The Bucks Student - Edition 20

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Through a diverse range of representation, events, campaigns, activities and services, Bucks Students’ Union has a positive impact on your time at university no matter how you study – find out how by visiting impact.

Freshers Fortnight Fun for All By Sarah O’Brien Student Editor This year’s Freshers Fortnight was arguably one of the best and busiest so far at Bucks New University. The Students’ Union really pulled out all the stops to ensure that our students had a fortnight to remember... alcohol intake depending. They booked some of the best acts BNU has seen such as comic Piff the Magic Dragon and Andi Osho, D.J’S Scott Mills and Sam Robinson and more special appearances than you can shake a stick at. The SU Bar had some fantastic drink offers -which some were cursing in the morning - that made the nights out student friendly and money-worryfree. The fortnight was kicked off with the welcome party on the Sunday, and it’s safe to say there was a lot of sore heads in Monday morning lectures. Since that we’ve had Comedy Central, toga night, Oktoberfest, Freshers Festival and many more. The Fortnight was concluded with the most flamboyant Freshers Ball the SU has seen. Everyone made a real effort to dress up and it was certainly an excellent farewell to the beginning of university. However, it doesn’t the partying stops here. Make sure you keep an eye out around the university for the next big night out. We’ll see you there!

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2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Ash Coles - Editor t: 01494 601 600 e: Sarah O’Brien & Gary Anderson - News Editor e: Laz Wood - Politics Editor e: Mandi C - International Editor e: Siobhan Carney - Lifestyle Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Features Editor e: Faye Towler - Fashion Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Donique Lindsay - Music and Events Editor e: Harry Boileau - Travel Editor e: Oliver Hunt - Film Review Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soap & Entertainment Editor e: Hollie Wicks - Food Editor e: Gary Anderson - Sport Editor e: For Advertising: Caroline Newton t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601 600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students Union for more information. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. Printed by Harmsworth Printing - Stoke 01782 602 619 © 2011 Bucks Students’ Union

features News P3 You’re not welcome here P5 Post-it answers P7 direct to your mobile 1. Download a QR reader to your phone. There are loads of free ones available 2. Open the QR reader on your phone and scan any barcodes where you see them. 3. Each individual code will take you to a website for further information. 4. No more typing web addresses. Simply scan the code, go to the site and find out more information. Internet usage will be charged at your providers standard rate

A tribute to Carly Beattie P9 Lifestyles P10 Culture, Arts & Literature P12 Ents pull out section P13 Ents photos P15 Ents wallplanner P16 Soaps & TV P21 Uxbridge P22 Societies P23 Food & Drink P24 Fashion & Beauty P25 Movies P26 Puzzles P28 Recreational activities P30 Sports P31

Recycle your copy of the Bucks Student once you have finished.

Letter from the Editor Hello all, and welcome to the 20th edition of The Bucks Student and the first of this academic year. Firstly I would like to welcome all Freshers to Bucks, there has been a really noticeable buzz on campus over the first few weeks and we hope you are enjoying the start of term. I would also like to welcome back all returning students and I hope you had a good summer. My predecessor’s final editorial contained an important message that he acknowledged you were all probably sick to death of hearing him bang on about but I am going to pick up just where he left off! He was making the case that University is more than the degree you get at the end and that it’s the things you do and the people you meet, which will ultimately shape your experience and help you get the job that you are all after. I am choosing to stress this point again because I strongly believe that and due to the current economic climate and jobs market that has probably never been truer than it is today. So the first thing I would like to stress in this editorial is, whether you are a 19 year old undergraduate or a 50 year

old postgraduate please do take every opportunity that comes across your path at Bucks and get involved with the Union at the same time. Whether that is becoming a Student Rep, writing for the paper, playing a sport, joining a society, volunteering or standing for Union Council. The second thing I would like to stress is what my team and I are going to do for you this year. The Students’ Union exists solely to have a positive impact on your time at Bucks and everything that we are gearing up to do at the moment from campaigns to events, voluntary activities to advice work has that aim at its very heart. You can find out more about our Top 10 priorities and the importance of impact on page 8. We intend to work hard for all our members irrespective of where they study, how old they are or what they enjoy doing in their

spare time. So if you think we aren’t doing a good enough job for you or shouting about the things that you need fixing drop us and email or pop into the office and let us know so we can put it right! So to sum up – we are here to work for all of you and have a positive impact on your time in whatever way we can. All we ask of you is that you keep providing us with feedback about how we are doing and get involved in as much as you can! Enjoy the first term and until next time... Ash Coles President, Bucks SU

Letter from the Student Editor Hello all, hope we’ve all fitted into the university swing of things! And to all freshers – don’t worry I still get lost in the corridors. We’ve got such an exciting edition this fortnight; lots of fantastic articles have been contributed so I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did. It’s so good to see so many new faces around the university this time of year; eager and determined and slightly hung-over, you wait a few more months! BNU has really put our name on the map already this term. We were awarded a Carbon Trust Standard for lowering our C02 footprint by 5%, and the SU team did a fantastic job at celebrating International Peace Day. But read for yourself!

We are jam-packed this edition. Anything and everything you are interested in will be inside these pages. It’s one of our best papers yet, which is a great sign of things to come. Our feature this week is about Carly Beattie – a budding and well-loved student who tragically passed away this summer. The article is a heart-felt and tear-jerking tribute from all those closest to her. A memorial bench will be placed near the willow tree (outside Rusty Bucks Cafe) so Carly will never be forgotten as a BNU student. If anybody wants to write for the paper or has any queries at all please do not hesitate to email me on student.editor@thebucksstudent.

com - I’d love to hear from you. Happy reading and until the next edition, Sarah

Letter from the Deputy Student Editor Hi everyone! Welcome to the second edition of The Bucks Student. My name is Gary Anderson and I am the Deputy Student Editor and Sports Editor of the paper. Hopefully everyone has settled into university life and that you freshers have stocked up on lemsips and tissues to combat the dreaded freshers-flu! If you are laid up in bed, struck down by those nasty flu-germs or just fancy a lazy day in nursing a hangover then this

weeks edition of The Bucks Student will make great bedside reading. As well as keeping you up to date with all the latest news from around the university, we have music and film reviews, tasty recipe suggestions and the latest fashion tips as well as, our regular updates on sports and societies. Don’t forget to check out our new culture section which includes short stories and poems. Enjoy!

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 3

“The aim will be to get even more students involved and to spread the word out into our community!”

Peace Day in Bucks New Uni This year, students of Bucks New University paired up with the Student’s Union in order to celebrate International Peace Day and to make a difference in the community. Peace One Day is a charity single-handedly founded in 1999 by British filmmaker and actor Jeremy Gilley. He had the idea that if the world could cease all war and conflict for one day every year, it made World Peace every day seem more achievable. Armed with nothing but a radical idea and a camera crew, Gilley travelled across the globe, speaking about his idea of Peace One Day to influential people including the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, Secretary General of the League of Arab States Amre Moussa and even living legends like Nelson Mandela and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Finally, in September 2001, International Peace Day was formally established as a calendar date on every 21st day of September. However, this did not guarantee global cease-fire or day of nonviolence, but it was a step in the right direction. It was not until Peace Day 2006 where life saving activities took place when immunizations took place, 30 tonnes of food was delivered to Southern Sudan, and a child soldier was reunited with family. Nowadays, there are walks, discussions, and other activities happening worldwide on the 21st, and amazingly there has been ceasefire in Afghanistan since. This is all because of one man’s dream. Imagine what you could do? Bucks Students’ Union didn’t just imagine; they did. Maybe they didn’t get ceasefire in the Taliban but they say these things start at home. Members of the SU said “Peace came in all forms at Bucks this year with students

By Sarah O’ Brien getting involved in yoga sessions, a woodland conservation project, a photo competition, a sit-in and even having a Peace Day Cocktail in the bar in the evening! The highlight of the day was an evening screening of the documentary ‘The Day After Peace’, created by the founder Jeremy Gilley. “Well over 100 students and staff joined Rusty and Busty for the sit-in, taking a few minutes out of their day to show their support for World Peace Day. Forty-eight entries were submitted in the ‘What Does Peace Mean to You?’ photo competition in less than 18 hours, and countless st udents and staff watched our students interview honorary graduates including Noel Fielding and Fern Britton about their take on peace throughout the day in the Students’ Union venue.” So how come our university got involved at all? “The SU team were inspired after watching a speech made by Jeremy Gilley at a conference in Leeds. Jeremy’s passion for the cause was contagious and made us all realise that making people aware of the idea is the first step in creating peace. We really hope that the students enjoyed the peace day activities on the 21st and are now as enthusiastic as we are about spreading the world of this fantastic idea” Missed out on the Peace Day deeds this year? Don’t worry as the SU will make sure you’re involved in next year’s activities. “Peace Day next year will be bigger and better! Many of the students will be more aware of the idea of Peace One Day and will want to get involved. The aim will be to get even more students involved and to spread the word out into our community!”



Competition Congratulations to the photographers pictured here who were chosen from 45 phenomenal entries to our Peace Day photo competition. Emily’s corn field really impressed the judges and will feature in our future World Peace Day publicity. View all of the entries at

WINNER (first place)



Emily Eaton

Richard Sparkes

Deaglan McArdle

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Pictured (L-R): Heather Mullin, Chief Executive of NHS Outer North East Cluster; June Davis, AHEDC Director; Prof David 00705 lectureSeries L10 (148x210) 2-8-11.pdf 1 18/08/2011 19:10 Sines CBE, Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean: Society & Health, at Bucks New University; Prof Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor of Bucks New University; and Prof Mary Lovegrove, AHEDC Director.

New dedicated centre of provision launched to support allied health professionals The Faculty of Society & Health at Buckinghamshire New University, in partnership with Allied Health Solutions Ltd, has created a new centre dedicated to supporting the allied health workforce and the services they provide. The Allied Health Enterprise Development Centre (AHEDC) was launched at the University’s Uxbridge Campus on Friday, 16 September. It is the first of its kind in the UK and builds on the work of Allied Health Solutions Ltd which aims to raise the profile of the important and significant contribution that allied health professionals (AHPs) and allied health services make to patients within health and social care settings. The keynote speaker at the launch event was Heather Mullin, Chief Executive of NHS Outer North East Cluster, who contributed her unique perspective on the opportunities and challenges for the allied health workforce and services. The AHEDC supports the 14 AHP professional groups, which includes physiotherapists, occupational therapists, paramedics and radiographers, amongst others. Each discipline provides a unique contribution to patient care pathways and is key to the efficient flow of information across organisations, regularly contributing to ensuring the best outcomes for patients. The Centre will work with allied health providers within the NHS, primarily in North West London and Buckinghamshire. It aims to deliver bespoke leadership and management products and services, tailored to meet the local needs of allied health staff. This will be achieved through clinical service expertise working in partnership with education, to deliver a unique and blended approach to developing and supporting the AHP workforce. The products and services offered through the AHEDC will enable allied health staff to take

National Union of Students NEWS

NUS Scotland responds to Scottish Government Spending Review

Places need to be reserved. To book a place please contact: Lorna West (Vice Chancellor’s Office) Bucks New University, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 2JZ Tel: 01494 603 002 Fax: 01494 438 123 Email:

The Scottish Government’s Spending Review has confirmed plans for a £7,000 minimum income for the poorest students, proposals to protect EMA, and plans to bridge the funding gap with English universities without tuition fees.

Phishing scams: a warning from the SLC The Student Loans Company are urging all students to never reveal their bank account details online in light of increased numbers of students falling victim to phishing scams. More and More students are getting scammed by emails asking them to change their bank account details online. These phishing emails will ask you to do things such as ‘validate your account’, or provide your personal, security and bank account details online. The Student Loans Company want to make it clear that they will never ask you to update your bank details by email, or verify your student account details online. More NUS News available online at

advantage of the opportunities provided and handle the challenges presented in their day-to-day work. They include preceptorship programmes; bespoke master classes and short courses; service redesign advice and integrating services symposia; action learning sets; tailored coaching/mentoring; shadowing; peer group learning; E-learning; academic credit and modules of study. The Centre has been developed and is lead by two highly respected allied health professionals with direct clinical service delivery and academic backgrounds. Prof Mary Lovegrove, Professor of Education and Development for Allied Health Professions, is a diagnostic radiographer and former education manager in Central London. Meanwhile, June Davis, a dietitian by profession, brings significant experience of strategic and operational management of AHP services in the NHS in West London. She has also undertaken several general management positions within acute Trusts and has led a number of significant change management projects, most recently within the AHP team at NHS London. AHEDC Director, Prof Mary Lovegrove, said: “The AHEDC, formed through the partnership between Bucks New University and Allied Health Solutions Ltd, provides a platform for AHPs and their teams to have tailor-made, bespoke support and development to maximise their potential, and seize the opportunities that the changes in health and social care present.” Fellow Director, June Davis, added: “The services we offer to AHPs and allied health services have been developed in direct response to their needs and within the evolving context of the NHS and social care environment. Never before has the allied health workforce received this type of support, and through the AHEDC we hope to make a difference for this respected and highly valued group of professionals.”

Rewarding Student Skills The NUS ‘Student Skills Award’, which will give students recognition for the skills they gain doing extra-curricular activity at university has been launched in a pilot project across the UK. Thousands of students involved in sports clubs, societies, in RAG and fundraising, student media, as student and course representatives in part-time work and in volunteering more generally are set to benefit from a nationally accredited Award purpose built for students, when it is rolled out fully in 2012. What activity the award will cover: RAG and fundraising; Student sports; Student societies; Student media; Student volunteers Student and course representatives and Parttime workers. Aiming to bring big graduate employers, charities, universities and students’ unions together in partnership to accredit the skills students gain outside of their studies at university, Ed Marsh, NUS Vice-President said: “Students are facing a tough graduate jobs market. This award has been created to help students who have given so much to their students’ unions, universities and local communities get a little something back.” By making students link the activity they’ve undertaken to a national skills framework which employers have called for, NUS hopes that graduates will be able to demonstrate their skills and move into employment quicker than before.

Sorry - you’re not welcome here

IN THE 19th and early 20th century, it was commonplace to see signs in windows of hotels and estate agencies declaring “no Irish, no blacks, no dogs.” This unwelcoming poster perched in the window of Grants Letting Agents UK in High Wycombe, resembles just the same. It portrays a simple yet hurtful message to Bucks New University freshers, and although the sign itself has been taken down, the company policy remains. The Bucks Student Newspaper spoke to senior manager Jim Browning last week to find out more as to why they feel so strongly against our new students. “This is something that we’ve put in place over a number of years,” Browning explained, “the reason behind it is our landlords, who are our clients, generally feel uncomfortable with first years... sharing houses together who have not lived away from home before. “There are problems that do occur within the property.

Most of the time, we don’t have an issue; first year students tend to be put in to the halls of residence.” The senior manger seemingly failed to see the devastating impact this could have on the reputation of BNU students in the local community, and was adamant that his company were doing our freshers a favour; “What we are trying to do is save them time, because we know they spend a lot of time walking around town trying to find somewhere to live. And if they’re walking into our branch and having to wait five to ten minutes to be told ‘we’re terribly sorry but we can’t help you’... that can make it even more frustrating for them.” When asked if such signs in the window of Grants echoes the posters of the past, there was a shocked silence from Browning before a small mutter of; “No, not at all.” He also did not believe that this reflects badly on Grants as company, but let’s leave that one for us students to decide. By Sarah O’Brien

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 5

Bucks in partnership with AIU London NEW collaborative partnerships have been announced by American InterContinental University (AIU) London, with Bucks New University and the University for the Creative Arts (UCA). AIU London is now offering new students a chance to gain a competitive edge by registering for dual US and UK degrees. By completing a single programme at AIU London, students can qualify for an American Bachelor’s degree and an English BA Honours degree. AIU London’s bachelor’s degree programme in International Business is now validated in the UK by Bucks New University, whilst AIU London’s bachelor’s degree programmes in Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Fashion Design with Marketing, Interior Design and Visual Communication are validated in the UK by UCA. AIU London’s Director, Dr Randolf Cooper said: “We are extremely pleased with the creation of two academic agreements that are testament to our ability to forge innovative learning opportunities for our students. This is an era of rapid change within the higher education sector, both in the UK and the US. As partners bridging the public-private divide we look forward to generating the exciting academic offerings that this type of collaboration can bring about. “This relationship is truly cross-cultural; it spans

the respective spheres of US and UK education while providing a framework for the exchange of ideas between the private and public sector. Our common aim is to enhance the student experience and to do so in a way that grows our respective institutions in a progressive and responsible manner.” Professor Derek Godfrey, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Bucks New University, said: “Our primary purpose is to work with the very best partners to prepare students for professional and creative careers. AIU London’s reputation for industry-focused learning makes it a great partner for us, and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship.” Deputy Vice-Chancellor at UCA, Professor Mark Hunt, said: “As a specialist arts university with a proud, creative history, we are delighted to be validating these courses for American InterContinental University London. “We are looking to develop UCA’s brand internationally so we are very excited about this partnership and look forward to further collaborations with AIU London in the future.” American InterContinental University London has continuing accreditation in the UK by way of its standing with the British Accreditation Council and the campus is an officially listed body on the UK government’s Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) website.

A Carbon Footprint in the right Direction Bucks New University has remarkably achieved the Carbon Trust Standard; a certificate that not many universities can pride themselves on. Carbon Trust Standard’s are granted for cutting down C02 emissions and controlling

the management of the gas in an effort to tackle climate change. BNU attained the Carbon Trust Standard as we successfully managed to cut our carbon footprint by 5% in one year. Our university was awarded

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6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Putin is back to The Pope to power, AGAIN?! leave a shadow

universitynews Prof Ruth Farwell and first-year students Tom Sewell and Adam Smith were interviewed by BBC Three Counties Radio on Monday morning for a piece marking the start of the new university year. Ruth was asked about demand for courses and the effect of tuition fee rises, and the students were asked about their experiences of Freshers’ Week and their response to research which found that one in five students hadn’t shopped on their own or done their own washing.

Radek’s Polish-ed performance An award-winning short film by graduate Radek Sienski, who gained a first in BA (Hons) Video Production (Digital) in 2010, has been screened at the Young Cinema Festival at the 36th Polish Film Festival. Radek completed the film, A Question of Time, as his dissertation piece whilst at Bucks. He is currently in the last semester of his master’s degree in Editing at The National Film & Television School in Beaconsfield. Senior lecturer Sean Fitzgerald said: “To have a film screened at Poland’s national film festival is a fantastic achievement and testament to Radek’s hard work and expertise.”

