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Leadership | Girteka Logistics
Girteka Logistics digital transporta W
hat started in 1996 with one second hand truck, a trailer, and three employees, has evolved into Europe’s largest asset-based transport company. Girteka Logistics now with almost 23,000 employees connecting around 1 million full truck loads annually places innovation at the epicentre of its growth plans. Martynas Sarapinas joined the business as CIO in late 2019. A highly decorated technology and transformation leader he is spearheading the digital makeover at Girteka. Martynas with a reputation as a leader in digital transformation you joined Girteka in late 2019. Were you specifically employed to develop and deploy the Girteka digital transformation? When the executive management outlined the group wide vision what specifically excited you about this opportunity? It is worth noting that by heart, soul, and experience, I am a technology & transformation leader that has been in the front line of finance and fintech sectors leading digital transformations for the
The Business Profile
- Delivering a ation future last decade. My previous role in mobile pay technology enabled me to develop customer experience leadership across both private and business sectors and when the opportunity became available to work within the transportation sector with Girteka it was too good to refuse. Compared to finance, insurance, retail and online industries, transportation & logistics was and still is far behind many best practices of digitisation, customer experience and industry excellence, I was fully aware of this this. When I became aware of Girteka’s ambition combined with a DNA of growth, leading size, and scalability, I immediately realised that adding my part of the puzzle could make an impact not only to the company but also the wider industry. Spearheading a group wide digital transformation for a business of Girteka’s size and scale cannot be achieved overnight. What initial steps did you take in developing and then deploying the strategy? To start we should admit that taking the largest asset heavy transportation company 3
Leadership | Girteka Logistics in Europe and committing to a fast-paced change in a fragile industry is a major challenge for any group of leaders. Not to mention COVID fallout that followed just after. I like to say that “all big journeys start with small first steps” and we had around 5 of those that lead us to where we are today. First, I had to get my head around my own personal assessment of where the company was, financially, culturally, operationally, technologically and in front of our core customers. I spent the initial months obtaining and analysing appropriate data in order to build a map, whilst also visiting some of our major clients to understand how we work with them and where we have untapped potential to build up in the journey. Secondly, I initiated a PNO like backbone construction inviting best talents to build business directions, aggregate initiatives to become a project portfolio and creating fast to learn basic execution principles that can be scaled to all staff involved to ensure we started moving instead of just talking about it. Thirdly, no humankind achievements are done without people leadership, and I took personal leadership on our group-wide digitisation kickstart programme. This immediately became visible also in the local and European markets as we went public with talent attraction, strategic announcements, structure changes and started building solid best practice focused delivery and execution with velocity. This enabled all business and related structures
to pedal the change milestones step by step. Of course, as a CIO by heart, I also put major emphasis on technology, best practices, operational focus and streamlining technology elements where necessary, and this resulted in visible improvement by end of year one. The fourth step involved a major step back to the backbone structure of strategy and with the co-leadership of our talented (new at that point) Chief of Staff, all group strategy got a major boost. This really tailored our focus to a new dream to be among the top 10 European logistics leaders by 2026. It also redefined crystal clear 5 areas of focus we need to lead to make this a reality. Lastly, when things were in motion and focus was in place, we shifted gears to move faster in all initiatives, scaling everything up and putting focus in initiatives to roll out in the long run. With the backbone of the structure in place, 2021 saw initial digital solutions deployment across the European business unit. What would you point to as the main areas of success? Likewise, what areas have been most challenging? To answer this question, we need to come back to the start of the industry we are playing in – transportation. The core of such industries lays with leading sales, capturing customer orders, and executing delivery processes. To do that we needed to select a platform that represents all those things. And we choose SAP and SAP implementation partner Novigo to partner with.
