touch with us! Secondly be sure to give the editors choice (section below) a quick glance. I think you’ll find it enjoyable, but most importantly I hope that some of you will write in a reply to the views and opinions expressed there. Ideally we’d like to get a really good public debate going on some of the key issues affecting us as BNU students. I suggest you also give the reviews a quick glance in Lifestyles. They’re really interesting and I challenge anyone to disagree with Joss’

view of Yates. The sports section is still quieter than many would like but our new Sports Editor, Richie Stuttard, has managed to get some great stuff together that’s well worth a read. You can certainly look forward to a much more action packed sports section next time as we will do our best to cover every sports match! I hope that you all enjoy reading this edition of The Bucks Student but if you think that there is something missing, or if you have an idea of how we could improve the newspaper, feel free to email me.

Editor’s £60,000 blown on ‘road block’ benches? Choice Welcome to the new Editor’s Choice section. Normally our policy is to write hard news stories in a fair and un-biased way so that you, the reader, can get all the information and then form your own opinion. However, as good journalists we are often writing about stories and issues which deeply affect us though we never get the chance to express our opinion. This page is dedicated to letting the members of Bucks Student Newsgroup have the chance to voice their beliefs on the issues within each edition of the paper. This is not just so that we can rant to the world in general, rather it is hoped that the views expressed here will a spark healthy debate amongst the students and staff of Bucks New Uni and the Student’s Union. Anyone is then free to respond to the views expressed on this page by emailing the Student Editor at student.editor@ thebucksstudent. com. We will try and put as many of those responses as possible in the following edition of the paper so that we build up a series of debates that will hopefully be engaging and informative for everyone. Of course the views and opinions expressed on this page are those of the individual writer and not those of Bucks Student Newsgroup or any of its publications.

Recycle your copy of the Bucks Student once you have finished.

Hopefully you saw the front page story in the last edition of The Bucks Student, if you didn’t, here’s a brief summary: In order to get planning permission for the Gateway building, the university was required to contribute to public art to make the space in and around the building nicer for those people

who were going to be using it or walking past it. They spent £60,000 on building the concrete eyesores we now see strewn about the pavement outside the building. They were designed by a man called Carl Clerkin, someone who probably should never set foot in our uni again. I think it’s fair enough that our university should contribute something to public art as part of a major build like the Gateway building, if we didn’t have these sorts of requirements placed on major construction throughout the town then we would end up with a very boring view from street level. My big issue with these benches is why on earth did the university sanction the construction of these monuments to designer apathy, these shining examples of creative lethargy, these polished concrete road blocks that look like something the builders forgot to take with them when they finished work on the Gateway? Furthermore, why did they then agree to let them be placed in such a manner that they look like a giant concrete Jenga tower has just fallen over? What shocks me most is this: With the

enormous amount of creative talent in the university, how did we end up paying to build the brain child of a man who is either downright lazy or a genius conartist? Why didn’t the university hold an open competition amongst the students? Why weren’t we asked to vote on what public art we wanted, seeing as we are the ones who will be using it most? Maybe I’m being too harsh on a group of people who, ignoring the benches for a moment, generally did a great job. I do love the Gateway building, I think it’s an elegant and well designed building and I am exceedingly grateful that we have such an excellent facility available to us. Then again, maybe that is why I am so angry. They did such a good job with the rest of the project that it beggars belief that these uncomfortable, uninteresting and frankly despised pieces of ‘art’ managed to make the cut. I know that this issue has already been the subject of much debate in the University so if you have an opinion, or want to comment on the views expressed here please do write in and let us know.

Thank God I’m a third year and Browne can’t get me!

“No posters, it makes the place look tatty”

Lord Browne of Madingley, ‘the man with the plan’, the plan to radically mangle our Higher Education system that is. Now I’m not saying I disagree with the idea that if we pay more for our courses, we will get more in return and it seems only right that if we have to pay more back then we shouldn’t have to start paying it back until we’re earning more. What annoys me is the fact that these proposals will do away with equal education opportunities for all. Essentially what it boils down to is that universities need more money so we’re being asked to pay it. Ok but who decides how much we need to pay? Is it some independent committee? No. Is it an equal opportunities panel? No. It is in fact the universities themselves. If the government accepts these proposals then there will no longer be any cap on the fees universities can charge. Can you imagine just how fast fees for somewhere like Oxford will rocket up? Some people will say ‘Oh well you don’t understand,

So I am led to believe, the University has come up with another amazing policy! There are to be no posters except on the designated poster boards, they make the place look tatty. Wow, I mean seriously WOW! Now maybe it’s just me but aren’t posters kind of an essential part of the communication process in a university? Even in the ‘elite’ universities there are posters everywhere advertising societies, events and even just good advice for improving your studies. I personally don’t see the problem here. Even if the posters do make the place look tatty to officials, why does it matter? The university isn’t there to cater to its officials or its employees, again forgive me if I’m wrong but I thought a university was there to provide an education and be a place where teenager’s can make the transition into adulthood. Which students are concerned about the way posters make our uni look tatty? Now it seems to me that posters advertising societies where you can, amongst other things, learn adult social skills are fairly essential to the university experience. Posters advertising events (and I don’t just mean piss ups but actual events like TVP Chief Constable Sara Thornton’s visit) are also fairly essential to the university experience. Finally, well I don’t really need to explain the importance of posters giving advice on improving your studies, if you don’t understand that you shouldn’t be studying at, or working for, a university at all. Of course my natural reaction is to say “everyone go and put a poster together about your society, course or an important event (preferably educational for credibility’s sake), print off ten copies and stick ‘em up round the uni. If they want to take away our right to advertise important information then let’s smother them with it regardless until they get the message that we will not allow such an injunction on our freedom to stand!” But in reality I couldn’t possibly condone such a radical course of action, nor am I in any way suggesting that you actually do that... I’ll leave you with one final thought though: We are paying for this Uni, and we’re about to be paying a lot more for it, we have to put up with the tatty eyesore that are the benches outside the Gateway building, why shouldn’t we have the right to put up posters, tatty or otherwise?

universities must justify the rise in their fees by showing that the education and services they provide are worth paying that amount’. Really? Do you think the wealth of intellectual talent at Oxford can’t prove that a three year course there is worth £60,000 as opposed to the £20,000 you would probably be paying here at Bucks New Uni? Do you really think that the old and well established universities won’t find loopholes left, right and centre to get around the obligations? However, this plan does have to get through government and be made legislation before it actually comes in to effect. Who knows, maybe the Liberals won’t do a u-turn and break their election manifesto pledge like Labour did in 2004. Maybe they will argue against these proposals and demand that their five-year plan to scrap top up fees be introduced. The truth is though I can’t see any political party that holds any kind of influence going against Browne’s proposals.

Letter from the Editor Tom Foy e: March With Us on 10th November or Our University May Die As you read this paper today, the full picture of what cuts the government are proposing on higher education will come to light. On Friday (the day I wrote this article) we heard from a leaked email to the BBC that they could be as severe as 79%. Can you possibly imagine what cuts of 79% could do to an institution like ours? Well assuming the cuts are spread evenly between departments the first thing, and if you hadn’t noticed already, the thing that has already been severely cut is staff. So that’s fewer lecturers which means an increase in class sizes and fewer contact hours. Also the service staff go, so that’s fewer people to help process student loans, sort out council tax requests, help with accommodation, clean the campus, maintain equipment and IT, don’t get me started on library opening hours. Those of you that have complained about service levels so far, just you wait! What could they possibly cut next? Well, that would be courses. As I’m sure you are aware some courses cost more to run than others. So which will go first? Ceramics and glass already fell on their swords last year. From information we have received from graduates this has already had an effect on them, no employer can find the details of the course these graduates say they were on so they go for someone else. Next will be any course that costs more to run than the university makes back in fees and and grants from the government, so we’re talking about furniture, art, graphics, and textiles - take your pick from any arts based courses we deliver, they could be gone over night. So now we’ve got rid of the courses and staff, what’s left? Well us, the Students’ Union, first of all say goodbye to the Big Deal. Forget free entertainments, free recreational activities, free sport and paid representation. Without the Big Deal we’d have to ask ourselves if we could really afford to run a bar. Would you still come to us if you had to pay £5-£10 to come in? The money we take behind the bar is put into running sports, societies, and this paper! We couldn’t pay course reps and would struggle to represent your views to the university or represent you academically if you were in trouble. Even our advice centre and financial support would struggle to support students. So we’ve now got no lecturers or support staff, a limited range of courses, no course representation, no support if you need help financially or personally, no bar to meet your friends and nowhere for you to enjoy your hobby, sporting or otherwise. The unfair proposed increase in fees won’t bridge this gap, so whatever happens next if these changes go ahead unchecked the future looks bleak for Higher Education in the UK and for institutions like Bucks in particular. BUT THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP THIS! On 10th November Bucks Students will be joining the national demonstration against the cuts to higher education. • Email to book your place on our free buses • Go to and sign up for more information. • Join the Facebook group: We Will March 10.11.10 : Bucks Students’ Union at DEMOLITION 2010. • Change your Facebook picture to the DEMO logo and advertise it to your friends. • Write to your MP asking him to oppose the cuts (especially if they are a Lib Dem, who promised a fairer funding of Higher Education) you can find a sample letter at Let’s not just stand by while the coalition government robs us of a higher Education system that we deserve, see you on the 10th. Tom Foy Bucks Students’ Union President

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Black history month


lack History Month (BHM) was initiated United kingdom’s history a major player in by Carter G Woodson in America in the horrendous activity and abolition of slave 1926 as a way to respond to the oftentrade. Also it’s a time when Afro-Caribbean expressed view that Black Americans and or African – Caribbean people reflect on their other peoples of African descent had made no ancestral past through workshops, seminars and significant contribution to human civilization. events tailored toward learning about slavery It was first celebrated in the United Kingdom in and the courageous works of countless numbers 1987, having been initiated by the then Chair of of activists and often with a bit of an African the London Strategic Policy Unit, Linda Bellos. theme. Often times people, including myself, We can’t ignore or forget what these great come out of these events and seminars sore and black pioneers campaigned and fought for vexed (livid even) because it was a horrible - liberation, equality, and most importantly thing that was done. At this point you can see recognition. I don’t intend to go into the whole and feel the rage and unity among the race history of the slave trade as information about it regardless of your tone of black: African, Afrois widely available. Equally we cannot Caribbean, black British whatever, shy away from the revulsion and we are one! Please as a white person abuse that the people involved and if you don’t know this, the month of their generation had to bear and so for October is our time as black people this reason I greatly salute and give so beware - we are very sensitive it up to those brave men and women during this period, now you know! who rose to the challenge to oppose So ease off on the racial jokes even oppression even whilst in detention. if it’s one that has always gone down The list of names are endless, you well in the past, someone might just Above: Linda Bellos know them! flip. Black history month is also a Black history month from my time when all black westerners are experience, has been about Martin proud to say they are Africans and Luther King and the likes, what they stood for acknowledge the continent as their homeland and how that has paved way for the “black race” and pedigree only to detach from it for the rest which makes perfect sense since black history of the year. month is an American initiative often argued In my opinion black history month is very to be included in Americas history, an opinion much slavery oriented, a subject I can’t relate widely shared by many including myself and to as my history as a black person having a God bless Linda Bellos who initiated it in the profound knowledge of my heritage and I am UK, an area of focus yet to be included in the sure there are many more people in the same



Tell us at

Above: Martin Luther King

position, though I have come to learn about the history of the slave trade and the enormity of Africans involved however, I find it despicable to hear someone say “you can’t talk about your history as a black person without talking about slavery”. Let’s not forget that despite the millions of men and women who were subjected to slavery as a result of the slave trade, so also are there millions of men and women of the same race oblivious to the existence of the trade. If we are going to use the word “black history” as a collective term, it should be with one purpose - celebrating the roots of the race, the different cultures, tribes, languages, warriors, kingdoms, food and most importantly values not an history dominated by slavery theme as that will be a one sided history hence defective as black history. There are large numbers of the race, mostly Africans, who can’t relate to the issue of slavery and frankly speaking find it imposed on their history when they come out of the continent to the west – (where BHM is observed), to hear about black history month and it’s highly concentrated slavery content subjecting every black person to a legacy of slavery. However it is extremely relevant to have a time in the year to commemorate the history of slave-trade and those who have made good prevail over evil concerning the race in Diaspora perhaps by way of a remembrance day/month. By son of the soil.

