The Bucks Student - Edition 27

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bucks student edition 27

March 2012


RUNNING FOR: Vice President Student Involvement

JOANNE JOE HEPPELL DANIEL RUNNING FOR: Vice President Student Involvement

RUNNING FOR: Vice President Student Involvement



RUNNING FOR: Vice President Education and Welfare

RUNNING FOR: Vice President Student Involvement


RUNNING FOR: Vice President Education and Welfare

RUNNING FOR: Vice President Student Involvement and NUS Delegate


RUNNING FOR: Vice President Education and Welfare

RUNNING FOR: Vice President Student Involvement and NUS Delegate


RUNNING FOR: Vice President Education and Welfare and NUS Delegate


Ballot boxes open 10am - 4pm at High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses

Voting open Monday 5th - Friday 9th


Through previous experience at the SU (including faculty officer, student rep for 2 years, first year officer and chair of the union council), I believe I can bring a lot to the council with a democratic, open minded and passionate view. My recent election as a student trustee further encourages my abilities in representation with good attendance to all committees and forums I work in.


Hi I’m Matt, a second year student going into my third year as a sports management students. I want to be a union councillor as I feel my experience thus far with the union has been purely from a sporting side. Therefore I want to learn more about what the overall union does for the different student groups. I want to have an impact on both new and returning students so vote Matt Gilbert for Student Council.



Union Council

Union Council


Union Council


Although I have not as yet had any experience of representing the interests of others, I feel that my communication skills and understanding of the problems which occur in life give me the confidence to be more than able to take on the role of Student Representative. I am a good listener and understand what people tell me and can give them any information they require in a confident and straight forward manner. I can put forward class views and provide a link between staff and students. As a mature student with a family I have the life experience which enables me to relate to others and deal with any problems that arise. I also have experience of the difficulties which occur during adolescence and can therefore be of help to the younger student as well. I am also confident of being able to take on this role as I am approachable, friendly and empathic to the troubles of others. I am more than happy to take the responsibility which is necessary. I can organise and plan most things and am happy to arrange anything which is possible in order to help other people. This also means that feedback is a necessary part of the job.

After being nominated for Student Rep for the adult branch of Uxbridge, this has given me the opportunity to meet new people and be more involved in decision making processes that occur within the university. I have enjoyed the experience and would love to continue helping by being involved with the union council.

Union Council


Union Council

Hi, I’m Tom and am currently a second year Sports Management student. I have been on the Student Union council for the last year and have enjoyed making a difference and being part of it. As a sports student, if re-elected, I will endeavour to make sure the Union can provide the best possible solutions to the problems and challenges our teams face. I want to give something back to the Union and will therefore lobby for better equipment, facilities and services for all of the sports teams. I hope that you will back me and help me make a difference!


Vote online at



Voting open Monday 5th - Friday 9th

Re Elect Ash Coles For President Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto. As you all know I have been President now for nearly a year and have absolutely loved every single moment of it. The reason I am standing again, and asking for you all to re-elect me, is so I can continue to shape the union for all students and make sure that any impact we have on your time at Bucks is a positive one. There have been a number of projects and campaigns that I have been involved with and I am very proud of delivering really positive results, making everyone’s time here as enjoyable and rewarding as it can be. We are on the verge of a major breakthrough in a review of our funding and I’m leading on significant changes in the way we do things here at Bucks SU. If I’m re-elected there are a range of projects that I will ensure become a reality, including: 1. Extending the opening times of our offices and advice centres so they are accessible when it most suits you. 2. Securing funding to further invest in the Big Deal activities to make sure they continue throughout your time at Buck. You won’t have to pay for the things that students at other Universities do. 3. Continuing to lobby the University for more work experience and placement opportunities so you have the practical experience to go with your degree when entering the job market. 4. Launching a training unit that ordinary students can access for free and get a range of skills to help with your long term employability. 5. To enhance the work we have already done at Uxbridge this year, which included the Uxbridge Campaign, Uxbridge Welcome Week and (this manifesto exceeded the word limit) Name: Ash Coles Age: 21 Current President of Bucks Students’ Union Why are you running for the Students’ Union President’s position? I am running for my second term as SU President because I have absolutely loved representing everyone at Bucks in my first year in the job. We’ve made some major breakthroughs in what we do as a Union and how we work and I think it would be a shame not to get that second term to continue the good work and representation that we are doing. What changes would you make to the SU and what would you hope to carry on with? There are a few things that I would like to be different. Firstly, I would like to extend the opening times of our offices and advice centre so they are accessible to students at a time that suits them. So instead of closing at five o’clock I’d like that to go on for a few more hours to allow part time students or those who have lectures to get advice after this time. Another thing is that once we have secured our funding for next year we will get the chance to decide how it is spent. Our key thing is going to be employability and I want to take that forward and work on behalf of the students to get this through. And, if I am re-elected I want to invest in both staff and resources at our Uxbridge campus to provide an improved Students’ Union there. Also I want to try and have a Fresher’s Fortnight in September for students at Uxbridge, equivalent to the one we have here at the High Wycombe campus. Favourite Drink: Mojito Favourite Takeover at SU: Ladies Hockey Favourite thing at the SU: The Big Deal because everything is free in terms of joining sports and societies. Best experience since starting at BNU: Being elected President of the Students’ Union last year.




Vice President Student Involvement

Ballot boxes open 10am - 4pm at High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses

Voting open Monday 5th - Friday 9th

I believe every student deserve to experience a colorful, valuable and fulfilling life in the university. As an uxbridge student, mature student and international student, I am also familiar with High Wycombe campus. I am confident to work for all students. What I will do: 1. Continuing to work for all students to have a unique and fun time based on the predecessors’ work, and try to achieve more requests and feedbacks from mature students, international students or Uxbridge students frequently. 2. Try to get closer relationship with the international Office and arranging the SU’s introduction to the new students timely in order to make sure they can get involved. 3. Try to set up an international group to help new international students integrate into the UK’s University life. 4. Try to create cultural and international events for local and international students for all to have a better understanding of each other cultures. 5. Try to regular the past most popular recreational activities. Link some skill classes to the societies to get more students involved. 6. Try to get more business sponsorship when plan a party free to students; bring about free shuttle bus between High Wycombe and Uxbridge; plan short term trips for students who are far away from home during the holiday . 7. Try to remain and explore further finance cuts through big deal and NUS discount card to against the tuition fee increasing. 8. Try to encourage more societies use their own works to raise money, like mooting society. 9. Try to make students gain non-academic experience and different skills when they join the uni’s volunteer jobs. 10. Giving support to students who want to become a student rep, faculty officer, fresher’s helper or any student role within the University. I love to make friends, have (this manifesto exceeded the word limit) Name: Anya Cao Age: 22 Studying: Nursing Year: Final Why are you running for this position? I am an international student and I didn’t have much experience with sport back home in China. It is a totally different Students’ Union system back home and over here I have had a great experience dealing with other students. I want to do more for students like me and for all students to have a more exciting experience at university. What changes would you make to the SU? Well, in my experience I think there needs to be more things available to help international students get more involved around the university. I am against the tuition fees and all the cuts that are taking place around the university which are affecting all the students. Favourite drink: I just like water! Favourite takeover: Cocktail making workshop Favourite thing about the SU: I like all the sports and I particularly like swimming because it is something that I had never done before. Best experience since starting at BNU: Pub life. I’ve never experienced it before and you can make loads of friends that way.




Vice President Student Involvement

Vote online at

As VPSI, I will try and work as hard as I can in order for you, the students to gain the best experience from your time at the university. After completing three years studying Sports Management and Coaching Studies at Bucks, I feel I have played a big part in many roles within the students union and the university. I have been an active part of the Netball Club committee for 2 years, worked as a Freshers Helper and National Student Survey helper in partnership with the student union. I am a committed, enthusiastic person and will put 100% effort into making sure you get your thoughts and ideas shared within the Union. I work well within a team and I feel I have all the qualities to fulfill this job role. Manifesto 1. Continue to work with the community, to develop a respectful and amicable community spirit. 2. Push forward ‘The Bigger Deal’ for students to enhance their university experience. 3. Strengthen the links between Uxbridge and High Wycombe campuses, making both more accessible to students. 4. Hold sabbatical and union forums for students to learn about what the students union is doing for them. 5. Ensure that equal opportunities are available for all societies and sports teams. 6. Review and look into changing the prices in the campus catering outlets to give students better value for their money. 7. Ensure the students understand what and who the Students Union is and the valuable work and opportunities they provide. 8. Look into academic and sporting qualifications for students in order to increase their employability upon graduating. 9. Strengthen community links on order to benefit from local facilities that can be utilized for sporting events. 10. If elected, establish myself as a recognizable and approachable figure within the university. Name: Joanne Heppell Age: 21 Studying: Sports Management and Coaching Studies Year: 3rd Why running for this position? I’ve been interested in running for this position since my first year, and having close contact with the previous Vice President Student Involvement I know a lot about the position and what I would like to bring to it. What changes would you make to the SU? I would like better links with Uxbridge and High Wycombe campuses, I would like the sabbatical officers to be more open to suggestions from the students as it is what the students want, just carrying on the good work the sabbatical officers are already doing. Favourite drink/food etc: Snakebite Favourite takeover at SU: Being the netball chair, it was the netball takeover. Favourite thing at SU: I think a Wednesday night out is my favourite thing Best experience since starting BNU: Definitely going on tour with the netball girls



Vice President Student Involvement

With sport being a large part of my daily life, whether this being through my position as Men’s Hockey Chairman or actively through my degree in International Football Business Management I am passionate and motivated to do my best to improve the sporting experience for BNU students. 1) Continue to establish links with local sports teams to increase participation, further individual and team development and help improve Bucks’ sporting success. 2) Support self sufficiency within sports clubs by increasing coaching and officiating qualifications available to students, allowing money to be saved and used elsewhere within the club. 3) Promote and raise awareness of sporting and society success and achievements throughout the university and across all sports through different media outlets. 4) Continue to improve the links between the Uxbridge and High Wycombe campuses by improving transportation between each campus. 5) To increase awareness of the Student Union and what it can provide students with to improve their student experience. 6) Continue to contribute positively with the local community and build a mutually beneficial relationship within it 7) Increase the use of social media to engage with students and provide frequent updates on upcoming events, activities and volunteering projects. 8) Continue with plans to stage a varsity with Royal Holloway next year and provide all possible teams with a fixture. 9) Reassess the application process for SU takeovers and help plan takeovers for teams and societies to increase the success of these nights. 10) Provide an open door policy to students, allowing them to have their say on what matters to them, and to answer any questions that they may have.

Name: Joe Daniels Age: 21 Studying: International Football Business Management Year: 3rd Why are you running for this position? I have been a member of the Athletics Union now for three years and I feel I can make a change. I have seen the way that it is run over that time and I think I can make a real difference to the way it is run. What changes would you make to the SU? One of the things I would like to change is the actual sporting events. I would like to push on with a third golf team because they are one of the strongest teams at the university and that would benefit us and push us up the BUCS rankings. In terms of the society side of things I would like to make it more even for things like takeovers and offer teams who need help to create events more support and the means to do it. Favourite drink: Rum and Coke Favourite takeover at the SU: Netball usually does a decent one Favourite thing at the SU: The free sports which helps to increase participation Best experience since starting at BNU: Getting voted Players Player of the Year in my first year with men’s hockey.

Voting open Monday 5th - Friday 9th


Vice President Student Involvement

Ballot boxes open 10am - 4pm at High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses

As VPSI my aim is to help students obtain the best possible experience, taking full advantage of what our University offers us. I believe university isn’t all about getting a good degree; it’s about the experience you gain. During my three years at university, I have been involved in university cheerleading squad, being co-captain in my second year, and currently captain in my third year. My personal involvement with sport has allowed me to gain a greater knowledge as to the work that goes on behind the scenes. From these experiences I have gained, leadership, team management,communication and organisation skills having to make the right decisions and the right time to benefit the people involved. I am a very determined and dedicated person with the drive and passion to achieve what students deserve; the best experience. My goals, aims and ideas are as follows: • Using our universities huge benefit to it’s full potential. The ‘Bucks Big Deal’ is a big deal! Free activities for anyone and everyone! • Improve equality with sports teams and societies, we are ONE university #besupportive! • Intergrate Uxbridge and Amersham with the Bucks Campus’. Developing stronger links. • Using the social networking world to advertise, promote and market, the opportunities the university provides to all students, all campus’ of all ages. • Use the Subtv’s, the newspaper and the wall space to communicate ideas and advertise. Communication is key! • Increase involvement and the importance of RAG. Raise and Give! • With so much money invested into the ‘Big deal’, my goal would be to create more transparency in it’s finances, so we know where the money is going. Lets lay down some rules! • Refresh AU events such as Au launch, varsity, awards ceremony, initiations and hand over. Although these are my ideas (this manifesto exceeded the word limit) Name: Naomi Franco Age: 20 Studying: Performing Arts Year: 3rd Running for: VPSI Why running for this position? I feel like I have the passion for this university and I want to be a part of helping this Union to get to its full potential. It has so much potential and I feel like students don’t appreciate that. Because I have had such a good experience, and the reason why I’m mainly here is because of the sports and the activities I’ve been involved in and I want people to feel the same that I do about this university. What changes would you make to the SU? I would like to change people’s attitudes. Because I feel like some people are like ‘Bucks is poo’ and they don’t realise how lucky we are to have these free sports and free activities. And as soon as you leave university you have to pay for everything, and everyone should take full advantage of what you can gain from being at this university. It’s not just about getting a good degree; it’s about the experience you take from it and you should make the most of what this university basically offers to you on a plate. Favourite drink/food etc: I do like the old-school Sailor Jerry Favourite takeover at SU: I like Wednesday night Frat House. Favourite thing at SU: I like that it’s small, and it’s the only place you can go. You know everyone’s going to be there. You could literally go on your own and know people there. Best experience since starting BNU: Being on the Cheerleading squad, definitely


Vice President Student Involvement

I’m Richard Lunn. I am a third year student studying Police Studies and Criminal Investigation. My time at Bucks is sadly coming to an end. So I have decided to run for the position of Vice President of Student Involvement to give something back to the University. I represent the Student Union in many ways, from playing for the BNU Buccaneers (the uni’s American football team) for the 3 years I’ve been here, and for the past two years I have worked as a Steward and as a Steward Team Leader in the Union and the Quizmaster on a Sunday. I am very passionate about my job and club roles. I would like an opportunity to carry on working for the students at Bucks New University and help to “have a positive impact at your time at bucks” How am I going to achieve this? 1. To work with sports teams to make sure they are getting the most out of there ground, pitches and facilities. 2. As student fees are going up to nearly triple then what they are now. It is important to enhance the ‘Bigger Deal’ to give the students at Bucks an experience they will enjoy without worrying about costs. 3. To continue the hard work on community projects such as the sshh campaign and other involvements. 4. To improve the quality of the Night Bus. Making sure that ALL High Wycombe students can get home on it instead of forking out for taxi’s, even if this means extra runs at the end of the night. 5. To get the students aware of what the student union does for them and its impact on student life. 6. Improve the quality of the student experience at Uxbridge and to offer them the same things as Wycombe students. (this manifesto exceeded the word limit) Name: Richard Lunn Age: 23 Studying: Police Studies and Criminal Investigations Year: 3rd Why running for this position? I feel like I can give back to the students all the things I have taken in the three years I have been here. What changes would you make to the SU? I would hopefully do the little things that would make a big difference. I have heard a lot of complaints from the students when I have been working as a steward in the SU, for example, High Wycombe students being stranded in town after a night out because they live over the one and a half mile radius, so I would try and change the little things like that if I could. Favourite drink/food etc: I am a Jack Daniels and coke man Favourite takeover at SU: I do like the live music nights, but I work most of them so I don’t actually get to go out that much. Favourite thing at SU: It’s just such a close knit connection with the staff; and even with the staff and the students as well. I really like that friendly atmosphere where it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, everyone can get along with everybody. Best experience since starting BNU: Getting the chance to play American Football – a new sport that I have never tried before and I got all that for free with the Big Deal. And at football camp this year, we had a whole weekend where we stayed and trained with other teams and played against other teams. It was just a really good way to mingle with other people who play the same sport and same position.



Vice President Student Involvement

Vote online at

Voting open Monday 5th - Friday 9th

1. To continue and expand on the Union’s Positive Impact Rebranding, also to communicate this message to all of our students. 2. To continue to put the BIG Deal money to good use and to hold and promote a broader range of activities. 3. To promote to the students what the Union can offer in terms of improving student’s employability. 4. Continue to campaign for an hourly direct shuttle bus between Uxbridge and the Wycombe Campus. 5. To continue to expand the number of societies within the University. 6. Improving on the work done currently this year on allowing sports teams and societies to have equal opportunities that the students union offer. 7. Having frequent updates about what activities and volunteering opportunities are available, but sending the updates through different modes of advertisement so that it is accessible to everyone. 8. To promote a new idea of a termly Questions and Answer session with the sabbatical team within the students union where any students can come a meet them and give their suggestions on activities etc. 9. Improving relations with the Wycombe community so that I can start campaign for flood light training facilities. 10. To improve the employability of all students through opportunities such as sporting qualifications and other qualifications such as first aid, the sign language and time management course’s the SU Provide.

