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News Round Up
Based in the heart of St Albans, The White Rooms brings together the perfect blend of modernity and comfort whilst delivering the very highest standards of service. The White Rooms is the perfect venue for workshops, meetings or small company events.
Start 2022 stress-free! Need help with your self-assessment tax return? We can prepare and submit your tax return on your behalf and take the pain away... Get in touch with our friendly team of specialists today.
www.visionaryaccountants.co.uk/tax-returns www.instagram.com/visionary_accountants www.twitter.com/visionaryaccts www.facebook.com/visionaryaccts
We’re excited to offer a FREE trial of our unique, co-working space. bubbleHUB is designed to help business owners collaborate, achieve their goals and do their best work. Find out for yourself with a free day trial!
www.bubblehub.co/free-trial Insta: @bubblehubco Twitter: @bubblehubco Facebook: @Bubblehubco
The Counselling Foundation continues to be open across Hertfordshire for provision of emotional support in these diffi cult times. We aim to make counselling (in person or via video) accessible to all and therefore fees for counselling are based on affordability ( starting at £5).
www.counsellingfoundation.org or email foundation@ counsellingfoundation.org Instagram: @the_counselling_foundation Twitter: @Counselling_Fdn Facebook: @TheCounsellingFoundation
Often people will come to us requiring language services, but are new to the industry. Maybe they’re unsure about formatting, proofreading, how invoicing works...the list goes on! To help clear up our clients’ most frequent queries, we posted a video on each day of November last year, with a personal message from each member of our friendly team! Check out our Client FAQs on LinkedIn here or our website here
Shop French Fashions from Captain Tortue for ladies sized 4-24 with at least 50% OFF everything in THE BIG SALE in January. Sign up to my newsletter here for all the latest fashion news and offers
Welcome back from the festive break and welcome to 2022! If you’re a woman in business in the local area we highly recommend you add networking to your marketing plans, come along to one of our virtual meetings to see how we can help you this year! Contact me to book one of our January meetings -
DIY Popdance In Primary Schools and Nurseries - do you have a teacher with a dance or PE background working in your school? Did you know that you can run Popdance Kids and Tots classes internally? Find out more at info@popdance.co.uk
Looking for a pleasant place to work? Then STANTA Business Centre is the answer - no central St Albans traffi c and plenty of on-site parking! We have desk spaces at two pricing levels and a 4-6 person offi ce available on a no long-term commitment basis. The all inclusive monthly fee makes budgeting easy. email advice@stanta.co.uk or look at our website for more details:
Superstar Communicator, supporting the development of your female talent is essential. Having worked with organisations globally, we are now offering confi dence, communication and leadership workshops for your female talent. Let’s arrange a chat. Download our brochure Here
January’s online Art of Breathwork and Relaxation is part 1 in the Stress Relief Series. Within each experiential session you will gain more tools to reduce stress load and bring you back into balance. Find Out More Here
INSTA: @staceylandau.yoga FB: @staceylandauyoga

The Super Simple Package with The Businesses Community
We all know that running a business can be a very busy place! There’s so many places we need to be to promote and market what we do!
So, we want to make things super, super simple for you!
How amazing would it be for you to get a reminder email every month with a link to a super simple form where you:
• Add your headline • Add a paragraph of text about what you want to say (news, products, service, event etc.) • Add a call to action link (where you want to take people to fi nd out more or buy from you) • Add an image/logo to accompany the feature
And we then work our magic, make it all look beautiful and promote your business in the News Round Up email and within Inform Magazine which goes to our active, ready made, and engaged audience of thousands for you - to inboxes and across social media!
All for just £11/month, or just £99/year! No brainer! Easy peasey! Takes 2 minutes to do! Make sure your business is front of mind across St Albans in 2022! Super simple! Yet super effective marketing for YOUR business!