The Bucks Student - Edition 13

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bucks student edition 13

November 2010

The Bucks Student is attending:


Make history this November. Join us as we march on the streets of central London to fight against the looming savage education cuts. For more info check out:

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bucks student edition 13

November 2010


Catch up on all the latest action from the universities sports teams

Page 30

FASHION Top tips for

your winter wardrobe Page 28

Will Politicians stand by their promises? They entered Parliament as partners but will Nick Clegg stand his ground and risk splitting the coalition that brought his party to power?

RECIPES Halloween treats

Take a look at our new recipes pages with treats sure to delight

Page 25


Don’t forget to check out Dear Busty and her cousin Binty’s dream section

Page 11

NEWS Don’t give up on the arts

How cuts might destroy our heritage

Page 5

ENTS Halloween events

Check out the latest from Halloween and more at the SU

Page 14



By Tanya Virdy IN THE last edition, our editor, Laz Wood, covered Lord Browne’s review. The issue of the current cap on tuition fees being scrapped is still very disturbing but I am taking on this topic in a different slant. In the recent report issued by Lord Browne, it was recommended that universities and any other higher education institutions should charge what they like for a degree! Surely this is bound to cause division amongst liberal democrats. In a recent news interview with the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg said they are voting for this cap not to be released. Will the votes make a difference to the report released by Lord Browne? The debate arises that some say, it is fair to ask graduates to contribute more, particularly those graduates whose degrees leads to higher lifetime earnings. We students are aware of the fact that universities have to get funding from somewhere, but I believe that it is completely unfair to see that entire burden placed on the student. If the cap is raised on tuition fees, then what we will see is a market emerge in higher education whereby students will be forced to choose, not based on academic considerations but based on their ability to pay. Now that’s something that is really going to deter poorer students from achieving the grades, aspiring to pursue higher awards and the applying to the best institutions in the country who will be able to charge astronomical fees. That’s simply unfair to place that entire burden on the shoulders of the students giving them up to £30,000 of debt before they enter the job market. If you knew the fees were going to be £12,000, wouldn’t that put you off applying in the first place? Certainly the fees we already have of £3,000 are bad enough but when we are talking about £12,000, or anything of that level, that would be absurd. It’s completely hypocritical for a government who have based average cuts across our public services on the immorality of public debt to simply allow students, before they even enter the job market, to acquire astronomical levels of debt themselves. Continued PG 5

Bag yourself a design prize!! Your library bag needs a design... ...can you get a handle on it? Win £100 in Amazon vouchers Runner-up prize of £50 Please pick up a flyer for full details or go to Closing date: 5 November 2010

Printed on 100% recycled paper | Help reduce your carbon footprint by recycling your newspaper Bucks Students’ Union and Bucks New University are committed to doing their part in recycling and reducing their carbon footprint

4 Bucks Student

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Tom Foy - Editor t: 01494 601600 e: Laz Wood - Student and Community Editor e: Kelly McGarry - LifeStyle Editor e: Louby Delahunty - Entertainments Editor e: Tanya Virdy - News Editor e: Harry Boileau - Features Editor e: Richie Stuttard - Sports Editor e: Claire Cullen - Fashion Editor e: Tanya Virdy - Celebrity Fashion Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soaps & TV Editor e: Dorian Stone - Reviews Editor e: Talie Campbell - Arts & Literature Editor e: Monika Stary - Jobs & Careers Editor e: Joanna Szczpanowska - International & Travel Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Societies Editor e: For Advertising: Vicki Buffoni t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601600 e:

features News P5 International P8 Travel P10 Lifestyles P11 Photos P15 Ents Wallplanner P16 Soaps & TV P21 Movie Reviews P22 Societies P24 Recipes P25 Puzzles P27 Fashion P28 Editors Choice P29 Sports P30

Letter from the Student Editor Laz Wood e: Well it has been an exceptionally active two weeks since the publication of the last edition of the newspaper! The Student’s Union ‘Where’s Our Grass?’ Campaign took a huge step towards achieving its goals by getting over eighthundred students to pledge their support to the new Community Stadium and Sports Village project. Many new societies reached Bronze Accreditation while many older societies have reached record levels of membership or activity (or both). The Bucks Student Newsgroup (which writes this newspaper) has grown to include over twenty-five new members and has itself achieved the Bronze reward. Dozens of students have signed up to go on the march against higher education cuts but we still want more! This could be our only chance to join up with other universities en masse and

stand against the proposals to essentially cut the throat of our nation’s future. Without the kind of skilled workers that university education provides, our nation’s economy will suffer even more than it already has. We must prevent the Coalition Government from making the acquisition of an advanced education a luxury! Nick Clegg promised to oppose uncapped fees and we must hold him to that declaration. We Will March!

Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students Union for more information.

Local Ghost tales

Far right: George and Dragon Pub: West Wycombe; Right: West Wycombe Caves

By Siobhan Carney

Most of us like to be scared. This is why we tell each other ghost stories, why we flock to the cinema to see the latest scary movie and why we all love Halloween. However, apart from the obvious fun of dressing up for the evening, it’s pretty hard to picture anything spooky happening in High Wycombe. So, in honour of the recently departed all hallows eve I decided to put aside my scepticism and dig a little deeper into a series of local ghost stories. Cherrygarth Care Home: Holmer Green A cursed room, an unseen presence; you’d be forgiven for thinking this is the plot of the latest Stephen King novel, or perhaps the upcoming trailer for Paranormal activity 2. However, this particular haunting doesn’t take place in San Diego or Salem’s Lot – but rather, the sleepy village of Homer Green in Bucks. For the last few months staff, at the Cherrygarth care home have been hearing things that go bump in the night…and it’s not just the residents! Surrounded by leafy greenery and quaint shops, the small care home is hardly the Bates Motel, but according to one employee, Fran Gianfelicie (21) it’s certainly not short of its own Hitchcock-esque atmosphere. “Everyone knows that the old Dementia ward is

haunted, we’ve heard buzzers going off when no one is down there, we’ll go down to look and the door will locked,” she says with an embarrassed smile. “Room 15 is the worst. Over a period of about 9 months every resident we placed in that room died.” So, have the creepy occurrences stopped? “We’ve moved site since then so who knows. I think the building is abandoned at the minute,” she responds. Ghostly Rating: Less ‘care home’ and more ‘scare home’. Wycombe Caves: High Wycombe Built by Sir Francis Dashwood, the notorious cofounder of the Hellfire club, these man-made tunnels are the apparent location of not one, but two ghosts; the most famous of which is that of the lady in the white dress. According to local legend, back in the 18th century a young maid named “Suki” was sent a message, supposedly from her lover, asking her to meet him in the caves wearing a wedding gown. However, when she arrived she discovered that the letter was actually a hoax, a practical joke played on her by some village boys. Angry and humiliated the girl threw rocks at the laughing youths. Unfortunately, when one of the boys retaliated by throwing one back,

Recycle your copy of the Bucks Student once you have finished.

the joke went horribly wrong. The caves and inn are said to be haunted by her ghost and visitors have reported seeing a girl in a wedding dress wandering the chalk and flint passages. According to assistant manager, Julienne Barlow, “She’s got a broken heart so she walks around the caves looking for her lost love.” Confessing her relief at not having seen the ghost herself, she added, “None of us have ever seen her luckily, I don’t think we’d be going back into the caves too often if we did! Ghostly rating: Romeo and Ghouliet. A spectre in a white dress might not be the most original ghost story but the locals are certainly convinced. The George and Dragon Pub: West Wycombe Situated in West Wycombe this historic pub is famous for more than just its quaint façade and good beer. Not only was it a popular watering hole for the hellfire club but it’s also another location supposedly frequented by Suki, (she’s one busy ghoul.) Locals have also reported hearing heavy footsteps believed to belong to a traveller who was murdered at the inn - descending the main staircase. Ghostly rating: A pub that – quite literally – serves spirits.

Continued from page 3... Some people say this is going to make English degrees the most expensive degrees in the world. Vice chancellor for Exeter University David Allen said on Sky News that it would be worth spending all that money to obtain a degree. He supported the values and beliefs of Lord Browne and many other commentators who pointed out that over a lifetime you get at least a £100,000 more benefit from being a graduate than you do from just doing A-levels. He believed a degree provides access to the professions, graduates are healthier, they have more satisfying lives and they tend to earn more money. Furthermore, he went on to saying how all over the world you see private contributions. In countries like China you see private contributions from graduates to their higher education. The key thing is that it’s not students who pay, its graduates and only when they can afford to do so. It’s a little bit like taking out a mortgage, like investing in yourself. So retrospectively, Allen is asking you ‘don’t you think you’re worth investing in?’ Personally I believe one should think about what the aims of higher education are for. It’s not simply a business transaction whereby you pay some money and get something in return. It’s actually about opening minds and providing people with the access to opportunities for jobs, wealth, and the ability to better themselves. Now those opportunities should not be based on how much money your willing to pay, how much debt your willing to acquire and furthermore we do not need to see a situation where those people who perhaps need the opportunities the most are being deterred from achieving those opportunities. Given the opportunity, I would like to query the figures that were given that graduates earn £100,000 more over a life time? That’s an average figure meaning that for art students in particular, that figure is way down at about £20 - £30,000 over a lifetime. Now if fees are going to go up to about £7,000, which is what’s been suggested in the current review of higher education, then that graduates premiums are completely eliminated by the debt, which they’d acquire during the course. The economic incentive is completely removed. The first and most basic duty of a politician is to stand by their promises. That’s what we want to judge them on and I think it’s a complete betrayal for the liberal democrats to be suggesting they’d go back on their pledge. In one of Nick Cleggs video broadcasts for Sky news, he said that he would resist, campaign against and vote against any increase in the cap. As of yet, he has not given any excuse to do anything but that. If he doesn’t do that then frankly it would be a real betrayal, students and their families will not forgive him. It’s crunch time now for the liberal democrats. Are they going to be the principled and progressive politicians who they claim to be, or are they just going to be sort of spineless servants for their conservative masters.

5 Bucks Student Left: The Globe Theatre which was associated with William Shakespeare. The original theatre was built in 1599 by Shakespeare’s playing company

‘The arts anticipated government funding cuts of about 25%. This was perhaps rather optimistic, being that they have just been hit by cuts of 30%’

Don’t Give Up On the Arts This spec of land that we inhabit has possibly one thing going for it. That is, we are a creative and vibrant society that is multi-cultural and like no other in the world. A dark cloud is glooming over us as our heritage is at stake and our arts are in jeopardy. Over the recent months the government has been planning to make major changes to our countries economy, and the proposed cuts will affect everyone in some form. Regrettably, due our vulnerable economic situation, these amendments are inevitable and unavoidable. The arts, along with sports, and media knew they would be facing major cuts, as well as the public sector, welfare and higher education. The arts anticipated government funding cuts of about 25%. This was perhaps rather optimistic, being that they have just been hit by cuts of 30% and at least 100 arts organisations will lose their funding all together. This is a devastating blow to England’s cultural spectrum, including music, theatre, festivals and venues, regional and local galleries, comedy, art and film. Sadly, when money is tight, it

becomes apparent to some tax payers that the arts do not seem whatsoever imperative to our country, especially when they believe their money could be going toward better resources such as the police or fire brigade. Although they do have an argument, this outlook is rather cynical and hugely ignorant. We have an array of theatres, galleries and venues to be proud of. What is the point of being dismissive of something we as a country thrive at? Fortunately, the arts do not rely solely on the public, but also count on money from private (sometimes anonymous) donors and the National Lottery. Despite this, the National Lottery is not entirely loyal to the arts either, being that in recent years much of their focus has been on the upcoming 2012 Olympics. So do the arts have anyone they can turn to? Only themselves it would seem, as in protest to the arts foreseeable future, The Turning Point Network have set up a petition as an attempt to protect England’s vibrant art culture. ‘Save the Arts’ has been ongoing since mid September and hopes to gain at least 1 million supporters of the campaign. The

petition will then be sent to the cultural secretary Jeremy Hunt. The Turning Point Network consists of over 2,000 arts organisations and artists that are working in conjunction to organise the campaign and are dedicated to finding new ways to support the arts in the UK. Some of the artists that have already signed up include David Hockney, Antony Gormley, Anish Kapoor, and Rebecca Warren. There is also support from representatives of the British Film Institute, Central Saint Martin’s College, Royal Academy and Tate, the list goes on. Each week the work of a different artist is released on the ‘Save the Arts’ blog in response to the battle. David Shrigley started off the campaign with an animation, ‘An important message about the arts’. A humorous take on the predicament, aimed to authenticate just how vital the arts are to us as a country, pointing out that, ‘The arts generate vastly more revenue for the economy than they cost to fund.’ Since then, artists that have contributed work include, Turner prize nominee Cornielia Parker, Fourth Plinth artist Yinka Shonibare and

Turner prize winner Mark Wallinger. There is a daunting uncertainty that if money is taken away from the arts, will it lose out on quality and therefore be short of appreciative audiences? Artists acknowledge that reasonable cuts and efficiencies are necessary but the 30% cuts that will take place can only have a damaging impact on the social and economic benefit’s that arts brings to us all. The art industry provides jobs, enriches communities, enhances culture and generates huge amounts of tourism. It is promising to see that so many artists and art organisations have come together to fight their battle collaboratively. Even if the petition has no effect on the government’s intensions to make the 30% cuts, at least there has been an attempt to make a difference. It has been put together so creatively and uniquely, using their talents and their skills to produce works as a way to argue their point across; that it in itself should provide us with some hope that the arts will survive this turbulent and uneasy financial period. So please, don’t give up the arts. This country is made up of some of worlds


By Viviana Castillo - 3rd year BSc Nursing

You may had notice many of your fellow students with blue lips… were they getting ready for Halloween? No they were getting ready for something even more important; to help break a Guinness world record and raise vital awareness of Pulmonary Hypertension (PH). Well what is PH and what does it have to do with blue lips? According to the Pulmonary Hypertension Association UK (2010) PH is a rare lung disorder in which the blood pressure in the pulmonary artery rises far above normal levels. At the same time as the pressure rises, the

sufferers. Pulmonary hypertension is frequently misdiagnosed and often progresses to late stage by the time it is accurately diagnosed (phauk,2010). November is the official PH month and we hope to gather 40,000 lip prints, with all the lip prints collected over both Uxbridge and High Wycombe campus’ we hope to have brought enough support to achieve this goal. Nonetheless, we are sure that awareness was definitely brought. Thank you to all who made this campaign possible in both campuses and to all of you who lent us your lips.

walls of the blood vessels (pulmonary arteries) become thicker. PH can occur with or without an identifiable or known cause. Most commonly, patients with pulmonary hypertension complain of shortness of breath (dyspnoea) and fatigue (excessive tiredness). In the same way, Blue lips (cyanosis) is an indication of a number of conditions including PH (phauk, 2010; puckerup4ph, 2010). Although there is no accurate record of the incidence of PH there are approximately 4,000 PH sufferers in the UK and it is estimated that there are an additional 4,000 undiagnosed

By Claire Cullen

most sophisticated and outstanding artists, musicians and performers. Not only that, but we have some of the most beautiful theatres and awe inspiring galleries that should not be taken for granted. Next time you have some free time, why not try one of these places you’ve heard of but have never got round to seeing. For instance, the V&A Museum, which displays centuries of historical costumes and contains rare artifacts from all over the world. Or the National Portrait Gallery, where you can come face to face with the likes of Henry VIII, Sir Winston Churchill or David Bowie. Perhaps book a ticket for The Woman in Black, a ghost story that will have you trembling in your seat at The Fortune Theatre. Whatever it is you enjoy, be sure to get involved. The arts may be able to fight its way through financial difficulties but none of it can survive without an audience. To support the ‘Save the Arts’ protest, sign the petition now at: savethearts-uk.

6 Bucks Student

Follow us Bucks helps trial-bike rider ‘get the edge’ on twitter...

Students can now follow Bucks New University on Twitter. The Twitter account is updated daily with the latest news and goings-on around the Campuses at High Wycombe and Uxbridge and carries web links to stories involving Bucks. Follow us at There is plenty going on so check it out!

Speaker: Chair:

Tim Lamb, Chief Executive of the Central Council of Physical Recreation (CCPR), (soon to be the Sport and

Recreation Alliance)

Peter Thomas MBE, Visiting Professor and Director of Sport at Bucks New University, and Chairman of Bucks Sport

Bucks New University is hosting the fifth in a series of free lectures featuring leading speakers from the worlds of sport and health care. Wednesday 24 November 2010 Owen Harris Lecture Theatre 1, High Wycombe Campus, HP11 2JZ 5.30pm light refreshments 6-7pm lecture 7pm light refreshments Tim Lamb is the Chief Executive of the CCPR, which from 1 November 2010 will be known as the Sport and Recreation Alliance, and is the trade association for all governing and representative bodies of sport and recreation in the UK. During his lecture, Tim will outline the challenges facing his 315 member organisations as they approach the opportunity of a lifetime with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, whilst dealing with the consequences of the recession of a lifetime.

