The Bucks Student - Edition 68

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October 2017 - Edition 68







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October Issue

This Edition: page 4

A Word from the Editor Bucks Student, Reece Rimmington caught up with Declan McKenna before he played his gig in the Venue - find out what he had to say! Page 21.

Newly appointed editor, Olivia Jones, shares her thoughts on the first few weeks of uni, and explains why you should get involved with as much as possible during your time at Bucks.

page 5

Contributors Ben Parmar • Lauren O'Shea • Jimi Adeyinka • Mark Sweeney Danny O'Keefe • Katherine Bower • Emilee Platts Tina Mutombo • Lucy Ryan • Rhona Noel • Daisy Howells Sarah Jackson • Kaya Mallinder • Sarah Phipps Lauren Woodland • Reece Rimmington • Jenny Bull

Sabbs' Article Your Sabbatical Officers recap Freshers' Fortnight and go through some of their plans for the year ahead.

Chloe Kimber • Hesham Saghir • Liv Vroone • Ellie Wilson

page 12

Kelsey Treich • Charlotte Thomas • Alix Todd Jordan Whiteside • Olivia Jones • Greg Pike Want to see your name in the list above? Want to have your writing or artwork on show to thousands of people? Get involved. Email


Black History Month October is Black History Month, and Bucks Students' Union employees, Rhona Noel, Daisy Howells and Sarah Jackson talk about what the Union is doing to celebrate and promote it!

page 24

For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell -

Film Review

Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at

Chloe Kimber has been to the movies again, this time to see Kingsman: The Golden Circle. See what she thought of it!

© 2017 Bucks Students’ Union

If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact Bucks Students' Union for more information.

World University Games 2017 Ellie Wilson talks about her time in Chinese Taipei where she represented Great Britain in Football in the World University Games 2017.

page 28

4 October Issue

A word from the Editor.

By Olivia Jones

Beans on toast has become a standard. You’ve started to hate at least one of your flat mates already. Freshers' flu has most defiantly kicked in (you might think if you’re not a fresher you’re immune, this is a lie). The mould in your new house has begun to show through the paint and the novelty inflatable in your kitchen is kind of losing its novelty. But with a few new great modules, the realisation that really you have very little responsibilities whilst at Uni, besides what fancy dress to wear on a Wednesday, a huge chunk of laughter now you’re back with your flat family, and things are looking pretty bright. Autumn term has begun at Bucks. There’s something that I really like about autumn, when it’s still sometimes sunny and you can feel the warmth on your back, but it’s cold enough to start wearing a winter coat and the occasional scarf. Sports training starts and you have to drag yourself out at 6.30pm to see your breath outside for a couple of hours a week and you get that thing when you come inside when your hands are cold but are burning from the warm blood pumping around.


But something feels a bit quiet about this autumn term at bucks- there’s much less of you fresher’s this year, (and a fair few less lectures- but that’s going to have to wait for a different article all together) and intake for societies seems to have dropped a bit. I can’t tell you how much I recommend you get involved with societies here at Bucks, no matter what year you’re in. It really is, in my opinion, what makes this Uni. It’s not just sports, there’s everything from Acapella to film, gaming to yoga. If you’re interested in anything, it’s not too late! Just go and ask at the Students' Union office. It would be such a shame to see any of our societies fall in numbers, and for people who are at Bucks to not get the experience of being in one. There’s quite a lot of interesting stuff going on this Autumn, and not just around Bucks, so don’t forget to spread your wings a little further than High Wycombe. London has got some great shows, museums and exhibitions on at the moment, and tons of them are free - it’s only a short train ride away. Keep an eye out on the ‘What’s On’ page on our website, loads of free activities get put up there too. Finally, we are also looking for Journalists for this paper. Whether you know what you want to write about, or you just want to be able to put on your CV that you’ve got some published work but don’t know what to say, please get in touch. Maybe there’s something about Uni that’s pissed you off. Let me know! Have a fab few weeks and try to eat something other than beans. Until next edition… Liv x



Where did Freshers Fortnight go!? It’s now October and the first few weeks of term rushed by like a whirlwind, so much has been going on and timing is flying. But I hope you’ve all enjoyed your time here so far and are settling in to the crazy life of a Bucks student.

The start of term has been as busy as ever! It has been a wonderful experience meeting all of our new students, along with welcoming back our returners. It’s a strange feeling still being in the University but not rushing off to lectures or the library!

Having met and spoken to so many freshers and returning students since the beginning of term, I love seeing new and familiar faces on campus and it really feels like the duties of my role have come into full swing.

The Learning Development Unit have held lectures for new students on how to study effectively and with the help of new Faculty Officers Tina Mutombo and Katherine Bower, we gave our views on the student experience and the different ways we like to study.

The message I want all students to fully understand, which I know has been pushed out extensively, but I’m going to reiterate it anyway, is; we are your Students’ Union and exist to make your life better and easier during your time here at Bucks. So if you don’t feel settled here, no matter how big or small your issue or problem, or if you just want to get more involved, or have some ideas you want to share, let us know, send us a email, pop in for a chat and we will bend over backwards to do whatever we can to help.

Our two Fresher’s Fairs were successful, with many of you signing up for clubs, societies, trips and training sessions! The Nursoc launch night has been a highlight for me, so wonderful to see so many engaged nurses supporting one another. Now for a busy year ahead, launching Peace of Mind – Mental Health Awareness campaign and planning some exciting new campaigns that were discussed at our first Union Council! If there are any topics you feel passionate about, get in touch and you could take the lead on your very own campaign!

The last few weeks have gone by so quickly, the same way your time at university is going to go. That’s why when I speak to Freshers and returning students, I tell them to take advantage of the many opportunities the Students' Union and the University have to offer, but at the same time remember your number priority is to your studies. Whether you are an athlete, a member of a society, or just enjoy the other things the Union offers, make sure you are not neglecting your studies now things start to get serious. But this doesn’t mean you cannot have fun. Work hard and play hard. You just need to find your balance. If you are struggling, we are here to help. You can message me on Facebook, or if you see me around Campus, stop me for a chat! I am looking forward to meeting you and if you do see me please say hi, or drop into the Students' Union offices - my door is always open.

Get in touch: Ben: Lauren: Jimi:

Bucks SU Pres Bucks Vpew Bucks Vpsi

@BucksSUPres @BucksSUVPEW @BucksSUVPSI

October Issue

By Ben Parmar, Lauren O'Shea & Jimi Adeyinka


Sabbatical Officers.

6 October Issue

Faculty Officer profiles.

Meet the

Faculty Officers This article draws attention to your newly recruited faculty officers for the 2017-18 academic year and inform you as to how their roles will help to improve your student experience whilst studying at Bucks New Uni.

By Mark Sweeney, Danny O'Keefe, Katherine Bower, Emilee Platts & Tina Mutombo

We’ve asked each of the faculty officers to introduce themselves and tell you as to why they got into representation with Bucks Students’ Union. There’s also a picture of each them so if you see them around

campus, you can stop them and say hello. If you have any questions for any of them or would like to find out more about representation and how they can assist you, then do not hesitate to get in touch!

Design, Media and Management:

Name: Danny O’Keefe

Name: Emilee Platts

Faculty Officer for: Arts and Creative Industries

Faculty Officer for: Management and Professional Studies

Course: Music Business

Course: Dance and Performance

Favourite Song: It's hard to pick one but, ‘Somebody to Love’ by Queen

Favourite Food: Roast dinner

Favourite Album: Again, such a hard choice but maybe ‘Catching a Tiger’ by Lissie

Fun fact: Loves Marmite on pasta!

