The Bucks Student - Edition 19

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bucks student edition 19

May 2011

NEWS Archbishop visits Bucks

The Big Bucks Speakeasy

The Archbishop of Canterbury recently visited Bucks as part of his visit to the Diocese of Oxford

Page 4

FOOD & DRINK Marmite Pasta Page 20

NEWS Charity skydive The charity skydive is only a few days away. Find out who is taking part and how to sponsor them

Page 3

TRAVEL The final installment - LA

The final installment of the trip from Boston to LA

Page 17

SPORTS Athletic Union Awards Page 24

ENTERTAINMENTS Alt Festival guide

Not got the money or the inclination to buy tickets for the big festivals? Check out our alternative festival guide

Page 10

The LACK of a May Ball was overshadowed this year, as the Big Bucks Speakeasy was a phenomenal success. This event, which was organised as an alternative to the May Ball, was held in the SU last Saturday. The May Ball last year had to be subsidised by up to £14,000 – a substantial figure that is unaffordable in today’s economic environment. However, a lot of students have agreed that the Big Bucks Speakeasy was “ten times better” than the previous end-of-year celebration.

By Sarah O’Brien Deputy Student Editor The theme was Bugsy Malone, which students made a huge effort to comply with. One attender said “I really thought I would be the only one who had made the effort, but when I got there I was so surprised how many students had bought into it and everyone looked great. I think the lads really loved the gangster theme!”

Unlike the May Ball, which would always include big names in the performance line-up, The Speakeasy event was home to a number of acts that were almost unheard of to many students. Nevertheless, only good things have been said about the music that night. This year BNU really went out with a bang, (which may have been caused by all those gangsters). Let’s hope the next end-of-year party, Ball or no Ball, is just as successful.

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2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 18th May, 2011

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Tom Foy - Editor t: 01494 601600 e: Laz Wood - Student and Community Editor e: Kelly McGarry - LifeStyle Editor e: Louby Delahunty - Entertainments Editor e: Tanya Virdy - News Editor e: Harry Boileau - Features Editor e: Richie Stuttard - Sports Editor e: Claire Cullen - Fashion Editor e: Tanya Virdy - Celebrity Fashion Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soaps & TV Editor e: Dorian Stone - Reviews Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Monika Stary - Jobs & Careers Editor e: Joanna Szczpanowska - International & Travel Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Societies Editor e: For Advertising: Vicki Buffoni t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students Union for more information. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. Printed by Harmsworth Printing - Stoke 01782 602619 © 2011 Bucks Students’ Union

features News P3 New fees structure P7 Towersey Festival P8

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Graduation P8 Entertainments Pull Out P9 Photos P11 Wallplanner P12 Soaps & TV P17 Travel P17 Societies P17 Lifestyles P18 Food & Drink P20 Movies P20 Puzzles P21 Vouchers P21 Advice P22 AU & Varsity round-up P23

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Letter from the Editor Hi all, Welcome to the last edition of The Bucks Student this year! It’s been a fantastic eight months with some fantastic stories. We’ve witnessed the government pumping up university fees to unimaginable amounts late last year, which sparked off hundreds of violent student protests throughout the country. There have been tears, fears and axing of courses here at Bucks but we’ve pulled through with a smile on our face and a drink in our hand! On a more positive note, we’ve held a successful SU Elections a few months ago, with some very talented and passionate students nominated to ensure you get the best out of your time here. As you all know, the position for Vice President of Student Involvement has re-opened and we know have six candidates. Voting closes today at 4pm and the winner will be announced at tonight’s rugby game which kicks off at 6.30pm in Adam’s Park, so make sure you’re there! Everyone at the Bucks Student wishes our old VPSI Sam Wadieh the best

of luck as he starts his new job in Norway this week. What a fantastic opportunity and we wish him great success over there! And finally, the other big story this year has been the mass amount of money our university has spent on those… well… outdoor seating arrangements. Let’s just hope we’re a bit more sensible with our capital next year, or pray that those cement blocks grow cushions. What an exciting year it’s been and I have high hopes for the one to come. Next year, we’ll have a few changes at the Bucks Student. We will soon have a fashion section dedicated to ensuring you get the latest looks for half the price. We will also start up our eagerly awaited culture section where art students can get their work published and anybody with an interest in poetry or short stories will be able to see their work in print. So get those creative thinking hats on! I want to thank everyone who has been involved with the newspaper this year, especially Laz Wood who helped me get to where I am today, and to Gary Anderson for

being a great Deputy Student Editor already. We’ve got a great group of people in the Newsgroup and I can’t wait to get started next year lads! If anyone is interested in joining us next year, please don’t hesitate, as everyone is more than welcome. Just email me at student.editor@ Anyway, The Bucks Student wishes all third year students leaving BNU this year the very best. We hope everybody has a great summer. See you next year! Sarah

Sports P23

Announcing the first ‘Preserving the Past, Inspiring the Future’ Furniture Conference The new National School of Furniture at Bucks New University will host the inaugural ‘Preserving the Past, Inspiring the Future’ Furniture Conference on 7 June 2011. Organised by the Furniture Research Group, this thought-provoking conference will look at new initiatives in predicted furniture activities for the coming century, whilst simultaneously examining key aspects of conservation and historical studies from the past. Headlining the speaker panel will be Rod Titian, a BBC Restoration Roadshow specialist and conservator/ restorer to Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace and Kew Palace, who will give a presentation about the techniques of gilding and lacquering. The keynote speech will be delivered by Dr Lynn Jones, Head of the National School of Furniture: High Wycombe, and there will be other inspiring presentations from renowned national and international speakers representing furniture conservation, design, history and manufacture sectors. The conference will take place from 9.30am - 4.45pm on 7 June in The Gateway at Bucks New University’s High Wycombe Campus, and it will be of interest to all those involved in the industry, from auctioneers, collectors and conservators, to curators, furniture direct to your mobile

designers and historians, researchers and students. Speaking ahead of the conference, Prof Jake Kaner, Chair of the Furniture Research Group (formerly the 20th Century Furniture Research Group) and Professor in Furniture at Bucks New University, said: “I am sure that this will be a memorable event. With such a good range and quality of speakers, it will inevitably be academically highly informative as well as very entertaining. “Having secured 66 furniture sector partners already, the new National School of Furniture is growing from strength to strength, and this inaugural conference is planned as the first of many successful events to be hosted by the National School of Furniture and its partners. It will provide an exciting forum for discourse centred on the UK furniture sector and its international reputation, properly recognising its significant past and encouraging its promising future.” The full conference schedule can be found at: To reserve a place at the conference, please book online at: For further information, please contact: or call 01494 522 141 ext 3583.

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Wednesday 18th May, 2011, Bucks Student 3

Why is RAG working with LearnAsOne? By Alice Dewsnap Volunteering Coordinator

Students and staff gear up for charity SKYDIVE

A team of students and staff from Bucks are preparing to leap from the skies in a 12,000-foot skydive in aid of a host of charities. The jumpers, including staff and students, will take on the adrenalin-pumping challenge over RAF Weston-on-the-Green, Bicester, Oxfordshire, home of the Joint Service Parachute Centre, on Saturday 28 May. The daredevil fundraisers are hoping to collect more than £100 each, making over £2,000 in total, for eight charities - The Fragile X Society, The Pepper Foundation, Cancer Research UK, The Stroke Association, LearnAsOne, Chilterns MS Centre, Elisa Educational Trust, and The Institute of Cancer Research. The amount will be added to £1,000 raised for The Institute of Cancer Research through a charity ball. A pilot-themed event is taking place at Bucks Students’ Union on Friday 20 May to help each jumper gain further sponsorship. Helen Dugdale, studying BA (Hons) Textiles and Surface Design, said: “I have never done a skydive before so it is a real leap into the unknown. It should be amazing. I’m excited, keen to raise as much as possible for charity and hope it’s a nice sunny day.” The Pepper Foundation and LearnAsOne are Bucks Students’ Union’s chosen Raise and Give (RAG) charities for the year. For further details, or to sponsor the team, contact Bucks Students’ Union’s Fundraising Coordinator Alice Dewsnap at


LearnAsOne is one of our two fantastic RAG charities. They are currently fundraising for Simakakata Community School in southern Zambia and we are trying to raise enough money to fund one of the remaining two classrooms they need. Two years ago, the Simakakata community were teaching 230 children in a borrowed farmhouse. It was dark, there were no doors and the roof leaked during the five month rainy season. It wasn’t uncommon for lessons to be cramped into a corner of the classroom. But led by their headmaster George Matantilo, the community showed an incredible determination to build their own school. When George met Steve Heyes (the founder of LearnAsOne) for the first time he showed him a pile of 60,000 bricks the community had made by hand. The bricks were just the start. During a village meeting, the Simakakata Community told Steve they would donate their labour to build the school. The only problem was they couldn’t afford raw materials such as cement, roofing sheets, doors and windows. This is where LearnAsOne could help. Fast forward to the present day and the community are just completing the fourth classroom at the school. Half the lessons are now taught in the new school and the pass rate of the year seven exams has already doubled. LearnAsOne have shared over 40 blogs during this time ranging from stories and photos, to videos and diary entries from headmaster George. Everyone who has helped has got to see their money in action. That’s why we are working with LearnAsOne, and supporting the Simakakata Community. But there is still more to do. The community need raw materials for two more classrooms and six teachers’ houses to complete the school. Since we started working with LearnAsOne in 2008 you have walked, washed cars, cycled to Paris, sold lollies and much more, raising an amazing £2,808.42. Our goal is to raise enough to fund the raw materials for one classroom or teachers’ house. The cost is £6,500. This May, LearnAsOne are running an event called the 40 minute fundraise, where they are asking everyone to fundraise for 40 minutes for Simakakata Community School. Why 40 minutes? Because that’s how long a lesson in Zambia last. You can fundraise however you like. Sell cakes, busk, do a sky dive, anything you like! Please set up a 40 minute campaign and help us reach our goal. Thank you! For more information, visit the website or email

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 18th May, 2011

Archbishop of Canterbury visits Bucks to meet local faith leaders Bucks New University was delighted to welcome the Most Reverend and Right Honourable the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury to its High Wycombe Campus. The Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams’s visit to the University followed prayers at nearby All Saints Church in High Wycombe, and formed part of his visit to the Diocese of Oxford, which began last Friday 6 May, and finished on Monday 9 May. This special occasion marked the first time an Archbishop of Canterbury has made a formal visit to the Oxford Diocese since 1999, when the Most Revd George Carey visited. The honoured guest attended a breakfast meeting held in the University’s landmark Gateway building, which was chaired by the Bishop of Buckingham and Revd David Picken, Area Dean of Wycombe and vice chair of the Council for Christian and Muslim Relations (CCMR). The meeting provided the Archbishop with the opportunity to meet representatives of the local community and leaders of other faiths, primarily members of the CCMR, which was launched at the University in 2007. The Council, which still regularly holds its meetings at the University, was established with the support, endorsement and involvement of local church leaders and imams, along 00603 L9 (148.5mmby210mm) 29-3-11.pdf with other laylectureSeries civic figures, and its aim is to promote

mutualrespect, understanding and community cohesion in the High Wycombe area. The Archbishop, who recently conducted the wedding of Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton, said: “It has been a real pleasure to be back in the Diocese of Oxford for a few days. It has always been one of the most varied and creative in the Church of England, and my years as a Canon of Christ Church (and an honorary curate at St Alban’s in Cowley) helped me get to know something about this variety and liveliness.” Prof Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor at Bucks New University, commented after the Archbishop’s visit: “We were very honoured to receive the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, to the University, and are privileged to have been included within his busy schedule. His meeting with local faith leaders including the CCMR is of special significance, and reflects the endeavours made in High Wycombe to achieving mutual respect amongst those of different faiths or none. “We are firmly committed to working with the wider community through activities including our multi-faith chaplaincy and student volunteering, as well as providing education and facilities for those in High Wycombe and beyond, to explore constructively and collaboratively how 1 13/04/2011 10:19 communities can work together.”

Pictured (L-R): Prof Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor atBucks New University; the Most Reverend and Right Honourable the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury; Prof David Sines CBE, Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean: Society & Health, at Bucks New University; the Bishop of Buckingham. Photo: ktbrucephotography

The New Ashmolean Speaker:

Dr Christopher Brown CBE, Director of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and Fellow of Worcester College


Professor Juliet Simpson, Professor of Art History, School of Design, Craft & Visual Arts, at Bucks New University

Bucks New University is hosting the ninth in a series of free community lectures featuring high profile guest speakers. Wednesday 8 June 2011 Owen Harris Lecture Theatre 1, High Wycombe Campus, HP11 2JZ 5.30pm light refreshments 6pm-7pm lecture 7pm light refreshments Dr Christopher Brown CBE is Director of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, BritainÕs oldest public museum, and possibly the oldest museum in the world. In November 2009 it reopened following a nine month period of closure and a £61 million redevelopment. During his lecture, Dr Brown will discuss the transformational project which has created a new 100,000 square-foot building behind the famous 19th century Cockerell façade. The new building, designed by Rick Mather Architects, houses 39 new galleries including four for temporary exhibitions; a dedicated Education Centre; state-of-the-art conservation studios; and the CityÕs first roof-top restaurant. Since it opened, the new Ashmolean has won a host of major awards and has welcomed more than 1.2 million visitors through its doors.