Public Lecture Series 2010 Places need to be reserved. To book a place please contact: Lorna West (Vice Chancellor’s Office) Bucks New University, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 2JZ Tel: 01494 603 002 Fax: 01494 438 123 Email: or book online at

National Union of Students NEWS

Sport and recreation the current state of play

Up-and-coming British trial bike rider Jack Sheppard said he hoped to ‘gain an edge’ after being tested at the state-of-the-art Human Performance Laboratory at Buckinghamshire New University. Jack, among the country’s top young riders, was put through a 1 1/2 hr fitness assessment at University’s Human Performance Lab, which included a VO2max test, a strength test and a body fat test. This testing took place on Tuesday October 26th. Degree students studying BSc Motorsport took the measurements as Jack, 17, was assessed on a cycling ergometer, which uses an online gas analysis system. He said afterwards: “The kind of high-quality fitness

assessment can only help give me an edge in competition. “The sport is up-and-coming and there are a lot of good riders out there so I have to be as professional as possible in my approach to ensure I can compete at the highest level. Bucks New University is helping me do that.” Dr. Maria Konstantaki, Senior Lecturer in Sports Science, said the test was conducted as part of a module for the students so that they could get experience of testing a ‘real’ athlete. She added: “Jack has performed well in the fitness assessments. The data will be used to design a fitness programme for Jack which will help him improve his performance during Trials. This event furthers the reputation of the Bucks Human

NUS responds to comprehensive spending review NUS has warned huge cuts to higher education funding and student support for further education contained in today’s comprehensive spending review (CSR) informed an entire generation, “you’re on your own”. NUS said the fresh round of cuts would lead to the effective privatisation of universities and restricted opportunities for college students.

Tenancy Deposit Protection research launched

Since 6 April 2007, landlords in England and Wales have been required by law to protect any deposits or bonds given to them by their tenants as security against loss or damage to the property. The aim of this electronic survey is to obtain the views and experiences of students in relation to tenancy deposit protection (TDP).

Performance Lab as a centre for elite athlete testing and will open the way for other athletes from the motorcycling world to use our facilities”. Student Joe East, 19, said it had been ‘very useful’ to test the equipment in a reallife scenario. He added: “It is interesting to see how an athlete of such a high standard performs in the fitness test and how we can benefit him.” The students will also be organizing a trial bike meeting for Berkhamsted Motorcycle Club, in Hertfordshire, next summer. The club is the second oldest motorcycle club in the country alongside the Motorcycle Club of Great Britain, has more than 300 members and is one of the largest off road trials clubs in Hertfordshire.

Figures show 200,000 missed our on a place this summer More than 200,000 people missed out on a university place this summer, confirmed new figures on Thursday. The figures, from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), revealed that 209,253 people, one in three who applied, did not get a place at university. In total 688,310 people applied and 479,057 (69.6%) were accepted. In the previous year 633,592 people applied and 477,277 (75.3%) were accepted. The figures come in the wake of the publication last week of Lord Browne’s review of higher education funding and student finance. Aaron Porter, NUS President said: “At a time when universities need public funding and radical reform to meet increasing demand from applicants, Lord Browne has opted to focus on ramping up the costs to students to fill a black hole created by selfdefeating cuts.”

7 Bucks Student

Members of staff from the Students’ Union who recently wore pink into work to raise money for breast cancer

Bucks New University goes pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Students and staff at Buckinghamshire New University were in the pink when they dressed up for a day of fundraising in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness. People at the University, in Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, donned pink clothing and took part in a collection on Friday (22 October) to raise cash for the charity. Alice Dewsnap, volunteering coordinator at the University’s Students’ Union, said it had been ‘great fun’ in aid of a good cause. She added: “We have also been selling fairy

cakes with pink icing and asking people to donate money in return for guessing how many sweets were contained in a jar, as well as dressing up. It has been a really good, fun day, for a worthwhile cause.” Alice said the day had raised around £65 and Bucks Students’ Union was hoping to collect more. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is taking place throughout October. For more details go to By Dean Valler

Multi-faith rooms available on campus The Equality and Diversity Service are pleased to announce that a new multi-faith prayer/quiet room (to be known as ‘The Sanctuary’) is now available on each campus for quiet reflection, meditation and prayer for those of any faith or none. The rooms, N1.10 High Wycombe and 3.09 Uxbridge, will be open throughout the University

opening hours and we would request that users observe the guidelines on the use of the rooms which are posted on the doors. As these are new facilities we would welcome feedback and comments to ensure we are providing an appropriate service. Please contact the Equality and Diversity Service; email or ext 3083.

Win a paid design internship Respond to a design brief from UNICEF UK and you could win an internship as a designer and a reference from a Creative Director amongst other prizes.

Creative Tap is open exclusively to art and design students.

Get designing, the competition closes 30 November 2010.

The tap is now open. For the design brief and how to submit visit:

creative tap

turn on the potential 2010

8 Bucks Student

Canada is fighting illegal immigration By Joanna Szczepanowska - International Editor

The Canadian government wants to hinder illegal immigration of Tamil Boat People in to their country. They created the restrictions which give police power to arrest for a year the foreigners who are in the country illegally. It is highly probable that the government’s project will be enacted by the Parliament. Vic Toews, minster of Public Safety said that Canada ‘won’t tolerate abuse of the immigration system by people who bring illegal immigrants to the country as well as those who don’t follow the rules within country regulations’ Last August Canada was forced to consider immigration applications of almost 500 Tamils, who came to the country in a ‘Sun Sea’ ship. A group of 76 Tamils – people from southern India and the north-eastern region of Sri Lanka - claimed refugee status in summer 2009. As the number has grown five times since last year, authorities decided to change their immigration policies. They emphasize the fact that in this way Tamils are avoiding the regulations set up by the country. They also presume that among them could be suspected human smugglers and terrorists. It turned out that in fact, many of them paid hundreds of thousands dollars for their place on the ship. Canada fears that ships with illegal immigrants can become a serious problem comparable with the situation that is happening in Australia. Vic Toews said openly, that

criminal organisations choose Canada as a destination for their activity. According to Canadian police, organisations which are smuggling immigrants get ten million dollars profit each year. That’s one of the reasons for introducing new penalties. If the bill goes through, those who bring illegal immigrants to the country can face ten years imprisonment and owners of ships used for smuggling people will be paying high financial penalties. Authorities would be also able to arrest newcomers for a year till they clarify their situation. Illegal immigrants won’t be entitled to put forward a motion for their stay for five years. If those who claim to be refugees will go back to their country, even for holidays, their asylum proposals will be automatically dismissed. The government’s idea has a good chance of being accepted by the Parliament. The Canadian opposition protests not only against the new restrictions but also against a lack of clear information on certain rules and a lack of additional means for police. The ONZ convention on immigrants that has been signed by Canada, demands consideration of every asylum seeker application for those who are in territory of the country. Canada has currently got 34 million inhabitants and takes around 250 thousand new immigrants every year. Application decisions for immigrants in normal cases usually take just few weeks.

Above: Tamil people on Sun Sea; Far Right: Tamil refugees in Australian coast; Right: Vic Toews Public Safety Minister, Canada

‘Drink and smoke, the more the better’

Left: Alieksiej Kurdin, Russian Minister of Finances

Russian Minister of Finances Alieksiej Kudrin found an easy, simple and comfortable way for rescuing his country’s finances. His advice is to drink and smoke as much as possible. Thanks to this citizen attitude an income from excise will be growing. ‘People should understand that those who smoke and drink are contributing to country’s welfare’ said the minister. This extraordinary statement had been made public while announcing his plan for the rise of excise for cigarettes and alcohol. In his opinion smokers and drinkers can resolve the country’s sociological and demographical problems. He didn’t explain however what exactly he meant by this. He said only – people should understand that those who drink as well as those who smoke help the country – quotes Russian daily newspaper Wriemia Nowostiej. Kurdin wants to double the taxes put on cigarettes and alcohol, he’s probably afraid that higher excise can discourage people and therefore he has made this speech on citizen attitude. If the consumption rate of cigarettes and alcohol stands for patriotism, Russians are the biggest patriots in the entire world. In Russia 60 % of adult men smoke and the level of alcohol consumption is on average 18 litres of pure alcohol per head including infants and pensioners. Drunkenness has an enormous impact on demography – because of overuse of alcohol, half million people die every year. Their deaths help the country only because there is no need to pay their pensions. Time will show whether his controversial ideology will work. Joanna Szczepanowska

Make history this November. Joi us as we march on the streets of central London to fight against th looming savage education cuts.

For more info check out:

9 Bucks Student

‘Spanish terrotist academy smashed’ LAST FRIDAY (22nd October) Spanish police arrested 13 members of a Basque separatist movement SEGI. Youths between twenty and twenty nine years old have been taken in to custody. The operation, which involved 300 policemen, had taken place in Basque Country, Navarra and Barcelona. The Ministry of National Security in Spain confirmed that within the convicts are the main leaders of the group. They have been accused of rebuilding their organisation after arrests that were made last year. In November 2009 thirty four members of SEGI, including its National Executive were taken in to custody where they’re serving a six year sentence, by decision of High Court Judge Fernando Grande Maraske. According to a local radio station, he was also instrumental in last Friday’s operation. After last year’s operation Grande Marlaska called the movement ‘an arm of ETA’ and a ‘serious terrorist academy. ‘SEGI is using street terrorism. It is a youth organisation thanks to which ETA is building up new military structures’ said the Judge.




Local authorities blame members of the movement for throwing Molotov cocktails into government buildings, banks and offices of political parties and spreading riots across the country. ETA stands for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna - Basque Homeland and Freedom and was launched in 1958 by radical activists from the Nationalistic Basque Party. It is an armed Basque nationalist and separatist organisation ‘with the goal of gaining independence for the Greater Basque Country from a Marxist-Leninist perspective’. SEGI activists declare that their organisation is ‘a political youth movement, which is representative of a large number of young people in the Basque country’. They claim that Spanish government decided to brand a completely legitimate political group as terrorists in an attempt to subvert the ever present Basque national liberation struggle which has been going on for more than a half the century. From 2002 SEGI has been classified as a ‘terrorist organisation’ by the Spanish government and from 2007 has been seen as such by the European Union. Joanna Szczepanowska

Erasmus - could it be the way to tackle rise in University fees? STUDENTS taking part in Erasmus can avoid paying fees for a year when they study abroad. Those who decide to participate in the EU funded project can save £6000 of fees for their education. Erasmus is a programme supported and sponsored by the European Union as part of a Lifelong Learning Programme launched in 2007, which has a budget of 13 billion Euros per year. It enables higher education students, teachers and institutions in 31 European countries to study for part of their degree in another country. The aim of the programme is to increase the quality and standards of learning in EU countries. Brave ones who will take up this opportunity will only need to worry about their day to day expenses and accommodation, which can be also paid from the EU budget. It funds co-operation between higher education institutions across Europe. The programme not only supports students, but also professors and business staff who want to teach abroad, as well as helping university staff to receive training. The calculation is simple, especially if we bear in mind that living expenses in other European Countries can be lower than in UK. It pays off and ‘it’s a great opportunity which is just waiting to be taken (…) I took part in Erasmus a few years ago and it’s just an enormous opportunity for anyone who takes part in it’- says Antonia Mochan , Head of Media for the European Commission in the UK. Many young Europeans got involved in

the initiative, however Britons seem to be the least interested nation. For 200 000 students participating each year there is not more than 10 Britons taking part in the programme. ‘If you are a student in Holland for example, you would be considering going to university in Germany, Brussels or France (…) if you are

living in the UK you only look at Universities in the UK, let’s be honest, British students are not using this opportunity says Antonia. ‘Of course it requires a knowledge of language and courage to go to different country, but even if you don’t speak perfect French or Italian you can still give it a go, because Universities abroad are

also lecturing in English’. Even if the lectures are being led in English language, going abroad for a year is a great opportunity to learn a foreign language and maximize student opportunities on the job market. According to the British Council, ‘Students with language skills are seen by businesses as being more flexible and adaptable, more likely to appreciate the need for intercultural communication skills and more able to build relationships with counterparts or clients in other countries’. Erasmus also opens opportunities for different types of employment within the European Union institutions. That could be a possible career for many, especially since 2007 when the UK lost one third of their representatives in the EU. ‘We need young Britons to be able to represent their country. You don’t have to study politics to work for us. We need all sorts of people for example if you’re studying science you can be a UK representative, because we need those who can understand e.g. environmental issues’ says Antonia. The programme enables students to access a wider range of subject areas than in the UK and stand out in the job market as a great addition to CV. Joanna Szczepanowska

Regarding the international article “Death to the homosexuals”

We would to apologise for the term ‘Protestants’ being used in the opening paragraph of the first international story on page 6 of edition 12. It was meant to say ‘Protester’s’. Although there have been reports that a group calling themselves Adventist-Protestants were actively and violently involved in the riots against the Gay Pride event in the Serbian Capital of Belgrade, they cannot be confirmed or corroborated by other sources.

10 Bucks Student



By - Gary Anderson


n 1972 a group of startled and confused young children disembarked onto the runway at Gatwick airport ready to begin a new life thousands of miles away from their homeland. The young passengers were leaving behind a land that was being torn apart by one of the bloodiest and most controversial military conflicts of modern history - The Vietnam War. Among this group of Vietnamese orphans was a four year old girl called Thi Hien who was on her way to beginning a new life with her adopted parents in Hayes, Middlesex. Thi Hien and the rest of her group were among the first of the so called ‘air babies’ to be rescued from the brutal conflict. She had been found under a bush in Saigon; one of thousands of babies abandoned by their mothers during the war, and was taken to a nearby orphanage. It was whilst in the orphanage that she came to the attention of British nurses who organised for her adoption by a British family. Thirty eight years on, that same girl is returning to her place of birth to set up and run an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City. Suzanne Hook (the name given to her by her British parents) plans to officially open Allambie Orphanage at the end of November 2010. Initially, the orphanage will cater for eight children whom Suzanne has already met during previous visits to orphanages in the Vietnamese city. In doing so, she is giving up a comfortable lifestyle in Britain and her beloved collection of over 300 hundred pairs of shoes! The 41 year old has sold her £500,000 home in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, her top of the range sports car and her successful beauty business to fund the building and setting up of the orphanage. Quite a culture shock, one would imagine, going from a comfortable life in the Buckinghamshire countryside to the pressures of running an orphanage in a country that still bares the social and economic scars of war. However, for Suzanne this new chapter in her life comes at a time when she has come to terms with her identity and who she is. ‘’I see myself as Vietnamese first and foremost and I am proud of it’’. This was not always the case though. She is the daughter of a Vietnamese woman and a black American soldier (it is assumed as no records exist) and she was brought up in England so it comes as no surprise that growing up she struggled with her identity and sense of belonging. ‘’Before I went to live in Saigon I never really talked about my past. It’s not that I was embarrassed I just didn’t want to go into it. My father was a black American, my mother was Vietnamese and I grew up in a British family. I never used my Vietnamese name and to be honest I was never comfortable saying I was Vietnamese’’. All this changed in 2006 when she went back to Vietnam to track down the orphanage she came from. This inspired her to return in 2007 to teach English and she spent a full year working with orphans and teaching. Returning back to England Suzanne carried on with her life, running her business called Couture Nail Service, but the children she had met in Vietnam were never far from her mind. ‘’It was hard when I came back. I loved being out there and my experiences with the kids. Taking the kids to the local pool, going to the beach where we had a great time just eating, swimming and having fun you know. I even got them to write letters to Santa and I bought them all presents, wrapped each one up and had a Christmas party. We had a wonderful time. Just being able to bring a smile to their faces was such a fantastic feeling’’. Buoyed by her experiences Suzanne returned to the orphanage each year and it was during her last trip in April 2010 that she finally made the decision to set up her own orphanage.

