The Bucks Student - Edition 21

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Shhhocking Noise in the BNU Library

Bucks Students Union produces this fortnightly newspaper, The Bucks Student. The paper is run by a student editorial team who actively source articles and information to keep you up-to-date with news and events on the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses as well and further a-field. We print 2,000 copies of each edition on 100% recycled paper alongside an interactive, accessible, online version because believe that keeping you informed has positive impact on your time at Bucks.

Is the Bucks New University library a place of study or a place to catch up with friends? Libraries are meant to be a silent area where students can catch up on their work, read books and use the printers and other facilities available to help enhance their time at university. However, the more time spent in the library here at Bucks, the more you realise the noise – the constant chattering, shouting, laughing, and music blaring through each floor. All but one, that is. The fourth floor in the Gateway building is the only silent floor in the whole of the university. And I can personally say I’ve never seen more than one person up there at a time. Shouldn’t this be the other way round? Shouldn’t there be one floor where the people who want to chatter and mess about can stay

By Sarah O’Brien Student Editor and the rest of the floors be dedicated to those who are willing to study in silence? After speaking to one third year student, he believes this should definitely be in place. “I studied in a university in Ireland before coming to Bucks,” he explained, “in that library there was completely silent. A security member stood in every floor and if you made noise twice you were thrown out. This was much better as it got us motivated and was not distracting. I find the library here awfully hard to concentrate in as there’s always a big group of people

speaking loudly. It’s not on.” A second year Film and TV Production student agree: “I think the idea of having all silent floors bar one is a great, but it’s unrealistic. It might work if those who wanted to be noisy or discuss things could use the study rooms.” Another issue that was brought up was the fact that there are no computers available on the silent floor, something we’ve discovered is a massive turn-off to students. Overall, the students here do think that library is far too disruptive a place to work in. Let’s just hope that this constant noise is muted soon so that it doesn’t start affecting our grades. Hint-Hint university bosses.

If you do have any further issues or want to talk to someone from the union then please drop in to the offices at Uxbridge or High Wycombe, phone 01494 601 600 or email:

Printed on 100% recycled paper | Help reduce your carbon footprint by recycling your newspaper Bucks Students’ Union and Bucks New University are committed to doing their part in recycling and reducing their carbon footprint

2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Ash Coles - Editor t: 01494 601 600 e: Sarah O’Brien & Gary Anderson - News Editor e: Laz Wood - Politics Editor e: Mandi C - International Editor e: Siobhan Carney - Lifestyle Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Features Editor e: Faye Towler - Fashion Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Donique Lindsay - Music and Events Editor e: Harry Boileau - Travel Editor e: Oliver Hunt - Film Review Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soap & Entertainment Editor e: Hollie Wicks - Food Editor e: Gary Anderson - Sport Editor e: For Advertising: Caroline Newton t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601 600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students Union for more information. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. Printed by Harmsworth Printing - Stoke 01782 602 619 © 2011 Bucks Students’ Union


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News P3 International News P4 Sport for fun P5

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Black History Month P6 Afghanistan P7 Lifestyles P8

Recycle your copy of the Bucks Student once you have finished.

Letter from the Editor

International P10 Societies P10 Ents pullout P11 Ents photos P13 Ents wallplanner P14 Culture, Arts & Literature P20 Recreational activities P21 Food & Drink P22 Fashion & Beauty P23 Movies P24 Puzzles P26 Sports P27

Union Council ELECTIONS Voting is open between 19th and 25th October to decide who will take up positions on your Union Council. Despite not receiving the full number of nominations required any candidate who polls less votes that RON (Re-Open Nominations) will fail to be elected! So the candidates really do need your support. Below is a list of candidates and their courses (you can see we are getting taken over by music students!). A full manifesto guide can be found online and at the polling stations in the Venue Foyer at Wycombe and Pulse at Uxbridge. Candidates: 1. Shellie Ransom 3rd Year International Travel & Tourism Management 2. Tamica Mignott – 3rd Year Law 3. Belinda Hall – 3rd Year Music Management 4. Daniel Laws – 2nd Year Music & Live Events Management 5. Pekance Tani – 1st Year Social Work 6. Amy Kirton - 3rd Year Music Management Branding & Public Relations 7. Will ‘Gumbo’ Hoskin – 3rd Year Digital Games Design 8. Tom Willmington – 2nd Year Sport Management & Rugby Studies 9. Steve Doughty – 3rd Year Sport Management & direct to your mobile

Rugby Studies 10. Lidia Kozlowska - 3rd Year Music Management Branding & Public Relations 11. Alina Neuser – 3rd Year Music Management Branding & Public Relations 12. Christina Anderson - 3rd Year Music Management Branding & Public Relations 13. Mairi McLean - 3rd Year Music Management Branding & Public Relations 14. Aaron Livingstone – 3rd Year Music & Live Events Management 15. Kine Sveum – 3rd Year Music Management Branding & Public Relations 16. Richard Sparkes – 2nd Year Music Management Branding & Public Relations 17. Kathy McNally - 2nd Year Music Management Branding & Public Relations 18. Eoin O’Raw – 3rd Year Furniture Design & Craft 19. Adam Pears – 3rd Year Music Management & Studio Production

Hello all and welcome to yet another edition of the student newspaper. Fresher’s fortnight has slowly drifted away and we are now into the full swing of university life. So what have you got out of you students union? Have you joined a society, a sports team, attend one of our many free recreational or social activities or stood for election as a student rep or council member or even taken part in some community volunteering ? Whatever you have got involved in I hope that you have enjoyed it and the experience has made you want to participate again. You are now all members the Students’ Union, and what you

choose to do over this year with us is entirely up to you, however you may want to consider how participating in the activities we run could help you. Everything you do outside of the class room can have a positive effect on your CV and your future when you leave Bucks – taking part in any of the involvement opportunities I have mentioned will leave you with transferrable skills that employers will really value, the more you do the more you’ll have to talk about and the better your chances are!! If you want to find out more about the transferrable skills you can gain from working with the SU just drop in to one of our offices and speak to one of the team, that’s what we are here for!! Bucks Students’ Union is one of the most active Unions in the country, offering a range of opportunities, services and events that far outstrip what other Universities can provide. Wherever you see this new logo you’ll know your students’ union is doing something that’s making your time at University better –

whether that’s free entertainments and events, recreational activities, sports and academic representation or independent advice, volunteering opportunities and support for your society, we are here for you and having positive impact on your overall student experience– let us know what you think Finally – whether it’s your first fixture for Bucks or your 50th game – good luck Today – Come on Bucks!! Ash Coles President, Bucks Students’ Union – “Having a positive time on your time at University”

Letter from the Student Editor Hello all, I hope we’re all keeping the best. We’ve got yet another fantastic edition of the paper this week. Hope you all enjoyed the last one, too! It’s scary to think this is my last year, both my friends and I will miss this place so much! So if you’re a first or second year, appreciate the time you’ve got here; it flies by and it’s such a fantastic experience. Anyway, back to the paper. Our feature this week is all about Black History Month, which is obviously in October. This is such a fascinating read and is very inspirational. I strongly recommend it!

In other news, we’ve got tonnes of music reviews, hilarious lifestyle articles, yummy food facts and amazing style and beauty tips. No matter what you’re interested in, there’s something for everyone. Also, our front page this week is an issue I’ve heard mentioned and complained about for a long time now. I got the idea for it the other day when myself and my friend were nattering about boys and university work... quietly (I promise!) when a very rude girl spun round and told us to shut up before she “punches our faces”. We were on the third floor bare in mind, but it got me thinking; is it ok to be able to discuss these things when others are working? Or was she in the wrong for not being on the right floor? Please let us know your thoughts on this by emailing me on titled ‘Letter to the Editor’ and we’ll publish your thoughts in the next edition. Until then, Sarah, Student Editor

Letter from the Deputy Student Editor Hi everyone! Welcome to the second edition of The Bucks Student. My name is Gary Anderson and I am the Deputy Student Editor and Sports Editor of the paper. Hopefully everyone has settled into university life and

that you freshers have stocked up on lemsips and tissues to combat the dreaded freshersflu! If you are laid up in bed, struck down by those nasty flu-germs or just fancy a lazy day in nursing a hangover then

this weeks edition of The Bucks Student will make great bedside reading. As well as keeping you up to date with all the latest news from around the university, we have music and film reviews, tasty recipe suggestions and the

latest fashion tips as well as, our regular updates on sports and societies. Don’t forget to check out our new culture section which includes short stories and poems. Enjoy! Gary Anderson Deputy Studetn Editor

Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 3

With that time of year fast approaching coming up some of you might be organising Halloween parties. To help you try and avoid problems on the night and any hassle the next day, here are some practical suggestions

Lets Party! It’s great having your own place because you can do what you want – can’t you? Well, yeah you can, you just have to think about the other people who live in your house, your neighbours and yourself. If you are thinking of having a party remember things can go wrong and because it’s your house you’re responsible for what happens in it. So, if you throw a party and loads of uninvited people turn up that you don’t know and start trashing the joint, what are you going to do?…

Party preparations Put any valuables away in a safe place; laptops, Wii’s, jewellery, favourite clothes, whatever – anything you don’t want to lose basically. You can lock them in someone’s room or take them round to a friend’s house. Don’t advertise the party, or your address, on Facebook or Twitter or any other social networking environment - if you do, set it as a private event. Agree with your housemates before the party who is going to clear up

afterwards and who is going to deal with any problems. Stick to Friday and Saturday nights; you might not have early lectures the next day but chances are your neighbours will have to go to work or get up to take their children to school. Remember your landlord will hold you responsible for any damage to his property whether or not you caused it and will take the cost out of your deposit. You should always let your neighbours know in advance if you are going to have a party and invite them

perhaps! By inviting your neighbours you are not only giving them warning that you intend to have a party, but it is a great chance for you to get to know them better. You never know it could be the start of a beautiful friendship! If they don’t come, agree a time for the loud music for be turned off and try and stick to it. If you do wind your neighbours up by being really noisy and they call the council out you could get fined up to £5000 and lose your equipment.

Be in the money at Enterprize Festival 2011! This year’s Enterprise Festival takes place between Monday 31 October and Friday 4 November and each day is themed to provide students with skills vital for their future careers. The Enterprise Challenge is the main competition and has a prize fund totalling more than £2,000. Entrants can work as individuals or in a team of up to six people on enterprising ideas in the areas of new products, social enterprises, digital, job creation and money making. Each day of the Enterprise Festival week is themed to give every student information and ideas about enterprise and being enterprising and there will be mentoring sessions each day for Enterprise Challenge entrants to develop their ideas. Will King, founder of the company King of Shaves Ltd, based in Beaconsfield, will be the keynote speaker at the launch of the festival at the Arts4every1 Centre in Desborough Road, High Wycombe, from 12pm on Monday 31 October. The launch includes a free lunch. Tim Nicol, owner and founder of innovation consultancy Making Innovation Happen, will also be speaking at the launch. He successfully launched and managed many top consumer brands and products during an 18-year career with Mars. He also recently appeared as a marketing guru on the programme Village SOS, which is a Big Lottery Fund initiative with the BBC to launch a rural revival and inspire people to start community businesses. Elsewhere during the week, Dr David Foster, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer at the Department of Health, and Dave Dawes, Nurse First project manager at the Shaftesbury Partnership, which is working with Bucks New University, will be speaking at Uxbridge Campus. The themes of the days are: 1 November: Careers and Leadership; 2 November: Sales and Marketing; 3 November: Finance and Legal; 4 November: Enterprise Challenge Final and Enterprise Festival Gala Evening, at the Arts4Every1 Centre. Festival Organiser Mike Watson, who is also a visiting lecturer in Digital Marketing and Enterprise Projects at Bucks New University, said: “The Enterprise Festival is an excellent opportunity for students to gain first-hand feedback from professionals in a range of disciplines and explore their own skills for becoming more effective and enterprising in their future careers.” For more details go to and sign up to the network. To attend events email


International storm above Tymoszenko A flood of international comments covered the front pages following the sentencing of former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Julia Tymoszenko, to seven years imprisonment on October 11th, in Kiev. The outcome of the trial could have serious consequences for politics in the former Soviet state. Tymoszenko is alleged to have been guilty of a number of political crimes including irregularities in the gas deal brokered between Ukraine and Russia in the 1990s. ‘This situation is reminiscent of past soviet times’ – says Jerzy Buzek, the chairman of European Parliament. Catherine Ashton, the head of EU diplomacy, warns that Tymoszenko’s sentence may have a negative effect on Ukraine’s future negotiations with the European Union. The White House announced that this case was ‘politically motivated’ and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers this sentence as ‘not acceptable’. Ms. Tymoszenko has been an active voice of opposition to the Ukrainian government for many years. This case has been a shock for the international arena as it raises questions about Ukrainian democracy and their fair interpretation of law.

POLAND VOTED On October 9th, Poland finally decided who is going to be their next Prime Minister. Donald Tusk’s Civic Platform party is going to lead the Polish government for the second time. It is also going to be the second political cadence for Tusk, playing the role of the second head of the country after the President. They secured 39.18% of the vote. This year’s election had a lot of stories and emotions behind the stage. Only 21% of the people voted before 2pm and by the end of the day the turnout this year was only 48.92%. It raises a lot of question as to whether Poles have some message to send to their government. A day after the election it was revealed that a lot of people purposely submitted invalid votes. A majority of these votes had drawings of tears and text boxes saying ‘There is no f*** choice!’. Also the second biggest party lead by Kaczynski, which lost the election for the sixth time, brings a lot of controversy to the Polish political scene, being a strong and aggressive opposition for Tusk. Mr. Kaczynski promised two years ago to give up on politics if he lost this election. This year he acquired 29.89% of the votes and announced that he will never give up, because the people want him to ‘save Poland’. It means that Poland, lead by Tusk have another interesting period ahead, which is probably going to include a constant defence against belligerent attacks from the opposition. Like they haven’t had enough for the last few years.

jailbreak 2011 beg, blag and borrow your way to freedom

Blowing balloons is no longer safe for EU kids New policies introduced to European Union safety rules will prevent children under a certain age from the joy of playing some old, traditional games. The European Union’s Toy Safety Directive announced that blowing balloons or playing with whistles carries

to much unnecessary safety risks. New plans, agreed by the government, say that balloons must not be blown by children under eight years old. They can accidentally swallow it or choke, revealed The Daily Telegraph. Other dangerous devices and games, such as whistles

How do you approach your bills at uni?

National Union of Students NEWS

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011

Juggling bills can be difficult for us all, especially when you are relatively new to dealing with them. So how do you handle them? Are you one of those people who leaves it until the last minute, or do you pay them as soon as they come in? TV Licensing would like to know how you approach your bills at university. To take part in the survey, visit

Equal marriage in Scotland - Let’s Win If we want to win marriage equality in Scotland, we need to ensure that there is a majority of positive responses to the Scottish Government’s consultation. Equal Marriage has been a priority for the NUS Scotland LGBT Campaign for over five years and we are almost there! Thanks to our campaigning, we’ve secured a consultation on same-sex marriages. However the leadership of the Catholic Church in Scotland have pledged to have 100,000 postcards sent to the Scottish Government against the proposals. More NUS News available online at

12th - 14th november 2011 Get as far away from the uni as possible in 48 hours without spending a penny of your own money. Blag tickets and guilt your family and friends into helping you on your mission to break free. Get sponsored and help raise some much needed money for the RAG charities this year: Learn as One and The Pepper Hospice.

Sign up by emailing or at the SU office, ground floor, north block. Search: BUCKS JAILBREAK 2011

and Christmas bellowed game magnetic fish, are from now on classified as unsafe and risky for children’s health and safety under the age of fourteen! Manufacturers will have to provide every package with red, warning stickers. Is it madness or the price of living in the modern society?

Petition to make financial education a compulsory part of school NUS has welcomed the Department of Health’s decision to end the lifetime ban on men who sleep with men (MSM) donating blood. The NUS Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Campaign was one of the first organisations to call for an end to the discriminatory policy more than seven years ago. The campaign has continued until today and tens of thousands of petition signatures have been gathered, and hundreds of direct actions have been run, through the ‘Donation not Discrimination’ campaign. Whilst NUS is delighted that after the long campaign there has been huge progress towards the total abolition of the ban on donations from men who sleep with men they are seeking clarification from the Government as to why there is still a deferral period of one year after the male donor has last had sex with a man. A statement from NUS LGBT Officers, Vicki Baars and Alan Bailey, says: “Ending the lifetime ban has been a key objective of the NUS LGBT campaign and we welcome the Government’s action on this. Donating blood is a responsibility one in which low risk men who sleep with men should be able to exercise without fear of prejudice or discrimination.”

