The Bugg Report Magazine - Edition 7

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edition 7




from the editor what do they have to say? Tony Bugg - Could this be the year of the

We will have our Smart Car in the annex of

Then we have the weekly email bulletin

Dinosaur? Or could One Direction be the

the fair again this year and will be looking

and Bugg Express updates to send out

next Beatles?

to meet with you to discuss taking a posi-

quick updates across a range of things

tion with our publication, Bugg Toys and

in simple formats. The same goes for our

Licensing, both online and in print.

Twitter and Facebook pages, we scan

From my trip in January to Hong Kong Toy and Licensing Show I get the feeling that

the web and find interesting things to post Matthew Bugg - They say that less is more,

market. It feels like the whole online crisis

this is something we had in mind when

has settled down a little and the major

creating our new publication, Bugg Toys

Finally, our new magazine is fresh and

players have clawed back some ground.

& Licensing. The focus needs to be qual-

unique and gives you a different take on

ity information delivered in a way that is

the things you see in the industry day-to-

The challenge from pure bricks and mor-

easy to read and quick to scan. Needless

day. We keep things as short and sweet

tar perspective is for the major retailers to

to say pictures paint a thousand words...

as possible with a huge focus on great

develop new and exciting strategies in

which keep you up-to-date industry wide.


store to ensure that the shoppers experi-

These days, things like Google, Twitter and

ence in store is such that they want to

Facebook mean that information is very

We hope that you enjoy the new look and

come back to see more.

easily accessible, and if you look hard

feel and would welcome your feedback

enough you can find out almost anything

as always.

From my experience brands can certainly

you want. Having said that, often people

do this for you. One of the most well ex-

don’t have the time and energy to spend

ecuted and impactful examples of this

finding what it is that they do want. And

is the program Peter Alexander put to-

sometimes people don’t even know what

gether with both Warner Bros. and Disney.

it is that they want!

There are many examples of great brands,

I guess that’s where we hope our publica-

as a guide to Toys and Licensing. The

or service and are best viewed in store.

tion can assist the industry, in the areas of

views and opinions provided are based

news, updates and general industry infor-

upon the views and opinions of its writers.

As we continue to roll out our new look

mation. If only I had a dollar for every time

website, weekly bulletin and magazine

somebody called and asked me ‘do you

In no way is Bugg Toys & Licensing a fac-

program, we will be looking for innovative

know who represents XX brand’?

tual guide to Toys and Licensing and does not take responsibility for how the informa-

ways we can bring your brands and prodThe idea is to provide a website that you can visit daily, scan over and see what’s new and then move on. If you see some-

Bugg Toys & Licensing | PO BOX 491 Ber-

age you to talk to us about how we can

thing you like, you can read it quickly and

wick, VIC 3806 Australia

work together with you to develop brands

easily without 400 pop-up ads and flash-

P: +61 3 9769 3963 |

and branded toys in our market and

ing lights blinking in your face.





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38 40 42 43

tion provided is used by its consumers.

Licensing is our business and we encour-



Bugg Toys & Licensing has been compiled

which add significant value to a product

ucts to life.








there is a lot more positive energy in the

licensor update

licensee news


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licensor update Ă—

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Katrina Southon, Sr Vice President and

What would you like to achieve with

Any new plans for SpongeBob? Dora?

Managing Director

your CP products business in the next five

We see tremendous untapped opportu-

Viacom International Media Networks


nity for SpongeBob in Australia and New

Australia and New Zealand

We’re making great strides to further de-

Zealand, particularly with the new core

velop our relationships with retailers and

style guide that focuses on all relevant

licensees, and it’s a big priority for us to

segments. Strong across television, online,

continue to do this. The progression we’ve

on mobile and in the app space, Sponge-

made in the past two years has definitely

Bob will go even bigger with the launch of

had an impact, so I’d like to keep that

the Massively Multi-Player Online Games

momentum moving forward over the next

(MMOG), new episodes from May this

five plus years. I truly believe that Teen-

year on air and his second Paramount

Australia’s largest independent licensing

age Mutant Ninja Turtles is going to mark

Pictures feature film in December 2014,

agency, now going into its 20th year of

a milestone for us and dominate the boys’

so these also present opportunities. With

business, will once again showcase their

aisles and I am looking forward to sharing

Dora, we’re rolling out a fresh look that

key brands at Melbourne Toy Fair. Rep-

lots of success stories in the future.

includes a new outfit, enhanced environ-

resenting a portfolio of globally success-

ments and more, and updated product is

ful brands and home grown favourites

What have been some highlights of the

already hitting retail. Dora is very strong

Haven will be featuring brands from ma-

past 12 months?

locally, and in 2013 product lines will focus

jor licensors including Nickelodeon, HIT

We’ve had a string of successes in work-

on understanding key development steps

Entertainment, MGA Entertainment, 20th

How important is the consumer product

ing with Haven and our retailers over the

for preschoolers as well as a new infant

Century Fox, ABC Endemol, IMPS, LEGO

business to you in Australia?

past twelve months, and I’m eager to see


Group, Saban, Sanrio, Sesame Workshop,

Consumer products is an essential part of

these continue. Collaborations with Big

Silvergate Media, Crust Demons Entertain-

our business in Australia and New Zealand,

W, Target, Toys R Us and Westfield have

Where does Australia fit into the global

ment, and more.

and it is one I’m keen to grow. When I was

all been very successful. These collabo-

operations of NVCP?

appointed Managing Director in February

rations not only strengthen our properties

We partner with our colleagues in the UK

Offering fan favourites spanning from ba-

of 2011, one of the first decisions I made

in the retail space, but also prove to our

as well as the US to develop a strategy

bies to adults, Haven Licensing will have a

was to boost our local presence by hiring

retail partners that we are a top-notch

that is bespoke to Australia. Our business

team of 15 on hand to take retailers, licen-

Claire O’Connor as Director of Consumer

partner that brings a lot to the table.

here punches well above its weight and

sees & promotional partners through the

Products. She’s built upon the long-stand-

We were also encouraged by the strong

I’m keen to take it to even greater heights.

brands that best suit their needs.

ing relationship we’ve had with Haven Li-

launch of an MTV t-shirt line with T-Bar, and

censing and truly taken our efforts to the

South Park continues to prove as popular

next level and raised our profile amongst

as ever. There’s been a lot of highlights,

retailers and licensees.

and we’re looking forward to more.

Tom Punch – Managing Director

Where do you see strengths in the NVCP

Uptake of Turtles lines has been strong



globally – what can we expect in Aus-

Yvonne King – Director

Making great brands, shows and charac-



ters is what we do best at Viacom, and

Claire has been collaborating closely with

this is what makes our portfolio so strong.

Haven on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

With a range that spans from pre-school

and we’re very excited to see it roll out

to adults, the portfolio lives up to its prom-

to retail in time for the Melbourne Toy Fair.

ise to offer “something for everyone.”

The global lines with HeadStart, Lego, Ac-

In terms of properties, the excitement

tivision and others are going to be sup-

around Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

plemented with products across apparel,

presents an incredible opportunity for us,

footwear, accessories, outdoor wheel

and Dora continues to go from strength

toys, sporting goods, food, drinks, confec-

to strength within Australia and NZ. I think

tionery and so much more that I think the

there is a massive opportunity to build

enthusiasm around the property speaks

SpongeBob in the AU/NZ consumer prod-

to the extraordinary appeal of the brand

ucts space, and we’ve only just started to

and the strong creative we are bringing to

scratch the surface with MTV.

each execution.

Haven Stand B10 Contact:




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2013 is set to be a ground-breaking year

partners is unlike anything that we have

As part of an ongoing partnership with the

language version, 40 million fans on Face-

for the world’s number one television li-

ever seen before,” says Mark Kingston,

National Breast Cancer Foundation Cas-

book and three US Emmy Awards for Out-

censing and merchandising business Nick-



co Blu have developed two new Sponge-

standing Animated Program.

elodeon & Viacom Consumer Products

UK, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Israel

Bob PinkPants sleep and underwear rang-

(NVCP) as new properties, characters,

and CEE, retail sales and trade market-

es to appear in Big W in 2013. Excitingly

For further licensing opportunites please

time-tested evergreens and blockbuster

ing Europe, NVCP. “I think the enthusiasm

SpongeBob tees are back in Jay


brands further extend and deepen its di-

around the property speaks to the extraor-

Jays and Gem have launched their new

verse portfolio.

dinary appeal of the brand. Our partners

QR technology ‘zappar’ tees in Target

Nickelodeon, Comedy Central and MTV

recognise the strength of the Turtles, the

featuring SpongeBob.

properties inspire creative consumer prod-

opportunities that lay in the series’ unique

The big news on top of all this is that Christ-

ucts that enable fans to experience their

mix of comedy and action along with its

mas 2014 will mark SpongeBob’s return

Older fans are also inspired by NVCP’s li-



favourite characters off screen across pre-

striking visual style.”

to the big screen in his second theatrical

censing and merchandising programme,

school, boys and girls, tweens and adult-

For evergreens SpongeBob SquarePants

release where he and his arch enemy,

with the strength of the offer in iconic

focused brands.

and Dora the Explorer, new initiatives keep

Plankton, must come together to save Bi-

rock-loving delinquents, Beavis & Butt-

the properties fresh for NVCP’s myriad li-

kini Bottom.

head, irreverent animation South Park Expanding on this #1 pre-school girls

censing partners.


and the classic MTV brand.

brand NVCP are showcasing Dora Infant – a baby collection styleguide perfect for the infant market designed with a warm and earthy colour palette which provides an alternative to the current traditional The all-new, CG animation Teenage Mu-


tant Ninja Turtles hit Australian and New

Launching Q2 2013, the campaign will be

Zealand television screens last October

executed on air via branded stunts and

with Turtles dominating the #1 program

Nick Jr.’s #1 pre-school TV show, broad-

promos; online with a branded page on

slot on Nickelodeon throughout Q4.

casting 4 times daily and on Channel

the website with tips, tools and download-

Nine Saturday and Sunday mornings has

ables via social media, including a Face-

Consistently among the Top Ten pro-

a busy year ahead with a fresh look and

book app and promotion; plus retail pos,

grammes in the 170 countries in which it

feel including …

promotions and giveaways.

airs, SpongeBob premiered its first-ever

• An Updated outfit and look

As excitement builds for the debut of the

stop motion special, It’s a SpongeBob

• Enhanced 3-D environments

new CG season 5 of the Nickelodeon and

Christmas, in December 2012 and was a

• CG elements in the big specials

Rainbow co-production Winx Club, the

ratings smash.