She knew that in doing so she had to turn her back on her life in England and plough all her resources, financially and emotionally, into realising her dream of opening the orphanage. As a consequence of this, her twelve year marriage ended. Although, she says her husband supported her and understood that she had to do it, they both realised that for the orphanage to be a success then Suzanne had to dedicate her life to it and this meant moving to Vietnam permanently. She says, ‘’I never expected my husband to give up his life here and move to Vietnam. That would be totally unfair. He knows what this means to me and that this is my life now. We still get on great, I speak to him a couple of times a week, we still have dinner together’’. This remarkable drive and determination allied to a definite rebellious streak can be linked to the turbulent relationship that Suzanne had with her adopted parents. They were devoutly religious Christians and along with her new sister and two brothers (one of whom was a Vietnamese boy), the family had to abide by a strict and almost zealous moral and religious code enforced by the parents. Her mother died of cancer eight years ago, but Suzanne admits that she does not miss her at all. She has not spoken to her father in over five years and rarely speaks to her siblings. Asked what her family think of the decision to sell up and move to Vietnam her response reveals the extent to which relations with her family have broken down, ‘’ I don’t know what they think. I have not spoken to them. I’m not expecting anyone to get in touch and I would be extremely shocked if anyone did’’. She admits that it would be nice for someone to pick up the phone and acknowledge her, but adds, ‘’ It’s not something that I lose sleep over. I have never received any support from them really, especially since I left home’’. Suzanne left home when she turned 18, getting drunk for the first time and losing her virginity the same night as she moved out. She became an atheist because she says she had religion and God ‘’constantly rammed down my throat’’. She was forbidden from having any friends who did not share the same beliefs that her parents espoused, television was banned, all her clothes were chosen for her, her appearance, including how she wore her hair, was dictated by her parents. What was most shocking of all however, was the emotional isolation she endured due, in particular, to the callous and hurtful comments from her mother. ‘’ She referred to me as the devils child. I always felt that I was treated different from the other children. She constantly told me that I was different. I remember her once saying, ‘you should be thanking me, nobody wanted you not even your own mother’,’’. It begs the question as to why these people adopted Suzanne in the first place considering the way they proceeded to treat her. She asked her father this question after her mother had died and was told that it was an instruction from God. How ironic it was then that the so called ‘devils child’ was the person holding her mother’s hand when she finally lost her battle with cancer in 2002. But why be there for a woman who never once told her she was proud of her daughter? ‘’Well, she would have hated the fact that I was the last person to be with her when she died but, I don’t know, something kicked in. I guess deep down I knew that this woman probably saved my life’’. For the children of the Allambie orphanage, Suzanne ‘Thi Hien’ Hook has gone from being a lost soul to a guardian angel with or without God on her side. Suzanne ‘Thi Hien’ Hook gave a talk to second year Journalism students on 15th October. For more information on Allambie orphanage, including volunteering opportunities or donations visit

Boston to Los Angeles in one-month


ello there fellow Bucks students, my name is Harrison and I am currently studying Film and television production here at BNU, I am in my first year and am very much enjoying it so far. However I am writing to tell you about my travels prior to coming here. On the 5th of April 2010 I took a flight from London Heathrow to Boston Logan international (Boston, Massachusetts), I had to pick up train tickets on the 6th for a journey that would take me across the U.S.A. from Boston to Los Angeles, where I had another flight already booked to take me to Australia (another story altogether). I would start in Boston and then go to New York then Washington D.C. then Chicago then to Denver to San Francisco and finally Los Angles, I was nineteen and I was alone…. Boston, MA I arrived in Boston at around four pm, after having a somewhat lengthy flight trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach; I was keen to leave the plane. I joined a long queue of people waiting to be seen by passport control, above them hung a lovely picture of Barack Obama with a welcoming smile on his face. It was then my turn, “next!” I was asked the routine questions “purpose of stay?” “How long you gonna be here?” “How much money you got with you?” After having passed the test I was now officially in America, I grabbed my bags and got onto the bus headed towards ‘downtown’ Boston.

Above: Fenway park home of the ‘Red sox’; Right: Harvard University

By Harrison Boileau - Features Editor

After having trailed the streets for ages I finally found my hostel. I checked in and met the fellow travellers. After a few hours settling down I went out and grabbed myself a ‘Wendy’s’ it tasted like heaven and much to my surprise I managed to finish the large size. Also one night I ate at the ‘Cheesecake factory’ no prizes for guessing what they sell, but if there are any cheesecake fans out there I highly recommend it. That first night was rough. Tossing and turning, suffering from jet lag, I woke at five had breakfast and set about my day. Boston is a beautiful city; I was 10 minutes from the baseball field ‘Fenway Park’ I was near the sea, the people are great and the day I spent at ‘Harvard’ was unforgettable. Also everywhere you go there’s a ‘Dunkin donuts’ best breakfast ever! The accent was vey different in Boston to how I imagined, the Irish influence has dropped the R but replaced it with a H, the example I was given was ‘Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd’, I’m still trying to get it right even now. After five days in Boston I really felt welcome, I met some great people at the hostel and just generally around, will definitely go back! I didn’t want to leave but I had a train waiting to take me to New York City. Those butterflies were starting to come back… If you have any ‘gap year’ travel stories you’d like to share then please email me at features.editor@

11 Bucks Student


Confessions of a Fresher



Random Ramblings Ruin Relationships


Dear Busty

e’ve all been guilty of altering the truth a little bit, sometimes it happens and it’s too late to take the words back...mainly because you don’t want anyone to think you’re a big fat liar. So it doesn’t come as surprise that we use the odd white lie here or there to liven up our flirting techniques, you know “I love sky diving”, “wow you have a really good body do you work out?”. Don’t get me wrong, i’m a firm believer in ‘modernising’ the truth to a certain extent. There are many forms of rambling that we have ALL taken part in, this is the part where you take note and I try to attempt to steer you away from relationship ruin. Drunken Discussions: Never ever ask the guy/girl you like out after five double vodkas and red bulls, trust me you’ll either throw up all over the object of your affections, or just say the first thing which comes to mind and I can guarantee it will not be anything attractive or witty. If you really want start on a positive note, use a cheesy chat up line, you’ll break the ice with a laugh and the best thing they’ll think you’re either

really brave or really cheesy...either way it beats throwing up. Argument Agreement: The first, second or third argument. There’s a moment where we unknowingly start to say things we didn’t want our other half to know like “I hate your friends”, or “remember when I said I liked your new haircut, yeah I lied you look like a cheap version of Peter Andre”. I know that the last thing we’re thinking about is the repercussions of what we say. May I suggest deep breaths, if this fails may I also suggest just admitting it and if they call you a liar just say that you we’re merely modernising the truth because you didn’t want to hurt their feelings. Please talk to me Plea: They’re not talking to you? Wanna know why? So your first port of call is to persistently leave messages on facebook, twitter, msn and various other social networks, their phone and leave the occasional voicemail. STOP! Please i’m begging you do not ever do that-again if you’re a previous offender. They’ll think your some weirdo stalker. People like their own personal space, it doesn’t matter how close you may think

Dear Busty, I want to join the hockey team but my lectures run until 3 o’clock on Wednesdays and I don’t think I can take the time off every week? Steve, 21 Stevey my little darling, you are clearly not aware of the Big deal! Part of the big deal is that ALL lectures must finish by 1pm on Wednesday. So what you have to do is take your little hockey loving legs along to the SU office and speak to Matthew ‘Kitch’ Kitching or Tom ‘Chooch’ Foy and they will get on the phone and sort that out for you. I would sort it myself but my hooves aren’t the best for holding a phone. How do u type I hear you cry? Well I have a keyboard that’s a lot like those giant Keyboards you get in toyshops at Christmas. FUN yet practical! Kisses on your face, Busty x

you are. As frustrating as it is, it’s just something that we all have to deal with, especially when you don’t know what you’ve done-if anything at all, they’ll come to you when their ready. On the plus side giving them the space to think or whatever it is their doing, will make you seem like the awesome, mature person that you are. Nervous Nothingness: Meeting new people is probably one of the most nerve racking things in someone life, gone are the days of pre-school when sharing a pack of crayons meant your were bff’s. Now it’s not so simple or is it? Once you’ve gotten past the ‘hello’s’ and ‘how are you?’s, there is often the awkward silence stage where neither you nor the other know what to fill it with. Queue the random things that are going around in your head they usually start off with “Did you know that...” which is usually a random fact that we remembered from the paper or on facebook. Chances are the person you’re talking to is as nervous as you are, I remember some of the first things i’ve said to new people and trust me they’re as random as they come. I survived and so will you.

Dear Busty, My best mate has recently come out. Since then she has found herself a new girlfriend this is great and I am super happy for her. But now I hardly get to see her and I miss her lots. What should I do? Princess, 21 Princess (Fabulous name by the way, I also consider myself to be a princess!) I say you tell that friend to fix up and start showing you more attention and if not get your friendship divorce papers out and get them bad boys signed!!! But....... that would be selfish so....*rolling eyes* I suggest giving your binty friend some time with her new girlfriend and let her know that you’re still around but won’t be forgotten! So make sure you keep sending those abusive yet loving texts and also don’t forget to have some fun while she’s not around and make her jealous! Just to make sure you have lots

y now you have probably realised what this piece is all about. I’m here to inform and entertain you lot on what’s going down in the educational hood. At no point do I want you, the reader to feel like you have to be on edge around campus or else you’ll get a hit from an unnamed writer; but it’s what I do. I’ll sit and I’ll watch you for hours – spooky thought isn’t it? What’s more spooky however, is Halloween. It’s that time of year again. Some girls use it as an excuse to dress as scantily clad as they like without compromising their reputation, then there are boys who use it as an excuse to dress up like the fairy they’ve always wanted to be. I’ve never really seen the appeal in dressing up in a used bin liner for attention. Sometimes yes “it’s all for a laugh” but why on earth would I want to borrow girls clothes and squeeze every part of my male anatomy into them? I think my level of complex cynicism has developed a great deal over the last couple of years. I’m actually scared of dressing up; so I’ll mask my fear with outright negativity. I never want to look or feel uncomfortable when I’m out, so strap yourself in because I’m about to explain why. Things like this always start with a bad experience. Scared of dogs? It’s probably because you’ve had a frightening experience with one. Me and “dressing up” are on similar terms. You see, when I was a young lad – I used to love it! I remember playing “The Postman” in an infant’s school play. I had to hold up a nutcracker and cry, very simple. I got to wear this super cool funky fresh Postman’s costume and this was probably when my love affair with dressing up started. I don’t think my parents ever really found it strange. I used to run around the house with paint on my face and a tie around my head thinking I was Action Man. This happened for many years, dressing up as often as possible and metamorphosing whenever I felt like it. I was Woody from Toy Story, a Bear, a Roman soldier, even a Zombie! I used to enjoy

to talk about when do get some besty time again. Kisses on your face, Busty x Dear Busty, People informed me that life at Uni would be exciting. However some of the things I witnessed at the sports initiations have scared me for life. Is this a regular occurrence or does it only happen once a year? Sarah, 18 Owww Sarah why oh why did you put yourself through that horrific experience? My Rusty tells me of the time where he was made to do some disturbing things with his genitalia. I’ve never looked at it or a crème egg the same since! Lucky I have never been exposed to such troubling sights and never intend to be. Thankfully it is only once a year. I think the best cure for you is to use

myself loads. Until one time; my dressing up antics took a turn towards what might be considered a darker, much stranger side of one’s personality... It was December, cold outside as you would expect. Mum used to keep it in her Wardrobe. I guess it was something which girls would care about and boys wouldn’t. I was bored and had nothing to do, so I thought to myself “Who am I going to be today?”. Mum had been floating about upstairs with nothing to do so she decided to open her wardrobe, reach in and get it to show my sister. Mums arm brought it out slowly and carefully. It was a brilliant white colour and draped out onto the floor like nothing I had ever seen or thought of wearing. Her wedding dress... eedless to say, photos were taken. Apparently I called myself “Jessica” for the evening and ran around with a wig on too. I spent months looking for those photos. “Seek and Destroy”. Never really did get over that lapse or minor blimp of boredom in my life until I came here. It’s all subjective. When you are constantly exposed to people wanting to dress up, run around and have a giggle, you are almost forced to join in. I’m now completely over my gripped fear of dressing up. The other week, I waltzed into the Union dressed as a G.I Joe with “Night Fever” running on loop through my head. I’ve dressed up for a beach party and was a Pirate too! I took all this very seriously. My primary way of getting into character for the Pirate role was to drink what might be considered “too much” and draw a moustache on my face. The world is my oyster, I think I could dress up as Hitler if I wanted to... bring on Halloween! Anyway. I shall now embark on some masculinising activities after confessing all that. Maybe I’ll go grow a beard, save a cat from an oak tree or punch a shark to death... By the way, have you ever noticed how much you hear the word ‘guys’ out and around university? (Just another Freshers observation.)


it as a stepping stone into life as you will never EVER have to deal with anything so grotesque again. Until then, when the horrific flashbacks appear, just close your eyes and think of Christmas! Kisses on your face, Busty x

Got a course problem, personal problem, financial problem or any other problem? Then email me at dearbusty@ thebucks

12 Bucks Student

Beauty Tips for Lazy Girls


s a self confessed lazy girl, I understand how hard it is to scrub off make-up after a few too many in the SU before passing out. Unfortunately, this does absolutely nothing for our young, fresh faces. So, if you are in breach of beauty rule no. 1: thou shalt remove all traces of make-up no matter how tired or intoxicated thou may be, fear not. Deep cleansing may sound daunting but it’s a fool proof way to brighten up your skin after a messy night out. Just follow these easy steps to a healthy complexion. 1. Use a gentle lotion for your eyes and a cleanser for the rest to get rid of last night’s make-up. Recycling may be good for the environment, but never for your skin. 2. Exfoliate your skin to remove any dead skin cells, the number one cause a dull complexion. Rub in gently (you want to keep some skin) and then simply rinse off. 3. Fill a bowl with warm water (never boiling) and add a few drops of essential oils, such as lavender. Wrap your hair in a towel and inhale for five minutes. This opens your pores and sweats out any toxins left over. 4. Now is a great time to tidy up those eyebrows, it makes it much less painful when your pores are opened. 5. If you still have time and energy, slap on a face mask. They are only 99p and are amazing for tired looking skin. Follow the instructions, wash off with warm water and finish up with some moisturiser. Et Voila, a healthier, brighter looking you! Follow this step once or twice a month and try to cleanse, tone and moisturise every night, try being the preferred word.

Dreams Deciphered by Binty Buck (Busty’s long-lost spiritualistic second cousin) Dear Binty? I had a dream that I was driving a car through a windy road and saw a man wearing a yellow coat on a white horse. I got the feeling he was a relation of mine from centuries ago. He pointed, telling me to go back. When I did there was a tornado in front of me. What does this mean? Amy, 19 Dear Dreamer, Being in the car alone means you are going a certain direction in your life independently, while the windy road represents changes on the path you have chosen. Because the man on the horse is an obstacle on your journey, he shows difficulties you will run into on this path. This man is a representation of your logic and he wears yellow to show your emotional side and your judgement. White horses in dreams means that you’re clueing in with your spiritual awareness. The tornado leads us to believe that you will feel helpless after turning around. The tornado clears the path for you, although you must use the energy in the right way or your decisions could be destructive. This dream is telling you what you already know, Amy. You’ve taken a wrong turn in life. This decision may be very small and is most certainly changeable for the better. The description of the man on the horse indicates that YOU are the one pointing yourself in the right direction, and because you turned around indicates you have realized you have made a wrong turning in life and wish to correct it. The tornado may be seen as a negative but I believe it is a positive for you. It represents a stop in you feeling helpless and being able to logically take the right direction with a clear head. Good luck.



at Bucks

edition 13

search: Bucks SU Photos (2010 -2011)

wed 04 NOV - tue 16 NOV


wednesday 03 frat house football takeover sin city casino


wednesday 10 frat house netball takeover hooters sports bar


ursday 04 th 8pm - late Aftershow:clement marfo & the frontline followed by blue rinse


ursday 11 th 8pm - late beat the bands final follwed by blue rinse


friday 05


8pm - 2am

flirt! cops & robbers jailbreak launch night


friday 12



8pm - 2am

flirt! bin bag couture



at the Venue High Wycombe

day 06


day 13

£1 ON ALL S omos on the night

sunday 07 pup quiz, + rock n roll bingo


sunday 14 pub quiz + rock n roll bingo + NFL shown on screen


monday 08 open bar

all draught £2 a pint 5pm - 11pm

monday 15 guided learning week

open bar

all draught £2 a pint 5pm - 11pm

tuesday 09 suck my my acoustic acoustic suck

4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW £7 5PM - 12AM Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am

tuesday 16 k guided learning wee

comedy central live

4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW £7 5PM - 12AM Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am

18 Bucks Student

PULL OUT SECTION ‘Live Link’ & ‘Trilla’ perform at our own SU

Caribbean Night On Monday 25th October 2010, I joined the ACS (Afro-Caribbean society) at the SU for a cultural night called the ‘Caribbean Night’. This event was organised by the ACS group itself. The night was hosted in support of Black History Month. The evening began around 8pm and consisted of a Soca band performing live in the lounge, which was later, then followed by the ACS Djs There was also free Caribbean food served during the night with all the favourites such as rice with kidney beans, dumplings, chicken and rice, very unusual but yet delicious bread alongside lamb curry. The event ended around 11pm. The evening itself was very enjoyable, there was a positive vibe throughout the lounge area within everyone. There was good music to enjoy alongside the hot Caribbean food being served. What better way to enjoy a winter evening then at the SU at an event organised by the ACS group. By Tanya Virdy

Halloween got heavy in true Crash fashion last Saturday at ‘Night of the dancing dead’ as Alternator Gigs put on a show to remember. A huge range of costumes were on show with people dressed as everything from a Ghostbuster to Alice in Wonderland’s Cheshire Cat, along with the usual death and demonic designs. With a grotesque burlesque act and music from bands like Sworn to Oath, Forever Never and the infamous Evil Scarecrow, the night was sure to be a hit with newcomers and Crash regulars alike. The Union might not have been packed wall to wall like Friday but the atmosphere was still electric and the crowd certainly loved the By Laz Wood night.