Bucks Students try Sport for Fun

Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 5

First class Radek


Out-standing! MA Furniture: Design & Technology students were given a standing ovation by members of The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers after giving a presentation at Furniture Makers Hall in London. The students displayed work completed during their annual week-long summer school at LagoStudio, in Villa del Conte, near Venice. The visit was sponsored by Lago in Italy, international furniture firm KI, and The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers. Lynn Jones, Course Leader and Head of the National School of Furniture (NSF), based at Bucks, said: “The students were a credit to the University and to the NSF.”

Special delivery A total of 16 students studying BSc (Hons) Police Studies attended a passing out ceremony, known as an attestation, in Owen Harris 2 on Wednesday 5 October, ready to work as special constables. Francis Habgood, Deputy Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, presented the certificates to students, alongside Stuart Norton, Department Manager, Criminal Justice and Social Sciences. The students had completed four days of officer safety training, technical communication and hands-on training, and two days of first aid training, among other things. They are now expected to complete up to 16 hours a month as specials.

An award-winning short film by graduate Radek Sienski, who gained a first in BA (Hons) Video Production (Digital) in 2010, was screened at the Young Cinema Festival at the recent 36th Polish Film Festival. Radek completed the film, A Question of Time, as his dissertation piece while at Bucks. He is currently in the last semester of his master’s degree in Editing at The National Film & Television School in Beaconsfield. Senior lecturer Sean Fitzgerald said: “To have a film screened at Poland’s national film festival is a fantastic achievement and testament to Radek’s hard work and expertise.”

“When I grow rich, say the bells of Shoreditch” Second-year BA (Hons) Advertising: Creative students Gavin McReady and Tim Jarvis were among 25 teams of students picked from more than 100 entrants displaying their advertising campaign work to industry leaders at UNITE IV, an event set up by YCC (Young Creative Council), at nightclub Cargo in Shoreditch on Monday 10 October. Senior lecturer Lynette Murphy said: “Gavin and Tim were able to present their work and gain feedback from top London creatives on the lookout for fresh new talent.”

Above: student Liis Rosenberg rowing at the Longridge Outdoor Activity Centre Bucks students ventured into the great outdoors earlier this month as the Sport for Fun team took more than 35 students and staff to the Longridge Outdoor Activity Centre in Marlow to try their hands at a range of alternative sports. The event was one of a host of initiatives we have organised thanks to the £300,000 grant we received earlier this year from Sport England to help students and staff have fun, meet new people and try new sports. At Longridge, the students took to the Thames for kayaking, stopping along the way to play some fun games. They also tested their nerves on a climbing wall, put their teamwork to the test to beat the clock in a Dragon Boat

race, and also tried their hand at rowing, where they received expert tips from Great Britain rower Alice Denyer. It was oar-some! Kirsty McCoubrey, Sports Development Activator, said: “We have a host of other sports for students to have a go at, from boxing, swimming and tennis, to wakeboarding, climbing and sailing. “Our weekly sessions have now started in a range of sports and are available for all students to attend. All sessions are in a sociable, friendly environment and suitable for everyone from complete beginners to experienced hands.” Ongoing events include judo lessons between 8pm-9.30pm on Thursdays at Wycombe Judo Centre in Barry Close, Cressex, High

Wycombe, HP12 4UE; dodgeball between 5pm-6pm on Wednesdays at Wycombe Sports Centre; and a women’s-only boxing lesson (better than boxercise!) between 5pm-6.30pm at High Wycombe Boxing Club, in Leigh Street, High Wycombe HP11 2QU. Either meet there or outside Brook Streets Halls of Residence at 4.30pm. All the sports are detailed at http://sportforfun-bucks.tumblr. com/. All classes are either free or require a small payment. To book a place at any of the events email and we will send you further information, including pick-up and drop-off times. For the latest news and activities on offer ‘like’ us on Facebook

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* Offer only available on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Must produce a valid Student ID.

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Student Starter Pack competition winners At the Freshers Fairs at HW and UX the Advice Centre ran a competition where we had two free Fresher Starter packs to give away, given to us from We asked people to guess what the price of the packs would be if all the items were purchased individually from shops. The price of the pack is £89.99 if bought from myunipack but if bought as individual items from shops it would cost £151.92. We also asked people entering to give us their best budgeting tip if there was a tie-break. And the winners were: Samira Kpekpey 1st year BA (Hons) International Tourism Management With Air Travel – Closest guess at High Wycombe with £150 (two others at HW also guessed £150) but Samira’s money saving tip was judged to be the best and was “Cook your own meals”. Lisa Balwin 1st year BSc (Hons) Nursing (Children’s) – Closest guess at Uxbridge with £150.99 and although there was no tie-break at Uxbridge Lisa’s budget tip was “Go to Poundland”. Well done to Samira and Lisa and we hope you are enjoying your starter packs.

Find Us: 1 High Street, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 2AZ

Black History Month 6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011

Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as “Negro History Week” and later as “black history month”. Black History Month was first celebrated in the UK in 1987. We owe the celebration of black history Month, and more importantly, the study of black history, to Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) known as the father founder of Black History Month. Woodson was born in New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia, to former slaves Anne Eliza (Riddle) and James Henry Woodson.

Convinced that the history of AfricanAmericans was being ignored and misrepresented, he took steps to put things right. The association was created to promote and preserve African-American history and culture to everyone. Wooden was the son of former slaves, and understood the importance of gaining a proper education when striving to secure and make the most out of one’s divine right of freedom. Woodson became the second African American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard University. By Tani Noel Dr. Carter G. Woodson

Did you know?

Black History Month celebrates innovators!

Although Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Malcolm X spring to mind as strong representatives of why we celebrated Black History Month, there are many other greats that are not to be forgotten and be proud of: Dr Mae Carol Jemison, born 17th October 1956

From Decatur Alabama, Dr. Jemison was the first black female NASA astronaut in space - logging 190 hours, 30 minutes, 23 seconds in space - when she went into orbit aboard the space shuttle Endeavour on September 12, 1992. Dr Jemison was the science specialist on STS47 Spacelab-J STS-47, which was a cooperative mission between the United States and Japan. Jemison was a co-investigator on the bone cell research experiment flown on the mission. The Endeavour and her crew launched from and returned to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Dr. Jemison left NASA in March in 1993.

Walter Daniel John Tull, 28thApril 1888 – 25th March 1918

Born in Folkestone, his father was a carpenter from Barbados who moved to Kent and married a local woman. Walter was an English professional footballer who played as an inside forward for Tottenham Hotspur. He was the second person (Arthur Wharton was the first black man) of Afro-Caribbean mixed race heritage to play in the top division of the football league, and outfield player in the top division of English football. Tull later moved to Northampton Town to play football but left to join the army in 1916. Walter was the first black man to be commissioned as an infantry officer in the British Army in the First World War. Tull fought in Italy in 1917, and was mentioned in Ian Hislop’s Channel 4 documentary ‘Not Forgotten’, which featured Tull and his story leading his company of 26 men on a raiding party into enemy territory. He returned to France in 1918, and was killed in action on 25th March during the Spring Offensive; his body was never recovered. The Lieutenant Walter Tull Exhibition is at the Dover library from 11th May to 29th June 2009. He was also recommended the Military Cross and died a hero in the last Battle of the Somme in 1918 aged 30.


s you already know Black History month is about spreading the knowledge of Afro- Caribbean history, recognising the past struggles and celebrating remarkable achievements. Throughout history, African -Americans and AfroCaribbeans have made positive and useful contributions to the world. Many invented devices, hair products, food products and many other items that are vital to our everyday life. Unfortunately the history of those inventions is either forgotten or people have no knowledge of it whatsoever. When you are on your computer chatting to your friends on Facebook have you ever wondered where did computers actually come from? When you are walking home late from enjoying a night out at the Student Union and the street lights are beaming to help you see your way home, have you ever wondered where the idea of long lasting lights came from in the first place? Thanks to an assistant manager at U.S Electrical Lighting Company, Lewis Latimer (1848 –1928), we can see in

By Aisha Kamara the dark. Lamiter developed a way of placing the filament within a cardboard envelope which prevented the carbon from breaking, thus providing much longer life to a light bulb. Because of this invention we now have lights in our homes, on our streets, buildings and even on our mobiles! It’s always good to take care of your appearance and especially when it comes to hair. AfroCaribbean hair has a different texture from European hair; therefore it requires different ingredients in hair products. Did you know that when Madam C. J. Walker (1867-1919), started losing her hair she invented a hair-growing lotion? Due to all the stress and hardship of working as a cleaner, Madam C.J’s hair began falling out. After unsuccessful results from all the hair growth products that were available at the time, Madam Walker decided to create her own remedy and mix plants that were growing in Africa. Weeks later her hair was growing faster than ever! She shared her

Tell us how a


Helped you!

formula with friends whom it also worked for and decided to go into business selling hair products to black women. She became the first African-American female millionaire. Thanks to her girls can say no to a bad hair day! Another brilliant discovery was made by an ophthalmologist from New York who invented a form of eye surgery using lasers. Dr. Patricia Bath’s method for removing cataract lenses, Cataract Laserphaco Probe, was a device especially designed to use the power of a laser to quickly and painlessly vaporize cataracts from patients’ eyes. This device replaced a much more painful procedure of using a grinding, drill-like device to remove the afflictions. In 1988, Dr. Bath became the first AfricanAmerican female doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention, and with another invention she was able to restore sight to people who had been blind for over 30 years. More people in this day and age should be inspired by previous inventors to create something new that could change and help the world.



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Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 7

10 Years of innocent suffering Last week marked the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the war in Afghanistan. A war that was embarked upon following the death and destruction of the September 11th attacks on the United States of America. For many students reading this it is impossible for them to recall a time when news programmes did not feature reports and images telling of the latest air strikes, sniper attacks, road side bombs or suicide bombings from the war torn country. Similarly, barely a day goes past without the announcement of the death of another British or coalition forces soldier, so much so that its regularity has numbed our sense of shock and sadness. Over 380 British soldiers have been killed so far in the conflict. However, as we all know, the people who suffer most

By Gary Anderson during military conflicts are the innocent civilians caught up in the brutal fighting. Whole towns and village communities have been wiped out and destroyed by both coalition forces and Taliban insurgents. No official figures can be found to verify the number of innocent Afghan civilians who have died during the 10 year’s of conflict. The LA times recently reported that modest United Nations (UN) estimates put the number at around 11, 220; a staggering amount of innocent victims. What is even more astonishing is that this figure relates only to the period from 2006 to this year. There are no reliable figures covering the period from 2001 to 2005, when some of the most brutal fighting took place. The USA’s justification for attacking one of the poorest countries in the world (which

was backed by Tony Blair’s government) was to crush the terrorist group al-Qaeda and its leader Osama Bin Laden and to make sure that Afghanistan did not become a breeding ground for anti-western terrorism. While the main leaders of al-Qaeda have been captured or eliminated, including the dramatic assassination of Bin Laden in May, the aggressive military policy adopted by Britain and the US in particular has merely served to fan the flames of anti-western feeling amongst the majority of the Muslim world. And, images of dead and injured Afghan civilians are like a call to arms for the disaffected who view the war as an illegal and brutal occupation of a sovereign Muslim country. There is no doubt that the Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan at the time of the military invasion, oversaw a brutal and

ultra-conservative society. They enforced a barbaric form of Islamic ideals known as sharia law which contravened basic human rights and allowed for such things as men having their ears cut off for listening to music and the stoning to death of women. The US and Britain have claimed that this was a war to free the Afghan people from the tyrannical rule of the Taliban but in reality not much has changed. Afghanistan is no longer ruled by a brutal regime but the country’s Western backed President, Hamid Karzai, has been dogged by accusations of election rigging and fraud. Members of his own as well as opposition parties have been assassinated amid claims that the Taliban insurgency is getting stronger and stronger, and is taking back control of large parts of the country despite the continued presence of coalition

forces. The one constant that still remains is the suffering and bloodshed of the Afghan people throughout the 10 years of conflict. Malalai Joya, a former Afghan MP and human rights activist recently declared, “The consequences of a decade of war in Afghanistan has only been more bloodshed, crimes, barbarism, human rights and women’s rights violations, which has doubled the miseries and sorrows of our people.” Whatever the rights and wrongs are, the decade long battle in Afghanistan serves to highlight that there are never any winners during war. The real fight is taking place in the cities, towns and villages throughout Afghanistan and it is not with tanks and guns. It is being fought by the ordinary people of this country. It is a fight for human dignity and survival.

Raise and Give, Get involved! By Suzi Roe I’m a third year student at Bucks and have been very involved in RAG throughout the last year, so I am writing to tell you why you should be part of a university tradition. Raise and Give is a nationwide term that universities have used for many years as a title for the fundraising that students do. It is your one-stop shop for fun, frolics and fundraising, all in the name of charity. It consists of groups of enthusiastic students dedicated to putting on events and having fun whilst raising a significant amount of money for charity. Joining is a great opportunity to meet new students, get to know the student union staff, have a laugh, and do something worthwhile with your time at university. You can keep a record of the work you do and get a certificate from the Union that states the numbers of hours you have given back to the community! Volunteering for RAG enables you to help worthy causes as well as improving your CV and having lots of fun in the process. Our RAG charities this year are: LearnAsOne, who help fund the raw materials needed to build schools in Zambia. The Pepper Foundation who fund the nurses that look after terminally ill children in Buckinghamshire. In Uxbridge, our RAG charity is Macmillan Cancer Support. Macmillan provide practical, medical and financial support and push for better cancer care. So get involved now and help raise money for these amazing causes Calendar of Events: 24th October – One World Week 25th October – LearnAsOne Wycombe RAG raid! 10th November – Swans Cake Sale in the SU foyer 12th November – Jailbreak 30thNovember – Careers Workshop – How being a student volunteer can get you a job! 7th December – The Annual Elderly Christmas Dinner 8th December – The Annual Elderly Christmas Shopping.

8 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011



Student Survival Guide Drinking, Partying and Productive Procrastination: What you really learn at University. University teaches you a lot of things. You can’t so much as mention that you’re a prospective student without someone banging on about how you’ll ‘grow as a person’. Apparently, we’re all supposed to be in a frenzy of excitement about the joys of independent learning, the wonder of theoretical thinking, the awesomeness of transferable skills. In fact, so romanticized are these stories that you can hardly be faulted for expecting a typical university to consist of gleaming marble corridors, packed with earnest, book carrying students and wise, bespectacled scholars. All of which, in my opinion, makes university life sound like a scene from the movie, Good Will Hunting….an image that could not be further from the truth. Actually, as anyone who has ever been to university will tell you, student life is probably far more comparable to the movie Road Trip. Don’t get me wrong, the stuff you’re here to learn is great. For example, I no longer break out into a cold sweat at the thought of public speaking and I’ve finally mastered the Harvard Referencing System. (It only took me two years) I’d even go as far as to say I’ve got a handle on the concept of Marxism.(Apparently, Bourgeoisie isn’t a type of wine!) But what about the other stuff you learn at university; the stuff that they DON’T tell you about? The fact is university isn’t just about what you learn in the lectures. I can virtually guarantee you that -over the three years of your course – you’ll learn a whole variety of random stuff and eclectic skills. That’s all very well, I hear you say, but randomness isn’t going to get me a job with a company car and a six figure salary. Well, whilst I concede that your ability to fashion a toga from a bedsheet isn’t likely to impress prospective employers, there’s plenty of other random skills which can be put to good use. It’s all about thinking outside the box. So, if like me, you’re

Productive Procrastination: I like to think that before I came to university I was only an amateur procrastinator. Sure, I could put things off, sometimes I could even go days without doing an urgent chore, but on the whole,I was a shadow of the world class champion procrastinator I

would later become. As a student you immerse yourself in the art of procrastination. You’ve a 5000 word essay due in tomorrow? Well of course it’s perfectly acceptable for you to stare out of the window for 20 minutes and then spend an hour aimlessly walking around your house. Why put off today what you can avoid until tomorrow, or better yet, next week!? You work better under pressure anyway. (For the record, this is one of the biggest lies that students tell themselves. I have never worked better under pressure, neither have you! However, this blatantly untrue statement helps us to convince ourselves that 24 hours to write a major essay is a perfectly acceptable amount of time.) So what exactly makes procrastination a beneficial skill? Ah, well whilst you may have been a procrastinator BEFORE becoming a student, university is where you learned the art of productive procrastination. Productive procrastination differs from standard procrastination in that, although you’ll still not get the most urgent chore done, you’ll manage to fill your time productively, usually by completing less important/pointless chores. So whilst potential employers might not be impressed that you fail to meet important deadlines, you can confidently assure them that at least you’ll be impeccably groomed, your CD’s will be alphabetized and your laundry up to date. Every cloud and all that….


