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News Round Up
The Art of Breathwork in December is focused on fi nding balance and you can choose from 9th December at 9.30am or 13th December at 7pm. All sessions are experiential. Online Women’s Yoga classes are also running every Wednesday at 7pm.
Visit - www.staceylandau.com Twitter - @staceylandau.yoga Facebook - facebook.com/staceylandauyoga
Have you made sure networking is part of your marketing strategy for 2022? Athena St Albans members love the collaboration and productivity of our online meetings providing a local and national network of connections. Here are some networking top tips. Plan ahead and book a discovery visit for January!
Contact - kate.cherry@theathenanetwork.com Instagram - @athena_beds_stalbans Facebook - n@athenanetworkbeds
Communities 1st is helping local NHS Trusts to retain their international nurses by pairing them with \’volunteer buddies\’ that will help them settle into our communities by showing them around and involving them in group events. Visit - www.communities1st.org.uk
Twitter - @1stCommunities
Carrot - St Albans Drone Services We are CAA authorised
www.carrot.co.uk www.instagram.com/carrot_drone_stalbans www.twitter.com/CarrotPhoto www.facebook.com/carrot.co.uk
Bespoke fl oral design homeware locally crafted artisan products and gifts for today’s lifestyle. Based in Wheathampstead High Street plenty of free parking (and coffee shops!). Offi cial area stockist of eco-friendly Frenchic Chalk and Mineral paint.
Www.fl owersbycatherine.com Flowers by Catherine on Facebook and Instagram
We’ve got a superb time-limited offer running for local Nursery Schools and Childcare Facilities. A chance to create a unique 3D Virtual Tour of your nursery to enable parents to enjoy a superb virtual showaround! And if you’re one of the fi rst three to respond we’ll provide the tour for you free-of-charge!
www.immersivewalkthroughs.com/nursery-special-offer www.facebook.com/immersivewalkthroughs www.twitter.com/Your_3D_Tour
We are looking forward to Christmas. Are you ready for Cocktails? We have fantastic Shakers Mixers at - www.liftyourspirits.online
Shop for your festive FASHIONS and GIFTS in the Captain Tortue seasonal SALE for ladies sized 4-24. Personal shopping styling experiences
Visit - www.facebook.com/groups/1620092258294835/ @loumurphystyles
Have you received feedback at your appraisal that you should ’Speak up’ in meetings; or a talented member of your team is not presenting the best version of him/herself in client meetings? Perhaps a career target is to speak more in conferences and step up to be more visible. Our SuperStar Communicator Programme is for ambitious talented professionals who wish to speak more effectively; with impact and confi dence in 2022. Why not book a call?
Book a chat: Here Instagram: @susanheatonwright1 Twitter: @superstarcomms Facebook: www.facebook.com/superstarcommunicator
Grab your customers attention this Christmas with social mediaready videos featuring your animated logo. Special offer: any 5 festive video bundle featuring your logo at half-price for £50! Choose your videos