The Bucks Student - Edition 29

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bucks student edition 29

May 2012

Highlights of Festiball 2012 Bucks Students’ Union is having a positive impact on your time at Bucks by... - Holding our first ever 3 day ‘Festiball’ packed with great acts, ensuring the year ends in style

Over the weekend of Fri 11th – Sun 13th May brought us a whole new May Ball concept, in an attempt to reach as many students as possible and to offer a special night to final year students, the SU decided to spread the ball over 4 events, thus creating The Festiball. Being the first time that the SU have run the May Ball in this form, it was hard to know what to expect. We came down relatively early, for a night at the SU and despite being very quiet it gave us a chance to look around and see what was on offer. As we approached, we noticed tents scattered around the tree outside the SU. This and the marquee hosting the ticket entrance already gave a feeling of being somewhere other than our usual hang out. The White Room had been transformed into a massive tent with iconic red and blue stripes of a festival marquee white made for a great feel, this mixed with giant inflatables hanging from the ceiling created a very festival meets club vibe. Friday 11th was a Ministry of sound/Unitrash run

night and the acts were of a Dubstep/Club persuasion. The White Room, re-named ‘Main Arena’ for the weekend, played host to R3wire, Radio 1’s Jaymo & Andy George, Kissy Sellout and Utah Saints. Whilst the Lounge re-named ‘The Glade’ was decked out in grass, tents and trees. It was hosted by our homegrown talent mongers Unisex with Frost and Green and Electrociti DJ’s giving an alternative option for Festiball goers. The main highlight of the first night would have to be Kissy Sellout. His set was commercial enough for everyone to enjoy and his obvious technical ability made for a great start to the weekend. Utah showed why they have been on the scene for so long and the way they have kept up to date with the genre is a

- Inviting Steve Rider to host the Athletic Union Dinner and rewarding all of our successful and hard working sports clubs - Convincing the University’s Senior Management Team to allow us to pitch for additional funding to the University Council

Hidden course costs are contributing to financial problems and drop outs, and are costs which the university should Come Clean about.

Help us by calling into your SU office to pose for a photo or filling out one of our hidden course costs ‘receipts’

lesson to us all. Their recent hit with Drumsound & Bassline Smith (who’s agent is an ex Bucks Student) is testament to how strongly their finger is on the pulse. Ooh and almost forgot the extra area out the back of the venue with a burrito and chip van, which despite being a bit over priced for the student market, was a nice touch to the event. Whilst all this was going on there was the small matter of a Thames Boat Party. Offered initially to 3rd and final year students, the 300 cap sell out trip seemed to go down a storm, with the weather holding out perfectly for both the boat and the whole weekend activity. Saturday 12th – So after a bit of sleep we were back on the Festiball mission. Although we loved the first Cont page 14

2 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

Contacts for The Bucks Student newspaper Ash Coles - Editor t: 01494 601 600 e: Sarah O’Brien & Gary Anderson - News Editor e: Mandi C - International Editor e: Siobhan Carney - Lifestyle Editor e: Sarah O’Brien - Features Editor e: Faye Towler - Fashion Editor e: Shane Millar - Culture, Arts & Literature Editor e: Donique Lindsay - Events Editor e: Sarah Campbell - Music Editor e: Harry Boileau - Travel Editor e: Oliver Hunt - Film Review Editor e: MJ Mahmood - Soap & Entertainment Editor e: Hollie Wicks - Food Editor e: Tanieque Noel - Horoscopes Editor e: Gary Anderson - Sport Editor e: For Advertising: Caroline Newton t: 0845 1300 667 e: Union general enquiries: t: 01494 601 600 e: direct to your mobile

Overview News P3 Features - Rags to riches P9

Internet usage will be charged at your providers standard rate

Lifestyles P11 Please recycle your copy of the Bucks Student once you have finished.

Travel P12 Ents pullout P13 Festiball review P14 Culture, Arts & Literature P22

Through a diverse range of representation, events, campiagns, activities, and services. Bucks Students’ Union has a positivie impact on your time at university no matter how you study - find out how by visiting

Movies P24

Letter from the Editor

Fashion & Beauty P25 Food & Drink P26 You Asked We Delivered


Advice P28

Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at communications. You can also sign up to our online newspaper and receive automatic updates before an edition is released. Follow the links on our website for more information.

1. Download a QR reader to your phone. There are loads of free ones available 2. Open the QR reader on your phone and scan any barcodes where you see them. 3. Each individual code will take you to a website for further information. 4. No more typing web addresses. Simply scan the code, go to the site and find out more information.

Societies P29 Sports P30 Sports AU round up P32

If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students’ Union for more information. © 2012 Bucks Students’ Union

Hi all and welcome to the last issue of the Bucks Student this term. There seems to be so many highlights of yet another record breaking year and fingers crossed I can summarise as many of the key events as possible. Starting at the beginning we had a record breaking Freshers Fair, with more exhibitors than ever. This was the springboard for a year of unrivalled participation highs in everything we do from sport to representation. We won 7 league titles across the Athletic Union this year. We held our first Festiball, across 3 days, with great acts and the reception from our increasing number of Twitter follows (@buckssu) was excellent. We have run a large number of campaigns, on everything from Hidden Course Costs to the experience of students on placement. This has led to a number of victories for the Union, with the institution agreeing

to analyse hidden costs and ensure that students know what to expect when it comes to financing their degree. Our awards season kicked off with one of the best nights of the year, the Union Awards. This event brings together key community partners, members of both University and Union staff and of course your lecturers. The event is themed around rewarding those who go above and beyond for the benefit of your peers. Well done to Adam Pears for winning The Union Fellowship and Will Hoskin on becoming an Honorary Life Member. I would like to finish the year with one final achievement. We are £600 away from raising enough money to build a classroom for a school in Zambia, through our charity Learn as One. So if you see the RAG team please give generously and let’s get this school built! For me being President isn’t just a title it is about getting involved and fighting on your behalf in every way possible. I look forward to doing that again next year. Enjoy your well earnt summer break. Editor: Ash Coles, President

Letter from the Student Editor

The University Multi-faith Chaplaincy Team is committed to praying for both students and staff, and we have Prayer Boxes located in Beats, and the Sanctuary at High Wycombe as well as the Pulse cafe at Uxbridge. We would like to extend this service by offering those who use the boxes the opportunity for prayer with a Chaplain. We will be available each week as indicated. If you would like to speak to someone personally and confidentially, or make an appointment to see us, please leave a message:

For more information please contact: University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone: 07544 750 793 or Email:

All Staff and Students Welcome!

High Wycombe Campus Tuesday: 12.00 -12.30pm, in the Sanctuary, N.1.10

Uxbridge Campus Friday: 12.30 -1.00pm, First Floor

Hi all, I can’t believe I am saying this, but this is the last edition of the year, and officially my last ever as Student Editor. It’s been a fantastic year and thank you to all those who read the paper. Although I am so sad to go, I am so excited to go out into the big bad world. Finishing university is like

nothing I have ever experienced; it is the final transition in to adulthood and you are no longer in education. It has been an emotional few weeks and I am going to miss everyone from the newsgroup loads - and everyone from my Journalism class 2009-12! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the paper; without you lads this publication would not be so successful. However, we still need writers and editors next year! And you will be under the watchful eye of the brand new Student Editor Guy and the lovely new Deputy Editor MJ! These two are amazing and will be a fantastic duo for the paper. They are both really approachable so if you want to get involved email

Guy (not me anymore!) on student. I’m sure he will be really helpful. This summer the paper will be undergoing a few changes, so keep your eyes peeled for the Fresher’s Edition in the summer. Very exciting stuff! This is really sad, so I’ll keep it short. Thank you to everyone in the paper – you are all amazing - and a special thanks to Laz Woods and Gary Anderson. There is no way I would have kept my cool this year if it wasn’t for these two. So cheers lads! I owe you one. Have a great summer everyone and see you at Graduation! Student Editor: Sarah O’Brien

Letter from the Deputy Student Editor Hi all! Welcome to the last Bucks Student of the year. Time flies when you’re having fun eh?! I hope everyone is doing well and making those last few deadlines of the year and cramming for those exams! Sunshine and sleep is just around the corner so keep going! This is my last edition as deputy editor. I must say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working in the paper over the last two years. It has definitely been the best experience of my time at Bucks. I

have made some great friends and worked with some fantastic people. I would like to thank everyone in the Students’ Union for their help with the paper especially Simon and Holly. And, in particular, I want to thank Laz and Sarah for all their help and advice over the two years. It’s been a ball! I’m not one for teary goodbyes so have a great summer everyone and slainte! Deputy Student Editor: Gary Anderson

Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 3

Letter from the new Student Editor

Hi Everyone! You probably haven’t heard of me, but I will be the new Editor of The Bucks Student as Sarah O’Brien will be graduating at the end of this year. My name is Guy Humphrey, a second year Journalism student. I hope to make the newspaper an exciting thing to read. Big changes will be on the way, and hopefully the changes I want to implement will happen. Whilst I am the Editor, the main focus of the newspaper is the students at Buckinghamshire New University. This

means that there should hopefully be something for everything, and something that somebody might find the most boring thing in the world, could be the best article another student has ever read. Okay, that might be pushing it. One thing I would like to push is for you, the reader to get involved. Whether it’s a constructive criticism or you want to write a particular event we have missed. You can do it. All feedback will be considered. Seeing the results of the survey put forward by the Students’ Union, it showed many people wanted to write but yet they didn’t. You can always email myself, or anyone you may know who already writes for the paper, to get your ideas and articles in. You want to write a fashion or sports piece as you are not happy with the current content. Then do it. No use complaining if you aren’t going to do something about it. Excuse the rant. Expect many more to come. I would like to finish by saying that on my two years producing content for the paper, I have enjoyed every moment of it, and hope to continue to work with great and enthusiastic people. I just hope I can fill the shoes of Sarah! It might work, I’m a size ten.

National Student Survey: target beaten We are delighted to let you know that 67%* of eligible final-year Bucks students took part in the 2012 National Student Survey, which closed on 30 April. Thank you so much to everyone who completed a survey and helped us to beat this year’s target which was 66%. Congratulations to the three top-performing departments which were: Creative & Visual Communications (90%), Criminal Justice & Social Studies (87%) and Furniture (81%). What incredible levels of participation from students in these areas! We eagerly await the results of the survey which are due

in late summer. Our target is a 79% satisfaction score (5% more than last year). If we achieve this it will be a huge boost to both students and staff alike. In the meantime, the University and Bucks Students’ Union are working more closely than ever before to continually improve the experience of the students who choose to study here and at our partner colleges. We hope that you are having both a great time and a rich learning experience, and wish our final year students a bright and fulfilling future. Two Bucks students’ names were drawn randomly to win prizes for completing the NSS

survey. Our first prize winner is Jack Shea who is taking a Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching and Performance at partner college, Berkshire College of Agriculture (BCA). Jack said: “When I received the call saying I had won £1,000 for completing the survey I shouted, ‘sweet as a nut!’ It was an amazing surprise. I’m planning to take a year out for a round-the-world trip, travelling to places including Thailand, Australia and New Zealand and this will help me pay for that. “The survey was easy to fill in and I feel is important in helping authorities to understand what students want

in terms of facilities, course structure, content and general expectations. It’s an extremely worthwhile process, I’d say, and with such a great prize I would recommend others complete it in future years.” “This win really made my day” Our second prize winner was Dorota Owczaryszek who is taking a BA (Hons) in Journalism. Dorota’s prize was a fabulous flipcam. Dorota said: “I like photography and had been thinking about buying a camera so this is a really nice surprise and will be very useful. This win really made my day!” Director of SED: Ruth Gunstone

Below: Jack Shea won £1,000 in cash. Right: Second prize winner Dorota Owczaryszek with David Sawyer from the Student Experience staff team.

New Student Editor: Guy Humphrey

A tip for the 3rd years If I can remember correctly, at this point in second year there is a feeling of excitement and nervous all at the same time. This is all over the final year, dissertation, exams and finishing university. Well, I have a helpful tip regarding the time to start your dissertation or revising for exams. Forget going home to get the work done, or locking

yourself in your room. Silent study area in the library is your friend, and do not forget this. However, there are no computers so bring your laptop, all your work and make yourself at home, for this area was my lifesaver when fighting through my dissertation.

As always it has its off days, and sometimes it is noisy. However, you can easily book out a silent study room (the glass boxes) which blocks out all noises around you. So when it comes to the time where you need to put your head down and get your work done. Remember silent study area is your friend. By Holly Wicks

*There is sometimes a slight adjustment once the data has been verified and the final response rate will be confirmed in August.

BNU Dance Students woo local school Buckinghamshire New University’s dancers did it their way performing their dancing talents at Sir William Ramsay School on 8th May. The hour and a half performance, which included a mixture of over 40 duets and group performances, was put together by a group of thirteen students as part of one of their assessments. The assessment was a business enterprise assessment. They got funding for the production which included tickets, getting a venue and programmes. Dances varied from Bollywood to hip hop, and



£5 per car, with all profits going to the RAG charities, LearnAsOne and The Pepper Foundation. Park in the back car park in the set spaces and have your car washed while you go to work. For more information or to book your car a wash in advance, please email

performers included Bucks Dance and Fitness students, Swan cheerleaders as well as Dance Society members. The performance has been in preparation for four months and overall over 40 people danced and performed throughout. Overall, the production was great, with the spectacu lar dance skills on show. Other groups of performance included dancers from Tuffney Performing Arts Academy and Sir Williams Ramsay School. By Guy Humphrey

4 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

Below: LearnAsOne and The Pepper Foundation receiving cheques for £1450 from our President and Vice President Student Involvement.

Dear all the students and staff at Bucks Thank you! LearnAsOne is a charity which funds schools in Africa. Over the past few years, the SU have kindly been fundraising for Simakakata Community School in Zambia and I would like to thank the students and staff for your ongoing support. When I first visited the school, they were teaching out of an old borrowed farmhouse that the owner needed back. They had made over

20,000 bricks by hand and were happy to build their own classrooms but they couldn’t afford the raw materials such as cement, roofing sheets, doors and windows. These cost £6,500 per classroom. The school have now built 4 new classrooms over the past few years and I’m delighted to announce that this cheque means the students at Bucks have now raised £5,900 for LearnAsOne, just £600 away from a new classroom. There is still

a fundraising walk on the 30th May to come, so it can still be done! On behalf of all the children and teachers and Simakakata, I’d like to say a massive thank you to the staff and students for all their support, hard work and fundraising over the past few years. Thank you and best wishes

By Steve Heyes Founder of LearnAsOne

Bucks Fine Art Student Cycles for Local By Ollie Vassie

20-year-old Ollie Vassie, a first year Fine Art student, will be cycling from London to Paris once again in aid of the local military support charity, STUBS. The STUBS London to Paris Cycle Challenge is their biggest fundraising event of the year and will be taking place from Friday 24th - Monday 27th August 2012. This event was a huge success last year and it is going to be even bigger and better! This year, Ollie (pictured on the far right) will be leading a group of cyclists over the 286km from St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday morning to the Eiffel Tower on the Sunday afternoon. If you would like to join Ollie for this Challenge, please visit or call 01494 811 500 to speak to STUBS directly. Alternatively, you could provide him with

some extra motivation and sponsor him by visiting his JustGiving page! justgiving. com/Oliver-Vassie0 Ollie is raising vital funds for a small charity which is based in High Wycombe. STUBS supports the UK’s most seriously injured servicemen and women by hosting them at sports and cultural events during their stay at Headley Court, the main tri-service rehabilitation centre in Surrey. Most received their injuries on active service in Afghanistan. “The Cycle Challenge was an unforgettable experience last year and one I would recommend to anyone. I am looking forward to leading this year’s cycle challenge and I hope that we can raise Above: Ollie Vassie far right celebrating even more money than the previous his success. year!”