fter 35 since ‘Apple’ was founded, the loss of its key visionary has passed. So what is the future for ‘Apple’ now? Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple and, alongside Steve Wozniak he branded a successful series of personal computers throughout the 1970’s …the Apple II series. In 1985 due to differences within the company Jobs left Apple and founded a new company, NeXT. NeXt was a computer development platform for higher education and businesses and again became very successful, so successful in fact that Apple decided to buy NeXT out and have Jobs return to Apple - so in 1996, that’s what happened. And Jobs returned to the position of CEO. Having also bought ‘Pixar’ from Lucasfilm in 1986, Jobs was at on point Disney’s largest shareholder, owning 7% of Disney. With this commercial success in many areas of technology and entertainment it is easy to see that Steve Jobs was quite obviously a very determined creative and tough competitor for others, so determined in fact that he battled with pancreatic cancer for seven years, and on October 5th 2011 he passed away at his home in Palo Alto, California. Jobs has been described by many as a perfectionist, visionary and creative genius whose role at Apple can never be filled. So what is the future for Apple…? Google’s Vint Cerf quotes that “this will not be the end

Drinking away your student loan: As it’s now October I’ll assume that most of us are already broke. Fast food and nights out aren’t generally conducive to a healthy bank balance. All of which means that, fairly early on, the average student learns that it’s entirely possible to make £5 last you a week. Ok, so not too many prospective employers are going to value in the fact that you blew your student loan on alcohol and McDonalds Breakfasts. However, you might like to point out that you’re used to ‘operating within a tight budget’ (feeding yourself on a fiver) and that you are experienced in allocating funds to areas, dependent on need (beer, food, bills) Proactive: You’re frequently the first one of your housemates to suggest heading down to the SU. Charity or Volunteer Work: You sometimes give money to buskers. Multitasking: You can simultaneously text, facebook and make notes during lectures. By Siobhan Carney

By Patrick Cunningham

products certainly revolutionized their respective fields. Jobs also created the Macbook, which is so far ahead of its competitors in terms of performance and ability it is perhaps only price that prevents it from being the market leader when it comes to personal computers. Jobs did receive criticism when iTunes was launched, primarily to fight piracy, because people felt he became greedy. Since its creation, iTunes has changed the music industry. Albums can be a lot cheaper to purchase through

The future’s bright... the future’s Apple (Steve Jobs, 1955 -2011)

Shows initiative if you ask me.

Washing Trick: As a student you learn to hate doing your own washing. The sorting, the folding, the drying and the ironing…it’s a never ending, soul destroying process. Before stepping foot on campus, most of us didn’t know the difference between washing powder and fabric softener (do you use either or both?) and a small minority probably couldn’t turn on a washing machine if their life depended on it. However, by the time reading week rolls around most of us are coping well enough. Even so, this doesn’t stop many of us pulling, what I like to refer to as ‘The Bin Bag’ trick. A process that involves dumping large quantities of clothing into a bin liner and taking it home for our mothers to wash. Whilst some might scoff at the long term benefits of allowing your mum to do your washing, these people are ignoring the transferable skills offered by this situation. For example, what employer doesn’t love a delegator? You’ve merely assessed the situation (Wow, there’s a lot of washing here) weighed up your strengths and weaknesses (I’m not very good a washing) and delegated to someone who can do a more thorough job (Mum)

Passing of a technology titan Steve Jobs, the co founder of Apple Inc passed away on the 5th of October 2011 at the age of 56. The technologies that he invented have been used by almost all of us at one point in our lives. It was revolutionary in not just the technology industry but it also massively influenced the music industry too. The iPhone is easily the most sought after phone on the market, whilst the iPod is by far the most popular choice if you want an mp3 player. These

currently panicking about how to pad out your CV why not try re-evaluating these so called ‘useless skills’, you might be surprised…

of Apple’s innovation, Jobs was the ‘heart and soul’ of Apple and competitors will be harder to fend off but the products that came out of Apple were not just from one man, it was a team effort that was built by Jobs.” He also goes onto say how great a business leader Jobs was, knowing what people wanted before they did. Steve Wozniak, Jobs’ business partner backs this idea up by saying how he took ideas from Sci-fi and turned them into reality, pushing engineers to create these products. Xeni Jardin, editor of ‘’ says how the new Apple CEO Tim Cook has a hard act to follow. “No matter what the company now does, their next steps will be measured against what the company might have done under Steve Jobs’ leadership.” This may lead to people at Apple now asking the question ‘what would Steve do?’ They need to build on his legacy, what does the next generation need? Making sure that Apple is still as successful ten – twenty years from now as it is today. There is no doubt that Apple would not be where it is today without Jobs; this is proven by its struggle and decline after Steve Jobs left in 85’. I personally believe that the team at Apple will continue to create great and smart products building on the visions of Steve Jobs and make them as Steve himself like to call them “insanely great”. iPhone 4s is released on 14th October 2011. By Harrison Boileau

this system, but it has also changed the music charts around the world, due to sales that may have never happened but for convenience. Job’s legacy will live on, in the fact that the recently unveiled iPhone 4s, and with massive sales of the iPad, the future of the Apple corporation looks secure. This is a massive loss to the technology industry but Job’s work colleague Steve Wozniack, who is the other brain involved with Apple will no doubt be able to carry on the work that Jobs helped to start.

Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 9

Common quirks and freaky foibles:

unable to get changed in her bedroom because she was convinced her posters Things you think only you do were implanted with hidden cameras. All of which begs the n the last edition, I wrote about a friend of mine question: What other kind of strange habits are we called, ‘Mr X’. During the course of the article I hiding? quoted his belief that – when women are angry – Instead of being secretive about our oddities, shouldn’t they passively aggressively express this annoyance by we just embrace them? Maybe we’ve hidden our habits, withholding kisses at the end of text messages. Despite convinced that we’re secretly mental when, actually, knowing I’ve been guilty of this once or twice myself everyone is just too ashamed and embarrassed to admit - (most recently in messages to Mr X…how’s that for they do it too. Of course, no one is likely to be the irony) - I was still entirely unprepared for the amount first to ‘fess up to anything for fear of being chased by of my female friends who read last week’s article and torchlight holding, pitchfork wielding villagers. I mean, then claimed to have done exactly the same thing. (And who wants to risk being shunned just because they’ve before you ask, yes I do force my friends to read my admitted to sometimes sitting down in the shower? (You student newspaper articles…I’m egotistical like that.) know who you are!) However, although there was also a fair amount of Being curious, I spent much of last week on a secret fact embarrassed eye rolling and wry head shaking during finding mission. Naturally, this required: these confessions, the most common emotion was relief. A.) A drinking establishment Initially I was puzzled, but after hours of deep thought B.) Various forms of alcohol (five minutes during the Hollyoaks advert breaks) I C.) Getting drunk people to admit to things that they quickly realised that this reaction was probably based on wouldn’t whilst sober the realisation that they weren’t: On the one hand I was interested to hear what kind of A.) Mental freaks were wandering around masquerading as ‘normal’ B.) Weirdos human beings. However, my main motivation was Simply put: The real reason they were so relieved was actually tocompile a definitive list of the most common because they’d just discovered that they weren’t the only oddities. And by ‘common’ I mean the type of thing that ones to do something which some might consider odd, more than one person confessed to doing. and others might consider downright weird. The results are detailed below. Some are amusing, It was at this point that I was reminded of the time I’d others are downright creepy and more than a few are (drunkenly) admitted to my friend Lindsey that – as a suggestive of some kind of hidden mental disorder (I youngster - I used to listen to music and pretend I was a urged these people to seek professional help) radio DJ (talking over the song intros, giving imaginary However, the real moral of the story appears to be shout outs to people, etc.) only to then be completely that, rather than suffering alone, we should embrace our lost for words when she admitted she used to do the inner freak. Hey, if you honestly believe that wearing exact same thing. (Don’t act like you’ve never tried it!) your lucky pants will enable your football team to win Weird? Sure. But it’s no worse than when another is that anything to be ashamed of? And so what if you friend of mine confessed that – as a teenager – she was


happen to enjoy brushing your teeth in the bath? Can any of us really judge you? The fact is, maybe we’re not nearly as weird as we think. Perhaps it’s time we threw open the door and let the world see our strange habits and weird idiosyncrasies. Well, that is unless you’re the individual who admitted to me that you often watch X-Factor and then re-enact the routines in front of your bedroom mirror. Because in your case, I’d suggest keeping that particular door firmly closed. Top Confessions: (You all know you’re guilty of at least one of the below) • Making sure the TV volume is on a multiple of 5. • Putting a leg out from under the duvet and then getting freaked out that a monster will grab your leg. • Turning off the light and then sprinting up the stairs because you suddenly think someone might be chasing you. • Going out, getting drunk and then using the same toilet stall all night. • Listening to music and mouthing the words to pretend you’re in a music video. • Pulling the duvet up when you hear a noise because you’re convinced it will protect you from an axe wielding maniac. (Cotton is impervious to sharp objects) • Biting all the chocolate off of a Crunchie bar and then eating the honey comb separately. • Seeing a magpie and then trying to disguise the ‘Goodday Mr Magpie’ salute as a head scratch. • Rolling your bus ticket up so it looks like a joint. • Getting pathetically excited at the sight of a hot air balloon/rainbow • Getting even more excited when you hear the ice cream van jingle. (Even though you’re 22 and haven’t bought a Mr Whippy in 10 years.) • Secretly racing unsuspecting members of the public to get to shops, etc, and then being internally smug when

you win. (It’s what separates you from the rest. Winning imaginary races is what made you the winner you are today.) • Eating around the edge of a Jaffa cake so that you’ll be able to eat the orange bit separately. • Running up the stairs on all fours • Pretending you’re a TV chef whilst cooking, complete with internal running commentary to your imaginary audience. “First you need to prep the super noodles…” • Lying face down in a swimming pool so that the life guard will jump in thinking you’ve drowned. • Conducting imaginary TV interviews with yourself. • Walking around your house and pretending you’re on MTV cribs. • Checking to see if you have super powers by trying to move stuff with your mind. • Realising you’re walking the wrong way and, instead of turning around, you take your phone out and look at it in disgust (often with eye rolling and head shaking) as if you’ve JUST received a change of plans text message. • Going on a night out and only being able to tell how drunk you are when you’re alone in the toilet. “Wow, I’m really hammered!” Super noodles...done!

Confessions of a Fresher So Fresher’s week is over, now the serious work probably should begin. I have only gone out one night this fresher’s week, Toga night. Yes, I have turned into some sort of grandma who only leaves the house to get bread and milk; I just spend too much on a night out. But I did love Toga night although I was drunkenly stumbling home by 12. Apparently, I cannot drink like I used too (Boo you sober summer). So even though I have been a boring old bint these past two weeks by not

going out drinking I have had a laugh usually at the expensive of my intoxicated housemates. For instance, the welcome party as soon as the house mates where in, chaos descended. I had to perform first aid and act like Jeremy Kyle, which I have to admit looking back on, it was quite funny. But despite how much fun it is to look after a house mate who fell down a hill, my favourite night so far was definitely the night Tribes played at the SU. Why, I hear you ask? One house mate, let’s call her Miss Ham, (she feeds cats ham, don’t ask)

Sick and Cynical ‘Social networking’ – everyone at our age should (to a certain extent) be aware of what it is. Back in the day you either had ‘Bebo’ or ‘Myspace’ but now it’s all about ‘Facebook’ or ‘Twitter’. I’ve got accounts, my uncle Howard’s got accounts, and soon I’m sure my cat will have an account. It is the norm now and our existence would well and truly be up the swanny if these online tools weren’t about. Imagine; we’d all be reduced to dribbling sacks of unsociable lard if Facebook was to suddenly crash. I recently ditched Facebook and moved onto Twitter. Allow me to just report that as of yet in the absence of Facebook I haven’t suffered any real issues other than being able to be easily contacted by work colleagues who haven’t got my e-mail address. A few months on and my Twitter account isn’t (surprisingly enough) getting on my wick. Despite being constantly asked by seemingly promiscuous women if they can ‘follow’ me, I find Twitter utterly fantastic. You’re given 140 characters to say anything, which is genius if you ask me. You could write the biggest load of drivel to have graced planet earth and it will still seem relevant to someone reading it. After all, why would you waste any of those letters?! It must mean something! For professional use Twitter is becoming a very positive industry tool. I’m following a few job sites online and I get live information updates about jobs, internships and work experience opportunities in the area. You seem to skip all the dross which is spread about over other social networking sites and

in her drunken state brought back someone she thought was the lead singer of The Tribes. Well, he told her he was and she bought it despite watching them about 15 minutes earlier. Any way the guy is called Irwin (I was not the Facebook stalker, this is what I was told) in case you guys want to invite a random guy to your house too, who says “I have had a girlfriend for three years but what she does not know won’t hurt her” and leaves his tooth paste at your house. I mean who takes toothpaste to a gig? Ah the joys of the drink.

you’re given information which is relevant to your personal tastes. Every day I get live news updates linking me to new stories, information about new films, books and music. For those who read last week’s Sick and Cynical, I introduced my ULTIMATE ONLINE OBSESSION for the week. This time it’s (undeniably) about Twitter. Jimmy Carr is a comedian, actor, writer and grand “Tweeting” extraordinaire. He has embraced Twitter much like other celebrities. However, Jimmy’s dark deadpan humour seems to gleam through in his 140 character output: 4th October 2011 – “Michael Jackson’s sales have gone up massively since he was killed. Just like to point that out to Jedward’s record company.” I find him to be a very funny man where Twitter is concerned. That’s what users find really sells Twitter; the idea that you can get closer to celebrities who “care” about their fan base. You can either get a @ Mention or better still a Retweet which is always gratifying for the crazed devotee. I’m aware some of my views might make me seem stubborn or overly negative, but each to their own ‘ey. If you have any comments, would like to add or react to this article please contact: student.editor@ To round off I’d like to provide some Twitter related puns: “I’ll give you tweeting!” “I’ll bleedin tweet you one in a minute!” “You massive tweet!”

What else has consumed my fresher’s fortnight; a BBQ where no one got food poisoning and received a hamster from our neighbours. After saying yes to a free hamster we now realise why she was free. How can something that small make so much mess? Apart from that we have had no internet so have gotten through our entire DVD collection and thanks to Miss Ham we have made High Wycombe on the Sims. I never realised how much I rely on the internet. I can honestly say though, that these

Dear Busty...

Dear Busty, Since starting my course I am really enjoying it. However one of the lectures has been placed at 6pm and this clashes with my sports training. If I had known about this before I started I would have had a re-think about whether to do the course or not, as I was certain I wanted to play sport at uni. Is there anything I can do about this as I want to do well on my course but I don’t want to miss out on my sports either! Sarah, 23 Well Sporty Sarah…you are in luck my friend! As if those lecturers don’t already take enough time out of your day, they are trying to take up your evening/drinking time as well! Don’t worry though… help is at hand in the form of our Student Engagement coordinator Amy Mclaughlan! You can find her working away at her desk in the SU offices, High Wycombe (often munching on popcorn!) and she’ll be more than happy to help you out with your wee predicament! She specialises in sorting out course problemos so give her a visit sometime! Kisses on your face! Busty x

Dear Busty, Since starting uni I have had so many problems with the Student Loan company that I still haven’t received my loan and am struggling to pay my bills! Please help! Paul, 18 Penny-less Paul, do not fret…lots of students find themselves in the same boat as you. If you can’t call on the bank of Mum & Dad, then get in touch with the nice people in the Advice Centre (both in Uxbridge and High Wycombe.) They will be able to direct you on the right path to getting your hands on some wonga! Failing that, get a parttime job you bum…only kidding! *winks!* Kisses on your face (and in your pockets!) Busty x Dear Busty, It’s costing me a fortune to get taxis home after a night out at the Union and I live all the way in Micklefield. Any useful tips for a safe and cheap way home? Becca, 18

past few weeks here have proved my house hold is amazing. From, Miss Cat and her ‘ I must stop talking about donkeys whilst drunk, but I found it A-Mule-Zing’ to Miss Orange and her love of acronyms ‘CBA Guys CBA’ and Miss Ham, in spite of her singing of One Direction that’s now stuck in my head. But most of all I love the fact they put up with me even though I say things like ‘Is Elvis his first name or like his first and second name? Then what his last name is it Elvis Jones?’ Sometimes I just do not believe myself.

