The Bucks Student - Edition 30

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bucks student edition 30

October 2012

Let’s talk about boobs… Big ones, small ones, male or female you should be coppin’ a feel of those bad boys! I’m talking about CoppaFeel! It’s a charity raising awareness of breast cancer in the younger generation and this year Bucks has a Boob Team. It’s important to regularly check your breast tissue so that if any changes do occur you’ll be able to identify it if it is unusual for your body and feel confident about approaching a doctor with your concerns. You can sign up to the free monthly reminder to CoppaFeel! by texting ‘BUCKS’ to 70500, we also have door hangers displaying the correct way to CoppaFeel!, temporary tattoos reminding you to Coppafeel! in the shower and cheeky stickers - just because we can. Boob stamps, CoppaFeel! The game, booby bake sales and of course the boob costumes. Find out more at CoppaFeelBucksNewUni and at Did you see the boob stall at freshers fair? We’re still recruiting a team so email me and get involved. By: Raej Star

Timetable “fiasco” at Buckinghamshire New University Union officers criticise management and praise ‘exceptional’ course teams. While students’ describe the timetabling fiasco as a ‘devastating shambles, not befitting of a Univeristy’

Key campaign demands The Students’ Union has called on the University to: > 1. Establish a Compensation Fund for affected students > 2. Ensure no student has had to take modules they didn’t want as a result > 3. Review communication protocols to students during major incidents

Bucks Students’ Union has a positive impact on your time at Bucks in so many different ways. In each addition of The Bucks Student this column will showcase recent work that we have undertaken to continue having a positive impact on your time.

Students have been facing problems with timetabling issues at Buckinghamshire New University following the start of the academic year. Vice Chancellor Ruth Farwell has apologised for the delay and problems regarding the issue and assured students that in a press release on the Bucks Student website that “we are doing everything in our power to provide the information you need”. The problems came about after the University introduced new timetabling software, which had been used by other universities, and they were hoping it would be ready for students before the

Student Editor

term started. Students’ Union Guy Humphrey President Ash Coles has led the Union charge in asking why this software wasn’t trialled alongside the existing system in order to ensure a smooth transition. BNU instead ran into problems which have evidently caused chaos for a significant number of students throughout the University. Many of whom work and have caring responsibilities and this has resulted in unnecessary financial losses for some. Continued on page 8

Bucks Students’ Union has had a positive impact on your time at Bucks by: Lobbying the institution to invest in a compensation fund for students who have been left out of pocket by the recent timetabling problems. In addition we have been supporting students who have had module options reduced as a result of the mistakes surrounding timetabling and will be heavily inputting into the review into what went wrong.

2 Bucks Student October 2012



4 Bucks Student October 2012

Editor - Ash Coles Student Editor - Guy Humphrey Deputy Student Editor - MJ Mahmood

Get involved! If you want to get involved in the paper it’s very easy! If you have a passion for writing, feel you want to get your voice heard, or want to cover something that we may be missing from our current paper, then get in touch: Email: search: Bucks Student Newsgroup So what qualities do you need to write? Firstly, you do need a passion for writing. It’s a given. Good spelling, grammar and punctuation is also needed. Good communication skills, perspective and passion for something else apart from writing is also helpful. This will be good to get your knowledge on a particular area up even further as well as helping you showcase your talent and passion that you may have. This may be fashion, sport, film. Absolutely anything! Being a part of the student newspaper also means that you are automatically a volunteer. It’s something to put down on your CV and above all, the society, is one of the most hardworking and well respected societies in the University and is, yet again, a great thing to put on your CV. You may also find out that you might want to take the journalistic career path. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!

Advertising For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact the Students’ Union for more information. © 2012 Bucks Students’ Union


Editor Ash Coles

We have now been going for a whole month and how time flies when you’re having fun! I hope that you have had chance to have some interaction with us as a Students’ Union and I hope it was enjoyable. This is my fifth freshers at Bucks, second as president and it has definitely been the best yet. I have met many of you in many different scenarios and the one common factor that you all seem to have is how friendly you all are! The first few weeks for us as a union has been very busy as you can imagine we have had a fifth record breaking year in all of our frontline services from record sign-ups in sport, societies and Student Reps to footfall in our bars and students making the most of our extended opening hours in our Advice Centre and Union reception. I would like to finish off by announcing some exciting news. In the National Student Survey which is completed by final year students, we were placed very near in the top third of all Students’ Unions across the whole of the UK for student satisfaction. This is a great achievement and something we are committed to continue to deliver to make your time at Bucks as memorable as it can be. Finally please let us know how your freshers has been by completing our freshers survey at bucksstudent. com/surveys. I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of your term hear at Bucks and remember if there is anything we can do for you please pop into our offices located on the Ground Floor, North Wing at the High Wycombe Campus, and on the First Floor by Pulse at our Uxbridge Campus.

60 seconds with


Continued from front page: Students’ Union Vice President Education & Welfare Jack Badu described this dilemma for students as ‘grossly unacceptable’ adding that “Freshers is a difficult time for all students, especially first years. Lots of our members haven’t received their loans or are moving away from home for the first time. To then experience the level of uncertainty, mismanagement and disorganisation which they have over the last couple of weeks just isn’t good enough and questions need to be answered.” Student Editor Guy Humphrey

So what is the Student Union doing about it?

Freshers Helpers, Union staff as well as PCSOs and Sabbatical Officers went out in force to deliver the goodie bags to local residents and students, delivery the message of the Community Guide and SSHH campaign. Bucks Students’ Union has produced its second Community Guide to High Wycombe to help students live safely in the town, with financial support and advice from Wycombe District Council and Thames Valley Police. The 40-page guide includes sexual and drug advice, as well as advice on personal safety, details for medical facilities in the area, volunteering opportunities with Bucks Students’ Union and how to contact important bodies including Wycombe District Council. The booklet also stresses the importance of recycling, with contact details for recycling centres, as well as providing details of where to go for medical assistance, and how students can keep their accommodation safe from crime and free of fire risks. The guide has been produced and will be available at the

Debate of the week

University’s Campus, as well as at libraries, council offices and police stations, and has been posted through students’ and residents’ doors close to the centre of High Wycombe. Sgt Mitchell from Thames Valley Police said: “This is a brilliant way to raise awareness to students of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in the community, as well as giving them a comprehensive guide to the resources and support available to them in the town.” “We are happy to reinforce the strong message being sent out by Bucks Students’ Union that not only is anti-social behaviour unacceptable from students but that we are all working together to ensure that students have an enjoyable and safe experience living in High Wycombe.” Ash Coles, President of Bucks Students’ Union, said:

“Community engagement is a big part of what we do. It’s a small minority who give students a bad name and we are keen to turn that around and we hope that this second community guide is a further step towards showing how much we care. “We received some very favourable and positive feedback from members of the community following the first community guide and we hope that this one will be equally well-received. “We want students to feel part of the community and this guide, with the support it has received from Wycombe District Council and Thames Valley Police, is a handy way for them to feel safe and welcome in the community in High Wycombe.”

Debate of the week

Simply put Ash Coles is making sure that the Union do as much as they can to ensure that the problems are being resolved, and are trying their best to do this as quickly as possible. In a statement published on the University’s Facebook page, Ash said that he has, “spoken with the University’s Senior Management Team and expressed all the difficulties students’ are facing. I also emphasised the fact that students are missing out on employment opportunities.” He has subsequently informed The Bucks Student that he and his fellow Officers have demanded the establishment of a Compensation Fund which students can bid to if they have lost out financially. The Union have also asked for a review into communication protocols to students during major incidents and an analysis of the impact on module options as a result of the timetabling fiasco to ensure no student has been forced to take a module they didn’t elect. At the same time he and Badu acknowledged

the widespread praise that some course teams had received from students following their efforts to mitigate the problems at a local level. He also urged students to give feedback to him either by email or to go to the Students’ Union Office directly. Jack Badu released a video urging students to give feedback on the timetabling issue, which will hopefully be a success and can be viewed on So what do you, the students, have to say on the issue? Nick Lucas, a second year Audio Production student, said, “I think the academics are doing a great job of dealing with the situation. My lecturers have shown a lot of willingness to be flexible with our timetable groups for those who need to work on certain days.” Students featured on another Union video, capturing student views on the issue, include one who has a part time job. She says that she has missed shifts due to the delay in timetables as well as missing out on money to fund herself as a student. Being part of the Dance Society she also explained how it has affected that part of her experience too, “We’ve just

“employers want to know ahead so now I’ve lost about three weeks worth of work because I can’t give them anything.”

It was more ‘University Challenged’ than University Challenge as students were made to sit in classes which bore a greater resemblance to The Vicar of Dibley.

Watch Vice President Education and Welfare, Jack Badu’s video in full by scanning this barcode

Charlotte says: “Home cooked meals are definitely the best because they’re better for you, less fattening and healthier. I think they’re cheaper than ready meals because you can make them in bulk and freeze them. It’s not too hard to follow a recipe. They’re nice and remind me of home.”

The Guide, which tackles serious issues aims to be ‘student friendly’ and informal but also informative.

A Guide to High Wycombe

For those unfamiliar with the concept, the university allocated two nonconsecutive weeks of the academic year for the students to catch up with their studies. This was known as Guided Learning week (GLW) or Reading Week. During GLW both lectures and seminars were not held as you were off timetable, and the majority of societies did not meet up for those weeks. The harsh reality of GLW is that most students did not use it for the purpose intended. In fact, it would be safe to say that most students used GLW to either socialize or relax back at home with


their families. With the funding cuts that have taken place this year it is understandable why the university may have felt that GLW is an unnecessary luxury. During GLW the universities facilities are all open; this includes the library and the classrooms. However, with students either back at home, or too busy socializing the facilities are not used to their full caliber. Perhaps GLW was not being used to its potential by all students, but at the very least, the university recognizes that getting rid of it all together would be

akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Guided Learning Week has now been replaced with Activity Week. Although you will be working off a different timetable that week, you won’t have your normal lectures and seminars. Instead, you’ll have a range of mandatory activities that should be course related. This ostensibly solves the problem of students not doing anything productive while still taking a break from the same routine of their course. Regardless of the change, it is

By: Harmeet Singh Anand certain that this has not been without controversy. There has been a wide range of criticism to the change by both the administration and students. Some are very strongly supportive of the change, others think that the change is unnecessary, and some very strongly opposed. It is still unclear whether or not this change will be permanent. It may be possible that the university is just trying something new and starting next academic year we may see the return of GLW. For now however, the change is here and we will have to live with it.

First of all let me start with an apology. I acknowledge the inconvenience and disappointment that many of you will have suffered as a result of the problems with the timetabling system and I in no way underestimate the impact this will have had on your first weeks at Bucks New University. We are doing everything we can to get back to normal and ensure everyone has an effective timetable as soon as possible and I am pleased that the majority of students now have a full, working timetable. However, we have been made aware of a number of specific issues regarding the problems experienced so far. These include people losing money through childcare or travel costs as a result of coming to University only to find lectures cancelled or postponed. In some cases, I know this has also led to loss of earnings. We are sensitive to this and are putting in place a process to support people who have suffered losses and will address individual cases as soon as possible. I also understand that some of you have had your academic programmes disrupted. Please be assured that no student will be disadvantaged academically and we will be looking at this on a course-by-course basis. This has been a difficult time for everyone at Bucks New University and I once again apologise wholeheartedly for the difficulties caused through the problems with timetabling. Prof Derek Godfrey Deputy Vice Chancellor

Timetable “fiasco”

some one you like?

hing Somet to sell?

Need a housemate?

Let us know!

to a Freshers Fortnight got off dramatic start after the Students’ after a fire Union had to close early evacuated alarm saw students being from The Venue. off at The fire alarm, which went after an around 11pm, was caused isolated area of the SU overheated. being This was due to the venue and then closed over the summer of there being a sudden flurry

Spare gig tickets?

By: Gemma Heath Research Coordinator

Your idea could change this space!

Prize of £100 for the best idea! Submit your ideas by email to or pop them into the B3 Post Box in Beats. • • • •

Competition runs until 31 October 2012. The total budget is £15,000 for design and implementation - so please be realistic! The most promising ideas will be worked up into design concepts by our Spatial Design students who will present to a panel of students and staff. The winning idea will be created and installed in early 2013.


in a drunken state or otherwise – head to the Freshers Review on page16 where you can see pictures and reviews of every single night held at the SU as well as two interviews with Loveable Rogues and Kids in Glass Houses! In the mix, we also have an International Fresher’s blog, so you can follow his/ her story adjusting to life in Bucks, as well as Fashion and Beauty tips, reviews on music and yet another Lush review. Sidenote: I’m not being paid by Lush, I work there and think the products are really good. However, if Lush do want to pay me, that is not a problem! Times are hard. I would like to finish by saying that hopefully the start of term hiccups have sorted themselves out, and you can start having a cracking year at BNU. If you haven’t already. I would also like to say a big thank you to all the people that signed up at the Freshers Fairs at both campuses, and for those who contributed to this issue. Remember, anyone can contribute and we are always looking for fun, fresh ideas.

round. The Pepper Foundation has been selected as one of the RAG charities for the third year running, providing funds for The Pepper Children’s Nurses managed by The Iain Rennie Hospice This year we are aiming for RAG to be at its biggest and best yet, and to do that we need your help! We are looking for students to help run a RAG Society, to assist in the organisation of events, come up with ideas for fund raising projects and help to break our fundraising record.

By: Jane Bower Societies and Volunteering Assistant

It never rains but it pours! First it was too hot in the Students’ Union and the fire alarm went off, now it seems to have rained so much that RAG (Raise and Give) Fair had to be cancelled due to bad weather on 24 September. In its place, RAG Fair Plan B quickly came into action. Charity sign-ups, face paints, cake sales, friendship bracelets and more were available in Beats. All of the money raised went to different RAG charities which are student voted every year. The main focus of RAG is to have fun whilst raising money for charities. Having fun is something that comes very easily to

Student Editor Guy Humphrey

students, so RAG is perfect. RAG want to get students more involved in the events this year. Instead of students just coming to the events and taking part RAG now want students to think and hold the events themselves. A great opportunity for anyone and will look great on your CV. Any ideas you can always email the Societies and Volunteering Assistant Jane Bower at For further information on RAG go to: The cancelled Fair will now take place in Green Impact Week in mid-February so keep your eyes peeled for that one!

By: Jane Bower Societies and Volunteering Assistant

1 Room to rent in 4 bed house ASAP in finsbury park, London, £102pp/pw, with opportunity to car share to and from Bucks. Call Anee for more info: 07702 525 021 A double bedroom available near Uxbridge sharing with four other female nursing students and contact Niamh for more info:

On 1 October the Emergency Medical Centre in Wycombe Hospital is closing and the new Minor Injuries and Illness Unit (MIIU) will open. (There is no A&E at Wycombe Hospital).

Give us year’ some feedb buck s Frehs ack sstud ers Help on this ent.c Woul om/s ers: d you urve y Help like to Look er be out or Buck a Fresh for 2013 s Budd ers Dece recru y? mber itmen t in !

Bucks ID Cards


“TOGA TOGA TOGA!” Toga night is one of our established Fresher’s nights having happened every year I’ve been here, I’m a third year, and is one of the more popular nights. Toga was the first Frat House night of the year. Thursday saw a nice, chilled atmosphere throughout the Students’ Union, as plenty of beer and bands were enjoyed throughout. Indie-electro band Bastille headlined, with other bands such as The Struts and Dog is Dead as well as humorous Beans on Toast. There was something for everybody and many people were

double in price

The cost of a replacement ID Card has now doubled to £10. If your card has simply broken then you can probably get it replaced for free, so don’t be afraid to ask. But loss and careless damage will now you back more than set it did previously, look after your cards!

popcorn party

Blackboard was updated this summer You may have noticed by now that Blackboard has been upgraded, and brings with it a lot of improvements. This includes a much more user friendly interface, an App for your phone (iPhone & Android only currently), and an Instant Messaging PC/Mac App for collaborating with other students and talking to University staff in real time.

There have been foam parties. have been UV There Paint parties. And has even been a Monster Munch there For the first Flirt! party! night of the year was time for it the popcorn party, which saw a lot of popcorn being shot from

“I enjoyed the and the dress Unisex rave The first Saturday night up parties.” of Freshers Fortnight was

Unisex! They called it the ‘Freshers Rave’. Tantrum Desire provided high octane, dance floor tracks while Taikiand Nulight smashed it with

Email us your Student Shout Outs

Student Shout Out

Everyones Hitching to do it!

After two night of wild partying, it was laugh-out-loud. Jim time for a relaxing night, and what better is a great story teller and has to ability to way to relax then to swoop laugh? world and drop punches you into his The first comedy central like there’s no night at the tomorrow. SU consisted of 3 extremely talented comedians. First on Last but not least, Keith stage, Tiernan Farnan. This Irish comedian has Douieb, who took improvising “The comedy night it all. Improvising, with was fun. I will go the audience storytelling and unpredictable to a whole punches are the core of his act. to that again.” new level. Next it was Can’t wait till the Jim next Comedy Central Smallman’s turn to night! make us


A common place for sports teams to come and celebrate your victory or loss for that day. As it was toga night, you had to dress in a toga! Just wrap a bed sheet round you a few times, and you’re done! With Beer Pong and the infamous Blow Zone where you could win prizes, there was something for everyone!

dancing and just enjoying themselves. Some were even sitting on the floor listening to some of the music being played. After the bands, Blue Rinse was back. Retro and motown vibes highlighted a chilled atmosphere throughout and rounded off an all-round chilled out night after a heavy night before.