Name: Steven Doughty - Running for Vice President Student Involvement Age: 20 Studying: Sports Management and Rugby Studies Year: 3rd Why are you running for this position? I believe I can make a difference. I know what’s achievable from being on the Student Council and I believe I have got some good ideas that will improve all students’ experiences at the university. What changes would you make to the SU? I want to improve the links to Uxbridge. One of the points on my manifesto is to introduce an hourly or two-hourly bus to Uxbridge so that the students there can get more involved in the High Wycombe campus. I want to create better links with the local community as well and continue the rebranding and the Positive Impact campaign at Bucks. Favourite drink: Snakebite Favourite takeover at the SU: Netball Takeover Favourite thing about the SU: £1.70 Snakebites! Best experience since starting at BNU: Getting to meet quality people within the rugby team and meeting a whole new group of great people that I would not have met if I hadn’t come to university.


Vice President Student Involvement

My name is Tamica, I’m a 3 year Law student and I would like to be your next VPSI. If elected VPSI, I will use every opportunity given to me to ensure that all my promises are fulfilled to make your student experience one to remember. Working with the Student Union I’ve learned so much about working with the students I have been an active member of the BNU Athletics teams and the Ladies Basketball team for the past 3 years. I’ve held positions on the basketball team for three years and the Athletics team for Two years I am currently Captain of the Athletics team and Sec/Tres of the Basketball team. I’ve been working with the Student Union for the past two years on projects such as the National Student Survey, Fresher’s Helper and many others. I was a student rep in my second year and was then elected senior rep for my department; I’m currently an active member of the Student Council. I am an optimistic, outspoken and easy going individual who strives to have the voice and opinions of everyone heard. I never leave a project unfinished I work my hardest to complete it to the highest standard. My greatest strength is team work I excel as a member of a team. My Manifesto: 1. To ensure that equal opportunities are presented to all Teams and Societies regardless of their status in the University 2. To make the most out of ‘The Big Deal’ in enhancing the student experience. 3. To build and strengthen the links we have build within the community over the past few years. 4. Create stronger links between the High Wycombe and Uxbridge campus to make the students feel unified. 5. To get student more involved and aware of the opportunities that the (this manifesto exceeded the word limit) Name: Tamica Mignott Age: 20 Studying: Law Year: 3rd Why running for this position? VPSI is a position that is very close to me. I think running for this position I would be able to give back some of the skills I have learned with this university over the years in making it a better place for the students. What changes would you make to the SU? I will make equal opportunities for societies and sports teams and try to make the most of the Big Deal to give more to students. Favourite drink: This is going to sound really bad, but vodka and rosé wine. The rosé wine takes away from the strength of the vodka, and they compliment each other. But you get drunk really fast. Favourite takeover at SU: I’m going to be biased and say the Basketball and Athletics takeovers, because we were one of the only teams that did a performance on the night. Favourite thing at SU: Being able to get a hold of the members of staff, they would help you if you have any problems. I have used the advice centres, and any other services whenever I have needed them. Best experience since starting BNU: There are so many great experiences here, but one of the best will be at the end of the year I will have my degree, and all the people I have met, all the friends I have made.

bucks student edition 27

March 2012

Gordo says: Make your vote count!

Bucks Students’ Union is having a positive impact on your time at Bucks by...

Having a positive impact on your time at Bucks by facilitating the most contested Vice Presidential elections in recent history ensuring that all students get to make an informed choice about who leads our academic, welfare and student activities work in 2012/13

Above: These inspirational people are all leaders in their fields - who are you going to choose to lead YOUR Students’ Union? This week elections fever has a grip on the Students’ Union, as the battle for leadership begins in earnest. For the entire week, the concourse, SU foyer and Pulse, will come alive with candidates fighting for your votes at the ballot boxes. But do you really know what you are voting for? You are electing paid positions that have financial and legal responsibilities of an organisation turning over 2 million pounds. Not only this, you are electing a team that will have a say in the strategic and operational direction of the union. The roles will include decisions in: entertainment, personal development, advice, academic representation, volunteering, sports and societies. It is vital you choose the candidate you believe will strive to make a difference by representing each and everyone one of you and your issues. Whether this is at university committees, local council meetings or to the National Union of Students, you need to be able to trust them. These

officers represent the whole student body, so if you feel that person doesn’t best represent you and your interests, then do you really want to vote for them just because they gave you a free lollipop? Remember that sabbatical officers are current students or recent graduates and understand completely, what it is to be a Bucks student! Make sure you pick the right candidate who will fight your corner about things that matter to you. It is not about who spoke to you first or who gave you something free first, it is about their manifestos and what they promise to do during their time in office and you, as students, can hold them to account for their actions. So please, I cannot stress enough how vital it is that you take the time to read each one of their manifestos and make an informed decision on who you want to speak on your behalf when times get tough. This year there are 13 candidates spanning 3 different positions, so as you can imagine the competition is going to be hard and each one of them wants to be heard. Please try not to get frustrated if you have already voted and

people still ask you to vote, because to them, every vote counts!! These students are passionate about making life better for students at Bucks, and enhancing your student experience to the best of their ability, so give them a chance. I myself have gone through the same battle to become your Vice President Student Involvement, winning an election by just 2 votes!! With the standard of students running in this year’s elections, it could be impossible to pick just one, so make sure you use every vote, because like I proved, someone can win on a second preference vote! Have the confidence to vote for who you believe will do the best job and elect the right candidate who will have a positive impact on your time at bucks.

Vice President Student Involvement: Amy Gordon

2 Bucks Student, Monday 5th March, 2012

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Ash Coles - Editor t: 01494 601 600 e: Sarah O’Brien & Gary Anderson - News Editor e: Laz Wood - Politics Editor e: Mandi C - International Editor e: Siobhan Carney - Lifestyle Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Features Editor e: Faye Towler - Fashion Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Donique Lindsay - Events Editor e: Sarah Campbell - Music Editor e: Harry Boileau - Travel Editor e: Oliver Hunt - Film Review Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soap & Entertainment Editor e: Hollie Wicks - Food Editor e: Tanieque Noel - Horoscopes Editor e: Gary Anderson - Sport Editor e: For Advertising: Caroline Newton t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601 600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students’ Union for more information. © 2012 Bucks Students’ Union

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Lifestyles P9 Ents pullout P11 Ents wallplanner P14 Societies P23

Through a diverse range of representation, events, campiagns, activities, and services. Bucks Students’ Union has a positivie impact on your time at university no matter how you study - find out how by visiting

Fashion & Beauty P20 Culture, Arts & Literature P20 Soaps & TV P19 Food & Drink P22 Movies P19 Advice P24 Recreational Activites P25 Sports P26

Please take the time to let us know what you think of The Bucks Student by filling in a short survey online

Watford Methodist Circuit

LGBT Fellowship For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/no/undecided faith.

The LGBT Fellowship met for the first time in February. Despite it being the snowiest day of the year, they were delighted to welcome 10 people to a wonderful and reflective service led, followed by coffee, pastries, and lots and lots of chat.

We meet on the first Sunday of the month, 2.30pm-4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Mill End, WD3 7HJ. For more info contact Rachel & Sarah direct to your mobile

Our next meeting: 4th March 2012 1st April 2012

The first meeting will include a discussion about coming out in church, and worship. If you would like a lift to this event please contact the University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793 or email:

Letter from the Editor Hello all and welcome to this edition of The Bucks Student. Here’s a quick update on just some of the things we have been doing as a union to have a positive impact on your time at Bucks. Our Uxbridge Action Week was a big win! Some particular successes were the ‘Placement Focus Groups’, the ‘Mature Students’ Breakfast’, and of course the inevitable and very popular pub

crawl. The week was deigned to recognise our need to really expand the services we offer, to meet the needs of our students at Uxbridge. With lots of research going on, and plenty of opportunity for students to network and talk to us about a variety of issues, the week has proved invaluable to the evolution of our Union. Here at Wycombe we have also been seeing notable success with our new SSHH campaign. This is a really important part of changing public perception of students to make High Wycombe a more enjoyable place for us all. At a time when the local council are even discussing a curfew for young people because of the problems they continue to blame on students, it is campaigns like this, and your

support for them, which will make all the difference. So for the sake of the local community and your fellow students, if you want to be loud and proud when you leave the venue then please, get the free Night Bus home! Finally, I just want to say a brief bit about elections. No matter whom you vote for, get out and vote! Our democratic elections are the foundation of the credibility and legitimacy that we need as a union to campaign effectively on your behalf so your vote really does count and it really does matter, without it we wouldn’t be able to achieve even half as much as we do. Thank you all for reading and enjoy the next couple of weeks. Editor: Ash Coles

Letter from the Student Editor

Hi all, welcome to the election paper 2012! I hope you enjoy and benefit from our 12 page pull-out section which gives you a better understanding of all the candidates running for the different positions we have in the SU. I know I say this every time, but they are all genuinely nice people who clearly all have a real passion for the roles. I thought having so

many to choose from would make voting easier, but I think this is the toughest one yet! Good luck to everyone, and remember voting is open from the 5th to the 9th March. Look out for campaigns to see who best suits you and make sure to ask lots of questions! Also in the Bucks Student, we have all your favourite content, including Staged, Sick and Cynical, some brill beauty tips and a lot of societies news and updates. Hope you enjoy! Don’t forget, it’s Mother’s Day on the 18th this month, so save a bit of that bursary and treat your lovely mums. They deserve it! Oh but make sure to celebrate the very important day before... nothing to do with me being Irish

I promise, but it is St. Patrick’s Day and lets be honest, it seems we all have some Irish blood in us somewhere. If anyone is interested in writing for the Bucks Student, please email me on student.editor@ and get involved with the university paper. It’s a great way to get your voice heard, make new friends and it looks great on the old CV. Hope to hear from you soon! On that note, the newsgroup are in the process of starting up a TV channel for the university. If anyone wants to help or give us some advice, please contact me. Other than that, I wish you all the best, and happy St. Patrick’s Day! Student Editor: Sarah O’Brien

Letter from the Deputy Student Editor HELLO everyone and welcome to another edition of The Bucks Student. Student elections are upon us again which gives you the chance to vote for the people you want to make a difference here at Bucks. It is important that you use your vote because these people are here to help you and to try to make your time here at the university more enjoyable and productive. Inside you will find all the usual stuff about music, films and fashion. There are

many events around the uni for you to get involved in and read about. Also, check out the sports section for news on Bucks GAA’s debut in the British Championships and great wins for our teams in football and hockey. Speak soon guys... Deputy Student Editor: Gary Anderson

Eric Morecambe’s son brings film sunshine for student

Above: Eric Morcambe Below: L-R: Brad Baraud, Gary Morecambe, Ollie Kennedy, and Arthur Morecambe.

A Bucks New University student has worked with Eric Morecambe’s son on a 12-minute-long short film due to be shown on Sky TV later this year. Brad Baraud, who is studying BA (Hons) Film and Television Studies, has worked with Gary Morecambe on the short film, called Ticking, which was filmed entirely on a Samsung Galaxy S2 mobile phone. Brad went to sixth form with Gary’s son, Arthur, and friend Ollie Kennedy in Dorset, which is how the team came together, and they filmed the production either side of Christmas. The student worked as director of photography on the film, with Ollie taking charge of the sound, stunt arranging, and computer work, as well as composing an original soundtrack. Arthur joined the team in an

executive producer’s role. Ticking is about the daughter of a Special Forces operative and a mentally unstable mother who turns to killing her boyfriends for sport and it features Londonbased actors Peter Halpin, James Capel and Karina Sugden. It will premiere on a Sky channel in late Spring. Brad said: “This is the career we want to go in to and working with Gary and gaining all this experience is fantastic. It was a chance to take things out of the classroom and in to a professional environment, which you don’t get very often. “It was eye-opening to work with experienced actors who valued our input and the only difficult thing was constantly filming two inches from their faces! We also had access to industry-standard equipment from the University, which

was very useful.” Gary Morecambe, who now lives in Bath, has written 22 books but said Ticking was the first film script he had written. He said: “It was the first time I have worked on a short film and I was keen to work on an original script and was lucky to get this association with Brad and Ollie. “The story is really a case of ‘what if?’. What if you started going out with a girl like that? It’s certainly not the kind of cheerful material my father would be associated with but it’s been a great production to work on and we hope it will be well-received.” Brad and Ollie are setting up a film company called Sundown Digital and are due to work with Gary again on a short film due to be shot with a digital camera and based on one of his own published short stories.

Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 3

universitynews Maria - you gotta see her! Dr Maria Konstantaki, Senior Lecturer in Sports Science, is featured on a database of experts for world media and academics to use for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. ‘Games Experts’ is a free to use, notfor-profit website. Maria was invited to list her name due to her expertise in exercise physiology and position as a British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Accredited Sports Scientist. To see Maria’s profile look here:

London’s Royal flush Lyndon Buck, Principal Lecturer - Engineering & Product, who sits on the Education & Training Committee of The Institution of Engineering Designers (IED), has attended the presentation of a Royal Charter to the organisation, to be made by Prince Philip at St James’s Palace. Royal

Charters are presented to organisations demonstrating pre-eminence, stability and permanence in their particular field. Lyndon said: “The IED accredit our Engineering & Product Design courses so having a Royal Charter will help boost the credibility and visibility of our courses.”

New Gold Dream Bucks’s theatre company-in-residence, Signdance Collective, were part of a Guinness World Record-breaking event when they performed their show NEW GOLD at Stoke Mandeville Stadium before Beaconsfield-based charity SignHealth beat its own record for coordinating the most people singing and performing sign language at the same time, with 1,900 Buckinghamshire schoolchildren joining 130,000 people participating nationwide.

EU better believe it Pupils from Sir William Ramsay School in High Wycombe visited the University for training in team-working skills as the prelude to a Social Enterprise project where they recycle novels to a third world country. The project involves Bucks, the school and a Turkish school, and is part of EU-funded scheme Regio

Comenius, which promotes better learning in the UK and an EU partner country. It is coordinated by Reader in Human Resources, Gloria Moss, who said: “Ruth Gunstone, Director of Student Experience, and her staff have had a fantastic input, assisting with the training of the children and the recruitment of students.”

Water draw! David Waters, Senior Lecturer in Critical Care, spoke at a nursing conference with 350 delegates in Belgrade, Serbia, on ‘technology, information systems and innovation within nursing’. Delegates who attended from across Serbia and Bosnia included representatives of the Serbian Government. David was invited to present a plenary session on the use of ‘patient diaries as a strategy for promoting psychological recovery following critical ilness’. David said: “It was a concept new to delegates and it generated much discussion and debate.” David represents the UK on the European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Federations.

Any Questions? comes to Bucks New Uni Buckinghamshire New University will host BBC Radio 4’s ‘Any Questions?’ on Friday 23 March. The panel discussion, chaired by veteran broadcaster, Jonathan Dimbleby, brings together personalities from the worlds of politics, media and elsewhere to answer topical questions posed by the audience. The programme airs live on BBC Radio 4 on

Friday evenings just after 8pm, and is repeated on Saturdays at 1.10pm. The Saturday programme is followed by ‘Any Answers?’ at 2pm, an opportunity for listeners to submit their responses to the views expressed by the ‘Any Questions?’ panellists. The programme, which comes from a different location each week, will be aired on 23 March from the Gateway Lecture Theatre

at Buckinghamshire New University’s High Wycombe Campus. There will be a limited number of tickets available for students and staff, available on a first come, first served basis. Please email lorna.west@ by Friday 9 March to reserve your place. The audience are asked to arrive between 6.30pm and 7.15pm and to submit their questions during this period.