Thinking Bigg Emma Bigg, Business Development Director for audio service company SSE, was among 16 industry professionals, also including Lawrence Bell, MD of Domino Records, whose acts include Arctic Monkeys, and Alison Barnett, Head of Production at TV production firm Kudos, responsible for Spooks and Ashes to Ashes, at three question-and-answer panels for Production and Music & Live Events Management students last Thursday. Head of School Frazer Mackenzie said: “The calibre of panellists was extremely high and the event provided a great springboard for developing industry contacts.”

Commercial break Angelika Studios in Commercial Square, High Wycombe, set up by Fine Art graduates Claire Cunnick, Sue Hall, Ann Harris and Lindall Pearce, is showing the film Pollock, about the life and career of American painter Jackson Pollock, at 6.30pm next Thursday. Admission is £3, including a cold drink. The studio’s next exhibition is called Nothing Gold Can Stay, featuring work by artists represented by Cardiff-based agency Mermaid & Monster, from 8-16 October.


Bucks hits the airwaves

The official announcement that Wladimir Putin will become the President of Russia again arose a stormy international debate in the last few weeks. According to the Financial Times, this announcement confirms that it was not Dimitrij Miedwiediew but Putin who is actually in power in Russia. Western media share an opinion that Putin’s comeback to take charge of Russia may complicate this country’s dialogue with America and this will be a definite end of dreams of liberal Russia. The Daily Telegraph underlined on Monday that Putin’s wish to stay in power until 2024 would be close to the rise of the Soviet Union tradition, which was overtaken by politicians in advanced age. Putin exchanges places with Miedwiediew next year, by the end of his presidency he will be 72-years-old.

After his third visit to Germany, Pope Benedict XVI left a shadow of dissapointment over his Catholic worshippers in his home country. More people than expected attended the High Mass in Berlin, eager to hear words of hope and solution for a big crisis in the Catholic Church. After faithbreaking paedophilia scandals, people were hoping that the Pope’s visit would rebuild the trust between worshippers and Catholic institutions. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The German media underlined the fact that the Pope’s visit did not, and will not change anything in their country. They were simply advised by Benedict XVI to look into the future with faith, which is not the most satisfying answer. The Pope, unlike the media, was content about his visit. He underlined the importance of a good dialogue and prayer between him, members of the Orthodox Church, Jews and Muslims.

Above: The new 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero that opened recently.

10th Anniversary of WTC Attacks The World will never forget On the 11th of September this year, it was the tenth anniversary of the largest and most devastating organised terrorism attack of the 21st century. It was remembered as America and the rest of the world joined to payed tributes to the victims. Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush visited New York’s Ground Zero where the Twin Towers collapsed to commemorate the catastrophic inccident in 2001. Thousands of New York citizens were present to light candles and remember those lost with a minute of silence, showing the world that ten years is not enough to get over such a massive tragedy. In Penthagon and Shanksville (Pensylvania), the Vice President of America, Joe Bidden, gave his speech in order to support the families of victims and to tell the world that we should never give up on fighting such fatal acts of brutality.

Bucks New University announces new industry partnership with PRCA Buckinghamshire New University is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with the PRCA (Public Relations Consultants Association) for the start of the 2011-12 academic year. The PRCA is the professional body that represents UK PR consultancies, in-house communications teams and PR freelancers, and Bucks is one of just 11 leading UK universities to have become a PRCA partner in an innovative agreement which sees a variety of benefits provided to students and staff at the University. The new scheme offers PR and communications students free membership to the PRCA; unlimited free access to PRCA online training courses; reduced rates for PRCA training and qualifications; and access to a range of networking events, work placements and graduate schemes. The university PR and communications teams will also become PRCA members as part of the initiative.

Dr Bill Nichols, senior lecturer in marketing at Bucks New University, said: “The establishment of this new partnership is part of our overall drive to develop professional links and accreditation for our students and to complement the CIPR (Chartered Institute of Public Relations) accreditation which we achieved last year. “It positions us as a serious player in this field and part of a small group of just 11 universities in the UK to gain this acknowledgement. We are delighted to have reached this level and it is testament to our dedication to delivering industry-focused courses which provide our students with the best possible opportunities for employment upon graduation.” The PRCA promotes all aspects of public relations and internal communications work, helping teams and individuals maximise the value they deliver to clients and organisations. It exists to raise standards in PR and

communications, providing members with industry data, facilitating the sharing of communications best practice and creating networking opportunities. PRCA Chief Executive, Francis Ingham, commented: “From the PRCA’s perspective, the scheme helps to fulfil our commitment to help provide our members with the next generation of highly talented and appropriately qualified recruits. It also creates a powerful knowledge transfer mechanism from which PRCA member firms and teams may benefit in coming years.” He continues: “This initiative is another step forward for the PRCA, and provides PR agencies and in-house teams with the opportunity to network with the practitioners of the future. We are looking to nurture the very best talent the UK has to offer, and to maintain the UK’s reputation as the global hub for PR expertise.”

Bucks Volunteering Your team will have 2 hours to cut down as many trees as possible with the winning team receiving the Bucks Tree-athalon Trophy and becoming one step closer to reaching gold in the accrediation scheme. To enter, email:

‘POST-IT answers Over the past two weeks your Sabbatical officers have been welcoming you to Bucks and presenting you with what the Students’ Union does. We asked you to write any questions on post-it notes you had and promised to get back to you in the next edition of the paper. We collected over 300 post-its so here they are.

How do I become a student Rep, what are Reps roles and responsibilities? To become a rep you need to fill in a nomination form, available from the SU and online at You will then be asked to stand in a small election, only your classmates can vote in this election so it’s nothing to worry about. If you get elected then congratulations, if not then there still number of ways you can get involved in the rep system just come and speak to us in the SU. Your role is to feedback to us and the university on issues with your student experience in general and most importantly you learning experience! Your responsibility is to listen with an open mind to your peers (not everyone will have the same problems) and make sure you get their voice heard. More face to face contact from sabb’s and staff, they are predominantly office based , in meetings and not always in the public eye Whilst we have to spend a considerable amount of time in meetings and in the office, we fully realise that faceto-face contact is more than important, it is vital. This year we are going to be holding surgeries across both campuses to speak to you more directly so that we can give you the best experience possible during your time at Bucks. Of course you don’t have to wait for these surgeries, if you want to chat about problems, general comments or great ideas then come find us in the SU, call us or email us, we will always make time to speak to you! If students have meetings with lecturers can they ask that a sabb goes with them for support so that they aren’t alone? ABSOLUTELY! However, we strongly suggest that you speak to someone in our advice centre. They know the rule book inside out and are best placed to give you the support and advice you need. They are also happy to attend meetings with you to ensure that you properly represented. Where can I buy a Bucks Hoody? And how much? You can buy a hoody at any time from the SU offices and they cost around £20. You can also get them online at Is there a filming society? We have the Red Button film society that is so good they won the society of the year award for 2010-11! Contact Josh Clipsham on for more info. How do I get involved in societies and is there a maximum number I can be in? If you want to join a society then come down to the SU and we can give you the contact details of who you need to get in touch with. There is no limit to how

many societies you can be involved in! How do I go about creating a society? In order to create a society you need to pick up a form from the SU and then get 10 students (including yourself) to sign it and we will help you take it from there. How do I join the student union? You are all already members of the SU by being students at Bucks. Is there some sort of event every night at the SU? Our events team work very hard to provide you with a diverse range of events almost every night of the week. A full calendar of upcoming events can be found in the centrefold of every edition of the SU newspaper, the Bucks Student.

‘Locked out’ of the Rules Students on professional practice courses, like nursing and social work, have to abide by some very strict rules. However, these same rules apparently don’t apply to tutors. On a recent trip to Uxbridge, I discovered that two lectures had been cancelled. For the students they would have been the first lectures of their time at Bucks. One lecture had been cancelled because the lecturer was ill. This is perfectly reasonable. However, the other lecture had been cancelled because the tutor was stuck in traffic and was late. All students on these courses are given a strict set of instructions. One such rule is: ‘Stuck in traffic’ is never an excuse for being late, either to a lecture or to hand in assignments. In the ‘real world’ you have to plan for these things to make sure you are at work on time. Sadly, it seems that the tutors can’t even keep to their own rules for the very first lecture of the year. It is even more shocking that tutors are not expected to keep to these rules. How can they expect students to abide by these strict policies if they cannot practice what they preach? What kind of example does that set? Students are also told that there is a ‘locked door policy’, so if you are five minutes late you will be ‘locked out’ of the lecture. Is that a promise then that the lecturer will never be five minutes late? No chance! So students who had made the effort to prepare themselves properly, and were therefore on time, not only wasted money on travelling in and possibly on other expenses like childcare, but were shown how little respect academics have for their own rules. Here at the Students’ Union, we know very well that sometimes, the unavoidable happens and staff do get stuck in traffic, or have to leave work suddenly for a variety of reasons. We don’t want to punish the staff but we do believe that this state of affairs is damaging to the tutor-student relationship and therefore the students whole learning experience. All we are asking is that, in this shared learning community, students are given the same leniency as tutors when situations occur that are beyond their control. Laz Wood, Vice President Education & Welfare

Cancelled Lecture Slip We are really interested to know if you have a lecture that has been cancelled. If you have, please fill out the form below and take back to the Students’ Union offices nearest you. (All replies are anonymous) DATE: YEAR: COURSE: MODULE:

Please return me to the nearest SU office!

Actual presence of SU at satellite campuses We do have a permanent presence down at Uxbridge however we cannot afford to do this at all of our partner colleges. However, we will be coming to visit our students at partner colleges throughout the year so keep an eye out for when we’re coming! Do the Sports teams have try outs more than once in the academic year? You can join sports teams at any time throughout the year and they will put you in to a team appropriate to your skill level. If you would like contact details for a specific team come into the SU and we will help you out. Can I volunteer outside of the Buckinghamshire region like London? We offer a diverse range of volunteering opportunities but we would also support any volunteering and community projects you are involved in anywhere. What sort of volunteering projects are available and how many times would I need to commit to it per week? You can be involved in as much or as little volunteering as you like, there is no required commitment. However, volunteering has such a positive impact on your life, employability and the community around you that we would encourage weekly involvement. You can be involved in everything from coffee mornings and cake sales to conservation projects and working with the elderly or homeless. Can we volunteer around the world? This sounds like a fantastic idea, we wouldn’t necessarily be able to fund you but we would absolutely make sure you get recognition for the volunteering you have done! Better Transport between partner colleges and Uxbridge to and from Bucks main campus This is an ongoing issue that we have been discussing with the university. In order to try and save money the university scrapped transport between campuses when they sold Chalfont and Wellesbourne, and built Uxbridge. We are currently campaigning for transport to be made available between campuses, but until then you can get 25% discount with your student ID on public buses.

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Where does the money come from to do everything for free, why are the activities free? £500 from every student’s tuition fees is put in to the Big Deal. 2/3 of this goes to your faculty and 1/3 goes to the Students’ Union. Why? Well University is about exploring new opportunities that might previously have been unavailable to you. We decided that the best way to provide you with a diverse and really enjoyable student experience was to give you the chance to explore these opportunities for free.

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 7

8 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Your Sabbatical Officer team have set some clear priorities for their first year in office and in no particular order here’s the top ten.....

10 officer priorities 1. Student Experience Action Plan The University has an action plan to help fix a range of issues based on the Union’s Education campaign, feedback from the National Student Survey and the Student Written Submission. It contains a list of initiatives that will improve your experience and make issues like electronic submission of work and useful and timely assignment feedback much more satisfactory at Bucks. In line with your clear feedback we intend to work with the University to ensure these actions get completed as soon as possible.

2. Uxbridge Action Plan We have an action plan to improve the general student experience over at our Uxbridge campus, Here’s just a little of what we are doing: • Working hard to recognise the challenges facing students at Uxbridge • Appointing a passionate professional to tackle the problems and to be based on campus – Tom Foy (ex-President of Bucks Students’ Union) is now in place as the full time Uxbridge Representation Coordinator • Spending more time communicating with Uxbridge based University staff to make sure they know what students want and need • Lobbying to make sure Uxbridge issues are clearly addressed as part of the University’s Student Experience Action Plan • Producing a dedicated campaign document for Uxbridge students which will clearly set out the work you have asked us to undertake • Concentrating on getting you actively involved in the Union’s opportunities by ensuring they are what you want to see on offer partly aided by ring-fenced budgets for bespoke recreational activity and events funding for Uxbridge Students. To keep up to date with Uxbridge activities follow us on Twitter - @ BucksSU_UXB “Bucks Students’ Union – Uxbridge” on Facebook.

Help us make a positive impact on your time at University and make life better for student at Bucks – come and get involved, vote in elections, join Union Council, get in touch and let us know what you think. The Union is only as strong as it members and that’s you!!

4. Higher Education Achievement Record and the Employability Agenda We want to support the work that the University have started in employability and make sure that work experience and placements become common place for Bucks undergraduates. Through constructive dialogue we want to further encourage the University to heavily invest in a wide range of exciting and suitable employability initiatives and to develop the skills and knowledge of the student body making sure that not only are you are fit for the work place when you graduate but that you stand out from the crowd. In addition we will continue to encourage the University to sign up to the Higher Education Achievement Report scheme.

5. Sports and Societies Facilities We are unhappy that the University still has not found suitable replacements for our sports facilities, having previously sold two sites with green playing fields. We feel that the facilities we currently have to use are often not of a standard you would expect from a University who claim to take sport seriously and feel this issue has dragged on for too long – it’s now an issue of institutional pride. We are committed to relentlessly lobbying the University to make sure this is a continued priority for their Senior Management Team and that this issue is addressed as a matter of urgency. Further to this we will campaign for additional space within the University so our societies and student led organisations have fit for purpose space in which to meet, work and enjoy their chosen activities.

7. Community Involvement Pack and our Green Agenda We see this as an incredibly important aspect of our work and we have been working with the police to develop a community pack that will hopefully increase participation and the impact students make through volunteering in the community. It will also give students vital information about living in Wycombe and being at University. We are also trying to secure accreditation from Volunteering England for our work in this area and pursuing our Green Agenda in partnership with the University.

8. Venue Refurbishment The Student’ Union Venue is an incredibly popular and well used space, the Big deal has meant that 1000’s of people visit it every week. We are going to work with the institution to secure funds to refresh the interior and make the space more functional – out intention is to make sure it remains the best venue in the surrounding area, now and into the future, and that it rivals any other students union in the country.

9. Research We know as a Union that we need to demonstrate our arguments absolutely and in order to realise our commitment to being even more evidence based than we currently are we are appointing a researcher whose initial focus will be on developing our dialogue with our entire membership, building a research library and supporting our all round work and making sure all our services continue to be student led and student focused.

3. The “Bigger Deal”

6. Childcare

10. Accommodation at Uxbridge

We believe the introduction of the Big Deal fundamentally changed the experience at Bucks for our members and we want to make sure it continues and develops. With the introduction of higher fees in 2012 we will campaign to ensure some of that additional money is spent directly on improving the things that make being at University great!

We believe this is an important issue for students and staff (especially mature students) and we feel that depending on the model used this could even become an additional revenue stream over time we want to at least make progress towards this over the course of our year in office (through partnerships with other organisations as a minimum step forward).

We strongly feel that the institution needs to prepare for a changing demographic at Uxbridge and the demand for accommodation is growing. This should include purchasing housing stock or building halls as an absolute priority. We will continue to lobby the University to ensure they take on this challenge.

Graduation HIGHLIGHTS // September 2011

Mighty Boosh stars back at university to receive honorary master’s degrees Bucks New Uni has presented honorary master’s degrees to two of its most famous graduates - The Mighty Boosh stars, Dave Brown and Noel Fielding, recognising the national reputations they have both forged. The well-known pair received their honorary awards during a week of graduation ceremonies at Wycombe Swan Theatre in High Wycombe between 5-9 September 2011. Dave and Noel studied what was then a BA (Hons) Graphic Design and Advertising at Bucks New University between 1992 and 1995. They were both regular visitors to the Hellfire Comedy nights next to the Wycombe Swan Theatre in High Wycombe, which is where Noel first met future Boosh co-creator, Julian Barratt. Noel, of Highgate, north London, was presented with his honorary master’s for his time studying at the University, his continued interest in the graphics field, patronage of many art organisations, and international reputation as a comedian, DJ, comic actor, artist and writer. As well as creating and writing The Mighty Boosh, Noel plays many characters in the hit show, including most famously The Hitcher, Tony Harrison and Old Gregg, as well as his main alter-ego, Vince Noir. Noel also plays a strong role in the look of the show, being involved in the design and creation of costumes, sets, animation and music for the award-winning show which has enjoyed worldwide success with sell-out live tours and

gigs at venues including The O2, Wembley Arena and the Royal Albert Hall. Noel is also well known as a team captain on Never Mind the Buzzcocks and is currently in the midst of producing his own comedy show for Channel 4. He said: “Receiving my honorary master’s at Wycombe Swan Theatre is amazingly apt as it’s where we first saw Julian Barratt do stand-up, and you could say it’s the birthplace of The Boosh.” Dave, of Islington, north London, received his honorary master’s for his time studying at Bucks New University, and for his continued interest in the graphics field, whilst combining it with a very successful media career, both nationally and internationally. He is a creative all-rounder, who seamlessly fuses his talents as a graphic designer, performer, photographer, comedy writer, director, DJ, choreographer, musician and actor, in a varied and highly successful career. Dave enrolled on the HND Graphic Design course in 1992 and progressed on to the BA course, achieving a first-class degree. His most famous character in The Mighty Boosh has been Bollo the ape, but he has been responsible for a host of other characters in the TV, radio and live shows, including Joey

Graduate overcomes personal tragedy to gain degree

Moose, Black Frost, Hitchers Henchman and Naan Bread, to name but a few. The Mighty Boosh continues to run with Dave designing all the publishing output. In recent years, Dave designed and compiled The Mighty Book of Boosh, one of the most successful and coveted humour books of the last decade. With this and a string of other high profile clients, Dave remains Britain’s most successful designer-ape. He said: “I’m very honoured to receive an honorary master’s from Bucks New University and I cannot believe they have asked me back to be honest, as I’m pretty sure I have still got some of their library books!” Prof Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor of Bucks New University, commented: “It is with great pleasure that we bestow these honorary master’s awards on Dave and Noel. Our awardees are chosen in recognition of their outstanding achievements in their fields and because they are an inspiration to our graduating students. Once again, we are proud to be awarding a celebrated group of individuals this year.”