Public Lecture Series 2011

Places need to be reserved. To book a place please contact: Lorna West (Vice Chancellor’s Office) Bucks New University, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 2JZ Tel: 01494 603 002 Fax: 01494 438 123 Email: or book online at

Pictured (L-R): Countess Howe, Mark Alger, Stuart Norton.

High Sheriff’s award for policing student Bucks New University policing student who has become the first from the University to become a Special Sergeant with Thames Valley Police has received a commendation in The High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire’s annual awards. Mark Alger, 23, who is studying BSc (Hons) Police Studies with Criminal Investigation at Bucks, regularly completes up to 50-60 hours per month as a Special Sergeant in High Wycombe far beyond the required 16 hours per month. Stuart Norton, Department Manager for Criminal Justice & Social Studies, nominated Mark, a third year student, for his work as a Special Sergeant, as well as his contribution to community cohesion projects in High Wycombe and his support at open days and study events. Mark, who is from Upton, near Poole in Dorset, received a certificate from Countess Elizabeth Howe, High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, at the High Sheriff’s Awards ceremony at the end of March. He was joined by parents Dawn and John, who travelled from their home in Dorset. The proud awardee said: “It is fantastic and really quite overwhelming to be recognised in this way. When I first heard I had been nominated I was pretty speechless but I will just continue with the same level of effort because I’m doing something I love and enjoy.” Mark said he hoped to become a full-time

police officer with Thames Valley Police after he graduates later this year. Mr Norton said Mark was ‘diligent, dedicated and driven’. He added: “Mark’s drive to go that extra mile has seen him become the first special constable from the University to gain a position as a Special Sergeant within Thames Valley Police. “This is in addition to the course requirements, his many other student-based activities and the support he provides to our course. It has been a privilege to lecture Mark. He is an admirable individual who I was proud to put forward for this award.” Inspector Luke Pillinger, of Thames Valley Police, based in High Wycombe, said: “Mark has impressed us with his commitment and dedication and fully deserves the award. We are lucky to have some excellent Special Constables who greatly assist with the work we do in High Wycombe” Countess Howe said the awards had been presented to people who had either contributed in an exceptional way to improving the lives of others in the community or gone that extra mile to give a service to others. She added: “Mark is an exceptionally focused young man who thoroughly deserves recognition for his commitment to the wellbeing of people in the wider community.”

Wednesday 18th May, 2011, Bucks Student 5

Lottery boost to get more Bucks students playing sport Students at Bucks New University are being urged to give sport another go after the university secured £311,705 in National Lottery funding from Sport England. Along with 40 other projects, Bucks New University Multi-Sport Development Plan is being backed by Sport England’s £10 million Active Universities fund to get more university students playing sport, as part of the mass participation legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. With the recruitment of a Project Coordinator and Project Activator, the Multi-Sport Development Plan will give students the opportunity to take part in a variety of sporting activities both at the university and within the local community. ‘Come and try’ sessions, social intramural competitions, the development of new university sports clubs and links into community sports clubs will all help increase participation opportunities and create better access to sport for Bucks students. Sport Strategy Manager for Bucks New University, Carina Page said: “We are delighted that our Active University project has been backed by Sport England. This will enable us to strive towards our ambitions to enhance our student experience through sport and increase the number of opportunities and number of students participating in sport regularly.” The Active Universities projects will give tens of thousands of students across the country the chance to try out a new sport, or get back into one they’ve tried before. Boosting student participation will have a lasting impact on grassroots sport because research shows that students who do play sport at university are far more likely to continue participating throughout their lives. It will also help tackle the issue of drop-off in sports participation that sees many young people giving up sport in their late teens and early twenties. Sport England’s Chief Executive, Jennie Price, said: “Young adults who are still playing sport when they leave university are likely to stick with it for life, so this is a good investment in the future. These projects have been chosen because they really listened to what students wanted, so we are confident they will succeed in increasing participation.” Today’s announcement was welcomed by the Minister for Sport and the Olympics, Hugh Robertson MP and Olympic Gold medalist, Amy Williams. Hugh Robertson said: “This funding for 41 different sport projects across the country is exactly what our Olympic legacy promise is about – offering more opportunities for people to get involved. This will boost university sport and encourage students to continue playing once their studies are over.” Chair of British Universities and Colleges Sport, Ed Smith, said: “This represents a great outcome for Higher Education and a fabulous opportunity to increase the depth and breadth of participation by young people whilst they benefit from academic studies and the overall student experience at university. The link between sport and life skills is evident from the way employers seek out people who are active in sport and this will be a boost as graduates make their way into the job market.”

Student braves Everest trip to mark 40th birthday An intrepid Bucks student enjoyed a 40th birthday with a difference - he scaled Everest Base Camp to mark the occasion. Shane Loup, a close protection officer for a drilling operation in Nigeria, took nine days to reach Base Camp, 17,862-feet up the world’s highest mountain. He is studying a distance-learning Foundation Degree in Protective Security Management with Bucks. Shane said: “I am 40 years young, which is the reason I went, as I wanted to do something different for my birthday. I went with Jamie, a walking friend, and we trained hard in Wales for six weeks prior to the trip. “The trip itself was amazing - 18 days that will never be forgotten. Three of us managed to go even higher after Base Camp and went on to Kalapathar, another point on Everest, which is 18,200-feet up. “The weather was extremely cold though so it was a quick photo and an even quicker run back down to keep warm. Now I would love to complete the full trip and conquer Everest but that would mean a £50,000 price tag for the team and support required. Any sponsors out there would be gratefully received!” He was among a team of 11 people who took part in the trip to Everest Base Camp with specialist firm The Adventure Company.

6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 18th May, 2011

You said... we did: improving the student experience in 2011 The staff team at Bucks New University is committed to putting our students at the heart of everything we do. We encourage your feedback and are continuously working to improve life at Bucks. We can’t do everything you ask – some things simply aren’t practical or affordable – but we do take all your comments seriously and take action to improve your experience at Bucks wherever possible. This year we have put in place a number of enhancements initiatives in response to your comments.

The appliance of science Student Daniel Turner-Cleaver, a Trainee Manufacturing Engineer with the company Oxford Instruments, who is studying for a BEng in Mechanical Engineering Design, has been shortlisted for the firm’s ‘Chairman’s Award for Process Improvement’, for his project on a Helium 3 cooling system. The awards will be presented at Raymond Blanc’s restaurant, Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons in Great Milton, Oxon, next month. Daniel also won the 2010 4th Year Apprentice of the Year Award from The Engineering Trust.

NSS update An impressive 64 per cent* of our final-year students took part in the National Student Survey (NSS) survey - 3 per cent more than last year. The top-performing departments were: Design & Craft (80%), Education (76%), Social Work (71%) and Creative and Visual Culture (71%). Of course, the actual feedback we receive from the survey is what really matters and we will receive this in August. Members of staff will then look at the results and plan improvements which will make the journey for future Bucks students even more rewarding and enjoyable. Postgraduate students are asked to fill in an Experience Survey (details have been emailed) and module feedback is requested for students on all levels and courses until 30 June. If in doubt about how to give feedback ask one of your tutors or at the SU Advice Centre. We are really grateful to everyone who takes the time to share their views. Thank you. Ruth Farwell

*A cleaning process of the data is now taking place and final published response rates may vary slightly as a result.

Nothing Idle about these hands Final-year student Lee Baker, studying Furniture: Contemporary Design, has designed and painted the latest billboard outside The Gateway. The topic is student feedback and is a reminder to fill in the National Student Survey by Saturday (30 April), Bucks Student Experience Survey for first and second years by 14 May, the post-graduate experience surveys by 31 May, and submit module feedback for all levels and courses, which runs until 30 June. Check it out!

University leads research and development element of healthcare initiative Bucks New University has been appointed as the lead higher education partner for a new telecare centre of excellence in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. Telecare is the use of information, communication and sensor technologies to deliver health and social support to people in order to help them live as independently as possible. The new centre of excellence, located in Griffin Lane, will help businesses and academics identify and develop the next generation of telecare products and services, with design input from service users and user groups. Bucks New University will head up the research and development element of the initiative, which involves a complex evaluation process of the categories of quality, accessibility, cost, and acceptability of telecare, each being an issue that lies at the core of most health services research and technology assessments. Firas Sarhan, Senior Lecturer with the School of Advanced & ContinuingPractice at Bucks New University, and the lead academic on the project, explains: “The evaluation is designed to determine the progress of telecare projects against the original objectives set by the International Centre of Excellence in Telecare (ICE-T): these are: to expand the use of technology to support long-term conditions; to develop expertise in local staff to use technology as part of patient care; and to assist patients in managing their long-term conditions independently. “The evaluation is also intended to inform any future roll-out of such systems across the county on a national level. With regard to the research techniques, a mixed methods approach was adopted including quantitative and qualitative data collection.” The proposed showcase site has been developed by

National Union of Students NEWS


Aylesbury Vale District Council in partnership with the world-famous National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, along with local organisations such as the Bucks Economic and Learning Partnership (BELP) and Buckinghamshire County Council, and academic partners including Bucks New University, The University of Buckingham, Aylesbury College and The Open University. It is one of three sites across the south east chosen by The South East Health Technologies Alliance (SEHTA), to provide a focal point for the advancement of telecare in the region. The three centres then form the International Centre of Excellence in Telecare. The Aylesbury centre is focused on support for ‘fragile individuals in the home’, including the elderly, disabled, and those with chronic conditions. The site will enable firms to demonstrate, test and showcase technology and services and encourage them to forge partnerships. It will also support smaller businesses with incubation space, conferencing facilities and workshop space. Tracey Aldworth, Director at Aylesbury Vale District Council, said: “Aylesbury Vale is aspiring to have a significant role up to and beyond 2012 in the development of the telecare sector in the south east. We aim to create a localised cluster of businesses that support and collaborate with the centre to take a product idea from concept to market. With the internationallyrecognised National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital and the establishment of the showcase site, Aylesbury Vale is a prime location for any businesses wishing to enter or expand their business in the telecare sector.”

Richest should not be able to ‘buy’ degrees

The new NUS president is Liam Burns

Responding to reports today, which suggest that the Government is considering plans to allow the richest parents to pay upfront fees at the same level as international students to ensure their children get a place, NUS said it would disadvantage poorer and middle income students and was yet another attempt by the Government to cover up the mess it has made of university funding.

The National Union of Students (NUS) annual national conference which was held recently at the Sage Centre elected Liam Burns as its next National President. They new president will officially take up his position for a one year term on 1 July 2011, when the current President Aaron Porter’s term of office ends. Liam Burns is currently President of NUS Scotland, having studied physics at Heriot-Watt University where he served as the students’ union president. secured commitments from politicians in Scotland to rule out the introduction of fees in the next Scottish parliament. During his tenure has President of NUS Scotland Liam secured millions of pounds of funding for vulnerable students in further and higher education. Liam Burns, NUS President-elect said: “I am honoured and delighted to have been elected NUS National President for the year to come.” “It’s going to be a hugely challenging year for both further and higher education. I am looking forward to working tirelessly to defend, extend, and promote the rights of students.”

NUS Scotland welcomes parliament committed to Reclaim Your Voice campaign NUS Scotland is promising to hold MSPs to their commitments as an overwhelming majority of MSPs elected to the Scottish Parliament are those who had signed up the NUS Scotland’s Reclaim Your Voice campaign. Students have campaigned successfully since 22 March, when thousands of students marched and demonstrated outside Holyrood on the day parliament dissolved, to get candidates to sign up to the Reclaim Your Voice campaign and commit not to introduce fees, to protect college places and graduate numbers and to improve student support in the next parliamentary session.