Pendulum DJ Set Gig ‘10 Blood pulsing, sweat clinging t-shirts to backs and music deafening sounds are all signs of a good night. And on Saturday 23rd October, Pendulum’s El Hornet (Paul Harding) came to High Wycombe to do a DJ set at the Students Union which left people with a ringing in their

ears but the satisfaction of a good night out which a lot of clubs can’t replicate. The doors opened at eight but it wasn’t until El Hornet himself took the stage that the crowds flocked filling the White Room. With a selection of music from Pendulum’s greatest hits from all three

albums mixed in with other big dub step and drum and bass tunes the result was a brilliant night at the Student Union. Its only problem was how it was spoilt by drunk students pushing and shoving their way through the dance floor to the metal barriers, careless of normal people just wanting

Photo by: Joey Gordon

On Saturday 16th October 2010, ACS organised and hosted an event as part of their monthly SOS (Skank On Site). This event took place at the SU from 9pm till late. The theme set was to come along and wave your countries flag as you skanked the whole night. Performances on the night included ‘Live Link’ who performed for nearly up to an hour and ‘Trilla’ who performed for about 20 minutes or so. As it was a Saturday night, the SU was not it’s usual packed out with students however the turnout was amongst 80 students or so. Not only did we have our own Bucks students attend but we also had a lot of new faces from outside of University show up with their flags. It was nice seeing these events draw in more people to join us. By Tanya Virdy

Evil Scarecrow Storm the Union

to dance in their designated space. For the low price of £10 (whilst being free for Freshers) it was truly a night not to have been missed by any fans or lovers of drum and bass. When there is no room at the bar, the students will walk the dance floor. By Oliver Hunt

Friday FLIRT’s Spooky Success! On Friday, 29th October, we had a Halloween themed Flirt night at the Student Union. The decorations were up, the drinks were flowing and the music was pumping. Unfortunately there was a long queue stretching back into the car park full of dressed up students eagerly waiting to get in. We had about half an hour to wait, entertained by monsters walking in stilts up and down the queue, which in my opinion weren’t scary at all, we could have done with a bit more entertainment! As you walked in to the building, the

By Hollie Wicks

walls in the entrance were decorated to look like the inside of a castle. And in the main room there were hanging ghosts and bats. At the back of the stage were more decorations, a gravestone and a pumpkin. Everywhere you looked there was a little something reminding you its Halloween, be it a ghost or a zombie student dancing. On to the drinks; there were the normal cheap drinks at the two bars. But addition to this there was a small bar selling cocktails in pumpkin style


g a e L r ie m e r P s y Barcla

Watch it here

kick of f Newcastle // 1:00pm v l na se Ar // 10 1. .1 07 kick of f v Chelsea // 4:00pm 07.11.10 // Liverpool

fish bowls for £5 each. Which were selling like crazy! There wasn’t a person not dressed up! There were the classic ghosts, devils, zombies and witches of course. Then there were guys were dressed up as babies, sporting the Primark onesies, pirates, school girls and characters from scary films like Frankenstein, Wednesday Adams etc. Overall the night was great, and it was really good to see everyone made the effort to dress up and properly fill out the Student union like it should be every weekend.

19 Bucks Student


The Big BIG winner By Stacey-Jo Robertson

Above: Dan Green - ‘Bucks Most Sociable Student’

Stereophonics Live at Hammersmith Apollo Gig date: 18th October 2010

SO AS WE told you before Bucks SU is the only University in the UK that lets its students have sport, societies, recreational activities and SU/gig entry all for free! In the week beginning the 18th of October a competition was launched by the SU to find out who was making the most of their ‘Big Deal’. To win students had to attend as many events as possible that week in order to be crowned “Bucks Most Sociable Student”. In the end it was narrowed down to three possible students all three names were put into a hat and the winner was drawn out. So who is ‘Bucks Most Sociable Student’... Mr Dan Green! Dan is a first year Graphic arts student and a resident at the infamous Brooke Street Halls. His favoured choice of music is Electro. SU - So Dan what brought you out so much this week? Dan - Mainly the two live acts Example and Pendulum and comedy and the Barbie&GI Joe night! SU - What do you think about the Big Deal? Dan - It makes the Uni stand out, I definitely save money. I paid £10 to see pendulum back home in Essex! SU - What was your fav night out this week then? Dan - Example SU - If you could have anyone at the SU who would you have? Dan - umm Deadmau5 or Calvin Harris. SU - What your general feeling about the SU? Dan - I love the SU, you feel like an equal not just a student.

Just take a look into what being a Bucks Student does for your bank balance!

...Bucks SU

*ACS- Black History special ft Trilla Entry - £0.00 2 pints of draught- £4 *Comedy Night Entry- £0.00 4 pint pitchers -£ 7 *Frat house- Rugby takeover Entry - £ 0.00 2 pints of Snakebite -£3.40 *Example Live tour Entry - £ 0.00 2x Vodka & Relentless- £3.60 *Barbie Ho’s & GI Joe’s theme- Flirt Entry -£ 0.00 2x VK’s + 1 corky’s shot -£ 4.80 *Pendulum DJ set Entry -£ 0.00 2x double vodka coke -£6.00

...Other Uni’s

ACS night- Entry - £5.00 2 pints of draught- £4.40 Comedy Night- Entry - £ 7. 00 4 pint pitcher -£8.80 Example Live tour- Entry -

raised the evening to dizzy heights with its seamless ability to take an audience of individuals and transform it into one bouncing, jubilant mass, singing at the top of its lungs. It’s the closest thing to sorcery I’ve ever experienced! As well as promoting the album re-releases, these shows also served as a fitting tribute to the vibrant, charismatic Stuart Cable, who tragically passed away earlier this year. Stuart was the Stereophonics’ original drummer (1992 – 2003) and lifelong friend to frontman Kelly Jones and bassist Richard Jones. Kelly took advantage of the more ‘intimate’ setting of the Hammersmith Apollo (as opposed to their usual arena venues) and regaled the captive audience with a great anecdote about the late Stuart Cable, whose love of Rugby lead him to smuggle a 6” portable TV onstage when playing their debut performance at Wembley in support of Aerosmith, in order to watch the Wales Vs South Africa match taking place that day. The whole evening was a glowing celebration of the Stereophonics’ early music and the band was on top form, delivering each track with perfection, whilst Kelly Jones’ trademark gravelly voice was as strong and gloriouslyrasping as ever.

Cost at Bucks Students’ Union - £28.00 Cost at Another well known Students’ Union - £ 89.40 That’s a total saving for Bucks Students - £61.40!!!

It’s not only the nightlife that you are saving on! Sports teams are also free at Bucks Other students are paying these sort of prices: Football-£140.40 Golf-£50 Netball- £ 75.40 Rugby- £115.00 Snow sports- £35.40 Basketball-£115.00 Cheerleading- £35.00 (Prices compared to another University)

Britney Spears

Stefan’s Hot New Album

Whiteout (2010)

Tinie Tempah’s Disc-Overy (2010) Parlophone

By Louise Delahunty - Entertainments Editor

Stereophonics - purveyors of some of the very finest indie/rock/pop noises ever to emanate from Wales. They recently played two special gigs at the HMV Hammersmith Apollo, on October 17th and 18th, to celebrate the simultaneous rerelease of their first two albums (complete with a load of lovely added extras such as b-sides, covers and general rarities). The two consecutive gigs showcased, in full, Word Gets Around, the 1997 debut album, and its ‘99 follow-up Performance and Cocktails, respectively. I was lucky enough to attend the second of these shows, which quickly and effortlessly became one of the best gigs I’ve ever been to. A brilliant video montage set to AC/DC’s Live Wire preceded the band’s stage entrance, and a full and superb performance of the P&C album was interspersed with various b-sides and covers of the likes of The Tragically Hip and The Kinks. TWO encores treated us to a mouth-watering selection of tracks from the debut album, plus a few newer hits like Maybe Tomorrow and Have a Nice Day. As a long time ‘phonics fan (and thus dutifully favouring the earlier albums), I felt thoroughly spoilt! It was the 2005 number one hit single ‘Dakota’, however, which

£10.00 + £1.50 booking fee 2x Vodka & Relentless £ 5.00 Flirt Barbie Ho’s and GI Joe’s - Entry- £5.00 2 VK’s + 1 corky’s shot -£5.50 Pendulum DJ set- Entry - £ 20.00 + 1.50 booking fee 2x double vodka coke-£6.20

By Sarah Campbell

Britney Spears is a woman who needs no introduction. With her life constantly reported in the media, it is no wonder that in her last offering Spears described her life as a Circus. In her latest offering Spears looks to reinvent herself again and move away from the showgirl theme of 2008 and instead harks back to a similar dance orientated sound of 2006’s Blackout. Which is more than likely the point considering the title of Spear’s seventh album. Starting the album with the gameboy esque introduction Get Back which leads into the heavily innuendo laced dance track When You Gon Pull It and the fast paced, dance orientated theme is set for the majority of the whole album. With tracks such as Kiss You All Over, What You Spipping and Sugarfall, Spears hasn’t lost her tried and tested combination of sex fuelled lyrics, raspy vocals and (inevitably) sexy dance moves. However, unlike Blackout and Circus, the pop/RnB/electronica mixture on Whiteout isn’t as immediately memorable tracks, unlike Blackout’s Gimmie More or Womanizer as featured on Circus. Rather it’s after the third or fourth listen of the album that you begin to appreciate the more subtle tracks like the Fiona Apple esque Let Go or the rather simply composed acoustic track Just Yesterday. There aren’t, unfortunately, enough tracks like this though as a whole. The more subtle, darker sounds of tracks like Baby Boy are a welcome break from the sometime monotonous tracks like the 80s, synth tracks like State of Grace, which with Spear’s voice sound overly sugary and grates after first minute or so into the song. Whiteout as an album has a simple enough mission statement: announce that Britney is back. With a different, fresh, sound and new image. In this, the album both fails and succeeds- it neither is big enough or bold enough to warrant the loud return that the album will invariably result n yet at the same time it is a different and unique enough sound to warrant Spear’s change in direction. With Whiteout Spears has a rather dark, fast paced album which on first listen, isn’t immediately engaging, however, this album defiantly remains a grower, leaving an impression after a fair few listens.

By Stefan Miller

Hey students and music fans, I’m here to tell you about Tinie Tempah’s new debut album Disc-Overy. The South London rapper’s album doesn’t only have the coolest artwork I’ve seen in a while but also features the likes of Kelly Rowland, Ellie Goulding, Swedish House Mafia and Labrinth to name a few. It starts with a dark, futuristic intro produced by Labrinth, a talented upcoming producer from North London, whose own hit ‘Let Da Sunshine’ charted at #2 a week ago. Disc-Overy is a grime album that takes influence from drum and bass, electronic dance music and US hip hop and also includes Tinie’s two well known number one hits, Pass Out and Written In The Stars as well as the catchy Top 5 hit, Frisky. My favourite songs on the album are: Just A Little, Miami 2 Ibiza and Frisky. Just A Little, featuring Range is an upbeat hip hop/dance track influenced by recent US hip hop songs with fast snappy hihats and heavy beats leading to a catchy melodic R&B sounding chorus. Miami 2 Ibiza is an awesome track! Produced by renowned dance music DJ’s Swedish House Mafia, this electro house monster of a track, with its anthemic trancy synths screams IBIZA ANTHEM into the ears of anyone calmly listening to their IPod touch. With more acronyms stuffed into a song than a Skype chat conversation, Tinie keeps us guessing what he is actually rapping about (still don’t get where he put that girl’s number lol). Random references to the QVC channel and JVC camcorders also give the song a funny side too. Frisky is a grime song with urban attitude with Tinie rapping in his distinctive playful style over dark, bassy synths which erupt into an energetic drum and bass track near the end. With a similar sound to his number 1 hit Pass Out, Frisky gets you in that party mood ready for that night out and also you can’t help jump crazily to the drum and bass bit at the end!

Movember Finale Monday 29th November For more information: and search Bucks Tash Team

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Thursday 10th November The Venue 8pm - 2am Free for Bucks students £5 for Guests

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ON THE BOX Soaps Review

Jane finding out about the adoption

By MJ //


ver the last 2 weeks, we’ve seen Janine kidnap Lily from the Slater’s house, dupe Ryan into believing that they were going on a brief holiday, and almost kill all 3 of them on a level crossing after forcing Ryan to choose between Stacey and herself after Ryan discovered that she didn’t have any plans for them to return to Walford. The Queen Vic’s revamp is finally completed and open for business once again, under the reign of Kat and Alfie! However, let’s not forget that this is Albert Square, meaning that there’s bound to be some drama... And sure enough, Kat and Roxy are never ones to fail. After Alfie went to kiss Roxy on the cheek for helping them out, she turned at the last minute, resulting in a kiss on the lips. Beady eyed Kat is never one to miss anything, and let’s Roxy know exactly what she thinks about her by pulling out her extensions… Heather finally got lucky and won a holiday to the Caribbean. Ian invited his brother in law and his boyfriend over for a ‘surprise’ announcement. A hearing date had been set for Jane to officially adopt the young Bobby Beale (who was standing there holding a poem and wrapped in a massive pink bow) as her own son. You’d expect Jane to be pleased, right? Or at least drop her ridiculous plan of fleecing Ian. Apparently not…


poilers: There’s plenty of drama in store for Harry, Jodie and Vanessa over the next week. Jodie finds out that Harry isn’t her father after Darren was told earlier this week by Harry and let it slip. Harry turns nasty after threatening to hurt Jodie unless Vanessa hands him various items of jewellery and agrees to pay him ‘in kind’ to stay away from her daughter. While Ian and Syed get some bonding time in the.. kitchen, Christian advises Jane to come up with a cover story after finding out the truth about Lucy and her ‘abortion’. Jane agrees and Ian swallows Jane’s lies about ‘a surprise Christmas present’ and later that evening in the Vic, Christian offers to open an account for his sister, in his name… Roxy realises she’s skint and has (unsurprisingly) blown all her money after going to pay for extravagant purchases for Ronnie’s wedding.. who seems set on upstaging Kat and Alfie’s nutptials. Jack and Carol attend court to hear whether or not justice has been served to Kylie for shooting Jack… Stacey and Julie (Billy’s old friend from the care home) end up having a barney in the Vic, typical Walford Style.. Tamwar reveals his heart’s hidden desires to his father… The Branning brothers decide to ‘teach Harry a lesson’ shortly before Jack’s wedding, but what they don’t realise is that an angry Harry is seeking revenge.. Will he make it up in the aisle to marry Ronnie? Like always, feel free to get in touch with me at for ANY queries based on any soaps.

Above: Janine, Ryan and baby Lily stuck on the train tracks

Kat and Roxy cat fight

21 Bucks Student



X-Factor 2010 Review

lichés…an annual Michael Buble appearance and more sob stories than a Jeremy Kyle episode; It’s The X-Factor of course, where - during Guilty Pleasure’s week- mentor Cheryl Cole showed the remaining twelve contestants what it takes to be a pop star these days; A bottle of Mahogany hair dye and the ability to lip sync and dance simultaneously. And if – as Simon and Louis frequently reminded us – Elton is watching, I’ll assume it’s probably because he’s lost his remote and can’t figure out how to turn the TV over. Yes, X-Factor…a talent show that has so far failed to live up to the standard set in previous years. A dilemma not helped by this year’s final 16. No vocal powerhouse like Alexandra Burke or Leona Lewis, no jaw dropping weirdness in the Rhydian/Same Difference mould, instead we have Cher “Bob’s your teapot” Lloyd, Wagner Carrilho (Brazilian Nut) and trembling emotional wreck, Aiden Grimshaw. The biggest problem with X-Factor 2010 is the judges. Louis, (Simon Cowell’s eternal whipping boy) has the same resigned expression I imagine is permanently etched on the face of Amy Winehouse’s Pub Landlord. Danni looks bored, Cheryl appears to be using the show to plug her new album, and then there’s Simon Cowell; a man whose teeth should come with a UV warning. Poor Simon seems to be afflicted with a particularly virulent strain of, “Having said that”-itis, meaning he’s now incapable of finishing a sentence

Classic Television

By Siobhan Carney

without it. Last year it was, “By any standard,” this year it’s, “Having said that”; Cowell has more catchphrases than a draw string toy. Unfortunately the disease also seems to have spread to Dermot ‘Come on people’ O’Leary, as well as the contestants. Examples include: “I’m living my dream”...”it’s been a journey”...”I want this so much”, etc. Another gripe is the Sunday night results format. Previously implemented on Strictly Come Dancing, it was quickly abandoned by BBC bosses. A decision ITV would be wise to follow. Bloated, overindulgent and packed with unnecessary fillers, it adds nothing to the program. It would also help if, for every five minutes of action, we weren’t then bombarded with a fifteen minute ad break. Such are the frequency of these interruptions I’m thinking of suggesting a new ITV reality show to producers; Ad-Factor… .A 14 week competition in which the public vote for their favourite commercial. Frankly, it all seems to be a symptom of a far larger problem, namely the shows insistence on taking itself too seriously. Reality clichés are delivered without a hint of irony, meaning the program has almost become a spoof; case in point...the plethora of sob stories. Undoubtedly a prerequisite of all reality shows, it’s still a wonder that none of this year’s contestants have required medical rehydration. However, the show hasn’t been a total loss, mostly thanks to Katie “this is the real me”

Waissel. No shrinking violet this girl. Like a disastrous cloning experiment between Madonna and Jimmy Hill, this delusional fame monster somehow managed to inject some much needed entertainment into, what might otherwise, have been a forgettable series. Particularly on the very first live show where - dressed as a camp power ranger - she earned this amusing compliment from Cowell, “I actually liked what you were wearing. I’m so bored of people coming out on these audition shows and trying to look like somebody else.” This is of course the same Katie who came to her first audition dressed as Madonna, kitted herself out as Gwen Stefani for the judge’s houses, and now appears to be styling herself on Lady Gaga. Luckily - thanks to the X-Factor stylists - Katie isn’t the only fashion offender. Other crimes against clothes include Paige performing as The ‘Badly dressed’ Prince of Bel-Air, and Mary Byrne singing, ‘I who have nothing’ whilst dressed as a Sumo Wrestler. Still, for all its failings, no other show divides opinion like The X-Factor. Where else on television would you witness Cheryl Cole (ex-wife of Ashley, Friend to Will.I.AM and mentor to Rebecca Ferguson) being accused of racism? Or Wagner Carrilho achieving the impossible; performing “living la Vida loca” and actually making the original Ricky Martin version sound good. Yes, it’s fallen short this year but in the words of Simon Cowell...having said all that, it’s still the best thing on television.

