The Bucks Student - Edition 23

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bucks student edition 23

November 2011

‘We hope to have a positive impact for you having recruited our new Research Coordinator, Gemma Heath. Gemma has been tasked to consult with our students more effectively so that we can ask for the improvements that you all want to see happen. To start with Gemma will be:

- Asking for your opinions on the quality of our cafes Pulse, Beats and Rusty Bucks so that we can improve the service that we offer you - Ascertaining the demand for a shuttle bus between Uxbridge and Wycombe so that students can take advantage of all the activities and events taking place, irrespective of which campus they study on · Holding focus groups with students who have been on a study placement – we want to find out about your experience and campaign for improvements If you are interested in any of these projects, want to get involved, or have a question about Union research generally please email

More student Protests cause panic for the Police Another student protest hit the streets of London this month. On the 9th November, thousands gathered in a somewhat peaceful march to show their disagreement with the rise of tuition fees. However, it appeared the police of London were expected similar violence and anarchy experienced at the protests last year. There were around 4,000 members of police on patrol Wednesday 9th; double the amount of students and only 2,000 less than were on patrol the first night of the riots in

August. They had threatened to use rubber bullets if the protest got out of hand, similar to the riots that occurred in the student protest in November 2010. The marchers were led by mounted police whilst police and news helicopters monitored their moves. Regardless of the peaceful nature of the protests, over 20 arrests were made throughout the day - compared to the 153 arrested in the one this time last year – for breaching the peace.

Reportedly, no Bucks New University students were at the demonstration, but this could be due to the fact our university is not charging the maximum £9,000 for the courses. BNU fees will be approximately £7,500 for new students. However, BNU did attend the protests last year, but as a peaceful marching demonstration and thankfully were not involved in any of the violence witnessed. By Sarah O’Brien Student Editor

If you do have any further issues or want to talk to someone from the union then please drop in to the offices at Uxbridge or High Wycombe, phone 01494 601 600 or email:

The Students’ Union wants to represent all of it’s members - and we are trying to find how best to do that. You could help is in that and win yourself £100 by filling out a simple online 5 minute survey. You can find the ’communication with our students’ survey online, at

Printed on 100% recycled paper | Help reduce your carbon footprint by recycling your newspaper Bucks Students’ Union and Bucks New University are committed to doing their part in recycling and reducing their carbon footprint

2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Ash Coles - Editor t: 01494 601 600 e: Sarah O’Brien & Gary Anderson - News Editor e: Laz Wood - Politics Editor e: Mandi C - International Editor e: Siobhan Carney - Lifestyle Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Features Editor e: Faye Towler - Fashion Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Donique Lindsay - Events Editor e: Sarah Campbell - Music Editor e: Harry Boileau - Travel Editor e: Oliver Hunt - Film Review Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soap & Entertainment Editor e: Hollie Wicks - Food Editor e: Tanieque Noel - Horoscopes Editor e: Gary Anderson - Sport Editor e:

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Letter from the Editor

Travel P19 Culture, Arts & Literature P20 Horoscopes P20 Fashion & Beauty P21

For Advertising: Caroline Newton t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601 600 e:

Soaps & TV P22 Movies P22

Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students Union for more information. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. Printed by Harmsworth Printing - Stoke 01782 602 619 © 2011 Bucks Students’ Union

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Food & Drink P24 Puzzles P25 Advice P25 Recreational Activities P26 Sports P26

Opportunity to help us improve your experiences of computing facilities and online services at Bucks... We value your opinion about the computing facilities we provide, the services you access and your online experiences here at Bucks. We would like an opportunity to meet with you so we can hear any ideas or suggestions you have. You can help us develop and improve the computing facilities, services and online experiences at Bucks. The session is scheduled on the Monday 5th December at 12:00 in N1.01. It is an open forum for you to tell us what you like, what you don’t like and what you’d like to change. Once we have your feedback we can ensure it is incorporated into our day to day activities and also help inform our longer term plans.

HI everyone and welcome to yet another edition of the Bucks’ Student. I hope that everyone who had a guided learning week benefitted from it and everyone is refreshed, ready for the last four weeks of term. It is nearly a year since the national demonstration against tuition fees in London which made world news when pockets of disorder and unrest were irresponsibly distorted by the media. In November this year another protest happened where 15,000 students were expected on a peaceful march around London through the banking district.

However, following the demo, police put that number at nearer 2,000. That day there were 4,000 officers on duty and the police were obviously expecting disorder similar to last year. I think sadly people were put off attending these marches because of the media’s representation of them and the police threat of a strong force. In the end almost all demonstrators marched peacefully and there was a total of 24 arrests. I was due to be interviewed live on a lunchtime radio show to give my view on the privatisation of higher education and cuts to higher education as a whole. Unfortunately my place was taken by a student who was at the protest and before I had my chance to shine the interview was over. However in the pre interview I was asked why our students weren’t there and my views on the higher level of policing and I think it’s a genuinely sad state of affairs. In my view, of course the tuition fees should not be raised to the proposed levels. The overall hard sell to encourage prospective students into university has been made a lot harder, especially to

mature students who financially may now not be able to risk stepping into part time, or even no, work for the duration of a three year degree. If the traditional undergraduate (18 – 21 years old) only held debt in the form of a student loan for their tuition fees they will not be faced with a short term hardship, and in the long term a significant number of students will never pay the full loan off as they will not reach the salary needed to trigger repayment. My message to students is to spread the word on how good an experience university is to everyone around you who is thinking of going. I genuinely believe it’s the time of your life and worth every penny! Ash Coles President

Letter from the Student Editor

Hello and welcome to the brand spanking new edition of the Bucks Student! This week has been a bit crazy as the main man Simon has been off, so we want to say and big well done to Holly and Maria who took over and did a fantastic job with the layout etc. We couldn’t have done that! I hope students enjoy this edition as we’ve got something for everyone. There are some brilliant tips in the fashion section (including Versace coming to H&M, eek!) and the food section looks good enough to eat. Our new horoscopes should be interesting and, as always,

Bucks sports teams are putting our name on the map for all the right reasons. It’s scary to think that we’ve already been back to university over two months now, where does the time go? Any fellow third year will back me up on saying that it definitely doesn’t seem to be going into getting dissertations done, that’s for sure! Our sub-editors finally have email addresses that work! If you want to write anything, and we mean anything, for the Bucks Student then either email myself on or pick a section and email the sub-editor directly. Anyway, I hope we’re all relaxing and raring to go after our Reading Week and we’ll be back with another great edition just before Christmas (isn’t just scary how soon that is!). All the best, Sarah

Letter from the Deputy Student Editor Welcome to another packed edition of The Bucks Student. It’s been a hectic few weeks with Halloween been and gone, many of our societies involved in charity events and fundraising for Children in Need, and on top of that we all have assignments and coursework piling up as those dreaded deadlines loom large. And, of course, Christmas

is just around the corner as I’m sure no one has failed to notice, with decorations and seasonal music everywhere you go! As always, we’ve got loads of great articles for your reading pleasure. We’ve got tips on maintaining a long distance relationship, a very funny insight into the trials and tribulations of raiding the cookie jar and for all you star-gazers

out there check out our new horoscopes section. We’ve got the usual reviews from our intrepid film watchers and music lovers along with news and reports from our sports teams including details of a fantastic opening day win for our ladies football team. Enjoy folks and speak to you soon. Gary Anderson Deputy Student Editor

Jailbreak - A Mission to

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 3

Break Free


ailbreak is the highlight of every university’s RAG calendar. Every year, hundreds of students sign away 48 hours of their lives to get as far away from their campus as possible, but there’s a catch…you can’t spend any money. You can hitchhike, blag tickets, ask family for air miles or beg unsuspecting coach drivers for a lift, but any money spent on transport equals disqualification! The idea of Jailbreak is to raise money for RAG (Raise and Give). Raise and Give is the section of the Students’ Union that helps students to raise as much money for worthy causes as possible whilst they are at University. The Jailbreak teams asked family and friends to sponsor them for this huge challenge and this year, we are on target to reach £300 from our Jailbreak event. On the 12th November, 5 brave teams gathered on the Gateway concourse to begin their adventure. At the sound of the air horn at 10am, they were off, running for bus stations, train stations and petrol stations, all hoping that a nice member of the public would take pity and help. Within the first 4 hours, one team were almost in Dover, one in London, another in Leicester and two at Heathrow Airport. Over the next 24 hours, the teams

got further and further away, with three finishing their journey in York and two in Dover. Only two teams were left in the game at 12pm on the second day; Air Ball and The Brohemians. Air ball were unstoppable and had travelled to Paris, Belgium and then onto Holland. The Brohemians had struggled, but finally managed to get over to Calais. With 12 hours to go, the Brohemians decided it was all or nothing and began hitchhiking across France. Air Ball were on their way to Amsterdam which would be their final destination. The Brohemians travelled throughout the night, determined to win, eventually making it to the south of France, and then with a last minute stroke of luck, found a car travelling to Madrid, their final destination. Congratulations to all the teams that took part; TSM1, TSM2, The Nursekateers, Air Ball and our winners, The Brohemians, who collectively travelled over 2000 miles, all in aid of fundraising for our RAG charities. To get involved with more RAG events or to hear about the charities we support, the Pepper Foundation, LearnAsOne and Macmillan Cancer Support, email or visit Alice and Tansy in the Students’ Union office.

Above: The Jailbreakers get ready to set off outside the Gateway building. Right: Souveniers from the winners journey.

Pyjamas for Pudsey Y

ou may have thought that you were going mad if you came into the SU office on the 11th November, but you were not, the staff were indeed all wearing pyjamas and shuffling around in their slippers!!! This was not just a group decision to be comfy, but it was all in the name of the lovable bear Pudsey and the very important cause of Children in Need. But this was not the only thing that Bucks did for Children in Need, we had lots of exciting events going on throughout the day to raise money for Pudsey. The Cheerleading and Hockey Teams did a sterling job going around the campus selling cakes, Children in Need wristbands and

collecting spare change from anyone that they came across. Red Button immersed themselves in the Children in Need spirit and performed their 24 hour Filmathon with amazing energy and panache. Their task was to write, film and edit a short film with a Jailbreak theme - all in 24 hours. They were given three last minute props that they had to include to prove that the whole project had indeed only taken 24 hours, these were a wakeboard, Pudsey and a hula hoop and they managed to complete their task (fuelled with caffeine) just in the nick of time. Their film had its debut at the Jailbreak Flirt and went

down a storm. We had a tug of war on the concourse outside Gateway which went ahead, despite the awful weather. Everyone pulled together (sorry about the awful pun) and raised even more money for Children in Need. Many thanks to Red Button, the Swans, Netballers, Hockey girls and the American Footballers who helped out on the day. All in all it was a great Bucks effort for Children in Need. So far we have raised an amazing £266.89 with more money to come from the sponsors of Red Button. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!

Spread some Festive cheer this season! It’s getting to the time of year when people want to give something back and do something for their community. So why not get involved in some of our volunteering projects before the holidays by spreading some Christmas joy! Here is a list of our upcoming events: 30th November - Careers session - “How can being a student volunteer can get you a job?” 6th December - Cultural Awareness Training. 7th December - Christmas lunch with the elderly. 7th December - Conservation Project 8th December - Christmas shopping with the elderly. 14th January - Redecorate Chesham Mind We also have an ongoing Great Ormond Street Christmas Stocking Appeal and will be starting our annual Homeless Christmas Hampers collection soon. To get involved please email or pop in and see Alice and Tansy in the SU office.

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011

First time in the UK? DON’T PANIC! By Mandi C.


Hello foreign students! I understand that for some of you September will be not only the first week of your uni experience, which scares you guys enough, but it will also be the first week in England. Well... just read this text and believe me, you don’t have to panic.

I remember my fresher’s week like it was yesterday. Lots of stress, unpacking, running, partying and introducing myself to people so many times, that at the end of the day I regret that I didn’t have a voice recorder set on repeat: ‘I’m not from England so please, don’t speak so FAST.’ But that time was also full of excitement, fun and memorable incidents which you are going to recall with your friends through your whole time at uni. My first tip for foreign students: never ask an English mate to order for you your first ‘traditional English meal’, because you may end up with a little trauma like me... trying to politely deal with a steak and kidney pudding. Strongly not recommended! On the serious side though... there is no single reason to be stressed about entering Bucks New Uni if you come from abroad. You are going to meet staff and students who are open and friendly for any culture and nationality. From my experience I can promise that no one is going to stick a ‘foreign’ tag on you, as long as you won’t be using your ‘overseas card’ to avoid trouble. There is a wide range of support programmes for students who’s first language is not English, where tutors can help you to check the grammar and spelling in your coursework. Also feel confident to ask your English mates to do so if you trust them enough in their native language knowledge, but seriously, do you? :) Don’t forget to pack silly things, like your passport, a copy of your birth certificate and a few copies of passport size photos. You are not only going to need it during the enrolment at uni, but also to settle down in a new country – opening a bank account or getting a national insurance number etc. Have you applied for your Tuition Fee yet? If you are from an EU country you are entitled to get your student loan to pay for university, but take note that those documents need to be signed by your parents before you leave your country. I didn’t notice this obvious thing and had to mess around with running to the post office for weeks. There are a few things about

England that may amaze you, but after a while you are going to feel like those are your own ways... almost. The English like their pint of beer like nothing else, so don’t classify them as alcoholics when you pop in to the pub in the MORNING, and see a bunch of smiling middle-aged men sipping beer. These people are very enthusiastic and enjoy socialising, so it doesn’t matter what day or time of a day it is – there is always time for a pint- or ten if you are a student. Brits like their baked beans like nothing else so never offend them by asking out of surprised curiosity why even KFC serves them as a side. For students who are from countries like mine, where you get normal cold winters ( like – 10 degree), British reaction to snow can be a bit surprising - snow is an enemy. Minus one outside is a disaster, up to minus five and two centimetres of snow then they are going to tell you that it is an absolute ice age. They can’t walk, speak or shop, not to mention getting anywhere by car. Vehicles will be left on the side of the road and people will probably leave messages for their bosses announcing a few days holiday - ‘because of THE SNOW!’. It will be all over the news, petrifying you with headlines about stolen snowmen and kid’s broken bones. Well... no one said winter sports aren’t risky! After a week you will actually believe there is NOTHING WORSE THAN SNOW in England. Don’t get me wrong, there are thousands of amazing and beautiful things about this country. It’s not true that it rains all the time. It’s not true that the English are rude or narrowminded. They are extremely open, kind people, who will make you feel at home anywhere you go. They enjoy socialising like nothing else, so going out here is a blessing. And the MUSIC! English music heritage is colourful and irreplaceable and the music industry is booming. There is a place and an offer for any taste and believe me, there is no better place than England to experience the spirit of live music. I would suggest booking your tickets now! You will never find so many young people who are into extraordinary stuff and who will guide you how to love what you do in life and more importantly – how to achieve it! Remember, you are here to study, succeed, explore your personality and have fun - there is no better country to combine these four. Hope you guys will have a wonderful and exciting international uni experience!

‘Bed & Breakfast’ not for Euros, but for Favours Do you fancy spending a night in an Italian hotel but your wallet is empty? This is not a problem anymore! From the 14th November 2011 you can spend a night in almost 300 Italian ‘bed & breakfast’ hotels and pay with a jar of jam or fixing their kitchen cupboards. Hotel owners will accept almost anything to pay for your night in their selected hotels. Amongst required payments are jars of homemade cream or photography skills. If you are good at landscape gardening you can spend a week for free in Parma. If you have figures of Snow White and Seven Dwarfs you are very welcome in the Rocca Sparvera hotel in Piedmont. Anyone who is willing to give a few lessons of English to Italian kids will be welcome in almost any of these hotels. A little hotel in Pisa offers a night for free to musicians who are willing to give a little classical music concert during the supper. Also, in Lecce, they are waiting for guests with children DVDs. Other hotels have a set list of things they expect from their guests like used scooters, homemade food specialities, or even a Scottish kilt like in a hotel in Palermo. The whole project was launched by Italian hotel owners to attract a larger number of tourists and underline the values of exchange trade. ‘All we want to show is that in Italy we value not only money but also a good atmosphere, hospitality and appreciation of our guests’ said one of the owners from Palermo. Italians highlight that a record-breaking amount of hotels joined this initiative this year. The whole project, called The Barter Week was launched for the third time in Italy, inspired by a similar project in America. The whole project was supposed to last for a week but some of the owners already announced that they are going to keep the offer for the whole year. I think we all need a rest after our assignments and tests. Let’s visit and pack our suitcases - Italy is waiting!

Anyone who says the Pope is the last person on Earth to ‘get with the times’ couldn’t be more wrong. This Christmas, Benedict XVI is going to use a tablet to light up Christmas candles on ‘the biggest Christmas tree on earth.’ He is going to use tablet for the first time to finish the Italian project aiming to launch the biggest Christmas tree ever made on the Gubbio Hill in Umbria, Italy. The lighting installation placed

on the hill consists of 260 ‘light points’ and almost 270 giant lamps all shaped as a Christmas tree. The festive foliage is 650 metres high and 350 metres wide and should make it into the Guinness World Records. The Pope’s office announced Benedict XVII is going to light up the whole installation on the 7th of December 2011 by clicking the right button on a special tablet. According to the office, the Pope is happy be involved in such a ‘modern’ solution.

Germany’s disgrace Neo-Nazi gang was killing kebab owners ‘Immigrant murders discovered by the police in the past few days are a disgrace for our country,’ said Angela Merkel, Germany’s Chancellor. In the years 2000 – 2006 there have been 10 immigrants murdered in Germany by the same gang. Amongst the victims there were eight Turkish and one Greek kebab owners and, in 2007, a policewoman from Hebron. The media have already started speculating about eventual colligations between the gang and the Neo-Nazi movements. ‘This terrorism act was a disgrace for Germany. We will do everything in our power to investigate and explain these incidents and make sure those guilty will be punished,’ said Angela Merkel during the meeting of Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Lipsk. Murders committed by a gang of two men and one woman shook German public opinion over the last few days. Police were

Right or Wrong? With the memory of Muammar Gaddafi’s death fading with each day, I ask a question. Is it right the way he was treated during his capture when he was dragged through the streets almost lifeless and with gaping wounds? Some would say that he got what he deserved. You live by the sword and die by the sword. I for one, whilst repulsed by some of the imagery I seen, thought that he was a tyrant and caused much suffering, so maybe he deserved it? On the other hand you have to think morally on the whole subject. What about when his family seen what was happening? Was it appropriate to splash the gruesome imagery all over television and the internet? Some people do not want to see this. To put it simply, I am glad he is gone. Any man or “leader” who ordered the starvation of his own people doesn’t bide well with me. The aftermath of his death should tell you all you need to know. People were celebrating because they had just gained freedom. No longer did “the mad dog of the Middle East” rule

The Pope goes with the flow

them, as Ronald Reagan once dubbed Gaddafi. Even though as I said the images of him dying are not pleasant, I’m happy to have seen them. Yes, they depict a frail old man in his last moments, but he has put many people through this process for personal gain. Justice is what springs to mind for me. My only wish is that we could have seen pictures of the other high profile deaths of the past few months. I’m talking about Osama Bin Laden of course, but the Americans won’t release any evidence of his killing. It’s one thing I respect NATO for, the fact that they didn’t care about the spotlight, but rather focused on the kill/capture that in the end was the most important part and we are left with no doubts that it was actually carried out. Even though there is a justice system in place to deal with these tyrants and war criminals, surely the best way is to give them a taste of what they inflicted upon others? I certainly believe it’s the way. By Patrick Cunningham

unaware that an organized gang like this even existed. It was only a week ago when one of the group members, Beate Zschaepe, appeared at the police station of her own accord and reported on the crimes committed by the gang. Two of her colleagues committed suicide after they robbed a bank and were afraid of being caught. During the same day there was a bomb explosion in the criminal’s house in Zwickau. On Sunday 13th of November, German police arrested another person suspected of collaborating with the gang. According to Hans-Peter Friedrich, the Minister of the Interior, this was an act of terror which should never happen in Germany.

