The Bucks Student - Edition 73

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March 2018 - Edition 73







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March Issue

This Edition: page 5

The votes have been counted and the results are in. Meet your newly elected Sabbatical team for the academic year 2018/19! Pages 6-7.

Sabbs' Update Your Sabbatical Officers recap the last few weeks and go through some of their plans for the year ahead.

Contributors Jimi Adeyinka • Lauren O'Shea • Ben Parmar • Mark Sweeney Georgia Nosal • Charlie Cotton • Dean Valler • Louise Harvey Kelly Young • Stan Jones • Geoff Pegg • Vicky Egan James Taylor • Jessica Baldock • Adam Potter Rhys Wakeford • Tom Mepham • Liv Vroone • Connie Onions Robert McQuillan • Hufriya Mehta • Georgia Read

page 8

Academic Restructure Bucks New Uni staff, Dean Valler and Louise Harvey explain what these changes are and how they might affect you!

Julie Botwood • Mari Krupa Olivia Jones • Sian Lipscomb • Greg Pike

Want to see your name in the list above? Want to have your writing or artwork on show to thousands of people? Get involved. Email


page 14

Festiball 2018 Events and Venue Assistant; James Taylor, shares what's in store for the biggest party of year at Bucks - Festiball!

page 21

For all advertising and media enquiries please contact the Students’ Union Communications and Marketing department. Simon McDowell - Articles in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of Bucks Students’ Union but are that of the specific author. View this edition online at

Hot Stuff Jessica Baldock brings us another quick, easy, and most importantly of all, tasty recipe to see us through the second term.

© 2018 Bucks Students’ Union

If required, this document can be made available in different formats. Please contact Bucks Students' Union for more information.

page 23

Film Review: Black Panther Regular film reviewer, James Potter discusses the latest chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

4 March Issue

A word from the Editor.

By Olivia Jones

So winter is finally ending! Which means one thing…. many dissertations are due. It’s been a busy couple of weeks for everyone, with the run up to varsity, big deadlines and election week all meaning that each week is flying by quicker than ever. As always, I think at Uni it can become really easy to get caught up in the rush of everything, and we forget to really enjoy ourselves and make sure we spend our weekends and free time doing things we love. So, make sure you sign up to the free activities on, and make the most of the nights that the union put on. It’s actually so needed sometimes to have a drink and a dance with your friends on a Friday night and forget about

- Exploring a little further

- Sports training

I recently went to a village called Chinnor, just outside

It can be SO easy to feel as though you just don’t

of Wycombe and found a beautiful place for a walk,

have the time in the evening to go to training if you

it’ll be even more perfect for a picnic when it gets

play a sport, and when you’ve got loads of work on it

a bit warmer, but it’s so nice to get out and explore

sometimes feels like you could use your evening more

somewhere you haven’t been before.

wisely. But make the time. You’ll thank yourself for it and

- Movie night A bunch of my friends and I decided to have a big movie

it makes you feel good - endorphins and all that. - Supporting friends

night and we made some great food and got all of the

Watch their sporting fixture, help them with that project

good snacks and wine and we all said that we’d been too

or watch them in that show. I love doing this, it’s always

tired to actually do anything like this recently - but we

really fun and it’s great when they return the favour too.

deadlines for a few hours.

100% will be making the effort more.

As well as this, it can be easy to prioritise the work you

- London

have to do over things you really enjoy, and course

We are so close to London and there are so many

to make them happen. It really helps getting through

good exhibitions and fun things to do in central, so if

deadline season, and then you’ve got something to look

you haven’t made the most of it yet, do it! The last train

forward to. Don’t worry if your friends can’t come with

this is important, but a balance is always needed. Life is always busy, but you have to find the time; get up earlier, go to bed later, work quicker, there will be a way! So have a think about things that you’ve enjoyed recently, and do more! Here’s a list of a few things I’ve been enjoying this month:

- Planning fun things for summer Make some good plans for summer, and then work hard

leaves Marylebone at around midnight so you can really you - there are loads of ways to meet people online to make the most of the day there. - Black Mirror Have you watched the new series? Watch it.

travel with. I went out to Australia on my own and made loads of friends, I was never alone, and I am SO glad I made the most of summer of 1st and 2nd year - you’ll never get that much time off again! Okay, back to deadline work for me for the rest of the day - but I’ll remember to take some time out to have a laugh later on, especially for Varsity! Liv x

AN UPDATE FROM YOUR SABBS JIMI ADEYINKA LAUREN O'SHEA BEN PARMAR VICE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT STUDENT INVOLVEMENT EDUCATION & WELFARE I hope you have been enjoying the second term, it’s been a short but busy term has wee look forward to end of the academic year, as things start to calm down. After election week, there are some exciting things to look forward like varsity, TOUR, award season and not to mention FestiBall. Three nights of partying in the su with the dome for Silent Disco. But best of all is VARSITY! A day filled with a filled a shared pride for the university. Our sports teams compete against Roehampton in the battle for the Roebuck trophy, which we are campaigning to bring back home this year for the second time repeating our home dominance win of two years ago, when we celebrated our first Varsity victory! This can only be made possible with the help of the home crowd. Atmosphere is such a big factor in sports as it helps gives our players a positive mindset during their matches. Let’s all come together and support our athletes. Let’s show Roehampton the pride we have for our university.

This term has been jam-packed with campaigns, Big Deal activities and Elections! Love Lock Bucks was a really fun campaign to run and I received some really positive feedback from students. Rusty 2.0 has found his home in Pulse (Uxbridge) and if you go to the Uxbridge SU office you can still get a padlock to put on him! International Women’s Day was also a great success in celebrating what our female students get up to. We saw performances across both campuses from Acapella and Musical Theatre Societies and BNU Swans and BNU Dance. Our Women’s Officer Gass worked hard to fully support us over the two days and even gave a speech herself! We gave away 100 bags full of feminine products and treats to the first female voters of the day to celebrate 100 years of votes for women! All in all a very exciting and empowering day! Elections Week was also pretty manic with students running for a range of positions, from committee to Sabbatical Officer! Well done to all candidates in all elections for standing, it takes courage! Congratulations to all of the winners, the hard work starts now!

