The Bucks Student - Edition 26

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bucks student edition 26

February 2012

Don’t miss out, email for more information!

Bucks Students’ Union are having a positive impact on your time at Bucks by... Distributing 4000 copies of our new Community Guide to Halls of Residence, student properties and members of the public! In doing this we aim to increase student participation in civic organisations, thereby improving their employability. We also hope that the guide will improve public perception of students in the local community and reduce instances of anti-social behaviour.’

Over the next two weeks we are welcoming new and returning students to our Uxbridge Campus and we are pleased to announce the launch of Uxbridge Action Week. The next week will see over 20 activities happening in and around the Uxbridge Campus as well as transport over to over

Wycombe venue for students to celebrate the start of what promises to be another exciting term. We are putting on Recreational activities like Cocktail Making workshop (6pm, Mon 6th Feb), language courses and the aforementioned FREE buses to events at High Wycombe such as Flirt & The Frat House.

Also there will be the chance for like minded people meet and get to know each other at the mature student’s breakfasts 8am - 10 am on Tuesday 7th & Tuesday 14th February and the Bucks student parent networking morning 8.30am - 10am Friday 17th February . So whatever it is your interested in there

Be part of the SSHH campaign: Silent Students: Happy Homes


Take advantage of the FREE nightbus taking you from the SU right to your frontdoor!* Just ask the driver nicely! *Bus starts from midnight until close. Wed & Fri only. 1.5 mile radius from the main campus only.

is something for you. Make sure you check the listings inside this edition of the Bucks Student, come along, have fun and make some new friends. We’ll see you there! Student Engagement Coordinator: Tom Foy

2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Ash Coles - Editor t: 01494 601 600 e: Sarah O’Brien & Gary Anderson - News Editor e: Laz Wood - Politics Editor e: Mandi C - International Editor e: Siobhan Carney - Lifestyle Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Features Editor e: Faye Towler - Fashion Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Donique Lindsay - Events Editor e: Sarah Campbell - Music Editor e: Harry Boileau - Travel Editor e: Oliver Hunt - Film Review Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soap & Entertainment Editor e: Hollie Wicks - Food Editor e: Tanieque Noel - Horoscopes Editor e: Gary Anderson - Sport Editor e: For Advertising: Caroline Newton t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601 600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. direct to your mobile


1. Download a QR reader to your phone. There are loads of free ones available 2. Open the QR reader on your phone and scan any barcodes where you see them. 3. Each individual code will take you to a website for further information. 4. No more typing web addresses. Simply scan the code, go to the site and find out more information.

News P3 International News P4

Internet usage will be charged at your providers standard rate

Features P8 Please recycle your copy of the Bucks Student once you have finished.

Uxbridge Action week


Lifestyles P10

Through a diverse range of representation, events, campiagns, activities, and services. Bucks Students’ Union has a positivie impact on your time at university no matter how you study - find out how by visiting

Ents pullout P13 Ents wallplanner P16 Newspaper survey P21 Societies P23 Fashion & Beauty P24

Letter from the Editor So the new year is well underway and it’s already been a really busy time for the SU - we are

Culture, Arts & Literature P25 Soaps & TV P26 Food & Drink P26 Movies P27 Advice P28 Puzzles P29

If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students’ Union for more information.

Recreational Activites P30

© 2012 Bucks Students’ Union

Sports P31

CALLING ALL UXBRIDGE STUDENTS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WORKING FOR THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER? The Bucks Student is looking for students to join the team in writing and producing the newspaper. To have a look at what other opportunities are available visit:

Sarah O’Brien - Student Editor

Ash Coles - Editor

conducting loads of research and promoting the National Students Survey (don’t forget to fill it out of you are a final year student!), we are negotiating with the Uni for increased funding and already making plans for 2012/13. Excitement is gathering for the May Ball as we start to finalise

ideas for the biggest event of the year and elections are nearly upon us! I can’t adequately describe how much I encourage you to stand for Union Council, which has nominations open as we speak on Our parttime Councillors hold the Union to account, attend important meetings and provide leadership for our Union. There are 20 places available, through an election in March, and it is fantastic for your CV and helps improve a whole range of soft skills. Make sure you get your nomination in by the deadline - 27th February, noon. It is also coming up to awards season! The Union Awards 2012 will be taking place at the Wycombe Swan on Tuesday 27th

March. Nominations will open shortly in a variety of categories – be sure to put forward those people who you think deserve to be recognised and you might even get an invite to the event and benefit from the FREE FOOD AND DRINK! The 2012 Awards will also feature a new addition - the University’s Excellence in Learning & Teaching Awards! Visit to nominate University staff for prizes as well! As we enter the business end of the academic year I hope you continue to work, party and celebrate with the Union as well as perhaps becoming one of our leaders! Editor: Ash Coles

Letter from the Student Editor

Hello all, Hope we’ve all had a good fortnight, been busy I am sure! This time of

year is always stressful; lots of assignments to catch up on, weather is bringing us all down, and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. As a huge softie, I personally love Valentine’s Day. Any excuse to spoil and be spoilt is good in my books. But I do think it’s just another excuse for shops to make a ridiculous amount of money! And I love the pink edition of the paper, should we keep it this

way?! Also, check out our guide for being a singleton on Valentine’s Day, will hopefully stop the depression creeping in. And for those already taken, our Lush guide is to die for. That place is amazing and so cheap too! I know where I’ll be doing my shopping this year. Other than that, we’ve got a very exciting music selection for you this week. Best one all year in my opinion. And please do

not forget that if you want to submit anything to the newspaper all you have to do is email me on student.editor@ it is honestly so easy to do, and it’ll look great on any CV! Until the next edition, I hope Valentine’s goes well and enjoy Reading Week! All the best, Student Editor: Sarah O’Brien

Letter from the Deputy Student Editor Welcome everyone to another edition of your uni paper. It’s hard to believe that we are in the second week of February already. As the old saying goes ‘time flies when you’re having fun!’ Although, having fun seems a distant memory for me at the present time with so many assignments and deadlines hanging over me. I guess it’s the same for most of you guys too so I must not complain too much! Anyway, it will be all worthwhile come

the sunny days of May when the hard work is over and the long summer days stretch out in front of us. Harvard referencing and spell-checks will be long forgotten. Just keep that in mind during those all-night library sessions. Speak soon Deputy Student Editor: Gary Anderson

Students display themselves in University ‘Fifth Plinth’ art project A pair of Buckinghamshire New University students found a novel way to attract the attention of passers-by to their display - by covering themselves in gold paint and a gold cardboard dress and posing as ‘living statues’. Samantha Williams, 19, studying BA (Hons) Fine Art spent two days sat on a ‘Fifth Plinth’, inspired by the famous Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square, as a living work of art. The imaginative first-year student came up with the idea for the eye-catching display from people posing as statues at the famous London landmark and decided to put it into action herself. She said: “It’s certainly a very different way to publicise art at the University but I’ve had plenty of questions from other students and visitors to the University. “I had worried that I would be sitting here all on my own but that couldn’t have been further from how it turned out and it’s been a really good thing to do. My overall idea for the piece was to get everyone involved in my work and to hopefully generate

some interest for the work. “I’d love to do the same thing at the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square and I like to think I’ve taken a different slant on the idea of displaying art-work.” Samantha made cardboard pigeons to sit next to her and covered the items in newspapers to illustrate the real-life pigeons from Trafalgar Square and the newspapers she said are often found discarded on the ground. She added: “I would like to think I’ve created my own slice of Trafalgar Square at Bucks.” Fellow student Georgina Fuller, 19 and studying BA (Hons) Music & Live Events Management, also took to the Fifth Plinth for a morning, wearing the same gold dress and gold paint. She said: “It’s amazing to see the looks on some people’s faces as they pass by and this is certainly a different way to spend my time but it’s been quite eye-opening and is definitely something I’d consider doing again – possibly even on the actual Fourth Plinth in

Trafalgar Square.” Course Leader Alan Franklin said: “‘The idea behind the plinth is to give students an opportunity to test their ideas in a public arena and it is the nature of Fine Art to challenge expectations and the status quo. “Choosing to put oneself instead of an object on the plinth takes a lot of courage, especially for a young student who has only recently joined the course. “I’m sure Samantha and Georgina will have grown in confidence from the experience and will have developed their ideas about how they share their art with their audience.” The Fifth Plinth at Bucks is used as space for Fine Art students to display work. Other exhibits have included a water sculpture depicting a drop of water; 136 light bulbs, flocked with modelling grass, and topped with miniature trees; and chalk block from the cave system at The Hell-Fire Caves in West Wycombe, Above: Samantha Williams posing on the ‘Fifth Plinth’ Buckinghamshire.

Letter to the Editor... Armchair Executioners I noticed in edition 23 of The Bucks Student, published on November 23 2011, an apologia almost from one Patrick Cunningham regarding the death of Muamar Gadaafi. There was an attempt at levity of course, but punctuated with the usual ‘howevers’. Sic Semper Tyrannis indeed Patrick, however (its my turn now) it is usually those least willing to pull the trigger that vicariously trumpet those engaged in the act; effectively the loud mouthed one on the very edges of the baying lynch mob. Exchange of power in these circumstances, as history has shown, usually sets the stage for the next despot [in Liberia; exit Samuel Doe, enter Charles Taylor] I don’t, I hasten to add, suggest that the current National

Transitional (still in transit it seems) Council in Libya is setting itself up in this way, but rather I think its projection onto the world stage could have been somewhat more auspicious. Occurrences such as Gadaffi’s bloody overthrow and the myriad difficulties in setting up the new order are sometimes euphemistically referred to as “birth pangs”; a terminology somewhat at odds considering birth to be the act of giving life rather than extinguishing it. It’s worth reflecting how certain leaders can be at one minute garlanded in luncheons on the world stage, and then effectively within the year be on display in meat lockers with only the few obligatory reprimands from the international community. Ponder also that perhaps the nature of

Childcare Survey Bucks Students’ Union is assessing the possible requirement for a childcare service for University staff and students and the types of childcare services currently being used by colleagues. Please complete our childcare questionnaire to help give us a picture of the childcare needs at Bucks.

his deposal has led to the grip tightening by those in power in other countries facing dissention from within its populous. What might be internet fodder for some may be being felt all too keenly by others. The rule of law should ultimately be accountability. Few can doubt that, had he been in the Hague, Gadaffi would have ever tasted freedom again, or ,had he been tried in his own country, his end wouldn’t have been the same, though perhaps less squalid. But a nominal trial at least would have left no room for what’s judged by many to be misplaced sympathy for the man. Maybe even Gadaffi in his last moments thought “Cest la guerre” but it doesn’t excuse bravado from afar from armchair executioners. By Michael Shields

Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 3

universitynews Murphy’s Law Account manager Tom Murphy, of leading creative advertising agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), who works with companies including Barclays Bank and Virgin Media, gave a talk to, and took questions from, around 60 BA (Hons) Advertising Management and Digital Communications students at the High Wycombe Campus. Vic Davies, course leader, BA (Hons) Advertising, said: “BBH is launching a new method of recruitment and work placement and the talk was based on this. The audience also included MA Advertising and PhD students.” Sir John Hegarty, co-founder of BBH, is a Bucks honorary graduate.

Gene ExCeLs Third-year Music and Live Events Management student Gene Rellis is among competitors in an Apprentice-style competition called The Eventice at the International Confex Exhibition at London’s ExCeL Centre from 6-8 March, aimed at providing an opportunity for young and emerging talent to find a job in the event industry. The winner could gain a job at leading firms Tarsus Group or George P Johnson. For more details go to: http://www.

Wandering overground Chris Thomas, CEO of London Wasps and Wycombe Wanderers, gave an hour-long presentation on his role, and took questions, to BA (Hons) Sports Studies with Rugby Management students as part of the Commercial Sports Club Management element of their course. Chris said: “I thought the students asked a lot of very relevant questions. I appreciated the opportunity to speak at Bucks and to continue the good relationship we have with the University.”

Football’s just a branch of science… Freya Coombe, senior lecturer in Sport Science, has had a 2,500-word article published in The Soccer Journal, by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA). The article is called ‘An Examination of the Different Approaches to Coaching Adolescents’, looking at the most appropriate ways to coach youth players effectively. Freya said: “It is closely related to a conference presentation I did at the NSCAA convention in Kansas between 13-16 January. I am repeating it at a DMM Scholarship in Action conference in the Gateway Events Hall at Bucks on 21 February.”

He’s off to a land Down Under BA (Hons) Air Transport with Commercial Pilot Training graduate Darren Palmer has jetted out to spend seven months in Adelaide, Australia, training as a Cadet Pilot with leading airline Cathay Pacific before taking on a permanent position as a pilot with the firm, based in Hong Kong. Once fully qualified, Darren is likely to be piloting Boeing 747 or 777 aircraft to all corners of the globe. He said: “Studying at Bucks New University provided me with the platform to go in to a career in the aviation industry.”

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012

Kim Jong-un visits Obama Air raids special military schools The new North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un has been travelling around his country for the past week, however media attention focused on the fact the new ‘father’ prioritised visits to all his army services. Since succeeding his father Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un appeared at almost all the military units and was very keen to observe military practices. His last visit was to the special military school for children from high ranked military members or politicians. The propaganda chronicles portrayed the children as insanely happy to have the honour of hosting the dictator at their school. The Mangyongdae Revolutionary School had the

honour of educating Kim Jong-un himself and the day he arrived to its old buildings was a scene of epic exaggeration. Students were all dressed in military uniforms with tears in their eyes. Kim Jong-un managed to prove he is more ‘human-like’ than his father, because he shook hands with a few students and exchanged greetings. His father never performed anything like this. According to North Korean oppositionists, this performance is just another step to gain favours amongst the politicians and the army elite. This has been his main goal since the death of his father in December 2011.


President Barack Obama has revealed details about American air-raids in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. The controversial raids are no longer a secret. American military forces use remotely piloted crafts to eliminate terrorists or potential rebels. President Obama used an unusual medium to finally discuss the issue – internet chat. He answered questions from six Americans who were able to put questions to the President for over an hour online. Lucky users were specially picked from almost 130,000 people seeking to question Mr Obama. Official answers were broadcast live. He was asked about the rise in the amount of pilotless craft’s airraids during his presidency. Obama confirmed most of the American

air-raids are conducted in Pakistan and they only happen to eliminate people who appear on the active terrorists list. Their main targets are members of Al-Kaida who are hiding in remote areas. If they were to use any other methods apart from remotely controlled crafts, those operations would have to involve much more advanced military planning and equipment, said the President. Such a statement is very rare from the Americans concerning the use of MQ-9 Reaper aircrafts. The whole operation is under strict CIA control and the only information we usually receive are from eyewitnesses from the ground. Critics of the air-raids highlight the extreme danger to civilian lives.