Wednesday 18th May, 2011, Bucks Student 7

Tuition fees to rise to £7,500 at Bucks Bucks New University has announced that it intends to charge prospective students £7,500 a year in tuition fees for the majority of its courses from September 2012. The fees relate to most courses in the areas of applied management, health and social care. Art, design and production-based courses which involve workshop or studio facilities will attract a fee of £8,000. The university also revealed that it plans to offer a new business degree at a fee of £6,000 a year which it says will provide students looking for greater flexibility in delivery, with an alternative option. The announcement comes as the majority of universities in England disclosed their tuition fee plans last week. More than two-thirds of universities are seeking to charge the maximum £9,000 fees for some or all of their courses. Bucks are among a small number of institutions who are offering all their

By Gary Anderson of widening participation and increasing access opportunities for prospective students, Prof Farwell said: “Offering opportunities to everyone with the potential to benefit from higher education is fundamental to us, and so we have decided to go beyond the minimum requirements for a university with our success in widening participation, and will invest 22.5% of our income from fees over £6,000 in a range of new access measures.” The University has promised to match its allocation of £303,000 from the National Scholarship Programme, offering a voucher scheme which will provide each eligible student with £6,000 of support over three years. Eligible students will be able to redeem their vouchers against things such as fees and accommodation or receive a cash bursary

‘Our primary purpose is to put Bucks students first’- Prof Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor courses below £8,000 a year. Prof Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor of Buckinghamshire New University said: “Prospective students want to know that they will be getting good value for money when they commit to higher education and to a particular university and course. Our primary purpose is to put our students first and we have done our best to ensure that our fees are realistic both for our prospective students and the University.” Many students will be alarmed by the rise in fees from just over £3,000 a year to the new planned fee and their fears are compounded by the fact that some courses have already been cut at the University along with a reduction in staff numbers. However, Prof Farwell addressed these concerns saying: “We are confident that we will continue to attract students to the University, and maintain the quality of our teaching and learning provision. Our close working links with a range of partners will enable us to continue to provide graduates who are well-prepared for professional careers or work in the creative industries.” Commenting on Bucks’ committed aim

of up to £1,000 a year. These proposed plans; the fee structure and access agreement are subject to approval by the Office for Fair Access (OFFA); the University will hear if it has been approved in July. The criteria for applying for the National Scholarship Programme will be published on the University’s website in early September. The news that the ‘Big Deal’ package which encourages participation in a range of sporting, recreational and social activities, is to be carried on, will come as a huge relief to many students and this unique offer is available to all students at Bucks. For students who still remain confused as to what fees apply to them and when, here is the situation; current home and EU full-time undergraduate students, and those starting in 2011, will remain on the current funding structure for each unbroken year of their course. For these students, each year’s tuition fees will only increase in line with inflation. The new fee structure will only apply to students starting university from September 2012 onwards.

Netball showed football how it’s done By Amy Gordon The final showdown: Netball v Football, went down a treat with the best of both teams out to prove a point of who is best. Starting with 5-aside football, the boys showed off their skills, winning the first game 5-3, but they let in a couple of great goals by Sarah Lawrence and Jess Mclennan. They put in a little more effort in the second game, winning 6-2, although if the boys knew what was about to hit them in netball, maybe they would have tried harder. The girls were in their element, thrashing the boys in both games, although Rob Allen got a couple of great long distance shots in. Once Kyle Rea finally learned to pivot, (however comical his foot may have been) he still managed to score and along with Jack Edmeads’ interceptions the boys finally started to get the hang of things. Maybe apart from Bale, who continuely got ‘owned’ by Tanya Richardson. What did you say Josh Pearce? “Yeah, to be fair, netball is hard work compared to football.” With no fair way of deciding a winner other than goal difference, the netball girls went on to win the title and rightfully put another trophy in their cabinet all in the name of RAG. To quote Loomer “charity was the real winner today.”

Would you pay £7,500 to come to Bucks New University?

Richard Marks: 22: Film and Television Production: 2nd Year: “In terms of value for money, £7500 is good because of the equipment we use here. But some students would expect to go somewhere that has a more established reputation if they have to pay that amount.”

Jason Seoige: 34: Furniture Restoration and Conservation: 3rd year: “Yes I would. The government has raised the payment threshold to £21,000 before you start paying it back so I think it’s fair enough to be honest.”

Sabrina Otitogu: 21: International Tourism Management with Air Travel: 1st year: “No I wouldn’t at all. That’s just too much. I just can’t see how the University can justify charging that amount of money to students.”

Bartek Kiczka: 23: Journalism: 2nd year: “For that kind of money, I would think twice about coming here. I would be looking to go to a university that is more recognised.”

Erasmus students Mooting I decided to take part in the Erasmus scheme as I think it really is a fantastic opportunity, and one that may not come along again. I had no idea that anything like this would be available to me during my degree and was very excited when I found out that I was able to study in a foreign country for a semester. I chose France as my destination of study, as it’s a country I have visited several times and I know some of the language, which has been a big help. I am living in Saint Etienne which is a small place near Lyon, and I’m attending the ESC (l’Ecole Superieure de Commerce) which is a business school here. I came over to France at the beginning of January, and will be leaving at the beginning of June-so it’s a five month study period. As the school and the town are both small, it has been easy to meet lots of people, and everyone has been so welcoming to all the foreign students. I enjoy attending university here a lot, although it is slightly different to in England, but I prefer it here because we have small classes rather than big lectures so it is more personal. I attend mainly lectures in English apart from a couple which are in French. I also have a French lesson every week. Having French classes has been really beneficial but just living in France and being around French people is the main way I am learning the language.

By Louise Jackson

I am renting an apartment here from a French student who is also away on Erasmus. The cost of renting my apartment is a bit cheaper than it has been to rent a place in High Wycombe, which is good, but I would say in general that other living costs -such as food-do cost more in France. Definitely bare this in mind if you are considering going, although I did receive a grant from Erasmus which helped with covering costs a lot. My best tips, if you decide to take part in Erasmus, are to make sure you have travel and accommodation arrangements in place as soon as you can. I booked my travel very late and as a consequence I paid a lot of money for it! Another tip is that if you are already renting a room/flat in England, then try and sublet it to someone before you leave, so that you aren’t paying two lots of rent. My final tip is just to make the most of your time abroad, visit other places near to where you’re staying if you get the chance, and make sure you manage to have fun as well as study. To conclude, I am extremely pleased I decided to take part in the Erasmus scheme. By doing so I have had a fantastic five months, learnt a lot of French, gained a credible new addition to my CV, made new friends, and been able to experience French school and cultures.

society dinner at Adams Park On Wednesday 11th May, The Mooting Society celebrated their hard work for the past year, in fabulous style. Holding a joint event with the law society, The Mooting Society took the opportunity to say their thank you’s and farewells at Adams Park, in true lawyer style, by holding a lavish and stunning Black Tie Dinner. The Chair (SMS) and Treasurer (SLS) Heidi de Souza and Rupinder Kaur (the event organisers) commended the students of the Law School who have undertaken a series of competitions this year, to win the coveted trophy ‘The Jane Tyrer Mooting Cup’. Heidi who has led the council of the society this year and will continue to do so in the coming academic year, has taken the society from strength to strength, having secured outside partnerships with Charities to provide a qualification in Advocacy, making the Law School unique in the entire Higher Education System. The Mooting Society would also like to congratulate the external mooting team who progressed to the third round of the inter-varsity moot falling just short of the quarter-finals. To get involved or to find out more about the activities of the Mooting Society, please find us, either on Facebook or on the dedicated website

8 Bucks Student, Wednesday 18th May, 2011

Preparing for graduation There has been a successful start to the Graduation preparations with over 600 students already registering their attendance for their ceremonies. For those of you who are eligible to graduate this coming September please register now! The new Graduation online booking system is a quick and easy to use way to register and purchase your guest tickets. Did one of your tutors particularly impress you? If so, why not make their day by nominating them for a Most Inspiring Tutor Award. You can make your nomination by filling in a quick questionnaire when you have completed your booking. The awards

were launched last year and the lecturers who received them were thrilled to have such positive feedback from their students. This year’s favourite tutors will be presented with their awards at the graduation ceremonies. All the information you require about Graduation is on the website at If you have any queries about Graduation that you can’t find the answer to on the website please call the Graduation Team on 01494 522141 ext 4240 or 2328 or email We look forward to celebrating your success at your Graduation ceremony.

Do you have a good news story? Maybe you have overcome an illness, had a change of career, won a student award, or are graduating alongside a relative. We would like to raise our profile across the country by sending your good news stories to local media, when you graduate. We may also use your stories for promotional material. If you have a story you would be willing to share, please complete the new story form by visiting (found within the ‘preparing for Graduation section’) and return it to us by Friday 22 July 2011.

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PULL OUT SECTION entertainment

at Bucks

edition 19

search: Bucks SU Photos (2010 -2011)

WEDNESday 18

THURSday 19



SNAKEBITE £1.70 5PM - 12AM spirits & shots £1.50 until 12am



Sday 26 UR- late TH8pm CRASH

SNAKEBITE £1.70 5PM - 12AM spirits & shots £1.50 until 12am


SNAKEBITE £1.70 5PM - 12AM spirits & shots £1.50 until 12am

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DOUBLE UP FOR £1 ON ALL MAINLINE SPIRITS plus special promos on the night


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SUNday 29



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4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW, Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am


TUESday 31



4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW £7 5PM - 12AM Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am

TUESday 24


all draught £2 a pint 5pm - 11pm double up on spirits £1

4 PINT PITCHERS OF CARLSBERg & STRONGBOW, Bottles of house wine £7 5pm - 12am

14 Bucks Student, Wednesday 18th May, 2011

PULL OUT SECTION Your Alternative Festivals Guide By Louise Delahunty FOR those with neither the inclination nor the money for Glastonbury, Reading, etc. Music festivals are a booming business these days, with more and more of them springing up every year. Last year the BBC reported that there were over 450 music festivals in the UK alone. And apparently, your choice of festival says a lot about the kind of person you are. So which will you be going to this year? We all know the big ones; Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds, V, T in The Park, Isle of Wight, Bestival, Big Chill, Latitude, Download, Sonisphere, etc. But we’ve compiled an alternative list of festivals for those who don’t want or can’t afford the major-festivals experience. Bear in mind, though, that this is by no means an exhaustive list and instead offers just a taste of what else is out there. If your needs aren’t met here then I’m sure whatever it is you desire is just a ‘Google’ away… MAY: Bushstock: 7th May A one day festival across four venues in London Line-up includes: Fink, Cloud Control, and a Mumford and Sons DJ set. The Great Escape: 12th – 14th May Three days, 30 venues, Brighton. Line-up includes: Friendly Fires, The Vaccines, Frank Turner. Glastonbudget: 27th – 29th May This is Europe’s biggest tribute festival, with over 130 tribute artists playing across six stages. Line-up includes: Bon Jovi UK, Green Date, Hot Red Chilli Peppers. JUNE: Sunrise Celebration: 2nd – 5th June A festival of organic arts and culture offering “four days of Big love and Big ideas…” A diverse musical line-up plays across 12 stages. Rockness: 10th – 12th June Ever growing Scotland-based festival, that first started out in 2006. Line-up includes: Chemical Brothers, Paulo Nutini, Kasabian Glade Festival: 10th – 12th June

The UK’s leading underground electronic musical festival, based in Winchester. Line-up includes: Trentemoller, SLAM, Paul Ritch, Hybrid. Hard Rock Calling: 24th – 26th June A fantastic celebration of rock in London’s Hyde Park. Line-up includes: Bon Jovi, Rod Stewart, Killers. JULY: Relentless NASS: 8th – 10th July Bath’s offering of music and action sports. Sports events include Skateboarding, BMX and FMX. Line-up includes: Tinie Tempah, Nero, Cancer Bats, We Are the Ocean. South London Calling: 9th July A one-day house music festival at Crystal Palace. Line-up includes: Sidney Samson, Sebastian Drums, Juan Kidd. 2000trees Festival: 15th – 16th July This grass-roots festival boasts affordability in Cheltenham. Line-up includes: Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, Frightened Rabbit, We the Undersigned. Nottingham Splendour Festival: 24th July Based in Nottingham’s Wollaton Park, this fest has three music stages and even a comedy stage. Line up includes: Scissor Sisters, Feeder, Blondie, Eliza Doolittle. AUGUST: Music Crowns Festival: 6th – 7th August An unsigned music awards festival in Essex, showcasing unsigned acts on the same stages as their headliners. “Real People, Real Music, Real Talent”. Line-up includes: Skepta, Toploader, Missing Andy. Boomtown Fair: 11th – 15th August. Hosted in a ‘secret location’ in central England, which is only disclosed 10 days before the event, Boomtown presents itself as “possibly the world’s most mental fair”. I’m inclined to agree. I suggest you Google it for more information! Galtres Festival: 26th – 28th August Based in Yorkshire and offers “music, beer, food and fun”. Line-up includes: The Levellers, Chris Helme, British Sea Power. Solfest: 26th – 29th August An award winning family festival (should you wish to take your family along!) based in Cumbria. Line-up includes: The Stranglers, Cast, The Saw Doctors.