I hope you’re all enjoying the second term of the year and powering through with your studies. Crazy to think the end of this term is only a blink away with Varsity on the doorstep and Easter just around the corner. Having never played at Varsity myself but been part of the film crew for the past three years, I have prime spectator experience on how to make the most of the event. So, you'd better listen up! - Be sure to plan which fixtures you want to watch - Bring lots of snacks and drinks to get you through the long day - Cheer as much and as loud as you possibly can for all of our players - Ensure you make it to the end of the day so you can experience the after party regardless of if we win or lose. But above all, Varsity is one of the best events in the student calendar, so make sure that you enjoy yourself and soak up the atmosphere of everybody being Bucks Proud.

Get in touch: Ben: Lauren: Jimi:

Bucks SU Pres Bucks Vpew Bucks Vpsi

@BucksSUPres @BucksSUVPEW @BucksSUVPSI

March Issue

By Jimi Adeyinka, Lauren O'Shea & Ben Parmar


Sabbatical Officers.

6 March Issue

Elections results.


By Mark Sweeney, Lauren O'Shea, Georgia Nosal & Charlie Cotton

It’s all over for another year! Our annual student elections drew to a close at noon on Friday 9 March and our new Sabbatical Officers have been elected for the 2018/19 academic year. With a total of 12 candidates standing across all three

election was announced first and Lauren O’Shea was

also went to three rounds of voting. The ultimate victor

available sabbatical posts, it was set up to be a hotly

propelled from current VP to President in the first

was Charlie Cotton who received 376 votes to become

contested week.

round of voting with 553 votes.

your new Vice President Student Involvement.

After removing any duplicate and spoilt votes, a total of

The next result to be announced was for the positon of

927 valid votes were cast in this year’s election which

Vice President Education and Welfare. Georgia Nosal

equates to around 12% of the total student body, or

was duly elected as the new Vice President Education

about 25% of the undergraduate student population at

and Welfare after three rounds of voting with 394 votes.

the University.

The final result of the evening to be announced was for

A huge congratulations to everyone who ran in this year's Elections - there were some fantastic campaigns and all candidates can be proud of what they achieved. We caught up with the newly elected Sabbatical

During the Elections Results Night hosted in the

the position of Vice President Student Involvement. This Officers to ask them how they felt about the results and

Students’ Union venue, the result of the President’s

post had the most candidates standing for election and

what they hope to achieve over the next academic year.


Elections results.

March Issue




The decision to re-run this year was difficult, I’ve

Being elected as your Vice President Education and

I would first like to say, thank you to everyone that

spent the whole year changing my mind. When I met

Welfare fills me with so much excitement! I can't wait

voted during elections week, not just for the sabbatical

Georgia and got to know Charlie better the decision

to get stuck in and to carry on working in the Students'

election, but any that were on offer. By voting, you

to run together came pretty easily. I actually enjoyed

Union. I will continue to show you support to help

ensure you have the chance to have your say in the

campaigning this year whereas last year I really

you through your time here at Bucks. You are all at

future of your Students’ Union. During my time in

struggled with my confidence and approaching people.

university to get a good education, however your

office, my aim is to include and involve all students

Being elected as President straight out with over 500

welfare is just as important. In my time in office, I

at Bucks no matter what background they are from.

votes is a huge achievement for me, last year I won

will carry on educating lecturers on mental health by

You will find me either in my office or walking around

VPEW with a majority of just 9! I am extremely proud

having more training on issues surrounding ‘burning

the High Wycombe or Uxbridge campus’s, please

of all of the work Bucks Students’ Union does for our

out’ and how to give you advice on how to handle the

feel free to stop and say hello. I will also be open to

students and will work even harder as President to

work and life balance. I plan to bring in more support

any suggestions students have, or what they feel like

support our students and staff. My next term in office I

for international students by running extra English and

they would like to be involved in, or what they feel the

want to focus on building a stronger relationship with

Grammar courses. After Lauren’s ‘Love, Lock, Bucks’

Student’s Union should run for students. Even if you

our Executive Officers to encourage them to represent

campaign and Jimmy’s ‘Bucks Proud’ campaign, it

just want a chat, or are feeling low about university

their student groups all year round. I’m so excited

inspired me to create and run a campaign called ‘We

life, my door will always be open. So onwards and

to get started in the role and pass my VPEW reigns

Are One’ to celebrate all the different cultures and the

upwards, I hope to make your time at university a better

to Georgia! Bring on another year at one of the best

diversity at Bucks.

one. Let’s make life better for students at Bucks!

Students' Unions in the UK!

I look forward to proving to you that you made the right choice! I am so excited to work alongside Lauren and Charlie. Thank you all

Keep an eye out for the next edition, where we introduce the newly elected Executive Officer team for 2018/19.

8 March Issue

Academic restructure.

By Dean Valler & Louise Harvey


The University has recently made improvements to the way that its academic departments are organised. While this won’t mean any dramatic changes for students, the new flatter structure has been created to provide you with the best possible student experience.

changes and improvements in the future. We also

where we can make improvements for the future. When

appreciate that the course level-based staff will remain

you see Heads of Schools around campus, introduce

relatively unchanged so there shouldn’t be any negative

yourself and let them know about your experience at

From the start of March, the two faculties of Society & Health and Design, Media and Management, which comprised 15 departments, have been replaced with seven Schools. The new heads of each School, who report directly to Professor Nick Braisby, Deputy ViceChancellor, are:

impact on the current student experience.”