Unemployed Eurozone In seventeen Eurozone countries almost 16.5 million people remained unemployed in December 2011. The Eurostat Agency confirmed that unemployment by the end of last year was the highest ever noted in countries which use the single currency. In December 2011, the amount of out of work people rose by 751,000 from the previous year. In general, Eurozone unemployment was 10.4% by the end of 2011 and it rose by 0.4% over one year. These figures are alarming and may rise as the debt crisis in the Eurozone deepens. The largest amount of jobless people are in Spain where the unemployment rate is around 22.9%, while Greece and Cyprus saw the fastest increase in people losing their jobs. According to the Eurostat Agency, Austria has the lowest unemployment rate at around 4.1%. At last week’s summit in Brussels, the economy and job losses were discussed. Apart from the UK and Czech Republic, 25 members agreed to sign a special treaty which allows for a more centrally controlled EU budget. By Mandi.C

Had your say in the National Student Survey? The National Student Survey 2012 is now open and runs until 30 April. The NSS is your opportunity to give your opinions on what you liked about your time at Bucks New University, as well as things that you felt could have been improved. One lucky Bucks student will win a prize of £1,000 just for entering! What is the NSS? The NSS is an annual survey of mostly final year undergraduates in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and the majority of institutions in Scotland. The survey is part of a Higher Education quality assurance system to generate more detailed public information about teaching quality. The NSS is commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). Ipsos MORI, an independent research company, conducts the survey. What will the NSS ask me? The questions allow you to provide feedback on a range of topics, including what you thought about the Academic Support you received during your studies and how you felt about the Organisation and Management of your course. There is also space at the end for any positive and/or negative comments you have about your experience. Were you satisfied with the way cancelled lectures were communicated? What were your

thoughts on the advice and support available through your course? Write it down and let the University know! How are the results used? The NSS results are made publicly available to help prospective students make informed decisions about where and what to study. Institutions and students’ unions also use the anonymised data to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and make changes which enhance the experience for future generations of students. Bucks New University has been participating in the NSS for seven years and as a result of listening to what former students had to say, have implemented a number of changes including extending library opening hours, providing more books, journals and quiet spaces and opening the third floor at Uxbridge Campus. The National Union of Students (NUS) fully supports the NSS and sees it as an opportunity for students to shape the future of higher education. Liam Burns, National President of the NUS, said: ‘The National Student Survey is an important tool for identifying areas of concern amongst students. It is crucial that institutions work in partnership with students to make improvements where they have been shown to be necessary. ‘The results show only very slight increases in overall student satisfaction, and at a time of

severe funding pressures it is more important than ever that students are involved in shaping their curriculum to ensure progress is made in the future.’ How can I get involved? Eligible students will have received an invitation email to complete the survey by Ipsos MORI. Later, those who haven’t responded may be contacted by post or ultimately by telephone. You can now complete the NSS online or via your smartphone at www. . You may opt out of the survey at any point during the fieldwork. The success of the NSS depends on your feedback so please set aside a few minutes to get involved. Your responses are anonymised so your answers can reflect your genuine perceptions of your experience. Plus there’s no need to worry about your contact details being passed on because they will only be used for the purposes of the NSS and are destroyed shortly after. To find out more visit www. or contact the National Student Survey team at Ipsos MORI directly at Stop press As bucks student went to press, 30% of our eligible students had completed their NSS survey. Last year we achieved an impressive 63% and this year’s target is 66%.

Do you want your opinions on your student* experience to be heard? Take part in the National Student Survey. It’s quick to complete and you’ll be helping prospective students make the right choices of where and what to study.

Scan here to take part in the survey

*You are eligible for the NSS if you are a final year undergraduate or are on a flexible part-time programme. If your final year cannot be easily predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth year of study. If you were due to be in your final year in 2012, but have withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part.

Designed by Tom Holmes, Staffordshire University - NUS Promotional Poster Competition Winner

Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 5

National Union of Students NEWS

Join in with Universities Week 2012

Universities Week 2012 (30 April – 7 May), one of the flagship annual events for the higher education sector, will this year celebrate the integral role of universities in the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the sports industry in the UK more generally. It could provide an excellent platform to get your university and fellow students geared up for the Games, with a chance to watch a test event at the Olympic Stadium or even commentate at the Olympic stadium yourself! If you’re interested in getting involved, there’s lots of information on the Universities Week website or contact the various teams at your university to see what events you might be able to put on together during the week or even just to find out what they’ve got planned. You can also contact the Universities Week team if you have any questions, please email info@ or telephone 0207 419 5483.

of record youth unemployment. NUS President, Liam Burns, said: “Mr Johnson should concentrate on helping London’s young people and not writing them off. He is badly out of touch if he thinks it is their attitude, rather than a stagnant economy and Government decisions to scrap EMA and the Future Jobs Fund and charge older learners for doing A-Levels, that has left so many young people unable to find a job. “By perpetuating the myth that young people are lazy or work-shy the Mayor is making it harder not easier for young people to convince employers to invest in them. The budget for AimHigher – which promoted widening access to higher education. - Train 7,500 apprentices at a cost of £8,000 each. - Fully fund the training of 4000 secondary school teachers. - Ensure the survival of the Care to Learn scheme with £15m to spare.

NUS suggests 10 alternative priorities to Gove’s £60 million yacht proposal

Volunteering Calendar Want to do a good deed...why not volunteer with Bucks SU? We have lots of interesting projects for you to get involved with this month. Whether you are the outdoors or indoors type there will be something for you. Hope to see you soon! Here is a list of our upcoming events:

Following the revelation that Education Secretary Michael Gove, has suggested buying the Queen a yacht to celebrate her birthday, NUS has suggested ten alternative ways to spend the estimate £60m cost on Further and Higher Education. NUS President, Liam Burns, said: “Thankfully this ridiculous idea has already been ruled out but we felt it was important to remind Mr Gove and Mr Willetts what benefits £60 million could bring to education. “At a time of record youth unemployment and slashed education budgets these are just a few initial suggestions of what £60m could achieve. “I’m sure the Queen would rather her Diamond Jubilee was celebrated by funding the future, than frittered away on pointless luxuries.”

Boris out of touch with young people, says NUS This was a response to comments from London Mayor Boris Johnson that many unemployed young people lacked the right attitude and energy to get a job during times

full clour print

8th Feb

Graffiti clean-up project

13th-18th Feb

Volunteer and Green Impact Week!

13th Feb

Row and Give

14th Feb

Netball vs Football

15th Feb

Conservation Project

16th Feb

Games at a local residential home

27th Feb-2nd Mar Fairtrade fortnight (for details keep

an eye out on the website)

7th Mar

Litter pick competition

To get involved please email volunteering@ or pop in and see Alice and Tansy in the SU office.

spot colour print

Student life, you only get one colour suite

so make the most of it Only NUS extra exclusive discounts on top brands for all See how much you can save for just at

Can you afford not to?

6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012

Students create eye-catching pews for historic church

Visitors to a Princes Risborough church will be sitting more comfortably after students from Buckinghamshire New University answered a call to restore one sixfoot-long pew and build a second one to sit in their porch. St Mary’s Church, in Church Lane, Princes Risborough, asked students from the University’s BA (Hons) Furniture: Conservation, Restoration and Decorative Arts course to carry out the work. The students restored one of the pine pews, which dates back to 1860, and made the new one using wood from three much longer pews no longer needed by the church and given to the University. They now sit in the porch of the church as part of a £1.4 million refurbishment and redecoration project providing a range of new facilities. The work was carried out by first-year students Amber Bailey, Dorothy Rayner, Ann Newbold, and Jeff Day, with help from course leader Paul Tear MBE. Rev David Williams said the pews provided a ‘fantastic entrance to the church’. He added: “We are getting more and more people coming into the church and this is the first thing they see,

which creates a really fantastic introduction. Even when the church is closed people will still be able to come and sit on the pews. We greatly appreciate the students’ help.” Dorothy, who is originally from Coleford, in Gloucestershire, said the students were all ‘extremely proud’ of the work. She said: “I only started the course a few months ago so to beworking on something like this has been a great experience. It was quite daunting at first but I’m pleased the church is happy with the result. It should help to provide pleasant surroundings for visitors to St Mary’s Church.” The BA (Hons) Furniture: Conservation, Restoration and Decorative Arts course is part of the National School of Furniture, a partnership between the University and Oxford & Cherwell Valley College, working together with businesses and associations to provide progressive furniture education. Bucks New University also run a number of short courses in furniture restoration, upholstery and wood carving. For further details go to or email paul.tear@ Above: Back row: (L-R) Lecturer Paul Tear and Rev David Williams. Front row: (L-R) Students Ann Newbold, Dorthy Rayner and Amber Bailey.

Bucks New University is named as a preferred university for teaching nurses Bucks has been named as one of NHS London’s preferred bidders for adult nursing training, following a competitive tender. In June last year, NHS London became the first Strategic Health Authority in England to launch new higher quality standards for the training of adult nurses. The standards measured how universities ensured that nurses were equipped with the best skills, abilities and attitudes to provide excellent care for Londoners. Education providers were invited to show how they meet these

new standards as part of a competitive tender process. Bucks New University was named as one of the preferred bidders for adult nursing training in an announcement made by NHS London last month. Other preferred bidders are: City University, King’s College London, Kingston University and St George’s University of London, London Southbank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, and University of Hertfordshire. Prof David Sines, Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean: Society & Health,

said: “We work very hard to provide the best education to our nursing students so that they can provide the best possible care when they move into the world of work. We are delighted to have been named as a preferred bidder and look forward to working with NHS London in the future.” Discussions with all the preferred universities will now take place to further improve their offers to students, and ultimately improve the quality of care given to patients in London. Final three-year contracts are expected to

be signed by 29 March 2012. NHS London has also launched new standards for the training of physiotherapists, an area that is not taught by Bucks New University. Brunel University, King’s College London, and Kingston University and St George’s University of London have been named as the preferred bidders for this work. Professor Trish MorrisThompson, chief nurse at NHS London and a practising midwife at Kingston Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “It should

Catering Survey TM


At the Students’ Union, we are constantly looking at ways to improve our services. Currently we are concentrating of some exciting initiatives in the catering department, therefore we would really appreciate your feedback on the catering outlets at High Wycombe through the completion of a short survey at the following link:

If you have any further input or queries please email Tristan Tipping directly -

be the norm and not the exception that patients receive the very best from the NHS, and this starts with how well we train our workforce. By raising our training standards we are telling patients that ‘we won’t make do.’ By making universities reapply to meet new standards, we can make sure nurses and physiotherapists are equipped with the right skills and attitudes to give patients better care.” Over the past three years, NHS London has monitored closely the performance of education providers in the capital.

The measures assess how well students are trained and monitor value for money for the total £1.1 billion invested in healthcare education in London every year. Dr Anne Rainsberry, Director of People and Organisational Development at NHS London, said: “The quality of patient care is only as good as the person who is giving it. By raising our standards we can train nurses and physiotherapists that are fit for employment and invest money where it is needed.”

Bucks joins national programme to promote gay equality for staff Buckinghamshire New University has joined Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme which promotes and develops good practice for employers. The programme, run by the gay equality charity, promotes a good working environment for all existing and potential staff and helps to ensure equal treatment for those who are lesbian, gay or bisexual. It has over 600 major employer members, including Ernst & Young, IBM, and the Royal Navy. Prof David Sines, Bucks New University’s Pro Vice Chancellor & Executive Dean: Society & Health, and Chair of the University’s Equality and Diversity Committee, said: “By supporting and developing our lesbian, gay and bisexual staff through the Diversity Champions programme we’re sending out a powerful message to our existing and potential employees and students. We’re proud to join the programme and look forward to developing our work around sexual orientation.” Stonewall was founded in 1989 to create a professional lobbying group that would prevent attacks on lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. Stonewall has subsequently put the case for equality on the mainstream political agenda, helping to achieve the equalisation of the age of consent, lifting the ban on lesbians and gay men serving in the military, securing legislation allowing same-sex couples to adopt, and helping to secure civil partnerships. The organisation now has offices in England, Scotland and Wales. Laura Doughty, Stonewall Deputy Chief Executive said: “By joining the Diversity Champions programme Bucks New University has recognised that people perform better when they can be themselves. Our members are forward-thinking 21st century employers who want to recruit, recognise, and support the very best staff regardless of background. Good employers understand that providing support for all their staff improves their operational effectiveness.” If you would like any further information on equality and diversity issues at Bucks, please contact Pam Owen, Equality and Diversity Manager, on 01494 603 098 or email

Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 7

Box of Broadcasts Thanks to investment funding Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is now available online to Bucks students and staff. Box of Broadcasts (BoB) allows you to record TV and radio programmes that are scheduled to be broadcast over the next seven days. After a programme is recorded users can stream a Flash video in a web page - in a similar way to BBC’s iPlayer. BoB stores recorded TV and Radio programmes in an archive indefinitely for all users to enjoy. The archive currently offers over 45,900 TV and radio programmes covering all genres. Access BoB via: - In the search box below “Where are you from?” type in “Buck”, select the university name when it appears. - Click on “Go to login”, then you will see the Shibboleth login box, login with your usual Bucks username and password. - Register for a new account on first use. Users can: - record programmes - watch and listen to programmes from the archive - create clips - search for programmes coming up in the next seven days by title or keyword - compile their favourite shows into playlists - share playlists with others Learn more about BoB by watching these YouTube videos: - Box of Broadcasts (BOB) - Overview - <http://> - Box of Broadcasts (BOB) - Record - <http://> - Box of Broadcasts (BOB) - Playlists - <http://> - Box of Broadcasts (BOB) - Create clips - <>

Librarian: Roland Scales Email:

Newspaper Survey We want your feedback on the Bucks Student newspaper. You can do this by completing the survey below, tearing it out of the paper and returning it back to the SU offices at either campus.

