The Bucks Student - Edition 18

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Don’t forget!

bucks student edition 18

Clocks go forward 1hour on Sunday 27th March at 01.00am (BST)

March 2011


Find out who won in the recent sabbatical elections and their thoughts after the announcement

Page 3

NEWS And the nominees are...

With the Union Awards ceremony only a few days away, find out who has been nominated

Page 4

FEATURES Bucks Students’ Union Volunteering

Suzanne Roe investigates how volunteering can benefit your time at Bucks

Page 9

ENTERTAINMENTS Profile of a Promoter A brief insight into the world of a live music promoter

Page 14


The latest gossip from Eastenders

Page 21

ADVICE National Student Money Week Page 23

uary // WIN AN

Opens 10th Jan

NO MAY BALL THIS YEAR It was announced this week that due to the current economic climate, the Students’ Union are unable to afford to hold a May Ball this year. Last year, the May Ball was staged in London and it was not as successful as hoped. Students have said they were disappointed with the night and the Students’ Union had a loss of £16,000 because of the event. Unfortunately, with the current recession the university is struggling through, it would be

Academic Staff Strike Official University statement On Thursday 24th March academic employees who are members of the University and College Union (UCU) may decide to take strike action in support of their claims on pay, job security and pensions. It is unfortunate that this may result in disruption to your scheduled classes, although we hope that many employees will not wish to participate in the strike. We have asked for all classes which do not take place to be rescheduled and will withhold pay from those who do take strike action. This amount will be paid into the Student Hardship Fund.



Students enjoying the last ever May Ball 2009 at Chalfont before the campus was sold

By Sarah O’Brien Deputy Student Editor illogical to hold a May Ball this year, and the Union cannot afford to risk another substantial blow to their expenditure. As well as this, the student ticket prices this year could have to increase a considerable amount to prevent the Union from being out of pocket. If this was to happen, it is likely less students

would participate and the May Ball would again be unsuccessful, risking its future at Bucks even more so. A press statement given from the Students’ Union read: “Generous financial subsidies from the University had supported the event in recent years but with these not available in the current climate the event is too difficult to stage without the sort of ticket price that would drive students away.

On Monday 21st March Student’s Union President Tom Foy issued a statement on behalf of the Union’s Executive Committee over the potential for strike action this week. He states that ‘The Students’ Union has huge sympathy for UCU over their calls for an agreement on job security. The Union is gravely concerned about the impact on the student experience of our members if we continue to see cuts to the numbers of academic and professional support staff within our institution.’ He goes on to articulate the Union policy which is ‘to support our members in ensuring that they don’t lose any contact time as a result of the strike.’ If your classes are not rescheduled following strike

“We have been able to find no other viable alternative that meets these expectations without a substantial financial subsidy the like of which is not currently available.” However, it has been said that instead of a Ball this year, the SU will hold a special end-of-year themed celebration which will hold 1000 students. This event and details of will be announced in the forthcoming weeks.

By Sarah O’Brien action by your tutors you are urged to email tom.foy@ so that he can follow it up on your behalf. If students wish to join academic staff on their picket line you can do so from 8.30am onwards. There will be two picket lines assembling, one outside the Gateway and another at the entrance to the middle car park opposite the hospital. To read Tom Foy’s full statement go to www. or check out the Facebook Group. The full statement also details additional support that students can access.

Printed on 100% recycled paper | Help reduce your carbon footprint by recycling your newspaper Bucks Students’ Union and Bucks New University are committed to doing their part in recycling and reducing their carbon footprint

2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Tom Foy - Editor t: 01494 601600 e: Laz Wood - Student and Community Editor e: Kelly McGarry - LifeStyle Editor e: Louby Delahunty - Entertainments Editor e: Tanya Virdy - News Editor e: Harry Boileau - Features Editor e: Richie Stuttard - Sports Editor e: Claire Cullen - Fashion Editor e: Tanya Virdy - Celebrity Fashion Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soaps & TV Editor e: Dorian Stone - Reviews Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Monika Stary - Jobs & Careers Editor e: Joanna Szczpanowska - International & Travel Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Societies Editor e: For Advertising: Vicki Buffoni t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students Union for more information. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. Printed by Harmsworth Printing - Stoke 01782 602619 © 2011 Bucks Students’ Union

Letter from the Editor

Hello all again. It’s been another hectic week here at BSN! Although I’ve been home this weekend so the very talented Gary Anderson took over all the election results and did a fantastic job with great interviews. So enjoy! Also, I hope you all enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day this year! It’s always been like Christmas to me and back over in Ireland it’s the one day we get to break Lent so I always have happy memories. Glad to see you lot over here love it just as much as we do! In other news, we have all your favourite content from Student Survival Guide, to Confessions of a Fresher and we also have adorable recipes for Mother’s Day that’s coming up very soon. So don’t forget! I hope you all enjoy reading this edition and we’ll see you soon. Go raibh maith agat, [Thank you!] Sarah



Election round-up P3 News P4 Features P9 Lifestyles P10 Travel P12 Entertainments Pull Out P13 Photos P15 Wallplanner P16 Soaps & TV P21 Societies P22 Advice P23 Movies P24 Food & Drink P25 Puzzles P28 Vouchers P29 Sports P30 Results & Fixtures P31 Varsity P32 direct to your mobile

Are you on the Register of Electors? District and Parish elections are to be held on 5th May 2011, together with the government’s national referendum on the Alternative Voting System. Are you listed on the Register of Electors? If not, you won’t be able to vote in May so ring or email us now for an application form. You need to be aged 18 or over, and either British, Irish, or a citizen of the EU or British Commonwealth/Overseas Territories.

Voting by post If you can’t get to the polling station, you can apply for a postal vote. It’s easy – just ring or email us and we’ll post an application form out to you, or you can download one from our website. You’ll need to provide a signature and date of birth for security reasons (we won’t pass this on to anyone else). Then we send your ballot paper about 10 – 14 days before polling day.

Our contact details 1. Download a QR reader to your phone. There are loads of free ones available 2. Open the QR reader on your phone and scan any barcodes where you see them. 3. Each individual code will take you to a website for further information. 4. No more typing web addresses. Simply scan the code, go to the site and find out more information. Internet usage will be charged at your providers standard rate

Recycle your copy of the Bucks Student once you have finished.

Telephone: Email: Address: Website:

01494 421223 Electoral Services, Wycombe District Council, Queen Victoria Rd, High Wycombe HP11 1BB

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 3

Election round up

Bucks... you have spoken The Bucks Student Union Elections came to a close on Friday 11th March. Outgoing President, Tom ‘Chooch’ Foy, announced the results in The Venue just after 4pm on the day. Ash Coles was elected as the new President by a wide margin. Sam ‘Wadz’ Wadieh was reelected as Vice President for Student Involvement and in a close fought election, Laz Wood overcame Chris Allen to secure the position of Vice President for Education and Welfare. Ash Coles and Chris Clark were elected as NUS Delegates and the referendum to reform the Union portfolios was overwhelmingly passed. Ballot boxes closed at 12 noon on Friday 11th and following weeks of campaigning that included speaking to students, handing out leaflets, online campaigning and the student Hustings, which took place on the 7th March, the candidates, could do no more. All that was left to do was anxiously wait and let democracy take its course. The vote count began around half past one in room N4.05. Members of the Students’ Union were on hand to begin the process of sorting through the ballot papers. There were independent observers from each candidate,

Ash Coles

Newly Elected President of Bucks Student Union

present also. An extra factor in this year’s election was that voting took place online, as well as through the traditional method of using the ballot box. Deputy Returning Officer, Mal Edgson, was overseeing the count as the task of adding up each candidate’s votes soon got underway. The room was echoing to the sound of the rustling and rattling of paper as the counters- armed with cups of tea and coffee and rubber thimbles- thumbed through each ballot paper, checking and double checking the votes, making sure that every vote cast was properly accounted for. Each result was relayed to the Deputy Returning Officer and it was not long before the final tallies were checked and verified and that was it. The wheels of democracy had turned. Now, it was down to The Venue to end the suffering of the anxious candidates. A sizeable crowd had gathered to hear the announcement of the results, with the majority been made up of the rugby boys; who greeted Ash Coles’ election as President with the loudest cheer

Congratulations Ash, so what are your initial feelings following the announcement of the results? “I have to say that I am absolutely ecstatic about the result. It was a bit nerve-wracking... but I’m overwhelmed about the result and I’m very happy.” Just looking at some of the issues you raised on your manifesto. Which of these would you see as your top priority and that you will tackle first? “I’m all for the fun side that university offers, and I want to get the right balance between that and some of the more serious issues. But, I think the main one for me is the issue around electronic submission and also electronic feedback as well. Secondly, I think The Venue desperately needs revamping... Thirdly, I would have to go back to the work experience issue. I think we need to give as many students as we can the opportunity of work experience on their course.” How confident are you on delivering on these objectives? “I have done a lot of background work... and I made sure that all the ten points on my manifesto are achievable; that is the main thing. I have done my research and I am really confident that they are achievable over two years. A lot of them can be done in the first year and... I can say I will have achieved six out of the ten points. I have done my background research and I’m very confident that I can deliver.” Have you got any words for your opponent Kishore Pilli? “I think he is a great guy and I’ve got to know him quite a lot over this past week. I think he is a lovely guy and I really hope that we can work together next year especially as he is an international student. I wish him the best of luck.” Finally Ash, how are you going to celebrate tonight!? “Well, a few of the rugby boys are coming round to my flat and we’re going to have a few beers and we’ll be heading to the SU after that. So certainly we will be having a few drinks I think!”

Sam Wadieh

Re-elected Vice President Student Involvement

By Gary Anderson of the evening. The unsuccessful candidates were magnanimous in defeat. Kishore Pilli, Chris Allen and Myk Kinaszczuk had fought very good campaigns and should, rightly, be proud of their efforts. Unfortunately, two candidates were unable to attend the announcements; Chris Clark is recovering from a nasty knee injury and the re-elected Sam Wadieh was away on international ‘stag party’ duty in Dublin! Perhaps, ‘Wadz’, allowed himself to temporarily lift his self imposed alcohol ban to enjoy a pint of the black stuff as the news of his victory travelled across the Irish Sea. So there you have it folks. You have exercised your democratic right and voted for the candidates whom you feel will best represent your views and will fight for the issues that most affect you here at Bucks. Good luck to Ash, Sam, Laz and Chris as they take up their positions for next year. Read on to hear what the winning candidates had to say.

Congratulations on being re-elected Sam. How do you feel? “Obviously, I’m very excited to be re-elected back into the office. Hopefully it will be another good year and we can make things happen.” You said during the elections that you still have work that you want to finish. So, what are the things you want to carry on with next year? “I’ve recently started getting buses for students from Uxbridge to come down here... and give them a taste of the student experience that we take for granted down here. Another big thing I want is to set them aside a budget from the student activities programme. It’s a different experience studying at Wycombe... they [Uxbridge students] should get a better experience. Obviously, I will be looking at Wycombe still.” You mentioned that you want to continue and improve the ‘Big Deal’. Would you see that as your main priority? “Yes, definitely, that is my big thing. We are in talks with Vice Chancellor Ruth Farwell about funding... because they are facing cuts from the Higher Education Funding Committee for England. The main thing is to secure that, so that you keep getting the perks such as free societies, free sports and free entry to the Student Union. They can’t be asking future students to pay up to nine thousand pounds and give nothing back.” How confident are you on delivering on what you have promised? “I’m very confident. Like I said, the talks are already underway. We might not get everything we want because that is why they call it negotiations; you don’t always get what you want. At the end of the day The Big Deal is our unique selling point. No other university in the country does anything like this. I’m confident it is something that we will be able to keep and potentially make it bigger than it currently is.” Lastly, have you got any words for your opponent Myk? “Well, I have spoken to him already, I’d just like to say all the best to him for the future and feel free to pop in if he wants to talk about anything.”

Want to become involved in finding out what kinds of studio relations and interactions best support your learning? Alison Shreeve and Ray Batchelor have secured funding for a small research project centred on Bucks Art & Design studios and workshops. You will interview students as a part of that, and will have the opportunity to help to analyse the results too.

Could you be a student interviewer? This could be a great opportunity. You will get guidance on interviewing, as well as practical experience of interviewing as an effective research technique – skills you could use for your own work. Interested? Closing date 12 noon, Wednesday 30th March Please contact for more information.

Congratulations to all staff and students who helped raise £375.88 during Red Nose Day. By raising cash during Red Nose Day, you are helping to changes lives for ever. That’s because Comic Relief spends all the money raised by the public to give extremely vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the UK and Africa a helping hand to turn their lives around, through funding projects such as A Way Out. To find out how you can get involved, go to

Congratulations Laz. How are you feeling after the announcement of the results? “Just wow really...I’ve been working towards this now for several months. I realise it’s not everyone’s cup of tea doing the committee work and representing students but I do really enjoy it.” There were three main issues on your manifesto. So, what is going to be your number one priority once you take up your position? “Obviously, the university has to make a lot of cuts at the moment due to the economic situation with the switch from government funding to tuition fees and so on. I think the university are preparing for the worst by making a lot of cuts now... I will fight any cut in funding which does directly affect the quality of any student’s education. That is my number one priority. I can’t really Laz Wood Newly Elected Vice pick between my other two issues. They are both an President Education equal second because one of them is about supporting students through the pastoral care system and the other is about ensuring that students can learn in a way that best suits them, both massively important.” Just on the point about pastoral care. Could you perhaps explain to students what exactly it is and why you think it is so important? “It is the system of services and support staff that take care of students who are struggling. That is what the pastoral care system is there for, it is supposed to act as your guardian and be your first point of call with any issue or problem you have got...with anxiety, depression, financial troubles, if you’ve had a recent bereavement in the family and you’re still trying to deal with your course...anything really that comes up, that is the system that you should be able to turn to.” How confident are you on delivering the objectives that you have set out? “I think it is going to be an extremely tough fight to prevent the university from making cuts to course quality along with cuts in funding but, it is a fight that I am willing to take on. On the support system issue, I think that is where students will see the biggest change and the biggest advantages being brought in for students and that will be the success story of next year.”

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

Bucks goes LTA chief singles out Buckinghamshire tennis green club for praise in public lecture A committee and several working groups are being set up to tackle energy and carbon reduction, waste management, and greening the curriculum at Bucks. We need people to champion these themes as part of a working group. Please contact Ian Hunter, Director of Estates and Facilities, if you would like to join the ‘green team’ and make a lasting difference, at The University is also looking for a slogan for the campaign and have three ideas so far - Be green, Go green, or simply Green Bucks. Do let us know what you think – or if you have bright ideas of your own. Anyone with ideas please contact Diane Jamieson-Pond, Internal Communications Manager, at

Above (L-R): Prof Chris Kemp, Roger Draper, Prof Ruth Farwell and Peter Thomas MBE 00594 lectureSeries L8 (148.5mmby210mm) 6-3-11.pdf




Green Awards Bucks Students’ Union has retained its silver award accreditation in the Green Impact Awards again this year. The Green Impact Awards are run by NUS Services Ltd (NUSSL) and reward students’ unions who take a responsible approach to conserving the environment. This is the third year that Bucks SU has participated in this award and the second time achieving a silver award.

NEXT LECTURE - Public Lecture Series Places need to be reserved. To book a place please contact: Lorna West (Vice Chancellor’s Office) Bucks New University, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 2JZ Tel: 01494 603 002 Fax: 01494 438 123 Email: or book online at

Child protection contemporary issues Speaker:

Sir Roger Singleton, Chair of the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)


Professor David Sines CBE, Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean: Society & Health, at Bucks New University

Bucks New University is hosting the eighth in a series of free community lectures featuring high profile guest speakers. Wednesday 4 May 2011 Owen Harris Lecture Theatre 1, High Wycombe Campus, HP11 2JZ 5.30pm light refreshments 6pm-7pm lecture 7pm light refreshments Sir Roger Singleton is Chair of the ISA, which exists to help prevent unsuitable people from working with children and vulnerable adults. In light of the reshaping of the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) to place greater onus on employers and managers of volunteers to check the suitability of those seeking to work with children and vulnerable adults, Sir Roger will distil some of the lessons to be learned about the ways professionals and volunteers abuse their positions of trust, and will suggest some approaches which might prevent such abuses in the future.

Public Lecture Series 2011

Roger Draper, Chief Executive of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), singled out Halton Tennis Centre in Buckinghamshire for praise in a university lecture, saying it was a great example of a ‘very well run’ club. The British tennis supremo was speaking at Bucks New University in High Wycombe about ‘Transforming the way we run sport’ and discussing how sport has become big business and developed into one of the fastestgrowing areas of the economy. Around 80 people attended the hour-long lecture, part of a series of free public lectures at the University, on Tuesday 8 March, including representatives of Wycombe District Council, Bucks Sport, and students and lecturers from the University. Roger said: “Our challenge is to move tennis into the 21st century, to increase the number of people playing the sport and improve the way it is run. An excellent example of that is at Halton Tennis Centre, which is near here. They are professional, have a very good administrative structure and are moving with the times. They are one of the best clubs within our membership.” Representatives of the tennis club, of Chestnut Avenue, Halton, near Wendover, Bucks, were at the lecture. Roger added: “The tennis industry in the UK is worth £1.3 billion but we want to grow the number of people playing.