Bucks. They’re ready to listen to your feedback.”

Professor Nick Braisby, Deputy Vice-Chancellor,

Students can also make their views known via the

added: “I’m looking forward to working with the new

Module Evaluation process, to their course and

academic leadership team as we continue to transform

personal tutors, and by emailling the University directly:

our students’ lives by securing the very best outcomes. Other options include

Feedback is really important to the University, from the

speaking to your course reps and the Students’ Union’s

• • • • • • •

Sri-Kartini Leet: Art, Design and Performance Phillip Wood: Aviation and Security Kevin Maher: Business, Law and Computing Lynn Viatge: Health Care and Social Work Paul Morgan: Human and Social Sciences Stephen Partridge: Media and Creative Industries Karen Buckwell-Nutt: Nursing and Allied Health

moment that students begin their lives at Bucks. We want sabbatical officers, as well as submitting feedback via: to hear from students about what’s going well and also

The Associate Heads of Schools are: • • • •

David Warnock-Smith: Aviation and Security; Sinclair Coward: Health Care and Social Work Ciaran O’Keeffe: Human and Social Sciences Karen Harrison-White: Nursing and Allied Health

There are still some vacancies for Associate Heads of Schools and the University will look to fill these positions in the coming weeks. Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rebecca Bunting, explains the thinking behind the new academic structure: “We serve our students best when we are agile and quick to respond. The new structure will enable our academic teams to work more closely together, sharing best practice to ensure that students on all courses are intellectually challenged, and receive high-quality teaching that is tied to the real-world and backed by excellent academic support.” Ben Parmar, President of Bucks Students’ Union, gave his thoughts on the announcement: “The positives of a flatter management structure should mean faster

Back row (left to right): Sinclair Coward; Sri-Kartini Leet; David Warnock-Smith; Lynn Viatge; Karen Harrison-White; Stephen Partridge; Kevin Maher Front row (left to right): Phillip Wood; Finance Director Rod Mercer; Pro Vice-Chancellor Sean Mackney; ViceChancellor Rebecca Bunting; Deputy Vice-Chancellor Nick Braisby; Karen Buckwell-Nutt


For the last three years you’ve breathed course work, spent endless hours in the library, made friends, shed some tears, and laughed (a lot), but it will all culminate in one day – your graduation ceremony. Graduation is a special event for you, your family and your friends, and a chance to celebrate the hard work and dedication you have shown during your studies at Bucks. The best advice and inspiration at graduation doesn't always come from the University staff or honoraries who speak at the ceremony — often it comes from the graduates themselves, which was proved last year when Bucks had its first valedictorians. This year there will be ceremonies throughout Graduation Week, 3-7 September, and the University wants to give all those graduating the chance to be one of the eight valedictorians. Speaking in front of a theatre full of people can be daunting but the University and Bucks Students’ Union will offer you support every step of the way.

“It made my graduation day an even more signified one. Although it was a lot more nerve-wracking, I am so glad I had to chance to speak on behalf of so many and sum up our experiences.” If you: • are attending graduation, • want to share your pride in Bucks, and • are willing to speak confidently and clearly on behalf of your fellow graduates then we want to hear from you. The University Communications team and Bucks Students’ Union are joining forces to offer all those chosen to be a speaker at their ceremony, support with rehearsals, extra public speaking workshops and speech writing assistance.

Ben Parmar, Students' Union President, spoke at his To nominate yourself for valedictorian please send no ceremony last year and says it’s a great addition to your CV. more than 150 words describing why you should be considered, along with your name, course and contact He added: “The opportunity to stand in front of around telephone number from your student email address to 1,000 people, consisting of my peers, their parents and loved ones, was so incredible.

Nominations will be considered anonymously by a panel of Heads of Schools and Bucks Students’ Union.

March Issue

By Kelly Young



10 March Issue

Neighbourhood Watch.

By Stan Jones & Geoff Pegg

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: STAY SAFE Are you aware just how many people are trying to steal from you? It might be by gaining access to your bank account or by breaking into your houses to take your laptop. These people are very ingenious and plausible so you need to keep alert and aware of the latest cons and scams that are about. No doubt you know about the HMRC e-mails and BT telephone calls, but there are many more and new ones appear daily. Do you know what to do if you receive an email claiming to be something it’s not, or if you see something that you think should be reported? Report it and look out for yourself and those around you. If it is an on-going crime dial 999, but if it is to report a past crime or suspicion dial 101. Alternatively visit or for cons & scams, Bucks Students’ Union has a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in operation that provides information on how to keep yourself safe, so keep in touch with it, put a sticker in your window/door if you are in digs (available from the activities department in the Students' Union Office) and most importantly look out for each other!

FISHEYE FILM FESTIVAL Lights, camera, action! It’s Fisheye Film Festival 2018.

New competitions for students to make silent films and accompanying soundtracks have been introduced for the fourth annual Fisheye Film Festival, supported by Bucks, and taking place at the University and at venues in and around High Wycombe from 11-21 October.

New for this year, Creative Challenge competitions have been introduced for students to make a short silent film for the Festival and compose a soundtrack for one of the silent films in an Audio Challenge. For details see:

The Festival, named after the fisheye wide-angle lens, features films ranging from well-known titles to foreign and independent movies, with filmmakers from around the world encouraged to submit short films and win awards.