The Freshers’ Helper Project is over for another year and we hope they have been valuable to you as you adjust to University life at Bucks. We are always interested in hearing your stories - whether positive or if you have any constructive feedback, it does matter to us! For a chance to win a piece of Bucks merchandise please spend a few minutes completing the questionnaire online at


Bucks Buddies are here to help you settle in to University life at Bucks and answer any questions you may have. If you feel you would like some support/advice, please text 07899 875 407 or email and we will arrange for a Buddy to contact you. This service is strictly confidential. If you feel you have what it takes to support our future students as either a Buddy or Freshers’ Helper in 2011, please email for more information.


TVP Chief Constable visits Bucks

On Wednesday 6th of October, Thames Valley Police (TVP) Chief Constable Sara Thornton visited Bucks New Uni to give a free lecture entitled ‘Challenges for 21st Century Policing’. In the lecture she discussed key issues that the police force is likely to have to deal with in the coming decades. She focused mainly on the need to balance local community policing with that of the national response to serious and organised crime. She spoke about the role of technology and surveillance, a topic much discussed amongst the general public due to the massive rise in the use of CCTV cameras in the past decade. She also looked at the increasing public engagement with policing.

Chief Constable Thornton has had a commendable career in the police force over the past twenty-five years. After joining the Metropolitan Police in 1986, she worked at postings in West London and New Scotland Yard before moving to TVP in 2000 as Assistant Chief Constable Specialist Operations. In 2003 she became Deputy Chief Constable and in 2006 was appointed Acting Chief Constable. In the same year she was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal and was confirmed as Chief Constable in 2007. Earlier this month she was awarded an honorary degree from Bucks New Uni in recognition of her work to develop a bond between the Above: Sara Thornton - Thames Valley University and TVP. Chief Constable.

University becomes regional athletics hub Bucks New Uni has reached an agreement with England Athletics for use of its state-of-theart Human Performance Laboratory for endurance fitness testing. The agreement, which means many of the country’s top athletes could use the lab, was rubber-stamped at the opening of the Milton Keynes Endurance Coach Development Centre at Milton Keynes Athletic Club. The Endurance Coach Development Centre, aimed at endurance coaches, is a network for coaches and athletic clubs in counties including Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Bedfordshire, and Oxfordshire, to share ideas, methods and facilities. It will be co-ordinated by Jim Bennett, area coach mentor for England Athletics. The centres are already set up at St Mary’s University in London and Birmingham University, which are both promoting workshops and activities to help coaches develop and service the athletes they oversee. Gary Peters, Human Performance Lab Manager, said he was looking forward to working with the Milton Keynes Endurance Coach Development Centre, which receives funding from England Athletics and is looking to send athletes for fitness measures including physiological tests. He said: “This is something that I have been discussing with Jim Bennett for more than a year, so to see it launched is fantastic news. We already have two coaches bringing athletes about to start their testing with us and hopefully more will follow, so this is an exciting time for us to be involved.” Jenny Harris, National Coach Mentor – Youth Endurance for England Athletics, said Bucks New University would act as a ‘regional athletics hub’. She added: “England Athletics and Bucks New University hope by bringing together coaches and their athletes on a regular basis that this will engender some sharing of expertise and experience which will benefit all endurance coaches and athletes in the region.” The Human Performance Lab at Bucks New University is accredited by the British Association

NUS slams “shortsighted cap on student visas

National Union of Students NEWS

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The National Union of Students (NUS) today warned a cap on international students would damage the UK’s economy and society, after Immigration Minister Damien Green hinted in advance of a speech later today, that he would tackle international student immigration.

NUS President addresses Vice Chancellors

Aaron Porter has become the first President of NUS to address a full plenary of the Universities UK Annual Conference, attended by Vice Chancellors from universities across the country. In his speech at Cranfield University, Aaron offered an open invitation to Vice Chancellors to join with students and staff at the national demonstration on 10 November in central London. Talking about impending cuts to the HE sector he outlined the importance of meaningful collaboration but reminded Vice Chancellors that students are not prepared to pay more for less.

Above: (L-R) Gary Peters, Human Performance Lab Manager, with Jim Bennett, area coach mentor for England Athletics.

of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) and equipped to record and assess many human physiological responses. It is used for a variety of purposes from the assessment of fitness, to the search for optimum athletic performance and provides a sports science support service to any performer who feels they would benefit from physiological assessments, advice on appropriate training methods, and preparation for competition, nutritional and dietary analysis or sports psychology support. Top coach Andy Hobdell, who trains Olympic 5,000m finalist Andy Baddeley, led a training session and question-and-answer session at the launch event at Milton Keynes Athletics Club on Sunday 3 October. One of Hobdell’s athletes, Mark Draper, also took part in the training session, which attracted 12 coaches from as far afield as High Wycombe and Newbury, in Berkshire, as well as 16 athletes.

NEW NATIONAL DEMO WEBSITE LAUNCHED Planning for the national demonstration, which is being organised by NUS and UCU, is in full swing. Following the announcement that it will take place on Wednesday 10 November in central London, NUS are pleased to launch the official website. The national demo website, uk, is designed for you to receive regular updates and find out what activities are taking place near you. Visit the website to submit your photos, embed our logos and register your details to be part of one of the biggest national campaigns for a generation. Why are we having a national demonstration? As a new term begins it is a time for mixed feelings. The new educational year should be a time for excitement about the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead, and yet looming over us is a shadow that threatens our future. Bucks Students’ Union are running buses to the national demonstration and more information can be found online at or join our Facebook group (search for WE WILL MARCH 2010 : Bucks Students’ Union at DEMOLITION 2010) to stay up to date for the arrangements on 10 November. Got any university, local or national stories? Email us:

5 Bucks Student

Could this be a thing of the past?

Above: Lord Browne; Right: new Students moving into their halls accommodation Continued from front page

...Apart from scrapping the £3,290 fee cap in favour of an un-capped £6000 fee and raising the earning threshold for repayment from £15,000 to £21,000, the review suggests that the government should do 3 other key things. Firstly, it should factor in a 10% increase in student places. Secondly, It should radically overhaul the careers advice system to bring it in line with that available in the private sector and finally it should offer equal entitlement to those in part-time study. Of course this scheme has yet to be officially adopted by the coalition government. Whilst

most think it is likely that it will make it to legislation, there is still some hope. The Liberal Democrats election manifesto pledged to reduce and finally scrap top up fees in a five year plan. They have been given a chance to govern from the cabinet rather than in opposition for the first time since they were formed and maybe they will stand by their election pledge. Our own Vice Chancellor Ruth Farwell, Chair of the higher education representative body GuildHE, has been very vocal in response to the findings of the review. Whilst

she applauds the proposals to increase student places and offer equal entitlement to parttime students, she seems upset by the way the current need for spending and budget cuts has become “inextricably linked” to the review. “The formula is one that is going to create a sector

that has differential ability to provide a quality experience for students,” she said. She also expressed a belief that the reforms would hit graduate middle earners very hard saying, “Those who are earning quite considerably after graduation will be able to pay

back quickly and therefore pay back less in interest than those who are not able to do that because they are not earning as much,” Speaking about BNU in particular, she said “As a university, we clearly have to ensure our financial

stability whist making sure that the needs of our students come first …one of our key priorities… is to…ensure that no-one is prevented from reaping the benefits of higher education because of their personal financial situation or background.” Laz Wood

Bucks New University Enterprise Festival runs from 8 - 19 November

Entrepreneurship is celebrated at Bucks New University

Above: Last year’s winning team ‘Smarty Pants’ who won the Apprentice Challenge

An array of inspiring, free enterprise opportunities will be on offer at Bucks New University during this year’s Enterprise Festival, due to take place from 8-19 November. With presentations from leading business professionals, practical workshops and enterprise competitions, the Enterprise Festival aims to educate and inform would-be entrepreneurs and business people working within organisations from across the region. Taking place over two weeks and coinciding with Global Entrepreneurship Week 2010 (15-21 November), the events and activities at Bucks are all free to attend and will provide a range of commercial opportunities and networking forums. Enterprise Festival organiser, Jane Adams, says: “We are pleased that this year’s programme once again introduces inspirational speakers who have either established their own business or hold high profile positions within large organisations. All the events are free, and we hope that as many people as possible will benefit from our speakers’ experiences and be able to use the knowledge

they impart in their own careers and businesses.” Here are some of the highlights to watch out for: Special guest, Yasmina Siadatan, winner of the BBC’s blockbuster show, The Apprentice 2009, will visit Bucks on 16 November to treat the audience to tales of boardroom battles and the experience of working with Lord Alan Sugar. Film and television sound designer, Dean Humphries, who has freelance credits including A Fish Called Wanda, The Pianist and Interview with the Vampire, will showcase his work on 8 November with a talk about his prestigious career in sound design. On 9 November, Paul Lindley, who founded Ella’s Kitchen with the belief that healthy food can be fun, tasty and cool, will speak about the company’s journey to getting its goodies stocked by major retail brands against stiff competition in the healthy eating sector. Ben Beattie, the ‘head of boys’ toys’ for the Disney Store, will give an inspiring talk on 10 November about his experiences in creating best-selling products for global retail.

There will be other sessions on subjects such as business in the new economic climate; PR, marketing and media in the digital age; protecting Intellectual Property (IP), and the annual women in business event. In addition, the ‘Bucks Got Talent’ music competition, which is open to anyone to enter and provides hopefuls with the opportunity to get their band demo tape heard by the professionals, regardless of music genre. Once again Bucks New University students will rise to The Apprentice Challenge, undertaking a series of team challenges testing their business planning, marketing, time management, pitching, negotiation and selling skills. The aim is to make the biggest profit over three business challenges, and the winning team will keep all their profit together with whatever money is left remaining after the challenges are complete. Tickets for the Enterprise Festival events are FREE and should be booked online at www. where the full programme is also available. For further information, email:

6 Bucks Student

“Death to the homosexuals” Mob cries out against Gay Pride event

By Joanna Szczepanowska - International Editor

Thousands of policemen protecting Gay Pride event in the capital of Serbia have been attacked by radical and violent groups of Protestants last Sunday. The clash turned into a few- hour riot which quickly spread over other districts of Belgrade. Over a hundred people were arrested, many suffered injuries. The economic losses caused by the riot have been estimated to reach a million Euros. Policemen locked down the streets of the

Pictured above: A casualty at the march; Right: A burning car during the disturbance and Top Right: The Pride March

capital where the march was organised. In many places there were conflicts between local police and an aggressive crowd which managed to destroy the police cordon. Chanting ‘death to the homosexuals’ the protesters were setting cars ablaze and were throwing Molotov cocktails, bricks, glass bottles and explosives into the police. The crowd demolished most of the shops, vehicles and plundered kiosks and smaller stores. Many of them were singing national songs next to which you could hear the gunfire. The crowd attacked public buildings and ‘kidnapped’/’abducted’ the coach. Nationalists and skinheads also attacked buildings not connected with Gay Pride. They were throwing the bombs into the premises of President Boris Tadici and Democratic Party buildings. The Crowd also attacked buildings of national TV stations and residences of other political groups. To stop the riot, police used a mustard gas and sent in armoured cars. Furious protesters managed to kidnap the coach, throw out the passengers and forced the driver to crash it later on a pylon on the main square of Belgrade. Million Euro of loses, almost hundred injured.

According to Belgrad’s major, the losses after Sunday’s riot actions have reached more than a million Euros. Local police confirmed that 78 policeman and 17 civil are injured. Two servicemen were seriously injured. Over 100 people had been questioned and around 60 had been arrested. ‘This is a really sad day for Serbia’ said The Minister of Defence Dragan Stunovac in an official statement. The president condemned the vandalism and promised that extremists will be arrested and punished. The riots are a sign of a lack of tolerance which still exists in Serbian society. Gay Pride is the first event for over a decade. It is supposed to be a test for Serbia which should reveal whether the country is ready for modernisation and greater openness after the bloody war in the 90s.