A Bucks New Uni graduate has received an award for Merit in Exceptional Circumstances, after completing his degree despite the death of his brother in the final months of his studies. Sipho Dube, of Kingsmead Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe, achieved a BSc (Hons) Police Studies with Criminological Psychology and received his degree and award in a ceremony at Wycombe Swan Theatre on 8 September. The proud graduate said he was still coming to terms with the death of his brother, Effort Dube, at the age of 40 in March this year, following a short illness. He said: “That really shattered me and I am still trying to come to terms with it. The unexpected loss not only robbed me of a brother who had inspired me academically, but also his two sons of a dear father. “I was involved in assisting with the coordination of funeral arrangements while meeting concerned friends and relatives. I lost a lot of time during that emotionally distressing period. As if that was not enough, I fell ill with fever during my exams, but despite advice to postpone my studies, I was determined to complete my degree. I know that my brother would be extremely proud of what I have achieved. ‘‘I would like to extend my appreciation to the University’s counselling service for being available, to my family for being calm and united in this grief, and for the support we received from everyone, especially pastors from The Nations Church.” During his degree, Sipho worked as a panel member in a Restorative Justice Programme with the Bucks Youth Offending Service (YOS), and was trained by Buckinghamshire County Council as an appropriate adult, assisting young offenders arrested and in police custody. He has also worked part-time on a project with the National Society for Epilepsy (NSE). Sipho now plans to study for a master’s degree in forensic psychology at London Metropolitan University next year. He added:”I would like to thank George Jubane, my fellow students and lecturers, Dr Nadia Wager, Dr Sena Agbo-Quaye, and Dr Ken Smith, for all their support, because without them I don’t think I could have achieved this degree.”

A tribute to Carly Beattie T

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 9

An Interview with a Mother in Mourning By Chez Murdoch

By Chez Murdoch


crolling through the Bucks New University’s fresher’s page on Facebook in the summer of 2009, I came across a person who would be sharing flat F1 in Brook Street with me, Carly Beattie from Edinburgh. She was the first person to get in contact with me from Bucks. From then on we bonded over our fresher’s antics along with the rest of our flat. Carly was an extremely social person who always impressed me by her focus on university studies, she would always be up early to work hard for the whole day and then go out at night, come in late and do it all again the next day. She was completely dedicated to becoming a pilot and to her athletics. And even amongst the many hours of studying she would do, she would always have time for everyone. A memory that will stay with me forever is the time when Carly and adopted flate-mate Theo cooked haggis for us on Burns night in F1. Most of us were in Shawn’s room, looking up what haggis is made from, and when we sat at the table I saw everyone smothering it in tomato ketchup and looking at it in a very suspicious way! It makes me giggle every time. Carly made an impact on many people here at Bucks and these people have many stories to tell… Chris Joyce - Carly joined Bucksnowsoc in 2009 and quickly became a close and active member of the family, representing the university both at home and abroad. We all fell in love with her humour, humility and of course the classic Scottish banter. We’ll all miss her terribly. Thanks for the good times Carly. We won’t forget you. Laura Webb - I will miss the fantastic conversations Carly and I had about guys and gossip. At the start of second year when Carly had to move away because of her course, I was sad she wasn’t going to be staying in Wycombe. But she said not to worry- she’d be back so I wasn’t to get a new partner in crime. I will continue to message Carly to tell her all of my gossip and how much I miss her. Paul Flynn - I have lots of special memories of Carly, but the funniest memory was when she went to Main Event with Snowsoc. She rang me at four o’clock in the morning to tell me about her night out and what she had seen when she went back to her room. When she was on the phone Tasha joined the call in more ways than one (lot of humping was going on between the two of them!) It started to get out of control and Carly swung her hand and hit a lamp, broke two fingers, then the phone cut off luckily enough Tasha still had

her finger intact so she rang back and all I could hear was laughter so I knew it was all under control. I think this might be a “had to be there” moment but it was one of the most ridiculous phone calls I have ever received from two very drunk girls.

James Elden Carly put so much effort into being everybody’s friend; she would come from Cranfield (where she studied in second year) to every Blue Rinse night and almost every weekend just so she could spend time with us and support us. She’s truly missed and there won’t be a day that goes by when I’m not thinking of her. Lace Murphy - Carly was amazing; she is missed and thought about every day. Nights are not and will not be the same without her coming around and falling off of my bed. Tash Mahy I love the way you always put me in my place in the politest way. I love that we found a great gay duck! I love that we ARE Snowsoc girls together and forever I loved that fact I will always take the p*ss out of you for taking ages in the bloody loo... So you’d always let me go first. I loved it when we’d eat massive farmhouse pizzas on my bedroom floor. I loved your 21st birthday... wink. I loved my drunken phone calls to you. I loved it when I used to call you on my walk of shame. I loved the way we use to do silly dances past each other’s doors. I loved the way you would always blackmail me into going out. I loved the first time you met my mum when you were hiding in my bed I love that I’m in your profile picture on FB. I loved the way I always took the piss out of your ‘huge ghetto booty’. I loved the way you broke your finger at Main Event whilst humping me! I loved the way we always used to get a BLT baguette whenever we were hung over. But finally mostly I love that you are my best friend Love You Beats, miss you with every breath. Rachel Malpas - Carly, you and Tash were my first

“Snowsoc” girlfriends and I want to thank you for literally taking me into the extent of myself becoming F1 plus 1. A night out with you would always result in being drunk and I loved that you would be my high-heeled partner in crime. Though I really don’t miss the fact if ever you saw me getting with a guy, you and Tash would run over and start dancing round us shouting abuse, making it as awkward as possible. Even though you knew it would head straight back your way sooner or later. I suppose this could be the time to comment on me being sloppy thirds with a certain someone that you, Tash and then I decided to get with. I have to mention our famous “truffle” quote which I will never let Mr Wyer live down, don’t you worry. Thank you for being my Facebook “mother” - you really couldn’t have done a better job, always there making sure I’m ok when I’m down and supporting me with my skiing competitions which meant a lot to me. I miss you and I will love you forever and always. Rosie Holdsworth - For everyone who knew Carly, we’ve all got our own memories of her, so to try and let the rest of Bucks know what they are missing out on I’m going to try and explain it in a way everyone can relate to. To all the new members of Snowsoc, you’re missing out on all the fun she would have made sure you had. To all the new pilot students, she was the most determined pilot student I knew. To all you Brook Street residents, she made sure she had as much fun living there as

possible. This is where I knew Carly, as part of F1. We were a very close flat and I would give anything to have one more night there with everyone. I am so happy to have lived with her. She was loving and caring to us all, she always made sure we all knew exactly what time we were to gather round the kitchen table for predrinking games. She was such a social person, making a lot of friends throughout her course, Snowsoc and other Brook Street flats. It would be nice if everyone reading this could spare a thought for our friend Carly, a fellow student who sadly cannot get the wings she so deserved, who cannot enjoy the last year in High Wycombe with us all, I know she was very much looking forward to this. To her brother Dan, who was also sadly taken away with her, my thoughts go out to you. And to my fellow F1 members and tag-a-long (you know who are). To all the other people’s lives she touched, the pilots and Snowsoc, let’s all make the most of our last year, and have as much fun as possible to remember her and make up for the time she’s missing out on. Let’s do her proud. I miss you Carly Bettie! You’re thought of everyday. There are many more memories to be shared by her friends from Bucks and beyond, so to remember all the funny, happy times we all shared with her and to celebrate her life, please feel welcome to come to a special pre-Blue Rinse get-together in November, where her favourite music will be played. The date is to be confirmed but this will happen at the first Blue Rinse in November. I hope to see you there.

he grief within the walls of the town house is almost palpable, and the house itself, is almost loud in its silence. Once a bustling family home filled with music, laughter and light - now-a-days, the small building with the gaily painted front door stands only as a monument to pain and loss. For Moya Griffiths, this is still a house very much in mourning. A diminutive woman with a softly lilting Welsh accent and haunted eyes, a few months ago saw Moya mark the second anniversary of her son’s murder. Buckinghamshire University Student, Jourdan Griffiths, was just twenty years old when he was stabbed to death outside a High Wycombe squat in June of 2009. And now – just over two years later - his mother talks about the pain of losing her only child, and why she’s fought so hard to get justice for Jourdan. “For a long time I couldn’t get my head around what had happened to Jourdan, why him? He hadn’t done anything, he didn’t deserve this. It was completely random. It was just a case of him being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s that simple, it’s that cruel.” Though grief has etched its mark clearly upon her face, there is also an air of quiet dignity about Moya. Intelligent and articulate - she speaks softly but with an admirable amount of poise and courage. Since her son’s death she has fought to raise awareness for knife crime and the devastating effect is has on so many lives. Even so, for all her strength, she’s still essentially only a heartbroken mother. And - as she talks of the moment she received the call that is every parent’s worst nightmare - she struggles to keep her composure. “That night I was late home from work and I somehow knew there was something wrong. I remember going to bed and, because it was a warm evening, I had the windows open to let some air in. It was at that point that I heard the police helicopter flying overhead and I just knew! Call it mother’s intuition, but I knew…” She pauses, seemingly unsure of how to go on. “There was a lot of mix up over it. They didn’t contact me until 3:50 am and by that time he was already dead. I was waiting on the police. I was waiting for them to come and take me to the hospital. In the end I made my own way there but when I arrived they said to me, ‘you can’t go in, you need a police presence with you’. I just remember that I kept saying to them, Please, all I want is to be with my baby! Over and over I kept saying that…” She trails off, staring somewhere into the middle distance, hands clasped tightly together, knuckles white. She’s crying now, but - lost in the painful haze of recollection it’s doubtful that she even knows she’s doing so. Though predominately composed throughout the retelling of these events, she is unable to disguise the note of bitterness that creeps into her voice as she recounts the moment she was finally allowed to view her son’s body. “I wasn’t allowed anywhere near him because he was evidence. I had to view him from behind glass. I had a window in front of me but I wasn’t allowed in. I couldn’t touch him or hold him.” Over the next three weeks police arrested two men and a youth in connection with the murder; the youngest - Kieren George - was only 16 at the time of the attack. At the trial it emerged that George, along with Lotto Williams [19] and Christopher Joseph [22] had arrived at the High Wycombe squat with the intention of stealing drugs. What happened thereafter is still somewhat of a mystery because - despite their best efforts - police were unable to positively identify which of the trio delivered the fatal wound. However, though the events still remain unclear; the outcome, unfortunately, does not. According to the pathology report, Jourdan died from a single stab wound to the

chest, inflicted as he opened the door of the property. Unable to defend himself, the babyfaced young man - described by his mother as “generous and loyal” - was kicked to the floor and repeatedly stamped on as he lay dying. Eventually, a friend interrupted the attack and the three boys fled. George, Williams and Joseph were all later convicted of being ‘secondary parties’ to murder and sentenced to 11, 14 & 15 years respectively. All three have appealed their sentences; a request that has, so far, been denied. Struggling to cope with her loss, Moya admits that, although the trial itself was a harrowing experience - it did allow her to channel her grief. In the weeks and months following her son’s murder, she attributes much of her strength to ensuring that Jourdan received justice. “The trial did keep me focused; it gave me a purpose because I had to see it through for Jourdan. I felt like I had to be strong for him. I always said that I didn’t’t want vengeance, I wanted justice; justice and the truth.” Justice might have been served but the truth - it seems - is somewhat harder to come by. At first optimistic that the trial would provide answers to the mystery surrounded the final moments of her son‘s life, today she is more resigned - reluctantly acknowledging that she may never know which of the trio actually killed her son. “What I don’t understand is why the two that weren’t’t holding the knife didn’t’t speak up. There were only four people there that day that know what happened - my son is dead and the other three won’t say. I would have thought if I was ever going to know the truth someone would have come forward by now,” she says with a small, hurt smile. These days - a little over a year since the end of the trial - life goes on for Moya, albeit, different from the one she imagined for herself just a few years ago. In this one, laughter has been replaced by silence, the future has been usurped by the past and old memories are cherished because there will never be any new ones. Indeed - in this house the weight of memory is an almost physical thing. A good looking young man, with dark brown eyes and a mischievous grin, Jourdan’s photographs cover the walls and line the mantle-piece: His first birthday, the Christmas of his fifth year, a multitude of smiling, gap-toothed school snaps; Each lovingly framed picture, marks the progression of a life tragically cut short. For Moya, photographs are all she has left - an ever present visual reminder of the son she will never see grow into a man. “There are certain hurdles that are always going to be difficult: His birthday, his graduation, Christmas, Mother’s day, becoming a grandmother…all those milestones, you know? Hearing from his friends about all the things that they’re achieving, knowing that some of them are getting married or having babies -all those things have been taken from me, they have robbed me of all those things.” “They took my life when they took his,” she adds, softly. Asked if she believes they’ll ever be any closure for her or her family, Moya pauses for a moment and looks thoughtful. “It’s not something you can ever get over because you have to live with it for the rest of your life. I think over time you just handle it better,” she answers at last. “It’s not like switching a light off and you think, “well, that’s it, that room’s dark now, it‘s gone.” I don’t think you’re ever in a position to do that, especially not as a parent. You just learn how to cope with the pain a little bit better. All I know is it’s important to keep fighting to stop knife crime from ruining anymore lives. I have to keep going for Jourdan; I have to be strong for him.” And there exists the great paradox: Grief might have afforded Moya her strength but only as a result of losing what she loved the most. And - as any mother will tell you - that is just too high a price to pay.

10 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Letter from Editor Hi Guys, welcome to the lifestyle section! Not being a massive fan of the ‘OTT, cringe inducing’ welcome I’ll try to keep this fairly brief. Being new to the job of lifestyle editor, I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a quick hello to the new students here at Bucks, as well as a big welcome back to everyone else. As you regular readers probably know, those of us who contribute to the Bucks Student are committed to trying

By Siobhan Carney


to improve the paper and make it as enjoyable to read as possible. In terms of the lifestyle section I hope to carry on the great work of the previous editor and continue to include the kind of stuff you guys like to read. Whether you wanted to write articles similar to those we already have, or maybe you see a gap in the paper and want to do something totally different…either way, all contributions are welcome.


Sick and Cynical

What Women Say & What Women Mean.

Recently, during a particularly heated argument, a male friend of mine (for the sake of anonymity we’ll call him Mr X) claimed that trying to decipher the difference between what women say and what they really mean are two entirely separate concepts. In fact, such was his agitation at female ambiguity that he even went as far to compare this gender juxtaposition as the communicational equivalent of wading through a particularly dangerous forest. He insisted that the majority of men viewed this ‘forest’ with a species of spine chilling terror because (as he so poetically put it) ‘it’s a dark place filled with swamps of misinterpretation where men are easily lost and might, at any moment, stumble over a myriad of unexploded conversational landmines’. According to ‘Mr X’, all male/female relationships are based on one universal truth: 90% of the time, men have literally no idea what women really mean. Apparently, we females communicate using a constantly evolving code, a cipher so erratic that it can often be dependent on our current mood or, in some cases, a mere whim. Sometimes we mean what we say, sometimes we mean the opposite of what we say and – just for added confusion – sometimes we literally have no idea what we mean until we receive a response to what we say, at which point we’ll quickly make up our minds and pretend that that’s what we meant all along….confused? So was ‘Mr X’. Naturally, I was annoyed at this unprovoked attack on my gender, I mean, women surely aren’t THAT difficult to decipher…are they? Unfortunately, it was at this point I had an unpleasant flashback to an evening I’d once spent hounding and eventually forcing ex-boyfriend into answering the

question that all men dread: Is there anything that you’d change about me? I vividly recalled that – after asking the above question – I’d then spent well over an hour cajoling and assuring; “Honestly, I genuinely want to know”, “I promise I won’t be offended by what you say”, etc. Until, finally – terrified and brow beaten - he reluctantly admitted that I could perhaps “tone up at the gym” (at this point I feel it’s important to clarify that I’d been saying much the same thing about myself for the last few weeks) However, I conveniently chose to ignore this particular fact (along with my previous promises to “not be offended”) and instead became suffused with rage. The reason I specifically recalled this particular event was because, suddenly, I began to wonder if Mr X didn’t have a point. True, he was exaggerating somewhat, however, mightn’t his initial insistence that women speak in riddles and codes (some of which would confuse even the most brilliant cryptographers) contain a small nugget of truth? Naturally, the idea that his stereotypical and borderline sexist ramblings might be right annoyed me somewhat. However, I hid my irritation by reverting to the opposite code: “I’m glad you’ve spoken your mind”, “I rarely hold a grudge”, “No, no…of course I’m not offended” – all of which, for those of you who don’t know (men) literally translates to: “Why couldn’t you have kept your mouth shut!”, “Even the mafia doesn’t hold a grudge as long as I do”, “I am so offended”. Still, to give Mr X his due, (and it pains me to say that), I couldn’t help but be intrigued by his confusion about how women express themselves. Surely, I thought,


went to Barcelona with my mates a few months ago, and do you what it helped me realise? I hate British students. They can never seem to quit going on about their “experiences”; constantly nattering about their Gap Years, feeling the need to divulge every vulgar detail on how everything was so “sick” and “nuts”. It’s not necessary because it’s no longer new – there is always some English chick who, after taking a single step onto the African continent, harks on about how it “changed her”. Dudes are no different – travelling across a state, inhaling fumes from the hypothetical doobie of life. A few guys I’ve met recently have often used the word “awesome” and even more frequently referred to their journals. My name is Ross Henbest and, providing I do not die anytime soon, I’ll be writing an article called ‘Sick and Cynical” in the Bucks Student Newspaper. I intend to explore the student world of everything described as ‘Sick’ and then cast one of my beady “Cynical” eyes on it. I’d quite like this new article to generate some healthy discussion amongst students. So if you would like to have your say please do not hesitate to email Student circles certainly do generate interesting subjects. I can remember at Brook Street Halls last year the amount of time spent embracing the positive side of internet use. Hours dedicated to watching an unhealthy

not all men think like this? However, a quick poll of various male friends revealed that – far from being a weird, macho, 1950’s throwback – Mr X’s view was a common one. My friend ‘Jack’ summed it up best when he told me, “The thing with men is that, half the time, when we’ve upset a girl we genuinely have no idea why…it’s not as if they’ll ever actually say what’s bothering them, we’re just expected to guess. It’s like going to stay with a mysterious Amazonian tribe; you don’t speak the language, have no idea of the customs and the best that you can hope for is that you’ll avoid being scalped for unknowingly making some hideous faux pas!” So what’s the solution for better communication? Well according to Mr X’s it’s transparency, or at the very least some kind of universal algorithm that will allow easier communicational decryption. Either way, he insists this will be vast improvement on the current confusion between the sexes. “If you’re annoyed, say you’re annoyed - don’t passively aggressively send me a text message with one X instead of XXX…I don’t know what that means!” So, in the interests of my friendship with Mr X (and to the benefit of men everywhere) I’ve put together a simple list of translations. Yes = No Maybe = No No = No I’m fine = Something is wrong

amount of Cat videos on YouTube. My eyes glued to a screen while these Feline bundles of joy chase lasers, fall off vacuums and play piano. In fact I’ve recently reunited my love for Cat Videos making them my current ULTIMATE ONLINE OBESSION. I’m not sure what it is about those furry little buggers but they really put a smile on my face. I was thinking of setting up a “Bucks Cat Society” Who’s with me? When I speak about “positive internet use” (this applies to the male contingent of readers) I’m not talking about using the internet to satisfy your objectified attitude towards women. I’m talking about things such as “StumbleUpon” or “Dropbox” which are both awesome and functional. Yes, websites like “StumbleUpon” really do have a function – to waste time. I’m not sure where I would be if it wasn’t for that website; possibly lying in a pool of alcohol but probably still at home watching videos of Cats online. Before I go; I’ve been meaning to suggest a video to you guys – you simply must watch it. Go onto “YouTube” and just search “SKEMZ” – it’s not rude or dirty I promise. It’s a boy from a place called Medway (which is where I’m from) who raps and produces his own music. He’s like fourteen throwing down shiny doorknob lyrics. Even now whilst researching for this article I spent 20 minutes watching “SKEMZ” giggling. Don’t be hatin’. By Ross Henbest