The silent film challenge runs all this month (late entry is still possible) and films are to be submitted by 31 March. On 3 April, the Audio Challenge begins. Anyone creative with sound and music who might enjoy the challenge of composing a soundtrack to enhance

one of the silent films is encouraged to sign up for information by the end of March. Audio Challengers will then be sent the passwords to watch the films and pick one for soundtrack creation. Soundtracks should be composed and submitted by 17 June and then judged by the festival panel. Organisers plan to screen the resulting films during the festival and announce the winners at an awards night on the final weekend. Bucks New University Curriculum Filmmaker Mariko Francombe said: “Fisheye Film Festival is becoming a part of the calendar at Bucks and each year we look for new ways to involve different areas of the University. “We are extremely excited to introduce these new competitions both for local and international participation and our students and hope to attract plenty of entries. “We are now particularly keen to hear from anyone creative with sound and music who might enjoy the challenge of composing a soundtrack for one of the silent films. Please get in touch!” Students from Bucks Business School are also working around creative and visual input, as well as marketing and promotion of the Fisheye Film Festival.

Left to right: Suleman Taimoor; Klaudia Cygan; Aasiya Rahim; Hamias Ahmed

For all other details on the Festival contact Mariko at

March Issue

By Dean Valler


Fisheye Film Festival.

12 March Issue

Angel gowns.

By Vicky Egan

ANGEL GOWNS On August 14 2015, I married my soul mate in the most beautiful dress. I was so happy and it made me feel so special. When it came to deciding what to do with it afterwards, I was at a loose end. I did not want to pass it on, as it was so beautiful. I just wanted to keep it forever. I had to be realistic, I wasn't going to wear it again, and it was too big to store. I had no luck in selling it so kept hold of it a little longer. Unfortunately, my cousin and his girlfriend lost their beautiful baby boy and had to give birth to him knowing he was going to be sleeping. As well as knowing close friends and colleagues who have lost their babies, I decided to look to see if I could donate my dress to be transformed into 'Angel Gowns'. I found 'Cherished Gowns UK Registered Charity Number 1172482'. They make angel gowns as well as nappies, hats, blankets, boots as part of their bereavement pack, which goes out to UK hospitals. After being on the waiting list for over 6 months, I received the email to send off my dress. My dress was transformed into 23 angel gowns for sleeping babies, as well as nappies and other garments. Amongst feeling sadness that families have had to endure such tragedy, I feel a sense of tranquillity knowing I've helped support families at such a devastating time in their lives.


March Issue

By Tristan Tipping


Ramblin' Roots Revue.

14 March Issue

Festiball 2018.

By James Taylor

FestiBall 2018 (logo) Three Nights in May 4|5|6

It’s that time of year again, as the cold, dark nights turn into long warm days, and we wave Goodbye to the likes of the ‘Beast from the East’, opening a warm embrace to the summer sun and whole days and nights spent in beer gardens… And, like the Coca Cola Christmas ad means Santa is just around the corner, Bucks students far and wide will tell you, nothing says “Summer’s Here” like FestiBall! For those first years that might not be in the know, FestiBall is the end of year three-day bash that brings the summer in in style; that’s right, a whole weekend of partying, hosted at your Students’ Union venue. We’ll be bringing three full nights of live entertainment, ranging from grime, to rock, pop to cheese, and everything in between, across three rooms, a headphone disco and a massive outdoor area filled with extra goodies, like a shisha bar, photobooths, food outlets and more. Past acts include: Zane Lowe, Rudimental, Scouting for Girls, Jaguar Skills, Big Narstie, Circa Waves, Sub Focus, Nothing but Thieves, Sigala and many more of the finest touring acts that the world has to offer; and as part of the Big Deal, Bucks students get entry completely free! What do we have to do to get in, you ask? Simply pop down to the Wristband Exchange (which can be found in The Lounge during the week before FestiBall) with a valid Bucks Student ID and we will issue you with an Official FestiBall 2018 wristband. It’s that easy.

Final year students will be eligible for a VIP upgrade, which will also be available at the Wristband Exchange. Further details to what exactly this entails will be released closer to the date on the FestiBall website, and Facebook event page. This year, for the first time ever, we have an extremely limited run of public tickets for sale! This means that you will be able to invite as many of your jealous friends from home to come and join the fun, with no need to sign them in. They simply need to go on the FestiBall website (or the Facebook event), and they can buy them direct from there, trading their ticket for a wristband from 8pm on Friday 4 May. Bucks Alumni can also get a special discount weekend ticket for £15 (which is less than half the price of a public ticket!), granting you access to all three nights of FestiBall. All you need is your old Bucks ID card, and some photographic ID. These can also be collected from 8pm on Friday 4 May. You’d be silly to miss this one, so for one weekend, forget hand-ins and put your multi-coloured revision timetables to one side and embrace the summer at the Students’ Union venue. As always, if you want to get involved or have any further questions, email our Events Team at For tickets and further info, visit:


Film Review.

March Issue


19 Mar - 23 Mar

6 Apr - 22 Apr Friday 13

March Issue

Monday 19

Saturday 14

Tuesday 20

Wednesday 21

Sunday 15

SUNDAY 15 APRIL Thursday 22 Friday 23 Wednesday 18

Saturday 24 Saturday 21


The Venue

10pm - 3am


6/7/8 April

23 Apr - 6 May Monday 23 Wednesday 25

March Issue


AFTER PARTY Wed 25 Apr | 8pm - late | The Venue Free for Bucks Students | £5 for guests


Tueday 17

Friday 27

Thursday 26

Monday 13

Tuesday 1

Tuesday 1 may

DOORS 7pm · the venue · STARTS 7.30pm free ENTRY for bucks students

4/5/6 May Sunday 22


Drinks Promotions Snakebite: £2 ‘til midnight Frat Punch: £2 Pint of soft drink: £1 VK: 2 for £5 or 5 for £10 Snakebite: £2 ‘til midnight Bombs: £2 Becks Blue: £2 VK: 2 for £5 or 5 for £10 Pitchers: £9 Wine: £8 Rekorderlig: £3 Pint of Juice: £1 Red Stag and mixer: £2 Staropramen: £2 Can of Red Bull: £2 Bulmers: £3 Disaronno and mixer: £2 Bud Light: £2 Hooch: £3 Can of Rubicon: 80p

March Issue



Rusty recommends.