Want to do something amazing with your Easter holidays? How does hitch hiking to Morocco or Croatia sound? This year you could take part in the biggest organised charity hitch hike in the UK! Every year, hundreds of students take to the roads in trademark green t-shirts with their thumbs held high blagging free lifts to make their way across Europe all in the name of charity! Taking part in the hitch myself in 2010 was by far the best thing I took part in during my time at uni. It took me 7 days, 28 hitches, 1,917 miles, 26 cups of coffee and one slightly questionable omelette baguette to get from Liverpool to Tangier in the north of Morocco. On the way we sang, we

ran, we jumped over fences, we attempted French, Spanish and Arabic all in the name of charity and getting to our destination. Once we were there we split our time between Fez and Marrakesh, staying in super cheap hotels with the most amazing breakfasts of cinnamon coffee, mint tea, bread butter and honey. We spent our days wandering around the markets, bartering with the locals, riding camels in the dessert and swimming through waterfalls. Link Community Development (LCD) are a charity dedicated to improving education in the rural districts of Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, South Africa, and Uganda. They work at all levels of the education system, with communities, schools and governments, to identify and remove obstacles surrounding the education

This means it’s FREE!


With plenty of drink deals, the is relatively cheap, night was a good added and the popcorn touch for those get peckish on that their night out.

Sports Societies Activites Events

more of the same.

Of course the Unisex DJs provided plenty of fast paced tunes to keep the party alive. With the music and the drinks flowing, Unisex was definitely a night not to be missed.

Freshers Fortnight review

It’s MJ here, you’re Deputy Editor. Deputy Student Editor I hope MJ Mahmood you’re all okay and I trust that everyone is settling in to Bucks New Uni. Freshers Fortnight is officially finished, for another year. Sadly, this means that my last Freshers Fortnight is over! I’d like to think you’ve all been making the most of it, whether you’re a Fresher, 2nd year or a final year student. We’ve had a whole combination of events and start whether it’s Toga night, Loveable Rogues from Britain’s Got Talent, Angel or Reggie Yates! I hope everyone makes the most of all the opportunities that come their way,

Recent coffee morning event in the SU Foyer in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Internet usage will be charged at your providers standard rate.

that’s more than 400 times around the world! So, if this sounds like something you’d like to do this Easter,come along to our introductory meeting on 23rd October at 5pm (room tbc) or email jane.bower@ for more information.

100% OFF


Everyones Hitching to do it!

whether it’s events through the Big Deal (which are constantly available, FREE and often snapped up immediately as they’re so amazing) or getting a job. There are vacancies available especially through the internal job vacancy database, so have a look and get cracking on with updating your CV! Finally, I just wanted to say that if you’re struggling to settle into uni, have money problems, not getting on with your flatmates, not enjoying your course etc, there are always people that you can speak with! You’re not alone, and places such as the Advice Centre exist to help you so please don’t be afraid of getting help. It’s okay to feel like that, and we’ll do our best to help accommodate your needs! Until next week, take care! direct to your mobile

system. The hitch hike is their main source of fundraising with every hitcher raising a minimum of £375. Since 1992, over 8,000 people have taken part in the Hitch, raising more than £4,000,000 for the charity Link Community Development and travelling a combined total of almost 10,000,000 miles -

see for more details

1. Download a QR reader to your phone. There are loads of free ones available. 2. Open the QR reader on your phone and scan any barcodes where you see them. 3. Each individual code will take you to a website for further information. 4. No more typing web addresses. Simply scan the code, go to the site and find out more information.

Take advantage of the FREE nightbus taking you from the SU right to your frontdoor!* Just ask the driver nicely!

We’re going to be running loads of events, both old and new this such as the old favourite Jailbreak, the exciting new hitchhike to Morocco and Croatia as well as local collections, RAG Raids and our massive Let’s Get Pegless Social! If you’re interested in being on the committee- or just want to get a bit more involved email jane.bower@

“Freshbook allowed me to interact

Minor Injuries and Illness Unit to replace Wycombe Hospital’s Emergency Medical Centre

Got a bright idea about how we could best use the cleared area formerly known as the Rose Garden at the centre of High Wycombe Campus, between South and East Wing? You can see the space from the third floor windows or along from Beats on the first floor. We would like to create a breathing space at the heart of our campus which can be enjoyed by everyone for a few years.

RAG stands for Raise and Give, and is the part of the union which fundraises for local, national and international charities. Every year students at Bucks vote for the two charities that they want RAG to support over the academic year. At Freshers Fair over 150 students voted and it was announced that Rafes Place and The Pepper Foundation will be the two RAG charities this year. Rafes Place is a young person’s charity, dedicated to fighting boredom in bucks, organising exciting and inclusive events all year

with many To make university that people, great idea with the t shirts!” little less daunting and more friendly, Freshbook Throughout the was created. For just £1 a t-shirt, you night, if you tweeted #bucksfreshbook, could write a status and get people to your tweet may have been projected on sign all over it. A great talking point the screens in both of the rooms. We were and something simple, yet so unique. even trending at one point!

3 second year Textiles and Surface design students, traveling by car. car, have space for 2 extra students to travel with for this year and next year. Meeting in and around the west London area, going to Bucks New Uni. For more info please call Anee: 07702 525 021

Eco-friendly developments Over the summer Solar Panels were fitted to generate electricity. The solar panels have been installed on top of a link extension between the University’s Timberlake and Red Shed buildings and will generate at least 46 megawatts of electricity per year, which is equivalent to the total energy consumption of its Owen Harris building over a period of six months. The move should save around 11 tons of CO2 emissions per year. The University is also due to take delivery of two electrically-powered Renault Kangoo vans in the next three months, replacing two of its existing fleet of three diesel-powered vans. The new vans will generate just 1g/km of CO2, compared to 157 g/km with the existing vehicles.

Competition for students and staff as part of the B3 (Building a Better Bucks) project

students. Venue Talking to Chris Smith, Union he Manager of the Students’ licensing said that due to Sunday as laws, the venue wasn’t re-opened had carried after the fire department wasn’t out the assessments there to get enough time for the night that underway again. Chris persisted the SU has this was a, ‘one off,’ and been open without any problems.

RAG Fair

Get involved with RAG

Shout it out!

Always hungry for your feeback! Love Rusty’s researchers! x

Introducing... Hey Guys! A big hello from me. You Student Editor may be Guy Humphrey nursing hangovers from Freshers Fortnight so I feel like a Bruce Forsyth quote is appropriate if you survived; ‘Didn’t you do well?’ With Freshers Fortnight and the start of a new year, the university was always going to be a hectic one. What with timetabling issues, which have hopefully been all sorted by the time you are reading this, to the fire alarm going off on the opening night, needless to say, BNU has had teething troubles this year. This edition of the paper will hopefully try and de-stress you as well as putting a smile of your pretty little faces. On a serious note, if you want to find out more on the timetable issues take a look at my feature in the Must Read seaction this edition which may make things clearer for you If you want to know more about what exactly happened the first night – whether that be through being

“The whole thing! It’s fricking awesome!”


Survived freshers? Let us know how your first few weeks at University went! We would really appreciate your feedback to help us improve in future years. Please complete the ‘freshers fortnight’ survey at

How are you finding High Wycombe? We distribute 3,000 copies of the community guide each year to help all our new students settle in! As a member of the High Wycombe community we would really appreciate your feedback. Please complete the ‘students within the community’ survey at for a chance to win £50 in Eden vouchers!

Raise and Give

Freshers Fortnight review A busy crowd at Flirt! Popcorn Party holding their buckets in the air to catch popcorn being blasted out of air cannons.

Student Shout Out

Looking fresh faced?

Guide us through!

feed me!

Timetabling: the current situation

Yes the rumors are true; Guided Learning Week is no more.

Josh says: “I prefer ready meals because I don’t know how to cook, and they’re easy to make. They’re quick and easy and I find them quite tasty. You don’t need to worry about buying ingredients from scratch and worrying about recipes. Also, they make my tummy warm inside.”

Keep reading this column to find out how to feedback to the Students’ Union with your thoughts and opinions. There is everything from filling out surveys to attending focus groups and you can contribute as much or as little as you like!

What the uni says

Ready Meals vs Home Cooked Meals With debate over many things in the world, we know that the first thing on many students minds is food. So, with this first debate of the week it’s time for the most important question in the world: Ready Meal or Home Cooked Meal?

A round-up of SU nightlife plus entertainment news and reviews.

From food to fashion and everything in between! managed to get our own competition here and it’s ruined our rehearsal time because we’re waiting for everyone to get their timetables so we can begin competition routines.” She seems to share Lucas’s viewpoint that the lecturers have been doing really well. In terms of her course, there have been weekly timetables as well as a timetable of what they think may happen. Whilst this is better than nothing she says that her, “employers want to know ahead so now I’ve lost about three weeks worth of work because I can’t give them anything.” Harrison Boileau, a third year Film and TV student, said that the lecturers, “have been good and got timetables sorted. I have spoken to other people on other courses and they’re still don’t know what is going on. There was some clashing but our head lecturer managed to iron out all the creases there.” Talking to other lecturers, this did seem to be the case. With many courses, such as Law and Travel and Aviation still running their lectures and reporting no issues with room bookings. The only issue, they find is the fact that the rooms may change, and overall they say that the timetable issues have been worked around, albeit it with some minor problems. Deputy Vice Chancellor Derek Godfrey released a statement on 27 September saying that he acknowledges, “the inconvenience this may have caused many of you and for that I apologise, but please be reassured that we have done everything we can, and I sincerely hope that you can now happily continue your studies at Bucks New University.” Hopefully, by now, all students should have their timetables. If you have not, then contact your course or department and they should help you further but make sure you let the Union know as well.

32 Bucks Student October 2012

16 Bucks Student October 2012

The need to read section of the newspaper. Don’t miss out on the main features!

Chief Executive Officer Bucks Students’ Union Tristan Tipping > 1. What made you want to be Chief Executive Officer of Bucks Students’ Union? I really enjoy working with our very dedicated and vibrant staff and officer team and this role is a great opportunity to help shape the direction of what I believe to be a really dynamic organisation. > 2. What are your aims for the Union in the near future? We’ve got loads on the go, we are going through a period of rapid development so I’m keen to help see us through that and make sure that by the end of the year, despite the turbulent environment we find ourselves in, we are in a strong position to continue our growth in 2013/14. This year’s priorities include challenging the University to improve the academic provision for students by addressing a range of longstanding issues, working across all union departments to help promote the benefits to employability through participation in Union run services and activities, building the level of involvement of regular students in decision making and securing a sound resource from which to build our new strategic plan. > 3. How is the Union different to others? Our Union is incredibly fast moving and for a small Uni we offer an unbelievable range of opportunities – it all stems from the Big Deals as that allows us to be a lot bolder with our programmes leading to greater diversity in our offer. > 4. Where did you study and what degree did you do? My degree is from Brunel university but I studied at Bucks, so I am very much Bucks Alumni. I subject was Business Administration and Marketing > 5. What were you like as a university student? I was heavily involved with extra curricular activities, particularly sports (I played cricket) and events and I was on the Ents crew. I really enjoyed the social side of University but I spent a lot of time away with my band meaning I didn’t see a class room in my third year until after Christmas – that wasn’t a massive help to my final grade…. > 6. If you could give any advice to a student, what would it be? Get involved with as much as possible, it’s a busy time but you’ll never have this much opportunity to try new things again. It’s tough when you leave Uni so you need to have amassed as much experience and gained as many new skills as possible while you are hear in order to set yourself apart from the rest come graduation. Whatever you do get yourself some relevant work experience along the way, a one day a week internship, holiday work, anything – just do something!! > 7. What film did you last watch at the cinema? John Cart – 2 hours of my life that I’ll never get back, avoid it like the plague. > 8. Where would your ideal place to go on holiday be? I really love New York – I’d go back there tomorrow if I could. > 9. What’s your idea of the perfect night in/ out? One of the best nights out I’ve had in the last few years was in a ramshackle bar off the campus of Boston University with the guys from work – it was like something from American Pie, bizarre but hilarious. I really like live music so I’d like to go and see some bands (in New York) with mates – to be my perfect night out it would probably have to involve seafood - so if there is a lively bar that serves great seafood and books Americana bands in the heart of New York I’m there….

10 Bucks Student October 2012

8 Bucks Student October 2012

A Guide to High Wycombe

*Bus starts from midnight until close. Wed & Fri only. 1.5 mile radius from the main campus only.

October 2012 Bucks Student 3

All the latest goings-on around the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Campuses.

Uxbridge Freshers Fair

News in Tweets @buckssu @BucksSU_UXB Bucks SU - Uxbridge @BucksSU_UXB Watch Jack Badu’s statement on timetabling here and then give us your feedback so we can represent you! http:// index.php Bucks Students Union @buckssu Have you enjoyed your first few weeks at university? Let us know via our ‘freshers fortnight’ survey via http:// surveys Bucks Students Union @buckssu

Bucks New University @bucksnewuni Bucks Students’ Union has launched a second Community Guide to High Wycombe @buckssu @ ThamesVP @wycombedc pic.

Give it a Go Week Throughout the first week of October, Uxbridge students had a chance to try out a variety of different activities with the aim to get everyone trying something new. Activities included: Knitting; Watersports; Social media workshop; going to the theatre to watch Thriller Live; taking part in Wii competitions; Cooking with Rice course; and a careers & employability workshop; and a JustAsk session with our Vice President Student Involvement, Naomi Franco and the Vice President Education and Welfare, Jack Badu. We also held a Basic Life Support Course which proved to be very popular. Here are just a few comments students made about the Basic Life Support Course:

“It was made really enjoyable, allowing opportunities to practice and ask questions when I didn’t understand. Great!” “The trainer was helpful. His personality made you want to learn and easy for you to understand.” “Excellent orientation and demonstration. Great hand on practice.” Well done to all of the students that took part. Your certificates will be awarded soon. We will also be looking into holding similar courses which will gain you certificates and help you become better qualified. Watch this space for updates on proposed courses! More reviews coming in next month’s addition of The Bucks Student about the Cooking with Rice Course, Thriller Live theatre trip and our Wii Bowling and Wii Just Dance competition winners will be announced. During ‘Give it a Go Week’ we also held a World Biggest Coffee Morning to help fundraise for the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity. Thank you to everyone who donated cakes and a massive thank you to everyone

By: Jade Buckingham Student Engagement Assistant who donated to this great cause. We made a grand total of £45.90 (plus 5 American cents, 1 US quarter dollar, 1 US dime and 10 European cents!). All of this will be used to help nurses look after cancer patients and help families that are affected by cancer. Don’t miss out on our upcoming events Our events and activities don’t just stop after ‘Give it a Go’ week... we have plenty more activities booked for you to take part in, and don’t forget....they are all FREE! We have Zumba lessons booked, Go Ape outdoor adventure park, Fright Night trip at Thorpe Park, Sign Language course, seated massage opportunities, Skiing lessons and Indoor Sky Diving. Book your space two weeks prior to each event taking place. All tickets are booked through our website: Tickets go quickly so log on regularly to avoid disappointment. For those of you who love getting a good discount or freebie, head down to the Chimes Shopping Centre on 16 October, 7:30pm-10:00pm. Shops will be offering increased student discounts and additional shops that would not normally offer discount, will be offering up to 20% off! Log on to: for more information and to register. NUS Cards Please come to the Students’ Union Office located on the First Floor to collect your NUS card orders, or to purchase a new card. We can now print them onsite (it’s twice as quick as ordering them online!). It costs just £12 for the year – that’s just £1 per month – and you get some great savings across a vast range of high street shops and restaurants. Apologies to those who are still waiting for their cards to arrive; NUS are working as quickly as they can to get your cards processed and despatched to us so you can start getting their great discounts!



Ashley Coles ‫‏‬ @ash_coles One very proud president #bucksfreshbook is trending all over the UK @buckssu @ BucksSU_UXB

If you are a first year at the Uxbridge Campus of Buckinghamshire New University, then hopefully you took part in the Freshers Fair on 19 September and joined up to a few exciting societies and of course got a few freebies too. Spanning across two classrooms, there was plenty of action going on with The Bucks Student Newsgroup, Tea Society, Islamic Society as well as information about volunteering, NUS and a merchandise stall. As well as this, there were stalls such as Endsleigh insurance and The Chimes shopping centre to help students along a little. However, one of the main reasons why the Freshers Fair is so important, is the amount of free stuff you get. Highlights at Uxbridge include a Frisbee from Endsleigh, a free T-shirt, as well as cardboard headphones that actually work pretty darn good! If you missed it, then do not fear, you can always sign up for the societies at any time, and hopefully there will be a Refreshers Fair soon! Alternatively you can pop into any Students’ Union office and find out more about any department you want to get invovled with.

A variety of stalls including The Chimes and Endsleigh Insurance attended as well as Union and University departments. Recognise this picture? Have you seen the huge banner outside the SU venue? This year as your sabbatical team and as representatives of students we want to talk to you, and hear your feedback or chit chat about anything related to your university experience. We will be doing, what we call officer surgeries, around the High Wycombe Campus. Look out for our faces week beginning 22nd October in Uxbridge and High Wycombe campuses. Hope you have had a great start to the year! Feel free to ping us an email: President - VPSI - VPEW

Sabb chat...