Why did you choose Bucks and your course?

Why did you choose Bucks and your course?

I chose to study at Bucks because of the homely feel that I immediately got when visiting here and I love the sense of community that the Uni has. Knowing that I wanted to study Music Business also helped with choosing a uni as there aren’t many out there that offer the course. I chose my course because music is what I know and love, and I aim to have a successful career in the industry after leaving Bucks.

I liked the course the most about the university as there were so many styles of dance we get to try out and learn. Once I'd come to uni I realised we had a really, really good Students' Union as well!

What made you want to become a faculty officer? I have quite a lot of experience in student representation and after being a student rep for my course previously and seeing the impact that reps can have, I wanted to go further and help not only my course but many others with representing their courses. What would you like to help the Students' Union improve on during your time as a faculty officer? I would like to continue to promote the good work that the Union does for students at Bucks and make all students aware of what is available to them. I would also like to continue to improve the diversity of our Uni by ensuring that all students feel represented by the Union. What advice would you give to a student looking to take up a student rep opportunity? If I were to give advice to a student considering becoming a student rep it would be to take it seriously and gain all the experience that they possibly can from the role. It is one of those positions that the more you put in, the more you get out and you can really make a difference to the uni experience for yourself and those on your course.

What sort of things have you been involved with during your time at the University / Students' Union? I've been the Chair of the Yoga Society for the last year and will continue this role in my third year, as well as secretary of ballet society. I attended the NUS Conference as an NUS Delegate in April this year. I've just began my role as Student Trustee for the rest of this year. I enjoy volunteering, to help put something back into the community/University. This year I've been involved in many volunteering events like yoga teaching, henna and bake sales. I have been in a number of dance projects as part of my course. 'Traded' was an immersive theatre piece, where we collaborated with Performing Arts/Film and TV students to put on a performance to raise awareness about human trafficking. What would you like to help the University improve on during your time as a faculty officer? Student retention rates have dropped significantly since I've been here. I would like to help make the reps more involved in making changes to their course, which could prevent as many people dropping out from uni. What advice would you give to a student looking to take up a student rep opportunity? Being a rep is a great experience that gives you a chance to make a difference to your course and therefore the university experience of yourself and your course mates. With your experience, you could even be one step ahead of your course mates after graduating!


Faculty Officer profiles.

October Issue

Society and Health:

Name: Katherine Bower

Name: Tina Mutombo

Faculty Officer for: Pre-Qualifying Nursing and Vocational Healthcare

Faculty Officer for: Health and Social Science

Course: Children’s Nursing

Course: Psychology

Favourite Food: Thai Green Curry

Favourite Song: You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman by Aretha Franklin

Fun fact: Once ate raw chicken because she thought it was cooked. Although it tasted funny, she carried on eating because she was hungry! (She was very ill afterwards).

Favourite Album: The Evolution of Gospel by a compilation of soul singers

Why did you choose Bucks and your course? I chose Bucks because I wanted a smaller university environment to be studying in, and Bucks was the perfect size for me. I had also heard a lot of good things around Nursing at Bucks, so that’s what made me look into the course and the University in general a lot more. I wanted to study Children’s Nursing because I want to make a difference to ill children, as well as provide support and guidance through difficult times in a child and young person’s life. What sort of things have you been involved with during your time at the University / Students' Union? During my time whilst studying at Bucks, I have become involved with the University and Students’ Union a huge amount. With the help of the Students’ Union, I became a buddy to first year nursing students, became a student rep and then Faculty Officer, a Freshers' Helper and then Head Helper this year, and so much more. I am also a Student Ambassador for the University and this has allowed me to star in a Nursing promotion video, write an article for the Guardian as well as representing the University at countless events across the Country. What would you like to help the University improve on during your time as a faculty officer? As part of my role as Faculty Officer, I would like to help the University improve on providing nursing students whilst they are on placement with continued support from both academics and the Union. Link lecturers are such a valued and important role in a student nurse's life whilst on placement, and it's so important that there is regular contact with the student and academic. I have been working on this for the past year and feel like there is already improvement, so I would like to keep this up. What is the single biggest difference you have noticed during your time at Bucks? During my time studying at Bucks in the Uxbridge campus, I have seen that Uxbridge students are becoming more involved with the Students’ Union, and with events run by the Union at both the High Wycombe and Uxbridge campus. It is so great to see so many events run for Uxbridge students and on campus, as well as mixing with High Wycombe students on nights out in the Students’ Union.

Why did you choose Bucks and your course? I came to bucks because the Psychology department has strong facilities to pave the way for my academic journey. They have well qualified teachers and small classes’ which I believe is one of the best way to engage. Buck has a diverse community and therefore provides an opportunity for integration. The location was also convenient as it has close links to London. I chose Psychology because of my passion for reaching out to people. Additionally, the desire to improve one’s quality of life by holistically helping them perform in their optimum level despite overbearing social, environmental, financial and physical challenges. What would you like to help the University improve on during your time as a faculty officer? I’d like to work with some departments in the Faculty to provide more networks for students in order for them to access placement opportunities. Just like nursing students get their placements integrated, it would be great to see that other course teams within the faculty are helping students by providing placement opportunities that can be integrated into their studies. This will strengthen students’ skills sets and provide them with key experience in their chosen field. What is the single biggest difference you have noticed during your time at Bucks? The implementation of the university’s Dragons Den initiative. I believe that it helps to highlight talents within Bucks that students may have outside of their course programme. By providing this platform, the university are providing students with the opportunity to showcase their creativity and reach great heights. What advice would you give to a student looking to take up a student rep opportunity? You have nothing to lose! Cease every opportunity that is available to you and you will be taking great strides in your personal development whilst helping to make some really positive changes to your course. Your input is greatly appreciated and is also recognised through the various different initiatives available in the representation system. Finally, there is so much support in place, and you will learn skills that are transferable during your time at university and when you graduate.

ADVICE CENTRE Please call to make an appointment at either campus for a face-to-face, telephone or Skype appointment. High Wycombe Campus: Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4.30pm Located: Room N0.03, ground floor, North Block Phone: 01494 603 016

Uxbridge Campus: Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4.30pm Located: Room 1.03, first floor Phone: 01494 605 180







Evening appointments are available outside of standard opening hours at High Wycombe, Mon-Thurs: 5pm to 7pm. Please contact us to arrange an appointment at a time to suit you.

By Lucy Ryan

ELECTIONS NOW OPEN The summer of 2017 saw one of Great Britain's most dramatic elections to date. With many trials and tribulations, it was hard not to keep up to date with what was going on. Was this something that caught your attention? Did you want to help make a change? Why not get involved with our student elections happening on campus? Student Rep, Part-time Officer and Student Trustee elections are open from 10am Monday 16 October – noon Friday 20 October!