Hungry Jacks launched

• AND new show intro and theme song

best fairy friends have already strength-

their SpongeBob kids club promotion in

New packaging across the broad spec-

ened NVCP’s girls’ offering with their fash-

340 stores earlier this year and Tennis Aus-

trum of ANZ licensees is being rolled out

ion-forward attitude and magical trans-

tralia, in partnership with Nickelodeon

this year as new product hits retail. The


Supported across all Viacom International

brought the Nickelodeon world of enter-

Dora the Explorer app continues to domi-

Aspirational girl-focused products – in-

A new parternship with Globe – known for

Media Networks platforms, Nickelodeon

tainment to the very exciting international

nate the iTunes store in Australia retaining

cluding dolls, role-play, dress-up and

their iconic brands and part of the inter-

is committed to creating new episodes

arena of world tennis at The Australian

the #1 spot for pre-school app downloads

DVD’s – are already in market with new

national skateboarding landscape – has

and more to come.

SKU’s rolling out this year.

produced a global deal for Beavis & Butt-

poised to debut Turtles on air this June and

Throughout 2013, a 360-degree marketing

New in the pre-school sector, underwater

head skateboards and shoes which have

TV for in NZ and a May 2014 Paramount

programme is set to reinforce Dora’s core

classroom series Bubble Guppies has just

just been released at retail together with

Pictures feature film.

DNA – understanding and overcoming

had season 3 green lit for production and

tees from Stussy.

the key life events or ‘steps’ in pre-school-

Channel Nine announced as the Free To

South Park, celebrating its 16th season, is

censing – Nickelodeon/Viacom’s ANZ

ers life development. Called Step by Step

Air broadcast partner. The interactive pre-

being reinvigorated for consumer prod-

long term licencing agent has signed up

with Dora, the campaign will provide a

school series sees its first consumer prod-

ucts with new creative as the show con-

over 20 key licensees and combined with

new, focused and turnkey opportunity for

ucts launch Q4 2013 which will be DVD’s

tinues to dominate in its sector – 230+ epi-


and computer games.

sodes, 120+

through to 2015, as well as Channel 11

In a very short space of time Haven Li-

the strength of VIMN’s global partners -





Turtles is well on its way to having product for most of the core licensed categories. “The reaction from licensee and retail




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2013 is already proving to be an action-

a second-half launch.

ner of the Park will be ablaze with action

Betty Boop is regarded as one of the first

feats of strength when fortified with spin-

An exciting new CG film is currently in pre-

both on and off the track. Visitors will see

and most famous sex symbols. She’s a bil-

ach. 2012 saw Dolce & Gabbana partner

production with plans to release in 2014.

Products team at BBC Worldwide. The

Kids adventure brand Deadly 60 has just

exceptional precision driving and jaw-

lion-dollar retail property, licensed in 120

with Popeye to produce an apparel col-

Blinky’s homegrown, unisex appeal, pa-

50th anniversary of Doctor Who, which

launched on ABC1, screening weekly on

dropping stunts in the Stunts & Jumps zone;

countries with more than 400 licensees

lection for Spring/Summer under the D&G

rental nostalgia and handsome moderni-

has already spawned some commemo-

Thursday evenings at 6.30, plus the show

the world’s most expensive and power-

internationally manufacturing products in

brand. D&G joins a high-profile list of fash-

sation all point to the continued success

rative product releases, plus a worldwide

has continuing regular exposure on ABC3.

ful cars in Stig’s Supercar Garage; never

more than 1,000 categories. A true ever-

ion licensees and retailers who have car-

of the brand.

movie launch are just a couple of the ex-

Ikon Collectibles distribute the Character

before seen challenges and races across

green brand, Betty is recognised by 90%

ried Popeye, including Benetton, Bloom-

citing events the team is working on.

Options toy range which is currently avail-

both race circuits including the ‘Star in the

of women aged 18-34.

ingdale’s, Gap, H & M, Miss Sixty and Zara.

able at ABC Shops. Games from Imagina-

Reasonably Priced Car’ challenge; 4x4

The BBC Worldwide stand (F20) at the 2013

tion are also due to launch soon. Other

and trial bike riders showcasing their skills

A new high end range of loungewear will

The mighty mariner also has a success-

wear, manchester, footwear, outdoor toys

Australian Toy and Nursery Fair will focus

categories are open for discussion.

on the brutal Off-Road Challenge, and so

be launching in Myer for Mother’s Day

ful career in advertising, having recently

and more. For licensing enquiries, please

much more.

2013, designed by Whitehouse Institute of

promoted Mini Cooper automobiles and

contract Kerryn McCormack, Senior Ac-

Design Student Competition winner, Ten-

Bank of America mobile banking services.

count Manager, Merchantwise.

packed year for the Licensed Consumer

on showcasing the team’s plans for 3D

sions of interest in plush, apparel, sleep-

movie juggernaut Walking with Dinosaurs.

Children’s brands including Charlie and

Product is scheduled to launch in the sec-

Lola and In The Night Garden will also

World renowned brand Lonely Planet will

nille Sanders. Tennille worked with sleep-

ond half of the year, ahead of the movie

be presented on the stand. Charlie and

also be showcased at the Toy Fair, with

wear partner Mitch Dowd to create the

release in January 2014. Vivid Imagina-

Lola continues to be a consistent, under

the LCP team looking forward to sharing

range after taking out the top prize at

appointment by Flying Bark Productions to

tions is signed as the master toy partner,

the radar hit with kids and parents alike,

all the upcoming plans and establishing

an exclusive Betty Boop fashion event,

represent Australia’s most loveable larrikin,

and Hunter Products has just been an-

with increasing demand for product by

new partnerships for this globally success-

showcasing emerging designers from Mel-

Blinky Bill.

nounced as the local distributor.

both consumers and retailers. The recent

ful brand.

bourne’s Whitehouse Institute of Design,

Ph: +61 (3) 9520 1010 Merchantwise is excited to announce its

who drew on Betty Boop as inspiration for

Blinky was the brainchild of author Doro-

The spotlight will be firmly focussed on

over 16,000 tickets across 54 shows with

Contact Elie Mansour on 02 97444 4544

their garments. Tennille also received a

thy Wall, who in 1939 penned The Com-

iconic brand Doctor Who this year as it

regular programming on ABC2 and CBee-

or at, Rachael

once in a lifetime, all-inclusive trip to New

plete Adventures of Blinky Bill. In 1992,

celebrates its 50th Anniversary. A mar-

bies helping to push the demand for mer-

Hammond on 02 94777 585 or at rachael.

York City to complete work experience

Yoram Gross Studios – now Flying Bark Pro-

keting and PR campaign has launched,

chandise. or Brigid Roberts on

with renowned fashion powerhouse Anna

ductions - produced the original Blinky Bill

02 97444 4569 or at brigid.roberts@bbc.

Sui, working personally with Anna in her

feature film Blinky Bill, The Mischievous Ko-

com for more information.

design studio.

ala. The little koala with the heart of gold

live show at the Sydney Opera House sold

with some exciting activities planned surrounding this amazing milestone. A range

The Ultimate Outdoor Motoring Event

of commemorative products will be re-

launches at Sydney Motorsport Park 9-10

leased to support the already extensive

March 2013. Top Gear Festival Sydney is

Betty Boop partners with French beauty

to star in several TV series and movies, de-

merchandise program. The team has just

set to transform Sydney Motorsport Park

giant Lancôme. Cartoon heroine, Betty

lighting audiences around the world.

announced a global deal with the New

into petrol-head heaven, as cars and stars

Boop has become the new face of Hyp-

Zealand Mint for an exciting range of

take to the track in this inaugural outdoor

nôse Star, the latest mascara from beauty

The Blinky Bill TV series from the nineties is

commemorative coins. A legal tender sil-

motoring spectacular. As part of a whole

company, Lancôme.

still on air in Australia and regularly rates in

ver coin in a bespoke TARDIS presentation

host of motoring spectacles, Top Gear

case is the hero product in the range, and

Festival Sydney will feature the roar of the

Hypnôse Star is available now at Lancôme

The Blinky Bill brand has had very extensive

has already generated significant inter-

Red Bull Racing F1 team in action for the

Counters in Myer, David Jones and select-

and successful merchandising programs,

est at its launch at the recent World Coin

first time on a Sydney race circuit with lo-

ed Pharmacies. Since his first appearance

ranging from plush toys to activity books

Fair in Berlin. Master toy partner Character

cal hero and F1 race winner Mark Webber

in the comic strip, Thimble Theatre in 1929,

and everything in between. The brand

Options, distributed by Ikon Collectibles, is

at the wheel. The event offers a complete

Popeye the Sailorman has evolved into a

has generated over AUD $30 million in rev-

working on some commemorative toys for

Festival experience for visitors - every cor-

pop culture icon, performing astounding

enue from more than 60 licenses.