@REGYATES thanks Reggie, the perfect end to #bucksfreshers2012

Uxbridge news

Student Editor Guy Humphrey

4 Bucks Student October 2012

60 seconds with

A Guide to High Wycombe

Chief Executive Officer Bucks Students’ Union Tristan Tipping > 1. What made you want to be Chief Executive Officer of Bucks Students’ Union? I really enjoy working with our very dedicated and vibrant staff and officer team and this role is a great opportunity to help shape the direction of what I believe to be a really dynamic organisation. > 2. What are your aims for the Union in the near future? We’ve got loads on the go, we are going through a period of rapid development so I’m keen to help see us through that and make sure that by the end of the year, despite the turbulent environment we find ourselves in, we are in a strong position to continue our growth in 2013/14. This year’s priorities include challenging the University to improve the academic provision for students by addressing a range of longstanding issues, working across all union departments to help promote the benefits to employability through participation in Union run services and activities, building the level of involvement of regular students in decision making and securing a sound resource from which to build our new strategic plan. > 3. How is the Union different to others? Our Union is incredibly fast moving and for a small Uni we offer an unbelievable range of opportunities – it all stems from the Big Deals as that allows us to be a lot bolder with our programmes leading to greater diversity in our offer. > 4. Where did you study and what degree did you do? My degree is from Brunel university but I studied at Bucks, so I am very much Bucks Alumni. I subject was Business Administration and Marketing > 5. What were you like as a university student? I was heavily involved with extra curricular activities, particularly sports (I played cricket) and events and I was on the Ents crew. I really enjoyed the social side of University but I spent a lot of time away with my band meaning I didn’t see a class room in my third year until after Christmas – that wasn’t a massive help to my final grade…. > 6. If you could give any advice to a student, what would it be? Get involved with as much as possible, it’s a busy time but you’ll never have this much opportunity to try new things again. It’s tough when you leave Uni so you need to have amassed as much experience and gained as many new skills as possible while you are hear in order to set yourself apart from the rest come graduation. Whatever you do get yourself some relevant work experience along the way, a one day a week internship, holiday work, anything – just do something!! > 7. What film did you last watch at the cinema? John Carter – 2 hours of my life that I’ll never get back, avoid it like the plague. > 8. Where would your ideal place to go on holiday be? I really love New York – I’d go back there tomorrow if I could. > 9. What’s your idea of the perfect night in/ out? One of the best nights out I’ve had in the last few years was in a ramshackle bar off the campus of Boston University with the guys from work – it was like something from American Pie, bizarre but hilarious. I really like live music so I’d like to go and see some bands (in New York) with mates – to be my perfect night out it would probably have to involve seafood - so if there is a lively bar that serves great seafood and books Americana bands in the heart of New York I’m there….

Freshers Helpers, Union staff as well as PCSOs and Sabbatical Officers went out in force to deliver the goodie bags to local residents and students, delivery the message of the Community Guide and SSHH campaign. Bucks Students’ Union has produced its second Community Guide to High Wycombe to help students live safely in the town, with financial support and advice from Wycombe District Council and Thames Valley Police. The 40-page guide includes sexual and drug advice, as well as advice on personal safety, details for medical facilities in the area, volunteering opportunities with Bucks Students’ Union and how to contact important bodies including Wycombe District Council. The booklet also stresses the importance of recycling, with contact details for recycling centres, as well as providing details of where to go for medical assistance, and how students can keep their accommodation safe from crime and free of fire risks. The guide has been produced and will be available at the

Debate of the week

University’s Campus, as well “Community engagement is a big as at libraries, council offices part of what we do. It’s a small and police stations, and has minority who give students a bad been posted through students’ name and we are keen to turn and residents’ doors close to the that around and we hope that centre of High Wycombe. this second community guide is Sgt Mitchell from Thames a further step towards showing Valley Police said: “This is a how much we care. brilliant way to raise awareness “We received some very to students of what is acceptable favourable and positive feedback and what is not acceptable in from members of the community the community, as well as giving following the first community them a comprehensive guide guide and we hope that this one to the resources and support will be equally well-received. available to them in the town.” “We want students to feel part “We are happy to reinforce the of the community and this guide, strong message being sent out with the support it has received by Bucks Students’ Union that from Wycombe District Council not only is anti-social behaviour and Thames Valley Police, is a unacceptable from students but handy way for them to feel safe that we are all working together and welcome in the community in to ensure that students have an High Wycombe.” enjoyable and safe experience living in High Wycombe.” By: Ash Coles, President of Alice Dewsnap Bucks Students’ Union, said: Volunteering and Societies Coordinator

Debate of the week

Ready Meals vs Home Cooked Meals With debate over many things in the world, we know that the first thing on many students minds is food. So, with this first debate of the week it’s time for the most important question in the world: Ready Meal or Home Cooked Meal? Josh says: “I prefer ready meals because I don’t know how to cook, and they’re easy to make. They’re quick and easy and I find them quite tasty. You don’t need to worry about buying ingredients from scratch and worrying about recipes. Also, they make my tummy warm inside.” Charlotte says: “Home cooked meals are definitely the best because they’re better for you, less fattening and healthier. I think they’re cheaper than ready meals because you can make them in bulk and freeze them. It’s not too hard to follow a recipe. They’re nice and remind me of home.”

The Guide, which tackles serious issues aims to be ‘student friendly’ and informal but also informative.

October 2012 Bucks Student 5

Father Christmas comes early! Last week the Sabb Team, Union staff and Freshers Helpers played the role of Father Christmas, delivering goodie bags to the students and residence of High Wycombe. In our goodie bags of joy there was: > I ‘heart’ High Wycombe bag > I ‘heart’ High Wycombe mug > Tea bag > Our exciting Welfare Calendar > A copy of the community guide > Community guide survey > SSHH boiled sweets > Lolly pop > A cool SSHH sticker > Mementos to explain the SSHH campaign > An awesome SSHH pen Hughenden Park Student Village

P.S. SSHH! – Silent Students: Happy Homes



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What more could you want from a campaign? How about a FREE night bus service from the best venue in town (the SU if you hadn’t already guessed) to your front door? This bus will run between 9:30pm and 3am on Wednesday and Friday evenings, the map of the route is to the left of this article. The minibus is branded up with all the SSHH stickers so you can’t miss it! The Community Guide is a great little survival book to have with all the useful and emergency contact details. Giving this pack to local residents, and providing these night buses for students, decreases the complaints and shows that students aren’t ALL a pain in the rusty buck! Alongside this launch, throughout the year the Students’ Union offers a wide range of community based volunteering projects from pathway clean-ups to coaching sport at local schools. Volunteering is a great way to not only give back to the community but to gain skills and experiences for yourself and meet new people. For all the sneaky tips and tricks and other useful information (like the new George Michael lyrics) have a read of the community guide, who knows what you might learn something!




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6 Bucks Student October 2012

University news

New students arrive at Bucks ready for Operating Department Practitioner training The first cohort of Bucks New University students receiving Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) training has begun their studies. Bucks was appointed by NHS South of England (Central) to provide education and training from September 2012 for Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) and other NHS theatre staff across Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes.

The University now offers up to 35 places per year to students on a commissioned two-year Diploma in Higher Education in Operating Department Practice. The students will leave Bucks as Operating Department Practitioners, trained and registered to work in operating theatres at local hospitals across the Thames Valley region. Shane Roadnight, Course Leader, said: “The students are fitting in really well and are clearly

enjoying the course. They have endless amounts of enthusiasm and are a pleasure to work with. Already the students have said they would be keen to continue with their studies to achieve the BSc. “The students have now headed out to clinical placements to start putting what they have learned into practice. There are few ODPs nationwide, so this group will really start to shape the direction of the profession.” Jon Bodan, heavy metal guitarist for Nightmare Records/Sony RED band Halcyon Way, on stage.

A leaf out of Bob’s book Well-known PR figure Bob Leaf, who has been at the forefront of the industry for 50 years, has given a talk to first and second-year BA (Hons) Public Relations and Marketing Communications students at Bucks. Mr Leaf, the first executive to bring PR to the Soviet and Chinese governments during the Cold War, said: “The students’ questions were great and there was a high level of interest from them all. It is fun to speak to young people and pass on my experience and I have every confidence they will all go far.” First-year student Amin Choudhury said: “I can now proudly say that I have met Bob Leaf! He was inspirational.” Mental health matters Francis Thompson, Head of Nursing Education and Standards at West London Mental Health Trust, is chairing a debate called, ‘All you need is love’, looking at the role of antidepressant medication, in the Park Room at the Uxbridge Campus to mark World Mental Health Day on Wednesday 10 October. The day also features demonstrations of forum theatre by students and staff, where the audience can interact, African storytelling, a Zumba workshop, and a talk by a prison nurse. Third-year BSc (Hons) Nursing student William Barker, who suggested marking the day, will open the event, followed by a talk by Prof David Sines. Pioneering spirit Prof Paul Springer, Head of Research and Special Projects, gave a preview of his book, Pioneers of Digital, in Owen Harris Lecture Theatre 1 at the High Wycombe Campus on Monday 1 October. Paul has written the book with US-based marketing and social media expert, Mel Carson. It showcases success stories from advertising, marketing, and social media leaders, profiling 20 top digital innovators and revealing the inspiration behind their success. The preview is supported by Bucks students belonging to Bucks AdSoc, part of a UK-wide student advertising and marketing society. Find out more at In good Company MA Furniture: Design student Liz Ret has been named as a joint winner of the first Young Furniture Maker of the Year award by The Furniture Makers. Liz received the award at the Furniture Makers Guild in London. It is presented to the student who has contributed the most to the organisation during the year. Liz has helped refresh its website and publicity material and advise it on the requirements of young furniture design students. MA Furniture: Design course leader, Lynn Jones, said: “Liz absolutely deserves this accolade for all of her hard work.”

All the things he said... Film Director Mark Allard, who studied BA (Hons) Video Production (Digital) With Creative Writing at Bucks New University, has released the first episode of an online film series called From Reverie, focusing on artists and creatives. From Reverie: Episode One is 16-minutes-long and stars award-winning tattoo artist Graham Woodley; multi-instrumentalist Iain Watt; Jon Bodan, heavy metal guitarist for Nightmare Records/Sony RED band Halcyon Way, who lives in the United States; and Kat Wilson Hello Sailor Tattoo Studio in Blackpool, who won Tattoo Freeze 2012’s Best Portrait award. Mark, who graduated from Bucks New University in 2008, managed to secure an exclusive meeting with Jon and his Progressive Metal band Halcyon Way on their recent high-profile tour of the UK. He interviewed Jon and directed a film called Live in London for the band. The ambitious graduate said the film featured exclusive, never-before-seen footage and that Jon spoke about how it could be tough for break-through bands in the here-and-now, as well as about his personal battle against Lymphoma in 2010 and overcoming the illness to return to a stronger than ever band presence. Mark said: ”From Reverie has so far been an absolutely great experience, working

alongside such intellectual, thoughtful minds. ”I’ve always been inspired by modern art and this was a good way to give an opportunity to some artists that have inspired me to have a different medium, inwhich to speak openly about what they do, how they feel about their artforms and topics that they feel strongly about. ”I set out with dreams as a director and meeting and working with big international bands like Halcyon Way is any metal-head’s dream – even more so for a fan. All the artists involved are just fantastic people.” Mark’s previous work includes 2011’s Parkour documentary, We Run These Streets, which focused on the personal journeys of four Parkour athletes and received publicity in the USA, Russia, and globally via Urban Freeflow; the World’s biggest Parkour journal and one of the World’s biggest extreme sports publications. To view From Reverie: Episode One, go to Mark can be followed on Twitter @markaallard and on Facebook at / mark.a.allard.

October 2012 Bucks Student 7

We keep raising the standard

Students working on a ‘live brief’ with digital manufacturer Humax.

Leading digital manufacturer learns new ideas from Bucks New University students Humax, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of digital set-top boxes, has been gaining feedback from students in the Department of Business & Management at Buckinghamshire New University on how to help keep ahead in the market. More than 100 students at the University in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, spent a day working on a ‘live’ brief to come up with ideas to help market Humax’s DTR-T1000 YouView set-top box product. Louise Andrews, Account Director at Humax’s PR agency, EML Wildfire, judged the contest, along with Rob Peacock, Humax’s UK Sales Manager, and Humax Marketing Executive, Katy Welch. The winners were a team called Synergy. The team comprised students Stephanie Clark, Emilie Daly, Roseanne Dodds, Alice Hopkins, Cameron Hurran, Shaun Keeble, and Natalie Sofolarin. Synergy’s proposal comprised an integrated campaign featuring marketing on digital platforms and on regional and national

television. Their prize is a visit to Humax’s UK headquarters in London to see how the company works. Team member, Stephanie Clark, studying BA (Hons) Advertising Management and Digital Communications, said: “We worked as a team with each member having a designated role, and gained a lot from the added pressure of creating a proposal for a professional client. It has been an extremely beneficial exercise.” Rob Peacock said: “All of the teams presented some great ideas and provided us with some creative campaigns and suggestions of prospective new audiences. The presentations were well-researched and delivered, considering the short period of time to put them together, and all the students showed tremendous potential.” Dr Bill Nichols, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Bucks, who led the project, said: “Humax is a leading global manufacturer so this was a great chance for our students to present their ideas to the firm and feed in to their sales and marketing strategies. All of the students rose to the challenge and presented some fantastic ideas.”

The Student Enterprise Experience at

Buckinghamshire New University’s Careers and Employability Service has been accredited with the matrix Standard, a nationally-recognised quality mark for organisations which provide support to individuals to make learning and work more accessible. The University gained the accreditation to the matrix Standard over four months, during which time it was visited by an assessor from the organisational improvement and assessment company, emqc Ltd, which maintains and promotes the Standard on behalf of the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS). The assessor interviewed Ruth Gunstone, Director of Student Experience;

members of the Careers and Employability Service; Doug Cole, Employability Project Manager; and employers the university works with, including leading communications provider, Cisco. The assessor also interviewed a number of students. The University has over 9,000 students and it looks to ensure that these students receive the best information, guidance and advice possible. As well as being a pre-requisite for membership of the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS), the University felt the matrix Standard would help it to provide national recognition for its Careers and Employability Service. Elaine Dagnall, Careers and Employability

Manager, said: “The assessment process was very rigorous and I am delighted that we have been recognised with accreditation under the matrix Standard and the quality of our service has been benchmarked in this way. “The report highlights some key strengths of the service, particularly our commitment to continuous improvement, our use of new technologies such as social networking, online videos and e-guidance, our close working with internal partners, and a student mentoring scheme we run with Cisco. “Great team work led to the award and at the heart of our service is the desire to provide the best service possible for our students.”

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Contact us at e: t: 01494 605 107

8 Bucks Student October 2012

The need to read section of the newspaper. Don’t miss out on the main features! Continued from front page: Students’ Union Vice President Education & Welfare Jack Badu described this dilemma for students as ‘grossly unacceptable’ adding that “Freshers is a difficult time for all students, especially first years. Lots of our members haven’t received their Student Editor Guy Humphrey loans or are moving away from home for the first time. To then experience the level of uncertainty, mismanagement and disorganisation which they have over the last couple of weeks just isn’t good enough and questions need to be answered.” So what is the Student Union doing about it? Simply put Ash Coles is making sure that the Union do as much as they can to ensure that the problems are being resolved, and are trying their best to do this as quickly as possible. In a statement published on the University’s Facebook page, Ash said that he has, “spoken with the University’s Senior Management Team and expressed all the difficulties students’ are facing. I also emphasised the fact that students are missing out on employment opportunities.” He has subsequently informed The Bucks Student that he and his fellow Officers have demanded the establishment of a Compensation Fund which students can bid to if they have lost out financially. The Union have also asked for a review into communication protocols to students during major incidents and an analysis of the impact on module options as a result of the timetabling fiasco to ensure no student has been forced to take a module they didn’t elect. At the same time he and Badu acknowledged

the widespread praise that some course teams had received from students following their efforts to mitigate the problems at a local level. He also urged students to give feedback to him either by email or to go to the Students’ Union Office directly. Jack Badu released a video urging students to give feedback on the timetabling issue, which will hopefully be a success and can be viewed on So what do you, the students, have to say on the issue? Nick Lucas, a second year Audio Production student, said, “I think the academics are doing a great job of dealing with the situation. My lecturers have shown a lot of willingness to be flexible with our timetable groups for those who need to work on certain days.” Students featured on another Union video, capturing student views on the issue, include one who has a part time job. She says that she has missed shifts due to the delay in timetables as well as missing out on money to fund herself as a student. Being part of the Dance Society she also explained how it has affected that part of her experience too, “We’ve just

“employers want to know ahead so now I’ve lost about three weeks worth of work because I can’t give them anything.”

managed to get our own competition here and it’s ruined our rehearsal time because we’re waiting for everyone to get their timetables so we can begin competition routines.” She seems to share Lucas’s viewpoint that the lecturers have been doing really well. In terms of her course, there have been weekly timetables as well as a timetable of what they think may happen. Whilst this is better than nothing she says that her, “employers want to know ahead so now I’ve lost about three weeks worth of work because I can’t give them anything.” Harrison Boileau, a third year Film and TV student, said that the lecturers, “have been good and got timetables sorted. I have spoken to other people on other courses and they’re still don’t know what is going on. There was some clashing but our head lecturer managed to iron out all the creases there.” Talking to other lecturers, this did seem to be the case. With many courses, such as Law and Travel and Aviation still running their lectures and reporting no issues with room bookings. The only issue, they find is the fact that the rooms may change, and overall they say that the timetable issues have been worked around, albeit it with some minor problems. Deputy Vice Chancellor Derek Godfrey released a statement on 27 September saying that he acknowledges, “the inconvenience this may have caused many of you and for that I apologise, but please be reassured that we have done everything we can, and I sincerely hope that you can now happily continue your studies at Bucks New University.” Hopefully, by now, all students should have their timetables. If you have not, then contact your course or department and they should help you further but make sure you let the Union know as well.

What the uni says Timetabling: the current situation

It was more ‘University Challenged’ than University Challenge as students were made to sit in classes which bore a greater resemblance to The Vicar of Dibley.

Watch Vice President Education and Welfare, Jack Badu’s video in full by scanning this barcode

Yes the rumors are true; Guided Learning Week is no more. For those unfamiliar with the concept, the university allocated two nonconsecutive weeks of the academic year for the students to catch up with their studies. This was known as Guided Learning week (GLW) or Reading Week. During GLW both lectures and seminars were not held as you were off timetable, and the majority of societies did not meet up for those weeks. The harsh reality of GLW is that most students did not use it for the purpose intended. In fact, it would be safe to say that most students used GLW to either socialize or relax back at home with

their families. With the funding cuts that have taken place this year it is understandable why the university may have felt that GLW is an unnecessary luxury. During GLW the universities facilities are all open; this includes the library and the classrooms. However, with students either back at home, or too busy socializing the facilities are not used to their full caliber. Perhaps GLW was not being used to its potential by all students, but at the very least, the university recognizes that getting rid of it all together would be

akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Guided Learning Week has now been replaced with Activity Week. Although you will be working off a different timetable that week, you won’t have your normal lectures and seminars. Instead, you’ll have a range of mandatory activities that should be course related. This ostensibly solves the problem of students not doing anything productive while still taking a break from the same routine of their course. Regardless of the change, it is

By: Harmeet Singh Anand certain that this has not been without controversy. There has been a wide range of criticism to the change by both the administration and students. Some are very strongly supportive of the change, others think that the change is unnecessary, and some very strongly opposed. It is still unclear whether or not this change will be permanent. It may be possible that the university is just trying something new and starting next academic year we may see the return of GLW. For now however, the change is here and we will have to live with it.