Student reps are vital in ensuring your voice is heard and that improvements are being made to guarantee you’re getting the most from your university experience. It is important to utilise your student rep, as they have the potential to instigate change. They are fully trained by the representation team at the Students’ Union on student queries and how best to tackle them. Support from the Students’ Union is also available throughout the year. You can talk to your student rep regarding any aspect of your course. Any issue, no matter how small it seems, can be taken to your academics or the Students’ Union to see if anything can be done to improve your time spent at Bucks. It is also important to inform them about any areas of good practice within your course, so your academics are aware of the things you are enjoying and what to continue for the coming years! It is essential that you vote for who you want to be your student rep so you feel the right person is representing you and your course’s views. See who is standing in the election from your year or group and have a read of the manifestos. To vote for your student rep for the academic year ahead, visit and log in with your Blackboard username and password to cast your vote. We have by-elections for our remaining ‘Part Time Officer’ posts; Mature Students’ Officer and Post-Graduate Students’ Officer. Part-time Officers represent students at Bucks that have their own unique challenges alongside those common across all of our student groups. Hearing directly from these student groups ensure that assumptions are not being made with regards to their student experience and that any issues they face are resolved. Part-time officers are responsible for contacting and representing these students through various platforms and events. Finally, we also have a by-election for our last available Student Trustee position. A Student Trustee sits on the Students’ Union Trustee Board and at least one subcommittee, all meeting at different points throughout the year. Working alongside the

It is essential that you vote for who you want to be your student rep so you feel the right person is representing you and your course’s views.

three Sabbatical Officers and four External Trustees, you’ll get the chance to be involved at the highest level within the Students’ Union whilst being responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Union and communication with key stakeholders. This is a fantastic opportunity to take up whilst you’re still completing your studies and it may even direct you into any of other student leadership positions available including our full-time Sabbatical Officer posts. As a Student Trustee, you’ll be fully trained and invited to all of the Unions major events, including our annual Union Awards dinner. If you would like any more information on the roles mentioned above, drop us an email at or come to see us either on the ground floor of North Wing in High Wycombe or on the First Floor in Uxbridge. To vote in any of the elections mentioned above, please head to If you are interested in becoming further involved in representation, you can also attend our monthly Union Council meetings. Here, students are informed about policies and changes within the Union and have the opportunity to vote on Universitywide issues. The next Union Council meeting is Thursday 9 November at 5pm at the High Wycombe campus. Finally, look out for our campaign ‘It Starts With You’ focusing on the importance of student feedback commencing Monday 13 November where there’ll also be a feature spread in the next edition of the student newspaper - Monday 6 November.

October Issue

Student Rep


Student Rep elections.

10 October Issue

Union Council.

By Ben Parmar

Union Council:


, whilst eating free Domino s pizza). (

The first Union Council of the academic year was held on Thursday 5 October, but what exactly is it? Union Council exists to inform students about policy making within the Union and

Following this, we shared our monthly sabbatical officer update to give a brief

works by allowing students to comment, discuss, debate or vote on University wide

overview of what we’ve been working on and what’s coming in the near future,

issues. Any student can attend Union Council and we want to encourage a high

including the #NeverOK campaign, Peace of Mind launch and the BucksGirlsCan

attendance so more students are clued up on what happens behind the scenes of the


6th best students’ union in the country.

One of the key issues discussed at this first Union Council was surrounding the

We saw a wide variety of topics and subjects being discussed as well as voting on

university’s current policy on referral work. The discussion focused around members

issues that will now shape some of the work to be undertaken by the Sabbatical team

sharing their negative experiences of referral work at Bucks, including one international

and Union staff.

student who had to fly back at short notice and book accommodation in order to

The evening started by electing a new Union Council chair. The Chairperson will be

complete a 60 minute exam which therefore placed a significant financial burden on that

responsible for working closely with the three sabbatical officers to plan and shape agendas for each meeting, promotion and organisation of Union council across the university and facilitate each meeting, providing everybody in attendance with the opportunity to share their point of view on the various different topics being discussed and finally appropriately disseminating everything discussed at Union Council,

student for what was a short period of contact. Council agreed that other alternatives should have been considered to best accommodate that particular student’s needs. Council also discussed the timeliness of releasing students results and outcomes to inform them if they would need to re-sit a module, retake a year, progress to the next year or could no longer continue as some students were not finding out until they were

including producing a report for each edition of The Bucks Student, keeping all

into the new academic year and already tied into things such as house contracts.

students up to date.

As a result, Union Council unanimously voted for the Students’ Union to challenge the

Three students put themselves forward for the role; Julie Botwood, Christina

university on its current policy and processes for referral work in order to highlight the

Demetriou and Shakir Razak, each of which had the opportunity to speak for 60

problems it is causing and the negative impact it can have on the student experience.

seconds on why they believed they were the strongest candidate and should be

For more information about Union Council and its purpose, come and chat to us in

elected into the role. After a vote, your newly elected Union Council Chair is Julie

the Students' Union offices or to get involved in some high-level discussions, come

Botwood so congratulations to Julie and well done to both Christina and Shakir for

and join us at the next Union Council on Thursday 9 November at 5pm in room S3.04.

putting themselves forward for the role.

Don’t forget there’s FREE pizza.

BUCKS CAFE CLUB The Bucks Cafe Club card is available from the Uxbridge and High Wycombe Students’ Union offices as well as Beats, Rusty’s and Pulse. Valid in Pulse, The Lounge, Beats and Rusty’s, this entitles you to a 5% discount on all hot and soft drinks, no additional charges when paying by card, and exclusive promotions throughout the year. Some of the monthly offers you can expect to see will include: Free syrup Fridays, 10% off food in The Lounge, free muffins, 2-for-1 jacket potato fillings, and half-price burger toppings to name a few! Check Facebook and cafe displays for current deals.



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BUCKS CAFE 7-18 1 0 2 B U L C The Bucks Cafe Club card is currently being sold with 15% discount - just £8.50! Just complete and hand in this voucher when you buy yours.

min fee.

THIS VOUCHER ENTITLES THE HOLDER TO PURCHASE A BUCKS CAFE CLUB CARD FOR £8.50 NAME: EMAIL: Available while stocks last. Usual price £10. Voucher valid until Friday 3 November.


12 October Issue

Black History Month.

By Rhona Noel, Daisy Howells & Sarah Jackson

This October Black History Month is back and we have been busy planning a variety of fun activities and training sessions for you to get involved with! We kicked off the month with the return of our Black History Month movie night. Here we gave you the chance to vote on the film you'd like us to show. Hidden Figures was the winning film and told the inspirational story of a female African-American mathematician team who fulfilled a vital role within NASA during the beginning of the US Space Program. The film was held in the lounge accompanied by popcorn and sweet treats. Like all our other events this was completely free, so what's not to love? The movie nights will be returning for Halloween, Christmas and Valentines specials so keep an eye and make sure you place your vote! While our recreational activities are there to help you socialise and try something new during your free time we want to make sure these fun activities are also complimenting your academic studies and supporting you in your chosen career path. On Tuesday 3rd

for more talks during the course of the year! The rest of the month will see a variety of BHM themed events taking place across both campuses; there will be Carnival Dance and Soca Aerobics workshops. These are friendly and welcoming sessions designed to celebrate the Caribbean Culture and teach you some of the traditional moves.

campus and what a fantastic night it was! Nursoc is a society that has been created by Bucks nursing students for Bucks nursing students. The evening saw first, second and third years enjoy a fun evening of games, refreshments and beverages as well the opportunity to discuss and vote on decisions and the way in which the society will be run this year. If you'd like to get involved with Nursoc then please contact us,

For those students who are interested in venturing

the society will be hosting a variety of events and meet

further afield, a night at Dreamgirls in London is the

ups throughout the year and it’s a great community to

perfect activity! Our theatre trips are always very

be a part of.

popular and tickets sell out fast, so to avoid disappoint

Bucks students have also enjoyed trips to Legally

make sure you contact the team and sign up to our

Blonde, the Natural History Museum, Scuba Diving, newsletter to receive the latest news and updates on all Public Speaking, Jewellery Making, Zumba and much, our events! We also have tickets to Soul of a Nation at much more. Don't forget all of our activities and the Tate Modern on Thursday 19th October, if you'd like training sessions are absolutely FREE courtesy of the some further information please get in touch. Big Deal so get online and start signing up now!