Nothing’s wrong = Something is definitely wrong Don’t worry about it = You should definitely worry about it. *Sigh* = You insensitive pig! Why haven’t you forced me to tell you what’s wrong! I don’t want to ruin our friendship = The thought of sleeping with you makes me want to vomit. It’s up to you = You better do what I want We need to talk = I need to talk Do you want me to help you with that? = You’re incompetent…better leave it to me Does this outfit look okay? = Whatever answer you give I’m probably going to end up changing. Have I put on weight? = *Run!* Is she prettier than me? = *Run faster* I’m not high maintenance = I’m going to make you carry my handbag everywhere! I don’t hold a grudge = I’ll remember this forever and every time we have a row I’m going to bring this up again. What do you love about me? = I’m a praise vampire…. tell me how great I am! By Siobhan Carney

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 11

How have you enjoyed Dear Busty... Freshers Fortnight? On Wednesday night at the infamous Toga party, the BSN team asked YOU Freshers how you’ve enjoyed your time here so far. Most of you could actually hold a conversation. So well done, you’re doing better than half of us when we were fresh. “Oh my God, it’s been the best week of my life... everyone is super friendly and all the nights out have been amazing.” “It’s been really good so far. I’ve been a bit homesick but I’ve made lots of new friends in halls and we’re all in the same boat. The university, especially the Gateway, is really cool.” “I’ve had such a great time so far and I never thought I’d make friends so quickly. I really didn’t know what to expect but it’s been amazing. The SU Bar needs air-conditioning on nights out though!” We’ll be catching up with Freshers after their first month at BNU. Let’s hope you still feel the same about the university.

Dear Busty, Although I’m really loving the uni: I’ve made loads of new mates and enjoyed my nights out, I’m really not liking where I live. It’s a private property where I’m living with a random group of people! I hate going back there as we have nothing in common! I find myself sleeping on mates sofas instead of going back to my house. Do you have a solution for me Busty….I really don’t like where I live! Sofa Surfer, 19

my time before I met my dearest Rusty that is. Now what you gotta do is go and see the advice centre about setting you up with a GUM clinic. Or visit begoodinbed. or call 01494690980 and they will get you all checked out. For future reference my little party puller the advice centre has free condoms! So wrap your meat when you go into heat! Kisses on your face, Busty x

Well my little sofa surfer, It seems to me that you haven’t really tried to get on with your new housemates, After all it is only week two of fresher’s! Maybe give them a little time. Why not suggest a flat night in? How about a fajita night? Everyone loves a fajita night! Or a dvd night, Naked twister perhaps? Whatever floats your boat really! Give them a chance my little pumpkin (before I get a letter from your mates telling me that they have a scally friend they need to get off their sofa!) If all else fails go and see the accommodation people and pop your name on a waiting list. Kisses on your face, Busty x

Dear Busty, I have been aware of a couple of incidents that have been happening around Wycombe at night and it makes me scared to walk home after a night out! Sometimes it even puts me off going out at night! I’ve even thought about changing uni! Lisa, 20

Dear Busty, A few days ago after a night out in the SU, I pulled this guy and ended up back at his flat. I was really drunk and realised in the morning we’d had sex and maybe not used a condom! What should I do? I’m too embarrassed to tell my flatmates! HELP! Anonymous, 18 Little Miss/Mr Anonymous (it’s the 21st century and you kids are down for whatever these days) I hearrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ya sista/mista! *waves hoof in the air * Now I’ve been there before with a few stags in

Now now Lisa, Changing University’s is a tad extreme don’t ya think? It’s great that you have your wits about you but these incidents are few and far between and if your careful then there should be nothing to worry about. 1 make sure your with all of your friends, 2, If you live quite far get a taxi with all of your mates it won’t be much between you. 3 NEVER walk home alone!! Now don’t be a fun sponge and live your life scared of your own shadow just take care of yourself and your friends and enjoy yourself. Kisses on your face, Busty x

Confessions of a Fresher FIRST CONFESSION, I have been here before. Technically I am a re-sit student or as I like to think of it a re-fresher. Am I excited? Yes. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I more nervous than last year? Absolutely yes. The question I have been asked most by my friends is ‘are you going to miss living in halls for your first year?’ Honestly no, I done it last year and as fun as it was I can safely say I will not miss the mess; the Drum and Bass making my room vibrate at stupid o’clock; the guy two floors above vomiting on my window and the dreaded, infamous fire alarms. But I will miss the commotion of it all a lot. Second most asked question - “Are you worried about that ****-a-fresher challenge?” No, I escaped it last year and my healthy diet of 11p Tescos Value noodles has helped me gain about two stone so I believe I am safe from that “tradition”. Although the nerves have hit me, I am extremely excited about living in my own house with my friends, (who I know are not going to vomit on my window -yippee) but also the fact my room is a lot bigger, no offence Brook Street, but I have a lot of crap. In fact a whole Transit van of crap, Including 1340 bleeding Typhoo tea bags brought for me by my Nan including the 875 I had left over from last year, I did not have the heart to tell her I only drunk 5 cups of tea in my time at Brook Street. As well as a whole suitcase dedicated to bra’s. What can I say? I may have over packed slightly. So here I am; a re-fresher determined to make it right second time round, but will I give up on the partying life style of university? No I’ll just have to - in the words of my tutors - “time-manage” better than last year.


By Siobhan Carney The depths of shadows cruelly cast, On lives just barely begun, A heartbroken mother questions fates’ design, Of why the good die young. God’s will is indiscriminate, We must accept our chosen paths. Whether it’s the sun filled rays that warm our faces, Or winters icy grasp. They tell us to have faith in him, When the even is outweighed by odd. But when a baby dies, And a mother cries, Then tell me where was God? So, as our light fades from the horizon, Like the setting of the sun. God’s trying to reclaim his fallen angels, That’s why the good die young.

“Revenge of the Bubble Wrapped Spoon”

Coming to Bucks New University


was bought up in a small town in Lincolnshire, where the constant smell of cow manure fills the air and cars get stuck at 10 mph behind tractors on mud track roads. Because of this I knew from a young age that I wanted to go to university to see more of the world – seen as all I have at home is fields! Apart from the excitement of living somewhere that has more to offer than a Co-op and a fish and chip shop, I am so excited to meet new people and to release my inner tiger and party. I have been packing the last few days, being over organised as every girl should be. My room was covered in bubble wrap which, for some reason, I felt the need to individually coat

every item in - including cutlery. “Revenge of the bubble wrapped spoon”. I never really realised how much fun bubble wrap could be, pop. POP. Pop. I was sat for about half an hour popping bubble wrap. I googled this to see if it was normal behaviour (weird I know- but secretly you have done something like this before) and I actually found a Facebook page dedicated to this - a bubble wrap dedicated page…strange, yet still added to list of interests. Now I have the challenge of fitting all my stuff in the car….well actually the folks do. Not quite sure how it’s all going to fit in my halls room either, but challenge accepted. By Chloe Farmer

12 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

letter from the editor...

Hi everyone! Firstly, I’d like to start off by saying that I hate writing these cheesy intros. I never know where to start and they always end up sounding over the top, so I’ll try to keep it short. Let me tell you about the Culture, Arts and Literature section. If you’re thinking “I’ve never heard of this section before”, that’s because it’s brand new this

A “Wicked” Performance Playwright: Winnie Holzman Star Rating: Wicked is a light-hearted musical with a modern twist based around the events preceding The Wizard of Oz. It tells the tale of a young of a young witch named Elphaba (Rachel Tucker), whose unsightly green skin and unfortunate habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, earn her the title of the “wicked” witch, despite her good nature. The character of Glinda (Louise Dearman), Elphaba’s beautiful, blonde and brainless university roommate has the audience in stitches from the very moment she appears on stage. Everything from the ditzy lilt in her voice to her over-exaggerated movement is comical; she lifts the mood of the audience instantly to relieve any

Staged E

veryone you speak to will tell you that where they live is prized for something, whether it’s the stunning vistas of a countryside town or the impressive architecture of a big city. For the people of Green Oak, a small city in the south of England, that something was the Cynthia Crawford Academy of Performing Arts. Each and every year students from all over the world fought tooth and nail to secure a place. The standards were high, and only the very best young actors and actresses were chosen to complete their higher education there… s the car slowed to a gentle stop, Harry Felton stared up at the shiny gold plaque proclaiming that he had arrived at The Cynthia Crawford Academy of Performing Arts. He felt severely overwhelmed. He was just a normal guy from a normal school, and he still couldn’t believe that he was about to start his degree here. It was ridiculous, so ridiculous in fact, that he thought he might wake up at any moment. Harry felt eyes on him and turned to see his brother in the driver’s seat. “What’s wrong?” Matt asked with concern in his voice. Harry shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just feeling a little…nervous, I guess.” Matt chuckled. “You’re kidding me,” he said. “When it comes to being on stage in front of a crowd


dramatic tension created in some of the production’s more serious scenes. This production has to be praised for its clever use of props, combined with stunningly eerie music (music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz) to build mystery and intrigue in all the right places. One such prop is a huge dragon, which is suspended above the stage, and seems to be nothing more than harmless decoration. That is, until it springs to life, terrifying the audience with its snapping jaws and malevolent red eyes. This brilliant piece of ingenuity changes the mood of the audience instantly. You feel yourself switch from a feeling buoyant happiness to one of sombre silence in the blink of an eye. Although the overall plotline is extremely predictable in the sense that Elphaba faces many hardships before she finally get her happily-ever-after moment, as an audience member, you can’t help but be totally entranced into the play’s message. This is mainly due to the talent

year; and that means I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me. But I hope I can make the best of it, and include things that you all want to read. The kinds of articles that you can expect to see in this section are: book reviews, art reviews and theatre reviews. Not only that, but this section will give YOU with the chance to showcase

your talent in the form of short stories, poetry, song lyrics, photography and artwork. Any contributions are welcome, and any submissions can be made to the editor, Sarah O’Brien, at: student.editor@ So, there you have it, a little bit about this section. I hope you like it.

of the main cast members, who clearly take their craft very seriously. One criticism I have of this production is that, even though the skill of the pivotal cast members was outstanding (both the way in which they acted, and in their ability to sing so powerfully) the performance of the supporting cast seemed limp at times. That aside, I definitely recommend Wicked if you are looking for an evening of good humour and subtle tension. I’m not usually a fan of musicals to tell you the truth, and I only went along because it was for a friend’s birthday, but even I have to say that this musical is world’s apart from others of it’s kind, and just goes to that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover – even if that cover is green. By Shane Millar

By Shane Millar

you’re as confident as anyone I’ve ever known, and now you’re nervous about starting somewhere new?” Harry shook his head and turned back to stare at the plaque. “You don’t get it.” “Explain it to me then.” Harry sighed. “This is a really big deal for me, you know.” Matt absentmindedly ran a hand across his chin. “Yeah, I know,” he said. “And, no, I don’t get it. You’ve been banging on about this place for years, and what, now that you’re here you’ve got cold feet or something?” Harry took a moment to consider his brother’s words. “No,” he said. “It’s not that. I suppose I’m just questioning whether I actually deserve to be here.” “Now you’re being stupid.” Harry focussed on his brother again. “Think about it, Matt,” he took a deep breath. “Most of these people have probably been going to stage schools for most of their lives and a good chunk of them will have agents and I…I’m too inexperienced to be here.” Matt touched Harry’s shoulder briefly, before letting his hand drop again. “Nobody said this was going to be easy, mate. But think about it. You got in didn’t you?” Harry reluctantly nodded. “Well, there you go then,” said Matt, settling the matter. “You’re right,” Harry said, after a pause. “Thanks for letting me stay with you, by the way.” Matt rolled his eyes, and said, “If

you say that one more time, I’ll send you home. I’m glad to have the company.” Harry smiled. “Whatever, I’d better go or I’m going to be late. Plus, I don’t want anyone to see you. No offence, but the last thing I need right now is for everyone to think that I’m some loser who needs his big brother to drop him off.” arry waved as Matt pulled away, and then turned to face the entrance to Cynthia Crawford’s. His stomach flipped as he walked down the path that led to the impressive, modern looking academy, and all of his doubt returned. No way am I good enough to be here, he thought, and then he remembered something. He remembered the moment he’d been told that he’d been accepted to the academy. His drama teacher had asked to see him in his office… arry knocked on the door and Mr Grimsby looked up from his desk. “Ah, Harry.” Harry walked in and closed the door behind him, taking a seat on the other side of the desk. “You asked to see me, sir?” Mr Grimsby smiled. “Don’t look so worried, lad, you aren’t in trouble,” he said, and then he reached into one of his desk drawers, taking out a sturdy white envelope. “This came for you this morning, Harry.” Harry took it, confused. “What is it?” he asked, weighing the




envelope in his hand. It didn’t feel very heavy. Grimsby’s smile grew wider. “Well, I didn’t want to say anything until all the application forms had gone through, but… open it.” Harry was perplexed, but nevertheless he picked at the adhesive holding the envelope closed and took out its contents. The envelope contained a letter that read: Dear Mr Felton, You do not know me, or though you may have heard of me. My name is Cynthia Crawford, of the Cynthia Crawford Academy of Performing Arts. I am writing to you personally to invite you to accept a place on the BA Acting course at my establishment. As you may or may not know, your current drama teacher is a former student of mine, and he took great care in filling out your application forms on your behalf. He speaks very highly of you. I do not, under normal circumstances, write to students to inform them of their offer of a place, but I feel I must congratulate you on both of your audition pieces. You made them your own in a way that very few actors can. I am only sorry that I was not able to see them in person. Should you accept my offer, your classes will start on October 3rd. I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards, Cynthia Crawford. Harry was stunned. He looked up from the letter and stared at Mr Grimsby in astonishment, and when he spoke, all he could do was splutter. “What…how?” “Congratulations,” Mr Grimsby said, still grinning like a Cheshire cat. Harry took a calming breath, before saying, “But, sir, this isn’t even possible! How can she like my audition pieces? I didn’t even send any. I didn’t even know anything about this.” Grimsby nodded. “I know. I sent them for you. Do you remember those recorded pieces I asked everyone to do about two months ago?” “The modern piece and the Shakespearean one?” Harry asked. Again, Grimsby nodded. “They were your entrance audition pieces.” “So, you sent everyone’s pieces?” “No, just yours, I knew you’d be good enough…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I didn’t think you’d agree to it.” Harry had sat in silence for a long while after that… Recalling this moment, Harry squared his shoulders and continued walking, a new purpose in his stride. He was ready.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat By Sarah O’Brien


oseph brought his colourful Dreamcoat and band of brothers to The Wycombe Swan on Tuesday 27th September to entertain and enthral the packed out Theatre. The audience was made up of predominately young families whose eager faces lit up as the lights dimmed and the curtains rose to reveal a beautiful Egyptian scene. The story of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat dates back to the Biblical story in the book of Genesis. It tells a tale of a boy who has the power to interpret dreams and can predict the future through this gift. Joseph, played by Any Dream Will Do runner-up Keith Jack, is the second youngest son to Jacob, who has twelve sons in all. His brothers are jealous as their father proclaims Joseph to be the preferred son, giving him a magnificent multi-coloured coat as a sign of his favouritism. Blinded by rage and jealousy, the brothers sell Joseph to Israelites as a slave, and then tell their father he had been killed. Little do they know - with a few bumps along the way - Joseph finds himself as the high Pharaoh’s right-hand-man in Egypt after using his unique power to interpret a dream. It’s a heart warming story where one boy’s dreams literally do come true. The show, although it sounds very mundane and Biblical, is charming, comical and endearing throughout. With music by the legendary Andrew Lloyd Webber, the songs are narrative, catchy and humorous. There are different themes in every song; Wild West folk, (complete with line-dancing brothers) a Chicago-inspired style (to accompany a sexually-referenced scene surprisingly made possible by witty use of lyrics and dance moves) and even a tropical Caribbean twist to name but a few. The amazing lighting techniques definitely deserve a mention as it rivalled some West End shows. It created the perfect illusion of a cell whilst Joseph was locked away and generally made the show as colourful as the Dreamcoat itself. The cast were perfect for the roles they played and, with over 130 performances between them, had the necessary experience to deliver an unforgettable show. Keith Jack does a great job in making Joseph a likeable character (as he is a bit cocky at times) and his sweet, innocent face and cute smile stole the hearts of every girl and woman in the audience alike. However, the other eleven brothers seem to make more of an appearance and for that reason almost overtake Jack’s performance as they are a cheeky, funny and talented group of men who compliment each other well. But it is Jennifer Potts playing the narrator in this production who is the most memorable as her virtuous looks and voice to match generates a show-stealing performance. The chorus in the show was made up of young children who sat as good as gold on the side of the stage throughout. They provided beautiful harmonies and backing vocals for the main characters and were perfectly angelic. Overall, Joseph is a fantastic show which will appeal to audiences of all ages. Although it is a family show, it would be a great night out for students as the bar was cheap and the performances beat the cinema any day (ideal for that first date, fellas!). Anyone who is interested in visiting the Wycombe Swan can call them on 01494 512000 or simply run across the road and pop in to see what they have to offer in the next couple of months.