“We have done a lot to move tennis forward, and we have one of the fastest-growing schools and club links. “Transforming the way we run sport has been a bit of a holy grail for me and we are ensuring we have the right people in place, aligning ourselves with the right sponsors and partners and ensuring we are in the best shape for success.” Roger has wide experience of the sports business including a three year role as Chief Executive of Sport England. During this time he led a major review and reorganisation of the £500m spent on sport in the UK, was involved in the 2012 bid and in Team England’s 2006 Commonwealth Games campaign. He added: “Tennis, like all sports, has recognised the need to modernise its governance by adopting best practice from the business world. Running a sport presents its own unique challenges in terms of combining results on court with those off it, and the LTA is growing and developing British tennis.” Roger’s presentation was the seventh in a series of free public lectures to be held at the University, which seek to discuss issues affecting the community both locally and nationally. It was chaired by Peter Thomas MBE, Visiting Professor and Director of Sport at Bucks New University, and Chairman of Bucks Sport.

And the nominees are...

Above: all the winners from the different categories at the awards ceremony at Adams Park, 2010

Call us today on: 01494 372 800

Student Leadership Award Will Hoskin Lawrence Wood Ash Coles Aaron Livingstone Student Rep of the Year Craig Bradley Kristie Clavin Tim Donald Roisin Bovington Society of the Year Boxing Red Button Mature LGBT Society Committee

Member of the Year Will Hoskin Guy Humphrey James Williams Natalie MacLean Volunteer of the Year James Gibson Andrea Bulley Lily Thompson Ben Paddon Charity Fundraiser of the Year Suzi Roe Asa Marshall Will Hoskin Cheerleaders Student Journalist of

the Year Gary Anderson Sarah O’Brien Tanya Virdy Oliver Hunt Campaigner of the Year Jo Taylor Dan Laws Sander Saar Chris Allen Student Staff Member of the Year Matt Carroll Sean Butcher Niamh Watters Angela Dwomoh Flat Rep of the Year

Tom McKie Lora Wilson Guy Humphrey Mitchell Carter Outstanding Professional Service Employee Partner Mustapha Akhrif Dean Valler Steve Hoole Diane Jamieson Pond Outstanding Academic Partner Ray Sylvester Ray Batchelor Stuart Norton Richard Jones

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 5


There’s an app for that...

‘Big Society’ action group launched at Bucks New Uni

A host of community organisations research and evidence-based practice to attended the official launch of an initiative lead the University’s new cross-faculty at Buckinghamshire New University aimed social science research team. at providing academic support and advice A respected author in social policy, Dr on a range of issues and subjects, in line Greenfields co-authored the leading report with the government’s Big Society plans. on Traveller Economic Inclusion which The Institute of Diversity, Research, was launched at the House of Commons Inclusivity, Communities and Society in November 2010, and the Equalities and (IDRICS) will provide research, Human Rights Commission publication, consultation and project evaluations, Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and contribution to policy and practice Traveller communities: A review, launched developments at both regional and national in March 2009. levels. She said: “We are looking forward to The Institute was launched on Friday 4 continuing to build a hub of excellence March at Uxbridge Campus, with attendees to disseminate expertise and information. from a wide range of community and public We wish to provide a community resource sector organisations, including Central and which will enable people to access North West London NHS Foundation Trust, innovative ideas and benefit from the the Irish Traveller Movement (Britain); experience and resources available from the London Borough of Hillingdon Strong IDRICS team.” and Active Communities Partnership, and IDRICS will work to support Wycombe Race Equality Council. communities or groups as identified Amongst other organisations attending through the Big Society model and who were Yeading Junior School, in Carlyon have the potential to grow into a range of Road, Hayes, Middlesex, where Bucks social enterprises. It will seek to address New University social work students gaps in provision through informed and have been undertaking placements to help innovative, bottom-up initiatives. engage with families under stress; The As a department, IDRICS will bring ARK Trust Ltd, based in Crowthorne, together colleagues from across both Berkshire, a charity that enhances the University faculties, Society & Health, and lives of people with learning disabilities, Design, Media & Management, and will act physical disabilities and sensory as a focal point for external contacts. impairment by participation in the arts; and The launch event provided Buckinghamshire County Council, which is commissioners, funders, community improving services and outcomes for black groups, academic staff and policy and minority ethnic ‘looked after’ children practitioners the opportunity to meet in a following findings and recommendations stimulating environment and explore the from an IDRICS evaluation. range of services that the Institute provides. Dr Margaret Greenfields, Reader in as well as giving them the chance to see Social Policy at Bucks, has been appointed presentations from organisations who are as director of IDRICS, and brings to the already benefiting from the partnership role a wealthbnuNewspaper of experienceadvert in translational opportunities afforded by the Institute.23:09 (270mmby85mm) 16-2-11.pdf 1 16/02/2011

Male in Mail Reader in Human Resources, Gloria Moss, was asked to write a guest article for the Financial Mail Women’s Forum, part of the Mail on Sunday. Her piece appeared on Tuesday, the hundredth anniversary of International Women’s day. It explored the impact of unconscious bias on male and female progression to board level.

Order, order... LLB Law students will get a taste of life inside a courtroom when the Department of Law holds its annual student court day event at High Wycombe Magistrates Court on Friday 25 March. Jenny Preston, Course Leader, LLB Law, said: “We very much appreciate High Wycombe Magistrates allowing us use of two courtrooms and pupils will be role-playing scenarios and gaining a greater understanding of judicial practices.”

House about that? Ten MA Furniture: Conservation, Restoration and Decorative Arts students are spending next week at the stately Wilton House, in Wiltshire, home of the Earl and Countess of Pembroke, in a live project on object conservation and restoration. The house has been home to successive generations of the family since 1544, when the buildings and land were granted by Henry VIII to Sir William Herbert. Course Leader, Dr Campbell Norman-Smith, said: “Students will appreciate the strict ethics and conservation approach undertaken working on site, deal with all the health and safety aspects, work to a time constraint, and work as a team.”

We need YOU to represent the views of YOUR class and course mates to the University next year. Being a Student Rep gives YOU the opportunity to MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN for students on your course. And the added bonus is, you can get paid up to ££100 for your time!

Interested? Complete and return a nomination form by 8th May. For more details go to Get involved, make change happen! For further information please contact: Amy McLaughlan Rachel Franklin

o w n ! n e p o s ion

nom ina t

Above: Prof David Sines, Pro Vice Chancellor & Executive Dean: Society & Health, at Bucks New University; Dr Margaret Greenfields, Reader in Social Policy at Bucks New University and director of IDRICS; Hari Sewell, IDRICS honorary Senior Research Fellow.

A step-by-step App on how to drape a sari, designed by Mumbai-based MA Advertising graduate Bhavna Sharma, who left Bucks in 2009, has been launched by Apple in India, following a hugely successful trial in the country. Bruce Sinclair, course leader, MA Advertising, said: “It is hugely gratifying to see a graduate shunning the conventional career path into ad agencies for a more entrepreneurial and innovative approach. It is exactly the way advertising is going and yet another example of a Bucks graduate having a take on their role for the future.” Read more about the story at


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Appointments: 01494 523158 / 526648 Roccola Hair, 18 Crendon Street, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 6LS

6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

Local schools sweep the board in My Big Furniture Idea competition Students from Princes Risborough School and Lord Williams’s School in Thame have taken first prizes in the My Big Furniture Idea competition organised by Bucks New University to identify Britain’s young design talent. The students were judged on their designs for outdoor seating for use at their school or college. There were two entry categories, Key Stage 4 (age 1415) and Key Stage 5 (age 16-18), with prizes awarded for first and second places in each category. In the Key Stage 5 category competition, a team of pupils from Princes Risborough School took first prize for their inspired design for seating in a shelter, which was well-thought through and thoroughly practical. Their investigation into materials was exhaustive and they grappled with some serious design considerations. Their final solution is architecturally striking, functional and feasible. Charlotte Loveland, Design and Technology teacher at Princes Risborough School, said: “To win first prize is a fantastic achievement! The students worked really well as a team, picking up on each other’s strengths. They have gained valuable experience of working towards a real design brief and through the design process, and it will help them in their AS-level product design studies.” Alex Gill of Strode’s College, Egham, Surrey, took the second prize. His design for a bench named ‘Tercentenary Bench’, reflects both the old and the new characteristics of the College. The ‘old’ side of the bench has a traditional design in its construction

and is made of timber, whilst the ‘new’ side is designed to be marble – shiny and new in its aesthetic appearance. In the younger age category, Key Stage 4, Lord Williams’s School managed a clean sweep by winning both first and second prizes. First prizewinner, Oliver Picot’s narrative justification for his design, Wave, was original and humorous in parts which made his design stand out. Second prizewinner, Katy Groves, took a more conservative approach and her design was very clever. She proposed that by assembling simple shapes cut out on a CNC (computer numerical control) machine, more or less could be added to make her seats bigger or smaller so enabling them to seat between two and ten people. Beverley Reed from Lord Williams’s School, said: “We are delighted that Ollie and Katie were placed first and second in the My Big Furniture idea competition. They are both very dedicated, talented and motivated students who benefited greatly from the experience. All the students involved in submitting entries worked really hard and gained a lot from the process.” The prize for the winning students from each category will be to have their designs manufactured in Bucks New University’s workshops, or for architectural scale designs, the University will build a professional scale model of the winning design. In total, over 70 individuals entered this year’s competition, almost double the numbers of entries

Above: The winning team of pupils and teachers at Princes Risborough School pictured with Dr Lynn Jones, Department Manager: Furniture, at Bucks New University (centre); and Tony Smart MBE from The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers (left). received last year. Chair of the judging panel, Dr Lynn Jones, Department Manager: Furniture, at Bucks and Head of the National School of Furniture (High Wycombe), said: “When the entries were all laid out on the table it was an amazing sight! I felt rather humbled at the thought of all those school children doing all that work to enter the competition, for what was for many of them an

extra-curricular activity. The teachers did a fantastic job of promoting the competition in their schools. “All schools and colleges had tackled issues of sustainability commendably, and had conducted impressive research around their schools and with their peers and teachers.” The distinguished competition judging panel included Chair, Dr Lynn Jones from Bucks New

University, Tony Smart MBE from The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers, and Professor Gordon Mackay Kennedy, Emeritus Professor of Design, Nottingham Trent University and former Head of London College of Furniture. The judging criteria used were: appropriate specification of materials; creative content; practicability and environmental consciousness.

. . . t s e b e h Want t

...but still need to eat? BA (Hons) Performing Arts students under the name Red Light Productions are putting on the play Pornography, about the 7/7 bombings, in the Gateway Drama Studio, starting at 7.30pm on Thursday 24 and Monday 28 March. Tickets are £5 to non-students and


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£3 for students. The play is also being performed at Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, in Altwood Road, Maidenhead, on Tuesday 5 April, at 7.30pm. Tickets for that performance are £7 for non-students and £5 for students. For more details email

Where did the student’s go? The Bucks student elections of 2011 saw a disappointingly low turnout in terms of students voting compared to some previous elections. There were just over 800 votes cast between the online voting system and the ballot boxes that were situated at each campus. This equates to around nine percent of the total number of students who are registered to vote here at Bucks. Asked what he thought was behind the low turnout, Matthew Kitching, who is the Student Representation and Development Manager said; “I think it’s difficult to say because actually, voting has been more accessible this year. We’ve been running an online election when in the past we’ve ran online or ballot box and not both combined. It’s very disappointing because we’ve had a couple of years were we’ve been up around the 1300 or 1400 mark in terms of votes and to drop back down to 800 or so is disappointing. It seems to have been quiet on campus this week [election week] and there has been a reasonably low footfall and bar take. It is not a reading week so it’s difficult to fathom really but, I think we have publicised this election better than any of the last few and we have really thrown stuff at it so I think we are surprised and can’t really fathom the reason’’. Deputy Returning Officer, Mal Edgson, acknowledged that the voting numbers were disappointing but pointed out that the newly elected candidates were given a strong mandate by the students at Bucks; “For some reason that I can’t understand, there were fewer people on campus during election week this year. We hold our elections generally in the same week each year and what we can see is that there were just fewer students about and we don’t know why. There were fewer students drinking coffee and eating in the cafes, there were fewer students in the bars this week and there were fewer students walking around. Consequently, it’s very unfortunate but we have had a lower turnout in the election. But, it’s still nearly 10% of all the full and part-time students including those that are based on very short courses who study at the university, so 800 odd votes is still a pretty good mandate for the candidates who have been elected officers and representatives here’’. Perhaps, many students have lost faith in elections and the power of the vote due to the General Election of last year which saw the Liberal Democrats breaking their promise to students regarding tuition fees. Now more than ever, is the time to believe in the power of democracy and that each vote does make a difference. An apathetic attitude to the concept of electing those whom you believe will affect change, will never allow for your concerns and issues to be properly addressed. However, it is vital that these so called ‘public representatives’ do not put students off fighting for the issues they believe in. Strong and cohesive student representation here at Bucks is crucial.

Students raise £155 for the British Heart Foundation On Tuesday 8th March, students on the course Public Relations & Marketing Communications organised a charity exhibition in aid of raising money for the British Heart Foundation. The BHF help those people who have an illness such as heart disease, cardiovascular challenges etc. As a requirement of their course, the students who organised the exhibition used this opportunity as a final stage of raising money for their chosen charity. It was an opportunity for them to portray footage from their event and a last chance to raise awareness for the BHF, to collect more donations. On the day, in return to any donations they were given, they handed out goody bags alongside BHF leaflets, which provided more information in regards to the actual charity. The sole aim was to raise £150 and they successfully raised £155 which will go straight to the charity.

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 7

universitydigest Penn pals

Well-respected UK ceramicist speaks at US Symposium

Bucks hosted 12 students from Penn State Abington University in Pennsylvania for a week-long academic visit between 5-12 March. The students enjoyed a range of classes with the criminal justice department, as well as trips to Oxford and London, including a Jack the Ripper tour. The visit was the second time the American students had visited Bucks following three visits by students from the University to Penn State Abington. The next Bucks group actually sets off on 4 April for a ten-day return visit. Senior lecturers Jim Dunn, Owen Grainger-Jones, Hugh Mannerings, Ann Brunton and Maurice Collins delivered lectures during the week.

Focus right in

Renowned ceramicist Neil Brownsword, senior tutor in Ceramics & Glass, was invited to speak at the prestigious Contemporary British Ceramics Symposium at Mint Museum UPTOWN in North Carolina, USA, on Thursday 10 March. Neil spoke at the museum in Charlotte, North Carolina, at the culmination of an exhibition of work by more than 100 British ceramicists. His work was among exhibits

by 100 British artists belonging to The Grainer Collection and it had run at the museum since October at the exhibition called Contemporary British Studio Ceramics: The Grainer Collection. Neil was joined by leading ceramicists Kate Malone and Julian Stair, as well as craft historian Tanya Harrod, in speaking at the event and taking part in a panel discussion, talking about important trends and developments in contemporary British ceramics.

Bucks has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with long term partner, Focusrite Ltd, a world leader in music processing equipment, to become our first audio manufacturer in residence. Benefits will include allowing audio production students to see the development of new products first hand and share in the testing before an item comes to market.

He was also invited to speak about his work to the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, a Statutory College of the State University of New York, on Monday 14 March. Neil said: “These were two wonderful opportunities to share my work and experience with a wider audience in the United States and I was very much honoured to be invited. It was also a great reflection on the work we do here at Bucks New University.”

My mate, Marmite BA (Hons) Advertising Management and Digital Communications Level 6 students will visit leading agency phd uk at its London office on Wednesday for a briefing on the work it carries out for client Macmillan Cancer Support. On Friday 25 March Level 5 students will be at global media network Mindshare meeting the team working on its account with Marmite.


