The Bucks Student - Edition 25

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bucks student edition 25

January 2012

Bucks Students given a boost in the community Bucks Students’ Union are having a positive impact on your time at Bucks by... Organising a volunteering opportunity for aspiring teachers to support pupils studying for their GCSEs who are in danger of failing English. If you would like to be considered for future projects email alice.dewsnap@bucks. And... By preparing a pitch for the ‘Bigger Deal’ trying to secure extra investment in a wider programme of CV enhancing activity that is free for all students.

Left: (Centre L-R) Student Shellie Ransom, PCSO Simon Sanghera, Cllr Katrina Wood, President Ash Coles, Vice Chancellor Ruth Farwell, PCSO Lauren Brown, Cllr Khaliel Ahmed The launch of our new Students’ Union Community Guide was hailed as “the beginning of lasting change” by President Ash Coles. VIP’s and dignitaries from our Union, the University and the local community echoed his words, proclaiming the project launch to be huge success. On Monday the 16th of January, students, Union staff and members of the

local community braved the cold to go out to residents in the Hughenden and Temple End area and deliver copies of our new Community Guide. The guide gives students tips and tricks on everything from moving in, to fire safety and busting alcohol and drug myths. . This comprehensive guide has been written and funded in co-operation with Thames Valley Police and Wycombe



District Council. It aims to give students the information they need to get the most out of their time in High Wycombe. It is hoped that it will engender increased levels of social awareness and community spirit across the student body. As part of the launch, special ‘I Love HW’ packs were given out to students living in halls at Brook Street and Hughenden Student Village, as well as

students living in Head Tenancy Scheme housing in the Hughenden area. These packs contained ‘I Love HW’ bags and mugs, tea bags and a copy of the community guide. The idea was to try and get students to visit their neighbours with their packs and share a cup of tea to start building stronger links with their local community. (Continued on Page 3) Discount Code: JANSALE

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2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Ash Coles - Editor t: 01494 601 600 e: Sarah O’Brien & Gary Anderson - News Editor e: Laz Wood - Politics Editor e: Mandi C - International Editor e: Siobhan Carney - Lifestyle Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Features Editor e: Faye Towler - Fashion Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Donique Lindsay - Events Editor e: Sarah Campbell - Music Editor e: Harry Boileau - Travel Editor e: Oliver Hunt - Film Review Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soap & Entertainment Editor e: Hollie Wicks - Food Editor e: Tanieque Noel - Horoscopes Editor e: Gary Anderson - Sport Editor e: For Advertising: Caroline Newton t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601 600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students Union for more information. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. Printed by Harmsworth Printing - Stoke 01782 602 619 © 2011 Bucks Students’ Union

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Features SSHH campaign P9 Lifestyles P10 Ents pullout P13 Ents wallplanner P16

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Letter from the Editor

Soaps & TV P22 Movies P22 Culture, Arts & Literature P24 Fashion & Beauty P24 Food & Drink P26 Advice P27 Recreational Activites P28 Societies P29 Puzzles P30 Horoscopes P30 Sports P31

Welcome back everyone I hope you all had a great Christmas break and are ready for another exciting year with Bucks Students’ Union. 2012 is going to be a massive year at Bucks New Uni and there’s lot’s for you to look out for. Firstly, if you are a final year student, you’ll have heard about the National Student Survey. I urge you to take this opportunity to fill out

the survey and make your feelings known, it really is one of best ways for you to influence change at the University. You may think it won’t affect you after you leave but the NSS results have a major impact on how the University is perceived and it’s far better for you when applying for jobs to be from an institution that’s well thought of than one that’s right at the bottom of the league tables!! Be truthful; tell it how it is and if it’s not all rosy at least we will be in a better place to fix it. And at the end of the day, you’ve paid your money so have your say!! You’ll also notice the slogan “Having a Positive Impact on Your Time at Bucks” - on the plasma screens, beer cups and coffee sleeves etc, and it will be appearing on everything we have a hand in from now on. It’s part of our new scheme to ensure that all the different student groups know exactly what it is we are doing for them because, whoever you are, Bucks Students’ Union is doing something to make your life better

at Bucks. To find out how we are helping you go to bucksstudent. com/impact Finally, on the 6th February we are launching “Uxbridge Action Week”- a week long series of events on the Uxbridge campus to welcome new and returning students back to University. The events include a mini-freshers fair, some trips to some large events at the SU venue, taster activities and introductory sessions. It marks a renewed effort to improve the experience on our second campus and there’s lots more to come!! There’s lots going on in the bar in the next couple of weeks and I hope I see you at UniTrash featuring Artwork/Magnetic Man, Young Guns, Skindred and the Flirt! Monster Mash Up!!! If you’ve got anything at all you want to talk to me about come and find me in the Union offices or email

Letter from the Student Editor Hi all, Hope we all had a fantastic Christmas and New Years! Back to reality now I’m afraid. But hopefully this edition of the Bucks Student will provide a welcome relief from those winter blues. We’ve got some great content this week. Our feature is on arguably one of the best boxers of all time, Muhammad Ali, in celebration of his 70th birthday. As a huge Ali fan, I think it’s a great dedication to a great, strong-willed man. We also have a fantastic review on

the top 10 films of 2011, and a hilarious article on how much of a pain new year resolutions. My only resolution is to not make resolutions I can’t keep, so I’m doing pretty well so far. I hope we all have a great few weeks, and make sure to still have fun regardless of the work load! Please remember if you want to submit ANY articles into the Bucks Student, do not hesitate to email me on student.editor@ All the best, Sarah

Letter from the Deputy Student Editor Hi everyone and welcome to another year and another edition of The Bucks Student. Hopefully everyone has come back after the Christmas break full of energy and ready to tackle the year ahead. I had a great time back home in Ireland, making the most out of mum’s cooking! However, it’s back to the

grindstone now for the next few months as assignments and exams begin to rear their ugly heads! Traditionally, now is the time that we all make resolutions to be better people in some way or another for the next twelve months or so. Well, if you’re anything like me, January 2nd

was as far as I got before old habits kicked in again. There I was cigarette in hand, on my way to the pub to watch the football with my gym membership money burning a hole in my trouser pocket, ready to be exchanged for a few pints of lager. Oh well, I will try again next year.

Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 3

Bucks New University and HP to codeliver IT Foundation Degree to drive new careers in technology Buckinghamshire New University and HP have announced an innovative work-based Foundation Degree in IT Services Management, with first admissions starting in February 2012. The course is aimed at students wanting to remain in the workforce at the same time as developing their IT skills and improving their career prospects. The new two-year, work-based qualification will be taught through flexible learning both at Bucks New University in High Wycombe and at HP Bracknell. The course has been designed for IT professionals who are seeking opportunities for learning and development in their careers, or anyone wishing to facilitate a career change. It is part-time and based around three important themes: Personal and Professional Development; Technology; and Business. Dr Kevin Maher, Principal Lecturer, New Media & Technologies at Bucks New University, explains: “People working in IT services management are concerned with the effective

management of IT systems for providing quality services to clients. Developed in partnership with the largest IT company in the UK running IT systems both in the public and private sectors, this new and innovative course, thought to be the first of its kind, provides students with the opportunities and insights that will ensure they develop the technical and business skills to help them secure long-term employment.” The course will be delivered via concentrated blocks of teaching, supported by online and distance learning and assessment. “HP is committed to working closely with universities in the UK to develop the vital technology skills we believe the nation needs to secure long-term growth and prosperity,“ commented Nick Wilson, vice president and managing director of HP in UK and Ireland. “This new course will provide students with the skills to unlock the potential that technology offers enterprises and government bodies.” Professor Chris Kemp, Pro Vice Chancellor at Bucks New University, said: “We are very pleased to be able to announce the launch of this new

Foundation Degree in IT Services Management. To have the support of HP as a leading technology provider is excellent and will help to ensure that the course remains at the forefront of the industry going forward. “The course will be beneficial to anyone working in IT who wishes to enhance their personal skills or opportunities for progression. It should also be considered by those who are keen to begin working in the IT sector. As it is delivered parttime and by flexible learning, the opportunities to study are broad.” The Foundation Degree in IT Services Management with Bucks New University follows other pioneering relationships HP has developed with the University of the West of England and De Montfort University. These involve co-authoring and co-delivering four-year, full-time sandwich degree courses to provide students with technology and business skills that will drive economic growth. For further information about the course, please call 0800 0565 660, email, or visit

Developments in the library at Bucks A number of improvements have been made to the library service at Bucks over recent months, in response to demand from students and library users. These improvements have included the introduction of additional library books and ebooks, an online library fines payment system, and, at Uxbridge Campus, a self-service machine and secure book return box. We will also soon be providing an online facility for students to pay their print credit, a resource discovery tool to improve your search of the library’s resources, and an off-air recordings and media archive bank. The Gateway Library is now open until 10pm on Sundays during term

time until the end of the summer term. Please take a look at details of opening times at High Wycombe here: student_experience/academic_ services/library_/high_wycombe_ opening_times/ and Uxbridge here: experience/academic_services/ library_/uxbridge_opening_times/ Library Services looks forward to bringing you more good news about what we have to offer. You may also have seen recent press coverage about library fines and missing library books. The coverage stated that Bucks New University had 30,540 books that were ‘unaccounted for’ over a sixyear period from 2004-10.

Catering Survey TM


At the Students’ Union, we are constantly looking at ways to improve our services. Currently we are concentrating of some exciting initiatives in the catering department, therefore we would really appreciate your feedback on the catering outlets at High Wycombe through the completion of a short survey at the following link:

If you have any further input or queries please email Tristan Tipping directly -

The figure quoted includes 16,559 items for the year 2008-09. In fact, these items were not lost, but were being moved from the libraries at our former campuses in Wellesbourne and Chalfont to our High Wycombe and Uxbridge campuses. For the majority of the period in question we had fewer than 3,000 items that were ‘unaccounted for’ each year, and in 2009-10 (the last year quoted in the coverage) we had 1,032 items that were loaned out and not returned. We have made a significant investment in our library services over recent years and would like to reassure you that we do all we can to make

Continued from front page In his speech at the reception after the launch, Laz Wood, Vice President for Education & Welfare, said “This is a landmark project for us as a Union. For a long time we have had good links to the community but now we are taking the all important big step. We are defining ourselves as part of the community, and in so doing are establishing our determination to be a part of the solution.” Prof Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor of BNU, was equally delighted with the launch. “I am really proud of what our students do at the University and the positive contribution they make to the community, particularly through their volunteering activities, and this Community Guide to Wycombe is illustrative of how seriously we take our role,” She said. Alice Dewsnap, our Students’ Union Volunteer Co-ordinator, said the guide had been in the pipeline for “some time”. She added: “This guide could be the difference between students running into trouble away from home, or having a document on hand that ensures they have the best advice available, the most important numbers to call, and are well aware of any dangers which may occur during their time here.” The launch comes at a time when complaints and concerns from the local community have been prominent. Families with young children who live along the route students use to walk to and from town on nights out, have said that the trouble caused by drunk students is not just waking up and terrifying their children, but giving them nightmares when they do sleep. To combat this problem, our Union has also launched a new ‘SSHH Campaign’ (more details on page 9), to make students aware of the effect they can have on the community and encourage them to leave the noise at the bar. The campaign includes an extended night bus service to and from the Union venue on Wednesday and Friday nights. However, these issues are not just caused by students. Laz Wood said “It is important to remember that, as with so many issues, anti-social behaviour is not the crime of the majority but the minority. Too often, blame for anti-social behaviour, and many other problems, is placed disproportionately upon the shoulders of the whole student body.”

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

University Vice Chancellor pledges support to mental health campaign

Below: Prof Ruth Farwell pledging her support with student Daniel James.

A Cautionary Tale A very Happy New Year to all Bucks students - which of course doesn’t include Miss Suravi Patel (name changed for legal reasons) who was expelled from the University shortly before Christmas as a result of a proven allegation of Academic Misconduct. So what exactly did Suravi do to end up on the academic scrapheap? - May 2011 She submitted her final year Level 6 Dissertation. This was awarded a mark of 35% and she was referred in the module and required to resubmit by the end of September 2011 for a capped mark ie the maximum mark permitted for the resubmission was 40%.

Vice Chancellor Prof Ruth Farwell has pledged her support to a national campaign to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination. Time to Change is an anti-stigma campaign run by the leading mental health charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, funded by the Department of Health and Comic Relief and evaluated by the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London. Lecturers and students studying BSc (Hons) Social Work at Bucks are backing the initiative, which is the biggest attempt yet in England to end any perceived discrimination surrounding mental health. The students manned a stall at the University’s Campus in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, handing out leaflets and speaking to other students about the campaign, while Prof Farwell added her name to an online list of signatures supporting it. Prof Farwell said: “I think this campaign is important for two reasons. It is part of the Social Work curriculum and equally because we do not want to have any discrimination against students or employees. We want to help and support them and ensure they do not have any difficulties here.” Senior Social Work lecturer Julia Wassell said the campaign had received a ‘positive

response’ from colleagues and students at the University. She said: “We are delighted that Prof Ruth Farwell is supporting us and our students have been raising awareness by handing out leaflets and speaking to staff in different departments as well as students around the Campus. “People are becoming increasingly aware that unless they discuss mental health problems those problems can deteriorate rapidly and leave them in a very difficult situation. This is just the start of what we intend to do to raise this very important issue at Bucks New University.” Julia Wassell is also leading a programme of training for practitioners helping people with mental health problems back into work following a successful bid to NHS South Central. The programme is called Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) and is training Employment Training Advisors employed across the South Central region. Second-year BSc (Hons) Social Work student Daniel James said the campaign was about ‘breaking down’ the stigma of mental health. He added: “We need to break through the stigma so that people suffering or struggling can feel open to share what’s happening to them and achieve better mental


Happy 2012! I would like to welcome all of you back after the Christmas break. I was really hoping I would start a new year with some breaking news about the end of the world, but oh well, you can’t always get what you would find exciting as a news reporter. As a human being though, I’m really glad we are all in one piece and our planet didn’t fall apart. Just yet. December was pretty exciting in the international field. The death of Northern Korean dictator, Kim Jong-il, brought a lot of controversy and fear to the international politics, as the country has one of the biggest standing armies in the world. We can just hope now that his son, Kim Jong-un, will take a responsible role as a new ‘father’ of the North Korea. We still have an unstable situation in some of the world democracies like Egypt, and we are still tragically losing troops from all over the world in Afganistan. European Union is still continuing its fight for expanding financial crisis, bringing a lot of interesting debates and diplomatic conflicts to our European politics. I would hope we continue this year with a faith in politicians to solve all the tragic conflicts of the world. I hope the weather conditions will allow those without an access to fresh water to finally supply ‘dry’ areas and, on the other hand, have a mercy for countries which suffered disastrous floods last year. I strongly hope, maybe naively, that the world will be a peaceful and well-organised place to live in 2012. I heard that even if you are naive, you should always have a hope. Whatever happens on the international arena, I promise to keep you informed. Happy New Year! By Mandi C.

health. I am extremely pleased that Prof Ruth Farwell is supporting this and that my University is too.” A mental health service user who is a consultant to Social Work courses was also supporting the initiative. He was able to answer queries and discuss mental health issues with students and staff. Director of Time to Change, Sue Baker, said: “We are thrilled so many local groups and organisations are making a pledge to end mental health prejudice. Students and lecturers can all play a part in helping to stamp out stigma and it’s great to see Buckinghamshire New University taking a lead.” For more on the campaign, or to pledge support, go to The Disability Service at Bucks has a specialist mental health student adviser who provides a confidential and supportive environment for students to discuss difficulties and potential support needs. For further information visit disability For a confidential appointment with a mental health student adviser contact on 01494 605 049 or or call into Room N1.11 at High Wycombe or the second-floor help desk at Uxbridge.