Hidden course costs are contributing to financial problems and drop outs, and are costs which the university should Come Clean about. Examples of Hidden course costs Hidden costs could be: • When arts students have to pay for materials they weren’t expecting • When students have to pay for academic books as a result of them being on compulsory booklists • When placement students have to dish out extra cash to travel to their placements • When 'optional' field trips rule out poor students.

Help us by calling into your SU office to pose for a photo or filling out one of our hidden course costs ‘receipts’

Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 5

Merryfields Hospice - Mural project My name is Stephen Hannaway and I am a mature Student at Bucks New Uni, studying for a BA in Fine Art, About a month ago I was asked to paint a large Mural for the children’s play area in Merryfield’s Hospice, in Cressex, High Wycombe Bucks. This is a care home for very severely disabled children; the theme the children all agreed they wanted was a scene like something out of Walt Disney, The Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo, basically an Ocean Bed, with all sorts of characters and sea creatures. Myself and three much younger students, Emily Hill, Rebekah Bogie and Joseph Sage took on the task, with Emily’s boyfriend, James Wells, himself an Artist and a pretty good one at that, who kindly gave us a days help. This was all part of our Professional Practice Module we needed to do so it was great to volunteer for such a noble cause and all work together on it as a team. I managed to buy some damaged tins of emulsion paint for a third of the price in the B&Q and when I told the staff at Booker Garden Centre, I needed some aquarium plastic plants to fix onto the Mural for the Hospice, they kindly let me have whatever I wanted for 50p. I never considered myself to be an emotional person but seeing these kids living their lives with the cards they’ve been dealt, made you feel an awful lot better about yourself, it made me realise the importance of looking after them and trying to give them something to enjoy so they can live with some dignity, we owe them that much at least, I mean they’re people too.

We will be finishing the Mural next week, as there is only about one days work left to do, its just a matter of tidying up and a few finishing touches and although I say it myself, it does look really something, then on Thursday 7th of June from 1 till 4pm. there is to be a grand opening ceremony, with the children with their Mural and of course us Art Students and Reporters for the local papers to hopefully draw attention to the truly fantastic work that all the staff do here at Merryfield’s. By Stephen J. Hannaway

Below: Admissions Officer Louise Girling is looking forward to working in a ‘paperlite’ fashion.

Response times for applicants set to speed up as we go from paper-heavy to ‘paperlite’

Student of the year success is ‘icing on the cake’ for Malika Ruislip graduate Malika Hamid returned to Bucks to receive an award as ‘Student of the Year’ for her master’s degree course in Human Resource Management from the Chiltern branch of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Malika, 28, HR Officer at Blue Sky Development & Regeneration in Denham, near Uxbridge, was presented with a certificate and a £100 book token by Jen Simpson, Education and Development Advisor for the organisation’s Chiltern branch at its branch meeting, held at Bucks. Malika was recognised for achieving the highest score on her course for her dissertation, which was on ‘engagement of ex-offenders’. Blue Sky is a notfor-profit company set up to give paid work to people coming out of prison and help them move in to long-term employment. She said: “This is the icing on the cake in many respects

and makes all the hard work and pressure of the course even more worthwhile. I’m surprised, delighted and proud to win the award and feel I have gained a tremendous amount from the course to help me move forward positively in my career.” Cheryl Myles, Head of Branch Development for the CIPD, who attended the meeting, said Malika’s was ‘a big achievement’. She added: “It is an excellent achievement for Malika to be recognised in this way by her tutors and student cohort. She deserves every congratulation.” Course leader Jill Walters said: “The MA HRM programme is a particularly demanding one because students are working as Above: Graduate Malika Hamid with her ‘student of the year’ award. well as studying. “Malika’s dissertation is a professional piece of work which demonstrates the commitment and dedication with which she carried out her research. “Her student of the year award was certainly well deserved.”

Student’s art raises awareness of most common cancer in under-30s

Academic misconduct - be aware! Academic misconduct ie cheating in an exam, plagiarism or collusion is taken very seriously by the University and has very serious consequences. If an allegation of academic misconduct made against you is found to be proven a penalty will be applied which will, at the least, result

in you not passing the module in question the first time. For final year students, this will mean that you will not be able to attend the graduation ceremony this September. So far, this academic year, over 100 students have been investigated for academic misconduct. The severity of the

Applicants to Bucks New University are set to benefit from a faster and more eco-friendly service as the Admissions team will no longer receive paper application forms from UCAS and will instead handle the applications electronically. From 2013, in time for the 2014 intake, UCAS will no longer be issuing paper copy application forms to institutions. At the same time, Bucks is looking to help the planet by introducing ‘paperlite’ processes to course teams across the University, encouraging them to use less paper. The Student Recruitment & Admissions team at Bucks says it is confident applicants will experience an improved service thanks to the changes. The Admissions team believe time freed up from heaving through reams of paper applications will lead to a reduction in response times for applicants and the time taken to make decisions. The new process also meets the University’s obligations under our Carbon Trust Standard, presented in recognition of measuring, managing and reducing our carbon emissions, and is also more friendly to the planet. Louise Girling, Admissions Officer in

penalty applied depends on the severity of the case and can result in expulsion. If you are unsure about how to avoid allegations of academic misconduct being made against you, please speak to your personal tutor and/ or the Learning Development Unit who will be able to advise you about correct referencing.

A university student is supporting a cancer charity’s student awareness campaign by producing a set of drawings to raise awareness of lymphoma, the most common cancer in young people. The drawings by Ryan Woodhouse, who is in his 3rd year studying Illustration and Animation, show students displaying some of the common symptoms of lymphoma, the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the under 30s. Ryan decided to raise awareness through his art on behalf of the Lymphoma Association’s ‘PITS’ campaign, which is backed by the Department of Health and aims to raise awareness of lymphoma amongst university students. ‘PITS’ is an acronym derived from four of the common symptoms of lymphoma: persistent lumps (usually in your neck, arm pits or groin), itching, tiredness and sweating (particularly at night). Ryan said: “It is so important for students to

know the symptoms of lymphoma, as they can often be put down to a busy student’s lifestyle. I felt I could help raise awareness for such an important cause by using my skills and I’m really pleased with how the illustrations have turned out!” The Lymphoma Association’s PITS campaign coordinator, Dave Owen, said: “It’s fantastic that Ryan has added his considerable talent to our lymphoma awareness campaign. His illustrations are a great way of helping other students recognise the warning signs. We really want people to regularly check their bodies and not hesitate to visit their GP if they are concerned about any changes.” To find out more about lymphoma or to support the PITS student awareness campaign, please visit uk and find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. To see more of Ryan’s work, please or follow him on twitter @lobsterhands.

Student Recruitment & Admissions, said: “The process has already been taken up by some courses at the University and I know they are seeing the benefits of a quicker, smoother-running operation. “Now we are looking forward to introducing a ‘paperlite’ service across our application process and freeing up our time to improve on our service still further. We have used the phrase ‘paperlite’ to illustrate how we are looking to reduce the amount of paper we use as much as we can.” BA (Hons) Performing Arts has been among the course areas which have trialled ‘paperlite’ admissions and given feedback to Student Recruitment & Admissions on how it has worked. Pedro De Senna, a senior lecturer in Performing Arts, said: “The main positive of going paperless has been ease and simplicity. All the information you need is available to you and at the end of the day you have the applicant’s details to hand so it’s just a matter of sending an email. It has been a positive development.” For more details on the ‘paperlite’ process and the benefits it brings email

6 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

His Royal Highness The Duke of York meets Buckinghamshire UTC representatives

His Royal Highness The Duke of York lent his support to the Buckinghamshire University Technical College (UTC) project when he visited Aylesbury College, as part of a visit to the county. The Buckinghamshire UTC was given the go-ahead by the Government last year, and will become one of nineteen new University Technical Colleges across the country specialising in fulltime provision for 14-19 year-olds, which combine practical and technical vocational education, together with core education. The Buckinghamshire UTC, due to open in Aylesbury in 2013, will focus on IT and Specialist Construction, in order to meet the specific skills needs of the county. The project is jointly led by Aylesbury College and Buckinghamshire New University, who will be working in partnership

with a range of national and regional employers including Taylor Wimpey, Cisco, McAfee, Hewlett Packard and the National Trust. The Duke of York is keen to ensure that young people today are suitably prepared for the challenges in the 21st Century and have the opportunity to develop the right employability skills. As such, HRH is a strong supporter of UTCs. Principal of Aylesbury College, Pauline Odulinski, said: “His Royal Highness has a particular interest in supporting opportunities for young people to find employment, and who are interested in practical, technical skills education. The Duke of York’s visit was the result of a roundtable discussion hosted by His Royal Highness at Buckingham Palace in February 2012. We are delighted that The Duke of York accepted our invitation to visit Aylesbury College and that Lord Baker was able to join him to meet those involved in the Buckinghamshire UTC.” His Royal Highness met students and staff from Aylesbury College, as well as representatives of the area including the Vice Lord-Lieutenant and

High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, the Chairmen of Buckinghamshire County Council and Aylesbury Vale District Council, and the Mayor of Aylesbury. He talked at length to Buckinghamshire UTC trustees and representatives from regional companies. The Duke of York is also particularly interested in apprenticeships, and took the opportunity to meet apprentices at Aylesbury College who showcased their excellent work. Prof Ruth Farwell, Vice Chancellor of Bucks New University, said: “The Buckinghamshire UTC is a perfect example of further and higher education working with employers to provide new opportunities for young people. The UTC will provide students with a pathway to a successful career in industry either by directly entering employment including as apprentices, or via foundation, and higher degrees which can be work-based.” For further information, visit or email info@

universitynews Chief among equals Dr Margaret Greenfields, Research Director of the Institute for Diversity Research, Inclusivity, Communities and Society (IDRICS), based at Bucks, and Crystal Oldman, Dean of Enterprise and Development in Society & Health, were among community groups and organisations invited to a reception at the home of

the Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, ahead of a conference in London yesterday, organised by Siach, a Jewish social justice and community environmental network, which featured delegates from 12 European countries. Margaret said: “We welcomed the opportunity to network and meet with colleagues.”

Music to our ears More than 100 Music and Live Events Management graduates and current students attended an Alumni event at the iconic Gibson Guitar Studios in London. It was organised by the Department for Music and Events Management with the Careers & Employability Service. Department Manager Teresa Moore said: “It was great to meet so many of our graduates again who are now pursing successful careers in the music industry. This was a new venture for us and my thanks go to Alan McBlane, Helen Walters and Richard Chamberlain for their part in making the night such a success.”

Tour de force Andrew Reynolds, senior lecturer in Live Sound Production, has had a second edition of his book, The Tour Book: How to get Your Music on the Road, published. The first edition is a standard text for Bucks Audio and Music Production and Music Management students and at several universities worldwide. Andrew said: “The impact and effect of touring has changed

dramatically since the book was first released in 2007 and so the second edition addresses these changes.” Andrew has worked as an international concert tour manager and audio engineer for more than 20 years. Read more about the book at the website here: news/general_music_news/ the_tour_book_how_to_get_ your_music_on_the_road. html.

Needles to say... First Year BA (Hons) Textiles and Surface Design student Emmeline Kellet won first prize in the Clothworkers’ Foundation Award, in the Bradford Textile Society’s 2011-12 awards,

open to first-year students to make a knitted fabric in any fibre or blend. The prize was £150. Course leader Andie Robertson said: “This is the second year the course has won the category, after Chloe Brazier

won last year. We ask students to enter the competition after they have completed their seven-week knitted textiles project and we are incredibly proud of Emmeline’s achievement.”

Positive vibes

Above: 118: HRH The Duke of York, with Aylesbury College Work Based Learning Manager, David Satchell, and apprentices Alex McGowan, Liam Elliott and Elliot Burgess.

Dr Alex Linley, a leading expert on positive psychology and its applications, visited Bucks as keynote speaker at a secondyear psychology dissertation conference, where prizes were also awarded for the best presentation and best poster in displays by third-year students. Senior psychology lecturer Dr

Be part of the SSHH campaign: Silent Students: Happy Homes


Take advantage of the FREE nightbus taking you from the SU right to your frontdoor!* Just ask the driver nicely! *Bus starts from midnight until close. Wed & Fri only. 1.5 mile radius from the main campus only.

Matthew Smith said: “Dr Alex Linley is a major researcher, writer and contributor to the understanding of the positive psychology of strengths-based traits and we were delighted he was kind enough to attend as part of demonstrating his support for our plans for the psychology course here.”

Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 7

Bucks New University shortlisted for top higher education award

National Union of Students NEWS

Buckinghamshire New University has been shortlisted for a Times Higher Education Leadership and Management Award (THELMA) in the ‘Outstanding Estates Team’ category. The awards are organised by the higher education information magazine, Times Higher Education, and recognise ‘the outstanding achievements of those who run UK universities’. The University’s entry was based on the Estates team’s role in project-managing a £62 million process to: create a campus in Uxbridge, Middlesex; refurbish 90 per cent of its existing campus in High Wycombe; and close two other campuses - moving staff, students and specialist equipment. The team also helped to oversee the building of a flagship stateof-the-art structure at the High Wycombe Campus, called The Gateway, housing its library and drama and music production facilities, among other aspects, which is now a known landmark in the town. The Gateway won a 2010 Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) award for architectural excellence, given to buildings which have high architectural standards and make a substantial contribution to the local environment. The Gateway also meets a ‘very good’ rating under the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. The Estates team’s work has also included building the first phase of Hughenden Park Student Village in High Wycombe, which comprises 234 student rooms, communal kitchens and lounges and mature and disabled student units. Its work at the Uxbridge Campus has resulted in stateof-the-art skills laboratories, a hospital theatre simulation suite, and teaching, social and office

spaces. The achievements of the Estates team also played a part in Bucks New University being awarded a Carbon Trust Standard in 2011, after achieving a 5% reduction in its carbon footprint over the three-year period. Overall, it has reduced carbon emissions across its estates by 36% from 2005-06 to 2010-11. The University reduced its energy consumption in 2010-11 by 1.3 million kWh over the previous year and makes energy savings of more than £500,000 a year, compared to its usage prior to consolidating campuses. The Estates team has also instigated sustainability projects including the Green Travel Plan and the University’s Sustainability Committee. Bucks New University has been nominated alongside estates teams from Aston University, Edinburgh Napier University, Harper Adams University College, Nottingham Trent University, and Regent’s College. Prof Trevor Nicholls, Pro Vice Chancellor: Campus & Facilities, said: “I am so pleased that our Estates team has been shortlisted for this award. “They have worked as a team to ensure that all elements of our £62 million campus transformation project were completed on time and in budget, with the ‘jewel in the crown’ being the creation of our flagship building, The Gateway, which has made a visible statement for our University at the front of our High Wycombe Campus.” The judges for the THELMAs are made up of a panel of 14 figures from the sector, including: Maja Maricevic, head of higher education at the British Library; Christopher Hallas, chair of the Association of University Administrators; and Ken Sloan, registrar at the University of Warwick. The awards ceremony will take place on 21 June at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.

Research into Intellectual Property NUS and NUS Services are delighted to announce new research into student awareness of intellectual property, in collaboration with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and the Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN). This research will gain insight into the student understanding of intellectual property and understand how this impacts student groups by discipline and demographic. NUS and NUS Services are excited to be working in partnership with the IPO and IPAN; this research will deliver trailblazing research into the existing awareness and attitudes to IP and aspirations for the future.