‘An iPod application which makes Italy sue Apple’

Bucks Got Talent

‘Mafia in Italy is enormous! It’s not a surprise (..) it constitutes huge economical power creating over 10 % of GDP ‘ – that’s one of the sentences put into an apple application describing Italy. Michela Vittoria Brambilla brought an action at law over one of the newest applications presented by the Apple company. She accused the company of ‘causing damage to the image of the country’. The reason for law actions is the application

‘What a country’which became recently available for iPod, iPad and iPhone. In this programme designed for travel-lovers, Italy had been pictured as a country of pizza, mafia and scooters. The Italian Supervisory Committee on the TV and media Observatory Antiplagio asked the Minister of Tourism to look into the case of apple application. According to them Italy should demand at least an explanation why the description of Italy includes mainly an activity of Costa Nostra, Kamorra and Ndrangheta. Joanna Szczepanowska

The wall of fear Joanna Szczepanowska

• Get your band heard by the professionals • Apply online by 27 October • Play your demo tape at the experts’ panel on 3 November in the Gateway Music Studios • The top six survive to the Beat the Bands final on 11 November • Winner gets two days recording in the Gateway studios • For more details go online to

The winning band from last year


Hungarians fear for the next spillage of red sludge. They still haven’t cleaned up after last week’s tragedy and there are new fears over information that in an aluminium-works in the South of the country another wall of a reservoir will fall down. Toxic red sludge that spilled from an industrial plant in Hungary reached the river Danube on Thursday evening. The disaster is the biggest ecological catastrophe in Hungarian history. In fear from the second spillage the authorities decided to evacuate the nearby village. Over 800 people need to be removed from the area. They don’t know when and if ever they will be able to come back to their homes. Hungarian Prime Minister,

Viktor Obran said to the villagers ‘Every hour we’re getting the information about the situation at the reservoir, and it turned out that there is a crack in the wall. It can fall down’. Hungarian authorities claim that there is no risk for the environment, however ecologists seem to doubt the government’s assurances. They also emphasize the fact that they found in the sludge high levels of arsenic and mercury – chemicals fatal for human beings. The life in the smaller river Marcal has been already destroyed. Emergency crews were pouring plaster and

Above: Red sludge in Hungary

acetic acid - vinegar - into the Raba-Danube meeting point to lower the slurry’s the pH value. The situation is even more critical as the Danube is Europe’s second longest river and can bring the pollution over other regions of Europe. The sludge is extremely dangerous as it includes a mix of metal oxides, which are proved to cause cancer, lung diseases, skin irritations, burns and sickness. It is also a serious threat for a wildlife and soil.

7 Bucks Student

The Nobel Peace Prize for the prisoner Last Friday Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee decided to honour Liu Xiaobo with the Nobel Peace Prize. Xiaobo is currently sitting his 11 year sentence for ‘inciting subversion of state power’ in one of the Chinese prisons. This decision infuriated Chinese authorities and according to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Policy this year’s Nobel Prize will do no good for relations between China and Norway . It wasn’t an easy choice, there were over 250 candidates for the prize which is more than ever in history. The Nobel Peace Prize had been awarded for ‘long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China’. However, China’s government condemned the nomination and argues that prize being awarded to a dissident writer is ‘against the aims of this distinction’. The sentence which was put upon Liu violates China’s constitution and fundamental human rights. As we can read on PEN website, he pleaded not guilty to the charge of inciting subvertion of state power. His trial took no longer than three hours and defence wasn’t allowed to

present their evidence. He tried to appeal against the sentence in February this year, but the appeal was rejected by Beijing High Court. Congratulations for the Nobel Prize came from all over the world. Spiritual leader the Dalai Lama was protesting arm in arm with Liu back in 1989 in Tinanmen when the famous massacre took place. Now sending his congratulations to the dissident he appeals to Chinese authorities to set Liu free from prison. Dalai Lama’s appeal was backed up by other countries like Germany. It is clearly uncomfortable for Chinese authorities to let one of the initiators of Charter 08 free. The document is a declaration calling for political reform, grater human rights and an end to oneparty rule in China. It has been signed by hundreds of individuals calling for greater freedom within the country. Since the arrest of Liu, nearly 300 of the original signatories have been interrogated in a push to gather the evidence against him and crack down on the freedom of expression in China.

Liu Xiaobo who was recently honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize for ‘inciting subversion of state power’

Joanna Szczepanowska

As the clocks go back and the evenings get darker earlier, the Wycombe Community Safety Partnership is reminding residents of the steps they can take to help protect their home from thieves this Autumn

of burglaries are due to an unlocked door or window, so fit and use good quality locks on them. Consider installing outside security lighting and a burglar alarm. Research shows the biggest deterrent for burglars is an alarm.

Use a light timer switch for the lived-in effect, give the impression someone’s at home.

For further information and advice, please visit If you would like a free timer switch please call 01494 421117 or email giving you name and address with postcode. We have also supplied Police Stations at Marlow, Princes Risborough, Hazlemere and High Wycombe with a limited number of switches and so these will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Sport and recreation the current state of play Speaker: Chair:

Tim Lamb, Chief Executive of the Central Council of Physical Recreation (CCPR), (soon to be the Sport and

Recreation Alliance)

Peter Thomas MBE, Visiting Professor and Director of Sport at Bucks New University, and Chairman of Bucks Sport

Bucks New University is hosting the fifth in a series of free lectures featuring leading speakers from the worlds of sport and health care. Wednesday 24 November 2010 Owen Harris Lecture Theatre 1, High Wycombe Campus, HP11 2JZ 5.30pm light refreshments 6-7pm lecture 7pm light refreshments Tim Lamb is the Chief Executive of the CCPR, which from 1 November 2010 will be known as the Sport and Recreation Alliance, and is the trade association for all governing and representative bodies of sport and recreation in the UK. During his lecture, Tim will outline the challenges facing his 315 member organisations as they approach the opportunity of a lifetime with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, whilst dealing with the consequences of the recession of a lifetime.

Public Lecture Series 2010 Places need to be reserved. To book a place please contact: Lorna West (Vice Chancellor’s Office) Bucks New University, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 2JZ Tel: 01494 603 002 Fax: 01494 438 123 Email: or book online at

8 Bucks Student


Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

The race to gold... Lack of LGBT services in Bucks Society committee training on Monday launched the start of the accreditation system. We now have a grand total of 39 societies battling their way to reach gold status. But who will get there first? We are excited to have such a broad range of clubs and societies this year ranging from the law society to Dodgeball to Glee Club! All societies are recruiting for new members and if anyone is interesting in joining a club, an extensive list can be found at There really is something for everyone, but if you still can’t find something you’re interested in then it’s not too late to start something new. This year our clubs and societies will be getting involved in RAG events, volunteering and will be regularly keeping us updated with events. So get ready to see lots of activity around campus. Clubs and societies are a great way to meet new people, try something new and learn a new skill. To find out more email:

Tuesday 5th October was the first LGBT society meeting of the uni year. You would have thought that there would have been a society already in place, like the wide majority of universities across the country, and indeed, world, but this was not the case. Students had to put forward the idea of an LGBT society and ten signatures were needed. This level was reached, and exceeded, with a promising amount of people, signed up for the first meeting. The group received an email with the details for the first meeting. However, it has to be said that I didn’t put my email address down, as did many of the students who signed up, so this could be one of the problems, one which has an easy solution. By the end of the meeting, the group had gone up to five

members, which is not enough if we, as a group want to continue. This should be an important part of any university, as for many people it is their first chance to explore who they are, and be open about themselves. For those that do not know LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender and LGBT groups are just that: a group of people that would be put under these labels. LGBT groups take three main forms: social group, which is just like a relaxed, more chilled out group: campaign group, which is where you fight for your rights, and go on marches and the like. The last is a mixture of the two, which, at the minute, is what the LGBT society at Bucks plans to be. Even if you believe that the LGBT is segregation, just think, there is an Islamic society,

Christian Union, Afro-Carribian society, and they aren’t segregated at all, so why should it be for those in the LGBT society. If you are scared, there is no need to be, we aren’t going to jab at you with pitch forks. We’re just a friendly group who want to meet like minded people. You don’t have to come under the ‘LGBT’ umbrella to come along and have a good time. So, in a way, this is a plea to all Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Curious, or just plain open minded. We would love to hear from you. If you would like to give me an email if you are interested: I will try and get back to you as quickly as possible, and I will email you letting you know when the next meeting will be. Possible events could be clubbing up in

First ACS meeting of the year ACS founder For those students who missed the ACS (African Caribbean Society) meeting held on Wednesday 06th October late afternoon, or for those who may be interested in coming along in the future meetings, here’s a review of what happened in this meeting. I have also made it a point to cover the ACS group meetings when held in the Bucks Student paper. Roots as per usual hosted this meeting, founder of the ACS group and Enass, the 2010/2011 ACS president. Although the two have their own divisions but both are equal in position and this is seen in attending these meetings. The ACS committee members tend to make it a priority at every meeting to outline that there is a zero tolerance of racism accepted if attending. Roots said, “everyone should respect that, we’re all a community”. To show the organisation standards of the meeting, the head members had an agenda set out already. This agenda, as follows outlined what the meeting was going to consist of:

• • •

The first half was ‘the meet and greet again for new members’. A general ACS introduction, ACS values, introduction to committee members. The second half spoke of ACS’s events, ‘wickedest skank’, ‘geeks and nerds’, ‘Amsterdam weekender’. Finally, ‘hot topic’ of the week’ following refreshments provided.

The ACS group organise many events at the student union nights as well as organising events outside of the university. Just recently we had the student union’s scene buzzing with the presence of Tayo Jarret AKA young MC Scorcher which was a great turn out must I say. We now have another night organised at our very Student union presenting ‘Live link and Trilla’ performances. This event is being hosted on Saturday 16th October 2010, 9pm onwards and ACS group wants you to wave your flag. So which ever country your from, background or race, everyone is welcome so bring your flag along and represent your country. The next event organised by the ACS Group

is ‘The Original Geeks & Nerds’. This event is the school uniform themed rave where dj’s will be playing the best in Funky House /Old Skool Garage RnB /Hip Hop /Bashment /Soca /Afro beats /Club Classics /Slow Jams. The night will be hosted on Wednesday 20th October 2010 at Batchwood Halls Mansion. Other universities attending will be Hertfordshire, Luton, Surrey, Northampton, Essex, Leicester/DMU, Brunel, Bedford and Middlesex University. Tickets are £16.00, which will cover your entry and the coach travel there and back. There are limited places so please hurry to purchase your ticket which you can do so from the ACS committee members. Finally, the ‘ACS Amsterdam Weekender 2011’ which will be an Easter-break Extravaganza. This is an experience of a lifetime, where you’ll get to enjoy everything Amsterdam has to offer. The trip has been planned during the Easter break so that it will not interrupt your studies. There are limited spaces, so it’s first come, first serve! The trip will be from Saturday 16th April to Tuesday 19th April. It will cost £139.99. Your money covers travel, accommodation, free entry to raves, comedy/ talent show, and free activities as well. Again, for queries or questions please do not hesitate to get in contact with the ACS committee members. So this weeks ‘hot topic’ for the ACS meeting was about ‘the next generation of children’. The question put forward was how do we think the next generation of children will be, financially, their ethics and morals? Roots decided to split the whole class into groups in accordance to rows. The task was to come up with good valued points to the hot topic. The best spokes person from all the groups participating would be awarded for the most valued point to the discussion. The prize will be given to the winner in the next ACS meeting. The whole group at first began an open debate in their rows to debate on the topic that the children of the next generation will be brought up well. A member from each group were asked to come and stand ahead of the whole group as a spokesperson representing their individual

Do you know this young talented man? If not, here is an insight to the founder of the ACS group for Bucks. Roots, an entrepreneur, originally from Leicester founded the ACS group last year. Roots is currently in his first year on the course ‘Creative advertising’. He is an amazingly young talented individual who is part of many ongoing projects. He is solely responsible for the groups Omega and Pi-Rho, which have been outstandingly successful to perform on many stage platforms across England. Along with many other talents, he is most recognized around the university for his photography skills, as he captures all the classic moments that Bucks students create

group. Many points were raised; how the law has become more lenient, how children the age of 12 nowadays have piercing, how parents are having to face prison sentences due to their children not attending education. From the discussions, the question arose as to whether media is allowing/putting an idea into children’s minds? Furthermore, does the value of money potentially have an affect on the children of the next generation? Will the level of advertising affect the access of media? The group agreed to many points, which arose. Anyone who did not agree on a point, then they were asked to elaborate further. The one thing I noticed as listening to some of the students said their points on the topic is how much emotion, values, belief, morals, ethics students hold as individuals. Some students are very passionate about their beliefs and were not afraid to stand in front of the other students to make their point. As a result from the hot topic, the conclusion is that as a generalisation, putting all children in the same category is not right. By participating in the discussion myself, I could say everyone really enjoyed themselves, they banter, and laugh but above all they get down to the ‘hot topic’ at hand. Yes it may be a laugh, but the ACS group in general have a unity about itself, a natural bond between cultures which is what we want to see at Bucks. Many more students turned up to the ACS meeting. It’s such a great feeling watching all these students talking within themselves, no conflicts or tension. Just students meeting one