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8 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

Smurfs involved in missing sock conspiracy By Joss Hill-Finegan

The case of the missing sock has long been considered utterly unsolvable. Where do they go and what has happened to them? Everywhere you look, people wonder aimlessly in odd socks. If they happen to be the kind of socks with the day of the week on them, ultimate confusion reigns down on lost souls everywhere. One foot says it is work time on Monday, the other declares it’s time to go out on Saturday. It is advisable that no matter what your sock conditions are, this is not a feasible excuse for turning up to work drunk. There have been many theories on who the sock thieves are. Up until now, the main culprits were believed to be gnomes and goblins. The typically self conscious and vain creatures were thought to be wearing the socks as part of the latest post modern fashion statement. Even the washing machine was once considered a culprit. It was thought to be involved in a drug trafficking operation with the dishwasher. What part the socks played in this operation still remains unclear. Recently, new theories of sock theft have

been uncovered and there are now claims of socks going missing after Smurf sightings. It seems unlikely that they use the stolen socks for their hats, as the renowned, albeit fictional Dr. McBeard concluded that their clothing was made from biscuits and sodomy. ‘Custard cream biscuits, to be precise.’ When questioned on whether a missing sock victim actually saw one of the Smurfs, he answered ‘well no, but I did hear a lot of singing. It was this really highpitched happy singing, like the Jonas Brothers, only less gay, y’know?’ Despite Gargamel’s evil actions, the Smurfs have always been friends of humans. Amongst the common confusion, missing socks are known to cause mass hysteria, depression and even Chlamydia. It is currently unknown if this was the Smurf’s intentions or not. Papa Smurf remained unobtainable for questioning. Dr. McBeard believes that the Smurfs are using the stolen socks in a plot to kidnap Tom Cruise. The maverick doctor claims that the pocket-sized star of Top Gun and the Mission Impossible films could indeed be the key to world domination.

text your issues to


07624 805 945

Students text* or email the Vice Chancellor to provide visibility of something which is impacting negatively on their scheduled teaching activities.

The cost of sending the text is your standard text message rate.

Text: 07624 805 945 Email:

Freshers’ Helpers

To work for the first two weeks of the new academic year at the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses, working a shift rota with fellow Helpers.

Head Freshers’ Helper

If you have supervisory experience; can manage and delegate duties to a team of staff from your peer group, make decisions, work on own initiative and can carry out administrative duties, then you may be interested in becoming a Head Helper.


Buddies are issued with a mobile phone to send designated texts to a group of students that have applied to become a student at Bucks. Depending on number of applications to study at Bucks, these positions begin from March 2011.

International Buddying

This happens in much the same way as Buddying home students, except it is operated by email. International Buddies are set up with a Buddy email address. It would be an advantage to be an International or EU student, or able to speak another language. To apply, please visit

National Union of Students NEWS

*We are recruiting 4 positions, Closing Date 27th March 2011 You must have a genuine desire to help our new students adapt to their new environment.

NUS relaunches Facebook page NUS has recently relaunched its Facebook page. Now you can get the latest news, campaigns, discounts, lifestyle and advice all in one place. Over the last year, there has been an increasing trend in students using Twitter and other social media platforms. NUS have been utilising these platforms to mobilise students with the national demonstration and ‘Vote for Students’ campaign. If you are on Twitter, you can follow NUS and be part of the movement online @nusuk.

NUS Scotland welcomes SNP commitment against fees Last month, after winning £23m in college bursary funding and extra places through our Budget for Bursaries campaign, NUS Scotland launched Reclaim Your Voice. This campaign, which includes a national march and demonstration at the Scottish Parliament on 22 March, asks MSP candidates in this May’s Parliamentary elections to make three commitments: 1. No tuition fees; 2. Protect college

places and graduate numbers; 3. Increase student support. One month and thousands of activists later, the Reclaim Your Voice campaign is already having a major impact, as the SNP have joined Scottish Labour in coming out against fees in Scotland. Responding to the SNP’s announcement to defend and protect students’ right to free education, Liam Burns, President of NUS Scotland, said: “The SNP have been opposed to fees throughout this parliament, and this announcement shows that the SNP remains strongly committed to Scotland’s students. This will be a great relief to students across Scotland with a consensus now building against fees for education, and we thank the SNP for their work on this. “We know that fees in Scotland would put off the poorest students in Scotland from ever going to university which would be a disaster not only for our economy but for our society too. Scottish education must remain based on the ability to learn not the ability to pay. “We now know the likely funding gap for universities in Scotland and, despite what university leaders say, we know it’s certainly manageable without fees if we prioritise public spending. That’s why the SNP can now move to rule out the threat of fees over the heads of students in Scotland, without risk to our world class higher education system.

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 9


Bucks Students’ Union Volunteering Bucks Students’ Union Volunteering is really good fun and is a chance to get to know the staff around the students’ union better. Since the start of university this year I have been involved in many exciting activities. Even events like pumpkin carving competition, where we had to buy a pumpkin and carve a face and the winner won some cinema tickets. Fortunately my pumpkin won; it had devil ears, evil eyes, zigzag mouth and a very freaky nose. For the rest of November, the volunteering team planned for Christmas. They collected shoe boxes filled with goods and wrapped them in pretty Christmas coloured paper to send to the homeless people in Wycombe. Alongside that, other actives such as the Santa dash where everyone dressed as Santa goes on a sponsored run. The other events that month were shopping with the elderly, which was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed themselves and appreciated the help from students of BNU. A Christmas dinner was held for some of the elderly people in Wycombe, where myself and the cheer-leaders helped serve the food and chatted to the elderly whilst they ate. We served drinks and other things that they might have needed. They seemed to be having a lovely time and I think it would be great to do that again next year. On the 4th of February a balloon arch was formed in aid of CLIC Sargent cancer support as it was World Cancer Day. This was fun; we had to each write a message about or to someone suffering from cancer and

By Suzanne Roe then put it in a balloon and pump it with helium. The balloon was then tied to some invisible string and it rose to form an arch shape. Recently, a Wycombe rag raid was carried out by me and other students and we managed to raise £70. Then, a really enjoyable trip to an elderly people’s home took place two weeks ago. We were all set out to teach the elderly to play the Wii, however, we found one minor problem; there was no television control! Instead we had a lot of fun playing darts and board games with the elderly and talking to them about their life. It was a really pleasant visit and since then Alice, the BNU volunteering coordinator, has organised this to be a monthly event. Last week a team of us including myself, Alice, Kerry who works in the Students’ Union and a few others carried out an epic car wash. It was a really fun. We charged £5.00 per car and managed to raise £60. There was a lot of soap and water being splashed everywhere so we all got quite wet, but that didn’t matter because the sun was shining and it was quite a hot day. Kerry and Alice were having fun tossing the odd bit of water at each other whilst cleaning the cars. By the end of the car wash, we all felt really warn out. A great way to exercise! If you would like to do some volunteering, please email Above: at the car wash... Volunteers cleaning cars in the rear car-park at the University

Academics at Bucks New University are currently investigating the study habits of University students all over the country and need your input! Do students at Bucks approach their studies any differently to those elsewhere? This is open to all students and ex-students from ANY University so spread the word to friends and family too!

Scan the barcode using your Smartphone or by accessing the link below: viewform?formkey=dEwxbVppMz ZFZ0pNRFVwUTRuZmoya0E6MQ

Simple questionnaire is just 12 questions long! For National Women’s Day, we asked you to write down the name of a woman who inspires you. Take a peek above at some of the women you chose... If you would like to get involved in any volunteering or fundraising, please email

10 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011




Student Survival Guide: Frenemies, Archetypes and Student Sub-species. By Siobhan Carney

We all want to be liked



ell, I’m sure by now we are all stunningly fit, gorgeous and healthy. So there is only one more obstacle to tackle; that mop on top of your head we’re forced to call hair. Speaking to a hair and beauty student, she has provided me with a fool proof way to discover the hairstyle that will frame that beautiful face of yours, no matter what shape. Our faces have shapes, I hear you cry? Why yes, there are five general face shapes us women have. If you think you have a ‘faceshaped face’ like I once thought, it’s not that easy. But to find out all you need to do is stand in front of a mirror, and draw the outline of your face onto it. If the shape is oval, long, round, square or heart-shaped; congratulations, you fit into our five categories. So, look in your category below and discover the hair that will frame your face perfectly.

Oval face

Ah, lucky you! This is described as the ‘perfect face’. You should with having layers near your chin or cheekbones to draw attention to them.

Long face

Ok, you need to create the illusion of width. You can do this with long, side-swept bangs or chin-length bobs.

Round face

The opposing team to long faces, you need to create length to your face! You can have your hair cut just below your chin, or in graduated layers.

Square face

If you have a square face, this basically means your jaw is a bit angular, something that you need to disguise. This is done by putting texture to your hair and short curls do exactly this, as well as long layers that start just below the jaw line.

Heart-shaped face

Aw this has to be the cutest category! But it also means that the wrong hairstyle could take away from your eyes. You could bring focus to your eyes with side-swept bangs, a fringe on your brow or long layers at the top. Et Voila! You should rush to your nearest stylist and ask for the perfect hairstyle for you. I expect to see a lot of gorgeous locks running around the university! Sarah O’Brien

Student’s say the Funniest Things

Oh yes, we’re back with a bang. These last few weeks have provided us with a hell of a lot of laughter as students just keep getting sillier. Man 1: “Can I apply for a mini bus driver?” Man 2: “Of course mate, anyone can.” Man 1: “I suffer from epilepsy, is that ok?” Man 2: “Yes! Do you have a drivers licence?” Man 1: “Oh... no” Girl 1: “I randomly polished my mirror last night” Girl 2: “Gosh you must’ve been bored.” Girl 1: “I quite liked it, and when I was done you could practically see yourself in it” Girl: “You don’t want to snap at the hand that rubs you.” Boy: “That’s bite the hands that feeds you, dear” Man: “I really like my bum; it’s so comfortable to sit on” Girl: “What’s that word beginning with ‘p’?” ...silence.... Man: “Erm... there’s a lot of them” Girl: “What does 41 slash 2 out of five stars mean? That’s so confusing!” Boy: “That’ll be 4 and a half out of five stars” Girl: “Wow, I’ve never noticed that Specsavers before” Boy: “Mate, I think you need glasses”

here’s nothing odd about this of course, it’s human nature: Be it first school, secondary school, University or a new job…No one really wants to be the fully grown equivalent of the kid who used to sit at the back of the classroom chewing their own hair. Frankly, it would be odd if we didn’t try hard to impress others. When you were five you asked other kids if they wanted to share your animal crackers, at 20 you ask them if they fancy a drink…your approach may have changed (at least, hopefully) but the essential aim is the same: You want people to like you. This is why - during Fresher’s week everyone acts like a shy five year old, nervously throwing glances across the room and inwardly pleading, “Please be my friend” every time someone offers them so much as a smile. If the misty eyed ex-students are to be believed, University is where you meet your lifelong friends. (Of course, these ex-students are often riddled with a disease I like to call SSMS or, ‘selective student memory syndrome’.) The disease generally becomes apparent around five years after leaving university and symptoms are as follows: Nostalgic reminiscing of university life Loss of memory (outright denial or failure to remember assignment induced stress, awful living conditions and three years of being broke.) Repetition of the phrase, “University? Those were the best days…” An overwhelming desire to sit in a pub during a weekday afternoon. (That last one might also be a symptom of alcoholism) The fact is, you may well make friends for life but often these BFF’s aren’t evident until at least midway through the 2nd year. For example, that effortlessly cool guy you hung around with all of 1st year might - in the longer term - turn out to be a socially stunted weirdo with a fondness for Justin Bieber records. To paraphrase Forrest Gump’s mother: Friendship is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get. After almost two years at Bucks, I’ve come to the conclusion that University life is similar to a David Attenborough hosted wildlife program; all its attendees share traits that are similar to a variety of wild animals. Students - like animals often fall into distinct groups, herds or archetypes, identifiable by their appearance, habitat or behaviour. In general, the species can be defined as follows: Student: Latin name: HomoDrincus. Habitat: McDonald’s, Starbucks, Pubs or other

drinking establishments. Appearance: Species often appears distinctive, sporting bright colours. They prefer branded clothing, preferably displaying names such as Superdry, Converse or Addidas. Behaviour: Predominately nocturnal, they sleep during the day and often scavenge for food under the cover of darkness. Intelligent, the species often exhibits laziness and prefers to spend time in large social groups. However, the above description is only an overview. In fact, there are several subcategories of student. So, if you’re looking to make new friends, ditch old ones or identify yourself here’s a few tips to help. Common Subspecies of Student The Gossip: A particularly common species of Student. They travel in large groups and are often considered an important member of their herd. Blessed with sharp observational skills, they make great friends because they always know what’s going on and they‘re more than willing to share this information. Word of warning: The gossip will often target others indiscriminately. Though they are social by nature they can display aggressive traits, particularly when preying on a weaker species. Habitat: They generally congregate in busy areas where the potential for drama is high. Thrives in Rusty Bucks, Beats or The SU bar. Appearance: Innocuous looking, they use their benign appearance to fool others into believing they‘re harmless. Their exceptionally sensitive ears also allow them to collect or overhear whispered or confidential information. Distinctive Call: “You’ll never guess what I heard…” The Obnoxious Label Poser The obnoxious label poser is generally male. Though they may appear social they often surround themselves with weaker species in an attempt to situate themselves as leader of the herd. Prime examples of alpha males, they like to be admired by others and often seek ways to exert their dominance using clothing and possessions. They care a lot about what others think of them and frequently try to impress using humour. Habitat: Anywhere that is currently fashionable or regarded as cool. Appearance: Labels, labels, labels. They like to be seen wearing branded clothing and often boast about how much this cost. They tend to be gadget obsessed, preferring to have the latest model, be it phone or computer. They’re all about status and they use their appearance to reinforce this. Distinctive call: “Oh this little thing? I had it shipped here, it cost a fortune and isn’t available

in England yet…” The Nice one Self explanatory. Everyone gets along with this species. They have a huge group of friends and they talk to anyone. They often go out of their way to be nice to others and, as a result, are generally in high demand for group assignments. They make the best friends because they’re loyal and will go out of their way to defend others. Habitat: This subspecies thrives anywhere. Appearance: Like the student equivalent of an Andrex puppy, these guys look cute enough to adopt. Distinctive call: Nothing in particular. Their trademark is a sweet smile. The Bitch Again, pretty self explanatory. Like the Obnoxious Label Poser, this species is mainly composed of one sex…in this case, it’s female. Not known for their great friendship qualities, this species prefers to move in smaller herds. They can often be seen grazing with other species, particularly The Gossip. They also get along particularly well with males. Habitat: Anywhere social. Appearance: May display a preference for Ugg Boots. Generally this species is defined by their girly behaviour: Hair flicking, giggling, lip gloss application and false smile. Distinctive Call: “Ugh, what the hell is she wearing…” The Bromancers: Male only species. More often than not this group enjoys sporting activities and frequently forms a weird homoerotic bond with male members of the same species. The Bromancer is very selective and often demands that others undertake initiation rituals before being granted access to the herd. (Downing pints, streaking, etc) Despite the slight homoerotic vibes this group is almost exclusively macho and filled with preening alpha males. Mating habits of this group are frequent and often a subject of pride, providing proof of virility. They communicate using nicknames or each others’ last name. Many of these nicknames come about as a result of in-jokes, most of which are incomprehensible to anyone NOT in the herd. Habitat: The Gym or anywhere currently hosting a sporting activity. Appearance: A sports hoodie, brightly coloured shorts and flip-flops. Distinctive call: “Come on lads…drink up!” So, there you have it, a rough overview of some of the more common subspecies of student. David Attenborough, eat your heart out!