Alternatively you can complete it online at

Location: Gateway Library, G2.02 Tel: 01494 522141 ext 4513

GREEN IMPACT WEEK 13th to 19th februAry

A full week of Volunteering Projects And green initiAtiVes hosted by bucks students’ union

MAke do MondAy

row And giVe

turn off tuesdAy

netbAll Vs footbAll screening of An inconVenient truth

wAste not wednesdAy thrifty thursdAy frugAl fridAy sAVe A tree sAturdAy set A trend sundAy

Students’ Unions

Students’ Unions

Silver Standard 2010/11

Silver Standard 2010/11

conserVAtion Project redecorAtion of bucks Mind sun house centre elderly boArd gAMes sew A seed for your fellow students rAg bungee juMP whAt cAn you do to helP your lifestyle becoMe More green? stArt A green cAMPAign by eMAiling bucksgreensociety@gMAil.coM

for More inforMAtion or to sign uP to one of these Projects, PleAse eMAil


Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 9

Martin Luther King Jr.: January 15th, 1929 - April 4th,


n the United States, Martin Luther King Jr day was celebrated last moth. This was a day of remembrance and reflection on a man whose words are as powerful today as the day he spoke them. One year after Mr. King’s famous “I have a dream” speech 28th August 1963, he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway on December 10th, 1964. The 16th January marks a date in most calendars of Martin Luther king Jr. - which is a federal holiday for the people in the USA. It’s an official day of remembrance for one of the United States’ foremost leaders of civil rights, human rights and peace. The holiday is held on the third Monday of January since this is the time around of Martin Luther’s birthday. Originally named Michael, he was later renamed Martin. He entered Morehouse College in 1944 and then went to Crozer Religious Seminary to undertake postgraduate study, receiving his degree in 1955. Martin moved to the south of America to become a pastor of a Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, Martin first achieved national renown when he helped move the ‘black boycott’ of the Montgomery bus system in 1955. This was organised after Rosa Parks, a black woman, refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. In the segregated south, black people could only sit

at the back of the bus. The 382-day boycott led the bus company to change its regulations, and the Supreme Court declared such segregation unconstitutional. In 1963 Martin led the march in Washington, where he gave his famous speech that he is commonly known for - ‘I have a dream’. In 1968, Martin Luther King was assassinated while he was leading a workers strike in Memphis, Tennessee in the USA. The world grieved the loss of true man of peace who had tried to bring all of mankind together in the years of his life. The holiday is officially observed in every state in the USA, as of the year 2000. The holiday is also observed in some countries like Japan, where it is used as a day to commemorate all who have fought for human rights and non-violent protest. The law was not passed until 1983 by President Ronald Reagan to make Martin Luther King Day a ‘federal official holiday’. There are several organizations that have been established specifically for the purposes furthering Martin’s mission. In his later years, Martin Luther King, Jr. pushed for greater assistance for those in need and in poverty. In order to continue the ideas which Martin had, the Martin Luther King Day has been started to remember a great leader which his legacy will remain and live on. By Tanieque Noel

Library Update Gateway Library now open until 10pm on Sundays during term time until the end of the summer term.

10 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012



Pointless I

don’t know what to write about… So right now (as in when I wrote this article) I am sat on the top floor of Starbucks, people watching whilst drinking my grande ‘medium’ cappuccino using my MacBook. I am sat in a very cosy velvet chair; it’s very nice in here. I don’t think this place is for students, well perhaps Oxbridge students. I have read the ‘Bucks Free Press’ for inspiration on what is currently happening in Wycombe, but with headlines like ‘High Wycombe cemetery security set to be improved’ and ‘New village coffee shop to take on Costa’ I think I’ll continue to write about nothing. I can see it’s cold outside, I think everyone is done with winter now. I see a lot of ‘Two seasons’ bags; they must thrive on this weather. Come to think of it they do well in the summer too, hence ‘TWO seasons’ good for them, good for them. A few of us participated in a free roast this morning. Every two weeks on Sunday the Kings Church on Desborough road offer a free roast dinner to all students with desert too, it was apple crumble today. I thoroughly recommend it; being a veteran myself, to all students who enjoy free food. There’s no catch, no “Is Jesus in your life?” Just good people offering good food, and I mentioned that it’s free right? Last night I had Roosters’ piri piri for dinner after a night on the town (a night on the town in Wycombe, ha). Rooster’s isn’t quite as good as Nandos but still pretty

By Harrison Boileau tasty at half the price. I went to see ‘The Descendants’ beforehand. In my opinion I thought it was great, very good performance from George (were on first name terms) but seriously go watch it. It does however become a little depressing watching a movie set entirely in Hawaii, then walking out realising that you’re in High Wycombe. I don’t know what our movie reviewer Mr. Oliver Hunt has to say about it, but if he ‘slags’ it off then I disagree with him entirely. So I have probably lost your attention by now, but if your still reading then thanks, I would love you to read my other article on the ‘Broadcast and video expo’ it’s only 250 words and has more of a focus point than this one. I especially recommend it to film and audio students; it is a real insight to the equipment out there with the right money. I trust that we are all enjoying our courses? The recent collaboration module between film, audio and drama students is a great opportunity for us all to work together on creating pieces of work that will build confidence for what hopefully is to come, whilst looking good on our portfolios. Well I haven’t got any more interesting things to talk about really so I’m going to stop here. I did join a ‘Jedi’ church for my documentary idea but I don’t want to bore you with that.

Sick and Cynical Valentines Day! Here are a few (short but true) tales I can remember: - When I was in junior school I gave a girl a “Wagon Wheel” so she’d kiss me. Her name was Terry and her breath smelt a little bit. - As a young boy I was quite the romantic; I made a wedding ring out of some carpet and told my Mum it was for my future wife. - I once convinced myself that becoming a “Grunger” was the best way to get a girlfriend. I went out, bought some baggy jeans, a chain and started skateboarding on the road outside my house. I fancied this girl who lived a few doors down – her name was Charlotte and she never felt the same way. We all go through those moments of hilarity – where the only thing you can say is: “What was I thinking?” I wrote about Valentines Day last year for The Bucks Student. I made a few ornate remarks and I understand now that writing anonymously leads you into writing like a rhetoric anus.

What Singletons can do for Valentines

Who was I to write, judge, and be cynical about a simple date on a calendar? Here is a section from the article last year – I’d like to think I’ve changed since then: “I don’t think I’m the only humanoid who is thrown off when I get a whiff of Valentines Day’s commercial stench. It’s cool to not conform nowadays; unconventional relationships are now cool relationships and being un-cool is actually cool. Whatever category you put yourself under; whether you’re a ‘lover’ or ‘hater’ of Valentines Day you should always just let yourself be entwined by the attributes which make you ‘you’.” – COAF (February 2010) Relationships are strange things to write about. Depending on the people involved they all work in different ways and have their own dynamic. I used to write using a lot of clichés simply because I was an illiterate tool; I’d generalise and write about what I found was “easy”.

I’m rather naïve come to think of it. For me, writing about the people I have been with is not a smart move. Describing relationships with the use of clichés does not do it justice; it only undermines what you had. What was I thinking? If you’d like to tell me what I was thinking please write to: student. Now it is time for my ULTIMATE ONLINE OBSESSION: “How to Break Up” Videos on YouTube. If you’re lonely this Valentines Day, get yourself online and check out these amusing advice videos. There are hundreds and hundreds of strange people with different pieces of relationship advice ready to share and impart knowledge. My favourite is the “Break-Up Survival Guide” – it contains a poorly rehearsed script, dense jokes and an ice-cream promotion (that’s America for you). Please enjoy Valentines Day -do not be cynical like me. By Ross Henbest

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day; a day for your partner or spouse. But what if you don’t have one? Here is a list of what you can do: 1) Round up your single friends and go for a meal. Have a cheeky drink and a good laugh and you will forget that you don’t have someone. 2) Go to the cinema with a friend, or on your own if you’re really hardcore and sit at the back of the cinema, where all

the couples are. Pretend you see your “partner”, slap them and say, “You dumped me for that…” Cue breakup. 3) Sit on the floor, eating ice cream and crying whilst listening to Adele.

them in the face, or shout abuse at them. 6) Get your best friend and make them be your Valentines. Make others see what they are missing.

4) Go on a girly or lads weekend away. Will make you forget about your troubles.

7) Go to your local supermarket, get loads of junk food and watch romantic comedies and pine on your lonesome.

5) Every time you see a happy couple, punch

8) Make a voodoo doll of the one guy/girl that

ripped out your heart. However, if you see them with any minor or major injuries don’t blame me. 9) Sign up for a dating website and let the offers come flying in. 10) Send yourself a bunch of flowers and a card from “You know who”. No one will ever know. By Guy Humphreys

Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 11


up people? My name is Lee Malone and this is a new feature to The Bucks Student, welcome to “You Got This, Bro!” “YGTB” is your monthly slice of motivation to get you pumped up and ready to rumble, whether that be spin-kicking your uni assignment, head-butting that shift at work or elbow-dropping whatever gauntlets lie before you in day to day life. Every month, I’m going to come at you with one key message to make all this “talk” in to some “walk”. So I’m going to start us off with some real simple stuff. I tend to go by something called “The Two Legs Theory”, which in Laehmen’s terms, simply means that if someone is born with two legs - just like me - then I have no excuse not to work as hard as them to achieve as much as them. In a battle between myself and Usain Bolt, we tie at number of appendages, but one of us seems to take the lead when we count gold medals. I’m against bullying so I won’t say who. And hey, even then “The Two Legs Theory” has its flaws. There are athletes out there like Lance Armstrong who are achieving more than I am and with less of the health. Zack

Gowen is an American Professional Wrestler who gets the hell beaten out of him every week. Zack has one leg. Why is he winning Championships and not me? Surely I have the advantage? So what’s the difference between them and me? Background? Doubt it. Eric Thomas (AKA. YouTube phenomenon “The Hip-Hop Preacher”) spent two and a half years homeless on the streets. Now? The NFL just brought him in to speak to all of their teams. He’s a writer, motivational speaker and is the proud owner of a Masters Degree. Basically,if you’re lacking motivation and can’t wait until issue 2 of YGTB, YouTube is your friend. So we still haven’t cracked this secret difference between us and the successful. How about luck? Hmmm, well I wouldn’t say being born with one leg or getting testicular cancer is lucky. Scratch that one. Look, I’m going to put you out of your misery. The answer of what separates the people watching MTV and the people ON MTV is simple, dedication TO desire. What do you want most in life - Now how bad do you want it? Bad enough to pull an all-nighter, mid-week, purely because there is not enough hours in the day to get everything you wanted done? Bad enough to switch off that PS3 or miss that night out? I get it, we’re students. Party party party, drink drink drink, repeat cycle. Sure. But I know a lot of people who are single mums or work grave shifts and they might get one night out every month. We’re students, we can go out every night of the week if we want to (well, as long as

you skip the Tesco Value vodka). We have countless opportunities to get drunk and get laid but how many of these nights really get you anywhere? It’s one thing studying when there’s nothing going on, it’s another to choose to raise yourself up even when there’s more fun options on the table. Boxing Legend Floyd Mayweather once said “when my opponent is sleeping, I’m training! And when he’s training, I’m STILL training!” Mayweather is arguably the best fighter in the world because of his dedication TO HIS desire. Matter of fact, most of the people you look up to are regular human beings who were born on this planet in the same kind of body and mind. Most of them were brought up in either similar backgrounds to you, or worse. If you want to be a rapper, you need to nail it into your head that Tupac wasn’t an alien, he was just dedicated to fixing his good/bad ratio. Did he ever make a bad verse? Sure, but he worked hard enough to make sure that by the time he had made it big, he’d stomped out the bad. Has Wayne Rooney always been as good as he is now? Nope, but he’s practised that right footed shot so many times that the good ones are all you’ll remember. So I ask you one more time - How bad do you want it? The right answer - Enough to work for it. Until next time, remember that whatever it is that’s standing in your way, You Got This, Bro! Track of the Week: “Invincible” by MGK By Lee Malone

Dear Busty...


Busty the Buck is our resident Agony Aunt, here to help you with any problems, issues or queries you might have when it comes to Student Life. The old Deer loves nothing more than to sit down with a cuppa and to read your letters and email. So if you need some words of wisdom and advice then don’t hesitate to get in contact. Busty aims to answer all emails, however big or small. A problem shared is a problem halved.!

• Step 3 – When he tries to retaliate (which he will) hover round his bedroom when the ladyfriend gets up for a toilet break ask her to pass on a note to him such as “Doc says my STI was contagious, best get that looked at. My bad x” or “Wiki said herpies is never cured :/ soz mate x” Then give your flower a mini scratch and show her the door. Or you could speak to accommodation to try and sort something for you but my way is much more fun ☺

Just email your problem to:

Kisses on your face Busty x

Dear Busty,

Dear Busty,

I had a disagreement with one of my tutors and now have to attend a meeting with them to discuss it. I’m anxious about going by myself and it’s very formal and I’m not used to this sort of thing.

I’m in a sports teams and there has been a lot of talk about Tour. I am tempted to go but heard a lot of bad stuff about it as well as the good stuff. What’s your verdict Busty?

Tanisha, 20 Dear oh dear Tanisha nobody wants to be up a certain creek without a paddle……therefore the SU are fully equipped to deal with this sort of issue. You can take one of the delightful people from the SU with you to make sure that everything that is discussed is fair. Just pop in and ask for Amy Mc or Tom and they will sort your creek out. Kisses on your face, Busty x Dear Busty, After halls I moved into a Head Tenancy flat with my boyfriend. On reflection that was a bad idea as we have now broken up (on bad terms) but we still have to live together until June!!! Help! Alice, 18 Lovely little Alice, Oh jeeezzoo now that is a problem! But it’s ok Busty is here to give you my 3 step guide to getting rid of an ex. • Step 1 -You gotta make him jel! Go out every night possible, there are many students that pretty much have a rent – a – crowd, they are easy enough to track down normally the ones you see in the SU every time your out drag them out with you. • Step 2 - Always bring someone home, Busty isn’t telling you to put it out there just create the illusion. Bang some walls and scream a lot he’ll get the idea.