First of all let me start with an apology. I acknowledge the inconvenience and disappointment that many of you will have suffered as a result of the problems with the timetabling system and I in no way underestimate the impact this will have had on your first weeks at Bucks New University. We are doing everything we can to get back to normal and ensure everyone has an effective timetable as soon as possible and I am pleased that the majority of students now have a full, working timetable. However, we have been made aware of a number of specific issues regarding the problems experienced so far. These include people losing money through childcare or travel costs as a result of coming to University only to find lectures cancelled or postponed. In some cases, I know this has also led to loss of earnings. We are sensitive to this and are putting in place a process to support people who have suffered losses and will address individual cases as soon as possible. I also understand that some of you have had your academic programmes disrupted. Please be assured that no student will be disadvantaged academically and we will be looking at this on a course-by-course basis. This has been a difficult time for everyone at Bucks New University and I once again apologise wholeheartedly for the difficulties caused through the problems with timetabling. Prof Derek Godfrey Deputy Vice Chancellor

October 2012 Bucks Student 9

This year has been our busiest ever Freshers Fortnight, since....ever! You guys really went for it with nearly 15,000 visits to the SU venue which is over 2000 more than last year!

Lounging around The Lounge offers many food and promotions such as two mains for £7.50 and a main and a drink for £4.99. Bargain!

By: Charlotte Yeo

The Students’ Union has been decked out with a new look Lounge Bar. The smallest of the two rooms has been given a makeover. The biggest difference has to be the food. From the café style menu of last year, serving sandwiches and panini’s, even chips at a push, the new look menu features British favourites such as Fish and Chips (or the delectably named ‘Chish and Fips’), Chicken Kiev and a jacket potato. The meals are affordable, costing around three or four pounds per meal and are pretty large portions. Definitely worth the money. The Lounge bar has also been fitted with new sofas. For those of you here last year, the old ones were getting pretty bare, so this is a definite improvement. You can now sit on the sofas without also sitting on the floor. Overall the new Lounge Bar has definitely improved for the better and the standard of food is second to none!

We drunk.... > A massive 5,329 Jaeger Bombs > A ridiculous 6,362 pints of Bucks favourite Snakey B > And a staggering 12,165 shots of vodka! We ate... > A tasty 184 Full English breakfasts > A delicious 241 ‘make your own’ baguettes Rusty’s Tower Burger Challenge currently stands at 8 attempts and only 1 success! The winning time was set by David Walker who munched his way through the meaty montster in 23 minutes 51 second! Go Dave Go! Now Freshers Fortnight is over the fun doesn’t stop here! We have events every night of the week going right up until Christmas so join us on Facebook and Twitter and check out to find out what else is happening – if you can’t see something you like then come in and see us and maybe you can help us try something new. Alternatively if you’d like to get involved with the promotions and events we already run come in and get involved with the Events team – it’s fun and looks great on the CV!

inutes? der 25 m late in un e ‘I Love Rusty’ p r u o y r Clea exclusiv ’ll win an n our Then you a place o d n a t ’ t-shir r! u o on ‘Role of H

stats in numbers 23m51s

1 winner so far... 2 pieces of garlic bread, 3 other side dishes, 4 tasty burgers, 5 soft bread buns. 6 failures to date. 7 weeks in the making! 8 inches of awesomeness! 9 other fillings. All under £10 Information given is correct as of 05/10/2012. Details subject to change. All prizes awarded at the discretion of our venue team *Try something different? Substitute any of the burgers for one of our other burger options, and swap spicy wedges for chips or a jacket potato.


10 Bucks Student October 2012

From food to fashion and everything in between!

Keep reading this column to find out how to feedback to the Students’ Union with your thoughts and opinions. There is everything from filling out surveys to attending focus groups and you can contribute as much or as little as you like!

Student Shout Out

Looking fresh faced?

Guide us through!

feed me!

Seen some o you lik ne e?

Survived freshers? Let us know how your first few weeks at University went! We would really appreciate your feedback to help us improve in future years. Please complete the ‘freshers fortnight’ survey at

How are you finding High Wycombe? We distribute 3,000 copies of the community guide each year to help all our new students settle in! As a member of the High Wycombe community we would really appreciate your feedback. Please complete the ‘students within the community’ survey at for a chance to win £50 in Eden vouchers!

Need a housemate?

hing Somet to sell?

Let us know!

Spare gig tickets?

Shout it out!

Always hungry for your feeback! Love Rusty’s researchers! x By: Gemma Heath Research Coordinator

Your idea could change this space!

3 second year Textiles and Surface design students, traveling by car. car, have space for 2 extra students to travel with for this year and next year. Meeting in and around the west London area, going to Bucks New Uni. For more info please call Anee: 07702 525 021 1 Room to rent in 4 bed house ASAP in finsbury park, London, £102pp/pw, with opportunity to car share to and from Bucks. Call Anee for more info: 07702 525 021 A double bedroom available near Uxbridge sharing with four other female nursing students and contact Niamh for more info: Eco-friendly developments Over the summer Solar Panels were fitted to generate electricity. The solar panels have been installed on top of a link extension between the University’s Timberlake and Red Shed buildings and will generate at least 46 megawatts of electricity per year, which is equivalent to the total energy consumption of its Owen Harris building over a period of six months. The move should save around 11 tons of CO2 emissions per year. The University is also due to take delivery of two electrically-powered Renault Kangoo vans in the next three months, replacing two of its existing fleet of three diesel-powered vans. The new vans will generate just 1g/km of CO2, compared to 157 g/km with the existing vehicles. Minor Injuries and Illness Unit to replace Wycombe Hospital’s Emergency Medical Centre

Competition for students and staff as part of the B3 (Building a Better Bucks) project Got a bright idea about how we could best use the cleared area formerly known as the Rose Garden at the centre of High Wycombe Campus, between South and East Wing? You can see the space from the third floor windows or along from Beats on the first floor. We would like to create a breathing space at the heart of our campus which can be enjoyed by everyone for a few years. Prize of £100 for the best idea! Submit your ideas by email to or pop them into the B3 Post Box in Beats. • • • •

Competition runs until 31 October 2012. The total budget is £15,000 for design and implementation - so please be realistic! The most promising ideas will be worked up into design concepts by our Spatial Design students who will present to a panel of students and staff. The winning idea will be created and installed in early 2013.

On 1 October the Emergency Medical Centre in Wycombe Hospital is closing and the new Minor Injuries and Illness Unit (MIIU) will open. (There is no A&E at Wycombe Hospital).


us year some fe buc ’s Freh edback ksst s ude ers Hel on this nt.c p Wou om/ ers: ld yo surv ey u li H Loo elper o ke to be k ou r Bu a Fr t for c e 201 ks Bud shers Dec 3 recru dy? emb i er! tment in

Bucks ID Card

s double in pr

ice The cost of a rep lacement ID Card has now doubled to £10. If your card has simply broken the n you can probab ly get it replaced for free, so don’t be afraid to ask. But loss and carel ess damage will now set you back more tha n it did previously , look after your cards!

Blackboard was updated this summer You may have noticed by now that Blackboard has been upgraded, and brings with it a lot of improvements. This includes a much more user friendly interface, an App for your phone (iPhone & Android only currently), and an Instant Messaging PC/Mac App for collaborating with other students and talking to University staff in real time.

Email us your Student Shout Outs

October 2012 Bucks Student 11

iPhone 5 - is it worth it?

By: Charlotte Yeo

The International Blog An Alien’s Perspective

By: Harmeet Singh Anand

As an international student, it can be a challenge moving to a new place, let alone a new country. When you’re moving to England that challenge is difficult; and when you’re moving to High Wycombe that challenge becomes seemingly impossible. This section of the newspaper will be a regular installment where some of us ‘internationals’ will give our perspectives on High Wycombe and the British culture.

“Soccer is like twilight; a bunch of people run around for 2 hours, nobody scores, and billions of fans insist you just don’t understand.” The 30 of September was my one year anniversary of the day I moved to England from my comfortable home in Japan. Since then I returned home over the summer for three months. Back home I had numerous conversations with people asking me about my opinion on the British culture. I noticed over time that the conversations had four common themes. > 1. You guys drink… A lot. People warned me about the alcohol consumption in England, so I thought I was prepared. When I got here I was absolutely shocked to see how much alcohol is integrated in the culture here. Yes, alcohol is popular with university students around the world, but I know very few places where alcohol consumption is actually encouraged by the University. (Responsibly of course!) > 2. Your South Asian community is huge The South Asian community in Japan is a minute fraction of the one in England. When I first arrived to England I was surprised at how many people I saw from South Asia. In Japan the community was so small I practically knew everybody in my city from that Area. Its funny to think that in Japan I struggle to find one piece of an Indian sweet yet in England I struggle to limit myself to only the one.

The new iPhone 5 by Apple is one of the most anticipated smartphones to date. Apple calls it ‘the biggest thing to happen to the iPhone, since the iPhone’. But the question is; is the iPhone 5 worth it? On comparing the iPhone 5 model to the previous iPhone 4S, the differences are only small and some would say, not worth the upgrade from 4S to 5. Some of the most significant differences are the weight and dimensions. The iPhone 5 is 8.6mm taller, 2.3mm thinner and 28 grams lighter than the previous model. These differences are most definitely noticeable and gives the newest model iPhone a sleek and stylish look. The display on the iPhone 5 is 0.5 inches bigger (diagonally) with a higher resolution and retina display. Apple have made the display taller, without adding width. This will allow for HD video to be shown in the 16:9 format it was made for. Another significant difference between the iPhone 5 and the previous model 4S, is the introduction of LTE 3 or 4G wireless data. 4G can potentially hit 100 megabits per second (mBps), whereas the fastest recorded 3G has been known to hit

21 MBps. This would potentially mean five times faster data browsing. The iPhone 5 has 1080p HD video recording at 30 frames per second, the same as the iPhone 4S, however the iPhone 5 has introduced face detection and the ability to take still photos while recording video. The final change that Apple has made, is the connector. They have changed from the 30 pin cable to the lightning cable. It just creates a bigger nuisance if you are already an iPhone user, because you will need to buy adaptors just for the phone to fit on a dock that you already own. So if you’re looking for a phone that is bigger in your pocket, but slightly lighter, a phone with faster data browsing and the ability to take still photos while recording video, then the iPhone 5 is a worthy upgrade. However, if you own an iPhone 4S and can live without an extra hour of data browsing and the fuss of changing from the 30 pin connector to the lightning connector, then the iPhone 4s is virtually the same phone, in a different packaging and a lot cheaper. To answer the question; is the iPhone 5 worth the upgrade? It is probably only really worth it if you own a model less than iPhone 4 or no iPhone at all. It’s definitely at the top end of the market, however it’s basically the same as the iPhone 4S.

LGBT Fellowship

- gilets - vests - zip hoodies - standard hoodies - sweatshirts - sweatpants - hoodies - shorts

For lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and friends, families and allies. Welcome whether you’re a Methodist, Christian of another denomination, or have little/no/undecided faith. We meet on the first Sunday of the month, 2.30pm-4pm, at Berry Lane Methodist Church, Mill End, WD3 7HJ. Next meeting is Sunday 4 November

> 3. Your obsession with soccer is almost as unhealthy as your obsession with alcohol For a very unique country you are all obsessed with a very boring sport. I do enjoy watching a game of soccer (football) on the occasional occasion, but the idea of watching one on a nightly basis is not appealing to say the least. I stole the following quote from online, but it does a great job of summarizing the view of an outsider watching soccer. “Soccer is like twilight; a bunch of people run around for 2 hours, nobody scores, and billions of fans insist you just don’t understand.” > 4. The weather here would allow Aquaman to feel at home. At first I thought people were exaggerating when they described English weather to me, but in hindsight their hyperboles were very accurate. I have grown so accustomed to having an umbrella with me everywhere I go that I actually feel like I’m missing something when I don’t have one with me. If things get any worse I might have to invest in a pair of Snorkels.

Watford Methodist Cricuit

For more info contact Rachel and Sarah e: w:berrylanemethodistchurch.word Milton Keynes LGBT faith and spirituality group

If you would like a life to the event in Watford, please contact the University Multi-faith Chaplain Karen Johnstone on 07544 750 793 or email

The first meeting is Sunday 28 October, noon at The Moon Under Water. Find the event on Facebook, search /events/363720983710368/

Look out for the stall at the Freshers Fairs!

A full range of merchandise is available online:

All clothing is made from Fairtrade cotton

12 Bucks Student October 2012

Bucks employability

Employability - What is all the fuss about? By: Ali Issa 3rd year, Internation Football Business Management

Transferable skills

Verbal communication

Cultural awareness

Marketing skills

Project management

Leave university with more than a degree! Get involved and get ahead! We will help you make the most out of your time at Bucks, making sure you are as employable as possible come graduation. Check out: employability for more information or come into one of our Students’ Union Offices and chat to a members of staff. Here is a list of the skills you can gain. Look out for them around Campus.

Interpersonal skills








Ali has currently suspended his studies for one year to work at the International School of Benghazi in Libya to gain more experience and will return next year. Before embarking on my course at Bucks I had never previously heard of the term ‘employability’. However I was introduced to it almost right away in my first year by Doug Cole who is now Employability Project Manager at the University. At first I just thought it was simply common sense - being punctual, ditching a lazy attitude, dressing smartly to an interview, etc. However, the more I learnt I began to realize there was much more to it. Coming into Bucks I was looking forward to the lifestyle, the independence university brings and I had that start-of-school aspiration of getting the highest possible grade and being a stand-out in my respective subject. However, I saw that with a few missed early morning lectures post-SU night outs, the aspiration began to fade slightly. Finding out more about employability showed me there was much more to it than just getting my degree and so the motivation to work harder came back. Knowing that in this current climate a degree alone is not enough, learning about employability helped me to realise what else I needed to do in practice. It made me re-think what do I want from this degree? How can I get it? What attributes will employers want from me as an employee? How can I get this across in an application or interview? I think these questions relate to most of us here at Bucks. Those students who I saw take notice of employability and what it involves are currently achieving success in their areas of interest. The ‘Career Edge Model’ of employability was particularly useful for me here as it is really clear and easy to understand. Using this model and merely taking a little time to envisage where I wanted to be post graduation, I realised that taking an opportunity to suspend my studies and gain experience working abroad could open so many more doors one day. So my advice is to find out about employability, think about what it means to you and what can you do about it for the benefit of your own future.

Environmental awareness

Time management

Written communication



Community awareness

Physical skills

Learn a new skill

Physical fitness



Problem solving






Organisational skills

The best cover letter ever written ...and by best we don’t mean most successful!

Which bucks student wants to own up to this “creative” cover letter? You may well be the best candidate for the job you’re applying for, but unless you can successfully write it down on paper, the job could be gone. Writing a correct cover letter is SO important, as it’s the first thing your potential employer will see. You’ve got to sell yourself well - remember there are no second chances on a first impression! As a Students’ Union we are aware of this importance and have organised a session on writing a good cover letter and CV. The session will be held 15 November and of course, because of the BIG DEAL its bloomin’ free, so there are no excuses of not taking advantage of this amazing offer! Sign up on our wonderful website By: Naomi Franco VPSI

Are You Job Savvi? JobSavviGrad is the essential career tool for all students and graduates. It can help you: • • • • • • • • •

search thousands of opportunities increase your chances of gaining an interview make tailored job applications on-the-fly track and manage all your job applications socially connect with, and follow, potential employers evidence and record your experiences rate your true skills support your applications with an online portfolio access hundreds of jobseeker resources.

Don’t get lost in the crowd! Get Smart - Get Hired.

Get Smar t

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Get protected and stay connected…

old news, new life... Each edition of the Bucks Student, we will be teaching you different ways to recycle your newspaper. Send us pictures of any creations you make to, and you may feature in one of the editions! Recycle your newspaper this week by…making a seedling pot!

> 6. Tape the bottom shut. If you can, use masking tape > 7. Take out the jar. Turning it right side up, fold in the edges all around the top. Then fold it in again for stability and a shorter pot

> 1. Start with a section of newspaper. > 2. Cut it in half. Cut several layers at once to save time, but use only one sheet/single layer per pot.

…with the No 1 student gadget insurance provider.

> 3. Cut it in half again, making the section into quarters. > 4. Take a small round container, like a spice jar, and roll the paper around it, leaving about an inch overhang at one end where you will fold it in for the bottom. Don’t roll too tight or it will be too hard to get the jar out later. > 5. Fold the bottom in, as if you were wrapping a present.

These cute great o little pots w ill n your windo looks wsill!

Student Shenanigans Here’s how it works, this issue we will give you a challenge.

Send your submissions to:

You then take part in this challenge and get photo evidence of yourself doing it, send this to us and the best photo will be published in the next issue! Are you ready? Here’s this issues challenge:

Sh op Cha t

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Start taking part in Student Shenanigans, planking is so last year!


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Te xt


By: Nick Lucas



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14 Bucks Student October 2012

Advice Centre

Better to be safe than sorry During your time at University the chances of you being a victim of crime are, thankfully, statistically very low. However in the Students’ Union we are aware that every year a few students do have crimes committed against them, so it is important to be aware of this, and to take reasonable precautions. Take a few minutes to read the following, much of which you will probably already be aware of. Then when you’re out an about you will be more aware of keeping yourself safe and IF the unthinkable does happen, at least you will be prepared as to what you can do to help yourself. > Muggers are after an easy target - so try to avoid walking home but is you do walk in groups at night, or travel by taxi or stay over with friends; your safety is worth more than the cab fare home! > Do not wear headphones or talk on your mobile when walking around town, unless absolutely necessary, if so stand with your back against the wall so you can see what’s around you. It may tempt a robber and by being on your phone or listening to music you are going to be less aware of what is going on around you. > If you are walking, walk confidently and be aware of what is going on around you. Steer clear of confrontation. Who needs the hassle? And remember… don’t talk to strangers! > Get a free personal attack alarm from the SU Advice Centre during our “Tech-no Chances” week (National Personal Safety Day 8 October) or you can buy one from D.I.Y stores. Make sure it is of the type which continues to sound even if you drop it. Keep it in an easily accessible place.