Same Difference at SU Milk By Guy Humphrey

LOVE them or hate them, the X-Factor produced bubble-gum pop duo Same Difference sang their hearts out at Milk on Monday 28th March. They covered classics such as ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go’, ‘Never Had a Dream Come True’ and ‘Tragedy’. The set ended with Milk T-shirts thrown into the screaming audience. The siblings Sarah Smith, 22, and Sean

Smith, 25, finished up by performing a track from their album, ‘The Rest Is History’. The Bucks Dance Society were an added bonus as they warmed up the crowd before Same Difference came on, which spectators thoroughly enjoyed. Same Difference’s album ‘The Rest Is History’ is out now on iTunes and other reputable online stores.

Artists I think should get more attention

By Stefan Miller


If, like me, you are a fan of UK garage you may be interested in Submerse, whose music I discovered while exploring YouTube. Submerse is a DJ and producer from Cheshire who creates a distinctive kind of garage. He fuses beats reminiscent of late 90’s hits

from Artful Dodger, MJ Cole and Truesteppers, with current sounds of trance, dubstep and ambient music. The result is an unconventional sound that many call ‘future garage’. Tracks that Submerse has produced include the soulful, chilled out ‘Fall In Love’, the dark, dubstep sounding ‘Stay’, ‘All In Need’ which features samples of R&B singer Brandy, and ‘Tokyopop’, a unique tune which combines Japanese pop music with uptempo garage beats. With current music in the charts being increasingly influenced by dance music, Submerse’s songs should definitely get more airplay on the radio.


The Brixton based singer, real name Mpho Skeef, was born in Cape Town, South Africa before moving to the UK at a young age. She has been in music scene for a while now, previously doing backing vocals for Ms Dynamite and Natasha Bedingfield. She has also appeared on Bugz In The Attic’s ‘Booty La La’, a funky nu-disco track and the Sound Mirrors album from dance music band Coldcut. Mpho’s own music draws influence from indie pop and pop rock of which ‘Box N’ Locks’ is an example. ‘Box N’ Locks’, one of Mpho’s best known songs is an edgy, indie pop song that samples ‘Echo Beach’ from new wave band Martha and the Muffins. The catchy song, released in 2009, should have been a top 10 hit at least, but it received little airplay on Radio 1 and to my amazement never even charted. Her album, the quietly released Pop Art (pictured), which includes ‘Box N’ Locks’ and second single ‘See Me Now’ featuring US rapper Wale, showcases songs of different genres. Other songs on the album included the soulful ‘Morning After’, the feisty R&B ‘Hips Go Pop’, electropop track ‘Paranoid Type’ and the pop rock ‘All Change’. Since the release of her single and album two years ago, Mpho has remained quiet and has disappeared from the realm of media. Where are you? V.V Brown, real name Vanessa Brown, is a singer-songwriter from Northampton. The talented 26 year old has written songs for the Sugababes, co-wrote and provided backing vocals on Pussycat Dolls song ‘I Don’t Need A Man’ and is known for her distinctive flattop fringe hairstyle. V.V Brown was also seventh in the BBC’s Sound of 2009 poll, performed at the 2009 Glastonbury Festival and has toured with numerous artists including Ladyhawke, The Ting Tings, The Script and more recently Maroon 5 and Pink. Her music is influenced by 1950’s doo-wop and soul but also incorporates dance-punk, indie pop and rock and roll. One of V.V Brown’s best

known songs is ‘Shark In The Water’, happy pop song with a belting chorus, was a moderate chart success in UK, US and Europe. However, catchier songs with personality and character such as the fun, rock and roll inspired ‘Crying Blood’ and ‘Game Over’ were not successful and should have deserved much more attention than they did. Her debut album Travelling Like The Light was also overlooked, charting at 30 in 2009, despite receiving positive reviews from critics. Since then, V.V Brown has not released any new material, but has become a familiar face for shoppers nationwide, being a model for Marks and Spencer. However, I’m still waiting for her musical comeback!

Wednesday 18th May, 2011, Bucks Student 15

PULL OUT SECTION The View is back on fire! AFTER their second album Witch Bitch? topped charts just for two weeks, it seems that Scottish band The View is back on form, after releasing their new album Bread and Circuses. There are rumours that their new producer Youth banned the guys from drinking in the studio – well, it definitely helped. Smoothly played rock in the song Grace, followed by the adventurous yet pleasant lyrics of Sunday and Walls, drove me listen to the new album on repeat for a whole week. Brilliantly played songs like Tragic Magic seemed to be recorded just to become a desire for the fans that are coming to the festivals this year. Original

vocals of the main singer, Kyle Falconer, have been so extremely technically improved that fans who remember the first album may not believe it is their infamous idol singing. There are moments when previously ‘drug-partying’ based lyrics turned into rather fragile tales – ‘The girl that I’ve been speaking to all night, has left me for a friend’... any bad experiences, Mr Falconer? Bread and Circuses may be a bit of a shock for their ‘solid-rock’ fans, reminiscing songs perfect for crazy nights out. Pieces like Girl or Blondie seem to fulfil romantic girls’ requirements – it may bring the risk of leaving the male fan-base in awe of rock classic such as Same Jean’s (reached 3rd in UK Charts). On the other hand, before they released this album, I was lucky to be at their gig in London and trust

Album reviews Mixing dubstep beats with soul and silence alongside a multitude of vocal effects and distortions makes for interesting listening. Even if it’s necessarily James Blake easy listening. James Blake Blake’s effects and arrangements give an eerie and unsettling atmosphere to an interesting debut album.

Hugh’da Thunk It? Hugh Laurie branches out into the music business SO there I was, idly procrastinating on Twitter whilst my dissertation gently clawed at my conscience, when a tweet from Guardian Music announced that in less than one minute Hugh Laurie would be live on their website playing blues music in New Orleans. Being a fan of Hugh Laurie and blues music, I diligently clicked the link provided and was transported not only to the video but to a realm of inexplicable delights. Who knew Hugh Laurie was such an incredible musical talent? Not only does he have fabulous music taste, but he has a wonderful voice and plays piano like a demon. His strong, charmingly deep and at times delicately rasping vocals weave like shimmering ribbon through the seductive blues rhythms. Its deep-south spirit is intoxicating. Within half an hour of watching

Top 5 new singles

Doest Kill You... in typical style with lots of fast paced druming, screaming and even a klaxon for good measure, just in case you were asleep beforehand. Suckcess continues the manic vibe set, with headbanging guitar riffs and more screaming for a minute or so for good measure. Even with milder tracks like Humility Is For People Who Can’t Comprehend Their Own Mortality and

Sunny 5 years time optimists Noah & The Whale have returned with a rather Lola inspired track which hits the listener almost immediately. However when the song kicks in what emerges is a pretty, old fashioned lo-fi sing along which waves goodbye to rubbish relationships.

2. Britney Spears Hold it Against Me

Troubled former American sweetheart Britney Spears has followed up the success of her Blackout album with more highly polished electronic, eurotrash styled pop. Hardly Hit Me Baby (One More Time) Spears has instead taken the unique step of collaborating with Sony televisions and her own perfume for this track.

and funk infused rhythm to I mind. However, in spite of some gems of tracks on the album there are too many songs like Why Don’t You Call Me which can’t help but feel a little too cold and uninspired. In spite of his hit and miss debut, it’s a shame Blake has been met with apathy from people like Feist and Portishead’s Geoff Barrow because, in all fairness, Blake’s not that bad. He just needs refinement and to hold off the effects a bit. Sounds Like: Middle class dubstep in a church. Key tracks: Limit to your Love, I Never Learnt to Share, Lindisfarne I & II

We are the world? Burn it down! There is still an abundance of choppy guitars and blistering drums alongside fist pumping chants and singing. However in spite of manic, relentless noise the best track on the album is saved till last with a Slade cover. Renamed “Cum feel the boize”, the album ends on a fun, singalong note. Gay for Johnny Depp have a sound that isn’t

this debut performance through the wonders of the internet, I had, through similar wonders, tweeted about it three times, updated my Facebook status about it, signed up to Laurie’s mailing list, ‘liked’ his page, read every scrap of information on his website, downloaded a free track, and invited a handful of friends (via Facebook) to one of his gigs. Needless to say, I was particularly taken with ‘Hugh Laurie Blues’ and am heartily recommending it to you all. The man, a national treasure and perhaps most famous in the UK for his roles in ‘Blackadder’ and ‘A Bit of Fry & Laurie’, has achieved gargantuan success in the USA in recent years for his role of cantankerous Dr. House in ‘House’. His latest endeavour into the world of New Orleans Blues promises to be every bit as successful and talent-sodden as the career that precedes it. Laurie signed to Warner Records in 2010 and is set to release his debut album in May. It is a collection of 15 classics recorded by Laurie and his band in New Orleans and Los Angeles, with a few special guests including Sir Tom Jones and the ‘Soul Queen of New Orleans’; Irma Thomas. The three-song video

3. Bullet for My Valentine The Last Fight

Welsh metal darlings Bullet For My Valentine have released a track which is rather typical of their sound. Expect lots of shredding and kick pedal, angst ridden lyrics and stadium style rock.

4. Katy Perry ft Kanye WestET

Katy Perry has released another track from Teenage Dream which is for the record not about aliens. Now that’s cleared up, Kanye West is on form in a song that rather sounds like T.A.T.U... with Kanye West.

necessaily everyone’s cup of tea, however for those who like their music loud, this album is certainly something to add to the collection. Sounds like: A loving ode to a certain Mr Depp...of sorts. Key Tracks: “We are the world? Burn it down!”, “Nine Inch Males (Born to Hate)”, “Suckcess”

teaser is available for viewing on Guardian Music’s website, and if it’s anything to go by, this whole album will be fantastic.

5. Does it Offent You, Yeah?The Monkeys Are Coming

Recent visitors Does it Offend You, Yeah? are looking to impress with this bonkers apocalyptic warning. Highly catchy with lots of energy and lots of fun to listen to, this track is rather like Pendulum on acid with extra monkey noises.

Silent Disco Review By Hollie Wicks I HAD never been to a silent disco before so I didn’t know what to expect when I made my way into the SU. Up until then, I was umming and ahhing about whether to go. But, I’m happy to say, I’m glad that my silent disco virginity has been taken away!! It was the most surreal night ever, and I’d recommend going, to any student. So, we had two channels on the headphones, playing the same music as they would play on any Flirt night. You could flick between the two channels however, occasionally, they played two very different songs on each station. So, picture this; there I was dancing to ‘Just the way you are’ by Bruno Mars, and my mates and what seemed like the rest of the SU were listening to Rolling by Limp Bizkit. Such a surreal moment; I was dancing to every line of the

tuesday 31 may Charlie Baker Lloyd langford ian d montford

By Sarah Cambell

1. Noah & The Whale L.I.F.E..G.O.E.S.O.N

By Sarah Campbell

Blake’s starts with Unluck which with its trip hop undertones and warm vocals makes for a solid if a tad uninteresting opening. However things get a little better with tracks like jazz infused The Wilhelm Scream which sounds like Jack Johnson in space and Lindisfarne I & II. Blake’s use of silence comes into its own in both Lindisfarne tracks and is quite ingenious as it promotes an acapella autotuned song (part 1) which then bleeds into an acoustic autotuned track (part 2) which is certainly rather unique. Blake adds a gospel twist to I Never Learnt To Share and piano stabs along with a downbeat

New York band Gay for Johnny Depp have a sound that is as big as their name suggests and then some. A mixture of hardcore, screamo and experimental Gay for Johnny Depp - music, with a raw and What Doesn’t Kill you, homoerotic tones, it has been dubbed by some Eventually Kills you fans as “queercore.” Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and Artistic Integrity sets the tone for What

my words – all of these songs are still proving to be a massive favourite live on stage! It is a wellwritten and solid piece of work all that we were expecting from these talented guys. Scottish fourpiece The View is well known for their messy concerts, where the main singer was not always able to even appear on the stage – Bread & Circuses is a great message to their fans, saying that it is no longer time for jokes, but it is time for real music to be played. A delightful album for the ears and soul. By Mandi C

song where as the rest of the room were shaking there arms to the beat... rolling, rolling, rolling! (Come on everyone knows the dance move!). Have you ever taken your headphones off at a silent disco? WEIRD, is the only way to describe it but, if you want to hear people sing like cats screaming, it’s the place to be. Being drunk, you tend to forget that you’re in a “silent” room; yes some people CAN hear you I’m afraid. Not being aware of your surroundings, of course you sing loudly, and it’s embarrassingly hilarious! Something else comes on the headphones and you’re off again into your own world. Drinking becomes a messy activity, even messier than before. It spills everywhere and , every now and again I was splashed with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Sticky spirits is not the nicest thing to have on your arm! All in all, that was the only downside of the night. The rest of the night was an hilarious experience. When is the next one?!