Well boozy Becca, you are about to learn one of my bestest tips! There is a completely fabbylous, FREE, fun bus, run by the Students’ Union, which takes you directly to your door after a night out! Look out for it, by the smoking area, as you stumble out the doors, after one too many snakey-b’s! This is your best option..and if Aunty Busty finds out you’ve been walking home alone… you’ll be in big trouble missy! Kisses on your drunken face! Busty x

10 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011


Ich bin ein Berliner!

By Harrison Boileau - Features Editor

‘I am a doughnut’ as JFK famously quoted to the people of West Berlin in 1963, and those of you who know me probably agree with it in my case also. Berlin. What a place… great food, good nightlife and very welcoming and funny people, contradicting what I had previously heard about the Germans sense of humour. During the summer holiday I took myself there for four days, staying in ‘St. Christopher’s hostel located on Rosa- Luxembourg strasse, which is pretty much central Berlin. Compared to many hostels I have stayed in, this one really had something different about it. Perhaps it was the fact that the bar was open till three that I have so few memories of it. I do however, remember that they had the Internet …Facebook is always accessible wherever you are. Breakfast was free, and was a proper buffet with good coffee that was very much needed from the previous night’s escapades. The good thing about Germany is that you can get good beer for cheap. Berlin is so big; there is so much to see. I recommend the obvious; Brandenburg gate, Berlin wall, Eastside gallery and the numerous memorials, which all tastefully show a dignified sorrow for what happened during the war. The Holocaust memorial is particularly sombre. I suggest staying away from ‘Checkpoint Charlie’, which has sadly become one big tourist trap, complete with fake guards where for five euro’s you may have your photograph taken. The free tour is definitely a must: a guide will take you around all the hot spots explaining the history along the way. Just remember to raise your left hand to ask a question. When you think that it was only twenty-two years ago when this city was divided between east and west, Berlin has done so well in such a small amount of time in making itself one of Europe’s biggest party hubs. Everyone is so friendly with great conversation especially when I mentioned that I was English. …’don’t mention ze vor!’ Berlin’s creativity is quite outstanding. Streets are filled with art, musicians on every corner, 1960’s photo booths everywhere and random houses where you can just go in and see the local artists work on show. The city’s architecture is also quite amazing and with separate arty districts there is something for everyone. Berlin also has hundreds of museums and attractions and the majority of them are free! Food wise, I recommend ‘currywurst’ and the place to get it would be ‘Curry 61’ who also claim to be the ‘original Berlin currywurst sellers’. Berlin is only an hour and a half away from London and from as cheap as £28 there’s no reason not to go, even if it does mean flying with easyJet. I will definitely be going back soon. Brandenburg gates

BucksSocieties Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at www.bucksstudent. com/studentactivities. If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

Mature Students Society The Mature Students Society would like to congratulate Jane Lunn on winning the Uxbridge “Before they were born” quiz with a great score of 23/30 and also some entertaining guesses at the question she didn’t know and next article we’ll let you know who won the High Wycombe “Before they were born” quiz. We had great turnouts at the Mature Students Society breakfasts both at the end of September in High Wycombe and in Uxbridge in early October.

We are following up these events with some slightly bigger events. Wednesday 2nd November we are taking over the Students Union for the night with an “Old School Disco” so come down wearing your school uniforms (shirts and shorts/ skirts) for some fun games and a great night out. Saturday 5th November High Wycombe we will be going to a fireworks spectacular Saturday 19th November with the Students Union we are organising a pub crawl around Uxbridge. As well as some other date to be confirmed events

Cheese & Ham photography Society

New society Cheese and Ham have already snapped up lots of new members as their quirky style and promises of fun and creative socials are echoing throughout the university. including a cinema trip, and James Elden, the chairman of the society, explained networking Lunches. the bizarre yet unforgettable name choic: If you are interested in “It’s like everyone says cheese when getting their photo joining the Mature Students taken. We’ve just added in the ham to make it a bit different. They go well together. Society please contact one “The idea for the society came about when friends of of our committee on: ours talked about how they have cameras but never use mature.students.officer@ them. That’s where the idea of the blog came about – so they have something to work for and can see their pictures published and appreciated.” Chairperson Kate Hall Cheese and Ham are already planning lots of social activities for their society, James and the rest of the photography group are planning to have a photo 07557 733 983 treasure hunt; where instead of writing down the name of the item in question, you take a picture of it. Secretary Shellie Ransom The society is also planning to raise money for these shellie_star1@hotmail. activities. This includes two members getting a tattoo of com the Cheese and Ham logo. 07597 418 419 The Cheese and Ham blog will be up-and-running very soon, but until then you can ‘like’ their Facebook Treasurer Will Hoskin page ‘Cheese and Ham – Bucks Photography’ for more information.

07960 933 050

Welcome to Bucks Music Business. We are a university of talented and creative individuals. BMB combine the crafts and the expertise. We bring together all our centres of excellence to create a real collaboration of courses. Our aim is to deliver reviews on music nights at the SU, other gigs that are going on in and around London and also help musical students at the University. Attracting collaborators from all aspects of the music business BMB can help to: • bring together bands • contact promoters, photographers, film students, advertisers etc • help develop your ideas and to fulfil your potential. What: get in touch with your ideas or talents, and we will help you put together the missing pieces Who: fellow aspiring Bucks students Why: to connect and combine talents and ideas How: email When: right now We are also looking for dedicated and enthusiastic students to join us! Seeing concerts, reviewing gigs, albums or just writing an article on what music means to you. If you are interested please contact By Beth McGrath, Sorcha Collister & Lauren Troiano

Students text* or email the Vice Chancellor to provide visibility of something which is impacting negatively on their scheduled teaching activities.

Eastside gallery

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Bucks Stud

Wed 19 Oct - Tue 1 Oct at

HAPPY HAL Wednesday





The Frat House - Rugby take over

LIVE: The Crookes & The Campbell Apartment

Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1



26 Frat House - Initiations Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1




Flirt - Barbie Hoe’s & G.I Joes


LIVE: The Young Kinves & Foreign Office


Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1


Relentles Corky Sna Double u




Flirt - Halloween Special!



Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1


Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1





LIVE: Evil Sca

Corky Double u Plus sp

Welcome To The Weekend, selec

dents’ Union

t the Venue High Wycombe




y’s £1 a shot up on spirits £1 pecial offers!





Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1



Rock & Roll Bingo Quiz/ Football/ X-factor

cted drinks only £1.50 from 8pm - 10pm

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One World Week Event Rusty’s World Tour

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arercrow & Stiff Bizkit


Rock & Roll Bingo Quiz/ Football/ X-factor

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* Sunday

Comedy Central

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

16 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011

Japanese Voyeurs // James Cleaver Quintet // Dangerous! Live at Bucks 29th September 2011 8/10 Being the second live event held by Alternator Gigs in as many weeks at the SU, this event was decidedly smaller in audience numbers than the Fresher’s Fair event. However, whilst there weren’t as many people who turned out for live night, it didn’t deter those who were there or those who were playing. Starting off the proceedings in a suitably loud style was up and coming Australian band Dangerous!, who played tracks from their debut album “Teenage Rampage” with impressive punk rock swagger and energy. Towards the end of the set, front man, Tommy Lofts jumped the stage barrier and simply –and quite literally- rocked out in

the middle of the SU floor at the expense of stewards who had to hold people back from the singer. Following Dangerous!, were Lucozade’s favourite unsigned band The James Clever Quintet, who drew a decidedly bigger and more favourable crowd than their Australian cohorts. Just like their predecessors though, the band decided to stick it to health and safety rules just the same by climbing the speaker stacks. After the shenanigans of both TJCQ and Dangerous!, came headliners Japanese Voyeurs, who played various tracks from their debut album “Yolk” in alls it grungy, fuzzy guitar glory. The band went through tracks such as “Dumb” and “Blush” whilst also playing a notable cover of Nine Inch Nails song “Closer.” A brilliant event from start to finish. By Sarah Cambell

New Band Alert! Aluna George


stumbled upon this band while exploring YouTube a week ago and instantly liked their style and music. Consisting of singer Aluna Francis and producer George Reid, the London duo’s music is a unique mixture of r&b and pop with ambient, minimal, experimental and post-dubstep influences, creating a very abstract sound. ‘Analyser’, ‘Disobey’, ‘Double Sixes’, ‘You Know You Like It’, ‘Feels So Good’ and ‘We Are Chosen’ are just some of the songs that the duo have produced. ‘Analyser’ is a quirky, upbeat electropop song which sees the band channel their inner Robyn with Aluna singing about an over-thinking-lover over a dancey array of 80’s inspired synths and bleeps. ‘Disobey’ is a roboticpop song with swooping bass noises and a scattering of video game-like synths while’ Double Sixes’ has a very experimental sound, with glitches, squelchy bass sounds and snippets of ambient music surfacing between the abrupt interruptions of Aluna’s voice samples. ‘We Are Chosen’, one of their best songs has Aluna singing over a jittery, stuttering beat layered with a light, throbbing minimal synth. Her wispy and almost childlike voice immediately creates a soft and heavenly vibe to the somewhat random and sporadic sounding song. ‘You Know You Like It’ is my favourite song that I’ve heard from Aluna George so far and sounds like an r&b hit in 2050! The song which perfectly blends r&b with ambient music has a chart friendly beat littered with futuristic bleeps and relaxing spacey synths weaving into Aluna’s soulful vocals. Also, the chorus ‘You

know like it but it drives you insane’ is incredibly catchy after a few listens. The single’s B-side track ‘Feels So Good’ is almost equally as good and definitely lives up to its name. The song has gloomy minimal and trance-like synths similar in sound to James Blake and occasional chime sounds create a chilled out vibe. Also, the crunchy sounding beats and chopped up pitch altered vocals sound reminiscent of late-90’s UK garage songs. George’s clever production skills and Aluna’s unique highpitched voice and distinctive 1920s flapper style, drastically sets the band apart from other artists currently around so Aluna George definitely gets a 10 out of 10 for originality from me.

Stefan Miller

Who’s on Jools Kasabian Having just released their fourth studio album on September 16th, ‘Velociraptor’ went straight in at number one, making Kasabian’s mission to become the biggest band in Britain one step closer to completion. The album is bold, if not slightly arrogant but then Kasabian have never been the subtle type. They also have a world tour due to start in November which will see them visit Germany, Japan and Australia. You can buy tickets at KASABIAN

Wretch 32 Jermaine Scott aka Wretch 32 is only 26 and already has two albums under his belt. The first, ‘Wretchrospective’, released in 2008, slipped under the radar and failed to enter any of the British official charts, but this MC refused to give up. After signing to Ministry of Sound record label he then went on to release ‘Black and White’ in August 2011, which debuted at number four in the charts following the success of lead single ‘Traktor’. The album is a fusion of soft r’n’b and pop with Wretch’s past MC days coming into the forefront, making it clear that he still has a lot to say. Wretch will be on tour this October starting at Glasgow Garage on the 16th. You buy tickets from Tour/WRETCH-32 Wilko Johnson This man is a legend in his own right. Having some of the biggest bands to ever come out of Britain site him as an influence, including ‘The Jam’, ‘The Clash’ and ‘ The Sex Pistols’ just confirms how much of an affect he had on the British seventies punk scene. He is now on the road with two former

Music Spotlight: Bobby Petrov

Bucks born Bobby Petrov played their first gig since Beachbreak to a crowd of fans eager to see what the university band had in store. The opening song - ‘Count Steps’ - was received by the audience with bobbing heads and foot tapping fit for a Michael Flatley river dance. As the opening song reached its end the band, draw breath and immediately rolled into guitar-based banger, ‘Madeline’. A song seeped in more lyrical controversy than a crèche funded by the royalties of 1973 hit, ‘I’m The Leader of The Gang’. The song was prominently punched through and rung out to an ever growing round of applause. Between song banter included urging the crowd to expose their tackle and revealing certain secrets of the bass player’s love of Mexican crustaceans. New song – ‘Tipi’ – was aired for the first time to a High Wycombe crowd. Although based on a suicidal Native American, the new song bursts into life after a lengthy but well constructed intro consisting of a haunting delay and highly reverberating guitar. The band rattled through the lengthy number with great energy as the song builds up to a Ron Jeremy style climax... minus the mess. Fan favourite - ‘Kites’ - echoed from lead guitarist (Ricky Mays) side of the stage and was met with cheers and hoots comparable to the mating

calls of sordid barn owls. Petrov effortless skipped through the song and soon arrived at their penultimate tune. ‘Ole Worm’, a song catchier than any STD known to man, women or beast. With a hint of ‘The Maccabees’ style percussion, the song lyrically explains the life of times of Danish philosopher Oleus Wormeus. ‘Sesame’ is an old fashioned closer built on the foundations of a grooving bass line (Aaron Livingstone) and powerful drums (Nathan Sturgeon). The song explains the seedy underworld of puppets and their puppeteers before escalating into three minutes of the band at their best. Backstage banter with Bobby Petrov Q: What’s the biggest animal you could fight to the death with your bare hands? Nath: A wolf...or a horse. I’ve never thought of a horse. I reckon if you caught a horse right you could probably break his jaw and then the rest is easy. Cal: A very angry goat named Aaron Livingstone. Or one of these Mexican crustaceans he has got a problem with. Q: Whats your favourite cheese?

Blockheads members Dylan Howe on drums and bassist Norman Watt-Roy. The current UK tour will end on October 9th at Brighton Komedia but the band are putting on four special dates from the 22nd to the 30th of October including one date at the Oysterfleet in Canvey Island, the hometown of Wilko Johnson. To find out more info on the band or for more tour dates visit

Pajama Club Founded by former Crowded House front man Neil Finn and wife Sharon Finn earlier this year, the New Zealand pair got together with Sean Donnelly and Alana Skyring after having a small jamming session held at their home not so long ago. Taking the electro riffs of Goldfrapp and merging them with the drum beats of Crowded House the band have managed to create sweet pop songs with hard rock edge. Their self titled debut album was released on September 9th and features The Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr on two of the tracks. The album is currently available for purchase on iTunes. Fatoumata Diawara Born to Malian parents, brought up in The Ivory Coast and now living in France, its quite alright to say that Fatoumata has already had an interesting life. Moving to France to pursue acting and star in musicals, she quickly picked up her guitar and began working on her own material. Her debut album simply named ‘Fatou’ was released in September this year and is a beautiful combination of her silky voice and mellow guitar playing. Fatoumata will play the jazz Café in Camden as part of her album launch on the October 13th. Visit her Myspace page to find out more. By Aimee Gilder

By Calum Spencer & David McEnley Cal: Richard actually that man needs to be bolt gunned and chucked in a f**king river. Nath: I like anything smoked, smoked cheddar. Q: The opening track of your self titled E.P is called ‘Tipi’. Would this be your choice of outdoor accommodation? Ricky: No, we’d choose a kennel cause were all big dawgs. Aaron: (Barks) Band: (Laugh uncontrollably) Bobby Petrov are releasing their self titled E.P on November 7th of this year. The E.P will be available for free download from their Facebook band-page. The E.P release show will take place at The Hobgoblin on Saturday 12th November with full details to be announced soon on their Facebook bandpage. Look out for posters and information on what promises to be a great night of live music with confirmed support from Frank Turneresque solo artist, ‘Dropout Dan’. Check the band out at: – search Bobby Petrov


Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 17

CHARLIE SIMPSON AT BUCKS SU Most people will probably remember Charlie Simpson from the now defunct pop band “Busted” or from the band he left Busted for - alternative rock band “Fightstar” who are currently on hiatus whilst the band work on separate projects. Twenty six year old Simpson has had quite a career over the past 10 years. Joining Busted in 2001, Simpson spent 3 years as part of a chart topping, multi BRIT award winning group before tensions over his other band Fightstar arose ultimately bringing Simpson to the decision to leave Busted and focus on Fightstar full time. The band split up in 2005 as a consequence. Simpson said, “It was a real fun thing to be doing, and I got on well with everyone I was doing it with, but on the other side, the music wasn’t really fulfilling me. I have good memories of the time, because we were travelling the world and doing some amazing things, but then as far as self-fulfilment goes, it wasn’t really doing a lot for me, so I have these mixed views when I look back. But there’s no doubt that it was an amazing thing to do.” Fightstar were formed a year prior to the split. They released their first EP in 2005 before releasing their debut studio album the following year which has a peak chart position of 28, and have released two further albums both charting within the top 40, plus a B-side compilation album which charted in the top 100.