If you think you’re being followed: > Check by crossing the street and see if they follow, if they do then cross back again to check. If you are still worried, then get to the nearest public place, a shop, pub or anywhere with lights on and tell someone what is happening. > Take your cash out for night during the day if you can; if not, choose a well lit cash machine and have your friends with you. Don’t flash your cash - keep it hidden. > Never ever get into a car with people you do not know. (I know this sounds obvious, but it is worth pointing out that once you have got into the car the person driving has total control of where they take you and students have done this in the past.) > If someone attempts to steal something from you, don’t resist. Your safety comes first. You can help by noting what they look like. Ring the police immediately, pass on their description and the direction they went off in. If the worst happens and you are attacked, here are a few tips: >Scream and shout >If you have one, set off your personal attack alarm >Get away as quickly as possible >Always ring the police immediately after getting away, don’t leave it until you get home > It’s a lot to ask, but if there is a vehicle involved try to make a mental note of the registration. Write it down as quickly as possible and hand it to the police on their arrival If you are unfortunate, and become a victim of crime, please do not hesitate to come and see us in the Advice Centre. You can talk to us in confidence and we can help if you need support in contacting the Police. Go out and have fun safely. Don’t drink so much that you are incapable of looking after yourself and be aware of friends that have over done it. The Students’ Union provides the safest nights out and in High Wycombe a free local night bus to get you home safe on Wednesday and Friday nights.

Welfare Rusty says Relax Uni can sometimes be stressful with the amount of work and other commitments but don’t let it affect you! To help, through the month of November the Students’ Union is offering FREE seated massages, stress-busting goody bags, chill out areas and other stress relieving goods, so keep your eyes peeled. We just want to remind you all to “relax, take it eeeeeeasy”

Lavendar is known as a calm and relaxing herb.

Buckinghamshire New University Sexual Health One Stop Shop We offer: n Sexual Health information and advice n A full range of contraception methods, including free condoms n Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections High Wycombe Campus. Room N2-07. 2nd Monday in the month. 11-2pm No appointment necessary. Terrence Higgins Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (reg no. 288527) and in Scotland (SC039986)

High Wycombe Campus opening times: Mon - Thu 9am - 7pm Fri 9am - 4.30pm Uxbridge Campus opening times: Mon 10am - 6pm Tue - Wed 9.30am - 5.30pm Thu 9.30am - 3.30pm Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm

0 3 n o iti

ed. reviews .

n o s ’ t a wh

freshers write up

loveable rogues interview

s o t o h p

e h t t a e s u ho end of thieew street rev events

16 Bucks Student October 2012

A round-up of SU nightlife plus entertainment news and reviews.

Freshers Fortnight review A busy crowd at Flirt! Popcorn Party holding their buckets in the air to catch popcorn being blasted out of air cannons.

“The whole thing! It’s fricking awesome!” to a Freshers Fortnight got off dents’ Stu the r afte dramatic start after a fire Union had to close early evacuated alarm saw students being from The Venue. t off at The fire alarm, which wen r an afte sed cau was around 11pm, rheated. isolated area of the SU ove being This was due to the venue and then closed over the summer ry of there being a sudden flur

students. Venue Talking to Chris Smith, Union he ts’ den Stu the of er Manag nsing lice day Sun said that due to pened as re-o n’t was ue ven the s, law had carried after the fire department wasn’t out the assessments there to get ht nig the for e tim enough sisted that per is Chr underway again. the SU has this was a, ‘one off,’ and blems. been open without any pro

“Freshbook allowed me to interact

with many To make university that people, great idea with the t shirts!” and daunting less little more friendly, Freshbook Throughout the was created. For just £1 a t-shirt, you night, if you tweeted #bucksfreshbook, could write a status and get people to your tweet may have been projected on sign all over it. A great talking point the screens in both of the rooms. We were and something simple, yet so unique. even trending at one point! After two night of wi ld partying, it was time for a relaxing night, and what bet ter way to relax then to laugh? The first comedy cen tral night at the SU consisted of 3 ext remely talented comedians. First on stage, Tiernan Douieb, who took im “The comedy nigh t was fun. I will go the audienprovising with ce to a whole to that again.” new level. Next it wa s Jim Smallman’s turn to make us



Toga night is one of our established Fresher ’s nights having happened every year I’ve been here, I’m a third year, and is one of the more popular nights. Toga was the first Frat House night of the year.

Thursday saw a nice, chilled atmosphere throughout the Students’ Union, as plenty of beer and bands were enjoyed throughout. Indie-electro band Bastille headlined, with other bands such as The Struts and Dog is Dead as well as humoro us Beans on Toast. There was somethi ng for everybody and many people were

orn popcr pa ty

There have be en foam parti es. There have been U V Paint parti es. And there has even been a Monster M unch party! For the first Fl irt! night of th e year it was time for the popcorn party, which saw a lot of po pcorn being shot from

“I enjoyed the and the dre Unisex rave The first Saturday night ss up part ies.” of Freshers Fortnight was

Unisex! They called it the ‘Freshers Rave’. Tantrum Desire provided high octane, dance floor tracks while Taikiand Nulight sma shed it with

laugh-out-loud. Jim is a great story teller and has to ability to swoop you into his world and drop punch es like there’s no tomorrow. Last but not least, Ke ith Farnan. This Irish comedian has it all. Improvising, storytelling and unpre dictable punches are the core of his act . Can’t wait till the next Comedy Centr al night!

A common place for sports teams to come and celebrate your victory or loss for that day. As it was toga night, you had to dress in a toga! Just wrap a bed sheet round you a few times, and you’re done! With Beer Pong and the infamous Blow Zone where you could win prizes, there was something for everyone!

dancing and just enjoying themselves. Some were even sitting on the floor listening to some of the mus ic being played. After the bands, Blue Rinse was back. Retro and motown vibes high lighted a chilled atmosphere through out and rounded off an all-round chil led out night after a heavy night befo re.

canons. With plenty of drink deals, th is relatively ch e night eap, and the popcorn was a good ad ded touch fo r those that get peckish on their night ou t.

more of the same. Of course the Unisex DJs provided plenty of fast paced tunes to keep the party alive. With the music and the drinks flowing, Unisex was definitely a night not to be missed.

October 2012 Bucks Student 17

This night was different “Meeting my flatmates an from all the other nights d going out every night with them and meetin that the SU had held; but g new peop thought le.” in a good way. Various stud ents whom that the quiz questions wer were interviewed agreed that e a bit it was a too difficult. Regardless, the fun night to just chill and han students g out with still had their friends. It seemed to a good time, and any qualms be a welcome that they had about the nigh change from the usual rave t were soon s that had overshadowed by memorie been taking place all week. s of the impromptu dance off competi There were minor issues dur tion and ing the karaoke which went down night; such as some of the a storm. students

ptember, Bucks SU On Tuesday 25 Se to Angel (real name ors do ir opened the ped 24. A R&B/Hi ag , Sirach Charles) re mo is l ge An , ndon Hop artist from Lo derful” on “W ck tra his popular for s in the Official Chart which came 9 on ow kn y ma students late August. Some ght” Li n ree “G ing rit Angel for co-w by “Coming Home” by Roll Deep and



F l' ip F l onpiess ' n Sun

head. One of life’s “Oktoberfest!” great tasks.

The night is quite hard to write down, and when written down, it sounds a little abstract, and indeed it is. But once there, you will soon see what the fuss is about.

on Derulo. Pixie Lott and Jas 4 songs to the ed Angel perform ing two lud inc , wd cro ve massi Hard” and Go In, o of his hits “G ny students ma “Wonderful”! With pular tracks, it po his to ng singing alo gel to work the An for wasn’t too hard crowd like a pro!

Free food. Two of the best words a student can hear. Put in the mix, a night out at the SU and it seems like a perfect night, right? If you’ve ever the seen Man v Food, you know where . from n ratio inspi their got n Unio Students had to eat a variety of dishes and take part in various

challenges including boiled eggs; doughnuts; wheetabix; chilli; burgers and waffles. Fantastic if you wanted free food, but it was quite a task to watch some being eaten, and put you off food, at least until you got to Charlie’s on the way home from the SU.

the nd night from nd A second ba ba sh el W time Union. This played, as s se ou H ss Kids in Gla h and e Your Breat well as Sav ick to qu as venue w Tides. The you had to so ty ci pa go to full ca any of If you loved get in quick!

It never rains but it pours! With the weather being awful at the moment. This Flirt! brought back summer and holidays and made everything happy. With cocktails left, right and centre and people

u were entioned yo the bands m see an To this night. sure to love ids In K om fr n ith Ia 18. interview w ge pa s turn to Glass House

d enjoye ts, I’ve ouses.” h ig n usic sH “Live m Kids in Glas d n a Bastille

dressed in holiday gear, it was a sight to see. Flirt! tends to be the dress up night, where everyone wears something ridiculous just because you can!

r t the night up fo a set, which se Got ’s in ita rs Br he es en Fr th e success, and To round off th es Loveable Rogu rtainly ended it Talent finalists Fortnight, we ce r ei th ecstatic t an go l of al nt ts en fro ud in St performed with a bang. ly an amazing and dresses on crowd. Was tru glad rags, suits s. es pr im to d ing Freshers se az es am dr l an al end to and were us rio va e th m a laugh Fortnight. Various DJs fro Having iends.” “ en the big th t bu , ed ay pl nights w fr n DJ and televisio with ne boys came on. ed rm rfo pe s te ie Ya presenter Regg

Students enjoying themselves at The Frat House: Student v. Food.

Oktoberfest is one of the best and more unique nights throughout Fresher’s. A lot of downing beer, ale and eating men’s sausages, all whilst dancing and singing to German music. It’s awesome! Try and get “Lean Forward, Lean Backward” out of your

find more photos of events

Bucks SU Photo’s 2012 - 2013

Your Nig

High Wycombe Venu

ghts Out

ue SUn 16th - Sun 30th

Silen t Hap Studen t py H ome s: s









Snakbite £1.70 Large wine Until 12AM Co £2.50 rky’s, Double spirits £1 Pi up on nt coke/lem onade £1.



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Cider Drau g + Relentless ht, Tuborg, Vodka & selected £2.00 Large Wine £2.50 CoBombs

rky’s £1 Double up on spirits £1





90’s Glow


Calsberg & Carling Drau WKD, Vodka ght, VK, + Relentless & Relentless Can £2.00 LA RGE WINE £2.5 0 until 12AM Corky’s £1 Do uble up on sp irits £1




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Calsberg & Carling Drau WKD, Vodka ght, VK, + Relentless & Relentless Can £2 LARG E WINE £2.50 until 12AM Corky’s £1 Do uble up on sp irits £1

SSHH Nigh t Bus on Wednes day and Fr iday night We will n s ow be run ning all three of o ur mini-bu ses from 9.30pm to midnight. T hey will pick you u p from an y point along the ro to the Stu ute and take you dents’ Unio n venue for FREE. Just have your stud ent card ready to s how the d river. After Mid n start takin ight, they will g student s home to anywhere in Wycom be.

All Strongbo w Draugh Vodka + Rele ntless, Z juice & Rang e of Bombs Corky’s £1 Do uble u

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High W y ombe V SUN 10 tc h enue - SA

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Silent Studen Happy Home

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+ Quiz


ACS presents

Draught . Corky’s £1 Double up£2 on spirits £1 Large wine £2.70



+ Quiz

4 pint Pitche gaymers, Snak r of Carlsberg, ebit Barefoot win e £8.00 Selected es £7 Double up on Corky’s £1 spirits £1





All Strongbo w Draught, Heineken Bott Vodka + Rele le, ntless, Zubr owka + Appl juice & Rang e e of Bombs £2 .00 Until 12 Corky’s £1 Do am uble up on sp irits £1


Monday Bar Open!

4 pint Pitche gaymers, Snak r of Carlsberg, ebit Barefoot win e £8.00 Selected es £7 Double up on Corky’s £1 spirits £1



Early evening drinks Hot alcoho lic coff hot chocola ees and tes £2 Range of bo ttled drinks £2 Cider Drau g + Relentless ht, Tuborg, Vodka & selected £2.00 Large Wine £2.50 CoBombs

rky’s £1 Double up on spirits £1

22 Bucks Student October 2012

Interview with the band

> So for the start of the interview we want to throw in a few ‘get to know you’ questions. What is the best thing you can do with your tongue? I probably couldn’t tell you, yeah I’m going with that. > How do you like your eggs in the morning? Fried. > What is the worst/best chat up line you have ever heard? I dunno, I have got a really good one but I can’t remember it. I’ve had too many bows, I’ll need another four of these and I’ll remember it and I’ll come back to you. There’s a bar across the room (laughs). So, are these ones you’ve personally used? No just heard them, I can’t remember them off the top of my head I heard a really bad one, it was “Is that a ladder in your tights or a stairway to heaven?” Yeah that’s a pretty classic one. We had some really bad ones the other day. Tell me and maybe I can pass them on “I’ve lost my teddy bear would you sleep with me tonight?” See I quite like that, I would fall for that one. > Okay, because you’ve obviously visited a lot of cities, which has been the best & worst place? I love going to the European cities, cause just the architecture and everything to walk around, it’s kind of similar to home but it just seems more… Clean? Yeah and it feels more worthwhile looking at it because you’re not used to seeing it. So I guess the euro cities, and worst place? It’s probably somewhere up north, init. > So, have you ever had a show where everything went wrong? There’s been a few, we had a bit of a nightmare at the festivals last year,

Iain Mahanty from Kids in Glass Houses

like every festival we played the weather was brillIaint and we went on and it pissed it down and then we came off and the sun came out again. Every show! We played about 20 festivals last year and it happened every day. That’s pretty bad! Yeah, I mean it was still fun cause people stuck out the rain and had a laugh with it. > Do you ever get people camping out for your gigs? Yeah, which is class. But if baffles me because Britain’s freezing half the time. > Would you ever consider joining them? Well, sometimes we’ll give them a cup of tea, go out and hand them out. Yeah, we’re nice guys. > You’re currently touring universities in the UK, any specific reason why you decided to do this? I guess cause we’ve never really done it before and I guess all the people that were into our first album are all grown up now so we figured we’d come say hello again. > What have you been up to this summer? We’ve had a few festivals, been like here and there, done bits and bobs. Standard, same as every other band I guess. It’s been good, we went to a lot more independent festivals than we have before which was a lot of fun cause they were a lot more in your face. > Ever had any really embarrassing moments on stage? Yeah we were playing a show in Switzerland with Simple Plan I think and I slipped and managed to do a backwards summersault and landed square on my arse and it hurt. Probably the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to me. How did you manage to overcome that one? Well it was just hilarious, you’ve just

“Well, sometimes we’ll give them a cup of tea, go out and hand them out. Yeah, we’re nice guys.” got to laugh it off. I just sat down for the rest of the tune and laughed it off. > What are some of your favourite places you love going back to? Tokyo is unbelievable, I never thought I’d get the chance to go there and we’ve been there like 3 or 4 times now so it’s always good to go back there and yeah I just enjoy playing all over really. > Have you got any up and coming bands you’re listening to at the moment that you can recommend? Nothing up and coming really. I am really looking forward to Wire, they’ve got a new album coming out soon, I’m looking forward to that, that’s about it really. > What have been the highlights of your career? I guess like yeah, going to Japan and Australia and places like that was pretty mental cause if I wasn’t in a band I wouldn’t be able to afford to go to those places, so that’s pretty insane. We headlined Astoria before it got knocked down, which was awesome because it’s quite a prestigious venue. I was there, I was definitely there (laughs) Ah, right. You were there? Back in ‘08 yeah, Save Your Breath were supporting as well, how crazy is that?! See, things don’t change like.