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Merchantwise is now accepting expres-

was incredibly well received and went on

the top 20 children’s programs on ABC-TV.



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Hugely anticipated blockbuster zombie

long-awaited follow-up to 2004’s hit com-

new DVD titles, eBooks and story apps

M&M’s® has a long and distinguished his-

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed!

legacy continues, attracting legions of

apocalypse film World War Z, has been

edy, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Bur-

as well as a new master toy partner, The

tory stretching back to first launch in 1943.

slated by Paramount for US theatrical re-

gundy. Slated for release December 2013,

Bridge, developing the new S3 toy line for

Generations have grown up with the

Sonic enjoyed a significant cameo in Dis-

message for the first time. Beatles albums

lease June 21 2013. Starring Brad Pitt, one

this sequel sees the return of hit-making

SS 2014.

brand, associating M&M’s® with memo-

ney’s Wreck-It-Ralph – released 26th Dec

and new compilations continue to be best

of the biggest Hollywood superstars of the

front man, Will Ferrell as well as Steve

ries of fun, family and good times. Today,

‘12, grossing A$18M at the Box Office in

sellers throughout the world and there is

last 20 years the film will be rated PG-13,

Carell, Paul Rudd and Dave Koechner.

An exciting new Talking Friends QSR pro-

M&M’s® chocolate candies are the num-

Australia alone and ongoing PR in Aus-

very strong demand for Beatles merchan-

targeting teens and adults. The supporting

The sequel has been written by Will Far-

motion will be running in Australia/New

ber 1 confectionery brand globally. In Aus-

tralia’s leading children’s magazines. Ikon

dise amongst music lovers of all ages.

cast includes Matthew Fox (Lost) and Da-

rell and Adam McKay, directed by Mc-

Zealand from October 31, 2013 – De-

tralia, the M&M’s® confectionery brand

Collectibles have also recently launched

vid Morse (The Hurt Locker). At the helm is

Kay (Step Brothers, Talladega Nights) and

cember 4, 2013. An estimated 5 million

launched in 1983 and is now ranked in the

an exciting talking plush range.

visceral director Marc Forster who’s made

produced by Judd Apatow (Bridesmaids,

products will be produced for the 5 week

top 5 confectionery.

his career from delivering hard hitting ac-

Knocked Up).

period, with 2 premiums being released

rently includes a comprehensive Easter

per week. More details to be announced

and Christmas seasonal confectionery

of visceral Australian rock band AC/DC.

tion as well as impactful, sensitive emotion

new fans discovering the music and the

Merchandise curNovember 2013 sees the 40th anniversary

(Monster’s Ball, Finding Neverland, The

The original film is Paramounts #1 selling

soon! The Dragon-I talking plush range

range, auto accessories and memorabil-

Formed in Sydney in 1973 by brothers Mal-

Kite Runner, Quantum of Solace).

DVD in its price bracket, selling over 10

is set to expand with new characters

ia. The immense popularity of the M&M’s®

colm and Angus Young, AC/DC has gone

million DVD’s. As a character, Ron Bur-

launching for 2013: Talking Gina, Ginger,

characters and Mars Confectionery’s in-

on to sell more than 200 million albums

The film is based on the bestselling novel

gundy is immensely popular: with 2.3 mil-

Pierre, Santa and Angela. Talking Friends

vestment of over $5 Million in media an-

worldwide. Back in Black has sold an es-

by Max Brooks. His hardcover spent 4

lion “Likes” on Facebook, he ranked #26

has attracted over 11.5 million plus down-

nually ensures that longevity of this ever-

timated 50 million units making it the sec-

weeks on the New York Times Best Seller

on Empire Magazine’s 100 Greatest Movie

loads in Australia and New Zealand.

green brand. 2012 has been an exciting

ond highest selling album of any artist, be-

For over 12 years, Merchantwise have

List and sold 600,000 copies. Described by

Characters poll.

year with the launch of the M&M’s Action

hind only Michael Jackson’s Thriller – and

been leaders in brand licensing. But it

Pack app and further consumer market-

the highest selling album by any band.

doesn’t stop there. Let us show you how

USA Today as possessing “...more creativity and zip than entire crates of other

To use Ron Burgundy’s phrasing, we have

new fiction titles Mad Max meets The Hot

a feeling that this film will be “Kind of a big

Zone... It’s Apocalypse Now, pandemic-


ing campaign planned for this year.

we can license, extend and market your AC/DC ranks fourth on VH1’s list of the

brand, standing out from the rest.

Newly transformed Sonic the Hedgehog

“100 Most Greatest Artists of Hard Rock”

For further information, contact Merchant-

video game, All-Stars Racing launched

and ranks 23rd on their list of the “100

wise, the brand licensing experts

Strawberry Shortcake will air Season 3 TV

16th November on Xbox 360, PlayStation

Greatest Artists of All Time.”

Phone: +61(3) 9520 1000,

The much anticipated trailer launched in

scenes in the US from January 2013 and

3, PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS with

August 2012 and was viewed by over 15.4

will introduce new boy character Huckle-

a comprehensive marketing & PR cam-

The Beatles are also enjoying an anniver-

million people on YouTube and 8.5 million

berry Pie and new puppy friends for each

paign. The title was also launched on the

sary this year, with 50 years having passed

on iTunes – the 2nd most downloaded

girl. The new scenes will air in Australia

upcoming Nintendo Wii UÔ system. A PC

since the release of hit albums Please

YouTube video after Obama’s election

from Jan 2014. Season 1 and season 2

digital download is available from Febru-

Please Me and With The Beatles. Songs


are currently airing on Toast TV - Channel

ary 2013. In support of the launch, Danica

like I Saw Her Standing There, Love Me

11. Strawberry Shortcake surprises users

Patrick raced a custom Sonic the Hedge-

Do, Twist and Shout, All My Loving and Roll

The design direction for merchandise

of Tango a free video calling service that



Over Beethoven signalled the rise of The

combines military and zombie trends.

connects over 45M people around the

NASCAR Nationwide Series O’Reilly Auto

Beatles phenomenon and indeed gen-



world, by appearing onscreen during their

Parts Challenge. The race and branded

erations of Brit-Pop to follow.

headwear, action figures, posters, gifts

calls. She also has a free social expression

car could be seen by fans on ESPN, the

and collectibles.

app that allows kids to dress up Strawberry

most popular sports network worldwide.

The Beatles is an ageless brand that nev-

and her friends and share their creations

The event garnered more than 73 million

er wanes in appeal. Although the band

via email. 2013 will see the release of 2

media impressions for the promotion of

broke up over 30 years ago, its timeless

style. Creepy but fascinating.”



Anchorman: The Legend Continues is the




Email:, Web:

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Peppa Pig achieves lift off

Peppa has been visiting various shopping

First Time in Australia

The success continues for hot pre-school

centres during school holidays for meet

Direct from London’s West End comes an

brand, Peppa Pig which has again rated

and greets and a 20 min non-ticketed

exciting new show starring Peppa Pig and

#1 for Australian kids in all time slots for

show. Meet & Greets and shows in 2012

all her family and friends. This exciting new

January. Peppa is also the #1 rated chil-

reached over 100K!. The response has

show features lifelike puppets, sing-along

dren’s show downloaded on ABC iView.

been overwhelming, with Peppa draw-

songs and a new story that will charm and

The popularity of the show was confirmed

ing a huge crowd of parents and children

delight all Peppa’s fans.

with Astley Baker Davies taking home their

from 0-5 years!

3rd consecutive Best Preschool Animation BAFTA Award for Peppa Pig!

Produced by Fiery Angel and presented 2013 is set to be a big year for this little pig

by Lifelike Touring, touring nationwide

with an indelible spirit. Additional catego-


2012 saw DVD sales grow by over 100%,

ries have freshly added to the already ex-

Peppa Pig and her friends are going on a

culminating in Hopscotch Entertainment

tensive product mix, including electronic

treasure hunt and need your help!

taking out the year’s industry award for

toys, role play toys, children’s patio furni-

Best Marketing Campaign for Children’s

ture, dolls prams and pushchairs, wooden

For licensing enquiries, please contract

Direct to Video for Peppa Pig at the Aus-

puzzles and board games, stationery,

Kerryn McCormack, Senior Account Man-

tralian Home Entertainment Distributors

bags, backpacks and luggage. Deals

ager, Merchantwise.

night of nights.

for partyware, paper products, greeting

Ph: +61 (3) 9520 1010




cards, melamine and dinnerware, wheel Big Balloon plan to extend their current

toys and wooden toys are currently being

lines after launching Peppa Pig toys to

finalised as are major retail partnerships

a huge success while publishing partner

and events.