Above: (L-R) Professor David Sines CBE, James Reilly, CEO of Central London Community Healthcare; Ursula Gallagher, Assistant Director of Nursing/Transition Lead, Department of Health; and first-year student Matt Carpenter. Buckinghamshire New University has launched a number of new healthcare initiatives designed to share best practice and support workforce development across the healthcare sector. A special event was held at the University’s Uxbridge Campus to mark the official launch of: the Institute for Healthcare Vocational Learning and Education (IHVLE); Bucks’s partnership with the Centre for Workforce Intelligence (CfWI); and the Care and Health Alliance. The IHVLE is a partnership between the University and the NHS healthcare and hospital trusts in North West London and the Thames Valley to build on and share best practice relating to vocational and work-based learning for unregulated employees working in the healthcare sector. The University is also pleased to announce its appointment by the CfWI as an academic partner institution to advise on the design and development of workforce strategies for a range of professions, including nursing, midwifery, maternity services and social work. In addition, Bucks New University has laid the foundations for a new regional Care and Health Alliance through working with a range of statutory and non-statutory

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NUS has teamed up with leading digital music service, Spotify to offer students an amazing 50% off Spotify Premium, making it NUS extra’s largest ever discount to date This means that NUS extra card holders will be able to take advantage of Spotify Premium at a 50% discount, meaning the all-singing, all-dancing, top-of-the-range experience can be yours for just £4.99 per month. Spotify Premium will give you access to all the music, all the time, enable you to listen online or offline to over 18 million tracks, on your computers, mobile phones and via a whole heap of other devices.

Bucks New University launches new initiatives in healthcare

social and health care partners. The Alliance’s vision is to shape local solutions to support workforce development across health and social care, facilitate relevant networking, and to promote career progression and vocational learning. The event was opened by the University’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Ruth Farwell. Keynote speakers included Ursula Gallagher, Assistant Director of Nursing/ Transition Lead, Department of Health; Lynne Swiatczak, Chief Nurse and Director of Patient Care Standards at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, and James Reilly, CEO of Central London Community Healthcare. Lynne and James contributed their unique perspectives on current healthcare developments and challenges. The event showcased the University’s new state-of-the-art Simulation Suite, which includes a full sized ward and a fully-equipped operating theatre and recovery room/high dependency unit, which together feature all of the essential clinical learning environments to ensure simulated learning experiences are both realistic and accurate for our students and for NHS employees. These facilities, combined with the latest interactive manikins, ensure that simulations

are as close to reality as possible and provide students with the best possible learning opportunities. The University was also celebrating two new nursing education contract awards. From September, Bucks New University will become the largest provider of adult nurse education across London following NHS London’s announcement of its higher education training allocations for the next three years. Bucks will train 320 new students in adult nursing per annum from 2012-13, an increase of 23% on its present allocation, following a national competitive tender with other leading education providers in England. Bucks New University has also been appointed by NHS South of England to provide integrated children’s nursing education programmes from September, following the Trust’s move to tender for pre-registration children’s nursing programmes in Buckinghamshire and East Berkshire. These programmes offer students the specific option to progress to a specialist community public health nursing programme, or neonatal nursing. Future students embarking on the new children’s nursing courses at

Liam Burns re-elected as NUS President Liam Burns has today been re-elected to serve a second term as National Union of Students National President at NUS National Conference 2012 in Sheffield City Hall. Liam was elected with 57% of the vote in the final round of the count, defeating Ed Marsh, NUS Vice President (Union Development) and will continue in office until the end of June 2013. Usman Ali, Vice President (Higher Education) and Black Students’ Officer Kanja Sesay also contested the election and were knocked out in the second and third rounds of voting respectively. Prior to becoming NUS President in July 2011, Liam served as President of NUS Scotland, having studied at and served as a sabbatical officer of the students’ union at Heriot Watt University. Liam’s first year in office as NUS President included running the Come Clean campaign, and achieving a ground-breaking commitment future.” From Universities UK and Guild HE to oppose

Bucks will now have the additional opportunity to gain specialist training in children’s nursing, health visiting, school nursing or neonatal nursing, all of which are workforces currently being developed and expanded upon across Buckinghamshire and East Berkshire. Prof David Sines CBE, Bucks New University’s Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean: Society & Health, said: “This really is a time to recognise our success and celebrate the University’s developments in the health and social care sectors. “We are thrilled with the news of our adult nursing and children’s nursing contract awards. Equally it is my great pleasure to be launching our new Institute for Healthcare Vocational Learning and Education, and the Care and Health Alliance. In addition, Bucks’s partnership with the Centre for Workforce Intelligence is a further string to our very capable bow, and demonstrates the value and contribution we are establishing at all levels of healthcare provision. “We look forward to welcoming more nursing students to Bucks New University and to working with a greater number of partners across the healthcare sector.”

‘hidden course costs’, which can make living and studying expenses unmanageable for many students. Commenting on his re-election, Liam Burns, NUS President said: “I am delighted students have put their trust in me and re-elected me to serve a second term as NUS President.” “With the government’s abandonment of the proposed higher education bill, scrapping of EMA, and presiding over record youth unemployment, so many of their wrong-headed reforms are taking place behind the scenes and we will continue to vigorously contest them out in the open.” “I have a huge amount of respect for the other candidates, all of whom ran fantastic campaigns and will go on to achieve amazing things in the future.”

8 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

Student creates atmospheric Shakespeare audio tour at the V&A Below: Ellie Stuart shows her audio experience to visitors at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

A creative student brought an atmospheric air to the works of William Shakespeare at a weekend event held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Ellie Stuart, 21, studying BA (Hons) Spatial Design at Bucks, came up with the idea as part of a ‘Designing for Shakespeare Weekend’ at the V&A, featuring work by students nationwide to coincide with the worldfamous bard’s birthday. The students were set a project called ‘Shakespeare in a Suitcase’. Ellie’s audio experience, called ‘The Sound of Shakespeare’, saw visitors wear headphones and listen to dialogue from Shakespearean stories which tied in with areas across the museum, including the entrance hall, corridor, theatre and performance gallery, and gift shop. The third-year student

enlisted the help of BA (Hons) Performing Arts students at Bucks New University to speak the words, and the technical assistance of BA (Hons) Audio and Music Production student Dan Gallagher to make her idea a reality. Ellie also used binaural recording, a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, to create a 3-D stereo sound for listeners, to add to the atmosphere. She said: “I pulled out classic excerpts of dialogue from Shakespearean plays with the idea that they would fire the imagination of visitors to the V&A. For example, when people visited the gift shop they could listen to a discussion relating to shopping between a master and his servant in the play Two Gentlemen of Verona, or when they went in to the Cast Courts they could hear Hamlet contemplating his own death, so it’s as though they had intruded on a private moment. It was amazing to see people’s reactions, because some literally leapt into the arms of friends

or shrieked out in shock, so it was clearly a very visceral and physical experience, making them feel as though a scene from a Shakespearean play was in some way taking place around them.” Greer Crawley, a senior lecturer in Spatial Design, said Ellie had given a ‘contemporary feel’ to the works of Shakespeare. She added: “It felt as though the characters were really there with you and you were at the performances, even though you were in a different place and the characters were not visible. When you stood in the gift shop it was as though the characters were alongside you. It was a wonderful experience.” The audio recordings are available on Ellie Stuart’s website, at and can be downloaded for visitors to the V&A to use any time. The ambitious student is also looking forward to carrying out work experience before and during The London Design Festival, at the V&A from 14–23 September 2012.

Bucks professor plans to ‘capture the moment’ with Olympic-themed novel Bucks professor David Brodie plans to connect with the country’s growing excitement over the Olympic Games through his first novel - a thriller set around the event. Prof Brodie, an Emeritus Professor of Cardiovascular Health, says the book, called Treacherous Games, follows a sports agent who plots a series of heinous activities to ensure that his athlete wins the Olympic 1,500-metres gold. The first-time author says he has high hopes the thriller will be a success. He said: “We’re just a matter of months away from the biggest sporting event on earth and so I hope to have found exactly the right time to release this book. It is based on an idea I have had for some years but it is only over the past 12 months that I have had the time to bring it together and see my ideas become a reality. “So far I have received very positive feedback from those who have read it, so I am hoping that, in the run-up to and following the Olympic

Games, this is going to be a real page-turner.” The sub-heading to the novel is ‘the destiny of the Olympic Games is never more in doubt’ and intertwined with the wicked plans of the sports agent, is the destructive scheme of members of a terrorist cell, who intend to disrupt the smooth running of the Games. Prof Brodie said what follows is a tense and absorbing few days as security forces and the organising committee agonise over the most appropriate action to take in rapidly changing circumstances. A further complication arises as the delay to the Olympic programme means that one of the key athletes has reasons not to compete and has to battle a moral dilemma on whether to race. Treacherous Games has been published in paperback and is available, priced at £6.99, through Prof Brodie’s website at davidbrodie. org, on Kindle, on, or by emailing

Above: Author David Brodie with his Olympic-themed novel, Treacherous Games.

Law students gain first-hand experience in courtroom setting

Above: (L-R) Law students Harmeet Singh Anand, Nicola Misseldine, and Zeshan Ashraf outside Wycombe Magistrates Court.

LLB (Hons) Law students gained first-hand experience of life in a courtroom in a role-playing day at Wycombe Magistrates Court. A total of 65 students took part in the initiative over two days at the court, acting out various roles including prosecution and defence solictor, in two cases of bail applications. The first-year students also took on roles ranging from clerk to defendant, with second-year students sitting on the magistrates bench alongside real magistrates. Course leader Jenny Preston said the sessions helped build skills including oral presentation, advocacy and mounting mooting arguments, as well as teamwork and confidence. She said: “This exercise gets students out of the classroom and in to a reallife setting and it is a useful way of learning in a different mode to text books and exams.” The students assess their own performance in the role-play, submitting a self-reflective essay on the experience. Students Nicola Misseldine, Harmeet Singh Anand and Junior RoseGreen were among those who took part and agreed it had been a ‘hugely beneficial

experience’. Harmeet said: “It’s one thing practicing your arguments in front of the mirror and quite another when someone is looking you dead in the eye and you have to think on your feet in order to mount your argument. “I loved the experience and feel as though I gained a tremendous amount in terms of expertise, experience and gaining confidence. “It is impossible to replicate what it is like standing in a courtroom as a solicitor in front of a magistrate and being expected to articulate a legally-correct proposal. It was great to get the chance to do that.” Nicola said she was keen to pursue a career as a barrister and said the role-play experience had strengthened her conviction. She added: “Everybody approached the activity differently so you could learn from how your classmates approached the exercise too. You had to think on your feet and there was nowhere to hide.” The exercise followed a legal aid exhibition, where students manned stands and gave out advice on a range of legal matters. The event formed part of a Legal Skills module assessment to test groupwork skills.

Bucks New University’s impact on London 2012 highlighted in new reports

Buckinghamshire New University’s involvement in sport development and research around the Olympic and Paralympic Games and UK sports industry is highlighted in two new reports launched during Universities Week 2012 (30 April – 7 May), which aims to increase public awareness of the wide and varied role of the UK’s universities. The reports are called Olympic and Paralympic Games: The impact of universities, and Supporting a UK success story: The impact of university research and sport development. They demonstrate the diverse research and sport development contribution that universities are making to the 2012 Games, the overall impact on the UK sports industry and the work institutions and academics are doing around the Cultural Olympiad and 2012 legacy programme. Bucks New University is proud to be included in the reports which showcase its Sports Makers initiative, designed to encourage more people to take up

playing sport. Also featured is the University’s success with the Sport for Fun initiative which is funded through Sport England’s Active Universities programme and aims to improve the opportunities for students to engage in sport through participation, coaching and volunteering in University sport. The University was also invited to attend the Parliamentary Launch of Universities Week on 2 May to showcase its work with the initiatives. The report, Olympic and Paralympic Games: The impact of universities, reveals that more than 90 per cent* of the UK’s higher education sector are engaged with London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, with 65 per cent expecting to gain legacy benefits from their involvement. The activity in which most institutions were involved was volunteering based, with 39 per cent of institutions involved in this type of activity, closely followed by 36 per cent of institutions involved in sports activities. Meanwhile, Supporting a UK success story: The impact of university research and sport development, highlights how research taking place at universities across the UK is helping to give athletes that extra split second or millimetre advantage which can mean the difference between gold and silver medals in competitive sports. The report takes an in-depth look at how exploration and development in the areas of technology, health and wellbeing, design, sport development and participation and the Games past and present, have contributed to London 2012 and the UK sports industry.

The third annual Universities Week campaign, which aims to increase public awareness of the wide and varied role of the UK’s universities, this year took an in-depth look at the contribution that our universities make – and have always made – to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the sports industry and society as a whole. Carina Page, Sport Development and Strategy Manager at Bucks New University, said: “Universities Week 2012 was an excellent opportunity to showcase some of the fantastic work universities are contributing to the world of sport, which is especially apt with the Games taking place this year. “Here at Bucks, we joined the nationwide call to encourage more people to play sport by hosting two Sports Makers conventions for students studying sports management and sport-related degrees, in partnership with Bucks Sport. Events delivered inspirational workshops covering ‘Leading from Within’ to ‘Olympic and Paralympic Values’ and welcomed over 110 students. This will contribute to 1,100 Sport Makers hours being given back into local community grass roots sport, supporting and contributing to the 2012 Olympic Legacy.” “Bucks New University is also mentioned in connection with its role in the Sport for Fun initiative funded through Active Universities. The University was awarded over £300,000 of National Lottery funding from Sport England to transform the opportunities for students to participate in sport at the University, with which we have had much success.” Copies of the newly launched reports are available on request from universitiesweek@ and later for download from universitiesweek.

From Raps to Riches

Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 9

With his soft voice and quiet demeanour, PJ Rowlands is a far cry from your stereotypical urban musician. There is no sign of ostentatious jewellery or tattoos; no posturing or brash mannerisms. In fact, nothing about PJ is typical or average. Rather, the softly spoken 17-year-old is something of a contradiction; a rebel on the path to redemption; a poet who calls himself a rapper. To some, PJ might appear to be just another young musician hoping to hit the big time; an ex-teen tearaway with musical talent and a desire for mainstream success. But, look a little bit closer and you will see there is more to PJ than just baggage and big dreams…a lot more. “There’s this image of rappers, you know,” he says, with a casual shrug. “I guess some people think that if you pick up a mic and rhyme you need to be talking about drugs or guns. My music isn’t like that. My lyrics aren’t just about street life, or crime, they’re about anything that’s on my mind. As long as it’s an honest insight, it doesn’t matter if people disagree with my music; it’s about whether or not they’re feeling the vibe.” Whilst he might eschew the themes of murder and money making adopted by so many budding young emcees, PJ is certainly no angel. Born on a rundown council estate, he confesses that he spent much of his early teenage years getting in to trouble. Whilst he may have come a long way since then, he admits that many of his friends have not been as lucky. “I know some people who are probably regretting the stuff they did right now, and I know some who have risen above the situation – got themselves out of a corrupt system. Yeah, I’ve been in trouble with the police, but that was a long time ago.” Though somewhat cagey about the specifics, he is far more candid when it comes to discussing his own transformation from teenaged tearaway to aspiring artist. So, what prompted him to make the change? “Music,” he responds, matter-of-factly.