90’s Glow

The full interview is available at

free Glowing Giveaways

th October 2 1 y frida 8:00Pm

Bucks Flirt! events

TUE 16 – SAT 20 OCTOBER Gig reviews

The Struts This Derby based foursome has been playing venues all around the country for two years now, and on one cold Thursday night they absolutely rocked the SU. With guitar blazing tracks and true rock star persona of lead singer Luke Spiller, guitarist Addo Slack, bassist Jed Elliot and drummer Gethin Davis, I knew this is a gig to remember. I admit, on the first song I was thinking that Luke is trying too hard to show off his rock star attitude. However, with

each song played, I was more and more drawn to this young band. Luke Spiller, who I can only describe as a mixture of Brett Anderson, Iggy pop and Mick Jagger, quickly won us over with his energy. Influences from Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Oasis, Beatles and the Rolling stones, made tracks like “rock star”and “She makes me feel like” on the running to be the next summer hits. ‘‘I just know”has a classic rock feel, and you can’t

THE INTERNATIONAL HIT COMEDY ‘Moves like Jagger’ The Struts truely entertained the audience at the Students’ Union venue. help but nodding your head throughout the song. The band is currently signed with future records and has performed in venues such as the O2 academy in Leicester, the 100 club in London and the underground festival, but I can imagine them easily take over big venues and stadiums. The Struts are definably worth keeping an eye on. By: Yael Rivniker

Electrociti Where were you last Monday night? I was at the Electrociti night at the SU and to be honest with you I was pleasantly surprised. The Lounge was transformed with lasers and amazing lighting, it was clear that the Electrociti boys wanted this first night to be something for us to remember. Their headline acts were electro

sensation Baratone, DJ/ Producer L’AMOUR and trance mixing wiz-kid Sean Matthews, accompanied by two of Bucks very own DJs Danny Roster and James Cornmell. Showcasing the best of Bucks music and production talent, the night in my opinion was a success. With some of the latest club tunes, progressive house and

By: Donique Lindsey

floor fillers they had everyone on their feet. Now that they have formally introduced themselves to this year’s Freshers. I look forward to seeing this night become more and more popular. Find out more about the next Electrociti event on facebook. /electrociti

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24 Bucks Student October 2012

Interview with the band Best known for reaching the 2012 Britain’s Talent, Loveable Rogues members Eddie Brett, Sonny Jay and Te Eugene Qhario talked to The Bucks Student about a drunken game of darts, Britain’s Got Talent and weird fans before headlining at this year’s Fresher’s Ball. > Are you excited to perform at Bucks SU? Sonny: We’re proper excited. We tend to go to a lot of different universities and you get to see what their different campuses are like and the SU bars. It’s good to see different ones and we’re looking forward to this one. It seems nice. > Who are your inspirations music wise? E: Mine are Iron Maiden. T: Mine are old school soul and gospel. S: Mine’s an American artist called AJ Raphael and Bruno Mars. > How is your album coming along? E: At the moment we are just putting down tracks. We’re doing co-writes and collaborations with people and we’re just trying to get a massive potful of things and then decide what we want to put down on an album. So, it’s not going to be finished until it needs to be. S: Our first single would be released at the start of the year. Is that Lovesick? How did you write it? E: I just wrote it in my bedroom. I was watching a programme on TV and it just triggered something in my head. Then I went upstairs and wrote Lovesick. So you weren’t actually Lovesick at the time? E: I wasn’t, no, it was quite strange really. If you did get Lovesick we do have, in Uxbridge, a nursing place so it can help you heal. They can help you and I’m sure there would be a lot of willing volunteers. E: If it happens again, I’ll be sure to come to Uxbridge. > So we all know you from Britain’s Got Talent. How did it feel to be standing on that huge stage, and performing in front of Simon Cowell? T: Daunting. E: Yeah, he still has to approve everything we do. It’s still really weird though because he’s actually, like, well famous. > Out of the three of you, who’s a rogue and who’s loveable? T: I think we’ve all got tinges of both.

Lovable and patriotic.

Loveable Rogues > I was reading in Rolla Coasta that you’ve been kicked out of bars and clubs. What’s been your most embarrassing drunken moment? T: Sonny, Eddie and I. We were at Mahiki in Central London and Eddie does this thing where he’s , like, normal and then he’s drunk E: I was sick outside the club and I didn’t get let back in. Someone gave me some money to get a cab. I think I was sick in the cab so, the guy wasn’t happy. He took me back to the cab place and made me get money out for him to pay off the sick, and then he took all my money. I was too drunk to even know what was happening.I think I got on about five different buses; ended up at a train station because I thought, ‘Sweet, I know train stations.’ By the time I got to the train station it was the same time everyone was going to work. I was covered in sick, with my hair in a state, and there were all these people in suits going to work and everything. S: I bet you got some dirty looks.

I was covered in sick, with my hair in a state, and there were all these people in suits going to work and everything. > If you could play one drinking game for the rest of your life, what would it be? E: My mates play this game. It’s not much of a drinking game; it’s more of a drunken game. One’s stood one end of the room and the other is stood at the other and they both have darts and they were firing them at each other’s feet. The dart went through my mate’s foot, into the carpet. He had to do one swift move and was pulling the dart. He was a big legend after that. T: But you could hit a vein. So much could have happened. You could have just died. S: Have you ever heard of Par 100? You’ve got to guess the number that the other person is thinking of, and if you guess the number you have to down your drink. T: I’ve got this really good one. You pour everyone a drink, and then you go, ‘Drink. Drink.’ It’s the best one, and you can do it loads of times. S: And you chat in between. T: It’s such a good drinking game. > Who’s the most famous person you’ve met? S: You don’t really get more famous than Simon Cowell.

“You don’t really get more famous than Simon Cowell.” > What is the weirdest thing that a fan has ever done? S: I’ve had a fan put an envelope through my door with a fiver in it. IT said, ‘Get yourself a drink and congratulations on getting signed.’ T: What about the one who got the same tattoo as you Sonny? S: Oh yeah, she got the same tattoo as me. A Loveable Rogues tattoo on her arm. T: Or the one who moved to the same area as you? S: I had to phone my manager and ask what to do. T: He had some legit scary ones. I used to say to him, ‘Don’t die tonight.’

“Don’t die tonight.” > Where do you see yourself in the next year? E: Just want to have a nice bulk of material out there. S: Hopefully, we’ll have our album out by then. And start touring. T: I think for people just to recognise us just as artists in our own right and not Britain’s Got Talent. I think that’s a massive factor and worldwide, people know who we are. It’s what music’s all about. For more information on Loveable Rogues, visit

By: Donique Lindsey & Guy Humphrey

October 2012 Bucks Student 25

Movie reviews

TV Soaps

House at the End of the Street House at the End of the Street (15) Released 21/09/12 (UK) Running time: 101 min The House at the End of the Street tells the story about a teenager moving with her mum to a new house in a small but weird town. Elisa find out that the house next door is the house everyone is talking about, where a little girl murdered her parents. She becomes friends with the brother of that little murderer, Ryan.

Eastenders By: Yael Rivniker

She wins him over with her singing talent and sensitive stares, and for a few minutes, it seems like romance. A bad romance. This film is defined as horror, but the only thing frightening about it is the bad acting by Jennifer Lawrence, who portrays the main character, Elisa. Throughout the movie, you can’t help but to roll your eyes at the awkward scenes. Elisa sings, Elisa’s pensive, Elisa’s fascinated by the sensitive guy. It was a bit annoying to watch. Another issue with this movie is that it’s predictable. My recommendation: wait for the DVD.

Jennifer Lawrence is more used to running away from other teenagers while equiped with a bow (Hunger Games).

TV Dinners

3 Minute brownie Serves:

Prep time: 2 minutes Cook time: 1 minute Difficulty: This recipe can literally be done in the ad break. Simply whisk these few ingredients together and blast in the microwave! Ingredients > 2 tbl melted butter > 2 tbl water > 1/4 tsp vanilla extract > pinch of salt > 4 tbl sugar > 2 tbl cocoa powder > 4 tbl plain flour Method - in a big mug, add water, butter, vanilla and salt. Whisk well. - add cocoa powder, whisk well. Add sugar, whisk well. Add flour, whisk well. - microwave for 60 to 90 seconds. Center should be slightly molten. Careful not to overcook! - add a scoop of ice cream if you have any and enjoy with a spoon. Careful brownie will be hot.

Welcome to the new students, and welcome back to the old! It’s your favourite Soaps column and I’m back again to give you all the latest gossip from Walford! Please be aware that this section may hold spoilers, so if you’re not keen on finding out, it’s worth giving it a miss :). Firstly, over the last few months, we’ve seen plenty of arrivals and departures. Sharon Watts (played by Letitia Dean), Alfie Moon (Shane Richie), and Kat Moon (Jessie Wallace) being some of the major characters who’ve graced our screens again! We’ve also seen the departure of Anthony Moon (Matthew Lapinkas), and the temporary departure of Carol Branning (Lindsey Coulson), Bianca Butcher (Patsy Palmer), Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) and Janine Butcher (Charlie Brooks). EastEnders is still as volatile as ever and you can expect to see more shake ups coming our way, especially after Bryan Kirwood (the ex Executive Producer) has handed over the reins to Lorraine Newman. Christian Clarke (Johnny Partridge) and Syed Masood (Marc Elliott) have both been confirmed to leave EastEnders within the next month. Whether they leave alone, together, alive or married, remains to be

seen. Gary Lucy has been cast as Danny, and has slowly been infiltrated into the storyline. Also, Preeya Kalidas is believed to be returning to reprise the role of Amira! Both Danny and Amira will tie in with Christian and Syed’s leaving storyline so stay tuned as we say goodbye to two much loved characters! Lauren Branning (Jacqueline Jossa) and Joey Branning (David Witts) will be involved in a car crash, after Lauren steals the keys to Derek Branning’s (Jamie Foreman) car. Will they make it out alive? Who knows? Speaking of Lauren and Joey, there have been rumours swirling off a potential relationship between them, despite them being cousins. However, EastEnders haven’t actually commented on this, nor have they confirmed it... As some of you may have seen earlier this summer, we found out that Cora had a daughter who died shortly after being born? Well guess what? Ava (Claire Perkins) is alive and well, and she’s heading straight for Albert Square! In other spoilers, we can

Better save up for a new shop now.

Alive and well? expect to see Derek Branning receive a beating from a mysterious group of guys who chase him by both car and foot (although it’s not known whether he will survive), and Sharon’s pill addiction catches up with her. So that’s all for this edition, stay tuned and I’ll be back for another update in the next edition!

Deputy Student Editor MJ Mahmood

Support from

Tuesday 23 October 8pm The Venue rd

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October 2012 Bucks Student 27

Keep up-to-date with the latest information and campaign from NUS, the national voice of students.


The World University Rankings released Following the release of the The World Rankings, with drops in the ranking for four out of Scotland’s five universities in the top 200, NUS Scotland has stated fee-free education is necessary to boost quality and produce the most talented graduates. The rankings show that St Andrews, Dundee, Glasgow and Aberdeen have all dropped down the rankings, with Dundee falling out of the top 200. The University of Edinburgh has increased its ranking from 36 to 32. Similar, if not larger, falls have been seen from English institutions. While NUS Scotland does not placing much emphasis on league tables, and there are many other league tables that show Scotland to continue to perform incredibly well, it is clear that tuition fees are not the answer.

81 per cent of students want textbooks included in tuition fees NUS and CourseSmart study finds 81 per cent of UK university students would like to see textbooks as part of fees. A study released by CourseSmart, the world’s largest provider of eTextbooks and digital course materials, and NUS, indicated 81 per cent of UK students felt that universities should be offering textbooks free, as part of their fees. The study surveyed 1,652 UK students on university expectations, digital use, and online course material, during August 2012. In the context of increased tuition fees, there


is a need for institutions to listen to students to build courses that meet the needs of today’s students. Rachel Wenstone, NUS vice president higher education said: “We need to change how courses are taught to meet the needs of the 21st century student. Technology provides a good, accessible way of learning. This must be balanced with the need for high-quality course content and traditional delivery in order to provide a high-quality student learning experience.” Online devices (laptops, computers, smartphones etc) and education appear increasingly linked in today’s university environment, the study revealed. For 63 per cent of students, online devices were reported as helping them learn better. 77 per cent of students said they predominantly use their online device for academic purposes. 95 per cent use their devices for at least some courserelated reading. For institutions, these numbers are significant, particularly when one considers just how ‘plugged in’ students now are. 99 per cent of surveyed students reported owning at least one online device. A third used tablet eBook readers. These numbers are set to expand, with 60 per cent planning to buy a device in the next 12 months.

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NUS extra discount card

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/ nationalunionofstudents

What I did in my Summer holidays

Beauty What with the past couple of weeks being a washout, why not have a little bit of fun and clean yourself at the same time, thanks to a new range at Lush? On the surface, Fun looks like a big blob of Playdoh! And can be used for playtime in the bath to mould shapes. It can also be used as body wash, shampoo and bubble bar. However, if you’re Freddie Firstyear and live in Halls then just ignore the last one. There are five colours and scents to choose from, so should be one that you like. My favourite one is the red one which is full of citrus and mandarin to help wake you up. I’m a sucker for fresh, citrus scents so this was automatically going to be my favourite. Green is a lemon and lime scent which will again wake you up and help to brighten your day. Yellow is good for those that like vanilla scents, but personally, I’m not a fan of strong vanilla scents. Pink is another sweet scent which has the same scent as ever popular Christmas shower gel Snow Fairy. The last one, Blue, is good for those if you want to relax as it has plenty of lavender and chamomile. Perfect if you have had a stressful day at university! Another great thing about these is the price, at only £5 each as well as being a generous size, it is somewhat purse friendly. You also don’t need much at all as the products are all relatively concentrated so will last for a very long time! What are you waiting for? Have some FUN.

Student Editor Guy Humphrey

FUN is available in 5 colours and scents at a very affordable £5!

Sun. Sea. Sand. Beautiful babes and hench hunks. No not a master class in alliteration! It’s all about the wondrous and mystical season of Summer! You may have missed it, it wasn’t here long. Do you remember at school, after the six week holidays, your teacher would get you to write an essay about what you did over the summer? Family holidays, getting a new pet, going to the beach or park. Well this will be what I did over my summer. Hold your breath, this is as exciting as the Spice Girls performing at the Olympic Ceremony. I worked. I’m sure many of you can empathise. Now, why would you think that someone would write about their job as an article. Because I loved my job. I was a Summer temp in the Lush store near me. I had already worked in a different Lush store previous as a Christmas temp and had been in love with Lush products for years. So when I got the opportunity to get back into Lush again, I jumped at the chance. The interview was a group interview, in which about fifty to sixty people turned up. It was terrifying. Luckily, we were split into groups and we had to make ourselves shine. At that time, Lush did not accept CVs or cover letters so it was literally you selling yourself. We were taught how to demo the majority of the products and I was told a few days later I got through to do a trial shift. The trial shift included doing a two hour stint interacting with customers and showing off the products to their full glory. During this I cleverly

spilt water everywhere! Nice one. A few days later I got told I got the job. Obviously I was ecstatic! My first few shifts were training shifts where you just got talked to about all the different products, what they’ve got in them, what type of skin they’re good for. The list goes on. Then the real work started. Showing people the products. Having a laugh with colleagues and customers alike. I really did enjoy it all. The job itself made me so more confident. Meeting me in real life, you may or may not be shocked at the fact that I can hardly string two words together without stammering. But I do feel more confident, in my beauty knowledge. Certain highlights include; making customers feel special and having someone actually write a letter to head office telling them how good an assistant I was and how special I made them feel, having Stacey Solomon come in to the store and banging her arm with the bath bomb bowl. Dressing up as a fruit for the weekend. Small things please small minds. And generally having a laugh every time I worked. For those who are curious, I would love to be a magazine journalist, maybe specialising in fashion or beauty, and I feel that this knowledge has helped me in the long run. It may have not been a top internship at Vogue but I feel that the knowledge I have gained is somewhat priceless, and cannot wait to come back during the peak Christmas season. Student Editor Guy Humphrey

28 Bucks Student October 2012

Hangover cures Ah student life! Parties. Uni. Parties. Sleeping. Food. Studying. Parties. And repeat. Everything sounds great apart from the hangovers! Personally, I recommend eating greasy food, sleeping, and generally hating the world, but here are a few odd hangover cures that I found whilst googling when bored one night - you know you want to be me - you may (or may not) want to try:

> 2. Sausage. Sicilian to be precise. Apparantly, they eat dried bull’s penis to get rid of a hangover. Get in the queue, we all want some!

> 1. On a night out, if you are feeling particularly fruity, apparently it is a belief in Puerto Rico to rub lemon in your armpit before you start drinking. No idea why. But I like it! You may want to do this after the shots have been done though.

> 4. Genghis Khan would make his crew eat sheep eyeballs and then drink tomato juice and brine to get rid of their hangovers, and get ready for their day! Lovely.

> 3. McDonalds breakfast. Not weird, but it deserves a mention because it is amazing hangover food. Please note, there are other fast food chains that I’m sure are as good.

Bucks Beauty Tips > 1. Cold water is actually good for you! Once you have finished washing your hair, slam the cold water on for a few seconds. This will close the hair follicle which will mean that it will make your hair more sleek and less susceptible to damage. Having too many showers or baths is actually bad for your skin as the heat from the water dries out your skin. Something we don’t want. > 2. If you have persistent dry skin. Lush bath bombs and bubble bars may be for you. Bicarbonate soda based these soften the skin and the

If you have any more tips, tried or not, then feel free to let us know them! Contact student.editor@ and the best will get published in the next edition.

bubble bars can be broken up into chunks to create lovely nourishing bubble bars. Just chuck one in, or a chunk of bubble bar, and watch the magic happen. Butterball is a little white ball with chunks of cocoa butter that melt with the heat of the water and then get absorbed into the skin. Lush. > 3. To brighten blonde hair, try squeezing lemon juice into your hair! Sounds strange but it will help to brighten the highlights and get rid of the brassiness. The same thing works with purple shampoo as the colour combats the brassy and yellow tones. Lemon also

helps to soak up excess grease in your hair.

Student Editor Guy Humphrey

> 4. Now as students, ironing isn’t exactly top of our list. And, whilst this isn’t technically a beauty tip, I’m going to include it anyway. If ironing is too much then once your clothes are dry, from hanging them up or from being in the dryer, fold them away as quickly as possible as this will help put less creases in clothes. Letting them dry naturally, outside, with the sun on them, helps them to smell nicer for longer too.

From a foreigner perspective - British style One of the first things I noticed when I first landed in the UK, after the accents, the ridiculous variety of sandwiches and the price of a train ticket, was the way people dress. This nation has a very unique style which I can only define as, well, British. It is highly influenced by popular culture and music. The printed t-shirts, the colourful jeans and the cool leather jackets reminded me of countless rock bands and celebrities. Here, everyone is a rock star. These are a few of the looks that I picked up on. I know there are many exceptions to these styles, and this article is not meant to suggest how to dress. This is based on my own personal view as an international student. The British style seems fearless. You have the outstanding ability to mix and match patterns, colours and fabrics. The fact that the British weather is unpredictable just makes it better. This means that everything is versatile and easy to mix. You can wear a floral dress with flip-flops, and when it gets colder change to boots and a cardigan. There are a few essential traits I found necessary to get the perfect British style: > Be brave- don’t be afraid to experiment and mix things up. > Be prepared for the weather! > Be edgy- look for unique accessories and rare pieces. > Don’t look too polished > Have fun!

Girls - The Romantic

Floaty dresses // blazers // peep toe heels

By: Yael Rivniker

October 2012 Bucks Student 29

Girls - The Rock Star

Girls - The Casual Pump-up Track of The Week

Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore x Ryan Lewis Be weird this month. Be weird as balls.