the venue, high wycombe doors open at 8pm, comedy at 9pm

ON THE BOX Soaps Review

Wednesday 18th May, 2011, Bucks Student 17


Christian proposes to Syed

By MJ //


s this is the final edition of this year’s newspaper, I thought it’d be the perfect time to thank everyone whose read the Soaps column! I’ll be back next year to continue bringing you the latest dramas, scandals and romances from Soap Land! I’d normally give you a heads up on the following two weeks, but seeing as we’re leaving for summer soon, I thought I’d fill you in with what to expect over summer and towards the end of the year. Storylines coming up in the next month include Christian proposal to Syed (and a possible adoption), Masood taking Yusef hostage, Ryan and Lauren get together, Max and Tanya sleep together. Over the summer Mercy, Vanessa and Darren shall bid adieu to the Square. You can expect to see 3 new members of the Moon family joining EastEnders as well. Many storylines are currently under embargo for summer, and sadly it’s far too early for me to fill you all in, but it’s worth tuning in for! In other news, the nominations for the British Soap Awards 2011 have been announced, and a shortlist has been whittled down through the British Public.. By the time you read this, the winners would have been announced, but for now - I’ll leave you all with the shortlists. SEXIEST MALE: Keith Duffy (Ciaran McCarthy, Coronation Street) Chris Fountain (Tommy Duckworth, Coronation Street) Scott Maslen (Jack Branning, EastEnders)

Danny Miller (Aaron Livesy, Emmerdale) SEXIEST FEMALE: Michelle Keegan (Tina McIntyre, Coronation Street) Alison King (Carla Connor, Coronation Street) Rita Simons (Roxy Mitchell, EastEnders) Jennifer Metcalfe (Mercedes McQueen, Hollyoaks) BEST ACTOR: Chris Gascoyne (Peter Barlow, Coronation Street) Shane Richie (Alfie Moon, EastEnders) Danny Miller (Aaron Livesy, Emmerdale) Emmett J Scanlan (Brendan Brady, Hollyoaks) BEST ACTRESS: Katherine Kelly (Becky McDonald, Coronation Street) Jessie Wallace (Kat Moon, EastEnders) Jane Cox (Lisa Dingle, Emmerdale) Claire Cooper (Jacqui McQueen, Hollyoaks) VILLIAN OF THE YEAR: Kate Ford (Tracy Barlow, Coronation Street) Charlie Brooks (Janine Malloy, EastEnders) Don Gilet (Lucas Johnson, EastEnders) Emmett J Scanlan (Brendan Brady, Hollyoaks) BEST BRITISH SOAP: Coronation Street Doctors EastEnders Emmerdale Hollyoaks Make sure you stay tuned in to your favourite soaps, and I’ll be back next year! Take care!

BucksSocieties Bucks Debating Society gets off to an exciting start! The recently established Bucks Business Debating Society had its first debating session on March 24, 2011. The topic was ‘In the opinion of this house, Globalisation is a force for the good’ Speaking in favour of the notion was Mr. Basit Sultan MBA, Student from Pakistan and Mr Collen Nyoni spoke against it. Both the debates were well-received by the audience consisting of teachers and students. The session was presided by Dr John Boylan, Academic Dean, who in his opening remarks talked about the opportunities for learning that a debate like this provided. Indeed, the motion presented by Basit in favour of the motion attracted more votes than the case against but a show of hands before and after the debate showed that many people had moved over to the anti-globalisation side. This showed that people were listening with an open mind and learning from what they heard. There was a long and animated question and answer session and both speakers took questions from the floor. The next debate promises to be just as exciting with the two sides debating whether technology is a positive or negative force for humanity. Watch this space for the date and add your voice to proceedings!

Boston to Los Angeles in one month

Los Angeles, California Hey guys. So it’s the last paper before summer and so I thought I would save the last leg of my journey for now. Thank you if you have been following all along, and sorry if it has bored the hell out of you. What a way to finish the trip off, ending up in L.A. I got a bus from Bakersfield directly to the city of dreams. It seemed to take forever; the guy next to me took up all the room and the music blaring from his headphones was terrible, I could not sleep and didn’t want to shut him up because he looked like a gangster. Finally, after many hours on the bus, I arrived in downtown Los Angeles where I then had to get a subway to Hollywood. I walked up and down Hollywood Boulevard numerous times before eventually finding the hostel, but it was worth the wait. The hostel had a bar and everything …and did not I.D. I certainly made up for a month with no booze in that first night. Got up early the next day. So

By Harrison Boileau - Features Editor

much to do in L.A., could not have done it all in the time I was there; Beverly hills, Warner Bros, Hollywood sign, Staples centre, Iron man 2 Premier and Hotel California are just a few to mention. If anyone gets a chance to visit ‘in-and-out’ burger is a must! Met many characters in L.A. however I will not be staying with Anthony the Asian guy anytime soon, I sure he was just being nice but a little forward I thought. L.A. is full of celebs; left the hostel one afternoon for a McDonalds and looked over at a crowd of people only to see Samuel l. Jackson, Mickey Rourke, Sylvester Stallone, Rodney Downey Jr, and

Scarlett Johansson at the Iron man 2 premier. I look forward to walking along the same carpet one day. L.A. did not have the realism of many other places that I visited and people can come across as false but I still found it to be an amazing place with still that real American feel. Well that’s all for this journey folks. I will start my new journey next year ‘from Kabul to Baghdad in seventy- two hours’. Thanks for reading.

Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

Summary of Debate “Globalisation is force for the good” By Basit Sultan

Summary of Debate Against Globalisation By Collen Nyoni

On March 24, 2011, I spoke in favour of the topic “Globalisation is force for the good” in a debate organised by the Bucks Business Debating Society. The arguments I presented were that globalisation is about coming closer in this world so that goods, capital and human resources are able to move from one country to another, as freely as possible. Because of the communications revolution starting at the beginning of this century, the world has literally shrunk to be a “global village”. Mankind must benefit from this closeness and make the best use of it. Globalisation in itself is nothing but a concept and can do us good or harm, as we look at it. Those countries that have entertained and practiced this concept would certainly confirm that the virtues experienced by them for exceeded the weakness associated with globalisation.

In my view it is one such topical issue that needs to be carefully studied. It is so slippery that it could send wrong messages to the majority of the Global village hence it is mainly dominated by bigger nations in the name of civilisation and economic survival yet they happen to dominate and exploit resources of the poor and under developed nations. It can also be viewed as a perfect way of recolonising of nations with the only differences that there is no occupation of these nations by coloniser but people happen to move the opposite way. Many people from developing countries have since filled the streets of London and New York as a result of globalisation. Child labour has now been legalised in the name of outsourcing by multi-national organisations, with such cheap labour in countries like Pakistan and India is rampant as a result of outscourcing and globalisation.

18 Bucks Student, Wednesday 18th May, 2011



e’ve all seen it by now: Charlie Sheen is here and he’s got something mad to say. In the past month or so, Sheen has proven himself to be madder than that old woman down the street, arguing with the ducks; he is simultaneously hilarious, frightening and quite possibly more delusional than Colonel Gaddafi. But what if, perhaps, by some ludicrous miracle, Charlie Sheen wasn’t completely deluded? What if all that seemingly mad nonsense that has erupted from his seemingly mad mouth in the past month was completely sane? Could Charlie Sheen be the second coming of Christ? So there’s another religious holiday coming up and there’s no carolling, no decorations and no films about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s attempts to find a sold out action figure for his son, in order to redeem himself as a father (I believe Jingle All The Way is still the only one). That’s right folks, it’s Easter. This time around, we get to celebrate Jesus by hunting for chocolate eggs. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which of course brings to mind the prediction that he will return once again, to judge us all. According to the Nicene Creed (and the internet), ‘He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom


will have no end.’ Whether you believe in the second coming or not is pretty much irrelevant - Charlie Sheen has arrived in all his mad glory and he’s sure as hell going to judge us. Before he became more quoted than Oscar Wilde, Marlon Brando and Family Guy combined, Charlie Sheen was just ‘that bloke from the stupid show with the fat kid’. He’s the son of Martin Sheen, was good in Platoon and apparently had an interesting history with drugs, but we didn’t really know much else about him. But now? Now he’s getting more attention than a screaming child at a funeral. Loud, incessant and voicing the unspoken opinions of others around them; Sheen and the squealing infant have a lot in common. By now, most people should know that Jesus was never truly respected in his time. ‘Who is this man hanging out with the lepers and what is this mumbo jumbo he’s talking about?’ Replace lepers with trolls and you’ve got Charlie Sheen right there. His outlandish statements are utterly implausible, he claims that he has magic and poetry in his fingertips, who could possibly take him seriously? Perhaps we should be fearing this eloquent and expressive wizard of words. Is he simply an overnight Twitter sensation with inane babble about tiger blood, or is he the new Messiah? If this is the second coming, Charlie Sheen, the total bitchin’ rock star from Mars is going to bring some fearsome judgement upon us all. By Joss Hill-Finegan

Lifestyles WHAT GUYS GO FOR I know I’m not alone in the world in thinking that guys are... well guys are a mystery. After countless books, and movies our questions are still never completely answered, so I chose to boldly go where no girl has ever gone before. After careful consideration I chose my guy guru, and he will hopefully give us at least a little bit of knowledge on the male brain. As I sit in Starbucks waiting for his arrival I look at my watch and in typical guy fashion he’s late, lets hope he doesn’t live up to every stereotype. A few minutes later he arrives a tall blue eyed slightly flushed second year carrying a huge Bucks gym bag, this interview might not be as bad as I thought. What’s the one thing that confuses you most about girls? Girls are confusing in general; guys will never completely understand them. But that’s all part of the fun. What’s the first thing you notice in a girl? Be honest! Smile, nice body and someone who get’s my sense of humour. If you had to choose, would you choose looks over personality? Relationship wise then personality is important, I want to be able to talk to her and have fun. But looks do help. Do you believe in guys doing all the work to get the girl, or do you like a girl who makes the first move? I suppose it doesn’t really matter who makes the first move, as long as we both know each other is interested. Guys shouldn’t do all of the work, but I think it’s important for us to make a lot of effort.

Role Play Article

YOU read it right; this article is going to be giving you readers tips on the fetish that is taking young adults by storm. After watching programs like ‘Sexcetera’ and the fascinating adventures of Belle Du Jour in ‘Secret Diary of a Call Girl’ I decided to do a little research and try out this kinky pastime for myself to see what all the hype is about. Some of you may think that roleplay in the bedroom is just for desperate couples trying to spice up their sex-lives after several months of “blue balls” but you couldn’t be more wrong. Role-play can be enjoyed by couples (or groups if you’re in to that) of all ages; all you need is trust in your partner and a kink to your creative streak. What is Role Play? Basically it’s an opportunity for people to embrace any kind of fantasy they may have in a safe environment. Ever imagined yourself being kidnapped and ravished by a dark, brooding pirate? Or seen yourself as a Greek god, being adored and waited on by a gorgeous goddess? Its okay, you don’t have to say it out loud, everyone’s had a fantasy at some point. Role-play is a fantastic chance to make these fantasies a reality for a while. Adopt a costume and a new persona and presto! You’re whoever you want to be. What’s the Point? Actually there are more benefits to role-play than you might think. The obvious one is that it may spice up your sex life, it keeps it from getting boring and repetitive. Another less obvious point is that it strengthens the bond between you and your partner. Being able to share your intimate fantasies

with someone isn’t always easy, so showing your trust for one another in this potentially embarrassing situation is a good way to cement your connection. If nothing else it’s something new to try and might end up being a really good laugh. So as I said, after doing some research I gave role-play a try for myself and made some interesting discoveries. I first had to decide what storyline to go for, so my partner and I discussed it and agreed on the classic ‘school girl’ theme. It’s pretty straightforward and the costume was cheap and easy to put together. One very important thing to clarify before you start role-playing is rules and boundaries. Some fantasies may be more aggressive than others and it’s important that both people involved know where to draw the line. I recommend using a safety word, something random like “egg salad!” so you can tease and taunt each other into a sexual frenzy, without worrying if you’re actually hurting each other or if your partner wants to stop. So, with my hair in pigtails and my shirt straining against my chest I sat at my desk feeling sexy, if a little daft. When my ‘detention’ started I admit I was struck with a giggling fit, but a quick slap on the wrists with a ruler from the ‘head-boy’ soon took care of that. My punishment for passing notes in class was a series of spanking followed by a number of more interesting demands… Reflecting back on the evening I realized I had never been in a sexual situation wherein I was a submissive party, it had always been mutual. I was surprised to realize I had enjoyed letting my partner take control and he said that it had been

a real thrill for him too.

Tips So now you’ve heard it from someone who’s tried it. If you decide you want to try it out for yourself, here’s some important points to remember: 1. Make sure you trust your partner completely. 2. Discuss themes and boundaries in depth before you start. 3. Remember, costumes don’t have to be complicated or expensive. 4. Don’t be afraid to try something adventurous. 5. Relax, its all about having fun! For more information you can find lots of articles on the web or check out Ann Summers for books and costume ideas.