Christmas Round-up Over the Christmas period many students have thrown themselves into volunteering projects, spreading some Christmas cheer in the local area. Christmas Dinner for the Elderly On the 7th December 2011, Bucks SU opened its doors to residents of Catherine Court Care Home, which houses people suffering from dementia and Abbeyfield House sheltered housing. The fifteen elderly residents enjoyed a full Christmas dinner with all of the trimmings in the SU Venue, hosted by students. Eleven student volunteers helped to serve the food, chatted away to the residents and generally made the lunch very enjoyable for the guests. Everyone had a wonderful time with the residents, students and carers singing along with one of the guests Maisy who serenaded everyone with war-time songs. Amy Leigh Wells, one of our volunteers, sums up her experience of the event very nicely – “The elderly Christmas dinner is one of the best volunteering opportunities I have ever taken part in. I’ve done it for two years now and if I’m around in the future I plan to take part in it even further. It is such a memorable and enjoyable experience that I know I’ll never forget. So many of the people that came to lunch touched my heart with their unbelievable life stories, I learnt a lot from them that I probably wouldn’t have if it wasn’t

for this opportunity. It is so rewarding to be able to give something back to these people, who don’t get too much out of life anymore. The simplest thing can put a smile on their faces. We sang lots of carols, told jokes and had many wonderful conversations. I would advise anybody and everybody to get involved next time because it will be a memory they will treasure for a very long time.” Hampers for the Homeless - Just before the end of term the SU took in Hampers for the Homeless that were generously donated by students and staff. The Wycombe Winter Night Shelter is run by Wycombe Homeless connection and gives out the shoeboxes which are full of warm clothes, toiletries and other things that we take for granted, to the local homeless. Ali Preston, Project Coordinator at Wycombe Homeless Connection said that “They are really lovely presents, beautifully wrapped, and they are going to blow away our guys. It shows them that people do care at Christmas.” The Volunteering Team would like to say a massive thank you to all of the students and staff who helped out at our festive volunteering events, the Christmas Dinner, the Christmas Shopping, the Stocking decorating, Residential Home games and the Homeless Hampers. You really have made some people’s Christmases, THANK YOU!

- September 2011 She submitted her referral Dissertation. The Turnitin score showed a 64% Similarity Index, with 57% similarity with one particular web source: a Dissertation submitted at a University in America in 2006. - October 2011 She was invited to explain the similarities in her submitted work and maintained that it was all her own work and that she had simply used the American Dissertation as a guide to the areas that she could cover in her own work. - October 2011 The Head of School determined on the basis of the documentary evidence that the student’s case be referred to the Gross Misconduct Disciplinary Panel. - November 2011 The student appeared before a meeting of the Gross Misconduct Disciplinary Panel accompanied by her friend and tried without much success to explain why her Dissertation was so similar to the American one. The Panel found her guilty of Gross Misconduct and

ruled that she be expelled from the University with no award of the University made to her. - December 2011 The student appealed to the University Council Appeals Panel against the decision on the basis of Mitigating Circumstances, namely that at the time she was preparing her referral Dissertation for submission: a) She split up with her long time partner; b) Her mother had been diagnosed with a terminal illness The Panel found that whilst her personal circumstances would undoubtedly have caused her acute distress, this was no excuse for deliberately submitting someone else’s academic work as her own. Her appeal was therefore rejected. - December 2011 Suravi was expelled from the University with no academic award and returned home to live with her parents. The really sad part of this case is that Suravi’s original Dissertation, which was all her own work, was only 5 marks below the pass mark, and her Dissertation supervisor gave her plenty of feedback showing her exactly what she had to do to gain the extra 5 marks and be awarded her Honours degree. Instead she decided to cheat. As a result, after over three years of study, she left the University with no degree and without any good explanation to a future employer of how she had wasted these three years. And the moral of this tale is: if you are stressed out about a piece of assessment, go and talk to your Personal Tutor or the Students’ Union Advice Centre. There is plenty of help out there for you. Cheating simply isn’t a worthwhile option.

Festive Fairtrade On Monday 12th December you may have noticed that the SU smelled rather Christmassy. A bubbling pot of Fairtrade mulled wine was being sold, not only to get people into the Christmas spirit, but also to raise awareness of the issue of Fairtrade. Campaigning for Fairtrade is really important as many

people do not realise just how easy it is to make simple, inexpensive switches to Fairtrade products in their everyday shopping. Fairtrade puts producers in control of their own lives and helps communities to shape their own destinies. Many thanks to members of Cheerleading, American Football and LGBT who helped out, serving up

the cups of mulled wine with a good sprinkling of festive cheer! The giant inflatable Fairtrade banana in the Foyer may have seemed odd but it aims to spread a really important message – Fairtrade doesn’t cost a fortune but it makes a real difference to the planet! Making a small change to your shopping guarantees a fairer price for developing world producers.

Upcoming events - Get involved! Need a New Year’s resolution...why not volunteer with Bucks SU? Feeling full of Christmas pudding and mince pies? Come along to one of our community volunteering projects to get some fresh air and blow away those Christmas cobwebs. Or, if you aren’t the outdoorsy type, come to our careers session to learn about how volunteering with us can help you in your future. Here is a list of our upcoming events: 1st February 3rd February 8th February 13th-17th February 15th February 18th February

Graffiti Project clear up “How can being a Students’ Union volunteer get you a job?” Careers session, 10am-4pm, G3.05 Graffiti Project clear up Volunteer and Go Green week Conservation project Bungee Jump

To get involved please email or pop in and see Alice and Tansy in the SU office.

Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 5

Students invited to create designs for Former England rugby coach Dick Best to speak at Uni fundraiser Jewellery Live competition Left: (Centre L-R) Ollie Moore of WheelPower with lecturer and former London Wasps player Alan Black, along with students organising the night. Former England and British Lions rugby coach Dick Best is among speakers at a fundraising night in aid of charity WheelPower at the Students’ Union Venue. The former England coach will be joined by London Wasps and Scotland international Hugo Southwell, as well as a Harlequins player, at the event at the University in Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, between 7.30pm and 10.30pm on Monday 30 January. It has been organised by students studying BA (Hons) Sports Management and Rugby Studies as part of the Commercial Sports Club Management element of their course and the students said they hoped to ‘raise as

much as possible’. WheelPower is the national charity for wheelchair sport based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, the national centre for disability sport and the birthplace of the Paralympic games. Stoke Mandeville Institute of Sport and Education is also an education and training partner of Bucks, Bucks and Milton Keynes County Sports Partnership, and Leisure Connection. Student Gareth Jackson said the event presented a ‘fantastic opportunity’ to hear first-hand from leading rugby figures. He said: “Anyone with an interest in rugby will be interested in this event. Dick Best has been one of the leading figures in English and world rugby for many years so we are very fortunate that he has agreed to come and speak in aid of such a worthy cause as WheelPower.” Former London Wasps captain Alan Black, a lecturer in Sports Management with Rugby Studies at Bucks, will be compering the event. He said: “We are keen that we attract not only rugby students and other students but also the wider public. We want to have a good healthy audience so would like people from the rugby community in High Wycombe and further afield, as well as general members of the public, to come along.” Martin McElhatton, Chief Executive of WheelPower, said the fundraiser was a ‘fantastic gesture’ by the students.He added: “The money raised from this event will go a long way towards helping a lot of disabled children and adults and make a difference to transforming their lives. We are fantastically grateful to students for organising it.” Tickets are £15 in advance or £20 on the door. The night also includes a raffle. For tickets email aneveningwith@hotmail. For more details on WheelPower go to

The head goldsmith from the well-respected Michael Jones Jeweller popped into Bucks to deliver the design brief for an annual competition to come up with an innovative and eyecatching creation. Matthew Tyrell graduated in BA (Hons) Designed Metalwork & Jewellery in 1997 and oversees the contest, called Jewellery Live, which has run for 14 years, on behalf of the Northamptonshire-based jeweller. It is open to secondyear BA (Hons) Silversmithing,

Metalwork and Jewellery students, with designs made into prototypes and students receiving a share of the £1,000 prize fund and having their designs produced in gold. This year’s brief is to design an engagement ring and wedding band. Matthew and other staff at the jewellers will choose the winner. He said: “Michael Jones Jeweller is a co-operative so that allows us to take part in initiatives like this, working with universities. “The standard of work produced in previous years has been excellent

and the final design has never failed to sell. It’s an opportunity for students to step out of their comfort zones and push back the boundaries of their work. “Bucks New University has an excellent reputation in the field of jewellery design and this competition is a great way to link with the professionals of tomorrow.” Last year’s competition was won by student Priti Sharma, who created cuff links after students were tasked with designing an item of men’s jewellery that incorporated

diamonds. Elizabeth Callinicos, senior lecturer in 3D Contemporary Crafts and Products, said the competition gave students an opportunity to work in a real-life situation. She said: “This is about getting out of our ivory towers and having to take a potential client into account. This competition is an important step in helping students develop their skills so they are ready to go out into the world of work.” Above: Matthew Tyrrell with lecturers & students.

Former student receives New Year’s Honours MBE A member of the Travelling community who has completed a Foundation Degree in Community Development at Bucks has been awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List. Janie Codona is the manager of One Voice 4 Travellers Ltd - a group of women, children and young adults from within the Travelling community who work to reduce violence both to Travellers and within the community as well as undertaking a range of community development activities. One Voice 4 Travellers Ltd works across the Midlands, South Buckinghamshire and East Anglia with members of the Gypsy and Traveller community, particularly women and young girls, who have been affected either directly or indirectly by violence. Her citation said: “She is a role model for the community and well respected by government, local government officials and service providers alike. She uses her past experiences constructively to raise awareness of the problems facing the community and seeks to build bridges.” Mrs Codona has completed the two-year Foundation Degree at Bucks and is going on to study for an MSc in Organising for Social and

Community Development. She was a Commissioner at the former Commission for Racial Equality - the first Traveller woman to take on the position – and is also a member of the Metropolitan Police’s Gypsy and Traveller Advisory Group, providing cultural awareness training to organisations and individuals including prison officers, police and schools. The well-regarded activist is also a community health advocate promoting healthy living and emotional wellbeing for Gypsies and Travellers. Training for the role was completed at Bucks New University in a partnership with One Voice 4 Travellers Ltd and NHS Buckinghamshire following a Slough Social Fund grant of £10,000 from the Buckinghamshire Community Foundation. Mrs Codona said: “The MBE is fantastic and very positive recognition of the work I have done with One Voice 4 Travellers and also voluntarily in the Gypsy and Traveller community. “I learnt to read and write when I was six years-old but only attended schools for six months when I was six, before being fortunate enough to have a grandmother who helped educate me. I didn’t take GCSEs

until I was married with three children so to gain a Foundation degree was like achieving a dream. “I hope I am showing that Traveller women can aspire to something different than getting married and having children and they can gain qualifications, become educated, and achieve their dreams. The MBE is the icing on the cake and I’m already thinking who best to take to Buckingham Palace to receive it.” Dr Margaret Greenfields is Research Director of Bucks New University’s Institute of Diversity, Research, Inclusivity, Communities and Society (IDRICS) and has worked with Mrs Codona on Gypsy and Traveller health projects. She said: “Janie really is a star - a hugely influential, hardworking and delightful lady whom we’ve all enjoyed working with at Bucks. “We all wish her every success in her future career which, judging by her acadmic results, will continue to be outstanding. “I also feel that Janie’s academic success proves that with the appropriate tailored support Bucks New University offers we are able to ensure that students from very diverse backgrounds feel at home with us and are able to achieve their maximum potential.”

Do you want your opinions on your student* experience to be heard? Take part in the National Student Survey. It’s quick to complete and you’ll be helping prospective students make the right choices of where and what to study.

Scan here to take part in the survey

*You are eligible for the NSS if you are a final year undergraduate or are on a flexible part-time programme. If your final year cannot be easily predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth year of study. If you were due to be in your final year in 2012, but have withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part.

Designed by Tom Holmes, Staffordshire University - NUS Promotional Poster Competition Winner

6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

Poignant design award for aspiring young MA furniture student Talented MA Furniture: Design & Technology student, Ashish Shakuniya, has been awarded the Kevin Parsloe Award for Outstanding Design Innovation, in memory of Kevin Parsloe, a senior lecturer in furniture at the University who died 19 years ago. The Award, worth £250, was presented by Kevin’s widow, Viv, at a special ceremony held at the University. Viv, from Thame, has two daughters and four grandchildren, and said of the award: “I could really relate to the Ashish’s work and was very impressed with the delivery of concept on full scale designs, through to final product. My husband would have approved of my choice of award winner.” Ashish’s award-winning work was recently exhibited to the public at the MA Furniture: Design & Technology end of year Show. Entitled: “Space Saving Furniture: Small spaces and transient lifestyles”, Ashish’s work set out to discover the furniture needs of young people like himself, and what they choose to hold on to, as they move from home to home, often across continents and in and out of rented accommodation. Using CNC technology and basic panel construction, Ashish has created a range of versatile seats, which with their dual purpose surfaces, such as chairs that could also

be used as a desk or storage space, are ideal for moving from home to home. Prior to his passing, Kevin Parsloe worked at the institution for almost 30 years as a senior lecturer on the BA Furniture Design course. On 10 December 1992, he suffered a heart attack and died, aged just 54. Instead of sending flowers, mourners were invited to make donations in order to establish a trust fund at the University in Kevin’s memory, for the benefit of the furniture courses and its students. For the past 19 years, the interest from the trust fund has been awarded periodically to highly talented students, and this year’s winner, Ashish is no exception. Ashish is an international student from India, now living in Healey Avenue, High Wycombe. He said to Viv Parsloe at the presentation: “I’m speechless! I’m extremely happy to receive this award, and thank you very much. I didn’t expect to win, but will use the money to help further my career going forward.” Bucks New University is the home of the National School of Furniture (NSF), which is celebrating its first year anniversary. Launched a year ago, the NSF is a partnership between the University and Oxford & Cherwell Valley College, working together with businesses and associations to provide progressive furniture

National Union of Students NEWS

Unpaid Internships - Clegg should look closer to home The National Union of Students (NUS) today welcomed further commitments from Government and business to open employment and internship experiences to everyone regardless of background. However, NUS criticised Nick Clegg for failing to keep his own house in order as three of his own MPs, including Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone, and one Labour MP, were advertising for unpaid internships today. NUS and Trade Union Congress (TUC) have been campaigning against unfair, unpaid and illegal internships, check out our campaign here: uk/unpaidinterships

NUS suggests 10 alternative priorities to Gove’s £60 million yacht proposal Following the revelation that Education Secretary Michael Gove, has suggested buying the Queen a yacht to celebrate her birthday, NUS has suggested ten alternative ways to spend the estimate £60m cost on Further and Higher Education. The list of ten alternatives is as follows: - £9,000 tuition fees for more than 6500 students for a year. - Provide 45,000 students with Education Maintenance Allowance for a year. - More than 20,000 ten-week internships paying the London Living wage. - Continue the £60m investment in improving college buildings announced last year. - Extend the first year £1,000 bursary element of the National Scholarship Programme by two years for 30,000 students. - Treble the enrichment budget for college students upping the amount of time spent of things like pastoral support, tutorials and extra-curricular activities from 30 hours per student per year to 90 hours.

education from Level 1 (Certificate) through to Level 8 (PhD). It is the first time that the full range of learning levels have been offered together in this way, through an integrated centre for excellence.

universitynews It’s a RAPP! A total of 35 students attended a creative workshop for Bacardi at High Wycombe Campus, organised by its advertising agency, RAPP London, with MA Advertising students. Waqar Riaz, RAPP’s Head of Social Media and an MA Advertising graduate, set a brief for a new music platform for 18-24-year-olds. BA (Hons) Advertising: Creative; Film and TV Production; Music Management; Audio and Music Production; and Furniture: Contemporary Design students also took part. Bruce Sinclair, Course Leader, MA Advertising, said: “There is a huge resource of creative talent here and further events are planned with RAPP.”

Care to share your mind? Third-year BA (Hons) Advertising Management and Digital Media Communications student Alicia Ray is writing a blog about her experiences working with leading media agency, Mindshare. Alicia has completed a placement with the firm, which is assisting her with her dissertation. Vic Davies, course leader, BA (Hons) Advertising, said: “Alicia’s experience is typical for many of our students as we look to give them increased industry experience. The blog is a very interesting read.” See the latest entry here: http:// - Replace more than ¾ of the budget for AimHigher – which promoted widening access to higher education. - Train 7,500 apprentices at a cost of £8,000 each. - Fully fund the training of 4000 secondary school teachers. - Ensure the survival of the Care to Learn scheme with £15m to spare.

Are you sitting comfortably? Allen Stroud, course leader for Film and TV Production, has published a collection of 19 short stories on Kindle, called A Bag of Bedtime Tales. The short stories include fantasy, science fiction, and horror stories. Allen completed some alongside students as part of their fantasy writing module. He added: “I will be using one or two of the stories with my students for assignments later in the year for script adaptation. The main objective was to make use of the new medium of Kindle and e-books so I could relate the experience to my students and show them how easy it can be.” To find out more go to: B006PS20WW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1324944648&sr=8-1.

That’s radical, Radek! Wonga’s ‘Student Loans’ Marketing is Irresponsible Responding to a marketing campaign from pay day loans company Wonga the National Union of Students (NUS) said that the targeting of financially vulnerable students was incredibly irresponsible and should be immediately withdrawn. The information which currently appears on the Wonga website suggests that students should supplement smaller amounts of cheaper Government borrowing with shortterm loans from Wonga, including for things like holidays.

Childcare Survey Bucks Students’ Union is assessing the possible requirement for a childcare service for University staff and students and the types of childcare services currently being used by colleagues. Please complete our childcare questionnaire to help give us a picture of the childcare needs at Bucks.