4 Bucks Student, Monday 5th March, 2012

Athens - a picture of destruction


Damaged pavements and smashed windows are just a few examples of vandalism which took place February 12 in Athens, the capital of Greece. The protests were a voice of dissatisfaction from the citizens towards new savings policies which were supposed to be introduced in the country. The event gathered thousands of people in front of the Greek Parliament building, while inside politicians were voting on the new solutions. A quiet demonstration turned into havoc and brought major destruction to the capital. People were throwing stones and pieces of metal towards the emergency services and the police. Some of the protesters

used home-made bottles with gas to blow up cafes and shops. The crowd divided into several groups, destroying shops and banks in different parts of the city. Around 45 buildings were set on fire and five burned down completely. Firemen were delayed dealing with damage as some of the protesters were making it difficult for emergency services to reach burning buildings. Seventy-four people were reported injured. All political parties in Greek expressed their disappointment about the protests. Bus stops, benches and rubbish bins were destroyed and emergency services were trying to deal with fire until the early morning. The vote, which caused the protest, was supposed to allow Greece to receive €130 million of financial help from the EU. The city now resembles a war-field. It will take months to

Pakistan Prime Minister before the Supreme Court

Saudi Arabia - journalist may die for ‘abusing’ Islam on Twitter Saudi Arabian journalist, Hamza Haszgari, was deported back to his country from Malaysia, where he was hiding after posting a controversial comment on Twitter. The tweet he posted was believed to be abusive towards Mahomet, the Arab prophet who founded Islam. In authoritarian countries like Saudi Arabia, the journalist may face a death penalty after this degree of insult. Hamza, 23, described his imaginary chat with Mahomet two weeks ago on Twitter. In his tweets, he claimed him and the prophet are equal. According to the local media he explained in his posts how he agrees with a lot of Mahomet’s beliefs, but he does think some of the rules are wrong. His controversial posts provoked thousands of

By Mandi.C

comments on the social networking site Twitter, asking to delete such abusive comments claiming he is an atheist and a man of moral corruption. This type of abuse Hamza posted on the internet is treated as a criminal offence and can be punished with the death penalty. The journalist then deleted all his comments and posted apologies, admitting it was a sin to write anything and he feels deeply ashamed. Apologies aside, he was still worried about his life and he ran away to Malaysia. Malaysian police stopped him at the airport, admitting it was an organised Interpol action. Amnesty International warned that if Saudi judges find him guilty of apostasy, they will sentence Hamza to death. By Mandi.C

On Monday February 13, the Supreme Court of Pakistan charged its former Prime Minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani with contempt. His former lawyer said Mr Gilani will not plead guilty. The PM is charged for a failure in re-opening corruption cases against the President of Pakistan - Asif Ali Zardari. BBC reported ‘Mr Gilani argues that the president, who denies the corruption charges, has immunity as head of state.’ The trial will begin on February 16th and by the 22nd, Mr Giliani must respond to his charges. For the past two years the PM denies the accusation of corruption against the President. International media have been speculating whether or not this is an act of protecting Zardari. The President was accused of transferring public money into Swiss bank accounts. International media underlines the fact that this trial may cause a conflict between the government and the justice system in Pakistan. This case may take months to solve and Mr Giliani first appeared in front of the Supreme Court on the 19th of January this year. Giliani’s cabinet is holding power for the longest period in Pakistan’s modern history, but it is said to be very unpopular and un-trusted. Oppositionists accuse his government of corruption and non-effectiveness. By Mandi.C

Problems on your course? No-one listening? Nothing being done? Name: Dionne Matthew Course: PhD in Cardiovascular Health Year: Year 3 Student Reps are the unsung heroes of the Student body often going about their business without much praise. They are the first person you turn to if something is wrong with your course and often fixing problems and making life better for students on their courses and in the wider University. We have picked out a couple to give you an example of their excellent work.

Why you wanted to be a Student Rep? I became a student rep to help bring research students together to discuss our various experiences and common issues. I also hoped to get research students’ voices heard through better connections to the university and its activities. What have you changed for the better? I have helped facilitate a research student forum where students can come together and discuss issues with staff, students and student union representatives. We also have a facebook group where research students can ask each other questions and share information about upcoming events, such as conferences.

Could you represent the views of your peers to the University? Get involved to make change happen and earn up to £100 reward payment! Also get unique access to the Students’ Union’s Bonus Bucks and additional training schemes. Nominations open Monday 20 February 9am Nominations close Friday 16 March 12 noon

Complete a nominations form online or visit your SU office


no m ina ti

If you think you could be a Student Rep next year, nominations are OPEN NOW for all High Wycombe students! Pick up a nomination form from the Students’ Union Reception or download one from For more information contact amy., Student Engagement Coordinator.

pe n n o s


This University listens. If you have a problem, they want to help. Now because you’re reading this article, I would assume you were drawn in by the headline. So you now may be asking yourself “why did this guy just write two contradictory statements?” Well the answer is: if there is no-one willing to stand up and speak up, however hard you listen; you can’t hear anything. Here at Bucks we have an extremely successful Student Rep system with one major flaw - inherent in every Rep system in the country. Many of us simply feel we are too small to make a difference, so we don’t step up to the plate and do something about our courses’ problems (even though getting paid by the Union to be a Student Rep is extremely tempting in itself!) I am hardly the most inspirational person on the planet, but you don’t have to be a genius; or a politician, a visionary; or an activist, to be a great Student Rep. On the other hand, if you can convince me or yourself that becoming a Student Rep and going that extra mile to make a difference is illogical, then you’re the person for the job! Because you possess the degree of logic necessary, to make an irresistible argument to university management, to change something your fellow students want. Being a Student Rep might sound scary, but really all you need to do is collect feedback from your fellow students. Whether this is by asking them, or just making sure they all know who you are, so they know who to come to when something is wrong. Many Student Reps also run a Facebook group for

their courses, which acts as a place to put feedback (and double as a place for banter when no-one is listening to the lecturer at 9am). Your job is to pass this feedback on at Programme Committee Meetings every term. Or if you feel particularly ‘awesome’, discuss feedback directly to the relevant lecturers, union staff, or your course leader. The Union staff are always there to support you in this, and the soon to be established Student Rep society will mean you are never without support from your peers. Now let’s not forget, we’re a university which current sits at 112 in the League tables. We have some truly incredible courses; and some really poor ones, and these poor courses are what drag down our institution. But if our University is higher in the tables it can run bigger and better courses, treat its staff better, do more for us students; and get bigger acts in the Students’ Union! So do you want to be proud of Bucks? When you go home in the holidays, you want to hold your head high and say to your friends ‘Bucks is awesome!’ Student feedback and involvement is going to be the driving force behind any improvement of our poor courses, and the continued development of our best courses to be the best in the country! Our Bucks needs you! Nominations for Student Reps for the next academic year are open until the 16th of March at noon. Contact Amy at amy.mclaughlan@ for a nomination form.

By Nick Lucas Senior Rep for the Department of Production

Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 5

Knitting for the homeless!

Above: Pictured L-R: Prof Chris Kemp, Prof Ruth Farwell, Mike Clare, patron of the Clare Business School; Pauline Odulinski

Clare Business School provides unique approach to business education to help drive UK business

National Union of Students NEWS

Developed with patron, Mike Clare, one of Buckinghamshire’s most successful entrepreneurs, the Clare Business School is a partnership between Bucks New University, Aylesbury College, and schools across Buckinghamshire through the Bucks Association of Secondary Heads (BASH). By bringing together the three strands of education, the School aims to provide a unique educational approach to meeting the skills needs of today’s employment market through working directly with local businesses and providing business experience and opportunities for young people from 14 years onwards. The Clare Business School was showcased at Bucks New University on 2 February which enabled visitors to find out about the opportunities available for both young people and businesses. The Clare Business School is the brainchild of Professor Chris Kemp, Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean: Design, Media & Management. He said: “The crosssector educational collaboration that forms the School is unique and we can really help local businesses by providing them with sustainable solutions to their needs. Given the strong government focus on

employability and driving UK business, this is exactly the right time to launch such an important initiative.” He continues: “The Clare Business School will bring together businesses and students in an efficient and productive way to give students real experience within the business world, whilst at the same time providing tailored solutions to local business needs. Everyone benefits.” The Clare Business School already has the support of several high profile organisations including Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, RBS, Hands of Wycombe, Dreams, Eden Shopping Centre, NatWest, and Clarenco. Nick Hill, Head of Innovation and Quality, Marks & Spencer Home, who is a member of the Clare Business School Strategic Board, said: “Like most large organisations we receive hundreds of applications from students every year. One of the key aims of the Clare Business School is to provide potential employers with graduates that not only have a sound education in business, but also come with a broader business experience. “During their time with the Clare Business School, students will have been exposed to a wide range of

NUS Launch Campaign to Expose Hidden Costs

successful people and real-life business challenges. Business placements and projects give the students an opportunity to solve real problems and get an idea of the challenges they will face that are not in the text books.” The Clare Business School will support local businesses by giving access to - Specialists in sales and marketing, finance, procurement and HR - Professionals that offer business solutions via consultancy and research as well as live projects undertaken by students - Knowledge transfer partnerships part-funded by government sources - Market research through specialists as well as live student projects - Business networking in the UK and overseas - State-of-the-art business facilities If you are interested in being a part of the Clare Business School initiative or would like to find out more, please contact Julie Catlow, Clare Business School Business Co-ordinator on 01494 603 153 or email info@clarebusinessschool. com

Just 23 per cent of students unions reported that their institution included printing costs in their tuition fee; 26 per cent included travel to study placements, 17 per cent included CRB checks and just 14 per cent covered ‘bench fees’.

Ben & Jerry’s ‘Join Our Core’ Competition

The National Union of Students (NUS) launched a new campaign initiative to kick start grassroots actions to get more money into students’ pockets by tackling hidden course costs. NUS is calling on universities and colleges to commit to full transparency prior to application on all course costs, and has called on vice chancellors to urgently commit absorb essential costs within the tuition fee, and offer means tested support for non-essentials. The initiative was launched as new research on the hidden costs of studying, published today, shows almost a third (31 per cent) of students’ unions reported their universities as covering no additional costs such as printing, studio fees, field trips, travel to work placements and course books.

At a time when more questions are being asked about the attitudes of traditional businesses to social justice, the environment and communities, this is an udderly fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs with a passion for sustainability and changing the way business is done in Europe. From 1st February Ben & Jerry’s is running its ‘Join Our Core’ competition to scour Europe in search of the brightest young minds who can create a business that embraces the ice cream pioneer’s philosophy of giving back to the community. Successful entrants will get the chance to pitch their business idea to a panel of industry leaders - including Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Jerry Greenfield, and representatives from Ashoka, VSO and the Fairtrade Foundation.

Above: Students’ Union staff and student Salina Janzan (right) show off their knitting skills Sparked by the very kind donation of two bags of wool, this wonderful blanket gradually came into being square by square. The wool was donated by a member of University staff, whose mother sadly passed away and who wanted the wool to go to good use. Cue our cast of wonderful volunteers... Netballers, Red Shedders and Union staff (and their Mothers and Grandmothers) pulled together to make this warm gift for a local homeless person through the Wycombe Homeless Connection. The skilled knitters created dozens of squares which fitted together to form this technicolour blanket. Incorporated into this blanket is also a strip of crochet, which was created by the lady who passed away and it serves as a centre

piece for the design. Thank you to everyone who knitted squares! You may think that a blanket isn’t a big deal, you probably sleep under a couple of them at night. But, just spare a thought, when you are wrapped up warmly at night in your heated house and your snug pjs, for those who aren’t as fortunate as us and are living on the streets in this bitter weather. This blanket will ward off the cold for someone and will, without doubt give them a spark of hope as this simple gift of a blanket shows that people really do care. Volunteering & Societies Assistant: Tansy Ratcliffe-James

Volunteering calendar 7th March

Conservation Project with the local Woodland Service

9th March

Fancy Dress RAG raid! Run around the streets of High Wycombe in a costume of your choice, and see how much you can raise for our RAG charities. Prize for the best dressed!

14th March

How can being a Students’ Union volunteer get you a job? CV Writing with the Careers department - Uxbridge campus - 1pm-3pm

20th March

Job, Careers and Volunteers Fair - Events hall

21st March

Graffiti Project clear up

28th March

‘Litter-pick challenge’ - Free transport, free lunch, free t-shirt and prize for the winning team!!! 12.30pm-4.00pm.

Green Impact Week It was a week packed with fundraising, green initiatives, great food and great volunteers and we have you to thank for that! Well done to the Rugby boys for being the winners of Row and Give by rowing 29,926m. 2nd place were Netball who rowed 26,713m and 3rd were Hockey who rowed 25,244m. Fantastic effort, leaving the boys the winners for the second year running! Tuesday saw our Uxbridge students planting basil seeds to take home and knitting for the homeless. A special thank you to the students who took the time to teach us not so good knitters how it’s done! Netball vs Football for RAG was close again this year, with netball just winning, for the second time running. Well done girls! The Green Society visited Brook Street Halls with stickers asking students to ‘Reduce their Carbon Fingerprints’ by turning off switches. On Wednesday, the Furniture History society put their wellies on, went out with the Local Woodland Service and built 5 steps in Tom Burt’s Woods, a record for the Bucks students.

On Thursday, the Gateway concourse was buzzing with a local farmers market, and the Green Society creating a mural on the graffiti boards. If you haven’t seen it yet, go and take a look, or watch the Red Button Societies brilliant timelapse video on youtube: The Green Society - Timelapse Mural Painting @ Bucks New University The netball girls also went to Shelburne Lodge Residential Home and played games with the elderly for the afternoon. On Saturday, 7 brave students made the trip to Windsor, Bray Lake, in the rain and jumped off a 160ft crane all in aid of the RAG charities, LearnAsOne and the Pepper Foundation. Sponsorship is still coming in and we’re hoping to hit the £500 target. You can sponsor them at the SU reception, Ground floor, North block. Thank you to everyone who participated in Green Impact Week! Volunteer Coordinator: Alice Dewsnap

6 Bucks Student, Monday 5th March, 2012

Your feedback counts Calling all first and second year students - full and part time, and those not eligible for the NSS! The Bucks Student Survey is being launched on 1 March and will run until the end of May. You are invited to have your say about different aspects of your course in the following areas and the survey will also include a section on why you chose your particular course: - Teaching and Learning. - Assessment and Feedback. - Academic Support. - Organisation & Management. - Learning Resources. - Personal Development

We take all student feedback very seriously, whether from this survey or through other means. It leads to us finding new ways of working, implementing change and sharing best practice. We greatly value your experience of University life and aim to give our students the best experience possible so that you can reach your full potential. Please complete the survey here, from 1 March: bucksstudent2012 Postgraduate students will be asked to participate in separate surveys during the spring term.

You said…”We want a real insight into employment and access to employers” We did… Thirteen Bucks students are being mentored by employees at Cisco, the industry-leading communications provider. Each student has one-toone sessions with one of the company’s employees in their final year to help them focus on their careers, identify opportunities and develop networking skills. Bulgarian student Ivaylo Georgiev is in the final year of his MSc (Hons) Network Security and Management qualification and is being mentored by Bucks graduate Sebastian Moore, who is Regional Sales Manager for the firm. Ivaylo, 24, said Sebastian had helped him with his CV and project on network security and would be assisting him with interview techniques. He added: “Sebastian has

Thank you for taking part.

Director of Student Experience: Ruth Gunstone

Want to win £1,000? Are you a final year student who has been invited to take part in the National Student Survey? It only takes five minutes to give your feedback and you could win a first prize of £1000 just by entering! We would really like to hear about what you’ve enjoyed about your time at Bucks, and what you feel could have been improved. You can complete the NSS online or via your smartphone at If you have already taken part, thank you very much for sharing your views. As The Bucks Student went to press, 49% of eligible Bucks students had responded, and our target this year is to reach 66%. The survey is open till 30 April. Congratulations to students in our top three departments for responses - Creative & Visual Communications, Furniture and Criminal Justice & Social Studies. At the opposite end of the league table, if you’re an Education, Security or Primary Care & Public Health student, we’d love to hear from more of you!

Do you want your opinions on your student* experience to be heard? Take part in the National Student Survey. It’s quick to complete and you’ll be helping prospective students make the right choices of where and what to study.

*You are eligible for the NSS if you are a final year undergraduate or are on a flexible part-time programme. If your final year cannot be easily predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth year of study. If you were due to be in your final year in 2012, but have withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part.

No Reading week at Bucks?

We would like to extend this service by offering those who use the boxes the opportunity for prayer with a Chaplain. We will be available each week as indicated. If you would like to speak to someone personally and confidentially, or make an appointment to see us, please leave a message: Tel: 01494 603 024 mob: 07544 750 793 Email:

High Wycombe Campus Tuesday: 12.00 -12.30pm, in the Sanctuary, N.1.10 Uxbridge Campus Friday: 12.30 -1.00pm, in the Quiet Room, 3rd Floor Room 3.06 All Staff and Students Welcome!

been very, very helpful and interested in my progress and has given me a lot of tips to help me improve and things I can add to my CV. It has been great to get a professional perspective on myself and the way I present myself.” Bucks is the first university the company has worked with, having previously provided mentoring in schools and prisons. Helen Walters, employer liaison co-ordinator in our Careers & Employment team said the students involved were gaining skills in networking, improving their CVs, job applications and dissertation support and feedback. She said: “I feel very honoured to work on the pilot programme and we are aiming to run it again next year. It’s been fantastic and has benefited all concerned.” The University is planning to use the Cisco model to encourage other employers to mentor our students.

Scan here to take part in the survey

Designed by Tom Holmes, Staffordshire University - NUS Promotional Poster Competition Winner

The University Multi-faith Chaplaincy Team is committed to praying for both students and staff, and we have Prayer Boxes located in Beats, and the Sanctuary at High Wycombe as well as the Pulse cafe at Uxbridge.

Improving your employability potential

Above: Think they missed the ‘reading’ part of Reading week!

We all know the purpose of reading week, even if some people treat it like half-term. It is a chance to catch up on work, recover from several weeks of nights out at the SU, and maybe even catch up on some of that proverbial reading. However, someone has obviously decided that students don’t need to read during reading week! Blackwells, the book shop on campus, clearly agrees and has decided to close...during a READING week!!!! I hope everyone can see the funny side of this but it does have a serious side too. Come on Bucks New Uni, please think before you act! How did you honestly think this was going to make those students who were working hard that week feel?