“It keeps me in the studio and stops me getting caught up in the wrong situations; my life would be pretty hopeless without music. I think it helps you get out and escape the boundaries; it shows you what path you can go down; it lets your mind escape and helps you see the bigger picture.” Whilst it’s obvious that a love of music might well have been the catalyst for change, PJ is also quick to credit local youth facility, The Roundhouse, with helping him make the transition. The facility, based in the centre of High Wycombe, is just one of a small number of local programs aimed at encouraging musical talent and youth creativity. The Roundhouse’s senior manager, Rebecca Nutley, believes that programs such as hers help enrich the lives of youngsters, whilst encouraging them to pursue more positive goals. She said: “I think that giving young people the chance to be creative and express themselves is so valuable to their self-esteem. To see someone change their behaviour and realise their potential…that is just so rewarding.” PJ certainly agrees. “The roundhouse is great,” he says, with more than a hint of enthusiasm. “It’s especially good when it comes to music and helping to get the recording side of things done. It’s there to help people who want to do something with their lives. I know it pretty much helped me benefit as an artist. “I’ve heard that they [The Roundhouse] have gone out to help young offenders with their music. I think it definitely helps having something like that. I’ve heard recordings and tracks from some of these artists

and it’s a lot of talent that’s just been wasted.” Though he never says as much, these words are all the more poignant because, although PJ may have music on his mind, it is not the fear of failure that drives the articulate teen, but rather, the threat of wasted potential. “My biggest fear is that it will all be for nothing,” he says seriously. “It’s not about whether I make it; it’s not even about the success. If I was getting paid for it, that’s great, but earning money for something you love is a benefit… it’s not the main thing. Hopefully I can get some sort of recognition but, if not, I’ll always have something to say…whether it’s musically or poetically. I don’t need music, but it is what makes me happy.” “Besides,” he adds. “Focusing on music helped me sort myself out. I guess even if that is the only benefit, it’s still pretty good, right?”

It certainly is. With the interview drawing to a close, PJ bounds to his feet and politely shakes hands, apologetically announcing that he’s off to the studio to put the finishing touches to his debut album. The transformation, it seems, is finally complete. From street corners to studio booths; the rebel really is reformed. Maybe he doesn’t need music after all; on the contrary, perhaps music needs him. By Siobhan Carney

This page illustrates the main figures from the survey, as well as student suggestions for additional content, and amendments to the design, of the newspaper. This feedback from students will be used to inform the future design and content of the newspaper.

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19/03/2012 15:14

Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 11


Lifestyles @LeeMaloneTV

So here we are. Another year of Bucks New Uni has flown by, and we’ve seen it all. The messy hangovers, the nightmare assignments, the amazing nights out and the laughs we won’t forget. Whether you’re finishing up your first year at BNU or you’re bidding farewell, you’ve got to admit it was a hell of a year. Welcome to the academic year’s final ‘You Got This, Bro!’ An article I started six months ago in order to get people pumped up, and to share the stuff that helped revolutionise the way I look at the world. I’ve seen myself go from the unmotivated slacker I once was to the no-days-off work-machine I am now and wanted to share what I’ve picked up. And in the same way that I’ve been telling you to put in the grind and get what you want, I’ve now seen my article become a regular feature in “The Bucks Student”, received the nicest feedback in the world and seen it do what it was set out to do. For that, I feel truly blessed. Thankfully (or unfortunately, depending on your mind set) my work isn’t over. Just because all my coursework is in and the Summer is in the horizon doesn’t mean that most of the University isn’t in crunch time right now. For those kids who are basically living in the library and skipping nights out in order to study. To the film kids who’s eyes are killing them from staring at editing screens -I know mine do. The athletes who have to ice their feet every night to survive and the musicians who’s fingers are bleeding from practice, practice, practice. I salute you. Your happy endings will be coming very soon. You’ve worked for it. Right now we’re in a very special time period. Coursework deadlines are approaching thick and fast. Exams are either under way or are staring at you in the face. Maybe you have practical tests and the tension is building. This is crunch time. Football fans might know it, as Sir Alex Ferguson once called it, as “Squeeky Bum Time,” (No I have no idea either) though I know it as it was taught to me by Motivational Speaker Eric Thomas - THIS…IS THE FOURTH QUARTER. Ask any friend who plays American football and you’ll know there are strategy books so jam-packed, they reach the sky. Play after play, strategy after strategy. Why? Because a GOAL without a PLAN is just a WISH. Read it again. If you don’t have a strategy to win, a route to go through, then all you’re doing is waiting on luck. Working your way through a big company, gaining promotions until you reach the top. That’s a goal. Winning the lottery. Simply a wish. So which one are you employing? American Footballers have a plan of action, a route to success. There’s no wishing on a star for them and that’s why theirs is one of the most competitive sports going. “The Fourth Quarter” is the culmination of all your hard work from the first three. Whether you’re first year or final, every lecture you attended, wrote notes, read, worked on your project, and decision made has

led you to this point right here. “Today we do the things that others WON’T, so that tomorrow we can do the things that others’ CAN’T” One of my favourite quotes. The idea is that every step you take in the right direction, no matter how small, helps. If you join an office and are only making tea and coffee, it’s your choice, which leads you to the promotions of tomorrow. Whereas other people may have backed out because they don’t want to put in the grind. It means that tomorrow they don’t even get the OPTION of what you’ll be doing tomorrow. If I had turned down the chance to film on a flip phone all those years ago, I wouldn’t be at the level I am now. If Muhammed Ali had said he didn’t like cardio and wanted to skip ahead to the sparring stuff, there’s a real chance he wouldn’t have had the conditioning to make it to the World Title. What you choose to do today dictates what you get to choose tomorrow. So why the concept of “The Fourth Quarter”? Linking back to sports, if you put in the grind now and score that last-minute goal, you’re next game could be the Championship Finals. Alternatively, if you give up on yourself in the dying seconds then your next game could also be a 5-a-side match in the park with some homeless guys. Your call, but no matter what happens, the fourth quarter of one game is always followed by the first quarter of the next. You just need to decide which game it is you want to be playing next, the Championship Final or the throwaway match. Now the first people I’m gonna’ talk to are the people who don’t think it’s that urgent. Speaking from experience, I knew that in first year I just needed to pass the modules to get to next year and the grades itself didn’t matter. What I didn’t realise was that ending this year strong would step my game up for next year. I put in overtime on my final projects of my freshers year and it meant that by the time Year 2 rang in, I was CONFIDENT in my skills and not just “meh, we’ll wing it”. In second year I saw a lot of people saying “It’s ok if I mess up, I’ll just do really well on the next project and it’ll even out”. Maybe worked for some, but on my second project of the year my laptop corrupted and my external hard drive wiped - three days before deadline day! Being a film student, I lost two films that would have effectively cost me my degree. I had to stay up for three days straight to reshoot, re-edit, render and hand in the coursework on time, on my own and up to par. Those three days were like “The Fourth Quarter” of that term for me and I put in the work so that by the first quarter of next term, I wasn’t scrambling like a maniac to keep my degree. Two lessons I learnt from that was to expect the unexpected (because you’ll never know when you’ll have to put in Military-level work!) and to treat every second like it’s The Fourth Quarter, so that when First Quarter comes back round again, you’re the reigning

Champion. Now what about the people who are facing the big exams, the big assignments or worse yet, the big bad world outside of University? Well let me ask you why you’re here. Sure, I’m not gonna’ lie to you, we all googled Bucks to see what the nightlife was like. Nobody chooses off academics alone and we all wanted to see what the area was like, if there was fun stuff to do and all that jazz. But the real reason you’re here is that piece of paper. Your degree. You said to yourself that you wanted to succeed in your chosen field so much, you’re willing to pay ten to thirty grand on it, get up for early morning lectures (even if Frat House was the night before), get homesick and still not yet 100% figure out Blackboard. Yes, uni is fun, but uni is also tough as balls; The fresher’s flu; the mad rush to print off documents in the library; the constantly being poor and eating tinned goods for months on end; the bruises on the knee’s after a crazy night out; the cold showers; more flu; poor diets; particular boring lectures; sleep deprivation; money issues; working your arse off on a piece and then getting a 45% grade and wanting to just pack your bags and go on home. But despite all this you didn’t, and that degree is why. “It was my decision to get clean, I did it for ME.” Eminem, Not Afraid For those about to head out into the big bad world of “real life” - don’t be scared, be excited. A whole new set of rules where your work directly dictates where you go out there. Be very excited. You’ve gotten farther than most have and farther than many thought you could. You’ve proved them wrong once, keep going. “All good things in life come after risk, uncertainty, fear, and a couple spoonfuls of panic and pain” - Justin Johnson You wouldn’t expect a boxer to make it all the way to the Championship Fight and turn up drunk. You wouldn’t expect a singer to turn up to a gig and not know the words. You wouldn’t expect to spend years of your life, money, health, relationships, sanity, well-being and everything that goes with it on a degree and then not turn up to knock that thing out like it stepped on your toes now huh? So let’s do this. Gloves on. If you’re not already warmed up, get the running shoes on too. It’s time to email tutors for help, time to re-read every note, work on every avenue. If you’re gonna’ sacrifice big then it’s time to pick up that pay off. “Today we do the things that others WON’T, so that tomorrow we can do the things that others’ CAN’T” Whether it’s once a year in a big exam or only now, In The Fourth Quarter, at the end of your stay here at BNU,

you have to prove it to yourself why you’re here. You have to prove it to your parents who put faith in you, your friends who supported you, your classmates who helped you on assignments but most of all, you owe it to you. If you go through the hangovers, the borderline poverty, the sleepless nights and all the mess in-between and then fall at the last hurdle then you’ve cheated yourself more than anybody. You can sleep all summer, right now is the time to treat The Fourth Quarter like what it is, the last chance at a bigger chance tomorrow. For those who don’t know what that means, it means you have to go through the HELL that I did in those three days before my deadline. The work you put in now is the difference between “a handful of mediocre options” tomorrow or a “shedload of awesome ones”. I can’t tell you exactly what your life is like right now - but you know what you can sacrifice. So whether you’ve got one foot out of the door and this is the last YGTB you’ll ever read, or you’re pushing yourself to enter next year in Beast Mode, whether you’re next “First Quarter” is going to be very surreal and new or whether it’s just gonna’ be the same stage but a bigger prize, and whether you’ve worked hard in the past or you’re only getting your head in gear now - Take a long look at what you’re willing to do to succeed, have a long think about what you’ve sacrificed to get to this point, take a long look in the mirror and repeat after me: “YOU’VE GOT THIS, BRO!” Go kill it.

By Lee Malone

Pump-up Track of The Week ‘Machine Gun Kelly’ - Half Naked and Famous

Dear Busty... Busty the Buck is our resident Agony Aunt, here to help you with any problems, issues or queries you might have when it comes to student life. The old Deer loves nothing more than to sit down with a cuppa and to read your letters and emails. So if you need some words of wisdom and advice then don’t hesitate to get in contact. Just email your problem to: Dear Busty, I’m a 1st year and I’m worried cause it’s getting towards the end of the year and I’m not planning on going home over the summer. I have a job sorted but can’t move into my new student house until September. I’m starting to panic I won’t have anywhere to live whilst I work here in Wycombe! Any ideas? Joseph, 21 Ahh Joseph no need to get your knickers in a twist petal! Brook Street Halls are available for rent over the summer at a small fee all you need to do is should go and see the accommodation people. So have no more fear Joseph my dear… Busty was here. Kisses on your face, Busty x Dear Busty, I’m graduating this and have absolutely NO clue as to what I am going to do next! HELP! Jamie -Lee, 23 Jeeezzoooo everyones out for a panic this week, Firstly little panic pants! Remember there are loads of people in the same situation as you. You have a number of options. First of all what do you want to do? Not everyone wants to leave Uni and go straight into a job? Why not think about traveling? Gain work experience? You can use the Careers facility up to 2 years after graduating and they can help with your CV too! Even that pesky student loan doesn’t have to be paid back until April 2013

Busty votes traveling - how about repping? I have a fabulous friend that spent her post Uni years moving round the world with a travel company enjoying the Sun sea and....Hangovers. Jamie – Lee now spread your wings (not your legs) and see the world! Kisses on your face, Busty x Dear Busty, My current housemates in Halls are doing my head in trying to work out who/where we are going to live in our 2nd year. My boyfriend is also putting pressure on me to move in with him so I’m really confused as to what to do for the best. More importantly I just don’t want to offend them!! Anonymous, 18 Anonymous you write to me all the time! Who’d have thought one person could have so many problems! (did you sort out that STI btw? I hope you learned your lesson about going back to boys houses with leather swings!) Now the best thing to do is make sure they are happy firstly. Living with the bf can be risky, it took Rusty and I 4 years before we got a forest we were both happy with. Luckily my girls lived in the woods just next door so we were only a short canter away. Why not think about that? Maybe get the bf to move in with his mates near you? Similarly living with your bestie’s can be tricky too cause if those people are messy then the beans are going to hit the fan! Kisses on your face, Busty x

12 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012


An Englishman abroad: an education in culture By Shane Millar

I was 18 when I took my first proper trip away from home. I spent a grand total of three days in Paris, and can honestly say that it changed my life. I wasn’t expecting many cathartic moments. After all, how can a three day visit to a city only 213 miles from London have an impact on your life? Now, almost three years later, I can give you an answer. It brought me face to face with my own ignorance and naivety. I remember arriving at Gare du Nord train station and thinking it was like nothing I’d ever seen. Most striking to me was that the guards patrolling the platform were carrying guns; something which you’d never see waiting for a train from Marylebone. It was such a shock that I immediately felt lost in this strange land. How could Paris, a city so close to home, be so different? There was a moment when I locked gazes with one of these stony faced patrolmen, and quickly looked away again. It was at this moment my expectations changed. My experience became less about the beauty of the city, or the striking quality of the landmarks: what intrigued me most were the people of Paris. What I’d thought was going to be a simple holiday became something altogether different. It was an education in culture. After settling in at the hotel, I took the 20 minute walk to Notre Dame Cathedral. The building, whilst impressive, was not the most remarkable thing about the area. Perhaps most exciting was exactly what I’d realised I needed to experience: the

ambiance. I remember a group of buskers on the steps of the cathedral, all with string instruments, playing a fast-paced melody for the assembled crowd. Thinking back, the vibrancy of that performance meant that I couldn’t help comparing Paris to the UK once more. This display of musical talent was so far removed from the half hearted harmonica renditions that could be heard on my home streets. This really allowed me to see the huge gulf between the British and French people, and what makes French culture so appealing. These musicians played so elegantly, so precisely. It was that perfect mix of poise, refinement and casual arrogance that the French exhibit so well. And I have to say that it was refreshing to see. Everyone I knew back home was so typically English, quiet and polite, but somehow painfully crass in comparison. That same night, my friend and I walked to the Eiffel Tower, which was lit in gold, casting a soothing light over the surrounding area. My attention was not wholly captured by the tower. Instead, my eyes were drawn to the activity around it. We arrived at a stone courtyard a little way from the tower itself, and were immediately assaulted with a sensory overload. There were brightly lit stalls scattered around the courtyard, and street sellers charming the public into buying tiny replicas of the tower. Most awe inspiring, though, were the troupe of street dancers in the centre of the courtyard. A

crowd had slowly gathered around and was cheering them on. The atmosphere was electric. This, being my first proper trip away from home, was a real eye opener for me. There is a lot to be said for our country and its quaint landmarks, but the way of life in Paris was so different to anything I’d ever experienced. The French seemed to lack that certain reserved quality that we Brits have in spades. My naivety shames me even now, but everything seemed like a new discovery at the time. One of my most treasured memories of this trip was formed on our final night in Paris. My friend and I were eating in the forecourt of a restaurant on the very edge of a busy marketplace. This particular spot sticks out in my mind because every table appeared slanted by an optical illusion. My friend and I watched as the dozens of street artists in the market sketched people’s portraits by lamplight. My friend’s parents, who accompanied us, still have one of these portraits hanging on their living room wall. The artist who drew it completely shattered my unfounded idea the French people. I’d been told to expect rudeness, and had been greeted with nothing but good humour. The artist was no exception. He spoke as he drew, recounting stories from his long career. We listened, enraptured by jokes and anecdotes, and laughed along with him. If I had to sum up French culture in one word it would be dignified. It felt so good to be a part of it, even if only for three days.