ONLY £2.25






DID YOU GET A PHOTO? search: Bucks SU Photos (2011-2012)

Bucks Stud

Wed 05 Oct - Tue 19 Oc

HAPPY 4TH B Wednesday




Blue Rinse Wave pictures & Bobby Petrov

The Frat House - AU Launch Snakebite & Black £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


26 Frat House Snakebite & Black £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

MC9 Presents Kill It Kid & guests Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

22 Flirt -Rustys Birthday Montenegro V England

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1

Corky’s Double up









29 Flirt - Pirates

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1

Corky’ Double up Plus sp

dents’ Union

ct at the Venue High Wycombe




23 Quiz/ Rock and Roll Bingo

s £1 a shot p on spirits £1

MILK 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Suck My Acoustic Barcade 4pm-12am 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1





DJ Society presents DJ competition

4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


’s £1 a shot p on spirits £1 pecial offers!





02 ACS Black History Month

Comedy Central

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers / Snakebite £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

18 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Comedy Central at the SU Tuesday 20th September

By Sarah O’ Brien ucks Students’ Union really started the year off with a giggle as they hosted another hilarious night at Comedy Central last Tuesday. Huge comic names such as Andi Osho and Piff the Magic Dragon graced our stages and had the audience in fits of laughter from hello. Andi Osho, who has starred in major shows such as Mock the Week and Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow, was up first in the White Room. Right from the beginning she proved she is a lot more daring than other comics, but nevertheless had every member engrossed in her unique sense of humour. Andi, unlike a lot of comedians, really conversed with her audience and was quick-witted as they gave some unexpected answers. She is a great testimony that women can be a hit in the comedy world. However, it was headlining act Piff the Magic Dragon that really stole the show... or at least his adorable side-kick Mr. Piffles did. He amazed the crowd with his believable magic tricks and stunned the volunteers he pulled up to the stage. This accompanied with his ‘Jack Dee’ sense of humour really made this an unforgettable Comedy Central night.


Bestival Review THIS was my second time visiting the Isle of Wight and once again I was not disappointed with what was on offer. Of course, I am not referring to the somewhat strange local folk or its beautiful beaches, but the ever growing music festival appropriately named Bestival. For those who choose to take the trip across the water from the mainland is a one way ticket into a surreal fairytale. Creative escapism was all around with a pinch of dazzle and touch of class. Its high models of weird creatures and magnificent flowers which surround the vast area of land identify a miniature copy of Glastonbury. What makes this similarity more unique is that Bestival creators Rob Da Bank and his team manage to install a more personal vibe, even though 40, 000 festival goers decided to march to the seaside town armed with wellies and rucksacks. On arrival, the Thursday is rather quiet in terms of the madness that follows, but Santigold opened

in electrifying style in the Big Top tent. Her hit songs “Shove it” and “Say Aha” sent the audience ballistic. On the Friday, old timer Beach Boy Brian Wilson gave one of the best sets of the whole weekend. He was every inch perfect and showed why an old dog can be taught new tricks to the young performers in the music industry. He took the audience on a trip down memory lane with his rendition of all the Beach Boy classics such as personal favourites “Surf USA” and “Good Vibrations”. The Drums featured on the Saturday with a midday slot on the main stage. With a highly anticipated second album out now, the beach-based surfers from America rode into Britain’s festival scene on a wave of euphoria. Unfortunately what followed was a weak and flat set that failed to deliver to the standards produced on record. Popular songs “Me and the Moon” and “Forever

Album reviews B

Thurs 6 TH OCT





Thurs 13TH OCT

Last Train Home


Kalli -


By Ian Alford

lake’s starts with Unluck which with its trip hop undertones and warm vocals makes for a solid if a tad uninteresting opening. However things get a little better with tracks like jazz infused The Wilhelm Scream which sounds like Jack Johnson in space and Lindisfarne I & II. Blake’s

and Ever, Amen” raised slight cheer and new song “Money” seemed to go down well, yet raised suspicions that the size and open structure of such a huge stage was affecting the front mans vocal range. As the festival progressed, Saturday was the designated dress-up day with a theme of Rockstars and Divas. I lost count of how many Freddy Mercury’s strolled past my campsite and a man wearing a “mankini” really topped off a fun filled day. To finish the weekend’s exploits, Fatboy slim performed a blinding set in the early hours of Monday morning which blew the minds of everyone who witnessed old Norm thrust his arm furiously in the air as if he was still 18. His introduction of “Wonderwall” before dropping an electro fusion of dance got everyone singing with nostalgia before breaking into a boogie and fist pump. A good weekend was definitely had by all.

By Sarah Campbell use of silence comes into its own in both Lindisfarne tracks and is quite ingenious as it promotes an acapella autotuned song (part 1) which then bleeds into an acoustic autotuned track (part 2) which is certainly rather unique. Blake adds a gospel twist to I Never Learnt To Share

and piano stabs along with a downbeat and funk infused rhythm to I mind. However, in spite of some gems of tracks on the album there are too many songs like Why Don’t You Call Me which can’t help but feel a little too cold and uninspired. In spite of his hit and miss debut, it’s a shame Blake

has been met with apathy from people like Feist and Portishead’s Geoff Barrow because, in all fairness, Blake’s not that bad. He just needs refinement and to hold off the effects a bit.

UK . This album is produced by Coldplay’s bassist Guy Berryman, and begins with You’ll Be Mine. With its bewitching lyrics and catchy chorus you can’t help but wonder whether the girls have decided to come out fighting to capture their audience’s attention. Defiance seems to be The Pierces’ favourite theme, with songs such as Space & Time and Drag You Down, along with their cover of LEVY’s Glorious, providing feisty and catchy anthems against general

‘bad stuff’. With an overall retro 60s / 70s feel to parts of the album (Kissing You Goodbye, Love You More) and noir-esque melodramatic ballads in others (We Are The Stars, Close My Eyes), the acoustic, folk and American country undertones along with fantastic lyrical storytelling and harmonies tie this album together wonderfully. However, in spite of elements of the album working reasonably well, there seems to be a spark

that’s missing. Perhaps its pressure to conform or the will to succeed but the more mature sound The Pierces have created makes them sound incredibly average overall. The pair have managed to, in a bid to become more serious, lose the sense of mischief which made their last album Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge way more likable.

Key track: One Little Indian Out Now!

Thurs 20TH OCT




uirky soft pop rock Alabamian duo The Pierces have been around for, believe it or not, over 10 years. However, given the hype over their latest offering You & I, you’d think they’d only just come about. Yet perhaps both Catherine and Allison Pierce have – given that their 4th album for many has been for many the first time they’ve heard of the pair. Not surprising really as You & I has been commercially their most successful and most mainstream offering in the




Sat 29TH OCT










The Pierces You & I




INFO: Tickets available for all live events from for more info go to or Photo I.D. may be required for entry. Line ups subject to change. More Info: 01494605100 Bucks Students’ Union, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 2JZ

al break Internation ) (No football

October 9th October 16th rd

October 23

underland Arsenal vs S vs Spurs Newcastle vs Man City Man United lsea QPR vs Che

Football Sunday

Key track: Polydor Out Now!

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 19

Wednesday night

Top 5 new singles

THIS year’s Toga party was possibly the most spectacular so far as BNU students came together and really got into the themed event. Well, when in Rome. The Venue was packed from the get-go as first, second and third years alike joined for arguably one of the biggest nights of Freshers Fortnight. Some queued for hours in cold conditions (and very little clothing – the downside to toga night) to begin the partying and to get into the over-heated SU bar. One Fresher even stated “they definitely need air-con in there!” You wait until it’s snowing, love. The SU team never ceases to amaze with special guests and the first of the Frat House Party’s was no different as Sam Robertson from shows such as Coronation Street and is known to one BNU student as “the good-looking one from Beaver Falls” joined in the celebrations. Overall, the first Frat House proved to be as popular as ever and we’re looking forward to the future Wednesday nights out.

20 years and still no Nirvana


s a general fan of grunge music, it can be quite difficult at times to understand just what made Nirvana so loved by many people. See, in my eyes at least, Nirvana did not epitomize what grunge was. They were just a band who could write a few catchy songs and got lucky while doing it. Hit album Nevermind, which was released 20 years ago on the 24th September, screams this point of view. It suddenly became cool to like grunge when that album was released; it became cool to look like Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love on a regular basis.

What do you mean you haven’t heard ... Cults? WITH a song that has been made famous by a certain cider advert, New York duo Cults are Brian Oblivion and Madeline Follin. Quick fun fact here: Oblivion’s name is originally taken from 1983 film Videodrome and is originally a character played by Jack Creley, the film itself is known for starring Deborah Harry and James Wood...and is an incredibly freaky horror film! Both 21, the pair decided to create beautiful music together in 2010 while film students at New York University. Originally both from San Diego, CA, they apparently met whilst Oblivion

By Sarah Cambell

1. Florence and the Machine What the Water Gave Me

For anyone who hasn’t heard this wonderful track from Florence Welch’s second album... what rock have you been living under? It is a track that is about - according to Ms Welch speaking to NME- “children who are swept out to sea and their parents go in after them and try to rescue.” Not an entirely obvious subject... but its glorious 80s-esq gothic sounds and references to the sun and stones means it is a track that demands to be heard.

2. Coldplay Paradise

After Nevermind, the grunge genre that was popular in the early 90s became more about style rather than substance. It’s like saying that because you listened to a couple of Sex Pistols albums and bought a leather jacket then suddenly you were punk. Listening to Nevermind and wearing a flannel shirt does not make you any more or less grunge than someone sporting a Mohawk. Grunge was and still remains so much more than Nevermind. That said, there is much more to Nirvana than Nevermind -there was the unpolished and raw Bleach or the rather under-rated In Utero. Nirvana was essentially dark and wonderful. Nevermind is some of that, but is generally just a somewhat polished, meek piece of work that hit the mainstream in a big way without particularly

earning the hype or critical acclaim it still carries today. Does it really speak for a genre and a generation? Is it honestly any better than Pearl Jam’s Ten or Alice in Chain’s Jar of Flies? No it doesn’t. Instead it is just an overcommercialised album that sparked an interest in a genre they hadn’t previously heard of. Nothing more. By Sarah Cambell

was a tour manager for Follin’s brothers band The Willowz. Not entirely naive to world of the music industry, or the art industry for that matter, both have previously released independent singles and are also, in spite of their hype over the internet over their track “Go Outside” [which is what is featured on the aforementioned cider advert], relatively unknown. With a name you can’t search on Google easily and being a rare minority of bands who don’t have a MySpace page, the fact that Cults have managed to gain such a following so quickly is a testament to how good the pair actually are. With one album to their name already, the band generally have sweet, catchy indie pop sensibilities, which hides a rather subtle yet wicked sense of humour within the lyrics. Their self-titled debut can already be found on iTunes, whilst should you like to check

out the band for yourself they will be playing London in November. By Sarah Cambell

Since announcing new album Mylo Xyloto, Coldplay have released various tracks as a taster for things to come. All feature various pop sensibilities, even with a collaboration with Rihanna on the cards. Yet change isn’t always necessarily a good thing as the rather lacklustre Paradise proves.

3. PJ Harvey Lonely Avenue

Somehow PJ Harvey manages to take a cover of an iconic song made famous by Ray Charles and make it her own. With well judged vocals and beautiful sounding backup, the two time Mercury music prize winner shows no sign of letting up her well-deserved music crown just yet with this gem.

4. Milk Maid -

You’re Dead Wrong

Sunny, pop-Indie artists Milk Maid have released a follow up single to Not Me with Dead Wrong, which also comes from their debut album Yucca. Not enough love can be expressed for former Nine Black Alps bassist Martin Cohen’s new band. Catchy and happy, it is perfect Indie music.

5. Julian Casablancas Rave On

Taken from what is shaping up to be a fantastic tribute album to Buddy Holly, the former Strokes front man has brought a fresh and interesting take on the Holly track.

OnStandout tracks include: Abducted, Go Outside, You Know What

I Mean.

Sounds like: Catchy 60s indie pop that belongs at the cinema Warning: Not to be confused with other cults such as Blue Oysters

14th October - 8pm - Pirate Themed Party ROOM 1: DJ’S - SEB & GOO ROOM 2: DJ HOTSHOT & DJ MENNIS

THURSDAY 6TH OCTOBER DJ’S 8PM UNTIL 2AM, THE VENUE 60’s / 70’s / 80’s / 90’s / 00’s / indie / electro / motown



Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 21

ON THE BOX Soaps Review Hi everyone, I’m MJ - the TV and Soaps Editor for the Bucks Student Newspaper. It’s my aim to bring you all the latest Soaps and TV news every fortnight. I run the regular Soaps column, where I’m guaranteed to be discussing EastEnders. After all there’s no reason why coming to university has to mean that you can’t stay up-to-date with the TV world. Any requests or suggestions - then just drop me a message and I’ll try my best to accommodate it. Happy watching/reading!

Above: Guinness Storehouse, Right: Trinity College, Dublin

Amira Masood, on her return to Eastenders



elcome to Bucks! I am the soaps columnist, which, frankly should be renamed the EastEnders Column as that’s the only Soap I seem to discuss. However, it is my aim to bring you the latest news and gossip on the TV world. Sit back, and enjoy! It’s also a good time to mention that spoilers ARE mentioned, so be warned! Seeing as this is the first issue since returning, I ought to bring you up to speed on what’s been happening over the summer. In a small-ish nutshell: Masood’s divorced Zainab, Ben Mitchell kissed a boy (Duncan), Kat Moon had a miscarriage, Anthony Moon gambled £8,000 against his brother Tyler Moon and lost the whole lot while, Darren Miller slept with Lauren Branning before jilting his fiancée Jodie Moon at the altar. However, there are main 2 storylines that are being played out. Tanya Jessop has cervical cancer and the return of Amira Masood. Tanya’s cancer storyline has been subtly played out over the previous month in the wake of Greg Jessop finally leaving her and finding out that she slept with her ex-husband Max Branning. Some viewers may call it karma, but undeniably it’s a powerful topic that’s being handled with the utmost care. It’ll be interesting to see how it affects Tanya’s relationship with her family.

Meanwhile, the return of Amira Masood will have a huge impact on the Masoods and Christian Clarke. You’d think that the revelation of her husband’s sexuality and affair with Christian would be enough reason to stay away, but apparently not. Syed Masood is hoping for a divorce so that he can marry his true love, Christian Clarke – but things aren’t going to be that easy, especially as Amira is bringing back Syed’s daughter, Yasmin Masood. The daughter he doesn’t know exists. Talk about rubbing salt in the wound for Christian, who’s never hidden the fact that he wants a child with Syed – who doesn’t quite feel the same way. There was a lot of uproar when Bryan Kirkwood took over the reign of EastEnders from Diedrick Santer last year, especially when there was a shake up of both actors and characters. Charlie Jones was axed from his role as Ben Mitchell and Joshua Pascoe was brought in to take over. The reason was quite simply, that an ‘adult’ actor was needed to play out the ‘sexuality’ storyline that we’re currently seeing. Despite the initial reaction, after the scenes played out, a lot of people are beginning to agree with his decision. So who knows what the future holds? All the same, you can expect an explosive few weeks ahead for EastEnders and make sure you stay tuned in!

For more info email

Bucks Volunteering

citybreaks - DUBLIN By Paddy Cunningham


ith most students getting their loans in during the past week, the temptation is to always spend it on alcohol, clothes and items we don’t really need. So why not spend it on something worthwhile (not books or rent) and book a weekend break somewhere? Flying these days is just as cheap as any other means of transport, so I would recommend Dublin as the perfect place to go with a few of your mates. No matter what you are interested in you should find something to do in this amazing city. Whether this ranges from drinking to shopping, then you are in the perfect place. Two locations you must visit are the Guinness Storehouse and Grafton Street, for drinking and shopping respectively. In the storehouse you will see how the world’s most popular drink

is brewed and learn how to pull a pint yourself before enjoying a drink overlooking Dublin from the Gravity Bar. Or you could also go to Grafton Street, where you will find all the high-street shops, as well as a few unique to Ireland, such as Brown Thomas. The most popular place for young people to is Temple Bar. Located in the very centre of the city, it is full of pubs, restaurants, and shops to keep you busy. Make sure to visit bars such as The Quays, Fitzsimons and The Temple Bar. Not too far from here, you can visit one of the many nightclubs Dublin has to offer. One I would recommend is Copper Face Jacks (Coppers), which is quite infamous amongst Irish people and it would be rare to find a young person who has never been to this place! Temple

5th October

# Conservation project with the local Woodland Service

19th October

# Hughenden Footpath Regeneration Project

24th October

# One World Week

25th October

# LearnAsOne Wycombe RAG raid!

10th November

# Swans Cake Sale in the SU foyer

12th November

# Jailbreak


# Careers Workshop - How being a student volunteer can get you a job!

7th December

# The Annual Elderly Christmas Dinner

8th December

# The Annual Elderly Christmas Shopping

Bar also plays host to a lot of unique designer clothes shops that are not that expensive and are good for picking out a bargain or two. The world famous Trinity College is just a stone’s throw away, if you can make it you will find a university steeped in history that will interest you, and the architecture is stunning as well as nearby places such as St. Stephens Green, which is always nice for a stroll. If you want to take a break from the rush of the city centre then visit Phoenix Park, which is Europe’s largest city park and host’s Aras An Uachtarain (President’s house) and Dublin Zoo. All in all, Dublin is a city full of history and charm, its locals are very welcoming, and there is a good buzz no matter where you go, and there will always be a bit of craic in one of its 980 odd pubs!