London, barbecues, film nights, Wii Olympics and other such fun and frolics! Look out for posters advertising the next meeting, which will hopefully be soon! Again, if you have any queries, please feel free to contact me. MONDAY 18TH LGBT OPEN MEET IN RUSTY BUCKS CAFE FROM 1800. MONDAY 25TH LGBT MIXER IN N1.04 FROM 1800 ONWARDS DRINKS AND NIBBLES PROVIDED. By Guy Humphrey

on their nights out at the SU and all other social events. With his portfolio consisting of 3000 plus, a top event promotions company is now hiring him. To look more into the work of Roots, please contact Roots via any of the following links: By Tanya Virdy

another and discussion valued topics. The turn out was 60 students plus. The room had a positive vibe throughout. I was proud to be part of this vibe. After the meeting, refreshments were handed to all the ACS participants who attended; a variety of fairy cakes, crisp packets with drinks too. Very generous from the ACS team. It was a comfortable atmosphere to be within, watching all these other students indulging in their conversations with laughter, eating the food provided and listening to the music being played by our ACS president Roots. This is what the ACS is all about; it’s knowledgeable and entertaining at the same time. It’s an opportunity to put your voice across when such topics are arisen up for discussion. If you have some points to add to this discussion, or wish to participate in the ACS ‘hot topics’ in the meetings, come and join us. The meetings are held nearly every two weeks. You are most welcome to bring your friends from all cultural backgrounds. You may also bring along food and drink however the ACS committee members are extremely nice to all students who attend that they usually provide you with refreshments. If you have any queries or questions in regards to the events or you would like to pursue to be part of the ACS group, then you can add them on Facebook or alternatively contact them via email at By Tanya Virdy

PULL OUT SECTION example - pendulum - halloween Special - big big deal week


at Bucks

edition 12

search: Bucks SU Photos (2010 -2011)

wed 20 oct - tue

wednesday 20 frat house rugby takeover ‘a night for the ladies’


wednesday 27 frat house sports teams initiations


thursday 21

8pm - late

example + rip it up


ay 28 ur- sd th8pm late Aftershow: ellen & the escapades + guests followed by blue rinse


friday 22 flirt! barbie hoes & g.i joes


friday 29 flirt! halloween special


8pm sa - 2am turd



8pmtu - 2am rda sa evil scarecrow



e 02 nov at the Venue High Wycombe

day 23

sunday 24

x: pendulum

rock n roll bingo: weekly pub quiz & super sunday

monday 25 black history month acs cultural special

tuesday 26 suck my acoustic




ay 30 + burlesque dancers



all draught £2 a pint 5pm - 11pm

sunday 31

monday 01

rock n roll bingo: weekly pub quiz & super sunday


movember launch

all draught £2 a pint 5pm - 11pm

mos on the night

4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW £7 5PM - 12AM Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am

tuesday 02 comedy central live

4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW £7 5PM - 12AM Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am

14 Bucks Student


A Preparatory Halloween Hootenanny Special


’m sure you all know, by now, that the Students Union venues offer entertainment every night of the week. And we just love any extra reason to get dressed up and indulge in senseless partying. Enter Halloween! Obviously the SU is hosting a ghoulish Flirt special on Friday October 29th, but for those of you who want the festivities to roll on into the next night, or just want something a little ‘alternative’, we have something to sate your desires, too! This comes in the form of a rock/metal gig with added ‘Death Dancers’, merch stalls, pro photo shoots and Crash after show party to name a few! The bands on the bill are fervent metallers Sworn to Oath and Forever Never topped with parody metal five-piece Evil:Scarecrow. The former two began a UK tour together on October 13th, which culminates at Bucks SU, whilst the latter, being of general horror styling, is in its element at this time of year, and with all the added extras, this equates to one huge Halloween celebration! I cornered a couple of the bands for a bit of question time… first up, Tom, Dave and Al from Sworn to Oath. 1. For those who don't yet know about Sworn to Oath, can you describe your sound in five words? Guitar, bass, drums, vocals, METAL. 2. You guys met whilst playing in another band together, which was in a much more classic rock vein than Sworn to Oath's style. Was it a conscious shift in genre or just a result of the three of you getting together and creating music organically? We never thought about how we wanted to sound when we were writing. It was a bit like when a chav has a baby, it wasn’t planned it just came out. 3. You're a very tight-knit unit both musically and socially, do you think being such good friends is conducive to making strong, solid music? We hate each others guts! We hardly take anything seriously!

The fact that we are actually three best mates helps make the band work though! It would be difficult to be in a band together and not get along as you have to spend so much time together on the road if you want to succeed! As far as being tight musically, that’s a completely different thing than friendship, but maybe because we get along so well, we take on each others ideas when we're writing and give everything a try. The reason it comes out sounding the way it does is just because of the way we play together as a band. 4. You're recognised as one of the most industrious bands on the grassroots scene, gigging pretty much constantly. Are you aiming for an ultimate goal or is it all a labour of love? We want to be recognised as one of the best bands out there! To get to that stage you have to work your nuts off and be prepared to put in all the hard miles on the road. At the same time though if we didn't love what we do there would be no point in doing it. 5. You've played High Wycombe quite a few times, now. Are you looking forward to your first gig at the Students Union? That date is actually the last show of the tour so we are hoping that it will be a highlight and one to remember! 6. This gig promises to be quite the Halloween hootenanny - will you be getting in the festivities with costumes, etc.? We're hoping that Evil Scarecrow won't wear their usual stage gear as a Halloween prank, so then we can dress up just like them! Finally, your comedic horror metal headliners: Evil:Scarecrow. With their epic four-note guitar solos, Thurdercats theme tune covers and mass robot dancing, not to mention they’re the only band I’ve ever met with a guy on ‘lead high-fives’, it’s hard not to love them! Make no mistake, though, this is no flash-in-the-pan novelty band. Evil:Scarecrow is a genuinely talented bunch of musicians who have

stood the test of time and played some great gigs, as their very own Dr Hell explains… 1. The inaugural question - can you give us a brief history of how / when Evil Scarecrow was born? We were born from the death of another band (Thor's Children). Brother Pain and myself were horned helmet, fake beard wearing, bad prop wielding idiots in that band and when Frigga Wife of Odin (our bassist) left we decided to start a new project. In essence we were just out to write some music to entertain ourselves and put on a good show for anyone willing to check us out. We used to get pretty drunk and shamble about a lot in the early days, but we were surprised to find a lot of like minded folk in the audience! So (and in no small part to our manager Jenocide) we managed to tidy up our show and music and see how far we could take it! Our success has been overwhelming over the last 4 years or so! 2. You've played a very wide range of gigs, from Bloodstock Open Air festival to a private wedding, and you've even made it into the top 10 Best Unsigned Bands in the Terrorizer Readers' Poll. What's been the highlight so far? Haha! Well you've named two highlights there! We've been fortunate enough to play main stage at Rock City in Nottingham a few times, supporting the likes of GWAR and Soulfly, which has to be right up there. Our career highlight has to main stage at Bloodstock though, which was amazing. I think my personal highlight this year may have been Glastonbudget. We turned a half empty tent of confused looking hippies / families / trendies / kids / rockers into a huge sea of crazed robot dancers! They had to pull in extra security to hold back the barrier. And Brother Pain's crowd surf all the way out of the tent at the end was hilarious! Of course every gig is a highlight ;) and there are some very special crowds to us in the UK, you know who you are!

By Louise Delahunty - Entertainments Editor

work, what can Evil Scarecrow virgins expect from your live show? Ha! I'm never sure what to say to this sort of question. It's hard to explain our show and what people take away. I'd love to come up with some sort of perfect sentence to summarise! "costumebeer-fuelled-heavy-metal-syncronised-dancingspikey--metal---robotic----thundercatty------fun?" Erg that's awful. I guess the core of it is that we love our metal and partying with the good people that come and check us out. Obviously we have our "look" so if anyone has seen a photo of us just imagine us in motion... playing stuff. 5. Do you have a favourite track which you look forward to playing live above all the others? Well the obvious answer is Robototron... But it's not so much in the playing as the amazing sight of the crowd robot dancing in perfect sync (sometimes). But I personally like War and Blacken. Saying that I don't really think I 'look forward to playing them more than others', I think we all just love the live show as a whole. It's all mostly fuelled by the crowd and what they give good responses to!

3. I know you're no strangers to High Wycombe's Nags Head, but is this your first time playing the Students Union? The Nag's Head is great! Always a nice crowd for us there... but yeah we are SU virgins. I'd ask you to be gentle but we like a nice rough entry ;)

6. You're playing the Halloween gig which is quite apt for you guys, do you have anything especially spooky planned for this show? Halloween can be a busy time for us. Which can be weird as sometimes your 'non-costumebased-bands' suddenly don vampire outfits and we kind of melt into the surroundings. It's most annoying when they have better make up than us! We did want to do something special this year for Halloween and we're (probably foolishly) opening our set up for a fan vote for our gig in Derby on the 31st. But, as we have a little mini Halloween tour we may throw in some extra surprises which obviously the SU shall be privvy to as part of the tour. We're hoping to put on a kick ass show and party with some old and (hopefully) new friends! High Fives! To check out these bands, you can find them at:

4. For those who are unfamiliar with your

Pictured first column: Sworn to Oath; Pictured second column: Evil Scarcrow

e u g a e L r ie m e r P Barclays

Watch it here

f ited // 1:30pm kick of Un an M v ity C e ok St 24.10.10 // f nal // 4:00pm kick of se Ar v ity C an M // 24.10.10 ol // 1:30pm kick of f po er Liv v n lto Bo // 31.10.10 kick of f Sunderland // 4:00pm v e stl ca w Ne // 10 0. 31.1

15 Bucks Student

PULL OUT SECTION Bucks do it better!

The Big BIG deal week THIS week at Bucks SU is jam packed with events that students from other Universities would be green with envy over!! And best of all... IT’S ALL FREE! Just take a look into what being a Bucks Student does for your bank balance! It’s not only the nightlife that you are saving on! Sports teams are also free at Bucks Other students are paying these sort of prices • Football - £140.40 • Golf - £50 • Netball - £75.40 • Rugby - £115.00 • Snow sports - £35.40 • Basketball - £115.00 • Cheerleading - £35.00 (Prices compared to UPSU) In celebration of this the SU are running a competition to see who the ultimate Bucks social student is. Who is making the most of their BIG DEAL? The winner will is in

what’s on...

By Stacey-Jo Robertson

for a massive treat with one of the best prize pots we have ever offered up. The Prize pot includes: • Tinie Tempah “Disc-overy” Album • Signed Example goods • Signed Pendulum goods • Signed Barbie Picture • Bucks Hoody • And much more! For your chance to win you have to come down the SU every night of “The big BIG deal week” and at the end of the week a winner will be selected from the ID scan in’s and will be crowned the Ultimate Bucks Social Student and will be given priority to main events for the rest of the term as well as the prize pot. Be a part of it and show other Universities that BUCKS DO IT BETTER!

22nd 29th 5th 12th

october october november november

barbie hoes & gi joes halloween theme + freak show Cops & robbers (jailbreak) bin bag couture




Bucks Su

Other Unions

ACS Black History Month special ft Trilla

Entry £0.00 2 pints of draught £4

Entry £5.00 2 pints of draught £4.40

Comedy night

Entry £0.00 4 pint pitcher £7.00

Entry £7.00 4 pint pitcher £8.80

Frat house Rugby takeover

Entry £0.00 4 pints of snakebite £3.40

Entry £5.00 4 pints of snakebite £4.50

Example live tour

Entry £0.00 2 vodka & Relentless £3.60

Entry £10.00 + £1.50 booking fee 2 vodka & Relentless £5.00

Flirt! Barbie Hoes & G.I Joes

Entry £0.00 2 VKs & 1 Corky’s shot £4.80

Entry £5.00 2 VKs & 1 Corky’s shot £5.50

Pendulum DJ set

Entry £0.00 2 double vodka & coke £6.00

Entry £20.00 + £1.50 booking fee 2 double vodka & coke £6.20

Pub Quiz & Rock n Roll bingo

Entry £0.00 4 pint pitcher £7.00

Entry £2.00 4 pint pichter £8.80

Total Saving

£35 £63.20




the venue, high wycombe doors open at 8pm, comedy at 9pm

This week The Venue is packed with events that students from other Universities would be green with envy over! why? because IT’S ALL FREE at bucks!