Above: A car where bodies of criminals were found

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 5

Plagarism detection You may have heard that the University has decided to roll out online submission of assignments across all subject areas and the chances are that you will be required to submit at least some of your written assignments online this year. The assignments will have to be uploaded in Blackboard and will be checked by the Uni’s plagiarism detection software: Turnitin. Turnitin will check your assignment against pages on the web and also in its database against hundreds of thousands of assignments submitted electronically by students at universities and colleges across the world. It will search for any matching text and return a Report with a Similarity Index: a percentage score of how much of your assignment matches other people’s work. Obviously, everyone’s assignment is going to include some groups of words and phrases used by other people and so a very low score is nothing to worry about. But if you include a sentence or paragraph that you have pasted from the internet without referencing the source in your assignment then the Similarity

Index will flag this up to the marker. It’ll produce a Report showing your assignment with any copied bit highlighted showing exactly where this is taken from. Markers have been told to consider the Similarity Index and report to the University if they believe that the amount of unreferenced text constitutes Academic Misconduct ie Cheating/ Plagiarism. The University has adopted a penalty tariff so that a penalty can be given dependant on how much you have copied. A small amount of copying may result in the assignment being marked at zero. You would then be required to resubmit the work usually in the summer with the assignment “capped”: allowed a maximum mark of the Pass Mark minus 10. So, if the pass mark for your assignment is 40%, then the maximum you could get for your referral assignment would be 30%. The more you have copied, the harder the penalty, so your referral assignment could be capped at anything up to 30 marks below the normal pass mark. This could seriously hurt your degree

Sparkles Winter Ball

classification. But those are only the lighter penalties. For more serious instances of copying the penalties range from capping the whole module mark at various levels below the pass mark to the ultimate sanction: Expulsion from the University with no award permitted. And don’t think you’re safe if your assignments aren’t submitted online or if they are not text-based: furniture, sculptures, musical compositions, films – you name it - under the new University regulations, if they think it’s copied or partly copied then the Penalty Tariff applies. So the moral of the story is: if you don’t know the proper way to reference sources you’ve used in your work, talk with the Learning Development Unit. They can be found at High Wycombe in the Gateway in room G3.06 and at Uxbridge on the third floor in room 3.01. Alternatively, make an appointment by email to or phone on 01494 603070. They’ll be happy to set you on the right path and it could be the most useful half an hour you’ve ever spent at Uni.


parkles is a small, parent-run charity based in High Wycombe providing speech therapy for pre-school children with Down’s syndrome. We employ a private speech therapy provider who conduct weekly sessions for local children with Downs Syndrome, we have no external funding and we pay for these sessions purely by parent fundraising efforts...... Our latest fundraiser event is in the form of a winter ball. Volunteers are desperately required to help at our Sparkles Winter Ball. It is to be held at Tylers Green Village Hall, Church Road, Tylers Green, High Wycombe HP10 8LN on Saturday 3rd December! We will need assistance from 5:30 - midnight. The tasks involve the following - setting up the hall- tables, chairs, helping with hall dressing, setting up signs and raffle and auction tables (5:30-8pm), helping during the event, from 8pm at the raffle ticket stalls, handing around canapes, glass collecting and then clearing the hall up at the end of the evening. The Ball runs from 8-11:30pm and so any helpers attending during this time would need to be dressed appropriately, please, in black and white waiter / waitress attire. Let me know if your interested in helping this amazing charity and getting yourself some volunteering hours!! Any further information contact Emma Hopkins via email: Thank you.

University partnership continues outreach success with local schools and colleges Bucks New University, Oxford Brookes University and the University of Oxford have joined forces to continue to raise aspirations and educational attainment among young people from groups currently under-represented in English universities. The new partnership will be known as Study Higher and will ensure the outreach work with targeted schools and colleges previously coordinated by Aimhigher across the Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (MKOB) region is maintained. The partnership follows guidance set out by OFFA (Office of Fair Access), which reinforces the importance of collaborative working between institutions to delivering long-term outreach work, alongside the

formation of strong links with local schools and colleges. Aimhigher has now ended, but because it made a real difference to young people across the region the three institutions will now fund this new project to continue its success, through working together to ensure the delivery of a structured programme of activities. Study Higher seeks to raise awareness of higher education, as well as improve pupils’ grades, building on the evidence which found that the more Aimhigher activities students undertook up to the end of year 11, the more likely they were to meet or exceed their GCSE predictions. 1,775 Aimhigher MKOB students

have so far enrolled on higher education programmes with 62 per cent of these students coming from geographic areas with the lowest numbers of students who traditionally progress to higher education. Study Higher will offer students in schools and colleges a wide range of activities to raise aspirations and knowledge of the opportunities that higher education can provide. It aims to encourage young people to consider continuing in education after the age of 16 by making them aware of the various higher and further education progression routes available. Through the scheme, young people will be offered concrete skills to help them get into university, including study skills and help with preparing personal statements on

Prize draw Just winner for fun! announced! University Drinking League - who drinks the most? The average number of units drunk per student per week are shown in brackets. 1. Leeds Metropolitan University (26.7) 2. University of Liverpool (26.6) 3. University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (26.1) 4. Bath Spa University (24.9) 5. University of Glamorgan (22.2) 6. University of Bath (21.9) 7. University of Brighton (21.9) 8. Buckinghamshire New University (21.5) 9. Newcastle University (21.2) 10. De Montfort University (21.0)

The recommended amount of units per week for a typical male is 21 and female is 14. For more information please visit

Congratulations to Piotr Urbanski who is the lucky Sport for Fun prize draw winner, bagging himself a £100 shopping spree at the Eden Centre. Piotr entered the competition having signed up to our Judo programme and is now regularly attending our beginners course at Wycombe Judo Centre. Piotr is now on his way to achieving his first belt, well done! Other lucky prize draw winners include; Vanessa Burrows, Michael Payne, Kiri Gibson and David Campbell who all signed up during Fresher’s week. The Sport for Fun programme offers students and staff at Bucks the chance to take part in a host of different sports and activities and is proving to be a huge success. So far, the Sport for Fun team have held festival days giving students the opportunity to try alternative sports such as wakeboarding, rowing, canoeing and climbing as well as running weekly sessions in the more traditional sports. In addition to this, they have helped fifteen

students gain their Level 1 sailing qualification and over 50 other students gain Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications in other sports. The Sport for Fun programme has also enabled the Students Union to form a squash and women’s tennis team for the first time! To find out more about the sports on offer through the Sport for Fun programme ‘like’ us on Facebook: sportforfunbucks. Another chance to win! Have your say on sport and win a £200 Amazon voucher! Complete the Higher Education Sports Participation and Satisfaction Survey and influence the way that sport is run here at Bucks. The survey is simple and should only take around 15 minutes. All you need to do is check your email after Monday 21st November, tell us what you think and you could win £200! To find out more about the survey contact the Sport for Fun team:

application forms. Sally Cushing, Widening Participation Manager at Bucks New University, said: “The new partnership between Bucks New University, Oxford Brookes University and the University of Oxford is an excellent way to deliver a broad programme of aspirationraising activities for young people in schools and colleges across the region. We hope to improve awareness of the range of higher education opportunities and progression pathways and to equip students with the information they need to make important decisions about their future.” Edward Trewhella, UK Marketing Director at Oxford Brookes, said: “It is fantastic that we can continue, and build upon, the successful work of Aimhigher.

Evidence has shown that the activities undertaken made a significant impact on both attainment and progression. It is important that we continue to provide these opportunities to our local young people.” Tara Prayag, Head of Widening Participation at Oxford University, said: “We’re delighted to be able to continue this successful collaboration with our local university partners to deliver a large and diverse range of activities. The Study Higher partnership, alongside our own portfolios of activities, helps us reach as many local young people as possible to enable them to make the best possible decisions about their post-16 choices.”

Wycombe Leisure Card What is the Leisure Card?

Bucks students - this is your FREE passport to fun and fitness. This card allows you to benefit from a number of discounted sport activities in the local Wycombe District. - Collect your application form from room E2.05 or reception - Take your completed form, along with your student ID, to the leisure centre to get your free card - Save up to 60% on activities such as badminton, swimming and squash - Swim for £1 on Wednesdays & Sundays after 1pm - Play for £1 on Wednesdays & Sundays after 1pm (subject to availability, no advance bookings permitted)

Where can I play? Wycombe Sports Centre Marlow Hill, Wycombe, (T) 01494 688100 Court Garden Leisure Complex Pound Lane, Marlow, (T) 01844 274200 Risborough Spring Gardens Wades Park, Princes Risborough, (T) 01628 405200

Email: Facebook: In Partnership with

Working for a safer Wycombe

6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011 Below: Professor Pamela Trevithick, visits Bucks to deliver her lecture entitles ‘What knowledge counts.’

Social work expert explores the use knowledge in child protection


National Union of Students NEWS

rofessor Pamela Trevithick, a leading authority in the area of social work, and author of the best-selling text Social Work Skills: A Practice Handbook, has given a free public lecture at Buckinghamshire New University on the subject of the use of knowledge in child protection. Prof Trevithick is a Visiting Professor in Social Work at the University and during her lecture, entitled ‘What knowledge counts?’, she outlined some of the challenges relating to the acquisition and use of knowledge in social work practice. “The perspective I adopt in my work is that as human beings, we use knowledge to understand ourselves, others and the world around us,” said Prof Trevithick. “Yet in social work, knowledge has tended to be seen as the domain of academics, and skills as the domain of social work practitioners. “However social work practice calls for practitioners to acquire a high level of both knowledge and skills – attributes that are fundamental to performing the job well. It is not possible to protect children without a sound knowledge and skills base. Nor is it possible to protect children without adequate resourcing and

Free NUS extra cards 1000 Descend on London NUS demands soften the blow of for Student Activism 2011 urgent action as youth lost EMA unemployment rises over NUS today demanded urgent Government action to halt the rise in youth unemployment as the numbers of those aged between 16 and 24 who were unemployed rose to over one million for the first time. The social and financial costs of so many young people being unemployed at the start of their working lives threatened the UK’s economy in both the short and long-term. A study released last year estimated the lifetime cost to the economy of 16-18 year old NEETs (Not in education, employment or training) in just one year (2008) to be somewhere between £22bn and £77bn.* NUS said that a further increase in apprenticeships, the restoration of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), the protection of the Care-to-Learn support for teenage parents and ensuring that properly paid internships were available, were simple, cost-effective solutions that could be put in place quickly.

Student Activism 2011 took place at Goldsmiths College, University of London on Saturday 19 November. Activists had the opportunity to attend more than 60 workshops organised and run by campaigning organisations, trade unions and student activists from across the UK. Sessions included a medley of master classes, interactive workshops, training sessions, film screenings, theatre workshops, panel debates and round tables. Organisations including Oxfam, Liberty, the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), UNISON, Unions21, PlaneStupid, MIND and Save the Childrenparticipated in activist sessions for attendees. The event culminated in a rally to discuss the next steps for the student movement. Liam Burns, NUS President, said: “The campaigning landscape has undoubtedly changed, and this forces us to think differently. This event acted as a new way of discussing the new challenges and new opportunities that we face as campaigners.”

Over 400 free NUS extra cards have been given to students, enabling them to claim discounts on a huge range of products and services. The college itself has also chipped in, with bursaries of up to £1,000 a year being made available to students whose families are earning less than £20,000. Toni Pearce, NUS Vice President for Further Education, said: “The loss of the EMA is being keenly felt by many students. NUS is pleased to join forces with Stoke-onTrent College and Stoke-on-Trent College Students’ Union in order to provide support for those students who are finding it hard to make ends meet.” Emma Moseley, students’ union and wider activities co-ordinator at the college, said: “We are delighted to have supported over 400 students.” More NUS News available online at

funding.” Prof Trevithick qualified in social work in 1980, and over the years has worked in a range of different roles, as a residential and statutory social worker, education welfare officer, counsellor and group worker. She is also the Chair of the Group for the Advancement of Psychodynamics and Psychotherapy in Social Work (GAPS), which is a social work membership organisation that was set up in 1984 to promote psychodynamic and systemic thinking in social work. She is a member of the Social Work Action Network (SWAN) and a member of two editorial boards - the Journal of Social Work Practice and Communities, Children and Families Australia. Prof Trevithick’s lecture was chaired by Crystal Oldman, Dean of Enterprise & Business Management in the Faculty of Society & Health at Bucks New University. It was the latest in the series of free public lectures held at Bucks New University, which seek to discuss issues affecting the community both locally and nationally. The University is also hosting a launch event in January of the third edition of Prof Trevithick’s book Social Work Skills: A Practice Handbook.


Happy families A plaque has been unveiled marking a partnership between Bucks and Yeading Junior School in Hayes, Middlesex, that sees Social Work students benefiting from placements at the school and providing assistance to children and families from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The students have been supporting children in the classroom, getting involved in the community and coordinating initiatives since the scheme launched in 2010. Councillor Mary O’Connor MBE, Mayor of Hillingdon, attended the unveiling. Senior lecturer Jenni Burton said the partnership had already proved ‘very beneficial’ to students and to the school.

Health kicks Level One BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Nursing students gave presentations to fellow students in the Park Room at Uxbridge Campus earlier this month about health promotion strategies to combat health and illness challenges across the lifespan of individuals, as well as families. Senior lecturer Mary Mosoeunyane said: “The students delivered presentations and put together their own promotional material to illustrate a range of issues surrounding healthy living. They created a real buzz in the Park Room and enjoyed the opportunity to present their findings to course-mates and other students.”

Human touch Anna McMahon, studying an MA in Human Resource Management, has won the student of the year from the Chiltern branch of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) for its Certificate in Human Resource Practice at Aylesbury College. Anna was presented with a certificate and £100 in book tokens by Gary Robinson, Head of HR at international renewable energy group RES, at a meeting of the CIPD’s Chiltern branch at Aylesbury College. MA HRM Course Leader Jill Walters said: “Anna’s success is testament to the calibre of students we are attracting to study at Bucks. Huge congratulations to her.”

Trendy times Leading trend forecasting company STYLESIGHT, specialising in fashion, textiles, interiors, and lifestyle, has set final-year BA (Hons) Textiles and Surface Design students an eightweek project to come up with samples and swatches which will be judged in December by a panel including its Materials & Innovation Editor, Philippa Wagner. Course leader Andie Robertson said: “Ten students will be profiled on the site so their design ideas and final swatches will potentially be shown to 33,000 customers, with one student also being offered a 12week graduate internship and two others given the opportunity to visit the London design offices.”

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 7

We were all pathological children I

sn’t it surprising that I blew probably over hundred balloons in my life and I am still alive? Well, according to the latest European Union health and safety decisions, my parents put my life at risk almost one hundred times by letting me have fun with blowing balloons for my birthday parties. I still remember all my baby guests having a ‘blowing balloons competition’ around my birthday cake and guess what? – none of us died. Looking at all the safety issues over children nowadays, lately regulated by the European governments, I am really worried if my kids will be even able to breathe without my supervision. According to the latest regulations, children under the age of 13 cannot blow balloons without adults control because they can swallow them. Do they, really? After I heard this news, before we all go mad here in Europe, I would like to recall some of the things we were allowed to do just twenty years ago and again – none of us died. We are the children of parents who now would be called ‘pathological’ by psychologists. My brothers and sisters and I along with the rest of ‘our street’ were brought up on the outskirts of a little town. We were brought in a way that nowadays psychologists dream about in their nightmares. Luckily, our parents didn’t know their methods are pathological and we didn’t know we were pathological children. We all belonged to our ‘street crew’ and we could all play on numerous building-sites surrounding our town. Every time someone stepped on a nail and hurt themselves, their mother would force it out and disinfect the injury with a weird purple liquid. Shortly after this routine she would smack us. She wasn’t afraid we would hurt ourselves ever again, because she knew that a good smack is the best way to teach us the “SHF” rules – The Safety and Health of Fun. Most of us didn’t attend playschool and our parents weren’t afraid we would be retarded without an extra-early education – they assumed we can start our education from Year One. Grandmother was the one to fight with our seasonal sicknesses such as a cold. She would give us some garlic, a hot tea with a bit of spirit and put us under the thick cover, so none of us ever suffered from tuberculosis or bronchitis inflammation. The doctor couldn’t tell if we were ill because he was rarely available in our little town. Grandmother was the one to ascertain that we were unwell. I should mention that at that time no one put our grandmothers in prison for giving a bit of alcohol to kids. We used to have fun going out to play in the forest. We used to eat berries and play with the sticks which had been wet by dogs or foxes. No one caught any animal diseases because at that time we didn’t know they existed. Our mothers weren’t petrified that we were playing away from home - if we could get there we could come back as well. We just had to remember to be home on time. If we weren’t we would get a smack. If we stole apples from

ours neighbour’s orchard he would punish us himself with a smack. Our father would thank him for help with our upbringing and buy him a beer in the local pub. In summer, we would all ride our bikes and play in the local lake. No one drowned and somehow, we could all swim without special lessons to learn this art. I remember the special competition which involved jumping off balconies to prove which of us was the bravest. Jack broke his leg. We all got a smack and never tried this stupid game again. Also, one of our more extreme pastimes; downhill body-boarding, in which our whole gang would lay on skateboards and race down the steepest hill in the neighbourhood. This wasn’t just any race however, it involved an unfair amount of pushing and colliding, trying to knock your rivals down so we could claim first place. The leader of the pack would crash through a thin piece of ply wood to secure victory as the girls on the sidelined cheered a somewhat unworthy reward since the winner was now scraped and bruised to oblivion. The point being, scraped and bruised was just another part of a kid’s healthy lifestyle and we weren’t sent to a school psychologist suspecting domestic violence. One of our friends had his piano lessons while we could all play together outside. We all felt sorry for him that he was missing out on building a ‘base’ in the snow and our parents were always talking about how awful it is to keep him inside practicing – ‘let the kids be kids, they will have their whole life to be serious’ they used to say. Also, when I was a kid no one had to drive us or walk to school. We all knew which side of the road we had to walk and how not to fall under the car because if we didn’t we would have gotten a smack. We didn’t need an army of babysitters, parents or teachers to organise our spare time – we knew we had each other to play and adults take care of their business. According to the modern researches

we could die hundreds of times and the balloons weren’t the biggest threat. Speaking on behalf of us, ‘pathological’ children I would like to remind everyone that we all ate dirty fruits, didn’t always wash our hands before dinner and no one used to run after us with a scarf or a hat checking if we were too hot – again surprisingly, no one died. Our parents approach wasn’t always perfect and we didn’t know they were ‘pathological parents’. We didn’t know they wasted our childhood not occupying us with ballet and boxing classes. Maybe not all of us are at universities, but all of us have got a reasonable occupation. We all went through childhood exploring life on our own terms, having just a few simple rules to remember. Apart from these, the freedom belonged to us. By Mandi C