The Business Profile
Martynas Sarapinas Martynas Sarapinas has a broad technology and transformation leadership experience from leading positions in financial & technology companies. In 2019, Martynas was appointed Chief Information Officer at Girteka Logistics. He previously held positions as First Vice President at Danske Bank, MobilePay, and strategic transformational roles at Barclays Bank PLC. Martynas holds a Master’s degree in Finance & Business Management, along with Executive education at Oxford Saïd Business School and Kellogg School of Management. He has been awarded “Technology Leader of the Year, Europe for Impact” – 2020 and selected to “Top 10 Most Innovative CIOs to Follow - 2022”. Martynas Sarapinas 5
Leadership | Girteka Logistics Premier Sponsor Feature
Novigo: Leading Digital Transformations for Global Supply Chains
ogistics is the lifeblood of global supply chains that keep businesses thriving. The past few years have witnessed some of the greatest disruptions in global supply chains. The transition to the digital core is necessary for companies to navigate such unprecedented supply chain challenges.
Girteka Logistics, a Lithuanian Company, and Europe’s leading asset-based transport services provider embarked on a digital transformation journey with Novigo and SAP just as businesses grappled with the pandemic’s effects on the global supply chain landscape. Thus, digital transformation meant leveraging intelligent technologies for rapid cargo delivery to build agile, resilient, and transparent supply chain networks that lead to revenue growth, data-driven decision making, and enhanced service levels.
Novigo and Girteka for Predictive Supply Chain Management In its endeavor to become a truly digital trucking company, Girteka Logistics needed a Transportation Management Solution based on the SAP Digital Supply Chain Platform that could make the transformation smooth, scalable, and sustainable. The move meant an evolution from reactive to a predictive supply chain management leveraging sophisticated contract and order management, customer collaboration with EDI, real-time visibility, operational efficiency, data insights workflow backed decision-making and lesser billing disputes. Novigo helped the company tailor a state-of-the-art Transportation Management Platform comprising end-toend digitalization of core processes. Novigo’s collaborative-customer partnership approach proved to be the cornerstone of successful remote service delivery in these challenging times.
The Business Profile | Premier Sponsor
Martynas Sarapinas Chief Information Officer
About Girteka Based in Lithuania, Girteka Logistics is one of the largest European asset-based transportation companies, transporting more than 1 million full truck loads (FTLs) every year. The company grew from 600 trucks in 2010 to 8,000 trucks in Europe, Scandinavia, and CIS countries. With more than 23,000 professional employees, Girteka Logistics became a leading full truckload (FTL) transporter chosen by the largest global companies. Digital transformation of their operations required automation of processes, increasing the efficiency of core processes, increasing transportation execution visibility, and enhancing the customer experience. Based on infrastructure dependencies, using SAP standard functionalities and integration scenarios coupled with Novigo’s extensive tools and accelerators helped speed up the digitalization process.
Novigo’s professionalism and expertise have been vital in our digital logistics transformation journey. The Novigo team have guided us with technology solutions to support our business of today and vision of tomorrow. They brought industry best practices to challenge 25 years of experience in our field, especially at the start when leadership is essential.
Leadership | Girteka Logistics Premier Sponsor Feature Redefining Digital Transformation in Logistics A Transportation Management System (TMS) is a technology that augments logistics processes in a supply chain. In the past few years, TMS adoption has skyrocketed in its scope, efficiency, and applicability. Supply chain stakeholders consider a TMS indispensable to their operations. Gartner predicts that the TMS market will grow from $7.7 billion to $17.8 billion by 2025 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.2%. Novigo is a global leader in supply chain execution consulting services, enabling clients to uncover the benefits of SAP’s Digital Supply Chain Platforms. As leaders of SAP Digital Supply Chain implementations (SAP TM, EM, LBN, EWM, & GTT) through our global presence in North America, EMEA, Asia, and Australia, Novigo has delivered an industry-leading number of SAP Supply Chain Execution / TM Implementation Projects. The TMS solution in Girteka Logistics’ ambitious digital transformation program is based on SAP S/4HANA embedded TM. The implementation approach was entirely business benefits driven and aligned with SAP Activate Agile Methodology to support and supplement Girteka’s business process management (BPM) initiative. • • • • • • • • •
Established in 2008 Sole Focus on SAP SCM Application Consulting Services Pioneers in SAP Transportation Domain Leader for SAP SCE (TM, EWM, EM, LBN, GTT) Implementations Prime Partner for Shippers & LSPs More SAP TM/EM Engagements Worldwide Than Other Partners Global Service Delivery Capability Local Presence in North America, Europe, Australia, & India Languages Covered - English, Spanish, Hindi, French, German, Portuguese, Turkish
9 220 70
Novigo Offices SAP SCM Consultants SAP Transport Implementations
100% Success Rate
Global Footprint
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SAP TM allows automation of business processes that enable connected supply chain networks with increased business productivity, improved end-to-end visibility, and reduced errors creating significant cost savings across the value chain.