A short film by graduate Radek Sienski, who gained a first in BA (Hons) Video Production (Digital) in 2010, has won the Campus Movie Fest 365 award, a global student film accolade. A Question of Time was also screened at the Young Cinema Festival at the 36th Polish Film Festival last year. It was completed as Radek’s dissertation piece whilst at Bucks. Radek has just completed a master’s degree in Editing at The National Film & Television School in Beaconsfield. See more at lgf.

You oughter see Porter BA (Hons) Textiles and Surface Design graduate Lucy Porter has been selected as a finalist in two categories for the New Design Britain Awards. Her work will be displayed at the show at the NEC in Birmingham between Sunday 22- Wednesday 25 January. Course leader Andie Robertson said: “Many previous winners have gone on to secure great jobs, work placements and media publicity following the show so this is great news for Lucy.”

The National Student Survey 2012 - open until 30 April Dear final year student We hope that your time at Bucks has been enjoyable and productive and has prepared you well for the future, whatever your chosen path might be when you graduate. The National Student Survey runs every year in all universities. It is a great opportunity to tell us what you liked about your time at Bucks, as well as things you felt could have been improved. Topics range from the academic support you received to the organisation and management of your course. Results are fed back to the University and Bucks Students’ Union and help us identify the improvements we should make. Some recent examples are: increased opening hours and resources in the libraries, creating the third floor at Uxbridge and our multi-faith quiet rooms, introducing the Learning Partnership Agreement between students and staff, and supporting the Students’ Union in their work to improve the student rep scheme. The more students who take part, the more accurate the reflection will be of the student experience here at Bucks. The NSS is conducted by Ipsos MORI, an independent research company. Your responses are anonymised so your answers can reflect your genuine perceptions of your experience and your contact details will not be passed on. The results from the survey will be published at in summer 2012. Your views really do matter to us, so please take a few minutes of your time to complete the NSS. Eligible students will have received an invitation email. You can choose to complete it online or via your smartphone at www. Every Bucks student who completes the survey has the opportunity to enter the prize draw to win £1,000. You don’t need to wait for the outcome of the survey if you have something to tell us about. Whether you’re pleased with the way things are going or have a concern, please tell us straightaway.

Professor Ruth Farwell Ruth Gunstone Vice Chancellor Director: Student Experience

Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 7

Student Sander is library video winner Creative student Sander Saar has put together a prize-winning videopromoting the Gateway Library on the High Wycombe Campus. The talented student, who studies BA (Hons) Business and Digital Media, created the short video to showcase what the library has to offer. The competition was part of this year’s Enterprise Festival and Sander, from Tallinn, Estonia, won £300 and said he was ‘very proud’ to win. His film shows all four floors of the library, as well as various study spaces and computer facilities, and was shot using techniques including slide dolly and time lapse. Students had been set a brief to come up with an engaging, enthusiastic, exciting and dynamic video guide to the Gateway Library and Sander’s video will be shown on Bucks New University’s YouTube channel and website. Sander said: “For me, the video is about illustrating how special and interesting the library

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is and inspiring people to use the facilities. I think the video gives a good allround impression of the University, highlighting plenty of aspects visitors may not pick up on. “I hope the video will be well received. I have come to Bucks from a different country and gained a lot of information about the University through film and video so I hope that my work will give potential students a good feel about what it would be like to study here.” Ursula Crow, Library Services Manager, said Sander’s film was ‘vibrant, dynamic and engaging’ and had impressed the competition’s judging panel. She added: “It will definitely appeal to our target audience of new students. Sander has done a fantastic job and created a production which we feel really shows what we have available to benefit students in the library and drives to the essence of what we are all about.” See the film at: http:// h?v=AaqpFBadDT0&fe

Above: Student Sander Saar receives his prize from Library Assistant David Taplin.

spot colour print

Student life, you only get one colour suite

so make the most of it Only NUS extra exclusive discounts on top brands for all See how much you can save for just at

Can you afford not to?

8 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

“Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, rumble young man rumble” For some time Muhammad Ali’s career was put on hold as he refused to serve in the United States Army during the Vietnam War because of his religion. He was banned in fighting in the United States in 1966. He declared “we are not supposed to take part in no wars unless declared by Allah or The Messenger”. We don’t take part in Christian wars or wars of any unbelievers.” Ali also used this reason not to get involved: “I ain’t got no quarrel with those Vietcong.” In 1970, Ali was allowed to fight again, and in late 1971 the Supreme Court reversed his conviction. This gave way to another legendary bout, as he defeated heavyweight champ George Foreman in 1974. In 1975, he took on old rival Frazier for another battle in the ring and –eventually – came out victorious. However, the late 70s, Ali’s boxing career was nearing the end. After being stripped from his heavyweight title by Trevor Berbick in 1981, the boxing legend announced his retirement the next day. Only three years later in 1984, Muhammad told the world he had developed Parkinson’s disease. Since this, he has been involved in many charities and organisations, including the Special

profiles Student Reps are the unsung heroes of the Student body often going about their business without much praise. They are the first person you turn to if something is wrong with your course and often

fixing problems and making life better for students on their courses and in the wider University. We have picked out a couple to give you an example of their excellent work.

Name: Naomi Huggins Course: Dance Performance Year: Year 2 Why you wanted to be a Student Rep? I became a Student Rep because I wanted to work alongside the university make positive changes for our course and students’ university experience as a whole. What have you changed for the better? After receiving feedback from my course about the confusion over what master classes we will be having each week. I took this feedback to the course team and have it rectified.

Olympics and Make a Wish Foundation, despite his deteriorating health. He currently lives on a small farm near Berrien Springs, Michigan with his fourth wife, Yolanda ‘Lonnie’ Ali. In dedication to Muhammad Ali’s birthday I have put together six famous phrases. Though there are so much more. See if you can remember when these quotes were said. First one I have done for you. “Floats like a butterfly, sting like a bee, his hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see.” - (Muhammad Ali - before the 1974 fight against George Foreman.) “If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.” “I’m so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark.” “I’m not the greatest; I’m the double greatest. Not only do I knock ‘em out, I pick the round.” “I am America. I am the part you won’t recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me.” By Tanieque Noel

Name: Guy Humphrey Course: Journalism Year: Year 2 Why did you want to be a Student Rep?

Could you represent the views of your peers to the University?

To help change things within the course and get my voice heard.

Get involved to make change happen and earn up to £100 reward payment! Also get unique access to the Students’ Union’s Bonus Bucks and additional training schemes.

What have you changed for the better? Student Reps have a tough job: they have to communicate between the students and teachers in order to make their course work. For example, Journalism students in their first year didn’t get camera training which would be used in the second year and I managed to get camera training reinstated. I have also been working to extend two deadlines by two weeks to enable us to benefit from this camera training and sufficient time to complete the assignment.

If you would like to be a Student Rep next year nominations are open from Monday the 20th of February for students in DMM or contact the DMM Student Engagement Coordinator at amy.mclaughlan@ If you would like to be a Rep for the coming term in S&H February cohort nominations open on Monday 6th February (contact S&H Student Engagement Coordinator for more information)

Nominations open Monday 20 February 9am Nominations close Friday 16 March 12 noon

Complete a nominations form online or visit your SU office


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or those who do not know that was one of many phrases Muhammad Ali used before entering the ring. I give a warm happy birthday to Muhammad Ali who turned 70 on January 17 this year. Search the internet for famous one-liners from the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali and you won’t have to look very far. He is arguably the most quotable sportsman in of our time. Muhammad Ali is not only known for his ‘outspoken’ quotes and insults, but also for his great performances in all his fights against his opponents that have had viewers glued to the TV screen intensely. Ali has defeated such boxers as Tony Esperti, Jim Robinson, Donnie Fleeman, Alonzo Johnson, George Logan, Willi Besmanoff, Lamar Clark (who had won his previous 40 bouts by knockout), Doug Jones, and Henry Cooper. Ali and Joe Frazier fought each other on March 8, 1971 at Madison Square Garden, was considered “the fight of the century.” It was one of the most eagerly anticipated fights of all time and still remains one of the most famous. The fight lived up to the hype, and Frazier acquired his victory by winning on points, despite flooring Ali in the 15th and final round.

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Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 9

SSHH Campaign: Silent Students Happy Homes...

Don’t miss the Party Bus! As part of our new ‘SSHH Campaign’, Bucks Students’ Union has expanded our free night bus service on Wednesday and Friday nights. We will now be running all three of our mini-buses from 9.30pm to midnight. They will pick you up from any point along the route and take you to the Students’ Union venue for free. Just have your student card ready to show the driver. After Midnight, they will start taking students home to anywhere in Wycombe that they need to go. Just jump on the bus and tell the driver where you’re heading to and they will take you for free! The scheme started on Wednesday the 11th when the Union VPs, Laz Wood and Amy Gordon, got behind the wheel of two of the mini-buses and spent the night driving students from all over Wycombe down to the Union and taking them home again. Laz Wood said, “I suggested the idea as a way of helping to reduce the impact of the minority of troublesome noisy students on the community, but also to help keep students safe on their nights out. I’m really pleased we are able to continue the service, and doing the driving myself was a fantastic opportunity to get

some feedback from students on what they thought of the idea!” Amy Gordon found the experience equally enjoyable. “It was a great chance for me to get out and make students aware of some of our work in the community. I hope everyone enjoyed Gordo driving Gordo the fun bus!” President Ash Coles said, “We are always looking for ways to improve our services for students and hopefully this will benefit the students and local community alike.”

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Be part of the SSHH campaign: Please respect your neighbours by making your way home quietly

As you are aware the University and Union are constantly being consulted by residents about anti social behaviour which is believed to be caused by mainly students. In my opinion this behaviour is carried out by the minority of students and by doing this they are given the general student population of Bucks bad press. If we can work together to improve the reputation of the students in the local area it will be better for everybody. Students will get a fairer deal and there will be a greater respect amongst all parties. It is important to think about your actions and take responsibility for your own conduct. Some people may find it funny knocking on as many doors as they can on the way home from a night out but I urge you to think about how this makes the local residents feel. I understand it feels like innocent fun at the time but imagine if this was happening to your parents! Or our younger brothers and sisters being woken up, scared in the middle of the night, to crowds of students chanting , or your grandparents looking out of the window to find groups of students urinating

on their property. The simple answer is you not want your family to go through this level of harassment and you can play a part by stopping this happening to someone else’s family. Please look out for our new “SSHH” Campaign (Silent Students Happy Homes) in and around our venues, encouraging students to take a more responsible approach to their behaviour – if you’d like to become actively involved please contact me – ash.

The University and the student body are incredibly important to the community economically, socially and culturally, bringing rich diversity to High Wycombe. Our students do a tremendous amount of important work in the community and we are really proud of our volunteers and charity fundraisers – let’s make sure local residents remember you for the good that you do and not for antisocial behaviour. President: Ash Coles

r u o t c e p s e r please d n a s r u o b h g nei e u n e v e h t e leav y l t e i u q Be part of the SSHH campaign: Silent Students: Happy Homes

10 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012



Sick and Cynical U

sually this time of year – you’re going to see a whole host of banal stories in the student paper about trying to keep resolutions and failing. Starting afresh? Doing something new? I’m not going to talk about this. I’m going to try and keep your attention by talking about something else. Nature Documentaries! BBC does them best – “Frozen Planet”, “Blue Planet”, “Planet Earth”, “Natural World” and “Life”. They’re all (I find) astounding, intricately shot, beautifully narrated and interesting pieces of television. It might not be your cup of tea but let me ask you this: How can you possibly say no to watching Penguins launch themselves out of the ocean onto a sheet of ice in HD and slow motion? I recently went to a “Frozen Planet Party” which is an absolute corker of an idea for a fancy dress theme. I spent quite some time before the party thinking of different things to go as: - Wear a suit and call myself “The Penguin”. - Put on some baggy jeans, a cap and call myself “Vanilla Ice”. - Turn up with my “Johnson” hanging out; make a terrible joke about “Free Willy” and Killer Whales. It was too hard to decide in the end so I didn’t bother dressing up. I turned up at the door with a small bag of ice and said “I’m too cool to dress up…” – it felt like a perfect idea before I said it but sank like the Titanic after. I saw some hilarious costume ideas as I was trying to

integrate myself into the ‘fun’ - one guy came in a huge white box and told everyone he was an ice cube, another put Talcum powder in his hair and simply claimed he was “The Narrator”. Some say that Stephen Fry could charm the leaves off of a tree and that his voice can soothe you into a state of physical dysfunction. I feel the same way about David Attenborough – his voice is sexy, every note resonating inside you, pleasing you and informing you simultaneously. His narration prompts your thoughts and connects you with the image. When I listen to him speak I pull the same face a cat does when it’s sitting in the heat of the sun. This leads me to my ULTIMATE ONLINE OBSESSION: Nature Documentaries on the BBC iPlayer (in HD). They’re a teatime treat for me and I strongly suggest you give them more of a watch (if you don’t already)they’re so fascinating you’ll develop a sort of “Nature Bass Face” where you’ll pull a strange shape which can only be read as “WOW”. Now for a tenuous link! I have to write about “Lifestyle” and you’re probably wandering “What do nature documentaries have to do with my lifestyle?” The answer to that is everything. The fragility of life is easy to overlook – the more we study the more we understand. Ever seen a Hippo spread its poo with its tail? HAR HAR By Ross Henbest

How To Get Internships Dear Busty...


hilst turning up to lectures hung-over or still drunk from the night before, just doing that isn’t enough in this tough, tough world. I do journalism and whilst it is bad journalism to refer to something personally, I feel that it is okay to do so and to relate. I have interned at Gay Times before, the longest running gay magazine as well as having an internship in April for The Independent fashion desk. Even if your course doesn’t indicate that you need an internship or placement, it’s very good to do so as it sets you apart from the rest. Every internship is different but there are things that you have to consider. Whilst there are always exceptions to these rules, hopefully these should make you seem better. 1) Do it as soon as possible. This is from experience. I’m a second year and in the summer of my first year, I just started looking for internships to do in the summer. Bad idea. Companies are always busy and they don’t have time to reply to your request and also, dates go fast, especially if they are big companies.

2) Don’t just go for big companies. If you get them, then great, well done. If you can’t don’t fret. Just contact smaller companies. They have more dates free and may be more willing to take on younger people, and generally speaking, have more time for you and you will probably learn more hands on experience. 3) Try to phone not email. Email is the easiest way to contact any company and does sometimes work. Both of my internships

have been secured through email. However, more often than not, they will go into the spam folder or just not read or reply to it. Why? Because companies don’t have time to reply. Writing to them may be slightly better; however, telephoning them is more instant. The same with face to face. However, it would be quite rare if you bumped into someone from a particular company you want to intern with. Phone is most definitely best.

4) Pester. If they ignore you, don’t reply to your emails or don’t get back to you, just pester them. You might just get somewhere and they will most probably remember you. 5) Ask questions. Once you’ve gotten an internship ask as many questions as you can think of. Even if they seem stupid, ask them. It shows you are interested, and in terms of journalism, shows that you are a good journalist. 6) Dress appropriately. Ask what your dress code is. Always try and dress relatively smart on your first day. Dress code depends on whatever company you are interning with. For Gay Times, the dress code was casual; however, the Independent requires a smart casual dress code. 7) Make sure you know what you are doing. This goes back to asking questions. If you know what you are doing then you will no doubt perform better and hopefully they will remember you for the right reasons. All these pointers can, and should, be taken with a pinch of salt. If you are stuck on getting internships you can always ask the university to help. By Guy Humphreys

Dear Busty,

Dear Busty,

I live in London so have to commute to Uni however I am finding it really expensive to travel. Can you suggest any money saving ideas?

My boyfriend is coming to visit me in Hall of Residence, however he is driving down and I was wondering where the best place to park cheaply is?

Dave, 18

Millie, 19

Oh Davey boy I tell ya it’s a hard life commuting what you gotta do is throw caution to the wind and get a transport for London card. Slap your hooves on a keyboard and hook yourself up to that world wide web look up, that way you’ll get 30% off travel it’s only £10 for the card then free to renew the card annually. Don’t forget to renew it or else you won’t be able to use it! Also have a look into a car sharing scheme but don’t get into cars with strangers (Unless you size them up first and make sure you can take them if need be!) Happy Travelling!

Oh Harrowwwww Millie that’s a bit cheeky, do your parents know? Ahhh the old “sneak a stag in now I’ve moved out” Well as you’re probably aware there is no parking in Halls of residence for guests but there are plenty of local car parks around Wycombe. Please try not to park on residential roads as they are for permit holders only also the local community can may get upset about it and you can even get towed away or fined (less pennies to play with) Bellfield carpark is probably the cheapest at around £3 per day! Give it a good google beforehand Happy boyfriend times! If you can’t behave be safe. ( Free condoms from the Advice centre #justsaying you never know what pesky deer’s have been sniffing round him while you’re up to your rump in coursework.)