Peer Pressure: “Look at that bulge”, “my butt is absolutely huge”, or the staple favourite “I’m fat”. Ever heard these words uttered? From siblings, friends, or maybe yourself? How often do we hear “I look absolutely stunning”, “My butt looks amazing in this dress” or even less popularly “I’m gorgeous”? Yeah, that’s right. Never. Why do we have to constantly put ourselves down at every given opportunity? Everyone and everything around us is influencing how we perceive ourselves and the people living in the society living around us. Whether it’s size 4 models on the cover of Heat Magazine, snide remarks from people who are supposed to love us, those smug relatives, ‘celebrities’ who are the face of media today or the miracle weight loss cures

that are constantly being shoved down our throats. Why can’t we be happy with ourselves the way we are? University is supposed to be the time of our lives: The time of new experiences, lifelong friendships, and ultimately fun. Do we honestly want to look back on uni life and see ourselves unhappy with our figures, constantly obsessing over it? The peer pressure around us, is almost stifling. The scary thing is the amount of people who give in to it, and I’m not just talking about body issues either, whether it’s alcohol, smoking or sex. The really weird thing is that just talking to my friends, a very high proportion always regret it, but next time they’re pressured into something - they give in… I’ve always been pretty confident with my figure and am not the kind of girl who succumbs

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 11

The Best Years of Your Life 4. A Rock and a Hard Place


Confessions of a Fresher


f recently you’ve felt a sudden sharp pain in your jaw, it is probably society delivering its health kick straight into your face again. We all are aware of its importance; if you don’t stay healthy, you will die (unless you’re Charlie Sheen of course). As a fellow “estudiantes”, I am no stranger to that everlooming cloud of anxiety that

floats over your head as you begin to think about health. It is like a plague; fitness, food, and ‘lifestyle’ are only a small number of buzzwords that’ll fill your brain as you begin to worry. Since I’ve been effectively “looking after myself” – I’ve been more mindful of my health. I can eat six runner beans and instantly feel better about myself; that is until I hear people talking about my arch nemesis: physical exercise… If you have ever taken a trip down to the muscle district at Bucks New University, it is quite an odd place (for me any way). I do not enjoy this ‘Witness the Fitness’ vibe they’ve got going on. Everyone looks either stern or sweaty, that’s because most of the time they’ve been lifting weights close to the point of

under pressure. You won’t see me basing my judgement of myself on other people’s standards, as I’m against that. However, I can’t say the same for 95% of people I know. And boys, I’m looking at you too! Obsessing over the gym, diets, and 6 packs? Seriously, if I wanted to discuss how many calories are in my Jacket Potato, I’d hang around with girls - harsh but true. And if I wanted encouragement to go to the gym, I’d phone my mother. I’m not obese, yes I’m guilty of having a bit of a muffin top, but if that’s all you’re looking at, then bye bye! I’d rather be known for my personality/brains than my looks. I’m not going to lie, I am flattered when I get complimented but it means so much more to me when I see 78% on my feedback assignment sheet. Since when did our world become so shallow? I think I must have missed the memo somewhere. Once again, why do we give in to peer pressure? Last time I checked, I lived my life for myself …

a prolapse. Running on things, jumping on things, pulling things, and pushing things the Gym is the first place you should head to if you want to pretend you’re in a game of Crash Bandicoot. It does look like quite a fun place put all the squeezing and clenching aside. They have all sorts of simulators in there for running and cycling. If buying a bike and cycling around the beautiful British countryside doesn’t supply enough merriment for you; then you can come in this sweaty chamber and whirl around on this fixed bike simulator – it’s not moronic at all! Intimidation is the main thing; even the fitness instructors in the Gym look like a clang of Greek Adonis’. My bitterness like with most topics is fed by lack of confidence and saturation of sarcasm. My attitude is that I wouldn’t want to be laughed at for staying ‘fit’. I’d look like an awkward Ostrich on one of those cross-trainers, but this pressure to stay fit comes from where? It isn’t a very complex issue. You probably feel great when you leave the Gym, “pumped” may be the technical term. A friend of mine attends the muscle district quite often; he follows his workout with a MacDonald’s, very apt. My friend swears that the workout helps you achieve your goals; whether you want to loose weight or get bigger it also helps you meet people. The social aspect to this Gym and fitness culture young people are entering is magic, however my quam with it is this obsession with image – girls wanting to be skinny and guys wanting to be muscular. Media culture and society will be blamed a lot of the time, but do we help

ourselves? I’m past the point of no return when it comes to health and fitness. I sleep for a good eight hours, go out, come home and sleep another three; I’m transforming into a sloth which lazes about and eats cheese on everything. Even my brain is slowing. This might have something to do with alcohol consumption (which I do not condone). I want to eradicate this pressure on me to become the perfect man in terms of figure - Apparently I have a “body like a Toblerone” pointy, sharp, skinny, and generally awkward. I once got told I could rob a bank with my elbows because they are so “sharp”. Just a joke I know; however the point I’m trying to emphasise is this obsession with everyone’s figure – it’s shallow and superficial. I take my clothes off normally! I can’t simply squeeze my clothes off with my muscles like I’m expected to… I’m bone-idle when it comes to fitness and I am in no way suggesting that there is a masculinity crisis going on. I’m critical because I’m lazy; these are my confessions. – I think it is good that people exercise because they are avoiding health problems and are probably going to live longer. Next time you get a chance – ride the wave down to the muscle district and check out chad and the rest of the babes. Health is very important, remember that you bunch of lousy students. “Oh hey, I’m just in my Gym clothes, outside the gym, covered in sweat, leisurely drinking water, looking cool, feeling cool, flexing my guns for all the babes…”

ven now, roughly a month after what will forever be known amongst me and my friends as “the drugging incident”, I still can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed about the whole situation. I constantly find myself thinking, If only I hadn’t drunk that drink. But, then again, as I keep reminding myself, s**t happens, right? Anyway, my friends and I can laugh about it now, so I guess I’ll just have to chalk the whole thing up to experience and leave it at that. I remember some of the Facebook messages I received after the event. It started off with a few jokey comments from the friends that were out with me that night. Then, as you can probably imagine, all of my other friends read the comments on my wall and left a few messages of their own. These messages were varied, though all were either jokes or sarcasm. They ranged from, “Are you okay?” to “That could’ve only happened to you” to “You stupid b*****d!” My personal favourite was a comment from one of my uni friends. It said, “I really think you should talk to someone…” followed by a link to the “Talk to Frank” website. I had to laugh. I was walking through The Gateway earlier, on the way to one of Talk for England Terry’s lectures, so I picked up a copy of The Bucks Student on my way passed reception. The whole front page was taken up by a poster design advertising the student protest in London in a couple of week’s time. I’ve spoken to my friends from class and a few of the people from halls, and we’re all going to go. Although we are all interested in the protest, we’re more interested in the cheap coach trip to London. The coach is going to pick us up right outside the uni and take us straight to The Big Smoke. From there, we’re going to buy tube tickets and spend the day in London, and join the protest at the end of the day. As the day of the protest loomed, more and more posters of a similar design to the one I’d seen on the front page of the student paper started appearing all over the uni, and it seemed that you couldn’t walk from one lecture to another without hearing snatches of conversation regarding the protest. Even better, the protest fell on the day of one of Terry’s lectures. Could it be any more perfect? On the day of the protest, a long line of students stretched from the Student’s Union, passed the Red Shed and all the way up to the main road, where the coach stood waiting. It was freezing, and we all had to stand there for ages sipping cups of coffee and shuffling our feet to try and keep warm. By the time I got on the coach, my hands were half frozen and my face burned with the cold. Once in London, my friends and I went straight to the nearest underground station to buy tube tickets. We spent the day travelling round London. First we went to Oxford Street, and then we stopped in Piccadilly Circus for lunch at a nearby TGI Friday’s. In the afternoon we went to Covent Garden to have a look round shops that we couldn’t afford to shop in. After that we decided to go and join the protest. That was when everything went wrong. The crowd of protesters was impressive, and it was hard to believe that all these students had turned up in an amazing show of solidarity to present a united front against the rise in student fees. I was just walking round minding my own business on the edges of the crowd when I tripped over a large chunk of rock

that had been left in the middle of the road. I know, I should’ve been looking where I was going. I swear I was just moving the rock out of the way so that nobody else went flying. Unfortunately, I was spotted by one of the police officers who were watching the crowd. He came over to me then and asked what I was doing with the rock. I replied that I was only moving it out of the way so that no one would trip over it. He then asked me if I was trying to be funny. I said no, because I couldn’t think of anything else to say, his question made no sense. He then informed me that a number of students had been seen throwing

rocks through the windows of several government buildings all around London. My face fell as I realised how it looked. I dropped the rock back to the floor as quickly as I could, and tried to explain once again that I’d only been moving the rock so that no one else would trip over it like I had. At first I don’t think he really believed me. He kept asking me all these questions. This is how the conversation went. HIM: “Excuse me, sir.” ME: “Yes?” HIM: “Where are you going with that?” ME: “Nowhere, I’m just putting it down over there. I just tripped over it and I’m moving it out of the way.” HIM: “Are you trying to be funny?” ME: “No.” HIM: “Sir, are you aware that a number of students have been seen, and some apprehended, for throwing rocks through the windows of several government buildings around London?” ME: “No, I wasn’t.” HIM: “How long have you been at this protest?” ME: “I only just got here.” The conversation carried on like this for some time, and eventually, when one of the police officer’s colleagues came over to us and informed him that he had indeed seen me trip over the rock, he walked away and didn’t say anything more to me. Now, you would think that my friends, who were with me at the time, I hasten to add, would’ve stepped in and told the police officer that I had only been moving the rock, but no, they just stood there, laughing. I was mortified. I have now realised that I can’t go anywhere without getting myself caught up in some embarrassing situation. If it’s not an accidental drugging, then it’s being accused of vandalism. I logged on to Facebook when I got back to halls. It seems that word of my latest exploits have already reached everyone I know. The latest comment I’ve received says, “It sounds like you were really caught between a rock and a hard place”. How very witty.


Not knowing what resources to use, where to find them, how to access them, how to search them and get the best search results? Then booking a session of library information skills with your subject librarians and their team is what you really need. We will re-introduce you to all the print and electronic resources available for you at Bucks.

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Information skills sessions can be arranged for groups, or on a 1-to-1 basis. Sessions usually take around an hour. We aim for everyone participating to gain a lot of confidence, and feel like this about their research subject at the end of the session!


his was the most scenic journey of my life to date; going through the Rockies. Then hitting the plains of Utah and Nevada. I met some great people on the journey, especially the old guy who apparently still teaches basketball at the age of like seventy. Became friendly with some guy who was travelling to see his kids back in California, and then as we sat there two police officers came onto the train and busted him for having a rucksack full of money – no lie! I also realised how crazy politics is in the US as a very heated argument broke out between two guys on the train with me somehow in the middle; how do I find myself in these situations? After a two-day journey I finally reached San Francisco. I was hot, tired, had heavy luggage, hadn’t showered and then found myself having to walk up the streets of San

By Harrison Boileau - Features Editor

Fran, which I am sure everyone knows are particularly steep. The hostel was called ‘The Green Tortoise’, and I know I’ve probably said this about every hostel so far … it was the best. I even stayed an extra night. Met some crazy people, especially the Australian Dave whose antics cannot be mentioned in a pleasant newspaper such as this. San Francisco Is definitely party central though, areas such as ‘Haight – Ashbury’ are as ‘hippy as you like’. For touristy things I personally recommend ‘Alcatraz’, ‘Modern art museum’, ‘Pier 39’,‘ The Beat museum’ and obviously a tram ride needs to be done. One night we all stayed in the hostel watching the weirdest film I have ever seen, whilst a strong smell of cannabis floated across the room

– it’s legal in California too! But I don’t understand the Welsh guy dressed up as a clown selling it to people, was a little trippy. I remember the bus driver telling me where to get off to see the Golden Gate Bridge so I was the last person left on the bus travelling across town, whilst this driver was talking to me about space museums. Once he finally let me off I then had to wait for another bus. Three old ladies on this journey were getting me to say stereotypical English phrases such as ‘Hello darling’ or ‘cup of tea’. They apparently found it charming. The driver of this bus seemed to be around 25; he had shades on, his cap was backwards and his shirt was undone. As I left the bus he hifived me, he then exclaimed ‘Adios Mu-cha-cho’ at me, as I waked off; couldn’t imagine anyone working for ‘Stagecoach’ to be like that. Stay tuned for the next installation of the trip to Los Angeles.

PULL OUT SECTION Same difference - hed kandi foam party - little barrie - headphone disco


at Bucks

edition 18

search: Bucks SU Photos (2010 -2011)

WEDNESday 23



SNAKEBITE £1.70 5PM - 12AM spirits & shots £1.50 until 12am



31 URSday TH 8pm - late N AWARDS UNIO


SNAKEBITE £1.70 5PM - 12AM spirits & shots £1.50 until 12am


SNAKEBITE £1.70 5PM - 12AM spirits & shots £1.50 until 12am




FLIRT! HEDCANDI FOAM PARTY End of term special







DOUBLE UP FOR £1 ON ALL MAINLINE SPIRITS plus special promos on the night

8pmTU - 2am Rday 02 SA open day + believers love world event

DOUBLE UP FOR £1 ON ALL MAINLINE SPIRITS plus special promos on the night




4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW £7 5PM - 12AM Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am



4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW £7 5PM - 12AM Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am

MONDAY 28 MILK presents same difference

TUESday 29 SUCK MYacoustic ACOUSTIC suck my

all draught £2 a pint 5pm - 11pm double up on spirits £1

4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW, Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am


TUESday 05


all draught £2 a pint 5pm - 11pm double up on spirits £1


4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW, Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am

18 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

PULL OUT SECTION Profile of a Promoter

A brief insight into the world of a live music promoter By Louise Delahunty

Established in February 2006 as a music fanzine, London-based Pure Rawk soon became a multifaceted enterprise which now also includes live gig promotion, podcasting and even DJ services by none other than founder and top-dog; Nix. I recently caught up with Nix to ask her a few probing questions…

having a great time, the bands love it thus putting on a killer show. And you’ve got a few quid in the bank as a result of it – it’s pretty ace.

1. When did you first start promoting your own gigs? In December 2006 I held a CD release party for the first ever Pure Rawk Unleashed and Loaded CD for up and coming bands at the time. 2. How and why did you get into it? The CD release party featured some very cool up and coming bands, the whole night was a laugh and I got the evil bug for it. I loved organising it from start to end and I booked my first ‘proper’ gig working with a good friend of mine. We packed the place out on a Tuesday night, the bands sold heaps of merchandise and everyone was happy. It was the snowball effect from there after that. Our big event of the year is the Pure Rawk Awards which is held every February/March. 3. What's the best thing about promoting? When it goes well; the feeling of euphoria knowing you’ve put it together, people are

4. What's the worst thing about it? A very ominous question, I guess the feeling when it takes a negative flip. The stress of finding a new band/changing the artwork. Logistical problems. Venues you use closing down. Poor attendance no matter how hard you’ve tried (it does happen) and it’s extremely hard not to get downhearted. 2009-10 has been a bad run for a lot of promoters. 5. What pearls of wisdom can you offer to any prospective music promoters reading this? If you’re not looking to be professional about it, don’t do it. Promote in good time. Don’t book a gig with 3 months lead up and only tell people about it the week before – you’ll annoy punters, fans, bands and sully your relationship with a

Album reviews

Jessie J Who you are

Beady Eye Different Gear, Still Speeding

venue. Don’t get drunk. There’s nothing clever about it – you’re working and need to keep a clear head. You’d be angry if your bands went haywire, so lead by example (have a drink or two, don’t go mental). Go the extra mile. Band riders of some snacks and booze go a long way (especially mini pasties). If they’ve been stuck in a car on the motorway for ages, this is a lifesaver. They’re your guests after all. Build good media contacts. Get people to review and take pictures of your gigs – university magazine, local papers, and online media. There’s plenty of it. Good relationships lead to good business opportunities – this may make for cheap or free advertising for your next booking! Get media savvy. Facebook, Twitter and MySpace aren’t surrogate drunk text aids - use your social market to your advantage. Also register with Ticketweb, See Tickets and others to sell tickets as they ping your event to other sites.

By Sarah Campbell

When Jessica Cornish was named BBC’s Sound of 2011 she followed in the footsteps Mika and Adele. The accolade started a year in which Jessie J has not only enjoyed critical but also commercial success. With two top selling singles so far and a best selling album, things a certainly looking up for a woman who used to write songs for Miley Cyrus. Who you Are is an album which is full of many contrasting styles. There’s sunny, positive, catchy pop with songs like

Abracadabra and Price Tag. There’s also big, generic LAstyle Be True to Yourself ballads with tracks like Casualty of Love and Who you Are. Acoustic ballads like Big White Room meanwhile highlight Jessie J’s amazingly powerful voice further. It is a voice can grate at times- there’s an awful lot of fluctuating and quick scaling which can be a pain, and at times is unnecessary. Then of course there’s somewhat awkward gangster posturing in tracks like Who’s Laughing Now and Do it Like a Dude.

Radiohead’s number 1 fan Liam Gallagher has come back with Oasis, minus Noel and a classic 60s inspired rock album. While Nigel is off having a Spinal Tap moment, the rest have been quite literally thrown in the wilderness. It’s a shame they didn’t go for a lady on all fours sniffing a glove on their album cover though. Maybe it would’ve made the album a bit more exciting. Different Gear, Still Speeding begins with the rather over the top Four Letter Word which starts the album on a loud high note with wailing guitars and a catchy hook. Following that is Millionaire which drags out the same guitar style and is paired with Gallagher’s typically nasal voice. The result of the choice of track ordering means that it just sounds like Four Letter Word

Tracks like Mama Knows Best and LOVE however strike a perfect balance. The album as a whole needs more direction between the overall style and message Jessie J is trying to convey. As it stands Who You Are is an incredibly patchy listen which frustratingly could have been so much better. Sounds like: A mixture of Pink and Katy Perry with a bit of Redbridge charm thrown in for good measure. Key tracks: Mama Knows Best, LOVE, Stand Up, Big White Room

and Millionaire are one song which, depending on your stance, can be irritating. Much of the album’s sound bleeds into the other and sounds like either a) something you’ve heard before or b) something you’ve already listened to. Thankfully there’s some reprieve with solid tracks like The Roller and Wind Up Dream - both tracks sound vaguely John Lennon like, while songs like The Beat Goes On and The Morning Son sound like Elliot Smith both in style and lyrical content. The sweetness featured on this album is in stark contrast to the bolshy front Gallagher has. It’s refreshing. Sounds Like: Oasis crossed with John Lennon Key Tracks: Wind Up Dream, The Roller, The Beat Goes On

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 19

PULL OUT SECTION Top 5 new singles By Sarah Cambell

Watch out for Karenpreet on the big screens very soon! By Tanya Virdy

1. Nicole Scherzinger Don’t Hold you Breath

Lewis Hamilton’s missus is back with a second bash at a solo career with the rather upbeat Don’t Hold Your Breath which sounds a bit like Cheryl Cole with extra auto-tune. Produced by Lady GaGa’s favourite producer, Red One, it’s a definite improvement from Baby Love.