3 First year Textiles + Surface design students, traveling by car, have space for 2 extra students to travel with.

£5 per day includes parking + petrol

Meeting in and around the Ealing area (London), Greenford then going to Bucks New Uni.

1 Room to rent in 4 bed house from August 2012 in Islington London. £83 per week, with opportunity to car share to and from Bucks.

£5 per day (parking and petrol)

Pints of Carling or Gaymers Bottles of WKD or Budwieser Zubrowka or Eristoff vodka & mixer Bacardi or Malibu white rum & mixer Jamesons or Jim Beam whisky & mixer

Welcome to theWeekend! 0 5 . 1 £

Thursday - Sunday 8pm-10pm




DID YOU GET A PHOTO? Search: Bucks SU Photos (2011 -2012)

Bucks Stude

Weds 23 May - Fri 08 June at Wednesday



*Thursday BLUE RINSE


* Friday



high wycombe

Blue Rinse - Clothes Swap

The Frat House Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1





Flirt: Zoo Themed End Of Year Party


Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1



Strongbow Red Stripe Jim Beam Bourb Zubrowka Vodka & Corky’s Double up



The Frat House



Snakebite £1.70 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1 Pt Coke / Diet Coke / Lemondade £1

Gaymers original draft / Tuborg can £2 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

Carlsberg / Carling draft / VK / Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 until 12am Large glass House Wine £2.50 until 12am Corky’s £1 a shot, Relentless can £2 Double up on spirits £1


Crash + S

Corky’s £1 Double up on Plus specia


Welcome selected drinks onl

ents’ Union

t The Venue High Wycombe








Rock & Roll Bingo + Quiz DOUBLE MONEY


w Draft £2.00 e Can £2.00 bon & Coke £1.80 & Apple Juice £1.80 s £1 a shot p on spirits £1

* Sunday

Suck My Acoustic

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1



* Sunday

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1





Say Yeah!

1 a shot n spirits £1 al offers!

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

To The Weekend, ly £1.50 from 8pm - 10pm

Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1


08 Flirt : Design Show Special! 4 pt pitcher Snakebite £7 4 pt pitcher Carlsberg / Gaymers £7 Large glass House Wine £2.50 Corky’s £1 a shot Double up on spirits £1

18 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

Cont from front page night, one of the main lures of the weekend was the appearance of Zane Lowe on day 2. Hard to know what to expect from him and having never seen him before, I was expecting an eclectic mix of Rock and Club tunes. Before Zane though was newbie B.Traits. What we witnessed was possibly the birth of the next Annie Mac. She is small in stature, Canadian but Scandinavian in appearance and big on tunes. She was the perfect build up for the main man we’d been looking forward to. Zane Lowe I can only describe as “more than I had hoped for.” His stage presence was immense, strutting round the stage from time to time, climbing on the speakers to spur on the crowd and passionately bellowing down the mic creating an all time high for my years at Bucks. Now what could follow that…? Nothing was the answer, but that was the point… We were spoilt with a Blue Rinse Finale. This wasn’t intended to compete or top Zane’s set, but you could tell it was simply the FUN part of the Festiball. Having never been to a Blue Rinse night before I didn’t know what was going to happen, what did happen? The stage was invaded with dancers/Blue Rinse friends all dressed in animal onesies and fancy dress attire. They hurled fluorescent bands and glasses at us whilst boogieing to the likes of James Brown and Michael Jackson, it was the perfect end to the night! Sun 13th – I don’t know how many made it to the SU

for all 3 nights but having thought Saturday would be the highlight I was soon to be impressed again. On day 3 we were treated to a few more activities around the venue. A giant photo booth in the foyer, a casino in The Glade, fireeaters on arrival and a headphone disco to finish the night off. The first big act of the night was Fazer from N-Dubz. He reassured us on arrival to the stage that N-Dubz haven’t split up… phew! He then preceded offering us his vodka – what a gent. There was quite an atmosphere building as we waited for him to come on. Tonight’s main act was Danny from McFly. Was this going to be a bit cheesy? Maybe a bit cringey? I’d heard rumours he sings whilst DJing??? Pleasantly surprised in an understatement, Danny was awesome! He looked so happy to be here. He was actually DJing as well, not just a celeb who turns up and plays a couple of pre mixed CD’s, he really seemed to be into his music. As with Zane Lowe on Saturday, Danny whipped the crowd up into a frenzy. His enthusiasm and stage presence was once again infectious. His set was a great end to the weekend, but we hadn’t finished yet. A quick dabble in the headphone Disco room followed by a classic club anthem set from Joshua Roberts, for which Danny stayed to dance on to the end, really capped off a great 3 nights. We didn’t think we’d survive Festiball or what it would offer… We did, and it was fantastic! Bring on Festiball 2013.

Highlights from the Students’ Union’s biggest weekend of the year!

Each day got better!! We weren’t sure which would be the best line up and as the weekend on it got better and better. After Zane Lowe we thought it had peaked but Danny McFly & Josh Roberts pulled out an awesome finale. Roll on FestiBall2013

Highlight of my weekend was definitely B Traits! Amazing DJ! Alcoholic cocktails were so yummy too!

Kissy Sell Out really brought the crowd alive on Friday night, with both DJs on Saturday creating the same electricity amongst the crowd. It really was the most movement I have seen in a crowd at any Bucks SU night! Indie Patrol were great - all the festival favourites really got me in the Festiball mood!

FestiBall 2012 was an amazing concept for Bucks doing a 3 day event! Everyone was getting fully into the theme. It was an amazing weekend. My favourite act was Zane Lowe!



Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 19

“3 nights, 3,000 students, memories to last a lifetime!”


JAYMO & ANDY GEORGE . UNISEX DJ’S ELECTROCITI . WORD IS BORN . BOAT PARTY Photobooth . Extra bars . Fire eaters . foodstalls

SATURDAY 12TH MAY BLUE RINSE . CRASH . MILK . CLARITY OXYGEN BAR . Fire acts . Stiltwalkers Angle Grinders . Photobooth . Foodstalls



JOSHUA ROBERTS . MATT & SI . FLIRT DJ’S CASINO . GIANT PHOTOBOOTH . Fire acts Stiltwalkers . Angle Grinders . Dancers . Foodstalls

tickets available now TICKETS: FREE for Bucks SU students. Boat Party tickets £25. Please visit for terms and info. Guest tickets will be priced at £20 in advance for the entire weekend of events or £10 for each day. Tickets can be purchased from or from the Students’ Union offices from 10am Tues 8th May to 1pm Friday 11th May.

Student Editor’s review Our beloved Bucks SU saw a rather different

May celebration this year with the introduction of the Festiball. The three day event included amazing acts such as Kissy Sell Out, Zane Lowe and Danny from McFly DJing. The first night witnessed DJ Kissy Sell Out getting the crowd going with his remixes of chart and song classics so everyone could sing along. Other acts included Utah Saints, Radio 1 DJs Jaymo and Andy George, Varski as well as Unitrash DJ R3Wire. A fire eater was out the front showing off her scary skills to onlookers and really gave the night an extra special touch. The DJ’s and fire eaters were all breathtaking. However, the thing that made this night for me was probably the fact that there were takeaway and burger vans outside for the students to enjoy, and is where I spent most of my time. If you were man (and woman) enough to go the whole three days, then well done! I was buy recovering to go on the Saturday - but on the plus side I did not miss ‘The Voice’ and Britain’s Got Talent final. By Guy Humphrey

BLUE RINSE high wycombe


24TH MAY 50s/60s/70s/80s/90s/00/



WIN TICKETS TO ival! Zoo Projects Fest

£1.50 drinks promo’s between 8pm-10pm Thursday to Sunday at the SU, Gaymers Original Draft £2.00 Tuborg Cans £2.00 Vodka & Relentless splash £1.80 Range of Bombs £2.00 Corky’s £1 A Shot/Double Up On spirits £1.00

FREE for Bucks students. £3 for guests from 8PM



dj noel vs dj chris thursday 31st may AT 8pm

the ultimate head to head

The events Manager takes on the Venue manager in a battle of the beats!




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22 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

Letter from the editor Hi everyone! Firstly, I’d like to say that I hope you have enjoyed reading the culture, arts and literature section as much as I have enjoyed editing it. As you are all aware, this is the final edition of The Bucks Student for this year, so this is just a quick letter to say goodbye, and good luck with your studies for next year! My advice: please, please, PLEASE,

don’t leave your dissertations/final projects to the last minute if you are going into third year! They do take more time and effort than you think. Anyone interested in writing fiction should definitely read Tessa’s transition. It contains some very interesting insights, given from a debut novelist’s perspective. Enjoy! By Shane Millar

Staged “

Funny Peculiar Review TV star Suzanne Shaw returned to her home of High Wycombe to perform in the eagerly awaited Funny Peculiar at the Wycombe Swan Theatre last month. The play is set in the 1970s during the birth of sexual freedom, but residents of the small village in the Pennines both naive and negligent to the changes surrounding them. Suzanne explains: “I think it shows off a very bonkers time of life where things were slightly changing, and this village is not quite ready for this dramatic sexual change for free love.” One character, however, is more than ready for the transformation. Coronation Street star Craig Gazey plays loveable Trevor Tinsley, who – although evidently loves his innocent wife Irene (Shaw) - can’t help but ponder of a life without sexual restrictions. When his neighbour’s sexy and irresistible wife incites him, Trevor finds himself biting into the forbidden fruit. Funny Peculiar is a laugh-aminute show, and although there are moments of serenity and heart-break, the comedy and acting

is fantastic. The humour has been dubbed out-dated, but it has an air not dissimilar to the Carry On films, which everyone in the Swan Theatre that night found hilarious. However, the slap-stick comedy has not been everyone’s cup of tea, as Suzanne explains: “We keep describing the tour as Marmite; you either love it or hate it. And it’s had those kinds of reactions, especially with the bad language and nudity.” However, it is definitely the casting that makes the play so special. Craig Gazey (Trevor) is endearing and hilarious from start to finish, and although his character cheats on his loving wife, you cannot help but emphasis and completely fall in love with him. Suzanne Shaw shows a whole different side to her acting, as she plays the mousey, straightlaced and innocent Irene Tinsley. Shaw said this was something that really attracted her to the show: “I normally play brash or bubbly characters so this was a real showcase for a different side of me, and I have always wanted to do something different and a bit more

challenging.” And she took to this challenge magnificently, as even without speaking, we could see from clever facial expressions her embarrassment and humbleness and the audience was on her side for the duration. On subject, Vicky Entwistle, best known for her role as Janice Battersby in Corrie, was barely recognisable as her busy-body, stereotypical small village neighbour. She was charming and witty throughout. In fact, all the characters were perfectly cast and wholly believable, showing that soap stars can do stage, too. The ending of the play came all too soon for the audience, and really took the room by surprise. Funny Peculiar is a witty, charming and endearing play which would have anyone in stitches. Given the release of films like the Inbetweeners, it is refreshing to see that humour does not have to be overly filthy and crude when it comes to the ‘s’ word and can still have an audience enthralled. By Sarah O’Brien

By Shane Millar

Start at the beginning,” said Lisa. They broke apart, and Julia moved back over to the bank of sinks lining the wall. Resting her back on the surface, Julia told her story for the first time. “It all started when I left for London,” she began… Julia was thrilled to meet Leonard Lawson, of Lawson Agencies. They were one of the best firms in London for representing new talent. And here she was, sat in Lawson’s office; it was too good to be true. She’d arrived in London that morning, and as yet, had nowhere to stay, her three mammoth suitcases sat beside her. Far from feeling worried about her predicament, Julia was ecstatic. It didn’t matter to her that she had no money, no income or nowhere to live. No, what mattered was…this. Julia was sure that her meeting with Lawson was the start of something, the start of a brilliant acting career. And that was all she’d ever dreamed of…all she’d ever wanted to be. She wanted that lifestyle, that was so glamorous, and so unattainable… and finally here it was, waiting for her. Just then a man came through the door and interrupted Julia’s thoughts. He was tall, and a little pudgy around the middle from a lack of exercise, with thinning hair and an easy smile. Julia recognised him as Lawson. She’d seen his picture plenty of times in The Stage, and had read almost every article she could find on him. If you were a young actor fresh out of drama school, then this was the man you wanted as representation. She stood and offered her hand. “Mr Lawson,” she said. “I’m…” He chuckled. “I know who you are, Julia, I arranged this meeting remember,” he said. “And please, call me Leonard.” “Right of course, sorry Leonard”, she replied, sitting down again after shaking his hand. “Let’s get down to business shall we?” he asked matter-of-factly. Julia nodded. He paused for a moment, looking at her closely. “Are you a good actress Julia?” Julia knew that the answer was yes. In fact, she believed that she was a great actress. This may have sounded arrogant, but in show business, there’s no room for false modesty. You learn what your strengths and weaknesses are very quickly.

She wasn’t the best dancer, or the most fantastic singer, but she was a great actress. And she’d told him so. Confidence was not a trait that Julia lacked. He laughed. Not a chuckle this time, a hearty laughed that echoed through the room. “And not afraid to speak your mind either,” he said, sobering. “I was very impressed with your final performance at Sylvia Young’s, Miss Harris. As you say, you are a natural talent.” “Thank you,” she said. “Don’t thank me, it’s all down to you,” he said. “I’m going to get straight to the point. I want to represent you. I can guarantee that if you sign with me you’ll get only the best jobs. In fact, I have a part that I think you would be perfect for, if you are interested?” “Of course I am,” Julia replied quickly, wanting him to know that she was eager. He smiled, and took a script from his in tray. “It came in the day before I called you,” he said, putting it on the table in front of her. “Take it, read it, think about it. We’ll meet again in three days, and you can give me your answer then.” “No need,” said Julia, picking up the script without a second thought. “My answer is yes.” “You’re sure.” “Definitely.” “Well, in that case, read the script, come back in three days as I said, and I’ll sign you up officially.” He noticed her bags then, for the first time. “Julia, you do have somewhere to stay, don’t you?” “Hmm?” she asked, glancing up from the script that she was already engrossed in. “Oh, no actually.” “Right,” he said. “Speak to my receptionist on the way out. She’ll fix you a hotel and transport.” “Okay,” said Julia, a wide smile on her face. The first time that Julia took cocaine was at the wrap party for The Runaway. Shooting had only finished an hour ago, and already Julia had been whisked back to her trailer for a spot of hair and make up before heading over to the party. As she walked through the door, she saw her co-star Celia Grey, and waved. Celia waved back and the pair sat together, chatting, and sneaking champagne when no

one was looking. Both of them were just seventeen and shouldn’t have been drinking. “I’m just so tired,” remarked Julia. “It was that last scene that did it. I thought I’d feel great now that it’s all done, and don’t get me wrong I do, but I’m shattered. I can’t even be bothered with this party to be honest.” “I’ve got something that will get you in the party mood,” Celia said. “What do you mean?” asked Julia. “Come on,” she said, and they went into the toilets. It was there that Celia had lined up the cocaine on the sink top. “I’m not sure about this,” said Julia. “Oh, come on, it is fun,” said Celia, the residue of the first line now caking one of her nostrils. “Plus, it helps keep off those pesky pounds that the b*****d press are so keen to pick up on.” And that was the reason Julia did it, not because she was worried about not looking tough, or cool. No one could make her do anything she didn’t want to. She did it to keep the weight off. Three weeks into filming The Runaway, Julia had read a really nasty article in one of the celebrity glossies. It said that she looked to fat to play a homeless person. The following week she was papped on the way to a photo shoot, and then she’d seen the pictures under the headline, “Julia is piling on the pounds”. In truth, she hadn’t been fat at all, far from it, but she’d soon learned that an hourglass figure was seldom ever celebrated in the press. After seeing that second article, she’d gone on a radical crash diet, and since then - unbeknown to her at the time - had developed an eating disorder. So she took the drugs, knowing that they would keep her weight down, and curb her appetite, and it wasn’t long before she’d developed a problem with cocaine too. It was at that same party that she’d met soon to be new agent Clarissa Klein, of C&K, based in New York. It wasn’t long before Julia dropped Leonard, telling him, whilst high, that he could do nothing more for her, that she’d outgrown him, and that Clarissa was a far better agent than he could ever hope to be. So she’d left London for New York under a dark cloud, having alienated everyone she’d met since moving there. Julia was