Do you know who represents you? Each and every course here at Bucks has an elected Student Representative who collects feedback from the class and passes this on to course level meetings, with academics and registry staff in attendance. But do you know yours? Reps need to hear your feedback on all aspects of your course: from teaching and learning to assessment and feedback, to the organisation of the course, the good and the bad. With this information they can provide a credible voice and ensure that the University is committed to providing quality education and protecting the welfare of students. These Reps have already made real change happen for your benefit on your courses, whether it’s getting more books in the library, helping to arrange trips that suit your needs, or campaigning for teaching quality on courses facing closure. Make sure that they are passing on your

views and representing your best interests by making sure you know who your Rep is! Find your Rep through our Rep Finder at bucksstudent. com/rep-finder. Here you can search by your course, School, or Department to find your elected representative. You can also check the details of a Rep whose name (or part of their name) you already know. Can’t see a Rep for your course? Some smaller courses do share Reps with other courses that attend the same modules with but you will also notice that we do still have some vacancies that we need Reps for, which are currently going without representation: No Rep, NO Voice! If you are interested in getting involved or want to check who your Rep is please contact Amy McLaughlan for Design, Media & Management courses or Tom Foy for Society & Health by emailing or

8 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011



Top 10 for long distance relationships at university • Schedule communication • Be on the same page • Be honest • Establish trust • Make time for each other • Be thoughtful • Arrange visits to look forward to • Be faithful (no matter how tempting) • Know when it’s the right time to give up. • Ask yourself what do you want most at this stage in your life? By Chloe Farmer

Kiddie catastrophes, childhood capers and babysitting blunders


hen I was little I was obsessed with sherbet spaceships. Hopped up on my intense craving for candy I was a monster; a tiny, cherubic faced sugar fiend. I’d spend hours in the local newsagents, my fat, sweaty little hands pressed against the penny sweet case, my unsteady breathing misting the glass as I admired the vast array of sugary treats. I courted them the way a junkie courts a fix. To make matters worse, and completely unmindful of my growing dependence on glucose products, every week my mother would buy me and my siblings a bag of sweets. Sherbet spaceships, chocolate buttons, smarties, jelly babies and edible Dracula fangs; each bag was practically overflowing with tooth rotting, mouth-watering saccharine sweetness. Unfortunately, being a sadistic, power crazed despot, she’d then place these bags in a kitchen cupboard, far out of reach of our greedy, toddler sized hands. On the top shelf they’d sit, white paper bags seeming to taunt us, ready to be doled out only upon the condition of good behaviour. It was maddening. I was suffering from sweet deprivation. I’d spend days staring at that cupboard; neck craned upwards, small hands curled into fists, cursing my small stature. Like a miniature military mastermind I’d plot ways in which I could get my hands on those sweets. I developed a ninja like focus, a strange kind of strategic tunnel vision. It became a challenge to me; my own personal Everest. Finally, after weeks of secret scheming (and a series of badly drawn crayon blueprints) I came up with a solution. I decided that, in order to get to the sweets, I’d have to enlist the help of my younger brother. At only two and half years old he would take orders and was just naïve enough to be the perfect accomplice. He was also an expert climber. Having already scaled such monoliths as the dining room table, he was the blonde haired toddler equivalent to a nimble spider monkey, (a fact that caused my poor exhausted mother no end of grief).Plus, because I was more verbally advanced than him (he still relied on pointing and baby gibberish) if we got caught I could foist all the blame onto him and escape punishment: it was the perfect plan. After extensive negotiations, (five minutes whispering conspiratorially behind the sofa), we finally agreed that the spoils would be split 60/40.I would get the bigger half because I was the brains behind the operation.

We carefully timed our cupboard raid so it would coincide with the time of day that our mother went out to hang the washing on the line. It was also with some regret that we decided not to involve my sister in the plan. At only four years old she already had the self-preservation instincts of a long term jailhouse snitch: she’d have sold us out in a heartbeat. Anyway, we managed to control our frenzy of excitement until – finally we were left alone long enough to put the plan into action. What happened next was a testament to the power of teamwork. Between the two of us we managed to manoeuvre one of the heavy dining room chairs into the kitchen and push it against the side board. As I acted as lookout, the rest would be up to my tiny, freakishly agile brother. Like a miniature daredevil (albeit, one clad in a nappy and bright red wellington boots) he first hoisted himself onto the chair and then somehow managed to clamber onto the kitchen side. Then, standing on tiptoes and using a T-Rex Dinosaur grabber for extra extension, he clumsily managed to knock the sweets from the top shelf onto the kitchen floor. An avalanche of stolen sweets shot everywhere. Smarties scattered and chocolate cascaded. Victory was ours! It was like an infant version of Mission Impossible (except that both of us were taller than Tom Cruise) We had planned to carefully transport our ill-gotten gains from the kitchen to our pre-designated hiding place (the bottom of the toy chest) where we would carefully split them according to our agreement. However, like most children, we lacked impulse control. So consumed with greed were we, that, by the time my mother came back into the house, the damage had already been done. She found the two of us huddled together, covered in chocolate and guiltily trying to conceal our tracks by shoving the empty sweet wrappers down the back of the sofa cushions. Still, despite the consequences, (a ban on all sweets and cold turkey sugar withdrawal), whenever anyone asks me about my childhood it’s that memory I think of first: an ode to teamwork; a triumph of child ingenuity; a reminder to follow your dreams and reach for the stars (or, in this case, a bag of assorted sweets). I mention all this now because, this week, I found myself thrust into the emotionally shattering, confidence plummeting, frankly exhausting world of

childcare. More specifically, I naively offered to look after my two year old niece and two month old nephew for the afternoon. I used to love babysitting when I was younger, (possibly because Anne Martin’s The Babysitter’s club book series addled my twelve year old brain into believing I could earn lots of money, look after infants AND solve crimes.) But, I gave it up once I realised there are few long term career options in babysitting. Anyway, in offering to help watch the kids, I underestimated their ability to team up and torture me. First, my tiny nephew has decided he prefers to cat-nap rather than sleep. So, along with waking up every 10 minutes, he also insists on being rocked to sleep in a manner which is less about soothing him and more about giving me an intensive cardio workout. You have to place him on his front, holding him slightly away from your body and rock him from right to left. Placing him on his back, results in screaming. Stopping before he’s properly asleep results in screaming. In fact, ANY deviation from the pre-established routine results in screaming. Plus, my niece has now learnt how to say my name which would be great, except she now repeats it over and over to get my attention, as if on loop. Finally, in desperation I attempted to put a Barney DVD on in an effort to get her to stop, at which point she informed me, in a tone which suggested she believed me to be mentally challenged, that I was using the DVD player incorrectly. The fact that this information was imparted to me in a highly patronising manner, by someone who genuinely believes they become invisible when they cover their face with their hands, did little for my self-esteem. It was probably at this point that my confidence (along with any dreams I might have had about one day having children of my own) shrivelled up and went fleeing out of the front door, never to be seen again. I couldn’t help thinking that this was some kind of karma for my own childhood antics. All of which means I’ve drawn two conclusions from this week: • I miss being a kid • I’m a terrible babysitter. Ugh, I’m off to drown my sorrows with some sherbet spaceships…now, has By Siobhan Carney anyone seen my T-Rex dinosaur grabber?

LESBIAN, GAY OR BISEXUAL? Think you might be? Aged 11 to 19? If you are, SPEAK OUT about what life’s like in your school or college. SPEAK OUT is an online survey and is completely anonymous.The study is being carried out by researchers at the Centre for Family Research in Cambridge for Stonewall If you’d like to take part you can find further information at Email: or Phone: 01223 334580

Sick and Cynical “Let’s talk about sex!”


’m not a very sexy person. I look like a cross between ‘Woody’ from ‘Toy Story’ and a runner bean. I have a strange yellow complexion much like a member of the ‘Simpson’ family and gangly limbs like a spider. Despite these things; I do have a sex life. Recently I decided to go to a “GUM” clinic to check up on my sexual health. I grabbed a leaflet from a surgery, found out the ‘Walk-in’ times and strolled up to Wycombe Hospital. “GUM” (for anyone that doesn’t know) stands for “Genitourinary Medicine” which is fundamentally anything to do with your reproductive organs. I am not promiscuous at all. I haven’t slept around or been with anyone that is likely to have or have had an STI. My prime motivation for going to the clinic was to simply be responsible and just make sure. So there I was; sat in a waiting room for close on two hours needing to pee, shuffling in my chair and reading all the sex leaflets around. The heat of the waiting room was similar to that of an oven on Christmas day. Teenagers were sitting, waiting like me – inflated by hormones, secreting liquids and waiting for their names to be called. I spoke to one young guy in there who said he’d been three times before – I think he used the clinic as a place to flirt with girls (creepy if you ask me). I got what is known as ‘the full works’. My genitals were examined by the colds hands of a woman I’d never met before, my blood was taken by a woman I’d never met before, I had a frightfully long red stick put up somewhere I’m reluctant to admit and I had to hand over my pee through a


By Ross Henbest

serving hatch in a toilet. There really is something slightly unnerving about pulling your trousers down in front of a person you don’t know and then letting them - do things to you... This sudden burst of interest in my own sex life has led me to start looking at things online. It really is hilarious some of the things you read – “Blow her mind in bed” is an extremely vulgar article from Men’s Health Magazine (2011) discussing ways you can be the “Best she’s ever had”. The moment they use the words “Scientifically proven” thousands of men sit up, read and probably forget it by the time they get to the bedroom. This now leads me to my ULTIMATE ONLINE OBSESSION – online sex advice. May I just add that it isn’t quite an obsession but more of an interest. Sex isn’t a taboo subject amongst students. There is a very high chance that conversation between friends will always end up on the topic. It is always a positive thing to share experiences amongst friends, good or bad. Despite Lads usually giving a disgusting amount of detail in their descriptions of their sexual adventures – at least they are talking about it. Looking at online sex advice can confuse people, but if you look in the right places you can find generally quite interesting (and hilarious) stories. If you’re confused – find clarity at the sex clinic. Get the right advice, stay safe and be responsible. I haven’t heard back from the clinic yet, apparently: “No news is good news”. Now for a lasting image: I was even given glow in the dark condoms at the clinic. Imagine - me swinging myself around like a Jedi wielding a light-saber.

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 9

Dear Busty... Dear Busty,

Dear Busty,

I recently read in the Bucks Free Press that there has been an increase in muggings around the Wycombe area – especially Halls of Residence! This makes me very worried….any advice?

Every time I get drunk I always go home with my ex-boyfriend and completely regret it the next day! HELP!

Sophie, 18 Well my wee scardy pants Sophie, firstly I must say that Wycombe is as safe as you make it and these muggings are hopefully just a phase! However Pet your Aunty Busty suggests you always walk home with a friend, let your flatmates know where you are and when you are likely to arrive home. This way you can be a Safe Sophie rather than a Scardy-pants Sophie. If you can’t find anyone to walk home with then….chance your luck and find yourself a handsome Buck! Busty is one Buck who never has to worry about going home alone…wink wink Rusty! Kisses on your face Busty x

Anonymous, 22 Dear oh dear anon…friends with benefits just isn’t cool anymore! Stop selling yourself short, it’s time to move on. We’ve all been there princess even dear old Busty herself was once the victim of ‘Ex Sex’ and take it from me, he was a Bucker! If all else fails, get yourself a rabbit and I don’t mean a pet! ;) Kisses on your face Busty x Dear Busty, Being a typical student I have spent all my cash on going out and have left nothing for Christmas presents for my family….any ideas? Mark, 19

Marky boy, ever heard of a penne pasta picture frame!? Mums love them and this is the cheapest gift you’ll ever give. This D.I.Y present would definitely been seen on Art Attack and make Neil Buchannan proud! Get yourself down to Tesco, a bag of crafty pasta will only set you back 30p! What a great idea, Busty is not just a pretty face! Kisses on your face Busty x

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TUE 6 – SAT 17 M

PULL OUT SECTION art brut - headphone disco - the blanks - movember finale



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Bucks Stud

Wed 23 Nov - Tue 06 Dec Wednesday





The Frat House - Netball Takeover Spring Break Theme

LIVE: Art Brut + Dingus Khan

Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


30 Frat House - The Blanks aka Ted’s band from Scrubs Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1







Flirt: Headphone Disco

Unisex: Camo &

Strongbow Red Strip Jim Beam Bour Zubrowka Vodka Corky’s Double up

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1




Flirt: Geeks Theme

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1





LIVE: Warbringer



Crash + S

Corky’s £1 Double up on Plus specia

Welcome To The Weekend, selec

dents’ Union

at the Venue High Wycombe



1 a shot n spirits £1 al offers!





Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Comedy Central Live 4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1






Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz 4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


Movember Finale: Back to the Future theme

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


Say Yeah!


Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz

& Krooked + Cutline

w Draft £2.00 pe Can £2.00 rbon & Coke £1.80 & Apple Juice £1.80 s £1 a shot p on spirits £1

* Sunday

ACS: Black & Gold

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

cted drinks only £1.50 from 8pm - 10pm

Suck My Acoustic 4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

16 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011

The Kooks - Cambridge Corn Exchange Wednesday 5th October T

he only other time I had been to the Cambridge Corn Exchange was to see Mis-teeq when I was about 8 years old. I don’t remember the venue much but I do remember having a fantastic time. And this experience was to be no different. As I watched around the bar area before we went to get our seats I noticed that the age demographic was predominately the older generation. I discussed this and came to the conclusion that The Kooks are more ‘chilled’ and ‘laid back’ and therefore would attract this age group. I also remembered my mum knows the words to the absolute classic ‘Naïve’ and that crystallised my conclusion. I wondered how the relaxed and acoustic set that the band were about to perform would come across when the venue was intimate but still relatively big. Luke Pritchard’s vocals were absolutely outstanding and it could be argued that he sounds better live than he does on recording (that’s a pretty tough call). The band’s energy was phenomenal. To say The Kooks are an indie, easy listening band is definitely correct but performing live, their energy is unbelievably out there. The band before, The Tribes, were musically talented but really didn’t perform with much effort or liveliness. They looked as though they

MGMT- Late Night Tales Velvet Underground, Suicide, Julian Cope... not an album of covers; a mix-tape of songs by your very own indie duo. Everyone likes a mix-tape. A mix-tape made especially for them, a collection of songs that fit together as if they were made that way. It’s an easy way to make people remember you are still on the scene? Yeah, why not?

Radiohead-Tkol Rmx Didn’t think it could get any better? You were right.

Blue Daisy - Sunday Gift ‘Never Judge a book by its cover’ starting with a cliché if only to prove it wrong (book/ album, still applies). The hazy background of the album sleeve provides the atmosphere for the meandering ribbons painted on top. Their flickering, fading and fluttering chaos, of non linear depth and smoky anarchic blossoming provides enough adjectives to describe the soundscape within the album. The obscure rhythms create a dystopian parallel from delicate collaborators such as Anneka to more threatening rap from Hey! Zeus.

Icebird (RJD2+ Arron Livingston) The Abandoned Lullaby Livingston’s vocals are clear and crisp and not lost in the depths mellow, funky, and other words which have been stolen from the ‘70s. Compared to the Danger Mouse and Cee Lo collaboration with Gnarls Barkley, it’s got nothing as catchy as ‘Crazy’ was and no where near Radio 1. Livingston can’t quite project as Cee Lo Green does but the lyrics and the beat are there.

James Blake- Enough Thunder Title track - A Case of You, Joni Mitchell cover. I find myself writing about her a lot recently, which I’m ok with. You and I may not often catch people listening to Joni’s vast back catalogue but she appears on many bands’ lists of inspirational people and her guitar tunings, melodies and lyrics are worth researching. Blake’s cover is as simply bare as Mitchell created it, less thunder, more light. One track, Fall Creek Boys Choir, collaboration with Justin Vernon of Bon Iver, is as perfect and haunting as you would expect, but the rest is still pretty whiny. By Sorcha Collister

had no drive. Their timing, dexterity, melody and rhythms were all natural and easy to listen to and no doubt they’re extremely talented. However they failed to really get the crowd going. As always, the main act makes the warm up act look amateur although The Tribes did play well and for that I congratulate them. The indie generation seems to be a skinny fit suit and a high guitar and Luke and the guys definitely followed their indie ancestors. The smart but comfortable look really completed the entire image of the night. The band performed a mixture of their new album and their older, more conventionally well-known material. Favourites such as ‘She moves in her own way’ and ‘Ooh la’ had the crowd smiling and singing their hearts out. I was lucky enough to be sitting and watching this incredible experience near to the back of the venue. Looking down on the standing area created an image of literally ‘squished sardines’ as the heat in the room was compacted and I actually felt a little sorry for them. Sitting in our UU 23 and 24 seats, we enjoyed the entire spectacle and could feel the real energy of the night as the sound bounced around the theatre. All of the songs performed seemed to be so much bigger than in the recordings. This was a fantastic way of performing as it gave the audience a real buzz and the sound

was phenomenal. Kudos goes to the sound technicians for that one. The tempo slowed down as Luke performed the first track from the first album ‘Seaside’ as a solo piece to the side of the stage. Luckily we had perfect vision of this performance and his vocals were pitch-perfect. His peculiar and eccentric vocals really followed the theme of the night which was a chilled vibe but with plenty of get-up-and-go and vitality. Who would have thought that this mix would work together so well – only with The Kooks! ‘Do you wanna’ was one of my personal favourites as the absolute precision of the music and the bigger sounding riffs filled the room. The lighting throughout the entire gig was absolutely phenomenal but this song especially worked. Strobe lighting and bright colours attacked the audience in perfect timing to the sections of the song. This had everyone moving and singing along with passion. The latest album includes newer electric sounds such as more electric guitar and more of a snythy feel. This works well as the direction of The Kooks has progressed and the same excellence in lyricism keeps them at their peak. The show was incredible with a mix of albums, fantastic performances and unbelievable skill from the entire band. All in all, it was a By Lauren Troiano fantastic night.