Penguin saw an incredible 250% sales growth for the year. Consequently, they have 18 more titles in the pipeline for 2013.



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It’s all Looney Tunes in 2013

Scooby-Doo - with the functionality of a

The extensive WBCP offering for the Loon-

2013 will see many exciting developments

pillow. In 2013 Pillow Pets will focus on of-

ey Tunes property will also include support

for Looney Tunes, with significant crea-

fering fresh interpretations of these clas-

for the new episodes of the animated se-

tive content being launched across all

sic and beloved characters. The superior

ries The Looney Tunes Show, from Warner

categories in support of Classic Looney

quality of Pillow Pets and their character

Bros. Animation (WBA), on KidsWB on GO!,

Tunes, Vintage Looney Tunes, Looney

appeal mean kids will love cuddling up

Cartoon Network and Boomerang. The

Tunes Active! and The Looney Tunes Show.

with their Pillow Pet all through the night.

Looney Tunes characters will also continue

The successful Looney Tunes apparel lines

to appear at meet and greets and mall

will continue to grow with new styles and

A new publishing range will soon be avail-

designs debuting with leading retailers this

able in retail, featuring a wide range of


Looney Tunes book formats, including sto-

For more information, please contact:

rybooks, colouring and activity books and

Rebecca Brownhill

novelty books.


In FMCG, Parmalat brand Pauls is launching Tweety and Scooby-Doo branded

T +61 3 9289 9522

yoghurts on packaging at leading super-

Looney Tunes also continues to interact


with fans on iTunes. The Looney Tunes App, available on the App Store, allows users to

The Original Pillow Pets™ continue to be

select from the cast of cartoon comedy

a huge success. Available at Big W in a

greats and integrate them into digital life.

number of Looney Tunes and Scooby-Doo

Create customised personal art, listen to

characters, the hit soft toy combines the

signatures phrases, or use a photo frame

cute factor of some of the most loved

to share with friends on Facebook or e-

cartoon characters - Tweety, Bugs Bunny,

mail, and more.

Daffy Duck and Sylvester, along with




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shows across Australian shopping centres.


Ben 10: Omniverse


Care Bears

Ben 10 is back with a new look, a new Om-



2013 is the 30th anniversary of the love-

nitrix, and a brand-new show. Get ready

reached new heights, officially surpassing

able Care Bears and an exciting new

for Ben 10: Omniverse!

the US$500 million mark in US retail sales &

range of Plush & Toys from Hasbro will be

Ben 10: Omniverse is ready to explode into

becoming the fastest kids gaming prop-

released in April.

2013 and beyond and is already rating #1

erty to accomplish such a feat.

The Care Bears are back in a brand new

in its time slot beating all other kids’ pro-

Skylanders Giants won the hotly con-

CGI animated series Care Bears: Wel-

grams on all channels.

tested 2012 ‘Toy of the Year’ from K-Zone

come to Care-a-Lot which launches on


Channel 11 (Toasted TV) February 2013.



Adventure Time


Following on from the phenomenal suc-

announced! From the innovators who

Angry Birds

cess of the Adventure Time Toys R Us Toys

brought “Toys to Life” comes an entirely

The success of Angry Birds will continue

and the Jay Jay’s Apparel launch, there

new innovation – ‘Swapability’

throughout 2013 and beyond with excit-

will be an extensive consumer product

16 New Characters with Swappable Top

ing new development of the core classic

program roll-out throughout 2013.

and Bottom Halves can be customised

game as well as many other new and ex-

into more than 250 unique combinations,

citing ventures.

Regular Show

taking Skylanders and the “Toys to Life”

The Angry Birds brand is also expanding to

The Emmy award winning Regular Show

Category to a new level.

include an animation series! There are 52 x

is another Cartoon Network animated

Stellar HD Graphics deliver cinema-quality

3 minute episodes in development which

comedy, featuring Mordecai, a six-foot-

visuals and storytelling, immersing players

will be available on the Rovio channel on

tall blue jay and Rigby, a hyperactive rac-

in gameplay like never before.

YouTube from mid 2013.

coon, two best friends who turn their regular, boring jobs into exciting adventures. Toys will launch Easter 2013 at Toys R Us Australia, with mass-market toys and softlines programs to follow during the second half of 2013. Dinosaur Train Dinosaur Train is launching on free-to-air from Feb 2013 on Channel 11 (Toasted TV)! The launch is sure to take everyone’s favourite Dinosaurs to a whole new audience and further drive the consumer products program at retail. The Dinosaur Train website at

has won the first

iKids award for best website preschool.



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ment. This brand offers access to the

The Irwin Family & Australia Zoo

Monsuno continues to power into 2013,

elusive tween-to-teen girls market and is

2013 is set to be a big year for the Irwin

rating strongly on the Nickelodeon and

ideal for any fashion-based product line,

Family and Australia Zoo. Robert Irwin’s

Go! Channel and selling huge numbers of

from apparel through to tech accessories

brand new fictional series of books, Robert

the signature toy “The Core”. Monsuno airs

and crafts.

Irwin: Dinosaur Hunter will be out in March

in the primetime spot, 4.30pm weekdays.

at all leading book retailers. Follow the ad-

Ratings are on the increase, seeing over

Tree Fu Tom

20,000 new viewers on average per epi-

Tree Fu Tom was the highest rated pro-

ventures of Robert as he travels back to the time of the dinosaurs to meet these ex-

sode. The launch of new series ‘Combat

gramme on CBeebies in 2012 for


citing and sometimes terrifying creatures.

Chaos’ will soon hit screens and shelves

dren 4-6 and

been nominated

Bindi has a new film, Nim’s Island 2: Return

combined bringing even more monsters

for twoBafta Awards,all in its first year of

to Nim’s Island, which premieres in April

and new gameplay. Outerwear, swim-

broadcast! With 18 UK licensees on board,

and her TV trivia show Bindi’s Bootcamp

wear, sleepwear and underwear will be

product rolling out this month, and two

continues to rate well on ABC3. Series 2 of

on shelf at Target from August, with further

new series in production, Tree Fu Tom is set

Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors launches on

product lines such as posters, showbags,

to be the UK’s next big preschool brand.

the 23rd of February on Channel 10 and

carnival plush and lunchware now signed

Rating incredibly well in Australia on Dis-

Crocodile Hunter continues to run locally.

for release in 2013. Other key categories

ney Jr and launching on Channel 10 in

New programming releases are soon to

remain open for licensing, so get in fast

September, now is the time to jump on

be announced for both Robert and Bindi,

with this exciting new boys brand before

this opportunity for a fresh new preschool

so watch this space!

it’s too late!

brand to add to your roster.


Stardoll With over 165 million registered members, Stardoll is the #1 website for teen and tween girls worldwide. An online game and social experience based on creativity, fashion, friendship and fun, Stardoll offers young girls the opportunity to live out their fantasy life online in a safe environ-



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Pac Man Classic

Target and Jay Jays and posters, novelty

Instruments: City of Bones and The End-

Named in the Guinness Book of World Re-

and jewellery products will be in store be-

less Summer, so please contact us for a

cords as “The Most Recognisable Video

fore the movie release. If you’re looking to

full catalogue of these great TV and Film

Game Character ”, Pac Man is the quin-

beam up your sales, licensed opportuni-


tessential retro gaming brand. One of

ties still exist for sleepwear, underwear,

the most profitable arcade games of all

tech accessories and more.

time, and now hugely popular in the App

For more information please contact: Liz Burnett

games marketplace, this is a brand with

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Director, Consumer Products

great heritage and great potential in 2013

One of the most successful kids films of

FremantleMedia Enterprises

and beyond. Licensing deals are in place

2009, with a worldwide box office of $245

+61 2 9434 0722

for outerwear, sleepwear, underwear and

million, Cloudy with a Chance of Meat-

tech accessories, with product now at

balls is back with a mouth-watering se-

Myer and EB Games, however selected

quel! Out in cinemas locally on the 28th

opportunities are still available. If your

November 2013, the original voice cast

products are targeting the older teen and

and production team returns for a phe-

18 – 34 market, Pac Man is the brand to

nomenally fun food fight of epic pro-


portions. In Cloudy 2, giant “foodimals” become the stars! We are now signing

Space Invaders

partners for this brand, so come and see

Known as the ‘Smiley Face’ of gaming,

us – especially if your product is food re

the Space Invader is often used to rep-

lated, edible or scented!

resent the industry as a whole. The pop culture icon has invaded shelves at Kmart,

Classic & Cult

Myer and EB Games in 2012 with great sell

We have a huge range of retro brands on

through and has new product lines releas-

our roster, including Ghostbusters, Happy

ing into 2013. Targeting teens and adults

Days, Baywatch, Mighty Mouse, Melrose

18 – 34 years, licensing opportunities are

Place and more. We also look after cult

still available in some key categories so

brands such as Breaking Bad, The Mortal

now is the time to get on board. Star Trek With the release of the new JJ Abrams directed film Star Trek Into Darkness on 18th May 2013, and a huge resurgence in the Geek Chic market, Star Trek is set to Live Long and Prosper at retail. Star Trek is the #1 show on Foxtel’s Sci Fi Channel, and screens daily on Channel Eleven. Outerwear has had incredible sell through at




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er Clover… is the best thing to happen to


• Launched in Melbourne in May 2011

girls aged 6 up in ages’ Editor of The Good

Forever Clover is an exciting new brand,

• Series 2 swap cards released in May

Weekend, The Age/Sydney Morning Her-

which is based on the swap card phenomenon. It celebrates young girls and their friendships and challenges. Creator Leanne Howard, who is passionate about girls and their education, saw an opportunity in the market for a collec-

2012 • Sticker & Activity book launched in

under $25 category (girls) in K Zone and

December 2012 (Hardie Grant

Total Girls third annual toy survey (Decem-


ber 2012).