Connor, 19 Connor …. All I have to say on this matter is TOUR TOUR TOUR!!!!! Consider tour as your gateway into seeing all that is wrong with student society, but also consider it one of THEEEE most insane 4 days of your life. Tour is like nothing you will ever experience again as an adult. Its four days of parties, pranks, dress ups and chunders. As long as you look after yourself you’ll have a great time. My time on tour found make wakeing up next to everything from a crocodile to a micro pig. Just remember rule number one “WHAT HAPPENS ON TOUR STAYS ON TOUR”. Kisses on your face Busty x

Have you ever had sex without a condom? Or perhaps had a condom split? Ever thought that you might be carrying a sexually transmitted infection? Why not get yourself checked out. We’ve arranged a series of clinics on the High Wycombe campus, throughout the year, where you can get a full sexual health screen or just do a test on yourself for chlamydia. (1 in 10 people under 25 have chlamydia!) If you want to get tested for an STI, but cannot go to one of the above clinics go to to find your nearest Sexual Health Clinic or come and ask us in the Advice Centre and we can find one for you. Our service is completely confidential so you can talk to us and it will not go any further. We also have a limited number of free condoms you can pick up.

Bucks Students’ Union Advice Centre

High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180

Or email

Next date of Sexual Health Clinic: Tuesday 28th January Come see us at room N2.07 10am-3pm, High Wycombe Campus

Uxbridge Action

Don’t miss out, email for more information!



Look out for the guys in the orange t-shirts

10am - 11am Welcome from the Students’ Union 1pm - 1.45pm Tea with the Sabbatical Officers, Pulse cafe

Freshers Only!

9.30pm - Late



Bus to UniTrash at High Wycombe campus

Tuesday 9am - 10.30am Mature Students Breakfast, Pulse cafe 2.30pm - 3.30pm Placements Discussion (come have a doughnut and discuss your expectations)

Wednesday 10.30am - 2.30pm Refreshers Fair, Ground floor corridor 9.30pm - Late


All Years!



Bus to Frat House at High Wycombe campus

Monday 9am 12pm - 2pm

Uxbridge Campaign launch, Pulse cafe Student Reps Local Produce stand, Pulse cafe


Cocktail Workshop, Pulse cafe

Tuesday 8am - Pulse 12 pm - 2pm

Mature Students Breakfast, Pulse cafe Volunteering & RAG Meet & Greet, Pulse cafe

8pm - Late

Welcome to Uxbridge Pub Crawl (starting at the Crown & Treaty pub)

Wednesday 10.30am - 2.30pm Sign Up Stalls, 3rd Floor 9.30pm - Late



Bus to Frat House at High Wycombe campus

Thursday 10am - 2pm 12pm - 2pm 4.30pm - 6.30pm

Paid job opportunities stall, Pulse cafe Returning students Placements Focus group Sabbatical Officers Tea Party

9pm - Late

Evening at The Electric Lounge

Friday 8.30am - 10am Bucks Student Parent Network, Pulse cafe 12pm - 2pm Meet the Communications Team, newspaper give away, Pulse cafe 9.30pm - Late

Bus to Flirt! at High Wycombe campus




DID YOU GET A PHOTO? Search: Bucks SU Photos (2011 -2012)

Bucks Stud

Wed 08 Feb - Tue 21 Feb at

Happy Vale Wednesday






Ladies Hockey Takeover Circus Theme

Altenator presents: Hostile + Collapse + Local Support

Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1









Flirt: Valentines


Strongbow D Red Stripe Jim Beam Bourbo Zubrowka Vodka & Corky’s £ Double up o

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1








BLUE RINSE highw ycombe

Athletics + Basketball Takeover Moulin Rouge - Valentines Party

Blue Rinse ft Live Band: Hares

Flirt - ABC (Anything But Clothes)

Unisex - Breakag

Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1

Strongbow Dr Red Stripe Ca Jim Beam Bourbon Zubrowka Vodka & A Corky’s £1 Double up on


Welcome To The Weekend, selected drinks only £1.50 from 8pm - 10pm

dents’ Union

t the Venue High Wycombe

entines Day






* Sunday

14 Suck My Acoustic 4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1





Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz 4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


Word Is Born

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Draft £2.00 Can £2.00 on & Coke £1.80 & Apple Juice £1.80 £1 a shot on spirits £1

raft £2.00 an £2.00 n & Coke £1.80 Apple Juice £1.80 a shot n spirits £1


Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz


ge + MC Wrec

* Sunday

Comedy Central Live

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

18 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012

Louise Golbey - “Keep My Feelings Hush”


p and coming singer-songwriter, promoted by BMB. We may have lost Amy Winehouse, and Etta James, but we most certainly have not lost the female soul singer. Soul singers need to sound powerful, and to create this convincing sound a powerful personality is helpful. Louise Golbey seems to have this power. She is clearly determined, she is making it work without a record company or even management, whilst also (until recently) holding down a part time job. Nothing shows power quite like working your way up pretty much on your own in the music business. Her new EP ‘Keep My Feelings Hush’ with its self written songs and lyrics contains something that continues to amaze me when listening to music; new ways to tell a story complete with fresh metaphors and feelings. Alongside her soft soul strumming of

delicate minor chords, it creates a calm familiarity. For better or worse she hasn’t quite pinned down the broken soul singer as Winehouse did and perhaps in time, a little more heart break and life experiences will make her more profound. But I do not wish artist issues on her. It is not over produced or fussy. For those who enjoy clean straight forward soul singer songwriting, Louise Goldbey fits the bill. Fortunately for her there are plenty of Jazz FM, Radio 2 listeners who will be drawn to her. On her last track of the EP, ‘Things are quite shiny’ she sings “Some dream beyond reach, but they’re closer now, I won’t give up my goal cause it’s closer now” It appears that her determination will pull her through and for that I admire her. By Sorcha Collister

Kari Jobe- Where I found you - EMI Being an award winning and active pastor along with being a number one selling artist don’t always go hand in hand yet somehow Kari Jobe has managed it. A notable best selling Christian/ Worship artist from Waco, Texas, Jobe has a style that mixes country music, a Taylor Swift like singing voice and Christian lyrics all in one. In all fairness, its not a bad album- it is essentially about a woman’s love and faith for God whilst being a call for people to follow Him. Its a rather sweet, inoffensive blend of music that is a bit like fellow Texan Kelly Clarkson in style overall. Piano and acoustic led ‘Rise’

and ‘Run to You’ are both typical examples of what Jobe incorporates into her musicGod, love and praise. The music throughout the album is quite simplistic in both arrangement and instruments, allowing the voice to shine throughout. The album is essentially lyrically driven, very American in its style and is very radio friendly. When you sit down and listen to Jobe its clear why she’s become such a success. Breakthrough hit ‘Steady My Heart’ and Michelle Branch esq ‘We Are’ are notable hits while ballads like ‘Here’ are full of emotion, it’s evident that Jobe means every single word she sings. This is highly admirable in

a day and age in which pop stars are manufactured by the bucket load. The album is naturally not everybody’s cup of tea and it certainly is as ‘hip’ or different or as progressive as some albums. But sometimes music doesn’t have to be about that, it can be as simple as singing with some conviction with an acoustic guitar. And the latter is something Jobe does incredibly well. Key tracks: ‘We Are’, ‘Here’, ‘Rise’, ‘Stars in the Sky’ and ‘Steady my Heart’ Rating: By Sarah Campbell

Mixtape review: Benny Banks - patiently waiting This south London reprobate has come a long way from his early days as the likely lad on his run down council estate. His new mix tape really identifies a shining star in a scene that has been diluted with the same garbage for the last two years. Emcees talking about drug dealing and making money is something which has repeatedly featured on the back catalogue of numerous mix tapes thrown out of small record shops. But this skinny white lad manages to deliver another side to his music experience and one which educates the listener about other aspects of his life. Of course, Banks’ hard up bringing is a constant feature throughout and you wouldn’t expect anything else with such tracks as “Trapped in the life” and “Banging and squeezing” identifying his gun orientated lifestyle. The sample taken from La

Lana Del Rey- Born to Die Interscope Records


hen it comes to Lana Del Rey, it’s hard to tell whether the 25 year old New York native is a marketing genius or an over-produced, over-hyped pop star. To be fair Del Rey is probably a bit of both. The self confessed “Nancy Sinatra gangster” is admittedly a bit slow on the gangster part along with the Sinatra part, but Del Rey does a pretty good attempt at trying to be both. The end result? An album that has Hip-Hop, Reggae infused beats tied together with singing about ‘getting high and wasted’, her daddy issues and being a ‘bad girl/good girl’ finding love.

By Sarah Campbell

Sung in a typically broad nasally sounding New Yorker accent in a typically 50s lyrical style, Del Rey seems so fond of this style and theme there’s very little creative variation. Throughout the massive ‘Born to Die’, ‘Video Games’, ‘Blue Jeans’ right to the end track ‘Lucky Ones’ there is similar production, lyrics and themes. But Jay Z, Eminem and Kayne West’s production talents all shine throughout and really add to songs like ‘Diet Mountain Dew’ and ‘National Anthem’ which have some brilliant lyrical lines like ‘Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City / Never was there ever a girl so pretty / Do you think we’ll be in love forever?’

[Diet Mountain Drew] or ‘I’m your national anthem / God you’re so handsome / Take me to the Hamptons / Bugatti Veyron’ [National Anthem]. When it gets to later tracks like ‘Lolita’ and ‘Million Dollar Man’, fatigue starts to set in when listening to the album and things start to fall apart. ‘Born to die’ is ultimately an album that is too long for it covers and overall it suffers for it. But it’s not a bad start. Key tracks: Diet Mountain Dew, Blue Jeans, National Anthem and Off to the Races Rating:

BVE 2012

Word is Born!

From February 14-16 there is one event that brings together 300 exhibitors, and 15,900 broadcast and production professionals. The ‘Broadcast Video Expo’ comes to Earl’s Court once again to showcase the latest in video broadcasting …and it’s free! Having been last year I will be sure to register again. I recommend this to all students studying audio production or film and television production. It gives you an experience with the latest equipment, and many freebies to go with it. With leading industry companies such as AVID, Adobe, Canon, Dedo, Manfrotto and hundreds of others attending, the BVE introduces everyone to top products with industry professionals to go with it, and it is a great place to network. You can also sign up to many talks and shows including demonstrations on 3D television, to Adobe demos, audio theatres and ‘hands-on’ experiences in post production and camera operating. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit last year and was very impressed with the equipment I was allowed access to use. “All the main players are here and it’s a very impressive occasion.” Michael Gerrard, Visitor, BVE 2011 To get a pass you must first register online at By Harrison Boileau

The Students’ Union is bringing you a whole new night! Word Is Born presents: The Launch. This is their first hip hop music night which will include three live performances and some live street art. This is coming to you on Monday 13th February! Be sure to check out the two headliners VERB T & FLIPTRIX with DJ MADNICE and the following acts, THE FOURTH KIND, JON.TE, K-LASH, DON LUIGI, and SYTE. Just a little bit of information on the

headliners; Verb T is an artist with a unique style and lyrical outlook which embraces the classic hip hop style whilst pushing boundaries to advance the art form. FlipTrix often performs alongside Verb T and many other MC’s and producers. He brings to the stage intelligent streetwise lyrics in a delivery filled with high energy. Both are buzzing to bring their music to you at the Student Union. So be there 9pm on Monday 13th February. (Free for students, £3 for non students). By Hollie Wicks

Roux pop placid “Going in for the kill” is torn to shreds by Banks and his fellow UK rap entourage (Squeeks and Joe Black to name a couple) with veteran artist Hunt also making an appearance. A personal favourite is “Don’t bank on it” which delivers a guitar driven beat and soulful melody that derives from a rock instrumental heritage instead of a computerised rap one. The overall production of the song is of such a high standard that you have to take your hat off to producer Westy who also compiled the song “Money over bitches” with the same professionalism. With Squeeks new mix tape (Totally presidential) out on the shelves now, Banks and co. really are the future of UK rap. By Ian Alford


Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 19

Stefan’s one’s to watch out for in 2012


By Sarah Campbell


By Stefan Miller

Emeli Sande – Emeli Sande is a Scottish singer-songwriter from Aberdeen and is no stranger to chart success first appearing on rapper Chipmunk’s top 10 single Diamond Rings back in 2009. Since then she has collaborated with Wiley on ‘Never Be Your Woman’ and with Professor Green on ‘Read All About It’ - also top 10 hits. Emeli’s winning streak of success doesn’t end there, gaining a top 5 hit with her own debut single ‘Heaven’ and winning this year’s Brits Critics’ Choice Award previously won by Jessie J and Florence and the Machine. So what could be behind her success? Her talented song writing skills. Emeli Sande has written songs for a diverse range of artists including Tinie Tempah, Leona Lewis, Susan Boyle, Cheryl Cole and Alesha Dixon. Her first three singles, however, sound very unique with ‘Heaven’ and ‘Daddy’ mixing R&B with elements of break-beat and trip hop while latest single ‘Next To Me’ is a joyful soul song with gospel influences. This diverse range of genres could be just a taster of what could be expected from her highly anticipated debut album Our Version of Events out in February. With her real name being Adele, maybe Emeli could be just as big as the famous singer. Tanya Lacey – Tanya Lacey is a singer-songwriter from Bristol, best known for her appearance on Loick Essien’s single ‘How We Roll’. The R&B singer who previously teamed up with Tinchy Stryder on his track ‘Spotlight’, has brought a fresh new sound to UK urban music. ‘Letter To My Ex’, her debut single has an strong American hip hop soul sound, reminiscent of Mary J. Blige while latest single Born To Fly, a dub influenced track, shows Tanya’s sassy side, berating her haters over a wobbly Caribbean-tinged bassline. As Tanya says in ‘Letter To My Ex’, ‘I’m about to blow, gonna be a star’ – with a transatlantic sound destined for success on R&B charts both sides of the pond, maybe she’s right!