Apparat - The Devil’s Walk

“Thus did the Devil, through earth walking, hum low a hellish song” * Berlin’s Sascha Ring could be found recently with Modeselektor and their project Moderat. Prior to this he hadn’t released anything solo since 2007. His portrait on the album cover is grim, grey and gaunt - a fair indication of the darkness within. Once you are into the depths of this album, you find it actually just falls on the sunnier side of the fine line, which on one side holds gaunt, the other melancholic. Beneath the beat’s synths and drums the exhilarating atmosphere is redolent of Guillemots. *From the Devil’s Walk, a protest poem by Percey Bysshe Shelley featuring some dark descriptions of the Devil walking through London and encountering members of the ruling classes - London’s current ruling class, that of the electronic residents.

Blink 182-Neighbourhoods Out on Interscope

It’s been a long time coming for the Blink 182 boys who have clearly done a lot of soul searching since their last album release in 2003. With ‘Neighbourhoods’ Blink 182 could’ve gone one of two ways for their sixth offering. One way would be to streak through 90s nostalgia on Red Bull with poop gags galore, another would be to try and reenact the serious musicianship and experimental songs they had on their previous releases. Luckily for some, this album actually goes down the third route - straddling between both. Starting off with opener “Ghost on the Dance Floor” the album kicks off on a surprising Angels and Airwaves note, which is a really nice note to start on- its like band are acknowledging why they split in the first place whilst kicking it into touch.

Single “Up all night” seems to support this sentiment and both tracks are rather good additions to an album which acknowledges the bands past while looking to the future. “After Midnight” and “Kaleidoscope” offer a more serious, sophisticated tinge to the album while “Hearts all Gone”, “Love is Dangerous” and “MH 4.18.2011” offer a more fun, poppy, sing-along punk side. There is a combination of instant favourites and growers on an album which is relaxed about its past. Yet while there is an understandable dark tone to the album (in 2008, drummer Travis Barker almost died in a plane crash, a month before regular Blink-182 producer Jerry Finn died of a brain haemorrhage) the album remains a confident and brutally honest step towards the band’s future. Welcome back Blink 182.

Key Tracks: ‘Even If She Falls’, ‘Snake Charmer’, ‘Hearts all Gone’, ‘Natives’, ‘Ghost on the Dancefloor’ Rating: By Sarah Campbell


Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 17

Top 5 new tracks you have to hear

Unbroken by Demi Lovato Disney’s very own pop princess has released her 3rd album, and it’s a far cry from the cheesy pop tunes that were expected. The album reflects Demi’s life, covering everything from her stint in rehab after having an emotional breakdown last November, broken hearts, bulimia, self harming and her father’s battle with alcohol. It’s the sort of album where you’re not constantly shuffling songs to listen to a select few. It’s more an album which you’d stick on, lay back and just listen to her impressive vocals and lyrics, and let’s be honest there isn’t a lot of them around. In an interview with AHN, Demi stated Rihanna and Keri Hilson as her inspirations. The most powerful song, without a shadow of doubt is ‘For The Love Of A Daughter’. Dedicated to her father, it’s message is loud and clear through a simple sentence ““Oh father, please father, put the bottle down for the love of a daughter...”. I’m fortunate enough not to have an alcoholic father, but in a single song, the rawness of the song leaves me feeling quite emotional and able to feel the pain of many. ‘Skyscraper’ (her first single) is probably quite morbid despite the breathy vocals and was recorded/filmed before Demi went into rehab. With lyrics like “Would it make you feel better to watch me bleed” were slightly worrying but once the rest of her album was released it was clear that the whole album was more Pop (with elements

of R&B) than emotional! Her single sold over 500,000 copies placing it at number 10 on “Billboard Hot 100”. ‘Fix A Heart’, ‘Mistake’ and ‘Unbroken’ are other songs on the album which shouldn’t be shunted aside so quickly. They incorporate the fun side of Demi’s personality but you see a maturity that hasn’t been seen before. There’s no shortness of collaborations with Missy Elliott and Timbaland in ‘All Night Long’, Iyaz in ‘You’re My Only Shorty’, Dev in ‘Whose That Boy’ and Jason Derulo in ‘Together’. Quite clearly in the tracks, you can hear that Lovato knows how to hold her own ground and doesn’t shrink into the background but instead rises up making it clear that she’s here to stay. The song’s received mixed reviews, but the majority of them have had nothing but praise for Demi, with celebrities like Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian and Kelly Osborne to name just a few who have been taking to Twitter to express this!

By Sarah Campbell

1. Korn (ft. Skrillex & Kill The Noise) Narcissistic Cannibal

Angst ridden Nu Metal kingpins Korn have gone dub step, which initially sounds awkward and strange. I for one initially couldn’t make this out [being a fan oldskool Korn] yet this does manage to grow on you as a concept simply because of the somewhat genius of Jon Davis’ songwriting ability. Are Korn jumping on the Pendulum, Enter Shikari bandwagon? Possibly. But they make it work so well you just don’t care.

2. The Kooks -

Junk of the Heart (Happy) Without a doubt, I’d recommend listening to the whole album at least once, and not shrug Demi off because her roots are from Disney. Miss Lovato is clearly going to be a force to be reckoned with in the future and she’s already had a lot of life experiences for a 19 year old. But watch out, because Demi Lovato is back, unbroken, and stronger than she’s ever been! Rating:

What do you mean you haven’t heard ... rabbit junk?


here are many different ways of describing the DIY, digital hardcore behemoths that are Rabbit Junk. But only one word seems fitting and that is: epic. Rabbit Junk are a band who are a little of bit of every genre possible- from techno to metal - it is all thrown headfirst together in a wonderful mess, that is affectionately known as “hardclash.” Formed by JP Anderson after his band The Shizit dissolved, Rabbit Junk is JP alongside additional vocalist ‘Sum Grrl’ Jennifer Bernett. Alongside JP and ‘Sum Grrl’ there are additional members Kent Ames, Coleman Thornburg and Dan Gardner who support the pair on live shows. Since their formation in 2004, Rabbit Junk have four albums under their belt. Their self titled debut features the rather memorable Police cover ‘Man on the Moon’ along with tracks ‘Orange laces’ and ‘Plastical.’ Rabbit Junk’s debut is almost tentative. However, in comparison with the follow up

‘REframe’ [2006] which builds up on the blend of metal, hip hop, electronica and dance further with tracks such as ‘the Beating Track’ and ‘February War’. Yet it is 2008 release ‘This life is where you get f*****’ that remains Rabbit Junk’s breakout album. A concept album which is loosely based on three different themes, the album is a brilliant listen with so many amazing tracks to choose from. From ‘The Struggle’ to ‘Death of a Bike Thief’ the album is a highly notable and ambitious addition to the bands discography. Fourth album ‘Project Nonagon’ [2010] is a sequel to the previous album which builds up the same concept featured before. The album is notable for the absence of ‘Sum Grrl’. Aggressive, political, angst ridden unpredictable, fun and simply genius, Rabbit Junk are a concept, statement and sound that demands immediate attention and respect.

Brighton lovelies The Kooks look to make you happy if you’re a good girl tonight with this instantly catchy song. Worth listening to if you feel down, want to make a point to your significant other or just want to dance to slightly cheesy song without going all out on a cheese fest.

3. The Wombats 1996

The seventh song from new album ‘This Modern Glitch’ is an ode to a childhood in the 90s, in a 80s synth style track. In comparison with other singles, it’s a song that isn’t an instant hit, yet remains a track that’s rather nice to reminisce and relate to, regardless of when you were born!

4. The Staves Mexico

The rather heavenly up-and-coming girl band “The Staves” have brought out a rather slow and chilled track which is a forerunner to their EP that will be released with the same name. The song is a beautiful example of perfect harmonies and laid back melodies. Perfect.

5. Washington I believe you Liar

Chilling, dark and ethereal, Washington is a woman who is one to watch. This piano led track is a gorgeously simple song which highly deserves the praise its been getting from iTunes (who made it their song of the week) and fans.

Key Tracks: Iso vs Life, the Beating Track, Guns By Sarah Campbell

Kasabian -Velociraptor! STEFANS SONG OF THE WEEK! Out on Columbia Records Leicester loudmouths Kasabian have brought out a fourth album which is bold, big and barmy yet manages to fall flat. Far more straight forward than previous offerings in terms of structure and songwriting, it all started off well with hypnotic and addictive lead track ‘Switchblade Smiles.’ Opening track ‘Let’s roll just like we used to’ starts the album off like an old Western before diving into a bass driven, Arctic Monkeys-esq track. While Kaiser Chiefs sounding ‘Velociraptor’ and James Bond OST bound ‘Days are Forgotten’ bring the theme of 60s style rock home. Meanwhile out and out pop song “Re-Wired” is a gem on the album. While 80s synth infused “I hear voices” offers a change of pace to the album, as do tracks like the dreamy “Neon Noon” and The Beatles influenced “La Fee Verte”- or The Green Fairy as its more commonly called when the band quit being pretentious about it.

Other tracks like “Goodbye Kiss” and “Man of Simple Pleasures” can border on tedious due to their pace but again offer a different side to Kasabian. There’s a lot to like about this album, it is such a mixed bag of different tracks, themes and ideas but it does leave you feeling a little short changed. Everything on the album feels a bit like wearing a mismatched suit or socks with stilettos to a carnivalnone of it goes particularly well together. This album ultimately shows a more conservative to Kasabian’s musicianship. This is an album which is far less experimental and less out there. While flashes of the old Kasabian remain, ‘Velociraptor’ is a more mature, forward thinking, grown up sound that looks to propel the band to another level. Whatever that level is... Key Tracks: ‘Switchblade Smiles’, ‘Neon Noon’, ‘Re-Wired’ By Sarah Campbell

Tinchy Stryder – Off The Record



ff The Record is the second single released from Tinchy’s long anticipated fourth album Full Tank; the first being Top 5 hit Spaceship featuring Dappy. The upbeat electro house track, co-produced by Burns and well-known DJ Calvin Harris, signals a change in sound from the London grime artist’s last album, Third Strike, which was more grime and hip hop. Also, being released just a week ago, Off the Record carries the hallmarks of a delayed summer smash. Tinchy’s opening line ‘I’m Vegas…I’m calling’ immediately puts you in the holiday mood and its pulsating beats, chants and anthemic synths have Ibiza stamped all over it, making it a definite throwback to the summer. A blatant contrast to the dull and damp November weather that has tortured us recently! The energetic club track sees Tinchy fully embrace the dance music scene, rapping over fuzzy Swedish House Mafia-esque synths and a futuristic dub-step inspired breakdown in the middle. Tinchy’s rap has bags of charisma; mentioning Katy Perry and co-producer Calvin Harris’ single ‘The Girls’, before the track erupts into a catchy infectious chorus. The chorus, with the lyric ‘My life is like a rollercoaster…’ sums the song up perfectly; fun and lively. This song is just the one you need if you’re reminiscing over memories of clubbing abroad this summer and hopefully Calvin Harris, who also produced Rihanna’s recent No.1 single, We Found Love, may have rubbed some of his chart-topping magic on this song too! By Stefan Miller

ted's band from scrubs THEME: DOCTORS AND NURSES

WEDNESDAY 30TH NOVEMBER 8PM - 2AM, THE su WITH DJS MATT AND SI + HOTSHOT AND MENNIS TWO ROOMS OF CHEESY MUSIC AND PAST CLASSICS KEG STAND - BEER PONG - ALL NEW BLOW ZONE £3 for a 2 PINT JUG straight from the Keg!! Snakebite £1.70, Large glass of House Wine £2.50, Pint Of Coke/D.Coke/Lemonade £1.00, Corky's £1 A Shot/Double Up £1

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 19

BucksSocieties Last night a DJ saved my life I got to spend a few precious moments with the boys from DJ Soc, Chris Gould and Nico Carstensen, in the run up to their DJ competition finals. Q. Can you tell us a little bit about the DJ Society? Well, the DJ Society is really a society that wants to introduce a wider range of music to the SU and Wycombe. We want everyone to have the chance to express themselves musically, so it’s not just about DJs, it’s about anyone who’s interested in music. We teach mixing lessons so, if you wanted to become a DJ we could help you with that. It really gives you a platform to start from. Our aim is to expand wider and get our DJs to become well known not just within the SU but in the whole country. The thing about the DJ Society is that we aren’t like the other societies, obviously being part of a society is like being in a family but for us it’s also about networking and meeting other amazing musicians who just want to make good music. Our initiations won’t be like everyone else’s; they’ll basically come along network with other DJs and event organisers. Q. Why did you decide to have a DJ competition? We decided that it would be the best way to find good student artists, who will be able to represent the music in our university. Also, just to find a wider range of music, not just the commercial stuff on Wednesdays and Fridays. We want to find different

Two months ‘down under’

By Donique Lindsay genres that someone might not have heard of and love; we want student music to become a lot broader. Q. What do you think makes a good DJ? Someone that can listen and keep things in beat obviously, but someone who can put their own personality in the show, not just pushing buttons. They need to be someone who can perform and get the crowd going; good stage presence is one of the most important things we’ll look for. People love music but they don’t get the right music to love. This is why we wanted to have this competition. Q. Out of your five finalists do you have any favourites? We all have personal favourites; coming from different musical backgrounds it really reflected how we judged each contestant. There was one guy who played some really heavy dub-step, who I really liked, but Nico liked another finalist who played some really good drum and base. But in the competition we won’t judge on what we personally like but we judge on movement skills and what music they choose to get the crowd going. Q. How will you choose the winner? We have The Cut Up Boys from Radio One and Ministry of Sound who are going to help us judge and also perform a set, which will be really interesting. We also have some DJs from the SU as well, so there’s going to be a wide range of people on the judging panel. We’ll judge on stage presence, mixing skills and music choice. Then the winner will get a professional pair of headphones to mix with, as well as some slots to play at in the SU and DJ Soc parties.

Best Notice Board Design On the 4th November Societies were up against each other in the competition for the best Notice Board design. Cheese and Ham Photography Society won the £100 prize with their informative and decorative design! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! A close second was NSF Furniture History Society. And third place went to the Salsa Society. Many thanks to Mooting Society, Societea, BSN, Law Society, Mature Students Society, Red Button, Green Society, Climbing Society and LGBT for their entries! They are all fabulous.


But all is not lost if your society missed out on a prize, there will be another competition for which board is the most up to date throughout the year and remains relevant. This competition will be run next year. If your society has not managed to get anything up on your board then please do organise something for it ASAP as it is a great way to grab people’s attention and to get new members. To organise your board then please email tansy.ratcliffe-james@bucks. If you want to take a look at the winning board then pop along to the Ground Floor of the East Wing.

St John’s Ambulance Link Society Are you interested in learning first aid? The SJA Links Society meets every alternate Monday evening 5pm-7pm in N1.07. Everyone is welcome, even if you don’t know the first thing about first aid.

You can come along and find out what it’s all about. The next meeting is on Monday 21st November. Come and have a look. If you want any more information you can e-mail Stephen at

By Harrison Boileau - Features Editor

Australia is literally as you would picture it. Beautiful landscapes, beautiful wildlife and beautiful people the only downfall I would say is the price of things in Sydney; ‘everything’s premier … including the price.’ I left Los Angeles and prepared myself for a twelve-hour flight with ‘Thai airways’ - very different to Virgin Atlantic, I can tell you. We stopped off in Nadi, Fiji and from looking outside the airport window I can honestly say that Fiji is now on the list! When I finally arrived in Sydney the heat instantly hit me and I was also very ‘jet-lagged’. I tried to take in as much scenery as I could on the way to the place where I was staying, but kept finding myself nodding off; crazy time zones, England to L.A. – back eight hours, L.A. to Sydney – forward nineteen hours. The first couple of days I found myself adjusting to the time and climate. The tropical weather really upset my allergies, like a geeky schoolboy with square glasses and his top button done up with ink stains all over him, surrounded by bikini babes and surfer dudes. I had nothing going for me …the accent doesn’t even work out there! The first photos I took were of the Opera House and the

Harbour Bridge, guess you can’t go to Sydney without seeing them. If you don’t fancy walking the bridge there is also a boat that can take you across to North Sydney. North Sydney is where ‘Luna Park’ is located; it is basically one big acid trip, although definitely a place to take the kids. Sydney is a great place for art of all kinds, with many galleries, exhibitions and general street art that was quite outstanding. I was also lucky enough to catch the famous ‘Biennale’ festival, which hosts some of the best contemporary art from I have ever seen, ‘www.’ however some installations are perhaps not for the faint hearted. Food and drink wise Kangaroo is a must; and you don’t have to feel guilty about it, they are considered pests out there. I met a guy whose job was to go around golf courses at night and hunt them …crikey! Stay away from Fosters, it isn’t that popular and is so obvious, Try Toohey’s or Coopers ale for the genuine Ozzy beer drinking experience. Having left Sydney, myself and a few friends that I met out there decided to ‘road trip’ up the East coast. A distance of 1,300 miles was covered; about the same distance from

London to Naples. During this trip, I really got to experience some of the ‘true’ Australia. Beautiful beaches, vast outback, Kangaroo herds, Byron Bay hippies and extreme heat that made even me tan! I remember one occasion when we came across this deserted lagoon; we got in and were welcomed by turtles and eels swimming around us (yes eels). The road trip diet consisted of McDonalds and Burger King, you just can’t escape it wherever you go. We did, however, have Subway when we wanted to be healthy. I also seriously recommend ‘Eagle Boys Pizza’ if you ever visit Oz. You can actually feel your heart beat slowing down. To sum it up, Australia is where I met some of the genuinely greatest people. They are out to help you and places like ‘Byron bay’ and ‘katoomba’ (Blue mountains) is where many seemed to be living this relaxed lifestyle that any ‘Brit’ would dream of. Surrounded by views that astonish, God must have seriously patted himself on the back when he finished this place. Australia is where I experienced many things for the first time such as rockclimbing, deep sea diving and fire juggling. The 24hour flight back is, admittedly, a killer.