22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Bucks Su - Uxbridge


Make sure you keep up to date with all the news, activities and socials happening at Uxbridge and the world of Nursing.

Give it a Go Week (Uxb) Wednesday 5th October: Basic Sign Language Workshop - Room 1.11, 1pm-6pm Want to try Sign Language? We have 12 spaces available on a basic sign language course. The session lasts 5 hours and you will receive a certificate at the end. This session will take place in Room 1.11. Spaces are limited and a £5 deposit will be required to secure your place. You will receive this back on the day. To sign up email or visit him in the Students’ Union office at Uxbridge. FULL Give it a Go Week (Uxb) - Wednesday 5th October: Netball Uxbridge College - 7pm Want to try netball? We are joining up with the Back to Netball scheme and have places on their Wednesday session from 7.00pm - 8.00pm on the 5th October at Uxbridge College, Park Road, UB8 1NQ. So dig out your trainers and meet some new people! To register your interest email Tom Foy or visit him in the Students’ Union. Email: Give it a Go Week (Uxb) - Thursday 6th October: Bake and Knit Pulse 12pm-2pm Want to try baking and knitting? We are holding a social session on Thursday 6th October where you can bring along cakes you've baked at home then have a chat and knit a hat....or whatever you want to knit! No need to book just show up to pulse with your finest baking and meet some new people. All knitted items will be donated to a local charity. Give it a Go Week (Uxb) - Thursday 6th October: Banksy: Exit Through the Gift Shop - Pulse 5.30pm-7.30pm Want to see Banksy's Exit through the Gift Shop? The world's first street art disaster movie. Exit through the Gift Shop is the groundbreaking film from Banksy the world's most famous graffiti artist; a global phenomenon with a fiercely guarded anonymity. Capturing the exhilarating behindthe-scenes world of graffiti art, an eccentric Frenchman tries to film and befriend Banksy, only for the artist to turn the camera back on its owner with spectacular results. The screening will take place in park room and is open to all who wish to attend. Give it A Go Week (Uxb) - Friday 7th October: Kayaking Rickmansworth Aquadrome. 12pm-3pm Want to try Kayaking? We have 15 spaces available on a free trip to Rickmansworth Aquadrome to give it a go on Friday 7th October. Minibus will leave at 12.15 and the Kayaking is a two hour session from 1pm until 3pm. Space are limited so to secure your place you will need to give a £5 deposit to Tom Foy in the Students’ Union office at Uxbridge. All deposits will be given back on the day. Transport will be provided to and from the venue. Give it A Go Week (Uxb) - Friday 7th October: Zumba exercise class - Park Room 5pm-6pm Over the course of the first week of October the Students' Union is putting on a variety of activities for Uxbridge students to Give a Go! Want to try Zumba? We have 20 free spaces available on Friday 7th October at 5pm until 6pm in a Zumba taster session. Spaces are limited so to secure your place you will need to email Tom: or visit him in the Students’ Union office room 1.02. FULL

Twitter is a great way to keep updated on nursing issues and to get involved in the nursing community. Twitter can be used to help with CPD and PREP requirements and is a useful tool to allow nurses to share thoughts, ideas and experience. If you are new to twitter and this is a guide that will help you to start. 1. Go to and sign up to twitter 2 Add some information about yourself 3. Search for people you want to follow by searching for them and clicking on follow, our recommendations are : @BucksSU_UXB @NurChat @theRCN @NewcrossHealth @NursingTimes @RCNPublishing @NMCNews @BBCHealth 4 You can then Tweet about anything you find interesting. 5 You can reply to any tweets that you find interesting and chat with other twitter users 6. You can also re-tweet a tweet that someone else has written that you like or find interesting. 7. You can search for subjects that you find interesting to find others that are interested in the same subject eg by searching for NursingTimes. 8. Always remember that Twitter is a public forum and must be treated as such, therefore confidentiality must be adhered to at all times. The NMC have produced guidelines in relation to this & can be found on their website. It is strongly recommended that you read this before starting out.

Visit us at for more information. Follow us on Twitter @NurChat

Sabbatical Officer Surgery ON Tuesday 27th October SU President Ash Coles, Vice President Education and Welfare Laz Wood and Will Hoskin of the Mature Student’s Society delivered a Sabbatical Officer Surgery at Uxbridge in Pulse cafe. This consisted of an interactive discussion with students writing on a pot it what they where most looking forward to or nervous about in the coming year and also what they would like the Students’ Union to be working on this year. Below is a joint response of the feedback they received. Firstly we would like to thank all of those that got involved in our first Sabbatical Officer surgery at Uxbridge. It was great to see so many people getting involved and letting us know what you’d like us to be working on for you. We have sat down and collated the posters and other issues that you told us here is our plan of action. Parking – We will continue to lobby the University to help tackle the issue of parking at Uxbridge whether that is finding a parking solution or helping us negotiate better discounts with us. We will negotiate discount with local car parks and park and ride schemes for you and promote ‘rent a drive’ schemes in the area. More information on these are posted on our facebook

page Accommodation – You said that you would have liked student halls accommodation, that it was safer, of a better standard and had a better sense of community than the private sector housing. We also heard your stories about how finding properties in Uxbridge was very difficult especially for those of you who have had to move here from abroad. We will be working with the University to try and get some student accommodation in Uxbridge whether it be Halls or Head Tenancy Scheme houses (HTS is housing managed by the University where only students live together). We will be asking the University to seriously improve their accommodation support for students at Uxbridge Campus. Student Activities – We will be providing a wide variety of Student Activities at Uxbridge over this term and again all the details are on www. Having spoken to a lot of you we understand that people would like more activities that are certificated that you can add to your CV like the very popular sign language workshop we are doing. So we will aim to book more of these types of sessions in the future. We spoke to a number of you who told us that with childcare commitments you don’t have time to go to a cocktail making workshop on a Monday evening or down to the Union on a Friday night. So we are going to put on some events on Saturdays and family activities where you can come and meet other student parents. Childcare – We will be asking the University to start to negotiate student discounts with local childcare providers. We will contact the council’s childcare officer and obtain a list of the childcare facilities in the area so you

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 23


Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

is a fortnightly twitter chat for UK nurses. We explore a different topics every chat and they vary enormously. Use #NurChat to express, learn, share and explore but most of all participate and enjoy.

Tuesday 4th October 2011 8pm

Mature Students Society On Tuesday 27th September the Mature Students Society held the first of many Mature Student Society breakfasts in Uxbridge, with around twenty five mature students taking us up on our offer of a FREE Pastry and Coffee or Tea as well as some stimulating conversation. Also in attendance was Students’ Union president Ash Coles who was able to field some thoughtful and tricky questions as well as point out some of the Students’ Unions work that directly affects mature students

Mature Students Breakfast Club

Monday 10th October 8.45-10.30, Uxbridge campus, Pulse Cafe FREE Pastry and Coffee or Tea

#Nurchat will be discussing ‘Preventing and Reporting Drug Errors’

Before they were born Quiz

All nurses welcome. Join us by signing into Twiiter and searching #NurChat. Follow @NurChat for regular updates. Go to for more details.

Monday 10th October 16.00-17.00, Uxbridge campus, Pulse Cafe 30 Questions set as though the last 20 years did not exist Prizes for top 3 places

Mature Students Breakfast Club

Thursday 13th October 9.00-10.30, Wycombe campus, Cafe Direct FREE Sausage or Vegetarian Bap and Coffee or Tea

Before they were born Quiz

Thursday 13th October 16.00-17.00, Wycombe campus, The Lounge 30 Questions set as though the last 20 years did not exist Prizes for top 3 places If you are interested in joining the Mature Students Society please contact us on... 07960 933 050 and speak to Will

Laz Wood- Vice President Education & Welfare Will Hoskin - Mature Students’ Society

If you do have any further issues or want to talk to someone from the union then please drop in to the offices at Uxbridge or High Wycombe, phone 01494 601 600 or email:

The Students’ Union wants to represent all of its members – and we are trying to find how best to do that. You could help us in that mission and win yourself

£100 by filling

out a simple online 5 minute survey. The ‘communicating with our students’ survey online, at is an opportunity for you to let us know how we can best keep in touch on a regular basis and the key issues affecting you at the moment. We will use this information to tailor communications to you in the way that you want to.

Fri 21 Oct 7.00pm

PALMER BUILDING Lec. Theatre Room 1.09 Whiteknights Campus Reading University RG6 6UR

It seems that every aspect of life is affected by our relationships. Worldwide, people are either looking for relationships or exploring ways to improve the ones they have. Many have found that prayer has brought harmony to their interactions with others. Speaker Susie Jostyn observes, “I’ve found that a clear understanding of God as Love can bring peace and love to difficult situations, and deepens relationships.”


Ash Coles - President

Thurs 20 Oct 7.30pm

o lk Tw Ta ee

to placements, the placements themselves and your exams. Whilst we can’t take your exams or your placements for you we are always here for you and if you have any worries about your placements, exams, finances, visas, housing, benefit entitlements, travel discounts or any other problems you can come and speak to one of our independent advisors about absolutely anything and we will help you as best we can. To finish on the positives you all said you were looking to start up your courses, meet new people and get out there on to placement and get your stuck in to the practical aspects of the course. We hope you all have a fantastic time this year, but remember we’re here if you need us.

Getting out of the box and into a better place Fr

can find the most suitable facilities for you. Transport – The message about getting a shuttle bus between campuses has come through loud and clear. You want a bus that regularly runs to and from High Wycombe so you can take part in activities and use the facilities there, a bus that runs direct to campus and doesn’t take over an hour like the A40. We will be lobbying the University senior management team to find a way of funding such a scheme. Lockers – Some of you mentioned the need for lockers to keep you personal belongings between visits. We will ask the University to explore this and look at finding space for more student lockers on Uxbridge Campus. Negotiate cheap drinks in a local bar – We are currently trying to find you the cheapest student drinks in town. We have been informed that some of the best student deals can be found at The Metropolitan and don’t forget that we have free tickets to Liquid each week so get in touch with You also gave us your feedback on what your biggest worries for this year are. We were told about fears of financial stability, travelling

Relationships – friends, foes, and more

GATEWAY THEATRE Bucks New University

It’s natural to High Wycombe love freedom Queen Alexandra Rd and look for new HP11 2JZ opportunities. But time, tradition, finances, abilities, or limited options might stand in the way of progress. Many people have found that prayer breaks down these barriers and opens up new possibilities in their lives.

Speaker Susie Jostyn observes, “The best way to get out of any ‘box’ is to stop thinking about ourselves purely materially and start defining ourselves spiritually. Learning more about God, Spirit and how He has included us in His infinite creation is key.”

SuSIe JoSTyn C.S. has prayed about overcoming limitations in many different environments. With a bachelor’s and master’s degrees from MIT, she embarked on a career in product development and, later, manufacturing. now a practitioner of Christian Science healing, Jostyn prays with others to bring healing solutions to their lives. She loves and has played sports very competitively, plays the alto sax, and currently works on the website ALL WELCOME With Boston uSA as her base, Susie is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. She speaks to youth audiences on the power of prayer to make a difference in their life. ·

Tel 0118 9590532

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

FOOD & DRINK Hello Guys and Girls I’M Hollie Wicks, the new food editor. I hope I find you in happiness and full of spirit (high spirit, I don’t mean full of the spirits you drunk last night.) But if I don’t, have no fear, because I will soon change your frown upside down, and you’ll be smiling at the gorgeous recipes I bring you, be it cocktails for your

By Hollie Wicks

nights out or a delicious meal to impress your housemates. I shall also bring you tips on how to cure that ongoing hangover, how to fill your belly up for a cheap price or just simple tips on what cafe to visit when you need a quick hot drink to wake you up. That’s all for now - enjoy and speak soon, Hollie Wicks.

Student recipe for a quick dish Spaghetti Carbona Ingredients

2 eggs Pasta - Spaghetti Pancetta - chopped Mushrooms Cheese - Grated Parmesan ½ Onion - chopped Olive Oil

Katie’s Kitchen

Pasta with Roasted Vegetables

By Katie Smith

Get Stuffed! I hope you have settled in, got to know your house/ flat mates, had some good times and shared a meal or two at your short time at Bucks so far... FRUIT and vegetables are an extremely affordable and source of essential vitamins – remember your 5 a day! There is a fresh fruit and vegetable market in High Wycombe on Tuesdays and Fridays and everyday in Uxbridge at the Pavilions shopping mall (just by Iceland) - you’d be amazed how cheaply you can eat fresh produce if you plan your meals and shop together. Fresh fruit and vegetables are also cheaper when they are in season, here are the Autumn veggies available aplenty currently:

Especially good in October - Sweetcorn (on the cob), Cox’s Apples Butternut Squash, Potatoes, Runner Beans, Leeks, Spinach, Marrow, Carrots, Celery, Cauliflower, Cabbage; white, red, kale, savoy, spring green, brussel sprouts and usually blackberries can be freely picked from hedgerows but I believe they have been early this year and most of them are over. Here are a couple of very easily thrown together recipes that fill and nourish you....

You will need... (serves 4) - Roasting tray or Pyrex dish, largish saucepan, colander or sieve or lid for saucepan for draining! - Splash of vegetable oil, preferable olive but any will do - Vegetables to taste, for example: 1 Onion, 1 pepper red or yellow, 1 small aubergine, 2-3 cloves garlic , green beans, 1 courgette, mushrooms - Tin of tomatoes (whole plum or chopped)

Sausage & Mash with cabbage and peas

- Dried mixed herbs or oregano, or fresh basil

Amazing comfort food and very filling! Of course you can use any veg of your liking, but Cabbage is in season at the moment goes really well in this dish.

- Salt and Pepper (no need for salt if anchovies are used) - Optional – olives, capers, anchovies tinned or in a jar (it doesn’t matter if you don’t like fish, this is purely for seasoning, during the cooking process the anchovies melt and provides the dish with a lovely saltiness and not forgetting those omega 3 vitamins!)


- 350g dried pasta (any shape)

- Firstly chop up the pancetta and onion, and put it to the side. Pour some olive oil into a sauce pan and heat it until it’s hot. - Then place the onion in the saucepan and cook for two minutes, and then add the pancetta and mushrooms. While that is frying, start cooking the pasta in boiling salted water in another saucepan. - Meanwhile, the pancetta should be crispy and golden, leave it for an extra few minutes. Whilst all of it is cooking, get yourself a mixing bowl and crack the eggs into it, and whisk them. - The pasta should be cooked by now, pour it into a colander over the sink and pour a kettle of hot water over it and place it back in the sauce pan. - Add the pancetta, and mushrooms and onion to it. Stir very thoroughly, then add it into the mixing bowl and stir again. Then serve up in to bowls with a pinch of parmesan on top. This is my favourite recipe, so I really do hope you enjoy it too! Look out for a more exciting delicious meal next. By Hollie Wicks

SO students, have you ever felt that dying need of food an hour before lunch? That horrible feeling of hunger for something to fill you right up, but not enough money for anything that you really want? And you have that heavy sigh of ‘Oh great, got to wait till I’m back at the halls / flat’ for whatever you have left in the fridge. Well I have

This is such an easy dish that is full of vitamins and very tasty! Pre heat the oven to about 190 C

the answer... Eat an apple. Yes, reach for that apple in the SU, Market, or Supermarket, for less than 50p. Believe me; it will fill you right up. ‘Why?’ I hear you students shout, well experts say eating an apple requires more chewing, which can trigger a greater feeling of fullness.

- Couple of ounces of cheese, ie Cheddar, Parmesan

Method Just like Mum’s home cooking

You will need... (serves 4) -Sausages of your choice, veggie, Lincolnshire, Cumberland, standard pork sausages of something fancy from the butchers - Potatoes (500g serves 4, or use 1 baking size potato per person) - Cabbage (white, red, kale, savoy, spring green) - Frozen Peas - Instant gravy granules

Method - Peal and chop the potatoes, put in cold water and bring to the boil and simmer - Meanwhile boil the kettle for the cabbage and grill or oven bake the sausages turning regularly - Finely chop the cabbage - Cook frozen peas in boiling water, once cooked for 2-3 minutes add the cabbage and more water if necessary, and cook for a further 3-5 mins. - Meanwhile mash the potatoes, if you don’t have a masher a fork will do or you could push it through a sieve. Add salt, pepper, butter to taste and a little milk to loosen it up. -You can make instant gravy with the water from the vegetables at this point if you fancy it. Serve as is or with browns sauce, mustard or good old tommy K – enjoy!

BNU cafe review SO students, have you found all the cafes hidden around University and are wondering which one to go to for what food or drink? Well I have some answers. Now as you probably know we have three cafes; Cafe Direct (formally known as our Student Union), Rusty Bucks (ground floor of the Gateway), Beats (first floor of the North Wing Building) and Pulse (in Uxbridge Campus). Now, don’t worry if you’ve only just learnt the names, because I personally only found out towards the end of my second year. And I still don’t understand the TM


name Rusty Bucks? So I believe Rusty Bucks is the best place for a quick hot drink; be it mocha, latte or just a tea with a muffin on the way to class. And Beats is my favourite place for a sit down lunch to catch up with friends, or finish that assignment...come on we all leave at least one until the last minute. Beats does a wide range of sandwiches, Panini’s and baguettes, but it also does a small range of hot food. Go on and find out for yourself. Now Cafe Direct, I normally find it the best place to sit down and have a hot meal to prevent the flashbacks of the

night before coming back to haunt you! It is the very best place to get yourself a big portion of chips to soak up that hangover or to just warm you up on a cold morning. Pulse is a great spacious cafe with fantastic widow seats available for chats with friends and to get a scrumptious meal for cheap prices (cheaper than High Wycombe, anyway!). I must remind you this is just a snip it of what I like from the range of cafes, all of them do serve hot drinks, cold fizzy drinks, and juice. Go down and treat yourself now! By Hollie Wicks

- I have listed the vegetables above in the order they take to cook. The trick is to cut them to size so you can throw all the veg in together and they all cook at the same time... So the onions need to be chopped into smaller pieces than the mushrooms for example. The garlic cloves can be peeled and left whole or crushed or chopped. If you leave them whole to roast, they end up being lovely and sweet without that strong bitter garlic taste you can get by chopping it. - Put a glug of oil in the roasting dish, add the vegetables and toss them around a bit so they are coated with the oil, this stops them drying out and burning. Pop the dish on the middle tray of the oven. The length of time this takes to cook will depend on your oven and the type of vegetables you have used, so do check it every 10 mins or so and give them a stir. - Put the kettle on or put a pan of water on to boil for the pasta (quicker and more energy efficient to boil the kettle). - It is good to use a large pan to cook the pasta so it has plenty of room to bounce about in the pan when the water is boiling – this stops it from sticking together. If you don’t have a big pan, a drop of oil in the water helps and keeping it on a moderate heat too. - About 20 minutes into the cooking time, add the chopped tomatoes, herbs and salt/pepper - Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions (usually 10 minutes or so). When cooked, drain and add to the vegetables, or if the dish isn’t big enough for this it can be served directly onto plates or bowls and the vegetables poured over the top. - Top with cheese of your choice – delicious!