Continuous improvements in the Library You said… “Longer library opening hours please!” We did… - We are extending the opening hours at the High Wycombe Campus Library. - From 3 March the Library will open at 9am at weekends during term and vacations - that’s two hours earlier than before. - It will also stay open till 10pm on Sundays in term time, as you have asked to use the Library later. - The new opening hours are 9am- 6pm on Saturdays and 9am-10pm on Sunday. - On Bank Holiday Mondays the library will be open at key assessment periods. - On Monday 7 May the Library will be open 9am-6pm. You said…”We can’t find all the books from our reading lists in the library” We did… We are steadily working on this. We’ve improved communications between course leaders and faculty librarians, to ensure that more key texts are available. You said… “Please provide silent study areas.” We did… We relocated the silent study area to the more contained Floor 4, and the moved the seating around on the third and fourth floors to help reduce noise so you can concentrate. You said… “We would like more digital books and journals.” We did… The University has invested over £50,000 in digital books and journals in 2010-11, plus another £48,000 on a one-stop search box to help students find the resources you need in a flash. We are working to have this ready in May.

Direc t to yo www u .nextb r mobile : uses. Or on m obi y o u r pc: www .nextb us.tra vel

8 Bucks Student, Monday 5th March, 2012

We hate when they die in peace F

or the very first time, I can say that the public reaction for a celebrity’s death did not disgust me. After the whole world heard about Whitney Houston’s death, I was annoyed with the public and the media for days. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like journalists just love when a famous person dies, especially when it is an ‘A-list’ star like Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse or Michael Jackson. The attention media pays not only to the terrible loss of a true talent, but also on how dramatically someone dies. It has been just a few weeks since the death of Whitney Houston and I’m truly surprised how media actually focused on the funeral of the star rather than the mysterious fact that her body was found in the bath. If you watch the statement given by a county coroner of Los Angeles in the video published by the BBC, you can hear in the background how journalists desperately attack the man with questions about eventual suicide or an overdose. The poor coroner calmly ensured journalists that a few hours after someone’s death he can’t reveal any details and that speculating about the

eventual ‘drama’ around Houston’s death is not needed. For media, death without drama seems like a somehow wasted news story and I’m truly happy no one gave any information to those ‘newsfeed sharks’ so far. When someone dies in peace, and was not expected to die in the first place like Houston, media is actually able to focus on what is important and valuable – drawing a picture of a person in the best possible light, commemorating their talent and undeniable success. Coming from this angle, Houston was lucky she could pass away in peace. Dying in peace is not for celebrities. You can read it in most of the biographies of famous people. If they have any serious problems like drug addictions (oh yes, media loves drugs) and sadly they die because of this problem, it is more likely media will rip their death apart and almost announce ‘we knew it, we told you it’s going to happen!’ In a case like this, there will be numerous articles and videos dedicated to commemorate the talent of a star but more likely there will be thousands of publications and images discussing how bad and dramatic someone’s death was. I’m

thinking of Winehouse’s death here. For years we have been flooded with the embarrassing pictures of Amy, her bad skin, messy clothes and interrupting behavior. While she was actually shouting for help, media let her problem be a front page story of exciting and shameless embarrassment. It feels like when she was finally found dead in her flat, little attention was paid to the ‘tragic’ side of this story. For media, it was exciting to find out that finally, drunk and destroyed, she passed away in her flat. I doubt if anyone ever thought how the attention around her problem may have caused even more depression or damage. Dying in peace is clearly not satisfying news. The audience is not innocent here. After someone famous dies, Facebook actually scares me. I open my page and I’m afraid to click some of the pictures my friends post. After Amy’s death my Facebook was flooded with videos of her shouting out loud on drugs, dirty and unconscious rather than with her music videos. The worst things I found was combinations of her awful pictures with words ‘drug addicts deserve to die’, a few hours after her death. What sort of people are

we to look for such entertainment? What sort of people have journalists become to help this ‘shame machine’ generate these stories? To prove my point try to type ‘Amy Winehouse – death’ on YouTube. Amongst the BBC reports from her flat, expressing the sadness about her death there are numerous videos called something like ‘The only picture of Amy’s dead body’. People created them just so people click and anticipate seeing a tragic image. Obviously we can’t see any images but the amount of views are alarming. We don’t always want to see celebs in their prime; the fall has become even more exciting. Ordinary people die in peace. Ill for years or suddenly, we lose lives in a more humane way than we allow the famous to die. Journalists are there to be informative, not to run the machine of blind excitement, especially when it comes to death. Death is a part of life, to be expected and respected. We should react and talk about others death like we would want our own one to be reported. I’m sure that in the end, nothing bad matters. By Mandi.C

Brittany Murphy November 10, 1977 - December 20, 2009 Heath Ledger 4 April, 1979 - 22 January, 2008

Whitney Houston August 9, 1963 - February 11, 2012

Amy Winehouse 14 September, 1983 - 23 July, 2011

Michael Jackson August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

ARE YOU GOOD IN BED? Have you ever had sex without a condom? Or perhaps had a condom split? Ever thought that you might be carrying a sexually transmitted infection? Why not get yourself checked out. We’ve arranged a series of clinics on the High Wycombe campus, throughout the year, where you can get a full sexual health screen or just do a test on yourself for chlamydia. (1 in 10 people under 25 have chlamydia!) If you want to get tested for an STI, but cannot go to one of the above clinics go to to find your nearest Sexual Health Clinic or come and ask us in the Advice Centre and we can find one for you. Our service is completely confidential so you can talk to us and it will not go any further. We also have a limited number of free condoms you can pick up. Bucks Students’ Union Advice Centre

High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180

Or email

Next date of Sexual Health Clinic: Monday 26th March Come see us at room N2.07 10am-3pm, High Wycombe Campus

Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 9




elcome to “You got this, Bro!” - a new column exclusive to The Bucks Student that is designed to have you whooping today’s ass and leave you enough testosterone to intimidate tomorrow. Every issue, I come at you with one core principle to make those dreams of yours a little more 3D. This month, our message is “to buy stock in YOU!” Now regardless of whatever you’ve chosen to do with your life, odds are that at some point, somebody has laughed it off. Whether you are the skinny kid who wanted to be a pro wrestler, the class-clown who wanted to try his hand at a maths degree or you are just straightup the first person in your family to ever go to university. Well, the first thing I’m going to throw at you (and watch out, because it’s pretty heavy) is that this is a great thing, because if people think it is within your range, YOU ARE NOT AIMING HIGH ENOUGH! Nobody has ever told their mum that they want to work for McDonalds and been told “You’re aiming a little too high, dear”, at least not without some sarcasm. You can apply for the BS jobs any day, dreams are supposed to be BIG! (Also journalist kids, watch out, because there are many, many exclamation marks coming your way. If I ever do an audio version of this article, keep the volume low.) So nobody believes in you, big whoop. The secret is that nobody has to. The first person who needs to believe in you is you. The difference between the two? For your mum to believe in you, it’s a mentality. For

you to believe in you, you need to put your money up. Bill Gates dropped out of college and nobody believed in him, so he worked his ass off so that everybody had no choice but to believe in him. If anyone else wants a Microsoft product, they need to throw up some money, whereas if Bill Gates wants a Microsoft product (presumably to browse BNU Memes on Facebook or something) then he has to BUILD Microsoft products. Same applies to you. Nobody drowned in success simply by dipping their toe in the water, no rapper become a megastar with one verse. It was the repetition, the EMERSION that guaranteed their success. They might have gotten NOTICED off that one verse but their stock only rose when they showed that they weren’t just a flash in the pan but that they are here, for real, to hang with the big boys. “Tipsy” may make a great track to go crazy to at the SU, but try finding J-Kwon in the Hall of Fame. I’m a Film Director. Film Directors in the industry will have business cards, directors reels and portfolios

Dear Busty... Busty the Buck is our resident Agony Aunt, here to help you with any problems, issues or queries you might have when it comes to student life. The old Deer loves nothing more than to sit down with a cuppa and to read your letters and emails. So if you need some words of wisdom and advice then don’t hesitate to get in contact. Busty aims to answer all emails, however big or small. A problem shared is a problem halved.! Just email your problem to: Dear Busty, It’s a bit embarrassing but ‘my friend’ recently slept with someone and didn’t use any protection. I’m too scared to go to the doctors but don’t know what to do! HELP! Anonymous, 19 Uhoh Anonymous what a pickle ‘your friend’ has got themselves in. Firstly you have to make sure that ‘your friend’ realizes their skettish ways and thus in turn gives themselves ‘The FEAR’ by going to the Sexual Health clinic on campus, 26th March. Then of course you must preach like you have never preached before about how important it is to wear protection. Now the reason I may be a tad harsh on this subject is that as a young damsel I once slept with some random buck who was so posh he gave me lobsters! If you thought crabs were bad……. try a dose of lobsters with only hooves to scratch!!! Kisses on your face, Busty x Dear Busty, During Freshers, I met a really nice guy and we started going out. However, we recently broke up and now he keeps sending me weird messages and trying to re-add me on Facebook after I un-friended him cause he kept threatening to tell my friends embarrassing things about our relationship! I really want this guy out of my life, it’s really becoming an issue! Jane, 20 Poor little Janey! This issue of the old ex stalk is never a fun topic. I have countless letters from fed up ex’s. If it’s serious I’d strongly recommend visiting the Advice Centre not only

the size of my living room. And while I am nowhere near as good as those guys (yet!), I pushed myself to go out and print business cards, to look at my material and make these directors reels and build these portfolios to give me the edge over my competition straight out of the gate. Whenever I do corporate film jobs I always wear a suit. Why? Because someone once told me to “dress for the job you WANT, not the one you HAVE”. I don’t want to be another stupid student film-maker, I want to run Universal! Don’t let people find out your passion after two months of knowing you, let your passion build you a reputation that people can’t help but know about! Work so hard that you don’t need to say “Hi, I’m Lee and I make films” but make it so that you have strangers coming up to you and saying “Yo aren’t you Lee the film-maker?” Guys at the top of their game - the Eddie Murphys, the Madonnas and the Wayne Rooneys - they put in the hours and now they’ll never have to introduce themselves to people ever again. When you look at Eminem, how many emails a week do you think HE sends to get collaborations? None, because he worked so hard that a million rappers out there would saw their own arms off to share a 10 second chorus with him. He made himself indispensable. are they trained into how to help deal with this sort of thing the lovely Julia and Kirti are both martial arts experts if you give them the nod they’ll sort him out with a swift Nunchaku to the reproductive organs. ;). If it hasn’t got to that point yet I’d tell him politely to get the Buck out of your life, block him and move on!

So how do you do it? How do you become indispensable? Follow Marshall’s lead. Sure he has other hobbies, his daughters and his personal life, so I’m in no way telling you to become a recluse (see you at Frat House? Sweet!) But when Eminem steps into the booth, he gives it nothing less than 110% because that’s what it took to get there. And hey, I’m not saying you need to cut out other passions either. Look up the name ‘Donald Glover’ and you’ll find a hilarious young actor and stand-up comedian. Now look up ’Childish Gambino’, one of the most hard-hitting young Rappers emerging in Hip-Hop today. Actually, save yourself the WiFi - they’re the same guy! Whether working as ‘Donald’ or ‘Gambino’, he’s a non-stop all-or-nothing work machine and while he may not be Eddie Murphy or Jay-Z (yet!), but he will, because he’s dedicated to his passions. So I throw you the gauntlet. You can buy stock in someone else and waste your time watching THEM succeed, or buy stock in YOU - And be the C-E-O of something B-I-G! The option’s yours. Until next time peeps. And remember, whatever button combo you have hit to lay the smackdown on the week ahead, “You Got This, Bro!” Pump-up Track of The Week: “Beast Mode” by B.O.B By Lee Malone

Sick and Cynical

Kisses on your face Busty x Dear Busty, I foolishly accepted a dare to not drink during lent and 2 weeks in it’s proving to be really tough, any tips! Duwayne, 18 Drinky Duwayne I hear you!!!! I mean I wasn’t insane enough to give up alcohol in the prime of my drinking life…. but who am I to judge! I have however given up bread chocolate and skittles. The best tips I can give you are these (choose from the following) - Lock yourself in a dark room and have little or no human contact until easter. - Convince yourself that everything you drink IS alcoholic (I’m sure there’s some study somewhere that proves that you can get drunk by doing this? if not… convince yourself there is and then convince other people) - Smell your friends drinks and hope that some sort of vapor will get into your bood stream. - Man up and get on with it it’s only 40 days Kisses on your face Busty x


here is a lot of untrustworthy ‘toot’ on the Internet. Check out this definition: Meme - “- an element of a culture or system of behaviour that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, e.g. imitation.” ‘Imitation’ is a fun word isn’t it? I often imitate people; little voices, quips and weird noises usually fill about 35% of my day. The other 65% of my day is of course spent with my co-life partner ‘Facebook’. ‘BNU Memes’ - you’re probably seeing them splashed across your news feed daily. A simple image and text combo created to give you on average an eight-second laugh. The page has a typical mantra - ‘Let the procrastination commence.’ which suggests to me that this page isn’t about study. To date 936 people ‘like this’ and 95 people are ‘talking about this’ - I assume that most of the people looking at the BNU Memes are either past or present students. It’s quite a popular page; each image upload ranging from twenty to one hundred ‘likes’. However, I’m not sure if I like this whole ‘Meme’ trend. On the surface it all seems very innocent - give it time though and it will get malicious - it’s the internet after all. I’ve already seen several BNU Memes aimed professionals from our University - not cool guys. This is where the Memes start to upset me – are they just a way for people to express their inner discomfort over choosing to attend BNU? Or is it just the “Online Disinhibition Effect”? If you’re into wasting time looking and laughing at images that are critical of the university you’ve chosen to attend - perhaps it’s time for you to either focus on your study or just leave.

I’m no angel - I waste time looking at cat videos. I suppose if you want to endorse this online behaviour you can go ahead. However, as the latest post on the BNU Meme page reads: “- let’s keep them impersonal and friendly please.” It’s now that time for my ULTIMATE ONLINE OBESSSION! This week it is a video on YouTube called ‘Meme Proposal’ - you got it, right on topic. Close to three million views - it’s a video of a man proposing to a woman via printed Meme pictures on A3. If you want to watch a video that’ll make you cringe until your teeth fall out - watch this. While I’m here allow me to force a society into your eyes: BNU Film society 7:00pm - 9:00pm, every Wednesday, Owen Harris 1 - keep an eye on the Facebook page for more information. You can also follow us on Twitter @BNU_FilmSociety. As for the Memes: Go and read the ‘Beano’ if you want pretty colours, pleasant images and to read simple English. Want to defend? Respond? Join? Contact: student.editor@thebucksstudent. com By Ross Henbest




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DID YOU GET A PHOTO? Search: Bucks SU Photos (2011 -2012)

Bucks Stude

Mon 05 March - Tue 20 March

Happy St Pa Monday



05 Voting Open - Open bar

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Suck My Acoustic

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1



15 The Frat House - GAA Takeover

Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Welcome To The Weekend, selected drinks only £1.50 from 8pm - 10pm

08 The Frat House

Comedy Central Live





*Thursday Anti Vigilante + more

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

* Thursday

Producers - MC9 / Blue Rinse After Party Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


* Friday Flirt - Superheros

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1

ents’ Union

h at the Venue High Wycombe

atricks Day 09






St Patricks Day Strongbow Draft £2.00 Red Stripe Can £2.00 Jim Beam Bourbon & Coke £1.80 Zubrowka Vodka & Apple Juice £1.80 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


Strongbow Draft £2.00 Red Stripe Can £2.00 Jim Beam Bourbon & Coke £1.80 Zubrowka Vodka & Apple Juice £1.80 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1



Sound Sessions Clash - focusrite







4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

12 Speed networking

Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz 4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz



Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1




20 Word Is Born

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Comedy Central Live 4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

16 Bucks Student, Monday 5th March, 2012

MC9 Music presents… Producers Producers undertake university tour to promote album


any of you have heard about MC9 Music, and a lot have you have been down to our monthly showcase nights. But this March, MC9 together with Bucks SU, are putting on a very special gig. There are super-groups, and then there are Producers, arguably the most successful lineup of musicians and producers ever. Over the past 40 years, the four highly regarded producers and artists have recorded over 200 hit singles and albums. But instead of resting on their mightily impressive laurels, they are about to embark on a new adventure, with a series of live performances and interactive sessions at several British Universities and Colleges in March 2012 ahead of the release of their debut album as a group, ‘Made in Basing Street.’

colleges, during which they will engage with music students around the UK – in London, Southampton, Birmingham, Leeds, Guildford and High Wycombe – ahead of the release of their long awaited debut album. Far from your regular rock shows, these multimedia events will see the group spending time with the students in Q&A sessions before taking to the stage to showcase their album and, of course, some of their greatest hits. All of the shows will be produced and promoted in association with the students at each institution. Producers’ YouTube channel will host news from the tour and footage of Q&A sessions with the students. Speaking about the tour, Ash Soan says, “I’m looking forward to the uni gigs personally, because I remember when I was studying music and the likes of George Martin visited, it really stayed with me. I hope our shows can do the same”. Get down early as the Q&A session starts at 5.30pm, stay around to catch Producers at 8pm in the White Room. DJs through out the night will be bringing you the music from the 80s through to today. This is a night not to be missed - see you there!