Kisses on your face Busty x Dear Busty, My loan has arrived but I’ve had to spend it all on rent & tour & a tattoo on my arm and now I’m skint, help it’s making me angry pants! Margret, 19 Margret many students are in the same boat as you. But you’ve got to get your priorities right. Well done for paying your rent though! As fun as it is to be carefree student you have to make sure you look after yourself. Why not go see the lovely ladies in the advice centre to make sure you have access to all the money you’re entitled to. And listen here now Maggie! Make sure you’re not encouraging others around you to spend all their pennies too. Also get rid of your angry pants and go find some fun pants nobody wants to be friends with a fun sponge! Kisses on your face Busty x

Kisses on your face Busty x

Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 11

Pathetic plotlines and cringe- The top five things that worthycharacters: The student stress you about New Year’s Resolutions guide to terrible television


s it’s the new year, and in the spirit of honesty, I’ve a small confession to make: Up until Boxing Day I, Siobhan Louise Carney, had never seen a single instalment of the Twilight saga; not one. Whilst everyone around me was banging on about their allegiance to team Edward or team Jacob, I would – more often than not laugh sarcastically and roll my eyes. Now, in my defence, this attitude was partly based on the fact that the film’s sole purpose appeared to be aimed at appeasing gaggles of screaming, overly hormonal teenage girls. Plus, I’d always secretly believed that Taylor Lautner had the neck of a baby giraffe, Kristen Stewart had the expression of one who is permanently in the throes of agonising pain, and that Robert Pattison was a pretentious, sour-faced English toff with overly moussed and ridiculously selfindulgent hair. To tell you the truth, I’d always been rather proud of the fact that I’d never seen a single Twilight film. I’d listen to others dissecting the lustful looks between Edward and Bella, and all the while I’d secretly congratulate myself on somehow being immune from the hysteria. All this was true until Boxing Day when – under the influence of alcohol and peer pressure – I was finally persuaded to sit down and watch the films. Now, I know what you’re thinking, but the answer is no. I haven’t transformed into a rabid Twilight fan, I’m not breathlessly enthralled by the angst ridden love story of Edward and Bella, and I have definitely not developed a weird obsession with Taylor Lautner (he of the freakishly long neck). But, did I enjoy the films? Well, with some reluctance I must admit that the answer is yes.However, whilst the saga proved better than expected, I was also more than a little amused by the some of the ridiculous plot twists. For example, I found myself laughing disdainfully at the notion that anyone might find Bella remotely attractive. Apart from her weird, stalkerish obsession with Edward, and the fact that she’s only able to act out two facial expressions; (shocked Bella and sad Bella), she also spends three entire movies (that’s over six hours of MY life) moping and whining about the fact that two attractive men are in love with her. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she then plays one off against the other, thus ensuring her place as Hollywood’s ultimate ***** tease. If I didn’t hate the character so much I’d probably admire her (it’s at this point that I should point out again that I definitely hate the character…I mean, really, really, hate.) Apparently, I’m not the only one; even Edward finds her annoying. How else would you explain his refusal to change her into a vampire? Of course, he attempts to fob her off pretending to be concerned for her “soul” but, let’s be honest here;would you want to be stuck with Bella for eternity?

Anyway, the whole situation made me wonder about the millions of other TV programmes and films that abandon reality in favour of ridiculousness. Eastenders: At least Hollywood movies KNOW they’re supposed to be unrealistic and far-fetched; Eastenders, on the other hand, makes Forrest Gump look like a gritty biographical documentary. It is to realism what Frankie Coccozza is to celibacy. How else would you explain Pat’s tardis-like house? A dwelling that, up until recently, somehow managed to accommodate Pat, Ricky, Bianca, Carol and Billy, not to mention all 50 of Bianca’s children. I mean, thanks to Pat’s hideously drawn out death throes (who can forget that wallpaper) we know that the house has at least one bedroom…but what about the others? Where the hell is Tiffany sleeping…in a drawer? Or, despite the fact that the square boasts a car-lot AND a garage, no one but Phil actually owns a car. This, in terms of business logic, is a little bit like me opening a bikini store in the United Arab Emirates. Yes, it’s Albert Square: a bizarre soap bubble where no one owns a kettle or a washing machine (instead opting to drink tea in the café, or wash their clothes at the launderette) and where, judging by the death count, you’d probably be safer moving somewhere a little bit quieter…like Compton or Helmand Province. One Tree Hill I’m pretty sure One Tree Hill isn’t a comedy. I say ‘pretty sure’ because, despite its billing as a television drama, whenever I watch this show I always end up laughing. It’s ridiculous. In fact, it’s ridiculously ridiculous. Ok, so American teen dramas aren’t generally known for their gritty realism, but this one is easily the most outlandish (and I say that as someone who watched every season of The OC) First, let’s cover the basics: in order to be an actor on one of these types of shows your only real requirements are attractiveness and the ability to stare into the distance looking broody and tortured. Luckily, Chad Michael Murray appears to have mastered the criteria. But it’s not the actors that bother me in this series. No, the most irritating aspect of Tree Hill (as the residents call it) appears to be that the town exists in a weird parallel universe where celebrities are frequently passing through and befriending the residents. The other laughable scenario is that everyone has somehow managed to snag their dream job. Lucas is a successful writer; Brook is a

world famous fashion designer; Peyton is the owner of a major record label (despite only having one act); Nathan is an NBA star and Mouth is a television sports anchor. And then there’s Hayley James Scott; a music star/teacher/record producer/housewife and mother: if Hayley’s not fighting off psychotic nannies she’s stumbling over a new talent or befriending one of the many celebrities to pass through Tree Hill; a scenario that’s so ridiculous that it’s unintentionally hilarious. What next? Will Rafa Nadal make a surprise appearance at Tric? Will Hayley ask him to appear at a charity tennis match, discover that she’s a world class tennis player, leave Nathan and enter Wimbledon, before giving it all up for love? And even if you can stomach the idiotic storylines, there’s no way you’ll be able to ignore the cringe-worthy dialogue. It’s hard to pin point the worst example, but the whole “everybody leaves” mantra they banged on about for five seasons must surely rank somewhere in the top ten. Sex and the City In terms of realism, this show isn’t too awful…but, my GOD the characters are annoying. Now, before you accuse me of blasphemy, I should point out that at one time I loved this show; I wanted to BE Carrie Bradshaw (minus the equine face and Madonna arms). In fact, I think you’d be hard pressed to find a female journalism student who wasn’t secretly inspired by Sex and the City. It’s only on viewing the series for a second time that you realise how self-absorbed and irritating Carrie is. The coffee shop conversations are perhaps the most annoying. You’d think that Samantha having cancer, Charlotte dealing with infertility and Miranda coping with single motherhood would register somewhere amid the conversational landscape, but no. Instead they spend every day talking about blow jobs and sex toys. I mean, obviously women do discuss sex, but topics like cancer usually trump conversations about the merits of various sexual positions…or, at least, they should. Perhaps the girls would be more inclined to talk about ‘real’ stuff if Carrie wasn’t constantly banging on about her relationship with Big, Aiden or that creepy, old Russian man.


f there’s one thing that stresses me out about the New Year, it has to be New Year’s resolutions. Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re a great idea. I mean, who doesn’t like the thought of setting themselves goals for the year to come? But do people really need to make such a big deal out of the whole thing? The five things that stress me out about New Year’s resolutions are: 1.They’re never original Whenever you make a resolution, don’t you always find that you’re just recycling the same ones you used last year? They’re always the same: get fit, loose weight, do better at university, find a hobby, quit smoking etc, etc. And more often than not, you’ll find that every other person’s resolutions are exactly the same as yours. 2.They never last I don’t think I’ve ever met one person who can honestly say that they’ve stuck to their New Year’s resolutions. For example, I have plenty of friends who didn’t go to university who are now holding down jobs that they hate, or jobs that they don’t want to do. Their resolutions are always the same. Find a better job. And they have good intentions. They buy the paper and circle all the good jobs. They join jobsites, and they look at courses at local colleges to find a vocation. Come next year, they’re still making coffee for Mr Fortune 500, and crying into the filing cupboard.

all skinny as rakes, scoff down handfuls of spring rolls and mini pizzas? No, is the answer. 4.People look down on you Let’s just say you do have a friend or family member who does actually manage to see their resolutions through. They will, at some point, ask you how you’re doing with yours. And then they will realise that you’re still holding a cigarette between your fingers, or swigging from that bottle of wine whilst pretending to be sober, or whatever it happens to be. And then they will give that look. The one that says you have failed. 5.Too much emphasis is placed on them Perhaps the most stressful thing of all is that you have to make resolutions in the first place. But there is so much pressure on you to make them. You know what I mean. It’ll get to November, December time, and people will start asking, “Have you started thinking of your New Year’s resolutions yet?” at which point you’ll have to lie and say yes. Then they’ll ask you what they are, and, put on the spot, you’ll say something stupid like climbing a mountain or learning to free run. By Shane Millar

3. They have to start on New Year’s Day Is it even possible to start a resolution on New Year’s Day? Could anything be harder? Imagine it. Say you’ve made the decision to go on a diet. But wait, you’ve been invited to a party AND it’s a buffet. Can you really be expected to stand and watch while your friends, who are

By Siobhan Carney

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18 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

2011… the year that was in music… Plus 2012 predictions! By Sarah Campbell

2011 was without a doubt the year of the superwoman pop-star. Stars like Rihanna, Beyonce, Adele, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga all made huge waves in the pop charts last year. Adele in particular ruled the roost in the album charts with the mega hit ‘21’. The Grammy nominated album topped the charts in over 24 countries and is certified platinum 12 times over, selling over 3 million copies of her album in the UK alone! Not to be out done Katy Perry matched Michael Jackson’s record of releasing 5 top selling singles from the same album, Rihanna release 2 albums in the same year and Lady GaGa created controversy with singles such as ‘Judas’ and ‘Born this Way’. Beyonce meanwhile had a rather good year… releasing hit album ‘4’ and announcing the news of Beybe Knowles-Carter in August… Personally I’m rather a fan of Beyonce’s amazing dance routines. Who could forget her amazing performances at the American Billboard Awards and at

Glastonbury? [YouTube them if you haven’t seen them! Seriously!] Away from the ladies… breakout artists throughout the year included James Blake, Jessie J, Jai Paul, Cults, The Vaccines, Clare Maguire and Wretch 32. While key releases of the year included Florence and the Machine’s’ Ceremonials’, Foo Fighter’s ‘Wasting Light’, Radiohead’s ‘King of Limbs’, PJ Harvey’s ‘Let England Shake’ and James Blake’s self titled debut along with Bon Iver’s gorgeous self titled second album. 2012 in stark contrast to 2011 looks set to be the return of indie music. The Maccabes have already kicked things off in the new year with the release of ‘Given to the Wind’ while there’s further big releases and forthcoming tours [probably] from returning bands such as Muse, Queens of the Stoneage, The Ting Tings, Kaiser Chiefs, Nada Surf, The xx, The Killers, Mumford and Sons, The Stone Roses and even The Shins [whose fourth album is finally out in March- Cue much excitement from yours truly.].

In pop world the ‘Queen of Pop’ Madonna looks set to release new music in May while Katy Perry’s third album about her breakup with Russell Brand will more than likely be out this year as will a probable release from Lady GaGa who is set to embark on a monster tour. Meanwhile the man behind Tinnie Tempah’s ‘Pass Out’ Labrinth is bringing out his debut album in March. Nicki Minaj is also bringing out an album in March with ‘Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.’ Expect big releases on the rock front from Enter Shikari, Rancid, Lamb of God, No Doubt and Metallica with more than likely subsequent tours/festival appearances. BBC’s sound of 2012 Michael Kiwanuka is set to be a key breakout star in the forthcoming year if his performance on Jools Holland is anything to go by. While Lana Del Ray, Skrillex and Frank Ocean all look set to be big potential stars this year too. The end of the world may be nigh… but at least on the music front things are looking to end on a high.

A very ‘Sincere’ Interview Promise Me Sincere is a rapper from North London, and with the release of his new single ‘Ain’t Nobody Like You’ last month, it is the perfect opportunity to find out more about him. Sincere has released three mix-tapes to date, ‘That’s not Gangsta’ (2005), ‘Written In The Stars: Volume 1’ (2009) and ‘Volume 2’ (2010), he also released ‘Repping London’ with Scorcher, his cousin, and D Double E which was featured on the film Adult Hood. He has supported Rick Ross, Lethal Bizzle and Akala. Adding to that, a performance at Glastonbury in 2009 means Sincere is no one hit wonder. ‘Ain’t Nobody Like You’ was released independently on the 27th of November. Sincere said: “In times now, in every walk of life people have a defeatist attitude, whether its the hustler on the street who can’t be bothered any more, there’s the person looking for a job and they can’t find that job after applying for 50 that day, or whether your a musician trying to come up, we’re always facing obstacles, people don’t believe in your dreams or visions.” Sincere was influenced by the recession when writing ‘Ain’t Nobody like you,’ and wanted to “give out inspiration in a bad time”. Sincere emphasises in his music how difficult making money is, and how living the high life is one of his ambitions. With this single he wanted to make “a record for a class, the working class, up and down the country” and to inspire people “to think there isn’t anyone like me, I can do it!” It seems 2012 is carrying on the workload for Sincere, with the release of his next single in March. He has also been in the studios with Example, Wretch 32 and Chipmunk. The Londoner is currently trying to decide which song he wants to bless our ears with, stay

locked in at UK rap has developed over the past decade, from Wiley releasing the iconic mix-tape ‘Treading On Thin Ice’ in 2004, to Tinie Tempa getting a number 12 with ‘Written In The Stars’ in the US singles charts this year. Sincere told me how “five years ago being a British rapper didn’t mean you could buy a house,” but these days “if you get it right” you can buy a house. With this in mind, I ask where do you see UK rap in ten years time? Confidently he tells me “it’s just going to grow and get bigger if people keep pushing it forward.” With more and more determined young rappers, like Chpmunk and Rizzle Kicks breaking in to the charts, the UK can only wait and listen to how rap will evolve. Let us not forget Sincere’s clothing company, being the entrepreneur he is, XYE

clothing currently has a collection of Jackets and Tee’s with tracksuits and jeans to be added to the men’s collection next year. Sincere sees his clothing line as “something that could be the brand for the culture, more than just hoodies and t shirts”, with swagger in-printed in to the material, Sincere offers us fur- collared varsity jackets and fresh looking Lizzie t-shirts. For more info check: By

Tomorrow review


ndeterred by the two and a half hour journey to Wycombe, the five lads from South East Kent that make up the band Promise Me Tomorrow gained further credibility for their efforts last Thursday at the SU. Their mixture of punk rock and alternative pop, inspired by the likes of Kids in Glass Housesand You Me At Six is far from uncommon. However, their energetic stage presence and catchy riffs are incredibly contagious. The set began with a lively performance of ‘more than you know’ with lead singer Craig Lawrence hyping up the crowd with his powerful yet warming vocals. The lively drum beats and infectious guitar tunes no doubt left the crowd bouncing up and down. It was difficult to ignore the uplifting and intricate riffs of the guitar in the new single ‘You haven’t seen the best of me”. Each member

had an entertaining and refreshing stance on stage which was a pleasure to watch. Ending the set with “no one said it was easy”, it was apparent that a common theme ran through the lyrics, that being love and fear of a broken heart. The engagement with the audience and general chit chat throughout the set presented their fun and amicable personalities which would be wearisome not to like. Their flawless live set, tight relationship and musical talents prove that they are more than capable of accomplishing their dreams. Promoting the upcoming tour on national radio and popular music magazines, it’s a sure shout that these guys are here to stay and ready to make a memorable footprint in the UK music scene. Their new single ‘You haven’t seen the best of me’ and album is available for download on iTunes now. By Faye Towler


Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 19

Stefan’s Song of the Week! DJ Fresh feat. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now


appy New Year everyone! Thought I’d choose an upbeat, feel-good song for the start of 2012, which is exactly what this tune is! Hot Right Now, produced by DJ Fresh, who has had chart success, last year with the summer smash ‘Louder’, features the talented up and coming singer Rita Ora on vocals. The drum and bass track, starts off with Rita commanding listeners to ‘get your hands up’ while it gradually builds up. The track suddenly erupts into a hyperactive drum and bass sound, in signature DJ Fresh style, while Rita sings the incredibly catchy chorus ‘you know you’re only in it cos it’s how right now…’ over rapid fast-paced beats and high octane synths. This song is definitely one to get you hyped up for going out. With its energetic synths, I can also see this being the new soundtrack to jogging journeys and gym routines for sporty people nationwide unlike myself! With the positive, summer

vibe of the song ‘Hot Right Now’ has all the hallmarks of another smash hit for DJ Fresh. Also, Rita Ora, who’s signed onto Jay-Z’s Roc Nation label, is set for big things this year so maybe this will not be the last we’ll hear from her! Hot Right Now will be released on February 12 Rating:


By Sorcha Collister BMB

I have read list after list of Twenty11’s Top Tunes. Then I came upon this quote; “Tip for 2012: MUSIC IS FOR LIFE, NOT JUST FOR EASY NEW YEAR MARKETING PLANS” Instead of a list of super far out underground tunes from the year, that I’ve maybe pretended to listen to once and you neither know nor care about, here is a list of music that has sound-tracked my year. And, it is not because these bands necessarily have the most originality, creativity or skill; it is because these are the songs that worked for me, on bus, on plane, on train, on ferry and on line.