With this SAP S/4HANA TM Migration Quick Start Guide, businesses considering SAP S/4HANA transformation can learn more about the need to migrate and ways to make a smooth transition.
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The Business Profile | Premier Feature Sponsor Premier Premier Sponsor Sponsor Feature This This Guide Guide to Building to Building a Business a Business Case Case forfor S/4HANA S/4HANA TMTM aims aims to help to help Logistics Logistics Managers, Managers, 3PL 3PL Service Service Providers, Providers, and and Shippers Shippers understand understand thethe changing changing dynamics dynamics of the of the global global logistics logistics landscape landscape and and build build a a resilient resilient digital digital supply supply chain. chain.
TheThe SAP SAP Logistics Logistics Business Business Network: Network: Global Global Track Track & Trace & Trace module module improves improves supply supply chain chain visibility visibility by by monitoring monitoring order order timelines, timelines, products, products, and and shipments. shipments.
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Leveraging LeveragingInnovation Innovationtoto Overcome OvercomeBusiness BusinessChallenges Challenges Digital Digital transformation transformation demands demands making making changes changes atat the the core core and and anan expert expert who who supports supports anan organization’s organization’s transition transition into into anan intelligent intelligent enterprise. enterprise. Standardizing Standardizing operations, operations, leveraging leveraging advanced advanced technology, technology, process process automation, automation, and and real-time real-time data data insights insights accelerate accelerate decision decision making making toto provide provide the the needed needed competitive competitive edge edge inin today’s today’s logistics logistics ecosystem. ecosystem. Novigo Novigo means means innovation innovation inin the the auxiliary auxiliary language language Esperanto, Esperanto, which which marks marks aa cornerstone cornerstone ofof our our philosophy. philosophy. We We have have enabled enabled businesses businesses worldwide worldwide toto deliver deliver exceptional exceptional value value through through streamlined streamlined business business processes. processes. Our Our approach approach applies applies benefits-driven benefits-driven transformation transformation management management toto achieve achieve business business goals goals and and guarantee guarantee project project success. success. Our Our solutions solutions and and services services forfor SAP SAP customers customers address address relevant relevant supply supply chain chain challenges. challenges. Our Our innovative innovative solutions solutions use use advanced advanced technologies, technologies, including including Fiori Fiori Apps Apps that that solve solve specific specific supply supply chain chain problems, problems, Carbon Carbon Management Management solutions, solutions, IoT-based IoT-based Last-Mile Last-Mile solutions, solutions, and and more. more.
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Smart Smart Track Track App App AA Fiori-based, Fiori-based, easy easy shipment shipment tracking tracking app app forfor smart smart devices. devices. Instant Instant TM TM AA pre-configured, pre-configured, SAP SAP TM TM template template solution solution enabling enabling acceleration acceleration while while reducing reducing cost cost and and risk. risk. Transportation Transportation Portal Portal AA single single point-of-entry point-of-entry forfor shippers, shippers, suppliers, suppliers, customer customer service service representatives, representatives, and and carriers. carriers. Novigo Novigo Last-Mile Last-Mile Suite Suite Role-based Role-based apps, apps, control control tower, tower, and and dashboards dashboards provide provide complete complete planning, planning, inventory inventory management, management, and and visibility visibility forfor lastlastmile mile delivery. delivery. Novigo Novigo Carbon Carbon Management Management Solution Solution Calculate Calculate and and produce produce accredited accredited CO2e CO2e reports reports ofof the the transportation transportation process process from from SAP SAP TM. TM. We We can can help help you you build build a business a business case case forfor your your organization, organization, starting starting with with a discovery a discovery workshop, workshop, ROI ROI analysis, analysis, and and solution solution demo demo toto fulfill fulfill your your digital digital supply supply chain chain transformation transformation needs. needs. Scan Scan Here Here to to Speak Speak to to a Novigo a Novigo Expert Expert 9
Leadership | Girteka Logistics Partnership is one of the major areas of our success, followed by daily focus and excellence in project management and delivery execution. On the challenging areas. Like all business transformation journeys face and we are not unique I would highlight, organization change management, business change leadership, and overall company culture evolvement is crucial for success. A transformation of this scale requires two vital factors, people, and partners. SAP and supply chain innovation partner Novigo are critical in your digital journey. How important has Novigo’s collaborative approach been to the success of the Transport Management project? Novigo is a global leader for supply chain execution consulting services, enabling Girteka to uncover the benefits of SAP’s digital supply chain platforms. Their professionalism and expertise have been vital in our journey.