DID YOU GET A PHOTO? Search: Bucks SU Photos (2011 -2012)

So who are Producers? Step forward Lol Crème, ex-member of 70s pop group 10cc and one half of hitmakers and production/video duo Godley & Crème. Joining him is the legendary British producer Trevor Horn, the award winning musician, engineer and producer Stephen Lipson and ubiquitous human drum machine Ash Soan. This eclectic gang of musicians and studio aces are going to undertake something unique: a tour of Britain’s Universities and

For more information about The Producers check out: Facebook: Twitter: Website:

By Freya Houlding & Will Fowler

Be part of the SSHH campaign: Silent Students: Happy Homes


Take advantage of the FREE nightbus taking you from the SU right to your frontdoor!* Just ask the driver nicely! *Bus starts from midnight until close. Wed & Fri only. 1.5 mile radius from the main campus only.

Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 17

Enter Shikari- A Flash Flood of Colour


here aren’t many bands out there at the moment who are trying to take the nation’s political temperature while producing rip your face off rock. Yet somehow, St Alban’s Enter Shikari has managed to buck the trend with this beast of an album. ‘A Flash Flood of Colour’ is an angry, stomp of an album that rages like a dubstep infused tornado

through the UK’s downturn. Yet through its anger it also manages to capture a rather pretty take on their sound. This is by no means rough around the edges DIY punk. Rather this is an album that aims to catch your ears through the different levels and combined genres along with clever political lyrics. This is by no means an easy thing to do. The album starts off with the nursery rhyme ‘System...’ a track which compares the economic downturn to an abandoned house on a cliff. The song then bleeds into ‘Meltdown’ which takes the metaphor further. Leading single ‘Sssnakepit’ pushes the bands established sound to unprecedented levels. The tornado of dance, dub step, electronic rock sounds whirrs on until the end with the hopeful, twinkly last track ‘Constellations’.

‘Arguing with Thermometers’ is a more familiar sound while ‘Warm smiles do not mean you’re welcome here’ flirts with stadium rock. This is an album that could be the soundtrack to Occupy London. Not that this album aims to inspire violence mind (in fact, the band fantastically take the micky out of this attitude in ‘Ghandi mate, Ghandi’ which is a track that has some brilliant lyrics!) rather it is more for those who want to see an alternative to the Capitalist system the UK incorporates. The lyrics are truly rousing stuff even if you’re not particularly that way inclined. This is an album that inspires change on near enough every level. Perfect for the times.


Congratulations to April Patterson who was the outright winner of a piece of Bucks merchandise for her AMAZING dress that she wore to Flirt!’s ABC night. Outstandingly, she managed to make the whole outfit out of The

Bucks Student newspaper. Not too sure how comfortable it would have been, but it looked fantastic nonetheless. I hope you all take note and put this much effort into the rest of the Flirt! dress-ups.

Out on Ambush Reality Rating: By Sarah Campbell

Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror B

rooklyn based noise-pop duo Alexis Krauss and Derek E Miller met in a Brazilian restaurant in 2008, since then they have quickly gained recognition for their unique Indie sensibilities. The pair simply isn’t in the business of being quiet or playing acoustic driven, meaningful songs. Rather the pair provides a sound that is a synth led metal, electronic cheer leading massacre for the masses. Loud, punchy and brilliant, this is a pair who makes you wonder why music in general isn’t like this more. The pair’s second studio album is a short burst of quality noise driven sounds which surprisingly doesn’t get boring. This may be due to the fact the album just over 30 minutes long. But I like to think it is because it’s just a well put together album as a whole. The album starts in a rather a typically zealous fashion with opener ‘True Shred Guitar’ with crowds cheering in the background, hand clapping and Alexis Krauss screaming into the microphone “what the f**** is up?”, expertly setting the tone for the album. The opener bleeds into ‘Born to Lose’ which gallops on a 6/8 synth beat teamed with dreamy shoegaze guitar and 80s metal. Notable track ‘Leader of The Pack’ boasts a twinkling keyboard intro, sounding every inch the

By Sarah Campbell

stylish metal twee track it is intended to be. With crunchy rock riffs ‘Demons’ is one of the heavier tracks on the album while ‘Comeback Kid’ is rather catchy dancefloor filler. The album loses momentum with slower, forgettable tracks like ‘Road to Hell’ and ‘Crush’ that needlessly break the overall energy and fun this album has. That said, this album’s so short... it’s a slight that can easily be forgiven. Out on Mom+Pop Label Rating:

Above: Fresher April Patterson is the Flirt! Anything But Clothes winner!





£1.80 £2.00 £2.00 £1.00


St Patrick’s Day



Movie Reviews

Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 19

ON THE BOX Soaps Review

Hustle: The con is gone

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (12A) Released 17/02/12 (UK) Running time: 95 mins

Hustle (TV Show) Writer: Tony Jordan The first rule of the con is that you can’t cheat an honest man.


Above: Stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze


ith 2012 set to be arguably one of the biggest year for superhero movies - with Sam Mendes’ Spiderman, Joss Whedon’s The Avengers and Chris Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises - it is such a shame that the year begins with such a disappointment. I have a feeling that my discontent stems from a very visually appealing trailer. However, directors Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor (who are known for their Crank series) have once more replaced substance for style in this over the top action thrill ride. Despite Spirit of Vengeance being a much unwanted sequel to the first Ghost Rider movie back in 2007, the story only loosely connects with the first. Johnny Blaze (Nicholas Cage) was at one time an edgy stunt driver who sold his soul to Roarke (Ciarán Hinds) in order to save his dad from an illness. Really, this part of the movie is so unimportant; it doesn’t feel the need to spend much time to explain as all we care about is the Rider himself.

Europe is currently in a state of panic as the devil himself; Roarke, is out to get a street smart kid named Danny (Furgus Riordan) as his mother Nadya (Violante Placido) attempts to protect him. But after a secret organization of something-or-other is attacked by Roarke’s men, Moreau (Idris Elba) takes it upon himself to save Danny by finding the Rider. As you can already guess, the movie isn’t very good overall. With the first being a massive flop this movie looks set to follow suit. Is it the Ghost Rider characters or the film-makers behind it? Who knows, but with Neveldine and Taylor’s whacky, over-the-top style only working a third of the time, and at other points in the film it gives the movie a cheap feel. Cracking lame jokes what often didn’t work and only really teasing at the Ghost Rider’s character. The performances rather lack lustre as Idris Elba, who had been the best bit in Thor, is the best thing in this movie, too. But there is a pattern beginning to form

which shows Elba taking on these trashy superhero movies. Put him in a good one and let him run with it seems to be the best course of action for an actor like himself (perhaps a Green Lantern reboot). Nicholas Cage isn’t much better as his often fun but iffy performances tips in to the bad crazy (Con Air, Vampires Kiss) rather than his good crazy (Leaving Las Vegas, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans). To be honest, no-one is very good in this movie as the writer has clearly cashed the cheque even before considering a proof-read of the script. The character arcs are so lazy and strained that very little actually happens throughout the movie. I wasn’t expecting The Dark Knight, but I was expecting something with at least half an ounce of thought. When Cage is the Ghost Rider, the movie is pretty entertaining to watch. But some of the scene choices and set-ups are so forgettable that this movie will be lost in the following months. By Oliver Hunt

ustle (created by Tony Jordan) follows five con artists through the streets of London as they scam dishonest people, or ‘marks’ as they are known. This addictive drama will have you glued to your screens from the off. I have been a fan of this show since the very first series, and was sad to see it come to an end after eight years. What I love most is that you never know what to expect. Each episode sees the gang attempt a different con. And each con is more intricate than the last. A big part of what makes this programme great is the characters. We have seen a few new faces over the years, but on the whole the casting has been superb. In my opinion, the original Hustlers can’t be beat. They are: Michael Stone (Adrian Lester), the ring leader, and the best con artist in all of London. Stone is confident, suave and subtly humorous. As an audience member you warm to him instantly. Lester’s portrayal of Stone is so believable that you forget you’re watching a TV show. The character could almost be real, because Lester brings him to life so perfectly. Ash Morgan (Robert Glenister) is Stone’s right hand man. Ash is the ‘fixer’, a cockney geezer who provides the crew with all the necessary tools they need to pull off a convincing con. Stacie Munroe (Jamie Murray) is beautiful, savvy and has no trouble persuading men to part with their money. The on-off relationship between Stacie and Mickey is totally compelling, as is Murray’s excellent performance.

Albert Stroller (Robert Vaughn) is the epitome of gentlemanly class. A wise old con man from the American Midwest, Albert is the one responsible for bringing the crew together, and for teaching Mickey Stone everything he knows. The final member of the crew is Danny Blue (Marc Warren). He is self assured, cheeky and charming, and the best short con player in London. The back-andforth banter between Danny and Mickey is absolutely hilarious, and its absence can definitely be felt in later episodes. Series four sees Adrian Lester replaced with Billy Bond (Ashley Walters). This series is by far the weakest, but is still watchable. Lester then returns in series five, and Danny and Stacie have been replaced by Shaun (Matt DiAngello) and Emma (Kelly Adams) Kennedy, sibling con artists who give the marks a run for their money. Tony Jordan has succeeded in creating a true masterpiece. This programme has so many different dimensions. It is funny, involving and poignant, all the things a good drama should be. The most original thing about Hustle has to be the level of audience involvement. There are moments where the audience is addressed directly, making them feel completely involved in the action. In one scene, Mickey and Danny are playing a card game that will be instrumental to the forthcoming con. As they play, they explain the rules to the viewers, so that they are kept in the loop at all times. Hustle is a show like no other, and I guarantee that if you invest in the DVDs you will be hooked from the very first episode. By Shane Millar

Above: Andrian Lester (centre) plays Mickey Bricks the gangs ring leader

Online voting will run non-stop between 10am Monday 5th March until 4pm Friday 9th March

Check out the candidate’s manifestos at:

20 Bucks Student, Monday 5th March, 2012

FASHION & Beauty

Staged D

anni jumped as she heard the voice from the door, and she quickly pushed away from Harry and got to her feet. For a moment, she had thought that it had been Rex who walked in on them, but the voice was that of a woman. Danni turned to the door, quite unprepared as to who she would see standing there. It was Julia. But that was impossible. Julia was in America, as far as Danni knew. Not that her old friend had left her any explanation as to where she was going when she left to become a film star. But no, it was Julia. Right down to the way she stood, with an air of lazy confidence that Danni had always secretly envied, and tried to emulate. “Jewels,” she said, questioningly. At the sound of the name, something in Julia’s face changed. It suddenly became warmer, and friendlier, and all traces of the aloof actress had gone, replaced by a smile that Danni remembered only to well. “Danni,” she replied. Danni paused for a moment, and then ran to her. For a second Julia put up her hands, as if expecting a slap, but Danni embraced her warmly, and she felt Jewels do the same. “I’ve missed you,” she said, pulling away to study her friend’s face for signs that she’d been changed by fame, and finding none. She was still the same Jewels that Danni remembered. “I’ve missed you too.” “You never called me back you b***h,” Danni said jokingly. “I must have left you about a thousand messages.” “I know,” said Julia quietly. “I was too scared to call you back. I thought you’d be mad at me for leaving the way I did.” “Well, I can’t say I wasn’t a bit p****d off, but I was more proud of you than anything.” And finally the last of Julia’s nervousness vanished. As soon as Danni said those words she knew that everything between them was going to be okay. She knew that they, at least, would go back to being the same as before. Maybe she could get her old life back… maybe. “So,” Danni said, “Tell me everything. What is it like being a famous movie star?”

By Faye Towler

“It is not money that makes you well dressed: it is understanding.” Christian Dior. By Shane Millar Julia smiled. “It’s a long story.” Danni nodded. “So, to what do I owe the honour of a visit from a Hollywood actress? I take it this is a flying visit.” Julia hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. “No, actually, I’m back for good.” “Good,” Danni said. “Maybe we’ll get to hang out again now that you’re back in England. Hey, I’ve always wanted to go to one of those glitzy star parties. Do you remember how we used to talk about it? Of course I wanted to be there as an actress, not an actress’s friend, but hey. What are you working on over here? It must be something big if you’ve moved back from America.” “I’m not working on anything,” Julia said quickly. “I’ve given up the day job, so to speak. And as of tomorrow, you have a new classmate.” It took Danni several seconds to realise that Jewels wasn’t joking. “You’re serious aren’t you?” Julia nodded. “But –” “Let’s talk about something else,” Julia interrupted. “Sorry, I will tell you all about it, but not right now. I just want to be normal for a while, okay?” Danni knew better than to press the issue, so she just mimed zipping her mouth and smiled. “Thank you,” Julia said. “Now, how about you introduce me to your friend?” “Oh, sure.” n all of the excitement Danni had totally forgotten about Harry. “Jewels, this is Harry Felton, he’s a student here too. And Harry this is –” “Julia Harris, I know who you are,” said Harry, offering her his hand. Julia promptly ignored it and gave him a friendly hug. “Shaking hands is so formal, don’t you think?” she said, grinning at him. “And besides, any friend of Danni’s is a friend of mine.” Julia smiled at this man, whom she instantly liked. Perhaps it was because he didn’t treat her like everyone else she met, because he wasn’t fawning over her like some star-struck fan. He had spoken to her in a way that said he’d understood from her and Danni’s brief conversation that she didn’t want to be treated any differently to anyone else. It was refreshing, to


meet someone so calm, after being surrounded by people pleasers and yes men for the passed two years. “Nice to meet you,” he said, and then turned to Danni, still a little flushed from the Mills and Boon display that Julia had just witnessed. “I’ll let you two catch up.” Julia waited until she could no longer hear Harry’s retreating footsteps. “It looks like I’ve got a lot to catch up on.” “What do you mean?” Julia put a hand on her hip. “When I left, you and Rex were love’s young dream. Now I’m back you’re hooked up with this new guy…who seems really nice by the way. It’s a shame though, I always thought you and Rex were going to last. Why aren’t you two still together? Did he not come here?” “We are, and he did,” said Danni, after a slight pause. “What? You mean you’re seeing this Harry behind Rex’s back, Danni –” “Relax Detective,” Danni quipped, “We’re in a play together. We’re playing Romeo and Juliet. Things just got a bit…carried away, that’s all.” Julia looked her straight in the eye. “You know, for an actress, you are a surprisingly s**t liar. Have you told Lisa and Raffi about this?” “Oh,” Danni said, her face falling, “that’s right, you don’t know.” “Don’t know what?” “Rex and I aren’t really talking to them…I mean, we’re not really friends anymore.” Julia looked confused, and then put a hand to her forehead. “Okay, I know I’ve been gone two years, but this is insane. I don’t get it. Our plan was always for the five of us to graduate Sylvia Young’s, take some time out to get some experience, and then come here. I get back, and everything’s changed.” “Well, I suppose you never intended to come back, did you?” said a voice from the doorway. “You certainly didn’t ever plan on saying goodbye.” Julia froze at the sound of that voice; a voice that she’d been waiting to hear, and dreading all at the same time. She turned. “Raffi,” she started. “Don’t bother,” he said, and stalked from the room. “Raffi wait,” she cried, and ran out after him.

It has been evident in the highstreet for some time now that the inspiration of tailored men’s fashion is being incorporated in women’s everyday style. From brogue shoes and tailored shirts to school satchels and boyish hats, it is constantly on trend and seems to be here to stay. Androgynous describes the mix of the two characteristics, masculinity and femininity. ‘Andro’ means man, and ‘gyn’ refers to a woman, it is essentially the stereotypical styles of male and female fashion that are being embraced by the opposite sex. The model Agyness Deyn is famous for introducing this style back onto the mainstream market, and the high street stores followed in suit. The 60’s and 70’s brought the fashion into the public eye with popular figures

Agyness Deyn is famed for her boy-girl look

such as Twiggy sporting a boyish trend and a cropped haircut. At the time this was a reflection women in society; how they were inspiring and career driven with a powerful business acumen. Over the decades, the trend has reared it’s head on a regular basis, but 2012 is set to see the trend be embraced to the max. Trilby hats, leather satchels, retro watches, buttoned up shirts, chinos and minimalist makeup can fundamentally define the androgynous trend. Integrating both male and female qualities into one fashion trend certainly makes a statement, it’s a strong, powerful look and it adds a visual interest to what may be a plain outfit. It’s fun to experiment with and can be very inexpensive, so why not give it a go?

Female masculinity

The Androgynous Style

Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 21 By Harleen Sangha

Grammy’s ‘12 best dressed female... The biggest night for music is just as big for the fashion that comes with it. The Grammy’s always brings a fresh style to the carpet with the world’s most talented artists as the models. Kelly Rowland looked beautiful in a nude corset style gown by Alberta Ferretti, with a silver floral prototype on the corset which added glitz and glamour. Wearing dazzling

off her hour glass figure, with a gold clutch, gold long necklace and blonde curls she couldn’t have dressed better. She remained simple but sexy with a touch of sophistication. Rihanna designed he outfit herself, with Armani’s help. The night was full of glamorous, colourful gowns and the stars were shining on the red carpet. With award season almost over, this is certainly one of the best dressed events.

Kerry Perry in a beaded Elie Saab gown

Kelly Rowland dazzled in Alberta Ferreti

WORST dressed!