Amy Winehouse By Stefan Miller




ucks erchandise

Lioness: Hidden Treasures

I begin with a confession. I have not listened to this album. I respect Amy Winehouse and that is the reason I have chosen not to listen to these shrouded songs, I will in time I am sure, come to hear these songs and enjoy them. But I would not choose to listen to them as a whole, as I would not choose to rifle through her attic, I do not believe that she wanted many of these songs to be heard. In regards to music I trust Amy Winehouse; she controlled her musical output but sadly not her demons. Her classics songs still arrive in my head unannounced and sometimes they play on and off all day, inside and out. There are days I catch friends singing it too and I am glad that her gift keeps moving.

Gil Scott Heron+ Jamie XX -

We’re new here

Gil Scott Heron’s, original “I’m new here” was his first material in 16 years and proved to be his last, as he died last May, just two months after the release of “We’re New Here”. The question is, is it better?” The answer; it is different, and for me, yes it is better. It has brightness, it has energy, Jamie has up-cycled Scott Heron, and he has taken the most impressive parts and made them even more profound. As opposed to recycling him and destroying the concept of the album or the flow of the songs, he has perhaps created a masterpiece, in its own right.


He was described in Toronto as “New electronic R&B”. I prefer this to his English Dubstep placement. That’s not where he belongs; he doesn’t attempt to create a showy attention stealing production, the emphasis remains majorly on the vocals and the song as a perfect whole. I never tire of this album; it always seems to remain accessible and fresh. I of course, research artists that I review, I just discovered the man behind SBTRKT; Aaron Jerome is a massive fan of an artist I cannot stand, I no longer know what to feel.

Little Dragon -

From SBTRKT we naturally progress to Little Dragon, featured on Wildfire. My brain has tuned in to Yukimi Nagano the singer of Little Dragon, as you tune in to your mobile ringtone, or the voice of each housemate. As I began to recognise her voice, her delicate dreamy voice I find it appearing in tracks of Andrew Sitek, of Dj Shadow and Gorrilaz. Little Dragon’s beauty isn’t limited to Nagano though, she is carried on the deep subliminal bass, crisp snare and ethereal synths produced by her band of high school friends, Bodin, Wallin and Wirenstand. I have also been told that live, she is as alive and alluringly sensational as she can be heard and as she is on paper, a part Swedish part Japanese fashion leader. And this is why Little Dragon is as relevant a name for her band as Blondie was for Debbie Harry and the boys.

Festival Internacional de Benicassim -

By day the sun was out, by night the moon was full, some perfect music, lots of not so perfect dancing. And the most practically perfect people in every way. So perfect in fact, Mary Poppins was probably there. A few highlights: Tame Impala The sun was setting. It was hot, and they had no shoes on their hooves. Arcade Fire Mesmirising. A creative spectacle of musical genius. Crystal Fighters. Frantic and euphoric, as were we, and as we stayed, under the Spanish sun. Look out for twenty twelve. Does it really matter what the reviewers sell you?

















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22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

ON THE BOX Soaps Review

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo W

Above: One of the Eastend’s finest says farewell to the Square! Below: Phil behind bars yet again!


elcome back and I hope you’ve all had a hard earned rest in time for your second semester! Freshers, hope you’ve all settled in well too! As you can imagine, the festive season has been rather explosive over in Albert Square. Before I head into spoilers, I’ll do a quick catch up for everyone who may have missed the festive episodes. A main storyline over Christmas saw the Yusef/Zainab story finally wrap up. Yusef used Kamil to keep Zainab under his control. However, it was too late even though she’d realised the truth about Yusef’s scheming plans. Enlisting Masood’s help, Zainab fought to get her son back before being forced to go to Pakistan. The truth about the evil doctor was eventually revealed, with Masood finding his son in time. Afia allowed her father to leave, before the police arrived, believing that he was going to leave for good. As expected it was not meant to be!

Meanwhile a Christmas party which was fully underway over at the B&B, was where Masood and Yusef had their penultimate face-off. Words were exchanged, a fight ensued, and petrol was poured over an unconscious Masood. Unbeknownst to most of the residents; Patrick, Tyler and Alfie had stored stock loads of fireworks and alcohol near the door, putting plenty of lives at risk. Thankfully, Masood was discovered in time, and with the help of Jay, Christian, Shirley and Ben, the fire was almost extinguished and the residents escaped. Then, the explosion came ultimately killing Yusef. Away from the Masoods and over to the Evans/Butchers - EastEnders icon Pat Evans (and her huge earrings) passed away over New Years Eve. This brought her son David Wicks back and saw him and Carol strike up a relationship again before he left her once again, in the cold. Mandy and Ricky’s one night

stand was revealed, and we saw Bianca struggling to accept Ricky back after hearing about his dead baby. That’s an overall quick catch up, and now onto some spoilers for the forthcoming weeks. Anthony and Tyler Moon learn the hard way that they need to be very afraid of Derek Branning after he threatens them to repay a recent loan. The Mitchell family discover that Ben was Phil’s stalker, and Phil’s taken away in flashing blue lights. Despite asking to change his statement, it’s too late for Ben to make amends and he’s kicked out of his home, left to fend for himself. Jane makes a big decision about her future in Albert Square, and after a big row with Tanya; will she really leave for Cardiff? That’s all for now, and make sure you stayed tuned in with all the latest gossip. Once again, Happy New Year, and see you all in a fortnight! By MJ

hen a movie is longer than two and a half hours, it has to be intense to keep the viewers attention. As far as Stieg Larsson’s “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” is concerned, it manages to stay exciting from the beginning to the end. The plot is fascinating, although it slightly differs from Larsson’s original novel. The movie starts out as a detective story. Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), a journalist accused and found guilty of libel, is hired to investigate the disappearance of Harriet, the niece of Henrik Vagner (Christopher Plummer), a retired businessman whose company is now run by his nephew Martin Vagner (Stellan Skarsgard). Mikael is introduced to the family as the writer of Henrik’s memoirs, but in reality, his job is to find out what happened to Harriet who was 16 when she disappeared and now presumed murdered. In addition to having a mysterious murder case, the movie is also a drama about the life of Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), the girl with the dragon tattoo. She is only 23, but has already had a difficult life confessing to the attempted murder of her father when she was 12. Believed to be mentally unstable, Lisbeth is assigned a legal guardian who suffers a stroke, and is sexually abused by the replacement. Lisbeth sets out to seek revenge against the abuses she has suffered. When things get ugly on the screen, the camera does not look away, and most violent actions of the characters are shown to the viewers. There are sexual scenes and nudity, and the movie is rated ‘R’ for that reason. As the movie progresses, the two stories come together when Lisbeth is hired to help Mikael investigate the case. They build both professional and personal bonds, while digging out the horrible truth about the Vagners. What makes this movie a huge success is the acting. Out of all members of the cast, Rooney Mara is the most brilliant transformation. She manages to put aside her “girl next door” image in order to become a tough and not exactly feminine young woman with lots of piercings and tattoos. Her colleagues do a great job as well. There are a few moments when characters concentrate their attention on objects and we realise what they are thinking at that moment.

What truly captivates the viewers is how tension is created in the movie. The most important scenes are slow-paced, and the situations the characters find themselves in get worse step by step to create suspense. A good example is the scene when Lisbeth’s new guardian forces her to perform oral sex on him. He starts out with, “You need to learn how to be sociable and do things for other people and then they will take care of you in return,” after which he puts the girl’s hand on his crotch and tells her to unzip his pants. We know where this is going, but it is so much more painful to watch when it’s given to us gradually. “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” is definitely a mustsee simply because a wide range of viewers that are likely to be interested in the film; it is both entertaining and thought provoking.

Rating: By Tanya Virdy


For more information email : Sarah O’Brien - Student Editor Ash Coles - Editor

irector Steve McQueen (not to be confused with the actor) appears to be intrigued with physical and mental decay. His first movie about the IRA hunger strike in the 1980s, conveniently named Hunger, starred rising actor Michael Fassbender. It was a story of a man pushed to physical demise because of his beliefs. The director’s latest work shares similar themes whilst focusing on the mental side of a dysfunctional human. Brendan (Michael Fassbender) is a seemingly regular guy. He is admired at his work by his arguably pathetic and ironic boss David (James Badge Dale) as well as being successful at picking up a string of female companions. However, under his smooth complex and flashy apartment, Brendan has a dark secret. Keeping most people in his world at a distance, Brendan is a sex addict. Taking breaks in between work to casually masturbate in the toilets or paying prostitutes to have sex with him, Brendan is trying to fill his empty tormented soul with any physical contact he can find. But when his obnoxious sister Sissy (Carey Mulligan) comes to stay for an unknown amount of time, it throws Brendan’s life out of wack and brings his addiction to the surface as he loses control. Whilst Shame is beautifully shot and expertly acted, it most definitely is not for everyone. Immature audiences might laugh at the nudity displayed by Fassbender, all the while skipping over its meaning. But anyone willing to give the movie the time will be satisfied. McQueen understands addiction without getting preachy or looking for an answer which is what gives the movie

By Oliver Hunt

its character. Brendan isn’t the kind of person who will rape someone to appease his appetite for sex or get it in any other harmful way but instead pays for web chat sex amongst other ways. Brendan is controlled by his vices however, and isn’t happy as he often appears to be in pain in the middle of coitus. Despite the backdrop of the much seen New York, McQueen doesn’t jump to show the tourist attractions, but instead leaves a Great Gatsby element as Brendan often looks across the river to Jersey where he first moved to with his family after leaving Ireland (as we understand but are never fully told some events which shaped him into the man he is today.) Despite living in a large populated city, we feel Brendan’s exile and solitary state. This is really shown to us by Fassbender’s excellent performance. But with Fassbender and Mulligan playing off each other the conflict is presented disturbingly as we understand something lurking below the surface between them both. Brendan obviously has some relationship issues after confessing his longest relationship only lasting four months, but he is a very sympathetic character. Whilst some audience members might have a problem with the melancholic narrative and the open of the third act, Shame is once again a great collaboration between director and actor. We can only hope that McQueen’s next movie, Twelve Years a Slave, will follow suit in terms of a thought provoking cinema.


Top 10 films


he beginning of a new year marks the time when studios will be front loading their chosen movies just before the crazy ‘Award Season’ begins with a laughable result (you only needed to glance over the nominees for this year’s Golden Globes). As one year ends another begins, but before we can look forward, here are the movies which I recommend to people to pick up when they get


Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 23


10. Tinker Tailor

Soldier Spy

Despite many audience members finding it “well boring”, I believe director Tomas Alfredson has actually concocted a terrific spy thriller filled with paranoia and secrecy in this adaption of the John Le Carre’s novel. Important performances from the consistent Gary Oldman and new comer Benedict Cumberbatch makes the film about the reality of being a spy rather than the explosion filled movies of modern directors.

a chance. Unfortunately I missed a lot of films due to distribution reasons but out of the movies I missed the ones which I wanted to see were Andrew Haigh’s Weekend, the Iranian melodrama A Separation and Andrea Arnold’s reimagining of Wuthering Heights. Hopefully 2012 will be as interesting as its predecessor as we are to look forward to all types of movies.

7. Red State

8. The Rum Diary

9. Norwegian Wood

Directed by “that guy-” Kevin Smith, Red State is the Clerk’s director’s best movie for a long time. It is also one of the first films I believe he took seriously as he shot it on a small budget of only three million dollars (nothing by Hollywood’s standards). With Kevin Smith admitting Red State will be one of his last movies before he quits the medium, it is really a shame to see the director find a genre which works for him. Fantastic performances from the likes of Michael Parks and John Goodman as well as small timers Kyle Gallner and Kerry Bishé - this film will entertain all.

Withnail & I director Bruce Robinson returns for the first time in a decade with an adaption which sent him relapsing on his alcohol addiction, however the end results (without sounding callus) was worth it. Based on Hunter S. Thompson’s only (admitted) fictional book and with Johnny Depp reprising the role of the mad Gonzo journalist this movie is very enjoyable along with a great cast from Aaron Eckhart to the gorgeous Amber Heard.

Based on the novel by famed Japanese writer Haruki Murikami, this slow and sometimes uncomfortable movie about adolescence in sixties Japanese society is beautifully shot by French director Tran Anh Hung and captures the book excellently.

6. Midnight in Paris

5. We Need To Talk About Kevin

4. Melancholia

Woody Allen is back once again (as he is every year since he begun) with this hilarious surreal story of a writer who loses himself in what he considers the Golden Age of Parisian history of the 1920’s as famous writers, painters, film-makers all casually hung around the various bars and coffee shops. With a great cast of Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdam’s, a lot of the humour comes from the supporting cast. Most notable performances come from the always superb Adrian Brody as Dali and Corey Stoll as Hemingway.

This is most likely one of the toughest films of the year . However, I recommend a lack of knowledge before going to see this hard hitter. Lynne Ramsay’s dark and often visceral story of a mother with no sense of direction after her son Kevin commits horrendous atrocities leaves the questions of was it nature or nurture which corrupted him? Tilda Swinton is perfect opposite the intimidating new comer Ezra Miller.

Despite what professional troll Lars von Trier said at Cannes 2011, his latest movie is a spiritual sequel to his outrageous Antichrist. With visuals what are some of the most potent of this entire year and a story about a family crisis at the end of the world, Melancholia is arguably one of von Trier’s best to date. Whilst the first section is arguably far too long, the second half makes up for it meaning that it is a movie that wants audiences to keep up.

1. Black Swan Despite the fact that many consider Black Swan a 2010 picture, it came out in the UK this year so I could not leave this from my list. Shot beautifully by Darren Aronofsky applying all the aesthetics of a Dario Argento movie, this is a movie that cannot be missed. Winning Natalie Portman the Best Performance Oscar (as if they really matter) at the 2011 Academy Award’s this movie will shock and terrify any horror fan.

2. Drive

3. Submarine

2011 can be remembered as the year the Ryan Gosling took over the Western World. With a great year including Blue Valentine, The Ideas of March and Crazy Stupid Love, it would appear that he has finally found his director/actor collaboration with Nicholas Winding Refn. This styling Michael Mann-esq story of a job gone horribly wrong is full of flash cinematography and a heart thumping soundtrack by Cliff Mortinez which will entertain all. It is at times quite brutal as it wears its certificate 18 badge proudly, but don’t let that get in the way of this extremely cool thrill ride.

Based on the Joe Dunthorne novel of the same title, director Richard Ayoade (known from IT Crowd or more importantly Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace) understood the source material and added a French New wave film gloss over the whole story. This British coming-of-age dramacomedy is to me a deeply honest telling of a dysfunctional teenage and the embarrassments of growing up. Hopefully Ayoade’s next project with be just as smart and stylish.