Mature Students Society November 2nd saw the Mature Students Society’s first takeover of the Students’ Union on a Wednesday night. Assisted by the Ladies Rugby team, we hosted a night of Bar Olympics and a school disco with some great prizes and fun games to do throughout the evening. Thanks to all those who came down dressed in school uniform and to the Mature Students and Ladies Rugby members who “manned” the stalls. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their night. I would also like to thank the two other ladies who volunteered their time to help out later on in the evening when the temporary bar was getting busy. We made a total of £226.06 and had a great time. On November 5th some intrepid Mature Students joined forces with some other fun seeking students and attended fireworks and a bonfire extravaganza in High Wycombe. Some facts and figures from the night - Cost of the fireworks was £4,000 by a company called Pyromagic. - The fireworks display lasted a whopping 27 minutes. - The event is organised by High Wycombe Round Table. They were

assisted by the High Wycombe Rotary Club, High Wycombe Lions, Tangent and High Wycombe Rotaract as well as many other volunteers including members of the Bucks Swans Cheerleading squad. Go Swans. - Attendance was in excess of 2,500 people - The event has raised in excess of £11,000 which will go towards helping local charities. Thanks to some skilful driving by StaceyJo from the Students’ Union we arrived giving us plenty of time to enjoy the food and beer tents as well as giving a number of the group the opportunity to find the candyfloss stall. Unfortunately a couple of the group were not allowed on the inflatable slide and had to cope with playing with the light sword (I’m sure they were lightsabers but I’m guessing that copyright costs a few extra pounds) that someone brought. After a few minutes of playing, we decided to get a good spot for the rest of the festivities. They got the Bonfire going after a few false starts and a short speech from the Mayor and as that started roaring on came the fire jugglers and fire breathers. As the fire breathers and fire jugglers departed, the sky was filled with wonderful colours and strange noises as the first of the fireworks display was let loose.

Screamers, big bangs, Catherine wheels and almost all the colours of the spectrum as the crowd looked on in awe. Almost half an hour later it was over and all that was left was to play with some sparklers and then make our way home. The event was well worth the price especially as it was FREE for Mature Students Society members; even those who paid enjoyed the festivities and said it was a great early evening out. Coming up we have Bingo with all profit going to charities through Movember as well as an end of year raffle with all proceeds going to our two RaG charities, Pepper Foundation and LearnAsOne. Be sure to look out for the Posters and raffle ticket sellers in the coming weeks.

Above: Can’t go to Oz and not see a Kangaroo!, Right: Luna Park, located in North Sydney.

Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

20 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011

Sing You Home Sing You Home Jodie Picoult By MJ



By Shane Millar

arry stood in shock as he realised what had just happened. The director had just called his name out. He’d been given the role of Romeo, not Rex, not even one of the third years. Harry heard Lisa and Raffi shout their congratulations at him and the smattering of applause from the assembled hopefuls. It was dim though. In his state of bewilderment it seemed as if all sound was muted. It was an odd feeling, but it didn’t last long. One voice cut into Harry’s reverie. It was Rex. “That’s a load of s**t!” he boomed at the director. “You’re giving him the part over me? I’m better than he is, I’ve got more experience.” The director’s expression had turned sour. “I’m not denying that, Rex,” he said calmly. “You do have more experience, yes, and I’ve no doubt that you work extremely hard. But you lack something that this young man has in spades.” “And what is that?” Rex asked. “Raw talent.” You could have heard a pin drop in the room after these two seemingly insignificant words were said. Everyone fell totally silent and watched as Rex stood open-mouthed at the front of the theatre. The tension was palpable. Danni reached out a hand and laid it gently on Rex’s arm, as if to comfort him. As soon as she made contact, he brushed her hand aside, and without saying another word to the director, made for the exit. When he reached Harry he stopped. For a second, Harry thought Rex was going to punch him. But he didn’t. He gave Harry one long, withering look, and then shoved roughly passed him. When Rex reached the door he slammed it behind him. The director put his head in his hands for a moment before looking up again. “Actors,” he said, before continuing. “I just want to say well done to those of you who got a part. I need to see my leading couple. I just want to do a quick read through of the first scene, and have a chat about rehearsal times, that sort of thing. The rest of you can go home for today. Thank you.” The room began to empty. Lisa stood and gave Harry a quick hug. “Well done,” she said, shortly before Raffi patted him on the back. Harry then made his way to the stage, where his leading lady was waiting for him. anni Claymore watched Harry Felton walk up to the stage. She was still in shock over what had just happened with Rex. Not because he hadn’t got the part, although Danni thought that he would have, but because of the way he’d just reacted. The way he’d spoken to the director had been rude, and the way he’d shoved past Harry just now, that was uncalled for. She understood that her boyfriend was upset, maybe even angry, but surely there hadn’t been any need for that outburst. “Hi,” said Harry, when he reached her. “Hi,” she said back, not really sure of what else to say. Danni found it hard to meet new people. She was timid when it came to introducing herself and making conversation with those she didn’t already know. This seemed ridiculous. Put her on a stage with a brand new cast and she was as confident as anyone, but a one on one chat with someone new usually made her feel uneasy. he was saved from the daunting task of making small talk by the director, who began to run through their schedule for the duration of the play. Then, they began the run-through of the first scene and Danni felt her confidence return. When Danni acted she used a technique that she and her now famous, Oscar winning best friend, Julia Harris, had perfected together. She was no longer Danni Claymore, budding actor, she was now Juliet, star-crossed lover. She slipped into the role with



ease. All of her nerves, all her worries about Rex, they fell away, lost for now, forgotten. he scene ended, and Danni was herself again. Reflecting on it now, it was clear that Harry Felton was a very talented actor. She could almost see what the director meant about Rex…almost. It was then that the director announced that he wanted to add a dance scene to the production. He asked them if they both knew how to Waltz. “Yes,” replied Danni. She’d been taking dance lessons for a very long time now, and she was more than comfortable with that dance. “Me too,” said Harry, after a slight hesitation. “Good,” said the director, clapping his hands together. “That makes my job a whole lot easier. Right, you can go now, I think we’re done here. I’ll see you Thursday for our next rehearsal.” They both nodded and the director left. As Harry and Danni both gathered their things, Danni felt like she should be making more of an effort in talking to her co-star. But she just couldn’t. Every time she went to say something, she felt her nerves creep in and dry up her throat. Eventually, Harry broke the silence and she breathed a sigh of relief. “That was intense,” he said. “Yeah,” said Danni. “But I’ve worked with worse directors. He doesn’t seem so bad.” Harry nodded. “I have a confession,” he said, and smiled sheepishly. “Oh?” “I have no idea how to Waltz.” Danni chuckled, her nerves easing slightly. “It’s easy,” she said. “I’ll teach you. How about we meet up tomorrow after lectures and I’ll go over the basic steps with you?” “You’re a life saver,” he said, and smiled again. Danni paused before asking her next question. “So, you’ve been hanging out with Lisa and Raffi a lot.” “Yeah,” Harry replied. “They’re cool, you know… Lisa told me you all used to be really good friends.” “We did, but…” arry held up his hands. “You can tell me to sod off if it’s none of my business.” “No, it’s fine,” Danni said quickly. “It’s just I’ve never really spoken about it before.” “Well, for what it’s worth, I’m a good listener, and I won’t say anything to Lisa if you don’t want me to.” Danni hesitated. She was breaking all her rules, talking to someone she didn’t know very well like this, but something about this man made her feel at ease. “It’s a long story, but basically, last summer Lisa did some work experience for a performing arts magazine. You know writing articles. She reviewed a play that Rex and I were in. At the time she said she loved it, but she totally slated it in the review.” “That doesn’t sound too bad,” said Harry. “It’s not what she did; it’s how she went about it. She should have told us she didn’t like it then and there, rather than lying to our faces. Anyway, we didn’t talk over the summer, and Raffi sided with her. And now too much time has gone by to do anything about it. Things aren’t so great between me and Rex either, and…” she tailed off. “And I don’t know why I’m telling you all this. You don’t know me, and here I am whining on about my problems –” “It’s okay,” said Harry. “I told you I was a good listener. In fact, I’ve got some time now, if you want to grab a coffee and talk…just as friends, of course.” “I’d like that,” said Danni. s the pair left Cynthia Crawford’s, by this time talking freely, they didn’t notice the silver Porsche parked across the street, the driver watching them intently.




Jodi’s latest book is centred on love and religion. Zoe Baxter’s dream is to have a family with Max Baxter (her husband) and she has spent almost 10 years trying to make it happen, to no avail. The couple are struck with miscarriages. A successful course of IVF leads to Zoe finally getting pregnant only to miscarry at 8 months. The stress and shock ultimately leads to a breakdown of their marriage. Shortly after the divorce, Zoe falls in love – only with a woman (Vanessa). Max finds solace in alcohol before eventually ‘seeing the light’ and joining an Evangelical Church. Vanessa and Zoe get wed, wishing to use the last set of Zoe’s IVF eggs in order to impregnate Vanessa. However, Max isn’t signing over his rights to his unborn child so easily. With his newfound stance on religion, Max doesn’t agree with his ex-wife’s decision and sure enough, a court case ensues to see exactly who does have that right. What’s truly unique about this book is that it’s the first piece of fiction which has an accompanying soundtrack. You can listen to the soundtrack sung by Ellen either online, order a CD or with a code. It’s an enhancing method which let’s you see inside Zoe’s heart. More than this, with Zoe Baxter being a music therapist, it’s a fitting way to

round off the whole experience, as well as seeing the story unfold! The detail and finesse from Picoult isn’t hard to miss at all, and at certain points, it’s rather extra-ordinary just to see how much research had clearly been put into the topic. However, my only small niggle is that Zoe and Vanessa’s characters have been clearly painted whiter-thanwhite with not a single flaw between them. However, Max’s character is flawed and imperfect, which sticks out like a sore thumb, and in moments can be slightly predictable. At the end, it is apparent that Jodi wanted to drive through her own political views on same-sex couples but it would have been nice to see shades of grey within Zoe and Vanessa’s characters. Within the story, you have side storylines that have cleverly been woven into the main story. It’s a talent that I find many authors lack but Jodi clearly knows how to channel her strengths!


This doesn’t take away from the fact that Sing You Home is both a compelling read and a page – turner. With twists and turns at the end of every page, you struggle to put the book down. Jodi’s no stranger to red hot moral dilemmas and this book is no exception at all. Never one to shy away from a controversial topic, Jodi does some justice to the standards that she’s been living up to. If you haven’t read it already, I’d definitely recommend Sing You Home!

By Tani Noel

What do your horoscopes bring for you this week? Amazingly horoscopes do have some truths believe it or not. Or, it may be that any truth to these horoscopes comes from your subconscious making things happen. But who knows! November is the month of Scorpios, so happy birthday to my fellow Scorpios! If you’d like to say a happy birthday to someone, you can send the names to my email address and I will try to dedicate a shout out. Scorpio: Oct 24-Nov22 A new moon in your sign will boost any efforts you make this week in your career. There are no limits to what you can achieve when you try. If, you fancy a new look, now’s the time to take the plunge. Sagitarius: Nov23-Dec21 You have a busy week ahead of you the stars read this week. Could this be the possible fact of the hard studying in readers week or hard drinking in the SU? Some things have been left unsaid and not sorted out properly ‘maybe with a friend’ who knows. But have no fear you are to get an unexpected invite to a party, this could be your chance to sort out what you haven’t said. Capricorn: Dec 22-Jan20 With Saturn, your cautious ruler, joining forces with assertive Mars, you’ll have a new found boldness in your personal and professional lives. Address the issue you are facing with your personal and professional life and see where it goes. Aquarius: Jan 21-Feb18 Three significant planet events this week suggest you’ll be faced with choices before the weekend: whether you stay or go, accept responsibility or get involved. What takes place between 10th and 18th may be very significant however. Be alert on these days! Pisces: Feb19-Mar20 You never say never and enjoy wherever life takes you. You don’t want to miss out people! So this week’s adventurous new moon, which favours trying out new things, suits your easy going nature perfectly. Aries: Mar 24-Apr20 Saturn gives you the kind of self discipline you rarely possess. Midweek, the focus is on your relationships,

as love planet Venus squares up to Mars- planet of lust and anger. Enjoy your midweek Aries folks! Taurus: Apr 21-May21 This week favours fresh starts for Taureans in existing romances and increases the likelihood of new ones for you singletons out there. With a Venus Mars connection intensifying your sexuality, you’re a total man-magnet right now! Gemini: May 22-Jun21 To get closer to someone’s wavelength you might need to adopt a scientific approach. This is perhaps less about analysing and more about coming up with ways to test a theory. So good luck with that! Cancer: Jun 22-Jul22 What blows through your front door (literally) could create a certain degree of mayhem. It’s probably more likely that friends arriving will do so in an excitable state. That sounds like an average SU crazy night. Leo: Jul23-Aug23 You don’t have to create a drama but you may well do so. Be careful not to overdo or overstate anything. If you do, you’ll find that just as you think you’ve got everything, your bubble suddenly bursts. Virgo: Aug 24-Sep 22 Mercury, your ruler and the planet of speech, clashes with no-nonsense Mars giving you a razor sharp tongue that you shouldn’t hesitate to use. Though be very wise with what you say to people. Libra: Sep23-Oct23 With Saturn moving through your sign you may be putting down foundations, and need to start thinking about where is best for you to invest. In the process you might decide that there are some items around you which are draining. But, which one to choose?

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 21

FASHION & Beauty Halloween - Celeb Style

• Crack an egg on your head - Packed full of protein, the yolk of the egg promotes hair growth and repairs split ends. It also acts as a natural conditioner that leaves your hair shiny and healthy. • Dark circles and puffiness around the eye – These age old tips are the most efficient remedies rather than spending a fortune on potions and lotions. Place a slice of cucumber on each eye and leave for a minimum of ten minutes. Alternatively, dampen two camomile tea bags and leave for the same amount of time. The camomile is a gentle anti-inflammatory that is ideal for the delicate skin underneath the eye.

TOWIE cast on set as black swans, zombie sailors and spooky cats!

This year, celebrities went crazy dressing up for Halloween with the most outrageous, eccentric costumes. This is the time of the year where they can be fun, humorous and (of course) horrific. From the biggest events to trick-or-treating, they were looking to make an entrance. Supermodel Heidi Klum was the most extreme. Hosting her own event - Heidi’s Halloween party - she had to be extravagant. She dressed up as a dead body, showing the first layer of skin. She came out on an autopsy table under a white sheet, wheeled

by doctors then stood up to woo the nation. She outdid everyone with each detail of body work to perfection. Heidi updated the process of the body design applied to her with photos on twitter. The reality star Kim Kardashian was spotted at Lavo, New York City, at the Green Halloween Bash. She dressed as a sultry poison ivy, with her fiery red hair, super high heels and enhancing figure. She said: ‘I wanted to wear something green; there’s Tinker bell or a mermaid, but I wanted to be poison ivy.’ In U.K., The Only Way is Essex crew dressed in tight

PVC outfits, gruesome blood paint, knee high socks and the usual mega high heels during the shoot of their ITV show. Harry Derbridge dressed as a zombie sailor while Maria Fowler went as black swan. Of course, standing out from the rest Joey Essex came as an entertaining alien to go trickor-treating, with his green body suit and a whopping alien head. They sure got into the spirit of the spooky celebration, as it was there chance yet again to stand out in the public eye, but Kim Kardashian dress as ‘poison this time to see who was the ivy’ at Lavo, New York City most creative.

• Making the most of your makeup - After a while mascara tends to dry out due to the air being forced into the tube at each use leaving it clumpy and unmanageable. Dip the tube into a bowl of hot water for 2 minutes allowing it to melt and soften, this will give the remaining product a new lease of life! By Faye Towler Heidi Klum stole the show at her own event as a ‘dead body!’

By Harleen Sangha

By Faye Towler

Body Shop Body Butters -

Tried and Tested

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Throughout the years, The Body Shop has established a rapport with society, promoting fair trade and a ban on animal testing, amongst many other campaigns and values. Time and time again I seem to find myself returning to the same product as it works the best for me in comparison to numerous others in the market. The cold winter months are creeping up, and we all know this causes havoc with our hair and skin. So what’s a better way to replenish moisture back into our daily routines than to use The Body Shop’s body butters? With a staple and seasonal collection you really are spoilt for choice. Fruity fragrances to nutty scents, specified for oily skin to very dry skin, there is a pot suited for anyone. The two that I alternate between are the mango and the coca butter, and I must admit that both have an overwhelming, strong, lush aroma. For someone who isn’t

Who said we can’t all vibe out in Versace?

By Faye Towler

partial to a frequent drenching of perfume every five minutes, this product is perfect as the fragrance lasts on your skin all day. The body butters are designed to melt to your skins temperature, thus allowing a deep moisturising effect. Depending on which butter you opt for, the consistency can differ. For very dry skin, it generally tends to be thicker and denser, for oily skin, the texture is light and airy. Once applied, it starts to absorb into the skin immediately, leaving a moisturised, but non greasy finish. Each pot retails at £12.50, however there are always offers in store or online for discounts. Considering all ingredients are naturally sourced and fair trading is a priority, the price seems somewhat insignificant for the quality of the product. I would strongly recommend the body butters to anyone as it suits all skin types and it is truly lush, you just can’t go wrong!

Highstreet and designer collaborate hand in hand for this season’s fresh and funky trends. The eccentric fashion designer, Donatella Versace had teamed up with H&M to launch the new collection hitting the stores November 17th. The weird and wacky designs will leave you mesmerised, yet yearning for more. Check out the new collection online!


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22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011

ON THE BOX Soaps Review

Movie Reviews The Rum Diary


Above: Amira watches on, secretly happy about her Ex-husband’s relationship with Christian falling apart. Below: Randy Mandy is on the prowl again, and this time it’s Ricky Butcher she has her sights set on!


ell, I hope you’ve all been keeping up to date with Walford and your favourite soap because things are certainly spicing up! We had the shock earlier this week of Ben accusing Christian of molesting him, after Christian rejected his advances. There’ll be a major fall out over this over the coming episodes. Syed’s initial doubts over Christian lead to Christian realising he can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust him and he will depart Walford *sobs hysterically*. Fear not though, the break is merely to tie in with the actor Johnny Partridge’s break as he’ll be performing as Prince Charming in this year’s Cinderella pantomime in Canterbury.