2. N-dubz Morning Star

N-Dubz have released a surprisingly solid and highly commercial dance-pop track from their latest album Love.Live.Life. Expect strong vocals from Tulisa and, shock horror, retrained contributions from Dappy and Frazer.

3. Toploader Never Stop Wondering

Dancing in the Moonlight hit-makers Toploader have brought out a comeback single - eight years since their last hit! In a powerful balled which has the familiar vocals/ keyboards of before, with a slight modernisation to it to bring it up to date.

ONCE again, jaws have been dropping with talented young Karenpreet Virk and her singing. I went to watch her perform last week in town where Karenpreet performed four songs; Alicia Keys – Unthinkable, Karenpreet – Free, Karenpreet – Homeboy and Karenpreet featuring Hypnosis – Scream. The turn out was great, along

Upcoming Charity Event

AN upcoming charity event is being organised at Bucks New Uni where you can expose your talent to the entertainment industry as well as

4. Guillemots The Basket

Lead singer Fyfe Dangerfield perhaps described this track best when he said the track was about “mania” and “crawling away into familiar comforts.” The track is by no means miserable - far from it. As a fuzzy guitar driven indie track, but it does make for unsettling listening upon closer inspection.

5. Paul Morrell ft Mutya Buena Give me Love

Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of DJ/ Producer Paul Morrell just yet. Joined by celebrity Big Brother star and former Sugababe Mutya Buena, the track is an upbeat dance floor filler, which starts like Sisqo’s Thong Song.

with family members, around forty people attended in support of her performances. She looked amazing on stage wearing a high waisted black pencil skirt with a small boob tube flower print top. Her performance with Hypnosis had the girls racing with screams as during the song he began taking his jacket off, but that’s all we got from him. On behalf of the girls, we wanted to see more taken off. Cheeky smile. If you would like to work alongside Karenpreet or even view some of her great work, you can always find her on, on Twitter@ladypreet91 or alternatively you can watch her talent of singing on YouTube.

your community. The organisers are looking for all sorts, from singers, musicians, dancers, comedians, models and fashions designers. The event will be a mixture between R.I.P runway and project runway. The aim is put on a show with a number of performers and yet some local talented fashion designers,

with real models that represent the society. It is a charity event for savethechildren. org and the event will be taking place on the 4th April. If you are interested in participating or want to find out more information, please email mfrevents@ or alternatively you can call 07810080869. By Tanya Virdy

what’s on... weekly club night, 2 rooms, text to screen dj’s goo, seb & sam

25th march 01ST APRIL 08th APRIL


Alyssia Sutherland ALYSSIA Sutherland is a very talented young woman. Originally from London, the 21 year old has the ability to express her feelings through poetry. I’m not talking of any ‘Roses are red, violets are blue’ poetry. I’m talking of poetry, which indulges you in the feelings she felt when writing her pieces. Alyssia, who is now in her 3rd year of Music & Management, originally began with writing songs. It was only when she had some personal experiences affect her that she began to write poetry, “I used to find it difficult to talk about my past experiences, so I found myself writing poetry to express what I felt”. Alyssia believes it is the best form of expression, “Pen to paper, it became easy to lay it out”.

tuesday 05 APRIL Tom Craine RIA LINA HAL CRUTTENDEN the venue, high wycombe doors open at 8pm, comedy at 9pm

By Tanya Virdy

She classes her poetry as a hobby, which she pursues after university hours. Alyssia is constantly on high demand to read some of her poetry at events being held around the university. Her poetry is published on a regular basis once a month for ‘Inspirels Lifestyle Magazine’ and can be viewed on their online edition at www.inspirelsmagazine. As mentioned, Alyssia is a song writer and is open to collaborate some her written work with other talented students. You can contact Alyssia on her email address at, alternatively you can find her on Twitter@AlyssiaPoetess or contact her via her blog page on

Friday 1st April The Venue 8pm - 3am With DJ Stephanie Jay & Dean Rigg on percussion 2 rooms - text to screen - DJs Goo, Seb & Sam Drink Promos Carlsberg/VK/Redbull £1.80 Double up for £1 on spirits Corky’s £1.20 a shot

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 21


ON THE BOX Soaps Review

Carol visits Connor in the search for missing Whitney

By MJ //


’m back again! Due to technical faults, my usual column hasn’t been published in the previous 2 editions and I apologise for that. A brief catch up on the last month: The truth about Glenda/Phil/Ian finally came out! And not a moment too soon, I say! If I had to see one more minute of Glenda getting action, I’d be burning my eyeballs. Seriously, there’s some things that viewers just don’t need to see and that’s definitely high on the list. In the lead up to Glenda’s departure, everyone had turned against her after Phil framed her as the culprit who stole Roxy’s money and in a last minute desperate attempt to get her daughters back, she admitted that she’d been sleeping with Phil in the Vic, on the eve of Phil and Shirley‘s wedding. Glenda was run out of town after Ronnie and Roxy made it clear that she had nothing left for her (and blackmailing Ian for £5000 got her nowhere too). All the while this was happening, Shirley had given Phil one chance to come clean where he continually told Shirley that Glenda was a liar. It didn’t last long, as Ben told Shirley that she needs to talk to his father and sure enough - Shirley overheard Phil and Glenda ‘discussing’ their affair in the R&R. Let’s just say things weren’t pretty for Glenda or Phil who received a hefty slap. Go Shirley! Long story cut short - Shirley FINALLY forgave Phil but refused to marry him. Oh and Ian confessed to Jane, who temporarily leaves as Laurie Brett (who plays Jane) is off on maternity leave as she’s expecting in real life. Moving swiftly on, Whitney’s prostitution storyline has finally kicked off. Despite what a lot of viewers seem to think, this is in relation to Comic Relief to try and raise as much awareness as possible. Shona (who plays Whitney) recently spoke out and said that it will be a long continuing storyline in which the aftermath won’t be brushed under the carpet, unlike other storylines. I’m personally excited to see how this plays out. I think that Shona McGarty is one of the stronger ‘younger cast members’ and will play a blinder! As well as that, despite some people screaming about controversy until they’re blue in the face, it’s EastEnders going back to what it does best - gritty and hard hitting storylines and I can’t help but feel that it’s come at the right time (after the baby swap storyline) and it shows that EastEnders

won’t just be backing down. Speaking of the baby swap storyline, I can confirm that the ‘reunion’ scenes between Tommy/Kat/Alfie have been filmed. I don’t want to give too much away but what I can say is that Ronnie will confess all to either Michael or Roxy after bumping into her midwife at the hospital… Hospital, you ask? Yup, on Tanya and Greg’s wedding day, Max and Abi have a car crash with a lorry while driving down and Ronnie’s little ‘moment’ comes after she goes to visit her brother in law in hospital. Elsewhere in Walford, we can expect to see Jean returning for a brief stint and Charlie’s also supposed to be coming back for a one off too. More spoilers on future storylines? Seeing as I’m in such a generous mood, I have some news on another popular family. The Masoods. These scenes won’t be airing until early April as they’ve only just been filmed, however as we’re away for Easter I might as well fill you all in now! Now, as we already know, ‘big’ events/ stunts have a habit of happening where there’s lots of people and of course, this one isn’t any different. This time, it’s Tamwar’s engagement party at the Argee Bargee. We’ve seen Greg mention in the past that Zainab and Masood need to get the roof beams replaced (which is rather expensive) and the structure he put up for the opening of the restaurant is only temporary. We’ll see the roof of the restaurant collapsing in at the happy event and the only confirmed person to be caught, believe it or not, is estranged gay son Syed Masood…. Now just what is he doing there, seeing as he wasn’t exactly invited? Tune in and find out!

Do you have dyslexia or another disability and use assistive software such as Read Write, Dragon or Jaws? Would you be prepared to give your views on the new online presence that Bucks is developing? Our new website will be better suited to meet individual needs, so accessibility issues are high on our agenda. Hence we are looking for students who are registered with the Disability Service who would be happy to give us their opinions whilst we are still at the developmental stage. The Equality and Diversity Service and the Students’ Union are working in partnership on this subject so please feel free to contact either of us. We are always seeking the views of our disabled students, so if you don’t wish to become involved in this project but would still like to voice your opinions please drop us a line. We need people to tell us about problems so we can try and put things right. Where disability is concerned it is often just the small things that make a difference, so please come forward to help us improve things for everyone. If you would like to participate in this project - and the level of commitment will be entirely up to you - please contact Pam Owen, Equality and Diversity Manager or ext 3098 who will be happy to tell you more.

Lauren tries to convince Whitney to come home

Continuing students need to apply NOW for Student maintainence loan & grant for 2011/2012

22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011


Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

Societies update:

Law Ladies and Gentleman, the time has finally come where the Law Society is taking over the SU for one night only. So place this date in your diaries and make sure you’re free to see for yourselves what they have in store for us. On the 23rd March, the Law Society is holding a fund- raising event and the success from this will event will benefit everyone in the university. From previous fund raising events, they have managed to organize a trip to the Supreme Court. The Sexy justice event will donate 5% of the profits they make from the night to the local Micklefield Library. There will be over 70 law students dressed to impress at the event. All students are welcome to attend. It’s a great opportunity to put up your SSS clothes on; sexy, sophisticated and smart. The Law Society have a lot up their sleeves for this night. They have games planned such as “Tut, Tut, I want to hear you Moot”. “I will be the judge and you will be the case”. No tips, it’s going to be a surprise people. They will have their very own mini bar set out in the lounge and hopefully a cocktail table set up in the white room. Their menu for drinks is very exciting too: Virgin - £2, Alcoholic - £2.50 - Legally blonde - Virgin - Epic Coke - Virgin - Carbolic Smoke Ball - Alcoholic - Voluntary intoxication - Alcoholic - Doing the Denning - Alcoholic - Jelly shots - £1

Sexy justice for one night only

ACS So we haven’t had much big events from the ACS recently but this does not mean they don’t try to organise a social gathering on a regular basis. On Tuesday 15th March, the ACS organised a social gathering event where they provided Caribbean food for all the students who attended at a small cost of £2.00 per person. The menu consisted of; Plain rice, Rice & Peas, Fried Chicken, Gravy, Curry goat, Dumplings, Saltfish

fritters, Fresh Salad & Coleslaw. The ACS always aims to do a social gathering once a month in order to keep the family atmosphere between all members. It was nice attending because at this busy time of the year with assignment deadlines, you don’t really get to see people. So it was a good excuse to see everyone.

Zombiathon by BNU Gaming By Anthony Crossley

On Tuesday 15th March, the Law Society had a guest speaker come into the university to talk to students and provide advice of all sorts to do with Law. Sue Atkins who is a Practice Manager from a local law firm ‘Hodders Law’, spoke to students in the old boardroom. Her attendance comprised of what law firms are looking for in applicants, they type of work and deals they do, how to create a winning CV alongside a covering letter, how to impress at an interview, how to gain work experience, legal practice course (LPC) information and much more. Not only was Sue’s talk beneficial to law students, it was also good advice for other students who are not studying law as she spoke in general of what an interviewer would always expect from an applicant. There were also refreshments provided. The Law society will be having another guest speaker come into the university to talk to students again at the beginning of April at some point. On the 31st of March, The society will have an informal meeting with members by having a meal together. Students from other courses are most welcome to attend as well. The meeting will solely be for discussing more ideas for the society and to socialize at the same time. On the 4th April, there is a visit to the Supreme Court taking place however unfortunately this is fully booked now but if students want to be involved in such activities they can join the Facebook groups “Bucks Student Law Society” where the Facebook page is always updated with upcoming events.

First of all it’s probably best to start with a bit about who we are and what our society does. The society was formed at the back end of last year by a small group of friends as a way of having a location and facilities to hang out and play games. This year we expanded the society to include console games and this has proved a popular draw for new membership. Currently we meet twice a week on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in the various rooms around the gateway building where we play games ranging from console gaming such as Call of Duty and Halo to board games, card games and table top strategy games like Warhammer and as we run such a variety of gaming platforms we attract a mix of members for many different reasons. A few weeks ago the club committee sat down and banged around some ideas for fundraising, we wanted it to be something relevant to the society and well a bit unique and hopefully we came up with that a 24 hr Zombiathon. We approached the students union and instead of the few months to plan we found our only window of opportunity was two weeks away argh… not long to plan let alone market an event like this. So with one weeks advertising in reading week and not much sleep the first official Zombiathon was held in the White Room on the 1st and 2nd of March, in aid of raising money for the two university

charities Pepper Foundation and Learn as One as well as a bit of money for the society to buy more stuff. The aim, to kill 100,000 Zombies or die trying and raise around £500, we charged £1 to enter and play as much as you like as well as giving you a raffle ticket and a chance to win one of the prizes donated by some local businesses. Alongside this members tried the old fashioned sponsorship form and we spammed facebook and everyone we knew. Over the Course of the 24hrs we raised £100 on the door and had anywhere from 10 (hardcore people who tried for the full 24hrs) and 35 people at our peak, we also had a live blog being updated every hour, Zombie movies being played on the big screens and lots of Dominos delivery drivers dropping off pizza. With it all finished we fell short of with 80,256 zombies being killed (but we have vowed to finish this off so check out our blog http://zombiathon. for the latest update), raised around £350 for charity and £150 for the club, we had a great time, made some new friends, gained a couple of new members and generally had a great time. We would like to thank our Sponsor Computer Gallery, who not only sponsored us this year but also fronted the cash to cover the events costs. As well as Seb and his Baarcade for the set up and equipment help and finally a few local business for their raffle prize donations. Mi-Shake, Promethean Games, Lush, Cutler’s, The acu+ Clinic & Sport Crest.

The student activities promotional video filming is well underway. So far we have filmed quite a few sports teams, are making our way through the societies and are looking to film more of you so please let us know when we can do this, we don’t want to leave anyone out! We’re really enjoying this project as it is a chance for us to catch up with you all and see the great things you get up to in your activity meetings. We had the opportunity to watch two of our newest societies for this year Fencing and Dance and we’re impressed with the level of activity, how professionally the sessions run and probably most importantly how much fun you all appear to be having. The Student Law society held their first successful public talk for the members and wider student body. The society laid on refreshments and invited a graduate recruitment manager from a local law firm Hodders to come an speak to students about future careers in law and how to gain essential work experience. Members of the law society have said it was really refreshing to hear from a local firm and constructive advice on how to improve their future career prospects. To find out more information about any society please contact

The rise of G.A.A at Bucks With a great turn out to the re fresher’s fair we are now ready to crack on with G.A.A., sports equipment is been ordered and hopefully we might be able to have a run out before the end of the year to prepare for next year and see what talent lies within bucks. We will also be ordering t-shirts for the club to help promote and get more people involved, we hopefully have them in a few weeks. If you see us out around the Uni or the SU come up and ask about joining or getting your hands on a G.A.A t-shirt. But on to the more important issue “THE FRIST SOCIAL” will be held on the 28th of march (loan day) so instead of going to usual Pure come to the social where there will be more crack then u can shake a BIG GREEN STICK AT. Check out the Facebook group (Bucks G.A.A) for more details or the mini site on the Bucks SU website or give me a text on 07540496170 to find out where the social will be happen, this is definitely one crazy social not to be missed and one hell of a way to introduce G.A.A to bucks new Uni. Chairman - Paul Flynn.

BNU Dance

BNU Dance Society was set up by Natalie Maclean in January 2011 to make dance recognised at Bucks New Uni. This is the first year that there has been a dance course at this uni so a dance society was in need to help with training and performance opportunities for students looking at dance as a career as well as other students that just enjoy dance and want to be part of the society. BNU Dance is constantly growing in numbers through word of mouth and good feedback from student led class and performance work so far. All ready, the society has been lucky enough to have two street masterclasses with Dennis Victory which was very popular and he is set to come back on a more regular basis to give dancers a high level of dance expertise. On the 4th of March BNU Dancers performed at the Glass House for a charity event which was a big success. Of the back of that the societies next stop is the SU on the 28th of March where they will be the supporting act for the Barbarellas twins from b*witched and then dancing at Yates on the 30th of March. The aim is to perform to a wide range of audience and get the society known and recognised as it is a new society for Bucks uni. After Easter BNU Dance society will be having the last take over at the SU o the 18th of May and this promises to be like no other take over seen before with entertainment and surprises throughout the night. The theme is ‘Dance Icons’ so you get to come as anyone who has ever inspired you to dance, from Michael Jackson and Beyonce to the black swan or Pedro!. This event will help us raise money to become bigger and better for next year with more performances, masterclasses, trips and fun! If you are interested in joining BNU Dance society add us on facebook, ‘BNU Dance Society’ and we will add you to the group or come along to the sports hall on Mondays 5-6 and get involved!