not a nice person those days, thanks to her new found relationship with cocaine. The confident, level-headed young woman who’d entered Leonard Lawson’s office almost a year ago was barely recognisable. Julia had become a brash, bad tempered, arrogant b***h, which was just the kind of person she’d vowed never to be. She arrived in America and played Marie Sanchez in the romantic comedy box office smash, Marie’s World, not that she remembered most of the filming. She was so addicted to cocaine by that point that she would keep some under her pillow, for those times in the night when she would jolt awake, shaking and sweating from withdrawal. But she held it together in front of others, and as long as they didn’t know she had a problem, she was more than happy to carry on believing that everything was fine. She was not anorexic, and she was in control of the amount of drugs she took. And that was how she lived for some time. In a bubble, one in which it was perfectly acceptable to take cocaine with her morning glass of orange juice, to eat nothing for days on end, and to slap the worthless costume fitters if their work made her look fat. She was Julia Harris, and she was a star. Only she mattered, other people were just there to please her. It was whilst filming the pilot for edgy new American TV series, The Hit, that everything changed. Julia was playing the title role, Ericka Harper, a no-nonsense gun for hire leading a double life. In one scene, Julia had to walk into a café, sit down, order a big plate of food and eat it. That was it. A scene that for any other actress would have been easy compared to the stunts, and the fight scenes, all of which Julia had trained for, and which she would much rather do, than eat anything. The take was fine. Everything went perfectly. She ate, and drank, and said her lines with ease. And then the director had yelled cut, and everything was turned upside down. She was no longer Ericka Harper, sassy hit-woman; she was Julia Harris, drug addict and anorexic. She flew into the onset toilets and immediately vomited, violently, into the loo, her body rejecting the food she’d just eaten. Then she sank to the floor, weak and shaking. Reaching into her bag, she pulled

out the small pill bottle that housed her cocaine. She was lining it up on the toilet seat when she caught sight of herself in the mirror. The person staring back at her was a stranger. She had big dark rings around her eyes, and was so thin that her bones jutted out, clearly visible beneath her clothes. Her face was gaunt, her eyes unfocussed, and vomit stained her lips a terrible colour. Julia did not recognise herself. She was a ghoul, a shadow. She was hideous, inside and out. As the realisation of what she’d become downed on her, she let out a long, low wail that filled the room. She cried, and sobbed, and punched the toilet seat, kicked the cubical walls. It was only when the director came in to calm her down that she finally stopped… “And after that I left the show and booked myself into rehab. I got clean, I started eating, and more importantly liking food again, and now I’m…here.” “God, Jewels,” said Lisa, shocked. “That’s awful.” Julia shrugged. “Yeah, and worst of all, now I have to leave.” “What?” Lisa asked. “Why?” Julia chuckled, a bitter sound. “Well, I can’t very well stay, can I?” “Why not?” Julia sighed. “Let’s see,” she said, counting on her fingers. “One, Raffi hates me –” “He doesn’t hate you, it was a shock that’s all,” interrupted Lisa, but Julia carried on. “Two, the press will find out where I am. Three, my agent is going to kill me. Four, I was stupid to think I could come back in the first place –” “Five,” Lisa cut in again, “Why don’t you worry about all that when it happens?” “She’s right,” said a voice from the door. It was Danni. Lisa spun, shocked to see her there. She looked down and made for the door. “I’ll just go.” “No,” said Danni, stopping her. “Don’t…I think it’s time we put this behind us, don’t you?” Lisa looked up at Danni, and smiled. They hugged awkwardly. “What do we do now?” asked Julia. “Now,” said Danni, “We go for a coffee and a chat, like old times. Everything else can wait.”

Tesa’s transition

Debut novelist Tessa Harris tells us about life as an author and shares some tips for budding writers. Tessa Harris, journalist and author, studied history at Oxford University. Her journalistic career includes a stint as the deputy editor of Heritage Magazine, and also a long term post as the editor of Berkshire Life Magazine. In December 2011, Harris’s debut novel, The Anatomists Apprentice (book one in the Thomas Silkstone series), was published in

the US to critical acclaim. The book is set in 18th century Oxfordshire, and follows the adventures of Dr Thomas Silkstone, a young anatomist from America. Silkstone is summoned to England to investigate a mysterious murder. Harris was “elated” when she heard the news that her book was going to be published. She said: “It was nine o’clock at night when I opened an email from my agent in the US and I sent my husband straight out to buy a bottle of bubbly”. She spoke at length about how nerve-wracking it feels knowing that your work is going to be open to public scrutiny. She added: “Just before I was published I said to a writer friend that I felt as though I was poised to run out into a sports stadium without any clothes on. She said to me: ‘It’s worse than that. You’re running out naked in front of thousands of people and they’re making notes on your body!’ That’s how it feels”. Harris has created a plotline that transports the reader back to the 18th century. Her protagonist, although existing long before emails and iPhones were invented, is still endearing to a modern audience. This book is an interesting example of literary prose; a refreshing break from the ten-a-penny thrillers that are

Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 23 so readily available. Most interesting, however, is the author behind the words. Hearing Harris talk about her experience as a novelist was perhaps more remarkable than her ruminations on her work. The most refreshing aspect of Harris’s personality is her humility. You might expect a three book deal to have gone to her head, but this is not the case. Harris spoke humbly about her abilities as a writer. “I constantly doubt my own abilities,” she said. “Even more so now that I’m published; I just want to learn how to do things better all the time. I suppose that’s what keeps me going”. A common assumption is that nearly all journalists are budding novelists. Working in journalism equips someone with the ability to write clearly and succinctly. These are useful skills that can be applied to writing fiction. Harris is sure that her journalistic background has been instrumental to the success of her novel. “I always wanted to write fiction and only became a journalist to enable me to make money from writing”, she said. “The discipline required as a journalist is enormously helpful in writing fiction. Journalism also teaches you how to structure a story, pace it and how to write dialogue. Making contacts is useful, too”. Harris gives real insight into the difficulties she faced when making inroads into the creative writing industry.

Poem University will be such a task to easily let go and start something new. Graduation day is a time when people you underestimated might not come last, as you thought so. From behind in the back they race to first place to the finish line so quietly that you didn’t even notice. When friends may completely surprise you, the person you and they were in University could change in an instance without realising. Trying not to drop a tear, knowing that the end is coming near.

Watford Methodist Circuit

LGBT Fellowship For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/no/undecided faith. We meet on the first Sunday of the month, 2.30pm-4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Mill End, WD3 7HJ. Our next meeting: 3rd May, 2:30pm

For more info contact Rachel & Sarah If you would like a lift to this event please contact the University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793 or email:

It takes a lot of work, and plenty of rejection letters, before an author gets their big break. “I actually wrote my first book aged five and had my first rejection, from Collins, at seven”, she said. “I’ve since finished about six novels, started at least ten and completed five screenplays”. The foundation of a good book is a strong protagonist. If your audience doesn’t like your main character, or if your protagonist is weak, then the likelihood of producing a successful novel is low. It was interesting to hear where Harris’ inspiration for her central character came from, and the tips she would give to writers struggling with the concept. She said: “He’s (Silkstone) actually based on an amalgam of real life anatomy students who came to study in London and Scotland under respected tutors. Many returned to the US to found medical schools and hospitals...I think he or she has to have a good grounding in reality. Base them on someone you know, or someone who really existed and you can’t go wrong”. Harris looks set to have a very successful writing career. The second instalment of the Thomas Silkstone series, To Slay A Giant, will be on the shelves in January 2013, and the third, The Devil’s Breath, will be released the following year. By Shane Millar

We have come to the end of the road, the classes of 2009-12. Final Graduation By Tanieque Noel- George Walking so proudly down the aisle, and making sure you have a posed smile. Preparing for a life lengthy journey ahead remembering the fun you led. Having flashbacks of the past wishing those moments could only forever last. Maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for in time to come or maybe you’ll find your true self in the end, because that’s what university does. You manage to find through all that manic who you really are.

I hope it’s true on the last huddle, on the day of graduation it’ll bring us all together for that one last time; that has come so fast in a blink of an eye. But it’s more than that because when it ends, university life and we all say our goodbyes, it’s really only the beginning. We enter into yet another chapter for some of us. But for all of us no matter what it’s not the end just our future we have to tend. Congratulations to the classes of 2009!

24 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

Movie Reviews Marley review P

ersonally, I have never met anybody who isn’t a fan of Bob Marley (15) Marley’s music. That Released 20/04/12 (UK) is not to say everyone Running time: 144 mins loves him or that there aren’t people who are indifferent about the singer, but I personally have never met anyone who actively hates Marley’s smooth reggae sound. So, when director Kevin MacDonald, whose previous work including Touching the Void, was finally given the rights to make the documentary about the legend it was clear that the film was in good hands. What must have been a challenge from the beginning was attempting to make a non-fan boy documentary but instead look to find who Bob Marley really was. Not the reggae star whose face is commonly plastered on walls in most teenage/student living space, but the man who came from a very poor background and ended up uniting not only Jamaica and the various affiliations at the time, but also the white and black community. Robert Nester Marley (Bob to everyone, Robbie to his estranged wife Rita) was born from a Jamaican mother and a white colonial man, and this story is gripping for this moment right up until his unfortunate death in 1981. I felt that MacDonald truly wanted to point out why not one particular

set of people enjoy his music, as he suggests that it was because Marley wanted to divide the line between races. Combining extraordinary archive footage along with never before seen demo-tapes and even photographs, Marley is probably the best and definitive documentary to watch on the singer. It is clear the MacDonald has researched and tracked down some of the best people to talk about the legend as a large portion of film is talking heads from those closest to him; Rita Marley, Jimmy Cliff, Ziggy Marling, and the outrageous Bunny Wailer. Each interviewee gives a varied piece of a picture that builds up Marley in a way that, whilst it is clear this movie is for fans, doesn’t feel altogether biased. My only complaint with the documentary was the running time, which ended after two and a half hours. This is a stretch by any filmmaker to capture and keep audience’s attention for such a long running time. It is even harder for action movies to fill that kind of space and whilst there is

My most anticipated films of the future I am obviously not the only person excited for this summer, as a lot of heavy hitters such as Ridley Scoot and Christopher Nolan return with star-studded movies. But this has got me thinking about other movies that are to be released over the summer and fall, so I have accumulated a top-eight list of some non-AAA titles that might interest you. By Oliver Hunt

Cosmopolis Dir: David Cronenberg

So-called heartthrob Rob Patterson takes a step from the depths of bad cinema into the light of promise with Cronenberg. But what does it mean to team ‘up the pretty boy’ and arguably one of the greatest body horror directors alive? Hopefully, chaos and destruction - which is what the trailer hints at - in what looks like a bizarre blend of American Psycho and Occupy Movement. The trailers do tease madness ahead, but one this is for sure with Patterson as a young billionaire supposedly tearing the world apart, Cronenberg will be returning to once more disturb his audience.

undeniably a lot of information and events that happened in Marley’s life, to expect audiences to watch someone’s life for that long is pushing it. But even with that said, fans (like myself) left that cinema with a feeling that they truly knew the man and not the legend. By Oliver Hunt

About the Red Sky Dir: Keiichi Kobayashi

Despite the fact that About the Pink Sky hasn’t received a release date after only having a run at selected festivals, I have been keeping an eye out for its release since I heard about it at Sundance. Filmed in stark black and white, the story follows a school girl named Izumi (Ai Ikeda) who one day finds a wallet containing a large sum of money. Instead of keeping the wallet for herself or even returning it, Izumi gives the money to a middleaged acquaintance. When the real owner Koi, a wealthy boy in Izumi’s class, discovers what she did he asks her to pay him back with a favour of starting a newspaper that brings happiness to its reader.

The Raid: Redemption Dir: Gareth Evans

In a strange mixture of creative origins, Welsh born director Gareth Evans hopes to get world recognition with his third martial arts feature. A SWAT team is tasked with infiltrating a tower block filled with all sorts of bad guys, but soon find themselves trapped and must fight their way out by any means before the mob boss gets to them first. I’m just hoping The Raid is more like last year’s 13 Assassins than another terrible action romp.

Ruby Sparks Dir: Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris

Proudly boasting that the new movie Ruby Sparks is from the directors of Little Miss Sunshine, it appears that they have found another indie spirited script by star Zoe Kazan. Ruby Sparks tells the story of a struggling novelist Calvin (Paul Dano), as he discovers an unorthodox way of beating his writers block. Even though the premise sounds rather cliché on paper (the writer with writers block), it seems to follow the same thought that Stranger than Fiction had, as Dano’s character Calvin one day finds the lead character from his book munching on cereal in his kitchen.

Moonrise Kingdom Dir: Wes Anderson

The Broken Tower Dir: James Franco

James Franco has been a busy boy, not only is he working on a second book, he is also writing, co-editing, directing as well as acting in the lead of his latest movie The Broken Tower. With the somewhat new release of his movie Howl about the 1950s beat poet Allen Ginsberg, Franco is once again playing a morose poet. Hart Crane (James Franco) was an American poet who committed suicide by jumping off the steamship SS Orizba at the age of 32; the movie looks to chronicle the poet’s life before his death in 1932.

To Rome With Love Dir: Woody Allen

Riding on the success of Midnight in Paris, Woody Allen returns to star as – you guessed – a neurotic Jewish man from New York. Alongside him are Penelope Cruz, Ellen Page, Alec Baldwin and Jesse Eisenberg playing the Woody-esq character, so this is sure to be a worthwhile watch. While I doubt it will be less of Midnight in Paris and more You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, a Woody Allen movie is a Woody Allen movie and I cannot wait.

Once again Wes Anderson and regular writing partner Roman Coppola join forces with a movie about young love in a boy-scout camp. When Sam and Suzy run away from their idyllic New England town, the residents mobilize in order to hunt them down. With a strange list of actors joining the cast from Bruce Willis as the tough-lipped town Sheriff and Edward Norton as the awkward camp leader, regular Bill Murray and new to Anderson’s world Tilda Swinton join in the search for the two runaways.

The Sound of My Voice Dir: Zal Batanglij

Brit Marling returns in her second movie lead a crazy cult leader Maggie, who lives in a LA basement - and also claims to be from the future. Whilst it probably won’t be released in the UK anytime soon, it is still something I look forward to after Marling’s debut in Another Earth. If you are interested, Fox Searchlight have the first twelve minutes of movie up on the official website, I recommended everyone go see it. Want to discuss movie news and what you’ve watched? Join the Bucks New University Film Society group on Facebook or find us on Twitter @ BNU_FilmSociety.

Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 25

FASHION & Beauty

By Faye Towler

H&M bikini top nude £9.99

H&M cutout swimsuit £12.99

Dorothy Perkins lemon daisy bikini top

Topshop blue palm leaf print bikini £26.00

Let’s hope we’re in for a scorching Summer this year, so we have even more excuses to show off our bikini bodies. The high street stores have an abundance of beautiful and affordable swimwear to suit all shapes and sizes that would make any girl look a million dollars on the beach.