October Advanced Nurse Practitioner Elizabeth Noel

While we've loved celebrating BHM here at Bucks

Any questions? Feel free to message Rhona Noel, Student

visited the Uxbridge campus to give a talk on diabetes

we've also had loads of other events in store for you

Experience Assistant on

within ethnic minorities, this was a unique and

so far this term. The start of the month saw this years

or Daisy Howells, Activities Assistant on

educational session and we plan to have Elizabeth back

Nursoc Launch Night take place at the Uxbridge

HELP BUCKS MIND BREAK DOWN THE STIGMA AROUND MENTAL HEALTH Did you know that one in four of us will fight a mental health problem this year? Surprisingly common, isn’t it? Yet, too many people are still made to feel isolated, ashamed and worthless as a result. Being in your mate's corner could make all the difference. So, if your mate is acting differently, step in.

Our services find positive ways to make people feel valued. We support our service users to live safe, purposeful and fulfilled lives in their communities. We believe in their recovery and we are hopeful about their future.

We all have mental health and mental health problems are a part of life. It may be someone you know, they just don’t know how to tell you.

We support people in Buckinghamshire so they can be open about who they are, without worrying about discrimination, knowing they will be accepted.

Your attitude towards mental health can have a real impact. Join Bucks Mind in helping to break down the stigma and start a conversation about mental health.

We will not give up until everyone in the county with a mental health problem gets both the support and respect.

Mental health problems can affect the way you think, feel and behave. If you have problems with your mental health, you might feel unhappy, anxious, confused, angry, frightened, hopeless, isolated – even ashamed and worthless.

“I feel you have given me a new start,” said a Bucks Mind service user. “I now look at everything in a different way, a more positive and hopeful way. Thank you for giving me my life back.”

Having a friend in your corner can make all the difference. It could be the difference You can help support out vital work by volunteering or fundraising for Bucks Mind. between missing out on the things you care about to getting the support you need to If you would like to volunteer for Bucks Mind, there are a wide range of roles get better. available, details of which are available through the Students' Union website under You don’t have to be an expert. Here are three simple ways you can help: ‘volunteering opportunities’. Please contact the Students' Union at 1. Reach out – a conversation, text or call goes a long way or call 01494 601 600 for further details. Alternatively, 2. Listen, don’t judge please visit 3. Do something together You can also organise your own fundraising event or take part in a sponsored Like physical health, mental health problems have no prejudice and are experienced challenge event in aid of Bucks Mind. Visit our for by people of any age, race, religion or socioeconomic background. Some of the ideas, tips and advice or contact Kaya Mallinder, Fundraising and Communications most commonly diagnosed problems include: depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, Officer, on 07930 729 606 or email obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), phobias and eating disorders. Thank you for your support. Bucks Mind provides a range of services, including counselling, peer support in Mind is one of Bucks Students' Union's RAG charities this year - to find out how you schools and in the community, befriending, employment support and recoveryfocussed groups and activities. can help visit:

October Issue

By Kaya Mallinder


Bucks Mind.

14 October Issue

Money mules.

By Sarah Phipps

DON’T BEND THE RULES FOR THE MONEY MULES Most people familiar with the saying “If it’s too good to be true then it probably is” but it may not always be the first thought when faced with a tempting offer of what appears to be a quick and hassle free way of achieving fast financial gain... A Money Mule is someone often recruited unwittingly who transports illegally obtained money via their own bank account where the “wages” come in the form of a percentage of the money being left behind in the account used. For international students the “wages” can sometimes come in the form of a ticket back home at the end of term. The use of intermediaries makes it difficult to figure out the identity of the fraudster meaning that the Police are likely to turn up on the doorstep of the bank account holder who has hosted the transaction seeking an explanation! Newly recruited Money Mules can also be encouraged to recruit further Money Mules which just assists in making it more difficult for the authorities to track down the fraudsters. Even if the account holder was unaware they were acting as a Money Mule they are still liable to be prosecuted for money laundering as they will be deemed as having played a pivotal role in fraud. Ignorance will NOT be accepted as a defence and prosecution for this offence could result in up to 14 years in prison. As well as a prison sentence anyone convicted of this offence faces the prospect of never being able to secure a mortgage or open a bank account ever again so in reality being involved in this type of crime has

a much longer impact than the 14 year prison sentence… It can affect the rest of someone’s life. When it’s looked at like this the idea of an illegal quick fix cash injection descends into insignificance when weighed up against a potential of life of ruination and missed opportunities (Holding a criminal record presents many limitations in various areas including jobs, applying for financial products including insurance and obtaining visas to visit certain countries) There are countless ways you can be approached or encouraged to become a Money Mule but taking heed of the below advice will minimise your risk dramatically...

Jobs: Job adverts seeking “Transaction Specialists”, “Payment Processing Agents” or “Money Transfer Agents” are advertised in newspapers and on the internet detailing an apparent easy way of making quick cash for very little effort…

Remember: • You will never be offered a job you have not applied for. • Be sure to verify any company before applying for any jobs (A company with no landline should ring alarm bells) • No legitimate company will ever ask to use your bank account to transfer funds – They will have their own bank account for business use. • Be wary of job offers from companies based overseas and look out for poor English with grammatical and spelling mistakes – It will be very difficult for you to verify their legitimacy.

Direct Approach: It is not unusual to be approached and befriended by accomplices in social settings. They will present as educated, smart, and successful and appear to lead the “jet set” lifestyle and will be more than happy to share how you too can achieve their “success”...

Remember: • Looks can be deceiving; anyone can put on smart clothes and purport to be whoever they want to be. • Be wary of emerging friendships which appear to develop quickly especially if you are asked to “help out a friend” by allowing your bank account to be used. • If someone claims to “need” to use your bank account because they do not hold their own remember that most banks offer basic bank accounts making it highly unlikely that someone holds no bank account at all.

Social Media There has been a recent increase in fraudsters contacting people via social media including Facebook and via instant messaging apps such as BBM which encourage the recipients of the messages to contact the sender if they hold a bank account…

Remember: • Social media allows anyone to convey the image of an enviable life style. • Pictures of fast cars, wads of cash and luxury holidays can easily be downloaded from the internet onto profiles to create the image of a convincing lifestyle. • Be wary of friend requests from people you do not know. • Do not click on any links provided in e mails or messages as these could contain viruses. • Do not click on any pop-up windows as these can easily be engineered to appear enticing you to click – They can also contain malware (malicious software) which can infect your computer with a virus. Like many scams this particular one relies upon people’s desperation for a quick cash injection but by becoming more aware of how they operate we can all be united in the pursuit for prevention... as prevention really is better than cure.


Film Review.

