The Bucks Student - Edition 28

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bucks student edition 28

March 2012

Coles, Badu and Franco elected to Sabbatical office

Below: Jack Badu (VPEW), Ash Coles (President), and Naomi Franco (VPSI) are elected.

Bucks Students’ Union is having a positive impact on your time at Bucks by...

Attending the open day at Aylesbury College on 31st March to let new students know all about the benefits they get by being a member of Bucks Students’ Union. Electing Student Reps to campaign for course improvements on your behalf, so you get the best academic experience possible.

Following a highly contested election season, complete with a lively announcement and not without complaints, next year’s officer team sees a fresh line up. It had promised to be close in both vice presidential elections but no one could have envisaged the high drama that saw Naomi Franco and Jack Badu sweep to victory. New Vice President Student Involvement Franco beat fellow candidate Richard Lunn

by a mere 10 votes only for Jack Badu to become Vice President Education & Welfare by inflicting a surprisingly large win over the incumbent, Laz Wood, beating him into second place by 224 votes. With the euphoria of the night before not yet quelled, the Returning Officer for the election, Dan Francis from the National Union of Students, had to consider a number of complaints relating to campaign expenditure and the submission of expenses. This led to a period of nervousness for the winning candidates that was only

put to rest on Friday 16th March when confirmation came through that the complaints had been thrown out and the result would stand. The campaigning efforts of all twelve candidates did not go unnoticed with a number of special Awards handed out during Results Night. Eoin O’Raw was awarded Best Campaign Video for his well viewed, comical take on the popularity versus experience debate, whilst Adam Pears’ policy based posters won him the Best Campaign Poster award. Richard Lunn

Be part of the SSHH campaign: Silent Students: Happy Homes


Take advantage of the FREE nightbus taking you from the SU right to your frontdoor!* Just ask the driver nicely! *Bus starts from midnight until close. Wed & Fri only. 1.5 mile radius from the main campus only.

proved that marketing is everything as the crowd chanted back the Best Campaign Slogan: ‘want it done, vote Richard Lunn’. It was the tiger print clad fans of Franco that walked away with Best Campaign Team, whilst Laz Wood’s goodie filled envelopes were rewarded with Most Innovative Campaign. Anya Cao was the recipient of a Special Commendation following easily one of the best showings from an international student in recent memory. Another winner on the night was current President Ash Coles who roared into a second term with a majority of 605 votes over re-open nominations, as no student had chosen to stand against him. Speaking about his victory Coles said ‘I have really enjoyed my year in office working on behalf of all our students, hopefully this sends a message to the University that what we do is backed by our members’. Students can expect a year focussed on employability, Uxbridge and promoting the benefits of the Big Deal to our members. Badu’s manifesto was highly committed to improving the opportunities available for students to network with professionals in their chosen sector, whilst Coles chose to reinforce the importance of Uxbridge to our Union and a commitment to further develop the Union offer there. Naomi Franco’s manifesto spoke about the amazing value that the Big Deal provides for students and stated her intention to communicate this more effectively to try and make more of our members appreciate the fact. In addition to the sabbatical elections Laz Wood and Tamica Mignott were elected as delegates to NUS National Conference. Dan Laws, Sammia Hussain, Shanique Miller, Tom Willmington, Matt Gilbert and Marcus Baxter were all elected Union Councillors for the next academic year.

2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Ash Coles - Editor t: 01494 601 600 e: Sarah O’Brien & Gary Anderson - News Editor e: Mandi C - International Editor e: Siobhan Carney - Lifestyle Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Features Editor e: Faye Towler - Fashion Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Donique Lindsay - Events Editor e: Sarah Campbell - Music Editor e: Harry Boileau - Travel Editor e: Oliver Hunt - Film Review Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soap & Entertainment Editor e: Hollie Wicks - Food Editor e: Tanieque Noel - Horoscopes Editor e: Gary Anderson - Sport Editor e: For Advertising: Caroline Newton t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601 600 e: Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information. If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students’ Union for more information. © 2012 Bucks Students’ Union

features News P3 International News - Kony P7 direct to your mobile 1. Download a QR reader to your phone. There are loads of free ones available 2. Open the QR reader on your phone and scan any barcodes where you see them. 3. Each individual code will take you to a website for further information. 4. No more typing web addresses. Simply scan the code, go to the site and find out more information. Internet usage will be charged at your providers standard rate

Features - SSHH campaign P8 Please recycle your copy of the Bucks Student once you have finished.

Lifestyles P11 Ents pullout P13 Movies P21 Soaps & TV P22

Through a diverse range of representation, events, campiagns, activities, and services. Bucks Students’ Union has a positivie impact on your time at university no matter how you study - find out how by visiting

Culture, Arts & Literature P23 Travel P23 Food & Drink P24 Fashion & Beauty P24 Advice P27 Jobs P28 Societies P29 Sports P31

Please take the time to let us know what you think of The Bucks Student by filling in a short survey online

Letter from the Editor Hello everyone and welcome to this penultimate edition of the Bucks Student. First of all I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone that voted in the election. Our elections are so important to the work we do! They provide the legitimacy and mandate for us to campaign on your behalf, so the more people that vote, the more changes we can make. I was absolutely delighted to be elected for a second term, and to have the opportunity to continue driving forward with current projects and new initiatives alike. 2012-13 is going to be a huge year for Bucks Students’ Union! Top of our list is the EVEN BIGGER DEAL (suggestions for a better name on a postcard to President@BSU). We have worked really hard this year to secure increased funding so that we can bring you

loads of new opportunities. Personal and Professional training and development, expanded range of support and activities for Uxbridge, and a broader engagement strategy through a variety of media platforms are just a few of the things we plan to deliver. This is of course on top of more recreational activities, bigger and better events and greater funding for clubs and socs We have also made great headway with our plans to get the whole of our venue refurbished, so that you can have an exciting, engaging and enjoyable place to spend your nights out! We expect to see some changes coming in soon with the rest of the plan to be completed in phases. This of course is all on top of the day to day work we’re doing like protecting your rights to learn in the way that suits you best, campaigning for the full introduction of e-submission, supporting the creation of new societies and building a stronger rep system. I hope you all have a great couple of weeks and I look forward to enjoying a pint with you all in the Venue! Editor: Ash Coles, President

Letter from the Student Editor Hi all, Welcome to the secondlast edition of the Bucks Student this academic year! It’s going to be very sad to send off our last edition in May, but fear not, we have two excellent new editors who no doubt will make the paper as enjoyable as ever. Hope we all enjoyed elections week! I must say I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an exciting

campaign week. Voting was up around 35% from last year which is fantastic and it’s great to see so many students get involved. We at the Bucks Student want to say a huge well done to all the candidates who did really well throughout their campaigns, they should all be really proud of themselves. But a special congrats to Naomi, Jack and Ash - the Union’s new Sabbatical officers! Wishing you all the best for the future and I’m sure they all will do a brilliant job. We’ve got yet another great edition of your uni paper this week! Look out for your regular soap gossip, amazing fashion tips and other little gems for your leisure. This will be the last edition out until around May time, so don’t read it all at once!

We would love to hear what you think about the Bucks Student Newspaper. We have an online survey and we will be around the university looking for your comments. Please let us know as it’d be really great to hear your views! If you are interested in writing for the newspaper, please email me on student.editor@thebucksstudent. com with any questions, articles or even just for a chat about getting involved next year. In the meantime, enjoy the Easter break, eat lots and lots of chocolate, safe trip to those travelling home, relax a wee bit but do try to do a little bit of university work too! Student Editor: Sarah O’Brien

Letter from the Deputy Student Editor Hi all! Welcome to The Bucks Student again. I hope everyone is working hard and keeping the head down as we near the Easter break. The end of the year is looming ever larger so good luck to everyone who has exams coming up and assignments to hand in! Congratulations go to Naomi, Jack and Ash who were all elected in the Students’ Union elections. I’m sure they will be

great representatives of the Bucks student body next year. Commiserations to everyone who did not get elected but it is great to see democracy is alive and well at Bucks!

Until next time, Happy Easter and slainte. Deputy Student Editor: Gary Anderson

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 3

Letter from the new Sabbatical officers

I would just like to start by saying thank you! Thank you to everyone who took the time and voted in these very important elections, and a thank you for all the hard work from the SU office. Also, huge thanks and well done to all the candidates

who ran in the elections and helped with the week of campaigning. The tension of Friday night’s results were unbearable, I was a nervous wreck but also massively looking forward to the announcement. You could feel the anticipation in the air! When it was announced that I had won it all went a bit crazy and I felt very honoured that the student body had elected me to be their VPSI. After putting in the long hours campaigning, to be voted in was hugely rewarding, and I still cannot believe it. I can’t wait to get stuck in and start working towards a better future for both the university and the students. Bring on 2012/13! Many thanks, Naomi Franco

Firstly I would like to thank everyone that voted, not just for me but all the students that took time out to vote. Those 5 days of campaigning were possibly some of the most stressful days of my life. At many times in the week I had considered giving up but I would

like to thank all my housemates and close friends that believed in me, even when I didn’t. I would also like to thank all the students that took the time to listen to myself and the other candidates. I feel that as university students we have the opportunity to do great things, not just at the University but in the local area. I made many promises that I intend to keep. I am also urging any students that have any thoughts and ideas of ways we can improve as a Uni to let me know. To all the students that didn’t vote, I hope that my plans have a positive impact on the University. People often focus too much energy on issues that they can’t effect. I hope that at the University we can individually make improvements to to our own lives and be an example of what can be achieved by a small group of like-minded individuals focusing on a greater good. Jack Badu

New town centre accommodation for Bucks students from September 2012 Bucks New University will offer brand new accommodation in High Wycombe town centre for its students from September 2012, in a move which will enhance the University’s long-term accommodation strategy. The University is working with land-owners, Royal London Asset Management (RLAM), and will lease the 70-room block of accommodation which will soon be constructed at Windsor House above the Chilterns Shopping Centre in High Wycombe town centre. Occupying three floors

over the shopping centre, Windsor House will provide a mixture of sixbedroom clusters and eight individual studios, each with en-suite facilities, as well as four accessible rooms for disabled students. The building work will be carried out by PDR Construction, which has recently arrived on site to commence work. The development is due to be completed in August, after which time the University will take over the maintenance and management of the premises.

Ian Hunter, Director of Estates at Bucks New University, said: “We are extremely pleased to be able to add a new site to our portfolio of student accommodation. Being situated centrally within High Wycombe, the new accommodation is in close proximity to the University, town centre and the railway and bus stations, which will be very appealing to many future students who are keen to be at the hub of town centre life. “From a regional perspective it is hoped that the new accommodation

will assist in the regeneration of the town centre and the Frogmoor area as a whole, adding a new revenue stream for many of the town centre’s organisations.” Windsor House will complement Bucks New University’s existing provision of student accommodation which includes Hughenden Park Student Village, Brook Street Halls of Residence, and a range of houses of multiple occupation managed by the University’s head tenancy scheme.

Hi Guys I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who voted in the elections this year. As you know we had some highly contested elections with a great pool of candidates and it is only right to note how hard every single one of those candidates worked during the

week. To be re-elected as your president for a second term means a great deal, it means that I can continue to represent your views to the university, it means that I can continue in my role in developing Bucks Students’ Union to be open and accessible to all of the student population and finally it means that all of you will continue to get the student experience you deserve! This year working with both Amy and Laz has been a great experience, we have made a lot of significant changes and your experience has been at the forefront of them all. There is still over two months to go for us as a team and I am sure we will end the year as we started in high spirits and as a team. I am looking forward to working with both Jack and Naomi and hope they are both as excited as me to be representatives of you. Thanks again for re-electing me and I hope you all have a good last few months of the academic year! Ash

Democracy doesn’t work, right? By Nick Lucas So at the time of starting to write this article, it’s they have managed to get so many votes? the night before submissions are due for the Student Lastly, to those of you who have your doubts. Newspaper; and I have 2 hours to write it before I go When you consider that to win an election, and to out to the SU. do a good job in Meetings; you need great social Student life is a bit mental, but the stress of skills, Jack Badu & Naomi Franco are perfect for the ‘Elextions’ on top of your 3rd year studies is even jobs. And remember we also have a great returning worse, and those who were on the Campaign Teams President, and superb Union Staff to guide Jack & for one of this years candidates (or maybe you ran Naomi along their learning curve. yourself) will have first hand experience of this. So despite my early convictions about the results, Of course there can only be one winner for each which I know I shared with many people, I just Sabbatical position, so a lot of people had their want to wish Jack & Naomi the best of luck for next dreams for next year crushed. year, and I look forward to working with them both Talking to people afterwards I came across two through my own involvement. distinct sides to the University: the Sports/Societies members, and those who have a lot of involvement in Student Government. Now this is a generalisation, but there were definitely those who loved certain candidates for their work in societies & sports, and those who thought these candidates could ruin the Uni due to their lack of experience in Government. However the fact is, enough people liked these candidates, that they stomped all over the other candidates at the polls, and went on to win their elections. Above: (L-R) Adam Pears - Best campaign poster What this really proves, is they have very likeable Richard Lunn - Best campaign slogan and Laz Wood personalities, and great social skills. Why else would - Most Innovative campaign

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012

Have you had your say in the National Student Survey? The National Student Survey 2012 is now open and runs until 30 April. The NSS is your opportunity to give your opinions on what you liked about your time at Bucks New University, as well as things that you felt could have been improved. If you don’t speak, we can’t listen… One lucky Bucks student will win a prize of £1,000 just by entering! Eligible students will have received an invitation email to complete the survey by Ipsos MORI. Those who haven’t responded may be contacted by post or phone. You can complete the NSS online or via your smartphone at 58% of eligible Bucks students have taken part - 4% more than at this stage last year. Thanks so much if you are one of them. The top-performing departments for student responses are Creative & Visual Communications, Criminal Justice & Social Studies and Furniture. The departments with the lowest responses are Sports Management, Security and Public Health, Security and Journalism. Our target is 66% completion by the closing date - please help us by completing your survey. Every single student response counts! Director of Student Experience & NSS campaign group: Ruth Gunstone

Improving the student experience at Bucks The staff team at Bucks New

Do you want your opinions on your student* experience to be heard? Take part in the National Student Survey. It’s quick to complete and you’ll be helping prospective students make the right choices of where and what to study.