Leather jackets // flat pumps // body con skirts // fitted vests

Boys - The Rock Star

Skinny jeans // hooded coats // fitted tops // heeled boots

Boys - The Casual

Because let’s be honest, the weird kids are always the coolest, right? I doubt Steve Jobs won Prom King in his youth but let the guy blossom into CEO material and who wouldn’t want to be friends with the guy? Really we all have some pretty weird traits but we tend to only recognise them once they get made into a “That awkward moment when…” Facebook group. Then we realise we’re not alone and you too like to draw penis’s on workbooks and spell rude words with fridge magnets. But I think it’s how you defend the weird stuff is what makes you who you are. I know friends who don’t like to drink and avoid the subject by telling people they’re driving or on medication. On the other hand I don’t drink either and I prefer to just be proud. But if you’re passionate about something then you should never really have to defend it. People say “You can’t choose who you fall in love with” and they’re right, but it doesn’t just work for people. You can say you like a Rapper’s lyricism or a song’s drum beat but the truth is that you don’t need to defend it, the song plays and you just like it. Same goes with TV, movies, fashion, food! It’s a matter of taste and it’s out of our hands, so stop worrying. Wrestling Promoter Paul Heyman once said “To the people who hate our business, no explanation is ever enough. To the people who love our business, no explanation is ever necessary.” What I wanna’ talk about is pouring yourself into that thing you love, and pouring yourself into it at a rate that some people are going to judge you. If you love something, you should chase the crap out of it regardless of what people think. They can make up a million reasons not to do something but for you, it’ll never be enough to put you off. This is a good thing. My dad is an engineer, so are his brothers and so was his dad. All around my family are builders, electricians, plumbers. I’m a Third year student here at Bucks studying Film and it’s been a long road trying to convince them that this was right for me. I remember the days my dad would bring home apprenticeship forms from his work and I wouldn’t even read them, yet over the past year I’ve done film work for a CEO, Sports Organisations, a New York Fashion Company and more. How? Simple. I got weird. I looked at what a normal person does to chase their goal and I got weird. A normal person sleeps 8 hours a night, I slept 4. A normal person updates their Directing Reel once a year, I updated mine every 3 months. A normal person waits for their big break, I hunted mine down like it was prey. It was an irrational level of commitment but I wanted irrational results. I wanted it badly enough to have my sleep suffer, my health suffer, my social life suffer but in the end I’m seeing my results stare me in the face and I’M LOVING EVERY SECOND OF IT. So that’s my challenge to you this month. Be weird. Put in a weird amount of work, push yourself to a limit that the “normal kids” won’t, go past the rational and get into the irrational - and see where it gets you. Charles Bukowski said “Find what you love - and let it kill you”. Listen to Charles. Hit it hard this month and go beyond. Just remember, You Got This, Bro! /Lee Malone

@EdgeMalone By: Lee Malone

Leather jackets // slogan t shirts // skinny jeans // Converse trainers

Chino trousers // Vans trainers // cardigans // comfy t shirts

30 Bucks Student October 2012

An insight into everything the Students’ Union does and how you can get invovled. Best of all it’s free! Societies

A quick chat with salsa society

Society of the month If you are part of a sports team or society, then why not put the society forward for ‘Society of the month.’ You will be featured in the Bucks Student newspaper which will help to promote your society further and get your society known across the university! The Union can either put the society forward or you yourselves can if you feel you have done something extra special, such as a RAG event, fundraising, charity work or just helped other people within the university, why not give it a go? You never know, it could be the start of something! If you think your soc deserves a mention then email


Name: Mikey Cook Course: Dance and Fitness Dance: Salsa Level: Beginner > Q. How do you find salsa as a Fresher? It’s definitely one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done in a long time. Like the tutors say it’s all about fun and enjoying while you’re doing it and definitely if you’ve got passion for it then you can put the effort and time in and you can get good soon. > Q. What do you most like about it? Well because I’m studying Dance and Fitness I want to do as many different dance styles as I can. My friend Olivia is in the Salsa Society, so she was the one that kind of forced me to get into it! But I probably would’ve joined it anyway. I just thought it was a free opportunity for me to learn salsa and in other places you would have to pay.

I was expecting to go in and just be thrown in the deep end. I suppose I was thinking of the dance at the salsa clubs that you go in and it’s literally just like a ‘dance-dance’. So I was thinking something along the lines of that. It’s nice to actually have a beginner’s section and taught the steps and then give it a go. > Q. Did you feel you needed to have done dancing before to join the salsa society? Definitely! But it helps to have the rhythm I suppose. They teach you very basics so it’s really good.

Free Student Lunch on Sunday > Q. When are the salsa sessions on? 1.30pm @ Wesley Methodist Church > Q. What surprised you most about Priory Road Salsa at Bucks?

(just up the road from Primark and Halfords)

The amount of guys that are there definitely. Dance at the moment is still very female dominated so I was quiteOCTOBER surprised at how SUNDAY 14TH manySUNDAY guys there 28TH were. There is a lot of OCTOBER women there, but it is still good to see a lot SUNDAY 11TH NOVEMBER of guys taking up the passion for dance so SUNDAY 25TH NOVEMBER it’s definitely something I want to promote SUNDAY 20TH JANUARY as well.

> Q. Why should a student join Salsa? If you’ve never done any kind of salsa before or even any dance its completely free. It’s a load of fun, and definitely worth your time. You can leave too if you want to; there’s no commitment to it so why wouldn’t you just want to go and have a look. Never know you might find your next passion!

Limited 30expectations students of > Q. What were to your Salsa? First Come First Served. I’m not really sure to be honest what I expected at first. I was quite nervous because

> Q. In five words how would you sum up salsa? Sexy, artistic, fun, energetic, free.


FREE Summer/Autumn 2012

student meals

Sundays – 1.45pm 23 September 04 November

07 October 18 November

King’s Centre, Desborough Road (Just across the road from Brooke Street Halls) T 01494 459901 E

21 October 02 December

Every Monday and Thursdays from 6pm-8pm at the dance studio on the first floor next to Beats.

Free Student Lunch on Sunday 1.30pm @ Wesley Methodist Church Priory Road

(just up the road from Primark and Halfords)


October 2012 Bucks Student 31


l al



Exciting opportunity for Law Students

Hey everyone we hope you’ve all had an amazing Freshers fortnight! Softball is a new and unisex society that is adaptable for all members for example the sessions are relaxed and fun for those who want a no strings attached society to join, as well as more competitive members that compete for the university Softball team. You do not have to trial to get into a team, all abilities including complete beginners are welcome! We train every Tuesday 5-6pm in the Events Hall in the Gateway building, feel free to come along. Check out our facebook page: Bucks New Uni Softball or email us on buckssoftball@hotmail. com. We hope to see you soon! Bucks New Uni Softball

Mature Student Society Great to see so many interested people at the Freshers Fairs. Thanks to Will Hoskin for getting the ball rolling this year with a couple of our popular MSS Breakfasts at both our High Wycombe and Uxbridge campuses as well as a fundraising Sweets Sale at the High Wycombe Campus. Please get in touch if you would like to get actively involved in the following events or the Mature Students Society as a whole.

many of the members sticking around for a good long chin wag as well. Coffee and Cake is a chance to get together in Rusty Bucks and chat with some other Mature Students over coffee and cake. We supply the coffee and the cake so come along and enjoy a snack on us. For more information please contact: High Wycombe Jessica Ayling e: t: 07984 395 889 (texts only)

The MSS Breakfast Club is one of the regular events we put on where we provide Mature Students with a FREE breakfast just for turning up. There has been two meetings of the Club so far this year with the coffees, breakfast baps and Danishs enjoyed by all, with

Uxbridge Donna Dyett e: t: 07789 073 223

Student Reps From 15 – 19 October you have the chance to elect your Student Rep for the upcoming year online at bucksstudent. com/vote. This year we have had a significant increase in the number of students nominating themselves to be YOUR Student Reps so your vote is more important than ever before. Why should I vote? This is your chance to have your say; the student who wins the election will be the spokesperson for your cohort for the next academic year, representing you in termly meetings with your course and module leaders. It is important that this individual is someone who you believe will work to gather the views of the class, passing the majority view on without prejudice and regardless without letting their own views cloud their judgement. What do Reps do for me? An effective Rep will ask for your feedback and help you and your course mates to address any issues that might arise over the year, promoting the good practice, the bits that you love about your course. This representation can result in real changes for your course; this can be big changes like altering the content of whole modules, or little changes that make a big difference such as reorganising deadlines. They get paid

Upcoming events > Tuesday 16 October MSS Breakfast Club Pulse Cafe Uxbridge 9.15am-11.00am > Tuesday 23 October Coffee and Cake Rusty Bucks High Wycombe 10am-11.30am > Time and date TBC MSS AGM keep your ears peeled

The Higher Education Advocacy Training scheme is an innovative programme designed to support students reach outstanding levels in their educational development, whilst gaining valuable experience in the legal field. The scheme will provide suitable students with a very valuable work-experience opportunity, including training, to raise their employabilityprofile, whilst engaging actively within the local community through established partner-bodies. The need to develop advocacy skills is paramount for any student reading Law. Activities in the classroom are valuable in this process, but advocacy offers something more, as it links this type of work with meeting real communityneeds, whilst preparing students for their post-graduate journey into the legal profession. The scheme will provide the training free of charge to Bucks students and give them the opportunity to gain practical advocacy experience whilst providing a valuable service to the local community.

It is envisaged that in the future, the scheme will not only be open to Law students as we believe that students on nursing, social work, psychology courses would also benefit greatly from the scheme. HEAT is the first program of this kind in South East England. We believe that this initiative will not only give our students the best possible chance in furthering their legal career and securing employment, but it will also raise the profile of Buckinghamshire New University considerably by offering a scheme that is completely unique to Bucks. HEAT has been awarded £12,000 from the University Investment Fund to pilot the scheme which is due to launch on November 1 2012. For more information on the scheme and details of how to apply please email us at heatscheme@hotmail. or contact us through the website: By: Heidi Desousa

Opportunities with Bucks Students’ Union

Student Rep voting open online 15 -19 Oct

Volunteering is not only doing something for free that benefits others but it is also a great way to get to know people, learn new things, gain experience in what interests you and get involved in something you care about. There are a number of volunteering roles at Bucks SU so there’s bound to be something that interests you. These roles include, volunteering as a committee member for a sports team or society, becoming a union councillor, writing for the Bucks Student newspaper, going out in the community to volunteer, or working the events team. All of the hours you put into volunteering can be recorded with the Bucks Student log book, and once you’ve clocked up some hours, we’ll present you with a certificate for your hard work. We can also provide you with references, mentoring, training and support. If you like the sound of any of these opportunities, please email volunteering@ or visit us at the Students’ Union Office, Ground floor, North block. By: Alice Dewsnap Volunteering and Societies Coordinator

Community Volunteering and RAG calendar to support you in this way so make sure you make the most of your Rep. How do I contact my Rep? Details of all of our Reps are stored online at Here you can search by name, course, department or year to find you Rep and how to get in touch with them. How do I become a Rep? If there is still a vacancy for your course it is not too late to get involved. Contact amy. for further details. If you have missed out this year, keep an eye out for nominations from 11 February to apply for Student Rep next year.

> 17 October One Can Trust Pick and Pack Help sort food cans for families, single parents and local homeless people that

struggle to afford the food we take for granted

> 26 October Wear it Pink Day Wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness and make a donation.

By: Amy McLaughlan Student Engagement Coordinator


Bucket collectors needed

charity that supports children with cancer

> 10 November Jailbreak! Get as far away from the university without spending any money! > 16 November Children in Need More information coming soon > 29 November Christmas shopping with the elderly > 05 December Christmas shopping with the elderly > 07 December CLIC Sargent collection. Bucket collectors needed at a local supermarket to support CLIC Sargent, a

32 Bucks Student October 2012

Raise and Give

RAG Fair

Get involved with RAG RAG stands for Raise and Give, and is the part of the union which fundraises for local, national and international charities. Every year students at Bucks vote for the two charities that they want RAG to support over the academic year. At Freshers Fair over 150 students voted and it was announced that Rafes Place and The Pepper Foundation will be the two RAG charities this year. Rafes Place is a young person’s charity, dedicated to fighting boredom in bucks, organising exciting and inclusive events all year

round. The Pepper Foundation has been selected as one of the RAG charities for the third year running, providing funds for The Pepper Children’s Nurses managed by The Iain Rennie Hospice This year we are aiming for RAG to be at its biggest and best yet, and to do that we need your help! We are looking for students to help run a RAG Society, to assist in the organisation of events, come up with ideas for fund raising projects and help to break our fundraising record.

We’re going to be running loads of events, both old and new this such as the old favourite Jailbreak, the exciting new hitchhike to Morocco and Croatia as well as local collections, RAG Raids and our massive Let’s Get Pegless Social! If you’re interested in being on the committee- or just want to get a bit more involved email jane.bower@ By: Jane Bower Societies and Volunteering Assistant

It never rains but it pours! First it was too hot in the Students’ Union and the fire alarm went off, now it seems to have rained so much that RAG (Raise and Give) Fair had to be cancelled due to bad weather on 24 September. In its place, RAG Fair Plan B quickly came into action. Charity sign-ups, face paints, cake sales, friendship bracelets and more were available in Beats. All of the money raised went to different RAG charities which are student voted every year. The main focus of RAG is to have fun whilst raising money for charities. Having fun is something that comes very easily to

Student Editor Guy Humphrey

students, so RAG is perfect. RAG want to get students more involved in the events this year. Instead of students just coming to the events and taking part RAG now want students to think and hold the events themselves. A great opportunity for anyone and will look great on your CV. Any ideas you can always email the Societies and Volunteering Assistant Jane Bower at For further information on RAG go to: The cancelled Fair will now take place in Green Impact Week in mid-February so keep your eyes peeled for that one!

By: Jane Bower Societies and Volunteering Assistant

Everyones Hitching to do it!

Recent coffee morning event in the SU Foyer in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Want to do something amazing with your Easter holidays? How does hitch hiking to Morocco or Croatia sound? This year you could take part in the biggest organised charity hitch hike in the UK! Every year, hundreds of students take to the roads in trademark green t-shirts with their thumbs held high blagging free lifts to make their way across Europe all in the name of charity! Taking part in the hitch myself in 2010 was by far the best thing I took part in during my time at uni. It took me 7 days, 28 hitches, 1,917 miles, 26 cups of coffee and one slightly questionable omelette baguette to get from Liverpool to Tangier in the north of Morocco. On the way we sang, we

s n a e m s Thi it’s FREE!

Sports Societies Activites Events

ran, we jumped over fences, we attempted French, Spanish and Arabic all in the name of charity and getting to our destination. Once we were there we split our time between Fez and Marrakesh, staying in super cheap hotels with the most amazing breakfasts of cinnamon coffee, mint tea, bread butter and honey. We spent our days wandering around the markets, bartering with the locals, riding camels in the dessert and swimming through waterfalls. Link Community Development (LCD) are a charity dedicated to improving education in the rural districts of Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, South Africa, and Uganda. They work at all levels of the education system, with communities, schools and governments, to identify and remove obstacles surrounding the education

see for more details

system. The hitch hike is their main source of fundraising with every hitcher raising a minimum of £375. Since 1992, over 8,000 people have taken part in the Hitch, raising more than £4,000,000 for the charity Link Community Development and travelling a combined total of almost 10,000,000 miles -

that’s more than 400 times around the world! So, if this sounds like something you’d like to do this Easter,come along to our introductory meeting on 23rd October at 5pm (room tbc) or email jane.bower@ for more information.

100% OFF

October 2012 Bucks Student 33

JAILBREAK 2012 BEg, BLAg And BoRRow youR wAy to fREEdom

10tH - 12tH noVEmBER 2012 Get as far away from the campus as possible in 48 hours without spending a penny of your own money. Blag tickets and guilt your family and friends into helping you on your mission to break free. Get sponsored and help raise some much needed money for the RAG charities this year: Rafe’s Place and The Pepper Foundation. £20 deposit per person. Minimum team number 2.

Sign up by emailing or at the Students’ Union Offices. In support of:

34 Bucks Student October 2012


Recereational Activities

Group exercise classes





Intensity level




Through the amazing and unique offer we have here at bucks - THE BIG DEAL - the Students’ Union is able to provide you FREE gym classes which are a great way to keep fit, meet new people and its freekin FREE so why not?! Here is list you can choose from, see what takes your fancy!





Legs, Bums and Tums Wednesday 12.05pm-1pm This is a low impact lunch time class providing you with a quick toning sesh targeting all the prime areas aka your wobbly bits! Not much cardio in this class but great for conditioning those muscles.

Bucks Boot Camp Monday 5.15pm - 6.15pm

Zumba Tuesday 6.15pm - 7.15pm

This FREE class is not for the faint hearted, a full on class which leaves you breathless! From ab crunches to squats and aerobic workout. This class will improve your fitness and physique with regular visits. A fantastic way to lose weight and get trim.

Zumba is one of those classes where you don’t realise how much you’re working out until you wake up the next morning! It’s a great cardio which is energetic, exciting and something a little different from all the other classes. You can learn new steps and sequences and it is easy to follow and keep up if you are a beginner. So I highly recommend it and it’s FREE what more could you want?– go and get your Zumba on!

Fitness Fusion Monday 7.15pm - 8.15pm

CardioPilates Thursday 12.05pm - 1pm

Fitness Fusion is FREE, it focuses on stability, flexibility and relaxation. It is easy to follow and you always keep moving and working. Its mixture of tai chi, Pilates and yoga working your body from the inside out and a great way to finish your day!

This FREE class is a great mix of cardio and intense stretching and strength work, toning those bods! It isn’t your typical Pilates session as it had sections that increased your heart rate but it still has the element of correct breathing and relaxation.

CardioScuplt Tuesday 12.05pm - 1pm This FREE class is designed to tone up on all them important places and make sure you leave the class aching! A lot of training geared around weights and strength in order to keep them body parts toned. A good full body workout!