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 23

House hunting checklist We are getting to the time of year when those of you who are continuing in 20011 to 2012 need to start thinking about where you are going to live. The Accommodation Office will be giving out lists of Head Tenancy properties and private rented accommodation at the end of March/ beginning of April. If you decide to go into private rented accommodation, or are unable to get a Head tenancy property, here is a house-hunting checklist, created by NUS, which you can take when viewing properties to help you decide if the house or flat is right for you and more importantly, safe and healthy.





- Is the property in an area convenient for your studies and social life? - Is the property within a suitable distance to local public transport and local amenities? - Would you feel sufficiently safe walking around the area during the day or in the evening?







- Does the exterior of the property appear well maintained? This would include no broken guttering, no damage to the roof e.g. missing roof tiles, no cracked windows panes and solid front and back doors - Are all boundary walls are in good condition e.g. no missing sections or crumbling bricks? - Are there sufficient bins for the property, including recycling?

National Student Money Week Winners! BETWEEN the 7th and 11th March 2011 The Student Union Advice Centre took part in NASMA’s maiden voyage of holding a week nationally where universities across the country would help students concentrate on all things money. At Bucks we were supported in this event by the dynamic duo in Catering – Paul Goodall and Dan Dean who offered all their patrons the best jacket potato deals in town, be that in Uxbridge or High Wycombe. (Remember these are available all year round not just during National Student Money Week) So three cheers for the Catering team! Three cheers also for Sainsburys, both the Uxbridge and High Wycombe branches, who supported us by supplying items which enabled the Advice Centre to put on a Shopping Basket Challenge. The draw was free to enter and the results were very close. Congratulations to the eventual winners - Uxbridge: Andrea Bulley and Ivonis Pourny and at High Wycombe: Hannah Cutting and Hayley Swanborough. We have also updated the Money Advice information leaflet so be sure to pick one up; and as applications for student finance for returning students are now officially open we strongly advise you apply now so that your finance is in place for the next academic year. Remember the deadline for submitting applications is 30th June 2011.

Need more help and Advice? If you need any help with reapplying for your student loan or you need any help and advice about anything else then we are here to help all year round, so do not hesitate to contact us. Advice Centre High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605180



- Is the garden is well maintained and clear of any rubbish? - Is the landlord/agent is clear about who is responsible for the maintenance of the garden?










- Is there sufficient communal living space? - Do bedroom sizes meet the household’s expectations? - Does the interior of the property appear well maintained? This includes no signs of damp, hot water and heating work, décor and furniture in good condition, no outstanding issues of disrepair and all the appliances and lights work (speak to the current tenants) - Are there enough facilities (e.g. kitchen appliances and cupboard space, bathrooms) for the number of tenants? - Is there sufficient heating (radiators etc) throughout the property? (Ask to turn this on when you arrive)

ONE IN NINE OF US have had a sexual infection, often without any symptoms. The Practice can give you a free and confidential sexual health check at one of our clinics, either on campus or at The Practice, Hanover House. We are holding these FREE clinics on campus in a private room in rooms N1.06 and N1.08 from 10am - 3pm on the following dates:

Tuesday 17th May We also provide regular clinics every Friday 2pm - 6pm (walk in until 5pm) at The Practice, Hanover House. You can just turn up, but booking an appointment is a good idea. For an appointment please call 01494 690890 or email:







- Does the landlord possess a current gas safety certificate that has been provided by a Safe Gas registered engineer within the past 12 months? You can check this on - Does the property have working smoke alarms? - Are plug sockets free from cracks and other damage? - Are there sufficient plug sockets in each room in the property?



- Are all windows are lockable? - Are there suitably strong locks on front and back doors, in line with regulations?

Need more help and Advice?

If you need any more advice about renting or you need any help and advice about anything else then we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Advice Centre

High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605180

Why not check out our website or myspace page

Phone us, email us, or drop in and see us! get in touch: High Wycombe Campus, North Wing, Ground Floor, t: 01494 603016 Uxbridge Campus, Room 1.02, First Floor, t: 01494 605180 e: w:

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

Movie Reviews

West is West West is West (15) Released 25/2/11 Running time: 1hr 43mins


his belated sequel to East Is East provides chuckles but fails to get to grips with the troubles facing British Muslims and Pakistan. It’s been more than a decade since the Ayub Khan-Din-scripted East Is East liberated British-Asian cinema from the furrowed-brow earnestness that had largely been its lot. It managed to combine an effervescent cheerfulness with simple but effective points about how ethnic identity changes across successive generations of immigrants. No doubt with one eye on current political debate, this belated sequel looks to develop the theme and provide context to the arguments about immigration. The first film was set in 1971; this one takes place five years later. Almost all of the principal cast has reassembled: Om Puri is patriarch George Khan, baffled fury personified; Linda Bassett is his English second wife, Ella; Emil Marwa and Jimi Mistry are among his brood of Salford-raised sons (the latter, though, only pops in for a single scene as the lubricious Tariq, now running a head shop in Manchester). The main new arrival is Aqib Khan, as George’s youngest, Sajid – presumably the original actor, Jordan Routledge, is, apart from anything else, too old to play a schoolboy. Sajid is now George’s principal dramatic foil: worried that he is becoming a juvenile delinquent, George drags him off for a holiday in the old country, there to expose him to the Pakistani way of life and to get him to understand where he comes from. A succession of neatly judged, if hardly subtle, scenes expose us to the trip’s evercomplicating ramifications for George – or

Jahangir, as he is pointedly called once he reaches Pakistan. Arriving in the old family homestead, he encounters his submissive first wife and extended family, as well as a twinkly old sage who volunteers to take Sajid in hand. Khan’s principal flaw, it rapidly comes clear, is a serious lack of self-awareness: it comes as a shock that his son Maneer is not a popular marriage item because of George’s own inter-ethnic lifestyle. Thus the stage is carefully set for the unexpected arrival in Punjab of Khan’s wife number two, and physical confrontation between the English and Pakistani ends of his existence. With little, tonally, to distinguish West Is West from the first film, it’s all perfectly watchable: the odd chuckle, one or two nicely moving scenes, a good number of culture clash gags. But anyone looking for a deeper understanding of the current turmoil among British Muslims, or even just some sense of what lies behind Pakistan’s current troubles, will leave disappointed – as a chronicler of Pakistan, Khan-Din is concerned to present the most harmless, cheery view possible. (You will wait in vain for anything even as mildly controversial as Hanif Kureishi’s dialogue in My Beautiful Launderette: “That country has been sodomised by religion.”) This, no doubt, is deliberate: a corrective to the poisonous atmosphere of witch-hunt and Islamophobia that dominates some sections of British society. But inevitably it means West Is West is something of a lightweight. Think of all that’s happened since 1999. You wouldn’t have guessed it from this. Tanya Virdy

Norwegian Wood A Norwegian Wood (15) Released 11/3/11 Running time: 2hr 13 mins

Just Go with it Just Go with it (12A) Released 11/2/11 Running time: 1hr 47mins


ennifer Aniston (Katherine), Adam Sandler (Danny), Nicole Kidman (Devlin), Palmer (Brookyln Devlin) are the main characters in this ‘humorous’ love plot. Danny’s a plastic surgeon who enlists the help of his receptionist Katherine’s 2 children Maggie and Eddie to ’persuade’ sicklier than sweet Palmer that he’s not in fact married and is right for her. The solution? Well, thanks to Eddie they all end up spending a vacation in Hawaii. For a film which runs for 2 hours, there’s not too much of a meaty plot that the actors can get their teeth into. Dennis Dugan directed this movie and has worked with Adam Sandler before in films such as Big Daddy. However, the real star of the show was Bailee Madison who plays the young ‘un Maggie. We see her acting her way through a host of accents, and generally raising the most laughs from the audience. If there’s one good thing about this movie, we get to see a little talent and I definitely can see little


Rango (PG) Released 4/3/11 Running time: 1hr 47 mins

WHEN you look at a directors back catalogue, such as Gore Verbinski’s, and see the trash they’ve spewed, it’s finally nice to see something off worth and merit shine through. The Pirates of the Caribbean director is back with Johnny Depp in a story of destiny that will have Pixar shaking in its boots. Rango tells the story of a lonesome but charming chameleon (Johnny Depp) who after a literal bump in the road is forced to survive in the harsh climates of the Mojave Desert. Before long he meets Roadkill (Alfred Molina) a mysterious travelling Armadillo who points him

daptions are never an easy task, at one point you’ll always upset a die hard fan in one way or another. Luckily for Norwegian Wood’s director Anh Hung Tran, this isn’t the case. The only problem is that fans of the original source will enjoy its pace and mood, whilst others might be left slightly bored. Based on the famous Japanese book by Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood tells the story of Watanabe (Kenichi Matsuyama), a student in 60s Tokyo who falls in love with his dead best friend’s girlfriend Naoko (Rinko Kikuchi) as they attempt to over come their shared tragedy. However as depression and teen angst sets in, so does Naoko’s mental illness, forcing her to leave Tokyo. In this time Wantanabe meets free-spirited girl Midori (Kiko Mizuhara) in his class who is a light in the dark tunnel of his life. The first problem the movie has is its slow nature. However this is a conscious factor that the director clearly wanted for the movie. Long shots of the beautiful

Miss Madison’s name shining in lights. So watch this space! This rom-com has more laughs than you’d expect, which is certainly a good thing as the comedy is more entertaining than the romance plots. Palmer is certainly a character who’d split the audience. Her ‘butter wouldn’t melt’/ perfect figure would certainly grate on some people, such as myself whereas others see it as a refreshing change to have a non evil ‘third’ person in a relationship. Dennis Dugan does a reasonable job in making fun out of the ‘fakery’ that’s associated with Hollywood and he takes it a step further than expected but thankfully, it’s more comical than annoying. Overall, the film was worth the student price that I paid, for the laughs alone. But the film did

on his journey. After some psychogenic trips in the desert our charismatic hero finds himself in the town of Dirt and after some confrontation in the local bar becomes a character he creates named Rango. After taking care of one of many of the towns problems, Rango is promoted to town Sherriff where in he begins to discover the mystery of where all the towns’ water has disappeared to. As to be expected along the way, there is betrayal and redemption which all add up into a somewhat generic story, similar to this year’s terrible action movie The Warrior’s Way. However, the

Japanese meadows are littered throughout, juxtaposed with close intermit shots inside Japanese flats. The melancholic pace the film has might bore some audiences and entertain others who are used to it. The film clocks in at over two hours keeping in all the importing quirks the book has which fans will latch onto, such as the character of Storm Trooper (Tokio Emoto). The slow pace is also thrown in with a lot of silent sections which almost makes the content awkward, as if we the audience are intruders on their lives. This isn’t a fault; this makes the viewers feel more involved in the movie as we see Watanabe’s struggles with growing up. When the soundtrack is present its orchestral numbers and electric tunes (done by Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood) are mixed in with songs from the time period such as The Doors. These give it an authentic feel and set it in its time period. Even though the Vietnam-born director couldn’t speak Japanese, Rinko Kikuchi (who received an Oscar

drag in parts, and there were a few unnecessary characters who simply seemed to be there to burn time rather than provide any substantial material. If you want to crack a few smiles, then I’d definitely recommend the film. If you want to watch a film with a meaty detailed plot then I wouldn’t watch this. Either way, it’s worth watching just to see Bailee Madison shining! MJ

film adds elements from other movies such as Chinatown and A Fistful of Dollars to make it shine. And that’s really all the negative things you can say about the movie. The animated visuals done by Industrial Light & Magic (which is a division of Lucas Arts) are easily some of the best that’s been seen in the cinema, hands down. Where Pixar balances its content with beautiful visuals, Rango’s visuals are heavily impressive with an easygoing plot. The detail on the many verities of animals and environments is impressing and leaves the audience in awe. The voice work by celebrated actors such as Bill Nighy, Ray Winstone and Ned Beatty is on top form with Johnny Depp stealing the show (which was needed after the travesty that was The Tourist). The film will play to both children as well as adults as there are references to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as well as Sergio Leone’s Dollars trilogy. Rango ends up being a very enjoyable film which entertains nearly everybody. Even though the story is lacking in originality the visuals, jokes and characters, it gives the movie what it needs to not be forgotten anytime soon. As well as the LSD implied trips and plastic yellow fish it’s nice to go back to the Wild West. Oliver Hunt

nomination for her flawless performance in Babel) steals the show as the mentally fragile Naoko. The movie is at its high point when we are with Naoko, but drops when Kiko Mizuhara plays an awkward Midori whose playful edge (which is present in the book) is slightly downplayed. Kenichi Matsuyama performance as Watanabe may look dull on the outside but actually hits the nail on the head as he is witness to a world changing around him which he can’t seem to do anything about. Norwegian Wood is a near perfect adaption of an amazing book. The film has a personal feel from the director which people get when reading a Murakami book. All the little traits and jokes from the book happened to make it in which will entertain some audiences but confuses and bore many others. However, Anh Hung Tran’s beautiful visuals and believable characters already has it’s audiences as the movie is playing on limited screens. Oliver Hunt

What’s on the menu?

By Shane Millar

SO, I went to Nando’s for dinner last Tuesday Restaurant: Nando’s Location: The Eden Centre evening. I’ve been a few times now, and every

time I eat there it just seems to get better. Trust me when I tell you that you’ll never eat another KFC after eating at Nando’s. The one similarity between the two is that they both only serve chicken. One of the best things about Nando’s, apart from the food, is that it’s so easy to order. You get seated at your table and then when you’re ready you go up to the counter and order your food. There are two advantages to this method of ordering. The first is that you don’t have to wait around for any of the waiting staff to come and take your order, and the second is that if you go with a large group of friends, you don’t have to worry about splitting the bill at the end, because you each pay for your own meal. The service was very efficient and my lemon and herb chicken burger with chips and garlic bread on the side came quickly. The lemon and herb dressing on the chicken was tangy and slightly spicy. The chicken itself was really tender and not overcooked at all. The garlic bread was really good. Sometimes you can order garlic bread at a restaurant and it’ll be really greasy, but this was perfect. The chips were good too. Not one of them was burnt or even slightly crispy. After the main course a few of us decided to order dessert. I ordered carrot cake with cream, and I have to say that it was probably one of the best slices of carrot cake I’ve ever eaten. It wasn’t too sweet, and it was refreshing after the main course. The service throughout the evening was impeccable. I couldn’t fault it. The waiting staff didn’t hover over us while we ate at all, but I still felt that they were being attentive. They got the balance just right. Another good point that I would like to make is that the drinks were self service. Therefore we didn’t have to wait for our drinks to arrive if we were thirsty and could just go and get them ourselves. Also, drinks ordered with a meal were refillable, which is good value for money. My meal came to £14.60, which I think is quite a reasonable price when the food is so good.

LET’S be honest, we all know that Restaurant: McDonald’s McDonald’s doesn’t have an elegant Location: Cornmarket Student Offers: Student Deals menu. Nor do they serve gourmet food,

which leads me to believe that they aren’t going to be winning any Michelin Stars for excellence in the near future, (I guess Gordon Ramsay can finally breathe that sigh of relief that he’s been holding in for so long). Also, it doesn’t matter how much you eat there in one go, (you could have a large Big Mac Meal, twelve chicken nuggets, a McFlurry, and an apple pie, the list goes on) I guarantee that ten minutes after you’ve finished eating you’ll always start to feel hungry again. So my question is this, taking into consideration all of the above: Why do people eat there all the time? McDonald’s seems to have this really strange effect on most people. I know it does on me. Every time I see that gigantic M, those prestigious arches lit by a bright red backdrop, whether it be on my way into university, cruising down some busy motorway somewhere, or having just finished a three course meal, part of me will always feel hungry. This is my theory as to why people like it so much: 1. It’s cheap. 2. It tastes really good (even though it shouldn’t). 3. When you buy a burger with lettuce in it, you can convince yourself that you’re still eating healthily. 4. A part of you wants to see how many things you can buy before you reach your daily calorie intake (which won’t take very long). 5. The fries are the best. 6. Now that I’m a student I can use my Bucks/NUS card to get an item off the pound saver menu for free (Always the cheeseburger).

I’d like to finish this review by telling you the reason why I’ve given McDonald’s such a high star rating. My reason is simple: even though everyone knows that the food isn’t the most nutritious (apart from the salad, which goes without saying) people still eat there all the time.