Friends Review

FRIENDS first enchanted audiences worldwide when it hit the small screen back in 1994 and went on to run for ten consecutive series, ending in 2004. The pilot episode of the comedy introduces us to the lives of six diverse friends who live in New York City, each with their own individual and quirky personalities. First there is Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), a spoiled shopaholic, desperate for a career in fashion. Joey (Matt Leblanc) is a shameless flirt and womaniser, always involved in some scandal or other with a woman…or women. Monica (Courtney Cox Arquette) is the “sensible” one, a broody chef obsessed with cleanliness and finding a husband. Chandler (Matthew Perry) has a phobia of commitment and uses humour as a defence mechanism. Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) is a flaky masseuse with a very active sex life and a blunt sense of humour. Finally, Monica’s geeky older brother Ross (David Schwimmer) works in a museum; is prone to overreaction and is secretly in love with Rachel. Part of the show’s charm is how well the characters compliment each other and the humorous back and forth banter that passes between them, and for that the casting by Ellie Kanner has to be commended. Over the decade that friends was on the air the audience really bonded with the characters, rejoicing at the happy times (Monica and Chandler’s marriage), sympathising with

By Shane Millar

them through the bad times (Ross and Rachel’s split that spawned the infamous catchphrase “We were on a break!”) and laughing out loud at the hilarious bits (Phoebe’s attempts to reveal Monica and Chandler’s relationship using the “subtle” art of seduction). The show was also frequented by a whole host of special guest stars. These include: Tom Selleck, Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, George Clooney and Reese Witherspoon. Arguably, the earlier episodes of the show are better than the later ones. This is because when it first came out, Friends was something fresh that mirrored everyday life. However, the last few seasons became repetitive in as much as the show gave us nothing new. The on again off again relationship between Ross and Rachel became a given, although it was nice to see them get their happy ending. Cox’s portrayal of a shrill and dominating Monica became grating and Chandler’s sarcastic jokes were par for the course. However, barring these small flaws, Friends is still one of the best comedy series we have seen in recent years. This is evident from the show’s long running success and its huge fan base.

22 Bucks Student

Movie Reviews The Social Network (12A) Released 15/10/2010 Running time: 2hr 1min


Dorian Stone - Reviews Editor //

00 million users, 207 countries, and a net worth of over 25 billion dollars; Facebook is a worldwide phenomenon. It is an addiction that has come to define our generation, with many of us not being able to go five minutes without updating our status or checking our comments. Facebook is now not only used as a tool to socialise, but businesses have now adopted it as a platform to communicate with customers. Not bad for a website that was only set up six years ago. However, who in their right mind would make a film about a website? The producers obviously thought that there would be a market (and with 500 million users it’s easy to see why). Their first step was to hire Aaron Sorkin (‘The West Wing’, ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’) as scriptwriter. His talent for satire and razor sharp dialogue alone is enough to make your mouth salivate. The producers could have then hired anybody with a sense of rhythm to direct, but it is to their credit that they chose to be ambitious and offer the script to one of the best directors in the business: David Fincher. A director more famous for dark thrillers, The Social Network doesn’t immediately jump out as an obvious choice, but if you peel back the layers it’s easy to see what drew him to the project. Study his back catalogue (‘Seven’, ‘The Game’, ‘Fight Club’, ‘Zodiac’), and you will find that

Fincher has a pre-disposition towards obsessive central characters. In Fight Club, Tyler Durden builds an army to destroy the consumerist nature of today’s society. In Zodiac, Robert Graysmith becomes fixated on discovering who the Zodiac murderer is, collecting every piece of information he can find. Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and owner of Facebook, is no exception With the presence of Fincher and Sorkin, The Social Network is no longer a boring film about a website, but a thrilling character study about the need for friendship, corruption of greed and jealousy of success. Each of the three narratives never lapse as Fincher cuts back and forth between the legal proceedings, creation of Facebook and Saverin’s struggle to maintain his status as co-founder. Every character is as engaging as the next, with Sorkin giving even the smallest of roles exquisite lines to utter. At times the dialogue moves so fast that you wish you could have a moment just to decipher what was said, and some of the characters may appear twodimensional, but with such a brilliant script…who cares. Played by Jesse Eisenberg, Zuckerberg is extremely intelligent, calculating, neurotic and his lack of social graces make him the archetypal

Paranormal Activity 2 (15) Released 22/10/2010


he story of ‘Paranormal Activity’ is one of an independent horror film’s shoot to fame and popularity, ‘Paranormal Activity 2’ on the other hand is very different. It’s like the first was a geek who had to work to get a girl, whilst the sequel is like the pretty boy who never had to try. To explain the story of ‘Paranormal Activity 2’ is to say too much, once again it relies on the audience to believe that this is ‘found footage’ ala ‘Cannibal Apocalypse’, ‘Blair Witch Project’ and ‘[REC]’. On the arrival of new born baby Hunter, recently wed parents Dan and Kristi (whose acting credit is hidden whilst the film tries to keep the ‘found footage’ mentality) appear to be living a perfect life only until strange things begin to happen in and around the huge house. After returning home one night, the family find their picturesque house completely in ruin; they decide to set up security cameras around the house whilst mixing in footage from a hand held camera which individual characters hold at certain time. The end effect works really well as the audience sees the action from afar, but then are sucked into a sort of point of view angle as the characters scream and run. What was so impressive about the first film is lost on the sequel. When the first (finally) came out audiences where left shaking and dreading the following night, however with this instalment it has all been watered down to the point when you are mainly surprised rather then shocked. For some audience members ‘Paranormal Activity 2’ will scare the life out of them but for any horror fanatics it’s not

nerd. His desire to improve his social standing leads him to steal an idea from a trio of more privileged students, the Winklevoss twins and Divya Narendra. With funding from his one and only friend, Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield), Zuckerberg sets about creating a website that will allow users to experience the social event of university on the internet. As the website grows in popularity, the Winklevoss twins try to sue Zuckerberg for theft of intellectual property, and Zuckerberg’s relationship with Saverin starts to break down. Eisenberg has built his career

on playing twitchy, awkward, but intelligent outsiders. Where this differs is in his accurate portrayal of the real Zuckerberg, capturing his mannerisms and indifference to others. He reigns in his usual neurotic Jew shtick, opting for a more restrained, calculated approach and makes even the most simple of lines seem like a scathing put down without ever raising his voice. But it is Justin Timberlake that really shines as Napster founder Sean Parker. He is decidedly slimy, flashing his showbiz smile and easy charm to seduce Zuckerberg into getting rid of his partner. Timberlake successfully

proves that he has a credible acting career ahead of him. But this is Fincher’s show. From the opening scene it becomes apparent that we are not watching a high school comedy about a geek and a laptop. He captures the neediness and image conscious nature of today’s generation with a cold, dark, menacing tone, which make the proceedings all the more engrossing. He juggles the narratives with such ease that it is impressive how a film with so much dialogue can be so intense and watchable. This is Fight Club without violence.

Should cannabis be made legal in Britain?

Running time: 1h 31min

Mr Nice (18) Released 8/10/2010 much. The main problem with this movie is that it feels very ‘been there done that’. A lot of the spooky ‘activities’ pop up a second time from the first movie, however with a high budget gloss. Rather then playing on your nerves, it is just filled with cheap scares. Having said that the comedy makes a nice counter balance to the poor scares; horror and comedy are closely linked in cinema and it is a nice change from the quick scares which are too far apart. The story takes too long to actually pick up and when it finally does it lingers for too short a time before its finale, resembling found footage Spanish zombie flick ‘[REC]’ and leaves the audience disappointed. It seems director Tod Williams didn’t know pacing very well, and the movie looses a lot of its subtleness which was what writer director Oren Peli got right with the first. Although ‘Paranormal Activity 2’ lacks originality and subtleness, it ends up still being a fun trip to the movies which will haunt some audience members later that night. By Oliver Hunt

Running time: 2h 1min


hould cannabis be made legal in Britain? It’s been a tricky subject for a long time on these isles. There are those who think it should remain illegal, highlighting the evidence that smoking marijuana can have an increased effect in psychotic illnesses. Those on the opposite side of the fence point out that it is no more harmful than smoking cigarettes and makes Pink Floyd much more interesting. Whatever your view, Mr. Nice is hardly going to sway your judgement. Based on the life of Howard Marks, Mr. Nice is a rather genteel look at a man who, during the 70s and 80s, smuggled 30 tonnes of marijuana into the USA a day (often in the equipment of touring bands, including Pink Floyd). An Oxford graduate and

working-class Welshman, Marks isn’t the most obvious drug baron; his life is almost played out like a serendipitous adventure. Marks’s laid-back personality and charm, played by Rhys Ifans, lends itself to the tone of film. It prefers to amble from scene to scene almost accidentally, with very little in the first half seeming to happen on purpose. Director Bernard Rose (‘Candyman’) even tries to capture the essence of what it is like to be stoned by using real archive footage as backdrops for Howard’s early life. However, these artistic flourishes soon vanish, as the second half of the film descends into an episodic biopic of nothing we haven’t seen before. But it is Ifans that holds the film together. His hangdog

demeanour and easy cool make him the perfect choice to play Marks (Ifans and Marks are also real life friends). It’s hard to believe Ifans as a 20-something student, but no one else would have been suitable. David Thewlis also turns in another outstanding performance. His portrayal of real life IRA terrorist Jim McCann, is both scary and darkly funny, at the same time. There are even times where Thewlis threatens to steal the whole film. Mr Nice is a light-hearted romp that is held together by the performances. If you’re against a drug baron being portrayed as an amoral Robin Hood then I suggest you stay away. For everyone else this is a mildly entertaining look at one chilled out dude. By Dorian Stone

23 Bucks Student

Let Me In (15) Released 5/11/2010 Running time: 1h 56min


Above: William Burke (Simon Pegg) and William Hare (Andy Serkis)

Burke and Hair (15)

Released 29/10/2010 Running time: 1h 31min


ow this is something that hasn’t graced the silver screen for a long while...maybe ever, a thoroughly enjoyable black comedy. Coming from one of the legends of horror and comedy (sometimes both), Director John Landis (The Blues Brothers, Trading Places, An American Werewolf in London) calls the shots over a stellar cast of British talent, including: Simon Pegg, Andy Serkis, Tim Curry, Ilsa Fisher, Christopher Lee, Tom Wilkinson, Jenny Agutter, Stephen Merchant, Bill Bailey, Jessica Hynes, Ronnie Corbet, Michael Winner and Reece Shearsmith. The true story of the Williams Burke (Pegg) and Hare (Serkis), Irish immigrants in Edinburgh trying to scrape a living when they chance

across an opportunity to provide cadavers for one of the local surgeons, Doctor Knox (Wilkinson), this causes them to commit ever worsening crimes to keep their well paying job however they climb the social and economical ladder as the film progress’. The performances are excellent throughout, however, viewers (especially of Scottish and Irish descent) will notice the occasional drop in accent from the mostly English cast, this may be due to the American director but it is easily forgotten thanks to the overall light hearted nature of the film that is so well handled and executed that it never turns into a caricature. There are a couple of carry on-esque jokes that could have been cut but the film still is very funny.

The film contains scenes of mild violence, surgical gore, strong language and moderate sex references however it is all presented in a very comical fashion that never diversifies into the serious side of these historical crimes. Some may feel this is a misrepresentation of the events and disrespectful in tone overall, but I suggest that you don’t think that deeply into it and just enjoy the film. I don’t give out star ratings as I don’t believe that a star can denote an individual’s enjoyment of a form of entertainment, so I will end off by saying that Burke and Hare is a highly enjoyable black comedy that fans of Landis’ work amongst fans of comedy in general should check out. By Will Dredge

o when I and every other fan heard that good ol’ Hollywood was going to get their greasy paws on it for the audiences who can’t read subtitles, we were not happy. I also have read the John Ajvide Lindqvist book, so I am in somewhat a good position to judge this movie. For those who don’t know the story, it centres on newly named Owen and Abby. Set in the snow covered hills of Los Alamos, New Mexico in 1983; Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) a troubled youth who by night becomes a knife wielding peeping tom but by day is bullied and humiliated by school bully Kenny (Dylan Minnette) on a daily basis. Owen’s only friend is his single fundamentalist Christian mother until a mysterious girl named Abby (Chloe Moretz) moves in next door. After a few rocky moments it only takes a Rubix Cube to begin their deep friendship. However, Abby isn’t all that she seems to be, whilst she acts like a sweet girl there’s something that lies beneath the surface. This brilliant coming of age story is heightened by the horror at which at times can make the true horror fan jump. Whilst the film is a remake, it is surprisingly interesting. Remakes have a bad name which is only their own faults, and whilst this can’t hold a light to its original counterpart, Reeve’s has done a respectable job. The several differences in motivations and character archetypes than “Let the Right One In” had given the fans of the original enough to come back for seconds. Whilst the film can stand on its own, it is not without its flaws and the biggest one is its script written by Reeves. In true American fashion the pacing never slows down and keeps going on and on, and whilst this doesn’t sound like a bad thing it is a complete change of pace from the first film. The original was slow to show how mundane Oskar’s life is and the progression in time; with “Let Me In” it feels like this is happening within a week. Reeve has also fiddled about with

all of the character’s names, which is strange to say the least. But the most disturbing change is the fact that two characters now wear masks which is a surprising turn which attempts to make the film something of a slasher movie. One of them looks like Leather Face which the other looks like a bin man with a rubbish bag over his face. Whilst some characters roles have been dramatically diluted, for example the character of Virginia (Sasha Barrese), other characters have stolen scenes in a fairly convoluted way, i.e. the detective (Elias Koteas). Whilst some may see this as a bad thing, it is more apparent that Reeve’s wanted to focus on the relationship of seemingly innocent Owen and Abby. Then you come to the awkward acting. Surprisingly Kodi Smit-McPhee and Chloe Moretz do a somewhat disappointing portrayal of the two lead characters as they try to mimic the relationship of Kåre Hedebrant and Lina Leandersson’s Oskar and Eli. This leaves their relationship stale and forced and is a problem in some scenes. Then there is Richard Jenkins who is a normally a capable actor, however is questionable when playing Hakan, now simply named the ‘Father’, who ambles around the film swearing and being a moody old man who we do not sympathies with. Produced by the revitalised studios Hammer Films who are known for such vampire classics as Brides of Dracula, Dracula AD 1972 and Vampire Circus this is by no means a flop. The Cloverfield director has made an artistic and interesting view on the book which will not be disappointing any true vampire fans. Abby can proudly stand among the likes of Christopher Lee’s “Dracula”. This incarnation of adaption is also far more explicit and will please those who have a strong blood lust. I recommend buying Tomas Alfredson’s original “Let the Right One In”, however “Let Me In” is not such a disgrace, and is probably one of the better films emerging around Halloween. By Oliver Hunt

What’s Got You Spooked This Halloween? The Thing (18) 1982 Running time: 1h 49min Pontypool (15) 2009 Running time: 1h 33min Nightmare on Elm Street (18) 1984 Running time: 1h 31min

The Shining (15) 19820 Running time: 2h 22min


alloween has once again come around just days before the Mexican Day of the Dead (2nd Nov) however once again us horror hounds are disappointed by the lack of films in the cinema. Where are our saviours: John Carpenter or Sam Raimi (to name just two) to haunt us with chilling tales? Instead we are left with ‘Paranormal Activity 2’, ‘Let Me In’ and the next instalment of the film series which ironically just won’t die, ‘Saw 3D’. And whilst a few of them aren’t necessarily bad they lack that spark that will keep people talking about them for years to come. This year has been a fairly terrible year for horror movies whilst last year we were satisfied with interesting and fun horrors such as Christopher Smith’s ‘Triangle’, Charles Guard’s ‘The Uninvited’ and Sam Raimi’s return to horror ‘Drag Me To Hell’. So

whilst this year we have been “treated” with re-makes (or reimaginings as the studios say), re-boots and sequels, I say save money from the cinema and go out and buy a stack of horror flicks. What should I buy? I hear you ask, well here’s my list of some classic movies to keep you up. irst movie I’m going to mention is a film I personally hold dear and that’s John Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’ (1982). Set in Alaska in a remote research centre in the middle of nowhere, the team is happy and safe until a helicopter chasing a cute dog comes along with all guns blazing. After handling the situation, our hero R.J. McReady (Kurt Russle) heads to the facility to which the helicopter came from only to find some bazaar corpses and locations of a crashed alien space ship. Before long the team discovers that the alien has


infiltrated the research centre with the ability to replicate any organ mass leaving the rest of the men paranoid and frightened. Not for the faint heart this classic is sure to send disgusted shivers down anyone’s backs. Especially go see it because a prequel is coming next year to spoil all the fun. ext film I’m going to recommend is a Canadian horror flick which came out late last year named ‘Pontypool’ (Bruce McDonald, 2009). Now bear with me whilst I explain as little as possible; the film opens with radio presenter Grant Mazzy (Stephen McHattie) on his way to work when a babbling woman stops him before disappearing into the snow, nothing too strange some may think, however, when Mazzy gets to work in the basement of a church on a hill strange reports of cannibalism


begins to flood the news team. Whilst hosting a radio station, Mazzy begins to decipher whether the reports are factual or a hoax. What makes this movie stand out is it’s take on zombie movies where by the infection is spread by a viral infection, ‘Pontypool’ plays with an infection which is spread verbally. This twist on the zombie genre is based on Tony Burgess’ chilling book ‘Pontypool Changes Everything’ this adaption will become a cult classic which is also going to spawn a trilogy. ith a terrible remake coming from Satan himself Michael Bay, ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’s credibility has gone down slightly, however seeing the iconic scene with Johnny Depp being pulled into his bed, we really remember what this film was all about. No one can take Robert England’s place as the


burnt slasher killer as he moves from dream to dream, killing off the inhabitants of Elm Street. Possibly Wes Craven’s greatest achievement, this film belongs in any true horror fans collection. he last film to spook you this Halloween comes from director Stanley Kubrick whilst spawning from the disturbing mind of writer Stephen King. Of course I’m talking about ‘The Shining’ in which Jack Nicholson gives possibly his greatest performance as the troubled writer, who is forced, together with his lovely wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and disturbing son Danny (Danny Loyd), in to a claustrophobic haunted hotel miles from civilisation. The empty halls, creepy corridors and haunting bathrooms all contribute to a great viewing experience which would keep you up all night.