Christian’s return is expected around Christmas/ New Year’s although there aren’t many details yet. Sticking with the Masoods (kind of), we saw Yusef’s web of lies finally entangling him but his behaviour is going to get worse. The darker side of his character is still there and we’ll be seeing occasional outbursts which will show that he’s still bubbling away with anger and hate. Tying in with one of the Christmas storylines, Yusef’s finally going to snap and get his revenge on Zainab ‘dishonouring’ him all those years ago in a more brutal form. By then, the hard driven Zainab we love will be unrecognisable under Yusef’s power and the harrowing violent domestic scenes are bound to shock the audience. It’s all been a bit quiet on the Moon and Branning front but they’ll be back in force on our screens next week. Starting off with the Moons, Kat’s guilt over

Twist, Turns and Tension: Hidden is gripping drama Philip Glenister (Ashes to Ashes) has returned to our screens as high street solicitor Harry By Shane Millar Venn, in stunning four part drama Hidden. Until now, I’d never really rated Glenister as an actor. Having seen a few episodes of Ashes to Ashes I’d come to the conclusion that he was somewhat two dimensional. Now, I have to say that I was wrong: something which I don’t say very often. Glenister portrayed the character of Venn so convincingly that I was totally engaged by his performance. When we are introduced to Venn he seems like nothing more than an ordinary solicitor. He is then approached by the mysterious Gina Hawkes (Thekla Reuten), and we quickly learn that he has a chequered past. Hawkes is a lawyer currently representing a man on a murder charge, named Steven Quirke (Paul Ritter). Hawkes believes that Quirke is innocent. She also tells Venn that Quirke has information on his brother Mark, who supposedly died some years ago. As the plot unfolds, Venn is lured back into a world of criminals, a world that he’d sworn to leave behind.


her kiss is finally going to take hold, leading her to confessing all to Alfie. Upon discovering the truth, Alfie’s finally going to make a decision on whether or not he’s going to stay with Kat properly (long overdue if you ask me!). As mentioned in the last column, Max Branning is back next week! The truth about Tanya’s illness is pretty close to being revealed. However, that’s not the only revelation that Tanya has. We’re going to find out another dark secret that she’s been hiding for years and apparently Cora (her mother) is going to be the most shocked by this truth, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled. Ricky Butcher is another familiar face who is due to return soon, but he isn’t going to be getting the smooth return that he’s been hoping for. Mandy who has been busy planning her wedding with Ian Beale is going to realise that she’s still got feelings for Ricky (Ricky and Mandy had a one night stand in the 1990s) and before you can say “BIANCAAA”, they would have jumped into bed together. Naturally, this is going to have a knock on effect on Bianca’s return early next year... *oooh drama*. By MJ

This fast paced thriller is excellent viewing. The characters are believable and the plot is intricate and full of suspense, as every good drama should be. I would have given Hidden five stars if it weren’t for some points where I thought it lacked. Firstly, and this is only a matter of personal opinion, in the time between having watched one episode and watching the next, I’d forgotten what had happened in the previous instalment. This was not because the plot was in any way unmemorable. I did however; feel that the plot was perhaps a little too convoluted in places. This is not the sort of drama that requires little concentration from the viewer, quite the opposite in fact. It was hard to keep up with the many intricacies of the storyline from one week to the next. I felt that this detracted from my enjoyment of the programme slightly. Secondly, and I won’t say too much here as I don’t want to spoil the plot, the drama was so good, so intense, that when it ended I felt disappointed by the conclusion. This is not as negative as it sounds. In my experience, it is often the case with high adrenaline dramas that the endings are a let down. They are built up so much throughout that they can never live up to your expectations. Criticisms aside, I would still say that Hidden is one of the best drama series that I have seen this year.

The Rum Diary (15) Released 11/11/11 (UK) Running time: 120 mins By Oliver Hunt

fter having a sizable gap of almost a decade between his last poorly received movie Jennifer Eight and his latest adaption of the much loved Hunter S. Thompson book The Rum Diary, director Bruce Robinson is back with in familiar (as well as uneasy) ground. Confessing to relapsing whilst penning the script, Robinson had once sworn never to drink again, as well as never to make a movie as long as the powers-that-be give him full control, but it is good to see the confident director making an expensive feature such as this. And as to be expected, Depp is back as the Gonzo journalist adding that drunken morning after vibe that Withnail & I lingered on, which was skipped in Thompson’s other much loved adaption Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas directed by Terry Gilliam. Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp) wakes up one drunken morning in a stupor to find himself in San Juan, Puerto Rico. After moving from New York to the sunny island, Kemp beings work for a dying newspaper called the San Juan Star whose inhabitancies are nothing more then drunk American fools desperate to con the country out of its money all in the name of the American Dream. Kemp’s editor Lotterman (Richard Jenkins) is nothing more than a cheap, sleazy businessman, whilst his only friend Sala (Michael Rispoli) lends a helping hand as the two spend their nights drinking their sorrows away over rum. Kemp soon finds himself out of his depth as business tycoon, Sanderson (Aaron Eckhart) attempts to scoop Kemp up in order to write up articles for this soon to be American hot spot off the coast of the island. But Kemp isn’t interest in Sanderson’s work but rather his girlfriend Chanault (Amber Heard) and bringing down his phoney empire. First of all, coming from someone who loves Robinson’s previous work as well as Thompson’s I thought that The Rum Diary is a near perfect adaption of the book which wasn’t published until some twenty years after it was written. The right beats are there, interesting characters like the drunkard Nazi-loving Moburg (Giovanni Ribisi)

pop up now and again and Robinson catches the cool 1950’s edge without focusing too much attention on it. Depp as Kemp is also fantastic as he had already played Thompson’s other alter ego Raoul Duke in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and his chemistry with Heard and Eckhart works terrifically. It is surprising that Robinson, after having a long time off directing, has show that he is a capable director given the freedom and right script. If you are a fan of Thompson’s work or Gonzo journalism in general, The Rum Diary is right up your street. Once more, the cynical attitude Thompson held when discussing what the American Dream was is evident as he picks apart the corruption involved. Funny in some places and serious in other, I recommend the movie to anyone who has ever had a hard night of drinking.

Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas (18) Released 13/11/98 (UK) Running time: 118 mins

Favourite Quote: “One toke? You poor fool! Wait till you see those goddamn bats.” - Raoul Duke

By Aaron Champion


on’t you hate films that require some kind of previous experience or education on the part of the viewer to really understand? Well, this movie is one of them and that’s a DAMN GOOD THING. For all of you uneducated film reviewers, do the two main characters, Raoul Duke (Johnny Depp) and Dr. Gonzo (Benicio del Toro) really look like they’re having a grand old time? I don’t think so. Like Hunter. S. Thompson’s classic tome, we see the ugly downside of the drug revolution. Revolutions tend to end in anarchy and pointless bloodshed. Instead of a higher consciousness, we get Duke, and we get a ringside seat for how meaningless and cruel the real world is and a close look at the demons within. Displaying in graphic detail the ultimate failure of drugs as an escape route, you feel the psychic thud as our anti-heroes hit bottom. It’s brutal. It’s a valid complaint since we barely see what the poor guys are like when they aren’t binging, so no level-headed base line is ever really established. These guys didn’t end up this way overnight though. They worked their way down. “The Truman Show” doesn’t make a

lot of sense without knowing the conventions of television. However, we all know about sets and cues and product placement. In this case, uneducated about drugs, these two look like a couple of joy-riders demolishing anything standing in their way. They aren’t exactly doped up on any judgement enhancers. Duke and Gonzo’s understanding of the repercussions always comes too late. They have no guide for their descent into hell, just the psychic corpses of everyone they ran down on the way to mark their way. Duke, Thompson’s alter-ego, has moments of clarity throughout the film. He knows the 60s are over. Like a lot of habitual users, though, he’s always trying to move the bottom of the well lower to prevent hitting it on the way down. The drugs may expand your mind, but sometime you’ll look down and see only the filth you’re standing in. What kind of person thinks this film glamorises drugs? “Die Hard” can be a lot of fun to watch, but I wouldn’t want to live through it. “Fear and Loathing” is a sort of psychedelic action film. It’s a blast, but I wouldn’t want to be there either. If you want an easy rush, get on a roller coaster. The other stuff is just terror. Buy a ticket, take a ride.

Pros: + Amazing Script; True to the book + Johnny Depp at his best Cons: - Maybe a little TOO weird for people

- It literally is just about two guys taking drugs: not too much of a story arc

Cheapest Place To Buy: amazon., £4.46

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 23

In Time In Time (12A) Released 01/11/11 (UK) Running time: 109 mins


ndrew Niccol directs this sci-fi thriller where time literally is money in a place where you stop ageing at 25, and wake up to find a green countdown timer on your arm, counting down to 26 where you’ll “time out” (aka die through a rapid seizure). However, in order to continue living, you need to acquire more time just to stay alive. It’s where the rich live forever and the poor die on a daily

basis. In order to keep the rich and poor separate there are “time zones” which effectively separate the population according to their class and wealth. Bills, food, and clothes are all ‘paid’ for by time and with the Timekeepers constantly upping the cost of living, it’s no wonder that so many people from the poorer time zones struggle to keep up to date with their costs and are living on a day to day basis. Will Salas (Justin Timberlake), a former gambler, lives in a run down area with his mum struggling to get by. An encounter at a bar leads to Will being ‘gifted’ 100 years. You’d think that he lives happily ever after? No, he doesn’t. The beneficiary man “times out” and the corrupt timekeepers don’t believe that Will was gifted at all and he’s falsely accused of murder.

Taking Sylvia Weis (Amanda Seyfried) hostage, a rich heiress, they go on the run with a mission to steal from the rich and try and distribute time as equally as possible – giving everyone an elongated life and not getting caught. We see Sylvia going from being Wills’ hostage to a willing participant (once she’s seen how the ‘other side’ live) who’s willing to rob her own father, Phillipe Weis. Both the Head Timekeeper, Raymond Leon (Cillian Murphy) and the MinuteMen (the local gangsters) are on their tail, each with the same motive: to steal back time. It’s worth noting that Justin Timberlake’s acting skills aren’t exactly Oscar worthy, and there’s definitely room for improvement. But this might have more to do with the fact that there’s not a lot of emotional depth and

hence, he isn’t necessarily given the chance to show a range of acting depth. But overall the cast as a whole worked. More interestingly is the cast who all seem to be young and beautiful as their actors don’t need to look a day older than 25 which you see when Will says “Hi” to a young 25 year old woman who is actually his mother (Olivia Wilde). It’s certainly an action and thriller chase movie with all the usual suspects (2 people on the run who fall in love, guns, and high speed car chases). I’d recommend taking a couple of hours to watch In Time, if you want to see a modern day Robin Hood-esque (stealing from the rich to help the poor) film. By MJ

Inglorious Basterds Inglorious Basterds (18) Released 19/08/09 (UK) Running time: 118 mins


ure exhilaration is in hiding. Waltz plays this character in woefully short supply at the the most amazing way and they fit movies. The invigorating perfectly together. He is undeniably ‘Inglorious Basterds’ is here to my favourite villain in any film ever rectify that fact. Writer/director made. Ever. Quentin Tarantino’s audacious Teenage Shosanna (Mélanie dismantling of history is his best, Laurent) escapes the tyranny of and within the first few minutes of Landa and with her desperate run the film you see why. This strange the film surges into powerful, and contorted re-writing of history stomach-churning overdrive. seems somewhat familiar at the Several years later, now the owner same time. of a small cinema in Paris, Shosanna Loosely plots against based on Enzo the Nazis, Favourite quote: “You Castellari’s 1978 probably heard we ain’t in the her vendetta film, ‘Basterds’ prisoner-takin’ business; we following a is brash, nimbly parallel course in the killin’ Nazi business. acted and not to that of the And cousin, business is surprisingly for a “Basterds”; a-boomin,” Lt. Raine Tarantino movie, a corps of incessantly Jewish-American violent. But with its wartime setting, soldiers bent on exacting quick and what bloody mayhem there is feels painful vengeance on all Nazis who integral and for the most part, cross their path. Brad Pitt plays appropriate. Head-Honcho Basterd: Lt. Aldo This film baldly reinvents history, Raine. Raine and his men concoct beginning in 1941 in the Nazia daring scheme to eliminate key occupied French countryside. Nazi members of the Third Reich, Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) assisted by a duplicitous German arrives at the farmhouse of a French actress (Diane Kruger). farmer. He drips with malevolence Tarantino avoids some of the and savage grace. In his cruel and linguistic contortions that often arise unforgiving way he plays with the in war films. In American movies, farmer, breaking him down slowly Nazis speak English with either and enjoying it. However, Colonel gruff German intonations or arch Landa has an ulterior motive: he British accents. But Tarantino deals is looking for a Jewish family in with the problem more directly. For

Idles of March The Idles of March (15) Released 31/08/11 (UK) Running time: 141 mins By Oliver Hunt 2011 appears to be shaping up pretty well for the up and coming Ryan Gosling. Starting off the year with Blue Valentine before showing up in Drive and Crazy Stupid Love, Gosling has had one incredible year and here he stars as the lead role in George Clooney’s fifth movie that he himself has directed. But taking the Orson Welles’ approach by writing, producing, directing and starring in, has Clooney’s ego gone to his head?

example, Landau speaks French to the farmer — we get subtitles — then he asks if he can switch to English because he has exhausted his French. The exchange works seamlessly. Tarantino is renowned for being a cinephile as well as a filmmaker. And in Basterds— with its focus on Shosanna’s theatre and a violent film-within-a-film that figures prominently in the climax — he exercises both his obsession with vengeance and his fascination with the movies. The outcome is gory and glorious.

Pros: + Fantastic direction, dialogue,

acting and camera work + Christophe Waltz is the new best villain

Cons: - Maybe too graphic for some people

- If you’re looking to watch a film

about WW2, this DEFINITELY is not factual! Cheapest Place To Buy: HMV, £3 DVD Special Features: extended and alternate scenes, ‘Nation’s Pride’ - Experience the full ‘Film within a Film’, Inglorious Basterds Trailers. By Aaron Champion

Following the campaign trail of Governor Mike Morris (George Clooney) as he works to get elected for the next presidential candidate, Morris’ does everything he can to get elected. His only problem is Senator Thompson (Jeffrey Wright) who has the right endorsements to make it happen. With his Senior Campaign Manager, Paul Zara (Philip Seymour Hoffman) and Junior Campaign Manager, Stephen Meyers (Ryan Gosling), Morris is set to win the campaign in Ohio. But, before anything is finalised, the opposing parties Campaign Manager, Tom Duffy (Paul Giamatti) mysteriously asks Stephen out to give him a proposal. Without the judgement from his boss, Stephen meets Duffy in a small time bar but afterwards is riddled with

guilt over his loyalties. As Stephen begins to question the party and candidate he is fighting to get elected he begins to see the dirty side of the political world. Despite the fact that Ideas of March is full of Clooney’s ego, he manages to pull off a successful, enjoyable political drama. The script itself derives from the Broadway play Farragut North by Beau Willimon which has been adapted by Clooney. Willimon, as well as Grant Heslov and the theatrical feel are present in the movie. It is a movie not only about loyalty, but also the irony of a good leader who has a lot of skeletons in his closet and the selfishness of man as each character thinks mainly of himself/herself. And this is why the movie works so well, with most of the characters being quite aggressive and cut-throat towards their friends, such as Marisa Tommie as the obnoxious journalist Ida Heroics, what you end up with is something close to a

Shakespearian tragedy as the title itself is a reference to Julius Caesar. You can already tell from just looking at the list of great actors in Ides of March that the movie would be truly exciting. Not only is the new guy on everyone’s lips (Gosling) playing the lead, but you have great supporting roles from Giamatti, Hoffman as well as Even Rachel Wood who plays the naive and spicy Molly Stearns. Clooney really does get terrific performances from them whilst acting excellently him. Despite the fact that Ides of March is a high brow political drama, it is truly intense to watch. As everything plays out the audience member will be holding their breath during the quick dialogue and dark twists and turns. Ides of March is a clever, enlightening movie that grabs audiences’ attention and doesn’t let go easily.

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011


Delicious Chocolate Cake Ever wondered how close you are to a DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CAKE? Well with this recipe you are just 5 mins away!

Student Style - Cheesy Broccoli Pasta Bake

By Hollie Wicks

What you need: - 4 tablespoons flour - 4 tablespoons sugar - 2 tablespoons cocoa - 1 egg - 3 tablespoons milk - 3 tablespoons oil - 3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional) - A small splash of vanilla extract - 1 large coffee mug

Ingredients (serves 4) - 280g penne pasta - 280g broccoli, cut into florets - 25g butter - 25g plain flour - 300ml milk - 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard (not an essential) - 140g mature cheddar, grated

Method 1. Cook the pasta, adding the broccoli for the final 4-5 mins, cooking until tender. Drain well then heat the grill. 2. Heat the butter in a saucepan and stir in the flour. Cook for 1 minute. Gradually add the milk, stirring well between each addition. Bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Simmer for 2 mins, before stirring in the mustard, half the cheese and seasoning. 3. Mix the pasta and broccoli into the sauce and spoon into an ovenproof dish. Scatter over the remaining cheese and place under a hot grill for 3-4 mins until golden and bubbling. 4. You’re done! Cook this with your flat mates all together and sit down for a nice cheap healthy meal! Per serving 539 kcalories, protein 25g, carbohydrate 67g, fat 21 g, saturated fat 12g, fibre 5g, sugar 7g, salt 1.01 g

Katie’s Kitchen

What to do: 1. Add the sugar, cocoa, flour in to your coffee mug. Break the egg and pour the contents in to your coffee mug, mix well 2. Pour in the milk and oil and carry on mixing 3. Add the chocolate chips and vanilla extract in 4. Make sure all is mixed thoroughly 5. Then place your mug in to the microwave, cook for 3 mins 6. The cake may rise over the top of the mug, but don’t panic! 7. Allow it to cool a few minutes then serve up This recipe can be shared between two, but it’s up to you! Enjoy! By Hollie Wicks

Quick and Easy Sauces. Here are some sauces that are cheap, easy and quick to prepare! By Katie Smith

Simple Tomato Pasta sauce (serves 2)

Cheese sauce (serves 2)

Ingredients - 1 small tin plum tomatoes (200g) - ½ teaspoon Favourite dried herbs, eg, Basil, Herbes de Provence, Mixed Herbs, Oregano - ½ teaspoon Dried Garlic or Garlic Powder - Pinch Chilli powder/drop of Tabasco (for a spicy version) - Salt/Pepper - Handful of Grated Cheese or tablespoon of Cream Cheese - If you are serving this immediately cooked desired amount of pasta according to packet instructions.

Ingredients - ½ Pint Milk - 20g plain flour - 20g butter - 20g cheese - salt/pepper

- Add the cheese at the last minute, season to taste. - You can enrich the flavour by adding a touch of Mustard, Worcestershire sauce or Cayenne if you have any to hand.

Method - Melt the butter in a sturdy pan, add the flour and cook out till the mixture starts to go whiter at the edges, stir well to get an even heat throughout the mixture (this is called a Roux). - Add the milk a little at a time and mix well to get rid of lumps before adding the next lot. - Once all the milk has been added and the lumps stirred out, the sauce needs to cook through over a VERY low heat to get rid of the floury taste. Take care of it and keep checking as it is susceptible to burning.

- Cauliflower Cheese – cook the cauliflower and either pour sauce over the top when serving or put in a baking dish, add the sauce and some grated cheese on the top and bake in the oven until melted and bubbling. You can also include broccoli for added nutrition! - Macaroni Cheese – simply cook Macaroni or other pasta shapes according to packet instructions and combine with the sauce. Add frozen Peas or Sweetcorn whilst cooking the pasta if desired. - Baked Potato with Tuna – add a tin of Tuna and some veggies ie Sweetcorn, sautéed Leeks, peas and use as a jacket potato filling.