• 6 fiction novels to be launched by Hardie Grant Egmont on 24th

Leanne has appointed Talisman Licensing

April 2013

as her partner/agent for this brand.

tor product for young girls.

• Series 3 swap cards to be launched

There is a daily Forever Clover blog, which

• In discussions with leading TV produc

on 24th April 2013 is used to communicate with Forever Clo-

ald (29/9/2012). One of 3 winners in the

tion companies for launch in 2014

Come and speak to Daniel and Leanne about your opportunity with this property at the Melbourne Toy Fair on March 3.

ver club members and run competitions:

Top 5 Categories for licensing:

Forever Clover is at STAND C18

• Stationery

All Licensing enquiries will be directed to:

Girls interact via the blog and all blog

• Apparel & Accessories

Talisman Licensing

posts are moderated. As a result of the

• Home-wares

Daniel Feller MD

blog, girls think of the 6 Forever Clover girls

• Toys, Games, Puzzles

as real people.

• Quality Foods

0421 259 630

There are 6 lead character girls: Maddie,

What do they say!

Retail enquiries to be directed to Leanne

Emma, Abbey, Matilda, Kate and Olivia.

It’s Footy cards for girls, ‘We think… Forev-





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Interview with Pete Bird, General

periences will continue to grow. Disney’s ability

ing new adventure in ‘The Ultimate Spider-

Manager, Licensing

to work with our licensees and retailers to deliver

Man’ – currently airing on Channel Seven and

The Walt Disney Company, Australia

unique and immersive experiences that speaks

already a ratings winner in Australia and around

directly to the consumer has seen continued

the globe; ‘Avengers Assemble’ and ‘Hulk and

strength and incremental growth right across all

the Agents of SMASH’ will also debut, establish-

our franchises.

ing an even greater engagement with Marvel


Congratulations on the new role, tell me

about Disney’s licensing focus for 2013.

fans of all ages.

Thank you, I am humbled to be given the opportunity to lead the licensing team at Disney for


Australia and New Zealand. We had a phenom-

the girls demographic, how do you hope to


enal 2012, staying on top as the world’s largest

continue to build on that success without key

when will we hear more about Star Wars now

licensor and we hope to continue that success

theatrical support in 2013?

that the acquisition is complete?

into 2013. We have a lot to be excited about

Disney Princess and Disney Fairies success lies

We’re all excited about Star Wars, but it really is

and this year, there will be exceptionally strong

in their enduring stories, great characters and

too early to discuss anything further. The news of

Studio support with Disney, Marvel and Pixar ti-

the ability to resonate with little girls all over the

J.J. Abrams directing Star Wars: Episode VII, the

tles at the box-office with several key releases

world. In Australia, we’re particularly excited

first of a new series of Star Wars films to come

such as “Monster’s University”, “Planes” and

about our new campaign titled, “I Am A Prin-

from Lucasfilm since the acquisition is enough to

“Iron Man 3”.


whet fans appetites’ so stay tuned!

The evergreen success of Mickey and Friends,

The campaign is a celebration of the Princess in-

especially with continued support on Disney

side every young girl, and champions the quali-

7. With your recent announcement of Disney In-

Channel through TV favourite, “Mickey Mouse

ties that make her one: kindness; compassion;

finity, how much of Infinity’s success will lie in the

Club House” and breakout hit “Minnie’s Bow

loyalty and bravery. We kicked off the cam-

execution of the toys?

Toons”, ensures that our number 1 franchise in

paign on February 9th, with the exclusive Disney

We are excited about Disney Infinity and the

Mickey remains strong and top-of-mind. Speak-

Princess Animation Festival screening and look-

endless game play and story possibilities. We

ing of Channels, the growth of Disney Junior’s

ing forward to next year when we release a new

know that our characters extend the appeal

new shows such as “Doc McStuffins” and the

feature-length animated feature film “Frozen”,

beyond those who play video games, so we are

on-going success of “Jake and the Neverland

we will introduce two brand-new Princesses to

confident fans everywhere will embrace it. We

Pirates” holds us in a strong position in the pre-

the Royal Court in 2014.

plan to continue building on the Disney Infinity

Disney has traditionally been stronger with

school sector.

Speaking of blockbuster boys franchises,

brand for years to come and will leverage the

In addition, the enduring appeal of the Disney


Whilst I was at the Hong Kong Toy fair ear-

game’s advanced technology to create unique

Princess, Disney Fairies and for boys, new fresh

lier this year, there seemed to be a big push for

experiences for many of the company’s top

content from Marvel positions us strongly to de-

boys. Can you elaborate more on this and is

franchises in the future. Disney Infinity branded

liver a 365-day a year product opportunities for

Marvel meeting expectations 3 years into the

products will include interactive figures.

our licensees, retailers and consumers.

acquisition? We are excited about the boys space and with

8. What is the secret to Disney’s ongoing suc-

How do you think your background in con-

the theatrical release of “Planes” later this Sep-


sumer sales will benefit your new role? Every

tember, we have an opportunity to connect

Key to our success and what differentiates Dis-

year when I reflect on what has come before

with a popular play-pattern and a world that

ney is relevance and our ability to connect with

and what we have to look forward to, it always

takes place in our skies.

our consumers, licensees and retailers.

comes back to great storytelling. I say it all the

‘Planes’ is a natural follow-on from the phenom-

Our focus on building franchises and building

time, but even after 17 years at Disney, I have

enal success of Disney-Pixar’s Cars, which this

around the core brands of Disney, Pixar, Mar-

the best job in the world working with the world’s

year will see a wealth of new racing themed

vel and now Star Wars both resonate and add

best entertainment content and stories that re-

content planned and refreshed design pro-

value. Our primary objective in franchise devel-

ally touch people’s hearts.

grams to drive core ‘Cars’ business.

opment for many years has been to diversify our

At Disney, we have always emphasized the

2013 will also see the highly anticipated release

portfolio of franchises to connect with a broader

importance of the consumer experience. We

of ‘Iron Man 3’ with Robert Downey Jr. reprising

range of consumers.

have an immense opportunity to keep working

his role as the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist,

lock-step with our licensees and retailers to pro-

Tony Stark. The anticipation by Marvel fans is

9. Finally, what are you most excited about?

vide innovative products that consumers and

warranted, and the licensing business continues

For Licensing, definitely looking forward to work-

fans have come to expect from Disney and im-

to grow in every category from toy and apparel

ing more closely with our licensees and retailers.

mersive retail experiences that deliver a point of

to stationery and publishing.

We look forward to working with our licensees to


We are buoyed by the support of a strong televi-

provide innovative products and working with

sion line-up which sees Marvel being present on

our strong consumer sales team on providing im-

3. What are some key trends you see emerging?

the small-screen, 365 days a year. Three exciting

mersive retail solutions that really deliver a point

I think the desire and need for personalized ex-

new animated TV series will debut in 2013 includ-

of “Disney” difference.





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HASBRO 2013 highlights

Studios, airs on Cartoon Network and is

TRANSFORMERS Facebook page at www.

From toys to games, television program-

seen by kids and fans in over 170 countries

ming and motion pictures, video games

around the world. The beasts, comprised

and publishing, not forgetting its compre-

of a new TRANSFORMERS faction called


hensive licensing programmes, Hasbro

the PREDACONS, are led by one of the

The MY LITTLE PONY franchise continues

is using all of the assets at its disposal to

most imposing and powerful characters

to be a worldwide favourite with fans of

leverage its brands further in the coming


all ages, largely energized by the global

12 months.