ASOS blue scarf print bikini top £15 Dorothy Perkins floral balconette bikini £14

Dorothy PErkins parrot print bandeau top £12.00

Tanning tips1. Always use a tanning mitt to prevent stains on the palms of your hands. Tanning mitts £1 Primark. Absolute giveaway. 2. Exfoliate and moisturise dry areas before application, this will leave an even tan all over, and a longer lasting application. 3. If you do have any unwanted tan or streaks that needs to be removed, mix lemon juice and sugar and scrub…. scrub …..scrub!

Tanaholics it’s time to celebrate. An even darker shade of sunshine in a bottle has made its way on every beauty shelf on the high street. If you would rather ‘fake it, than bake it,’ this could be a fantastic alternative to the ever increasing skin damage problems we Brits have. Applied correctly, streaks and looking like an Oompa Loompa will be a hazy worry of the past. As St. Tropez recently introduced their darker range to the stores, Superdrug’s Solait line has launched their very own version which offers double the concentration of the original, allowing fewer applications for building colour and a longer lasting effect. Priced at £6.99, a quarter of the cost of St. Tropez, you can’t go wrong. By Faye Towler

Letter from the editor - Exfoliation is key to smooth, glowing skin. Make your own by mixing olive oil and sugar together. Apply, scrub, then rise off. It leaves your legs looking and feeling lush. - To get rid of tired looking eyes, apply a small amount of shimmer eye-shadow or powder highlighter to the corner of the eye, it instantly makes eyes bigger, brighter and open. - For a natural alternative to teeth whitening try a small amount of bicarbonate of soda and brush your teeth with it. The gentle abrasiveness will eradicate stain build up caused by things such as By Faye Towler

coffee, red wine and smoking. - Eyelash curlers should be your best friend. With a quick, simple crimp of the upper eyelashes, it causes the lashes to angle reaching the end of the brows. This expands the eye area without the use of mascara or any other eye makeup. - Don’t just brush your hair, try brushing your whole body. Body brushes are inexpensive and have great health benefits associated. In small circular motions, brushing in the direction up to the heart, stimulates blood flow, reduces cellulite and can reduce fat deposits to tone muscles.

Hello everyone! As this is the last edition of the paper this year, I would like to say a huge thank you to Sarah O’Brien and Gary Anderson for all their hard work. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed writing for the fashion and beauty section and most of all being a part of the newspaper team. Hopefully you guys have found the Bucks Beauty Tips, news and reviews of some use and entertainment. All the best and good luck for the new team next year! Lots of Love & Many Thanks again By Faye Towler

AJ Morgan lily floral sunglasses £15.00

River Island green palm print bandeau bralet £20.00

26 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012


Letter from the editor

Not so ‘Responsible Deal’ As part of the Public Health Responsibility Deal, some of the biggest names in the UK restaurant industry have agreed to display calorie information on their menus. The premise behind this initiative is that diners are more likely to choose healthier foods whilst eating out. For the majority of people, this is not a dilemma. If one meal has 1000 calories and the other has only 600, then chances are you will choose the latter option. However, for Katie Zelmanowicz, a textiles and surface design student at Bucks New

University, deciding what to eat in a restaurant is not a simple matter of calorie counting. Miss Zelmonowicz, who is diabetic, stated that the scheme is “useless” to anyone with her condition. “What so many people don’t understand about diabetes is that it isn’t about the calories”, she said. “So, whilst I’m sure that displaying calories on menus helps a lot of people, it doesn’t really help me. For me, the problem is all to do with carbohydrates. I can’t eat really starchy food like pasta and potatoes, because my blood sugar levels will go through the roof.” Miss Zelmonowicz suffers from Type 1 diabetes. This means that her body cannot produce the insulin it needs to stay energised. Her symptoms include tiredness, lethargy, and infrequent bouts

Diabetic dubs calorie scheme “useless”. Some of the largest restaurant chains in the UK have pledged to include calorie information on their menus. Whilst this is good for the majority of diners, for diabetic, Katie Zelmanowicz, it hasn’t made eating out isn’t any easier.

of fainting. Like all Type 1 sufferers, Miss Zelmanowicz keeps the illness under control with regular insulin injections, and a healthy diet. Perhaps most frustrating is the fact that sufferers are confined to eating certain foods. This is particularly hard when confronted with a menu. Miss Zelmanowicz spoke about the difficulties she faces when eating out. “My illness really limits the types of food I can eat, so I find it very hard going into a restaurant and knowing exactly what to order”, she said. “I’d love to just be able to pig out, but that’s really not an option. It’s

annoying when everyone else can stuff their faces all the time, but it’s just one of those things you have to live with”. Harvester restaurants are one of the many companies in the UK to take up the Responsibility Deal, and have embodied it fully. They now display the calorie information of their dishes at all 181 outlets. However, figures from Harvester show that the initiative is not having the desired effect. The statistics suggest that diners eat only 25 calories fewer per meal, which is only 2% less. Miss Zelmanowicz was shocked upon hearing about the extremely low success rate of the scheme. She said: “Well, I know that’s just one restaurant, but I don’t see the point in this Responsibility Deal, if it isn’t even working anyway”.

Dear Foodies, I’m sad to announce it is now time to say good bye, as my course has come to an end and I’m no longer the food editor. But we’ve had our fun and I have loved writing my reviews and recipes. Good luck to all who are in the middle of exams, those who are leaving university and the ones who are finishing their first year. I shall miss writing for you, hope you’ve enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it for you! I hate saying goodbye, so let’s leave it as I will see you soon By Hollie Wicks

Miss Zelmanowicz argues that the initiative should be expanded. She added: “If this is going to have any impact for people that suffer with diabetes, then restaurants should take this further. It’s no good just having the calories on there, because that isn’t how I work out how much insulin in need. If this was going to work for me, I’d need to know all of the nutritional information about the food being served”. Miss Zelmanwicz’s views are strong, but with good reason. If this scheme is going to be successful in future, then perhaps it should cater to the needs of every diner, not just those trying those watch their weight. By Shane Millar

Did you know? Here are a few funny food facts for you to enjoy... - Apple is made up of 25% air, and that is why they float - remember the bobbing apple game at Halloween? - Apple, onions and potatoes all taste same - try it, pinch your nose and taste each one. - Carrots were originally purple, they changed to orange in the 17th century with newer varieties. - Celery uses more calories to eat and digest than it contains. - Cherries are a member of the rose family. - Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.

- Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite - Honey is the only edible food for humans that will never go bad - so no chance of finding mouldy honey in a student’s kitchen! By Hollie Wicks

Betty Crocker Rocks Is your friend’s birthday coming up and you don’t know what to buy them? How about baking them a cake? I was on the search for the best birthday baking recipes the other week. Whilst shopping, I came across the ‘Betty Crocker’ section in the baking isle. Betty Crocker does a wide range of easy to follow recipes. My favourites are blueberry muffins, chocolate cake, and chocolate chip

cookies. Her easy to follow pouches are available in all food stores and for a good price for us students as well. My all time favourite is her ‘chocolate chip cookies’, which are just £2 and you just add water. Voila! You have cookies ready to eat after 30 minutes. Make sure you check out her website: for all the recipes and help needed when baking. Go on treat yourself! By Hollie Wicks

Recipe: Homemade reggae rum punch With 2012 marking the 50th year anniversary of the independence for both Jamaica and Trinidad, we are getting into the Caribbean spirit. You do not have to be from Jamaica or Trinidad to drink rum punch or have your own idea of rum punch recipes, as all Caribbean islands have their own method of making their own super kicking rum punch. By Tanieque Noel- George

Ingredients - 50ml Orange juice - 10ml Apple slices - 25ml White rum - 12.5ml Lime juice - 20ml French Brandy

Method Pour into punch bowl. Stir well. To serve: pour over one ice cube in each glass. Enjoy!

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Menu clarity

More hot food

Better salad bar

For more clarity on the weekly specials we are offering and what is on the menu each week.

To see more variation in our hot food menus.

For new options and variety to our salad bar.

We will commit to publicising special offers and meal deals that will be advertised in staff digest and on sandwich boards in the relevant cafes. This will ensure that our customers know what we have to offer.

As a result of this, we are carrying out a full review of our hot menu and trialling a range of new suppliers. We are also making a bid for funding to invest in new equipment.

We are introducing new salad options for the final term and arranging monthly variations to keep things different.

We will also be trialling a small range of ‘cooked to order’ dishes in Cafe Direct for the third term. We look forward to hearing what you think.

Coffee consistency

Reward scheme

Healthier options

For more consistency in the standard of our coffee.

For a loyalty reward scheme.

To see healthier options in Cafe Direct.

To ensure the quality improves and is consistent every time you visit. We will be providing even more professional barista training for our staff and we are confident you’ll taste the difference.

It’s a great idea - look out for our new loyalty card and money off vouchers to be launched next term.

In response we have introduced a new low carb sandwich range and a new range of boxed salads and fruit pots.

Halal options

Fresh baguettes

Summer menu

For Halal options throughout our cafes.

For a fresh baguette option.

To see something a little different in the summer months.

We stock a good range of Halal food and have now sourced new suppliers to make sure we have even more Halal sandwiches and hot food available. We are also introducing new signage so it’s clear what’s on offer.

We are investing in a new baguette bar for Beats to be unveiled in the new academic term. It will be a great addition to the current service.

Next term we’ll be having a weekly BBQ outside Rustybucks to make the most of the good weather - come along and try our special ‘Rusty Burger’ (no actual Bucks will be harmed in this process)

28 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

What to do if you are unhappy with your results and Academic Appeals explained


esults will be out soon and for some this will be a time of joy and for others disappointment. So what do you do if you don’t get the results that you expect? This article looks at what steps you can take if you don’t get the grades you had hoped for and explains the scope and process of academic appeals. The Day you get your results - Don’t Panic! This can be a very nerve racking time. For final year students this is the day you have been working towards for three or more years, so there is a lot at stake. Your emotions may well be all over the place and your initial reaction may be extreme. This is fine if you’ve done well or as you expected, but if you haven’t received the results you were expecting or you have failed you may feel overwhelmed and extremely upset, get into a panic or get very angry. This is not the time to be making decisions or doing anything that you might later regret. Initially it is best to give yourself time to calm down and get over your initial first emotions.

Step 1- Thinking things through Now you have got over the initial reaction and possible shock it is time to think things through and be as honest with yourself as you can. Look through your transcript; are your results really not what you were expecting? Are there any results that stand out as particularly different without any reasons? Try not to compare your performance with your friends, it is never helpful. It may be that you just have to deal with the disappointment; we all do at some points in our lives. You can get help with this if you need to, by coming and having a chat with an Adviser in the Advice Centre, or if you feel that your chosen career or follow on course is going to be in jeopardy then contact the University’s Career Service. Step 2 - You are convinced something is wrong with your marks If you think there are marks missing or a mistake has been made on your transcript then get in touch with your School help desk and ask to speak to your Faculty Registrar. If a mistake has been made they may be able to sort it out. If however you feel a mark is not a fair representation of the standard of work your submitted then get in touch with the marker or your tutor and ask if you can meet with them to go through the feedback. It could be that the mark is fair but you have misunderstood the criteria. Going through the feedback should highlight where you went wrong, if indeed you did. Step 3 - You want to appeal If you decide you want to put in an appeal you should read the full procedures which can be found on the University web site by going to http:// and typing Academic Appeals into the “keyword” box.

To contact the Advice Centre High Wycombe - Ground Floor, North Block Tel: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge - Room 1.03 Tel: 01494 605 180 Or email

Here below is a brief summary of the procedure. The academic appeals process is a staged process and can take up to two months from the initial informal query to the outcome of the Academic Appeals Panel. If the appeal goes to the 3rd stage which is a Review of the Process, this can take a further 6 weeks. Students cannot graduate whilst an appeal is in progress. Academic Appeals can ONLY be made on grounds of procedural irregularity; they cannot be made on the gounds that you disagree with the mark you have been given, otherwise called academic judgement. A procedural irregularity is where something has gone wrong in the assessment process and can include: - Assessment work not properly assessed (in accordance with University regulations) - Error in recording/calculating marks - Work not assessed by approved assessor or examiner - Board of Examiners not properly constituted - Board of Examiners did not act in accordance with University regulations or procedures - Failure to provide feedback that adheres to University/Faculty guidelines - Prejudice on the part of one or more examiners or assessors You can only appeal marks that have ben ratified by the Board of Examiners and you have 15 working days to submit a formal appeal from the date of notification of your results. Stage 1 – This is the informal stage and students are required to make an informal enquiry as soon as possible to the School Registrar before making a formal appeal. This will determine whether the matter constitutes an appeal or whether it is a matter that can be dealt with by the Faculty informally. Stage 2 - Where it has not been possible to reach an informal resolution, students have the right to submit a formal appeal on the Notice of Appeal form directly to the Academic Quality Directorate (AQD) within 15 working days from the date of notification of the result. These forms can be downloaded from the University’s website (as previous). Students will need to demonstrate on the appeals form that they have attempted to seek an informal resolution with the Faculty and why, in their opinion, the matter was not able to be resolved. Appeals need to be supported by documentary evidence which must be the original documents and not photocopies etc. The AQD will then determine whether the appeal has been submitted within time, with acceptable grounds and with suitable evidence. If the requirements have not been met, the appeal will either be referred back to the student for clarification, to be re-submitted within a time constraint, or rejected.

Phone us, email us, or drop in and see us!

If all is OK then AQD will ask the appropriate Faculty to provide their response to the appeal, with evidence, within 10 working days. The appeal and the Faculty’s response is then considered by the Chair of the Academic Appeals Panel who can decided whether to reject or uphold the appeal, if the case is straightforward or refer the appeal to the Academic Appeals Panel. If the appeal is sent to the Panel, the student will be invited to attend and present their appeal in person. The Panel will then determine whether there are grounds for the appeal to be upheld or rejected based upon the evidence received from the student and the Faculty. The Chair of the Academic Appeals Panel will inform both the student and the Faculty in writing of the Panel’s decision within 5 working days of the date of the meeting of the Panel. Appeal Upheld – Neither the Chair or the Academic Appeals Panel can reverse the decision of a Board of Examiners but will recommend specific ‘action’ to the Board of Examiners. The Chair of the Academic Appeals Panel will advise the Faculty to arrange this re-consideration at a Board of Examiners or take Chair’s action. The Board of Examiners must be convened within 10 working days of the notification of the decision of the Appeals Panel or Chair and in accordance with the regulations relating to Boards of Examiners. The student and Academic Appeals secretary will be notified of the decision taken by the Board of Examiners or the Chair’s action in writing within 5 working days. Appeal rejected - If an appeal has been rejected by the Academic Appeals Panel the student will be informed in writing and advised of their right to request a review of process by the Director of Academic Quality (and Clerk to the Council.) So you can see it is quite a long a complicated procedure so do come and have a chat if you are thinking about appealing and we can help you through the process. One very, very important thing is to make sure that the university has the correct address for where you will be over the summer. Your results will be sent to the address they have on the system and if this is wrong you won’t get your results and may miss the deadline to appeal if that is required. Need more help and Advice? If you would like to discuss any of the above or you need any help and advice about anything else then we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

get in touch: High Wycombe Campus, Ground Floor, North Wing t: 01494 603 016 Uxbridge Campus, Room 1.03, First Floor, t: 01494 605 180

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Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 29





Each edition of the Bucks Student we will be highlighting and covering different societies that are available for you to join during your time at Bucks (a full list is available at If there is a society that you would like to join then drop them an email OR if get in touch with the Students’ Union if you would like to set a new one up!