October Issue


16 - 22 Oct

23 - 29 Oct

October Issue

Monday 16

Tuesday 24

Tuesday 17

Wednesday 18

YOUR monthly dose of all things Urban


Friday 20

BAMBOO Thursday 26


Thursday 19

LIVE ACT TBC Saturday 28

Saturday 21

Sunday 22



30 Oct - 05 Nov

Monday 23

Monday 30

6pm 'til late | Free entry for stUdents and gUests

Tuesday 31

Wednesday 25


FREE FOR BUCKS STUDENTS American th emed party

£5 for guests


Thursday 2

Wednesday 1

8pm ‘til late @ The Venue


E K O A FRAT Friday 3




Friday 27

BAMBOO Sunday 5

Saturday 4

Drinks Promotions Snakebite: £2 ‘til midnight Frat Punch: £2 Pint of soft drink: £1 VK: 2 for £5 or 5 for £10 Snakebite: £2 ‘til midnight Bombs: £2 Becks Blue: £2 VK: 2 for £5 or 5 for £10

Sunday 29


Pitchers: £9 Wine: £8 Rekorderlig: £3 Pint of Juice: £1 Red Stag and mixer: £2 Staropramen: £2 Can of Red Bull: £2 Bulmers: £3 Disaronno and mixer: £2 Bud Light: £2 Hooch: £3 Can of Rubicon: 80p

October Issue


October Issue



Rusty recommends.

October Issue

The venue is open seven days a week and sometimes it is difficult to decide which nights to go to - you may end up missing out on something amazing! Here are my recommendations for the next few weeks for those of you who like to experience something a bit different!

The voice of MTV Dance Music

Saturday 21 October

The new name in clubbing at Bucks has arrived, and we’re pulling out all the stops to make sure you can let loose at one of the biggest nights out this side of London. You all know the MTV name, and once a month they’re bringing the hottest touring DJs in the UK right to your doorstep, along with the highest production and some banging drinks deals to make sure you have a night you won’t forget! For those not in the know, Club MTV was born out of the biggest name in club music, MTV Dance, and it was made for one reason – to bring the party from your box, to your venue! Starting the academic year with a sought after Freshers’ Tour featuring the likes of Philip George, R3WIRE & Varski, Lethal Bizzle and the mighty Pendulum, it’s time to ride that wave and keep the huge names coming! We kicked off this year’s Club MTV during Freshers’ Fortnight, with ‘Wish You Were Mine’ star Philip George, and we’re not stopping there. For fans of our long-standing club night

Unisex, we’re not going to let our fellow clubbers down, and will bring best names in everything from D&B to House, Techno to Dubstep, and will be open until the early hours, ensuring you squeeze every drop out of the weekend. For those who love their clubbing loud, Club MTV is a full production night, meaning that we go all out with the best sound and lighting system this side of the capital, with huge stacks, strobes, lasers and a host of MTV décor, meaning that your experience is amplified to the absolute max. If you want a hint of things to come, just check out the YouTube coverage of the ‘Club MTV Swansea Aftermovie’! The team at Club MTV are also bringing along with them their brand new energy drink called ‘MTV Up!’ which we’ll be selling on the bar as part of the one-night-only drinks deal, helping you keep up the moves until the early hours! The next Club MTV is nearly here already and we’ll be announcing the huge headliner on our website, under the ‘What’s On’ section, and across social media very soon, so keep ‘em peeled! Remember, Club MTV is a totally public event, meaning you can invite all your pals from home down to share the experience with. Tickets will be on sale by the time this goes to print, and it’s always cheaper in advance, so tell your mates get them before they all go! From the 24-hour party people, to those who don’t even know what the initials D or B stand for, we want to hear from you and help you have the best clubbing experience you can possibly get, without forking out a decent slice of that student loan just for travel and entry. Follow Club MTV and subscribe to the Students’ Union’s Events page on Facebook for more info!

20 October Issue

An interview with: Mike Watson.


By Lauren Woodland

Mancunian rising star, Mike Watson is now London based but spent his formative years in both the States and Thailand. With his previous band, Mike toured across Europe and Asia, and even achieved a #1 single in Japan. Since walking away from the project, Mike has collaborated with the teams behind Kaiser Chiefs and Little Mix to create a sound that really is distinctively his own. The new material has been road-tested on support tours for Maroon 5 and Magic! across Europe.

Can you tell us a bit about your new single Lying for love?

After launching a YouTube channel to re-engage with fans from his former band, Mike soon found himself winning over a number of new fans with his compelling covers, including Anne-Marie and Martin Solveig, who have both tweeted their love and support.

You have released a music video for the single, can you tell us about it?

I wrote the song with producer Toby Scott in Brighton, we have been working together over the last year and knew straight away that we had found something pretty special in this song. We wrote the melody, then the lyrics and once I was in the booth I literally sang it in ten minutes. I’ve been sitting on it for quite a while now so it’s good to finally have it out there!

We shot it in Manchester, my hometown, during the three wettest, coldest days of the year. We actually had to cancel the first day and then spend two more days on it because We sat down with Mike on the first day of his Coffee House it was basically horizontal rain but I’m happy with the way it turned out. tour, here’s what he had to say!

Do you tend to take a different approach when covering other people’s songs than your own?

Whenever I cover a song, I like to change things up and differentiate it from the original to suit my style with an acoustic guitar. I feel that anyone can google the chords and lyrics, and just copy it chord to chord, key to key. I like to bring something different to the song. I don’t need to do this when I write for myself as what I write is authentically already me. I’ve noticed that your covers on YouTube are all under a minute long. Why do you choose not to cover an entire song? I like to keep them short and snappy because like a lot of other people, I find that when I’m listening to music, I flip through a lot of different people very quickly. Within a minute I can work out if I like something or not, and if I like that minute I’ll check out the next song. I think it leaves people wanting more for the week after. How do you choose what songs to cover? Originally I just chose my favourite songs, old or new. But now it’s based on Spotify’s New Music Friday playlist. I wake up early on the Friday morning, go through the list and choose one that I like. I learn the song on the way to where it’s being recorded and then I release it by 2/3pm. It’s exciting because I go to sleep knowing that in 12 hours’ time there will be a cover out and I have no idea what it’s going to be. If you were given the chance to collaborate with anyone, who would it be? My choice would probably change every week, but right now, Adele. She is incredible and would be an absolute laugh. Need further clarification? I think her Carpool Karaoke proved that is no end to that girl’s talent. If Glastonbury Festival were to go ahead next year and you had to choose three headliners, who would be playing? Coldplay, Oasis and One Republic. I might be the only one there but it would be a great festival. Be sure to check out Mike’s Social Media to be the first to hear about live shows and the forthcoming EP!

An interview with: Declan McKenna.



October Issue

By Reece Rimmington

Ahead of Declan McKenna’s gig at Bucks SU, we caught up with him to find out all about his career, life at the moment and his views on student life. Here’s what he had to say: Hi, Declan, how are you, how are you finding High Wycombe so far? Good! I was away for a bit taking some time off and started working on new music and trying to make everything as big and grand as it can be really. Obviously, this is the first show, so we’re still sort of getting into the ins and outs of it, but yeah, it’s all been fairly smooth so far.

You’re a local lad, from Hertfordshire, so part of your success came from our local BBC Introducing Three Counties Radio, how was it for you to then perform at the 10th-anniversary show for BBC Introducing at the O2 Brixton Academy? It was great actually, it was a really nice atmosphere. It was just cool to see so many bands, y’know, you can often forget who’s come through that roster. I think everyone had kinda come from very different backgrounds but also come from a very small place and it kinda reminds you that all these massive bands that you’re playing alongside have all come from somewhere fairly humble and fairly small. Your debut album was released in July, was the reaction what you expected? I don’t know what I expected really, I think it’s definitely taken on a life of its own and a lot of people have reacted really well to it. It’s pushed things in a way that, just everything I’m doing, I’ve noticed a lot more stuff happening in the whole music world that I’m in at the minute. I don’t think I really would’ve expected all the cool things to happen that have happened since. Would you say that it’s opened your

eyes as for what’s to come with album number two in terms of the expectation and level you can reach?