Michael Kiwanuka – Michael Kiwanuka has recently become a familiar name on Radio 1 since his debut single Home Again received a lot of airplay leading up towards Christmas. The North London musician has a sound which draws from vintage soul, blues and folk influences immediately making artists such as Bill Withers spring to mind. His debut single ‘Home Again’ sounds like a cross between Mumford and Sons and Otis Redding, with its humble and simplistic sound ideal for those times when you want to relax and take time out for yourself. Michael was voted this year’s BBC’s Sound of 2012, which is been a forecast for many people’s success particularly previous winner Jessie J. As well as touring with Adele and having Jay-Z as a fan, maybe this will be a start of a great year for the 24-year-old Londoner. Azealia Banks – Don’t let this innocent looking face deceive you, as her potty mouth has got everyone talking this year! This 20-year-old rapper from Harlem, New York has been causing a stir since late last year when she appeared onto our radios with her debut single ‘212’. Championed by

My Better self

Radio 1’s Nick Grimshaw, ‘212’ is a loud, feisty, in-your-face hip house track that samples ‘Float My Boat’ from European DJ Lazy Jay. Azealia means business as she unleashes a fast paced foul-mouthed rap over upbeat tribal house beats and rowdy electro synths. However, she does have a mellow side as demonstrated by her intriguing cover of ‘Slow Hands’ from indie rock band Interpol, which showcases her singing abilities. She also appears on the Scissor Sisters upcoming single ‘Shady Love’ as alias Krystal Pepsy. Her latest tracks have a unique sound drawing from hip hop, house and electronic dance influences and her style has been praised by NME who named her the ‘Coolest Person of 2011’. Coming from the same performing arts school as Nicki Minaj and Jennifer Aniston, maybe Azealia can follow their footsteps to stardom …

Colorado husband and wife duo Alicia Moore and Patrick Riley have brought out this sweet, piano led track from their forthcoming sophomore album ‘Young and Old’ due out on February 14. How romantic. The track itself is summery and feel-good indie pop which is a treat for the ears.

Lianne La Havas – Coming from a musical background, this 22-year-old South Londoner was taught keyboard and guitar lessons by her multiinstrumentalist father at the early age of 7. She wrote her first song at the age of 11 and has embarked on her journey to success ever since. Inspired and influenced by R&B and soul stars, Mary J. Blige, Lauryn Hill, Nina Simone and Jill Scott, Lianne’s sound is a beautiful blend of soul and folk music. This accompanied with Lianne’s velvety soft voice, makes her music paradise to people’s ears. Her single ‘No Room For Doubt’, which featured American folk singer Willy Mason, has a chilled out sound, reminiscent to Corrine Bailey Rae. Lianne recently appeared on Later with Jools Holland and has supported Bon Iver on tour last year. She is currently working on her debut album.

Originally released on 2009 EP ‘Dirty Dirty’ this is a gorgeous track that is instantly soothing. Ukulele and reggae led, this is an incredibly special piece of music from a former classically trained violinist.

Sarvi – This stunning beauty could be the UK’s answer to Romanian pop star Inna. The 22-year-old, born Sarvi Kalhor, studied at the world famous Sylvia Young Theatre School and has been creating a buzz in the clubs with her catchy dance music. Sarvi’s sound is undeniably Euro-pop, with insanely catchy lyrics, summer holiday melodies and uptempo house beats. A successful formula that made hit singles for artists such as Edward Maya and Alexandra Stan last year. The singer’s latest single, Stereo Love with its flirty yet infectious chorus, ‘If you want turn me up, you gotta turn me on’ sounds like a future summer hit and with support of well-known DJ’s Alex Gaudino, Chuckie and Seamus Haji, I can see Sarvi taking Ibiza and clubs everywhere by storm!

Miyavi vs. Kreva Strong

Released in the latter half of 2011, ‘The Samurai’ guitarist Miyavi puts his talented skills to good use in this rather good Japanese rap/rock collaboration. While perhaps not as strong as some of his other songs that have been previously released, this song will easily get people moving!

Emily Wells

Take it Easy, San Francisco

Bonobo Kiara

Downbeat electronic at its finest, this gem of a track starts off with a downcast oriental sounding violin and piano led melody before taking it up a notch when trip hop style drum and bass kicks in. A song that’s perfect for chilling out to.

Arctic Monkeys ft Richard Hawley

You and I

With crunchy guitars, blistering solos and 50s style rockability sensibilities; this Arctic Monkey’s track is a perfect b-side to ‘Black Treacle’. Set to be released towards the end of February, this is raunchy rock n roll at its best and when the fairly slow song speeds up, it becomes a track that is immensely fun. Richard Hawley [of Pulp and Longpigs Britpop fame] adds to the song brilliantly with his low, sensual vocals. The only complaint is at 3 minutes 44 seconds, this song feels way too short!

What do you mean you haven’t heard of... By Sarah Campbell

This week’s WDYMYHHO... is in two parts! As I couldn’t decide which new artist was better! So enjoy! Part One: David McCaffery

Part Two: Nneka

Moderate internet sensation David McCaffery is a 17 year old from York with a rather unique gift for acoustic-pop song writing. A live version of his song ‘Stars’ has already clocked up over 23,000 views on YouTube, while the singer-songwriter has gained attention on Twitter and Facebook thanks to a certain Ed Sheeran. Not bad for someone who hasn’t released anything yet! With an ear for a melody and relatable lyrics, McCaffery’s style can be compared to Ben Howard and Ryan Adams. McCaffery’s first ever EP ‘Stars’ will be out soon while a couple of lives dates have been announced. One thing’s for sure...This is someone to keep your ears out for! CHECK OUT DAVID MCCAFFERY ON HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/USER/ DAVIDMCCAFFREYMUSIC OR HTTP://WWW. FACEBOOK.COM/DAVIDMCCAFFREYMUSIC

As one of the exciting new artists the South by South West festival is showcasing in 2012, you can’t help but sit up and take notice when it comes to Nneka. wwNneka [pronounced ‘hm neck car’], is a half Nigerian, half German hip hop/soul singer who has been likened to Lauren Hill. Citing artists such as Life, Kahlil Gibran, Bob Marley and Fela Kuti as her biggest influences, Nneka has recently released her third album ‘Soul is Heavy’ last year. With rich music that is full of hip-hop, dance beats and reggae throughout, Nneka is a raw, honest, soulful and captivating artist who’s worth listening and paying attention to. If nothing more to hear something different and unique! CHECK OUT NNEKA ON HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE. COM/USER/NNEKAVEVO OR HTTP://WWW. FACEBOOK.COM/NNEKAWORLD

Left to Right: Internet sensation David McCaffery and Hip Hop / Soul singer Nneka

BLUE RINSE high wycombe


FEBRUARY 50s/60s/70s/80s/90s/00/



LONG ISLAND ICED T-POTS £5 £1.50 drinks promo’s between 8pm-10pm Thursday to Sunday at the SU, Gaymers Original Draft £2.00 Tuborg Cans £2.00 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2.00 Corky’s £1 A Shot/Double Up On spirits £1.00

FREE for Bucks students. £3 for guests from 9PM

Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 21

We want your feedback on the Bucks Student newspaper. You can do this by completing the survey below, tearing it out of the paper and returning it back to the SU offices at either campus, or you can complete it online at Age:









Please choose which of these currently applies to you: (Please select as many as applicable) Undergraduate Member of a society/sports team Regular visitor to student union events International student Mature student Based at an off campus college Part time student Postgraduate Uxbridge student

6. Which of the sections currently within the Bucks Student Newspaper do you enjoy reading (Please select as many as applicable) NEWS INTERNATIONAL NEWS FEATURES LIFESTYLES INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES EVENTS CULTURE, ARTS & LITERATURE RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES FOOD AND DRINK FASHION AND BEAUTY MOVIES ADVICE PUZZLES SPORTS 7. Are there any of the sections currently within the Bucks Student Newspaper which do not interest you? (Please select as many as applicable)

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Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 23


Law Society

Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

Red Button Film Society

Re-Fresher’s, Parkour, De-Tat and more! Fresh from the Christmas holidays, Red Button’s back and making more films! After the rather fun and successful shoot of ‘In the Gateaux’ we now have another project in the pipeline with ‘D’eTat’. The name for the shoot comes from the word coup d’etat and is about a political uprising against a dictatorship. It’s a completely different direction from three gun toting cake gangsters! Alongside ‘D’eTat’ we also have potential promos in the works for the Circus and Dance societies. A Red Button member has

already taken photos and filmed a promo for the Parkour Society which is currently being edited as we speak. Finally we’d like to thank those who helped out at the refreshers fair! We successfully signed a few more new members! As ever we’re always looking for new members and projects so feel free to get in touch! Red Button Film-Making Society is THE 2010/11 Society of the Year which focuses on making short films and videos. We are a group that is open to everyone and anyone with a passion for making films regardless of your abilities. Whether you’re interested in script writing, acting, camera work or editing- there is always an opportunity to get involved and have some fun! If you feel like getting involved or would like to contact the Society our email is or alternatively you can come along to our meetings which run on Mondays 7.30pm9pm in N1.07. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter- @RedButtonBNU and YouTube/RedButtonSociety.

Believers Love World

First and foremost, the Law Society would like to thank all those who signed on to join us at the refreshers fair! It was a great success and we would like to welcome you all with open arms! Bucks Law Society has been extremely busy the last few weeks, our trip to the Old Bailey was fantastic, seeing half of the barristers on their phones during court was a bit surprising, but they must be doing SOMETHING important… right? We also managed to squeeze in a visit to the Royal Courts of Justice which was great, the building is very beautiful! Did you know that they host badminton tournaments and yoga classes in the main hall? You learn something new every day! We also had a guest speaker who was very enlightening; not only for a career in law but

Mature Students Update The Mature Students Society has grown from strength to strength over the last few months and with your help we can continue to flourish. Over the next few months we will be looking for people to come forward to help to run the Society for next year. Although this may seem early we have decided to give people the opportunity to see what it would be like before running for positions. Come along to a committee meeting and see what goes into making one of the biggest Societies at Bucks run like clock-work and help us put on one of our great events. The MSS Breakfast Club is one of the regular events we put on where we provide Mature Students with a FREE breakfast just for turning up. There has been two meetings of the club so far this year with coffees, breakfast baps and Danishes enjoyed by all, with many of the

Date: Tuesdays Time: 18:00-19:30 Venue: Bucks New University, room N2.01 Title: Fellowship Extra information: This is where we come together in the Lords presence to share testimonies to encourage one another in our faith. We also do planning in these meetings for our outreach programme which is held in the third week of every month. Be sure to look out for flyers and posters around the University for any one of these events. Date: Sundays Time: 15:00-16:30 Venue: Bucks New University, room N1.04 Title: Sunday church service Extra information: This is where we again share testimonies and are fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It’s a time where we can be in the Lords presence and give him praise singing songs, hymns and thanking him for all our blessings poured out upon us through out the week. We usually watch teachings as well from our mighty man of God Pastor Chris. These teachings are relevant and based upon God’s word aiding us in our faith walk with God and enabling us to increase in the accurate knowledge of his word, praise God. We sometimes watch these videos in our cell meetings as well. By Lorraine Wong

for interview and CV tips as well! Soon we are planning on a Police officer to come and chat so if anyone is interested email slsbucks@hotmail. ask about it. A visit to the Fire Station nearby has also been arranged, again if anyone is interested in this or just if you just want to check out the Firemen then email us! It is happening on Tuesday the 7th at 6pm so come with us, fire trucks are awesome! In other news, we have another bake sale planned so if any of you have a sweet-tooth keep an eye out for us outside the SU! Thank you for reading everyone and if you have any questions about our guest speakers or trips don’t hesitate to email us at slsbucks@hotmail. Until next time!

members sticking around for a good long chin wag as well. The Cinema Trips and Meals in the Evening are all dependant on you. If you would like to come then please contact a member of the MSS Committee (details above). The Cinema Trips will meet at the university for a coffee and then head off to the cinema, we will then split between the films that people want to watch rather than force people to watch one film that they may not be interested in. We are also looking at organising a trip to Amersham to see some of the Performing Arts Students who are putting on a show. Look out for the MSS Newsletter heading your way soon with more details (If you would like to subscribe to the MSS Newsletter please e-mail Will Hoskin details above). For more information about the Mature Students Society or any

Chair Kate Hall 07557 733 983 Secretary Shellie Ransom 07597 418 419 Treasurer Will Hoskin 07960 933 050

of the above events please contact one of the Committee: Upcoming Events - Wed 8th Feb 10am-3am Uxbridge Freshers Fair - Tue 14th Feb 8am-10am Uxbridge MSS Breakfast Club - Thu 16th Feb High Wycombe Cinema Trip - Wed 22nd Feb Wednesday Uxbridge Cinema Trip and meal - Thu 23rd Feb High Wycombe Meal - Mon 27th Feb 9am-11am Uxbridge MSS Breakfast Club - Wec 29th Feb 9am-11am High Wycombe MSS Breakfast Club

VITA Soc - Violence Isn’t The Answer We are currently setting up a support group for students who are interested in knowing more about domestic violence and abuse. Although we are not yet fully up and running, we aim to raise students awareness of domestic violence and offer a sign posting service to students who want to increase their knowledge about domestic violence and abuse - guiding

them to organisations who will be able to offer them support. We are all new to the society and still wish to recruit more volunteers in achieving our aims. We believe this is a really needed and worthwhile service at Bucks New University and hope you do to. If you would like any more information concerning VITA or wish

The University Multi-faith Chaplaincy Team is committed to praying for both students and staff, and we have Prayer Boxes located in Beats, and the Sanctuary at High Wycombe as well as the Pulse cafe at Uxbridge. We would like to extend this service by offering those who use the boxes the opportunity for prayer with a Chaplain. We will be available each week as indicated. If you would like to speak to someone personally and confidentially, or make an appointment to see us, please leave a message: 01494 603 024 or mob: 07544 750 793 or

to join our team please do not hesitate to contact us: Email: VITA10GROUP@GMAIL. COM Logo design by Metalhouse (www.

High Wycombe Campus Tuesday: 12.00 -12.30pm, in the Sanctuary, N.1.10 Uxbridge Campus Friday: 12.30 -1.00pm, in the Quiet Room, 3rd Floor Room 3.06 All Staff and Students Welcome!

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012

FASHION & Beauty

By Harleen Sangha

Monochrome Fashion Fix

And the award for best dressed goes to...

By Harleen Sangha

Idris Elba sporting Louboutin spiked loafers

Kate Beckinsale in Cavalli

> Leapfrog Bath Ballistic - £2.75 Back from last year - formally The Frog Prince - the rose, jasmine and sandalwood in this bath bomb is amazing. It makes the bath water green and the red lips are a tiny bath melt, to make the water that little creamier. This is probably my favourite Valentines product from Lush.