Event ACS Bla ck Histo special r ft Trilla y Month Comed

y night

Frat ho

Flirt! Ba

gby tak


live tou


rbie Ho

u Other U

Entry £0 .0 2 pints o 0 f draugh t£



use Ru


Bucks S

Entry £0 .0 4 pint pit 0 cher £7 .00 Entry £0 .0 4 pints o 0 f snakeb ite Entry £0 .0 2 vodka 0 & Relen tle


Entry £5 .0 2 pints o 0 f draugh t£ Entry £7 .0 4 pint pit 0 cher £8 .80 Entry £5 .0 4 pints o 0 f snakeb ite



Entry £1 0.00 + £ 1.50 2 vodka Entry £0 & Relentle booking fee .00 ss £5.00 2 VKs & Pendulu 1 Corky m DJ se ’s shot £ Entry £5 t 4.80 .0 2 VKs & 0 Entry £0 1 Corky’s .0 shot £5.5 2 double 0 Pub Qu 0 vodka & iz & Ro Entry £2 coke £6 ck n Ro 0.0 .00 ll bingo 2 double 0 + £1.50 boo Entry £0 king fee vodka & .00 c o k 4 e p £ in 6.20 Total t pitcher £7.00 E n tr y £ 2.0 Saving 4 pint pic 0 £35 hter £8.8 0 £63.20 £98.20 es & G.I


ss £3.60

In celebration of this bucks SU are running a competition to see who is the ‘ultimate Bucks social student’. The winner will be in for a massive treat with one of the best prize giveaways ever! For your chance to win all you have to do get yourself down to the SU every night of ‘the big BIG deal week’ and party hard! at the end of the week a winner will be selected from the ID scan-ins and will be crowned the ‘Ultimate Bucks Social Student’. as well as receiving an amazing prize, the winner will also be given priority to main events for the rest of the term!

17 Bucks Student



Private rented accommodation


n my first year at Bucks, I moved into a property, which I rented through agents. My flat mate and I discovered a lot of faults with the two bedrooms flat during our stay. We assumed that as we were renting through agents that they will see to any problems we reported in regards to the flat. However this was not the case. As the term came to an end, we decided to move back home to our parent’s homes. In September we moved back into Wycombe however this time, we did not go through agents. I saw an advert in the Bucks Free Press offering student accommodation however through private tenancy agreements. I came to view the property just before this term began. As I was being showed around the property, the landlord pointed out they have provided us with a washing machine and dryer. I can clearly remember up till today reading the add and it stating ‘all bills included in the rent’. My assumptions like any other student was that I’d just have to pay rent every month and no other expenditure will be leaving my account towards my accommodation. I thought wrong. Not at any point did the landlord point out to me that the washing machine and the dryer will only work upon tokens. By tokens I mean round gold coins around the size of a two pence coin, which you place into the machine you need in order for it to work. It was only once I paid my deposit, signed the contract and moved in when the landlord told me that if I need to do any washing that I’d need to purchase tokens from him when he visits. I was shocked. I thought the ‘all bills included’ statement meant I could do my washing too with out having to buy any sort of tokens. So now my housemates and I all have to purchase tokens from the landlord, which are, priced at a £1.00 a token. Each wash takes

By Tanya Virdy

two tokens and the same applies to the dryer. So even it was a top I needed for the following night and it needed a quick wash, it would cost me £2.00. I am sharing my story with you because I would really urge students to ask all sorts of questions before you move into any private accommodation. Here are sets of questions, which come handy when you’re considering a property: • How much is the rent? • Is it weekly or monthly payments you require? • What payment methods do you accept? • Are bills included within my rent? • What bills are covered; Gas, Electric, Water? • Will there be a lock on my bedroom? • Will you be entering my room when you need to do some sort of electrics if I am not present? • How long is the tenancy agreement? • How much notice do I need to give if I wish to leave? • Once I leave, when will my deposit be returned? • Could I drill holes into the walls to hang mirrors/photos and etc? • Will you be providing me with any furniture in my room? I have done some research to assist you with the basics you need to know all about accommodation. First things are first, if you’re renting from a private landlord or letting agent, find out whether your property needs to be licensed. Read any tenancy agreement carefully and if you’re not happy, see advice immediately.

The Precision Planner


e can plan our lives down to every detail, however it doesn’t matter how much you plan because life doesn’t work like that. Remember the feeling of wanting something so bad that it’s all you think about, knowing what you’re going to do when it happens, what you’re going to say, maybe even what you’re going to wear. So here’s the thing. Life

is all the things that happen while you’re planning, you can’t plan when to be happy or sad. It just happens. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t dream or have high expectations of our future, but maybe we can widen our tunnel vision. Just imagine all the things that we might be missing out on. Everyone is so anxious about the future but no one seems to remember that the present is called the present

By Donique Lindsey

for a reason, every morning when you press the snooze button on your alarm, or miss the bus. Yep that’s a present because we are presented with the opportunity to either enjoy another awesome day or moan about a crappy one. Right now I could sit here and type a whole essay on the joys of student life but i’m gonna leave that up to you. Be Bucks Bold Bin your Perfect Planner and Behold what real life has to offer.


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Renting a place of your own If you’re planning to move out of halls in your second year, you’ll probably need to start looking for private accommodation in the spring term of your first year. Remember that as a student, you have the same rights as any other private tenant. Does your landlord need a license? If you live with friends, check with your local authority to see if your landlord needs to get a ‘House in Multiple Occupation’ (HMO) license for your property. Your house must be specially licensed as a ‘House in Multiple Occupation’ if it has five or more unrelated people sharing and three or more storeys. Some local authorities may also choose to license houses with smaller numbers of occupants or storeys. This license requires landlords to be capable managers, and to ensure the house is occupied by a limited number of people. Tenancy deposits and guarantors Once you’ve found a suitable place to rent, most landlords and letting agents will need you to pay a deposit, and may also ask for a guarantor before they draw up a contract. They may also ask you to pay rent in advance. Don’t hand over any money until you’ve had a good look around the


property. Check for obvious signs of disrepair, damp, badly fitting doors or windows, or anything that could compromise your security. It might also help to take someone else with you to get his or her views on the property. Paying a deposit Landlords often ask for a deposit to cover missing rent or damage made to the property. Always get a written receipt for money paid to a landlord or letting agent. Ask your landlord if they will provide an inventory of the contents of the house, including kitchen goods such as a kettle and toaster. Your deposit should be returned to you if all fees have been settled and the property has not been damaged beyond normal wear and tear. If you feel that it’s being withheld unfairly, seek advice immediately. Guarantors Your landlord may ask students to provide a guarantor who agrees to cover costs if you don’t pay the rent, or cause significant damage to the property. A guarantor will usually be a parent or guardian. If you have a joint tenancy, any guarantor will also be jointly liable for overdue rent or damage caused by the other tenants. Guarantors can try and limit their liability by writing it into their guarantor agreement - to do this, seek independent legal advice.

Tenancy agreements Tenancy agreements help to protect your rights as a tenant and outline what your obligations will be. Whatever your type of tenancy, read any paperwork involved carefully before you agree to move in or sign any written agreements. Whatever type of agreement you sign, you will be required to look after your property in a reasonable way. For example, emptying bins and keeping the house tidy and clean. If you break the terms of your agreement If you break any terms of a tenancy agreement, for example, if you cause damage to the property or fall behind with your rent, your landlord may be entitled to begin eviction procedures against you. This could include having people to stay for long periods of time if you are living in a licensed house in multiple occupation (HMO). Check to see if the agreement limits the number of people allowed to live in the property. Problems after you’ve moved in Find out about repairs, maintenance and what to do if one of your housemates leaves you in the lurch in ‘Problems with rented student accommodation’. I hope this helps you have a better stay while you’re here at Bucks.

By Guy Humphrey

Eating my cheese and ham toastie, I realise how addicted I am to Starbucks. One only ventured into the world of Starbucks when uni moving day arrived. Starbucks is cheap, looks sexy and is a good, healthy fix which will quench anyone’s thirst or hunger! There is also a card scheme, which lets you top up your shop credit, which works almost like a loyalty card. They are situated at the tills, which lets you access their free Wi-Fi, so you can study, surf the internet, or chat to long lost friends and relatives to make sure that you haven’t been getting too drunk and are, of course, studying every second of every day. If you have a spare half hour, then why not go down and order a beautiful and refreshing Frappuccino, available

in a variety of flavours to truly tingle your taste buds and motivate you for the inevitable late night ahead, partying or otherwise. Starbucks is available to take out, as well as eat in, at normally, no, or little extra cost. You are sure to find something you will like, even for all you fussy eaters. For a marmite enthusiast, like myself, there is the cheese and marmite Panini, which ironically I’m eating at this very moment. To my knowledge, it is the only mainstream food company to have marmite on their menu, something which should be changed! Starbucks is the way forward, one of my favourite past times, and I believe everybody should have at least one experience of the delight that is Starbucks!

18 Bucks Student

A Review of Yates’ So does anyone actually like Yates’? I’ve had numerous conversations, and the overall opinion seems to be that it’s less popular than a very loud fart at a funeral procession. Of course, there aren’t many that will admit to enjoying the fart, but, like Yates’s, it appears to be a guilty pleasure. Or maybe not. I don’t hide my disliking for it. I never have. Yet I keep going. It’s not my choice, you see. It just becomes the majority vote. ‘Because I want to daaance,’ or ‘The Antelope is boooring,’ they tell me. And so the night is spiced up with a bit of squashed dancing and a BO. And, unfortunately, there’s lot of orange coloured girls. So what’s changed since it was still a man in the toilets to watch me pee and offer me aftershave. the Litten Tree? The name is the I believe the drinks are the most obvious. You’d probably same, and the prices aren’t too want to change your name bad. That does unfortunately too if you became famous for rely on being able to get through covering a load of people in shit, the large crowd of sexually after your pipes broke. What frustrated, sweaty men in Top else is different? Some new Man shirts, to reach the bar. The decorations for the drunk people repetitive music virtually never to appreciate. Oh, and entry is a changes, night after night. All of little more expensive. I’m really the generic songs you can hear in not sure what else. The floor is most clubs. And, unsurprisingly, still sticky and it still stinks(135mmby170mm) of edition11 Advert 3-10-10.pdf 1 03/10/2010

Some Unlikely Essentials A

On receiving our Welcome Packs from Bucks, inside there was ample information on what to bring with us to university. Cutlery, bed linen and plenty of warm clothes are all obvious necessities, however I reckon there was a few fundamentals that they missed out. That is why I felt obliged to suggest some unlikely essentials to assist you during your time at Bucks.

it’s so loud, you not only have no chance of conversation, but it will kill your unborn kittens. But I suppose the reasons are obvious: Yates’s offers lots of drinks, a dance floor and the music to compliment an incredibly unsubtle attempt at a mating ritual. Despite the amount of people that say they hate it, Yates’s will stop being popular when girls stop being orange. 21:50

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t the top of my list of unlikely essentials would be the Granny Trolley. Trust me, when it comes to carrying the food shopping home, they make implausible companions. Now, it does not need to be one of those checked monstrosities that grannies push around on four wheels. No, but I would definitely recommend a dashing two-wheeler that can be pulled around with style and ease. If you don’t drive, or haven’t got your beloved car here with you at Bucks, this consequently means a long trek home with all the shopping bags. Why not put an end to all this pain, suffering and misery and invest in a Granny Trolley? They are truly fantastic for carrying the groceries home, they come in lots of different designs and are economical too. Secondly, on my wonderful list of unlikely essentials, is the hot water-bottle. They have been around for centuries and are perfect for keeping cosy and warm. Nowadays, what with central heating, hot

water-bottles are not so much a necessity to the average household. However, with gas bills becoming ever more extortionate, (even the Queen is struggling to pay for her heating), I believe that it is time for water-bottles to be appreciated once more. It may seem tempting to turn up the heating in these coming months as each day gradually becomes shorter and considerably colder, but as winter approaches, why not instead opt for the time-tested hot water-bottle? Just remember, when filling any hot water-bottle, be sure to release any excess air before closing the cap. My final unlikely essential, is the Slow Cooker. They are very simple to use; even those of you that struggle with a toaster could soon be cooking up an appetising and homely meal for you and your housemates to enjoy. Slow cookers do exactly that- cook slowly and they are brilliant for stews, casseroles and even curries. All you need to do is prepare your ingredients either the night before, or on the morning of your

Confessions of a Fresher


ow, I’m supposed to be really mysterious. A stig-like character who is never revealed, but I’m about to give you some information which is going to excite you a great deal... I live in Brook Street! The reason I deliver this information now is because I feel I have some things to share and I wanted anyone reading this to know that I have experienced the real McCoy of what might be described as a ‘character building experience’. These experiences can be a large number of things mind you. It’s funny, when I spoke to a 2nd Year Bucks Student about his time at the cheap university halls, he applied this notion “If It can happen at Brook Street, it will...” Now, living in Brook Street for £81.00 a week was never going to be like a five star hotel, however, there have been several points in the last four weeks where I’ve realised its ‘charms’ (if you could call them that) and its areas of utter disgust. Last week I had genuine moments where I felt better off staying with the less unfortunate in a box somewhere on the streets of High Wycombe, peeing in the same cup I collect change in and shaving with a broken flint. I guess now I’ve learnt to expect certain things. It started with a nightmare. Falling out of bed I thumbed the light switch until it came on. I could hear shouting and doors opening frantically. “Fire Alarms going off again!” Of course, I could hear it – it woke me from my slumber, forcing me to stuff myself into jeans and a jumper without any level of coordination. What a tragedy. After a few yawns and a long walk down to pit of teenage nudity it was revealed that some kloot on the lower floor didn’t quite think it through when lighting candles in a room where there is clearly a heat and smoke

device on the ceiling. Sometimes I wonder if living in halls with a mindless ape would be better. Then I remember seeing in the ensemble (or pit of teenage nudity) a guy literally with his ‘man vegetables’ out. It wasn’t a pretty sight, it was the sort of sight you see from a monkey at the Zoo, just without the throwing of faeces. So I bet you’re wondering what other tales of woe I have to share? Waking up the other day felt normal. I could hear the heavy prison doors slamming as my flatmates rose like pretty flowers in the sun. It was only when I came to turn on the kettle for a ‘cuppa cha’ that I realised there had been a power cut. “Great!” I thought to myself. How is a normal person living in modern Britain supposed to function without their daily dose of Tetley? Never mind, I can get over that. However what I can’t get over is realising that my power shower didn’t work either. So there I was, naked as the day I was born, splashing lukewarm water gingerly upon myself. Brook Street has reduced me to this, washing out of a sink; but as the puddle of soapy (now cold) water built up around me, it clicked. I think I take a lot for granted. Maybe I’m spoilt in my lifes luxuries? I hate to go Geldoff on you but there are people on our planet who have a lot less, I should be grateful for a warm bed, cooking facilities and hot running water. “We’re the ones paying for it!” Yes we are. Some problems should and need to be fixed at dear old Brook Street; give it time I say. Meanwhile quit your moaning, I will too. (Can the man who persists on showing us his tackle in fire emergencies please put some clothes on.)