Currently, whilst Fightstar are on a hiatus, Simpson has created a solo career for himself. Simpson went in to the studio in June 2010 to start recording his full-length debut album with producer Danton Supple. The album was funded through Pledge Music and as one of the main incentives for the campaign; fans received an EP called When We Were Lions on Christmas day 2010. The full-length album was finished in February. The first single from the album called “Down Down Down” released on April 11th, charted at number 65 on the UK Singles chart, and number nine on the UK Indie chart. The second single “Parachutes” released on August 7th charted at number 44 on the UK Singles chart and number five on the UK Indie charts. Simpson’s debut solo album Young Pilgrim was released on August 15th 2011, through independent label PIAS Recordings. Heavily acoustic and folk influenced the 12 track album was fully written and composed by Simpson himself. This album shows Simpson in a completely different light to his previous work. Usually on an album there are a few songs that you really love, a few that you like and one or two that just don’t tickle your fancy but with this album I am yet to find the odd one or two that I skip past. This is a wise move for Simpson with the album recently charting at number six on the

By Beth McGrath of BMB

Official UK Album Chart and has received a lot of praise. Simpson headlined Fresher’s Festival at Bucks SU to a packed out room. The set list was comprised of his singles, “Down Down Down” and “Parachutes”, plus a collection of other songs from Young Pilgrim, including my favourites “Cemetery” and “Farmer & His Gun”. Being the first time I’d managed to see Simpson perform live on his solo venture, he definitely didn’t disappoint. Young Pilgrim is available to buy on iTunes, HMV etc now. Later this month, Charlie embarks on a UK tour. For more information go to

Top 5 new tracks you have to hear

awed crowd. Whilst the set nears its end a small group of sweaty freshers assemble a mosh pit and frantically throw themselves at each other. Please enter ‘Don’t Forget to Pray’; a song with more bottom end than Jennifer Lopez. Once again the vocally perfect performance is complimented with faultless musicianship by all members. As the final notes echo from the stage they are greeted and overwhelmed with a rapturous round of applause. Brother & Bones; a new Bucks Uni favourite. Backstage banter with Brother & Bones Q: What’s the biggest animal you could fight to the death with your bare hands? James: The biggest bear Q: Grizzly bear? Polar bear? James: A Bear, there’s a bear in the band. I’ve seen him see red. Q: What is your favourite cheese? Yannis: Ehh.....Mozzarella (dodgy Italian voice), followed by cheddar (continuing the bad

Ode to REM For nearly three decades, pioneering alternative rock group R.E.M ruled the roost in their own way. With 15 albums under their belt along with a plethora of popular songs including “End of the world” and “Losing my Religion”, the band were known for their political activism and humanitarian campaigns as much as they were known for their music. An influence for bands like Nirvana and Pavement, the band’s two most commercially successful albums came in the 1990s after changing their musical direction from a largely rock orientated band to a band which included elements of both pop, country and folk music. Both 1991’s Out of Time’ (which featured tracks like ‘Shiny Happy People’) and 1992’s ‘Automatic for the People’ (which had tracks like ‘Everybody Hurts’ and ‘Drive’ on it) remain albums that are fondly remembered by many for their hits and are both cited as albums that elevated R.E.M from cult status to an internationally acclaimed band. Formed in January 1980 in Athens, Georgia after lead singer Michael Stripe met guitarist Peter Bucks in a record store where Bucks worked. The pair fast became firm friends after discovering they both had similar music tastes. Mike Mills and Bill Berry

By Sarah Cambell

made the duo a quartet after meeting Stripe and Buck at the University of Georgia. The band spent several months unnamed before settling on R.E.M which was selected at random from a dictionary. From there the band recorded their ‘Chronic Town’ EP in 1982 and completed their debut album ‘Murmur’ a year later. The rest as they say is history. Over the course of their career the band have sold over 70 million records- with 30 million being sold between 1991 and 1994, with Kurt Cobain being one of their most vocal fans- Cobain once told Rolling Stone: “I don’t know how that band does what they do. God, they’re the greatest. They’ve dealt with their success like saints, and they keep delivering great music.” It is a testament to R.E.M’s longevity, fan base, dedication and quality of music that they have remained in the industry for so long. A highly admirable band, they will be sorely missed in a world that is fast becoming more about who’s can make the quickest buck at the expense of quality musicianship. Perhaps R.E.M got out at just the right time with their dignified exit from the fray.

1. Rihanna ft Calvin Harris We found love

Rihanna continues her foray into dance music by collaborating with Calvin Harris on a rather upbeat affair. It’s a track that is essentially a grower.

2. Bruno Mars It Will Rain

Taken as the first single from the official soundtrack to the fourth film in the Twilight series, “Breaking Dawn Part 1”, Mars has brought out a surprisingly powerful song. With powerful singing and solid song writing, the track would easily do well on its own away from the Twilight franchise.

3. Enter Shikari Sssnakepit

The formidable force of nature that is St Albans own Enter Shikari has brought out a taster of their forthcoming third LP. Losing none of their intensity or knack for tying together old school hip hop beats, trance and hardcore in a punishing pace. The track is meant to be played unashamedly loud!


By Callum Spencer The Cornish five- piece opened the Fresher’s Festival in the White Room with more balls than those fondled at a Michael Barrymore pool party. Kicking off the set with ‘Here Comes the Storm’, the band immediately produce an atmosphere fit for any arena. Stage presence is far from lacking and the band ease through the set to a continuous increase in adoration by those in attendance. As the testosterone levels on the stage almost induce self combustion the alarm is sounded and acoustic anthem – ‘Gold & Silver’ – ensues. The effortlessly powerful vocals from front man Richard Thomas possess the ability to rouse both sexes as the audience are left speechless and wanting more. Unfortunately this is the only acoustic performance of the set, but as disappointment attempts to rear its ugly head, it is round-housed in Chuck Norris fashion and sent to bed with no dinner. Further assault on the ear drums continues throughout the remainder of the set with such tunes as ‘Good for you’ and the truly anthemic ‘Back to Shore’, which is gobbled up by the now

By Sarah Cambell

impression) Q: What’s your third favourite cheese? Yannis: Formaggio (laughter ensues) and David Cameron is Stilton. Q: If you could sing about two raw materials what would you sing about and it can’t be ‘Gold & Silver? (Met with drunken laughter) James: I love it, um.....iron and pebbles. Rich: Bonium and ummmm... James: Oxygen? (laughter). Actually um..Aluminium and Adamantium. That’s what wolverines are made of mother f**ker. Brother & Bones have an E.P and an album available for your listening pleasure. New single ‘Hold Me Like the Sun’ to be released on November 14th. I can assure you it is all audible chocolate. Check out the band at:

4. The Joy Formidable Anemone

One of Dave Grohl’s favourite bands, The Joy Formidable’s rise to critical and commercial acclaim continues with this gorgeous track. Due to be released as part of a new EP entitled “The Big More”, the band has stripped themselves and their music down to its bare bones with “Anemone” being the fantastic result.

5. Jim Reid Black And Blue

Lead singer of Jesus and Mary Chain, Jim Reid has unleashed a new song upon the internet world entitled “Black and Blues”. A relatively simple, yet fuzzy guitar driven track there is a Velvet Underground vibe to it that makes it quite infectious in spite of itself. If you’ve never heard of “Jesus and Mary Chain” this track is a good introduction to an iconic band, set to release their back catalogue in the near future.

Nicola Roberts - Cinderella’s eyes Out Now / A&M 7/10 Let’s face it, most of the Girls Aloud solo efforts have been pretty average or worse- completely rubbish. So when Nicola Roberts decided to announce she was following in the footsteps of fellow bandmates Cheryl and Nadine, its safe to say there wasn’t much in the way of anticipation for another solo effort from another member of the band. Yet Robert’s quirky, dance effort is actually quite an interesting listenpartly because it isn’t just bland, mindless pop- there has been some serious thought behind the music and lyrics on the album which is nice to hear. Armed with a voice that boarders on being an irritating Liverpudlian imitation of Lily Allen and sounding like Kate Bush-esq genius, Roberts works out her insecurities throughout the album. Songs such as “Yo-Yo” highlight a vulnerable and insecure

side to the star. While tracks such as “Beat of my Drum”, “Gladiator”, “Fish out of Water” and “Lucky Day” show off a bratty, poppy and at times a little bizarre side of the singer. In all honesty, not all of her electronic efforts work too wellRobert’s vocals in some instances aren’t strong enough to carry off some of the songs like “Lucky Day” or “Take a Bite” while in other instances it is a matter of less is more with songs such as “I” and The Korgis’ cover “Everybody’s gotta learn sometime.” Both tracks could do without the electronic, dance production and instead would sound better stripped back not unlike the last song of the album “Sticks + Stones.” Overall Cinderella’s Eyes is a solid pop effort, which at times sounds a little like it’s trying too hard to be weird and different. But in context it does work fairly well. By Sarah Cambell

Laura Marling A Creature I Don’t Know

Marling, 21, is a delicate thing. Knowing this you would not expect her to have created the three tough and narrative albums that she has so far. The comparisons with Joni Mitchell are inevitable, at times there is a catch in her voice and the likeness can then seem uncanny. This sense is reinforced by the musical company she keeps, the interesting tuning she uses, the narrative answers she sings and her voice moving like smoke. Although the album title would suggest otherwise, she knows herself and her strengths. This third album has kept the familiar care and expression of the first two but with more maturity and boldness. Laura’s style will continue to be compared with Joni’s but the true test will be, if in time, she is compared favourably to Joni. But let us not rush, Joni did not release her first album until she was 25 and for here and now this is peacefully beautiful folk.











E YCOMB W H G I H U, BUCKS S OPEN AT 8PM DOORS R BUCKS FREE FO 0 in advance £1 PUBLIC m , S T N E D STU t e e s . w w from w





all £1.50!!

Pints of Carling or Gaymers Bottles of WKD or Bud Zubrowka or Eristoff vodka & mixer Bacardi or Malibu white rum & mixer Jamesons or Jim Beam whisky & mixer


Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Plus Welcome to the Weekend Drinks promos between 8pm-10pm Thursday to Sunday at the SU


MOS **

Gaymers ori ginal draft / Tubo Vodka & Re lentless spla rg can £2 sh £1.80 Range of Bo mbs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up o n spirits £1 Plus Welcom e to drink promthe Weekend £1 0!!os! drinks pro.5 m s betwee 8pm-10pm Thursday o to Sundaynat the SU Pints of C arling or B ttles of Ga Zubrowko WKD or Byumers a o r Er is toff vodk d Bacardi a & mixer Jamesonsoor Malibu white rum & r Jim Beam whisky & mmixer ixer



Welcome to the Weekend! 0 5 . ÂŁ1

Thursday - Sunday, 8pm-10pm

Pints of Carling or Gaymers Bottles of WKD or Budwieser Zubrowka or Eristoff vodka & mixer Bacardi or Malibu white rum & mixer Jamesons or Jim Beam whisky & mixer

Offers are subject to change and product avaliablility. Bucks Students’ Union encourages responsibledrinking and ask you to leave the venue quietly.

20 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011

Big Brother is Watching…But Are You Watching Big Brother?


La Plante’s Prize Page-turner Book: Silent Scream Author: Lynda La Plante Star Rating: When well known movie actress Amanda Delany is found brutally murdered in her stunning house in the Belgravia muse, it falls to Detective Inspector Anna Travis to solve the case. Travis quickly learns that Amanda Delaney’s life had been anything but quiet. After just one day on the set of Delany’s current film, it becomes quickly apparent that the young movie starlet was more famous for jumping into bed with her male co-stars, than for her work on any movie. This, coupled with the fact that no one who either associated, or worked with Amanda Delany seems to like her very much casts a suspicious light on anyone she knew. And, as if Anna doesn’t have enough on her mind already, she’s up for promotion to Detective Chief Inspector. She is desperate for a result on this case. But with a list of suspects longer than the Great Wall of China, how can Travis be expected to solve the murder of Amanda Delany? Of the six books currently in the Anna Travis series, this is by far my favourite. Lynda La Plante, famous for her clever plotlines and ingenious twists and turns, has created a true masterpiece yet again. Her writing style is unlike any I have ever seen in the crime genre (with the possible exception of Val McDermid, author of the Wire in the Blood series), in that she manages to draw you into the world of her characters, and allows you to identify with them in a way that very few writers can.



hat’s right folks; Big Brother is back on the box on a brand new channel, just when we all thought it was over. If, like me, you were a fan of Big Brother back in its Channel 4 days, then I plead with you to look away from your television screens while you still can, it’s too late for me. So, yes, as I’ve established, I am not a fan of Big Brother’s big move to Channel 5. For those of you who are still watching it because you actually enjoy it (unlike me, only glued to it because of a deep seated addiction that began so long ago that I will never fully recover) then I am sorry for what is about to follow. Although the show remains the same in as much as a group of people enter a house to be filmed for X amount of months, the show has changed so much in essence that it is barely

recognisable. I knew that it was going to be a disaster as soon as tediously troublesome twins “Jedward” (which, let’s face it, isn’t the most original band name) were foisted upon us in the celebrity edition earlier this year. Not only that, but I was gutted to hear that Davina McCall was stepping down as the show’s presenter. Instead, we are greeted on eviction night by Brian Dowling, who although a good contestant on the show, is perhaps the most wooden presenter I have ever had the misfortune to come across… well, with the possible exception of Christine Bleakley, of course, but I’ll save that for another time. No, instead, Davina is presenting the Million Pound Drop Live on Channel 4, a show that I strongly recommend you watch because it is fantastic. This year’s batch of housemates is cut

“Ello, Guvnor”

It is well known that Lynda La Plante was a RADA trained actress long before she turned her hand to writing. And I think that’s what makes this book so special. La Plante is well versed in the world of acting. She is well aware of the kind of pressures that those in the acting business go through every day, and therefore her characters in this tale are 100% authentic. Another thing I like about La Plante’s books is that their outcome is never predictable. There is nothing worse than reading a crime novel and being able to guess whodunit a couple a pages in. Obviously, I don’t want to give too much away but, suffice to say, this book will keep you guessing from start to finish. By Shane Millar

I went along to Aylesbury’s Waterside Theatre to see James Corden in the critically acclaimed One Man, Two Guvnors. Playwright: Richard Bean Star Rating: I’m going to start this review with an anecdote, so bare with me. My friend and I, having just seen the play, hung around outside the stage door, hoping to get an autograph from James Corden. As you can imagine, the Gavin and Stacey star appears, and the few people gathered there immediately swoop down on him like birds of prey. My friend and I wait, and eventually the crowd disperses. I approach him and say (everso-slightly star-struck): “I’m doing a review of the play for my student paper, and I’m coming to the talk you’re giving on Friday, do you think I could have a photo with you?” We have the photo taken, in which, as you can see, I look like I’ve been pumped full of Prozac. He then shakes my hand and says: “It’s going to be a good review right?” Well, the answer, Mr Corden, is yes, it’s going to be a good review. James Corden plays the part of Francis Henshall, a bumbling man-servant, who ends up with two bosses. The whole premise behind the plot is that Francis cannot let each boss know that he is working for the other, a tall order considering that the only thing on Francis’ mind is chips and mushy peas. The twist is that both of Francis’ “Guvnor’s”

already know one another. Rosco Crabbe (Jemima Hooper), Francis’ first boss, is actually Rachel Crabbe, Rosco’s twin sister. She disguises herself as her brother after he is murdered by Francis’ second boss (who also happens to be Rachel’s fiancé), Stanley Stubbers (Oliver Chris). Yet again, James Corden blows us all away in this laugh-out-loud production. His talents as a comedic actor are evident throughout this stunning performance. That is not to say that there weren’t a few mishaps on stage. These included a monologue to the audience regarding a sandwich being ruined, due to the fact that someone had snuck their own food into the theatre, in the form of a humus sandwich (by the way, a humus sandwich? Have any of you ever eaten a humus sandwich? If so, write in and let me know what that’s like), and a near accident involving an audience member and a flambéed desert, but the less said about that the better. The performance of the other cast members was also fantastic. Jemima Hooper (whose work includes The Famous Five, Lost in Austen and Midsomer Murders) did a wonderful job in her role as Rachel Crabbe, and Oliver Chris’ performance as toffee nosed toff, Stanley Stubbers had the audience in stitches. On that basis, this performance definitely deserves five stars. By Shane Millar

from pretty much the same cloth as those from any other year. That is, apart from the fact that I would compare them to Robinsons concentrated fruit squash, without water in, if levels of annoyance could be measured that way. Within this line up is a list of Big Brother stereotypes as long as my arm. We have Harry, the token tweed-coated posh toff, Heaven, who has been awarded this year’s position of craziest housemate and a long list of women who claim that they only get along with men and then, in fact, befriend every female in the house. So, there you have it, a short summary of this year’s Big Brother. The only question is this: Will you tune in? Well, in the words of the great Marcus Bentley, you decide. By Shane Millar

Wycombe Swan By Hollie Wicks re there any theatre lovers out there or any of you students not even a little curious as to how to get the best theatre experience for a cheap price? Yes! I hear you scream; well a little birdie has told me that the best way to have this experience is to make your way over to the nearest theatre. And I really do mean near, not by miles, not by metres, I mean near in the words of a hop skip jump away. If you haven’t seen t already, I am shocked; The Wycombe Swan is only just around the corner from our University. Go on, and give it a visit or two. Throughout the year there are many offers for us lucky students for a wide range of shows it puts on...from cocktail classes to your favourite stand up comedian to a musical, for e.g. Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat – I saw that just last night, it was amazing to say the least. I’d say the ones not to miss out on, and remember this is only my opinion, and you really have got to go out there and find out for yourself! Are Hell Fire Comedy Club (every Thursday), Joseph, Al Murray, Milton Jones (comedian) and for Christmas Time Cinderella. The prices are very student friendly, depending on the show the tickets could range from under £10 to about £25. So book yourself a ticket now before you miss out!