Topshop Trim loafers £32.00

What the Celebs wore

Brangelina looking stylish as ever

Kourtney Kardashian rocking House of Holland tights

Lush Valentines

Blake Lively in Versace

The Golden Globe awards 2012 astonished the nation with the most beautiful gowns and stylishly dressed celebrities. With designer pieces and diamond jewels this is one of the most glamorous and prominent awards ceremonies. From head to toe who looked the most dazzling? There were too many to choose from this year. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt may not have won any Golden Globes but they were by far the best dressed golden couple. Angelina wore a beautiful crème satin gown by Atelier Versace with a matching clutch and soft red lipstick. The cut of the dress perfected her body shape with a slit revealing her toned legs. She kept her look elegant and classy with crème heels. Brad Pitt wore a tuxedo designed by Tom Ford, with a satin outline and a bow tie, looking well groomed. Due to a knee injury Brad strolled with his walking stick all evening. Jessica Alba wore a lilac Gucci gown with sparkly detail, which suited her slim figure and immaculate skin very well. With a lilac purse and glitzy jewellery she kept her look shimmering and tasteful. Kate Beckinsale wore a white Roberto Cavalli gown which looked flawless on her body; this certainly showed her curves and trim figure. The strapless gown had fine sequins with a chiffon pleat which she looked magical in. She added glitzy cuffs for a flashy look. Idris Elba, Golden Globe award winner had two prizes for the night; best performance by an actor in a mini-series or motion picture for his BBC show ‘Luther’ and for his dress style, wearing a smart, suave black suit with Louboutin spiked loafers to give the look an edgy, rock feel. Everyone sure made their fashion statements with dramatic, glamorous dresses and suits, the fashion for 2012 only gets more fabulous!

blazer and a small amount of turquoise jewrelly to add in some colour. The sparkles on the black pattern of the dress give a glam look aganist the crisp white. This funky monochrome dress (pictured below) will be great for a night out with black ankle boots and white bold accessories for an artistic, sultry look. Not bad for £35.00. These black and white loafers (also below) will go with any day time look; from tights, shorts to trousers and skinny jeans they will sure have good wear out of them. The white tassels give them a dressy flair.

Miss Selfridges Monochrome dress £35.00

Monochrome is a black and white colour combination which will always be in style and can be dressed up or down easily. This is a basic trend which is the most chic, a trend that never fails to gain attention. An effortless look which can be mixed with bright accessories or kept simply crisp, the two simplest yet sharp colours together can only create a dominant, outstanding look. The dark against light colours create a classic yet edgy look, you could be working with a black blazer and white shirt for a smart, sharp look, or black leggings with a baggy white t shirt for a casual day time look. The good thing about monochrome is us ladies are bound to have a black or white item of clothing and the purpose of this print is to be mismatched therefore anything that we have could work. Kourtney Kardashian is pictured here wearing black sheer House of Holland tights with a white ruffled dress and a cute simple black blazer. Adding to this an oversized white clutch and black patent ankle boots, her necklace adds slight colour with the silver and turquoise, to break out the black and white contrast which is just enough to give a confident look. Blake Lively is pictured wearing a versace monochrome dress with a sheer, satin lined

If you’re stuck on what to get your girl or boyfriend, why not try Lush? They are relatively affordable and are a good choice if they love cosmetics and pampering. > Magic Mushroom Bubble Bar - £2.45 Now I now know what you are thinking. And no, it’s not that. This smells like strawberries and has a lovely spring scent that will produce lots of bubbles as well as turning the water a reddy-pink colour. > Sweetheart Soap - £3.00 per 100g Jasmine, Mandarin and Vanilla makes this girly scent something that any girlfriend will love. > Love Potion Massage Bar - £5.95 If massages are your thing, why not use this massage bar. They last for ever and each one is full of cocoa and shea butter. Love Potion looks lovely and has a very apple, citrus scent. I love citrus scents so this one is a winner. > Choo Choo I Love You Toothy Tabs - £2.95 Toothy Tabs are interesting. They are toothpaste but in tablet form. This one is flavoured with rose. It’s a bit hit-or-miss, but if you love fresh breath

when you kiss why not give it a go. > A Million Kisses Lip Tint - £4.95 If you love luscious, moisturized lips, why not give this a go? Tinted red, it’s perfect for Valentines and if you want more of a subtle look then I would opt for this. However, I’m a man so I could be completely wrong.

There are also Valentine’s Day gift boxes that start from £16.95, so they are perfect for students. For more information go to the Lush website, or if you want to smell the products go to your nearest Lush store. The staff are really friendly and if you are Lush virgins, they will help you a lot. The nearest one is in the Eden Centre near Starbucks.

Happy Valentines Day!

By Guy Humphrey

Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 25



arry Felton entered the small dance studio later than he’d planned. He’d had to wait behind after the lecture to ask a few questions of his tutor. The discussion had lasted longer than he’d expected, so he’d had to walk quickly to the studio, in time for his dance lesson. He stopped in the doorway, as he realised faint music was coming from a small CD player atop a wooden stool. And then he saw Danni. She came into view from one corner of the room, and began to dance, a slow graceful movement. For a moment Harry contemplated announcing his arrival, but then stopped. He realised that he wanted to see Danni dance. He’d been told that she was good, grudgingly, by Lisa, but he wasn’t prepared for what he saw. The way that Danni danced was nothing short of incredible. She seemed to move with every change in the music and match its rhythm perfectly. As the music slowed, so did she. And as the pace quickened so did she, without missing a beat. Harry had thought that Danni was a talented actress, but it was nothing compared to the way she danced.

When the music came to an end she sank into a low bow, and for a moment, still silence hung in the air. Harry began to clap, and Danni spun round quickly, and clapped a hand to her chest. “Sorry,” Harry said, hurriedly, moving into the room and placing his bag on the floor. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” “It’s okay,” Danni said, and a small smile crossed her lips. She looked away quickly, hiding her face. Why does she keep doing that?, Harry wondered. He’d seen her looking at him that way a few times: once in rehearsals, and once at the café last night. She looked at him as if she wanted to say something, and then looked away, as if shy. For a moment, at their meeting in the coffee shop, Harry had even imagined that she’d been about to kiss him. But, that, of course, was a ridiculous notion. Why would she be interested in him? Apart from the fact that she was way, way out of his league, ever since he’d arrived at the academy, he’d caused her nothing but trouble. He’d stolen her boyfriend’s part in a play, for one. And now she was being forced to teach him how

to Waltz, which was impacting considerably on their rehearsal time. Harry shook himself. “That was amazing,” he said. Danni smiled that small smile again. “Thank you.” “Right,” said Harry, because he could think of nothing else to say. “Shall we get started then?” “Yeah,” Danni replied, moving towards him, and making him assume some kind of dance hold. “This is the hold for The Waltz.” “Okay. I warn you,” said Harry, “I’ve got two left feet.” “Well, I’ll have to see what I can do about that.” Danni began to explain the steps to him, and slowly, they started to move. Harry soon discovered that the Waltz was fairly easy, once you got into the rhythm of it. And round and round the floor they went, until Danni signalled that she wanted to stop. “What is it?” asked Harry. “Am I that bad?” She laughed. “No. For someone who claims to have two left feet, you’re doing surprisingly well.” “Thanks.” “Don’t get carried away Fred Astaire,” she quipped lightly. “Something isn’t right with this dance.” “How do you mean?” Danni stopped and sucked on her lower lip in thought. “Well,” she said after a few moments, “think about the play. Romeo and Juliet are supposed to have the intense

The Understudy is a study in great writing Book: The Understudy Author: David Nicholls Star Rating: Stephen C. McQueen (who is no relation to the famous actor, because he spells his name with a “PH” thank you very much) is a full time actor, and part time father; with a daughter he barely knows, an exwife whom he is still in love with, and a career that is slowly going down the tubes. When Stephen becomes the understudy to Hollywood star (and 12th Sexiest Man in the World) Josh Harper however, he thinks his luck may be about to change. Josh might be able to give Stephen his “Big Break”, if only Stephen doesn’t screw things up for himself; and falling in love with Josh’s sexy, smart wife, Nora, is a complication that Stephen could do without. This book is witty, humorous, and in some places desperately sad. It is a true “dramedy”. This book is all about the unfulfilled dreams of budding actor Steve McQueen, who has spent so long playing passers by in the street, and extras, that he thinks his time in the limelight will never come. The reader is able to totally identify with Stephen because all of us have had that moment in our life where we’ve thought; I wonder what could have been. And Stephen lives his life thinking about what could have been. If only he’d gotten the role in that TV show, or been in the right place at the right time… And so, Stephen goes through life hoping that some day he will be noticed, some day he will play the lead, the protagonist, the title role. I don’t want to give too much away about the plot, but one of the funnier moments in the book occurs quite early on. The character of Josh Harper invites Stephen to a party after work. Stephen attends, thinking that he will finally get his chance to meet famous people, and get himself noticed in the acting world. What he fails to realise is that Josh has invited him there as a waiter. The moment is both funny and tragic, as are most of the memorable moments in this tale. It’s not all bad though, because Stephen meets Josh’s

By Shane Millar

By Shane Millar very attractive wife, Nora, at the party, a woman who might finally be able to get him to move on from his ex wife, who is now happily remarried. The characters of Stephen and Nora play off each other well, because she is so confident, and he is so bumbling. Add to that the fact that she is American whilst he is British, and you get some very amusing dialogue. David Nicholls has created a work of fiction that is a real page turner, and a book that I would definitely recommend for those rainy afternoons. Other titles by David Nicholls include Starter For Ten and One Day (now a major motion picture, starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess).

connection when they first meet at the party, right?” “Yeah,” Harry said. “So would they really be doing some old fashioned ballroom dance? Shouldn’t they be…I don’t know…” “What?” Harry said, humour in his voice. “Tearing each others clothes off on the dance floor.” Danni looked at him, and a real smile broke over her face then, a wide smile that lit up her eyes and made her look beautiful. “Well yes,” she sighed, and a giggle escaped her. “So, what do you suggest?” Harry asked, “a burlesque routine perhaps, because I for one would love to see that.” arry clamped his mouth shut as he realised what he’d just said. This woman had a boyfriend, and here he was making comments like that. Even if she and Rex were going through a rough patch, they were still an item. For a second Danni looked unsure before one of those genuine smiles played across her face again. Harry relaxed. “Fun as that would be,” she said. “I was thinking more along the lines of an Argentine Tango.” Harry grinned. “Yeah, that could work too, I guess.” They took hold again, and Danni started to teach him some basic tango steps. The basics of the tango were more difficult than those of the Waltz, but after a while Harry felt that he was picking them up, and it wasn’t long before Danni suggested they throw in something a little more


complicated. “Like what?” Harry asked. “Ganchos,” she said. “Sounds painful,” Harry said. “Let me show you,” Danni moved over to him again, and took him in hold. Then she flicked her leg up and behind his, and back to the floor in one fluid motion. “Now you try.” Harry tried to emulate the movement, but managed it with considerably less finesse. “Not bad,” Danni said. “Let’s try working some of those into the routine, and then we’ll practise to music.” When the music began to play, the dance took on a whole new meaning. Harry and Danni locked gazes with each other, and the intensity between them grew. Whether it was the music and the mood of the dance, or some kind of connection forming between them, Harry didn’t know. As they moved the feeling intensified…that is until Harry placed a foot wrong, and the pair, tripping over each other’s feet, landing in a sprawl on the floor. Danni looked at him, and smiled, saying nothing. And Harry looked back at her in the same comfortable silence. And it all happened very quickly after that. Suddenly, the pair were kissing, not the hesitant kiss of two people who were unsure as to how they felt, but a deep kiss full of certainty. “Well, isn’t this cosy,” said a soft voice behind them, and they jumped apart.

26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012


ON THE BOX Soaps Review

Hot Chocolate Recicpe The cold weather has hit and we are all shivering on our way in to University, and let’s just say it’s not a good look. So this week I have brought you the best ever hot chocolate recipe, inspired by Jamie Oliver and it only take 4 minutes! Enjoy! By Hollie Wicks

Ingredients - 565ml full cream or semiskimmed milk - 2 tablespoons good-quality drinking chocolate - 1 handful of marshmallows - Sugar

Above: Coronation Street wins Best Serial Drama.

Method 1. First put the milk into a pan. Bring it to a simmer, but not a boil. Whilst it’s heating, put a tablespoon of chocolate powder and sugar into each mug. 2. Add a little milk from the pan to each mug – you just need enough to dissolve the chocolate powder. 3. At this point, drop a few marshmallows into each mug. 4. The milk should be at a simmer, carefully pour it into a plastic jug or flask. Do this over a sink as you’ll probably end up spilling it. Get a big enough jug or flask so the milk only fills half of it – you need the extra space for shaking and frothing. 5. Screw the lid on tightly and place a cloth over the lid for safety, and shake hard for a minute. Remove the lid, watch out for the steam, and pour the milk into your mugs. A little stir and you are then drinking your way to heaven! 6. Add a bit more chocolate powder if needed, and enjoy!