19 Bucks Student

He’s not the Pope

Accommodation Assassin


Slow Cooker

Hot Water Bottle

feast. For instance, if you decide to make a beef stew, then be sure that the meat is defrosted and the vegetables have been sliced and diced in time to be cooked gently through the day. Place everything in the slow cooker, pop on the lid and let it simmer- ready to eat when you return after a strenuous day of studying. Slow cookers are so great because they do all the hard work for you and it is such a lovely feeling to have a filling and hearty meal after a long day, without breaking the bank. Plus, it almost feels like you’re back at home eating one of Mum’s specialties. By Claire Cullen

Granny Trolley


By Laz Wood //

Dear Busty

AS I was doing some sub-editing for this issue, I had the chance to read Guy’s story about Starbucks and realised that I am addicted to Subway. I used to love Starbucks myself so I understand why Guy enjoys it but sadly for me, Starbucks is now a no-go area as I am lactose intolerant and allergic to caffeine (I know what you’re thinking, the only way it could be worse is if I had to stop eating red meat!). Almost all their food contains lactose and despite offering the soya option, someone at HQ has overlooked the fact that there is milk in their hot-chocolate powder. So I had to say goodbye to my beloved Starbucks when my body decided to start packing up and I lost the ability to break down dairy products. Instead I found Subway, though part of me wishes I hadn’t! No they don’t have

all the nice seating area and Wi-Fi and so on, but they do make some unbelievably addictive food. I personally am a huge fan of the Italian BMT, which is Pepperoni, Salami and Ham for those of you that haven’t yet visited one of the franchises fine establishments. It is ridiculously more-ish and I am sure that it is certainly one of the main contributors to my recently expanded waistline. However, if that doesn’t appeal to you then there are a huge range of other options available! It’s not too expensive and it is all prepared in front of you. Some people love their cardboard bun and cow off-cuts burgers that they get in McDonalds, some people live on the chicken, grease and salt that makes up a KFC meal but personally, I can’t think of any better fast food ‘restaurant’ than Subway.

Dear Busty, I have been seeing this girl since the start of fresher’s and I’m really starting to like her. The only problem is the guys in my team keep making jokes about the way I am when I’m with her. They say that I stutter and so take the mick ever y time we see her. I don’t know what to do about it. (Anonymous, 20) Well sunny you have to face the fact that when you like someone not everything goes to plan. You lose your cool that’s just the way it goes. Now you’re lucky that yours only rears its ugly head as a slight speech deficiency as for when Rusty would walk past me my udders would do an unusual twirl (hence the name Busty) Now as I could not control my twirling twins I decided to impress him by displaying my other skills such as dancing. I’d strut my stuff so well on the dance floor people wouldn’t be able to take their eyes off me (and as an extra bonus they’d give me money!) including Rusty. So as you can see my Lovely Anonymous by channelling your worries into something more constructive the girl will soon forget

he day of reckoning has finally arrived. After tirelessly waiting and hoping and praying I finally have accommodation. Okay so maybe the transition wasn’t as smooth as I had hoped but none the less I’m here. It happened on a Wednesday, I remember waking up after yet another sleepless, snore filled night and hoping that by some stroke of luck I would be on the top of that famous list. So there I was waiting for my turn in the queue, as he approached me and asked the usual questions “what’s your name”, “where do you live” I waited for the list to appear in front of me, and there it was, my name at the top. Right so this is the part where I say he handed over the keys and I was off, but no what he actually said was maybe Friday. If I could wait for two weeks then another few days wouldn’t matter. Later on that day I planned to ease the pain with a trip to Eden and then it happened, probably one of the best phone calls I have ever received in my 19 years of existence on this planet. A few signed forms later and here I am no longer an ‘Unofficial Squatter’. You know when people (adults/your parents) always complain about moving and how difficult it is and we never really listened because we were on MSN, or Facebook. Well yeah they were right (as usual). I barely have anything prepared, no cutlery, sheets, duvet, nothing, and after an uneventful trip to the bank I had no choice but to call my mum. Our parents are probably expecting this call every day, you know the call for help because we haven’t eaten in a week or we can’t cook a jacket potato. So instead of mother dearest complaining about my lack of money management, she kindly parted with her pounds. There’s a certain feeling you get when things you’ve wanted for a while have actually fallen into place and your plans are moving forward. No one ever tells you about how good it feels to be somewhere and call it your own, or buying food at Tesco’s or Morrison’s can be a great way to bond with new flat mates. I’m happy no-one ever told me what to expect because everyone is different, I love my flatmates but someone else might have hated theirs. So to all the other “Unofficial Squatters” out there your time is almost here. The wait will be over in the blink of an eye and then you can find something else to worry about like your Donique Lindsey rent.

about your stammer and that way the boys will have nothing to poke fun at! Kisses on your face, Busty x Dear Busty, I have an issue with my course. I love what I study but the problem is my lecturers don’t seem to be putting the effort in. They never turn up to lectures on time and when they do, they seem to decide that as half the class aren’t there then they won’t bother going over the lecture. I feel like i’m being punished for other students laziness. Dawn (21) My dearest little Dawn. You have every right to feel like that! Your letter has given me great reason to come along to your class and give your lecturer a piece of my highly conversant mind!! How dare he or she have the nerve to not be bothered just because others can’t! WELL I TELL YOU MY SWEETIE. You have to go along to the SU office and speak to the guys and girls in there, they will ensure that this matter is dealt with quickly. Now I assume that


’m a student at Bucks New University, High Wycombe; this now makes High Wycombe home for me. Already I have been in the presence of many celebrities including Matt Horne (Gavin and Stacey), Max and OB (Hollyoaks) and most recently PETER ANDRE!!! (Singer/Songwriter/T.V. personality). I was made aware that I was near this ‘C-listed’ celebrity on Sunday 3rd October. I went to grab a coffee, however our beloved Eden centre was on ‘Shut-down’ due to the fact that more than 4000 screaming fans and many camera crews were there to see PETER ANDRE?! He was here to promote his new perfume range ‘Mysterious girl’ I think that the marketers deserve a well earned ‘pat on the back’ for that name by the way. There I saw screaming girls, crying women, confused boys and grown men? They were pushing against the barriers; security and police were doing their very best to control the crowd and create some organization as everyone persistently pushed each other chanting PETER! PETER! PETER! One of the security guards had a megaphone as the crowd queued up to see their hero. Amongst the havoc he shouted ‘Everyone get back!’ and ‘Women and children first!’ It was how I imagined the ‘Titanic’ to have been. To my surprise no one could actually see into the ‘perfume shop’ as posters were blocking our view, every now and then the door would open slightly, an orange glow came bursting out from Peter’s tan and another screaming fan would enter, some even taking babies in, holding them like how my grandmother would hold a rugby ball. ‘Why are you taking babies in?” I yelled, “He’s not the POPE!” I caught a quick glimpse of him and so did my friend Sarah as she shouted at me ‘I SAW HIM!’ ‘I SAW HIM!’… I should probably say ex-friend, (Only Joking Sarah). The ‘Perfume shop’ have commented and said that… “It was a really good day and the biggest reception yet, there were many tears from not only women and girls but grown men also”. Many fans were delighted to see Peter (unfortunately I wasn’t one) however I am astonished at their dedication “I left home at 1 a.m. to make sure I was first in line”. “I’m freezing cold…but it’s going to be worth it”. If you’d like a bottle from Peter’s ‘Mysterious girl’ range it’ll set you back around a cool £19.50 for 50ml or £27.50 for 100ml, at all good retailers, (I personally recommend ‘The perfume shop’). Pete… Come back soon mate! Harry Boileau

you are not willing to speak out and voice your opinion in person therefore I suggest speaking to a girl in the SU office called Holly. Now if you want to learn a thing or 2 about how to speak your mind this is the girl to see! She has a great skill of telling you exactly what she thinks of you but in a way where you were lead to believe that she has just told you you’re the prettiest person in the world. A true skill. Look forward to seeing you soon. Kisses on your face, Busty x Dear Busty, My flatmate and his girlfriend are having the loudest sex I have ever heard! I have asked them to quiet down a bit but it only works for 5 mins then there off again! (Will, 19) Will, Will, Will this is a common issue found among students. The answer is easy my pumpkin. What you’ve got to do is find yourself a frisky fresher and fight fire with fire. Now what you got to do is push your bed up against the wall and make it slightly unbalanced i.e. whack some books under

one of the legs for extra knockage. Get her to practice shouting insults in different languages (this way they will be intrigued and stop what they are doing to have a listen) as you carry on your thunderous session just before your ready to... well you know....get that air horn that I know every student boy has and ........HONKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will soon get the point. Kisses on your face, Busty x Got a course problem, personal problem, financial problem or any other problem? Then email me at dearbusty@ thebucksstudent. com.

20 Bucks Student

Movie Reviews Takers (12A) Released 1/10/2010 Running time: 1hr 47min


akers is what happens when half of Danny Ocean’s crew is combined with the team from The Italian Job, and the assassins from 1998’s The Big Hit. These are professional thieves, who dress nice, drive fast cars (and bikes), and aren’t afraid to kill someone when it comes to their money. Takers isn’t a particularly special heist movie but the actors try their best to make it one (and they look pretty good while doing it). Here’s my review… The Players: Director: John Luessenhop Screenwriters: John Luessenhop, Peter Allen, Gabriel Casseus, Avery Duff Cast: Paul Walker, Idris Elba, Matt Dillon, Michael Ealy, Hayden Christensen, Zoe Saldana, Tip “T.I. Harris, Chris Brown, Jay Hernandez Cinematography: Michael Barrett Original Music By: Paul Haslinger The Plot: A group of career criminals are coaxed into performing an elaborate heist at the insistence of one of their former crew member. Not only is the job difficult but they only have a few days to plan (compared to the usual year) and their “inside” contacts are less than trustworthy. Hot on their tale is

an overworked cop, who won’t rest until he brings the thieves to justice. Throughout his investigation and their preparation for the gig, the lines of good and bad become blurred. The Good: The Action: The trailer doesn’t do this film justice when it comes to the action. There are some slow-motion John Woo style shoot outs in this movie, along with a great Parkour sequence featuring Chris Brown pummeling through downtown Los Angeles. The sequences look so good because they’re all practical. The gunshots, the car crashes, the fight scenes, they’re all solid and appear real. Idris Elba: The British actor plays the leader and co-founder of the crew (along with T.I.’s character) and he’s the center of it all. No move is made without his consent and he’s believable as a patriarchal figure amongst this group of grown men. He has the screen presence to pull it off. The Bad: Dialogue: There’s a lot of repetitive dialogue. “Goddammit” was used more times than I can count, even in situations when it didn’t need to be. Also, there were several corny lines

used such as “It’s Showtime!” and “Let’s get paid!” They were forced attempts to sound hip. ADR: The dubbing used was terrible especially towards the end during the actual heist. There are a lot of wide shots used and the director probably wasn’t able to pick up good audio so he had the actors go back and do ADR. Unfortunately, the words don’t match their mouths and instead of sounding as if it was happening in the moment,

it sounds like an out of place narration. Cliches: Several stereotypical situations that we always see in action movies rear their ugly head. Three of them play a huge part in the story so I won’t spoil it for you, but they’re easy to spot. The light bulb will go off and you’ll say to yourself, “I’ve seen this before!” T.I. Harris: He’s one of the main characters in the film and it’s hard to watch his scenes because his acting

is so bad. He over exaggerates all of his lines, and half the time you can’t understand him because of his thick Southern accent. How is it that Elba uses his British accent yet recites his dialogue clearly, and T.I. doesn’t? Overall: Takers is surprisingly entertaining. The acting and the story isn’t much but there are several sequences that are worth a second look. Tanya Virdy