Scan here to take part in the survey

University is committed to putting our students at the heart of everything we do. We encourage your feedback and are continuously working to improve life at Bucks.

Art at the heart You said… “We want improved art shop facilities” We did… During Guided Learning Week at High Wycombe Campus we extended the shop to include the adjacent office to increase stock and the display area. The Art Shop is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 4pm and on Wednesdays from 10am to 2pm. We have also moved Blackwells bookshop to the same area to make it easier for students to buy the materials and books they need by having both shops in the same location.

We can’t do everything you ask - some things simply aren’t practical or affordable - but we do take all your comments seriously and take action to improve your experience at Bucks

Blackwells is open during key periods on Mondays and Thursdays from 10am to 4pm. Both shops are now located on the second floor of Timberlake as you enter from North Wing. Cristiana Ionescu, MA Furniture: Design & Technology, is one of many students who feel that the shops are now better located. She said: “I think this will widely benefit students, particularly those on art and design courses, who are based in Timberlake. It is also useful to bring the shop together with the art books which were already located in that space. It is a much brighter and more enjoyable shop to visit than the one in East Wing.”

*You are eligible for the NSS if you are a final year undergraduate or are on a flexible part-time programme. If your final year cannot be easily predicted, you will be surveyed during your fourth year of study. If you were due to be in your final year in 2012, but have withdrawn or are repeating your penultimate year, you are also eligible to take part.

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Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 5

Bucks join society to drive forward careers in advertising Bucks New University has joined AdSoc, a UK-wide student advertising and marketing society, to help students learn more about the advertising industry and to provide access to people and events to inspire and motivate in pursuing a career in the industry. Bucks AdSoc is providing a forum for the University’s BA (Hons) Advertising Management and Digital Communications and BA (Hons) Advertising: Creative students to work on projects and get a feel for what the industry involves. AdSoc is an online resource and a network of student-run societies, founded in 2010 to inspire, inform and connect young people that may find interest in the work of the communications industry. Societies are already set up at the University of Exeter, University of East Anglia uea., and Aston University, among others. The society was launched at a free event at Bucks New University’s High Wycombe Campus, to which members of the public were invited. Sue Unerman, CSO at leading agency Mediacom, and top brand strategist Jonathan Salem Baskin, promoted their new book,

Tell the Truth: How Honesty is Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool, which shows marketers how building an authentic, transparent brand is key to sustainable success. Vic Davies, course leader, BA (Hons) Advertising, said at the event: “This was the first in a series of regular events to meet the people who keep advertising at its best, as well as students who have formed Ad Soc communities at other universities. “It will mean Bucks AdSoc members can expect the best opportunities to network. “Through AdSoc, our students will hear talks by industry thought leaders and can recommend any topics they’d like to be part of the series of events. We will use the University’s strong relationships with UK agencies and professional bodies, and our membership of the EdCom, the educational arm of the European Association of Marketing Communications Agencies (EACA), to help drive the society forward and ensure it is of great benefit.” Left: (L-R) Ian Adams, Jonathan Salem Baskin, Hannah Meyer, Sue Unerman, and Jessica Wharton.

Volunteering with Bucks Students’ Union Volunteering is not only doing something for free that benefits others but it is also a great way to get to know people, learn new things, gain experience in what interests you and get involved in something you care about. What projects do we run? - One off projects which allow you to get involved in volunteering without having to commit long term.

- Long-term placements within community organisations and charities. - Start your own projects - we actively encourage you to tailor projects to fit your interests and will help you in any way we can.

Volunteer Coordinator: Alice Dewnsap

Calendar of Volunteering and RAG Opportunities 21st March 23rd March 2nd May Coming soon

Graffiti Project clear up Sports Relief - Netball, Rugby, Boxing, Rowing and more! Try out a different sport and raise some much needed money for people all over the world. Pick and choose what you play or come and spectate and support your fellow students. ‘Litter-pick challenge’ - Free transport, free lunch, free t-shirt and prize for the winning team!!! 12.30-4.00. WalkAsOne and The Big Lunch!

National Union of Students NEWS

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Come clean on student funding

can potentially continue to do so without scrutiny or opportunity to defeat. NUS wants a public debate on the issues - out in the open rather than behind closed doors. Government needs to come clean on student funding.

NUS Awards 2012 HAVE you, your union or someone you know done something outstanding this year? Nominations for the NUS Awards 2012 are now open!

The Government may have shelved its plans for an HE Bill, however the fight to stop the Government from selling off our education goes on. Many of the most damaging reforms the government wants to push through do not actually require legislation, and would never have been included in the bill anyway. The Government is therefore still able to push ahead with its proposed reforms, and

Bucks secures NHS children’s nursing training Buckinghamshire New University has been appointed by NHS South of England to provide children’s nursing education programmes from September 2012. NHS South of England went out to tender for programmes in preregistration children’s nursing which offer students the specific option to progress to a specialist community public health nursing programme, or neonatal nursing. Therefore future students embarking on the new courses at Bucks will have the additional opportunity to gain specialist training in children’s nursing, health visiting or school nursing, all of which are workforces currently being developed and expanded upon across Buckinghamshire and East Berkshire. From September, the University will offer students a range of pre and post-qualifying courses from BSc (Hons) through to master’s

qualifications, in order to create the educational pathway designed to meet the needs of the local NHS workforce going forward. The courses to be offered are: - BSc (Hons) Nursing (Children’s) - PG Dip Nursing (Children’s) Leading to training in: - Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - Health Visiting - Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - School Nursing Bucks New University will also be working with the local NHS to develop a post-qualifying neonatal programme, which is expected to start from September 2013. The University has started work in partnership with Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Heatherwood and Wexham Park

NUS welcomes Ken Livingston’s move to reintroduce EMA in London NUS today welcomed an announcement from Ken Livingstone that, should he be elected Mayor of London, he will reintroduce the controversially scrapped Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). NUS said that the announcement was welcome recognition of the value of EMA for many young people and set a powerful example to national policy-makers. Toni Pearce, NUS Vice-President (Further Education): “EMA provided a vital source of support for many students and the Government’s decision to scrap it was widely condemned not only by students and their families, but by teachers, think tanks and businesses alike.”

Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in East Berkshire, to prepare for the delivery of its new programmes from September. Sue West, Dean of Students, Programmes & Quality, for the Faculty of Society & Health at Bucks New University, said: “This is a very exciting and unique opportunity for the University to work in partnership with Buckinghamshire and East Berkshire NHS Trusts to develop and deliver integrated education to enhance the workforce for children in the local area.” Bucks New University will work closely with the University of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to ensure that all students following children’s nursing programmes will have an excellent academic and practice experience.

6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012

universitynews Turkish delight Gloria Moss, Reader in Human Resources, has obtained European funding for projects in which Bucks students work in schools helping children with their learning. She was in Turkey recently, with Ruth Gunstone and members of the team from Bucks County Council and Sir William Ramsay School, visiting the partner school in

Yalova, Turkey. In Turkey, Ruth and Gloria delivered training in providing Training in Enterprise skills for pupils in schools. Gloria said: “It was a delight to see the close contacts between teachers and pupils and we are sure the Social Enterprise project we are working on will take root with great effect here.”

Design’s spinal tap Bill Schaaf, Elizabeth Callinicos and Carl Clerkin from Creative & Visual Communications carried out a Royal Society of Arts project with patients in rehabilitation at Stoke Mandeville Hospital’s Spinal Injuries Unit on the value of design thinking - exploring ways of seeing, thinking and questioning their situation. Elizabeth said: “It was about empowering patients to move forward with their lives – they made modifications to write, drink a pint and play backgammon!” The work was presented to the Design Council, promoting architecture and design. Glasgow School of Art and Sheffield Hallam University took part in parallel projects.

Above: Neil Levett, Director of the UK Venue Managers Association, and Teresa Moore, Head of Department, Music and Event Management at Bucks New University, pictured at Wembley Stadium.

Bucks develops dedicated degree course for UK venue managers Buckinghamshire New University has worked with the UK Venue Managers Association to develop a series of bespoke academic courses, which can lead to an honours degree, to ensure that venue managers stay at the forefront of their profession. The new one-day professional courses and Foundation Degree in Venue Management have been developed as a result of managers throughout the country calling for a professional qualification that will promote continuing professional development (CPD) as well as recognise the wide range of disciplines involved in the venue management profession. Neil Levett, Director of the UK Venue Managers Association, told members attending the launch of the courses at Wembley: “This is the biggest ever change in the way that venue management is recognised and understood in this country. We have some of the world’s most prestigious venues managed by people who have spent their careers in the industry, and now they can be recognised for their knowledge and professionalism.” Teresa Moore, Head of Department, Music and Event Management at Bucks New University, who

designed the new courses and modules, said: “The new professional courses and Foundation Degree in Venue Management take the principles of work-based learning and apply them to a wide range of disciplines including event management, health and safety issues and commercial administration. “The Foundation Degree is a two-year programme, and to achieve the BSc (Hons) will require a further year’s study. We are also enabling students to take individual modules, through attendance at University workshops and work-based learning, to maintain their CPD.” The first year of the Foundation Degree covers legislation and regulations, such as health and safety, employer liability and finance, including budgeting and cashflow, as well as an introduction to venue management. Year two covers such subjects as negotiation and communication, logistics and planning, application of technology and event management. Those who choose to progress to the BSc (Hons) will go on to study security and crowd management, sustainability strategies, risk management and workbased projects, and have the opportunity to carry out

their own research. There is also an option to study stadium and arena management. “Venue management is much more than event management and demands a wider range of disciplines,” continues Neil Levett. “Venues throughout the world, and particularly in Europe, are gearing up for sporting and leisure events that are bucking the economic trend. This industry has a duty to ensure that the leaders and managers of all types and sizes of venues have the right skills and confidence to handle this growth.” Teresa Moore continues: “Bucks New University has built an enviable reputation for its highly innovative work-based courses in events management, crowd and security management and music management, and has been at the forefront of working with sectors of the events industry to provide professional training and education in areas which are newly professionalising. The new professional courses and degree that we have developed with the UKVMA for venue managers perfectly complements our existing courses and expertise.”

Gav some of that! Gavin Scovell, a hugely experienced televised sport producer and director, directed BA (Hons) Film and Television Production students on the sports and events third year module when they filmed Reading Football Club’s recent match against Portsmouth for the club’s official online TV station, Reading Player. The students

used the University’s outside broadcast unit. Gavin recently gave a masterclass to students. Course leader Stephen Partridge said: “Gavin has worked as a producer/director for Sky Sports, and as Head of Production at Eurosport so we’re very lucky that our students are benefiting from his expertise.”

Lest We Forget BSc (Hons) Police Studies students spent four days at the town of Oradour-sur-Glane in France, where the Nazis killed 642 people in June 1944. The trip included visits to the French Resistance Museum in the town and to the site of the massacre. Student Irena Devolli said: “Coming to terms with what happened in France only 68 years ago is rather hard to take in and a scary thought, however the visit makes you realise what can happen because of political matters and how far things can go.” Senior lecturers Jim Dunn and Lionel Cox accompanied the students. The trip followed previous visits to Auschwitz and Berlin.