Congratulations! Congratulations to the Mooting Society and the Mature Student Society for reaching their Gold Accreditation. As Mooting were the first society to complete this, they have won £150! There is still time for YOU to reach Gold as well. Take a look in your Society Handbook to see what you can do to help your society reach the top!


into a fantastic society in the upcoming years! I would also like to thank the rest of the society for all of their hard work. Not forgetting, of course, the students who bought cakes and played our Christmas games in the Christmas fair we hosted and those of you who turned up to our Nineties Neon Night, in collaboration with the Mooting society. Your support has been very much appreciated. Now, as chair for next year I have already been racking my brains to take this society to the next level and involve so many more of the students at Bucks New Uni. The society and I plan to host various speakers each month, inside and outside of the field of Law, we plan to raise money for charities, we plan to hold mini negotiation exercises (with prizes!), taking part in volunteering and other various exciting events, that you will have to join the Law society to find out more! And of course, how can I forget, we will host and take part in many more social events!

By Tinashe Zambe & Satcey Roberts (Current Chair & Chair as of September 2012)

By Phil Edwards

Both presidents society to from Boxing deliver more and the MMA fitness sessions societies have like Boxercise been granted to students and the funding lecturers as from “Sport well as more fitness session for Fun” to go and gain their down at the boxing level 1 Rye Park in the qualification. warmer months of the academic This will help the boxing year. By Phil Edwards






staff and of course the elected committee. This is evidenced in Court trips, a social event that saw a local Law firm visit the society, Fire Station visit, Charity bake sales for fundraising etc (this is a non exhaustive list). There were a few minor mishaps in forms of resignations, but I can safely commend the Council for their tremendous work throughout the academic year. For me, the society has been remarkably successful and I would like to thank Selina Chahal, Adam Smallbone, Jaspreet Chohan, James Green, Stacey Roberts, Harmeet Singh Anand, Eleanor Davidson and Saope Soko for their individual contributions in making the Society a success. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish the Chair elect and her Council, best regards in the coming academic year. Bye for Now. Tinashe Zambe’ I would like to thank Tinashe for all his hard work he has put into this society this year, it has been and still is a growing society which we endeavour will grow

Coaching qualifications



Law Society update

We are now edging ever closer to the glorious summer, yet we must all undertake those exams we have been so reluctantly revising for. As a result there has not been much activity from the Law society. But, fear not, we have many plans for the upcoming year and our Chair for 2011/2012 would like to say a few words... ‘As outgoing Chairperson my main endeavour from the onset was to foster relationships with local law firms, organising and hosting social events and trips for members in so far as Law is concerned, looking at relevant fields outside of Law that students can benefit from and raising money for the society. I am pleased to confirm that this has been achieved under my premiership with the aid of the society members, Bucks


Silver turns into gold!

After a successful last year in gaining silver accreditation through the Students’ Union accreditation scheme the Boxing society will be gaining its first gold after it’s second year of being an active society. We hope to continue this success in future years to come, and have enjoyed all aspects of the accreditation scheme, however very stressful! Good luck to the next year’s committee, keep up the hard work.



Now that you’ve graduated there are still lots of informal ways to play sport in Buckinghamshire.


WATERSKIING BASKETBALL To get the most up-to-date information about activities and events visit: or scan the QR code now.



30 Bucks Student, Wednesday 23rd May, 2012

Bucks vs Roehampton Varsity debut Bucks 2 - Roehampton 0 Wednesday 16th May saw the first of what is hoping to be a long standing varsity between Bucks and Roehampton. Adams Park was the venue for this year’s promo football match to help build some rivalry between the two universitys. Bucks decided that this was an excellent chance for them to give their third years a send off and lead by Alfie Buckley and Nathan Baker they chose a squad of all finalists to play the game. The squad consisted of: Jack Durrell, Ben Turner, Tom Russell, Dan Morgan, Matt Morris, Alfie Buckley, Sam Towe, Josh Woods, Dom Parella, Jamie Brailsford, Rob Bishop, Kyle Rea, Andrew Wiles, Ben Purcell, Ryan Blake and Jack Badu. With Nathan Baker as manager, Nick Dent as goalkeeping coach, water boy and team physio and Dan Bowen as media rep and pundit. The game started fairly slowly with both sides looking anxious and not wanting to give away an early goal on such a big stage. Both Bucks and Roehampton took their time to settle into playing on such a wide pitch and it was Roehampton that took the first chance that saw Dan Morgan clear the ball off the line for Ben Turner to then charge down and block the following shot. This

wakeup call then saw Bucks settle in and start to play some good football with Sam Towe sending a long ball through for Alfie Buckley, whose shot was well saved by the opposing keeper. The game was pretty evenly matched until just before half time when Bucks won a corner that saw Tom ‘Bale’ Russell’s header rebound off the bar for Roehampton to then clear. As the half time whistle blew both teams were left feeling like they had all to play for. Bucks came out for the second half with the same side that ended the first half but looking more deadly. Revitalised by a half time talk from Nathan Baker saw Bucks creating more chances and when Tom Russell made a strong tackle well into the Roehampton’s half the ball fell the Matt Morris who found Kyle Rea, Rea then threaded the ball through to a dangerous Ryan Blake who calmly sent the ball into the back of the net to give Bucks the lead. Blake’s celebrations left the cheerleaders on the side line wishing they’d signed him up sooner. Following the goal Roehampton seemed to think play should have stopped and one player felt so strongly about this he was sent off for his arguments, leaving Roehampton to finish the game

with 10 men. Bucks then made several changes seeing Josh Woods, Jamie Brailsford, Andrew Wiles and Rob Bishop join the side. It was obvious then that Bucks were hungry for another goal but Roehampton weren’t finished yet and although they only had 10 men were also looking for a goal and without a man of the match performance from Jack Durrell they probably would have got one. He made countless saves to deny them drawing equal with Ben Turner clearing off the line again to keep Bucks ahead. Then 5 minutes before the final whistle was due the ball fell to Josh Woods in the Roehampton box and he hammered it home to all but wrap the game up for Bucks. The final whistle blew and the varsity captain and man of the match Jack Durrell lifted the trophy to seal the victory. After a successful first meet between Bucks and Roehampton this year it is hoped that this is only the start of an event that will continue to grow. Thank you to everyone that came out and supported the guys and a special thank you to the BNU swans for their half time performance. Hopefully this year will also see a Rugby promo game at Roehampton, before a full varsity schedule next year. By Cat Duncan

gordos gossip So here it is, my final Gordo’s Gossip! Firstly can I just take a moment to say well done to everyone who stood up to counted, by running in the election to replace me and we all know I will be an incredibly tough act to follow! It was a really hard fought battle and I think you did the Union proud by really focusing your campaigns on issues which is exactly what we want to see. I am convinced that you have made an excellent choice in Naomi Franco (wobble head.) Although I have only been in office for 11 short months, I think we have seen a number of high points and successes in Student Involvement. Let me draw attention to just some of these highpoints - such as the 10,930 recreational opportunities that we have made available for students, by bolstering our programme. The current RAG total stands at £15,873.25, with £1,450 going to each of our charities; LearnAsOne & the Pepper Foundation and when you consider that just five years ago our charity fundraising was nonexistent, certainly in an organised fashion, I think that this figure is truly inspiring.

Above: (L-R) Manager Nathan Baker and Rob Bishop with the cup! Below: Bucks boys defending an attack from the opposition.

Not only this we have continued to grow year on year and have done so again in 2012 with 840 Athletic Union members across 39 teams in 20 clubs as well as more sponsorship than ever before meaning that we can continue to invest in your student experience. We have enhanced our training and support this year and we are going to look to develop leadership certificates next year. We have launched new sports such as Futsal and we again look to introduce new sports in 2012/13. We have also seen the start our brand new intramural sports event, Red vs. Blue. It was brilliantly thought up by a couple of sports students and we were fortunate enough to carry the idea forward and produce an event which benefited 244 participants! Similarly from absolutely nowhere we now have 45 active societies, with 1210 students involved. And when I say nowhere, the Law society was possibly the only active Soc four years ago. Your participation with voluntary projects (an amazing 945 hours) and charity fundraising has been exceptional this year and has helped us to break our fundraising record. It is my understanding our sports and societies have managed to hold 26 cakes sales so far this year and this being a 30 week academic year, that’s practically 1 a week. Oh and let’s not forget to mention the outstanding 38,000 pints of snakebite you have all drunk!! I think it is safe to say Ash, Laz and myself have had a fantastic year as the sabbatical team, pushing forward really worthwhile campaigns such as the SSHH campaign and its 3 night buses; raising awareness for our students, as well as the local community about being

quiet after nights out and the implications of their noise, as well as the community guide which was designed by our amazing comms team to provide students important info about the community and how to become more engaged citizens. One of the biggest points to make is the constant strive to secure more funding next year in order to do so much more in the students union. Whether it’s more recreational activities, leadership badges, a 4th minibus and even a venue refurb, we have been and will continue to have a positive impact on your time at Bucks! You really do have to respect the work that the Union and in particular the Student Activities team have put into this part of what we do. And the fact that we are so privileged at Bucks to receive all of it for free is truly amazing! I would just like to thank each and every one of you again for voting for me last year and for making my time as your VPSI so enjoyable. You have been great students to represent and work alongside, building your ideas into something achievable and most importantly enjoying your company. As many of you know I am off on my travels to Thailand and New Zealand (don’t get jel) and then into the big world of work, but I can assure you this wont be the last you see of me! Keep up the good work! And remember...Gordo says I’ll be back! x VPSI: Amy Gordon

Wednesday 23rd May, 2012, Bucks Student 31

Success for Swans! Wow, I don’t really know where to start. This year the Swans have done absolutely amazing winning nine trophies, which include two 6th places and one 2nd place at our first competition and then training even harder and winning three 3rd place and three 2nd places at a national competition, we entered the most categories that we have ever entered in swan history (thanks to the wonderful Big Deal and our hard work in fundraising)! This has officially been the most successful year for the Swans since the squad began and it will continue to grow. After this great achievement the Swans travelled down to Italy for an I LOVE TOUR ultimate holiday filled with booze, laughter, a lot of euros, and way too many pizzas! WARNING never kiss a wall. For the last term of the year the hard work didn’t stop. The Swans performed in a dance show ‘We did it our way’ for the

dance course and it was a great success, well done girls! We also put on our annual end of year show, showing off to friends and family what cheerleading is all about! The Swans are also currently training for yet ANOTHER competition on 30th May, hopefully we can bring back another trophy! The Swans were recognized for their hard work through the year and were nominated for several awards at the AU dinner - Captain of the year, multisport, committee member of the year, club of the year and receiving club, half and even full colours. And would like to congratulate the new committee for next year and wish them the best of luck! Although we are a competitive squad we try our hardest to attend as many sports games as possible in between training for competition, attending fundraising and volunteering events, amazing socials and balancing our degrees, we have supported

teams such as American Football, Basketball, Football and cheering on the teams at our Varsity despite sometimes suffering from frostbite. The Swans have also raised a lot of money for not only the squad but also charities helping and supporting recently Rafe’s Place Race, The Big Lunch, Pepper foundation and RAG. We also have a Car Wash coming up on Friday 25th May to raise more money for RAG, so please bring your dirty vehicles and the Swans will pimp your ride!

Amazing year for ladies basketball By Tamica Mignott It has been an amazing year for the ladies basketball team we have done better than we had anticipated. We finished the year second in our league behind Queen Mary. Ladies basketball has come a long way from what it was 3 years ago; the team itself has changed not only the players. The team we see today is vast improvement on its former self and it all down to the work of each and every member of the team working very hard to make the team a success. Unfortunately we will be losing some of out plays at the end of the year, we will be sad to see them leave but we know that as they leave we will gain new players who will aspire to fill their shoes. All in all it’s been an amazing year for ladies basketball and we will continue to improve as the years go on.

Safe future set for B&V

Look out, the Swans are on a secret mission this Sunday, I wonder were their cheeky cheer faces will end up! Beware of the Swans! Check out what we get up to on our Facebook Page “BUCKS Swans Cheerleading Squad”. P.S have you ever had a swan round for tea? By Naomi Franco

Proud to be part of Athletics! By Tamica Mignott second time in the year Alex broke his person best. This year will see the loss of some of the team’s most valuable members in bring athletics to where it is today, but in my opinion I have every confidence that the new committee will only improve on what their predecessors have accomplished. Athletics isn’t just for the Usain Bolt’s of the world but for everyone who has a passion for the sport and to improve on their performance and that’s the spirit we envision as a team.

By Laura Sage



The athletics team has grown form strength to strength this year and as a captain I couldn’t be prouder of my team. Each and every member has shown their commitment and support when it was required of them in making the team a success. The team recently competed in the Olympic stadium for the annual BUCC outdoor Athletics competition which was a terrific honour. Danielle Anderson finished top eight in the ladies javelin competing which was a brilliant achievement for the team and for the

For the last three years the Badminton and Volleyball committee has gone from strength to strength. Badminton has really excelled in the leagues, with both the Men’s and Ladies teams both finishing strong and high. Congratulations and a big thank you to Nicola Neil, Josh Ashby and Nick Raouna for their fantastic efforts this year. Volleyball has also seen some great improvements. Although both teams did not finish high in the leagues, the improvement in player’s ability has been incredible; a particular mention to Rich Southgate (Men’s Captain), Sam Jaboc and Neil Addington, who have all shown fantastic commitment to the club and improved their performance dramatically. 2011/12 was the first year Volleyball has had a coach, thanks to the funding we secured from Volleyball England. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to represent Volleyball England as a Higher Education Volleyball Officer (HEVO) which I am proud to say has really help the club strengthen. Finally after a very successful few years, it is safe to say the Badminton and Volleyball committee is set to stay and has a very bright future ahead. Josh Ashby will continue to support the badminton squads, with the help of Sport for Life and Badminton England. Volleyball will be carried forward by Sophie Georgalakis, who has shown a real passion for volleyball over the last two years. I would like to say a quick thank you to the SU/AU team for your help over the years and to Sports for Life for helping with the funding of coaches. It has been a pleasure being President of Badminton and Volleyball over the last few years and will be an experience never forgotten.




Everything you need to know about sports at Bucks

What a year!

win the league unbeaten. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the other teams for their achievements this year, especially men’s hockey gaining Team of the Year. Also, I would like to thank all those that have supported ladies hockey this year, including cheer, netball, mens hockey, rugby and dance - especially for your involvement at our takeover.

Congratulations again to all everyone for a great year, and as ladies hockey fundraiser, I would like to congratulate and thank the girls for a fantastic year, it’s been a pleasure being on the committee. Proud to be a hockey girl. Keep up the good work. By Rebecca Merrit Ladies hockey fundraisier


O N l a un

AU Dinner 2012 - and the winners are... Congratulations to all the nominees and especially the winners of this year’s Athletic Union dinner. It was an amazing night with a great guest speaker, Steve Rider. Another well done to our 13 handpicked full colours winners. You are all deserving students who are dedicated and enthusiastic members of our sports club!

Multi Sport Award Bradley Parker Captain of the year Alfie Buckley Team of the year Mens Hockey Committee member of the year Nathan Baker Club of the year Ladies Hockey Sports man of the year Sam Wyer Sports woman of the year Nina Hardy Outstanding contribution to sport Marcus Claytor


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The AU dinner was an amazing night for all teams involved, celebrating a wide range of achievements of clubs, teams and individuals. It’s a great evening of sporting acknowledgement and gives a real sense of community within the Athletics Union. As part of ladies hockey, I was so proud of being named Club of the Year, as I feel the girls all put in a great effort this year in order to achieve Gold accreditation and

Below: (L-R) Amy Gordon VPSI, Steve Rider guest speaker, Marcus Clator and Ross McLaughlin Student Acitivies Manager



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