Did Wall Street need a sequel? Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (12A) Released 6/10/2010, Running time: 2hr 7min


uring the 80s the world experienced an economic boom, which was reflected in the music and movies of the time. Everything came with a glossy sheen that screamed wealth and success; one film encapsulated the climate of the time more than any other: Wall Street. It became a how-to guide for every aspiring businessman who wanted to get rich quick and lead a life of luxury. Gordon Gekko became the poster boy of a generation of excess. Ironic considering that this Faustian tale was supposed to be a warning against the evils of greed. 23 years on and how things have changed. Gekko, Michael Douglas, is out of prison and, seemingly, a reformed man. No longer the blistering whirlwind of greed that chewed through the scenery with venomous fury, he is now on a path of redemption. Whilst promoting his new book, Gekko runs into the fiancé, Shia LaBeouf, of his estranged daughter, Carey Mulligan. Seduced by Gekko’s silver tongue, LaBeouf agrees to help him get reacquainted with his daughter in return for Gekko’s help in getting revenge on the man he believes to have driven his mentor to suicide. The first question that springs to mind is - did Wall Street even need a sequel? The original was so good that making a sequel just seems like a futile exercise, but Oliver Stone has given it a go. It smacks a little bit too much of a once brilliant director trying to resurrect his career by trading on one of his most famous films, as did Francis Ford Coppola with The Godfather Part 3 and failed. I don’t blame him, but whereas the first film bristled with testosterone, assaulting the audience with razor sharp dialogue that moved along at such a pace it made your head spin, this latest instalment meanders aimlessly. There is evidence that Stone has at least tried to liven up the proceedings by injecting some quick-cut montages of Wall Street traders, but it’s not enough to liven up a lacklustre script. And therein lies the problem. Stone and Stanley Weiser wrote Wall Street when Stone was at his angry best. An outside party, in the form of Allen Loeb, has written Money Never Sleeps, which accounts Released 2/6/2010, Running time: 1hr 57min

T Above: Gordon Gekko (played by Michael Douglas) and for the lack of Jake Moore (played by Shia LaBeouf punch behind the material. The two plot strands (Gekko’s search for redemption and LaBeouf’s quest for vengeance) suffer from a lack of cohesion that gives the film an uneven tone. There are some nice ideas that, with a little more time, could have made a decent film, but instead we are left with a lazy, uneven mess. However, there are a few crowd-pleasing moments to be had, especially from Michael Douglas. There is a certain guilty pleasure at seeing the seasoned veteran slip back into his signature role, and whilst he may not be given the same whiplash dialogue, there are glimpses of brilliance. It’s just a shame that he isn’t on screen for longer. Instead, the film is laboured with Shia LaBeouf who, not content with ruining Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull, seems on a mission to soil the good name of every classic out there and is carried by his more talented supporting cast. A special mention has to go to Carey Mulligan who excels in her role as Gekko’s estranged daughter, even though it’s hard to believe that she could be the offspring of Michael Douglas and Sean Young. Money Never Sleeps could have been a good straight-to-DVD release, but due to the calibre of some of the cast members, it would be an insult not to have given it a cinema release. Susan Sarandon alone does not deserve the humiliation of being in the bargain bin next to Steven Segal’s latest release. It just saddens the heart to see a once brilliant director phone-in what could have been a scathing satire on the state of the recession.

Dorian Stone - Reviews Editor //

hey say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but newly released shows just how diamonds can also be a girl’s worst enemy. Written and directed by Noel Clarke, best known for previous films Kidulthood (2006) and Adulthood (2008), is a sexy thriller that follows the lives of four girls over the three day aftermath of a diamond heist. Similarities can be seen between and Noel’s previous work, particularly in the cast. Clarke casts himself in the sinister role of Adam Deacon, a small but effective part, and there are a few other familiar faces from both Kidulthood and Adulthood. Although the characters feel like they’ve been seen before, the storyline couldn’t be further removed from his earlier films. Whilst it is lighter in tone than the previous two, Noel seems to have found a good balance between serious and ridiculous. Whilst most of the storylines are designed propel the drama, there are a few moments that remind you it’s pure entertainment. The cast is made up of a variety of up and coming actors, some known and some not. All manage to hold their own and deliver a good performance, although I do think a few of the girl’s could benefit from some lessons in ‘phone call’ acting. If it’s a seriously gritty thriller that you are after, then isn’t for you. However, if you are looking for a film that is entertaining and completely different from other recently released films, then this is one to watch. On a final note, this is definitely for both sexes. It appears as a chick flick with female empowerment and friendship being the main themes, but at the same time it is sexy, has an amazing car and quite a lot of female action to keep the boys happy. This fast paced, energetic popcorn flick is unlikely to become a classic, but for a night in with the girls, or Rebecca Eveleigh boys, it’s a safe bet.

Beware of the Yob! Eden Lake (18) Released 12/10/08 Running time: 1hr 31min Harry Brown (18) Released 11/11/09 Running time: 1hr 43min Heartless (18) Released 21/5/10 Running time: 1hr 54min

21 Bucks Student

ON THE BOX Soaps Review

By Shadow of Soaps //


ndescribable... Indestructible! Nothing Can Stop It! It’s… it’s... the Yob! It seems like these days the biggest thing we fear in our country isn’t nuclear war, or the economy, but the yob culture. After watching films such as Eden Lake (James Watkins, 2008), Harry Brown (Daniel Barber, 2009) and more recently Heartless (Philip Ridley, 2010) I have begun to wonder if this is a national fear we all share? [Spoilers Ahead] In Eden Lake, a group of teenage terrors led by none other then Jack O’Connell (of ‘This is England’ and ‘Skins’), haunt a happy couple played by Michael Fassbender and Kelly Reilly as a beautiful day turns to hell by the evening. Whilst the movie as a whole is unbelievably flawed, the performances are good (as expected from O’Connell and Fassbender) and you do actually fear O’Connell’s character. He shows so little care for human life and forces his followers into committing horrendous acts that we, the audience, are left asking if this is how writer director James Watkins views the youth? Then you look at Harry Brown, in which an O.A.P (in this case Michael Cain) is so scared to walk down the street after the death of his friends that he has to fight back. The yobs in Harry Brown are really threatening to society. In one pointless scene, two yobs circle a mother with child before gunning her down. It’s scenes like these that make me wonder where the writer got the inspiration. Sure, you hear enough about it in the news but the fact that it’s seeping

into our contempory British cinema shows that we as a society no long fear organized gang warfare, but it’s the kids we fear most. Also Harry Brown unlike Eden Lake actually interests its adolescent audience rather then insulting them. And then you arrive at Heartless which has the most interesting thoughts on yobs in the East End of London. Jim, the birth-marked photographer who spends most of his time alone, stumbles across a gang of yobs one night around an open fire (typical Friday night) only to discover they are

Ryan playing daddy

I actually Lizard Demons. The new reports about their brutal murders and sacrificial ritual throw the blame on normal kids in masks instead of some gang. It’s this which leads him to descend into hell and back. The fact that the demons walked around in hoods and track suit bottoms really was an interesting twist on it. What I believe is that the Yob culture in Britain is actually having an effect on the mental stability of the people in our society. We (the non-yobs) see them as a threat but also as animals that are reckless and naive and so carless for human life. Johannes Roberts new horror flick F, which premiered at London’s Fright Fest, is yet more fuel to the fire of us vs them. Is this a reflection of our current society? Or is it just over exaggerations for propaganda against them? Who knows, but all we can do in the mean while is run and hide. By Oliver Hunt

t’s been a busy few months for Walford what with the Executive Producer changeover. Bryan Kirkwood seems determined to start his reign off with a bang and he’s certainly done that! In the previous 6 weeks or so, we’ve seen the departure of the matriarch Peggy Mitchell, the much-hyped return of a (pregnant) Kat and Alfie Moon, the arrival and departure of Michael Moon (played by John Shepherd), the departure of good old Minty, the death of Billie Jackson (due to alcohol poisoning), the reappearance of Lauren Branning (with a new face and personality transplant), the departure of Zsa Zsa Carter and Leon Small and finally the Vic being blown up and (currently) undertaking a major revamp. With all of this going on in a short span of time, even by EastEnders standard, it’s fair to say that families who’ve been relatively unaffected seem to have disappeared off the face of the Earth! However, finally, we’re getting some indication that these characters are in fact alive! Starting off with Walford’s machoist couple, we have Ryan and Janine. Expect to see Ryan betraying Janine (again) in the next few days, prompting Janine to return to her evil, scheming

Above: Carol branding Jim a ‘racist’

ways! I’m quite happy to announce that Christian and Syed are very much alive! We finally saw them earlier this week, when Roxy (stupidly) spikes Syed’s drink at R&R causing Christian to tell Roxy to get used to the fact that he’s with Syed. You’d never guess that we haven’t seen them on screen for a (ridiculous) 6 weeks. Unfortunately, it looks like they’re disappearing off screen for at least another 2 weeks. If you ask me, Kirkwood’s not using the Masood family to their full potential. With brilliant actors in Nina Wadia (Zainab), Nitin Ginatra (Masood), Marc Elliott (Syed) and Himesh Patel (Tamwar), it’s an insult to the actors to have them now appearing almost often as Tracey and Winston! However, Tamwar finally gets his own storyline which involves a girl that Zainab doesn’t approve off. You’d think that she’d appreciate the fact that Tamwar is with a girl, and not a boy! Over at the Branning’s, we’ve seen Carol struggle to cope with Billie’s death. The funeral takes place in tomorrow’s episode, and a row with her family results in Carol banning her family members from attending her son’s funeral; despite slapping Liam and branding Dot and Jim ‘racists’. Kat, Kim, Pat, Stacey and Janine find themselves locked up in a prison cell after getting in a fight at the club (while Ryan’s at home playing ‘daddy’ to Lily). Stacey lets it slip to her horrified cellmates that Archie raped her and later pleads with them to keep it a secret. That’s all from me, if you have any soap queries for ANY soaps then please get in touch with me at I’m more than happy to answer any soap queries you may have!

BE GOOD IN BED ONE IN NINE OF US have had a sexual infection, often without any symptoms. The Practice can give you a free and confidential sexual health check at one of our clinics, either on campus or at The Practice, Hanover House. We are holding these FREE clinics on campus in a private room in rooms N1.06 and N1.08 from 10am - 3pm on the following dates: Tuesday 2nd November / Tuesday 7th December Monday 24th January / Tuesday 15th February Tuesday 15th March / Tuesday 17th May We also provide regular clinics every Friday 2pm - 6pm (walk in until 5pm) at The Practice, Hanover House. You can just turn up, but booking an appointment is a good idea. For an appointment please call 01494 690890 or email: Why not check out our website or myspace page

Bianca moments before punching Billy

22 Bucks Student

Puzzle Corner 3





















7. Carriage of goods (7) 9. Maltreatment (5) 10. Enthusiast (3) 11 Kind feeling (9) 12. Amusing (5) 14. Robot in human form (7) 16. Madman (7) 18. Strict system of social distinctions (5) 19. A nice way of saying something (9) 20. Type of lettuce (3) 21. man-made waterway (5) 22. Jewellery item (7)

1. Appreciative (8) 2. Two performers (4) 3. Illness (6) 4. Rotten (6) 5. Glowing (8) 6. Avid (4) 8. Set Free (11) 13. Skittles (8) 15. Horse training (8) 17. High pitched voice (6) 18. A judge’s private office (6) 19. Every separate one of several things (4) 20. Use it for gambling (4)



Edition 11 Answers: Across: 1 Game 4 Apple 7 Macaroni 8 Rage 9 Addiction 11 Over 12 Armani 14 Threat 16 Plus 18 Audition 20 Acne 21 Ignition 23 Dyson 24 Talks Down: 1 Grander 2 Miami 3 Duo 4 Alienated 5 Parlour 6 Eagle 10 Imitation 13 Answer 15 Amorous 17 Laced 19 Total 22 Nit


The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter Y in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of a movie musical director. 1. Various 2. Cheap, tacky 3. Large bird cage 4. Clerk 5. Probably 6. Represent 7 Annual 8. Inflatable boat 9. Turn to bone 10. Sleeping attire 11. Speech of praise 12. Close

12 11








4 7

5 6



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Who, what where and when?