ING. “In recent years, TRANSFORMERS

popularity of the MY LITTLE PONY FRIEND-

Chris Gray, Managing Director Hasbro

fans have seen the AUTOBOTS battle the

SHIP IS MAGIC animated series, produced

Australia & New Zealand states, “Hasbro’s

DECEPTICONS,” said Aaron Archer, Vice

by Hasbro Studios. The extensive MY LITTLE

Branded Play vision is fully operational,

President of TRANSFORMERS Brand Crea-

PONY merchandising program reaches

with all of the company working together

tive and Design. “The PREDACON fac-

across all major categories including ap-

to provide fully immersive experiences for

tion, made up of menacing beasts that

parel, publishing, home entertainment,

the consumer across the firm’s key fran-

convert in ways mankind has never seen,

toys and accessories with new ranges re-

chises, and also to unlock opportunities for

have now joined the DECEPTICONS to

leased throughout 2013.

our retail partners. In the past few years,

take down the AUTOBOTS. We’re looking

Girls of all ages will adore discovering the

we’ve taken our brands to places people

forward to exploring this new dynamic in

whimsical world of pony friends in 2013 as

didn’t think possible and we will continue

the animation, action figures, KRE-O build-

we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the

to drive the reach of our brands.”

ing sets, publishing and more.”

brand with significant retail statements,

With strong marketing programmes and

continued partnership with Hoyts for the-

cohesive brand statements that translate

Hasbro will continue to provide its broad

atrical releases and the introduction of

across categories and products, Hasbro is

TRANSFORMERS fan base with high value,

the “Build-A-Bear” collection from April

confident that it offers all the fun for kids

age-appropriate licensed merchandise


and families anywhere, anytime.

across categories such as digital gam-

also “make friends” with MY LITTLE PONY

ing, including an exciting new MMO from

on Facebook , Twitter and YouTube for ex-


Jagex scheduled for release in 2013, toys,

clusive updates, product reveals, promo-

Hasbro’s iconic TRANSFORMERS brand has

apparel, publishing, sporting goods and

tions and more.

become one of the most successful en-

more. For older fans, look for a “THRILLING

tertainment franchises of the 21st century

30” themed promotion to support TRANS-


and features the heroic AUTOBOTS and


A global phenomenon following its 1998

the villainous DECEPTICONS engaged

the 30th anniversary of the TRANSFORM-

debut and one of 2012’s hottest toys, the

in an epic battle on multiple storytelling

ERS franchise from September.

FURBY is an evolved, interactive friend

platforms including film, television, digital

Fans of the beloved brand can

with ‘A MIND OF ITS OWN’ and advanced

gaming and theme parks.


technology that gives each FURBY an un-


HUNTERS brand trailer, visit the TRANS-

predictable nature that will continue to

be the touchstone for TRANSFORMERS

FORMERS Youtube channel at www.You-

delight and surprise children and fans of

brand entertainment in 2013 driven by the

Fans can also

all ages. The FURBY party kicks into high

award winning TRANSFORMERS PRIME ani-

keep up with the latest news from the

gear in 2013 with the introduction a licens-

mated series which is produced by Hasbro


ing program t hat spans key categories


the official



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● from apparel to stationery, home decor,

ing Blythe and her friends to adopt, take

in the MONOPOLY Save Your Token cam-

party goods, food and beverage and

care of and entertain cute little pets!

paign on Facebook. This hugely successful


campaign resulted in millions of votes from

The magic of FURBY continues online

As one of the hottest licensed lifestyle

185 countries around the world – bidding

throughout 2013 - For FURBY fun, kids can

properties among tweens, LITTLEST PET

farewell to the “iron” and introducingthe

visit to discover FURBY videos,

SHOP brand’s global licensing program

“cat” token for 2013.

design a virtual FURBY, learn FURBISH and

has licensees across all major categories

In addition, after a thirteen-year hiatus,

more. For additional interactive FURBY

at retail including apparel, accessories,

Hasbro & McDonald’s were proud to an-

fun, owners can download the free FURBY

publishing and digital gaming. Fans of

nounce the return of one of its most popu-

app to their iOS or Android devices. New

the LITTLEST PET SHOP brand will delight in

lar games, MONOPOLY at McDonald’s.

features that interact with FURBY will be

following the adventures of BLYTHE BAX-

The famous game returned to restaurants

added to the app throughout the year.

TER and her pet friends in the “Littlest Pet

on 30th January when McDonald’s be-

Fans can also keep up with FURBY’s latest

Shop” animated series, created by Has-

came the first business in Australia to ac

adventures on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,

bro Studios.

cept MONOPOLY game money for one

Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram

day only! With over $90 million in prizes


TONKA With 98 percent brand awareness and more than 250 million trucks sold since its

The LITTLEST PET SHOP brand started from

launch in 1947, it is clear why the TONKA

a line of collectible pets aimed at tween

brand is synonymous with durability.

girls aged 7-9 and their zeal for nurturing

65-year old brand remains the rite of pas-


and collecting and has evolved into a

sage for every young boy, and even more

New N-strike Elite blasters bring you more

global franchise. Tweens simply can’t get

exciting TONKA fuelled adventures are on

fun, action and excitement for you and

enough of these quirky, cute and lovable

the near horizon through a licensing pro-

your friends. Nerf Elite is the latest in blast-

pets and the accompanying LITTLEST PET

gram with Funrise, distributed by Hunter

er technology firing darts further than any

SHOP playsets and accessories that make

Products, that will bring to market a new

original N-Strike blaster – up to an astound-

the experience complete. In 2013, the be-

range of TONKA vehicles and playsets.

ing 20M. The full core range launched in

loved brand becomes a little sweeter with

This will be supported with a licensing pro-

Early Feb. In addition, Hasbro’s licensee

the introduction of the SWEETEST LITTLEST

gram including apparel, publishing, sport-

partners will be bringing out a range of

PET SHOP pets theme.

ing goods and toys.

high performance Elite blaster accesso-

and a significant media campaign – MONOPOLY is all about giving fans new ways to play and win it all!


This year, tweens can also take their LIT-

ries. These will include electronics, sporting

TLEST PET SHOP collection with them every-


goods and wheeled toys. Get ready to

where with the free LITTLEST PET SHOP app!

Whether you dream of being a business

blast because its Nerf or Nothin’

Fans can scan a unique Pet Collector

mogul, building a five-star hotel or adding

token found in each Sweetest LITTEST PET

a new token to the classic game, Hasbro

SHOP product in order to virtually collect

has a MONOPOLY gaming experience for

the pets they’ve purchased.

Based on

you! The brand kicked off 2013 by rally-

the popular and adorable toy franchise,

ing fans around the world to save their fa

the LITTLEST PET SHOP app. has you help-

vourite game token from being replaced

feature articles × head start story ugly doll food for thought




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Looney Tunes - A Brand with Character –

highest reaching series on Boomerang in

industry, “As we like to describe as ‘ev-

Coming to a Toy Aisle Near You

2012. It ranked #2 on weekends on GO!,

ergreen’,” said Hendy. “For us, our ever-

Funny, smart and unpredictable, the

achieving above a 20 share.

green brands are those that have proven

Looney Tunes are pop culture legends

broad appeal and have the potential to

with broad global appeal. For decades,

“We are excited to launch a comprehen-

be in our portfolio for the next 5 years –

the cherished characters have delighted

sive range at retail that will be supported

and Looney Tunes is a prime example.”

audiences worldwide and established

with TV advertising, which we are sure will

themselves as authentic global entertain-

capture the eyes of fans of all ages as

ment icons.

we share our new long term brand,” said Hendy.

This reputation has inspired the Headstart team, Australia’s 5th largest toy company,

The Looney Tunes story began in the studio

who will be launching a full line of Looney

building called “Termite Terrace”, named

Tunes toys in the Australian market later

by the energetic and funny young anima-

this year.

tors, writers, directors, voice actors and composers who produced over 1300 car-

“Looney Tunes have always been a treas-

toon shorts, famous for their high-speed,

ured gem for the toy companies chasing

slapstick humour and identifiable stars.

long term brands. The characters have

Within a few years, Looney Tunes became

The Looney Tunes only get bigger and

such heritage throughout the world, and

the most popular theatrical cartoons ever,

bigger. They have held their place with

in Australia, we’re excited to fill the toy

bringing to life an array of timeless char-

live-action movie stars across genera-

aisles with these beloved characters once


tions, and won four Academy Awards®

again,” said Headstart Director, Andrew

(from 21 nominations). They have been


acclaimed in audience polls, studied for academic papers, placed in the AFI Na-

The Looney Tunes are the premiere collec-

tional Film Registry and honoured with

tion of hyperactive wise guys who say and

postage stamps. Today, they’re star of the

do what everyone else wishes they could

symphony, numerous best-selling DVD col-

say and do. The Looney Tunes are auto-

lections, 3D theatrical cartoons, feature

matically associated with Bugs Bunny (TV

films, amusement park rides, a robust con-

Guide’s #1 Favourite Cartoon Character

sumer products business, a healthy-living

of All Time) and his legion of lively costars.

campaign and a hit television animated

From Bugs’s cool street smarts and Daffy’s

series. Everyone knows the Looney Tunes.

manic ego to Pepe Le Pew’s obsessive amour and Wile E. Coyote’s stubborn

The all-new Looney Tunes toy line will de-

(and painful) unwillingness to quit, these

but at Headstart’s stand during the Mel-

qualities reflect people we know or are.

bourne Toy Fair, stand number A01.

Headstart has assembled a strong line of

For more information, please contact:

figurines and plush, including an exciting

Rebecca Brownhill

Bugs Bunny feature item, to be supported


by TV advertising.

T +61 3 9289 9522

Fans won’t want to miss the Looney Tunes as WBCP also continues to support The

Andrew Hendy

Looney Tunes Show, which had the high-

Over the past 5 years, Headstart has built

Headstart International

est program transmission on Boomerang

its core business across a stable portfolio

Telephone: +61 3 9862 9601

in 2012 for Total People and was the 2nd

of highly recognisable brands in the toy





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TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s13)


1. Could you give us a brief rundown on the history of Uglydoll and it’s creators, David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim, for those who don’t know about the brands heritage?