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

FASHION & Beauty

Fashionistas of 2011

Staged J

By Shane Millar

ulia Harris sat outside The Cynthia Crawford Academy of Performing Arts and took a deep breath. For the millionth time she smoothed a hand over her suit to make sure it wasn’t rumpled. What if I’m making a mistake? Julia had asked herself this question more times than she could count. There were so many things that she had to consider. She’d left LA pretty quickly, leaving a note for her agent briefly explaining why she felt she had to do so. She felt awful about it too. The only saving grace was that she hadn’t been working on a new project at the time. Regardless of that though, it had been a stupid move. Did she really think that this could work; that she could just leave her high profile life and slip back into blissful anonymity? The answer was probably no, but Julia had convinced herself that the press had better things to do than look for a movie star who’d gone walkabout. She’d been sat outside Cynthia Crawford’s for two hours now, and in that time she’d watched the students pour in. Each time someone had walked passed her she’d vowed to get out of her car, and make her way to the building, and each time she’d stopped herself. Once she had announced that she was here, there was no going back. She would have to deal with everything. She’d have to see Danni, and Rex, and Lisa, and…Raffi. And that was going to be difficult. She’d missed her ex boyfriend while she’d been in America, and she’d spent a long time worrying about seeing him again. Just over two years ago, Julia had completed her studies at Sylvia Young’s. Three days later she’d received a call from an agent who’d seen her perform and would very much like to represent her. She’d agreed, of course. To be an actress was all she’d ever wanted. After that she’d landed the lead role in a British film called The Runaway, about a young girl who finds herself homeless after she is evicted by her family. The casting directors had taken a big risk on her. Up until then, she’d been an unknown actress with limited experience. But Julia had played the part, and suddenly critics were raving about the best young actress to come out of Britain for years. She’d signed to an American agency for a small fortune, and her life had changed forever. As soon as she’d arrived in The States, she shot another movie called Marie’s World, a trashy rom-com that did surprisingly well at the box office. She’d also filmed a pilot episode for an American TV series, but she’d had to leave that project after several incidents had occurred. There were many career decisions Julia had made that she now regretted, but the one she regretted most was leaving her friends without saying goodbye. She’d been so swept up in the fact that she was going to have a brilliant career, that all thoughts of friendship had left her head. Julia berated herself now for being so selfish, and so immature. She hadn’t even talked to Raffi about leaving; she’d just packed a bag and gone, without a word to anyone. She’d only phoned her parents to let them know where she was after she’d settled in London. Julia sighed again. Now it was time to bite the bullet. he young woman looked up from the reception desk, and her mouth dropped open in surprise. Julia was used to this reaction by now. “Erm…” was all she could say. Julia smiled back politely, and said, “Could you show me the way to Ms Crawford’s office, please?” The receptionist jumped to her feet. “Yes, of course, Miss Harris; if you’d like to follow me.” The receptionist turned away and began walking down a long corridor. When they reached the office, the receptionist invited her to take a seat, and announced that she would just, “inform Ms Crawford of your arrival.” knock came on the door and Cynthia Crawford looked up from her desk, setting her pen aside.



“Come in,” she said. The door opened and one of the receptionists from downstairs popped her head in, looking slightly flushed. “Are you alright, my dear?” she asked, when the girl didn’t speak. “Yes,” she said, moving into the room and shutting the door behind her. “You’ll never guess who’s waiting out there to see you.” “Who is it?” asked Cynthia. The receptionist paused and whispered, “Julia Harris.” Cynthia raised an eye brow, and for a second, she thought the receptionist was joking. Why would an international star visit her establishment? The last Cynthia had read, Julia Harris was tipped for great things, about to star in a new US drama series. “Well…show her in then,” she said, curious. The receptionist returned with a young woman. In person, Julia Harris was perhaps more stunning than she was on screen. She was beautiful, with pale skin and dark hair, and she carried herself with a confidence that was unusual in someone of her age. Cynthia let the girl settle herself before she spoke. “Well, this is certainly a surprise.” Julia smiled. “Sorry,” she said. “I should have made an appointment, but the decision to come here was spare of the moment.” Cynthia waved her hand. “Not at all,” she said. “I’m always happy to meet talented actors.” Julia held up her hands. “I don’t know about that,” she said. “I was in the right place at the right time.” “And modest, too,” Cynthia responded, surprised yet again. The young woman in front of her was nothing like the Julia Harris she had expected to meet. The press painted this woman as a hard as nails, headstrong, party girl. Cynthia found her nothing short of charming. Then again, she reflected, you can’t believe what you read in the papers. “Can I get you a drink?” asked Cynthia. “A glass of wine perhaps, I’m sure that could be arranged?” “No,” Julia said, shaking her head slightly. “I don’t drink, but thank you anyway.” So much for the party girl, she thought. “So, what can I do for you Miss Harris?” Julia took a breath, and said, “You can say no if you want…but I’d like to study here.” Cynthia began to laugh. “Oh, yes, very good. But seriously, my dear, what can I do for you?” “I am serious. I want to do my degree here. Like I said feel free to say no, but –” “Let me get this straight, you want to be a student here.” “Yes,” Julia replied. “But, what an earth for? Forgive me if I’m wrong, but you already have a career. Isn’t it supposed to go the other way round?” Julia looked down for a second, before meeting Cynthia’s gaze. “Let’s just say, my career didn’t turn out quite the way I wanted. And besides, I know people here, people that I went to school with…I need something to keep me busy.” “I see,” said Cynthia, still confused. “I’ll tell you everything you want to know, as long as you promise not to say anything to anyone. I have my reasons for leaving The States.” Cynthia thought for a moment and then made a decision. She wanted to help this girl, who, for all her confidence, seemed so fragile. And, whatever her reasons were for leaving America, she was sure they were valid. Julia continued, “And if it’s money you’re worried about, I can pay –” “I’m sure you can. See my receptionist on the way out, and she’ll give you your timetable. We’ll sort out the details later. Welcome to Cynthia Crawford’s, Miss Harris.”

What a powerful and creative year for fashion 2011 has been. From social events to sophisticated occasions, fashion has always been the most glamorous element of celebrity’s lifestyles. The year of 2011 involved a lot of bright colours blocks, edgy designs as well as chic class and nude tones. But who made the exclusive and prestigious list for the Best Dressed of 2011? The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, certainly impressed the nation with her Alexander McQueen wedding gown. And – as impossible as it seems - after that she only dressed better. With sweeping gowns to elegant dresses, she knew how to pull it together. As pictured she wore a dark blue lace cocktail dress and kept it graceful with a nude handbag and heels. Kate kept her look very simple, as she always appeared fresh faced with minimum jewellery to let the outfit do the talking. Rihanna, who has always been daring with her choice of outfits, kept it edgy and colourful for 2011. She always stood out and

became a trendsetter no matter how unusual and ‘out there’ her outfits were. Rihanna is pictured wearing a Christian Dior Couture gown, with bright multi-colours, Rihanna kept it fun and entertaining. Her look maintained young and fresh throughout the year, which made her stand out and fit into the Best Dressed category. Blake Lively has an effortless beauty which went hand-in-hand with her stunning dresses in 2011. Her natural look only made each outfit stand out more; she kept it very catwalk with a dash of girl-next-door. As pictured she wore a beautiful Grecian dress from Chanel fall 2009 couture. It draped across her body like it was made for her, yet again another nude colour which she pulled of fabulously. Whether on set of Gossip Girl or on the red carpet, Blake’s fashion style remained effortlessly elegant and chic. Once again celebrities have made their fashion statements for 2011, now let’s see what 2012 will bring. By Harleen Sangha

Pictured: Blake Lively in Chanel, RiRi in a colourful Christian Dior Couture gown, and The Dutchess wearing her dress with effortless elegance

£5 per day includeds parking + petrol

3 First year Textiles + Surface design students, traveling by car, have space for 1-2 extra students to travel with. Meeting in and around the Ealing area (London), Greenford then going to Bucks New Uni. Mon, Tue, Thu: meet at 8am, return roughly 3pm (flexible) Fri - meet between 9am - 11.30am: return at 3.30pm (strictly)

Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 25

Fashionista Pallets -

Tried and Tested After one of my recent trips to Superdrug, I stumbled upon a new makeup brand which has fascinated me; Fashionista. Using ‘The Saturday’s’ as an advertising endorsement, the brand is almost certainly becoming a favourite of many of the glossy magazines. The range includes the stable makeup bag must haves, such as; mascara, eyeliners, nail varnish, blusher, foundation, pressed powders, the list goes on. So you may be thinking why is it so special and different from all the other high street brands? That of course is the launch of the customized pallets. This allows the

customer to mix and match between any of the 49 shades of eye shadows and the 12 shades of blushers available. Each pallet retails at £5, with a choice of red or black casing and inside houses a large mirror, which is incredibly handy when you’re on the go. They hold up to four shades at a time, but the colours can easily be popped out and switched over to suit your preferences. I am impressed with the colour range of both the blushers and the eye shadows as there is

Lush after LUSH

By Faye Towler

Hair Growth Special Your hair grows on average half an inch every month. Here are some ways to speed this process up and to keep your hair healthy: definitely a colour to suit any skin tone. Best of all, the pigmentation of the powder is of great quality. The makeup lasted all day and I didn’t find the eye shadow creasing or wearing off at all. I would compare the price range of Fashionista to that of Barry M, Sleek and Maybelline. The pallets are a definite investment piece for anyone’s makeup collection as they are small, compact and handbag friendly!

Cheryl shines again with her very own shoe collection Singer, presenter and now designer Cheryl Cole has revealed her own dazzling shoe collection. From red carpet wear to casual day time boots she has a shoe for everyone’s style. The 5ft 3inch pop star - who has over 2,000 pairs of heels - wanted the shoes to be all about comfort. Cheryl mentioned: ‘I wanted character and personality in each shoe.’ Each pair of shoes has a name which resembles her lifestyle and upbringing. The pair ‘RiRi’, which is the leopard and black shoe boot, was inspired by one of her favourite pop stars Rihanna, which she once said she has ‘a girl crush on’. The biker boots are called ‘Byker Grove’, dedicated to the children TV show based in her hometown of Newcastle. With fun and unforgettable

names such as ‘Funky Monkey’, ‘Glam Slam’, ‘Your Royal Hotness’, Cheryl has a personal emotion with each shoe which makes it exciting for everyone to wear - knowing each has its own meaning. Cheryl Cole said ‘I wanted each girl to have something she could relate to, whatever she does, or however she feels.’ Cheryl has nine pairs of shoes in her collection which range from £79.90 to £119.85, not a bad price for designer wear, as they are all designed for comfort; they have high quality fabrics and leather linings to avoid sore feet. Cheryl has teamed up with, once you go onto this website you take the style quiz which defines what type of style you have.

bnuNewspaper advert (270mmby85mm) 16-2-11.pdf

Christmas is usually the time when most of us are bombarded with ‘smellies’ from family members that are hesitant in what to buy us. This year, in my case, I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I received a number of products from the cosmetic store LUSH. Have you ever considered the price you may be paying by applying cheap products to your skin and hair? The majority of the time they are loaded with chemicals and artificial substances that claim to moisturize and add goodness. What you don’t know is that most of the time these cheap products are stripping you of your natural oils and replenishing them with chemicals. Unless you want to pay a fortune for the high end, good quality retailers, homemade improvisation techniques or hand made products are what you should be relying on. This is where LUSH steps in to lend a helping hand. Our skin is the largest organ in the body and we must take care of it. This is just one way we can nourish our skin without harming it. LUSH has been around for quite a while, however it’s popularity has risen in the past few years and the chain is opening up in almost every shopping centre. For those who are somewhat unfamiliar with LUSH, it is a cosmetic retailer with a twist. They hand-make all their products, all are natural and organic and all ingredients are purchased in a sustainable way. The overall price ranges for the products are worth the retail price for the quality and personal service you are greeted with when you enter the shop. Every time I visit the store, I am approached by a friendly member of staff with a wide range of knowledge willing to help me choose the right product, personalised to my needs. The first product that I received was a heart shaped massage bar. Its appearance

- Folic acid and Biotin supplements they can compensate for the lack of vitamins and nutrients in your diet that are necessary for promoting hair growth. - Massage the scalp - Using small circular motions, gently massage the roots of the hair when shampooing or conditioning. This increases blood circulation at the surface of the skin allowing the hair follicles to take in more nutrients. - Trim your locks - Make sure you get rid of those split ends every eight weeks by making an appointment at the hairdressers. - Hair masks - Perform a deep conditioning treatment once or twice a week with natural ingredients such as avocado mixed with olive oil and leave on for at least 15 minutes. - Avoid brushing the hair when wet as this causes breakage. If you have tangled hair, use some hair oil (Moroccan Oil) to gently separate any knots when damp. By Faye Towler

You then sign up to the site and then high profile stylists will recommend which type of shoe is the right match for you, whether it is Cheryl Cole’s selection or any other. So click away ladies, time for some shoe shopping!

is very similar to a bar of soap. Made from natural oils, it smells incredible and when rubbed on the skin, it melts to the heat of your body. The second product was a personalised facemask, which must be stored in the fridge as all ingredients are natural and edible. The mask was ‘Oatfix’ which is specifically for combination to dry skin. The ingredients consisted of bananas and oats, mixed with water and other natural products. Each pot has a use-by- date and if you collect five empty pots and return them to the store, they will give you a free facemask. This illustrates the sustainable and recycling methods of the company. The texture is thick but moisturising, and must be left on the skin for at least ten minutes. When washed off with warm water, it leaves the skin feeling fresh and silky. I even found that there was no need to apply a moisturiser to the skin after use. The third was a cleanser and scrub named ‘Herbalism’. The product is of a thick, vibrant green paste consistency. This again had a use-by-date; however there was no need for refrigeration storage. To use the product you need to pinch a small peanut sized amount onto the palm of your hand then add a few drops of warm water and mix into a thin paste. After, apply to the face and use as a cleansing scrub. At this point your whole face will adopt the fluorescent green colour, giving a slight likening to Shrek in some circumstances. Once you have gently exfoliated and cleansed the face, use a flannel and wash off the existing product. I am now lusting after all lush products, there are so many to try out. I would much rather use natural substances on my skin rather than exfoliators and body creams loaded with chemicals. Lucky for you guys there is a LUSH store located in the Eden centre in High Wycombe. It’s difficult to walk past the shop without being drawn in by the unbelievable scents so go and check it out! By Faye Towler

By Harleen Sangha Pictured: The ‘RiRi’ leopard and black shoe boot and ‘Freak Le Chic’ 1




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26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

FOOD & DRINK This week my boyfriend took me to... By Hollie Wicks

Christmas was too busy and we didn’t get a chance for a meal out! So instead I’ve chosen to show you one of our favourite recipes. - baked Camembert.

The Loch Fyne review Restaurant: The Loch Location: Nationwide

- Peanuts are used in the manufacturing of dynamite - It has been a tradition to serve fish with a slice of lemon since the Middle Ages. People used to believe that the juice would dissolve any bones accidentally swallowed.



- A ‘tip’ is the acronym for “To Insure Promptness.”

- 1 boxed camembert - 2-3 sprigs thyme - 1 clove of garlic - 1 tbsp olive oil - Bread (normally white sliced, or go for tiger bread)

1. Preheat your oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7 2. Unwrap the cheese, and slice the rind off the top of the cheese. Then place the cheese back in its box. And then onto a baking tray 3. Then season the camembert, firstly crush and slice the garlic in to small pieces, then place into the cheese. Then sprinkle thyme leaves, and drizzle with olive oil. (make sure you don’t put too much garlic in, only a few pieces) 4. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until the cheese is browned on top and melted inside. 5. Then it’s ready to serve with toasted bread.

- Vitamin A is known to prevent “night blindness,” and carrots are loaded with this – hence the saying ‘eat your carrots and you’ll be able to see in the dark.’ - Carrots have zero fat content. - Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water. By Hollie Wicks

The Loch Fyne is a chain of restaurants which have become famous for sourcing and serving the freshest seafood accompanied by great flavours. The chains have all been similarly decorated in a fairly rustic fashion with wooden tables and chairs, slate floors and an impressive ice filled fresh seafood display centrally situated which looks like a fishmonger’s counter from which you can actually purchase the fish. From oysters, prawns, shrimps, haddock, cod, kippers, sardines, as well as steak and a few vegetarian options too, each dish is exquisitely presented on white platters and crisp crockery, with a selection of breads and various side dishes too. Upon arrival into the restaurant you will be allocated seating at the bar to have a drink whilst waiting and the staff are very particular and prompt. The menu is high quality with starters ranging from £4.50 - £7, mains £9 - £18 and desserts for about £3 - £4, dependant on the specials board. Starters are a good size so make sure you are hungry enough to have one and fresh bread is offered from the beginning, with butter. There are some beautiful starters at the Loch Fyne. All of them are fish and seafood based apart from a goat’s cheese tart, which is lovely if you’re a cheese fan. The mains are also good sized portions offering the customer a variety of choices from the fish line as well as steak, duck, risotto and pasta. The shellfish platters are an absolute must for

By Tanya Virdy

anyone who loves hot and cold shellfish, oysters and lobster as well as squid. Considering the generous portions, dinner or lunch for a couple will cost around a reasonable £30. It is accompanied with bread and can come with either crab or lobster, both of which are huge. An excellent scheme that the Loch Fyne does for kids is to eat free at weekends and in half term holidays up until 6pm. This is perfect for any parents as you can be assured that you’re child is eating fresh, healthy produce. To sum it up, the Loch Fyne restaurant serves beautiful food, has an elegant atmosphere and attention to detail.