Yeah, maybe, I think my next album is going to be very different from the first one, I think I’ll definitely change a lot of the songwriting. I think that it was quite an eclectic first album, there are all these things that I like in music that have come into it so I think my next record is going to be different and I’ve definitely learnt a whole lot about the process and recording. I think I’m quite happy having released it but I can kinda move on and do something new and interesting now for a change. This is the first night of your last UK tour this year, what’s your weirdest experience so far whilst on tour? Probably, Will nearly getting us kicked out of a hotel in Belgium *In walks Will* Declan: You nearly got us kicked out of a hotel in Belgium once, right? Will: No, oh, erm, not really. There was one guy working on reception and we brought our own booze into the hotel bar so he was cranky. There was also some really hot blonde girl at the bar who I started talking to and she liked me, we were getting on, it was fine. I think he was just slightly jealous that I’d stolen the conversation because he was having a bartender back and forth with her at this point. Declan: So yeah, Will nearly got us kicked out of the hotel but it was fine, I was pretty much asleep at this point. You’re performing in a university tonight; have you ever contemplated university? Yeah, I definitely did. I think if things had worked out differently then I could very well be in uni right now. If you were, what do you think you’d study? I don’t know, it’s hard to tell what the last two years would’ve done for me in school and what I would’ve learnt about myself and what I wanna do. I could see myself doing some sort of writing. I think, as a songwriter, writing is quite a big thing for me and it always has been whether it was art or whether it was in English or history or something like that so it would be something along those lines. Here at Bucks SU, we have our own set of cocktails, if there was one made after you what would its name be and what would it have in it? It would probably have tequila in it because I’m quite a tequila person…when I can afford it. It’d be called ‘The Mcquila’ and it would have tequila and rum and then it would have crushed ice, mint and some mango juice. Then you pour some brandy over the top and set fire to it. That’s the Mcquila. What can we expect from you in the future? Loud guitars, tattoos, anything else is a bonus. I think just a kind of psychedelic rock opera is the kinda feel, something like that. That’s Declan McKenna 2.0.

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Student Ambassadors.

October Issue

BECOME A STUDENT AMBASSADOR Everyone knows it’s good to earn extra cash when you are at uni – but what if you could find something that fitted around your studies and enhanced your CV at the same time? If that sounds good, then the Bucks New University’s Student Ambassador Scheme could be for you. Student Ambassadors (SAs) are current Bucks students who are trained by, and work for, Marketing and Student Recruitment and take part in a number of different roles. This might be support for open days, interview days and applicant visit days, campus tours, representing the University at UCAS fairs and school fairs, being a mentor for school students, or even office work. Jenny Bull, Events Co-ordinator, said: “This is such a great opportunity for students to learn new skills, meet new people and enhance their CV, as well as earning a bit of money on the side. “You can do as many shifts as you’d like, and may even get the opportunity to travel in the UK for events. SAs are crucial to the running of our events, especially the open days.” Recruitment runs all year round for the SA team. If you’re interested in becoming a Student Ambassador visit or email What the SAs say… Dance and performance student Emilee Platts, 20, has been an SA for two years. She said: “It's definitely worth being an SA as the role is so flexible, you can do as little or as many shifts as your like. There's no weekly commitments so you can put your uni work first. I’ve learnt so much. I've learnt how to approach people, as before I would have been quite shy. It's helped me to become more confident in the way I speak.” Police Studies and criminological psychology student Phil Flynn, 21, said: “Being an SA is not only an opportunity to give back to the University, but also a chance to get your name out there. I like to be very sociable, and enjoy meeting new people, and being an SA gave me that advantage. Not to mention it looks brilliant on your CV, while still earning a good part time income while studying.” Nim Ghataaura, 22, studying Graphic Arts, said: “I would definitely advise that students go for it – become a Student Ambassador! It’s great flexible paid work to represent your course and the University and there is great support from the marketing team and student recruitment. This has helped my people skills, I feel I have become more approachable and confident, and I understand what it means to work well in a team.”

24 October Issue

Film review.

By Chloe Kimber

[contains spoilers] After their headquarters are destroyed in a disastrous turn of events, the Kingsman agents are forced to travel to the US and team up with their American counterpart,

film ordering people about and had next to no depth to her character. However, it must be said that both Taron Egerton (Eggsy) and Mark Strong (Merlin),

Statesman. Together, the spy organisations

were just as good as they were in the first

must defeat a new ruthless enemy

film, bouncing off each other in their usual

threatening the world, in true epic

comedic style, but also bringing down the

Kingsman fashion.

tone in emotional moments. In fact, one of

After the success of the first film,

the best moments of the film comes from

Kingsman: Secret Service, it is no wonder

Strong, dramatically singing ‘country

we were graced with a sequel. With

road’, something I didn’t realise I needed

Secret Service taking the box office by

to witness until it happened. In fact, one

storm in its opening weekend, there was

thing that never fails about the film is the

a lot of pressure on returning director

soundtrack, it complimented the action in a

Mathew Vaughn (X-men: First Class,

truly unique way.

Kick Ass) to create something as epic

The Golden Circle also stepped up its violence

and spectacular as the first film. Now,

quite a degree. It can’t be denied that the

whilst The Golden Circle was epic in every sense of the word, it didn’t

major fight scenes were spectacular and while none of them quite matched the notorious

quite live up to its predecesor.

church scene of the first film, they were awesome

Anyone who knows me or has

nonetheless. However, it did sometimes feel as

read one of my reviews before,

though violence was used to carry the film,

knows I am all for diversity and

rather than sculpting a compelling storyline.

representation in films. So, when

There were scenes which weren’t needed or

the only female agent of Kingsman is killed off

added purely for a shock factor, which really

in the first 10 minutes, it was pretty gutting.

weren’t necessary.

Although, I get it was meant for shock factor,

Now, don’t get me wrong, it is an enjoyable

I couldn’t help wondering if it was necessary,

film but it is also just off the scale

especially when taking into consideration the

ridiculous, especially when Elton John

extreme lengths the film went through to bring

makes an appearance. I think the main

back Colin Firth’s character, Harry. Even the

problem is that it tried too hard to best the

villain Poppy (Julianne Moore, Still Alice) was

first film in violence, so much so that the basics

underwhelming, despite the fact she was meant

were forgotten. However, if you want to laugh and

to be a psychopath, we barely see her lift a finger

love a good action sequence then The Golden Circle

or so much touch a weapon. She spends the whole

is definitely right up your street.