So it doesnt matter how long it takes? Depends, if it takes too long and not a lot happens then a guy could lose interest. I wouldn’t want to waste my time on someone who isn’t interested. Do you thing it’s important for a girl you like to have a good relationship with your friends? Yeah, if she likes me then she will like my friends because they’re all good people. Why do you think it’s so hard for some girls to find the right guy at Bucks? I Don’t really know, some people just need to get out there a bit more, be friendly and then they will find someone they like. Then if they like someone then let them know about it, you never know they might feel the same way. Just don’t be to eager. Have you found the right girl? No I haven’t...not yet anyway. But I know she’s out there, maybe if she reads this she just might come and find me. There you have it ladies according to Mr Tall Blonde and handsome, we shouldn’t be afraid to let the object our attention know just how we feel about him (just don’t go all crazy and start planning the names of your first born), and I know it’s easier said then done but to be honest he’s right. Half the time we spend worrying about what to say, what to wear etc. We should just take a breath and just be us - THE REAL US. P.S Mr Tall Blonde and handsome is still on the lookout-just incase you wondered. By Donnique

Wednesday 18th May, 2011, Bucks Student 19

Confessions of a Fresher A brief analogy: Oh man; this whole ‘Uni’ thing is like a series of doors just opening and closing all the time – such is life. Q: Do you know what is really enthralling? A: How exposed I am to being reconfigured; both in a social sense and a personal sense. The reason you’ll always read ‘I’m just riding the wave, man’ and sentences alike in this column is because much like the one above – it is a great analogy for University. Tides go in and out - washing all sorts of new things on your shore. Sometimes a wave will hit you hard; maybe you’ll splutter from a gulp of salty water (easy now), perhaps the water is tranquil and soothing. However you respond to being wet; it is university that delivers the liquids and makes you this way. Whatever way you read the previous paragraph – I bet you university has influenced it. Minds and attitudes are changed when they are exposed for a long time in a specific environment. If you are an avid reader then you’ll (probably) be glad to know that nothing has changed for me in the world of women. Perhaps this lack of female attention influenced the last paragraph, who knows? I’m still very much alone on this lily pad of mine, the thing is – I don’t care anymore. I’ve been exposed to this independence and single state for a while; I’m beginning to enjoy it.

They’re a huge number of variables that influence you when you’re here. For me, it has always been the people I’ve met and had fun with. Most of these articles in fact are based on meeting people – my first one was. The Academic year is coming to a close and ‘nostalgia’ seems to be a prominent theme so let me tell you about a few people I’ve met: Student 1: Male – I met this guy (whilst drunk) at The Glass House. He brought Jagerbomb, we did the ritual race, and then got talking. He was from a different country and is now in the latter years of his study here at Bucks New University. I remember him telling me that he was deeply in love with his girlfriend however she is living in his home country. I began to understand the context of our meeting inside an establishment that sold beverages that will send you surfing. He was a masculine looking guy with a goatee and dark hair but he was genuinely upset. There wasn’t a lot I could do for him while we stood there at the bar of The Glass House. I could’ve given him some comforting words, but he wouldn’t have wanted to hear them from a weasel like me. What actually ended up happening was that he gave me some advice: “Don’t waste these years.” I won’t forget hearing a sloshed bloke with a goatee delivering that. Student 2: Female – There are faces

when you arrive at university that you don’t stop seeing around – it’s strange. This girl is also from a different country. She has awesome style and carries it off really well. I saw her the other day waiting for a friend outside a shop in High Wycombe; it was really late and she was staring into a toyshop window. I walked up to her and asked why she was staring into the window – she explained that she was bored and waiting. Her method of escapism was incredibly obvious; I could tell something was wrong so I asked. She explained that recently she has been giving people advice but they turn and blame her for their problems. This wasn’t cool; she looked close to tears. I didn’t mean to extract bad feelings but that’s what I was given from our chat. I tried to deliver a worn cliché to cheer her up ‘”life is too short to worry about these things…” It didn’t really work, I might as well of vomited on her or taken a small poo and forced it into her ear. I still see her around – I wave and acknowledge her existence; this at least shows there is one person who hasn’t got a problem with her. I’m reconfigured in a personal sense because of the people I’ve met. The importance of ‘people’ didn’t hit home until now; keep your friends close and rubbish phrases closer. I’ve had friends come and go but it’s the ones that have stayed that mean the most; it’s the ones that want to talk to me and spend time with me that that really matter…

The Secret Life of Elle McBride SO, the time has come, when we are now finishing up assignments, about to do exams and the third years have completed yet another long stint in higher education. To all those third years whom I’ve met and those whom I haven’t; Good bye, good luck, hope your life doesn’t suck. For several weeks now I’ve tried to grasp the fact that I’ve almost completed my first year in university. Bearing in mind that, most of the things that I wanted to do I haven’t actually done. Mainly, because I’ve found better things to do. But the way we see things, is not always as they actually are. For example; that guy we like. From a far he seems pretty awesome; good looking, tall, athletic etc etc... But, when we actually get the chance to talk to him, he’s…well... not the brightest torch in the box. Where does that leave us?

Disappointed. I like to stay as far as I can away from the D word, in another galaxy if possible. But, there is always that odd chance when disappointment gets me, and what else can I do but embrace it; “hey disappointment, wanna go to Starbucks?” There is still time however, to complete one unsolved mystery. I aim to do this by the end of term and be SUCCESSFUL. I’ll keep it short and sweet this time; our lives are OURS for a reason. Take these few weeks as an opportunity to change the course of your history, be brave and who cares if things don’t turn out the way you planned them. At least you’ve done something about it. Be Bold, Be Brave. Don’t let your chances be swayed. Until September. EB x


was just on my way back to halls to get started on an assignment when my phone went off. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was one of my friends from the surface design course.

In the end, she couldn’t decide between two rolls of paper. She was standing there weighing one against the other, and then she saw the price. I was so embarrassed.

‘Hello,’ I said, putting the phone to my ear. ‘Hi, are you around today?’ she asked.

At the top of her lungs, she shouted, ‘Ten ponds! Ten pounds for a tiny roll of wallpaper, you’ve got to be joking! I wouldn’t mind but it’s not even good quality.’

She sounded stressed, as usual. Honestly, I don’t know how that girl finds the time to do everything she does. Not only is she studying for a degree, but she also has about one hundred part-time jobs, and that’s only a slight exaggeration. During the week she works evening shifts at Tesco, on a Friday night she slaves over a hot stove in some kebab van somewhere, and she also manages to find the time to work in a card shop and do some designs on the side for a fledgling fashion company, and they’re only the ones I know about. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s the reason that no other student within a ten mile radius of Wycombe can find a job. ‘Yeah, I’m around,’ I replied. ‘Good,’ she said. ‘What’s up?’ She took a deep, calming breath that I could hear even down the phone. ‘Don’t get me started. I’ve got so much work to do on this project, and it’s all in for next week! I need to do this wall hanging. I was thinking I could hang my work against a piece of wallpaper.’ ‘Why would you need to do that?’ She sighed. ‘Oh, it’ll take too long to explain. The point is, I need some wallpaper or else this project won’t get finished in time, and I’ve got to work tonight! I need you to come and help me look.’ ‘Okay, how much do you need?’ ‘A roll should do it.’ ‘Okay, I’ll meet you by The Red Shed.’ ‘See you in a bit.’ We ended up going to Wilkos. When we finally found the isle of wallpaper, it took us another half an hour to find a design that would suit the “colour scheme” of my friend’s work. See, this is why I don’t study an art course. I don’t see how they ever get anything done, because their work has to be so specific, to the point of ridiculousness. Anyway, by the time she’d picked out a roll of every design that could possibly go with her work, I was wobbling down isle three, or whichever one it was, precariously balancing ten rolls of wallpaper in my arms while my friend sweated profusely over which one to choose. Gradually, my amazing balancing act came to an end as she whittled the pile down to about three rolls, murmuring things like, ‘that one’s too pale, too soft, too much shine, not enough shine, is this the right one, do you think?’

I could see the staff milling round the shop throwing us affronted glances, and their scowls deepened as my friend’s rant got louder and louder. I tapped her on the shoulder and she spun round to face me. I’m surprised she didn’t give herself whiplash. I could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. ‘What?’ she screeched. ‘Why don’t you just take some tester pieces?’ I said, indicating the unwrapped rolls of wallpaper. For a second she looked confused, and then a little sheepish. ‘I didn’t think of that,’ she said quietly. She replaced the items in question and took up the tester rolls. ‘I’m going to need a fair bit. How much of this do you think we can take before we have to pay for it?’ ‘I don’t know,’ I replied honestly. She had me hold the roll whilst she measured out how much she would need by walking backwards. She ended up walking about half way down the isle and we took about half of each tester roll. ‘We should put one piece inside the other,’ she said. ‘That way, it doesn’t look like we’ve taken so much.’ I though the piece was a bit of a stretch. It looked like we were taking a whole roll of wallpaper by the time we were ready to leave. As we neared the exit, I felt a bead of nervous sweat run along my spine and all I could think was, any second now, they’re going to stop us. We were closer to the exit now, and I could see members of staff looking at us, practically daring us to leave the shop with that much wallpaper. In truth, I knew we weren’t doing anything wrong, and that they could stop us from taking the test pieces, but even so, I still felt anxious until we had actually left the shop. We got back to the Red Shed, and my friend was so happy that she was one step closer to finishing her coursework. She hung both pieces on the wall beside her desk in the studio, and held her work up against each. She said, ‘No these don’t look right, I’ll just have to use paper instead. Artists! By Shane Millar

Hughenden Halls - Unforgettable! I’m a Fresher who lives in Hughenden Halls. Sadly, I’m leaving in less than a month. What’s it been like, living in halls? In a word: Unforgettable! Every single moment has been worth it. Whether it’s throwing flat parties, getting ready to hit the SU on a Wednesday night or slumming it in my Pjs with my flatmates - I’ve loved it. There’s certain advantages to living in halls, such as everyone being in the same boat in September. Moving out was a pretty scary thing, let alone a day earlier, but it was even better that

everyone felt the exact same. We were all groping our way through the dark, attempting to move in. We’ve settled in, made ourselves comfortable, actually think of our flat as “home” and it’s time to move on. Talking about moving on - What. A. Hassle. Deciding who to live in, trying to organise appointments to everyone’s schedules, agreeing on a house, choosing bedrooms, sorting out deposits, trying to figure out exactly how to pay over summer…. It’s rather complicated! It’s hard being away from home but it’s certainly forced us to make

a transition from teenagers to young adults. Being able to take care of ourselves, looking after our own finances, and ultimately making decisions for ourselves. I’ll be rather sad to close the door here at halls, but as the saying goes, “Your 1st year at university is supposed to be the best year of your life” and I can certainly vouch for that. I look forward to the challenges that await, but honestly, it’s been a brilliant and unforgettable year at halls - and it’s an experience I’ll never forget! By MJ

20 Bucks Student, Wednesday 18th May, 2011

Marmite Pasta!

As the old saying goes you’ll either love it or you’ll hate it!

By Shane Millar

Yes, it’s Marmite pasta, and as the old saying goes you’ll either love it or you hate it, but even so I suggest you try it. Enjoy!

What’s on the menu?


Ingredients Pasta - any variety Table spoon of Marmite

Something sweet

By Shane Millar

For those of you who have a sweet tooth, then Ingredients this recipe for Carrot cake is definitely for you. The Cake 8oz self raising flour 1 ½ tsp baking powder 6oz Demerara sugar 4 eggs ¼ mug of Olive Oil 2 tsp cinnamon 2 large carrots, finely grated Butter Icing (filling) 4 oz butter 8oz icing sugar Vanilla essence (optional)

Movie Reviews


Hanna (12A) Released 6/5/11 Running time: 1hr 51mins


nterest grew for Hanna after the news that director Joe Wright (Atonement) was involved, the script written by Seth Lockhad and David Farr and that The Chemical Brothers were set to record a soundtrack for the first time in their career. After some slow burners the British film-maker Wright has done in the past, he has finally stepped up to direct something fast-paced and fun. In the snow covered wilderness of Finland lives ex-spy Erik (Eric Banna) and his young daughter Hanna (Saoirse Ronan). At the beginning of the movie we see the super-kid Hanna take down wild dear, bringing back memories of the recently popular young girls kicking ass crossed with a Luc Besson movie. This sets the tone as the story develops into a chase movie. The reason for their hidden location is made clear to Hanna upon Erik asking if she is “ready”. For reasons unknown to us at first, Hanna is being haunted by some government headed by Marissa (Cate Blanchett) who is looking to capture and dispose of her. As the race begins we see

By Shane Millar

NOODLE NATION has to be one of my favourite places to eat. The food is great and the service is quick. As if the wasn’t enough, the food is reasonably priced. It is definitely the place to go if you are a fan of Chinese cuisine. We were seated at our table pretty much as soon as we walked through the door, and we were left to look at the menu at our own leisure. The waitress took our drinks order, and then came back a little later to ask what we would like to eat. I felt that we were given just the right amount of time to decide on our order. I didn’t feel rushed to make a quick decision, but also, I wasn’t left with the impression that we had sat around for ages waiting for our order to be taken. I ordered chicken yo min, duck spring rolls and a coke. Our food was served quickly and I noted that the portion size was fair, well, a lot more than fair if I’m being honest. It was definitely good value for money. The three duck spring rolls were huge, and they were served with hoi sin sauce, which had a nice tang to it. The spring rolls were a little greasy, but that was really the only thing I could find fault with. The chicken yo min was great, and the best thing about it is that it tastes exactly the same every time you order it. Served with Chinese vegetables, I think that this dish, though seemingly plain, is flavourful and tasty. The atmosphere in Noodle Nation is one of relaxed busy-ness. You are able to have a quiet conversation in a room full of people, and you are also totally confident that every employee knows what he or she is doing. My meal came to £11.02. However, using my 20% student discount, I only had to pay £8.82, a good saving if I do say so myself. Oh, and before I forget you also get a fortune cookie after your meal. I’ll just open mine now…and how about that. It says, go to Noodle Nation!