Mother’s day recipes

By Tanya Virdy

Here’s an idea for Mother’s Day, which falls on the 3rd of April this year. Forget lavender scented soap and other unimaginative gifts - why not show your appreciation in the form of a home-baked cake this Mother’s Day! A friend gave me this fool-proof recipe for a delicious fudge chocolate cake that is completely unbeatable, and by making it for your mum you’ll breathing new life into an old tradition, too. It seems Mothers have been celebrated since the beginning of time,

and the origins of Mother’s Day can be traced back to the Greek and Roman empires. Mothering Sunday has been celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent since the 1600s, and in the 19th century a custom emerged. People working away would return home on Mothering Sunday armed with small gifts or cakes for their mothers, and posies of wild flowers gathered from hedgerows along the way. I reckon a home-baked cake and a simple bouquet of flowers would melt any Mother’s heart, and this cake is fantastically moist and fluffy.

Delicious fudge chocolate cake: Simply unbeatable!

Spoil your Mum this year!

Method - Firstly preheat your oven to 175 C or gas mark 4 - Grease a 20cm round cake tin. - Sieve together the dry ingredients then add the oil, vinegar and vanilla extract to mix until smooth. - Pour the cake mix into your cake tin (and sprinkle over a small packet of chocolate chips if you like) - Bake it for about 35-40 minutes until springy to the touch. Use a skewer to test if it’s ready - if it comes out clean it’s cooked, if not give it another five minutes then test again. - Remove from oven and allow cooling. If you’re a frosting fan by all means rustle some up but I prefer this drizzled with cream or gently warmed in the microwave (or better still hot from the oven) with a dollop of good vanilla ice cream on top. Yummy, Mummy

Rhubarb fool with lemongrass


Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 25


Ingredients 200g of plain flour 200g of caster sugar 4 tbsp of cocoa powder 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda A pinch of salt 5 tbsp of vegetable oil 1 tsp of vanilla essence 1 tsp of vinegar 1 packet of chocolate chips Don’t forget the chocolate shavings on top!

- Wash and trim, but do not peel the rhubarb. Cut into even chunks about 3cm long. Put into a warm pan with the water, sugar and the lemongrass. - Cover and simmer until the rhubarb softens and breaks down - usually this takes about 10 minutes. - Strain through a sieve, reserving all the juices and allow the rhubarb to cool down. - Whisk the icing sugar into the mascarpone, and then gently fold in the crème fraîche and half the rhubarb. - Divide the remaining rhubarb among four dishes or glasses and spoon the fool mixture on top. - Allow to set and cool in the fridge. Serve with the chocolate shavings on top. - For the rhubarb lemonade, pass the reserved rhubarb liquid through a fine sieve and then add lemon juice to taste. - Add the sweet wine if you want to make it alcoholic and chill well in the fridge. - Serve in small iced glasses with the fool and some shortbread biscuits or Tuille biscuits.

Ingredients For the rhubarb fool: 700g of rhubarb 2 lemongrass stalks, finely chopped 100ml oz of water 140g unrefined organic sugar 110g icing sugar 150ml crème fraîche or 150ml mascarpone cream 4 tbsp white chocolate grated For the rhubarb lemonade Juice of 1 lemon 1 small glass of sweet wine

Cocktail time - Happy St Patrick’s Day! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Although I realise it’s a bit after the celebrations, and I’m sure you’re all still suffering, it’s against Irish Law to stop drinking for at least a month after! So here are a few ‘traditional’ Irish tipples for you to enjoy. Slainte!

The Irish Catholic

An Irish Kiss

Not sure if this is the chosen drink of the Pope, but I’m sure he won’t damn you for having three or four.

Didn’t get to kiss a lovely Irish lad or lass this Paddy’s Day? Fear not, this one is much more delicious, stronger and a little bit less wet...

2 shots of Irish whiskey 1 shot Amaretto

1 cup of coffee 1 shot of coffee liqueur 2 shots of Bailey;s Irish cream to top off

Method: Mix it together with crushed ice and mint leaves and thank God for creating a delicious drink.

Method: Drink warm or cold, just add ice cubes. Mix all together and lay on generous amounts of cream on top.

26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

SnowSoc indoor championships Over the last few weeks Bucksnowsoc took fully part in the most unique inter university championships. A part from the usual ski/ snowboard race and freestyle indoor slope competitions, for the first time ever universities competed against each other on the decks. This year BUSC, in association with the DJ Academy at Ministry Of Sound, organized a DJ competition where the winner gets the opportunity to play at main stage on BUSC Main Event, airtime & exposure on Ministry of Sound radio and website and also the chance to learn from the masters with enrollment and tuition at the DJ Academy.

By Guy Macedo BucksSnowSoc Chairman The first stage of the competition required sending a 20 minute mix, then the 6 best mixes from each region got shortlisted to battle each other at the Regional heats. The winners of each region then got through to the finals. At the South Regional heats, we saw our Team Britain member Sam Wyer fly through the slalom course and finish 2nd only 0.20s away and first time appearances from 1st years Lauren McLean and Catherine Vining, hats off! Our riders gave a solid performance, coming

in very close on the rankings but didn’t get through to the finals and on Team Duals they displayed the most competitive race against where a last minute bail ended up being decisive for Portsmouth. At last, Robert Clemenz aka Bollywood Young teared his competition and made it clear he was going for the Crown. A week later at the Finals, Sam Wyer finished 4th with a 0.53s gap and Rob, once again didn’t leave any doubts and won the first edition of the DJ Competition so congratulations to both!! For more information, log on to Facebook and visit our group page or send us an email to

The Student Activities team has devised a benefits key for you to see what skills you are gaining from participating in recreational activities, voluntary work, being a part of society or sports team and holding a committee position on a society/sports team. We feel it is important for your personal development to understand the skills you are learning, most of which without even realising and being able to communicate these to future employers. From now on we will be placing the skills icons on all promotional materials for activities and opportunities available. To familiarise yourself with the icons and their meanings take a look at the icons and descriptions in this article. For a more detailed explanation, visit NETWORKING





Society/Sport Chairman As chairman of a society or sports team you will be taking on a great deal of responsibility. Examples of the many skills you are developing are: Decision Making: You will be developing a wide range of interpersonal skills including creativity, logical thinking, assertiveness and sensitivity to others. Delegation: Dealing with a large club isn’t an easy task and without realising it you will be delegating jobs to the rest of your committee team. Delegation skills are important for time and workload management in employment.






Leadership: As chairman of a society you are the leader and ultimately responsible for your society achieving their goals. The ability to lead a group are valued by potential employers.

Recreational activities - Learning Spanish By participating in recreational activities put on by the Students’ Union anything from wakeboarding to life drawing you will be picking up a variety of skills. Fancying learning Spanish? Check out the skills below:






Languages: Gaining a language skill can increase your chances of finding a job after university as many businesses have offices all over the world. Learning a language takes dedication and patience. Learn a new skill: Recreational activities offer you the chance to try something new and add something to your CV that others competing with you for a job may not have had the opportunity to experience. Putting you one step ahead of the competition. Cultural Awareness: We live in a very diverse world; you won’t just be learning a language but developing a greater understanding of different cultures and wider society.






Volunteering on a conservation project: By volunteering on a one day project undertaking anything from conservation work to graffiting a community centre play room you will be putting something back into the community and gaining experience in a variety of areas: Community Awareness: By volunteering on a conservation project you will be learning about the wider community in which you live and having a positive impact on it.

Team Work: One day projects are always undertaken by a group of students; you must work together to achieve your end goal. You will learn to communicate effectively with your team and listen with an open mind to solutions put forward.






Physical Skills: Conservation projects are opportunities to get your hands dirty and let potential employers know you’re not afraid to roll your sleeves up and pitch in when required to achieve a physical goal.

Excitement for the student elections causes a Domino Effect of Spontaneous Combustions By Joss Hill-Finegan Or apparently not. After it being rammed down your throat with posters, debates and student newspaper articles for the last month, only 9% of you actually bothered to vote in the student elections. Good job guys, we are now proportionately more apathetic towards voting than the country as a whole, and everyone knows where that got us: a coalition government that no one voted for and nine grand a year of student debt. Is that what you want? Unelected representatives running amok, destroying your education and stealing your daughter in the process? So student apathy syndrome strikes again.

What reasons were there this time? No surprises for anyone that can guess those words of wisdom ‘I don’t care,’ which is often followed by a sort of Neanderthal groan and dribbling all the way through a Michael Bay film. Then there’s the equally unsurprising ‘my vote won’t make a difference’ and the occasional ‘it doesn’t affect me anyway,’ arguments, both of which should always be responded to with ‘yes it does’ and a swift slap to the face. Maths is a tricky subject but unfortunately numbers and statistics are your friends. Thanks to maths, I can calculate that 91% of about 8,000 students equals over 7,000 people that didn’t vote. In laymen’s terms it equals a

steaming crap load. That’s right, approximately a steaming crap load of people didn’t vote and they certainly could have made a difference. The voting was open throughout the week, which is usually the scheduled time for lectures. If you missed your lectures however, you didn’t even have to leave your bedroom to vote. Let’s not pretend you weren’t wasting some of that time on Facebook now. Even if you thought it was a great big popularity contest and didn’t like any of the candidates, you could have voted to reopen the nominations. Your vote is definitely more proportionate than it would be in any government election. So remember: vote. Or they’ll steal your daughter.

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 27

Tour de

Vale Bike Ride

Sunday 12th June 2011 Stoke Mandeville Stadium t 01296 395995 f 01296 424171 e Supported by

Dear Editor Dear Editor, Well here’s something that I’ve been looking forward to writing since the previous edition. There’s a little something that I need to get off my chest, and before anybody attempts to kill me for naming and shaming a certain student, I have my reasons, and I merely ask that this entire letter is read before lynching me. Greatly appreciated. Benny Jenner. How do I know this 26 year old Music and Live Events Management student? I don’t. I’m rather glad to say that actually. My misfortunate was befallen on me when I opened the newspaper to read the worthy candidates who had put themselves forward for the elections. After all, these students will be taking us forward in difficult times, and attempting to make our lives better. Right? Wrong. Benny Jenner. I’ve never been so insulted in my entire life, just reading your manifesto. Now I’ll be the first to admit that, hey, I’m a grammar and spelling Nazi. I’m certainly not saying that I’m perfect, but WOW, you’re here studying at uni? In case any of you (lucky) students haven’t quite got yourself acquainted with this charmer, please count your lucky stars. “insted”, “wether”, “universitys”, “libiary” and “…,Its Been emotional x” were probably my favourite ones out of the entire thing. You’ve already explained that you failed last year, but is our social life honestly the only thing that was on your manifesto? I think sometimes we all forget just HOW lucky we are to have a place in university and with 6 people currently fighting for a single place despite the lack of government funding and backing - surely that should appear somewhere? It’s all good knowing “2.20 is an expensive pint” but anything about societies, university cuts, expansion, trying to save our courses… no, okay… Moving swiftly on, as if this wasn’t bad enough, somebody who clearly doesn’t care, and enjoys ripping students off as a ‘promotions manager’ somehow made it into university. Now I’m all for giving everyone a chance, but… lets just say I don’t want to embarrass you any further. Oh, and cheers for ripping off my flatmates band. You can’t just pick and choose when you want to pay artists for appearing - sorry, did you say that you’re doing Music and Live Events Management? Ooooooh. I didn’t think that was quite ethical but hey, what do I know? Oh, before I forget, congratulations on making it into the Sun Newspaper last year! Fighting against the ban of meow meow because you now have to get a “proper job” as you can‘t sell drugs anymore? I feel your pain. No, really I do. Sincerely, An extremely disappointed student PS - It’s really true. Writing down your thoughts and feelings are quite therapeutic.

On Tuesday 15th March, BNU Netball all wore red noses at training! There was a mixture of laughs from the monster style noses, although it was very difficult to run without loosing a nose! All proceeds from purchasing the noses, as well as contributing the girl’s £1 training fee were donated to Red Nose Day 2011.

Charity Registration No. 265498
























1. emphasis (6) 5. lack (6) 8. way (4) 9. relief (8) 10. example (8) 11. reed instrument (4) 12. top of foot (6) 14. fishes through hole in ice (6) 16. bean curd (4) 18. senescence (8) 20. going great guns (4,2,2) 21. merely (4) 22. acid (6) 23. Spanish sprite (6)


2. climber’s footwear (7) 3. set of values (5) 4. pliable when heated (13) 5. impartial (13) 6. arresting hold (7) 7. dance (5) 13. lightning sound (7) 15. made way by force (7) 17. giraffid mammal (5) 19. lasso (5)

Edition 17 Answers: Across:1. Fishy; 4. Ambling; 8. Larcenies; 9. Gas; 10. Acrid; 12. Buyinto; 13. Embody; 14. Corona; 18. Roedeer; 20. Sisal; 21. Lei; 22. Governess; 24. Suspect; 25. Evens; Down: 1. Foliage; 2. Sir; 3.Yielded; 4. Akimbo; 5. Busby; 6. Ingenious; 7. Gusto; 11. Robberies; 15. Observe; 16. Atlases; 17. Trivet; 18. Rules; 19. Eagle; 23. Eye;

1. Rider 2. Unit 3. Careless 4. Spirited 5. Shame 6. Portly 7. Treasure fleet 8. Inappropriate humour 9. Annual 10. Sleepwear 11. Hummable 12. Ball game

12 11







4 7

5 6



The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter Y in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of a US military figure...

Who, what where and when?

WHO...while serving as US president offered conditional amnesty to those who had evaded the draft for the Vietnam War? WHAT... does pro tem mean? WHERE... is the most southerly point of England? WHEN... was capital transfer tax replaced by inheritance tax? Answers: WHO: Gerald Ford; WHAT: For the time being; WHERE: The Lizard, Cornwall; WHEN: 1986.

Puzzle Corner

Try lots more competitions online by visiting the SU website:


28 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating

Dear final year student We hope that your time at Bucks has been enjoyable and productive and has prepared you well for the future, whatever your chosen path might be when you graduate. The National Student Survey runs every year in all universities and is designed to give you the opportunity to give feedback about your experience as a student at Bucks. It isconducted by an independent company and identity and answers remain anonymous. The survey really is your chance to let us know what you think, and to help us to improve the services that we provide to future students. As the result of feedback from students, we have made a number of changes, including extending library opening, and creating the third floor at Uxbridge and new multi-faith quiet rooms. We want to encourage as many of you as possible to complete the survey, so that the outcomes genuinely reflect the student voice and the student experience at Bucks. Taking part is so important, because the results of the survey are used in the league tables nationally. We will do our best to take your opinions into account and act on them wherever possible. The results from the survey will be published on the Unistats website

Difficulty: Adavanced

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine.

Difficulty: Easy

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Sudoku More sudoku competitions online at in summer 2011. Results are fed back to the University and Bucks Students’ Union to help us identify how we can make improvements. You don’t need to wait for the outcome of the survey if you have something to tell us about. Whether you’re pleased with the way things are going or have a concern, please tell us straightaway. Your views really do matter to us so please take a few minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire online at: Every student who completes the survey has the opportunity to enter the prize draw and win an iPad or Amazon vouchers.

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 29




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30 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd March, 2011

Sports Profile

Player Profile

Jonathan ‘Hampo’ Hampson Bucks Football 3rds

Interviewed by Gary Anderson Position: Utility man (That doesn’t mean that I’m always holding the flag though!) Course: Sports Management & Football Studies (3rd year) All-Time Favourite Player: Michael Hughes (ex West Ham and Crystal Palace) Footy- Fact: I played against Chris Smalling once, who now plays for Man Utd. I also played against Paul Gascoigne’s son and Gazza was there watching! Why did you come to Bucks? The course sounded good so I just decided to come here. What is the best thing about Bucks? Em...the best thing about Bucks is probably the library. There are a lot of computers and its warm! The decor is pretty good too!! What is the worst thing about Bucks? I would say the facilities, particularly the sports facilities. Training facilities are shocking. We have to travel to Chalfont to train. Would you recommend joining a society here at Bucks? I would say people should definitely join something while you’re here. It’s worth it for the Wednesday nights out. What is the best thing about the football society? I’d say that you make good friends. I would not have made such good friends if I had not have joined the football society. What has been your best moment so far at Bucks? Playing at the varsity last year. Who is the best player you have played with at Bucks? John Mbamarah. Who has been the worst? Dami Odumosu. He never turns up! Who is the longest in the shower? Mitch Cazza. He just loves the shower!!

How long have you been playing for: My dad got me into playing golf at the age of 10 but I didn’t start playing competitively until I was 13. Best thing about playing for Bucks: The laughter and banter especially over proving that us girls are just as good as the boys. As well as that the support and encouragement that we give each other, and it’s proven through an overall good result. Worst thing about playing for Bucks: Golf not being seen as “real” sport compared to say, American Football.