March Issue

The venue is open seven days a week and sometimes it is difficult to decide which nights to go to - you may end up missing out on something amazing! Here are my recommendations for the next few weeks for those of you who like to experience something a bit different!


WEDNESDAY 21 MARCH 8pm ‘til late @ The Venue | A Varsity wristband guarantees entry up to 10.30pm £8 for guests without wristbands


Urban, Bashment & Afrobeats

Sporting events don’t come bigger than Varsity, and this year we’re bringing it home! That trophy cabinet outside the SU offices has been vacant for far too long, but current final year students will be able to remember what happened last time this head-to-head was on home soil, as we triumphantly brought the RoeBuck trophy back to Bucks, and we’re hoping to celebrate a big W again this time around too.

spectator, or Alumni, will gain priority entry until 11pm. You are guaranteed entry into the venue with a Varsity Wristband before 10:30pm. Players will be able to leave kit bags in our specialist ‘Kit Room’, but our regular cloak room will be open as normal for jackets for a small fee.

And what better way to celebrate than with a MASSIVE VARSITY AFTERPARTY at the Students’ Union Venue! A Frat House and BoomBucks event like no other, we’ll be open from 9pm, with three rooms of music to choose from, as we bring back The Headphone Disco Dome and some massive one-night-only drinks deals too, and at midnight we’ll be crowning the winning University winners of this year’s coveted RoeBuck trophy.

We will be open all throughout the day as well, with The Lounge kitchen fully open to all, serving everything from full breckies to healthier bites, but I know what I’d want if I was heading out to support every team all day long… And the Venue’s entrance foyer will be acting ‘Sky Sports HQ’ for the day, displaying all the latest updates and results, so keep an eye out there!

Want to know what you need to get into this event? As this is a Frat House event, anyone will be able to come down, with Bucks Students able to sign in two guests. However, those with Varsity wristbands, be it player,

For fixtures and further info on Varsity, visit our website. For more info on the after party, including entry policy and pricing, visit our Facebook Page and look for the Varsity Afterparty. Alternatively, visit:

20 March Issue

WHAT’S YOUR PASSION? The Bucks Student newspaper is looking for current students to write articles - if you’re passionate about a subject, we’d love to hear from you. Can’t think of what to write? No problem! Join us at a Newsgroup meeting and we’ll give you a topic to write about. Our meetings are in the Study Lounge (near Beats, opposite the Dance Studio) - email for a time and date. Not only will you get your views and opinions out there, but being able to say your work has been published will look fantastic on your CV. For more information email the student editor, Liv, on Want to take your writing even further, and earn £100 per edition? We are starting to look for an editor to work with the Bucks Student for the next academic year (2018/19). If you would like to find out more please email

HOT STUFF This Lent I decided to give up meat and I've actually found it surprisingly easy, a lot easier than expected. I really enjoyed mine with a bit of salad and a slice of cheese inside a bun. They are so easy to make and far healthier than most of the ones available in stores.

Easy Peasy Veggie Burgers: This recipe makes two burgers.

What you need to have:

What you need to do:

−−100g vegetables, diced into tiny pieces

1. Boil the potatoes until they are soft.

−−150g potatoes, peeled and chopped

2. Once drained mashed the potato with the butter and/or milk to create a smooth texture.

−−1 egg −−Breadcrumbs −−Butter and/or milk

3. Whilst doing this boil the other vegetables for around 5 minutes. 4. Next, combine the mashed potato and other vegetables by mixing together. 5. Using your hands create balls of the mixture and then press down to make patty shapes. 6. Beat an egg in a mug and put on a small plate. 7. Coat the patties in the egg and then dip into breadcrumbs to coat them. 8. Finally, in a frying pan shallow fry the patties until golden brown. The insides are already cooked so you just need to brown them off.

March Issue

By Jessica Baldock


Student kitchen.

22 March Issue

Film review: Paddington 2.

By Adam Potter

Paddington Bear is at it again, this time saving up money in the hope of getting a special gift for his Aunt Lucy’s birthday, only for some chaos to ensue beyond Paddington’s control and involving the machinations of a washed-up thespian (Hugh Grant in a stellar BAFTA-nominated performance). This is one of the most hilarious and sweetest movies ever! Even with a CGI bear at the centre of it all, there’s so much fun to be had and with a solid, kind and optimistic heart to boot. The whole cast really comes across like they had lots of fun making the movie and that maybe they were making something special, but there are two stand-out actors here. First is Hugh Grant, two scenes show his character behind closed doors interacting with several mannequins, speaking in different accents and voices and it’s both delightfully comical and seriously excellent all at once. Second is Brendan Gleeson and the less said about the Irish character actor’s character and performance in this movie the more you’re bound to enjoy it. There’s a lot of creative editing and filmmaking here; the scenes with Grant doing the accents is a pure example of the acting and filmmaking colliding to craft

something entertaining and watchable. You really need to see this movie to appreciate the inventiveness of a couple other key moments. The real magic of Paddington 2, despite its extreme mix of slapstick and clever wit, is it’s as optimistic and simple as its title character; Paddington is a character who often looks for the best in others even when they can never see it in themselves and that point of view is reflected in the film’s tone and style, this is a very British movie but it would be unsurprising if the appeal of this movie expands across the globe in a similar vein to Wallace & Gromit. Through its’ humour and heart, Paddington and now Paddington 2 are British films that convey an international and universal message: that we all should start seeing more of the good in each other. It’s a soothing tonic to take in a present time where prejudice, fear and hate continues to dominate the world in all shapes and sizes.