Restaurant: Noodle Nation Location: Just past the tunnel Special offers: 20% discount

- Cook pasta in boiling water for 12 minutes - Drain pasta in a sieve and rinse with a kettle of boiling water - Leave pasta to drain for a further minute - Place pasta in a dish - Stir in half a table spoon full of Marmite

Home made cakes always taste better the day after they are made.


Method - Pre-heat oven 180 C or gas mark 3 - Sieve flour into bowl - Add baking powder, sugar, cinnamon and carrot and lightly stir - Add eggs and oil and mix together - Grease 2 8inch round cake tins (optional, can line tins with greaseproof paper to tins as well) - Cook on middle shelf of oven for 20 - 25 minutes. For the Icing - Sieve icing sugar into a bowl - Mix in butter with a fork and add vanilla essence if applicable - Use ¾ of cream as a filling to sandwich cakes together - Use the remaining ¼ as a topping

Hanna traverse different continents in a classic secret agent style which has been simplified for younger audiences. Despite Hanna appearing to be another James Bond for kids, it is more a cross between the Bourne trilogy and Besson’s Nakita. The film does overall feel like a simple, non-Parisian Besson film on the whole, which is one of its likable qualities. Whilst the quick cuts do thrill on the most part, Cate Blanchett does another great performance as the OCD government boss who has more character then a lot of super spy badies we see nowadays, and even though Eric Banna disappears for some part of the movie his role is interesting enough to keep audiences entertained. Also, surprisingly for an action adventure, director Joe Wright does include a lot of poetic shots which work well. The director’s previous movies, Atonement, Pride & Prejudice and The Soloist have all been, at the very least, visually impressive and Hanna is no exception. The movies biggest flaw is that it could have been dramatically shortened and would have had a better effect over the film. The part I am referring to happens to be that of the travelling British family who cling on to the action in the movie like a bad smell. Now at first it is easy to see that their obnoxious daughter Sophie (Jessica Barden) is suppose to be the contrast to Hanna as we see a normal girl compared to this outrageous killing machine that Hanna is. However, in the end they just entertain

the hordes of young audiences. Overall Hanna is an enjoyable movie. Despite some setbacks with the family, the movie is both visually entertaining as well as adding a touch of Bourne to keep the action fresh. But don’t get me wrong, there is very little in it that is original, but with the Chemical Brother’s fast beats the movie transcends more than most spy action thrillers. By Ollie Hunt

‘Limitless’ Disappointment Limitless (15) Released 23/3/11 Running time: 1hr 45mins


fter I saw the trailer of the Limitless movie a couple of weeks ago, the idea that a pill that allows you to use 100% of your brain made me run excitedly to the cinema, expecting a mind-blowing film like Inception. Well... this movie certainly blew my mind, but not in the way I expected. I can’t believe that such a great idea was wasted in a highly mediocre movie. A New York author, Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is facing a moment in his career that most writers are familiar with – ‘the block’. Desperate to clamber over this block and finish his book, he takes a ‘smart pill’ called NZT, offered by an old friend, surprisingly met on the street after being dumped by his girlfriend (Abbie Cornish). Morra takes the pill then...BOOM. The pill has opened intelligence gates in his brain that were

not accessible before. After such a promising beginning, we are pleased to watch Morra’s success in every job he takes. He operates knowledge that is not accessible for a normal, sober brain. He gets involved to mastermind a massive international transaction, run by Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro). Understandably, Morra is becoming deadly addicted to the drug. Unluckily for him, and ruinously for the movie, Eddie begins to be followed by gangsters wanting to possess the miraculous NZT. Here is where the plot starts failing, by turning into the never-ending story of a bunch of cats, desperately and brutally trying to catch the mouse. Instead of them focusing on brilliantly filmed scenes showing us the wonders of the drug, the director Neil Burger chooses to turn it into a very ordinary

action movie. At the end of the day, it is always a director’s choice what story they want to tell. In Limitless’ case, we can just please our eyes with the deft acting of Robert De Niro, and our minds by imagining what a good movie it could be. Obviously, by using the idea of NZT in a different way. This movie doesn’t have to be watched with all the blessings that big cinema screen gives like Inception. To avoid the feeling of disappointment after spending money on a cinema ticket, this movie is deemed perfect for a random Sunday night in. All in all, talking about this wasted, mind-blowing idea, one of them pills would cause miracles while working on our assignments. Yes, please! By Mandi C





8 9 10





15 17

16 18

19 20

1. Standard; benchmark (7) 5. Extinct flightless bird (3) 8. Apply tension; lengthen (7) 9. No longer fresher (5) 10. Pigpen (3) 11. Sphere (3) 12. A substance converted into a vitamin in tissue (11) 16. Rowing implement (3) 17. Above the upper ... (1,1,1) 18. Farewell (5) 20. First (7) 21. Score in rugby (3) 22. Usually accompanied by lightning (7)


2. A break on an automobile trip (3,4) 3. Long arduous journey on foot (4) 4. Flasher (13) 5. Centre of the warm season (9) 6. Charge in court (7) 7. Harass or assualt sexually (6) 11. Clearly; evidently (9) 13. British car manufacturer (7) 14. To satisfy (7) 15. Legendary sea-monster; giant squid (6) 19. Shock;daze (4)

12 11








4 7

5 6

Edition 18 Answers: Across:1. Accent; 5. Dearth; 8. Path; 9. Easement; 10. Specimen; 11. Oboe; 12. Instep; 14. Eskimo; 16. Tofu; 20. Hardatit; 21. Only; 22. Nitric; 23. Duende. Down: 2. Crampon; 3. Ethic; 4. Thermoplastic; 5. Disinterested; 6. Armlock; 7. Tango; 13. Thunder; 15. Muscled; 17. Okapi; 19. Noose.







1. Fooled 2. Go up 3. Thin cord 4. Stretch out 5. Add 6. Folded 7. Stuck with the foot 8. Congenital 9. Biblical hunter 10. Base 11. Exotic bloom 12. Water nymph

Who, what where and when?

WHO...beat Arsenal to win the 1995 European Cup Winners’ Cup? WHAT... musical term, from the Italian for ‘robbed’, refers to loose treatment of tempo? WHERE... were the 2002 Commonwealth Games held? WHEN... did King John sign the Magna Carta? Answers: WHO: Real Zaragoza; WHAT: Rubato; WHERE: Manchester; WHEN: 1251.


Try lots more competitions online by visiting the SU website:


Puzzle Corner

Wednesday 18th May, 2011, Bucks Student 21 The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter D in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of a US military figure...

Sudoku More sudoku competitions online at

Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating

Difficulty: Adavanced

Difficulty: Easy

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.



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22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 18th May, 2011


House hunting checklist Some of you who are continuing in 20011 to 2012 will be thinking about where you are going to live next year. In the last paper we gave you part of the NUS house-hunting checklist, now here we have the full list. Take the checklist with you when viewing properties to help you decide if the house or flat is right for you and more importantly, safe and healthy.







Is the property in an area convenient for your studies and social life? Is the property within a suitable distance to local public transport and local amenities? Would you feel sufficiently safe walking around the area during the day or in the evening?












Does the exterior of the property appear well maintained? This would include no broken guttering, no damage to the roof e.g. missing roof tiles, no cracked windows panes and solid front and back doors Are all boundary walls are in good condition e.g. no missing sections or crumbling bricks? Are there sufficient bins for the property, including recycling?














Is there sufficient communal living space? Do bedroom sizes meet the household’s expectations? Does the interior of the property appear well maintained? This includes no signs of damp, hot water and heating work, décor and furniture in good condition, no outstanding issues of disrepair and all the appliances and lights work (speak to the current tenants) Are there enough facilities (e.g. kitchen appliances and cupboard space, bathrooms) for the number of tenants? Is there sufficient heating (radiators etc) throughout the property? (Ask to turn this on when you arrive)







Does the landlord possess a current gas safety certificate that has been provided by a Safe Gas registered engineer within the past 12 months? You can check this on Does the property have working smoke alarms? Are plug sockets free from cracks and other damage?

Are all windows are lockable? Are there suitably strong locks on front and back doors, in line with regulations?





















IF THERE IS A GARDEN Is the garden is well maintained and clear of any rubbish? Is the landlord/agent is clear about who is responsible for the maintenance of the garden?

Tom Grevatt

Bucks Men’s football 2nds Interviewed by Gary Anderson



Are there sufficient plug sockets in each room in the property?

Is the landlord or letting agency is part of an accreditation scheme, which is run or approved of by your students’ union or local council? Do you have the landlord’s full contact name and address? Do you know you are renting from the landlord and not subletting from another tenant? (If not, advice before signing) Have you seen a copy of the HMO license (if property is five or people or more)? Have you seen at least three other properties with other landlords and compared rent levels with other properties? Has the landlord provided details of which deposit scheme they will use to protect your money?

CONTRACT Have you taken the contract to your students’ union or local advice centre for checking? We strongly recommend you do so if not. Do you know how much the weekly rent is? And when rent payments are due? Are you on a joint or individual contract? JOINT / IND Do you know if things are included within the rent? E.g. bills, broadband etc? Have you got all plans for refurbishments / promised changes / dates of completion confirmed in writing?

Position: Centre back Course: Sports Management & Coaching Studies (3rd year) All-Time Favourite Player: Roger Johnson (ex Wycombe Wanderers) Interesting Fact: I once ran in a race against Mark Lewis Francis (British 100m runner) Why did you come to Bucks? I came because they have good links with other sports companies. What is the best thing about Bucks? That ‘Tour’ is run in April. It’s in Salou this year. What is the worst thing about Bucks? The lack of good night-life in High Wycombe. Oh, and the bouncers at the SU! What is the best thing about the football society? The socials are good and playing football twice a week. Also, getting the opportunity to play at Adams Park. What is the worst thing about the football society? That I have to play alongside Ian Nickels on a Saturday! Would you recommend joining a society here at Bucks? Yes I would, for the involvement and the social side. There is a standard for everyone so... anybody can join. What has been your best moment so far at Bucks? It was definitely playing at Adams Park last year in the Bucks Shield final, even though we lost the game. Who is the best player on the team? Mike Humphreys. Who is the worst player on the team? It has to be Alfie Buckley. He does not know what right midfield means!! Who is the longest in the shower? Definitely me, hands down!!













Are they happy with the state of the property? Do they consider the landlord to be professional and get repairs done quickly? Does the heating work sufficiently? Is there a working burglar alarm, and is it easy to operate? Do they like living in the property? Why are they leaving? Any outstanding issues?


Tour de

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Need more help and Advice?

If you need any more advice about renting or you need any help and advice about anything else then we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Advice Centre

High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605180

Supported by Charity Registration No. 265498

Continued from back page

Position: No: 7 Course: Police Studies (3rd year) All-time Favourite Player: Keith Wood Why did you to come Bucks? I came mainly for the course. There are not many other places that run a course like this. It’s a bit unique in that way. What’s the best thing about being here at Bucks? It’s size. Everyone knows everyone. What is the worst thing about Bucks? There is a lack of things to do in the Wycombe area. What is the best thing about being involved in the rugby society? The social side is really good. You make friends for life. Any negatives? Excessive drinking! What has been your own highlight since you have been at Bucks? Well, I broke my leg at Christmas last year but, I made it back for the cup final and played at Adams Park. Who is the best player on the team? I’d have to say Matt Gilbert. Who is the worst? Truffles!! Who is the longest in the shower? Sam Churchyard. He loves washing his long hair!!