Boxercise Thursday 5.15pm - 6.15pm This FREE class is for the novice of boxers to the more experienced, incorporating a cardio workout with high intensity all over body workout. Come try this if you want firm up your abs or tone up them wobbly bits!

Hatha Yoga Tuesday 5.15pm - 6.15pm Yoga is a great stress reliever working your body from inside out. If you’re looking for flexibility and relaxation this is the class for you! It’s a great way to end a working day and you leave feeling good! Its FREE so why not?

Body Combo Friday 12:05pm - 1pm This FREE class is designed to work out all areas of your body from biceps & triceps to legs and bums. The instructor teachers you the correct techniques to use, in order to take it into the gym. Try this class if you want an all over body workout with a twist!

Lets be Franc...o!

FIFA Fundraising Is Freekin’ Awesome!

WOW! What a fortnight! How many of you managed to make it out EVERY single night of our Freshers Fortnight? How many activities did you manage to sign up for at the fresher’s fair and how many free goods did you get?! (love a cheeky free slice of pizza!) Well the FUN doesn’t have to end now! Get involved with as much as you can, before it’s too late... So, what could I possibly get involved, one might think? Well here is some ideas: RAG events, volunteering projects, sports, societies, night outs, recreational activities, campaigns, representation, newspaper, and the list goes on! And it’s all bladdy freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! So what have we been up to recently? We have had our sports and society committee trainings which were of course highly exciting, we had our first tour meeting (Salou week two here we come!) and lots of try outs and auditions. In terms of fundraising events we had our ‘plan b’ RAG fair which was really good fun, but we will have another RAG fair that will be bigger and better outside too so don’t miss out on that! We also had a successful Macmillan coffee morning which raised over £50, as well as this

we also celebrated peace one day with a little boogie in the morning, gave out white roses, sold bracelets and cakes, played the peace on day film and did a peace sign flash mob! On a personal note, I went a little crazy - I got my first tattoo EVER on peace one day of a peace sign! Alongside all these amazing events and opportunities we launched our BRAND NEW community guide and our SSHH (silent students: happy homes) campaign with wonderful goodie bags – more interesting info go to page 5. As you know its Breast Cancer Awareness month so look out for our flirt event ‘BOOBIE NIGHT’- it will be the breast night ever! Friday 26 October. BTW this fresher’s has been the BIGGEST yet! HIGH FIVE (Borat voice) 2012-13, it’s going to be a great year! P.S. I’d just like to say thank you to everyone who helped out with the events, we couldn’t have done it without you wonderful people! Franco aka Naz aka Nazzy aka Naomi. Thanks

By: Naomi Franco Vice President Student Invovlement

October 2012 Bucks Student 35



Countdown until 30 March 2013


24 Weeks 0 Days Across > 1. Most hardcore Big Deal Excersice class (8) > 3. Horror film and Hunger Games Star: (8) Lawrence > 5. (8) Rogues > 7. Sports for (3) > 8. Number of buns in the Rusty Tower Burger (4) > 9. Silent Students: Happy Homes (4) > 10. Hangover? Rub a lemon in your (6) Down > 2. Town in Northern Morocco (7) > 4. Salsa is (4) > 6. This year’s Freshers Fortnight was the (7) > 7. Indoor Football (6)


#1 3

4 5



8 9 10







9 5 6 7

8 2




5 2 3




We decided to hang up our ski boots and snowboards once again. After discovering not one member of Bucksnowsoc could dance back in March, when we raised over £1500 for Coppafeel (breast cancer awareness) charity, we gave ourselves a summer of practise and then got back at it once again but this time for Motor Neurone Disease Charity. After organising the first event myself it was indeed the new fundraisers turn Jacob McGill to give it a crack. The charity of choice being one close to his heart, certainly gave him that determination and strive to do his best. All the way back in July he had already received copious amounts of free prizes in which we added to the raffle another way people were donating to the charity. Once we had prepped the collection buckets, raffle prizes and the dance area was polished all we had to do next was dance and from 12.00pm on 20 September, we certainly had a good go at it for a whole 24 hours. We had another good turn out from our loyal members but statements such as “why have we done this again” and “it is 100 times harder than last time” depicted that it may have been slightly more challenging the second time around. The early stages are packed with hope and praise from passes by, but come 5pm onwards it was sheer agony. However, with the good hearts and strong will from all our members we ploughed on to only find it to get easier come 10pm. With the crowds from the

3 7 9 1








9 3





SMART ASS > Q. At which London stadium was the recent boxing clash between David Haye & Derek Chisora staged? (answer on page 39)

24 hour Dance-A-thon Number 2

1 7



> Q: Norma travels to work by car. Helen walks

Students’ Union hearing our music and witnessing our desperate dancing we had numbers nearing 200 by 2am, which lasted until around 4am. Around this time we were back to our strongest troops and I must admit a snuck of for cheeky nap but when I returned I was shocked to see one member still strutting her two step, keeping the challenge alive and this was our Secretary Anna Brailey who had not moved from the same spot since the gun at 12pm Thursday. Once I had woken up various people napping in their cars and banged on our very own Snowsoc tent, we had another good size group dancing away once again and once we saw 6am pass and our bodies filled with McDonald’s breakfast we were racing for the end. 12pm on Friday 21 September finally came and we once again completed the challenge. We are still awaiting donations but our current total is £185.00 And if you didn’t get a chance to donate check out the online page: Bucksnowsoc24hourEvent If you have not yet heard of Bucksnowsoc and are interested in coming to any of our socials, indoor snowboarding/skiing trips or helping out on our upcoming fundraising events then check us out on our Contact VP Sam Norman on 07737 819 863. /Bucksnowsoc

and Joan travels by train. Who travels to work by bicycle - Diana or Lucy and why?

Answers 1 7 6

4 8

2 4 8 1 6

9 3



8 5 7 4 9

6 1

3 2

8 7 3



9 3 6 2

2 5 5 1

6 9 2 8 5 1 4 3 7 5 1 4 2 3 7 6 9 8 2 3 9 4 1

7 9 1 8 5 5 6 7 3 1

6 8 5

8 2 6 4

4 2 9 7 3

Across 1. Bootcamp 3. Jennifer 5. Loveable 7. Fun 8. Five 9. SSHH 10. Armpit

Down 2. Tangier 4. Sexy 6. Biggest 7. Futsal

A: The third letter of each name is the same as the third letter of the method of transport, so Lucy travels by bicycle.

Rugby League Interested in giving Rugby League a go? Bucks have teamed up with the Student Rugby League to give you the opportunity to experience this fast paced sport on your doorstep. If you are an experienced player or fancy changing codes or just giving it a go, either pop into the student activities office or e mail ross.mclaughlin@bucks. to declare your interest. Sessions are FREE and are open to both males and females of all ages and abilities and the sessions will be lead by dedicated coaching provided by the RFL. A little more information about the game!

Rugby League football is a full contact sport played by two teams of 13 players and is one of two codes of rugby football, Rugby League evolved as a result of split from the Rugby Football Union in England in 1895 over the issue of payments to players. Its rules were then gradually changed in order to produce a more entertaining game that would appeal to spectator. Although this is a game dominated by northern clubs like Wigan Warriors and the Leeds Rhinos but is developing down south with the London Broncos playing in the super league and Oxford entering the championship for the new season and a very strong regional south east conference. So why not get involved and play your part in putting Rugby League on the map in Buckinghamshire.

The second dance-a-thon in aid of Motor Neurone Disease Charity was a massive success!

By: Sam Norman

36 Bucks Student October 2012

If you are in a sports team or a society and you fancy a few days in the sun with the opportunity to play some competitive or social sport then pop in to the Student Activities Office or email to find out more or contact you club chair to see if your club are already involved.



1 – 7th April 2013 ONLY £249 INCLUDES half board & Travel Insurance Amazing Bars and Club inc. PACHA and world DJ acts!

October 2012 Bucks Student 37

Latin American Auditions: Monday 15 October, 6pm-7pm Events Hall Street Auditions: Tuesday 16 October 6pm-7.30pm Dance Studio 2, next to Beats Contemporary Open sessions Thursday 11 October, 8pm-9pm Dance Studio 2, next to Beats Auditions: Thursday 18 October 8-9pm Dance Studio 2, next to Beats

Jazz Open sessions Thursday 11 October, 9pm-10pm Dance Studio 2, next to Beats Auditions: Thursday 18 October, 9pm-10pm Dance Studio 2, next to Beats Open session and Audition dates Open Master classes in different dance styles held in the Events Hall every Monday 5pm-6pm Starts Monday 1 October

And the winner is... Bucks netball would like to announce the winner of their freshers week alcohol trolley - Shan, 1st year! She is the proud winner of £70 worth of alcohol and was over the moon! Thank you to all students who bought raffle tickets and helped out with the netball fundraiser. The winning ticket was picked by the Bucks VPSI, Naomi Franco. Look out for more netball fundraising events in the near future! By: Shanise Webster Chair of Bucks Netball

VPSI Naomi Franco picks the winning ticket!

It’s Cheerleading. It’s Swans. BNU Swans finish their weekend in Telford at the British Cheerleading Assosication National Competition, coming home with 6 trophies to add to their collection!

It’s blood sweat and tears. It’s bruises sprains and even breaks. It’s days, weeks, even years of training. It’s knowing there’s no glory without the pain. It’s going again fifteen times after “the last one”. It’s going to your limit and pushing yourself past it. It’s not being able to walk for days after one practise. It’s dancing until you can’t breathe and tumbling until our legs ache. It’s one of the hardest “not a sport” sports. With one of the highest injury statistics. It’s cheerleading. And BNU SWANS love every minute of it. Over the past 2 weeks we have held open sessions and auditions for the BNU Swans. We are a mainly a competitive squad that compete twice a year in Loughborough and Telford, competing in various catagories i.e. Jazz, Pom, level 2 cheer and group stunting which includes boys, YES, that’s right. Boys too! Last year, we placed 2nd and 3rd NATIONALLY for both dance and cheer.

We LOVE social swans so please don’t be shy! Come on crazy nights out with us, cheer at games with us and don’t forget Cheerobics classes at the University to become fit and flexy! And how could we forget TOUR? Last year took us to Rimini and this year we’re of to Salou! Social swans are more than welcome to come along and enjoy the antics of tour. You can find more about us on our Facebook page. Just search: Bucks Swans Cheer Squad or add us as a friend: Swans Cheerleading Squad. For more information visit our Facebook page (see above) or twitter (Bnu Swans) or contact Lauren Troiano e: Naomi Huggins e: Emily Ralph e:

By: Lauren Triano Chair of BNU Swans

38 Bucks Student October 2012

Ever tried rowing? Have you been inspired by the London 2012 Olympic Games? Do you fancy yourself as the next Sir Steve Redgrave or Helen Glover or just want to try out a new sport to keep fit? Then rowing just might be for you. Rowing is not only Henley and Pimms. It’s a team sport that is good for your health and can be great fun. It’s also an excellent way to improve cardio-respiratory fitness and give yourself a major health boost. Opportunity to Joining Marlow Rowing Club Competing at the highest standard Marlow Rowing Club takes its members from over a wide area and has both men’s and women’s crews that regularly compete at all levels nationally; plus it runs serious and fun rowing events locally and a number of club social events. The club is currently seeking new recruits to join its senior squads and has offered Bucks New University an open invitation to all students to try out a taster session. They are looking for both new and experienced rowers: • For those new to the sport, the Novices Squad is seeking beginners with the aim of progressing to the Senior Squad

within one year. • For experienced rowers returning to the sport or continuing from Junior, the club offers the possibility to join direct to the Seniors competing nationally. (Full details of rowing squads – what is involved, where and when, can be seen MRC website marlowrowingclub. Already busy with sport? Then cross training for other sports with Indoor Rowing using rowing machines is an excellent form of aerobic exercise that can enhance the training of many other sports including running, rugby and cycling. The rowing machine is one of the few pieces of training apparatus found in the gym that requires a degree of technical competence. As such, coaching is able to maximise the benefit of training and ensure that you do not injure yourself; this session will explain best technique and identify suitable fitness programmes. If this is something that interests you then please pop in to the student activities office or e mail ross.mclaughlin@

Player Profile

> Q. How was last year’s team performance? Last year’s team performance was fairly successful as we played against big university names in our league. We gave our all and proved our worth even though the other teams dedicate more of their time to training. > Q. What advice would you give to any freshers who are joining a sports team this year? Freshers need to make joining a sports team a priority! Joining netball is one of the best things about university life! > Q. Why should freshers join the netball team? Students should join netball for three reasons; keep fit; play competitively; and have the best social calendar at BNU. > Q. How often do you meet? We meet once a week for training, 7pm 9pm. We are hoping to arrange extra fitness sessions too. > Q. Do players need to provide their own kit? Players wanting to train should provide their own kit i.e. trainers and sportswear.

THURSDAY Boxing Climbing Swimming Athletics Hockey

5pm - 7pm 6pm - 9pm 7pm - 8.30pm 7pm - 9pm 7pm - 8pm

Name: Shanise Webster Course: Sport Psychology Sport: Netball Position: Centre Court/ Chairman

Club kit is available for match days. > Q. Do you have to pass any tests to join the team? BNU Netball welcomes all abilities. Trials have already taken place. However, there are three teams and a development squad. Players are always needed and if you don’t want to play competitively, fitness and coaching is available too. > Q. What are the netball initiations like? The netball initiations are messy and lots of fun! A night not to be missed! > Q. What’s your funniest memory from last year? Travelling to and from matches is so much fun. The socials on a Wednesday are hilarious too! There are too many funny memories from netball last year – initiations definitely stands out! > Q. What’s netball looking to acheive this year? BNU Netball is hoping to have an even more successful year on the court, look more professional in our new tracksuits, help more within the community and have the best Wednesday night socials. NETBALL GIRLS!

All our weekly sessions are social, informal and free! The sports, days and times of all our sessions can be found on our website: and look on our Facebook page for news and alerts facebook. com/Sportforfunbucks. No need to sign up to any of these sessions, just rock up and play!

Contact us: FRIDAY MONDAY Badminton Dodgeball Climbing Athletics

Badminton 4pm - 5pm 6pm - 7pm 6pm - 9pm 7pm - 9pm

TUESDAY Softball Boxing Netball Volleyball


SUNDAY 5pm - 6pm 5pm - 7pm 7pm - 9pm 8pm - 10pm

WEDNESDAY Swimming Badminton & Squash

7.30pm - 8.30pm

Basketball Swimming Badminton & Squash Trampolining Trampolining

12pm - 2pm 12pm - 6pm 12pm - 6pm 2pm - 3.30pm 3.30pm - 5pm

12pm - 6pm 12pm - 6pm


For more information about activities, coaching bursaries and our ambassador programme please contact the sport development team at or pop in and see us in Room E2.05 at the High Wycombe Campus.



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38 Bucks Student October 2012

Bucks New University Student FUTSAL League Looking to join a University sports team? Looking for a University sport to play? Unfortunate to not be picked for any other University sport team you trialled for? Well! There’s a new sport which is now back, improved and in its second year at Bucks New University, known as the new 5a-side…FUTSAL! Two BNU students and Berks & Bucks FA Student Ambassadors are bringing FUTSAL back to our University for a second time. After a great tournament and league last year, they are proud to bring back the Bucks New University Student Futsal League. There are no trials needed, no need to try to join/fit into a team as the league is based on ‘Create your own team with student friends’ (minimum 6, maximum 8 players). This new exciting sport is on its way back to our University bigger and better so gather your friends to play. ‘Known as the new 5a-side’ Futsal is played on a hard surface delimited by lines; walls or boards are not used. Futsal is also played with a smaller ball

with less bounce than a regular football. The rules create an emphasis on improvisation, creativity and technique as well as ball control and passing in small spaces. (A Full FUTSAL Rules Leaflet Will Be Given To Each Team Entered) Also the BNU Student Futsal League is working together with the BNU Futsal Squad who compete against other University Futsal teams. Their team will also compete in the Student League so there will be chances to show your worth and hopefully play for the BNU Futsal Squad. Aimanurrahman Ibrahim was a player who played for the BNU Squad and also played in the Student League ‘’It was a great experience to play for the BNU team and the Student League. This league should be organised every year’’ Does this sound like your kind of sport? Do you want to be part of a challenging, excellent, fast new growing sport? Want to make a team of BNU student friends and play against other BNU students? Then

come join in one of the fastest growing sports. Be part of the banter from pitch side to lecture rooms. Last year’s feedback has been listened to and improvements such as kit, GK glove sponsor, new playing arena and new goals and equipment are but a few of new improvements from the feedback given. The Student League will be held at Handy Cross Leisure Centre. Dates, Time and Days of Play: Please find dates of play upon Facebook or contact us, this is due to facilities being organised at the time of this article. They may either be just Sunday, Sunday and Thursday or just Thursday. But please check. The Student League will be held at Handy Cross Leisure Centre at the top of Marlow Hill. Walking directions:

> 1. Head east on Queen Alexandra Road > 2. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto A40 > 3. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Marlow Hill/A404 > 4. The centre will be in view. Interested still? We hope so! /Bucks New Uni Student Futsal League /BNUStudentFUTSAL Christopher Butler e: t: 07779 184 768 Gareth Stobart e: t: 07752 783 334

Rugby Round-up This year the Bucks Men’s Rugby team took it upon themselves to organise a pre season week for returning players and also new students. With 20 players turning up it was in good stead to be a successful 5 days. An extensive training plan from coaches Rocky Clarke and Kat Merchant meant everyone was able to blow out the cob webs and put a few of the freshers through their paces. The pre season week didn’t just allow people to gain that extra bit of fitness it also meant the freshers were able to get to know the current players and learn a few of the drinking games. On the 1 October the Uni team took on High Wycombe Rugby club in the first annual ‘Town v Gown’ fixture. With the team mainly made up of freshers it gave them the opportunity to show the captains what they are made of. Unfortunately, being as this was many of the Bucks players first introduction to mens rugby the team lost 17 – 0. By: Matt Gilbert

Sports quiz answer: Upton Park (Boleyn Ground)



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