After seven years of arduous development, and four years since being first revealed; Cuphead has finally become a reality! These elements combine to create an authentic experience the game into a flying shoot 'em up, similar to Gradius. You also get to see your progress once you die. A bar of interacting with a Walt Disney cartoon from the 30s. will show you how far you got in the boss and the The most striking characteristic is its unique art style. As previously mentioned, Cuphead is a side scrolling number of phases. You will also be taunted by the bosses Inspired by 1930s animation, there isn’t a game quite shooter. You are presented with a world map much like themselves. Each phase has its own unique taunt, giving like Cuphead. The imaginativly hand-drawn characters that of Super Mario World. You can walk around and the characters more depth. Despite the difficulty, beating are animated fluidly, wobbling and bouncing much like choose which challenge you wish to take on. There are the bosses feels amazingly rewarding. There are very few cartoons of old. The whole game features a heavy filter two common types of levels you will encounter, one of titles out there that will cause you to shout out loud in over it. The use of film grain and chromatic aberration which is the “run and gun” levels. The goal is to get to the triumph and fill you with pure satisfaction. conveys the feeling of watching an aged film reel. There is end of the level and they play like a typical platformer. even a slight bit of audio hiss, and the occasional popping You navigate through obstacle courses, killing enemies Aside from the “run and gun” levels feeling unnecessary, to add to the great sound design and aesthetic. the only other issue I have is the length of the and collecting coins all along the way. Initially, these playthrough. This has caused some controversy as critics levels weren’t part of the first draft of the game and were At the start of a level, a carnival barker will cry out about have felt that £15 for a game of this length is unacceptable. how “this match will get red hot!”, along with other words added later in development. The levels are rather basic and feel tacked on, adding little to the overall experience. I believe, due to the demanding difficulty, your mileage of encouragement. Much like the visuals, the music is may vary. I have heard that if you’re particularly skilled, very appropriate for the era. Genres such as Jazz, Samba, The core of Cuphead is its bosses. While the game you could potentially beat it in four hours, and there are Classical and Barbershop music are properly represented. was in development, it was supposed to be a boss rush already speed runs of Cuphead being beaten in less than game. However, many people complained about the forty minutes. I for one feel relatively satisfied with my lack of platforming and caused the developers to add the experience, but I can see how some may have an issue “run and gun” sections. Regardless, the boss fights are with their play time. incredibly hard, requiring strict pattern recognition and In conclusion, would I recommend this game? I will precise timing. In addition to the basic shoot mechanic, admit that Cuphead isn’t for everyone. The difficulty may you have a parry. To parry you simply jump towards discourage those who were drawn in by the spectacular anything that is pink, and press the jump button again. presentation. There is a simple mode which makes the Doing so will help you gain more super meter. Once your game slightly easier by removing attacks and stages in super meter is filled, you can unleash a devastating attack, the fight. The big drawback, however, is you will not be reminiscent of super moves found in fighting games. able to enter the final area preventing you from finishing Learning the movements and different attack patterns, as the game. If the difficulty does not bother you and you’re well as parrying perfectly, are the keys to success. looking for a harsh but fair challenge, look no further than Cuphead. It’s incredibly charming and is a wonderfully It can be a little frustrating dying repeatedly to the same rewarding experience. boss. For example, I was stuck on a boss who turned Cuphead is a side scrolling shooter, in the same vein as titles like Mega Man and Contra.

October Issue

By Hesham Saghir


Game review.

26 October Issue

Ballet Society.

By Emilee Platts


BNU Ballet Society is a chance for anybody interested in learning ballet (regardless of their experience/ability), to come together and enjoy classes, workshops and theatre trips. Our technique classes every other Sunday (from 11am-noon) include all aspects of ballet: warm up, centre work, corner work and a short routine. The class is perfect for all abilities, and there’s something in it for everyone! If you’re looking to improve your technique in ballet, work on your performance, or meet new people, ballet society is for you! On Wednesdays noon-1pm, we have our competition team rehearsals, where we compete with BNU Dance Club at various competitions throughout the year. For the second year running, our routine will be choreographed by Annabelle Mitchell, who helped our team win one 2nd and three 1st places last year! The audition for the competition team will be on Wednesday 11th October in E1.01 dance studio.

Grace Currie - Chair Second year dance and fitness

Rachel Gardner - Captain Third year dance and performance

Emilee Platts - Secretary Third year dance and performance

Emily Mays - Treasurer Third year dance and performance

During the year, Ballet Society will have socials and trips that are free to students here at Bucks. We are aiming to have at least two socials per term, with our first being a joint social with Yoga Society on Wednesday 11 October! At Christmas, we’d like to hold a themed social by going out for Christmas dinner or filling shoeboxes for homeless people. Our free trips have limited spaces so to be invited to the trampoline park or to go out to the theatre with us, you need to be an active member of the society who is either on the competition team or attends regular technique classes. Please visit and click on Ballet for more details, We're also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Search BNU Ballet Society!


Following the High Wycombe and Uxbridge Freshers' Fairs, we are excited to announce that we have successfully gained a total of 160 sign-ups! We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who passed by our stall, and signed up to BNU Dance, you have added to our ever-growing club, and we are very excited to see what the future holds.

At BNU Dance, we really focus on including all members and giving equal opportunities for everyone to get involved. This year, we have several occasions where ALL our dancers get a chance to perform.

We also performed on the concourse at the High Wycombe Freshers Fair, the routine went down a storm and we got a great reaction from everybody that stopped by and supported us!

We are thrilled to be performing for the second time round at the High Wycombe Christmas Lights TurnOn, as we did last year, on the 16th November. In addition, we will be performing at two elderly homes, the Ryeview Manor, and Cumnor House. Festive visits at the Ryeview Manor are a club classic which everyone loves, and we are looking forward to our first time visiting Cumnor House in Oxford.

Our master classes have begun and our first one of the year was with the amazing Yaw Darko, an industry professional and Studio 68 choreographer, and he taught a Locking masterclass. We have also had Denise Sumbler, Bucks alumni, teaching a Commercial master class, which was a great way for our freshers to meet our successful alumni. Charnai Harkness kicked off our fitness classes, and we got a fabulous reaction from everyone that took part.

We are doing our first collaboration with Lauren O’Shea, our VPEW and former member of BNU Dance, as she is planning a project called ‘It’s All In The Balance’. It’s All In The Balance is part of the Peace of Mind campaign, and this is BNU Dance’s

first collaboration this year with a Students' Union campaign. It’s All In The Balance project is all about gaining an equal balance of sleep, work, social life, etc whilst at university, and it was launched at the World Mental Health Day event on the Tuesday 10 October. Keep an eye out for updates surrounding this project! BNU Dance are very excited for what is to come over the next year, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds. Always look out for us on social media, our links are: Facebook – BNU Dance Club Instagram – bnudanceclub Snapchat – BucksDance Twitter – bnudanceclub YouTube – BNU Dance Club

October Issue

By Liv Vroone


Dance Club.

28 October Issue

World University Games.

By Ellie Wilson

EXPERIENCE AT THE WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES, TAIPEI 2017 In May this year I was offered the chance to trial to take part in the World University Games 2017 as part of the Great Britain women’s football team. This was to be held in Chinese Taipei at the end of July. make it to the finals which was gutting for everyone. Once I learned more about the scale and size of the

The standard of football was very high and both group

event, with it being the second largest multisport event

games were a real battle for the whole 90 minutes. The

after the Olympics, it was defiantly something I wanted

loss against Russia was difficult to take as we felt it was

to be involved in, so I put myself forward for the trials

our best performance as a team in any game/friendly

which took place in June.

since the squad was formed, but for us, the next stage

After a successful trial, I secured my place in the GBR team which was an incredible feeling. The preparations

was play-offs so we had to focus on finishing as high in the World Uni rankings as possible.

started straight away. We had to train and physically

We went on to beat Argentina 6-1, Columbia 7-1, and

prepare to be able to play in 35-degree heat at 80-90%

ended our tournament on a high beating Ireland 2-0.

humidity! Something I have never done before.