4. Can you give us a brief rundown on the performance of Uglydoll in the North American market, in terms of units sold and the number of retailers you have?

David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim were students together at Par-

We sold UGLYDOLL to literally thousands of accounts…by 2009

sons School of Design in New York City. When Sun-Min returned

we were probably in over 10,000 accounts…the specialty market

to Korea in 2001, David wrote her love letters and signed them

shrunk since then for economic reasons but it’s still a healthy and

with a little orange character illustrated. Sun-Min sewed a plush

growing market.

version of the little character as a sweet gift for David and this became the first UGLYDOLL® called Wage™. This love story continues as the couple married and continues to work on new UGLYDOLL creations.

5. Can you tell us a little bit about the licensing program for Uglydoll in the North American market? Licensing for our brand is fairly new…we have over 25 licenses

2. Obviously Uglydoll has been widely successful in the North American market. Can you tell us how you have managed the growth of Uglydoll in North America?

now that range from Party Goods to tee shirts. Most of the product is just going to hit retail this year. The product has such a fun flavour to it and it is really amazing to see it all come to life. Licensing all started with our Book series in North America and

Sales in North America started at a small pop culture store called

our classic tin toys from Schylling. We are now embarking on our

Giant Robot. We then attended Toy Fair in NYC and started

International Licensing programs and are signing up partners to

The celebrity factor always brings excitement as both our fans

Universal Studios Illumination has the rights to turn UGLYDOLL into

to open really great accounts with lots of cache’ such as Bar-

work on the property all over Asia, Europe, South America and

and theirs like to see them in pictures. When Kim Kardashian and

an animated Feature Film. The script is being written now and we

ney’s NY, FAO Schwarz and Tower Records. We attended the


Kanye West were caught on camera buying UGLYDOLL in New

look forward to some big announcements in the not so distant

York recently it became a NEWS frenzy and made the tabloids.

future. Universal has also secured digital rights to make our apps

San Diego Comic Convention known worldwide as ‘Comic-Con’ and sold a doll a minute for five days straight! We knew we had something great. With the addition of great accounts in all of the major metropolitan areas we were off and running. Stores well known from Kitson to Nordsrom became our retail base.

3. By keeping Uglydoll within the independent segment of the market, it seems that the brand has been able to maintain a good level of exclusivity. Was this always the plan?

and games so expect big things ahead. 6. Uglydoll has gained a great level of popularity in a wide range of age groups, and consumers are very loyal to the brand. What is it about Uglydoll that has led to its popularity with so many consumers? Well everyone likes a little humour in their life so we are able to appeal to boys/girls, men /women. All you have to do is look at the characters and read their bios and if you get that little inner voice laughing you clearly understand what we’re all about.

We always kept the brand specialty…this was in order to fulfill our

to do and has never been done before…we were always doing the unexpected and it takes creativity, passion and patience.


Social media is certainly huge these days and many companies are using it for marketing. We have a very organic natural following and allow fans to find us on Facebook and Twitter. We just started putting up hilarious

THANKS FOR GIVING ME THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK TO AUSTRALIA!!!! Your fan, Alita (Chief Ugly) For more information on Ugly Doll in Australia, please contact Jasnor on (03) 9562 9900 or email at

shorts on Vine…little 6 second video clips.

dreams of pitching animation to Hollywood and future licensing to create amazing product lines for our characters. It was tough

8. You currently have a good following on Facebook for Uglydoll, is social media something that you have used to build the brands popularity or plan to use in the future?

7. There have been a number of celebrity involvements involving Uglydoll. Has the celebrity involvement been important to the brands rising popularity, or do you see this as an added bonus?

9. There has been talk of an Uglydoll movie in the future, is this something we can look forward to?

► B U G G


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FOOD for

thought The Australian Toy Hobby and Nursery Fair

particularly around back to school timing.

is a powerful reminder of the enormous

Off location displays at Woolworths in-

breadth of licenses available in our mar-

cluded stacked boxes of cookies in a bulk

ket. Hundreds of brands appealing to all

40 pack, featuring Disney Princesses, An-

demographics, some Australian made

gry Birds, Moshi Monsters and Smurfs. The

but most originating from across of globe.

same licenses were featured on sandwich

Theatricals, TV, music, sporting, celebrity,

containers with cookies inside.

lifestyle gaming and now a great deal of emerging licenses based on apps and

In addition to those seasonal drops, some

YouTube sensations! We often hear about

other notable entries to the supermarket

new and exciting licenses promised to

home aisles include:

be ‘the next BIG thing!’ Or older classic brands revived to suit today’s market.

- Scooby-Doo and Tweety yoghurts

Then there are those brands that just keep

- Moshi Monsters frozen dairy/fruit packs

on keeping on, they are consistent and

licensee intro ×

and yoghurts

have seen many Toy Fairs. It can be over-

- Looney Tunes apples and pears

whelming, but it is also a friendly reminder

- Mickey and Minnie Mouse yoghurts

of the exciting industry that we are in!

- Ben 10 and Lalaloopsy bubble bath - Winnie the Pooh avocados

I believe that there is no bigger compliment for a license than to be seen on the supermarket shelf. One would argue that

- Scooby-Doo and SpongeBob Iddy Biddy Fruit Bits - SpongeBob, Ben 10, Dora the Explorer,

with much longer product development

Cars, Disney Princesses, Hello Kitty,

lead times, ruthless buyers and smaller

Peppa Pig and Spiderman celebration

shelf space, there is greater importance


in choosing a strong and durable long lasting license. There is also a much more

It is great to see such a strong line up of

limited amount of licensing in the FMCG

FMCG product in our supermarkets and

category compared to traditional licens-

hopefully licensors and licensees can con-

ing areas, so the choice of license is cru-

tinue to build the category.

cial and can make or break a product of which suppliers have spent years and mil-

Wishing everyone a fun and successful Toy

lions of dollars developing.


Over the last few months there has been increased license activity in Supermarkets,




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They have even developed their own Fur-


by stationery range, proving that they are

Fast approaching 50 years in the toy busi-

serious about this category.

ness, MJM is looking positively at 2013. Marcel Levy who is Jacques partner and With a solid market-leading heritage in li-

Director of Operations at MJM also com-

censed games and puzzles they continue

mented, “ I get the feeling that Xmas

to project a portfolio of brands, which

2013 was pretty good and that retailers

command attention.

are better placed than last year. We are fortunate to have a solid line full of global

Stand out brands for the coming year in-

brands, which we believe retailers are


looking for.

• Monsters University from Disney • Planes from Disney

More exciting news from MJM centers on

• LalaLoopsy form MGA/Haven

the launch of a brand new website.

Their innovation from a design and format

standpoint has seen their products dominate a significant part of this category for

“We are so excited about this new initia-

over 20 years.

tive in our business said Marcel’. The new site will provide a new and fresh dimen-

They will also launch a second-generation

sion to our business in terms of up to date

version of the game Big Bag Theory from

product and services information includ-

the TV show this year.

ing certain social media platforms. “We hope it will become a destination for our

Jacques Levy who is the MD of MJM/

customers where they can learn a lot

Crown products commented: “I am very

more about our company and products. “

optimistic about 2013 because we have worked hard to develop a very strong brand and product portfolio which includes many global brands. MJM have recently moved into the Licensed Stationery category and are already a significant player leading off with ranges including: • Angry Birds • One Direction • Furby




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After a hectic 2012 in the children’s licens-

every day ranges in the categories of

scales, shampoo and conditioner, bubble

ing arena, Licensing Essentials has been

Drinkware, Lunch Bags, Key rings and Gift

bath, cuddly bandages and the list goes

busy with further brand acquisitions includ-

so customers will be spoilt for choice.

on. The start of 2013 saw a very successful

ing Care Bears, Monsuno and Despicable

back to school program being launched

Me 2. Building on the huge success of their

Skylanders has sold over 100 million toys

through Coles supermarket, Angry Birds

other children’s licenses Skylanders, Angry

worldwide in the last 15 months. With more

will continue to remain strong throughout

Birds, DC Originals, Superman, Looney

exciting news to be announced shortly,

the rest of 2013 with product placement

Tunes, Scooby-Doo and Ben 10, 2013 is set

the Skylanders franchise is sure to remain

across multiple category specialists na-

to be another monster year for LE.

as the number one boys brand in 2013


and beyond. 2013 will see Licensing Essentials working

There is no doubt Licensing Essentials has

with its key retail partners on executing

With the most eagerly anticipated Block-

the hottest children’s licenses for 2013 so

an exciting range of new and innovative

buster Movie for 2013, Man of Steel, Licens-

watch this space for more exciting news!


ing Essentials has been working eagerly with its retail partners on a comprehen-

For further information, please contact:

With the phenomenal success of Sky-

sive program covering key categories of

Scott Bingley – Managing Director

landers Giants, Licensing Essentials re-

homewares, drinkware and giftware. With


leased a range of interactive and innova-

the movie release in Q3, this will lead into

Wendy Long – Marketing Manager

tive plush lines through major retailers such

the key season of Father’s Day and Christ-


as Target, Big W, Toys”R”Us and EB Games.

mas so expect to see our favourite super

The Portal of Power plush has been a key

hero everywhere.

seller over the Christmas season proving to

Licensing Essentials Pty. Ltd. 800 Wellington Road, Rowville, Vic 3178, Australia

be a top gift for boys. This year will see the

Angry Birds is another exciting property

Tel: (613) 9754 0754

launch of new Skylanders Giants charac-

that has been at the forefront of retail.