Nicki Minaj...really?!

Tried and Tested False eyelashes are certainly not for everyone, and I’m sure we’ve all experienced that awkward moment when we glue our eyelids together. No? Maybe that’s just me then. Although the boost in sales of false lashes has risen to 249 per cent over the past year thanks to ‘The Only Way Is Essex’, they still have an ongoing trashy stereotype. There are many different shapes, sizes and vibrant colours on the market according to your personal tastes. I much prefer the more natural looking lashes that offer a slight extension and open up the eye. I’ve used Eylure lashes for a few years now and no matter how many other brands I try, I always seem to return to this particular one. The 116 lashes are extremely natural looking, but are used specifically for adding length. They are lightweight so when applied to the eyelid they do not

- Water and oil don’t mix - This tip only applies to those who wear liquid foundation. If you notice your foundation sliding, becoming oily and just not sitting right on your skin then perhaps its how you are prepping the skin before hand. Make sure you match your foundation with the moisturizer being applied to before hand. If the main ingredient is water based, then use a water based foundation and visa versa for oil. This is the general rule: oil and water do not mix! - Tone your face - After washing your face, rise with cool water. This will close the pores and tighten your facial muscles.

Eyelure false eyelashes (116 & upper and lower lash duo)

And the winner is...Rihanna wearring Armani

silver earrings and a chunky ring, the dress was perfectly fitted on Kelly’s toned figure. Katy Perry wore a fair blue beaded Elie Saab gown, and although it may have clashed her blue hair, she pulled it off. Katy looked very elegant, with a little touch of her unique quirkiness. But the winner of the best dressed goes to Rihanna, wearing a backless Armani gown with a plunging V-neckline. Rihanna looked flawless, the dress showed

- Exfoliate dry lips - Our lips have a hard time on a daily basis and are often forgotten about. As much as moisturizing products like Vaseline works wonders, sometimes our lips need an extra helping hand to remove dead skin cells to keep them smooth. Try mixing a small amount of olive oil with white or brown sugar and gently exfoliate into the lips. Wash off and finish the treatment by applying a layer of lip balm. Starting with smooth lips makes you lipstick look even more fabulous.

weigh the eye down. Their flexibility makes them suitable for all eye shapes and the best part is that they have a transparent lash band, which is ideal to achieve that natural look. The lashes are very affordable as each pack costs around £5-£6 depending on the chosen style and can be reused time and time again if looked after properly. Lash glue is provided with each pack and a small applicator enables a perfect amount of glue to be applied on each set. On my rounds, I also picked up the new upper and lower lash duo that Eylurehave have only recently brought out, but I must say that the lower lashes were far too long and made the skin under my eyes itch. Much to my disappointment, these will only see daylight at a fancy dress or even next Halloween. The box states that they ‘are ideal for regular wear or a special occasion.’ I must admit I don’t think I would be wearing these on a daily basis, but they certainly do make a difference when used in conjunction with heavy evening makeup. For a small price these ‘falsies’ will definitely make your eyes pop. By Faye Towler

Putting you first Tel: 01494 605000 option 1

Wi-Fi Printing Now available!

You can now print from your own laptop using the Bucks User Wi-Fi.

Go to Full instructions are available on the Bucks New University website or from the IT Service Desk in the library

- Sticky nail polish - Over time, nail polish begins to thicken as air gets trapped inside the bottle after each use. Add a few drops of nail varnish remover to thin out the polish and shake well. If you find that the top of the bottle gets caked up and stiff to open, just rub some Vaseline around the seal and it will open with ease. By Faye Towler

22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012


Food to help your brain! It’s that time of the year where we all begin to think ‘will I make it through to next year?’ or ‘will I get my degree?’ This is mainly for us third years as we have A LOT of work to here is a list of food we should be eating to help us achieve the best! Sorry, there are quite a few big words, but I’m hoping this will help you get through the work load.

Fish - Choose any from herring, salmon, tuna, mackerel, anchovies, or sardines. These are the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, the primary components of the brain, retina and other nerve tissue. The omega-3 fatty acids help boost energy, enhance learning ability and improve problemsolving skills.

Blackberries - Want to learn something new? Well blackberries will help you do just that. They provide antioxidants known as polyphenols that zap inflammation and support communication between neurons. This altogether helps to improve our ability to soak up new information!

Apples - They have a leading source of quercetin (an antioxidant plant chemical), which keeps your mental juices flowing by protecting your brain cells and it also helps to boost your memory.

Chocolate - You might already know it can lower your blood pressure, but it has now been discovered that it can keep your mind sharp. Eating as little as one-third of an ounce of chocolate a day can help protect you against age-related memory loss.

Protein - Reach for the chicken for your next meal, it will help your brain create dopamine and norepinephrine, neurochemicals that will keep you alert ready for your upcoming exams!

By Hollie Wicks

Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 23

Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

By Lauran Winnan The BNU Dance society has been very busy this year! We performed in a Christmas Show and competed in a University Dance Competition in Essex! We also came 1st in the Jazz and Contemporary categories and 3rd place in Street and Lyrical. The society gained some sponsorship from Dancer’s Boutique (a local dance-wear shop in Amersham) and has recently volunteered to teach dances of different styles at a local Dance Festival for children with disabilities. For more information please contact

NSF History soc visit London By Martin Nadvornik The Furniture Collection of History society chairs from all visited the Jeffrye ages where we Museum in East were looked after London, where we by Dr. John Cross, were treated to a a former trustee talk by the head of the collection of collections and and now under exhibitions, Eleanor the guardianship John, who literally of London walked us through Metropolitan London interiors University. dating from the We explored 16th century to the the design and present day. The development of tour focused on the British chairs lives and homes of through their the middle class, fabulous collection pointing out the of a designer key changes in and chair-maker the relationship Frederick Parker, between the interior who was an decor and the important part of social, economic furniture industry and political affairs in High Wycombe of that era. We between 1898-1927. then continued It was a fantastic to the museum’s experience with workshop where we special touch at both had an interesting ends of the visit and ethical talk on the we are incredibly woodwork of some grateful to all the of the chairs not people who made normally displayed, the trip happen. and saw the use of If would like to be an X-ray analysis part of our next visit of old upholstery in or a lecture, just situ on its original simply email us on chair. bucksfurniture Our study tour historysociety finished at The Frederick Parker

MSS upcoming events Wed 7th Mar HW cinema trip meet in Beats at 6pm Mon 12th Mar UXB - Tell us what you want to do! Tue 20th Mar HW MSS Breakfast Club 9am - 11am Cafe Direct Thu 22nd Mar UXB MSS Breakfast Club 9am - 11am Pulse Cafe Tue 27th Mar Union Awards evening The Mature Students society is currently pushing to get our Gold Accreditation from the Students’ Union and hopefully by the time we will be writing our article for the next edition of the Bucks Student we should be able say we are the first society to get Gold this year. In recent weeks, the Mature Students society has been putting on some great events including trips to the cinema and meals

out and as you can see from our upcoming events we have plenty more scheduled but we would like your suggestions and ideas. If you think there is an event the Mature Students would be interested in the please contact one of the Committee. For more information about the Mature Students society or any of the upcoming events please contact one of the Committee:

Chair Kate Hall 07557 733 983 Secretary Shellie Ransom 07597 418 419 Treasurer Will Hoskin 07960 933 050



BNU Dance

An update from the Mooting society



Re-Fresher’s, Parkour, De-Tat and more! It seems love was well and truly in the air at our Valentine’s day bake sale on the 14th of February as we raised an amazing £310.00 and a further £24.44 for the RAG Charity, the Pepper Foundation. The society would like to thank everyone who donated money and bought cakes. We would also like to thank everyone for the marvellous cakes and we are hoping that Elizabeth and Heidi De Souza will allow us to inherit the much sought after recipe for the carrot cake after their graduation, as it was suggested on the day that the recipe should be auctioned or sold as it was so popular, so thank you ladies and well done to all, it was a real team effort. The plans for the Law School’s ‘Annual Black-Tie Dinner’ hosted by the Mooting and Law Societies are well underway, it is tipped to be as amazing as it was last year, so watch this space for pictures and updates.

If you still want to buy tickets you can email Rachael Bewick at the following email address Tickets are available until 29th of February 2012, and our posters are around the university, so don’t miss out on this amazing event. Our mooting teams are flying through the rounds of various competitions with the 1st round of the Blackstones Criminal Advocacy competition being held at Aylesbury Crown Court. Our team (Zoe Munro and Harmeet Anad) will be flying the flag for the mooting society and scoring 69 out of 100 points to carry forward to the next round which will be held in April. The ESU moot takes place on February 23 against Oxford Brookes and is to be judged by His Honour Judge Sheridan of Aylesbury Crown Court. The team Ryan Mills and Nicola Misseldene will be hoping for a win in this knockout competition so we wish them all the best (at the time of going to press the tie had not taken place. However, results will be communicated at the next available opportunity.) That is all from us for now but we would like to remind all students that the Mooting meetings are held every Monday in N2.04 at 6pm, anyone is welcome to come along from any discipline. See our website for more information: Many Thanks The Mooting society

School of Furniture

Exciting times for our National School of Furniture here at Bucks New University For instance, let me take you down to the Furniture Design & Craft workshop, where the 2nd year boys and girls are gearing up for an exciting show at St Giles Furniture. Their innovative desk designs range will be on display from 15th and 16th March. Now, let us wander up to the furniture conservation and restoration workshops in W4 where some fascinating projects are underway. The atmosphere is relaxed yet focused, rippling with laughter despite the long hours. Quiet yet with a background hum of discussions ranging from social history and traditional workshop practice, to the precision and excitement in the use of the latest techniques. It is amazing to see an early box piano case with its keys laid out neatly, and Judith working painstakingly to conserve each one: the slim pieces of ivory, then working down the long wooden stem to the tiny sliver of cow hide which

provides the pivot action allowing the movement of a very worn felt hammer to hit the ancient strings. A Louis XV French writing desk is pored over by Akane as she works in minute detail on its intricate marquetry inlay comprising of sycamore, tulip and satitné. Then there is Sam, sitting with his easy smile and relaxed manner (belying the amount of work he really gets through!) surrounded by parts of a grandfather clock, the mechanism displayed methodically in front of him, the woodwork on a table to the side. This is just a snapshot into the life of the National School of Furniture at Bucks. If you take a look in the Contemporary and Design studio and talk to the guys in there, who knows what other gems you may discover in this unique furniture department. One project coming to fission is the first year chair project, where the students have to design and make a chair using a limited amount of timber. By Alicia Beardsall

Law society

February remained a busy month for both the Law and Mooting societies, with everything from gluttony to glowsticks! The first night of the month accommodated the combined effort of the Law and Mooting societies in hosting a 90s themed neon take-over night at the SU. The event was a great success, and as some of you will know it was absolutely jam packed with flouro,

face paint, cocktails and glow sticks. The night raised just over £400 and hopefully provided a memorable night for all! February 14th saw one of this term’s Mooting society fundraisers in the form of a Valentine’s day bake sale, giving Bucks students the opportunity to buy something sweet for their valentine. All manner of sweets and treats were available from outside the SU, generously made by Law and Mooting society members from all years. With the success of this and previous Law and Mooting society bake sales, it has prompted discussion of further baking, so keep a lookout! Elections for the next academic year are also a hot topic among Law

society meetings, with the three main roles of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary now open for election. For the opportunity to stand as a candidate, email slsbucks@ with a picture and a 150 word essay for why you would be perfect for your favourite role. Final preparations for the annual Law society Black Tie Dinner, as well as plans to visit the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg at the start of the next academic year are underway, alongside negotiations to visit the office of local newspaper, Bucks Free Press, for those among us ‘legal eagles’ who are thinking about the Journalism path. Thanks for reading, until next time! By Natasha Steele

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012

Tenancy deposits - Is your’s protected? Whose accommodation deposit should be protected? By law all deposits for assured shorthold tenants on tenancies that started from 6 April 2007 should be in a tenancy deposit protection scheme. Most new private tenancies are likely to be assured shorthold and this includes shared student private rented properties. The protection schemes do not apply if your landlord lives with you or you are in Halls or in a Head Tenancy property. If you are unsure about what kind of tenancy you are in, you should get advice.

What happens at the end of the tenancy? You should get your deposit back within ten days if you and your landlord agree about how much you should get back. The way this works, and what happens if there is a disagreement, depends on the type of scheme your landlord is using. If there is a disagreement, make sure the landlord and the deposit scheme have your contact details such as a forwarding or email address or a telephone number. It is reasonable for your landlord to take money off the deposit to cover, for example, damage to the property or furniture, or missing items which were listed in the inventory. But they should not take money off the deposit to pay for fair wear and tear, in other words, damage which has taken place over time through normal use.

What is a tenancy deposit protection scheme? A tenancy deposit protection scheme safeguards your deposit. This means you can be sure that you will get your deposit back at the end of the tenancy, as long as you are entitled to it. For example, your landlord may be entitled to some of the deposit if there is any damage or if you haven’t paid all your rent. The scheme also provides a service to sort out disagreements about the deposit without going to court. There are two types of scheme and it is up to your landlord to choose which one they want to join. One type of scheme is a custodial scheme and the other is insurance-based. The main difference is that: - in the custodial scheme, your landlord pays the deposit into the scheme and the scheme looks after it - in an insurance-based scheme, your landlord keeps the deposit, but has to pay insurance to the scheme. How do I know if my deposit is protected? If you are looking for a place to rent, ask the landlord which tenancy scheme they will use to safeguard your deposit. Your landlord must give you details of the scheme they are using to protect it. It is also important that you and your landlord agree, in writing, what condition the place is in when you start renting it, including a list of the furniture and fittings lectureSeries L11 (148x210) 7-2-12.pdf (known as 00866 an inventory). This should help prevent disagreements at the end of the tenancy.

Custodial scheme If your deposit is being held in the custodial scheme and you and your landlord agree how much you should get back, you both need to let the scheme know by completing a specific form. The scheme will then pay you the agreed amount within ten days. If there is a disagreement about how much of the deposit you should get back, the scheme will hold on to the disputed amount until the disagreement has been sorted out and pay the rest to you.


Insurance-based schemes In an insurance-based scheme, your landlord will have kept your deposit. They must return it to you within ten days of you asking for it, as long as you both agree how much you should get back. If you and your landlord disagree about how much of your deposit you should get back, they must pay you the amount which isn’t disputed and pay the rest into the scheme until the disagreement has been sorted out. 09/02/2012 For example,23:06 you paid a £600 deposit. Your landlord wants to keep £200 to replace damaged furniture, but

To contact the Advice Centre High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180 Or email you believe the damage was there before you moved in. Your landlord must give you £400 and put the other £200 into the scheme until your dispute is settled. If the landlord does not pay you what you are entitled to, the insurance scheme will pay it. Sorting out disagreements about deposits Each scheme has a free service which landlords and tenants can use to sort out disagreements about deposits, instead of going to court. This is called an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) service. The ADR service will decide how much of the deposit you should get back. The tenancy deposit scheme will then pay you the money. If you agree to use the ADR service, you will have to agree with whatever decision is made. You will not then be able go to court. If you or your landlord does not want to use the ADR service, you will be able to go to court to try to get your deposit back. What if my landlord does not protect my deposit? If your landlord or an agent acting for your landlord does not protect your deposit using a tenancy deposit protection scheme, or will not tell you which scheme they are using, you could take them to court. However, before taking court action you must write to your landlord (or agent) first to give them the chance to protect the deposit. If they do nothing and you take court action, the landlord can protect the deposit up until the date of the court hearing, but they may have to pay your court costs as a result. If by the time of the hearing your deposit has still not been protected and your tenancy has not ended, the court can either order your landlord to pay you back the deposit or to pay it into one of the schemes. It may also order your landlord to pay you three times the amount of the deposit as a fine. If possible, it’s best to avoid court action, so if you’re thinking about taking your

landlord to court, you should get advice straightaway. If your tenancy has ended and you take your former landlord to court, different rules will apply. The most the court can do is order them to pay you back some or all of your deposit and possibly the fees you paid to start the court claim. If possible, it’s best to avoid court action, so if you’re thinking about taking your former landlord to court, you should get advice straightaway. There is a special procedure which private landlords can often use to evict tenants without having to give reasons and without a court hearing. However, your landlord is not allowed to use this procedure if they don’t protect your deposit using a tenancy deposit protection scheme, or will not tell you which scheme they are using. If your landlord is trying to evict you, you should talk to an experienced housing adviser straightaway. Contacting tenancy deposit protection schemes You can contact the schemes to find out if your deposit is protected. Each scheme can only provide information about deposits that it is protecting. It will not be able to tell you if your deposit is protected in another scheme. The custodial scheme is called The Deposit Protection Service. Most small landlords will probably use this scheme. You can contact the scheme by calling 0844 472 7000 or visiting the website at: depositprotection. com. The Tenancy Deposit Scheme is an insurance-based scheme, aimed mainly at letting agents. You can contact the scheme by calling 0845 226 7837 or visiting the website at: ‘mydeposits’ is an insurance-based scheme, aimed mainly at landlords. You can contact the scheme by calling 0844 980 0290 or visiting the website at: article was produced using information from a Citizens Advice fact sheet. For more CAB fact sheets go to

Phone us, email us, or drop in and see us! get in touch: Places need to be reserved. To book a place please contact: Lorna West (Vice Chancellor’s Office) Tel: 01494 603 00 Email:

High Wycombe Campus, Ground Floor, North Wing t: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge Campus, Room 1.03, First Floor, t: 01494 605 180

e: w:

Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 25

Recreational Activities Recreational Activities

Want to try something new?


hits Shrek the Musical

So after one of the busiest and most popular sign ups of the year the students lucky enough to get on the free trip to see Shrek the Musical set off to London. Despite the snow and ice the show definitely warmed everyone up with endless laughs and amazing effects. Not knowing what to expect as the film isn’t a musical, it started in true fairytale style setting the scene and introducing Shrek and Fiona’s sad childhood stories. It then followed the plot of the film taking Shrek and Donkey on an epic adventure to rescue Princess Fiona from the dragon guarded tower so she can marry Lord Farquaad and Shrek can get his swamp back. But like all fairytales nothing ever runs smoothly and with a few songs, spells and setbacks Fiona and Shrek both end up with their happy ever afters, along with donkey finding love in an unexpected place. The musical is really upbeat and the effects are absolutely amazing! Dragon is extremely clever and how Nigel Harman (who plays Lord Farquaad) runs around on his knees the whole time I’ll never know but all in all it makes for an excellent production. The addition of Kimberly Walsh from Girls Aloud as Princess Fiona gives the musical an even wider fan base. Overall it’s an awesome show that appeals to all, with Nigel Harman being the star of the show.