Quick guide - Chop vegetables in size order as per list - Add to roasting dish with olive oil, stir to coat the veg - Middle shelf of oven for 20-30 mins (add chopped tomatoes and seasoning after 20 mins) - Cook the pasta, add to the veg or serve separately - Top with cheese

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 25

FASHION & Beauty Letter from the Editor “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”- Marilyn Monroe. Hi guys! I hope you all enjoyed Fresher’s Fortnight as much as I did. Let’s get back to reality and kick start the new academic year in a very stylish way. Everyone uses fashion and beauty to define who they are. Some conform to society, whereas

others are more daring and eccentric. For hundreds of years societies have fashioned garments in use of an indication of rank, gender, wealth and personality. Fashion enables us to communicate our personal sense of identity and aids us in how we wish to be perceived. No matter what shape you are, everyone can make a statement through their style and over the coming year I will be showing you how to achieve this at very inexpensive prices. By Faye Towler

Name: Louis Brown COURSE: Music Management & Artist Development

STYLE INFLUENCES: 50’s and 80’s eras, layering, using highstreet brands and customising them to make them unique & original.

PREFERRED SHOP: Topman, Online boutiques.

celeb influences: George Lamb, Josh Franceschi (You Me at Six)

OUTFIT: All Topman

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MUA (Makeup Academy) - Tried and Tested I AM no professional makeup artist, however I absolutely love how makeup can enhance and accentuate our best assets. Using the correct shades and blending techniques, you can work wonders to achieve amazing results. Very few of us students can afford to be spending our hard earned cash and loans in stores such as MAC snatching up £20 foundations at a time. My diminutive budget restricts me to highstreet brands such as Rimmel, Maxfactor and so on; therefore I was taken aback by my latest find. Superdrug has recently launched their latest line ‘MUA (Makeup Academy)’ across 86 stores nationwide and luckily for us these include Uxbridge and Wycombe. Everything

in their range costs just £1 (except for the eyeshadow pallets at £4) and with over 100 shades I couldn’t help but try some of their products out. The eyeshadows come in an array of beautiful, wearable colours and the pigmentation is incredible. The longevity was impressive considering the price. Half way through the day I did notice slight creasing, however this can be corrected if you use a primer on the lids before application. They contain the ingredient ‘mineral oil’ which offers a very soft and creamy texture when applied - a bonus for people with dry skin. The liquid eyeliners did not live up to my

expectations as the applicator was rather hard and scratchy, thus making it difficult to acquire an even line. I’m sure with numerous applications this can be corrected but to save the agro I’d sooner use an alternative brand. I also noticed, when dried, that the liner had flaked slightly. The transparent packaging of the products are plain and simple, yet practical as you can see the colours clearly. There are pros and cons to every makeup range, but for £1, you can’t really go wrong. MUA is a great budget option, I’m sure you’ll be just as impressed! By Faye Towler

- Blemishes and Spots - Do you suffer from occasional outbreaks or irritated skin after shaving? If so give this a go and you should be clear skinned in no time. 1. Use an empty spray bottle (150-200ml) 2. Using purified water, mix in ten dissolvable aspirin tablets 3. Spray either directly onto the skin or use a cotton pad Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory therefore it reduces redness. - Lasting foundation- try dusting your face with translucent powder after applying your makeup. This will soak up extra oils to create a matte foundation that will last longer. - Umpa Lumpa’s aren’t cool - Are you a fan of a sun kissed complexion? Make sure not to overload on bronzer. Swap a standard Kabuki for a fan brush to lightly dust the forehead, tops of cheekbones, nose and chin. This gives a natural, beautiful glow. 23:09 By Faye Towler

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26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Movie Reviews

Friends with Benefits

Friends with Benefits (15) Released 9/9/11 Running time: 1hr 49mins


tarring Mila Kunis (Jamie) and Justin Timberlake (Dylan) this movie is about two work colleagues/friends who break up with their partners and decide to literally be friends with benefits. Sex without the emotion- physical pleasure without the heartache. Only it doesn’t quite work that way Where most rom-coms fail, Friends With Benefits, manages to make a success. There’s more than just small occasional laughs from a sparsely populated cinema, this movie gave the entire cinema a full blown laugh on plenty of occasions. At one point, one of my flatmates had to run out because she was about to pee herself. Great

memories already, right there. It’s definitely not something you’d want to take your dad to watch as there’s semi-nudity and plenty of stimulated sex, so it may be a bit uncomfortable. However, it’s a right laugh if you’re going with friends and flatmates and doesn’t make for as nearly as uncomfortable viewing. Undeniably there is bucket-loads of chemistry between Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake, making the movie all the more believable. There’s a slightly deeper undercurrent running through the movie. It subtly uncovers Jamie and Dylan’s attitude towards relationships which stem from their own family upbringing. Watching them let

their guards down and begin to fall in love is more alluring than you’d expect. And this is coming from an ice cold hearted viewer! It’s not a stereotypical offering, and the layers of the movie are peeled away like an onion, leaving behind something different and rather invigorating. Something to watch out for is definitely how the producers cleverly mocked the romantic movie genre, which ironically was exactly what they were doing, and it worked perfectly. If you want a light hearted film, something to laugh out loud at, and actually a pretty good storyline, then I’d definitely recommend it. By MJ

The Change Up

The Change Up (15) Released 16/9/11 Running time: 1hr 52mins


ow many times have we seen this formula now? The typical and rather dull story of an individual waking up one morning only to find themselves in a different body, thrusting them to having to solve the problems that consume their lives. With movies such as Freaky Friday, 13 Going on 30 and 17 Again, this sub genre has become all too tired as no one is saying anything new. The potential is out there but no one wants to capitalise on it and with David Dobkin’s new film The Change Up, it isn’t any different. Dave (Jason Bateman) is an all accomplished lawyer, family man and all around nice guy. We are meant to sympathise with him for not living the shallow life of his best friend Mitch (Ryan Reynolds). But whilst Dave is changing nappies at early hours of the morning having projectile faeces hurled at him in the process - his man-child best friend Mitch, is a stoner-cum-failed actor, who gets all the women he could ever want. After a drunken night out at the bar, the too mismatched friends drunkenly stumble up to a fountain in order to urinate and unknowingly wish away their lives. In the morning, after some rather slapstick moments, each party realises that they have swapped bodies

Thor Thor (12A) Released 27/4/11 Running time: 1hr 55mins Reveiwed & appreciated by Aaron Champion


over night and not only their roles and responsibilities but their problems too. Whilst the Mitch powered Dave is completely out of his depth as he tries taking on the responsibilities of a lawyer, the Dave powered Mitch also struggles with acting in a Lorno. There were times when the movie could have taken some interesting turns however, they never materialised and instead keep to the same formula we see in all these types of movies; there’s a problem, then another, then they resolve every single niggle in their lives. It’s very by the numbers with some pretty faces thrown in to distract the audience, such as Dave’s co-worker Sabrina (Olivia Wilde) as well as some crass and inappropriate jokes to pad out the time. Ryan Reynolds stands out once more, showing off his comedic roots which he seems to have regressed back into after seeing him previously in Buried last year, whilst Jason Bateman has some memorable scenes when Mitch is trapped in his head. But overall there are a lot of annoying performances, like Leslie Mann, who plays the uptight wife character she’s seemed to type cast herself as, along with Alan Arkin who drops by every once in a while to remind the audience of how obnoxious Mitch is. Despite having the two writers from The Hang Over (Scott Moore and Jon Lucas) along with The Wedding Crashers director David Dobkin, The Change Up is nothing new to a concept which has a lot of potential. This film will appeal to those who like toilet humour and pretty faces but everything past that is forgettable. By Ollie Hunt

hor (Chris Hemsworth) is the the edge of Agar is both emotional and arrogant Norse God of Thunder terrifying;”You are not worthy of your living in Asgard, the city of title, you are not worthy of your power, Gods at the centre of the universe. you are not worthy of the loved ones Thor's natural ability you have betrayed...” to attract trouble, and Unfortunately, with "Whosoever wields this some sneaky planning great films come awful hammer, if he be worthy, by his brother, the God mistakes. There is shall possess the power one huge fingerprint of Mischief, Loki (Tom of Thor." Huddleston), gets him smearing the otherwise banished to Earth and clear scripting and stripped of his powers by his father, the direction of Thor and that is Darcy Father of the Universe, Odin (Anthony Lewis (Kat Dennings) and her forced Hopkins). Thor battles an incomparable product-placement-riddled lines. force on Earth sent from another realm Lewis is the sister of Natalie Portman's to kill him, whilst trying to reclaim his character, Jane Foster, and towards powers, and prove himself as a son, a the middle of the film their house/ God and a friend. laboratory is ransacked by S.H.E.I.L.D. Kenneth Cranach’s first attempt at Lewis then has the revelation that directing a superhero film has proven they also 'took her iPod'; too cringe how diverse he can be. Naturally worthy to even think about. One other a Shakespearean actor, Bring has downside is that the parts of the film set managed to combine Norse Mythology, on Earth are much more boring than the Shakespearean dramatics and the scenes in Asgard. Although, the scene modern day superhero film to create set in the S.H.E.I.L.D base counteracts Thor. My favourite iconic scenes that. from the film include the battle of the Overall, Branagh has done a brilliant Ice Giants in which Thor's hammer, job in modernizing mythology and Moline, proves itself as one of the most the CGI is more incredible than can powerful godly weapons in existence, be described. This film stays true to and also the scene in which Odin its original comics, especially the banishes Thor to Earth. The speech wonderful scripting of Stan Lee and the that Hopkins gives to Hems worth on beautiful art direction of Jack Kirby,


Danish director, Nicholas Winding Refns’ latest offering Drive, is a darkly satisfying action thriller starring Ryan Drive (18) Gosling as the ‘driver’. Released 23/9/11 With only a fast car Running time: 1hr 40mins and a wrist watch, Driver is the person you get to be a get-a-way driver. With quick thinking and often “Drive isn’t your typical muted presence (which is action thriller. In fact it reminiscent of John Wayne or is the European edge Clint Eastwood), Driver is the that Refn brings to the perfect guy for any dirty job. His only rule is that if you film which makes it get back to him in the five stand out.” minute time frame he sets, and anyone who dares tamper with the rules is left behind. Based on the 2005 book by Jim Sallis, the vision that Refn paints of the City of which is nice to see when comparing it Angels is at times a bleak to the awful mistakes of 'The Fantastic one as the Driver cruises the Four' and Deadpool's truly disastrous streets looking for something adaptation of 'Wolverine: Origins'. just beyond his reach. For any Marvel fan, this is another We are first introduced to dream come true, and for any other the Driver as he stands close movie-watcher it's a great insight into to a window which looks the wonderful world of Marvel. onto downtown Los Angeles, whilst he explains to an Pros: unknown caller on the phone + The mix of the supernatural, what it is that he does as the superheroes and dramatic theatre create sun sets. an enjoyable venture The dark lighting and + The Marvel One-Shot: The fantastic synth soundtrack add Consultant is definitely worth buying to the cool edge the movie the DVD for. A short film featuring has. During the opening heist, Agent Coulsan to link Iron Man 2, The we sit up front as Refn frames Incredible Hulk and Thor everything from within the speeding car. What Refn has Cons: done in comparison to say the - Product Placement is extremely Fast and the Furious films, irritating is demonstrate the true craft - Most of the scenes on Earth are quite of driving a car as opposed boring to just boys with toys action scenes. The Driver’s cool exterior Cheapest Place To Buy: HMV, £19.99 masks something darker Blu-Ray/DVD Special Features: underneath. Being a man of Commentary by Director Kenneth few words Refn leaves it to Branagh, Marvel One-Shot: The the subtle hints in Gosling’s Consultant HD, 7 Featurettes in HD, face to communicate what the Road to The Avengers HD, 11 Deleted Driver is thinking. Scenes HD, Trailers Carey Mulligan (Irene)

plays the single mother next door. At first we only see glimpses of her before fate eventually (and believably) brings them together. She is an outspoken struggling character who would sooner tell you that everything is ok rather than causing a fuss. And it is easy to see why when her dead-beat husband Standard (Oscar Isaacs) arrives home after his time in prison. Bryan Cranston shows that he’s more than just a TV actor (with his lead role in Breaking Bad) as he plays the down and out mechanic with a mob past, Shannon. But, like Martin Scorsese and Michael Man, Refn tries to rationalise the bad guy’s intentions rather than simply put it down to them being bad for bads sake. Whilst Ron Pearlman plays the more stereotypical mob character of Nino we understand what it is that has driven him to turn out so crazy. And for his partner Bernie (Albert Rose) we see how good intentions quickly go wrong. Drive isn’t your typical action thriller. In fact it is the European edge that Refn brings to the film which makes it stand out. Instead of pointless gun fights or fist fists Refn shows us that violence isn’t so cool and often is grotesque at times. For anyone who is a fan of Martin Scorsese, Gasper Noe or Sergio Leone this film is for you. With terrific performances, beat stopping car chases and a soundtrack from Cliff Martinez which will have you tapping your foot on the sticky cinema floor you be wanting to come back for more and more. By Ollie Hunt

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 27

Tinker Tailor Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) Released 16/9/11 Running time: 2hr 7mins


amed British ‘thespian’ Gary Oldman has spent the last ten years following a career of comic book fantasy with the Harry Potter series as well as Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. This choice of acting goes even further as he plays the top villain in Besson’s Leon and The Fifth Element. However, it is Swedish director Thomas Alfredson who has brought Oldman back to a more serious role (no pun intended) as Mr. Smiley in his adaptation of the 1974 novel by John le Carrers. Set in the 1970’s after an attack on Jim Prideaux ,(Mark Strong) a British MI6 spy in Budapest, Head of MI6 Control (John Hurt) begins to try uncover who at the top of the ‘Circus’ is actually a Soviet mole. Before long he employs the help from Mr. Smiley (Gary Oldman), who was forced to retire from the Circus, to find out who is the double agent. Mr. Smiley begins to decipher Control’s cryptic clues to uncover who the mole is as post Cold War hysteria builds in the group. Whilst Mr. Smiley is a man of few words, he brings in help from Peter Guillam (Benedict Cumberbatch), a young prodigy who helps him reveal the deep complex tapestry of deceit. Their relationship quickly becomes a pseudoSherlock/Watson relationship (which is ironic after Benedict Cumberbatch’s performance in the BBC television show Sherlock). After some claustrophobic analysis in the small group of potential moles, Mr. Smiley meets Ricki Tarr (Tom Hardy) a young enigmatic spy who is brought in after his

heart is stolen by a beautiful Russian defect [Svetlana Khodchenkova]. This teases the audience with the promise of a more action-packed movie which never materialises. And this is a good thing as audiences are tired of loose stories which are stuffed with action scenes to fill out the time between fight choreography (Tinker Tailor Solider Spy coming out at the same time as Colombiana - and Alfredson knows this.) With an all-star cast of British actors such as Mark Strong, Colin Firth and Tom Hardy, the movie is definitely character driven. But with original material coming from a popular novel, the actors really have something to work with. Whilst all the main players act on top form (notably Colin Firth) the movie is stolen by the supporting cast with Benedict Cumberbatch and more noticeably Tom Hardy. Thomas Alfredson uses his visual

30: Minutes or Less 30: Minutes or Less (15) Released 16/9/11 Running time: 1hr 23mins


fter huge success with his previous film Zombieland it is hard to see how director Ruben Fleischer, along with returning actor Jesse Eisenberg, could do such an awful job with his latest film with 30: Minutes or Less. It appears that despite Eisenberg and Fleischer are reunited once more, they left behind the quick wit, interesting characters and memorable cameos for simplistic jokes and an all around annoying afterthought. Nick (Eisenberg) is a pot-smoking pizza delivery driver by day and by

flare which lasts throughout the film and his regular cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema paints some beautiful shots of the various cities in which the spies travel around. The neo-noir story elements are heightened by the dark and melancholic visuals which haunt the frame, especially with Mr. Smiley who has a colour tone of mostly grey which matches his charisma at times.