Ryan Coogler (Creed) gives Marvel Studios and the world a chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and a superhero movie with a unique, distinct vision and voice. Where Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor Ragnorak would feature a classic pop soundtrack of already existing songs, Black Panther features a new, original soundtrack of more modern, R&B/gangsta rap music provided by Kendrick Lemar, and the storyline is by far the most epic in ambition and emotional complexity. Chadwick Boseman reprises his role as T’Challa/ Black Panther from Captain America: Civil War and he already had a powerful arc in that but now T’Challa must live up to his late father’s legacy while dealing with an impending threat to his rule and maybe his home country/kingdom of Wakanda. Andy Serkis reprises a character from Avengers: Age of Ultron and he has a lot more screentime and more fun with the character he portrays while Michael B. Jordan (Forget Fant4stic!) excels as one of the best villains ever in the MCU and that’s saying a great deal; Kilmonger is a surprisingly complex character who is out to dominate Wakanda and the world for more personal reasons than just destroying our world or taking it over. Angela Bassett, Forest Whittaker and Martin Freeman turn in fine performances. By far this is the first big comic book superhero movie to ever feature an entire black

ensemble cast and it’s a fantastically realised effort, the action, visual effects and scope are amazing and everybody in the main cast, black and white alike, are given a purpose in the story, much like how Wonder Woman (2017) treated both the male and female characters equally to emphasise the message of that film. Like the last two Captain America films, Black Panther gives us a powerful look at the morally grey areas of leadership and power as T’Challa learns some hidden secrets while fighting to live up to the legacy of the Panther and throughout the story there are several questions the film asks about what the right thing is to do in this situation and what role the nation of Wakanda and its ruler should play in the world; Should Wakanda try to help the rest of the world or remain in conflict with other countries? What else can be said about this movie? One can suppose that is about it. Oh, and be sure to stick around after the end credits, as is always the norm with the Marvel films! Black Panther is at times grand and powerful and at other times exhilarating and awesome, with the fun you’d expect from the MCU in odd spades.

March Issue

By Adam Potter


Film review: Black Panther.

24 March Issue

Board game review.

By Rhys Wakeford

Lies, bribes and contraband are what Sheriff of Nottingham is about and I never thought it would be so much fun. Playing Sheriff of Nottingham is simple - there are a maximum of five players and each person gets the chance to play the Sheriff. The goal? Try and get as many goods as you can, even contraband if you think you are lucky enough to get it pass the Sheriff. Each player has six cards and has the choice to discard as many cards from their hand or no cards, and you must place them into you little pouch of good and give it to the Sheriff, what you put in the bag is your choice, either follow the rules and only put legal stock in or try and sneak some rare items in. The Sheriff must then inspect the players, ask them what they have and decide whether to check or not, but the Sheriff isn’t against a good bribe, if you are hiding something you can chose to bribe the Sheriff to not check, if you are caught lying and with contraband then you must pay the penalty, if you weren’t lying and the Sheriff checks then he must pay you the penalty which will be displayed at the bottom of each card. By the end of the game the person with the most points in gold, stock and contraband wins the game. This has become a very popular game at Gaming Society and with good reason. You have fun and you

get to lie to your friends and still have friends at the end. It has a very interesting premise and very good feel of living in Nottingham in the time of Robin Hood. The quality of this game is good as what you get is characters cards, card pouches, cards, coins and a Sheriff stand, the pouches especially add to the experience making it feel more authentic. Although this is a game that would take time to get used to as it took me a couple turns for me to figure out what to do and what not to do, but once you know the game really becomes interesting and you can focus more on the lying and bribes and practising your poker face or if you’re the Sheriff then get practising on shaking people down. This is such an amusing game and I would say a must play to anyone who really enjoys games like this or just enjoys playing board game sin general as it is different, exciting, and very devious. The only things I would say that are a bit downside of this game are that you can only go up to five players and to play the game well you need at least three players. But overall this is an amazing game and a recommended one for all game players.

LGBT+ Society is a welcoming, friendly and supportive society welcome to anybody who identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or pretty much any other label. We are also very welcoming of allies, those who identify as straight but support the LGBT community or even just enjoy RuPaul’s Drag Race!

We aim to host meetings regularly (when we’re not bogged down with coursework), and we have plenty of socials, both nights out and calmer nights in. One of these nights that we have regular visits to every Sunday is Blood, Sweat and Heels @ O’Neill’s. We also visit Student Pride every year, which is a careers fair in London with nights out, that the Union operated a free minibus to, and it even comes with free accommodation! However, the main night we attend is Glitterbomb. This is the monthly night at the Students' Union which celebrates all things LGBT, camp, queer and fabulous, and the final two nights of the year look to be some of the best events of the year - with two RuPaul queens visiting us. Firstly, on Saturday 14 April, we have the honor of welcoming a Season 9 finalist, as Shea Coulee comes to town. Non-students have to pay £5 for limited early bird tickets, and £6 advance after that, but students get in for free as usual thanks to The Big Deal. If you want to live it up and become a VIP, which gives you a meet & greet, queue jump and a free cocktail, it’s £20 (£5 cheaper than the public). Shea is sure to work hard, as shown in Season 9 where she won 4 challenges and breezed through the competition, into the final. Tickets are on sale now, and will most likely sell out! Make sure you also come early, as even though doors shut at 1am, you’ve got more chance of entry the earlier you come! The month after, we have another Season 9 queen, but this time there’s a twist! This queen had to leave prematurely due to an injury, but is back in the new Season 10,

which starts Friday 23 March. That’s right, Eureka O’Hara is here, serving pure catfish! Tickets will be on sale soon, so keep an eye out on the facebook page for updates! These amazing nights plus the previous Cheryl’s Take Me Out were all inspired and requested by the LGBT+ Society, who were asked by a member of Glitterbomb staff what they want from the upcoming weeks. Hope to see you there! Facebook: BNULGBT | Twitter: @BNU_LGBT | Email:

March Issue



LGBT+ Society.