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Furniture heads Jake Kaner and Lynn Jones, and graduate Shelley Stannard, are interviewed on a video commissioned by Wycombe District Council on the heritage of furniture production. Work in the furniture workshops is also shown, as well as a

charity set up by Bucks graduates Jay and Jade Blades to recycle and revamp salvaged classic furniture. The Highway Productions video can be viewed on the Wycombe District Council YouTube channel here:

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 7

Kony 2012 Make Joseph Kony Famous


‘Invisible Children’ is a non-profit organisation established and run by CEO Jason Russell. The company story follows back to 2003 when three amateur film-makers ventured to Uganda in search of a story, the trio were horrified when they stumbled upon Africa’s longest running war. The official video ‘KONY 2012’ was first aired on March 5th, the thirty minute film went viral within a matter of hours and within a week gathered a little over 75 million YouTube hits. Film footage displays hundreds of Ugandan children sardined into an empty shack hiding from the Lords Resistance Army (LRA). During the footage, we are introduced to a character Jacob, who becomes a vital part of the Invisible Children organisation and for the KONY 2012 event. Jacob tells a story of how he watched the LRA capture and murder his brother, he explains to future Invisible Children founder Russell that he would “rather be dead than live on earth.” We are painted a picture of a hopeless battle in which young children are taken from their families and forced into sex slavery and child soldiers. They are forced to murder their parents, mutilate civilians and become vicious, merciless killers for the LRA under Joseph Kony’s control. Russell vows to Jacob that he would do everything he possibly could to shut down the LRA and assist in the capture of its leader - Kony. Nine years later, the campaign KONY 2012 is born. The video is a social experiment, and the campaign ‘MAKE KONY FAMOUS’ is quickly brought into the equation. The idea behind the campaign is that if the public demand something, the people with the power and wealth will listen and give into the demand, almost reversing the traditional roles, giving the public the higher power. If Joseph Kony is always in the public eye, other people will know who he is, the idea is to make“Joseph Kony” a household name but for all the wrong reasons. Invisible Children are encouraging supporters to exploit Kony’s name through the uses of social media and propaganda. Social networking is the most powerful networking tool that we have and it is proven the best way to communicate to a mass audience especially with large social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. They propose to target 20 culture makers (Lady GaGa, George Clooney and Bono to name but a few), and 12 policy makers via social networking: hence twenty-twelve. The charity then invites us all to a worldwide event: ‘Cover the Night’, which is scheduled for April 20th in which we are encouraged to buy/produce posters and cover the streets with Kony’s face so everyday people will see them the next morning. This has become a popular idea and small groups of supporters around the world are planning to get involved and help Invisible Children to achieve their goals. However, Kony 2012 has caused quite an online controversy. There are claims that Invisible children are not in fact non-profit organisation, claiming that only a small percentage of donations were sent to the Ugandan people whereas $1.7 million went on employee salaries and 25% of their $9 million income was invented into travel and filming costs. This is a company which claims to be ‘non-profit.’ Invisible Children recently claimed that over 37% of donations go towards ‘Central Africa Programmes’ a large percentage of this goes towards a ‘Legacy Scholarship Fund’ in order to provide a better education for Ugandan children. There have been more criticisms from other parties that Kony is no longer active in Uganda and hasn’t been since 2006, there have been a few reports to suggest that Kony has migrated to Congo which can be difficult to prove. The US army have allegedly been aiming towards Kony’s capture a number of times but have been

unsuccessful, and some articles indicate that Kony is no longer alive or is dying. Invisible Children claim that Kony is ironically ‘invisible’ but is still out there, they claim that his army is still in full effect whist some sources and YouTube responses claim that the Ugandan Army and not the LRA are causing a problem in Uganda. There are other criticisms online that can be found regarding Kony 2012 regarding oil and a more in-depth financial criticism of the company; all in which I encourage you to read. Before you rate or slate the Kony 2012 campaign, take the time to view both arguments and don’t jump to conclusions that people want you to believe. It is difficult to tell whether Kony 2012 is a scam or not, there are cracks in the idea and the company, but again if money is involved and it is to a large enough scale, there will always be conspiracies. Take for example the conspiracy theories surrounding The World Trade Centre, the moon landing and global warming. People are always going to disagree, as I said, social media is a powerful tool and it’s so much easier to voice your opinions online. Regardless, I think it’s good to view Kony 2012 from a networking perspective. Invisible Children wanted to create awareness of Joseph Kony and they have done so in a very short space of time. The ‘Cover The Night’ campaign isn’t scheduled until late next month and there’s still more time for the campaign to be exploited. In the first week, Invisible Children received over half a million orders for ‘press packs’ created to support the campaigns which were sold at $25 a pack. This would generate $1.25 million alone. The online video continues to generate millions of hits each day. It’s no doubt that the campaign has been successful so far. People are aware of Joseph Kony and regardless of whether they agree with the charity that organise it. It still shows the power of social media, it’s the chance to give people a voice and the opportunity to good. Regardless of whether you believe Kony is still an active force or not, it cannot be argued that what he did was right, and justice needs to be served for those who are guilty. By Laura Bennett

Above: Kony 2012 poster Below: Jason Russell CEO and founder of non-profit organisation ‘Invisible Children’ with colleagues and Ugandan army preparing for peace talks with Kony. Far left: Kony support bracelet available for purchase Left: Poignant image of the masses affected by the LRA.

8 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012


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Ash, Amy, Laz Sabbatical Officers 2012/2013

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- 3 night buses - 8,000 rock sweets - 5,000 business cards - 2,500 stickers - 600 lollipops - 700 goody bags - 1 giant map

The FREE night bus As a Union we are committed to providing a regular bus service to not only bring you to the SU, but also to take you home! We have a fleet of 3 buses all branded up with the SSHH slogan and logo so they can’t be missed, and they travel along a route throughout the most affected areas of High Wycombe from 9.30pm till 3:00am. They will pick you up from any point along the route and take you to the Students’ Union Venue for FREE. Just have your Student I.D. card ready to show the driver and ask them nicely to take you home. You can find a map of this route located outside Hughenden Student Village where you should queue for the so called ‘magical bus’, as well as outside the Students’ Union at our brand new bus stop! Students or staff who are MIDAS tested are more than welcome to offer their services to drive the buses and in return, they will receive a £30 food voucher. If you would like to volunteer, please get in contact with The University and its students are incredibly important in the community and as a Union we already do tremendous amounts of volunteer work to make High Wycombe a better and nicer place to live. So remember, on nights out, whatever your actions are, it won’t be funny in the morning so please try and be quiet!

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What you can do: - Take the free night bus to and from the Students’ Union - Respect your neighbours - Go home quietly - Walk in smaller groups - Take a vow of silence (joke!)

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Last week your Sabbatical team, along with other members of staff of the Students’ Union quietly snuck into all of your Halls of Residence to leave you a little surprise outside your bedroom door. The little goody bags contained some mementos explaining the SSHH campaign: a flyer explaining the basics of the campaign, our business cards about a FREE night bus and social media, SSHH rock, lollipops and a pen. But you might be asking, what is the point in all of this? As your Sabbatical team, we are under no illusion as to what being a student is really about. Whether it’s getting involved in the Union, working hard and playing harder or paying that next bill...But do you relate to what it’s like to be a local resident living in Wycombe and how students’ actions can affect them? The Silent Students: Happy Homes (SSHH) campaign is all about giving you guys the best possible night out in Wycombe, but also the local community a good night in! The actions of a minority of students are having a massive impact on a number of local residents, which is giving students a bad reputation. Your President of the Students’ Union regularly attends a Community Liaison group where members of the public along with Thames Valley Police and Wycombe District Councillors meet together to discuss problems in the community, and more often than not, students are at the top of that discussion. Student life is vibrant, exciting and enjoyable for many people and no-one would want that to stop. However we do not believe that it is necessarily students at the forefront of this noise issue, and so if we can make you aware of it, hopefully the blame should shift. Therefore the objective of the SSHH campaign is to raise awareness of noise disturbances, which affect everyone from revising students to young families. It takes little effort to reduce the noise you make, but the affect on others is huge. Quite often university towns find that there is a division between ‘town’ and ‘gown’ and here at Bucks we have been working hard to overcome this. We believe that in order to have the best university experience possible, students should become as active as possible in the local community. Therefore you may have received one of our community guides that tackles topics from alcohol consumption, to ways to respect our neighbours and information on refuse collection. We hope that this guide can steer and help positively impact your behaviour and contribution to the community. We have taken numerous big steps in the right direction to change the attitude of students’ reputation and believe that with your support we can combat the noise in the Hughenden community. For example in order to get the SSHH campaign up and running, we have invested in:





Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 9

Name: Danni Andrean Age: 19 Course: Police Studies & Criminal Investigation What is your opinion on the campaign: I don’t know much about it but I do know about the free night bus which does stop alot of the students making noise on there way home and is a good initiative.

Name: Nick Todd Age: 32 Course: Sports Management & Rugby Studies What is your opinion on the campaign: The campaign is a good idea in raising awareness of a better relationship between students and local residents. The initiative is mainly based around the Hughendon area but I know other areas are affected as I myself am a resident on Desborough Road and regularly get woken up.

Name: Dominique Lim - Holmes Age: 23 Course: Corporate events & Conference Management What is your opinion on the campaign: It is a good idea as it shows the students in a better light to all the local Residents.

Newspaper Survey We want your feedback on the Bucks Student newspaper. You can do this by completing the survey below, tearing it out of the paper and returning it back to the SU offices at either campus.

Alternatively you can complete it online at

Name: Tyler Lawerence Age: 20 Course: Business & Advertising Management What is your opinion on the campaign: I think it is a great initiative done by the SU firstly because we save our money by getting a free bus home so we can get a few more beers in! Secondly with the complaints coming in from local residents the buses keep the students off the streets.

Name: Becca Galifant Age: 22 Course: Events & Festival Management What is your opinion on the campaign: As I helped with the campaign, I think it’s a really good idea as most students live in residential areas. I live on Roberts Road which is one of the main areas to be targeted in the campaign and you do get alot of noise from students late at night. I don’t tend to hear it as I work in the SU bar. I feel this sort of behaviour is very disrespectful with young families around so I think it’s great that the Union is giving back to the community so students don’t get labelled as a nuisance.

Name: Richard Southgate Age: 21 Course: Business Management What is your opinion on the campaign: I don’t know a great deal about the campaign to be honest but I do know about the free buses which is a great service for students to keep them safe so from what I know about the campaign is good!

Direc t to yo www u .nextb r mobile : uses. Or on mobi y o ur pc www .nextb : us.tra vel

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19/03/2012 15:14

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 11



Pump-up Track of The Week ‘Blue Sky’ by Common



o, it’s time to put down Temple Run and take Facebook chat “offline” because I’m Lee Malone and welcome to another dose of “You Got This, Bro!”, the column exclusive to “The Bucks Student” that’s designed to have you body-slamming that assignment - and walking out with the World Title! Each month we come at you with one core principle and this month, the message is simple - Exposure yourself to AWESOMENESS! Let’s keep things simple - There are some things that are good for your success and some things that are not. Watching that Youtube video of the DJ-ing dog, albeit hilarious, does not equal a degree. (Seriously it’s hilarious though, look up “DJ Mama Scratch,” and laugh literally forever.) The things we do today dictates what do tomorrow and by this reasoning, dominating university work should make the whole career shebang really simple. Tito Ortiz and Ken Shamrock are two of the biggest names in Mixed Martial Arts and when they were asked to coach two opposing teams on “The Ultimate Fighter”, Ortiz’s team trained longer hours and more days but in the end, won a lot more fights. Why? By Ortiz’s admission, “We train harder today so that when we step in that cage tomorrow, this sh*t is easy!” Though sometimes, this stuff doesn’t come naturally. Maybe you love writing but the skill just doesn’t come that naturally, or you love football but you get winded after just five minutes. That’s cool bro, not everything comes easy. The difference is, those who truly want to be successful will seek out what is making those other guys do the things they

can’t. Some people accept defeat, will go to the gym for months and not look like a bodybuilder and will just say “Oh well, I guess it’s just not meant to be” - The AWESOME people won’t do that. They’ll suck it up, get new knowledge and keep working. So let’s do just that. But where do we find this info? Well I have awesome news for you - There is more than one DJ-ing dog video. (Seriously he’s done loads - that dog is so hilarious!) For real though, the awesome news is that the information is out there and at arms length. That info is sitting next to you in your lecture hall, in a video on Youtube, working in the job that you currently want. It’s there, just waiting for you to tap into it! For any fans of The Rock out there, there’s a term they use in the Professional Wrestling business called “the rub”, which, if you’ll get mind of the gutter, is where they pair one megastar with one relative newbie in the hopes that the megastars boo’s or cheers rub off on the newbie. Whether it be as part of a tag team or pitting them against each other, writers will give wrestlers “the rub” in order to make the audience react to newbie, even after he stops working with his top dog counterpart. So how does this relate to you? Well simple, who are YOU getting the rub from? Industry professionals? That kid who is top of your class, when was the last time you two spoke? Look, it’s all well and good to work in group projects with your friends but is hearing your buddy’s latest drunk stories worth missing out on that extra 5%? How about 10? A full grade? The people you get the rub from don’t even have to be from your field either. Ever admired a footballer’s work ethic? Got a

favourite pump-up song you play before a big game? Boom! That’s the rub. Hell, you could even be getting it from this column! So my question to you is how are YOU getting the rub? In what ways do YOU exposure yourself to awesomeness? The truth is that your heroes aren’t going to knock on your door and offer advice in the same way that unless you’re the best in the world at what you do, people aren’t going to be lining up to offer you jobs. This is your part bro - it’s time to get chasing. If you’re a film director, you need to watch the “behind the scenes” extra’s. If you’re an athlete, you need to be taking training tips off the team captain. If you’re only getting 2.2’s, find out the 1st’s kids are doing that you aren’t! Who or what is the Radioactive Awesome that needs to bite you in order for you to become AwesomeMan? Whatever it is, go find it and get what you camew for! Till next time. And remember that whatever it is that’s standing in your way, You Got This, Bro! By Lee Malone

Youtube sensation: DJ Mama Scratch

Dear Busty... Busty the Buck is our resident Agony Aunt, here to help you with any problems, issues or queries you might have when it comes to student life. The old Deer loves nothing more than to sit down with a cuppa and to read your letters and emails. So if you need some words of wisdom and advice then don’t hesitate to get in contact. Busty aims to answer all emails, however big or small. A problem shared is a problem halved.! Just email your problem to: Dear Busty,

on the ‘Access to Learning Fund’ and ‘Bucks Advantage Bursary Scheme’, which can help students going through financial troubles. After all of that help you still feel slightly strapped for cash please let me warn you that the new student trend of sex lines may seem like a good idea but try and stay clear! Unless you want to spend your Friday nights telling strange men to stick an ice cube down their nappy? Fix up and get a part time job serving pints or folding clothes. Remember Asda do 9p noodles personally me and my Rusty feel chicken flavour is the best! Kisses on your face Busty x

I am a first year Uxbridge student and during our Freshers’ week I came to an event at the High Wycombe Venue. It was really fun and my friends and me would love to come down again. Only problem is the public transport buses stop running early in the evening. Is there any other cheap way of getting down to Wycombe?