Watford Methodist Circuit

LGBT Fellowship For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/no/undecided faith. We meet on the first Sunday of the month, 2.30pm-4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Mill End, WD3 7HJ. Our first meeting: 5th February 2012. For more info contact Rachel & Sarah The first meeting will include a service of celebration for LGBT History Month. If you would like a lift to this event please contact the University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793 or email:

Christian Prayer High Wycombe Campus Tuesday: 12.00 -12.30pm, in the Sanctuary, N.1.10 Uxbridge Campus Friday: 12.30 -1.00pm, in the Quiet Room, 3rd Floor Room 3.06 All Staff and Students Welcome! For more details contact: multi-faithchaplaincy@bucks. or Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793

Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 27 To contact the Advice Centre High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180 Or email


Registering with a local Doctor or Dentist Have you registered with a local doctor? Do you know how to find a local NHS dentist? If not just read on and all will be explained – it’s actually all quite easy to do. Doctors It is essential that you are registered with a local doctor. Should you fall ill, which could happen at any time, you will need to have a local GP, as it is very difficult for anyone to get a doctor to call out and see you otherwise. If you do fall ill and need a letter from a doctor for mitigating circumstances you cannot get one unless you are registered! You can still use your ‘home’ GP during holidays; they will probably ask you to fill in a temporary resident form if you need to see them. However, as you are officially living in this area for the majority of the year, it is important that you are fully registered and that your records are held here. It is entirely up to you which doctor you choose; one near to your term-time accommodation would be the most convenient. To find one near to you go to Select GP and put in your postcode and you will get a list of the doctors’ surgeries nearest to you with all their details and where to find them. All you need to do then is to drop in to the one you chose and register. Different doctors’ surgeries will request various sorts of ID for registration so it is best to ring the surgery you chose first to see what they will need. If you are an International or EU student studying in the UK for more than 6 months you can access all NHS services including registering at a doctors’ surgery. Keep a note of the name of your GP, as well as the practice name and phone number in case you or a friend needs to call out a doctor for you.

Have you ever had sex without a condom? Or perhaps had a condom split? Ever thought that you might be carrying a sexually transmitted infection? Why not get yourself checked out. We’ve arranged a series of clinics on the High Wycombe campus, throughout the year, where you can get a full sexual health screen or just do a test on yourself for chlamydia. (1 in 10 people under 25 have chlamydia!) Dentists If you have an existing dentist that you are happy with and you can get there relatively easily, if you need emergency dental work, then stick with that one. You may need to find a local one if you need ongoing treatment though if it is too far to travel. If you need to find an NHS dentist you use the same method as finding a doctor. Go to Select dentist and put in your postcode, you’ll then get a list of NHS dentists. It’s best to phone and check that they are accepting new NHS patients. If you have difficulty finding an NHS dentist then phone 0845 272 3222.

If you want to get tested for an STI, but cannot go to one of the above clinics go to to find your nearest Sexual Health Clinic or come and ask us in the Advice Centre and we can find one for you. Our service is completely confidential so you can talk to us and it will not go any further. We also have a limited number of free condoms you can pick up. Bucks Students’ Union Advice Centre

High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180

Or email

Health Care Costs For help with the costs of prescriptions, dental treatment, glasses/contact lens and other health related items you can apply for help through the NHS Low Income Scheme. You can claim now, do not wait until you need treatment. To apply you need to complete an HC1 form. If you want to claim back money that you have already paid you need a receipt (for prescriptions an NHS receipt form FP57) and a refund claim form HC5. We have both HC1 form and HC5 forms available in our ARC offices at Uxbridge and High Wycombe. If you would like help with any of the above or talk confidentially about any difficulty you may be experiencing then come and see us in the Advice Centre.

Phone us, email us, or drop in and see us!

Next date of Sexual Health Clinic: Monday 30th January Come see us at room N2.07 10am-3pm, High Wycombe Campus

get in touch: High Wycombe Campus, Ground Floor, North Wing t: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge Campus, Room 1.03, First Floor, t: 01494 605 180

e: w:

28 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

New Year, New You! Timetable Monday



Dance Studio

Tuesday Yoga 17:15-18:15 Dance Studio Tuesday


i I’m Cat, the Student Activities Assistant here in the Students’ Union. These past few weeks I’ve been visiting and trying out all our fitness classes that are offered FREE through the big deal so you can find the right fitness class for you! Wanting to get fit for summer or fancy trying something new but have got limited funds? Then why not try one of our fitness classes, there’s bound to be one to suit you no matter what your fitness or experience levels are.

Dance Fusion

18.15- 19.15

Dance Studio

Wednesday Legs, Bums & Tums


Dance Studio

Wednesday Core & More


Dance Studio




Dance Studio




Dance Studio


Bucks Pump


Dance Studio

Class: Zumba

Class: Boxercise

When: Mondays from 6:15pm - 7:15pm Where: Dance Studio in Gateway Cost: FREE through the Big Deal Instructor: Linda Workout rating: Moderate - mainly cardio Impact Level: Moderate Review: A fun simple dance work out to songs everyone knows, great for burning calories

When: Thursdays from 5:15pm - 6:15pm Where: Dance Studio in Gateway Cost: FREE through the Big Deal Instructor: Alice Workout rating: Hard - a good aerobic workout Impact level: high Review: Not just for the novice boxer, it’s a great workout. Be prepared to sweat!

Class: Yoga

Class: Core and More

When: Tuesdays from 5:15pm - 6:15pm Where: Dance Studio in Gateway Cost: FREE through the Big Deal Instructor: Amanda Workout rating: Low - focus on flexibility and stretching Impact level: Low Review: A brilliant stress reliever and a good way to relax and become more flexible.

When: Wednesdays from 6:15pm - 7:15pm Where: Dance Studio in Gateway Cost: FREE through the Big Deal Instructor: Vicki Workout rating: Hard - a thorough work out but beginners exercises available Impact level: Low - lots of floor work Review: Not for those afraid of a workout but a fab way to get in shape and tone up that core ready for summer

Class: Legs, Bums and Tums

Class: Fitball

When: Wednesdays from 12pm - 12:45pm Where: Dance Studio in Gateway Cost: FREE through the Big Deal Instructor: Alison Workout rating: Moderate - focuses on targeting certain body areas Impact level: Moderate- use of resistance bands increases impact. Review: A thorough workout focusing on these key areas, an awesome class for your lunch break!

When: Thursdays from 6:15pm - 7:15pm Where: Dance Studio in Gateway Cost: FREE through the Big Deal Instructor: Lauren Workout rating: Moderate Impact level: Low Review: A fun and exciting way to get fit whilst improving your balance and toning your core.

Class: Dance Fusion

Class: Bucks Pump

When: Tuesdays from 6:15pm - 7:15pm Where: Dance Studio in Gateway Cost: FREE through the Big Deal Instructor: Luke Workout rating: Moderate - mainly cardio Impact Level: High Review: A great dance class whilst providing a thorough work out at the same time.

When: Fridays from 12 - 12:50pm Where: Dance Studio in Gateway Cost: FREE through the Big Deal Instructor: Vicki Workout rating: High Impact level: High Review: An enjoyable way to build those muscles and a good way to start the weekend and earn your Friday night at flirt!

In depth reviews

Core and More - Review

After finally settling in Wycombe I decided it was time for me to get out and start getting involved in the activities we offer. My first stop was the Wednesday evening Core and More class offered FREE to students and staff through the Big Deal. It was recommended by a friend as being a thorough but fun workout so I decided to give it a shot. My fitness level at the moment is pretty average so I was worried I would struggle in the class being alongside core and more regulars but the instructor Vicki put me at ease and offered a beginners version of each exercise. But believe me even the beginners options didn’t let you slack off. The exercises were really varied and worked different areas of your body and I came away thinking I’d definitely worked hard. Although I woke up the next day with aching muscles, I can see that I would really benefit from attending the class regularly (which I now do!). The class was relaxed and friendly but also offered that demanding workout you often can’t achieve from just going to the gym. Vicki was really encouraging and made you feel welcome and along with some good music I found myself actually enjoying the class and will be returning for the weeks to come. A great way to get in shape and tone up that core!

Dance Fusion - Review

My next step on my fitness class ladder led me to Tuesdays Dance Fusion class. Probably one of the classes I was more nervous about due to having 2 left feet and no dance background. We started off with an energetic warm up which I managed to get along with fine and then we got into the real dance section. Luke went through the steps several times and made us aware that if we wanted to go through anything more slowly then just to let him know which definitely put me at ease. The class involved a lot of street and break dance moves and for any dancers or people wanting to get into street dance this would be the ideal class for them. The class also provided a real body workout with core work as well, making this a great all round class for everyone, not just dancers. And although I’ve come away with bruised and battered knees (anyone thinking of going definitely should wear joggers) I really enjoyed the class and left feeling that although I wouldn’t appear in Step Up anytime soon I might improve enough to at least not have 2 left feet.

Fitball - Review

So next on the fitness class trail was the Thursday evening class of Fitball. Again another class that’s brought to you free by the big deal so is a great way to get fit for the new year and take advantage of a fun and exciting class. I went to this class by myself for the first time so was a little worried about being the only newbie, but i had nothing to worry about. We started off with a fun warm up with everyone being told the key to the class was to trust your ball, it will be there! So with that I tried to believe the ball would be there and got stuck in to the exercises. The class covered a range of stretching and toning exercises all involving the Swiss balls so a lot of balance was required to ensure that you kept on your ball. Everyone managed to fall off their ball at one stage or another so you weren’t worried if you did happen to take a tumble. Also as the class is low impact and you can do variations of all the exercises, it’s a great one for people who are worried about their fitness levels or perhaps haven’t exercised for a while. The instructor Lauren also puts everyone at ease and caters to everyone’s differing abilities. Another bonus of the class is that as you’re concentrating on balancing on the ball most of the time you seem to forget that you are actually toning at the same time so the normal aches and pains of some exercises are at the back of your mind. And although for me the class wasn’t as strenuous as others I’ve been to, I will definitely be returning as the class provides a fun and alternative way to get fit. I would definitely recommend this class to everyone, especially those who may be put off other classes as they are worried about not being able to keep up. Here you work at your own level and no one is watching what you’re doing as they’re too busy focusing on not falling off their own ball!

Legs, Bums and Tums – Review

Got a spare hour on your Wednesday lunch time? Why not pop along to Legs, Bums and Tums every week from

12pm – 12:45pm. The class is a great one for people who want to target these key areas that many girls focus on. We did an energetic aerobic style warm up before getting into toning exercise. We used a resistance band for many of the exercises to add the extra workload to the exercise so you got the maximum from the workout. The instructor Alison made all the exercises easy to follow and we covered a range of activities from standing poses to floor work ensuring that our legs, bums and tums were worked thoroughly, whilst being fun at the same time. I found time flew by and before I knew it we were cooling down. I really enjoyed the work out and feel is a great way to get fit in your lunch break, and with the instructor there to make you work it could be more effective than a lunchtime gym session. Overall the class was very enjoyable and provided something different to try in your lunchtime.

Yoga - Review

Another member of the 8 Big Deal Fitness Classes is a Tuesday evening Yoga class, every Tuesday from 5:15 – 6:15pm in dance studio 2. This is one of the more relaxed fitness classes that we offer so I was looking forward to this being a bit of an easier class especially after Christmas. So it was going well when whilst we were waiting for the other people to join the class we were told we could just have a lie down and prepare. The class took us through a series of stretches and postures, giving you time to relax each time and you could work at your own pace, so beginners are more than welcome. Different versions were also available if anyone had any injuries so it’s accessible to everyone. The class gradually built up to slightly harder poses so you were working on flexibility and your core as well. The whole class had a relaxed and calming atmosphere and you weren’t aware of what others around you were doing. The class is a great way to forget the stresses of your day and would be great for if you’ve got a lot of work on, exams or assignment deadlines. Overall a very relaxing and calming experience.

Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 29


Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

Law Society Greetings from the Law Society! We’re back from Christmas and ready to jump straight into the action. We have lots of exciting plans for 2012 (that’s right, us lawyers CAN be exciting.) from guest speakers to a fantastic BlackTie dinner planned in March. Not only that; but our joint SU takeover with the Mooting Society means that it is going to be one of the best nights of the year. That’s happening on February 1 so save that space in your diaries because it’s going to be an incredible night. Another big event on our calendar is elections. A

few spots on the Law Society’s team are up for grabs and we are looking forward to welcoming our new members and to see what they can bring to add to our team. We were recently very pleased to be awarded our bronze accreditation and we hope that with some new faces on our team our gold accreditation is just around the corner! Some of you may have supported us by treating yourself to one of our yummy home-made mince pies in December for our Christmas fundraising fair, we would like to all thank you for stopping by and supporting us. You are all fantastic! So fantastic, in fact, we may treat you all to another bake sale soon. So keep an eye out for the Law Society!

NSF Furniture History Society

Bucks Pump - Review

Got a spare hour on a Friday lunch time? Want to feel like you’ve earned your Friday night at Flirt? Then why not try the Friday lunchtime class Bucks Pump from 12 – 12:50pm. This class also has Vicki as the instructor who also teaches the Wednesday core and more class. So if you enjoy that then this class may appeal to you too. It uses a whole range of equipment from weights, steps and bars to build and strengthen your muscles in different exercise patterns. We worked through targeting different muscle groups in the body and as the class used patterns of exercises it also has a slight aerobic element to it as well, which is always a bonus. The music was a great motivator to keep going and everyone used the weights which suited them best so you worked at your own level. Vicki also helped to ensure you were doing the exercises correctly so you got the most out of them. The class is a great way to start of the weekend so you’re not feeling guilty for having gone out. It’s also a great way to leave the stresses of the week behind whilst being a thorough and hard work out. And of course like all the other big deal classes it’s completely FREE!

Zumba - Review

So the latest fitness craze has hit Bucks New Uni in the form of the Monday night Zumba class. Billed as a fun workout and a great way to burn calories I had to go along and see what the fuss was about. And believe me, i may have caught the bug! The class is upbeat and energetic and involves dance like routines but to songs you know and love and want to dance to. This class is more aerobic than other classes available to if your wanting to burn the calories or improve your aerobic fitness then this will suit you. Or alternatively if you want to have fun in a relaxed dance environment then equally this class is for you. The class will make you work up a sweat and i would recommend taking along some water as the class varied between more upbeat and energetic routines with some slower songs. Overall a brilliant class, so why not take your mates along and have a laugh! Contact or check out for more info.

The NSF Furniture History Society on tour in the heart of England In the middle of December, the NSF Furniture History Society paid a visit to the Gordon Russell Museum, situated in the beautiful historic Worcestershire village of Broadway, nestled on the edge of the Cotswolds. The museum itself is located in the original workshops of the Gordon Russell furniture company - which is now a listed building - where he employed over 200 highly skilled craftsmen throughout the company’s lifetime.

Our tour was delivered by the now retired former director of the company who was a fount of knowledge and a very entertaining narrator of nostalgic stories about the workshop during ‘the good old days’ We saw a fabulous cross section of wonderful pieces of furniture that had been produced there, with their innovative design ideas and delightful door and draw opening mechanisms, and many of the original furniture drawings. The impressive selection of radio cabinets from the 1940s is testament to the versatility of Gordon Russell’s acumen, as it was the idea for and production of these items which helped the company overcome the financial difficulties Britain faced after the

second World War. Sir Gordon Russell was a great designer, maker and businessman, with a vision and passion to produce good quality furniture in terms of both design and materials, at affordable prices. As a director of the Design Council during the Art and Crafts movement at the turn of the 20th century, he played a key role in promoting British furniture, and its design, worldwide. We would warmly recommend a visit to this unique museum and if you would like to be a part of future exciting study visits and lectures, please contact us on bucksfurniturehistorysociety@











13 14



17 18



Edition 24 Answers: ACROSS 1. When; 4. Casebook; 8. Answer; 9. Crambo; 10. Halo; 11.t Libretto; 13. Midnightclear; 16. Included; 19. Grew; 20. Gentle; 22. Little; 23. Cathedra; 24. Nude DOWN 2. Hungarian; 3. Newborn; 4. Carol; 5. Sackbut; 6. Brace; 7. Orb; 12. Travelled; 14. Godhead; 15. Lighten; 17. Latch; 18. Delia; 21. Era


The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter N in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of a luxury goods brand. 1. Heavy, plodding 2. Prayer 3. Improvement 4. Detain 5. Planet 6. Stringed instrument 7. School exam 8. Asian subcontinental 9. Tighten 10. Venetian painter 11. Choice, possiblilty 12. Idea

12 11







4 7

5 6




Down 1. St John -------, the cathedral church of Rome. (7) 2. What Lot’s wife was turned into. (4) 3. The Hindu divinity worshipped as the preserver of worlds. (6) 4. Author of the ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’. (6) 5. A musical composition of a free form usually incorporating several familiar themes. (8) 6. ‘And there it did both stop and stay, right over the -----where Jesus lay.’ Carol (5) 12. The Anglican equivalent of Vespers. (8) 13. A specialist in a given branch of knowledge. (7) 15. To grant a share of; bestow. (6) 16. In the Bible, the Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from massacre. (6) 17. ‘Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty -----.’ (5) 19. A long, narrow strap typically used in pairs to guide a horse. (4)

Who, what where and when?