Fax: (613) 9755 8706

ters in the key plush line of Portal of Power

With new apps being launched daily, An-

plush, Collectibles, bag clips and Giant in-

gry Birds remains the undisputed number

teractive plush. Each product has unique

one mobile game in the world! Australia

light up and/or talking capabilities and is

ranks in the top 5 countries with the most

sure to provide hours of fun!

downloads so it is no coincidence that Angry Birds is selling through in record num-

Another exciting product launch for Sky-

bers in every retail market nationally. As

landers will be a novelty range of sta-

a key partner to the Angry Birds program,

tionery. A key seller will be the puzzle

Licensing Essentials will have a new and

eraser with practicality and collectabil-

exciting range of products out in retail for

ity. Amongst the range will be fun tape,

2013. One new category will be personal

clicker pens, flingers, pencil toppers and a

/ smart care with discussions underway for

collector’s edition of erasers. With over 40

key retail partners, this will be launched in

characters available in Skylanders Giants,

the second half of 2013. Products in this

Licensing Essentials will be updating its

range include flax seed pillows, bathroom




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The Hottest New Product from the Fastest

favourite hero Fireman Sam, these two

took $540 million worldwide and is cur-

success of Cars as well as the hype and

Growing Toy Company

key preschool brands are proving a fiery

rently ranked 10 highest animated film in

excitement around the launch of Planes.

success with retailers.

US history beating the likes of Toy Story 1 &

Retailers continue to fly high with some

2, Cars, Happy Feet and Ice Age.

The ever growing portfolio of Big Balloon

of the latest products and hottest brands

Peppa Pig is fast becoming the hottest

brands would not be complete without a

from Big Balloon. From the number one

girls pre-school brand in Australia, rat-

Despicable Me 2 is set to be even bigger,

global plush manufacturer Ty to ever-

ing as the number 1 TV show for children

better and funnier than the original and

green preschool brands Fireman Sam and

aged 0-4. In 2013 Peppa Pig’s toy range

will launch in Australia on the 27th of June,

Cutie Pops are the hottest new fashion

Peppa Pig or new movie properties Des-

will continue to grow with the launch of

with toys available in the market from the

doll on the scene! What makes Cutie Pops

picable Me 2; retailers are enjoying the

new items- Peppa Pig’s flip phone, Peppa

1st of May.

so unique are their ‘Pops’ which allow you

wide offering that Big Balloon has brought

Pig jumping in Muddy Puddles and a new

to the toy aisles.

range of collectible Ty Peppa Pig Plush.

brand new range of fashion dolls.

to customise each dolls outfit, hair and acTo add to the excitement of Despica-


ble Me 2, Big Balloon will launch an excitThe global Ty plush craze has hit Australian

Fireman Sam was the #3 preschool toy li-

ing range of new toys which features talk-

Cutie Pops have been inspired by every-

shores and is selling out across the retail

cense in 2012 and will grow from strength

ing minions, collectible figures, fart guns

thing girls love such as hearts, rainbows,

market. From gorgeous big eyed animals

to strength in 2013 with the launch of series

and a range of plush using state of the art

sweets, parties, surprises and more! The

to crazy Monstaz with secret messages,

9 and the launch of a new range of toys.

technology in toys.

line allows girls to express their own style

the Ty range is capturing children and

The bestselling range of Fireman Sam ve-

collectors of all ages. Selling over 500,000

hicles will see two new additions with the

This brand new range of toys will offer re-

units across the range last year, 2013 is

launch of a new 4 x 4 vehicle and Bessie

tailers a chance to share in the worldwide

set to be even bigger with the launch of

the fire Engine.

success of Despicable Me which is fast

Launching in 2012 to huge critical success

becoming a property that will continue to

in the USA, Cutie Pops will POP into the

develop and thrive for years to come

Australian retail landscape in March with

brand new designs in the Beanie Boos

with unique “style pops” that are fun, easy

and Monstaz range; ensuring customers

Key screening times combined with an

have a new reason to come into store

outstanding new line up of toys will see

and collect their favourite new Ty Beanie.

Sam continue to hold rein as one of the

From the world above Cars, comes Planes

to use, collect and share.

three dolls, Candi, Chiffon and Cookie.

top boys preschool properties and one for

one of the hottest new properties we will

Cutie Pops are merchandised in gorgeous

Ty Boos and Monstaz are merchandised

retailers to jump on board with to share in

see in 2013. Planes is set to take off in Aus-

heart shaped box and are sure to stand

on a 4 tier spinner, which takes up a small

the success.

tralia in September with an international

out on shelves and catch the eyes and

cast in an action packed comedy starring

hearts of all girls!

footprint of retail floor space and is sure to be your best sales return by square me-

2013 sees the launch of some hot new

Dusty, a small town dreamer who longs to

ter! With over 50 designs in each of the Ty

children movie properties that are set to

enter the most epic around-the-world air

Big Balloon’s small and passionate team

ranges don’t miss the opportunity to be a

dominate the market this year and be-

race … despite his fear of heights.

strive to launch, build and foster brands in

part of one of the hottest new collectible


plush crazes.

today’s ever growing and changing marBig Balloon will launch a range of remote

ket. With an extensive array of product

The Despicable Me team are back for

control and flying planes featuring favour-

across many key categories, Big Balloon

Two preschool brands continue to domi-

more fun, more minions and more mad-

ite characters Dusty and El Chupacabra.

will feature some of the best and brightest

nate the preschool toy aisles, from jump-

ness in Despicable Me 2.

The range will be cross promoted with a

new properties in 2013.

ing in muddy puddles with Peppa Pig or saving the town of Pontypandy with our

new collection of Cars RC vehicles offerAt the box office in 2010 Despicable Me

ing retailers a chance to leverage the

Contact Details: Contact Big Balloon on 03 9020 1358 or




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* LIMA AUSTRALIA LIMA Australia attends the Melbourne

7.30pm. We look forward to seeing you

entering the industry and for senior execu-

Toy Fair



LIMA Australia continues to work closely

We can now announce that we have two

with the ATA. This year for the first time we

official sponsors of our event, Wild Pump-

We are also pleased to announce that the

will be exhibiting at the fair, where we will

kin with thanks to their partners: CARE

Global President of LIMA, Charles Riotto,

be meeting with many companies who


will be travelling to Australia this year. We

have a vested interest in Licensing.

AND SKYLANDERS and Dependable Solu-

would be more than happy to introduce

tions; specialist IT and licensing software

him to you and discuss the LIMA organiza-


tion at the LIMA stand at the fair.

Our sincere thanks to them all.

Please come and visit us at stand E12.

Bugg Toys & Licensing sign Exclusive Part-

readers,” says Steven Ekstract, group pub-

new and recently launched Bugg Toys &

We can now welcome Headstart Inter-

nership with License! Global

lisher, License! Global.

Licensing website at www.buggtoysandli-

national and Skinner Advertising Services

as new members. We hope to announce more new members during the fair.

License! Global, the world’s leading pub-

The content sharing agreement will allow

lication and news source for brand licens-

License! Global and Bugg Toys & Licensing

A special button will highlight Bugg Toys &

ing and retail merchandising executives,

the opportunity to provide greater visibility

Licensing and news on Australia and New

We are excited to be running another

year with new Webinar opportunities and

Zealand on the License! Global site. Con-

LIMA networking event this year at the

a survey on developing a series of courses

versely, Bugg Toys & Licensing will publish

Hilton South Wharf. It will kick off at 6pm


providing Australia and New Zealand with

various news articles from License! Global.

on Sunday the 3rd of March from 6 pm –

Licensing. This will focus both on those just

a better understanding of what is hap-

The agreement includes online, social me-

pening in the rest of the world.

dia and print.

and Australia’s prominent Bugg Toys & Licensing, have announced a content sharing agreement. The agreement gives both parties the op-

of the Australian and New Zealand markets to North America and Europe while

We intend to take more steps ahead this




portunity to extend their reach and offer their readers breaking news and trend in-

We are really looking forward to working

sights about the brand licensing business.

with License! Global,” says Tony Bugg,

The alliance will further extend the interna-

publisher of Australia’s Bugg Toys & Licens-

tional reach of License! Global into Aus-

ing. “The strength and reach of their pub-

tralia and New Zealand and allow Bugg

lication, combined

Toys & Licensing the capacity to deliver its

capability, including Licensing Expo in Las

territory news to a global audience.

Vegas and BLE in London, will unlock vast

“License! Global is excited about this con-

opportunity for the licensing community

tent alliance because it extends our reach


into Australia and New Zealand, thereby

The agreement will be effective from

allowing us to provide vital information

February 1 and will coincide with the re-

about the licensing business in these im-

launch of the License! Global website at

portan territories to our current global as well as the




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License! Global

MAY 2012



Kathy Ireland Super Brand Plus:

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