Dear Busty,

Sabrina, 21

Michael, 18

Sabrina help is at hand the SU have decided it’s time that you guys got more involved with us down here! My better half Rusty has come up with the Uxbridge Night Time Taxi service, this ingenious idea is in the middle of being set up. Only thing is you will need a minimum of 6 people on Wednesdays and Fridays (Frat House and Flirt! ) to come dance with you. Shouldn’t be a problem with you crazy nurses! I heard a rumor about a certain pub crawl set up by the Students’ Union was slightly messy! Let’s get more of you lot over to High Wycombe and show them how you lot can drink. Email with Student I.D. numbers and times you want to go! Simply no missing out on a weekly snakey b! Kisses on your face, Busty x Dear Busty, To put it simply, I am completely out of cash! Help! Lily, 22 Little lovely lily the Advice Centre has some very useful advice on ways to stay in the black! Check out their leaflets

I am currently part of a Society and we are really short of money! Unfortunately we were too late to do a Takeover but would really like to fundraise some cash before the end of the year…any ideas.

Michael there are lots of ways other than a Takeover to make some dosh! Try setting up a stall in the SU Foyer (ask Ents team Noel and SJ) who would be happy to book you one. Think outside of the box though…If one more student tries to flog me another crispy cake or fairy cake am gonna shove it where the sun don’t shine! My rump can’t take much more or the local farmers will be hunting me down! Be inventive you’re supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow. How about a classic tuck shop from your school days..... Decorate your own Easter egg, St Patrick’s day themed stall or even buy your tour essentials stall. Kisses on your face Busty x




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Bucks Stude

Weds 21 March - Sun 29 April Wednesday


AR 21



The Frat House B&V Takeover Racenight

Common Tongues + Felix Fables + Blue Rinse

Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1






* Friday




Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1




One Day Elliot

Flirt: End of Term Paint Glow Party

Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1


26 Frat House

Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1




Strongbow Red Stripe Jim Beam Bourb Zubrowka Vodka & Corky’s Double up


Frat House - Red vs. Blue



* Friday


Crash + S

Corky’s £1 Double up on Plus specia


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Alternator LIVE! YOUR DEMISE + Guests


Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1

Strongbow Dr Red Stripe Ca Jim Beam Bourbon Zubrowka Vodka & Ap Corky’s £1 a Double up on


Welcome selected drinks onl

ents’ Union

at the Venue High Wycombe



w Draft £2.00 e Can £2.00 bon & Coke £1.80 & Apple Juice £1.80 s £1 a shot p on spirits £1



PR 22

* Sunday Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


raft £2.00 an £2.00 n & Coke £1.80 pple Juice £1.80 a shot spirits £1



* Sunday Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz

Strongbow Draft £2.00 Red Stripe Can £2.00 Jim Beam Bourbon & Coke £1.80 Zubrowka Vodka & Apple Juice £1.80 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

To The Weekend, ly £1.50 from 8pm - 10pm


27 Union Awards - Suck My Acoustic

Bucks Showcase

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Say Yeah!



Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz


1 a shot n spirits £1 al offers!

* Sunday

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1




23 Electrociti

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

18 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012

unisex W

e at Unisex are proud to announce that we will be celebrating our 3rd Birthday on the 24th March with two huge special guests; TC and Dodge & Fuski! It’s been an eventful few years, and we just want to say a massive thank you to everyone that has supported us, especially those of you that have been there from day one. Starting with no budget, wasn’t easy but we managed to show the Student Union that we could pull a reasonable crowd despite this obstacle and this

then enabled us to go on to host some of the biggest Bass Music acts of recent years! We’re only really just getting started with our events and you as a Student at Bucks have been lucky enough to witness (for free!) the beginnings of what we’re determined to be, a successful nationwide events company. So expect more events across the UK and just generally bigger and better all round! If you haven’t already, please become a fan of our Facebook page by going to

and clicking that ‘Like’ button! Plus remember all of our events at Bucks New University are FREE for BNU Students so make sure you’re their to witness the last two massive events this academic year; Including our Birthday event (flyer above) and the last one before summer break on May 19th where we have a huge headliner act to be announced soon! Hope to see you all on Saturday! Much Love, Unisex

Goyte - Making Mirrors


elgium born, Australian bred Wouter De Backer, aka Goyte, has been a pretty big star in Australia since around 2003. The mega hit ‘Somebody I Used to Know’ was number 1 over there for eight weeks. In the UK, the track also reached number 1 in the charts. The video has clocked up millions of hits on YouTube, and why shouldn’t it? The whimsical, breathy memorable lyrics alongside the amazing Kimbra is highly deserving of its status as a top YouTube hit. Admittedly however, a lot of the tracks on the album the song is featured on will never reach the same dizzying heights, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Rather, it is simply something called ‘Creep’ syndrome. What’s that I hear you ask? Well...Let me explain. When Radiohead released their first album ‘Pablo Honey’ in the early 90s, the biggest hit from the album was ‘Creep’, the track and its immeasurable popularity overshadowed everything to the point where even Radiohead got sick of it and

said enough was enough. Goyte at present is suffering from the same type of illness. However, the unfortunate thing is ‘Making Mirrors’ isn’t actually half bad. Goyte’s third album is highly experimental and he proves himself to be a maverick of sound. From the Motownesq ‘I feel better,’ to slow, steel drum beauty ‘Bronte’ to the vocoder, electronic led ‘State of the Art’. Goyte breaks free of his past hushed tones featured in previous albums, and allows not only freedom with his choice of genres, but also his choice of vocal range. Goyte doesn’t limit himself in this album and shows influence from both past and present. ‘Making Mirrors’ isn’t an album that tells of heartbreak - it is one that tells of liberation and freedom of sound- an overall perfect introduction to Goyte. Out now on Universal records Rating: By Sarah Campbell

ARE YOU GOOD IN BED? Have you ever had sex without a condom? Or perhaps had a condom split? Ever thought that you might be carrying a sexually transmitted infection? Why not get yourself checked out. We’ve arranged a series of clinics on the High Wycombe campus, throughout the year, where you can get a full sexual health screen or just do a test on yourself for chlamydia. (1 in 10 people under 25 have chlamydia!) If you want to get tested for an STI, but cannot go to one of the above clinics go to to find your nearest Sexual Health Clinic or come and ask us in the Advice Centre and we can find one for you. Our service is completely confidential so you can talk to us and it will not go any further. We also have a limited number of free condoms you can pick up. Bucks Students’ Union Advice Centre

High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180

Or email

Next date of Sexual Health Clinic: Monday 26th March Come see us at room N2.07 10am-3pm, High Wycombe Campus

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 19

Emeli Sande

Top 5

Our Version of Events B eing picked for the Brits critics choice award can seem like a precursor to good pop music. Emeli Sande is a classic example of an act having been given notable recognition and clout by the Brits, having won the 2012 critics choice award. Sande like so many of her predecessors

who’ve won the award started out writing songs for other artists (which include Cher Lloyd and Susan Boyle) and has worked her way up. Armed with a powerful voice, good song writing abilities and buckets of soul, Sande has a resulting sound that mixes urban flair, classic dance and industrialised pop clichés

By Sarah Campbell

New tracks you must hear!

about love. This proves to be a lethal combination, making her album a bona fide hit just through credentials and past affiliations (such as those with Professer Green and Wiley) alone. Yet there remains a downside to all of this. Having been tipped by Simon Cowell alongside winning a Brit award, you can’t help but feel part of a PR process. This ultimately can’t be shaked off while listening to the album. Which sounds mechanical, repetitive and a tad bland. This is a shame. Sande seems like she could bring much more then a good but generic album to the table. Rumbling ‘Bleeding Love’ esq kick drums featured in tracks like ‘My Kind of Heaven’ and simple, naked, vulnerable ballads like ‘Clown’ follow vague and familiar melodies. While songs like ‘Daddy’ are pale pastiches of singers like Amy Winehouse. Yet there remains some gems on the album. Breakthrough hit ‘Heaven’ is as bold and adrenalin fuelled as it always will be after each and every listen. While tracks like the powerful ‘Breaking the Law’ offer a much needed rest from the bland, repetitiveness of the album. ‘Our Version of Events’ as a whole acts more as a professional showcase of Sande’s talents as a singer-songwriter rather than a début. It is a formulaic, calculated offering with very originality or genuine emotion. A let down overall.

Bobby Womack -

Please Forgive My Heart

Two years after featuring on Gorillaz track ‘Stylo’, Bobby Womack is further assisted by Damon Albarn who has co-produced ‘The Bravest Man in the Universe’- Womack’s first album in 18 years. This track, which is featured on the album is raw, catchy and impressive. Full of soul and power, 68-yearold Womack hasn’t diminished with age.

Marina and the Diamonds Primadonna

It has been a while since we have heard from Marina and her Diamonds. With a new hairdo and a change of direction, you certainly get the feeling that the singer is aiming for the big time with this Katy Perry-esq song that has even snagged a producer of Katy Perry and Britney Spears - somewhat ironically.

Emily Kokal Hymn

War-paint warrior Emily Kokal recently debuted this track in LA, channelling early Cat Power. Sung like nobody’s listening or even watching, this is a rather personal song that clocks in around the six minute mark live. This fragile and sweet angst-ridden piece of music bares its soul for anyone who cares to hunt it out.

Miles Kane First of My Kind


The rather heavenly up-and-coming girl band “The Staves” have brought out a rather slow and chilled track which is a forerunner to their EP that will be released with the same name. The song is a beautiful example of perfect harmonies and laid back melodies. Perfect.

By Sarah Campbell

Jack White -

Love Interruption

I don’t know how Jack White manages to sound so good and interesting throughout his various projects while sticking to virtually the same guitar led blues formula (with the odd woman thrown in for good measure!) However, somehow White’s greatness manages to bamboozle and baffle me once again while simultaneously getting me to tap my feet and hum along. Kudos Jack, kudos.