Method - Whilst the past is cooking, chop up the tomatoes in the tin, put in saucepan with all the other ingredients except the cheese, bring to the boil on a low-medium heat stirring occasionally. - Turn down the heat and stir in a little at a time whichever cheese you’d prefer, until melted. - You can obviously use a standard sized tin of tomatoes (400g) and double the rest of the ingredients for a meal for 4 or divide the sauce up into bags or pots and freeze. You can warm the sauce from frozen either in a pan on a low heat or in the microwave. - For added nutrition you can sauté vegetables and add to the tomatoes such as sliced leeks, mushrooms, chopped courgettes.

Sweet and Sour sauce (serves 2) Ingredients - 1 teaspoon of Cornflour - 50ml Water - 2 tablespoons Sugar - 1 tablespoons Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons rice or white Vinegar - 1 tablespoons Ketchup Method - Mix the Cornflour with the Water then put in a saucepan with all the other ingredients on a low heat. - Simmer gently until it has thickened (about 3 minutes) - This is great with a Vegetable stir fry and Noodles or Rice, even Chicken/Veg nuggets.

This sauce can be used for the following:

By Hollie Wicks

This week my boyfriend took me to bought me DOMINO’S! This week we were feeling lazy and didn’t fancy a dinner out in a restaurant. We wanted to eat in the comfort of my home, and in front of the telly -of course! Everyone knows Domino’s is the ultimate meal for all students. Cheap offers ongoing throughout the year, 50% off (granted when you spend over £30), buy one get one free and twofor-Tuesdays. So, knowing this we chose to spend over £30 and get 50% off. We ordered a medium New Yorker, and Ham and Pineapple (thin crust), potato wedges, garlic bread and to help wash it all down a litre bottle of coke. Forty minutes later the doorbell rang, Domino’s had arrived! Yay! The food was hot and the drink was cold. Perfect. As you readers are aware from the last edition, I don’t particularly like pizza as much as others do. However, I was hung-over from the night before, and was in need of a grease filled dinner. So Domino’s soaked up the alcohol very well and kicked my hangover out the window! The pizza was tasty and the coke washed it down perfectly. Garlic bread was delicious, and my boyfriend liked the potato wedges. So students check out Dominos in an instant to get the tastiest takeaway! Contact Domino’s viaOnline: Phone: 01494 539 539 Go on! Enjoy your Domino’s!

Carbonara sauce (serves 2) Ingredients - 2 slices Bacon - 1 shallot or small onion (optional) - 1 egg - grated cheddar (to taste) - Serve with Pasta of choice (although good with Tagliatelle or Spaghetti) or Jacket Potato Method - Allow 1 hour to bake a Potato in the oven or approx 8 minutes in Microwave. If using pasta, cook according to packet instructions. The rest of the recipe takes 10 minutes bear this in mind when cooking the Potato or Pasta. - Chop the onion and bacon and sauté in pan with a little butter or Olive Oil until cooked. - Once everything is cooked, drain the pasta, return to the pan and combine with bacon and onion. Take the pan off the heat and add the egg and cheese stirring until fully blended. It is important to do this away from the heat otherwise you end up with scrambled egg. Add a little milk to loosen the sauce if it is too thick. If you feel the mixture is not hot enough once all the ingredients have come together, return to a very low heat for a minute.

Katie’s Kitchen photo competetion

Bucks Student Newsgroup

Have you tired out any of the recipes featured in Katie’s Kitchen this term? If so Katie wants to hear from you! The best dish will WIN £30 M&S OR SUPERMARKET VOUCHERS! All you have to do is cook up your tasty recipe, take a photo of it and upload it onto the Bucks Student Newsgroup Facebook page! Katie will then judge the winner in time for Christmas! Simples!

Here are some random facts that you may or may not know! - Carrots used to be purple – this was way back in the 16th century, crazy huh?

- The first ever bowl of soup was hippo flavour – in 6000 BC

- Worcestershire sauce is actually made up of dissolved fish – anchovies to be precise!

- The ice pop was invented by an 11 year

old, and made 18 years later– in 1905 Frank Epperson from San Francisco left a mixture of powdered soda and water out on the porch. The temperatures fell to a record low and Frank found the mixture had frozen to the stick. Eighteen years later, he patented it and called it the Popsicle...which is now called the ice pop.

- When holding your nose; apples, potatoes and onions taste the same. This clearly shows the importance of the nose to the sense of taste. (Go on try it!)

Hope you learned something!





7 8







14 17 21







24 25




Edition 22 Answers: Across: 7. Haulage; 9. Abuse; 10. Nut; 11. Affection; 12. Funny; 14. Android; 16. Lunatic; 18. Caste; 19. Euphenism; 20. Cos; 21. Canal; 22. Earring. Down: 1. Thankful; 2 Duel; 3. Malady; 4. Rancid; 5. Luminous; 6. Keen; 8. Enfranchise; 13. Ninepins; 15. Dressage; 17. Treble; 18. Camera; 19. Each; 20. Chip.



Down 1. After a century, the rook is cowardly (6) 2. On your bike, Erik. You’ve had your CHiP’s (7) 3. Emitters for wood-eaters (8) 4. What one uses to measure an invertebrate (4) 5. TES was overturned (5) 6. The hairsplitter panted (6) 7. Where the bronco cycled around (5) 13. What was preferably due was given (8) 16. After tea, the running is outlining (7) 17. Location for a Greek tragedy (6) 19. Sounds like a popular ski resort (5) 20. Kids go round and round on the snowmobile (6) 22. A land for Majorca’s finest (5) 24. Back the cart three feet up (4)

1. Cushioned 2. Harmony 3. In the direction of 4. Plump 5. Distributed 6. Systematically slaughtered 9 7. Fooled 8. Gruesome 9. Spur used on cattle 10. Unlocked 11. Log 12. Wrap up

12 11






4 7

5 6



Across 1. Make a crater (6) 4. Nice card for Donald (5) 8. P.S. Change this for the mass book (5) 9. What pop does hindered (7) 10. The vase I’ve got is elusive (7) 11. Send a note back to school (4) 12. Have an eye for the poet (3) 14. An appointment for the fruit (4) 15. The fate of the trade organisation (4) 18. After this the ring was burning (3) 21. Foggy river in N. England (4) 23. TES for a reversal (7) 25. Was this the final sore to approve (7) 26. What I drew was bizarre (5) 27. A sullen 24 down (5) 28. The barber had this for strings (6)

Who, what where and when?

WHO... in Psychology devised the theory of the Oedipus Complex? WHAT... is a Kyloe? WHERE... is the London station at which trains from Birmingham terminate? WHEN... was The International Monetary Fund established by the Bretton Woods Agreement?

ANSWERS Sigmund Freud; Scottish breed of beef cattle; Euston; 1944.

Puzzle Corner

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 25 The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter D in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of a British Astronomer.

Difficulty: Easy

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine. Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating

Difficulty: Adavanced

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.

Difficulty: Intermediate


Attendance (and what happens if you don’t!) ARE YOU GOOD IN BED? To contact the Advice Centre High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180 Or email

In the Advice Centre we have been hearing from several tutors that a number of students are not attending their lectures, seminars etc. The tutors have mentioned this to us because they are concerned about their students and want them to do as well as possible. So we thought it would be timely to cover this topic and discuss the issues that arise if students don’t attend their lectures etc. The University has a policy on attendance and it can be found on the University’s website: and then putting the name of the policy, which is the “Student Participation Support Policy” in the search box and the policy can be found underneath the “Documents” title. Here is a brief outline of what the policy says: • “The University believes that students are more likely to complete their studies successfully where they fully participate in their studies… There is also evidence suggesting that, where a student displays an erratic pattern of participation, this can be an early indication of problems that may lead to under achievement, failure to progress or withdrawal.” • The University defines ‘participation’ as including: attendance at scheduled teaching sessions/activities; participation

in study activities including Blackboard discussions; submission of assessments tasks set; attendance at examinations; attendance at tutorials and responding to University communications including letters, emails, texts and telephone calls. Non-participation is defined as failure to undertake all of the above. And what it says happens if you don’t attend: • If the period of non-participation is for 1-2 days or more you need to inform your personal tutor or a member of the Faculty administrative staff. If necessary you may need to consider applying for an extension request or putting in for mitigating circumstances. (Details of these are covered in your student handbook) • If the period of non-participation is for two consecutive weeks you will be contacted by your Faculty who will ask you to contact them. • If the period of non-participation is for four consecutive weeks you will be contacted by the Faculty by letter, they will warn you that if you do not contact them you will be withdrawn from your course and from the University. • If the period of non-participation is for six consecutive weeks the Faculty will complete a withdrawal form for you and forward it to the Student Centre for action.

This is necessary to meet the University’s legal obligations. Once you have been withdrawn from the course you are no longer “a student” and this may have serious financial implications for you. You will no longer receive any more student support from Student Finance and depending on the time of your withdrawal you may be asked to repay monies received from Student Finance. You will also lose your Council Tax exemption from the date of your withdrawal. It may also have negative implications if you wish to take another course of Higher Education in the future! So all in all it is not a good idea to just not attend. Obviously sometimes there are good reasons for not attending your course or circumstances beyond your control will prevent you from attending. If this is the case then contact your personal tutor, your Faculty administrative staff or an Adviser in the Advice Centre and take advice. It is also important not to be late for lectures or seminars etc. as this can be very disruptive for the other students on your course and also not to be disruptive during the sessions by talking or using your phone etc. as this is very distracting for your fellow classmates and your lecturers. If you would like to discuss anything raised in this article further or would like to discuss anything else in confidence then please contact in the Advice Centre.

Have you ever had sex without a condom? Or perhaps had a condom split? Ever thought that you might be carrying a sexually transmitted infection? Why not get yourself checked out. We’ve arranged a series of clinics on the High Wycombe campus, throughout the year, where you can get a full sexual health screen or just do a test on yourself for chlamydia. (1 in 10 people under 25 have chlamydia!) If you want to get tested for an STI, but cannot go to one of the above clinics go to to find your nearest Sexual Health Clinic or come and ask us in the Advice Centre and we can find one for you. Our service is completely confidential so you can talk to us and it will not go any further. We also have a limited number of free condoms you can pick up. Bucks Students’ Union Advice Centre

High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180

Or email

Next date of Sexual Health Clinic: Tuesday 6th December Come see us at room N2.07 10am-3pm, High Wycombe Campus

26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd November, 2011

Recreational Activities Frustration for Bucks as they taste a defeat at home Still Going Strong

mens football Bucks 1st 0 - Chichester 2nd 1

Recreational activities are still going strong this term! The upcoming cocktail workshop was filled in the first 5 minutes of the sign up opening! Showing if there’s something you want to be involved in gets those sign ups in quick. We are now in the process

Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday

of organising the activities we will be running in term 2 so keep an eye on our facebook page, the Buck’s student website and our newsletter for details of these! It already looks like it shaping up to be a good term! Wanting to get trim in the run up for Christmas? Why

Zumba 18:15 - 19:15 Hatha Yoga 17:15 - 18:15 Dance Fusion 18:15 - 19:15 Legs, Bums & Tums 12:00 - 12:45 Core & More 18:15 - 19:15 Boxercise 17:15 - 18:15 Fitball 18:15 - 19:15 Bucks Pump 17:00 - 18:00

By Cat Duncan not try one of our free fitness classes; with 8 to choose from I’m sure there will be one to suit you! Sign up for the fitness classes is through the Gateway reception on a weekly basis, all you need is your student id card! What are you waiting for?

Dance Studio Dance Studio Dance Studio Dance Studio Dance Studio Dance Studio Dance Studio Dance Studio

Bucks Men’s Football 1sts slipped to a narrow 1-0 defeat against Chichester Uni 2nds at Magnolia Park on Wednesday November 2. Poor marking from a corner allowed the visitors to take the lead midway through the first half. Bucks were unable to find an equaliser in a game that contained plenty of endeavour but little in the way of clear-cut chances. Coming into the game off the back of a defeat to Reading 1sts, the Bucks boys were eager to secure their first home win of the season but endured a frustrating afternoon as they never really looked like troubling the Chichester defence. In a scrappy opening, neither side threatened the opposing penalty areas with the ball largely remaining in the middle third of the pitch. Both sides were guilty of some poor passing as the midfield area was very congested. Hayden Dodge in the Bucks goal, made a couple of routine saves early on while at the other end Mike Humphreys’ shot from the edge of the area was blocked by a Chichester defender.

Humphreys tried his luck from distance again on the 20 minute mark but this time his effort flew over the crossbar. Bucks were beginning to threaten with the pace of striker Ryan Blake keeping the visiting defence on their toes. However, the Chichester ‘keeper was yet to be called into action. Just before the half-hour mark the visitors forced the first corner of the game. The ball was swung over and poor marking allowed the Chichester defender a free header on goal from ten yards out. Dodge pulled off a superb point blank save but could do nothing as the rebound was lashed in from close range. It could have been worse moments later but for a goalline clearance by David Sesay that kept the score-line at 1-0. Dodge saved smartly at his near post as the visitors began to dominate. At the other end Gavin James had a couple of half chances before a fantastic run by Shaz Hussain set up Blake but he was denied by a harsh offside call.

Chichester were first to threaten in the second period following a mix-up in the Bucks defence. But Dodge stood tall as the visiting striker bore down on goal and he ended up dragging his shot wide of the far post. The home side’s frustration was showing with the referee brandishing a couple of yellow cards for dissent. It was not until the 70th minute that the opposition ‘keeper was called into action. James’ free kick allowing him to get his hands on the ball. A good run down the right by Humphreys nearly resulted in the ball falling for Blake but for an outstretched Chichester leg. Blake was nearly in again moments later but his shot was deflected wide for a corner. He took it himself and a half clearance fell for Sesay but the big defender’s shot was blocked once more. The visitors held out to secure a valuable away win. For skipper Tom Russell and his team it was another frustrating ninety minutes at Magnolia Park. By Gary Anderson

We want your feedback!

Men’s Hockey round-up

Have you participated in a recreational activity this term? If so, WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! We want to hear what you have to say about the activities you’ve taken part in so far. Email your comments or post them on our facebook page.

Contact Bucks New Uni: Free Recreational Activities

Bucks Men’s Hockey 1ts travelled to University College London on a muggy Wednesday November 2, for the second game of the university season. Bucks had high expectations following a fantastic 12-1 win the week before. After a pro-longed warm up and once some replacement umpires had been found, the game got under way. Bucks looked very strong in the first ten minutes having most of the possession with UCL struggling to break out of their own half. The visitors were dominating and eventually they took advantage of all the play when Robbie Leung scored after a deflection off the defender’s stick. Bucks continued to apply the pressure but were restricted to half chances with few shots on goal. Marcus Claytor was unlucky after a chip passed just by the post. UCL were slowly getting back into the game and started to have more of the possession and began venturing into the Bucks half. Liam Connelly was making some good runs down the right and won a short corner after driving into the D and finding a defender’s foot. Following a good inject and stop, Joe Thomas scored after a well-placed drag flick went in off the post to put the visitors two up. Bucks then started getting frustrated after several questionable decisions from the umpires and needed to start the second half the same way they started the first. However, it was UCL who started the second half the stronger with Bucks plotting their own downfall. Struggling to string 2 passes together and with the whole team lacking the composure needed, the hosts were pushing further and further forward and were starting to attack the Bucks goal forcing several good saves from Joe Daniel. Eventually UCL took advantage of all the extra possession placing the ball past an outstretched Daniel into the corner to make it 2-1. Bucks were still lacking composure going forward and weren’t getting any help from the umpires following several obvious fouls. The whole team was

beginning to get frustrated with Thomas taking himself off for a quick calm down after he was lucky to only receive a green card for hitting the ball away. To add to their frustrations the away side had a perfectly good goal disallowed because the umpires thought Claytor had hit the ball from above shoulder height. The home side were still pushing forward and with just 5 minutes to go were awarded a penalty corner which narrowly went wide. Finally Bucks managed to play some

mens HOCKEY Bucks 3 - UC London 2nd 1 actual hockey and after a good run and shot from Connelly, Claytor slid in to tap the ball over the line for a crucial goal, restoring the two goal advantage. Soon after, the final whistle sounded. It certainly wasn’t pretty but Bucks managed to win playing badly and maintained their perfect record so far this season. Bucks are on the road again today, with a trip to Roehampton 1sts. By Marcus Claytor


Tom ‘Mincer’ Wilmington

Position: Fly-Half, Mens Rugby 2nds Course: (2nd year) Sports Management & Rugby Studies Why did you come to Bucks? It’s the only place that does my course. Also, it’s got good links with Wasps and Harlequins which is great. Through the uni I managed to secure some work with Harlequins working as a Community Coach and as part of the match-day staff. What is the best thing about being here at Bucks? It’s a nice small uni where everybody knows everybody and it’s a nice friendly place to be. What is the worst thing about Bucks? What is the worst thing about being here at Bucks? Probably having to share showers with Matt Gilbert and just generally living with him!! He thinks he’s a pretty boy and takes forever in the shower and uses up all the hot water! What is the best thing about the Rugby Club? Well everybody gets on really and it’s just good banter and good craic. It’s different to normal rugby in a way because everybody is a bit younger and has the same mentality so it’s really good ye... What has been your best moment so far here at Bucks? Probably when we went down to Sussex last year thinking we had been promoted...there was a big celebration party organised but it actually turned out that we didn’t after all! It was a bit embarrassing to say the least! Who is the longest in the shower? Matt Gilbert every time! Or, Tom Blackburn as well! Either of those two!

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011, Bucks Student 27

BNU Buccaneers vs Southampton Stags


american football Bucks 40 - Southampton 52 In one of the most unbelievable score lines of the season BNU narrowly missed out on upsetting the 4 time College Bowl champions Southampton Stags. Stags started with the ball and had a great drive down the field and scored on their first possession. BNU got the ball back and then fumbled on the 10 yard line. Southampton punch in the 10 yard Touchdown for a 2 score lead. 14-0 To Stags BNU started with ball again and drove consistently up field which ended in Dwayne Watson scoring a Touchdown. BNU also converted the 2 points making it 14-8. BNU Defence stopped the stags and Adam Stammers scored a 70 yard touchdown on the following drive. BNU 16-14 Stags. Stags scored on the following drive making it 22-16. BNU scored with Wallace on a 40 yard run to the end zone. Failing to convert the 2 points the score was 22-22. Stags Quarterback managed to throw a 70 yard touchdown to his receiver to put the stags ahead 30-22. BNU running back Wallace broke out for another 50 yard touchdown making the score 30-28.BNU Defence managed to stop the stags attack and get the ball back allowing running back Wallace to score a 62 Yard Touchdown. BNU now winning 34-30. Stags scored again to take the lead back 34-38. That’s just Half Time!