WHO... was the British king whose youngest son was Thomas of Woodstock? WHAT... type of animal is mohair produced from? the second largest state of the USA? WHEN...was the decade in which Rudolf Valentino starred in The Sheik and Blood and Sand? ANSWERS Edward III, A goat, Texas, 1920s

Puzzle Corner

Across 7. Highly spiced sausage of Italian origin. (6) 8. Not having the necessary means or skill or know-how. (6) 9. ‘Brightest and ---- of the sons of the morning, dawn on our darkness and lend us Thine aid.’ (4) 10. A large on can be see one the Barley Mow pub sign ! (8) 11. ‘Low at His feet lay thy burden of -----------, High on His heart He will bear it for thee’ Hymn (11) 14. ‘He hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach ----------- to the captives’ Luke (11) 18. Sodom or Gomorrah were said to be this. (8) 19. ‘A spotless rose is growing, sprung from a tender ----.’ Hymn (4) 20. ‘That ------ I may rise, and go above, And see Him in the truth of everlasting day’ Cardinal Newman (6) 21. Old Testament prophet who challenged the gods of Baal. (6)


30 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

Difficulty: Easy

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine. Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating


Difficulty: Intermediate

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.

Difficulty: Adavanced


By Tani Noel

What your moon sign say about you? You may be familiar with your ‘Sun Sign’, but what is a ‘Moon Sign’? The Moon is said to rule your personality, while the Sun rules your individuality, while the Ascendant Sun dictates our outer appearance and mannerisms. By reading the description of your Moon Sign you will be able to judge how much the Moon affects your personality. The descriptions are quite general, but may ring true nonetheless. Reading your Moon Sign is determined by the date of your birth. Why not try it out yourself? Moon in Aries: March 24th-20th April You have a strong imagination, courage, determination and a desire to do things in your own way and forage your own path through life. Originality is a key attribute, Aries are seldom stuck for ideas although your mind is changeable and you could take time to focus on individual tasks.

Moon in Libra: September 23rd-October 23rd With the Moon in Libra you are naturally popular and make friends easily. People like you, probably more than you realise, you bring fun to a party and are natural diplomat. For all its good points, Libra is the most stable of astrological signs and, as result, your emotions can be a little unstable too.

Moon in Taurus: April 21st-May 21st The Moon in Taurus gives you a courteous and friendly manner, which means you are likely to have many friends. The good things in life mean a lot to you, as you Taurus people are an Earth sign that delights in experiences which please the senses.

Moon in Scorpio: October 24th- November 22nd Some people might call you pushy. In fact, all you really want to do is to live life to the full and protect yourself and your family from the pressures of life. You are fond of mystery and are good at predicting the outcome of situations and events. Travel experiences can beneficial to you.

Moon in Gemini: May 22nd- June 21st You have a warm-hearted character, sympathetic and eager to help others. At times reserved, you can also be articulate and chatty. This is part of the paradox of Gemini, which always brings duplicity to the nature. Your friends highly speak of you, and would defend you should the need arose.

Moon in Sagittarius: November 23rd- December 21st The Moon in Sagittarius helps to make you a generous individual with humanitarian qualities and a kind heart. At work you are quick, efficient and versatile and so you make an ideal employee. You need work to be intellectually demanding and do not enjoy tedious routines.

Moon in Cancer: June 22nd-July 22nd The moon in cancer at the time of birth is a fortunate position as Cancer is the moon’s natural home. This means that the qualities of compassion and understanding given by the Moon are especially enhanced in your nature, and you friendly and cope well with emotional pressures.

Moon in Capricorn: December 22nd- January 20th The Moon in Capricorn makes you popular and likely to come into the public eye in some way. An initial lack of creative ability and indecision must be overcome before the true qualities of patience and perseverance inherent in Capricorn can show through.

Moon in Leo: July 23rd- August 23rd All the best qualities of the Moon and Leo come together here, making you fair, ambitious and self-confident. You should be lucky in love, and happy, provided you put in the effort to make a comfortable home for yourself and those close to you.

Moon in Aquarius: January 21st- February 18th The Moon in Aquarius makes you an active and agreeable person with a friendly, easy-going nature. Sympathetic to the needs of others, you flourish in a laid- back atmosphere. You are broad minded, fair and open to suggestion.

Moon in Virgo: August 24th-September 22nd You are endowed with good mental abilities and a keen receptive memory, but you are never ostentatious or pretentious. Naturally quite reserved, you still have many friends, especially of the opposite sex. Talented and persevering, you possess artistic qualities and are a good homemaker.

Moon in Pices: Feb. 19-March 20th You have a kind, sympathetic nature, somewhat retiring at times, but you always take account of others feelings and help when you can. you have a fondness for travel, appreciate beauty and harmony and hate disorder and strife. you may be fond of literature and would make a good writer or speaker yourself. See you next edition for more insights into your future!

Brighton too strong for Bucks

Wednesday 25th January, 2012, Bucks Student 31

mens BASKETBALL Bucks 1st 40 - Brighton 1st 69

Bucks Men’s Basketball 1sts lost out to University of Brighton 1sts by a score-line of 40-69 at the Gateway on December 1st 2011. The visitors showed why they are ranked two divisions higher than Bucks as they overpowered the home side and went through to the next round of the cup. Coming into the game off the back of a narrow away defeat the previous week, Bucks knew they faced a tough challenge to get back to winning ways against the south coast visitors. The early signs were good for the hosts however, as they raced into an immediate five point lead with Nickie Kabamba scoring and Sam Lubbock floating in a beautiful three-pointer. That was as good as it got in the first quarter though as Brighton hit back with 20 unanswered points to end


WEDNESDAY 7th december mens basketball Chicester 2nd 59 - Bucks 1st 39 womens football Herts 2nd 1 - Bucks 1 Mens football Herts 1st 3 - Bucks 2nd 3 MENS FOOTBALL St Marys 3rd 5 - Bucks 5th 2 mens football St Marys 6th 3 - Bucks 6th 3 womens hockey Brunel 3rd 0 - Bucks 1st 10 Mens tennis Bucks 1st 10 - Brunel 2nd 2 Mens badminton Bucks 1st 7 - Roehampton 1st 1 Mens rugby Bucks 1st 13 - Brunel 1st 24 mens rugby Reading 4th 36 - Bucks 2nd 12 Womens volleyball Portsmouth 1st 3 - Bucks 1st 0 results from 14/12/11 womens hockey Bucks 1st 7 - Surrey 2nd 0 mens hockey Bucks 1st 1 - Portsmouth 3rd 0


WEDNESDAY 25th january MENS volleyball Chichester 1st vs Bucks 1st mens tennis Royal Holloway 2nd vs Bucks 1st womens football Bucks 1st vs Uni Essex 2nd mens football Reading 3rd vs Bucks 5th mens football Royal Holloway 1st vs Bucks 3rd Mens football Royal Holloway 3rd vs Bucks 7th Mens RUgby Bucks 2nd vs Imperial Meds 3rd netball Roehampton 4th vs Bucks 3rd netball Bucks 1st vs Reading 1st netball Bucks 2nd vs St Marys 3rd fixtures for 29/01/12 Mens Futsal Bucks 1st vs Brighton 2nd Mens Futsal Uni East London 1st vs Bucks 1st fixtures for 01/02/12 womens football Bucks 1st vs Chichester 2nd mens football Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth 1st womens volleyball Uni East London 1st vs Bucks 1st mixed golf Kingston Uni 1st vs Bucks 2nd Mens rugby Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth 2nd mens rugby Imperial Col 3rd vs Bucks 2nd

the first period leading by 15 points. The second quarter saw Bucks still unable to get any attacking rhythm to their play. The visitors were proving a very tough nut to crack defensively as time and again they got blocks in and snaffled up the rebounds. Despite this, they managed to register eleven points through Jericho Wisdom, David Wallace, Chris Miller and Mattie Finn. At the other end Brighton kept the scoreboard ticking over with some slick scores to go in at the half-time hooter leading by 16-38. Bucks suffered a big blow to their hopes of clawing their way back into the game as Wisdom was fouled out early in the third period. Despite some quality scores by Hassan Abdalla, Jerry Parry, Kabamba and Finn including another three-pointer,

the away side kept chalking up scores of their own. The Bucks boys were getting frustrated with some of the calls by the officials as they sensed that the game was running away from them. The third quarter ended with Brighton leading by 31-48. They stretched that lead at the beginning of the final period with three quick-fire baskets before Parry and Lubbock hit back for Bucks. Finn hit another beauty from ‘downtown’ but that was the end of the scoring for the hosts as Brighton notched up a number of two-pointers to see out the game comfortably. It was a tough ask for the Bucks boys but they didn’t lack in the effort stakes, however, the visitors’ progress after an accomplished display. By Gary Anderson

Bucks House With only three games remaining in the Basketball season the Ladies basketball team is sitting comfortable at the top of their league table. If the team is successful in their remaining games they will be the 1st ladies basketball team in bucks history to be undefeated in all there matches and will advance a league in the tables. The ladies will be playing their

next game at home on the 25th of January against Surrey University, please come along and support the team as the embark on making Bucks History. If anyone wants to join the team please feel free to come along and join our training sessions on Mondays 7pm-8:30pm in the Events Hall. Bucks House. By Tamica Mignott

Bucks Ladies Basketball With only 5 weeks remaining until their first major competition of the Athletics season BNU athletes are intensifying their training with their sights firmly set on the goal ahead. The team is looking to improve on their previous performances in their up coming Indoors Competition in Sheffield this February. The competition

in Lee Valley last December provided some of the new members with the opportunity to compete in a regional competition which they can build on in National University competitions throughout the season. The team performed beyond their expectations, the guys 4x200m relay team came in 4th in their relay which only a few

seconds separating them from the bronze medal. If anyone is interested in joining the team please feel free to come along to the training sessions and give it a go. We train Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm8:30pm, we meet before hand outside the SU at 6:30pm and go to the track together. By Tamica Mignott

Happy New Year from the Swans By Lauren Troiano

First of all, I want to say a huge thank you to those of you who came down to our Christmas Benefit. We raised just over £80 which will help us at competition time. It was a funfilled evening for all, including performances from jazz, pom and a spectacular cheerleading stunt routine. We would like to say a special thanks to Deputy Chair of Council at BNU Brian Tranter, Heather Boyd (Careers department), Alice Dewsnap

(Volunteer Coordinator) &Rosco for coming down to support us. Also thanks to Conor Moss & Jason Milne for filming the performance. We already have so much planned for 2012. Our first competition is just less than a month away and so the next training sessions are going to be intense! We’ll be volunteering early February at a graffiti cleaning and also watch out for a 1950s tea party for Alzheimers UK in the next few months. Swan Love!

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*You are eligible for the NSS if you are a final year undergraduate or are on a flexible part-time programme. If your final year cannot be easily predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth year of study. If you were due to be in your final year in 2012, but have withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part.

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Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

Home win sees Bucks 6th Bucks New Uni FUTSAL mens football top the table Bucks 6th 4 - UCA Surrey 2nd 2 League and pre-League

Tournament Still looking to join a university sports team? Still looking for a university sport to play? Unfortunate to not be picked for any other university team sport you tried for?

Bucks Men’s Football 6ths went joint-top of the BUCS South Eastern 7A division after overcoming UCA Surrey 2nds 4-2 in an entertaining encounter at the Rye, on Wednesday November 23. Bucks dominated the early stages and took the lead after just ten minutes when Rob Dunlop met Connor Humpage’s free-kick perfectly to glance into the top corner. The home side then doubled their lead five minutes later after a goalmouth scramble dropped to Ben Pritchard, who fired past the Surrey goalkeeper from close range. Bucks were cruising but it was the visitors who scored next to get back into the game when Ian Huggett’s miscued clearance rebounded off a Surrey forward and into the back of the net to halve Bucks’ lead. The away side almost levelled shortly before halftime when an acrobatic over-head kick seemed destined for the top corner but in-form keeper Mody Linkevicius superbly saved to keep Bucks ahead. It was clear that goal revitalised Surrey as they began

the second half in the same way as they ended the first and levelled on the hour mark when Bucks failed to clear a long ball over the top of the defence. Defender Huggett took the ball off of Linkevicius and gifted Surrey with a simple tap in for the equaliser. Both sides made changes to win the game but it was Bucks who got the fifth goal to get their noses ahead, Manuel Fiest was picked out perfectly by captain Humpage with another defence splitting pass. The Portuguese forward then skipped past the defender before unselfishly squaring to Jarrell Hepburn to tap into the empty net. The home side finished the game off with ten minutes remaining when Fiest found Humpage; the midfielder beat the defender and then squared to Matt Goodman who smashed the ball into the far corner for his third goal of the season and Humpage’s third assist of the game to end any hopes of a Surrey comeback. Bucks controlled the final stages of the match to win 4-2 and climb to the top of the table. By Connor Humpage Bucks FC 6h Manager

gordos gossip

Welcome back!!! I hope you all had a great xmas and new year (x2 if you celebrated with us again on the 8th) and not too many of you are still trying the January detox, because that’s not fun for anyone! However if you are a bit of a fitness freak, our student activities assistant, Cat Duncan, has kindly been reviewing every fitness class that we offer through the big deal. Cat says that her personal favourite has to be fit ball due to the pure humour of watching

people fall off the balls, but of course, strengthening your core at the same time. Just a quick note from before Christmas...Snowsoc successfully raised over £400 at their jungle themed takeover and apparently you all enjoyed the shisha which sounds good. With takeovers starting up again this month, last week we saw the cheerleaders turn the SU into both Heaven and Hell, with their sexy devils and oh so heavenly angels selling shots and playing games. They raised almost £600 which is great! It’s really vital that we get behind our sports teams and support them, especially after all their hard work they put in organising these events, as well as volunteering and not forgetting competing! So exams are off to a start and I hope you’re all managing well. Get your polo’s at the ready and think positive!! Then when they are all over, why not party the night away at flirt on a Friday.

You should check out Live 2 Flirt on youtube where you could spot yourself on Flirt! TV when they came to visit our OAP night. As you may have already noticed through our night bus service, we are currently pushing through our SSHH campaign (Silent Students, Happy Homes.) After a night out, simply pick up a lolly pop and jump on a bus! This is helping prevent noise complaints from unhappy neighbours in the Hughenden community. If your living in halls or head tenancy houses, you should have a received an I love High Wycombe bag containing our new community guide, which helps you learn about how to respect your local community. It is only a problem for a minority of students, but we want to get you that positive image you deserve in the community. Gordo says shut the Buck up!!

Vice President Student Involvement

Well here’s the next big thing to hit Bucks New University, just like it has done overseas. Please welcome FUTSAL! Three Berks & Bucks FA Student Ambassadors at BNU are bringing FUTSAL to our university. No trials needed and the only team you have to join is the one you ‘create your own with student friends’ (minimum six, maximum eight players). This new exciting sport is on its way here so gather your friends to play FUTSAL ‘known as the new five-a-side’. FUTSAL is played on a hard surface delimited by lines; walls or boards are not used. FUTSAL is also played with a smaller

ball with less bounce than a regular football. The rules create an emphasis on improvisation, creativity and technique as well as ball control and passing in small spaces. [Full FUTSAL rules will be given to each team] Does this sound like your sort of sport? Do you want to be part of a challenging, exciting, new and fast growing sport? If so there will be a two day/ week sneak look into FUTSAL in form of a Tournament held at Bucks New University Sport Hall on Thursday 9th & 16th February at 4:15pm to 7pm, depending on game start times. This is to help you make more of a decision and to try the sport. A maximum of six to eight teams will be entered into the FUTSAL Tournament. However, if you are unable to enter due to limited space or other reasons then don’t

panic! A FUTSAL League will be running soon after. This will be open to all to enter and compete in a FUTSAL Season format in an eight week period (excluding the Easter break). The league will start Sunday 4th March 2012 held at Handy Cross High Wycombe Sports Centre. Interested still? We hope so! For all details please find posters around Bucks New University LIKE our facebook page for all updates and information Or contact Michal Zajac 07776 342 010 Christopher Butler 07779 184 768 Gareth Stobart 07752 783 334

Try something new for 2012. . .


Mondays & Thursdays 6.30pm onwards @ ‘The Wall’, Amersham


Sundays, starting 4th March, 12.30pm - 4.30pm @ JB Ski (transport provided)

Swim for £1:

Wednesdays & Sundays 1pm—6pm @ Wycombe Sports Centre

To book your place or to find out more email or visit us in E2.05.

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