It was unfortunate we were unable to get the results

The initial preparations took place at Lilleshall national training centre. A few days later we flew out to Hong Kong for a holding camp where we trained to

we needed in the earlier stages of the competition. However, there was still a lot to take away from the experience, individually and as a team.

acclimatise to the heat and conditions so that by the

We had a very busy schedule for training, and recovery

time the games came, we were ready to go. After flying

due to the tight 1-day turn around between matches.

to Taipei and settling into the athletes’ village, our first

This left little time to experience much of Taipei until

fixture (15th July) was against South Africa, at 11 am local the games were over. Again, getting the chance to time. Having gone 1-0 up, the game finished 1-3. Not

explore a bit of the country and some of the culture

the result we wanted to start with, however, we had to

added to the whole experience aside from the football,

refocus and look towards the next game.

as it’s a part of the world I have never been to before.

The next day was the opening ceremony, and that was

Just before flying home we had the closing ceremony

one of the most amazing things I’ve experienced to

to round the games off. Some athletes had flown

date. Marching out in front of 12,000 people as one of

home by this point but it was still felt just as big as the

170 GBR staff and athletes was unbelievable. Looking

opening ceremony. We paraded around the stadium

at the bigger picture and the whole experience, it was

with the Great Britain flag for the final time, alongside all

great to spend time amongst athletes from a variety of

the other nations to huge cheers from the crowd. It’s

sporting disciplines, and be part of a much larger team.

difficult to put into words how that felt. It was incredible.

Being able to watch and support other GBR athletes

Another very proud moment to conclude a tough but

was a real eye-opener. Attending the official opening

insightful 3weeks. The crowd and local people were

of the game also gave everyone a massive boost going

fantastic, everyone was friendly, and very enthusiastic

into our second match as it highlighted the scale of

about the games which created a great environment

event and the opportunity that was in front of us. When

throughout the whole tournament.

do you get an opportunity to compete for a gold medal for your country?!

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to play football on the international stage and represent Great

Despite this boost, we lost our final group game 2-1

Britain. Taipei 2017, as a whole, it’s something I will

to a very strong Russian side, which meant we didn’t

never forget and I’m proud to have been a part of it.

When do you get an opportunity to compete for a gold medal for your country?!

EVER DREAMT ABOUT RUNNING YOUR OWN RADIO SHOW? Have you got the gift of the gab? Do you know what you’re talking about when it comes to music? Do you want to share your enthusiam or passion for something with others? From presenters to producers, and technicians to marketing and sponsorship, we want you to get involved and be a part of the team behind Bucks Students’ Union’s very own, live radio station. We stream Rusty’s Radio around campus and online for everyone to tune into 24-hours a day. From hip-hop to jazz, hard rock to disco, talk radio, sport and more, student radio has something for everyone so get involved!

Find Rusty’s Radio on:

For more information, email or visit

30 October Issue

Women's Rugby.

By Kelsey Treich

WE ARE WOMEN’S RUGBY Last week, we started off our first training session of the year right out of the gates with the announcement of our first game of the season against Teddington Women's team on Sunday 15 October. This has not only created history for London Irish Rugby Club, but excitement for the season ahead.

Only a year ago, we officially announced that London Irish had offered to train Bucks Women’s Rugby at their training grounds in Hazelwood. Little did we know this would mark a year filled with achievements and developing as a squad for the first time. We did not only played our first game in December, but we also participated in last year’s Varsity for the first time in Bucks history as a women’s rugby team. This led us to discover that we would be representing London Irish rugby club in the league for the next season, allowing us to compete against other women’s teams on a competitive and regular basis – meaning this season will be not just physically demanding, but full of opportunities to play and set a statement in the league. This year we are looking at a very busy season with 12 games against some very good rugby teams, with the most important match being varsity which we hope to win against Roehampton this year; where we narrowly lost 36-22 last year. Despite our team only being together for a short period of time, we have achieved many things in the

past year such as competing in varsity; playing for London Irish and getting into the league. But, we want others to come and join us, become a part of history and most importantly try something new. If you are interested in being part of Bucks Women’s Rugby and becoming a part of a society that not only does a competitive sport every week, but also hosts great socials which can vary from dressing up as aliens to AU Dinner which is the biggest event of the Bucks calendar this also enables you to make friends for life. We also do a number of fundraising events and participate in a variety of different activities. But, the biggest one for us is Touch Rugby For RAG which is a great way for raising money whilst doing sports and keeping fit for the season.

Feel free to come along to one of our training sessions which are every Thursday; meet at the Gateway at 5.30pm to get the mini-bus to Hazelwood and join the team. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact any of the committee team on Facebook via the Bucks Woman’s Rugby Facebook Page or Instagram. Chair/Captain- Georgia Read Secretary- Alanah Walters Treasurer- Kelsey Treich Why not give it a go? Because Bucks Girls Can.


The beginning of the 2017/18 season saw the Bucks sports teams travel to Bedfordshire for the inaugural Beds vs. Bucks pre-season friendly. The students travelled in convoy in coaches, minibuses and cars to the campus in Bedford. For many of the students this was their first taste of a University-level match, something that they will see a lot more of over the coming months. The day (spread across two venues) saw 11 fixtures played with the following results: Match Score Result Men’s Badminton 0-8 WIN Women’s Badminton 1-7 WIN

Men’s Football 1st



Men’s Football 2nd



Women’s Football 0-0 DNF Men’s Hockey 11-1 LOSS Women’s Hockey 3-1 LOSS Netball 1st 38-0 LOSS Netball 2nd 34-4 LOSS Men’s Volleyball 3-1 LOSS Women’s Volleyball 0-3 WIN Despite a stressful travel experience with those in the coach attempting to raid a whole different campus, drivers breaking down and a few kick-off time dilemmas, the event was overall a great experience for staff and students. There are some clear highlights amongst the results to spread fear toward our Varsity rivals Roehampton, whilst those who didn’t get the result they were after had a great opportunity to test the waters, change formations and ultimately prepare for the intense season ahead. Jordan Whiteside, Men’s Hockey Captain, gave the following match report: A friendly against Bedfordshire was enough to test the new Bucks side and, with a national player in the Bedfordshire squad, it provided a challenge for our first outing. Bucks came to the game with high spirits though, gearing up for a victory with the new side. Whilst the score may not reflect the game, some incredible hockey was played. It was an intense midfield battle raging for the full 70 minutes. Breakthroughs were had by both sides time and time again, with Bedfordshire capitalising on numerous occasions, scoring mostly in open play and winning only a handful of short corners - only scoring from one. The same cannot be said for Bucks, however. Bucks broke through the Bedfordshire defence on a number of occasions, though they were only able to capitalize once during a short corner via a devastating drag flick to the top left corner by Connor Taylor-Brown. Man of the match went to the Bucks side Goalkeeper, Callum Skinner, for his tremendous performance after nearly a season out of goal. With the keeper on form, Bucks marched onward giving the Bedfordshire side a good show. As the match ended, Bucks were disheartened by a startling defeat which was met surprisingly by a host of compliments about the Bucks side from the Bedfordshire team.

All in all the event was a great warm up for the coming season. The next few weeks see a number of League fixtures, plus the first two rounds of the Cup. Hopefully the Bucks teams can learn from any early mistakes made a head towards a successful season.

October Issue

By Charlotte Thomas, Alix Todd & Jordan Whiteside


Sports update.

WHAT’S YOUR PASSION? The Bucks Student newspaper is looking for current students to write articles - if you’re passionate about a subject, we’d love to hear from you. Can’t think of what to write? No problem! Join us at a Newsgroup meeting and we’ll give you a topic to write about. Our next meetings are in the Study Lounge (near Beats, opposite the Dance Studio) on Monday 16 October and Monday 6 November. Not only will you get your views and opinions out there, but being able to say your work has been published will look fantastic on your CV. For more information email the student editor, Liv, on

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