Out now on EMI records







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Movie Reviews

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 21

The Raven review The Raven (15) Released 9/03/12 (UK) Running time: 111 mins


or director James McTeigue who has established himself as an assistant director and has had a rocky career as a director with his first feature, V for Vendetta and follow-up Ninja Assassin, it appears he has found territory which suits him well. With a script by a TV writer and some actor nobody knows, it would seem that the project would fall apart but luckily something in the mix has only helped it and my feelings are that it was because of none of the above. The Raven (whose title is a mystery in itself as it derives from Poe’s famous poem but lacks any real context) follows the ego maniac that was Edgar Allen Poe (John Cusack) on his last few mysterious days before his death in a Baltimore park in 1849. Despite his reputation falling on rocky ground after descending into a life style of booze whilst all the while attempting to win the hand of Colonel Hamilton’s (Brendan Gleeson) daughter Emily (Alice

By Oliver Hunt Eve), Poe is brought into a murder investigation after discovering that the killer is murdering his victims in the style of Poe’s greatest Gothic short stories. The detective on the case, Fields (Luke Evens), is perplexed over the circumstances of the killings and is hesitant to bring Poe on board but as the murders pile up and plot twists inevitably appear, the investigation becomes much direr as the writer and small time detective must work together. Even though for the writers, Ben Livingston and Hannah Shakespeare, this was their first high concept screenplay, they have done a stable job of contrasting a murder mystery that is completely silly from the start. To think that Poe spent his last few days chasing a copy cat killer is as mad as one of his stories. In reality he probably died from alcohol overdose (his death certificate was lost) but I was ready to go along with it. Unfortunately as the movie starts quite strong the investigation itself does fall apart. As the mystery plays

Safe House


he funny thing about Safe House isn’t its underdeveloped, Safe House (15) predictable story line or Released 24/02/12 (UK) its underwhelming action Running time: 115 mins scenes but instead how the movie feels like a target range for actors Denzel “The Cool” Washington and Ryan “The Smart Mouth” Reynolds. Despite attempting to be something more than a sub-par Michael Mann movie, director Daniel Espinosa tries to take audiences on a ride in new surroundings but ultimately fails. Matt Weston (I hated the name from the moment I heard it) is a young CIA agent posted in Cape Town, with the task of overlooking one of the

out it is rather unsatisfying and confusing due to its at times poor storytelling. Cusack does a good job as Poe as he is played as an obnoxious smart ass that has an answer for everything. Gleeson is also on good form (despite his character being totally unimportant) as opposed to Luke Evens as the young detective who is rather lacklustre and is only a device to bring Poe in on the investigation. And unfortunately he isn’t the only bland role which leaves Cusack to pick up the pieces. Even though the movie aims for a popcorn audience I feel it could have been so much more. It is a great and very silly idea that works for the audience it’s after, whilst all the while never really looking into or explaining Poe and his work. Instead we get a B movie from another brainless director about a famous Gothic poet fighting off a killer he has only inspired. Could this be a metaphor for the writers themselves? Whatever the case, it is probably better if they stay to TV.

agencies top safe houses (although it isn’t as that would make the movie much less manic). Instead rogue agent, Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington), walks into an American Embassy after escaping undefined pursuers (and because we don’t like in the eighties anymore the pursuers are not the once usual go to bad guys, a.k.a the Russians, but the next in line which is usually any person from the Middle East) after a deal between international spies goes awry. Frost is soon brought in to the safe house only to find his pursuers are once again, on his trail. What follows is a good ol’ run an’ gun adventure with predictable out comes (thanks to the trailer). Even though I am being cynical about this lifeless movie, it isn’t the worst action thriller I have seen and it did keep my concentration longer than most normally do. Washington is always interesting to watch and his character is the most defined and cared for whilst Weston is the usual chump who is out to prove himself to an agency that doesn’t care. The location and colours in the movies are one of its strong points and

I can’t help but feel that if the movie was set in America then my review would have been a lot more cynical. But with Cape Town as the backdrop, Safe House does become more appealing. The wide vistas and sweeping shots of the city and surrounding areas do break up the tedious dialogue but in the end it can’t save the movie. With the grainy visuals and pulse thumping soundtrack, Safe House does look better than most but to who that achievement falls on is anyone’s guess (my bet would be on the cinematographer Oliver Wood whose work includes the Bourne films). If you like tame violence and pretty faces then Safe House is perfect for your Friday night. But despite the interesting choice in locations and one or two performances, Safe House is very forgettable. For an unknown reason I was expecting Michael Mann’s Collateral (not simply because of the white and black dynamic) in Africa but all I got was an mildly entertaining thriller that is a tad too long and if you don’t see the twist coming you’re really not trying. By Oliver Hunt

22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012

ON THE BOX Soaps Review N Crime drama to make you cringe

ow, I’m not usually a big fan of crime dramas, although there are a few good ones out there. What I have become slightly addicted to, however, are programmes best described as crime comedies, or as I like to call them: crimedies. You know the kind of shows I mean, the ones that are so hysterically rubbish they are almost good; shows professing to be about crime, but succeed only in raising a few laughs from the audience. I have selected two programmes that I consider to be perfect archetypes of the crimedy, both of which are utterly ridiculous, but entirely watchable. First up on my shortlist of two is Midsommer Murders. I have never seen a show that is so far fetched, and yet so believable: 1) Why would anyone ever move to Midsommer? Granted, the house prices are low, but that’s only because all the residents are trying to flee due to the high murder rates. 2) Doesn’t anybody find it strange that this idyllic countryside setting appears to be the murder capital of the world? Dark alleys and rough inner-city areas are nothing compared to the picturesque gardens of Midsommer. 3) I’m beginning to wonder if Midsommer is situated in some strange parallel universe, totally separate from our own. I say this because in each episode there seems to be a newly added town or village in the county, each with the prefix Midsommer. It is as if the county is ever expanding and slowly overtaking the neighbouring settlements. That is the only explanation. How else could ten million different districts be squeezed into a small corner of the British countryside?

Above: The gardening/crime solving duo Rosemary & Thyme, nothing gets past them!


o, last edition before Easter, which means that there’s just one more edition to go! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my EastEnders columns as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them. In the last edition before Easter, it’s worth mentioning a rather bittersweet moment. The current Executive Producer for EastEnders, Bryan Kirkwood, has handed in his resignation and will be leaving next month. A huge slump in the viewing figures and a negative reputation with some of the most hard core fans has resulted in Kirkwood quitting. The existing series producer Lorraine Newman will be taking over the show until a more permanent role has been cast. Despite his short two year stay on the show, he’s managed to accomplish a lot. Whether he’ll be remembered for that controversial baby swap between Kat/Ronnie which sparked almost 13,000 complaints, brining Alfie and Kat back on to the show, or burning down the Queen Vic - it’s no doubt that he’ll

be remembered for some reason or another. Either way, whether you’ve loved or hated this Marmite producer, I’m wishing him all the best in his next project, and let’s hope that the next producer, who’s brave enough to take on the role, manages to continue to bring us some hard-hitting drama! So, what have we got happening in EastEnders then? Well kicking off with Tanya’s storyline, viewers saw her receive the all clear from the hospital results last week. Sticking with the Brannings, Lauren disappoints her parents once again, as she arrives to her birthday lunch drunk! Heather’s ‘who dunnit’ storyline is finally underway. With all fingers pointing at a demented Ben Mitchell, he’s ‘framing’ Roxy Mitchell. But who was actually responsible for sending loveable Heather to her grisly end? The crazy boy who shopped his dad (Phil Mitchell, no less) to the police, the best friend who was feeling pushed out of her life, the apparently ‘innocent looking’ fiancée Andrew Cotton who was just released

Midsommer Murders, however, is totally feasible

when compared to the strange and fascinating world belonging to Rosemary Boxer and Laura Thyme. I think this show is less well known. For those of you who haven’t seen Rosemary & Thyme, it centres on the lives of two female gardeners (both of which, you may have noticed, are conveniently named after herbs) who lead double lives as super sleuths. Every gardening job Rosemary and Thyme take turns into a crime scene, and the pair end up solving the crimes. I told you it was cringe-worthy. And here are a few reasons why: 1) See above for embarrassing names. 2) One of the women (Thyme) used to be a police officer, so why is she unable to cope with a crime scene? And why is she constantly asking Rosemary, a former horticultural lecturer, questions that she as an ex-cop is surely more than qualified to answer? My favourite so far has been, is that blood on there? Was Laura Thyme such a poor excuse for a police officer that she was promptly fired, hence why she is now a gardener? 3) How inept is the police force supposed to be? One would think they could solve crimes more effectively than two busybodies, especially when their only means of defence are trowels and bags of compost. At least Midsommer’s Inspector Barnaby is good at his job. 4) Both women have an alarming propensity for pulling unconvincingly shocked faces. It’s almost as if they are pretending to be shocked. Either they are ham acting, or they are involved in the crimes. Maybe they are the criminal masterminds behind it all? I’ve always found it strange that they know exactly where the murder weapon is located in each episode. By Shane Millar

from prison for doing 18 months for GBH or could there be someone completely different? Either way, the clues will start rolling out over the next few months and hopefully will culminate in us finding out which murderer could be cold hearted enough to kill someone like Hev! Little George will be sticking around as Shirley Carter is given temporary custody until Darren can be tracked down, however Shirley struggles as George starts to become a constant reminder of what she’s lost. Ian and Mandy are still clearly affected by the arrival of Mandy’s mum, a fortnight ago. One thing leads to another and when Ian finally shouts at Mandy that she’s exactly like her mum - has she finally pushed him too far? There’s not too much to report on this week, as everything is centred on Heather’s murder, and all I can say is stay tuned as there are some shocking truths to be told and there is some great TV heading your way!! Enjoy your Easter break and see you for the

Above: Loveable Heather Trott’s days are numbered on the square. Far left: Bad boy Ben Mitchell is causing yet more drama Left: Boozy Lauren continues to be a worry for her parents with her wild ways.

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 23


Travelling tales (and the strangers you meet) New York

Staged R

By Shane Millar

affi was half way down the corridor before he heard her voice behind him. “Raffi, please,” said Jewels, finally catching up to him, grabbing his arm and spinning him around, “At least let me talk to you.” “I don’t want to hear it,” Raffi spat at her, “And I’ve got nothing to say to you.” “At least let me explain.” Raffi scoffed, and felt the familiar pain rising again in his chest. It was the pain he’d felt after she’d left, a pain he hoped he would never feel again. “Explain what, Jewels. Explain how you could leave like that without saying anything to anyone, or to me. There’s nothing you can say, we’re done.” That had perhaps been a bit cruel, and he saw something in her eyes then. The flicker of tears. “Don’t say that,” she said, her voice beginning to waver. “I love you, Raffi.” For a second, he wanted to reach out and comfort her. Even now, even after everything that had happened, he still didn’t like seeing her this way. She looked scared, and vulnerable, and fragile. Raffi had thought about this moment more times than he could count. He’d played every possible scenario in his head. He’d imagined that she would come back and they would argue. He’d pictured her coming back and him ignoring her. He’d thought of all the things he would say to her, and all the things she might say to him. He’d even thought that they might get back together. He was sure that he would feel, angry, or sad, or maybe even happy at her return. But he didn’t feel any of these things. He felt numb, and deflated, and disappointed. Again, he thought of all the things he’d planned to say to her, and then he spoke, and what he actually said was something that he’d never thought he would say to her. “But I don’t love you.” And then she began to cry, and again he felt the urge to reach out to her, proving his earlier statement a lie. Why had he said it to her? Had he wanted to hurt her? Had he been so ruined by her, that he wanted her to feel just a moment of what he’d been through? Maybe he had. And he instantly regretted it. He turned away from her then, because he couldn’t stand to see her so upset. She must have thought he’d been leaving, because she cried, “No!” and grabbed his arm once more. She spun him again, and was suddenly kissing him, earnestly, trying to prove the way she still felt about him, and for a moment, he let her. And for a second, he let himself believe that nothing had changed, that they could go back. And then he couldn’t pretend any more. He moved away from her, not sharply, but quick enough to let her know that wasn’t what he wanted. “I love you,” she said again, moving towards him once more. “No,” he said, taking a step back. “No. You don’t just get to do this. You don’t get to come back here and pretend like nothing’s changed. This isn’t one of your movies. You can’t show up here and expect a kiss to fix everything, Jewels. It doesn’t work that way.” She put her hand to her face, as if he’d slapped her. “I’m really sorry for the way we left things,” she said quietly, tears running freely down her face now. “I know how much I must have hurt you.” “Do you?” asked Raffi. “You left me without a word… not a word. When you left me, it was like you broke me or something. And I’m sorry if that sounds dramatic, or harsh, but it’s the truth. For the first few months…I couldn’t eat or sleep, and all I could think about was you, and what you’d done, and how selfish you’d been. But it passed, eventually, and I pieced myself together.” “I know I was selfish, and stupid, and arrogant, and all of those things, but if you could just give me another chance –” “I can’t.” “Why not?” she asked. “Because I won’t let you put me through that again.”