Heart shaped pizza What to do when Valentines day is coming up and your skint? Wow your loved one with a homemade heart shaped pizza, of course! Along with a bottle of wine and some candles, this inexpensive recipe with be a lovely surprise for that special someone! By Cupid



Pizza dough: (makes enough dough for two 10-12” pizzas)

Making the dough:

- 1 1/2 cups warm water - 1 package of active dry yeast - 3 1/2 cups bread flour - 2 tbsp olive oil - 2 tsp salt - 1 tsp sugar Pizza topping: - Olive oil - Tomato purée - Grated cheese - toppings of your choice: ham, tomatoes, pepperoni, mushrooms, pineapple, sweetcorn, tuna, onions etc

1. In the large bowl add the warm water and sprinkle on the yeast and let sit for 5 minutes until the yeast is dissolved. 2. Mix in the olive oil, flour, salt and sugar. Knead using the palm of your hand on a floured surface until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 10-15 minutes. If the dough seems a little too wet, sprinkle on a bit more flour. 3. Place ball of dough in a bowl that has been coated lightly with olive oil. Turn the dough around in the bowl so that it gets coated with the oil. Cover with plastic wrap. Let sit in a warm place until it doubles in size, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Preparing the pizza: 1. Preheat the oven to 220°C. 2. Divide the dough in half. Place each in its own bowl, cover with plastic and let sit for 10 minutes. 3. Take one ball of dough, starting

o, I hope you’ve all been keeping up-to-date with your favourite soaps! Wednesday 25th January 2012, saw the National Television Awards taking place live at the O2 Arena! Soap stars and celebrities alike were out in full force! There were three prizes up for grabs in the ‘Soaps’ section and Coronation Street took away two of the awards. Katherine Kelly (who plays Becky McDonald) won Serial Drama Performance beating Jessie Wallace (Kat Moon - Eastenders), Alison King (Carla Connor - Corrie), and Danny Miller (Aaron Livesy -

Emmerdale). Coronation Street also took home the title of “Best Serial Drama” beating EastEnders! The remaining award for Best Newcomer was fought out between Chris Fountain (Terry Duckworth Corrie), Jacqueline Jossa (Lauren Branning - Eastenders) and Chelsea Halfpenny (Amy Wyatt - Emmerdale). It was claimed by young Jacqueline Jossa, making it the only award that EastEnders took home! Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! Kicking things off this week in Walford, we’ve got the outcome of Roxy and Jack’s court case looming in tomorrow night’s episode. Regardless of the fact that Roxy and Jack slept together (in typical dramatised soap style); they’re still at each other’s throats over their daughter, Amy. We’ll see the outcome of the court case later this week. Max and Tanya worry about how other people view their relationship, as opposed to each other. Despite

this severe lack in communication, Cora encourages her daughter and son-in-law to talk to each other. With the cancer storyline still bubbling away, we discover how the cancer has left Tanya feeling like less of a woman. We can expect to see Andrew’s true colours being revealed, and it’s not a pretty sight! Heather asks to rearrange a ‘surprise’ with Andrew, so that she can support Shirley who wants to spend some time with her, but it doesn’t lead to the reaction she’s expecting. There are quite a few people who want to know where this is leading, and I can reveal that this is all building up to Heather’s exit! She will be murdered, and yes it will be a “who dunnit”. There are plenty of faces in the frame including Andrew, Ben Mitchell and Shirley Carter. Ben will be seen leaving the murder scene with blood on his hands, but has he really fallen to such a new low? Stay tuned and find out! By MJ

at the center and working outwards, roll until it is roughly1/2-inch thick. Then using a knife or cutter shape the pizza into a heart shape (cute!) 4.Brush the top of the dough with olive oil (to prevent it from getting soggy from the toppings). 5. Spoon on the tomato sauce, sprinkle with cheese, and place your desired toppings on the pizza. 8. Slide the pizzas onto a baking sheet off and bake for about 10-15 minutes until the crust is browned and the cheese is golden. 9. Present it to your Valentine before you cut it into pieces for maximum effect and then enjoy!

Happy Valentines Day!

Above: Roxy and Jack hit the sack before the impending court case. Below: Max and Tanya are have some marital issues to solve.whilst Heather the Treasure is facing her last days on the square.

Movie Reviews The Descendants The Descendants (15) Released 27/01/12 (UK) Running time: 115 mins


rom wine tasters in his last movie Sideways to the long Hawaiian beaches of Kauai, director Alexander Payne is back to full force and teaming up with George Clooney as his leading man. Payne is known for the characters in his movies being somewhat neurotic and self deprecating and George Clooney’s Matt King is no exception. It’s a role less exciting than his recent work as the hit-man in The American

or the American President in The Ides of March. But that doesn’t mean his latest performance is any worse, in fact it could be arguably one of his best. Matt King is a wealthy lawyer living with his family on the paradise he calls home. Rich from his modesty, Matt owns and is in care of a plot of land on the island of Kauai which his family plan to sell on to hotel building developers. Except, as Matt announces from the get go, Hawaii is far from the paradise his ignorant friend on the main land believes. To start with, his wife Elizabeth is in a coma following a boat crash. On top of that his youngest daughter Scottie (Amara Miller) is at an age when she needs female attention the most and then there is the matter of his estranged daughter

Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 27

Alexandra (Shailene Woodley) who was sent away to boarding school on another island. But all that doesn’t matter because Matt has to focus on his neglected children who are close to resenting him for his naivety as he is a self confessed stand-in-dad. Even though The Descendants does deal some rather harsh moments against its characters (especially Elizabeth after Matt discovers a secret of hers which sets him on a different journey of discovery), the movie overall is very enjoyable. Payne once more understands how to balance light hearted comedy with real knot in the throat emotion that will have audiences in tears. As always, Clooney is enjoyable to watch as he waddles down the road in a light jog wearing his flip flops but it’s the performance from newcomer Shailene Woodley that actually turns your head. With a

supporting cast including veteran actor Robert Forster as Elizabeth’s father and Nick Krause as the obnoxious Sid, the film feels natural and warm. The Descendants isn’t as cruel to its characters as Sideways had been but that’s not to say that Matt doesn’t have an easy ride. The Descendants is a great way to get introduced to Payne’s work but admittedly it doesn’t have the replay ability that Sideways did. It is a fantastic movie with superb performances but it can be a bit unrelentless at times. Payne is a director to watch as he has shown that he can be consistent with his work. The movie will draw in fans of Clooney but for good reasons. With a big showing at most of the awards categories it is easy to see why the world is once again going crazy for Payne. By Oliver Hunt

The Sitter The Descendants (18) Released 20/01/12 (UK) Running time: 81 mins


espite being nominated for a Golden Globe and an Academy Award, it appears that the once rising star Jonah Hills has managed to also find his worst movie. It is a pity that his follow up film, 21 Jump Street, doesn’t look any better, even though from now on we’ll only see a thinner version of the young actor. Jonah Hill plays the horrendously stereotyped ‘bad’ babysitter Noah. Apart from living with his single mother Sandy (Jessica Hecht) and casually going down on a girl he calls his girlfriend (Ari Graynor); Noah doesn’t really do much with his life. After beings harassed into taking a job as a... you guessed it, babysitter; Noah is soon responsible for looking after three minors, Slater (Max Records), Blithe (Landry Bender) and little terror Rodrigo (Kevin Hernandez). Each kid is more

annoying than the next as Noah tries to juggle screen time between the mad paranoid Slater, the inherently pop cultured Blithe and the angry Mexican firecracker. But his evening doesn’t just involve watching television; it also involves a phone call to his girlfriend that soon sends him and the three kids on a journey for coke. From the very start director David Gordon Green (whose back catalogue includes stoner comedies such as Pineapple Express) establishes the crude humour with a rough hip hop backing track. The movie is rather smug with its own self importance. But the question is how far can it all go? Soon after setting out, the group run into coke dealer Karl (Sam Rockwell) but this is when the movie reveals its real face as it poorly attempts to be liberal towards homosexuals and in the

process misses the fact that they are totally offended. I have to confess, whilst watching The Sitter I did have several laughs which fifty percent of the time was not really politically correct. The film does have a heart but it’s all behind its uncomfortable jokes. As Noah drives from one elaborate location to another, he and the kids leave a trail of destruction in their wake. This movie suffers from a very bad and loose idea which doesn’t really work over the time frame. Moment’s try too hard to work (practically all the scenes with Kylie Bunbury feel like an afterthought), but overall The Sitter is far less enjoyable then Pineapple Express or any other work from Green. This is the type of film that audiences will enjoy but not necessarily for the right reasons; it’s a cheap ride not really worth By Oliver Hunt riding.

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*You are eligible for the NSS if you are a final year undergraduate or are on a flexible part-time programme. If your final year cannot be easily predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth year of study. If you were due to be in your final year in 2012, but have withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part.

Designed by Tom Holmes, Staffordshire University - NUS Promotional Poster Competition Winner

28 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012

Avoiding the Housemates from Hell!

To contact the Advice Centre High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180 Or email

Avoid living with hellish housemates

It’s about that time of year when some of you will be starting to think about who you are going to share a house or flat with next year. For some it will be quite easy but for others it can be stressful and worrying. Whether you find it easy or not here are some issue to think about. Signing a contract that may last nine months or a year is a serious undertaking and if you end up falling out with the people you are sharing with it can be difficult to resolve and make your home life a nightmare! Expectations It is a good idea to be clear in your own mind about your expectations of your future housemates. What kind of housemates are you hoping to share with? How are you expecting them to behave? Are your expectations realistic or idealistic? What are you like to share with? How will others find the way you behave? If you have unrealistic expectations and no insight into your own behaviour then there may be trouble ahead! Big groups versus small groups There are not many five or more bed roomed houses out there, but is worth having a think about how many people you would ideally like to share with. You may currently be in a flat in Brook Street sharing with nine others and think that you’d really rather prefer just one or two housemates. Or you may be in lodgings and want the experience of living with a big group. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. If you are sharing with a larger group four or more and you fall out with one of your housemates you’ll still have other housemates to chat to. If however you are sharing with just one or two others it can get pretty uncomfortable if you stop getting on. The disadvantages of sharing with a larger group are more obvious, more people more mess, longer wait times for bathrooms, more noise etc. Larger groups often find some simple house rules, agreed by all, are helpful. Attitudes and Values It is important that if you hold very strong beliefs or have a very negative attitude to something or have a value system that you

cannot compromise on that you are open about this when finding future housemates. Don’t make assumptions that others feel the same way you do and take into account that we all come from different backgrounds and families that have different ways of doing things. For instance you may be very anti smoking, or you may have a medical reason to avoid smoky atmospheres. For you it would be a bad idea to share with smokers and even if the flat or house you rent is non-smoking and your prospective future housemates say that they will always smoke outside – they may not always stick to this, especially if the weather is bad or they’ve had a few drinks. So think about the things you just cannot stand, be upfront about this and avoid sharing with people who may just cross that line. Night owls and early birds Some of us like to stay up late, some like to be in bed and asleep by 11. Some of us like loud music some like peace and quiet. May be you are particularly tidy and like a spotless kitchen and bathroom or perhaps a bit of mess and a sink full of dirty dishes doesn’t really bother you. It is possible to live happily with people who are your complete opposite, but it’s best to discuss these issues before you sign a contract and work out ways of how you are going to deal with any differences. Best friends don’t always make the best housemates. It might sound like the ideal housemate – your best friend or perhaps your boy or girlfriend. You enjoy going out together, you like spending time together and you get on great.

However be a bit careful, living together is a completely different situation. Seeing someone several times a week, going for nights out, meeting up to go places, it’s all fun,fun,fun. Very different to spending 24/7 with someone and those little quirks of character you found so amusing in the pub can become extremely annoying at 8.30 on a Sunday morning. If you are thinking about sharing a house with your best friend, girlfriend or boyfriend then do discuss how you are going to handle the situation if the relationship breaks down. Your accommodation contract may mean that it would be difficult if not impossible for one of you to move out. And finally... However careful you are about choosing your future housemates once you all move in together there are bound to be some disagreements and areas of difficulty, this is normal. If you all handle the difficulties in the right way you can work through them. Things that can help are: house rules and or guidelines, compromising, being open and honest, accepting you are not perfect and be willing to modify any behaviours that you have that your housemates may find annoying. Of course we are all somebody’s housemate from hell but on the other hand there are the perfect housemates out there for you, you just have to find them! Need more help and Advice? If you would like to discuss any of the above or you need any help and advice about anything else then we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Phone us, email us, or drop in and see us!

get in touch: High Wycombe Campus, Ground Floor, North Wing t: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge Campus, Room 1.03, First Floor, t: 01494 605 180

e: w:


Down 1. coloured media (6) 2. thing (7) 3. end (8) 4. globe (4) 5. perch (5) 6. ninety ones (6) 7. bottomless pit (5) 13. waterlilies (8) 16. not this nor that (7) 17. calculating device (6) 19. ecclesiastical building (5) 20. give away (6) 22. stamp book (5) 24. raffia (4)


7 8



10 12

13 15

14 18

17 21


19 23

24 26


1. African wild dog 2. Of the stars 3. Type of herb 4. Trial 5. Of the nerves 6. Cask 7. Antenna 8. Burrow 9. Glassy substance 10. Of the mind 11. Real, genuine 12. Resembling a noun

12 11







4 7

5 6

16 20


Edition 25 Answers: ACROSS 7. Salami; 8. Unable; 9. Best; 10. Haystack; 11. Carefulness; 14. Deliverance; 18. Fleshpot; 19. Root; 20. Sooner; 21. Elijah; DOWN 1. Lateran; 2. Salt; 3. Vishnu; 4. Bunyan; 5. Fantasia; 6. Place; 12. Evensong; 15. Impart; 16. Esther; 17. Flood; 19. Rein



Across 1. puts in compost (6) 4. lowest title (5) 8. bury (5) 9. swell up (7) 10. plan to win (7) 11. leave alone (4) 12. star (3) 14. Greek letter (4) 15. quick pull (4) 18. meadow (3) 21. broad grin (4) 23. dip quickly (7) 25. type of water for detox (7) 26. dislike intensely (5) 27. cesspits (5) 28. equitably (6)




The solutions from 1 to 12 are all six-letter words ending with the letter L in the centre. Moving clockwise from 1, the letters in the outer circle will spell the name of a US actor.

Who, what where and when? WHO... succeeded to the US presidency on the death of Zachary Taylor? WHAT... snooker ball is worth seven points? WHERE...was Israeli statesman Abba Eban born? WHEN...did RAB Butler become Lord Privy Seal? ANSWERS Millard Fillmore; Black; Cape Town; 1955




Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 29


Difficulty depends on each sudoku rating

Difficulty: Adavanced

Fill in the grid so that every column, row and 3 by 3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine.

Difficulty: Easy

Sudoku was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.

Difficulty: Intermediate


30 Bucks Student, Wednesday 8th February, 2012

Recreational Activities

What you have to say... Not tried a recreational activity before? Here’s something that might change your mind. Read what some of our students who have taken part have to say and you may be signing up sooner than you thought. “The singing lessons were really great and I know a few friends who are interested in taking them next time, and I will be putting my name down again.”- Singing Lessons

“Ironically, my skills I learnt from the mechanics course came into good use a couple of weeks ago when I had to jump start my car. Brian, our instructor was extremely friendly, patient and encouraging. We were all able to participate in every area and the group numbers were ideal. We all became friends, to the point that we went for a meal together when the course finished. I would definitely recommend it to anybody, and really appreciate getting a place.” - Mechanics Course

“I was very impressed with the singing lessons, and feel they have helped me a lot.” Singing Lessons

“ The course was great! We all had sooo much fun and enjoyed everything we learnt. For a beginner like me, the course offered many skills and will help me save over £100 when I need to fix things on my (future) car. Brian did a great job and was kind and helpful :) I enjoyed changing the brake pads the most” Mechanics Course

“I loved it so much that I want to carry on :( The teacher Fabiano is brilliant...patient, challenges us, doesn’t leave anyone behind” - Italian Lessons

Free squash lessons and memberships Starting on Monday 30th January 19th March get free squash lessons with a level 2 qualified coach with the progression on the from the lessons to training regularly with our squash team using your the free membership.