Profile By Harry Boileau I joined a few societies during the fresher’s fair at the start of the year; I only stuck with one … Snowsoc. What a year it has been; I’ve improved on my skiing dramatically with trips to the snow centre at Hemel Hempstead, I have enjoyed many socials with great people and tour this year was great, with a Trip to Tignes, non-stop partying and Skiing for a week …what could be better? I really feel apart of a team with Snowsoc, so much so that if anyone were to ask me to describe my first year at university I would literally say the words ‘bucks-snow-soc’. I urge anyone to at least think about joining next year, it doesn’t matter what level you’re at, and there are lessons to fit all in both skiing and snowboarding.

The committee this year have really made me feel apart of a family with a chilled approach that some other societies do not offer. I look forward to seeing this society grow ever bigger and stronger, gaining the recognition it deserves. I know the fresher’s next year will enjoy this time as much as I have, and don’t worry if Sean Pearce calls you a certain ‘C-word’ …it means he likes you! I cannot wait for the second year to begin so we can start the banter all over again in probably what is this university’s greatest and fastest growing club. Any questions email - bucksnowsoc@ or find us on Facebook search for ‘bucksnowsoc’ Peace.

wadiehs corner Vice President Student Involvement //

Bucks Men’s Football 2nds & Bucks Buccaneers American Football

Position: Midfield (football) plays everywhere (American football). Course: Sports Science and Coaching (1st year) All-Time Favourite Player: Zinedine Zidane (football), Michael Vick (American football) Interesting Fact: Dom plays American football professionally across Europe. He has played in Helsinki, Valencia, Seinajoki, Austria and Norway. Why did you come to Bucks? I got back from playing in Helsinki and needed to get a degree so I applied here and they told me to come down. What is the best thing about Bucks? Probably the fact that we get a bursary. What is the worst thing about Bucks? Living in Wycombe where there is nothing to do. Which society has the best socials? Football or American Football? Either way I’m going to get stitched up! Some of the football one’s are decent but then again some of the American football one’s are decent too! What has been your own personal highlight so far at Bucks? Well, with the American football, I was part of a successful team this season. Our record of 6 wins and 2 defeats was the best in Bucks history. Are there any negative points about playing sport at Bucks? All the time it takes up I suppose and being constantly expected to do stuff. With the American football, we have to meet up at 9 o’clock in the morning and our game doesn’t start till 1! Who’s the best player on the team? Football: Luke Nixon-O’Neill. American football: Durwane Watson Who is the worst? Football: George Cocks, for his serious lack of pace! American Football: Ollie Peacock, it’s his fault that I got flipped on my head during a game! Who is the longest in the shower? Rob Bishop or Shaun Loomer. They only come to football for the showers!!

End of a journey As you may know I have stepped down as VPSI due to being offered a new job and big opportunity in my area of study, IT therefore a by-election will be taking place to replace me. I have enjoyed my 4 years here at Bucks, 3 as a student, 1 as your VPSI. I almost didn’t come to university because as a professional footballer and being 21, this was a prime age to stay in the

Dom Olney

pro game! 4 years later, I leave Bucks with a degree, a buff girlfriend, lots of friends and acquaintances, lots of good memories and I still can’t drink!! Thank you all for being a part of my success here at Bucks from the lecturers, Bucks FC, the SU Staff and you guys that voted for me in 2 elections. I’d like to also say thank you to the SU staff

for his endeavours in the world of skiing. As well as being a vital member of Bucks Snowsoc, Sam placed 4th overall in this year’s British University Indoor Ski Championship Finals and has represented Great Britain at the World Winter Student Games in Turkey. He is also a member of the British Universities Elite ‘A’ Squad and has numerous British and European junior titles to his name. The final award of the night saw outgoing Vice President for Student Involvement, Sam Wadieh, receive a standing ovation from everyone in the hall as he was rewarded for his Outstanding Contribution to Sport. ‘Wadz’ was recognised not only for his achievements on the pitch during his time at Bucks but also for his unstinting commitment to improving the funding and provision of societies and sport at the university. Sam will be sorely missed next year as he takes up a new job in Norway. Everyone at The Bucks Student wishes him all the best for the future.

AU AWARDS WINNERS LIST Multi-Sport Award: Jack Badu Fresher of the Year: Olly Hayes Committee Member of the Year: Marcus Claytor Club of the Year: Cheerleaders Captain of the Year: Stephen Young Team of the Year: Netball 1sts Sporting Achievement: Sam Wyer Outstanding Contribution to Sport: Sam Wadieh

Players Player of the Year Winners

American Football: Durwane Watson Athletics: Evo Georgies Golf: Olly Hayes Snowsoc: Sam Wyer Taekwando: Mike Davies Cheerleading: Sinead Williams, Natalie Mc Lean Ladies Basketball: Agata Lada Men’s Basketball: Mattie Finn Ladies Hockey: Tatun Le Patourel Men’s Hockey: Marcus Claytor Netball 1sts: Jessica Carrena Netball 2nds: Sammy Polle Netball 3rds: Danni Andrean Ladies Rugby: Jessica Kobi-Mensah Men’s Rugby 1sts: Matt Gilbert Men’s Rugby 3rds: Nathaniel Greathead Ladies Football: Katie Spierits Men’s Football 1sts: Vinnie James Men’s Football 2nds: Mike Humphries Men’s Football 3rds: Jonny Hampson Men’s Football 4ths: James Brailsford Men’s Football 5ths: Dave Armstrong Men’s Football 6ths: Rob Newbury Men’s Football 7ths: Ryan Bailey


Bucks Men’s Rugby 1sts (captain)


Adam Harris

Varsity 2011 on behalf of the students. From the Advice Centre, Catering, Bar Staff to the team in the SU offices. The work you guys do for our students is second to none! Good luck to the incoming VPSI, keep fighting the corner for the students alongside the new President Ash Coles and VP Education Laz Wood in uncertain times ahead in Higher Education. Sam “Wadz” Wadieh (Outgoing VPSI)

On Saturday 7th May we took 320+ students to Reading University, our new opponents in Varsity a day of sporting fixtures! The team result of the day had to be our American Footballers, the BNU Buccaneers trouncing Reading 60-6!! And in the new sport at Varsity, Dodgeball, Amy Gordon showed she can hold her own as the last Buck standing to defeat a Reading team in one of the matches. It was an enjoyable day for players and spectators alike which ended up in the Reading SU Bar, Mojo’s.

1. In golf, what name is given to the No.3 wood? 2. Which tennis player had trials with Bayern Munich soccer club? 3. Where was the motor sport accident in 1953 that killed 83 spectators? Answers: 1.Spoon 2.Boris Becker 3.Le Mans

A first year view of Profile ‘buckssnowsoc’

Wednesday 18th May, 2011, Bucks Student 23

AU Awards 2011 On Monday 9th May, we held our annual AU Awards at the Town Hall. This event as usual sold out with 250 students in attendance and didn’t disappoint with the usual singing and chanting we have come to expect from our sports teams. Congratulations to the winners, well done to the committees of this season and good luck to the new committees for 2011-12.


Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

Introducing Bucks Touch, a rugby festival for all A team of five second year BA (Hons) Sports Management and Rugby Studies students from Bucks New University has been invited to work with the Bucks Rugby Football Union (RFU) as the University’s first Rugby Ambassadors. As part of their new roles, the students have been tasked to address the decline in adult rugby participation which has become both a national and regional trend. To help increase the number of adult rugby players in the county, the students have developed Bucks Touch, a unique, mixed, seven-a-side (from a squad of 12) touch rugby festival for rugby clubs across Buckinghamshire to enter on Thursday 19 May. The event will be held at Chesham RFC with registration from 6.30pm. For further information please contact Nick Todd on 07760 175940 or email The Bucks Touch team comprises Nick Todd, Gareth Jackson, Alex Waterman, Barney Goodey and James Gannon, and they have responsibility for all aspects of the tournament planning, from organising venues, equipment and the facility, to training the referees, liaising with clubs and organising the events on the day. This will be performed under the expert guidance of RFU Rugby Development Officer, Tim Holmes, who for nine years has worked in partnership with the University to develop the Sports

AU Awards

Back row L-R: Francisco Baeza; James Gannon; Nick Todd; Alex Waterman; Tim Holmes Front row L-R: Gareth Jackson; Barney Goodey

Management and Rugby Studies course, tutoring over 150 students through the RFU Level 1 Award and managing their delivery and performance in local schools. Tim said: “The Bucks New University Rugby Ambassadors showed great inspiration in coming up with the idea for this initiative. They have worked well as a team and are on the way to organising what should be a very good tournament. “It is hoped that through this event, clubs will experience the accessibility that touch rugby provides as a sport for both men and women of many ages, and as a result will offer increased rugby playing opportunities within the clubs, thus attracting more players to the sport over time. It would be great to see Bucks Touch become an annual event. “The experience the students will gain from working with the Bucks RFU and organising this tournament will help them greatly in their employment prospects after graduation.” Later in the year, the five students will have the privilege of going to Twickenham to give a presentation about Bucks Touch to RFU personnel, which will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of the Rugby Ambassador experience. Bucks Touch’s Nick Todd said: “This excellent initiative has provided us with a superb insight into rugby development. Working closely with

VARSITY bnuNewspaper advert (270mmby85mm) 16-2-11.pdf

By Gary Anderson


influential individuals to implement some of the requirements of the RFU Strategic Plan gives us a unique opportunity to put into practice the skills we are developing through our honours degree course at Bucks. “The chance to apply these skills in a practical way and with tangible results is one which will enhance our CVs and will gain the attention of influential employers in the rugby industry as a whole and the sports sector in general. “We would like to thank principal lecturer at Bucks, Francisco Baeza, and Tim Holmes at the RFU for recruiting us to be the first Bucks New University Rugby Ambassadors. We hope that our initiative will leave a lasting legacy with the clubs of Buckinghamshire and help to enhance the reputation of the University both within the region and as a producer of first-rate sports managers.” The Rugby Ambassadors concept was developed by Francisco Baeza following the successful implementation of ambassadors schemes in the University’s football and golf studies programmes. Francisco said: “Our rugby students are gaining invaluable industry experience which will set them in good stead for their future careers when they graduate, and this project is very beneficial to all parties concerned – the University, its students and the Bucks RFU.”

Bucks travelled to Reading University on Saturday May 7, for the annual Varsity Match. A sizeable contingent of competitors and spectators made the trip up the motorway to take part in the event. Unfortunately, Bucks went down by a scorline of 10-5 on the day. Their victories came 16/02/2011 23:09 in the mixed hockey, netball 2nds, a great display by the American footballers and two victories by the football 1sts and 2nds.

By Gary Anderson The annual Bucks Athletic Union (AU) Awards took place in Wycombe Town Hall, on Tuesday May 9. This was the chance for all of the sports teams that represent Bucks to celebrate their achievements and recognise the hard work and commitment put in by every team member over the course of the year. The atmosphere on the night was boisterous to say the least, with many students making the most of the complimentary bottles of wine. There was plenty of singing and chanting with the football and rugby boys in particular, exchanging verbal pleasantries and trying to out-sing each other. Compere for the evening, Ross McLaughlin, got proceedings underway and struggled to make himself heard at times through a combination of loud cheering and singing and a dodgy microphone! The first award of the evening was the Multi-sport Award, which went to Jack Badu. This was in recognition of his efforts with the Men’s Football 1st’s, both on Wednesdays and Saturdays and, his involvement with the Cheerleaders. Jack received a great reception on stage, particularly from the Cheerleaders. The second award was for Fresher of the Year. Olly Hayes proved a popular winner of the prize which reflected his sterling work with Bucks’ successful golf team where, he has quickly become a key member of the squad. Next up was Marcus Claytor, receiving the Committee Member of the Year award, for his tireless work and commitment as the captain of the Athletics Club. The Cheerleaders danced their way onto the stage in delight as they picked up the Club of the Year prize, rounding off another great year which saw them raise huge amounts of money for their RAG charities. Captain of the Year went to Steven ‘Wales’ Young, who led his Men’s Football 4th’s side to a league title this year. A delighted Steven picked up his award on stage to a loud reception from the football boys and those in the room could be forgiven for thinking they were temporarily transported to the Millennium Stadium, in Cardiff, as chants of ‘Wales...Wales!’ echoed around the hall. The all conquering Netball 1st’s picked up the coveted Team of the Year title, following another superb year for the girls, which saw them gain back to back promotion. Snowsoc’s, Sam Wyer, collected the prestigious Outstanding Sporting Achievement award... Continued on page 23 PLUS details of all the winners at the event

Josh Pearce and Chris Miller were captains of the visiting football sides, and saw the 1sts win 5-3, and the 2nds secure a 6-2 victory thanks to hattricks from both Jack Edmeads and Ryan Clark. Bucks lost out in the men’s and women’s hockey and badminton, mixed volleyball, tennis, dodgeball, men’s basketball, rugby 10’s and the netball 1sts.


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