However, with the Swedish director at the helm, the movie is relentlessly slow at times and borders on confusion for the audience. With the novel and radio play far exceeding the time frame of modern movies, it feels as if Alfredson doesn’t let the audience catch up. Nevertheless, with a lot of interesting character-driven and expository scenes it feels that everything in the movie is necessary. But Alfredson didn’t want to

night hangs out with his best-friend Chet (Aziz Ansari) playing Call of Duty marathons and watching the Lethal Weapon movies. Before we learn anything about any of the characters apart from a few discussions of “guess who has just come out?” the two end up falling out over Chet’s sister who Nick has been in a secret relationship with. Meanwhile, spoilt Dwayne (Danny McBride) spends his time with his also obnoxious best friend Travis (Nick Swardson) watching horror movies and generally acting like idiots. All the while, Dwayne’s father the Coronal (Fred Ward) attempts to make something of his son. After an outing to a strip club, Dwayne is enticed to murder his father for his inheritance money by the not-so-bright Juicy (Bianca Kajlich). After hatching a quick plan, Dwayne and Travis abduct Nick in order to rig him up with a bomb vest to make him rob a bank for the money to pay a hit man. The biggest problem with the film is that it generally isn’t funny. Most of the so-called jokes fly over audiences’ heads leaving a somewhat awkward tension. Then there is the matter of the frequent racial jokes which are

direct a new British Bourne movie and instead has replaced action and car chases with paranoia and tense scenes. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy will ultimately do well during the award ceremonies. The film will not appeal to everyone as it becomes somewhat slow and confusing at parts but is saved by the interesting characters and gripping story. By Ollie Hunt

horrendously unfunny and degraded the movie all together. There are times when one or two jokes were genuinely funny however they are all present in the trailer. After time, the characters become completely unlikable. With their paperthin troubles, (Dwayne often moans about his father pushing him to get a job whilst Nick and Chet argue about Nick’s feelings for Chet’s sister) it is hard to care about them. So when Nick is abducted the threat that the audience should feel for him is completely lost and the prospect of him exploding doesn’t seem all that bad. Then there is the shameless product placement scattered throughout. While referencing branks such as Call of Duty is somewhat understandable, Fleischer begins to pile on more and more; Facebook, Subway and etc. All that we can hope for is Jesse Eisenberg and Ruben Fleischer do not collaborate together again after this movie. What Zombieland had with its wit and funny cameos is lost with 30: Minutes or Less. It’s unfunny, annoying and is easily forgettable. By Ollie Hunt

The Shining -

(Stanley Kubrick collectors edition) The Shining (18) Released 23/5/1980 Running time: 2hr 22mins


Reveiwed and appreciated by Aaron Champion

ack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) the entirety of cinematic history. The looming corridors of The Overlook is a writer who takes on the job Hotel seem to pull you in with unseen as an off-season caretaker at the vast, isolated 'Overlook Hotel' in arms, dragging your mind to the very edge of sanity. There are some the windy mountains of 'Sidewinder Gulch, Colardo'. Torrance brings his extremely iconic scenes, for example, when Jack Torrance is smashing his son, Danny (Danny Lloyd), and wife, Wendy (Shelly way through the Duvall) to stay bathroom door "Wendy, honey, light of my life, I before screaming with him over don't want to hurt you...I just want 'Heeeerrrrreee's the long winter to bash your brains in..." Johnny!' The most months. Danny impressive part was born with the rare ability to see the past and of this film is the pioneering use of communicate with ghosts, also called the Steadicam (a device that holds the 'The Shining'. These ghosts influence camera in a harness so that smooth, sweeping shots can be captured without Torrance, helping him descend into the floor surfaces bumping takes). madness and propel him on a bloody rampage after his family. Now, don't get me wrong, I totally understand why this film is classified as Stanley Kubrick's first and only a horror, but for those of us who Horror film has made its stamp on cinema, not just for the genre, but for cannot stand the feeling of fear, do not

let this scare you. This film is more of a psychological thriller, in which you are made to experience each character's fall into the uncertain, chilling world of evil. The one negative thing I would say about this film is Shelly Duvall's performance; although an imperative part of the story, Duvall's performance seems a little too 'wet' at times - a bit too pathetic - and can tend to be quite comedic, which draws away from dangerous threat of her husband. Do not let this deter you from one of the best cinematic experiences you can have. Stanley Kubrick's revolutionary vision, direction and camera-work combined with Jack Nicholson's stunningly terrifying performance make this a must-see, and a must-have, for anyone with any appreciation for cinema.


+ The acting combined with the direction makes this a classic + The documentary by his daughter in the special features gives a fascinating insight


- Shelly Duvall's performance can be annoying and distracting - Not necessarily a horror, if that's what you're looking for Cheapest Place To Buy: amazon., £3.93 DVD Special Features include: The Trailer, and Vivian Kubrick's (his daughter) 'Behind The Scenes' documentary "The Making of The Shining" with optional commentary by Vivian Kubrick.

Puzzle Corner 2















17 19





1. Suspicious (5) 4. Dawdling (7) 8. Thefts (9) 9. State of matter (3) 10. Acerbic (5) 12. Accquire a stake (7) 13. Include (6) 14. Atmosphere of the sun (6) 18. Ruminant quadruped(7) 20. Agave (5) 21. Garland (3) 22. Female teacher (9) 24. Supposed felon (7) 25. Equal chances (5)

1. Leaves (7) 2. Title (3) 3. Surrendered(7) 4. Hands on hips (6) 5. Guards’ headgear (5) 6. Clever (9) 7. Enthusiasm (5) 11. Rapine (9) 15. Watch (7) 16. Map books (7) 17. Pot stand (6) 18. Obligatory principles (5) 19. Bird of prey (5) 23. Watch closely (3)


1. Onus 2. To the rear of 3. Logic 4. Sash 5. Farmer 6. Jacket 7. S American river 8. Pillar 9. Young cat 10. Abrupt 11. Prayer 12. Horatio...admiral








4 7







The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter N in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of an English screen actor.





28 Bucks Student, Wednesday 5th October, 2011

Who, what where and when?

WHO... was the first Tudor monarch? WHAT... is an earthstar? WHERE... were the two countires between which the War of the Bavarian Succession was fought? WHEN... did Dick Turpin die?


Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating

Have a safe night out During your time at University the chances of you being a victim of crime are, thankfully, statistically very low. However in the Students’ Union we are aware that every year a few students do have crimes committed against them, so it is important to be aware of this, and to take reasonable precautions. Take a few minutes to read the following, much of which you will probably already be aware of. Then when you’re out an about you will be more aware of keeping yourself safe and IF the unthinkable does happen, at least you will be prepared as to what you can do to help yourself. • Muggers are after an easy target – so walk in groups at night, travel by taxi or stay over with friends, your safety is worth more than the cab fare home! • Avoid taking shortcuts through dark alleys, parks or wasteland. • Do not wear headphones or talk on your mobile when walking around town, unless absolutely necessary. It may tempt a robber and by being on your phone or

listening to music you are going to be less aware of what is going on around you. If you do need to use your phone stop and stand with your back against a wall so you are aware of anyone approaching you. • Get a free personal attack alarm from the SU Advice Centre or you can buy one from D.I.Y stores. Make sure it is of the type which continues to sound even if you drop it. Keep it in an easily accessible place. • If you think you're being followed: Check by crossing the street and see if they follow, if they do then cross back again to check. If you are still worried, then get to the nearest public place, a shop, pub or anywhere with lights on and tell someone what is happening. • Try not to use cash-points at night, but if you have to, be aware of people hanging around, and have your friends with you. • If a stranger approaches you, don’t get involved, don’t give any personal information and keep walking, say that you are in a hurry. This may be unfriendly, but better safe than sorry. It is best to avoid eye contact with

strangers in the street. It is not normal for a stranger to start talking to you, so if someone does then be very suspicious of their intentions. • Never ever get into a car with people you do not know. (I know this sounds obvious, but it is worth pointing out that once you have got into the car the person driving has total control of where they take you and students have done this in the past.) • If someone attempts to steal something from you, don't resist. Your safety comes first. You can help by noting what they look like. Ring the police immediately, pass on their description and the direction they went off in. • If the worst happens and you are attacked: Scream and shout. If you have one, set off your personal attack alarm. Get away as quickly as possible. Always ring the police immediately after getting away, don't leave it until you get home. It's a lot to ask, but if there is a vehicle involved try to make a mental note of the registration. Write it down as quickly as possible and hand it to the police on their arrival.

Difficulty: Adavanced

Difficulty: Easy

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.

talk to us in confidence and we can help if you need support in contacting the Police. Go out and have fun safely. Don’t drink so much that you are incapable of looking after yourself and be aware of friends that have over done it. The Student Union provides the safest nights out and in High Wycombe a free local night bus to get you home safe. Go to our website for more information on nights out at the Union. To contact the Advice Centre High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180 Or email

If you are unfortunate, and become a victim of crime, please do not hesitate to come and see us in the Advice Centre. We understand that there are sometimes reasons why people may not want to contact the Police, you can

ARE YOU GOOD IN BED? Have you ever had sex without a condom? Or perhaps had a condom split? Ever thought that you might be carrying a sexually transmitted infection? Why not get yourself checked out. We’ve arranged a series of clinics on the High Wycombe campus, throughout the year, where you can get a full sexual health screen or just do a test on yourself for chlamydia. (1 in 10 people under 25 have chlamydia!) If you want to get tested for an STI, but cannot go to one of the above clinics go to to find your nearest Sexual Health Clinic or come and ask us in the Advice Centre and we can find one for you. Our service is completely confidential so you can talk to us and it will not go any further. We also have a limited number of free condoms you can pick up.

Dates of Sexual Health Clinics: Tuesday 4th October Tuesday 22nd November Tuesday 6th Decemberr North Wing, 2nd floor, sofa space 10am-3pm, High Wycombe campus

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 29




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What’s new in Recreational Activities? Hi I’m Cat, I’m the new Student Activities assistant. I know I’ve met lots of you at the fresher’s fair and from popping into the office. If you need any more information then feel free to get in touch, drop me an email at catherine.duncan@ or come down to the office and say ‘hi’! Recreational activities have now kicked off with a bang with the starting of our language and mechanics courses and our singing lessons. Singing lessons were signed up in just 5 minutes so make

sure you get any sign ups in quick to secure your place. We’ve also had our student cooking lesson and a Fresher’s cocktail workshops so it’s been a busy start to term already! But don’t worry we still have many more activities to come with something to suit everyone. We have a very popular first aid course running on Saturday 22nd October or Sunday 23rd October from 10:30am – 4:30pm with provides you with the opportunity to gain a good life skill!

We also have a Comedy Workshop on Tuesday 4th November with the excellent comedian Adam Ethan Crow, which is bound to give a laugh all round. And back by popular demand is the Cocktail Workshop for all! Date and time are to be confirmed but this is set to be an extremely popular activity and an excellent pre-drinking event. Finally, don’t forget to check out our facebook page at: Bucks New Uni – Free Recreational Activities for all the latest info.

First aid course

Learn first aid: This one day course provides you with theory and practical knowledge in first aid and provides a certificate showing your qualification. A good chance to gain a useful life skill!

Saturday 22nd October or Sunday 23rd October 10.30am to 4.30pm

Fitness classes

Fitness classes that are available this term: Monday - Zumba - 18:15-19:15 - Dance Studio Tuesday - Yoga -17:15-18:15 - Dance Studio Tuesday - Dance Fusion - 18.15- 19.15 - Dance Studio Wednesday - Legs, Bums & Tums - 12:00-12:45 - Dance Studio Wednesday - Core & More -18:15-19:15 - Dance Studio Thursday - Boxercise - 17:15-18:15 - Dance Studio Thursday - Fitball - 18:15-19:15 - Dance Studio Friday - Bucks Pump - 17:00-18.00 - Dance Studio

Sign up at Gateway reception on a weekly basis. Contact

Bucks GAA Society - a whole new ball game! LADIES By Gary Anderson

Calling all students who love the rough and tumble of grid iron or Aussie rules mixed with the subtler technical skills of football and rugby; gaelic football could be the sport for you! Or, if you just prefer to meet new people, make new friends and enjoy the craic! then Bucks GAA Society is the place to be. For those of you who have never heard of the GAA or gaelic football then here comes a brief history lesson! The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) is the biggest sporting body in Ireland. Its main aims are to promote Irish culture, heritage and language as well as traditional Irish sports such as hurling, camogie and gaelic football. It is an amateur organisation and has been in existence for over 125 years. There are hundreds of clubs in Ireland and across the globe in places such as Australia, New Zealand and America. Gaelic football is the most popular sport in Ireland, played by thousands of players of all ages. Each year the elite players from each county take part in the All Ireland series culminating in the All Ireland finals which take place in mid September at Dublin’s Croke Park. Both the hurling and gaelic football final’s are played out in front of fanatical crowds of over 82,000. Bucks GAA Society chairman, Paul Flynn, was delighted with the amount of students

who signed up at the recent Freshers Fair saying: “At the Freshers Fair, we seen a great interest in the society with over 100 male and female students signing up and wishing to play and represent the uni or to just simply get involved in the social side of the club. Our goal is to compete at the annual British Universities GAA Championships in Manchester next February.” Society secretary, Aaron Livingstone, emphasised that everyone is welcome to join up and that you don’t have to have Irish blood in you to be a part of it! He said: “We are just trying to make people aware of this great sport and get more people involved in it. And, it’s not just Irish students, but people from all countries and backgrounds are welcome. Just look at how many people around the world celebrate St Patricks day that are not Irish!” Paul and Aaron have been working hard behind the scenes to enable the club to get

Wednesday 5th October, 2011, Bucks Student 31


up and running and to ensure facilities, equipment and kit are available. Aaron added: “We’ve secured sponsorship from a number of local businesses as well as the Student Union to enable us to organise better training schedules and higher standard training facilities. There seems to be a lot of positive feeling towards what we are doing so we are looking forward to growing the society and making a success of it.” Details of how to join, upcoming social events and training schedules can be found on the Bucks GAA Facebook page or contacting Aaron on 07543276398.

gordos corner So freshers fortnight has finally finished, BOO! But the fun is not over. We still have plenty more acts and great nights out to be had in the venue, as well as the start of all our FREE recreational activities. Don’t worry if you didn’t sign up to any at the freshers fair, as well as any sports teams, just drop into the SU and let us know what you’re interested in and we can point you in the right direction. I hope you enjoyed the free food at freshers fair and thank you to everyone who donated money at the RAG fair, we raised £175.72 which will all be donated to charity. Freshers fortnight also saw the Uxbridge fair go ahead, where the one and only Uxbridge sports team was created. The netball team who will play every Tuesday at Harlington netball courts have already successfully won their first game outstandingly 30-6! Bene Changara was appointed our FIRST EVER sports club captain, so if this is something you are interested in getting involved with, contact myself or and we will sign you up. Following on from this, the Uxbridge ‘Give it a Go’ week will be taking place that offers a range of activities, from learning to ski to volunteering, there are so many options which will look great for future

By Tani Noel Ladies of Bucks New University from all years; the basketball team needs you to promote, encourage and more importantly play for their club! Females of all abilities can take part, so don’t fear you are not a female version of Michael Jordan. That would be pushing it! The team welcomes and appreciates any level of skill, so no need to practise with screwed up balls of paper and a bin. (We’ve all done it.) No fees are needed to join the friendly team, just bring yourself and even a mate and get ready to make new friends, socialise and get fit for free. Bargain! If you are keen to join in but missed signing up at the Fresher Fair, meetings are held every Monday 7-8.30pm outside the Sports Hall where captains Agata Lada and Lorraine Wong will be to meet and greet you for practise sessions. Why not check out the group on Facebook ‘Bucks Ladies Basketball’ for more information. Basketball is just not a man’s game - put an end to the stereotypes, girls! The next game is away against the University of Surrey on October 19th at 4pm. Best of luck on the first game and don’t break a leg, I think you may need them.

Vice President Student Involvement

employability, as well as something fun to fill your spare time. This week I will be travelling around the county looking at possibilities for our outdoor sports facilities. For example I will be viewing the Uxbridge sports centre which caters for a range of sports such as; football, rugby, hockey, netball swimming etc. Of course this might not be everyones cup of tea, having to travel away to a home game, but I will do my best to find facilities that provide for all different sports and players. But in order to officially launch the start of all Bucks sports teams, we need to party the night away at AU LAUNCH. So come on down to the venue where you can meet Every sports team, dressed to impress in old school sports wear, so don’t forget to look out those sweatbands and knee high socks! Why not Limber up by trying your hand at beer pong, Go the extra mile by chancing your luck in the blow zone for some sports themed prizes and Cool down on the naughty wall when you’ve had one to many of your newest favourite friends Mr SnakeyB. I look forward to seeing you all out and about, and remember my door is always open for a chat. Gordo says get involved Amy x (

Become a student leader and make yourself more employable!

For more information contact our Representation & Development Manager:

FIXTURES WEDNESDAY 12th october MEN’S rugby union St George’s 1st v Bucks New Uni 1st Kick off 14:00 High Wycombe Rugby Club

MEN’S RUGBY UNION University of Westminster 1st v Bucks New Uni 2nd. Kick off 14:00 WEDNESDAY 19th october Mens basketball Bucks New Uni 1st v St George’s 1st WOMens basketball Surrey 1st v Bucks New Uni Mens badminton Writtle College v Bucks New Uni 1st mens football Surrey 1st V Bucks New Uni 1st MENS RUGBY Sussex 1st v Bucks 1st Bucks 2nd v School of Economics 3rd TABLE TENNIS Bucks 1st v Imperial College 2nd TENNIS Roehampton 2nd v Bucks 1st VOLLEYBALL Bucks 1st v Kingston 1st Men’s Football Bucks New Uni 2nd v St Mary’s 5th Men’s Football Bucks New Uni 3rd v Royal Holloway 1st Men’s Football Kingston Uni 3rd v Bucks New Uni 4th Men’s Football Bucks New Uni 5th v Reading Uni 3rd Men’s Football Bucks New Uni 6th v St Mary’s 6th Men’s Football Bucks New Uni 7th v Royal Holloway 3rd Men’s Hockey Bucks New Uni 1st v Portsmouth Uni 3rd Mixed Golf Bucks New Uni 1st v Surrey 1st Mixed Golf Bucks New Uni 2nd v Kingston Uni 1st Women’s Hockey Royal Holloway 2nd v Bucks New Uni 1st Women’s Netball Reading 1st v Bucks New Uni 1st Women’s Netball St Mary’s 3rd v Bucks New Uni 2nd Women’s Netball Buck New Uni 3rd v Roehampton Uni 4th Men’s Rugby Union Bucks New Uni 2nd v University of West London 1st Men’s Rugby Union Bucks New Uni 1st v St Mary’s 2nd Women’s Squash SOAS 1st v Bucks New Uni Men’s Table Tennis Brunel Uni 2nd v Bucks New Uni Women’s Table Tennis Middlesex Uni v Bucks New Uni Men’s Tennis Bucks New Uni 1st v Royal Holloway 2nd Women’s Tennis Roehampton Uni 2nd v Bucks New Uni Men’s Volleyball Bucks New Uni v 1st Chichester 1st


Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

ATHLETIC UNION LAUNCH By Gary Anderson Bucks Athletic Union’s launch night takes place tonight in the Student Union bar. This is an opportunity for freshers’ and new members of all the sports teams as well as, 2nd and 3rd years to come along and enjoy what is sure to be a great night. Committee’s from all our sports teams will be there to set out their plans for what will hopefully be another successful year for Bucks. If you have not signed up for any of our sports teams and clubs so far, what have you been doing!? But, as always, new members are welcome so if you want to be part of the action get down to the union bars tonight!

Cricket team The cricket team are holding a net-session in the sports hall of the Gateway building on the 7th of October. This will be the first introduction to the team and everyone, boys and girls, are welcome to come along to try it out. For more information feel free to contact Jack Hart on

High Wycombe Round Table

Fireworks Display Saturday the 5th of November 2011

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