WHO... had a No. 1 hit in 1965 with The Carnival Is Over? WHAT... is sometimes called the fourth estate? WHERE... did Horatio nelson marry Frances Nisbet in 1787? WHEN... did composer Felix Mendelssohn visit Staffa inspiring his Fingal’s Cave overture? Answers: WHO: The Seekers; WHAT: The Press; WHERE: Nevis; WHEN: 1829.

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9 9




6 8









1 2


7 4


1 6

3 8




3 7 1




4 3

9 8

9 6




3 5







6 3

1 6





6 2












9 6

2 1







6 1

5 5


Difficulty: Adavanced

Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating



Difficulty: Intermediate

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine.


Difficulty: Easy

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.

Sharing a house with friends

Sharing a house with your mates and worried about how to split the • • bills? • Then you could consider joining Glide. Glide is • a private utility company that provides energy and telecommunications to tenants, landlords, letting agents and property developers in the UK. They supply utilities to students and young professionals living in shared accommodation with a twist! Each tenant only pays for their share of the bills Reasons why Glide makes shared living easy: All the bills are split equally amongst all your housemates • Take advantage of recent energy price cuts and save money • Just 1 fixed price payment per tenant • Based on usage so use less and you’ll save

more money All your utilities in one simple bill Avoid arguments over who pays what No chasing housemates to pay 24 hour online access to your account

With Glide you only pay your share. No worrying about unexpected bills or arguing about who pays what. You know in advance the price of your own individual monthly payment and this gives you maximum control over your own personal expenditure. Glide will only bill you for the money that you owe; if your housemates don’t pay their share Glide will chase them and not you. Glide can cover your gas, electricity and water bills, your BT telephone bills, your TV licence and your broadband. You can choose whether Glide covers all or some of these services. You may have to get your landlords permission

to change your utility providers. When you sign up with Glide you get to choose the contract length from 6 months to 36 months. At the end of your contract, you can easily extend your contract, but if you want to cancel the contract you can by giving one month’s notice however if you want to cancel it before your minimum term, you will be liable for any cancellation fees as set out in the agreement. We, in the Advice Centre, see students every year who have problems with housemates not paying their share of the bills. Not only does this break-up friendships but it also usually means that at least one student in the house ends up feeling very stressed out and often out-of-pocket. As advisers we are not recommending Glide, but we do believe that for some shared houses it will prove to be beneficial. We understand that if you do sign up to Glide your total expenditure on bills maybe slightly higher than if you’d handled all

the bills in the normal way. So before you signup for Glide, ask for a quote and do your own calculations to see if it is the right option for you. To find out more we have leaflets and sign-up sheets in the Advice Centre, or you can go directly to Need more help and Advice? If you would like to discuss any of the above or you need any help and advice about anything else then we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us. Bucks SU Advice Centre High Wycombe Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603016 Uxbridge, Room 1.02 Tel: 01494 605180 or why not drop us an email at:

BNU Buccaneers


THE SPORTS seasons started last Wednesday for some of our Sports teams, with a mixed bag of results of 2 wins and 2 losses. It’s early days and a long season ahead with many points to be picked up still.

By Chris Organ - Chairman

By Richie Stuttard - Sports Editor

WELCOME to the sports section of the Bucks New university student paper. This year we’re hoping to keep it as good as ever, and we’re trying hard to improve it even more. But we can’t do that without the input from you guys. My name’s Richie Stuttard, and I’ve just been elected as Sports Editor for Bucks Student Newsgroup for the year, so feel free to email me or approach me in person, I can probably be found at the closest bar! With all the sports talent we have at the university, why not show it off for all the other students to see. For all you new Fresher’s you’ve joined us at one of the best times, we’ve so many opportunities for people to play sports here at Bucks New University. At the moment we offer American football, Men’s and ladies hockey, Netball, cheerleading, Rugby, Squash, swimming, Football, Basketball and Athletics, amongst others. There’s something for everyone, and it caters for all levels of skill. The Gateway’s fantastic new leisure hall is also fully open, where there are lots of activities run which cost absolutely nothing to attend, so you don’t have to give up your valuable beer money. If you want to get involved, just ask for more details at reception in the gateway building for information and for details of how to sign up. We had a fantastic football season last year with the Bucks Men’s 5th team winning their league, adding a little bit of pressure to new 5th team captain Jonny Eldridge, let’s hope a few more men’s football teams can do us proud and put our name on the map. Tiger Wood’s better watch out as the 1st team Golfers won their league without losing a single game, and the 2nd’s didn’t fail to impress either by finishing second in their league. The cheerleaders danced themselves to 8 trophies, and the American football team climbed from 42nd ranked up to 23rd. Let’s not forget that the Men’s Rugby 2nd XV also achieved victory in their plate competition. There are so many great opportunities Bucks offers to play sport, all for free, with mini buses provided to locations away from High Wycombe, not many other universities can boast this fantastic factor, so you don’t have any excuses not to get involved! If you don’t want to get involved on the pitch, everyone is more than welcome to turn up and cheer on the university, fixtures will be published in here, and online, so you can keep track of how we’re doing. Let’s hope it’s another great season for Bucks New University sports wise, and we can add a few more trophies to our cabinet.

wadiehs corner Vice President Student Involvement //

BUCS Rugby South Eastern Conference 1a Bucks 1st 34-0 Royal Holloway 1st SE Conference 5a Bucks 2nd 10-17 LSE 2nd SESSA Football Division 1 North Bucks FC 5th 3-2 H’ford Reg College SESSA Netball Reading Uni 1st 37-13 Bucks 3rd

RFU Ban England from Tweeting By Laz Wood - Student Editor

So, the Buccaneers kicked off their first week night training at their new home ground Farnham Royal Rugby Club. With our own pitch dedicated to American football and clubhouse with a bar, we look forward to having a terrific few games at home. Our squad is 40+ strong of athletic guys and the freshers intake has shown some real talent and potential to cause even more devastation to teams this

year. A new intake of professional coaches (for example the current GB/ London Blitz middle linebacker) coaching our LBs into dangerous little unit. A fast and athletic offense coupled with a dangerous and merciless defence should make for a brilliant season. The squad has grown over the 6 years since it was founded into a force that is starting to be reckoned

with. The boys train Tuesday nights 19:30-21:00 in a lecture theatre and then have a rigorous fitness session in the gateway afterwards. They go to the gym 3-4 times a week and train on Thursdays as match prep. Games are on Sundays or training at the rye. Our website is www.bnubuccaneers. We’re taking off now and we want BNU behind us!

New Uni last season. When asked if Eldo was feeling the pressure of the high expectation after the high standards that were set the previous year he said ‘I don’t feel any pressure at all, if anything, it makes me want to succeed even more and make the 5th’s back to back league winners’. Currently in his third year of university studying sports management and football studies, Jonny grabbed the opportunity when it came up to take the job as he felt it would be a ‘great opportunity to try something different and come out my comfort zone.’ Without sounding over confident, he believes that his team can win the league and has put it down as the ‘main expectation’ with a decent run in the Sessa cups and Bucks shield being a bonus. When talking about the strength of the squad he lists the speed and pace going forward of Prince, Jamal

Sutton and Jeffry Adu as a major bonus and the solid partnership of David Armstrong and Antony Perry, which will hopefully keep any opposition attack at bay. After two intense years of playing football for the university, his highlight obviously was playing in last year’s Bucks shield final, which took place at Adams park, home to Wycombe Wanders and London Wasps, when pressed whether he’d be putting on the Bucks shirt again he stated ‘I’ve got a lot of good players in my team, but I may make the odd cameo appearance every now and then, but only if were desperate!’. Showing he has a lot of faith in his players. If you want to come and cheer on Jonny and the 5th’s, or any of the other football teams, they play their home games at Magnolia park or the Rye, both about 10 minutes walk from the university, with parking also available. It’s free to go and cheer on your fellow students, and hopefully you can inspire them to run that extra bit faster. Let’s hope we’ll see another league title being put into the trophy cabinet.

Jonny Eldridge Interview

By Richie Stuttard - Sports Editor

With the new university football season about to start, 5th Captain Jonny Eldridge is working hard to make sure his team are ready for the big kick off. Eldridge, also known by the affectionate nick-name of ‘ELDO’ believes his team can do the unthinkable and win back to back league title’s following the hard work laid down by last year’s 5th team captain Rossi Colbert, whose team brought the league title back to Bucks

LAST week the RFU announced that it was going to be launching a crack down on the England squad’s online and advertising activities. Players will be banned from using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter during the World Cup in New Zealand next year. Whilst England would be the first international side to feel the effects of such a ban, many club teams have already adopted a similar policy. Leicester Tigers adopted a blanket ban on players using social networking sites to say anything about their club after Jordan Crane Tweeted about an ankle injury. Players would also be prevented from writing sports columns for national newspapers whilst they’re at the tournament. This has traditionally been a supplementary revenue source for several players and will not go down well with the squad. On top of these bans, players have been told they should not plan any individual commercial activity to coincide with the tournament, though some people believe this is simply a ploy to ensure that the RFU’s own lucrative deals don’t get undermined.


QUIZ 1. Where is the Fenway Park baseball stadium? 2. In what year did Frank Bruno first fight Mike Tyson? 3. Where will the 2014 Commonwealth Games take place?

Answers: 1. Boston (home of the Red Sox; 2. 1987; 3. Glasgow

Introduction to Sports section

23 Bucks Student


Where’s our Grass Campaign


THE 1st AU COUNCIL meeting of the year is taking place tomorrow Thursday 21st Oct . All Sports team chairs should be attending, if not preferably your secretary or another member of your clubs committee.

THIS IS a campaign started last year to get the University to go out and find us a new home for sports after the sale of our 2 campuses where our students played sports fixtures! I have managed to get a forum with Ruth Farwell, the Vice Chancellor and some of the Senior Management Team to take

The leagues 95% of our sports teams all compete in are up and running this week! Meaning many of your fellow students will be up and down the SE of England if not a home fixture, representing the university in many different sports fixtures. If you are free today and not participating in any sports or recreational activities, pop in to the Student Activities office and find out what fixtures are at home to go and show your support to one of our many teams!

questions and listen to you, the students. A chance to air your views as its unacceptable that they sold without having a contingency plan for you to play sports and make them accountable! Keep an eye out for the date of the forum, spread the word and make sure you come and make your voice heard!


Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

Bucks Basketball -

Interview with Adam Blaynee By Richie Stuttard - Sports Editor

AFTER being in the sports shadows for too long, Basketball Chairman Adam Blaynee is looking forward to the upcoming season, I spoke to him about the team, trials and the trophies he’s aiming to win. With Men’s basketball firmly under rated as a sport, the opening of the new Gateway sports hall has been a fantastic spark for basketball at Bucks New University to firmly take off. Ambitious chairman Adam Blaynee believes this season could be one of the best ever for the university in the men’s basketball field. With a record number of people turning up for trials, the standard being set even higher, there clearly is something to get excited about. When asked about the new fresher’s who turned up for trials, he said ‘This year we had a much bigger turn out and personally I think the standard was higher. Our coach said the players were more talented than last year, but there was a lot of ‘raw’ talent that after some work would become top players this year’. With all his responsibilities as chairman, Adam hasn’t been tempted to get involved himself, believing the standard is ‘too high’. As chairman Adam is in charge of looking after the whole club off the court, setting up meetings with help from the

secretary and with the rest of the committee. This season, the club are involved in the BUCS Basketball-South Eastern Conference Men’s 4A league and in the basketball knockouts men’s southern Eastern Conference cup. Within the league, Bucks are likely to come up against some tough opposition in their league; these oppositions include St Mary’s University College, University of Reading and University of Chichester. Although the competition looks tough, the chairman has set his sights on the winning the league and trying to get hold of the cup. If you want to get involved in Basketball this year and have missed trials, you can join the Facebook page ‘Bucks Mens Basketball Team *Official*’ and turn up to the open sessions every Sunday 12pm2pm. You can get in contact with Adam Blaynee by emailing or call or text him on 07872 923212. It’s free to go and watch the team play; they start their season at home to St Mary’s University College Men’s 2nd’s on the 17th November at 6.30pm.

jailbreak 2010 beg, blag and borrow your way to freedom

13th - 15th november 2010 Get as far away from the uni as possible in 48 hours without spending a penny of your own money. Blag tickets and guilt your family and friends into helping you on your mission to break free. Get sponsored and help raise some much needed money for the RAG charities this year: Learn as One and The Pepper Hospice. search: BUCKS JAILBREAK 2010

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