By Shane Millar

arry walked through the doors and into the Main Theatre, the largest of all the theatres at Cynthia Crawford’s, and his mouth dropped open in amazement. The room was huge and made the tiny hall at his old school, in which he was used to performing, look like a cupboard by comparison. Rows and rows of plush red seats stretched upwards toward the nearly indistinguishable ceiling. He looked towards the stage, a great expanse of oak with an elegantly curved arch sweeping from one end to the other. There were rows of padded chairs set out before a makeshift podium, most of which were occupied by people that looked to be about Harry’s age. He assumed that these were his classmates. He felt his fear of being inadequate returning, but stamped it out immediately, remembering his brother’s words. He had just as much right to be here as everyone else. Wanting to remain inconspicuous, Harry took a seat near the back of the crowd. There were not that many people, which was something to be thankful for. Harry had known there wouldn’t be. Cynthia Crawford’s only offered twenty spaces per year on the acting degree. Sitting in the back row of seats gave Harry an excellent chance to have a look round and try to figure out some of his

fellow students. There were two people sat near the front, nervously getting to know each other, obviously drawn to one another because they shared the same style. And sitting in the row in front of Harry was a girl with her earphones in quietly singing along to whatever track she was listening to. No one particularly caught his eye until he noticed two people sat directly in the centre of the front row. They were both blonde. The guy was talking animatedly to his female companion, and as she took his arm, Harry realised that they must be a couple. The girl tossed her long hair away from her face and laughed at something her boyfriend had said to her. Harry was just thinking how beautiful the girl was when he heard a voice at his ear. “You were nearly late too, then.” He turned to see a young woman with short dark hair, and a friendly smile on her face. “Nearly,” Harry said, and smiled back. Maybe making friends here was going to be easier than he thought. “My name’s Lisa,” the girl said, “Lisa Barnes.” “Harry Felton,” Harry offered, feeling slightly stupid, as he always did when introducing himself. It just sounded so awkward. Lisa was about to respond when she

looked away. Harry turned to see the pretty girl he had noticed before glancing at Lisa out of the corner of her eye. Her boyfriend noticed this and she hurriedly faced the podium again. Harry was about to ask if Lisa was okay when the room went quiet as four lecturers entered. The talk that followed was an interesting one. The lecturers each outlined their modules and talked about the things that the new intake could expect to learn in their first year. Then, as the talk wrapped up, one of the lecturers stepped forward, announcing that anyone who wanted to sign up for this year’s production, which was going to be Romeo and Juliet, should come to the front and do so now. He also noted that he expected everyone to sign up for the auditions, considering that, “you are all here to learn how to act.” “Come on,” said Lisa, “I suppose we’d better sign up and get it over with.” They both stood, and Harry, still intrigued by the look the blonde girl had given Lisa, asked, “Is everything okay… with you and that girl, I mean? You seemed to know each other.” Lisa shot Harry a pointed look, and he glanced away, saying, “Sorry, that was rude, I didn’t mean to pry.”

“No, it’s fine,” Lisa said. “Her name is Danni Claymore, and her boyfriend is Rex Ford. The five of us went to Sylvia Young’s together.” So, Harry had been right. There were students here who’d been to stage school. Something Lisa said made Harry pause then, and as they joined the queue for auditions, he said, “The five of you?” “Yeah,” replied Lisa. “Danni, Rex and I. Raffi, who really should be here by now, and Jewels.” “Does she go here too, Jewels?” Lisa laughed. “Hardly…When I say Jewels, I mean Julia Harris.” On hearing the name, Harry’s jaw dropped. Julia Harris was a young Hollywood star. She’d just received an Oscar for playing the title role in The Runaway. Harry quickly realised that he was being rude and shut his mouth. He didn’t really know what to say after that, and neither did Lisa, so the pair stood in comfortable silence. As they neared the front of the queue, the blonde couple were just leaving the theatre. As they walked by, the girl, Danni, who wasn’t watching where she was going, bumped into Lisa. “Sorry,” she said, turning, and then froze as she realised who she’d collided with. “It’s okay,” said Lisa, quietly.

The guy, Rex joined the conversation. “Lisa,” he said. “Rex,” she responded curtly. “Who’s your friend?” he asked, looking at Harry for the first time. “This is Harry Felton.” Rex held out his hand and Harry shook it, more out of politeness than anything. “Rex Ford,” he said. Harry paused. The name sounded familiar now. “Weren’t you in a film?” Harry asked. Rex smiled. “Yes.” “It was called Roulette, right?” “Yes,” Rex said again. “I’m surprised you’ve even seen it. How about you, will I have seen you in anything?” It was Harry’s turn to smile this time. “Not unless school plays are your thing. I was thinking of signing up for a small part in this, you know, until I find my feet.” “Sounds smart,” Rex commented. “The background seems like the right place for you.” “Excuse me?” Harry said, stunned, just as Lisa murmured, “Rude, as ever.” “Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but most of us have done a lot more than a few school plays, and it takes talent to hold your own around here.” And with that, Rex and Danni, who hadn’t said a word, left the room.

Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 21


Student Cooking Success.... No more beans on toast!

Comedy workshop

By Tinka Van de Geuchte and Ilka Jansen


o be honest, Tinka and I signed up for the cooking class because we wanted to do some English cooking, but mainly also because it was free and we quite fancied a free lunch. So we expected a short, basic introduction into cooking. Instead we were taken by bus to a professional chef together with about 10 others. There we were welcomed with drinks and freshly prepared brownies and lemon cake. The following four hours we mainly spent eating. We cooked fresh pasta with basil sauce, ravioli, scones, brandy snaps... And it was absolutely amazing. When we arrived, we have to admit we were a bit intrigued by the professional chef and his kitchen. Because trust me, we are not the next Jamie Oliver. But that wasn’t a problem at all, luckily the chef was really nice and everybody was just having fun. Besides, we didn’t have to do a lot ourselves; most of the work was already done beforehand. It was definitely the best way to skip English for Academic Purpose ever. Having experienced this cooking session once, we would absolutely love to do it again. The previous time, the theme was budget cooking, but the chef also offers various different classes and this week were trying Thai Cooking.

Recreational Activities up date! Thanks to everyone that’s taken part in the recreational activities so far! It’s been a busy start to the year! The fresher’s cocktail workshop was a great success. Fresher’s got to sample and make 7 different cocktails and the competition was fierce for which teams cocktails were the best each time. Everyone had a really good night and went home a little more worse for wear than when they arrived. Photos are also up on our Facebook group, Bucks New Uni – Free Recreational Activities.

Comedy workshop with Adam Ethan Crow! Adam Ethan Crow and guest will assist in generating your own stand-up improvised comedy where you will get the chance to show your talents to the group.

Tuesday 1st November 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Fitness classes

Fitness classes that are available this term: Monday - Zumba - 18:15-19:15 - Dance Studio Tuesday - Yoga -17:15-18:15 - Dance Studio Tuesday - Dance Fusion - 18.15- 19.15 - Dance Studio Wednesday - Legs, Bums & Tums - 12:00-12:45 - Dance Studio Wednesday - Core & More -18:15-19:15 - Dance Studio Thursday - Boxercise - 17:15-18:15 - Dance Studio Thursday - Fitball - 18:15-19:15 - Dance Studio Friday - Bucks Pump - 17:00-18.00 - Dance Studio

Sign up at Gateway reception on a weekly basis. Contact

Look out for our upcoming Comedy Workshop on Tuesday 01/11/2011 from 18:00- 20:00. Adam Ethan Crow and his guest will assist in generating your own stand-up improvised comedy where you will get the chance to show your talents to the group. It really is a great night! The sign up information for this will be going out through our email newsletter. If you don’t receive the newsletter but would like to, please email Also join us on facebook at Bucks New Uni – Free Recreational Activities.

22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011


Restaurant: Zizzi Location: The Eden Centre

By Sarah Campbell

From green to black to cuppas with fruit infusions to strong herbal ones to the good ol’ fashioned Earl Grey, there are so many cups to choose from. So here’s a guide on three of the different choices available, their benefits and what exactly they are so that when you’re out in big tea world, you’ll feel oh so informed. Don’t forget the all important biscuits!

Green Another tea that is meant to be highly beneficial to those who are particularly health conscious, Green tea is immensely popular in both China and Japan [where it is simply known just as tea.] Reported to help treat some forms of cancer and to lower heart disease, the tea is also known for its promotion in weight loss and helping to slow down the aging process- both mentally and physicallyby slowly the onset of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease along with being good for those not only with wrinkles but with acne too! That’s a super tea right there! One day it’ll be proven that drinking Green Tea helped tackle the zombie apocalypse and brought about World Peace...

Katie’s Kitchen

Earl Grey A form of black tea with a distinctive flavour derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange. This according to the wonderful Wikipedia is effectively a yellow orange that can be found in Italy. Named after the 2nd Earl Grey who was Prime Minister in 1830, the tea is renowned in popular culture- it’s the tea Jean-Luc Picard drinks for a start! The flavor has also been used in Japan to make Early Grey flavored Kit Kats... which apparently are nice but not as hydrating or cancer fighting as Earl Grey tea is reported to be. Like all leading gentleman teas- there is indeed a female version- the Lady Grey which is also made from oranges- the Seville ones (or orange oranges.)

Peppermint Also sometimes called Mint tea which comes in either a hot or cold version, this version of everybody’s favourite cuppa is supposed to highly beneficial to those who enjoy it. Known as a “stomach healer” and a “stress buster”, the drink is supposedly good for keeping your stomach and stress in check along with helping to strengthen your immune system against all manner of germs. Apparently.

This week my boyfriend took me to... ZIZZI’S So, he’s just graduated and landed himself a cool brand-new job, so we thought let’s go out for dinner and celebrate! We chose Zizzi’s (as you can gather from the title...). As we all know Zizzi’s is known for their amazing Italian dishes all over the country. However, this time they failed on everything but the food. We step through the door - granted it was slightly, very slightly busy - but we had to wait ten minutes for the waiter to come over. A queue had formed behind us. And the waiter was definitely hesitant to come over. Ordered our drinks straight away, we were celebrating honest! But we favoured towards our normal glass of Coca-Cola for him and an exciting glass of tap water for me. This came about half hour later, nearly after we had ordered our food! For our starter we opted for our favourite - the classic garlic bread. Then for our main he had la rustica pizza – Trentino – baked buffalo mozzarella, plum tomatoes and Grana

Of course there are many more teas to choose from- from camomile for the insomniacs to fruit for those who are interested in “caffeine free” alternatives. Or there is the incredibly popular English Breakfast Tea (which was invented in Scotland) or the stronger version in Irish Breakfast Tea (which funnily enough is just known as ‘tea’ in Ireland.) Regardless! Whatever tea you drink make it a good ‘un!

We are all still fighting through the fresher’s flu a week after it should’ve finished. I have the answer to cure it. If you feel you can’t afford to be sick at university or your new job, watermelon is the answer. It contains as much as 90 percent water, which can help keep you hydrated and keep bugs at bay. (Plus watermelon contains

By Katie Smith

Got a hangover?! You may have suffered one or two ‘hangovers’ thus far and you may also be wondering if you can prevent them..? One of the reasons hangovers are so awful is because the liver is still processing the toxins left over from the alcohol consumed previously, so the theory of ‘hair of the dog’ will only delay the inevitable. Other remedies you may have heard of such as burnt toast, black coffee or fatty foods are also unfounded. However, fatty foods eaten before drinking will line the stomach and give the body more time to process the by-products and give you a better chance of feeling human when you wake up. Stuff you can eat in the morning to alleviate the symptoms are eggs which can help mop up left over toxins and bananas/kiwis that are high in potassium

and replace what was lost due to the alcohols’ diuretic effect. Of course good old water will help combat dehydration and fruit juice is also a good call as the natural sugar can help to increase the rate the body gets rid of the toxins and replaces depleted vitamins and minerals. Cracking news! Eggs are a great ‘super food’. They are affordable, easy to make and can be prepared in a range of different ways, are enjoyable to eat, highly nutritious and can play an important role in actually maintaining health. They are packed with essential nutrients particularly vitamin D, E, B12, iron and selenium. They contain the richest mix of essential

How to boil an egg! Always best to ensure you have a timer/stopwatch or you are good at not getting distracted and keeping an eye on the time! If you’re eating a soft boiled egg and don’t have an egg cup, a shot glass will do the job! 1.Place the desired number of eggs into a small pan preferably (prevents eggs careering around the pan and cracking against the sides or each other!) 2.Cover with cold water by about 1 cm. 3.Place them on a high heat and once the water reaches boiling point, reduce heat to a gentle simmer for the following timings: - 3 minutes if you like a really soft-boiled egg - 4 minutes for a white that is just set and a yolk that is creamy (perfect for dipping soldiers!) - 5 minutes for a white and yolk perfectly set, with only a little bit of squidgy in the centre. - 7 minutes if you like them hard boiled and cooked through. Cool them rapidly under cold running water, just let the cold tap run over them for about 1 minute. Leave them in the water for a couple of minutes. To peel, tap on a hard surface and roll around until the egg shell has cracked all over. Peeling under running water makes it easier. Hard boiled eggs can be used in a variety of ways, including chopped egg/mayo sandwiches, sliced in salads, whole as a snack and even chopped and stirred into curry.

amino acids crucial for children, adolescents and young adults since a balance of amino acids is required for growth and repair. Scientists have recommended consuming one egg per day, despite the reputation of eggs being high in cholesterol; it is thought this is an insignificant amount compared to the source of the bulk of our cholesterol consumed found in saturated fat (generally solid at room temperature and usually found in animal products and products containing it such as biscuits, cakes etc) and trans fats (often found in processed foods). Eggs are a great source of protein to us all but particularly vegetarians.

Spanish Omelette This is a thick omelette traditionally containing onions and potatoes, but you can add any vegetables you have to hand, such as 1 tomato, handful peas, 3-4 mushrooms, ¼ pepper, ½ courgette....

You will need (serves 2) 4 large eggs 1 baking potato or 4 new potatoes ½ medium onion butter or oil for cooking grated cheese if desired

By Hollie Wicks Padano with fresh rocket and cured speck as the finale. And I chose penne della casa – smoked pancetta, chicken and baby spinach in a creamy mushroom sauce topped with Grana Padano. All sounds very delicious; however, it’s not just the food I care about when I go out for dinner. It’s all the other little things that make the meal worthwhile; waiters’ manners, the lighting, the immediacy with your drinks and/ or order. If one fails the whole meal fails. The immediacy for the waiter to get us seated was not seen, nor was it seen to get us our drinks in time. When it came to giving us our meal within the appropriate time they failed dramatically. I’d understand fully if it was out-the-door crammed busy, but it wasn’t, and I wouldn’t be so upset if it was just one person getting their meal before us (had we ordered before them). But it wasn’t that busy, and it wasn’t just one person. My boyfriend and I were waiting for our meal, whilst watching three groups who had entered the restaurant AFTER us get their main meals before us. We were clearly forgotten about, or they messed up the order of the meals coming out. However this is unforgiveable, this has happened numerous of times before. The food’s too good, that’s why I keep going back. But that was the last supper; my relationship with Zizzi’s is over.

Quick & Easy! By Hollie Wicks

an antioxidant called glutathione, which enables the immune system to spring into action at the first sign of attack.) It also contains vitamins A, C and B6 which are immune boosting nutrients. So, guys and girls go fetch a watermelon from the local market or supermarket. By Hollie Wicks

I don’t know about you, but I love cheesy chips, be it after a night out or hungover in the morning at university. However, you can make them yourself for a very cheap price (probably cheaper than the local kebab van).