By Oliver Hunt

24 Bucks Student


Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

Bucks Student Newsgroup Review Firstly, I feel I should explain a little bit about BSN. We handle the production of the majority of the student media that is published within Bucks New Uni. Our flagship publication is this newspaper and it is what we devote most of our time, energy and resources to. Our society is called a ‘newsgroup’ rather than simply ‘newspaper’ because we also handle the production of content for the newspaper’s sister website. As part of our plan for the future, we are even hoping to start running a radio service. This means that the umbrella term of ‘newsgroup’ is not only more appropriate now, but leaves room for the society to expand the range and form of its publications in years to come. Who knows, maybe one day there will be a BSN TV station. Although our society is still in its infancy, we have already got a great group of people together and I personally am amazed at how quickly we have begun to work as a team. Things aren’t

entirely settled yet and there is still much work to be done, but at least the beginning is there and it won’t be long before things are running smoothly. Our biggest aim this year is to lay the foundations for future students. In years gone by, the newspaper was hardly read by anyone at BNU and very few students got involved. Last year, when Rebecca Saunders took over as Student Editor, things began to change. With a dedicated core team, they managed to turn the paper in to a quality publication that was read and liked by many more students than ever before. Now we are working not just to maintain that achievement, but to improve on it. Until this year, there was also no clearly defined administrative structure for the newspaper. Part of laying the foundations for future years has been to rectify this problem. We began to achieve this by forming BSN, with its own statement of principles which clearly laid out the roles and

Societies update:

responsibilities of everyone involved. We hope that this will give the running of the paper a sense of continuity year after year, rather than the ad hoc feeling it had before. Our team currently has just over forty members, but more students are joining up every week and they are always welcome. The thing I like most about BSN is that we have developed a work ethic where everyone’s ideas are heard and discussed. By the end of the year I am sure that every member of the team will be able to look at some part of one of our publications and say “That was my idea.” If anyone is interested in finding out more about getting involved with Bucks Student Newsgroup, please feel free to email me at student.editor@ I can guarantee that you will never have the chance to be a part of something like this once you leave BNU so don’t miss out on the opportunity! By Laz Wood

ACS - Interest increasing significantly The African Caribbean Society, ACS, has developed a lot since last year. This is primarily down to the efforts of the 2009/2010’s ACS Presidents, Committee and it’s members. It was September/October of 2009, when ACS was formed as a society by its first original presidents, Christopher George, commonly known as Chris, and Marssaie. So we have these two people in particular to always thank for their dedication and hard work in building this society. Bucks ACS is recognised amongst Bucks students, local companies/organisations, neighbouring ACS’s from other institutions and event organisers/promotion, the word gets around. With news travelling fast of how interesting and socialable the ACS group is, I can say with no hesitation that the ACS committee has had a lot more interest and participation with an outstanding number of 15 members in the committee. The attendance at General Meetings and Events has increased by a large amount too. As per usual, the ACS holds a meeting every two weeks. The previous meeting was held on Tuesday 19th October 2010. This meeting was solely held for committee members only and for anyone who would like to work within a particular division of the committee team, as there is still a craving for more students to contribute to the ACS group. At every ACS meeting, the aims for the ACS are always spoken about. As a whole, it hopes to become a more successful group, which is its primary aim. Furthermore, Enass, the 2010/2011 president emphasized the important fact that “ACS are not just a society, but a community.” As I mentioned above, this meeting was for committee members only and for anyone looking to join too. Enass wanted to break down the roles of the committee members so everyone involved and looking to get involved is aware of what each role consists of. If you are a student looking to still join the committee, here is a breakdown of

the roles and maybe from there you can see what category you would like to fit into. There are three main sub committee groups who assist in the running of ACS. It is possible for more than just the one member to be a part of each role. We have Events, Business and Officers. Events are in charge of organising and arrangement of coaches to raves/weekenders/ socials/jam sessions/movie nights and educational trips. They are the main point of contact at S.O.S (Skank on Site) and ‘Show Suttin’. Business roles are in charge of booking and contacting performers or acts for any occasion and sorting out venue hire, including enquires for prices. Also organisation and arrangement for fundraising events such as True Players, Foyer Carnival, Inter-Society Sports, Bucks Next Top Model and Show Suttin. The officers are in charge of promotion and the advertising of S.O.S. Guest list of Show Suttin and ACS Kitchen. Ticket Sales of any coach raves or events. Selling raffle tickets. T-shirt sales, distributing flyers. General assistance or presence at Social and business events. During the remainder of the committee meeting, Enass spoke about future plans for the ACS. A future aim the ACS hopes to meet is to organise a fund raising event and as result to be able to contribute to a charity from the funds raised. The next ACS SOS event will be held on Wednesday 20th November 2010 at the SU from 9pm till late. It has not yet been decided who will be performing but keep an eye out for the next edition where I’ll have more information for the SOS performances. If you would like to become a committee member for the ACS, or have any queries or questions, then you can add them on Facebook or alternatively contact them via email at By Tanya Virdy

A massive congratulations to the following societies for reaching Bronze level this week: ACS, Boxing, Christian Union, Conservative Society, Islamic Society, Mature Students, Red Button Society, Street Dance, Abundant Life Society and Bucks Student Newsgroup. In other society news: The ACS held a successful Afro Caribbean Kitchen and steel drumming night on Monday last week with a good turn out and a lot of fun had by all. They’ve got lots of ideas and events coming this year so keep a look out for future events! The Red button society will be making a short film about the upcoming demo against education cuts to be held in London on the 10/11/10. Best of luck! Street dance classes: Monday 5 - 6 Dodgeball: Sundays 2 - 4 Film/World Cinema: Wednesdays 5 – 8 To find out more contact

Drama Society By Beth Wood and Adem Andress

Are you creative??? Interested in working with stage? Why not join the Drama Society?! We are looking to put on a play in the near future and need people who are interested in both on and off stage roles. No experience necessary. We’re all about having fun in a relaxed, friendly environment. We meet on Wednesdays from 2pm – 3.30pm in N4.15. Feel free to pop in and see what we get up to. You can get in contact with us by emailing Beth or Adem at bucksdramasociety@ or find us on Facebook - Bucks New Uni Drama Society.

Islamic Society Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, I Pray you all are in the best of health and imaan. May Allah swt increase you all and direct you to the straight path. Alhamdulillah by the Will of Allah swt we have been blessed with a new prayer room North Wing Building room N1.10 this is for both brothers and sisters the room has been split into two and inshaa Allah by Allah we will be leading Jammat everyday for Zuhr starting from next week, Friday 5th November.


Also Next Week We Have: Imaam Khalid will be coming from Leicester Inshaa Allah to deliver a talk On Etiquetes of Seeking Sacred Knowledge. This will also be a chance for the Muslims of Bucks New Uni to come together and develop the Islamic Community Inshaa Allah. Please confirm if you can make it. The event will start at 2pm in the East Wing Building Boardroom (E1.19) Jazakallah Khair, Islamic Society. Please contact us if you have any questions or problems and please people come together to help the muslim community in Bucks New University we all need to come together for Allah swt by Allah swt. Ma’salaama

Bucks Boxing By Phil Edwards - Boxing Chair

After an interest last year, the Bucks Boxing Society has come off to a flying start this semester under experienced local coach Stuart Scott. Stuart is very keen on getting the Society to a high standard where it will be able to compete against other Universities in the University Boxing Championships next year. We are well on our way to achieving club status within the University for next year as we had an amazing amount of interest at the Freshers Fair, with a large intake of students ready and willing to put in maximum effort to become the best boxers they can be.

ACS President 2010/2011 By Tanya Virdy

In the last edition of BSN, I gave you a little profile on Roots who is the other president for the ACS 2010/2011. This edition, I would like to give you a little profile on Enass. Enass originally from South-West London became the president alongside Roots last year. They hold the same the position in the ACS, however, they cover different divisions. Roots deals more with the business and finance aspect whereas Enass deals with all events to be organised and hosted, though both presidents for the ACS are primarily trying to set a stronger base for next year’s ACS group. Enass is currently in her second year on the Textiles Surface Design course. Apart from seeing her at times wearing an apron with paint all over it, you’ll find her running around organising meetings, events and participating in other social organised events around the university. Last year, Enass was involved with Roots and Rosie, ACS Secretary, in organising, the ‘House Party’ nights, which were very successful. The hosted parties took place at the Garden on Brook Street in Wycombe Town. The nights took place every two weeks with a theme too it. Behind this responsible woman, Enass also holds a very loving warm personality. From talking to close friends, she is seen to be a “mother figure to the ACS group who brings warmth to the meetings. She is a nice contribution to the group itself.”


25 Bucks Student By Tanya Virdy

Pumpkin mania The majority of us like to empty a pumpkin from its original contents and place some candles within the actual pumpkin on the night of Halloween. Instead of wasting all the nourishing contents of a pumpkin, here are two

recipes you can use. There is a choice of a curry or a sweet dish to make from the pumpkin contents. So for those of you who do not like a curry, there’s an option for you too of a sweet dish.

Ingredients Ingredients

Grated Pumpkin - 2&1/2 cups Milk -1/2 cup Sugar - 1/2 cup Honey -1 cup Cardamom - 5 Cashew nuts - 10 Ghee - 1/4 cup (melted butter)

Pumpkin, banana & chickpea curry

Pumpkin Halwa is a very popular Sweet dish in Indian restaurants. Why don’t you try it out?

Pumpkin Halwa Recipe Method:

1. Roast the cashew nuts in ghee until they become golden brown. 2. In a pan, heat 1 tablespoon of ghee, add the grated pumpkin to it and stir well on in low flame till the raw flavor is gone. 3. To this, add milk and cook till the pumpkin is tender. Add sugar, honey and stir constantly on a low flame. 4. Add the roasted cashews and grounded cardamom mix well and leave it for 5 minutes. Add 3 tablespoons of ghee to it and stir well, put in low flame till the ghee floats.

Cocktails RECIPES Any students having a Fawkes Party? Then these are the cocktails for you! Some Firework drinks that will really make a bang at your bash. Simple and cheap to make, and really delicious to get more than slightly intoxicated on. If you’re going to get drunk, why not do it in style?



Everyone’s favourite firework turned into a sparkling alcoholic beverage. It doesn’t get much better than this. Why not serve with an actual sparkler? The results might be fun! • 1 oz. vodka • 2 oz. sparkling wine • 3oz. pomegranate juice Combine the vodka and pomegranate juice in the bottom of a tall fluted glass. Top off with sparkling wine or champagne.

Darling Daiquiri

2oz Bacardi Lime Juice Teaspoon sugar Cut a lime into segments and add with other ingredients and some ice into a shaker and shake it like you mean it. Strain into a glass and garnish with a lime wheel

3 tablespoons sunflower oil 1 small onion, sliced 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger 1 teaspoon ground coriander This tastes good and I hope that you’ll enjoy it too! It serves three if you’re 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin hungry, or four otherwise. 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric Method: 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1. Heat two tablespoons of the oil in a saucepan. Add the onion, garlic, 1 1/4 lb pumpkin, peeled, ginger and ground spices, and fry over a medium heat for 5-6 minutes until seeded and cubed the onion is lightly brown. 2 tablespoons hot curry paste (I 2. Place the pumpkin in a bowl, add the curry paste and toss well to coat use madras) the pumpkin evenly. 2 ripe tomatoes chopped 3. Add the tomatoes, chilies and stock to the onion mixture, and bring to 2 dried red chilies the boil, simmering gently for 15 minutes. 1 1/4 cup vegetable stock 4. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a frying pan, add the coated 1 3/4 cups canned chickpeas, pumpkin and fry for 5 minutes until golden. Add to the tomato sauce with drained the chickpeas, cover and cook for 20 minutes until the pumpkin is tender. 1 large banana 5. Peel the banana, slice thickly and stir into the curry 5 minutes before the 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro end of the cooking time. Stir in the chopped cilantro or parsley, and serve or parsley edition11 Advert (135mmby170mm) 3-10-10.pdf 1 03/10/2010 21:50 immediately.

DonÕt bessed a r r a b m e r i a h r u o by y

This booze ridden cocktail is perfect for any Guy Fawkes or Halloween party. The name says it all! Serve with cocktail firework sticks to really get the celebration going. • 4 oz Sparkling wine • 1/3 oz Gin • 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps Mix ingredients in a jug or tall glass. Pour into a champagne flute, garnish with a twist of orange if possible, and serve with a cocktail firework

Jump up and Kiss me

2oz dark rum 4oz pineapple juice Lime juice Dash angostura bitters Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and you know what to do. Serve in glass on the rocks (with ice)

I hope you’ve enjoyed your first lesson in cocktails and that you can still stand up straight after it. Next edition we shall encounter some spooky potions you may have seen at many a Halloween bash, so beware! Until next time, happy drinkings!

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Appointments: 01494 523158 / 526648 Roccola Hair, 18 Crendon Street, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 6LS

26 Bucks Student

Phone us, email us, or drop in and see us! Accommodation Problems

Course Problems

International Problems

Legal Problems

Money Problems

Personal Problems

get in touch: High Wycombe Campus, North Wing, Ground Floor, t: 01494 603016 Uxbridge Campus, Room 1.02, First Floor, t: 01494 605180 e: w:

Registering with a doctor or dentist Have you registered with a local doctor? Do you know how to find a local NHS dentist?