“I wouldn’t.” “You don’t know that, you’ve done it before.” “Never again, please Raffi.” “I’m sorry, but no.” They both stood there for a moment, taking it in. “What are we now then?” Jewels asked. “Nothing,” Raffi replied. “How can you say that?” “I have to.” Raffi turned away from her, and then a voice could be heard around the corner. Jewels recognised it immediately. It was Lisa. “Raffi, is that you? I’ve just bumped into Harry, and he told me that Jewels is…here.” “Hi, Lisa,” Julia said. “Holy s**t, it’s true.” “It’s true,” said Raffi, as he walked away. “I suppose you hate me, too?” Julia asked, after Raffi’s footsteps could no longer be heard. “I…I don’t know what to say to you,” Lisa replied. “It’s okay,” said Jewels, tears still flowing. “I’d hate me too.” Then she turned and ran. Julia crashed into the toilet door at full speed, and went straight to the sink, barely noticing the other girl in there. This was a stupid idea, she thought, as she stood in front of the mirror. What had she been thinking, coming back here? Had she expected them all to forgive her, like Danni had? She wondered what Rex would say, when they met… and then the other girl in the toilet pulled her head away from the sink. Until now, Jewels had thought that she’d been washing her face, but she hadn’t realised the water wasn’t running. It was then that she saw the powdery white substance lined up next to the sink, and the cut off drinking straw lying next to it where the girl had left it. The girl noticed her looking. “Well, I must be higher than I thought,” she said, and laughed, “Julia Harris in the bathrooms at the Academy…this is good stuff.” “What the hell are you doing?” asked Jewels. “Erm…making daisy chains, what does it look like I’m doing?” “Do you know how dangerous that stuff is? Get out of here,” said Jewels, pushing the girl away from the sink. “But I’ve still got a line left.” “I don’t care, get out.” “Fine,” snarled the girl, “I was going to ask for your autograph, but I didn’t realise you were such a b***h!” And with that, she left. Julia turned back to the sink. She could see it again now, the white powder all lined up in a neat little row. Before she knew what she was doing, she’d picked up the straw-end that the girl had been using. She stood there, torn between rationality, and need. “What are you doing?” she asked herself. “You don’t need this stuff anymore, Julia.” She crumpled the straw in her hand and swept the cocaine into the sink before washing it away. She took a few deep breathes, and looked back into the mirror. It was then that she saw Lisa watching her from the door. “Want to talk about it?” she asked. Jewels turned from the mirror, and looked into her friend’s face. She didn’t see hatred, as she’d expected. She saw love and kindness, and again she began to cry. “Yeah,” she said, “Yeah, I really do, but I don’t know where to start.” Lisa came forward and hugged her, a hug that Jewels returned wholeheartedly. “Start at the beginning,” she said.

I shared a four-hour train journey from Boston to New York City with a well- spoken Brit. He was clearly well travelled, with a beard and everything. I don’t recall his name, but lets call him James. After a few hours of talking with James about our past and comparing the US with England, he asks me “so have you ever been to New York before?” I replied “no”. He smiles and says, “Just look like you know what you’re doing, and act like you know where you’re heading.” This worried me a little as I had no idea where I was heading, I can barely get around Wycombe let alone New York City. I sat quietly for a little while and pondered on what James had said, a southern sounding woman then pops her head over my seat “apple pie?” she asks the both of us. I politely replied “no thanks”, I wasn’t hungry and wasn’t particularly in the mood for trusting anyone at this point. James however took a piece and finished it within a matter of seconds; I guess you shouldn’t turn down free food when you’re travelling. After speaking with her for a while I could tell that she was a genuinely lovely lady ‘full of good ol’ fashioned southern comfort’. It

was too late to ask for apple pie by now. She had lots of little children with her, in my head I assumed it was child slave trafficking, however she insisted that she was part of a scout group that were heading to the ‘big city’ for the weekend. Another hour or so passed when I noticed the NY skyline in the distance, I was excited but also fairly nervous about what lay ahead. I popped a few ‘Rennie’s’ and asked James if he could help me with directions and such. We walked off the train, giving our regards to the lady with the kids and proceeded straight into the station. We were bombarded by people, fast food signs and a group of jazz musicians who were actually pretty good. I couldn’t hear a bloody thing, including the woman on the phone from the hostel, who was trying to direct me to where I was staying that evening. James left me with his bags whilst he had a quick cigarette. I stood there looking around, the next thing I see is a man stumbling towards me in a long black coat, waving two fingers in front of his mouth. As he gets closer he mumbles “cig-ar-ette” I told him I had none and he just stared at me. James then came back down and the guy stumbled off. I felt used as he then points over at a lady sat

behind a desk and says, “she’ll tell you where to go mate, nice meeting you”. I nodded and watched him board his subway train …it almost resembled a particular scene from Casablanca. I grabbed my bag and walked over to the woman at the counter, then showed her a map of where I was trying to get too. She writes down my train line and directs me to the train that I need to get on. I sat down on the subway and noticed another man in dark shades staring at me, I try not to look back and just thought to myself “oh God” whilst then noticing a sign on the train saying ‘Bronx line’, I thought once again “oh God”. The man then leans forward and speaks without any embarrassment “you look like a ghostbuster”. I’m confused at this point. He then points above my head, I look up and noticed pipes coming out of the train, seeming like they are attached to my rucksack. I saw the ‘ghostbuster’ connection instantly, turned back to him and smiled whilst also feeling incredibly worried for my life. After this I sat there urging to see the sign ‘West End Avenue’ pop up; ‘my destination’. It eventually did, and I walked outside …I was clearly not where I needed to be. By Shane Millar

Poem - New Jacket The same rising tension you get when a kettles boiling. You’re on a straight road; it’s grey and blue, The pace of others baffles you. The minor quiff, The paisley jacket, The six, Your disappointment in others. The expected, Not wanting to, Not knowing it’s right, Not knowing what’s wrong. She talks to you, You talk to her,

The reasoning, The head-chat. The conversations you can’t have, You have them. The canned laughter, The bitter giggles. The bitter bites and lighter bikes. A click and it’s brewing. Brewing, boarding and female hoarding. You snort through your sleep, The check you’re alive. The balding. The bold. The scorn and its new jacket.

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012


FASHION & Beauty

Oreo Cookie recipe

Ever wondered how to make your very own Oreo cookies, well this week we are bringing you our very own recipe! This makes 25 to 30 cookies, but you can adjust the ingredients By Hollie Wicks to fit how many you want.

Ingredients (Wafers) - 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour - 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon baking powder - 1/4 teaspoon salt - 1 to 1 1/2 cups sugar - 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons, unsalted butter - 1 large egg

Ingredients (FIlling) - 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) room- temperature, unsalted butter - 1/4 cup vegetable shortening - 2 cups sifted sugar - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Picture Perfect Pretty Pastels London Fashion Week showcased some of the musthave designer looks for this season. The runways were laced in plentiful, pretty pastels showcasing the designer’s upcoming spring-summer collections. Topshop, H&M, New Look and many other highstreet shops have jumped on the fashion bandwagon and are offering their take on the versatile shades.

Method 1. Set two racks in the middle of the oven. Preheat to 375°F, 190 fan oven or gas mark 5 2. Thoroughly mix the flour, cocoa, baking soda and powder, salt, and sugar. Lowering your speed, add the butter, and then the egg. Continue mixing until dough comes together in a mass. 3. Take rounded teaspoons of batter and place on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet approximately two inches apart. With moistened hands, slightly flatten the dough. Bake for 9 minutes, rotating once for even baking. Set baking sheets on a rack to cool.

To make the filling: 4. To make the cream, place butter and shortening in a mixing bowl, and at low speed, gradually beat in the sugar and vanilla. Turn the mixer on high and beat for 2 to 3 minutes until filling is light and fluffy. 5. Spoon the mixture on to half the cookies, only a teaspoon size blob. Then place another cookie, equal in size to the first, on top of the cream. Lightly press, to work the filling evenly to the outsides of the cookie. Continue this process until all the cookies have been sandwiched with cream. Enjoy with milk!

Pound World brings you treats

NEW LOOK // Patent Clasp Purse // £5.99 ASOS // Macabee Patent Loafer // £38.00 H&M // Peach Skater dress // £7.99 ZARA // Flower Hair Ornament // £7.99 DOROTHY PERKINS // Tote Bag // £19.50 RIVER ISLAND // Bangles // £12.00 TOPSHOP // Moto Jeans // £38.00 ASOS // Pastel Metal Keeper Super Skinny Belt // £6.00 TOPSHOP // Nail varnish in Daydream // £5.00 each

Last week it was good food for the brain, this week it’s still food for the brain, but this time it’s full of sugar and energy to keep you awake during university. Ever wondered how much you spend on sweets and chocolates and then realised you’re probably spending too much. Well think no further, at Pound World they have an abundance of sweets and chocolate for a small price to pay. One pound to be precise! Now this isn’t just for one, this is for packs of them. Their range stretches from the standard pack of four dairy milk bars; to a tub of old school candy floss to now the new four-pack of jelly tots - my favourite! By Hollie Wicks

By Faye Towler

MWednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 25 By Harleen Sangha

Colourful Locks of blue clothes whilst rocking this colour and it goes well perfectly- it’s a shade that can be co-ordinated within it. Kelly Osborne’s lavender locks are so pretty and feminine; it’s more of a softer colour which goes well with pastel shades of clothes, such as baby pink and ivory. Of course the most dominant colour is when Rihanna rocked her fierce red hair; it’s a colour that will give you a feisty look, from cherry to crimson. Dressing in black will show a sharp edgy look, for a funky, multi-coloured look, yellow and purple would go well.

Katy Perry is Smurf-esk!

There’s just something about bright hair that shows character, confidence and style. From candy floss pink to turquoise blue, you name it - these colours have all been in the limelight. The bright colours give an extreme, bold statement that screams ‘fierce’. Best of all, with so much going on in the colour, you can keep it simple with the clothes and make up and still stand out. My favourite rainbow colours have to be Katy Perry’s turquoise blue dye - as some say the ‘Smurf’ look. It’s a preppy colour which looks vibrant. Katy has worn a lot

- For natural teeth whitening, rub a strawberry all over your teeth. The fruit contains natural whitening agents. Then brush immediately afterwards with fluoride toothpaste.

Kelly O rocking a pastel barnet.

RiRi looking fierce with red tresses.

- To help your nail polish dry faster, run COLD water on the back of your hand and let it drip down your fingers to your nails. Don’t let the water run directly on the nails as this could incur smudging.

- To reduce the redness of a spot, use antiredness eyedrops.

Tried and Tested

By Faye Towler

- If you have no time to change from a day to night outfit, a coat of stunning red lippy can instantly transform any look. - For longer lasting nail varnish, dip your fingers into vinegar prior to application as this helps the varnish adhere to the nails better.

Olay Beauty Fluid Olay skincare has been on the market since the 1950’s. With the experience and the reinvention of classic products, the company is now well established in shops around the country and abroad. Invented by a South African chemist, Graham Wulff, the aim was to deliver unique characteristics all in one product. By this he wanted to create a moisturizer that would resemble the skin’s own oils, protect and restore moisture by rapidly penetrating through the layers. Over the years the brand has been a popular essential in everyday skincare routines with one being bought every two minutes. Catering for every skin type and indeed every budget, I snapped this moisturizer up for a little under five pounds at my local beauty store. What enticed me to choose this cream over other brands was the fact it was promoting a nongreasy formula and finish. I’m certainly not one for looking like my face has been shoe shined. I must admit the product is very true to its word in that sense. When applying the ‘Beauty Fluid’, I found its formula very light and easily absorbing. For those who are not overly stuck on heavily fragranced creams, this would be one to consider, as there is a very inoffensive ‘clean-laundry’ smell to it. I found the cream very useful as it can be used in a variety of ways, from removing makeup, cleansing, mixing with foundation to create a tinted moisturizer and using a thick layer as a nourishing facemask. The disadvantage of the product is the fact that it doesn’t contain sunscreen, which is fundamental to protect your skin from signs of ageing and sun damage. Olay Beauty Fluid, along with other competing creams on the market does contain emulsion that binds the water and oils together to prevent the two from separating in the bottle. Parabens are also added to prolong shelf life and kill of any bacteria and germs. For a basic essential I would recommend this product for its multi purpose qualities and its cheap price tag, but investing in a higher end, organic substitute in the long run would be more beneficial to your skin.

- If you’re thinking about investing in a decent foundation, my advise to you is not to rush. Definitely try out as many as possible as you could be wasting a lot of money purchasing products that do not suit your skin’s needs. Ask for samples, or take in a small pot and pump some of the testers out, after all, that’s what they are there for.

Above: The famous beauty fluid invented by South African chemist, Graham Wulff.

- To make your eyes appear bigger, add white eyeliner to the lower water line and the inner corner. By Faye Towler

26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012

text your issues to

07624 805 945

The cost of sending the text is your standard text message rate.

Text: 07624 805 945 Email:

Interested in a night out at the High Wycombe campus venue? Just get together a group of 6 people and sign up for FREE transport to and from the campus, at times that suit you!

Watford Methodist Circuit

LGBT Fellowship For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies.

A local LGBT Fellowship group meet on the first Sunday of each month 2.30pm - 4pm. All are welcome: LGBTQI and straight family and allies, whether you already know Berry Lane Methodist Church (Rickmansworth), or are coming from further afield!

Wednesday and Friday nights only. (a minimum of 2 days notice must be given prior to day of travel) Events: Wednesday: Frat House (An American fraternity style party)

Friday: Flirt! (The biggest student club night in Bucks!)

We meet on the first Sunday of the month, 2.30pm-4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Mill End, WD3 7HJ. Our next meeting: 1st April 2012

The first meeting will include a discussion about coming out in church, and worship. If you would like a lift to this event please contact the University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793 or email:

Email with your Student I.D. and the times you want to leave and return.