- Chips (preferably French fries) - Cheese - one you can grate, I personally like red Leicester and cheddar together. 1. Place however many chips you want on a baking tray and put straight in to oven – following instructions on the packaging. 2. Whilst the chips are cooking, grate your preferable cheese (go on, be a daredevil mix the cheese up) 3. Are the chips done? Make sure you put on your oven gloves (burnt or peeling hands aren’t attractive) and take them out of the oven 4. Then place them on to your imaginative with your placing...then sprinkle the cheese all over them. 5. And last of all, ENJOY!

Hope you enjoyed it! Look out for the next edition for happy Halloween treats.

Method - Wash the potato (no need to peel), chop into 1 cm dice. Bring them to boil and simmer for 5 minutes, drain. -Meanwhile, chop the onion and cook in a medium sized saucepan with a little butter or olive oil. At this point add any other required vegetables as well as the cooked potatoes. - Break the eggs into a bowl or mug and whisk with a fork. - Once the vegetables have softened add the egg to the vegetables, stir until they are evenly spread around the pan. - Cook over a low heat for 10 minutes or so until the

egg is starting to set around the edges. - Sprinkle with grated cheese if you fancy it and hold the pan under a medium grill until cooked through or the cheese melted and bubbling. Take care if the pan does not have a head resistant handle, either make sure it doesn’t come into contact with the direct heat or cover handle with tin foil. As long as the omelette has been cooked over a gentle heat and sufficient fat has been used it should easily lift out of the pan. - Can be kept in the fridge over night if you have a spare portion.

Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 23

FASHION & Beauty Kate Moss Rimmel Lipstick - Tried and Tested After a decade as the face of Rimmel, Kate Moss has teamed up with the beauty brand to create her very own collection - ‘The Lipstick Collection by Kate’. Hitting the stores on Monday 28th September, eagerly awaiting customers flocked in droves to snatch up a piece of Kate, me being one of them. By 10am, only three lipsticks were left waiting for me on the shelf in my local Superdrug store. Much to my disappointment, I wasn’t able to compare all seven shades, so opted for shade 1 ‘Rossetto’. I would describe the colour as look-at-me, attention-seeking, bright red.

- Dry skin (natural face mask) - Remove the pit and skin from an avocado and mash it into a bowl. Apply to face and leave for 10-20 mins. Rise with water. Your skin will feel soft and refreshed. Avocado is a natural moisturiser.

The consistency is extremely creamy and moisturising on the lips, and has a gorgeous cherry-like aroma. It’s black matt packaging is stylish and sophisticated, with Kate’s signature embossed on the side to add a personal touch. When applying the product, I decided to use a lip brush as it pushes the pigments into your lips for a longer lasting finish. Going about my daily activities of eating, drinking lots of coffee and chatting with friends, I was surprised that a further application was not needed. It’s longevity was impressive considering the retail price of £5.49, but girls I must warn you, it By Faye Towler certainly is not kiss-proof.

- Don’t wash your hair every day? - This can result in dryness and breakage as your hair is being stripped of its natural oils. Instead use dry shampoo. Not only does it soak up any grease, it also adds volume to lifeless hair! (Try ‘Batiste’ dry shampoo £2.99... smells gorgeous!). - Exercise - Exercising induces sweat, which removes toxins from the body. It also relieves stress and enhances beauty and confidence. By Faye Towler

Vintage is back in town for one weekend only; so snap up some bargains while you can. Vintage clothing and accessories will lade the streets of Wycombe on the 22nd and 23rd October. Not only will there be a variety of eclectic items to choose from, it’s a free event too. The Eden shopping centre will play host to 30 stalls specialising in all things retro and vintage to rejuvenate

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your existing wardrobes. Why buy vintage clothing? For starters it screams out individuality and innovation. It also eliminates the embarrassing chance of turning up to a party in the same outfit as someone else. To indulge in nostalgia allows you to easily create looks out of the movies and experiment with different eras. One minute you could be Twiggy, the next Doris Day.

Wearing vintage is another way of recycling; it’s eco-friendly and usually cheap. The high street attempts to imitate, but most of the time it seems to lack originality and attention to detail which gives vintage garments their charm. Individualise and personalise vintage to show sophistication and retail experimentation. Get yourselves down to Eden and start styling!

Guy’s Fashion Men’s autumn/winter fashion - what is in? Whilst women’s fashion is plastered all over the magazines, what exactly is in style for men? This should hopefully inspire those fashion conscious men or girlfriends who want to flaunt their boyfriends in the SU in style. Granddad jumpers Think back to when you were a child, when your Granddad would read you stories or bring you to the park and feed the ducks. Now imagine dressing like him. Sounds strange, but Granddad jumpers are in. From coming in last year, the trend is set to boom. Find the lairiest print you can find and rock it. Raid the charity or vintage shops to find the true originals. The baggy ones seem to work well for me. If 23:09you can’t find any you like there,

Topman have their Granddad stock out. Tweed jackets Following on from the Granddad jumpers in terms of the old, proud to be British theme which is prevalent in todays fashion, tweed is probably one of the most popular and widely known British fabrics and it’s just hit the catwalks. This could be in the form of trousers, if you have very good legs to pull it off. It also has to be a particular sort of

tweed. Jackets seem to work the best, and Topman and Zara seem to have the better cut - better than those I’ve found in charity shops - even though they are expensive. But it’s an investment piece that will never go out of fashion. Shoes In terms of footwear, brogues seem in at the moment as well as Chelsea boots. These have been in for a while so they should be quite easy to find. Whilst we all would love a Prada or Gucci pair,

we don’t all have the wonga. Raid the high street for the perfect pair. Overview Tailoring is key. For the most part it should be fitted and it should show off your physique. Not really tight, but nicely snug and shows off your best assets. However, with things such as Granddad jumpers, they work fitted or baggy. Fashion rules are there to be broken. By Guy Humphrey


Get 25% off on your first visit and 15% off subsequent visits* *valid student or staff ID required. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer

Appointments: 01494 523158 / 526648 Roccola Hair, 18 Crendon Street, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 6LS

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011

Movie Reviews

Red State


By Oliver Hunt


Midnight in Paris (12A) Released 07/10/11 Running time: 1hr 34mins By Oliver Hunt

Red State (18) Released 30/09/11 Running time: 1hr 28mins

fter beginning his career through the Sundance Film Festival route it appears that joker-geek Kevin Smith was beginning to lose what it is that made him so entertaining to watch. With Zack and Miri Make a Porno being nothing more than a Judd Apatow rip-off, Smith attempted to bounce back with the even worse cop buddy comedy flick Copout. But it was because of these two flops that a shining surprise such as Red State could seemingly come out of nowhere under Smith’s internet radio banner Smodcast. At the beginning of the year Smith had taken the movie on a road trip around America and finally the movie has found a place overseas. Set in a sleepy town in the south, we follow the sex ridden escapades of three slacker teenagers; Travis (Michael Angarano), Jarod (Kyle Gallner) and Billy-Ray (Nicholas Braun), as they plot to head into the woods in order to sleep with a woman who Travis met through ‘a Craig’s list for people who want to get-’ you can fill in the blanks. After taking his parent’s car the trio find themselves at Sara’s (Malissa Leo) trailer door and after a couple of cold ones the band of sex-driven teens wake up in the grips of the Cooper Family. In other words; the worst place in the south. Based loosely on the Westboro Baptist Church, the Cooper’s are much worse. Armed to the teeth with weapons and fanatical fantasies they take it upon themselves to rid the world of anything they deem evil.

Midnight in Paris

Lead by Michael Parks as Abin Cooper he really gets across the creepy, skin crawling presence of a religious fanatic hell bent on spreading his ideology. And along with his followers of like minded nuts who are just as repressed and seemingly irrational and insane, they practise sadistic executions on the church altar. Melissa Leo stands strong as we believe that she has herself walked out of the famed fanatical cult of the Westboro Baptist Church but it is also Kerry Bishe as Cheyenne, the voice of reason, who stands out. Whilst Smith doesn’t seem to pick any side during the stand-off between the Cooper church and the government agent’s sent after them (lead by John Goodman as Agent Joseph Keenan), he leaves the audience to figure out who is actually worse; men lead by God or men lead by the government. At first glance one might think that the movie will be nothing more than guns and gore however it actually is much more. Smith adds his comedic wit which is interspersed amongst all the chaos. With satirical humour, quick cuts and shocking moments, Red State was all shot and edited for only $3million and it is truly inspiring to see Smith make a film with the same labour and love that he had for his first break out film Clerks. This is not the Kevin Smith we have seen before and despite Red State being one of the most unlikely movies to come from the comedic director who has built a career in stoner comedies he has truly out done himself.

ith a smooth soundtrack and various postcard snap shots of Paris, Woody Allen opens his latest movie Midnight in Paris with the same love and inspiration he showed in Manhattan. But after having a reasonably bad record for his later movies such as You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger and the not too well received Whatever Works, Allen is back on top form. Gil (Owen Wilson) is a Hollywood hack screenwriter who’s struggling with his first novel. With his fiancé Inez (Rachel McAdams) and his soon to be parents-in-law John (Kurt Fuller) and Helen (Mimi Kennedy), they tour around the romantic city shopping and sightseeing with Inez’s friends Paul (Michael Sheen) and Carol (Nina Arianda). However, Gil is fascinated by another side of Paris, the romantic and historical side that he wants to tap into. On a drunken nights walk alone, Gil steps into an old fashioned car which transports him to twenties Paris at the time of the art flourish when writers, painters and film-makers descended on Paris. At a party Gil bumps into F. Scott Fitzgerald (Tom Hiddleston) who takes him to Hemingway (Corey Stoll) which then leads onto more and more intellectual head nods. After having a rocky career in his later life, it is finally nice to see the old film-maker bounce back with something genuinely funny and interesting. Owen Wilson gives a good performance as the Woody Allen mock character - complete with self deprecating and navel gazing moments it is easy to see Allen in the role. Whilst the modern day sections have some notable funny sections, especially with Michael Sheen as the


has organised the party. But something Melancholia (15) Released 30/09/11 is wrong, before long we see Justine acting Running time: 2hr 16mins in a very peculiar and alienating way. After By Oliver Hunt the wake of the party we are introduced to elancholia opens what really important, the planet to a dream-like Melancholia which is on a crash montage of what’s course for Earth. to come over the course of Like his other movies, von the movie. What appears to Trier has cut the movie into be nothing more the visually sections, the first is about poetic shots at first is made Justine’s wedding and downfall clear throughout the course whilst the second follows the of the two part movie. This repercussions after Justine’s sleepy opener is set to classical mental breakdown. But with the music is very haunting and is a movie running at over two hours reminder of the shocking opener in length it is easy to see that of Antichrist. Then we cut to there where many things in the the day of Justine’s (Kirsten first part which needed cutting. Dunst) marriage to wealthy Once you see Justine’s crazy land owner Michael (Alexander parents played by John Hurt Skarsgård) as their limo has and Charlotte Rampling, and some problems manoeuvring up understand her dysfunctional up a tricky path. After some dodgy bringing, then there really isn’t driving the couple finally make much else that is important. it to the Shinning inspired hotel Kirsten Dunst won the award in the middle of nowhere run for Best Actress at the Cannes by entrepreneur John (Kiefer Film Festival - and it is easily to Sutherland). As they arrive see why. Von Trier mentioned they are confronted by Justine’s in interviews that the role was high-maintenance sister Claire originally written for Penelope (Charlotte Gainsbourg) who


pseudo-intellectual Paul, the movie really excels when Gil is transported to the Golden Age of Paris. The locations and characters that inhabit them really makes the film stand out and makes the audience envious of Gil for stumbling on this, whether it is real or not. And as we casually follow Gil around the night (as he hands out his manuscript to Gertrude Stein and befriends other famous writers) and we see him converse with artist upon artist we want to stay with them for much longer then we actually do. For example, Adrian Brody as the infamous Dali has me laughing just recalling it. However, with a running time of around the ninety minute mark we only see glimpses of some people. Marion Cotillard also steps in as the mysterious mistress Adriana who entices not only Gil’s attention but the audiences as she carries that beautiful Paris chic with her. And the movie has Allen trademark humour that will settle better with audiences who are familiar with literature and art. Sometimes jokes would go over audience’s heads as the references were very obscure, but it is apparent that Allen doesn’t care for any lack of knowledge. But if you can look past that you will see that his humour hasn’t dwindled over the years. With a good script and a lot of famous faces to line to way Allen is back on top form. Despite his age, Allen doesn’t seem to be slowing down and after a year of promoting the movie he is already on work for his next flick set for release next year. Until then we are enchanted and enlightened by a time in history that obviously inspired Allen and hopes to inspire the audience.

Cruz however, with Dunst coming out of rehab herself she captures the frail nature that was needed for the character. And once again Charlotte Ginsborg plays a creepy lost mother who this time is more down to earth as apposed to her character in Antichrist, but she isn’t the only good actor. Despite von Trier’s movies being some of the toughest to watch he seems to get terrific performances out of people. Even though John Hurt has a small appearance he and Charlotte Rampling act brilliantly opposite each other. With Manuel Alberto Claro as the DP, von Trier brings his usual style of nihilistic punishment to his character which probably stems from his own life troubles. But don’t let this get in the way. Melancholia is an end of the world movie which focuses on a family’s relationship as well as themes of accepting ones fate. Much like Terrence Mallick’s The Tree of Life but with more self hatred, Melancholia is only for those who either enjoy von Trier’s previous work and those who like nihilistic art films.

Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 25

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (12A) Released 25/08/11 Running time: 1hr 52mins


By Aaron Champion

cott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is an is literally so vast that there is not a chance unemployed 23-year-old bass guitarist in of having enough room! The dialogue is so an up-and-coming garage rock band who funny and witty. I tip my hat to Michael Bacall is dating a cute 17-year-old high school girl, and Director Edgar Wright for writing the Knives Chau (Ellen Wong). screenplay, but also Bryan Lee O'Malley - the However, this formula is ruined when author of the original 'Scott Pilgrim VS. The Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) World' graphic novel. enters his life. Totally obsessed with her, Scott You might recognise Edgar Wright's name makes it his mission to make Ramona his 'newbecause he directed the equally funny and new girlfriend'. Before witty 'Shaun of the Dead' and 'Hot Favourite Quote: "We are Sex Fuzz'. It's actually unbelievable Scott can begin dating Ramona, he must prove Bob-Omb and we are here to how Wright managed to envision himself by defeating the make you think about death Scott Pilgrim in this incredibly league of her seven evil different way, but also how his and get sad and stuff..." ex-boyfriends who control entire crew managed to make such her love life. They will an interesting and clearly difficultdo anything to get rid of and destroy any new to-make film. However, I would say that the boyfriend Ramona may consider. If Scott wants quick cuts and crazy action may be a little too to find true love with Ramona, he must defeat much for some people. But I'm sure that's only all seven; before his game is over. a minority. If you are in any way a geek or nerd you This film was brilliantly crafted in such a probably don't need any reason to watch this way to satiate the growing ache for the gaming, film except that it's full of gaming and movie filmic nerd in all of us. quotes. It's literally a gamers a paradise. There are references to Street Fighter, Mortal Pros: Kombat, Pac-Man, The Legend of Zelda and + Fantastic direction, dialogue, special effects more throughout. It won't just appeal to those and camera work make this an essential addition of us who love gaming, if you love indie-rock to your collection music then this film is perfect for you. The + Full of gaming references soundtrack is original and amazing; rock mixed Cons: with humorous lines. And if neither music - The fast pace of the film may be too much for nor gaming is your scene, then the fast-paced, some people bright, hectic, crazy tone of this film is sure to - The first boss battle ALWAYS makes me please anyone with any ounce of adrenaline cringe, although I think this is on purpose! running through their veins. 'Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy' Cheapest Place To Buy:, £5.69 used to be my favourite quotable film, but now DVD Special Features: deleted scenes, Scott Pilgrim is far superior to this. I would outtakes, commentaries by cast and crew, love to list my favourite quotes but the list making of, pre-production videos, Featurette

Trainspotting Trainspotting (18) Released 23/14/96 Running time: 1hr 34mins


group of misfit young adults find Trainspotting is my favourite British Film for many, many reasons. The film is an themselves growing up in derelict, downtrodden and financially incredible mix of reality (Edinburgh in the unstable Edinburgh. Their lives are totally 90's) and black comedy/satire (the horrible useless and meaningless as they desperately situations the heroin gets them in to). It strive to formulate a life for themselves. contains the best opening sequence in any film; Mark Renton and his gang running Fortunately they have one saviour from this ruthless world, and that down the road as the best appears in the shape of a Favourite quote: “Choose monologue is recited to Iggy syringe filled with dirty life. Choose a job. Choose a Pop's 'Lust For Life'; heroin. "Choose life, choose a career. Choose a family..." We follow the story job, choose a career, choose a family..." of Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) who is trying to wean himself It seems that Renton and his friends off heroin and onto a new, clean path. are running towards something, but Unfortunately, things just always seem to they're actually running away from, well, take a turn for the worst and to bring him everything; their lives, their jobs, the back up he relies on his heroin hit. authority, the responsibility, and it does not

always lead to a healthy path. The best thing about this film, visually, is the way the characters experience the drugs. Normally when a character is high you just see them laughing and stumbling around on set but Trainspotting puts you in the shoes of the characters as they experience not only the pleasures of their addiction but the pain also. Brilliantly directed, it is great to see a film that doesn't try to shy away from taboo subjects and try and put a bad spin on it. It shows the good and the bad of everything. The only drawback about this film, which isn't necessarily true to all of us, is that it looks a little dated at times. Especially the scene in which Renton is locked in his room until the heroin is clear

of his system. It fantastically shows his withdrawal symptoms although the effect of the baby crawling across the ceiling is very amateur. However, this only looks amateur because of all the superb technology we have now. Besides that, the fabulous mixture of soundtrack, witty dialogue and dynamic camera work make this a really gripping film. Fortunately it stays very true to the book it is based on, 'Trainspotting' by Irvine Welsh. And this version of the film (the definitive version) is brilliant. It comes with a retrospective look at the film, interviews with the main cast and crew, an essay by Irvine Welsh and a fantastic poster.