quality CIO team? How important and what opportunities exist for new staff to join the Girteka digital evolution?
The Novigo team has guided us with technology solutions to support our business of today and vision of tomorrow. According to a McKinsey study, a whopping 70% of all digital transformations fail. Teams, talents, and specialized competencies are essential elements for success. Over the past 2 years we have built key expertise around areas of: operational excellence, business process management, IT operations, software engineering, core technology platform expertise, foundation of product management, AI, etc.
The Novigo team has guided us with technology solutions to support our business of today and vision of tomorrow. They brought industry best practices to challenge our 25 years of experience in the field, especially at the start, when leadership is essential.
A few achievements that are worth mentioning: during this time, we created new interfaces between clients and ourselves and this resulted in more than 340m EUR inflow revenue via digitally enriched orders from clients, which entails +60% growth YoY.
You are still at the early stage of the rollout and as mentioned people will play a significant part in the ongoing success of Girteka’s digital journey. How important has it been to have a top
On the sidelines, we also run 100+ robots and will invest even more towards different forms of automation shortly, as we see major opportunities to re-streamline work to lead in effectiveness.
The Business Profile
Our hunger for talent of different kinds is substantial. We are looking for various roles across business, operational and technical verticals and all talent interested in fast moving logistics industry transformation are welcome. All in all, the project development and deployment has been a success especially when you consider the constraints and challenges caused in general by the Covid pandemic. Where do you aim to be on this journey by mid-2023? The whole of the logistics industry as well as many others were heavily scrutinized against the worst of the COVID-19 fallout, but we managed to stand solid as leaders and the turbulence became a new normal. Covid was a booster for our digital transformation and by mid-2023 we expect to be well settled with major Europe business running our new business platform covering all process from order to cash. Our financial, business intelligence, and employee related transportations parts will be much further progressed across the whole of Girteka Group. A stable and future-proof business platform will open new opportunities for us to streamline process, whilst ensuring we harvest benefits across all areas and at the same time create new business and product opportunities and increase our business agility. From a personal perspective, what have you learnt about yourself, your team, and the business during this process so far?
What are you most proud of? On top of the few important aspects that I have already mentioned which were major contributors to my personal development, there are two substantial learnings to add. First, with a lifetime of experience as technology transformation leader you always must trust your instincts. My immediate reaction and approach is to trust my gut feeling and act based on what feels good. Secondly, as a transformation leader you must have personal core and stand on it. Changes will challenge you daily but your core will guide you forward during turbulent times. Speaking of innovation and elements to be proud off - “To innovate, you must understand your own and the industry standpoints and where tech links the strategy and capabilities of the company. We chose to make changes in all areas mentioned previously. So far, we have 80% of Europe’s operations planned with AI and this is the start of the revolution, as we see it. This might give us a fundamental operational advantage and all who worked on this solution are worth a special Thank You. Last June, at the Transporeon conference “Driving Change: Carrier Convention 2021”, Girteka Logistics was recognized as the “Most Visible Carrier” in the category of the largest carriers that year. We were selected among 118,000 organizations, of which only six were nominated for this award. This is another tremendous recognition and appreciation for the work our company has done thus far to become a leader in logistics. 11
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