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 27

New Mitigating and Extension Request Policy and what to do if something is affecting your ability to do your University work


To contact the Advice Centre High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180 Or email

Mitigating Circumstances claims are firstly reviewed by a designated member of staff found in each Faculty, they may accept your claim, ask for further evidence or refer the claim to the Mitigating Circumstances Panel. This Panel meets regularly throughout the year. You are informed by email, to your Bucks account, whether your mitigation has been accepted or not. If your mitigating circumstances are accepted then this information is given to the relevant Board of Examiners. The Board can then make certain recommendations, i.e. permit a repeat assessment for an uncapped mark. (For all possible recommendations see the full Policy.) All pleas for mitigating circumstances are handled in accordance with the University’s Data Protection policy, however if you feel your claim is highly sensitive you can submit it in a sealed envelope and then it will only be viewed by the Chair and the Secretary of the Mitigating Circumstances Panel. Mitigating Circumstances Forms are available from School Administrative Offices or the University website What to do if you are experiencing difficulties If you are experiencing difficulties which will affect your What would be considered grounds for an extension? (see Appendix 2). Completed forms and supporting evidence should normally be submitted to the School ability to meet a deadline or your performance in an exam The University recognises that sometimes, something Administrative Office within 10 working days of the or other assessment then you must contact your School happens that is beyond the ordinary stresses of life and Registrar as soon as possible. The registrar will be able seeks to offer the opportunity for students to achieve what event, i.e. examination or hand in date in respect of which mitigation is sought. If it is not possible to to advise you of the most appropriate course of action, would be considered their normal standard of academic provide the evidence within this timeframe, the form which may be: work. must be submitted within 10 working days stating which Examples of circumstances which might normally pieces of evidence are to follow and an expected date of a) An application for an extension to deadline: where constitute grounds: their submission. the agreement of a later deadline for submission will - Illness during the lead up to assessment hand in or If submitting a late claim (over 10 working days of the enable you to complete the coursework during placements event) you will need to provide evidence as to why you - Death of a family member or close friend b) Claim to the Mitigating Circumstances Panel: - Severe unforeseen personal or psychological problems did not submit your claim within the time limit. where an unexpected event seriously affects your - Flare-up or exacerbation of a chronic condition What would be considered grounds for mitigating performance and an extension is not feasible or - Complication of an existing condition or additional circumstances? appropriate impact of a disability Examples of circumstances which will not normally be The examples of circumstances which might normally constitute grounds for mitigation are the same as above c) An application to suspend studies: where changes in considered as grounds include: for extensions, plus: your personal circumstances or illness make it difficult - Paid employment, although exceptions may be made - Serious transport difficulties which could not have been for you to continue with your studies at the current time. where an employer makes additional and unforeseen avoided. demands on an employee e.g. sending an employee - Specific religious observance Extensions overseas at short notice Where you experience a serious disruption of your - Misunderstanding of the University procedures e.g. not The examples of circumstances which will not normally studies in the days before the deadline for an assignment/ knowing an assessment date be considered as grounds for mitigation are the same as practice, an extension is normally the most appropriate - Computer or printing problems above for extensions plus: course of action. This will enable you to complete the - Holiday - Transport problems e.g. missed bus or train, lateness assessment required for that part of the course before of lift embarking on the next phase of your studies. Mitigating Circumstances (or Mit Circs) An inability to effectively manage their time The length of time granted for an extension will If it has not been possible to apply for or receive an - Group coursework tasks – failure by one member of normally reflect the amount of time lost because of the extension or the date of the assessment/hand-in has the group to submit work or undertake the tasks event in respect of which you have claimed. So if you passed then you should consider applying for mitigating assigned by the group have a doctor’s note which signs you off for a week, you circumstances. Mitigating circumstances are defined as: will get a week’s extension. The deadline for an extension “a serious disruption of studies caused by circumstances - A back-dated claim for reasonable adjustments completed prior to the release of a formal assessment will normally fall before the date for feedback to the which are beyond the student’s control and which by disability support e.g. retaking an examination with cohort and the relevant Board of Examiners so students occurred in the period immediately preceding or during extra time. cannot benefit from feedback on marked work provided the completion of assessment tasks.” he University expects all students to know and understand these regulations. If your work is affected by illness or another problem and you don’t follow the regulations properly, saying that you did not know about the policy will not help you. Students have been fully failed and therefore off their course because of handing work in late and not following this policy properly. BE AWARE! This policy can be found in full on the University website , type “formal documents” into the search box, from the formal documents page you can then search for any of the University’s policies or regulations. For this policy put “mitigating circumstances” into the search box and you will get a list of links to the policy and all the related appendices. Here is a brief overview of the policy, but please refer to the full document, especially if you find yourself in a situation where you need to use it.

to other students. Where an extension has been granted, you will only be able to enter a plea of mitigation in respect of the same assignment/practice if you experience a different unavoidable or unforeseen event during the period of the extension; including a sudden deterioration or continuation of a previously notified condition or disability. In this situation, you will be required to submit supporting evidence. This means that you cannot be given both an extension and mitigating circumstances for the same reason over the same time period. Assignment/Practice Extension Forms are available from your School Administrative Office or the University website (see Appendix 1). Completed forms must be returned to the School Administrative Office accompanied by appropriate documentary evidence, usually 48 hours prior to the deadline. Full instructions to complete the form are provided on the form. Read these carefully.

Phone us, email us, or drop in and see us!

Evidence for Extension requests and Mitigating Circumstances claims Independent evidence must be provided to support both a request for an extension and for a mitigating circumstances claim. You should submit the original documentation, not copies and any evidence submitted will be copied and returned to you. Examples of documentation which may be acceptable include: - Medical certificates which cover the appropriate period of time. - Letters from medical specialists. - Letters from professional counsellors/advisers, which should refer to the appropriate period of time. This may include the Students’ Union Advice Centre. - Relevant legal documents - Death certificate - Letters from legal professionals - Letters from church or spiritual lead - Death certificate - Letters from legal professionals - Letters from church or spiritual leaders The following are examples of evidence which will not be accepted: - Personal statements from the claimant describing circumstances for which there is no independent documentary evidence - Uncorroborated evidence from friends or family In exceptional circumstances, where it is not possible to obtain independent evidence, the panel may use its discretion in the evidence that has been provided, this may include the above. To help you obtain the relevant evidence, a proforma is provided at appendix 6, which you can take to your GP for instance, to help them provide the information that is needed by this policy. Suspension of studies There may be occasions when, as a result of changes in your personal life or a prolonged/serious bout of illness, you have difficulty in fulfilling all the requirements of your course. In this situation, you may wish to consider suspending your studies and returning when you are able to focus again on the course. If you are considering suspension, you should discuss the implications with your Personal Tutor and your School Registrar as soon as possible. You may also wish to explore the financial implications with the Students’ Union Advice Centre or discuss any disability related implications with the Disability Service. International students should note that a suspension of studies may invalidate your visa. International students should contact the international office for further advice.

get in touch: High Wycombe Campus, Ground Floor, North Wing t: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge Campus, Room 1.03, First Floor, t: 01494 605 180

e: w:

28 Bucks Student, Wednesday 21st March, 2012


This is a unique project funded by the University who are aiming to make the transition into Higher Education as easy as possible by preparing, supporting, reassuring and welcoming new students to Bucks from the moment that they apply, helping them integrate during the first few weeks and then on until the beginning of the January term. In addition, we hope to convert more students that apply to Bucks to those that become Bucks students. Communication will be via email for which a Buddy account will be set up for you. On occasions when deemed necessary, communication may be by text message for which a Buddy Mobile Phone will be issued to you for Buddy use only. To apply, please visit and complete an application and equal opportunities monitoring form. These need to be returned to For more information, speak to Katie Smith by emailing

To help students integrate into Bucks New Uni and the local community and provide a friendly welcome to new students during the first two weeks of term. As part of a team, organise trips and activities for students, provide information about Bucks Students’ Union and local services and socialise with Freshers as well as acting as ambassadors for Bucks New Uni and Bucks Students’ Union. To apply, please visit and complete an application and equal opportunities monitoring form. These need to be returned to For more information, speak to Katie Smith by emailing Closing date: Saturday 31 March 2012 at 5pm.

Closing date: Saturday 31 March 2012 at 5pm.

To help students integrate into Bucks New Uni and the local community and provide a friendly welcome to new students during the first two weeks of term. As part of a team, organise trips and activities for students, provide information about Bucks Students’ Union and local services and socialise with Freshers as well as acting as ambassadors for Bucks New Uni and Bucks Students’ Union. Head Helpers on duty will supervise the team of Freshers Helpers in carrying out their tasks and duties. To apply, please visit and complete an application and equal opportunities monitoring form. These need to be returned to For more information, speak to Katie Smith by emailing Closing date: Saturday 31 March 2012 at 5pm.

This is a unique project funded by the University who are aiming to make the transition into Higher Education as easy as possible by preparing, supporting, reassuring and welcoming new students to Bucks from the moment that they apply, helping them integrate during the first few weeks and then on until the beginning of the January term. In addition, we hope to convert more students that apply to Bucks to those that become Bucks students. Communication will be via email for which a Buddy account will be set up for you. On occasions when deemed necessary, communication may be by text message for which a Buddy Mobile Phone will be issued to you for Buddy use only. International Buddies may need to communicate in their native language. To apply, please visit and complete an application and equal opportunities monitoring form. These need to be returned to For more information, speak to Katie Smith by emailing Closing date: Saturday 31 March 2012 at 5pm.

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 29

Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!

have brought forward a new enthusiasm alongside some exciting forthcoming projects. “We aim to be bigger and better,” said Lucy in a statement.”

A Change is underway for Red Button at the moment, with a new Chair, Secretary and Tresurer having been successfully voted in. It’s a wave goodbye to the old as change is ushered in for the society. The new team is officially Chaired by Lucy Pratt alongside Secretary Marcus Baxter and treasurer Connagh Gale. The team have already held their first meeting and

“We’ve got a few ideas (for taking things forward) but if you want to know you’ll have to join Red button to find out!” “We plan on looking at projects we haven’t done before and we also plan to get as many people and societies involved as possible.” added Connagh.” “We’d also like to thank Josh, James and Kyle for their previous work.” Red Button Film-Making society is The 2010/11 Society of the Year which focuses on

making short films and videos. We are a group that is open to everyone and anyone with a passion for making films regardless of your abilities. Whether you’re interested in script writing, acting, camera work or editing- there is always an opportunity to get involved and have some fun! If you feel like getting involved or would like to contact the Society our email is red.button. or alternatively you can come along to our meetings which run on Mondays 7.30pm9:00pm in N1.07. We can also be found on: Facebook Twitter- @RedButtonBNU YouTube/RedButtonSociety



Red Button Film Society: Under New management

An update from the Mooting society



This month we are starting with some great news. I am proud to announce our Mooting society has been nominated for Society of the Year in the 3rd Annual Union Awards on the 27th March 2012, which is a tremendous honour for us especially as we are only in our second year as a society. This nomination reflects the hard work of the society as a whole, but special thanks must be given to Heidi Loren, Rachael Bewick and Rupinder Kaur; thanks guys your hard work and total dedication is what has made this nomination possible. On the topic of nominations our elections for 2012/13 society council took place last month and I’m pleased to introduce to you our newly elected executive council, Rachael Bewick (Chair), James Green (Secretary) and Harmeet Anand (Treasurer) I’m sure you will all do the society proud and lets hit the ground running for another jam packed year for our members.

Bethany Murray-Morrish Emily Wilson

Bucks Students’ Union will be holding their third annual Union Awards on Tuesday 27th March at the Town Hall, High Wycombe. This flagship event is to celebrate the commitment of students and the contribution that members of university staff have made this academic year. There are a series of awards for special achievements through this academic year. The coveted Union Fellowship and Honorary Life Membership of the Students’ Union may also be bestowed. This year will also see the first Excellence in Learning & Teaching Awards. The nominees are as follows: Campaigner of the Year Guy Humphrey Ellie Fenlon Amber Bailey Will Hoskin Student Team Member of the Year Jane Lunn Ross Chappel

Student Journalist of the Year Sarah O’Brien Gary Anderson Sarah Campbell Oliver Hunt Society Member of the Year Laura Winnan (Dance Society) Heide De Sausa (Mooting Society) Aaron Livingstone (GAA) Jeff Day (Furniture History Society) Student Rep of the Year Shanique Miller Nick Lucas Rachel Bewick Dionne Matthew Volunteer of the Year Lauren Troiano Will Hoskin Lily Thompson SnowSoc Professional Service Employee Partner

Our Internal Mooting competition is well underway and the final round will be on Monday 19th March. The winner of the prestigious Jane Tyrer Mooting Cup will be announced at the black tie dinner on the 22nd March. Also the second round of the Blackstones’ Criminal Advocacy Competition is going to be held in Winchester in April and takes the form of a bail application. As an update our team for the ESU moot fought Oxford Brookes valiantly; however they were just pipped at the post. Well done to Ryan Mills and Nicola Missledene for an amazing moot and showing once again how committed and talented the members of our society are. Next on the agenda is the annual black tie dinner on the 22nd of March, the tickets are sold and the arrangements have been carefully and meticulously planned out by Rachael Bewick (Mooting society Chair) and Stacey Roberts (Law society Chair);well done ladies you have done an amazing job. The wine is chilling, the tables are planned and the tickets are sold so all that’s left to say is enjoy what’s going to be an amazing event. That’s all from us for now but we would like to remind all students that the Mooting meetings are held every Monday in N2.04 at 6pm; anyone is welcome to come along from any discipline. See our website for more information:

Many Thanks The Mooting Society

Susan Widd Graham Callaghan Ian Hunter Gary Caulfield Academic Staff Member of the Year Doug Cole Ray Sylvester Julie Irwin Simon Brown Society of the Year Dance Soc Furniture Society Mature Students Society Mooting Society Charity Fundraiser Salina Jalzan Adam Pears Sam Norman Lauren Troiano Student Leadership Josh Clipsham Nathan Baker Sarah O’Brien Aaron Livingstone

23rd march 2012 11am-3pm Gateway Concourse and Events Hall-HW Campus

Netball, Rugby, Boxing, Rowing and more!