26 March Issue


FRIDAY 27 APRIL Working for your Students’ Union is no ordinary part-time job and the ideal opportunity to earn on campus whilst enhancing your employability skills. As a member of the team you will be expected to be an ambassador for the Union as we continue to make life better for students at Bucks. We value employees with ideas and personality and believe that lively, active and vibrant people shape our organisation. The day will involve fun and interactive activities, as well as speed interviews, and we will be recruiting for the following roles: Freshers Helper and Head Helper

Activities Assistant

Help students integrate into Bucks New Uni and the local community and provide a friendly welcome to new students during the first two weeks of term. As part of a team, organise trips and activities for students, provide information about Bucks Students’ Union and local services and socialise with Freshers. You must be available for the entire Welcome Week.

Assisting the HR Manager in devising, promoting, delivering and evaluating the Big Deal additional skills and recreational activities programme. Working cross-departmentally with a wide range of student groups, this is an ideal part time opportunity that can be worked flexibly around studies. Event Security

Event Staff

You will be responsible for ensuring the safety and security of A varied and interesting role, this opportunity includes stewarding our students and Venue and work closely with other security and venue staff ensuring the delivery of our duty of care to all responsibilities as well as that of door entry and running customers. Formal training allowing applications for an SIA licence the cloakroom. An ideal opportunity to qualify for our Door can be provided free of charge subject to qualifying criteria. Supervisor training sponsorship. Bar Staff and Bar Team Leaders

Event Technicians

You will be the face of Bucks Students’ Union at our events. This role is an enjoyable and rewarding opportunity, working in an extremely sociable environment. We expect a high level of commitment and a real passion to be part of a dedicated working team. You will need to be hardworking, fun and always ready to work with a smile on your face.

This opportunity includes running the entire production for all events held by the Students’ Union – including but not limited to FOH & Monitor engineering, lighting operating, tech set up and décor. Positions are available at various levels and in various roles - an ideal opportunity to build on your technical experience.

Contact to express your interest in attending.

BNU DANCE On Saturday 24 February 2018, Bucks Comp was held at Buckinghamshire New University in the Events Hall, and it was a great success! We welcomed seven universities to Bucks, including Roehampton – our Varsity rivals! Throughout the day, over 400 dancers competed in 11 different categories. The categories we accommodated were Novice Ballet, Advanced Ballet, Novice Tap, Advanced Tap, Novice Contemporary, Advanced Contemporary, Novice Jazz, Advanced Jazz, Wildcard, Novice Street and Advanced Street. Bucks entered in 8 of these categories, and we left the competition with fabulous results. We left Bucks Comp 2018 with 7 trophies – three 1st places, two 2nd places, one 3rd

place and Best Team Spirit! A BIG THANK YOU …. to our Bucks Comp Volunteers who helped tirelessly throughout the day and made the Committee’s job SO much easier, the Choreographers for creating all the routines that were performed on the day, our three judges who judged the entire competition and whose jobs were very hard considering all the talent at the competition, and BNU Dance Committee who organised the entirety of the

day and made sure the day ran smoothly and was enjoyable for all. Finally, BNU Dance would like to thank everyone who competed on the day, all the routines were amazing, and you should all be extremely proud of yourselves. Be ready for Bucks Comp 2019 next year – it’s going to be a good one! After Easter, we will be focusing a lot more on volunteering and social events, so keep your eyes peeled for any announcements!

March Issue

By Liv Vroone


BNU Dance.

28 March Issue

Boxing Society.

By Connie Onions & Robert McQuillan

BNU BOXING Our bittersweet weekend at the BUCS Championships 2018 The first weekend of February saw our society compete for the first time at the annual BUCS Championships in Stoke on Trent at the Sir Stanley Matthews sport centre. BNU Boxing was represented by Qasim Kayani and Pete Croucher, both who train with our coaches at the High Wycombe Amateur Boxing Club. Qasim and Pete fought in Friday’s quarter-final two very experienced boxers; from Exeter University and Coventry University, respectively. Qasim was awarded a well-deserved unanimous victory to move onto the semi-final, however unfortunately Pete was unable to keep up with his opponent, but showed his skill set and will definitely return. Saturday’s semi-final saw Qasim fight a fine young pugilist from Portsmouth University, who had 8 fights and 8 wins under his belt. Qasim was beating his opponent but with 20 seconds left of the contest the referee decided Qasim was hurt by

a glancing right uppercut and issued a standing 8 count. With some protest the contest was called to a halt. This was a sad day for boxing, which should have seen Qasim competing in the final to be crowned BUCS champion. It’s never too late to join! As a society we train at Warriors Boxing Gym on Abercromby Avenue every Thursday 5.30pm-7pm. We meet at the SU at 5pm to walk together for those who wish to. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN! Our training sessions consist of fitness and the development of technique. Circuit training, pad work, sparring, cardio exercises, fitness drills, group training, and one-to-one coaching all provide members with the skillsets to box for fun or competitively. Every class is catered for those of all abilities and fitness levels. Whether you wish to improve your fitness or learn to box, our training sessions and exceptional coaches will get you to where you want to be. Come and join us and bring your friends! We always get asked if we compete and the answer is yes and no. This is the first year we have sent boxers to the BUCS Championships but we need dedicated members to join us and attend sessions to enable us to host competitions and compete with other clubs and universities. No doubt in the upcoming years BNU Boxing will only progress further to compete regularly but we want to see this happening now. Please do not hesitate to join us if you have any interest in boxing and keeping fit, whether you have any experience or not. Ding ding ding… it’s the Boxing Takeover! Another first for BNU Boxing saw us hosting a Takeover at the Students’ Union on Wednesday 7 March. We hired an inflatable boxing ring and hosted competitions and grudge matches throughout the night! We invited all sports teams and societies to come and compete. There were various drinks offers available on the night and plenty of activities to get involved in!