+ Brilliantly witty, clever and funny dialogue + The most interesting insight into drug addiction available


- Technology is dated - The harsh take on reality may not be to everyone's taste By Aaron Champion Cheapest Place To Buy:, £3.09 Definitive Edition DVD Special Features: Uncut Main Feature, 9 Deleted Scenes, Retrospective look and sound of the film (now and then), Interviews with cast and crew, Interview with Irvine Welsh, Poster.


























1. Prince of Denmark. (6) 5. Take by surprise (6) 8. Cripple. (4) 9. Gratuitous. (8) 10. Flying machine (8) 11. Small low islands. (4) 12. Big ___ famous WWI weapon. (6) 14. Become confused. (6) 16. Island in the Tyrrhenian Sea. (4) 18. A city dweller. (8) 20. Type of thrush. (8) 21. Notice. (4) 22. Friendly and talkative. (6) 23. Boundaries. (6)

2. Dilettante. (7) 3. A dance from the West Indies. (5) 4. Pertaining to bells or bell ringing. (13) 5. A crystalline barbiturate, used medicinally as a sedative, a hypnotic, and an anticonvulsant. (13) 6. Untied. (7) 7. Little effort for ample reward. (5) 13. The act of passing over, across, or through. (7) 15. Coax. (7) 17. Vertical edge of a square sail. (5) 19. A Minor Prophet of the 7th century,a book of the Bible bearing his name. (5)

Edition 20 Answers: Across: 1.Fishy; 4. Ambling; 8. Larcenies; 9. Gas; 10. Acrid; 12. Buyinto; 13. Embody; 14. Corona; 18. Roedeer; 20. Sisal; 21. Lei; 22. Governess; 24. Suspect; 25. Evens Down: 1. Foliage; 2. Sir; 3.Yieled; 4. Akimbo; 5. Busby; 6. Ingenious; 7. Gusto; 11. Robberies; 15. Observe; 16. Atlases; 17. Trivet; 18. Rules; 19. Eagle; 23. Eye



The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter M in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of a BBC TV sports presenter. 1. 20th- century art movements 2. Light gas 3. Haphazard 4. Notify 5. Yell 6. Type of cab 7. Town in Greater 9 Manchester 8. Educational instituion 9. ... St Annes, Lancashire resort 10. Sickly 11. Naturism 12. Small river

12 11






4 7

5 6

Who, what where and when?

WHO... composed the opera William Tell? WHAT... sort of creature is an mangabey? WHERE... is the river Demera? WHEN... did Hannibal cross the Alps during the Second Punic War? ANSWERS Rossini; A monkey; Guyana; 218 BC.

Puzzle Corner


26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 19th October, 2011

Difficulty: Easy

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.

Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating

Money saving tips 1. Set a budget and stick to it – List all your income and all your expenses, like rent, utility bills, mobile contract, food etc and then you can clearly see how much money you have left to spend (if any) on things like going out.

internationally. 6. Leave your bank cards at home when you are going out – Having worked out your budget, you will know how much money you have available for you to spend when you go out. Take that amount out with you in cash and leave your cards at home.

to any of those 3 questions – don’t buy it. 10. Think about how you can cut your costs – Keep a note of everything you spend for a month, you’ll be surprised how much you spend on all those little purchases, drinks, chocolate bars, magazines etc. Use charity shops, eBay, Make your own sandwiches for your lunch, refill your water bottle rather than buy another one.

2. Maximise your income – Check that you are you getting all the student finance you are entitled to. Get a part time job and or a job over 7. Get in the habit of checking your bank balance and statements the summer holidays. regularly – Keeping an eye on what is going in and out of your bank 3. Student Bank Account – Open account will help you keep on top of 11. Learn to cook – Cooking your a student bank account with a free overdraft facility. your financial situation. own meals is not difficult and will save you a fortune. 4. Avoid all other loans or credit 8. Food Shopping – Planning your 12. When you sign a contract – cards – Never borrow to get meals and making a shopping list yourself out of debt. Avoid anything and sticking to it will stop you being Accommodation, mobile, internet that involves paying interest. tempted from buying extra bits you provider, be very aware of what you are doing and how much don’t need. it is going to cost 5. Always ask for a student you and for discount – A lot of local shops and 9. Any other shopping - For how long you services will give you a student anything that you plan to buy ask discount if you show them your yourself – Do I need it? Can I afford are going to be paying. Bucks ID card or get an NUS it? Have I checked if it’s cheaper Extra for discounts national and anywhere else? If any answer is no You might be

Difficulty: Adavanced


Need more help and Advice? If you would like to discuss any of the above or you need any help and advice about a nything else then we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us. High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180

able to afford that monthly payment 15. Bills – If it is your first time in now, but will be able to afford it in 6 rented accommodation bills can come as a bit of a shock. Make months time? sure that you know what you 13.Only share accommodation with will be expected to pay for when other students – In order to qualify renting accommodation, water, gas, for Council Tax exemption everyone electricity, phone line, internet, TV licence are all possibilities. If in the house must be a full time student. If anyone living there is not sharing your accommodation make a full time student the house will be sure all the tenants names are on the bills, or use Glide, who will liable for Council Tax. only bill you for your share. (More details about Glide can be obtained 14. Don’t ignore your debts – Ignoring your debts is likely to cost from the Advice Centre.) The first you more money in the long term. If bills may come addressed to “The Occupier”, this means you and your you owe money and cannot afford fellow housemates, so open don’t the repayment asked for make contact, explain the situation and try ignore them. to come to an agreed payment plan that you can stick to.

Wednesday 19th October, 2011, Bucks Student 27

BNU Swans Cheerleading Squad So, what do you think of when you think of a cheerleader? Bring it on? Slut? That’s not a sport? Cheerleading takes more than you may initially think. We are recognised as a sport at our University and we have certainly proved that we are worthy of it. Last year we not only won ‘Charity Fundraiser of the Year’ but also ‘Club of the Year’ at our annual AU ceremony. It was so rewarding to see that all of the squad’s hard work had finally paid off and our efforts were appreciated. Cheerleading always seems to get a bad reputation as it can be misconceived as easy,

By Lauren Troiano breezy and dancing around with a pair of pom poms. Our 3 hour training sessions are intense. You have to put your trust in strangers and be able to have the stamina to perform a fast pace routine. The majority of the squad have no experience in cheerleading at the beginning of October, yet 4 months later we’re competing nationally in front of thousands of people. Yes, part of the swans do compete with pom poms but it takes a lot to learn at least 40 quick counts of 8 including jumps, leaps, turns and splits. Not only do we train and

compete, we also fundraise, volunteer at numerous events, go out to socials, cheer at matches and of course study for our degrees. The squad competes nationally, twice a year. This year, the Swans are travelling to Loughborough and Telford to compete against other Universities. Last year we placed 3rd nationally in senior hip hop and small pom and this year we are taking Pom and Jazz to the competition as well as two partner group stunts and a cheer routine. Rusty or Busty always come to support us too and even enter the mascot competition!

SWAN LOVE! Upcoming Events Join the swans for the BRS social – three of the swans are celebrating birthdays and so we thought why not celebrate with a social and join it with fundraising for charity? The theme is BRAS – wear a bra over a top, a bandeau, a sports bra – anything! £1 donation goes to Breast Cancer Research. 19th October – pre drinks @ Loosley Spoons 8.30pm. Swans Cake Sale – Come & make or donate cakes or simply buy one – who doesn’t love

cake? This will be the 20th October in the SU Foyer from 11.00-3.00pm. Didn’t come to Try Outs? Don’t fear! Cheerobics is a class supported by Sport For Fun at The Club in Desborough. Cheerobics is a great alternative to competitive cheerleading. The FREE class includes improving flexibility, fitness and routines that we will perform at matches. Friday 5-6pm (A free bus is available to and from The Club Fitness Center via the University)

Try Outs Last Tuesday and Thursday saw 50 plus potential new swans come along and check out what cheerleading is all about. The 3 hour sessions were a chance for people to experience what it takes to be a committed member of the BNU Swans. A lot of newcomers really impressed us with their confidence and willingness to try. Good luck to everyone auditioning and remember if you’re not lucky enough to make it onto the squad this time please still be a social swan! We always warmly welcome social swans to come and cheer at games, help out at fundraising and volunteering opportunities and of course, come and drink with us on our socials! Contact to let us know you want to join – even if you haven’t auditioned!


By Charlotte Shaw-chairman


We had a great response to the Freshers Fair, with about 20 people signed up! We would like to invite any other women to play rugby for the university as it’s a great opportunity to try a new sport. If you would like to join the socials instead of playing, then you are more than welcome to do so. Our first match is on the 23rd of November, so there is plenty of time to learn. We train on Mondays at High Wycombe Rugby Club and meet at 6.30 outside the Gateway building for those interested. Join our Facebook group: BNU Ladies Rugby 2011-2012.


Vice President Student Involvement

match drinks or hot meals (so it’s definitely worth a visit.) and will compare them to my next meeting with a lady at the council and what they could potentially offer us. So fingers cross we get our own piece of grass in Wycombe! And when this meeting is finished I will be jetting off to help at the Hughenden clean up where student volunteers will do exactly what it says on the tin and clean up the surrounding areas in Hughenden. This is a really important event to get involved with as it will provide a safer and cleaner community for you all to live in, and not only that, hopefully the local residents will start to love you! If you want to get involved please contact Alice on alice.dewsnap@ and she will sign you up. And last but not least, Friday 28th October is pink day! We would love for as many of you as possible, for this one day to wear anything pink, including all you guys out there, show off your feminine side for a good cause! So please come to university in pink and donate money towards Breast Cancer Campaign! Gordo says get going Amy x (

1. Who was the youngest golfer to compete in the 2002 Ryder Cup? 2. What is the official national sport of Bulgaria? 3. In the world of sport what has maximum dimensions of 60 metres by 30 metres? Answers: 1.Sergio Garcia 2.Weightlifting 3.An ice skating rink

gordos gossip

Today is the first day of the sports season! And hopefully this is going to be a successful one! Today we see a whopping 5 football teams, 2 rugby teams, the men’s hockey and basketball, as well as netball and tennis play at home, so there is plenty for people to go and watch. Please get behind your university teams and give them the support they deserve and let’s put Bucks on the map. Following this on the 26th October, the union will come under attack as the dreaded INITIATIONS take place. Now this may involve a lot of nakedness and spillages, so if you are a little squeamish or you wish to keep you shoes clean, then I advise you avert your eyes! They are not the “shady, underground operations” that you may hear about in the press, they are potentially one of the most fun experiences within a sports team (well at least mine was) and remember: they are not mandatory! You can opt out at any point! Following last editions article where I was visiting Uxbridge sports facilities, I brought some great ideas back, for example, at Uxbridge the facilities could cater for every single sports teams, as well as provide a social area for post-


WEDNESDAY 12th october MEN’S rugby union West’ter Uni 1st 10 - 29 Bucks 2nd


WEDNESDAY 26th october Womens Badminton St Mary’s UC 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens Basketball Reading University 2nd vs Bucks 1st Womens Netball Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth Uni 2nd Womens Netball Bucks 2nd vs Roehampton Uni 2nd Womens Table Tennis Bucks 1st vs University of Sussex 1st Womens Football RF and UC Med Sch. 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens Football Bucks 4th vs Roehampton Uni 2nd Womens Squash Bucks 1st vs University of Surrey 1st Mens Squash Brunel University 3rd vs Bucks 1st Womens Volleyball Bucks 1st vs Royal Holloway 1st Mens Volleyball Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth Uni 1st Mens Badminton Bucks 1st vs Uni of Essex 3rd Mens Football Portsmouth Uni 4th vs Bucks 2nd Mens Tennis Roehampton Uni 3rd vs Bucks 1st Womens Hockey Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth Uni 3rd Womens Netball University of Surrey 3rd vs Bucks 3rd Mens Rugby Union Portsmouth Uni 2nd vs Bucks 1st Mens Football Bucks 1st vs Reading University 1st Mens Football Kingston University 1st vs Bucks 3rd Mens Football Royal Holloway 3rd vs Bucks 6th Mens Football Uni for the C.Arts 1st vs Bucks 7th Mens Football KC Medics 2nd vs Bucks 5th Mens Rugby Union Bucks 2nd vs University of Sussex 2nd Mens Hockey Bucks 1st vs IC London Medics 2nd 2nd November Mens Hockey Uni College London 2nd vs Bucks 1st Womens Table Tennis Brunel University 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens Table Tennis Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth Uni 1st Mens Squash Bucks 1st vs University of Surrey 2nd Mens Football Bucks 1st vs Uni of Chichester 2nd Mens Football Bucks 5th vs LSE 3rd Mens Football Bucks 6th vs Uni for the CA 1st Mens Football Bucks 7th vs Uni for the CA 2nd Womens Badminton Bucks 1st vs QMU 1st Mens Badminton St Mary’s UC 1st vs Bucks 1st Womens Basketball Bucks 1st vs City Uni London 1st Womens Netball Bucks 1st vs Uni of Chichester 2nd Womens Netball LSE 3rd vs Bucks 2nd Womens Netball Bucks 3rd vs Reading University 3rd Womens Tennis Bucks 1st vs Kingston University 1st Mens Tennis Reading University 3rd vs Bucks 1st Mens Volleyball Brunel University 1st vs Bucks 1st Womens Volleyball Brunel University 1st vs Bucks 1st Mixed Golf Portsmouth Uni M 1st vs Bucks 1st Mixed Golf Uni of Surrey Mixed 1st vs Bucks 2nd Mens Football Portsmouth Uni 5th vs Bucks 3rd Mens Football Portsmouth Uni 3rd vs Bucks 2nd Womens Hockey Bucks 1st vs Imperial CL 2nd Womens Squash Reading University 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens Rugby Union Bucks 1st vs St Mary’s UC 3rd Mens Football Kingston University 2nd vs Bucks 4th Womens Football Bucks 1st vs UC Suffolk 1st Mens Rugby Union University of Surrey 2nd vs Bucks 2nd


Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

BUCKS NETBALL By Joanne Heppell After completing two lots of try-outs, the captains have finally picked their squads. We had over 65 freshers turn up and there was a fantastically high standard, with 2 of our girls being asked to trial for Regional’s. Due to such a high amount of players, our club has established a development squad, which is run by Sport for Fun. This means we can provide training for all of the players of all standards. For more details on coming to join us e-mail - joanne.k.h@hotmail. com or join our Facebook group (search for ‘BUCKS NEW UNI NETBALL CLUB 2011-2012’). As a club, we have also helped raise money at the RAG fair, by providing and running a cake sale for the day, also helping out in the MacMillan Coffee Morning, where we were apart of helping raise £204 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Not only did we have a great turn out for our try outs, our first social night went down a storm with over 30 girls joining us for a great night out. If anyone is interested in joining or would like to join us for socials, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

High Wycombe Round Table

Fireworks Display Saturday the 5th of November 2011

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