Try out a different sport and raise some much needed money for people all over the world.

Pick and choose what you play or come and spectate and support your fellow students.

Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise cash and change lives. The money you raise is spent by Comic Relief to help people living incredibly tough lives, both at home in the UK and across the world's poorest countries. Volunteers needed to help steward the day. Email: for more information

Wednesday 21st March, 2012, Bucks Student 31

Bucks lose out to Sussex After a long trip down to Sussex everyone seemed in high spirits in the warm up and looking to turn around their poor run in form. BNU got off to a good start with Gilbert calmly slotting a penalty from 40 metres out. However their lead was short lived when some poor defending lead to Sussex running in for a try in the corner. After patiently playing the phases Tom Eden seemed to pop out of nowhere to touch down in the corner. Gilbert unable to convert. From

the restart Sussex reclaimed the ball and BNU’s leaky defence allowed Sussex to capitalise and once again score making it 10-8 to Sussex. Buck’s spirit was not dampened and they continued to apply pressure to a very physical Sussex outfit. Some snazzy footwork by Gilbert made a half break for Rothery to put in Josh Hall in the corner to put BNU ahead. Gilbert missing the conversion. Bucks then earned a penalty infront of the posts and captain Truffles pointed to the sticks. Gilbert

Mens Rugby

Sussex 1st 45 - Bucks New Uni 1st 16

taking the points and taking Bucks into a 16-13 lead at half time with everything to play for. There had to be an early replacement as Winger Jordan Yeates had to go off with a self diagnosed broken leg... to later return to the field to replace Gilbert. But this was a story of two halves and the long break due to postponed games looked to take its toll on the players and some poor tackling allowed their strong winger to run in 4 fairly simple tries. Some of the

Sussex players quite obviously knew where the gym was and they were able to bosh a few weak tackles to score at will. Leaving the game to finish 45-16 to Sussex. Special mention’s to Josh Hall on a strong defensive game and Stuart Gough on some excellent attacking rugby. Next week’s game against bottom of the league Portsmouth will hopefully allow Bucks to get back to winning ways at Kingsmead.


gordos gossip

So here it is, the penultimate paper before you all leave for another year and I finish my term as VPSI. A massive congratulations to Ash, Jack and Naomi on being elected as your new Sabbatical team for 2012/13, I hope you can all work together as well as we did this year and follow on all the good work and relationships

throughout the Union and University. But I haven’t left yet so here is an update on past/upcoming events. Last week, GAA took over the SU with their Pre St.Patrick’s Day party, putting all their handwork into a wheel of fortune, Guinness pong, cocktail bar and much much more. They raised an awesome sum of over £500 so congratulations to all those involved. Next up is Badminton and Volleyball, so look out for their posters to see what ideas they have in mind! These next 2 weeks we are going to witness a lot of sport! Not only are the regular fixtures on, Rugby are playing an evening match at High Wycombe RFC against Imperial College on Friday 23rd at 7:30pm. This is their last match of the season so please get down and support your friends! Also, on Friday 23rd we are hosting a range of activities both on the gateway concourse and events hall from 11am-3pm for you to try out a new sport and help raise money at the same time for Sport Relief. If you still haven’t contacted us about getting involved or want to help as a steward then please contact I hope those of you who are attending Union Awards on 27th are not too hungover, because the day after, Wednesday 28th, I’m super excited to introduce our brand new intramural varsity RED vs. BLUE, whose concept was brilliantly brought about by Daisy and Joanne of Hockey and Netball. It will consist of 14 teams, 14 fixtures over 9 sports and only 1 winner! On the day you will compete against your friends and you may not even get to play in your normal team as the red and blue teams are chosen at random. There will be t-shirts and a BBQ available on the day all for a cost of £1.50! BARGAIN! Red vs. Blue. Which one are you? Win or Lose, On the booze, because its...........TOUR TIME! Whether its Rimini or Salou I hope you all have an amazing time! And remember what goes on tour, goes on Facebook!! Make sure you get good use out of the sexual health clinic, March 26th and stock up on condoms before you go!! VPSI: Amy Gordon

WEDNESDAY 29th february netball Bucks 1st 31 - Brunel 4th 20 netball UCA Surrey 1st 31 - Bucks 2nd 23 netball Bucks 3rd 20 - Imperial Medics 5th 20 mens volleyball Bucks 1st 0 - Kingston 1st 0 womens volleyball Bucks 1st 0 - Portsmouth 3 womens football Bucks 1st 5 - Medway 1st 2 Mens rugby Sussex 1st 45 - Bucks 1st 16 mens football Bucks 1st 2 - Brunel 2nd 1 Mens football Bucks 2nd 3 - Brighton 5th 2 mens football Brunel 4th 1 - Bucks 3rd 2 mens football Imperial Col 2nd 1 - Bucks 4th 2 mens football Bucks 6th 2 - Bucks 7th 2 mens tennis Brunel 2nd 0 - Bucks 1st 12 womens tennis Bucks 1st 10 - Reading 1st 2 mens squash Royal Holloway 2nd 3 - Bucks 1st 0 mens hockey Bucks 1st 2 - Imperial Col 2nd 2 Womens hockey Bucks 1st 12 - Brunel 3rd 0 womens badminton Bucks 1st 8 - Medway 1st 0 mixed golf Portsmouth 1st 4.5 - Bucks 2nd 1.5 mixed golf Bucks 1st 6 - Brunel 1st 0 results from 07/03/12 mens rugby Bucks 1st 20 - Portsmouth 2nd 22 netball Bucks 2nd 46 - UCA 11 netball Bucks 3rd 12 - Surrey 3rd 46 mens football Bucks 6th 3 - Royal Holloway 3rd 0 mens football Roehampton 2nd 3 - Bucks 4th 1 womens hockey Bucks 1st 5 - Royal Holloway 2nd 1 MENS hockey Portsmouth 3rd 1 - Bucks 3rd 1 mixed golf Surrey 1st 1 - Bucks 1st 5 womens tennis Reading 1st 10 - Bucks 1st 2 results from 12/03/2012 mixed golf Bucks 1st 4.5 - Bucks 2nd 1.5

results from 14/03/2012 womens badminton Roehampton 1st 8 - Bucks 1st 0 mens squash Bucks 1st 0 - Brighton 1st 3 Mens basketball Hertforshire 2nd 63 - Bucks 1st 47 womens basketball St Georges 1st 19 - Bucks 1st 64 netball St Mary’s 1st 40 - Bucks 1st 15 netball Bucks 2nd 7 - LSE 2nd 48 mens football Sussex 1st 3 - Bucks 1st 1 mens football Bucks 2nd 1 - Roehampton 1st 1 mens football Bucks 3rd 5 - St Mary’s 4th 1 mens football Bucks 4th 1 - Chichester 5th 2 mens football Bucks 5th 1 - Portsmouth 6th 3 mens football UCA 2nd 0 - Bucks 6th 2 mens football Bucks 7th 0 - St Mary’s 6th 1 mens tennis Bucks 1st 0 - Surrey 1st 12 mixed golf Bucks 1st 6 - Portsmouth 1st 0 mens volleyball Brighton 1st 3 - Bucks 1st 0 mens rugby Brunel 1st 90 - Bucks 1st 5 Mens rugby Bucks 2nd 5 - Sussex 2nd 19


WEDNESDAY 21ST MARCH MENS BASKETBALL Bucks 1st vs Chichester 2nd mens football Reading 1st vs Bucks 1st Mens football Bucks 2nd vs Portsmouth 4th mens football Bucks 3rd vs Kingston 1st mens football Bucks 4th vs Kingston 2nd mens football Bucks 5th vs Kings Col Medics 2nd mens football Bucks 7th vs UCA 2nd womens tennis Bucks 1st vs Roehampton 2nd mixed golf Bucks 2nd vs Surrey 1st mens rugby St Mary’s vs Bucks 1st mens rugby Bucks 2nd vs UCA 1st womens volleyball Chichester 1st vs Bucks 1st


Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

Bucks beats Surrey

Silverware could be on its way to Bucks New University after the 6ths beat UCA Surrey 1sts 2-0 in a controversial top of the table clash at Farnham Park that leaves Bucks top with three games to go. But it was the home side that looked dangerous in the opening stages and almost took the lead after just 30 seconds when a neat through ball gave Surrey’s in-form striker a golden opportunity to open the scoring. He rounded Keeper Mody Linkevicius but brilliant blocks from Robbie Newbury and Jamie Brailsford prevented Surrey from breaking the deadlock. Shortly after, Surrey threatened when a 25-yard effort seemed destined for the top corner but Linkevicius pulled out a

stunning stop to keep the home side at bay. Bucks then began to take control with some neat passing football that led to the first controversial moment of the game. Mike Humphries found Ben Pritchard in acres of space in the penalty area and he calmly slotted the ball into the bottom corner. But the referee disallowed the goal and judged Pritchard to be offside, enraging the visitors and keeping the game goalless going into the break. Bucks came flying out of the blocks in the second half and were rewarded for their efforts when a quick free-kick came to Humphries, who unleashed a stunning 30-yard strike into the top corner to give the visitors the lead. Ecstatic celebrations followed but the referee ruled Humphries’

celebration as inciting the opposition and brandished a red card for his actions. Bucks were forced to withdraw striker Dominic Parrella bringing on midfielder Connor Humpage as they looked to see the final 25 minutes out with ten men. Surrey dominated the final stages with the extra man but couldn’t find a way past the strong, organised Bucks defence. The hosts didn’t look like scoring but with five minutes remaining a wayward Bucks clearance dropped to Surrey’s leftback 25-yards out, whose powerful volley slammed against the far-post before Ian Huggett cleared to safety. Surrey were throwing the kitchen sink at Bucks but couldn’t take any of their chances and paid the ultimate price when Humpage won the ball in midfield before picking out Jarrell Hepburn perfectly who then skipped past the Surrey defence to fire into the back of the net to make it 2-0 to the away side. The 10 men held on to win 2-0 and go above Surrey with only a few games remaining in the season. Bucks now go into the derby game against Bucks 7ths, unbeaten in five matches while UCA Surrey 1sts travel to St Mary’s 5ths hoping to turn their season around. By Connor Humpage

President pushes over only try!

mens RUGBY Bucks New Uni 2nd 5 - University of Sussex 2nd 22 Wednesday 14.03.12 After a strong phase of rucks, Ash Coles A sunny but windy Kingsmead set the led the attack, with the President popping scene for the Bucks boys to host the top over in the corner for BNU’s only try. of the league team, Sussex. A win for Conversion missed. Bucks would deny the Sussex team of Final Score 22-5 to the Sussex boys, promotion and a hard game was sure to although a it was valiant display by the follow after an injury plagued season for BNU lads, not helped by some very poor the High Wycombe team. refereeing. The game started evenly with both teams Man of the Match goes to Frazer applying pressure near the opposition’s Hegarty for an excellent game at Flanker, try lines. After a tough first 20 minutes making countless tackles and winning the Sussex team made the break through ball all over the pitch. after a long build up of play. The hard running centre for Sussex crashed over shortly after to give Sussex a 12-0 lead at half time. Special mentions goes to Dean Lister and Shane Slow for big some big hits to deny a certain try. An early shock was to follow the break with Sussex breaking through some poor tackles and crashed over in the corner to give them a 17-0 with 30 minutes left to play. The BNU boys seemed to wake up shortly after and again hard defences from both teams caused errors and scrappy play in the middle of the pitch. A missed tackle again left Sussex with another try to give them a 22-0 lead with 10 minutes to go. Replacement Jonno Lowther created havoc with some huge hits although the ref didn’t see eye to eye with him penalising a couple of perfectly legal tackles. A good passage of play left BNU in the oppositions 22 with 7 minutes to go. Above: President Ash Coles scores only try

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