10 weeks of FREE Wakeboarding lessons! An exciting opportunity to try a new sport and discover a new skill! Location: Taplow Lake

Wednesday 7th March to Wednesday 30th May 1pm - 6pm Contact

Bucks New Uni: Free Recreational Activities

We have a 10 weeks’ worth of wakeboarding lessons for you to try. Wakeboarding is a popular water sport that combines waterskiing snowboarding and surfing techniques. But don’t let that put you off, the lessons are open to all whether you have previous wakeboard experience or are a complete beginner wanting to try something new. Transport to and from the lake is provided too so what are you waiting for? Get the sign ups in now! Sign ups will be run weekly, you will be able to sign up from 9:30am on Thursdays for the next session on the following Wednesday. So for the

session on Wednesday 14th March you’ll be able to sign up from 9:30am on Thursday 8th March. To sign up all you need to do is email catherine. with your Student ID number or pop down to our office in the SU at or after the specified time. This is already looking to be an extremely popular activity so early signups are recommended. If you are successful in gaining a place you will get a confirmation email confirming your place. Student Activities Assistant Catherine Duncan

Newspaper Survey We want your feedback on the Bucks Student newspaper. You can do this by completing the survey below, tearing it out of the paper and returning it back to the SU offices at either campus.

Alternatively you can complete it online at

26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 25th Janaury, 2012


mens football Bucks 6th vs Royal Holloway 3rd mens football Bucks 7th vs UCA Surrey 1st womens hockey Bucks 1st vs Royal Holloway 2nd Mens hockey Portsmouth 3rd vs Bucks 1st netball Chichester 2nd vs Bucks 1st netball Bucks 2nd vs UCA Surrey 1st netball Bucks 3rd vs Surrey 3rd mens rugby Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth 2nd mens rugby Bucks 2nd vs UCA Surrey 1st womens tennis Reading 1st vs Bucks 1st

WEDNESDAY 8th february womens badminton East London 1st 4 - Bucks 1st 4 mens basketball Bucks 1st 61 - Reading 2nd 39 netball Portsmouth 2nd 42 - Bucks 1st 22 netball Roehampton 2nd 23 - Bucks 2nd 23 mens volleyball Portsmouth 1st 3 - Bucks 1st 0 womens volleyball Royal Holloway 1st 3 - Bucks 1st 0 Mens hockey Imp Col Medics 2nd 1 - Bucks 1st 5 Womens hockey Portsmouth 3rd 0 - Bucks 1st 5 Mens squash Bucks 1st 0 - Roehampton 1st 3 results from 15/02/12 netball Bucks 2nd 39 - LSE 3rd 17 netball Reading 3rd 56 - Bucks 3rd 8 womens hockey Imp Col London 2nd 0 - Bucks 1st 6 mens hockey Bucks 1st 6 - UCL 2nd 0 mens volleyball Bucks 1st 0 - Brunel 1st 3 mens football

UCA Surrey 1st 0 - Bucks 6th 2 womens football Bucks 1st 12 - London Met 2 Womens basketball City Uni 1st 46 - Bucks 1st 34

results from 19/02/12 AMERICAN FOOTBALL Solent Redhawks 27 - Buccaneers 22 results from 22/02/12 mens football Brighton 5th 3 - Bucks 2nd 2 mixed golf Bournemouth 1st 4.5 - Bucks 1st 1.5 mixed golf Bucks 2nd 4 - Kingston 1st 2 mens hockey Imp Col 2nd 4 - Bucks 1st 2 results from 26/02/12 AMERICAN FOOTBALL Surrey Stingers 0 - Buccaneers 51


WEDNESDAY 7th march MENS football Reading 1st vs Bucks 1st mens football Bucks 5th vs Kings Col Med 2nd

fixtures for 14/03/12 mens basketball Herts 2nd vs Bucks 1st womens basketball St Georges 1st vs Bucks 1st mens football Sussex 1st vs Bucks 1st mens football Bucks 2nd vs Roehampton 1st mens football Bucks 3rd vs St Marys 4th mens football Bucks 4th vs Chichester 5th mens football UCA 2nd vs Bucks 6th mens football Bucks 7th vs St Marys 6th mixed golf Bucks 2nd vs Bournemouth 3rd mixed golf Bucks 1st vs Portsmouth 1st womens hockey Surrey 2nd vs Bucks 1st Mens hockey Bucks 1st vs Roehampton 1st netball St Marys 1st vs Bucks 1st netball Bucks 2nd vs LSE 2nd mens rugby Brunel 1st vs Bucks 1st mens rugby Bucks 2nd vs Sussex 2nd Mens squash Bucks 1st vs Royal Free & Meds 1st mens tennis Bucks 1st vs Sussex 1st womens tennis Uni Westminster 1st vs Bucks 1st mens volleyball Brighton 1st vs Bucks 1st womens volleyball Bucks 1st vs Brighton 1st womens badminton Roehampton 1st vs Bucks 1st

Surrey stung by Buccaneers American football

BNU Buccaneers 51 - Surrey Stingers 0 After their heartbreaking loss to the Team Solent Redhawks, BNU came to Surrey with the intention of getting back to winning ways. Having lost a number of offensive starters for the season this was a good chance to get the replacements up to game speed in time for their big clash with arch rivals Reading on the 4th March. Surrey are sitting comfortably at the bottom of the TVC. Their injury and number woes were highlighted last week when they forfeited at halftime to the conference champions Southampton. They started the game with 19 and by half time they had the heart but not the numbers to continue. Surrey won the toss and elected to receive. Stingers QB Will Anderson took to the field with the offence but they punted on 4th and 22 to the BNU 41. BNU didn’t come out in the wing. Instead they came out with WRs and spread the ball around. When they used the wing it was to go airborne. The 9 play 49 yard drive ended with a 6 yard passing TD from QB George Woolger to James Donz. Donz also added the 2 points. Surrey then bounced back to 3rd and 1 but fumbled the ball away to BNU, recovered by rookie LB Mackenzie West. BNU rotated the backfield and this time it only took 3 plays to go the 33 yards. This time with was rookie TE Bobby Dickinson who caught his first ever TD. Both sides then put together long but error filled and fruitless drives. The Half time score was Surrey 0-24 BNU. BNU received to start the 2nd half. A short kick away from the returners was nearly botched and recovered but instead gave BNU a


shortish field to work with. The Double Wing came out with an inexperienced backfield but they were well drilled and a 49 yard 5 play drive ended in Woolger passing to Dickinson for the rookie’s 3rd receiving TD of the day and his season. The catch and run impressed the coaches with his ability to turn and beat defenders for the TD. BNU started in their own half but came out in a wide formation to stretch the defence. The 5 play drive ended with a cheeky trick play to TE Charlie Anderson for his first ever TD and George Woolgers 5th of the day. watch?v=2huQ2AzxTU0 Another BNU TD went in from Donz. The first of the day on the ground and the Field Goal unit came on to practice the extra points. A high scooped kick from Wallace made the score 43-0 to the visitors. Surrey put together a 5 play drive using the option before turning over on downs at the BNU 17. BNU rotated their backfield once more but with a familiar outcome. Confusion with the play call and a fumble recovered by Surrey gave them a 1st down on the BNU 13 yard line. The defence held strong and turned the ball over on downs. The BNU offence took the field on their own 17 with 9 minutes left in the game. An intentional grounding call gave BNU 4th and 11 on their own 16 but a strong play got the 11 yards for a first down. The offence then fought their way to the Surrey 20 yard line before their 5th fumble of the day gave the ball straight back to the Stingers. With this turn of events the Stinger put together their best drive yet of 9 plays but ended when Will Anderson was picked off for the 3rd time. The rookie TE Bobby Dickinson had stepped in at Safety and was opportunistic In his play.

A 38 yard TD from Danny Wallace finished off the scoring leaving Surrey to run a gutsy 2 minute drill. BNU Head Coach Luke Plastow: “We came here needing a win. There were 2 ways we could have gone about getting it. I am proud of the team for the way they handled the situation. It was a fun game all round and the heart the Surrey guys showed was outstanding. The Buccaneers respected that having had a similar game last week with low numbers and injuries. With 19 guys last week and 15 this week they’ve stood toe to toe with the 2 highest scoring offences in the TVC and not given up. We got a lot of game time for players this week who have not had a lot of reps recently. There are guys who stepped up today and put their name in the hat for starting positions next week. We also showed that we have a passing game and will use it when necessary. It’s given our guys a lot of confidence in it and especially the TEs.” BNU finished the day on 460 yards compared to Surrey’s 53. Surrey won the turnover battle 6-5 but could no punch it in the endzone. George Woolger went 5-7 for 33 yards and 5 touchdowns. Will Anderson was 1-14 for 10 yards. The leading rushers were Danny Wallace 9-169, 1 TD and James Donz 11-147, 1TD. Game MVP was Bobby Dickinson who caught 3 TDs for 23 yards as well as an interception and 2 tackles. On another note it was the last time long time coach Gary Lake would be with the team. Gary joined the team in 2007 at the end of BNUs foundation year. He started off as DB coach progressing through to special teams and now defence. After the game the Buccaneers held a special presentation for him.







Monday 5th March, 2012, Bucks Student 27

Bucks boys do battle at Birmingham GAA Championships gaa championships Birmingham, 18th - 19th Feb

The Bucks boys finished second in a tough group behind University of Lincoln and ahead of Newman and Oxford. With only the top team from each group qualifying for the semi-finals Bucks knew they had to hit the ground running. The group stages consisted of three matches, each twenty minutes long and first up was one of the pre-tournament favourites Lincoln. Bucks came out of the blocks flying and they made use of the fierce gale by going in at the interval leading 1-01 to 0-01 after a well taken Rich Steele goal and a classy point from Conor Miskelly. After the break it was Lincoln’s turn to make use of the strong wind and they piled on the pressure as the Bucks defence struggled to clear their lines. Despite a gutsy performance, Lincoln secured victory by a single point winning by a score line of 1-01 to 1-02. The second game saw Oxford providing the opposition. Bucks were awarded the points before kick-off as Oxford could not field the full compliment of players. Using a couple of players from Newham and Lincoln the game went ahead and with nothing riding on it Bucks tried out a couple of tactical adjustments in preparation for the final group game. Despite knowing that qualification was beyond them the boys in red and black were determined to finish on a high and they produced their best performance of the day by dominating against Newman from start to finish. Pat Morris and Paddy Cunningham kept Newman’s inside forwards quiet all game, which allowed Gannon and Goody more freedom to attack from the wing back positions. Gannon

capped a fine display by clipping over a great point while Goody was unlucky to see his shot flash wide of the goal after a superb run down the wing. Jake Short worked tirelessly in midfield and along with Prendergast controlled that area which resulted in Bucks being on the front foot and they were making that dominance pay. Gary Anderson saw his high ball into the square loop over the Newman ’keeper and into the net. Miskelly fired over another fine score while Stefan O’Hanrahan rounded off a superb personal display by notching up two points. Bucks final point of the game was the best of the day. The ball was worked out to Gannon on the left wing who then picked out Steele with a superb ball. Steele popped the ball off to the onrushing Kris Ford who turned inside his man and split the posts from distance with a brilliant left footed effort. At the final whistle Bucks ran out worthy winners by a score line of 1-05 to 0-02. Barney Goody was awarded Bucks player of the tournament for his consistently high quality displays at half-back. Special mention goes to Rory Prendergast for his commitment to training during the year and in particular, to club secretary and team captain Aaron Livingstone for his dedication and organisation both on the field and off it. Finally, the Bucks GAA Society takeover is happening at the SU on Wednesday March 14. Strangely enough, it’s going to be an Irish theme!! So, get down early and enjoy the ‘ceol, ol agus craic’ as we’ll be gearing up for St Patricks Day on March 17! Slainte... By Gary Anderson

gordos gossip

Elections are now in full swing and I cannot stress enough how it exciting it is to have 7 candidates standing for VPSI, all in 7 different sports clubs or societies which means there will be a range of experience to represent the student body. Not only that, but there are 4 females running which is a record here at Bucks! That means over 50%! Good luck to all the candidates standing in the elections, I’m sure whoever gets the position will do a fantastic job. Following on from the topic of females, a couple of weeks ago, we saw Netball and Football go faceto-face in the final showdown to see who would be victorious this

year. And low and behold, Netball has kept hold of their reigning title with a 29-27 defeat against the boys. I haven’t updated you recently as far as takeovers are concerned so here are quite a few: the Hockey girls raised an outstanding £804.40 at their circus themed night and Basketball and Athletics collectively raised £239 which will come in very handy for running their teams and providing exciting opportunities for their members. I should note as well that the Textiles takeover, made up of the Red Shed society, rose £309.10 from their space/UV themed night. Congratulations to all, it’s great to see all the hard work and teamwork put in to pull off one of these nights! Next up is GAA with a St. Patricks day themed night in the SU, so look out for any leprechauns and don’t drink too much Guinness. As you would have seen, before you all ran home to your mummies or daddies for reading week, that we had a very successful Green Impact week, where the Green society started an awesome impact board on the gateway, alongside a yummy farmers market! We had stalls ranging from a bakery to Indian sauces, and we will look to bring them back again for

everyone to nab some goodies. Then there was Fair Trade week with some awesome freebies given away, although I must admit I probably single handily ate the entire chocolate fountain. Unlucky for those who gave up chocolate for lent though! I hope you all pick up some great mementos from the merchandise stall and had a great night out dressed as bananas or just in your pyjamas! Just a little shout out to Rugby who won the Fairtrade volleyball match on Wednesday, it was a fun but competitive competition. I think I even saw Rosco spike the ball into Ash’s face (who happened to be on his team) Exciting news: I can now confirm that AU DINNER will be held on Wednesday 9th May! So get thinking around what theme you want and guessing as to who the celebrity guest speaker will be!

A very hockey Wednesday: Ladies hockey fundraiser Wednesday Feb 8 was a great one for Bucks Ladies Hockey. Following the girls 6-0 win against Portsmouth (still unbeaten, ladies!), we had our Circus Takeover. We would like to thank all Societies (Mens Hockey, Rugby, Netball, Cheer, Dance, Pole-dance, Circus and Volleyball) and otherwise who turned up for the seated part of the event. There was a full

room and a great atmosphere with amazing performances from both the Circus and Dance societies. This was maintained throughout the night as more turned up after 10 o’clock, with an array of eye-catching costumes. In total we made £804.40 and all had a wonderful night. I would also like to thank the Hockey girls for all the hard work they put in. I’m proud to be one of you. By Rebecca Merritt



Gordo says get voting!