Lessons will be from 2pm - 3pm and held at Wycombe Squash Club. Transport can be provided and it’s recommended you were casual sports clothing and trainers. Not sure? Contact

Wakeboarding for more information or come down and chat to us in the Students’ Union. DON’T MISS OUT! Student Activities Assistant Catherine Duncan

10 weeks of FREE Wakeboarding lessons! An exciting opportunity to try a new sport and discover a new skill! Location: Taplow Lake

Wednesday 7th March to Wednesday 30th May 1pm - 6pm Contact

Bucks New Uni: Free Recreational Activities

Squash Lessons Beginners sign language

Free squash lessons: Lessons to be held at Wycombe Squash Club. The cost is free and the dress code is casual sportswear. Transport is available on request.

A basic introduction to sign language

Monday 30th January - 19th March From 2pm - 3pm Contact: Matt Davies 07530 850966

A great course that provides you with a certificate at the end. A great way to boost your CV!

Wednesday 7th March 2012 - 1pm - 6pm Contact

Bucks New Uni: Free Recreational Activities Bucks New Uni: Free Recreational Activities

Bucks GAA gearing up for Championship!

GAA CHAMPIONSHIPS Birmingham, 18th-19th February

THE Bucks GAA squad have been stepping up their preparations for the upcoming British Universities GAA Championships which take place in Birmingham on February 18-19. The squad have been training intensely since coming back from the Christmas break with sessions on Tuesday afternoons and Saturday mornings and the lads have been putting in a big effort to improve fitness and skills ahead of the tournament. Club secretary Aaron Livingstone has been pleased with the way the squad has gelled and with the commitment shown by the players saying: “Since we came back after the break the intensity and commitment to training shown by the lads has been really great. There have been a lot of people looking to get involved which is good to see.” This will be the first year that Bucks University will be represented at the GAA championships which have been running since 1992. The Bucks side have been entered into the 13-a-side Division Three competition and will be up against amongst others Cambridge University. Each side will play a minimum of two group games on the first day with the semi finals and final taking place on the Sunday. The oldest member of the squad, Gary Anderson, is excited by the prospect of Bucks pitting their wits against other sides from around the country saying: “I’m really looking forward

to getting up there and playing some proper football where there will be some hard hits and no quarter asked or given. Obviously, as this is our first year we’re not expecting to dominate games but with the effort the boys have been putting in we are confident of giving any side a good game. We’ll certainly be giving our all when we pull on them jerseys.” Livingstone echoed Anderson’s comments saying that to get a team together over the space of just a few months with many of the squad having never played Gaelic football before is an achievement in itself. He said: “We believe we will be competitive when we get there but for us getting to the championships and being the first side to represent Bucks has been a big effort. Whatever happens the one thing we can say is that we were there, we tried, we built a team from nothing and we’ve done our best to establish Gaelic football at Bucks University.” That is something that Bucks GAA is aiming to do; to generate and encourage more interest in Gaelic football and to establish the sport within the university. Many of the current squad are third years but there are some talented first and second years in the squad such as Paul Flynn, Stefan O’Hanrahan and Conor Miskelly. The hope is to build on this year’s success and that these players will be joined by new members so that Bucks GAA will become one of the biggest and most popular societies within the university. Roll on Birmingham! By Gary Anderson

Wednesday 8th February, 2012, Bucks Student 31

Basketball meets Athletics Bakesale SU Foyer, 13th February

BNU Athletics team and the Basketball team are proud to present to you a week of love and spicy fun in their joint venture. We will be kicking off the week with bake sale on Monday the 13th of February in the foyer. We will be wetting

your appetites with luxurious cakes and other delicious treats. On the Tuesday the teams will be going around selling raffle tickets and roses, the winner of which will be announced at midnight during our takeover. Basketball and Athletic are proud to invite you to our Moulin Rouge takeover it will be one night of romance and sexy bliss. We will be auctioning members of both

teams for your pleasure from 9pm in the white room. The dress code is smart and sexy, there will be a prize for the best dressed male and female. We will be aiming to raise as much money as possible to contribute towards RAG. So please come along and show your support. Basketball and Athletics love By Tamica Mignott

Former England rugby coach Dick Best speaks at University fundraiser University, Bucks and Milton Keynes County Sports Partnership, and Leisure Connection. The panel answered questions on a range of rugby issues, including their thoughts on the future of the game, England’s Rugby World Cup campaign in New Zealand and their predictions for the 2012 RBS 6 Nations Championship. Hugo Southwell said: “London Wasps play just down the road so it’s great to come along and support our local university in raising money for such a worthy cause. We have been asked some interesting and thoughtprovoking questions and I hope everyone has enjoyed the night.” Ross Chisholm, 21, said: “It is interesting to get a different perspective, to hear what Hugo and Dick are saying and also to see how much the game of rugby clearly means to everyone in the audience. Perhaps I may also have inspired some new

I’ve got a surprise for you!

Quins fans to come and cheer us on at the Stoop! “I have carried out a few similar engagements but this is a new environment for me – coming in to a University – and speaking to many lads in the audience who are about my age! It is good to give something back and also help to raise money for a great charity like WheelPower.” Martin McElhatton, Chief Executive of WheelPower, said the fundraiser had been a ‘fantastic initiative’ by the students. He added: “The money raised from this event will go a long way towards helping a lot of disabled children and adults and make a difference to transforming their lives. We are fantastically grateful to the students for organising it and to Dick, Hugo and Ross for coming along.”

Below: Dick Best (Centre) with players, representatives of WheelPower and students and staff from Bucks New University.

For more details on WheelPower go to

I hope you like it!! I just want you to have a good time with all your girls

What is it!?

? by maria valiji

Rusty & busty’s adventures

Former England and British Lions rugby coach Dick Best was among speakers at a fundraising night in aid of charity WheelPower in the Students’ Union Venue. The former England coach was joined by London Wasps and Scotland international Hugo Southwell and Harlequins player Ross Chisholm at the event. It was organised by BA (Hons) Sports Management and Rugby Studies students as part of the Commercial Sports Club Management element of their course and they say they hope to have raised ‘as much as possible’. WheelPower is the national charity for wheelchair sport based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, the national centre for disability sport and the birthplace of the Paralympic games. Stoke Mandeville Institute of Sport and Education is also an education and training partner of Bucks New



im going on tour!!!!


WEDNESDAY 25th january mens volleyball Chicester 1st 3 - Bucks 1st 1 mens tennis Royal Holloway 2nd 4 - Bucks 1st 8 woMens football Bucks 1st 26 - Uni Essex 2nd 0 MENS FOOTBALL St Marys 5th0 - Bucks 2nd 3 mens football Bucks 4th 1 - Kingston 3rd 2 mens football Reading 3rd 3 - Bucks 5th 0 Mens football Royal Holloway 1st 1 - Bucks 3rd 2 Mens football Royal Holloway 3rd 6 - Bucks 7th 2 Mens squash Bucks 1st 0 -Herts 1st 3 netball Bucks 2nd 18 - St Marys 3rd 31 netball Roehampton 4th 22 - Bucks 3rd 16 Netball Bucks 1st 21 - Reading 1st 34 mens rugby St Marys 2nd 39 - Bucks 1st 17 results from 01/02/12 mens rugby Imperial Col 3rd 44 - Bucks 2nd 10 mens football Chichester 1st 5 - Bucks 1st 0 golf Kingston 3.5 - Bucks 2.5 Ladies hockey Brighton 3rd 1 - Bucks 1st 3

Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

WEDNESDAY 15th february mens badminton Bucks 1st vs SOAS 1st womens basketball City Uni 1st vs Bucks 1st mens football Bucks 2nd vs Portsmouth 3rd MENS FOOTBALL Bucks 3rd vs Portsmouth 5th mens football Bucks 3th vs Kingston 2nd mens football LSE 3rd vs Bucks 5th mens football Uni Arts 1st vs Bucks 6th Mens football Bucks 7th vs Uni Arts 2nd womENS FOOTBALL Bucks 1st vs London Met 1st golf Brunel 1st vs Bucks 2nd Mens hockey Bucks 1st vs UCL 2nd womens hockey Imperial Col 2nd vs Bucks 1st netball Bucks 2nd vs LSE 3rd netball Reading 3rd vs Bucks 3rd Mens tennis Bucks 1st vs Reading 3rd womens tennis Kingston 1st vs Bucks 1st womens volleyball Bucks 1st vs Brunel 1st mens volleyball Bucks 1st vs Brunel 1st rugby Bucks 1st vs Royal Holloway 1st

gordos gossip

Last week we saw the Refreshers fair take place where we had the majority of our societies and sports teams waiting for all their new sign ups. It was a great success and I hope you all remember what you signed up

to, as well as enjoyed all the free pizza and spring rolls you could eat!! It’s a really great time to be getting involved with our societies as they have all finally received their funding and should be able to host a range of exciting activities and open some more doors for you all to get involved! Congratulations to those societies who were successful and I hope you spend the money wisely. As far as takeovers are concerned, last Wednesday the student law and mooting societies joined forces in order to bring you a 90’s neon night where they raised just over £400! I hope you

have all picked up your tickets for tonight’s hockey circus takeover. You could buy yourself a balloon animal or even take your chances on their vodka roulette. Good luck girls! Following the sporting theme, Marcus Claytor recently approached the Student Activities (massive) Office about a community varsity concept which he is keen to get up and running. It involves the students union sports teams playing against, hopefully, community teams as well as the RAF in a round robin competition. I think this would be a great opportunity for all students to get involved with and if anyone is interested in the concept or has any thoughts, do not hesitate to contact me and I will pass the information on amy.gordon@ I would like give a great big thanks to those members of Snowsoc who braved the cold on 1st Feb to help paint over graffiti in Totteridge. It was a fantastic day, where the police and some tea warehouse members all came

together with us to help the local residents, paint over wood, metal and masonry. We are going back again today to finish the job, so if you fancy rolling up your sleeves and helping out last minute please do contact me. Let’s just hope all our hard work is still there in the morning!! Remember: Elextions are still open and there is not long left to nominate yourself! Being a sabbatical officer is a truly amazing opportunity and not to be missed. I have learned so much over the past 7 months and have gained so many transferrable skills which will help in later employability! So if you think you have some great ideas to throw the unions ways, get involved and contact matthew.kitching@ Make an impact. Lead your union! Gordo says give it a go!

VPSI: Amy Gordon


WEDNESDAY 8th february MENS badminton Bucks 1st vs St Bart’s 2nd womens badminton Uni East London 1st vs Bucks 1st mens basketball Bucks 1st vs Reading 2nd mens football Bucks 2nd vs Portsmouth 4th mens football Reading 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens football Bucks 1st vs Kingston 3rd Mens football Roehampton 2nd vs Bucks 4th mens football Bucks 5th vs King Col Medics 2nds mens football Bucks 6th vs Royal Holloway 3rd mens football Bucks 7th vs Uni Arts 1st golf Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth 1st golf Bucks 2nd vs Uni Surrey 1st mens hockey Imperial Col Medics 2nd vs Bucks 1st womens hockey Portsmouth 1st vs Bucks 1st netball Bucks 3rd vs Uni Surrey 3rd netball Roehampton 2nd vs Bucks 2nd netball Portsmouth 2nd vs Bucks 1st mens rugby St Mary’s 3rd vs Bucks 1st mens rugby Bucks 2nd vs Uni Arts 2nd mens squash Bucks 1st vs Roehampton 1st mens volleyball Portsmouth 1st vs Bucks 1st womens volleyball Royal Holloway 1st vs Bucks 1st

Bucks Netball 2nd By Jemma Butcher Roehampton Wednesday January 25 saw University 2nds. The previous Bucks Netball 2nds go down to meeting with an unfortunate Roehampton earlier this season defeat against St.Marys saw the Bucks girls secure an University (18-31). Despite the score impressive 41-19 the 2nds put in a victory so the squad are feeling very good display considering one confident going into the game. of our shooters On behalf of Robyn Saunders was living the high Netball 2nds we life in New York! would like to wish Our next game Nicole Shaw a Happy Birthday! is on February 8 away to

Thank You from the Swans By Lauren Troiano Thank you to year again where everyone who we cheer hard or go home! Our first attended our Heaven national competition & Hell takeover. The entire night was in Loughborough a complete success is just around the and we managed corner and so we’re working really hard to raise just short in preparation. Wish of £600! The night included devilish us luck & we’re hoping to come games, angelic cocktails and cheeky home with lots of dares. trophies for BNU. We’re also A big thank you goes to Hockey girls selling handmade bows made by our & boys, Dance soc, co-captain and Snowsoc, Golf & AF boys for attending. fundraiser. These It’s that time of bows are £2 with

half of the profit going to the National Aid’s trust. Please find us on Facebook if you would like to purchase one! WANT TO BE A SOCIAL SWAN? WE’D LOVE YOU TO COME ON BOARD! Attend socials, volunteer with us, fundraise with us and come and be a part of the Bucks cheer squad! Find us on Facebook for more information.

Is Fitmix for you? The second year Dance and Fitness students from Bucks New Uni have created an eight week ‘FitMix’ programme to kick start your new year’s resolution. These classes begin on the January 31st at the Gateway dance studio. This fun aerobic class incorporates simple dance moves to get your blood pumping and to get the pounds dropping off. The class costs £4.95 per week with gym members going free. Classes will be held weekly at 12:10-12:55 on Tuesday mornings. This ‘FitMix’ class is designed to aid your new year’s resolution as well as providing an exciting gym

Student Voice Focus Group When: Thursday 16th February, 12noon - 1pm Where: High Wycombe campus, N1.01 What? Come along to discuss the best way for the university to inform students of cancelled lectures and the ‘student voice’ project in general. No prior knowledge required, we will explain it all on the day - we just need your feedback. What's in it for me? Free lunch! Sign me up! email to reserve your lunch!

Printed on 100% recycled paper | Help reduce your carbon footprint by recycling your newspaper Bucks Students’ Union and Bucks New University are committed to doing their part in recycling and reducing their carbon footprint

alternative. The instructor is a current student also studying dance with an exercise to music qualification and will encourage all those extra calories to wiggle off. The students managing the classes are currently working towards their REPS ‘fitness instructors’ professional qualification, so come along to experience a new fitness class with young enthusiastic instructors. For more information email us at, booking is essential and is done though the Gateway reception. By Rebecca Hill


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