If not just read on and all will be explained – it’s actually all quite easy to do. Doctors It is essential that you are registered with a local doctor. Should you fall ill, which could happen at any time, you will need to have a local GP, as it is very difficult for anyone to get a doctor to call out and see you otherwise. If you do fall ill and need a letter from a doctor for mitigating circumstances you cannot get one unless you are registered! You can still use your ‘home’ GP during holidays; they will probably ask you to fill in a temporary resident form if you need to see them. However, as you are officially living in this area for the majority of the year, it is important that you are fully registered and that your records are held here. It is entirely up to you which doctor you choose; one near to your term-time accommodation would be the most convenient. To find one near to you go to Select GP and put in your postcode and you will get a list of the doctors’ surgeries nearest to you with all their details and where to find them. All you need to do then is to drop in to the one you chose and register. Different doctors’ surgeries will request various sorts of ID for registration so it is best to ring the surgery you chose first to see what they will need. If you are an International or EU student studying in the UK for more than 6 months you can access all NHS services including registering at a doctors’ surgery. Keep a note of the name of your GP,

as well as the practice name and phone number in case you or a friend needs to call out a doctor for you. Dentists If you have an existing dentist that you are happy with and you can get there relatively easily, if you need emergency dental work, then stick with that one. You may need to find a local one if you need ongoing treatment though if it is too far to travel. If you need to find an NHS dentist you use the same method as finding a doctor. Go to Select dentist and put in your postcode, you’ll then get a list of NHS dentists. It’s best to phone and check that they are accepting new NHS patients. If you have difficulty finding an NHS dentist then phone 0845 272 3222. Health Care Costs For help with the costs of prescriptions, dental treatment, glasses/contact lens and

other health related items you can apply for help through the NHS Low Income Scheme. You can claim now, do not wait until you need treatment. To apply you need to complete an HC1 form. If you want to claim back money that you have already paid you need a receipt (for prescriptions an NHS receipt form FP57) and a refund claim form HC5. We have both HC1 form and HC5 forms available in our Advice centres at Uxbridge and High Wycombe. If you would like help with any of the above or talk confidentially about any difficulty you may be experiencing then come and see us in the Advice Centre. Bucks SU Advice Centre (Formally known as the ARC) High Wycombe Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603016 Uxbridge Room N1.02: 01494 605180 or email


ONE IN NINE OF US have had a sexual infection, often without any symptoms. The Practice can give you a free and confidential sexual health check at one of our clinics, either on campus or at The Practice, Hanover House. We are holding these FREE clinics on campus in a private room in rooms N1.06 and N1.08 from 10am - 3pm on the following dates: Tuesday 7th December / Monday 24th January Tuesday 15th February / Tuesday 15th March Tuesday 17th May We also provide regular clinics every Friday 2pm - 6pm (walk in until 5pm) at The Practice, Hanover House. You can just turn up, but booking an appointment is a good idea. For an appointment please call 01494 690890 or email: Why not check out our website or myspace page

For more information please visit:

What‘s it All About Its a competition giving you a chance to win prizes and be named one of the three Hot Viral Makers of the Year Using simple mobile phone or camcorder technology, we would like you to produce a short film that shows your experiences of being on campus here at Bucks New Uni. Like an Ad but personal... The film should be up to 30 seconds long, should be able to hold viewers interest for repeat viewings and should capture the unique spirit of life at Bucks. Judges will be looking for films that are big on impact and clearly communicate a simple narrative or message. Credit will also be given for the best use of lo-tech methods. The films should also be silent as the Best 10 will be shown on monitors throughout the Gateway building. As the film is for Enterprise week the winner will be deemed to have had the biggest impact using the minimum of means. Judges from the Media Dept and Students Union will decide the winning entries for the following categories: - the Best Visual original idea - the Best Phone Production - AND THE WINNER IS - the best film Prerequisites: rated PG (should not disturb a child aged around eight or older); Entries must work well as a silent film How to enter 1. Create a film in either Mpeg video, MP4, QuickTime movie or iMovie format 2. If you have a title make sure its legible; keep credits off the movie 3. Upload your entry onto YouTube (onto a new account or your existing account will be fine) 4. Email the link to so that we know of your entry 5. Deadline: 3:00pm on Friday 5 November 2010

27 Bucks Student

Puzzle Corner 5



7 8
















24 25



Across 1. Make a crater (6) 4. Nice card for Donald (5) 8. P.S. Change this for the mass book (5) 9. What pop does hindered (7) 10. The case I’ve got it elusive (7) 11. Send a note back to school (4) 12. Have an eye for the poet (3) 14. An appointment for the fruit (4) 15. The fate of the trade organisation (4) 18. After this the ring was burning (3) 21. Foggy river in N.England (4) 23. TES for a reversal (7) 25. Was this the final sore to approve (7) 26. What I drew was bizarre (5) 27. A sullen 24 down (5) 28. The barber had this for strings (6)



Down 1. After a century the rook is cowardly (6) 2. On your bike, Erik. You’ve had your CHiP’s (7) 3. Emitters for wood-eaters (8) 4. What one uses to measure an invertebrate (4) 5. TES was overturned (5) 6. The hairsplitter panted (6) 7. Where the bronco cycled around (5) 13. What was preferably due was given (8) 16. After tea, the running is outlining (7) 17. Location for a Gree tragedy (6) 19. Sounds like a popular ski resort (5) 20. Kids go round and round on the snowmobile (6) 22. A land for Majorca’s finest (5) 24. Back the cart three feet up (4)

Edition 12 Answers: Across: 7. Haulage; 9. Abuse; 10. Nut; 11. Affection; 12. Funny; 14. Android; 16. Lunatic; 18. Caste; 19. Euphemism; 20. Cos; 21. Canal; 22. Earring Down: 1. Thankful; 2. Duet; 3. Malady; 4. Rancid; 5. Luminous; 6. Keen; 8. Enfranchise; 13. Ninepins; 15. Dressage; 17. Treble; 18. Camera; 19. Each; 20. Chip


1. Plump 2. Exotic bloom 3. Sad song 4. Very happy 5. Tore 6. Sluggish 9 7 Pregnant 8. Offer more than 9. Cruel 10. Set down 11. Facial feature 12. Marked as correct

12 11







4 7

5 6



Who, what where and when?

WHO... made the golden calf? WHAT... disorder is also called word blindness? WHERE... was the official residence of the Northern Ireland prime minister until 1972? WHEN... did Carlos Menem become president of Argentina? Answers: WHO: Aaron; WHAT: Dyslexia; WHERE: Stormont; WHEN: 1989.


Try lots more competitions online by visiting the SU website:

The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter D in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of a movie musical director.

Sudoku More sudoku competitions online at 4

3 8 6 8









2 6

By Binty Buck

One day this week you thought it was warm outside. The sun curses you and hides from your sleepy eyes. Jumpers have always been a good way to keep heat in for not only your body, but also your heart. Lend a friend a jumper this week, they’ll feel the warmth of your heart and as your body temperature drops the good feeling from within will keep you toasty.

Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23 Romances aren’t everything. You’re beautiful as you are and you need to learn to love yourself before moving forward. 7 is your lucky number this week and remember: Don’t be afraid. Be strong.

Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21 You’re still trying to find your ground thanks to Uranus continuing to be rather unpredictable more than anything. Fear not though as later this week, the atmosphere proves to be the right ingredients for a recipe of love.


3 4



8 9



1 8

Have you heard anyone at BNU saying something down right stupid? Then get in touch and have it printed for everyone to shake their heads in despair and laugh out loud in lectures. If it’s truly hilarious, you may even win a great prize for your friends’ stupidity!




6 5 4

1 7

You are worried about finance. Listen to your peer’s advice on saving money. Socks can be worn two days in a row, you’re not going to get trench foot. The only things rotting are the receipts within your pocket. Read them, see where you can make changes and find the balance in your new lifestyle.

Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23 Pisces are the best people for you to go to for advice. Stay away from Taurus’ as you’re more likely to lock horns with them than anything else. Social networking sites could cause rather, er, embarrassing problems.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20 Recently, a trip to a cold place has made you realise it’s time to try new things. The great planet Saturn is moving on an axis never seen before. Next time you are given an opportunity to do something you have never done, do it with your head down and with little conviction. Meat pies are cheaper in Sainsbury’s and bungee jumps are quite expensive.


Gemini May 22 - Jun 21

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23 With the Sun circling so close to Mercury, it’s no wonder that you’re feeling reckless and daring. Don’t let others hold you back from living your life. If you want to get hammered, then go for it!




Taurus Apr 21 - May 21 Team work has never been so important. Take your shirt off and shout as one with your fellow tribesmen and women. Bang your chest like a drum. Be proud of who you are because the rest of your team believe in you. They are here for support. Like the roof of a house needs trusses, your friends are keeping you in the air so in return keep them close.



7 2







8 9

1 7


Students’ say the funniest things







1 9


Aries Mar 20 - Apr 20





2 8



Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 29 This week you met someone. Being in this persons presence energised you; making you feel like going for a long brisk walk on a cold day. Your mind is full of regret because you never took the chance. Lesson learned – if you meet someone, go for it. Venus represents femininity and right now as it reflects the light from the sun, you should trust it.

4 7

3 5


3 2 6



5 8







7 2

7 6


Difficulty: Adavanced

Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating


Difficulty: Intermediate

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine.


Difficulty: Easy

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.

Cancer Jun 22 - Jul 23 It might be easy to forget old friends, as Pluto is out of Orbit, but remember that you were once friends with them for a reason. Let petty issues lie in peace and focus on your inner chi.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22 Sort out your money problems soon as Venus is close to aligning with the Moon, potentially making matters worse. However, an unplanned conversation proves to be a lot more fun than expected.

Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20 It’s time you started to chill out so grab a blanket and some chocolate. Be self indulgent because you’ve forgotten to look after yourself over the last week. Remember that there is always a healthy option in the food hall; Mars is calling on you to look in the mirror and ask yourself: “Who am I?”

“Wow this body cream is amazing; I wish I had a bigger face.” Hollie, 2nd year

“Grape flavoured wine? That’s a bit strange” Becky, 1st year

“What is Shakespeare’s second name?” Anon, 3rd year

Man 1: “It acts like a placenta” Man 2: “Mate I think you mean placebo” Anon, 3rd year

“Poached eggs? Aren’t they illegal?” Yours truly, 2nd year

Being in university, you would expect to have some of the most intellectual conversations in your life. Sorry to burst that bubble, but we have information that says different. Get ready to hear some of the unbelievable quotations from BNU students; you’ll begin to wonder how on earth they got in.

28 Bucks Student

Fashion A woman’s guide to winter essentials. A parker coat/jacket This will always be in fashion! You can get a cheap parker from our local Primark outlet in town. I talk about Primark like it’s a corner shop. That’s what it is for me anyway. Or you can go all out on something more dear in price and pop into Topshop. They have a huge collection at the moment from a variety of nude and Khaki colours.

As all women do, I have a huge interest in fashion. In fact, I love shopping! So I’m going to give a break down of the winter essentials in your wardrobe. By Jute Ajayi A big woolly scarf This is a big necessity and should be chosen with serious consideration. After all, it’s going to be used for a good couple of months.

A woolly hat and gloves Preferably matching, the first recommended essential on my list. It’s nice to match garments.

Ugg boots: Oh lord! The doctors have told us women they’re bad for us! But yet we still persist on investing in a pair. Yes they are expensive but you have to think about how long they last you. Furthermore, they’re just so comfortable. The downside about Ugg boots is that the material can get damaged if you don’t wear the protector. So please, if you do choose to wear them in poor weather conditions, invest in the protector to when purchasing them.

Leather jackets These should already be a staple in your wardrobe. As British weather can be unpredictable at times, leather jackets are convenient for the days when it’s not that cold.

Little black dress Every girl needs one. It might be cold, but hey if you can brave the cold. Go for it.

Sunglasses Victoria Beckham does it, so can we! You should already have your sunglasses from summer so just use as you please. We do and will still have some winter sunny days.

Cardigans/jumpers Keep you so warm always.

Christmas jumpers Now I’m sure you all remember the knitted cardigan’s our mothers use to force us to wear on Christmas day? Well they’re finally fashionable again so shop for one now while they’re in stock at retail stores.

Worker boots These are so in fashion right now. If you don’t have a pair of these boots by now, then you need to invest in a pair. You can find them in the majority of high street fashion retailers. They range in colours from cream, black, grey and green.

Duffle coats They are just so reminiscent of my childhood. Duffle coats come in all different styles and colours. However, it’s the buttons that give them their distinctive name of ‘duffle coat’. Remember Paddington bear and his coat? That’s the buttons you should be looking for in a duffle coat.

Tights Now with the market growing in fashion, tights are now available in all sorts of designs. From printed flowers to cute net tights, there’s a huge variety to choose from. Plus, they’re cheap! Something we like to all hear right.

So get shopping women. Please feel free to find me if you need help with outfit dilemmas or need help shopping because I love shopping.

Leggings: these are great as an alternative from always wearing jeans. They come in all colours possible. However, for the winter season, it is recommended to buy a thick pair to keep warm and not the thin ones which tend to be a little transparent, unless you like that sort of thing ladies! Aviator jackets: these jackets are just beautiful and make me feel like the diva that I am. They’re so comfortable too. You can now find the suede aviator jackets with the wool trimmings on the hood. They do cost a bit more than your average jacket but they are so worth it. Oneses/allinone pj: Yes! I said it. They are the best creation ever made. Especially for this winter where’s it’s predicted to become extra cold. Get involved women. A splash of colour: anything, be it a bit of lipstick or gloss, a scarf, or accessories. After all, it’s so dull we need to brighten our winter days. Big weekend bag: for those of you who tend to travel home on weekends, then you’ve got to make sure you have a stylish weekend bag. Sitting on the trains or busses, you need to be setting a trend. Always make sure it’s a good size but still easy to handle and carry. I still need to master the art of fitting everything into one bag. Winter heels: wool-lining boots with or without heels, does the trick of dressing up an outfit in winter. Vintage: anything, if it was good then, it’s perfect now. We don’t have any vintage shops in Wycombe, however, there are many boutique stores in Central London where you can find some great vintage bargains. It’s worth making a trip down there.

EDITORS CHOICE In 1605, a group of men, who nowadays would be termed terrorists, attempted to blow up the House of Lords as part of their campaign to remove James the 1st from the throne of our beloved United Kingdom and replace him with a Catholic monarch. Every year we celebrate the discovery of this plot by holding a great party on the 5th of November which normally includes fireworks and en effigy of Guy (or Guido as his Spanish allies knew him) being burnt on a fire. Many people will have heard the old nursery rhyme: “Remember remember the 5th of November gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot.” No it was not made up for the film ‘V for Vendetta’, this poem has genuinely been uttered by countless children over the centuries since that fateful attempt on the House of Lords. Along with the traditional Gunpowder Sermon, it serves to remind us always of the rewards of treason. However, I find it also reminds me of something that I’m sure parliament at the time would have liked forgotten. People do not always have to put up with the rule of their current government. On occasion throughout history, when a government’s rule has

become unnecessarily harsh, or even tyrannical, towards its own people, revolution has sought to correct these injustices. Indeed it was not so very long after the events of the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ that the United Kingdom fell to revolution and the rise of Oliver Cromwell. It is well known that France also succumbed to a particularly bloody revolution which put an end to the perceived Bourbon despotism. History is littered with such examples and I think that now is a particularly good moment to remember them and draw strength from them. Now before I come to the main reason for writing this piece, I just want to make it absolutely clear that violence is never the right answer to any problem. Violent revolutions and protests, while they may or may not be successful, only lead to unnecessary injury, bloodshed and even death. All problems in a modern, civilised society like ours can be solved by peaceful demonstration and diplomacy. With that in mind I’d like to remind you all once again about the demonstration in London on the 10th of November. Never before in your lives as students have events in government been so important, nor will they likely be again. I know you have been bombarded with calls for support but it is only because it is so important and as such I urge you

29 Bucks Student

to read on. If the proposals set out in the now infamous Browne Report are passed through Parliament by the Coalition Government then our uni and many others like it may well die. If top-up fees are raised to £6000, or even un-capped, then obtaining an education beyond secondary school will become a luxury item. Thousands of extremely intelligent and talented but financially unstable students will be denied the chance to prove their great worth, not just in coursework grades and exam marks, but in life as a whole. I believe that slashing the Higher Education budget is not just cutting the throat of our nation’s future, it is denying us and people like us our human right to an advanced education. It is the responsibility of the government of a 1st world society like ours to provide the opportunity for everyone, from every background, to go to university. If ever you were to make the effort to stand up for something you believe in then now is the time, answer the rallying cry! WE WILL MARCH.

Hughenden’s great... shame about the view... Do you know how it’s the smallest things that can annoy you? Well, if not, I’m about to prove it. I moved into Hughenden Halls about 5 weeks ago, met my flatmates, AND adjusted to life in High Wycombe. Awesome, right? Apparently not. Living on the 4th floor is pretty great, you don’t have to worry about people having noisy sex above you (although that doesn’t stop them on the 3rd floor of Hessian… yeah that’s right I’m looking at you), you get the chance to burn off last night’s pizza by using the stairs as well as the fact that the view isn’t too bad... provided you don’t look too onto the ground. A mound of sand that’s the size of a planet. Small exaggeration? Probably. The whole point of all this mortar and bricks was to provide more accommodation for our fellow students. Instead, I am led to believe that the uni has run out of money

and we’ve been left with a miserable plot of land that ruins our view, and is slowly turning into a swamp. It’s not like it is sand that we can catch a few rays on (fat chance with this weather) but instead it’s sitting there utterly useless. It really seems to bug me that the university didn’t bother to work out whether or not they’d have enough money to complete this project. Well maybe they did, and if that’s the case then something is clearly wrong. It’s irresponsible, a waste of sand and probably a health and safety hazard too. Britain’s big on that, aren’t they? It could be worse.. I could live on ground floor and have that towering over the windows night and day. So I guess I should count my lucky stars that at least if I look straight ahead I get to see something different. Do you want to know what view I have now? The cemetery. By MJ

Regarding the ‘£60,000 blown on road block benches’ article

I would like to apologise to Mr Carl Clerkin for a statement made in edition 12 of The Bucks Student, in the editor’s choice piece titled ‘£60,000 blown on ‘road block’ benches?’. It said, “They were designed by a man called Carl Clerkin, someone who probably should never set foot in our uni again.” At the time of writing the statement I was under the impression that Mr. Clerkin was an alumni student. I have since been informed that Mr. Clerkin is in fact a tutor at BNU. He is clearly liked and well respected by his students who have told me that they think he is a good teacher. As such he does deserve the respect due to a good tutor and of course I no longer feel that he “should never set foot in our uni again.” Mr. Clerkin I do wholly apologise for the statement that I made and I hope that you will continue to teach students at BNU for many years to come. However, I do not in any way retract the statements I made about the actual benches or their design. I still think that they are a monumental waste of money and I fail to see how they could ever be considered art. Three of Mr. Clerkin’s students promised to write a short article, which I promised to print along with this retraction, explaining why the benches are art, why they are a good design and why they cost so much. Sadly, they have not sent me any such article and therefore the answers to these three questions will just have to remain a mystery.