BNU started with the ball in the second half and drove all the way down for field and then fumbled in the Red zone. Stags score a 35 yard passing touchdown to make the score 34 – 44. BNU running back dropped the ball in a poor exchange and the stags picked it up and ran it all the way for another touchdown making the score 34 – 52. Wallace then scored another touchdown to bring the score closer 40-52. Stags then drove down the field and passed into the end zone but TJ Muzangaza intercepted it and ran it back to the 20 yard line. BNU managed to get another touchdown to bring the game even closer 48- 52. Only 5 minutes on the clock left. BNU managed to get the ball back from the stags but time was against them. BNU didn’t managed to score in the last seconds of the game and the whistle was blown. The Stags offence showed what can be done with a predominately passing attack. Stags WR #1 playing from the slot caught the ball with

Doma dominant in Bucks basketball win Bucks Women’s Basketball 1sts made it two wins out of two with a hard fought 59-55 win over City University London 1sts, on Wednesday November 2. A vociferous home support roared the girls on to victory at the Gateway, following their 48-41 victory at University of Surrey 1sts, the previous week. Benhilda Doma amassed a superb tally of 32 points and she was aided by stand-out performances from Agata Lada and Claudia Talarczyk also. But in truth, this was a great team performance all round from the Bucks girls. A tetchy affair saw the visitors playing out the last few seconds of the game with only three players as a lack of discipline resulted in three players being fouled out. This indiscipline appeared to stem from the opposition coach who constantly berated his own players and the referees throughout. The Bucks girls kept their heads though, to put on an impressive display of fast, free flowing basketball despite the efforts of their more physical opponents. The home side trailed 12-11 at the end of the first quarter with scores coming from Doma, Lorraine Wong and a superb effort from

some style, proving that the league is not entirely full of run-based offences. This was a battle of double wing versus spread offences with both proving that you can score a lot of points and break big plays. In the end it was a battle for the defences, which one could make the adjustments and stop the opposing team’s offence. BNU defence made some changes in the second half, causing a fumble from the Stags QB inside the final 2 minutes… Overall it was one of the most action packed games of the season... support the BNU Buccaneers or Anyone of any shape and size are welcome to join at any point in the season. Training times are Tuesday 7:30pm in Room N1.04. Thursday meet 7pm outside gateway.

Talarczyk following good work by Doma and Lada. The second quarter saw both sides’ trade baskets blow for blow with Doma again proving to be Bucks’ scorer-in-chief. Lada was pulling the strings setting up each attack and chipped in with a basket of her own. Candy Moyo floated in a beauty to send the sides in level at 23 points each at half-time. The third quarter saw the home side up the ante in a big way. The triumvirate of Lada, Talarczyk and Doma kept the scoreboard ticking over with some beautifully worked scores. Doma was also dominant under the boards snapping up the rebounds in defence. The visitors struggled to find their range largely due to the tenacious defence of Bucks. On one occasion Wong made a great interception which allowed Lada to race down court for a two-pointer. Ashilly Mahovo netted also and the Bucks girls ended the third period leading 46-33. City 1sts began to claw their way back as the fourth quarter wore on. The home side were beginning to show signs of tiredness as a result of the frenetic pace at which they had been playing. Doma and Talarczyk kept tagging on the points but the visitors were rallying. However, constant fouling hindered their fight-back. Bucks punished them from the free throw line to keep their noses in front. The final few moments of the game were tense but the girls, helped by great support from the large home crowd which included the men’s basketball squad, held out to secure a fully deserved victory. By Gary Anderson

gordos gossip Welcome back after a long awaited reading week! So much has been going on whilst you were away so I thought I would just fill you in with a little update of the last couple of weeks and upcoming events. Earlier in the week, Cheese and Ham photography were the winners of £100 towards their society for having the best looking and most informative notice board, with close runners up; the furniture history society and the salsa society. We will continually be judging these notice boards and the most updates notice board will win another great prize.

Bucks FC successfully took over the union on 9th November, with their BNU cruise theme. (Myself and Cat even enjoyed a bit of mini golf!) They rose over £700 which is an outstanding amount and will help greatly towards the running of their club. TONIGHT, the netball girls will be bringing spring break to the SU with an early evening show, with waitresses, fun games; I hear volleyball is on the cards and even a wet t-shirt competition! So get down to the SU tonight and show your support! For RAG, with the help of loads of different sports and societies volunteering, the union has managed to raise a great £266.89, plus projected £300 from Red Button’s 24 hour ‘Jailbreak’ Filmathon for Children in

WEDNESDAY 2nd november Mens HOCKEY Bucks 3 - UCL 1 WOMENS HOCKEY Bucks 2 - Imperial College 0 Mens squash Bucks 0 - Brunel 3 NETBALl Bucks 1st 17 - Chichester 2nd 26 NETBALL Bucks 2nd 24 - LSE 3rd 30 NETBALL Bucks 3rd 1 - Reading 3rd 45 Mens Football Bucks 1st 0 - Chichester 2nd MEN FOOTBALL Bucks 2nd 3 - Portsmouth 3rd 3 MENS FOOTBALL Bucks 3rd 1 - Portsmouth 5th 1 MENS FOOTBALL Bucks 4th 0 - Kingston 2nd 2 MENS FOOTBALL Bucks 5th 4 - LSE 2 MENS FOOTBALL Bucks 6th 0 - UCA Surrey 1st 0 MENS FOOTBALL Bucks 7th 4 - UCA Surrey 2nd 2 MENS TENNIS Bucks 8 - Reading 4 WOMENS BASKETBALL Bucks 59 - London City Uni 53 MENS RUGBY Bucks 1st 43 - St Marys 3rd 14 MENS RUGBY Bucks 2nd 80 - Surrey 2nd 5 MENS badminton Bucks 1st 7 - St Marys 1st 1 WOMENS BAdminton Bucks 1st 0 - Queen Marys 1st 8 golf Bucks 2nd 4 - Surrey 2 golf Bucks 1st 4 - Portsmouth Uni 1st 2 MENS volleyball Bucks 1st 0 - Brunel 1st 3 Results from 09/11/11 Mens hockey Bucks 1st 13 - Uni Essesx 2nd 1 womens hockeys Bucks 1st 6 - St Marys 2nd 1 mens rugby Bucks 1st 1 - St George’s 1st 17 Mens rugby Bucks 2nd 18 - Surrey 2nd 13 Mens Football Bucks 1st 2 - Portsmouth 5th 1 Mens Football Bucks 2nd 2 - C’ Christ Church 2nd 0 Mens Football Bucks 3rd 3 - St Mary’s 5th 1 Mens Football Bucks 4th 2 - G’Smith 1st 4 mens Football Bucks 5th 3 - IC London Medics 2nd 3 (Bucks win 3-2 on penalties) mens football Bucks 6th 0 - Chichester 4th 0 mens football Bucks 7th 3 - UCA 3rd 2 Womens badminton Bucks 2 - St Mary’s 6 mens badminton Bucks 1st 2 - LSE 2nd 6 netball Bucks 1st 22 - St Barts 29 netball Bucks 2nd 19 - Greenwich 2nd 31 netball Bucks 3rd 12 - London Imperial 30 Mens tennis Bucks 8 - Kingston Uni 4 mens basketball Bucks 57 - UCA 55 mixed golf Bucks 1st 4 - Kingston Uni 1st 2

Need. The American football boys, along with a couple of netball girls also fought it out in the tug of war, Danny Hounslow sporting a lovely pair of pink PJ’s. The jailbreak winners finally arrived home on Tuesday afternoon after hitchhiking their way all the way to Madrid! They even went as far as to sleep in a police station to get out of the cold! Congratulations to the Brohemians! To keep you up to date with varsity; we are currently in talks with Royal Holloway and Greenwich as to who, when and where this year’s competition will take place. So fingers crossed we get the team we want! As it stands Holloway would be the best opposition, especially since we’re better in quite a few

mixed golf Bucks 2nd 5.5 - Brunel 1st 0.5 Results from 16/11/11 mens football Bucks 1st 2 - IC London 1st 3 (extra time) mens football Bucks 2nd 3 - IC London 2nd 0 mens football Bucks 3rd 0 - Portsmouth 2nds 7 mens football Bucks 5th 4 - Portsmouth 6th 3 mens football Bucks 7th 1 - Medway 3rd 3 Mixed golf Bucks 1st 5 - Brunel 1st 1 MIxed golf Bucks 2nd 4 - Portsmouth 1st 2 mens rugby Bucks 1st 24 - Royal Holloway 1st 19


WEDNESDAY 30th november womens badminton Bucks 1st vs Chichester 1st mens basketball Bucks 1st vs Brighton 1st mens football Bucks 1st vs Brunel 2nd Mens football Bucks 3rd vs Brunel 4th mens football Bucks 4th vs IC London 2nd mens football Bucks 5th vs King’s College 2nd mens football Bucks 7th vs Bucks 6th womens football London Met 1st vs Bucks 1st netball Bucks 1st vs Brunel 4th netball Bucks 3rd vs IC London Medics 5th Mens rugby Bucks 2nd vs Brighton 2nd womens rugby Bucks 1st vs Kent 1st Mens squash Bucks 1st vs Brunel 2nd mens tennis Bucks 1st vs Brunel 1st Womens tennis Bucks 1st vs Middlesex 1st womens volleyball Bucks 1st vs Brunel 1st Mens football Bucks 2nd vs Brighton 5th mens rugby Bucks 1st vs Royal Holloway 2nd Mens hockey Bucks 1st vs St George’s 1st womens basketball Bucks 1st vs Queen Mary 1st 07/12/11 Mens badminton Buck 1st vs Roehampton 1st mens football Bucks 6th vs St Marys 6th womens hockey Bucks 1st vs Brunel 3rd Mens tennis Bucks 1st vs Brunel 2nd Mens volleyball Bucks 1st vs Kingston 5th Mixed golf Bucks 1st vs Kingston 1st Womens football Bucks 1st vs Hertfordshire 2nd Womens rugby Bucks 1st vs IC London 1st mens rugby Bucks 1st vs Brunel 1st Mens rugby Bucks 2nd vs Reading 4th womens volleyball Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth 1st Mens basketball Bucks 1st vs Chichester 2nd

sports. :-( Following the sporting theme, the newly elected union council brought up that many of you are still having lectures right up till 1pm on a Wednesday afternoon, meaning it disrupts travelling plans for away matches. We will looking to approach the university over this matter, so if you personally have a lecture any time on or after midday on a Wednesday please drop me an email with your name and course. ( Gordo says Gracias x Vice President Student Involvement


Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

Blistering start to the season for Bucks Ladies By Nina Hardy WOMENS FOOTBALL Bucks 12 - Royal Free & UC Medical School 0

BUCKS LADIES FC totally outclassed Royal Free and University College Medical School Women’s 1ts in their first game of the season, scoring 12 goals in the process. The team worked hard to ensure a clean sheet. They looked strong and dominated from the start, not allowing RUMS to settle at all. Danielle Anderson opened the scoring within

the first five minutes. Becky Jones bagged five goals, Katie Speirits weighed in with a hat-trick, Steph Coe got two and Becky Lee also struck. The girls are feeling confident for the rest of the season following this fantastic display. Next up for the girls is a home tie against University of Essex 2nds today at Magnolia Park. Kick off at 2pm.

Men’s Hockey match report 09/11/11 By Joe Daniel MENS HOCKEY Bucks 1st 13 - Essex 2nd 1

Buck’s began this year’s cup competition with a trip to Essex, a much friendlier draw than in previous seasons. With Captain Marcus Claytor demanding a strong start, Bucks flew out of the blocks and overpowered the opposition storming into an early lead through some excellent hockey, resulting in Marcus, Liam Connelly and Joe Thomas all scoring to give Bucks a 3-0 lead. Essex finally began to retain the ball and venture into the

Bucks half, but a quick breakaway allowed Rahul Singh Sachdev to finish smartly with a fourth goal. Bucks added a fifth goal before some sloppy marking allowed Essex to pull a goal back with their first shot on goal. But such is the strength of this current Bucks side that was to be nothing more than a consolation goal with the away side adding a further three goals to give Bucks an 8-1 lead at half time. The second half was much like the first with Bucks totally

dominating the play and scoring five more goals with Liam, Joe and Marcus all completing their hat-tricks. Robbie Leung and Rich Johnson also added their names to the score sheet but with a little more composure it could have been much more with Andy Whyte and Joe Thomas missing a few chances at the death. Full time score 13-1 and the cup run continues…. MOM- Rich Johnson DOD- Rahul Singh Sachdev

BNU Swans Cheer Squad The Swans just don’t stop! We’ve been so busy this term so far, it’s hard to have time to think! First of all, a huge congratulation goes to all of the new cheerios. Training sessions in both dance and cheer are going amazingly and if we keep up the hard work, we may have some completed routines by Christmas! Initiations consisted of a wizardy theme including dragon’s eyeball drinks, house elves and trickery spells. Yep, you guessed it. This year our theme was Harry Potter and the house elves! All fresher’s initiated and thoroughly enjoyed the night. Social themes over the past few weeks have included: 118 for Movember awareness & Spots and Pyjamas for Children in Need! The squad have also

been busy volunteering this month. From RAG raid to selling poppies for the British Legion and we even made an appearance at the Roundtable fireworks! Free bouncy castle, a nice warm bonfire and fireworks; all just for collecting money for local charities – result! We’ve had great fun at all of these different activities. DON’T FORGET: Cheerobics on Fridays, 5-6 at The Club gym, just off West Wycombe Road! Contact for more information. If you would like to volunteer with us or join us on our socials then please don’t hesitate to ask! ‘Like’ us on Facebook: Bucks Swans Cheerleading Squad or e-mail By Lauren Troiano

Bucks 2nds prevail in bruising cup encounter MENS rugby Bucks 1st 13 - Essex 2nd 1

Bucks Rugby 2nds battled their way to an 18-13 cup victory over a strong Uni of Surrey 2nds at Kingsmead, on Wednesday November 9. Tries from Chris Beagle and skipper Rory Greening along with eight points from the boot of Tom ‘Mincer’ Wilmington ensured the hosts progressed to the next round. Having beaten the same opposition by 5-80 only seven days earlier to secure their third win on the bounce in the league, Bucks would have been fairly confident of seeing off the Surrey boys on their home patch. But, the game was anything but one-sided as both sides were evenly matched throughout and it took a penalty from Wilmington in the final minute to make the game safe. It was the visitors who registered first with a penalty after five minutes as Bucks were penalised for being offside. The opening exchanges were scrappy with neither side able to string together any moves of note. Bucks turned down a couple of opportunities to kick for goal opting for the lineout option instead. However, the Surrey defence was

steadfast, denying the hosts any sight of the try-line. Wilmington was on target again with another booming touch-finder and this time the Bucks pack made it count. Greening rose to pluck hooker Jack Keyser’s throw out of the air. The pack rumbled forward and Keyser was just held up at the line before the ball came back for Beagle to squeeze over. Wilmington added the extras to give the home side a five point lead midway through the half. Surrey dented that lead with another penalty from 30 metres out, punishing Bucks for a late tackle. Drew Cox collected the restart and made some metres before drawing a penalty from the visitors. Wilmington made no mistake from 25 metres to restore the five point gap. Surrey regrouped and hit back moments later. This time Bucks were penalised for a high tackle which saw the opposition take a quick-tap penalty and run through unchallenged to touch down under the posts. The conversion was a formality which handed the Surrey boys a 10-13 lead at the break. Whatever was said at half-time

seemed to have the desired effect as the Bucks boys came out all guns blazing at the beginning of the second period. Keyser came close again as the home side were flying into tackles and putting the visitors under some serious physical pressure. Greening, Harry Crush and Kannan ‘Rocky’ Gaind were putting in some big hits and it was not long before that pressure yielded a result. More good work by the forwards allowed Phil Sutherland to find Greening and the captain powered his way over. Bucks continued to play with a high intensity but were guilty of conceding some needless penalties. However, the visitors could not capitalise and were forced into some desperate defending to deny substitute Samuel Akande following a flowing backline move. Wilmington’s boot ensured that the home side dominated the territorial stakes, forcing the Surrey defence back time and again. And, it was the fly-half who had the last say as he tapped over a penalty near the end to see his side through to the next round.

Doma dominant in Bucks basketball win MENS basketball Bucks 58 - UA London 55

Overtime drama as Bucks win a thriller. In a dramatic and pulsating finale, Bucks Men’s Basketball 1sts emerged victorious over UA London 1sts by a score-line of 58-55, on Wednesday November 9. The game went into overtime as the visitors netted two free-throws in the dying seconds to tie the scores after what was a superb contest. Daniel Mukungu stepped up to the plate during the five minutes of overtime to score seven points and secure victory for the Bucks boys. The home side came into the game fresh from a two week break due to their game the previous week being awarded as a walkover. But it was the visitors who began brighter as Bucks were unable to find any rhythm in the early stages. The first quarter yielded a solitary score from George Woolger as UA London lead 2-10. Strong defence frustrated the Bucks boys who resorted to shooting from distance without any joy. The second quarter however, saw the home side finally kicking into gear. Mattie Finn, Woolger and Jericho Wisdom in particular, began to exert their influence. Woolger floated in some beautiful two-pointers while the big man Wisdom was dominating under the boards, hoovering up countless rebounds both in offence and defence and contributing eight points. The second quarter ended with Bucks leading by 23-20, an 11 point turnaround. The visitors regrouped and began the third period strongly regaining the lead with four unanswered scores. Wisdom kept the home side in touch before a Woolger beauty from ‘downtown’

regained the lead for Bucks. Both sides were going all out, trading baskets, with Andre Rowe and Blaine Woodman along with Wisdom keeping the scoreboard ticking over. Bucks ended the third quarter leading by 35-33. The final period ebbed and flowed till the very end. Sam Lubbock and Woolger were on target to extend Bucks lead to nine points but the visitors dug deep and clawed their way back into the fray. Nickie Kabamba, Woodman, Finn and Woolger tagged on points for the home side but UA London refused to go down without a fight. With Finn fouled out of the game, the visitors entered the final minute down by four points. They laid up to reduce the deficit to two with seconds remaining. Bucks were in foul trouble and a harsh call gave the Londoners a lifeline. Premature celebrations from the home support were cut short as the UA London pointguard sank both free-throws to level the game and force overtime. The visitors took a four point lead straight into overtime as the momentum appeared to shift in their favour. However, the Bucks boys rallied. Wisdom cut the deficit to two before UA London cancelled it by scoring at the other end. The home side didn’t panic though. Prompted by the impressive Lubbock they made a final surge which saw Mukungu showcasing his shooting skills by landing three crucial scores and putting the home side in front with only a matter of seconds remaining. This time the visitors had no response and Bucks saw out the clock to win what was an absorbing contest from start to finish. By Gary Anderson

By Gary Anderson

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