VPSI: Amy Gordon



Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

Victory for Mens hockey

mens HOCKEY Bucks 1st 5 - Imperial Medics 1

BNU Mens Hockey played some of the most flowing hockey that they have all season this weds 8/02/12 against a much improved Imperial Medics 2nds. Having suffered to the cold in recent weeks with fixture cancellations on their Saturday league BNU went into the Medics game with the emphasis on brushing out the cob webs and coming away with a win. Imperial Medics started the better of the two sides bringing the game straight to BNU, however thanks to some solid defending from Rich Johnson and Ed Wilson accompanied by staunch keeping by Joe Daniel BNU managed to hold fort. By the five minutes mark BNU started to up the tempo. The dynamic midfield headed by Joe Thomas and Robbie Leung supported wide by Chris Lynch and Chris Harvey with Ali Nash subbing in, dominated the Medics

centre pairing for the remainder of the first half and supplied the forward trio of Michael Whytock, Marcus Claytor and Liam Connelly throughout. With Kay Kembo striking fear into the hearts of the Medics when he subbed on. BNU finally capitalised on their dominance via a drag flick from Joe Thomas during a well rehearsed short corner routine, adding a second through Marcus Claytor shortly after. Another two goals followed in the first half both through team top goal scorer Liam Connelly. An ecstatic Captain Marcus Claytor piled half time praise on his side, expecting much the same from the second half. BNU didn’t disappoint again dominating the half. BNU changed the side following the break bringing Nathan Ellisdon and Andy Whyte Whyte Whyte into the team. Conceding one before adding a final

fifth goal through Malaysian Mad Man Rahul Singh. Andy Whyte came close to making it six when centre forward Marcus Claytor went one on one with the keeper immobilising both himself and the keeper in the process. Whytes attempted lob stuck the keepers foot and was then well cleared by Medics. End result 5-1, a well fought victory for Buckinghamshire New University Mens Hockey, to keep the top of the league. Goals: Joe Thomas, Marcus Claytor, Liam Connelly (2), Rahul Singh Squad: Joe Daniel, Rich Johnson, Ed Wilson, Chris Lynch, Chris Harvey, Joe Thomas, Robbie Leung, Michael Whytock, Marcus Claytor (c), Liam Connelly, Kay Kembo SUBS: Nathan Ellisdon, Ali Nash, Rahul Singh, Andy Whyte

Bucks Womens hockey overcome Brighton in the cup womens HOCKEY Bucks 3 - Brighton 1

Bucks Ladies Hockey team advanced to the next round of the cup following an impressive win away at Brighton on Feb 1. Despite bitterly cold conditions the visitors played some great hockey and were rewarded with goals from captain Jess Maltby, Charlotte Camillery and Jess Walker. With two players out injured and one new player in the squad, the Bucks girls were less than confident heading into the game but within the first five minutes captain Jess Maltby, got hold of the ball and despite the close attentions of three Brighton defenders, chipped it nicely into the goal. The game was evenly balanced throughout with the ball shifting regularly between the two D’s. Brighton’s attack

broke free and the home side levelled matters following a quick corner, shooting low into the Bucks goal. The action continued at both ends before Walker found herself in the opponent’s D again. She drew the keeper before finding Camillery with a beautiful reverse pass and she made no mistake finding the target to restore Bucks lead. Walker was at it again moments later, this time setting up the new girl who fired the visitors into a 3-1 lead. Not bad for her first game. The second half, having no goals scored from either side, was played watching a blue sky turn orange as the sun set over the sea. What better way to see another cup match win and Bucks Ladies Hockey getting in to the quarter finals. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Foster coming to support the team, giving great encouragement away from our home pitch. By Daisy Bodewes

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Election results will be announced Friday 9th March from 9.30pm in The Venue. VIP party from 7pm! (Get your name on the guestlist at the SU reception)

Online voting will run non-stop between

Monday 5th - Friday 9th March

Vote online at

Voting at manual ballot boxes will take place between:

Monday 5th - Friday 9th March 10am - 4pm

- Boxes situated at the Venue Foyer High Voting open Monday 5th - Friday 9th March & Pulse Cafe in Uxbridge. VoteWycombe online at or at polling stations - Boxes willHW alsoorvisit Residence in the SU Foyer, PulseHalls Cafe,of UXB 5pm - 8pm Wed, 10pm - 12pm Thu

Every registered Student is entitled to vote. You can only vote ONCE. Any voter found to have voted more than once will have ALL their votes nullified.

Candidate A Candidate B Candidate C R.O.N.

All our elections use the Single Transferable Vote System (STV) so you can rank all the candidates in order of preference as shown here. If your first choice is ranked last in the first count, your second choice is counted. This continues until one candidate receives more than 50% of the vote and wins the election!

Who is R.O.N.? R.O.N. or Re-Open Nominations appears on all ballot papers as a candidate that you can vote for. A vote for R.O.N. is a vote for ‘none of the above’. If R.O.N. wins the election, the Students’ Union will start the election process again.



Vice President Education and Welfare

Vote online at

This September will see the end of university, as we know it. Government funding will be reduced and new students will be paying over double the fees that we are currently paying. Should I be elected my main priority will be to ensure that Big Deal funding to educational resources are not dropped and that University departments are spending that funding in resources that students require. I would also like to encourage the university to make more lectures available online to allow for the opportunity to do work experience and internships. One of the universities’ weakest links is the Accommodation service, in which every year panicked Fresher’s have to wait weeks to find out if they have accommodation. Returning students also have to wait until the final month of term to receive a short list of houses, of which half are already taken. I will enforce improvements to the Accommodation process. This will include inviting local council members to talk about on the local housing market and see student’s receiving information earlier in the term. I would also like to see the university freeze their rents for Halls of Residence and Head Tenancy for at least 3 years. In addition I would like to see the university introduce some accommodation for students in Uxbridge. The Library should be a great place to study in a quiet and controlled place. However usually it is more akin to a playground than a place of study. If I’m elected I will ensure that there is the correct provision for quite study by encouraging those that use the library as a social space, have somewhere to go and having staff to monitor noise levels. I would also like to see the library reconsider opening later with the hope of it opening for 24 hours.

Name: Adam Pears Age: 21 Studying: Music Management and Studio Production Year: 3rd Why running for this position? To improve student life, as many of the predecessors of this role have done. I am very keen on improving the experiences of the accommodation services; in my three years here it has been a nightmare of mine and to a lot of my friends. And the library as well; it’s a brand new library that should be excellent to use, but it’s just so loud all the time, it needs to be quieter. And it’s not open for long enough for what people need so I’m looking into improving the whole library experience. What changes would you make to the SU? I would be looking to improve the availability of the sabbatical officers around all campuses and colleges. Also, ensuring the SU is run efficiently. Favourite drink: Innocent kiwi and lime smoothie. Favourite takeover at SU: Probably Crash or the Alternator nights Favourite thing at SU: It’s a great place to work Best experience since starting BNU: It would have to be everything about my time at university from my course to working at the Students’ Union as a steward to being a student rep, Freshers’ Helper, everything I’ve been involved with over the last three years.


Vice President Education and Welfare

My name is Eoin O’Raw and I am running for Vice President of Education and Welfare. Having worked so many positions within the University and the Students Union during my time here, I have developed a wide understanding of student needs. But first and foremost I have been a student here at Bucks! Whilst I have been involved in many things; I have relied on what the University and Students Union have to offer in the way of Education and Welfare support which gives me a great understanding of the support that they can give and what opportunities they have to offer! When I am Voted Vice President of Education and Welfare I will work to improve all the services that improve student’s lives! Having been a Senior Student Rep I know the benefits of Student Representation and the importance of what they can achieve when fully supported by a strong Student Union. In recent years the Student Voice has been getting stronger, when I am Vice President of Education and Welfare I will strengthen that student voice to new heights. Two matters that I know have been raised too many times and yet never properly dealt with is that of an adequate Art, Design and Craft shop and also the matter of Blackwells book shop! Between them, these two facilities have an impact on the vast majority of students at Bucks and need to be dealt with! I pledge that when I am voted VPEW I will: • Improve the quality and abilities of University services that have an impact on Student Welfare! • Strengthen the student voice so that it is heard to its entirety! • Deal with any other arising matter during my term of office with the same conviction and passion that I have shown in (this manifesto exceeded the word limit) Name: Eoin O’ Raw Age: 22 Studying: Furniture Design and Craft Year: 3rd Why are you running for this position? I’ve known that I wanted to go for a position in the Students’ Union since first year. I thought about everything I have done as a student rep and senior rep in the past and I think that this role is better suited to me than any other in the Students’ Union. What changes would you make to the SU? I think one of the biggest problems within the university as a whole is communication. Because I work for the Students’ Union and the university I am very conscious that there is a lack of communication, not so much between senior management but between the junior departments. The way I work is that I deal with a situation as it comes, that’s how I worked as a student rep and that’s how I’m going to work as a VP. However big or however small the problem or issue is I will deal with it with the same level of passion. Favourite drink: Cider Favourite takeover at the SU: Law Society last year Favourite thing at the SU: What they stand for. They are always there and they are always proactive. Best experience since starting at BNU: Being awarded the Student Rep of the Year 2010.

Voting open Monday 5th - Friday 9th


Vice President Education and Welfare

Ballot boxes open 10am - 4pm at High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses Attending BNU helped me to develop my skills not only as a student but also an employee. I feel that regardless of a student’s grade, employers are far more interested in whether a potential employee has developed the relevant skills to fulfil the job criteria. If elected, I hope to create business links for students looking for work experience with local small medium enterprises (SME’s). This will aid students applying for jobs to show employers that whilst at university, they were able to work independently and with other student and professionals. During the past three years I have been lucky enough have worked part-time during term time around the UK and Europe and full-time during summers. Although this has been difficult at times, I have secured three fellow course mates with parttime positions in an international, course related company. A large percentage of students at this university find that apart from their course and living arrangements, it’s difficult to meet new and like-minded people. From my experiences at this university, networking and becoming a member of many sports teams and societies, I feel this is an important part of a student’s development. Plans For Year 2012/2013 - Work towards finding course specific work within the community paid and voluntary for all students in all courses. - Create a student led website reporting on sports teams, student events, advertising societies and jobs in the local area. - Work placements for current students with former BNU graduates. - Wycombe regeneration projects in halls at the university and within the local community. - Mentoring and subject tutoring scheme with local school students I believe High Wycombe should be seen as blank canvas for each individual student to make a mark on. Vote Jack Badu Vice President of Education & Welfare Name: Jack Badu Age: 22 Studying: Sports Management and Coaching Studies Year: 3rd Why running for this position? In the last five years I’ve lived in Buckinghamshire, and worked for all five of those years. I have studied sports before, and I found that whilst working in coaching it makes studies a lot easier. I believe that if a lot more people worked whilst studying it improves employability and being so close to London... there are a lot of employers looking for work. I think with my business sense that I have got with schools, I think I can be the person to help the university to that next level of becoming quite a big university in terms of employment. What changes would you make to the SU? I would like to see more people getting involved with each other, things like film and TV being involved with sports teams, people that do business and those who do PR and marketing or creative advertising, or try getting them involved in small businesses in the local area. I think everyone has an opportunity to showcase what they can actually do, rather than just going to your course, doing coursework and going home at the end of the day. I think there is a lot of free time where we can work together at university and learn off each other. Favourite drink: It’s a drink called Supermalt, it’s Danish. Favourite takeover at SU: Suck my Acoustic I think. It’s nice to see some of the stuff that some of the students do, listen to that and have a chill out and maybe have one beer rather than nine. Favourite thing at SU: All the free opportunities here, for instance sports. When I came here I was a footballer, then I did cheerleading which was really good because you get to meet lots of new people. And because it’s free you can do anything you want... and it’s a great way of meeting new people. Best experience since starting BNU: It was probably running for VPSI last year. Even though I didn’t win, I met so many new people through campaigning.


Vice President Education and Welfare

I believe that you deserve to have the best possible academic and social experience during your time at Bucks! I will work hard to ensure that you get that experience! Our Union is going from strength to strength. Our enhanced training day and a series of optional training opportunities, including free trips to national events, means our reps are some of the best in the country. This, plus our independence from the University, puts us in a very strong position as the academic and welfare watchdogs we need to be to get you the academic experience you deserve! Our unique ‘Big Deal’ also gives students free access to a huge range of social opportunities that has meant we have seen a strong, and constant increase in engagement with our events and services. I want to continue the progress we have made in the last year and give you the experience you deserve by: 1. Increasing Student and Senior Reps Pay, including an appropriate salary for Faculty Officers. 2. Expanding the training opportunities available to Reps and making them available to all students where possible. 3. Protecting the rights of students to learn in a way that suits you best. (e.g. No locked door policies or penalties for missing lectures) 4. Increasing the powers of Union Council to hold the Union to account. 5. Campaigning for optional assessment, allowing you to decide how you would like to be assessed. 6. Campaigning for a stronger commitment to the Rep system from University Staff. 7. Campaigning for appropriate childcare facilities. 8. Permanently expanding and improving the free night time minibus service to and from the SU. 9. Campaigning for a full refurbishment of our bars including the smoking area. 10. Working towards a bigger and better May Ball, and providing a Graduation Ball. Name: Laz Wood Age: 24 Current Vice President Education and Welfare Why are you running for this position? Well I have had an absolutely fantastic year doing the job and have really enjoyed it. I have learned so much and I genuinely think I have been able to do some really effective work on behalf of students. I would like to have the chance to continue the projects I have started and see them through to the finish. What changes would you make to the SU and what will you carry on? On the academic side of things our representation is going from strength to strength but I think there is still further we can go. Representation is the foundation and legitimacy for everything we do so there is never too much we can do in that area. On the support side I want to see our advice centre have increased opening hours so that students can get access when they need it and also to have a larger advice centre so they can handle more cases at any one time. On the social side, university is about work but it’s also about having a great time outside of lectures. I want to see The Venue refurbished so that students have a really exciting and engaging place to go out and I also want to see a variety of other recreational activities, sports teams and societies expanded and given more funding and support. Favourite drink: Johnnie Walker Blue Label Favourite takeover at SU: Textiles Takeover Favourite thing at SU: Being able to work with so many diverse, creative and innovative group of students Best experience since starting at BNU: Definitely my first year as Vice President Education and Welfare.


Vote online at

Voting open Monday 5th - Friday 9th



NUS Delegate

During my time at Bucks I have to to work in a variety of great roles within the union including student trustee, chair of union council and faculty officer, to name but a few. This year I would like to stand for national conference delegate as I believe my wealth of experience so far shown within the union can provide me with the skills to bring as much to the union as I possibly can through this role, and would be a great personal experience for myself also.



NUS Delegate

Getting you the Academic and Social experience that you deserve is a process of development learning as well as campaigning and driving initiatives forward. The NUS Conference is a vital opportunity to learn about how the Higher Education sector is moving forward and gives our SU valuable ideas and information. These are uncertain times in the Higher Education sector. Universities nationwide are preparing themselves for major changes that are going to have to happen with the introduction of the new fee regime as of September next year. Students’ Unions are recognising the need to become much stronger academic and welfare watchdogs and are having to start gearing themselves up accordingly. Unions are also seeing a general decline in the use of their bars, venues and some services because of poor management and a more budget conscious student

population. Our independence from the University, puts us in a very strong position to become the academic and welfare watchdogs we need to be to get you the academic experience you deserve! Our unique ‘Big Deal’ also gives students at Bucks free access to a huge range of social opportunities that has meant we have seen a strong, and constant increase in engagement with our events and services. However, we can always do more, and one of the ways to do that is by going to conferences like the NUS Conference. It is important that our delegates have a strong understanding of the work of the SU so that they can really engage effectively with the conference and come back with a wealth of new ideas.



NUS Delegate

Hi I’m Matt a second year student going into my third year of study as a Sports Management student. I would like to go to National Conference to gain a better understanding of what NUS actually does and how it benefits students . Hopefully I can then use the experience in a positive way back here at Bucks.



NUS Delegate

I went to the NUS Conference in Leeds last year with the Student Union and got the opportunity to meet and interact with many people from different universities, coming together to discuss issues affecting us students. It was a great experience and I enjoyed every moment of it, I also learned so much about NUS and the support they provide for students and graduates. Being elected for National Conference Delegates will give me the chance to use the knowledge I gained from the conference last year to choose the best national officers for the job, as they will be representing students from all over the country.



NUS Delegate








NUS Delegate

NUS Delegate

In order to provide you with an accurate representation of your candidates, these articles have not been edited by the Bucks Student team and are presented in the candidates’ own words.

IT’S NOT TOO LATE! We still have places available for Union Council 2012 / 2013 Union Councillors Each year 20 Councillors are elected and they are vital in providing leadership to our Union by holding the sabbatical officers to account. You will regularly attend meetings and events in a role that makes you an ambassador for the Union. This position is great experience if you think you might want to become a full-time sabbatical.

For more information or to express interest contact

MAKE AN IMPACT. LEAD YOUR UNION. In order to make the shortlist, nominees for these awards must meet one or more of the following criteria:

Don’t miss out on the chance to nominate deserving students for a prized Union Award this year. The nominees will be announced on Friday 9th March and the winners will be unveiled on Tuesday 27th March at this year’s ceremony being held at The Town Hall.

1. Through their work have had a demonstrable impact on the student experience of their peers 2. Have enhanced the reputation of the Union through their commitment, dedication and professionalism 3. Enabled the Students’ Union to achieve or exceed one or more of its strategic objectives 4. Demonstrated innovation in extending the range of opportunities and services available through the Students’ Union 5. Created positive change within the Union, institution or local community

Anyone can submit a nomination - it doesn’t matter if you are a student or a member of staff.

All you have to do is complete this simple form:

Students can be nominated in any of the following categories:



Email Address

- Volunteer of the Year - Charity Fundraiser of the Year - Society of the Year - Student Staff Team Member of the Year - Journalist of the Year - Student Rep of the Year - Campaigner of the Year - Academic Partner of the Year - Professional Service Employee Partner of the Year - Student Leadership Award

Name of individual being nominated

Category in which you are nominating them

Explanation for nomination




Other awards on the night will include:




Get your name on the Guestlist by visiting your nearest Students’ Union Reception. Includes a VIP champagne reception with a hot buffet.

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