The cooking class at Chalfont Classic Cuisine Robert, the owner of the cuisine, demonstrated a few classic meals such as a vegetable stir-fry. We all sat around the small demonstration kitchen and watched him, after he had made it we all got to try it, it tasted really good! The next demonstration was how to make fresh pasta from dough. After the demonstration we had to dress up in our chef clothes and go down to make it ourselves. This was really fun! We rolled the dough out so it was an oval shape then put it through this hand controlled machine that made the rolled out dough thinner and longer. In the end we ended up with a very long, very thin, piece of dough. From the dough we cut out shapes and in the middle of the shapes we placed some filling, either mushrooms, spinach or both. Following that, we placed another shape of pasta on top and put it in a pan to cook. I found this whole process really interesting. I really enjoyed the cooking but also found that meeting and socialising with new people was also really fun. We went upstairs and ate the pasta with a tomato sauce which was basil, tomatoes and onion put through

a blender. The next course, scones! This was also a fun process, making your hands very dirty. We were given the flour and the butter and we had to make bread crumbs by using our finger tips and rubbing the flour and butter together, and then comes the sugar. We made a small well and poured milk into it to get the mixture to stick together, this was the messy part, you had to get your hands in there to gather the mixture together, I ended up with mixture all over my hands. We rolled out the dough and used round cutters to cut out round shapes and put them on a baking tray, I used the excess dough to make a snail shape. We also learned how to make brandy snaps which are full of sugar. This was fun because you had to pick them up whilst they are still warm and put them into a mould otherwise they harden. I would completely recommend this cooking class because not only is it free, it’s fun and it is a way of meeting new people. I have been two years running and have kept my friends from both times. By Suzanne Roe

WIN FREE FEES! To celebrate the launch of its brand new range of handcrafted sandwiches, salads, prepared fruits, hot eats and indulgent snacks, URBAN eat is giving you the opportunity to win a Year’s Free Tuition Fees. URBAN eat is a completely new brand, created especially with students in mind, and offers a wide range of products to suit just about every budget, taste and mood. Whatever you choose we can promise you it will have been lovingly made, by hand, using quality ingredients, innovative fillings and environmentally friendly packaging to help you to find your very own oasis in the day. So if you haven’t already discovered URBAN eat for yourself why not check out the sandwich chiller cabinet in the campus canteen and find out exactly what you are missing. To enter the URBAN eat ‘Win Free Fees’ competition either text the word URBAN to 60777 or alternatively visit the competition website * In addition to the £5,000 cash to cover a year’s free fees, there are also ten iPhones up for grabs. While you are on the website why not try creating your own masterpiece on the addictive new URBAN eat Graffiti Wall Game to win even more great URBAN eat goodies. *no purchase necessary, competition commences and website goes live week commencing 13th Sept 2010.

September 2010

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30 Bucks Student

Management Speak “Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in the field. It’s probably the same cow and it’s not as good as your own cow’’. These are the words you would expect a wise old farmer to say when handing over the family farm to his son. Good solid advice on the perils of buying and selling farm-yard animals. But, these were the words that Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, used when responding to a question about Wayne Rooney’s reasons for wanting to leave the club recently. Presumably, Ferguson was referring to the clubs reported to be interested in signing his star striker and he was suggesting that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Although, in Madrid and Barcelona the grass is probably a more bronze sun-kissed colour! On the other hand, perhaps he was dishing out some sound marital advice to Rooney, whose alleged liaisons with women of ill repute have put a strain on his marriage to wife Colleen. ‘Stick with the cow you’ve got Wayne’. One of Ferguson’s former players’, Roy Keane, has revealed the lengths to which club’s have to go to these days to attract players. Asked if he was close to a deal to sign a player he said;

By Gary Anderson

“You could speak to a bird all night but still end up in the taxi on your own’’. Word is, Keane and the player are still texting and plan to go for a curry on Friday night. Stoke manager Tony Pulis, got very upset at a recent League Managers Association function, accusing the Arsenal boss, Arsene Wenger, of stealing his soup roll. “I’ve got nothing against foreign managers, they are very nice people. Apart from Arsene Wenger’’. Meanwhile, over in Milan, Inter boss Rafael Benitez was responding to the recent events at former club Liverpool by imparting some Spanish philosophy“We have a saying in Spanish, which is, ‘White liquid in a bottle has to be milk’.’’ Asked to expand on this by bemused reporters, Benitez replied; “It means that after 86 points and finishing second in the league, what changed? The Americans, they chose a new managing director and everything changed . . . so, white liquid in a bottle: milk. You will know who is to blame............... ‘’White liquid in a bottle. If I see John the milkman in the Wirral, where I was living, with this bottle, I’d say ‘it’s milk, sure’.” Those bloody cows have a lot to answer for.........!

Cheerleaders ‘wear it pink’ for breast cancer awareness month

The Swans Cheer Squad ‘wore it pink’ for a week’s training sessions to raise money for breast cancer. October has been Breast Cancer Awareness Month, providing a platform for breast cancer charities to raise awareness of their work and of the disease, BCAM is also a prime opportunity to remind women to be breast aware for earlier detection. The Swans Dancers and Cheerleaders raised £123.63 for the cause! By Katy Lynch


High hopes for men’s hockey Imperial Medicals Men’s 2nd......................................... 3 Buckinghamshire New Uni Men’s 1st......................... 1 Bucks Men’s Hockey started the game with high hopes of building on an excellent start to their Saturday fixtures as part of Wycombe Hockey Club. These hopes were short-lived though, as Imperial Medicals made an impressive start to the match with Bucks struggling to adapt to the bouncy playing conditions early on. After stubbornly fending off numerous advances into their own

One step closer to a greener future for sporting students at Bucks? Vice President Student Involvement //

Bucks Students turned out in force to back the proposal for a state of the art Sports Village at Wycombe Air Park last week. Following the Union’s ‘Where’s Our Grass Campaign?’ launched last year, the Union called upon students to back a proposal from Wycombe District Council. Over 800 students added their backing to the proposal, hopefully bringing Bucks students one step closer to staking a claim on some well deserved grass! The state of the art Sports Village would create a hub for

the district, providing a huge range of community facilities and programmes, all offered at one venue. Facilities currently included in the plan include not only upgraded stadium facilities and community sports pitches, but the addition of indoor training pitches, cricket pitches, squash and badminton courts, and facilities for track and field athletics. Not to mention the bars, restaurants, hotels, conference centre, and centre of sporting excellence for Bucks New University also planned for the site!

CATEGORY ONE s can Describe one way in which Buck

Bucks New University Student Prize for


‘D’, Bucks finally went a goal behind after good work down the flanks from their opponents. Imperial Medics soon doubled their lead, scoring from the top of a crowded ‘D’. However this goal seemed to only spur Bucks on as they took the game to Imperial Medics and soon scored a goal of their own when Sander Eland scored from an acute angle after rounding the goalkeeper.

Bucks controlled the game after this as Imperial Medics seemed rattled with a number of their players wasting possession, but Bucks went further behind when a lapse in concentration allowed their opponents to restore their two goal lead. With time ticking away Bucks threw everything at Imperial Medics but were unable to find a way through with Matt Dawkins denied by the post By Joe Daniel at the death. The University has the chance to become a partner in this development, which has the potential to safeguard our sports courses and the involvement of teams such as Wycombe Wanderers and London Wasps in the local area for years to come. We’d like to say a massive thank you to every single student who took the time to fill out a response form. We will keep you updated with the progress of the plans as they are revealed...

ack processes to students improve the quality of its feedb

film Format: 1,000-word essay, A1 poster or a 3-minute r-up £125 Winner receives £250 and runne

Learning and Teaching

CATEGORY TWO consider to be Describe an example of what you

ompetition visit to find out how to enter

have experienced and would like

ing that you good practice in learning and teach

to see extended across Bucks

Format: 500-word text Winner receives £125

2010 Deadline for entries: 7 December and an entry form please visit For more information, guidelines g

31 Bucks Student



Impressive display from Bucks 2nds

Wednesday 20th october BADMINTON

Surrey Men’s 2nd 5 - 3 Bucks Mens 1st


Bucks 1st 5 - 1 Herts 1st Portsmouth 1st 3.5 - 2.5 Bucks 2nd


Bucks FC 2nds................................................. 5 Imperial College 2nds..................................... 1

By Gary Anderson

by Andy Barnstable who flicked it on for striker Edmeads to tap the ball home from close range. Two minutes later, Edmeads stuck again, this time with a smart finish low into the corner from a superb ball played through by Humphreys. Moments later it was 3-0, this time Edmeads turned provider by finding Nixon-O’Neill in space. The big Irishman was calmness personified, turning inside the defender and coolly slotting the ball home. Bucks continued to dominate the game in the second period. The lively Parrella and Edmeads were a constant threat. Manager, Rob Hewitt, made a change on 60 minutes, bringing on Dom Jolliffe for Dom Ollney. Jolliffe went straight up front with Edmeads dropping back into the ‘hole’. The substitute was soon in action, hooking the ball narrowly wide before rounding the keeper and seeing his effort clip the post from a tight angle. Imperial College pulled a goal back completely against the run of play from a free kick swung into a crowded penalty area. However, the home side continued to threaten. Parrella broke down the right again before cutting inside onto his left foot and curling a super effort inside the far post only to see it well saved by the visiting ‘keeper. Another corner for Bucks and this time they made it count. Parella swung the ball over, Grevatt powered a header towards goal and Joliffe was on hand


Bucks Ladies 1st 4 - 0 Brunel Ladies 3rd Imp Med Men’s 2nd 3 - 1 Bucks Men’s 1st


London SE 45 - 17 Bucks 2nd Bucks SESSA 1st 11 - 51 C’ford St Netball


Brighton 1st 52 - 12 Bucks 1st Westminster 1st 24 - 25 Bucks 2nd


Brunel Men’s 2nd 3 - 5 Bucks Men’s 1st

Wednesday 27th october BADMINTON LADIES

Uni of East London 1st 4 - 4 Bucks 1st


Uni of Surrey 1st 49 - 32 Bucks 1st


Bucks 1st 2 - 3 Swansea University 1st Bucks 2nd 6 - 1 Imp College, London 2nd Bucks 4th 3 - 2 Bucks 3rd Bucks 5th 2 - 3 KC, London KCLMS 2nd Bucks 6th 1 - 1 Uni of C’Arts 1st


Uni of Brighton 1st 1.5 - 4.5 Bucks 1st Bucks 2nd 3.5 - 2.5 Brunel University 1st


Bucks 1st 1 - 6 University of Brighton 3rd


Bucks 1st 1 - 0 University of Reading 4th


London S’Bank Uni 1st 16 - 47 Bucks 1st Bucks 2nd 36 - 8 Uni of Westminster 1st


to poke the ball home. Moments later, he was on the spot again to slot home his second after the ‘keeper spilled a powerful long range effort by midfielder Humphreys. That was the end of the action as Bucks secured an emphatic 5-1 victory. Afterwards, boss Rob Hewitt was

delighted with his team’s performance. He said, ‘’we played very well today; we kept the ball and controlled the game. It was similar to last week’s game except today we took our chances. Once we got the first goal, that settled us and we played some good football’’. Man of the Match: Jack Edmeads

The season kicks off for Bucks FC First week of full fixtures saw the 1st, 2nd and 4th team all playing away at Portsmouth. All three teams recorded different results. The 1st team gained a great point away from home, against a team who hadn’t been beaten at home in three years, which could be seen by their very defensive approach resulting in a 0-0 score line. The 2nd team lost 2-1 with Dom Parrella scoring. However, this result did not reflect the game. Missed chances and minor defensive errors were their downfall, in a game which could have easily seen the points being brought back to Bucks. Bucks 4th’s recorded a 2-0 victory, David Walsh and an own goal meaning a happy bus ride home, in

wadiehs corner Vice President Student Involvement //

an overall good performance, seeing manager Steven Wales getting his first win of the season on the board. Bucks 3rd team were the only team to play at home this week to Kingston University, but sadly lost 4-2 in a game they dominated but could not finish their chances. A penalty from Jonny Hampson, taking his total goals to two this season, and a sublime free kick from Dan Morgan. Kingston benefitted from two very controversial goals which could have easily been flagged offside. The 5ths did not have a game, however as the SESSA league started a week earlier they played the week before recording a tight 3-2 victory. After leading 2-0 a controversial

penalty opened the game up but the team showed character to finish the game off. Goals from Jamal Sutton, Jonny Hampson and Ollie Pickup. The fixtures were completed with wins for both the 6th and 7th team who were again both on the road. The 6ths had a 2-1 win with Tom Oldbury and Freddy Simon on the score sheet. The 7ths had a convincing 2-0 win over St Mary’s, with Grant Axerey and a Ryan Bailey screamer being the goals which proved to be vital. There’s usually a match every Wednesday, so make sure you check out the fixtures and head down to Magnolia Park or the Rye to cheer on the boys. By Jack Edmeads - Football Chairman

Where’s our Grass Campaign

This is a campaign started last year to get the University to go out and find us a new home for sports after the sale of our 2 campuses where our students played sports fixtures! I have managed to get a forum with Ruth Farwell, the Vice Chancellor and some of the Senior Management Team to take

questions and listen to you, the students. A chance to air your views as its unacceptable that they sold without having a contingency plan for you to play sports and make them accountable! The date for this is Thursday 2nd DECEMBER 2010 @ 1pm! Come along and make your voice heard!!

Uni of Greenwich 2 17 - 11 Bucks 1st


Bucks 1st 42 - 24 Uni of Surrey 1st Bucks 2nd 84 - 0 Imperial Medicals 3rd


Bucks 1st 8 - 9 Middlesex University 1st


Bucks 1st 10 - 2 Royal Holloway 2nd


Wednesday 3RD NOVEMBER Badminton Men’s Uni of Portsmouth 2nd v Bucks 1st Basketball Ladies University of Chichester 1st v Bucks 1st Football

Bucks 1st v University of Essex 1st Bucks 2nd v Brunel University 5th Bucks 3rd v University of Brighton 4th Bucks SESSA 1st v Queens School SESSA London SE 3rd v Bucks 5th KC, London KCLMS 2nd v Bucks 6th Golf Bucks 1st v Bucks 2nd

Hockey Ladies

Canterbury CC Uni 1st v Bucks 1st Hockey Men’s Bucks 1st v King’s College 1st


Bucks 1st v St Barts & the R’London 2nd


Uni of Brighton 1st v Bucks 1st Rugby Ladies Uni of Reading 1st v Bucks 1st Squash Men’s Bucks 1st v University of Reading 3rd


QUIZ 1. Who were the last English club to bear Inter Milan in Italy? 2. How many Formula One titles did James Hunt win? 3. Which charismatic batsman was Australia captain when they lost the 1982 Ashes?

Answers: 1. Liverpool (in 2008); 2. One, in 1976; 3. Kim Hughes.

Bucks 2nds Mens Team secured their first victory of the new league campaign with a 5-1 win against Imperial College 2nds last Wednesday at the Rye Park. Two goals from the impressive Jack Edmeads and a cool finish from captain Luke Nixon-O’Neill gave the home side a 3-0 lead at halftime. Imperial College pulled a goal back mid-way through the second half before substitute Dom Jolliffe struck twice in the final ten minutes to give the score line a more realistic look. Bucks dominated possession in the opening exchanges forcing a succession of corners. The visitor’s defence was looking decidedly shaky, scrambling the ball away on a number of occasions, only to see it come straight back from the boys in red. Luke Nixon-O’Neill and Mike Humphreys were controlling the centre of the park, and along with Dom Olney, who was playing as the deep lying striker; they were stringing together some neat passing moves. Edmeads and Nixon-O’Neill came close with efforts while at the other end Bucks ‘keeper Jack Durrell had little to do due to the home side’s dominance. Tom Grevatt and Dom Parrella linked up well down the right flank swinging over a number of dangerous crosses but still Bucks could not get the breakthrough. Then, in a five minute spell just before half-time, the visitors defence finally cracked as the Bucks boys rattled in three goals. Michael Chard whipped in a corner which was met

Portsmouth 1st 0 - 0 Bucks FC 1st Portsmouth 4th 2 - 1 Bucks FC 2nd Bucks FC 3rd 2 - 4 Kingston 3rd Portsmouth 6th 0 - 2 Bucks FC 4th Kings College 2nd 1 - 2 Bucks FC 6th St Marys 6th 0 - 2 Bucks FC 7th


Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

Golfers drive off season with win WITH an unbeaten season in the league last year, Bucks New University Golfers 1st team had a tradition to follow, and standards to keep up with. Travelling to Flackwell Heath Golf Club were Hertfordshire University who have proved themselves tough opponents in previous years. With four Fresher’s breaking into this year’s 1st team, Luke Ryan, Oli Hayes, Tom Owen and Melissa McMahon were all looking forward to representing their university for the first time with familiar faces Richard Craven and team captain, Jack Wheatley also hoping to make an impact, and follow on the fantastic results of last season. Leading off in the first group were Richard Craven and Jack Wheatley

jailbreak 2010 beg, blag and borrow your way to freedom

13th - 15th november 2010 Get as far away from the uni as possible in 48 hours without spending a penny of your own money. Blag tickets and guilt your family and friends into helping you on your mission to break free. Get sponsored and help raise some much needed money for the RAG charities this year: Learn as One and The Pepper Hospice. search: BUCKS JAILBREAK 2010

By Jack Wheatley - Golf 1st team captain

hoping to lead the way with their experience. Both games were tense but Richard played strongly, winning 4&2 whilst Jack unfortunately lost 6&5. Out second were Fresher’s Tom Owen and Melissa McMahon who both put in solid performances winning 7&6 and 2&1 respectively. Out in the final group were Luke Ryan and Oli Hayes who both played fantastically with two solid wins, Luke comfortably winning his game 4&2 and Oli winning 6&5. With a great win of 5-1 setting the standard for what will hopefully be another successful golfing season for the first team. For the teams next game they travel to Royal Eastbourne to play Brighton University.

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