6 minute read
Breathwork & Meditation
In this article, I would like to talk about the relationship between breathwork and meditation since it is a topic I often get asked about. And of late I am seeing the two lumped into the same basket implying that they are somehow one and the same. Indeed, the way I view, and how I have experienced these practices to date, there is a defi nite overlap - but meditation does not equal breathwork.
So, let’s take a step back and consider for a moment: what is breathwork? To make it brief I will simply say that it is a very general term for breathing exercises. When we practice breathwork we are consciously choosing to alter our regular breathing pattern (which is unconscious), in order to change and/or bring about a certain state of being.
For example, you could use breathing techniques to shift you out of lethargy; to balance your nervous system, to destress, or to move stuck emotions. There are endless possibilities.
However, within the spectrum of breathwork, the bottom line is: you are choosing to interrupt your natural fl ow of breath and use it as a tool for change. (For more info please do take a look at a previous blog on breathwork and its relevance today).
Bear in mind, breathing exercises are not new; yogis have been practicing pranayama – the 4th limb of Patanjali’s Sutras – for a very long time! And over the last few decades in particular, science has begun to catch up. Studies are proving what the yogis have always known; that breathwork is a powerful instrument for change and healing, as of course is meditation.
So, what is meditation? Whilst there are many different ‘techniques’ to choose from and a wide range of benefi ts, meditation is ultimately an inner journey (as is breathwork). If we can train our ‘monkey’ mind to remain focused; bring it back when we drift; we can create some space between our thoughts, which are continually coming and going. When we ‘slow down’ that onslaught, we create an opportunity for clarity and personal insight. What ‘technique’ you use will be up to you.
So why the confusion
I think the reason why this misunderstanding about breathwork and meditation is coming about, is because we will often use the breath as a focus point on which to hold our attention when we meditate. For example, we may simply sit and watch the breath fl owing in and out of our nostrils. We could call this being ‘mindful’ of our breath (or breath awareness); we watch our breath but we are not interfering with it as such.
This may in turn lead you to noticing that you have certain patterns of breathing and some of these patterns may be sub-optimal.
And as you continue to sit and watch your breath, it may even change. You may become aware of a slowing down; a quietening of your breath and your thoughts, leading to a place of more stillness and calm. A place where insights can surface more easily.
The Art of Breathwork and Relaxation
The Art of Breathwork (as I have referred to it over the last few years) is a powerful practice. And there are many, like myself, who have undertaken extensive studies to understand these practices and offer them safely to those who choose to work with us. I say safely because the way we breathe impacts our physical, mental and emotional bodies and we should respect and honour our breath as we would our best friend.
So, let’s take an example such as stress. Often when I am feeling anxious, I can feel the excess energy cursing through my system and it can be really hard for me to sit still and meditate. At this point I usually need to release the stress that has built up and is causing me agitation. Some people may choose movement to do this, like a run or an exercise class. Sometimes I will use mindful yoga – coordinating breath and movement and this too has a wonderfully calming effect.
But here’s the thing. You could also use certain breathing techniques to diffuse the pent-up energy and bring about the change you want to see to move out of that stressful state to a calmer state of being. Once you have brought about a release, you may then be able to gain clarity through meditation as to why you are feeling like this in the fi rst place. In fact, physical sensations are important messengers to be heard and releasing that fi rst layer can often open us up to then being able to sit in the discomfort and just breathe into it. I truly hope that the above offers some explanation about how breathwork and meditation overlap and yet are different.
To summarise, I would simply like to say that breathing techniques are:
• Essential and invaluable self-care tools for daily life. • They can be used to address various ailments including asthma, COPD, high blood pressure and much more.
They are balancing, as well as restorative, and can aid you in:
• relieving stress and calming the mind • improving sleep • improving focus and concentration • boosting the immune system • easing chronic pain • reducing depression and anxiety • increasing energy • addressing emotional blockages and so on.
If you would like to learn more, you can fi nd further details about the Art of Breathwork and Relaxation on my website –www.staceylandau.com. Or if you have any questions, you can contact me on 07563 577666.
About Stacey
Stacey Landau is a qualifi ed Breathwork Teacher; a Yoga Therapist; an iRest Meditation Level 2 Teacher and a Theta Healing Practitioner. She practices in and around St Albans although her breathwork classes are primarily online and open to anyone. She also offers 1 to 1 sessions.
Stacey works mostly (though not exclusively) with women who are juggling family, home and possibly work too. They are often dealing with high stress levels and tiredness and are pushed to fi nd enough time for self-care.
But the years have taught her that if we don’t look after ourselves and recharge, then we are less equipped to help or look after others and are more prone to illness.
Stacey will empower you with easy yet effective self-care tools to manage stress; build physical, mental and emotional strength and resilience which is essentially at the core of her offerings.
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