Golf 2nd Team



How did you get into sports at Bucks: I’ve always had the intention of joining up for the golf team. I went to trials and if I was successful then it was an added bonus. Favourite Match: Playing against the First Bucks Team. The first match, they scraped a win but in the returning match we smashed them.

Jonathan ‘Eldo’ Eldridge

Athletics 1st ever takeover The athletics team are extremely excited about their 1st takeover on the 30th of March. Many people may not be aware of the athletics team but this will give them a chance to get to know us and what we are about. We will be bringing the Gods and Goddesses of Greek mythology back to life for one night and one night only, so come along and help us turn the SU into Olympus.

Bucks Football 5ths Manager Course: Sports Management & Football Studies (3rd year) All-Time Favourite Player: Zinedine Zidane Footy-Fact: “I once played on the same team as Theo Walcott!” Why did you come to Bucks? “I wasn’t clever enough to get in anywhere else! It was either here or Edge Hill University but I didn’t fancy living with a bunch of scousers.” What is the best thing about Bucks? “You can buy Snakebites for under £2.00! I’ve made some great friends also and playing football for the uni is good.” What is the worst thing about Bucks? “After midnight the price of Snakebites goes up. Another thing is having morning lectures on a Thursday because Wednesday night is the biggest night for students.” What is the best thing about being involved in the football society? “Well, we’ve got seven football teams here at the uni and everyone socialises so you get to know loads of people.” What is the worst thing? “For myself, because I’m a manager this year I don’t get to play as much as I would like. The organising that goes into being a manager can be a pain sometimes. You’ve got players pulling out at the last minute and sometimes you have a lot on your mind on a Tuesday evening.” Would you recommend joining any of the societies here at Bucks? “Yes, definitely. It’s a great way to meet new people and to feel part of something.” What has been your personal highlight since you came to Bucks? “Winning the league in my first year with the Chalfont 3rds.” Who is the best player you have played with since you came to uni? “Vinnie James. (I’m going to get so much stick for saying that!)” Who has been the least impressive!? “Jonno Simpson!” Who is the longest in the shower? “No one showers on my team. They are all smelly b******s!”


Eldo’s Profile

Tim Lawson Bucks Rugby 1sts Interviewed by Gary Anderson Position: Second Row Course: Sports Management & Rugby Studies (3rd year) All-Time Favourite Player: Martin Johnson Interesting Fact: I once had the pleasure of showering with members of the All Black team! Why did you come to Bucks? For the course primarily and the links the uni has with London Wasps. What is the best thing about being here at Bucks? The best thing about here is the industry contacts that the uni has. And, of course being based in High Wycombe! What is the worst thing about Bucks? Eh...It's based in High Wycombe!! What is the best thing about being involved in the rugby society? I have made a lot of good mates and this year we are winning so that’s good. What is the worst thing? The weather; for playing matches and for training. Would you recommend joining a society here at Bucks? I would indeed. It’s a great social tool and it keeps you active and doing things. It breaks up the academic schedule. What has been your highlight so far at Bucks? The highlight so far was winning the South East Conference Plate last year at Adams Park and scoring the winning try of course! Who is the best player on the team? Matt Gilbert or Tom Blackburn if he’s not whining at the referee! Who is the worst player on the team? I’d have to say that is James Newbigin because he’s not sure if he’s playing football or rugby! Who is the longest in the shower? Adam Harris. He loves a good sing-song!

Bucks 4ths secure league title! Bucks 4ths claimed the ‘BUCS South Eastern Conference Mens 5c’ league title with two games to spare following an emphatic 6-3 victory over Roehampton 2nds, at Magnolia Park, on Wednesday 9th March. Steven Young’s men have had a great season to date and aim to continue their success with a good run in the Bucks Shield. A delighted Young spoke to The Bucks Student; Congratulations Steven. How do you feel about the team’s success? “Well, I feel relieved more than anything else. Because of the great start we had, there was more pressure on us. We won our first four games and the third team were in our league and they were hot favourites to win it. But after we had a good start and they had a poor start... everyone was expecting us to win the league so yes...more relief than anything.” What do you put your success down to this year? “We didn’t have the best players in the university but as a unit we worked well together and really hard for each other. We were like the Stoke City of the league...we had


1. Who won the Wimbledon men’s title in 2008? 2. What was the first sport in which women were invited to compete in the Olympics? 3. Who did Span defeat in the UEFA Euro 2008 football final? Answers: 1.Rafeal Nadal 2.Tennis 3.Germany


Honours even for Bucks 2nds

wadiehs corner Vice President Student Involvement //

By Gary Anderson

James Brailsford with his long throws, Mike Smith’s corners and we have a lot of height in our team so most teams could not handle us at set-pieces and corners. Our back four were always solid throughout so we didn’t concede many goals which always provides a good platform to win games.” Football is a team game but, have any players in particular stood out for you during the Bucks 2nds had to settle for a solitary point following a 2-2 draw with Portsmouth 3rds at the Rye Park on Wednesday 2nd March. Trailing 1-0 at half-time, goals from Ben Purcell and Alfie Buckley had put Rob Hewitt’s men in the driving seat but Portsmouth salvaged a point ten minutes from the end to deny Bucks the win. Both sides cancelled each other out in the early exchanges with precious little action in either penalty area. While Bucks had the lion’s share of possession, they were unable to fashion any clear cut chances. Similarly, the visitors struggled to trouble the Bucks defence. However, 17 minutes in, on Portsmouth’s first real attack, they took the lead. The ball was played down the right channel and the Portsmouth attacker nipped in ahead of ‘keeper Jack Durrell and rolled the ball into an empty net. The home side responded well to this early setback. They began to string together some neat moves playing some nice one-touch football but were struggling to find a cutting edge in the final third of the pitch. Purcell came closest to breaching the Portsmouth rearguard but his rasping

Union Awards 2011 The annual Union Awards are coming up on the 31st March. This is where students are recognised for their achievements as a society member, a Student Rep, Volunteer etc. Tickets are available if you are interested.

Community Cohesion Project: To improve community relations and the perception of student in general around High Wycombe I am looking to set up a project in conjunction with Wycombe District Council. The details aren’t finalised yet but students will be potentially going into schools and Youth centres to run sporting activities. So if you want to make some money and possess a coaching badge in any sport or activity, please drop me an email with your name, contact details and what qualifications you have. Whether its Rugby, Netball, Dance, Fencing for example. Let me know as the more diversity we can offer the better. Email me at sam.wadieh@bucks. or pop into the SU offices and come see me.

season? “Ian Nickels who is a second year has played at a high level. James Brailsford was a surprise package, he’s done great for us and Adam Burson, who we picked up in the January transfer window, he’s come in and really dominated up front so probably if I had to single out individuals then those three were important to us.” Confidence is high now Steven so, are you hoping to carry that into the Bucks’ Shield? “Yes, definitely. We have got nothing to lose; we are playing against the first team so if we get a result it will be the biggest upset in the Bucks’ Shield ever. We have heard a few rumours that the first team are worried about us so we’ll have to see! They’ve not had a great season and we have, so we’ll just see what happens on the pitch.” Finally, have you got a message for your players? “Just well done lads for all the time and effort you put in. It really paid off and we done what we set out to achieve and we won the league so, well done boys!” drive was deflected over for a corner. The arrival of the half-time whistle signalled an end to a frustrating 45 minutes for the Bucks boys. That frustration was soon eased however, as two minutes into the second half Bucks were back on level terms. Mike Humphreys was fouled just outside the area and the midfielder’s subsequent free-kick was fumbled by the Portsmouth ‘keeper. Humphrey’s midfield partner Purcell, reacted quickest in the box and calmly slotted home, high into the net. Almost immediately, Humphreys had another effort from 20 yards, this time the visiting ‘keeper held on to the ball. Dom Jolliffe came close five minutes later, guiding his effort just over the crossbar following a superb through ball by Dom Olney. Bucks were in the ascendency at this stage and Hewitt introduced Jack Edmeads to add some fresh legs in midfield, replacing Olney. Portsmouth were under the cosh and soon after, Bucks’ dominance was rewarded. Following good work by Shazz Hussein on the left, the ball broke for Alfie Buckley just inside the penalty area.

Wednesday 23rd March, 2011, Bucks Student 31

Soccer Shorts Chris Miller’s 1sts put in a spirited display against the newly crowned league champions, St Marys 1sts, at the Rye Park, on Wednesday 2nd March. After going a goal behind, Bucks went into the break leading 2-1 following superb strikes from Sam Wadieh and Dom Parrella. However, the visitors showed why they are the champions, scoring twice in the second half to secure victory and the league title. Miller’s men pushed them all the way to the end and came close to snatching an equalizer on a couple of occasions.

Buckley controlled the ball on his chest before clipping a beautifully measured lob with the outside of the boot over the stranded ‘keeper and into the far corner of the net. However, the away side regrouped and for the next 20 minutes the game tightened up with neither side in danger of conceding another goal. Then, ten minutes from the end Portsmouth found an equaliser from nowhere. A rare lapse in concentration by the Bucks defence from a throw-in allowed the Portsmouth striker to toe poke his effort past Durrell to level matters. The Bucks boys were left frustrated once more, as the final ten minutes of the match failed to produce a deciding goal. Indeed, but for a vital block by ‘keeper Durrell in the final minute the visitors might have been leaving with all three points. Bucks boss Hewitt said afterwards; ‘’the boys put in a good hard working performance today. We showed some good quality at times, particularly with our goals. I’m disappointed by the way we conceded their two goals but that’s the way it goes’’. By Gary Anderson

Sam Wyer the snow genius: Sam Wyer a member of our very active SnowSoc has been busy in the last couple of weeks competing in the Mens Ski Slalom at the British Universities Indoor Snow Championships where the top 15 from 4 regional comps go through to the National final. Sam finished 2nd in the Ski Slalom South region comp and in doing so done more than enough to secure his place in the BUISC finals which took place on 9th March 2011.

In the finals Sam had a good day and finished 4th just missing out on a podium finish by 0.03 of a second! The gap between 1st and Sam in 4th as you can see was a mere 0.53 of a second, such a fine margin!! The results form below (from the finals) does not show individual runs times but after the first run Sam was back in 6th place overall due to a mistake in the lower part of the course. He then went on to have a lot cleaner

2nd run to have to the 2nd fastest time and move up to 4th overall. Competition was tough as there were racers from the British Universities Elite Athlete Squad and also the World Uni Games team from Turkey. So I am sure you will join me in giving him a big congratulation on his achievements and hopefully more to come as Sam is only a 2nd year student!


WEDNESDAY 2ND MARCH MENS BASKETBALL St Mary’s 2nd 85-55 Bucks 1st MENS FOOTBALL Bucks 1st 2-3 St Mary’s 1st Bucks 2nd 2-2 Portsmouth 3rd Roehampton 2nd 2-4 Bucks 3rd Kingston Uni 2nd 1-1 Bucks 4th Bucks 6th 3-4 School of Eco 3rd Bucks 7th 2-3 Imperial College 3rd LADIES FOOTBALL Bucks 1st 1-4 Imperial College 1st GOLF Exeter 1st 5-1 Bucks 1st MENS HOCKEY Bucks 1st 1-5 Imperial College 2nd NETBALL Queen Mary 1st 40-35 Bucks 1st Bucks 2nd 27-17 Uni Creat’ Arts 1st MENS RUGBY Sussex 1st 44-49 Bucks 1st Bucks 2nd 44-5 School of Eco 3rd TENNIS Roehampton 2nd 10-2 Bucks 1st WEDNESDAY 9TH MARCH MENS BASKETBALL Bucks 1st 37-97 Chich Men’s 2nd LADIES BASKETBALL Westminster 1st 66-20 Bucks 1st MENS FOOTBALL Hertfordshire 1st 0-2 Bucks 1st Bucks 4th 6-3 Roehampton 2nd Bucks 7th 3-0 Uni Creative Arts 2nd MENS HOCKEY Reading 4th 8-5 Bucks 1st NETBALl Bucks 1st 39-29 Royal Veterinary College 1st RUGBY Bucks 2nd 28-3 Roehampton 1st TUESDAY 15TH MARCH NETBALL Bucks 1st 36-26 London South Bank 1st WEDNESDAY 16TH MARCH MENS BASKETBALL Reading 2nd 59-34 Bucks 1st MENS FOOTBALL Bucks 1st 0-1 Hertfordshire 1st St Mary’s 4th 4-1 Bucks 2nd Kingston 2nd 7-1 Bucks 3rd Kingston 3rd 2-1 Bucks 4th North West Kent 1st 8-3 Bucks 5th Westminster 2nd 2-3 Bucks 6th MENS HOCKEY Portsmouth 3rd 1-2 Bucks 1st MENS RUGBY Bucks 1st 30-24 Brunel 1st Bucks 2nd 10-35 Portsmouth 4th


WEDNESDAY 23RD MARCH MENS BASKETBALL Bucks 1st v Reading 2nd MENS FOOTBALL Brighton 2nd v Bucks 1st Brunel 5th v Bucks 7th LADIES FOOTBALL Chichester 2nd v Bucks 1st GOLF Bucks 2nd v Birmingham 2nd Bath 1st v Bucks 1st MENS RUGBY Bucks 1st v Kingston 1st Sussex 2nd v Bucks 2nd WEDNESDAY 30TH MARCH GOLF Bath 1st v Bucks 1st LADIES VOLLEYBALL Bucks 1st v Royal Holloway 1st


Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

BB&O Golf Partnership drives Golf Ambassadors success with Bucks New University The Berks Bucks and Oxon (BB&O) Golf Partnership and Bucks New University have extended their successful Golf Ambassadors programme partnership for a third successive year. Two second year BA (Hons) Sports Management and Golf Studies students have been selected to work with the BB&O Golf Partnership this year. Stuart Langlands from Morningside, Edinburgh, and Michael Whytock from Wetherby, Leeds, are the successful pair chosen by the BB&O over stiff competition for the roles. The aims of the Golf Ambassadors programme are to provide Bucks New University’s golf students with handson experience in the golfing industry, whilst simultaneously providing the BB&O Golf Partnership and its partners with high quality sports management volunteers to help improve the overall success of its community activities. Stuart and Michael are currently involved in various community projects throughout the region, such as a disability project with Horizon Sports Club, a registered charity which provides unique after-school sports clubs in Buckinghamshire offering children with special needs the opportunity to develop both physically and socially through the enjoyment of sport. Michael works for Horizon as an assistant golf coach teaching Tri and Xtreme golf to disabled children aged between 11-18 years, having gained the coaching qualification through the Golf Foundation. He said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working for Horizon. It has given me a great insight into the demands needed to teach disabled children and has developed my knowledge and understanding. “My position as a BB&O Golf Ambassador has given me the opportunity to see the inner workings of the golf industry at close hand. I feel it is a great award and am honoured to have been chosen over many others to take this position. “Working as an assistant coach for the BB&O Junior Academy is the first step to achieving my goal of becoming

a golf professional, and I would recommend the Sports Management and Golf Studies degree at Bucks to any aspiring golfer.” Stuart’s project involves working with the BB&O and Winter Hill Golf Club in Cookham, Berkshire, providing a six-week coaching programme for children led by a PGA coach, which will hopefully lead to membership for the children and their parents. As part of the scheme, Stuart will coach six sessions at Millride Golf Club in Ascot. Stuart said: “The Golf Ambassadors project has been a great success so far. Gaining my PGA Level 1 award, thanks to the BB&O Golf Partnership, is something I have wanted to achieve for a while, and I have also had the opportunity to network in the golf industry and meet a number of high profile and respected individuals. Many of the people I have met I perceive as future employers, and feel this gives me a head start above the rest in terms of potential future employment.” The Golf Ambassadors programme has been developed by Francisco Baeza, principal lecturer at Bucks New University, Justine Lawrence, Development Officer at the BB&O Golf Partnership, and Phil Beard, Volunteer Manager of the England Golf Partnership. Justine Lawrence said: “Our relationship with Bucks New University is stronger than ever and we are very grateful to Francisco Baeza for his continued support. Each year we are delighted to be working with new students with fresh ideas - involving younger members in committee discussions, volunteer activities and BB&O projects is so important for our sport.” Francisco Baeza added: “This is the third year that we are running the Golf Ambassadors scheme and it has proven to be very beneficial to the students, the BB&O Golf Partnership and the University. Through the close links that the University has forged over the years with the golf industry, our students are gaining invaluable experience which will set them in good stead for their future careers when they graduate.”

Above: Stuart Langlands and Michael Whytock who have been selected to work with the BB&O Golf Partnership

A day both universities go head to head in all aports that both have teams in, as well as a host of recreational activites taking place. Even if you’re not partaking, come along and sopport your fellow Bucks!

£7 per tickets which includes: transport to Reading and back, varsity t shirt, food voucher plus entry into Reading SU’s busiest club night of the week!

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