TAKE A BREAK AND COME PLAY HANDBALL It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Nah, just kidding, it’s one of the worst and stressful times of the year. Are you tired of constantly drinking caffeinated drinks just to keep you looking awake but extremely dead on the inside? Are you tired of convincing yourself that pulling all-nighters and sleeping less is good for you? Yes, you know it’s not good for you but you still do it anyway.

There’s always a solution to everything! Take a break and come join the Handball Society! Here, you get to throw and catch a ball and shoot into the net, or the goalie, your choice, but preferably the net. For those who do not know what Handball is, watch more alternative sports, it’s good for you. Anyway, Handball is a combination of football, basketball and netball with a full-on cardio workout! Woo! And yes, it really is that easy! We may be a Sport for Fun, but we play like a Sports team. Your Chairman, Joshua, is a qualified Level 1 coach who plans each session in advance making sessions worthwhile. If you don’t know how to play, that’s fine, we make sure that every week is as fun and exciting as possible whilst teaching you the rules. We hope that by the end of the session, you know what the game is all about. And no, this sport is not ‘just for men’! We have an increase in female players too and is likely to double in the future because “This Girl Can” play Handball too!

Additionally, the Committee members are investing further in making our society as interesting as possible by buying glue to help you to catch, especially when it is thrown across the court and not hit your head, hopefully. P.S. it really hurts. We will continue to invest to ensure that all our players are getting the best from the sport! We have always been saying, “we aim to get a friendly”, and well, we did! But unfortunately, we were not able to play because of University commitments. However, there is no confirmed date, but when it is, we shall let you know!

Want to see this for yourself? Come down to the Events Hall at the High Wycombe campus every Tuesday between 7.00pm and 8.30 pm for an energetic session! Claim your hour and half of exercise and give yourself a break from staring at words in a book or on a screen. Your committee members are Joshua Kidby as your Chairman, Theo Agginie as your Secretary, and Hufriya Mehta as your Treasurer. We are here to ensure that the society runs smoothly. We listen to our members if they have any concerns and ensure they enjoy every session. Don’t forget to join our Facebook group: Bucks Handball Society 2017/18! We hope to see you there! If you have any queries email Joshua

March Issue

HANDBALL SOC By Hufriya Mehta


Handball Society.

30 March Issue

Women's Rugby.

WOMEN'S RUGBY By Georgia Read

This season kicked off with the first match in October against Teddington, it was a tough match but the heart and the positive attitude that the ladies displayed meant that a win was definitely around the corner. From this match the hard work that was put in at training meant the ladies finished joint at the top of the league with Sutton & Epsom Ladies before Christmas.

2018 has come so quickly and London Irish Ladies are hoping to stay at the top of the league for the rest of the season! The first game of 2018 was against Harpenden, which resulted in a 0-28 win for the ladies, this was a massive confidence boost for the team. Over Christmas there were lots of new players, some from other clubs and some who had not played much rugby before. However this was a bonus for the team as it allowed for a bigger squad. I personally joined just before Christmas; my first impression was how the team was so positive and welcoming. This made joining so much easier and made me want to continue going to training. At the beginning of February we played Teddington again this was a chance to show how much we had grown as a squad, the score this time was 21-5 to us. This result was great to see as it confirmed how much we had grown from the first game of the season back in October. We have three games left in the league this season and of course have the Varsity match, as a team we are standing in a very good position, hoping to be promoted next season. We are lucky to have amazing coaches who support us at training and every match and without their support we wouldn't have progressed as a team anywhere near as much. With the lead up to varsity the participation from the Bucks girls are increasing. This has had a massive positive boost at training sessions, with more people attending. Obviously varsity this year is at home and we hope lots of people will come and support Bucks Ladies' Rugby!



The end of the season is slowly creeping up on us. The girls over a Bucks Ladies FC are aware that this end of the season flies by, and now Varsity is here! (don’t you worry, we are prepared for it, we hope you are too!), before we know it, it’ll be AU Dinner where everyone will be all dressed up and looking fancy! However, one of the things we are looking forward to the most… TOUR. This year, Bucks FC Ladies have one of the biggest clubs on tour, with a total of 15 people! Alumni, freshers, even social members of Bucks Ladies FC are ready for a week of fun in Croatia!

social year. It’s a great time to see who you want to be having joint socials with also!

can get, games, singing, and doing literally anything to pass the time.

Not only is there a great atmosphere from Bucks New Uni, there are multiple universities there also attending! In reality the week long event is a bunch of sporty people, looking to relax and have fun, wave goodbye or celebrate last season and be excited for the next.

Bucks Ladies FC have paid off their Tour account, they’ve received their instructions and they are ready to conquer Croatia in April. Are you?

Now, if you haven’t attended FRAT this year on a Wednesday, you may not know that we also like to dress up. This year Bucks Ladies FC have been Flamingo’s for a night, Ghostbusters (and ghosts) and TOUR is possibly the highlights of our social calendar. we have been dressed up in our Takeover colours and the themes only get better. It’s a secret so we can’t say It is a 5 day event where sports teams from across the University head to Croatia for one big party! Of course, too much, but Bucks Ladies FC have some amazing there is a day or two where we will actually play sports, themes for Tour this year and you won’t want to be but we more than likely will just be having fun kicking missing it! a ball around without much aim to score a goal. A 25 hour journey to Croatia is all that stands in there way, yes 25 HOURS! (give or take, depending on how TOUR is not only about celebrating the end of the much your driver likes breaking the speed limits). A season and having good team bonding time, it’s also a great time to get to know other members from different long, but worthwhile journey. The seniors are well aware of what journey lies ahead, but they freshers sports and societies. TOUR is where other clubs can may be a little shocked about how crazy this journey meet each other and create friendships for the next

March Issue

By Julie Botwood


Bucks Ladies' FC.


Quick break. 9


March Issue



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